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H TTDFON RIVER RAILROAD COUPi^ ? m. BOTlCE.-lo urn i|BBM~ vt obrunctkm o-M ^ ^k pa~>r,rrs are req *?? > '??? ?! fron 31st-si tSrh<n erctU further notice. **- ???V/TJjr., Hrrpn. Tj?jS'>8TLVA1.IA RAILROAD. ? THREE J DAILY THROUGH TRAINS BETWEEN PMIL4 SV/LPHIA and PITTS Hi'ROM.--The MORNING MAIL BRAIN leaves Philadelphia for Pittsburgh it 71 i ra and heave. Pi'tsbnrgt for Philadelphia ?Hm. The FAST LINE foev. ? Podaderphla for I'lttsturgh et 12 30 p. m.. end Pittsburgh for fhtl?drl|.hie ?t 2 30 p. m. TUE NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN leere? Philadelphia for Htuburgh at 11 p. m., and Ettteharah for Philadelphia at 9 SO p. no. The tbove lluee r?nnen et Pitts! urgh with the raUroeda to lead tn u> St Loci?, Mo ; Alton, Ualeua and Chicago, Illlnoii; rtmakfort, Losh.gton, a?d Louisville. Ky.; Terre Haute. Mali eec, i ? ' ? . I|..;'.?, Ind.; Cincinnati, Devton, %rt.?6<;.!. Beflefoiiteiue, Senduekv, Toledo. Cleveland, Co Bbbii -"? MaaaTliii a .1 U ... >r, Ohio; alao with the ?ii?n. Parket boats from and to New-Orlean*. St Louie. Louie mtVm *' d Car*. I al Far further particulars tee hand bills In the hotel* of thla city. Fesser.ger* will find thi* the *horte*t. mtawexpsvdilJou* ai.d octn *T*ftaMe mete between the Eeet arid Weet **w*vtigli ticket* ran be had at either of the shove mentioned piece* .., in? West, or ..f J. H. Bl Ti K, Agent, New-Jersey Railroad Co^ foot of Courtlendt *t., New-York. J. L. ELLIOTT. Agent Pennsylv*. is Railroad Co., Ft* 2 Aster House. Broedwav New-York. THOMAS Ml ?>hE, Agent, cor. I lib end Market-ete. etarw York. Jan., IVm._Philadelphia PE1W8. I.VANIA RAILROAD.--THEOREAT ( LVRTBAL Hi 'i TT tm i eat a| the A treats. gfgJsa with Weefem, Nor'h -we?tem. and South-w^s-em States, by a em Shvaous Railway direct. The Road aleo roonee'* at Pittsburgh With daily line of Stran-er? to all ports In the Weatern Rivera, and at Cleveland and Sandusky with ate arc er* to all ports on eke North-western Lakes-making 'he mist direct, cheapest and satiable route by which ER EI OUT can be forwarded to and Rom the Great We*t RATr I BEI H EEN PHILADELPHIA and PITTSBUROH. Flaat Class. ?Brx.ts, Shoes, Dry Ooods, ('n ( 1M boae?,) Pur*, Feathers, kc.J >**? P** iw a ?Hcoan Cla**.?Book* and Stetiorierv. Dry 1 wood*, (in hale*.) Hardware, Leather, / 7Sc. per 100 ft Wool, he.J Taian I las?.?Anvil*, Bagging, Bacon and | ,? Pork, (in hula .) Hemp, kc...{ Wc- P*r 100 -*> Foobth Cisaa, CeaTeo, Fi#h, Bacou and}.. ,^ _ Perk. (pack..),) Leidend Lard Oil.J SOe- P*' 100 ft h ?hlipmg Good* from g?.,ii.t rast of Philadelphia, be par aValar to ? at a the BBckafla " via Railroad." All fffood* consigned to the Agents i,f this Kcaxd at Philadelphia at Fsttshurrh, wnl be forwarded without deiention. AnrsTv?Harri..Wormlev A Co., Memphis. Tenn. | R F. S*aa a t. i . iv Son., Kv*n*v!He, Ind. i DbbbiiibH, Bell fc Mardoek, and f ?rter a Jewett Lonis wktle. Kj ; B. C. MaMnBBl, M?di?m. lad. ; Sprigmati k Brown, Bod Irwin a. Co., Cincinnati: N. W. Graham lr Co., Zanesrille, Ohkii Leech k Co., No. 64 Kilhy-st., Boston.; Leech k Co., No. 9 Aster HassBB, New-York, No. 1 William-*'., arid No. t Battery ?Ute. New-York; E. J. Sneeder, Philadelphia; Magraw A Koone, Baltimor. , Oeo. C. 1 raucKcns, Pittshurgh. For ferrker particular* or bills of lading, apply to LEECH a. Co., AgenU Penn. Railroad Co., No. 2 Astor Uou?e, New-York. H. II HOUSTON, General Freight Ageut, Philadelphia, H. J. LOMBAF.KT, Superinteudeut, Altouna, Penm itlcbicat. MEDICAL DISCOVERY.?SolepHtenteil, with royal privilege if her M?;e*ty the Que.-n of Spain, as a Vegetable Remeby, ?u| erior to any hitherto known, for the redi Bel cure of the most obalinate di-eeae* resulting from JinpuritT efthe Blood. ' Dr. OAN DL L'S DEPUBATTVE ROB, tested for a number years, loth in hospital* and private practice in Europe arid Am, i ra, i* acknowledged to posse a* a decided excellence and eejeriority over every medicine devised for ?uch inaladie*. hav? ing Lever failed of exhibiting sinking example* of salutary* ef? forts in arresting theino?i in?e'er?te Svplnlie, Scrofula, Dropsy, I'lrer*. Caucer*. >lrysi]<lae. White Swelling*, all Skin Erup? tions. Evil* ef Mercury, and the host of dreadful Chronic Dis? ease* ac;nired or bereditery. Thi* valuable remedy, ot ?nrprising efficacy, discovered by Dr. Gaiidul, alter incessant scientific inveetgetions into the veg ?/fable kingdom, and eomponnded tno?tly of preciou* medicinal nlaiits ot the celebrated Island of Cuba, claim* the favor of *af fcrrrt placed beyeud the reach of inedies] skill. Directions and Certificate* a.icmtei.i each bottle. For sale by the following Agent* ami ir.-njal firnggis s in the Uuited States, England, Frai.i e, Sj a.n, \\ e?t Indies an I South America Bostcn, Iti nrmm. fc Co. j New York, A CUSHMAN k Co., E.AS. FONOERA, ED. GANDELET; Trenton, N. J..TH0?. BoaiALL; Philadelphia. Bl'Ll.oCK k CaJUUNUW, J, BltrHAM, Kami k CHBBOWBTti, Baku* & DrllAV.A; Wilmington, Del., Ed. BrixchvbsT; Baltimore, Colimav k Ronr.Bt; Norfolk, J. Brouciitov ; Richmond, Ya.. Laiulv k RoBlksos , Charlee too, S. C. Pa.sKla a Uhin -. Neu Oileatis J. Llado. MRS. M. J. MA HIN, Psychical Phyiinao and Thera|euti*t, No. ?3 Weit AttiiL. New York. hour*; 10a.m. to 2 p.m. and 4 to C p.m. (Suuday* and Weni.esdey* ex> epted) for ladle* only. Examiuatiou* and pre Btri; tu Dg (i i gei.tli m, n by letter. It is not nerexary to eeter into long details of what ha* or ran he done, or to reUte miraculous cures performed by thi* or that SrBirdy ; it i* enough to say that infterer* from no matter whet SUrase may find relief. The probability is that nine on' of ten af all the apparently hopele?? rnsee maybe entirely cured by afev. week* ol careful attention on the part of the patient, anU d by the advice ot the physic lan. It is a fact not to be deuied that BoousaLd* of persona die annually without having the moss re? mote idea of the eauae of their decease. They suppose.! from aertaiu aymptoms that they had this or that disease, and por? ker* tin > bad, but the rouse wa* the difficulty not understood. The secret of the snecess of loose who examine psychically i* this, they go directly to the eavit. and removing it, the diaeese follow ? as a neee*?ity. The remedies I use are purely vegela Me, and prepared with great care under my Immediate super aiaton. and they are confidently relyd upon a* Nature'* renio ?Hal agents for the restoration of health. Particular directions given for each case, ami adapted to the condition in life, temper? ament, and gen. ral chartietei of the patient. TliRHt ?The first examination and prrncriplion *.'. if the pa? tient i? present, and 8> 1? if abeent. Ail suheequent exaintua kk.ii* t-i. Perron* *p|lying by letter muat stale the name, aex and age of the pete at, together with the leading featuree af the rase. No charge to the truly poor. VILES, FILES, PILE8.?i'mTdR. dit'RIE'8 celdbrsled Remedies, warranted to curs in ell eases, out araroly or inn ardly. Only Vi rent* per box. Priucipe'offire No *? Baaaaa at., N. Y. \\ ill he sent by mail to suy part of toe United State*. Will cure only the Pile*. S~A N D 8' 8 A R s A P A R I L L A - FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. '1 he rare medicinal virtue* and astonishing efficacy crt this ttvaluahle I reparation is immediately evidenced in raren whero an tu i?veria)ied ai.d diseseed condition of the blood cause* eiQ|tion*. blotches, and sore* to break out upon the aurface ef the body. It* opcra'inn is ?peedv, while its effect* are permanent, healing and renovating. Prepared and for sale by A B k D. SANDS, No. 100 EiU on st, T'HE GREATEST BEVERAGE of the AGE. IW. GILLIES k BUOTHEKS'svlebreted DANDELION COFk EE ie a> km ? i?dged lo bo equal to the tines: old Mocha Coffee, ai.d the meat eflcrtueJ remedy for Dj IM I sia, ll...,.u Bess Oetai M i. ent (>f tlie Liver, Nervousness, i.e. VV. GIL? LIES k Hill) Nos. 23.S and 23t Washiiigtoii-st.. importer* of the Dai delKin Kent, and aole manufarturei I ol the pure aud un? adulterated DA NI > E1. ION Cor FEE. put up in tiu can*, with afar simile of our signature on each wrapper, a* a protertioa against imposture. Sold by A B. V D SANUS, 100 Fulton-*!. THE GREATE8T MEDICAL DISCOVERY of the mo Mk. KENNEDY/ of Roxbnrr has discovered In one of our cotn swii i sstore v. ? . <.. a remedy that ruse* EY I R Y KIND af If If. Mt'K Ji; as Iht v rit Srr'fyla d.'trn to a roreeine PimpU. He has tried It in over eleven hundred ease*, and never failed axrrpt in two case*, both thunder humor. He has cow in hi* possessio, ov rr tv. o hundred certificate* of it* value, all wrtiita twenty n.ilr* of Boston. Two bottle* are warranted to cure a nursing sore m. .?'h. Ore to three bottles w ill care the worst kind of pimples ob the face. Two or three bottles will clear the system of biles. Two bottle* ere warranted to cure the worst tanker In the mouth and atom*, h. Three to five bottle* at* warranted to cure the worst ca*a of aay*irela*. One er two bettle* sre warranted to cute all bauuor in the ayea Two bottle* are warranted to cute running ef the ear* and hiotchr* among the hair. Peer or sia bottle* are warranted to cure corrupt and running; akaam One bottle will rare scaly eruption* of the *km Two or three bottlet are warranted :o cure the wortt. a-s "f ringwonii. Two or three bottle* ate warranted to care the roost deaprre'e aase ot rbeuniatiain. Three to four bottle* are warranted to cBre aalt-rhaom. five to eight bottles will cure the wots' rase of scrofula. A benefit i* always experienced trout the first bottle, and a perfect cure i? Warrant?d when the above quantify is taken. Notbieg look* *o Improbebl''t . th..*e who bare in vain tried all Ike wonderful ( f the day, as that a common weed grewii? on the perlure* and along old ttoue walls, should cure ?verv humor in the system ; vet >: is a fixed fact. If you have a asamcr. it las to *t*rt. There are uo if* nor auda, bum* nor ha'*, about it suiting some races, but not yours. I peddled over a thousand bathlea it it iu the vk tnlty ol BeaataaV 1 know the ef? forts ef It in every i ase. It has already done some of the great SMt rerre ever dcu e in Ma***jchu*etra I gave it to children a tsar eld. to old people of ?ialy. I have *eeti poor.peuy, wormy wkmg children. wl?ee flesh was M ft and dalby, reitored lo a perfect state ef braltii by one la-i'ar. Tw those who are tuS ect to a sick headache one bol'le will Brwayacure it. It give* great relief ha ratarrb end diaaaiee*. Nome who have taken it have been costive tor years, and have been regulated by it. Where the body is sound it work* quite easy, but where there i* eny derangement of the functions of aature. it will cause very singular feeling*, but von mutt not be alani.ed; tbey always *diaap|ea: in from fo*ir dav* to a week. There w never a bed rciult from it, ou the contrary, wheu that BBeiiag is gone, you w?l feel yourself like a new person. 1 heard some of the moet extravagant* of it that a>er aaan liaieued lo. Msi cf*. tared t.v DONALD KENNEDY. No. 129 Warren at., Real Mas* Price Si. \\ h. .. -ale A?e. i* ( r New York C v. CLIO.-EN'F.R k Co , No. ?I Bariiav *t | ( HABL1 s B KINO, No. 1 ??.' Broadway ; A. H v D. .??AND?. No 141 WUIlam-et MARSH. ORVIS at Co., No. 1.? Greenwich s? ; SCHIEFFELIN, BROS. VC, Be. 170 William st ; ROI D i PAUL, Chamber?-?- i vTBLLS 4 Co. No. UAPrai kiiii ?t ; MeKlSSON. roiibins a i ,. N?. IM MtsdlB iBBi I If*"" HAKRAL k R:sLFY. War raw it iB kKNES v PARK BtH Hr. tdwaj . \s AUD. < Lose. * Co, Mailei la'f; Mrx H Ai S. Brooklvu ; eml for sale at selail by all re*|ex'eb!e Druggist* 'hruughout ihe Umou. VERGNES1* ELECTRO-CHEMICAL BATTIS ? Prof. VEBONES. the d.ecovorer of tie ar?ce?* for ex leacting Mel*l. iron: the Human >? ai No IM Bn?4-.y. TLtte Baths not oidv extract metal.ic medi- iiies from the hu B?*os>?,,: hags are peculiarly elTicai-iou* in reliev-ng th >?e aaaVru c fri m Rhei.ii afiam (se'ut, Neuralgk Phi-*. Weekue>*s, Bf Coatra, lions ot the Limbs. Sprain. Sj.i.y. A-' . on*. Uterine ?bstru.ti..: . ?i ,t Eruption* en the Skm The Pmieasxir himaelf ?e bte undivided attention ?o rati. nt?. Spe< ial department Ladle*. Tbee'v ?xi laired to S'udent* at No. 7|t) Hros-twav. Ccgal iVoliccB. NOTICE ,, ALIGNMENT.?Notic? ib heresy en tut Ralph THOMAS ef tha I Itj td P* ? ??be i.unt, sf Passak aid Stats ol New Jersey bath this 3 ,; " ?n , . ,..-ir . .(.,, I s I !.;a .????e. r-.-el *TT fyot-i *l in tru.t for the equal benefit of bis e.odtsui*, and " 'be said rresUtor* must exhibit their IBaptStleB ShalmS aTiiV*""1 tn sBrsnaiion witliui three nmothe frocn the date t . -"?'aaaiei.t. DateJ th . -i. rt.e-b .lav of J?nt?ury eightasja "l;:^'^' S - ' AN m 4.CONER. IN PDR8TTAJW K of aa nrtlw ?( the 8am>g*t? ? ?f ?>>? I i, . f V.w Y T, BOttre it hereby , ,?n ,, ,() having titln? against OOKNELIHS V. a. KaNM fa of tk* City of New-Tort, deceased, to the witk vouchers tfeveef, tothe subscriber tt tre ftVa of f Q rmbr'e, No 51 Wtll tt., in Use City of New-York ea or be fere the ftth dav ef Janatry neat.?Dated New-York the zvt daycf Juiy. 9ft SALLY U KANE jy'.t Itw in Tu*_ Administratrix. IX the matter of the E8TATE~of 8AMTJEL ? BERN'S, deceased -Notice le hereby ores that 10 purer. ante of an order of the Surrogate of the City tod County U New York all pertoi.s having claims against the aetste of SAM I EL Bl'RNS, deceased, are regaested to ?resen-the eejie v. (ft their vcurliere, to JOHN If. JACKSON No 7.55 Bf?atV way. in the City of New-York, on or before lat September next, taYlewearTa* WILLIAMBOOEEB A,f,, IX PURSUANCE of an order of the Surrogat? of the Ciainty of New-York, notice 1a hereby given to a'l jer??t? having cisin.a again.! WILLIAM JaSkVaT VaH EANDT,Uta of Ihr? City af New.Tatfe, deeeae-d. la present fl e ?an e. with wuchtre thereof, to the sabsrriber at her r?w det , e No. as Third tvenae, it trie r.-T of Saw York on or be? ll re the tilth day ef .love next? Dated New-York the Uta aar of November, 1*54. SOPHIA a. VAN ZANDT Execarrix. IX PURSUANCE of an order of the Surrogate of the ft unty tf New York, notice ia hereby given to all per a-Ei having clatma against JOHN C. THWINO late ef the City ef New Vcrk, dceetaed. to preeent the lame w.-n voeaert thereof, to the subscribers, at the t mee-f C. a F..W THWito No. 23 Wall at., in the t tty of New-York, on or before the 7th 6!J. cf ?^T?' L,xt?" "?'?' New Yrrk, the lit day of October. Ik". CHARLES THWINO. > EBEN. W. THWINO, > Adminlatratora c3 lawgmTa* WILLIAM THWINO. ) IX PURSUANCE of an order of the Surrogate of tie Countv of New-York, notice la h?rehv given to all having dam-a against JONATHAN RICHARDS, late of the ( ity of New-York, di ceased, to Breosui the se-nx with vr mi here tin re, f t . the tabs, nbere. at the office of S. Hallw.n ( bepa an. No n Wedet in the City of New York ? ?ore the nineteenth dav of Keeruerv next?Dated New-Teak, the seventeenth day rf August, IMS. fauZlawUniTu* j P BALDWIN CHAPMAN A.i.n'r. with the w.II annexed. ANNA f.. RICHARDS, Adas'ix, witk the will annexed. IN PURSUANCE of an order of the Surrogat? of the County of New York, notice ia hereby given to aH aeri ? .having claims ag*:i -? MEYER ROSE SR AI M, lau aft the ( :ty of New-York, deceased, to present the same with voucbr.-'s thereof to the snbrenber. at the 'ffice rf MOSES B. MAC LAY. Eie.. No. 51 Idberty-at., in the (ity of New York, oa or before the H'lh dav of June : ext. ?Hated New Yurk, the 7th ?ay I in (ember, loi*. JI.I.IA flOSENBAI M, Adm'x. till luutmoTa NAHAL1 K. KOS ENKELI?, Alm'r. IN PURSUANCE of an order of the Surrogate of the County of New York, notice is hereby given to all personaearing claims against WILLIAM B, Iiuoo late of the Chi i f New*York. Livery Stable keeper, deceased, to pre? sent the tan.e. with v, t.rbera there f t., the subscriber at the iffi.e of DAVID J. CHATFIELD. Nr.. 29 Wallst., ka the ( ity of New York, on or before the 14th dav of March next.? Dated New-York, the 57th day of Augaat. 18A tu!? lawfimTu HARRIET M HI.'OO Administratrix. NEW-YORK SITRKME COURT.?JAM KS L. ADAMS against THK L'NION HANK Of lAJfDUS KY CI1 A.?Sumxcois fort money demand on rc-itiact ?To the Di fendantt. You are hereby summered and required to answer the complaint in thit action, which will he filed in the OfEce of the Clerk of the County of New York, at the City Hall, in the City of New York, and to serve a copy of your an swerto the said complaint on the subcriber, at his office, No. 17 Williaa.-tl., in said city, within twenty days after the of thit summons on you, exclusive of theIda/ of such service; and if you fail to answer the said complaint within the time tfore said. the plaintiff will take judgment for the sum of Five Thou? sand Dollars, with intercut from the seventeenth day of March, i re tboiiss' g eight hundred and fifty-five. Iiesides the eoeta of thiltcticu. Dated Deren.ber 22, lf.55. L W QODDARD PlaintifTt Attorney. The aaid complaint was filed in the Office of 'he Clerk of the City end County ot New-York Jtnntry 18, ld'sj. jW lawt3wTu* MEXICO PROGRESS OK NATIONAL DISSOLUTION. From Our Own Correspondent. Mexico, Saturday, Jan. 1!), ]*">G. Two jirinrijiBl etcntB have taken placi- hero ?ince my lat>t li tti-r. which inanifi-Rt atill more ?trongly than antthiug rlge thut has happened lately that Mrxico in tk? be dflivered over aKfiin to the strife of the combined faetionn oppoatvl to the attempt at progretsH and reform. I stated to yon not long ago that Gen. La Llare had been sent againnt Giiitian, (who bad rebelled, bud who w?a then in the Llanoa de Aprun,) with about one thousand men, and that they ?11, except forty, had deserted and joined the troops of the latter. I also stated that Gen. Castillo had aiVr Wurd been MB. against (oiitiun with about the aiiine niiuibe-r, or it is more eornvt to say fifteen hundred men. Well, while on the way from PueM't to the place where G?itiun was stationed, or where he was said to be (Zaeapoaitla) thirt same Castillo together with the whole of bis troops, except two subordinate ortieera, revolt<>d against the Government, proclaiming, the plan siiftaim d by Giiitian, Haro y Tamuriz, Uraga and other worthies of the conservative order. The other event is the escape of Haro y Tituririz from ens tody while he was being conveyed to Vera Cruz. He beiBfJ now at liberty, with the aiih'inen tatioti of the troops of (iiiitian, will have an op? portunity and ample means to do such mischief as he is inclined to, because for any good he cannot act. The Government bus issued a circular order? ing his recapture, but up to the present nothing is known or supposed to be known of his where, abi uts. In consequence of the abo\e Btets the OoftJtmr uu nt hBs renewed its orders to the Governors of the State? for the arming of the militia, repeating with energy the warning that if the endeavors of the reactionists suoceed in overthrowing it, the nationality of Mexico will disappear forever. The Government hue also ordered the fortifica? tion of PueblH, and is about to fortify this city like wine. A body of horse, the favorites of Santa Anna, was very lately sent to Puebla to aid in the defense of that city against Giiitian; but it is said the authorities would uot receive them, saying that they could defend themselves without the aid of any more traitors. The troops with Giiitian and those that deserted La Llave. had been Santa Anna'*, as also had been Castillo and his 1,600 men. There is another event expeeted to take place very soon which will show the hand of the present discontented spirits as to their actual amount of physical] twTCe, 1 mean the disaffection of the tu ups under the command of l.hilardi, who is now in tjUeretaro watching th*? movements of Uraga. We heard the other day that (Jhilardi was in the immediate vicinity of Uraga w hile on his inarch to (Jucretaro. but he did not feel willing to risk an action becstise he had perceived symptoms ot dis affection sufficient to warn him of the danger of making an attack on Uraga, and therefore he marched onwatd. The troops of Oliilardi are also these of the line of Santa Anna, and the former s being a foreigner aud a patriot would render him liable to abandonment on the first favorable op? portunst, and WO are daily expecting to hear of such an event. Uraga still occupies a portiou of the State of Queretaro, and is operating there and also against it t State of San Luis latoti. He has our one tin utniid men. (ihitir.n and others are in the plains of Apam. iu the viciLity of the city of PueMa. FNSB. the I < rt accounts, he must have out four thousand men. The Got eminent, seeing the danger it is in, is occupied in taking such measures as are in its power to sustain itself against the endeavors of lit se men?the principal of which is the arming of the National Guard. It is being formed through? out the count11, and over a thousand arrived here two day s aio from the towns ia the vicinity of thia city. Another measure was to banhh from ht re all the BJM tnplty?d military officers. There is now. naturally, a great deal of disor der, eciifu?ion, and ii security both to persons and pn t ert\, throughout the eouutn ; a perfect disre? gard ol law pn tails, and no Mexican can cou sit'er himsell or big property safe for a moment :oi\where There was a revolt lately at Tepic, Jali??o, in favor of Santa Anna; but cu learning ofCotnon fort's acccstion to the presidency, they pretended to sulinit, but did not. The Governor of the State itairhtd to Tepic against them, and they all ?ep aiattd. Many of them now infest the highw ay, as r? I bers, between that town and Guadalajara. In the latter part of Dei SSRsV r last a party of FrogR'l men w*Et about the State of San Luis I ototi enforcing forced ]omaa on tafi principal in babiUntt of the town, and villagea on their rout*. Armin* at Kioverde they .ir.poe.d a crratribution of f20t( on each one able to pay that amount, and ? xacted it at the point of the bayonet and by virtue of the laib. One old man, a respectable foreigner ?J the name of Frederieh Reither. refusing to pay, WU ordered to <j0 M i(J. tt.? prvfvrt U|^fr tDt. penalty of having $300 more added to it. He ?tili refuted: the addition wat made, and he waa or? dered to pay the whole amount in fifteen minutM or receive so many lathei. He would not comply, and was accordingly stripped, tied and whipped, till he confuted to pay the money, which he did. A couple ol days before the above event, they went to tM t..wii mi El Valle del Mai?, torMtl tM ?tithonti. there <>nt mi offna, and put thoae of their own clan in: imprisonedvarious mi the in? habitant*, robl-ed the ( iittom-Honse and several private dwellings, flerged an old lady, and commit? ted other outrages before leaving the place. On on*- occasion one of the principal officert of 1'rni'j wat arre?t?-d, mid the) were loflll enough to mm him to San Luis Potosi on parole, of en .,--" he? violated it and went his own way. Craga's troops still hang about tome of those defenceless towns, ready for anything that may suggest itself to their minds, and they hold the inhabitants in t rror. Several arrests were made lately in the City of Stin I.uis 1'ofosi for conspiracies against the (,,>?. ernment. fine of the persons arrested was found circulating clandestinely the revolutionary procla? mations of LTrafsV, A tererc disturbance took place, aeeordins to last accounts, hi Chihuahua, on the occuionof the taring of Angel Trias, the late Governor of that State under Santa Anna. The people, inttigated by partisans opposed to the Government. collected in treat Lumbers before hit h )iise, tumultuoutly ; insisting on tis remaining as Governor, notwith? standing a new one. I "nitiidi. had been sent. Hut Trias refuitd. They then went to a newspaper establubment, that of the Asptrges, and attempted to ii n.olisb it, and twenty-five persons were killad by those in charge of the iatne. Ol the morni ng of the l'^th inst. a battalion of troojis revolted in Morelia, disarmed two other battalions, and marched through the- streets, shouting, " Down With the imtm%mmt, mmi long live Cra^a: They let out all the prisoners in the city, robbt d the public treaturv, and attempted to take the principal officers prisoners, but th?'y eecaped. and uniting the populace and a few troops, succeeded in driving the insurgenti out of the city. There were several killed ana wounded. Order is reported to be restored there. Crnga was in t^ueretaro in disguise a few day? before the arrival there of Gbilardi. He was try? ing to ol taiu aid, of course. His companioa and that of Haro y Tamariz, Doblado of Guanajuato, is hero. I suppose hfl is endeavoring to ontmgie < < n Onfoii still more, or make him appear to hfl a coadjutor in their reactionary Scheines, Ivcgolla do, the Governor of Jalisco, publicly qualities Doblado as a cownrkcr in thfl movement of Craga and Hero y Tamariz. but the President still ap? pears to trust him, though to uis own detriment. A decree has been issued by the Government de? claring that Santa Anna is a traitor, and subject? ing him to the jurisdiction of tin- Supreme Court for having sold the national territory, for not hav Ln| subjected the Mesilla treaty t?* the examina? tion ot his Council, for having appropriated to his own purposes a part of the Mesilla treaty money, for annuling the eleventh article of said treuty, for having sold the Indians of Yucatan into Slavery, and tor having ordered the atrocities committed during the late war in Guerrero and iu Michoacan. His property is to remain in the custody of the Supreme Court, to await the result of its final decision in the case. All his late ministers, gover? nors, and commanders-general are to be tried by the tame tribunal. The military cbielit who acted with inhumanity are to be tried by court-martial. The late governors ai.d prefects are called upon to give an account of the money received and dis? bursed by theni during Santa Anna's administration. The papers eulogize this proceeding, and hope the Got ernment will art tritt energy in regard to tiiis business, and be briet about it. I accidentally omitted to mention in a former letter that when (Jen. Alvarez left here he took a WSJ 13,000 stand of arms, all the mountain how? itzers and an immense quantity of ammunition >\ hi D he arrived at Cueruavaca he imposed a forced loan of 1 ttfl.OOf) on the inhabitants of that town and proprietors of the rich estates in its vicinity, aid of TiOO niulea to carry off his plunder. From this fact I presume he is determined to keep the State of Guerrero to himself and his fam? ily in any event. And as Santa Anna, in all the plenitude' of bis power, could do nothing against him, I thiDk no one else will ever try to upset or interfere with his sway in that State. He still calls himself the President of the "Republic, and Mtwithstniiding having resigned the power, ap Eears to exercise it also himself, elso how could e impose the forced loan above mentioned t The State of Guerrero hat conferred the title of "the city of the free" on th*? town of Ayutla. A new spaper has l>et u established in the same State, called The Star of the South. The (hnnihut. of this city has been subjected to a fine of $t00, under the new law regarding the liberty of the press, for reprinting an article first Slhttahed in another paper. It was qualified as iircspectful to the authorities;. The judge held that it was first published before the law weut into effect, and its reproduction, afterward, ren? der! d the last publisher responsible. I). lienito .luarez, the late Minister of Justice, and now Governor of the State of Oaxaca, hat ar rmd at that capital and reports to the Govern? ment that all is quiet there. The roads are full of robbera, and scarcely a etage or ?olitary traveler on horseback escapes l en t; robbed. The stage from Vera Cruz, due here yesterday, was detained on the road hi tM revolutionists, a part of them being on this side of Puebla OB their way hither. They have alto severt d the wire of the telegraph. So we get no news by that means. On the 17th inst. Guitian et mm? need hit attack on the City of Puebla, but the Government reports that he was not success? ful. I mm the latest accounts they arc making a Rood defense w ithin the city, and a part of the revolutionist forcet are in San Martin, twenty leagues thit side of Puehl.i, marching toward this capital. There it a good deal of activity mani? fested here in the preparations for defense, and the Oll 11 IllaHHll appears determined to hold out strmgly to the last. The City of San Luis Potosi has also been at tatktd, and is still besieged by tie forces of I'raga or a part of them. A large eondutta arrived here this morning from Guai ajuato. II e correspondence from Puebla doeanot arrive : thi* city, and I expect that the courier who tike e. this to the coast will be stwpped by the '? pr< i unciades." The stage from here to Puebla i'i < ? net enter that town, but lesves th; passen? gers, and they go in on foot. the trceips and officers under Guitian and bis ? i: [. M.H ii. Haro of Tamari/. have an immense red crest embroidered or painted on the breast of their uniforms. Bl oi.'d the present party against the Governor succetd there will be an immtiliate division among. 1MB, fi r Haro and Craga botli aspire to the high tst place, and consequently to the largest share ot ?1 e ijo ls. The plan of the former is called that (t Zacapomida. and that of Craga the plan of Tot irre-*. Firm O'.r Own C?ne?r<?t.dsLt. Wixico, Saturday, Jan. 19, I860. The following circular h.s been iuued, ad dnssed to the Governors of the States, by the Secretary of the Interior. I translate this docu ii . 11 entire, as it gives a very correct statement of the present condition fll things here, end recapitu? lates s'.(?cieutly some important past event*: " M"*t Fx< 111 r kt Sik : At the v. r> time when the Substitut? PWaaaV m took charge- of IM '?r>t tnagistra i\ of the Lutior, three revolutionary nxivenei.ta t',<,. out, vir: that of Oaxaca. that of Duu Kran-ie roCcitian, and that of Don Jose Lor> s de Craga. 'Iht grave dirTrretce* occumcg in Guanajuato ?ont tne i it Vitus y bavrrg termtDate?]. the (t.iveniriient eaniest.y directed its attention to the suppp**aj?ori of ti.s? dieorderly moveuienfa, having the sat?-fact??n to a?e that of Oaxss-a tw .<?? t< nnit.ate,! wh' h city, atxi-rding tv the list aeco-ute. bu Lie- ilecey I)- n tio Ju?r>z will imre to-morrow and will take com" re and of the <*me without oppo?tioB. '' Bat a* up to the pr<*ent the other two movements hare act terminated, and aa since their ooourrene* idler evmta taken place in tSe capital whVih mar b< iUentioneJy exaggerated by the eoemic? of or?!--r and of libertY,' the Reveirine-nt believe* it to bo it* duty to inform the nation of the true state of tl inp-, in order that i', knowing the ev;> of the pres? ent and the dangeru of the future, shall render to the Administration u> and effective aid, to the en I that it may remedy the f..rmcr and pre . rnt the Utter. '? Some daysago the Government began to have well founded suspicions that a eocsp'.raev was on root in the capital Bade* tie direction of Doli Autouio Haro y Tamer./. TL. t. reraskeat consequently ordered the greatest v igfltai f to gaj o'w?-rv.-d. an I by degree* a. - quin d itfi.m,ati( n i-ocfirmicg ita first r.ewa m respect to this cothrpfaaej, And although his Eice'Jeney the President had reason to expect that th. old and int.. mate frier.iebip when baa united lotos Haro to him ??d tt.e Cabinet won'.d I?- sufficient to deter h.m, ex ?CiicWSJ proved that, confiding perhaps in that same fi k miabip, he atiLI continued to follow the road to per? dition on which he had set ou'. ?? rersonscf high standing informed the Government of the part Se'or Haro had taken in some of the reac? tionary moverturfa. The numerous reunions of tin; military and disaffected thr.t th. -aid geutlemaa held in kit I.'.use an ?< 11 ar,d publicly known to the inhabitants of the capital, as in ai?o the ltwaltintj confidence with v.I n 1. tl,e n volution way -pokcii of even m th* coni drrs of the palace. For these reaeona and on account of much more data which the Government reeeSaMOsd it was cor.vinced that it w< u-d be an intentional shut tirtj 0# theejee r.ot to see the imminent danger which established order was in. M But tLe Rovi-mm* n?. being desirous of not employ? ing other mean- until those dictated by prudence slould prove wholly ineffectual, gave several intiunv tiens to Sehor Har?. throngb persons who had indu eice over him, but a* thene produced no eff.-i-t, tl Pn rideat app.. al< d to the old relation.- of a friendship which arasaj from the levginning of youth. In a long ii.teiview hemanift sted to Soror Haro ali that hi* deep d> ? re to avoid a personal disagreeme nt dirtlttid. he pfOpoa d to him v.irump means to free Usnself from the ti u prcmL-es in which he might find him?elf; he pre. seated to his mind the frightful picture of the future of ti e country, divided into trm tion.j and enveloped in civil ?ar. Ali was in vuiii. S? f or Ham obstinat' ly dir.i? d fails clear to all, cloned the avenue to all con ei iatii n, and obliged the rVcsidaat, who had loyally fulnind his duty ae a trii nd, to a?t an the supreme cl ief tif the State. " Si.nie days passed even after thin i i.nferenco, until BtohlBBOe not boBBg possibly compatible with pru dei ce, ar.d whn h a moment langer would have ben culpable, the Government saw C-i If obliged to order the imprisonment of S'-nor Haro ai>d his conveyance to V? ra < ruz. and that also of the Generals l> >u Fran eiseo l'achico and Augustine Zires. This measure, dictated by virtai of Um ska r. tional power with which tat Goverrim. nt finds itself invested. *a- tke result 'f data which exist,aid is in part known to the public. It ie pn infill to proceed in this manner, but it is n*ccs*ftry Wl OB tl.e reaction threatens not only the personality of the Government but the nation itself With dsstiai lion the preservation of which ie. beyond a doubt, preferable to afl jiersoual considerations. The illlprinol.Uifl ! aid coll vi vine. ? i.f those gt lit h-mcn took plate, thiir peieOBS hotag treated in a uianm r w Iiis h should not prejudice the security of the uneasitre, but, unfortunately, BeBBf Maro n.u . . . d. d in making 1 i-1 -cape day I efan -. ? -terday between Cordova ntict VeruCiuz. The Government will cause the proper investigation of the- fact to b?- made, and will chastise ?evertly tho* srho nr>- found gaflty of atiting ia the matter; but the securing of the per-on of Sef.or Haro being indispensable, the President orderw that Mat l.xi eil? r.cj diitate call the meu-uren you may think pM p. r f. r tl.'it t liject, employing all the means sug gesti d by wcH-keown pati ioti-in, warning th' subaltem'authorities to proceed with all efficacy until the id,in t intimated in obtained. [? which ease JUSf ExceOeaev Will order that S<ior Haro be placed in safe custody, givi: .u in. .iiute advii e of the name, "The first, the pi incipalduty of all governments is tu ?svoseve the traoaailUty of the aoeaatv waoee d set jay is c< n.nn t.drd to its charge. Andastiiis trampuillity, ia view of the facts sbave related, was laadoied ka> poaeible by las ri of Bel or Haro in Mi-xio?. it was ii diepi rouble to order his absence from it, Im in ill ing otherwise the (iovemui? ut would havo failed in its ino.t stru t obligation, which is that of pre? venting ciime. It luv-i the atnasjlh atid the resolution neces.-uiv to n press those that are being consum? mated . but, being able to pr> vent them, it would com? mit an unpurilonaldc fault should it not etnp'uv lbs tl at ead the die-I' iii.nnl poWwI tie- revolution hits plarrd in its linnds. It cannot be accused of pre [u latioa aor of setiag apoa slight grounds when it has waited axaay days and ethaested all the aaeaae that pradeace djetates in similar coses. If by ovt-r-ec: upu lOHSBfss tbi floniBBWt lisd allowed the reactiou to fo:tify itf?If. society would have called it to a strict ac rs.iu t, reatSadtai ? that the peblie welfare ia the su? preme Ina ol nations. " I should ilo great inju-tiro to your Excellency's knowledge by dt tinning nvaelf in demonstrating to you the true character of |4e BOVOBSakl which have I t. j tAk? n place. The political aoteci dents of Safior Haio are known, and it is well known that sine?- the cele? brated decree Of -fth November, lfl4t, signed and urged bv him. he has shown a decided resolution iu fiivor ofaltsolute power? From ist-' Bp to IS59 he, hourly, conspired against the coustituti.mal system and In favor of I). Antonio I/i|m-/ de Santa Xiina, in denaturalizing the revolution of GaadeV im. h it od in converting it to the odvaaooBkeal of hia own principli s. A fi w days after th'-establishment oi the dictate raafp, be separated himself from Baata Anna and btgan to cngpire against him, and u> I ?? - ci BBer, 1834, In- had to fly from this capital und wan? det about m various States of the interior. His cm duct in the revolution whn h has just triumphed ia still quite fresh in the minds ot all; the Republic saw his plan of Son Lui- I'otori. by virtue of which he in? tended to plaes l.imseif ov-r the true chiefs' of liberty, which wan the rBSaM of nnous difficulties, and which, although the PTeejdcl t overcame iBeSB. have been t;ie cause- of di-euti-iai tmn, und have contributed note, jittle to i n.bnrraes the BS'OSJWSi of the Adiniuistrntioti. " The r? action, sapPOrted by the same elements which served as a ba-is tor the Dictatorship, returns to the stiuggle against the iioopli?a straggle which uiu?t t> rmihatc at once. Tne nation cannot be the patri? mony of any person; no man, however great he may be; class, however important it may apjiear, nhali be? lieve itself to have a right to dispose nt will of the fate of a country, which, impoverished by the robberiea of ro many >eHrn, desolated by c-ivil war, and corrupted by passions, ciinnot withstand nuether shock. The rt nit nonets will have the sad pleasure to triumph over a pnrt of the Republic, anvl behold the lrredi-emable lose of the other. It is absolutely necessary to unde orive oareelvea, [fa sow tmiiama saarstd prtiTiBt afexino frt mcon>tituting herself now in a legal au l suit? able manner, anarchy will lie the find fruit of the enme, the divisicn of the territory its immediate con sojuinee, and the lose of the nationality its very probable- result. "The Government, therefore, calla aH Mexicans at its aide, because- it is convinced that this will be the last effott of the nation. Those reactionary movement* do not indicate the general feeling of the country i th<y art offsprings of wrath and of ingratitude, and the ex priesii n i f personal interests contrary to those of the public welfare, which now with one pretext and then ??ith another have no other object than the ageran d.zeUi' nt 11 11 raoBS and the repression of every LLc-ral princirle, of ail idea of projrreee, of every imj-roving elen ent, ond of all thought ill favor of the p. Ople. lie I'rvsideLt, who has received as an inheritance the errors of so mar y years of discord, appeals now to that p? 11 Ie to nrm itself in defense of its legitimate rights and the last aggreasion of deepotiam, which tvpKc nth ally now invoke- liberal principle.), but tram pted theai aader foot without shame when exercising the 1 >i< tatorship. with the sole aim of enervating the Gcvt rament and of e, against it under the el > it r i f >gal formula*. H - Ke'? 1'eiicy d> niien that the tarnt a with which political passions have desig? nated the jen.p'e be erased, that js?liti?-ul partieed?? ap| ?ar, and that in their place the nation r^e, gene-r oas t. ward those ?ho hav.- gone astray, but juat toward cr.w. ? His En?! away, tie ISsident, sincerely desires and a ill earneetly eie.Vavor to cause: the union of ail the Ilex.can pecpl-; none rha'.i be aBOsBhted for what th> y n ay have thought or n. iv think. b? e iu*?- be oaght n< t. nor dees he wirb to have anything to lo with opin? ion.-, and lei auee tvi n the investigation of (acta sh<tJ not g?. be vond What all the laws consider aa crimes. To this end Lj? Excellency orders that y->nr Excellent v, wdbcut the Urn of a n?iment, proceed aa already ti til"? sj by this department, to organize the National Ruard. endeavoring to f.?rm it of hon<.rable citizens aid oftbeee "tuell knownpatr;. ?.-ti plaeeituuder tLe order- of cl.ieta who bave yuu.- entire confidence; that vour Exeelleney establish th' most effectual vigi? lance to prevent whatever disorder, and that you sap pn as energetically any that may oocur, giving imme di?te odvv e to the Supreme Qoteiatnent; b.cau- . I repeat, it ie ;b'ii?pec?ab'e that this ti'ue the natioa BO conatiteted, if we ?Jo imt w>h to hr?e forever, ey>-n the hepe of a fut.:re of ubettv, of order, and of justice*-. ' 0-?lind Lihertv ktei co Jan. 3 1?4V ?? LAfKAOLA." Keeeipta ef Prexlaee Kt Iis a-rte Saar nod, heb. A?*e*W akl* F lour, ft* hsrs lo.. IStibue Whisky. 1 ii?vj0 Lard IfjO h*f? 'J-d^j e*J pa4a rrevisions. I 30? aides Leather. tt Ikt //i.4*,a kirsc Aau>?ad. /"* ?*s ice* evsray Fs6. 4 - Mi?? J Hoes. 3,TT\ lire da.. 2J?t car'aases Mutten. 3*? i attta -si(kt' rroTisten*. *S> hbia WauayenU Als. *TA*>7 * .th Oram 1? ttla fh<it ? T41 -?des Leadier C7 fl|* TUE SUIT AGAINST JUDGE KANE. PASSMORE WILLIAMSON AND JUDGE KANE Fnm I ?. ??.,., 1..1 Hmm. For a long time, while true paiuful matter, growing out 01 the incarceration sfWSBBaWBBl by Jijilge Kane, was under disctiseion. it was Judge Kane and Faasnore Williamson; but things arr bow changed. Wiilu i is a freeman, and in th. exerrire of that freedom hit rstahhahed proceedings to t?i?t the legality of the docJsBM of Judg. Kane, by which he was thrown iato : t risen and c< utucl there for the space <>f three moo'lv*. Judge Kane, ae our lotion are awar--, wi< in Delaware County whtn the wrtt wae served upon him. lie trial of the ease, a? a matter of course, would take paaCO at Media, th? county seat, an?i it was eapeetcd that it would ? ome up *'irje time during the past month. BtH w- ci bj tl e .? elective record I at a new phase i f tLecase m presented. Judge Kane has applied for * ?{ ?rial act to chang? the centre, so that the trial shad be heard in Philadelphia, and not at Media. On what gTcnr.ds the Of plication is based do not appear in the r. < .?; it. If good anil surhVieut reason* tor a change of the rentrr can he adduced, the r> ijae-t of J,;.iK-. Kare should be promptly granted. What the-c rea? sons are we can only conjtcture, but they ought to be weighty. eutytai.'.ial and controlling before the Legie* lature takes ai ticn iu antboriiing toe charge sought. If thny art- cot, the precedent would lie fraught with nothing but bJmUh and trouble. Judge Kane. as a high i xtcutive officer ef the law, ahoti d cheerfully and quietly submit to the execution of tbe laws, and not at tempt any of tM aitaof theanerapettifogger. If h. boo it re right in regard to Williamson? if truth and t |nity and the law arc an hie aiiie, as he claimed thev were, what has he to fear I It will not do to say that jury boi in Delaware ( ? ui fy are not as intelligent, truet worf broad W liable as jurymen :n Philadelphia; m it do to insinuate thn? the people ?>f Delaware (.',?. urn tinctured with Abohticnism and therefore will not de? cide this eaec dispassionately and fairlv. Judge Kam-, r. a Democrat, mu>t accept the democratic theory that large cities are sore* upou the IkhIv politic, anil that the larg?st iuti 1 ig. ticc, h. ne?ty and truth are to be found in the ngncult.iral districts, B-side this. Judge Kai e has " i - ar n.ig! bors" residing in Dela? ware t utinty. and he knows that ooar *e,frkbori, from at least lt>4-i, have b? en piovcrbial far thi veracity of raents nud can assets a tartfoi damages ao gi <>d as anv i tu- BOM ' N. w that the is-Tjc between Williamson and Kane hue 1" en rt f? rred to legal arbitrament, we have scru? pulously abstained fiom any comments prejudicial to its tail and candid investigation. We have alt confi dei i, in our Courts when defendants are protected by the constitutional right of Jury trial, and Judge Kane insults the CouoMBWOOkh at large, the profcstuoti of wl.u h he is a nu mber, and the Judiciary of the Skate, b> again " inf. rnng " that he wili not "receive a fair and impartial trial anywhere. We regard it as pecu culiarly unfortunate fT?r him that thi* BBBraBM it has h, .1. n inle in ti e 1.' gislattire; it can hardly prove succcr-.-tul, h> wart r stiongly it may be urged; it may indeed rece ive the eanctmn of the House, but We am sume that the Senate willreject it. and that (jot. PoOocfc will entirely discountenance it. If Judge Kline should be thus foileil, he will be obliged to go 11 tore a Jury of Delaware County, with the known ai.d proclaim d fai t that he comes reluctantly ?couvea with tubgivings and suspicions?conies because hu could l ot help it. Verily, the anpict of atTairs has changed snee be exerci*ed dictatorial ami autjcratic poweis against a respectable fellow-citizen, and doomed hin to ablins cell because he behered ii t! e doctrine of the Di rlaratioo of la>dopoadaat*ol that ?'all bm wire created free and equal. MOTHER ABOLITION MOTE, avast Yht Paawsfshsaaeas* W< BOO that a IttfaBBatTMaCO has been preseuted to the Legislature against Mr. Hancock's bill for 8haag> ii the vt nire in what is called the Kane and Willtaru Bun COM. Wt nre not surpriaed at this, for the spirit whit ib orig t.n'.cd that suit fears nothing so much at justice administered according to law. [til one of the maxims of the common law, and ono of the beet that we have inherited fn ni the English of the I ? tt> i tine, thai every man hae a right to DO tried by a juty (f h<* neighbor*. Therein good reason in the maxim, torn man is best known by the people tl at 11 hi among, and in the greater utimber of case's the wMnenes ot ail conduct live bom him. But it tiir. e,.i was b < am in arbioh tho rieht to such a trial ought to be guaranteed by law, it i.-i ex* uitly that of Jndgi Kane. Be ?* a rootduat of Phila di Iphia, the patty suing him lives lu re, the transaction complained of ocCBired heie, and lid tin ? llliivses arc within a stone's throw of the fStnte H< ho, If tho obi. i t w ere to gl t at justice instead of to oppress, why compel him to travel off into another di straw, and com? pel nil bis wttie.-e.*, and all the phiuititr-i witnesses to travel there with him, in order that the tiuth may be got at away from home, which can be obtained here vi tl.out trouble to any one I ] bd < bm is still worse than this, Th* acfa of which tlplaJi tiff ' on plain wen- < ommitted by the Judge in the asseited eXOIcJM of his judicial function*. The p. re? us bv whom he must prove- his innocence are the officers of the Court in which he wai acting. To call u!l these away from their duties here, ebnka, marshal, ai d the rest, Is lerioualy to embarrass the busiiu ss of that Conrt, and the ptrdic business which is intrunti-d to it. Th. ie is not a woiking day in the year, where the intercuts of the OcTOnunatat nud the suitors would to' 1 ? prejudiced bv the abeetiee of these ofliceiM from Philadci| h.a. It miiy be, too, that the reeordi of the I Couit itself will be needed to show what was done ther*i that now oonatltntn the sulij- it of oooaoniat, and why : was done; lOOOCtds of every-das nfBMBCB in the v< ry-day tran-action of our people, fat what earthly honest pavpon sboaJd Uten otiic.-r-, ami the records in their charge, he carried down to Delaware County, to settle a controversy that began here, and tbe partii s to which live here! Do our friends in the Legislature want the reason ? Erery ponoa ia PhiiavieJphn here knows t, Jodge Kane has his daily duties here, and so have the BfaVeon of his CoOlt, H>- is known here, and so aieth.-y. More than ..11, Possmon- Williamson in known In?:.< too. Were the suit tried in this city, it would bo hard to flad twelve Uu-n, outside of the no lev little squad that tn.ks treason at Baasan ft/eet Hall, who would rot Idn the plaintiff out of court. Th* Miuglittle Abolition County m which Williamson ie suing may manage fl ings differently, and the County Judge, who, unless report wrongs him, ie a rabid Abo Utk Bist himrelf, may he glad to help along, liut d won't help tos m. 1 he law has been already settled h. yoad controversy or cavil by the Judges of our Hu prvme Courts, and whatever BMJ be BOM in Dela? ware County must come up for revision boBBn them. 11.. nplnbn of the I.? gi-.atura, as shown uj.-.n Mi. Montgomery's IfetHirt, ia on the sume eid... And ..n th. ssuie side w the judgment of every iight-uunde I man. All that any reasonable Aliolitionist can hope for? II sin h mi i j ,'i et as reoooaabta eaa apply to any ol the tribe? is to vex, embarraaa and make expense*. The '' Williamson Fund," of which so niu< ti waa bt n-!ed mocth.t ago, will no doubt save the nttls vicinal whose name it beats from all <ost on ht^ part, and the ma.ignant U mj ei of hi* friends may therefor* bidahjt itself srratin. Iiut it is too much to ask of a Democratic Legisla? ture that it should tolerate auch miserable v unlit live Bf --. [I bad I ?1 ? the fortune of our party at times to sutler from timorous counsels and half-way friends. Lot it not be that this Winter is to add to thi* melan? choly < ipeii. nee of our weakness. V> ?? bwMTO that the Delaware County Judge who is to try the cause has alnady prejudg. d f. If we mistake not, we saw him sitting on the li. nch of the Philadelphia (Quarter BonMBB^ during the trial of tha Negroes who assailed Ambassador Wbci !er. Thi* was a toh'at? tal branch of the case now pending against Judge Kane, and the fact of Judge Humes OOBBMg frvm Delaware County and taking a seat on flu- P.. at Ii of onr CMobMbI ( ourt, evinci>a a prejud. a would endaLcer an impartial trial to Judge Kane. PUBLIC MEETINGS, BO ABO OF Al.lM.kME.v. MoBBsAT. Feb. 4.?Aldermau Isase O. Bareib, PMbbbV id, m the chair. 'Ike Superrt.iom.^Ald. CtABCT, after lntroductxiry r- ti Blhl ofc r> d a resolution in relation U> a wsnt of a qtii rurn f< r the trt.rvaction of busmeas in tue Board c?t Banitbnis, huUuJ. 1 Let His Uo-?or. the Sfsy.r. be rr<iae?e*d to n I ?pccul bm ?tu I bf tbe Hoerd on Tharsdey, Februarv 7,1 p. tt Aid. Et T said t.'.at this business did not properly be 1' rg to this Board, but he was glad it had com. up, for it gav, hin. nnopj orti.nity to BBBnrMBBBWMnOBBannBBa? wLi< b had be en -edulotisly ?'pread by individuals, an f by a poition of the press. The Board of Supervisvra u et. twehty cut of tbe twenty-four, on tbeirth of Jana r", nid ''.-hi i/ed I. ..-ularly. A eancna was hell at t:.. h< ? i f M?_\. , ot f.or-i s day evenin-. -i- t.e ??.,- .'o.i ?. r.. < h-i". h "l e sow A.d. ntsA'i atVt A !? ..... 1 roiagiata the Mayor s house. What BM de. L-i'm of I that BBMMB was he'did not know, of BOnoa, but at f'ie i ext BBOBttsg i f tho Baatd of Bnaotriaan not a snghi Donotr-,: .icipt AM. Js< kec.u ?n- present, atidth-re w*b not a quorum. Whit they found that UemucrAta wou.d etay av?ay t! ?-y thought they would show t | that two conki play at that game. They therefore had s'ajed away. B* fsadpp pared a -ub-titu? f/or the MB* oluti.-n t flsied by Videruiau Clancy wf.k-.. he .-. od. *? f?n? v* -. tWrt'Ct a 'i s .-. V rf the Board of Snpetslseis, in afrjrd sson the stetste 1 B. 8. bt. ed. p. stt sectieu s, did call a Beeticf if the Beard of Stit,er\iaorr, ?hieb was bald t<reeao!y to seid aaB n the t'b rA Jai.niry ItM. at which a quoraaa was (resent, d a then t d 'bete in a^< ;olsue? with the s'etate loses cf tbe BBtn, (see t R. f>. hr. ed. p. 4*0 seetio* M), which is in the BUfcwiLs ectd-: " A BBtjasSty/ef Bhl tfepervissws of eny " m untj shell e q-icrwi for 'he .A b-. . .?" >i.d SLset.L ..r sr. e ?-? :t- ./ m??rb>*sshall im?4 wsens? te wo arntm ot :..* Snpertwon Lb? M m?, rlai The Maro?, Ra? th fifth, Slxtk, Blsnatk, " S- doterwdcod by th? ?et?? cf th? MgoaWJ of it>* 9?* " f*?rni." 4*1 prtM*?4 u4 ?ioot a CbwnMn ?ad OkW I ?iiut y?*r; ??d, t**rrmmt. aa ?J-caraad ? ?all?? t* he h*M ? ?? - ?.????? 1 asabsch -bo*Ub? of tl low .n? nsa.?d 8L|?riT?f?rt ?hi bo< attai.4. rord? r. AMern.e:. ?f th? Uro?, fo-orth. I } ? itr-i th. Nn.oiroi.ih. Twsetwth uj Tw'aatv erat Waits' " tl.?? by tke.r 0. iKiii pre.?*?Ur? th* pakl? ciediU-r? from ra f?lf k%g tfcaatf awataati? frcat tho elty and ?atiraly ?AVpftaa; ?ff 1 .. . . r. ;??.. 1 tcti.? ? .. ?? ? ia I ? frx*. bataaj traaa " acted;** and fAoroao. tfca Mores ?n<J RerorSer hae? irs uoaotl*, by tko 1 toa? " otatkar aScisl tusio??," baaaaaaMaba attot a tho moota.****/ tke Board o( Supartiaan?M paat jmm, theo? fata, _! That In tho oplnioa of this Board th? Maroo and Rocordor ?hoeld b* ralletad fron? tke duty of ?u|-st?i??,r#, aad wo irotoast th? Hm. th? Laaislala/e to amend oo?, tBot Ro i??oJ Matal?? i? od. >>. S*4 Vy ?CrihUi? out th? word*" Mi-rur. HarotVor ?rd." Akt, ClABCl said, in replv, that ne had supposed that if *i v answer came to hia pn>ptaMt*N>.it would rc me from some more fittiag aoerce than the A Merman ?? ho i ' -i n < ' to 1* i op\ the place whieh be long ?d to the Mu'or. He rout*nded that the Board of Buper rfc-an had rot organised, ainee the Major and Ke < order ?. re not j .rceent, and th? statute required their ptteeaCI to constitute the Board. He thought ao oo [] e -th day of Janury, and therefore he left tie room. He did ne t come at the n?-\i meeting, Wamuj ho did i.i t n the organisation which waa then made. Hi i d i.ot care wto 1 iglt be rYeaaieal of the Board Of Bum ivi??ii>. The D? m< < rate are ready to organiae. A!n. fct.t aektd if the Dciuoerata were ao ready to 11 .. ? now, uh\ were they not on the Brat day of ad? journment f ft waa because they had not been BBBBsd In cam us. K\ ? 17 man who stayed away was liable to be mulcted unless he could give a good excuse. Ia the MPT bite OB of flexi one of their Aldermen (Aid. Mi - -i. h. They rcmembcicd the dinner the* tiok at the Mayor's a year ago. Aid. Yoorhi* aud other \\ I 1 Referat- Aldermen wen- -o much pleased with tberefoim tVKaTBM which the Mayor preached thai night, oad hid promises to aef im ?jievtive of party, that they coacladi <i to oloet kaai to the i'residency of tie Boaid. Hu, when tlx' Mayor came to announce, the Cob u.-tt, ? it Aid. Ely fcaaal hiutseif saadwiehcd IU bet ?es Ii two l>' Uiooiate. Aid. Ti C1XR1 omcidc d with the views of Aid. Hy, ai d hi pod tl nt li e I^egiaJattne would airik? out tho Mayor ant IC r? r lot the Boani of Sops-rviaora. Ail. Kit -|?-ke again. Tie Supreme Court, ho rani, had drfittfd that the action ot tho Hoard waa vahd when the Kecorder whs ahoOBti AM. Hraxii k rai in favor of the resolution but op. I OOed to il at lorg preamble which waa hitched to it. AM. T> 1 KXB Kpoke again iu lavor of the -uMitoto of Aid. Kly. Ale. Vm RBU ?nid that he wa- invited to that dinner which the Mayor gave, and it wan a very good dinner. The Mayor 1 am?' light out ou the ?|tiar?- and said hst was Bot gOBsg to be a party man; he waa going to be tl.e Mayor of the city. He i> uiembereU that Um MdMi i'al'i.1 the Aldeniien of the Nineteeuth (Aid. Hetii h -? I leai on. An Atom man iuquire<l if the " Deacon" was at the Mntor's thut Sunday night I A"M. Hkkkk k?The " Deacon" warn't there. Aid. Veoiiiiis said that cvnybeMly hail to come out ti t re. TLi y I ad a coeul dinner, good cigars, and bo believed very good hi|Uor. WfeOO th<- Mnvivr came Ui ?pp hrl the i en a ateea, t?- did Inm 1 Aid. Voorhts) the I'i i ' 1 to lean I haa off afsOBBOher, and H|i|Niint?d a ma* ioiity of D? moeruts. He then Ofked the Mayor why he did so, end the Mayor answered that he waa a party man. He tin 11 told the Mayor that when the Preei cl. tit of the Hoard of Supciv jmmn was to Iks eleetesl a^ain, lie too would be a party man; and he had kept his word. The n eolution of Aid. Ely was carried, 11 to 10. A/foititmriitt.?A e-omuiiuiii ntiou waa recei red from Joseph S. Ta)lor, BOmBMABsg Kiifnn K. Crone for Hki perlafeBdeatof Wharves, non and slips; Jacob ff? (lakic) and W in. A. DiHiley, AsaemoiBb t'onfirmexl. Aid. VOOBBll called froiii the table the notxunalion by the CoiemiMiioiii r of Kepnits of Alexander Ward for Siiperiutet dent of Knuds. After morn than an hoNi 's debate it wus cm Inaed by a vote of thirteen to lei.1. lleiuv C. Wixdey an Supcrinti'iident of Pave mit.'-was contiimed. John O I'otde aa Clork to the ( . n u issioneT of bVpairs and Supplies was also con? ti: med. rke Mayor's Message was n-e-eived and ordered to be tirn ted. /?. itatitm WtOWa the Order of I'nited Americana to tttti i.d the celebration of Washington's birthday. Ac eeytedi The Board then aeljourned to ihurmla'y. HOAKD OK COCNCILMKN. IfOBPAT, Feb. f.?-I'he 1'resideut, Bk.ijamim F. PlM km.i, plesidiug. 11 e Hoard met, aud after the usual preliminariea re ? 1 In .! aad roten d vurmua i'lfttmnt?Among which were the following: Of R. C. Uiown and others, to have the bell-tower on Knaei Minket-in ngtheiied, and a bell placed therein. Of tl e PottOS aiio OthetB of the Eleventh Ward, againat the use of rooms over I'niou Market as drill-rooms. Of late mtmbtraof Hook and ladder (Jo. No. 9 for piiy for uns futures. Of Hone Co. No. Ml to bo fur 11 Lid,cd a location. To increase- the salaty of the Clark of the Kire Wardens. Of Theodore* 8edgewiek, to have Wall str. 11 pavi d with the New-York irt>n peve nieiit. Of Hose Co. No. 54, to be remunerated for certain expenses. Of flotham Engine Co. No. Id, for a ni w engine. (If ?:ity. rent Conelublce, to be allowed to wi m a c< rtain badge or eabjeui designating their < dice. Of Hierd dir Uuernaey, for permission to run a IBM ofstagea from Coenties slip through South, (louv 1 ii.eur, Maihstiu and floerck streets to Houston ot (irceupoint Ferries. ftmUutitttt The Board wetTod and referred the following II) Mr. S. Hoj-pfR?To prevent the Kightii avemsa Itaitroad Company from throwing the snow and ica fioin tin ir tiaiuV on the side of tie -tu et, mile** the* leval the auow no aa to make a good way for aleighe and other vehicle*; and where the ?treet* are narrow, lOfBlliog the Company to cart the snow away at their own exni HO, '/ Ii Un k Choral I'ropertif.? Wy Mr. Bbadt?Di? li cting tin- Ptaaaeo CetMBaattee to rejmit u[xm tho lltu k ( Lurch property during the February session. Cnttle tiurden.~\\y Mr. J. I? Sjiith -lliat malor ity and ui.nority re|roi la of the Counniitee on Fublsn II. 1 'I., in n latiun to the use of Castle Oarden aa aa ? tu ginnt pot, be taken from the nle-a and referred ta a Special Committee. Adopted. Din 1 t ng tin Htreel f ouiuiisaioner to take the snow fioin Cedar street and Carliale street. By Mr. H tin?Directing the Cominiaaioner of St 1.1 tn and I .an,i* to clear the avenue* of anow who-m rndroadi* are located, by leveling and carting It awaj Wh< I necessary. KrpoRtv ot CoettiTTtEs-A-'irr [)>ptirtn\*n'.-~\n favoi <.l plat ng a lookout in Jeffieraon Market b?JI lOWt r; id MalnBg hou>e of Hose C'ompany No. 7; % new hence t.,r Engine Company No. .V). ?/ tj) t'tUnri?Artf ami Unenre*. ? In lavor of ptARaastaj a stand of colors for the Sfstb Regiment. Mi>/nr't Mm age? The aUoii from the Mayor was rt 1 cm d. and nft<r bollg partially reavl, was laid ou the table, and ',' 00 Mipiaa ordereu to be ' f ' _ Flllh.S. m fin If AMITT PLAtX?WoatSt laiCRIP. Ve?der>lay afternoon a fire oc< urred in ?l?e dwelhng beSkBj Re t Amity place, MoaiiMl by Mra. Klwell, tu t the (Inmes were extinguished before the premise* susta ind any material damage. Previous to yeater. dny tin house had been for some time uaoeoapisd, and ? neon a ot rvant nann d Betsy M .ran pn? <?4e<d '.1 k i dle a fire in tl.e kitchen range. Ia about aa bot tli <?tt?r a terrible e*plo*i'?n occoiTed, demol I - UM rariec hmI * attern | the fire ami steam from tLe hot water apparatus about the kitchen. The ? omsn Mornn n as dreadfully scalded about the upper port of her person by water fmmthe boiler, beaid . 1 ? . 1 . ? -a ii joiai bj frajrrn? tit* froto the range. l*| i i - n . I ti e preuiiees, it appean the', the water in tie hti!e tai.k and pijxs U aditigtherefp?m rear mi the range ha/1 frozen, in <onae>qaawne o whii h tio st. am gen> rated could not eecape into thvt - . il oi the apperatoe. A no vta ' ill* d, who did ail m hia power to alle \ .ate the sufT. rings cf the poor woman. riRK IB OKAftl Is STRCIT. About noon -terday a fire br<>ke oat ia the atabla ?n-oaaasd by H. C. Bailey and If. ( . W heeb-r it Co. The fire originated in the hay cft !, ? how or in what manner ia unknown. Th* Urn ? w.ri - ..n extu.gnished by the (.reiuen. Danv a-re nl>oat $'J0ty, Kiel I.n 110htsxstw sraiET. I:< - ween 4 and 5 o'ebx-k <m Sunday afternoon a fire wss discovered in t'hna* Chan-h, (KpiaeopsJ,) ia J .'t.m.'t -tr-.t, mar tl.e K.i'b avenue, during ||w|| -eit. e The eongregati.* were greatly fi'a n ed, and many fled in haete to the street. Twu . . I.teeuth Ward, with % aaaiataaoe of aawatal members of the coagregathin, cut away the -. and sorceedkd in ext.nguiahing tba flame-**, w th a ft w paiia of wat r. I'pon aa examiaatksa of lit* pret?i.?ee, it ap| ears that the beam bmd beea laawTiad in the wall within foor inehe? of the fnruace due, and the great heat had ignited the wood-work. No alarm ws* given bj the bell?. Major Bav'y. b- I H n. Tl. .maa U. Bayly ol Vitg.nia. tr s pnrchs? d a farm at Kapide*. LoBi*w ana. nt tio.'.ooo.