Newspaper Page Text
Iw.n.rnON THB HaBI.EM Ra1LRO\D.? **?'.*'"? ffone if 'th. .mill car. ?... tbe HaH-m inT^nt;.,:nce of one o, the wbeel. pa* hJoWlt H..u taken home. DaotaNfP?A la.l namec. John HcOoirei JnU, lo the employ of Alfred Darllng. at the Fultun SSSana dro?n._ye.terd.y m.ruin, at tne Kulwn _S_rn7 hVem. bewa* in . row *.oat inone of he KTu the Manhatun wa. entering. ?nd, bsassaUg w5h.?eSha vtther jumped or WI over;, *nU?d w diowurd II iaa* *dr ba* not yet been recovered. BOther realdea ln Brooklyn. Atti-m.t to PWMfl i F__gjr.-?? fieer Wm. II *epben., of?*j?2^_1&ffi ,e-_*rdr.y arrsatrd ><^',_^?_g__ ^ ^ Cbaae, ctarged wt?i att* i..ptl"lJ **?* ,. -.,-- that gurt .**rtn_idt a.d bl. tan.ily. ba po* n. ? PJT ^ on Maadai taat Schcldt, ?^/M53?_-a **** inthe |.td af bi. *T____^_L_!a__naa .ad ? n bl. .lon u. m into me baaaefcr a *** *? u inf .WHJ/ return o?w.-rv.d ^..^"^ bot Ing. On from the Move, nn which ?becoiae .- ^.-..p-r* baktafl *t _? ??*??___^_CTn_/_S ao. *..'P-c? IU iurf.ce. wbich he tonk "J^ ,,,?_,, itrnkmajik iDgh-beir.p.-??. *????'* ""?,",! 'witb him. aa... '1 and two J..uib-i_.-i. wh. W1^_ rtlJ,_ of it. tmt Charle. OfllBBSSB and ????? J^j (mJ|- ^'"--r.H5S^.T,^..h.^ S__SS_?SaSi5 SS._7_*,a-*? __*_? __g_T. ? __atr.__.s_3__ra Srs ?s*r__?a_?. a****. recover.-d '. _a tne . :V-rt? of tbe polson Thk GoTEBBMEUT Frach Case.?The n of Ttrn. l.awaon. chargt-d with lor.ln.- in appltcaflon fur a linid-warrant, was rfsumed ye-teid-y ?aa-Sfl bofcaa Ju.tice Htuart. The evidence tak.-n wasrf i.finedtolbeprovi.ig ol th" handw.itinr lo the body of inne of" tl.e paper* Tne mMtter wa* then fuilher poatj/nidlo'conieiuienee of the pn-wnce of aome of ibe wttne*.es i-fin^ reriuired at an>'.h'-r Court. A ctrcoiTiffanie worthy ot i.'-t" '><?-? .rred ju.t after tbe examlnatiun cloaed. Ju.tice ,** uart had left the room for a few nioir.ei.ts, and on his n-turn the paper on wbich th.-t-impl dnt .gatut Lawson ts based cmld not be found After a dlli.eut search. it came out tha I,BW?on. while the ma_t*rr.,'f wa* abaent, had been to tbeoul-hnuae _uh tbe.alicer who hal him tn rharce. HU confii'id manner Ied the Jurtlce to au.pectihat he had made way wltri the paper, an i a couple nf (MMon were ?fi.t I. "tireh th*. pl*c- In about half an *iour they relurr.d wiih a porti m of the 1 >?t paper. whu-li thi y found wrt and covered with filih It was washed, Bbdli now ln the poiieision ofthe inagUtra'e. Dibtubbahci ia thk Ninth Wa?d.? (ln Tuildny affrnoon, Capt. Tmtt, of the Nmth Ward Pollee, ri-< elvni ih*t a party ot men were eng?ged ir> ? 9 the I .nt ot Harkaon at He, with B number ot hu ollicer*, rapaifC- to th'- place ani >ir reiUd ?even men. who we-eabuiitig8 boat captiio and hl* hsr.i'i, whom they aiwaulred wl'h clu'.a, st me*, _r*. They KHve tbi ir larne* a. .Urne* l.oheed, Patri-k Hj Un, Fraiiei* Ruddy, Jame* MiUiiillen, Jame* Kyan, Tboma* MiUuill?n *nd Win. I.nheed, and were held to ball In the .um .1 ai..'*oO each. bv Juiiiee Siuart, tJ an ?wer the charge at the Court of t*esslons. * ClIARffR OK (iRAMt TiARIKW.?A la borer nsim-d TkoaaM Osaaaaa, waa asmaai yaatei-ap, chargeo "i'h ite. lina _'."> in gold i-oln, the property ol faaaaaa (I Daaaal, of 1 Hth ?t, near M-av Hie nmney was found in Bflnssaaka of -f*se VVllde and his wife, Wtth wh..ii, Ciimeu had lelt It for siife ki-epin,. II.) confessr.l hw guilt, l.ut aleajad in eatenunfi-ui tb;it he wa* intnxi. Hterf ht the time he stole the money. Jus* ttre Htuart locked him up. ??? Thk Eighth-a\. Railroad?Sipk biok Coi bt?Sper.inl Term ? Before .ludge Oakley ? John Pettrgrew, Edtnond R. Sherman, Jr*?e A Manhall, Timolhy Tovnsend, John (> keefe, and J/hn J Duryea, agt. The Mayor, Aldcrmtn, \c, John T. Vodge, Sirert Ctrmminiovtr, (iuttaru* A. Coiiorer, Samiul C. liarrintt, Theoiiore. Martint. Ili/liam U'ktU, Wm. 1) S/mrkt, Itaac V, Firtrler, Wm. I'ulliav, Jimeplt D. Raldvin, Shel de% Ranrell. Solirmon hipp, Ahraham Urmrn, Wathing lon Srniih, and Jotrph A. Barne*.?Plaintitl. claim to bave been granted permidlon, In l--"i. by tht> Cnmmon Council, and approved by the Mayur of New York, to Uy down a Railroad on the EigMI av thut they are en gaged ln U> Ing down iidd, and bave expended a large si ni nf mur.ey and entered Into extinslve con Iracts in n-_ lrd to it, but that tho Comm in Council, at ltalait.e.iion, have adopted reioluttons revoklng laid grant and reijulring plaittitl* to take up the railroad track thus far laid, A.C. I'lalntirts a*k for injunctlon re atralnlitg the Mayor, Aldermen, ."xc.. Mreet Commls lioncr, or new grantees, frum taking a:tion against tbim under the said resolutions, .Vc. Atemporaryin junitloB was granted, riturnable next week. (The track ladown. we understand, from Chambers, through >VestBnsdway, Canal and lluil.uiif.ti. lo near Charl tcn, and Irum Thlrth tbtul'i?ty luststa. aud lllsex^ect ?d will he in cumplete ruunlui* oider to I itty t-ighth *t by miiidle ot Augu.t ] Rich Bft, BrWaaa, imphaded triih Lynch.?This wa. s naaaUiiii it- rahllia tu aaatt lt wa. a suitt ? r.*cover il Mi. Baaaon, hi an aOagad partaer lo a dl.tlllery, at llnw.klyi., h eUim f.r lostaf itill*. k*t, furnUhed to Mr. l.yi.ih. Hne puint ol .-iit.-n.etu whu-h, wai, that thrre wh- Bfl parUaanblfl lu-t* - en M.-aar* Qaaaon nnd b; aad ? <-i.ii.liy, tha' aporttoa d thaeUUa had bien fuiit->?d lo i-ieiilt if oiher partie* Tne caie whS entereil before ihe aduption of the Code, t?r?i or ibn-i* iiIh1* h. d, i.nd cuat. BceaaaiaUlad tu th.- a__ant af iii-ily *KH> The iuryat tb? laat tiiai gaveaTardlet for plaliititlr., of 9S0. Tlie ,1. i.-n.lalite, t:;ei.-..pou. dalm etl that the v.rdict. beln_ under the ol.l rule, di I not carrycoHi-. aid ? nt. red uj. judgim-nt agaiu.t Mesiri. Rich for the Hiiiount?I cit* Muiiun *?*.. medo yeaienthv, by Mi WUht, on behall Of plallitir'*. i-'a'iniiu that tbey. and iiutdelemUnta. weie entlUfdt.. ,-,rfiU.-that althouuh the .tatut^. bolUaTfl tbe Code i.ui.ired.ln action* ol .l.-'u. th?t ihe rec .rrry in Bi-ou'rtul recuid ibuuld be *;*) t-> entitle the plain? titl to aaaa, >i-t that th?* Oodeglaaa coitat.. pUintiff wheielherecovi-i> la tor * ? 0?t uw-r?an.l Mr \\ run tinded 'h,t the Cde, p_f_e*tarrj lh? ainnndm-nU, ?ive* *i.i.I r-ust* whetner t!:? Ni-tlun wh* entervi pra vtuuito 1-1* (th.* tlm- uf p.islt. the Ooda) ur at.. r ward Mi Baadford. ftif Mr. Hu"s< n. onvi.ded tlmt the Onda m.iy aatahnahra ti e rule tor -aae* ent**red after 1 *-1- ladaa ' taklev *h;.i1 his wereUi tbe latt. r t Saat, bafl he WOOM 1 ...k ii.Ui tbe lUJjoct, and reii-iv'e Im a ihort time hii dei . * BrraaioB Coomt? h Chmmberi~l\*) fore Jud.e tdnaa-B?-H-iaaa .<>r;>'.?? ln tie matter of the ni pllcatlun ol Thoina. S. SotherUod, to bfl dlMlnrri.i liom arn-H, under whi.h he cUl ol t,a be lllegally l.eld. Mr. ?, lt wu tat.l, wa. a iiierehmt at Moulreal Ai.oui three or tour week. _(>, he left thal city wlib 1 - wit<- Hiul two ah lii-en, aml a*_M M Baw Volk ; he Wa. tadebWd, lt WBB laid. to a eo.Mld-ra'.l-' amuiti.t. and tht?a of hiaerrdltora Mr. ColBawa and two uil.t- followed M_ ti Naw torfc,aadfoaadthal behadt?k,n p.u.a^e foi A nr.l'a na board the ihi, Bevfime. Ther to. k out threa or.ler* ofarnn thi ir elahn*, wlich tbe _bari_ piai-.-d in'tu- haadao Giitiert H?ys, aaa "f tn- ladepeadeal PoB wrni on board the ihip l>li g in th" ?tre>un, and f??uti< hilWlei-.-n Ihi i'i. but B_4 B'__ loeltlippi. for sea, an.l i'i* ctiHr.i-,1 ou t.-half ot the apjIi.-aM-.n thatafiei tl.e *bi|. had i* *.>i aaaaral m.le* aayood lead" lla.k. m INfl ?* Ih* itl-.i'.t! B 'I t *-l- C_rtj thej kroke ii-t hU wif.-'i ithie n-uin. and foaad Mr I BOa cral, d Im iw.en too ii.-,tlie??? Tl.ey toofe hUn.iitn ;'.<*-. .i Ma ? ., n ao?, wbii h v?a. f n pK yi il tor t IB purpoaa, ard trouu'li him 11 1% waa aB-fed that Mr. fl badaen e.ioli ot iroi.ey wi^i iii.n, ai.,1 Vlr li*v*, 01 board tl-,-v,*,?ii, ai.a^^.tMd to lui-1 io rlvaapaa) hi niil-l b ?*??-. I ui Mr > ,un l .i klr. at Mr Hi p*p-r?, dii _ t ciiri.-. i'hat be wai eainUd todeaMBd it, \n i .1 clltn- to .i-n atd ii Mr. B'a wtfeaad t.*. Bre b**llfV,-, arll' en in ihe v,*?e| Tbe pi-.i-i.t api M al ahatga la hmad on th {rroupo taat tha idBcar ?a? ???. y with <i iirl.iiu' a, aad f.>r<i'.y brn. hy.aadthi the arrei C.n.^' ? *ud ai -_r*. Mirtb r-r. ,1>t.?-? Il wa* ? | ! ln ?. | a appBeatloa lor dh .. afav ? i ? i ? wi ' t*j*t |f Mr Haya wttbi* I Mr. 8. u a u .!? cii'rv t, . ... ? ? the rrrii i ?? ? ? hah.u dUch**-.. ifl tha' ? if tv. v ? ' . ar io be t' ? -? la *'d d rharged the wilt <.f,'. i_?.?r. - U. S. Di*>trkt Couar?B ' Betta rlaimed nrrie- tka '. b-.i.rt.>*i Tie. ?*-, alr"a.l* i ?' ' to, la* day, li v. . a. hut it ti*. m4 )tt been gi'in. . * Oavai ?k < iiM i. \i BaaflioBA ? i J Vc aetdtty ? ''..-'.ire J. 81 i A! ' '->B ? 1na> l^ir LtV ladiiu- for .ra.d Urci-.-y. la bavfog . Mairh M<. n tour c .'a. v , Heary r-it^r, wai trie.I aL-l 1 T_B C?M ?flflflfliaad l.i.niothe Btaha Prlana tor t-?> ? Charl. * .N.-rr, a hctej tn. dry to aleali propeny t? -. ? r*t*mim "'. baaaaaj-i M ??? lI*rrnon Hewaar<-mn,'*r-,l !.*a.-r,-.n-e ., w*V-l" Into WatttrTcJi.lantaUrflbrbart^ 1 the.i.-Hearj ? |in ,-.-rv oaJy.aa- laaBBarad to _M *?'..<- ' ? y":_1e.Ri.ev.i.?dictedrrr?bhery.-i \^^ ? w.etoun.irui.y ??*.-.?J^*""* "* ' defeirtd AtJ.'.-ur.i.d forthedoy. [Artrrruarro?t-] Tb.. efteblid Kneravin. f,??__^_?_*_l?2? C___W A f--w Bh-Bfl iuipr-anooafor aa.e by E. AnthoNV, No. Bf* Broodwey. . [_,i?rr_a_rr._'._, PairEi RM-tH ri..?Ri <h Dre,s (. irxls, ??*lr., pstt-t-e and eolnn. reduc-d at Uejrt .1 ~r er>. ?t SSaiH__ Hall. No ?l Ur.r.r! .' l-h Sllk < ,r.n.rr, r.. of th- fitiett fahiic a*-d cl? [em* eo'ora. the ____-_Jdl_?week for 7S.enta be ort*r-d :hi? week ttm rmt- ElegB_l Bare?et of thr moet ret ittfi.1 pvterne. (ri,ir.f..-.,!r,'nnrrrtfr,1m M OOBtfl 10 81.flBBjBfar|BBB> (orraent-t AlbortoM Ineia Mlfc, Per.t I'nnt'-d .1-. onetl, I twi-e and Oriandie Mnalto. al) of the new-at atv ea. re durer nrarly 9* \>er crn'. f'om latt week'a pricrt -all t?. theaHvarrt-mrnf of'he .-v.romer, BBd tlie great objestion ef ratateiM \irr-tt llr-odt over th-ir t<-a-on. At the prflaent otatt tur-h unheard ot bar.atna we prea-ima rotB-Uaa HaU will thie wetk. a: leaet, preeent a lively ap pearrnce. T Ad*er1;._Tnrot. ] Rich Parisian Mamtillis.?We have Wn rr-ineated tc en'd tr-e att-nti -n of tl.e Isiiea to a new anr ' mtmtn mttttmtmi of rich Mantillee r.f the b- at PaHeian n,.M,fartur.-. rt-r-_-itlv imported by 8 _ M. K Towi.r, of ('.-lurril inn Ha'l, No 88] (.'arrlf . COtDBI?loI all the atylte teknswleitged atthe Parieian mode Tl?e a*t rtment eon tiat.of ?r r.-.e tv r tv di't"rent paUerni. earh t'yle p_ciliar ... Ihe pr_---a_-l of th. te ar^itte, celeb-a-ed f.r th_ir taata ln the inarnfs fi-e >f Mantillat. an iBg Which mav I.e found b H'ark, phria bpH iv?t-.rv? haavyfi?ga, wiihe-*ra tiinirrorre A? ? - - -.--riualed by anv arti.l* in thia City Al*. I.">" vt-ry n< h Kririr- nni I.ace Tnmmin:i. a Verv tuper-.,.r ar'i,!e. from *l to ft. a->, h at are .a,i?l|y aold a- %'e. ard |10. Ladiea will make a note of thit. it they wieh tcpurchaae a Ma_t'!'a. a rA.I?t.r-.?_rner_.] A Cari?.? After cart-tnl examination and lnq.l.v I I.B\ec,,r,aerited (Iiat m* prn,r./t:i b- entnred ae to Mr" EDML-BO ? Ni.wv.inrt borebj clirerf'illyrertlfy lhat I am BOllafied and Nrx-rv ,. entirely inn'?ent r.f al, enltv In'.w'edst-or par'icipati?n io the lota frandeon ihe I . ?". Gover_me_t. iont W. LaTBO". Acting Attomey for the L . B. BROOKLYN ITEMS. C5T A r.utulier i.t the Brooklya AMer mec nnd other clti/ent proceeded on an excurelon to Aetoria yettenlay, to ce'ei.rate the extenaion of a ita_e n,ute Irom tb!i city to thnt plac-. a VZr* Th?* last Anriiversary of Amirican Independence \v.,a gener.Iiy celebrated in the villn.ei BB l."ti_ lilnnd At I irriilca i n oration w.e delir.-red bj J. ha C Pevaveaa, l>q , and nddreaeee ?ppropriite to tlm ,l?y were rnade by ..iht-r ..-ntlemen The pro rt'.din.i- were wf.un.l up with >i dlnn'T. At tlernpetea.l, citr'i'ttr ey.rcieee were ^-one tbroagfe wlth, and ?t Flu?h inv thr ReehahtM nn-l otber Teiiip,-r:,tic4 (Jrdere cele l.n.t. ,1 the day 0B the eold \\ at.-r priuclple. At the 1 d t>-r pia.e rt-pr.ieiiUtivee wtre preeent from thie city un.l other placei. _ Kirfs.?About !) o'clock yrvtenlay i.:ori!i._ the houae ..f Mr. F. M'jore. N,,. ".( tlon laaue plara. waa dUrovomd to i.e on Hre_ but waa aa iiriLni-h?d bj (iiiicT Itayaar, FlntPolioe, baHaremaeh (leniH.e hnd been done. (in 'i'uea.lay avaa_B| the Brooklya M.irke*. corn'-r of Harriaon ai,o Jarnia-ta, wae dlacovared t > ba on Ira, hut wbb aoen eittaguiobi by fifflcr Jacfcaoa, Saaaad poiic. Bhavtly alteraara, aowavar, Saataa were aaaa buretlru out ot ti,'-loof, and wottld eoon h..veeov.-l oped ihe baUdii ? ''Ut for the tim.-'y arrival nf ?everal rripanlea, which were n turning from t!ie tire at W'illi ugnby'e-plaee. Tlie fire ?-.ia aooa cot under. Bwaral otber iraa or, i.rre.i withmit eauaina mu.'h dnmape; ne-rly i II orlgiaadB| from worke dla. cbt,rge,l .lurinu the day nnd eveninit. Al.out 7 o'clock lMet ..-venliiB, ? tire broke out in the lumlcr vard of M.-rera. HlU-t-lCaTd k Wall. on the c.irrer ot Cdumb-I nn I H.r.iioti ite., and about f'.'.IKW warthoi propeny wa? deatroyed. Th.' Breorigtwaad In or alw,i,t a ital.'le on the pr.-niieea, hut wlietti.-t Iretn nccident or dt-fign ie not known Th* l'?ae ie lully eav> er..' by inftirnncein the Alluntic aad foi.i punlce. Naw York. e I'c.MMiAL of ST-tAT-f-t-Jtift?^'estenlay aftern'ion the r?maii.a ol (;onrad Htrathm.inn, who wbb kl'led l.y a gun-ahot at Eaat New-Vork on Tueaday, waa conieypd to (.reenwood Cemetery for lnterment. 'ihe tfttuben Ouiirda, of wbich deceaaed had been a ineir.ber, tc.ethf-r wlth ecvnral other compenlee and a lorc line offrienda and relatlvee, followed the corpae to li ? laat r.atiij. piace. An Inqueat tu.d br en hi Id upon the body Inthe morning by Coroner Ball, and a verdict ol death rendered. t*T ln the Court of Sesf-ion. Phlllp Couler waa coDvlcted on a char_;e of grind Ur (-ti.), nnd remand.-.l for lentenoe. Taa pi?oaarhad (lopi d wlth a nian'a wife, reaiding lu Etat Nf w-York, ni <t taking with him aome of her or the hueband'e , ?? '?, was indicted on the latter chargf, which wai c-m aiit.ed Into ftrand larceny. John I.ewU. brouL-iit up f>n an indlctm"nt forbur.Ury in . n'l rlr-g lh'- hoiit.' ot Kichard Abberly in the Fif.b \\ard, aome thrre tuonthe eince, plchdod gullty, i.nd w ue a. ut to to await aentercc. _ VW CharleB Ilul.tx-i, a boy. wns arresf'-.l on Tueaday i.iabt lor tiring a piatol, rharjed wi-h pow (i( r, into the face of a young lady who w-te lo .kin. at th<-fiteworke on Kort'Ir.-r-iie. Her laee n badly die tigured in conei-(|uence. HT On TutMlay a party of prooreded to Kaat New-York on au excurelon, and w die ihete practlr.'d in th?> ehootlng _t.ll.-ry ol Mr J >hn l.iln.Hn. A ball hv nneof th ipartv.h.iic. d Bi.d tntrree tbe right aide ot Mr Conrad ^trathinann, pneelttg entirely through hie l.ody. aod eaualinj de ith in ab.ut one lour afierward. |)t-cea.a.-d wae a eopper ? milD by trade, and r'-eldrd at the corm-r ..( Il,r_a Middagb-eta, where he laavoa ay,,.in_ wi e, havlng been married only about alx rr.onthe. 'Ihe occurrence wna purely accidental Aiui'KM.?Oa Frii'ay iVt, while ono of the patent inowliu niMchinee waa in op>-rattoo on thi fBiin ol Jchn C Month <_. in Jarii.lca, a la'it rer at wo k t-r hin. bapradeotly wolked b.-tor.) tha ataahl tt. li-r scjtfe of wl.lcn cut ono ol hli legi eff? boue .tad a I tbe appendi.gee. TlSM'EhAMK CKl.ERRATlON AT.T\M\I ca.?'Ite ?"i.tho'ie rcmperaiioe eelcl.ratlon oa Mon.Uy wai tbe grand ieatuie ofthe day. I'tirbape ne?r|y e. thonihi'd iiieml.era ot botfcaeaaa w.-r?- 1 into .Miiihira trom ibe eou?h Bad eaat end of the I-land ifl i u mlr- an in.poaina proceeion throu.h our etrtn^e. ihe iniiut-ntt- repair-d i.. tli-> l'? ro. m .,( l.t- A.-nlfi, \ a ___k waa eo Bph t Iv hl'.'d wiih iba oaa aad dtraahtarv a I'.h" Tho) mafltetaaai dlaop pi iiltd ln < i o ii.i'.tee, km* th- want ?t lha baad v\ .* Bidetrpbytha earty eat-mtaiBi ftbeaadlaa ? Ti. 1> ira ? ? ' : ?, _e wa? ri ,'? ln ?* rj ,? .!-, , by J, hu J. Arim'roiir*, Kt.i. .t'.-r wl.-.-h Joha (.'l''Vet.u\ y.-q. proBOUl !.lj.-lly cla-aicai . II I loa, B m h vv-t ir.'.LJv I v ihaaadlaaia. v. eopy ot* iheaddreaa, lar pafaUcad-a, w'se loi by iba ai A-ti ii.- ,-K',: . ba dey took ble aeat, H ?n | J. lt. A K'nr n -de a l.-i. I an-t atii-niterlad <r.:-a, w;_ch | Bhi >a_-t?,r. ut>y r. ,-? Th-,-'' ????'? I aad ? I ' ? palrtotbe CotholloChorch, wbooa a haapaab e repavt v?at prtvlded fot the r-Mit ,-ra by t-ati-r MrGlanta, wfco.t- I ' . ? bvara arooraad wlth tach t/tui oigh.u: ihe leloi.'* ?WILUAMSBUR- ITEMS. Ti vi EBA1N l -?in thr. Board of Al l?r ,- , . -. ; ? ? ItJ -.,.".? /'-..- :.'.'. ? i ? ct.f ft irijk-rniK. . v?;, lhat tbe d? ?? . I Ithe Sabbottl prt-vsiia t> a gri it m- tl i .? ,? IViidi wa -..??- r ? * t : , . . . p i k i'i-.-. ..i ih> i iwa ol the . . ?? ? I .-.',... | tae -.r , ?. bb oh ' ? pobee lo re _ 1 .. ? . ia or _<: . r - ?,? . A Niv. KirKY.?A f?-,rv fr ? th- fool " I ? ? -? . , ? . , ~ ? .. , \ * \ ,rk, ii ?' lat _-t*C? . b-YotI , FiRF. RlOTt am, ^!M HES.? u Ci'l'u, c-: rvcniaf . c,?n ,r met Cjuirt Al. Barker ctT-red reaolutlont, wnici w.r-B.-i. ,-? ,- ??..;.n,..r._, )r, ._. -ill ? ??-?: -_.--.. ? u, .-i. Tm a- "*'[-?> ?' - - - rie, B - k:,: -*: ' . ?-.h ae u.a r. , twrtut -, wiiUB. BflBBI | ,t r-i, -odt l| ?' -f- '..?.? .. , ?? . m ih(-departn,r?_ 'l-t-r?.,'.ti-'ce providr^l th?: no euc-l trklfl th, aM ."-cut wi;! ,ut tr- |,-.n,it.- -, 0f th0 ,_?0 ,j ? aad l. tali.n O ur.i-,1, und-.-r iht< p-nalty mt -,n evpu r. ahntruuii'- ?? i ?."?>??? ''im_i! i teereaumeth' lafattBraa*? Tbk Pomi r. ? The force wer aaai n.bled at thf .tfcond I>I*tt.ct B_fl__BByafltaviay fla uhlrrind by M.yor Herry. who etat- I tB th-m i.tjii ly, that tiry w.-uiti berrnlter regaid Mr Uriea^bard i _j the head ol tbe I'.tice def -.rimenL >. Ijoarh or K.? There wa. not ii. I"H night. and thoae preaent adjourned t3 ne \N i-dneaday evrniijg. Wiuo Mirii*...?Tbia rvenine fhe Wi'l'-aii,. ?"! m-et at AafthaB Un'il, ii.r tl.e | i.r_jo?'- .,f | ii.-w i.rb'.iiii/ali .11. T-MPK-ARCt MlKTlM..?T_1I evening an-.-i-ci' aj will be held li. tl.-M-th. ! ?:?? ll niata.1 Mad Doo.?A nit<! dog (a l_r__c tni'till) waa MMedonTw I Wttheraet n.-w_tfi-rt ri-ot it. tbe l<.-, aad ana. aaid d.-pntched wii'i eb.o-i i.d < luba City TaEABtraT.?Tha City Tra_urat_i (>f Wni__ob_r_- readeredhla *cc ,nit ud tn J-lv-. I. _ir,_r.! _' be ha-f reorlvrd ?43,710 15, and had paid out .ii,.' 06, leavtaf aa haad .i..v - '? Omriaui K\( ir.sioN.?The party con . ot lir oklvn and Wil'amel.ur.h , thoridefl rn ?i u for Afltovla, ta tha aplaadh. aow fla If le __??*_?_ n.d thrre nrdlnary onea of Jnhntnn 4 gadaow'aBaa, iiiadc a tir.t* thow a ? th-y paaar-d thro'i.h Willlama omrph, ?i karday -lt, rro n. Th- route from Fulton 1 errj Mt rde the varh tyjof city, BBB, ond m.edof-, alr nd pn rpaet -? A Lalnch.?At (jrcrn P.-int. yi-.rer.lav. 'he ete,iner Amoiy whb Uunrhed fron: the yard of Mr. P.,rrtiel Hnr.l.m. The An.ory Ib 180 I?t long, 2-feet htam-nd !7ft-tiathe hold, and now Uve a? the foot -fCkerry.Bt.lBBia?lB hrrmacMnery She ia Intended ? i F. 'i. DiBoallirt & Co, o. Kuw-York. -?-a Doo- ?Tbe fnnrtionary known aa dr . killer bat '.ten dire-tt-l by the authoritiea to pro cedwith hla work ol canloe deitructlon. Mad dogi been r.thertoo numeroui. VW A ditt-urbaoca oirnrrp.l in a puhlic .-n Morfroae av, ln the Thlrd Ward. on Sunday. by w.irb F. Kuchinapf. k wae badly atabbed in the tem? ple. The per*. ? who au! bed him waa arrealed. ?a C*** D_rin_ the progre__ o. a tli'-atri.-al exhiMiion in EW4 i. et, on Monday eveninp, a rarnph-ne lHmp exphded, w-i.-l. aaaaa 1 a t .m-'. and nr-.r.y l-np-d from the atcond etory windowa and were injured?one or two aeverely. FlEX.?A farm hmi-e heyoml l?u?li ? ick. wne burned nn Monday at 1- o'd vk, It reught hre tir ni l-iirnln..' rirecr?rk.-re The furnifire wae anv ed. Two fire engimi arriv.ti on the epj-t, but too late to be of aervice. JERSEY C1TV ITEBfS. Rin Over ny the Caks.?A G.-rman nnmed Hi-drich ^cbnelar, in an intox*cat*d ondltion waa upot. the Kailroad track near the ll^r^en Cut. and waa atruck hy the locomodve, ar,d run over. Hla riba and rlght arm are hroken, ai.d hi- left leg t j badly cut tbat lt wae amputated b-low the km-e. He llea at the Arnerican Hotel ln a very weak can litlon. Mkktino oi thk Aldermk".?OnTues dey t-verilnir there wst a met-iing ac the I.yceum tior . t ;/. tl e Board of Alderm-n Ald. Narlne ..<?,-,iplrl tbe chalr. S.ime dlariiatlon aroae touehlni* the rij-ht ot clainanta of contcr.-d eeata to VOte in tb- m_ .ri'/atinn, wbich waa ei.dcd by a pr.'-joe ti,,n, eman .tlna from Ald. W'allie? of what haa be-n lor.ned th.- Br >k*w parry? tbat a Committee ol 'three I.e appointed to lay all th ? rttnge of the Itoard. in thi- tnxttor, befaffl ernln?nt (?(.tinet I for an opii.ion, which ahould deride the cl iltn? to n ata. Thie propoiitim.t with favor from thu Board penerally, and wae paaa-d without o.potftlon. Tlif r?.mnri'tef an) Uted BtBBfltatfl of three m-mbera, \ir ? Mr. Wallia, Chainnen, (of tha iot-all-,1 ftroiaw pHrty.) Mr. Ituthr rfor.i. ?,( th.- fnar euotaaHag aaoH wifh Bri ItHit tTit-f',, and Mr. 'l'r?plia|ien. (..I tli tte whoae tcata art. undlrputt-d ) Aa aoon ar a ta*l.fac:f?'y opioion Ih (.btalned. ihe Board will ie or^ani/'.'d acco'dirL-ly. Dkati ?'t Mr. jM.Pherso.n.?Me. Ilnph Mcl'hereon, Beai ml Eagtaeero. tba llnyal m.i! ?ti-nner Afrirn, who died Bt I o'ekkeh ,-n >I ia l.y m irn in. laat. tn c -i.e- ijiieure ot tallinif (rnm the .anirwxy pliink of tbe att-arnt-r on the Saturdey prevhua. ht.d atriblog bk bacft upon the chalaeahla in his txH, wri Interien un Taeoday In N.-w Vork Biy Ccm-t.-t v I)i,iir_ hii ilWae evety att.-ntl "i w ,a t.lmOyl?r. Fbeaar, Pbyaidaa, Mr, drnp.-l), Ubiei Kn.iueer,aud Ifce Btbat CJIbbH ofthe Atrtca. Dr. Yarl.-k of Jeirsey Ci'y waa hlao called BO attend him. Tn- '.uernl on 'I i.i-aday atternoon wae largel) a'tended. Tne pPBBBfl ? i.r. eonelated af enkiteera and Irernea i.i.i'.rm'y cr.-t'.d In blue thiria, the atewi.rd ol lha flteaaar aad her aeHinan attind in whit- ? alt.._-ther BaflflbeHag bIkjui oae hiindr-d pereont. Tht- body w.e b-.rne trom thetteamcrto t*L M?tthe-'e (Eptwop_) Church,8aa tt-.\ il., on the ahouldira ot hla ..wr, Imoaa. The ?? ih r,. era lultow.-.j aa ehiei rnnuriirrg ln the ,.ro :.-aai,,n ware the .thcera nl the Atrtca. and cul^em la 1 hi- funeral eervicet at Chur. h wae Proanai BBd Ly th h..- ..r. I:,v M* lio.lln. I rom lh- Cniir'-hu. the ta n eterytae reme bb vmre eo_veyed in a hrurae, and in lerrt^d ln a I..I pu'chnai d l.y tt.- (' it: .. ,1 Cotipany ? _ - . i." -.i.t -d |.,r all the BXpeaoeo. Tl ?? d.-.-. as. .1 wae ?bi ul 33 v. are ol h_-, ^i d leavea a wlt ? in l.iverp.?.i, to _1'< io ii'- I.-B 1.. -ii iii r lad I-'.-.,,ti'iia. Hfl la fro-n <in er.. < ?. Bei tlacd, where hla m ttn r. a wi.i.w. wh >m he t.a'iily nippoitci rt-i.!ee. Belatb. I koffl-iertha Caaard Cornpaty haveeverhad oceaalua Bfl inter ln An <? i a. LaDIEa1 Fair.? K Fair will \>o helrl by t'i-I..;r!i.. ."??... ify <t tha church of tha HotyTrlaity, at B-rc-n, on Tnoraday atd Knday Bl'coraooaa IN eveiiin^i of tliitw.ek. Thk Nl'Rskrv ok Frkkoom.?A w.irnan raeldei in th- Poarth ,,t j.-re.-v (':?>-. who haa be-n ...airied ;_? ytft, and if now *,lx>ut .'> i y-^art ??! BB-, gave bairtii to _. r taeaty aightb child a day or lavo l?IKI>. i . .- .- ? ara al - - ,Hrt l tis Cl- 1- V1 J"i'' 11 . fi.. : . ? r ? ? . i lt? at . o'. !?? I I" _ .-. ? ?, > . ? Bosflaj I '?' r. - iv - s - ; ? ..? \i. ? i e>t i w? ,. i .-. i - i ? 1 M?i awcaalia, ....... .,, \ , - l i ,. I t ? . r * t-r rrUtiV - ?'. I ! ? ., B ' - i A i . ? ? . .1 COIT, a*o.-..l ? .' | i . ? i ? a.a . , r li BAH1 V , r -i ' II ....... . I ? afl-f - rl B It-r . ? 1. ? COMMEJK UL MATTER3. f-iilre Rt thi Mocl. EicliHnae.JbltT. .IH ? ? . v ^ >i, -,. K..IH " ... 1,. . !...-.'.,- .II'' _lll . l ?; k K> ? ... .... III Cot I., .'. ' N . - ? , .V . . ?? . . I . U\ 1 I . \ ,,.. . \ I. 1 r - !:? Wfl int 4 . v HarlriB K II .... ? ? . ' i ... . ? .. . ; : _ i ' . ? . ? et..1*-'' aa ?? 1 . II it - I . I e ? . *\ ' tt .'o ?.??* ? , . , , - . |Ag .. . f_ . -? Woimniaf, ?| - v ' ? ? ? - . ? V-. ? . - r.t) a ii - : . - ? v' ' ' R. l(...,\ Baa a_l a II . . ^. v _r.,r, Mra.- 1 ' **J"' I . . 1 ? Vfn_an__-T, July 7?p, m. There ta b? a paase in the mnrket for .*t(* k* l_U moraln *, and price. of a great many of the Fhm i-i and I. .iiroa.1. gave w.y I.iule waadnem the afterr.iin, and the market rl_ad dul! Tne *tt1l tm yai.t BaeaaMaa were P. nuiylvanl* C m'.. Nl-aragaa,, I.ockport and Niag^r^ I: >..d, N>* Haveo, and Mauiirn and IndianapolU. The heavy one* were r.rln, Harlrm, Re?dlrg. Central MIchlgac, . ou'.hern Mtchi gao, Nortbem Indiana, and liud*oo Rirer. The great e.t tlurtuatioo wa* in North Ameri"an Trutt, whlcb f"ll to 11 lo the mornin.' and ro*e to IT in th" afternoia. New Jeraey /.icc au f.rm at I . :. T .e on'y tr+n*ic t!..n* ln fediral. wr-re in the I'nited Statea Klreaof lt-?i_. at ]<?>'.. Panama Btoah m?? 0 V cnt. at the lirit I'.-.rd, while the .crip fell I |> cer t. Ir. th-* ater noon. Nlc.iragua 1 wt also, subsequei tty, part of its moming advance, and closed heavily at i'i M my of the uiual operator. have not yet rfl_Paai t > buslne.s. Theipl.-lt of the m**-ket ti yet itrong and the moment ary and but partial decltne will be toon recovered. The demarul f> r Money is below the mpply, and e very facility '. nftirded the borro#er. No good adventure need falter for wa_t of mean* Rates are without change. The demand for Exrhange on Europe i*i llmited, while rate* are very tirm. Siterllng, U before, 110*4_110_; Krancs, :'. .IM :, .17' .. This afternoon, (Tbursdny,) at 3 o'clock. Messn. Wlnilow, Lanier 4*. Co. will open the bi U fnr the lo.n of ??JOO.OOO to Uie Scloto and H _kin.' V illey (Ohio) Company. These Mort.a.-- II >nd* have a first elass sic.rity in the road mortgsged for their piymint. The cost of tbe road tj .lackaon is 1700,000, foi ? ? been su scrib.-d as capit.l stock. and B30i?,(*'?? are ralsedby bond*; *iOO,(X?> bai been paid lurifun, ai.d the balance ls adared aoa? far aale. The road has no aiita.oniit. It will Ind a vait amount 8 m.terlal fnr traffic tn the rich Hneral and Bg_ea__s_ region it will connect w ith dfetaol n: irketa, and cn-ate much more hy the .timu'u. itwill gh. to ita dUtrict whlrh oniy reijulres mean. ot tr-iciportati tn to de\elop IU aburdact wealth. It will connect -.a .th all the lead Ing of Obio and the nel.hborlng Mtatea. In Kiciglits thire ifl more firi_r.e_rj in rstea, U|th :n iei".-rlng. The new engagern?ntl are _ .,t**t buihels Wh.-at at t'.d. bf Liverpool, S OH) bbU. Flour at 1*_? i:M . 3,000 balfi CotUoon termi nut told. To I.ondoo afoe there Is conilderable shipplag at pre vious rates. The National l.a.-ikan.l Bank of Amrri. a, cf W aihlngton CHy, I>. C , newly established, are wind ing up, owin < to Iha number of other B ?uks not r-ipcc *ecurity like tb >*e startiug tn the i.rne dlitrlct. Hon. Thoiiuis H. Cumpbell. Auditor of tlie f-tate of Illlnols, has fun.i'he. a r-tatement of tho or.anizatlon of the (o.lowlng Bank* ia that t-Sta'.e i ? Ma-ine Bn.k. CMatfO.*_5*__, t'laik'. K.chan.e Kar.k. Spri ligOeld .|i? .aial .Mf rrbam*'aod Mt-ciianic. _,ii?. ? hn-.i.o.loo.mai Tbe loll twlng ueil-_atea h*Mi been filfd, bata.yel no.ecurities bave been dej-oiitcd by th-- aai.l nmocU tions: * Tbe Bank.l IVrn, Peru.BJ0O,CO8 M T)m llhaou lliv-r Baak, af-hyM* ? -offlog, I'..... TheBelvitfeia Baak, Belviiten. W.I The I'-aiii* Sta-<: Uaik, *V_,hlii.'en, Ta/well , . .Vhi.ioii nn Thr ii?i, < y city Ba-k'Quiaey.1,1 l ? i, r?.i. ial Uack. Chtca.... ? Bank, OeB*-v.. IIHI.I.,.,.*! l-aiiie..'aid M'.lm i. *' Baiko'QoUca. . i ? ioi Baak, Kr-rr*rt.?. ' . N.ik Ulaii.l Bank, K'_k 1*1*. d. Ma-'iie I ? ? -'. M,,> Neaarity Bark Bani IU. ?,i.' B? kot NonbAmeiica,Cbicaaa.1,000,1. I ioi tu Am nnt of -repiial HtOCS.*??? Aii? aal ol .*>*-i nniiaadepoaittd. i Bacorid*. d>-,*-"?!. * \ if rircBUUag autea haaad. IW.STaae The receiutfl of ihe Madifloa aml Ia dfoaapo-a I'allroad for the week endlng July J, 18.W .BTHNMH) Col ri -oonding w i 'k ul ! -'.1. |:.reiee(alirut;-. pflB-t) W.M- ; ' Al the BBd >l ? ' Btl n.1 tl.- it ickholdersof ibl* C un. paay in June lait, the lo! OWlBg .'-n*!ein-n were eleited Directora for tlu- cumni yaa* John Brongh, ioaaadi ii. Mi iahall, VV. M. Dunn. Jesie VVl.iteli.H.I, J ihn .1 Craveva, \1. \ander C Laator.ol Madlaoa; TIiotuii A. Mnrrif Jaaae W__eoaab,ofladlanapaWaj Z.T_nnahUl, i.t Tayforaiialaj .*aniuei Maera, al MooraavtUa; i' a Psrkatol M .it i.-'i le K. II ___! w nnd (. targa fJHs wold. <: Niw V>ik. We underatnnd Ihe uew Hunl aill meet on the Mt- lnat. ?ud that a ilivileml af '< V rent. forlhe lnat us mon'b. will l.e mrle piyahl.-oi. UmiBS-L The earniiir* of the hive even exie.-d ec tl.- an'li ipatitni of lt. moit .anguine frleodi. Tbe Sodaa Canal Compan) ofler $50,000 of their boada, beailng intereat at 7 4* cent., ?? aal in tiu.ily, ler-urfd by BBOrtgBfB Tfil* work ii part of the i-rfBt laflarnal aoans-rtaa ix-twep.j t'e vvvnt and tbe piiit, ard ln rn its puaBlaa mu.t cmnnn.! a liirgn*h?re .,? t.iifii.** Ita cnmmunl.*aii .m with the Kri? C ?nal, Il.e Brfo Ilailri ad, the r,m\ tielO. uf I'.i.-i.j Irauia, an.l witb l'l.ili_.-tphiaa_d I'.altuu-.r ?, aa well ... w\:n Oaaada and ihe l jjn.-r Lake*, muit aive It full a id r-nutsnt em pli.jn.ett The MalBBBfBl of the work ard of tha louuiiuf nveijue, i.y the Coasfaay,show tbat it* Inrume wiil b*i i-nmedwtely sutlicient topay its Mftaaas ar.d a large protit. The FBi_Bern' Baak af Oaa__B|*V N?w Vurk.l'i tiied ka si-cuii i'-* aad aomaaanaad taaalai ap .itcd ii *"<1U00. The Pre idott Ir H. Fi i-'eil, Esq , "t ' ti. u.d ._?, prii cipal uwoer. The moTeaBCntfl ib Ca-ttoa tbe last week UvebeenasfUlows: I na ^a 1^)1, ht ?< bi1--* ti ?talipoiti._*?,_M 2._M."?; ..... . '-tl I,II5,?H .*b | rn. i.t* frun. Southern to Noithf-ru , ,,-r jl . t\99j**k99 ' - I . N,.J*.Y.?I.. . , i alatha lafo LirtovaaU belDg time Iaal >e?r. Tl.f followiag fltatemeat preBeata the .,t x t. iii i i laaa -, Iha aananat M bmi i.rd tie nu-i i?t ot hoataeloaradatlhaCoBaaMi - ln Albaiiy, Iroai ibe op r Ing ol na-'ir-ati m f*myoar I .? ..I tbe rrontn of J .i.e ai eoaapand vairb Um rfod Iaal aaar, with Ira daya ht faror i - .i.i .?' ! ? . ,?ll* collected. K .i.falltn A[.ril)inV;l.f - t-se cUaiard, l_. iiiihaadiB8alaai?d,laa. ?BetoW. Kumtfiof bo.t. eleared in 1*51, 4.C91 * io. inl-.. :? aeraa in 1891, '-"-'? The Dbitcd State*. Trea ury Notes out ? laat were: . S . ".? T.,,.i .* - . , Cateellcd Nur. en haua.j_** * laadi-fl. I - Th* bhipmenu t?y Canal at Oawego o i . ?it-!-a. dariaf the mn._i of ? IK-O. I". ur, Bbla. a\_.a',l -I. il. ; I . ~~ ; .-. , aaal. Oaaa, bu^. A.h*-. t.-.a. I.T'i . . 13JJ .blpn.i ut cf the foH .wing artic'.e. from the op->nii .f na.igHiion to July 1, foi thicc .ea*clii: |>..0. i-??* ?S'/ ? .?_> ?n, >-_!.. ?? The Ctmcimmati Trice Current aay*. rVaarilLUufWhi ky mide from dam 5' 1 r',rn "" ?e.-.nily been w.ld ln thi. market. and one i (kfof.d to have been returned 88 9* DBB nb.i_* Me.chai t hy wbom tbey were purch* ,,.::ry,fWbiakyb?ao?rece,".dmuc v.r.tiVre from p.rChu,n, ***** - ''*-*J\\ ^b_?__???_^__isr12^^ enr-.u!. Th? ? I ' '?J._V____! f.r*ed io cc_te___lb? be .a ntt ftmm 99 ***** DO'mr. botwe.aveno MM tb * OoarH a* rev-raehlede clai-m The tn, k of Pr-.iv; ;.?!!-? n ? ? ?'? Cn' rlttiefllathuettatr.l in the laat nu-nberof Tk* -*??*? nati Price Cttrrtnt I - '? II ' Pn vt.lone 1 I |M ke.l L.rd; t.ll.hhdi 1. _- *> P'^ln Utmt, in.-'uditg all Bulk Meat and lhat ln am .ke h_t?e, but Bat what la beld by mtrufac-jrera '.'? I ?-_?_ ot barrr! Por'; le only .< for .TiJO bble. .>laurkrta....CeaBrui.Lv Rtroavro roa Tws Taiai'WB tVaaaBoaai I -iir 7 A-IIFS?Tha mtrkrt it ttrarfy. w,i?t ? d lUBMB Saleaof 70 bbla at . ? a. and S. II I.r Praila The rec.lpta arv r,ir COTTON ia t nn, witb mu.e ac-.iv.ty. \Mtt '..alea aold at f'.ll . revioua pricrt KLl'I R AM) MEAL-Holdere of Wrotern an.i BtaBfl aia verv tirm fcr tbe ow |rafea ortth atoodoooy lo advai <e, . ht.'krd on'y by the ar Vfll ? talMfl I n-ai.d it ac-d ' Bl rxpo.t aod tl.f home and Koetera tra!-. at .1 pricea o' tlie betler irod'e of Ohio a-e fi-rrtf r Oaaflrtlaa iatiea.l, ai.i in foi' re.-n.-tr. Ttie'ec-is'<t ?-e Ceir. Ht < ot 6,'Ht'bbii a' >"> 'i-j I 'r t >i*. arid $' ??$? '?;; fa a '?>, ? 'i btafdati. hviid. The ea'.-e of dotmet-c are l'i,"tt hh ? at *4 ft iim,.n U BlraifBt StOtB, moatlyfl l-_; *4 l.lrrj-l Hit for con.mon to ?o al Ohio. anfl rui.-i to t'ar ey Mic__aa ard lotiema: and t< I3|_$? _'> for one- > r.i.Dfl b.op l?hi.' and ravnrife KatO. BOO-hara KI ar ia alraoy. ard ln modrra'e rr<iu?et lt tha rra.-I* .nl for t^e ttrat Indiea. 8oJ t vt W* b .la. al il o7.fl*l -/Jf'.rmtved to (ood brarda. and *4 ?l?$-_e fot fa.e v K.e ia . | >. rn.Meal i.n.BCli.eal $J.#1 w. for O_o and Stair. I.KAIN-On n:\iket kafm f,r Whoot, with aa upwa'd trndrncv : the odxa_re in fr.uhra re.frt. t ihe aa'ea Tne r.cripr. arr. tn.r Soleeel 10,$ e) huab. Rod llBlo al '? IB.lfli Mi.!, . ofl n.ued Ohioat !?*? ; 6 .? " l.uth. Wmtado.. to ar.--.w. at fl . i>a. miih t <-<a ' ? ??nra-e at $l Itj ; l.'-W biitb. riimmen nux-d (aracisri at 10a . B*d " BBI but.i n,n I it*-.' Lake at .irn.ut 7'c . c.oti t Ry-4 ie in artivr at l-Oc. liais are plentv. andd.. : . l>.'ll bvOMo ar .1 Siat.' < OTB lt plM v a ,1 thr dtvi.a .i t >od .tra'ti-r low. r price*. Saleeof .-l.ore. boab a- l lna.uid. -. ' llxed, a? i' -'? t i I 1 t\ HI'KY ?The inark. t ll bettar, wlt'i aa.-al pait aporolattve. Halet ot .W bbla. at _..-/.1.0. I.,r Ol.i-, .1 for l'ne;n. D.udge n held at .li.-., tiuae aud intt rtar l'R(i\ HION'S?Holdereof Park ara I m ; the demand io fair. t--e retaripta are hflBI Raloool B* b .la, s* $ B it'tr ?19 251 i Maaa ; I - " I I P > - I'"-' _> v,"rr firtn. batprkeaora ou f. il> i.ttlad. -w? ? i c; .'-"hbit at l_I Mraa. and .I'.'Ml'l f.-r ittv Pnw; tha I_:t. - inv tcarre rutM-Btaar- I m and in lair re ...r-l. .1 l,?.!t and tre otH-'tx t,,t SHoaldara a tl'.tf V',- irtrlloKB) now h. 1.1 ri i ,e ? r.n'. Lord ia ' a'ter end li. ? (d .1. niar d ; lOlOOOt* BOB bUt. a'id tea a' I . _ I le ; tbe flerday ioaaiaad] we.e" bbla and t.-a. Hntter and l h't-e are *trad\. aci 10 able Bl ir.\KS- ...emar-rt it ,1.11. U> n?':,-e only til-aof > n ht-dj. Moaeovad. ee at >abc . ai.d 1,500 i..\9e Bio? u Ha vania b' , . , _ NA. ^l STOaES aroflteady. '."> Nd* Spintfl of Tnr pen'ine ii .: at Br, _ h. ? a'e ptkoa, M.d lio ra-BHi Ma IIAV-'lhe umi'tet ia quiot St,et of >> baiea Ri.-et at 74 lilU_.S--."ii' Wet S-l-d Ituenot. Ayr.-- t d ..'. c Piiii.At.ii.riiiA M_.ft_.IT? II 'e.ine tfftiy, Iily 7._Tl,e f,.re'?n BOtt. liaj BBaffecl OpOStBa ma'k.-f. . . 1 beld'.' r tlm:, lha rutrt cutrein Bt the clote of l.-t wr, k and thet.o:? en -i!h ;i .mi!l Thoro Ifl non-?er fealnrc "' preaanl in ihe ?i oVB oeortet "'.!d-n ira nrti ..?).?.-.! -el i,.r _i.."l IVt- -\ ,\ ?'ii _ but tliere iave-y r\|?.'t .l.-niard, and no aalt-t have BOOM undrr our netice,r\i-e.t . few buadre- t?rreit lea?_l flaloatn tha tr?,ir at Bl-.1 - ' f>t Wetlern Biid Pen_ev!vantB, and $1 37' rrft "j f.trrxtra ac-ordn.e to '|iiai'v ln Rn Ki.''t kndt'oaie Hbai Botbi-f __ma Wequote thaf-t-i.-r at >: 80, ard ihe lattar at ,t _'> P hBrrel tl.e-e u :atli-r ui. r- U(.| A: offa tr(. bat BVieaa ar_ nu cboaaed BaUeof "?'' ohntb- lienm- Paanavlvenia White, part ?r *'. a ? ?*. l"'1 Pafl M '-' "? trvt prita'e .liemarlrteor.tiiiueahart.ol Rvr. Lokn ia in fair rr.piett, and frr.her ae'oa of S.i-B' b itliale Yillow h?\e been made a? Bfl en ta at'.mt In Dir- BB t.r'h.r tv,-..,-',. m ln Oaocaaiaa thota li aai llttla d >ine. 9mm. BliBBI-f Sl'OflB nre armicfl frenly. e'n.e of wbich ar* .t-ir ir( PboVIBIOBI cf niI dflaoHotiOM are held hruitv, in'li a modrraf e tnqviry. WailBI u tc are. ai.d aellt readilyat farreia, which ie a>. ai-ance. a'id .'.centiin Otttt. KecrlplM of Produre.iBlt I Hu K.tie la> aafl TTfhaTii*"ial. -, l'?i?ideaLe?ther, :r??. pkra Builer, i.Dd TB boxea ('!?----e tly Ar__/lnr~'road? K'l pkra Butter, and 67 bixea hy M*rth Kirer H,tat>-]', ii bhlt r"lonr, fl. do Whltkv. fj -?,(*., Pr .vtaioni, |n" do Ati.ea lt,M1 buali Wlieet, 99Mt9 oo.( om. and 'r"li au (late <?.-.-'? n -li-4i.i.rri. LI^T OF 5_-!tA..FRS POB THR -ONTM OF JVLT. Merl.u.Pra_R.Taek.Jaa I K,r Si l'i,?inta, ac. . PlMB N t..rk..J,,l? H..1'.,' I.e-POOL j, .Jaly 10. ParRavy i c y . ? l-.'-.-i.'ih.rrooi N.V?rl..J., y 10.. fot laa r'... , Ac. ,.r?_N.Torl .Jorjr IO..rorBavt .Kr??, N V- rk..J?lr lil..r..r l_raraj?al lt..,,,,,, .lr?.? r..V..r- .C'T 10 . ?'" Charl. r..B J., A r-r.Ir.... V ...rk.J ?:'? ' . tor CkoTmmo* N r..r?...l .1. II Tot Urotpooi. A . .-.n.Vrom N V..rk..J ilr lt ?*?", *c. f, .,.,.r'r,.m N Y>.r?..-?i? IT. KnrStvannah I- I .: y I? K-.r l..>?ria,ol Vn.i.u.PnaB N tork.J I. 17 .r,,,rCharU?U.r.. loatb?a_t. Prnoi B.Torfc. -i _r?l ..farCVealaaaaB, O.^.t llnlror,.rrai-B Y,.rk...)?l? il.A'it l..v_n-a>l. Oanarfa.r' K,.?(,.....J,.lr 11 ..iVat UvarBeoL All..,.,..?,?., B Vi.rk. J"'? tl ?'" UtOtpOti,..,. ft 1 .rk..J?ir -I.. l-r -*a> annal.. >? .Kr, n, NY..rk. Ji.'y II.. Per I iiarl-at,,n. Jall.ea A,!<er.Kr..rr, B Y'-rk . -nljr t* .. f-t Cl.arktatoa. A-ia.Kr.-n, N.Tutk..Ja. W..P4- UvaeBast H?o,iHjlJt.Kr..,., B.Torfc. J?lv m. .K- Hem,**. ru,r?la.Kn.m N Terfc..Jaly 11 ,.K..r?..vt?na... Ifnu.o. Kr,,.?N Y,.k. -l-tt- 11. Chsrlaatoa. 8TBAMKRS TO ABB1VK KROM KtTBOPK. ?v. ,. ., u r ' n t.,rk....J'i.'i'i ? l| - - I -. r ' I' ?I ....J..n-_ Caiiala.BM.Ibi Livarpo. .. Tor BaBea ...Juemtt |'ur f" Tor.....J?-a.lO Pnaaenaera Arrlved // ., n - Brt_nt ii H i . ,.,(?. ... M.-yer. wy t.-..l io i y. A I ? ?"? f'n tl K.e... w i ,.- Baa Braaeer. fl '? atbar, Uir aafl la.niiy, I. i etaamaBo, i. ;,,?.,. \., ... _. ?,, xr i,i,i m.< leeaianr aafl . ?> . >e . ... a.. oeme*ee.-- ? .., Ibb? B_aa_... . e t* i s-u. I M Baaa. tU*aa..?n '.la a,.a -.Tt..ta.t t.i Stuay H'-o* .'. Oiir, O.-t lalan.l .IH Hall flata ... .3 Jia MARINK JOURNAL. PORT OP NKW-YORK.July 7. I Inireil. ' lar, t Ir.rl-.-'.n, Sp ,fr.,rd, Til.-.toa V . A H-aWf l'.-r,-. 1.,%-rt,- ..', 1 t I. I ,wler; H?l u. M. H. 1 Loi -, ll.v-n W, (H?m| Ht - - ? -l'.. t I ? v. s . | - ? \ Ba -n; i.r-y --, 1,,-l^r B ?., . - V. ii. I- . K.. , i. ?. ii .,..,.??, ,N. l; . - i.'irt.fllr ) Bei v i .. ? t. I.arl. ..., S-.'i s, ...p.- -,riy a. >aa'.,r.l , I BB, Vaarle. Kn.? key, Prrk: ? ?? , I- ? I j Ibb Oi 'a-r, Mr,--, i i H i Tida. ? ea, Wri .rt'en. B. S. N Kr i ytt" ? IVa ,- r l H K H..-y. Harrn, Ki, b. . .- I . IV , rr.Nettpott. l;,,,. Valcsa.Cl 1,1 t%-_,.. * M Br.4t. Arrlveti. Bavea, H-rry (??? B N ... i.. ?>..- -,..1. .,,-?? t ? i -. bi Ooa \ . . . r thlf, .,11,0 a_iJ -. . w.: ,, ? ? . ? ? Tor* M.y , h-i.r.e. aeemin, t n..'. ? ..I Kaa-Ull, - . ? i- > t. laa - i.i,. II - II ->: - - ' ? ??-???? ( I. II . ' - ? Ir .1 -fl. . I' daji.'" bailt.t, w.lh * ' '- . . . , , l 'ba Bar, lt Ja/t, I I ' aii . , . , . ? . ? ? ' ?? - Ba.k* -' - ? r ?. - ? i- - .. tjra,oafleo. aa.1 ler - | !. , r '? * ' ? 'br.!, ;f *-r w-.t. ? ' . ?-.-.. Brntf afcort ol a - ? ? teptl ? - ? Br. Ht _? | Hr. H -, mr w.rr ? - K.? W. ? ? ? l , ? " aad ro? ' .. ,. . Tlty. Kae.pvka.t.tO. | ..-.t.f.. S , 1 ? ? ? -. ., ? i..-. I d ? *' met t-, trm, i , .. \. |M t) naa taa Aafl irouS Iii-.--i.-i - . , 1'fMt ibat ,f| .. . ,.*l-al, t -, ?nc 14b.edl.lluf watar -aaa t.?ad .etu Ma/^? .,_?.,. r-ort? ??t __ - ? ?U Ihe -barf l,. u_d*r?- ra?a.ra ,!..-... d-.b.-ceU.'1'vartu-t. Tba Mtrj aafl Su - ?? tu .'.(I.i.f tr,dti*IB. . _.?__,_ j|g.iiii#.ia-. aaaaa ,_,n._r a_eo( -on, ??oat I o ctecB ai , Moaaw, l? -aat .". ? ** ?<*.*?? ??-? Craa aad aaa onmmmmytet epme .te.n_ l-fl fbr wat aot .a.ured, aad ba. JUaa. Yxulis rira.a, et Pi-v-_-<--BOaU?l?.aet.BHa' f-larl A.ia.a ??,,.? 9m .? ,., ,si_I..Rr ah ,. <? ???? ??.*??*-. ' ?"*?_! f-f l?.l H . I ,|...l...j. iv. >.?,,.? h..,, ,,_ .,.....,? ... ? lar*** :'a-i- M*_v4.*iai tkaO * .<- _? -,J? a* aaasr. By T.lcar-fh. flOBTM. .' -r 7 ? " br>n JoLa Aaa. Pa _'.? . ? -. ?.-* : P. a?. I ,.l|....n.aaral, Aar_,J. R IV. , ._,, M<at*__>f . ?? - Ir V? ?r maa.N - fl. *i..|. R?*lk B*>_l ?' < .....,.? , *,,?-.. ! *?rah I R-v*-' H*4. -.. I m 1*4 *_.),?.. p\u\ .. . , B-?* . AV : l J,.|4*,I-., _,.,|,,,?. v. I ?. i Pr- a, .mr C_r_p?* !?>_..| ih11 ap ri.rni.* i . - - ?- i ? i ?_, . ma. l-.laO.. *?-?>-'?. ' I I <?faa , , . i ...... i \- -.-... ? *-.<.>?_, i ,, |; aa-. m Ri.i.i. aiub"-*. B*fo**i .-,*??*, N . > ., a,,,. ,, ,-r H ? Baa***)i Mary ? "' I ' ' ? ''? ' ' " *** *"**? .__ . ,_J ? ...... _BtMB__a r?au.yi?ao *. i-*?"'-"*. Itf h-i-f I . I??l* 1 ? ' ! ?*!*-?.??*-?.' ! . . , H..|-r ?!? . W'B. M B..H ?,...?..*..., P. C a_8*a/.Wa^ati_Ma ,. ,. ?? . ... , , lh_ma. lir-UoJ. _?*???? ' > -. I . ? ? . ?? ? l?-vk...Haak..l.*,o: J.nJa. K h ..-...' ? "'*-. v . , vi , | . . i I l 9h _B *?**_?_. frvfHtaar*, K. O. aa .11. t, W iflarj. PortfoB-. Uhnlen*. mt*. 3 ? M_W_-fl -aaa-, Pana, AilaaBc fi. M)l Ma ?p _l haa _-?.. a*..**! I > ??* ?? aaltoafSawB --. .luur.* ,) .1 Air ai B'nt... k.t i.t. tt. l.:..i>, Baa.aa. fnaaa . wl.ah*. rrr*a, clf-an. 8*i'a I .. ? K, ? .rv?a, f H.aa IJ, a-k. Tijra'l.l . -? . ... _a. ir.a. Sa. Bf*li..r.. I-U. .aal.. .!.'? J..** trttj, r.-?* Arr ?? aVarr.o :ll, bark l'>. B'.a T.-rt, ta f.l w* ? I..I.M Arr at Br.m.uIKh u't.,?_p 41.. Barrlay. l_B_eO___, ?<_> ? A: Hobart Towa lato. 18, ltai>,ol Grom?or1. 1 ? B-t .1 Ht. Mpakaa. dkc. I'.'.ifi ia. I..s|. Ta ?-, _,. b.< Yi.-a-r.* afara... fro_ *_? Mafla. 81*1 B lon* 6.*- ll W..ahi? CokoU.froiB B_MBB (J.,na U>- lor **a Praa- ? J'i". ir", lai M 88, a-i* 43, ah.* W. II. ImU, trom L.??r*o_ ka I . July 4,_i, i>.9. K.ofC.?rH*al?^o..k.aS-*_>*?.?>?**? ??'?*? P_ | i... BaBaa. i ? a ??! I>. ah P Cl-a_*.aia. IVon, 11a.ara. >IMf. . | > (appnr.M'y bound ??> ? aaaa*, aa b?l?ra alal.d, ll. MI**, faa Naa I.rk pr.-i. .-!)? I .-?, lai i ? 4*. I?.n*. 88 *, baik aVabaah. Irom B_l?a _a Baa .lu. a -.'T I.t. II ik. loa* f? li". aaaa aean . pm?a.||? boaa.l ?'. um ia*Ka*l .,.r l_* __**?>-, i-mbRow ?'_?*...._? i .? ?li;la?|.?a.l.em pl.ia.i.'ylna ) fl ? I lat |-> N . I..e* I ?>. I a.k I-il !, l>-ina, fr*na9al?_, A*r 4 a*''**-"1, J ni e 1 ., I?t ? 10. Io. >J1 J?. bn. IsdnKI., Wngtil, ol tti trom \ > Hav... ler.t Croii J.iri.JO.Iat U I', U.n*.,-4I, aln? \a io. H. aa L.rto*. 11 S.B I ; ir.-ri,0*rr***BBfc* H*>rr ?oaat*, ia-. -?*. !<>??_. **', *?' P Cal C.tta, lro-i M.Jnla (br Ijaar J.inalH, _. lat. _.-., bn. Cuahaia:, trom .*<-? ?*rk fes l<oB*r IT, lat. ?, lon* 7(1. a?!.r. flinvka. Hoopf r, from Ho*l..a Car J .ii.- IT, n.ruCaaiia 8. k mii*. .Ii?, l?rk Joafphia*. froaa Ha i .aa k.r ?.?"a la J..aa .'7. lat 3' II. lon*. 71 i, wa, .<??* al,.p Aleaa. i'kmb l_.*l>* pe. I ..l ai .1 fo. *a,...nal. Julpllat mia. loa*. 70. bark rhiiflaia, Dnakw.lar, I'n.a* B?w 1 rkfo. ll, l.lrau,. a. I? nrrl.n Porta. Arr. al Cap.- T,.*?, C fl II .May 4. harko ?.. \a ... | w,,f I'. -l.u. Mar, h ie, llr l.ii* K..t)l.aftT,9tavlien. N. <a Y rk Jan II. Al ltiuNuiif-4, ain. a. May .0, bn? mmim, fl*?|, BB*. | t8_a_ Laoaa, May ..', I.r.* Oai.ik.a. Ira._ka, ir_n *alara, part ?i , ?r?>, imt kaiwa, " i. -r,, "il. ?.!. , -I ??? K*f\. aavi.h, Oom l.J.t for Bo,in*. h*_ lna.!,<! \. I rye**, I9_ ?lt., alup araf>aw?-h,Chilu*. f?r >a?po^, K., ro bad '??' f*r? 1 "k. At Cayf-nre. I.t . bark >-. Ilark, 9mm *laWm, ..a*. \ I......I' K.. .1.1 H?i?-r.oa. Brn'.iii .a. i?r Naa. Yorl, *l* liat , Ji.l.n I'..?!.,. H.t. h. lor d?. W... I.. _l ta 4 day.; ? portrr, MiTii?iM. fi.l 9t.n ,_ hr. _*??*? vr. It. . i'.-. i , I lor ,l?. n?il .1... II K [.(-!< n. .lam.. le. . le . I'ao'lii.. flayl*. foi ltifi.i_.ra>. v y ia**ailk, I'tii...t . t.;,.k- la* .a Mary, j h-**a, 8b, ii._i.m, air 1 lll., lor .ln _RMVtWb | Kin.n.. i Br .) l..r ?!?. .-'KI. \r i ;.n|. .?.?, .Ith ult.. Lark Ln. <"..r-.n. H..I....I, Im ...I lar i ? oaa, At M.t.niTJi", .'4th ult, barl. Illanb.irn, S,a.|H..,. tor Cr naU.U !u Ihe. mu, lii.riai.ii. inr lt*a Y..H, ? Ja. i. Piaa-**, tmmm% lor da I.-. . aa ,.',i?h. Ma.nll, an.l M_ta Ckymt. M t. ...II i.., Raw llrlraa*. do , in.* KB*B lla.a-i>, -* i.. N.-?p-.rt lu. Ma.aa, Anl ur, Ibi Ir.,-...'.,,. - -. Al II.,...;.. .-ih "? " '?? -1 I . r l -..aaU.I. (lakmup at ?.: I h*rk. Lo. a I. m*. fl-Bw. fo. A...?.i|.. (r*_ . I \^ iHhaai, ll..-.<ll.-f i-- i.r Caww aa I a mulH, llaaaa I- , ir...n R*W >.rk, arr.i !,,'?? r . . . I . . I .l.y. Im.iii *i.rra M..r.n., N l .-. . kt l*ort M ?? ...t VrfoB. W..8**a*?. froa Ifoar i.r...... i.H *rr.,t* !...? fo. tm. BU, IBIfc tmtt* aaaaar, rr...t, Matanaaaj r. .. .,..ur <u aalBNt i" loa.! i.e B*wT*ak| ? . t, I..I.-.I... II. ....?..?.?. Baga* U ...a..;.. Ull., 1^-4., hi. inan. I'ai.lai a-. t-> I.....I S_ Bg*t*a Arr. ?t Qa*l ei. i*t iaM taa V..rk. A.r i.i .io ..I iu*t , tmimtOrwart,M-CalfhaM,_**?l| loar*, K. ir. N.? lart Arr nt ChKil.ttcij.wn, P Y I ,tlt_ >ih . a< lira laal', II. *...n . .*'!?. Hfll*. aa.4i,n*.y, ilo Cld. '.- tl., a. I.r*..f, M. 1>. i 'Ll. lt' "'. n Arr. at Halilaa. N S . N? "lt . *? l.ra. M.ry Jaa.. fl.ll.ot, P..r_ ii.oiill,. N H | l ...ty, H.n.l.-i?..ii, BaaBBV A 1.1 . >tk. ?. I.r Trftoa, w ?.. N.w T.'ik Arr .- Vr.rn..."th. B.B .*! I "'t . *? I.r BriM.a. ? 1' B.MIaa. Arr itSt.J - * I .'Ml. .laik. Btl.,.?.ll, Jordaa, B*w . It| *l,il.. 1....I ?!.. Arr al St.O>.i|-, ** B., -lll. ult , -!..?? Onarill, BBBMa, K*a? . I II 'l.l.lo Air. *t 81 rn, B R.. 11(1 *H . k*M Wm. H.ory A.....a, Kfk -. n. ^.?a. a.rk . -Id. I WM ....??. W__,Bn I 'h.r.ark Aaa*, ?iuii.r fl i'a.1. .pl ia i.,iaAt. .**. Miyl..--*. N.? toal taitU.m i ilai*. CU. S6tk, *_*) niaaja, MnahaB, UaaBjast l?..l.i.-lie I'.lll*. r.ii-i..*. I rj A>. -I. |.a I......!.-.. n. Iroan'.B.M, Ort*BB*| Par' il .ien, Maitl.'**. .1.' i ''-rk. .M..-ail...-.'|i-. Pl_i l a.l Maliaaa*, l.i.l. I ..,.-- ... Il.'pho*, Cr.iw. I. br* 'Irl.aoa J..a..o , I-,, , ,. II ?. i ... . K..- ,,4. M..m:,.?.. .fo . t).l.w,r., IThMbB ; ln , . 9, [' -a. Ir..n:?ii. .I<> . hfttt I Mr. ) Way. A *a* H,, | i, II *, h. Br. P.'*r_.i. Am Cayaa; II. | Ci..,i........ Vi.t..n. (Br.| I .',l?n , P.ii.ii, 8NMB K M. i V ll.l... ,a ir Kraa..- 10.11.rl, avi.n.o... n.1 r .I?a4 ? I ...'.) M * J I' liil.....ra ..?- Ptaaa_*%_iBI J M Mayt.n Han-.ii I". Ur!.. lo W***_r.*_,l K n-na. Ha.rr; ,1.. Paa**l r-iata, *r-|"?..ra. it . Hoution. ol N.w V..rk,) A k..u>, I tl. K. I a.hra mn. ('aik, I'hrk, 4a. r.y.a , Mair.r, Ha ?,.. - l. i.i ....... J.....* M. K-?. W.h. , fl T, ?.,., .- .. I'..k,_., anl a.l.'ii Ir.n Park.r, I'li.ialaf. pl ia lir.f. n. I.. v.ll, an.l II.-ir. ,t. Cawai.W. Ae-anv 1*1.8 Arr. I......I. 8. I>? a\ I I. Il.a'-law. |j?.rp,..,l N C Bo, M .'.y, ?>? > ll. I- ?? - l.'ia- a. ti?a, I llr Bro,,k.n... K.n.? lon. Ja.1 Sieaii l.'.lmi Haat.n*.. J?,ka?.ii*>ll?. Hayw.rd I' I . -hia.. I.aa ...lar Pli.lail.l|.l.ia . W.ll M. <....>..!>. ...V.r, _? | r...|.r, Croaalf, . \\,? An I.r.. .,.,l.i, aa.llnm, M....r?. .fo I', aa ,-i I* .?'... J .1. ? I'..r.l Hr ,i.-r, it, . B-o? Hn r. ?-.'.. lo.; . ir- Hl...n,rl.l.. Il.rl-r. Pn... . Kdaaarl l.lao.l. Kn....|. * .in.aa, Vaa._aar?>*. N r I ">..r'l. *????-.. Haatar Ko.i.iiy, N.,k. -?*; ,i ra. - n..i,-r ll.i". K.l... Cohaai l...-Ha, av.-u.. ^.,1 ii|.,ar>( 4 ... |'|,i!,.a. Man. ... H'.ri.n. .ni. A*I,.n*< IIB*b8*H?_?| l ., ar I -y ... II.. i.,'.p-..l Plnla.l.lphia. ?'U. l ,. |l,i.,.l aa.h.l.r, Moward. I.f.rp...!. I,?k. I*r xopt, ii ,ii... M.a.r. Oahraaaaa mommt, etrtkmt, l-i.ila i.ipi,,.. >.,.*< !...'... Pr i Marn,....l. I'i. i.,u W.a^i.iiw, (Br i M.?w.l.?.|? ? ....,.?. atar.- . B< ll. ?... *;?? i.. , a b Lead i . ,i . Bi r.r.-n..?t ?,.pl..-i... N 8. H i.f.ian II, I ll.nnna, W ? t (.,,,,.. I,?. pi .i.,n..r. '? . M*r..H?.*. ? ? .. ..Ir-. T. I* Porta* 1'iatta HAITIMUKK Ji.l.i. Arr ii.rk. P>? k.l, Ma.n. r,lrah? an; l.r.t. Kain. a'.w in'....? | r*yl|,l,, Hy I.r, *_*_?ii li... An. na'i. r.r-n. . T.Ma. Br.m. n llani. I Hr laniphafl, |...?H-, "llr' Ao,lmaaa.. , I... ..rn. H.,?.ll, ^?v. V.rk, .. hr-. Hr. .rf. M R..r,.ri-,,n. CI <|.ll. P.n. . I' K l| . v Ou ,?.. ? P K *..",.. I P. UM*). Si.iih. M.? T -; i i a<>. ? < ? i..????. *? .waa, d,. | p.|... ,>t, Ki*a*aj*<. 4 ?. ir.ini.--r, I. .- ..!,. ? <-?r. I... iio-l.y. B.rn.tai.l.. M... ? ,< **..rf Ik. Aana .! I.i- |->,n.r l-r. .1.'.-...., *i-. ii A I M I-* l-.rl. . r?, H.r . S , Cofoara, fll * I.rk , _?_?_. Nrf.raaka, Cal I XIII J y i Arr hn* l.v.lia Farril. im. *Mmo*r. Tl. >n.a.t'*. ?)MI>1N J..- 0 A.- t. . I-, -'..,. ?ta,.l.. B.*^.r ( a*ll*.|. ? .1. ly 4 Arr l.-.j V, m ?' l.. *??... I -rp-.,l. i.ll V 1*11.*. \,- I irt M.'.?, Ar-nvn H..uh..?| -? l-.r.r, |ir,? : .!,,?, B>?*M* ? h' K ..a I.rk (.air P.1...1 I*: lit. i.irk Mii.-. ktkrtat, Hoiaa, hrif i ki, Ron N-w V,,r. ; ;i>, .. I.r p..p*adi. ..I.r, apah '. , II1 , I ?.k lr.ii/.-l,, II g.dorB. < an.p... I.? iMKifni I. i ... . i . i-.'i..k,ri,i_<j.'r*_| J 1 lar. P'.n.d,, ,U, p P.a'l W_M_* B.w Tork MAIiBI.-HFa'l. ? *., ahr. 0-B r'i k.r. p...,.d.l?l.ia. V-lt'ill.Ji,l...-l . ,.-llr W, , , .. I ...rpml, ? larab.aa**. K.y IV.., \? ?,,,., A..f-1-a. M.rr.~.n .!-? , . ... ? V ? ? _, Ar.hibaM ir.,?!,. I * !?..**. ' - M? -r l.j. , .',,,, BPWl-nLKiNa.J r.*< CW . ,?. r I .-'..Wil', l.a. r.w.ii.ori* ? I ,' *| 1 Um Sau.1'. Br.?. w?,k. Bram...; Akbar, . v ,.. |m ,4, . v,,, n,y tmi *.a I . II...a., 4?,.i-r_j ..I,, M.ry H-n. I.arl, I -. ? A l Arr. hn* ?a . C. i-li.i' K-?f- -. fl_ ''H. . V,.,.nf. I a?a. , ?' f . . V,.... *.| J!,.* AI....I. Il.r-.rl l..?*r S. . . ?.. \ 1 . r. H-..."?? II I .,.-?. I; haik M. , t ? * ?* M Kay, . H.Y.a.. I..n av?, II II.?? .... ,. tt , l '..rf. , A 1, | , - , Ii ? . Ir - H -aa .,.?.. . ? p.rr. Ml.rrn I... I ,.r, -.1 Vorl.; .LaA. M ? .H_.( rk Nonao, *p*a.) r*~* Pa -^-.a. , ..n* T.u a, ?,-.? I. I.. Wi - .!? V -. ... . .?. H?,'.. * tt IRI i irr -Ir u B **.- I) _K, ?4arfc%. BRW HAVPM J a ??? ? -? ? ' )? .-!-.r? p M r - > r M .1 V. P?'*-. . iaaaakS, ? . 'k . K B t'X, y..t\rr, Ja-na* II ??r, famtkmm, . .-I - lll- ? 0, J_T 1 ?!?'. .. I r. I. av I-. k.r,a?. fa-k ; 'mo i ta*. 't. "4 M- ? " ? a-.v*a. < , ?? , *. ? Y- k I ->?'a *...,!.. * f t*P,ill_tDE~P.IU, 'y. k.i - ? i -? 9rm*ati <a__WB, Baa., B_4. ?_? ????* i I ? ? s .', K-a ll...a ? i . ...ta- M.'v I * .- " ? tr. 1 . V. r,n ? ii.. I k-. I .... ? ??? ? ?? i-'.lt, j,?7l,',, i - t 1-.- -. *v?.|. M>1 ' *- * * ? ?? - I - ? *.y ? ' linr W. I -I ?? *? a.N.a.b.rypo-1 . P.lar.a, ci... * ,B*_>.n*.c? H. k.n,p.-n *-? M -. . u ra. DI 4 .. ? , r* ? 1 r. J I... W I i - - ? - ? '.?->ffia, ,.a.k P .arhatian. Daiak*_*?*, M.r_ 'I? aad a n.-k-* P" I. '.ayar I -i,a* P Ki,..,. I.aa B..V.- ' *-,*r7r..,k HVa U.a \. _l-ia.Cla_a--.i-. i H-?r? aik r... vi .,, i?.i?, *? M* ? I l;.ati,. Waa. i. *4 . . Iaa n._a. H i-.-'- I< - ... .*J?rw. I, , W, ka? I ' >v _-.-.!.. r.nrf.'f.i'. I'.at.. kat.'fa*_( I I'.. suirrrr ; Mary Cranm^. Pmith. *l.arp..rt: l.aa.ata Jaaa, B**i baaiai aiap. n. _, Bnai/.i. k I av i. Dortoa D .- haaMaaaa J av (,a*dy yn*t.*m4, t*., C. Mart-ord. p.?r.. ....i.hart, Bo-an* p.KKP'.KT M. Arr t-tb. C.t Vm-aflva-'f*". "?? ?'?*?? ?ah.bfi* Z.m*,i?. . ?? - _hr l). ! Bm*. v n_a, ? . -h. tr* C.r..'.o/ I'att.B. *>araan,b: - hra 8pf***lll*e *.. ...? *.?.(*?, do . A E.tU, Swrrtlaa 1. t >_r(.ato* . Or-*-, A-a.1, ry ?_*_%. ,__. - ,._, SAVAafaAH. J.,hy >-Arr U. 8. H. .?_?_*_* ?"?^??f"^ H. na, ,h.p H.rtii.rd, B.ifk.,B_??o_. *?"?' 9****__"__! Bll I'lVAM J.,Mj?. .U hr?fa?'-/^"i,-(>''^ |U?_. aa II.MlHf.lOl B.C.JaaS Arr a.U c|_*0-.>, _?4?. _, I _f . 4lh.t...| A ,r,??.f,.!?ia t>mum : _"^_^J_ a^., B-.M*. bn*af.aa Mar^all, H'-rao. CI nkm?._ Omrn*. ' 4^_^ I A*n M.r... ?.!?,.*-. -ralna. ??*f,_ii'-T; T. W-iM-r Ofla, Iipff ?*. aa I.t- ...r*t, Ja, k*o?*y**J **_?*_, -_, H_?aa. B-?* ?. a. A. ?..n Bar. Bf t-ft ?_*-J ^rMt . J M .1..-.. Wsss* -M a.i .hi* M*?>_-'?''*-'.'*!-_r_... c*r*c*a. faa 1 V,. (i,W.r, B_K_a; ?Jh, I nt'l*ym*,mt' 1 r*.v?r,8?*>l?*r.C.?*8.^?'. Ct--.