Newspaper Page Text
V01- XV.IN0- 4.618. NEW-YORK. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 6. 1856. PRICE TWO CENTS. KEW-YORR TRIB?NB. -4> TLIB NBW*YOKH DAILY TRIBUNS Is frjiLi?jirT> EVERY MORNING abo BVENINO, iSvSDAV BBCBrrBD.) BT OR FE LEY ? MtKLIAT#t|, ? vbb TtiBt'vi WiW'i cobbbb or s**?^? *?n itauca *TBtBT* orro*iTB tu? otvv ntLL ?Mi eellverrd to ? ity *a*rn}r'; ?l !2'? cent* pot wot*. Sin? gle Copies. Two < enu I M*? *u-^r-oeT*, #6 per annam, in ad ?SM? Por tU moBih*. ?3; for Lhr>? month*, ft 1 AO. THB NBTW-TOHs*. WEEKLY TRIBUNE, A YBRT LAROB V at Kit FOR THE COUNTRY, THE MEMI.WEEKLY TRIBUNE ? >*?>>*>bed every Tvkidat and Fainav Mobkibb. Pries, ft! tMT Two Copies for *5; Five flepie* for ftII ?. A4 '""Tient?, IV rents s line I I each insertion. THE NKB'.YOHK TRIBUNE FOB KliKOftAN CIRCULATION, atpabliahe.l on Uie departure of eark Mail MftMM for Liverpool M #4 per annum, po*tage included, Single Copies, 81* Cents. THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE F# R CALIFORNIA, OR BOOM. AND THE SANDWICH ISLANDS, m pahttabed on the departure of each Mail Sieamer for Aipin wali at #1 SO per annum. Single cne.o?, Su Cents. Special Notiere. I.O.O. F.- The R. W. ? HAND LODGE of South New Tart will bold it*.SEMIANNUAL SESSION on WEDNES? DAY1 BVENINO, nth Keb.,at 71 o'clock, in the room of the C " Ha'l c?<ncr of Oraud and ( enlre tta. By order, _JOHN J. DA VIES, 0. See. Lsdarra. Mr ioHSO! Toe HietirTlrf tie French Rarveafttion," will deliver a Courae of Three Lecture* in ftka Tabernacle New-York, on the evening* ol WEDNESDAY flaa faii: FRIDAY, the fth, and TUESDAY, the 12th of re!.' I " Oa the Secret Hi*'ory of the En?li*h Whig*, and InM I. iisaaf 184*." II. " The Cluha of Loa lea .their Aneedotei a a 'iwIotv." III. ' Lord Pairnere'on?Hi. Peliey and Char eitei." Admission, as cent*; Reierved Seat?, bOceut*. Door* open at 7. Lt< tore, each evening, at 8 o'clock. (leneral Nnrlriv of Merkmalen nml Trnrlt-eiuf n of ?MB f'lty of New-York.?The teruler Meeting of the Soce ar?T tnll be held at Mechanic*' Hall, No. 472 Broadway, THIS <J..edue*dev) EVI s INO. at one hour after aunaet. _WM. V AN NORDEN, Secretary. HaydWk the Kx-Woud?awyer, will lecture on Temper aaae at Ml..*, j Heli, Werren-.t., Hrookl vu, NEXT THURS? DAY rvKNlM a- 7,,' TV Geaalt Entertainment at Nihlo's Saloon on the Bb of February, will be on a moat liberal and attractive ?<-,*le. pf)E LOCK ?>\?nd aeat* (scored, at No. 14? Nauau-atl, and at '<? * Jacknor. RON, No. Ill Broadway. I Bawsry. . ? ?mportauca fin* evening. ?j W. WILDE, Secretary. Baptist Church in MacdouarJ ?t.. on INO NEXT Feh. 6. The H. . Ml ?peakora, will ad die** the meeting. "i ANT' PER Pi Da la'* Sfttond Lectar* n.. TBE iaMl 'Ml FBI 'AY h\BNE ITY OF CHARACTER will be Maw k ;.ra ( oinmenrea at 7J o Fab. i. at Sluvveeant Inalitute, Tt,. ?Ihm .?, Heulen. k*k A^faeion 10cants. *fVbr.?, Eighty Member*, lease?' 'eat Ae?oi intion, now nurn *? Vl?trr*" d< ,l,d ttjl'kere In APRIL. Membeit will ke*? .M- "?'hev meet every **.an year* to pay for it, at ?125 rg*Mc. 1?* Ha?ia**?of {?.' WEDNESDAY EVENING Bt No, KURV"11 Le*tar'f"o New-York.-The Rev. Mr MIL Bvlu V ,th f-*' ore an " The Miaaiemppi Valley; Manna in _J*lWertw.; Or. The Old Preacher* and their Preachinr," a* Hat Aetv-r-rlaea. THURSDAY EVENING, Feb. 7, at * o civ. ? floor. ?? ml 7. Ticket? 21 cent*. For .ale at ?awanawapal BCc^,; ? and at the Ubrmu > <:,?! M,-,-i:. gBS Iitbraiy tiwcii^ Notice.?The Annivrrasry Exerciaea of the Sun tu . School at >b< Five i'oint? OiMpol Oataft Miwiou will he held a'the ; Churchji, MatdougU ?t.. on WEDNESDAY EVEN ADAMS, and other able The children trill exerciee kn Singing, recitation and Speaking of Scripttire Pincea Tick at* tor admiaaioh 12, cents, to aid the Miaaion Htm*e. Open at 7, exert ate* to commence at 71 o'clock. D. CHAPMAN, > E W. ALLEN, J Committee. _ ARCHIBALD MOPES,) The Rev. R. 8. Ntorra,Jr., of Brook!vu, will Lecture b? the Pwunti. tl. ?t Cnngretatiiiriiil Churt b, Between t>:h and Ttk-av* TBURSDA] EVENING, Feb. 7. Subject: SIR WALTER RAI I K.ll. Tiikete ii ten'a. Lecture to oom saeace at R n'cioi k. vv llliairiMhuPKh \ nun? Men-.' ('brialinn AtHoria tien. A.n., oi alz Leetaras will be delivered before this A**eciet.nn I c Inn ? nein* TH IS EVENING. Thu follow Lec tarera have been engaged: The Rev. W. II. Million), the Rev. T. E. Cuyler, the Rev. Joaeph P. Tbouipaon, the Ret. Dr. E. O. Farter ?nd sal I n Young .Men's) Christian Union of .New?York. ?A BBtnlar Meeting will be held on THURSDAY, Feb. 7, at 7* p. at,, in the V e?try ol the Rev. E. It. Chapin'? ('durch. A full ut baadai.i I ia MBBBBtei. CLEMENT D. NEWMAN, Recording Secretary. Naaok? House* Make Heoldine Wives -Smekad and burn. . .teak, make fretting huahanda. ? The New OBIDIBON, ROBINSON'S Patent, though prone to broil* a* BBBSks tlie* apward Iroin the old yroee**. neverthelea* i* your true peace aaaker, for it drawa lbs ?moke downward, rookt evenly an Beaatittilly. without burning, and drop* no fat in the fire. Fiv aiaea, tri at *>i' to a>3. Sold ?t the Amen, an and foreign Patent Agency. No. 79 Duane at., ICS feet raat ol Broadway. TheMranherauf the Hoard of Kn?ine*-r?nnd Fore arten oI the >ew-Yorlt Flrr Department, are requeitod to meet at the Stftvvesanl In.titute, THIS (Wedneaday KVF.NTNfl, at 7j r/elotk, to make arrangements for the fauna! of It S. DICK SON. late Foreman of Hook and Ladder Caanjeny No. 14. ALFRED CARSON, Chief Engiueer. Janrs F. W? * v as. S i retary. Bt. Elizabeth Hlarkwell, graduate of Geneva Medice' Cadlege, pupil at the Lying in Ucepital, Pari*, and atudent ot the Raw den fIo.[itala, attendu to every department of MEDICAL FRAI Tl( F among Ladiea and Children, No. 79 Eaat 16th-sL i hours from 10 to 12 a. m. ? DUeoseo Of the Hkln. Dr. NEWTON'S Other for the Meeial treatment i f the meat inveterate forma of theae a?ec Boaa, and ajao SCROFULA and CANCER, i* now at No. 133 fth av near IMk at, North Atnrrlrsui Fire Inauranrr ( ontnunv?Cask aapiul a>'2M>.ISSi with a large taipla* ? < IMOS No. * Wall-au againit MM or damage by FIRE at the eatabliahed aalee. JAMa:? W. OTIS. President A W. RLttrarB, Secreury. Foataee Stamps (3 cents) for aale at thi* ofAce. ?ammmmmm ? ? SVmriGt mnito. PAI L JULIEN and AUGUST GOCKEL rrapectlully n.foiui their friend* and the public general!v, ?ant the, wd! 1 WOOBAND FAREWELL I ONI I (US at NIBLO'S SALOON, the bat to take place on FRIDAY, Feb. I, 1?66. ft* thi. BBC agil B IBB] will be kindly ttTttttd bv Mr*. E. tt BOSrWK K, Mr. J. MEYER. Mr. A. WOELTOE.sad Mr. H. DAVES. PRoORAMME-Pabt I. 1. Weber'* " Cofteeifttftl k"-A. OOfll and Mr. Woeltob R Aria from In B<Bftttfl " Betlj".Mr*. E. O. Bojtwick X Aliard'a Fanlaaie, " La Favorite".PaI'L IVtlBfl A Bee thoven'* " Adelaide." auug by.Mr. J M i > ? A Oockel'a " I'olichu.e.ii ".A. (rOCKBL Pabv II. a Oraml Duet.Mrs E ti. BmrwtiK and Mr. J. MfVCft V. Vieuxt -iiij a, " Fantaaie Capnece".Paftt Jftl IBS a Bake*faBtjikanBssbb.Mas E o Bostwick R a " A Night on the Ocean." b " Le Tri-imphe," comi?*ed and exeeu'ed by.A. OocatL M. Ban au'a Fa-.taaie, " Ma.ame '.PaI'L Jl'LIES TheiwoOrand FiaOOt are from the manufactories of Mr. Ckiekennt and Mr l.lntltui am Tickets, V> tent*, (reserved aeat* Aft rrnta extra.) may be had at Haii A Son'. Miiaic Store. No. 139 Broadway, and at Dan* kh?'* Aaencv. No. Ill l'.ro*..wav. on and after Wednesday. Fab. 6, and in the evening at the dotir Doort open at 7?ie ees n ance at ? o'clock. K~T~B L O ' ? GARDEN (WEDNESDAY EVENING, r*b. 6, la* I BTBAOB DINABY ATTRACTION. THE WONDERFUL RAVEL FAMILY. Mile THERESk ROBERT, an) the Ballot Troupe. VOL AU-VENT. Received with .liouta of laughter FRANl OIS ON LA HARRE OEBJUQDE. To commence with JetoaM't Comicality, IHK StTIOOLMASTER. Dr. Birch.Jero-r e | Master Tr.cka.? France.* Aflerabich the (irand Ballet of KATEY, THE V1VA.NDIERE. C baractrrabv M.le. Kotiert and the Ballet Troupe. Tr conclude with, firat time thi* sesaou, VOL-Al-VENT. kaktn.F'rancoi* Ravel Ib which tharacter be perforate the truly aetoniahiiig feat* introducing LA PARRE CERRIQL F. CRoSSiNO THE STAOE ON A POLE 15 FEET HIGH, raica* or aumisaiob: TICK 1 IS.FIFTY CENTS The onlv Seat* that can be MHiured in advance are: 1'rtvat* Boaee.ftieacb. Orebeetra Seata..$ I eaah. Box OtaVe open dally from tarn, to 3 p. in.. for the aale of Ticket' end HCarlBg Ori .tra Seat* and Private Boiea only. !><vr* open at *4 perionnaoce to commence at 7| o'clock. C~"ONCKKT.-Miss JANE A. AMDREW8, aa aialad by Signer BERN AUDI. I Baritone), who will *iug ?srtbebr?! time, an EB*li?h lats|j Mr. BUUK, EkeiitUt); Mr. RICHARD HOFFMAN, (Solo Pianiar); and L CLARE W. BF.AMES. (Ctindiirtie at the Piano), at the RreotMi Atbenatuu. on THl KSt'Ai Ml SINU, K,S. 7, MAS. Tckct* V cec-.a each, to be obUnnedat thi- Matit -:-..rea. and Bt -it Heoksrore of WM. W. ROSE, Ntv 142 A'la itte at , aha. of Iba c r the Atbrneruni. au I at WM HALL a BON'S Pisas Forts WVerooui*. No. 2U9 Broadway, Naw tavk. ai.d at the door. Door* open at 7. Concert to commence BM o'clock._ AN EXCURSION to CHINA and JA TAN, For Twraty-ive * elite, ?dfADEMY HALL. No. fiea Broadway. Door* open at61 k Paaaenaera ?t*rt at 71 Cclock p. m. Two AtWaoon ??Mi M W r DNI SDAY and SATURDAY, at Three b. m. gMBilBia O. R, WEST. WM. HEINE._ WH H A ( o. s Mamiimth PANORAMA sV 'HA?the lar?.-'?t Oil Painting in the world?will exhibition EVERY AFTERNOON at 1 and fo'blotk, for One Week Hipr Chapel, s oVS^T*" v AFTERNOON ai I and BJRRINU at 7? o'bl.K k K.r One Hut' all at il ipe Chapel SS, V.* B?*dv.V commeM .ng on MONDAY BVENINO ?*J' 1 ker. I cenr*_ T?R CRYSTAL .'ALACK.? Ibis beautiful *?-- Hl'dlt.? cenlain* varmu* objecU of intereat? Ancient 5J^o?TAl,ESTRYlb gallery of PAINTINGS, rare and val SL ,TL'ARY, betide Agricultural Implements and Ma " will raavau, opaa anttl farther aelice. V ATIONAL THEATER?A. IT. PURDY, Man* A? ager ard Freprte'or-Ore** Circle IS eentii Pit 124. e-'nt*'* Chair. Well -THIS KVP.NINO wUl be perforu??.': THE INVASION i IF IKKI.ANO. Art MaeMnrn u.h J. H Allen I KL.renceMc I TtrMuaHaibawav Tbady O'Rvan.Mr. O l. Fox | Widow O'Ryaa... .Mr*. Wray Tamborine Dai.ce by Mia* He- nett? Lane ASPHODEL; Or. THE MAGIC PEN Beblias.Mr. O. L. PoxJ Babolin.M.*s Hathaway _MY NEIGHBOR'S WIFE. 7 WALLACE'?" THEATER.-Ik.xM and Parquet so ter.ia; Fa-ni!/ Circle 2S een'a: Stall? *i; Priyate Boies 11 aid *> 7. Door* open at ?1 o'clock ; perfonnancae corn arrene* at 7.-THIS r v e.nino will be performedi DL'K e HUMPHREY ?I i) IN NKR. Riebard Birdoo?.Mr. Lester | Ainee, hie wife.... Mr*. Hoev VILLAGE DOCTOR. Elena Bonccenr Mr h. Flartde | Louise.Mr*. Hoe* LITTLE TREASURE. Walter Mayeenbl?ah .? .Lester | Mr.. Meddleton. .Mr* Veraon 1AURA K E E N E ' ? VARIETIE8, J Late the MxTtoroLiTAV ".?/-.? Bbqabwav, Parquet snd Dress Circle, 50 rents; Family Circle, 25 cent.; Orrbeetra Stall*. 75 cent* ; Private Boxe?, e>5.? Door* open at 6j j commence at 7i -th IS K5 ENINO, will be performed: SHE STOOPS TO ( ONQUOR. Yean* Marlow....Mr. Jordan | Miaa Hard. -a. tie.. .Mi*. Keenr TIIK SCHOOL KOR TIGERE. Capt. K 'eflyer. Mr McDouall | Mayor Still.Mr F. Tr*ror T< n. ? raf.Mi*? L Keei e | Tr*ce*.Mi?* A. Clifton BROADWAY THEATER-E. A. MARSHALL. Sole J, ? and Parquet, SOcenU; Family Circle and Upper Tier, L*. reut?; Pnvate Buxe?, *and ?6. ?Door* ?pen at 6, ; commence at 7 o'c.otk.- THIS KvKNi.VO: KOMF.O AND JULIET. Merrutio.Mr. W allack I Juliet.Miaa J. Coombes Romeo.Mr. C Kiaher | Narae.Mr*. Blake the sea OF ice. De l.arroure.Mr. Caiioll I Looiae.Mm. Ponisi Del Monte.Mr c. Fi?b*r | Countea*.Mr*. Bucklaad BV R T O N ' "?CHAMBERS-STREET.? W EDNESDAY?a new Comic piece, never acted here: family TIES. In which Mr. J. h. McVicker, the American Comedian, will apt ear a* Joab. Siara. And Iba favorite Comedy, in three act*, nf LAUGH when YOt; can. Oo.aamer, Mr. h a. Perry; Bonea. Mr. Burton: Emily. Mi*a K. none) Mu? (ilnorrdv, Mrs Hughe*. TO-MOR ROYS'?TAKE that fllflL a way. ROADWAY THEATER.? ADVERTISEMENT EXTRAORDINARY. LINTON. the sstem.hing Antipodean, wboae daring sod an precedented fear ot SVALKINtVON A CBILINO, Twenty-eiaht feet long, witri hi. head downward, ha* electri? fied the world and bewildered ibe sciEKTiric or all corNraita, Will begin hi. rerfnrmanee* at the shoe* establishment oa TIILH8DA i BY knino, F*b. 7. Thia unrivaled exhibition will be continued on the SAME NIOHT8 With the rpeetaelea of KINO CHARMINO and THE 8EA OF ICE. Fr.ll deacription in regular bill*. BARNUM'? MUSEUM.?Third titue of LOVE AND CHARITY, w.lh Mrs. Frank Drew in ch.r?et*re Tbiid time of LOVK I.acohs AT r.O( K - SMITHS?THIS! w ednesday) EVEN I NO. Feb. f>, at 7i o'clock, LOSE and CHARITY, and LOVE LAUGHS at LOCK SM11HS. AFTERNOON at 3-the same perlornvince aa in the evening. Perfi rmanceain tha LION'S DBN at 24 and 7 p. m. The LIVING will ANIMALS, Ac. Admlttaac* to all. i! eeut* ; Ch Uren ander lb, 12} cent* BUCKLEY " SERENADERS, No. 539 Broad? way -every nioht thia week, the Durleeque on 80MNAMBI la, and BEG eg MINSTRELSY. I nrr mei.rlng at 71 o'clock. Adrni*aioii 25 centa. NOTICE.?Ferhan.'? Fourth Enteqiriae (lift Ticket* am re? ceived (tor the admiadun of four persons) to our entertainment*. For aale at IM Boa Office. GREAT RU?H twksee HUCKLKY'" SERENA DERS. They receive fot f. ur admission* th- ticket* in I'rRUAM'S FOURTH GIFT ENTERPRISE. The.e ticket* are for aalt, from It) am. to 10 p. in. at the box office of BUCKLEY'S OPERA HOUSE, No. 639 Broadway, and at th* principal Hotel* and SI Store* i'r ce, ? 1, or eleven for 4)10. EO. CHRISTY & VVlrOl^MHWKEL^ n?. 441 B ROADWAY. OFEN EVERY EVENING. Ticket* 26 cent* All hnsine** transacted by 11 WOOD. B G DR. ABBOTT'" celebrated COLLECTION (.f EGYPTIAN ANTIQUITIES, No. 659 Broadway.-Thia valuable Mm. urn. contiui ing upward of 1,100 Object*, with ??vi rai recent Addition?, ia the mo*t popular and attractive Exhibition in tbe city. Adaniesiou, 25 ceut* 1TNTH ANNUAL FESTIVAL of B. L. SNOW SOCIAL UNION No. I, will take place at Brook* Assembly Rocra?, No. 361 Broome at., ou THURSDAY EVEN ING. Fe?.. 7, 185ei. A brat-rate Quadrille Band ha* been en gaged for the occasion. Ticket. 75 centa, including Supper, to be bad him tbe following Committee: Mra. White, No. 23 Croib) at.; Mr?. Knapp, No. 110 Norfclk at.; Mrs, Parka, No. 81 Monroe at.; Mra. Feutun, No. Ill Orchard at. : Mra Wil helm, No. 434 Houatot -at. i >lr. Leander Keliy, No. HI Ea.t ifiib at.; Mr. Thoma* M. Marker, Printing Office,comer Coutre and W hite-at?. Tirketa limited. N S. JIMMERSON, Chairman. S~PIRITUAL RAPPING aod" WRITING.? Ml*. W. B. COAN, MEDIUM. No. 115J Orand at , a few doora writ of Broadway. Private Sittinga dally from 9 * m. to .p.m. Promi.cui M Circle* every day thia week frem 3 to 5 and 7} to l'j p in.. Friday evening! excepted. Termi SO cent*. D?SSELDORF GALLERY, No. 4!f7 Broadway, eontaina 1S(' of Lb* fineat PAINTINGS ?vor put upon ea (Jbit ea tue. DAV and EVENING Admittance 3*>e.ei>'a Ken publicaiione. THE MOST DISTINGUISHED of RECENT NOVELS! OUR COUSIN VKHONICA; Ob, SCENES ANll ADVENTURES OVER THE BLUE RIDGE. By Miaa WOaUtlXBT, Author of " Amabel, a Family Hiatory." From The Boaton Tranacript. ' The same fine command of language and kaen sen** of character, the aame thoughtfulneaa and refinement, mark her new werk ss won admirers tor her first production of Amabel; ar.d we have not fcaad any companion among tbe beings of the mind that have filled tha icope of recent fiction so real, agreea? ble and luggeative. k> well avelvad turn the plane of our com? mon humanity, and the scenea of our own country, aa those) which bring bou.e to us the bent phase* of domestic life in Vir. gil ia, through ' Our C. Veronica.' " ? One vol., 12mn. Trice $1 2A BUMCE h BROTHER, No. 126 Nassaa st. Bcll.n - LIBRARIES.?NEW VOLUMES? Ju.t reo iv.d ai .1 fur .ale hy BANDS BROTHERS k Co , N i II Psrk row. I LECTURES ON Till HISTORY OF THE FRENCH BRVOl UHOV B] YVw Svvtm, (Pr. fe?eor of .Modem llu tory in ihe Univer.i'y of Cambridge.) New Edition, with tbe Author* last ronertiOT's, ami an additional Lecture. Vol. 2. (completing tbe work) fl (Standard Libraiy.) II. THE WORKS OF THE RT HON. EDMUND BURKS. Vol. 5, (( bane against Warren Hastings?Political l.e'tersl a>l. (Rritiah ( laaaica) 111 QUINT. H.LI A VS INSTITUTES OF ORATORY; Or, 1 i t i .tick t bom OaaTOB. Literally translated, With Notes, bv W at.oa. Vol. I. s>l 2.V K lassical Library ) |\ THE GBEEK ROMANCES OP fiELIODORUS. LOMGI I AND A( HILLES TATIUS. Tbe Adventures ol Th?< gene* and Char.ele*. the Pastoral Amour, of Daphnis an 1 Ctiloe, ai d the Love, of Clitophon and Leucippe. 1 vol. s>1 2S. (( laasical Library.) Ali, 11 LI an f M as I ERPIECE of FICTION. B E A I M A N O I R ; oa. Tnr. ( ? at a Kimm. Mtv. A Novel equal to Buiwer's bast. Will be puMiahed Feb. II Complete in one thick Iva vol? ume of VIM) 1 ages. Price jO en!* Send in your orders at ouce ! > A lil'ltKh .I'.ihlisber. Buffalo, rnblisber's Agent?, BOM, JONES ?> lol'SEY. No. M Naasau at.. and No 25 Clark-at., Chicago. Copies u ailed upon receipt of pnc*. 0E8TICK8'" BOOKS?Tkfl moat popular, bumorou? volumes t ubli.hed. A new edition ju*t pr.nted of DOB8TU KS-WHAT HE BATI 12mo. Cltth. Hlustrsted by McLei an. fl. In Pre**: HISTORY AND AUTHENTIC RECORDS OF THE ELEPHANT CLUB. Bv V A. I'Hll AM'IK DOK8TICK9, P. B., aifd KNIGUT MUtt OCMSIDK ML A l^no Cloth. With V' Illustrativ: ? bj N l.enan. $100 EDWARD UVERMORE, Pub!i*her, No. 10 Beekman-st-. New Yerk. " The New York Journal i* the best Other Monthlies have gone to rest." 171.ANK LE8U1 " NEW-YORK JOURNAL M. i. the rheapc.t a: d beat Magarine ed in America. I .-or's us Kestc good raa.ling. more SPLENDID KNORAV 1N(.S. mere Met n. information, is better mi - -e-l, a I la more rrin>)lly issaed than any other Monthly of the dar. it ia mote scught after and belter liked than any other. Prv-? 184 cents f er coj y or *}.' per yesr. BOSS JONES a Ti ??BET, Agenta. No IIS Na*aa. *t., N Y . and No V< Clark *t.. Cnicago. AC A R D~. MISS JFANNETTE HOPP1N. By warnsge OBOBOE W. TAYLOR, begs to annou:^e Hat ehe ha*just pabliabed a brief outline of her early life, the c?t Be* i f ler cruel ;?rui!y per??cutions. her years nf eulering and 11 lal, a ith ibe lull name* of her ;er?ecutor?and henefact 'r*. Her eihrion ia very email. Copies can be ob'ained bv being crreful fo addre??. inclosing Ol.witb postage stamp, to Mra. EANMTTE H. TAYLOR,car* ot Aaron S w art x, eea,. Chat? ham-square Post-Office. IUST PUBLISHED?BjHhe author ef "Lo a" renao Bei oni. or Passajte* in the Life of an Italian ? DOCTOR ANTONIO; A T*l.b or Ivsliau Disports* For sale bv all Bookaeliera. and Publ.ahed by ror aaie ?, THOS. NELSON A SONS No. 131 Na**au-*t.. next door to Naaaau Bank. N. B.-Baat free by peat an receipt af ?? caau. F ? * .tj ilc Tr-tb b?<s ti*r ?n hard* In its recital!"?Fred erickibsrg*' (Vs.) New*. O W READY ALOSK. BY MAKlo.N HARLAND. A mv. Revised i!9tL) Edition. One elegant 12mo ., an form with tbe " Hidden IVn Prate * i IS. K- i mtl.: (ubliakrrs b?vr ihr fle.f .re of presenting to the trace tod Ibe putlic their edit.ou of oi.e of the molt KAM INATINO. INTERESTING AND PoFULAR vcUnc* tbit has been published lor many jeer*. Unaided by tbe mwI effort* tbet ere made to extend Ute tele of boots of far freerer ) retention*, it ha* utcti the rreeglh of it* own intrinai: Bteiitt re er bed the extraordinary i.wmoer of Nc.etee:i Bt ? in little more than a year?thua, ail thing* considered, outstrip tdng all romjetitorv for 'h?- goal of popular favor Rival edition* Laie Iff ii publiabed in England and on the Continent, and now, in tbouaaniia of familie*. the nook* of Man on Harlend are wei? ten, e vmtora. a >tw tiTBicTt raoM lkcthv Bt'ltwa or " alo.r. " " V\ e rerofniae pointa in it vrb.cL d. serve b gh praise for tiieir high merits. True genina alone, lor instance, eouid have eon eeiwd an! executed the arena between Lacy and Ida. The wbrl* ej.e.? - 01 the u.*mage mi the widower with the young and ftahioi.atle Helen ia rapitaliy given . end it* bnal cs'.astr phe if aa thnll.nt a* it i* simple and natural. Charley ' i* one ef the beat drawu pcorie we base met with in print for many a day. Ida, berreli?( arry. Joseptnne, nurse Rachel, Lynn llolines, Ibe artist, the Dana family?indeed, almoat everybody introduced, even to try mereat sketch?are gra-hic and ddatiaet. Ibe lock i? full tf Lerve. *Ld b-ere mark* of mat true genius for ? hose take u,at b bj exru??i ,e. We cam point to no recent female work as contaiLii.g fixer passages than ' Alone.' " 'Boston P.*t. " There is geelu*. pathos, humor and moral id it* charming page. ; mack knowledge of hum*-, nature, and ae*JSI to deiine ate rbarerter. It cannot fail to be read with deep interest by all uto hare tree feeling and warm .yroparkic*. Aa a work of fiction it ia one of the beat we ha.e read in many a day." I New York Oheerver " The laperior merit of ' Alone' doea not eonsi.t merely ifl the in re i eat r f the *tory. with ir* * lowing thought* and ex<i i state faLtir* ; not in tbe faithful portraiture of life and delineation* of character; not in tbe voices ef sympathy constantly fallinii Uka music tipn the heart, !u ir?lr?' ? better leeliag*; nor yet in it* unwavering adh'-ror, to what ia habt and proper in itself; bot above ail ttis.shnu g krh and rivin* new beauty to all that i* attractive in human character, the purity, and ?impllcity, and level a et* t-l Cbrj'.iaii princi, lei breatne their ennoblir.g srpirit in every lu e.'' f Letingtou I Va I Gaaette. " A striking and instructive tale, aiming at an excellent moral effect. It ia executed with great art, and depict* character* the impression of wbo*e be*uty will not ipeedily pa?* from tbe read? er'* mind." |N. Y. Evangelift. "'Alone' ia a knack ef great merit, and we recal portions which display; a thorough knowledge ef that art which en era *o largelv into the tharacter of every tale teller?we mean tbe art of the rattmtnr. We have *e)dom met with a work of thia kind tr.i re gracefully | ut portb. We commend it moat cordially to the wLole community. ' [Southern Literary Meeeencer. DERBY k JACKSON Publisher*, New York, And for aale by ail booksallere and New* Agent*. *.* fistle cej ut seni by mail |oat paid. NE W ENGLI8H I10OK8, & c? Juit received per Steamer Arabia, and for sale at No. 2 BROAD STREET eoratn f W ALL STREET: TH* ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, from Ian. to Dec . 1*A\ Iwovols (V ols. 2b and 27) neatly bound in doth and gift! al*o in pat er rover*. I.(iN DON PUNCH from Jan. to Dee.. 1IU in two vole cloth. PILGRIMAGE, nil othf.a I'olms, by the Earl of EUesmere, v?i:h, be. ut.Ci,11 v MIM r 1 l.AMI-S, by Wra M. Tliackerav. Vol.. 1 and 2. HARDWIt'K'S IIA N ii - BOOK to the PEERAGE. BABDVt K K'S HAND-BOOK to the HOUSEaf COMMONS THE I'OfUlY OK CREATION, by Ni. h>Ia* Mitchell. TBE HEROES, abd otheb Poems, by the Rev. C. K ngstev TOLLA A Tare or Modess Rome. LIKE BY THE EIKESIDE, by the author of 1 'Visiting My Relations THE IRISH WIDOW. A I'ictcbe or Lire in Ebiv. THE I<( EH BOYS, by Mayne Heil, with 111 n*t rat ions, LITTLE DORR IT Nee. I and 2, by Charlea Dicken*. All the ENGLISH NEWSPAPERS to the lateet datea armed. Alao. lateat AUSTRALIAN NEWSPAPERS, and eiery Beeekja Newspaper i* auppiied to Subscriber* from AH. 11 I'll WILLMEB'fl NEW BOOB Baal BOBEION NEWSPAPER STORE, No. 2 Broad at., corner of Wail at. All rOBEIOM NEWSPAPERS and BOORS Wholesale at ( HARLES VVILLMER'S 1 nivcrsal Baallah and New*| Baag Agency, No. Iu7 Pultnn at.. second floor, ARTHUR WILLMER, Agent. HORACE OREELEY.? THE LIFE OK HORACE OKKKI.KY; EDITOR OK TIIK NEW-kOKK TRIBUNE, fly James Partei. With Portrait*. lTino. Pp. 112 Price *12V It i* agreed by friend* and foea of Mr. Oreeley that no more ably, entertainingly and instructively written ningraphy haSever Biade it* appearance in America Ever) BBB who ha* any d* - (ire for a fan..liar aeqnuiitaace with tbe fainoue New-York Editor, abenld read Mr. Parten'a book, ai, l be will kaoas Mr. Oreeley as well as though he bad been ' nougnt up >a tbe ?anie town." " V\ orthy tf a place by the side ef the Life of Benjamin Franklin.'' (Hartford Religious Herald. " The meet spicy and attractive Biography of the day." fBoa'ou Journal. "Hi* 'Life' la a living epwtle, proclaiming that virtuous en? deavor* and aaMgMgk toil aooner or later wdl meet a fit recom? pense." [N. Y. Chretien Intelligencer. '" Of absorbing intere?, and containing mm h of pleasant hu ?or, apark! ng wit and attractive anecdote." (Bangor Courier. " A volume lor men and boy* to read and atady." (Spriuafield Republican, " A* an incentive to yoath in poverty to be houeat. faithful and persevering, apart Irom it* personal interest, it ahotud go Into th* hands of the yoang of Ainaro a generally " [MiddletowD StaiV-u-d. " As inUrceting a* any novel, yet all true." iPaineevtlle Democrat We could append ?00 favorable notice* by the Pre** of thi* book. Already neerly SO.itXl cepie* have been sold. It is for talc by Bookteller* generally, or will be sent by mail, post-paid, to any address on receipt of the retail price. Any nee *MB*BJ copying thia advertisement three lames, and sending as a copy marked will receive a copy of the book, k> nail pott paid. MASON BROTHERS. New Ysik. NE W MUSIC .-All Pretty Pieces.? Si atking Sunday Night. S. Marki'ein. ib ct*. 1h i king id I 'Id Times. S. Mnrkatem 2? ct*. While musii g all alone, Hattie S. Markstein. 25 eta Spare my heart from growing old. Me'a. 25 eta. I cant ot f art with the*. Mets. 25 eta Louisa I'jne Polka Markstein, (Lithograph!, likeness ) ?Ar. Btbclinh l olka. 35 eta. Golden Drop Schottische. 35c. COOK k BRO.. ?10 Broadway, Sole Agents fur Haine* Bros Pianos. ?p|IGESTION fand ITS DERANGEMENTS. \J The I ii. i bplss i f rational Medicine applied to disorders uf the Alimentary i BBBl By Thomas K Chambeb?. M D Just published b.v S S. k W. WOOD, No XI Pearl ft. 1M1E HON. CHARLES BUMNEB*1 Great LB CD BB on the A>TI SLAVERY ENTERPRISE Will le lent by Basil, (oarage pa.d. for 10 ceu't: three copie* for iwtnt) five rent*, er 15copie*fjr $1. Addre't H DAYTON, Publisher, No. 79 John *t. N. Y SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE.? He felloe Ira is D* TABLE of CONTENTS af THE. 6F.MI-V\ ELKLY TBIBUNE, No. 1,116: laVaaja Cesstsa ran ba o'-taiued at the counter In the Publica? tion Office THIS MORNING. Pnce 6 cents]. I..LEADINO ARTICLES: A Star in the Weat; Tria! be larj) Ot Hsvalsi Mr Bank*'* Election; fbe Triumph at Wa*bingt<n; Who Ceased the Delay 1 A Moral for'he QbcBBIbti| Mr Seward'* Speech; 1 kg Nrwe from Europe. II..THE STATE OF EUROPE: Letter from Our Own Com*;< i.dent, A. P. C., at London. III. . FRANCE Letter from Oar Own Correspondent at Petit IV. NEW-YORK I EiilSI.ATURE. V..THE LATEST NEWS hi TELEOBAPBl N.w. from Hayti; Froui Meaico; Railroad Ac ide-it?; Kroui BeabBBI End of tbe Gnat Struggle, rnuinpB ot tho Rrpublna.--. Baaks Elec'ed Speaker, Do? ings in WasadnatOO J Tka Naval Committee's Re jolt; Krem W'ashingrou ; R-j icinas ?* 'be E.-.t of Banks ; K?i -a Vw ?. Thu Case of Messrs. Co born and Daliou; CadUaaai on the Niagara Fails Railrotd, Fire a' BsTBCBB* | Inceiidiary Fire* at Utica; lntroie Cold?Travel Interrupt**!. VI.< FROM BOSTON Latter irom aa Occaaional t o r* ?ponticLl at be? in VII. FROM NEW-ORLEANS: Letter from Our Owb Ccne*|?ind*nt at Ne? Orleans. VIII. . FROM VERMONT: !.?-ter fri.m a Ctrraapandent a Buriii gton, Vt. IX. .MORE OF THE SLAVE TRAGEDY. X. SHAKER1SM. XI..A REPUBLICAN CLUB IN OSWEOO: Letter fnm a Corre.tKi .dent al Mexico, Oewego Co., N. Y XII..FP.OM WASHINGTON: Thuraday in th* House. Friday m the Houae. Mil. PRl.t EXOIMOf <?E THE XXXIVra CONOR1 H M\ TH > FINAL FOTE FOR SPEAKER. XV..THE PLURALITY RULE. XVI. FROM KANSAS: Another Border RuaRao Ouuage ? Letters frt m CrresivBdent* at Lawrence an. LeatPUKurth < ity. K. T. W 1! -1 El l H IFF THE HON. WM H IBWABOON CENTRAL AMERICAN AFFAIRS: Delivered in the Senate of the United State*. Jan. SI. 1I5H. XVIII. THE UNITED STATES AM> HI " Aft AlH'A: In ?frcctier* i f Mr Marry to Mr. Wheeler. XIX. THE WAP. IN FLiiRID \ ?ORIOINAL LETTER FROM LIEUT HABTStTFf IX. .BBLATTV1 POWEBS OF THE FEDERAL .AND STATE JUDICIARIES XXI. RFPUBLICAN SI ATE i OMMITTEE. XXII..I'ISAS TERS FR"M THE ICE. Brig Cat Throuab a 1 Sula, Eight Uses Lear; Packet eiup Yark ehre Baal B*.-k OegB Ashore. Scaoonera Cut Throetb an I aatrtf Lose ol Br.g W. H. Saford and E>*bt 1 ives. XXIII. ..MISCELLANEOUS: AJveatare with a Wolf; Vt I eat end Floar ir Iii: oi* | India:. Cera RW *'-1 t i .i. Breast A Home-made Dram-Tde; Anti Siaverv t e..-ge u, Ohm. XXIV. MARRIAt.ES AND DEATHS. XXV..COMMERCIAL MATTERS- Foil Reports of tbe . t Mer.ey, Cotton. I.rain, a:.d ether Markets, specsally repcrted for Tbe Tribune. THE 8EMI-WEEELY TRIBUNE ia famished to rabecrtb ars at tbeae rates: One copy for One Year, t> , Two eepie*. t)S, FWecaptt*, aU SK ON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, TICKNOK a FIELDS W ill jtb.ah i ? e? \cluxoe Ol T*J?* D iirv* ??*: wn d. >. d l>tw <uv?nde tot-k by Maybe Reld. A FOREST TRAGEDY AND OTHEB TALES: b V 6 B * C B SBBBMWOOD. In rn? > olome. lumo. Si. ' The name <f Grsc? Ort* .wood h*. now b*.-om* a ho .?* t< id ?i rd in the popular literature of our cjuntry and oar day. BM . er: u*j w, we are not caded opon to say m :cb, ?? her ?r:M,i iprak fur themaelvet. and they bava ?notau widely: the. are eminently t h?x?eteri?tje: they are ?:.-??? r atioBtl; tbey are likew tae Jeewlvely todividuaL All true indj t ideaUlv ki kaavaaUj ??i*;; and ai?o, in Grsee lireeuwood'a ? I : ?- i ..'-eetioi.?J and nothn.x arctariam She i* one of the rr ;r:tual [ rt*iucU of the %t I!, which baa of late giveueti dence of ??irituai and the ; rooiiaw* not to be the leset healthy, as she is not the .east choice among tbem "* [Henry iriles. II. THE BUSH ROYS; rtH HISTtiRV AND AD* EST!"RES OE A i'ATE FARMER AND HIS FAMILY IN THE WILD KAROOS u. SOUTHERN AFRlt'A. bt csrr. MSYBB atlD. Au'hor of ? The Desert Home." ? Boy Huntare," Ac. Iu ore vol.. 16mo. Fine Illustration*. 75e*n's. " As a writer ot tucks for boss, roininen.l us. above ad men k I. CapC ?!?>??? Hr: l. W herever bis new book goes this year there will be abundant delight for hours of reading, a. d plenty to taik of by the evening fire. Toils and adventure*, dangers, darings and ?Uferings, are narrated in the most vivid n, thoroughly Urc mating the mied of the reader, and re u.i'iii it in fixed and eager attention till a crisis of some kind ?s reacted. Tske cur word for it, boy frieu.l*. if you become (aft- Reio'a ' by readera' on our recoinmendation you will thai k us for it with all your heart*, and prais? the hook more (Btht.aiastically than we have dene " (Louden Paper. Orajara from the 'rade will be ?applied early. CHEAP EDITION jcar rt-ti.iaiiao: DIARY AND COBRESI'ONDENCE or the lste AMOS LAWK E N O E . Fdited by hi* son W in R. Lawrence. M. D. W ith e!? Portrait* if Amos and Abbott Lawrence, and ether iliustraa) Rc-cal iimo. l loth, a) I. The octavo aditiou ot thi* work ha* had an almost rauexam pied sale. Within twelve week* after its firat publication, TW ELY E THOl SAN I) copies bav* been sold without producing any ?eutibie ahateuaant of the demand. In with araant and repeated ?olicita luns fiom ?arieu* ouailers. the Publisiir* now issue a CHEAP EDITION. It is a large IJmo vnlnme. printed on thick white paper from the pistes of the octavo edition, and is aold at the extremely low price of One Dollar. Th* OcTsvo EniTlOB will continue to be published and for aale ss herc'i fere at One Dollar and Fifty Cant*. OOl'LD a LINCOLN, No. 58 Waahing'.ou at.. Boston. YO U N (i A MERIC A" N~0~. l~7^ ll von want to laugh. BUY YOUNG AMERICA. If you wsnt to see splendid ( om.c illustrationa. BUY YOUNG AMERICA. If yea want to be rented up in all the newest and best yokes BUY YOUNG AMERICA. hy all New. Aprni* .ml by t. vv. stiiun. I. No. 98 Na L ITT ELL'" LIVING AGE?Every SATUK -J DAY? a>? a year. PANORAMA OF LIFE AND L. Tr It \Tt RE-MoLthly ? S a year. LITTEL!., SON k. Co., Beaton, And No. S4.1 Broadway New V,,rk. Station?r) on5 Samri ?oo?s. t. I IfA PEB THOUSAND.?BUSINESS Tjjp X ?JA? CARDS PIUNTED-b first rate Arti. le.-Hiit lie.. -. Circu.ars, Hsn.l Bills, Ac, neatly and promptly *xe galad Orders bv mud. a^ciimpanie.i r>y revuit'at.ce. will be euasrkaaJi* faialled. C. C SHELLEY,bb Barclay .r_, N. V. Paris Qa?Dcrtiscmcnt?. CHILDREN'" DRESSES, CABS, BONNETS, Ac-Specially -PAULINE ROGERS, Rue Rivoli, 1H6, i,- ?r t: ? I'aarage lleUru.e. N. B. ? Reputed for its punctuality CHOICE I'LKKUMKY ?Ifvpeanic Society.? COTTA N A Co., General D.|,,t t.", Rae RiVoH. <Zo farm era and COtljero T1 FLORISTS, r.ARDENERS, BOTANISTS, and PROPRIETORS of NUUSK.IIIES of NEW-YORK and ei.viri.Ly.?The sndersigne.l wishes to receive (franco) your Annual f alaiogaes, in order to forwad orders for such article*** may suit. T. BACHEI.IF.R, Uortvcuiturut Roasr.lst and Dealer In Garden Seed*, No. 20 Ursulmes .L. New Orleans. Coot an? /onn?. j OST,?rASS-BOOK No. with the Eiliria'w.y Sauis. laetitBthaP. The finder will be re? warded hy leaving I' at the Bank. LOST.?A LADY " CLOrirT'AIM: without any trimadug on it i lost in or near Division st. Th* ti der will be rewarded on leaving it at No. 4B Market it. U)ant9. ARESPECTABLE I'rotegtant Yminkr Woman aUhea a ai'uation a* CHAMBERMAID and PLAIN SI WEH, cr would go a* Nnr.e; ia capable of taking charge of a baby a month old; good city refere'ic* given. Can be aeen id av. front room, up ftair., between 1-th aid : th at*. V I8ITING GOVERNESS?A Lady who haa hsd several yesra exi in teaching, wishe. to make ENGAGEMENTS either inacboolaor private famillev.u Brook - New-York, for any of the following etudlee: English, French wbicb ahe speaks fluently, and Painting in water color*. Good t. ?timor isls and ref.-re: re given. Call or addreaa f. D., TEACHER, No. 45 Cor.gre-a-at., Brooklyn. WANTED?A lituation aa COOK in a private* family, hy a young Woman who unileratamis hsr oi*in?*s reifectiy well and can produce the best of city Can he seen at No. iu3 West Kth-*t. for two day*. AVANT ED?By a n-fpejctable younji Girl, a * v .i-D*tioti a* good COOK u: a ?mall private family; she ha* the tx *t of citv reference, ( an be *een for two day? at No. 99 W e?t Md at., between 6th and 7th ava. 1X7ANTED?A ?ituation by an American (iirl to ft It reneral HOUSEWORK in a *mall private fa-nilv F'.t ot cits refer- ? ce? given. Apply a: No. IS Madiaon-**. up ?tau?, taird fli or, hack room. WANTED?A SITUATION by a" Rflapa*cul>le> Yv Girl, und? isrand. Cooking. W'aatimg and Iromig. ?nd General Housework, in a private family. Can be ? sen lor three day* at No. 15 Elm-*t., first floor, if no: engaged before. OOKKEEF h K "w ANTED?Ia tn Iroa MbbbV factum g Eafabiiahment?e man led man preferrwl. Most be ibsrouikly <jua..fied to take charge of the book* of the con? cern, and have good general LiuM.e** Best of refer ei ces required. Address ( aala'y expected) ROLLING MILLS, Box No 2jn. N. Y Post OSJce. C< ill P081T4 ?HS ? Goixl ateady work foraeveral fir*' rate band* Also, an expert PROOF-READER fa u lakl with Job Reading Apply to BAKER k GODWIN, Tribaa* Buddiufa. HY GOODS and FURNITURE WANTED? Fcr whi. h will b* ?;ven firat class MUSH LESSONS by a I) rnjtctent and exper.e^.ed Teacher. Addre** tor one week, . Tribun* Office. J< ?II Ci ilrH't ?8IT0R.?Wanted, a fir.t-rate JOB COMPOSITOR. FRANCIS HART. No.63 Con JoIlN idl Nt; ig i-ery gucreaaful in guiang families board.n? bonse*. he., with Servanta. and Sarranta wi'b SitaalM>n*.*t the Protests: i yment Society a Otfiee, No. 7 I armii e-.t. VOTICE.-A TEACHER.?One wantin? a ait X * **tion a* Principal or Teacher io an Academy may be ?d 'treed, h T Middlebury. A'ldiaoo County. Vermont. STEAM ENGINE WANTED immediately ? _ Aleut three horse-power sec nd hand ENGINE. In good nd i ii g order, or a new ane at a low price. Addreaa Boa No. Jf> Wiiliaanhurgb Po*t-Omce. naming the price and it will re? ceive prca pt attention. THE ADVERTISER, barini! had many ycairi euere; e :i. ti e Dry Good* Importing t ?..-ss snd .c H aiB-?d with 'torn the British and Amen.sji rrartets. deair?* a ."II l AI ION ia a me first cia*a House. wber>- h.. experience a: d ?rivlce? can he made a ...*..e. Addraaa B ? W.,Box No. MbwW.T. Poet-OSlc*. IX/ANTED^-Tn""aTubliahing Houae, a LAD T* about 1* yean of age who write* a good baud. To a per tN at*tana*I l.abit* there ia an openl .g for a perrn*riset and - riraataaa Addr***, with references. Box No. S.t?i. Fret fjalee. rANTED?Ai honeat and indaitrioai LAD, B h.nd and can corns well racomaiandad t. WRITE WhAI'PEBJ and make himself genaraLy useful ? * avgartjapei rf: -. Addres* in the handwritjug of the ap i?- BexB IJJrTt, V'? i.-k Po*t-OSice, statiag r*fer eLC?* ?bd w*ge* required. WA N T E D?A Proteitant Woman to do CHAMBERWtiRK an! SEWING in a amall pn? aus '.n ..r She a-rnt be a food Seamstress aad com* well rec-jm u- :de.; ApiIt at No. 51 Pierrepout r., second door west of Henry -er. Brooklyn. W'ANTED? At No. 4 Eaat Broaviway, Basse T" BMBt. SITUATIONS procured for School Teacher*. Clerk?, Men oa Steamer* aad Railroads, Boy* for Tr?sWs, Star**. Fart et*, Barkeeper?, WaKsrs ( -oachaoen, Ac Appticanui at a distaavta iBcIaata? oalca Urn ?rUl obtain |*od ?. .aais-n?. VI'ANTED?A second-band SOAP-KETTLE, T? t re :t.?t *li bo.d ebost S.rsal pounds. Address, setetOB ,r.e i. D 1 HAIN. Middletown, Orange Co . N. Y. Cljaiuts for Basiiuos fiUn. AFOUNDERY, doin? a ?ood business, FOB SALE CHEAP ? Order? for Castingseoiieited. Caldrons. 14 to .V.? gallons on hand. Apply at the Baeeeaeut of No. ? Dei it.. or at the Foojidery to L. It. ARNOLD. Pottgaheepsie, N. T. BOOK BUSINESS and GOOD-WILL for .-A !.K ? The adver-.eer ?fieri t.. sail oat b.s BOOR and 1 URLISHINO hustness. which it one of the oldest and beet Rend Biiksu rtt bj this citT?having been established nearlv forty yearn. The wbele business would be eoid. or a Special 1'ar'i.trthip retained. To any pereon w tab lug to commence the Br?k boaneaa. an opportnmtp to bay oat an good and aate a bsaiceee leldcrm ."?era. For farther pertx-il are adiireaa BOOK. BELL1 R, Poet Office. New-York. DRUG STORE for SALE.?The proprietor of a Drug Store in one ot the moat oourtahics towns in Ohio. Wieling to retire (Vom business, offers hie Stock, Batidiug (a tlreeetory bnck), Good will, be, for SALK ou reasonable torn, Ihe buaii eaa was established tn 1832, and continued by Ika I " l fielet to the present time. Also for SA LE in roonec ticr. ?Ith the abote, or separately, a handsome PRIVATE RESIDENCE, beautifully attested, and the GROUNDS ab< ut tn acre?laid eft wf'h taste, and containing a choice va IsSt] ' f Fruit Trees, Sbtubbery, be. ; alao, oo the praraisas, a gl* d Green House Ice-Hcnse, Stable, sad other The town ia cne ot the most bea'itiful iu the State, routaini a a I cut MSI inhabitants, and is fast becoming a manatee'taring rei: ? cf the first importance. Any Druggist wishing to lex ate in the West n lii Hud It to his advantage to examine tbia before decidirg. No one need apply who cannot pay dowu from #.6.0no to CO. and glra BiHloobted security for the remainder ot the i Bfeaaee money. Fur lurthcr part'iculara, address W. M. M., with real name. Tribune Office. JOB PRINTING OFFICE for SALE.?The proprietor of the Job Printing Office. No. ? Sprn. eat., it iestri BS at disposing of the same, to attend to other kuaiuesa The I ffiee ia well located, thoroughly forked with the best matetiala, in great variety, with three Presses. Any one de siroueof entering the business will have an advantageous op or tuuity for a rood Office with cheap rent.on accommodating terms. Apply ou the premises. PARTNER WANTED?With $3,000 to $r>,000. tojtin the advertiser in a MANUFAl "Tl RI NO BUSI? NESS. To tu energetic mtu a fortune can be made in a few years A .Ire?*, fir particulars, W. A. L., No. 15b Tribune Office. PUBLIC NOTICE.?MOLLIERE 8YSTKM for MAKING BOOM and SHOES by MACHINERY, patented June 12. 19. JulyS, Nov. IS and 27, and Der. II and IS, 1865.-THE BtOLLlERE BOOT AND SHOE PATENT COMPANY' are maw ready to make sales on liberal terms of tEoMT i latTSiii for making Boots and Sh. es by machinery, with a guarantee cf 7ot) per centum eaiu over the expense of menu facture by the old mjfcod, for all the United Sutss, except the State of New-York, whether by States, Dia'nets, Ccmutjee, Cities, Towns, or otherwise. Pnrrhasers will be abnwn the wl? e Moll,ere ?\?tem In operation at the Molllere Bool and Shre Mill. near'Troy. in the State of New-York. Applies tun. In reason, or by letter, at the Company's office, No. 3 Broadway, Few York, promptly attended to. By order. 11KSRY l)K VKrvf,S?r.iiry. TO APOTHECARIES and DRUGGISTS. Kor SALE CHEAP-The complete FITTINOS of a DURO-STOKK, comprising Olaas, Show Cases, Msrhle-'op Counters. Tiucturea and Salt-Mouths ready labeled, Brackets a: i -how Bottles. Ac. F HALE, Drvggista' Glas* and Fix tare Dealer, No. 80 Naasr.u at. To DKUGGIST8. ? For SALE, a DRUG? STORE, doirg a cash business of *2S.<KW annually, located in ti c I ity of Indianapolia, lbs capital of Indiana; population, 20,(10 ; stick well assorted ; good stand, with a good lesen in the beert of 'he citv. A I tat opening for any person or persons who with to invest tu the Drag trade, as the praseut proprietor wishes ta> retire Cap-rel required ti I- For further particulars inquire or address A CCSHMAN k Co., No 2? Broailway, New York. TO BRICK-MAKERS and BRICK-MASONS.? Propossla will he received at my offire, In the town of New ben , until the 15th dav of February next, for making and burn? ing ore million and a naif ol good, hard brick, auch as will be ap| roved of by the Chief Engineer of the Atlantic and North I arohna Railroad Company, tor erecting Machine-Shop, Depot Building st.d Warehouse at Newheni. for said Company. The clay at d wood, it | referred, will be tarnished at the yard, which will be two or three hundred yards of the place the budd? ln.a are to be erected on. The clay la also being dug. The yard, or a place for leaking it, will be furnished free of cost, wMi h will require very little expense te prepare. Or, if preferred, perioi a who propose to make the brick may also ; rouse to put up the masonry of the buildings at so much per thousand, allowing, aa tbey may suggest, a certain Dumber ol brick ro the cubic foot, ai d they furnish everything complete; ail openings lo be deducted. The buildinga are in a very convenient position for the con? tractor, lying imn ed.a?ely adjoining the town, and one of them immediately on the river and the others wirhin two or three hundred yards. No doubt that contracts can also be made with other psr'ics for aimilar work, wirh a reliable contractor If preferred, security will he an en and taken for the faithful c*rr\'. a out uf the aaid contract. Persona proposing can either propose er not to take s portion of the .tort of said Company in payment The plans of the buildings can be seen at any time on applica? tion at my office. Regular packets run between Newbera and New-York and etlier Northern ports, which will enable contractora to land machinery or any materials at very abort notice directly to the yard. At regards the health of the place, few towns, Northers or SeatberB, can boast of better. Ftl r oasis will alao be received for the wood-work and slating of 'Lc same buildings, with or without materials furnished. K. R. STANLEY, Contractor. Newbern, N. C, Jan. t8, IAW. & Ha 10 ?PARTNER WANTED, with the * f*>\)\J\.Jm shove amount. In a business that ha* uo ecu petition, and yields a Urge profit. A buainese man can re? alise + 10,14 n the first year, a* can be shown upon an interview. For pai'.iculars, addreaa W. GAY, Tribute Office, with real same. cto lllljom it mag R?mern. ANATURAL CURIOSITY.?The, undersized peaaetsea a REMARKABLE NATURAL CURIOSITY, to which be invites the attention of the public. It at a beauti? ful H EI EE R, one year old. weighing about 300 pounds, spotted red and white. It has SIX PERFECTLY-FORMED LEGS two of which, about two feet in length each, bang suspended from between the shoulders. Any one deeirons of purrhaslna animal can address JACOB ?TRUBLE, House of Repre si i.'stives. Hamsharg, Pa. \AITION.?"THE K N ICKER HOC K ER ICE > Agent to collect bills, exoe] vntreu authority signed by u R. T. COMPTON, Preaident. WM J. WILCOX, Secretary V/ COMPANY'' emrdoye uo Agent to collect bdla, except auch aa ire tun.Ubed with wntren authority signed by las I ...... and Secretary. R. T. COMPTON President. GEMI.EMEN to the MANOR BORN.-Mr. T. W WHITLEY, the Artlat who ia aoon to act out for En roje, ii.forn s you that he will make Pen til Drawings or Oil I'ainti: is < I the Homesteads of your ancestors, or other places, in the Oil World. Price from ?5 te 6250. Address for an in? terview T. W W., Tribane Office. IF NAN 11E ALBERT, a eolored Womao, ori<ri r ol ( are Francais Sr. Domingo afterwards of Mara isas, er her Children, ADELE AtTBBBT. JEAN or JUANISi 0 ALMERT or FANNY ALBERT, a.l formerlyof will apily to the underaianed. they wi i hear of SOMETHING TO THEIR ADVANTAGE. WILLIAM C. RUSSBL, No. 106 Broadway. \| ATIMMOMAL.?A young Man V>:i years of jlYI age, of the r.ighett resf ecta'olity as to family and charac? ter, si d La. mg a fortune cf #20,000, wiabea to Marryawell edocated and refined joui.g Lady. With a view to such a i BI tall Be bsiBll jroposes an epistolary Correspondence with a: y cne of the Irmale set who may possess the qualifications :i . rated, and who may see fit to address U. Be, Nor? wich, Cons. g KIIA REWARD.?MISSING since FRIDA V f$*}\)\f i rr. ng February I. a YOUNG MAN. aged 1? v.ars five leet loor n ches high, stout built, full face, light euaa ? .i : l.iht htir end blue eyei; dressed in black frock coat, lltck pantt. black velvet vest trimmed with goil cord, black cravat. I ttl at leather boct*. black feit hat, and gray shawl? bad ? i gale Watch ar.d < ham. diamond breast pin, and diamond tin ger ring. He attended a party in 21st-sf_, between Broadway and 1thav . and left there about 3 o'clock, to return to bia home Ktattj Ess' .?eh s? . "ii.ce which time he hat not been heard of. 1 ha tbeva Reward will be paid for his recovery by his father. E. A. PIERCE, No. *5 Llberty^t., N. Y. jasoarb anb Booms. ALADY, Teacher of Muaic, wiahea to niake an arrangement with some fiunUy by which aba eaa give in ? SI M.ING and upon the PIANO FORTE also the cse of her PIANO as compensation for the comforts of a borne. Address, postpaid, S. M. B., Tribane Office. Safe rentes ex changed. ARE YOU LOOKING for BOARD f?DirTc lions will be given (free of charge/ to the beet families m ? Bis city taking Boarders Persons wishing Boarders are also .nvited to call at No. tOeBroadway where all ?och are prompt? ly and reli ely attended to. B. D. GOODWIN. ?AHD.?A pleasant PARLOR and BED ROOM may be obtained at No. 74 East lsthst., near U-ioj. eeaare. Dinner at C o'clock. tponsts anb /arms tDanteb. TWO HOUSES WANTED.?The subscriber esr-t? to pureteee two well-built HOUSES with modern imBtoven-.ei.t* pleasantly si 'us' ad above Bleeeker-et, at from 05 ? ?i to ?S.O o. Alao, TWO HOUSE-LOTS, about BJ feet each, raitah.e for pleasant dwellings. T. C. HOUGUTON. No. 113 Nassaus WANTED?PART of a HOUSE, bj asanaJl v Y faaaUy, in the vicinity of Ith te 2Mb eta. aad ld-av. to Broadway Rent from 0X0 te OtSk. Bert of rsUreace re *]viu?d and given, gddress . . A 1. POWERS, Na. 1U JaVav at N?. I UaVaaVtC. WANTED to LEASE?For ? torn of year*, ta* a am elasa MuaAwtartag Bmdmi, a BOTLDINti ?bust ?0 feet bv 108; lb* fresst to b? apea MM good street, tad) moo tkio ?poo another slr-st or brood allay, for ah* *wrp**w m wcanLf (??d lirbt. TVa to bo botwoon Psltoa aa6 Oai al *t* tnd batvreen Broadway aad Car.traet If ? MO) taildiag te to bo erected it mast V? of Lbs medeaa fro pre*) order sod itsViri ,tlv *rr- eg lor heavy *n*rht?ary. For Ms) ftstb s location u,d building as b* wants, lbs ?aaaerfbwr ss ?strsasj to pa* a reut whwh w 111 nab* It a food bssssstaasast, A4 * MANUFACTURER, Boa No. I? Tribur* (>aV?. 45onsf9 to Cct. S SPACIOU8 LOFT8 to LET?At No. 343 Broo4> way, witb L oo Lecaard ?t. I*?air* of E ANTH?NV, No. 308 Broadway. TORE to LET trn~T?A31*TB^ . _1 Store No*. 147 end 14? Ceder-st.. t*er Waat, e*it**4? par c Vv hole.ale Oroeerv, or Cot** and Sptc* Factory, or Bhip-Braad B*herv i 3? feat front 1 ? 50 feet deeo Rant OI.IM. Apply to BFt KYMTli a (.REESE, No XS1 (>r*w?wwa-?*. TO LET? For~?r~trat-fU sa BAKERY.? TbVb STORE and BAStVMF.KT No o;u ?th-uv? batwcssa 34*0 and 37th st*.. will be fitted ap for a food tenant, at tha irhtlt g raj' b* bad. Poaaaaatoa hsaaaaaTlatil j Loa acton am" client for th* hu.'neaa. FOR SALE-Tbe LOT and RU1LD1NOS, No TT*, liliaa tag. Apply to_aV C. tOOMlt. Max ijM Bread way. To i hi Off LEsiSE, aiid RENT low, the STORE No. M *?-?.... .? . 4 atone* high, aad W Brae deep. A ? : . t on the premwee. IV) LEA8E.-fho H0T?l DE LEURtOPE/* No*. Mi and 540 Hissrui , ?. tn*r of Croabv It bao been send acted for many sears a* a first-claa* Haul by Ma *"?* rnt owner, wbo five* it up only to take rbaifr of anocaar vat the eitv FURNITURE for aal*. Apply ta 74. BUNEL. om tie premises, or to WILLIAM C. R?SSEL, No. 108 P road war. IV) Li T- STOKES and - ?FFICE8 in the Bible Hons*. Aster place. Apply at the Treasurer's Oaaea, Bi? ble House i ? 4th av. TO LEASE?For a term of Teort, the 6^*017 -Ti'Ri No. 42 U. Privilege for a steam eafka* a*4 part of the rent can be ] aid in power to the adjotalnf Budding]. Will be altered and repaired to salt a tenant. Feaeeaesou l?t od Aptl. Apply to LOWERRK, HAWLET ft Co., No. 40 tMd-st. T) LET.-Aauite of OFFICES, m the Bible House A .tor place, now occupied by the Near-York Barb' eie Library, to let freaa lit of May next. Apply at ta* Trass* n er'? t Her, Bible House; entrance 4th av. TO LET or LEASE?Seteral STORES a*4 A l>\\ . LLINQS on Broadway, between 27tb aad atth stay, and 9th and 90th?t*; a larf* real piece of (round uisy b* hast with one of th* store*; th* dwelling part o?*t two star**, ear* ner of .7th st., may be anted for a boarding houaw. Apply tax H. M. bCUIEFFELIN, No. tl Madjeoa-sqaarw. north aide. TO LET^OOMS with POWER. Poitttoa centrs! Light capital. Rate* low. By M OAUDU. No. 1? Walk*. ??, ...I_ J-BS llral <f etatt tor Oalc. AT PRIVATE 8AIJC ? The? 4-rtory Browtt IftxSBa Front HOl'HE and LOT. ou tha ? uth east eseswx of;9th*it. and Lexington a* . with all the modern Imptsre* menta Also, th* 3-story Brich HuM'SK and LOT No. I0*r West ISth St.. with sll iha nuxlean itnproreraenta Also, thai 4-atory Brick HuCSF. and LOT No. 214 West 3.V1. *f with all the modern Improvement*. 8is* of Hoaxe l*ft 41*. by Aoft, Also, the t story Brick HOt'SF. and LOT No. 1?! We.t Oth-^., * ith *11 the modern improvemeuta Hiae of Hoaan 17ft. ttn. try 54ft. dsep. Also, th* 3-story Brick HOl'?t. and LOT No ldO West S4tb-?f., with all the modern improvement*, at** of htoure 23 bv 48 ft. deep Also, the new 4-story Br*wr> English Bssemeut HOI'fE and LOT No. 43 West 36th-mt House 20 by ?5 f*et deep, finished lu lb* best manner, with aft the mrdern improvement*. Also, two 3-story Brick HOUSES and LOTS on tb* north side f East SOth-at.. known aa Noa tS and "5. House* 20 by 46 f*et deep, finished in good style. Lots) 94 ft. 9 in. For term* and lull particular* ?ppty to ? Eh KS,Au BAKER k W E E K S. A uc twusen, No. ? Pin*at. l*OK BALE? Two firat-olaaa Mi H?HKS. c<otn A plete. Vkithallthe improvemente, in ist? et. aad West Call at No. 41 Piaa-at. for particalan, or addrea* Bos No. ?4?, Post-Oflle*._ FOR SALE.?Two th/ee-itory and b4kMmrnt Briel DWELXJNO HOUSES situ it*d in aoth st. in th* ticiiuty ot Letington-av. lb* house* . .v f**t by 43 tont. Lota are 20 faet by txl feet W Inch**. Th*y ar* fin.shed with ail the modern improvements, and th* price of tot h k* s>o .<?> Porseris.ou given immediately. For farther mfonuattosi an i> at No. I *' fOth-st., one door east of Sd-av. 1\A R M for SALE at AUCTION on tha PREMISES.?The *ub*rhber otters for sals th* Faros where I..- now reside*, coaalstitg of SbJ acres of excellent Und, rell-diOded into plow and meadow laud and well i tb* growth of all kinds of fruit and shrubbery aad all bind* of l.cmes, beautifully located about three altes from Tunwu-'e Papel . r. the New'Y.rk and Erie Railroad, and thirteen wllee from Newhurgh ou tha Cornwell and Now-Wlndsor Tarnt-ike. On the premises is a good dwelling newly remodslad with *a cellent cellars, together with good out buildings i there la as ex?eilent spring of soft watar brought Into the boueae in pipe*, in beat manner; also In the barnyard; and arranged *o a* t*> start a louatain in front of the house; alae two good bearing orchards of best grafted ftuit together with a variety of other fruit. There Is adjoining the Farm a nie? village celled High? land Mills, with two store*, grist mill, tannery, poet ?Auw, nearly ail kinds of mechanics, and the roost healthv village hi Orange County, and its vicinity is visited by New York Oily hoarder* in s'immer. The Farm la w*ll watered. Th* Farm will be sold on the Ittb of February. 1850 at Uo'aleah, Boon. Term* easy. For further particulars inquire of the subscriber , n the pr-mis. . _h>AVIP WEIGHT. F~~?R~S?LE? 1 h? three-itorr BRICK DWEL LINO HOUSE and LOTofOHOUNI) No. ?3 East JOih si . It" feet east of Lexington av. The House i* wall built, baa marble mantels, Ac Lot 2i aSRS, or hail the block ; Hoaaa JBx45. PiaseMion giten immediately. Ptk* 45,5.750 ; to remain on bond and mortgage, 4>ir .5" <> Apply at No. r.*) Fulton ?L er No. Ui East 33d it, beiwean 41 ?dison and 4th avg. "OR SALE or EXCHANGE?For iraprorevd f ity Property: a no.tdeslrsl.le COUNTRY SEAT, about I IS n lie. from the city, with II acres of rich Land, wall stocked) with every variety of the . hoicest Emit. Tb* Hoaaa is of bf i b. three .tones and basement, built without regard t > eipa ?*, and certains all the conveniences of a city llouse, furiia. e, water. Ac.; i* . le.aj.tly furiiiabed.aiirl commands amoat axten ?ive and delightful view. The on !...>!.ling* are modal? for cuau plateastaa and conw Apply to ?onvi Apply to (tllAI'NCEY BARNARD, No. 98 Broadway. I^OR SALE-A beautiful COUNTRY SEAT in the Town of Youkers, three fourth* of a alia from lb* I Riverdal* Station, finely situated, consisting of ( acre* of laud, with a Urge modern hoaae, wbieb I* swppnad tbroagboal with the heat of spring wafer, and all uecaasary oat-baildtnga. Foe further , apply to ?0MKR MUROAB, No. i Metmpoliian Bank tfaildlag, Fiae-st 0R~SALE at FLUSHING, L. I.?The 3kV modiou* HOUSE, witb abusit ihr*? foartha of aa aar* ef OROUND attached, io tha cant?r of tb* village, with a larger front oo the main thorn uah far*? for to any yssrv oeaapies) by Joshua Kimberasa board lug ?ohool? i? now ottered for sale at a low t: f *?i-i on easy terms. If not sold by |Ath of Marsh, will be RENTED. For |*rtirulars. apply to _EDWARD WOOD, Ma Sg IWat FOE SALE ? The welfbuUt, CoaTonient HOUSE. No. 97 Henry *t., near Pik? ?t. Apply oa tho premise* from 11 to 3 o'clock. LOTS for SALE?Two valuable BUILDING LOTS, as by ite feet 3 inches each, aitaated oa the eouth arly aide of 1.5tb-?t be tweea lit and 2d *??., near Stay vasant ?quare. Apply at Ofhoe No. IN 10th-*t., one door east ot 3d av. THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY it bow ratraain to iru. ovaa two bulliob? op aoaaa Or tgLBCTCO PItAIRIK, FA KM AND WOOD LANDS IN TRACTS OF 40 ACRES AND UPWARD, to suit purchaser*, on long credits and at low rate* of in**aa?t. They were granted by th* Oovsmment to eaeearaga tho building irf this Kailrr>ad wbicb rans from th* ?xtr?a? uorth to the extreme enarb of the State of Illinois it passes fronxjeridia end, through 'he richest and rru?t lertil* FrUiri** ?f ta? State, dotted here and there with aia?iiiac?ut Oak Ororaa. Tha ret cant opening of nearly 800 miles of tin* road throws open tho Und* for culuvstioi.. They are scattered from etsa to aft??a miles on each sida of It, through its entire length. The i* * dark, rieb mold, from one to five f. at ta depth I* gently rolling, aad peculiarly filled for graalng cattle aaai theep, and the cultivation of wheat, Indian eora, be Tue t.r?- crop of Indian eoru plan lad oa the newly bfokao CrairU, usually pays th* cost of plowing and - ~t*tms? ksawlea. i beat sown on o?w tantad *od is sure to yield very las a* p*?afia 11 btwaTaa One man with a plow and two yoke of oxen, will I a-half to two acres per day Contract* can be mada trn kaaaklin. priced lands In .ha Eastern and faiddl? State*, la kaawa to^e much more than ?utTUieut u> pay tho difference of trar*Tpe*T* Hon to the Eastern essrkat Tb* rapid taereaaa aad srowtb ot foorinbing town* and eUl?g?* slang th? lue of thia road aSasrda growing uce demand for farm pvodoc*. Coal and wood are delivered along th* road at dihTereat | at from 01 30 to 04 tha cord ar tun. Parties having in view Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska at I for their fu"ir? borne, aboald take into Consideration that the eoontry west of the Maa*i*slppi is destitut* of railroad*, that th? conveuiei r e. of trar?nortiria grain and prodac? fraan farina on Iha Im? of th* Illinois CssBttal Railroad,diraat te the paat Eaateni market i* (aflicinnt of itself to pay tha Inraaf aal at from OH to 015 per atr* higher than in I i i inawanl leads io Iowa, ta o<h?r words, th.t It cc*ts *o *u?ch mor* to gat paadaea) froau the interior of the country wast of tha Mlasaaslppk to tha Eastern market, that the farmer will And it mach aassra pt?s3s> babl* to locate tm tha lui* of this railroad. retct aBD riant op patmbstt. The price will vary from g>? to *)25, areasdkug te haafliva, quxty. Ac. ContracU for deeds may be mada daring tha year iHAA, ?tlpulatirig tii* pwrehaae-moiiey to be paid ? t\to tau aad Installnienta?the first to heconi* dua la two r?ara froaa data oi contract, the other* annually th*realnsr. Tl>?last pay meat waS become due at the end of the sixth year from data of assasMat. By the 22d aection of the Act at* the LegiaUtar*, approved IOth February. 1861, these Usds ar* free froaa laiaaaaa acta* they are paW for and a dead of conveyance granted te the par; chaser. iaraaasr will aa casauaoaT oblt two eta ciirrtt .bbvbi. Aiaaecarity for th* performance of the e^tTrtslt, the Brst two years interest mast be paid m adv?cc? bat it suaat ha Btv ierst/cd that ora)-te: U of tho Und fmreaaeed ahall yaariy aa brought under ?ttltlvatksn Longer rredlu at aU per eaat pa* annum may be neso?ated by smcUI appiiaatiaa. Taassty par cant from the credit pnc? will he deducted for aeah, ha akiah -a*? the Company's Construction Bond* win ba raaairad a*MSB. It la believed that the price Ions aredtt and low rata* of tav c?reat charged for the** lands, wQi ?nable a man with a few hundred dollar? in cash and ordinary Industry, le aaake ksaoaaif mdevendant before all the parchaas money bsMaaaa*daa. ttoou ttrr.e th*! aerUetDeot of tha country will psskaMy bora ba :rea**.l their value four or fiv* fold, when raaairad, aa axaa aeraor. will accompauy appiUanta ta give ujoraxat'oa aad aid in selecting lande. Larg* Flat*, abowlng tha arscuw location *f tha laai?th*BBgBl ?at Iba State, may be sewt, at the oaVac SmaN pv*a?t PUt*. a* a guide te any part of the Coaapany'a Urd*. and FasBspBAasa*, cootalning Innnanlni Infi iwntuip, accn-ipanlad by avasasaavsaaa Uttar. from raapectabU farmer* throughout tho ttOtmrn aay km