Newspaper Page Text
Atlaitif Submarine Telegraph Company is but one Urrk in ? greet chain. There are three disrinot corpo ration* comptsiDg the mean* of communication, one of aa hi- h ie a eioocpoly of 'be line* extending from Nor? fsi-'ia toHaw-Torti, Ranee, wo have do eerlain'T 'n the trao*m*arion of di*pa?ch?-a from Load >n to Wash? ington, and can only have that aseorance br having ?t>e ltc<\ if entica! hi intr-re*'. ox'eadin?; from each of ab" two la?t awntioned c;*ic? to fh? other. Mr. CAMPBKLL o< Ohio referred to the few re Htaiiocg da>a of tiie m rs;on, and invoked |*JBtleot?a to dispose" of this taavoawie to order, aad theo proceed to Uta) oori?icVratii n of vviiwi important balk, Mr. FLOUNCE said thai toll only went to show the power of ? ?rporaiiori? to influeuj N < 'ongrees and in tetropt the puWc nnsin?**. Mr. CAMPBtLL repliod that he did not know what ?un on lit of irfloeuc* corporations had bore boen offer? ing litt durit g his karas of service be recjllected that a national vessel was employed to bring a flWOlgUOl ?Koarntbi to 'bin coun'rv. The bad no con? stitutional scruple* at that time nor f r voting to sind a vr*stl with supplies to Ireland during the famine. At the last sosriontho gentleman from Pennsylvania voted to send a ris'ion-l vea*el to Cape V? rde. He did not %now that the gentleman actis! under the force of any corporation, but for a particular olae* of voters. He leoollecttd, too, at Die laat session of Congress the gentleman eanetio-De-l a measure proposing that a ves Ml bo tens' out for eu/ar cane-cuttings. He could rce Both in. unconstitutional in all thia. Aa to the Sibrna rlro Telegraph, it w*s one of the great-st schemes of the age. Congress have the power to aid it in the manner proposed and he was willing to meet our an? cient * neiny, now our ally, midway on the ocean, and the-e shake hands. Mr. FLOKKNCK could see no analogy between th* rases cited by the geotli man from Ohio and that before the House As to sending a vessel to Cape de Verde, Lewa- i? rluenc d by natural b-nevolenoe of heart. Mr. WAKE HAN atorod to rot ?omnit Uie bill to the f v> m n it* t<e of the Whole oa the S'.ate of the Union, whe?e such amendments es were proper could be made. Agreed te. The House passed, by a ?n*e of99 atgalnii 79, a bill tor the relief of the people of Kainas; ord repealing aJI the lulea ard regulations, purporting to be laws, adopted at the Shaernef Mission, l>y a b->dy of man claiming to be the 1/tri stature, and declaring invalid all tiie act* and proceedings of that assembly; likewise providing for a new ein 'ion of rn?-mr>f rs the Legisla? ture, andpains and tienalties for iJlegal voting, and un? lawful interference with the rights of verier*. A separate vote was taken on tae preamble of the lull, declaring nniust and unwarranted the tost oitbs preeotilied for voting or ho'ding office ia Kir:-as; and that the House Committee of [nTeatteatioa rep >rt that the Ijegislaturr wan not oleotod by log*] voters, ba* waa forced upon them by non-residents in vioUtion of the orvanie not of the Territory, and havint' thus nsurped Jegialative power, it cuvted cruel and op? pressive laws. Adopted by 96 against 68, Adjourned. [Noli ? Owing tu tb-< bad working af the Southern Iba**, am Confrr??i'-Dal report lev bed u* in a very Im pet laut aaaapoa fnerd *t**e. We tbe rej-ort relative to the Atlantic T-|e araph bill a* it reached ut, ibotijh a ?pi-'-ial di-pat- .; luformi us that the bill we* fit allj recommitted to the Commltte.- -.f Wart and Meaa* b) a rote of ll? agaiiitt 71, thn* ladh etinx. tiie pr-h able kutrea* ot the hill after it ?hall have bean ?iightlj ameuded aa piopo*ed by it* Mattae ? H'i. \ NEW-YORK LEGISLATURE. 8ENATK.ktBA-T, Feb. 17, 1857. E-Bf-stine- Kote and others petitioned tor Ute right of suffrage for women. A remoDitranee from the ci'i/ens of Oswego was presented against discriminating toll*. ?IUI MPOBTKO 'AVOnAILT. For amending the law relative to limited partner ahii-s. To increate the salarie* of the Sta*e-Prison ofh' ?? rs. To provide for the payment of the money funded for tiie benefit of the S'ockbridge Iudiana to an Indian patty i I the tribe in ^'ifvoiisin. Mr. I'KTTY (.'ave notice of a bill regulating the law of adoption. Bit u nrntOBtci n. By Me. BRADFORD?To facilitate tbe formation of educational associations HyMr. IIHOOKS?To make certain the recording marriage (etcmont. > The Attoruey-tioneral. ic reply to the resolu*i?n of inquiry as to whether Him < iovernor and Senate have power to appoint officers in a city whose duties are of a judicial character, or ai y officers whose duties per? tain solely to cities and village*!, states that under article <? section It) of tie- Constitution, neither the (Jov en.or and Senate or Legislature have power U? appoiat ary oflirtrs whrsedntiea are of a judicial character, He considers that one prominent object of the new Con? stitution was to deoeotrili/e the (iovernment by taking away the power of the Oorernor to confer It upon localities either by election or appointment, and be? lieves, therefore, ilia', and or article 1U section 3, all oflRcert whos? duties pertam to cities or villages, cau bs elected onlv by the people of such cities or villages, or appointed by the village or < i'y authorities, and cannot be- aapoil ted directly or iniui etly by the (iovernor or Le urBlature Mr. IJPHAM'S l anal bill waa dt-l-ated, and made tbe special order tor to-n orrow. Tte leaolutiona conferring tbe ri-'ht of suffrage upon eoloti d (iti/ens were debated Mr. BBO0K8 oflerod an ainendment. requiring voters to bo ablo to read the Kc^lUh lau^uttg^, win. i, were adopted. The lesolutions were then tnbled and ordcied to be printed. Tbe concurrent res tl-itions to adj-.urn from Friday till Tuesday was adopted. an.i ? ra>s>:n. To amend the act rela?* .? to Hanks, I'.enking A-<s ad* Oiions and Indivi lual Hanker*. Kelative to summonse* trom the New-York Marine Court. To pay the expenses of the Connecticut Boundary Commission. To pu tont the reburuing of charcoal in Brooklyn. ASSEMBLY. Mr LEAVENWOKTH introduced a Mbatitntofor the t/uarantine '?.11. It provides as fellows. Hut the Oarer DOT. Lieutenant Governor and Controller ?hall approve tbe site aoieetcd, and the loxprovotnents le sitmetl; that be Comalktainiiliri of the Land Otiiv'e shall map out and sail, at npp.absal or at the Merchants' Fxchargr, the old grounds, oao-ej iarter of tbe amount for wh'i b they ate sold to be pai 1 dovn, and the bal? ance in one, two and ihr- e year*, at six per eont in terfSt. t The bill to provide for tbe aproin'Hient of Loan Commissioners by the ?ov i ot Supervisor* was tVabated, at 0 progree* if] arked. Use Tcsolutiore instruct in'.' tt;e C itntnitree to rerort a Keci*trv Law for the Sta'e was debated by Mr. VAU? NT M in favtr, and by Mr. M MH >.V *ya:u*: the law. ANOTHKU FRESHET AT ALBANY. ALaUNT, rueedey, Fob. 17, 1S,>7. i ! c river rote coDsidorabiy last ni^lit. The lower part of South Broadway ig fl.vJe L Owiflg to pv?t e\ Sarierce, preparations wr-r male, an<l c4)nso<]uently ie deatruction of proparty was trifling as compared With tbe recent flood. A man, unknown, of reen* v?.Me aptv-arance, sup? posed to be iust in from Hoeton, jumpesi ott" a fe.Ty boat this morning while enroling the rivjr. He told thepaesengetra to make way, and quietly 'umped over. Tbe flood is higher than at any prevu-aa treahot, ex C*-pt thuee of 18aW and last week. Ihe up-train over the Hnd*?in H:v**r Road, ;>mt. N< w York this morning, ran oiT the track, thtongh tbe nra> l-lacement of the swi'ch of tbe Berkshire ani Hnds-.n Kood. The Kngintv.-, named Shook, resi ling iu Hud ?--n, reversed ?he en^toe. blew th} whis'ie and jumped eff, ii tiring hinitcl: verv aaaob. Hone oi tie pasaen gtra were hurt, MICHIGAN LKQISL4TCRE. Darnoir, rnanday, Fab* ir, i<>7. Th?-L-gislature adjourned <>n .Monday noon. \ were {asse-t dispo-ing ot the- land* vHraa the S'aV? by ?he Ceneral (levemnicnt to certain railroad -'omj-atne. a banking law to be nbmHfod to Ibepenaii la 1858; i;rant'ng aid to Michigan emigrants ia Kausa*; ani an lata*pendent Sap eme C nrt. Hc?i1li |fh <na w?re a.opteit Inatrncting oar C.ui,'rtatsu:en to ad -it Ka:i?a- as a Free Mate, -?a>-. CONNKNTIONov RADICAL kBOLITIONI8T8. At st NN, i'Lleadav Feb. 17, l^-r. The Convention of Radleaa kbol lonkttt ama-cel tl.t- sretjinf. The day \?a* cOaMOMd in speakiu-^ nr Mr. Ga'riaon and olbnra, who not oaly deawooicad ^i'e K*o>.-al Conttinition. ?SO porttieal ajCartia* of t^e day. and tbe pre**, bul the A r-eri an I batch a-< irre? Aomt, The meeting was ted:->us ani the attend v. m tax* L SOl'ND NAVIGATION. BoarTOI, IVoiay, Feb. 17. IV,:. Neither of the ateamo->at train* bat a- ved h?>r?i up ?? It St, It is supposed thn*. tie b >alO attvt l^et; J?L ta.Lia by fog ou tne Sound. ?OLTHESg TRAVEL IIxtRK Hr Q*u , Taeaday, Feb. 17, K'i7. Tbe t?ny atesnier hvs crossed the Sts-juehannnt ?ka?| tune* since las* i vcniiij;. No further detcation :? anticipated. lVseogcts and fregit are beiug ,r'arft :r.-u today aa u- iaL Ine lot H mot iag ?ut "h-a r. THE SOUTHERN MAIL. Bat TiJtoitK, Tueaday, Feb. 17, 189. Orleans paper* of Wednesday of last Wiek ar* aft*! btO} corj??1!! no n?*r? of cons*v'-iec Al1 ?> train*"hwm i'bilailelphia came through in KANSAS UW& St. Loo i?, Tuesday, Feb. 1*, t"<7.. TV Kansas re,r?a*r>oTide!it of IB* RfP*V>ett say* ?U! * bfj aoth. ftsieg ?I e roort* to admit bail in r?r tnir r as? vetoed by f:?v. Geary, bas been pwwi over in? b<ed with but one disienticg vo'f in the Bous?. 1 L>? Cornau?* ?oer? appointed to leveahgate ttr rnirfpj agalnal Survcyor-General CalLoun hate repotted bj h.s favor. G?n. Clarke, charged with kUHng Mr. Bertov, btte given binself up and entered n roBOflJMMO lo appear Ltfore tbe Court in August. LOM OK THE BCBOONEB VTLLETTE Hai ii ?x, Tuesday Feb. 17, \<>7. Thesrbooner Viltet e, benoe for New-lork, wa? to? tally loot off Cron lelaiid on tbe lltb im>t. BOSTON WKFKLY B\N'K STATEMENT. B "?Ol, Toes-ay, Feb. 17, 1857. The following arc the footing* of our Bai.? statement for the pas* week: r.r. tal Stork_0*1 WO f"in.? tar.oj,, bv ? ? 7?, fsy> Loin, and dkwmiiils .' i,n8t,*0S [>?po?iti. 11171. JO* er?ri?. .1 M?,*?i f iroulMto?. 6.7*i,?oe lJu* notner Lka. ? it: soul I' 3 BUPKEEE COCRT. WasHiiOTOtr, Tuesday. Feb. 17, 1857. Mr. De I!ow. of UmkiaM, was admitted to the bar. Ca?e No. .r/>: James Fletchers heir* vs C'eiiue RnVm.?Judge Campbell del ven d an opinion nfTirmir'g ti e decree ol the Circuit Court of the Eastern District of Louisiana with costs. No 90: Tbe Cimrnerfial Marine InsnranreC'cnpany of New-Yi rk vs. The Cnioti Mutual Insurance Cornpa DV of New-Vo?k.?Judge (Jur'is delivered an onioion iffitmiagthe dooUtaof tbe Circuit Court of M-uuv ' t'i-efts, wi'h costs and interest until paid at Uk Itm* rate per annum tbat similar decrees bear in tbe Court? of ?he Sfate of Massachusetts. No. 74: Jo?iab Cotton Admini-trator of Prl Cotton, deceased, et. al. vs. Allen Cotton, et. al ? \r gun out loniinued by Mr. Lawrence fir defendant*, and concludf d by Mr. Baxter fer plaintiffs. No. 78: Cnited States vs. The h*irs of Mbruel Peo reno ?Argued by Attorney-General Cusbing for apj>"l lai ts, and by Mr. Rose for appellees. No. 99 is the neit case on the regular call of the docket ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A WINTER FLOOD OS THE I'RAIRIES Editorial Correspond) nc* of Tie N. Y. Tribtme. Oalisbvko, Dl, Feb. 7, \w\:. I left the train from Chicago on this (tbe Burlington) Rood at 7 a. rn. yesterday at " Oquawka Junction"? tbe left fetation this idde of the Mii-s.ssippi ? and took the r-tiige m due season for Otjnnwka (?J mile* north), on tl e bhnk Of the great river, and the shire town of HendereoD County, It bad been mining and tbawiog tor a day or so hereabouts; and, though there wn-< Hltle Know to mcit, the hard-frozen earth threw off the water like a plus* roof. The creek* were all ever their bark* and wandering at their own sweet will? ? si u'b Headt rson," " main Henderson, and " north Henderson" yieing with each other in extcxoacho*e*jt* OS tbe people*! highway, and all the " elougba" and dcpfeosioni transformed into temjmiary lakoflj but our rtage crossed them all safely there being a solid frost bottom to each?and reached Oqwwka in doe season. But the rain |Kiured harder as the day wore on, and the evening wa* as inclement and forbidding ti* could vtcli be imagined. I said my say to n rather thin houn?yet a large gathering for such a night?and Iben looked about for the means of makkg good my premise to be in Galeoburg (only 33 miles distant, 27 of it railroad) this evening. Tie peoopect waa oui oboe ring, Tbe rain was | Hir? ing, the wind how?ng, and tbe creeks rising. Already the stBge bad been Stopped by the creeks on its even, bag trip to tbe ears, and il was plain that to wait till Doming WM to prolong my stay indefinitely. Now, Oquawka is a nice plan , as its melliiluous name would Indicate, and has many excellent people whose ac quantance I should have been glad to improTOj but tue telegraph is not aim ng its advantnges, ami I 0 aj i not bt the people of Cub -burg and other towns to wbi' h I nir5 due knoiv what bad become of me, nor * by I dif apjxiinted lliem sol resoDed to dig- out if possible: and, as the creeks were Htill rising rapidly, the only course wa* to start at om ?. A council of wise fritudadeeded that I could m t roach Oquawkn ?1 unction if 1 were ever to bei.t upon it, and should led to train there if I did; and tbat the only hopofal c hsj SO was to take tbe bi^ln st eastern Mad and tteei for Monmoutb (half way to Qaleabnrg) nt oaoo. By t?k BBgthieoonrae, I abenld turn *averal viciotta creek*, leaving only '?main Henderoon*' really foraddabio. So a bu^gy and capital spau were proenred from a livery stable, with their shrewd and capable owner as pilot, and at a litlk pat-t 1" 0 < lock, we put out into the etoni), rOOOtfed to see Monmoutb (18 mile* by ou: mute) before daylight if possible, Thongh the clonda were thick, the wind blew and the rain p.mred, there was a good moon above all which gave about all the light that wns really necessary. Tbongb Oiiuawka is built on tbe sand, we crossed wide stretches of water before we had cleared it, and of the two miles of high sand-ridge that intervened between it and the " main Iienderson, 1 ju'ge that fully a fouith lay under water. Slill boot* and wkooh bronght op on frott; and it wa* not tiU we descended iito t'ne bottom of "main Henderson' that mat? ters br^an to wear a ee*i.)us aspect. Forty reds west of the ordinary channel of the creek, we phmged into the wster, which grew gradu? ally deeper uttil our bo>t* and baggage had drunk of it to satiation. Just at this punt, the driver* quick and wary eye caught siitht of some plank or Umber which had formed par: of ii bridge over one of the culinary side-cuts of the stream whee over its heakf raid plank er timb'T-heud being even witb tbo surfact of tbe flood, with auch an angle of inclination aa indicated tbal tbe bridge waoewTOCk, and ha 1 ]>robably in gx>d part rloafed off. He rotnnd up hi* laeas* b< ton- reaohiog it and tnraed thrm face about, and m a minute we wcie ball-way back, not to dry but to unrlooded land. Here we took sweet counsel together, ard I offered to re tum to Oi]ua*kail bt considered it fool-hardy to ]m?-^: bj going lot ward. He studied n moment and c* Bchaded to make another ntterrpt. whioh he did and went through al reo the treacherous bridge, though I don't be ieve any man rOnJd have done it two hours la'er. We w-re BOOM in ?iiallower water, found the main bridge all right, ard no deep watsr east of it, though "Smiths Creek, a tributary which enters "rain Henderson"jast below the bi.d.v, set b*-k upon and covtrcl tmr road with a switt .'?urrent for perhaps a quarter of a mile. Tiie driver was familiar with the road, and thought it bad ?eTSX bttn *o covered before. Soou, however, we a<ceudcd a lmg, badhy g| !;ed kifl of the very wop-' c!,:y, and breath -d more free y cm tbe high lord piaine, poromd in good pari with water ard n it pretty wheeling, but neroc threatening to tloat ns bcdily oft', like that raring " main H. BdkenoBi ilavirg rt'ds'bed " StringlotJn, live or six mile* on ? ur way. tbe driver called up a wojeido Branad and bet rowed dry ?<>vk*, while I nisde researches in my beuge.;- for n creature comfort, kut wi?i very un sat?at tOTJresalte. "Main llender?on had bi-etthere b< ft ip me, end had made everything fit for his a a aad Unfltfur raiaa. 1 ekieed vahse and leathern bag with a I hirer, and. we r. -urn d our wear\ way. I Jo like practica, liiou_-h the.r admirer* won t adnut it, and 1 ihetn'ul.y certify that the bett gnrg we fi und was on tbe v.rgin turf. True, the "sloogbo" wt re many and wide; but th* re ??;.? fr.*t andioe a? tie bottom of tbem. wkiok seldom <ut through; bat whon , vir it did, it gave horses, btigvyar?d riders n raskin?. My j .'ot puked i ur way witb great judgm.nt and we Wir?- KTtrmors ?topped and bardlv che< ked r.ctil we '?in oat oi lbs n.a.n road westward Crom Mnawnonth, thtt* miles ciftart. Tbat thret miles oi dense prairie mud wa? ;he heavisst traveling I ever underwent, and and if cur jadul b. Rani Inretood it in an hour and a quarur, they did passing well. t'n the tak.d prairie, wef?lt 'ittle anxiety; for if :he at ogl Mimed too deep atraiguf ahead, we could slu tr right Of Irft ud hbitum, on y taking care to keep sssne lar dmnjk ia view if pos?ibie. Bnt roads imply brirpes over the water-ci>ure?* and t:ie*e bridge- were far more perils u* than the water-courses &*sj*ashro*fc I . ?. e nxd bien, at.'. th?roia fat, in spU* of our repeated prediction* tha' it wr.<c!d eooc held up; and e'iil cur ten-** pk?ided snarly one-ard cnttl th?s>? tlr*o mile* r*>?m<d to rr.e interminable. Oar main bvaiwai wag to w&U h tbe bridge* just ahead, and eee tbat tbej had not waebei ou'; acd they generally ?**med to s?and r< marl ably wlL At lwt M'f.rnoutb ?aa insight; the laut bridge w?j pa.sod ? no not the laet; for our horse* are in a deep gsJiy this instant, A It<i no more and Lney had ?JrQD- ('ui enc j.-rk*d the IMgfl in, with a ' ra?h that is -till audible. Tbe ciirh fo:e wbee' -r |; ? * -e, and Trent down an armfai! of OVCa-WOod j the tongue apH but h id on, and the MlM wa* pitched aero-? n.y knees head downward into tbe rN ep mortar-lx d termed the road. I went forward on my face, but rinn?; to the wro.-k, arith my feet tntaagird in aproa and olai.keu, and, aa Iba hordes started to run, ti.e. look ah- ad for an instant was not flattering. On J ' r nr, b-'.i.-c ? ? \ ? r. Tbe idea of ruinioi? with ti at wreck thi rack Bad n'Vr a heavy night drag o' < gbteen g, was ?o e?*? nta-lly ridiculous tbst no weL'-brod haiM could hare entertained it, f >ur? perceived t! is hastier tl I alj tmi soon slacked up, while the driver recovered hn feet and bis reins if he had ever fully lo-t the latter. I :*nnot say how I cam*" out of ta< dilapidated vehicle, nor could the driver five aat) aaj light on the sunject; but I *onn I myself lAndag the p< rpendicalar, and fa.-iog rearward m quc?* of my bat, which I found in a way dde fond several rods Jr. k, two-thirds fu'l of water, but still tioatirr?. My blar.ktt I ri-hed out of the semi iiqnid mud al<out midway between my goal and start? ing-point, and for the first time on my journey found its < < tnpany disagteeble. Mm m v er know wh?n they are well off. Five min? utes before, I had been industriously cheri-drag my cold, wet feet, fencing r.fT thedriving rain, ami Caney* ingmyself an object of jttal compassion; bow I saw clearly that, so lorg a* the carnage remained -ounl, I Led been in an enviable state of ease and eojoymant. Thrown.;: my soiled blanket ovi r one arm an I t iking my valise in the opposite hand. I palled one foot after another out of the deep tarn mud, losing both my well faste r ed overshoes the n-ia witliout knowing it, in ? ! pushed through to a tavern at the rate of a mile and a half pe I hour, ,n a state of general bedrngglemcnt and deaperafe Jollitywhich Mark TapU-y could not have bettered. I: was 1 o clock when a hospitable roof overshad? owed ti?. The hon-e was full, and my petition for a pair of slippers and a room with a tire in it could not be granted. But a bar-room lire was got up, and a bed in due time provided though a ball that night in the village?no, city?had absorbed most of the accora 1 odatioaa But our nol le horses found what they i of .l. d, and we bad an hour a sleep or more, though I did not incline to sleep at all. I got up to breakfatt and to find all a? I expeeted about the Bailroad. The C! i:ago night-train went cown nearly on time, but did not reaeb Oquaerk? Junction, finding the track all washed out at the cro?s it.g of " Smth Henderson,' ten miles below. But its engine came buck about 9 a. m., took on board ha'f a dozen of us, and bucked up to Calesliurg (seventeen ajulee) in leas than an hour, ?aving me another dreaded carriage:-ride of at least six hoars. Weeros ied00M washed out place, which threatened to throw us off, but did not. I guess I am the last person who will have left <><|uawko for several days, and aaapOOt bngton (Iowa) has patted company with the world eastward of the Mississippi for at lea-t as many. Mm ?i. - We an none of us half grateful enough for the bless Log of Railroads?when the trains run and the c ars don't fly tbe track. B. Q, I'. 8. M :,!,iy, I 'i.The Hood would soem to have swept this State almost Basel of bridges. As no trains run fur, and no Ui-giaph is in operation, 1 can? not Lou ii> how extcneive is the -1. tt ? u. but the bridges nearest this point on all the roads leading out of this plaftfl are gone, inclading those OVOt "Crookc 1 Creek " on the Qaioey Bond, Spixm Kiver on the 1'eor'n, " S iutb Henderson," on the Burling? ton, ntrd both the "Bareaa" and ''Fox'' on the Chicago Road. It will take at least a week to g< t the truks in order a?'ain, and hardly a railroad in Illinois wUl be fully r? sti.ied for a month yt-L Report *a>s that the Rock lalaad Road ia erea werao aWvaaiated than the lturlii.gtc n. In some deep cuts, the bank* have caved and washed in OYOf tin truck, covsrin; it to a depth of two Cm t or more, which the cold of the In-t thirty siv hours has fp'zeu herd as a rode. Tin dum-ge to the railroads of thin Sta?e must amoOjal (0 millions. Nothing beard here from Iowa as yet. I >< . DM. ELI61/A KENT KANE. The telegraphic dispatches n ctivi i on M> nday have little rooB tokopethat the death of Dr.Kaae has not already taken place. As cur re.ider* are nasre, be sailed from England t> Hivana several weeks kineo, with a vi'-w to the amelioration of his Impaired htahb, ai d at OM tiun it was announced that Um ia was a fair prospect of his reoovtry. The tidings that have low been received will awaken univcr .1 n gn t. l>r. Kane ?a> a man of w uom tbe country bt OOkTM uiore proud with every new revelation of his character. He was warmly oheriahed as oue of in brtghteal ornantenta, and a feefaf of almost personal atlVdioti was mingled with the profound r-sp-*.-t wr: .M be everywhere in-pirtd. Oaiiant, brave, b-r , sii .ti? n I OjaaDj ? th a love of Bsioaee ra. 1 a passion for ad.t ntuie, he poet Med the nn ntul for-e t > convert the dreams of imagilxation into reality. His hte Ari<- ev pedrtion, Of which he Las left such a gre; bk and beau? tiful i? ''oid, was but the cu mication of a can er gave eaiiy promise of its subre<|aer.t ach:evs.nenf'.i, Dt, Kane was liom in rhiladuj b;a :a the 1923, and had aceotditgly joat entered upon a is thirty-fiuh He received bis academic edoca^on a*, the Unltfrast* Of V'irghtia, and graduated as Doctor of' Medicine a: tic Ctdvaraity uf lVr.nstlvar.ia in 1*13. sh:i aftet thtit date he entered the Caked 6tat?*s N .\ \ aaast itanl tnigeon, and accompanied the nret aaafrkaa twhaaaj to CLina. With nw nat.vt thj-st f.r ?>l.??: vii g tic mascer? and cuetoin* of t'_'a:i^e rout tiie*, he visited diiTcrvtit paits of Coina, the rhBippaats, Ceylon, and tt.e interior of India He wsatLe rirst white person who de*c.ndc-d info the crater of the Tad of Lai at, a. ompl-jibing th-j er> r prise at the ba^a.d of his iJ'e. He -:- ??>??. by a beubon r> pe er> tied h * b^>dy, :'.-om a rrojsviirj erjg, nil re tban two liui.dnd teof abort the reoiains of veteeak etapfJoaa. W.:h 1 ttlaaaf suipburo-.u ail ard otl<r sj ac Bat ns fc-m the mouth of the crater, he was diaggt? up *?n*?le.-s thi >ugh tue scorl.?. l'p- o ?bis ex'-eoitivn, he ws* attacked, by the La.'.ror.e* and sav?.''> of the NV_?->,, ra ?<, -.1 es josed to othrr baHehipa whkk provt J fa'al to bis travel:! g ompiinn, 15-..?on L? .,f I'm** s. After tbis, ht traversed a considerable potion of ludia viritid Cry'on, aaeaaaed tLe NJ? to the on tines of Kuhla aas] pw-d a ?e<.--a in I jcypt. He ttaaatad tb.-ugu Qraooa on foc-t, and returned in \M6 la t .e Feted t?fa"e#. He was immediately i>rdered I ? the Cotet of A'rice, std s?;l:ng in tb* frigate Fnited State*, v j:t? d the ?lave faet< rie* fn'm Cope Mount to the River B >ncy, end ebtam? d free acceae to the bsro ?* is of Dahomey. Ratanfauj baana in a precarious state of heekb, he rteovand laflli iantly loTkui Ifttitp?sfartaythe w.ira* a voltiht?er. He inooocSad in dvliveriog dispaukes turn the FreaiccLt to the Comruaader iT-Ctiiet", ea (orted by tie tote nous spy t >mpacy of tb*. btigaat] DaaaJaajoMra, mi afarrfattkaj ike hsttaraf a tlafiaa ncut if M>m an sskaMWa wnemthey encoucten i at Nopalnca, he was f ro d la awaafsal his BaaBfasj .on* rgb -ha: it d ia ord? r to rave the Lvcj of hi* prison e.'s, Gtteral T> tnjoB, titr.cral ?iaona and other*, from ti.ii: fury. On tbe ntum of BaatM, he was ordered njar. tbe Coart Survty aaaiawprof. Kacbe. an 1 was that itrj'oyid in the QfjVaf Mexico, whrn he v j t*? red his serv ices to tb* first Grinned Expedition in ItCO. De waa accepted as aenior surgeon and nataral -? (I tka Kpacron, and ecNrett cpon hi* dutiea arith at t r :bc-'*-m, aagatitj, and p< a. r of eodoranr ? a hick a m .'ably prepare i bbj for tL- on rs axducut rcspotui biL.ii?? of tie f<c<td Lxp*u.:n?c, tl* ret Jti of ftici are befert the *?-'!. In bia pitirAi tbaret'e--, IV. K?re displayed a ein pnlariy ^ attractive radOU of qa-...t.?* i? ?'r k'!:' e ntrast w-ththe lennueei sad reacln'ion wirirh impelled Lira ra hi* carver ef advecttre. Tue nart Ute of Lt? expecirion* presart* a deighfal i.ltrstratirtc ? !...? p. .?> -f-.i ra re. lo tbil respect they posses* the charm of nrror*ci?.u* autobiography. His nvajaaj einphfity. h j reraed tartes. hi* tenderness of feei ae, aid b:j aimc?*t feminine sympathies are perpetually revealed ia oe nnecLon with a* dauntless <-ou:age aua cot#taacy aa ever nerved heroic heart to lofty pro war-*. Heace, the magretic power which he exerted ever the rcmpsnn n? of \m, winning their romantic attatlm-ct, and mehlig himself a crater of ?gb.t aad enconragt Mai amid the darke-t momenta" cf the for bra hope m the Arctic rea?. Whatever the scientific resulta of Li* perlon* VOyigCB, trey are of still higher significance a the example they have presented of i.ib I. i ersiehrat, c interested and undi*uieyed man hood d HEROISE*OF THE SEA. Among the noble band of women who, bj their he tr e bearing, under great thai and suffering. Lave won for tbeatoelvei haparabablo fame. Mary A. PattOO may 1 ovm a pn ? ert poertioa. lira. I'atton is a na? tive of Boetoo. and but 20 year* of age. Her husband, Capt. Joshua A. Patton, sailed from this port in July last, for San Francisco, as commander of the clipper ship Neptune's Car, of Foster A NVkersoo ? line, and it wa* during this voyage that hi* wife rendered u>?r If so distinguished. Capt. Patton is well known in this port, and at the ea.-t aard, as a young niir.sio;: ? and the vessels under Ii s c muntnd have made unie of the iwifleol poosoge* ob record. He took command of the Neptum- s Car about two years ago. and made hi* first voyage in her to Sal Fran? cisco in '.*u days. On that occasion Mrs Patton accompanied him to San Francisco, Chiat, Condon, und back to Near York. Hii at it voyage was that last year to flan FrancL-co, in which his wife agaia acOOBV pal m d him. The Neptune's Car 1. ft port at the nim time with the clippers aVaniaco of the leee. latrnrad, and two others, the bibm J of which, we do not remem? ber. As usual with commanders in the Pacific trade, Capt. Patton wished to get bit sb'p into part ahead of hi* rivals. He soon found, however, that his first mate slept during half his watch on the quarter deck, while be kept the ship under reefed courses, and after repeated remonstrances had proved unavailing be found it necessary to remove him. After that he unit rtrok to discharge the mate * datiee as well as hi* own. and in consequence of fatigue was taken sick, while parsing through tbe Straits af I.emaire, around the horn, and in a short time brain fever developed itself. Fnon that time, up to th? period of her arrival at San Fran c o, Mrs. Patton was b< th nun- > and navi? gator. Wh<n ber husband was taken sick the ship was givea in charge of the se cond mate. He, b*)W? ever, was but an indifferent navigator, and although 11 knew how to take an observation, lie could not work up the reckoning. Mrs. Patton, who, on her Me?doal toy ago, had studied navigation a* a pastime, new foek obse rvations, worked up the reckoning by ehroaotaeUr time, laid the ship s courses, and per formed most of the other duties of the captain of the ship. Oering this time her husband was delirious with the f' vor, nno" she shaved bis head, and devised every n ear* in her power to soothe and restore him. To tail end, ehe studied medicine to know how to treat bis care intelligently, and in course of tiowsnoceedod jn carrying him alive through the crisis of his complaint. About one week sf'er the Captain fell sick the m'.te wrote a letter to Mrs. Pat'an, reminding her of the dangers of the cos.t and the great rooposwibultyehe bad assumed, and offering to take charge of the ship. She replied that, in the judgn ent of her husband, he was unfit to be mate, and therefore she cou'd not con? sider him qualified to fill the post ot" commander. Stuug by this ri buff, the fellow tried to stir up the crew t? mutiny spainat her: but she called the other raates nDd sailors aft, and appealed to them to sappoti ber ia lo r hour of trial. To a man taey resolved to stand by her at.d the ship, conic what might. It was pleasant t i win s* tl eir cheerful obedience to her orders, as ??eh man vied with hi* fi How* in the performance of his duty. By the tirae tke ship came nearly ap to tba latitude of Valparaiso, Cept. Pattoa had son ?-hat recovered fr< m the fever, arthougfa far tex> weak for any mei tl) or physical e\. rtioo, and tbe mate, of doingbetter in future, bad partially res .mei duty. Hut Mrs. Patron discovering tuet be was steering the ship out of Lit course, and mnkinj for Valparaiso, ap? prised ber husband of ti.e fact. Tfie ma'-e was sum? moned berluw and asked to exrdlil hit ooadact, which be did by saying tba* he could not keep the ship rearer her course. Capt. Patton then bad his cot moved to a part of the cabin from which he could view the "til!-tale" of the eoopije, and soon found that the mate-was still sb ering for Valparaiso. He then sent for the lour mates and the sailers, and foimally deposed the first uiate, psusaOtUUJ '.he SSCOad offner to hi* place. Then he -ave orders that under no ei-rum? st ano* vv a.- h.s .-hip to be tak- n iuto any other port thnn Sax Francis "o. Soon after he had a ielap?e, and for SS days before taevOauul reae bed pott he wai to tallv blind. At San Francisco wa* reached in tlfe *y, after a short voyage cf 120 day*, the VOOSO] be at a g three out af four of her competitor*. The sab ty of the ship and the preservation of her husband * life were wholly d ie to the constant care atd watchfulness of Mr*. Patton. t to her arrival she informed the consignee of the veesel that fir ftftj eight* previous she had Bot undre?sed her?. s? me time in loVeeraber last we pubaaked the only accouct of this remarkable instant e of feuia'.i forti? tude wbii h Lad been given, in an ex'ract from a com rneretal lettet to the owaera in thu- city, faeterday we received a not?, from our ship-news coBeCtev, seat? ing that Mrs Pa'ton and her hu*band were 1D this city, Laving arrived in the steamer George L?w. We found thtm at the BoJtOry Ho'el, and ob'a-ned aa in? terview with Mrs. Pattot. She was M*idaou*ly ittaad? ing her busband a* heretofore; bat hi* SareatJoa is such as b> preclude all hop. of recoyer.. Be?ire leav irg San Fiaie-i-eo, deafnes* wa- aided to'c^u'her 'itrlicti >r*. ard he now lie* upon h s cou< h insensible to everything bnt the kind ofiice-s of hi* belove-1 com I sjaioa, *n0 *o weak tbat he may expire at any moment. Ocaaa**a*sk| he -,*aksto hi- eifs,oosaeliaaeekacidly, i but adsuaof ia a w ud and iaooaonat mancer. Mrs. Ivan f hi '.her, Mr. Uro*n, w? : -l.< \-, w*io is fo.e. men of a snif-yard in sVattB,*! in Ith ndance up >c bis sister an! troth ?r-ir-law. From mm We learned that Cepu I'atton had boofJ tsken care of by L.s Irvther Mlioai ? >?n Friacioci , aad L>r. Harr.*, one of the frafernty, bad washed over h m on hi* way home. On UfiVing San Fliatlettl, he seemed lo rally il ;? ra laaeahtg a w?nn la'.ui? he j r. lapsed, atd ha* sunk to thv hopeloai state ia which wc found him. The Mason.? of th s vify, hav;ng b-eu advised frc-m Hal Francisco of h - attOauW departure :..r : ane, were waitiig f>r toe GeofgO Law oa her amval, atd brought h:m on a btt?r to th- Battery Ho?tl, wbere they have, sire wai< hod e ver b aa. With th*** m?Hje?ry which generally dktiofuiosj - brae ratrft, Mr*. Patun bejge'l to be excu-ed from ! .?pv ah in? about herself, she said that she had done I no more than h-r duty, and a* the recollection of he' trial* and suffer.'g? evidently gave h> r pair, we cculd 1 m t do otiersriae than respect her feeling*. Few per s. r.? wtuld IraagUM th*' tiie woman who bebav d so bravely, *nd etdured so much for htr husband ? sake, ! ;* a slcndcrNew Lt-hi:d gtrt, scare* !y twenty yens :. she is a lady of nuaiusn fcipLt, with black haj", large, dark, luatron? eye*, and very pleasing feature*, iftr beaith k >? ry much mp?irto from the hardships wLii h she has und? acd she * very near the period of m?ternity. Ytt she does net spare henelf in tl t least, bot i* avst faithful and constant in ber atten? tions to tee bestand. We have been informed tha? she is in straitened brennst an cee, aad aihough fjaj org'tit and dc ubtlee* would tiirink from aea^taacs ? III U ? t t -?.-Bic to a* that tb?* u t^CM? i0 wl h car men tan'., may rje thttB.?:.'vtv hsoner. by a ? ' ? laa ' " " ' I her basale <x-?lae(. 1>.a Board o' Tide-writers, a ajrai >? ,r: I have eoted ?? will rata f ofI.Hi1, C*JWf*fa?taf thavt the s'up vd cer-gc w ? re h , ft J r f ariy ?31 fsio, and ?bat H her skill atvd de ? er? rrvc j iDslebted tor it* safety,andern*?** a< verse r..-rt.n?'arce-?for the weather waa uouenaiU ?tn ?we || r.k. leaking at the matter from a purci* pcruiary fs ia4 of view, the- lca?t tbey sbouH bava> I ? it ??? ui'i bars be. n to give her a i bsok for f>S,flOO. S. ? 11. ? cid she ?af*'> take the nip from Cape Horn >art Francisco, but bath Teaaol .iad ttff? were Lb bttttr t'im than any of ber c- i Petitors whea she reacted per*. Of course the OVMta of the skip wilt r"o bardetn*1r by Mrs. PaMoa; bnt were the mer? chants of Kew-T< ik to make up a liberal purse it Wi aid proae righ'% acceptable to the widow (at she aha I el certain!} soon will be) and her ?mal! family. Capt. Pattoa ia a nnti ve af Kockland, Maine, and has r.s*B from the forecastle solely by his own exer? tions. Mrs. Fatten and ber bro'hei will convey him to their Lome ;n Boatoa ta-day by the steamer. ?f the weatbsr wi! permit. That she Las the entire -ympa thieaof thia community in her trying arrlntion she may b? PaDy assured, and also that by h?r good deeds ike haa add d another laure! to the hoaor of her sex. LIFE /A HI H-> ORK. i.KANH RE?KIOM OF THE FANTT. I 'i: Mi nday STfJ :rg the Ha!! No. 93 White street, krnwr rJar Bf the pa>t year or two as Ksrrigan's Mili? tary Headimarteis, was the scene of a disgusting e\ I ilcVen give a under tbe patronage of the ' Fancy.' The announcement of the affair was made by meane of ;. stera, which were exteasi' aly c-iculated in the ru n holfs where the ?portirg circles meet in their daily de? votions. Tbe following is a reprint from one of the l.ils. A. MUHT OK BOXING BBVsVax or thi toon olu nxr' S;n.niti. BahAMaaa F.v'r%onin ?ry?fat the IVstisBoalal Baawfsl to 'he Veteran Ott) BILL TOV EX A Oread DUpliv af the Kletl- Art at Kirrigai'i Military Healquattata, '.2 White Srii^rt. Moisiv Evanae, fekefiarj is. Wl ?n ? (lisp's* af ttii* mauly art will he made such aa U ae?oea wltnasa>*3 la tsees part*. Tiie (oOawtj ( named ?cntlemcn have Mthfl '|? premised to bt preterit un '.Lit occasion, and *et in ki 'lie oid<*r a* arrauied Jnhorr Aaron.Oharle* Holm, a. Ms Traiaor.Di?tne. Xr.Lk Ca] la.John t'ovle. Msi:i ri*.!*rottj a] Newark. r" - ? he-. f Brooklyn.Young (' Wtailo. Uallmte r.Tewaf Hare*. Ban ' y l.imcy.Joli-iuy Rourh. Jeb W vat,.Jeci Stewart. V urj r?tw.Terraa laaaasa. J. r t . bum... n*. Dcdl's llariiaan.lac*. Adama* i mtaillag aaatrk will take alaeri katwaaa M l>-inaiiue and Baraaa Tin- avening'* *port will wind up with a irreml teHaaarlna of Iks atisatj art aarweea Toai > iwho re?ri?ej forfait rroaaBatB** Aaroa)aB4 old Bill Poveal aastaetoraf Ml Fran tea af MaBtaattat, iaaO| liauaey et bnmiuabam. Horton of llirn iiiiham, sn I the la'e tim'nce Kenuell, tiie latter no the same ?t??e. and old Joe Murph\. who fought Cri*. Lilly I. Tili* ?et-to wiil heiiTen in rial ?. stuu.e. M?ter> i Cateaaaaias.leas M. Msuoa. Btaga Ttekata Veamlai B >? ti( k>-t* Nraaas?May be aal at S; ortirt llon*e* ajjbi at the h*U on the ev?nitt of th? NSklkt* tu ii. Tie re. st stru t order will be pn-aerved at 'hi* i-ihiliuoo. a; .1 projt-r aitcLtion psid to the aou-t. I i I rlatk :s. 1>...reopen at r u'i iui t. SperriLi to cmimeure at 9 preei*?ly. It la h^p? d that the arratiienieut tor 'hi* Tribute to OM At" ii t) ka taa mean* of ar*at*B| a re.ival in toe B- alux Auual* ot tas y CHf That poetic iiiftice might be done " old age," and thai tie reads rs of Tu TaiBCVa mijjht learn bow '? the veteran " btire the Hath tag hoaMfa of ao tunny bailies, a rcjN.rter waa dtspeioisd ti> afo. White s' Kot haaiag fall eoandaaes La tha aawaraaffiit of Iba enfoicemtot Okf " attict order," or of the extent to ?bich "pun er attention ' would be paid to "the " c<>nifort of visitors, ' our reporter put on the " ugly " in making up his exterior, and prepared hiinstlf to join in a "pliiLt ?MM* if 'be eligoaeaa of tbe case seemed to rttjabe that he should pun>ue auch a course. Iluvin.' aniTOd at the place of evolu? tion about half-past MTOB, he passed into the bai-runn oa the find floor, when h' sensitive iwiaal orgea was greeted by an overpowering odor of liquor t. a inferior U> be il'gniG- d by the title of had rum, and cgais, tbonph intrinsically noxious themselves, yet teemiBgry ao out of ceaceit with the c .mpauy and place, that they would huve gone out if they could. Prinking, smoking ar d swearing was the order in the bar-rocas,aad a hsitf riati w>uld aaotM thaa.-at..fy any u.odi lately fastidious man. Our reporter nexi met'e a lunge kr the narrow staircas?' where "Old BiO Inn self, tin beneficiary, was receiving the ipiar tsta (Spaaiah coin tahaai at full value)-and stowing :! tin aaay ia the ianern V rs ( easel ofhis clasaic pan? taloons. An American ijiaiter, the reporters "trib? ute to old age," was placed in the kand of " the vet? eran," and privileged elephant passed tha threshold with tbe swagger of a '* plug* ugly." which wassodit |WtiBg]ynataral that ''the veteran" felt constrained to grre our reporter the Mniraoces'of his moat distia guithtd coe-idelation. The hall in which the exbi'uition was he-Id has seea .ts b< it days. Years ago, M >ns. Cliarrau l taught h.s many pupils the mvaterie* of the Tofpaichet"*ai art aritl .n its wa! t, bu* it has latterly reaohad Its loweai ttiate, which fact will be readily appreciated by oaf readers when they aro ia?o Q - ? that c?.i as i :ed with it cow is a six penny rum hole. The colored vraL* of the interior hav loet their pristine biightc-.s, and have reachtd the point of shabby geatihty. i |e dan pness ba- u.awduced shades of color not con? ceived of by theattist; and it has go".e down?down? Bat3it ia now the. Liang place for an exh oition of the substrata rnwdriirn. In tic- center of this B| artment w.-.a erected a *t::^e of ah M\ three feet in bight ami covering a ipaae c: twelve by sixteen fee?. A horizontal bar eurruajulexl the stage at %Ughtof four feet above toe *urfa;e. Thus fitted up. the hall preaeated tbe appearance i f an acte-loom to the saurnc?A of a prize-ring. Already tie room was a< Blty filied. A aaat extend? ing the wheie I -t u-c- o: eithet wall wan IBed, aad all otfitra were at frJ] liberty to stand up. All who had cigars were smoking, and those who had not, expec? torated iobaaeojaio* a? petioa^toaPag i j^s on the rl.jor. If a mat charced to d:sLke the fetid aLmisphere that pe. vaded tbe aptirtu. nt, and the n mi ':rn-s of the ittm and cigars, his only reaoaa I a aa to smoke .c tcif defense. When tbe roaaa WBjI the fallest, there were 10Opers.)ts present. Ir. tolor they wee A p< i a nie i y qiialilhialk n oaly was c? ?? ssary to gain ad n..:tarce, an 1 complex.on was no hart.? a par icpatiot in tie ittercst of |he "ft'ertaiurrier.'. Intellect, interL g< ice, nmrals, cleanlne*.* and decency Bran scantily n-preftrted, ad w.tL Ik eso ptioa of a r> <: two of aaiiort,'r\ w^s a ijUsu.ty nearlv unknown Ui the crowd. Tse pBDOjrk I f- of ru.n-!i sice and fence crite, iWiikTeiliffaia. baapjFPftVaaaaabers, gfinroters, pin no, stovl-pi^eon?, poL'Jsial aL.-ikt-rs, u cru-s coret, ' ' naf ha*" a tew butjk' r fc-iys. aa : any n lrnber o:' blaikjtuards who are a r^adiag disgrace- to the city, male up the bulk of tbe BBsdkMKe. The faces aid Imer. balrajad an iaaaaMBIB af soap and wa'c, Bud the ck-'i/'ng ihowefl ax. ett.ra ytv-renee of ? rth<: :*?...? brrtst. I: isv.aaeiitaSy a at ran ?aj taaa who has} the bMMaod to appear in tbe place with a decent exterior, hit L!<>au;<l fa'e, s*nsjji! appeararn?, a< interest in the -eenes as<: txtensive a?<]uaji**n-,e soon indicated b'm as the pi.;:'1 : if a r:m-h?e. wberea< tie otb* rs wtre < nly hi* pafiaiTc? features of the audience were expressive only of brutal.fy and aeosua! inn?the bead* sl.ow. i a rci^h'y j rep^ndi.-. an is of tu* animal ever the intellect aai. The number drunk was ' kaaan. Uut f-;w ^r.- ctel the eccealdt icy of not r. i\.: i a few .t? l-es of whisky in them; ana these rare instatcec af epintjal aswtfJMaaB were aff- cting i.js tratioti* of comptiLtory aWttaMOea f twM d> t Da ' they bad neither money nor sympatid/ing fr' tds. A few loys from aigbtysaan i f age upward were preectt, and ?n three itstancs* ? ur r-j-^rte? Dot -dL-yscf fi??. aad -rat yean te!d up in tne arms of their reapc-s-tive Aatasr, tLat tl. 'ittie ftBain Bdghl bs; early iniiucted ii.*o bjnrrality, vice and enme. <?n the whole, the expression of the audience was of tbe rnc -t n. _-?ad? d (haxacter poastbte to 7? sriiOBg cretitnrt s wearirg the huawi form. It seemed as Lftfcg city had beeo fcoured to gather its fcoJott epvcn.-n. V it ateynsjaa sfbaati the ?,-ref U.-ed rnffiac (. ttrJf, ?cirt? 4? ?*??? t'uUi. filtLf, ob?ctre. p'e'soe, nVsndkor*, slasilone-J wretcnr*. Of the** ciw the tt'ev M, burgta's gaaibaar*. ^%noUtm atd hghway robber*, tbe donbt>-v>4ers, jv-rjerera, eslatie ahaVfttaa* Bat] hind murderers who utfr*t al large t.La*. IfenSt! ** tfttaj the riot*, anon*, nasjsj airafWa*. rsAh?ng of ru.?'raat*, rape* and nasntloon trance which make New York a moral ketL Aai tlx.- an tk* lot h ratotarflj rvo.rht to carry Pn?err/ I ? paar* -vh and proud tue? ioufiioa? m. n wbe return tbe w.l .areed serv'ce by arl.euaaj from **ch stech peatesaea, asd even highi r ofTScota, to guard tbr pabhc virtue and cispee-e p*rn>s*.re. A' S o'clock, tbr s???awjird muk tud* began t*> claaK>r for tbr rnurunateat h) imminence, ard for Iftota r iaatec tko steatatag and yelling waa ctMtiaaesl .a I . ? ?Hl the Stritt order tbat who to bo pwitryi i. At lb* ? tl of this tuur a tlubby meat aa i lft] Oaotl 00, and tri o lot k. J very like aa old pa art** pol < f arf and at" wito a gaol sha'e of froth, clear**] ti e way to tbr stag* and uifrWuivd a brae* of third rate rapta aihoo* in l>ovxg fclove?. wh y were to iaitiato ?1 e " exhibition nf th* manly art of Self defer***."* They had rtirovt d ti e r coats, yc#ta and overehuta, and the :r undershirts were ia a ?t?te of cl roiio fiHhiaee*. Tb.y squared off a few Urnee, and after a wh ir came it to the work. Hut they proved to be " alow coaches,'' and rough* sby. Py sheer accident they would evcaaieoally get, hit by dof ng the wrong way when a Mow wa*n | aimed at them. In tbe nomenclature of Johnny ^^ttg^ they were "Seekers," and after a few inv itattooa of an unappreci\t;ve audit000 to " dty up,'" they evapo? rated. A couple of rare sp?leJaaOM look the ir placee. 1 ?? ?.ii- a nn, w.; lace ?!????>< ly ?haven and haa cropped *hort. Tbe other came under the title ef "blockaiaaaled,' arid bis leading pecalianty of ap* pearacce whs tbat Li* head pre*entcd nothing to strike at above the root of hi* nose. They " went ia lemoL? ??trucli with greater rapidity and with a f clt ieg ferro; they plugged each nther'a noees, and bam oat red each other/* eyea. The bo?ing-glove antid?>t?? ' e< tb cts of homan ti*t didn t " wash. Twu>e be of the "block motele" wa* sptawhng. and on<>> the abort-haired ebesreptda was g. imoualy permitted to cati b a ghn.pse t t tin .- di real heavens, by a atuaaiag bt It iwer bia empty knowledge box. Hut bi?th par tie* teemed to have a lively appreeiatuw of the dig? nity of " strikmg from the roomier aa an art, and aa icutely eriticul andu 000 ki ? w when to che. r and ap? plaud. In tbe third act, too, one of tbe pat tie* had Iii* noee koocketl out of joint, and I om the organ in question the c'arct flowed tu.'y. At this point the enil usasm of a gratified and.enee km w no bound*. Th'y whooped, hurrahed and yelled ike a troop of di vil* in the bight of their erjoyment. The fouith couple were aw kward in their aet to? di*t'essingly awkward, (me with a patrierohal beard, if tkete was any worsting at all, wae the victfoa, thongh he wasn't hit ence. 8o well aimesl wen? tbo blow* on both ai Ja s that they were sure to bit nothing at all. The fifth ?etdo wa* done by two cbampiona of light ?i Igbt ortthet of th? m ov< r five feet m bight. They Wi re arm urn i 1 with irrandilo<ment tloanah a* Jack Adams and Ihniiia ??rrigan, both of l.oudon. llarri gsn had on a blue sbiit; Adams waa stripped to the ekin. Both Wet! ? sttOOnorj muscular, finely de v. loped, well up in science, and great wa* the ? rpeetattoi oftke audience. Thohr noses bad beeu all battered in previous experienoo, and <>o this ?Kvaaiota were near'y tlatwith tbe.r faces. The *[.arrirg c?m. nteaced. Thebbw i fell rapidly and heavily ou aaah ? ?'.is patot \ iauis getting more than hi* share. l h> re was certainly skill eihibited in the manner in whii b thev used their arui-c both ofTersive and de? fensive. The ability to in use thnn may be. an accom aHahwiint tbe disgrace <>f the art grows out of mukina; shonlder-hitting a \ rodMnkMB, After then last round, it w as nnni'unred tbat llart igan waa soon to tight a match fat I5f I n ride, and that he was it every way worthy of public patronOgO. The 0*ni was rattled upou that stage for Lie b.n.lit, and our rep irter. beiraf tavoe ably diepeeed toward erery person worthy of patron? age, threw in bis quaitt r. Sundiy Olknf aaitiol followed tai h other in si i-fos, bat tbe event ot the evening woo not pat down in tbe Mika The njuntnf of orrtmeniee *a*Maaead that the aloaaatk set-to would \y given by "two fii?n?.'? "?and forthwith the two fti'ids took thtir plater.. 0ao of the two fneude ibOWed diunk a' the li. ? oft. He manifested bat t) > r -ly regards for his ft l'ow by pitching him a clip over bia DM u'h. which startnl tke bhsd; and t'w* am? icable a< t it i Iprooati d by bis fllow knocking hina in the railirg, and then, aa if thinking tbat a man so drunk that be conld hardly -'and up long enough to bekncckt d down was m v.. r-*.y ..f hi* blow*, he left tbo stage. Left in poosaasioo n tbo field, the convivial individual regarded the t><t a* an acknowledgment by hnptication that he wa* " -nine,'' and antkedtke board* with the pride of a sjiortiog Alex oadt r, It i ft i new opponents to conquer, lie re fu-ed to It avt the atagej until he hail bumoled -uoao bod lloe. Twice be waa by the indignant multi? tude puded off th- stage and twice lie got b?ek afes. r. In 'he mean rime a p rty willing to take tbe stsr? h out of the Uon, look the stage with a pakr of rdovea, aad the tetdowaj begun. A brief squabble rnaaed ami the lint nnaad wa* oi.M?d by the drunken party being knocked under tba raihrg and off the stage. In the seeond round, he wae Hung over his Opponent s shoulder, and agaia laid sprnvlirg on the ttoor. The teoao now began to grow U litiBg. A helf-dc/.'i. of tbe drunken man * f/iendo ; rnp? d i r. tko -tage, and rdlehod bis opponant over thn raibrg bis opponent's frit tids pitched into thedrunken reae'e tie nda For three minutes pirty "pirit ran high and h general muss ?eemied to be inevitable. Oust man jumped forward and became a volunteer second, and ag r. Inatflitioo Wen reaowad amid th* ?Ql of te. aaeembiy, and tke diiliottlty woa only settled by the friaatdoof the drunken man pulling h re bora 'he stage, ?ndd his protestation* under oath, that he could Ink an (her- rr.a/ine a long string of re and fonl that the . could bnrg along. A lev thro iawiaotiog ipaaoaa, old Hit T?ve-e bimse f bad a setsto, and Ihoagk be knocked hit man down tqi' t n< a, and drew bloo>: i om Li* face twice, yet the sffa : w asti 0 tOBM , after what bad passed, to t at'it* sny tattreeL ' Old Hill made a (peach in coaoha* e.or,, and the andiene* retired to their rum. O-t V.'. . ) .?The .'tie to am of Dewsberry ia Yotksktre. Eegload, is ekkrfty responsible for what? ever <, n.'. t CM dtn)?-ht at'achr* to the <>f fl w o|er.s, weit h generally pataes in Kngbi I t,y ho aaav of tat Daaoaerty trade. Immense warw boaceo are ailed aritk old .?r- rltnfo, worth %">?> to a.v<J a inj white r!a..r.. >, worth * ',*) to |1W| and carefully* ?loortt d blai k rdotk, worth siou to tl Vfl, while all tbo rub': i.?h. consisting of atarns, Isaoefl and uoedeecripte, tn worth ?10 to |l /pa: tui. for mai.ufatturiug pru* f }s->u*li. Ail the better material* are ground or ?f.o'.'nj ir.t' e.'ih>#* mas* resembling the original !:? < -. f.'.-n. rally S] enking, '.h.s ma''rial is far infe-rioc to na*# WWetf oadfttl ajsjndxtar< into a'moet <;*ery spe? cie* ofctotka, now extensively practiced, while it de tmets bnt httle from their n; j "*.r a< h?s a serioua flbctOpoa their durabilty. Toe pee.uliar sti'cb or L?pd of ike wcisted fib- r? in ktft wo<k, and the hot ?Ah t-i ?adwaaktagto arkiekthey are rubj-?-?eddoii?g he,; Koi ? x.etec. e, La* iho sanol of prodnoieg * p<-it:n?^.n' a-'.' :y .n the |oaiaaaj which ao a< w so 'cuks foutd to equal and thi* fact may b* of vslue to those who raaaoioilori blankste for printing preMes, snd tL. like | ermam rt.'y atariic eh. etv. By thi*trade H< wsl ? :ry baa incr a- d 'neua little villego toae.t-. .,f j i| dataatO. snanaanta from all parts af Oroai akkada, Eaaapa, end < ten Amer ca, aro lLi re '? rr. up and aoaarle*. W? Tie frisnda of Bora an Melville, who 'sailed for Kurop* in October to n-cnift hu beelth. will 1>? glad to learn that by letters fr? m Lgyot, reeoivejd bv th* last i'e anvr, be speaks of beirg ao a.ucb relieved in hi s ?!? ?r.d sfrtPgth tbet be "climbed Cnesop* tbe ether day, " an tntert-rise of picdign u* exertecn. Me was tago to atevaaakaB. and et,- : to bo i(t Jtoue ia the otsurso of o, tew wit ?.4.