Newspaper Page Text
FOR SALE or TO LET?At Tarryto-n a -fry daeareble HOUSE with two acre* LAND. handsomely sita mtnd la - ' ist? order, with or without t_ Peruituro. AprilTto CHAS. R. HAWKS, No ?:*_**>rv.t, ap Blatts front oueoe. OR SALE ?The well-built, Co .Tenhsnt UOPKK. No. W Hsnry it,, nrtr Pihstt- Apply oa the pmalsee from 11 to S o'< !>.<??. _ F)K SALE?That ioD| ttMbntoi had haBrtiaWai ?artabltannseut. t_s SANS BOCC1 HOTEL at B_I.u.n ?pa. N. Y. Lea-.ated iu od? Bf tb- u?o?t healthy ?od beautiful Tltasfs in Ihn fu n it eannot f*ti -> ~ ?" aatt ?tttd liberal Itinlirjf The beildmg* have re, sutiy b?en re r?.r?d w-i fiiiwi afT **d run UhmJ i . ? b?ar~?* ? totaaaner. ?U < t? ybeate w ''.V," rmit?, oaVr to too laaVrin. i ??iwl fT ? * ae*1r?ble rsul'.luduue>nt it new oiiereal for sale on me Boot reasonable t>ru.t and f not JJjfrt1 rm be sold efraW?- auwtiea ot the tVir'-Ho-*e. Balis |_ B_ .{ 10?.?-. For for'her information apply to ^ HAi.;,B? ? a< NY. OR-SALE?Several beautiful FARMS near *j?_i tttj? some binding on the Hedron ? rari,nt sisea. l.rtr** end ltxeleoo*. Al?n, ? beBntifai I1<1| HE J?->e *t ? JpT/?t; three in West U(b?-4>8.M?. WAN". KM Is PI R C HASE, for re*h, ? gc*! HOUSE lu the Seventh Word ?MAM or ? g oto, WM. H. MELD K. No. 81 7th-??.. bed re li and sfter J r.'< lock. LOTS for SALE?Two" valuable BUILDING LtrTfl. H by l<4 feet 1 inehe? etcb. sltosted on the south? erly side of lMb-tt.. between 1*' and utin., near .Vuv Apply at ?ftre No. ISO 10tn-?c, one door east of Jd-tv. TWO HOUSES and LOTS for SALE.?One a first-class three story and basement f-l'b ?ub cellar) BRICK HOUSE oa 44th at, south aide, betwaso Broadway and nth ev., second boas* from Broadway, in a bl.*-.k of eight ttonsee, brown stone hiib stoop aad baesaa><art| wee 1 Inehee by 4?, lot 18 feet SI i ? ? ? frleted. Tew other s new firei-rla?? three-?U.ry English bese merit brown stone fr at BOI 4Eon Btd ?4 BOrtbsMs tevtween B?h as ?od Broads.* v. ItxVifeet, lot MilOO fraw.! >. | facoea from Broadway ir. a Mock of 12 hoe?*?. B"'n er? finiahed fas (be best ?ty)e, are r?"Tided with all the mo lern irnprore Bien's, located in agreeable ?ieigh?>rh?>d?, and set a desirable propertr. Term* of saJe aoeommodsting. Inquire of JAMES fcl/Nf*ON. Land Office, corner 4. i-tt. and 7th av . or A. J. ?LKECKEK fc Co , No. 7 Bro?d-?t,_ ALAI>Y of tbo hi>?hfit poaition m a TeabIm r, receives daily at ber botiae, foor yonng La tie* for private lost roc tion in all the Etc.'i h Braichoa, witb Music and rreucb. Tb?re are at present two raoanclea. Apply by letter, or pesr aonalU. to MADAME I S H H'hlte-st, from 1 to 4 o'clock. LADY deairea to cive Leaaona in WHITING, In rlaate? or la Ladie? in priTate. Address, prssf paid, TEACHER, Tnb .n. Oflb ... TYAILY NORMAL SfTIOOL.?Tho~DAILY JLe NORMAL SCHOOL of the BOARD ot MM ( ATIOM ?rill bo open tor the registry, eaamlnatiou, classifical at, aad la Btructlonof Female Eupils, on MONDAYS aad THL'RSDA YS trf each week, at 3 o'clock 1'. M.. at the School-it'.oia in the Hall of the Board of Ednca'ii.n. comer of OrauJ a ?'. Elm-eta., commi ocioa on MONDAY, the llth inst.; and for Males on WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS, at the samo place, at 4 o'clock P. M., commenrlns on the 13th inst. The regular daily Be*?ions will commence as soou as the requisite Lumber of pu Jdls shall have been enroll, d. Ail persons ie?iding iu the city, of 14 years of ?ge and op hvard, If temaJee, and 16 years and upward, if males, who intend to pursue the profession of teaching l ay pre?ei | 'nenistlvas for exsmina?on. W at II. NEILSON, WM. 8. SEE, J. DAVENPORT, WM AtLA8014, B. R. WINTHIfiP. JEDE DI AH MILLER, DAVID WEBB. EtecntlTS Committee on Normal Schools. BENCH and CLASSICAL INSTITUTE for YOUNO OENTLEMEN, No. 4* East 2lth st., (formerly 11 Paugei, et'a School ) ELIE CHARMER. ITALIAN LANGUAGE GBATIS.-A younti Italian Oentlenian. s'ndent, having tome leisure hours in the evening, would like to teach the above Lv.guage to tl.r e ttr four yoong Amerirsn Oentlemau or Ladies All gratis. Address O. Lit ASTRO, Nu S84 Broadway, stating whero au inters lew ran be bad. It-lerences exchauged. - s aOJEOT HOARDING- SCHOOL for BOYS? two miles north of Middletowu, CU E. W. BECKWITU PrioelpaL T~HIi CLA88ICAL "(JYM.VASII 'M, Bible House, Astor-place, entrance from Third avenue,condnctod ky J. E. BINOUAM.'s a DAY HIOU SCHOOL, receiving twenty pupils above and twenty below twelve years of age, (/reparatory for htuiinesa or college. All pouihlo tneaua are sised aad no care and labor are spared to make this School in ?very reatoct Ute sery best ou Utta coutineut, Tlie uniform flirts will henceforth be discontinued. ?_ 11\?BOf)KK11EI INOrWRITINO, ARITH ?59 J Vt METK Uoght thoroughly at PA/NES'S ACADar AflES, No. ZU OrauJ sl. N. \ , No. I*! Kul'onsf., P.-.ioki.n. **Aaa teacher of Penmanalnp and Bookkeeping L-oL PAINE ?Bands onrivaled." f Morning Journal. 4MQ ?GREAT SEDUCTION 11US DAY.? The subscriber will receive new Pupils THIS DAY Bl the nominal charge of + for the course, including Stationery. OLIVER B. GOLDSMITH. No Mi Broadway, and No. S77 Kulton-tt., Brooklyn. Dancing SUabcnms. ADODWORTH1" PRIYATE DANCING a academies No. hu. Uroadwav, New-York i No. 137 .Montagu'? i lace. Br Ktklyn, Are now open fur the BBBSan, I'u; us i an c iwa?'irs at any time. Cirrulara, e.xplaiu...g time and terms, can bo had at the Aeademtee. Piano-Zones anb iUnsic. ABOLIANS, 1'IANOS, HA Riff iNH'MS and MELGDEON'S weh tew irnprnvementa, for sale at low rate?, or for renl, with rent BfspHed if purrhax d, bv B T. GOR? DON. Sole Agent for Hallet', Darts k Co.'t unrivaled Pianos and Ms von A liamli-i'i model Melodeoaa F1S8T PREMIUM PIANOFORTES-Mann farrertd by STEIN WAY k SONS. Nof. 84 and 88 Walker ?f.. Dear Broadway, N. Y. These Pianos recen.-,! the first pre ?dunis in competition with Piano? mane by the moat eelnbrased manufactun t? of Boeton, Haw >? rs PhUs slpbia and Balti more. F.rrry Piano warranted. Price* moderate. A NEW Tit I I'M PH. We have jn*t been awardedtl ?? 1 IR>T PREMIUM (A GOLD MEDAL) bv the Eaht I t the An.ei.can luatitute at the Crvs'al falace lor the BEBT PIANOS. GREAT IMPHoVEMF.NTS in PIANO EOltTKB.-Measra LIOHTB, NEWTON ft BBADBO BTS, No 4J J!:o"ine-st., respectfnllv iuTitn attenUou to Ihell I'lANO-FOllTES, r. -trticled with the patent AHCII WKEbT PLANK, whn h ia undoubtedly he nu?st subatautlal fanproTcuieot tvei introduced iuto tbi* popalar instrument GREAT SACRIFICE.?A aplendiF5?!}7r> rooe wood PIANO lor SALE for $110?elegant case and toue. warranted in every respect by the maker* Has uo* been used Bar three month*. The owner ia ?tck and must sell it Cau be Bean tbta week at No. St) Walker at, before 12 o'clock. HAINES BROS.' IMPROVEDffiON-FRAM ElANOS ?Beyer* will now find our PI ANOS much mi Svvwdbytbe new Iron Fiame and other valuable improvemeuta. esidee we have jo?t rx-dnred our retail pr^es (see print*! Hat) ai>d d.ade arraiigsmenis to kes; a large assortment always on hand, at the M . M f COOK i BRO ?genta, No. 343 Broadway. We invite attention to the beautiful Atiiab and ia ?erlor tone of oar indrumeuta Numerous t.^tunnnial* from high authority can be errn ou applicMion HAINES BROS. PIANOS WANTED?Wanted to puri h.ise from IS to LS good PIANOS, either new or ?eeeaAhand. They toast I? ottered extretuelv low. Addreea PIANO si t ... Broad? way e, etatu.g price, a full deecriptiou of Piauo, mak ?i'* name, tr. 7PI?N?-Ft>RTES, I MELODEON, and~l HAKMONK AN, 7 atoaa, to real at Bl *? t #J M and *i a anontbi or for aale at B?, f>-S, gtU. ?MO0, BUB, ?200, Ac. One of T. Gilbert ft Co.'*. Jtloliaus for B300. Must, thoroughly taught and Piano* tear,!, br Prof. dl'MSDAY. 123 Grand -t iUatrjincrri, ?-c. ASIICROIT'STKAM and VACCUM GAUGES ?The best and meet reliable of any in the n arket War? ranted rotrecL A liberal disromt allowed to the trade. For ?alt by I HAS. W t tO'EI. VN1>, N_ 61 Broadway. VKW STEAM ENGINES furTsALE,and W?H ll BANTED?Price?including beet iron Ti'BULAR BOILERS, all rosafdete ?i?l ready fir immediate use? 40? for the one borae rostsi; *> 2>-o fur the two burse , *? J'? f a the (here borse, and s>4V for the aix borse. They burn ejth. r coal fit woedj are tortahie, and to eimrde In roostrrtctiou that any assart hey of 13 year* may handle and nae them with perfect safety. Call and see. or send and get a circular. Orders so Betted by the ma: t lactur.r, D A PRATT, Corner Centre and Erankl.n s:? , N Y. City. sTnilcrn. Qarboart*. anb iron. ANDIRON DA C IKON Co. PIG IKDN-Cold Blest, Charcoal White IRON for Eorge po^Ksset?for fas* by AGENT Adlroietiu- It... Company. JOHN W QUINCT.Ka ?. vVillla_*et AMERICAN CUTLERY.?Ki.ive? bbbI Uork*, of ?Tory description | l arrera. Steele. Butcher and Shoe Ktiiree, b? .at Bexnufactureiprice*, by ed. CORN! NO k. Co Agents tot Sooth River W orks, No 81 Juhu-et., N. Y. AMERICAN SHEARS, SCISSORS 'ftp., of the cstiebrateJ stamp of 1L Wendt." Warranted *upe riot to auv other made. a fall assortment Coa?.?..lJ> fsl the de|'..l So M I, . . S, w i ...? fpOA1, Hops, Shotela, Slftor? aiva~ Poker?, \J fOLZ IBORB and STAND. WOOD and IKON Meat Cotter*. _ Sausage Stuffert, ftn. ^BCIKNTIEIC OBIDIRON8 for Btove? and Keilas, forest *l_ CUAS. 8. LITTLE, Noa j3 and J4>uitou ?< XJUpSON PIG IKON it one of the bfit Iron* ??w?lry for Foundry and Forge pu-j.av* The No. t svsxra artshsUa mmnmttmp. and for all our.-sw.. is ?unenor to 'bl?faarxS1T1,b? J"HN<v j tat* Bt Wailaam., Agem of the Hudson Iron Co. ~*Jr ?? ^ornoTiT,.T.d 5_wsul w. oaT?cTV TSaiir^ s COTCH PIG IKON.-Hitpaired ton, No 1 OsunaberTfo. aad ?tau? mU?4 u umber, beet Pis Iron ia t Bad landing tot sale by ' SrortOhU), TILVsTON h C* No. BJ Breadway. OAMES & SON" SHOVEL-* and SPADES? ? Vor Mi? by JOHN IV QHNCY. No *a Wtliiam-at HA I L R~0 A D IRON . ? 1,000 tout WFLSH IKON 4" IB to the yird, now to bond. ALSO : 226 tuna WELSH IRON, A It. w the. yard, la store and to imve. For Mie by CLARK k JESfP. No TO Bearer ?4. S1T:EL. FILES and SAWS ?The entire.toek of thelaiearmof blakf h parkin, ecmais-iug of an MCMBTMBTJt?f* STEM., PILES and TOOLS of their mana-fae tme, ia Dow of*red tot sal* by to* tolxrri^r no rery fai'srebia tcrrn*. J. W. | FAR.WfAW. Hartford Baeal Bj ??? bio. 2t Clitf-st, New-Tort, s ALfSBUEY COLD BLAST CHARCOAL pio _iron, for Car \?7.e..* ?j . - ? ?? . ring ?er? aape.-Mi iron?tor aal? by JOHN W. ClLTNCY. No. 90 W?liam -at THOMAS iron Cr?.?PI(T[ron?StA free, atrona, and warranted firet rat?. Pot aale by JOHN w CH'INCY, Ko. W WilLBaB-at. 1 fWi .TM til FL KT superior quality Wrought' 1 ?ft;,vUU Iroa (JAJ PTEI fur BALE] Ml the trad* an unusually f*?or?bie tenna. By ( OLT V. W hittlesey. Ga* fiiture Daalata, No. 922 fln.adw?y. Bnilbing fllalcrials. ?7NCAU8TIC TILES? For Veatinu!^, Hallo. JlJ Hearts PkaillB II1SWH, CWIIilBBI, kc GAKNKIUK CHIMNKY-1 Ol'.i, DRAIN PIPES, Ac For aale by MILLER. COATES 1 YOL'LE. No. 279 Pearl at, N. T. Roofs?hoofs?roofs?The cheapest and best article for covering root la TAR ROOFING PAPER, which we keep constantly on band and will tali ia large or ?mall aaantttiaa to sujl purchasers. JAS. T. DERRICKSON k Co., No ? Beekman-st Paints, (Dils, ?lass, &*c. a new li.;ht.-kerosknt:. or coal ii OIL?Secnred by Patent?. Tue intensity of the light ob? tained from tbia ell ?01 be found to exceed that of any other oil or liquid heretolora known to the pat,.,., Tbia Oil laMDgepure distillation from eoal, without th* ad? mixture of spirit* or Torfentine or a!rob',l, i* warranted tob* tent expliisive. In-urance Companies allow it to be used without adiiitional premium. True* who read or vrrit* mnrh at night will find If a great ??. qoudou. Be the light is remarkably steady and left to the eye. Eor Ofr.eral family ose, in Stevnboi'*, Slopping, Railroad Car*, Cbnrchee. Factonea, Hotela and Light Hooae?, thi? Oil if as yet uneqoaled. It bums brilliantly without ?rrokin; Bf ernting the wick? do*? nest deteriorate or evaporate by exposure and ia not af? fected by the coblrst weather. The various patentrd Lamp* to be found at the Store of the undersigned, arc recommended aa the beat adapted to the pecu liar qualities of the Oil, each lamp giving a light equal to two six foot gas burners, Thi* Oil can 1st used In Campheu* and Syliic Oil Lampa. and can be adapted to Chandeliers for Hotel*, Country Residence* and Steamers. The usual discount to Wholesale Dealers. AUSTENS. Agent* of THE NORTH AMERICAN KEBOSErfE roMPANY, No. 57 Ilea?er-*t. Extra quality refined laud oil? Warranted ?ery pure, and to born a* long aa Sperm, and ?ery brightly; leing unusually free from imparity, it will never eni?t the wick?I* eMirsJy fre? from gnm, and very superior for machinery. In barrela 5o to 4>i gallons each. The only agent foi 'he maker 1* JOHN W. UP INC Y No. 9<f WttUaxaat. IL.?Boiled Oil, 75 cent* a gallon. ~ Udlding roof and IVute Oil, 50 cent* a gallon. Bleached Boiled Oil, for purely while, ft per gallon. Oil-Varnish, tot China glues, aSl 25 per gallon. PAINTS, for buildi .ss, fences, roofs, lr., He, per ponrid. By J. HENRY SMITH. No 11 . Maidoi It ?. N. V. The gem INK grape OlL-.IimtImported in original pound bottle*, warranted the beet in market, and one ounce to 2"*> gallons spirit. Al?o the best itnltatiorie of Ruga, Whisky, Ota, Peach, Cuerry, App1" Bad Raspoerry, Port and Madeira, and coloring, for aale at reduced prices, by UR. L EEUCHTWANOEB, No.9* Maiden lane. IVrro-Pork (Titn Dnsincss Dircctorn. T^he following us /' consist* of promi uent House* iu each line of Buaiuea? | Ii R Y GOODS. American und Foreign Milk*. BOW EN, Mi NAMEE A Co ,(Impta i Jabbers) 112Broadway Herlin V? ool Krnhrolrlery Silk*, Fringes I. imp* Buttons, Ladie*' Dress 'i rn^miugs, Oold and Silver Articles for Reralias. KOHLSAAT BROS , (Impor-ert ard Jobrer?) No 48 John-it. (? > im Ii in. nFnrniahiriaT f.'nodn. J. M. DA VI ES. JONES A Co .(linpts a Maul?. 111 Warren at Ariiflrlnl I lux? its and Feuthrr* oi-w Htvlr*. JAMES '111 KF-lt, (Imiorterai d Wholesale Dealao No 387 Broadway. Br.daJ Wrea'hsfor the MhlioiL Pooislals Dr. ( HAS. A. PECK.No. 41S Broaiway. Door*. SohIi?mi nnd II lind*. N. P. KIMBALL. IV. bole**ie and Retail) No. 78 Bsekmau tt llngrrnrera (Wood.) W. HOWLAND. No 22? Br, aoway. 1 dooi abo?e Aator House. I nslixb Cutler? Files, Sana aud Tool*. HARORr A\ ES, SIIITH h t o , Mau .factt.rera (Englanl) No. ^5 CiitJ at. French Winilnw f.l .... J. H. POILI.fiN A t o (ImjaTtera).No. 54 Barclay iL French nnd lirrmgn BaVkRotO, oVe. CIIAS. ZINN k 1% (ImpoMcrai. >.'Ma.loa-late tt ai Liberty it. I.'run- and Fender linker*. WM II. JACKSON, (ibrflM i W k M k Son?i No 89 Broadway. 1 door above 19th at. Hardware, f'utlerv. Udne Tool- A . . THOS. DOL'OLASa (Mai.ufacturer and BealeO. No. 5 Platt ?t Iron .Mrfal*. ?f*c BL'NTINO k BEAN (Broken).No. 60 Wall it Iron 4 heal-. ( edar and ( nmphor-Hootl Trunk*. JESSE DELANO.No. 28 Hold at. Unat nnd Onr Hn/.aar. From C00 to Mfi Boat* alvtays on hand a liberal discount to those who buy to sell aaam.. ING f It SI ILL'S, BM South iL I.lgfbluingf Itod*. A M QUIMRT fc SON ofBcesldJE ntk-*l an.lll1?Na*??utt LTON Co. Otis ? Patent Al.o. other Hods, Insulators, 1'ouits. \ sues. A..No. 343 Broadway. I.itbotfrnphr m. OEO. HAY WARD.No. 120 Water it. Paint*. Oil. V RATNOLDP, DEVOE k Co.Naa 106 and 10? Fulton sL Pn|?er WurehniiHen. CYRl'S W. FIELD A Co.,(Wkll??all UealernNo. 11 Cliff tt Paper in ltoll* nnil Hrnms Ar EL'OENL ELY.No. FaltaB ?t , third door below Ooll Nalainander Safe*. STFARNS k M A It \ IN. Man Bfaat ,r or, of Rick k Co.'t Sala? mander Safea. Wilder'a Patent, Rich'a Iiuproveinent. Also, sole proprietors of the patent'? La Belle Lo. k." Depot No. 1st) \V ater st. Miip 11 r< ...I arid Cracker*. ERASTL'S Till > k Co.No. 2*3 Wa*hiugton at Toy* ard Fancy (iood*. J AHLHORN k Co.,54Mtidaii lane, upstairs, and 20 Liberty. \\ iiulnvv i ml Plate ?? -.?- (French anil I nuli.ri. F. HOi'KlN>A BKo'l HERS, (lmporura) No. 61 Barclay st s.? Ar? addiuoni to the a>>ove List should be brought to the On.ce ot S. M. FEI I l.NOlLL k Co.. No. 119 Nassau st NEWSPAPER AHVFRTISINO. S. M FETTENOILL at Co.. No. 119 Na*aau st. New Tork, hate made ?urh srrstigeineni* with the beat and most wldely-cir culated jonrnala in the Halted Stairs and Canada* that thrv ara aoaklad to make a saving of time and expense to the advertiser! v. ho do buames* through them. They select tl.a best papers and li'.vertiaa conspicuously at the very Wwoal price*, aud always keep the interest < f their customer! in view. Merchant* or* in? vited to call on them. (Topar.rure.)ip Notices. COPARTNERSHIP. ? Tktl nnilersiKiifd have this day tormed a C.-partnersb'p, under the came and styie ot OAKSMlTH \ KF.El 1.1.R tor the transaction of a general pi' I P t HANliLF'RY, SHIP STORE and COMMISSION bu?u.c**, tt No 12 Moor* tt?New-York. Feb 1, ISM, SIDNEY OAKSMITU. B R KEEFLER. MR. HORACE HOLCOMB has this day been admitted a PARTNER in our firm _ KFNTS, LOW BFR k SMITH. Nol U E.-The firm of WOLFE 4% BISHOP is Thi* Day d:*.olv*d tv mutual couaetit. JOHN DAVID V OL'I and JAPHET BISHOP ictiili g from busu ieam. Ihr in der*igned, partners ot the late firm will continue th* ti^inas* ui.rter the Arm of COFFIN BROCE, BISHOP k Co. john p. corriE, of.OROK w BRUCE, I>A? ID W BISHOP, New Tork. F.-b 1. I -* ALBERT o LEE. 11HE FIRM of (TOOK a% 8OI0N80N haa th\? clay beau DISSOLVED bv mutual conseat. Th* P .sine?* ef the Firm will be settled by the undenigned. EBEN. COOK, who ia ajot* authorueat to algti the name of the Firm iu liqui? dation. BEEN cook.*. Dated New-Toik, Jan. SO. 1A56. JOSEPH SIMONSON.ja. The ni.dereiatned wid con tin ne the DRY hoods b-iameas a* beret, tore at No. 288 Greenwich st. Eli EN COOK rpHE urileraiiriicd Inte ol the tirui of (iiltiert, M. cos k Johnson, hare this dty associated themselves m biui 11 as under the fctin ot H. A Jobnaon k Co. 11 A. JOHNSON. WM S. NIC HO LA The nDderaLrced wHIl devote hi* attention to the purchase of Railroad Iron in London during th? ensuing Su'oru?r. aud will kg bappy to receive ordrre dwrcl B) through his agents, h A. Johisc* k Co. WkL VV. GILBERT. s.v. v : . . ?onntn Lanb t?arrants. LAND W A ib A M I S W ANTED. TAYLOR BROTHERS Banker*. No. 7? Wall at , New-York. We will supply order* promptly Warrant* alwaya oa hand LAND-WARRANT OFFICE, Net 63 Wail-at, New Y. rk -The hixheat market price paid for LAND W ARr A NTS . and all Warrant* sold by me are guaranteei and Borwarded by mail or otherwise upon receipt of remittance* Load Warrant* prorered fr-r Soldiers and ethers entitled to Bounty Lands, upon appltt-stwa to. _T J. COLEMAN. No. 4B WaU-?t LAND WARRANTS bou?ht"at the hi/rheat caai price*, and claims fur Bounty Land. r*tuioe* Ac, prompt? ly attended to by OEO WOODMAN, No 4* W?liamat Drn ?coos. im. n,:"^h,^iv" 1856. M ANTILLAS. MOLYNEt'X BELL. gPBINo A.N.vui m C 1M1I1 to the U'HOLisALr Mm:h??t? m rut Dai v ' ? ? i r i t ? Styl?! ? : - D?nini MOL1 NEUE BELL. Bi. SS rar.?:-??.. reep^'f?'!*- iaTttea the af u'u.t cf W fcoleaale Joll r. a ! M-r, a*^u tr im a.. raatlnai nf tl.n - '?- imported *->d mam FA< 'II 111 I' .SUM ft f LA DIE- MANTLES, ell bis ewa exclusive s'vlee a:. ! IV -n i tl.? BMM u:.:ia- an! fs?:no::?bI' eier ext..1 .it.d : . t:..* city, em I -acini all the most distiugi^ned end 1st? ?t ?t\>. for the a n i l BLACK aid ' Ol.' 'RE D -ILK MANTILLAS. i .VLKOil'KRED aCARFS and MANTLES, ''.lerti c'bLAi K OOUMXt MOIRE ANTIQUE and LACE is end lew vaneev. I (?? BLA( K ATLIQi'E, from ?2 90 Ba**aal ib- latflil ?t?k af C MIAN! ILLA LACr. MANTILLA* te he foi nod in trie 'rad*. Real GUIPURE LA' E MANTILLA-, i?t all prieei.i very large aesr/rtnienL '1 he c:-? * ' - l:\tia rail from M?rcha".'a. ar.d guaran teet that hia steck la all new end rt the moat ueherra* aes rip tion, aad promise* the mos' pr mrt *"??:.ti m aal liberal terra?. MOLYNllX BELL. No. 51 Caaai i?,.Ne?r Y it, V" O T I C ? 11 CONTINUATION OP SALE or th? rxTr\?iTt S.T?CK OF DBY GOODS AND CARPETS or REMSES a D I N V, E ?. . In the L?tr.r bbow* ?tovb ? Not. Jf-t and 21* 6th-e* . one iwr below 14th-*t Sale it r.>mm?!.( e aa h*r*>re. Pl??t Fl.ooa?Cor tain* a !ar?? and elegant ta?orm?n' af Klerk and Colored Si kg, Bemlag.n??. Alpaca M*rtnoea. Monae? rn de, Paramattas. Luens, Mussing. Prints, Flannels, Hosiery, Embroiderie*, Leres, dre. Srcoan Floob?Sjawla, Cloak*, Mantillas. I.s-es, Mostin, Mnslin Window Cnrteinj, Qniitg, Blankets. Counterpanes, C.otha, Caasirr.eree, i r. Titian Flcob?Ba?ement Carr^nnai, Oil Gotha, comprising rich Tape'trr, Ingrain and Aub>i?*e;. Carpets, English and A-ee? rie sr. Oil ( l?tt?. atata, Bu.< and Druggets. The aale ia occaslst ed by a change of business, and presents ote of the greatest attractions to obtain extraordinary bargains ofTeredln this city. Doors taj .,n at 9; sa.e commence at !>* a m. and dose? atC p. ? LIGHTLY WET! BIT NOT INJURED. A new Invoice, worth *20 000, Of RICH DRESS end ROT'BEKEEPERf Ol ?ODS. jn.nfs-i vards RICH SAXftNY PLAIDS (all Wool). ( i-er vard. invoiced at M rente. D? piece. DAMASK TABLE DIAPER" tail Lioeu), 2 ? p?r Tard, invoiced at 70 rente. Sfs^iH-res PI RE IHIsH LINEN BBIRTINOI, Bf per vsrd, meowed at '.'irentt nrgi rtt.-e? PURE HUSH MI1KTINOS (6 x ? x 10 qra. w::-i at a redaction of ? per rent from Iuvo.ce price, li CABEfl NAPKINS. TOWFLINOS and DOILES 'warranted perfect). 5" per cent less than cast. An ) a >tw isvoicr or RICH PLAIN ad PLAID SILKS I warranted perfect!, at 4 . ,V and 8/ per yard; worth ??. 10 and 12 . All the al?\o goiM.? are nominally designated and sold as wet giasds. while but a small portion have e?en come in rontac with tl e water : and all are warranted perfee ? in every respec", and decideoiy the be.-T BARGAINS OF THE SEASON A G COLBY, No BJB Orandet. 8 BKOOKS *1YOKY POLIMIEI) OLACE SEW? ING COTTON.?Thia new Thread took the Oat! Medal at the Pans Exposition over Coats, l lark and every other maker. It combines the luster of silg with the str -r.gthof linen; does not knot or kink. A full supply of white, black and all coljra roceivod by every tti amer and for aale by WHEELER k WILBOR, No 34.1 Broadway. C0B8ET8! COKSETS -Mrs. GAYNOB will nfer 'or sal.- oj MONDAY, Ith in?t.. lOOdogen FRENCH JACKETS, at |( atsi It/ Bar Bail'. Also, alar^e varietr of her r^ebrsted FRENCH-WOVE CORBETB. No. ? 3d a* . near IM ,t., and No. aR26th av., near 17th at. FRENCH MERINf ?8.?GOpireea 81TERFINE FRENCH MERINOS, rompriamg every cohu and shale, reduced from 10a. a yard to fia. COLUMBIAN HALL. N n 2H Oraad at. JAMES TUCKER, Import, r Bad Dealer la re. caercbe PARIN FLO WIRB, will ha fatly ataaand with relishle Siring atvles by the lat ef Fehruvrv, and renewed monthly thl May. "Rub BR'DAL WREATHS at any mom-ut available. No. si Broadway", near W hite at. R"~I C B A R D 8 O N IRISH LINEN'S, DAMASKS, he. The public w ill please hear in mind that the ganulue goods are always sealed with the f.II signature af. tl.e firm, vis: ? RICHARDSON, SONS A OWOBlf." J 1 I LLOf KE A J B. LOCKE. Agents. No. M Pkaast,, New York. I L S O N G. HUNT & CO.? iMinaTtas avo jossrs? or WOOL E N and OTHER GOODS adapted to Man's Wear a. SO at d 12 William-it., c< rue: of Malden-lene. w Jnonranct tlompanics. 1>EOPLE'1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE cm or NEW York Office No. 173 Canal et. and No. 60 Wallst. Cash Cipital 911*". BIB, with a Surplus all luvest od io securi ties of the very best character RICHARD V ARICK, W . F. I'kor.KHlLL, Secretary. Pro? THE FARMER8' A MECHANICS' FIRE ANDkABINE LNSUBAltf E COMPANY OF PHILA? DELPHIA. Laioai ?UDIIODO. A - v 1 1 - A.I I LUSH. Hi I . THOMAS B. FLORENCE, Prosideut. EDWARD R. HELMBOLD. Secretary. The Compel y has rornplied with the law of fhe State, and as eiavu.1 seeurnv for the Assure.) 111 New-York, It has provides! for an accunt g Trust Fund to the amount of *? raaVJBB, to )>e held by their Bankers Mesara. DUNCAN. .-HERMAN A Co., from wbli h 1 -so? wil. be promptly paid, wheu aiijuated at tha , fan. 10 VTSXJsai niurxi, ..r.n-ioniv. AJ1BBOSI W. IH0MP.-0N, Att'y and Agent. STATrMK.nt Of as.tri. .tssefs Pir Value. Cash Value. Cash in bar.d ar.d at Bankers'.B21.190 B.'l.tOT a Allegheny County IC. A PJ Bomla... 2.',0n0 M.IUO ? Allegheny Comty (A. V., Bonds. 21.000 13JHB 3t> Delaware Rai ned Bonds. 31,000 %.,Vm 38 Pittsburgh City Six per CeuU. 33,000 51.400 2.S Reading Raihoad Bonds. 12,V)0 U'^iraJ 10 Phila.lclj Lia City Six per Cents. 10,000 o,.Vs? LoaiJ on Mortgage ? Assessors' awora r^ue. B?aa? 3I.9S? Loans on Collaterals? Value Collateral... .SS,**? 2A HO* Billa receivable. 6,924 024 Balance ( f Capital sec urod tj Subac nptioii i/7,7ue !)7,7ut) Par value ( f Assets.* VMMt Lash value of Assets.?311,383 St?t? Of PisajTLVAklA, > 1 aaatj c/PhflsAalphta, ( Th- B Fnn nce, President, ar.d Edward R Helmbold, Secretary, of the Farmers' ar.d Mechanics' Insurance Company, being eeverallv duly sworn, depose and say, and each for himself says, that the'foregoing ia a true f?llend correct ?tatum-nt of the aflair* of the corporation, and that they axe the above deKllbed officer* thereof. THOMAS B FLORENCE, Pre.ident, EDWARD R. HELMBOLD, S,rwUry. SuLarrlbeJ and afllnced before me, this fifteenth day of Na vemher 18AV CHARLES D FREEMAN, Alderman and Justice of the Peace. c?BTirir*Ts or actmositt. SVATI OS N I. ? 1 OBK, CoMrTaoLLBB's Omca.) ALStav, Nor 16, UV5. | Whereas. Tie Farmera' and Magt^Bbs*1 Insurance Co., lo? cated at Ph ladelphia. in the S'a'e of Pennsylvania, has com filed wi'h all the requisitions of the act eutitled " An Act to , 'rcevnie tor the li ror;<.ration of Fire Unurauee CompaMea,"* rasaed June 25, 18o.'. by arrwintlng Airbrose W. Thompson of New \.rk. k*, the Ce?atyof New-Tork. as Its Artoraey, oa wbom 1 rrxear 1 f law can be served, and alao com;.|ring with the requirement* et *asd Act; nuw; tnerafore, I, Jaine? M. Cook, Comptroller of the State of New-Tork, in pursuance of the BrasrdaVnaa af the Act do hereby ceruls tlnst Am broae W. TL. mjav u of New-York, In the County of New York, i* authorised as agent of the aforeaaid C jiupauy to transact the busii ess of Insurance in this State, so far a* be may be iagaiiy eu.powered I y hi* !r".i af ?; Bad basBBl and the (nsttucuooa whkb may be given to bun by the said < oropeoy. In witnrae whereof I beve hereto subacribeef my name, and cauerd the seal ot my office (l. > j to be affixed, the d-.y and year above written JAs. M. COOK, t jmptrullef. H B HsawrtL, Ina Clerk, ftli?cc?ancons. AWHISPER totbev LADIES -The, enviable bliom whuh naturs only vunr/haafee to the cheeks of the f?*i r*'e few, car, he toaaessed by erery lady who * I: use ?be \?>TKIS HL' OM.- a prep^ra'iin exte-:?.?.:y a,e<j m Italy, and sold only at No. 5yd Bread way Thit is said to ha the ot-ly artificial preparation which both benefits and beautifies the complexion. Please cat this out for f ature reference. CITY LAUNDBY, Ntv B CANAL STREET.? Washing ceded fei and re'urned to anr part of the Cities of NEW - YORK AND BBOOKLTB, six sHiLLikiis raa nozxs. R A Z I L W 0 0 I).?^to.ittintalB BRAZIL WOOD.(fa bond or duty paid.i for aale bv SPOFFt'RD, TILFSToN k Co.. No SB Broadway. HIGHLY IMPORTANT to PHYSICIAN'S who desire to apply Electrc Cbemical Baths for the rs u.i.val of metallic ?shetaucee from the Ualv ?J. R. PALMEN BERO. No 4; raaal at, near Broadway, manofacturer of Bunsei.'* Coke Batterie? ai.d Improved Oa.va1.1c Eiea-tro Machte*., i* fVillv | repared to pnt up three Bath* baring a.reedy furmal.e., -e.eral phyan ian* of high standing in this city with then-, who have expressed Iber utmost *eti*feetnm in every retard ; be begs leave lorall the atteutiouof the prrrfeesiMi to hi* ni[ roved i allere*, which, tor ja-wer,durability and Binple t ee* c-. t?-, , are mach lupe'iorte*i tberetifore knowe. ToTelegra|h t r .pai. rs. Manatacmrers of Plated Ware, and for experts ertir.g, they can be recommended aa the be?t. Thvroagh :i s-rtirtion* given in the aip.ktetion of Electro-Chemical B i'hs Batterie* always ea hand at |a*j pncea Ordern punctually executed. IMI OI.TANT l?I>COYEKY.-JOHNSTON A VALE'S tine GKAM LATFD CORK applied to Bed., Pil? lows, Cushions I .f'b I I -thing, he as life and health pre? server*, Office 0. VALES Nant?cai Acaiemy, No. I Bowery, N. T.. up *f?:r. NEW PATENT8PECTACLE8. ?TheyLmprTivw vision 1 salt trr Ufc; near and distant object* are distinctly teen through one pair. Maker and patentee, FRANKS, Na I Park-row Attendance from I a m. to f p. m. EMOVAL.?THE PEOPLE*8FIRE INSUR ANCK COMPANY have removed their down-town office te No ?* W aslst., under the Howard Insurance Co. Jan. a, Uik\ W. r. I'NDLRBJLL, Secrttary. /.nanrial. DIYIPEND NOTICE.? The Irirfct4.n1 ?f the BHkUIJ CANAL AND BANKING COMP ANT kara thla sTeTdeydav-ed ? DIVIDEND of PI VP. PER ( ESrfr.a t'eeanurreofrkeCaral ? rtkepaet ?Ii month* on DM pre? ferred ate* k <f Ut?. r*vableou and after tee first Taesvsv 1 a* Mi, of Pel rears neat, a: their ofBre at JeraevCite. M1 *ISBA? dri'tt El and Ml ri.ladeipl... at the office of E W t larkik ? * Tt? Transfer hook* ofaavd stock will he rloeed from the W? tec to February 4U. inr.uai**.-J.r^i Cltv Jaaesrr fSTviDEND - BROOKLYN HBE-IN8?R J_7 a>, k. ( o-TV Board f Dtt I.^f*? tTre driltred sfVini Aac?sJDiTidaTodofTK!4(l'>| PER^Jn" on the Capital Stork. parable 00 *n'1 *ft*r li* *wl February :.*xt. at their office. No. ? MercantV EsrhstJ**. New Tot*. Ihr Tranrfrr B..kiwU Njwi* nissig hwt 4? the lat of ffabruary. irtlu IT*. W M. F. LEUUErr. 'ec Orrics BcLLtrosTit>s aso Ivoias. R?it?"?o < ?> .1 Mui 't n?.| Jan. F>. IA*. ) DrnDEND NOTICE.?Ttsi BliM (-ANNUAL INTEREST falling due ia ike City of New-iork oni tke l.t-U* of Felraari next , n the BFLLFFONTAINE AND INDiANA Lu&nxU COME AN Y'S INCOME BONDS, arfll be psudc* and after that iUre. at tue office or Meaara. au? LOW. LANIER k Co., No. ? Wall st, , on presentsticm of the preper ecuton*. (Signed) JOHN BRQt OH, President. DIVIDEND NOTICE.?The 8EMI-ANN1 "AL INTEREST Sailing due la tkia eityou the 1st da-of Fsb n-arr proi m... on the CLEVELAND. PAlNEUVILLE AND A.-HTABCLA RAILROAD COMPANY'S MORTOAOE BONDS. 7 {?r ranU. will be paid ou and after that date, at the trT-c of tl.e i ? . ???! ? r. presentation of the pruuer coupon*. V INSLOVi LANIER k Co.. No Si Wall at. New-Tnrt, Jan. 29 jSffA_ DIVIDEND.-THE BROADWAY INSFR AJICl COMPANY hav? This Dar declared a aemi an? neal Dividend of FIVE PER PFR CENT. r*vr?tu? on and after tL- let cf Fehriary next. JOHN WRAT, Secretary. N'w-Yc.-k, Jan. 22. 1*56._ THE INTEREnT on t).- B<?NT>S of th- PEO R1A AND IM RE AI-VALLEY RAILROAD COMPA? NY, will le paid ou and e^er the lat dev as Feb., 115*. upon prrssntatioc t the Ccupoua at the Corn Exchange Back. No. IS Wllliaaaaf Naw York. C. W. PDRANT, Treasurer. THE PEORIA AND BUREAU-VALLEY RAILROAD COMPANY hare totaAva ? Seail-Annuel LuioeLJit FOI R PER CENT on th*ir capital atock. paraUe at their office. No. 13 Wil!iam-?t-. Net? \ vrk. on SM after lha 11th day of February. TS-'jat. The Tranafer Book* will be cljeed from tLe lit to the l'ltk of Febro*rr. C W Dt'RANT, Tr-**irer. MaSKST Flak Imiea.vcs Co. Office Lfa. 286 Pearl-st.. 1 Nkw Yoai, Jan. ?. 1?S. < THE BOARD of DIRECTORS of this Com pajir Lave thi* day declared a Semi annual Dividend of TEN PER CENT, un 'b- Coital Stock of the Company, pay? able oa th* loth Inat. AS HER TAYLOR. Secretary. orricc or Tar MBBCaOTtia Fibs IvstntaarCI Covirtsv,) No ?5 Uali at.. New >>rk. Feb. 4. ISM J AN ELECTION lor thirty Directors and three It.ipectori of the nevt electiou will he bald *' the office of th* C'mpeny on 1 UEi-DAY. tke 19th inat. The poili wiU oren *: 1 t/dock p. m. and dose at 2 o'tWk p. m. JOHN BAKER, Secretary. Orriceoi (VntMoaMuwo Compasy, No BS Wall-st., I New-York, Jan. 29, IeJ N ASSESSMENT of One Dollar has b.v?n A v ted > I each Share of the S'ock of fhie Coinpauv. pay? able to the Treasurer, on SATCRDAY. the fir*t dsy of March next. By order of the Directors. JOHN WADSWORTH, Trea.nrer. Orrics or ras Noawi. h Mimvc Civriw. j No. M New ?t,, New York. Jan 2T>. tSSA t AN ASSESSMENT of ONE DOLLAR per ilatr ha* been levied on the etock of the NORWICH MINTNO COMPANY', parable at thli office oa the 15th day of next. By order of the Director*, E. M. LIVERMORE, Secretary and Tr***tuer. \Vi> j COLUMBIA MINTNO AND MVNU T f PACTURINO I OMPANT.?The IN 1 f'RINT CODF ONS on Cer'ifirate* of Loan of the above Cornpanv. due l?t Febrnanr, will be paid at the Office of Mee.r* SANDS a V) ILLS', No 6? WaU-at, New-York, on preaentation of said Crupons. OPPICS or tU RaU?fC abb M.-M.-ten Hvil.aoaol CoMeaw. No. 70 B ever .t. J THE INTERE8T I OUPONSdnc Fe-brnary 10 ao the Bond, of the City of Racine. Wia.. gl I? in aid of the>.i HOB of the Raciue'aud Mt^i??li?pi Railroad Company, Will \-f paid on and alter date on presentation at the Office of the Company. CLARK A JESTP. Agent*. ?rricaor nie IlrrrBt-ic Fibk lOaVaUIca Co., ) No. 74 Wall-.t,. 10th Janaary. ISM. ( ri^UE BOARD of TKl'STEES luv fills DAY A declared* DIVIDEND M FORTY E KIHT PKR CENT to pc-licy BOloon on the amount of their prfnilnmi paid oa pol? icies iisticd ty thi* Ci nipanv. and which have terminated withia the rear the 3Iit December. 185A Tbev have declare,! a further Jividend of SIX AND TIIRKB UI'Ar.TF.rS PER CENT on lha Capital Stock payable to their ahaiehi l.teri in cash and scrip on .lenau.L They have also de. lere.' a ' ? ? t SIX PP.R CENT ba aa*h on the .mount of outstanding Scrip. The Charter of thi* Company, whim cm bines the Mutual principal with a rash capital, provides that after payment of in? terest . I its capital, the r-n.MT.i.? , r. fit* ?hall tie annually ap> portlot ed between the shareholders and the policvholders, aud the scrip issued therefor is not to be pen! off until the amount, together with tke est ital, *haU saceed ON E MILLION OF DOI.I.A It-' CASH CAPITAL, 0150 4I4JO-W1T1! LARGE SURPLUS. laOOIBBO. Charte* H. Riasell, James Warreji,! B. Fearing, Arthur I.eary. William II. Russell. M U. Hamiltoa, Acgnstns C Downing, Henning Duer, fiaxaway B. Lamar, John Stewart, fcf., U i.. H itler Duncan, R hi r: B Ml I lit, N. II. Wolfe, Reuben Withers. Isaac Towxsend, Edward C. Center, Oak. s. Daniel Drake Smith, Jo*, i h liaillard.Jr., Fraxteric (I. Foster, Ja*. M. Waterbnry, Fatal Hall, George Curtia, Robert S. Ilone, George T. Adee, Samuel V. IL tTman, John J. Aator. jr., Jacob Aiithonr, jr., Fred'k A. Delano, J. P. Olraud Foster, Abraham Bell, John A. 0. Ova*. ROBERT S. HONE, President. D. F. Ci'bbt, Secretsry. Bass, DgraBTMCBT, Albast. July 13. IMA NOTICE is hert'liv rirsjB, pursuant to the Statute in luch case maile ami provided, that all the circulating ru tea issued to W B. PECK, an Individual Banker. (FA UM ERB* HANK OF HAMILTON COUBJTT, Arietta.) must ba . resented at the of th* Superintendent of the Banking tleparfrnent of the Stit?1 i f New-York, for payment, within two yeare from th* date hereof, or the find* dei->sit-d for fh? re derup'iou of the cuiulating note* issued tu tue said Banker will berivennp M. BCHOONMAKJSR, jy 17 laeTuJy Sn|>erinteudent Stock BANKS?BttDk Ntitet ?7tlie StAvtrM sf Ohio, Indiana, UltBOal Michigao arid Wisconsin, purport i r to be secured hv the rledge of stocks and not yet broken, BOUGHT at 10 i?r cent dis. ount, ail othen taken at the usual rate*. PBIENDORF A Co, No. 121 Bowery. THE PARK RANK.?The subscribors to the . it ital atock of this Bank will please call at 'lie Cilv Btnk, No. .52 Wall St.. on TUESDAY or WEDNESDAY, Few. 5 and I, and si?u the Article* of Ase- latlmi. at which time and place the look* cf ?ubacription wdl ne ready. OrrtCl or the MtCBIOAJ lotllBBBB *>in E0BTBBBB Is diana Railboad COOLPaXtT, No. IS William-sf. Nsw-York. Feb. I. NOTICE to BONDHOLDERS.??Notiee ia ln-r- iiy given that on and after the 1st day of M\rch nexr.and unttltfur ther notice, thi* Company will issue in new ( ONSATLlDATED SINKING FUND BoNDs OF I8i5, in exchause for any of Its Bonda heretofore tmued by the Michigan Southern Radrotd Con iany, ai d the Nottheni Indiana Railroal Company; such exrhange wdl be'e at ;ar, as much dispatch ai th* preparation aud signing cf the Bnnda will admit of, and in the order in which applications tor such exchange* are made. The mtereet on the old Bonds be paid up to th? 1st day of Ms v. fr. m whi. h date iutereat runs on the new By order of the Board. J. M. HOPKINS, SerreUry. ON BALE.?CITY OF CLEVELAND 7*/ cert Rot .is PW ,vr Loan). ( IT1 OF DETROIT 7 paattx Baoals 'W,>..r 1..;**}. CITY OF CINCINNATI < p> rent Bond*, CITY OF CHICAGO 8 4? rettt Bonds. Cm Off MIL\4 fcCKEE 7 4P cent tcnda, CITY OF SACRAMENTO m ke cent Bot da, By_DUNCAN. SHERMAN k Ce. DRAFTS on BNQLAND, DiELAND and SCOTLAND.?We draw on UNION BANK of LONDON. NATIONAL BANK ot SCOTLAND, BF1 FAST BANKING ( 0*47ANT, IRELAND, Payable at tlfht, m gaass < t .61 Bysyrard. Bt 05 per A. TAYLOR BROTHERS. Ba->eraJ No 7? Wallet., Raw York. Drafts forwarded to sny addresa In this or the Old Country. ? I (If \ 10 LOAN in sl'MS to SV X\J\Jf\J\J\F on approved Stock Securitie*. at aj ggj tudaya Apply to WETMOkE k ROBERT, 24 WUilam-st, ? *)'\ (MU \ T0 RUY MORTGAGES on good V ^*-J%\)\J\f pr -or-v u, th.s , .-v. or to LOANoa the **n.e. JOHN P. EMMET Bs U Waiiaa.sC s-r.v Is-1 USE ) furniture. WARREN WARD. EN'AMEEKD FFRN'I ?? MURE MANUr.V '. ' !'. - It. ha* removed fr .m No. 1? Grander- to tko large bunding No. SB Camd et?, |uar doors east tl itroalway. wh-r- !.. ttntit.uea to keep a laraa a--..rtaic-nt of Pcan.el. d Chau.bcr Suit.*, ot all colon and styl**, at a* as varyins from #30 ft r nt,? Bad upw.r.l,finuh.'d iu all oolorsaad cf ornamenting, and warranted in every respect. The Trade and others are iavited to rail and sir. WARREN W IRD, M >. 38 Cenale?. Cloiljing. YOITH 9 and CHILDREN - CLOTHING for J. ail BjBBB ftoa. ?! rce. to twenty veara. tt WHOLESALE. J. B CLOSE. BAILET k (V No g Park piece. N. T. papa lllarflionot's. PATER WAREH0USE.-J. T. DERRICK SON k Ca, No, So Beekmanet., oiler for tale ou tke low*** terms: Writing Papers, ErglUh. French and American, Newa Paper, all eise*, weight* and qualities. Book Paper, all ijn. weight* and quad.tie*. Ti**ue P*P*r. fancy colon and white, of the beet quality. Hanging Paper a L t* and colored, different widlk*. Batters' Paper, thin and of the beet qua! ty Cloth Paper, WxtO and 40x4A Enxiisk Hardware Paper, a large ***<?tm*a?, Jest imtvl Sheathmg Paper of the beet quality. va rappeug Paper Straw, Rag and IQaaiila Tea Paper of didetent siaea. Tar twuSmg Paper, stutakla far, root, la rails. Sales ob Unction. Ai ?f?l H Nicola? *? ??? ti-n.-r ABSOLUTE BALE of PlI rEBIN yi.ARn lease ? ? SUILDiNU Ma H Weilet, eoroer of i liroest-AI BEBT H NICOLAY nil WEDN'KSDA Y. Pott |B, lPAi at 12 o'clock, at the Merchants' E erh?ng?. N Y W?LI **D BbO?D-SV? -The FWjiB Yr.rV UuSXl-ired Ie***? from Mav, lBW.of the eligible Pretni**>* koowu M No. .'1 Will .? , ton'et of Brual Conditions of lesese are W*M b Yeerlv root for the first dre veers, ?J^*?, BBJIBfj qur ?erIy.endCrcipn-W*tsvrTax;af>er May 1. I Bel. toon ? root of e>UM per him and Warer Tu. end the Igewse to ke-n the boddiLg in geed repefr. The property now rent* t.r <M,,<W per annum, end eeeU eesilv be mule to bring For en In vestment, nothing could be offered wbirb pay* *? I***' ? r***" ?< ti >s lease. Thus an op-portuiiitv n presented feldooi to be Bet with, and should be embraced by those seeking a safe,'able and permeneo* invetrment. ' Pint-class City BonJa and Mortgages will be takea fot one halt the purchase money Per fv.l t*rv< clsr* apalr to ALBERT H. NICOLAY. No- I Broad it. A. M. Maawt?. Auctioneer. BY LUNGS, BHOTHEB A Co.? Trade-Sale Rooms, No 1 > Purk row. TT ESDA1 Merea If, IBM THE NEXT RFOLLAR TBADE-SALB of BOOKS, BTEBEOTiTE PLATF.S, STATIONERY. Be., wfli be com? menced at the above dare. The invoices thru far received prom lee ac atrreetive catalogue, which will be issued at an early day CcEstjcnjEcBts are resfecttuily ?< iicred, particulars of which should be furnished for the catalogue bamcdjately. F CesVfWj Auctioneer CONTINUATION SALE nr.! cloiine out of the CLINTON HOTEL.-THIS DAY. , r :esd?v.i Feb. 5. at I' j o'clock, 'be entire balaire of FI'RMTt be ofihe Clinton Ifot?l r. r prising about V 0 lots of mahogany Furni ere, In the n wer lifts of the building. Alan a large 'oaan'itv ot Linen Sheets. QaVfirsaBal Blanks'*; also Feelher Bed* and Hair Mat tresses, ti getber with many article* not emrrnereted. Aliut H. Nicol ?r. An-tici-? r PERFJlTTORi SALE of b VALUABLE PLOT OF OROUND, bounded by 52d and Vld-sts. and IJ?h and 1 itb avs.. with a valnabte Water Front ot 2"J feet on the Hud srr River.?ALBFKT H NICOLAY will tell at Anetten on V? EDNESDAY, Feb. 19,1S3S, at 12 o'clock, a: the Merchant*' Exchezge. N >., the valuable BLOT OF OROUND. boaoded bv 5Jd and 43d st*. and i.tb and loth av*. containing about Bfty Lots. having a front of 6lt feet 6 inches on 5Jd at.. 620 foot 1 inch on .'dd-st. and .1" feet 10 inches oa both Avenues. Ai>o, the PLOT OF OROL'NI) on the cestorlv aide of lSth Bel, having a front of JOCl'cct 10 inchee, with e depth of lOOfeet oti 5Jd end IBM its . and IWBtBlall g at>out eight Lota. This prof<?rtv offer* nnusual indr enients lor immediate im? provement, heii g in a desirable location, a d well adapted for a 'arge manufacturing establishment, re.|n.ring an etteixiva water-power and front, and poase**ing all the facilities of acceee i>eee**erv. Term* liberal and title perfect. Map* aud further particulars cau be obtained on application to ALB FHT H NICOLAY. No. i Broad-et. A. H. Nicolat, Auctioneer. VALUABLE CORNER U iTSbI yorkville a? At < TlOB ?ALBERT H. NICOLAY will aell on W EDNESDAY. Frh 13, at 12 o'clock, at the Merchants' Ex i hange, two desirable Lots, north-east corner of td a* and gerb? st. No lots oder greater inducements, as tbs 2d av. railroad nua bv thi* property. Terms easv ar.d title indisputable. For t 'I i articular* applv to ALBERT II. NICOLAY, Arn Uoaeer, Kl I BlBBd Bt. _ ProfcGoiontil Notices. ACARP.?The numtier nnil importance of the demand* on the attention of Dr. HARTLEY, on hi* re? cent vitit to thiscitv. and tho gratifying amount of success that attended hi* treatment, base Induced him to establUh an Iutti tntlon in New-York for the exclusive and sinvesafid treatment ,f FtR DISEASES. Dr. II gH*iorou?ly offer* to attend ail BMM i s sutler,ns from Partial Deafness, or Discharge* from the Ear. free of charge until cured, thereby proviug h i ekill on -,;| i ro'.i ilug the Deaf from being swiu.lle,{ by pay ?ng seit s'yled artist* exorbitant fees in advance. Consufratioa during the morning*. No. SI Or?ena--t.. user Canal Letter* -?quirit g answer* niu*t contain a *'atnp. fOHN C. BE ROH, COMMISSIONER of ?I DEEDS for HEW YORK lad Ct mmmjmmmi fot -h? s-ate* of BEW-JEBSET, COWNECTIC?T, RHODE ISLAND, Mil BIOAN Bad VVISCON8IN. No. '>? Barclay .' .dire Columbia Fire-Itnttrance Co ; Kasidence, No it Ea*t ?3d-st. If. Bl'EFINTON"* ADJUSTABLE TIME ?y? BBOISTEKS are approved and highly appreciated by buainese men, achcols, railroads, banks, insurance companies, and all persons who value system or desire to have a conseulent, complete and exact register ot time for the government of themselves aud the iLfoin.atiou of the public. They are econ? omical, eeaily adjured and perpetual; giving the hour and minute (where requisite) ?itb exactneas. and possessing a value foyond any other ever invented. Thev emues a eegfMaf Isiaaa different Register* adapted to the use* ot In livid'ial*, Incoiporated comnat iss, profe?-ional men, and are *n highly ap preeiated ley bawkseaB men that upward of 2iOH0 have, been contracted tor in advance of their mauuf*. ture. Amoug them is the Every day Register, a calendar Bjf til time, giving the days ef the week, the month Bad the days of th? nintith, per t eii ailv ; also 'he Absentee Register, showing at a g'aure the t' ur and minute of a person's return when called from his buii re**;*l?o, the Office Register, showing the office hours; the Post llffice Reghfcr; sbowl- g the ttmeVif closing the mails for the N< rth. East, South and W est; the Meal hour Reciter, giv it g the hour tut breakfaat, dinner aid *-ipper; the P?**cMjger Reg is'.-r, showing the exact time the next iraio will leave the dif? ferent point*, arid alto BM showing to pattsngcr* in each car the text atation the train will arrive at, and the 'imn the train will atop at that statt n. Maniifactured and fur sain Iit N. M. BL'F FINTON, Fall Ri>er. Mas*. For sale by OED W RKED Oerera! Agent, No. 38 Dev-st. New York; aud the principal Bookstore* thr. ughout the I'nited State*. (Ocean Steamers, &*e. IrOR CAI.IEORN'Lx.-GREAT BEDUl ITON ot FARES. ?NEW-YOHK AND CALIFORNIA STEAM SHIP LINE, nnder the lire, tien of C. V*nderbilt, for ti e Acceesory Transit Company of Nicaragua, proprietor*. 50 lb*, of beggsg> tr e.all over 10 cents per lb. Days ol tailing changed to Uth and 2Ith of eaeli month, throngb in a.lnuce of the Mails? BM mile* shorter than any other route. Through rata* of Fare to San Francisco: First Cabin. 4117V Second Cabin. SI25: Steerage. *7V The aplei.dul double engine ste.mthip STAR OF THE WEST,t.BBI tuu. hird?n. Capt. M.ner, will leave Pier No. B, North River, at 3o'cl.? k p. m , for Punta Arenas, on SATURDAY, F'sb. 9l conuecting with the ?teuinthip Cortei, 2,01*0 tun* burden, over the Nicaragua Tran? sit route, having but 12 miles of land tran*>*jrtation by (tret clean carriage*. The proprietors ran n*w assure the public that the pel 'icti tronhlee in Nicaragua have ceased; not the, slightest mterrtiptioii in ths transit tvtween the Oceans need lie appro heeded. For information or passage applv to JAMES M. CROSS, at the only office of the Line, No. 5 Bowling-green. Stamped Letter* taken at 6J cent* each. SAILING DAYS, Mh ami 20th of each month? Fonr hours trom Ocean to Ocean, by Panama Ka?mad, 50 lbs baggage free. Through tor Calif irnia. via Panama KailroaL The Mail stean.ahin Companv intrud to dispatch for Aaplnwall, on TL ESDAY, Feb. 5, at 2 o'clock p. m., precisely, from Pier (oot of W arren st , North River, the well know n and favorite ?feemahip ILLINOIS, Cattau. Chartas S. Boggs. U. S. Navy. Psetri.gers and Mailt will be forwarded by PANAMA RAIL? ROAD, and connect el Panama with the Pacifni m in Steaioshla C< mpeny'* maguili. ?i.t ?tesmehlaOOLDBM AOE. ( npu J. T. W athh s. which will Im in reailiness, and leave immediately for Sen Fraaciaco. For passage, apply to L W. RAYMOND, At the only office of the Coinpeniee, No. 177 We?^at., comer Warren-st., fronting the Nor'h Rirer, NT. t PACIFIC EXPRES8 Co., No. 124 Broad war, fir CALIFORNIA, OBECON, SOUTH AMERICA SANDWK H ISLANDS ami ( HIN A, fat Steamer IL LINO IS, Feb. 5, in charge of a ?pecial tm<**euger. Freight received uutU 12; small parcel* and letter* until 1J o'clock on day of seiliag. _WM. H. HALL. Agent. No. 121 Broa?lway. FOR C HARLF^f ONTnd FLOBIDE MI WEEKLT U. S. MAIL LINE.-The new end ?plendid S'eau..hi| MARION. W Foster, commander, will leive Pier No. 4, N R., on WE0NESDAV, Feb. 6, at 3 o'clock p.m. precisely. For Freight apply on board, where all bills ot la dn g will he. ais-ned; and for Passage at the office of SPOP FORD. TILESTON k Co., No. 2? BM*.Iway. Cabin Pisaage #25. The bs-autiful ami fast-going Steamer JAMES ADOER, S. C. Turner, roinmao.rnr, will succeed, and leave on SATUR? DAY, Feb. B Tne favorite StraaBBK CAROLINA makes regu? lar tripe tn the van>u? landings on the St. John's River Florida, erriDecting with ths ?feameri from New-York and 1-avirig Ch?r!e?ton EVERY TUESDAY at 2 o'clock, p. m. . - gh ticket* to Jacksonville $31; to Pilatka $33. FOR SAVANNAH and FLORID A. -UNITED STATES MAIL LINE.?The new and splendid ateam*hlp KNOXVILLE, C. D. Ludlow. commander, will leave New fi rk for Savannah on WEDNESDAY, Feb. 6,Lorn pier No. 4, North Kirer. at 3 o'clock p. m. precisely. 1: ... of lading ligned by the i lerk on bnarL For freigla a| pi] 0B hoard, or f.r pasaage to HAM'L l. MITCH ill, No is Broadway. ( abln peuase to Sevennab, ?25; for Florida, through tickets to Jacksonville, g>j|; Pilatka, B33. Large end commodious steanier* leave Savannah for Florida three tiniee a week, connecting with the steamer* Dom New York on Tuesday* arid Saturdays. The ?teamer ALABAMA. Oeorge. R. Schenrk, commander will ?ureeed the above, and leave on BA pitbdat, Fob. ?. ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP AT'RICA.?For LIVERPOOL.-The AFRICA. Neil Shannon. Command! > r "..II sail from the Companv'* Do. k at Jer*ev Ci'v with the Mail* Bad Pass* mers for Europe, ou W FiDNESDAY the6th of Febmaiy. at V aft '.o> k precisely. Passej,g^r* are reqnexte.1 to )le> on board by 91 a. m. The PERSIA will ?ail on the Ash Fehrnary. _E. CUNARD, No. 4 Bowling green. THE HBW>TORK aad UYEBFOOL L^'lTro STATES mail STEAMEilS.?The *uiD* cocciioaing thit Bae are the f. llowing: ATLANTIC. Capt. Weet. PACIFIC, Cept. Eldrldga. BALTIC, ( apt. Comstock. ADRIATIC. These ships having been built by contract e*pse*?tj Bar the O.vemc.ei.t service every cere has been Uken in their cow atru liou. as also in their au*riu.e. to BMBBB *trenartb aad apami ?nd their accommodations lor posaenger* are for ei*> gance aud comfort. Price of pessege from New-York te Liver? pool, in first cla*? cabin, B1J0; in a*miA4?., <>7?j eielaaiva ase of extra-eiae slate room*, 4>3*ft| from Liverpoel te New Tork, 30 end 20 guineas. An experienced Surgeou artaehad ti each ahip. No h*rth seeered until naid far. PROPOSED DATES OP SAILINO. raoMxrw voaa. noa uvtxrost. SATURDAY_Jan. *, IsW,SATURDAY.Dee, a. IBM 8A1 URDAY....Jan. IB, ls*s>; SATURDAY.Jan. 12 IK* 8ATCRDAY' ? Feb. 2, ia*A;WKDNBSDAY..Jan. 23-1K5? SATURDAY-Feb. W. l?Vi, W P.DN E.SDAY. .Feb. ?' lttf SATUHDAY-Mar. 1. IlvW WEDNESDAY..Feh ?'U*S SATURDAY....Mai. 15, 1(3(4 WEDNESDAY. .Mar. A IS SATURDAY....Met. 29, IBSBlWEDNESDAY..Mat 13 list SATURDAY....April L2. IBM. WEDNESDAY.. April 2 list SATURDAY....April ?, IBM WEDNESDAY..April Id' IS i JBi IBM m_m_ _ ' WEDNESDAY. .May 14, lafit Tot Fr ight cr paaaasr* apolv to EDw-D k. Collins, n... ,? waii^t. h. t. brqwn SHIPLEY k CmLLlv.rpoot STEPHEN KENNARD k 6a, ^ _ _ ?,.. No. 27 A ne'e n Friars, Loadoa. B. O. WAINRIOHT k Co,, Paria Tee cewnars ef rheee ships will act be aacoaatabie for gold ?Wr-r, hmlion specie. Jewelry, precious *?*,<?* or me tars, ta? ke** bill* of lading are signed theretor. and the value fJaesW tb-r-.- expressed. ' Shippers will please take notice that the ffilp* sf ?vli IVa* Bannet carry any goods ccmUabaad of war. THE british ?nd north amkricai ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. i rom CtW-'OftC TO LIVXRrOOU Chief CsMn P*s*eg*.ait*) Second Ctbin Paaaeg*. f| HOK KOtTOSLffv LITiaroOL. ( tief CaJaa P****^. Second Cardn I'wiip. fa *p-? "Mr* from Rcetuai ceil at Hal. fax. PFs.' S'A. Cent. Jedkina, CA N'ADA. Cap*. Lane. A RAI. 'A. J. St. oe. AM K.RICA. Cap*. .<?aa> ASM < ? E- O Lott, NIAGARA, Cent Rvria, AFRICA, ,*M- lUrrieoo. I EUROPA, Cspt J L*,Um\ The** ve?*els cry a fleer while light at oaaet heed | pana aa I art* *rd bow : reden portdsow AFRIi A. Shar .oo...l*?*r* ?York W-dt sadey. F*k. < lA**t ARABIA. St..r n.learn Bewies. Wavluesday, K-.? i t. latt, PKBSft, Jidkin... |.?ve. N.T.ft Peh Att IR*t, t *N U'A. Lang.leaves Pr?trwi Wssliieeday, Pah 27 igte, ASIA, I ax*.leave* N.York Wsawi.ilay, M'h > la**, Vhe... leave* Boston VWlueeday, M'h II, lk*A\ AFRICA, Shannon.. Iraree N.York Wednesday, M'h I?, life*, Berth* not secured antii paid far. An experiences! surgeon on board. The owners of the** ahip* will not be eccoenteM* for (MA Silver. Bullion. Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stone* or Metal*, aa lea* bilif of lading are abroad therefor, and the rale* thereaf therein rrpr'?*e<L Forfr*i*ht or Passage trplv to V C I NARP). So. 4 Bowtrag i PATRIOTIC LINE.?New Line of NEW- V< >Ri and LIVERPOOL PACKETS. Thi* lie* will he ?aa> Basse.! of the lollowu g new end srilrml'd *hip*. via: CA I lit .IN.J.OM tail* bwdeo.... Car*. l>. H. Trviaa* PI ( LAY.1 5nfl tun* bnrd*u....C*pt- David Caolktrga, WEBSTER. 2,nr?J tun* bnrdeo.. ..CapC j j Lawrwag ORIENT.J,OHOtiin*borden....C*p<. Oeo I MiaL The ?Hove vewsel* bare been recently beiit, and are avgeet ai d ni?et a-ihatentiaJ in the ir? 1? Tbey are commanded by meti of experience and ability. 1 ace I tnoi'.?t:oi.? mro rery iipen.>r. and every exer-io-i wilt ha to promt* the rorn'fort of paaeengera and the cour ~ at shipper*. For Freight cr Passage apply to SPOFFORD. TILI - PI ?N k Ca., No 29 Bfai? Agent* ix Liverpocd-T. ORIMSHAW A Co.. No. H <\\xm Pias*._____ 1?OK L1VER1VOL.-WITH dispatch.? PATRIOTIC LINE ?The favorite and comniodiaea Packet Slip HENRY ?LAY Cap*. D. Ca .lau... will ?all aa ?luve. For frei.M or passage, ba.iug very .nperkn *.c..maaa? datioo* aprls OK hoard at Tier N... A N R , or ia ?he iifaMaf B DFFORD TILFSTOB A ? a . Na M Bwadargay. F ?teamboate on? Raiiroa?e. _ OR BOSTON and PROVIDENCB ria new? P?T *i I KALL RIVER.-Tie splendid ai.d a?Pjrk? tteemerllAY STATE. Cot. T. t*. 'j^'j"-' ?5TaI_l every TUESDAY THdESDAY and SAT1 RDAT. at 4 " c'oak *, n?. ; an.! EMPIRE STATE. Cef* B Brayton leave, New. i rk ever, gao.NDAY. vVEbNESDAl a-d FBtDAT, g?J a^lock. p m , from Pier Rat 3 N. R.. near the Battery. Bath touching at Newport each way. Hereatt. r no will be regarded a* aecured to any app? east until the *ame ?hall have been paid for. Freight to Boaton i* forwarded lirougb with great di.pataak kj aa Eipreaa Kre.ght Train. .-.-*?_. W M. BORDEN, Agent, So*. ^0 and T| W..*t*t, THE REGIT1.AR MAIL LINK via STONINO TON tor BOSTON. PROVIDENCE. NEW BBDFORSk and TAl'NTON ? Inland route without delay, ckang* of ear* at baggage, carrying uia Eaatero Mad. The .tc-rw. C. VANDERBILT. Capt \V IL Pia**?, aad COMIVODOEE, Capt J. K. Penddeton.iu cnaect-.u wkfj th* Skanlagtiai ai d riiiiliaaaaaa *nd avaataai aad IV ..Ideoag) Railroad*, leaving New-York dady (Suudav - aa* if ? U tmm paar No. 2 N. B., (drat wharf above Battery place.I at 4 p. tu . atat BaajEvaakaa at ?:*> p. m., or on arrival w/ the Mad train, wkAyh , h.-t- ii at S.Sfl p. m. The Ci'MMoDoRE. from New Tork ?Monday, W e-laea 4ay ai d Friday Friera Stoni igU.o?Tue*d*y, Tunrwiay aaS SaMrday. The C. VANDERBILT, from New \ rk-Tue. i,?, 1?iaa> day and Saturday. From Stouingtou?Monday, M'edu*wdgay and Friday. Faaeeng. r* proceed from Sfonlngton per Railr ad to Proet deuce. BrwHm, Taunfon and New fca U:e Expreaa MaSj treha, reaching said place* aereral bonr* in edrance of thewa ay other routee, and in ample time for all the early Morruag Lii o* connecting North and Ea*t. Paaaeuger* who prefer R remain on board the *r*ain*r, enjoying a ulghl'a real undk> turbed, breakfaitlng U deaire l, and leave St.i nngwu la tag) 7 a. in. train, connecting at Providence with the II a. na. Uaaa (or Boaton, TaunUn and N?w BedfonL A Rag**** Matter accoinpanle* the Steamer ar.d Train Ihiuagk each way. F..r pneaage, lierih?, atato r iom? or freight aeply at Pfcay No. I North River, or at the otnoe. No. 10 B*il?ry place._ CENTRAL RAILROAD of NEW-JERSEY, katuainnrtaawttbtkeLEHIOH valley HAii.ROAB ape*e<i to Mam h Chunk?Winter errang.?? .on'iieocaaj Boy. 19, 18AA Lear* New-York for Maarh Chunk and t-jte*> mediate placea from Pier No. 2 North River a1 7:??a m. i tat Eatxea, at 7 a, in. and 3:l> p. m. i for Souierviil*, at TaW aad gtrita at., BtlAaaSdlStm. The above tram* connect at EBaakatk with bruia*ieti th* Naw-Jataay Raiiroaif, leavmg N*w. York from toot of Courtlandt it at 7:*i and II a ra .Sajalfj a m. JOHN O. STERNS, 8ur?irtnUnd?nt. C_AMDEN and AM BOY RAILROAD LI^bj for rniLADELPIIIA-WU! until further notic* teaaf Pier No. 1. N. it . at 10 o'clock, a. in. Fare #2 2\ The < a. m. and 2 p. m. Line* are discontinued. Erai*ran? Linea at| ami 4 .?'el ^ k p. in.. a* uauaL_IRA BLISS, Ageak. 'lTj8IiTN43 RAILROAD.?Tke ~ ?t*5anibMe*4 ISLAND CITY learee Fulton Ferry wharf,oortk iida.gS *H, I and ''am; 1,4 and 1pm. daily, meeting aud ei.-nana? kog pa**engera with the CARS at Hunter'* Point, (oppoalte tUtV it ) which leave Flushing tt the same hour*. Penou* can ga ta F.uthing by any of these traiu*, ai.d retiun bv the neat or aery succeeding train. Through lu Sa minntea. Fare 2A aaavka GREAT C ENTRAL R~0 TTt eTZ The Through Tb ker ard Freight Office of the GEE AT (VEBTEEN RAILWAY MICHIUAN CENTRAL Ii vlLKoAD, Aad their Railn?<l and Steamboat Cotmectiona to Chloa**, Milwaukee, Oaler.a, Burlington, St. Lo its, Cairo, aud all potaa* n nl and South we*t, tie SPSPENSION BRIDOE, BHFFALO, or OSWEOO. lagt No. in BROADWAY, N. Y. Comer of Courtlar.dt it, DARIUS CLARK, Ageag. HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD^-On and after MONDAY, Jam 21, I8.M, the Train* will I save Cliaiuhea*. at. State u as foliowai Expr.iaa Train, 7 a in., cuuuse-ting w?k K'urtheru and Western Tralm Through Way Traiu, 12 m. Ba> pre** Train, 5 p, m. For Poughkeepale. 9 a. m. and 1: V p. na. For Peek.kill. VH> p. tu. For Bk u llaa, 4 p. in, Tke Slrtf Sing and Peekakill Tralua atop at the. Way Station* p...- *. re issei, at Chambers, Canal, Chrisaipber and list at*. SUNDAT MAIL TRAIN at 4p. m. from Canei-st. fur Albany aud Troy, stopping at all Mail Stiaton*. _ M. L. SYKES, Ja., Burjatin tend***, LONG ISI*AND RaTlROAD-fSundaji et* cepted)?Leave Brooklrn (or Oreenport, in a. m. | tar Yaphank, in a m., and Saturday H:l*> p.m.; for Farmingdila ana Syosset, 10 *, m. and 3:a4 p. m.; for llempstea l, 10 a. ia.1 13 m., and 3:44 and 5 p. m.; for Jamaica, 10 a. m., 12 na., 3:S( S. and fl:J0 p. un Leave Ciranupurt for Brooklyn, 1<I a aaj Yaphank. lltM a. m., on Monday*. 6:10 a m. j Lakeland UM p in nn Mondaya, 6:3t a. m ; Farmbiadale, 7:10 a na aadl p. m. ; Syoaset 7:35 a. nn and 1 p m. , Hempatead, <:3,> a a. ai-: < p. m.; Jamaica, 6:40,7:40, aud 1:4? a. ta. aud t\B aud 4:40 p. nn MICHIGjVN SOUTHERN RAILROAD LINE. -Trtyelan for CHICAOO, ST. LOUIS, i ANSAS taf all pr ints West and South west, can obtain Through Ticket*, anil all information concerning routee, f*rn, A.., either by th*) BlEW-YOEK ARD ERIE RAILROAD, QJ new roRE CENTRAL RAILROAD, by appiu. ?tion at Uta Company*? 0* Ice, No. IM Broadway, onrnar Dey aL JOHN F PORTER, General AgaalJ JEW-YORK ami NEW-HAVKN RAILROAD WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ? ommencing Dec. 3, USA Passenger Stations 1 Comer Broadway and Caual-tt, lu New York.... ( Corner ttfltheL aud 4th ar. Tbsixi La*va New Yoan?For New Haven: t.lta, ffi ll 12 m.; 3. (Ex. I 3:20, and 4 p.m. For Bridgeport: T.l a at., (Ex.) IJ m., 3 (Ex..) 3:20,4 p. m. For Milton, Strttf'ira, FairCeld. Southport and We..port: Tim.; 12 m.; 3:20,4 p. sa> For Norwalk: 7Y m.; 12m.; 3 (Kx.,1 3:'?W,4, 5:15 p. m. Far Darian and Greenwich: 7 a. m. j 12ni.; 3:20, 4, 5:15 p. m. P*f Stankr.l:7, 8 a.m. lEx.)| 12 m., 3 (Ex.), 3:20, 4, 5:15 f. av i 7 a in , li aral I N For Pi rt Chaatag and lntennodiaoa Station* J.JO, 4, 5:13, ?:1.5p. m. CoroircTiau TasiJia?For Boefmi: 8arn (Fx)i ?p.m. (Fx.? For Hartford and Springfield: 1a.m. (Ex.); II a,' p. m. (Ex.) For Coniiectlcut River Railraed to Mnuuraali * a. m. (Ex.) For Cans! Railroad: 8 a. rn. (Ex ); IJ m. to WaaV ueld. For New-London RaJlroed: 8 a. Ba. I 3 p. m. tot Hmt aeK.nic Rmlroail: ? t. m. For Naugatuek Railroad: la ai ? rm- (Ex.) For Danbnry and Norwalk Rai road t Tata., p in. Taafftiroa Naw Yoaa?From New Haren 5 *, 7, am.: 1:44 (Ex.); 4:?, ?:25 p. m. (Ex.) From Brtdgey*?? ?tl0,7:+0, 10:18 a. m.; 2:22 (Ex.), 5:M, 9:"< p. rx (Ex) rrsvB Norwalk: 6.6i44,8:lS, 10:52a em ; I :4b (Ex.). '.: IsV 9:?^ ? (Ex.) From Port Ckeeter: 5:Sr.- 8:13, 7:2?. ?:57, 11:30a Bb| e:27 p. rm_JAMES II. HOYT. Surjeriuteodaak^ NEW WIDE-OACGE ROUTE from i^KW. YORK to ROCHESTER.?The ROCHESTER on* GENESEE VALLEY RAILROAD u now open, and, is ***? i.e. in i, with the B?ffele, Corning and New-York, and NewYssvT and Firie Railroad*, form* * direct mute from New Yosk ? Rochester. Tke direerness of thi* route, together v/ith the superior e?a> ort afforded by the wide cars, rander* it by far the meat ***** thi* between the above named cttiee. Ticket* can be procured at tke New York and Erie RaAraat tVket Office, foot of Duane-st., and No. 11)3 Broadway , al**? Jersey City. Baggage checked through. Freight* will be transported bstwseu N-wT rk an 1 tesw aster with distatch. Any Infematkeo desired in regard i aan be obtained by calling ok the Oeuer*l Freight Agsat af mat New-York and Erie Resiroad, Erie B?dding*, Of C. SR TAP FAS Eapres* Freight Agaal. No. 19? Broa.|way No train* oo tk? Buffalo, Coraiag and Sew York Rallseed* Sunday._J. A. REDFIELD, 8upermt*??katt TgJEW-Y'ORK and ERIK RAILROA?-t l^ai.d after MONDAY Dec. 31, IkW, and untlt fnrth** a****. Pasawiajat Train* will Ware Pier foot of Duane ft. a* Ms*****, BUFFALO EXPRESS, at 7 a, m. for Buffalo 4M rhange -A I aggago or ears. Al Hornellsvtlle thi* ta with a way traiti fur Lsyrnkirk axd all rUUous ua kk* W? .. , MAIL, at 45:15 a ra. tor Dunkirk and Bnf*f*U> ?dkl** diate itattrm*. Passing era by this traiu will roeia"' afar n\w* at Owego, and proceed the text morn lag. ,_, NEW BURGll EAPBKSS, at 4 p.m., for Newossmh aVtaat, without change of cars. a* ROC KLAN ? P AS.-iE vi iE R, at 4 p. aa. *4a Suferu*?. 4W Piemxnt, and interaaediate Siatioua. WAY PA.SSa.BGFR. at I p. nv, fu* OiiavtUa aed InU*** diaie Station*. N IOHT EXPRESS, at I p. m for IV^nkirk and Buffal* EMIGRANT, at ?p. m. for DunkUk aad Butial-i and *?**? Biedaate stati^asa. No Traia ar ill leev* on SUNDAY . _* Theae Expraa* Train* connect ai Bkmar* with the Elrratra*** Niagara Palla Railroad for Niaaaaa Falls, *t BurfsjosasiaWs kirk with the Lake Shore Railroad for Cleveland. Ciacas*s*>> Toledo, Detroit, ( hieego, Ac. , _D. C. McCALL?M. Oeneral Sapwlsi^*^ NEW-JER?ET~RAIi^sR^AD-^Fot "FHll> DFI.ITMA. a:d tf.j SOUTH and W1CST, rt* 'R*??5 CITY -United State* Mail aud Kxprea* Lutea le**r* Wear-'f" ) and 11am. and 4 aad 4 p. m Tkrosatk ia foar a*"* ?2 74 at 4, aud 4)3 at? aud 11 a, aa. aad a a. ra. Tk* o~*Z. J*rs? \A,c ir,o Nation Liu* leive* ai 1! m , al *1. tt-*n\\ tj all way ptaBhfga Throng h TiakeAa *sdd Bar I ioejsm**^y 4 17 land the W e.?. a..d for BaiUa?..i. Waahs-isTto*. *itx*\m\ ke a*,J aoi th ii?d*a1-AvMSj M A ailv^j' #*>**?*