Newspaper Page Text
V01- XV.IS0- 4,617._NEW-YORK, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1856. PRICE TWO CENTO IVBW-YORK TRIBUNE. niK NKW-YOKK I?A1LY TRIB17NB fa Pislixhbd KVK.RY MORN1NO aao EVENING, (Suansv aiuarTKD.) BY OR BE IKY k He E MtATII, _ rai raisim hi ll Blaaa, cobskb or w??u aau> trauca btbbkt?,or?ti?itb tmb city mam., aas deti v et r .1 *? City Baaatitaara at IS) caata mat araak. Bka> aatCopte* Two I . Ball SubsenSeta. ?>o p-T annum, in ad ftgata aiaataa, Ml mi tn e?-oiouu^ *iso. TBK NKW-YORK WKK'ilY TIMIU NF A VERY LABOE I'AI'KK tORTIlE i OWN TRY, k? pal tubed every >?tvbi>av Uobbins at the low price of 62 ??Bienauui, ia advance. Titlaa COBBta am $ ft I Kive C ?P'e? BM C; Tea (>!*"? for a)i*: Mai a |Baf*JI it kj no raw rohtu>u.?l Bl - aas*) ll <? ttai? lor wl... h it it pant. Advertisements lot th s Sat will fee. ebar.ed SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS PER LINE B.r rack tuacrtioa. TIIK HF.MI-WKF.KLY TKIBCNK ??arMiab?Ml every Tvrt?AV aj.ii Frwav Mc w? ? Pile*, $3 fat tamum. Two Copiea for *>.'>; Five ( ope a i t -ill 25. Ad laaajaiai u i ic i tats a Raa f. r > a. h insertion. a tV ,0 fr ?aor TIIK NKW-.oiik TRIBI7NB ml EUROPEAN CIRCULATION, sraaalisaed on the departure of each Mail Steamer for Liverpool at ?}b per annum, postage i (luded. Single Copiet, Six Ceuta. TIIK NKW-YOHK TKIHI Ni: fOB CALIFORNIA, OR BOON, AND THE H A N D W I 0 II ISLANDS, k published ou the departu'v of each Mail Steamer for Atpia arail at * I BJ |>er annum. Siugle coaiea, Six Cents. Special Kotiere. Fsevs-York llinlorlml Horlrly.-The r. gi lar Monthly Besting of ibis Society wdl be held at their rooms m the Uiu etntv TUB iTassria*) EVENING, Feb. 5, at 74 o'clock. HfcMlY ( vAN S< iiAACK, esti. of Manliut will read a pa aar entitled "* <? ot the Life anat Ti jiea of Egbert aUsaoa." AM KF W W ARN KR, Reoc-rdii.g Secretary. BVanMi-. A iieeimgof the Friends of Kansas will be bald tJlUr. KV ISING, at the Lyceum, No 11 LaighMt. Mr BEN BY S. < I i HB will explain the OCTAGON i'i.AN OK BET TLKMENT, hi d ihe Vafjatartau Caaaaaay to start for Ka .sa. at Match. IV Itev. Mr STUHRS, tri m Kauaas. is also ex? pected. To cor-iu.euoe al 7| p. m. I.O.??. V. The It. VV. GRAND LODGE ,i Booth New York will hold its SEMI ANNUAL SESSION on WKDNKS IIAY KVENINO, 6th Feb., at 7} o'clock, in the room of the O. F. Hall, comer of Orand an 1 ( entre ats. Bv order, JOHN J. DAVIES, (i. See. Dr. K Hen feet h Hlaekwell, grad iate of Qfata Medleal Csvlege, pupil at Itie f.y.i.g t, ktOS] Hal, Pane, and stu lent ot the Isaoaon BsaayMala, attends to every department of MKIHCAL PRACTM 1 among Ladlea and Children, No. 7s Ea?t isth st. i hours from 10 to 12 a. m. I". IC. lirorbe rliooorl or.N. Y.?The Eighth Lecture 11 a.d 11 tLe fill AKITY F UN U will be delivered oo TUE.-IiAY EVE NING, the 5tb inst., at 8 o'clock, in the Lec? ture Km m ' f the Men entile Library Association, Aa'or-place by LEW IS W. MANSFIELD, eat, aotbor of " Up-Country Letteis," Ac. Subject? Tbe Body as a Residence. Admission, 3b cen ta? rn he Hex . W. II. Milburu will deliver h - ? Taalaie before the Young Me-i's Christian Association of Brook ha, in Plymouth f burch, THIS (TasaaiaT) EVENING, Feb. B, et e c/co. k. Suloet t ' Western ML.-I -ita .Marnfoi'sti ina ? Floquei.ce and Humor." Single admission, 60 cents. ( oluailiin < olleue. Tb? INTERN? DI?TE EXAMIN ATI ON will begiu in the College Chapel on MONDAY. Feb. a at H o'clock, aid I* continued until WEDNESDAY, tba Bftb h i Haaraol Eaaaali atom from Oi to H each day. The Siinnr und Jaajai (lasses will be examined (roiu the Ith to fite Ith; ti e So| hen ores and F'reahmen from the Wth to tba IBtb, both days incluaive. Tbe Regents of the University, the Alamni of ll e College and persona geuerally iutereated in the eause of a goo I Edai atnm are invited to attend. _CHAS. KINO, President Colombia College. fapiritiniliem OemoDstratetl at S'uvvesa i I THIS I \t NINO, at 7J o'clock. IRA B. DAVIS will eiplam rolea necessary Jo be observed, after which the audience seiet t a coinn.itflh) to propoae teat queationa to tbe Spirita, be will by Itapping and Writing. Mrs. Vv. B. will aelei t a sobu who Kill aaawai COAN Medium. Ticket? UJ cents. The Ayea and Nnea upua ib<- Fliirnliiv Knie aatkina couii aird to the eyea and nose that daily suffer from tbe eld. smoky, greasy, burning gridiron process, and the inler aala of the coun rv are not half so much at " steak" Basra the ajaesttoi. as upon ihe plurality at art ?tratst, one above the other, and a <oter om r both, which carries off all smoke, and secures BJB ii o?t delicious broils. F.xaii.ine ROBINSON S PATENT, at No. 78 Duane-at., II0 feet east of Broadwav. Price from *2 tat? 9. Amerii Hn IitNtilole Farmern* Club. A regular meet tat ?ill be held at tbe Kciawnory. No. til Broadway, on TI'ESDAY. Feb. 4, at uoon Subjects: " WINTER-Fll KD INOOFSIO' K ' and " WINDMILLS FOR FARM CSK." Fbaifera are always especially wel..irae. Adenisalon free to til._B. MEIOS, Secietaiy. Dlseaae* of the ^laJm^DrTlTEW'Ytj^^ special tieain.ent if Ihe most inveterate forms of these atlee tiens, and SCROFULA and CANCER, is now at No. 133 ?tb as . BsMl Kl'h-st. Ertil?rHiii Inii lllni nt t Ottn e and LsborKxrhiinge Ha 2 flanal at aatata ol Centre st., N. V.?The (Jmce is estab Bshtd bv the Commissioners nf En:.grvi.'ii, whereca.i always Be found large numbers of LABORERS and BEBVANT8 at teiy low rates ol wagea, and persons can have their orders filled by ar t'i.g to tbe Superintendent. and sending the amount nse aasary to pay tbe peas ago of the parties required. No <??? akaiged to employera JAMES P. FAOAN, Superuiteudeut faMUtae Mump? Ii cents) lor sale at tins office. P Amnocmciito. CONCERT.?Ibxbb JANE A. ANDREWS, aa sisted by Signer IIKK.N AKDI, (Baritone); who will sing for the fust tune, an English Song; Mr. JOSEPH BURKE, iVlcliristl, Mr RICHARD HOFFMAN (Solo P.mi.M; and Ir CLARE W, BKAMKS. (CondcWtOf at the Piano), at the Braaklta Atbenaou, ou THURSDAY EVENING, Feb. 7, Iti*. Tickets .SO rents each; to he obtained at the Music Stores, and at the Bookaroreof W M. W. ROBE, No. 142 Atlantic-st.; also, of the Librarian of the Atbenatum, an I at WM. HALL k pon's, Piano-Forte Warerooms, No. 2119 Broailway, New York, and at ihe door. Doore open at 7. Coucert to couimeuce all o'clock. Alf- .1 i I IKN and~Ar(;i ST IsOt'KKI. reaptrtfully u form their friends and Ihe public geuerallv, that they will give tin ir first GRAND CONCERT, lu NIBLO S SALOON, on FRIDAY, Feb. 0, IBBJ. They will be assisted by Mrs. e. G. BOSTW [( K and orbet atttaient Art et-. Fall iarticulate in future advertisements. Bfc o A I> WAY THEATER.? BOB Tin BEN1 Fir OP miss iank i oombes, The Yot'TMri'l Bamicaa Dlbutante, White recent i.eraouatiun of JULIET, PAUUNE, MRS HALLER. and MARGARET ELMORF. Al this Theater have realized the unanimous aaaaaBBBatatsatii applause of intelligent audieucra. aud the apjiroval of tbe a WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEB. 6, 1856, Will be lerforn id 'he ol ROMEO AND JULIET Marcutio (h.s last appearance).Mr. J. W WALLACK, jb. Romeo.Mr. ( PldHBB Jahet (lot the second time).Mite JANE COOMB BS lie Nurae.Mrs. O. BLAKE To be followed bv the grand scenic drama. THE SEA of ll B. N. B - Tbe Ilex Look is now open. BROADWAY THEA! ER?E. A. MAKsTlALL, Sole I essee ? Boxes and Parquet. Ml tents; family Cucla aud Upper Tier, iil cents ; Private lloiea. ?> S and tt.? ? Do.'r? ?pan st 6} ; con m. nee at 7 ??',k II' I-S EVENING) TBB Bl RANGER TteStraig. r .. Vr \\ a a. k | Mra Haller.... Miss Co.unbes Baron Sttintort.Mr. Fenno | Auuelte.Misa Duckworth THE SKA OP ICE. fee I.sseoi;rs.Mr. Canoll I Louise.Mme. Pouisi leal Monte.Mr. C. Fiahet | Couuteaa.Mrs Bucklaud Bl' K 1 ON ( IIAMUKKS-f? I'KKK V.? TUESDAY?THE BEBJOUB FAMILY, with soms new psx-ple : Captain Maguire. Mr. H A Perry | Widow Deltnaiue. Mit. k. I'aikei ; Amii adab Sleek. Mr l urton; Lady Creaiuley, Mrs llurhea. W ith Ust new i lece of ? SAM PATCH IN FRANCE. Sam Patch. Mr J H Mi \ ,car. the American Comedian, just retail ei! fn in K' gland, where he met with great su. eeaa. TO-kiOKKoW-A new piece called FAMILY TU S LAURA K V. E N K ' 8 V A K I K T I K S . LxTt TUR MCTBOeOl ITiS TMBATrB, BkOAOWAV, Parqiiel and Dress l i i le. Vi i .? I.; Family Circle, 25 csula; Orrhestra Stalls. ?*? cents , Private Bexe?, ?'>. ? Door? open a: ?41 ccu.u , i ct- at 74 ?THIS EV ENINO will be performed: SATAN IN PARI B, ? ? ? ? V.Miaa Laura k. eoe I Count Vanille.Ml. Jordau _ IHt SCHOOL FOR Tli.r KS. C*(t. K -eltsa, Mr Mcleouall I Major Silrt.Mr. K. Trevor lato Crop.Mist L. Keens | Traces.Mi as a. Clifton VA'iicN.M im aii k-a. H. PURDY.Matv A? aaat aad PiaaakMat.- Draaa Carda aSaaatai Pit tat esntti OrcLe.tia I ba ? M'els.-THIS EV ENINU will be performed: THE INVASION MF IRELAND. Art MacMurrou.h J H All. I t t, , pJll I > arMisslIa'hawtv Tbadj OK\an.Mr.O UP 11 W-dow O'Rvan ...Mrs. Wray laatkarlBI Dance by Miss Henrietta Lang ASPHODEL; Oi. THE MAUIC PEN BaliLas. Mr. O. Is. Foa | Bakalls.Mias Batbawav s tTi ill isn I'liii.i .th , WA I. I. ACK ?" TH RATE EL-limn and PRmmi ,W centa; Fan.ily Circle 2> cents: Stalls s>l; Private Boxes et and s>7. Di* r? open at 4ff o'ci.vk, la rtormauce? coia asurit: - THIS EVENING wi b |-ttonued: DIKE HUMPBBEY'S DINNER Rscbare BhasM - - ..Mr. Lester | Agnes, hi* wife-Mrs. Iloev \ ILLAGB DOC iOR. Petrte Bl* our Mr. H. P lac isla i LatlBBI.Mra Hjey IHK. DOWAOI K Lord Lynossv_Mr. Waleoit | lbe Ifowager.Mr?. Hoey BAKN'i .M" WI SKl'.M.?First time of LrOVE ANIi I BARITY, tri ll Mra Frank Drew n t.iree rtaia. , . r . . .. r ?, LOVE LAUOHS AT l.OCK ?MlTliS- THIS (Tu. ..;?>? EX ENINO, Fah 5, at 7* o'clock, JjOJl ash i HAKIii. a..d LOVE LAU..US aT LOCK aatlTHs a Fl E IIMiiA al 9?SEROEANTS WKDDINO, ?at i'UMI m u FtO.VO.Vi. Performancesm tta L ?N'v ?t I aid 7 a. m The uvin4j WILD kNIMALS, *<*"?.-Uti-e v, al', its -ects; i'htl Iren aider in. 2| -nta. ^N K( i liMiiN to CHINA and JAPAN, at si ifit-ut .. I or Twentv-fi\e i "ejiVk p BALL, No, att Broadway. Doors otvo at Tr?,o. ,. ^?r^*?1* ?,*rt ?* 74 o'clock p in. Two Af.eruo.rn ?aafi^^Fy i?D*Y aad SATURDAY, at Three p.m. *atboatbjrt-o. R. Wim WM. HEINE. ptattElaD?Rf (JAI.I.KKV. N.?. 4:?7 lin.adway, tmU^u* i'"* i6H 01 tJ,? '??atl I' AINTINOS ever put spun ax vpaa PAY aad EV ENINO. Adai.lianas ? caxata N' I B L O" O A R D E M . TUESDAY F.\ BXINO. Fak. I E FTRAORDOtAEY ATTRACTION. F o i i r ? TSBTAIBBiSBTf, TIIK WONDERFUL RAVEL FAMILY. Mile. THERESi ROBERT, OAvi too Ballet To ?ith LA I ETI CHAMPETRE. Characters by the IUVF.L FAMICT. THE DOUBLE TIGHT-ROPE. By Virgn.i Cbanm. A. Lehman. Followed by th. grand Bellet of iovriA, Chaia? ?er? by Mile. Robert tod the Ballet Troupe. To cot elude * Hb t) i Con ir ( hinese Pantomime of KIM K. a Character" by the RAVEL FAMILY rniers or admisiiob: TICKF.'IS.FIFTY CENT?. Tue Sett* that can be secured in advance are: Private Boxea.????4M each. Ore.'.eatra Seata.t>| each. Box-Offce open daily. from I a. m. to 3 p. m., for the aale of Ticket* and securing Orchestra Seat* ai.d Private Boxea ouj. Door* open at bj. perforn.anee to commerce at 7a o clock. Bid KLEY*1 SERENA I ?LKS. x?. 539 Brarttl wav ?E\ FRY N.'OHT Una week, the Bnrleeque ou SOMNAMHI i.A. and NEGRO MINSTUELsV. Commencing at "f o'clm k. Admiaaion ~A cent* NOTH F.?Perham'e Fourth Flnterprise Oift Th ket* are re eadead (lor the adm sdon o( four pciscn*; to our eiitertaiutuetiU. For tale at tie ajTjKEAT HI'SlTTo f*e*s IH'C'KLEY"8 SERENA "t_A DERS, Thai reeelvi mr f u-admissions th? ttrxet* in PrltllAMS FOURTH GIFT ENTERPRISE. These tieAata are for .ile fron. P an. to .u I. m. at the box office of HCl KLEY S OPERA HOUSE. No. A83 Broadway, and at the prl] rii al Hi tela and M .fie Sune*. Price, a-1, Of eleven for *>l?. PIANOFORTE RECITALS.?M. MORGAN t' ' ..? of (irao Church and Coidne'or of the Meal ?!*? roka Union) win give hi*.THIRD RECITAL et Dedworth-i Rooms, on Till It.-DAY EVENING, Feb. U, iuttead of tuia n ornii a. at previously announced. C^EO. CHRlbTj cV Who])- MINSTRELS? I No. 44? broad c. ay. OPEN EVER! EVENING Picket* Sheen la. All buaineaa transacted by EL WOOD. SMItIFa Co.'s Maiiin.f.tb PANORAMA of < AL IF OR MA - the large at Oil Painting in the world?will be oiered for exhibition EVERY AFTERNOON a! 3 and EVENING at 74, o'blisk. for One Week Hop* Chapel, No. 718 Broadway, con men ing on MONDAY EVESI.VO. Feb. 11, IBM. Tick et a 2Acenta. DR. AIMO'iT'-1 celebrated COLLECTION of EGYPTIAN ANTIQUITIES, No. 6V>9 Broadway.-Tbia valuable Museum, containing upward of 1,100 Object*, with aeveral recent- Additiona, ia the moat popular and attractive Exhibition in the n't, Adaniaeiou. 2A cent*. HE CRYSTAL- I'ALACE.-This " beautiful building eoiitaini variona objerta of intereet?Ancient Gobelin TAPES'! ItY, a gallery of I'AINTINOS. rare and val oable STATUARY, bealds A, ri aitt ral Iwplaxaaataaa4Ma> ehiiK ry. It will remain oj?en until furtlier notice. iVcuj flnblicationo. Juxt Publ.ehed: H L E R E N C II 8 PEAK E B | and COLLOQUIAL PHRASE BOOK. An eiiay and agreehhle method of a Oratnmatical and ej caking knowledge of the F'irnch Language. By FRANCIS BUTLER, Teacher and Translator of Languages, author of " The- Spanlab Teacher," I.e. 18mo., cloth, 310 peget. Price AO ceDt?. " We ran add noting to an full a titie-page, except that it if fully borne out by the proi'uction itaelf. It g.<et oof with the recommendation ol Preiident King of Columbia College, the Rev. Dra. Ford and Cox and other diatingaiain<d men." fN. Y. Daily Newa. " We only fulfill a duty when we warmly recommend thb> wotk to al! wislnng to acquire a ' tpeskiug knowledge' of the French Language." [Commercial Advertiser, Canada. " Any one wiabing to learn thin beautiful and useful latuuar should avail theuietlvea of this instructor, as it is written tus plain and comprehensive manner." [Broekville Monitor. " This little work leads the learner to an acquisition of the fewer of Hi caking the French Language by the> simplest and resdiest method. We recommend it to the c nsideration ot ail lean era ol'1 rei ch." ISt. Loui* Evening News. "The object and purpose of this W ork are clearly and fully stated in the title-page. We believe it deserves all that it claims." I Troy Daily Timt-a. We have hundrrda of other testimonials in favor of this little work from the Press in every quarter of the United State*. Published and for tale by GARRETT k Co., No. 18 Aim at Also for aale by all Bookseller* ? IS N Y F E R N 1 ON M A 11 U I E 1) L I P E . mb THE RIW-TOII L E D o E R roa Febxiary 9?Now Ready. Axeo, S P L I N D I D F tlHION PLAT E I and ILLUSTRATED TALES. Together with a gieat variety of miaiellaneou* matter, on ad torls ct subjects, making the'BEST. and a* it ia universally ar ...? adtad to be, the aaoM popular af ail tho FAMILY ; PAPERS m the country. Price Four Cunts. Sold everywhere JMR HANKS it?d PRIVATE BANKERS.? ; HIE BANKERS1 MAGAZINE AND STATISTICAL ' REOISTKR contains a liat of Private Bankera iu all the towna and cities of the United States; aleo. in Europe, South America, , Ac. II. Suggestion? to Young Cashiers Ou the Duties of their Profeaaiou (a i remium Esaay). Ill Engravinga of new Bank? ing Houiea in the City ot New York, with descriptions. IV. A ' History of Coiomerce from the Earliest Times. V. Financiers of States and Cities. VI. Descriptions of prominent Banking Institutions. VII Design for Country Banking House*. Moathly: ?>5 per annum. .1. SMITH hom \NS No 1?2 Pear .:. rp ii E BCA L P E L FOR .1 A NU A B v. J. EfHtoi t.v t I)W ARD B. DIXON, M. I)., is now ready - It contains the' usual quantity of didaclic, sarcastic and philo si j hie al matter. The January numbe r has heeu diiayeJ partly fflesj, the iui'.olenre of i a edi'cr and partly from the worth'.eaa reaa of the ci mmuuica'lena received. A a the journal is en? tirely oiigiual ai d the editor ia determined to maintain it* char aeter. this eouise will invariably be adopted wbei -vrr OOOOO ssrv in preference to filling its page* ?itn inferior matter. Tue jcurusi i* a quaiterly of 64 pagee; it la by uo means a inndu al j< uti al, bul is deveted to the exposition of abuses of tue laws ct health at d the errors of edui *iion a .d of doiueit.c life. This ia the 2!'th uuml er tri du the conni.e:.cement ,u January, lit', if ia the firat aun.ber of solwXM 8, ami a sood time to subscribe i Ol a year in advance. The firai six volumee kOSjaal.laCtered and indem'., in three Urge boots id Afo pages each, may be had of ihe editor only for ?4. The following number* wi.i no- ** bi ui d till Janumy 18A7. but mav alwaya be bad aa the entire wi ik is rtelcotvi ed. Addreass Hoi No. 3121. Pot -l Iffue. Sin? gle i uii bert and tubtcriptiont at SHERMAN A Co.'t, No. I Vetey sr., Astor House. IX) ALL MACiAZINE READERS.?Tne ?ECOND ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION C. A. A. The COSMOPOLITAN akt ASSOCIATION announce aWof p? s-t v . ? n ei.t af the distribution ot the AVorka of Art from tie 3llt ol January to the 28tii of Februaiy next, (the ran.e as last year.) at which time it will most positively take I kaoo. The stove change in the time of the distribution has bee i Icoi.trary ta the expectation of the management) deemed expe? dient in order to receive tue retorts of distant secretaries, which, owing to the lata at >rnia throughout the Country and the ri nsequent uetanrei ent g| the mads, will be delayed from reaching the Wet'etn i fhee by he 31st of January. The last chance is m w presented to Subscribe. The Dittribu tk'ii will jositi.elv take p'ace Thursday Evening. F'eb. 2?. * hen the large and valuable I ollectiou a( Wurka of Iri.cuu wnamg tie celebrated Ueno? Crucifix, the Marble Busts be powers, Siaiuaiy. ami seveael Lu: d e.i u,a?i..:i . :.- oil Paiutfa'gja, wi:l be distributed among tue Subscribers for the second year. Subtcriitiocs? 03, eatitle any person to any of the Hlevb g three do.>r for ls."*i, and also a ticket m the above distribution. The MaglslliaS are: HarpeT't. Patnam't. KokiatOOtiai BlackwoOi.'aOraliani's. (Katev'a Lady'a Bivk.Househ M Word?, snd British tiusrlerlv Review* Person* tskiLg live member?hip* are entitled h< any of the Cve Magasiues tor one year. auJ to six tickett in the bu-o.m Liltle'a Living Age," weekly, it turnisheii one year, and two memberships, for ?ti. Those who purchase MagaiineS at BooksUire* every inou'h. will observe (Ml by joining thia Aatociation, they rey .-iye the MagaXataaS w ch 'd/.a cut, and a ticket in the ditUib itiou, all at the mm I rice tbey pav tor th* Megaxmea alone Beautifully illaatrated Catahgues. giving Ml descript o..s, tsnt fit e on app?cat-'ou. For u.emberahii . aeidreaa C. l. DERBY, actuary C A. A At e.-her of the principal office*: Kulcierb.>cker Magax.-ie Offce, N... 318 Hioadwav. New-Yort, or WOttOCO Ottice No. loti \\ atei-at , <ai duakv, Ohio. AI I I I KK To THE REV. WILLIAM BI RK AN. D. D.. on the Keaourcea. Present P.atitiou, aad I ulna . t M .ry i hi.rch. .arca?:oiiel by lie late Pamphlet. ?? Fact Agamat Fancy," by WiUkaa Jav. ?' This Lette r contains a full eahibitiou of the real-a*ta*e hei I by the t'hrnrr in thia city, s .d must be viewed as a timely and importsLt pohltcalioii." _A. P. P. RANDOLPH, No. S8I Brvalway. V "V. BANKS, jr. 1.1 Lt TED SPEAKER.? X*e A fieaunful Porfa.t and Bngrtiihv . f Mr KiViv' ? publiabed to No.7 at FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED MUSPAPFR. To be had at all Bootatorea. Price H>c?nt*. L5Tii)(>NlLU STIUTEDNEWS. I5d.: Punch fid.: Times 9d | Llcvd'a. M ; News of the World. ? 1 oiieioi Jararaal, Heral.l. Revnold'a Miaeeliauy. and Css^li's lUaaCratod. ?d. each. All others equal,y low. House? hold Word* .I'd . Chamber's Journal. 1 ? KOUERS. cor Broadway and Lhh st I A Work of Intense Interest. DAITLETON A Co. Nos. 346 and 31 ? Brotdwev. have Hf ttlOT THE CONFIDENTIAL CO?R2SPONDESCE Of NAPOLEON H< ?NAPARTE ; With HIS BROTHER JOSEPH, Selected and Translated, with Explanatory Nutet, from the " Mem ? ire. at Roi J /*eph. ' Two thick Voluuet. !2rao. Price * 2. No bock t.m yet appeared which f irr.iaht* *o co-rect a por trr.turi i f the rhtricfer of Napoleon. He was in elr-i<?it daily reu.niLL.ratlin with hit brother Joseph, from hi* firtt appoint? ment it t Otntatal of Brigade down to the 16 h M Ju-ie. IslS. We canr.o' lorm a cirrect idea of the rbsr icier of -he g eei nind that swayed over nearly the wh > Coat! ,e_t of Euroi*?, without reading tbei. Letter's, w: ich. unlike ofBcial crreapniid Mgii as the in-nos* tLni.'ht? and mo'ive* of action of the wri'er. These Leffeia bear upon evert eribject. an 1 we s-e si Ith ? ail n u II Ceti .. eye he cared lor even 'he tuia.lest thine A iibed critic hat oUerved in e jamming the early ? tee's, tl at " Ilicrrs-hers w';| have to write their tt Napolr ?l over again." Near y Ready. THE ATTACHE IN MADRID | Or. SkET-Hrt or the CaCBt or Isasella IL One volume linn J>.8 pa?et. *>1. ? " It is believed that there it Bt other ho>>k in onr language which i resents to rood i | ictnre of Spain and the as ti ii. does. The author [caveatet the necee?ry quai.bcath .* tor the I roc crtM n of such a work. The Spaniards are a proud peo? ple? proud of their country ami history?proud of their trade t oi.s and loetry?jroud ot their o.d romance, and ebiva'ry? f rond ot their rnurrhee and tbeir rr'igioo?and pr.iud of their mst t.ers and tahilt. Wiih sucu a Bad n 'he At. . lh* ee*J d teel t deer a: d su cere sjnrpethy. He w?s 'iot so oie'erialittie as to in Baaatad by tLe tuost of ? ten cell' piece in th? Palace of the Escaritl Ue s:-w everytning, from the private levee B) iae I iblic bid'fight; from the mi < ulif t anc, t M \ .ole* to the re? gal bailr of the Dcrheti d?Alvu; from the needlework of the >par Iah BM?stSSJ to ti.e ilonoot pal .tints of Ti iii'i. Veins.- i t. aua MatUloi and he hat [ ut upon papal all that was worthy of record. wl.tb came under his aj . "But this a Lot ail. Bs list jivrrt at a kind of poliftcil his torv of iKcirn Spaiu. Hit hook will make Si tm.h psaBTitS, arid Sja.-ish partisatielip. at taotiUarU> tha Arneri in realer as the i in. ?helirv Ol his own " Hards" end " S-.f't." Tie sei taBBt liven iI M. Soule's diplomacy, ot his herBBBB, is not th? least interest tea rl af ter in the work : and the deteripiion of the Rev >!u I a I f 1MB, aid of the A'tit of Queen Christ .na and of the Baa I. it ( atmet, it iraphic, instructive tad intcrettiug. " It is BTbteal -bat the rela'.oi.? of the author at the Span.ib Court were at M . e delicate and intimate.'' N Beauty and Truth ba\e eins, ed hands in its recital.!''?Fred eriektburftb (Va.) Nisi <> W BEADY: ALONE. BY MARION II WU.AND. A new Revised (IH;b) Edition. One elegant I2mi., uniform with the ?? Hidden Path.-' Price a> 1 2S. The present j uhlithrrs have the pleasure of presenting to the trade rnd lie f ublir their edi'irm of one of the most FASCINATING, INTERESTING AND POPULAR vi lun.ri thut ho* been i utiiibcd for n.any years. I'uaide 1 by the usual etlortt that are mad..- to catena the tale of hooks of far greater | relensioi s. it has men the s'rength of its own intr :.a;c merits, retried 'he extraordinary number of Nineteen Edit.nut in little more than s year?thus, all thing, considered ourstrifi all ecu.i etiler? lor the roai of popular favor. Rival editions nave hen, piih.i-heii in England and on the Cotitlneut, and uow, in thonaauds of fumiliet. the books of Marion Harlaud are wel? come vititois. a rrw extbacti rsoM i.raGTiiv reviewi or aloke." "WsiBCI IBiat t tuntt In il whirh deserve high praito tor their high meritt. True genius alone, fur instance, could have con? ceived and exceoted the teene Bat?tail Lacy and Ida. Tue whole episode oi the marriage of the widower with the young and Helen, it capitally g.. en: and its tinal catattio I be is aa thrilling as it is Mmple aid natural. 'Charley' istne of fhe best drawn people we cave met with in print for many a day. Id*, ber.tlt?tarry, Josephine, none Hache.'. Lynn U?lmts. the artist, the Dana family?indeed, almost evervbely introduced, even to the merest sketch?are graj bic and diatiuc'. The look is full of ueive. and bears markt of that true geu.oa for ? bdte sake mui b it en BtaMa Wei an point to no recent female work aa coutainu.g finer passages than ' Alone.' " (II .-ton Post " There is geniu*. pathos, bumor. and moral in its charming pager; much ki.ewiedge of human nature, and power to deline? ate rhtracter ft i at.not fail to be lead wi'h deep interest by all who have true lei ling and warm sympathies. Asvi work of fiction it is uue of the belt we have read in many a day.'' [Naw-Tath Onaerver. " The tuperior merit of ' Alone ' does not coniist merely in the total aal ot the t'ory. wi'h its ?lowmg thoughts and faucet; not lu the fai'hful |Or'r*ituie of life and deliuealious of rbarai ter | not in the voices ol syatatatary constantly falling like mciie apOB the heart, to qnu keu Us better feeiiugt; nor vet in its unwavering adhesion lo what is right and proper in itaeff; but ahov, all this,shining tor'h and giving new beauty to all tnat is sttrarnve in human character, rue purity, and simplicity, and kttal i ess ot Christiau principles breathe their ennobling spirit in every line." (Lexington ? V a I Uaset'e. " A striking and instructive tale, aiming at an excellent moral effect. It is i xeru'ed with traal art, ai d depicta characters the m i teisien ol whose beauty wul not speedily pats from the read er*i n.ind." |N. Y. Evangelist. "'Alone' it a book of great merit, and we recal portions whit h display a thorough knowledge of that art which en ers i largelv into the character of everv tale teller?we mean the a ot the rti.onfrur. We have seldom met ?i'h ? work of this kirn! BIBIS grace lullv j ut porth. tVt commend it moat cordially to the whole Hfiawity." [Southern Litrrarv Messenger. DERBY it JACKSi IN. Publishers. New York, Ai I for sale by all Booksellers an 1 News Ageuts. ??* Smile CS| les sent by mail |<Mt paid. TW E W E N OL 1 S II lo?KS, A < - X s .In.t te.. i\< ?! j?r Me iti.< r Arabia, and for s.ile at No. ! BROAD STREET, comai of WALL 9TBBET TH> ILI.I S1RATED LONDON NEWS, fitnu Jau. t,> Dec. I: ?. lwovols. (Yols. ? aud /I) neatly hound in cloth and gilt; also in paper cover*. LONDON PI NCH from Jau. to Dec, HISS, in two volt, cloth. PILOBIMAOE, ami oriiLB POBBW, by the Earl of Elle Battt with illustrations, leautifullv bound. MIS( ELLANIES, bv Wm. M.'Thackerav. Volt. 1 and i HARDY* It K'S HASD-Book to the PEEBAOE. HAhlAN It K> HAND-BOoK to the Hoi >k of COMMON'S TDK POK1RY Oi CREATION, bv Nicholas Mit. hell. '1111 HERol.S. a\u other Poems, by the Rev. C. Kingiler. TOl.I.A A Tai I or Meuras BOMB. LIPB BY THE P1BE8IDK, by the author of "Visiting My Reiatici.t. THE IRISH WIDOW. A Pit tire oi Li? f is Ebiv. 1 HE BI SH Ulli S. bv Mayue Heid, with Illustrations. Ll'liLE In lit It IT Not 1 and 2, bv Charles Dlckeua All the ENGLISH NEWSPAPERS to the latest datet arrived Also, latest AUSTRALIAN NKWsPAPERS, aud everv Foreign Newttaieris sui plied to Subscribers from An I HI it WILLMEB'S NEU book and FORI.ION NEW -PAPER STORE. No. 2 Broad it., ccmer of Wall it All POBEION NEWSPAPERS and BOOKS Wholesale I CHARLES WILLMEB'S Unlvattal English and Koreigt; Newtt aper Agency. No. IM Fuhou it.. second thxir. ARTHI'R WILLMER. A.-ent HO K A C E (. K E E L E Y . - THE LIFE OK HORACE GREELiEYi EDITOR Of THE NEW-YOBB TKIBCNE. By PattOI Vv ith Portraits. l2mo. pp. 112. Price 91 '2A. it ii agreed by irkt-ndi and foee of Mr. Greelry that no more ably, ci.tertaioti gl> andiuttmctively wriiteu biography hasevet Diu is aptearanre in America Everyone who has any de? sire tor a familiar acquaintance the fxm nii New-Y >ik Editor,BBOaidfaadMr. Paitaw'l U? k, and he will know Mr. lim ., ; a- wcii as though he had been ' luoglil up bj the San.e town " " >\ erihy of a tl^ce by the si le of the Life of B' i.jv.-u Frai kun." (Har'terd Ralsftaaa He.*a.X "The nit tt tjicy and attractive Biography ot the day." '(Boitoi. Jo "His 'Life' is a living epistle, pria-laimi.g that virtuous en? deavors and unselbah toil Sooner or later wUI meet a fit recom? pense." [N. T. Caristian lnt>-.Iigeucer. " Of abecrbtng interest, and coi.ta t.iu^ mush of pleasant Lo? oser. BpaitUlll wit Bl d attractive anecdote.' [Bangor Courier. " A volume lor earnest men and boy s to read and ttuJy." (Spnngfieid Repubi.ran, " Al si. incentive to youth lu povertv to De ho..est, faitufal and le.x vercog. apart troui itt prrsoual interest, it should go teta the Lai ds ol tie young ol America generally.'' [MlddlslaaB Standard. " As ii.terestiLg as any Level, jet all true." JPaiuetville Democrat. We could append Vf. favorable notices by the Pieaa of this beck. Already nearly 30,nv copies have been told, it it for sale by BlWaxsaHan ?ei..-r?.Ir or will be aent by mail, post-paid, to any address o^ receij t ot the retail price. Any new ij aja-r copyiug this adv-rt.aemerit three times, ai.d BBBsRaa as) a copy marked, will receive a ropy of the book, by rnaU. pos' ia? MA-o> RBI '1 HERS. New-York. _'Shovd be tote* i* k.>mt?f ithie J ne$. I.V. I'. Tribin*. II E \V I D O W B Elf OTT. WHAT THEY THINK OF HER IN Wa?>H.'N .TOM. Says'the \\ aihi. r'.^n Da lv OI. be: " We are tt BBaaBM t-ha' it la the n.. a' Inu., rout l ook that has Ei 1 R Hi 1 N W KU I 1 N BY A FEMALE; Baal wt laaard it at bad UMa f v.v'----a'. tufenor. at a mirth it i] ,r.r < pre,:u.:., n. to ' Sam Slick." or to Thackeray't ' Yellow Plush rapara.' As well as belt g humorous, tha ' Beiiott pAjM-rs" are ratirical, and the sutbtreas hat drawn some pictures thxt era cannot but regard at verv faitLful rr; r.-aenlaaaat of whs' the bad witnessed. these is the Dc nation Pary. wb>ch it a cLa: ttr wtil worth the prwe o! the bjok. We say to a.l?buy. read acd laugh.'' says ibe LeuitviEe DailyfCtiUrier: "They speak more ef ill I Belly o the paSM ,-al ear and heart, even rjjougb latrj WBt 1 car arr : i t aware ot the fact ibat tbey are in biding wi-do u. The ' Pai-ers' teed Lot a word from us to those who know auy ttirt of their character; to those who do not. we say they r?u? mt too toon come into possession of the rich wit and genial Lumor that SPARKLE LIKE THE PUREST FOUNTAINS i f r a'or. im:; tfc^ ir-'ii :i-.'? ot '. f- " Says The Souther.. Luerary Messeng-r: 1 Bbg t-- feet bit i f the seas. r.. and provocative of more down-ritat horvdaugh ter than any bock litre ' Major Jones'* Coartahip.' Whoever araaad enjoy bcura tt real ta:..tae:.oo u. avail reading?the severe tlcdenl. seek : | -? M.'i I or tha practical mail *ri-hl.i/ te be aon.ted atter the dav't tvi!?thould procure a copy of ibe W m!, w Bs Btt 1 : re it No 1 RAWBACB Hi THE MERRIMENT IT AFFORDS, a: d all .!? ;. he* are as f '- e an ! innt-c en: as tue Tirana* of c jo. i h. od." Ii, N'ewirk I'a'.v AJvr-'aer ?ayi: " The ton and the tm.rk ceu-u ei er with'he litis i.i-ter.'and WITH EVER] PAGE IHK GRIN WIDENS. Id! the ?b?1 one. when 'he 's ugh ?wailowt up every ibing, and the ear* even cisai pea* in the e?*r-expaiiding mouth ander the kamita tsd :*..t anstsLbeticaJ. mirth-piuroker, sis' ta- d n tearer!" 1 it een'h I aai i ow ready OKI ILht'STRAED ifMO PRICE #1 2S. . BT k JACKSON P_it:.aaers, New York. Acd for sale by all Bookaellesa baafia Cepitt iant by tnaul pott savd. 4 JO?BKET IN THE SEABOARD SLAVE 2\ STATES. B j the author uf " Th? Wa.k* and Ta.k? oi an Axccncac Kar., er ::. England " FoiTiox or the TaiL? or Co.texts: CHAPTER VI. Sa I th CaBOUBA s.o (ieoaci*.?Railroad Oen*. J77. Ni rihrr: Hav Tu. l'roi.t of Slave Labor. 379; Hough Bidlaf, SO; '? Very "Sice Co'.ntrr." S?; Natural Sceoery. 3B2; The Pe. {le. 304*; The.r Hai .?a'ion*. ?i; Cotton Pla'.tat.ooa 3Sr?; r ? . Hand?. ?7; Aa Overseer. K?. A Free Munter. SU, N HB ( im law C*mBM Niggers, M| A Pleasant Farm Boom, Sud; Negro Jedling?the Carolina Yell. 3S*4; Ca.t.p F re?. Wj S.avraat Work, 3*7; Conversation with a Peasant. ill; Hi* Eiiowlidge?Edueation of the Children of the Higher i !ta*. Wt| Meuu*r? and Morale la <o.'. > I Mi M; ( harle?ton. 4M; Savenuah. M6| Slave Futterale. W9\ A .-sv* crave yard-Tcuibstone?. 44?; Tt* Rice Coast. 4 ?J; BefftMri I ? va.i.'ta ar.d other Traie'.era. and the Accowwoda I., i s ftr then,, ?9; "Show P'.antat.ons," 412; Tue Cracker?, 411; Negro U tarier?. I n , A Delightful Mansion, Wonderful Lite (Jak Avei ;:e. ?Tf; 4 sit to a Rice Plantation. 418; The Bice C* ?rt Valar.a. |]1 : tApase Servant* and Field Han la. 42!; .Ne.n Qaeitefa, 4.2; The flare Nursery. 423; Tenfelsdroekh's ft* 1*1 ad Hkif4l i*t 423: I'be Watchnau? an Intelligent and Truarv Slave. 42?; How be Became So?Effect of Education. 4.?; What la the Economy of Slavery, 421; FlelJ Hand?. 4?, Fooo,4jHi Mot* Fie.d Hand*, their Pre** and Appearance. 4.2; 14 Water Ttrtere," 4oJ; Grade* of Field Hand*. 43d; A Native African?Taak Wi ti 4M; Driver*. 4->; Poniahmeur. 4j; . Siavea Taki g Care of Tfiem'elvet. M; Nefarioua Trader* at d (iri ?. ..?[? II!; law? . f Trade on tue Plauta'ion. 442: A Scheme of En at r'r itlen Suggested. 443; Special Depravity of the Near . (40, Slave Marriages aud Funeral*. 441; Slave ( hajflawid Wiribf. 44!?; Slave Clergy, 4V>; A Reluriout St r v. e au.0l('.he CtacAei?. 4?i. CHAPTER VII. Bll r a\d its CfLTiac. ?Rice, and Ita Ciltnre?Ea-e .t. a..! ll.w l..n p 2. I "he Atlantic Rice Dis-rfct. 4ii\. I 1*0 Labor, a? An' ed on Rice Plantation!. 47:1; 1'reat.neLt .1 Siavea on Rice Plantationa. 414; Overseer". 43?. CHAPTER V III. FxfEiivir\t?i. Politics!. Eco?omv or South Ctio UXJ atB (itioaci*.?The Democratic Social Theory. 439; The I ?: i iin : na Su ial Tkeel I. 491; Origin and Flarly CM re* ret it Souih (ariiine. 4?-; Origin of" Americanism,' 4l?>; The Lailv Biack Cone. 4l*v; Progress 4*7, Reaulta, Sot); Oood So cetv . Sol; Tt* Free Laboriug Claaa at Uie Re . jlutioa, 502; It* Present 4 ondition. 5 4 ; The Sand Hillers. Vsi ; Immigration, 814)I fraaaal Industrial ( ondition, M i; The I're.Ucernent, 522; TM Otlfta of tM i i cor?ia Couununitv.-A23 : Early Resistance to Slavery, A37l The Law gainst Slavery Abrogated. >2fl; In? fi ei ce of the Early Den ocrscy, 523 jConsequences of Slavery, .Ml : Note on Ship-Building. 54?'; Ou Manutacluret and other lu i.uatry, 642. CHAPTER IX. AisIama ?Southern Radrcada,A4d; Columbus? Menufectur it i Workmen. Ml, Moi.tgi uierv. 511). The Alabama River, 540; Leading Cotton, SM; Value of Slaves secure* Care of them, vs'; Negro Sit gera, Sol; Capacity of the Negro. W| Slave High Life, ?04; A Negro L. v?r. \54; A Negro Overseeing a White Laborer, SV> ; Natural Affection of Sl?vea, SSBi 'ITieir Loyalty to U.e.r Maatera, .5.5H ; ( onveravtion with a Oood Subjert,55r, fhe I H /? l?. V!'; < liarar'eriatic*. j6"; A Droll Taxau,-WO; How ha Talked. Sfl ; Not a Belting bat a Cotton Man. MLfl Deck Hands. Nevro J. lii'y ai d Wajtefuli ess, 5H4; Mohne. .W; Passage to New-Orleans?l eian Immtgrant*. 5t>8; Ba.1 Siiectilation with a s-tr, .'" . A i'> a nit?Conversation about Slavery and Abo? lition. 57?. CHAFTK1 N. KCMvMtCAl ExfEBlEscr. or Al?b*m? ?Origin.574; Em? igration, bit); Preicnt (Condition and Proapecta. 57ti. tBAFTER XL IiMigmi rr:re <? 1 15. Sent by mail, free of Pcetage, bu all orders in cloa.i g this amount. D1X A EDW ARDS. I'ubliabers. No. 321 Broadway. Will be Published in a few day*: LETTERS FROM THE UNITED STATES, CANADA, AND ( I II t By TM Ho*. Mist v n [Maid cf Honor to Her Majesty Uueen Victoria]. Comple'e in One Volume, l2mo. 4)1. Tbe high rosiiion of M ss Murray. the reapect in wiiieb the it held by her i uuierous friends for her intelligence, accom I. shn.etits and unaasun.iiig * virtue*, will doubtleet cause a iane di maO'l for tins pleasant volume of familiar letlera ou peiaoLa and things in the New World. O P. PUTNAM A Co., Publisher*. No. 331 Broadway. YOUNG AMERICA No. 5.? X If vou want to laugh. BUT Mil NO AMERICA. If you want to aec splendid Comic llliiatrationa, BUT T4?l M? AMERICA. If ycu want to be rusted up in all the newest and best loket, BUT YOl'.NO AMERICA. For tale Iv all Newt Agentt, and by T w, STRONO, No. 98 Nassau tt. I HTKI-L" LIVING AGE?Everj SATl'E 1 J day? t-ii a year. pam KAMA OF LIFE AND LITER aTI'RE - Monthly ? a year. LITTELL, "<ON k Co., Bostou, And Ma 'UV? Ilrc-vlwav Wew-V,,rk Potauiiuf. AN EASY WAV TO MAKE TWENTY- FIVE DOLLARS i* to send for one of STRUNO'S TEN DOL? LAR SAMPLE LOTS OF VALEN 1'INLS. containing the fol lowing large ass. r'.uieut, via: 1*4 t omic v alentiues. assorted. 24 No. I, Sentimental, aat'ed. 24 No. 2, Sentimental, aas'ed. 24 No. 3. Sentiuieutal. aas'ed 96 No. 6. Sentimental. ass'ed In So. 37. SeutimeutaS, aased. 12 No. 5o, Sentimental, aae'ed. 3 No. ion, Sentiuieutal, aas'ed. 12 No. 6. Fancy Envelopes. 12 No. 13, Fancy Etiveiupea. It No. 12. Sentimental, aea'ed. 12 No. It, Fancy Eovalopaa. IS No. ii. Sentimental. a*s'e.l. ? 3 Valeutiue Writera. These will be tent a' once in a neat package, by Eipreat or, on receip' of Ten Dollars. Valeutiue companies and wholesale dealera supplied on the most liberal term* for cath. T. W. STRONO. Manufacturer, No 9* Nassau tt.. New Y irk. t ?tationcrii an? ?amr\ ?oobs. MUCILAGE, in new and convenient flottlea, wi h Metallic Cap and Btu.h- ind tpenaabie to merchants slid useful to evervUdv. For ?nie by THADDEI.'S DAVIDd A (V., Manufacturing S-ati ners, No 26 CM It, New-York. T H A 1) Ii E U 8 D A V I D S ?fc Co.'? X WRITING INKS pronounced by tb* beat chemiat* to be n i re d.t.rai > than anv other vet made F, r sa-e to the TRADE ONLY ry THADDEDfl DAVIDS it Co, man afar rurer* of INKS mall their varieties. Sealing W'ai. Wafers, Mucilage. Ag. No. 26 Clitl at . New-York. (Co -farmers anb (Dirjcro. rpo FLORIST8, OARDENERS, BOTANISTS. I istl PROPRIETORS of NURSERIES of NRW-TORR and ei vironv ?The anderaigned wiahst to receive (franco) your Am ual ( ata.1 tact in order to krwad ordarfl for such articles** may tut. T. BACHELIER, Horticulturist, Botanist ami Dealer in Harden Seed*. V M L'rtulinea-?t.. New Orleana loot anb fonnb. 's (T REWARD.?L08T on Satunlny noraity, '?^?d bxaC, ? faasaig through Macdougui tt. to No. 14-b-at. a Fl R TIP I'IT. The above reward wi.l be paid on J 2 4'h at its return to No. 212 4lh tt ?Janl?. ALADY who lias tauifht Muaic un the Eaxno aid Melcdeon. and several kinds of Painting, including 11.1 *Ld W atet Colon and wuo ha* also taught French, and lie* played m church a number of years, would like a situation in a ta'ni.v eratkoal to TEACH, and in adilitiou a as Otl tiANlSl'( :. ?ut.dtvt. A place in or near this city preferrejd. Reteret ces given it'neaued. Address Miss M. BROOKE, Bog No. lbO 1 ribune Office. AGOOD !'r. ?. staut (tirl wantg a lituation a* I I.A M BF'RM AID a >d to assist in Washing and Ironing. . - la la Hoi REWORK f..r a tmall family. Call at No. 1*4 Mailtoc-et . 4th floor frirt room. SEKEEPEB SITUATION WANTED? XA Bv Mi low L*dv, or to SEW an I IN O'iRUCT sOL'Nii CHILDREN, or aiiy busiue?a suitab.i for a l a.v abere the dutiea are not leboriou*. Apply at No. 81 U i al 27th at. ftr three daya.| \\" A N ] E Ii?A situation by a re*pcvtable TV \v :;.,:. as PLAIN i OOK and goal WASHER and d to do general HOI SEWoRK. Oood rafMaMM sill; So. 3aa Ma^ia. u a-. W AN 1 ED?A sitiinti' D bf tt MMBDeteat, trust f V vv. rnar as NI BSE *nd SEAMSTivfcSS. Take* chart* of a baby from it* birth, bring it up by baud a . 1 dress .1; V a tin. a:. ! -tw : ? . tt., ..ea'e.-. manner. Cangc.e the inoet sat atacti ry city rete el re Will go a short distance in the H ? trv . Call or tend a note to No. 339 2d *v., fur 2 daya AG ENI LEMAN of considerable busm.taa eipe rteL'e recer.'iy occupying a very re*pon?.ol?i AoaucuU j, iitnt. w.ahes tu become interested in some respectable Mad hisi.ty. I* work alajut 030.000, and has at present et in -o ft tie in Caah. Addret*. stating nature ofbusnneas, B F W. Tt.bLlie OfBce. IJOOKKEEPER u LNTED?la bb Dm Maatv 9 ttrtur" g E*tahli*hmeLt?a married man preferred. M iat be tkorouahiv qualified to lake charge ?f tM books of tM c*u rerr. ai d. Lave gc?d general I.usinea* education. Best of refer ei res .-eq-ii'ed* i s:*t -.g taiary expected l ROLLING MILLS. Bex Nx 2J76. N. Y. Post Ofiice. B??<'KKELi VU W ANTED.?Oaswks iTgeo araily aeqca.Lt- i MaOMOOlO uaage, and willing to act a ; m : t tM ' a is Stieaman. or attend to oui-duur bu*i -t A : r-.s Phi:.\NHEk Tnl.teO?8ce B"> WANTED in~tte APPRENTICES' LI BK.lR'i N... 472 Broadwsy?One shoBt 15 years of MO, ?Lo writes a goad h?xd and is toaiewnat acquaiataei withouoka An ly fri m 'j to u o'clock A M._ C? t'K WANT El).?A I'rotvatant Woman aa COOK. Mutt be willing to a**.*? trtth. tbe C'.^rae Wask ..- t 0OOd references required. Apply at No. 1ju West I2lh sc aoaf Sth-av. Dm GOOrStxRtl FURNITURE WANTED? F. r which arfl hotMavain* iltn ktUBIC l.FSSON-3by * nmietent ar.d eiper.sLecd Teacher. Addis** fit un* week A W irltaxe Uttvt. JOHN YOUNG ii very MMBBbM in mit inj; ?? .if*, boarding hna?e*. kc. ?Uh Servanre, and SirtuU with Siattic: li? Protestant Employuutu'. Society'* OlBce, No. 7 Ctraalr.e-*t. ^___________________ \ ill E.-^-A TEACH K.K.?< tot) wMtin* a ?it Xa BStiei M fllMilll >r T(?th'i n *n Academy may be sd-iresed. h. T.. Mkidlebury. Addison County, Vermwnt STEAM ENGINE WANTED iiHmeHJiate>ly.? About thr.e how-|m??r, teomd baud E NOISE, in good < . nirr. i r * new one at a !o? price. ilitMMM B sntb-rtb Post-Office naming th? price. Mi it ?rill ra? in n rt attention. Ij B. S ElOOL AGENCY an.l TEACH EES' /? UNION (1M7)_B? K. H. tt lUOX k SON, So. it! Ercsdwey.? A Plann ai. Ivtiodcckb ? :d NbuociaTOB f >r ? II i rd?r?, ?t I. S. or 3 per reut. CmcBHOi oll? Bustrir Uli ikd. 7 to ? Wmi 10? per ceut. Checks u- renewable ?i'.l fr?: Her-Me nnril tully redeem. J. ?S, *>1U, *1V -k.X). f ?, # ?, Ac. No charge to Tupi!*. Nlu? sear, Cor??pondi'-ee tbr.m/h tutthe Union. TracHta?' and Ptorit'i Mif.tivu Daily, 9 to 1.' at u 1 to 4o'clock, filling all order*, vacancies an.l change*. ? mi ? eu-ploTcirnt and income to all. Allowin? ? Karr i Hia for ' rceunui"two ordere. E?itor*. Bookaeller?, Be , can thus , ? eh fee thtmielve* and for all Sen. .?!?, Teacher*. Ac , bj fie world. YAIlNI.-M MAKER WANTED.?A Mh.i mt ? co-re. t hab:f?, having some expedience in the inauufec lar iL? et Vaniahe . n.av adure** P.O., Boa No. 3,(W., or apil? at Nr. 714 Pearl at \\' ANTED-In a PtBHakiag Howe, a LAD Tr about 16 Tear* of tge who Brittas a ?<* I )mmL U>|?r ?rnofrtrreet I there I* an ?t eiii ig tore pertuanei t and de*it*ble titaation. Addrea*. reference*. Boa No. J.-kM. IV.t i filce. \\rANTED- An American BOY that can tn.-tkc it biaiaf If limrallj Bilfal O.e residing with hi* paieut* preferred T. M. W HEELER A Ca, No. ?7 Water-at. ttiianceo for Uuoincos ll\en. DBUG BTORE for SALE? The proprietor of a Drug Store in oue of the uioal flourishing town* in Ohio, wisling lo retire irooi busine-s, otter* hi* Stock, Building (a tlru-stcry briik). Oood will, tic, for SALE, on reasonable I term*, the business waa established in IHJ-.\ and coutiuued by the proprietor to the present time. Also Bm I ALE in cotinec tn ii with the above, of teparately, a handsome, PRIVATE REBIDBMCB, keaorifaUi sitwetad, and the ORODNDS iboat aa acre i leid od arub haata, and containing isasj ?a ' of Ktuit Tri es. Shrubbery, b.c. ; also, oo the asasaaats, a Oroaa Mi ate, lee House. Stable, and other olSt-btBdlug*. i town a one of the meat beautiful iu the State, routaiuiiig aloof 4 ' ?' inhabitants, and ia fa?t becoming a uianafactonag joint of the first iinpertanre. Any l)niggi?t wishing to locate (a tte Watt will t.ndIt to his advantage to examine this before dfctail g. No oi e need apply who cannot pay dowu fr.iui *d,000 to -a- !(?_. CO. ai.d gi\e onloubted security for the retu under of the turrlve money. Kor further particulars, address W. M. It., with real i.*n:e.Tribune Ofhce. \MACHINE SHOP.?For SALE or to LET, a X?l Brick mai BIN E SHOP, built in i?sj, Uli Waterford, New \ irk. 1' inUe* north of Albany), HO feet long by M teot wide, twostone* high?itonesll teet, with Lines, Shafting, Pulleys, Bel's. Trip ban iners, Kurges, \ ice benchee, and Steam ri\ e tor beatlag buildn g. it., all bt order. Addi'ion tor Engine H by .4 feet, with Meant Engine, and neceasary apparatus. W at, Until is a pleasant Tillage, at jar ctiou of Hod sou and Mo? hawk Itivers.wnh Rtiiroad Riverandt'anaJ commumcatioo to large citie*. Rents, and many ueceasarie* and convenience* of living, tuneh low er than iu large cities, making it a desirable In catiei. for manufacturing purpo.e*. Several small Tenements oii Und adjoiiit g whirh will be sold if desired in coouection with alive 1 he pieiiii-ea will be sold, or let for a tertu of yeara If ?old a large lurtion of purchase money may rstuaiu ou bond and mortgage fi r term ot year* Reason lor aelnng, the owuor is about ci gating in business a' the West. Apply to JOSHUA M. TODD, Watertord, New York. DKl (i BTOREfl in WHJ.IAMSHUHt.H for SA 1. E - ( ne taking if ioa per week aud the other ?> W per week. Prre 03,004 tor one and Blatt tot the other. Term* cash. S. COCKCBOBT, No. t: South 7th at., Willi?iii*burgh, or Ni. 15 Mi ri n ?? Kirbai ge. Wall-??., trom U m. to I p. ax, rp? DRUGGISTS. ?For SALE, a DRUG M BTOKE , doiO| I cash busine*. of ?atfa.lssi annually, lo a'.-1 iti the City of Indiana; el,*, the capital of Indiana; population, MjUd(Stock wall as*oited , good stand, with a good lease in the ? lent 11 'he city A tine opening for auy person or person* who with to ii. wn iu the Drug trade, as the pr?sent proprietor wisbe? tor. tire ( l| ital required from S)5.KSi io *? l#J <??. Kur further fartieular* mquire or adilre** A t'USHM A N A. Co , No. J!?i Broad we,, Now t :S To PRINTERS?ALL f<?r $150 CASH.?400 tt.r. Latuj rrtaset, im it.*. uourgeois?, 2on rbs. Brevier. u> ff,-. M n i i,Targe lm|icing Sione and Krame. 4? Cases, 8 Brass Oallaya, 14 W< od do.. II Cbase*. .V Po*. IstadtJ, ?? Oouble Stauii*. Ac.wiih the ( oui| laitiou of a Moutbly Paper, over tJU per in ith. ant taiiildtrablt Boekwatk. All for ?IM), if apnliml lertab) Wtek, aa UM owner i* going W e*t. Apply at No BJ Ann st., Reom No. I, bttweeu U' and 3. The type aloue is a orth tbe Biouey. Tf) BRICK-1LAKBR8 and BRICE-MASON8. ? Proposals V. ill be received at my otrice, iu the towu of New hern, uoiil the 1Mb day of February oext, for making and burli? ng 01 e million and a half ot goo.1, hard brick, inch as will be ap| rovsft ol by the Chief Eaaioeat of the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad Com-any lor erecting Machine Shop, Depot Kuildii g and W areb uie at Ni wbeni. for said Company. The ritv and weml, it irelerred. will be furnished at the yard, which v. . be within two or three huiidretl yard* of tbe place the budd inii are to be erected ou. The clay i* aiso being dug. Tbe yard, or a place for u eking it, will be famished free of cost, which will require very little expense to prepare. Or, if preferred, person? *rho propose to make the brick may also tro-rae to put up the maaonry of the buildinga at ao muco per IB) Baal d, aUowing, as they may *ugg**t, a certaiu number 1 I bfil k io the cubic foot, and they funn?h everything eoruplett; all opening* 10 be deducted. Tbe build ug* are m a .ery convenient position for tbe con Iraetoi. lyn g ,11 media'ely adjoining the town, and one of the in lo.n.i diately on the rivet and the other* withiu two or Hires) hunched yarda No doubt that contract* ran also be made wito other * IT IMS for ? milar work, with a reliable contractor. It j referred, security will he given and taken for the faithful carrying oat of tbe sanl contract. Persoi ? ? ropoaiag can ei'her propose nr not to tako a portion of the stick of aaid Company in payment. The 1 laua 1 file buildinga can he seeu at any time on applica? tion at my 1 dice. Kegciar rackets ruu between Newbern and New-York and etiler Northen peftt, wbich will enable contractor* to bind machinery or any material* at very short nut ice directly to the yard. A* regard* the health of the place, few town*, Northers or ScutLern, ran boas', of better. Pre.1 os*:* will also be received for the wood work and alating of the same bundiuga. with or without materials fund-lied. K. R STANLEY, Contractor. NewlerL, N. C. Jan. 1?, mm ?PARTNEtR WANTED, with the >.bo?? amount, in a business that ha* no id yield* a l*rge profit. A busluess man can re ? I te f I"," I the firs' year, a* 1 an be ahuwu upon an interview. Kir pattkalan aodresa W. OAY, Tribune Office, with real name \lo IDiiom it man (Tonccrn. ANATT BAL CURIOSITY.-^The BBitraAtBiti Itatailll ? REMARKABLE NATURAL CURIOSITY, to wb th be mvites the attention of the public. It is a beauti? ful H Kir i R, oLe sear .! ! weighing *bout 'InOpound*. Sfatttod red ai l white. It ha* SIX PERFECTLY-FORMED LKOS. two el whirh. about two feet in length each, bang sospemfed frcm between the ahoalder*. Anv one deairoa* or pun oaaing thia ammai cau address JACOB STRUBLK, House of Kepre iri.'ativea, I.'arriaborg, Pa. CAI I ION - THE KNICKERBOCKER ICE 1 O.MPAN'Y" employs no Agent to collect bill*, except ? ?cb ?? are furnwhed with wirteu authority signed by the Prtttdeal and Secretary. R. T. COMPTON. Presslent W M. J. W ILCOX, Secretary. Ol'SE ACEM Y.? The Advertiger haviaK the Agency 1 f several first-class Houses, and being d-.irons el ci* busmes*. solicit* the patronage of a fuw flrat rlisa pro|erty holders. Prompt returns and payments made, (jocd relereiee and security given. Addree* ENTERPRISE, TribuLc Cttee. IF SAN1TE AL BERT, a colored Woman, origi BaUyaafl a; e F-ancai?. S In it.ingo af'erwardsoi'Mara iis, or her Cbudren, ADELE AI I'.iRT, JEAN or JUANISCO At'BFKT. or FANNY Al'BKRT, a.1 formerly of Mat.u aas. ? . spr ly to the ondersigne.i the* tail hear of SO ME rill NO IO 1HEIK ADV ANTAUE. WILLIAM C BUSHEL, No. I 'i Broadway. At A I LIM? 'MAI..?I ?m tibout sixteen y??r? of Jxl sge. ? t a g od family, well educated, not a believer in ? W . raaa'l Righl?."aud want a hu*b?nd. I should like to ooeo with as.y loot over tw?nty-oiglit vi *r* n age) who wisbe.' a Wife that will make hi* honm elaaaaattl t.n.. s Ql aatatat; .n?*uictiycouBdautial. Ad dre,? W.. 1.. ... i. f onn. _ ?5.000. Boarb and noomg. ALADY, Teacher of Mutir, wiihea to make an arrangement with some family by winch slit can give ln .ireetuwi ? BINOINO and BfaM th-; PIANO-FORTE.also tbi n?e of her Pl.tN't aaeort.[ei,.*t.on f ,r ue cmforta of a borne. Addres*. po*t;*id S. M. B. Tr.f u^e Office. Referencesex charged._ B?] DING?At Nub. 46 ud 47 Etat Broa l a a; trat gle 0< ntlemer. Apply at Na 4A,_ BOARD.?A phMsaat PABLOS an.l BED Bl < M may be obtaii,e>i at No. 71 East it'.hrt.. Bear .1 -i;u?re. Dinner at 6 o'clock. W'AMEl ?BOARD for ? '.entlenian an.l his vT w Bk an.l Sister in a ft fata fxinily. bet ate e 9 Bteecker and Fourteenth sts. and F .i.rtt and Seventh-are. A parlor ?od two tedioom* are reqiued. Kefereuce? txchauged. Address B..x No. %\VL% P. O. tioncci anb /arms tOantcb. WANTED?PART of a HolTsE, hy aam-.ll family _ the riciniry of Ith to JUth sta. a_d td-BT to Broadway "Rent from m'jn to *t30. Beet of reference re q.?re? and giTcn. Addre** A J. PO WEBB, No. 112 Jd at., or No. t thwca-st. WANTED to laEASE?For a term of, for a first class M.n.fcfinnruj Busin**?, a 3('f LDI.Hd about 4* feet by 100; Ike treat u> he upon *.iu? food street. u>d *8>* side l*M ODOlkor street01 broad alley, for ?M jmrmmm tri securing good light Th* location to bo between Fid too aasf Canal sis . and between Brraadwar and Centre-**. If * aevr kaattd of It t'- be I m ted it tnaet be of tee ?odim are pnof order, and saflkiently at roc g fur heavy machinery. Per loot tarh a location ard balding a< he want*, the .aaawrfs** U waflka? to ray a rent which wl.t make it a food u?vsUrn* M A Vi FA t T I II E B, Boa No. tat fribwne OfiW. WANTED to PURCHASE lor CASH-PRO Tf DUCT1VI PROPERTY below Bleerker-et Owweea 01 ly aeed apply. A (too.1. CITV BOND and MOATOAOF. fee ?li.ii? f..r *a> a bergan- Addreea B. B B . Tnbane (rfiVe. ?onect. to tel. HOTEL to LET?At PatrrotML Nw>I*rooT. The fir*4r!*?* f.mrat..-, Irck Hotel, CON<?RF.l*N HALL, ait a* ted In the tit* of Pa tenon, flea minutes' walk from Ibe depot of the New fork and Bit* Radroad. It i*the he.t fintehed and most complete Hotel lu every re? spect ir the fate of New Jeeary. Pafereei * l-e* .'.tuilv auaateJ at Paaaalc Falls.nteee aattea fin m the i it n mi New look, and baa a population ot aovme V.OOO inhabitants. Po?**aaioo given oa or kefi re the tat of May The FUBN1 1 ( KK ? I '.be Hote I .lesired, can tve bad on favorable Ionia* t r < m the ;<te*ent Landlord, a* he u aboat le*vin* for the Waat. For fureher |-*rtuul*r* inaaire o' 1 ?. KOO K HS, Paleraon, N J ; m 1 I RlK.FKS. No. 14 Wall *t., N. T NOTICE toDAGUERREI?N VKTISTS.-TO LIT a IU1TI *M BOOMS. Itted up iu the most complete. ? ndeleaani mini er exirraaly for aacfc prc*ea*,.oi a: I ? ua'~l h. in.*: rei ?e: ,e: t and certraipatt <f Broadway, w. at aid*) 1 I raad a ad at aa st*. TT>e liabt i* w couatrueted aa to o.ake the efieei prr'ect tor .ach purpose*, 'and aneqneled by at > eatahlUhmcut of the kind in rhiae 'v To rr*?i>on?ibie per. t ea. a laioiaMe advantage will be given. Apply at No. fTi Broadway, or No. #0 Canal at SPACIOUS LOFTS u. LET?At No, 343 Brtjesi way, with L on Lionard-et. Inquire *f B. ANTHONY No.308 Broadway. rpo LET? K?r a firat-ilaeia HAKEKY.?The, 1 stobe aad BABCMCMT Re *.? Ojtj *, . between satk ?nc 37th ?:?. , v? ill le ti led ap for a good tei ant, or the whole I a <an be had. I' usiiinn immediately. Lax all. ?* *?? cellrnt for the business. I OR SALK-The LOT and PI'ILIHNOS, No. tti. ai ? ti Ira. Apply'o A C. LOOM IB, No. 1,12? Bioadooj, Tc LET or LEASE, and KENT LOW. tn? A. STORE No <M Beekman at., 3 atone* high, and '10 feet diep. Apply on the premise*. rpi 11 I STORKS and Ol EU ES iu th*. Itiblo 1 H kfody at the Treasarer/s Otflce, Bl I House 1 et.tiance t'h a\. rj LET.- A auite ot OFFICES, in the Bible It. u>. . Aator i loa I tow ret ii| . .: hv the New York ridtt ety Library, to let from let of May aesl Apply at the Treas? urer'. C flice, Bible House : entrance t'h ar. rjp? LET?In CHbBM Hall, Ai^r play?, two A mmmammt ITOBEB 1 hey w.ll b? Ie*?ed tor a term of vea. .. TO LI T-A l*r?e ROOM the second II. or of iTiut.m Hall, auitahle for chi.rch or a. c etlea Also, OFF1CKB. Ai ply to the Jsuiior a! the building, or BDMUWD COPPIlf, No. 30 Broader rp? LET-TW twivatory fratm? HOUSE No\ 1 I.'t Hicks-st., Brooklyn, together wtth the Furniture and (?sa Flitures. The house bos every rouveulenoe. aad le son ste.l in the pleasautret part of the citv. betw. , , PkM i epont aosl t laik ats. For terms, "j P^'^'? i. llOWARn A SON. No U Broadway rpo A ce rpo LET or LEASE?Several BTORES and 1 DW r LLI KOB i ii Broadway, between i*7th mmi M at*. Bad Htk and liOthst*; a large real piece ot giound may be had v> ilh one ot the atorea; the dwelling part over two atairee, cor? ner 01 /Jth at., ii av te united for a board lug house. Apply to II M. si BIF.FI ELIW, Ho. II Madiai ? stp are ?.?-haiOo. LET?ROOMS with l^)\vi;iL~P?dltio? iitral, Lkht capital, Rates low By BL OAUDU, No. 10? Walker-et IM LET? The four-story ST< )KE, No. 11:< F'ul ot st. mi ning through tl Ann at., ab> ut 130 feet deep. Apply to OEOROE BRUCE, No 13 ( hamberseat tifiil Rotate for ?ulf. AT I Ii IVA IE SALE ? Th.. 4-stnry llrt.wn Hfone Front IIOl'SE and LOT, on the south esst corner of.?thel. aid Ii0ll0|l00 Of . with all the modern Improve cents. Also, the 3-story HOUSE and LOT No. Hid W. st IHth at. ? Ith all tie inodern imprinemenra. Also, the 4 .tatrj Bl rk BOUSE aad LOT No. (14 Weat MMkat, with all tr-- in. -tern improvement*. ^:i- - f Hesjoa lllft. 41n. by 30ft, Also, the 4-story Brick IHK SF. and LOT No. IM WestSBIh-et., with all the modern improvement*. Sn >f House Wft. On. by A4f>. deep Alao, tko ? aOofy Brick HOI SE aad LOT No. 140 W e*' 34th-st., wifh all the modern improvement*. Sise af House 23 ty 48 It di ep AI?o, Uie new 4 story Brawn-Stone P.aglksk Rsaement Ii < > I II a'.1 LOT No 4i W east 3flth-?r. House 20 bj e>) leel deep, ftniatied in the liest manner wl'h all tie modern improvement*. Alao, two 3-storv llrlck MOI'HKjI and LOTS on the north aide of East 30th ai known a* No*. 03 and r.V House* 20 by 4A feet deep. Iltiished in geoii style. Lota !* ft. 9 in. For ii turn and full pan culars apply to BAKEB k WEEKS, Auctioneer., No. ? Fin* at. i OK SALE.?Two tbrri'-gtiiry aod baaemeut Brick DWELLINd BOUSK1 attaatad la aOtk at,xmVmm vicinity ot IiOghnloa uT. 'I he are 20 feet by 43 feet. Lot* are 20 feet by UH feet ? iuchea They aie fiuiah'd with all the modem ini| rov. n > nta, and the price of each is Od.'lOO PaaaaaakM atvea bMMasdkskaly. Fur lurther lnformaiiou appdy at No. 180 10th St., one door ?aal of Jd av. I'OK SALE?Thai following valuable ami pro? ductive REAL ESTATE in the Village of LITCHFIELI?. j Conn, via: The MANSION BOVBI and arpurfonancea formerly kept by the undersigned, and now aaaaabd by Wui. H. Croaa'isao a* a Hotel, ai d subject to n lease to mm for two and a half rears, which can bo bought io and poeseaaiou given by the trat of May, if desired. The STOR4E adjoining and west of the Mansion Houee, occu? pied by Sieucer A Adam*. The PHKLPfl Hut BR,0* called, f .rmeily a beUl, now oc cup id by Rutua Smith as a II. Hoaaw. 1 bia property, alluated In th.its t mm) counlf seat I* too well known to require a particular description. It la a.iBVieut 1 to say that there |g none in Uie county more to be deslreil by a Hotel or Bosrdiiut House keeper or merchant. The property will be sold low, together or In parts, to snit purchaaera, and one third of the purcha** money may remaiu on murtga#*. If the pro|erty is not aol.l by the latef April i.e.' II ? nl he Uase.L one third of the purcha** money may remaiu on mortgage. If by the latef April nest ll will be Uai ' Litchfield, t onn , Jan. 7, ?SO. SYLVESTER SPENCER. I^ARM for SALE at AUCTION on the PREMISES Th* nianHii *4?an tm *?!? the Farm ? here he now irsidea, coiiaistii g of UIJ ai res of ei. elleut land, well divided into plow and meadow land and well adapted tu the growth of all k.ndaof fruit and shrubbery and all kiwis of h. no s, baaatifally located gOCOl three milea from Tamer's I'ejo' on the New \. rk and Er e Railroad, and tktfton mil** fr. in N. wl urgh on the Cornwell ami New W u.laor Turnpik*. On the j remises is s good dwelling newly remodeled with as .ellent cellars together with good mil buil lu gs, therw is an excellent spring of ?oft water b.ought info the bouse* in pipes, in leal inani er, also In the barn yard; and arranged so a* to atari a fountain in rront or the house ; slso two good bearing on hards cf best grsPed fruit logo'liar w Ith a variety of other truit. Tin re la adjoining the Farm a a aa village called High land Mills wilb two stores, grist-mill, tannery, poet office, nearly ?11 kinds of m> rhanics, and the moat heecithy village in Orsoge County, aud it* v icinity I* visited by Naw York City bcaidcre in summer. The Farm is well wa'ered. The Karin will be ml.! on the 12th of February, l&W .at 12 o'clock, noon Terms easy. For further particular* nnmi" of the subscriber < n the area boa DAVID WBIOHT. 1M1E ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY it oow raarsBEis to ibll ovta two Mmnioas or a. aas or sblbctbd PBAIBTE, PABlf AND WOOD LANDS IN TRACTS OF 4" AI RES ANL? UPWARD, aa suit purchaaera, on long crodi'* and at low ran** of iutereat. TTiey were granted by the Ouverament to encourage too buil.ling of this Railroad, w Inch runa from the estreni* north bb the eatreme south ot the State of lllinoi*. It passes frongend la and, through Ibe Bohoal and most fertile Prainosof tit* Slate, dotted here and there with oiagnidcetit Oak Oroya*. The r* cent opening of near! y CcSl mile* of this road throws ops a the land* for cultivation. They are acat'ered from one to Bftawsa milea on each aid* of it. through ita entire length. 1 be soil is a dark, rich mold, from one to Bv* feat In depth. M gently rolling, and peculiarly lifted for graamg eattl* ana sheep, and the cultivation of wheat, Indian corn, Ac The fiist crop of Indian com planted on the newly brok*a prairie, usually pays the cost of plowing ai.d son otlma* FVtrf'a<, W heat sown on uew turned sod la sure to yield very large profit*. One man with a plow end two yoke id oi*n, will break on* and a-half to t wo acres per day. Contrac 'a can be mad* for breaking, ready for corn or wheat, at O2 to 02 per acre. By tudiciceaa management farms a ?y be broken and fenced Ike hiss, and ander a high state of cultivation the second year Tl.* Isrger y I t. rhesp land* of Illinois, over high priced lands in the Fasten, and Middle State*, is known to be much more than *ulEc:e..t loj-ay the difference of transporta? tion to the Fasten, market. The rapid increase snd growth <rt ?uunabing town* and villages ?Jon* trie liae of this road ofurd a grown g home de mat d (>r farm produce. Coal and wood are delivered along the road at dlfereot points, at from s) l So to 04 the cord or tu.i. Pa/ties laving in > < w I wa Kansas, Nabraaka or MioueaXa for tbeir future borne, sh. uid fake into eonaide atioa that the rountry weat of the is destitute ot railroad*, that the eonvenaenciaa of* tranepoitn.g grain and pr.xiac* frota nvrua* jn the line of the 11Ii Ii r n, Baflvoad, direot to the peat Kaatcn. snarket iaautl.. a ll ..I u- .t to pay the lavriatmaffit eg treat si tM, siv pos ai n ***** liavsa lo r. i runmm lax^a in Iowa. In other worn*, that It can so much mors l?get produce fron, the mterior of th. . ti y a ? at of ihe Metsiaaipt* o he Kaa'sn. market, that the farmer will ind it oiucA more pro?t llabla to locate Ol th> one of this radr.atd. fairs, aan TrtMv or raVMKBT. The price will vary from OS to 02A. ac. or.ling taj location, fual.ty, Ac Criitracta for doeda may be made daring the year 1L5A. stipaiating the purrhase money to be paid in five land ems? the firs', to become dae in two years from date of MBtnal the others a..!.ub:iy thereafter. The laat pa/mat erig) becorr e due at the end of the aigth year from date of eootrartf. By the idd secnen of the Act of the Legaftotara. approvadl lOthFebnisry IdSl. the** land* ar* free from taxation antd they are pa ? for and a deed of conveyanoe granted to the par, sharer IkTCBBtT will bk csi* s i. r. o *t ob lt two pbb CgSTSSa aasUH. A* a aeewnty Bar Ik* perfonoarice of Ike contract, 0a* Br.t :wo sears interest mast he paid In advance, bet It must be an. Ik* land purcbaaed aball yearly bo brought ander ealtrvatiom Longer eresNBa at mt oor tvadiojr anne.m may be negotiated bv special application. Twenty pee ' 11..m th* credit price will be deducted (or ***k, in which :a*e tie i Baapoa r** Col agrai - I'-ouds wui be racaived aacaah. It m believed t?af the price, ion* credit sad tear rate* mi lo < w ill enable s man with a Hw ?audred dollars in eaab aop ordinary industry, te mafeekdaaaetf the purchase money become*doe. Mooav time the rapid ?ett.err.eut of the country will [nksblj kofO tm> :rea*eu their volo* lour i r ivo told. VV'heo repaired, aa 08b*> nei t ed aafBuu orill accompany appl^ant* to gjv* lafocraalnj* and aid fr aeiecting laida. Lsrge P.'sts. show it g the precis* location of tka land* ihrouguV sur BM BkOta ii ay be peea al too ottx e. Small pveke* Plata, as a BfOda to ai.y port of the Compaoy's Ls^d*. sod Pamakieta, eoniain i s n ?. [?? ! g information arceripoinsd by a*m*ro'?a lettrrs frcrn roeri -rU/ut the State, may kf) Bad on applkalion at the osBce of the ' oturaoy No. K Mlekf gex av Chk?go. CHARLES M VUrVX, Jb., Land Ageist li.inoi* 4 euUal Bailroad Company.