tioov*^< when pushing back the slide, m the entire
rDarg(> of i>u<krL"t iiit.ied hia heart, killing In in ia
su?<V _^_
from Oar Own Reporter.
SKNATK ...Aihant, Monday-, Feb. I.
Tlllt N KW-to It K TAT.
Mr. SPF.NCEK late ***"''? JT" " IBpitlllBB
liorrj the Mayor, AM. im? n Bad Commonalty of tin
City of N.w-'Yoik, a.king for the passajgs of a bill to
enable thr ui to raise money bv tax for the parposes of
the City fiovertino Dt nt;<l Mr. S. pm a ,,f hM
intention to latroda m met a bill |s*sj irrow. Ths
Iteniaof tl.ia tax I . ', whn h the Lefl^ature will be
nqn<at"! toooaflnn, nre as follows:
mmwfovm-.... .. .?92-./0?
Aqaadart repair, anil lii:|rrovrrrVuta. 3 V won
, hl?>'i:!# liuumsid K. et. . ms o
? B,.ard ef Health. . Co'oM
Bu ? ? ??? . . as'ono
Bai'dina < ottri-Uoase, j Lird Piatrkt.so'<?<j
Buildinr? Bat Kirr DaaartaaaM. M.0>i
Building wiling ?round Toiiipkina xjtiiire. 30,<M0
Coai.tr Caaajaaaaadaa. J2?.noo
OR) laaarrlariiBaaaiiiaial. t?U
Coronen' Keea. lfi.iOO
Cleaning, Corporation In. k? an ! sUlpa. 6,000
I i n mem Council?pep af tnemhert. 38,lap
C'*?nina Ntresls. . Z53.2it
r ..lingerM-ie-s of Comn.i r, Council. |5lOBB
r<? ?? and shpa mew aratk). IMjffH
boekaand Blajaf (repair.). BBjBBj
Donation?. j -
H'n.;*n*i. . yi'n'ai
Krectiiif monument to MsJ. (?so. Worth. 2i r>sj
Errora and delin.|iiei rn-?.I. ,s'ono
fire Department, (LotKngineer. 8l,V,i>
Intr-raat oi. Revenue BOtsSS. BSS.obi
Interest on Aaaea?iiicM Ismda. 6"!o0o
II ;-??'?.. ? ??. . s'flOO
Land? and lesaeg. MjBBI
Harket?.. . 7'n,K)
Maj<?ali, Baaa.
Otowra' fees. |A riOO
faTerwiil Belgian, and nnj>:o\ em-iut of carriageway '
in Broadway. tm Mm
raring Chatham ?tree' ?: d How?ry. 75Mt
Police aim Kir* tolegrap.-i. " s'ooo
5* , . BM
Rraleatatc. SMSS
Bral e?'nle. BS|W IIBSI.>># .V)V?iO
Road* and ?rennen. BBjBB)
Repaira to public bui. . . . . . yi'avi
Stationery. h'.sVi
fe?era (repairs and cleaning).. . . . . . 24 OX)
BtaiKtWial CaMea, Cratoa AipsaBaal Department. i'yn
faUrte. BUJM
l.nniher Teasel* (remoM, . 2 <<0*
?t reetaaaenaaaaaat im.u,i. 7V001
Station iionHra. 25.'i??i
Tenth a\ei.'.<- iwoikii.u an a rouiitry road). IBjBM
Wella and poam. /yi
Water p)|<-? and htyBBI. liSM '
Winid 11 n|? and aarrajri <Ior C >iunnuioii<tra). || io'i
Alan the fuitht r r'in Dot < xceeiiinej #?2f?,.%00 to be
applied towartl (lefniying police expenses in t! a < itv
aDil rxiimty.
Abo the* further emu of *.'Jl*6,:i?7 for lamps and ga-".
Also Bti:>,i*;t2 h:i {,? Om%tm%moj of taxation the pa t
fincal year.
The nj.'[tr.-(,'iit.- of that items is ?5,125,213 S3.
The InM section of the bill to !><? introduce J reads a
Noiiortion of the aaU i-?7?cti?e BBSBSh*r?inbefure msntimied
aball ba eif*fidfd or BBfjttad to any other purp.???? or objscta
tbaa sa>d oljecta and purposes respectively lor waicb the aaul
Board of S.iper\ia<>i? 1.: said Citv und County of New-York ar
hereinbefore empowered to raite- the samn aa af >r?aaid.
BBMEOT KOK kltHllvtiil .1 AS-tS*MK N T ? us 1a.\>>.
Mr. \N'AL>i>W0iv I'll gave notii e tit an important
bill to facilitate th- determination of tbo TBudity oi
taxes antl asat-ssmei.ts. Cnder the present law 'if a
tax in erroneously laapeaad, the parson airiri ievetl has
uo remedy except by ?.titlering bis land to b< sold, and
instituting BBbaBBjaaatly expensive and dilatory pro?
Cecdinp>, while tin tax >a!e title hanging over hurt d -
privee him of the power of selling or mortgaging Iii
estate. To the poor man, who owns only a stnal! lot,
ti e praaeaB, laws give virtually no power to reaiat an
erroneous tax whet: once in the Collector's aaodi
The bill is designed to remedy these evils, and pro
*idea as follow -
fleCTto> f. Atiyperso-i d^emlnr himself arrrieTe-l bvths im
TfioaitJaa, aaaeasuient, or k vy of any general, local or otlisr tax,
or aaaeMiiient, n ay esaaaTSBtaM aetTU ?. tiou iu tin, Sujirmne
Court forlhr purpe'ss of Mattel the validity and locality of stich
tu or atawaaaaata aralnst Iks town, rountv, Munieipal Carwra>
tior, or other bt.dy or person! by whom o"r hj whoae authmitv
the "uns was imposed, levied, or asaeiised; or s??irm- the otfi^sr
or ota^r aataaa attaaayalai as atnuaaalaa to laBstaa ihe aaaaa, .-r
holdii 1 the tax or aasessasaatroll for the pnrposfj of raoalrlns
payment of mcb tax or Sssessment; and th'^ Ooaft, in c??o aneh
tax or aAaes. uioiit wn? >mj.osed or aiw-saed, or ii atLiuipted to
bf rolleetr-d without dm- authority, or contrary to law, rrinv da>
elare the wine >old. and restrain the collection of the ?eine l,y
perpetual iniuiirtion, and atay sra'.t amh temporxiy InJaaotioB
and other relief aa just ice may require.
Sec. Z Any person deeming liim^ell' agsrieved as uf".'atati
n.aii pay the amount ef any such tax er aimc-saui-nt to ?nv \<
son authorir.ed to receive auch faxe? or ass-tsnieiitR iitider pro?
test, si.d Baaj tatet a mil action a.-ait.-t the lowu, county,
municipal Iorporatuat, or other h.?!y or pataODS i.:ipo?i,ix
said tax. or aiwoastnent, or againat the paixSIU to
whom ?a.ti tax or aMe?..metit wua pud, to recover bick
thr amount ?o p .id by him ; anil if ?pan the trial of ? ich action
Mshall appear that the imp xitiou. aaaeaament of sie h tax or a
ssaamejiit fa nuautl?rize I by, ot in violation of law, the platatifl
snail recover iu said Mtten 'lie umo'iut ?0 paid by him, with In
tareat ami eoata.
111a HBW-TOKI BABB0B commission.
The bill inasiug nn appropriation to pay the ex
nses of this Comtuissi n was eonsidered in CoBBtBit
ice of the Whole, and I'molly paaaod to a third readiny.
afler Mr. liits.l.s bad obawfad that the MBrOOO aske.i
for enibraced only the expense lncuiTtd by the State;
and the largoat pari of It was for the par diem an I
traveling e\pei is 1 f the CoflBmMBiOB. lie wished
the Senale nnd tie peophl to nnilerstand that this
State OaBBBBBBalaa bud boaw cheertully uiiied by tie
General Com iniiiei t, iiinl that the auiount asked for
Would have baea icon- than #100,000 if no aid had
been rc< eived frotV the Cnited States flovernmeiit.
The servM-es of PtwC. liaehe, (ien. Tottcn, Capt. Ilavis
and the whole fltenOBBtllO BBWia Bf the Const Survey
had tseen geiieionsiy granted; and sometimes mote
than one imndtcd Baea bad been engaged bv them.
With the aid of GoTeTBBBBSl BteaBBBfl anil all the in
stnimcnt? BOWBBBBry tat n survey of the Harbor of
New-York. The result was, so far, n most sntisiaetory
piece of woik. and the re ?onitnendatiOB of exterior
lines lor the pnt .< t km ot tba ooaBBkBree of the gtomi
nietrojiolis of the UaJoB,
Tlits morning the PraatafsBal announced the following
as tie bWeot COBBBBsttaC on so much ot the (lovemor s
Message ns relates to the subject of ('inhibition:
Mi-ssrs. Hradford, Cnylcr. BltXMU. C. P, Smith and
Wadswortb. |Tben- i- no indication vet as to what
eoursethc friends at Prohibition iu the BaBBte will
pursue BB the premi-es. They seem to be undeeided
wbetbei to advocate an amendment of the present
law or to Of intend thai it is in every respect OOnatita
tional and sufficiently stringent to remove the evil, if
projM-rly enforced. IB either east they have strength
enough to cart> tli i- |>oiut.j
IV gl atej pari of to-lav's session was ocxtnpiethki
tLc ffrasBrlitatlna of a bill amending the charter of tTi.
village-ot HcaBpBtoaat. One clause of this lull gives
the President and Trusties Off the villugc pOWt 1 to
grant Ibbbsbmi tot the sals of iutoxicuting Bqaorm, or to
piohibit sstek sale, as th. ir ladgflaaat may du-ta*-.
Ilefon- taking any tpie-tioti by which to gage the
Opinion Of the House o this point, n motion to rSpSti
progress pn vailed.
1 vvation.
The following 1. solution by Mr. FOOTE, was
hfolitJ, That the AsfsaaBtj MH Ni>. J he coiuantto.1 to ths
Bjecial Coii.init'ec l;i\:i.s i . ciiarxe the f>r ths annulment
and roUectiou of taxee, and that lion. James M. Cook, late
Comptroi.i r, ai d now Supern.teudeut ot Ihe ban* l>epartSM it
be and herein in laMsaataal la Sta] an and r pert la the House a
hill containing fall, juM at.d a.-carate provnious for taxunt cer
|?rate prope-rty in Ihm State.
rRKIollT BB RAII.R0.4ns.
Mi. .ir.NKlNS ^-iive ooCioc of his intention to intro?
duce a hill to regulate ths price of freight uncertain
railrtrndu, bv win h the maximum ? bargen on spe, ui -
articles of t'rodiii c .lining th. BBSBMBkaiofl of caual nav?
igation i-ba"i beregulstidnytbe maximum rate charged
?* the canals for the same" articles, by adding thereto
a fixed pi 1 ?t :i < .
Mr. KKED brought in the bill, baratosars notw,
to pmvide for u OOBTeatioB tot the purpose of I rOl b>
Km of the rBauter of tbs Citi ot N- w?Yarh,aad for the
?election of dekagati I to that convention.
llilh. we noticed to abolish the oaVss of Comm.i
aisasn ?>f Btn sis and of Repain and Supp'.iei, ami the
creation ?>f a new d. partim nt with enlarged powers.
Mr. KOBTHUP eaJled ap his reaolatioa for joint
SBBBBbMBBS to exinnit a the affairs of Savings Itauks.
After BMBBBBBtS 1 dateBSSSBB u|h>h th. uc-es-uty of giv?
ing BBBB coiniii.tt. < pow.:- tASB during the reff-, ihl
resolution was laid on the table.
THt ri ANKItntD 1 vw.
Mr. afOBGAM tpOSCS nn amcndinett BD BBS
I'lank ht .! Turnp.ki road acts so as t> jBTshibil the
taking af BBOTS 'nan half toll frSBBBtaBOBSlaViM w .ti.in
one mile from the gute, except riBldlBBB of villag- s or
abttea, af whaaa fafl toll may be taksm. it ptwVidea
that no loll ehnll be taken from fanners passing to and
from their work on their own farms, (.r drilBBJ 1 -
ttals to and from pa tun .
Mr. A. WOOD osTerrd a lesohitloa toiBsti
Ceieinilt. t on M HU SBd PBbU. PsBSBOS to b
B bill making an appropriation for the pureha.-- ot
swords to I..- ptc-et t. I to tat suivivi BfOawan at las
8egiu mt of Ncw-Yo k Volunteer- tor tbetf personal
daring nr.tl gnl'ant < on ItKt in the late war antl Mix
ieo. The issolntifMI was ndojited.
Mils NoTICI I*.
To lar ispoiBls tin New*York Pa* Bilk Coaspaay.
To BBBBBd the gfdtl StOtjOB of the Oads Bf FtO*
To fat il iBte the d.-t. im:, ation of BBS validity of
Taxes sun ASBSB m BBB,
% To iwairpotnt. the Hvdioputhic Medical >-<:v:y?.
K'W-Yoik ( ,ty.
To t?.(fij?|?. the Salaries of the Ju Ig- s of th<- 00Bf|
of Appeals and 0f tke Boprtaaw Coart, Ie bo hrreaft.
'IV Committee to whom wa* reBanod the lo'l
amending the art for the more effectual f'rrrenti'ia of
Fire* in New-York reported this moraiiig, ncomtnen i
ing it* paseuge.
BtrOIWH, Monday. Feh. 4, ISN,
The passenger train that left Niagara I'i 1 .
n on in.', and which waa due here at 10:45 a. rn.. OBM
into collision with a freight train near Adams's Ha- a.
Hoth trail 1* were going in 'he aama direction. Trie
only account yit received iu tbJaeRy was broigbf dv
a mtn who came through on horsrha'-k, and wh 1 left
the *c< nee of dlaaVdei bofaetko of damage was kaoWB.
llcrcp.it? that several r ansengen? were neriou-.lv b>
jured. He aayn it i* not po-*ible to scud aid t? the
eufl.rers hy r. 1. an tie 10a I in irnpew-ahle. It ?Met
also lesjuire c. n-idorahle tim?-to send by the usually
travel ?1 road, on account of the drift*.
Ri onjl -TKti, Monday, Feb. 4?10 p. m.
The pennenftn wh?i were on board the wrerke 1
train-' arrived here this evening. 'I h?v report no MM
killed, but eeveral |?er*ons aevereiv injured, ntnei
whom are the Iremuu and engineer." The engine aa..
< am of the pOMefnt train are much nhnttoiea. 8 one
of the pOaWMMII were frost-bitten during the journ. v
from the wreck to the city.
RocaTBOTBB, Monday, Feb. 4 IBM.
Tho weather in thin loeedity dnrfng the pent Ibrty
right bourn ha* BOOB colder than M anv time thia
What* r. the theimometer ranging from zero' to 17 deg.
Dt low. There has b. en quite a chapter of accilent*
on the various raihrOaV I on 04-count 01 tie- heavy snow
drdts. The mail train which left here on Sutu'day
afternoon for Niagara Falls tva- thrown fr >m the track
at the Suspension Hridge, injuring Messrs. Dixoaaul
Writers, conductors, and BaWIWOtld. a bagirage- na::.
The train due here last evening fmui the Fulls was
thiown Aon the track near Sprue -rport by breaking
of a driving which au I remained in ?Iiis predicament
all night. Two engines started for their relief this
morning, but had bo* fooeeedad tar boisro they aloo
we:e thiown from the track, and no communication
has yet been bad with the ?1.sable.' train.
The pnssei ger train which left here yesterday morn?
ing drnwt- by two engines had proceeded but '-'j mile,
when the forward engine was thrown from the track
bv the accumulation of loo. The express train ?lue
here nt 7:4* yesterday morning, from Syracuse, wa
thrown from the track 7 mlb s east of this city.
The trains on the QoBenOB Valley Road Bit all b
hii d time.
Tp to B p. m. to-dav the trains from the Falls ha 1
not at riven here, am! pBonoBgOIB who enmo on foot
say the 1 hunci s ur?- that none will nnive for the next
21 lours.
They ul*o report the laborers in a suffering erudi?
tion, some with frozen faces, and others with frozen
hands, with the skin rubbed OOBBpletery off.
The trains on the new road between this citv an 1
Syrucuse 11 lived about noon to-day. On the oU med
nothing bad arrived or ?1? purt?d? that road being
completely bmicd in the snow.
The plunkroads leading to the city are compe te ly
blocked up; and in some pieces for miles in lealIth the
snow is from ten to fifteen feet deep, and drifted.
Boston, Monday, Feb. 4, 1*56.
Considerable anxiety and indignation was mani?
fested here to-day on account ot the suppression of
the Committee's Report OB the affairs: of tue Vermont
Cent?! Railroad. It is alleged thut the suppression of
the report was paid for by parties interested.
A duplicate copy of th?- report is in existence, and
will DO published in Thi Chronul. on Wednesday
Two of our well-kuown oitilOBI died this morning,
namely: Daniel Sanford, promuu nt for the interest he
has for manv years taken in missionary enterprise,
ami Cyraa Alger. the well-known cannon and gun
StbaCVIK, Monday, Feb. 4, 183d.
The handsome brick block ut the conior of Sahna
and Faycttc street-, iu this city, known as the Dillaye
Buildings, was destroyed by tire at an enilyhour OB
Sunday morning. Tat block was owned by II. A.
Dillaye, and rafted at 038,000, The lower floors ware
occupied by R. Stillwell 6t Sins, boot and shrte store;
Matin, Lewis A- Heiden, crockery store; Havden A.
Letchworth, saddlery an I Isanhrare: T. A. Barttett,
druggist; J. K. Starin, boaiery and fancy goods; and
F. Sheldoa, bakery. The Ioobm of the above tirms arc
heavy, but probably in?uied. The second stories of
the building were oceapied by Um newspaper utlio?- ?>f
Tke Evening Caswasf**, the oAoeof Messrs. UUlia,
Morgaosb Gilford, lawyer*; and Meeara. Shipeaaasa
Adams, phv.*icians aad tsnrgeoaa. The appear atoi aa
were um d by the 4 Mil-Fellow* ns lodge-room., and bv
tht Armory of the Syracuse Citi/i us' ('.ups.
The los of the propri?-t?u - of 1% Chrtniete is ab ut
?4,000; Insurance 84,000. The Syracuse Citizens'
Collis lost Bboal 11,000] BO insurance. The 4)d?l
Fellows, nbout el.""": Ineered tor $000. Drs. Ship*
nihil A- Adams, f",ooo; bo in-urciie ? ?. Mosen. Hihi*
A Morgan had n very large and valuable library: loes
in know n. The bnlltuog waaiaaared tor ISSrOOO in tat
following con.pan.. .Lttia, e.'>,0"d. th.- Springfield
and Citv Fire Insurance Co-., i nch BS,300; the North,
werten and Albany Co-.. ?ach M,000; 01,000, un?
An naeeeapied frnuie dwelling house on Moiit
goinary stie. t. owned by Wax. W*stoa, was deatrayi I
by fire aboat 3 o'esoefc this oaaraiaf, aappooud to be
caaaed bv an btoeadlary.
?*> ?
UTICA, Monday, Feb. 4, 1836,
Our citv la again infeated with laoeadiarlea. Two
grocery stores and two barns, owned by H. t'hurchill
Hint QeetfO C. Potter, in (.icor-'e street, were cin
aajnod at uu early hour yesterday moruing. Lose,
$7,000. Insured fiir tft.iHK).
Cablulb, Pa>, Moaday, Feb. 1, ISM.
One hundred of the students at DkskiBSOB CoBegfl
have rebelled against the Faculty in OOBBMfBOBCOef
the alleged unju-'t? xpulsion of lour B> BbIm r*.
1 * 1111 AiiKi.rh 1 a, Monday, Feb. 4, 1830.
The weather here is extremely e nd, au l travel is
fomtwha! laterfered w ith. TboFikd Line from New
Yoik reaehed Knmston at 4 o'clock this ajoraiag.
Tlie detention wa- CBBOed by snow drifting on the
track. The Southern and Western trains were de.
taintd from tl.e same cause. #
Haltimorl, Monday. Feb. 4, iba8.
We have no Btall t. la rionnug south uf Washington.
The weather is intensely cold.
ClBI isvui, Monday, Feb. 4. 1- kt,
Tke thermometer this moming at 7 o'olock stood at
Is below zero. The ict in the Ohio is one foot and a
half in thickness.
Bin vi ", Moaday, Feb. 4, 1850.
The Ncw-Yo.k and Erie Railroad M blocked by snow
about twentv miles cost ot Dunkirk. The train ar?
rived thi re rests nlav in forty hours from New-York.
The Lttk". Shore 'Railroad has been badlvblm kcd
nt Bojabaifk. The ftrrt train Irotn Cleeelaad since
Friday anived at Buffalo tin* morning. The Buffalo
Citv end Niagra Falls Raiiioad- a:e als* bud y ob
slinchd. The trains on the Ceutial road arrive 1 hen
behind time.
The weather is intense lv cold.
Boaroa, Moaday, Feb. 4, IBM.
? Tkt wind ?/eeteiday tad tart nigal dnrt-d wach
-new on the luilroa.i tracks, dt laving uli the morning
tiinus. The mail-train which left New-York Sunday
aightskad not arrived opto 1 p. m. to- lay.
The Sundav night mail-tiain from New-York ar?
rived ben- at 3 this aJtanaXSBi having been delayed by
snow-drifts on Ike track.
BtobIBOTOB* Monday, Feb. 4. Ifiaav,
Our harbor i* st.: free firoaa iee, and navigation is
uiiinteirupteel. New London harbor is closed by hse,
and pi rs. ru- OltM with safety.
Caicaao, Maaday, Fea. 4, laaf.
The thennometi i hare at 7 o'ctoek t.is morn, gl
dicated N dag. base* zero. Th-- Railroads are all
' ' Rochesti i:, Monday, Feb. 4, '.sjo?3 r. B.
Tkfl Rock) sti 1 ni .. Niagara FalN Railroad is b. vk.- l
up with sm>w. Three tiuins ate 0aT*tko track a few
nulee from this < ity._
Th. vote on Saturday morning, 00 the adoption .f
the Plurality Rule, was us follow-.
rtlfl Msasw Albri*ht. Albion. B?i:. BtAs. Bsrbou-.
/.. ? lV Itei-rv. BetiueU, Benavm. Bdlc ?huraf Bic?ha u.
Biefcoj H; ?s, 'Brsd-hsw Br-. to. . Buf?ait 'u. Butiintsu.^.
Jasues II. Causa hall, fasan BavaM fl.rk, Eara < .ark. t
son. CNaaassat, Cemi Casatua, CoreAa, 1'?'?: *? au. ?? v.
li*u.iell. lui othv Iisvts, lluv. Dea; . De U l??cf . U.ckaju.
t>od.t. D?rfe?. Eil?, Usalei. lltdloasT. f..d..i! t*,U-bert. Ursa
g.r. tirow. Robert B. Hal!. Bartaa, hVVri, BBsl? 1 ?
II. lowav, TaocuaaR. Boitoa, Howard Jm-ett. KtUy. a. ?
Kiss. Knain. K-.-c-?. K ? ?. .. Kn Ki ke.. L*r? r.
Mar* Mattaaaa, Mi rartj, Maanaaai KiUbvii Mi..*.-. M..r<? ..
Mirti'.l. >lu t. MunsT. Nirboi?. Nonou. Andrew tllivar. Pvrk
?. Pean-e. r?hua,Tan??aftesi, Perrj Petit, Ptka, I';. - .
I'irviaire. lo'chje. RakMaa, Ri l>r--?. Baasaaoa, Baasa, ? **".
s>b|J' aVaaraaaa. aaaaaaaaa. tmmutt A. Smtth. .?>..:i .rt 81
8ti*!,*hsn. Ism-aii. starinateo, riiai.:u-i. TaaA. Italtea, 1 ?
at,,, W* e ?> ' r vv .. ??? I 1 \\ .? . r
WaakBairie, Israel Wash in Wi-. a. w,a, UeW?.?? g.'usss.
V\ , Woclruit ?: .. W ?sK.. 1
Rl [inblieiin- la Roman. BBof whom voted for Birks
esctai Banks himself. 103; DeiiHv.at* in Itojin, lt|
w 1 ..; ,> ? >, Banks make up the U:.'. The only South
v-ting for the rule were aitums* of North
Cur. ima, J.-wett af Kentucky, and S. ft Santa of
T' nn<---. . , thru- 10 nil. H.vclay d.d Dot rot* f>r
S|M*ktr C';?.j:niao. HerVrt. TsbbU, K'liy, H. A.
Smith. Wi Ila and Willmu-i voted fur Aiken. Hick
Baaa vot. <* f.it W. Ha.
a K?4VST.>(?rr,-LAii'a- Berksdale, Bell, HeatW
? Her re- Bo-nek. Bnwle. Bovr-. Branch. Bran, /7r?,
? ? tt ? 04.mji;?>r. Joun P. < t.rpb?.../*?iris D . a*/???<.
? or'iV. rwtrtben, r .k .. H, w-n < obb W Ft. W. ir M?
< ox. < rawi. rJ. I evwOo:,, H U :.;tr DNIL Denver Dowdell
' ' ? I- v y h , FL tt EafJU 1 ..-rida*. tBe-i*. Kveu,
Faulkner f ?rrv?. Foster. H. .Vf. r wVer. T. r'aJ/e- ??*>.
<?' ? c o..; .iujrioret J. M. iltrrj. S. W. Hern*. F f
?Yi?-is. Harris* Hoffman, HrrtuKon, O'orr? W. Jjnw J
J.,rj he, : h nett hidweil, Laie, Leteber 1. ..1
le?. Lunjkii . A K. Mereh.j;. FIi. .; br-j Marthel! S S \fir
?aswali Y MiBiev Milana --?it* MBIsr- Ml Baa
M 1 ra) .V ? ?? M< r<j..-?i. ?? ...r. art. Pante, Park. Phelps.
Pi t"t. IVwe.l. I'nrveer . Qeitmen. R?e..v Ricen! Riv-re
lliff n. R'?t. Sendidg'e. !?aveg- BcOtt, Bl er er VPilUaai Sjji'h,
W dliair R. >rr:'l.. Sn-e ? si'enbe.-s ?Cewarr. TelSo"
Trii' L'naWte-aaal. lait. U'f WbIBst, War rf Wetk .
?? ? r- e> XV.I. B. Wr _:.t J V a - j . , .
Zooa-ofer?!? 4.
Ii BthCfBcn in Komon, Rj Northern m> n in Italic,
IS, Of Um KertharaefS, L> D, Cumpbeii voted f.?r
Baaks; BroortH-, M?lward and Whitney for EL M. Ful
l<r; Dunn, Harrison and Moore for L. 1>. Campliell;
Vniki.r .1 H. M FulW did not v..t<\ the other thir
loci rotod for Aiken. Of the whole number, Dann.
Hnm-on, M> .-re. Wheeler. M.llward, H. M. Full, r
and L, J>. Campbell were elected as Anti-N- brask*
n.i n, aiiii HriH.me, VaJk and Whitney as Ktiow-Noth
itg* hy At.ti Nebrn-ka constituencies:. Campbell alone
eaSM oat straight on the main question. All the
Southern Kr.ow-Nothings voted against th. 1'lural.'y
Bale. _
Tiiiku Dar, Movbat. Fab. I.
The flovernor's room being oceiipied by the Cir
euit Court, the invi stigation Was ndjounied to the ga>
pii n.e Court room, winch iraa densely tilled with an
interi eti 0 OTOWd of spectators.
Belara eiaaaiaiBg the witneaaea, the Coroner stat.-d
that all the partial orifiae?j arraatad on su-piciou
wiie atOl in custody.
Xhataaa Daan, Um witaeea partiaBj BSBaBiaed oa
fiatnrday wta then re culled. Ho Ii * porter in the Barker
IUuf.-. end teatified thai he wa? in the habit of loins behind the
bareverjdaTi net. r eaw the club pn-iiued; there waa no t8B>
ala batwsan Oae. \\. 1'eiVe. ?i .1 aaoaaasw ?hva ine artaaat
to. k ti e derntitet from the la'ter.
Question bl a jun r?Did von not eipre?? yot.rielf to a ihoe
ii nker In til ion fr- et tb?e If thia thins wet foni.d aal th'
Burker Hi.ua? would bnisi n a*d you wntud loss yeiir wjks* 1
A. No. Sir; did im! ?e.. Ol W. B IlkaS BeBS the tun- he w>- ,t
for lie hot water iiiitil the row ?nanveri none ot th* wmiieti
can.e up from the kitchen dnrinx the iitf ray; r.i if her of t!io
Raiker? t 'evei.t.d lee from kaUba] fww the ram rams to hi
killed; ju-l aa I waa soina >.ut from the hail last Saturday, t un*
,'r.oi:< thr.stetiid DM) they said I wo?'i ret a e.,f<f f.,r ?!.??.
The diagram ot tba hediis.ui l-ims shown to the Jur.-. the
oriiun .f the parties we- exj l cned hv wioie-s* J "-v-isl
leraon? were ataniiia between Jame? Barker and mveelf
when ba -truck dec. a?-u ; d ai k ...w wh.? ih.-v were, Burk.r
itrnck decea?ei' a back handed blow when he waa down; b*
waa between the itove and deceased at the time, u-ar h.? hes-l |
heard l oremsrk?.'.urica the aifrav: " ,,im a.'one, he'll fix
hiui " or. 'he'll Ii ieh hiui;" did Uol ?ee either m Hie "SxlBBI
ten,'go l.ebii d the har; Ha-ke p..u-e.l :h.- flrhisk] la th" t l*>
hlera. and aa h" cau.e etit ter the hot water, took the Jerenr. r
I-, n. Mi Lsughlin. and then return.BB beh.nd the oar. Beta ' ?
the il- Lk -. think the d.'ga goth'.hlot d??-e*sed; when Jame?
Herker ? on e de wu ?tairs he bs I ba i lab) at n't know where he
got tie IbI from ; I swept ths barroom e.erv morning; ne.-r
'av. a club ithii.d the bar; Meh .u.hin. *a- ?tlodtu? si lewe?*
a.an al the bur when ?reo. W. Barker came out for the hot
"Hs'iiliam U. I'aiTt-tt, sworav?I reatda at the Barkar
House, aid am in th- I I Ii U i t Ika Atlan'ic Dock fimpxry ;
waa ii.' acq .aititrd with Micuaei Me L^ugblin ; was at Uui Bet
ker Heu?- on Thuisday ever.n.?; bar*. Patrick M .r, v;
he tea* thrte that night in crwpany with ?ome three indivil?;?
ala not kLowiLi enter of their uimri; am ?? lueintcd with
I ieorge W. Parker an.i Jarne. Herker; they were fh?re; t... KM
wur I ditturlaliee; aonit twelve or fifteen |?r*o>is were astud
iu the hai-ro. tu, when I heard e u< i?e ..u the outside; api?-?r-l
to he a jtui through a wiu.low ; 0*S rg. \V Her.er. ?JIMI eo l
two or three otlier? ??rpprd t? the .ioi>r; Barker went out ou
the n.iewalk. and then tina j arty can.-i . :u a ?ery boiat. rou<
mal.i er | Mr. Barker alto retur ed -, Murphy cene n to the hir
aad called t. r whiskv ?kuia: McLaughliu also called iudriak?;
Batkei ttappadbsbind taobat aa41'lntantsacad |re,.arn.8 the
(Iris ka; Mur[hyat that time ?iepj*d sround and had aon.s
coi.v*r?atioii with (apt. fountain; McLaughliii took a
Uifle torn the ei unter and ?wung it ro-md hi? MM
?- if to thre w ; Oeo. W. Barker ?tepped ou' of the bar with a
cup in hi? hand lowaid the itovet jr water, Bad toil Mil Beyh
Ub he had better put the BaWaaMJI i .wo, whether be |
dewn or not I ran't aav ; about tili? time Jame? Barker csttie
dewu trem upstairt. aiid going up to Murphv. wanted to know
wnat the fuai wu. a: i al?o told h.m he did not want any lu-s
there; be waa proprietor, aad if he want, d to fight,' j fo ^ot;
the disturbance cinunenced on the ruht from where 1 Mai 1
aril i M. I an! Ii ii-dtia reertarll ut.i i he r Marfhf #? e-.kn g
to him af o it bit collar l-eiiig otf. to tUbt; M. Lau|i:an made a
rush at-d tliuck him. and at the aeo.r time Murphy made a ru>b
al'O : there was then a general rough and tumble ell round. blJ
no ? e rsals' tell who was up or down; they all jammed over to
tht ?ttveoi. the Hea.ilton ai e-iue ?i.1-, and then the other wi_. ;
ii v as ab. ut th ? tin.e c-lrWr Willisrn? came in | Jnies B*'k- r
told hun he wan'ed him to tag* theae men Ui the Sutio.
H? n?e ; the otE. er aid Murphy ?cu: jjt, a;.il Mt Leu|Lu^ we* I
* , . lie S^mtir the tar".
i.. the Caiiam Taeflm I lawef Uiars* w, Bareer *u j
wfct:. he rai-e oi t from the t'aiaaatraei ?ileot'the bar; next
time" from the Hamilton avenue ?ide; wh-n the fuae coji
mei.eed. I.e.. IV, Belker wee aa the outsuie . t the bar, ?'?
haw near mm with Jame* Bire-i and many oth^r?; did.nu: sal
him go awav; ilid ?et i<e barker w,th detsased; *aw J t
Baikrr atrfta Manhj with hii ti-t; <*? Btrai ? *' ? -!.i< w;rh t.t
Bat; be lieu w ent W k a.- d ?? t a i !u! ; toi a It from the bar n
the Hamilton avenue ?nie -, ba ?'ruck e do| with it; the dog a*
the aaaas tan e had hoid of El i-tu? Patwiletsn; Ui.'. not ese hnu
?;r k. arvbesly e!?<- afterward. [? !jO laVrWB.] This ataB
lio?? luXe'thaf; ?aw If, or me ?imi.tr ti t'. hu gr g i'. the her; |
nn ntention was drs-eu Bg a c'.^h >e?ter!ay hy Jeiii-s
Bilker; he ?aid the nub be fe.ted the dea with was hanguig
ther. . have reen * knile tf.ere lyicj et d.tte.e. : pieces r j-. i
the I.e.- ai i tlx -t tie baejaa. (Ki.-tV pr.-luc-d.J Thi. ;? r;c*',
Ur'o the knife I new tber- . tS.ti e B I? th- Utfib| saw w Ml 1
IBSIIBBB was the in?trumeu* alsiut ite bar ?ever.il time* i'lo;
diu n. t see the knife iu aav oae's BBS ? ?->?i": "w c* fxr
s ?? (actii bat the club in eith-r.iihe kVawssrBaaasBai
: lea*. f|< sxck predaBid J Doi.t kawwekwi I rrat mm -.. it
sewMcIsf-to- -ill bo the If < r w..--n : h? pol i - :en.e in a ba ,
corrrr of the bar.'wi'h Ui h?ad Of a: angle tower 11 the .'. T; t I
wa? Iii:g BB bt* heck and groaning; 3l'. N ?-.J ??
H McL*i.*h.;r.. era km.; ot ro... d ima over; 1 saw hos't
at the time ; Nearly pulled ap hl? ?hir: 10 see il i-e waa bit:eu;
?aid tka agaaa bal bfctac blas * d raassl the hi eel. aftaa Urn ?
...,. e . t-e BBsa? ill a it w,. HfK-r W illisme-sesl he we*
stai bed : r.e el?o exen .i ed bm . axu rheu 1 aaw tu? cut; think
J?b.e? Belker wt? b) at tfce BBB?| B>B1 tweuty-fiie f-T^j .t |
w i .e about at the time ; u;d n it exa nu I the wj iud. bot went |
Ihe rarh.r a while ; I r-u u u 1 I we-.t up 'e the
Btath t H< bm i sew Erestu? i: : J ?: h P* I<**
,.i they we-e up ebeed tt bbc; O*. r M Co.-mxk can* op |
an* wei'te.. r_e Is go to tne Btatlun House; del not see any one
From Ihr t ?i>n. f'et. 3.
The protracted strutrgi- for the flpoat is ship was
bn up) t to a close iast evening by the election of th;?
Hob. N. I'. Danks. Nine full Weeks were eOBSBBbsd
I. Ibn Ukifl r- ?Ulf was uttained, and it was 6na'ly
brought alsout by the adoption of the plurality mle. ,\f.
tbohgh it is ab-olu'ely cc.tain that tner.- is a majority
of the ReprtaestatfTss ia the Hoaao waa agree with
Mr. Hanks on ths -e cf ional tjBSStWBS which now a^ita'?*
the country, y.-t it has BOSB li. inon-trated, ngain and
nitoii.', that a'jHirtioti of his own political MeatH would
ii. ver BSjlCS to vote for l.itn tor Speaker, atid bsBBS
that he could never be elect eel by a maionty vote.
j\s arc have remarked, the OOatSSt was tinx'.iy t. rmi
t ui. d under th--operation of tin- plurality rale. Tue
\ BtSB tak. n during several days pBBB) ha 1 iBB^eated
that B >pi-ak< r eoald only be tdmBSBI by resorting to
that rale. Tkara sraa a strong wpafaaaas aaaoscst
ths National BBS mbers to i's adoption, more . sjiceiully
aft. i the revolting declaration ot .Mr. Hanks as to the 1
test of fswperiority iti the rsoea. Tne southt-ni Kaaw*
Kothiogs mat ilesti-d a iiefennii-atioii a_'iiii;-' caitinj
their votes for the DsBWCIBtts rominess not le?s p. r
eieti lit than thi ir refusal to vote tor Mr. Hanks. On
Friday, however. prapoadtJoai war? Baadahjr Deaa>
crate to whiok the Soutt:. rn Kaow?Nothtagi ladicated
a disposition to accede?th.- one proposing Mr, l 'Ihrer,
an old-.it.<? Wii'g. and tht otbei Mr. Aihea, a Nat'oatl
l>rm< < rat, foi speak-r. ThaTotea on these pwipeat
sitioiis. coinpnred with that ^ivi-n aa the sauie day on
a resolution declaring Mi. Hanks the flpsaksf. ihowad
so little difference' that it wivs iilfBtadiaslj
doubtful what would b ? the result upon tin
adoption of the plurality rule. At this
point Mr. Nn ith of leBBeSBee, believing that the
nhsBocs of af r. Afltea were at least sqaaTio thoss of
Mr. Hanks, btXMcM forward a resolution for the Pia
lality rule. Mr. Oit iuiuic iiately wUhetPSW uncondi
t.< i.ally Us name as the ])? moeratic nominee, and tbo
resolution was adopted. The ie-u!t woe, o- we have
Stated, thti election of Mr. Hanks by a plnt.ility of
Ihres vot? s Mr. Hacks iweeiTiag 103 vote* and Mr.
Aik> ii 100?rix National Aincricarm throwing their
v. tt s OB Mr. Fuller and lour Republicans fhrowiag
theirs on Mr. C. I). Campbell. It is apparent thai B
perfeet aaiea of the national member- (the tear Re?
publicans voting for Mt. Campbel'l would have e!.>?o.
< d Mr. Aiken by a plurality of three. Thus has eicb-d
the BOOS! extraordinary Btngglfl that BBS BTBT BBOBr*
red. Although the testilt is one wideh ?'\ery National
man will tegret, vet, a- the K-publieans have a
knewn mniority in the HOOSe, and therefore frees BB
titled to the Sp'eaker, there is It-ason lor BeOjBM ?? Utg.
iaasnmeh as it enaMcs tin- muehiu.-ry of (iovci'itnt-ut
ot.ee BBOTS t" move on.
ight tee; IrjJ
i-J no see at y
w a? rear fee ?tcve en t.s rt .m i fb * venae
MrLaaih itidewr: BlcI.aBgaltn waa e oie o
ii.tru i s geod mat y were aroun 1 within ?ix ot
h.i- ; he w as ?l h ? be.k. ja ttaB] o- his ???le
i :.r c'ntfi t ? ? when be was '.?:?.g u-:- ? ?
to.' ?jMSaall .'.dnot eec h i. BttSBBpl to la*) Bw^pa BJM *'
?cv tin r b. nr ary . t e eay that he era* dea I or ?,*1,!"ra ; TI*
we're in ?t- bar rocm tb-- tw > PesxaUsH. r..-. 'he two Derkers. aar.
anuolher?; Hz. Wewaiy raafrlai jBsB BteW* the
Bi Bsa .1- th* t'i BbB ?trsrt aki* . he ?!. I i.o' say he wassrahtxa:
i , : e bSB ?pi ken to me since tne j. curreie: e of this man BBBB|
To BBS Jure?I aaw l i'Brveu there; heard hua Btvinf there
ahoo.d be BS rxuet. don't know that 1 tiw 'he 'loas U*?? BSl I ?
*??*? f J*. DO *"*?!?>? mermt^i. In dimrtt:* K.. eati
?...-?tscc ie Um Mit?,*,, lifted hi. r.,ht V?rd which luv
^-n it uad .?14 he wotlU har- ?/?f?r th.? o'frr* bs Isff
Lmk ?i ' *** f<mM r*K-o th* knife fr..m th* otwl, the b?-1
4i at tiM . *?T wie near ?xxih at the b?f at th.? ????? "?<
tie sffrsy to r.^eh the kntfe; June* B?rk*r rotiM no* b*'* mti
ti* tu tt in Lu k V.J ?heu fc* wrut fur the dub, or I shoioj h.'**
S*'U it.
Ike ease wn ?fc*B s^JcuTnad tffl this diy at 11 o'clock p. ra.
Packet-ship Yorkshire and Bark ?imh Ashore.
Lms of Brig W. H. Safford and Eight Lives.
The !ate in ?Ir ft in Um Enet River ha* be.-u pn>
duftire of much damage to shipping?stripping vesa-!*
of their copper, parting ttwBf oakteO, and d-iving
them ashore, and in some case* cutting them tkfeagh
ar.d cau.-ir.ir them to sink. Rut the m-wt serious d.?.
aster which has yet aOhM to our knowledge i- the
i utt.ng thmu_i, and s.:.k.i.g ? f th-- brig W. II. Svfford
inYVallubout Hat, and the loaa of her captain, w.th
iiia w ife tied two ( hildn n. the mate, two seamen and
the cxik. We have gathered the subjoined nee mm
of thi. ? alanii'y from the two ?urv ;v.-r* of th.
the officer* of the Borth Carolina and from other
reliable *ourc?-e. The brig arrived on Sundiy ev | ? ?
after a tl irteen-daya' passage, from Attakopus, La.,
with au^ur and molaaee* tu C. I'. Levorek. and came
to im ar.ciii.r m the F.a**. River, between Fulton
Ferry and I*. ?k Slip. The sur\ ivor? state that the OBp
tain uf a steam-tug tried to iadat ? Capt. Suuth to go into
dock, and warned h: in ut' the danger of lying out in
the stream, when it waa so full of ice. Capt. Smith
did tot te.ke the advice. The bp.' laid at aach, r
Without miahap, until ?.' o'c!.>ck Monday morning
when the fiooal tub- brought up large quantities of drift
ice, which cut her cable, and she drifted up with the
tide nearly abreast of the Navy Yard, t'apt. Smth
waacn deck when the cable pnn.d. ani promptly
ordered the mate to heave over tin- port anchor. Thai
crew could Dot get the aut hor over before ihe had
drifted nearly to the Wa.'hibout. She brought up
here, and n< thing farther occurred until about 5 or ti
o'clock in tl i morning, when suddenly tie- BOB in the
fen castle were alarmed by the rush of water in
through the bows, and making their way on d-vk
they found that sh? was rapidly sinking by the bend.
The t aptain I who had remained on deck through the
night) In i red on bis un-n to clear the stem boat,
which was hanging by the davits. Ouo of the crew
seised an nx and that other took his knife, and en
deavon d to sen r tie- tan k?ngs. MeeawhQa Captain
Smith rim into th> cabin tad aroused his wit'.- and
children, who were aalaef in the;.- berths, and bidding
her follow him with the little girl, he caught up bis
m.n and ran to the st< ru !x>at. She followed imm. di
ately, and be put her and tlie children into the boat,
and then got in himself, with the mate, co?>k and two
stamen. The ta> kle by which th?- boa' hung was
frozen fast, and all of their efforts to cat lcr loose
availed nothing. She went down he id fore?
most, with.n ten minutes of tke UaM she was cut
throagh,carrying down the boataadafl it* raasates
with it. Tin two survivors state that on fin ling their
efforts to clear tl.e Ix.nt bopessan, they Made for the
main rigging and n netted it Jaet as the wafer r.wej to
theii obis-. Taking re luge rattle croaetlBOO, tbeynow
the bug so k u moment nftar, bend fnmBMit. and Use
boat with it. Of thoaa who were ba Um boat, two or
tbiee rose to the surface, but Were rapidly swept out
of sight by the t.de, which was very swift ut that
point. The others were not neea ugaiu. The sinking
condition of the brig and tin eriee of Uta people on
board nttracted attention on the Baited States rt.It?
ing ship North Carolina, and the gunner, Mr. Italian!,
with a bout's crew cut clear a life-bout, which
was lying frozen up ia the ice alongside, and drugging
it over the ice to the ops-ll water, put off to then us
eistau. e, bul krug before they could reaeh her .he bad
gene down. The surviving sailors wen taken out of the
c roes tri as in a very beaaasbed state and noareyed on
ix'ttnl th.- Borth Carolina, when every aeahwanrn a u
ri nden d them, and the crow af that real ?! m i Ie up
a purse .1 inlbr thsSJB Im fore they left. ,1 list after
the sinking of the brig a man was seen M a cake of ice
off th.- Ferry slip, foot of Smth Scv- nth street, WO
lianisburili, aud preporatioai wet. made to rescue
him, but b< fore aid could reach him he seemed to
have bei n frozen power lean, for be f>-!I into the wat-r
and sank to n-e no more. Bight persons loa', their Keen
by this di-ast? r. We append their names so far us
the) could be u.so.-rta.ncd;
Capt. C'HRlSTorHlB Smith, Mrs. BxiTB, his wife, a
little boy of four yenis and a git I ekrvea year- old,
their ebildn a.
Dann \. L. Tivrkich, naata.
AabXABOBB Ukimmzk, seauiaa.
Bbbbi WfXLiaHf, seaman.
Tke C's.k, (eeaarad,] name unknown. Be was
sb pp. il in D< muraru, wheuot th>- brig Batled to Atta.
kapa.-. 1 h. saved are:
I'ho.m i? Ri i'i it, seaman, of lioston.
?Vilm tu BBOW>, seaman, of Boston.
DabieI Dakihoii, Mate His trunk, a* also the
log-book of the vessel, was picked upye*t? rday at bt
Capt. Smith and family belong to Frankfort, Me.
The vessel sailed from Bangor, Me., is owned by Mi.
David Pearce, of < trriugton, Ma., and woe OOOaij
t. R. D. Back, otNo. g9 South street. She ia six years
oid and worth . ".i .u-iue-d in Bangor for
The cargo i- insure d here. TV' only property Mired
fioai kef was the mate's trunk, containing tic lag
book, A^e., which rloated ashore. Tlie aadaiRlMari
have taken st. p? to raise the vessel, but ut present
>h< is at the bottom of th. Boat Kiv. r.
Tie eeaael snak in about rive minutes alter it was
di-.-ovcred that she had tilled. She had two koala,
but both srere lashed M finnly tha' they could not b
cleared in t.a..-1<> iffe them. The longboat waa ou
dwk, and the yaw! overt!., st. rn. All except the
( upturn s Witt wer? ae.-n to come up to th- suna ?:
alter the Te-?el Went down.
The 8inr York-hike A-none.?The p.iek..:-ship
Yoik-h;r. . l ap'. Marshall, from I.iv. rp.*jl, was t ov I
up iff Jersey ( it] on Sunday morning, and anchored
there. Dur.Lg th- night large fields o: bfM OBB
dtwr. and ti e Yo-ksbir. dragg-d her anchors This
aasrakaj oka I s ,.B the n* ks near Fort Columbus,
agroaad aaaafakraa, and bar stern lifted four feet. The
-l. p was s; berad in 'he North River, in compliance
with tin law- of the State passed for th.- pnuci-n ?r
emigrants, preparatory to landing her passenger* at |
Castle (iarden. The eteumtug l>ev;a?iaii has riBOO
landed thmi. The ship went ashore at 1 o'clock this
mm raiag, ban bag both anchors down at tke time. She
is perfect!;, tight, and has not r. reived any damage.
Meat of tke paaai agafI ar?- in a v-ry destitute condi
t.. n, havitr barely snfiicient clothing to cover them.
The parket oklp Torka baaa L.verpool. that
Wellt ll-ho ,. ?,..%.;!? i - Idllld. W-IS go' off th -
aftirr.'s | Itk) bv aJaaaalBg L? viathar. Cant. Hazard,
and tow. <1 to .J.-rs' y ( ?.
TLe m w steamship Fulton, of the New-York an !
Barre Bae, Waat down the Bay tms morniug i'ii)o
a trial tnp. and returned in the evening to the Wi.^ri^
I mi mi Caan] -tr. at ?
Tnt B?kk GsxAsaoai oa Bto?aa?As?.-JThe
baik Oeaa, Capt tosraaaad, of thai pert, from the
MTeaf I a-t 4 Afrwa aaaai aaaaaweaahwareal aaaad
af Bhtek I-Ucd, on Sunday morning last, and up to
bad ae.. nut.- remained tight. Bbl was dismauth-d ifl
the gal.-< f the 6th of Jantary. She at owned in this
city kj - Meaakf n. Tka aaaVnnttaia katre oBBt
Capt. Bswwae, with the wr.* king a uer Heury 1?.
Job is. n, to her a.-si?tano?'.
Tl i -?!. . ... - Bjinkat, B ? r. of oad ftaaa Waak>
.i gt. n, X. C, with cotton and naval ?ton-*, while
tjfcaj at aarfcdr itf Tttttj I *v ,l' ? iu?n?u * uh\ at
between I aid 10 o cloek, a large fold of ice care* ia
oi'ctact w:tL her, causing her to 'Ires; her anchor,
when ebe drifted fi.nl of tne rWroiwr rVany Carrie,
outward bound, and remained in flat situa,':'?0 for
acme f ime. when another field of toe came upon her,
knocking let down on her beam-cmis and cutting har
tl rora*. when ?hc inimrdtately filled. She waa then
chared fum thi ice and drilled down the Bay. AI
hands w. rc sav*d by jun.p;ug on board of the Fanny
CatlSt, which vese* 1 Raa rt-e-cived bo danuve.
The nheror William Le,wis, arrived yesterday (Ith;
mm Aux Cayes. while snrhonl under the M on
the night cf the .id, and whde towing up the Kay ot
>. -terday. ith.i wa? s? mu< h damaged by thr iee a*
[ to leak about 2,000 ?:.--,k. .- pr hour. She waa tow.-d
I to the city by steam tug Titan.
Llwte-d Walter, tBstt., Se-cretary af the Hoard
l'i.derwvitem. ret ired yesterday (4ih injt.) thsj f.A
leWlUg di.?{*!< '..< II
11 Nrwroi T, Monday. Feb. 4, l*3e;.
?' Hark Ft ru, for New-York from th!- t'oaat of Africa,
went ashore on th. \\ est Foint of Block 1- an I on the
morning of the 3d :n.?L. having been dismasted on the
'?ft. ui:. Cap'. Hew re, .\.-.!i: . f F: i<rwriters, left
laat evening in the wn?cking-schooncr Excelsior for
th< wreck. John I?. NoKrHtx.
"Cn*TH*M. K.-b. i, iaaa,
" iehaeaar Hani. 1 Webster of Lubev, from Lfi w
lotk for Millbridge, with tionr, corn and whiskv, went
sskore last nigLt at 8 o'clock ou Chatham' Bai.k.
Leaks badly, and is di-charging. Hw kl Lkwi*.
"Mataoa, Tiiemlav, Jan. ft, l!*5e;.
t i i wood ft altsb. M , aW? of Boer.t'ol l'uderwntan:
I'kak Nik. By the remark made to BBS r.s
tl at the ?BStSt of a Spanish v ewe 1 coming off* South?
ern voyage had made Tanla at night, ami behoved it
wa> Eiiropu Foint Light, until fortunately he opened
sb the latter, I have been induced to procure the orH
cial notice rvspcctii g Tarifs Light, ami to forward the
;i ??'<?-. d translated extract. 1 also add an extract re
ttm ting the Light at Centa, b.OBBSS it often happens
that v creels . <>nu:-jf down th. Mt .men an. au iu thick
weather, which almost always accompanies strong
< ftstt rly winds, are at a loss to find the entrance to the
NiaiN between Cctita and Gibraltar. The Sj>a*ish
(tovt tr.mtut is generally very aticutive in coimuuui
cstingtotl representatives of foreign States at .Mt
diid the innovations in lighting the coast. And proba?
bly the Hydrographie Depanmeut at Washington is
already in ptsoesaion of information, but with so strik?
ing a case of its inipoitance brought to notice, I have
not hesitated t<> lay it b< rbn you.
" Must nspccttu ly, J. W. LlBOOB,
' As i;? af t'udsrwriter*.
"Mn?it< orfJiaasiTia Bbbtibb Kbtbbbob.?
Csatai Light. Coast af Africa. Since ths 1st of De
. am bet lost, the mt w Light haajas, built on the summit
. f Mos.pit r<>- Hill, or Almita Foint, Centa, shows from
sun-i t to sunrise, a Catadioptric light of the first class,
eclipsed once every minute, and elevated .V21 fe?}t
boots high-water lev. I: visible iu clear weather Bl
miles. Lat. 3Sdeg.. 'it niin., tl sec. N.; Ion. 34 min.
4? -ct.. ??st it Sai Fernando; or ."? deg., i; nun.,
iee, west of (Jr. i nwich.
?' Sr RAI i s ok QlBBS i r \r, Taatf * Ist im Licht.?
Since 1st September la-t the revolving light on the
soutln inmost point of Tan fa Island has boa IWpaBOetf
by a new ? atadioptfis light of the first class, showing
fiom sunset to sunrise a white, fixed light, elevated
142J feet abas/a the level of the wat? r at Spring tides,
nnd visible in clear w.-uther at twenty BkilsB distance,
if the eye of the Shssnrst be at the hight of BO faai
from the sea. Laf. iiti deg., Ion. U nun, lie sse, cast
of Snn Fetuando; or j deg. Jt< min. Je< s< c. west af
(in . nwii h.
"Noti.?The tangent distance of 112} feet eleva?
tion would make this light vi-ible at about fourtcc
mil. s otT a ship's deck.
" RlO .1 ANFIKo, Wcdn.sdav, Dec. ", is.-,;..
"Bark SamaelTrain,of Ntw-Vork, tarn Lisbaa,
With salt, put in her.-ou the llth November leaking
badly, with less of main and muz on topgallant-masts,
and 'topmasts, with everything belonging thereto;
als<i, fore-yard sprung and fon topgaJlaut-yard carriei"
awav. CwrgOi of little vain.- and likely to sutfet
n.ucti. was .-old at public BSMtSBB on account of whom
it might concern, and brought BjOod prices. Damage
U) TSBBd and i nrgo supposed about Bu.ooo, (la.ooo
Billiisas) liu ii .ilx BVwBBetai, btoai Bartlspaaloaaad
to Chflt, w.th a cargo of coal, arrived on the ftStk No
vi ml er leaking. Was soon repaired, nud sailed on
the 4th December. Abo, ship Carrier Dove, from
MeW-Ycih tot California, artived on the BBth Novem?
ber, with loss of maintop-mast, topgallant-mast and all
ail attai hod, mainmast thought to be sprung, am'
much other damage. The Saiah Paik<-r, it was be
licved, would be eoadeasaed, H'irks S. Lurman an.
Susan had been condemned and sold at pabtis auc
tlOU. Hi spt . tf'llhy, QKABaJt, Baas, dl Co.
?' RloJaBBIBO, Saturday, D ?<-. i.>, lsJSS.
' The Samuel Ttuin is alongside the sheer hulk to?
day taking out her mainmast. Conti nils have been
u.aile for repairs at an estimated cost of Bs,.".00?8,500
niilln as. Wh. n lepsin arc oaaapB tad ths vessel will
soil'or New-Yolk. The Cairier I)ov seemed to lie
progressing, but could obtain uo reliable information
popperntag her, 'Ihe ship SarahPatkar discharge'
ii. o-t of h.r cargo, to bbsiIbIii arheia she I nah od
stiivi v was held on the day previous, by which it was
toBBdsbs had been -trained :n her water-ways, knees
stalled in her hold, sheafing worked Stf on both Imws
an.l under starboard tnniu i hams, with various other
aaflSBge, Tes'k in six to seven inches of water |ier
hour. The estimate of r. puns were found to bo too
i.igh to authorize repairing. The William Frothing
i.am was still at the iin-rcy of the machinists; ev?r)
thing heiBaj done by hand, much time i lost and
BOBBTf uiiliMiidablv . Xp. uded.
' Bsipcctfully." (iKAH.VM HRdS. a. Co.'
(in Saturday night last a watchman, name not
known, ou boaid the -hip Adriana, at th>- mouth of the
Atlantic do. k, fell in be t ween the \ < BBSl aud the wharf.
He was i.-. u. d by Capt. Haitlett of baik Damon and
Hti janiin Snow, a man belonging to his vessel. The
n.an was speechless for more than half an hour, and it
was moie than an hour of rubbing, rolling and stimu?
lating Is fore he recovered sufficiently to move him?
self. His limbs were much lroz.-u. and he would not
have lived Ihres minutes lougeriu the water.
I iik Km.na-.? Th.- paarjtbeats ptjrbaf across the
Lust und Notth Rivers, on account of the ice, have
bt i ii ran tnsnbB in their tiij-s. Ths only fsia's that
have tnaih- regular tripe during the whole of the " icy
t< nn " BIB tt Ota 08 DtrhaBB aesSBS Ferry, raaBBBg from
Qraad Straat, New-York, to ths foot of South Seventh
Street, Williamsburgh. The South Ferry had but
one boat on during the whole of Sunday. The
Sfati ii Island Ferry ran but ..no boat on Sunday: and,
until the weather will allow them to use their Summer
bents, or the Columbus yj raised, it is probable that
oblv one will -un.
The BBBeBll > !>> ).. u BBS the choice of SJ Alderman
to till the v acancy causi d by the expulsion ot Aid.
BaaaL K. I yncil, taki I Bjlaas to-?lay. For a week past a
trial ot thecharges on whu h h< was expelled has bt??n
BJBSBg t< ! wind Before a Committee of the American
CosSM il of the Foutth Ward, of which he is a irieaiif>er.
Lost evcnii g the Committee- it jmrted resolutions vin
dieatiag hiBl from those < 1 a ges, an'! he was renorni
The Con.m.'.te. before STBSSB L<- wa? find wore
Meawrs. J. V. ihur-ton. R, tk l ili- n, (?-o. W. D?inp
v, 1!. A. lUUsr, and J. A. Preach. This Coiunitteo
ha's sat dailv for a we. k pa-t. The witnesses were
sworn by AhiiiiBBSB Rappalyaa ami Rssbst. las
n tisics oa this taiTi irtfjratt'ir- ~*r*" M- --i*. Bphrslsi
Frav. Aid. St la!. Hill, Win. Whit-ly, Win. L. Hrrk
,i f. Aid. damee R. I BBSB] bsb. Aid. Wm. Keeney, J.
\. BardsBtM rfh, an.i H. IL Baals. The laidaaei of
Fi-A!d. W hillock, given upon the raresxtfarattoti be
foie the Common ( onncii, was also submitted to the
I omn lttee.
Thh) Coassaittes reported last evening the following
resolutions on the face of the I rid si BS given bsrforts
tliu.. wliih wir>- adopt. ?ia.o-t unanitnoiisly, and Aid.
teattel U. Tyrn :.?>< p nominalen tht rc-U e-tion. The
following are' the resolution-:
fie?fr?3. That from the eoi.fl-e'.i.? sjyi on-raifie'cr, test.
out of Ge..rse Whitloct. as laid b*ture TO ir ? OSBaOttoa, *od
tn ? ths ? rkaanas ou oath in thi? eian.mati?n. - ..ar Conunit.-aa
ire at the SJBBSBB that there was not neither is Were now, any
,?. ., . -i- -. ; ? R. Tyrrell iron, toe GMBaSh
t'ouiicil at Jeraeyt itv ,. _ , ,
ht-Aitd 'urthrr that H ia the o'.inion of th.t Couuril. fmra
a careful awi unbiaaeal eaamination of the whole aaliar,
s?.n.rel R TTrrel: ia ei :irely >ni,--eat oi tie tua?sa aud
run r- of bnherv and othceal corruption made aralaat Olm.
To thssi h ulstlSBB was app< tide.! thi BBBBSnSBJ
asMarit of Mr. Tyrr?.-11:
? The. aBldav.t of tfeor?e \\ hitlock. iuipi*:at:r,i m* aa MyiOfl
recehed tt- Ley as a bribe is tele? U. e ery ; .-?ic ..er. I hare
never rrcc.-.ed of him. or la eonnectlau with him ar y ru .neji or
aj.y'hiLj mm ai a bribe for ' blau.in* leeneei. in BBf way
r-wo.i. bv Sen ue. R TvrreU. ...
Tie muting, whah ww latgeiy af . nded, then re
t.on ii.ati". Mr. I vrn li for rteieCton to-?iay, to lill the
-eat Ir-tn BrbJah tWB we. k- ago he was exptli- d.
Yesterilav morning about ., o citx k a tire .s cured .;?
We.-k's diLing-salisin, in Fulton ?tr.et, near N'aseau.
It wa> di.-cover.-d by the insuraaee watch, who extin
gu^hed ths tlomes w.th a few botkets of Water. No
alarm was given.
V- mot tkm.tmf underlie of ftlarot] aB ear earn
*t"?|'l.?? , >o ?'sr* ?hon with a*.
(Leitet? of Ov?. 0?#J?nx>6d of H. C. 10 Tkoenae CltikMi
BH laSi number of slaveholder* in the? Slare
S ate* of this Vli'u ii, .u asccrtaJrred by tho census
re-urns of I?1, was three* .hundred ?od forty ? reo
th? ii ?an?J fire t und red aud tw*?ut) -fire. An arerage
ai | | |, pal aj and seven teuf?1'? to a family, aa es
? d l > the Superintendent of the emeus, would
g.w 1.- 1 na the" number of p'raoua interested
as slaw bolder* in their owu right, 4 r by f*mily rela?
tion. 'Ihe whole number of white? ?be slare
holdiug Statea heilig ?,!f?,41??. the slareholdiag
proportioo is a fraction short of ;8g per MBaN
I he tfuperioteodekt of Ihe ccusua, l*rofe*aor
De liow, bbji of the nanit>er, ;t47,Mf>, rt*, ?>?<?] aa
slavi holders:
t%t mmotrnt u:,i?det *L?r* lasers but u ore***** \f tfl 'ir
?** ??f*..?*N.' <?? ?...?f'? *-,<* ol*r?, a, Wa?rpr,m*w\ t The
two umi i m. * *saar,/W r?* ?*, ' haws
Me ecr.oveer? ill Hated.
? tt he * lie parlp vyrm* Uarei to Je*We*l (Vasns, ? * ^
fjrrert Slaut, h* trtli b* uttered more Am oasa. TIM, fjSa eue
f?eA Ihe mi. r loo ?? eery /i?a>. lew* ??l| (As ss
la efer yrrpet t in. ?
The addition of those who are "slarehir
merely, to the category of slaveowners, must, I
thiuk, swell their number much more than it if
dimiui.-hed bj the excloaion of " those who are ia
"tcreatid conjointly with others in slare proa>
"eity." Such iustances of conjoint interest wist
OCCBf most frctjueiitly iu the family relation*,
already taken iuto the account, wheu we multi?
plied the number of slaveholders returned by fire
at d seven tenths. A comparison of the returaa
from Maryland, the District of Columbia, and Vir?
ginia, where s!a\i hiring i* much practised, with
Alabama, Mississippi and I.oui-iana, where it la
leaa practise*!, show a the following results
Maryhuid, Virginia, and the District of Colum?
bia, with M8,M3 elaves, return TJ.."-<I elave
ew ncrj. Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana,
with -:C,.*>;il slaves, return 7 3, Ml slave
owners. The relative excess of slaveowners re?
turned in Virginia, Maryland and the District of
Columbia, must be attributed, in part, to the in?
clusion of a relatively, larger number of "?l\re
birers." I'pun the whole, it mav safoly bet ci?n
eladed that at least seven tenths of the white's ia
the Slave State*, are not slaveowners, either in
their para riatLt, or by family relation. The uum
ber of white males in the Slave State?, n*.<'d
twenty-one vear* aud upward, iu 1H50, woe
Considering that the number of '.147,525, re?
turned as slaveowners, is subject to some deduc?
tions, and considering that of the ilareownora
in n \ are female* aud minors, it is probable that not
exceeding one fifth of the white male adults of the
Slave States own ilaree.
The uon-slaveholdiug whites of the South, being
not less thuii seven tenths of the w hole number of
whites, would seem to be entitled to some in?
quiry into their actual condition; and especially,
as they have uo real political weight or considera?
tion in the country, aud little opportunity to speak
tor themselves. I have been for twenty years a
reader of Southern newspapers, and a reader and
hearer of Congressional debates; but in all that
time. I do not recollect ever to have seen or heard
these non slaveholdiug w hite* referred to by South?
ern gentlemen, as constituting any part of what they
call "tht South." W hen the rights of the South,
or its wrongs, or its policy, or its interest*, or its
institutions are spokcu of, reference ii always in?
tended to the rights, wrongs, policy, interests and
institutions of the three huudred and forty-seven
thouraml Slaveholdt rs. Nobody gets iuto Con?
gress from the South but by their direction; no?
body speaks at Washington for any Southern inter?
nal except theirs. Yet there is, at the South,
quite another interest than theirs; embracing from
two to three times as many white people; and, as
we shall pu-erutly see, eutitled to the deepest sym?
pathy and commiseration, in view of the material,
intellectual and moral privations to which it baa
been subjected, the degradation to which it ha* al
raedj been n duced, and the still more fearful
degradation with which it is threatened by the In?
evitable ope-ration of existing cause* and iuflueuooe.
From a paper on "Domestic Manufacturer in
'? the South aud West," published by M. Tarver
of Missouri in lr 17, I make the following ex?
" The tree f*>i ulstlon of tho Mouth may bo divided lato two
rlaasea?th* slayebolder and tli* i i a ,iav?i.ol.i?r. I am uot
aware that the relative- numbers of these two class** hare ever
beeu ISHllslaeil in any Of UM Htateai bnt I am satiated that
tba nun alsyrImMi r- hi aaSMHStbar tho slat*ho|.l*rs? perhaps
? la ' aa la the aaaes Hi.iith?m portion af ihn t*$\ou,
slaveholilera pos*es*. generally, bot ?try ,mall ??an?.
and the land wbUh they |??kh i? almost utuveraallj poor, nut
?uteri!? that a at anty subsistence I* all that can ba derived
te ii. Us ? alii ia Krai. sad Um easts fertile seal, be In* iu the pu*
? Mb* slaveholder, in'.at aver remain uut ol the power
. : their wliu hay* noe*.
' Tfett ?iat?of thiiia* i* a (oat drawback, aud bear, beayll*
upou tmi depretaei tbe moral ,aei(l?? of th* pooror claaaaa * '
The ?i .jnuif.on of a retprctable po,itli>u lo lh? ???!? of woalth
appear* ao difficult that thty rle< line th* aajalM purtnlt, and
n.ai y ut theiu Intti* iti'WU iut? halota ut idleuea* aud bocuma
the ataeoat Massva saajaais et ,n ita <weaaajaaai *?? Aud I
laaasal to <ay that I hava obaerved of lata reara that aa evtdeat
detartoratloa i, laklai |lae? in this pact nf the population, tho
ynuLrer rx,iilnu of n beiu( t**? educated, leaa ludastrioo*, oai
a areas j oint mt rtmw loti r**p?eUbla than th*lr auaaatota. * *
!? i,. in an eminent ilegr**, tlx- Interest of th* slavaholdsr that
a w?y to vi slth snd respectability should ba opened to this part
of th* population, and that *n< nnrosanmnt ahould b* gleen to
anton rise and ifidnalry ; and what would ba mere Ilk el j to af
lord dim aSX I araiaataal than 'h* Iniroduction of raauufactu/oa t
? * * To th* ?ia?el.i Illing rlass of tbe population of the Sauth
west, the Introduction of tnauafaclures Is not leas Intereattaa
than to the r.uD-slaveholdtna class. Tba fonnsr p<?*?*?? almost
all the wealth ol the eouriiry. The preaarvatton of this wsallh
is s susjei i ot the highest consideration to those who poaaeeo It."
This picture is distressing and discouraging; dis?
tressing, iu that it exhibits three fourths of the
whites of the South substantially destitute of prop?
erty , driven upon soils so aterile that only i scanty
? ub-istenee ia obtainable from them, depressed in
moral enemies, finding the pathway to respoctabil- .
ity so difficult that they decline the Impeloas pur-^
*uit, ceasing to struggle, and becoming the almost;
passive subjects ot the consequences of idlenessr
discouraging, in that it exhibits this great bulk of
tie BfUte population growing worse instead o f
better, ewdcntl) deU-rioratiug, and its >ouu^f t
ft rtJea leal educated, leaa industrious, and ,?
etcrv point 01 view IffJ relpCCtable thai! their aj,.
In the January numbe r, of 1K)0, of De 1 g
Iteriete, Is an article on 41 Manufactures ta South
Carolina," b> J. H. Ta>lor. of Charleatoa, pv
from which I make the following extracts:
1 o*r^ is in mu quarters * natural Jealousy of ii a ,1,-1,,,,
.sl.od bablis; and tweaaso 1 .' .m.... 1?
kaV .'.*etthe|?or and anoaiployed ar JL ^pul^
? to . ? 's*" ba^e ariaaL tl ,tt torn* **u
would grew ot.: of the idlraciactsaii of such a ,ubllahinant*
airor.( 11s.
' Let us, hewever. look at ti..s cuatur with ce oaor aasi aalut
lese -r.d etdinlL-sll iig bearings before wa*s* araaiaethat tea
?. 1. . ? ? po r. . ? orv w, -uilS trt ??r ,, ,.?,,
ttaas ? a ? . Th? poor man has a y?t* a , wall *a laa rieb
n an and :n our 8tat? the rjumbarof tne i?a nirr ma}
o?*rtalsnce the latter. ?0}"]'. a, the*, pus ., bat i/i?uatriou?
peorl* could ?e? no mono of llrln? aaaept ay , desradluf oper*.
tioo of wr rt with ths uegro upo-. ?b? -an. they wsra can
u nt t. aossaxa life In Us niy dlacosjaafcaa ferat, saatatad the.
t.Aoe?th*?Uv?,tBo?s> fartua afta* wotaa thaa ha Bat
?rorld .. ?..ward/ aa- d ta?a,Atoae?a IVt
aa 'aaaaasf ort thaTaTt aaZeVaS
nmpeteico u>d ia?aU'? Ui* tnu
fr,a: uphmrtoy ?/ ear mat*** that mt hay* to Jfgt to for as ear
"Ha saa| lojm*t.t ot the whIU labor wl ?0 ? to ,
eg ten t i1 ot v. ?!?a??vo.i.to waat . ^ ,?.bU this part ?<
aau r?1 "!?"?"' "> ?arros^ tbea^lr? , ?,tk cotll(otm Vakfe
toverty now places Is-yonS i**ir rear t s,-v,, isvlutry of
, father.'he careful heaaawaarr a*4 ^ ?,rhai, tui tut itij
easheaiaiof* ef to?| ot a?e t'^oreo. will re y aoou c^abta