,k?W?iFWAllT-Oii TV..r*das Jan. Ifcjj ^tiV^I,Vfc. VT C Terry, WILLfAM llRr.'wsrKa rr 'JtSjl W .?J!?? VIRGINIA UTE VV ART ol aew-York C4TJ ?wtnr aap? rs >IMM ropT- , I^thaunua fc ioJKkS J(im ti Hudson I lty. ^. , PJMT^m HKLL-On 8t.;rd.y. FeV 2, bv M PIKD. o.uDDi i i a* Nfwtmnb, on Friday, Feb. l.of SSM >'i.p .Qr?.->? tb* boo*. -,f i) b riiBi??? zSlYk Iber. st re. ?i-l Irieodsare r-yrtk'.v , , > ! ? it^hv uki?. tbe ISa-awkaW tbe flodsouRl.er Had (Md. They e?Ji retnraby the Kvr?w? Kipree*. B*K)l.lTTLE--0? Friday ?i?ht. fei.. I, suddenly, afed 51 and 3 monti.- t-Ll/AlC in I AMP w;fe o! Matthew ?g%, '-'?' ?8* and frienda of the family u? retr-?-.fo!!y bivrt* i tm attend the funeral from her lue reasleue*. So. IJ - m atiert this afternoon at I o'.l.? k. ?itau'it fcurieer innta ?ot.. Her remains will be taken te ?reeuwovd M BW Wmhiift i Vf., and Mootreal paper* pieaae rorry. DAVle-On Thursday. Jan. 31, KLI7.ABETU DA\Ir- ?Ol aa years. fVt remWns were taker, to tbe ( . ' K.-rs.-e - fiees Mo. M North Third ?t.-eet, Brooklyn. K. D. aV?UHf-Oafi kw_sstseaasssTot i CHARGE, t?..-. son ef Hebert and Mary K. So *wt*, M'ro 2 yearv 7 months an,. ?i TW'trwrsi* of the family are mviaed to attend bis f.nera! on Mondes mornln*. F.h. 4. ail I loch, f'.m the reatdeuce of kna pa/TLb., lie. .91 w e.t ThJ/tittb itrsst, ?11 ah ?LOW?On flelerde?, Jen. I, ??ed JO teer? 7 monfia "??kIII day. .WILLIAM I- SIIARDLOW.jr. the ?ei?ti?ra and frienda of tbe tairuly are re.p*-1folly inrite 1 to attend the funeral at So. 276 Madiaou atreet, on Tuesday, Feb. 6, at 21 p. m. TOMPKIM*? In thia eity on Saturday SOWaaBJ, Feh 2, io th* ad year of her ase, CLARA KLI/.ABKTH, daos'it. r of tl.e late l?r. Win. 8. Tompku.?, aud aranddauibter of Wm. Cloae. TliOKNK?At llrooklvn. on Satarda/ mernln?, Feb.?, Er. WILLIAM TlluR.n'r eldeet *un of Uu.. h. aud ( taaafi Wedelet We* and frianeaef tbr family, also bia friend, ia tbe Bo4t Trade, are reapectfuily in Tiled to attend tna funeral M jfewesy, the 4th lust, at 1 o'clock, fraaB bia late residence, Mo. 157 Clinton atrret, Brooklyn, without turther nOOssO. WARF.?On Saturday Feb. 2. of f>ii?enioTi oi the hj j ?? | apahiful Ultra?, LAURA WARF-, daigbtrr of K. I. Ware, mf rd 3 year* and S montlis. W?e foneral wi.l tan- pi are at th? roaHenrr of th" fa.'irr :.'o. tlA Foartb atreet, at 11 a. m on Tuesday, 5>h inat. COMMERCIAL MATTE US. .j? Malra ?! (hie "atort. RarkaaiKe....FaB. IJOtiV taMataai. V> ItllKhe Ri.troad.*l ?,fee Mi?a?urifle. W l<> do.oi 5.1* SJtC do.**! WB d i.r Ml ajm i?.?SO ?S 400 do.*V> i'k aV* t:aJlfon,ia 7a"7". ..al 84 | 40 do.. I MO Tenneaaee 6?, -u0.... ?4, l?0 do.?4 3.1} 1 aba do.b3 ?i l'? do.b30 Sit ?.'?0V City S?, "70.?84, Ii* do.a30 .Wj S.?00 Harlem I at Mt? B?. SI '?'?7 do.c MJ 1,00? KrieBiia.of ni.fi.w. 87J ?*".btl' SJJ 1,000 Hud K. 2d Ml B.la.c Ki I.S00 Mud. K 3d Mt. Ba.. 64 f?jns in Can I It l!.i..ls>i 8i 1*0 do. Hi 50 do.eS J Sil pi ( lese Co. A Cm.94) 5 do.I'm 61 Clere. A IM'?. R It . M ja?aO do.ba 82 2*S) Lou* Island H It .bjl V 4'/1U do. Ss| # mo.Ill) , I'Sl do.a|D 8*| h ..MM 2m IOC Florence* K yp t Joint 4| 2? Hudson River R R. H do.b?0 l,U<0 do.ha) JO; tOS NiearaauaTrensii t o s3 23 I W Mh Insan Central It It. JOO do.sSO 22, ]M do..aeS? SOU do.sSO Ji M Mich. 4 Xu. I , Hit X 100 So.bio 234 2ii do. 88, lab do.bSO 21)1 345 d?. 89 ISO So.b*i Hj 23 do. SOO do. Ml m% do. 100 do.b61 23 .200 do.1.30 JUC do. ...bJO 23 1100 do.a30 89 OS do. 23 100 do..'.7 8^ SSO do.24 SO Panama IUiltoa.1..UlJ ] y>. ISO Penri. Coel Co.I?3ti.l01l|2?i do.lot' SIO tumbfiland Coal Co... 234! AID Clerelaud h Toledo R K. Jjie do.soO 234 3(0 do.bOO 01? do..blO ?UI'SOO do.bSO MO de'.C 23; 406 Chi. h Rock Island I(H 87" IM) N. T. .'ant. H.It.....pa 8Si 300 do.btkl 87) 10 ate..b6ot9|! m -? sccoau aosan a,0M Vlrslnla 6*. S3 > 37 Harlem PtMSSSSO.3M I.SSO IU Cen. H R. Bds.bi I* trx< Ut,e Kali.osd.it" >.j SO Camber Coal Co. 231 300 do.L.40 ill 100 N.rarasoa Trans Co.a3 2.) 110 do. Hi U* Horenre A K JoiuLbS. 120* de.*?? ;.M ISCIase. Col. h Ci?eln..l0t 100 do.aS Ml At Hudson R.*r; K.. - ' MM do.sSO .10 200 da.b3 SJl 100 Mich do. A Nortt. Iod. I0O da. r h.bf>o 9*11200 do.....baaaa] SSO dw. 84 1II? Harleui Railroad. . b9t 171 ISO do.b3 SJ 100 do_. nj 7 do. S8|l 8*Tt kdav, Feb. -'?j>. m. Th<- bneineee of ????? u-? ??.!..-1?, allbougb not wila*?,. asy. -dt niay, was ?tili itnportaut. There was little of the loioyuii.-y -d' ye-terday: but, OB VM-w id tbe ('iiiiMtletabl.- rise, the market wa- wvll oenteined. Some of the principal sellers yesterday were buyers to-day. There was, we think, rather more confidence to-day than yesterday iu the proba? bilities of peace, whit b was strengthened by private dispatches from Halifax from foreign bouses to their ?urrespondeutA here. The market left off strong at about the ajsjsjsjj price* of yesterday?in s.im< oasjsj Jet i lower, and in other* { a i hiirhi-r. The prlaarlpoj btuineas wa* in Krie, but Nicaragua and Keml n : w< i< active, and the movement in Micbigun Soutln rn 00s> iienes to ba convertible. Au unhm.t.d t? f, 3s. 9d., an inside rate; :<00 bales Cotton, 3-l6a7-32d. for compressed, and jd. for R?e Island; Uio bbls. Ijtrd, 27s. 6d. 1 IM boaMSJ Ha Sjoa, 517*. Ia\ To Hrest, t>,000 bbls. Fork, til Ia, and ?,000 bbls., 95c. The amount saf Custom* received thi? week at the ?ob Irvesury hn* been quite bsjht, and the di-burse saents ha^e exceeded the receipts. Tla- deposits in tbe Aeeey tifik?, bowoTor, ghraaa uppar.-n* tawtwaooia tlie balance to credit of all asvouut*. The basSBOOS ot to-day we*: Faid, ??2ti,H.%6 laasdiasl, |7t,M] M aalance, il,7r7,\t.s 7;. ; paid for Assay Oil ?7C,6v'7 0<>; paid on Dwbursmh' Cheeks, fje SOJtl 1 balance cn>dit all accounts, il^lllfaf| 7t, aflhatt ?ll,ev6,261 last Saturday. The Import* of the week other than Dry QoOOB, nytcli ?1,147,14?, against #970,;i' ainding Watchee, ?47,IOO; Wines, #o.i,900; Coffee, ?W.1O0; Hemp, #117,300; Brandy, #.i.i,2o\); Blasts, ??n,tioti; Cutb ry, #40,400; Tea, ttsa,#9#< Bagar, ?113,K)0; Pepper, #41,700. The SajISgalS for tbs wes k aud fOOJ . n ISM. IS.I?. Pry (leads.#1.4*3.vo at.J*'.*'! (?enrra. Merrbandi**. S7SJS8 1,147.if. ?Total.ttJMJj? 0!(^2,. Frasioealy this year. 11^44,384 IS.021,741 ???.11 Wheat. w.tm ?ye. 5A.8-J3 ?e***. 30,700 Fork. SS .ssi Total.#13.900,*? #l?.42S,seVi Tbe export* of the week, m wnsequenee of the di; aVolty of moving produce either in carts or lightt rs, have not been v. ry large, #1 ,349,-JjO tvamst $l.*j7, #*7, includmg gear.4oe,ar7j Lard.H:^SJ S*fs.?,su I"b*e?o.12,041 5uu,i -.W ?9 Nasal Store*..* $*S Oaaaa.s'uy The aggregate of the year thu* far has been: IMa week rr???***ly this year. 4..V3.70S 4,7S3,9u9 tM%J.#S ,480,981 #tf ,433.219 Tie eororaereeof tbia port for the month of Januarv has U?n a* follows: ???roat* at aaa voa*. rtveaav. Rt-leted ftrt^rsamptton a.iT^*.^ *,^*6*. r^haX"^ ^? ^sTSdTul!:, ?ali?wataa^ iSgg tlroftr?. IKK?. Perne*** Prwloce..*4'*J,*,!J! Foretcn free B>rch**?Hs* 4V-"?1 Fo?i au Dutiable Mercaandwe. 4. ? ? 0|, ctr and Bassos. ___ TYU. FxpcrUtlc:-?, Jan.ltiA. Sc,? ,915 03.Sie.iW4 Tb? import*, a* sbove, ahow an increase of ?b.ut four arid a half null..as over January, l-v., hut are ?till considerably IM than in January, MM, when tier reached Ma\Mf,MB. The eiporta are about $400,000 behind thoee of Jan. 1H55, and over $2,t>?V 000 behind those of Jan. 1n.',4. In that month the export* of speeit were tl.a.'rt.ooo against $104,000 in January H54JL Tbe eiporta *f produce atsn-.e la#t math were larger than in ..th?r January m 1H54. They would hare been etil] larger but for tm mnd and iee. A* we HBjfMM yeeterday., tbe ahipm.rit of specie bv tbe steamer to-day wa* sdver. Tmt BBBBBtJ from thi? port for the week ending thi* day. and for the vear 1KV. thus far. were a* follow*: rr ir. t*?n.!i/-l Ku?*e:.. Ainerran a .?:. .?eil vi .-- I.Tfhakar,Tilailil,Partiali . Sr.1 * Steamship Baltic. Uawfjaaal, jtoafcaajWve,. 34 4K oo SteemaLit. BsJnr, Liverpool. KniMaa Sdser. *? Mai BW rue week. Sffl 2 Pr*T.ot.a!v repotted. Total, it*.?HHP oo ?en>* thr.e It. ISA'S., IL' "?J Saas? time tu 1834.1 .*"?.??? ?" Saure tine in 1833. JiJ Tli SO Saaw-iirueln 1652. 'M* W'J <" The o. mparumr Vtth January, end 1154, is very favorable. Albeit H. Nim'.My s regular semi-weekly sale *** stok- aad bHe-'.In 1st of Mnreh tb<- new eon* ilidate?! iSii kit o F-a- d BoBsbof IMS will be icsued at par in exchntgefor nry of the bonds heretofore rV?ed by the Mi? biean S< ut! em or the Northern Indiarra K tilroad. The IrVng Flu Iaaaiaiafe Ooaapaary ha* declared a semi orounl dividend of SCTOfl per cent, payabb- on th. Nt iist. Tre. Piatabeigh and Ifestoa Mining C.- impany, $10 f? share, payable on the 4th irrst. Tee followiiaj Bible will -bow SBM of tbe amount* at Iba several tlerx ?itones SBf^BBt to the dnift of th TArBsaiBiBi of the [Tasted States OB. the 2sth of Jan.: I'm team el the t state* Wesaea?tes D r.... *>6ts.24n n Aeakttaal Tnssaiiu.iloainn. 2,8t.i.w>7 ot AeeuUnt Treasurer. New-York. 1,353.996 SO AaoROBl Treasurer re. Lon.a. Mo. 2.0?;i urn 47 llr-poiitcrj at t'liica?o, III. ?V?.?.? tt A*a?T Otto*. K*W-?ock. ?.7H VO 00 trai.cn Mint. Ban I ranrii-o. I.JMi.iOO SB Blii.t of 17, ft., Philadelphia. Penn. S^ e.lM IS Brandl Mti.t. New Orleaua. La . 2,021.919 J Total.BSt.Se Sfi oo Detl'ict overdraft. aa.rii '3 Balance.#24V7.'..,77 |0 Decei t di?erei.ie b tranaie-f. las 7>l 47 Net ariioiii.t ?u(.|?rt to draft.*-24.oji ,i,> r.j The City Hfink of BtXWUjB has declared a semi? annual dividend of 4 t' cent, payable on tho IBtb inst. Hie op.ruti'ns of the I'liiladelpbia Mint for Hi? lm nth of January ar- as follows: (lold Depoei'a.as?3,wo Silver Deposit*... 102,t;ri ToUl.S) 467.311 ssc.turcnaTfov. (loir!. 69,127 pieces, $1."2,319 TO .SilTer.428,01? SSaeOS, 1SJM0B Copper. 9I.14S pieces, ?11 40 T.ital.518.2C7 flaOOS, a 1.311.431 40 The Mint resumed opstBtJoBB ou the IBtb January, IMfi The ablotadbaas ami repairs are not yet com? pute, but tbe operation* of m?dt*B| Oud coining are csiried on. Tbe eup|?Iy >jf money still continues ample oa call. The Baaks tut making loaus and discounting wit'i (onsidemble freedom, and will doubtless show au in? ert nsed line of loans iu tbeweikly statement. The c<;.?ral expectation npjx ars be that the tpecta line will show an increase of #7.'.0,000 to $1,000,000. We have loot this week SOSBC gold to the interior, inr'ud saf* aboat $300,0M to Iffow-Oiieaas to-day, bat a por? tion bus been counterbalanced by nMM ipt* from the WflBt, sVa. Taper ol fii-t ijuatity is nor plenty, and is in demand at - V ct nl, with an occasional sale at 7 9 cent. Messrs. Winslow, l^anier Ac Co. will pay ou demand due tbe interest coupons of the <'..iiitr.l.iu ?..^ Xeiiia Bsdlroad Cou.pnny. ThaOottofl market i ontirtie-i firm at the advance ntdiet d vest* iday, with aub s of B. SM bales. At Ncw mrratre" ce,rTt? TSKM Sold at { 1 Jc. lb advance. The ?xt itetneiit in the market wus irreat. Our mar? ket for UteadstulTs is heavy, but holders decline to ?oat the views of bajwa, Qood State brands Flour ore #7 T.'i a $$. H heat is nominally ? to !*c. . Bet f Bacon art., are heavy. Coffee, un dir advices of salsa OsTBftM bai;s at NewOrbans, was active and baojaat) B\0M bBgl Bio sold at 11 Plto. Sugars are fitm, but not KtsTO. We are ulad to lie able to aiuiounee that M> s*rs. H. A. Johnson ai d Win. S. Ni< hols of the lot-- firm of OHblJlI, Coo 4k Job BOOB, have made a copartm vefa p and T< sumed thestaokbtakasTBfBbaosBosa. Mr. Ciil bt rt will reside iu Ismdon dutin^' the BBBrfBg BaBBBaai prt pared to make negotiations fot rails, for which he ba* tunny fncditie*. All thoos ueutlniien are favorably known in business, circle*, and Mr. Johnson ha* her. :o fon- been one of the most active and successful im m b. ra c f the Boat.!. Mr. Qttbort left in the Baltic to^lay. The subscribers to the l'ark Bank are re.pu. sted to call at the City Bank and nb'ii the articles of sewaesa tion. A new Bank-Note and Insurance Keivort. r has b.?eu eetnblisbed lo Mr. A. Nteholasat No. 70 Wall StlBOt Some part.san of the Miehii;an Central Kailroad tind-'r the signatures of "A Switchman and "Anti HuiiiSu.'. is enlaced in the columns of one of our daily BOtaBBfB rnrie* iu. atoOhaj that rood at the expenseo! the Mn bb gan SV.uthern. His appareut BBadBf l>ut thinly OOTOrs tbe maJv'iiity of In* attacks on the latter road, and the ntiimiis ol them is very appan ut. He fears tbe effect of the construction of the Detroit and Toledo Road ou tbe traffic of bis favorite route, the Michigan Central. And he has sufficient reasou fat Ins fears. The , io> struction of that road will doubtless firotl a large amount of baBBBaM, which has now no other outlet fn.ni the Central to tbe .Southern route. In detd the counsel of the Michigan Central lla.'.roa 1 is repoittd to have said in a speech made at Detroit w b< n he was endeavoring to prev . nt the entrance of the DsiiaM and Toledo Kailroad into Detroit, that If this connection with the Sonth. rn Koad was per.m t. I, the Central H-ad couid not pay V cent dividends. The results would not ia our opinion bear out this pre duti..n. but there will doubtless be a lan*e aoOOOaiOB of business to the Southern Koad from source* now monopolixed by the Central, principally from the Sus? pension Bndge and l.rcat Western iCanada; route. In relation to the Detroit and Toi,.l> Baasl the charter of the Northern Indiana Kailrond in (ihio gives the ritflit to make that part of the road bx Ohio labotit stx miles, and to conn.vt by contract with any road m Micb.gan. About two years ago the right of way was acmired ibrtbj road I'rmu the Ohio line to Me'nroe, and ha* be.-n paid a>r. and wa* in the eontndof the Northern ludisna K i.lroa.lC>. T':ar Company contracted with an individual to aotf the nMid from the Osaka LbaS to Monro , be r > do ev? erything and find ev, rv th ug, exc. pt rails, ohaits and spike, he wa* to lay the track and UtaarBSJkfkljrbalrart the it*d, and fence it, fe>r which he wa* to rece:t ? $7,0oo per mile. Thia right ad CmwrfmMj. When the air lire fr- ? Bauart I0aaa> t.u re (??!.? d the fionh? ll lil.?; p'. ted to T led ?, tl at will le the main hne from Chicago to T- t' ad fiom F].kr.art to Monroe i? 14 rni'e- loeg, and tl' M miles ?? ot only bring? it a large- hn.nes?. but it ia then tie, shottest Railroad liue fro*n Detroit to Chi i n;-o. h*. seven mile*. Even the whole di.-ianc*- fr-tm Detrva*. to Toledo atd thence to CUalfB over the air ilrji'flo-hin line; will not, it is ?tatc-d, exce.d the Vtct iL*r. Central in li ngtb uiore than on. or two miles. fotdo Laving "0 uiiles of straight i.n.- bl one tangent, with no eastern grade- upon it of more than law feet to the mile. Tbr&- faite -h"W not only th'-ftiengte of th.- j or it ion of the Railroad BStwean Urn head wi Lake Mil 1 ipMJ and Liik< Luc, but alao how legitimate i? tl i* ? at4 r*ion to Detroit, and of w'ich a'.l but J'i miles was befote provided for. The whoic line i- v.-ry '.< % ? ', ot easy ai d cheap construction, with depots opt n and r< at!v al each end, aud may be operate 1 wi'.h tcom ?.ir.y. Frem the Annual Report ..f the Li1 tie M am: Rail? road Company we barn that the gr,'?? rei cipt* of the joint roads iLittle Miami and Columbus and XenU) 1m th*- vear lt?65 were: fsnteniert. sMN?M 70 freisht. 4*'.*? 52 Mailt, tc. Hi??* Total.tl.si7.iw U Kxpense*. SO?.?? ?I Ket eair.ii rs. ?V* **} 9 f if this two thirds, or Il4rt,4tl ?0, U-loiig* '-.the Little Mihtti, aft? r the deduction of lo *' cent d vid'-nd*. ai.i? h, in consequence of using earning* in the" con? struction ot aseeond track, w.-re ret pud in cash. The turplus is #?.?. ''.'..63, a triflug iticr? as.- on the- previous year. The numbe r of paMBjgefi earned was Mt,S45, against It^tAfl in Ittel. The- loss is inthrou.-l; passen? ger*. The coniparisi.n of the- aggits-als bsMtnenl of the reihd w.th the fire vious year d'** not appear in the rt-p< rt. This road j* manag? d ai'.li |Tsajt can-, and M phsi-crp? r I as bis ii ii jured upon it during the y ar. y'/'ir Hartford t.'curant says I In the Coi ne? tieut tinai i ml ein be the principal Blotter of ititer.rt tin-Jerome and Humum failure. We giro below a ttatattnient of tbe assets of tho ?fe? n im < i n i any. wiih their UoMKtleo, which we think niay be relied upon ns veiy nesrly eoneet: >. S. Jl lOll'l VaLCATIIIS. ITlackata Nt? Hiv?n. Materials, kc.#1?4 ?3 11 ITiliT-fl Csaeks ka New-York. la.ono nu Btorsil i:rt?.i?si. New York. I*,** OS f. rreoville HatOWSaTS CS.f. 2*,.""n Bl BmIi.ii Arccuits. soodt ot. band. 18,Ml 00 N. w-York Araaaaaai. Z?.? I on Bills Kersirabls, (in Barmiui's band?!. l?.000 ItO B. ii.k, ( H \ rothers'ed). iS.iSsi no IIA St ?res Bristol Hra?s Stork. i\*>* 00 lit Hartford Mil i:.? Stock. ?/?* 00 Kral 1 state in Bristol. lOfts) 00 ( locks in pria-ess in Bristol. " Oashtn BaaJi. I . -oo on hri.'irj.rt It. a.' Ks'afe. 30.is?J ?0 Nrt. IlsMT KealK.ta'e. TS.e " no B ills Kereirable ui New lUrru Banks. 84.vm io Total.*477,1M 10 L. II' due tii.Li u.si.e ly tbe Credit, ra: ? o. Bills iticelralle in N. H. Banks.S>4^.SI5 (in Bnstcarsy Smrc. .VOOO On Ki restville Hardware Co. la.coo On Brirse|ort Rial hstate. 5,ta)0 Un NaW-Havea Heul f atale. 25,taa3 Oa Boataa aasenats. i.'OO Hiitloril t cinpai v Mn.it? Stock. 5 l'?1 - !?J,0i5 00 Total.-sWIII II Li M aiLoui.t of Dein ly Mortjare or Collaterals... 15l>,0utJ 00 Total.* lt.?, 144 11 Ssanaal tsj Hebt.ti. JMa il in nans ci Debu. i?'.'ioo .#IC.84J Bari um sa>s he is in.lor.er for.OMO.OtiO '? Bonus, proposes to ^ivc alOJ.OiKi to be released fn in his i i.dorsenients ami Bcceptai.ee, and tbe credi l,,r> pstrpoaa tnivUs.? Li? >f L~ w<11 r<>iiti all ),i? rnortgagi e and pny el5(\0W. Tne creditors propose to nmkO a tu w Company with n C'ipirat of i?W(000, mmle up of the j.api r ot the o'd ('otiiiiany. There is a larcc amount of material wLu h 1- of little value eaVOpt to DO winked tiji into cloeks, and it is said tliat there is t ow a large d. mand, and the burincss with economy can be made gesud. It is lielieveei by those who say they know, that if this proposition i- curried out that all will get thi ir pay. The JotOBftS Company had eome ti n or fifteen BfBBeiefl in ilifTeretit parts of the ?. tl.i. which is the cause of tbeir failure." The Couravt states that tin re have been some . ti n taiiuresiit Bristol, growing out of the Jerome suspension. We have reason to believe thnt the value 0t tin clocks. inati:ia!?, tVc.iu the above- list of assets is larjrte'y over-stated. The failure of Messrs. Itacon, l'iice Sc Co., coal ds ale-rs of 1'hilad. lphia, is said to bo very- extensive. S< Bat of the relativ? s of the finn ore reported to be in sii aggregate of ti:.0,0oo to "OO.Ooo. The coal trade itcerully has been unfortunate this Winter. There Las been a blight decline in the price of coal m rttad of the usual ad>atiCe, and tbe- dealers are not as a general thing mnkicg any money. Many art I :ti larrnss. il and we hear "f five eir six failure^ within the last ten da^s. Tin- liabil.tie-s are not large. I be K?steln Institution alluded to by Tke Ciacia na/i (J.izctti as ha\in^ been protestid on certificates of deposit is -aid t" be the America Hank, Trent- n, N. J. The supposition is that the Cinciunati andChieago Kuilroad Compat y, which m ?-ot.at. il tb , eiliti. ates, was to protect them, and had u.-t luudo to do so. The mails by the Arabia confirm the telegraphic ac- ' i oiint? af th. ? ff? ct "f the pea-e new.* .,n the CotMol U.ulkt t. ILi lollo? ,i:g table ? .11 -l.uW the fluctuatiou-. , , ?oa mrnkt. roa acetartr. Jan. Low it. Higb-f. Clraj'c. Lo?'t. H:th'?. Clrw/f t. 12?ar.| se w ss so Mon 14. ...Ut] Sei Ist 14 8 Iura li....S?jI Ski W.d. 16....?71 g:l Tt.ur 17. ...SM cent. Stdl greater advances have l et n the reuu't of peace- news at former perusja. Hut t ? ii.-uls wen- then much lower. At the peace with Ftauee in l-'a, then- was au impr vem.-nt from 59, to tki, and shortly r ft et ward to Tt, After the treaty of Amitnsin I Ml, Um n ovement was from 701 to 7!?. t.?n ?m ii-t"tati..u of ti.e Ifourbons ia Isll it was : m 11J to 70J; and after the battle of Waterloo, it wa- from S3] to 9)1, 11.? n. ws had no particular in Hu? nee on tlie Moatary market, and thett was still a crood demand at the llank of Kn.-laad. In the bj mm of thep..Iitical . x? it. n . nt the qu.-stion a- to theproba I'':ty of any further advac -e of the rate af discount ceased to have ai.y unporttince. The arrivals of specie, amounting to ?mm\m, IftoBtw f aded to rt> ?OTl anxiety on that p..inf. The- M-mev market, l."Vt'\,r. bfBaTMflj) 1 a iMaaboHkaT? mum tiki -u j '\ .i.i r. a-.t:.'. The return from the Hank of England for the week rnding tbe t .nh of January r.v. s the following results when compared with the previous Week: Publie deposits.kl KSS.S09 Dsrrsa?? Cl frTSa?t . iJtH.eTl lucresae.. f. is} tm the other side of the account: OoretaineDt !*e?nrit!e?.... ?IS.4I3 tsa t?,-f-)r.t,o.. '? serant.es. . lT.IOAiS tHcVetl. ttlllS BBIllSJll. MP rircmaaT. The anrennt of notes in circulation ? A13 3r?7 S^o being an increase mi .14-0,4:0, and the ataxk of bullion in ?Mb departments ls X'.0,4:1,-131, thowm,' a de> creaae of X1 i?,95S when compared with the pr" -ed n - return. ? The Ben Nevis, from Australia, had arrived with al-ut ?XtO.iWo ia gold, and the La Plata from the W, et Ind.es with about ?e^.ooo, a large ^?^?n 0f ? ,th?b?,-oid. G 'ld continued u demand foi tho Coatintnt. In regard If Amcrxaa Sctixitit?, B^rings Circular ,ay* " Quotations are nominal, end, eliiioogh there 1 have b+ea on trans-artions to mark higher \^tOtm, the orders Ctf sale at prevkou* litwl** v? withdrawn. Th?? market f??r American SecQritiee as reported by Mr+t-r*. D. Bell, Son da Co. a- ?: . I The Circu^-., 0f J(r. fcit'ertliwaite says: " f*t(t aar la?t the m-elnaence of 'he by Rnwa tf ibe 'ems ut peace i In-red by in- A.I rt \%a ,,f..Ucri an ajtiatTiiiuir~ rbaige in Console and f^( ?o.gi.*h and Frerv-b ?eetr.t:'? T' a effect of p?**ce SMP^gjg ao directly eo "Oi own "tot ta t.-.tt BtSB -..on baa been a axriasively dire, -ed to tlem. and ara have very litt.e ??;,T,t? to note in American Fecarinee. Tbe eeilera at !o-.e prkea Lava, however in moat ctses ?rh'i*ewn 'heir or'eT*. or ra.#ed their Inure to rricee Bor* ins.cor.'ai cewitl.taeacrnaj New York ra'e?. Tb* Bond, tf the I ilcotf Centrii RaiJ'.oed are io .irna* re, >e?: at aish-r re e? wi'b very few efei'i g. IssSBeares hav-Ur.. J .o. *? ?:? ate t.cae tujtrt at 4 am" At Bari* the ?harr? ot the Bank of France rontinoe to drf?r.?-, owuijf to the tieoteity inpoeed Bpon the Dr.. t- r? 11' buying tr.-!-! at a loa*. This ba? already cc-DetVrebly r. dne.d the last half yeai a di\ id- nd N th. chare*. With IOSSSSOsOS t.i the Bank * reeer.t \mt\J? purchase of silver in London, it ll calculated that the j ti ? g.v.:. would have involve! a of upward of l p?r rent, were the trai.*act;on an ordinary CS h i ? ? p. rnrit u. The I? :t. r- from Baris . xpr. ? BBBtsh aux i? ty a* n gnrdsth. state of tin money ma'ket, to which last w.iks h?avy decline on the Bourse is in a irreal n-iasuie attnbnted. As illustrating th- effects of the pgssoaio ?;-n Uta market, it ia mentioned 'liar the i ?Laie? rat th- Bew l'nr.eiuu tias Company a.-aiu d. clintdnolese than 1.'Of. per aliare during the week. I The fall is now ISSC on the ?oOf. shar-, calculated I upon tbe pro * at which they wen- tir*t d-alt iu. The ' ?I r.:Uff.per 100? ilkare,and uiav nasty' had It.n bought at I3> i. to 13?f.; now th- luOf. -hare ia onlv wonh TOt Tte L uden Time* < f Friday say*: " The excrement on the Stock Kxritanc* to dtv h*. bees a* pest st uroi nr.\ oc?a?ion wita.i recoils* two. Toe foa ? n*v* expeneLced a tatal ranrr of more tt?': J f> cent, an 1 the ?per? tu Li taere e?treu.elv kttBS and numerous fro:.i the r :n'iie. ce net t to ft* cli ae ot bttMUfta. The openina prirea of Co .*o. < were be uoew tin.** reached after re^alir honra I or are- iii* ? nan el? ST4 for moue? au.i 87J for :he ac. .'tu.'. Aden::.!, atock toon Ucan.e obaenab'e. aod upon the peaHearlea of the ?rtoi d r.tit.cn of 7Ac Tim. ani cuucin* the n:ic inditi. aal a. reisar.ee by Kneaia . f rl.e Auaintr | r j; ouV a ? i l.t-n r.#e ? . CLned, an.;d the neat ( itrai.rdu.ary aai'ation. to WJ fta ? I ,n, ?lue- tiers vaa aoon a fur:h-r oiove:n?nt to !* J. wh.e for t) a feroat t barfaina wer* entered into at S"f. tbe market b?iiu ? i i j cited at ttia period by lutell^ence of a riae at* BMta tii*n 4 4> rent on tbe Par.a Bonrae. i'iib?e.piently thf pb??^ u?ed in the 'el earapLu airouLt* from V lem.a. that tna pr-poairioua have been accented a* ?'* basaVat i.rf ti*':o:.a. cr. atrd a feelinf of dia fnut la ronaaeaaan . f the etper.e:. ?Ktnt the entire day much of tbe iinrer-aiuty that pre ?aiied wa* rtioed bv tte noneppearance of any in. .i'tvnal cctfiru at:ot. 11 tb* "uewf. many [*r?oi a feeini? cuutidenf tl.at if it were trie the (io^eruuient. !uokmc ?' tb* effect it ? if bav* ta all d*| ?rtti.ent? of tr ide w.juid have lott i.o t.me in tranamittii.s it to the Mausniu Uoum in an taSckal Bjtm It waa only at a late bmr that the tact transpired of t-ii Harr.il'oti Seymour ha\i. f t'.Twarded trout \ in 11 an ?lai t eat firu.a'ioii i>f th. even', and, ronae<]ii*:itly, n.ai v ItrMiB. left the ci'y wiOiont bein? fully a*aure?l witn re garu to it P. t? T'ct to th* dia( oaition to weaken the force of laeeatBaraalra (enby atateaana imjsir'anc? to the u*e of the word ' baaia,1 . ?a*remarked that tbe proposal* were uece*?* riiv i:eter put forua.il aa anytbln? but a t**i* tor a treaty; and if ?| peara 'hat tl- ? \ risate adv ;cea frntu Vienna this aft.'.'noon rtate ttat Ton:.t N. aaelrode ha.l informed the A'lathan Euaoy tta: they were &ccej :ed purely and simply aa the foundation of ; ? i.'ariea at peare. Bank Stock rfa*ad al W t" ; Ke dr.c?d.9i to}; New Three Per Cents,-90f to |; Kxcheque.-. bonds. 97J to | aj.d I..<:i? iemds and Kathe.pier-till*. da. to 2a I discount." Tit Site* of the same date says: " The v inous Stack Ktrhaiute marketa thia numini opened qaietlv, nut st.cn became eatn mely eacited, in c nteqneuce of tl e i BMkeotfoa] of inteilifence tnat Ku-fia bad acr. ,t.-1 uucon ditioualiy the piopoetioi.a tor (?-acetubiuifted by Austria. Very I rar. ly I. ? ?o Intel ae a peneatiou b- en nhservsl :e thrn irb ut the j tity. Wiii.ni a ft w minutes after this news had reacned the ! t leakacts < f ibe Suck faabanfa, tbe pr.cn of the Knglish funds I (ad sprung np ik per cent, and many railway stocks 2 i pr cent, aid Tutkiah Ra per t'euts 4 ?r I per I cent tt (mi [and with the lateat official quotrtiont of yesterday. Many of the dealert betas'al list badkrBOaed to transact b'ld lies? pCDdinitba coi Brsaaliec ot tb* iutellicence, pauu -stri.'ken rvfersu ra tor a tall W*TB heavily mulcted in 'lie shape of wide " Biargiua" oo atsaotasaai to bay back. LTadarthi 11 ??'ire of tins d< m?Ld Consols St tarns d SB extreme advance of nearly S| par seat At th a | oinr a raocttae ass to, tho rsoollsciitB of tap d: j limy of Bnaflan policy, aa maniteated on former OSSSaaaoO, tenilin* In codify the I.ret ha?tilv ad-t ted opinion that peace Baal nrreetarily en.ne. t'nder tbe influence of the fear that Bli*st* may have some covert and lusiucere aim in thus tLri wins: open the door to lactOM nrsotiatinna for peace, realiaa Nsoool fleck woes pssssaaso. BatedtaaCaasbos an ailiaeiill OOIJ has at Pans, the reaction from the hifuent point wx? up ward i t i t> cent. St?l the 4 o'clock quotations were nearly iL 4> cent above fho/e of yesterday?the tec t of the o*fen*tble ac ce) lance of rbe tatSSS oy Russia beiuf i -rr-borated both by din n./ed hours sellers raloer i re[oudtrated, and a reduction ot a font ; ?? cent was quoted. It is wore all necessary to nbasriS ? hat the ti ark-it at the close, as tbr, '.shout tbe dsv was ei ren rl) anaetiled and sensitive. "The rlo?ing qoo'sllnl.s of to-day'a Perl? U.-arve dta uot reach ihe citv ibis evri.ii.e, but th* teleftaph re port-d that the Ti r. e rer lent Ken's o( ened t,7.Z?. and luimid.stely r ose t j ST.70 Thecloeira quotations yesterday were S t.SJ f.r money. ) and 63.15 lor account; and tor "the footamis llslf par Caota,' 91.15. The total nse iu the esfablinlied t?foa [ er CootS since yeitenlav ia thu? no lets thau 41 ?ee:.t. It Is iiiidera-.ood ttia the iac:l.c Intelllpanrs received from ?iauua wa* publicly Bai J on the Bourse belole th" coinrnencemeut of business to-day. "Ci naol* at 4 o'clock vester.lsy stood at STJ to j ex div. for Feb. 7, ai d improved after tbe recognized huura to 87, t.. J This momma the market epened af 87J to I, ahortly rose fo r.% Iu i, iprans at ore.: ao 'he publicatmn af the newa from Vl ei.natoSS'. ai d *ffer two or three che. ka from realisation fouled i* i At 3 o'clock the price wa* 9<'l to I at * k StitoSO, aud at 4| o'clock aa| to J." Biebrarileoa, Mpenre A Vo.'a 4'irealar. Tee .tr.irau ) Livrafooi . Jan. 18. 18 V. In tbe be(innin(of th* week trade opene 1 aalet, with, bow ever, some decree of lirmnes* on the part of holders. seat day's Baikal was rather a SMI SM. W'HKar was sh w cf ?ale. a; Fndav'a rates, and bj some caset a' Id. 4/ 70 Ifli. d* clin*. Ploi a iinchaniied iupnce.ai.il i, >t much doie?. lanua totx ra'her atiffer. buttle demand limited. Some ?ales of li?ed were mad. st t. to SJ ? 4/ quarter la atere. Ou the fol k?*lt| dsy |?ace nmicrs were extensively rirculsted, aui yes? terday feren.. n an ai.i.....i ren.ei.t was poaie I at the Excha/ise to the eflect the' Russia bad ui. undi'ioually accepted tue " terms of Iba Alliea" The above reports, wustever may be ftcil uitimate raauif. have iu ihe meantime entirely aus*ttied lie I n. Trade. To-day's market wasquite a blauk. Only one or two mail islet ol \\ HSsT were mad*, at a :e luctiou af 4d to fid ?? 70 Ks. Nu traniac'ionf in Flocs, ai.d but one sale of lellcw Ik?l.N Cok* at 40 in itore. weds MS alter our quotationt. which are merely BSOSSBOl At LuLdon to-daj buii^eas wa* also suspended by the p??. ? raxtiora ^ BtM?A ?feadv r?uJ buaiueat was .Ian* ia the earIv part of tie week. I n ths ft ce Lews yesterdsy put a stop to further txafaaactaaea. Posa ia alto a: a afar..!, and there ia not wach cccfidenae ;u price*of thu articl. bell t maintained. Bitov th. agk at j resent tc*rce, wUl feel the ?tT-ct of the I pesce prosfects. Laan BaSekW.BTj bavinf been accepted for di e. The future j fee of thwart ude will, to a certain extent, be influenced ly tie value ofTalltw. I Tillow haa been more effected than any otner aniWe by the Sewf of yesterday, tales, in the first instance, having been made i I ' ' ;'-e.liue, but subeequen'lv tttu atvauce of 1. b to 3 from the lowest point; but, as prices geuerally ar- toy inegtlar to rep, rt with anything Ufcs accuracy, tha q?oUlioct are n r-he pe?e:.t wnh irawn. ' BOS IB??ail. and busines* very limited, at lower ratet Baaa?Siet.iy a' our quotation*. 1 CoTTov-Tt* market reme.n*d Sell, and priest tlich-.y fay- ted Ue buyer until nearly noon yesterday, when tha tele II tbe oewa cf tte acceptance by Raaaiaof tSfOM ot a- a. e . this at oi ce induced many bolder* 'o withdr.w their at. ? ka eri-jrely from th* market, or seek an advance of R S> ? ?hieb decked b-nii est f.,r a time, but in the afternoon buyini wr.treiev.ed an.-, tie sales of the day reached 12,000 to ll'S' ?i!l,Z-iii JrtWftul "xlorl ?fSplslllll, at an advance of pi. to i . p m on last week's ratee. To-day the in.ri ry con tji,uefr.?i lot the market it more freely a-ippiicd a/a-ti at the fall rate, utye.terdsy. In Manchetter Du.itiiM has n some "*f*';r ?)?I?bi-dw, h. in. market.., d Yarns are 11 -o i L tiULd7r?Jd UuUhut" <)rIr?t?-5*? mi Mobil., 5f j , Aa tddi ion has been made to the dock ra'e. on shire and n-.rrchsl.duH- st ai* port, which will incretae tbathar|et. Brow., athipley ?V ??.?. TIsiBlas Tie fTJ v.,s . Liyrarooi.. Frid*y. Jan. 18. 18.56. ' 'otto:. .Market was very quiet in tie early Dart of the aeek.w.th n -.. da. :e,;!y r' hvot of buyer."bdt rte wie Iki^tli^J^l^ Mf?': -"?o?*? ?a* uncondi created till i. '' *T'*a ?f ?** 'I"""'."! uf ^ Alli'?' created ?rea: exciiemeut and pric-. a.l.ance.1 id *> ft Tbe.. be.Tf merVlVilfeM^ Klk?S ^ ^^ou*Zf the Aide. til L?l. VI,"'V*?* ? ? ha*ia tur naaotiations, the exatemeut ha* decree^ .tatf the Market cloae* firmly at a? advance af 4 ? i.:;.Vr ? ??-?? Id- f ?'-:u eher-*-wn,..,.f..s It?tf*-* Tr. ST v." l"VVT r^f" ^ Atneric?.?.:^ itl. tmW ,'J'-C' ir',for ?i,xJ, ~ Yarus. but Vodurers hiyTrTde Stssts at mmleM.?m ^'t,''^ iM 1: "aredy any tranwc tV?'??* orn in limit?d request at last week'i price* r.rir ^ ?I.??11 10; Bed 10 ??tu p 70 ft' VVWJn" Ohnf 42 ? M a t?" j Pt"'?d?lpl"? BaTtimore \< ?S uaio 42 u 13 6, Canada 40 u41 ; Sour 40 d4l *> bbl Wi -e "The3!:."1".^ 1^^11*^***43 t^u-.et Pcwt "* *aioul,'eJ ?? MM barrel*, at 4 441 f B4BHaaf Brwtkere A Ce.'o Circwlar. Th. i?. L w^t ? Lo?D0,'1- fnJsy. Jan. IS. IS5S-5 r. m. Tea teSasaakM and Foreign Produce market* were dull until t, V'| .r. l^ "P?rt Ru"1* h~? ??*ooBe-ad " >H> us,!,,,?. MlJ it full ret**- Hondw-B. "n .?r 1-7 ?^ being WlU>dl?WU 4t 52' ?54 ? ?3" Et? ... i ton-ileu testet?., of >!???? r?* ??,J"* T?. fo ?er, dtmand. Boyer. of ?. Cnrrok in more demand; aalet fo? tb* ??""? *'m" , a ^-??S Pates' ?r -fu'er Oft?4M case* rh'tj* acid at, rate? \rOC.I: il/'W?V.M Shellac-** W. and WflW HiS kSto fr.? 2* -*>.-. ? ???*u'*?? Lei f,r*3 0-.'.:e Percna-VIJO told fi*f?N^ffl* fr. m ?151! *> -ommon verydu.l, ard rnces ooa.tu.1. OI:ve: there hat been nior- q. r> t t the loaer a. rtt. at reduced [meet; Barbar? Ml a' if. Malaga 151 I? aaA:. Oaliipoll *V54vrx'5\ Rape: Brown acarco at h cw. : Sie tan. White Hen.al r-'d at H ? ex. th.o fo (.cl. and 14. SI5 3 for mid.. V? ?ar.tcara?. Ben*?, at I* tot 4"ba,. rroot tallon. witii Lee? ard Island at Z 7 ?J I Ttt-oav there .re uo b'iT. r? ?t tiiem- ratet. Bai rftrrad i.l. AImmsJ IJM ba*. Beiaal told nrnafe..? at J" ? . I fur l' *? cent retraction, fl ?5 tor ~>k- and * for 4 b? I.n* Bnin!.?> Matattaa brou.ht H for 13 *> cent, and .'J u ;J i. for Sil' 4* ? tor sec.? la. sad 114 fornood Ll*i'(,*t-n:ere fcat been ?n impr>.?sa?? browu Bourbou have been told the latter at */?#/. t'f Koreicn ths publt.- ?.:?? have ail lian lat|atlaat| pnvatelj. ?bout lOOboxe? Havana aaU tarly ui the week .t H ? for Floretes, tduty 17 S.) and tl a to, for wt :o food yellow (duty 14 ) Tl?.rr?ii%r ? Itonth has been ?olJ in some o/iaa'sty at I . Spirit, lower; we quote American m . asks at 32 6. narkete-CsRiFi llt KiroRTin tor The TribTMI. S.ti anar, K h. It"** ASHES?TJ.e market is .piicf, owtnt to tho limited arrivala S.le. ol I'ot.st *S 75a #? r7} ar.d FeafJt ?t +7 7i. Stlerati'S it bra. at 7.-. . catb. t (iT'lltN?There it evidently ? firmer feelmt notice.ble on the Itiie advance cf ye.ftr.lay, with IB sc'ive demand. Tne tale, are 2,*0 bale., mclodlns l.tJOO b?>. in tr.nsiti Weal v.i ce tat quotation, ou Middllna t'plaJids |a ; other kinds dose ?.n Bfa ly ts follow.: saw rota cLis?:ricano?. I'plaiela I'icri.la. Mobile. N.O.hTat. urdirary. ?J ?4 11 *J MtddlUuj.?I ?i H ?| Fair.a*| Hi ll ill t'OKKl E?A-. aeftta aaaaaaa bat prevail.ft at very foil prices for Rio. Tbe tele?ravbte i ew. tb.t BaoraiMfMm ."*???< rrfean?. sdv it i ( of i a'St there on the UM ii.t. ef iLtM lai?? at IO| -i 1' f , tLe n trket l uoyant. bas been i tlaential in impartint increaae.l tiinineesl ere lu all o b' rkird. tba demand Is tali at f nl pr ce?* ?a!.?< t '? -"' taaa Rio at 11'/12? ; Jju l Maracaibu ?t ll|* I.e.. BBfJ 3-50 mat. Java at 141(214]?. The tro'k of Rio i? now 28 MO bra*. H. Ol It A Nil MKAFr?The market for We.fern aas] Sta'e Fi. tir ipsne.l quite dull, buyers bol.ltua otf fir a firther con reoinii. wbn h was mot .ubmitted to, and at the cloae a better demand prevailed, with more ?teadii.eaa ap,iarent, Th' ar rivalt are qiiiie lisbt by railway. In the al.-' n. e ol the .learn? ers mail little haa been done tor export. Th>- aale, of We.teru t'.i al are 5.700 bbla. at S>7 75cis>8 tor common to ?ery foist State ai d Michi?aii; ttt ?>8 31 for .upertine 1 ndlano ai.d Up? per Lake . s>8 I.* a *?) AO lor fair toperniie au.l extra Uhi>.. a si S>ius>ll for extra St. L. ui. and Uene?ee. < a .atian K. mr ia latrai tud i. atiil aatalllad, wiib few ?eitert at our quotation.; an all .ales at ?>S l.j.. *>|U for common to beat brand.. S.>ath ern Hcur it very firm; ihs arrivalt are very trivial aad tba ?tick i. mutbdimiiii.hed; Mies of 440 bhlt. at ?8 50.< -as 81J (< r mixed to food standard bian.ts Baltimore " fitt Mill.," Alexandria and I reder:ck>bur? Country, aud *8 8;i10 dl t r taiorire, faxry and extra brandt. R>? Flour it very q IM at to iiid't7 for bue ai d inj.ertii.e. I ?rn Meal it hiaitltBal s>.) 87j for Jersev and tl 12) for Brtndywitie. Buckwhett 1 lour is in fslr request at *2 aft +-' tt] f> 101 If), r It'll-Tie arrival, are still limited, ??.d the business there ly retarded, prices aje llrm. i,uai? (at. ii*l i - ~??... i- aatataiaa. ar. l is qu.et, pries? are i:. a msllv 6a8r. Inwer, with, however, few ?eilen; aale? of '..8m t une'... ?i od W Inte Canadian at *) 2 ?I. 8arl?y i? hixcfite at 01 !82tra>2 5?4? buabtl. HAY?A fair inquiry for shippint, and bolder, are tinn , tales of bm talea at 01 ivj |er lie tt e. HIDES?The market th. wt ?'.-at stren?ih and the demand is fair, as there ia but little difficulty in tending them to tbe tar neries; litt talet of Buei.ct Ayrea 214 Its at Ma, an I Ma Oratide at 2' t/.'Sj.- 6 mot, utnal sele. iinii Tbe ar.x-k on hand tc-.lav is 54,'i 0 i.-.c I u.l ll ? 14.4M' Busuos A vre?. 8,7'? Rio Oraude, taj|a| Aniottara, HO p< rto Cahello, 7SSI Savauilla. ?Kl Sau Jntr,. 2,?aOMei>r.n. 2,00? West India tnd Southern HOPS?A moderate business ha? t?t?n done for boms cm sumption; the tales are about BO balea at S i for Eatfsrn, (common to good I, and 74.1 months. Ll AIDERS?'lhe market i? ?ery firm for all ?le*>-riiit.ont: the ai.ck I aa net ..cumulated materially; aale? of Huenot Ayr. s Middle at 251 aaic., win.h is a angin Iui[ r .vemeut for tue ? . tat. Fien h Calf Skins are s-.ea.ly al |Tekioiia rale?. I.K All remait.t inactive, pending the result uf peace iie|'i*ia tint..; pri. e. are l.nnii.al. LIME?Roeklan.l is quiet at the decline ..oticed yestsr.Iay; there have been no arrivals; about 2,000 bbls. are ftoseu in at Hellgale: Lump ia dull ?Ld nominal; last aale? ar +1 32. LATHS?Ka-teru rvntiuuea quiet; last sales at tl 40. MOLASSES?The market is 1.. lower and moderately active; aaieaof 4's of 150 bblt at 41 a 4I4'.. '.ath, including some lrom wharf at tha I a'-er figure. ( nide it tel 1 at ajaao for prin.e North 1 out try. without .ales, ftmmon Roan. I? inactive; of No. 2, 400 bbi*. aold at *>1 W-i ?- if tbl. Tar is quiet but firm. OILS? Only a lobbing bnsiness being trai.aocted in English Linseed : tbe atock .a In the neighborbl of I ?n0 tuu?, which is held above tbe view, ol buyers; .ales from store at 92c. cud. Crude Whale 1. held ?tilfl? at 77"sj boxet abort-ribbed Middle* for all this m.iathou tnvate teimt.and 58 boxetauparfiiie.bort do. at 10c??a extreme piice. Cot Meats are a shade lower; aaieaof ltd hhd?. a-id fcs. at 71, aud 24 d .v'.c. for State?the latter pr.. e for fresh made. Cheese it ? ai : ;.-.- ??? at .?wi'.J.;. Egfi are mere plenty tt 18 a 20c l> doten. ' r RICE?Kxptrtert. witn a more accoma.od.uxg market have operated with lea. relerve | .ale* for ahipme?t of IV) tc?. at 14 e'ic, as to quality. .?AT.e UJ4jk*,t at 6rmar, ai.d the mquirv goo 1. sals* af ?v50 sacks Aahton f- tl 5". and 750 sacks Jcifrty. wui U. > s at 01 40. ? ? St OARS?A firm market and moderate trar..action?. chiefly to itfinert, with small lots to the trade have trauapired 1 sales of 100 hhd. at. 7|??.|c. A cargo of ?? hhd.. Me'ada (^or.centrsted .Moi.aae.) to a lataataT, to arrive from -be East, hat been sol i on terma not transpired. SPICES?Safe* have transpired of l/OO fo Nutmeg, at vj\9 Sfc.; (rice* r.cw r.i.te from H'liz-tsic Other kind, ot Spice* ire quiet. WHISKY?The market I? firmer wrh a far demand and light arrival.; sale* 0f 2w bole, at 34et34?c. tor Ohio aud Mit* i'.c. for Prison. -a> -ifarkei? ? Rtmtrttd tt TmttfTrmfk. NtW-OaLtas.. Feb. 1?The aatn by the Arabia ha. rauaed n ach excitement in our Cottos mariet. Pn. es have gon- op t<| :? PaovinexcB. Feb. 1?Cottos?Demand good, w th aale?, for the week of 4,0te baiea. Wool?Tbe advaua has bseu folly .ueiained. witb a good demand ; tale* of tbe week 12? lug tts. PaiiTlkt. CLOTHS?Sales of the week 3y 2>ai niete?. CHaaLtsToa. Feb. I.-The adv.ee? by the Arabia have com? pletely tmaettled oar ( OTTea market, ar.d prv.e? are verv Ir regnlar. Quotations are advanced jdje. fha sa'ea to da? foot Ji 2 ace bale*. ' ?eeeipia af Pratd. i fsSAri 0*^3!*tmhiy **. 9** ??tatst ja* S h Vi? n0> 'l1^ 2'Wr,r Mutto...7llor?...272l ' , ,/ pa f, ?.TtH,0"'|f" t*tS "???*? ?*t. Pork. 11* lag*. EacoL, 35 dc. Poultry, t> do. Eggt 11 .'o Ashes loot S . ^tti?; L"*' ?4t* S.*W do. Melt. 18 r39 Jo. \ B." rr '? '?' : d l'-.-.i.. and IV.? ll?,E,^nri0"L.l.m f'* Buckwheat .1 , - A?ui i?^1' 'J*1 .?M*M ????ebar.saoe Milk. 154 bolt. ??. /Is?* F'^'t, 1m talea Hop. -02 Sr.. Hem, SOv tk|a. e.arrti I.1J7 der. Brottsa, 2X-1 pkaa. Paf-tr, 41 bale* WiocA /a th* R *. ?^*t??'> Wf,, /,, t.morpmi-m, m Mri -? ?.-? '.' M.I : I -?. K u* V V. i 'on H. MrKlnn, K S. Hand. Bo*tor,. R. h. cVhte2 V. Y ; Mlaw I'odn-aJl. Koatnn ; M?lu?l Wrar?tt. wtfcaayl? CeM. Leaf, l*dv ar.4 ??*??? ** Y ' r w ???*. KrZ KaLn, HatuUii; J B /jt.tmioi and C ??in iw jgk_"7 (..Ibeit N. Y.; Jare* *trln. Nelbsu el H. Clerk, St I^-* Mr?. WBlienit, N Orleana; f.d. Plerc-. n , Provide***, p. tut, im. , 0. A Hord-fl.E. I. Cher J. It.?erhaVA., ( ha*,*.. Mr. and M.i T. Hart TavVr. I U. " ? J ?.Ca* J.i i a vV Whiter. Sau Freneiero. J...11. B O'eenw.ejd, ow Auberv. M. Cexein, 0 Ottoleigey Mr. ami Mr*. Tnom*? ku .. J Tri... i. Meesra Bwift sod M*J*h*ll A r fact, Mia* \ irtoe. 2< til.lirn and arrrant. N. Vork; M-a*BaB? 2 children nt th* H>t O. J P. Hairer. Mrs. Malter. Al*ggj? Wait. Port Sam.?. Canada. xiatart-ac .LMaaac.THit oar. Sel-Rle-a.7:?? I Si r. tl I Mooi-Ruaa*. men waT?a.ran oaf. Sard j Hook... VI Am I Owv.,l*lend.. .S ?Am I He.; tie'*.. MARINE JOURNAL. -*a> POM Of NEW-YORE.Fee.? t'lewreat. Steaioabipt? Auiusfa I. von. Ss.aauah. S. L. Mitchell; |, pre I jq Hov.es. Baraaa atil New OrVsm. M. eatoi, I' ( Mirra. C P. ii.bertoo (Br. ) Overden, Rotterdam, (reo. Logan; % (I'.ren.. ) Wlnaen, Ham burg, Beck A Kunherdf; Steeg,, [? ,J Ki?e. Tnuniad, H. Kroop; Etlailc, Brjwn, Nag, Yafea k Porteiticld. ..... Bri?a?lraiah Jewett. Ch.pman Trinida.l. II. I?. Pr<*jaaj| A Co.; I.odebar, Thomiwn t'ntuberland Harlior . Ii W. 1^ ?ell. Laae, San Juan, Nie., M. Eerheierra. Schooner*? laia. I l.aee Hceton. S. W. Lew*; Sue.- Ctfltt Bceton. S. \V. Lewi.; Kmily, Maiikin. Wilmington. |) I'.? rar; Merchant. U inter", Richmond. C H. Piertuu: Malrk) Fowler. Wtahmgton. J 11. Mathewa; Anuat baav. Cbaae.B blie L*i e.Wett A Co. ; W lutemBJ eh M. rau. Hatana. IVaa (...nariiL. Lcndi iidlt i Diutdall, II ?lila? : Al n Maria. Dae New tern, J. H. Alathtwt; J. Rich, Smith laghaa, maatar. -ag. Arriecal. I'. 8. Mall tt rain ah in Marion, Koeter, Charieeton. ntdea a> ra??ei t, tudaa.i Slant, u A Thompson. Had heavy weather, aud has k*a* days north t Uatteras with N. U . gale*. Baik K. A. Cochran. (of S.arsport.) Cochran, Havana It* trjger to R. P Buck k Co. Jan. 20. orj Do .biehea.1 Shot Asa taw bark I lioi . bwnnd aouih. Has eapenente.i'.ess? weaagg uo d.inage. Bark Ptcific, Pratt. Franklin, Ls,, Jsn 18. molasaes, if . | Sturrrs k Co. Anchored an.'.er Jersey Otv last uighn Batk Bacamla* (Norw.,) Sweuton. M*.a4a?dayt. frsat,t Atuirre k Oalway. Haa been < bliged to throw over part cargo. Tbe captain d. ciined to give any iufor*B*tioi!. la-a-ru^ ui tier a wrji t impression, piobaldy. \\f Bark White Squall (clipper), Burk, Bio Janeiro Dee. T, ag fee fcc, to Sulton A Co. Des . TI. l.t. IA 48 S , lor:. ** ?.af*h tbip Caroi.u., St daya from Rnatou tot San Francisco, *Hh,kt 9 IA S., Ion. 34 AO, tpoke baik Cesafad, of and tor Philt.ie.taa at noon same dts, Peruambnco bore N. dtatant 8 unl.-s. Jaal lat. 11 N .Ion. 4i 2o, earned away maiiitor??aul yard. Jaag called in at St. Thomas tor a new apar, and sailel oi taeBal 2diosr..oft Baruegst, David W in-lhaui. third male, a natty.t ( onnacticut, tell now the u.pgalis .t yard o.eiboard, ead *a loat. , Bark F. A. P-rley, Lieagang, Mata-f?* Jan. 18, augtr ksgs Ac..to M Echevarra. Sailed in company with heik A 'Hit New-Orleans. Has eip-netce.1 very heavy w earner ail a pu*age; had : ..thing but M. W. winds; have been IU day ?tat ofH.tteraa. _ , Bark E. A. Csrhran (of Searaporti Cochrai: Ha. aria It on ansar, to H. P. Buck A Co. Ha* e?rert. n.^d heavy wasjE no oam*?e. Jan. aW, of Donblehe.ded Ibol K.-yt,aaaku I :.ii :.. hound South. ..... _ Buk Helen A Francea (of Poitlan Ii, J it. New Orlaao; days, mdae . to J W. Klwell. Brig Gen. Taylor. Waterman. Port auePriut-o daytla w..d gad cofJee, to Vine. LiviliflavtOO A Ca : ..- tie'.. T. . exiehei ced hetvy w. ether; lost monkey rail. BrigE. Dnnnmcnd, Cb:pn.au. Aapluwall J2 daya, bslatk to F. Spies. Brig empire. Bragdon, Cardet.at 20 dava, molasaes, tat{ PlllksOJOO Ha* been 1!devi north ol Hei'ere*. wuli ha N. W gales. Jan. 28, M.iutsak lean: t N. by W 8? afe ?poke arhr. Cameo, (row New Hs.e;. I r Sa .:a Crut, 3lat,A\ dy Hook bearing \v. by N. 30 mile*, apoga bark Maria. Hear tri tn Cardenas M B.xton. Brig Ruuian (of Peitatt). (larey, Cardenas 8 day*, tagoa moiasses, to Ms.ra k Navarrs. Brig Alma (Br .) Brown Nassau. V P..7 lavs. csrtt.m.taa* Ac, to W'. H. Newn.su. Jan. Jh. od the lf.de in the Wall.? tbip A. It. Kunhall.twi .nt I Btig Sea Lark . i Suny) Mi Kar land, tiaiveetou 14 daya,* ton and ?uaar. to D. C. Mnriay. Brig Emily, Davit, Charleston 6 days, cotton and rare, UDt ham A Dunin. Brig Tybee, Ferguaoti, .Cbarlettou 5 isrt, cotton and riet Oeo. Buialey. . Bng A i.i> Swift. Foster. Mararaibo Stli insl., coffee, to B* land, Ph.li a A Co. Jan. 30. in 1st. 3?. loo 7t>0,sjioksh MahaO, of and for Boston. Haa experienced heavy waathar;i da tr age. Seht. F'attern Belle (of Bucksport i, \\ ilev, Savanna la B Jan. 12. fc-oiar, rum Ac. to maater. Jan. |7. lat. 22, loa.1 rlokescnr. L. M. Nickers.in, fron, Kiusatob, Jsm., tor Bora til re put into Chsrlestou In distress.) Sehr. Norfolk P., t.? R..?.tl ggialaaM.al. iii.r.,^. Bal| b Koat. Si h'. Fran, it Satten , , Oiitfith, Charleston I data, etStoa ' McCready, Mott A Co.' Sehr. Henry Cole,-, Virginia. SAILI'.D-Steauiabipa Baltic, LiverpoolEdinburgh, (He .. w , A ? a-.-ta. Savannah, shipe Boston Aapulio; Sxlfayki 1st Hr.vr. j Princeton. Luerpool; Samuel ituaaell. HuugKtva] Atlantic, New Urleana; bark* Lou it a. Cardenas; U'm. Usan -; Cuba.-? brigs (Jrena.lv ( imlad Bolivar; 00 Hunter. Atpluwall; Ssgmsw, Jacksonville. Arrived.BCODAT, ft Ii. J. Ship Y.nk.hire (packet.,) Marahall. Liverpool Dec 21,?Od snd paasengers, to C. H. .Marahall k Co.. Was towewl tig city isat night, ai.d anchored under Jersey City, Ship Minnesota. Deahon, New Orleana 11 days, n.dje, tola sou A Foaviir. Has been t*o dava oil the Hook. Bark Sam Sli. k c f Boatou). Mayo, Rio Janeiro D. e. 14, a (?> to F'oater A Ni. kerson. Sid in co. abip Suaau P.. Hsea bsrk New Light and brig Chattenwga, all fur Baliimort.a barkOi|?y, tor Naw-Orieau* Hit hs.1 heavy wetterlygas tor Ihelast in dayai carried away lose and maintop sad yea alto main yard, and lost tome sails. Jan. 11, lat. 20 12, Igat tjoke sehr. Kcldington, from Philadelphia for Barbados? Ja ? .at .11 (.2, Ion. 7.1 1?, ap..ke brig I alb.riiie, Niokels, of Be gor, for Havana. Jan. 2y, 1st. del 20, 'on. 73 20, apt.ke bark Oat H. nter. from Charleston for New-York. BrigW. EL Saflord (..f Banior?. >u.lth, Attakapat HOw molasses, to C. P. Seuerlch, vessel to master. Hasaadkaar werterly wli.ds all the passage; received some damsg* to a* Brig >. C. Merry man. Senter, Cardena* 7 daya molgjMgi Story and Stave.... Sid .n co. with bark Vivid Light, and kt Ju.'ge Hathaway, for N. York. The S. C. M. anchored al aaw Hock Saturday night. Sehr. Charles H. Mailler. Hatfield, Plymouth N. C, 154" ildiiglet, to W right k Kiaaan*. Jan. 18, lat. J? 10, loa. 74? srsska I rig Sylvenu*, ol Boetou for N. Yo.k. Sam* tlms, at lwi| War Eagle, bound N. The C. H M. ha* bo?eu below,a1 thecoast. twice, to Ion. 73 30. BELOW?Bark Convoy, from-; also brig D. C. M?rrk* by pilot boat Virginia, No. 3. W IND?During the day, from N. K \V. The baya and rivere are very much obttruotsd by It*. By Telecraph. New-Orleans ^STOK?airr. Feb. 3, bark* Wardan. and Oak HjI. tm To Miariner*. Liit ot Bt*. nst sko Biovt in TAvtra Bay sndBiS.-* following are the beacona aud buoy a. arranged iu rsgultfia? aa they are patted by vetselaeuteniig, Vi mark the rbaoaelea* Tamj a Bay from the Oulf ol Meiico. corrected to June, U* y.ntranct by the Witterm f hannel-Mullet KeyShotl I*?1 a blavck conical buoy u? rae.l No. 1. Egmout Lighthou**hat* E by H . S Mullet Key, N. W. P??,t, N. E. by E. i No. 2. S. S. W. Depth at low water ol spring tides. Ha? This h-ioy U Disced on a sand flat running out from Ma^tU west about five miles, and mutt be left on the port hand e * : tertng. f Egmont Key Shoal Buoy ie a red conical buoy, marked *t Fgti.oiil Uajatl - ct* besrmg E. by N. South end of Egatsatl j - -oy No. I.N. N E. Il-ph at low water of mfa**, I lb feet. Placed on a sand flat estendisg ;t irom F.grnaei,*' mnst be left on the tlarboerd hand in eutering. Thi* *?? tends out about five niUea. Mullet Key Bnoy, Tgmoa Bay. it a black conical MJ marked No. 3, the cei ter of Joaephine't Jgiai .1 bearing M.&\ 4 W., Egmont Lighthouae S. W by VV. , W'. ; Pinsy T by E. i E. Depth at low water of tpri-.g -ides. 18 feat. F** on sou'h-esst edge of Mullet Key flat*, Inside ot th? B*?, " must be left on the port hand in going up tha bay. Stsnnrd's Point Buoy, red conical buoy, marke t V tat* Ligiitiioua* bearitg W. jM.i Piuey Poiut N. by E. Oejtt' low water of ?Lrii ? tides, 15feet. Placed ou a Bat nuwisl* Irom Stanard*. Point, and must be left ou the atarUja/d kaw [ gon^ up the bay. After passing this buoy, court* fttttt Mid.lle Onmnd Buoy . block conical buoy, marked Be. ^If grove Point.bearing NE. by N.; Oadaden's Point N !??*' lb feet. Placed on thee.at edge of the Hldd1- ilrousd,'* mutt be left on the port hand. MaLgrove Point Buoy, a red conical buoy, markes*** Mangrovo Point bearing S. S. E. , E ; Piney Point A ^ 5 W . Depth at low water of ?pring tide., lnfeet. P*e*** Mud flat running out irom Mangrove poiut, aud taasllwl*** atarloard bend in going up. . ....wtag c - ? go ouly a abort distance above this baa j. ???ding ground is off thia buoy. Entrnnte ly the S. W. I AaaaW.?Bar Buov, blatk an! r^erpendicular stripes, conical buoy, Exmonl Lightho*?? >,*tm N N. E. J E . south point Egmout N. E. Depth at W? ?j* cf t) ru g Ude*. 1? feet. Placed on tha bar of the eretfrew channel, and m?y be left oo either hand. S*mbo Buoy, in South-West Channel a red onicsl marked No. 2; Egmout Ligbthoutw be.rtng N. 4 W. 1 kvlf?g rointotPalm It.and S. S. E. Depth at low eater ??jS aider 13 feer. Placed bear a aand bar . n the auatb ?* Seeth West Chsnnel, and must be left ou the ttarbosrd at** enter.ng. The aea bietst ou thi* sand bar in moiarti* e^ froui the south-west. > ?traut* to th* Xaoito* Riror from Tampa ??r-Bsr** Mock 0*4 white perpendicular strip**, conical buof;*,a5 .ightheuse bearing N. W. \ VF., Sawyers B.utl E. 9. t-lJS It.and Point W. j 9. Depth at low water of tprin* tmmt.'W' Placed iu the beat water oo the bax, and may b* ladt ?* hand ; th* rhanxsi is cot very wide, la entering t**t**Jm by the Westert, channel, bound to Manitee, after t*n*no_ iighrhouaw. ?teer S. E. 4 E.. and yoawdl maketUbeoji **m lo'.ew use ttakes into the ritot, where take tha pilot.