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Gift for CO!7?TRY HOI'SFA-Coantr t*i ?f.U RauV* Vjx Sal* by the provrve-oT of the tret aetaat ?TeririiVd*'- Hleno-litli a' ???*? ' '* "jTjfcVVeW?<4<7 with tt? anQual B?d errpi*e?rVeei efaU "rko ?J^a A, Arnold. <? i.f'>vi*ir Ar i-yUl ?WANTED, a BUSINESS MAN XO.UUvf* wWbMIOCM anowl* -L - ',1 lean bi< ? ' * r.^rT^iJ-^" ? '<* eeretcea. Addreet li. by letter , ^'oVw.wTi rwaJ rieaae^.? *I reee AQ linn TO ?15.000.?WANTED, a OOaVvrV PARTNER with this arr.o? to enttr- i tie lit if*'"" of * recently pe'eii'ed article (whki. It i |N t dtu.a'.d). in connection with a manufacturing busluaee alrea ly tjtiMtthtil Beat of r*fere.-,c*t gl tea aad raaairad Addr?-?., with reel i.aoie and format boai?eee, for three days, J. M Tribune OaVa. Co tiJfiom it murj ?cnccrn. ANATURAL CUHIOSITT.-TIm BBebniM ?aee.aee a kkmakkA blk NATURAL CUB1 te watch he write* the etu utiou of the pnIdle. It to a beau-, ful heifer, on* rear cid, weighing abtrat WponrKli . radaadwblt*. i the* ?ix perfectly-POlf tare of Wb^h. about two feat In length ?a'h. ban* to.!.-:. -1 ?- ? . -lAaabaaldart An? ?t**ifona of pvr nating iWaiO RIVIU, Heeaw'e. ttep*7 aantatlree. ifa/rl?hur(, Pa _ CAUTION.?"THE KMCKEJUWX'KEK ICE company" emnloye no Agent to r.,>.t t>illt. except ?ach a* are feratol.ed with wltttei kutl i'rtaidaxit and Secretary. R T COhlPTON.frwahl at I rtgtuani ana Dacre-ary WM j W1LCoj. Secretary. Hn.D to AIX)PT.?A youf Amerietvn Won aa, t*f rarrpecubl* family, * *rd?a*e B* |We away hat I ? 'ant a eaadaoeu* Ulli, to **y mt,o <an pro.,de for and rear t - o?, fort ah.. ApfJy t* MATRON, Bellara* Ho*] ?? l,X>BOEBY?CAUTION.?JOHN POWELL, JT (laxe Thorns* AUartoe a Powell.) Awl Blade M torer, New Jobri-ee . a.'o'i Koad Ihrrn nrhv'n. o.g. M nr, ?.mebaat?, factor* and the aadrite again ?t unpoi vi'i. Le-re tmajgRae* of awl ItLAhr'?* r ..on la'ely '.???o t'ara labelled ''AJlarton Pow-li," a-.d 'Tea id," pnrj^-t^k to be Lb* real Thomaa Allart b I I'owell'a Awla JOHN POWELL weald, therefore, bee. to tolicll ma-chente and (actor*, to Inform torn if they diacover any f.rgerr or m fnnaaoient upon ha i f " Ale '. >u A Powell" or Taapl" or open the label* of Lit mmoon polwhed Awla, of which aaid Stan, p* and Label* he hae the eole right and u*e, ?od b" i? de teranxaad to nnnieh all tbjw wliu commit a >ch Btattaleal Bt> tkma, ai.d who the* liiij?*?- upon and injur* the rublit a id buo eelf. The renn!: e f ne at ,-ir.i ?teH Awla l>ear a fie almile of toe eurrator* of THUS. ALl.AllT lN A POWELL upon et?:h (roae of Awl*._ IF SAMITE AUTlEirr, a oolored Wimian. oritri r tdlTof Cat* Erancai*. St. Hominfo, afterwaidiof Matauaae, or bar ( oil d ran, AHELE ACHE KT. JKAN or JfASI.HCO At'HKRT, or PANNl At BERT, all formerly ol Ma tnaaa will aplly to the anderrlfii.-d. ther wl.l hear t !?OMI I IIIN-) to ttIeir adva.ntaoe William i BrjrtdEL, No. 1 *. Broadwar. T) Ll'J EKAliY MEPI.?A ffmtl tcated to diaca** for ial, l iril and roli i al Eteota, aud rjoaltfi taurotia pl.ia Po?t-Office rjualrfed to wn'e wr Mgor ai d fai it* mat tafotu |oalllon by adureaemg A. B , Box .So. 1,1 >'? PhSada' m enfUKKWABD.?MISSING Bioee FKIDAY t$*)\)\J : - ,i,g. February I.a YOUNG IAN. a? t It yeaia, Are feat four haefrTI nlgb, itout built, full f?< e, I.. . rlexloa, light hair end blue eyes; dreiaed in black f stktwot, I lack panta, black velvet teat trimmed with go, 1 cord, black Cravat, patent leather h-ot?, black fe't hat, and gray ahawl?had on gold walch and chain, diamond hr*aat>pln, and dlaraood Ba ger ring- H* attended a party In 21 at-at, between B-oa/lway ai d ?tB-ev., and left tb*re about S o'clock, to return to bia hn n* No. tit Ea*t iadi at , ahw e which time be baa uo' lw-en lo-a- I of. The above Reward w.ll be i>aid fcrhi* recover* by I... father, E. A. PIERCE, No. 4 , LoWr v., M. V. Doar? ano Qooms. ALADY, Teacher of Muair, wlsb' ? to make an arrangement with ?o - ? family hv whi i> - aliud ion in BINOINO and upon the I'lA.S'O i'-IK i'r . jUo the ua* of her PIANO a* eaa**ja*j*ttaa fir the Addrea*, poet paid, S. M. II., Tribuu* Office Batata aaoa chanaad._ AFURNaSTlIEirYl?tTbC?>lh IJr^kfiMrand . B?ppel, and on .Sunders, .uitah.v for a al Mda Oa - tl'-maii, OAy b* had at No. a Ludfow-place, (Hoastoo-Sl be twtea Sollivan MePeagad eta.) OABDINO-At N..g~45 and 47 Eust Broad" wa?, tW eingl* Oeiitlru.en. Aj ply at No 4i. BOA I.'IX?A~plenf u.t Pi Uli?lt and bYiT ROOM may be obtained at Ne. 74 Ba?t 1 lib at.. aeai I i.loti aquara Utnner at n i 'iikI COMrOBTABLE ?A fornikhod ROOM aol BI-IiHiiiiM..i i a.1 at a uioderate rent l.v i agr... at.l* tarty, at No 114* at. t)ou?fo anu Savmo lUantrd. P\in of a HOI si; WANTED. \ U If, wbeae fan ily ronai.'a of three* FIRST or BKCONll Fi ouR, .h. rKih.t BASEMENT or KITCIfEM, and an ATTIC Rn.'Mju a bouse loiaed bv tweea Itth aad tSth-e'a, end lietwaau the tth an i ? . . a I lleae* meat have all the modern improve..-.?uta. pref r leasing for a number i l yeara. and would k? win , few hoar* daily lo inat-uctn.g the children ..I -he Pea Uj i there be ai y. in French in pert payment ot N 11 atrbanged. Addiesa, stating location and lo/n.a. bjx 4,lid NVw York Post ( flue. W'AMEI'-PAR! of a HOUSE, hy a umall ? v taaidy. in the i ic Bite of i 1 . l-av, :o Broadway. Rent In*. +.ou to 4><2*'- Beat ot rel.-renee re qulred and given AC ra*a _A. J. row EBB, No. Irtadav .orNo. ? Ch urch et. WaiKTED tu LEASE?For a tt-riu of yeara, for a first claa* MaontW'nriruj Buaine**, a i'.i .I.IU NQ ahaaatte ta*t by lot j the froiit to be upou euro? feed atre*t. and ee.e aide aj?.n aoo'har atveet or broa I *:!?> t .r th . -ipojeo ?aariHtawt iiatt. The laaatiaa to bo bet* aa Fall 4 anal at* , and bei ween lirnadwav an 1 i . t- . I , , ,.v, ha iIdln? is to be eiecied it must he ol the or dar. aad aiiBkiently atron* for heavy'..,.... E. a* eeicb a local am aid bu.l?-i.g a* he wan'*, the auba-r.'Ker.? ? illis* ?? par a feat which wnl uake it a g??d inreatnriiL Adlr* U AlSt-'FACTt R ER. Ii. a Na I? Tribun* Dornet to Cfte FIKNT-CL.W. HOI .-I - ii NE W-HA VE > to BENT?Beterai ot the new HOI Si ? ia E 'il a , two ? ra froea theGreea. They will be fuhr raa.le be aaeapmiy early to April. They ai* three ?tone?, with n ?h l.i . meui Bad ? are it Iahen1 ua the very cw?' .me. and cou.h.i.e ail ih* modem Irr.provraieDi*?Oa?. 1 >. acea ,1a pea \ ? | :i may be nadetol HARl . i HOMPSON bu , : ,taatb car ta JOB. E. SHEFFIELD, New Haven H^t/rEL to LET?Ai rntirhi.ii, N( >v Fi raoj - Th* Bret-e'***, four .t. tv bnek Hotel, CON0 HALL, et l oat ad U. the ( :ty of Pateraon, five u.mites' viaiX from tha depot of i be fork Bad Erie Bai . i It to the biast Bnlshe.1 aid most complete Ho'el in every r - erect iu the Sia i et '? Paleremi I* beauiifnly araated at raawaic Fall'.a ttoen mil-re ftoaa th* City ol New -York, an* haa a jopul itioo ot ... - ,n ?I Pnsaaw'ion g.eou on or bet?r? the 1*1 of May. Th- FITBMI TT RE of th* Hotel it . r..,. I, c ?i. .?<? ^ t.. :er . i fteaathe ?exeat Landlord, a* he it aleout learl k t r th* VVaat. Far iarthet parttt i-.lart taauiia of J. S. R.i .i R-. PateravMi, N J-; oi C. H BOUKRS. So. I'J tU.l N V HOUSE to LEI Poaaeaaioo gtrea itami llatoly. Ko. tT Bond-tt. will be let for a pr.rate real ! bi ttdaat bltaat; eight board era now In to* house w at to re Beta, OFFICES to LET.?Tl.(>? ,.? do?t t>ocu.pied by th* New-York and Hartum R. . ad I viafiv c*i raw, end otber etlice? in a.l;. int: g bull lit g., will he it ... - atataiy ee ta toitaa. Aa ?rveial of them have ore p .. f realta in *ara etcary, they are very deairah> t. r l?? . b g valuable hooka or paiwrt to be kept eefoly. In puir* at the oflkaof the Ceuiipanv. No. i Centre ?L ^cl??sToi I 8 t<. LE f?At Nth -13 I'.r^i way, with L oa Leonard *n _ 1 E. ANTHON Y. No. XS Broadwar. IX) LET?Eni a lirat-elaaa BAKERY.? IBS STORK and BABttMl NT No 624 ?t!. ? betweea W-di ai d S7ihata.. will be 6ttr.l up for a goo.1 tenant, or tl.e whole kaajMBR caa be ba.L P.aaWBaVlO immediately L.vition ex C< Il???for th* bu-iue**. FOR SALE? The LOT tOS I ?>? ABfeyta_A. C LOOM IS. No. 1.1? Br >a Iway. T) LET or LEASE, and BENT LOW, the STORE No. at Heetavau-at,, S Hutu* t ab, and *) fee: .'..ep. Ar. ?< . rpo LET-sii ires'bbbI OFFICES ia ike U.t. e B Ii.??**. A*or plac*. Apply at the Tutatn i'i Oih I tie Houae; eaerai.c* 4'h av TO LEASE? Eor a term ol ve-ar*. the .".-.tot* STtiRE Re. 42 Oald .t. Pi Vart of th* rent can be i aid in^powvr :e the - It FBI be altered and repaired to mit a tenant. Btjeeaaataalal of Aird. Apply to LOW ERRE, HAU i . ,v tlwld-**, r|>) LET?The eliciblf, gpaciotia and well -B lUhiad BA.-EMr \ I NewSCha - - River Savin*-* Bai.k, tuitahie tor l.nura. ee i juipan.**. Ex cheaaaaBratYete and ethera Apply tt the Bank. 'PO LET-The two story fr.-nne H'tiJSK^No". Jr.IUek**ii. B.reoklia, toee'tiL- ? VaY^ Ta. h?,^^,,, roa. , ... a'ed In the l.e?axle? part of th* city, beta it aad t.aikst*. For t?ruia, y to _^l110?'*110 ? so?. N'o- St Broadway. ''IX) LET.-A auito of OFFIl BS, atttaw pJavo, ' ow occupaad by the New 1 o.-k 9 ? i aty LrWary to Ut Beta l.t ot Mar Beat. A?u? ai ih . orar** Olpe, Btble Boa**; antranc* tth av 'w TO LET?At rtiiun i! Kt-nts, to^lf?inorieaQ AlgllL FLteORS THUOCOU cooaituug ot u.-. BW wth Bath, trotou Water kc.,m the new houaaa m We** ia 1* " ?^rae? the 7th and Ith av*. Apply at tae o-BcToa th* ?varae. Ha. ltt W?*t 190, tt., frwri J io S u\ u*k p. av IX) LET ? ROOMS ?itk POWER. Poaittoa *? eeatrai. Light capita!. Bate* low By M. OAUPU. Ne. 10t \\ tiker et_ Ural tjstate tor Sole. AT PBIYATB BALE? The 4-story BnmL ."??on* Front HOt'SB end LCT, on the ?otrth out eo.-usr tf.3th-et. ?rd te?hiroi.*t.. with *J: the mo-lera iajpmve BT t- Alto, the S-?u-ry Bi<k UOl'SE a-.d L"T 1Mb ??? V. ??? l'.ib st. wirb ?11 the tuodeaa iinteoTen?*n4a. Ai?o. Um ? ?? m ttrek l.'OCSE "d LOT No. ?? l We.- -.' - ?" ''in. ixnrrovetne-.ta. Six? if Hon*? 16f'. 4.U. by Slfr. Aln !* I-i'ct brkk HOLVE ?..?1 LO'i V IM W.*t J e. ? . . -I, u*,* n. .1. | '*t\ .t .et 'a S ?- ' !I ??!??? i'p - ? >.? 5lf\ d?ep. Also, the S-et?ry HOt'SE and La/T !*o i*3 V. . ?? ilti H w.tb all iL? uu.ltm imi ? crrament?. Six* of Boa** 23 bv 4* ft. d'ep. Mmo, too new 4-?t?ry r.r**?T>t4lot.* },. a. Buttwnt HOUSE end LOT Nu. 43 W**t M lieu** Jilt Ci feel deep, fj"?in too beet manner, w.ta a.l lie Uitttero'in-iToee'tienta. Al*e, t?o J-rtorr B-xk HOVSES ? d Lf/TK on the r.oftb skia of Eaet ?tttb-et.. known as Mo*. SJ endf.V. Hotisee 3fi by AS feat deep, finished m rnod ?tyle. Lot* H ft. ? u.. F" r ter?i.'* arm f* I tttr 'mars apply to BAEEE k WEEK*. Auetyr-etr?. N*. ?? Pin* *?. ?7ARM LANDB for SALE.?The ILLINOIS r ( ENTBAL RAILROAD COMFANT hi now j.r*parei to TWO MILLION OF ACRES of 1 A It If (NO LANDS. I? T??c r? or Fostt Acic? ?so L'rwaao, Oa L O N 0 CREDITS And tt LOW RATES OF INTEREST. Tfc#.- I ? ' ? **r* carted by the Government to a. ! in the eor.**r?rt'.on of this R?ilroad, and incluie *ome of the n heat er.?: n ee'ferde l-r?;r.?? in the State, lntar?per?--d beta Bad th>re with n.??- lAeSBt rrore* of oak and other t rnber. To* Read extei dj lion. < hi'aso to tire north-east to Cairo a: 'he i tth. n.4 frrm thence to Oil-La anA Danleith. in the north? west extreme if'l.e h'tte; and a* all tea laud* lie within fif? teen n.l.'? on r*ch aid* of this Road, retdvani cb-ep meant are aforded bj it t-r tran?porting the product* of to* lands to aii* of iho*. point*, and from thei r* tu E.*ter:i ?',d S?.iili?.rri starker* Bloreover, thatrat Id growtk of 0oeri*bir g u.wni *nd v.JIeaes along the 11. e, ai,d the great increase in population by iu.n igiati'.n. e't . afh.rd a suhctani.aJ and growing bjine de? mand for farm mt ?? ? The i* * dark. r < h mold, from one to dee fee* in depth, is ge l '. y joBaXI a , pet ,;.arl v htusd for gregiag C?tt!e arid Sneep or the the tt.l*iV*'ion ?I Wheat, iinii.n Corn, mm ?'.? at y -i etiinvaiing and great proune ivenaa? are the wei known charart*ri*tic*Ll lll.nots land*. Tree* ar* not r? r,i'ire'i t/. tm (V rl?,*n, ???imp* grnhb?d,or ?:oa* picked o*f, a* is si ? y the rate in rui'ivating now kad ta the older satti. 1 m t :?t crop of Indian Corn, (Taated on the newly brok .? <*d, n*ri?liy tej ?y? the ro?t of plowing end 1 ? Uirit ?cwri on tne r ? w.y ? ,rr.' 1 ?od la ?ure to y.e!d very Urge j.-'fit". A rr ?n ?:'h a plow and two ;oke of'oxen w..l b.-eik r ne si d a hall to two tcre< per day. Cjuti icu tan i<* mi le lbs kraebtag. re?<v for corn or wheat, e* frjm *2:o f>4 bti itr Lr re. By jtiu.ciou* inonaKemoi.t the laid may hi pi. wi d and fetrr-d the hrat, and uoier a high ?ts'? of eauiva tton the ?' Uii.d year. tin. (.ran. Cattlg -'<?., will be SSTWarH I n' re^eoaYa Sate* t* Cadc*aO for tb* Extern marke , and to Cairo for tri* Southern. 1 he laiger yield on tu? cheap laud* of 'Bin d* over tbe bigA^aited Ian... in lb* E-*.'ern arei M i l. S' .'e* im k'Mtira tobt; much n.tre than ai.ficient la paytnedi of tr?a? peatatAaa to the 1 ae-em market. h I ??urn mm Baal kt ?aSad Bl ?everal pM'it? along >he Road, and i? S iheup arid deairanle fna' I ? eat, be delivered a' l"V rial jeiit.t* aleng the Roed at *. I V) to 11 p?jr tnn. Woo-I cao be had at the ?*me rates ; er cord. Thcte who ?hir:k nf rettling in Iowa or bfbneeott ?hotill b??r in n.iLd that lands there of any value, aln-ig the weter-c .ur?m ai d tor y mrlev inland, hive been disposed of; thit for ti ore lor ated in the interior there are no ror. lenience*for t.*u> jt.rtii g tl.? pn.dine to market, railroads not having been iotro oi.i cd Ihr re; that to tend the prodac* of thee land? one or t wo h'.n-red n ill ? I r BSXBJSBItm aBwraet would i j*l murb i ir . .. in the eaj ena* i t t all IvalSDg tin-in, and I ent > Ooverumeni iaml* tliui ?uuateo. ,tt s>l 25 pel u. re. area ?> hj ?ooU luveaUaenU as the lai i of tli*> f ..n.pai y at the pr.. ?. (1 >. i. Ihr BBSaa ten ark* hold gottd In r-la'it.ii to ti e land* in Km ??? ai.d mt break*, fur alihonih VBCBXtt lamia may be fiuud nenn IA* w at. i iB4?IBSS, the tiia'snr'- to market i? far greater, ai d every hundred mile* the produce of *ho*e land* are carried eitherka waajeexe, or imermpted water eoramanleationi, in rrea?t ? the enj ei ???? of trtnajortatton, wr.iiii mu?t be borne by ti e ?etiler?, in the reduced prire of their rr hit eta ; and to text e< ?.. ? pn t lardy MB tie income* dorn thatf tarn ?, and of course 0 ?! e;r la. StttSBSB ?, ?' "rnally sue) every year rsdaaad. Tie great fertility of the lande cow offered for .'.ale by thit C'i u i any. xnd ti.eir roneerjnent yield over those of tne Ei?U.u ai d .Midule Statee, i? murh more than snfti. ent to pay I e dif? ference in the coat of tranarortation, eapeuaily in view of trj* 1 Lltie? farnighed by tbi* Road,and other* with whirh it r n Mete, the oj.eratwti t of whit hare not interrupted by tUo iuiv ?au r ot Sun n.11 or the of Winter. PRICE AND TERMS oK PATJfEXT. TBapricawElvaryBBsai *5 to v25. to loratia,, anality.ato. Caauracfs aar Daeda xnay he male during they r Ii. e, ?tipioating the j no ha. o u-onoj o bo i aid .n livoauaaal in?t?Hn ei,-?. Tb* Srst tabaeoxne nae m iw . years fr . nt'ia date if i i.i.tret i, and the other* BBtrja .'j liieren" er, Tue in*l psyaseat a Dbaxeaaae due at the end ot ihc *ath year th? d?'c of the roi tract. intiubst will ss esusasB *r atny turi i. pbb cr*r, pas untoxL A? ? fceurity to the perlom ance uf the coiitroc', the first two yt ura' ptesaat?1st ha paid la advanca. end it mu". b- B'idsr gtoad ti.?t ?' lea?t cu e te.ith ol the land fmrdmel ?hili veerly baWoashl Btxlar caltivatloav Lcaigac craditg, at 6 pet en; per am i ni, BxM ho r.rgi t ated by ?;ecial api licit.on. Twenty per cent fixa laa credit prica will be aadaatad for ca*a. The ('o-u pany'r coti<trnc'iou bond* will Le recel.ed ascajn. Retdv fran.ed Bn.l.lmg?, which ran be ant up iu a f' w isys,can be alitalwad from re-, atajihls pataatia i i t v w ill be 12 Ii et by .0 feat, div lad Into one living and t! S4 sad tootb*. and wi.I ciat comj late Sal u p o maud oh >im?ii auywhrie SaOBa] the Road, *>I'S in ca*A, axcluai re of tra i?por t. .i in Lar, 11 l.uiltiinga may hu asMlBated Or at propur ioni'e retaa. The Ceasrraoj will lorward ad the luiinuli f ir euch bykld eg* *V*I ibah road promnliy. S;ti al enatigen t 11? vilh deJer* ran he male ta ?l;iply ti ? r. i g ti-e ( ompaii^'a lands wi'h fencing material*, ajtr ci.llvra) I Bob and XB ou'Ct of |BWvI*tatU in any ti i?ntily,at ti e it we-?t mi plseele prAaaa, It ie bil'tv-ei! ti at he i ri. -, I n.g erni.t, ??: 1 low re'e of in t'trat, char.r t'. 1. r Ikass Watts, will BtXaaie a man with a i w h isdrsd doli irt in < -h snU oruir ary tndastry to mate h.mulf i .i 15eiident . fi re all the pnrchage bxo ey I ? .e< iu?. In t.ic nean Ltaaa, the rapid ee't c t al at tin i lun i > will probe b!y late taaieaaad their value tOBI or | e f ,1 I. When to pu.rrd a t ijerien.'d f-ennu will ?ccompany t ..c?..t?, to gicemtor m.iitu and aid iu teiectiug land.. < icajata. santslalngaaxnaixsaaImtance* of ?tuce-.f"! farm ?BS, at|M ol> le*| e. i ..hie Bad vitll-l . >i B (aTBlera lin^i.i tits I im gl.L iL... tint the ilailrotti . .'?? -a! .. ?' * I raavt of fearing, xariae at* cattle, saaaaaa at barve ,.^.t..--. I etc., by contract--or ruy other iinoi n a'.? :?w >l. be theerf ' v given. 11. ?p| I . a'.t n. i it! - , ei-t, ...ilv . r 1. v r. iu tuguj, Frei havti?rxra] aarlie>??ata john WISON. Ltt d Ct i a i-iiouer of 'he DUxjata Ca t- ?> E.E Co . Ha H M-caigan?>.,t?..engt?.Illlitaaai. I.W I. M ; r SALE at AUCTION ob thsj rBZJUSEB.?The anleenher t.t'er f'l tale the Ferm v.l*te bt ie v re?i.le?. seasvletb g of 8.1} t? re* .-f excellent laud. Brail .hi. id into plow Bad meadow ..... i Bud well-adapted to Iks snwtb mt afl kaaSaial fndi and *hnibl>ery and ail jyn.l* of berri ?. beaatitaliy a.e.l tboat thre* mile* frota Turner'* Dei at oa the New-Tori aad Er*a Baalmad, *nd tbirteeti miles frta* Newbarkk ... the ? omw ? A tad Mev-Wtad*oi rarBrplka t'l lie jj ui ea i? a good dueling newly remold-.1 with et celleni eellata, t. getter with gteel ? t-bai ling*; there i? an exr? l< i.t rirv 11 ?oft Water brought i.,to ti.e hou ->p -, in t< it i' sni r. i.ltvi in tl - birn yar'; and arrange I so a? to start a araatala m fn nt t f the atssasi ?i*o two good te-anng arrharas <f litt g-aftrd together with a ve.-ietv of thir In.-. Ihtrr .i a ? .11 :rg BBS) Fa*TXB B akxa Village call I HigB 1st i. Mill*, trita twa txaraa, giksl aikU, taaaery, i^?*t o'l, m 1 ii. of u . cht. ., *, ai tl the most beil'hv villa.'-in OSsaat t.u.' its riclxitty at vtsitad byN-w lurk Liiy baa tri in The I'arm i* iri-i! wt ere 1. Tin Firru ?111 bo Hid on lAa Utt mt FatBTaavy, 1 Id. at 12 o'clock, anon. Tannaaaay. For l-rihtr particulari ..iiu..- .t the .'. ? .. r tw that liar Igt I, BAVI? WEIOUT. L,*??!.' S.M .r.?The followini? vnluahio anil pn*. J dacrtta* BEAL EBTATE la ttbt lltlagai of LITCHFIEJ.D, ( i ? > r: Tie MANSIOB HO?SE sad ataytataiianre? furmeny k-pt I j t ? e i t t.. n Igtatd, and now uOSBIied l y Wm. H C- ... rian ** ali'tel sad ? ct to a leaas la atxe tor two atid a bait v?xr?, wl nh can be bo>tbt in BBaj po**es?.(iU :-y lue Brat oi'May. ?I tit ilred. '1 be .-'i OEE tdjoinli a and weit of the Man?; ia llon*e, occu pi. i by Siencer k Adan.a Tba I'll* L! Ill it HE,SB called, former'; ? hotel, now oe ci.i i d i y I;-, t it SBxdtk ?? ? It. tidkag Uo**e. Thit pftprrty, ?itualed in Hi pea tag uf the eoanty aeat. I? t,?? t*?B kitt.wu ta rt q .ire a particular dt vr ktx, It iesaifkieal to tay that there t* i m e ia ti ? county ate * n- he de? red b* a It :. i or BaawdSag II..toe k**?BaCBe ?.?rcbant. To* pr..|>orir w... Ie.?. i.>e her cr ha Basra*, to sull |gt,n?.i. u ,3 ot e third t f Ihe purchase luoney lit >y rema n on nmr'gage. If tie ireperr? ,. not at id bv Die lat art A n. n-\t ,? w.i ? - i..,. . 1 Ij' d. Conn, Jam 7,'Vi. ITLVEBTEB IP EN I i I l,"? Ii BALE?TlxAl Ion,; ee't hratt il BU<] bAltdsOflM M e.-r'.1-1 n rut, tie SANS BODC1 HtlTr-L ?: Btllttoa Bta(K. T. Located in on* of the I oat healthy and beau'. fu] viliatrs in the State, it eanBot fall to BBaillltilil BB esteaaiva ttit'. literal patrttutgr. Tie In ildiags have recently been ra rarr.d and iiUrd i.p, ar 1 IkvtdSaXBd i' a Lan.l?o .,e tu 1 nib tan tral B aXuaae. 'the ? LaMeet* aratei*. wbirb ab.iuu.1 ia the ?i atalty. i Sal to Le ?vti? ;,uj b valid a ?ure r.-.'?! Tin* Ir.iraMe B*tetji?b?BSBt ts aaw afssad for stla ua ih* mo?t r*a?oritils tetu.*; and f net disposed . i b-for* 'I* 2?th ..f Fet.ruarv will, ou ri al day he told *t i ni in a aSAsaBt kfawCoaXl-lioete, Balla toi Spt, tl |aa us. Fi t tm bat irmrmtuori applv ro _O. W. 11 ALL. Bai atoa, Sara'agaC .. . N T CH)B BALE?A htjaatiral COUNTRY SLAT E hi ?:. T traaf Teatara,thraaBBtgths of a milo fro.n the BlvSSSla ? Sia-ion. finely aitufed, r..t?i*tin: of 4 acre* of land, Brit] ? la'ce n.odem bv.ns\ ?hl, h i? ?u, plied :hrong,iout w th the bast as tfttma ttatat, audaU B*cae*ary oa^baiidittsa. For faiiiht: lariHUiarsaipla to HOMER MOROAN, No. S MetrnpnlPaii B ?? k r'. ..' ...? pBta t| POB BALE er TO LLT??t T.trrytown a vnrV A d riraMe HOtTBB wi*h two artee LAND, bari.isooicdy site tied, and ta nrat-rs'o order, wi-h ir without the Fanniture Ap|J) to OHAS R, HAWKS. No. 2? Naa**a- .t.. up s ...?. fro-t ofB a ]P0B ?ALE. at a LOW I'RICE- l h. 1 i~r*e m fivr-etoiy HOUSE N 1S1 Etat ISih-?'.. I it.- i the b*?t irar-tT at-d tefifg t--r *(.'??? ?> ' .'s>' im cash; tje balance ou tend *i d mortgage. Apj.v at the time vard car. lttb-tt and Av B betkare tl t'rh ck m. FOR SALE?Ttvo first-ola8s_Hi IU8ES, eoaa |let*. wilktllthe r. protei. t n -, n .iti-st. ar I W.*t l ai. at N.. 41 Pine ?L for parts ular*, or aad.-ee* Box N. MS r^t-Offce. Vi BNI8H ED COUNTRY 8EAT tu BALE? A I 'Lite tt Cl.ttoti, Statin Ittaadj Complete ;l everv r.?] c>ct, two a. rr* ot greirtrd?; rotd view; fin* fruit end (had* tree*. ?r d with'a Cvi minute* walk ol ?h? FrtTv. Term* ea*y. Amir ? aA-M"TH k LE ROY. No. ii Willlaiu-?L l-l^'l ' . kyt BALE la BROOKLYN.?Adesir MM able twt-.trra art* ,.|! ? Huna*. Ha tl Better, near 1 nn ?' IJ ": * by 1?'; location plea-av: and b?al'hv ; cenie n. nt to HatBtttaa ant Atlei tic F-rriee. Yard, with g?r ""."'n eeM*'." *.c- T?*?* ?a*y. A;plvou me premise*, or to M r h KILL k J Avil" ES, Na. \tl I win -L . New York. rpwo lit l m s and LOTStvrBALE.?Om? nTin i-V-i^v ? ?P "J If ?oh-celltri ,K ,lUt N> **'*>??.. sau b ...1*. Vtween Brottw.y amiSthav. ..lf,md booao -torn Brwadw.v. in a block of eight houer. trewn erane high etooa end katsmeot; eras It feet 9 ^?^?-^'^ u,M'?^b?*V M f-st4inchee.iBttcoin p.el*,C Theothsi a Barer Jjat llBSB liree-atory FnJUh baar ment, bti wn * one front BODBBsa IMaSh, north iid* b-tw^a ?th aa aid Brt* iw*y. I4?r> fe?i; lot UalOO fe.r; 1, the Lbird boeawfrom Brosadway is ? htoek ct 12h,.u*ea Bothtr*Suwahed w the r-ett* provided with a.l the tnedera it*rarose? men r*. located id sgreeabie neighorhwle, aad ar* a deiirabl* ?'n ? of ?*Je ?ccomm.*'.?tiug. Inquire of J A M K4 Ml I SON ! and Office, comer 4.M *n aad TtJj tv or A J bLLECKER k Co., No. T Broad ?L * CTO SAI V.-Tnf three-Ptory BSI( K OWEdL r 1*1*0 li< l RlfJ LOTofOBOtf !> He. 11 Ear. BUh ?t. ;<Oiee?. eatl -f L'Xi t uer. The 'H-??* it well bai.tjite rre.-be* n ai.'e t.Ae Lot xtati or h* 1t: ?^bioek; Home JDxtl 1 v.aot, rim la.rr.ediat'lr Ptv ? *S ; n r cidt_ -.a*. *.'i*>- Atplya-' '?FbIuju at or BRk ?'! Eaat IKd tt>, belweea M ?***"? ai 4 a are._ ineirnction. ALADY detirnto ei^e Lcssoci in WKlTLJfO, iBbeiaatl??? rr v. l*? ft & reivWtx AhL-ett p^*1 pem. TEAf HEB. Tnlcm* Oft *?_ "ItAlLY N?R>fALTSL'ilO )L.?The DAILY .LpVcRMAL SCHOOL ef the BOARD of EDUCATION will beoron fot th* ttvattary, bimIbi ina.claat Bei i I tt-cctlcs of Femaie Ruf?'', on MONiiAl S ud THfR?lJAi 3 tf eacLaeek ** 3 oM.-'k P. M. the Scbool-Aoosi in th* Ball of the Beerd of Educe num. comer of Urasd e.d Ela-et*.. coma enema ca. MONDAY, the ll'h mat. and fur Malee oa WEf'SEff ATS an! SATTrIiaT? x: ?:. ?i.-i? : a *. at 4 o'clock P. M-. ctu-d.ei.r.rj| aa the ]3th in*L The refUar daily ae ?*i ? arflj rcmo.*i.r?- aa tooo aa to*'e l??b?r of pu? pil* ?hall Lav* been enrolled. A i t<-r~ in le*^ ir* u? the city, of 14 ?aar* of ate and tp fetnale*. and 16 yeare andupward if raaiet. who baMM to nuraue the nrofeaeioti of tea* hin? n.ay i f ? : - "* f >r axkii^tion. WXt Ii NI lson, WM. >v bee, J. DAVENPORT. WM ALL A-'i.V. h. R WINTHROP, Jr DKLHtH MILLKB. DAVID Wf.UB. Eieretive Citnn.irte* on Normal SeaonU. ITALIAN', LATIN" aridT^CH TAFt5llTTr A ar I *..- Baatlcaaaa who La* baen a t r :'? ?..aal Teat at d any yetra ir. I'tlv arJ Swt'rer arxi. ai.d alt.. Pr (.. re DaBOBl Bebe? I "f Me'bc-l f..r Matt an.: Fen.*.* r-arh-ra i t Ttaeip, Sa? itaerlend ;de*ir<-t a few Popila .ear. -.he * Lea mere*. Can fi>rt.i*h ihr t'?he*t certificate* and r<r ,m n ? i .*' < i ? fron.-1? a] r> lir.-.'i ini-m,. and alatgyai lyre rate ci'a>-ra of New-York a* to ',ut:h<-a'..u a. Be. W a i ? wi'h t fan. ly i- j*y lor l-?> ?? Adir?M ? rdSOLI Tribe: * Oaawa,_ S"ELECT BOAT.mNO SCHOOL for BOY* two tune* rorih of Kiddl- town. Ct. K. ^ BECBTWrrS Prmettiai. THE CLASSICAL <i i .MNAMI M, Bibl Ilr.nae A?ror-| l?< *, entrane* fro-n 1 *?eme eon.iortod by J V. a I>AY BIOH SCHOOL, rt r t* er ty prjj Bt above and twen'y MewW tw^ rereara of age, [r^iara'orj fur b'.t'ae or eolief. All f ' b'e rn-n a-e u?eH *i.d no rar* and labor tre trared to mike th.t S^bnl ta every re*;ert the van beat on tb a continent Tae u:.:furin dre?t wdl bet eeforth be diarontinned. TO Fi .MI LI FS Veil WOTITUTI0N8.?A Oer> lleaaa, a Prof. ??.<? T?a< her. off -rt to 'wi M or thrietlattta week a*VI9ITIl*a TRACHEB of the OEBS MA.N UM.l'.nd an.: LfTEBATtTRZ a- P1ANU da .... te.-r ?. Hie ?: ? er'.n: a awiMea xaacb foe e rrpl ry. in.,,, at for trrol .i..eot. Addre-e TRillK^S.'lR. No. II.. ?i a. I .a--i I' . I BOOKKEEPINO, WLlTINti. AKi ni Ml.TIL Ui:?h: t).o-ou*h:y at PAIN'KS'S ACA0K ?e'U .i, Nr. .r-i f;ra: . f.. N. Y.. No. lay, Prjteavet, Br*?k:ji. " At a tea. V-rr! J'*Lip a:.J ak : -t Co!. PAINE tum'.?.ed." I Murrdm J .umx!. Diiiuing ^raucmics. ADODWORTH*? PRIYATB DAN'C LVG * At Al'KM 11 % N?. y ? H-'t^waT. New Tork ; No. 137 Munraxae-r'.ece, Bro..klyr.. Are now open f r thai teaxtae i'i '1, cai eaaaataMa at *-y tln.a. CirctUart. explainmi titne ai.d teria*. car. Oe La. at the Aea.let.iea. Ihano-foricQ anb Ulusic. AI Ol IAK8, PIANOS HARMONIUMS nr..l MIXOOEOHi. wi'b new imt :->**??;. i.'e. for ta.? et I >w r?'< ?, r tor :? nl ? .'h rent t) i d if pu-rl.... 1 t.y S T. ??Oft. DOff, Bote Afttsl for Ballett, Dartl A u 'i mnrxled Pitu.a xi.d Mt?ou A't m.?ial Melodeora FIR.^T 1'LIMII M PIANO I'OI.'TKS?Maoo f.. tared by SI EIN WAT h SONS. Boa Maa>dM Weiharr H,, i. ar Bn a.iaay, N. Y Tliete Piano* ree-i.ed the Crtt pre* ?? k r. hi teaDMtMea wi'h Pktjtat ma l. by .^e moat aalaarataaj - . ui..ef r. r* of Bootoa, Bew-Tofk, Phna laiyada and Uaiti njore. Every Piano ajrarraatad Pr r.-t moderate. A NEW TRI CM PH. Wm av* jnt aaayaaarardad theEIBAtT PREMIUM (i 0OLD ME Hi L) by Ii t t ??r. f fie American Inttitoto at the Cryat.J Pt.aeo Be the BEST PIANOS. I < liFAT IM PK( ?VKilKVIft iri PLW-i V ? rOBTEB. ?Meeera. LIUHTI NEWTON 4 BBAOBB tl\H No 4.1 P>n?^nei-?t., retpecMuiK inrite atteutioaihi t'.rit i LKO-EORTEB, cat ttVaetad w th th* aajaaart AUCH V\ BEBT PLANK, which i* ai.doab'e.lly 'he moat anb^ai.'ial B pr.--eii ent ever ii.r.<-lneed baaa .hi* popular law*vaUBe*JB 0~ j iiEAT SACRiFIiTE.-^?" ap^iidid 5?r7r> roio I Brood PIANO I r BALE for Blltt altaMMBt aaaa tad ttvee. v. rraflBad in everv i.-trect by the inakcrt. IIa? no*, bees Bead three uiotthc Tie iwrnr it *i. k a 1 BtaaC aafl tt. Can be taea thh ve-ka: No Ml Walii r at. hefo-e 12 o'clock. HAlM.s BR?LV IMPROVEDlltON-FRAJiR PIANOS ? l'.uyer? a ill uow Bad our PI ANOS much irn or. \ |.y 'he neu I.-. Frame a'id other ?a! a' 1^ i:;;.ro??'n?'.'* H.?i.'.et we have baM recured our re'a.l pr..ea (f* printed litt) too n ad>- btci Baa >?. ?? to krwp a larat *? .run.oit alwaya on haad, at the M-c Btor* af COOB a URO Maate, v. iu Br. noway We fsvfra Bttaatiaai terha heaBtifaf lutea a i pente tone of cur en'ninn nta. rearirro.. ala front Lirh tr'h. ity r?. beaeeajea a^ajkathaa, HAJXaVI BEOS, filiirllinrrji, K'i. ASHC hi '?T* ?Tt AM ai d VACU I'M UAIRJ E?9 ?Tele ' i.'.d in. tl !e of any n, toe m?rtet War ra. '< d cotreet A jiheral il.-.o.iit a'ove.i to the trade For **!e by A o ? - d d.-.oiiit a' o-.?e.i to the tra-le Fol CHAB w. COPELAND, N?. fil Br adwxy >' M. I? } I INTON" A IMF.VIABLE TIME le BEOIl II El ute a| and l-':?L!y *pprec'*'.'d by lo-.i.ea* BAea, nhotlt, rai'rotd?,, i.itur*..r ? c >n,aniat. a. c all l er.oi i who . ..1 ;e ?> a em or detire '? have a. jui iol at. i..*i 11. aid i\a.i ret let at af tiaxe bt th- aa vaarmaaeat ot t. < n a. I\et and the i' i f th* pah If They are eco . < eari'y adiua'ed ai d parpetaValX?ftvta| the ho .r and n.ii 11? iwl e:e r^,|ui*i'e? ?ith e?ac:i e?*. and pn?a?etint a rvlue levor.i r:v oilier tur BW I The] eaXBtTBee a a-r ? ..f fineera d flerei.t Reimten a.Up'ed to .he ntee of in Ii.1 l .alt, .- c ip. rated con | ai i> a, pr. lrt baajal men, and are a.. MaBIl ap peer jet ed l>y baxaRaae ataai Bpward if tM?$J$ haea ntn .... rai'.dfor bt adaatieeafthawtBBBweBtataae AaTtaafthan !?'le fa-r; .'ay BexkataT, a celer t*? I >r e'l time, t.e ai*r the deyeel Ibe w. ? X, the tl ? n a 1 th^ .lava of the -,, .-it.'i r i.'. ai y , alto the Abaentee Reait'er, abowinr at a gla .. i the t on and autnute . ' a nerton** return tenet, fr. .. mi h i.i Bat , . Ir... 'be OAYei Refitter, tbuwmc th.-otii. e buar.; the I'm' i ttci Ke.lfer. tbowi'it tfe lime of cl ai' ( i a- inxila for tl.e N.rth, Eaet, ,-ui ih lad U'e?'; the Meal hour Re.i* < r, i; 1 Iii. I o'. : rlre.Ma- . >. : i.< . >.i A ?u; : ?r; the Paaaeuter R-t avter,thewir| thearxael ttaae 'he next iraiu will lrxre the <hf f. r.., pel ?>, 4,1 d ... . . i.. thowiM to i a*a,; ?.-r. in atta c tr the i.ext tiat.i ? the tiain a .11 arrive at, and the tune ttada will teat* at that dalitta, Maaaiaciared aad tar aale hi N, \| BUP flNTON, Fad It er .Maat. Kor aale br OEO W, SEED. Oeii-ti Aren'. N. ?- !'-.??. N.-w Y*oi?. v..d t..-. priacipal Baale*erat >h: > c .?????? I . Itea State*. Cutlcifj, fiarbnarc, anb jun, AMI 1 ICAN FFTLLHY.?Kt-ire* au<I Forte, ai . verv .le-rn; no'.: l ..rrrrt, S'^.?l?, Bntehrr and ?? ioe ki v" .'i at I ar ntrrti reia'; r cct, 1 r ED. COEjBNO k t o , Ataaiii hr soiuh Worte, No ?i Jobn-tt.. N. t. AMERICAN 8HEAR8, s?;lss7iKS, &r.. of x\ ihe leliTaaieal tiaaia of 14 H Waaxdt-" WarTaatad eapa Li r to aarj oil,. : BtBeW A full aawrtmeiit coua'xutly mi h?..i at tl. ile,ot No 8i J. I.n tt., New-York. Adirondack [ron to. pig Fr(?n?Cold Hliat, t hareoal Whtbt IBOM for Kor(* purprww?for t*j- by AOENT Adiiomiac Iron t om; any lOHN W QIUNI r. No tat Willn-n-et C~??17 H?i?s^ shoreli. Bift^ra bb4 Pok^n, fire irons ..ii i si a .us wool* and IRON M.t: f itter*. -i. ? St ,f?rt aa SCIENTIFIC ORIlHRoNS *~?-^ -JJI tWaawO ay CHAB. I LI'iTI.F. Nea. Blaad n F -oo-at. HI 1.son I'M. [ROM i* .'Ii? ..f the beat Ir.-ut la 'he c. unt.y for p. u:.dry and Forte parpueea The No. I Fxt.-t va 11 ii ix i. ore ecrap. and fur all i?nud it tupniuar *a any Scaatch i i* For i ala by JOHN W. QOINCT, No M v^ *n -**., Aaeut ol the tludjoi. Iru*. Co. fak]APANOCB BALI8BUR\ M.\MMF!::.t? A* IhoN, r a.i. t'lvn Saiitbury Coa.i tiixt'1 n. aam\teaaajtad with Charcoal ? Thit Iron it warranie.) o |' ertraoroinary net t h and quauiy. xi.d it manrjaaeed by any o Bat Iron made. O-ier* ?e*i?.d fot Shaft*. Car Aalet Shaj?t tb? Ua-oinor,?-. ?? d rher work. ?>uua.-e Irt.n i to 4 iu. o-. hand, in t'ora Pat aal* by_JOHN W QL'iNt y. No ? w.Uuuj^T m t.'lih Flti IF. >N.- liitoir-,: tui.t N?. 1 O Oa-t-Jj. i.i. xnd JW tui.t ninead u'lichera beat P^ Ip,t. m tU*w bimI bxadfata, f?t axle by SPoeFORIi.TILESTON a Co.. No !* Broadway 0AMI.S aV SON" 8HOVELN and <|'\I)F,.^ a Foe eaU by JOHN W. WU1NCT. So at Wuliam^A RAILROAD I R 0 N . ~ ^ i l.twe t.,^ welsh IK'jN, ft 5. to the yard, now u Far aale by CLARE A JPifp _No- to Beawar-et SALISBURY COLD BLA?T CMARCtlAL FIO IBOM, tor Car Wb.-^.'t ai.? wort reoiirn.* r?rv tu--r,ot lerewfc.- ?|. br lOHN W. QI-INCy! No at wai,^0* CTEEL, FILES and SAYVS.-The entire itrtoV. Oof tie It'. A PARKIN, eotiturrta* of am tavern .n' oi STEEL, FILES and n>oLS of their Bxaoufae tura, ia new ouered tot tale by the anbernber am very tatorahla tenux. J. W. ft. FARNSHAW. 7 liar" -1 ?-en --ore _ MaVBI Cinf-al.. New.Tork. ^ H cm a 8 I i;ov e...-Fii,"u:ti.v_<?fi A <r-- fr ai d wairarted 6rtt rate,. Pot axle he JOHN W. ?riNCY. No. W Wilf;. 117IRE ROPE taf erprji ?- - andd,.vreo ? ? oi'ity. from one e^hth-ioch diaueiet reward tor aUja. X. For tale hv * _CgAS W . iPELAND.Na t4B-.atwar. 3nbio-rtnbbcr 0ooba. 1NDIA-RI BBFK GLOVES, f..r CIIA.PPFD HANDS. SALT RHFLM. Ac.-Thevxre ? anwmMm t tire tectieB m twee...n, ,u.d eara of coal fire*. Lined OI .vea aad La!'!^ *7:<,'a?;'<'?e'?et'a*r; Farmer** and Ortterroeir-t Mltxrtxt. bee er Btieaa for Ttnaert aad Wortart ia Acidx Far aal* bv all Ro Shaw De alar* and at ?*""tav:aax ret DOODYEAB'S OLOVE Ce-, No. K Jeha-et, up tteire. ?uifs OQ ?\m110n. ?mir Ii Ntcot ?T. Ar.-Tiraxe*'- ._ ,, AB? LI TE hai E of frlFTEEN TEARS LFA-F nftt* I ' ?.DtNO No. T\ Wal *t. eorxer of Briad ?ALBERT h. Ml oLAY erffl ?11?? , DNESDA7. ftl 13, Itft. a? Ue'cioek. el the Mertotat*' fir.i ca.* ??? Vi'oLX b?0AB ?T* -Tb? Fif<*3 Yr.r.' ?mttju** U>~ mm Met. it?. of it. ei.? v bj Piiwly I " *? 21 Well-et. outlVt uf Brood. Cooditio'ii of Loot* are ot W L w Yearly rrir fr 'L- firot fit* year*. Bt/k?. nayxoi? fmar tewlT.erMCra'oa Water Tax; aftOl Mat | |M1. taaaar- .. - '.: -*rainuri>Bt?d Wa-er '. ?? *nd 'he lea*** k--n . . t. ^ii i Ii* recd 1 rro, ?>ny now r-ottik>r +a.<*?J ?er tLi err . aio rc?t.j ? ' - d ? ? **?<?**? f ,r * *e-ii ett laataTaSae, reald tr i*?1 wl-c- ??..?> er-ai at tah, !*a-e. Thu? *n i rreaWtyi?*"i ?. -I? rr-fi-ehle a: i rer-r.rer:: :s?-rrr / ^^'""viiVU . irc Mer-eeie* * 9J t* taken for ot.e-b.mlf the porebato money. For fall r lere t?r ? ie _ . A ILL Kl IL Mi OLAT, Atael-nter, No. i Bleat et ASSIGNEE* SALE.?! ?tili ?".1 at public tuen.*, o- TUESDAY NEXT. [ab. IJ et Ii ] sWif. a- leAtle~tk} Deck. Bwlyn.tSe CANAL " , LAin OF 08WEOO, t.,B-hor ?itli eil her F ami "we ail T*.k.'. TU abote t-arned Boot h?e ran bot two aaaeoae. WALTi R CAMPBELL. N>w Ycrk, Too. 6. \f?. Ata-tuet of Aleaa-dcr M ..?r, A. V Mta?l?. Atctlofaee? BV BANG8 BROTHER da Ca?Ttbi!b Bbm Boon i. No. IS Park r?w TUESDAY. Mare* lt. IBS1 TPP NF XT KKi.lLAP. II. WK-SALE "f BOOK.?, iTLEEf''T\ PE PLATES, STATloNEBT, ke . will tx? cjtx mtTtri tt 'ie ?bort da'e. Tb? iETriwe*thu**er re-eireu pro n kw 19 attractiee ca'tlcm?. wLirh w !. b* ie?*?-l at vo early day. i : ?* are la-treetfdlT ff.i-r.vd. partteolara of which abcald be ; tor the rataJotnte immediarair^_ Tv?ta MoiirLi. Aar. ioneer. I^KTIBE 81 CM K of Fl SINTI CRE, Ar.?Will J 1? *? \c 1 H 1> DAY. romrxe.-.c r.e at 1 ' o'clock. %. Nj. 81 .Vf.niitt. Atert'ioo :o b'it'tie?? reqairee that th* [ reaent ttr. k BiRtt be told wirbott n-eerre??-oi eit'r ? af Wir :r.>b-t, Brokreae. Sofa?. Eerr e-d Bocki-a Chair*. Te'-a-Te'ee, Bel tvedt in bweerarlety Wad:* ard*. aaawBle tap i-a:>i*<.-t ?kd Licit.? Table*, ie terror aii.1 BooitiU.d?, Ito-i S*'?*, ( ouotfi t b u?e Detk?. p-r alle I? ei? arid Boxei baa*. M.r fr-. ore larre i >*r Mirro?. /.on-??* ei I B'dfeai*. At I. i' . ? a rief rcaewood Piano-Forte. Comment* w;:h tacondhard I urniture 'rem family. 17XECUTOB8' SALE.?Ia ptaTiWBaes of the r^p* . i i.i BTBITDE WESTEBVTLT.iniaaet w-w ;i aaawae ta tele et ataJawt ancion, a: ?be Men tea ?' I .cheat*, latbe Ci'y of NVw-Yort (pat ANTHONY J. BLKKi'KKR, A*c i ie?r.)on the .fitb da? at Ftbftry aeat, at UoVI <k M. at tit at the LOT of OEOUWD. wtrt the BCILDIffOSaad IJfpBOA r ML NTS iherecn eree'ed. ai-nated ?n t?* omthettt rtr rrcf Brc-cn-e and Van. ka t ,hi the Cry of N-w V?rk. L IU Bart wide, ftaaol t-d n ?r. ?pi';' Bait aVey ?????:?!? let* tf an aller ? ay to rear. 1 be j rem att are reti'ed t.i I it of Ml*, lt'a. at the ri>- ..f # '>7^ 'er an: am and arfll be aold rab > i to IBM laaee.?Datrd l ew V rt tar.. SR it56. WARREN HARRIOT, I Ccacatava ALBEBT L DEMABEBT at H. Nit ol?v. Aeettei - r I3KRE*inOi.VS.\LKi fa VALUABLE PLOT OF GROUND. hneodrt by *<2d and BaBeta an ! IBB utd 1 inte? ? liberal'it I' W't'-r Kruw ?l r* fee! un the II? I tH Biter.?AI.BFET 8 NICOLAI will aei; it AvOo ot WEDNESDAY. Eeb Ii ItSt tt rf erefae*. tt th-M.bant*' Rachal BO. N. Y tie raloa* e PLOT OF OROiNH. lorila-l by Kd a ? BN ar i l^tb at;d Urb ar?., eeataii it ah m? dfy Lctr, rartt t a frort af (if feet 6 iLthtt on iid-r.. iio te It i k*cl ' o ?? tad 3"e feet ID iirr:n on ho'b Ar?a-iet Alto, tBe PLOT OP OBOOND o* the eat-arty a. :e of ii*?h a<. ka? in? a float of Bat teat 1< Inchea, a depth of 1 *' :'ee? or. i.d ai d .*- d ttt.. ai d c< n'ai: i..? ahaaml eisht Lota, T! Ia froperty ctT>ra Bi uaoal rtucxente tor Irnraediate in ?raaea aa* baa * in a deeiraMe bwatata, aad ?'ii a-ta; ???4 tv,, 4 la-te n.aiin'aciuriia e?*al.lL?r.ueBt, r-qu-ro t an ? x'e:.or-: aalei fa wer and front, and j-eaacaaii.? all Ii;?- t'?.'.. .t.- - .: tece.aa'y. Itro a lib. rt! and ti'l? perf.rt Mtp* *t.d furth?r particulart ran be obtan-ci ou apt li> a'ion \ > ALBKKT Ii. NICOLAY, No. -i B: ral at. W. I MtLLoa, Aaaetiei er?Be HoajaMrTtB] B Mttteat. Til I P DAY I at I J B'elock, at No. Ill Naaaau-*:.. ti pertor cnatoni-mice < ABINBT H IINITI B E, ben,a the ?:.t:re fork of a larte flrf eli?a i-aV ? .'.'a;, .t at) r?r. I -,ery artir!a of I* f dly warranted, the taa.e at eben | atahaead at [r aale, couaia*.:.? bt I art i the iimtt iBthtcaiaala etyIre raited Boa-'* * vl.- s\.-.r. Oak and \S ali.ut Parlor, DMaf-l out. Library and Chiuio .-r Furniture. Min t rari*ty. Ro-ea?. od Parlor an.tai are BMB*wd la i ? I r atoaaei Bntade SatBi BreattaHe. l'luahand Hak-aloak, *p bolttrrtd i tain tad taftadi |0uf the ni.iet tpaarorad pal ?"??? I. i Taeiee, Mahoajaay, Oak aad Wnlnnt, wit!i aerpentina reatera;99 Ooth<c FraaBaaaaad Co*itaaa> Bar^ataadt ta- ttd tea K liere?. Btefai*. Sid^ba an't. Secretar Bt,ladlW Writioa Cab it i'. b'ahly linaihi-dj WotkTtUet, aolid Bx>tawo?jd Caatar, PU r ? ud Fairy TH tee, (uro end Safe felde?. w:-b aad ?-ith^it .^; aib'e to) a. AI?o, ei larre Writh t fa'.i.e. 1.1. *>-ii Arni iiliair?, I o\e Blfat and ( fcot Ha'tBBf, a the furnit'ir,. of i wri'i: j a.??.7Ri. w <m! PitoFore* ot Lindemaii, Odbert A Ce . o;> i :, !)? ?el a Co.,aad otL. r. taktaa, CtBaleaaaM ?a tli n omu got rale. A. H. N'icoLaT. Aoe-ti.iueer. VALUABLE < "1 M.I. LOTS at fORKVILLE w a' AUCTION.?ALBEBT H. NICOLAT will tt V. I DN18DAT, F.-. id at IS ..Muk. tt the Maiaihailf Es II ante, tu o de-ial le l.o'e, i.or'.. e*ai . -r;. -r ..I ?.t .. a th? at, 5?. 1. *e i Sat treat at badracaaaeata aa th* U-ar. n ,-o?.l mi t be tLi? | rcperty. Terma **?t a id title it: 11? mil able. For fell i ar?keaiari a] i !y to ALBEBT H. NICOLAT, v ?? fiaaaer, No 4 Beeadet 321 BROADWAY?ST IRE FIXTURES.? HENRI H. LEEDS h Ca erflleell by aa lAaa.ea on'the lllh or I?>h diy at Fehrtmry, rt 10f o>!a:k, all tlo-e eo-tK and o agmt'.-etit fix'urea, t ountor*. Cu inf Hoard*, Deahr, rice ?Rl o .? < b.n ?teuere, i.-w raiawood Pkaa t .rt. Oilclotb (?Hei?, plate t'n*? Mi irate, r-?"e xtaae Shew Wia dew?, wBh iflrer her S-?h Fraaraae, Be., taa ; r ? ":-y of and hr . ? cfOEOBOE P. FOX,leaaaeofaaid preaiieaa, A- . BecareadLeaeeaei Nora BtS.SZI.Sii) aad ISJ ttroajway. uu let* aold t>\ rrirate i .t.'ract Bettra day of axle. Uniting XHaicri i!o. IENCAUSTIC TILES?For Veefibutoa, Hallt, J I', arl.a. I'ii li t r, raa a, l on-errat. ria*. Ac. OAft . .IRK CMIMXEi TOPS, DRAIN-PIPES,Be. Faareaiehy MiLl Mt.i OATI S i- Yof/LE, Ne ?'? < Pearl *t., N. Y. Htit >i>- KOOJ S?BOUF8- Rut cbawpfajt aiil b at arm I- fur eoterin* raadb bt TAB BOOFINfJ PAPER, whob Wt keep run* antly on band aud will aad la larre or err ad e iai title* t?. It i .r. Later*. JAS T DEBBH EBON a Co. No..? iieekm?r at, t?li? U).irrant9. LA> D-WARRAK1 OFFK K. titx 63 WbU-bI. New-Tora.- The kiataal a trke? rHr? pai i Bt Land WABBANTB) and til w anaata aald by me ate t?xr>ii*>?a-t and fhawafaJod hy mad "t otherwi?* nj-m v ctipt of r~ ui*. Laad Warraataptwaarad 1 r Bddtaet a.,.j" ?ntr.vdw Bo'inty Laade, ot i. at.i ' eir oa t.. 1 J < n.. *i WaftdB T AND WARRANTS boacht at tit,. h iUot f?a*fc JLal aajjaw Bad . lala t tm Baaaart Lao 1. Fei -.ol? ke..| rraaraarx Iwttei !..! ?o hr OFO WOOHMA-', N... O Willitm ?U JJauiio, (D?9, ilMiioo, a;*c. ANEW UOHT.?KEROSENE, or COAL OIL-See ored by Pateott. The mtsaeliy of the lisht ah taii id frara 'hi? oil ui'l be fo'n I to i-irnwl iha'"ol any other oil ?r Ikaaai heretofore ki.owu to the | obli,. Thi* od beit t a t ate d.f V!-, fraaaeoai, wtthatBt thea*V Batararfe af ti.ri't.f Tanentine ot alcohol, it warranted to ho Bot extpaaaree, la i r?i ea CaataaaTdi * ?Low it to he aael wrdiont mi. t! preni'uni. 11a trie ret i or write ntnb a' i ith' wNl ?. I it t treat ac BBataaB a? he til kl la re i arkah'r a'eadr at... BaA to tit? eye. For tie'a ral tau ly B?e. be:. :? ? ?? Sie: '-.a't, Si.i'i'-ui. Eairtcad Care, Chrurrara Paetorhaa, iloten a^i Lityht Hoaaae, Oil it at yet nt equaled. It l -. roa briUaxatty mlib*at .n olinr or emtrinr 'b* wick? Bawe not d.reriora'* or eaaporate by exjea-;/.-. aad i* no; vf 'ected by tLe cc-ideet BTatatBl r. The tarioijt BB tea tad If pt 'o he f t.. I It th* Store )f the i.i i ereif i ed. are rece-irmea led at the beet adapted to the pace liaraaaJMseef the Oii. each latop (in: ?t a ItyBl epialtotwj a.i f, at <*> h'in.ert, Th.a Oil can I* n?a>d in Can pheue and BytrBlOO Lanit. ard rai headaitedto CLandeli*-ra for Httal?. Cfiillj R-mdeucee and Steai-ert. TLe u?uti ?La omit to Wb"l- I'-*: ?. AUSTENS, Arent* of TI1K NORTH A.VL1.H AN Kr?n -LNr-. COhTPANT, No. 57 Brater-tt. BRJDGEWATER PAINT?Tb*> Lett arti. fe ki own for roota at honte?, deck., and ojttorat of retaelt, end . ti'tn'i work, bei:.? a jer - t prottctiiu ??iin.t the action of tLe atnicarphero. For tale at the Company'* Derot. No. Ml Wavr ??. rril RA QUALITi REFINED LARD 011?? -at tt trrai.'rd ?ery itire. and to him at loot a* Sp-na, and eery brixhtly; h> in? anatuxlly free from tmp-ihty, it will 'lorer erutt -ke wi. k?it *l'irelt frte from ta-n, ai.J rerr taperior f ar i*!t .t't Id barrela V -0 4 talU<v.? each. The only ax-eot for 'i.e maker tt JOHN W. QLTNCY No. <W WilJlaio-et. OIL ?Hoi!.?i oil, 75 cent* a t'h'.Inn. Baildti in. fand Fence Oil, V) e-ntt a ra'lon. Blrteted Boiled Od, tor pur-It wbi'e, *>1 per gatloav t J-!-V,r: <th. for China ?loa*, *'l 2*i per ?xlloa. P.\ IN . S, for t>ii!dinre. f?-ne.e. route, Ae., He per p-.-ind. by J. HEN It SMITH, No. IIS M? IV 1 la e. s. T. |3roffooional Xoticco. JOHN C. BEROH, C0MHLSSI0NER of DEI DS ? r NEW.TOBK, and I'mi- eoi-t for th* Sfat?t of Nf.W'-JKRSEY*. CiiNNErTU'LT. RH IDS ISLAND IflCHiOAN araJ WIj-CoNsi:**. No, w Bartlar r tffce Coirun'jia Fire-I^turance Co.; R-t.deuc?, No. at Faet 2*J at (Clothing. \'? 'I TIP nr:?I CHH.DRK.NCLrOTHTNQ : r A aUaaaaBrea tfjrrea te reraat 1 yeawa, at WHOLESALE. J B CLOSE. BAILET A tV, No ? Park r?a * V. Y. Paper tUarftionscs. PAPES W.M,} lit-! >i:._J. T. DERiilCK bon B Cat, No. dn tt , otfer for tale oo the loareat terxTJi Wri'ir.? Ftp-r*. K:.?iab, Frenrb add American. N-wt Paper, all ?ist t. weUhtx and qnd.-iea. B??k Paper, all tiara, weight* an J ?roaditiea. T*t*aoa> P*l?-r. fancr clor? and white, ot the be** qnadiey. Har t.o? Parwr. a.Lite and colo-ed, d"far. ut width*. Hattet?/ Paper, thta aad of 'ha beat quaint Cloth Paper, ?x40 and 4ti4A ' Fnalxah Hardware Paper, a larva aaavxtrneant, hart arrived. Hheethui? Paper of the battt qaailty. W rar pin* Paper, Straw, Rat aiai Maailia. T> a Paper ot different thta*. Tar Roajtkoa Paper, tautaUe fat rawft la Mux, ALBERT FT. NICOI.AY, Austioneer. will 8*11 iu\- piy. F-b 14*M ^. mmmmmtmmmf mm c. a: r*. tut a.- nl ol w b'OO ll m?v ? I * *ro: I MS L~e Pi*. WitMLud S; Lora.U? Mortg.te Baoi*. %3.u3 New Tort end Erie Retried 7 par rent C javartibl* r V-t.- ?tl Western RCrsa t*t M rttjn* Fx | . -,. - foal ltd IronCv l.f Morge** Ro-el?,BJBR t> - r-r Csytkfa end Satrjaehtni a Bailroed la* Monge** Baads, * '?OL ra: tftarl uul Noitb- ra P-bint Railroad let M*'?sr* I CT ???. ? " rtf Brerker-i'-? Car?1 Con', r-ix-iny. ?ree i.tier.t and Cakaaaa Raiuee.-, ?i??sch. ] " ???irr? -ee^rd Ave- cr Railroad. * l? earn, 21 ita-e* HiiIit Rirer Re it road. #;oOeaca ! < : : Nt-roer* Aaroeiati" '.*-?"? ?. ? Bras ' xcsrl Coal Compary of Coal River, virgtnit, ?J J earn. y afcires fers- h Wird Birk. #Vt steh. 4 *r.*:*e Ki.-:,...-r I are Iturarecce Csaraa?. **? '???? :i ?IiN -h River Icurtxre CoTtr-anr. rajPaa. h. .t) ttarrj tleeku aa ftra taaaranra C -.panv. ? sack. Tsaw o/ ??Li?T-n percent This Pay. aal J.e riale.nce be fare I o'clock To Morrow. Tlie errae-i interost on mil tarn Bei ? '? wn. cl.?r*-d 'o the i arc!.**??-r Nextr?-*a'er ?*l*m MoNPAY. Kehroa--t 11. ALBKLT H NICOLA i . A?iev i.**r an.t Banker N ?. 4 Broad ?t, N. T. 0 Or t.a at m l'r\M?TLv ??u f jil CoMriat. Correrot I tl-tecwev.nd Wel.-st..N?w ? York. F*b. 5. H*a\ J A 8FMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND of l ire per A rei ? sa the Capital S-?ck sftas PK NN." ILV AN1A COAL (. I'M PA NY ha* 'Lur ctr bee- declared, rayiMa at theoti-ti of tfc. Cewpeay it- taa Cityai New York on aid after the Uta c'tv it F it rv :.'-a- ' . .. ,. w Tte Tran, er BccV* will be el."*! from the *?!> 'o tj; It* ln?-..K ini:c.u?i-.e. or!) A 1: ?Y i'. Ti.-a'jr-r. DirTDENP. ?The DIRECTORS of THE WATKP.TCWN AND BOMB RAILROAD COMPANY \av*tt.i#:tth ?'?? of-T?iirv. 1SVH. d.rlare-l a DIVIDEND of Tl N i PR CENT, patibl? ic t!te Stork of the CSBBBBay. Tb* 1 . ? r Book* will "be clo*.d from 'h* 1st to t?0*let J?y ot of Eel rctre rroi'mo. Certiti-*'-* for f.ii! ?bar** wl.l be lataeA cn at BtBI d'on and afar the I tn of ?all month, r.p f>r Irac ttcL*l urour.'i wll ?:?? be i.v-o. which -hall be coniertib.* i rtdtra'eaef Stscb *>u p'e?- i"l Cm taa ra paaa 'n rasBB , t < c bm ' red doiler*. anl en':tle.I to any d :?! ? id? da rlared after BBck d t version. Holder* of ek r- ? ? -t m ? the ? try ef Hew-York wnl receive their Certitieite?, or !?crip. tt taa !v. i>'? Bank. No 119 Canal *t W a-. :? * ? . ? ? * PAN! r.L I v > T-?e--re-p DirrDEND. - BROOKLYN ETRE-WSUB^ ANI E Co.-Tb* Hoard of Ptssatari of this Co-n .any have declared a Semi -Anneal Phi.'e:.d of TEN (10) PERCENT 0 tLe C>;4tal fTtniA. i-ayaol* on an 1 after the 5r?t .lay of f ? i -,?rv : etf it their o.T.ce. N'.i. ?> Mam *'in?' Each* re, New T.ek. taa Trarwfer B.?A* will tie l.?e.l ?;. .in ?' - :i?t i .-n ta the :?t. t Fehmary, inciu^ve. WM. F. LEOOBTT, Sec nlVIMML?Tie Kni. 'r. r'?? k.-r Stt-e ('.? n rtry live thi* dtv declared t Dfridattl of UVF. PER 1 1- NT r,.-.*ble on er.! after the y h ::i?t . ont of tbt> earnura. 1 Lr t: -n.fer 1 ck? will be closed nntd the te.h. by rr let at 'je Poard.-Nrw-Ycrk, Feb. 4, IUjA OEO. C. PEf^^-J^e?*_ 1 I It B of the NEW-YORK FIRE ami MA RINE INSURANCE COMP AST, NVw-Y. rk. Feb. 5, lA te-PIVIpENP ? The B ?ar.| of Pireclor* have ihia lay .' clare.1 * lata! Aannal Dividend of TEN PER CENT, payable to ti ?? Stcrkbcl.lcr*. on demand, et the nthV.> of the Co npenv, J*. :> \\ ?.. ?- O. I .MiKltHILL, Se. re-ary. Otrtca?r ma RartrLic Fiat U>laasca Co., ( Ho 71 W?:i -t. I'th Jan urv. III?. I THE BOABD of TEU8TEE8 have THIS I? VY decltreda DIVIDEND ef FORTY. F.MHT i'XIl CENT 10 po"'7 holdere cu the amount of their pr?niHni? paid on p^l leica Utued by this Company, end which have tarminated witbaa lb? year r ? din 'ho 31?t Pe.-?mber. M6A TLev bare de? ;*-ed a IVvtberdie dead of STE tHD THREE QCAl TER I I'ER CENT on the Cepiial Stuck, paya'.le to their ahaiel ohtera tu rub tad trtip on .'enian t. Th.yh*?* t'jo de. Itred a dividend of SIX PER CENT la ath '.n (he aaaaMtvt of aarMeaataBB] "erip. Ti -< Barter mi thai < aanaap, wh lei con binae the Matea. pvt.- .-?*!? Ith a e-..h cat .'at. woildaa rha* tt --r :>?ym?'lt of Ire Bwectaa Ra rtpi'al. the remamin? pvofi-* ahall ha antiuaily ap? rtt i *d hctween the 'hareh"'.!*? a- .! the poliryhoi l-r* and the wrip irtnt-d tbereft r it not to be paid n't ntiril the amomt, ? with the capital, itail exceed ONE MILLION OF D??l I AR". CA^li CAPITAL, ?130 000-Wini LARt-i? .SURPLUS. rasas saa, Charlee 11. Rnc*c!l, Jane? W arreB, Dai.hl B, Fearing, ,\.- ? i. a-. \\ Ul bbj 11. It ue*.-11, M. W. HamiKoa, An BttBS C Pa ?Blas. Daer, O .i. whv n. a-, St-ward, jr., W at. Bi Hal Liui.tan, Robert B. Mintam, N. H. Wolfe, ftiakiB Wi-;,..r?. I?a*c TuW! <end, Ed? .r.l C. Center. JeaBab Otie*, Dan;-: DrakeSiatMfc, Joaenh Oe.Hard, Jr., Fre lerit O. Foatet, J" M V -erbury, 11*11, it.-. ( nr'ii, Robert S. now, Oetri-iT \ ? e, Baataat V. II itTmen, Ji I n J. Aatar, jr., Jacob Oi'tVriy. jr., Frr.i'k A. IV ano, J. P. Oiraud f later, ALrahtmbtll, laka A. C. Oray. Robert s. HOHS.PratSaata* P. F CtrSST, Seere'?ry. Hiavi r Fiai.-I>?i R?.at-v i n Ofli. *N'?. JSii l'e*.|.*t,, I Ni w-Y.ikb, Jan. ?, 1MB > THE HOARD <.f DniECTOBB of this Com p?i v h*v. *) la .lav deelarej t Seen annual Dividend of Ti N PEE CENT, on taa Capital Stack .f taa Ceaxxfaay,aa? this mi the llthin?'. ASIIFR TAYLOR. >e.-ret*ry. Ornca or tub Mi.bc ivtile Fibb faat tiAvcs Coairavr, I No. AS Wall at.. Ne.i-l.rk. F-b. %, ISSt J AN ELECTION for thirty Directors ami three Inspector* ?( tb* neat election will bo held*, thn office of thi Criitr.y on TI ESPAY.the ISP-h mat. The poll* will o|cr at 1 k p. m. and cio?e at J oftilta'k n. to. _JOHN B\RER, Secretary. On tea or thr Nobwh h MlBIBaCoMPaktT, l No. New ?t,, New-iork. Jati ti, ISSS, t AN ASSESSMENT of ONE DOLLAR per ?her? ha* I.D tarried on 'b* atcrk of the NORVVICH MIKING COMPANY, payable it thn office on the. lith day ot Iihruary ncx'. By onter of the Directors, E. M, LIVEEMOEB, iearatary aadTtsaaaia*. WEST C< I.i .VIM \ MIM.'... ?ND MANI7 ff FACTI RING ? oMI'AN .'IHTEEEBT CO?P 0H1 sa CtnlaVsfas it hin of the aboan CompaiiT, due I at Fe reary.ISM will I* paid at the (MB e at Maaan SAHDi A WlldV8,HaSI tVall-at., Raw-Tatfc, aa asaaaatSalsa of *anl , I oe|cl.*. OrritL or the Racink ssto Misatsstm Raii.bdao j Co-'i/aaiY No. 70 Basaai at. J TBE INTEREST COUPONS due I Vbr-ary 10 1 ox, the Bon 1? of the Ci-y of R.arme, Wl*., siveu in il..fths roa*traction ef tha Rarine w. I btaesaasfppi Etdraad CeaiBeay, I w I i e j ?.d ?. : jLd alter that date on preaeiita'iuu a: '!i I OIHce ? ! m Coeapany. CLAEE A JEBUP, Aaxsata, TIi i: INI EREST mi the BONDS of too PEi>. Ill \ AMi hi EEAU-VALLEI EAILEOAD COMPA KT, wiQ ba paid aa and at* or t ie tat dav ot Fab., ISSS. xsyaa ; r tei' '. ^ el 'be ( u-ainet tue Coro ExcLi ige Bank, No. I i \N ,. nn it.. New York. t .U DUB \NT. Treat .r -. THE PEORIA AM) BUREAU-VALLEY KAIMIOAP COMPANY have .1?,.!?:?! a Semi-Annual Idvl lot d i i POUR PER CENTOXI their caid'al *:.jck, payable a' lbs 'r effre. No. I i Will lata 'Ot., New York, on and ?l>.>'r ti I ll'.b day 4 FaWtaay, DOS. TLe Traiitfer Hooka will ha du?ed fiom tLe lat to the lltb of Februarv. _t^W. DDR AN P, Traaaarer. Otpicbor Tva Mtcaiaaa SotTiirav aao Bmtmisus la-) SAASA ILoLk'iAii CoMr.tsy, Na 18 aYIHtansst. , Haw-Tatva fabw 1,1S9E ) NOTICE ti Ii<?NDHOEOEIiS.--Notit?isher.'br siart t.'.et ?n und tperti.e |.t^*> of Mircb i exea-.d antiUfnr tt. r r.ot.ce iblaCotapaay will itaue ir* n.iw CONSOLIDATED SINKING 1 ! ND BONUS 07 \tmi. in et.-h.ure fag any of tLe i: .1..?horatadws i*?u*t| by taa Michiien Bsataara Railrwd Company,Bad tha BortAata Indiana Rai'roa.! Company; ti -h en Lenta will be mat!* at par. with aa much iliap.irch as tha pvaparatioaiadt*sxUBkiaf the IL ud? w. i tdsaUa*^aadlaths > ??_e." I w }.:.}: ?p; i ?Ii. I.? tor e-.eil?l. lie* ire I' t I". Ttie I. ?er.-.. the old Botel* w.ll tei up to thu lat d*t of oiiy, imm wbaBB d'fe inteteat rim* on the r.?w Honda, Bj order of the board. J. M. HOPKINS, Secre?ary. H -.\IL.-(ITY OF CLEVELAND 7j? Cent BoBxBB i Water Loas), CP1 Y OP DETROIT 7 t>c*nt Bo: !? fWaBSt leiaaj. CITY OF CIHCIMH KT I 8 \t eatit Iis,.?*, CITY OF CHICAOO 6 f> cent Bond?, CITY OF MILWAUKEE 7 **? aaal Hoot**, CITY OF SACRAMENTO lfl D cea? lio?..'?, Bj_ DtTNCAN. SHERMAN A Or. i\CH\ T0 BUY M0RT0A0E8 nnk-ood '.7-?aF,t ?\>\F p- er'.- in thi*citv or I ' LOAB oe the same. JOB . p. EMMET, Ba. 4S 0 lUiercUancons. AWHISPER to the LADIES ?The enviable bltoia ?...?h tiirure only v..ucha..fe? to the cheek* of the It-on't- ftw c an lie ro*.e?.?d hv everv Udy who will ate ti* w BTBDJ BLOOMS, a preparation exteiurivnly used in Paly, and ?o!d only at No. S03 Briadwey. Tliie is aaid to ba Iba? ly tsBBafal ?.?reperation viiu b both' lienefiu and bexuutie* t:.e - taa] lexioti. Pieate ? ul tUi? aal for future refer-nce. BRAZIL WOO D.?4RBJ quintals ?TLYZIL WOODjin bond or ?latv paid,) for ?4le be _SPorFQRD, TILHSTON 4 Co.. No. 21 Broadway. PITY l.Al NDRT, No. 9 CANAL STREET.? V\ ca.led I r ! rBttTHtad bs any part of the Ciliee I f NEW-YOHK AND BROOKLYN, _mb miLLiaoa rra aezte. KMEHliO.N i 1 \ Z?B~ STROPS, - t "If A REES I.Mi Ft SON. manufacturer ai.d vender f ELASTIO RA /( R .?TROPS. N.?. 2 F.<r.eraoo-t?Iare. Healey ?t.. Chwrlee >Saa, Ma**., grateful for the aery literal patronage he ha* re r?.. ? u w in endeaai r to merit a coutinuance of the aanie, and w ill f imiah ail who will flavor him with their patronage with the best qmlitv of RAZOR STROPS tt reeeontbl? pri. et. He feel* r?i fident that he can fun.Uh R 4./DR STEOPfl whi'h have net. r been ttvaaatad by ar v makar in the Cuina. The ptib.ic are reije. -i liv int-need itiat he is the only man hv the real nan.* of ( HARLES EMERSON who ^BslaSlaxtBl RA70R MROPS. Ali o'hers claimnig to ha sticeeasoM to trie Itte Charlet Emertcn. Emerton pitce, Chariestown. M tt are d.Serent maker* IM of different namet, a:;d net comi tcted wrb ? e in the mauufactnra. I MPi ?RT7 NT DISCOVERY.?J( ifi \ - j i I v a 11 |fl :ie OEABULATED CORK ssxtJM ,? u_,, pj:. lowt. Caiehmii. f loth CTlltlsa. A.-., a, |Afe and healih pre ^a?y,B?Y0,p^VALh,> ""^ S- 1 V. Vv I ATI NT .-ITU I.\(-l.i:>?~Theyiin7rorw II vaa^Oi tultfMlife-i^BrBBdillstarit oblecU era di.'Jnctlj te..T, th-ugh. tne parr- Makerand pttenteeTFEAMES. No. 2 rark ratw. Attedance from S a SA to S p. m. VElT.'ALt IA?ArTt-otir.jr the Face aad Head, A! h.therto coo*idered lacareATe, it nuw geanutewl to ba rtired by the ANNIHILATOR. For Rbnametu-n end tloot, it a e certam preventive end cure. If tp-died on the Sett ?vaipto ni ol an attack On tale et Dr. WHEELER'S. No. 4SS Broai ? ay di-nr t (tee hooxi, ? to 4. aad pamphlete of |t? ed);acy. frail*. 1856. i?\ft iV;,,.:,v,i 1856. M ANTILLA8. moltnei/x bell. SPRING AIlOOlClMIII to Lb* TT BMIrillI Mk*cu**f? oi tu? L'xi-vs. (Iriiiiil Jtvle* an? Dull"* VOI.y.nkux p>"ll. No. *a r?4.?: ?a,. v-aoec'.' ily eaethss ?J r er. L ion of Wholesale J Ur- ? ? '?' ? ? "*? al m Hhf roi.'iriui hi* let** IMPORTED eni MANU FACTI RED MOCK ef ladies* mantle*,AI hi* ewa ???> |i? *-i ..?aal* e ,r?l ? - .........;?....??.'--"? >t .j | 11**? ?ad Utest stvte* fV r tb* roii uit inon m.a< K ? d < OLOBEI? 'ILK MANTILLAS, i KOIDEBFU St AlU".' *i?a aaAJRYtaaW, 1 v .e s.;i ? g ert* M.'. Rend COLORED MOIRK ANTICi.;HaadLACB,B* endl**l varief?. HI >, APLIQCF. fre-n ?2 <* ih? 111 RaxtiaXA Lac i mantm.las ta be freed to toe trade. . _ _, - At T. MAV1 ill ?S, (at all prWetj very lerre a?at rrraant. ;>., ? , ra ? rill fror* Merchants, aad pena> teea tba? bta ettck Ii all new a: i of the rooit recherche d?e*np. f.oo ar.d : n Klaas t!.e n.i*t rroaipt attention esd liberal >ri*?, MOLYNEt X BKLL.No.3a ( anal et,. New York. V o | i C~~ I XI CONTTNTJATION OF SALB or tut mriMi'i S,T O C K t' K DRV O O o D S AND CARPlTl UMIII * DINOER, In tba Liter rtcw* ?to*s troat. Noa. y-i and 2f? ?tb er., one door below 1 Uh et. Sale to aj heretofore. PiBvt Fi ona -Co?'aina a laCfS anl elegant aeeortmen? ef Pieck imi ( c:ored SJk?. Bor baamee. A!r?e<i Merinoej. M.itie?. I r. ie Li t ce. Pirat a'taJ. Lnens, Muslin*. Fruit*. rliaaeJa, Liri. rr. Kn troldene?. l.acei. Ar. .... .. .. Srcosn FM Ot-SLawli. Cloaki, Ma-Ullae, Lece*. .Vu*tra, Mtelifl WiBtlotr 1'at i.u. Qjkmm, Blankets, CoeaUrpaaaa, I ii iL?. (". "In ere.. Ac. Ti.taD FLt>o?-H*aet etat < errvtlnt?, Od ( loth*. emii| r-alag rich Ta' It rrela ar.d Auh Carpet*. Englieb and Aase? riem Oil Clothe. Mau. Rom a..d Drtiggeta. T . ..Ie isorcuiouej bv e diene? of buelnM?l and or-..?aas the ?ree'est attraction* to ob lain ef i .r.i .n*r? ? irtaiae ever offered In teil cit*. 1 Itjsta ..pen at e; aale ctJttiBierc* at 9\ ?. m. and rloea* it * p, aa, Si KJHTLT WET ' BUT tWf ivm'rbd. A r?w Invoice worth *20,0rv), t)t RICH PRESS and HorSFKEEPERS' t.t>'?l?S. 1?,0M rar?> RICH SAXOKT PLAIDS (aB Wmm\ S per \ard, invoiced at M cents. LSBpiaeaa daSiask table diapers (?ii Linen), 2 6 n. r vard. Invoices! ?' 20 aeuta, SCO pW*? PERT. IRISH LINEN SHIRTINOS, .1/ per vard, invoiced at lUceuta 20T pie... I t HE IRISH ?HIRTIN?.-' ("? a * t IS rjr?. wlIeA, ai a redni lion of SC ter cent from i .voice prare. ]*> CASE8 N a tk ins. TO WE LINO H aaal DOILKE {m ariaaaaat patassSJb IS \" r cent laas than coet. Also i a aw invoicr or RICH PLXIN and PI.AID Sil KS (we-'an'e.l perfect), at 4 . hj end 6/ per vard; worth Sj , SN and 12/. All the ibove ?ood? ere nonii-ieily di-n-vted a i ...11 as wet rocie, while but a mi Ul tcrioii hive even rouie in contact wtt% tLe water . ar.d all are worrantid jeitict In . very roepect, aad decidcdlv the BEST BAEOAIKS OP THR IEAEON. a 0. COLHY. No. X'J (irind-et. ROOE8*tTOET POLI8HED OLACE SK\T INOI OTTOlf.?TI U ti'w Threa.1 took the Oold M viel et the Paria Esp?etrJoa over CoaU. Cla.-k ami etery oth tf ruakec. I- i. ,n. ? the la?ter of ?ilk with tho ttre nlli of i.uevri j dees not kLot or kink. a rail ??t.] !v of white, hlacb and all cades* received hi e.erv stestaisi .?nd for ?al? bj ' Will ! ILEE* WILSON, No. 343Brr>adwe^ TTnK I 1 s.?v'iui rases ribhou-biMiinl faniilr BLANKETS, fr.-m era.1> ?tse to lit, ind of vinous qoall he* tcxtther with Noiro, Indian sad llonu Blaiiketa. frota aba Eocadala and Oonir Milla Will be sold low. NESMITII A Co.. Arcnu, N . Tl Broedwaji. BLEACHED GK K IDS -A o<7m| it to assortinetAt, ronitirleine every wiSafa and .pnalitv. F.*i ?ale hy NESMITB A CO., Ra tl BroH.lway. apOBSLTS? COR8ET8!?Mrs, fl \ ? NOB wUl V. rri.r for isle on MOM DAT, I'h hut , l'ej,..n french JACELT8, at II tndlJ prpair. Al.?o. a larr,s variety of bet* cel. brited FEENCH-WOA R CORSE 1 "J. No. ti Al .v.. noar ISth it., and No. J?"2 6th av.. near 17th it, PBEXl il MOIN08,?50pirces81 I'Ki.FlliK I FRENCH MEEINOS. i iraailifa| avarj eadat aad aattSBe r.?l kM ii from l?a. a > a-.i io Ss. i 0LUMB1VN H ALL, No. tiltiriad-at I;im: BBOWB RiK-lclikg bam, Hope and other n ikss, for sale by HE SMI TU 4l Co.. No, 71 Broadway. E UI^NKl.ts.?1 n ah invoicea of the, boat JV auil riei r..r ?ie by EBSMITH a Co., No. 7| Br Midway. JAMES TUCKER, [mnort?r ami D.-alor in rt? < hen be FARES FLOW URS, will be full v prepared with relnble Siring etvles bv the lit of Fcbr-nry, a ..1 renewed monthly till May. ' R^h BR'DAL WREATHS at at v moment available. No Rfl Rroadway, near White sL Rl ( H A i J) s ? N * - hush LINEN*. DAMASKS, be. 1 ba pablls ? ill 11 i'. h?it at sstad thai taa saaasaa goods ere elweyeeealed wiib tba toll oienitiirei.t 'he Irva, rial "RICHARDSON, iiiN-i ?. OWDEJL" J. LI LL04 hrl A J. B. LOCKE, Agenfa, N ? P-.- ?? . N. >v \ ..rk. W VV E T f B A I' E 8 H A W E 8 At a still greater .eeriflce, To eleai i ut the euiire St a k thai w*-k; Al*u .'aO CASH ME EE IDA W LB, ?lightly dsu.egt.t, e ?'-m hirvim, Al M M. HI KVS. No. I Bowery, comer of Division-it. [L80N (J. hint ? ?' O.-i impoitcss and Jossa ss or WOOLEN and OTHER OOODI ade]<ted to Men'i Weer. Noa. *s and tri W idiaui-?L, comer of Mdi.Ieii-lina. rniTEBOCK MAIS UFACTUBINCI Ca> BLFACHED GOODS, for eale by Nr SMITH k Co., Sole Agents. 3ncnrance Cornpanico. PEOPLE'* FI BE mSUlUNCB COMPAKT OF the CITY ok BEW-TOEE. Office No 173 OSBSlai and No. flu Wall at Caah Capital -- i '* ' w Ii a Murpina. all inveated la wrari tieeof ihe very )**t cae' RICHARD VARICK, W. F. i snakHiLL. Secretary. President. rrilE FAKMEiw""*; ME(7uanic8' eire M. and marine insi rance COMPABT of Phila? delphia CariTO. BltUOIIOO. Aair.Ti.Enil BtJCi II. ? . THOM IS B. FLOREN! R Pr,.,.,lenU EDWARD IL HhLMliOLD, Secretary. T7:n Company has complied with th - law <.f tha ^fato, aad BS ?I?? rl ?ei ur.t v lbs the Atwnred III New-York, It has provided lot an airru.i.g Treat Fund to tha amount . I SltV SO,tabshtll by their Belkers. Ve?sis. Dl'NCAN', ^Hi IIM\N VCo..froat wluih l.esee will lie promptly paid, wh-in adj'istad at taa Alter, v, oH ICE N'm i" WAI l STREET, NEW YORK. AMEEOSE W. THOMPSON, Att'y sal Agent staiembnt Or ASSSTS. -^???f?- Par Value. Caeh Talca Caah iu bend and at RarEera'.$21,300 *- ,JSS ?i Al'egLany Crui.ty (C. A P.) Bonds... ?iS>? \k\m ti Allcghauy Cotu.ty (A. V ) Bo.idt. 22,'OS 1?JMS 33 Delaware Railroad houdi. 3.J.0O* SS,48S SB Piaabursh City Sil per CenU. 33,000 So,MS 2.0 II. ?.Li h K..1 . in.i.da. l.'/.s U,0OS 111 PLdiuleii hia City Six per Centa. lw.JOS j .* Lcaj.a OR Mertgage ? AiReaeura' sworn . ?<d??. W.8*i *!,?? Lcana on Collateral*?Valae Colleteral... .M.WO 2i.?aS Billa re. eiiable. S jjg 0 ?M Bkan. e of Capital ?ecured by SuleecripUeiii ?7,7i? S?,7?t Par value of A?r?te.#L?,.31S ? ( *. h value of Aa.'ots.'..4>JU^aV Statv or Pr.\?irLv?MA, i County cf Philidelptue, J ?* t Thorn** It. F rence, P.-rd-nt, and Edward R. ID-'mboll, Ferretary, of the Furmer** and Mechanics' Iii?ur*-n.e t.omp?A.r. being severally dnly sworn, depose and ?ay, and each fir himseif **><,?) -t the forego:- mi troe, fi.ll and correct sUtetneut af Lhe aSabre of taa eald oonotaA*aa,aSxl that th^y axe tho ebove Aoacrihod otjicaia theaaoff THOMAS B FLORENCE, Pt-aUent, EDWARD R. HELMBOLD, S.rr.ury. Set <r>e.t ar.d affirmed before me >' a fifteenth day of MS tvaajtajr,IME CHARLES i). FREEMAN, Alderman ami Justice of lue Peace. craTtririTB or il-thositv. Stats or Nkw Yobs, Comptbollbb's Omca, 1 Alsasv, Nov. 1?, ISAA I Wh ?*?*, The Farmers' end Mechanlci' Ineuri ice Co..I*> aatad i' Pfctladclpfai*. in the State of Pennsylvania, ha* eeeSe r id With .ill 'be req'ii?.itions of the set eutitied '?AnAatt* Provide t- r the Incorporation of Fire lri*wice Cmpanlea,'* pa*?d Jur e it. If 52. by appeuiting Ambio*e W. Thompson of New York, in the Coaniy of New-York 1* its AtUarnay, OB wUrn i re< . ?* , f law tga be nerved, and also rotnpi ting with tie reqnireino.t* of laid Act; bow. therefore, I, Ji'nes kt Ce</k, CmptrUlcr of the State of New-York, Lu pursuaac* af lid, do hereby certify that Aste the asawaasas oi th. Act aBaaassbL _, Jo Uer*Sy eertlly taax **? br.?e W . Th..mpsK.u i f Now-York, in th* Coeuty of New York, U Mtbearloas a* sge..t of the eforeaaid Company to transact tba t -.en . ?? eg Insuriuce in this S ate, to far as h* may be leaally en were,| by bl* letter of appointmenl and the liutrucuosw w ah a ay he xivea to him hy the laid Company. In wi're** whereof 1 have Irret? subscribe.f my nasae, arid taiiMsl the a*al ol my ofhee (l. ?1 to b* atl.xe-l^ tue dvy and v -T ?!-o\e written. JAlt M. COOK, Camptrolla*. H. B Haiwkll, Ina Clerk. /nrnitnrc. W'AI.'I IN vVARD KBAMELED FCRXI * * it Kr MAIWf FACTUEEE, baa leaxMiiedtreaa Ba. MM Or And-st. to that larire IniUiing No. ss Can*' ??., f.ur door* *ast ? I Hrra. way. ??? re he .-.,:.-:nuei to keep e l*r-;e a-sortment of 1- ; in eled C hamber Suites, ot all colors and style*, and at pncee varving from ? JO per itiite and apward.titiished in all color* ead ?tyfea ef ornamer.tit r, and warranted la every leepeot Tba Trad* and others are Invited to call nid examine. WARREN WARD. No. 3S Canal St. (Tciy.irir.irroiiip Xoticeo. COPARTM I^.-Mn'.-Tbo undersigned rat? ?his day forese.l > i opartnertbjp, ander the name and style of OAKSkilTH A KEKrLEE, (or the ttiuaaa^n ?f . ..nerel SIIIP CHANI'LEHT. SHIP^STiiUE ,?a COMMIS.SIO? bejeiae**,*? No. U'Mooee^k.?New Yyr*. Feb. 1 ISM. SIDNEY OAKSMITH, B. E. EBBFLER.