Newspaper Page Text
Bneirttts Notiere. nothing i.ikf. If Kaox. Ind.. Dee- *?.!*?. IMM'i r-mi and Af Cor- ia ad .o e. I there is no mesheine is the wosld eqael to It tartar A*s>s. Pleeee tend foot diteo, end find * (lifted ?xnoiutBoe from m?. Cram* S. Tastrr?. I mitiD.t, f*., J?o- J. 1*5* All that w have told Las done vert well. .N'Vi I k MATHfWS. k*Mi7?w c iTr Mich. j?n. mm TU Fevet and Ague Tor? bis ?Ivan very ata^a^M^ Co?*TiSTI?C. Mieh., Jen. 3. IBM. Tim ?i'L " **** worked like e rhirm?:nre I rr yselt in I ten Ut end not ose hottle feileii ou: of tl>* firit hi do?e:> sold. amwman JoHl P. OlaDOISC. YViscfiBiTr. t, Ten Jin. S, ISM. Toer medicine it mid end uied with laceese. HoUeMTOh 91 fyOK.HMlLLC? Traat HifTB. Ind., Jin. I, 1*VJ. Tour b.kIw ? he? fWen |ojd leiiifictlon. ALBKBT PflBCr. Mobkoc. M ch., Jin. 5, 1S?>. Toer Agoe Core hes given entire let.ifacti Ml to '.he m viy who ta'eteedrt W. MT. OhABSfl h ?'<>? BavaBs <x. (Je.. Jen. 1. ISM. Yow Anne Core hee overcome ell pi<\, . Ii M v iu luerire i-jd givsniai..faction. A gentlemen j a*- i w;,? bei been fally ?*r? 4 by only one bottle and lesired me to -eeom"if.i i? I j everybody. I ibell do all I ein bj ite BJBB W. A. HirLK*. PtTMOVTH, Ohio, Jan. 4, 18Vv A rSBiM?b?t ccsa Is the tbmg. Bad thfl ciiie be* perfortuad oo rnyielf. my cm I'd letern of my v ? quintet tn Ut whom I have mended it. Rev. A. C. DuBOII. Fust, Mich., J?n. 2, MM Ton/ core it ?11 eold *nd renewed many tn w. j. a. clabb. Oblblix, U., Dec 31, MM All I here sold bee siren atti faction. It A BtfBC L To*awasi>?, S. T.. Jen, I. 18M. All pe'tiee In lhi< place who hate used tour i u k eery bighly. " **? Btablhv ?TaKOBBJCKSBtTBO, V?.. Dee. M, MM AH that have need the Care speak very h'xhly hi i's preise. Jo,i\,tos k Co (iwosto, M.nh.. Jin. 7. IIH The Asne Cure is all sold bot one bottle, is I lies green aatis faclioa in ?i er) cue. It has sained a' thit witl atind and insure it* ?nie. A. Ki BULL, Albioj?, Illinois, Jen. 7. 18V>. The AsLr Cure has pTored en . jccelieut len.elv for Fe. era ,d Agree, and wai very eflec'ml iu seetorteg to h-altii thaes .' 1ctee with penetration and general debility,as?BtBOts v rv !r< qnentdu Ibi- Weet. It ?iii wli well as it 's ..ow mir., l.i n,i ai,.| lie xood qeilities known. J i\ll.l.MMs. Bstii. N jT, Jem !?, 1?V5. Voer medic iue ii i rood one, end es me price j?ra it within the Bjaaksji i?. I think it muttir-ll wbeierer Akuh BraTaMa, I here BJBBM rniilidence in it. ha*ta| ahteslf witrhed its o.^ri tinu. end in etery instan" it he.1 the d?sired 11-c: *. . ce ss'ufert'on. Please send a f'irtner lupply. A ilKsa. Ro'ikvilli:, Ind.. Jin. l't, MM Tlie iiieoieme gave good se'isfieti.iu. J. <>. Caff IB k Co. H;irrur.Ln, I 1 , Jaw, 12 MM It la a aefe arllrle Bad will ere Ion* bss-otne verv popnlir. J. C. Nile*. Isaraaa, tad., faa, 1?, i*'. L Toar medieipe ii fast rettin? in o ?!?>, end ill wio hav<- tuvd R recouiu end it very hi/f.t \V Vis'iivr. RocKFi'ST. Ind., Jin. 7, IHM. I werrealed all "nocore, no pay," hut it give very goodsetis fscicoo?? ail. laaac Oilvitt. Miluov, ftd., /am ?, MS i Yoer madielae baa given sit:s.'s tlon. ALKXic ux i t ? low* cirr, lows. Jin. n, is vi. Sa lar a* beard from it bat riven good SBIBtfasiltaBi f.* r t?s Jc tVinTciorT. BaisTaa?, lad.. Jam 21. isw. i was roinrelled tort si the me.Ii. on '', . lermi, ' no eure HO pay," bei 1 ot uoe hot'le eirn? hark. The t*MBm hero now think that >i ur A?oe Car*Btands tli- highsal .f ^ny that ever bee been in this piece; and 1 t'illt believe that it is th? ss;-<t end Us* farmlv Aiiue i.irjici ihn is now in uae. ft is now 1 fieb irtieU with o.e. A. L?VBJ0T. RsiTiMoar., i?-h Mi 2", MM Ihv inedirii.i has proved to he a soo,. unn, sad the uimy we bat e supplied i;>*ik very highly cf i:. We k- i?v if i rut wl ere taree In one lernily BrsM c?ire->l L. a ?i .?! - bottle. V. H Si t|,.lk i Co. Tt* above is nrJy a ?maii aatl a| the imHainaj taJwiltrtj given b> houtbeia ind Yi estern iiierche ifi who nave \o i In speakln? inytlinr hut the IXect rat rH. 1 oiult their or leri and proBiiaee of larre Seles next season , i'i uiit Agtl ittl > m> KBa want lo know ia, vshst It)., del s Kevrt Bai Ag i? t ire. it able to do toi them. 1 ein also siv thit ? |rr?a- matv of mt Ur;e*t e is-o-nets ire these what a ye sr ago were Btlaatanl a*aa to tehe the cara eej Coti.uiiaetoii. They thought its grei- I'.d pre- bsbm s aaaid net be realixeJi sow tu'-y mdorji them all, snd it wlil be BS <t d Ihil the letters of wit', fi I : r ... nri ??! ji?-.. in iiwsvs new and lite aaBBe-^lteg)acaat laea a thin tili a t news|>?is.r M.d ;r re ihe Hal ... ttreatai BBCCSie and ssle men e n r a:tended Bay other Ague Remedy. I Ml ? KliWM.M. i.I.ORV ! ot iLe t'fSL ia iu *tfTil 1" CaaaaCTBR, which allows its fret are as a preventive. Thus prote 'e-t h> ns.ur a bottle Or twe duiins the ? ami and aickly s. iseti, i ot ? i.i'i, s-.ei.>- n ? In ll a Uniteil States would e er t-av-e a sinsle Bttaehoi Fever aast Aawa.BUitrns ot Yellow Fevor, or any aaraj of dlasaae ir.a lug ffi ui the etu.o*]>lierir roimn .MsLAKIs, io which the t i nt Is i nun T ABTIPOTK. The rerttneate of the relefrs'-d Cnemiit, J. B Chiltaa,a iS'ew York, la proof of its porfret nn <ence.itattached toererv buttle. It is e'ao une<]oalled fir q i . ? Bjai f*M BBBtBl effects a< a BrsTOBiTlvr. living caw life Bad tBMBjM to ill wboee const tut ions hive l^eu shattered or weekene<l by Ague or Biliou, diieeaei, night sweets. Imgoiir Bad deti ii't. or any kind of in? temperance or liissijalien. J v>. A. RM.u.r>. I?t .j r eti r, Protid-tne?. K. 1 WastaatatB Aci mi-Bsaltfaaata. K. n Braat.Bra A Oo i t hieaao, BaacLaf Baoraaai. ( Bad .hi, loiix DL PaBBl Bt, tsaaaa. ? Bl IBM at i MBaaaiaa. flattsi lit iris. New Orleaue, J. W BibiiT a. Co. Hew-York, A V. Ctaaa. Agent, No. 57 John it.. and sold I v ell th- iglacipal Pr ig>ists ii. N'- w York end tbrougbont tl.e l/nited States. MlMUa DM LaaVCoI.?95 eases Printesd and Flein I>e w ill lr offertsi thai eiy at ' a vir,! at Cot-l'MSiAS if sll, No. JHl l>riad-it. TtHI.IT (,?1 II.TS.?s. A If. E. Towu tt < '. wBI esBer, Ibis dey, .1? Toilet Q?i!fi it s(ch, wor I *: >> _ Oaavatatataa Kauv, No jii Otaadii W bt a\i> Loxd Cloths, liaoBi.n b. Wblaiajm a Cm, Ma mb o ? .t ?? t.: oB-1 on .Vie .l.-t ite. Breseiysid mide I>isners I b, WWth I Iiissi 4-1 Irish, 1/ i/i .. . I . 3 easei I'.nUisii l?ug Castk*, I? . woi h U ? also, DuliisDt Mualins. Towels, Table Linane Itwdmen Napkins, 9 pdWat . m n .. Ke. fStlreeuwirh-st . htaVrtjaa RahB aa Bad -t-s-s, ct MTMora at Wmou - ixr.?We l.i - t?i lafatai B| a 11 il YYoeUiu inervhania that, i , s-.- ? a i Btaat < ? ? ins? jn-' - is -ite, ..... ? , rttwy ad ahe?e at rasa mt aataflt wear t iBbrtb'b i ? tatghai t?.. . ?1 e Ii... ;tri, e i .p . all f as u|> ii. our usuU iuim' e. ?'v ? ' iLIf k Co Noa. .'v. . ? %.*%?-'-'?'... lt. R. 11 wosoiatVL rovtis or t.ii s. r. ?. IBMBDI - is TWi: bopy HtAiTHV isn iti, ,(oy f,,v a?ii-at'Bt, tns c'Beinrios BCavtan th. trsTim so* atsrssBO ttfttm > cents BaraauaarBB asp thb slc 11 i ?ist am A greet envr his'oi j i., , i ^ th ,s . ia' ??that impur-iy it ll.t . ..!!,. v.-. , Tl.i? is a awihiui mieiake. I- i a aiatarbanci t: . : ? and theeaaahlkthment of Jtsesae act leu, tU- causes Imp iniv of the blocs). The R. R R. theory hol.'., the . t;. of the ,'Wt, amhaili fci.lf a person Se u. a . I , ? ?. | health.each s. . vetn n-.nat retry to ind B-aBB the heart Bl ? . -r ? htaad, aad when my set of veafri. re- -rr. , v. th? ceurewhit ii ???y.) to,any their yaxirsXtioil 'he . ir?e?s of blm.| beetaias dsn.ti.esl Bf>- Iu other w^r s, - . . , takes piece girl ffm to a iyeata* at leas e?t?BT. Hera, ?>? u. ii the beginn ? diseased ari.?.n, wMch, fnet relieved, will ? run latoiuMi a B'ltioa.aid U? di?oi*o s.,. ee.s.. . p.sef.e.i ? -n ? halt g At.t-ersts! !!??,.s. ?h ? :>k>; \. , , . bxrRyaf ar'ieti on Ihe ran of the ?i ?? ?{ . ,' ,J\ " .'. ?iretoWinlernnte' .. . . .. . . with the Itvel Snni|lilnt. becoi ? ; ,;,i.,.". ',.' the d-rKvC-t Tint tbii u the tn e i Ms lie,.. till to hia iyn.ptoius an ei hi. t t . 1? , * tv i , eawe throat, which it a coi ' ? ? ' ? aaaBilbi ei.) to iu IrBaistui . ? . BBBBtjaa* aWaaayad atata of ?.j her that bs bet sail i .-. ahiu dry eao u.e: ...... ads hoaaa,Jv4i.ii do? . tb, k..-I w. '- . ?. ' i " " ' ,: Irean the eves it , ful lynptenis. HaJ fc." use i Ks.i t ,v s'k . . I."' -i b ' congest?? e s? aetriiig i-., M an ". T . , seiJlowed i d.?i et DMBanUtare, 1 ?he rougeel-ei . ?? ,1 :,? ?? . , k liter ak:- '? v. . . ? ? eBeeu of the sore throat It-a the hay are blood ia eoon pu-iii?;. and iae . ?tqnaliaed, and fbe heellb IBM Bsnwav*! BBaBI I a teas Foaarat this grvst rs w-.-, af BBganBiBe) i%m) ciactttattBT, Aad regBlai.i g a.l tne .. ? ? . Beiltkv i Bat Wav'i kxct'l ?Tos- I >n as li;oajajlLiea ??"? I are deaVient in ai i s> tS ? o ? ! SBr ibt it 1,1 Thev lie its lew*, si uier>.:li..?7.;,r; ::ik : ?Li steril n eJi.T ?rvr:?l '? ': ? re KBf^S*?' , ... *>a?oi two ,.f R?n? ?7,.,'. , puerstss- tkin reitor oil, rouitnoi ?o . iff ' ?.' : * kaepUls. or ant . be, car?. ai ui, i ? I or Bil aalte or seim. tKe Keiulators ? dl ?, ?'*Vi rarcativee, force i aaBaral reassi< snd ? i 1 ls?.?' !'i.; "p*0 'be bowels, headthv etile * "rate tee whole syateaa in a B. B. B. tlaVe. .No. 1?2 Ku'.to..-j... up ,-aira nee- w ?aa-nltation .,,d ^iee froo, to,., u ,r,n.^ <*? HsDWAt A Co Coi.d WfATirRR.?r>nr assortment of warm mores T'nder Phirt*. ' r???ML will remain open dariag the *oid tarn; -srices t?-? law. /Iso. Mui-n. TraWini Shawl., L**-(in? tt. Iba Passer, k Sr., >. KiKfiHi's Sewing Machines.?All persons who with for information i? TrVklA to Sswut, MacmvBS r*a obtain rt by aajtlhsi ?t . or 06V* for r?pte? n I M. Sivera k Cn.'f (j*ant*?. a paper datotod entirely to t ? ?ewina Machine inter? est, Bolle? suptJied gratia I. m. Hl*ciakCo..llo. 3g Broadw.T Waw-Tr-rk. W10 g ? Hair-Dye ? WWf. ? Bati ?ielor's Wtca and Touras? aase improvements peen.isr to th^.r bava-e. Tbey ?re celebrated all over tke world for their jrrsea ful beauty, ease, ard dor-.biii't-attin?; to t rhsrm. Tn* Ur??wt at d best ??t?rk *B 'he world. 12 priTe'e rooms for ?pr>!yin Rai famous Int. Sold at Batch r,i-'j?'?. No. ?U B-"aiw?y H EHRIN?.I'ATF.NTCnAVIPION FlBE AM? B' R'l lab Paoor Sara, with Had'a Pa'oot Powder-Proof Lock, Both, received t-r.aa medals at tl.e WoritTl Pair.Lutiion. 1151. sol Cryst?! Pslare, New-York. ItM-'M. Silas C. IUbbivg ft Co . N'kl n> i n ->i-i: ;s ????. r.- v.? '. ort______ "platform Scales, and ev*ry description of We-hma Aiparetu*. for aale at wholesale Bad retail bj rAlBtARKl k Co., No. 18? BroadwtT. New-York Uouowos I'iii>-!?i>pi:p-m Cired tm e need aoffer while ihla truly mralaaole. remedy is ?t Bad for then relief. Aa lo stomach or liter compUwt c-n lo_* a ithaiai d their i: .- - -_ Mineral Water from the Artesian Wda, St Caliaalai'l C?nad? West.-The SM of ths water in e?'s of Dysiepsis, Ocrat, Rbeumstism. tOrofu.a. >*!? Bbeuai. r>is?aae? of the Liver, aad also those to which female* are liaMe ha* b*?t> MMtaMSd by pbyaiciana of the highest iuat loa. In n-?* y of those diiee-ct it U ? specific. Aa ? [ireTaut ve to bilious d-BBaBBS it i? highly recommended, ?nd in rarinr, aud wareting off ?tttrk? of ?Ter and Arue, it ii ia.-alnahie. The water, a* bottled, ia Lnghlr concentrated, and on* te? ?|ooi full, added to a tun.hier of tofd water, fo-ma a ftsaa IV ?a ailolr. By adding oue-ba.f of a email bottle to a tab of w?r?r. a ba'b ran he obtained jc-*?esa:i * ?.1 the qua '.in derived from ore at the Sprint:?. Hating just receded ? ear?It. I ?tn ready to f jrrnsh it to ataitikaaaia Lsrre Isatle*. ?1; inn" do . renu. W . K. 1 ilom>o.\. sole Agent for die Atlat,;.c .State?. No. 11,2 Pearl-si., corner Courier k Entjtriref building. Alao for sale h? UlLLUM K. KowlIB Iat?ataafl?l an! Sutiouer, No. 27? Ith st., ar 1 Mr*. Thompson, No. 3d ClitB ??., New-York. (leueral Aseut for liManiilfftai Ilmtal B Jo<r.?, No. 77 luck ??. W, H Babcock. Brokseller and Ststloncr, No. 241 Fu! to: ?'.. Agent Rai Pfsiklyn. The MrreoroLiTAB Fire 11S V a ABC? CaRPtll No. M Broadsrsr. Corner > f P I Ca-h Cat Mai, iaWjBM JaME? LOBfMII i.BAllAM, Pres. i?Dt. EnwABO A. Biakhi'BT. Sirre'sry. M E8DAY, FEBBUABY 5, 186?. a\??MtlMMBBiakakBBslai fot Tin U rm r Taisvie of this week should !?* in by noon to-day. The immense editien now issued of Ibis pal* r, mtke- it nece??iry, in ord?r to ?erure their iiisertion, that our friends abould teas esrly band in their f?rnr* ? he 1'ribainf for C alifornia.. We ieetn ITHS MORKTNG Tm Tbibvbi for flat forma, (Jirt/on and tbr Sa'ultr'h ft/and*. It evftta-M a siiiiiinnry of all the I^atest jVblBfcjl aid DtaMiathl New.- BBtfM the la-: BtfUltHI MaftfJ mmi M.nk't I'ejx.rt?, Mmr ifBa, Dthllha, dec. Tlie LTnrted StrnttM Mail *te/imehip Ulitn.i-i fur A-ipm W..1!, will leave T hi- Aftem<*>n nt I u e!m k. Tie Mails f?r CnlifiruM nnd other part* of the pachte will i l?w- at l o'ctocfe p. in. BJaalt Btspaaa ? aiajMMia laad/ lot BMaQiaf obb be hsd nt the munter in tli?- puhli-ation ofh.-e This MonhMj. Moo t> n Bta DOlNd.M l.*V 4 0M.lll>v BBRATB, Feb. 4.?The notion of the Xnv-i! Ketiring Board wus the subject of di-cue-ion dtirine tin- irreater portion of the ?casion. Sime internal iinjirov.-rnent bills were introtlueed, nnd the PaBBBOO CtMMaittOO Ins kti m\ ti d to inquire whether small Kpnniab OOtai ooald not be j r fjtiibly withdrawn frotu circul ition. A'l journ? d. HOVIB, Feb. 4.?The Membi Tt wee swum in, and tl.e ti-uiil BMBaagt I sent to the I'residcnt nnd the Sen? ate. U?n. ( ulloin of Teiiiies.-ee wa* then chosen Clerk b. !-i ti. sr. Af'tr dinwing l"?r aeatl the If.use adjourned. The wonther was terribly -old yesterday, Bot OBJs] here, but nil oTer the eoutitry, as oar dis p tel es show. A paiuful disaster occurred in our hurbor yester d?y in the siukint; of a I rig in the ice, whereby n number of persons lost tin ir lives. The purticu l?rs, with other marine Bears, will be found in this morning's pnper. --a> 'The Senate yesterday cc.n?iui.'d Mr. Dnllts aa Minister to the Court of St. Jaraea, A .YIORA1. FOR TU 4?4 i AMI4?. For one thing at least the pre>ent Hoiiee ot Hep reseiittitives, in the mid.-t of the exeitiut; and pro traeteil discrgaiiiz.itli n arkioi it hi-experienced, dost n es great tree it. Its Members hnvc lorborn ? all violence and outrage. e.o fur as th ir o'vn con duet was coiicerned. i'hey have been in quasi session now for quite two months, deb.iting and Bating upiM ? nmst prorooatirc Utpie, with the excitemeiit ull o\cr the nation run ling high, niiJer cu umstiince* calculated to exbaiist tke pitieuce and to irritute the piissions of men, and lor a part oi the tin:e in nightly conclave, and jet no serious pt'isomil i.ltcrration has BMBjcji, and uo assault bt eu eomn.itted. With the ?IQiallaa of th" at? tack of the intoxicated Meinb-r froaj Arkansas on Mr. Qiacley, which took paaee Oai o! tke House, there has been ;;o n sort to viol -nce, nor any threat of arms. This ha, p. t)up*, little to say in favor of a legisla? tive kady, elected lor pi.rposes of di Uboratioa, an l BOt lit tke display of person.1 pnwes?whose tariaeoo it is to legislate rather than to Ifkk Yet, wkeiwe rcmcmlH'f the nmiiy disgract ful BBeBM that ar. rej.o.rtci at ne.irlv eten exciting session of CongTeo?, particularly at the close?when we knots how ; fi the most self-re-trained BMa are to 1? sc their tiinpcr under incessant and loiig-eon tiaurd eoateakl?and, above all, when we r?>call Ike i'ebaticl cry wlaeh i? c. rrain to ttccoinpany the blithering of this assemblage at night? we iiii.Lt cut de t< the present Congress a breat dial of miKleratioti and sell-control. li e causes of it we. r\i;,g deja? are not such a^ will con.i..end the Ha*aVM BO thi go-nl ?ipli.ion of Ikt ' < u-titr.i ftflrj ; but its deportment, apart from lit -e, has be, u intitiitely ftettat than what we e\ peeti d, ai dt ntitlce itt 'theihatiXsofadparriota. No fBCalkaa tkal arises among i.i ism. re pregnant with ft] in,i litfc t o: aro':.-i ? nn rc prejudices or bristles with more terrors, ItVBCaal or real, than that of H IT4 it. ; nti tke dt t -rriinatit n t>f oue of its chief is Bet, fti p.-:.. chbly as we butt- uveuth witnessed, is a tVel to M pondertd. Bat there is a rea>on Ikt tkis which we take b ate to ?uuge-t, and which is notbiiii: more Barleaa, as we believe, than the pr sen -e of jo !nri.t and tietenvinetl a mmtfj of KepuMieaK in thr* Homo. II. .1 thei "ecu K>s >T..ii. or 1"sa united. tbe\ veii'd. withi tit lo'iPt- utterly inilgllHaait, BBTi i xp? Mil tlieicse'ii. - ai. their aVjaaurj to the Bkaatl*7sB| insults. Tka friends el the Adaiiui tt.,t:i ii iii.ii and of S'..t cry woi.1,1 hare r .11 -n ov, r lilt, leaeed and sp.irr. d, or bullied tin in to the beart'l eaateut of the n?>st iuvetera'e row.!.. Bat, fteeiai how numeioiis and how firm they \\. . i: was de. nnd best la settle the difficulty man .in.icablc and truly Ictislatne wa\. Nor can we si pp? s?' that the hi_h tin ml tone of the R-pu:> ?their sincere dt votion Ml right?was destitute of its iiifluenct in the qaict a.Tju-ttiient of this crisis. A in Me and maul, stand i pen principle i* tllfl tiaie? ?.n exhibition which commands the tacit, it ui t th- open respect, of opponents. The re ia a leasion in the**? facts, a* we hare be? fore intimated, wh ch eitends beyond the immedi. ate o*cvi<>n. We se<? a Speaker opposed to the exten-ion of Slavery choaen n the House without di ord'T, because the rcs?!t wv inevitable. Thf South and the party mi the South subnet with a good grace, because there wan no alternaMre but ?BaMBMah n. Even Mr. Aiken, the opposing can? didate, solicited the privilege of conduct,ng Mr. BflLk* to the chair, because hedeaiied "to carry ?? < tt the order of the House." Ja-" m., are ?hall IM asjejnother.iu.t and w>e BBBBsafaadopted with the MM wan*, mi dUturbarice. if th" friends ot" PfBB dem arc equally unfliuchiiIf and harmonious. While a que-tion is in 'i;?p It ?wh:l<* the BsjfMM who are to net upon it may be influenced through th< ir fear?, till kinds af clamor and threat will be rosott.d to to slap** the re?ult; but when it is f nee known that the people have made up their mind and will put tint miud iu execution, the veriest fire-eater begins to ronr jou M gently a' the-staking dove. All the loud-mouthed erles mi disunion will end as the pertinacious cl?m'?r et?.inst Mr. Hanks has ended, after a ?ingle s'ern decision of the North. The show of a good stiff backbone is a marvelou- quiet, r of your It has ail '.he efficacy that the mere suspicions of the existence of Sharp's rifle* at Lawrence hid uj ( d the confident borderers of Missouri, who *%az loud in the onset, but came away singing exceed? ingly small at las*. K.t>i: A>? ffff FfWlPiWfT. We n ferred the other day to a bill intro l.1 into the Legislature of l'enr.s, Itania to change the venue of the civil suit brought by PaMBaSTB Williamson ag;.iii>t Judge Kane for few LtB> prison m< nr. This bill proposes to traaVSBf the suit fr m Dataware Coaatj, where the writ arai served, to Philadelphia. It BpfJaara, from an article in 7ar Ph.ludilphin 9mm, WBich we atjjs. lift, iij knottier column, thit this l.ill Is gfOWHilosI on ? petition from Kane to tint aft it. It strikes us as rather a siugular procedure, this applicaiicn to the Legists tartl to interfere in a private suit by special legislation. Wanes are sometimes changed by the Court itself on goal natons kJ own therefor, ofwhiehthe mos" usual, if not the only one, is the impossibility of a fair trial in the county where th-- action is pending. For I fffffchtlfT to interfere la thi-t matter seems j to us nn intrn-ion into the Jodie al department. j and, to say the least, of very questionable constitu tiotiality. Since the bill reported, Williamson has p i' in a remonstrance against it, which remoti-rrauce husdrawn out from The Pruuiylranian, the OtgAfl of the Administration, of the slaveholder* |mi of Judge Kane, a vcr\ chaructcristic ariide, which we aba publish. Thr Pmnsylranian, as it ap? pears to us, in its illaipll to damage Wil? liamson and to prevent the LagillttlW frail listening to his remonstrance, unwittuuly b ts j the cat out af the bag) betraying la i one and the same paragraph the reason why j a change af venia is desired, fully justifying I W illiann-on and his o< tinsel for havii g brought the nit ia Delaware County hwtaari1 of Philadelphia, \ and affording the uiost sufficient reaaoi >vhy t!ie venue aliould not be changed. "Were the suit " tried in this city," >!t\s Th; Pi nnsylranutn, " it ?? would be hard to find twelve meu out-ode of the " noisy little squad that talks treason at Sansotn ?? street Hall, mmt) ttrntli not hist tit plaintiff out / ' ('twit. ' Now, it such is the state of feeling in the City of l'hilad-ljhia toward the plaintiff, was I he not abundant!} justified in bringing bis suit in a eontj where he might at least hope to be hord. j.stead i I bciu si;, neu! ai s mini ir.l. as i he was by Jtmigt Kane hiins-if. Bet With hiwfH, arid dritcii out of court ' Not < nly by Thr Pmntylraiunn $ own showl g doe's a n;o<t tiolctit prejudice exist in Philadelphia against Williamson, bur there ;s BOt the leist all ger that Judge Kane is likeh ha -uff -r any i juati -e in roiircqut nee ot the trial being had in Dela? ware County. ?* The law," mi Tht Pcm^ulrunian declares, " has been already n-ttb-d beyond con " troversy or cavil by the Jidgei of our Suprem "Courts, and whatever may he done in Delaware " Count), must come up for revi-iou before them. " Very watt, and why not let it come up before them for letiidon in the itagaJveoaiaeaf law, inste-ad of inti rju sltig to prevent it, removinr the case* by special Mr! extraordinary lesjfalatlOB, into a coun'y in which, h] Thr Pii ntyUanian s OWI c?:ifesdoii, it would be htrd to find a Jury " that would "not hiss the plaintiff out of court?" "On " the MAM side," that is to say the side of Jadge Kune. so TAr Ptnn?ijlraituin coutiivic-i, " ia " the Jodglft of every right-minded man." If such be (net. is it not perfectly safe to let the case I c tri.d in Delaware Cout] where ir is pending f Do?-s 7A< Pssraasyaaawus, aat eoataat wHhitiehatr of WnHaaoai D and hi- friends, mean to assert that there are no " rikht-minded men" in Delaware Count* ' It is very easy for such apriut to mak ? ?aeh aasertioM; bat the fifgtahitniti will do w ell to hesitate a MtMM ut before tL. v are driven into indorsing it. The to prove that the Delaware County Judge has already prejudced the case, is, if possible, still more extraordinary. The mfmmtmMmmmmt is in? clined to th.tik. though by no u.e;,n> c.-rtaiu of i'. that faring ihe trial of the u.-LTis-a w ho assaulted Jadge Kane, this Delaware Count} Judge wua sit ?ttg on the BcMfth of the Phlladciphll (,uarter B -- liOM a* a spectator of that trial?arhJeh fact, if it was (at!, or indeed wiiethcr it was a fact or not, Vr VmntyUiinian, by a afocinof occult reajoning peculiar to ir??'lf, converts in*o evidence of a "prejudice which wi uld endanger an impartial " tiiJ to Jadge Kane." and a Mfident reasem for trawfen it g the aaaa to a eaaaMa where ? * it wouid "bi-bjrd to tliid twelve men" ?lj0 Wl,.ilJ not ?? hiss th. plaintiff out of Ct-ur:." If Thr Pinnsyltanian real!., bt'lieved as it pre tends, that the law is so very clear on J .d-,. Kane' aide, and th;J his conduct is Mpfatted by the jodg inciitof . v. man. ir would hardly ap? peal with such earnestness to the Legislature to in? terfere by .in extrai rdnum act to remove the ease into a co'.Lty where, by its BWS statement, it is iMMBM Hb for the j taiBttf to MtfOd am thing like laapartMUry. This evident araiery ^l get a j iry that 11 waald hivs the plaintiff out of Court." b.ks to us \.r> like an indigntwition to rai the rial Bf a fefa trial. Conscious th..t it askiC" a most extraordinary thing, Tit Fmnfylratuan BffaaJl to the Legislature in a IBM a:.d in a st\!.-that aaght to put iu Mm b. r- i ? tht-r BjBMld. " It has b.-.-n the f -rttme "at BW partt." *a\s that jo'irnal, "at time* to " siiffer from timorous couns?-l* and half-way " friends. Let it not be that ti.ii Wii.t-r is to add " to this nn lancholt experience of our waaharas " fe n. t this a very becoming tone in which to appeal to the Legislatore to interfere in a '"it brought by a private citizen to M hi* rights as against the judicial officr of another jurisdiction I The appeal, in tact, ia n.?| to tho Legislature, but only to "our party" in the Legislature, who are invoked to make thi- a party question, and Ml act upon it, not with judicial calmness and for the fi de of justice, but to improve this opportun.ty of sfaowirg whnt thorough-going partisans they are. F< r er part, we have too much resrurt sW ttw Legislature c! lVnn>. Ivania, whatever part) miy l_\e a majority in it. to be willing h) believe that it will li-t?n for a m< mcnt to so base and scandalous on appeal. mgJkMM 14 III UTTI POI.ITH ??. We publi-hed an article some time tince on Massachu-ett- politics, exposing a plot now on foot in that State?a sort of tripartite treaty of bargain and sale betweeu Governor Gardner < f th- first j art. the late Whig frnttj mi Mas*aeh'i-otts of the eeeend part, and the Pierce Whip mi the third part, of which the object and intent is as follows: First. Governor Gardner (in case he cannot do Utter aid is the \*ice-Pre?identia] cinduiatv of the Know-Nothing-, in to transvr and makeover to the parties of the second tud third part, the Know-Nothing part) aiol all iU appurtenances in consideration of an undorstmding and agreement by tLe panics of ti e second and third part, that tLe.t w ill continue him, the said Gardner, in office as Governor, or make Lim I'lilted State* Scnttor. Second: The parties of th- second part to transfer tl t msdvi i U d !\ ?tl.e agreement is underst >od to s.y nothing about souls, in accordance with that will-known m.iiim, it m*nimi, tun curat In?to tie liiinker-Kansa-N-bnskri-riercc party, and to ?tippert Fierce or any other nominee ol the Ciucin unti Convention for the Presidency. Third: The parties of the third part in consideration of this trantKT to allow tke parties of the second part a share of the State Offices. The exposure ot this piot, as was to be expect, ed. has put MMO of the BoetOfl papers into apir>x_ ism of rnge, highly grati'v in.-, ore dare say, to their readers, by way of centra r to the nifaTtsallg dullness by which those prints are i:i ge::er?! dis tingnishi d. Had Mr. Gardner proposed to BOOM buck to tic Whigs in the mere character of a prodigal son. we dotibt much v. bother they would have b<m inclined to kill the fatted naif, and mu h lesstokiKck their own brains out in lu< favor: but ls he promise- to bring with hint all or port of tl.e swine with whom he bns lately be n feeding, aidti uiini' the poorOS-MMOOOI Wliigs to a fair share t f the hu.-ks. tint puts the case on quite dif feret t grounds; nnd the rage and malice cd' those cxpeetan'-, at the idea that prem itutv exposure defeat the prepo-cdar r-iiigen.ont, has p it thero iitoapis-iou that we trust will do them good. Anger is ftl natural as laughtt r, and Ml OITflOJBinnil fit of the forrn -r is not without its use. As Mr. Attorney-Genera] Clifford is believed to have a great hand in this plot, we wore led by that conviction to go a little into his antecedents. W iiting from memory, nnd at a distance from j documents, we a}.pear to have Rallen into a few nkffl noloj-ical errors with reeaeet to that gentl tnan'l political history, over which a great clamor is made?quite a common pi :ci> exp dient, and such af might very reasonably be expected from the journals retorred to, for drawing off attention from the real point at issue. The pant political history of Mr. Clifford is not of the slightest con? sequence cxeept as it bears upon his connection with the plot between him, Gardner and the Hunkers to put the Kimw-Nothing* into their pockets: and, touching that plot, wv d ? not ob sirte that these lornl-mouthed paitieiptton i:i it have a single word to nWe h ue bmI for the documents, nnd may shortly produce satis? factory pioof that the only thm.s itntsd by B1 as to Mi Clifford's pa-t political career, which we of the slightest importance to the ietM?viz., that lie has been a tolitieal trimmer, aud that his conduct in the 8ittw case disgraced himself ami boli'tled his ( fiice and his State, are true to the letter. As to our chronological errors touching tho incidents of his political progress, we shall correct those too, and we do not doubt that this correction a ill enable u* to throw additional light on his political oh iraetcr? the only thing al out him as to which we have printed a word of censure. Thst other persons SB \v?!l as ourselves are aw;.re of the dm get thut combinations may be ii. in which will give its Preei 1 dential vote to the Democrats is evident from an ! article in TAe Ilerah! <,f Saturday on Presidential candidates. Though, as is well known, very hos? tile to Pierce, thnt journal, while it denies tint he can get any other Northern State, admits tint it is pOteikle he may carry Massachusetts. The con? ti: m y alluded to is doubtless the coiisumm.iti'.n Ot the plot which We have attempted to eXpos ?. and the existence and danger of which is well known to others as wi ll as to us. however it mav be Ike interest of the parties concerned in it to throw dn?t tl.e e\es of the Massachusetts p iblk-. TIIF tluORS BaSMj|4BB. 1 he Annual Communication of the Mayor to the Ct BtRkM Council was sent Ifl last night. Its inor? dinate length compels us to reduce it to a three eeJuBUI svmpsis, as the whole dsMnunent, iu inj r.. dalle It pc, would Cover three pages of TaM Tkiihm.. Itpreg. nts few p. Lnts of interest to the present centtin?most of its important reo im ii. ! dations takmL to a very disttnt Attain for their i realization. Mr. Wood is anxious to fortify the ? city by enormous work* on Long I-land; wants I exp. met reduced, but not at the sacrifice of mir high destiny, whatever that may be: eh arge? a great proportion of our burden upon the Free Bchoel sjstetu of the State; layi we BN . i.-Lt a half millions in debt beyond BV present re? sources: goes in for a sj stern of permanent l e piers, nnd for Mag anjthing at any ox petise that will make Commerce the king and New-Yirk the seat of his power, with Pre.- Trade for his scepter. He explains the foreign panper bu-ine*s, which gave at m: h trouble lust Summer, and wants string- nt fmiun to present the im|w.nation of such persons, but -till detires the arrival of any uumber o?f hon -t in ui graiits. He wnuts to establish a new Smirary Pi ; < e. and to abolish the present City In-pecton Di jail M III I wants sti-ct ipiurantiiie-, and a free , mum 11 Crott n to wash the .utter... but salt aTBter, or u* ? < n the -frei t-. He fa...r- earl;, imp:.-; - , nunt of ti e i.pp, r part of th.- island, in order to pn real the migration ot < ur citizen... The Hirlen P.u r be made i_ ti, .;, \\ rCserv ur piishni: he: <!, tad iLed /.tral Park at OOaM laid out. T!.? V'< iicc ha- i>., n ?Bch in pneed. BBsJ hetii:ii'. BB re :, a| I ? pkaedj but it must be 1m giving hitn aalfarfted ontrel over the gtiaot i pi nicg expense is a grievtuice too intolerable t > be iii-r bert.e. and he n-eouiueuds a'Ut Con.misfion to d" away with the horde of A***-* tern. Collector*. CaunnUUeTB, Inspektor?, an.! other IfOCi? who make un arnod fortune*) under th" present system. The Market? he would aboli-h al? together, giving full permission to all to sell gaud articles when, where, and as they pleaaed. Bt j looks upon the Cn-ton Water as our noblest bless- J icg, and suggests means for conserving it and adding to the supply, cbiotly h\ the introduction of m ?tera. , and the ? curing of th.- supply stream* of Croton Rbw. The c-t tt Lit g ifion is another topie, on which he suggests that some plan be devn.'d to make those who go to law pay the pi|*?r. and re? lieve the eitj from the heavy ex;>en*e ti??w incurred fir the supjiurt of Courts. The message close* with a recapitulation of a hundred or more subjects I r legi-lation sent by him to the Common Council bet w ar, but not entertained by either body. Mr. W? d refers all to the present Boards, and looks for better luck. _ aOXICfe We give to-day. in the letter of our correspond? ent at Mexico, another chapter in that melancholy history of national decay and dissolution of which Ikat country is the areua. The (Jovernmeut so lately established by a successful rising against the evil genius of the country, Santa Anna, is now in its turn assailed by multiplied sedition. Enemies spring np against it on every hand, like wild beasts sc? king to get possession of the dying mm whom it gi..mis. The President, seeing no other resort, has appealed to the people, and purpose* the urn rcrsal arming of tie National fitiard; but it is dif? ficult to Mt how that body can be relied on at such a crisis to sustain an Administration w hich, in tb-? ntiture of the case, is selfish and imbecile. Hut the most singular feature of the w hole imbroglio is tamt Alvarez, when he retired fron; the eafKal, atti r baviug resigned the Presidency, txik with him a large quantity of w arlike munitions and materials, j and en his way home to hi* mountain fistnesges iu Gas rreto levied h-ary forced loans upon one or two c ties through which he passed. Our correspondent conjectures, with apparent jaataflO, that the old cbii t'tain?foreseeing that the country at large could not b?' raised out of the anarchy iuto which it has fallen, and which, indeed, has become chronic? ' determined to have at least the means of saving his own province. In truth there seems to be nothing else to expect but the breaking up of the entire Kcpublie into souie half dozen fractions, each under the lead of some aspiring robber, w ho fights for the power af plundering all the other* also. ?? Tht Botti n P<ut, which, from its intimate rela? tions to the Boston Custom-House, ought to be ' pretty good authority in these matters, makes th/' following semi-oflicihl announcement. Hut lor that eieeai of modesty for which Tht Pott i? so remark ably distinguished, instead of confining its sf ite n.ent to Collectors only, it would have iueluded at least natal cfiicers. if not the long Hot of subordi? nates, who are perhaps entitled also to share in this ?illegitim upon the Collectors: " Why are the collectors of the customs the most 1 raise worthy mi n we bate I Beseaec they mmrot ' I . |IeH to attend to their duties, their whole duties, and nothing but their duties." The duties to which Tht Post refers consist in intriguing and electioneering in behalf of the re uominafion of Pierce by the Cincinnati Convention. _ MOM WASHINGTON. NAVAL MATTERS?M. 8ABTIOE8. Kioui Our Owa Cnrreifai.Ieiit. WaamveTov, Ifiaada.. Flab, i, i***}. The Naval Committee oi the Senate has formally d> c dad toi void the labt r ind responsibility involved D a thorough investigation of all the cases referred to then by the action of the late Board. An nqulry, such as would be required from the memorials alreadv presented, would absorb every other business before and every public duty of that Committee until the day of adjournment, and even then it might be: imperfectly completed. The C< mmittee entertain an opinion, too, that this task ii otic which properly belongs to the Executive, who alone should be charged with the direct responsibility of correcting injustice on the part of the Board, as all promotions resulting from its decrees] are nominated by him, and, it is to be presumed, with some knowledge of their fitness and propriety. In order, however, to provide some mode of re? dress for cases of wrong and hardship, the Com niit'ic have now under consideration the sugges tiens of the Secretary of the Navy, git en in reply to a specific call from them. They contemplate laws increasing the number of officers in each grade as an alternative proposition, a a'irectiriu to the Preehlenl to reserve all the accruing vacancies caused by resignation, death, or otherwise, for the benefit of those now OA tM retired list who may be justly entitled to consideration. In addition to these pians the Committee have also another, originating with themselves, i,?r tho organization ol a Heviiorv Board, to be so ??instituted that the most th vrough examination may In mad-1 into ? very individual ease, allowing the fullest time and opportunity Lw accusation and defense, and requir? ing a record to be preserved of all the proceedings. The opinion is entertained that of the two hundred < Seen placed on the reserved list, not more than I i 11 fourth of the number would court a rigid in \ i "tigBtion. Hence the labors of the new Board would be much lighter than would appear from a casual view of the subject. Theoe three plans admit in so many words that the Hoard did inrtict some degree of injustice, for correction of error is the admitted purpose of each. Nobody denies the fact, while every one admits j that the get enl reform must increase the efficiency and character of the serf ice. No radical remedy of that sort can be attempted without slight inju.y in its omissions U BTellmm lb eommiisiuns. The aggregate good, how ever, outfit to be more than a ?et ofi to any imividual wrong, which inav be caiaUe of being remedied. The action of'the Comm it- e irunJs] si tin to preclude ail expectation ot any act nvoking the pro.-cedings under the law oi th.- bet Ceagreaa, as it rertaiaiy forecloses any ?eune of personal redreea. The carafe*of M. ^aitik'-s the Freaoh Minister here, has expired, and the I., nation is still in the hands of the first Secretary and the Chancollor. I hi .v report ii at M. Bartfgec urfll resume bis mis ?i?n iu the Spring, but the fiovernm.-nt hat re? ceived no such tufornataOU from France. M. Sar- 1 'igeg rendered himself extremely unpopular in ? fiicia! as well as in private intercourse, and it is by no means improbable. Mr. .Mason may have leen requeetod to inform his Imperial Master that I seme other representative of Parisian manners w< u!d I ' more acceptable. Sgrtiges ia a French enob, and a Count of bmm kfaai at that, and like ali ot!.. r Juobs. he is eerpi- tl. >ontempt dues not ? ften rise to the dignity of t ?te. The authority eonfi fre?l through the War lie f artmcnt upon the f.ovenior of Florida to raise three or more c. mpani? s of volunteer tro >ps for tka lappreaaiea af ilbaad Indian --outrages." b but the teginiiing of the end. That movement ail . expanded lata a ynaag war. with lb haag ? Ii pgae af rvjuaaqujaul eJahnu, and before the hundred warriors are remoTed or exterminated, a aeore af millions will be registered ou the books ej tie Treasury. 'Ihere is too much reason to ui] i oae this war is a matter of deliberate specu If.tii n end contrived for no other purpose than to enrich a band of hungry adventurers who are a:11 i g to sacrifice innocent blood at the shrine of u. inUM n. THE LATEST NEWS, KECEfvri) BT MAGNETIC gTELEGRAPi, DnlMJS IV W \SHINOTOW. ?tutorial Cn?tmiiitiK.c? of Tho K T Tribuaa. \\v-lllM-To*, Monday. F??b. I, Off* Cullorn was choaen Clerk to-day nt m vote* of nearly all the liVpubliraii* ami most of th* >? .iiib.-m American?. The fact that he ha<l fought the Nebraska bill to the laut ami lost hi* loat B) ( ' ; _re*#. thereby. endeared him to the Anti-Na. hraeks nii u. who do not war upon the South aar proscribe men, but only defend the right* of the gV> North against aggression. It was deemed wisn net to risk the chance of a defeat M Basy, li*o\*ft case on a question of the ooiiipnrutire regularityef credent.als. which i- Whi'tieid-* strong point, ha) to fight the battle only BBJ the merit* aud that at the earliest moment. I know Democrat* who ah| sustain (?'< v Reed* r s claim to the seat. I know Do Bi publican who will oppose it. II. O. a> FROM U 18HTNGT0N WashUtBTOB, Monday. Feb. 4, H.*4. To-iav the acting S rgeaiit-at-?niia, Mr. (lia**. brenrer." drew from the Treason- about e?0,0iw it gold whu b amount had been advanced by h:in to pay lleml H , Mr. 8 <k.-r Ranks batrbaj mt u B hh _-ht >'ii Saturday signed drafts far that par. poac. f rdd.POO arc yet due to Member*, an I will hi ? iiawii f. r di.nng the pr.sent we.-k. An Ai ti-Administration ? au< us was hel l at th* Capitol to i. ght. Joi n 1. I'. ttit ot Indiana waa tkt 4 hmrmaii. Between eighth aa I ninety mem'?er? w.?a |,r?*.i.t, UMlladlBg Rcptil.'icans and IBM Soulbeaj n,n>: as Northern American*. A large nainbecsj olTne-..ekirs vi. re in out-nle attendance, an\ ouaf/ ii i,u:rir.g aa to the pf**jrB8B ot the tasdda proi-eedirjfa. Frei eh S. Kvan* of Wa*! ing'on wa? BOBslaatmi Sor ajeant-at-Al?ii I "p'- M. C. Darliag of Xew-Vork, Doorkeeper) Boboti Moms of Pennsylvania, I'oat ma>ter; ard 0. Follett, editor of 7 ay Omm Smm J. . m,:i, Flint, r. It is uii'!'fBtOO ! tnat CoL S houl?, of Thi Cinetnift't (loze'te, M nimn lated with thai leDtleB-BB. V. W. Smith of Syracuse, and Nat ha* Waigel t, were his competitor'. The Se nate lo ttay ooaaaraod Mr. DaBa* a- Minister to Kng'ard. Mr. Culloin was elected C'.erk of the Home by tht rote* of all Iba RenalNBMHM praa at, except Me****, 1 ? fbarat, Ulms, Bret.Ion, Day, Holloway, I*"*!**, Nie boll-, Qiilaiiiii nr.) Wiit.-ori. ?' e I with all tht \n.r. uns present, excepting Messrs. Humphrey Mar-hill. A.K. Mar-hall, and Walker. Judge BOB!b?te having recovered from his recent iliner*. the Ccnit of Claims in again in *e-aion. It i-1 alcalati d tha* it leasl Ire hundred applicant W f.,r o4Ve under th" Hobm organinatiou were iu aa* * al-out tl.e Capitol to-day, while distant uspiranta are OMiataBg through Congn s-ional frieiula. X X X I Vth F1K8T CONG RESS. SESSION. BEKATE.... Wabbubotob, fobs \ Petitions were presented Aval seven! Naval omr-art) who f?dt aggrieved by the action of the Naval Kete. ii g K< ard. Mr. TOOMB8said the Hoard should have kept? reeied to kIh.w they hud not exceeded thejutisdicttui .enternd upon them. Wrong and min-tice ha I baaa done by their decisioi.s, and uo act of hi* should seas tien their proco, dings. hfr.CLATTOH W tended the Bond, but was wilUAf to conaet any errors they may have unintentioaaOy committed. The l'resi.'ent and Seer, tary of the Naw hast power lo reveise the action of the Hoard, aal BBbBM it was shown that the Hoard had exceed** tl ell jurisdiction, it was to be presumed they had net, Mr. BEN.i \MIX ooateaded thai the Naval Hoar. had riot exeri ised any jui iM?etion, but simply gavs their Hdviee and opinion on matter* before them. Mr. BAYARD had no imputation* to make agaiaa the Hoard; it was couiihmciIof honorable and mcrita i oai n i ii, but the law under which they acted gaj the aaaal tiarbnious ever made by any legislature if any civilized country, lie ie.'..uiiiiended the paaaafl of an act aatiKwittBg a ItoTiBorj BoanL to be mm% poae-d mainly of civilians. Mr. CBITTENDEN bettered it wa* per fee t!y com? petent for Congya to utterly aaaal u i abrogate tke action of the Heajart, Mn<\ make it a* though it bad n< vi r exi-tt d. Alt*' fnrtiu r debate, the object was po tpon d. Many bills were sBtwdaood. principally t.?r inters* impiovem?nts; aod oae by btr, \l?.\M's to the itiraj of nalBialliBlhaj. Ol Biotioa of Mr, FISH, Um K.nance Committes wt re instructed to inquire whether the smaller Spitoisb eota in iy l ot be removed from cm alatmn, or hare a value established bv law to accord with their luiriasis value, nnd to avoid the fractional parts of a cent. Adjourned. B0?8I 01 RKTRKSKN I'ATI \ It Hu BPCAKEB adaiaiatered the oath to support the I i nstitution of the United State- to the -m mben, the R. i p-i Mati vi - ol each Stute advancing aj their names were called for that purpo-e. The Delegates from the TetrKorle* w. re likewja) iwora. When the name of Mr. VVhttaeld wa* <nll?t\ Mr. OBOWaaid. in deawaaee to the elatied of ba friends, he would not object to his being sworn. lie thought, hawevet, that oiroaxaataaeea vroakl wan ant the withholding the oath. Ba hoped tobt beard some other time on th i question. Mr. CAMPBELL Of I H io -aid that rt eon-tit-ient of I :-. a Keiituckian by birth, had Ik-cii diabobca'lr mar den din the mo-t cowardly inai:n-r?having leeiiabut in the beck, aa Le was credibly informed, by an offleer in?!. i th. (.my of the Oeaeral Oorentneat in Kuaaa As i bjecting to the adiuml-tiation ef the o itn to Mr. WhhAeld would only tend to greater eonnioon after their exeit. d Hinigu'le, he would not insist upsin it. 1 BMstfcej of Mr. WA8HBDBKI <d Maine,* CoBMBittee waa oppotated to wail oa the s-natei mil im th? m that a quorum of the Hou-e Lad bk d; i beted Mr. Ranks Speaker, aud waa now ready to proceed to*. of Mr, I I NMN'fiTON, a Commit!** area apjiointed. in conjunction with one of the Senate, 1.1 \> aa on the President and inform hiut that a qua mm of the two House-a h ad uks. mbled, and w. re ready to ret t ive any communication h< might be pleased bt make. Mr. TOUBBIt ?N ..irered a reaolatioa for the akeaai of n Cl rk by viva vi>ce. Laid on the ta against ?:.. A tenolution, d. clariiig Wil.iumCiillomof Ch rk of the House' wan adopted by Iff to tt iaa 1? As the Speaker administered the oath of OBMeB) Mr, ( ii'loni. then were manifestation* of approval a I the galielies. 11 a BMOajbeia Ikea proceeded to select seats, iaa> ?. with a KOOlatAoa moved by Mr. Hall, that af tin munbers retire without the Imj-, and severallyb> tnta aa thefa names were drawn by the Ch rk froai box. ni d t.ike peaataBMOl Of such seats as they im/?* This proceed lag consumed aliout one hoar. Mr. M( fJOUs then offer da reaolBttoa declanaj Mr. Gtoaabraanar, the preaenl iaeambeat, ? ?rgeauter Aims, pending tie ODBaiflfnalloil of which the Hoes* aoji.nrni ?I. After the- adjoummtut BB Auti-A lministralion C*** ci!-??.- aaaeaaaoad to 1? baM tLi* snalaa sb BEJOICDfOfl AT TBE ELEi TION OF HANHA Boert ?. Monday. Feb. t. 1W*> 11 ? sJthMI I of Walt ham. the i ativ.- town of Speehsf Hai k-, tired loo guns tc-dav in honor of bis elec?aa. Tl..-eiinonneernert wa* made in WVt'.aui on Satar day Bigkl by a speeinl meaeeiiger from Huston. S^W" ral dwelling- were dhmuiint. d, r-nd . m.-ritiilst-af nyeeeaai Made. Mr*. Hank- waa called ujun, aad !? nre'in attendance at the sn k bed of Ie r ni.Hber. Beartj i/eer- were giYeai at tin- reeMMaeaief ajf leadBMj Repub'.i. uns, wkea akaat midnight the eroad ?;isj ein d. Ba.vie.H. Monday, Feb. 4, law* A saint, of 103 guns wi 1 be tired bore to morrow a 1 ot ..r of th. .;, et ion of Mr. Hank- to the Speakei-*bu> of tl.. Hoiis,. ,,- j>, pn aentstive,. In the evening the ti publicans will hold a public meeting. KAN'S ts B7EWB. Chi iao, Monday. Feb. 4, ISM. W I 1 iv. advice- in ? Kansas saying that uo <MI than was Leid at I.<??%-? nwotth. or at other pots* in thnt Teotsary on the day fixed for the eletrtooe, th* Mat- . tl'ueta teariuk: violence fniui um Miss.iar.aas I . ii.-" s'.it.- t'at another gi mt raj nva-ion was*f j ?.!.'fi. ?1, aad tint extensive warlike pwparatsaB v goii _ ? n in Lawrence and Topeka. a 1AIAL <M i CRRFNCK. KfrroKT, N. J., Baa day, Feb. t A J Oai g man, nnin. o I. islia I fa gl-', tva* fouu-1 <i*e* OB tL.agaade th e''s.p Daety Miller, at K**" 1 >.it din I. t) i- men iaa. The BVaoa had b?-en lobb*" Frida] ni^ht, aud the captain, Will.are Crana, h?* ? t a h aded gnu in ?beb a position that the opeiiiaf* tl e < nbin slide would dise Large the content* i,lW|JJ ? i;s of the person op- iiing it. Boa-le had appatCBW