OCR Interpretation

New-York daily tribune. [volume] (New-York [N.Y.]) 1842-1866, February 04, 1856, Image 7

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

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I j?1jp,?l V,Ot>0and there wil no Instance (m rooord in which
fjM> receipt* of a railway had not beou ef OoeUaaoaa
fTOwth, oven whore portions of it* traffio had l> < 1
Jbsttaotod by oompetstiua M new line*.
Xhe wear aud tear wo* great, 20,000 tuns of inn
squired to l>c replaced auimilly: and 2?,0J0,?mj
(leepcra annually pcrishi-d ; 300,000 tree* more
annually felied to make good the Ion* of sleepurs,
pi100,000trees could be grown on int.. lesstkaa
5 ooo botch of forc?t land. Tin- Proeideat oooutdesed
pi pome b i.gtb bow th? sc annual depreciation* should
be met. The principle of a renewal fund wa-. ,) .. .
(iooable. After a certain period in tho history of
rrery railway deterioration reached nn auuual aver
age, and an that annual depreciation became a charge
fixed and certain a- the cost of fuel or tb? salaries
of officer*, it should bo admitted a* an auuual charge
again*t receipt*.
A* regarded fare*, the interent? of thecompanieaand
of the pubbc were identical; companies must regulate
- iarta by couaidvration of the circumstance* whien pro?
faned the largest revenue, and the circuiustanOi I
ahich produced the largest revenue were those which
adufed the greatest uumlior of individual t" travel.
{Nothing was so profitable as pasneuger traffic, as it
ro*t lite in every way thau good*, and an average
{rain would carry 2oo passengers. J'tiu cost of ruuning
a tram was overstated at Is. 3d. per mile, and 1 11
?.asaeugcra at ?d. per iniic produced St. Sjd. Hut
But Uii* argument did not haply that iu all cases
far<? should be fixed at a minimum. Minimum fare,
were most profitable ou abort routes; but the publio
wer* too much occupied to be tempt, d by minimum
fare* to undertake long journeys. High rates of speed
sad taorueoed ooaaaarts am thee required, tad toons
pught be charged for. Every case, therefore, should
be treated in consideration oi its local elraemsiaaoes,
The pordal facilities afforded by railways were very
great, lint for their exiat.noe Mr. " Kowland Hill's '
never could havo been effectually carried out.
Iwa>a afford.-l the mean* of carryingbalk, whxoh
would have been fatal to the old mail ooacho*. Every
Friday night, at present, when tue weekiy papers
were transmitted, eight or ten van- were u..w required
, for Poot-otnoe bags on the Nortb-Weotora Kan way,
? arid this tis?' of . ight or t- n raus implied, ut the least,
the employment of fourteen or fifteen mail OoechoSj
eudthe exp< uses of fourteen or fifteen mail COSChoS to
xJixmingham could never have been sustuiiieil bl I
penny postage. For this gr.-at bltisolag, therefore, the
nation had to thank the railways. They were tho great
engines for tbe diffusion of knowledge. Government
ustqtooald ban oeiried Tkt Timr?, of its preoeat
nie, on the same terms, by th?-old mail coach. Tne
parliann ntary blue-books never would have been
printed; for, except by canal or by wagon, they could
not have boon distributed, and if they could not have
been circulated they would have In on HBflloss Never?
theless, the Pootofflce did not uppear to treat railways
with all the oonsideration they were Tltitlrd to expeot,
(treat SQCVicos were required, and, In return, it had
been contended that no pi .fit should bo allowed to the
railway companies, except as carriers aud woike.r* of
ibi line. Kailway POSH panics were, therefore, bo differ
ict to postal trnmc; which was -hown to be a serious
disadvantage to the public. At proeeat the Po-d-oftke
competed with railways as carriers of book parcels, a
principle which might be extended still further, but not
r, without injustioe and hardship to the railways.
Parliamcntaiy legislation for railways wai full of in
rongiuitii* and absurdities, wbk k were graphically
described and illustrated. Ihu acts of Parliament
which railways bad been forced to obtain hod cost the
public JClt.OOO.ooo sterling. Hut tins was showu to
be the exclusive fault of Parliament itself, and of the
system it enforced, aba legislation of Parliament had
made railways pay seventy millions of money to Laad*
owners for land and property, yet almost every estate
traversed by a railway hud been greatly improved in
value. Parliament had taxed the Companies in favor
of the landowners, for what waeOeBoC " deverance."
Cleime for conqx'iisatioii for "eereraaee" were based
on theories which were wholly ideal and imaginary.
No ono bad ever beea able to show a neeetanal lorn
by " aeverancc," aud tbe claim was often mado as
" customary " where it was even admitted that no
ground for it existed. The remedy which suggested
itself for this state of thiug* wts one which Parlia?
ment wbh not likely to grant. A oompetent tribunal
was wanted, and Parliament was incompetent.
Neither Its practical experience, its time, nor its
system was adapted for railway legislation. If a
mixed commis-iiou could be organised, to consist of
practical men of acknowledge! legal, eoumieroial,
snd mechanical ability, thi re might be some chance
of railway h'i?itio*e being efliciouUy conducted, but
it wo* admitted that there was little hope of any such
Kailway management wan next OOBsiderod, and
shown to be completely anomalous. fferhamont had
legislated for rail ways as toll-takiug companies; but
every direction was obliged to embark tu enterprises
foreign to the Parliamentary objects of the railway it?
self. This produoed serious dilemmas. As long as
dividends wero kept up the directors were popular,
bowevtr Ulcgal their act*; but the moment dividends
fell, the directors, however energetic, wi-oi or pru?
dent, were visit, d by the shareholder* and the public
with all the penalties of having exceeded the letter of
the law. Men whose reputation* wero at atake were
wnyii). p..willing t.> incur tno risk of bweouiing
? .liway dire et or*; and the most eulightened managers
aud shareholders were revolving in their own minds
bow the liileinma could be escaped. It was ?aggeoted
that advantage might be taken ol the Limited Liability
act, or of aOSOe uua ugoua measure, to enable a limited
number of men of business to take lines of railway
trout shareholders on leases, subji ct to certain condi?
tions and tei nv. A few of th. looooeo would then ooa
rutute IheSBOehres managers, and being free fromap?
prehension* on aooOBBl of abarebeidof*, of external in?
terference, or ol personal liabilities, they would be able
fully to work the liue aud enter into those enterprises
aeteasary for tu dev. lopment and esseutial to i . pros
perity. A large profit would accrue to thoso wno took
tbe fine, ond managed it with vigor aud economy;
shde shareholders would derive grout advantages from
the certainty of receiving flxed dividends, aud fro;n the
enhancement of the value of their pioptrty, aud prac?
tical security would he afforded to the public, while
their bist int't rests would bo consulted.
The electric telegraph?that odhrpriag and indispens
sble oompauion of railways?was next considered.
<,SO0mil. not tel. graph, oi MC.OOO miles of wires, were
laid down at least. 3,0i)0 people were ooutinually
empkiyed, end more thau 1,000,000 public messages
Wire annually flashed along this "silent highway."
To the working of railways the telegraph had In come
e**ential. The ni edle was capable of ludicating at
every station whether the line was dear, or blocke I
or if accident hud nuvwhere 000erred. lae telegraph
foulil, therefore, do the work of additional rails by
imparting instantaneous information to the officers,
end enab ii g them to augment the traffio over those
ts.rtiona of the line to who h their duty might apply.
It aho enabb d large savings to be effected iu rolling
stock, by affording the rneam? of supplying such stock
to any atatiou at wbioh it was eoedetl from some other
station where it had accumulated and was not wauted.
The mode in which thi- system was woke.I w< de?
scribed, end its simplicity wo* commended. As a
perix-tuitl current v* a* passing through tbe wires, ttin
guard or engrne-dnv. r had only to break the train
wire in cox. of accident, and the officer* at the nearest
station were instantaneously apprised that something
wa* wrong and that assi-taucc wo* ucoded. Some
stetisaaai were given to sho* that the business of the
Blootrie T. legiuph (,'ompany had increased ufiyfold in
seven years.
Kailway accidents occurred to passengers in the first
half of lt04 iu the proportion of one accident to every
7,195,343 travelers. Ladies and gentlemen could
scarcely " sit at home ut cum " with the impunity with
which it Bpjieatod that they <vul 1 travel by railway.
How frequent, comparatively, were the ac ident* iu
the street; bow f.uiful the misadventure* to thoje
''whogo down to the sea in ships." Yet Parliament
had seen fit to legislate expressly fot accidents by
railway, without logioletissi la the same way for uo
?jdoats from other sort* of locomotion. This wa* un
lair to railways, and ili-calcu!iitod to afford proteOtloa
to the public where it w.u iuo?t needed. Lord Cemp
bell's Ali, also, measured men s bras by a class staud
aht The family of a high p blic functionary won d I
ft large oompenaatiou, while tho family of lae poor
"/wiing man weald get nothing. Tue practical ten
??ucy of this law was to retard the adoption of low
Isaa Kai'way managet- were compiled to coneider
a?t only what they might gain, but what ihey adgbt
and the larger the number of passengers, the
fleeter the risk of accident to aome of th. iu. Tue
e"?if*ni.-. wer.., practically, obliged to innure th? l.fs
Wevery |> tvm who Uavesed on their line, without
^?ag able to apportion the premiuma to the rt?k* ia
The resells of railways were aatonnding?'JO.OOO men
*ere employed directlj, and upwards of 40,oa>o coUate
?"*-v. 130,000 men, wiih their wives an 1 fauulie*,
'?PreeenU'd a pc>pulation of 5? >.cKK? aoula; so that I in
to of the entile population of the kingdom might be
?tid to be dependent upon railways, foe aunud re
J^pt of railway* now reached A-jo.000,000, or nearly
half the amount of the ordinary revenue of the Sute.
If railway intercourse were suspended, the saute
?"oent of traffic oould not be carried on uuder a cost
: ? A60,?OO.isio per annum; so that AiO.OOO.ooJ a year
?ere saved by railways. To the publw " tiui is
I ****y," and in point of time a further seving wa* ef
J*^t?d; far on every journey averagiug 12 miles in
"Tigth sa hour was saved to 111, 000,0.)0 pea-engers p.r
; ?*num, whkh was equal to 38,000 years in the lite of a |
j woiking eight hours a day; and allowing an
av?rsgaof3*. per dtoni for hi* work, this aiditi^aal
was ?2,000,000 a year. Th? moral resulu of
***"r1B7,J were equally romarkable, railways were
x,urj**f1i ?he value of lend tlirougbont the kiagioTi
oy tsrtogiag diatant proportlee practically nearer to tbe
y^weoesamptioB, and bv faoi?tatiag ?be transit
?^uree; ihm taabliag poo?, laod* to compete with
surer riiv soiV Tb.- sti-nulu* otTordcd to saUonal indut
tr> ua- exemplified by (be prrrgrciw of*the boder-p'sAe
manufacture; and tbe iuin-oscd comforts affords-! 10
the p< oplc wen- fllBBteated by the extraordinary pr*
LTSSB Of the Cab ttade -.rut tbe' development of th* 1 i
l?i I cal trafle. It was ob-erv<d that. Desert railways
existed, internal communication was, restricted by phy?
sic m! t iicumstanees; ti e oaoa! trafiio wa* depsuJ.nl
< n tl e supply of watt r at tlm auninit levels, aud upon
the vicirsit tint * of seasons of either drouth or troat.
Railway roti-munieatioa was freo from all the-ie diffi
mi'.- m ! ? .. y obr.tal.Ie that nature bad opposed
?. k m >? hed hitherto effei tnally nur mo an ted.
. Tl.< nddrtrt? 101 eluded with some wordaof praetioal
application. T. e duty devoir, d un i ivi engim er* of
improving and perfecting this vast *y?teui. Every
farthing -ave I on the train mil. age of the kiaudomwaa
AK),'00 a year gained to railway companies. Tne-re
was, th. ritoro, ample fn Id for economical applivnce*,
and thirefore no economical arrangement, howaver
trifling, was to be iiey'.ect.-d. Nothing would afford
the I*re*ident greater aatsefiOttea than that from bis
observation* some aound practical improvementahould
result to a ayatem with which hi* name, in consequence
of Li* father's work-, had been ?0 iatgeJy a- ... mted
for, however extensive hi- own connection with rail?
way*, all be had known and all hu had himself doM
was due to the parent whose memory he cherished and
Dru TVTtos ntov the Gi<r?t Df-*bt of Si.
H*R.\.?The Akhbar gives the following inteienting
ace.'U'.t of ? deputation which has iu?t arrived at Ai?
gn. i? from the I Jeeert beyond the Fresset pos-e?imi
in Africa: A considerable sensation was created on
the eth at Algiers, by tbe arrival there of a depotatioa
of four Aral belonging to a tribe inhabiting the
Great Dessit and known under the name of To sarega
Since the conque-t of the countty bordering on the
Qrsat Sahara has be? ? fleeted by tbe French troops,
it he- become a matter of int? not to the French Gov
eminentto fax abbat n friendly luteicoeist with the
tribes inhabiting the Desert itself?a space measuring
upward of four hundred kageet from north to south-?
that is, from Ourgia, the lo--t oasis occupied by the
French, to Tbtnbeetoe. The tribe above ineutioued is
divided into eight different branches: the Aigner, bor?
dering on the Regency of Tunis, tho iloggar, inhabit?
ing the mountainous rftltgSof that name; the Ahir,
living south of B't; the Ennebijjb, or Leinden, in the
vicin.ty of Tim bin-too, and the K.-loel, the Boodal, the.
Kclguens, and tbe Itisea tribes, ocenrfy the couotry
between the block population of the ?oodon aud the
for whiter race inhabiting the north of Africa. Tne
Tooareg-arc vi ry nearly white. They inhabit tent*
made of tanned hides, und live chiefly on the orodu.-tJ
of th?- cha?e, th.ir cameb, and a kiud of bWoetsst
sheep called dimman, of which they j,.
immense flocks. In tho south they cultivate rioe
and maize; those of the north have but lately
turned their attention to agriculture. The men
wear two lartre gowns, a white and a blu.\ of Koo lau
manufacture a kind of wooleu or silk caftan reaching
to the ground, and wide trousorv, closing at the aukh
with u gaudy trimming all round. liny wear no
stock in o'-1, hut red bather sandals, of g'nxf tvorkmau
rhip. On their heads they wear a red skullcap, oov
ered by a kind of turlmn, fiom which a blue veil de?
scends to os far us their mouths, while a kind of cra?
vat, beginning from tho occiput, covers the lower part
of their faces, thus quite hidden from view, while their
women, on the contrary, wear no kiud of veil, and eu
loy the greatest liberty. Their weapon* cousi-t of a
"long poniard, called dcrnia, and a double-edgednabre;
a lance, a musket, autl a aiiield made out of ancle
phot t's ear. Tbe deputation above mentioned was
received in the most friendly manner by tbe Goveruot ?
Gtneralof Algiers, their own behavior being respect?
ful and digniti. d in the extreme. " You poatee*,'' said
they, 41 cloth, silk, cotton scuffs, and pipes; ban { us
?' those mauutueturcs of yours, and other-, too, aud wo
" will 1 xcLai ge for them ivorr, skins, perfumes, wax,
'* gum and go.ddust. We shall on both hides derive
" considerable piofit from this trafiio, which will eh 1 <<?
" meut our friendship." The Ooveinor-Oenernl in?
tends, it is said, shortly to test their friendly feeling by
sending a caravan into their country?an expedition
which, if crowm d with suopoos, nay reopen taa oen>
mtrte which was ancitntly carried on with the oeuter
of Africa.
PopOtATloe or Bom.?Tbe Mmitrur (Jan. an?
nounces that the General Vicuriote of Rom- has just
published un offieisd census of the population of Boats
forth, year lf.'..r>. In all, there are 177,461 inhabitant.;
among whom there ore ;i'i biahopa, l.tl'-'c, si>cul(irpr.e.is,
8,813 monks aud other religious personages, 1,919 uuus,
and 0s<7 (kiiiinaiists. At Kouie, therefore, thore hic iu
all 5,031 pn< -ts, monks, nuus or bemiuarnita?that is to
sav, 1 to every 35 inhabitant'.
The Queen bat are ented a jewel to Mi.*8 Nightin
galt? spu ittl.'y made and aiugidarly beaulif.il, orn v
pxaatSid w ith o V. R., and n text. " Ulesned are tne
BM I' lful," and diamonds, aud enamel, and a n-gil ia
script ion on the back, and so forth. It is to bo worn
rather us aa order than an ornament. Whether it Wiis
uietiilcd thrOBgh lots of hands before it rctohcl tue
owner?in tLe usual ruubbish English style wu M roy?
alty approaches otuinury slay wt kiioir not; bat t.ic
bauble appears to have some meaning, which the En?
glish barburous stars end gaitt-r* arn destitute of, 1
. t ?? r lawvttag i.. ei. bctowcj iu a siiijfle tnttaiioc ou b j
maiie or creative worth, but on titli<d soldiers and po?
litical partisans.
T>r. Scoresby is going out to An^ralia, with a.i n
pn H eh BJ to nitiki expei nnents relative to the varia?
tion of the compass iu iron ships iu the soutliern hemis?
phere. With great liberality, the directors of tbe Lir
rrpool and AastreJian Navigation Uompaaj have
gianti d th. ..se of a .-.tat- -cubiu iu tb. ir-.plcu.ii I <?*.-?
stian er, the Royal Chnrti r\ a Teasel well adapted tot
tckntinc experiments. The ntiitf are of wood. The
eotXtpeaOCS are to arranged us to check each ether.
Tbe wheels, we arc tola, ere not likely to leilioaoo
?vm deliiiite exjieriments. The Royal Chartoi sa^-t
ntxt week lot the antipoi!'
Mr. Rogers (we leaiu from The Athen?um) has left
st vt inl volumes?it is said five?of M m.ms. TkSSt
aie in the hands of the poet's executor and pub.isher,
Mr. Moxon, and are "ready for the press. Report
.-peaks anctuoaaly U to the content-. Rogers'^ pur
Kmal propcity is said to bf under A3;.,00o. Tne pio
tares end books are possibly worin X40,wo. In his
lattr years Bogen lired o* an annuity from the bunk.
Prot? -Mir KkfeofBerhn beeeoaaaaeaoed the execution
of an 1 quest ruin statue of King Frederick William the
Ti iid, u- Uhowtst that of a monument to be erected to
the late Priry Coaacillor Beutk At tbe eeae tinae, be
is about to finish tbe sculptures whioh are to aioru the
i . v. Mum en et Bt rlin.
M. Uertsa'l ''Exile" has been reprinted at Ham
buig, and interdicted ifer a moiiient) at I.cipuc. Tue
Ituvsiau agent* interfered, and the iSax^n authorities
proved complaisant; but the trade prote->U-d, and af - r
tOBM 1 et on-i?ii ration the ban was remove I. " M/
"Exile" is thtrefoie uee to neat ainoug the libraries of
t Germany.
Dr. liruTio Bauer, formerly of fhe University of
Berlin, hos hfl Prussia, and taken up his abodn in
in the evening of Monday the 14th iu?U, a public
Trailing of Macaulay's'ld and 4thj vols. WaseOsetBSMod
Bt Wvidc's Biiti-h aad Foreign Newsrooin, Leicester
aqaare, Ijendirr The attiaidinri was uutneroui aaJ
ii spettablc, and the reader was listened to wuii a djap
atlenuou by the audietu e.
The ljcnion Tim,* point* out to Russia and other
powt r* the fallacy of supposing that the leaJines* of
the English nation to make peace is at all proportioned
to its unwillingness to commenoe the war. " Wo
"have," it says, "got over tho first shock, aad are
" beginning to make our element of that which, a little
"while ago, wa regarded withtlio most genuine horror
" and aversion."
'li ne isa strong sentiir,t>nt, wluch repiaes al the
termination of hostilities befote we have had the op?
portunity of puttn ;g forth our whole strength, and vm
dkaatiag m a t ew hold, and agtinst a new enemy, our
ancient renown. Wo mention these things for the
very sake of the peace, the preliminaries of wliioh
have, as it appears, been sigued between Count Val?
entine Estethozy and Count Neseelrole; for, ia the
pueei.t temper of the pit'.!:.- mind ia Ea^land, auy at?
tempt, however slight, to renew the dipl* u.itio ruv
BjasjTSJI of last Apnl, would result in an immel.ale
eiTaVaana i t ptspalar feehiig, which might render it
bj p. -s.l.l, to proceed furthtr iu a paaitlo direotioa.
'The Time*' city article, dated Friday eveniug, aays:
"The operation* ia the Engli-h funi* to-day h?v*
been comparatively of a steady character, anl they
seem for the pr- sent to have aettlod at the improvo
m? nt of yesteiday.
" In the Stock Exchange there was full employment
for money, and short loans on Govorumt?.it securities
were in request at tody five per cent. No freeh news
transpi.ed to influence the cour-e of busine-s, but sa
rtrpression that the Government?while tkey aro re?
solved not to iclijise their preparations?a;e di*,so-i*J
ia t ahV ra thai ti.- eeMtsttawaa ooiamencesl wtll gi? <>a
to a rapid und satisfactory conclusion tended to |H I
general stability to the appearance of the market.
Londo.s, Saturday, Jan. 19, l* ?"?
It i* not unlikely that tbe proximate session of Par?
liament will find the Hoeae divided iuto three parlies
?those who see sufficient ground* for aa imm -livi"
cassation of hostilities; those who nlrocete the fur?
ther prosecution of the war, not thinking the terms at
presraat e>t?ri4cd suib> tent, sod ths*e wke Uke the .a
'.'mediate Conine and hold thcraael rr-a op-n to th?
vow* o( peace, bot who will uot lay down their ar.ru
?M pear* is secured us on terma of a). dmg .. r. m.
It now remain* for tho Govi ramcnt* of Franoe ari i
Rutland to |m> firm and caatiou* in neg.,tiat..?n*, for
Austria to keep her engagements honorably, f ,r Ka??.a
to see Ler trot Internate, fur the British nation warin', y
to uphold the Executive Government, and for th
Britmh Parliament la support the Minietry w;th ftrra
neaa while throe all important ncgotin'iona are in pro
'.e*a of arrangement.
Tbe Cnitod State* mail steamship Black Warrior,
J. W. Smith commander, from ?w-Orleana the I Ith
a. .d Havana the evening of the 2?th, arrived at thia
p< it on Saturday evening.
Tlie United State* frigate Potomac, Com. Spauliin^,
and war .?teamer Fulton left for Key West the morn?
ing of the r--<tb att. During their stay the offi-Tt
d.r.r-d at the Palace. Salutes and other cirilitioa were
ir hanged with the great. ?t good feeling.
Two French vessels of war are iu the harbor. No
I he crop of sugar in market Ii ?maller th an usual at
thia sea*on, owing to the unpropitioua state of tho
weather for harvesting and transporting.
Havana is filled with stranger?, particularly Ameri?
cans. Tliey are met in th? ?treet, caf? and hotels at
every turn.
By order of UM Captain-General the small coin of
the United State? ho* been depreciated.
II s Bis* k Warrior brings M?V. Kachel, whoso
health is still very delicate. She will leave at once
for Liverpool on her way to me bellt France. The re
tr.air.der of the troupe go home direct.
Trc/fii Onr Own Corretj ondeut.
H w wa, Monday. Jan. 98, l-*.'.o.
We have intelligence of tbe 6lave cargo, which
it had intended to have landed at St. Juan de lot
BemedioOj but in consequence of the proprietors
of the expedition having got a bint of its having
been denounced they have altered the destination
of it to tho other side of the Islaud.
I have ascertained since my last letter that sev?
eral planters, 1 am forbidden to send you their
naints, have found it to their interest to treat their
slaves with greater humanity than formerly,
especially the females, by permitting them to re
n.ain a longer pel iod w ith their children after their
birth, and that in consequence more than half the
infanta are now reared.
Commodore T?ubling, the Captains of the Po?
tomac and Fulton, togeth. r with the Commodore's
Secretary and the Acting-Consul of the United
States were invited to dinner by (Ion. (oncha on tho
5241h iust. All the above named gentlemen except
Commodore Paulding were present. I am unable
to account for the Commodore's absence.
Joseph Tucker Crawford, esq , Her Britannic
Rlajesfv'a Consul Geueral in Cuba, is gazetted as
( < miuidsary-Judge of the Mixed Commission in
this city, viie the l&te Mr. Backhouse.?who, you
will remember, was brutally murdered a short
time eiiice. A better appointment than Mr. Craw?
ford i' would have been impossible for the British
Government to make. Familiar as that gentle?
man is with tie Spanish language and the charac?
ter of the Spaniards, and being, withal, a thorough
Anti-Slavery man, we may feel confident that
strict justice will be administered in all oases that
may come under him.
'i he I'otomac and Fulton left us on a cruise on
2f.tb ii.st.
We have again delightful weather after thecon
tii ubi.ee for a longer dui ation of tho north wind
than I had bcfoie known during tuy long residonoe
in this city. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
lnvestimation bekork ( oronkr rf.ddinc amu
Tbe examination into the cause of the death of Mi
chael Me I nightie, who was killed in the Barker
HonM on Thursday night, was continued before Core*
net Bedding and a Jury on Saturday, in the GrOV
crnor*s Boom of the City Hall. The room was den-, ly
i lowtli d with spectators, all of whom appeared deeply
iutcit sted.
Several wnneeaee were examined, aud ?om> now
facts wiro brought to light, but the one who .ntf.ct-d
tLe Urn**! which caused death has not yet been iden?
tify-!. Sufiicitnt wo* peeved, lowerer, to *iiow tK-w
McLaughlin was struck upon the head by Jeine* Bar?
ker while deceived was scuffling with another man.
Hie itietrum.it in the hand of llarkei i* repreaested
as a stick, urn .thing l.ke a policeman's club. The
lit ad of dir. n? d not having ben me Lcxlly examiu-d,
(be Oeroaet edjoaraed the case to do so, and secured
the senricea of Dr. Coohraa. They pro? eded te He.
1 Id Wati r Mi? et, where the body wa-i lying, and found
tlure print* of eith. t nail* or teeth on tbe upp'-r part
of tho bft jaw, near the ear, and the right eye bruised.
1 hi y r ido DO examination of the scalp, rc-erving
that in case the Jury should requueit. The fa*
m nJ arrangements having been made, the body was
conveyed to Cnlvnry Cemetery m the afternoon, at
tended by a large rcneourae of sympathizing friends
w.d relative?. It will be detainsd m a vault for the
pi cu nt.
The following i* a summary of the evidence Uh u
bcfoie adjournment:
Patrick Murphy testified that deoenaed, O'Brien end
hiinielt WOBI late ?he Barker House SO Thurwlav ?y<viiii* last to
toaeaesfakj wti.e tie sartssaha (t?*or?r vv. Barker) wa*
L, |M |l( thru. ?hl?k. ikins I.* bnri BOOBS o:ie Ivnioin? ?t
u. . h* ?>kr<l wtit tbry were laaSBSfcej St, when an ol 1 sent.s
n en nine up and ?ta ed that be w:j nut tS be saxse.l; Daun
then csn e b) 'be loss with hi* iblr: collar epruaji.laau.Uer
cl.l. 11 U, and win *?* naked him it he SSOM 9S to ? < h tI Du.in
Stiark kaa sed Shej rllncned. an.) whiie the/ware tliuehed
Jmt- harter K|H(k witBOM ou the heal who wiu*thiii| aaJ
ki i- kit. htaB settle**; it ?ermse' lik* th* knob of a d<ol or
hi. .il.ii? else thel be was -truek >??:? u ; k'.^w i...ti.i.i< u.ir
BBtl Utticer millaaaa rini-: bim on; a-the tine lie wa*
hii.i k u.v. wed ??? ataii'ui.a *? the lianol'mi uve- ae aid" of
the bat; >aw 1.0 lisSSXlOBaa l?-twe*a t_;ui ?ml ?r.jr oiu-r per? >u ;
i oal I-'- **w h;ui waa whrn be 0BS90 la again, aud tBSB he wa<
daoii keaeetonetaiai?reai?valythatn?rfcai had ? weapon,
the |er-orji in the hi uae B* tl.ouin' wsrs ?ober.
(.idtcc FouLtnit swum?I reside at No.?7 President
? r.t t; v. viAi snaalntsJ with Mich**: Msfissajsttotsasi himou
Thurau*? avoassa aLi.ui 8 u'cW<t. ? h*u he rsoi* in U? Barks;
lloaei I Iba la*, ?n.sa* (Murphy) came iu ftrat, ae4 aereial
t kl.eri tt,i.o*isi; pr. ?iou* to their comiiia iu we heard a noiee.
anil lie*, ilia n>u.pa.'.y c*n.e hi iu **?rj SOtotaSOOS manarr j I
in h i uatl ij sot ue, and il.ey went a.^1 occeiiel the bar apac ?;
Um acatlaauaa thata | re? <.u*lj sal arouud the ato?e i Mjr.br
ia.lr.i lordri: ks.aid tun n a round *iclajuaed, "Souaofyoor
lau*hu* thtre." and rej*at.:ig ttie exj raaaioa, a*ld. " oi rise I".
p\e )tu a'uubicr," 5icLaii*tl.u then SSSSOi a decanter*::!
rai ii.a It. tarier can.e o-at from bebiuJ th* bar and took it fum
hin.. T Weal np to Muo hy and told hna wa maat have no filht
lik h?re, and taajnaated tux to baqUetj h? cal.ed me a liar
twice; ItLec ftevieil taik. and theu.au wb. waa klii xl cara*
it K n.i la a tluaarsnlng sBeaasfteasl tosk asldss mot I faseae
b. u. ut! ai^lwcnt to th* store to ?etoiit of ua w.j; BIMe.
cthei Murjly or d*cr*?rj, ru>Ud iu auua* me iar:y_?rouiid
the Steaa ; tta aSl r.? i i IrBlteai pre?eul?d Diu. fiuaj tubtiu*;
in?t theo ? n.so ossBolla th* <i.Atr. ai-d tsaayhjit?J as
liucLed; Muiphy thru struck at any ajd everybody; it
was aJ! d.i.e r. ri.e tumu'e*; the B-sS I ?*w ?u
deceased clinch.*! wiib an-jth^r in*':. aaJ 0* fsO hm roHsJ
t.ir- Ihalrfawrttoawas Ihae ilo^eto-a* rc.i^-aabar. ia*
u.a. ciiiMLeJ witb V.uLatuhiin (tot upi doe'f ka*w wbs-a.-r .'.
v. sss'fusrror so v:ij.:a:iiUiice . f ?h;o saw the djes ?!t*!1
h:uith>. wbosiasslsod-wni the poUe was :h-u edled aid
6 urtfv was taken tu'; don'* reeoJiact seen* Ueo. ?. Varass
efter be c*me out tr. ai taec.ai.t -r to ?**? :h* decanter frj
whw h I act ]***> he 'ouk to bru. i I t..- a m. Ike I*ce*se4 was
.rasT. hUf drunk; I hsiged tbe u.aa that was cn Marphy 0?;
the fatt.r -Jkc went ufi'uf ar.l Mci-aaso?n; Barser ? track ;a?.
?ett U.e l.si* ou .ViJ.authiiii ?ot up; be StIWafcBaBJ .n 11*
l*s.ti an: to-ive it w a. lo ki S*i tu.nk I asw 'he s'.sa ?
netfcat**lenoVbaSuteha struak. Ik..::- rikaw || I uaw aaw
that ki if* brfire; d-d i.ot s-? MilBBsMta rise after Barser
.?: a hiwi the stick looked seaaath ? ?s a pelureiaan? elabi
cat'' rseoejaiso any om si rmti .M.-haaahha when he trli, xv
I Lj ict up arter I ruUe* tee m?a ou him or?, b* tuen ria aal
a racked rwryS?cy; he fed the teroU time; tn?a ta? do.l
artacter ka*; >'??> not 'hmk 1 aaw M.-Ututhtinreaafer ft* f- -,
t.r- is* \\ . Barker had Is-ea ter dliut bar all tae *?enlna
1Unia? Dunn, sworn?T.*tifi.d to residing ia tho
P.rk.r ll^ea^isaw Mnr;bj. MrLaufhlia and O'BreB eora
,1 -. be I a; n- with two 4..?*; ia cumi:.* frota the kirraen 1
I,a ssiaa* fr-sk. s:..i 1 rau B Sad SOW the* SJS110 St BBS
17,lanatreetAauc. at**] ?ealle*Satliwka.end tnr .? ?
. :. r , i.e was Uti^hirrat him. arJ sau! if any
roe lati*t^d be woaid sei * ?las* hetweeu the eye* 1 MiLaaja
n ra^ed a d.c^. .a 01 brandy as ? SB *ttJn?.
when Oeerae W. Bark't cam* out f.-om behind ta
Ur aid took it cut of his Im.'. ; Ja-ues Bark r bei <
attracted bj :be noise came down fairs and said to F*tr*a
Mntrb* lewacred bo hsbti^s tnets. Miuehy stmok uae a*
j w ,' ? is sc. if it waste*! coal; I s'reck K'i 10
U?i D.IJ of ha fcai ds. wh.n sooio oue strack meooutetsvk
f the reck at ? I sell town ; (dt up e:.d was kaorked dowa?
.,,-.!,'?.->.' takak Menhy sail I . witw?s wtii"! u e-e^ja
Am*-, baiker ?t.tktcs Mcf.aes-tiua wl h eetvk. ?j^! to hartar,
I-- l sent to Mr?. ( ?ttuc'a room ui the h"*l ahoet a moata a**
rr-, s k: .tr b] tie*. W. B*tkex. an.', a*" It to hitB ; j*d ao.: ***>a
r .ir<r it was similar 11 a fearsavr* to the kaife proOOCaA. eat
eosiU Dot .wear laet It was the same.
The irqucet was then adjourned till M >eUy at 10
i/jlork a. m., ard Geo. VY. Bark.-r wu plaeed m tbe
cuetod; of aastt-bit llortot W??fB*t the, rn?alt.
Thi Ja?m?art Thaw ?One of ?u?there ere a go<el
many of a*?one r.f us last Wadntediy m >rni?g, boiag
thereunto moved bj some sofleoiag intioe K*, did
write, print, publish, declare, make kmwa mmi teil all
tLe wot Id ar.d ?? the reel of mankind, that ?' tha Jaa
uary Thaw ha* at last begun.' with a cluar inti-nat.on
that it would continue, keep on, and fia_*h thaw.ng be?
fore it doatd iu ?' thawey term; lor he seel, wrote
and printed, a at "It waa mild at midii Igbn, with a
j.r>?spect of irmwing wanner. Perhaps it wa?, and
peihapa it waa aio th?n and there that " Yesterday
th* *now vl, lt. i r,r, ..T frf^;r> though the sun wa* ob
? un d nearly all the Lm*," 'it i* equally true that the
aun ha? n<4 been iuV>ured much of the time, except
that time when it waa mild at midnight, and it ia ?tili
quite a* true that the enow ha* not melted pretty
treely, exec pt it wa* brought close to a b:g fire. It is
n..*t emphatically true that the January Thaw ha*
Ixsn postponed?indefinitely |>o?tponed. A* the ther
m? meter stand* cow, thert y ct the remotest proire*ct
that the *n?w will ever run again, except tt run* lJte
dry sand down hJL The order of the Mayor ar.d Po?
lice to cut out the gutter*, which commenced upon a
large scale, a* scon aa our notice that the thaw ha i
c n.mene ed was printed, wa* an idle order?the work
labor 1< et?f.>r the thaw ha* not commenced?the water
Las not run in the gutters?except to fill and freeze
them solid?the low streets and cellar* have and bo*-a
OTttflowed, and what i* more, never will bo?unlc-s
the weather changes. H.-aven speed a warui't term;
but time only can tell when it will reach here. Wa
have had four w. eks of sleighing, and as the ther?
mometer stood yesterday, ?hall have four more. Be
assured, both town and country reader*?the January
Tl.aw bos nol begun; or if begun, has ni?t a fro ion
CosTCI Rts.?Of these, there were two last week by
notable ortist*. Mi. GotUchalk gave one of Spaaath
and Cnl an music, largely attended from the nution to
which it was addressed, and successful in presenting
Sj ajdah and Cuban rntl.sl.. *. worked-up with brilliant
p aao spray. We have so often apohea of Mr. Qotta.
chalk's pecuharities?his ex+ctitud? unim;.. ?
passionate, poetically-wrapped performance, which
place bin directly on a plane with the great artists of
Europa that wej need cot individuate his merits as
to hi* last concert.
The other concert was by that Mauhattan celeb?
rity?Mr. Kyle?who play* the rlute iu a style
thoroughly appreciated. Mr. Kyle leaves the profos.
aV n now, and ou the ociasion of his farewell benefit a
aambt i uf \ n '.< s-ionai assistants iui?l a aTOWd of tin
piofessional auditor* were prose.: M - I
showed her crescent vocnlisma to the satisfaction of
the auditory. This young lady ia from South Carolina,
we b< litre, and is a pup.l of ftgaof Bodiali, who
has l ad her iu training for a year or two, giving her
the secrets of the only school of singing. The other
a-eir-tu.g artist* are well-known celebrities of tho fra?
A complimentary concert, for the bmmmtvt a blind
boy, Michael MeDermott, to enable him to support
h.mself in the city till his sight is restored, to be given
at Hope Chapel this evening.
A tneet.ng of the friends of Kansas will be held on
Tuesday evening BOtt, at the Lyceum, No. l'.Laight
street, when Mr. Henry S. Club!) will explain by di i
granji the. Oc tagon plan of cettlemect, and tho chiuae
tcr of the VtQ-tartan Settlement Company, now pre?
paring to start for Kansas.
TitTWovtAt to Mr. Qo?ob.?We are retry glad
to es e that some appropriate testimonial la about to be
giren to the .lervii i s of oue ef our o.os' ib-tin
Temperance advocates. Men who do th< ir country
es i v loa in other ways, in the cabinet or the field, are
not foigotten by our citizens. But who have dono
mot t for their country than tho-c who have stay, i
the desolations of intem|ieracco .' Besides, it i? well
for the frieiida of tho great causo, ladies and gentle
BM B, to mingle together and show there sea be great
social enjoyment without that which inebriate*. Aad
ss the tsnoek ?titer?*?nment on the 14th is to bo got
up.mtUm<s,tl.U?i-..4-. ...i .,??,!?,. i |,T ,?._,.,,
and ebsquence, it should surely, as we have no doubt
it will, attiact a full attendance?one that will do
bonvi to oui >.ltj.
Ksmoval or tri U. 8. Marsh it. asp fvonns ok
tiik C. 8, Court.?In consequence of the n?g!i PSBO*
of the lost Board Ot! Coanetlmsn in not providing ae
comn odatioaa for the Judicial ofti.'er* of the C'. S.
Oim reeaaet for tha Southern District of (few-York,
the V. S. Marshal has by dire ctions of the Secretary of
the Interior, leased two houses, No*. 3 and 10 CoflogQ
place, wh' te these important lutictionares will be lo?
cated aft. i May next. The site chosen is very incon?
venient, Islington blivks from th. Court BfMW1Wr but
we hear that it is the best that could be' ohtaine.li
Both branches of tie f'ommon Council will meet
this afternoon to comme nce the Wi bruury session.
There is no special eabjool of mm li public [apart inoe
likely to be acted upon this month, but there remains
much business) of an ordinary character, which will,
together with the confirmation of appointments, con?
sume the tmie of the session.
Crrr Mortalitv.?According to th* official
p p> rt of the City Inspector, there were 3.1.?
dcuth* is the city last week, namely: it men,
C'J women, 11* boys, and 104 girls, showing afall
Utg' fl" of 10 a* compared with the mortality of tho
w.sk preceding. There were 6 deaths of apoplexy, 5 ,
ef bronchitis, 9 of eonge-ti.m of the lungs, 13 of con?
sumption, M of inflammation of the lungs, ti of conges?
tion of the brain, 13 of dropsy in the head, 3 of iuflam
i; glen of the brain, I of inflammation of tiie bowels,
t of riuall-pox, 4 of pleurisy, 4 af typhoid fever, M af
evavuiVlob* (infantile), U of scarl* t ?brer, 13 af croup,
0 ofwhoopir.g cough, 4 of lockjaw (inf intile), and 17 of
i.-.oiaen.ue. There were also 6 premature b.rths, M
coses of st.Kborn, and 5 deaths from violent bYMOA In
o'her leepeeta the report press nts n > unusual feature*.
The tbllowing is the class.fication of diseases: Bones,
j..it.te, ore., ?; brain and nerves, 70, generative or
1 BJ l| heart and blood vessels, lj lung*, throat, At\,
Ill; skin, Ate, and eruptive fever?, -7; stillborn and
premature births, 34; atomaoh, bowel* and other di- 1
geetive organs, 4t; cncertaai seat and gene ra! fevers,
J4, old age, 4; unknown, L The nativity table gives
BJ] nat.ves of tbe United States, 3J of Ireland, 21 ??!
Oeimany, 4 i f Scotland, and th" balance of various
foreign countries.
Th? Aaavat B*nn or tub Tisrra Wenn Du
aoCRACT.?The annual ball of the Tenth Ward Jfa- ;
tkcal De-UKs.-tatiC Club came off with graet saei ass at
Niblo's en Friday evening. The attecdonoj wu j
k-rgeand everyth.ng wa* doesi by the C"iaimit*>> of
Atrangenetrnu to reader their Cvirpany comfort and
bappkante. It wo* not until 3 o'ol>?k in the morning
thut the gay assemblage thought of r-t;r :.g.
Bali or Esoisi Cohta-ht So. 21.?Pulton firs
Engine Co. N'o. 21 gave their annual bull at the City
A***-txbiy Booms on Thatsday night last. The spa
t ieus hsll was well filled, aad the ball wa* one of the
?nc*t of the season.
TobTeiai. or MATsktt.?The trial of theCi.ef was
resumed Saturday afternoon, and it wa* exp>-c'.cd that
Mr. Noyea would make his argument a favor of th
ednuieibihty of Branch s ti.?timony. Mr. Brady, how
ever, wa.ved hi* obje-ction, and allowed the proeeou
tne to jut in Brane-h'* published report a* evidence.
Brtneh was accordingly sworn a* to th-? truth of hJ
njert, and the proaecutwa wa* rested.
Mr. Biady then opened the case for the defense.
He would shew that the father and mot.i. r of Mr.
Meise 1' hail sot only told him but many others that he
wa* born tn the country, and ho eoold show also that
old Mr. Mateell wa* naturalized, while the Chief was
?at a Betas*. An attempt had been mode to change the
Manne Court records of that naturalisation, and the
wvrd, 'M.u-^' bed ia iroe book t- n chaa^-d te
"Moiecff," bat fortatx^**'/ k%M*J *u ftfl.Kh.Ar b.v>k
?Inch the forger had not v-een kbit to fret hold of. He
! prove, loo, (hot the roeO who (rot op thia pro?e
t uti. n weir gmlty of f rgcry nod fraul, falsehood aad
perjury, beyond the hope of eocape.
V ?col I K1 ward J. Webb,
who testified that Matae-li'* father and rnottw had both
t- Id I m that the Chief was born io this country,
Samuel J. M win identified an ladenture, dated
Oct. M, It?ve, ia which tho Cruel * name was giv.-a
George Washington Mauel!) Thomas S. Day, who
?ad that both Mr. and Mr*. Ma.ts.dl had iu la*
preoeoco claimed Georgs? a* a New-Yorker by birth,
H D. Varpelt, M. D , who said that h? had attended
George's brother William tn his !a*t sickness, and had
hi a: d hi* father diatinct!y claim IJeorge as an Am
born; and George I*. Shaw, a shipmate of the Chief,
who gave it in evideuce that in HI.) he ?:gaed he
i au..* (.eorge W. Mats.ll, and he always considered
Lim an American.
The case was thee adjoeiood till Saturday next.
Ws leem from Dr. Francis that the Rev. Dr.
Hawks ha* entirely recovered fx >m his recent illne?*,
and that hi* trends need not feel the slightest anxiety
with rewpect to it.
stand that a panorama on an extensive scale, including
the n preeentationa of cities, towns, Indian ranches,
Chincee camps, mming sconce, arc, is nearly coni
ph t< d, and is to be exhibited in this city. It is seel to
(<>vei 10,'-v. f. ?>t ol eanvo*. and to pnweat over 100
?xoTBta Coarrxaieca Maa.---A man calling him
?? i: .1. W. Je nes, celled on Friday upon K. W. Drake,
BtiOer, n. ar Campt? \vn, N". .1., and negotiated with
bim for the purchase of his mill. Drake invited Jones
to dice with him, which he did. Jones said that he
wo.s setisfi.-d w ith the pi ice asked for the mdl, but he
must hist see hi* brother before closing the bargain.
He then nsked Diake for his nddre**, which the latter
gave to bhm, Jonee then left for Newark, riding iu a
wagen with one of Drake's drivers, from whom he
managed to h nru the name* of some of Drake's eu*
t< u.? re. Having obtained Mr. Drake's signature with
his nd<ire**, be forged an order for $1? on Drake s
brother m Newark, aud it i* thought forged ord'-rs on
two other customers.
Ilav.i.k. got the money he earn.1 to New-York in the
i o'< lock limn and pteosatod another forged order pur
[ "!t:ng to be from Drake on Drew c*c Fieueh, No. 15
Barclay street, for # !.\ which was paid in a check on
the (Venn Hank of this City. A few nuuutoo after re
Ceiving it bo i. turn*d w.th a young man, and holding
up the i h? ck, inquired of Mr. Drew if it was his cheek.
Iking answered ia the affirmative he turned to the
yung man, saying " Are you satisfied now?'' Itoth
than left, ai d the ebet k wa* pn s. nt. .1 at the bank hy
a th.td party on Friday evening and paid.
The it aud wa* discovered on .et'trday morning,
nt.d the police were immediately put upon his track.
1 he swindler ut a man about id years of age, about five
!. .t ten inches high, light sandy ootnploxiou, dark
board, small light eyes, heavy eyelash.**, lmld spot on
tbe top of bis head w ith a tuft of hair in frout, and
carries his bead rather forward. His dress was of
black cloth, with imitation hon skin overcoat. It i*
t! tight that tho swindler baa operated extensively m
this way.
Hieawai Rubbert id Nimth strebt.?About J|
o'clock Saturday afternoon, a* a lady wo* passing
down N.nth stn et on the block between Broadway and
Deieetaftj?plaee, she was attacked by a man who
e? icing Bpoo her portmonnuie, which she held in her
bund, and after a short "tmjrtb', wrested it from her
Bad made oat Not a Policeman w.i.i near, although
the cries ol the lady for help attract"d the alt ntion of
tbe residents all along the block. I veral gentlemeti
s'crted eat of their house* to her assistance, but the
rufiian vras already lost in the crowd.
ARRtiT or QAaTBLsaf.?Frederick Weetfs, a
boarder at tho Miinbatian Hetet, appealed a day or
two siuce bobsso -laotaae Broaeea, ami made e essay
plaint against F.rnest Heaohol, Moritz Sotners and
Prolin Trhiaa whom he shoigod vrilh keeping 0
gamblaug-boussi at No. IM Kivington -street, lie .ut. *
that on one ocoasion he loal 4.1 at " faro " at theostab
liabuv 11, and sub-e iiueutlv #7 more. On tho last oc
tu*;on be found fault with tni manner of plav'.ng whi.L
they pur-oted, for wfiiefi offense h. wa* s-t upou. beat
sad kicked by Mooes Hoa>dsilieok asaf Derid Vfooiib
and Jul. s Mendlebituin, three hsofllOfO. The moflria
trate iseaed warrant* for the ?:r? *t <d all the accused,
and they were captured by t itlicer Fifxgerald and held
to answer the charge agiiiust them.
BaVThl Fii.ht ? th tweea ll and II o'oiock on
Saturday night, two men named -fOBOfh Oircoran
and J..I n ( urrun, bad a dispute while in the port, r
houooNo. i' lWUliaaastreet, when Carrae kn.sk.d
bis adver-ary down by butting bim in the abdomen
with bis bead, and then bit off a portion of lus note.?
The bv- tanders then interfered, aud Ottioer Birming?
ham of the Second Ward Police wa* Mlkad in and ar
rested Cerrea, who wee token booote -fostase We-.ii
ai d lo< l ed up for trial. The injured man, after having
hi* wound* dressed, came into court bearing a piece of
Lfca i al organ . hand, and msth ? Balab**
against tbe prisoner.
Tlie following is the calendar of casew for disposal
in tho Court <>f Genital Messions for the term com
iretcng to-day, at wbieh Judge Capron will prceido;
R.?? .-iving llalsa goods :i, grand larceny 37. burglary
39, murder I, forgerAr), lelouiou* assault aud battery t,
robbesy i, bastardy stubbing 1, false pnitcncea 1,
kidnapping 1, illegal voting 1, bigamy ?, perJury 1,
mayhem 1, abandonment 1, witn-swe*Total, 117.
Tu*. Col n.?The present Cold Term between ? and
7 p. m. if Krirtsy, Keb. I, pasted frem th* second to the third
qnarfer ef .Le th.rl (rra* circle, h*viii-| to that time centiaa-d
9* ccrsr.'-tlsa hours tram Dec ?, between 6 and 7 am. In
ps'su.* Irvm the tecud to th.i thud quarter of the circle the
teiLperaiuis rose (iu the theei.ee of the sun) and conUnus I ris
i: i untd it reaclut.l to srithm 2? of the fraeatns point ^ it then
l-awrd ?h? i ward io U? below that liste.
A SSSiatni dent wntes to nit, uh.1t date of Jan 2V from the
SouiL'wrsUrn Monntains of Virginia, beyond tee Allegheny
racae. oi. tbr borders nf tbe State of Teun. aim i.le abose
tbe ocean I.SXO fe-st?that ou tbe ?IA J .unary tbr ten.prrature.
a' 7 a Oa, w?s I - bel'.w aero | . H, ?' below ; /tth, I*' below,
and ?Stb. .? brlow Her* the temprrsturr f-ll on tbe morntna
ot th* iSth. at 7 a. m., thrre ujorsi!ij|s after it fell west ot the
Al!?*t'm^?-? tie nme itiftnetco ts betweou tbe commence?
ment of the Cold Term Wast, on the li-l Uerember, and bora
on the 4>ih of that mouth.
Tea CsM Term will reach tue '>t5th hour between ? and 4
p. m. of iar.dmj. ai.d the W'h L..nr at n.xju of Tuesday; and
it it ccnrii.ue* till 7 a. m. o! lbs 10th, will Lav* C4intli,ued 4A
day* of -4 hi urs each, or It' 1.. ws, or over three of the (real
e.jri.s ' i M boaSS s*uh?a ol.euomeu.iB ia this latitude.
Tie pertnrballuna that have occurred durinj this Cold Term
are as IUI msm
Jan. 1. 10 a m. to fi p. ?.*-?'' te 3*?? S hours.
11, U in. to ? p. m.*a? to 3*3?11 he-era
17. I m..?f ? 1 heir
is, li a m. ?o 4 p. bs.*4} ? S bean.
m\lt m. to S p. m.Sf2 u> St?-4 hoara
.9, I p. uj. to 2 [. m.BO* to ?f>? 1 boon.
Total.at hoars.
Tf ? ae axe the '-tuy hours in which the tempera;ere in the
BBSS* ' as beeu abore the lreeit-.ii point by r..,r..-. f>nnomet?rs
tu.ee tie 3Uth of Deceavber, at 7 a ou.
? ?rttqti**?* rhu? fsr heard I. an daring this tsrni hese
been as fcilowr; Jan. t, at dan Pia., i- *| 4th at St, Ja*o <l*
t'abai 5th. in the encuin*. at Usdeusbnrsi., N. V . ?h, In the
t at Wli.ch**t?t. Va. ; I .th ?1 . ?Marta*j and hVth,
in ihr . - ..<??- Krt?.;^rvk, MJ.
An aerolite was viaiUe BS Kn*lstid on the 7-h of Tin na-., at
tbiiiesn minite* to 5 p. m.. *iel remained in *a|bt Sf eea
ii.itniWL On tte U'lh niyriad* of bn<s tel. fron the cloud* al
Fsirfsx Conft-H.iu?e, Vs., c.rs*rtii4 the inosfs mil?sl:ke a
ia-je'u.r ot Teiset. K M>.R1AM.
bronUyn H<m\U, Feb. 2, loot.
Tiik I^ite Roaaarr or Dehjtt Smairr Star
roa -rralii McCtM, a Tire P * t tiij-t and our -et the 4*04
who re<?atly attacked and lobbed Mr. R.>bt. simpsoo a Depety
? as hi- wss t sssioa tbronsb W.ll.ain .it. w*e arrrated
on .e?'ord*y r.f*ht by L-eut. Jo ndan tf the Lowtr Posie* Oeirt.
asal after I-il* identified by Mr. Statpwu wa* I s-ked ap by
Brrnr.an f"r truL The priaooer ?* the '' red-ha.r~i
r. SBr" wr.o -an .ff with ?o? mmi a r-ruruhavosy lota fw 0*1. ae
leoal'uj to Mr. Siaapaoe.
Dxaifo Thiivxs. ? A (lorman named Auguate
-aas 111 tataa1 - laaesaaV In the act of stealla* a has
? OLtaiciL* eleven doaen morocto akL.a. .aland at $%\ from
tbe ?f?r? of Brown Hherwood. No. US Sprace street. He was
lork?4 *p by Jnstice tVelah to answer.
IwO remut u.ec named Oeo. Waod and Ja* Wilaoa were
air-"?.--? tee >a**e day fof stealus* a* o-serroat ?oetuni..? ral'i
bbss (s^ers belvc<t?a to Mr. krantk McOoaue?b, of forty
Kust. street, MM Kirtb otcw. The theft was eeosmirted at
a baxbe-re ahop m (he abate vicmay, where Mr. Mcl??o*<b
ws* ttUint shased. TV* thienes ran of with the coat, bet
were pnrteed and caatved with e in their BSSBaaBaBi tVt
rwv ? t beosra -fuatha \* paj %M locked *p.
? n?r ? of Quknn Ltoetwr? A mwtwrr-rrm
Cear Liwvga.-H*i ry Mten., * U?r?v omtMm mm er
yesterday by liCw .Mw-e ..f ths ThlH Puerto*. Potte? Ce-atA.
. I?;?-,' -111 l'ra.1 ? , ,,.M ? ?u-fc .,!??<? ,t f **.?'? ?
rf Mr. F.iwarl MedPg. reaLUii* al No. ? Nmi'h Hiwf.
TV guilt of taa nWar M>| pratty aiaarl* shewn. Jaaaaj*
Naa an l.cked him up for trial. Aa -tutrl la tha m. aha
rcgnp-i*ii>ai.t eai loved a lawyer ?gatgil limtm Lmrtnmot, mm
I ekiiug al No. S3a IViawaj at mat, anJ wbeo the nilur are*
ati pa***] If, f ?vinsei med? MM a hill af errm-ee eaeiMB
I hi* r'oeir, an. rg the '? ? ? 1 ' wbwh wet 000 of aev*i.tv-ft?a>
rvafa, wbarb aan aal the lawyer seel ha hat paid tha ' I art af
tha ('? art for issuing a warrant for tha arrmc ?j o., Oaroaarh
Mr Mrdc |. thinking it toberorrect. (said 'he btll.bat afurwaat
Irani** 'hat tha t Irrh had no tight to receive pay fur Che ?rtfer*
I t t, mmi had not receiv-d It. Ha than mi Ja acoaatatat i^t-haab
(ha Ii? jtt. charm ? k ra wt'h " taJsa rrrtan?r?." aad ha mm*
.r--.tr-' tad aafl to bait to viewer the charge. T?r la aaa
eaoalieet ram ot * legal" nrtadlina that aaa coaae before a Ca*jB?
ical I. cart ta this rity for a lei.f time.
I NKviivi Mat) Prowmd.?About *| o'olook m
Sa" hiaj aaaaaaj an unknown nian ?rar aeao tn fall ai?ibi?**l
at fatfc? in* .lrt.. a ,I it i*f ??r-nraad hn injured biruasil Mraeatp
bi -it kl ? * h ? iee.1 against tha aida of a trig which lay aear mm
9mm F.aToru wer- rt ad* to merae ahn, tat they war* la rMBV
a* b? sank elm. we immediate! v
Outal or Ht RoiaaT.-Jooa Martin, o rapaAoi
thisf waa v-sterilav armeled on eneptcioa of hiring emkaa
bhtatka ftlS-llSI W Mn ChrtM.',.b,r Mtldabertar . ee-raee af
Hfth Hrttr and Twenty-third at rar? and at.-I re themfVeaa B
val'.a. le art of ."oatle bamaa* The burglar, waa namlataft
-ti rri.'iy inbr, ei i ree'erley tk# harn*?* waa f.sand hi a
? bai ty a' tberonter I Broa/twi) tod Thirty sevsa-.h eta-i
whfch tie j tvion-t ia In tba habit of ftaauaattaa Bat
taken bet?re Justice r-'lardreen. aid locked ap fur aaa
I Adrsrttsement 1
The? new Privat? Claas in Practical PIibav
\.i.-..t will ha formed Towoaaow r.tniiii, at Ha BBS
Broadway, where tboee who daau*t any obtela a ptmmtmmM
keen ledge of this itieiica.
1'p '. aaor SilUjbaa aava: " rhr*ti?di<?y andartakaa to aearaar
pi tab for man ? bat Phifoeophy parfotaw for tha alters al was**_
It. laut ? la ttia. li as tbr real e*ata of ibmas, aad to prasset Na?
tum enisiimt, and ta aar traa I rat area."
Ths H u. H<*ace Mann: "1 look apno Pbrana4a?7 aa sbo
file a to Pbiliwopby and the handmaid of Cbrutiaiuty. Wat*
arrr dtaeenunataa U11? Phrmolucy u a pabUe baaatacta*.*
(Adrsrtlaaouiat |
j'DRot h i i i \ i'.1 i ri.Arrrut,
r a?t ?nreraedme all othsra.
T Allcock ft t o.
Braodrsth Hoildina, New-Tart
I.. <?1 ra'n oCrs arUe* from a falOieas or partial fonaeaWea *bT
tlir t-npllartas er ?tnail blood-rtsaris larnilnatUVI no tba aaSas
lu trlitre, and ulteo rare al oixs rirrntiatuif pains yo* aa*b)
n erely '0 oaa oca nt Dr. Allco ?'1 riaatara. Thiu. back BBaaa
a dull beary faeliaf at ths butU in of the back, oftea la oaaia**?
Haa Wtife UM IMs.?deep-aeated pains tn the Islt auta, aaiyoaaft
tv pmcee.l f ooi an u.cipent aSecU.? of tba heart 1 rha 11 *aaMs
BBtaa, BSIBaBS. btulrr*. ai.it s(?aoiodk paias of the moas.aa at*
the biia sis? all th?ae iroahlea ara freal!7 tri lev?J by Ubi* aaase
bratrd FlasSaS, whuib pioroa itaelftha ra^iurad local SaBaBBBBa
oil..ii ?^ibkut pfiMiBAing aabillt* lu ths part.
Iixlia-nit her uirrrb. and other rboioe ftitu* and 1
? ?? rajalaBIS ? . . t. are the. malarial uigre-lianta of
Balebralad PtaatatS lli-<ar? to ml othar uiediratad pi
what Hi.elii's by r?lli..ad and ?toamaoat ia, la <mr day, lo Bate
? '?.-. .*rhai.d ?Inop-s.-uia of 8ft; years ago While the? ara)
p.?*?*-*d oi ail the ervthuif aud wam.Uis qaalitlee of riaasft
as ery < HM ' Siastss in 'he l'mted S'a e? Uiepeuaeuiry, ther ea?
?'.1/1 n' n any et tbeir ineonTenieurea. lu the linaasae es aaa>
prbi bsa BB#wsaraaMMl u"ich hnuaQi irom thru-ai plieatwa hi a
shrank dlreaaa > t the kbBaayi " Tb.-y atick cloeer lhaaa Baa
ther, siul do not inn like a false friend
lhe idea of u.edut ins Iudla-rabbei U In conaonauca wtbh
tLe iaMl > t la*tMM>*aaaSwl ?buh SSSJBSM the aaa in which mm
U\e>. TLare waa alwai> avmi'lLu.s refaliire in tbe Hurgasrt*
I i rh flsater 1 It u-iiLt be oeelol, but yea never forg?? the aar
sMiUon *? raw sstia i't.e riaaten of Mr. Atteaast
era uuiie 11. Bible, and tteld t.. e.ary million of tbe l??ly 1 Uab)
quality al. i.e. nil Btasts saBBfl saaat, w?uld romuiaud for tbaaa
a i .tue ah. le ol paM'c |.atroi.b?e.
Taa* Dam already become favorably known la Mta(taaa\
frsiiST, Holland, and Ui the City of llambaiii la km mm
Jaaaar* la Us trrand del s?u?. ??? the 1. ??>... m the t uy af
a ae SB ft fass. la rafBgaaj | In M'tiitertde?, 10 Lima ftmehaA
Ihatf IBM kasbaacaa* |taat ? la* latter xitri In ri?n PreMiees,
aud at \ a.1 BIBlSB |B1 mmmn BBaatBT} hem tbe* bare been latie
dured, they have proved a hleeeit-a to tha alflicted. Marcbaaia
ran at 01.ee |<riceiva tbeir uniortauts ae an article ot eera
merce. l>r. 1. T. IU^USbiob's Leliar,
14BNTH li. Lsaaaawa, Marek s, ism.
Dt, T. Al 1 coca?fir : I hare beao inlfertua ender a aarasa)
sttstk af BBBIBltlS BBS me et my Njwnla |.>r year*, with by per?
trefft) 01 the heart, and hate tried eturythiua kuawu to the)
practice nf mi .1. Ina from lhe \i?ry heal M. I? , but trash
prompt* n e to ?ay, llist your plaslera hare given me nvara oar
mai.eul relief then anyrlili s-U? I have need, and I believe ell
Bcodace a perlevt core. I am woudarlally pleaaed with Oba
taaalBI lllMaiil eflott of your t'Uetet, for it if |*joda?e4 la
?m li a BviM and gradnai way, aa well aa the BWlanSBBtJ g ?feHloa
It givaa to the ea| lllary clreula' 1011 atouud Iii ]l 'I toaiaft
It ia ?' 11'.d, with Ifta great nervous aad ati re ludieoee tbef
elert BpaSI all tervoue ..teeaaea.
In . 1'ik.I.kioii, pximil me to asy. that i hare had oiDerteaaa
cf ihr .i'i ilitie? of the plantare her ofi'm In aae, but man ptaea
et arg *t the i aad et them all. BVBtf medlral mau who bleeeaaa
?i,t ?::li tbem. wdl iMtire.lly recotnmend lit* patlsuw t?
t.ee nn rtber than the Msoicathu Iniiia Kvsssa Pi.AiTaaaf
Pi aixcaca Verytialylaasa, I T. Hsaoaaios. at. O.
aBtaa c?m? into lh? atom a t. w days aud aaltt ha Beat
loniiht one 1 f a Umggiet lu Mouth America, aod thai It eara*)
bin ? i I km '? BBSntftsr, when ovt rything alae had failed Io badw
BiSB : II at l.e tun?' slwajB have e few isi baud?that he week!
??.. 'i :?J. nt r "ue, so raiosl'le did he eeteuui theta. lift
nn .I. saa > 1 'hem.
A (eaaele was takm tuddenly with palu tu the beak, jaat
_bOV* lhe ki.ti.eys; liniment ai.d iuppiua were tuvad, bat aaa
cenM 1 "t *'U althaat sss*aaaaai "ut. Her d.ica>r baUMtassaft
I. Quell , 1 ALL. ot ft'S I laatera, and had one idaeed on the |aO.
In SSM bs U tie pe.n ei.nroly I 'P lier, and aha walked quit* WBatg
Uli g 01 Iv ?eek R*BBla* saWBBS, and tli? ?'ckuoes la a*aaa?
ataetiee 01 Ifta gl at fmm awjsariei..-ed Sbe iia.1 u? retarn.
Im Ptaatats am turn at Aaaavhi each, by 1, Allcock ft 0*%
Hrsudmlb Uuudiaa.
At Nn. m Bowery, aiul No. Ml Hudson it., aud by all lirms*
|iat* in the city bl i couuiry.
PHRI?NOLe?ejY.?J'rafMaional KxamiDatiaaa, wish
Charts and Written De*yripttetuof < 1uua?iar g+vaadatty,at Baft
aaaassaaa -? a>- ~??. a*, mm Ht , Jway.
J Ad ten ire men' ]
ClfESTNlTta.?Just rccrivH ? snUnaVe. Lai *f
Italian riieatnut*! will be sold al a modera'a price Apply bb
litssv MaiLLsau, No. Sil Ilroa.laray aad No. Hio Maroer^1,
fAaVaWftlasSBSBBl I
-It Pbabi i* lai 1 ra. M p., M U C. ft, Loudou aod "ftl r
liurgh. haa removsd t<i No. IS Hoed at. Near York, where aa
I ?, BBWaAt* bt eouaolted, fr.im P. to 11 o'eloak a. "a. aaftSft*
61 ..to. PbUbmSs twaasrlag attataiaaa* al tbeir reaiianoes arm
U> ?i?i'..il 'I'll u * tba ii/ervi.iitiig liourv.
Tbe Kl publican Conrmittee of tbe Count/ of Kinfftj
will 1 reriiiuc nn Mni.day cveaiug at Mo. 170 JoraAw
mon st., ' ppoeit. the City Hall.
IixooKLrif Citt Mortamtt.?The total aasnfttw
ofibuths in this city laat week wo* 61; of w iiob ftV
were male*, and M females; adults wt; minors t?V
Tin- principal cause* were ooasuiriptioB, croup ftsai
H vlftt fever.
Fn.Bi .Rr Tkrm or thi Cor? r < A ?evdm? ta
the ?[ f ..Into -n'? f' r 'he rreaeut Tear, a aprcial terse of Iba Bae
MMM I . '.n ?Lriuld be be Id to-day, being the Ant ht'sadey atf
'I. i. SOta 1 BBS] .1 is eblihdenUj stprxteaf that luilg. Borkwtkl
will f>? in attendance no that day, and that Ju lie rtimng mH\
. Tagt ajt t., 1 as* .uue lt,e buaiBsea, wba . it ? ataa>
taVsaabi th* lot?- eg. gtasl "H(e<. ii Tetni ('?leteiar" wttl tn
t-keu op. In vlaw o: ihn a/rear* el l.nsiaeae bow oa haa*, aaat
tl.> BBSBftaS of ui?i..u* an.!, r. awaiting euina in vaioent a last
ae rural SAV**, It la ftSVeaSjj to be Wkabnd lint these sit > e'alloaa
wil be mai.sed. The Kehr' ary term nf the I'ltyf'asrt WBB
aOaVBaaaa-a today, lhe cl?U ralaadar roi.tain* 77 eaeee Bar
trill It will be .' tl-d thia morning, cent** teaerved, aad igta
Conrt adjcnraerl tili tha litb Inet. Toe Kabiatry tevai ef Saa
Ceait af liai aesl BaMaiaas w ll rommet.ee ><u T ue day, Ifta area
f'onaty In Its \ f hHa| A tirind Jury wii be oifaa
The ncmher ot prisoner! awii'fng trial is com dsrable. bell
are bappily few charged with triu.ee of eiUaordjgtary 1
tode. _
IfrcKmo.i or nut Pkrbia.? Anangfflsir?ats am
bt BBB id' by some of the promlinai eltiseni ef Jersea OMf
f r iU re. a) uon of tl.? itnen.aliip Prreta, eauee'ed et taa 0m>
aar4*aak tbraweak, ft ka 1 robCale that tbeie will baassJatrh
s 1 Ist lay of firework*, aad other demouetreuVsae, sod a diaaar
v III ka iiven 10 Ifta > nVere of the Persia iuimodiately a/tar ha*
I.i<iiRa for ( n ah it a ni a Putrosi*.?A
will be lelleen4 'e a eipsat Lw**abty) rreou-t eg the Passb
Ptaaftytasiaa Chorcb, ute'er tfc* atieti cai 0/ tba Jaraer CtSw
L"'rri - - . ty the Re? Henry War* Ilm. ber. mm
? \ t- f ? a.c.tnl '-'i.e iroreedeof wbiah wtil B* dtv-rta? a*Baft
bbs 6t -A tbe loor in Jeney City.
FoKi.n ira.?On Friday last a man calling bira**tf
, rhrtted the house of K. W. Oraae, a gain** tat
Biles Horn Nawsrk, Ncw-*<er*ey,aad seid he wi.bed topeashasa
h . 1. . IXo c? 1 ar iBered to aril, asrdeipieaeed kjftaaWat*?**?>
I A with thr j roacaetl, Lot laid ha would bare to eoaeeftt
b ? bo o > r 1 1 g* . <?*.-> I rat" foi lu* a.l4reea, wbiea waa
given bur., ltd by thia ?aeiii Jone* ob juned lbs mtiWl eaaaa
tars I i*.i. ii.viiatioti Jiaur* Utoh dinner with the aoiiler. A*taa>
.1 gl ei Ur ii de io Newaik with the teem of Ml. Drake, waeaft
* a* in ebarae ef tbe letter'a driver. Alter griting to the laAear
I ?. - aa asrartajsed wi^m brake'* brother r-eirtid. Ue fbeaai
lorged in order tor *>'.? preemced It at tha sfcxa of ata>
Drake and got the trsaaey. At 4 o'clock be ladt la the traia far
N.w Y'ti Having prevtoneiy BKer'ained that Ifta Besa
ot lirt* h t reixb, flour ai d prod oca Broken. Mo. BS Baa
clay ttreet, wer* rufetott.rn of linke*!, ha proce?ded tftarw
(or'hw.'h ta try hbi luck, lie reached their score aooa atfaar
J o' lock ar.d preaeated a forged order, parporung to be tkmrnmi by
E. W. Drthe,U.aailler,tor ftti. Ut the 4oeiui*ei.t wee wtltaaa
that tha bearer had aotd male? to Drake, aad bail taftea tk*>
' rdei u, one part payaiaaL The arm sawaaasal **** the eetaar
was ci rrect, at.d gave tun a check on lhe Ooeea Basak. ll Wat*
raea rttai kaaA te.n.a: Jooae loft th* mum. im a mmr
mtin.le* be relumed with Li* ksada fall of kslls, i*woeea*ja?a*t
check, wawa
A tolien er wa* then eteuoaed at tbe bank, but the ?
bad ti'- f ? ? k ttid not rail te Le>e it flaked. Jette? l* d??iitae*l
a* a mau about five feat ten rach-w haa. Ill* oomjaleiie** SB
..ndy ai-d ha asvi abkiati touUr Ua caaa. Id. be ? ????fV
? o and th* is 1* a bald oyot tan that Ujtmmit ml id 1 kaaat. eeat m
loJt of bale fitward of iL Ue aa* wneil ktae at**. eas*> a*r*?
lufcrr r -* * -'"*H*' ****** He aioet? a UiHm. aal eamaeb?
L?-d *<w?.d wk-fet. Ue walk*. Ai th* toue he iiiataatisl tteaa
?txgtyM? be are* drs?.,* Lu dark an let ou t**,
?...-o?i It: ?aepced that be ft** ?p*Cala?
ouia* mlmmmm'. ta (??)? tu?.

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