__, ,_I from rtftk fapt.
_t_r and tho brl.hteat -lory of the natloo; thev hvl
eZmeu\aay _at Dankal WeBBBBI oaght to be, and wUl
JZTitMmnmt c 1 the Uthed Statea. | Wrr-oi k^otmi
5__o_S o_Toe without tneaffi I < ??_ M^_V.**.
^tltthU .??.**. ha helped. tor he i. the property of
ater, b_t *'? *?*? ?h _.? Wrvee a.me rataka f.r
2^;^r.Vo^?tWn.hlnetoD.w'.U,. __._r_.B_ ^
_-__.*^-_?__fl _aa-a v.-ere fllled with gloom. An |
Thie C ty ai- Me?aa_i b greeter efteeu
M,tbq-ak? could ?*?"*?* BflUfcvy -r.au, b_t l-t
II. r. ?wwa,f djl;;^_rderato. d, an.i let Veb.ter hold
Wm __?*3__il If tbcre a ?, * ar raatm. they would
Ihe brln. _,'___ to .......mand 9* anny Scott ie juat
%3J?<--m ,MrovtrtllP'ua",uof t!": ",ltlonl"
?%*If!2n_?BW?filO campr-e W?._ln;rtor.,
e?.*_u._ We-ba rr and Clay, and aald th. ir aeotimerita
f?rea>l altke. Clay waa Rcme. He wa'the twin broiber
ajf Webater ln grory, and would they aotele.-t, betwcan
8CT_e8,lievd,a,grntl-'mHne,,nc!uded by readlnf aereral
reeaor.-. why Webater ehou'd be noeilnated. which w.-re
tbat the deci-.on at Ralttniure waa aol tho ?rjll of BBB
S_T __-< me rrmtmSmtey af -ha "^.?y?'ft_
{, BBlflBfB- to DoaW Wel-'er for hl- NT*??*?^
hvi.inthehea.teot ai. true l nlonl-t- -??I will bejore
next Novrmber etir up MBB. rntm.-ia-m - BBB Bfl* been
aeen -m, 8 the da*fl of Wiu-hn.glon. d
"That e.cept KUI...^ ha^-A- oj -? ^^
rommand the votei of the ^outh aa ???_,,.,
beard in the thunde, tt* ?>?*** H?e y,^, o/
2_ &._SK^* ^ to put out ani
JS:S'"U t*M_"fl friend. wanted no
^ll^a^-orKn' hi.iboulder. the country, Trealderit
.Bd a. "or . qu-rVr ot a century, ai.d they "-*?*?
. _ ? wi. ?re.i work ae 'reiident V\ OOflBBr. ine laei
Webit. r wi... r_T [fireat App anaa
llooa aa,Ti,_T.e wae hoaraa, kavto, M re'urncl fr m
!he '*a*v groord of Treiiton. wbere he had been re
re?v<ti_ tle iitrndnaMn .,1 iMniel Wabflt-T tor 1'r.ver
.ent and Gaa CmUm WaflB-jatoa, ihe _-??*_??*?? of
_o lete b ...,., thaa ti-' >rge VVoibtagtoa. [Chr-ero ]
He ?? ..." I Bapt. t? aay t? thia oadh aee aad to the
eonrtrv thnt both th.* .fitlern. r. would n?nl the noini
nolion ITren.ei.doui . beerfl 1 He waa proud to a -e
Fartuil H-ll r.tpcn.l to Tn cion.
||h tlr.ti -eid the r? ?arilutlor.e ae f.tllnwa : ,.___.
tthcrra, Wrballeve tbet th "-h 'he poh.-yof h'.lding
Convei.f'oi.a..'rihe.initii.it of political partiee and concen
t.Btinf tl.nr B, tion. in pr'nciple i, t ?und one, and tbal .he
Za-flOOl auch i ,i.vei.ti,.na,w!.en in mcrdatice will. ti.e
cleaily rxpreaaed wialee ar.d ae.iiinie.ita oi their conalitu
?ota kie obligatory upon them, yet we further baheve that
_nlet.et.ch leaarri ie peid, in the eelecti.,,, ..f eandidatoei li>r
oftice, t. the ?"ll-k_o_n prelerenc-a of thoaa reproaeoted,
the ru-ti-n ?f Cnr.ventiona ia morally and p>,litically ol no
*\wm%tmt. Wl boMeve that in thfl trceat nouiinatioii af
Gen Scott at the Ilalfiniore Cnvenlion the u_d?ubted
MDtin e.,U -f a large B-BJarlty of the WWfl party tnr ju?h
tmtthernion have been utterly dit.eparde.i, and Uiat th*
C..,ve.,ti.,n, in caMmg npo" ??'? *** l" ?'.e tbe,r ,fpport
to b- noin..'at...n. are a.kin. them to virte lor one who un
fleniably ie not the n.an ot their cholre : n.oreovor. that in
?odoi.ia. theyfu.tlier aak them to ?et Heiue a candidate of
?attlv ti.penor abihtiet and .(iial.fication. for tlie otlicj-; and
li/.ete't,, Tho preaent occaaien ieo.e more fa'.orableitian
will l* hk. ly agaiB tV appear for entering a geneml prateet
BflBB?l aneuj_.ati.->n madea.. directly m oppoaitioi. to the
rommcr, eer te. patriotiam and mtelligencc ofthe vVliigpir
|? acd of the whole * uierit-an people; tlierefore,
Ret-lted, Tlmt llie \\ Ingtof alata,., hutette bave re..ivefl
the ?nnourre..ieut of <len. Scott'a nr.nnnr.tion with deep
cbaarin ard ditappoinfment, and that ae a party. wef.-el
BBaolved from ell oMigation to auppo.t bn nomination ; that
nocntiderstiouaof exp.die.icy ol the iniaained lntereeUof
the Lait\ ai.iill make ueawerve Iro.n < ur i.x'd .leteruiiaa
tiou looppoee l.it el.ction bv everv l-wfnl ...eaaure ii. t ur
power. atid that in purauan..- of tbia purpote, we will unite
with all goiatin-Bof our partv ond of fhe other partiee ?f
tbe conrtrv in tukmg meaeurea to place in nora'nbtioi the
greatrtt of Ameri.-a'a at.na i.ext t.. the imaaoiial VVathmg
ton-acan.liHate who. from hte eurpaBaing talenta. h -
ineil public tervicee, hie patriotic teelin*. infl hia nne.|uale.l
atatetn.aiial.ip ie commended to ihe natmn ae mora w'rtliy
Ofthe l.irh otli-e ?f the ('hief Magitirate ol th-- I ui <-d
Statea, aml befter fitted to perform itl dutiee tlian any otlier
?aMBBedL Thtt intliereeentdtceaaeofHan. HbHBTC-AV
tba nation haa Umi % profound ete'eeinan and nnewer.ing
patriot, and a art-at man, and that while thieevent tilla ue
with pioloinid amotiona of frief, we are. at BM BBBM tune,
odmi.Bitli.d tl.kt "I ihatalonouatriiiuivirata ol atotaeme'i
Wbich I.bb coLlroUedanddirectt.l more than all otbera lar
tbelaet forty yeara the politica' deetinit-e <.r our country,
thrre acw ren.atre but .,re-tbe ?re?_?at of al.-ar.d that au
orportuntty it now othttk, and tbe laat, when a aratetul pea
vile mavahow thattliev .an ae well appre.-ie?e and reward
civil ar. iitn.-ii ai.d u ta i ctual euperionty at that coniinoiier
..ualitv. inilllaiy vaka.
tietche.l, That tlie great maaa of tbe POOpM are ever true
to their infrretta, and e\.r to I* trut-.d. and lhat tl.ote who
fear to commit tl.eir ranae. to tlie dacirto.. of thie tnhJrml,
aod who terk to dictate to tlieoi ? ho thty ahall cl.o?t? aa
Preaident of the (nlted SUt.-a. in nlter diaregard
of their known f<e!in_e ard Jadgaaaal ae to wh >
woul.l uioetwoiilnly in bme. If Hi.d t.iott boooraU| to the
netlnn, oc, ui y 'hut tmrt, aboaM be tor once made to feel
bv an rarr.eat pr.ite-tat the ba'l..' b,,\, wtn ?'. thall lie heard
from MaiietoCaliforiiia. that deapit* ihe fear* an.I intnjt
ueeef |atiy polluciane. Ihe people cai '-e depeoded aponte
make thnr own aalaethMM . f auitable canflidataa, an.I to
vimlicate ihe nation from tlie cliar?<- that "rBpublica are
Heilted, Thnt in H.-nynv tlie BVBllablllty of ihe nina'
eminent atatremen ..f the .1 iy, anl tbe ;,ro.iri-a'. Intellecl ..i
the h#.-, Ih.i.irl W'efctter, they - ho doaM the eoeceaa whiah
auch a .a.idi.l,,te w.,i,l.i meet rrow the h.mde ,.f tht- Amen
t-an i^ople. thow a wiint t,f llien ilnlity t.. nppraciate ?.e..*
oef.-- like I.i-. ?? w.-ll aa n> tlieir^ anl i'afcf bieaervioee,
und .-ulh'.ttn-tic ndiniiHtien f,,r the BUUI B ln li tliey by their
eafer real to proiiiote hi-ele,'i jn tli, uid an opp.'ttuiii'y be
otlered ihem. ?ill iii.lianai.tlv rel.ike.
Rct'lted, Tbal we ha\e full feith, not onlv in thn avail
abilitv ot Pniii. I Wabatar, l"t in tlie triuiiphant tur^eaa
whi.fi ahnll put hi. name befotc tlie people ae a caudl.lata
tor Ihe otlice ol I'retni.-nt, Brd thtt we liarten and are
pron.i't to aprea-i ont to tl.e hree/e theatan.lard l
with t.iH name ri,:,t,dent that it will be areat'-d wi:l, ac, Iv
BBBtiona tlirouiihout tha country, anl tlmt under ite folde
we thall Ih) lad on to a trinmphant and aucceaaful retuit.
Hetolted, fiualK.TI.at to promote the obe, taari.viti.-d in
tbe foreaoina preamble and reaoluttcna, .. ,-aa,,ret b- at on.e
taken hy thia meetn.a foi OBiit'ng a Cenventio... favo-al.le t<>
tl.e nomination "I Damel Webaler, without dutinction of
?arty, t>> l?called at au earlv du\ ; and thtt at'ommiltee to
tirepore ard cirr.ulate aauiuble addreaato the trienda of Mr
Webaler in all tha Statea of tbe l Bion. tnvitn_g an.I urgimi
Ibe party to atrenoaua co-perauon with ue for tb' ecioin
plitl.n.ent ofthe nohle purpoee we have in \ low.
Mr. Senato waa next introduee.l to the meetin. and
aoi.oun. .-d MBaaalf aa ,. Hemocrat, and eaid tht- Do.no
erate wanted a man worthier of their ate< I thao old
? luee and leathcre." He then laun.hed out Into an ln
vective a.alnet Scott and called him an ape. and i>rali?d
Webater. Itircatuproartoll.med; theaudlence would
not atand it and cried?"Turn out the I.oco 1 oo.."
Jle whh comiK'Hcil to ictire. |
Mr Hill. 11 N. w Jeney waa cext lotrotluet-d, but it
now belBg tear 11 o'clo.k. a great portion of tbe mert
loa retired and the apivchea were e.M.n conclude.l.
I'hereailutloua wereadojited aud the meeting then
broke up.
l-ror *-oll lonv.-r.tlen.
| <7.riic(4(e_ji? uj Tuetdty'e I't,'. ttmrnfl |
Waacawraa, Waiaaaiay, July 7, l__Q,
Hon. J. U. Paltrry was then called
for but he ( nly BfBba a lew wordi ln . onit quance of a
boBrteueaa coiiliMCi- d ln.in ei pu.u g iu th" opeu aii lo
tl e moriilng trooi ibe alcpe oi U.e (Y\ IUI1.
llon. Ainaea Walker .reepondiiu to therepeated calle
ol the (ooveDlloD next came loi wurd, not, aa lie aald.
to make alpeech, but to etate the caae totliei onvention
ol an Brthe filen.l of lie. Jem, who in iriug a aalutoat
lUmiiug laat y.ai, ln honor ol lh. e.eoti.m ot thu Hoa.
1'hailea s-umnrr, hnd the uitifcrtune to loBt both hii
ani e by the premature BXB-OfllOB cl a cnon, ,uid Mr.
Walker liiti.duced to thu (.'onventiou Mr Kiieaozer
llucketoue. u apobtaseoua conti ibufloi ' i whiec beael t
Wae imn eetati-ly taken up. The whole amountol ui.ito
rial ald ibua i.bulned .un-unled to #!'M.
Tkava were loud calle t.i Mr. Burllogarae, but the
rii.lnrr.n etat. d that he waa unavotdably ai.aent Mr.
K.r?-*.ue ll.'pbii.a ??. next cailt _ up ,n, iit w_a at tbia
Criotlenian't h?ut.> tbat Koitutb araa a _ueat, wh.-u at
NortliBiiipton , lie it a meiubei ol Uie Mataai-huee'
flalature. and ."ted for tlie Malne ln* lleeaii they
Would oot Blihmit te tlie doiulu-ttioii to be
tl4*e.l BfBBJ ihem by both partlc-. pirti-ularly ihe
Wbi.;e. IM i.-i-iiie.ner.-a ol honor aud li.erts were
atrouger than puty tiee. and lha q.u>?tlon- laroltad
wer. ,|iiettl"oe c liich neither Mateaaw n oor poli i,-;ana
could ronju.e utt ..i coiijiiic Jjwn? |Urttn.ua an-lu.
liom a law wki.-' WBB akova bU PaflBM eaifacty Tney
bad Q, >. (ome loi wat Jt, atai.,1 v Ihe ?? p: lucl.,1,-. und
tbey waaU ttand by tii-.lr BI_Bfl. l.e-Jgh all eBhHfl
ebon'd prove reeiratit.
l.ll. ny, which tbey erorehlpped, ha,i ao , .' -ee t
pr. tnlee i..-r ar>\ . i.aul. Uloti H ti-atow BBBM them.
Bhafii'iiiaid nn tinam. bf rania tihloqay wa* now tne
loi ol thoee devot.-d ro hei . the promtaed no vlct-.ry
Ibiediy oi ihia )?-*', h - > Umi her ap_ \>ving
amtle,. ? u,ade : leyoetterTaa of her
oaeird hi.-pet th.- ?;.l :i ?' I -. '?? tui i ,-y anceetore
hovar over them?ih'te *-.i: Ih w ..u-h Kouuth bad e,
at,H(u?_>'y av?|i.i il-'ii->. went an lo deecribe the
abjni r< u,litu,i, .,- N, tihrri. mmm, who wert. ae nmre
**)|M'<1'l<'Pperaf'r,oii!hern im-n In laahBaOO-VBBaloa,
VL '. j ' to ?f*h??e fcr whatevrr aeailiaoatfl th. _ ._'.h
uk-tated, aud u.i _cr_aad aa lha altai d Blavaryaha
?A.t.leallBlerwa.i?thB di,,, ,?1 ?i inv.nen. Taia.alnt
waa only monhy ,.\ _, ,|p wh? h ?j ^ .,,,,_ ,_? t,^it t)f
. ''__i.*f>' ?"-e?corii..,.y t.o.itt.l aa m-aiala
__. epurnedtroinlbM.-.,,,,,^.
._ _l____l_J ..K.r>M:"? l^haro. 0^,, ..-Jr,.,,,,! the meet
Oou Now, euher he w.mld carry out tht? pr_K_DbatT_f
Ibie j-UUorm, or be could or*. ft be did, _e woald ba
no hetter thao John C. CaJhoim or any SootB^a man
ll br falled to carry out thoae prtacipWe he would be a
aeovD.lral I Applauoa |
Mr. ij-food, ol Saliaoury. aoid ho hoped la tha aaaa
log __U Bbal they wonld eie.t o_eo wbo would place iba
. be-and tha re.ch of the rumaelUr or tha aU-e
,fr _m the? aaarl themselves ta aave J|_*achu
Trom becf-mlna the kanfl-BJ _round for .Ure
' ?> . fl va >,,_, ,.i ? __... ? ?,??_--_- .?
He said ther had some em-onmeement l? the tacx
i,at the men who had nppoeed them, had g-ne to ta-nr
r,,t WaflflBrf aud Ca.8, and other*, were slain.
lauiliter] Over one nf tha . *ad th-re was to b* \
ireat luneralln I'oaton on Frldsy next, when he wou a
\* seLt to M. last rr-_nc pfnoe in Manhfleld. UM
Ihc.!i-*htthel'em-icri4t_ pli.ttorm had enough. l.ut ine
vNhip platfi.rm wa. teaTime. worse lt was wor.e tban
il,- naaaaMaan ot l aah Vapdaan Bfl *****^ml
i cuKI lip over butl, r_-di.-at.-8. I Bfl ?? *2_2rfi_ !*
Ibat, tl- V -,1 . be i-rilit.-n.e. wi-r ?J^Jutr. ?
_adhat_a electi,n..f 1*6, ?'^.TT- __i_^_*a
then... iwi tlif y aaould'-tura th-ar mao ? '"'^y^.'J
kkk .mj the Bpanh*. or ral_**r __? _?? devil ont
TbaBeel-U waa next addres.ed by Mr. Swlft.
The raaoB-_f-8 were then put and r.rilcd un-mi
? _TeCliaJnni.n said they muit no.r brenk up, as the
cars W8T8 eo_>iag. They would re?*.rn liom** to com
pl. re tl i-1?i.".te.?l?iii, and mi.-ht be known as Uie "agltB
tligparta in tuture. _
Tbe Conaei.tiou tlun dlisolved at I o'clock, la tbe
Lfttern lo Ihr i_nr>anehuaetl_ Fri'f* Holl Con
sk.nator ct-taa'a lfttir.
Washin. ton, June 2 l.-._.
PfabSir: I have received ynur letter, inviting me.
io bthalf ot the Free Hemocratlc r-'tatr Cammlnee, t<> at
tend ibe Conventlon ol the Free Democracy of Ma-ia
chu*etts, to be ht-Id at VVorceiter, on the 'ith mstant.
and requesting of me, In case of lnabtllty to ai-rept that
i_\ita'ion,someexpr*s*ioB ot my views upon politiud
proipect* and dutlos. Kn.B.em-oU here precluile the
poiiibllity ol my attenilance at VVorceiter, and the Mas
lachusetti 1 ree Democracy has proved itaa.lt so rwar
in IU ucderatanding and so devoted to the perlorm
BDce of ltspolltlcalduties, that any expression of my
views on that subjeet seems qtdte superlluoLS. Noris
it needlul that 1 say a word ai to polltl ;al proepects ln
deed, I do not pretent to di?cern with any clearnes* even
what lies nearest in Ihe future. Oi this only am I abio
lutely certain, that triith ard right muit prevall. Their
tiiumph may be po*tpoued, but it must come. i-name
anii wrtng muit cease?they may emlure for a while,
aLd even seem strong and permanent, but they will
Slavery, therefore, muit pernh, and all comblrinttons
to uphold it will be broken. For this result. wi-h tho
leait admixtiire of evil, I have looked, and atill loA, to
tbe Demociacyof the I'niun The princlplea of tae
Democrnry promulgated by Jet'erson.andiieeply BBBMd
in the convictlona ol tlie people. Uithfully aml wisely ap
plled to these questlons of slavery, which have now
c me to be of paramount Importance, and Imperatively
dirnand a lina) and Conititutlonai settlement, would ac
con.plish tbat gieat end. securing and eitab'tihiog tae
rlabts of men, without invuding tiae rlgbt* of the States.
Wfl cannot, however, shut our ejentothe fact that
there U a power in our country, ouuide of the Dein
ociacy, acd in many respecu antngonistie to the Dem?
ocracy, the ald of which hai boen thought eiseotUl to
the iiiccesi of its natinual caniiidatel, and purcha*ed not
uuliequenlly by iiiaiked sacriticea of Democratic prln
eipln. I reler, ef courwfcVo the Slave po wnr, which
for years past ha* lieensurVeaed to dictatv the or.ani/n
tb n, rule*, platfortns and non.lnatlous of rur National
Pemnciatk- Conventlon., Its adherenta declartnL' in ad
viine tbeir dete___)B_aa to support no cnndidat-.,
whttlxr tominitrd by the CaarendOB or n it, who
should fiuorany app'lcatrin of Dern .cratlc princip!.**
t hlih would (ndanger i's aicenlancy, and insiitlng
unon tiie ndoptinn ol a rule wl ich aaables them to dtj.
t.at "it? _oa__B?oo in it entirely .*tl?tactf>ry t > them?
selves, have bitiierto exerted an eilective control over
the results ot these party (,'onventions.
This piwer is ecr-ntlally arl-t<H*ratic, aid even oll::Hr.
chic. ContirUf-dsubniission toit U IneiMlipatlhla with tbe
permanent existence of earne.t Democrmy. Tne ad*
vocatea of sulmUiion. however, will be numerous, and
the mi'ti* es ol submission powerful, so lon.- as party
niccess is thoutht to be uecnred l>y lt; but let there
oaeaba called urtn rciaaanee acounter power, which
will demand the Ii.itliful i-ppli.-ation of H,miocr.tic prln
cipltl to all i|ueltinn?. ______ Ihe.rent que-tmns of
Slavery, as the eandkton of mpport of the NntionaI
noiiiinaiioiis. io thut tiie sai-riti. e will prove rn.iredu.n
aaroW than the m_n'.i-naiice ol principies, and the adro*
catesaiidthe mo'lves ol subml'sion will dliappe u t .
t-e,her- , r . J j
*-'uch acounter power may bo found ln an in-lepen.
ent Daaaocraej, which, actinr' i-ordUlly w.th the rest
oi their Deiiiui-iiiiii brothraa when they can without
compromUlDC prlnciple, will, iieverlh*le?*, steadily re
foaa to do so when siiih h ,-tii.n will Involre sueh om
promiie. Such an independent D-rmocracy, to inilo
tatn it* title to coiitileDce, inu.t be unwavering in lt*
eupport if Deniccratlc meature*, and ln its adhealm
to Democratic principles, and never enter Into lncon
M-ttiit aliiame* wuh tLe aiiU.iinl.tri ol paaaoenej.
Atthe prt-K-Lt inomtnf tlie ni-ed and lmpnrt*pce of
such an orpanl/atinn sreins very matiileit. T.'ie _Uve
power, spiiriKlrij* from the i-lave iutere.t, hasdiet'ited
the platfi.rm an.l noiiiinatlons nt the De-nocratlc party
at Bahlmore. It haa foraahadowad, bf the ixi.ul.i.in .>f
Kibeit liantoul from lhat body, ihe pr tsertption by
Ibe ridn.i.iistratiiii. ut it* BOmlni ? .*, ln thr event of th. _
t-leitli n, of aM Praa Boll Daaaocratawho haran ?-. ra*
eai ti d, ind wbo va, ,11 nnt ra. ?m th. li vr dhsrtoas,
Theie ib then, in my ludniiiei.t, aeaoaoraUa chotaa
laft lu ihoafl iJaanniraia whn. whlln they mean to 1 Ida
Uithtully by all the p-v\i*l ,ni nf Ibe Conatto-Oa, yt
love ln ? d- ni too well and hate de*p..tlim too iloceroly
to be willlijg to adnpt the OomptoariM of 1830, ai
a tinal ii-itli-ment oi the J-I.very qoaatlan, or ea
gage therrselves to the ex.'i-uiinn ani maint*Mianc>\
ln all it. de.potlc atiircency, without repeal or eiinn
tlal modification, of tl.e uujuit, cruel and uncon*tltu
tlonnl l-'ugltlvc Blave law, ur pledi-e themaelve* to
a crmade agalnit frfed.in 1.1 speecli and fr.edoni ni
tbepieis. Tiiey are shut up by tidelity to D-imociatic
principles, as well as by persorml cousiatency and ?elf
raapaet, to the rejection of tbe Dumliiees, ai well ai the
platform of tlie Conventlon. The nomlneei, of whom I
would aay notblng lncoi.*i*teiit with h_h persond re
sprct, repreiect their platlorm, aDd would th.iuk no one
for atlrlbutlDg t-) them any purpone of admlniitratlon
not entirely in harmony with its iplrit and policy.
lu accordance with tbeae viewi I propoae lo vt. Tn
palh of duty lies clrar L. lore me. 1 rarjiii.t ? lpjjort
the nomlnces of the B?__MM_ ('onvmiiti >n. nor can I
aet with any party hostile or lnd'rterent to Daaaoaratle
principles; butuilh an independent Demonacy. with
what one ol ynur noMe-hearted statesmen hs* suhap
pily called a " Demncrstlc Democnicy, I am prepared
to sta.il and do faithful battle f.r Ireedom, until the
whole Democracy of. the Country shall become sat's
led that romlstent* and Impartlal adh.-non to prin?
ciples ls safer, as well as more hnnorahle, lhan In.-.in
slsttrut nir-mis.iin to the dennnds of a ap -inl IntereiL
Wifh the best wiihes, your le low citizen,
To Hon. K. I Key. i, CUlrmui. S. P. Cit_sr.
sfvatob Bvnnna s LFTTra.
WA*HixiiToN, Saturday, July
Dtar Sin : The true and well tried friends of Iree
dmn in Mas.H. liunetts are about to assemble si U orces
lar. lt will not be in my power to be with them, to en
j<? v tbe eoatafloa oftban enthusiaam to be ttraaglhaa
tii bj ihiir determinhti.'n ; and to learn anew,!
quent lip*, the ciai.deiii of our caa.o and the e\i^.-n.-y
ot our dutie*. Bat I .-onfidently liH.k to them tur trum
p. t wi rds to rally the country si-ainst the sectlonalisia
of Slavery.
At W.-rii-eter. in '.?19, i )iniii"m-e.I th-- InM stron*
movement. whlcb, gatning new l.irce at Hurtalo an_
sweeplnc the Free Stitt'ri, finally enrolled three hundred
thousand rleitors In eonstitutijnal oppnsiiion ta a bate
ful wrong. The oocailon now requireia .uni's; e ' nt,
Both the old partiei, with aa aputacy greuter than that
which ari.uifd OUI condi in. _:i- 11 at that time, have
trainpli-d on the principles ot tim Declaration of Inde*
perderce, anl ihe iiu>?t i-heri-*hed -entlinen
fathei* d tt.* Bapabttc, Evea libt-rty .I *;>eec_ U
thraateiif ,1. It la dit'Yuit to aoa how -ny paraua, loyal
ti> frt-edom and de.i ou* of 1; lai unji lt by coni
11 eana. can .uppoit the natl mal candidate ot elthcr cl
lhe*e partie* without *urrenderlng the cau?e which he
pu.leiaei to biM-at heatt. 1 eti... man e\pect froui me
any iiirh *i 1 r.-uder.
Thel.v.) Conver.ti >n* nt Ba ii-.ri-l
rc.oliitli.r.j, ha> e > Ied with eu. h atber lu lei 11
ver>- 1 - * t ' r - . tn believe that 11. both pirtlei there
. rs oi |ood aaaa who acora thaae pi .f.-**i. :.*
The r, .iM-itnbie pei.i*tecce ln opp_>i_, u :?.
tlag, which di.tinti i.fe.1 at lea.t one of tha I
tiocs, turnlahe* an earueat for the future. tb.-u.-b .Mai*
ai-husftt* can dathra unail eaooarafeuseui _-_? h r
? . tlu ra, AB bai aot* itai
eaai aa Bnar ofthoaa dadanMloaa ht whleh .-**?? y
I aaw aajegaarda and Fraa-on new raai
But tbc_? eflort* ?re d<*om-*d to disappi.int.iM'nt. In
splte ol all the allegation* of partiaini and the u?.u np
tion. ai thriUve power. there li oti? princ.: *
muit 101 n pievail. 1. ca_r. :
i.| it-i-U it is an ail .*ut.:,-i- ut naiU to our p. Btieal *?
tiaity. and ala.-i an an*wer tn tne ciy
whick U wimetim--* ignorarit'y nnd IBofleal'l
agaimt us. Aceordln. toth..- t-u * .plrit >t th l
tl. n si J Ihe t> n''- - * -uJ Bd
Bhrrerj. 9 aatfoaal, while Slavery, and not
;- ... i.ul. TU agh Ihi , ? ? I am ad.
kaaH to at once, and u f.iat*_n?_ by tbe hn: >r;
?I the <. onstituti, n. vet M t_ li--' _reat partif* unier tli
icttuenee of the slave powf. have revened th
pluatli 11 i.f Itm bann* A Nitiouil VV'hia, U lim 1'y a
_lavrrj,WhU an.l 1 Kad ? I I'o.v .?iali* -. 00*78 81 IT
.-v 1>--i.ixrar. ln .antra di.tiuctK.n to all wbo regard
rM*aaty ii* a Baafllanal :ria.tmtion, within tba 83
1 tfta Haaaa, ?nd witb whleh the N*_oa bu
uuil 11..- :.? 1! -. h. njholdiDg licdoin, everywhei,
under tiie Nation .1 G01 -rniiM-nt, ? e oyyoae .1 ;><rni. i >u*
ie,-tionali*m. whJ. h tal.. !v . ali-li-el! N.t:ju_. AilthU
will jet be aeeB_niUca_,Jwifti.
Aiuiii th.- MjaaMaa awl det.cti _? 0f the ho ir the
fumreitclear. Nothlag canpermunentl) obatruit truili.
Hut our dntii- 11MBffl 8 ????.:& the occaiioa , aor wUI tbe
uraerou* soal be deterred by tbe gre.itncM of tba peril.
Aay ?rjcb will be conteat to ^rv? Pre*>.ia.m, to au^pirt
bar fBpparler*, aad tu k-eve ibe reaub kt Fi.vkUbcc
V-IUiV-i. J_I__11_I "?-"'-'
Petter be where Freedom ia, though in a amall mlooritf,
or alone, thao - lih Flavery, though aurnronJed by mui*
titudea, whether Wbig? or De.no. rata, merely 'onten.l
Inf |..r oltice aD,| place. Bb_BVaflBB. 'i?ar mr, ever
ifcithfullv voura. Ciiatt' H.*.n_b.
llon. __ L Keyea.
WA.tMi.NOTON, rtaturday, July 3, lfl-'i
Mv I)far.qir: Not belng e'lbioaccept yur kind Iovi
tnti.,0 t<> au.-nd the Worceater Ci_veat_-_, I Will gladly
comply wltb y, r re,|uett to give e.preaaUo lo my
vlewi upon " poliucal eut,;.- Me and duthw.' Bat when I
waa abaiut ta eriter uir.n a tield eo eateoalve, 1 c*H''d t->
intod the prot.atrillty tbat the Convention WB-ld be ad
dreeaed tn wrltlur by many ahaent trleoda o. Prfl
ai.d Ihe briet houra .iunnpi which the Iree l)e_i_.recy ,?!
Maaeachueetta ahrill r.-inain ln ouucil, will beto'ite*
even for tht. el,.<|_efjt champlona of our eauie who will
be prett-Lt to |h e uturano- to their burnin. thoughia.
I therttorel. t'ear u. addrete you but v. iii bterity.
In ongrau.lerr.ug theCJtjventl n upoa the prompUieaa
and apirtt with which the au omona of the rilate Com
lnl-.tte for tbe aeaembling ot tbe l.iatrtot i-r.eSjilor
gani/ation baa been met, I indicateat oncanoyacntlinen
reetieciing the condition of pirtieo and of the country,
and the poth of duty, which, ln my \tigmmmt. tne
i raa DaBaaaraay i,iuattre_d with rirm aod aadevl?tog
?tt-p lt can lorm ni open alliaoce; it '-an give wltn
eat. ty or wlth honor no a.-rrt-t ai.i to eiti.er of Uie old po
UttcaJ partiee in the coining I'realdentiAl contt-... N'eltiirr
of tho'e partiee baa entiiltd itaelf to the - < 1 ?d ap
any elncere opponentot the ,-lavo power. From mtny
lierr.ocrate, belore tlie great Convention of their
party, the cation heard, indced, biave wordi of
dehoLce ili)_b hopea were etitertalned that tbe
hour ef fLolr redrmptlon waa at hand. Bal
ti e r.-ault .,f tae Haltimore ('..nvention, aul
th.-.enereJ acijuletence rf tbe party In ita dotn.a, hir (
maile tt cr.aniteet that auch giorioua era in iu hitt :y !
lt ehall ever r.rrtve. will beam on the un, .-rtaln future.
Th'- platloim wae prepared and oflopttx] -itn d.li .erate
care, by the noajority of th'- Convenacn, and BBaa_BSBd
in wlth deliberate meanneee by a mlno. ity which had tt
ten d-cla-e.i their abh.rrerice ot ita pri_ciplea; aod the
Donilnatton of ? New Hnmpebire polrlcian, olwaya, with
a lt-w rightexceprlons, tbe aynoBym* of p ilitt.-tl eerv.li
ty, ie no more to be aeenoed to accldent tfian la the
pointin. ot the needlt to the pola
Ibe VVhit'paity, eofaraa ltaav..w._ ;>urp_iee indlcate
ita character, c.n abow no ben>r claitu than itt Mfllanl
rlvhl to the aympainy or aupport ot tbe f.irndt ot Kiee
domandol beneticei.t progteee. I le.ve il to thoae lo_i
ciana whoae " wiah ia father to the thoagM t,? _B00Var
tbat better claim by a critical analytta -f worda eni
phraaea co_atituilng the collectlon ol eentance*, mit
chII- d by the Wbiga cf Baltlmore a decleration of " prin
ciplee." To the uueophltfjcated an.l unblaeaed tnteln
gence of tiecountry, the p.rtiea atand au the aame l..w
level, and eeek eiicc-ae by the earn-' baee meani?humil
iatlngc.unpliance wlth all the demands cf lUve holJtog
The Whige. a.. lar from poeeeaelng any title to favora?
ble cnniideration, in one reapect may t>e enid to pltco
thiin.-'lvea in a more humiita'ing potture even than
their opponenta. The latter do but hold their own,
while evert aucceeding yeir markatiieeteady pro.reia
of the Wh'g li?rty la ifl dUhonorable career. Four
jearaago, at rhil_.!elphia, it bowad in eilent ehame t .
tlie beheeta of the lor.le ol the laah , now it ea.erly pre
clalme ita Babtnieitoa, and eravefl the reward du>-to
unecrupuloue eerulity
But. ."Mr, what.'\er mi.y h(?ve been the ,i,-I .live b.pee
beretofoie ifcdulged by any member ot '.nr i.arty, tuet
Northern Wblga would l""k beyoad avaOobitlty in their
tiction at I'ml imore, it te not 10 b>- anppooad that any
one eiin nil.tiike ihe present attltu.ie ot tht* p.rty. B IU
leee lelt to be credited that at.y one elioul.l venture to
adSrlaethe Pree-Soil men at M-.ttHchu-etta to takeaoy
pot-.tion bHt that of ut.comprou.ising lioetilBy allke to
the Whig an.i Deraocrati. BBtkHBol org-ni/ationa.
Shaul.l euch c.ur.eel by po.-el.ility be pro:!e.ed at your
Convention, he who lendere it wtll, I triuk, t.e tau.-ht a
leeeon ln Fr.? BoQ pottttea. which Iu- haa been to-. -low
tolettrn. Ho will liiecern tlmt wbie we are ready to
itaite with eitlt r ol the old p>.ttiee, whene.ver lt ehall
m-ke it*> II ii..l.-peiiJebt ol elavebolding .licutl'in,
neitlerof th.m cmii rer> ive any aac BtfafBaMMl from
our action to retnaiairi lheir preeent attltude oi boatiilty
to Frce.iom.
But. 8ir. laat I ff.il to redeern the pledge wlth which
my le:t?-r waali.-guo, I b.-iog lt lomewimt abruplly to a
tlOBfl Mv t,crt wl?hea wiil I.e wi-h th- CoavaaOOB, t!w.
every m.-iu'er may betirm, eallaacriiicinKclear-mladed
todtecern tl.e w-..y rf eofety B_d f.nttilul to pureueit.
BBdthrough.-.utth.-ol.l Hay t?tate lettvery Free Soller be
wau-tiful of the arta wnich every Prealdeutial year
brlnge into Intensert exerclee dietinsuithing the luke
w?rin tn. mi n.d the time lerwng p.ilu.'lau from tbe
oteedtn.-t end ttrcng head'd advocate ol d jwn-trodden
humanity When tl.e em.ke af tiie preeent conteet
fbi.ll I.ave pattcd awny, whatever may be tlie reault of
the I'realdentlal election. he will aee thtt he haa done
.-uiiiethitie for tlie advancement of a cauee whh-h,
overcoming all obttaclea and l.eatlng down all BM ri
tion, will 5et pild the brighteat pa<e of earth a hiatory
wlth it- final trlumph. > oura truly,
Boa. Edward L Key.-a. CiiAnLts Ai.i.f.n.
X XXIId CONCRKSST.. .First Sessio.n.
.-KN \TK....W..5IU.\..to\, Juk 7, li'.'J.
Mr. Ati BiaoH preaanted a petition trom
Mieeourl in fa\',r ol the organi/atlon of a Uovernrn.ut
l,,r Kebraaka TerrHory.
Mr. Cbabi presented petitions in favor
of maklng the Wh'-eliBg Mdgt a pott ronte.
Mr. CuMEJia Latrodaced a j iiat raaola
tipn proviCniK tor the electlun of a Public I'rint,-r. and
to lix the pi Icafl ol printing. Kelerred to the < 'ommittee
on I'rinting.
Mr. Shieli's reported back thr Hiaae
l.ill for the b-'tter protectioa ofthe lerritorl.a >l Or?
g.n i,D(l I'tah.
Mr. l.raiU'ary, from the .ludiciary C )in
mHtee, IBpOltBd advereuly upon the p.titiona Irom
? ultioriii.., aakiog ai-ban.ein the tim?- w i--n t i-IB
toia ol thal -tate ehall vote f.r PraaMsal .
A 1'ill proridiai fur the C9talilishment of
ceitaln -ub rililateni lin.-i tn the pnbflc lande ln '. .
bamn, wae taken BB and ord- red |o be . ngro;e> d.
On motion of Mr. Daria the Senate took
up tbe bill to ainend ana.-t toprovld-'lorthe bettBrBB.
ciitity of the livee of paee,-ngcre on b.arl raaoelfl p"'
pellpd in " hole or in part hy ateam.
Ihe bill covere twentyeicht printed pn.t'e, an I
mekee provi-|,,n that ateamboata thall be provided witn
hli the mialern convenlencea and mpdea ot eecape in
caie of occid. nt. It limita the num jer of p .
to the cupacily of the boat, regulatea the law of ri.ht t->
tlu- ,-hani., I in rivera, eetal.liahea a I! Mtrd ol uiu>- ( .i-i
tt. um veafel Intpectora, and 8ub loap
collectiin ilttricl. provid* e pei.alliee lor ,11 vioiatiooe
of ita provi?i,,i.a -,
Mr. D-aVIS read a speech compo^el ot
?tatittica c. iicerninif the num!>er of v.-a? ifl bullt In lltf
United -tatet, tbe numl^r deetroyed, anl the cooie
... nt I. te ot life and ptoperty. Ha th-'n .-xplaine.1 Ihe
object of the bill and propoeed nearly tilty ameniim-uta
to lt. all of which were a.lopted.
Mr. Qktbb then propoeed amen-lments
COveriDg ei.-hteen pag.-e. aome nf which were agreedto.
The bill was then ordered to be printed
aa .-.mendrd be.I the Bl nate adjourne.l.
Not more than tweiiry-ti-. Senators
were to attendance during the day.
\Conclutinn of Tmttimj'l ProrieditUft \
Several other reporta were ma<ie irom
that Ci n:inlt'.< e, when the morning hour expired.
The House went into Cornniittee oa tha
8ea?te'e i.mer.ilrclent to tiie I't-ticiency Bill.
Mr. Howakd addressed the Qjmmittee
rn the Senate'e provieo to the cJatue lipproprlatin*
ei.hty thoueand dollar- for rucnlng and.__arkiog the
l.oundary !i_e beiween lha L'olted ^tataB 'aad Mexico,
.ied, that no'!. 'air.e,i t a.
etruct.-d aa to aaocti n a depaitare trom the point -n the
RioOrandei rth t the'owncalled Paeo, ir_ignated in _,?.
treaty ot liuadaL-upe llidalgu." a>
lie ikl'i that Mi Bartletr, the Commieaioner. h d d*
part. d trcm the plaln provlai. .na ot the trenty mape, and
eurreiid. t- I to Mexico nne tbouaan I flvb hunli-d aad
thirty equare trilee Thie waa altended by eoate
quence i rportant, far above the aret. of terrtt iry. bfl
cauee it brvolv. nt rnlhtary route aud rall?
road to the I'aci-c, ot nr.at moment ln a cj t.
p, ual i,l \: w. lie coutt-n.led thtt what baa been done
ia vold. He conden.i v ; int-rior
foi interfeiing aa he did with the eurvey, an.;
cluelon BdvaaaBBi the !5enate amenimt rit givin.- ai
ditional cinpentaiion to the ?'olllni bne. re.ardin.- I -'
_l??BB - - ? with the deei^n oi c-,l.tro?i..t*?e
1 \'-i'.k1, Calitornla Bad !_.::? tra ,.-, which asutt be
faiiiltaieii by a rallroad to the l'a,
Mr. CmanDLEX repUed to obiecti"n
madein varl ,ue quarlere sgainet the __na_j'a Colliua
Eteamer ame-Jinent. He eplritedly mipporteJ the
pn-poalii. n. r. nf. r.,:lr . that the lioe le oppoaed by f.r
e'an capital ai. 1 a ...reign i;overtiment. Uiat lt le not a
Kckl eu'ecl. bul ,.ne ot g-neral conaeiuer:
looklng to the great re-ulta te ? ar*u__pi_jOeJ, wai-h
be en.meiatt-ii tt a-. uld receir. ib? ajpport of our
Goverec-ent. Ile advocat(d the am.adjBent from b'.gh
th- i.al conaldcratione.
Mr. 8TAWTQ-, of Ohio, referre.l to the
prnnunrl-r- ent.. , i a do/en _tj_t;?icea co ti ?
^-artdlntne rii?r_ing papera, ond who re
fnae to aupport Ofi fi i'reeiiency Ha did
c.t expect ihem to eupport tbe Whig nbalnation, and
1 It wae w-11 t,,r them t, uodertta-j mn that the-r>'at
v\ | pait> ia nct awallow.d op in dLfnion pa
laodMioaiaaippi. T* the ipeech of
Mr. I, < mbe end hie compa_re rnottd moin f.r
Scott tw- nty y ,, which ZtT would nol ota
erw-en *V,r_a_dO_i. Hathenojpj
e.d ti ? tmer.di_-nu
Tbe Committee, at 4 o'clock, took a
receaa uotil..
T.eentne Settion.
At the tiireof re_...en__._iDe, thirtv-two
mennbera omij were in atu_da.ee, and a.ree peraooe io
? i ict.
Mr. Vi.vAf.LK opposfd the Coliina
_Bt Hr ailadrd to ihe ouUide a; ? liencea to
procure vtteeof Men, ere of Ccu.reaa l-.r lt?euch a
invir.Bg them m btoud ihe Bihieood uthertng the..-;
tatothetp. r: nd wii.e al.ani. How adadrai'la tie pro
MB-_B_B ol the ehip, ! -at how waa a boilt i By m ,tiey
lairo trctu the _ri__ur j, DK_ey __r_m tha ___?_ BBB-JBp
f tha Uborir. per.ple. These veaoela are to carry
rrrjBB the ocvna the meaneat of all arirtocraciee, that
f wealth. gr t by plunder and plr^cy M-ifteii as by hon
? t mean-. He rondemned the mis-r-ible pauper* ln tho
"remmrv which U to he burstop-n witha croarlfar. an.l
iike d -paraglagly of the*e .teamahlpa for warllke
Mr. CARTTEn, after giving the commer
ial hlilory of the steamers. said, ln advocatln^ th
imendment that It was suilirient for him to know th-t
hrnugh tbe energy of this C. lvernroent the Une wa*
-reaihed into exlstence, and that It haii beoome loter
? i.v.n with the fameof the country. TnU, however,
Boul.l not govern bls vote. It was mentloned merely
isafactol which every Amerlcan cltl/en .iu?-ot to be
jriud. The company now come here, afwir an uoequ al
?i.i.te?t ln Bildih government*! patrona.e, and aay you
tmut pUce u* upon a platform of fair empetition wlih
i. ur great rival, 08 we muit go into bankruptcy, and in
luppcutof thi* rxtaltlon they pre*ent you with tbe bal
.nce*beet. *howing that tlie Uock which they haveln
re*ted ba* descended to fifty cenu ->n the dotttm Anl
_ese ?re the plunderer*. the pam|>ered *turdy bagfara,
*i they have !??*n parliamentarl'y call.-d ' He doaaada I
tbe cotistitutional power to make the apprnprUtion, and
iniiited lhat encourafement to the hne hn tended to
di.tn.y mi imp. ly inateH-i ol lila.onri.iri.- il Tne
Cunar'l bad tbe mi nopoiy for ten year*, and i* now
watching the action of Congress in the hope of recover
lo_ lt.
Mr. EvAlffl f-ai-l th's Bini'mlment appeuled
to hia heart 88 an American, and he ihnuM glveti It hli
earneit lupport He would do io without baftBfbflfla
? ppliid to fr>?m ir.y quaiter. He understood there were
Bfeatabare worfciaafnr,aad other* aaalaat, tbe aopro
ut he hei.i that he wm at p?*rf.-ct liTerty I . d???
t.de in favor of tne amendment. Il-a _*v.? al length the
retif. ni which had bmughthim to thi* concluiloD.
,_t - o'clo k rhe Committee ro**e and tht*
fltuie adj' urned.
Wfl-fltflfllMt, July 7, U__
The Htiase re-umeil the cunsiii. ration of
tbejoint reiolutlonof the Senate, aalbuflilafl the Po-t
mn-ter flentral, at bia dtacretluD, to declare plao*
roads p<it r.mtes.
Tint* was amenileil nn the motion of Mr.
Baawnr declarln. the road from V'allonn -jrin.**, New
>ork, by w.,y of Nlnevab, aiid Coveatry to Oxford, a
poat route ; and alio the roid from Ox__?, by way ot
Ci.vei.trjville, to *outh I'.alnbridge.
Mr. Sti \hi? iifli*ml an Bmendmentde
rlaiicgall highwayi pcit route*. I>'.sa.*reed to, aBer a
debata, aml tlie raaohittoa was passeJ.
Amoog ihe Execnti.B commnnicationfl
laid before th" House wai one frlvine the eittn.atei of
the War DeeertOM?1 firthe mrvey of a route tr ?
the Mniii.ippi IO tbe Pacific Oeean, and recommendmg
that an appropriatinn Le m*de at ence. Referred to
tbe Ci mrr ittee on Way* and Means.
Th*- Hou<r arent into Committee on the
amendment* to the Peficiency bill.
Mr. HoVSTOR oppoacd the Cnllins line
ani' ndmi'Dt, contending that tlie iqpney thun paid
Inthe toim of 8 l.'.inty, witiiout aaVqaflflB
ci mpeiiiniion to the Governmeat.
Thp Committee tlun <li*.c_*.iecl and
ngreed to several of tlie .?. nnte'i .men Im- nt*, Inclu.ling
Uiat .ppiopriatiDg 1360,000 for comp'.ting the Floattn.
Drj I'uck at Baa i raa
The Collins amendment is not yet
r.aeh. d.
The Housi*. after a aeflrioa of \\ hoar.,
ijiurrnd. .
I'l.il ??!. i|t,)., ??-? Itetri*.
|Mwaaaa4aae**aFTh* .v T. Tr.t a*
Piu_.a_Fi.rHM. Wedne?d*y, July 7. 1853,
Hon. Daniel Webater arrived in thi. city
ait night, and left thi." mornlr.g for Boatea and Mar*h
if-'id, deal.ning to tpend the .ummer ut the latter place.
I'hi. BWmblf, wlile at the New Y.nkboat, M-.Webater
iignitied hi* acceptnn- e nf the nomination lor the Preil
Jency, tend.-red to him by the American Conventlon at
rrecti n, and aaid, " I will itnnd the t.re, gentlernen.'
A Frenchman named Paul Fidler \va9
irreftrd In !*i uthwark a dr.y nr two ilnce, bc desertln.'
Iswlteind children. He was cimmitted to prisou.
While under nrrest at the A-lelplii station, haaraaarh
ited by n beuutilul young lady?an orphan _rl, ll\in?
witli ner giand paienta ln the city?to wn un lie'i.'.
angaaed liimsell to he inarried on tue l.tol Au.
?.?:'?- iiilng tb-t he wm a iliigle man. Fldlerwotkad
nvxt djor to wheie tlie lady '.tved, was received a* a
conitant and favored gue.t at tl ?' houie, Bad ihe wai
alii ndy preparing to go to linuiekeeping, all with the
,-.:,.. ii and approl o aoi berfrienda, Etordlatraaa,
ondiacorerlng the perfi.iy and wlleiny ol bet lover,
may ba initiglned. Fidl. r had been a inarried man tor
seven years.
Two iadu, named Alexander Rutli.ge
and Ji hn Hlgsins, were dtowaed Bl (iray'ri Feri-y yes
k 9.
The weather i* deiperately aaarm to?
day. _._
aiiinimiriii I'onveutlnn.
A Convention of celegates from the old
Thirteen State* met ln the Hall of Independence, at I'hil
idelphia, on the 'th and 6th i.t. to t.ke measun-s to
corr.inemorate the Declaration of ln.l'*pendenc>* by a
suluble monumeEt in Independence **quare. Gor.
Bigler, of 1'ennsyl.anln, pr-stded.with Charle* F. Adinns
ot Mass. aad Hon. A. Hall, of (ia , as V_88 I'resldent*
Hon. t*. J. Foster, of UonnecBcut, an I Col. A. >'?
Waterman. oi l'enn., ns _ ecretary and Asst. Seeretary
Kioijuent speeches were made, unda report was made
by Mr. .pem-er, ef New Vork, from which wetak- tbe
ItBowl-t extrait* :
It l* andaiatnn- that tba r.'enr-ral pl.n af a iBonnmeat
;.itis a structuro with thirteen ddea or Uces,
united by an entaMature, npon whi. h the lieclarHtion ot
, i.i e .hall b'- cut into Iha BOdd stone, sur
? f.y a tower or -haft; the thirteen far.-- toeoa
tain surli in.criptlon* and emblazonlng* as ea. li -vute
iliall direct, corinneirioratlvi-of -ome c;ii/-n or eitiiem
ot I er i-w: , who took part in the reiponaibity.it thal
Declarati.n. Ot .ourie, tlu* an ? ..teetural daaiga huJ
di-taili r-mst be left tc tl e sk 11 scd taiteel . inirr.ati,
rubject to tl.e approbatloii ot ihe repre.entative ? it th'
contn*)i.tlng -tate..
1 i e mOBUBent, the _round on whir*h it may
ad -diacent groutd*. and the Hall ol the i> elara
lii'i; 11 Ii. lepeud-'iice, will be consecrated, a the C m
v. i.tian baa alr-Hdy baea n-iured by I 18
, n i uuui il* o! P':ilai!elprna, to tne eaered Ni
tiorial pi.rpn-. . to whieh tbey will be dedic it.-d
* The inniiuer ol oLitalnlng the necea.ary pe.
iiiniary mean* tor tce .re. tion of th" monument.li aeat
:,. ? .-. mldered. It ha* already been lndlcated that
Ibeaa neaaa ara ezpeeted to be abtatnad by eoatriba*
tlniiiof the p'llitli-al e_m__-__H who?e re|irerient
utiv. i, aiih balters aroind their neck., lubicnlied an
r.ttlmt ci Bataaad them ta .iutn-eir.-i and to
di atb, or to !ib. ity .ind independen.e. lt would beob
viouily ui.juit to a-k njusl contri.'ition* from all the
.*?!. b -' wltnout r. .-ard to their pecunury abllii.. Ni
better mode of appr.ixiinititig to that abi.ity, noue.o
juit *nd lair in Itaelf, aoae rn.jre fanilllur in il) oar
nat'e na! Baaaaablagaa can ba prf _*ntcd, than that wt.i -h
regaktaa the repre-entation of each .tate ln the Home
ot Kepreientativei ofthe Congren of tbe L'nlted -*It_te*.
Tbe fai-ility ot lti applicatior, al.o commend. lt to fa
*. mlderatlon. V jur Cotnmttee, tharafora, do
nut hesit-te to recommand that the e?_r_atede_pewe ol
the rtoDUtnerit, mjipwd to be about one hundred tl. w
.and dolUri, be detrayid by eontri-iutiom trom the
Sla'es whose c. ? peratlmls to be aoMafead,la tho same
ratio and pn p.rtion as their men.i.erg of the House of
Kepres.ntativfS ol the l ntted .tates.
Aiurtiieappointm. nt of s iitabi<- Kx-'cutive and ath>
er Ccinn.itteei, the pr_:ee.i;r;.-a were conclu l.'.l by the
reading and -i* fapowerfalaad
|0 tfc, l.egisliiture. imd p.-ople ef t... I .it.-e:. 4*l_U*l
to furiii.h the lund. m cei.ary to liuild th ? m u .--nt
Ilenry Clay? \?rlcalturai Trinl-Weavll in
; Tl.a fl. f. Tr.buna.
CJOntV-, Tue.day, July I - .
The oiortal fom of Hk.nry Ci*4T waa
taken throu.hthi. place thi. alternoon, on ltiway to
roin.le aith the ?oil of Kentocky. For .rne three
bcius the place. of public baaaaaawmmd aad. \u
lmmen*ethroLgof p.-ople gatherei .t th- raBiaad *t*
tion and ?tood with uncovi ied bead* a* the train ar
rivrJ contaiuiug the c..rp*e and ia* ati
baadplaaad aaotama flfrfa, min.iie iinns wari
/wer.alltoli y daarjuatr*
iil-r.l the evaltea ar-ection ot the , ^j^le f the BO e
beart.d ma. mbote, d. .eaae tbe natloB m i .rr...
, ea Washington haa ao p_.ie-.ed tbe love anl
at>. ________
-raare mnkin. activ- prepanU ?
the apprc .chi--? Tn ! of Agricattura
inder uie niipl.. - ol tue Btate
rai -ocii-ty. to begin oo the _Xh j! Iha p.-fi.Qt
t! c n'lnu.- ? ? ?"*.?!, il o I
? ,y betw-ent.'.e v*;
. e.hers,
__en, Cuiti'* ~ * " wh.ch
n/.-s are uflered by .'Trial will be
_rld en the !airu il Mr. H
will bean flflaaflhai ol great 99 reit t.. the farmer. as
waHas the laraaaoea and inanuu.-iup-ri of tarmlng _u
e__ery. _dIbw_bb "? ? _'b will take place .,_ ihe -.ut.
Brstd. * the Trlai ..f I.i.plements, a larire exhibirl tn oi
niaiiufai tured articlea is tu take pUce, which will be
Ibi.bIj su.t_.B? d by _---.han.ca an.i ma.-.utactarers irom
al! <4rjart. r* _t the eoui.try.
I i- ne*a ia eailly arcea*ible by the ? eutral line of R iil
n__, snd ?'.*o tn in the .n_tb t>y tie c'eiieca I_ke and
Chrn nng Kaiinad. a-id it i* one of the muit de.i.nuu.
place* for au aitair of thU kind in the M bole i 'ui m.
The farmer* ber._tx.uu cumpUin taat thati wbaat U
ahaafl a total Uirare froaa the rav_|-M of tae ft_rt_
We axe lo have a 'argc Mflflfljflj to rttify tba i
tlefc of Prcrr Bnd flairU- oo Friday av.-oln.of thi
week. The \Vhtga f the rural dietrlcte a-e rreatly de
li_hted with 'he nomlnitton. ani every iodict ia
far la favorabl-- to a .leeUlve Whl_ victory ln tb- :?'!.
Y"ura truly, s. a <-.
Flo-t between Nr?rflra nnd White*. -NewTel
i-arnph l.lBea?P?rllB_aent- ??iniiB-:ler~. _*_.-.
T.aoxro Sxfirdey, Ju.y 3, K
C..r?.j. iflaa. itllWI Y. Tnij.iBa.
An ever.t hns jast ocurred at St. Cath
erine* which ehow that the preudleeo: eolor -\ieta
bere aa well of eleewl.er.-, to tl..' ,ktn-t:"ut of the I la-ke.
and oLly requirea an ade^uatt! ex iting cauee to ina-ire
Itn devrl.pmett At the anni:..l mi!l*ia troning, in that
plece, there wai a tnixture of raceo nn the ground ; ani
wh. th. r th? wbite peopl.- mgtimmi theme.'lvea ae de
io aded by thie aocial araa'gamation, a preieat tor a dle
turbaoce waa nol long wnntn..-. A brlc< waa thr ,an,
and thia became the atgna! for pretty gaaBrai lfh_BC, ?
A mm.-r waa -tarted that a rireman had mt* -Died Oy
negroee, ar.d lmme.futely a deacent wae made n th
nti.h'.o.-iDg L.-gro villate, which ia aald lo have been
nearly d. ? NoHraawaia !o?r, th.>u_h eeveral
pereoDi of both racei recelv.-d comidernble injary.?
.-everal arreata have baea made. and Ihe wb ^!e clr,- m
itanceiwill be loveatl.Hted. N?groea are pemnu-d to ,
eiton urlea but tf the prejadloe aare ttr.ng a_;iinet j
-ir nuir.vri-tl ii.fe.'lortty COBld uct tail tovpei
.ra ly t.'tl.-ir In'.ereete in trtale where that |
feelu.g eh.uld be called into active operati.-o. If tlu* '
occrri-L.-e provee tbee\ietence ot a latent prejui.-H
agalnet col. r here, aa well aa oo the eouth elde of the
laaefl. lt ll aol fl it et.-onger than r. Ifkwfl. nor perhe_ii i
than polltical preladtoa I dea.reeollaal ihat acollio- j
i. n ot thia kind hoa ocurred 1,atore in Weatern Can?
ada for ten yeara ; allliou.h there have I een pl-*_tv of
flghtabetween O'angemen acd RoBBBB Cat'i
even between partlaana of opp.mlnj polltical ch
The Incident bae howevar a certain ei.niflcance that
ougbt _ot to be underraied I believe th-- gen-rai feel
li._ dcefl nct favor the influx of large o.mbere of
ti.-grt.ee to theee ehorea, ulihough it it l.y n? m>'?nt ei
ii t. fhrcat.-n ii'iet:!'- kegittatton to preroottheoa
takicg re'uk-e here. C'.in the -. lore I ra.,- n .t eee _i.t
lheiroalyeaaaeaafrral Itdependeoc- ani inpuoln
from atooyanc* la ln I li.eila, wbere the in".t in.M'c-.i
Bbla '-ri' fitfl may reiult from cirryiui: the flh Ha i'i u al
\ ti- w tel.-graph line ia to be conatnicted from
Uuebec to Petroit River, a dlitance of B30 mllee.
from which brancb.ee are to be extended Into the ln
tetlor ln aome caaee, aod to the frontier la othcre. of
wbich the aggregate length will be ?_X) milea. There
will be etatlnn* at all the porta of Lake Krle of any co
eequence. The eection of the line from Hamll: >q to
P. rt Sarnia and Windeor are to be c mne, te.l by
otbera Irom Tort "Uanley to London . trju. Port IJ.u well
to li'.ertoll oa the l.ate ahore theuce fr--m Port Bir
wrll to 1'ort Dover . trom Hraolford to tort K.le along
the line ot the new railway ; and anolher truinlli
ton to Bu-'alo. N, rthwatd Irom the main line, at tt
r. nto. ia to be a branch to l.ake Huron ou ih>-line.it
tiie Horthrrn Kailroad aad another trom Toroalo
alori; the Uae ot Iba liuelph Kallroa.l t i <J idertcfa
From ('. bourg there le to be a branch back to 1'r-tt.i
boro. The wtu le of the llnea, main and bran,-h?e, are
lo be tiniahed by the tiretof Jenuary next. Tne work ia
now un,ler way on aome eectioue. Belmv Toronto.
, flicre will be eetablieh. d at all tiie prlncipal vlll.igee,
towne and citiee.
I'arliamcnt if to meet br the dlepitcli ot bu-i
neafl on the l'_h ot Vuiuet. Of the meoiurei tbat
are likely to c?,me beiore tbe ...eembled w-iedom but
little il known.
,-ome 'muggling haa baaa ,le-ected at _Ul p-'rt.
There aeen-a to have heen a confed-1 ratlon of eoiug
glen, amounting altogether to perhapi a ac.ro.
they deal excl.r-tvely in allka. eepeclally Canton Cl *p''
.?bawle. The gooda are all irom Mancheeter, an.I I
- .epect the cpme'lone of the pitrtl.- exi.-nd lo th.
eouth elde of the l.ake, Irom the iaet th tt they are al
poflflcoaedof paddh t * llcenae* for that elde. There le
not an Amerlcan a.uonn, them ; th v are all B-OB-h and
Irleh, moat of whom came here laat year for the Brtfl
(m the whole, the weathet haa been reinarkul.ly c MJ
thlaaeaaon. The cropa geneially promlee well. l ? .
I helei 1.--11,. I nii_. ..noii.-Hen tha on the It on I.
Oxthk Pl..ins, 'I'i) mllee out from St .loeeph? t
11. weet Bf Kort Kearney. Tueaday, June I, 1- i >
Havlng met a returnlng emlgraut to day from Fort
I.orarai ?, and feellng a good weya ort from home, I take
thia opportuijity to een.l youa word, Inlormlng you that
I am yet on the turf, and In run_ln3' order, elthougb not
in aa goed oider aa I could deilre. The I holera la the
general toplc among the emlgrnnta, apreadio,' coueter
nation and alarm from one traiu to another. Many a
atrotig arm and iron conatttution, that were boaatiug
yeeterday of their aUenL-tb, to-day are left an tha plalne
without ehroud or coft'.n.
The ( holera orliitnated on the Mieaourl Kiver, Rition.
the eml.rantfl, on board the iteainboat Honduroa, whiah
U.et e( ir.e 7 pataen. era cn her trlp up to Bt Jooeph and
eoma M or M uied a few dava after learim.' here.
Tbereare but few but what have heard of the Mueouri
River, and few know wliat a mlaeiail.-. dirty, crooked
atream it ie, whereeand o'er aand, and inaga o er anaga
uriae Sometimea the bootman on the bow, tlirowiog
bia lead, criea out thru feet icant, and a low rode tarther
00, n. botttm
Mieaeufi haa tli? appearance of beiu.' a tine Sta'e, aod
there are ranny ..xd-hearted people iu lt It eeeme aingu
larto a North-eastern man that ko great a s?tate ahould
bave been ao long cotitented witli no . ther th'.mugh
fore of any kind on which to travel \V>; paaaed one
boat that hnd blown Up, nnntber llia.-.-eii, many ou
aan.i bara, .v c. Taking all thin.a Into a. count, lt la not
good tor anjihin. at iill. lt la to be hoped a rallroad wLl
aoon be BOtlkroagh to tome place, lt it termtnatea at A'..
Joeeph. Iti-aleo to bebope.l thnt *,, ne lantlotde will
take char m of tbe tabiee aod provlde aometlilu to eat
at the boteie.
Wehave now been 1- daya on Ihe plttne, BflBH the
.reate-t ebow ln the world. The train le etlu.mud t<>
: . 71 0 milea lon_, compoted ol all kiudeol people from
all parte ,.t the luited -tetee, and a.,me ,,t me reat uf
mankind, with l"ta of hore<>*, mulea, o_en, cowe, ateere
nnd lonifl of tho fcathcred creatlon, movlng alon^
about 15 or 90 milea per day ; aii aorta of vr.hic.ea t'r.in
a coi.ch down to a wheel barrow la ii.-a on horaeback,
dreaeed out in f.H blown Blix.mere ; .'enta on mulea,
with tli.-lr hr.enuth bata und plumee. geUofdag over tlie
prairl.a, n.nkiri.- ijult.- an equestiiau BraapB and a ehow
Bhead of aa>ta__ i:arnum erer g, t up. Tn-- p'e.ue
are apl'-Htant place to trRV.-l; exce;;ent IHBllfl Bnaol to
.inv al o.reaaternplank roadeln dry weather, an. wera
it r ,t ',,r the t-ick and the dyirij,-. that everywh-ie rne*t
our eve, end tbe vaet number ol .rtvee along the road,
Ihe ournry wr..1.! hn a pleaaant one A - near ae I can
oaeette?ibj i neivallaa,l_iraaraaboatrjOgrareBkptmt
I ti milea ee far that la, new nnea. Tbe old onea are
nearly obltterated an,i their place* no loager known t?
man. 'Ibe Iciiiana are numerous aud eotn'what
troubleeome,but wehave bad no bttt.ea ao f.r Oaf
train ia mo?lng and I muet flloBB for thie tlinv. When I
have a coi.v. r iar.t leaaon I will wiite a.
Yountraly, - l It Dotv.
FroKrr*a of tbe l.uil_.rnlion.
1 t'.ra
Fcar Kkaimv, Oregon Roote, Nebreek. Territory, j
Icdian Coaatiy, Wedneadty, June 2, I I
So_B_ thi.usand. of ern'.raiiU have al
ready paflicd'here oa tb'-ir wny t. Dreg-.u and C-ifair
nla. I ittle or oo oi.kneia amoog thaai to the tOtk ult.(
but ilnce then lIlllbBIB wbelher cbolera moibue or
Aeii.tic, unknown) haa l.roken out among th.?m. M- aalea
acd an n.l paa aee alao dol_g th.; m -rk . ! d ? .'h .vit''.
a'.ow but certain tread. Our Mlli'_rv timiktkti here it
cramuied with patiente, and tiie dylng eve:,
enmmt i ' our ? uartrre. Today I wat c .. . - ? nt . . : i .
^pot where one ot ou- ne-n M It-.imeut of Inanl.J
,tu ,|_. >b or trlg-t. I liiiiaiialaBBly had
him plcked up aad ooa .-ey-_ to Ihe lloej (ul Ue eUll
livee, but in a W *y pr.-csr'.o'ie eitueUor, 'fblt la tae
t itt c?e? ari.onK ihe UOOpB ,.uarter..-.| bere.
Ti.iny m> n ol our ' bovfl bSflB f, r th? ! BM
2() dave . n a ic< u". afit r li.'ilir.e who c >i;.t,.itt--d fliMBB
Jer.r."' d. ne oa I 0 T.tli. |
?? ftaaZ/rwal >'? j ? thmt patied oor
? l/' M,yw \il Jt'ot. I-.',.'. r> "rrwonot'l CmU
forkla >Im. :ll' ' WotUtB .'- ('ni.Jret, t
' .1 r.um.er ti
anima!*. " - B mt ;m-*..i oa
' - ? t. ab mt
ttirty had tn return :
of th'ir all .y Ladiiai prta ip-llyA___tiBaaa->_aa_i
. ( t_r_a'fl exil-1 etra afe* 0. rn tna.
'Tia thoui t many a wh't ? man'* b .-i wiil .leerh on
ai eontogt'iu* i' '<aaea bave ai
r'-bcy aaad. aavaial >|eti_.a. but we tb* t?re|y t
wi!! no be the caae but the pro.ab_._y aeemi alraa iy
to batoUaf
Thoae who bave had eoa-fortabla kornflfl in the Stoirt
eipret? the grf af.-it t *? r araarlaf theaMBtvaof
them, 'ti the w:d feve-ed Imagtnation 0< Calltjicla
g'ld My hiimb'e advlee to pera.na ao diaooaeti would
do Bt home under Uieir own roola aad eajoy
their own happy - reald?a.
We have (lalveaton papera to the 2.th
U-t. and late paper* from the Icterior.
I't Otiiretton .V-B- Icarna lhat O.rpufl Cbriatl hoa
be. n eelected by the (.overnneut tor the mlllUry d*
1, t of oll the country woot of the _an Anb.nlo R;ver.
Tke Cir_.fin noticea the Brrival of Oen. 1'. 9 HmUh In
the Lo-iaiana on tbe __d. Cbolera exiau ln eeveral
placea tn tbe weateru .ountiee. lt ia prevailtuj to t
.-ooei lerabie eitent at Indlonola, and a aumber of _?___.
bava occurred thara. The fa___ry, lt U aald, la chletly
co?tacd to oaoccumated Oerinaxw, of whwn lhare ara
a great number ialt-dUaoH. (Ue*. hava also?____.
?t Kivhm. i, l, on tba Braaoa Lavaea, ._ao_Th^
otber tf>wB* are repor*ed generally beahfcy ~"**-f
Tha it..*i*B brU _t i'< ter*. i''rtn Br^n?*-n, "rluj
fialvrston on ihe'__, with aSo.it a haadr*.'-*_^_j_*
a poriion <.| whoas l.a tbe ant inirnia* me a.!_**i
Tba H.iiil.or? bark Mile* arrived at tfaTfeanBaiJ^
21a*, aad Undrd flfl paMC-ger* lor thal pl__ _?.-._?
Tht G'u.'r.*.-, . CirHlian bat bigkly favoi.*>l*
of the gr.wln. crop*. Tbey r.ev^r ?r*r?b_t?r iVyZ
, ??. ?t Mt *r?i*Oi. ot the year Tkt I'utoria *_
ri.y. ?"??*?* ?
" Our intf-UU'ae* fr m _M uterirvr *n<| eo*JU_w,_
Ifce m.**t tiatterlng cbaract-r, a* it re*j__TT|^"'w
Corn i. e< w made, aed tb** rioe*t vi. {,( tj^ ^v***
btam tn*.ia i . thu .--:.?n?, b*_ ? bb ? i* ;__? ?.*?_
1 tbin "i0 t.u*heli to tb* acre, aad doultte*. :0 ?*___..
alxiff ti'al rhecottoncr ..-..., rj pf.,12**
and *h. uld the wurrn not 'iia*e I . *ppr*a, aBf**^aT2r
great > B J -i'i l-e Malsad, ,? rhapa a* htt. j. __(?
c_e*a*a bai>- and a hatf a. iha aera f ir? n^
al*o di irg wel', thoa.H but lt .* p rao ? ta ?r?_!
ba.e a* yft luraed th. ir at.-ntl. .i t . ii* ,_t_."^^
fi.e k, r, U r .late* tbat ID- ra *n- m Baairoj, two j~
t-e* irnayed a.;aiu?t each ,.i.r *.-?: ?d to the t__ hl
an eidaaaaaal amo.ntlng *! ?. *t to t.ry W|,*|.*J
thut lioiwiiiiataiidiiig evr><y adi rt baa beea taa*. |?
ni.n y _ . d and lober ctti/et* 11 oreveol aa aatkrttt
it is t \^eeted every moment. . N. O BulletU, Ua*?>'
?,?? lei ? I ? ' -r la.
OoagroBB has done nothiag 'lariat iu *
preaect leiafon, ind i* now en.aged debarhkg tka aa
tion whether or not to givep-.*--* e\iraor_aary tt m
ExeallaacT tbe Fi ?:* .teo.i'ie ..t_*_ m^.
prepare th** cruiiiy f..r I !..-*? expe.i.Uen, ?^a
?e. in* to have a* lt. end the u- - _*n!:.t.i-. .* ,.f tk* 44
Kepubilc ot Co'.tnbta, thui ia kab-M a eae/aal*, tam.
d.T and N-ew'.-jiid* aaaVfl nue Preaide-t, tna\ti
courie, will le Florei.
Cars-ca* wu a little it-artled irum iu wonte.1 oroarm
ty by a penon*l rencn're betw.f-n M- aii.-h.-lea*,^
ly ap-nntited \ -ne/uelan Mt-u.i-r to MadrVt aad a__*,
aud ! iron de Veimar*. the h tmi b I'narg-- ia Cara__,
'Ihe a-'iir tnok pla. ?> in te houae of tbe latVr g,
Michel.iia i-alled to aay farewell to the ltar.>a, ?h<wtk*
??? I - ?...- \, ly *a.vern reiiMik* wtfc r*.
ferenre to Mr. Michelena'a (...v.rnment, r*.1e<_ay**.
. verely on the l're?ideiit and o-her mricial* , word* grem
warmer, and bnally hU Fxceil.-ticy the t-reock Mlahiar
actuaily kh-ked the Minlater tn Boaaa an.l Madrd,,_
called bi* seivants to put li'm out ot the hoasa Th*
h-'.iiref eourse bd to a cnall.-n.e, and the par__ ^
to '.*a\.' tl.e eountry for tre T..rfu__ l.lands,_Mr*w
detennlne whether the FUron ahoul 1 carry hia llplot
cy ?o tira* lakleft forel.n Mintfteriout of dooi_
On the ni.ht . I th- J3M ..t May, at elev.-n o'clotk, Vr.
Bh alB, the I . . Cbar.e. wa. aorpiUed by th*a_*__
Into bl* h"u*e ot a namtv-r . .' biu.fittl. Hehadaolje*,
relned. and cu a uoi*.* beiaf made hy a fe.nal* *w*__
ln _M hi-uie, he raa down mt.. the ,-ourt y*ii *n4 av
, KH'i. ?uir inaed *.y the BWB, each of wh.'in haditw
g*i ur piitol with him. Mr Hteele waa rubbedsf ka
> watch durlng the melee, ai.d was ilightly tBouald.
1 Mr* .te. ie aa baariaf _ba .-la.h of w?a;oni kdha
*tair*. ran t* the halc -ny wbtch overbaike.l th* *I*wt
! and BTOaaed BOBH nelghhors, who prevented furtlMr i*.
i jury and mbbery
Crmors \\ ii.l Cab_U->-Aliout the year
1-1*. Ccl Miiideilln. s wealthy plaoter, re*i ni| o*_
Men-plili, Tenn , died, laarln. a large eitale. Ui. ?(|,
1 drawn up * yeir before hl* Oeatb, aud ?>_i?mi. bv. i a
Judge ot one of tbe Court., dlvided hl* whole *?????u.
to two parts, devlslug um h.i.f fo his legllimate chiUm,
aad the other balf to ten i-lnldren l.orne him by !?__.
|a il?\e. Tbaaa colored i-.'iildren. pie.lou. to Bl
making ol the will. had been br.night t ? CIq. ia.?,
Oblo, and to Kvan.viUe, Inrflana, and enian. Ip?t?_ _>
nn hate of the will w.uat on.e ie-l.ted I>y the b__
neir*. and appeale.i to the Cir-nlt < .>urt for trial _r*ry
obatacle known toakillful pra.-titioner* In the liv, __
be.-n tin own in the w*y to defeat the will and Ufv m
trial. At the la?t May term of the Court. how.v?r, _i
cau*e came to a heanug, and th* will was fully___.
Balti bs 91 nt tion.
- I.KI l'S. U___HBK wfll **ll THIS uay, at ?
o'clock. al hli Balea B.-om, Ne 88 t liamb*r*.*l, t lamU
Bfapl.n.i'.J Carvad HnMwood aml M tli. /aay Parli.r, ('(__
ber and Olum. I(.?.in Kiirtntui.-: Hoftt, Cliaira !'.(??
T. t*., linan.. Burean., BfHi.tr i.u, Maltr*****, Pailla-a-a
Cutleryand Plaled \\ ar*. _,-. Muit bi mn to b* *^an>
ciktrd t'.tale.ur. aow ready.
A. M. Mkbwin, Auriloflear.
TnkdeS.ileR_.nl*, Nn II Parkr.w.
HKTY-8IXTH N. V. TBAOB fJALA 9aat *. 0?
|rl*nni?iii. uf BiK.ki, Papera, Statioonry, Binilai*1 .'!__,
Laallier, -.-, for Un. tai* lolieitad. Invulc** ahouid b* ha
ai.iied immadtataly.
Ai.s.ar H. Nii'H.av, Auctionaei
COMB8 _ MCOl.AY wdl_.ll ou WKIiNKflllAV. J?b
14. ai Ml i.'eluck, at tha M-Kliant*' KmnaJi** if aad
B'llldir. I.ot*. ittaatad U tb* pleuant vll!*a? uf VVmri_
tea. 13j unle* fiom New 101k City hy iha lla.lvn Ra.'
ni*8 K.-r mip* and f.'l parlu-iilar* applj tu I > llut*.
lai, \av.lche*t?r, or No. N Chatba.ii-*!., M IMIMBi k
(4ICOLAY, Aiutlineer., So -ll . .raieirt ,.**/_? Boa.
ery. 8?a Auction sdv<-rti*enieni in 1 k* tkttg t^pr",
Oaaain ami Oammtroiti Adrertutr.
SALK of the WOOl*?^llROWKR_,
Tl-K FALLB, Herkimer County. N*wV..rk, oii th* idto
of AltH ST ne.t?The entir* property oftb* lat* "W_*
Oroweri' Manuracturing Company t* tUetti fur ?*!? by Bl
Tru.tee* for tha ereditor*. The VV'ater-Power, Oruun-, a?_
ln.*, Ma.l.in.-ry and enllra apparatu* form a weil wrvi|f4
and very ooinpleta etutiliahairnt for tba manuf_uui* d
VVoolen Goodi. Tb* malu B..'..din? I* of _~n*, ta by IB
feet, five (torie* In.h, Includin. baj^mant and atue, aoa ??
tain* nln* full *eU of Woolen Machinery. all of ti.* ra_* ?>
?roverl eon.trucllOB and in eicellent eoodltioa. Tb* o_.
Building* ara extenilve *nd ceininodiooa for th* par|i_**M
whieh tti.-y were de*ign*d Among them ar* tii_a ft.r ic_.
Ing.dyelngand dryin., repalrln.-ihop.woul lufla"''_)-___l
8t* wi.rk,. packing-mom* aod ..rlice. Tli* Mill* M **r_a
broughout by *team-plpe* and lightal by fia Tb* ??
?ower, with the tntt water for uae, i* *ii.ple ?B< *****
The entire eost, excluslv* of w*f*rnowar and gronni ea
overllie,"''" the Company ha* beea dl.*oiv*d, __ th*"*
_r* propeity will ba ?..._ lo ta* hi.h-H bidder on thaytaW. |
Jea. on the Tl II It li ?A if of A l UL HT _-?'. at 2 olr.latLtM.
JAMKS MONKOE, Ti___* for t.??-l_tU
t'ttle ttttt JoaeH. |n.'iX _
\\ m \\ r-iiiiil.a,), A.ictloueer
I \r\t, |{()( KKRV.. dtil. \ss\VAIIK-i?a.RIDtl',
Jnly _ at Ifl o'. lock. at _M .alesroorn, No H .'olio*,! I
lenml a__rfii.?-i,t of line an.l ooinaion K.arthsnwirs. kt '
. witli a vanety ef <ilaa**)id H _Ky i.taafs, 9 loisfH*
tl.e .b'-l.f* to .ult df-alei. an.i *r_.-r. I..r. a_i
\- | .uat?) Mle, 1C0 crate* a**)iled War*, by _??_*
chrap. _
Coet ono lonni.
CAl TION.?Mialai'l or l.ut, a note*
l.aud Ur |l,'?rt 4fi, drawn bf llvnry Stoiy aad ?
doiae.i try Btary BBhaw, dated Jolyb, w$2, aad i?r*?'
thirty i'a>i Irum A%it, at the AtUnti?? B.u.k, Bfoml'* ^
pri..i.a _e cau'.luiied *?_'._ neg.itia'ii.< _ p_fOBBaB|Ba
, . te, a.7.l.e paament lber.?. -*****t\hlMO *mmUJ,
FCil'ND? WednraiJay, July7,.ornerj
Brcii.?ay and Maideo Ua*, aa Agtta ***hjfl
/.? whici. ibe u*r,i!i aan have by eaUlag - ?*?
<>dar .*. ?
LOST? Jnly C, in retiirnin^from W^*'
h*WB, ?n tl a Blo<?miii.ilale-ruad, to No. 9h tj*1***!
imu At ?? .'.- r.rt ?' willli* rew*rrt_l_l ?-~
i_c Ihaaawilh iJi**>._a:rl_irai Mo. 86 r~_v____ ?
1_AAC flTRaa*.
IOftT?A ai?nt .Iralt, date<l Jub? ???
_ ln., bb th* Ba- k i.f .N..rth Amarua. N-w Va* *
|aia, atada by tlie Me'cl.ai.ra' ilaak ..f New 'l?**_.
tr, .mi.*, i. lai-aaa. Baarafa. s-laas
ba oroat ot B*oj _. a Iwtdiay. Tha ttmt***^
" rllavaa
Ben ;al-l
peraona .
tie aa . -.
LOST-On Saturdav !a*t, a S
__ta.r-.n? a * . _.. a not* ?t A. * 8hrfS'i._'ia
. inkcfC. N .avusa.fiai; t-iwa.^aa-l!'* ?'*,J2
part due; a ___cato*8deflOatt, fM_** Aussrw"**
? liid?i t_at<.?_.i;y. _.._-- - ?- ?-*
Ap/yto i Y.lU9.Xo.^**ZZ
LOST?Oa tliis fith ..flvlaflt, i?fjj
fr' rn Ha BN V\ at*rr st, thfoogb f*a'**__-7/*\\\.
ine *__n,?r fro'-.a, thr?a \"'dt and ? 9trray "J-m.
liv Ctaar _. (old aw-ber I Tl? 8_d*r s-^ ^'*_Ul*
w_aer! by retumi-g them V -"ABI.fcSH- ?t?
41 C*B_ Bt. m flj l**-lB??iem at Iha a^fwaa^w*
__fO*_ R?W__RD.-_H-?wa ff"?Jft
r\?*mr** P.,k. aa Baaday, Julv ktka9\}\*^y
J..fR.*-E aad oio, be_o*t-8 w Ot. T. B:.'L'Wd?*'
TbahcnaUblaek, wuh a few wl.ite hwJ??J^d*
...4 o_e hn d fet__k, in g._d - ''''l*-u^,*_*f?____? *??
bi.h Clip* ? tad /i- n. w. i. graenaMfc _-_a_w
bcm l.a. P. B f'. on Iha b.._r.? ?
f\)ox%t9* ^arnagei, & v
FOR SALK?AtincCarnve H1^.
nitf*a hand. h.gh. atvaa ywrs ald. a s^ ^a
di.v?r_d a>.<i tiavrUr-*ooi.l _? S-"*- * iuaai. S*1
1. u OODEN'B Cii^nur'i tibsf. ?"""" ?**!
Tn<jR 8ALE--GREAT B.R^'^-*
X -aOwrnepairof Bay l arrlage HorW* mk***
old, p*ii..i.'ti\ K-ti.d, kind, __ .*"*-? Iaa__aa ?_ __
l *->?_. t<.nr_r with a n.w Ib >ob_ BW-T, ?* ao?
Rockaw.y. ic_k of all a f*w *e<k. _o? ?M '__,. C<W
be aAA tb?*p. ?? own?r I* tidog to n_r?a*. ruair*'
pwl'.nuge tur ?)_ Af-Iv at tha flajaar^fe",,^
FOR SALE-A full*bre-d NejJjJ
land Doa, 7 month*aid. Affl. al "???
___,*_-t. Pnca|_J