Newspaper Page Text
Vou XX.N?- 5,928. NEW-YORK, TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1860. (PRICE TWO CENTS. THE NEWYORK TRIBUNE. ?iw?isu ?au, y rntnTHK M PUlUfHXD EVERY MORNING AND RVKMIN? l8r*r.tTS Eicarrap). ?v HORACE OR?ELE Y ?Ca., as BU raiari?? ?cunt???)?, ooaaaa of hhi? an tvavBS ?ruara, orroatTB tbb cni ?aia, I ho Ctty Subscribers at 13* teat? par 9* tar asraom In athnoee ; ?Tftartix RBW.TOIK WIEST SRI, Y TmRB?71fB?, A TRET LAROE PaPeR ?OR THE COU*"*?, m% ft ?vary Stvrboat Meairiae, at tb? bra !?*>? of Jl rraowam, ta advance; Three Copie? ht 9S; ttraCoptattot I i TsaiCwpW.forsfj; fwe?vCc|w?e,to?e??a*?re?a(a?4 l??mi?VnX^ *?t^.!le^t^rr*^^'" taiirvi ?eat ONE POiV LARAJID^ENTY FIVE CENTS PER LINE for a*oh TDK ?FWI.??BBKI.Y THIBINE Ifl voblfched ?very Tra?nav end Fama v Morjsiix?. Pii? f | meJmmxmm^^Ooi^o* ?ar ??i Hv Copi?e fat ?11 AS. optAM MW.?OBR TRIBirfl rOR EUROPEAN CIRCULATION, ft eeMaahtd ea the departure of each Mail Steamer for Ldrer p*ei\si aMpersavntua, poeta?? included. Singla Copie?, SU TUS NtW.IOBK TRIBfJrTE FOR CALIFORNIA, OREOON, AND THE SANDWICH ISLANDS I? ?abUahed on the departure of each Mail Bteemer 1er Aspkn waRat $1 50 per annum Single Copte?, Bla Cent?. Special Kotiere. The V on nu MeuHi Republican Union win eren their liead.,aartei?. at biuvv??aiit Institute, No. t^y Btoeiway, on ThShM.AY E\EMNO, epriJa. wtth a Orand Rally of the R ?public ?u tonng Men of tbl? city. Popular and eloquent ?peahen will address the meeting CIIARi.RS T. ROD(.ER8, Preaidswt. lunii 8tsTbli*o, Beert tar v ^Repablkan I attipaiHn Clab.-A MEETING 'of the lath Aaeemoly District (23d Ward) Campaign Club ?ill be held at No ?34 atbav., THIS (rueeday) S.VEN1NO, at 11 o'clock ?be Roll Book tor members will be opened. Republican? and til ether? opposed to the pr?tent admintitratioa rending in the dtatilctaiertijueatedtoaiund. JOHN H. DAVisjN, KaAuraao LaatASTaa, Secretary. President. Morky Moanlain Kepabliraa (Tub of Klner? Co. ?Tb? Bret pubn. meeting of ihe ctmpaigo will t?k?< place at Siaftl dali, rullon-.t., Brooklyn, on 1 HlRaDAY EVEN1N? HEXT, et 8 o'clock. SENATOR DOOLITTLE of Wisconsin, will deliver an address en the political question? of the day, aad other popular ? wlJ be pr?tent. Tbirtrratb Ward Republican Association. ?A ?.????ting of the Thirteenth tS aid Repajucan Association ?rill be hela H Ondeidonk Hall on ?UESDaY EVENING, Apiil 2?, at S ?Veit ch. Paneton attendance respact'dUv requested. F. C. tiQUuD, President. ). M. Both. j .?--.-.?i-. Haaav A, Barra, j ?^rattnem._ Eighteenth VYard.-A regatar meeting of the Eighteenth >t?i? Bepobliean Aasoc'a'.ion will be held at Headquarter? (Emil Rlrchner '?), corner of Sd-av. and liKh st. on TUESDAY, April H at 11 p. m. JOB L. BLACK, Prealdent. V\ a. V\ . MBi'ii ??ici, Sec'y. tlarmeny IHvIm?ob, No. 5, S. of T., will bold a pub be Tea perene? Meeting, at It? Hal;. No lei Gra^id-?t. on WEDNESDAY E\ ENi.NO, theiOth in?t , at Tlo'ci.ek. In tere.titg are existed from Beva, J. S. D1K11L, JAi. B. DON, L . W PECK, Mr. (?EU. OOULDEN and other?. Staging by Bro. MACDONOl'GH aid others. AU intereitel In the Uider, oi the cans? of Temperance are invited, W. H. A. Kleeailon.A LECTURE. byFiwt ?. O. APTHORP of Philadelphia, will be rven on the subject of ELOCUTION be? feie the New-Yort Teacher?' Association at their Hall, ?h Orsnd-sl., ?oraer ot Eim on FRtDAY EVENING, tie J?th ioat , ?ul, o'clock. Teacher? provisional students, and lrieudt of ediwatieu, are invited to attend. Admission free. ~?wt*t*,-ThsT Annual ??ectxoEi for FIFTEEN TKU8TEES ?ftb* NEW-YORK SOCIETY LIBRARY will be bald at the library Building, in University -piece, on TUESDAY, April 34, 1MB, between the hciir? ol 8 ami 104 o'ulock a. m., aad the An 1 Meeting of the Shareholders will be held on the ?ame day, I at Iba sedase phase, at 3 e'cioeA p. J. MOPPiN, 8??cretary. **re B?no fublire. Row wake, my mute, and time the lyre, Boend every note ?till high and higher ; Teil all lb? world, and der met too, T?a've aeon the wondrous UUUID GLUE. I Cooper'? Glne all o'er the lend, Till maid? aad matron? unde.rst??.d Twill mend all break? aa good a? new, That luMiAle?? COOPER'S LIQUID GLUE. Fer lisping ebalrs or broken ditbee, Ser beealiea? dolls or splintered urashee, 'Tls a soveieign oalui , you'll hud this trae, If yew aee the real COoPaR'B GLUE. Oar friends no doubt, long ?ince heve learned That "a penny ?evedi? a peuny earned;" Thee inveet your Quarter, ?tid we'll aave for you Maay a dollar with the LIQUID GLUE. Te atop ail bead, examine weD The outside ?napper, and y on ?as ten, ?y the autograph of UIOrER BROTHERS, The stanon-pore from ail other?. At Elgtty-one, in Barelay ?U et, la tb? aieat New-Y ork, tben laste to meet v? ith the agent, Fl?X, ?-no'.l aell to you _The real CUPPER'S LIQUID GLUE._ Freaervatloa and Kenovatioa of nuw. Istdtti about pntting away their Furs een seoore tbetn from loeabe "y rudng twa DALMATIAN FIK Fajt'.iiERVATIVE. ?m? pr?paration i-inuiees aad reaevatua worn Fore, makiag them an keek et new. It imparti a pleasant aroma, la Bot peUonout. ea anjerieat to the Bittet Fura, and U ?| plied with tue aligtitest BreaMe. It is etteily deatnietive to the moth in e.1 it? sat^ea. ?sad at FRENCH l'EKFI'MEKY STORE, No. bi'j Brotuiway, ?Mim ir BoaeVit Piice M cenia. ?Wl by mail on the recel?t of bS cent? in ?tamp?, addreaaed to JULU'ri WAONER, No. ?it Broadway._ Oase Weck Mere. ?COURT OP DEATH, at COOLER INBTITUTE-Not In Iba axTfe Hall, bnt by the ?ide of it ?erne entrance, frjm 8tr.-?t. AdniissWn lb cent?. Open from ? to i?, and 7 to ty. Free to all who take aa engrai lng at PL_ N'etlre te the Pnblic. THE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL OFFICE O F PB. 8. r. TOWNSEND'S SA?3APARJLUL is aaaoTBD to Ko. 41 FULTON-ST., CORNER OP PEARL-ST. Dr. 8. P. TOWNSEND'S SAR8APARILLA, a? manafaetored Bader the direction of the celebrated chemist and physician, Dr. JAMES R. CHIL10N, i? the only effective and permanent RENOVATOR AND PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD, aa it contain? all the vejetebie ?abetence? which eiperttme hat leettd and proved uaeful In ERADICATING M?EASE FROM TUE SYSTEM. A f?w bettle? Will moit eflte'.ualiy regulate and cieanat- tb? ?y?t?ci,Kid REEP tUE BLOOD PURE. _ BE CAREFUL TO USE NO OTHER. REMOVED TO No. 41 FULTON-ST., N. T._ *Te Veadore et Intoxicating l.l?iu?m In the Mf tmpelMaD Felice Uiatrlcii NoUce is hereby given that by tbe (.revision? ol the via section of the act entitled "An act to BBteaiC an act cntil.ed an act tc establish s Metropolitan Police Platriet," peased April 10th, lHVi, it it declared that It ?hall not be lawful fir any person to pablicly keep or dispose of any mu? ieettag liquors Bfssl the brevdsy of the week, called Sunday, un ?W a | enelty of r lfty Doliera for ??ch offense ; and it I? made the ?iaty of the superintendent of Police to atnt-tly enforce the pro Vialoes of tiii? section by bi. proper ordere In thereto to ib? atemb?is of the Metropolitan Police force, and It it litaate the ?tuty at the said member? ill respect to tbe enMreing the Drovu leas of this section to proceed in the manner provided by taw for She anesl of ofleiidrre Pahl'.c notice is tnere'ore given thai, in compliance with law, ?teert will be issued to the membt-is of the Metropolitan Police te arr?*t all peisons publicly keeping or disposing of any Intoxi? cating liquor on bui day. by oidtroflhe Beat d of Police. _UEO. W. EMBREE, Chief Clerk. Oniial lltperiiarni ol .?? trtiitelitaii Police, Ni. Ill bio^a.? tt . Ap.-il iy, ISbti.?Public notice IS hereby given that the Board cf Pole* will, in conformity with the l5tb ?ec ttoa. ef lb? Police Ait, pasted loth day of April, ??GV, on the ?p ?Maetioa of any P*e?ident ol an incorporated village within the SSeirt'ioiltax. I'eii'l-Distii't. or t orporation, or peraon or per een? sbuwing tut necessity thereof, detail regular patroUnen of the Pcln* toioe to do .petial duty at any pin.? within the Metro pettUn Police Di.trit. Appucatlcus for the aervicee of Patrolmen In the county of S?*i?. ?i o in ire towns of Newiown, Flusning and Jamaica, In the oounty of Queens, will be made to the otfic? Icapm-trr of taOme, it, the city of Brooklyn, and In the counties of New fork, BVeelcbetlTi and Richmond, to the ornee inspector, at thl? De paniiiiiiit. The terms of service will be a? follow?: For each Patrolman, for not le.? than 24 hour? or more than IS Sets at the ret? ol O't ?*-l"ti pet day. For lb days and ?ea? than SO day a, at the rate of $2 ??5-100 per Fcr 30 day? and upw?rd. ?t the rate of $3 IV)-?00 per day. By oidor of tne board ef felice. _ OEdaOK W. EMBREE, Chief Clerk. TeimaaVt S? if-VenlilaiiiiK Hprin? ?led and .VI?tl trrasa I oinblut-d- l lie ben, i-neapest, and most hesltnful ? took a prnsu'uiu at the lest Fair o! UM ASsstViaaB In.tunie. StaaulacturcJ and for ?ai? ouly at No bin Untlway, opposite taw Leuurge House. Rights to Kan ilaciure for aale. K.?'i.i Tie NewUrleana Picsyme. *' Keuiid 11 ill. V\e lire ). me? wi'li the .-onser.t B? all who have ever visited tail harming ?poi, lomitend it a? a als.Hg-.trul ;?!?,.. u' s lesUB j lie ? en.ry i- n: unriv? .-,,1 D-auiy. Vtilej, hi' and live? give it Inaihaattibt? vanety, wbsSh hsve B?f* eaaheliithed by tattelal ?aitlv?i in aassaaseas ?eligtitfiii?u?.s in the v eibity, and tl.<-1. Bt, ???' ttsVaaagevery a?omiuodailen tor gueau, a? wnl lo. their ?-oui tort as ?u.'i?? t.,it. ??, sent grat?. Addreaa Rui 51) Hiij. ?VanaCl na ?iid Bet-ax, Norih*iupioe, Mas.. The Prlotlrm Houae of the UNITED SI GKOHOK F. NI.H111TT ft Go.. Skaaauti. Ji.h rBlBIBBBI. Bla** Sees Sim i-a?-ti urmt, NarMVaVma, Wbuimauakd Ravin., LlTMOliKil-IIK PklMBRa A<tll KN".KAT?a?, CtKll SBASTTsU? T? KBUa. Coi-i-aat-LATa 1 .s"K?vaa? tut. PaitTaa?, EavaLop? MAattPAeroaBna, _ _ FlXB Cl T IM, ?;?i.,,h pHlfVBM?, ?*e?Va?n. l?b and 171 Pearl sL, andTtfPiae-sl , I.'ew- York. t*armwn-'e tt?i Htt? ??u,h RalerMtawUer. SR?t IN II1F. WutttsD l^at d.*?.?.,, , ?. ,.,., tj1? A.l()r Hemm, New Vevlt. ,l?ji..?i.i.i?.|14m,|l, ' ??'. i XTERMINATORtaey ha?e*v?r u.?u bu.e ty ?1: Drustri.u in the l.nited rttales ettd teOmnAo, War?! Warmer!! Uaruieil ! ! !- Lett Satirday wa< tb? warmest d.y ll.ta ^pllll? ?i,d such a rush, to be s-ire, lor ICE PPTt'HERH r.t ..ot ?.?-er s, ,.;i, at Its? ?lore of LUV IL's HART, Not 4 and t Bailing ?Rp _ Aaior-IIouBS Kxchan??, BAR, Rl?STAU'RANl* and LDICH. _ _,___.___, MEALS tervad at ALL HOURR. ?f?i SSIbI. wU1 *?*? I-W-Mal with all aba daliea-tes ffha BAR ?m sa enpalied with tha bait sf LIQUORS aad atte-tioa. JA8. P. M. STETSON k Oo. ?n? ?ablicati?TH. IO ITALIAN INDEPENDENCE. 1 ?J -S^f-aa PULPIT AND ROSTRUM. lOa No. 13 I* Ready, eoktainiii? tbe eloquent addreaaaa of Re?. JUS P. f iloMp-UN. I). D. Rev. HENKY WARD REECBER. Rav. HENRY W. BELLOWS, D. D. Prof. O. M. MITCH EL. With Latiera from llon. CHARLES BI'MNF.R, Hon. U. 8. Ml,LARD, Prof. BENJAMIN 81LLIMAN. Vol. 1., neatly bound, with a fine Steel Plate Engraving of tha Rev THEODORE I?. I TJYLF.R, t? rnady. Price, ?I?5. ThePl LPiT AND RObTRUM it ?old by Booktelle?? an. Periodical Dealer?. Price, 10 Cent? a Number; ?1 a Year. No. 13 bat a list of all back nomberi; any nnmber prompt)* mailed. H. H. LLOYD k Co., No. 25 Howard-?*.. _ New-York. ANEW VOLUME by the Rev. W. II." MIL BURN. - Now Ready: 1-lONJ.ERI, PREACHERS, AND PEOPLE, of tbe MISSISSIPPI VALLEY. By Um Rev. W. H. Mii.bibn. One vol?me. Price ? I 25. From Tbe N. Y. Obierver. Tbit it altogether tbe mtit finished aad inflcetiful book be baa made, and it ?ill not lau to advance hit wide regaUUou. From Tbe N. Y. Kxaminer. Hit book* have a charm which no clergy man bleated aritS *i?ht hat been able to give to their ?rli tog* durin? abe last ->?o?de. Tee three works which he has p lbliioed, ?bile they are record* of a life dtvnled to the ?ervice of ?Jo.I, a.'? at Interetting a* " Bonowi'i Bible in Spain,'' or any ?- iber wort of m arid wide rc-ewn. There it a l?male, artiest ?lo<?,i?ace, in the n-rrttitaa, ?ketchti, and lactui?*, o? Mr. Milborn, ?bleb ?e And nowhere alta. From Tbe Botton Tranierlpt. Ha !?? been a borderer and plooaer hlmtalf, but be it alao a man of literary culture, loflv atplrt-ion, and humane and Cnris tlin spirit. Tbe of tbli rare combination of qatlltiea it vltiblfc in thii (euutl, c-arulag, a_d d?- ig.tfol booh. Fron. TnaN. Y. Herald. Hit pr?tant book, though of wrtoui purpoie. it delightfully -written, and will be read with all the Interest of an exciting ?o mauee. BYTHE8AMEAI*TH0n. TEN YF.ARROFi'KEACaER _IH". l-iia EdlUa?.?1 RIFLE, AXE, AND SADDLE BAGS. 14ah Edition. 1 RECENTLY PUBLISHED. THE COMPLETE POETICAL WORKS OK THOMAH HOOD. Edited by Epei .trient. With Portrait on BtaeL is evoluxuei. ?3 75. OUR BIBL1-CLA88, AND THE OOOD THAT CAME FROM IT. By Caro in? E. Fairheld, Teacher of Cuuipoalt-on in tbe Packer Initttute, Brooklyn. 1vol. ?1. WHIMS AND WAIFS. By torn Hood. Now fixtt BbIbbMA Its- ?125. YOl'NO AMERICAN STATESMEN: A Completa Pelitioei Hiitoiy of tbe Ciilted States from the formation of our Govern? ment to the Pr?tent Time Recommended by Stateimen, Poll tiitiii and Editori of every party M Impartial and mrsi-i-ie. Octave, 1,1-65 pages. ?3 M). RECOLLECTIONS AND PHIVATE MEMOIR? OB WASHINGTON. By hi? Adopted don, O. W. P. Coatii, with ? Memoir of the Author, by hi* Daughter, and Illnitrativr a id explanatory Nottt by Beaton J. Louis?. Octavo. illustrated. ?3 50. THE LIFE AND SPEECHES OF SENATOR DOUGLAS ef lllinoia. With Portrait on eteel. ?1. ADV_NTTtRE8 AND OBSERVATIONS ON THE WF.8T COAST OF AFRICA. With Historical and Deearipttve Ske chet of iti Islands Climate, Cutioma, Ac. By ibe key. CbaiWt Tbomat oi Geoigta. llluttreted. ?It-. WJLD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH- Or, Tub C_j?phr_? of THB EvBK-LADKt By the translator of " Gareid, Uta Ltn/s Killer. Illustrai,?.. ?125. THE MINIBTER'S WOoTnJT By Harriet Beaeher ?taw?. Thirlteth Thousand. ?135. BEUL AH. By Augusta J. Evana. Twenty trat Thcuaanel ?1 35. THE FOOL OF QUALI1 I. Br Pleitee by Kings.ey. 2 volumet. ?2. HOW COULD HE HELP IT ? By A. B. Roe, iiiiLor s? ' I've Beenlbinkini," Ac. ?1 25. FROM DAWN TO DAYlTgHI. By Mrs. Henry W_r_ L ?ether. ?I. DERBY M JAOKSON, Pl'lll.l-iHEKS, NEW-YORK. Meint. D. k J. will remove in a few day t to ahelr new -lore, NO. 4?H BROADWAY, li.-t ??-?,? Brome and Spring ill. ri>0 HEWS AGENTS. 1 Ornes Nbv.--Yoki Wbbklt, Apill U, It?. (.?BKTl ill*! : Yon will please In'orm yonr caitomen that MB-). MABY J. HOLMES!. New Story, entitled MILDRED; Or, THE CHILD Of ADOPTION, Will be commenced in the NEW-YORK WEEKLY, which avili be ready on THURSDAY, May ?. Yon bad tberefoie better regulate your ordert lo U to be OB ?bled to supply the deuiaud. ?. we expect a large increase ou t'iia New Story, tbe popularity of "Marian Urey" bav_g c*_??>d _ unusual demand foi " Mildred." Yooit reipectfuUy, STREET A SMITH, Proprietor? of New-York Weekly. THE TK.I?11 TOLD 0?T_?-_-^UTH__i_) ITd SLAVES. "BLACK DIAMONDS." (?GATHERED IN THE SOUTH. By E. A. Poi la hi? of Virginia. " Tbe tat off to lb? Helper Book."? |Republieen Bpeeehea In CongreN. "Defending tha Institution more than all argument. "--[Da Bow'i Review. One vol. limo. <- tent?. Sold by all bookiellari. Sent by _w8 for published price. PUDNEY A RUSSELL, Poblishort, Ho. 79 John it., New York. LITTLE, BROWN air Co-, No. ?1 KUby it-, Bail?n, Have jnit Publithed, B__U.CH-1* or CHEMICAL PHYSICS. BY JOSIAH P. COOK-, JB. Erring Piofrnor of Cbemiitry and Mlneraiogy, in liarrard Coll?-??'. llluttrated by ion wood-out?. Wuh ?copl'iut ludri. One volume. Hvo. Price ?3. This book ha? lrf?n prepared to n..?t a ?rant to which the di? vision or tubjertt uiuaily adopted in tbe college* of tbi? c jimtry, between the varioui d?p_rtrueu?i of phyiicel iclenoe, ha? given rise. It covert that portion of Phyalc? which 1* conveniently ??tight In connection W_t_ Cbnniaary. It treat*, f.r example, ef lli,' propertit* of metier in lit Ibree condition*, Including t-yttellugrapby, hydroatetict, and pin-i.matini ; of beat in it? leltiion? to matter, and ol ?be varlou? methods by wbich be weight and volume of toiidi, liquid?, or gasea, are accurately BtsassBsa? ki Order to adapt ?he book to tbe purpoae* of Instroctlori, It ha? been prepared on a ttiictly iuductlte metbud througbout, and to raui h o! the tubj.ct metier of mechanic* tut* bt>en given at tha btfiuciing Of the volume at wat nereaaary to locale tbi? object. For the ??me rea?ou each ciapter i? followed by a large number of problem?, wbi-.h aie etiolated not only to te*t the tuoaledrje ol tbe student, hut also to eitend and apply tbe principie* tutted in the teat. Care baa b*?n taten t? inciiida the latest r?*nl,? of Bcleuce, ?nd ?everal ol to?- inl.jet.t? l,?ve been ?o far developed aa to iiiu trite tbe method* of phyiictl reaaarch. The Ap? pendix conla.n* a larpe co,Ire.ion ol table?. *uch a? are of dalaV ute in tbe chemicul la-.ratory, and which will render the work valuatleto the profetiional aBaaalat,_^^^ N" liW-YOliK KVEN???. I?X1 'HESS, THIRD EDi'llON. 1? | nbllshed at 4 o'clock p. u,., and can be had at all tha leading hotel?, tbe feirin, car?, and at tbe new? ortirajt. It l ??mein? ex clutiv?! Telegraph Newt, later by ?averti houii than mi.t olkmr ,-v.Mig pLprr, ti.gettier wit!, ?iiy New?, ."?hip Now?. Market*, ??id Si.,"?? up to the hour of going to pre... '1 l.e . irciilarion o, 1 UK r.Xi'ilr ">9 1? greater' than 'the .'com bi.e',1 rifi.uiaii'-.,. oi tne ei.tin- eieiiing |,r,-.s of New York City, and i. r,),iul??i only I.y tbe , s.b ?,niul,i< papers. As an -dvetiiaiiig m?dium it has no superior. Ordinary aivi-r tisamsnta, I ?eut* per lint?. All ?dv..ii.e,?e,,'t la till. KUMN*?? KXPRi'.SS app?,ar al.o i? THI .Nt.\a- i UKK MOt-NtNU CXPa.Cad, witb.?ut e.ll.ihsjge. J. A ?. BK'IOKS, _Ma* la and lb i'a'k row. I K)BT?B"? SPIB-l' OF THE TIM E8. LiYY. ?N??l U ?iK AN OI.U HI'Nl'ER. HKEN-aN vi. SAYEKS. AGHIULTl UK. Ol'R-DOOR SPORTS, ke., fcc. Kor tale by all New. Age... _ HENRY \VA1-I> BEEOHEE. ThJ tHatl Bs?JtS??s4 >ul' length Porlmlt of thi? end ii. ?, 1'ea.hei and I.., und will be. .< ul to M'**tZZffilwA?H?wn Of THE woiu.i?, oi ,, . ioti'l I'? fen??, bj Ibe American Agent?, HENRY A BROWN?O '?.. 14 Hanover it, Ilo?i..n. rru,.|., 01 *?'>, Indi? i'rool., el .'.'.'tfli. _._ IMPORTANT MEDICAL Bnd PHY8I0I_00I . AI. avohK, whichaUahoald i?ad, at It imparti knowl e.lg? ?rver before p?,b:i?be-. Thsaa *M\ ? led witb ?*?erv.,, Iiebiiity lo? ?I tnd ?enera . or vilio d?.l,e a knowledge or the lauit pbyil..lo?l.-ai re ..-arche?, .held not M "tend it V?0 ? ??M, _? nearly l-0__mvW Price ?1. Mailed and aold by H. U. _4WRENCE, No. 1 \eiey ?t-, A?tOl Uci_?e, N. Y. TJEEISAN SET AT LIBERTY. TDE NEWS BY THE ATLANTIC TELBGRVPU. AHEAD OP TILE STEAMERS. HERN?N WJNR a FIRST KKWS or TUB GREAT INTERNATIONAL CONTEST EXCLUSIVE DISPATCH TO I THE NEW-YORK LETX?ER. COMPLIMENT ART SUPPER TU H KENAN, At which Letter? were r?ed bom the feSewrn? diattafotabad America*: How. HORACE OREELET, G?t. HENRY A. WISE, Rax HENRY WARD BESCHER, Cou JOHN C. FREMONT, Hon. STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS, Bob. WM. H. BEWARD, JAMEB OORDON BENNETT, Be?,, CHARLES A. DANA, BBS? Lrpt-Obb. SOOTr, tint. JAMES WATSON WEBB, Aad Others. Par f?B ratttabvr? IBS THE NRW-YORR LEDGER biERICA? F1RBT DISTINCTIVE POEM. WALT WHITMAN'S LEAVES OF GRASS. (Now Complete.) 1?? td r r, >? part ef Con'ent?, PROTO-LEAF, CHANTS DEMOCRATIC, ENFAN8 D'ADAM, POEM OF JOYS, ME8?EN(?ER LEAVE?, CALeMUS. BO LOiiO, kt.,kt, PORTRAIT OF THE POET, Engraved by St h or?. LTO BF, READY ABOUT FIRST Or MAT. In or.? lolume, ?fj i?im, Ihn?., he.t paper, pri?t, sadesecti? typiag Borten can tura ont. Price, $1 IS. TUAYER aT?LDRIDGE, Publisher?, Ne. HS Withiagtoiret., _Best? w, Mata. AN INDIAN MAIDEB. A AN INDIAN BOY. HOW THE INDIANS MAKE LOVR. HOW THB INDIANS M4KE WAR. ? FIDELITY AND TREACHERY AMONO THE INDIANS. FOR A TRUE AND 8TARTL1NO BTORY INDIAN LIFE. THE NEW-YORK LEDGER. M Just Published: KMOIR Or TUE DUCHE88 OF ORLEANS By the Martin'? de H-. with Biographical Boovenlr? and Original Letters, by Prof. Schubert Translate:! from the French by an American lady. On? vol. limo. Portrait. 408 pages. $1. "This Memoir of her, I lottreting ? moat lovelv life, peeeed on the very highest ?Uge of European society, and li.volved with some or the most ?triai _> historical ev.ul? of the century, i? full of lntereit."?|Tb? Uaieiie. " It display? her char . er a? a daughter, ? wife, ?motler. and a Christian woman | an I here an Jtie mort beautiful delinea Hont to te mtt mmft anyuhere, ,n Jtct.nn or in rtality.' ?[ Pnila delpbla Bal etin. " It I. ?ritr.l.-d to a rerd'il welcome, and raanot fail to be read with ??'.iifacllin and proSt."?[N. Y. Tribune. Also, Just Ready: p o j : M s , LYRICaL AND IDYLLIC. By Kimi M. CLAMS? a .Stk.'ki?. One vol. iaino. II oenta. Wlib the eaeeptlon of THE DIAMOND WEDDINO, lud a few other pieces? which were sa ? Id. ly copied, and which, having rereii.-d the author'a creful revision, are i.Jii tali.e? it. U > -present volume?tbete Poems are entirely new to the public. LECTURES ON THE RNoLI.H LANOUAUE. By the Hon. Oaoaua P. Maksii. One vol. octavo. 1(0 pages. OS WOLKE OP THE KNOLL, A.NI. OTHi?R POEMS. By ?is. Obu.ii.i-. P. Man*.!. 1 vol. l?'iio. $1. SMITH .the Kev. Piof H. B.) lllll'ORY OK THE CHI RCH IN CHRONOLOGICALTAtLER, I vol., iMIo, *>fl. An? cf the ?heve ?eft by mall, post palJ, on receipt of price. C. 6CRlBNf.R, ri<>. lit Orand it-, N. Y. Ji 08T01S LIBRARY EDITION. 1 Y LN ? Y 11 ALL, A N'ivri Ey Thiibai linon. " Tbe publliliers, le the printing ?ml binding of this volume. h?ve spared uo puiu? ami no money In making it. in in- bant' ?I exei i,lion, worthy ?.I the tnoughls, laaossa, and dsainptunalt ?mbodiet. Evtryleverel Hood will d'-slre to read BBS poises? tbi? elegant vcliiii..-"-li riiiiscriiit. , " Ihe publisher? ?ra eertau ly d.*> rvliu?>??rre?t credit Tor Ibe eleg?i.tnylen. whl. I. they b?v? pre?, nted 1?* volume to the p.ih'i. " ? | Hull?,.ir?. " For neatness, bee'ity, an I ele?aii<- in l">ok itaking, M?s?rs. Till.m k Co. bare no ?quais tu tl.i? side of the water. ? | Tribune. ? . Beautifully I'llned on hue paper, and bound lu muslin in eatra style. 1'ii'. o ' SI For >a)e i.y all .liv.kseli.-rs. _ , ,, , J. E. TII.TON k Co., Po'.llsher? No. loi \\ ashliiglou-st.. lloiton. HE INFLUENCE of TOBACKX) si mn VAhlOI H OB'IANS of the IIODY. By Jons Lirth? ol Y liulinrgb, and the ?* See Scalpel for i pill No. ?? r. .ems. Hendmi roer oide?. to R'i/v* i TOUaET, DEXTER a. Co,. '/.IEP.ER, Philadelphia, and REDD1NO, Boston. T G heat Buen tEAT RUSH ?REAT RUSH GREAT RUSH OREAT RUSH GREAT RUSH GRRAT RUSH GREAT RUSH ?REAT RUSH GREAT RUSH MB I THE NEW INDIAN BTORY, MTTT-BD, THE CRUSADE ?OF THE FOREST; OB, THE LABT DAYS OF KATHARINE MONTOUR, Br TRB Poll I?K Al'THOB er ?'THE BRIDE OF THE OLD FRONTIER" NOW READY IN THE NEW-YORK I.EDQEB Thl? sew tale af y and Foreet Life it hue I with thewUdeatadventorei of the daring ipirit? ?f that ?tor ni y and ivrstful period. Tim Murphy, tbe popular bero af " The Bride ?f the Old Frontier," it introduced into R. Tha reader cannot fail to be aatartained and amasad with tha perutal af hi? exploit?. Tim It aaknowledgeJ, an all btndi, to be tha beat ?coat and Indias Sghter aver be/ore wet with, either in tbe forett trr in fi.-tlon. U-Rkatheharoetaf other Indlaa Taitx, Tim Murphy it s real hltterUal tharacter. ABBE8T <>l Um "KEN-CIA HOY." HIB SUBSEQUENT RELEASE ON BAIL. UEENAN'S LEITER TO THE CLIPPER, WRITTEN AFTER HIS RELEASE. The Etgle Ctged whUe the Lion 1* Free. " Who put np the Job !" SEE THE CLIPPER. What Effect will It have on the Eight I Will there be a Flgbt 1 It to, when ? Heenas Driven from Bedford into Derby. The "Tea-Fixen" at Wort. BEE THE CLIPPER. Latest New? from London. E?e.item?-nt Concerning the Arrest. Bayeri Undliturbed it hit Quarten. Refusal to Induran a Warrant for hit Arrert. BEE THE CLIPPER. Effect of the Narw* in thl? Country. Great Anxiety to Learn tbe Remit of the Fight. Steamer looked for wi-.h th ? New? ! ._. Wbenwll the retail be knownT BEE THE CLIPPER. Latest Theatrical loteliLiene-and Show Newa. Bpoita ,-C the Field sod the Water. SEE THE CLIPPER, Tbe Great Sporting and Tbeatrtc-I Journal, Now Ready. Negro Miuttrelty?Itt Origin. Rite, and Progre*-, Written Eaprettly for THE CLIPPER. Cricket, H?.e-Ball, and Yachting. SEE THE CLIPPER, The Great Sportii g Authority of America, Now Ready, Only 4 Cent?. Buy the Clipper. FRANK QUEEN, Editor and Proprietor, No. .9 Ann-?-. New-York. Publiihed This Dty: OUR FARM OK FOOT ACRES, AND THE MONEY WE MADE BY IT. From the twelfth lrondon h ?lit ion. Pape-, l.nio. tS cent*. RITA: AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY. limo., el'jlh. Price (I. A liben! discount to the trade. New-York: M. DOOLADY. No 43 Walker-it. Bottom MAYHEW i KAKER. HALL8 JOURNAL OF HEALTH, 11 a year. Specimen?. Uto. Dr. W. W. HALL, Editor. No. 41 Ir? vine place, New-York. Among tblt yeer'i lubject? are: Baiblng. Phytaoloty. H ealta Without Drug?. Consu_ptlon. I en'ilailou. Fever aad Ague. Cortlveuet*. Gymua.i?iuf. Spiln; biie-iet. Dieting. Slerpleiineti. Keeping Well. Hyipaptta. Sick Headache. Warming Hontes. Exercue. Sour Stomach. Cold Feet. Rbeuuiati-ui. Ealiug Wltely. Care of Eva*. Schooling. Curing Cold*. Throat All-, THE GREAT EIUHT FOR TUE CHAM? PIONSHIP. WHAT THE SCALPEL HAU TO SAY ABOUT IT. PUGILISM AND PUGILIST*!. M PRIZE FIGHTING JUSTIFIABLE? THE QUESTION DIS.l SSLD. Sea SCALPEL No ?4 Price to c?nit. LAWRENCE. Ne. 1 VsBtMi, Altor Iloiiie, DEX1 ER A ?V, ROB8 a TuUsEt*. Wboleealt D Second Eaiiloa Now Ready : B. HAMMOND'" NEW MEDICAL WORK ON NERVOUS DEBILITY. LOCAL AND OENERAL, IIS IMPORTANCE TO THE SEXES, Ac R An entirely new, original, and ?n<-i"e***Til method lor the core of the*e intended for popular u?e. By CHARLES D. HAMMOND, M. I)., late Professor of Anatomy aad Patbob gy In the -yracuae Medical College, New-York, author ef l?v? erai atedical Werk?, Ac-, Ae, " Dr. Hammond ha? lived long abroad, and tx an enth.iiait for Medical Refoii.i." | Home Journal, Sept. 16. ?or ule wholtiale and rttail. Pri?> #1. Sent, port free, to hit part *f the countiy by null. Single eopie? may alto be had of th* Author, at No. SAH Broadway, corner Bond-it. Office boon from '.' to i, and6 to !? eveningi, HENDRICKSON BLAKE k LONG, Not. 11 and IS Ann it, Publi.hen and Beokiellera. ALL"- MAY JOURNAL OF HEALThTNo. 41 living-place, New-\ ork. Publie School?, Cold-water liait.Ilk -. Pol.ouou? iloomi, Infant, and Air; Oyin'iasln m?, I'nre klilk, and ?there had , A Pirinea; Karly Kreakrait; Glow? ing Old Happily ; Spring Oreases, -o. ai a ?ear. INNING DOWN THE TRADES; Or. Skbt.hb? or Lira on Siiii-hushi?. A leriet of .tinea eotttleil at above, will be coiiimen?:??d in LIKE II.LI.'SI'Ua'I i 1). for April ."?. They are not written by inland authori m in -ti water navittton, but by a r??gu_r old aalt, who ba? tern ? hereof be wtiiei. Buy one copy your Newt Agent, and you will he mre to continue. Price FOUR CENTS. FOWLER It WELLS, New-York Ptiblimert, Cost ano fonnb. LOOT?TWO ALBANY EXTENSION COU? l'ONS. No. 331 iuU 13, for *.'..*> and ?17 UJ-IDO, due Jan. I, 180?. Applice-ion wlli be BHsBS Is the New-York and li.rlem Railroad Co. to repli.??? f am by _ JAMt.8 KETCHAM of Dover Plain?. 5*_ Hi..I E-?-W-VRD."--Stai??i frota theAD ''(PSJ'tli'v.l'aF AMS RXPRES? COMPANY, on Monday night, tbe 1? th ins!, the following de.ciibed BANK MUES an?! TA LU ABLE- ai/ TenKnDoils.r Hill? of the Atlaiitl?- Ka?,k, Bouton. aw8 in Noiei o? llrl'h'oi, Mark?. Bank, Stasi. MSB ta trill, ef the 1'trk Bask, H. ?. ?HO in Bills ol km Me? htmci' Bauking Assoclsllun, Now York. OHi, mostly In , ?te? of tin- Ogd.-ntburih (N. Y.) Hank. Four "?Iir.lar Bill? Hhoa und Leather Dealer*' liant, V Y. s.wa_?*'?_L*i*,_^?*U ai'-*o{ ????* Langdou Bank, Ha/er, N. H~ NEaa i.?-.-"i K. Three Cot-pom of *.2- each, payable at the Hank of OSSB? ma'ce, New-, . ?k. Tn?re w, r? other unoim't, compeled of the Note? o! the vari ou? Baik?.,! Nr* Ki.tii.ii.l ami N.-w-York. The abose ?. te -lo.? ? Brea ,:,.- ,Isyaaet Train ?iiicl, lr??\ Hit ton lor Nrv? Voit mi M ., il*y sfU.tno.iu loit. Aiawaiduf aia k'i iiiii'-aNH im?LLaRi , will Ka paid tnr Ibe re?...r?ry at the na..,ley and the oonvicrien or tl.e Hile! or Ihletea. \\ . B. DINlMORK, ftOmienM nao?* Y.i\ii?* Uump.?y' IjnJKN.TU.I. liOlJ'illT lorRKADYMONKY. -A fair ?f.en fot Fl-R-SirURlC, CARI-TB BOOK S, Ae , al No. IM I lb at , between Mb and 104h It*. ftmiuemetUB. ACADEMY OF MU8IC-PATTI-MARTIU. MISS PATT1 IN MARTHA. k trat appearance this season of MIS? aDELalDE PHILLIPS. This WEDNESDAY EVENING. April SS, at I o'clock, Oalj night of Floto w'i popular Op, rao? MlflSPATTI.aa..Lady Henriette MISS A. Sis. BRIONOLI.aa.Lyooel Slg. JUNCA.aa.Plunkett 81?. DUBREI' Trietaa The aale of ?eats eomtsesveiw tnia morning at the Academy, Breasrhg'? and Slbell's, No. 12 Wall-it. Beat? may be had In me ?veiling st tbe door. On FRIDAY. April 17, first appearance of the newly arrived yoniig prima donna, SIGNOR l LAURA BANTI. firm the principal Italian Oper? house? of Brasil*. On SAI URDA Y, at 1 o'clock, ORAND (?ALA PATTI MATINEE. la active rehearsal, Rossini's greatest op-la, MOaKS IN EGYPT, wbieb will be given for the h,-?t time in America. WDtTEX GARDEN.-MAX "MAR?TZ?K 1TAL1AN OPEBA. WEDNESDAY. APRIL Is, Madame FRE/./oLlNI, Fer this time only, in her original character of LaOKoaa, in Verdi's opera, In t acts, of IL TRut Ai ORE. Ms Jan.e Miss V ist It Mgnor Erranl.'.aa.Mairico Signer Aidsveni.aa.Count dl L ma Signor Oas pari ni.a?.Ferrardo Coidactor.Max Mabbtibji. Doors open at 1J ? Opera commences st II o'clock. rateas o? admission. To Parquette and Dress Circle.SI 00 Family Cuele. M Reseived Seats, extra.. W Orel.estra 8talls. 9 00 Private Boxea for eight persons. 19 00 Tickets for sale at the box Ottire of the Winter Oar den ; at Hall k Sen'?, No S44 Broadway ; at tbe down town In the stationery itore of Mettra. Devlin *. Hagan, No. 7N?eaea-?t, (Continental Bant Building ) thursday-grand gala matinee, friday-third nioht of germa* opera, only nioht of flotow'b opera, Martha, fabbri, berkel, 8ti0elli, weinlich, m?ller. In active preparation, litlbvy'i celebrated Opera _LA JIltE._^^^ SOIREE MUSICALE. OOLDBECK'S MUSIC HALL, No. 765 Broadway. Mr. R. G. PAKiE, Retpectfuily announce? to hi? friend? and the public generally, hi? Intention of giving a musical entertainment at tb? above pi?, e. on FRIDAY EVENING, April V, 186a On which occasion he will be assisted by MistOEOROINA PAIOE. Mitt EMILIE PAKiE. and Mi*? ELLEN PAIGE. \Vho?e performance? in other cltle* of tbe Union have been hoi;: red by tb? highest encomium? by the pre??. Admlatton 5?) cents. 1 lcket? to be had at the Music Store of Schaileuburg k Lut?, and at the door. w C1BAHBEB CONCERT UNION. ; SIXTH AND LAST SOIREE atOOLDBECR'd MUSIC IULL, No. loi BROADWAY, on TUESDAY, APRIL 24, I860. Mise IViline Eicbberg. Me,.,.. W. II. Cooke, F. Eben, 8. B. Mill.. Wbi Bear, W. Docliler and Cb. Hrannes will appear. Ticket? at IS cents at Scnartenberg x Luis'?, C. Breuslng'?, and at tbe door on the evening Bcire. to commence at 8. (JRAND CONCERT ' For the benefit of ' THE HOUSE OF MERCY, NEW-YORR, AT THE CITY ASSEMBLY R RJMrt, No. 446 BROADWAY, TUESDAY EVkNINu. APRIL M, 180?. The following distinguished Aitist? will assist: Mis? Gellte, Miss Maty Oellie, Signo: v>lg.:lli, signor Ardavani, Oustave Sat? ter, J N. Pattison. ? ool? Schndbe*. MESSB8. W.A. RING AND MOSENTHAL, CONDUCTORS. Tie!et? SO cent? ; Sofa Seat?, SI. Concert to commence at 8. INTER GARDEN?THIS EVENING, April 14. GRAND COMPLIMENTARY TESTIMONIAL TO Mr. aid Mr?. BARNEY WILLIAMS, by I,MO leadlo? tlllaen? of New York, on which occasion the eeifuiiuaa^e will commence with the original protean faroe of AN HOUR IN SKVlLLE, in which Mr?. BARNEY Wn.LIAMS wtU appear in her won? derful personation of Eight Character?. Mr. Plenneh.....Mr. Rjbach, w*ho hat kindly volunteered. To be followed oy the popular drama of BORN TO GOOD LUCR. Paddy O'Ranerty.Mr BARNEY WlLLIAM9, with the Songa of " LI men, k Raeee," and " Ellen Astore." Aftei which, ?lyrical Dialogue by ?lap?. Mouto* Paie?, entitled THE DOUBLElloUKTSlllP, Uleitrated by Umasif end Mis? CATHARINE LUCETTE, who b?ve kindly profleied tieir servioe?. After which, by particular leuuett, Mr?. BARNEY WILLIAMS will deliver a beantiful Pobthal F tnawBLL Annaaae ro Iua u??, written eiprea-ly for her by tbe celebrated Irish novelist, pot?, sad reviewer, William Certton, et?]., oiiglnally spoken on the la.t night of the performance cf Sir. and Mrs. Barney Wil. Kama at the Hawkins' street Theatre, Dublin. After which, Mr. JESRY BRYANT snd Mr. EPH HORN, the moil talented, popular, and attractive Ethiopian artist? of the day, will appear In their comically serious and miith-movii.g melancholic origiuil play of THE STRANGER. The Stranger....Mr. J. Bryant | Mr?. HaOer.Eph Horn WALLACE'9 THEATER. D?tors open at 7 ; to commence at 71 o'rtoek OREAT VARIEI'Y FOR THE WEEK. TO-NIOHT TUESDAY, LAST TIME, LOVE FOR LOVE, AND LOVE AND MURDER. TO-MORROW (WEDNESDAY,) THE SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL A.\D BATHING. THURSDAY, A HUSBAND TO ORDER, and EVERYBODY'S FRIEND. FRIDAY, TOWN AND COUNTRY, and RILL OR CERE. SATURDAY, BENEFIT OF Mr. THEO. MOSS (Treasurer.) A ORAND BILL. The whole Company appearing Every Evening. Bei Book opea for the Week. LAURA KEENE1? THEATER TWENTY-SECOND NIGHT Of MISS MISS LAURA A? AGNES REENE, ROBERTSON, ? DION BOUCICAULT'S ENTIRELY NEW IRISH DRAMA, IH THREE ACTS, entitled the COLLEEN BAW'N; ?*t, THE BRIDES OF GARRYOWEN, Door* open at 7 ? to commence at 7} o'clock. N~lBLO ? GARDEN. Lessee ami Manager.J. M.NIXON. NIXON'S EQUESTRIAN TROUPE. FROM ASTLEY'S ROYAL AMPHITHEATER. LONDON. INCREASED SPLENDORS IN THE ARENA! NEW AND BRILLIANT OFM* ! ALL THE 8F.NSAT.ON ACTS REPEATED ! OuTUEHDA? EVESINIJ, Anril?l, THE BRONZE HOR*E. With tee ?.RIAL FLKiHT of a REAL HORSE, in o anted by Mia? Ids Vernon. After wbl.-h Blguor SEBASTIAN QUINLIANA, The Oreat Pickwickian Sceue Rider. JAMES ROBINSON, ELLA ZOYARA, And tbe BROTHERS HANLON. To conclude with a UnghaHe equettrlan burletta. SPLENDID MATINEES, On WEDNESDAY?! ?ud SATURDAYS, t'-jmuieiiciint at 2 o'clock. Boxti. 50 oenta. Family circle (entrence on Croeby st.), W cent? Orchestra chair?. Si. Private boxe?, ?5 end e>t> G RAND ORGAN EXHIBITION and CONCERT, by GEO. W. ?OROAN. BROADWAY TABERNACLE. WEDNESDAY EVENING. April gk Igt, In aid of the fund fot the ere. lion of the M. l\ MIS-.ION CHAPEL, under the auspices ol the Pitt? Association of the Broadway T.ber^l.-.^ mm ^^^ Doors open at 71 ; Conoert commen?a at 8 o'clock. ?Item, ?? rn? teVbt?ine.l of the PITT?^RaWUTION, and the sr.XTO.-i of tbe Tabernacle; als. at sCHAKf ENIO-.R?. k LUIB'S ?nd WM. HALL A SON'S Music Stores, and at A. M. CONRLiN'S Drug Store, corn, t bth-av. and 44th at. TBE CALl?'OKNIA MENAGERIE?A CARD. -Tbe undersigned, bellevrng the wild ?nlm?l? ju?t arrived Vom California to be obJ-ci?..f the greatest interest and curi.slty to tbe public bave ina.Ie a j. irt engagement with the proprietor. Mr J C Aduirn, ' Hunter of '49." for their exhibition o!, MONDA I WEKK,attbe,'.i..rofl?th?tand4th-av. These wotiJei-of the Calif.n.i? mountain? e-in?l?t chiefly of C.rl/.r'v Bear?, of enormous dimension?, raptured and trained by Mr. A.iam?. doling ? hantln? expe.litloB of over loaf yeara. Be? st.I? these, the ?-olle-tlou contornes a general ass Jitment of other wild anlu.ala be.OD?lng . *.-l..?i> ? iv to that country, and whlih webavetbe tollest .fi.l? n. ?? in asserting will he witnessed ?lth the ?rea'est satisfaction by ail ? ho tea? en Interest In the wii'l'rt "i ?pin ttej naliir? '1 I,. . at li.i-icu will he given in a colossal teut, In tbe .- tura? of which the iiardv moiir tali *?r ?still gl?e an ar.'tULt of his meihod of catching tbe animals, and display hi? MtonUhlng ?kill and cour?re In per?orniin? hi? ?avago pets la a variety of physical feals sou harmless MM A lut or'the ?nlmab, with a foil det?iiptlon of tbe exhibition will he published in a few d.vs. P. T. BARNUM, Proprietor Museum. a. v ^ J. M.i IV ?iii,N' e"P'??* Niait?'? Garden. New-York, April SS, UNO. I PJJBWW AMEBICAN HTJ8E01i. GRAND GALA WEEK. JEAWIE DUNS! EVERT ?VEWINO TH?? WEE?. PERFORMANCES CHANGED EVEEY Ar-TP-RW?* THREE PE-EORM?NTeS ON BAtTIDAT, Uelodtsg as extra one, the _ JUVENILE MATINEE, at TWELVE O'CLOCK (Basa), JM> vlittort from a dlatasAS, and enable them to reUr-home by rarly conveyai?-*?. Children andar ten, So the Ma*eoni and tbeee natrt o-rfernv meme, only TEN C*-NT8 altogether, and old and join? ad? mitted, on rucb ooeaaion*. to tne Barony and tarque.; et. Um) Lectara-taoaa, with?t additional charge. 1UK8DAY, Apr? 34, IS6S. In the EVENING, at 7| o'clock (and tot it 1\ ee htfhno). w_U be repeated, In tbe style which ha* won it i-ck a p ?piSa. BB praciatioii in thUrtta'.tubmeDi JEA?IE DEANS: Or, THE HEART OF MID LOTHIAN, With new Keener?, new, new KHoctt, Ac. Jessie Dean?, Mia? Emily Metayer. Effia Dean?, Aira. J J. Pilot. Th? ranafataVt ?f the aart by the ratt *A Us i AltTER'NOo.N, at a o'clock, The cegant French drama playtd f?,r 400 ?o-sacajra nigSteh? Pans, entitled EU8TA'?HB BAUD1N. EatUche B? C. W. CLSIIE. Previaaa to oath pieee, ?Ion.. LA PIERRE, the KraSJtii Zosave, will parforro bit *i_~riair g feat*. L'_d?-?J*i?hed attraction of the WHAT IB IT? WHAT ,S IT ? .WHAT IS IT? IS IT MSN I 18 IT MONKEY? OR IS IT BOTH IN COMBINATION I Tbeee ua the question? in tbe mind and j-dgmea* ?f all whs gate upon the ____, WHAT IB IT1 Which, together with THE LlVlMi BLaCR SEA L'ON, _ ENORMOUS GRIZZLY BEAR, 8AMAON. LEARNED SEAL, BABY A"ACOMDa8, SERPENT FAM? ILY, GRAND AQUaRIA, HAPPY FAMILY LlPWlt* WAX FIGURES OF ?A. W. HI CKb, of JACK ALOW, s?' JOHN BROWN, and of MAN i OTHER CELf. BRI flEB. Admi'.taiv* to everything. ?6 CoanU; Paro not, 1? eanta sltrt ; Children andar ten yean, IS oentt, and to the Parquet, M e*m\e entra. NOTICE TO BOYS.-1.OjO Lirin? Mio? wanted lar tbs Baby A_ac*_da?. _ PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY of NEW-YORK. ?Tbe hftb and latt Concert of tbe aaaaon trill take piaoe ?a BATLRDA? EVENING, April 28, at the Academy at Mitttc. on whl.'h o-culon Beetlioven't (Jrand Choral Symphony, THE NINTH, will be peTt.rn.ed, tbe aolae luiU-ned by Masa. JOHANNBEN, Mme. ZIMMERMANN, Bit-aer hTHJCLLI, Mr. P MAYER and tbe chorus by the mem-en of the GER? MAN LEID? BKRaNZ of New tor-, who -??/? vekmm teered ibeb tervlcee. Conductor, Mr. THEO ElSKKLl). Ea tra ticket! for ?ale at tbe uiual placea AU ticket* toad at the door on the evening of the Cue. rt will be #1 SO eaek. No ?cured teat*. Dooi? open at 7; to commence et H o'otocA. By order._L. SPIER, Beet*tnry. THE GREAT HAMBUJER.? ROYAL WIZARD. WIZARD'S PALACE.He. 110 Broadway, (Hose Chapel). ALFRED CATELY.Seetnem Htmom. SECOND WEEK IN AMERICA. Immante niece** ! Overwhelming demo-rti-tioai Of applame ac-orded by Crowded and fashion? >>le aadiaacee ! EVERY AFTERNOON at 3. EVENING at 8. Parquette So cent?; Family Circle to cent?. Beat? assy be ?e ured in advance. THE ORIGINAL GENERAL TOM THUMB. HOPE CHAPEL, No. 71? Broadway. Two entertain ment? each day, from I to 4g, and 7| to 9 n'c'oe. Doon open half an hour in advance. On SATURDAY there will be an extra entertainment, eeta meneing at IS o'clock, tor the accommodation of aehool? asid mm lllet reildia? at t di.ttm-e Se?or 0LIVE1RA. the great Violinist, Mr. WM. TOMLIN, Baritone, frsm tbe Nobllitv't Concertt, London, and T. SCHREINER, Pian-tt, accompany the Utile Uroeral at each performance. ?bmiiiio-: Day entertainment.toe I Evening entertainment ....Ue. Children under 10years.... 13?. | Children under Hi year?....Ma. Reserved teata. j oeate. The G?nerai ride* daily In hi* Miniature Carriage, from -fee La Fir je to the hall of entertainment. GJ-OT^Hi-l?TY*? MINSTR'?lJSl?ii.iXBL^ BALOON.-LAST WEEK Of OEO. CHRJSTY'8 peat coin-l-aiton piece of WE1-TO. THE SENSIBLE MONKEY. Weffo.OEO. CHRIBTT. Door? opes at T?to oommenee at 8. Ttehet? 16 a-cta. CONCERT?By the SUNDAY-SCHOOL of the 421 it. Pieibyterien Cburcb, under tae dliec'ie? ei* Mr. LUCIUS HART, onTHURSUAI EVENING, April 30, at 74, o'clock p. in. Tieketi 13 eeuti, to be had at the ieerenttee evening of the Concert._ INTERNATIONAL ART INSTITUTION. EXHIBITION OF PAINTINGS, No. 694 Broadway, e?r. tib-t*. NEW PICTURES added MONTHLY to this lar*- Oallary, In which the work? of the tint European Artilla are ivhib?-nit Open from 10 a. m. to 10 p m. Adm-Ndeu IS eeate. ATIONAL ACADEMY of DESIGN.? Tb? Ttlrty-lth Annual of the National Aaadenay of Design, con? of ORIGINAL WORKS, by living a-tita, neTer before eahi-ited, it new open (Or the season at lie OaDer ie*, in, near Broadway. Beaton Ticket?, M ?eau; Single Admitilon, lb eenta. T. ADDI-ON RICHARDS, Corretpondiig Sec'y? N. A. FINE ARTS.?On Exhibition, PoweU't F ?lU- Length Portrait of Washington irving, in hit Library at ?S-nayilde, at ifOOtWB GALLERY. No. 772 Broadway, comer ai ?b-et. Admiiaion to eenta._M. KNOEOLER. TVOW on Free Exhibition, a choio. ootietAioo ai Oil* PAINTINGS, AtWHlTLOCR'B (?ALLERY, S66 Canal?*_., treat af ???sy. _3c?T6,B, CarriogeB, &t. FOR SALE?A verv"handsoine BAY HARE, Morgan stock, 6 yean eld, 151 band* nigh, a fad atessar and prooilfing; price $230. Aoso?A SO Hit EL MARE 10 y ear? old, 16 hau a ? high, ha? trotted l_*ide of 2 : SO, a Ane brassa? : ptice f ISO; can be it en at No. 4SI ?>Vat?ar-it. URSE CURE? Used in England E5 S here thirteen yean. The TA r._??MLLS ITEAVB POWDERS cure Heave? Couth, Worm?, and ill cowdit-aai la Honet. One package in the Sprint it worth ten boeheie of ?ata to tmooth tbe coat, if 11 package ; sit for $5. A. ?I. OOUGH k Co., Proprietor*. R. T. CREAMER, No. 11 Gold-it., N liliofcliancons. ELEGANT SPRING CARPETS ! ! ! FRUM CROSSLEY A SONS, Per thlp? Chancellor and OrieuL luo Pieoe. ENGLISH MEDALLION CARPETS, ENGLISH BR?SSEL-. OFFICE CARPETS. 3, 4, and . Frame Brunei-, iraill fignree. Velvet Carpet?, new and beautiful datignt. Croetley'i Bruttalt, 6i oent? par yard. DAMASK TILE, FLOOR OILCLOTHS, an elegant new article. HIRAM ANDERSON, No ?*? Bowtry. Lowell Thr >e Ply and Infrain C-rpeti at low prise?, ?to 000 yard? Ingrain Caip'tt at S, and 4 per yard, Rjgi, Mai*, -bob* and Canton Matting, aVin.ow 9ha_a?, Drugge'?, Table and Piano Coven at low priera. _No. 90 BO*A_RY. BEAUTY to tbe Ladie? is a handrome, BON? NET, with ttyle and taite. Ltdiet wiU do well ta sail tel examine our large aatortmenl of BONNET?! of ail kind-, Mil Un? n lupplled at the lowett price?. Morning Henaeta eco nantly on band. All kioda of Straw Hat* .loase? ?->? esargsd at N. BINNS'4 CHEaP MILLINERY, No. 413 l'-a-al-rt.. near Sullivan-rt. Joh-8. Bbt??, Aue?onaar._ _ AUCTION NOTICE.-HOUSEriOLD FUR JY *?ITI RE.-GERARD, BETT-kCe will Sell an WED? NESDAY. April ?, at 1U o'clotk, at f?o HO M diton-i*. FI'BNITI KE-The Furniture oen?alned in the above henee, comiitlng of aiirron, ro??w<JO- an l ma-jogmy sofa*, t?sir?, and Tablet, brutieli and lugrain Carpeta, OLelotlts, mahogany and n.aole Bed.teadi, niarble-top aVaihitandi, Crockery, Otm*o wtre, Cutleiy, *o., Ac, ooinpria-og a general aatatameot ef h*ud*ome Fui cllura. AUCTl?lTs^E.?Auctiiiu Sal?* THIS DAY at No. 103 Maiden-lane, of S00 POr PLAN ft). In great v?jietv. On THLRSDaY, 3btb, 1"' o'clock, by oataloaoe, _,??? French Dwaif Pearlieet.and ?pple, Peaflh, Qjiaee, Cherry and ether Fruit Tree?, Currant, RatptKiry and liuoseberry Buabea, Ornamental and Evergnx-u 11 ees. Pot PI snt? in great variety, VVrbenss ?ai.liss. ?je.-auianii, Fu-:hi_s, Pink?, Most and Run __??_J. P. HOLBIUXJK DRl'G STORE CHEAP?A rare chant*? to porchtse one in a thiekly-popultted nelgbborh.?d ; good" ?tand tor patent medicine? and private practice, lntoioe of Hmg., ? he-ii'-ai? and perfumery, ?uited either for or hug ifi". Bold low to a cash customer. Apply to IstR tfOYD, No. 429 Bro?dw?y, Room No. I.?._ COUNTRY and City Employers of rtsspsHtiabi?*, experienced, and well reoomm-nled Prot?-?'aa?. <ii-|?. asd .the? i, cannot Cari to git well tiiitetl bv apply io< eari? tu-?i_v *L WESLEY'S FIRSr-CLANS FEMALE OFFICE, *?o l'.'lh av , above 27d it. A lady In aitendanea. go imut 1'roaes-n.a ?jit;, wanted at blghett wa,?ji in ??rWale fsmiliee. N?W-J-^EY^R?TLR??D ? For PH3LA DELPH1A and the SOUTH and WEST, O? JER8E? CITY.-Mall and K?pre?. Linee leave New York til. ?J atad U a. m., and 4 and i?. m. ; fare yV3. Through Titaket? ?old 1,T Cla eumatl and the Weit, and for Waahitg.on Naw-Orlran? and the South, he., and through baggt?a ahaokad to Waahlugt?? is 1 a. m. and 8 p. m. trtln?. * a? k_ J-W.W?M>DRUFP, aasMHlfBiSflMaB-pl KcISBBBBBJ wiU be received for any Ualni nnleet dstrvered asi oheoked 1 i mlautea in advauc? of aha time of leavta?, NE W - YORK BUBI <TDIO OOUPA-TT" WORKS at ?TATEN ISL?N D-?or the reduetton of OoM, Sliver and Lead Ore?. W. U. MflVlCKAR, Pwildiwt. CaaaiB? JoMMto-, Metallorgi?a. _ 11 OGEK'? CURATE of MAUN'K.SIA, IN POWDER THE HEHT A' TVR4TIVE IN THE WORLD. For cnolin . the hioot?, *ik b.sdsch?, MMoni arTeeUivt, ?la^. net? at the ttoinai-b, and alt oompiaiuti iaaldeiit |o Is? Satkaa and SiUBBMr M-ttou. It alloidi iuintejute leMef after eatfrg or ?Iriuklng too kx*_% An econon.l, il tubtti? ite for Hantog? walen at a es ?hng Jlak. Mxtbert will have it far tbe chldreu ? it la to pleaaajj; they ? _J drluk it like lemoned*. On* bottle I? equal to three, m ua we dlelnal nropertlei, to the l-i?|,ila Citrate of Magueeia. Asa fur HOOKR*?., In powder, and u?euo other. Only tk a??its -.?r '..?.?. tie. Fod>?le by all druggtat*. Maoai/rtMory No. IM Bpi.u. ?t.