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NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. TTIE M.U-VojUi DAILY TRIBUNE I* Published ?TV fry MORMI.Ni? asd EVENING, (BuaDAT EXCEPTED.) BY ? R F, F. I. E Y * M t E L R A T n , ? tub yb.ib.vnr rcii.pi?6s. rriRBfB or vsssau avu arat\ a STBBETS. OSrOSITE THE ( ITT HALL, and delivered '<? ( Hy Subscribers at I.J rent* per week. Sin ft* Ohrtes. Two Cents ; M?il Sub*rrilMre, ft, net ?aaiai Mt ad? vance. Kur ?u months, <3; for three months, ?I 60. THE NEW-YORK H't.'KKLY TKIHUNi: A VERY LAROE PATER FOR THE COUNTRY, Bjpobl ashed every Satubdav Mobrino at the low price of *}2 par as^em. in advance. Three Crpir* f?r s>i , PlTB Ci|BBB ful B)l. Trn ? o| ice tor 4>lt; end B paper it in no rtur co> linned be yowi ibe tune for wh.rh it >e , ?'d. Advertisement* for thir BooBt will I* charged EVER I i FIVE CERTS PER UN I Aw eocb insertion. THE SUMI-YVrlKKI.V THIIJI fOS m p?bii?bed every TvrtDAT si.<! FllOAT MoaaTIRa. Pr' e. OS MBt BBQam. Two Copies for ?5; Five Copies for *H i\ Ad en's, II i ri its a Rm tor each I Sill . THE NEVV-YOKK THIHI Ml POR EUROPEAN 01 RC0LAT 10 N, to published on the derscrure ef each Msil Steamer to-;*-*-.! at M per annum, posteg? ? TIIK NKU-YOHK TKIBI NE" VOR CALIFORNIA. O R E (? O N , AND THE I AM 0 WICH ISLANDS. bllahed on the departure of eirh Msil S'eimer for Aepin et *>1 AO per Annum. Hing .- roe?s, Sn ( en's. tkligiono Notices. 5X I.alahl-M. H 1st Church.-Praaciiirw oa SUNDAY theloiiiat at He a! n.. by the Ree. I! W. CHIDLA W of tl.e Am. F. S. Union, and at 7J p. m. by the Rev. A. D. 01LLETTE, Pastor ol the Calvary Hap. ist Church. Trinity ?I. K. ( burrh, Mth at . r* twe..? 7-h and 8ih ev*.?I r.egJiii g in the Ler'nre Room of the new building, TO M I i ? Hja. ni.. by the Pastor.'he Rev. H. MATH SON, and at 7 p n . by tl e R-v /. PHILLIPS. Sacrament of the I ore's Sni per at the close of the morning service, and Sab be'b Si tool from '2 to 4 p. m. Aebiuv M. B. I hurch. Norfnlk-et. A eaRhari aratbwCbarebTO MORROW,at 10J A. M.. in aid of Ma Wcoloyaa M.i ione in Ireland. Seats ire-. Th. i ublic are leered to sltei d. NortnlVcsbvfcrliin Church, .U'd ? i.. hoMvceu Sth andUih-nv. f RE AC HING on be ENSUING SABBATH The 3d inst., at l'j o'clock a.m., bv the Rev. D.AMES; at i O'clock b. n .. by the Rev OEO. C Lift AS. R. t. HATPTELD D. D., la mi acCOpted a call to become tbe Pastor, will enter upon Ma lemlar Ministrations after the next Sabbath. Westminster ( hnrrb. the Rot. DAVID Kl SnI D Ps?t<r. Divine Sonhes In tab Chaaah TO-MORROW (Sab hath), Feb. 3, at If g o'clock a. ui , and at 7J o'clock p. m. Norlolh-.!. M. E. Church i be Rat BOH SCOTT wfll preach in the shove church TO-MORROW. Peb. 3, at I' I o'clock a. m. A collection will be taken up in ai I of the Fund for Increasing Methodist Agency ill Ireland. Tits? Kcv. Kobiii-on Scott, I ? fovarb in the (.ran Ist. Pres^vt-nan Chun h TO-MORROW RAI r It NOON at i o'i ... k. " < burcb of lli?" PurilniiM, Union Square. Tv Ii. . YA". L. PARSONS, Correspond it g Secretary of the American Won en's I dncationai Assotistion, will presch in th s Church TO MORROW EVENING, at7, o'clock. Subject Woaaaa'i Pn L ssioo and Positi ? as an Educator. The public are respect., folly il vi:, d to at'end. Tl.e Mew. Dr. Vaaklesjrk. Secretary and General Agent of the I on esiic Missionary Committee Sa the P E. Church, will J resi I: In 1 el a" ot Domestic Mrsu ns in the Church of the Eirrbany, No loll Staatoav-ot., te;twe.-ii Essex and Norfoik-ste , eat SUNDAY EVENING, aTob. S. Se.rv.ces to < omiuence at 7J o'clot k. 1 mt H?'^ ? Bs Bs Nvc. . Mniir.s .i is. e Brooklyn, will ilnllst r a ilkstiiraiBB TO MOB ROU I \ I mno. h-'.; ov:.., . |s>n ?? the I'npardouableS.ns." BugMaat, Bs Ii. Chatrhs- Preaching TO MORROW MORNING, n'd iist . at Ut o'clock, bv JB8SE T. PECK, l?.D. Also Preaching at 8 p. no, and at t in the EVENING, heats lice. The Ift v. Tbco. L. ruyls/r will preach St. CLiir.h near Easi Broadway. TO-MORROW EVENING, at 7J o', lo< k. Seats piov.ded for strai gera Thr Li t . .Into, s. Urcolle?. h Presley'? :ta. t harch,conioi ,.t H in ton and rhooapaon^ata, will PPBSCB threo Diseaarses TOMORROW, Feh I Service com met eil g ss f. Ihm s I ?t P i n m , und et 3 and 1 p. m. 1 !??? LsjcftQsBa?i of Um bow Daistlai Chawefe to Mi s1. (Yorkyille). aal woea .'d and 91 btb., trill ha ojk-u? 1 for Divine Korrle* TO-MOR ROW | Lord's Da\I, P, b. J. Ser n i n in 'he Morning at H i o'oloi k. bv the Pasiiir; in the Alter booii at 3 o'cl . Dr. BRIOliV of New-York : and in the KitniM M 7; 1.1 i ,k hv the H, i. Mi. ROTTSFdltD of York aille. 'IT.?- 11 Mjc are milled to attend. NwWoJeraataMM f'hareh. IVIIIIrtna<sburcb, BUSH wkil lertare TO-MORROW EVENING, Pob.3, al 7J aMtrk, in tl:r mom directly . ver tlie .Savings Bank, corner oi . 4 b ai.o South M sis. The public BIB invited to attend. Nrvt-.leriisnli iti ( barrfc, A'h nctun Building Ilro.k. in?The Ke\. Mr. BEStV 'CK will lecture at Ibis place TO ORROW RAENING at 74 o'clock. Snhtoct: "Too S .in." I.n uireis on the Doetriiir* of the ff I HI IniBBallil Church.' - . mein, ad bySwedenl.rg. The Tu-., tth Lecture will be.i'i vered by Iba ?(ev SAMUEL BESWlOR on SUN? DAY EVENING, Pot 3, at 7j o'clock, in the Chapel ui ll'h St., letwe? ii ^,1 and 4tb-*v s. BaMBOt " TRs Trie Theory of Souls Human sml Animal, with the OroBliaa of Immortality, and ti e ImaaatebiUty of S| e, Ida, IikIbsHii| the ilihlicel Theory of Hiiinan Soak." Tb?-I.'pv . sidnev A. Corev srill preach In the t Pea ? 11 the Filih Avenue Hapns' Chun h, itiesr being com rtotosl J an ths csjrsor si M?h at., tomorrow. Feb. j. a c| o'i io k a. in.. and at "J o'clm k p. in. TheKrT. John ({nincy AiluniM, pettor of ths Baptist Chun ii. cornet of Christopher! and Bedtord its., wil1 pnsih on NEXT LORD'.-. \>\\ M lt|a in . and 3 p.m. The i ol Baptism will be administered during the in, ruing service. Siecinl ProviuVnrro.? Ths Rot, D M. ORAHAM will vive a su| pi? mi litary Lecture to his late Course on the above subject To MORllOW EVENINO, at the First Ems Will Baptist ( burrh. Sullivan-it, near Houston, at 7J o'clock. Lftfiao Aarnlnnl Stiiritunllsiui W?1 be delivered TO-MORROW al 1< * A. M., and a. P. M , at the A l eut Mis aion Chun h. in PotByla St., between Waiker Bad HeatSt-gta., by the PASTOR. S, si's free. I'nivcreiiliMi Church. Orehard-al Brooa Rev. T. J. SAW yer. D. D.. Pastor. Babjoot Rw the Morning I ....... Iulial ai d Tubal Cain." and will deliver i i the evening tbe tin:.I of a series of Lectures to tho koung. Sub? ject? " Resdn a." Ser\ ices 1' J a m. and 7J p. m. Dr. Os As Hrnvs n?nn ? Ret ui he at the Broadway Tabernacle on WEDNESDAY EVENING, Feb IS, 18.'*. at B o'clock p. tu. Ticket-, cents, to be had at the CathoUg Bookstoies and of the Sextons ol tho Ron an Catholic Churches. The Rev, John Thonipsion l?.I?. Pastoi of the Pres oytetisn t much corner of Orand and Crosby sts., willh cture bathe PrsakyteriaaCharch,Wasttsth-sl .hotweenSthBad mh ava. Ohe Rev. Alex. i lemeut's) ou MONDAY EVENINO, the 4th Feb . at 74 o'clm k. Suhiect?" The Drunis, or Religion In Britsin 2,(00 years ago." Ti. keta ot admission, 2A cents es. b, may be had at Carl? i It Hro.'s Bookstore. No. 215 Broadway i W . K. Fowler. No. .7? Bth av.. and at the door of the Cburch. lTe prcx e. ds lor the MBafM ol (be Sabbath School Library. American Trai l Society. A Public Meeting in behalf of (his Society will be held TO MORROW IrsaooatB) EVEN* INO F. b i, s'7 o'clock, at the Rot, Dr. ADAMS'S Church, On MadhsM sq, sir. Addresses are expected from Mr, J. CROSS, haperinteioieiit of CelaeftaoB to Virginia and North Caaweknai tho Rev. Dr. ANDERSON, President of lUa-hester University, aild tie Pa tot Bprtial Notices. Poet.Ottln- Nutter. Tl MAILS for EUROPE, per IJ. B. an aas si " BALTIC," arUlrloso at this aaaca on SATUR? DAY, the ,:?y of February, at |OI n'rlcs k a. m. ISAAC \. FOWLER. Post master. Urpubliciin titncrtil ( otntiiiitr-e- of Kinasi Co.? A irreimg . t this ( omuiittee wil: be he. t.n MO\,l\\ EV E\ INO n? xi. at 71 o\ iis k. Bl Mrs. Prests'l. No. ITSJotalflMOB-Ot., opl . . the t 11v Hall. i i the purpoee of organiiation for the ?nsulng veer. Toe De'egetes Baal the sc.era. Wardsand Towns ?ill Is- poi.ctnal in their atteudauce. The ('rmiplinirntnry Kntrrtainmriit to Mr i It CJOl OH at NUdo's Sa'ooo. un the 14'h mat., promises to t? an aaaaaion of unusual interest to all ms friends and tr ends ?.| I""1'"rarvu' ?';eg,.,.De bo) he ?sei. aid T. keta had at Mo. 149 Baaaaa st .-. sie, ?3; Oetuleuau and Lady. ssv ( bleu lllltt JaiUM'.?On SATURDAY. Feb. 2, Mi BAYARD TAYLOR Will deliver a Lecture ou CHINA Bad JAPAN at Academy Hall, N.i. Sea Bros Iwsy. in connection with the Llustiations en China end Japan Expedition IHwrs BfOa at belt past Two o'clock ; to commence at Thbec o'clo. k p. no I?r. KliTMbeth Blarkvarll. graduate of OenoTS V (?liege pupil al the Lying in Hospital Paris, and student of ths Leaden II, aal tals, atts-nds to every department of MEDICAL PRACTICE aneuns Ladles and Children, No. 7? Esst IMh-sL Gffce lu urs from 10 to 12 a. m. I.ovsrll I rs lurvsi ht Ne-w-Yorh.-r.i P,Mr Mile Bl RN's Fourth Lecture on The Miasiesimu\s...y; or Toe d-ah't. Beeaes of ibe Wildemeseat the Kode.f the RevaiBaton," ea Clinton Hsll. Asw place MONDAY EVENINO Feb. 4. al ? o*cl.ek D,*rs ojen Al T| Tickets 95 cet.ta For ssle at tb? r'lucii^lNok.toies, aisd a? tbe Librarian's desk, MeTOBntJla ibtary Assoriatioii. * Tcsaaigerrance Vlesu Tara 4?ui ! , . t anal-at. T. B. hvxrtj, i sol at ( oneeutangi llei.. No 17* Wooster-st on SUN UAi JWNINO I be iieseriis wul be ssldreaaed hv Dr H A BEN3MN, Ps\co!osist and Ueetncian, of No. 477 R-oadway and ethers. TTie friends ol Temperance are me.t IBQBsn ifBltl tovi'ed Mattend. JOHN QUA. Presiuen: ' ?A ss Nssil. Seu retarv. Katbiirlrin Ilome A -wrH-iallou. - \ eting .i thus AseeaUSKion will be held at their Rooms, No. 1*7 Bowery can MAWlAi E\ ENIN( . l eb. 4. It is bepeJ bat e.i , M?u.her will i e p:< ssnl *t this meeting, a* the DRAWl.Ni? t r CHOIg'F. of LOTS is to take plaee, and several forfeited Lots will be oflrra.U lot sale at retui'^d price* to s ich as may w..h to aori ieihrin. A. MURJ'HV. P'o* -' Tcnarwriincc .Medina ? erySABBA II?: NINO it lomaruie Hall, rtanier of sth-av. ami *Vth-st. The Hou. Mr. CtiLI ins Pi ftsi so'i nf Cuaisai lb at and sthatl, will spcsA next S*bbath eeening JOS WRS TON. Preode..'. T. \\ . Oatra sv s^ter'arv, Uuion Temperance Assx^-ietiom ^**r?fc-Vv ewtrrn sei/ls-iiit-nl ( onipum. vLl iv?I*n'*''?*"" '? I? furtiish such jssrss,ns as wish to - vrrSTKRN LANDS with rAHMSot 80, l/P or 1*1 ac-e., ^ILa*."l_'C,^rBmr,1, I'*1'' (01 23 pen acre), payable in monthly . iV a'V ' t,r"iiarscoiitaiiriBA Hie full pa.l culars may bj V-mfc b>?PPl>cat...,,afc,.. onVe. No ill Nassau st.. Nesr -ma"_ THOMAS EDO ERL E Y. Secretary, RVE,RY^if?llAW,V Proplr- for gei.ral Si i S\Sl>*)? M ' Hall, No. 1? Bowe y. omeita ?^a a Jn th ? V>AY' ??? M- " 3 V B: " ,b're w ' (* ? lATu^^i.'' K'^'toaMthoRieAiaofWomatv iftoj loa Leuare a general sTtoniasaM^asni a'1. IVetti V<"- XV.N0' 4,015. A Card of Thnnk?.-'.\V'ha: k ?!>? , .>.. (Mfl iitx>ral ron'nluf ,or,* b'.i'. tbev are ir.taflSrient to meet the terri? ble rleetlttitkio ne w tuffered by many families who are destitute cl fore,, tire ti i i lothll g W e thank tbe American Express Compeer forth'-ir besn'ifnl I'tni g| B?wr white l.orset and sleigb and gentlemanly driver, furnished us la ediert contribute,! ? of shoes, ttor kins*' rjbber*. shawls, blanke!?, bedding, sheetings, shirtings, calicoes aM Other drew goods, flannels, handkerchiefs, rape, botiiirt*. gris-r ritt floi.r. tea. sugar A ; in abort, everything useful i-i fami? lies, which we can diitribute to those wLo are needy, worthy ar>d We thank thoae New-York merchant* who filled the sleigh. We i eed uiorL more. We cannot rail personally opon tl, who fire willliialy ; will )ou tend packages br expires*. We thank the city Proa for libe'al uiitire*. We need much more such aid. Our cssb < < i tributlcn? a.-e smaller than last Winter, and o- r wai.te n ueh giaalat'. Sii.rr the organize' on of tb't Aaeociation. ore year aro. we have givtr. teu \ orary aid to seien hundred families of widows and orj h*r?. Many of these are only known to this Associttion as I einr in want. Some hare been rednced from tffluence?* 1 frr.m comfort. Some of them cannot live throurh the Winter w ithout aid. In behalf of such we appeal. Cotitribu b na may ba handed to either of the following Eoard of Trtiatei s af the American Widows' Relief Association: Prsstaani?JOHR P. 1 READWELL. resideuce ft. NVbolas BataL Trtaturer-WILLIAM TILDEN. President Pscitk Bank, corner of Rr'ad wtv tod OlSSld at Bajawsart BOlsOsl ROBINSON, ratedonea and affkaNa Ml fireene-st. Ceorte W. Browre. No. * Ea-t 1*>th-st ; Wrn. H. BllOailst, hung House ; Charles L. Frost Na Ififi I lmtor-place; O. Dm* ? i re No 2?> 9th-?T ; Rai I H, M. Stra'ton, No. 1T7 East! lath St. , J.luS Roberta, No .:. H-i.n Wm 0. Murphy. No. Zti Heory-st.; Erederirk Cooh, Maw $ Crdlsas ptaee [Wm. B. Allen, No. ti East lath St. ; Lambert S indem. No I A*. AV averts-place Btej ben Cofer. No. 12th st.; Joee| h Curtis. No. 47 Lexing? ton av. ; William Trnslow, No. M2d?a v.| J. Waterburv. N I U Avei ue I?; John N. Grata, No. 197 West 1MB at I O.-orte W. Peart v ISt. UM East 21','h a'.; Dr E. W. Perry No. UN East ltd-at.J Oliver H. Lee, Ni. 6 Lamarto.e place ; Alexander M Rosa. No RJ Esat ?th st Tin- Trt-aaurs-r of the Firr- Department tbi acknowledges tbe rrce ; t i t *IOu a- a noaatloa to the Widow arm Orphan Knt.d r.t ti e Iiepartment. accompanied wrh the lollowing i an uiiie a'i- n : BhBB or the Commonwealth. New-York. Jan. J9. IHVt. JohtsE, Fs p, Trees-irt-r?Dear Sir: A' a meeting of tie Board i f Dint tors of this institution, held at the Bank ing House this g, it was Km Ittd a',untmc.?ii'p. That the thanks of this Board I? pre sen-erf to the Fire !>? | STtment lor their mieit successful ru n tn is in i foal II mg our buiitling from destruction on the ? irnii g of the iAth inst., and that a donation of *>lfitl ba>presented to the (ut.d of the l)e| artrnent. In inclosing s check for the abort-named amount, permit BM to add that I' Bt'errfa mi sincere pl??*ure to execute the in? struct ions id the Bear I. Vary reexsttctfally, J P ( KONKHITE. Pie* Jttl I. Qs Its F.?'Mo R W. Orsnd Encampment of Boerth New York, will bold its semi-annual Se-smii OSJ MO I) NAY' E\ EM.NO, 4th of February, at 7J o'cha-k, in the Enramprr.ent Room, Odd Fellow?' Hall, corner af Orand and Centra ata. By of- JOHN J. DAY IKS, Oraud Scribe. Tearhera* Library Lerturea.?I he Kitth Lecture of the Courrt- will be delivered bv HENRY KIDDLE, A hi . oa SA'll IIDAY' EVENING,Feb. 2. at 7^ ..'.k. in the Hall "( the Boatd of Educaiion, romer of Ora-d and Elm-ata. Sub jet': " T he Orarchi, or Roman Agrarianisin." Tickets, if cents, csn lie obtained at the door. JOHN H KANNINO. President. LtovASfi Hsri.t.Tivr, < bairmain of Lee I are t otuiiiiitee. I rt v A(iitlcniv ? KXAA! 1 NATION.-?The Semi knaos ExaUiibatiou of ibe Students of the Ne-.v-Y'ork Eree Arvderny will coinmei ce at the Ine'itution, comer of 2"ld at. and Lexing ti.r -av.. OB MONDAY,Fob, 4, iWti. The public are ret|Hect fully inrited to at'end. Vt ry licnu Hill Hri-iirrv I- oOt'ti errn. and ? sites feil to csirv uwav eeriOOl skotches for wbn h any one uiav be well niii.lifi.-.l bv a few lessons in Mr. WOOD'S new and easy SYSTEM of DHAWINO from NATURE, at his resi it m t No. 3tll fth av. A tew new puj Us may be rec ived next week._ A Ntyw riaan in Plirfnoloay arUI too ? fora* ?? Ike PBKENOLOOICAVL CABINET, wuere Oentlemcn and Ladies n.av obtain a practical kiiuwb dgeuf this misrt useful Science. Terms for a full rourae of eight leasons, a>2. Apply to E O V\ LEU tan WELLS, No. H;8 Broadway. Inn ir-kringt to IlniiefUrruersi.?W't hare b NEW' ORIDIRON and mutt say thai it is a great improvement on the old fashioned one. It Is in two parts, one placed half an kuejl above the other, the bar* of one covering the spacea of the other, thus preventing the habeas or ureaae from falling into the fire?ft. which is fitted t tin ntvi r that ooaarag the heat and cre? ates a downward draught that tarries od all disagreeable odor. (New York Indepe id-nt. Five sizes, fiom t'i to a>J. Principal wholesale and retail da> pot. AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PATENTAGENCT, No 7? Daaaa-al IW- feet east ol Broadway. ralaaaakan CAltoaje. 1 ? INTERMEDIATE EXA ATlONwill begin in the College Chapel on MoNDAi.t.b. 4, at o'llock, and be continued unnl WEDNESDAY, the 13th. inclusive. Hours of Examination from Hi to JJ each dar. Tlie Senior atid Junior Classes will be examined from the I'll to the Ith; Iba Sopbon ores end Freshmen from the 9th f-i the 18th, both days Inclusive. The Regenta of the University, the Alumni of Iba College and | ersons cetierally Intere-ated in lie cause of a good Education are invited to atteud. ( H AS. KINO. Pr. n 1, nt Columbia College. Fmigrrnnt I ntrllt?r?'nce timer and Labor Uxchnngss No. I Canal at., cop er of Centre at., N. Y.?The Office .s ealab lished by the Obrnmiaaionera of Emigration, where can alwavs be toerad large numbers of LABORERS and SERVANTS al very low rates of wages, si d persona can have their orders tilled by ur.ting to the Sui-eriiilerioent. and seating the aiieoint nas> essary to pay the passage of the partirs re.|uired. No tees tharaed to en.ployers. JAMES P FAOAN. intyastataradant. FaalnatP **lantpa 3 cents) for sale af this office. -m^^mmmm^ Kcm fJnblicotiono. s A NOVEL OF FASHIONABLE LIFE This is a rej rii t 11 a w, rk that has created the greatest et citemeut in fashiouable circles |ti thir co intry it will be rrad with ain.ilar interest, since fashionable coteries (aiasese in nil countries the same dis'inctlve features. It abounds with wi', humor and fancy. The- plot is edn.irel.iy constructed. 1J 000 of this rich and spuy Novei have been add. Price JO cent*. H. LONG a BROTHER. No. 121 Nassau ?f.. New-York C< j a marled cl laoalattiM leuta. post (aid. Address as above. MY FIKST SEASON. ?y lseatriiv IN-ynolda, Aulbor oi " t harles Auchester," ami " 1 ounterparl*." One vol. lfmo.. Price 7iceuta " A stery of remarkable excellence. It is a masterly per? formance, and brlongs, by ita intrinsic men's alone. 10 u.e bigheat order of this , Isss of letsata. | Wi-.-klv Dispatch. " ' Mv FinsT Season.'?The story a written with clever' i,ess. In one volume it contains as much incident and character as are usually spread ovei three.'' f Literaiy Oage'te. W. P FE TRI DOE A Co . Franklin aquate. N Y PETEIDGE A Co , No. 100 Waahingtr n St.. Boatou. iss PARDOE'1 BKS I M 11 I V A L H l A UT1 I s . By Mts? PsBDcr. Iva Pri. e 50 cent*. Rival Beauties' is one of the very best specimens et Mrs* Pnrrfce's talents (Messeeger. " TLe story is one et great MfWm written hi a striking and vigorous ?t\ie." j Literary Oasette. W. P. FETBIDOE A Co. K s.pisre. New York. FETEIDGE a Ca., Na. IM TPaabsattiaa at. Boston. AG K EAT BOOK for tbe TIME s.? Not of the Past hat Ona Day we wrte and tract the Kutart with " v-isi. r, i lear "' No* RlaDV: I.ICY BOSTON j Oa, WOMAN S RH.IUS AND IPIE1TUALIBM. l.luttistiKg the Follies and Delusions of tbe I'-tii Century. By FatD. Folio. "Tbl? J the Age of Odditie* let looee " A beaatiful l?n o rol BM pr*. with ten lll^arratious by Car an. Cloth, gilt, Bl Eh Ftw ExTSAtrt rxoM B| ?;raot.? CatTi. M- ? " A g'.an. e at Lucy Boston aesar. * us that the author .a a man of most excellent wit. Hit wit hi biting, but Bat .-oarae , 'he weapon he Itef tbe best Dame?, it tteei. mmi keen as a Toledo blade.'' [Utica Usaette. ?? It saaaaaaSB t bighiy drama' i. character, and abeunda in rx celleut Litt. It will prove a far more effectual tntAlot* to 'he-r delusions, than it it bad taken the form of t solar and weii-rua lained argument." | Puntan Recorder. " Ered. Is a shrewd sbserser . f the signa of the rimes. His book la full of keen attire and. aaaffiaj he* at the absurditis* if Spuiiualiatii and Women's Right*. If mere Ig not a great deal of leaguing iver it we art no pr, thet* [B**toc Oliv* Braach. i " It ia oi e rf the beaks ol the sraex-n. Oat it and read it." i Auburn Dady Americat Fred. ia a BM <-f a I rare heart and a dee. of the k at'it that w. n't bend, to dare such a sti'-jec's, and cou.j .aj-n*j out WomaL't RL>hts and Sjiritnaiisnj. th'^s write* cut their i epitaix? Tw.n* ir. their birth, and awdM ^ Twins in their graves?there .et them ret." If ike resasr aou.d arugb he*ri.;y, atui w.ttal . k | phileaophy and gc*>: seave m a pleasant way buy the bock." IPrtviden.e Tribune, it |<*ara*rs aaavATJ laas ex.<.,tnce* the reader w J ais-rrciafe." | Hamfal. n Sutesgnan. ? Ybere ie a ue-1 cf rnr .n it which may be enjoyed, even ty thoaj at t? - ? e r S| .r*ta* ar.d Woman'* Righ t 1 I'le.esraph Naabau, N H. ALDEN A BEABIaBLEl Au-.-t I Jit ?b*;? ??1 ?<? J *J Pl'NCE A BRO , V?? YttA NEW-YORK, SATIRDA I 1st of POP UL AB BOOKS. ?s xew editioh vow readt. A I.MAC KS A NortL or Fuluh r AsiuoaAgLE Lire. Thi* it t reprint of * work that has created (ho ereateet et i tement in fsshionsble circle* in England. In this eoun'r* i* v> ill be reed with s.mdar interest, ?iure facionable roterie? i ossces in til countries the sane dlathsettve features. It ?bonad? ?ith wit, tumor sad fancy. The (lot is adm.rat4y -onstftv ted. 1 rice 50 rents. LILY HUSON; Or. The AiTO-BinoaarHv or ab Orsha* Ohl. B' Alice Orey. We present the first of' this series of excellent stories to be the veritable history of the early nfe of Alice firry, wnase charming Mat.ex.ce" Tales base so otten added to trie enjoy n ti.ts (f Ibe dr tnestic ti.-eside, a: d aiten.atsly provoked tne merrv leurh, or brought the tear < f sympathy to toe eye. I vol. Cfoth. price 01. Fi rty thousand have alreadv been sold of this popular Bout: TliK U AT( IIMA.N; Ah laTr.trsTivc a.vo Moral Talk or Domes tic Lisr.. A Companion to " The Lamp.ighter.'' Published in I fS)L, l loth. Trice OL THK LAWYERS STORY, Or, THe OsVsUI'I Waoxcs. By the author of " rhe Wet? hnien. " I>s.utlfu!ly illu.trated. Complete in 1 Ti l. Price pepe' rov? ers, Vi cetu, bound edition, 75cents. THE OLD DOCTOli Or Stbay Leaves from My Jocrsai By the author of " The Watchman." Published In 1 col., beautifully i.Iustrated. Price, paper cor try, .10 cents : hound copies, 7i i e:,ts. KFW, Jr s PATENT SERMONS. Three role.. psLer; price per vol.. 50 cents. Bound, cloth, in Suis., per sal., 75 cents. .Vo-t asjeansss. r.ave perused scrap* rf Dow. Jr's, quai t a ! ?n us.t.g Srrr o-.s: they w:ll be gl*d to obtain then c?mpl*'e. Th' se a ho have not read them hv\e * treat in s ore they should Cot del* v aeoei th r. MRS. HALF'S HOUSEHOLD KTCEIPT Book ; Or. Maxims svd Directicvs i or Pari-raviM. Health no riOMOHIll ( omiort iv Domestic Lll'e. C< Ii piled from *he Quit cell br?ted eiitboritiea. Published In cltth. price 01. Mlis. HALF'S NEW COOK-BOOKi A TlBI llsal BjSlOSJi li Private Fain.lies in To? a:-d Cun try . \* itn Directions tot ( sriing. arranging the Tsh.e lor Par tie?. si d coniiurtios' ihe alters of the Household w i!i CsaasWl ai d Eci nomi : also. Prei aia'ions of F,?rd for lr.vt.i.l* and t-r ( h . ire a. By Mrs. S. J. Hale. With numerous engratuigs. Bound in cloth. Price 01 H. LONO A BROTHER. Nn. 121 Nas-au st. N. I*. COPIES MAILED on receipt ol price, post-pent. A..:-- n al ove. " Rranty and Truth hat ? clasped hands in its recital!"?Fied mm ksburgb i V a. I News K 0 W BEADY: ALONE. BT MARION HARLAND. A new I'i vised Oftbi Edition. One slegent l.'mu . nintorru with ti e " Hidden Path." Pn, I *1 '? The present | uhlisbers hsve the pleasure of presenting to the trsde tnd the public their edition of one of the most PAS? INATINO, INTERESTINo AND POPtTLAI volumes has been published tor many years. ITaahstsJ by the usual erorts thai are made to extend the **lr of In-oks ot far great, t | retensions. it hss hi on the s'reagth ot its own intrinsic mi rits, reached the extraordinary ??thai ot Ni: -t.-e:i E litmus in little ii re thsn a year?thus.'all things considered outstrip? ping all romjetitors lor thego*l of popular favor. Rival editions have been published in Ens land snd on the Continent, and now. in thousand* i t families, the books of Maritsn Har.and are wel 0 ii.e \ isitors. a ita U1 a*t Ts i BjOM li sm hv reviews or "aloai: " ? We recognize points in i' wh ? k d. "-rehgh pr*i*e for their I. .-i, merits. True genius al tie. fur install. ??, could have con ceivtd and SXSJcatOO the scene be'ween L*cy and Ids. The wiole r\Ion e of the rnarr.sge of ti e widower -he yn r g and tasbiri.ahle Helen, is capitally given : and i's final os.tast.-o 1 he is a* thrilling as it is simple and natural. 'Charley' i* one ot the best drawn people we have met with in print fur many a d*t. Ida. hir.elt?( arry. Josephine, uur>e Kachel. Lynn "he aitist. the Dana lamily?indeed, almsit evervb'sly iiiirrdncd even to the merest shot eh??re graphic aud iiaiinct. Ihe look i* full ot nerve, and hears n ark* of that true genms mt wfcsBBB ssRo a*ach hi aas asablo. Waoon Boost to ao roeeni fen-ale work as containing liner passages than ' Alone.' " Illusion Post. " There Is genius, pathos, humor, and moral in its charming parrs ; much knowledge of htm a' nature, and t ower to de u ? ate i bararter. It <annot fail to he lead with BSOp hlteroal hv ail who have In)" lei ling a: d warn sympathies. A? * work of fiction it is one of the liest we have read in inanv a day." [New V uk i erve-. " The superior merit of ' Alone' does not consist merely in the ititeH si ot :| e story, with its glowing thoughts and exqu .it* fancies ; not in the faithful portraiture of life aud delineations of character; n tin the voices of synii afliv, constantly falling like mi sic upon lie heart, to quicken its better feelings; nor v i's unwavering Bdheaioti to what is right and proper in itself; bl shove all rLi*. .Liiiiiig: forth and giving new beauty t > ill tha' attractive in human ? naracter, the purity, and siui; iieity, and lovelit ess of Christian principle* breathe their enuvhiiug sp rit iti every lu e." (Lexington (Vs.) Oasette. " A striking and instructive tale, siiniug at an excellent moral effect. It is execu'ed with great srt, snd depicts characters thj impression ot whOBS beauty will not speedily pass from the read? er's mind." [V Y. Evangelist. "'Alone' is a look of great merit, and we recal portion which display a thorough knowledge of (bat art which enters s , largely into the character of every tale teller?we mean the art of the raconteur. We have aellom met with a work of this kind more gracefully |ut (sirtli. We com me ml it most cordially o the whole community." I Southern Literary Messenger. DERBY it JAC KSON. Publishers, New-York. And for sale Icy all Booksellers and News Agents. ',* Single cejies sent by mail post pail. A valuable household book. J\ .l?it PaMkhodi HOME COMPORTS; Or, THE ECONOMY oP LI v ino WELL. PAMILIABLV ILLl'STR ate d. Tint book la quite a novt Ity. In the form of a highly inter? esting siciy. it gives many admirable hints upon matter, of hon e econon y. showing how to live in the best manner for the smallest outlay, and practically Illustrates bow everyt'.iing should Im- done from (he kitchen to the rarreL All thi* is given In the form of a story written in a very pleasing uianuer. For the young housekeeper it is especially adapted, but for all hi uiekee|e * it is invsluslde. l?mo. Price 75cents. BDMCI i. BROTHER. No IM Nassen *L 11 0 B A C E GBEELBY.? THE LIFE OP HORACE OREELsEYj EDTTOB OP THE NEW-TORK TRIBUNE. By Janes Pnrton. With Portraits. 12ino, pp.412. Plloo ?1 M, It is sgrred b) friends and foes of Mr. Oreeley that no mors sbly, entertainingly ami Instructively written biography hasever made its ap| in An.-ire Every SSM who ha? an v de lire for a lamiiisr acquaintance with ihe famu'i* New \ .nk Editor, should resd Mr. Parton'a laxik, and he will know Mr. Oreeley as well as though ha had been ' brought up in the same town." * Worthy if a plsce by the aide of the Life of Benjamin Franklin." [Hartford Kei.gious Herald. " Ihe most spicy and Biography ot the day." |Bostou Journal. 'Hi* 'Life' Ig 0 livu.g epistle, proclaiming that virtuous en? deavors and unselfish toil sooner or later will meet a fit recuro petise " [N. Y. Christian Intelligencer. ' Of absorbing mlerett, and containing much of pleasant hu? mor, sparkiu g wit and attractive anecdote." (Hengor Courier. " A volume tor earnest injrn and boys to read and study." I Springfield Republican. " As en incentive to vouth in poverty to be boueet, faithful atid rertrvrnng. ai?n Irom its personal interest, it should go into Ihe hai ,.s of :Le yoai.g of Amencs generally." I MiJcHetowt, Standard. " As n as any novel, yet all trie." JPau.eiville Democrat We et uld aj pend vvf> favorable notice* by the Pre** of thi* book. A,ready nearly*) copies hsvs been told. It is t"t sals by Bia.kseller* generally, or will be sent by mail, poet paid, to any address on receipt of the retail price. Any L*w*| *|*r copying this advertisement three times, and ?ending us a copy marked, will receive a copy of the book, by mail, poet pail MASON BROTHERS; New i . t AIih.K ol SIHIKl.Ni; originality oDd OBJ at Power : Now read; and for late by all Booksellers: THE HEAR1 OF MABEL WARE. a ROMANCE One neat limo. volume ; Price 01 25. Prem many notice* we extract the following: " The writer is a dramatist bj Lie p ipmg of individualities and event. . s pbototypis' marking every ?hate of eAajfaaOsri a I philissopher. in hi* stadie* of the human heart: a |oet, iu bis I lofty but well-sustained language." INewark Dally Adv. " A Doti.estx ron ance of uiore tban ordinary merit and inter eat?contemplative and some'ime* even pathetic ?trusting more to well drawn character than to star , jig n 'ere*-. I I Ha Y Daily Times. " He writes ur.*?|uallv but with gleams of asalao, and now aiid then strAes out Passases of g'eat beautv of thought, with remarkable command of the fall reeoun es of tsnguage in the ex I fsTBaakoa or concealment of thought or emotion." IKostnn Evening Olgette. " The author writes with a terrible energy and has woven to? gether a narrative full tf the murt absoroiug interest, and which dees not depend so much noon the u hSaan of the plot as upon th* :i tei.?e and pa** earneetnee* vsbich pervaoV* iL Trie m nd bee. me* so ahoorhed in rra tfaag it that it torget* itself, led on u s. i sin. v by the strange, thrilling Bsacination of the tragic BU iv [ N. Y. Day Bo..k. " We must accord to this anonymous wnier a high place i tie si here of fictitious compilation. Manv of his scenes possess BB haBaaSO vktataty. His picture* often *eem to alow with life, in*te*d of being colored by art. He has a rare ma-t. ry ef terse aid vigorous et pi essiou. Hie drama'i-- power is equal to his constructive skill. Trsgedy is doubtless his forte, but passage, cf runny and beautiful description show that he is alas a' home among the gen'ler elements of bumaoity. It tue present work te the first fruits of h * gen;n before tbe public, it annou'ice* * bigher order of intellect than has recently been .ie,o?ei u -a.s brsi , h ? ? -sture.-- [?}. y Dailv T- I . - " Ac r.tcrestitig. and. in manv r?spects, p. werfully-wruught tale 1 y a Lew author. The de*criptiou mi the dxel. and of the flight and j ursuit of the poor, craxed woman over the ice en. rns'ed he us in mid-wiLfer are . v eejingly Wei. done. A (astu. a: feature of th* bunk consist* in the intmdac'ory verse* prove i f each chapter, which are quaintly and lane>fully exe ontcd ' N. Y. Evcniag Po?t. I'LRBY k JACKSoN V ? _No. US N*e?a ?L. Near York. ABKILLIaSt MASTERl'IECE ?7 FICTION. BE AIM AMQIR s ca. The Caatta or a Biaiaa M?\ A Novel equal to Bearer's host. ?\A^1 (srput Comp.ete in one thick Iva vol? ume of ->c pages, r.- ce 3? <<. ? Bs rskeisataasosa A BUBKE. Pub,i*her, BaOalo. rub-^tar'* Ag*Lt*. ROSS. JoNES *, Tol'-EY. No. 1? N'asaau sf end No H I .a.-t it Ck ag . icr4g u-a-asl -je: iris ft j |: .a. Y, FEBRUARY % 1966. PUTNAM" MONTHLY An entuelr Original Amerirta Masjaaine. ' FEBRCARY. Conti-sts or No. XXXVMI. WASHINGTON at Hi BTOM??Tixrf m run ?u?. 1BI rix?. OWL I i >PSE?a Stobt or Rcroav ?*o Rar bmeb?. MlSM I BIOS LIFE-At rar. North Pole. ASPIRA 1 ION THE ROMANCE OF CRIMEAN HISTORY. THE PHILOSOPHY Of PI NNINU. LH INi. in THE COUMTRY. MY U Lfl ANT) I. i \i LOi'AlDIA i>P AMERICAN LlTERATl'RE. THE RAM.KR-A Ballad. THE HAI NU Ii KINO AND THF LOADED DICE. LEU ES'S LI? K ok GOETHE. a ri RA PUR Um? ( E? AND QUINCE-TREllS a WORD PUB MEN'S RIGHTS. AMERICAN LITERATI HE? ART MATTERS. TEB*??Three D?.llars itmi.o; Twenty -five Ceate e mm ber. Ihtre remitting TLice Dullars will receive the Mvgaijie fr nnj lag*. THE SCHOOLFELLOW. Am Illi si rate d MaOaIIBB roa Bovs and Cibl? FEBRCARY. Contests or No. II. DR KAN P.. Bv J B. ELEPHANTS Al WORK Bv the Editor WHAi THE HEAET Of THE .?MaLL BOI BAID IN III.-? 1 EH. Bv A. W. H. ABOUT NEW'-YOBK?MaUBT*. Be Pmt.Lir W ally-.. BEUTHERS and BlBTEEBi or Lr.isi-st or i Sm?k Bt t . para alic r. THE OBEEE 8CHOOLBOT. By the E.Lt.-r. RAIN P. }' v- l Read. THE FI RRIES-All aboit Ft t?-FcR Axiwalj?Fib HiNTrt? t\o Eta CorttTBtrs. Bv M. S. C. A PMi POTATO. Bt Pacl Read. THE DESEETED BARK By Part, Rrto. THI STOEi Mi- i nE GBEAT w aR. By J. W. P. PIEE8IDE KANCll-s. RtMauv E. Nl- W BOOKS, Hv Mvtv E. 11.1.1 SI RAT InNS?I)r. Kar:e?An Elepha-j' INmwii.f ?-. I Roll.!..:-Finten Marker Cortee Box?t >p. ? ine Ov The (irrek Srr<vl-The Box T-nr? Th- D?sl Fall-Tbe RsMolata Enlartni New London Harbor?Wg'lachian Peassntt?YN'.illa ch;tn W rn en?Pattern lor Pt'chwork. Ttavs: One Dollar a-yr-ar (payable always in adrajicel, or Ter. i ? nt? a ui.rr N-r. CLl'Bs? Poor o piee of '? The Schoolfellow" to one address. *.t V; Ftrerapine, a>4. Enht e> pica. *>6. Alto, HOTJSEHl >LD Wl >KDs. Bv 1 HARLES Mit KENS. For pel.rnarT. Tiaviv: Three Dollars a Tear, or Twerfy (Ire Cei ?? a t.nm ber: I bc*?renn" ing Three Dollars wnl rec.-ire the Ma;ai-ue frm (/ J'estso*, Clula?Two copies. Eivo Dollars; Three copies. Six Dollar a. cLt a rrav-s: IT TNAM's MONTHLY aad HOUSEHOLD rVOBDS, to ereadoress Five Dollars: PITNA M s MUNTHLY or ID >U?E HoLD WORDSwltA Hie school fe LI OVY t,. raja a.'.dr-.s. Three Dollsrs Fifty, Ce.its; or all 'hree of the Magax.ues, Five Dollars Fit r Cei ?*. Puhl,sued this day. DIE A EDWABDB. No. Iii Bro; Jway. (formerlv No. in Park-; Itre.) New-York. Tonno t-TTpi k s "soldi X \/a\iVi\ f ?? Wa reromi. .1 all the boys in the land to let tins. Look* and read them." [PitteWsUgfc oare:to. MAN HI \\ \K LIFE: A BOY'S EEfEEJENCE IN THE UNITED BT t - NAVY. 1 volnme, l'lriio., illustrated. 7.5 cants. I III" MERCHANT VESSEL I A IAILOB BOY'S YUYAOE8 TO SEE the WORLD I vol., fiiu.0., illustrated. Bv the ?au.e autlior. 7V. " A wri'er who is destim d to rhe"r the family cirrle bt many thoiisatd Ik tries on many a W inter nicht. He writes well?ad? mirably. ' [Washior/ou Star. " Full of variety, ami adapted to awek'n the interest of ronni iri|le in travel.nx adventure, while if must UBBallTBSU I iL. r L". arap! iial snovvlolge." [X. Y Times. " Verystriking andgrtrpAie pictBrea of life at *<??. evidently authentic, and isn in tr u'iie. * * * * Has alveuture rr.ouxb to t ltaie. yet truth euoujb to dissipate the ciiann of a tailor's life.'' (New-York Evai relist. " There Is in them a vss? amount ol 'informatmn reejasefing the ceaaaaecee i f the world." [Piaahilailaa Witness. " W ill rapt ve -he y. uns" [ I _>u;mil and Ml s-enger. '? There i* no aft. Cation in them." (Dayton Oafte. '? These books ar? no'for mere children, but to-lad*of sjwe years and dircri BaaV They are r'in.irka.ldy ?tII wrlitetl." [N'.-w York Inde;ieiuleiif. " The ret.ler Is only left to wonder why one who run write so remtiksbly well had ever ai.vthmt to do with the rixmnt." e * e al [Bo.-ou Traveller. "Has a Ane eye for observation atad ev ellent descriptive 11 v bib." I Louisville Courier. ? Multitudes i f yount readers will Misjht in these book*.'' (Presbytenen Banner. " Since Dasaa's 'Two Years Before the Mat.* we do no! call to mil d ant more ailmirable description of a sailor's life. Her tnsn Melville's nautical narratives are more highly spicsd with piuuntit d. s. riptive s. ewes, it is-iue ; hut fee ouief. absorbing and?aa far as a c an judge?faithful tcco'iuta of a lilo on shif beard, commend ut to this anouv u.out author. IN. Y. Trll.ime. PnbEshed hv MOORF WILSTACH. KEYS 1 Co.. Ciueiniiati, Arid for sale by Booksellers generally. 4 C A P T I V A T I X <; W '? R K ? ^' a. TH i bd ItHTION VOa* xf.kDV ok AILIE FO U I>: A FAMILY HISTORY: By the author of " J.-Lu Drayton." Pound in mutliii. 7.1 cen-t; iti pa|er, 50 cents. " Written with eharmlr g simplicity and fidelity to T.atu*e. and priilucliig |awerful draraatic effectt. It 1* one of those rare novels from ahn b much can be teamed of the winkings of the heart and the experiences of hernble lite " (N. Y. Commercial Advertiser. " It hss already bad an extensive run in England. In correct portraiture of ctiartefer, geniality ot humor, and haaaealaaj phibsM.t hv'ot aim we have not for a long lime m? t ? i-h a work u hieb hr.t pleated ut more." [E. Y. HerrJd. " A vrry Interesting story, written with that ease and unalfected confluence that marks a practiced pen. n:i 1 a workii g, well trained brain." [Sprii g'i. ..1 Repubiicau. " Pervtded bt trampni betnty and natural feeling, at t novel for familv reading it it turi'tesed by tew productions " (N Y. Tribune. " It it a aurcettful work, and mav be aafely pro-iounce 1 o-ie of the beat of Stringer a. Towntend't Librtrv of Standard Novels'' (Yates Coaatf Whig. " Hit t powerfully written romtnee. ITrov Dailv Ttuiiget. Fbom the London Jocxnai k: " Allief. rd it t ctptivtrii g s'ory. The cbara. tera are htp; i!y Cot cened tnd vigoroutly (lortrayed." [London Morning Pratt. " Ametit the fictions of bon elv domestic life, in which truth it to r< rrp. nsa'e for the absence ut ideal beauty. Ailiefnrd de? serves to r.nk high." [The Lstsadaa Atheneum. "A vsctk abounding in ftscinatioti of tn irretistible kind.'' ILattsaBa Obterver. " A delightful tele?full of affecting incident, brilliant lea. rip lion, aad profound reflection." (The Mandtrd. ?' The reflex of life it to true that the hook throughout excites the Interest of reality." [London Spectator " This .harming "novel doe* full justice, to the reputation already gained by the author." [John Bull England. Published by STRINOER V TOWN>F.ND No. 2? Brotdw iy, N. Y. For ssle by si! B.efikse?era. an I Agetita on the care. N B ? Mailed Free of Postage on reception of tiie price. AMERICAN REVOLUTIONABY RO? MANCER. By Wm. flBaaaaa .-i.|. New aaal Revised Editions, with Iliu-trttion* bv Dtrley: I. THE PARTISAN. A Romance of the Revolution 12mo. cloth. Price t>| 2S. II. MELLICH AMPE. A Leg. nd of 'he <>.:???? IZn-i cloth. Price *>i . .. hi Katharine w alton. Or, Thl REamoi d.?b chisTLB. Kmc,cloth. Price t>l AS. IV THE si otT; Or The ItLvtk RtDEBi Bt THE CaWage atr. Pr.e go \. Wt u 'IH RAIT; iir. THr. Hevens Atoi/t the Dove? cote. IArn. ,.oth. Price A12Y. > I THE FohAYEH.? or THr Raid or the Doc-Daw. A lew Revolutionary Romance, now first pubi.ab.ed. lino . cloth. Prlea *> 1 J5. Ml. Ei'TAW. A new Revolutionary Romance, lima, cloth. Prix* BT SA [In March. 1 BlMMfB BORDER ROMANCES OF THE BOUTH, N> w s: i Rev ?ed Edith :.*, a ,-n l.iustra'.ont b* Darley, LTsj> Mm v* 'h Sabii i Revomtioiosrv Tales. I. OUT BIVERS. A Tale ot Oe rg t. 12mo..c!)ta. Pru *: II RICHARD HURDIS. A tala of AltUma. lino .tljtb. Pr-.-e * I Bh III. BuKDER BFAOLES. A Tt.e of Mississippi. I^ao . cloth. Price t>I V>. IT, CBAELEMONT A Tale mf fwiitstSj I2mi..cloth. Price flA [In February.] A new book. V. BEAUCHAMPEi Or The KbnT'.crv Tbacedy. lftro., rloth. Price *1 ? [InMtrch.l M. CONPEBBIOE; Or, Tbb Bu?0HkUAT, liar...cloth. Price UA (In April.] THE YEMASSEE. A n( South Carolina. By W m. (idin. re s mmt. es,n I2m...,. Price SI 25. SOUTHWAKD. HO' I tjiitl gf faaaSiBB Bv W i s^ m<re Sirrms. etq. 12mo..cioth. Pr^et>l?. On the receipt of the reta.l price any of the above book* will be sent by mail, poeu,preptid. J. S. REDFIELD. No. il Beekmaii st New Y' rrk. I'M CMP Ee?l OF Uli: DRY-DOCK.? Peehapa i., wort of the pr-sent lav pottesse* more iuterett to every reader than does the above. It depicts in so glowing a style the various forme human nature aatumee in this eaf ptaal MsBfOtatBai il to tptiy Basnsrast some of the most mtr.ct'e s. of crate tnd intrigue enr projected, that til who read the book are completely astonished. " Is it po?itble," it the lenertl exrltn-arion, " that such acet-ea are ' ? uacte im oar B-.dst '" * I faL, fro. Paper, price 25 een'*. Ss-nt by mil -oat-paid jii reieipt of price. For *e> bv all Booktellers ar.d News Agents. HALL A UILLSON. P '....hers. No*. Hi tnd 117 Nateau sr.. N Y Book and Map A.ratt constaa'ly employed- Inducemc-ats extra. ^ l u If ~E . CHA1U.ES DANA, THE STANDARD. (See the Lady's Advertisement inTttacts. F'b. I J Gent eu er, anxious to win this " young Lady of prepossessing tHearaj.ce" bad betterpost themselves up on the - lere addretsu.g b*r. This can be done be carefully reading ALONE. A new tdition it just published. DERBY k JACKSON. No. UJ NttJtsu st. PRICE TWO CENTS. A Work of Int? so Interest. Daitlet? N & Co, Xoi. 346 ami MB ri'*L'?H civ SSTIBOAT THE CONFIDENTIAL CORJlKSroNDKNYE Of NAPOLEON BONAPARTE ; With H I I BROTHER JOSEPH Selected Mil Translated. ?ith Fvpla: atory Notes, from tie '? Mem' Ire? du Ree1 Jo?epb. ' Two tblrk Volume?, Prieo ?I. No box k lee ?et appe-red wh'ch f'umieh I ?o e vrrect * por trsiturrefthe character of Napoleon Hs was in aljiost ?Wir eoan-.l-rii-etloi- with hie ktother Jc-e; h ?>o :i hie first emniiit ment as e Oeneral of Brigade, down to 'he H'h IHtJH We etc: ot fcrtV. a c net ' ide? < f the chvrscter Of the great rr.ind that swayed over '-.early the whole Continent, of Furor*. ? itr-cut reaeii ? tj-e.e Letter*, whieh. unlike .dti-iel correenoud ei ec . i et a h us the iuunwt thought* ai.J motive* of eetlou of the writer. These Letter? bear ui-ou every subject, an I we aee with mhat a wa-chful eve he cared for evru'he smallest thing, i A distinaub-hed critic has obeerved in examining th,? early ( ?hee's. that ' Ri'Mtraphera wdl have to write their oiogrephice > ol Nspeleoti over aft?j." Neatly Ready. THE ATTACHE IN MADRID i Or. Skitcht* or the Cocbt or ISASELL* II. thro lume. 12mo. USB pages. *> 1 " It is believed that there la uo other oo-.k in .-ir'.?? f ia< ' which I rrsotits so good a pu tur- of ?i>aiu and the Srsxinarda ae : ttlB iOBI. The author BOsOOBBOt the :.eces?afv qualitjcatioa* f-r the troo'ietioti of such s work. The Spa- i*r 1< are a proud peo ; pie?proud of tiuir rountrv and h.s:u.y?proud of the-r trsdi I Ion? ard p< rtrv?rn ud of their Bei romsi ce* ai d ehiva ry? , rroudoflbuir cnnrciies end lib r i? 'ig n-e:... proaai oftl.oir l MM and habit*. VV ib ?uch a i Bit u the 4 Brash 1< ou'd fsel ' a deep aid sii r?rr syrapatl.y. Ha WBB not sb aaatSrtellBTta as to be baaatod kj the gtoet of i ten celit I Irce in the Pal*, e of t'.ie . EsearfaL He mw BISIJIIIIsJ. tr0IU ,h* priests levee t . the i 1. e hi 1 flith: : t'i m the ruconl'g'it dance of Maoolaa to the re 1 aal lall? of the Docile*: d'Al'.s; from the needle work oftlie S|ai i?h as* idea la the glor.oue pai tng* of Ti -ai . Yelasqies, I and Munlm | in i he ha* i ut upon pap, r all that was worthy of record wk el ? <-.n .- bi der Ii? notice. ?* Bat thl* i* not all. He h*a aiveu ue a ki id of political his aarr Bf ? aaata St ain. His book will inakeS|?msh |?>litl?,*ud S| anish t ar'issnsbip. se fa jnliar to the Ameti ui realer as t ie roo'hplsel ei hi* own 1 Hard*" and " Sof a'' Theaccount *>ven of M. Sonic'? diplomacy, of hi* heroism, is not the lea*t iii'ersst icg cherter in the work ; and the de* -i| tim of the Kcvolu I n it IMS, BI d of the tliaht of Queen Cbri>tiua and of '.he San Lui* t a! iat t. it gtaj hie. ii BttwCttva and m'emlius, " It ii evident tnai the relation' of the Antic t at th? Spanith Court Were at Bi ce delicate and lutimate." Tir e i x i? i: v i: s n 1: s t. NLV\ TUE ?KW PAPER!! NEW WRITERS'!: CiacvLsTtoa c.vir ||sjn|!!ll |SH. THE INDEPENDENT w !! thjj paa* 1?' tlBallBBlBH the saare corps ol Editors whkrh hava batotofbr* achieveil so huh a n i ii fi r ti e pujer. end thev will be a** ?fed by two addi? tional leruvmen who are araUekl own and Jutit.guiehed Ra thoir shilary sad "alert*. BoaaB new writer* are also engaged in audition to tha followins diatu cuished I E 0 I L A it C O N 1' U I 1? D I O R S : RF.v. OEOROE M. CHRRV EK, D l>.. REV. WARD BEE-CHER, OOV. louts ROSSUTH, M. LOUIS CZERNATORT, MRS HARRIET BIlEi lO'.R STOWE, MR. CHARLES L IIR ICE, MR. CLARENCE COOK, DR. BOLOER, MINNIE MTRTLK. ANNIE II., A-id Humorous others. CORRESPONDEM g Frcn. nil *ecf ioi ? t r the Union j 'rom Enalanel, Prance. Germa? ny, Swittl iia..d, Italy and the Holy Laud, contribute to eutich the colon ins of Tills' JOURNAL Our PRII ES CURRENT AND MARKET REPORTI W:ll i. i :Ii i c to I,'made hv the ?aine (Ottrpi SOt handsBrh*Ba luve h| letotore ? ini'icted fin* dep.irti.ieiif oi our paper, and whii h hava Ihs p**l year xiven cicii ma'ked a*11staction to the farn.ii i and frauing portion of our subscriber*. CONTENTS OF THIS WEEK S MM Ii I. IL Ot a Bricut, Cmtubvmm Jn of Nations ht the Op I retivii ct i ha 1 oor. Trn '. Clint! n-av. Cong. Clmr h. Mary .Mnnnieiie. Oral wH CottRgrORDBVCt, Pit in i iir Waahiiigton C?JglB> apot.dent. Dr. Atdimon and Dr. Dutf| liirl" In an Art:*;'* Studio. < In, a Mure. Leiter lioin Secre'aiy Cook The Largest Ne?*paper. Criaia for Kau*a.. Commere'ial and Financial. Alo KBTISt ?I.M rs. Egvui.v Rg |0u?, Tbl Etiles The Portruit of a " Spatn-h on Mi., on Bcbatlll Bi.uiiriu's Mi.*ioiiarv Life. Protiai led MawttaajB, John Eli.i t. Tl ? Two Death* h oai V? NYw Year'-, it Clover Hill. Lord, what wiit Than Lave nie to do f Song of the Old n Time. A time and IV.ic. l?ge. Selection*. An cm-.n VV i n an", Fdera-1 A V oun?? Man's C!nuacter. FoREle v MlSCBLLABY. AlJVt.BTIsEvtEVTS. EniToa'i Bom Tvblk. T.'.e " Higher Law" of Slsve tioiial Am elation. Letter of a Kansaa Man. A I local Example?VV ho v ill follow it ! Dr. Kane. Association f< r Irnprov hag the Condition of the Poor. The ParnvRchool at Mat tray. Li t e k a k \ Btrollt. RlLIOIOOg IkTIIAIOBICB, Do.VEbTIC Sf.MVIABV. EhlTOKlAL AHTIi I I . En. pt mess ol Fruit. TBBMO? Bv Mil, 02 per annum in advene.). Specimen sect gretis. Ai?v e K Ti s e si e a T s. ? A limited number \. ill be taken *t ous shilling l er line each insertion. Monev sent hv in ml is at our risk. Off oe No beeku i.n St., New-York. Pi - JOSEPH H LA DD Publisher. Foteigu Religious lutslli gem e. POOBiaa l\ rr.Li.incscB. Arrival of Iba Beltic. Cattta Maitot Hcvi.-w ot the Market. Pi.ce* Current. 1 ? E B s o N A L M E M O I B B MADAME JULIE DE MAEOUERITTEf. The first of an orig.nal atory, which u ill prove one ol the most brilliant, piquant, and eutertsiiiiug works winch has ever heeu liven to the American public, entitled FRIENDS AND FOES; ML THOSE I LOVE AND THORR I HATE, will he commenced in THE SUNDAY COI RI iCR, ot. Sunday NEXT. Pehraary 3. Tiii. smgi.lsr prialuctioti, though given un.h r the fuacinsting i'i |sb ot hctu" U the la'Tnonal history of tint flat remarkable WOtoan, MadamO de Mar.ueritte*?now Mr*. P,>?fer?written by Bar sxpreaaly fbr the eelBmna of THE SI ND AY Col'BIER. The revelation of the history of this ac-o iplisLed and eccer. trie ladv : Bel adventures in the- Old World, Bud her escapade* in tie New; her vsi ions fortune* a,id misfortunes; her de?.-rip tn is of well-known MMMOMB. and her r velsMous of New V oik society ; ?Itoge'hsr renuer it one ot tiie most singular and ran antic nsrratives 'hut ha< e ever been pnbliahed. The readers of THE SUNDAY I Ol HIER should be sure i o' to faiiss tl e openint chapters of this racy work. I HE COURIER aid he for sale by all the News Agent* and Newsh ys, and ?t the otfire of i ibli. it.on No. !*? Spruce-*!. Prkto8 caaifg par copy, raariy aahacriptioa ?>2. JAMES I. SMITH A Co. KI N I 11 T If <? (J 8 A N I). '? A Ik ok for ihose whose School-days are over." FIVE HUNDRED MisTAKI s, or oni.r occvboucBi IN VV AND PRONOUNCING THE ENOLIBH LANOTJAOE CORRECTED. This book ort?rs ? practical aid in conversation and cures [?-..? ce. tisetul everv day and to everybody. " it is letter than all the grammars thst were ever written. It -I ? u'.J l-e intr.duoed Into every family.'' (Ohio Permer. ' Fverv VOBBg lady who wnres for tha magagiues ought to consult it before ? ompoaing another psge." ML y. Evening Poet. ' rV work is one of ktsi moat useful of the season." [R. Y Dsilv News. ?? There tre fbouss.iis of ind-vidnals BBsi fsmdie* lust should i ave ii." IN. y. Observer. Price .Tf ce Baa, S.rgle copies sent bv mail (postage paid) ua racsdpt M Puhli.had by DANIEL BI ROE SS k Co., No *| John st., New York. MKS. CAROLINE LEE HKNTZ.-We havo in (rose ?ort will puhllah on ibe Vth of February one ot the most bnltisiit and f tscit atii g works wliiih has ever been [ubl'.shed in this country. It is from the gifted and elegant pen of one of Ad erica's chou est Will BIB MlS CAR'/LI NE LEE HENT^'?a lady who ueedi no flourish of trumpets to herald her fame, for she has established a wor d wiue reputation years agone. \V e may say. however, that in this new work she has l ot only suataiaed her previous high repu'ation, but sha has achieved a v icfory and reached a literary stand-poi-it far in ad? vance of ,..y of her previous eflor's So s yell who have es am r.ed tie manuscript, and we doubt not that this will be the verdict of the critics when the book shall eppear. The scenes are drawn in pact from fashionable life in Boston and New-York. ERNEST LINWOOD is tl.e euphoL.ou* title which Mra Henf* ha* chosen for this new snd tu..: t emanation of her genius. It will be romrriied in a handsome l.'mo volume of abiut i'4 isjs?. pr.< e 01. with our usual discount to the trade. Bocksellen ire meist respectfully re ,ue*t-d to forward their ot .er. st su early dav. JOHN P JEWETT k Ca., Publishers, N... VV it: /???? ?? Bo-tun JEWETT, PROCTOR k WORTHINOTON. Cleveland. Ohio. SHELDON LAMPORT k BLAKEMAN, N. w York. ANEW BOOK bv tL- Author .if " ForiahSide and Rolling Rid,-.' Now Readv. DREAMS AM? RE 1LITTE8 IN THE LIPE OF A TEACHER AND PASTOR. Oa* cesst.t l.'mo 01. DERBY m JACKROM, Cste J. C. Derby Publisher* No. 114 Na*taa-at. And for BBsB by |0 Booksellers. HI' N I I N G A L? V E S T IRE B Ii THE NEW AND OLD WORLD' WILD SCENES OF A HUNTER'S LIFE ; OB THE Hrariac akD Hiateb. or All Nirtoa* I . '. iled from the wr.t.Lgaof OERaBD. GORDON CUM MIMOo. and other celebrttel Hunt, r wmi Trsvelers, WITH THREE HI NDRRD ENORAV I.NOS sod EIGHT COLORED ILLUSTRATION'S Twsnty Thousand Copies of this Exciting Book hare been sold. New Edition now ready. MILLER, ORTON k MULLIGAN' Pubiishets. No. 25 Psrk row. New York, or No. 107 Oenesee-et., Auburn. NOW READY.-Bj tb? autiw of " Walks tad Talks of Ml American farmer .u Erisueasd " A JdCrlNKV IN VMM SKAHoaiuy SLAVE BTATKS. BY F KDFRICK LAW O LUSTED. Dm t*!:m?. llano. TIS r*ag-* w ( . Wood Cite. SI 25, This work* wntte I the a. .let, candid, go-d humored e*.| man It atyla wbMth rendered I*" lather's previous narrative ?I tr?te 1 so widely popular. The petureequeend dramatic /Ntrl^Uat af SeiL^rm LHA? ?Ad Scenery with which it aboard*, wdi ceaxmeed it to tha perotel of all rltssesef readers Brant* ir? f.l] and ts tailed accu? racy of eheervttioii bj many matter* af greet cesatoietrial pot tea cal and moral interest. eetaWwhee its perxaaneut Tale* a- . .n.g a loa? frit tap in tvery library. It la, In at crt. a readable and tnstwor'hy acsjonnt of oar ? wn S*uth. sc<k as we hare in acoree ef vail suttee of TtanaVlants? S at-a , I nrt kalt tti? intereat 10 r.t. fair, calm, a- ,I i ' a-soWs In its treatment of topic* of rc*.twrvery, tbceagb frank a d at.' mistakahir n. ei| resting the tat.V t'a own conclusion* Tb* "-.mttem t alive'or predicts that this hook *?"*?',?* ?' rrrater 11 daeure on the a.:ads of voter*"* than I'd. is Tom ? t ahm 1 ?* I a.1. r The :.. w Yoik Hail* Times *ar* ot it: " This week w ..I be by ar the best yet | ublwbed en Use subject " The .New-Orlte- a I , !.. ... , .? ??u,bor: ? e.?*f tar the be.t yet | ublwbed en thesubject Ibe .New-Orlse: a Helta observes ot th ,? hat. I , MM ? were, he was not a wiliful.y <_ unter ?riter. V\ e would welcome a lew more ateu of bit .ell her snout u?? prejudiced, but oiaalv aod honest." d I'ari.aa.'a .\!m ' Hi. <*.j,, ..ear and anpre^ , Lead r .t will be read with deep interest by North and -***utb ; ie. A? s bc-ok of travel merely, it ,* higidj fa*., it* shrtc lies sf manner*, kc., aul a* a Soak of pri.wiplr* It it no le?* valuable." \ . it A V, JVU Broedwtv N I ? SkouH It taken ta AosaespeM.c sisSM I.V. V AiBais*. Pjl H B W I 1) 0 W B ED<> I I . WHAT THEY THINK ?ff HER IN YVASHINOTON 'a.. iL- \\ s Ml St. n Ms ly " We are af eplil >n that ?1 . aj be k that has EVER BEEN WRITTEN BY A PEMALKi Ital we le.aM it at but Itttlt U a: v ?i.'.t mlcror, a* a mirth rptril ( prodectfcej to' Bent 1 > ', liackers .'s ? Y ?diene Elwefe In er*.' A* well a*being burner. '*, the ' Be<l.?tt Paper*/ aie , atin. ai. ar.d the ao'bores* has drawn *<ame pietare* that wn isnaot but regard as very faitutul lepneeuUttou* mi what'he had wiliie*?ed. Among these i* the Donation Party, which its Uaittt weil w.tth the pries ol the b> k. YY'e say '? a.l-l uy, tead and lauih." Says The Louisville PailvVour'e't "They speak more ef f. ctualtv to tb* teueral ear aud heart, even thouah they wbo brer are' net aware cf the fact that tliey are Ir bihn s BTBMsl n. T he ' Pajer?'t eevi not ? werd fnm us to those who v^ .w suj t! inr of 11 eir etitacter; to those wl o do not we ??y they -ai - n. t Ian BaS. n come into posse**.,>n of the rich wr. an I <e. lal that SPARKLE I.IKE THE PCHEST FOL'NT HNS el not at -morgtL. green fields ot life" Bays Ti e South, rn Literaty Messenger; * last rtrt .at hit rf tie saesea. ana ??rovoet'tve . t mmtm asisst%4MM bstarss lae.h te:-han atvbcH k *.u. e ' Maior J.,ne*'* ( onrr.bip ' aiVlSlsaj w. uid ei.jov hours of real setiata. 'ion in drvii resaUn.' 'lei ret ere s.u.:? It, it, k t g retavaitoi. >u li e prattual uia.i w < to te an ured after the dsy'a toil??hordd pros are a copy of trio Y\ w hr.'ott. There le Mi DRAW BAI K lO Till-- MEItltlMENT IT A KP' Rl >', and all it* jokee are a* purs and ini.o. ent as the pranks of chl ol h, ad." Ibe Newark Daily Adveitser ?ayar " T"ha lau and 'k- aa .a con u.erce with ibe ii.l'lsl chspter. and Uli II EVERY PAi.K Uli: ?RIN WIDEN-i, ?1 i aa. Whew the Unnh awallows up everythiiw. ami the ear* ru n diaap|war in the ever-expending month iihIC lie I. Ian it.tlieice of this anasthelkal, mirth prev k. wa*t Isxd od but'on tester!" fit rri.'h l.tnOi,?w ONE ILLU8TEAED IOtO PEICE *! n DERBY k JACESON, Pull.ahers, New Yoi* A- i f reale bj, ail PssAaaflrra Mi e CeJ ie? aaM b> mail |? it-paid. EM I'll ATK A l.I.Y "A llo.MK DOOBl" rotaTH THOV..M1 1 OLANOK8 AND tri IMPSKS; oa. rt?Tv vasaa or aoiiat. eoviriti.ivo Twtarv vrias* rsoiassievtL i n - BY HARRDH K III NT, M 0. Thi* remarkable j n uctioo ia making its mark. The Review ajn *i eak thua of it: 'A pet ui any n tere*tmg book." [N Bedford Stand*''. " It will unquesLouably Laie a large ?*!*." [Evening Transcria?, Boat on. "A bo.ik of deep Interest. ? [1' i ,? ' W e i ie<l ct tor t <i? book s h< *t e' r. ?,lera" (Phil*J t "r. " A bo k ?blch will prove useful to ?<?. u ly." H'hrntlai, Soeretary, llar'fonl. 'Be rise from the peri as! ol tl.,a bo- k W.'b a tee.ei tiJui in the Atnth, the eam.stne** and B*yeotc>l> ?? >? of woman." (t'lami's Batl i . . t - ,ii ? ? ?r i'e. " Among living notabilities. Dia-tor llsrr:ut K Hun. Ig ?aa of the most notable " [Portland AdveitlS'if. " A book fiom Hsrrlot K. Hunt i.<(? uori-. " i M uielieeUr aatrfee. ' We value this\olun e mainly for D? tevtlmooy to tl.e value <i n< ?ih." (I'ourregaibniaast, Boat.Ni. " A leaiit'ful of home." |llos*oii Ttafl'crlpt. " A biKik tilled with u.s'ul stiggesteim and practical hi ills." [l'orrr*poi.deiu-e Kuatou JeuruaL " The au'i biogtapi.y of a woman hon bet?re b . true II its.'' I Ziel '? Herat I. Baersnv JOHN P. JEWErt s. Cm. , I'uhi. bs i, No. 117 Waihingtoo st . Boatsxa. IS IT BOt?Tbt< B.iHtl.n Kvi (Jtllfttt< ail)!.; JL "Itberated m ? i.> ? bo bjst*| iMhv*>aaThy Bath] i Ne* \ . rV, it i-l.-d ' Ja?ka>e and New tlrle..,,.,'ibvi the i?ld mei.t, w fcicji old lined distinguished honor a' Bataklav t i* the -nine that git so awfully whirled at the Battle of Near Or? leans." Serond Edi ion Read? This Dav: JACK SON AND NEW ORLEANS) A:. Aut) entir Narrali'.a of the \| la v. I,iev emeats of the Amer csn Army under Andrew Jsck-um, before New Ot lean-, in the V. inter of IHIt-'lA. I'- v ALXXSM.XB W ALU KB, Latent the N. O. Delta. With Eroirl-pie. e. Hau . e>| >\ Er. ni the New-Y oik IHni. | Post. "Altl ough it would set tu almost m,|k*?ib|e to ?ay any'hi.ig lew ?Im.ut the Battle Ot New Ort BS OS, we must ae'snow.. d/? tb t Mr. Wolter bar here c< mpil' d by far ihn n on complete, anil el tic and interesting accent rf that n.ennnhl* event that has yet *| feared. M Many hats last lag AacfS with reference at sssaesae aw s>**sas*| enner?ed with thi campaign ot Now Oileans, n'e bronebt 'o light; an eng ottier*. the fact that YV'ellingion ? >mc time csmo neat reet ivmg tlie command of the etp idttlaa w'iich In eassas> aw nee ? f the death ct Ro*<, was given to Paakafehaas, Euill justice is done to tlie latter gallant aAVor, WsasSS character has never leen alti gelber fa.tly dealt with by Amerl -an writers. I he bi.ti - es ot resin ellls or of oft , eis on BBtMg side, who parsicipaled in the battle, are in some rase* csrried down to if.q present day ; and many subsequent interesting details are girea ol item, width in.pan to ibe lo. k ine li.> l.ns s of arotumuas raucous narrative. The story is well fold in a plain, easy I'vle, and is ei ruhed by accurate historical illiietrati uig froui many sources." DFRBY * J At KAON, Publisher. New York, and for salt) k) all Booksellers. Now Read) : BB AIT II W AIT E * ? RETBs WMCT. ? PART ,\xxii FOB JANVAET. I' form Amerean Edition. 'I bis admir.'ble digest BsjaTM, througboui the weild, a IngliSf fame In its depertment, aud has a more extensive patronage! thsn was ev.-r acquired by any o'her Periodical publication. Tlsvis, invariably in adva..e, fiom Psrt XXllf, Air July, IK."iI, if-i' per annum, or ?>leacb Part. The beck Nuinhera or S. :? In m the . i n.n en,. no nt ,n be und a' the .nri' *l prices, tree of i ostcae : Bl Parrs, bound in !<> vols., sheet, library style, f .' s vol., f%l delivered free of cbsrge. Part* I to I i, M rents eacb. Par'.tl to a, 7ftcents each. Parts 23 bj V, s> I each. N. B ?Msilsd to Subscribers, (re--of p<?i'age. By v T ' lO Ml. P No BB Broadway, New York. And for Fsle by all the principal Booksellers AMKKK AN ILL1 BTLATEO NEWSPAPEBs No. I of EII.'NK LESLIE Ii ILI.I 81 HATEU NEWSPAPER' Is aad i His MOENINO w m ? ? the following IPLElE DID ENOEAi INOtl I II Unath Portrast at* EB-Oorarsase Mnnt, By I N- 'v Line of St.-amsl.ips between Olasguw Bad New Y it. 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