Newspaper Page Text
C-?in.c? Noticei. I* Sil 11 iMAN Iras, L.L. l).. late ivot.-f-i-t BW r ! N rtl < a .-iir? Lee > r? ln> irMIJi I "" isn. ?? KLhlki i." r*i IiMiltu!*, iu ?.4 im? < tt>?> I t.Htr,, Tl- !>?? V ,-..t. Uiiarra or * Million Hoi i ??? FlN, V (iOOtta, i.e. K. v. Hm uiwoi r a Co., C- ii ' > r. io?r?i iaa k? iomi It., Hc.r i. w . . ". ?? " * ???-?? pair- taa.. ? !?> Mr Hi . ?? '' ??'"?? i? BtU> t .:u t. ? ?? . ft./ li..,/ilmrf ^?/.r Jt?/?".?? of Sum uia uaaeMaerei Howei FiaMiaaiac Ooodi **#r ietn on tin* i ? ntiii. i i. i-f?r. m??.ur. r i.uri Holumi Presents, th-r r??r*. ?f. r. ,iu*.??n laepectl ?? a* thrir r?'.rk, af w'ji1 b la. i iu,/?i:.| i.n.;.?.? ??[>:? ia of tl ? ad.nt artu .?01 It I I till t> i i v a a Ts? aBeaMee, Una RetnV? Oaatfn lalnn Cake B??k"'i, Qiiabrlt. soup Tamene, Baaee Tareeae, \ r|. tabla Diabaa, l\ ? >?? r. ir , l i F I a r R i t. v r a Pi. ?Tri. W??? Ran.e art '? ? ?> > b ??>?, . a. it. *.. ?? ' ; I -i: aa?,.,Ur?i ' In tt>? < Hy. Kiiitii ? ?ar> Hilf It Cl.ncil. ?V,.- u leanta b> Urea, tlemeatheooi FaeA -a Bapphe, L'Vtator* aad Art FlaWRty, tbr Vloioa, Ceaor, Cleopatra, i. Fabian iTlTIIITi Pr-.Ri It's ii.ii'.!?< |. i.. ? ..I C..i>.'i?u 1, \\-o;m.'>d, Mitt. , Afiwi I' , A? Bub B rna a . Hill at I M.-i P ? ?!'? Km ir% Rief? a'a Klihtiapele, Napoleon, Wtbitr;, \\ atb (tos I U ii. i H ... fa bbc a Cm hi hi Oiiiitui, KWiM fin..* 2 K? ..... Ii i Si*n T?V a Itb Bete, Fawcy CoBWo, Ceeagare, Card Baal ta te v aVBBBr Fipir.-a, VaaM Matron BrM ?f Cattery ti Eleaaat Ciii'i, fe?'al ?ii?t (?1 Fabatlaaa, Baaravli ?t, Cbaad ?? an and Uaa Futfuree, Ac, Ac. Bl rjucod opeb IKD \ii u>. Met tl 1 VVhi ;o?. Nr. Ill ratteavM. 0*Vr th-Ir Iu o.i ?Ii Aal n-i*i: f,r ?>?? U.ii.ji Tri Gri m ai tin an tnn ><u n Or??trlii'?th?. Atah.aa I. n. Beweeetbe Blaaaetl Sah? all '?tarr Onite ?Iii* ia *l w> rl<i. r'<i aa.t l>v Ur 8. R. Smith, Pea.HICeael-ae.. aaB by Drea|Me. Berti Itflirtn it. ft! at I Trit.n- hoi.diir Tin Trim km almanac roa 1860? Ttjli |m ?r artfl be Maw I ebeal Chrtataaea,end wH eoDtain: AiTioiriMiciL CatCVLATISBa for Ihs yar IHR MMbBBBBtltT or Tiia L'v uHiiii- t.\. all - jJ llrlll. A Liar or tu r ?BUBI I ii Bf Ti r. P? pbb STATBI S< \ 11 r p<rfit;'-allj aMai a Li it or fSB MaiUBBI or IBBMaBBBOl RBPBBBBBTA tivei, jrv liu. aKj . ? B Ban aa in iut Tbovblbi IB Vtim. AatTKALT ol nit Law, i,n ,?-r l)S ,lt >. OotraiMKBT m i I I Bl ?. BVLutfl Rai IBBiaBB, m ? Hoe tii?.v Y.\ rcT Baal? ('. S. St.NAToai la IBBIABA. El.rriioa RBTVBBI PBaM ALL Tin 0T?TBI Ho. "is.. Qf \ ? an. EnarTioai n luv, earaBiRi naaiplMI BaJ naaepeml vttb former ele< ti> ui, eipn aaly t,.i Tin Tkibi m a i v . \ ?c Li?r or StiTts, Cii-n ?i n OavaBBaai Timbi or Lceta. i.irirr MrnTivi.i, Holmm. ot Klbctibxi, ke., artth o'..n-r matter nf gi>G?ral an.i paVaaM ? ' <i ' ? ?' Prire (pr ?leite pt> i i I ? pbn, tl iiata, Aaaari IB I Taarra laabaa, ai, l"11 ?, ? t If ?ect by FxpriM, t-1 p-rlM.i, t| BOpUl f.r Otdera, acomp?'i.-d w t , ? . ?ii reap ItoBj OoH -d A4 Rreaa ii* >. OaBBLBV I 11.. _ Trihune IbIHIb| . N. wTorb. National Btoti Workb. Don't ^\^^^r laara OaaL.?Baaraan'i PiTBjrrChili.caai Poin a hi i i < arfll vettn wi?. ?i ? In ?? aaa bei Itol tb ?e?. Baaraaa, TaaaLaar a Ca. Ha. s.sWattr jt. Hriar tuna i iarrTs. p.?ioir>s (i'ai i > Ni.i I'i.k.ariv lie a 11 a. Real RM Mfaaw alt aail all yeae i naaa vrtb 01 ? ? Paini.iT Won't OaaiHIII if ihf b*? n.y oi.^ lie t Babe. IV Beeraaa*! P.r. \r fail l BBBB PTBTiai 1 ii? nil:. Na. SOB Water-it. M Yol r Hoi 4? COU '-Try S.wi aaVl Pat i s r CaeuBBai Poktaki i Hkatik ?aBehj laaroan,Tai'itoe ?. i Nai.IBB ra \\..r?r, Ku tJ? U?:rr-?t. Gkuvlu & Baklk's rb* liiur Sehibg Micmiii, 1*BICI $5i>. No. 195 BaoiD? at. Van MicaiVf is i'iai'BinaBABLl TBI Bur is m Haaaat. IX>o.?Sim;Kit's Hbw Paroli Sewihu M\ cbibb.? RrV.?A t?li?bls laWTJia MatHlM tor femiiy | r Roeel ate \cv p:, t>. ti..- Imptrit of tlie uauitta if tue aioat aucmiul in?> ufai ttiu'ia lu tbe m r t.d, iiM !>>u| bt . r, erentea It cab now be b?4. [tier, t ocj;itie f^r tut., ouiy f)tT\ Dm u> _I. U. Rilfcta k Co., No. IM Broadway. Nrw Vrrk. ?JfBBBRLBI a% WlLSOM'fl BEWIXfl Mmiiinls. Prltsa riffc'ly rrdui-^rl " We prefer thi ni tot uaa " |N. V. Tribune. mVaaaaaa Iba Meiritee tot leaiiUea.n (n. if. Tai.ei. Orhee, N... ** Bioedwey. New-Tetb.'> SlAViMi Mm mini s.?Tbl Kreut re IceHon tn tbe pri.-e cf tbne BnMBaeaaaMa ?aabaaei bm bwiglt erueb of ruetomrra Tloujti the price! 6??s baaa put J. tax, ?:? a.?. M; ?? are MBl BeBbBl tmuetir. Now U Uie tin.e to k ?. I M BUBBBB Co. No 158 Br? ?aw?y. N Y BAKTMORw^B liaiaiw . 'I Sii'iaina Si h ivo Maciim-. OrRre No. tm Rr. ujwai.i reel Re LeaalAribMaraated. Aair..n'.?r RexN Ml PoM-ORl lll.BKINi. 3 pAll .n I ClIMlI'lUN liar aid Bta Ion, w\%b Hll.l'l P. a lo R Pk.. i I. ai' : ! t!o-?' ?t eai ermnty of any HnV lu tin- world. Aleo, Btat board aaa l'?r wr Befi?, of el-<?eiit MtRaaeaMdj anil Beaeb, tot pla'.e. ho S C. Htaaikb k Co.. No. Uftl Br. ?dt?a>, eeenai ? ' M ..-riy-tt,. Off laae tbe c.t? Hal - N<?1 II K. THKfr s> luiti-Uiiiii I lapaa Wot eele tery low. So ov' 1 M?avin. No. 40 Mutri} at , N. Y. A Word of Wakxixo.?There i? aothiog nu"'1 di Apdrabie tian it, bmb| Iba repaBattaa of ? rela?bJa aaM ??? bal an apea laa taaani inii\ ua ill rij r aad a artaMea um. an I eel tt Mrftaa done, Rifle* a yean ape ( . HriMiTBBBT k Co. IBMl It e<J e Hair Ri-?:?iaiO'-, t id> r the i.ain? t Ii Ha ? i ? m.." In'. - r i- netreeioretle* properthM undo it ti. i.. i aery p?i eler, c.d bm . and bald baela wt r.- Ube be be a ? a d>ba| tis paaL a I. i. Iba c mttj H?a loo led with i'iun u lie ee*ef wabtB w*-not ?-..y aeeb ?'? I ?:??. utely ii.juiiou.. Ta< atrbjiaolpe?iiafB"teaiti a wIiirllli rnwMaMlaa mir1? r iti: a;l ?cd ?tlmnlal n ii ir!--. ??! ..?.'. :< m aireoatte i an i? ?ab. v> MM lU BM en Male B ill water, link ml ll.e hair Laub, diy ?iid fii//?, ir., rn |, ait?-r it drti e, tue eaa ef ail tt araab la ?aBett badi d.-..-utiy. We an mm tiieref.o. a?ilae our itedeia to buy iutr.ii.1 but the talwBabU Han Catattaa at Bail etil v. a ab n .. r?] i.. rree w h.i 'i . - kM ? bi Mb I j r.. iyai. i.. \\ t. UaeakfcCbw, Pfi prtel ? Tr. v, .'. \ Bcotaui I <> retail tl auJ Bum- i. 1'iak. Cabt, Ilov a?i> A i ? end JaMRi W. Max will, wbok-aal i BaLRY's TBKXIPHBBOCa ht tbe Bsit an^ Cacapnit Art?- ? f. r d--?Ht|. Hsautifylnr. Clnaoinf, C rtini Praaenlof aad R< r r ? ? a llilt. Reel ate, try h. r ?? wir by ?11 BlItRllaM ?nd Psrnimsra. MOMBMBAO'B Mm.MIH PlABTBR. T*n (i?i?t RibaaeTHBBBa aia BcaTBOTaa. Pai? Caaaai Bxiei \>nt.. i.o. Pi .-hk ii Amir Fit. ?. mo bm a B- ? BaM I~j ail I>t. r?.a'- ?;. i ?: J 'i . ? \r-vwhere. CiiAi-rii? H\m>>, GtAArrat Lirs, Ac. C. :t?l? Cur?. BteiMt? 1 Co.'? CaawaoalcB mm OLrcaauiB,Caaar, l??ri ?\i> Acaai ailk. Nicivii a Co.. N ... it.'.. r.S. Ml, ?i..l im Br..?.lw?y. KxrtRit.xc? tin Tr?t. Bbbi man, Clark a Co.*i Olli IM C< Ii l.!t ? I Ii . Haeberli pi. led, by t??>o> op-Vr Tea B?>t kmti.i raa Oaaevaimaa. BcaermvA, be, Bud ti ti r.4ua ci.ded by tba in. ?', emlai i I pbyal Iaat UaoteitN I ( a . n a. liA HR Ml au.i TM U.-..adw?y. Hoi naV Tkii.k. Frarcu Tumbu a Bomb, No. 6 Haiaaa um, N. y., Are aow op-- ? ? a >.-?.- lot tt Bich Fanct lllll, tteBi LntidoD ai d Parti "nt tr. rlrrd l v itr?u.rii City of Bv'i aaota, N atideit.ilt tad A:.- ? ?t. b IBee eirl _Tu tut Traiir at Vrav Lou Pric?. HOI IU i, \ I i 11' I > ReallelBI Iaou iTeaa. _ N t>..l 3r .a!war. Dakiam i. BaIiRMrmmbb Sm i ?.? BaaRMtf M. Pitau ?. aalt i' ai '? larei < t '.a* ?bev? aaWbratea BaaM ?ud l ater.' Powd?r Pr^>( Irrlanee 1 ? I t ?t,-. a - Fir- and Bari ai-J'f-f Sid. boaid a .d P?r.vr >af. ? I i. o: plate. Ac. Depot, I?'!'? ari it . Bo'.rb.^w M?i leu '.u..r. ROLIDAV IIoiiT", Snots, Ac.?Tha rolebratod CaaaaaLi et N<. ma Br.*dw?> u unw prepared I loaati :? dira. eeatbr?ea ?'"l nblMiaa ?itli Hotioai Bom., Rao a a, Oairtat. kc . ot ? tery upi ? ? ptaav Mia aatahaeb ?rataaaalwartbeea tiebralri f..r taeb irtielee,b ? iir. Bat i ,.w ?.irne*a. ti Vin.?e f aad a aaeva ReaaMM aaaortwiewl be BRBBMA For . .. . r...j rinldrru b<- .? Uait.n. ?-. . k . r- >?rm of Beaiaew iiwabtaed ?itb Mrra|*b I i iibiMbb tl? , by Ibr by. wbl. b la Bart with. OeatlMMa a ri qtiitewnolbjuateetehi i tb HiHtlajt aad t1 tun ritebluh Bredt raey erifl be i Itn 'a I'm i to ai i Kbm si bm ribbrb to TrtOMP Baa'a Beat Bari Bbbobtbi faeairroi 1 aea Daacairri?i Li?t of all peaadae Baal N let fi n..t? hipreia,eal will br reB ffrm mik al new ae taaawid aeei rtpetoael TaieairiOB'i _i nut.- the aaoal tul aud per?cl wetk ot tur auu .?-r ptil.rtir-id T.riuaof aub-tt'p -i I r? k.i a tee. vY. bit, m: l?.i... M.riib'y, mf\MeeeBJi ?i nti Ii II t H > . t> ' .'?. and tMBM air 1111 hut. Ad.l. e. Ta..?r?o? lt?iA. a, Me. I Wall-* How-Tori rt Fiatr aVweJai, f.a. t r, B> 117 I i ? - ? . Mrw-ien, J I All-Wool. V> uu. *. I Iijrtb.. , At liltll'l! N i N i: tm$ Scotch ( tr*. VW BeSeaHoi frn . atone a a- e. the p-ihtie MlaaBel te :r Ui?> Bad u i?c ?iMjt'ii.n t < f Aina end liiLMoaal Cart. Rett i? red i- r i . ? . : l'i r.ia, ?'d ?? leased ? y mji a?<-s,t *?p ? ??./ f. r ? .1 r. tL.l .a.. -. Lata v i- Co., I., ?tiara f f. ? ? Noa \ 1 and I a?" r II Bl eiwiy. mi k Scarp*?, *i to?Ui Wool 8carpb, M ?" - ... I s. Pees tell 01; Ti i Mti Ti* . V>'ee,te; attbeBaiai ajn ("01.1 ?* Besot, it ?ud rti Wiinnn-.t, BBS ,i'K.r BI rth I f Maiden lane lit ". M. 1??i v. Af> Bj. CHRIMTMAB I'HOIINTv-oFMIMM f? Km. i r '<?' ml ToiLBI I rn Ra and Sum as, Lam; V Bill IBS end. Oairta B?avrB. TotLKI SLirrra- be.) BoYi* ft rat TjBatB.ii ri BBdM > ? BBdCMtLBBBB'B QdtTBB Bom I an 1 3M ii i r i ?11 ?t) ? i. ti itabla tor Ckrieta aa Pn -errt at J. B. i Re, sot Canal v. I.v; hi i i-Hni >l. Cut: ami Kl>t m KAXT.? Ti >- Pmrtetei af tee Everett h?.. i?> eaaaaaaae tkad he vM Met ni eleBBBtCan niid OjUrTABBaiT,e?BatBrOer Der n. The ? traue? .? bbj Mb ae., dBaeely bbbbmbi tie tBsieaaVaa II ?;. pbitati liwu ai.d bvppbb Palma ar Iii l#e tur BiaBed at all ti' ' ? ? ilh ? y- rj deli, a y ? I Ihn BBBBBBj, m i HiHB imi Blbom.?n.'Mi'y 50 kirtda, raryiag in pii. e fr.-ui 1 ? i - Li- tu <??? Il > i at Bbibub*i No o?i Bread war. Ml s > \m> Boys' Oyebcoato. Closim. Ol i, Wiill lit l? bbs Ri Tail. H I hsifr. _No. M Onrt.?', t it. Hobby-Horses ! Hobby-Hobbed ? M ire than O tartadJee, Brcaj *i t?to BWeaal for tale aa] * BaaaiAB'a, Ba, Maj Bteadaty. Ki i n in Cl'rku BT IIAlien's II.Mil? \l. Ci KI. T??'?a - Refer* i" e to all tl.e prh i rpal a-.'f. aae Bad pByall laaa aflade city. Call ar.d rlambta tbtdB bef ire purrlaaiur afcap. where Alao, Klaati' BTOCKIBfiB, ?MOVa.DBB Bi.i . ., hi r i-okikkv kr.. No 2 Vm j il . Airnr Heaia. Hill's JIaih Dye.??r?0 cents ? box, black or i- ?a, Ba. I Barclay it., Beer-York- Re. SO Broadway, Al? bany: B. R. T. Wilbama, Newark N. J \ N ?. 1M Weehinitoo ?t,Beeten Uill'i a;.in Uibtmbbt earae GbUb, OhBaa, Bnraa, B?.ila, Pii-a and ail akin dMaasaa. 25 eaati a kex Wah HEB AM) .U.w BLBY. IMis it-Bo xis, Baaaaiaa?0*aaai Pal v iBTicLBa. 0 lurvi BaaBBMaaaTawaaeaa. Ma mt Bioedaay. naraea ait 9prir,r CHRISTMA"-TrERB ! ChBI8TMA8-TBEBS !?Wax i Tap.'it a* d au.'ald.'aitii lea. Par BbMbI li' kku.>s, No. ?'.' I Br ad a ar. "*?< one Vtews. Bbckbl Baas.. No. 1? Jufan-at., I are j.,it piiM'ibtr.r i.'-w a. i.. a of AMl.BICaN and P?kK' > \ irws aa <iia?a tad Paper. LlOLIDAT BOOTR ASH QAITER8.?For the-<e Beles.eeryanad,eerj daraBaa, \ery aaarfjitakM aad \. ? y i n ?p, rMM CaBTBBU ?? N ? II i Br abdayat Bbates! Bkateb.'?Over lOUTarietiea of Kn . ni Bawrlraa, and OeraMa faatcs, ftaai NaaaM to ei^ i r i uir, itraj i? J Par tala Bl Baaaiaa's, BJe i. >i Br-.adwty. Ab mi iih World Know. Prof. Wood's Is ealy tka laiatnal, But the eady Rais BesToaATiva t M by i itare't own preeeat wll pailete gray kelr te ttt rrfatral eottr, It |raer en BaM fceade, aad pr?erret tat eater of Ike ) ..ti.. It I. ?? ar. e v ! i eetaarv fur ua f.. lay. b-wiT of ad am ... i rsast data an St? >? ?iu.?Br n iu ta, at tit ?r^ tart u " ieer able at*) BBl to -' il <a rtfck ?? trath BpBB Bj w.,n |de lep if f * i. ba aaaMlea te tba aaatemaa Ua4aataabidB siraady |Trea, V, ttk ttlrnttra In Iba atllnarhts jmt rear iv. | fa ? aa latrui. pel t edkei it. Pfailala. Ren I let ee irSelei <; Oarics or The jRrrr.Bto?iax, , \ PaiLUPPi, Va, tW, It, fil I Pain. U'.k.o? Sir: i I.. I it n.> du'.y.a. well ai my pieeeere, ti trata ta v.... tba aj0atrbB| lireardaeiata abltb y-.i if aae aa yoe IB Bat peueei i A n b**eeeaa ? f t i? plaer (a lew. I bee Bern Bald ever ttaet bia .ar'y enasb ?asaasasasaM ba waa eeaneBrd to bbb a arM He wet ladoeed te bib a bMtle < f ?oi.r II? i Bettaralle ? I i. Ii ti- 'it^d rv in Mb) a .d aft- r Btaaa nine Mre ir tbree bo'tlea blabetrgrewmmttjaltaMora. ritit'y, aatt be u.V. Laaa baaateotBe li.adof bair. Tae gentle, i ...'- i ?nie Is B'aii . r.l. a d a? I.-i. i.: y u. Il ?n ,w i, iu ?? ir adjah Ibb aaaHMa May peranBB raa taaaaty Be tba tralb at '3i* .ra-tii. j*. I t,\e it t'.< yoe at ti.. r-ui. a- oi Mr Bradford. Ii ?? '." aril n peal deal of root Bair Baetorative la tale aad ?.Le Bijadab g Bt atdSBR, ? paa Ihm- t'ir proper arriiti Yi br, IwObtpaas Bt Rf.iixoa. Ir ia tr.w iidil by a I diafgirti ?"d haay go.ii? dealtti lasaaab1 on: tbe a olid. U pot. Nu III Br -tdway PaIRLV Aw IBBBBD ! T: t attei tn n . I Bbe paBMa la CaM. BaeBytd ? . tka fast tbit < i o i m '- Maoii . i bo Pai bi f .r the Water Cloert ta a nrr.i . ?> ei.t a I xury, b-uh f-r f.e ai k a t th. ae u ? mud health. The trdtb ire Inary paperMpeieeaoae, aad piadaabrra "f i'n. ? i.; ,i K.-t 'a, ia b u c r.a ? d. ?pr. ai in thta OOBQlry a* ft II in Krrti i . ai d Hurtla. Ti-e phynl.-iani In t'noie aaaatltet Inter Bll ..i print, d paper moat rtiem.? Ma| BBd det- rui n- ile, Oaybttt'b Mci icitbb Parca ia a toyerlor article, aad Bla advisable that a. peraoni deelroai ef r.-?? .:? A or pn.l .t.| d beeitk ftiid c.tia.qui nt (onif..rt. BBOuM try if. Dl'l'ot No. 4l A!' il Bei oll. ot ?hat J. C Oaybi i v ia water ?arbeS in ft. ti abert,and kdafac tifltAli aatairapb fat ? e? b paikas*. DR. ChI'RCHILL'.- M'i.i nie Ki.mkuv mir thi Tai.aiMr.XT or CoxsfMrTiox. Tm. BTPOpaoaraiTBi or Limr Baas ami Pot abb. TM* to. at Bet ' ty. the die. . v. ty ..f ti e i ? leBrated Iff. J. p Chibcbili .f Paria, aaa aaer bs nbttined taaaaaadeaBy pur* Bnd nUl 1 .> t. ran, pn ptr. i t-o/.rdinr to Ml f.nnolt, at the tuir C i.erul d. tot in tl.e ( nited Sta?. a. No. 49 John-it. Mas il-i or three bottlei for s-5, with fuil din-i-Untii for nte. Clreakwi iiivinr til aeadful taSaratattia iw j b? tMMaad 0ru| llili inppBid BaM Ti*bnltwl aud R.-u.l by j. WiBcaaarea, At Brleaa and Kor< l(b Aret. y, N n 4!? Jobii lt., n. T. raiDAY, DECEMBEB 17, IS|i TO COMMMtSroirDKM TS. Ni cotl.-e ran be laken . f An..ny.r.o..t Comuiiinb aflona. Waat-' Beel ii Lateaded fol iatettbai en,at be BetBaretlaaied by the Ctme and tCdreii of the writer?in t tiec.eeetrtly |bf p'ibLlca tloc. b..t at tnarauty for bia t"?d faitn. Wei ann ?'. undertake B9 return rrjerted t'oiLniuuleatiuBt. BaMaaae leMeia far Taa Taiaaaa Osaka afioaid in ailcaaetbe Bddretaed M RbBACI OBBBI rv k Co. IB Berate leaiertlaj a reaoration wtJ'.! etil:! n An infoniwtioa as to tin- Isttdirig <? hly.c? b) the Wanderor. An atteaspt t" take Bp the Cla}too'Bulaertreat) \s..s rote?!dusrtt, 23 toSS. Mr. r>? li epok in tasor oft. Ptteiale Kailnaad. Th ' eakstdai Mas Likon up und roliered of 139 advi r^. reports, aad 50 bills, teft over from tin-list Beaaioo, ' Adjoaraed tt> Moaday. Tbr lint >i: bh'i n iii.-saa^i- fro u ;Li Pri'ttdoiit coti riB| LBfotBialiofi ns to reeoBt ???'outd iu CeitrsJ Ar riea, arhieh was sent unread to the Foreign A flairs CtnMnaitteo. The reaolattoa igniting a im n ebrctkui ia the Hid Congroa^iona] Distridt of Mary Und sraa diseaseed BBd tabltd, lOflsofl?. Iu Coanwittec the 1819 and anhnesjnent PaaMdons bill VM -ili-fl.Mid. bill notllilig W.isdi'ilii- ivUb it. Tbe dVrnhin arrived ni Haiifai rast night with Enrttfaenn dntee to the 4tb wet. The sjaaakor la diajtEaaaire, given up for lo?t, armod at Broad baten, Ireland, or, Ike 96th of Vorenaher, i.ll iyal bonrd, but ei ?>rt .'i afoilsbsna. Bbe arseosdigod ; to lie to for a week vaitl.iti a daj's Mtil of (I iU?i), ? In fonsfgnrni.fsevers btorsns, and was ijuite out , of fuel. Wo do not find hiij thing reoiitrkfibly im jioitsi.t Lnthegemral nenra, an leifgri^ihed to ui. blr lltifhanaii baa at varioun titnea i tprorai'd hi* di ~.rv to htne> Cobs ai.tifxi-tl to th* Uaitad State*, Bl i ui" inu-t do him thf jnahlM if ??> that he bit torn tolerab'y fofjeiti'eiit iu hii vinve upon tiiia fubject. There ate ??ttikin?' pohsae of reeejiMince botwoenbke Ostend Maniieatt> of IBM the dejl*. mtioti? n.ade to the Coiuuiitteo of the Cin:ion>ti ( l ?vet ti m iu 1816?at reiHirted by Senutor llrown of Mttaiaeippi?and the Meerage of 1-">1? Thoro are ft rhapa an itriking Jeoit te of di?trreetiir>pt but tl i-ie ate to be attributed to change of p iaitiort, on tl.e part of Mr. I'm. hauen, rather than to change of purport. For lustanre, in KM Mr. Hii.'banan was n-ady tn recomim ud that thoiuru of $ r^'.iW.iitio ?hould be paid to Spain for the fnveted iaiand. He wnti then limply an Embaiiadi r to KngUnd, and if hin adwceb\d bea-n would have been President Pieire aid Se retary Mnrcy who would bave been bold rorponeil'le by tan Amerlfan peo I'e, and do: Jaine* Bfl banan, Pierre BsBABs and John V. V -i- : . In IB68, Mr. Parhaass dare not It sstj privfor ... Ir*bebsareethntnadnlothereVtnfle, and In'fact the whole .j'Uit.on, "to Coagtwas,M auJ i "f OBBBBBdl it to their careful ron?: terttion." We are toerefioe '?-A C r ?> jrr\ur* what ?um Mr. BuchananMiwiping tka Mvntrj iDal p?y. The tnafiry i? undi BABBeJ very inn h pOOfM thin H wai in 1854, ai.-l ta - peopft . many >?f wboru lave j been hvir.e from hind to ? .nth Utf a year f.r two pa?t, will pn.htl.i} tb ni th if kkf protest i? a p"?r t me fi r ti.e pi, S!a'- -tit?' of which we have quit*-enough now. (he ue*s|s of Spain may b<- aa arg earl an Maej mi ra la It).' I. b'.t there il ?n bl! rea.i.?, to l>e in t that -he il any more re\Jy I to fall taaa aha waa tteB. IL?* i'.tr. ns;c value nf Cuba na> bo, j rehahrj eVelieed. P'.j-ka, anl tr.iat j compani? s, and woolen factories have ftllen. but Cubns pUnd firm, with pernaps an upward tvnl fi Bf. 1 >ur causes rf qtmp-1 Spa; . are not mire numerous than they used la he, th"'igh far mure numerous than they BBghl to wfcen the fact ia naiMMtill j that Bpail and tad T"*J States aro of all tbe world the two nati >r,s BXMtt deeply imp?ca ff4 hi tkc huiiarai al 9 mrtj and tLe slave-tnie. 'I he diui(i? -r t?. our [TldoO anil our peeajBai institu? tion froui Cuba being in tbe neighborhood af the w.iith?-riiio?t tlBtiiDoMiBf. Btatoa, Ii aot io great?? it waa iu 1854. 1 bin can be proved by quotation* tbe Oi-tend Manifesto, if arivthiug can be p'owd by a document in) falle as th it. Aa Mr. Buchanan raid remarksbleproductinn: ' Tue " IToiai can m-ver enjoy KBOOS, DCt BOBBON roBa* " ble eecurity. ?o long iu Cuba ii not emhraro 1 " within it* boundaries." " COBai rlonteOBJ exist ?' which render delay in the a^ijuinitir.n of th ia " iaiaad tifaaafi'ajfa 4*mg*.rtm$ to tha United "State*.'' " Tbo system of emigration and lahor lately organized wiUin its limit*, and "the tyranny and oppfMskaiwhicheharaeterize "ita intaediate ralara, tareaMM un insurr-nton tt ?'? in>y aaMMMt, wL al BMJ result in direful con " teqoencea ta the AhmiiU in people. Caha hat 'thus hecofiie to an aafiianaj" Angtt anla " ftrmanfnl lautr of arat'ty and alarm." For I hare raaeooe, Mr. BaoBeaaa la fiarar af bbbbI* Lag Culm, ii, eaaa Bpaio ri fu-ed to ?eil it. " W rcst " ire it from Spain" wir hi* Bade of erprossi in hal it '??> i'll the sune. We -hoiild DC justified in "wiestitg it " ho smiI, "upon tbo very same " priacipla thit woaM jaatifj aa itttirklaal intmr " ins d'oiao tha hwwjuj hoaee ol ln^ ajajtMW if "ttftOWOn to other BjeajMJ of preventing tho " tlamin from iVatlOfiBg Lin own hotJM.M Wow, ia 1866, howarar, tha caa?? la hot ao hadL Tho Tirahitiat aaja that 1 Wt it sat bow autiei i " pata that airaaMiataBaei wi'l bobm*1 whhrh will reader i iapartare from an hoMoat aottej Daoea ?arj, " iinder the hnperatire und orar>raliB| Ian j " < f M-il-pre.-erviition." ThofB being latefXOBBe for w ri ittBf, or itaaBng, <.t eoatae Spain Brill h dd I on, und Caha will "nilehigh," W the ' i iculairi have it, for the prenent. Other circiuu ?taseer. are putty mueb the mtno a a they Were iu 1864. The loealih of Cuba, " commanding the " mouth of the Mi-ni*i ippi," n citjipoinvl to be ?boat the fame BOM Bl thai , and tbe nli\e trade hi no worse, m>r quite ao bad, in Mr. BbbbbBjBB*! BB tiaaatiftl| for we find that, writing from Ostend, in IS54, be ntyled i'. an " hlfttBrtrirtraJaff." whirh is ?' u BOBjaa of bjMBOBjSa profit to n.\j and n\ '? BlitdoBJ t'flleiala, who, to attain their eiidn. '? acraple not to trample the mttt sr.rrtd prin " aajplaa nmler foot." Kow \v? are ni'l.lly told that Cuba iii "the only ?q>ot iu the civil Bad ' world w here the African nlave-trade in tolera'e 1." On tin glBBjadlof locality BBd alav?-trading, there? fore, no increase or diminution of price need he reckoned on. It if, therefore, afrer all, H.uiiewiW (liflicult t i tell bow much the President is willing to gi\? for CflBOj. ( oiiRidering the bardneii* of the t BMN, lie would pi-rbap? iaaift up..n knocking off twenty million* from hi* Oatoad proposition, and iiinkii g the ofltr a cool hundred million. It can haidiy be expected that he nbould be willing to i.ire aa auch aa be advund Mr. Plane to give Sydney Srhith loog IgO remarked that hetMrroBBBee ran . i;m'u<h i.i rouie people. "A oarer Il in 14 dirrrtna but BO il vrry animus thut C ?hall help " hiin." In lr','*'>, Mr BnchaOBB aeerced dimi aed to go f 'i the acqu^i'i ?1 of Cuba not a., much as a nieu mire ag bvaortsat and MiaB public policy ns n mMpa of briogiog glorj t<> In? Adniu?itratioQ. Ha^iold Senator Browa and the other gMtlaaM-n who were pre* al at bis hooaawhoB he was Botiftcd tiiat the Cn cinnati 100b had laleotod hi in as tbe ftaiidaid bearer of tbe DoBiiaafBf.j, thll?but we wilMi t bim ijeak in tbe fir1 peTBOO, Bod tOCB toon will be no Biiatakoi "Il lean be iaatm* "?M^Iital 'ii WtUaBg ilie Slaveiy ij lesri i i BBBBJ toe "tarait 1 hare ajappd, aid tkm ?'/</ Cbbb tothe ?? i nun, I ihaU, if Praaidoiit, It vJluia tu ??i'>rf tf <>'( fhaf] and lit i)>tcii.nmlg> ? Ulu ihr liumnni-nl." Tl is MBI ?til "p'ay ??tuHy,'* tha hfiaaiaaippi Beoator laforflM u?, tid tWretbra wa io tat laj BtBah itraai nj onit. The deaire to add Cuba BM BO iooJl giMane, hit the pnfBBatioi to die and l-t I?re< k iiuidge have the gaaonMWSl w;,s unijueitioinbly hogoa. It was MeTaly a itroMg Igara woe oh, BOtigBjed to luipr???* hia bearcra wito tbe atrengtb ol Lib Cubiii eavetooaBaaei a plapftil aoMoaraa* tionel tOBJoh, wl ich itowa tbe old gwUetBaB t-- b.' i.ot w holly hu kit g in buuior of a cert iio inf< . ,ur p irt, Miid Which u. ikre Bl regret that B< do,-* q...: addrcaa CaMgraai araj at the Bpearrg of ?ach aeaaiori, init*>ad of iatUetiD| up.>ti ti e 1!i>l?c* and tbe poaplt a inresai-e like the Wit. We flitpOM? we are to Conclude tiiat '.he PrOBBBBBl raekoMs that the frat part at bla aBottad tack hi .. i'iplt'ted. PJaj th it he thinks " the Slavery ?? qm stii n " in at last " nettled." This Ll glory enough bl tbe firet half of Lu tern; at d Le now pr ipoten to 111 Bp tha meanure by tbe llilhBMltitBil iMtfipiiirt ti "tmlinj C'.bi," ai te rt>le? it?first sul'tracting it from Sp .in, of course. ! Wa fh nk he is perfe -tly -ife bl luppoair^ that he j will not I? called upon to fidfill bis quasi engage- j ii ent Bade with hVaaUBliiga through Senator j Bra MB. 1 be satds of bis administration are rapidly fal'dnji, and there is ncbody tl run the t'ltaa. Oa l tbe wmle. we i.nuot (UtterMr. BMlaLBBI upon ' bis prospect*, of preeent siiiv? ?s or future fame in 1 either of the great rchenes with which ha that L:s Adiuimatrati >u will be identified. There waa a time when Tammany Hall had no in.-, ntiderable influence npon tbe poliUca of the City, of the State and tbe Nation?when there waa not only a goid, hone*', barrel there, but good hotieet beer iu the barrel, and when the liuektaili, if they did awig all the day long, did not muddle themselves1 into i*ditical ruin and the contempt of mankinj. Ai the Sachems involved in the dreadful lr-tricaciea of political trading, they nrceaaar?y sunk, and they Lave tunk to tae eyee in the Serbii mn bs>g of which political traden stoMild alany s he appn*heniite. Some politician!, ai BBppi m?, are pitno?ic. But the po'.iticlani of 1' i ibj ? eier b ?de bbm BBM i potj felhla pre. IMBBB tttirtMOi They have weuu'd uakuial ad rat.*rn<nf. TVy have wanted, uAiilf ?pesk Lrc. eaab; ami they harewanted, fluid')' sp-ak-ig dr;i kd. Such |mUmm hsic a glorou* time ti it for a kfJtf araaoo. but the] alwa). have BD Bnj I" ; j-? r a dre?Jful am?''jnt ;ii th? ()? . BW*MI Igl . tie Taiiiaianj Sich? BW were ."<>ttv times mon ;mpr.dent thin a bona Ida aboriginal warrior with BF1 BJ COttl rjf .n;j,t BBOB h * BVCe, end wren yard* nf w*u.pum about his wairt. ?T brw Km they now' Like dead slieJa I thi :r jron, 0*1| t!.? J left little ?.r M Mtfajllf tl h-:ry with tiieim In k ireefromwhichthen w.n hi n nauxreotiou, <>r i" ?pe, dj OMi Now. tor this stidd-n death, Bad this gidden d. - romi oaition after d. ath. tS re mr?t he a caBBO. Ton jean ago, the PJOft pn n -et.t nf theee Tain mnri} gentry were hard at work op -n tLe B'itTy.o Platf? rru. When it WM fimshod the) Itrantl id upon it. and demeaned ihemeerVus aa neiriy like anti-slavery people as providence ar.d bad habit* noald perait Ibentt>do ih-y howled "Fne rjnjj." Aad '? Fnt Liohor.1 Ad- Fne Men." l^Vwy snubbed ard h Ml Bitod tae DatncK'nit;.- ptrty; ai d, v? th the venerable Van Buren at theil head, foUkht Lewi* Ca--1, fought Tamoiar.y Hah and 'be Iialtinn re Coewawtieo both togetner. thsjghl for Fnedjtfj in the renitoriee, swirled hke Qarnnrav iar>, and wept hke women. John Van BntStl t.. k ol h:f stock, turned up hisc)??-. nnd talked more rap.d hj than any human bti.-,g bad ev. r beei ktrOWfl t i tilk b< fore. Ail of which m'HLt, a- the world ii bj thai Mm fewrinard. death aad darnaatffrn to ('<> L. IrVA i? Ca*?, ar d baj proved deal 1 and >' . > turn to some o'her people. Theaa philanthropists were virtuou, and tenierheart.i an 1 >ng as p"* rible; but wl.en aft'w jeMf* hid gone by, tre win'. of cash peinatinti aad aanoaaj] adrnneeixient and deal] ihifted ta anotiier gaerter. fho o!a dogs went bin k to theil eld tricks and theil old BSSOCis liana. Th y rrpouted of their anti-Siiv^ry t.ut. Thef ci cfe*;'d them ti|?on their mw/nsthoOM ThePriaeo Johi was the sorrowful rpoheoaaaaof the rrrhtintrd Ooab ta a/hieh the releut ag deera of ltd TewaTaiij fold wnrn oaeaed. The <i.!l.!-'.- iad gu!i?d Deaiocracj graatod the trait ira "aheoia< th A> ' There was one** more a Qappj FaaiLly, but tt< ro wiii a aarpeati hi the boooai ?>f it. 'I i ?? Vai. Borei.' idid i -it mi.' i retiah, are ? .> be -ure, the noininatn.n ol Mr. ?ilch.nai in I9G& Tliej wenaWog t>* thaw pleaeed with poor little To rc??BostraaVM bia naMunu**, BiooopoliriDg 1;m patrotfetge, ''DrooaoaJsiBg" Coilaetot Brooaoo, dllviag Ibe wk"le herd of liurd She!!* fintu olftc?, S<> atC?atioMti, ia I-'1, tbeaemen reaiated the noarioatkiB of lluchnnnn ?'ur-r ?_' arvent] t. Iiooi boJIotet When be eraa elfeted, flat they .sent igaii up.m their aaiaa?hee. They reeeived a large moiety "i the Federal patronage thii city, Thej ercn pted tLc official iModi of Mr. BeheD. In 1857 thef helped to detVit I te i naia caiidkhabn t?*r Mayor, to order to eontrol in 1858 tl.e i alin i oanJoawMii of the party. B me t. bbn Btcmtly, KMDeti Jana openly, thej lympathized with Bcaator Deogiai n hii Cr.?: Rebel I no. They tooh eare not to eoBaaaii theaBaerrea to the Le coBipten policy oi the Pmidimt bot the] Lud not the Bwral lategritj mt the Bain line-- tu take an OBOfl potitioa against r. Th'y wenahrnyi ou th.. "ec. They arere I ? rpetnally waiting for som-' to turn up. Uf political priliciola ti?y Ka?l u<> lakM ?f j.k?h> lUing for political principle, they bud no Intention. Tin ) wanted power, office and patronage, an I baconse they wanted thine, they weie poUticiins. 1 In y talked nbout DoBaOeratiC ideas, but thef eared BOthh :: for tbem. Tbey jirateil of public interest, but they eired BoUaing for it. Holding Office nndci the (ieneral floiBfllBIMat. tin y wielded it so (]y to advance the loci! inflnenen of their own cfrntenipdble clione, [laving obtained the control oi tl.e eitj Organisation of the Denaoeratic party, tbey diipi Bied their patronage solely for the j r.. aaejtioa of faction, itriviog at the aauie time to recure everything in the shape <af offiee, whether Federal, Maaieipal, or Elective. Deiooeiata as they wi re, or pretended to be, tney trampled ander botpoasthtr opinion, and BBoerodatpobQe jndg wnt. Tbey reJiii.ded lin-n of the dthfiniin Thirty. or tin Veneginn Ten. An independent Denocrnt holding office under the Municipal GrOferBim it, aad daring to ntnttat ngaiaat taw decnes ?ii 1dm nmny, was beheaded BMtaatjfj If such no one bappered tu be in the Cuatoaa-Hoaae, the Tasi man\ Police ri ported h.ui in sTaabiogton, a:d h.s fall win 11[oaOj Mrtain. Moralit] i.i ? rsndHati for tt Tuii.UiiIij iialoraeHMntWBS fata! to hi? ,;-p.ra tiora. If he had any renutini of a conscience ba Boon lc.mied to conceal it, as daDgeroflJ to *-:s hopee. Pojgilists and thoolder-bitton became the chaaijiior.s if the Old Wit wam itPrirnary,G i mty, Btnte .".i.') ????!'? -al Elections. Vr. Will., M . can i id tl.e Hon? Daa. Slcklce grew intimate as bnaona friends. Respectable nien coobl not vt.. 1 Bsra conld not vote. Honest Deeaocrata, for there nws snch, wen in dispair. Be, when tl e p -ult of tie knta Municipal elect.Ol) BXhj tit' .1 the Bachems biking the dnat, we were r job -d. but others iu t of our political household were ii.ore rejoiced than we. ThnBasariwarntand gratt* tndc of tl;<-nrpa--ed c .mputati 'u. Tcey were [ihn stam onddmjj iibsjjmiI|iiIiiI IHii torment i i:<. p. rs-i.ild. aw aken, u fn.tu tl.e ajjony of a frightfhl dri am. The Story of thi* sorry gentry is not irtthoni itn BSSenla Had tLee** n.en be.-n true to tht* SBSat caure of civilization and humatiity, they might ha\e rOBafascd the rerp. ct of their fell, w-creat ire-, even if they hil bjat SsltOO. A- il .*. they sr ?unk m deep that we cannot see them, ani BBB l.ttd'y ?Diell them. Il Purser wen laenndsinte for , office to-u.o; row, hewoild hard y get 10,000SWtM The way nf transa^raasen i* h*rd. as Mr. Bnehatnaa and his gteat and little asM>c!ate* are finding out. We ninsi a^ain the lib< rty to caution .?ur ?anguine and taataspilsilNJ )< Bag BB n Sgaiari p; - 11 ,' tin implicit creifit to tbe reports fitTilattll al '.ut i..e gold placers "f Kuitar. It ppi-ani that there are aln-aily a thousand gosd-hui tail,nrthwrs> aboot, now encamped fortho Winter iu that vn .. - Bf I and. aa they can dig no gr4d for IfO or six month* to eeaan, tbey will probably spend a giwnl part of that time in repeating tu each otoer. and, by way of letter*, to their friends :a the La?t, mir ulous stories of w hat they aaw, bevd, gaesaei. or ?Dia^.ued during the brief period of the explora? tion* of some of them pre; loa* to thi setting in of the cold weather. And these stone*, as everybody knows, never lose snytBing by repetition, not to mention the great probability?if an)thing can be judgtd from the experience of California?that the amount i f fr ith in tbem. originally, is jsjst about on a par with the quantity of grains of gdd dust contained in a panful of that same auriferous earth which forms the subjeit matte, of ta se sti'ries. This, and this only, may bo l otuiiered a* proved: th.tth ? re ii ] at ti.e fV-ot f the 1J. k) BaOSTR* tsunr, alotig Ue westoru bonier ot w-:i> Bnthl . wait amount, ar.d whether io sufficient qiiaatiti to pay DM ife aafleetJ?B, Il a qeaatbMj St'" t. be -e ttV d. The Digest *to.-:e# _w told ar? ? f j- fere whiih producfi f:. m the to tweatj del ??-? a da/ to tie hand. Eace oiff aoing tkcao itoiiri to be true tu t'..e ;.tur?acd tv reduce thea three quarter* fir trawlers' !:*eri#* and go d *y>krrs scales, WOOld d? t be at a'.i ?..nreasoDaole?a? wo omtnjacledeia,tkei nmm dm aiaa, ai * dm 000 d?f. did aot-ai'y make twenty dollars ?waile it wou'd Dit be safe to conclude that the gen-mi BTOfOgeexceeded the 'tn.a'.!est ?:ri ' W'.-*n a B?aar wtitei bom that he left ? placer wh-re he was making from five to t? it] It ? da; ??> search of a ncber d-p<->a::. it ii fair rBOB|h to con? cede* that tbe hrcaty do'tr* i lay waa eoJf a lucky exoptvp to tae gmtfal nit, bf had it bren otkeiwfcM he weald prokebly Lave been n.nteLt to sta> where ha waa, It s[ pean that tka miners already in nccupatvn bate begun to Uy out to * n*. and to t ' ?? .'it t!i?rn?i he* to the golden prospect* b- t'. -e their. ? have taken lo speculating in t ).vn lot*. Of ft Brat, it is tin ir ixttereal to get as many purchaser*-. n??t to sty dapee, on the grand i* peoaikle. The more imaa grants the aexl Spring ti.-' better c waea of a,-:-, t their lot*; lal lettce, We may eXBOCl tl i m to n -ort to all the ar's of puflery Had deeep UM for which lai.d ia?CBarta?B, not less than h >ne Joeheys, are uotorous. Everybody who smarts for \ theKaaaaafoldregioB ought f'jily to understand that he geee, at the beat, ob a mere probability, [ttoexaetlj likeaayfaaf atieket in a lottery: be may draw a prize, but. area if he doe*, he will be a l?cky felbnv if Iiis prize exceeds tho co*t of his ticket. Such was taw ea*e even with tha multi tudi -win wert to California, where thereaetu ally wa- v Id for those who hi.d the strepoth to du? f. r :t. ami tbe good fortune ?o find ;t. In goi:;* to Kai'vis , ?! *l o -in," rrr.nd. one t ?ke? t' - ?'i?li tional riek. that it is still an unset'K d fl eel 11 wbetbir there is ^old eBOBfk there to pOf for washing it. _ A ikvre that can hin? is excellent A >!?.e that i :;n sou r* MigMM, A slave thai can revi is ! hdm.rable. A sinve that aaa gatker into karae ia a fr.a-nre. B>alaYC that will no*, run may lAdoed a paaaeiaka. A slave that will itiad anything, t i ? the eat isd t!.- pad IIa up to the \< i Iii m >m b:s wite and children, ti an Abrahatiuo BiideL li> re one weeld iBppoae the caielogee >f uat *h ' *irtiies aright end. unless we added to :f that daMMU \ ir tue of feeund i t y, BpOB which dveney Mill net punit u* to dikste. But what will our tiadtiii lay ta a Olirn Iguriag in the light of bb iBTBBtorl Of an Inventor of a ??useful Igriost ?? iur*I ?arhiao'*t Of a "aaaehiaaM s> aaefaj ' that it preBsieed to bo praitihla ' And arhat wi 1 aaj| raders tbink of tbe l)ot!."r,?tio:i?. d :em aias. abfaaeatiaw and goronl topajtwislaeia of thO Talent OgUW| whOB I Chattel with a blach ahfat walked into tbe aaakaViraaaerod to itv f Ttatkwi. aiul claimi d to hare ihoWl i Uttkl iBtellec* tialpower, and to be entitbd to ret:.urn ration theroforl I laiexed?|.rl hattet that he wai?to bat ;? i:iv? nted lOBieihiogb hieb bomia beiogoaught iod profitable aad eooTettieBt. Bonible wmt tde digi ?: ed iietn m ol the Pateol < HBee at t' i i ip ?'? cation. II? ie was a UttOg? in the BgMof that oii ?titi.lloi. nnthlrg haal ? IMn? tlallBlBg I II I oti,,rs and eanatoaaeBta af aa havoaftarl What *b..u'd a thing be do'ng tbere ' A tkbjg Witktwo legt, and a itoBtaek,? a bead. Bod two biodt, ibi (lately pitttnding to have invented umet^ingf No plaoj ever applied. No cart ever ipp?ed. No horse cm r ipplied. Tkerefore, when thii two legged tkiog cat ie,up, the.-e was i ro v n the OMoe, and j the Btagoatea ordered Im? or him or it to go akoot his, her, or ita businers, and pobltodlj de clited to iaeaa a iy Letten I'atent waatorer, Iber? by eitablilhing it as a fixed fa:t that no '? m/ger ' could invent anything. Iu tiiia way was th" negro of Mr. OlSOriJ. E. stevstirt, who bad i landend npon " a i lafal agri " cultural mae? ine," treat.i. K. Stewart could not stand this. Oscar.I. I.. BtenartOOOaidered that be btid a right not DaMOf] to the bra aa, but to whatever cenie out of the braine of bis pritata i.:,d pi rjotia! Digger, So OKU .1. B. StOWBlt petittoacd the Senate that, if the Patent OflkM would not, could not, or si,.,.iiil not, u?ue a patent tekia iagaojioBi " totuer," it Bdght be aoae> pelled to iatao the pat. ut to bin. Tka petitioo WMreeetred, lud the report sr.a t': 1 it wa ippropriatelj ref-ir..!. We bare tried prett] hard '<< nuke . it what an appropritte rei"-;. :,c ? would lie. Wa.? it to the Cojimitve on Agricul? ture' Orte tka Oaaaaiittac on CkdBNl <?r to tke CoBwoittto oa Woyi aad Ifaaowl We ?hall Batch tbis .are for Mr. ?"'*ear E. Stewait, and he -hall have the irenefit ot mb laiiataoeo. Re r' sii ha?.' the baiii c ..-b tmt Yin " Banar'a" brain work a? ?. tl as for his ?? eiggefV1 h.:r. li. raft BB and BBieh -.1 may if do bun. TLe r.port upon city frauds, pri.-.tcd :n our aahrBiDi ycoterday, prow- thai ih?- Deui vcratie paiif, altli ' gb ut ij .eittoi.; bly ent"'ed t> t!^ lion*s tl.are or pkudW r. was not a!< :,e in tke recent f DOfaJ fotaj np'ii the tu ii?)ei?. If to., report is to be bei1 .red Mr .Joseph K. Tuyhn who net Whig when ? Ireted aiCaetroUer, and nkaa^aeatly ' IgBied ' l> 'y IBhWI tka Native Amereui*, i, a , '?? ? ? r to tke eit] to the I uaa of aeorly tlM j Mr. Taylor wm Colee tor of \-~ ^meLU. aadkad tkree depotiei t<> aaaial bka. Bp tke kooki it ap> ' peari that theee deputlei colltcte,i ,md paid to Mr. , rajkv 13,061,840 I?. while Taylor paid :.. tL. Cilj Tree*arei on theee areoi ti aory $1,914,? i.'J leatug ?14?.l-;; 7.? race Hinted for. It the same report Taylor's predece?sor, I-aa^ Kd waiJs I'emoei.if. i? trpres.- t.-.l ai be. retaiiini ?44,788 01 Bkleh should bwfeBfkore l b?? n paid bate tt?- TraaaBiy. Tte^e fools can scarcely b.> eali.^i aitnobjhiag. The pe. pie of this city haw real mek an tatermioa l'l. srr . g I ufajBIII of a kindred nature that they w ud not be i'rpris? d at anjtlrng except | proixiLent i ffo-.T who could reolf show leJoOB r-ft rd. Stm rtkok ?*, tkey prove the necessity of |i :r,2 on with tb.' investigation, in spite of the uv willtng.-iesi of tbe Common Council, tn which rx h wetiudmen of ail partiea uniting t<> pr*wnt any 'nrtber imoiines. We hope Mr. Con'roller rTaws wiil ?ee tint t^e ^?rij H p!l>mpt|y completed, let who will nf?r, LaraaKam4 i% m tion Etrt-ti> ?Inthe Cm U-'i Sr?tee C ;n u t Court, y-teniav, at Philadelphia, tr. ras. of I^ura K>. %, age r-t Wheat'- J ?Sk Clarke ? a* up. Ike n inrel r'or tbe comp!a.nact a#k<d for a ?peeii.: .; ?(.:,; ty rr.-tr:.ia tbe .iefemlaiits al pre^act ??? n. i' presetti'? tl I ei tre-iy called M < ?ur AaWeieOB ? urti: ?!.?? matter ?ouM be iuTe-tigete?l by tiia Court. Jn?lKe fjadaalldei made an inttrb^entory .{?. ? n e. tag i x thai ? e .i- leaJaoU 1 a.l oif.-iod to wtxir^ tkeeaaiaf ii.vai in tbe hacii* of tbeOaBit to t?tt tr?i.- ileti.-ior, and tl at tte < orce'airar.- } u ! i ? t h 1. ttie i'ay for ll.i?? ar. i ?'??r -a ; . j . u : ,t Ue fraaaat wa-- rata >j. I TTIE LATEST NEWS, R? < BfTfjfJ nv MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. From tt UH?iugtuH. r-*ii r?ea.?TWdi?pat ?' ? u ?? . r ??. r ^i?*?.! ? * ??? ? *?*? 1 ? I ? ? '1 ... 1 ?>.?>, JwjT, wr.. . n-i ? . ? ,. M" ?? ? f*. .4 i ? .'.i: ' a .-. v Sftctai Vitpattk u TV ?V 1* Tnh am*. W lailiMlov, Tmir~l.iv. V -o. 1?>, Hx. A'"' I BBB .1. H -"it "3 I : N'w - 1 Dffft p KltlCiaaS ? ?:??;!. trnttit mi artivtd to-day, L.tviug t*? , r, -? 1 b n 1- ;.raph t.. .' here at one aal a** I're.derr. Hie Tamiuui) ui-'n of tnott nrta ar* Fowler, Purser. K-m-dy, Hart. Sa d-?ri pal Wateiburj. The lla^d* an- Wood, Diifjajajp. Mit*.-, s. D lad s. r. IT ten! These ir*j<.rii like hbjbssBd tjhhreV, bare ? brag mi! of ssaVaea*. lb*-) 1 ..i tcrview with the PMkaaal to-day, aad are it the White Bow t^is evaaiagt, The Pretideat iidetorasinrd t.. rleoo ap th* brcsck bj rs- he of the n. a fork Dajaaiiaap/, DfoaojteJail Lave beea no. bred by th < Nary Da. paitaatat, freen the eeaaasaadau ..f our ?quadroa oa the :oa#t of Af.-ica. ttatBsg toat the alave tr4i# u eii i led aa reej ixteoeieoli It ii ?.*'?! tl.-t a i' ow met.t w'M I ????> Ik* made ia Orgre**. atithomng the Preaident toset.d a Co?. aw ; .-r to Mi \icn t<. cefOtiahl ? treaty of alli? ance wi'h Juarez, giving him nuten I aid in apj> ii '? -ati..c of enarmaartiai adTaatafaaaad a eaaaaai of tiir;t..r\. Mr. Cwahhtg in talked of for Co:u Bafeiiaaar. It i* reported that Mr. Doaglaa's l-u-r deeitniag the I ominatu a fi I th.' I' M !? \, of whioh I (,.>. grsi:.' d y? u BOB .? daji I BOB, re t?-ratr- his adher> race to the Deaaoeratic organlaatJaa, and sv<>e* I iutention to aapporl the Ohswhtebaa nooiaee. II. mill takeaa eaifj iu thi Senate to de |i .? 11> pern thai The Critteadea Cobti atioa hid a very pWsaai tiaae aad a good aapper laat night. Tney taiw overrariuui candidates,bat atr\?*d atnocoueU - aa on *i. t p. .'it. Beaatai Smaaadi of Riod* [akadnaade them a rfmecjk. I' " n unvnaioiuly agreed that the Republican orgaaiaaalBBBaaghi Bsaiataitsed. XI e ! ie> *.>r t ?a\e b:* I rat < 'ong regional dinner Xnasday ere' :;.g. .Sever"; hVaablioar? w*xv prea i r>t. It i? Beted ?' ligB?eaat fat the entire Jodicisry I i diti taof both Boo sea tr?te Mittat) vith OBJ) exceptio!. That ? icOftiai ITM Horse* F. CUvh. To T'..- asm ??? Ft- ?. WsiMiniTos,Tharadaj tli IHh, p i fotlosriag tdbVara have been ardaral terapsat ,.. board etksopufoai St. Laaai on Mmta?b?at, ( Uiii ni i: i >in.. IdaatS. 1 adit, N. l-'i, M. i'. ,i . . - blygatl Karfectis Barett] aad Barest!, )?. r? r Piet ., ir ?( M?".' A. kl l itim g. Tl.e gt j.- ii.h ii-1.. ii-n ti..- Haaa Spnolron. I! .? f !'. ? i I uve '..'. i, ..r.iered t.< report '?n burl ti, t. .? -?. ,i ?? t-? in- Bra Batty a. <?" i?t ->f Jai < r>?. Karrnaal I ??.ummt*. W. 0. B> gL I .,(.?? .Vi. :? BO l?l \\. .? Hera, \\. Mitcbett, aad II ,\. ,\ . ... .; gurfceon Miior; A-- taat-Horaasal i hrlstUaai I Load i Pareei l/wker; * * Ii i * - f Kngowar I, , arhre ruM ArrUtanta Da La.>a, Brooba, dasSBSaj Iii a i.. Si pdai ami Th, Ummpm this sm rniag says easphati ally that ah> PYaree and Rpaia fully eoaear in taa ' a* ?f I .. . % .a ?! ?ii I y tm 111 MaHasamaaasaarBsag lab :i .i a' i ( ? Bin 1 A in* rics. ii ?< 'I H. r ii .-n'.- ei 'omunieated by the I'rsa it tit oa Cootrai Amaricaa asTairs la a ! tier from fctr. [), ? fWretarj Cam reportii t the t ?>?? taea of a i. . ?!. mum with thi Bartnf Malataabary. bh Lordal in it ril i... the lafai \ :-.v. He w is aware tint M Ii i, a-.. mi (h Waal te ? slid go f. ?-?rard 1 rntbe'J h "t Noretnh r m Iba wished Mr. Osskm i lecoiTej ot . a saaaa vaaaaffca tbaai biw. I' ? 1 hut Kapb r hid oeBsaiaalettad tu the Preakteat the treaty in gi.iiii'e' by Si' (Jure ().i?eloj aitb the Mini ter tVmn Blearagaai 'hit it sraaba* i beved that no objactiOa) was sissawas' t.. h^sBseeb> iocs, BJMU.i.l ?.i.e i f it? obj.ils w.o> totenuiuat? lh?> I Moaqaato Pmti etorat*. I Sitomdi rhat Sir Qora Oasesty was by this ttasa al (th rag i -i i won id esert hfanaalf to obtain the rabV Bcation of the treaty, b aVisag srbseh H sras ssdssasa> labsS ?bat le BBOBJd BB pr>'f? S k<d by tin- pre.-noe of a Barel force from any male bob assditetad by fii? bii.4t.rH. FmmrtA IL bad, boarari r, beea rnii''1' "nrpriswl at il i i oateatr "fa reeecl k i ei>> i Lord M ipier, -tit'il tlint Qaa. Caii? ."Criilers tha or'.efM imu.'l for tba proteetioa - is. Was. Oar* Owaiay ta aa iaeaa? patibV artth tb< LlayUto-Balawr treaty. Ttsnae atssars were to tl.ff? .-t thai iftheOon raasaal of Biearaawa reqaiti ft r i. ? rdefenaa from HBhaetata tboaewre liiternnlioB ?.' .. niihiarypow r, a kui ab'..- ar ????d i. n ?? to Ian.I. raise the oaTi aders, aad hacd tbeaj over, it AaMrfeao, to tin- .. ir. ??? aa li irities of tha I'mt..1 Si/i!.-. bm. barhtg daaa 11 i*, t" retire iin medlat i. Re nm*d aot aadarataod way b>eh a arm i rt .ling abottbi t.<- maaedad 1 rtotatioa ot that ar i . ? i ' i ? ?: ?i . ii ii.'. rm.'ti'd ".11? -*.11 ,ii " aui 'dort it'on. ' ? "|.oil'v a- a e'au- ot Hi > Cm Yri* rarrl t;. stj srita this il .v..%mm ? * foaod aefaakt, bag, oatht aoattary, U daaisad ta aaa asatasad, sswsridad aar e\n?tly tb. cam- a. r* of tempo in a liltaeew I ass in ; ? i bb :?? a.. * t? ? i' 'I- mo rat <? n preaaatativs to hau bia object eat ahnst bj aaaraadars Waaw aas i|. .?ty a? il- .1 ot* ti ?reV.ul.; r, an end of thsgf i' ? ?? r -?. Thaa far aa to Oeatial AatarbsBa Ftfit Imu taiwto Ikasieo, ba daeevtbed Spain si ??xin-ue 'y i mtad by i raekk c isafli ted uon ! ? . b Dg to *i t t i (b i' t" pun's. an I exact rrdroai. EaKlaid, boarevar, bad nie.-.--.fully ptr ,,il. ii.. la r . 11. t .\Ix i . wh* in a.. il,-tniei. 1 a eua . taat?h coal . eeiybesaid h-v.- a renpoasi ok (j r ii i. * Eagl bH had herself bees grWy .'?'.' t.l i. ii. p. i - But .Mr. II on-.... ?...?. tosat n ? al ' ? baatt ?? r^r. . tad in U.pialoa it' tie h?a (rffleei oftb. Crowe by a British nVt beJoa aeat to Tampico, 11 > r Majesty's O^n-rnmeot, I... sever, v?'r,- ?oreiri :?. aui uoag ai saaia *iii :i might ii. *!?* :...i?'-''.i ataaaIhayaaraadyare, m..l tanss verity ot * i ... voadd probably f'i'i apoa lbs mrooant. I * '? il, i to say what resal kbedisordaeas1 aWtS ot Mas.tbtosTfN ti- aattoaa a^BssalsdMsaa ? ? I bl it ig f ;li ir te nterver.e. Mr. DaUaaaayi arraotitrinde n thisaarratirehas been to erire thi leading I ? I. r I N ilmsshsry. ? ii ciMBiaa be ??.? aot aafr |aeotly iaterraptsd by ? ii, am Is ??< n asyaekf, ar :? h '?? 1 to eofl ?' -ml ?iplsaa? ti i -. An 11 g other ti ings, I remarhed thai tiw provieiua br ike Csas-Tit^aani tiaoiy, srateb saaams I a^aratbei ea r- out lastatoi sba thi dy*"0 Bntwei Ireaiy, i?enrif?g f?r ?'i eq il'yths af'' aas ii ? ... ...t. if ir.n...i'. u.t'ailj . :1 fat;B |U i1 arai ?? r t>, i .,? a ha iialty < rdara wliii h, amid Ibe ??rungkr of o'tstmaipaittaa, laf< to th- rliaaje? tssa sf i .;- trawasto noog lea ae tha db J^P (.. vi i? i.r .-? N ,i ir i. i.i in I? . t. > di oouaOS W< Bratsbpar aftsnddlap rstoooftiHu-vs. It tl. poas?arpettyaolriarnutiuaai piir..l?'.res<t^ tlieir advetsariea a lid, as a asaltar of eearaa, hi aad tb.iri with tl.a' :? n< r.Mii.- ai 1 ea" f..r UrftifH ?n?"* ? ?iaitalling forrfga troops to aettl? tie p^tiOBj rii t'oieaoftl.? tr\. Tim pi-o'"?"'! ?bkb tie Pres*k at aad the aoeaas ot t, I am mi,',....,'.i itA I.- tappoaad t? '? laaeaoibkt, and w ch of all tbibga waa moat repaawaal to too swrst ? tn sof f - c B rer I a*ty, and whici .. aU aot ti'.iv f 1'????? it "" applk atora, a.? earn t- n plate I by (J-a. Caas, of ureraly aoeh t :n;-'rary ,,. ht, l y .N. am^ua here.-lf. aa ?i e i:.. tli.mW I le i j. tk> tiai ait r mte <?>** Li aiBina uisaaai rrr Ra aaisted toat both laadiaga ? ? r.. eases ?.?? ta ? .j..aoy n?tii or eq?iaily wroag. 11- bsteamed tbaan to be rigbt, n^d c ruinly . -.i.' !? filebassms to 'lefiat ttf opra? ;.. i;r oi ? r \\. Uora tJuaaty sroahs ba put iloa*a? I alaa laetsWwtall) n usarhad that 1 ri-gr^uni that k?r [/trdahip lad ?!\;>r-?>r4-? U-aniua; ia favi?r ?? Bfoaa. li. Ill i ptop .'. He rlitad vihmj.1 having done a*, Bad raasarbed tii?t Meea. JUiy ?a* patrooize.1 fitber by Eng*ar.e or ^ ran i aad thai ' ? was a *p c'iiatiag advi ri'or? r. |t was iaissmsrial by whom tba work of opeaaag ti - Tin -:t raw >? ?*as. BaagadL if aay <?* toe II laws of the Pasted Stat?-r beat an mvxpired cr aa orf-MtH i' ttra t, they atrnld be satj?erl t-j tV>^\ II. aas not BtStsaa'S ?-fh th? merit* of the a-veral ? laiuiM.ta to eealract*. Air?io, in the co%t** of the brtassfosf I ret?-rTvtl with probably an Bbvioas hatriag to tin alleg??.! bail n't* aowraaard by tne and Bitirti Hiaiatrrato aat Oa^taasaarl r- -p?-i til ig Mon. Belly coatract. r?-}r p*Jra lei pbmiealye?a>Aadsbbi anythiag of tha sort I ad t*.-:. wn-ien. or area c^nt*? rdaled. The raaan .t laa asaiwtasr, r?ailag_eamBl froa Paris m.-h v rtfd to. n at toe Aiigio-k*'"00* i ,i , ? an ? ? 11 ? saw t>. ?'..-<;.tif ?( Men<so. i bad keaaaawd taw I sasw, eaa was BcvttbebrM '? Ii '.??itiif if tueaaatsirSS. 1 caa peroiva that tin t ? ... ryef aalseaseeaVto Preeai River, sMalmg to Iba cieatio? of ue ae* Coaasy