NEW PUBLICATIONS. tUVlJU IflTI aaOt'NDI: On, Taa Wma-Wuw A*? PrarMBI or I_7ir_r.-i I.AM, tag.xND ?Tfaaa. Ut Wiuiaa jTtim. Jaubx KiukkPm .MM-.andVV A..HM. '^ Ikmvi. *4VHh a rVefar- and Nelfa. by EvBBT A. DflYCKlSCX. ttmo. -?_ ill O. P. liitnai.i. Tht? rtaadeia of tbe preaont geneVation nmy find not B little amuaement in tbeae IBBataeBB ofllgbt literature which aerved for the d-laatattaa nl th.-ir fiithere and grnndfjithers " long tin.<- n-ro." At tiiia iiionicn*. they are especialy inli'lY^iin, ua nmonc ttie lirat fioita af the evniu-t, which B_t_f li"' lnpae of in. n- than half a century, is itffl the ?'bright particulnr utni" of American iiieiatuie. The nnd kindly nnture of Wnahingt.-n Irvini' ahowa itrelf iu coh.rr. in BBUaJ "' '?"' pnper* of '' Salmngiindi." wh.ln the racy hniiior and paagent irony of Taulding predict thf -istine tJ4-.ll Which hfi aubaenii. -writer. We are tenipted to extract a portion (?? the C'."kloft ..ii.tiil.utions, in ?'kutdly>.a." tbe eil.tor of aMl BBatiBN b-BBb. an "Aaierican l>i;irch:id.-">' Ht-J-' 1MM)AR COi KIOIT. BBTtaaa tata the iHbet evrtif* n. i:i> elh..vv-i .'an . m dnk.ia- ii tbat kind ol indoU vv ,, I, . ,, .1 i- ihe mt'..:.. n ' t Immau bliaa. I waa aitraaetl. L lf'kl"t? liv. ry. who ! ___ad tne a , ., Jkifglk.wirigaddierB ii'-m iuy coiuun and okl t-oll.-gc ?_mau, __.?-urCockloft. . - Hol). ai Viulrcv.. u? h' rielrvf-l-d lt, infermed ii"- tl :.t iiia a.;-..; '. v o icr'.do .. little way from town. ?>n readina a rxcall piimpblet in a netvt yettow eotrer, , : i_a_a_iw__b _T__vta_Bafjf greatBBtiafartion, ralkdfoi I ia fawrili) (.hin..- iuk-ttand, witb two rarawlii a ?!._ flarmi foi :*r?- aapportera, und wrote lha letter.wbicb he 1 ad t11 Lonor t-. preeent me. ? j, i ,,- ,. my ronnrt ?ill oo* day l>e,-<>i:i.- a grvat Invoriw- wiih ihe p-r_fc r.nd na 1 know bim lobt aoimwl.M pnii.tilii-na iu r. aprate ci:.|iietU', 1 f-Bul !,>>.- tltia ftpptirttinitv to gttttift the old genUeinan, by _j\___ bim b proper introdiKtion to Ibe IRabiomabie v-oild. Tl '? C? I M\ fkmily, to whieh 1 have tbe eom Jort ofbcii irn-la ..!. baa he. n frnhfnl in ol.l bacbelora andhmi rir-ta, ua will b<- larccivcd whci [eOBM 10 trtut more ol ita bkrtorj. Myeonrin l'n.dar i_ oneof ita moat eonrpicu'uiH niemhcn.'-!-'- il now in hia hfty eighih veai -ia :\ hmh.-hr. partly tbrough choicc. und mrtlv il rongh chun..-. and an cdaiaj- oftha iirrt wa-.-i lliilt'l.i 1 !?? n i it ployed in writing o.l netr, epigramf., and elegiea, wbich he wl-tora ahow" '" Itnyoc-OT bc.t mra. If Btti r they are wriu.ei; nnd ull tba can che'r-r. drawera, and>nm in tbahoaaa, tcem wlh I ir pr-Hlui ti"i'H. . In hi^ yi'inig'T dayi be flgnitd aa a daabing bl.?!? Haa great wortd; i^'-. bo yBtukg fcUwwoj ibe towa woio it long.r pi_-tml. .-r tarried tattn bmkr-.un tn ??? akirte Kiiuu MJa-.e. n te thirty be araa coatinnally in, at.d during Ui;.i period, to uhbbtaown worda, he bf-eciit l.'e.l u;. r< ] np. r thur. would aerve the theatei Rn aaoa atntann a iTnrilr a.;i.-?.n. Tbe .-vcningif hia thirtieil. lirtl.iiav, a.- he aai bl Ihe tir.-r.;de. ub aaach i lare-aaevaf wa maain ihi-woiid, writing ihe numc of hii i ? the aahee, Witb an '?' I tbat bud lorton.-oi ita leflBi be WtN aeir.-d withl Wl?ll' tl ;at l.C WMHUii oill fool lo ia- in I'.ve at IllH ti'ie of !ilt. li vnat vereiie ot tbe l'? l.i"H i.iuia. U Mrike to wbim; and bad Pindar ? <>d out oa tl alaa ba woaU ba\<- ba_aehl ihe rvrntation ol hit ni.iiber in tjnt-ati. ii. From that time BB gBBB ii|' ;.il pHitiiuiar utt. nt.. r:a t<> ibe ladita; aud th i,,\t- t ? ,r ?? n i i y. .' ? haa i < ret bt* n I noa - Baadtba ataBBa-aoi txraitfoa i-oartcey be litoitiBBreourta with U cm. Jle war the li!e and oriiainc;.l ol '..ur 1 ?' . ilr in town, until thc cihm.Ii ol the Krci.. h R*?o luiion, wbieb aent ao many iinfot'i.i'iii'e daui-iig in_-t,ia. rrota their .--n-.nv to PO-it-i and enligbten onrli.m'irph.rc. Thin waaa aad uanefoi 1' v io Wbo bad B-BBB u genu'l.. (?-ki.-ft ? evcrvil.iiiK tin-h. ever tiaca hc w_a bronghl t" - door 1 v a " ? "'. b gn aned at Ca I the Mai.-eiil.a llvn.n had morhtheBBBH?eftVl him. tbat rl.arjei.iuu* a kniie on a diy whetatOBX BM iij.n aoaa. patipb il Mt hia Itatth challeimg. Ue Bnght in timi httn t-< ??:. i - > ? ?*. Ded to thetei-ba, bad uottbe iiii;<-d'!?'. h-BBet-M \Mlh..ut ilt-ii_B.ur. ? be in "f th-- irite ?? in jotstler temjat-r: OM M.-h. Ulul al! 18 ove;. lt ir-true wheii tbe wiiid ia -__rter.y, or tbe gont glT. ftiitle twinge. . r 1.. ),.-,-.i.- ofaay new a'u i 4-4im iu-qiuirit r. Tbeef arptbttibai.tnMiii- m 'iiieota <>f l'n dar, 1 aw- ai ioj landgen leni n, I wocM i ot lom-o'i-ot thfae aj'lenetic buirtr< for the iri-rt :\ iy iii ii v ttiirur.'lie; even tbougb it veiv ?ro\i?i io be tbe id. iilRttl wijr ttata by ir i ? -i ? l i-1.'''i-. \. I ': In- .I. i ion tntt. .1 '?? I -ii- ' ii wbvle [Inivei y ?: Ixyden t1 :.' il waa] -inV to ul -;.uv.. I hav. Baea tl. ?. I ._-,:;' ih jiiaii bhura fortb ?urh a vokani. MpaOBion ol w i< ..le. ui 'i -? I t' mpted '." Ii .ii. ii rj ii< tl. Bnl tbeae aadOiea only htBted for a aa> ii.t m ' like Hninn ? b'lit r.n..'lmie v ? i. "ti t-v.-r u .':neil bin bt-art ali'l I tip bia couu'eiii.nie. 'i a..e. ittoaah it baadeah lougldy with bis peraon, lin-jap.-'i ligbtlj orel . bia miud, and !el atbilitk t of yai uh. Rit eyi kb dltaatth. tlai . of a noble andgi iirti.ii', 'i-l.i.r' Dtt-lta i.i tha tktrj of diatreaa,aad he I a Brat-o ;.- ? air. like ull old :m be laaa, howi rer, Im I -okl I .?? k .. r:. a lond and I ?-ye ? .- oionj tkaa aeknowli Ihetjiorld,orim\ti.u.e- i. - . ,t waa in ib.>r.' t'-'-.i o.-i tim. i' ai are ? gtate by." I I. r .. I\'e;ii.-.-iitly<.iied, With Il!l hi* aood ? - ol tha i-;. ull i. He baa aome of the rtoet uitolerable araii I ter m i witb in my life, and i B ?l.h'icl'.-1:1 I ' k. OO! a JtK. l'..'l 1 Will Ii'-l eltlhl'U'e -Ui Uie; .. - ' Ul botO lol.i I.. ..'aaiteii. n ii'orc; an.i 1 an mWtm l ? ...lll-e Of h.ill' B ll'/" I. "f' .I' lllllil ? . t ii.-_)c. i.h.'.ii-. i-i...-.-. aad peralea Ihe W-MwB t nn, aadi-odii ttt-ly aatablial biaebmu totbc L.'ir it- aliip b< bai boIh .i- ?'._['.,,vi-1 to my ii a-let-. 1 il. bai h "?? wbal I I are .> i ittei tilitT of tl.e CockloAa ia prorerblal. Tl. _oe_ulr.ra of tbe famfly ;in- nx-t ineredildy fruit* fui; _nd t" u-c. a f'lvorite nhrji-e of "I'l Coefc Jrtt, who is e\. c-fi-. elv tnlilicliil t<> bn i.^.ini ti,. \ -.-i...--. ia.i ?'? to tbrow donbl.rj in:-.'' I myaell ba - k.:"v\n tbraa or Ibar rtt) iu ?inrtri-iua youi'_'n.'-ii redawed lo great eatran H'H'? ol llie-e iBRiilal I'ree.let.: heav.-n it: "ui d wb. r, tl i} ...--? worn out, ' ?..-nil'-min trroiiiphuntly, '? twiil m ? ottgh to Tl.r ,.,.. .I-.'.! loir ' - - ? ' l .ii : ... .'. .--..rt ... || ? ? ' I tlat- Kee r.|r., i.i, lllr I'^ 1 r Newark It waa tlim. l.n.avaii, aa.aa Ibf ?li I'l "I - l"e"-?U' ""?.'?'?? en r lt, I 1 ? atrn.lctJ I" >if ? . Ir. 1 .i-.||i._ . ....| - h. -I .,,. r_-a^_atflitw_aifiH?B__Lie.llo > ol a ie.ptvral.le <-.. pla. wl". keju lt 1.1 "-dar. aud t_ 1*1 _, buM axui li?.'a__ (.-. Ir.iiag, Pa.-liBn.. H..1 tb.- turr* .,r I. tol_tltl_a_a llvr.r U-Urita- _-? l JtUM-.y h_al?nt.l .?*<" aflty - W liti N.?*?? ? ,'1 :" " J -Mid ,n,n? P ' _rti_,D? ?t t_ ^ ' "" "'' ttt tbx u.i'i- ot Ibe I rerlat-e them hr more dt-rable ?'(; *vil.,. _ aud contcmplatcd i,?Vrov.....ei,U eu.?]?*??>_;"X "ft. _? bad b.' . roof over !.? ^^^ be ,,;ll(1 -.ivd-iiiii?-^';'^p|J"wIh _t?loin..r eierv tree ar.d htihh on tlie rua , , ,iub.,ilu,,byt^e,otit..l'ce;;u-:v.l;i?( - ^iiir, tohiamind; andavart -i<--vmw(i ?,,,) lubvriuil.H. nnd .ltiiH, aet ... < h.- '"- ' JJJJ'. * ,?. llliltv >,1,,r; '"??1 lut'-ut ..11 tht.'atiwnndingcoliiilryi nio__Ve_:r,?_-dBl_ heaaki.lo him- -Jlhianew ,,,r '" W__ hiTS hV beholden to no man for 8 proa I*' , ' '...i'v the idcanl' laoron/.o de Medtri, ' \ lf t ,oil..i>. " Ihaiall the grtmnd within n itm ;,-?; -X: 1, '-iv, iib..,'i.r.,-v grandfiabcr tler beard of the Mediti, ia more than l.anaay: 1 ratlt-i-thinh, biiwevr. fi-n. tbe 4-l.aruet.-ri?tic orisiii' 'V t ;.; ;-,i',,,k!i.f.a,th:t1tw1isuwlu!?-Nvl,aH,?t Im , - n le_ett.nK. Anotbei edd notioii rf the oMglBll*' ? havingafiah-pond.althongh tha rvm ran al .,1 out on.- biindn-d yanb.' diitanee froin a_e hoaee- and '??. v.-llrtoii-dwifi. Iiab: bm llien- w?ta ll-pthing be raid.bk( havingthinaato one'aeelf. Boal itb; wenl w 'b all tbe i ub-r ?>f a projai lor who haa jnat Wl apoa .,.,-? aileii.ud nnd aaeleaa v.-hm)-ivha::i. Aa bc pro . |,ik i iewa euUtxgi d; hc would bave a autiiuicr loneehnOton the marfrln of a t>a!,-;?;;il>M-rvcd. " il w.-n'd be B d-> ligbiful pii.( ot' wo-Mi und waaar, arbcre he might i-aiiii-l- on a Summera.n, imoke biapipe. andoojoy f in hia flddava.' ihrice boneel old -nl -he ditd ot 8nii]'oplexy ia bia aixM*iethy?a_^ jaataa-k. had biirui, to I.|,.\>-uii'tbf lihb-i>"U(l. .attiiooiieiidicule the w-tl_?whan_ ol my grand II" ind ,.1 tiiiatb, n-ih no doubi for wi- nnit have aaid H- ? it Ufcbabat a dreaai. aappy m h?- aaai (iin ii.ukc tha moat of tha ilkwion. Bincemy grandftttber'i deatb, tbehaB haB paaaed thr. ngfa the baada af h 88X888-4-1 mt true old cavaliera, Iike buuetdf, wbo gloru-d in uUerving tbe gold, n rule* of 1 oapitalitT, wbicb, aoeordiag to the Cockloft pnn ople,coradateln givmg a gutat tke fn?edoni of tba bouse, ci.tiuii.ingbaa with baal aad padatag,aad, il ioaaible, laying niai under tbatahle with pnmt port, elartt, or London pattfcalar. The -_neion appeara 10 BBT8 beea l UUBUllad to tlie >..llv god. aad te-aia wkhaw-aaionu^aradto convivbuity. bvery cheal ,-,cir, il'-thr.-;." r.-, Bnd cibinet, m decoratod ?witii eiioni.'i.iif Cliina pori-a-liowl*, ivliih Mra. l-'ik lolt bur para.icl n uii Bitteb oetaotutioia. particalu ber h.i- ," i- i d_aiaak Ud-?hamber. In which u pi" lertor tiii_bt. witli areal bbIIb?a? ln.u-.t- iatowa. Ott-U-Joued k-daleada, ns' i. l'.:,4lit, BteTBi ti'UHrv clo'.l.' "' ' -' M??? iiii.j. at','itllv on eaglee' elawa, and eraananted with a proluidt n ol Btrining braaabaadkB, elaapa, :uid I an,! ai- and the graiid parUr ara a?l< mnlj arnuigud b ', leather-bottomed,maaay ma rhai ? ibnt alwiiv. lamtad taa of tha tonaallong ki ed krllta. wbo jobb-1m>< ia ataya aad bacbnim, al m ha '..:.:- thej were in faahiofl. II | i . ,v jadga fvorn tbeir hittht, it nvus AU-tOTJ for Ventleuicn in lhaaaouia |D l.-ll ovei tlu I i.-.k ot 8 lady a cbair, and whiaj ei W ln | B8J 1,- aa well epoken aload; al leaat, they inua: !:-,it i>- et. Patagouiana to h.tu- atected it. \\'ili \\ i/aidU"la!,r<. thai bc -ai/a little fial l.eri...ui l:,i,i attempl "!"?< io wbispet _iaaBarhara Ceeklolr ia ibiamanner, bnl being nnlnekily cangbl bythecbi?, beiianv'li'daad khheaaaaatJot hatfanunate, before .,.: ii:.,; u it.. m..i;i bal Will ia mneh ..-idit-d to Iui i rl ole, ln reseon of 1 ia being a gn al traveler. Bnt what ihe OBt-lof- eepacially pride theaakdvaa liji.n. ia tlie jKir^-*..i.n af r, M?lily partraiu, . t aa bom ii a ? I Ol atjnare, portly, w II fed lookmg gentlemen and g rntlewi cnea, aa ev< r .ti-it and flourirli.d und.r tl.e pcmil ol n Otmat pamti r. (iiu ( brifto] ber, wbo i* a i oasplote genealugiat, baa a ttory t" tcllol ea- bi anddilaU ? with copiqna ek) on tha grrat et-titee of thaaaaat-i ia large -'- t-v--., during tbe old Freoch war; and oa tbe ptetyof ihe l?dv .n '.'iu- ii-liii. wbo au attent'vely perueea her book, aad waa oae? ?? ? rarieautinil anai 1 reverence my illuatnoiH aaeaalota, I lindlittk lo adaiire iu their bkyaphy, exceul ny ?. t-v-cllcnt liicmory; wl ich urooal provoxiagly i-ot evi rv iinin'ere-.tiii>r ] arti tIi.i. Mi allotted tliiiii.l-ci in the hall ? the aaaae thai waa uoenpied ii dayaol you bymyhouored um !e Joha. Th.- ic.'ii exhvnrti many t'.< laariah wUeh reeafl t<> my j, i, ? .I,,.., .-tbe ha.ii-i .-Mi ll.i . aud B?tiable eecen. iiniiitr ol lhal gal?at - ld 'nd. < ?v,-r the UTantle-pie ?>? l ;i!..'- ib( portrart of a yonng lady dreaued in a flaring, ln.L-iii.i-t'(1. I'lm- r-iik* gowri; iii-ll'uv. led, and l-e lllli t-lollCU, Ulld br-clil1.(1. Ill ll liio-'ul.danl II' illlu-i ; elte bolda in oae hand a book, tvlich ahe v-iy c>m l-iai-.-iiirly umgmtta, i?> lara aaid aatile ra tb<- Bpeetator; in ibe oiL.j a ll'jiv. r, which I hope, fot tbe bonor oi daae narnre, waa the aolo prodat-tioo of Ihenaial r"a mion; and a little behind her ia aomatfring iied te a waa rftaad. bat whather a Uttk dog, a moaki y, ae apigeon, uiimt i-<- k-i't t>- ti.. jndgmeut ol fatoreeoaa Thia lilile d imta I, tradltii n aaya, wai my jii. |. Joha'a ibiid fl .i 1. : i -i.i ba wonld infaJlibl* ' raaaway witb ber, coolU b. bave peraaaded har into ;,-.,',?: bat at that tii i? l.ut ? - were noi ijttite ao raailyrnnaway with u- Coltraibine; nnd my anek ? point, !? ok a hicl.y liioagbt, and wilii gn iii .all. niry ranofl with her pieture, whh h be con* :i trinniph n> Ctx krofl Hall, aad bmg np in bis i i-d-tl.iiii.iHr aa a iiK.iinaxiiil oi bia enterpriaiBg tipirit. lle > id gentlenaii prided hii tily .>-, tlua .. t ? i hn. kk d, and polk d np ? k v. bt ii ln ("'..i.-inj,lat.-d the pi-tur-', luid ii i-r r> h.i' d t. >? < ki_u_I iMi.-ni v.iiiilnm uj> whb: "1 ii ight, ind, ed, bav< i an '?.? d offtbe -.i igimil, had I ehoee todaugle a ntl. rotigfr after her? ot-whee! ; lor, ihe '.'iii ji.a.i.e. I believi tbe had a ?king ? bnt 1 alwaya Boo rtedtocoas twaa i \ v,..\." Mj ' -^ iba] 'j-.-ni n i i i: I wonld gin'half 1 am worl aellH oneohstkin. Da my readen yawa ?..'. a_i 1 --r. Tl ? y are weli nrut tothrowdownoor work, i -? ? :?:!,. i ha\e BO can' ? Btifii il m rila, and wiD not throw away a t! t_( in. Fnll < fi. ii bave leonlribm I to tb, ir ii.-iit, aad havi aot I arigbt, ft?r ovct to txm owai Who la there il.;i- n. - noi fondly tum, .-.' tjlu( -, lo liri"- r i- nnd ' h u ?!(? ->lit. Ihe baonl ol hia boyliood, ? tgrcwheavy andhiahaad waxedgray! andto dwell withfoodai* fortiou on the frienda who ba ? ; >, edthemaeli - rooadhiaheart?mingled iu all hia cnjoynienU" ??-?i inl ut'.i to all hia f. liciiiea.' It tl.'??? itay wbo ubb* 111 it hfeb lhaa ,Ti.i"iin. uta, li have '?> ? ii ao soiled _ lh?n ioteraonraa with the worfd i.r to I-.-im aTiible oi iu,-' ? 'i.e pareet p?aa* utt - lhat nirvive dka b ppy pei iod oi voatu. 'lorti:, haa have not y<: l"rt ;ln'i.ii. 1 elin i iddreat iliif ai'" family; aad iu lhabooeot aincerity 11 a li-'urt, l ini-iii- ti,- iu tn li-iii raade froai i>uh rl??-. ciiic. and '? !. to taa i > ?iiii me kt a a ?? "i- i.i lha bi ri itahle inaaaiou ol thuCoekl fl ? 'I bo lulue of _W nt cdition, \i!,i.-h i* b.n ii.'.'bt out tvitli iiiicuiii. ou typi'unijiliiri'l BBBt BCBB, i- gi'.-atly enhitm-cd bj thaeaiWul -tijicniaii.ti of Mr. liiiickiiick. arha _u enriehad it nith m original picdhoB ;md oeaaBional Bxph?atarj aataa. J'dPi LJUtABTBONOMY. ByO.M MnqB.LlaD. - yo. 198 fl?u?7, B?ki?*n _ Mi Tlie prchirit volnme i? int. i I-d iu> awijiiel t.. lli? j:. i[?tu treatiasof theanthor o i tba "P__atary aad Bf ?u? WorUa," in whirh un a- loonl araa i_iv.ii oftha prtigia j -?- 'xi. .I. .-im.., aadthvaaeeaa. kivi- Htej a by wbicb nun Im.- aolTI d thi piol-l- l i "f the I iTnlvenae. In Ihia warb tiie taiiotiabodha u'li.,1 to tha aaa are examined in detaO, the l_rtaaad i;. noiu. nn t-nil.iiiT' froai ohaerratioa be_tg clearij -1- - iiici, aad 'hen eaf??oed on _a oret??I principlat. '!)?. author li:i-ti-aled !)i? rohkwtin Bpopobur .-nl', tl < ngh wilhoul ? ? i ;,i- Ing -' i< ntlfle preriaion to rhrtor ? ;,i. ii. i. ii :i. adaa will UI aa bapo iii aUemptatot?iaaaa kaowhalgeol lh. liteteofeei ? i.. am., gtbB-Btia ot* tho people which dtatiogabdi ? ni << atary. ? BOMMAVBULIBN AKP CRAMP. ??.* '? tasen. i , i ? j ? ii -' ' .\,,-,l(liiiK t<- Jaiiloli K'-idieiiba'b, r..|n:ialiib.ii; ni ii I- I. jiip<.iTiri i-'ui".'i'1'l cii,iili-.|i. il wllicii tlie-.ll'jc ' , iii.iural cn. - - aaa ?a, aad I ? <"?>'' "l i-. ...I, witb ;. i.i a thi,?"?.-'. ii- w powetsof )? Moii, and aaa iri.-.ler, i.i ihenght aad actlea. Ii may Is djii'i'd ii.lo tWO ' Iii jouiaiii-oili. atid BM IBM ri- . tl,- latter HEtring frowiha faiB_ar. ehlaflyln being bianghloab} arUft U *??? ataieat Tl.e BM-BfBBMBBi (af Bomiiambulhm have di-tcribad bj a uicieiy tt v, riters, and are aulliciently familiar lo mont peraona Bt the jaaeeat day. To i-xplain the pwnliar phenom ?i~, iibith bave I .cn reeeived with ao inuch diairiMt by luaiiy pbyeh?igieli, Uaraa mmml-nlnuh BBB n Baant ta hia aaaari <>f _H ixli' rtuid, ajrwhtahha iiaintains tbat the human body in a alale of perfoct l.nlth U pervnded in cpiillbritiin. The j)fn?'.n in Yvhom thnt . onilibri'im ia rtendy and not enailv dia tlllbed U il ri'linitite; be whonc odii i . Tl.e fai t ac-ttlcmcnt of Bbb. BBClaal BBad KM-dlv t"W n wiih iniide about Ka yeara uftcr tbe lni.d bgoftbe Prlgrltna Bt I'lyiiioirili, hy nro:np:iny froin Dorat-tthlr., coTadadngof oter Mty tamiBea, und ??.?. taintng afl ihe ah ?enta of aa lat-kytt-OHt cnnnnui.dr. i'l,',,- aaRraalter le__ aeote__p_aj_ry writer gifea ll.e fol!"WinL' ipiaiii' d.-w-i-iption of tlu- town: '' I>"r cla -i.T ir the grent. -t town in Now-r'ngland; Wfell wo.xb d ind watev.-d: very good nrable groaoda nnd i av groand; Mrttaaia-iRiaNrl plaaaaal garfeaa, wiih kil'ch. i: gardena. lu tbia pluntntioii ia a great many cattlc, |M kiiie, ;" al-, ir.-l l winc. 'I'hc I'lnntatinn hath a R__a___bla harbar Ea* ihlpa, Here ia bo alrwife river. wbieb ia a greal in'onveiiieiicc. The bhabi* t.:n!.- af tl da town vvcre tlu -tii.-t tl at a.-t _p_N tialiing in tbe baa, who irceiv. d ao mncb fruit of tbeir lahRM that th- \ en('Oiitue-do'h.-r>-io tl ?? aBBM __4__rr1____i_B." ll ia miiii <.-.-d thal ihcre na more than -l'i'.000 petaBBJ now liv'mg in thc I'nit.-d Statea wbo ean tnice thcir _t_g_i I" |Ma ph-n-aut town, vvl.iib atill reta'mn not a tem oftl.- BtiathM" bCbbN tartfe ia lha pn-.-.-ding grapbk ahta. b. Back perraat? trfli tahe adeap .atereat in thin volnnie. wbicb haa beeB patienlly BeBBpUed iv- tn u rarV ly af old iocaaM nta, und i.- tialj* lich in tlu- fruita af antiouurian rer-eu'cb. a> IK ITId'.S ON NAM I"AI. HISTORT. Br P, -..(i.-u r.n nM?. l.ii.i". pp MR A. -. PaiBBiaBarr. The BB-Jeet Of ili.-t->rv t_ here l ?N_ia_ I in ita I' !all"llr to illlelle.l, I" tarallI, lo .v.-illth. aii'i B) IV lii.-i' n. In u blicf i.'ii.? of di.e.nir-. BJ, the < luinn. of tha BtBteiial Brtrrld to attaalilc atadj ara eieridated, with Uttle utt.nipt t" praaanttheretailta pii ?j- ii.ii. a UTORT OF PROFBfSOa v.'.l.V.'.'TI .K MOT'-'si R ..II AT. ( l.lNH.i EH IN ?H_! I Nl. i I S1T> OF MgW \'.iiiK SEt'SioN Bj f_j . vv. raaat-t. . ;- _'". .. H. J. W. Wood A ao_BJaaaed laaorl of a..nie ef I>r. Mott'a tabaVal iectnrea befbn Ua daaaea ia tha U-lfaraitj af N'.'-v Tork, by i.n mtrt npHabed bm _abar of bia i argfeal atafj h 11. a nieii in thia aaal ttdnaaa. ___aytraal i ttnuk oae hnii'iicd ili-ii:.ct eaaea, aad aboaoid _h itaBNBaBR. and iiifjaalinni td greal valaa lo lha BtafcaBBR__-l BtadeBt A.Vrl.'lcAN UUTORY. By Jacob Ah-i .tt. VeL l At.o 1.- ... ii' 2"8- I'l'i-Mon* Co. It ir pi.'i'Or.d I.T .Mr.! 10 i--"i-- a aerien of Toli-tnea, relatfaig, in a aopolar ataaner, tha biadiag an nti in Attrericari bbaarj frong tbe carli'-at parhad to lha prcaaal t.ine. The rohtata bafora us i.~ dare d "> tbe Indiana r-OOK" ltl.< KIVII). ltltlrilirr. 12i,io. pp. Mi Dnla.T _. '.. ia- ii. . l..,.;i .,:.? . f i . . -i I ( '< ?: ;i.-:M'1. I'-i .-.- MlrJlM. l.'ino. pp. 4( .. A. S. Ilariifi. k I'.urr. I ;.,i.ii..i.i.-i.. A ( a .r.. ol I., t r a, ly Kir.: riik A. Fxrlrr. D. D. lS_M.pp.ri; VTalkeT, Wba R Oo. Noitotr*a Handbook o Kuropa; or, Haar ta TraTal in tl.a Ol.l W.-ii.'. l-.v I II .-?;-,-1 i - l2nio.trp.24_. C. B. I._rtaa_ TbeLMBof .iB'.'li (iiniH-r. By W. f.RtilallaBd tktm i>p a i. i aitt, u _. l-i.ii'-:. ' _' riitme. Bl H. rati B. 1!-. Irtt, IV T). Nevr uilinliil BMil-Tf i-mo. pi-. 8.-4. C'iil.1 k Liacnin l.'.ln.r'- Iii i-i-i.??.?:- Criaii I't-tirai. By Sauioal M. ..ulfe, ' Vlrxiuix. i-':.'.. |_ tO. .1 T. L!or_. ! . i..t,li. By li. K. 1-liaxrt. IHOirr. pp. 5.'. PublUhrd for l i.-h. r. Tl.e J.-ii I T-in. By Aunl K.iendly. l'-mc pp 21". R. (a.icr lt Br ti. ra. UTERARY. a ? Jlr. Mnrra;- n Etpriag I.i-! i' foO of pi"ini-o l'"r tba lOTCBB af i:'hk1 bBBBB. ll ._B__B ul.- al Luty uti liotinc.-nieuls of DaBW WOrfca or edltiotiB. I'roiiibu nt m.hi - 'lu in ir a bia.k by tha Be.. Oaorga BTawHaarni, ii.i . ditor oi 11- lodotur, ".TbaFin Oi >? M?? -arablea ot tha Anci.-'it Worid, or tlie II:-t .iy, GrBOgiaphj, and Aatiqahiea of Cbaldaa, Ataryria, Babylotua, M-dia. aad Part-fl di_wn .hi.ily frota i itit/i iaeord-vaaal illaaUi tuis tbe varioni W :i'' i of tboee eo___tilaa in th< ll'.ly BcripturaB, vs ith luitp and ill? ' ; '? -1 Bt< . S':. h ii B_BB__Dg up of th--'.-r. d ri-piilta. of irian reararcb v. ill Im frrntr-fii_W weJcomedby ii.- ?.-?ii -a- nnd getveral raadar, aodwOla.iHadaa Ain-ii'i-'i ;? ] al lialtcr. Otb. rbooki i roote an- ?? L>-r luiia. t.Ii tbl Iliri'lN '1 ' I 'ii t'l. Iii h. -," by the Bb?. A. 1'. Btaalejr, BBBhar <>f -'sinai und i'nli -;a..?:" a pbilokgiea] worl hy .^lr. Vm> nr. one of the umYtttxt ot Barrow sii?...l. l.ill.. i .. laiiov.u a i.l v BB a >' i - i'1 ?'??'?< I": i- an.l " Jnl_roll . . "'lin Oii.iii u:.i llintmy of l_m . Ha "!' ii II -i- ii th -BBIfb Bl -I I'lVrtl.-ii' i ? I.i.. raton, Ita n j aad Celeaiial-d ? ? ? tfaaa, by ii.i.m- l >. l;.;.i>; i ?? I to. ; l'i emtot TyadaO'a loag .-I book, '??'i'l.- Qhtej raof th Alaa, Thaii I - 11- ii. Sliui'tiire, i.n.l (ii I,- ial Ih. :."!i.e-i i, tlu- BeBuhef 'l! i .- Sfaara1 01 - nrBtlaBa Bad Experfaaaata'1 .1 vi.i.'ii,.-. wbb pi-it.rij DQnatrated roiaatBoaa iu sv i, '? .\i ? ? (i , Tb'-ii (Jii/in, C-ca und \ itllie, Bl -BtarpT. U I I \:niil:lll lo.'V, llll'i Illll-tla f Aneirnt Att," by lha Rar. C. W. Klag thia - uniforni trhb the Marryatta nnd fliifli'ibiaali f:.l v.. .!-- on tu ? kml ai d bm darfl pottery; " Tha VoV . n'.i.r, Qha era aad Oeyaera tt leehu l,"a_q lorad ia a tner'a E_t< uralon, by CoBUBBader ('. N. I i and il.r.e n.-w rofaaapa <a i;. -,'' luiiiu-ly, "Tbe >t ident'i iii toryof Kiane.-, ? ?? Maaaal af Aan\ nt Oe<-Kt-pby," nnd " Uhaorjofthi Fuglirb B-aitgaage aad lanne." ?Mi. (J- o.'-'i Doi roa. wbo bai ool i" i n baard afia Hn- j wi.ilii tiiace bi" iii ? Laveogro," I... ?!'. ;iily ii ady " l_a UeepingBardj or, Vaioaaof the Worid, IVath, and 11.11.' Irai_a_atei Hron lha ( .hi.'ti -I.i itiab oi ' r_lia \\ jm." M).,lohi. Knaaell Smith, iln- untiipuirian pubLUh. r, will bringoal k a fcw day-, " A Pfetloaary <>i *.1.1 i h r!ay. exiating e_-ber fai l'iint or in Mann ' : | : . f ll. II. ll.e "li lli' t t_-t-B t" tile I |08B ot ll.e S.-\>- l l.-eiilh < entlliy. i"ill|.li;i". B-BO, BOtJeBB "f IfBtfal PaByB en i \ Knaliab autbora dnriag tba bbbbb pariod,'1 by alaiaea Orcl ard llalliwi ll. Oaa reJaaaa, ^m. Mr. II..i iu. II a work will Ih?aci'cplublc I-i lha iiud.-n! of i.hi Ki -ii-'i h'' ratnn , aa tbe __riat_Bg i ntbority <>n lha rul'. i ? tlie aeH-known Bto/rrtt) ? Dramatita i_ tn. hi in ?; rfiH-t hi relalion to tla tUizabetbaaBfle oftha dm :.. v. hi- h lai ii'i intil a - oiiipiirntivi ly IBTCBl 1. ti' .f tli- uttl ?\- r- and ?; ? l_eti.- ii. >. i i; 'rn-.' . tl.i-.. j... t Hvo. ?M. .Mici. let;- i..i a.. i.iiaiiy abaoibBJ iii lha eoa* r. J|i ol li . ilitlividilrtl UB l-> ii.-k1..-.1 Ih.- a; Be bai a aaw fniaaaa -.i hin gnati Knn.-b BJalarj i..mlv ready. li wii] I.- .miil..| ?? L-.uir XIV. and r|. 1.. m ?.'ili"I. ol tlu I'.'i.. l ot N.-int/.." Ilr. Tinib'a new book, "Anfedo.e UiuKrapbv ol ,.| l.oid Cbathaui and Kdmund Burke, u.u- Im: n (.rll.icl HH Ull eA|-ciilliel|! in liUirBliii.-, lt in wriltcii oa lha piinci|le thal bmn. aaapb oali ri-ad bicariaBhiai uml bi.-loiiea lor lha. rm_e of the aii'Hilotoa. A.oord inplv, be piea-ciia ll.e cbicl U'Hicee of bia anbjr-ci in rolemporary nu-molra, tVc.ln tbat form unron-iected by any thn-iui' of nnriative. Tlie effocl ia rather too much thai of " ii plum pndding all plume;" biitan in ti-reatirig ttmmm for caaual n-udinK ia aaaaa^tflBBBBxf j-rotluced. ?The iititiii-l" i. lationa betweon fbe Tarioit-, r*>un tii.M.f Il.c Noitl, ol i;.it(.|-- during tbe m'.ddle Bgaa ar-ing from tbe all awradlag preaaaaB ot **Jortn; m.n. ure Wl 1' illuatr.-.t.-d in nn edition by I'rof. Muncl. ,f('lr,rt;aniu, Norway, of tbe old -Cbroiii.!.- oftha It.le of Man BB* tbe ll,-l,r.d,-H I, (,:, c.,.i..UH und ample clucidatioi. of tbe l{,,t,icr.n.aii'r:it.dit!a<-.ii'lio..aof the,e re.iona from al! ?,,caibl' 80*1*00, even f.on. th" -Bfirjf ?>f tho Vath-n, to iiliich ib.- w.iier haa bnd bbbbbb. Bb Late ua Ihe XVlib (Yntuiy, thefe hi pttr-.-i.tly mttgni ... traif flieut Ilritain, were eccb-inatically aul>i.-i I la tl | .Ni- hbiebop Trondbj.m, in Nn.-iiuy, und are mucli ri- her in Ilunic b-Crl] li'H.M tlian tha ui"Uicrconiitry. -Thc new work of Mr. Adotphoa Tn ll-.|>e lt nota ji.ntI, u* t!:e titlc. FUippt Strozzi, migl't 1 mi or..-1 l loMirieil.biit "A Ili-atoty of tbe talt I>nva otUmOU lialii.n Liberty," aa< leaplixW in tbe atroggjea oooaa qaeal .rn tl-' . r.?hn:eiit of the Hipicinncy ofthe Mcdiii Kninily in Floroaee in the XVIth Centnty. Mi. TroUope'ejadgmeet oftha paid i- ahai> ned b)r hia vivid appir (ii.tion oftha graal eveota ofthe preeeot, "f which bi- l-ii-';> lo Tkt Atkeattam will funiidi ibe beat reeord to BaBosaahra hialorieal laqalrafa ef thc ?aa' bbb> - Tbe tuin rtuiti imture of literary proporty, nnd tho .lirnppoiiitineiit ftmm experiene, d in ita reali/atioii, ur* Vc-11 i-.Miuplil.ed iu 8 aala Lmt rriontb of cipyrighi.. fcc., beleafiaf to tha attata of tha lata Mr D. Bogae. A aaaah- uud aalkiafa book, ?? Kaa aftha Time," ?dd liv tlie uMctioTieer t-, produc B pmlitof X,7M per aaaaaa, kvat wtth ao r-rfjer "ii?-r kt Ihe eopyrigfal lhaa ?990,aad waaboaghl la. Al lha aaaaa lalfl "Tba II, roiiiir .-I Muikir.|.ar, ' bi--ii;'!.t, for tbo COpyrigbl and lorty-liiortccl j htt? ri, ?310, aad " Wiukh-? rvi riU CathodlB???" tbe copyiiKht, ntercotyi oa, .'ind 187 BtCtl tbiter. ?3401 ?In uddition t-i the "Antobiogrnpliical li.miii..? ci'iuta" of C. U. Iaeal.i-, tbe work on which ha iv;w solongengugod. ia fortunatcly 1-n in Bfltataaffef* aailataa. and will ipaaa-a ba braaajM aal by Mr. Marray. fti titl*- la w__a_ifc if-bJoabaa Rayaotla, u tb N'otii. * of Rbgarth, AViiron. i.iuii boiaaga, aud otb. r.Nnirt., I, - Co8_etaporai-a," by C. li Leolio, Th* fonn w ill be 1888-1 aaattO, and in tha .llii.-tr:iti-.nj there will ba rWhla, bayaad aaaht, evUaaaa ef LaahaVi laa ta.-tc in mi. Ai ti e | lapanaaafl of thi aataaai w;w a laborof lota with kaa, paraaad thaoogh many jtmn, aihlghlfalfiiBiiriliTB aftha aanaat Mtiatfa tradition on iher" graal B-flMTBBf thc Enyiiah achool may l>e look.-d for. ?HeawB, I.ittlc & Browa are ptlatlag un aaajaat i-ilition ofthe , oOeetSoa of " 0U BaHad_," piapatad by I'-oi. Chflda, fot tbcii aeii.-aof " AM-W POOtB," in ni.iiil octavo, lo raagfl witb Mr. 0ml W-jto'a ?? Bhakeepearo," and lha other raeeat elegaat Bootoa cditioiia tt c.-.i-iyle. D-raaB, Ae It ii rtTOoredthat tl. ii r.-T coaapietal edition of Cbaaeet willl-e thc . t 11.,f. ( bilda'i rk- lo Fng-ad, wbara bfl haa laaa dili-eniiy tuijil'iy, d in untienarian raacarchea aaaoag tl.e bl la'ii.r of tl.. two I'niv.m:itica and tha Britlah _ I,, . taa. lt Niill be ur BBBchtO the cieditof American lin iary IIBllH8_B. B8 t-> tl,.- -Ogtaeeof I'.:i,;li-a!i nipine Lirr, if ibe lirnl lliticiil -'.rt:.t tlie liitb.r of Englh poetir sboald aee the ligbt oa tbii< iide <>f tbe Atluntic ?si:.:, ,ly Baything haa beea dotie for hia elticidation .-in.- tb, laboiaof Tyriibill, now r.eaily a ciTitury in.,,, ; i.ii tl i y w, re contiiH'd to ft poftka BB-rely of hin iiiilin_K. A crrect 1,-k.t, niodclcd on tha rnrioritm xlitioiiH oftlu- uneii-tit ahak?BB, form.dfrom a BoBeetioa of tl.,- bc-t 1MSS. iiiidoldcopii-.a, by a compi'n-i,| -cholar, with approprlato aotaa aad eoauaeatariee, woald, in lha praaeot laalc for old EngHsh Bteratore, ba aa.-lid la.-ir for U prokiBged leaae ofHterary a_ao. - Bo carefol waa Gaa. Waahingtoa in all baahaai tiai.ritiiioiiK, tbat ii i- rareto ind any of bia lettera aan eotdi n the l.ord, n ' f." Be c-.ntiiloeo, " If we ahof?d ba I. im,uii- to drive tha Freneh ficm Oum\ta fui-aiyotir Iui - i WaaUp?B8B bave theni aent to, iu aayabati lhae,oar t. ny will aoi ba saaWaoB to dia ehargeoar fiirt espaaeea. Tb-- motive.-i tbat led aw . w- ri iTin- and 8888*, I 1 ad n<> vi.->v of aeqolei. tion. hu' ti.ut oi l.oior- ly aaraiag iaiilifully my kiii|< .a,,1 8oaatry.N 11 ? "N, iv BfogtaphiaBt?aaafaa," u trntitaot Hvaa of illu rioofl lingliabmen, aaaoaaeadaaaM tini- aiaaa by Mr. Marray, appeaiato be taJdag daa.Ma ahape. lt ir ii"M .iii-l to be pfepariaglaetfhoaee'*aaUot?i wlth I>r. Sniith V Dfctfcliiiiiric8." bixcept for the .jual'iy t | :.< itii g B graat deal i f b_Mar ia ? ?aaH ooatpaaa, it ir dilli'ii1' ta aeooaBI for tba atlraa?oaof U?Bawk* ward and nngainly alze, whiffa i> fa. iaferlot la tha ,,:: -1.- pagi ofthe ob'-ia.ii'i oned qaarta kt taat tt ci..-ult.itioii ami eoBaeliaeaa ofaepeeB, . A cn i- i.r. fragaamt of Angto*8axoa Hteratarehae I..-. a -ii-.ot, it-ii ii. th. lii.tiil ?tbrary, Copenbagen, thoughconeiatlng onlyof foarpagea, ortoro?Ovaaaf t.'liuii. forming tbe biod?ig <,f another book, It urotaatol.fgreal Dtafarj ealoa aa tha portfoa of a K.iiiiir-..-1,, aam i ta " Kiag Wt_ther," datiaaj Droai lle ninth ,-iitiiry. and raaeabUngtba A?BOOl |mm iu of lii-oii ult in t'buiact. r. Iti.- iu | rc-.-, n itb u < ,,ni;lel.' Ln - iiiiil, ln I'i-.i. Qeorge Htepheo, tbe ti-atiflatnr of " Kl II1.i- f . >;,.:,." A I;.-? i> iiik Ebbubb Pabi.ubib_t. Rereatly, ulieti a large bbbibi i of tba owaiban of the Engliah Hoaaeof Coauaoaa were in the lohby, there waaa call for a ditiatoo, aad a eoaraquenl riiel, for thedoar, nl.:. b waa aooa to becioeed. Oae party, th uringtokoep o'ltllu li opi'Oiienta, held tlie dour bjforOB, anur cotempo arj moraliaing, " i\ bat ae are lo experi ir,,iu thia \i- ,.? bi "bill; tbn ' gi-mh-iiiH.ily' t-liitiTti l.-i'"I our I':?i Ibuawnt " diattaaai; iul?ar anartad aadei tbe "nicit-il io-i| ,,|' m. Mt-pb. ii n? NN iiHliiia-tnii iii faat. '? iilierc \N i tinii, :,-i-h,i. I\ iit.-oii, to ll,. ...1,1,11 .iti.'ii 01 - il.i iuill/..d world." Ti..- in xi tiine The Titatt IneribfSB uB|dey" d, I itte ,-n tbe nlber aid,'ol ihe Allanlic, I I."|m- 'i will, l<>r tbe dii.r.-iiu of our < ouaiu Jotiuihuu, paiottbe T'.ry ?,',_!< lafavorofa "aoantout," I tn,, SW, T0,-r ,-l> ,l,rut ? i unl, .iprd.'l. A LIIU:?N>. IfEft BOOKS IN PARIS. Prom ' ?nr Own CotTcarrOndaa-t. rARH, April M, 1H00. Thrre nre no fi-wer thnn eij-o,-i ini.ic iliralingtiishcd in 1-086 IDBVBCtfl than TadBaa's F.i''iith voliime OfthB " Cotmulate and Im |iic." The Nvhob' work tnkcii tegflthot ia probably ihcbcrt one w..iko:i the mjiject; thia ...lumfl ia the beaj of the whole work It ia mnrked by ull tli- good qiiiiliticK of rian.itii.n to which M. Tbi)Kl u.'ciiator.ia Ua?cleur itatOBBBBt aud ririd dcrcriidion of eventa, arrunged with hannonioiis regard t? their rclatiic impurtatice, na well as to U i-ii- lugica] and abri Dolugica] order. lt is, Iike ita .-.ictle,. r>..i_, too diffuari*; but that ia a dei.-.-t whicu mc thiiik of Tutl.ei- in looking at it* lon.ii'luhle btllK thuu Nih.-n onee BBBEBfBd in it" perusal. It MVarfl thepen.', 181:1, to April. 1*14, a t, ii',,! io erowded with great eraota and great per Jonage* tbat the 900 paul BBM 9tA too many for tbeir itory. lt baftoi witb tha laat i-hatu-e offered I,, Niipoicor. i.t ii.okin- o BOBW that ahoiild atill leave him niaater of n graoi empire, apat on with tbe iiivuafon oftha aaVad ai-Uea, with tha boBM caiupai.ri. Nilicre Bonaparte'i tmUtar* gaaiaasboM with uudimmed luater, ofl to the abdicah-.n?to tha ndii it.\ Bobbed Md by aearred warrioraat i'''.n:ain, 1,1,-:,,., and tbe Ihitntnir fitliiiin fur Ttgtm I.udittt cheeiftil prioati at Notw 1 ?ainc. An.l thc BOOpfe cried, ttirning thia way and tbat, / trr lr Uot! Itnnt tt$ llourbons l 0 bns le. ]Waa f d atarl' _ _ _ ?? At an ina thia prodigiooa reigo eud ao di^rooaly, rctl. ign ol'Napoleon. Iteeaibiaee, taaaiagalar de grer/tbe rbto-reler'fl learaiog nnd tbe aeateacaa af ao advocate. witb a maa^aitenal iinp.rtiaiity. Thi* recmrkable ??.?ouclii*iou" doea not breathe the Bpilit of ll"' bigheat pliiloaophy, atill h-a* of the lugb< il moraiity. M. Tbien reaHini aa alivaiH a K.'.-iu'luiiuii and a politieiaaj bat beta ka np provei bia_etf aa free froai prejudn-c u> rt n gifratOBB] but to your iibatruct (ofl.ti.-at itidif li-n nt) ph-oeopher t.? bc Tbe "('.mcl'irioii" ia the ruriniiinu up of a JadgB who ia gaided iii hia deciaion bj Ibe lawa of Preoch pofitical utifity. i-'yi thv frpae in baad, this to th-- areigbt of I.i" jii.'.in.iii. ? ? Ji. jiitlg.- ihe. iukq biiiir.lf.T-> captain, " politieian. Bdiiiiniatinlor. lagialator, tbiuer, ?' writer. and te Bk-tfB him hia HBBB iu that dori " oua fnii ily tbat etJBBtl Bimmg ita DMBUaBfl Al'-i ?? iiiidei-, lliiiniib.-il. Csaar, Cb.?rirM-ane, Prederie ?th.- Great," Thi'-ra uwaitathe final end ot Ufl ciin-er?the Haodred DajB? thc itorj "f Nihieh he baa ?et to record, "After whieh." be Mtpa, "we ?? r.)i'all be ai'!.- to JadfB tha whole maa, ami aftvr " bariag fBdged tha Baaa impa.-tially, our will " be doae, ar-d weshafl leave ittopoateritj tojodae " ( ur jiKl-.'ii.-erititxclf. if itdeigiistooeeupyitaell'with " ita r.'iirioi! or coiifiriiiatioti." Thin bri.'l iiu.itnti.iii. by the v.:iv. eipoaei Wrij the BBUillfl and uedbeta of our autli.ii _ Bt)\t ot thonght and WlitlBf?bJfl ad ti.irati.-n trf pttTB ttlntily. of fjorj Bnd BBON8B| his eteeraeaa and difluaea-?. The "Concbuoon" is i.uidi' bb af a rapid bb_?aary af the moat _aportaat erentB of Naptdeaa'a raaai aud of tha letlectious iaspiftfd bi ibeir coiixidI'lTitii.n, Lat it be eooataotly boti '? in tnlnd tliat M. Thieri ia aa adinin-r ef Na pufeon ar urdiiit bi Mr. Al.hott, bat Niis.-r. BBgoea Ki, lar aa to upprove his BB?dogof the dictattir-hip tba 1 -tli uf liniinnire. From that date uj. U> tfaeAataaui of 1813, Firat Coneul or Emperor, thc Ifaaal Daatiiiphad _ji d-breat opportaBitstsi of ri-inrinir hia poab?ma.< tba tkmtat a uaiadaai Ea ropeaB Poarer, Whieh, :it the lirrt und laat of thcac , pi, rtui.itics?that ia. in iti BMOl limitcd conditioua .?wai the poaittoB of mibwbbb nde? over b Vtajaea boonded b) tba BbtoB, tbe Alps. aud lha Tyr. i.-. Wby did be succosivcly ofldect, WBotoaly reject. , inv oaa "t thaaa opportaaifiea' Examlniog eaefa aeparate eaae, M. Tbien arrivea at aix aaaveca, diflt-rtntly phraaed, bat on uti..lly oae. Wby DOt re-i iii the lii-t taaa, ba esataat with hia Beeured po-jtioii as Coaaal lor lit'e. Franee coiiteiit witli tlu large eoaqu^eBi aeeoeded t?, ber bj Inaaiaaaf aaaea, and at-B tuider the away of the nnw and Blld vcaiiiicsai'tcitcd" bi the rei;.i of terror. tlie y,ii(lc;,i, Niar, religiotll tcUsflB, b.iiikniptcy, coufis catioll? ?' Arking no more liberty than Ia Implied In the niod ? ratk ii "t a great man I Bul aha ' taa moderati a ol i. gn al tnan, b r< ated whb aB tba poweta of tbe Stat.-, thi ngb he Le endowed beaida iritb oai-i raal u'-'iiiu..? il -t not, of all 1','volutionary chi ii , n a il., I- -t . 'hiu'iT'ical .' " ?' 'Ibe prii'l. nt pacili.ator of 18011 beeanie the peo* roker ora ganetal ??r, Boleiy baaaaaa bc did aot know how t<> maater hiaown pamiona." ?* tt E _1 aaked how 89 gnat B captaiu, amliviii Ioiitiiiuii,eomaeto aooubM hucIi ariai-baa [theaa ata nagjerting. reiectiag tbe oppeataaili<-a "f returning, ult.r r-'iirdlaiid and Au-t. ilii/. to th? wi-e polky of li . CaJBBOlate, c.-liij-lt-l. 1, conri ,1, and h.tviiiu' the - foutading hintft-f witb MaeioeoaflB-i ot bunafl plaring at Qod, und upproving thcius.-lv.-a oulv poor e..(iii>i. ra: ?? < ;,> |o, !? t Bfl l >?d ti- a tow. r whooetop _aj r, i,ch hi-aini. aad bt oa make aa a -aaa, laei wa ," wattered abcoad." " ln eoitclaaloa, be thoagbt of ;,..nt ngflguin bb thoagb by waaring heira he would rttiu'.- tba, aathoaph the laiper?J happn ntum iim-i be tbe bapptneea of the people!" "Toeea objectiooa |the iiunlerate repreaeotatloaaof Boaila, hia i-.llv, ln 1811], rooaed Etfoteou't iudiguati.-n. To r. ri-i I un, tbough quictly, thoagb aithoot tb-- wotid'a knoikin;,' it, wa.-. in hi'r < jaa, ' |i~8 'he BgOBl of re tolt. iJicMiN- that aome ooe. aotnewhere, oppoeed aa objtctiontohia arbitrarv wiil, h,- couaidered hiuiself (l.licd. ll || au crror to aee iu the t, rribl.- di.-uiat<'ra of theBaariaaeaaaaaiga tbe mhi"- bi ibboHj ofthe luiling powen ol thc jircjit captain. ?? 'iin- fiiiiit i-a noi io be ??I to lha aaaaaaI of bia tnibiary quality, but |8 lii<- 8880881 of tbal iiiMinc will (tpoutnte Mirmmie). impatieut ef all o'> Btaeiee, that, .eeking tt- exi.-iid itI. ontr.-l fr-ui uirn to iii.iiirc. fouiati ht iiiitiiio the laabaaaaa il baal aeaaad to n-ert ivuh iu meti, uud riiccuiibcd to tho um?ained thiBoim li wbb not, lhaa. th.- Qaaaaai who iui!* ivroi'i/. iiinl wan paniflhed by lha re.ulla, but the il.tMi-i after tha iniiiiiicr oi Aaottia daapole. With leri gi? il itiKc iimn he Inid, and in uiio.bcr aaa, Vapolaoa uo.ild. perbape Iike Xerxee, have bad _m aa-a teoarged for itieobedieaee. An it uaa, we ohfarre Bomethiag tbat faouada as of aaeb eatravagaoeo, for (I nn ig ta. it ral luoti'i..-1 ti im writera uutdly iuveighed :,'.-; ii rt ti.,-. ol KuBaiii. thc roi, tiiii.-..-, tbey ae ateflaora* il. . \.,t,,|!. r: ihe t ...iv liiioi. deatroved Uberty, Ka. poleoo Fn-nch greataeaa, the boaaeof BoarlMHi U*giti ini.i- thai ia, i a. li the cataw whoaa triamph taej were apeeially i liari/i.l to ateun*." Hmmtit dr* OitmatHmi rt dra Mataatn .-> dr. Stp. t.mbir. 'Ihe lilllllol of thoae twtl oclai OB Bl1 tho ii,.i Bltogrtber OBTiahh bratoai iVdopbe tlraaiaf. bt, ur I.e lorei i" Niriic bini-cif, Qraniei deCaaaggBae, ( BBBBgliae i- tlie naiiu' of thc little toWli Niliei'c hc va, nn burn. not of any nol.le title he v .is horn to. l.t the raeeat aaw iitw ua oobiharj tiib**, wbicb it ! pretty rigoroRaly appli.-d ia numorotu catea at r_ | .nt, be eoinnnta an indifrtabla offente nrnry Rrn. ha I writcB it. lie bbtbh it, and taroa himfwlf trtnm i proce. ution, not tnorn by bia blgh poaition aa aa i in.i - ? .t.- ot ll..- power thnt ia than by hia adrai-t ide, bfild iinpiid.iice in pnrading it. I <-n! _-?,, a little upon tbe on iiin-tuiii' ?, beeailae it ia ao cnar i.i . i l r . I i ' ii i.ii; bold in aa-umptinn, bi.M ia aaaertioa. To do him jttatice, hf? ia tomethin^ bet? ter tban a .? a-li-hi:ckler; though b btiDy, and eapa hle. aa be iuta too otton ahatra himr-eif, of 8tri__ng A man Ix-low tiio belt when im ia doiru, wbeo ha ia on hia kiiet-f?of ratliog the police Bnd tht* ! " iiitcrenta of liumanity " to hit aid in arrr etar ?_ ! biut.-.l t- bo i" not a eoward. He baa been, on tbe wbole, b vigorou-. and iiii'*erup_loa?, bat ' fnlrribljroniiatimtpartiii" of whatUcalledattroog j (,'overiiiiieiit, under the varioua Fretu-h rcgtm.ii ut 'tbe part twinty year-*. lli-Iim writb-n in Kberal i pnp.TM with gn-nt vinleneaa of tonc, bnt that waa ao i a. eniei.t of party opfKiaition. Through all hit at | tn. Ka i.pon l.aeil.i und lU-iJ.'ltiolia of Vietor llugo, ' lna IkkiBg of Mole'a boota, and Guizot'. byot_, and ; Louit Napoleon't boota, then1 runa a conaiat/-nt ear : n i.t, a reapert for forcc. atrerigth; a conaiihint ria j ,we, co-pledwitb rr*Rl,.ig?i' Rnd boldnoaa of ex : pr.rrlon. iSl) llilieli f. ,r t he l.e W .aplljicr I (iitor. 'J he prcrent, like lnri prc 1011.1 worka, and liho too many other worka tbat bear tbe reapectable 1 BRBM of hlatory, partnken aomewhat of thi natare i of a poliri.-nl pampblet. Tbe litexhauBtiblo inUreat attacliea to hia theme, and hia n.-rvoat otyle, | make it very readable; tvhile tlu ?_< ta, drawn from ? ti. tr:iva_:uri7an of a clev.-r pnrti*iti pamphletifr. A^ baa been hint.-d above, M. Grani.-r's book k niuinly noteworthy for ita n.-w revelation of old bata. We are to thatikthe anthor, uot aaa teaohcr, but ftt a ivpotter. He haa ruminage.1 tl.e archiTw i.t the II"U! d.-Yi!I. audoft.'.i rrete.tureofI'olice, diacoteling do___BM!B-l w hieb ure oft.-n importantnnd ahrava ciniona. bcunng upou'tbe uiaaaacrea of !S?p t.iiib.r. H*- ia car.i'ui to where tbe ojivinuis may to-day be coBMited. The hlatorian iainuch BtOTe acrnpnloiiathan the newapapcrwriter. lf.^ proTea(8t baat ta aa unenidit.- a r.-nder BJ yoor ..UtapBBdfBt) thatHtf tlie miUBba of thaPaiRRaa pdataaat, c.'titLnu.'d day after day for lu-arlv a werk, was not tha reau'.t oi an accidetiUl . fi.-rv'. ai.-nce of popt-lar fcar or r;i_.-, but of a pre d.teiniii..(I jplBBj that tbe menibera ot GoverBinent who were no!. actively prooioliiig tbe bloody work i,i,,poM-ly iih-.-ainol from uupeding ita executioii; ihat tbe workiugbntcb.ra were r.gulaily paid regu. lur day wagea tor fl< ir work. The namet of ote7 one ofthe aaanitfiim, 4>f tlie acting butehera, Ba well aa of tl.e Bjaaahaaa ?>iv tb.- tribunala impro-iaed ia th.- piiatana, and af tnmty '""' <'* -^ victimi,^ hara be. ii dit. over. d, and ar.: bere M t down in print by tbeir diBgent Inveatigator. xilBaNg the more atriking , ovelti.-a nf the bm.k ia that part ..f it i.-latiag to the " Laat liaiXjiiet ?>f tbe t ,iio.ldina" at tbe Cro t-iiii'i-rie on the .-.. ot their execQiioii?a hajiquet iiiKt ineiiiioi .d b\ Thien, el.Miiiently enlarged upon bv Chariet Xodier, ma_*T)ificeirtlv poc__t*d by l_tir__r ti'ne. L'landly painted by I lelaroehe. It wrer t-aik place! i he proof ia pohitive, irr.-f'itable. Y.? may remeinb.T another of I.amartine'a tietiona, one f 'ih.-1ineat in hia ___uaaara da QonMdtkg, bbbbRI s he reader ia treat.-d ao tho*- fim. __a__________a (min led witb b.ri.iaui, pbiloaopby and pathotiam) ia ci ,l.i d by the (Jiroiidma about lo ik on the garral w;ilia of tha (onveiit .1.-8 Carmea, in the Kue Vao tiraul, aerved up with additional appropriate aenti menta and conjeetural commeiitary by the __ua_._a tivel.umartine. Here again. CaHaagnac'tdocunieDh irr.lutably prove that the QiroBaina were neTer in.priaoned iu the Carir.elite t'onveut of the liat \ BUgirai-k. N. w matt. r an.l portraiturea nf tha (iiiciidma und thcir coteinpornrica?more '-eiuarkir ble it ii..') be, R?r bolt-CeaBof deti?u andeoloring than -tiiet iinitntive fulelity? add to tlie attraotiTiv lier-a of M. (iraliier'a b_N k. To a linicb biguer order of hiatorical compoaitioa belonga ihe ttistoin it I-i LkmHi I'ulitiiju, , n Frana, b\ M. .Tub-a d.-I.a>t._\rie. Hia pamae bt writi-g ir waa, he MyB, "' te . olleet aud elaaaify tbe fu.-U tf ?? liberiy. in which the hMoryof Kniin-e it nol to '? poor aa ia -ujip?>M'd: to cori-e.t the ermis ut thwe ?? wh". fan.'ving that liberty ia a mod.-ni inventwa, ?? retii.-e to believe in it. nnd of thoae who, thinkiag ? th. v have di-at-overed it. ajaumetbe righ; te makaj '? n bad USeolit." lleileclurcr '' tha* in r.'pud_tt__g '? ull h.iidaiity witb the unrim rtgimr, uiodern -_> '? erty haa tleni.-.I it.- aneeator.;" thnt " tlmae wbo " iblend the ii-_i,ta ofthe |a'o|.|.', leuve imiortuiukiy ?? tiad.tioii to thoae who uphoi.l the nriuutiFe, t*_ " tinnoiia nnd neccasary aervit-id.- oi hiiiuuiii.T." EVBB froBI H_B_BRjaa I rief i-xtraeta you Will k like to gaeaa the.intt of M. Luateyrie'a argunieat wbieb innv be mt unfairiy aiuniiied up tbua: Tba ?? ot liberty*1 bartog eidiaad fron af ?-ld |D Frainc, it ia old e and not the KeTolutwa N hi.h ir to be thanked for the ao-called principaB ol _P, Biinrinlea wboan di velopnent waa ntardcil by tlie lev.dutioii: levolutioim are b^tvjiea, tley "eieitebattedbetweea thepuatnnd preartt '? nnd p.-rp. tunte a divorce fatnl to liberty." Il the old leciiiieha.l been !.-t abuie. it would liave d"_e bv paarafnl reforaa, wbat waa attenipted to be done ill hy . io.ent revolution. If. l.a-t.yrie s BTgBINeal aeema to re-t on a tw_? nion i noufh error, to wii: thnt revoluti'iii are iiiade l.y r> mhitioniata?aa thougb thy alwayt pr.ivoked and nev.-r w.-re provuked. Tbia conn pniilv from dutiuit tbe begluning of a revoluti'm al th. date ofHa material Mthreak. h eonaid.-ratwi ot Ih.-doiueati.-policv of Au?tMii orNnplea (or tae pnat tcn yeara, .howa thutancietit regiiuea ntay be ea aetively aggreaiive n- K.-d lt. publica. Il* onr autaof bad Bpp-Jed hia lenming, ing.-nuity, aud eltf.pi.-ooa to eiposr the r.-lationa betw.-en Fn-i:ch moderu n> voluliorai and nnei.-ut oppreitaioiui, a* well B? t^omi between inoibni und ancient lih.-rty, beu__lbt hayo^ told ua that Ih.- boirora of IO had uoite t> old at-rr legititnate an aiueatiy aa th.-priii.'ipb'* "? ?? ? would Ih- creatlv unjii^. however. to rt^-ntkm U a ret, or hia book .-.- a po.-tica. P*"'l'hKlr__ He U-longa na aU.teM.iMi and hi-tortBB Io thc tehool ?t wbieb ?.'.i/of it the m.ft etuineiit member. Apart rrom iN l.,arin_(by imphcation and mflu . .?? l.y diivet ln-atment). upon tbe _riB| 1-1. ll.e i:i.-iil r.uro,M-an .pieatiou ia. pernuiiBJi dia. iiarii... b.-,,.,,-,, i onaenativiaand IW.-tv-u^ La ii.tiobute ivvol.itioii* of l^4- S?rdi..i.i:i jj n.xatioia, Si.-iliaii in-uirrectiona, dte*. >w r91 ?? in, itlenta," ua vour t'omrreaaionnl n-i>?.n? mi_ht aav? ;t bea'iing tliat in P*rt. ?cf'!"n?4 for tlu- reaflBBtjraMe uttentiou tbat b*" 7'.'f pi i.l to il h.-r., th.- Uittoirt de lu !?&!** JJJ injiiriti Frtutte, haa othtr gtvat bblam '"',.? vohii.,.. tbc odI) on.- jret, ia ??"n,lK**''^_: l.u.i < linpt. i : the tita_.t ol wbi.-h pn^-uU^"f"^ Ih ii ol Ila l.allo-lu.niau pi.pulation, aml of U> i I arl.aroua tilbea at ihe Inne of tbe UfB*!" ' the a . ? i.! ir t ken up with ;.i. ? \Biniiiati.Mi oi J. ?? hberti.a: " tb. thinlwiiht_ul?>ir Itanlas -libeltias;'' tbe folirtb _*? ?____*_^ ol the >;" in tbe |,arbBr..u?r i i...l. 'I h.-e Iii iug ua only lo th. at-ecBiuon oi nj? (npet, alill nitie eajnttiriea BgO, M *JF*Um ^ !,_.. und n grtat tray otf. men were aUU ^ ; theA.n.iic.M. ,ci.d.-. Io-.1?t may take a *u' ,??? intereat afl r.-ading M. ^__f_2 L ?* Tlu > me ttill of lenrning none th.' h'?^_*w_,iiii -.4. ,?.?,.'.. dnll. I'oliahed ateel iajaat Rf_f_?f "J72 >U el. He moy exni-gerato the iin[-*rt?o. e ???? I