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TOB NEW-YOHK DAILY TRI BT NB u TvutniD EVERY MORNING ard EVENING. ISmD*? Bicirrro.) BT ORK KLEY k M c K L R, A T H , _ raSTtlll'RK ?UILDIKCI. COMER Of ?\?tjtl' ASD Sril'CB lT?r?T?, OFIO?it? the citv hall, mi ieltvared 10 City ??^.r^'.l'LJf* f I*' ECopie.. Two Cent? i Sabaeribav.,, #f, per ??am. for ?s mks?u, ?3; for ihre,? W0UUu, ?1 per week. Stn .., +? per annam, in ad ^ mouth*, $1 90. TBK NRW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, A VKRY LAROE PAPF'.l KOR THE COWNTRY, -pahliahed avary Satvida*. Morriru at the low price of $2 aar^aaaam, In advance. Three Capiea for t V Five Cipira m S|. Ten C?>i >ea fl r and a paper jtm im caae continued be ?jstWtha tan? for ?a/joh it >a pUd. AdvrtiaernruU for ton iwtwilM' ft?(.,, SEVENTY KlVfc CENT? PER LIRE wr eath (titertioi*. Til'; HRiril-WliKK I. Y TJMBl'NB HgBjBffl?1 every Tt ?jdat lu.d Fruuy Mol?i? ? t i M mwu>. Twv> Cor-i** |..r Ml Kite < t* ?* A4 a*rt?tim>..!(. It ceut? a Um for MMk m?eruuii. THE NEW-YOKK TRIBTNE ? OR I I'Kor ? A N C 1 R C C L A T I O N , BWibliabed ou the departere of r?ch Ma!1 Steamer for Liverpool *t'i? pai annum, pottage Winded. Si?jrt? Copie?, Six Oeuta. T1IK NKW-YOKK THIBINE ? OR CALIFORNIA. iJBtOON. AND THE * IA N D W1C H ISLANDS, bllah*d m tor dat artnre. of each Mall Steamer for A?pin al ?>l Mi ;>e/ aa: um. Minnie caaiea. Six Cent?. JaF Special Xolirra. AnAlrrw Jurkuin I)?vrn't< S'eco-1 Lecture od THE BBJOOi AND PERPET1 ITY OF CHARACTER will b? ?Vlivrre.l FRIDAY EVENING, Feb. 8,atStuyreaant Inrtitote, fj?w Yoih. Commence* at 7j o'clock. AdmlMion 16 centa. IXtwrr*.?The Math Lecture in the Coarae before the Breokm. Central Lycavxan will be delivered at the Fleet-rt. M f.lbu're) oi, FR1DA1 EVENING] Feb. I. 18?, by the Rev, J N. BHD A.M. Subject : ? Chorda and Dierord?, being Hicork Tra< r* < f Sa< re 1 Mum in America.'' Lecture com ?aeuce* at ~\ o'clock. Admittance 124 cent*. ~~Jtr. Elizabeth Blarkwell, rraduata of Geneva Medicll Mp, t>npl at the L>n s la UoapitaJ. Pari?, a^d ?tu.lent of the towion ft. upttali, attend* to every department of MEDICAL FRACTiCE amonj Ladie? u.d Caildren, No. 7? Eaat 14th tt. Oftee h< fr?ui 10 to 12 a. m. Won : n'- Iloxnilnl Annlvfrnnry.?The FIRST AN VIVERSAY of Till. woman'S HOSPITAL A?'SO( TlON ?ul bo held at Clinton Hall, Artor place, on SATUR? DAY EVENING. 9th inat.. commencini at 7j o'clock. Addreaae* are promised Irom Irr?. Frajicl?, Mott, Steren?, Delafield and Horace (irren of the Medical Board; ttie It' . Dra Hawki, Adam*, OmosaJ OUIlHt and Millxirn; the Horn. L R. Bradi*b and E. C. Benedict, and Peter Cooper, eaxj. The paMi? ia uivited to attei.d. Admiaaiou free. The ANcoointlon of Exempt Firemen will pletae ?Met at rcom No. 8 Citv Hall I room of the Clerk Of the Com ?coii CowDcil) on KRIIiaV. 8th inat., at 14 a. m., to unite with the Klre Department in paving the la?t triliute of retpect to Bolt Kill s. DIXON, late Foreman of Hook and Ladder Com par.* No. 14. O. W. WUF.ELER, Ree. Sec. The Third LeetarC on the Ntrurture of Elanrx nn<l AniiiiitU will h? H PARK ER, M. H , f_ at the New lurk Hi.ll < ol!e?e, No. iK? Eu?t 13th ?t.. THIS (FndaT) BVBNING, at 7J o'clock. M eat Mde, M*M Bta and ftWftj, from 22-1 to 34th-?t.. fj the on oat drairable portion of the citv for the of re ?I er table tun ihea cf minlerate n.eai.?. Peraona unacquainted With the localitv will do well to examine in that vicinity bet?re pur< liaan.x. \S e have a number of lenteel HOl'SKS there fur BALE. BENEDICT A COIT, cor. Pine and Naaaau ttt. North Aaurrlrnn Fire Irmnrnnre t'ompnny?Caab ?ai itai M ?itk ? laxxa larplna?) rflVca No. < w?ji-at. Inrcre axaiiiat loaf or damftxe by FIRE at the eatabliahe<l later .1 A MI'S W. UTIS, Preaideut. R. W Birirxra. Perretary. k*?*itn|ie Ktampa 13 rental for aale at thi* ufTiee. ^mnocmcntg. PAI L JULIEN ami AUGUST GOCKEL reipertfnliv inform their and the public xenerallv, *?t theV w ii n've TWO GRAND FAHKWKLL CONCERTS ?1NIHLO S SALOON laMtn) to take place on FRIDAY, Feb. 8, 1866. Od thif oceraiori thev will be kindly aaaiated bv Mr*. E. G. B08TWICK, Mr. J. METER. Mr A. WOK I.TOE. ai d Mr H. DAVES. PRO iHA.MMK? Part 1. L Weber'? " O t.reiati,rk"-A. GoCKfcL and Mr. WoELTr.E X Anafn tn PawlaWUP? " Betly".Mr?. E. ?. Bo^tw ick S. Allard'? Fantaaie, " La Fav?rita".PaI'l Ji'Ltt<t A Beethoven'? " Adelaide," aunf by.Mr. J. Ml 1*1 r A Gocktl'? " Polichiuelle".A. Gockll Pakt II. R Grand Duet.Mr*. K. G. BostwicK and Mr. J. MBTBI 7. Vi*nxt?rnp'* " Fantaaie Capriece".Pti i lOLIBR %. Eckeit'* btyrian Sotix.Mr*. E. G. UasTWtcK A a. " A Nifht on the Ocean." 8 " Le Triumphe." fompoaed and execniad bv.A Gockcl lf>.'a Fantaaie, H Maaanfelto".PaL'L jclirn The two Grand Piano? are from the manuiactorie? of Mr. Otiickerin*. and Mr.<!eiuaii. TVketa, .SO cent*, (reaerved *eat? V) renU extra ) may ha had ?t Hail h 8on'? Mu?ic Store. No. Zi<t Hroadwav, and at Dana kin'* Aieney. No. SU Hroaiiwav. on aud arter Wedneaday, Fab A, and in the evt-iiitif at the dour. Doorf open at 7?to ?eminence at 8 o'cloi k. NI B L 0 " (? A B D E N. SPECIAL NOTICE. Th?r eitabliahment will be clo?ed on FRIDAY and SATt'R - DAY EVKN1N08 for REHEARSAL of the NEW ORAND EANTOMlMr bt Mi 1.1 HWAN. BU B TO N - *?CHAMBERS-STREET.? FRIDAY ?l.iat nUht of Mr. J, II. McVICKER. The Coinedv of A CURE FOR TBE BEARTAt HE. Old Ita'iid.Mr. Burton | Younx Rapid....H. A. Perrv Vortex.Mr. Moore | Frank Oat laud. ...Mr. S.- hall A!i?a\ortrx_Mra. A. Parker | I lten.Mia* E. Thorn. With the Fan. 04 SAM PAK II IN FRANCE. Bam Pa'ch.Mr J. H. McVlekar | VkloriM.Mi** E. Thonie On MONDAY.!.peare'? Comedy ut THE WINTER'S TALK ijkoadway I 111 RTER?E. a. MARSHALL, M-? I !',>xe? and P.t. Family Circle and Tpper Tier, 2A cent?; Private Boxe?, fi ami +6 ?Door* ?pen at 6, ; coiuuiei ce at 7 o'clock. ?THIS EVENING: KING ( HARMING. CLarmir* I.Mjie. Pould | Henpei kt.Mr. Whitin? bv the ?reat ANTIPODEAN PERFORM? ANCE of W'ALKIN'G on the CEILING. TWENTY MINUTED with a TIOKR. Cha*. BtWwRaf. - Mr. | Arabella.Mm Seymour BROADWAY VARIETIES, No. 478 Uroadwar, late Merhanica' Hall. II wood.Laafee and Bu?inaM Manacer. R. G. MARSH.State Manager. Thl* new and beautiful temple ot amuaeuient if now open With the celebrated WOOD AND MARSH CHILDREN, fc'rty in number. uncVr ten veara ot axe?the |reate?t troupe of Jannile comedian* la the world?who will preaeut for the aauuarment of their patron*, tho Xtan 1 operatic ?pect*cle of the NAIAD QIEEN; Or, Thl NTMrM OF Til Khivr. Ticket? 25 rent*?no ha i f price. Door* open at 6 o'clock , to ?ommetce at 7) o'cloik. For Ball particular-! aee amall bill*. L~~lv K A KEENE" VARIETIE8, Late thf. Metkoi>olita.v Thr?tf:r. Rro?iiway. Parquet and Dre** Ci-cle,40 cent*; Family Circle, 2) cent*; Orthettra Stall?, 7.S cent* ; Private Boxe?, *i. ?Door* ope:, at ?i i commence at 7j ?THI8 EVENING will bo ptriormed: TBE LOVE CBAfE. Bit W. Fundlove ? Mr. IIa** | Coudauce.Mia* L. Reene THE SCHOOL FOR TIOF.ltS. C*|t Kiteflver. Mr McDouall i Major StlrJ.Mr. F. Trevor Tom Crop.Mia* L. Kerne | Trace*.Mia* Air. NATIONAL THEATER?A. EL PUBDT. Man axel and Proprietor. ? Dreaa Circle PJaaatai Tit 124 cent*; ftch**ira C'halr? V? eta-THIS EVENING will be perfo.unj; THE INVABIOM OF IRELAND. Art MacMurrouxh. J H Alien i Fli'rence.McltAiMnaHa'hiway Thady O P.van.Mr. Q L. Fox | Widow O Rtsn ...M:a Wray Favorite and Potxilar Dance* by.Mia* Henrietta A8PHODKL; Or, THI MAGIC PEN. Babfia*.Mr. G. L Fox | Baholin.Mia* Hathaway _ DOMESTIC ECONOMY. YVTAI.I.A( K * TIIF.ATEB.?Bozei ,itul Tarnut't TY Jo rer.ta Family Cirxle 2S cent*; Stall* *>1; Private Boxe* ?>6 ai.d ?>7. l 'i?.raor>rn a' *>4 o'clock ; performance* com anence at 7.-TH1S E\ ENlNO w.ll l>e prrt .imed: THE BARRACK ROOM Col. Farrier.Mr. I.e?ter | Clariaaede Cniaac.Mi** Gannon A CURIOUS CASK Mr Twi??leU>d....Mr. Walcot , Mra. Aubrev.... Mra. Walcot AN AWKWARD ARRIVAL. Arthar Ormonde... .Mr. Letter I Mr*. Ormonde.Mr*. Ho?t BAKNIM" MrSEUM.?~Ju?t |irodtire.I, tho Comedy i'fTHK MARRIED RAKE, with MraKrank Drew. Third time of I.o\ K LAl'OHS AT LOCKSMTTHS?TBI8 O iidav) EVENING. Fah. 8, al 74 o'clock. THE MARRIED RARE, and LOVE LAUOB8 AT LOCKSMITHS. AFTER ROON al S?THE Dl Mb MAN OF MANCHESTER. Per n rrnai c-a r. tha LION'S DEN at 2{ and 7 p.m. The LIVING WILD ANIMALS, fcc Aduntunc? to ail, 24 janta, Chiiiran ?Wer 10, Ui centa. AN EXCT'BMON to CHINA and JAPAN, For Twentv five Cent*, au At AUF MY HALL, No t*3 Broadwav. Door* open at 6J a/. ?k. I'**aeti*era atart at "4 o-'clock p. in. Two Afternoon *T?ti.a,o?i \\ EDNKMiAY and SATURDAY, at Three p.m. OondiKtora-G B. wf.ST. wm. heine. BI't'KLEi 8 SEKFNAHEKS; X^T7,:w llroad wa?.?EVERY NHiHT thi* week, the Burlesuue on SfiMNAMltl I A ana MliRn MINSt'HELSY. CoaBuienciuf at 7* o't lock Admiaaiou 25 ceu'a ROTICE.?Perhaai'* Fourth F.r.terpriaa tiift Ticket* are re tatved (ftr the admia*)oii ol lour peraviu?) to our eutcrtainment*. For aale at the Buxoffice. (M.VVr Kl 8Ht? 9mT]! ?Ti' KLEY'- NEUEN A ^R I'K.KS. T\*v rec. ite t .r |. lt a<lmi?*ioa* tlje th-xrt* in PF.RHAkts Km Kin U1FT ENTERPRISE. Jfhear ticket* are for aale from to am. to 10 o. tu. at the bos *Mf8 ol Hi t KLK.^ S OFERA HOUSE Nu. Broadway. *?da: ae ?aaahaal Batals *r d Mu?ic ^torea. ^Kriat, Bl,aaahrvao for *>K'. &M1TA'I A Ca'a MuDBaWtk rANORAMA of TV t ALlk OR.NIA- -he larxeat 0,1 Pa utilh] in the wori i-w. 1 ? ? T,i?v" n ' ' EVERY AFTERNOON at S ao4 K ' a* 74 e-kkek. for One Week Hot- Ch*aaa . F'b/ii ilS**""' laaaawaaclat on MONDAY EVENINU, - ?**?a'. w.ahiaa* ^Scei.ta. rruj; ?( kys 1 al v<re.-Thi* w^tm '?lin TafwaS*"*'* variooa obiecta of intere*??At>cient ?ahJa STATrI?TV***'',7 v( IRTI NOR, rare and vaj- I aa.nery. It will ^'^* A#rirnl'.iiral Impiemei.ta and Ma - _ '??'atat. -en antn' further uotaca. eeletirat^ COLLECTION of ?aluaaii bI," a1w*wP1\IE8, No. AM Bru*Jw.t.-Ti>.. g25j '??^ Addit^af*^!? W",J ?' \m "fc^'??-"> 9m^mmSm7Smt^J^ n-mt P-I^w ^ atua*,tiva ?awaaay, AiaA;??^^ ^hU. \ou xv.N0- 4,?-.>o. G D EO. CHRISTY Sl WOOD'8 MINSTRELS? No. 444 BROADWAY. OPEN FVKUV EVENING. Ticket* M centa. AR bun:,en tranaacted t y K. WOOD. rgSELDORF GALLERT, Nn.'lOT Broadway, ecntamt lVi of th? 6n?it PA I STINGS ever put upon ex Wbfeon. Own KAY and EVENlSO. Admittance 25 eeM*. Kctn Publications. In Prm: THE CAUSES nnd CURATIVE TREATMENT of STERILITY, wltb ? preliminary ttatement of the later tu < jttd viewt rttj.>ect;ng tie Pbytiology of Ger.ertt.ou. By AVMMffM K. OAtbSFk, A. M. M. D., Fen.iu.ent Member of the Nation] Medical Automation. Keliowof the N. V. Acndemv of Medicine, Maafaebu.ettt Medical Society, fcc. UOnilM ON OBSTETRIC S. By Tyler Smith. M.D. F. R S.,kc: Wi:b Notea and Addition!, by A.K.Gardner* A. M. M. D.,fcc. DI WITT k DAVENTORT, _Noa ICO and \C2 Naataa ft.. N. V*. 1^ H E WIDOW BEDOTT; Ol, "THE LAST LEAF." Slightly Altlked from O. W. Holmes. I beard of her before, Tbat ehe made eaeh reader rotr Witb her fun; That the laigh each page irereaaed. From the firat until we c<aaed, Hani r done. They told me that tbe grin From tbe moment I 'd begin W'ouUI (trow broader? And tbat anlrkrr. Mream and laigb With each added paragraph W ould be louder' At laat? I bought the bo< k I And a leiaure hour I took To peruae it; My mouth expanded then. Inaomurh tbat i.t'tr again fan I uae it! From ear to ear it tpread Circling half around my bead. And n.y jawa Are u open now aa ein In tbat Cied eternal fftl . From thii cauae. " I know it if aain" For me to laogh and grin At " tbe Deacon'? At hit " rbe.inia'ir an' pain f But no mortal con.d retiain, Ai I reckon. " I'riacilla" bricht and fair ! Queen of wiriuwi ?may no tear Dim your lot ! And may " Hhadrarh" called " the wite," I'rove ia precioji in your eye* An Bedott. The Sixteenth Thousand n..w ready of Till; \\U><>\\ BEDOTT PAPERS. Price tf] 2fi. For tale by all Book?, art Say t The N. Y. Obterrer, (aecond notice): " We are not ftirprlied at the great j>opulaHty of tbi* book ; It ia ?o full of quaint but excellent humor, shoot.n? the fo'liet of MUMIl life,and bitting of) evilf which infeit religiom lociwtfgjg M well aa the commnnitv, that everybody love? to reu.l thi Pi pern though much tbat is in them cuuei borne to number one." SavaThe N. Y. li .'.ei-eni ent: " If one would enjoy laughter aa a medicine, and have a feaat of innocent niirth, let him not (nil to rent the \\ idow't tketch ea. Sut h droli humor in the way of hittin? oft :be peculiaritiea of Yankredoui bat i.ot appeared aince tbe day? of .lack Dow n? ing. 'The Donation Vint,1 ' The Sewing Sotiety.' 1 Aunt Ma g .n'-Experience,'and the like, will drife ofl dy.pepfia and h\p'.chondr;a tor a mcntb. Tbe book if exceedingly clever; there in no tra< e ol malice in it; nothing ia overdone, but eteiy Lit if palpable." DERBY 4, JACKSON. Publithcn, No, 113 Naaaao-ft. Copie? tent by mail, noatpaid. on receipt ol pjtfjfj. Agenta wanted to aell the above. HORACE (iREELEV.? THE LIFE OF HORACE Ol? E E LEY; EDITOR OK THE NEW-YORK TRlBl'Nr*. ByJamee Partnn. With Portraita. 12mo, pp. 442. Price*? 12*. It it agreed by frlendt and foet of Mr. Greeley that no njoro ably, entertainingly and imtrucuvtlv written biography baf ever Bia.le it* appearance in America. V.very PM who hu anv de? file Im a familiar acquaintance with ihn famoua New-York Editor, ahouid read Mr. Part, n't book, and he irill know Mr. Oreeley at well aa though be had been " brought up in tbe tame town." " W( rthy of ? place by the fide nf the Life of Benjamin Franklin." (Hartford Religioua Herald. "The moat apicy and attractive Biography of the day." (Hoa:..:. Journal. "Hit 'Life' if a living eplanle, proclaiming that virtuoue on deavora and unieihah toll tooner or later will meet a fit penae." (N. Y. Chr.ttian InWlligeiicar. " Of abtorbing intereet, and containin* much of pleaaant hn taor, aparkling wit and attractive anecdote." (Bancor Courier. " A Volume tor earneat men and boya to read and atudy." [Spr iiffield Republican. " At an Iricentlre to youth In po?ertv to b? honett faithful and |<-r??'vering. apart troui ita peraonaj intereat. it abould (O Into the bf?dj ol the young of Aiuenca MOOTtJll " [Middletowii Standail " At Interetting at any novel, yet all inie." Jl'ainetrllle Democrat We could append IM favorable noticet by the Prett of tbit book. Already nearly 30,i??i copiea have lwen told. It if for tale by Booktellert generally, or will be font by mtil, poet paid, to any addrece on receipt of the retail prce. Any newtpaper copying thu a?ivertia?iinent three timef, and fending ut a copy marked, will receive a copy of tbe book, by mail, pott pa.d. MASON BROTHER^. Now-York. "rjijf?-AMEK I C A NA TllEN.LrM. THE CRITERION. A Weekly Critical and Liitraiy Journal. *>3 per onuiun ; fix cenlt per copy. " At lar a? it hat gone it hat thown great intelligence, inde? pendence and tpirit. The Editori. whoever they maybe, are practical writert. capable ot thinkii.f well and of exprntimg well what thev think. Aa tad a periodical if mu>h needed, we hope the undertaking will be largely eupported by puhhaheri no leu that, by readert." IPuinam't Magauue. Coarurt or No. xv. ^ol. i. R KYI EWS-Lit" ii QoorfO Wathi:igt>ui, by Wath Irving. A Life bid with Chritt in tiol; A Metn-ir of Su?vi Allilone; Men and Women of the ISth Century; Philo?>pherf and Actreatct; Quintilian't lnttitute of Oratory; Looking unto Jen a; Man in hi. Relation to Nature ItntiK NOTICES?DuneUaa Ma..t< , (.reek Romance! ; DreHDit ind Rettmer. EDITORIAL?Decimal frttOtDOf Weithtt ard Meaturet; Literary Uottip; J- 8. C. Abbott and Napoleon III.; American Not elt. MUSIC. FINE ARTS. MISCELLANEA?Boa SerTaij; Pot'ry, A Deik ate Hint; Cooil Mean; Vfiiitv Tt. Deapair. NOTKi AND QUERIES?*l igt; Fog't Journal; rroTerbu l.i ! i o Gannanica ? (iuiae, (Juett. (iet NEW PUBLIC ATD?NS?American, For tale by the pmcipal NewtAgenH. Sj-eciuien copieiteut by mail on tpplication lo ? _ ( HARLES R RODE. No. 11 i Nattau tt. N Y. " Tbe New-Y ork Journal it tbe !>eft. Olber Monthliet have gone to rett." 1TRANK LESLIE'1 NEW-YORK JOURNAL it the cbetpett and be?t Magazine publithed in America. It cot.ta.ut more good reading, more SPLENDID ENORAV 1NGS, mere uaeful 1: forn.atio:!, it better printed, and it more primitiv itamd than any other Monthly of the dry. Hu n.ore t4 tight after and better liked than any other. Pnce 18} conti per cot v or *>.' per year. ROSS. JONES tt TODSEY, Ajia>l, No. \<$ Nattau it, N. Y., and No. 26 Clark-tt.. Cbicag0 ?\r o V X 0 A M E R I C A X HAS LET HIMSELF LOOSE IN No. ti. and abowt bimtelf to be A ? K ?i D L A R BRICK. Foi Wit, Humor, Sarraam and elegant comk Uluftrari^at. The LUUjtt-r tor tbit week, NOW READY, can't be beat?a fact that can't be punched out. Trice <4 centf per number. For tale by all Newt Agenta; and by T. W STRONG. FabBafcart, So. m " BOHN'1 LIBRARIES.?NEW VOLUMES? Ju.t raagived and for talc b> BA.Nt>> BK0THEE8 A Co N, |S Park r, ? I LECTURES ON THE HISTORY OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION, Bv Wm. BairTti,(ProaaaawM Moder Ha> tory in the I'aiMnitT of Cambridge.; New Edition, with the Autbor't lait ci^rrectioni. and an Lecture. Vol. i, (ctmpletiig the work) *>1 (Standard Library.? __?__?. II THE WORM UK THE RT. HON. EDMUND Bl'RKE. Vol. ?. H btrge againat Warren Uatungt-IV.iucai Letten)*!. (Rrrtitb Claatica) _ . ____ _ III. aCINTlI.LIAN'S 1SSTITITESOF ORATORY; Or. Ent caTiox rao.m Oaaroa. Literally translated, with N' .te. bv \\ aTfON Vol. 1. SI 2S- (Clawical Library I IV THE GREEK ROMANCES OF HELIODORl'.S. LONOUS AND At HILLES TATII S. ?e Adtcntorei ol Theogeret ai d Chariclea. the Pattoral Amour, of a:.l t hloe, and tbe Lovet ol ClitopboB and Leucipl* I toi, ? 1 ? (( iaetical Library.) _ ^1^' i all MAGAZ1VE READERS.?TILE COS J. MOPOLITAN AKT ASSOCIATION announce a bnef poatpoceicent of tbe diftnbi.m n I f workt tl art. trom the 31 tt et January to the ?.*8tb of February next. Tbe change in the tut e of distribution it made in . rder to receive tbe reporU of Seeretariet. owing to tbe late ttormt throufbout^ the country and the . oLarquent aerangemcnt of the taaflt, will be delayed r- a. hit g the weateni .'fBce bv 'he Slit of January THE LAST ( II AMC E TO BURS4 R1BE. Tl.- .liitr bu'io: ? U poaitlTely take plafe on THuRSDAl f\ I NINO. Feb. a when Ihf eBl rr |.Election of work, ut art conipri?'r,f the OENOA CKI t lFIX. POWERS'S Bl'STS oi WASH I NO TOM a: I FRANKLIN, B it Statuary arid valuable Ofl Patatll p, wtU be Jiatnbi.-j*d auong the fabeoriberf ft r the tecoi.d year. Suoecnption including ar.v of the *3 Mijaj net one year, ti t! t certificate entitlinr tte? bolder to a thare in the dm: u i tk-ii.wi;! be received tt The K-i kerbock-r Office No. M? itrcfdwty. where catalogue* may be had gratia Q P I R 1 T D A L T K I. E (i H A 1' H fcntaitu tni? week tba Rev E BL CBAPUTS v.ew M ^..?rtg^alitm with retnark? ; Shaken and SUaieriam. ? brief 1 r, rv at tbe Sec:. the Rev J. W. Daaiel't La, ture againat <i ??itlj*"' Robe't t^?e' and the S ir:'-. a Mourner Com ffiai wy aMlllllWWI New York Conferen- e, Pla-o a Sr.i ? . - T.el Fa.-:t *>'? rru-e wr a. : .1: . i.:.?!rw| WS c.i..a fARTRlWE * BRJlTAN.Nfl. MiBrvavw.y. NEW-YORK, FRIDAY T fWOU 1. 1 DITION8?. VALUABLE WORKS, V twJtfjd fir tt*a jir;cr. ti retide, end euciel chit-chat, fur tele by W. II P.tRS. No. i" Merchant' E ?hange. I Bl I.V. KICS ViW.l.r- 20 vola., compete. 2. s< I TREY'S POETICAL WORXAV Mrtlt Moiont eiliti. r 3. ADDISON*! SPECTATOR. ? vola. half calf, aO*. 4. BPARKS'8 A.VEiili AN BIOGRAPHY. lit?k A GOLDSMITH'S WORRS. 4 vole plat.?. ever new. ADDISONS AN Et DOTES. ? ?f- aatf calf, till 7. TIME'S TELE.-l OI'E. ?1 LaJf call, embracing nvtfh valrable tiki ir.atnictite anil manv tteel portrait*. I. PERC1 AND ELLUVfl SPECIMENS Of ANCIENT AND EARLY ENGLISH POETRY. ? vola, iniforin. % HANNAH MORE'S COMPLETE tVORRAV 11 vola.; Ei gli'b edition. A tired md choice r oll?ction of rare work* on American Hut tc rv .rrtte.l workt, tine apeciment of blvk letter printing, rare No ale a:.<l R u t. ret Ac. n w on hand at the Ha... ver at. Librrrv Lu.kattre No Si Merchant*' Exchange. BE FTRM ?f BHELD?Ni LAMPORT t% BLAKE MAN i? THIS DAY diaaolvcd by mutual eon aent. Mr LAMPoKT retir.. t Tl e partcrrt having aaaceiated wirh them Meter?. BEZERIAH SHAlLERaa? MELANTHON M HORB arl icli.i .e tht boaiuef* of the late firm under the ttvle of SHELDON. BI.AKKMAN k Co..' New-York Feb. ?. ISM. We aball fpeedily putmah the following: DR. OLSHAUSEN*S BIBLICAL COMMENTARY ON THE GOSPELS AND At i> In 4 vila octavo. II. OL>H Ai'SEN'S BIBLICAL COMMENTARY ON PHI EPISTLE OK ST. PAI L TO THE ROMANS. 1 vol. c;tavo. HI. OLSHA rSEPVfl COMMENTARY OX THE ETliTLE To THE CORINTHIANS. 1 vol. octavo. IV. OI.SHA'SENS COMMEM I AKY ON THE OALATIANS. EPHESlANfl I OLO>.-1ANS AND THESSALONIANS. 1 vol. cctavo. V. OLSHAI'SEN'S COMMENTARY ON THE PHILIP HANI IIUS AND FIRST TIMOTHY. 1 vol. octavo. VI. THE ENGLISH BIBLE, History of the Trentlerion of the Holy Scriptara* into the Er.gliah to: tue, with tptcimene of the early Englith ver-iout. By Mrt. H. C. Co:iar;t, Author I " Etrnett Man." and of trautlation. of Dr. Neander'a " I'taoti cal Ccmin-.'iitanea." 1 vol.. limo. tnualin. viT THE BAPTIST DENOMINATION; [M Origin. Rite and Identity with the Primitive Chur. h; it* Doctrine and Pre.. Uceei ka PeDtyj itt Pefeeeatattat and Martvr?; Fa. tt and Stetiitict ot .te'Miationtry Inatiiotior*; S. hoola of Learning; Periodical" ai d Churchet; the Obligation of the World to Bap titft, ti d -he Duty ot Baptist* to the World, d-aigr.ed to ethibit itt condition in all area of Christianity. By the Rev. 0. C. liaynet, with an Lvrcii-cMon by the Rev. }? hi Dowiii'.g. D. D. 1 roL, l.'u.o. Price $t HOME LIKE. By the Rev Wm. Hague, D. D. 1 vol., Urro., tew edition. Price *>L 5. K. 4 Co. are publiabera of the valuable terie* of ARITH? METICS by Prof. J. F. Stoddard, and the aeriet of SCHOOL READERS by J Ruttell Webb. Theae Hook* are now gen? erally cocaidered by our mott intelligent educator, at the be.t extant, and are rectit ing a very rapid introduction into ail part* of otir country. 8. B. k Co. will confirm.- to act at tpecial Agent? in New York for all the raMi. m1..1 tol Me.?r<. Oof LD a. LINCOLN and J. P. JEW KIT A Co., laming them here timultaneourly wi'h their publication in Boaton. and at the tame ratet ot ditcouut to the trade. Sil EL DON. BLAKEMAN' *. Co.. No. 115 Naaaauat., New-York. KATIONAL ILLU8TRATED NEW8PAPER. -No 10 of KRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED NEWS PAPER, itiued TO-MORROW, Feb. 9, containing the foUuw it.g ai ,i u l.d Engraving.: Em itii.g tcene in the Houae of Repretentatire*. Waabiugton, ' ttM at nouLccment ot the election of N. P. Bank., jr., tor S| eaker. Pre.ident Pierce'a Reception?Scene in the Eatt Room at the White HoMa. (I at! ington. Portrait of (.'apt Nye of the Collint' tteamahip Pacific. Buk a id front of Medal pret.-nte.l to CapL Nye. Dntif il Accid< Dl to the brig W. II. Sartor 1 in'tbe Eatt River. Nt a Tork , eight live, loat Hull of Ihe Boird ot Educatio:.. New-York City. Partfall of S. S. Randall, Sujtnnlei dent of Board ot Educa? tion. .New-York City. Miipwreik. Weal'* Panorama Portrait of the Rev. W. 1L Milba n, the Blind Orator. P. rtrait of Wut, the painter, in bit Chmeae Portrait of Sumirr, the victim it. the lata tragedy in Beaton. Scene at Niblo't Theater. New-York. V it w (I Hamilton. Canada Wett. Portrait of Sir Alian Macnab, Minifter of Canada. Si ei e in ( i i.Mantinople. St. \ a entine'a Day. And Ut.eaut.ful V. i.grit inga of ?cenet in Quito. South America Cheat, by an exper.enced editor. Continuation of the thrilling n " The Latt of - Race." The trade aupplied by ROSS. IONES k TOCSEY. No. H<j Ntftau-tt., New-Y'ork, and No. 25 Clarke tt., Chicago. Fi r ia)e at all Newt Depute. 1~i IE go 8 P E L IN KZEKIKL. Bv the Rev. In o.? Guthrie, D.D..of Edinburgh,Scotland! lJmo i ?L T i e title of the book needi aome explanation. Tli? ao'h r tuppaat that the Tbirty-aisth Chapter o{ the Book of Esekiel, inencli g at the tixteentb verae, preterit* the leading featurea ot the O.Mpel, and hence derivet it tat, ica in the illutirat on of which the talvation l f It tn.ced from it* helguni: g to Ita I erfect i lota. In the mode of treatment there it tuch a force and freabneae of Uluttration, auch a cl.-ar i>erreption of truth and Lappy eipreaaiou of it. auch original.ty of thought and happiio ?? < f, a* to place the diacourtet, in our opinion, far above the Baaal tiyle of a< rn.on.giug. " At dull at a aermon" it a;i uu 1 racii u? maxim, and if any of our readert have admitted it into tteir u.U.da. we advite them tu take up tint volume, and if th>-y find it dull, the defect muat be in their own perception*. Wo are miMaketi u. our tttimato il these diwourtet are not eagerly rad. " Thev are deaigne.1 for Impreaaion rather than eonTic'ion, and they have all the earneatneat of feeling, diffnteuett and tpleudnr of diction, and ;<>iuttd manner, which make them em ii.i i ilv adapt.-.! to route ihe reader*t attention." JEvangeli*'. It till a lag a ditcuaaion of the leading topic* of the tyatera of Ever gelical truth in a tenet of di*o.ur*ea founded on putage? drawn liom the propheciet of Eaekiel. \\ bile the 'fata of :,d doctrine' pervadet the whole, there it a peculiar freth neat und beauty of tarioua iiluitration rarely to be met with." IChrittiaii Intelliiericer. Jutt Publiahcd by ROBERT CARTER k BROTHERS, Nr. -*&> Broadway. READ a G o o I> B~0 O K . ? THE HOMESTEAD ON THE HILL-SIDE. By the Author of Engliah Orphan and Tempett and San thine. Price SI. From Tht Niagara Democrat ' Emphatically the beat thing Mrt. Holme* ever wrote, and one of the mrtt genial ai d agreeable liookt we ever reaL It it It widely different from he ..cklv aent.mental novelt of the day at it If potaible to conceive. Her portrayal of human char? acter and actione ia admirable; her atyle la fluent and fatcl'.at ing. and a u.oat mteiiae degree of intere.t it kep" up throughout the volume. Bat among all ita excellent qualmet, moot promi tteat SftpatxT? itt eloquent mortlt. Read it, to that you can have it t< tav. 1 I once read a good took.'" MILLER. ORTON f? Ml I.I.IGAN. Publiaher*. No. 2.S Park-rcw. New-5ork. or 107 Geneaeeat.. Auburn. T~UE NE^v' - V< ?KK WEEKLY TKIBL>E FOR FEBRUARY 9. ( irrtilation.1)1 000. The New-Yore w eekly Tribune for this wet-It coutains the following: I..LEADING ARTICLES: The Tnnmph at W?*h;ng ton; Mr. Banka't Election; A Moral for the O ca? rinii Who Ceuted the De.ay < Mr. Seward't Bp* : Of Novel, j The Decay of Virginia ; Tur? key; Wetton vertut Pierce; ? Brutal Murder in Aaaaaai The Newt from Europe, The Englitb Poitonirigt; Mexico. II..LETTERS FROM MR OREELEY AT WASH? INGTON: The Straggle for a PI irality Rulei Thuraday In the H. uae ; Fridav in the Hcu-'e ; Clote of the Strnggie fur Speaker; The Conteat for Speaker Re tiewed. 111. THE STATE OP EUROPE) L tfer from Oar Own CorTetponder t, A. P C. at London. IT.. REVIEW OP THE WEEK. Giving in tcondenaed and co?tth uout f. rm the iatett and important eventa ttat bava tranajired in the City, Luted State? and Mexico. V..THE INDIAN TROUBLES IN FLORIDA Five Soldier* Mattacred; The Country I'utafe lor W bitea. VI. MR. SEWARD'S SPEECH VII..THE Pour WHITES oF THE eOL'TH; A Let ter from Oeo. M. Weatou. VIII DOMESTM LIEF IN SO ITH CAROLINA: A Letter from a Corretpondeut at Columbia I.V.XXXIVth CONGRESS?Pi turf St?tio\: Doing* in the Senate and Uoute of Repretentative*. X..T1IE FINAL VOTE EOR SPEAKER. XI..FRESH OUTRAGES IN KANSAS. UI..REPUBLICAN IiATE (OMMIITEE. XIII. .OUR RELATIONS WITH GREAT BRITAIN; Kreta Our Own Corret;ondent at Waaiungton. XIV. .DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION IN PHILADEL? PHIA. Mr. Buchanan a Candidate for the Preai dency. XV .roKTRY: ' The Slave Tragedy at Ciacinnat.;" " The Sorg of Hiawatha." XVI.THE ICE EMBARGO. XVII. TORK PACKING IN CINCINNATI AN'D LOUIS? VILLE. XVIII..CRANBERRY CULTURE. REX..THE GREAT DIAMOND IN THE IMPERIAL St EPTER OF EUROPE XX. MISCELLANEOUS: Death Pec*;rv for Steal. Slavet la Virginia: India-. Corn Meal and Corn Bread; The Hundred Dollar Awird, The Tnbur.? :n New Hanipthirt . Mi-.neiota Rice; Advectore wi'b a Wolf; K.fleen CbUJ-eu a' a Funeral; New Haci'bire. Change in Miationarv Operatioot; >!*rT age. rf Roman Catbo.'i't and Protettant*; Tteo.^gica. Chare! in Ha-1 - M- ; Poaltrv?Price ar.d SupiU: Connecticut Tobacco Crop. Offer*i Vermont, Dr. Velplea. and hit Love Powder*. XXI .THE LATEST NRWI UY TELEGR.1ph. XXH..MARRUORS AND DEATHS. XXIII. .? BALERS. XXIV. CoMMERi IAL MATTERS: Fail Reportf of the flMk, Monev. Cotton. Grain. Cattle and other Mar? ke:?, tpecaally Reported for The Tribute. St ncttfTlova? One copy for one v?ar. 9't, three cop ate |V Ivacee?ea.tSiteaaoaaaa fn. ."? cci et. m wrapper*, can be obtained *t the counter n the Jj'ebiicatK.n OftVe rhi* moni.if. Pne*. (f rota* t>*_7 Si? tetrf ? UT7?Tw?r-'J five fvj *, , FEBRUARY 8, 1856. ? reaufy aid Trath bev? ahtjrad hand* iu Mi racital '"?Fre?l eriek*bnrg4i i\*.? New* 0 1? READY: alone. BY MARION H.lRLAND. A new Revited ? 19thi Ute One eirgant HhN,, an :in with the " Hidden Path." Price ? I 25. Tie present pa M taker* have the j, le?? :re of preeeuting to the trade end the public their edition rif one of trip most PAR* INATING, INTERESTING AND POPULAR VtllM that ha* been pibllehed (or many year*. Cnaid-d by the o*n*l pflor'* that arc made to extend the wie of book. '? far g?> ater *gwtaa*iou? it ha* upon the *'rength of it* ow-i intrinsic mer.t*. retched the extraordinary number of Stine'eeu Edition* in little more than a v*?r?tin*"ail thii.*t* .n..?iiervd. oiitatrip ?,r g all comretitr n tor the to*I, f rx'pmar faror. Riva. e<lit..ina ate been polished in England an<i on the Continent, an i now, in thonaand* ul familie*, the book* of Marion Hart and ax* wei? ten, e visitor*. in* miuTi rion ti?GTHT irntws or ?1 ?e ?? We rerogmge point* in H whet. de*erve high praiee for their h'fh mrrit*. True grant* alone for ina'anee, could have con ceived and executed the wen* between Lacy ai d lia. The wbel* epiacce ot the marriage of the widower with the voung aj.d la?hior able Helen, i* capitally given . and it* final cataati > f be i* (* thrilling a* it i* atmrle and natural. ' Charley ? u one el the ke*t driwn people we have met with in print for many a day. Ida. b*r*elf?( arrr, Jowphlne, none Raibei. Lynn Holme*, the artiat. the Dana family?indeed, aliuoat evervb *ly iiitrodacrd. even to the mere*t aketch?are graphic and diatinot. The lock .a full of nerve, and hear* mark* of thai true iteuni* f< r ? hoae aake much i* excasalle. We can point to no recent female work ?? ccntainn ? oner passage* than ' Alone.' " (B.nton P '?t. " There i* geniu*. p*t),<<*. humor, and moral in it* aha*. . I t page*; r.nrh knowledge of human nature, and power to deline? ate i haracter I: tat not fail to ha read with deep interact by al. ?ho hat? true feeling and wann sympathies. A* a work ot fiction it i* one o| the beat we Lata read in many a lay."? i New-York Observer. " The mpeiior merit cf ' Alone' doe* not cousiat merely in the n.teieat of the at. r* with it* glowing thought* anil exqu alia faxrie*; not in the faithful portraiture of life and delineation* tf character | Lot in the voice* of aympathy conatautly fallina uxa g,utie ar< r the heart, to quieken if* be'ter feeling*; nor vet ill it? unwaverii $ ?dheaioii to ?hat i? right and proper in itseft; h-it abcte ?1! Harth and giwng aaw beauty to all that i* attractive in human i haracter. the purity, and simplicity, and kvelixeuct ( hr.atian \ imcipiea breathe their enool'.iug ?pirit in every line." [Lexiiixtou (Va. I tlaaette. " A atrihiii*: and in*frurtite tale, mu'; at an excellent moral ?fftet. It i* executed with gnat art. and depict* character* the iii.praetion of who** beauiy will not *pee<iiiy paa* from the read? er'* mirid." |N. Y. Evanxcl jt, "'Ab n"' a a book of great merl*. and we recal pavtiotxl which diapiay a thorough know!..lie of that art which aataw ? . largely into toe cbartcter of every tale teller?we mean the art of the rntonltur. We have ?el.ioiii met wi'n a ? :k o| tti * kind more gracefully fut portfa. W. corumend it aaawl corlully tc the whole community. [Southern Literary Meaaet.^er, DKRBY It 1ACKSON l'ubliaber?. New York, And for nie by all I>o< kaeller* and Newt Agent*. *,* Single i o) ie* ?ent by mail po*t paid. JED BUNTLINE *" OWH.?Thfc popal?r jmjper w.11 again be in the field, and permanently, on TUCKS DAY NEXT , and for ?a!e by all Agent*. The undersigned have become the proprietor*, and every arrangement ha* been matin to make it one of the large*! and mo*t intereating paper* pub ll-hed in the I'nion. It will te the ardent adtocate of Na'looal Ameriraniam. pure and una.lult. rated. RED BUNfLINE will devote himself to editing the paper, throwing In* whiii fcrream! |ower into Li* production*. A* be It MM of th- tires. a nteri in the country, the ui.derailned feel aaaured in aaaerting that the pater mint ?urpsi? ?II other* in iutereit. Tho "JESUIT LlFE-HI NTFRS" will N- r.- tinned regulat.y from week to week. Let everybody read the paper. SuWr.p ti. i ? rtcr.trd at tha Publication Office. No. 7ii Sour!. Id at. THOS. H. ELLIOTT A Co., Publisher*. 1'ubliaL. r*' Wholesale Agent*. ROSS. JONES k TOI'SEY. No. 103 RaaaM at , and No. IS Clark at.. ChiaagO ONK DIME A DAY; <>r. WHAT siui.l Wi; EaTt The Economy ol Eoc-d. I aetul leanona for Rich and Prxr. ONE DIME A DAY. How it wax Earue l-Spent? and r ed live month*. B| Sol.oa RoliSfog. CoaTraTC Economy in Fooci j Price*of i'roviaion*; Horn'riy; Corn Cake ; Bean*; Potatoe* ; ltrea<I making; PhxAB MauatftA I.erson in tl.e RltCMB. Ac. Price One Dime. In Urge .pianti tiea Pi.bliahedby FOWLER aao WELLS. New- i ork. UK HARD80N** JOURNAL of WESTERN AH\ r HT1SINO aid ? ORRERPONDENCK.?February No.?H'.fOi Coplea iacued. and i0.< otl for circulation in New York?(coj ira ot which can be had at No. t>>^ Broadway>?lullv ? xplair-a the whole ayatem of Western A-Ivertiair.g, which i* aCiftafl auch extraordinary inducement* to a.U -rtiaera Weat. \ I. W ?1 r S I (.'.-All Pretty I'ifffe.? Si arkn.g Sui .lay Night. S. Msrkaiein. 'l'i ct*. Thukii.g arOM Tim**. I Markateiu. IS e-a. While muaii.g all alone. Ila'tie S. Marketer,. V> ci*. Spare mv heart from growing old. Met*. I cam.ot [art with tb^e. %t-u. 2^ ct* Laaita I've* Polka. Markatein, (Liibogranhic likene**.) 50c. Botoiink'l'olka. 55 cU. Ooldan [iron Schottwebe. lie. COOK A Hito m Broadway, Sole Agent* for llaioea Bro*. Tiaiio*. T riTELL'*- LIVING AGE?Every-I^T?R XJ DAY-*" a tear PANORAMA ?f life AND LITERAT('RF.?Mr,nthly? t i a year. littkll, SON It Co.. Boston, And No. Ml Broadway. New-York. iMrte ^xtQ. NEW DRAWD.G BOOK.?Thirty beautiful BtwAlaa of H*ada. Landacarea. Animal*. Flower*, Ac. Beatlv finaal, ilM For*?lehy W BCHAUB.SII Broadway. l^alcnti 1UC9. \r A L I N I INES! VALENTIN KS '-MIT v SALE ?A large and beautiful aaaottmaatof V ALEN? TIN! S i. offered li r rale on the OIFT ENTEPRIBE tr eij by which every Purchaser of a dollar'* wor'h of VALENTINES Will be *urr of getting a preaent of con?idrrable value. Tue ii.< it valuable present* being a set of Jewelry taiaed at tin, an.l a Drett?ig Case valaad at *> 10. The other i.reaent? co\?iat if Oild Pencil Caae*, (fold Pen* in case*. Ool.l Brexitpina, Dcld Ferring?. Oold Bracelet*, Oold Finger Ring*, laa L a n Picket Handkerchief*, Ac. All the article* i ffered a* preaeat* are openly exhibited, and n.?y be aeen by ant peraon who will rail All ? mile .-. i raadj for delivt ry. The price* of VALENTINES vary from * l to l.'j cent* each, and purchaier* may *elecf those of any price thev wiah ai d with every it liar'* worth the preaent i? given. Further particular* in circular*, which unv te- obtained at ?i|id> II.?dq'iarter?. JO 11N MUNROE i ('./?, No 444 Itroadwav, adjoining Christy an I \S'oo.l'a M.natrels. Printing. w I .";(| PER THOU8AND. ?4j7 a *M\f ( Aims PRINTED?a tirat ? BU8INES8 tirat rate Arti. .e.?Bill Ml* ( in*. Hani Bill*. Ac, neatly and promptly ex*. cnted. OMert bv mail, accomranied by remittance, will ba pur.rtcally falhlleVL C. C. SHELLEY. Hi Barclay rt.. N. Y. ?oor anb /onn?. 106T?Jrr. vi. a PORTE-Ml INNATE, contain J :: t *! i in money, to which the tinder i* welcome if he will retarn the raper*. among which were three cer'itica' a ?>'? stick ot Harvey Steel and Iron Co.?one in the name of E'.ixabeth I Eddy tor iVU (bare*, one of ZW shares in the name ot Hiram Eddy, am! cne in the name of Sarah A. Uawley for Wo ahare? to the Mai kat'.an Life-lLsurai>i.e Co.. N j. lib Bruadwav. Said scnp t? ?topped. A. P HAWLEY. I? >8T ? PASS-BOOK No. 4,7? with the j Br'a-'way Sating* Inititntion. The finder will b* re wa:de? by ieaving it at the Bank. <?o farmers an? v?>tr)cra. ryo FIA3RI8T8, OARDENERS, BOTANISTS. 1 *.-.'. proprietorj ot RURBERJEJ of NEW-YoRK *i a ?Lviroi v.? The undersigned wiahe* to receive (franco) your ALi.ual I alaicaaa*. in order to fcrwad ordera ? r in h ar'..?4e* a* majtuit. T BACHEL1ER, borticiuturiat. Botanist tt.d Dealer m Garden See*]*, No. 36 l'r*ulme* *t. New Oriean*. M C?ants. D 8 I C A L.-INs i Ki ( TI< in.?A Freseb X'R I.iiiy with a Soprano von e ..f aapenor ayxaUty, wathe* to LEAD a CHOIR in a Church. Catholic or Proteatan'; w^.J also engage heraelf as PERMANENT or VMITINO ? ?(A ERNF.SS in a family at School. to teach French, German. I : g .tb and Dalian Inatrumentai and Vocai Mut.c. Reference* given. iLqaire at No. 109 Canal-?t. ATSiTING GOVERNESS?A Lady who h?a had arteral year* exper.ence in teaclu.-.g. w.ahe* to make ENGAGEMENTS' either intchuoUor pr.vatelaiunna^n Brook? lyn or New York, for any of the following *tndi*i: English. : :. * :. .1 at- .jeaai' ? i-: tly Drat. .:.g a..d i'a.. *. .t .n water col era. Oocd teatimoniai* and reference given. Ceil or aiidrea F D.. TEACHER. No. hl Caagia?**t. Brooklyn. hJ i rUATION WANTED?By r raapeet?ble k3 Girl, to do GENERAL bousew0rjl I? a g-xid Waah ?r and Ironer. Best of city references given. No ohtaetion to go to the country. Apply at No. A3 Green wich-?:., be:we?a \ andam and Spring at*. W' ANTKD?Uv a niidd!e-a?;eil Anierican Woman v v a t.tuation as HOL'SEKEEPEB. or to fake car- fan OLD LADY Oaad reference can be given. AaMpa**) Rw N*x t iU New York Po.t Offee BOOKKEEPER WANTED?In an Iron Manu factorirg E*ubi:ahn.ent?a married man preferred. Must b* thoroughly qua! fied to take charge of the V*.k? of tha eotv cern and hav* gooc: general baatnew eJacation. Be*t of r*fer erce* r??nire.l. A iding* i*tat :.g salary ?xpee'ed) ROLLING MILLS b. I N . N v Off. e J< 'HN TOUNG ii Tt-ry guci'fggfuJ in guitin? fami jea. boarding house* Ac.. with Servant*, and Servant* with th* ProtaxtaLt Empk.jtnenlSwci*ty'* OfiV* No. " CanaiLe-?t. Jl'I! C0MP081T0R&?WRBtRi, r MM to Uk :, I), parmei a: 1I0LMAN V GR I con.'t at i Men ?td Wh.te rta Aiac a fir?t rv* HOUJF.R vr ^:t;t'vtypa Derartmait. PRICE TWO CENTS. KOTICB.?A TEACHER.?waatiru ? ?it laticn M Principal * 'Teacher in en Acaiemy niay be tddrwed, KT Mtddleburr. Addieo.'i Coeuiy. \ eruwnt, THE AI'VKKTlsEK, having had many years eip. r etire let Ihr Pre Otode Importing huaioee*, ami ac? ta am'ed with bora the Bntiah and American market*, deatree ? SITUATION hi tome tiret-claae Hot?, where b.a experience a. d t- nice., an be made valuable. Addret* B. C W., Boa Nu. .MW N. Y. Puat-Oflce. _ To CANVASSERS.?Oaa of twa osapaasat Citveieera ran he profitably employe.!, ir epplicenou n n a 11.. 'tare ? ' ALBERT o Kit U aRORON, W etteni Advert itinj and Curreesviidence Office. No && Broelwey. A\' am LCD?4 rEACHERfor th.> Blear, satary ? f br?: ri.rt :n * K. v't School. Apply Oil P.i.lae e,id Setur dir it No. ?72 Broadway, between !> a ui. and 2 p. ui. W 'AMED-Iii a l'ubliehiatj Moult, I LAI) abcr.f ItWear* of ate who wrtea a ;ood hand. To ? per acn of ?'< rrect habit* there la an oieuijg lor a perouuieai and desirable utuation. Addreaa. with reference*. B?-x No. J,4*i I Pott Office. 117ANTED Ituii!. .iiatel}. for a WmIn l'a<' T T tore, a Man who i? thoroughly acquainted with making c: rha. Meet L?y?. the biih.-.t rotoroneeoa*te?raoljxWaaioaa, e.rtciallv aa to moral character. Addreaa Box .'.7W New l.:kl' .-i (Tee. ivanti I>? A )oiii:t man wlm writ. TT srd ei cd hm .1 ??orrec' at figure* A.ldrea*. In haudwrit ir i i i .? i Ucial t, \\ Il.LfAMS, Tribune Office with expectariotif a> la talary . ke. 117"ANTED ?Ib i WkelcMle Straw Ooodi ! TT at aM a-.Ini e POKl'KU.tvh...a capable of l-eck r r Straw tlooaU in the tte.t poteihle ? armer. Addre?* Cl I H IL AN DT-ST.. at The Tribuue Office. PER WEEK.?WANTED,a emit, act ?J? ?" iye yotu.c Mai et SALESMAN la a ? n Iure Si< te. who can fun.iah hia employera wjib e*4.0IK> caab, for I which 7 jer cent interest will be pud and *)?o per week for hie Ml i et Amount ?eetired by Hock in e'ore. Addresa with , real i au e. i ONKI.IN. Tribune Office. A-euti or Broker? will n. ? he tri ?ted wish. Chunccs f?r ?noinres fllcn. BOOK BUSINESS and GOOD-WILL for SA I E ?Tb? a.Uert aer ofTer? to teil out hi? BOOK and PUBLISHING btiaiiieaa, which ig one of the old.-a' ail beat Retail Bookftorea in thit city?bavirg been e?fahliahed nearly foity year*. The whole buainea* Mould be avid, or a Special Partnerahip retained. To any peraon wialur g to commence the Biek kaaluaai,an opportunity to buy eat M good and aafe a keakaeaa aeldom ?Her*. Pee lurther paiticular? ad ireea BOOK IELLER, Peal Office. New York._ DRCG STOKE i.t SAKE.?Hit- propriet?r, of a Drug Store in one of the meat llouri-thiiu towns in Ohio, wiahug to retire from tuainen. orter? hi* Sr.-ek, B t Iding (a three ator* brhk), Oood-will. *c, tat SALK on reaeouable tern a The buainea* wat eafabli*h-d in 18-i.', and continue.! by the pr. i rie'or to the preteut time. Alao for SALE in eontiee Uoo with the above, or aeparetely, a handtuxio PRIVATE Kr SID! N( K. be.u'ifully eituat. .1, and the GROUNDS? ab< ut an acre?laid or) wi'h taate, and eontaiuin| a chtiice ee n :y 11 h gi.d Or*a >en-Hou?e, Ice-Hotiae, Stable, and other out buildiiiga. 1 he tow n i* one ot the moat eeaatiful in the State, coutaiuing about 4.0f0 inl abiUnt*. and i* faat becounn| a iciut of the brat importance. Anv Drmaia' wishing to ba ate in the Vs. t at will hud it to hit advantage to exauiine '.n s boforn ilt (Mb g. No oi e need apply who cannot pay down frooi >>i>,iag> to all',' W, and give undoubted aecurirt for the remainder of the purchaae money. Kur further panicul ir?, addreaa ?V. M. M,, with real name. Tribune Orhro. ITOR 8ALE?Two or Um oldest STANDS mi PULTON MARRXT, Nee, M and 37: have been uaed by the ewaef over SO tear* for telling Pork and B?ef. The r.- atatj for'elliug: the owner i? going to retire into the country. Alao, to LET or LEASR, M DwELLINO atal P AC RING HOI SE. laige Ctllar, Ice-bonte Smoke hotiae and S'ables attached ; will be Tat together or teparate. Apply on the premise*. Nu. U'l a: d U > Kit.ngton at., or No. 161 Bowery. If OR SALE or in EXCHANGE for DRY GOODS?A few good OIL I'AlNTINtiS. well worthy fl e attention of those who have a taste lor tuch tbiuga. Maybe teen at No. IV) Diviaion at., near Ru'gert tt. GAR for COUNTRY HOUSES.?CoautT and State Itithttfi r Sal* by the proprietor of the tinst patent peer Jtraated tor llei....leGa*. It la now lighting boiwi hi the yicii ity ct thit iity w 1th the unuuahtie.l approb-tion ot all who uae it. A. ARNOLD, No Broalway. ]PUBLIC NOTICE.?MOLLLERE SYSTEM tor makino hoots and SHOES by MACHINERY, patented June 12, IJ, July 3, No*. U aud /7, and Dec. II and 18. MM.?THR MPLLIERk Boot and SHOE PATENT COMPANY' are nuaar ready lo make aalet on liberal term, of their paaaiia for making Bool a and Sho-.a by maebuiery, with t gt.aratltfee of 7nO rer centum gain over the expeuaeor iiiann a. rure by the i.!il rraratavil. fur ail the L'uiled Statea, except the State ol NeH-Yirk, wlKtther by S'a*e?, DiatricU, Couuliet, (Hi. a. Towt.a. or . r, haaer* will lie tb >wu the whi le Mo here aydem in operation at the. Molllere Boot aud MtlL, Bear Troj, in the State of New-York. Apadica tiont In piaasin.or by letter, at the Company'* office, No. 3 Broai'.way, Mew-York, promptly attended to. By order. MKN'ItY IiK. VEUv K, Secretary. Ri STACK ANT.?Fur SAKE, th? Lfaee, fOO^ will egad rittinga cf one of the moat eleganr and apaciuut >AI.OONS in the city, aittut'ed in a b-ading thoroughfare. To a peraee with ample tjratal and neceatary analificaiionato carry on the burincaa e mrttir.e may toon be real,led. Por terms apply t . SAMUEL OWEN, ( ouuielor at Law, No. 75 Naaaau it., I No. 4. up t'.ira. TO IIKK'KTm A KEKS and I.TtlCK^MASON'S ? Pri|oaal? will be recened at my office, bj the town of New , bern. until the 1Mb day of February ant, for making and '. .ru? ing one niilllori and a calf of good, hard brick, auch a? will be tpl r> veil it I y the ( hief Engineer of the Atlantic end North ( aroiina Hailroad Company, fi r ere. tu g Maihine-Sbnp, Dopnt B'li.dirg ti'd at N'ewben. for anid Company. The clay ai d wood, if preferred, will be fumi-hed at the yard, which will be will in two or three hundred yard* of the place the bufld Inf? are to be erected on. The clay I? alao being big. The yard or a place for making it. will bo fu: nit bed free of out I, which will rtijuire very little expenee to prepare. Or, it (ref. rre.l. per.i r.t who [ ropoae to make the brick may alto i roj cae to t ut up the mitonry ot the building* at to much |er il.outai d. allowing, at tiiey may nggett. a lertaia ou?ber ut bin k to the cubic IjoC, and they furuiah everything complete ; all oreninga to be deducted. The Ikiidirga are In a very eotiTeuient potition for the con? tractor, lying immediately fljoiriing the town, aiul one of tbeia luimcdiatrly on the river and the omen wirbin two or t?rm bondred vart't. No doubt that contracft can alto be made wita other pai iea for aiiuiiar work, with a reliable contraeto . If i reft rred. sec urity will be given and taken for the faithful ?an)'.' t out of the taut contract. P*r?. ? t pr. roaing ran . Pher propoee -T not to take a portion Of ibe ttcck of ?a;d Company in payment. lie i iant of the biul can be teen at any time on applica? tion a' my orflre. Regular racket* ran between Newbern and New-York and ether Northern port*, which will cable contractor* to land n.irh.i.ery or any material* at very ?bort notice directly to the yard. At regard* the health of the place, few town, Northern or S< ufhern. ran b< tat of better. Propoealt will aJao he rt ceived for the wood-work and tlating of the aau.* buiitLnga with or without mat.-rialt furni-bed. E. R. STANLEY, Contractor. Newbern, N. C, Jan. IS, \U6._ TO APOTHECAKIEH and DRI OGISTH For SALE i HEAP?The complete KfTTlNGS of a DCRtJ-RTORBi roiiipriiing Olaaa. Show-Caaea, Marble-top (oui.tert. 1 ii ct .rea and Sali-MuuLl.? ready labeled. Brae-kett aid Slow Bottie?, he. F. HALE, Druggutt' Olaat and F.x turc Dealer, No. SO Nattau at. To BANKERS.?A BANKING HOUSE wall ettablitbed in Cleveland, Ohio, whoa.; butinete it increaa iLg beyond the capacity of the hou-e, (in point of means) wiahet te !urm ? connection with e ho i*e in New York City that na furnitb from t>lQ,0<0to #I5,tc>, (aaotxatioti may re quire, * good share of which can be retaine lon depoait in New York. Uli * u. excellent oj portunity. iarticularly if the New-York houte ctn command Ohio collection*, uncurrent noLey. he. For addre??, inquire at Tlie Tubune Office. Foil [articuiart aid tunable reference* furr.iahed upon application. TO DRI GGISTR. ? For S?LE, a DRUCh STORE, doing a ceab tunneat of <??> annually, located b ti.i t ity t Ii d.ana|oiis. the capital ol Indiana; population, ?< AMi ati'rk well tat. rtxal, good itand, with a good leaee in the heart ot the city. A Cne opening for any pertoa or peraoo* who wiah to inveat in the trade, aa the ;.'re*ent proprietor wiabet fr. retire. Ctfi'al rei, from BSJNI to *>i?,ifs.. For further j.^uje oi adoreae A. CL'SfiMAV fc Co.. No. Stf Broadway. New-York. C?"a (IM I -u ^'TElii ? BUSINESS m\\ Jvfe arbe kaaeome kn-w!,dge ofBe.k Keep B| weo would loan nit en-i loyer about thi* an o..n: on tecurity, at a fair .< aipentalion tor *er>.?ea. AMie-s D. by letter at The I r - Office, with real name and ado rett. St'i. IKUI TO $16,000.?WAHTEpj i q$*Jt\)\j\J PAKTNER w.ta 'hi- amount bj ?apatai kg the manufacture of a recently patented article (which i* in great dem ana) in (4 r.nection witn a meoufictur..g be neaaalrealy cttablithed. Be?t cf-ef?renc?? giver, an I requi.-ed. Addreaa, with real r.ame and formet buttneta, for three dayi, J. M. N. C, Tnbene Office^_ T FA KM, in WISCOM _latir g r,f ? elected L'r.iverti'y ;*..?!* '. the -nott a I s Ugeoci >itee in the Sta'e, ?nl! be toll cheap fxf catb, or wfil be ex, barged for firtt-claat r' alertat* In thi* City, or any kind ? t n.ercbeadiee. For further particular* ap;ly to SHERMAN BI OV, EK a Co S '. V. ?!lat. ?> ?Jill. ACRES ?1 the I BON l -l awe^UTjr FB UR1E and TIMBER LAND ? Co lTJr)orn it m?Ti (Concern. a YOUNG GENTLEMAN, at* hifUr rmm ta> ii bie family, acme [.eraunai attra.'tont, arvl conn lerao.e prcierty i* deiir- a* of er.ienng r.'.n matrimonial engaaemeu'* wi'b aouie Lady cf iimdar rsetiTitra Addreaa Mr. A B. C. P rtbrd Vercont. ALL PERSONS are f.ThiJd.a "to"harbor or traet mv wMk VELINDA CLARKE on my eeco-int u I tfta'.i cay nc debt* of her contracting er on her account wh le ?he c?Ltil btt ateiLt frim a.y ton e and rare. ' XH03US I. CLARKE. CAUTION.?-THE KNICKERBOCKER ICE COMPANY' emp.oy* lo Agent to coDaet eacayt ?och M ?r* turuiah?^ with written aetbortty ?i?i<*d ?T UM Prrwdcnt and Secretary. B. T. COMPTON. Pre'idaajt. W M J WILCOX, Secretary. IF BANITE A CHERT. ? r?!or*>4 Womaa. orifi nallv 11 Cap* FraacWa?,*)?. Domra*? eAwrwaraJaaf Maria??. or ber Chidre?. adele Ai'RKRr, jean ur ;i AMSlO ACUFRT at FANN1 u I e kt. ?II formerly af Ma'ar.***. will apil? ?'?!? '?? ?' hevell he.rot SOMrTHINo TO TM??;? ad% AN rIGE William c BUS8B1 No. 10* Broadway. N~ OTICE ? All pertwtu indebted to tM Mtete of H^l B. DoW ??c***ed, tre hereby ri*waalaa to wake in iwlklr Ntnm ro the Adorn ?tra'or* a( lA? o*V? of BOD 01 R> A WOODMAN. No. ?9 William-**, O VV. COLLAMORE.) . , ,tr?tor?. uro. WOODMAN ' *"?""?"?">"? U C| uI REWARD.?BUSSING line* FRIDAY *4??J\>VP morning. February 1 a MHNO MAN. afaal It . r* I a feat foar inch**, ttoat! ..!;. fall faca, llfhteota liaht hair ana blue eve* : .lrr?rd in black frock ooat, k peat* '....? n. ?. i. miced with pall cord, black i r.vat. rat.ut leather bout* black felt iua. and (tray afcawl?had I Watck and iha:n. diamond brt aat t in, and diamond fla d a party in iia: ?t?, between Broadway at , a d l< ft tbt-t* about 3 oVfc ek.te return to hi* home NY, -1. Eaat Sttb ?1,1 ? he ha* aothaaa haard ot. ..?ward will be na.d foi hi* recovery ky kh> father, v a MERCE. No. # tfcaftj at. M. T. Boar? anb Uoomo. AP?KMSHKU ROOM, uiih HreAktkit a*. Supier *nd Dim er on Sni-.tav?. auitahla for a aingie Oer ? . m * v ha had D I w-plaea, (Hoawtoa-et., ha i? e: Sullivan M. Doagal-at*.)_ /VM1 I'KIAIU.K.-A'"funiiibed ROOM had V b KDROt >M ran be had at a u.i-i.-ate reut by an afreaahJe pa ly, at No. 114 t.reen* *t. tgouoce ano i.umj tDantcb. Hnl>E W AM El'.-Wanted a atnall COT PAi ? V plea Br. okivn within two Bailee t \\ all ?t. Perry, i ear t rkataa i r W**hlB<toai a**k preferred i roove?t*nt end tnittble for a tan.ily of three ttitaua. Po**ea*toe raejalri d l*t af April or lat May. Addrae* COLUM Bl'S Trbnne Off. e. with full parth ulara. _ DART of a HOUSE WANTED.?A Lady, 1 whaaa tha ;v eaa Mat* of three pet* na, draira* to rent tan FIRM nr SECOND FLOOR, th* FRONT BaSEMKNT or Klli URM.aad an ATTIC a hoaM located ha iweea 14th an., lath ?ta., and between the tth and ttth era The ?aal bare all the modern improvement*. Would prefer r a - eaabat of yean, a id would b* willing to AeTOte a - .- at* daily to instructing ihe children of aba family, if :.-? ha rrei ch W nan aayaaeat of rent. Baaaretwrx exchanged. Addree*. (fating location and term*. Boa 4,110 New I irk l\t: office. IrflM. QoM<* 10 Cel. [piRST ? 1 \-S HOrSKSin NEW-HAVEN to I UK NT Se?, rai (i the new HOVRM in Klm-at., two door* tr< ii, the lireeD. They will be fully ready for occupancy earl. a] 1 liev are three ttorie i. wuh in?h baaa>ni*nt and attic , art ?? mlied in the racy heat Hyka. and couibme all the modern ma*o?emewt* -Oaa. bon *.-ea llanaea, ac_ Application mat II i ida to CHARI.R8 TUOMPBON I aRdtw, ou th" premiaa*, 01 10 Jl ?S. R. IBRVF1RLB, New Haven. II 0VSKS to I.l'.T.?1 have *om.> rory d*air ll .. Poaaai and ? tun i*hed, at renft from ?..!?? r i M a city i alto h. naea and landa In tba coan trv , a lac hcuaea and lajtl for .tie. R. D. OOODWIN, No. *? Broadway, near Orace Church. Hi 11 tu LET? roHHfisidii nivt'ii iiinnctiiately. No. 47 Raul at. will be lei bra ornate reaidanea or boetdl . . U.ardera i cw in thelioaae wUh to remaia^ OFFICES to LET.?TtM ofleei rrwrmrrM bv the NVv. \ i rk and Harleni Ha Iroad Company la Try on row, and oilier aJaPM in a.ljoimn( buildiiiM. will be lat **p nratelv cr in luitet. A* aeirial of them have Rre-pnmf vault* in each tforv. they are very deanable for Uwyeit or other*, hav i nable book* or paperi to be kept ?afely. Inquire at the offre of the Company. No. I ('entre at. Cli'l.i - ao*j DWEIJaJNG0tB LET or LEASE k7 i o Bi araj . area (Tthan Kh ?t?. and JDth and MR> ?tav. a large rear phaaa 1 I OROUND ?*?> h* had with oo* of the STOB FS ? the dwelling part over tw* ttore*, on th* rorwar of .T'h It may be united for a hoarding houae. Apply to H. M M HIEFfXLIM, No. II Madiaon-aquare. north aide. S PACIOU8 LOFTS t?i LET?At No. 343 Uro?d way, with L on Leonard at. fciviir* of K. ANTHONY No W Broadway. rpo LET?Pwt a fir-Nt-flBM* BAKERY.?The J. STORK v ,1 BABCMRKT No, tM ?th-ay.. between ?th ami TJth ata., will be litfe<l up fur a g.! tenant, or the whole 1 aildiB* ran be had. l'ottcaaiou immcdiateiy. Location aa ceileut for the buaineea. IHK SALK-The LOT and BtTILDIRTOR. No. adjoin It g Apply to A C. LOOM IS, No. 1,12? Broadway. 1\> LEASE.?The"HOTEL DE L'EUROPI, 1 . Bo* Ml "'I '? " II u*to in. r af Crotby. It haa kcSB a* tW '? >' C f aaany veart ta a tint claaa Hotel by It* pret ent owner, wbo aivea it up onlv to take charge of another out Ui-citv hi It NI II RK lor .ale Apply to N. BtlNIX, an the I ran iae*. or to WII LI AM 1 III S.-r'L, No. ion Broadway. IX) LET or LEASE, and REST LOW, the . STORK No 114 Bcekuian at., 3 ?tonet high, and SO wet it rp. Apply on the pren.i?e*. Tn LET- sTi ?RES and ??11 ICES in thr Hibl.t He**M, A bar aigaa. Apply (jl ihe Treaaarer't OtBoa, Ra? il. Hotue; entrai ce 4ih-av, 1VD LEASE?For a tonn 01 year?, tbe -Vttory BTORKMa i.' Oatd-at, Pri?B*fa m n ?team engine and i art of the rent can be |aid in power to t fin adjoining building. Will be altared and refaalrad to ?oll 11 rewaaaaitaa Igt tat Airil. Apply to LOWRRRB HAWLBi A Co., No. 40 IfaU rt rl1o LET?Tin' fli/zildf, i>|ia<-i<iii* ana well 1 Uahtad BABBMEMT N. I fhambtjia tl aaRir Ifta Baal Liver f-'t.mga Bark, tuifabte tor Inauranea Conipaiiiaa, Ex? change Broker* aud oiler*. Applv ai the Bank. 1v> LET?Tm STORE, BASEMENTrb<1 SUB i ELLAR af the lva-*gory itooa from building No. iw Uilllain ??.,.< ol I n A 1*0 Iba THIRD LOFT of th* a*Be, Ina,air* ,i EN8ION, BBIDOMAN A FANNINO, aecoud itory. IX) LET.?A Ktnto ol OFFICES, la tM Hil.le Houae, A*tor-place, now occupied by the New York Haci> ety Library, to let from lat of May atrai. Apply at the Traaav uicr'a (office, Bible Houae; eutrtuc* 4th av. I'o LET?At r. Inct d Kent*, to amall American Famlllaa, floor* turoi OH rmriil aa of are Boom*, With Bail Cratag R ater. Ac, Li the -,. w bo.we* In We*C 19th ? f., between the 7th and Ith av*. Apply at. the office on the prrrnite*, No. 140 Weat I nth af. Irom J 'o 'o'clock p. ui. IX) LET?ROOMS w?h POWER. "?SBm central, Light capital, Rate* oiw. By M. OA I Dl tfa M Waiker-ef, iUl ANDSrj ECLTON-8T.?TO RENT?A Hue \)\f FBONT ROOM*a *aa**ad lao* Ala? Loft*, Room* aj d < R ee*? j roper lor any kind of rii<-> naniam or nianufactur ii < [ urpoaer. Alto a large Baaeinent >i by 37 teat. Apply oo tl e i remiae*. Oroat .Jom-H-at.?A brown Hu' t aa l B*a****)*wt, with all a i rwvaa?? a '? la LETfcgtwa vaar*. Inqulra at No. 12of *aid afreet, between 2 and 4 o'clock. *{? 1 *tJvMJ ?tone tront IHM tie modern irni rovementa. to LE' Vital (Estate for Sale. A] PRIVATE SALE? Hi.- 4 *t.>ry Hr-iwn Utone Fror t HOC8E and LOT, *a rh* auuth eaat . i .:??.-?'. *r.d Loin gtor.-av., with all the uodern lmpru*e rnenrr Alio, the >-.tory Brick Ilol'SE *r.d LOT No. 105 Weit 13th af . with all the modern Improvement*. Alao, th* 4 Itory Lrck HOCIE and LOT {to. ill Weit H?i-at,, with all ??? ? i it ra r raa 11 Bta* of H>.u** Iflft. 4ln. by 50ft. Alan, the 4-*forj Brl. k HOUSE ai d LOT No. IM WeetMtcVet., v. tjj all the modern improvement - ?* *i Houae I7f>. 24m by M >'P Alao. the .t-ftory Bri. k HOUSE and LOT No. 14o We*t 34th-*f., with all the mod. rn improvement*. Hire of - Ii bv 48 ft. deep. Alro, the new 4-atory Brawn-8tooa Engluh Biaement HOI'SE and l.W Na ?5 Waat Hah gg. linn 20 by ?5 feet deep, nniahed in tha beat aaauaar, with all ?lern improvement*. Alao, tw > t-atorv Brick H'M'SKS and LOTS or. the north aide of Eaat *.th *C.' known a* No*. M lt d 'A Honte* 'Jb by 44 feet deep, f.ntahed in goad *tyl*. Loia 1*3 It. % in. For term'* and full particular* aptly to I'.AMK at WKKK-, A .. Hon.. ri No. 6 Pia?-??. I^ARM for RALE at AUCTION on the PREMISES.?The (ularnber ?rler* lor aale tha Farm ? here he now re*ide?, eon*i?tli.g of 8t}} ai re* of axreUant land, v. ell-divided info ;lowa/.d meadow land aid well adapted to pwwth of all kindaof fru.t ami *hrubl?erv and all kind* of I Trie*, beaufifuliy U<cafed about three mile* from Tamer'* II *at aa ta* Kaw-i r< Er..- itadr wl.aiad Uitrtcan *all*? a art a Wmdaor Turnpika. On tha premUea ia a good dwelling newly r.-tucelaled wlta ex together with I ??, there ia as i toe houae* ia pipe*, the barn yard: and itrrangad *o a* ta) a'a-t a founta. t -be houae, al*o :wo good bearing orchard* of grafted fruit together with * varietT *f otha* frvlt There It *j the Farm a nice r 11 age called Hlgh 'ai.oary, poet ofBc*, nearly ill kind* < f mechanic*, and the avat h??Ulhy viilaga in Or*nge < c..L:y.*j?d it* vlcinnj 1* vu ted ty New-York Cite a ?nmrnar. i he Farm L* weibwatarad. TVa Fanh aold on the 12th of February l&W, at 1J cVtlock, aooo. Term*e*?y. Per further* noair* of th* aubacrlbar en tha pr*ml*e* DAVID WBIOHT. IjX3i SA I E at ELI HIILN?7 E. I.?The com atodloo* H'.I/SE. with about three foortha of an aar* of M I) Kt*j bad in tb? e*nter of th* village, with a large (re*M on the main thoroughfare?for many year* occupied 6y er a* a ?oarding ?chool-la now offered tar aal* at ? - .. ? . -a.v term*. If n -t *>.ld by BMh of March, will be RENTED. For r.rtic*l*r* tir'r JL _ EDWARD WOOD. No. M Pkaa-at t'i .'ir^?TETat a LOW PliH'E?rhaj lArae n*m tiaatarj lioCSF. No. ISS E**? I9th-at., built in the beat r . . * r a 1,0(0. 0I.?> in eaahi th* balamaoa t. r.d ?? .1 nortg*?e. Apply at th- ??.e yarl COT. 1 Ith at. and A\ h before W o'clock a*._ ]?OB -A .' rfe-atory BRICK DWEL I.JNO HOI SE a: d LOTotfOROlTfD Nx ai E**t JOth *t., taa i* weil built, haa r. a-hle n an'* ? A. ? .- >M 9 or half th* block j How** *Wa*A P?*?*****? a.i'n unrnediataly. Price t&'W, lo raanaia aa i - a.- tvii. Applyal R* i>? FaJtotvat. or N?. 21 La*t 33d at., Madi*oo and 4 h avfl F'<?R s a LE I/)W?I^ea?ktR liaaati/oJ, twb HOC8E8 and LfrTS, ftrat-elaaa FngUai Baaamanta, with i. odern imprtvercenf*, raa/ly tt lahed, No*. 110 and Hi 17th-*t. *a*-cf?d *v cn r*?*w.abla tana*. Daa.ra en taa prajniaa* or atN?. jta.tth.t.