Newspaper Page Text
V0L XX.N?-5,98_lf NEW-YORK, TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1800. FRICE TWO CENTS* IHE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. ? ?B BBBBB ____ H_W-V?-EK SAILY -BlBaTlt 1B lOTMBH-Xk BV__RT MOENING AND EB-JSIIEO (Br?iat* E-tcBrraik), a* BBB T?BkTBB Bt7ILBIB?I, OOBX?B or BA-*** ___ BFBCCB Braaara, oi~_*ir* raacirt ball, Bv HOEAGE QRJEEL-Y kOa., __.'_. kad flaflviBBl k CBy Babaaitbera k Ik aaa?i p*r weeb Mail BM i l.b-ra, BT BM JflMMB bad?aiiai Ol fox ab -B_____ ?___? RBW-fOEE W-___4_ T?I-lt71t-t. A VEET LABOE PAPBB fOE THE C-U-tTBY. b iBkBihid ??*ry Bare?-v Moainira, at tba k* I*,** ,of fl B_r__k-re_-_.b__bB-k(*:__** Copba for 4*; ?t*C<>l?-? to 08;T*oC?pb*foi 411: Ta*-y Copba, k ???? _**?__<__ flBlua- _b_--?t *i tbe rek ef 41 per aaaa_a). BM; Twenty Ooaaaa k addreaa of aa?i aabeariber (aad aay brg? naiuber at Sberekaf 01 Maaeh), fllt. Aay omn? aa-kdtagBiia alab af l?a-ty aa eaora wtU ba anUikd k aa astra eepy. BabaeripUoBa *____**rti-^t_7nTB_ WBaaxT Ta?r-gi ooetONE DOIr EAE AND T\?__m-fl-VB CXNTS PKR ______ f9[ a-ab BBMB?I Eiatb-^b-arkdra-kaatbaii flt. TUIt IWB'-l'OBK TKIRI >_3 POB EIROPEAN CIRCULAT10N, H pabhihed aa tb* drpartere ef uach Mail Stt-inr r for Lbirr **?! k 43 per anaam, paatafl* inr.luded. Slugb Copire, live THK rlBE.VOBK TBIBOI! flOE CALIF0RN1A, OREUON. AND THE BANDAVICH IBLANDS, la aatlUhrd en Ibe drpartore of each Mail Steanier for Aapb ar-fi at ?1 30 per aunuxu. Slngle Cepiea, SU Ceula. ttp.ria. -Koticof. Yaaas Mea _ Itepnblli an I nioa RE(.l"I.Alt MB.KT1>0, at thr Rooini, No ?_-i Broadway, TUKSDAY, Jnnas Bli, at 8 o'rluek p. m.. a: the Btuyyewiit luaU tuie, No. b-H oroad.vay. Addrr?Baby aam AV. BADOEE, Jl 1>0F. PKAKOUY, and HI'.MtV BbENT. Singixi; by tbe Eocky Moiniaiu Ulee I'hib. Ci.PHAS BRAINERD, _Cbalrtuan ol Committee. ' KBll^pHtterB' Batcatlaa.-T'he u*a_ber. ,i tha Bab lailon v,lll u.eet for diul ou Tli___iDAY, Juue -_, at I p in., at ritoyvr.aut luaUtuk, No. WB Broadway. A full atteudauoc ia BaMtB. ke-ra b iVard.? The menihera of the Bevantb IA ard I.i.t roito auo liauilin Cinb are re.jura'.ed tuim.rl.iu Ti riSDAY Ea l.MNO, Ui* -tkh in.t. at No. 68 F.aat Broadway. for the p,i_ poee uf , ooifk-ug tbr urganiaatlon ot tbe Clnb. Uy order ef OtURoi. KIMMENS, f.h'n prokm. (lUkfclllfljia, ; -, J(.kvh?o,n., ?___ Tblrtrentb Aaaembly Obirlct Krpubli.-itn Chiu BflUaa Club valil u.eet T?18 (Tur-da.) J-VKNi.X. at 8 o'cbck, at No. 624 hth -ar. Mr urr-n, pieaae be puuitual lu at k-ndsxice. Tbe fcxe.utive Comiuitta<e -,11 h ,ld a .e.-i-.u. JOHN H. DAVI80N, Preaid' nt. Alikbd La\ca?tbb, 1 o? ,. tl*. AK TAW.uK, JaW-B. Tbtrireatb Ward Mrpublban Aaa.clailon.-A ?vaetiBg (1 Uie XI1 Ith Ward riepuhli?n \a*.,.i dioa wiU b* beldvu 1L-4.DAY KA KMNla, W-l ii.?t, at Hall, al B| o'clock All reatdenia of tbe V\ aid oppvaed to the preaa-at Adii'.na-tration ar* reapeoUully invited to auend. J. M Kov n. i ,_... THUS. C. yOUl.D, Hb?i-v A Sbith, 5 ?*c*'_Preaideut Klafateeatb XSard.?A rrgulat uieetiiig of tbe XV11ITH WAKl. BjE.fl Ai. ASSUl lATlUN -Oi b. hriJ at the kaadn in - No. ?11 Sd-av.. oor. of h-th at., oa il KsillAY EVfcNlNO, June 2b, J oalock. .IOB L. BLACK, Preaident Wb. W. Stbplb?o?i, SecraUry. _ vt Ide-Aw Hke Claba Ibroagh the cannty, deau-ou. ot obtainiug INIPORM9, can do a* M the loweat price. by apply Ing to KuAA'aRD A. ..1 ANN, at the ruviui of tbe Voung Meu'a Bepablkan l/'aiuu, No. 65a Broadway, Btoyveeaut ln*tiinte._ "~i-TFrall and Horml Fralival, k ?id of (be PreabyUr i'*B 4 fiareb, .vili o? held in tlie villa?ei,| Weatfariu*. W eat (be.U-r Co,. un lAl.llNKM'Al AKlKRNOU.N and bVKN IBU. Junr 27. in teuta. on tbe bronx Biyer. ('arriagea saall be rtady lor tne 5 p B- Hailrin Uain, Irum 2bih-at. at 'frrinont. Eaery luxury ol thr iraaon : a luperb Kxhil.liai, of Kbwtra, aaidex rUent Jdudc. _ "a" f^trawbeiry Foattral *_ be neld at BltaoIbeifM'fl Hail, 8th av., on WKDNE&UAV and THI R^UAV. 27ili aud 2?h bau, lor thr ienebt of tbe 37th-at. Ml-aion _>( lioul, con xrckrd withtbr K>v. Dr. UalfwlJ ? luuirh '1 ickeU 25 ce_ti; ti lu ornt*. Thr Plaiio ua. d ou tb* cccaalcn wiil be Irom tbr aaiebouae ef A. M IflBIBIB_ A.eoelaiian af Exenpt FireMea.?The uir ; er- are rraia, ata n to iiiret a: I'.-u lant'. HuUl ( orner of droauir aud Kl d__aa-ats.,TlllM UAA (Tue.a_y) g_, 1 p. _u., lo att-iei Uie [ga uei.i"! our late brotber uirinbrr. IJI.uRdK. A. P_.RRY.dt ,i_,.a. (i. AV. tVBEi??A, R. B. "^r^ek__*erT?f^ Ca-Bpa-flv^ET^vYlat^AvrRAlS. ril ^UTi-.Kft' nA iTAlalON, wiil iiiert at thr Stiiyvraaiit Inati uilt, on illltS (1'ueaa.ay) KVEMINU, at 8 o'clock, lo inake Biiaugrmetiti tn atteud tbeMai* MecUug at Jauii.iu*. L. 1 , on Iba _>U> iuat. Nour blt the-r a_e___| tlu- m.-eUug ''au atteud kha ba'.-'albu I'arade ou the 28th irnat. A. SATTEETHWAIT, CBptaiu. Ofo. ('? Kli.ii"'N. Ordtrly Sa-rfexut. Mrlirviie Ilaapltal.?ilereafter, A uitora wiU not be al?ae- to enter tb, rto-jnUi lexctpt lu extr. tue ? ?r-?/on any atbei iban Uie leg.ilar vUiung dav*, vu. th. K1RST ai.d T.4IRI) THIBSDaVS ln each mouth, br-.aveen the buuia ut 10 o'clock a. Ua. aud 4 o'clock p. m. AU aiticlee aent lor tue ci m^ort of the pati-i.U by p?_ea out ?iaie ef tbe MuflMkl inuat b ulxrcUd ai.d deiivered iu tbe War dea ol Uae hoa*,i al or Li. lhoroi.rb exeioiuui u. bave been orderad. to preveut tbe iu b" ia**, or Uie ubt-aciiou oou, Uie Hi-*piUI, ol any for hkdun aiti.Ta. ot i-lutbkr. connumwlou, Ac, by any peiaon or peiaeea ataaeur. to Uie Hoabital. hr croer ot tue i oiuini*^-?uri* of Public Chaxitir. ai.d Cor ^o,;. JOHN K. WHllr., kAarden. ?aya talar NallCO.?A'on eyed, roiy ebeeked, ioii rb-rrou* littir lellowa, coax yoor tuoihem for NMV JAiiKt i'rt BB* PANT'S. 'i', Ot C UI'l-. Wlll COIlM'tit, thell go tu (uilNKLL'S, No* jl John ai.d 1.4 Puit^n-au., aud buyuiem. Briagalous your big luoth ia, tl.i-y may watit l oat* too. ?" TATater Ca-ler* ! Water Coaler* 11 PeiOfl.ce*. Ikaika, ste~uibo*ta, llotel.. aud pii.ate Ilouae*. YV_b' v ooler*. both plaui aud ornanieutal. ?1 .upeiior quality? wiU not ruat or rorrode. Pricee lea* Uiau hereloture. At wbole mlU\ aad retail bv ' LUCTC- HART, No*. 4 and 6 P.nrrlag aUp. Warth Heaie_iberlaBa--l?8?nt B-Ba?B HOL'SE llULU i LKNl 1 L at, Bt rul v Aii. BALK, lor lldi week, Bl No. IbL'lUit-ii-p-ace, in Bth-it., a few doora we.t ol ilruad-ay. flrrr i' an oppoituuky to puichaat ?e!d,iii im-t wiih to obtain ?a_|a ? hon. 25 to !aU per ceul lea* U?a they are teally worth kr awort?ent 1* veiy large and variui. euibranug aii Uie artklaa OBaful aud omaineuUl, that good honat.kea.pera can de ?Be. VA .? fuirdah bou*ea or apartuieuk* couipleo-i,,, evea lo tbr BAa-trv. are. beddiug, cullny, aud ciuckeiy, lu a *tyle aud at * pri < to thr mo?t faatidiou* ta?te. Biue Parl >r and liraw xmM-kiom aud lAnrary Kamiture, new and ?erend Bmid: rich Wiuc-W Uraprry, *rt_c- l'lat. Mirrora, Mantii (Jlo, k ai.d DaaariUons. IrtnUig-RamDi Sultr.n, a luil a*?ortii,eiit o' roaewood -ladaaji. i l hiixuber ruruitnre. bue Hair Mattreu?,? and Ba-dding. finua-:* andotliar tarpeta. lu ahort, __tii..iu. ma everytblng that good houi?ek?eper. can aak lor. Tla* ippoitnuity wUI ua louid ujucb betler Uiau gciug to auo uaa br the good* can all be exa-uiui _. and wlll be t-lly war raokx and aeait hoiue free of cbarge. Call ul BM if tba roil.-e Uaot-orth rerxii-nibeiing aud true b every rcapect Doora opaa 'roiu 7 to 7. _ "SSS /?ol* aail Botiuilrul Korlety. B?_*i tor aub_eriptton to the Capital Stock ol guou,*-, in anarea af BleV each. k kBe Anaerku? /.oviogrcal aad Uotaiueai aocrly, ormt k oT?*i.ed on MOMiAV, Juae 4, at Ihe olhca. of the TTa_*a __ kA 1_MJN li h l NT, k No. 30 Park-plAa.e, and k tbe oflbo* afDlNCAN, BHIR-IAN b C'o.,C-r_.r PUie aud Na*aau .ta., ____! _a.itiuu* oueli from day to daj n_*Ul iurtber ..otiee. Ten pei aae* ?ul br rrotitrrd in caah, tb* baMbue k be paidto the Tr___ ^.^.Ma^h-VJ^l* ^ WATTS BHBEMxkN. BdBERT L. sTUART. ______ Batba, No. 8 4tb av , near tbe Cooper luatltute.? t'lifliainTr- a loxory, invali??le in meuniaUc, H-er, kidney, -?T?a-... aUr< Uo-ia, female we?.iiea*, b<. Al-O, Kiectr. - |flB-_!Bo_rid Medicated hatti*. Klegaut ?uite. ef rooina for ___?_ Opao troo. 7 a. tu. to 10 p ni., Buudaya, 7 k H m. "Bb -to-B-b-Tbi Dally Attaadanre at bli o_Bo* No. 81 Bk7i?7aUlo. "iv- _r.-ui.._t ot SI'IN^L AKKlCCTTObS and ImLMoilABy: DI-EBTIVE. Wt-JEJ ^uikM W____N__-??ErA. Alao. for the ra?cal oure of UT.RNIA (rop taa-i). i?? -u-proTBd BBAC-? aant to order. i-xpla?4*ry Baeay aaaBed free._ * Etercaorype Bnxee for Hale.-U" l-OXI'S neariv aao au-V.,lu.*de laltabie for pkvea wu aud oue balf Im-f.e. by revrniucL.*, wlllbe ?old naronable for caah. To be aeen at Nu. M fark-ruw, top Ooor. Irom f a. ui. to 4 p. ui._ Far-oi.-'e KxieriBlaator, ThiS br..-?T Ir* I'nt WoitLD, fl?I inrelT deetroy all RaU and Co'kroacliea wliereo*-- Ali Ururg-t. vaii , ertify to that kei eold by Dru|gi-U generaily Ikaufi ont tbe L'uiwd StaW* aud Canada. ICtno ri^IlK TOUK HY THK TWO (:II_IP10NS, 1 HKF.NAN bi~ 8AYER8. I Y'rii.m rllOAl TH_ KUITOR. GBAND DEBCEIrTlON Ofl WKSTAlINBiKR ABBKY lnVbot Irom C>,n_a.r ou tbe A.MFRK AN HoR_4i--A IN ENULAMh THE l-ORA TEMPI.1- ANI> PATCiiKN TROT8. Conect Lugraying of tb CHAMPION TRUTTl.Ni. t>lAl_LION. The Ki.Tfc CHAMI'KTEK in honor of th* JAPANEBK. DICE D1MINT; Or, Thb Lirc a>d Aitixtibbb or a THB BEW-TOEE EACKB^AND TBOTTIN'O REPORT-. babx: b?__: i-kicei-T. Atti Ai;it.a, and OTHP.B 8POETTNO MATTi R8, hKuM ALI. PAltTS OF THECOCNTRY, IB -H.KEfl' Hl'I B I T - NOW OIT. rorBBbbyaUNewa^era^^^. Oeneral D-kbri. N*w and l ?afij l.i Pbyab i?? -?d KaJiiiUea. THI. BW'KDlbB MOVbaMl-NT CU1.1-?r.ui J hra. i:.,U.i UlaaViiy aud Phb-a-opBy *i thi. New by.teui of bkedV-al Ti.-atunt, wiUi exan.flr* o: BiafltB inov*ine.'.tfl, BiiU dBacBli i Ii* their ?>?* lu vartoo* lorui. *t . uroni. iiia- _*e, iilua U-l'dr. th ." l.tigravingB. formlu? airuupiaU- inanual of rxei ck_, W^rtbi -labablMMARi OP Td_P___.CU.LEd O* UVdllM.. By 0-avrg? 11 Taybr.Bl. li. Pri-* 41 25. MJAV LiM AMl AVi.Ll-8, ao, OB Uroedwav, l*i...:_b*r.. Tla_i.tlief.rrt.ud roo-t .Armpbte worl. on tM*..:h..,t y? |?ib.__l,.d u, Ar-.ri'B. Itv.illbrlo I 'I.:_?_, u... oirloit,. ud l_ii".-i, w..ii. i. aud-blid-a?._ NOTICL to ADVKRTI8ER.S.?The only D.tilv P?prr puulalird *t U-e C'*_*d_-i rWl of l_Wve..'.",.1 u THK Ql Kl'rf ISORNINO CMEOE1C.E. Iti* f-k'u i" *h Bii-trvrry faii.Uv iuCiurlrt. B-..I -'r- ulatava Ur?.ly i-i Karkern Car-kda ai.d Ne_r-Bru...wl<-k. Twe_.,y ttioo-a? *:r_u:era ar? rxpea-t.-.: on ar vk*:t o! th* PrJnce. Ad.? 'd* ra wlxl (.ud 1 lt_ ti.B'.MlLP. auex-ilriit B.*diui,.. D.Uy C uroaiuU. d.Sptr bbbubi, b edvanc* | Weekiy Cbrouiclr, 4?, do. T?rm. tor Ad B*TttiJT f i-.adt- kiu-.e ii oo apfxlteation. PATKIOTS, AKOISE! 8AVE THK INTON; Tbe Ponrth of July will dawn upon one ofthe bit t.-rt il *.-. licnal ililfea tbat i-ver curn _ i ootmtry, if >h,> Anieri i au people do not rntolutaly ipura all political eicitpuieut and retmn to tkat tme aud which ..-annot failtobere vived hy ARTHI'R M r.RAINOER S rr.-at Na'ional Rouunce ol (ioLDEN EEATUER, Or, Thb BrctANBaa of Ki__'i IiKil.c.B." A warlike of the R i t e r * and the Biy of New-York during tha VV a r o ' 181*15. Tbii iiiperb itory ll roramenced in THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY MERCURY for July 7 (new ready), ind ibould be read ky every Ainerican who takei prido in tbe rlorioui Tbtoripi of bii .-oiintry io tlmei paat. l.OV E und GLORY' are it* great topici. ind ibe n.-ar approacb of Our Natimi'i Kirtbday girei I: a -j_i -lal interPKt for all ciaaaet of rca.ltit, A brilliant and patrioll- itory like tbii, of the dayi tt b< i. Nortb, eouth, Eaat. aod VVrit it<"> d ihoulder to aboulder ai.d farcd tbu cominon oiinoiy together. wlli bave far uiore influ . me u. aonthbig pany itnfe thno either ?peerhel or dip omacy. Beid TKE MERCLRY aud bud out tbo reat. All the uewi deaUrt i-ll it. A NEW ratri4")tir'i'ALE7entitle4r"G()I_DEN -t\ KEATHER: Or. Thf lli ruviu or KiM.t A Warlike Romaore of the Riveri and tha 14 ay o i New-York. Bring a Tate of Ixrt and l.lmy m tht War,/ 1?I2 '1*. Hy ARTHCR M. ORAINOER. U now ready at all tbe Newi Depota, iu THE NEW-YOKK B-.k4.-kY forJoly7. Price ouly Ponr Centi, with Uatky'i lllt ttraliont. PATKIOTS AKOU_E ! SAVE THE UN'ION ! Tbe i omiajt Pourtb uf July will daivti upon oiip of tba liit lin it terttr.nal etrifti tbat ivcr cinac.l a country, if the Ameri ran p.-.ple do n..t reaolutely .purn all poliiical excirainent and retum to that iroe and noble aatriatBaa -Im li aaBot BII to be rpTivid by ARTHCR M. (.RAINOEK'S great Natiounl Roiuaoce of 'i.Ol-liEN FEATHER; Or. Thb br. i asbbh i'f Kiv.t i.n.'iii.i'' A warlike reraliniic. ence nf the Uirrn Bud the Bay flf New-York during ihe War of 181215. Thii luperh atory U e ouniieiiced iu THE NEVV-YOKK WEEKLY MEKCCRY for July 7 (oow teady), and rhould be reud by pTeiy Ameifc&n wbo takei pride ln tbe (rlorioui vicli-iiea ot hii country iu time* paat. LliYE and lil.uilY are, iu gToatt-pici and tbenear approach of (ur Nation'. Birtbday giv*. ii a ipecii) intereat for all rlataei of raadara. A brilliant and itory like ibit. of tlie daya when iNr.itti So.itll, Eaat. *(-_ VVVrt .tood tbouldpr to ihoulder aidfact?tbe piieiny together, wlll b?Te far more inflo euce in loolbing paitv ittif-.'lhau eiibcr apOchei or diplouiaev. Read TKE Mr.lK llRY andtiiidout the rcat. All ti.' new* dealeri leli it. ANEW l'atriotic TAI,E, "Viititl.d GOLDEN FEATHER; Or, Thb Bici ?xb*h flfl Klflflra I'-mnnB. A Warlike Romnuce of tbe Rivem aud the Bay of New-York Btino a Talt of I.ore and tiUiryiHtlu War -f 1112- 15. By aKTHL'R M. OR AINOER, ia now ready at all tlie Newi Uepot*. in THE NEW-YOKK MERCI'RY for July 7. Pri, e only Four Centi, with iHrley'* ILrj-tratloDt. 1>AT_-I0T8,_-H0USE! BAVE THE UNION! Th>- > orning PaaMh of July will dawn upon one of tb- jit teieat aevtloiirtl -tne. Bttfl e.pi cuned a coui.Uy. il Uie Aui.ii caii people do not re.oiu'elT ipitn all political c.tciteoient aud retuui to thit Ul.- and noh'lc putn .titni w hich cmii >t Uil to b? reviT. d by ,V RT'I! ( ll M (Hl A1M iER'S jrreat Nationil BaMflBM of "OOHDEN FEaTHEK; Or, Thb B.CCAMBBB or Kinu'i l-.i ?:...?? A warlike reminiiceni'? ol" tbe Riveri aud the Bay of New York d u r 1., g tbe War ol 1B12-15. Thii auperb atory I* couxoeucod io THE NEW YORK VVEKKbt MERCCIU for Joly 7 (now ieady), and ibould be read bv every Americau who taki-a iu tbe gbiioui vl,trl,i o* bit country ln tiun-i paa.. LOVE and 8LOB l are it. graa4 topi.i, and thp near approaeh of Oui Nltioo'l ilirthdly givet lt a ipetiai biterett f ir ail MBBBBI uf r.adera. A brilli?ii and petriotic itory like tbii, of tbe daya wbeo Nortb, Btath, E&it, and VV pa rtovd abnulder to almuld'r and fuc.d tbe cominon en.-my tog.tber, will liavp far morp inrtn im e ln lootbbig party ?bile, lb*u eitber tpeet'bri or di;.louiacy. Read THE MEkl.L'RY and imd out the BBBt All tne BflWB Ui'ulcri iel! it. ANEW Patxiotio T__I___, 4*_t__ktt] GOLDEN FEATHER; 4)r, Thb Brc( atbkr or Kimu'* Bkidub. A Warlike Komncr o I the Klvtui and thr Bay of New-York. hcir.g a Talt of borp aud atmram, thr BWe/Mlft'l* B> AKiil'tK M. BEAlMuVEE. it now ready at all tbu Newi brpota. iu TUE NEW YORK MERi i HY lor July 7. Pri. e otly Foor CbMB, with Datley'i IBmaaBeaa. PATRIOTS, ABOUAE! 8AVE THK UTflOH' Tbe comliis Kouith of Jtly will dawn upon oiip oi the bit leicit lectional itilie- that ever cuned ? country, il tbe Ameri cin ;.eopie do not iciolutely .purn ali poiiti, al pii-iien.pnt and retiim to tbat bm-anc iiobic patriotiaui which cann-.ttail.obe TP414. dby AltTlll H M. i.llAINObirSgTPit.NatiooalRoiiiance of '(.OLUEN FEATHER; Or. Thb BtttANBtR or* BKiiit.a" A warlike rc in i n i ? a I n i e of the Riveri and tbe bay of New-York duriug the War of 1812-15. Thii inperh ito y ii comtneiicvd ln THE NEVV-.ORK WEEKbY MERfl RY for July 7 (now ready). and ibould be read by eiety Amt-ricau wbo taaei i.rid" in tbe glorioui victoiie* of bi* country iu tiuiet p??t. LIjVE and GLORY* .ur iu great topifti. ar.d the. ni-ar apprnach of Our Natioii'a riirthd-y trrai tt a .p8ci*l*' for all claaaei ol rea.1. r? A briiliai.1 a. d panioMi- abrr like thia, of th" dayi when Nortb, Scuth, >?,t. and W .-.t stood ihoulder to iboulder and lai-f d the coinuion BBB?| r, wni bav? far uiorr inrlu aoce ln anotl.ingpaltv I'rifp tliaiieiiber ipaecbea oi diplouiaoy. KiiidTllE MKRCI'KY .nd bnd out tl.e re*t All the newi dealera aell it ANEW P.7fri.ili~TALE, entithd GOLDEN FEATHER. Or, Thb BaCC-JBMB or KiM.'a Bmix.B A Warlike Bf the h i v <? r . and the Bay ot New-York. JjViup a Talt ot J.ort and Otory ia tht War a) 1612 15. Bv ARl'HI'R M. liRAINOER. iinow reiJvitall tbe Newi DepoU. iu THE NEW-YORK MERI IRY'lor July ". l'lica only Fow CeuU. wiih Uarlcy'i iib ttTbtiom. PATWOTB, AS0U8E ! HAVE THE TTNION! Tl.e ootuitig Fourtb of July will dawn upon ono ol tbe Mt t. r -st n itioual Hrrfea tbat i.-ver curied a country, if tbe Auipri rnn people do not reaolutfly ipuni ail political eti-iteinent aud tet'iiu to tbut bue and noble patriotuui wbiih cauoot fail to ba r. viv. dby .\RT1II R M (iRAlNoK.R'rt great .NationalRoui*nce of -uObUEN FEATHER;-' Or. Thb Bi cca.nbbk or Kitu'i Bkidiib." A warlike rnmiuii:enre of the Riveri ind the Bay of New-York during the War of 1812-15. Tiiii aupetb atory i< couiuiem-ea in TUE NEW-YORK WEEKLY MERCUit for July 7 (now ready). and ibould be read hy every Ainerican who Lkei ?iide iu tlie glorioui victoiiei of bii cotinUy in liuiea paat. ,U\ E and GLORY are ita great topici, and tbe uear ipproacb of Our Natlon'a hirthday fiiet i: u ?peci'il mtereat for ail claaaei of r.-adc:i. A biilliaut aud pat.-i-ln- .lory like thii, of tbe daya wbeu Noith. Soulb, Fait. aud VV eal ntood abould.-r to aho.ilder Uid taced tbe connnon enemy together, wiil hav lj.r uiore intl i ence iu aoutbiiig laity .trile, than eilber ap-ecbea or diplomacy. Il.-ad THi. ilKHl l KV aml Und _t il.o n-.t. Ail tbe newa dealeri aeU it _ \ NEW Patriotif TALE, entitled GOLDEN _\ FEATHER Or, T'Hh IIic.a.nkbk or KiMu'i BninoK. A Warlike Romauce of tbe RiTeri aud the Bay B f NewYnrk. I'.-n.j a Tiir of />.r<- and t;it,rvin:ht Marof 1812 T?. l'.v AHTHI R M. i.RAl.NOEK, ii now readv at all the Bewi Hepoti, iu THE NEWYUEI MKKl'LRk lor July 7. Trice only Fotir CeuU, wltb barley'i llluatratioua._ PATI-IOT!-, AKOUSE! SAVE THE UNION! X Tbe coinieg Kojilh of July will d?wu upon one of the bit telelt aectlonal itrili. tbat >-k.r rurtt-d a coLiitry, if tlie Aineri? can people do not leiolutely .purn all political pxiitemeut and te.iirn to that true, and nobii- pariatiim which eflBflM fa'l to b? reviv ed by All'l H L ll M UEA1NOEE'8 great Nationil Romance of "U01.bEN FEATHER, Or, Thb Ib (. A.tar.K or Kimi'i BhiDdK." A warlike reminiicence of tbe Riveri ind the Bay of New-York during tbe war ol 181 fl" I *. Tbii luperb itory i. couiiueucrd iu THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY MERCLRY lor JuIt 7 (now ready), and ilnmld be read by t-Ti-ry Am.-rican eho takcl pride iu the glorioui victoriea of bii country in time* paa;. I.i IV E and ULollY aie iu great topic and tlie near approecB ot Our Nalion'l Ui'tbdav B" m. .ptcl.l luti-rea'. for ail clalaei of ll BIM II A briliiant Jid patriouc itory like thia, ot the dnya when North, South, E*?t, Weit Itood ibonlder to ihoulder a. d faced tbe i-onimoii cneuiy twgether, will have far more infio pLip in aoolbuig party itrue. either apwechel o. diplomacy. Read THE MERt't RY aud bud out the reit. All the newi dealeii tell it. _^^_ ANEW _^t*__a_i_ TALE, MtiUed GOLDEN PEATUER. Or, Tea Biccasbbh or Bi-fl*! Bfl-BflB, A Warlike RoiuaDce of the Rltera and the Bay ol rtew-i.r*. rwiny u t.w* ?j ,-i.rr ..?u lilorv <tt tht Wur . f 1812. '15. By ARTHCR M. ORAINGEB. liin.wiekdy at*ll tl.p New* bipott in THE NKW-.oKK MER4 I RY for Joly 7. Pr.ce ouiy Fonr Ceiita with barley'i llluitiaiiont. _ _ PATOI0T8 AJhOUSE I SAVE THE UXIONI Tl:. omiiig Fourlli "I Juiv wiil dawn upon one of tbe eit tereit it-clliinal ?Uile. tli-t cvei" cur_-d * coiuitry, if tbe Am. ri can people <to no. reanlotely apum all |K>Ii'i.-al eflteineut, aad r.liiiu to tiiat Irue and noble pntriotbui wbicu eaoaot fail io bt reviv. dl.y ARTHCR M i.i. AlNnER Sgreal National Rouianc. ?f UUI.DKN FEATHER: Or, Thb BoocAJtaaa er Eixu'h Bmixir.," A warlike r * in I n i ? p a B e ?? of tu Kiveri and tbe Bay B* NewYork duriiit tbe War o f 1 H 1 2-1 :> TI.n -nperb *t'.ry it couuneniej in TUE NEW-YORK WEEKLY HEECUET for July 7 (now ready), aud aboiiid be nud by eipry Arnerii m wbo tate* pride in tlie gloriou. viclorie. of bi. couuUy iu tiniei paa*. LliVE rnd littiRV are ita great topl,-* md the n-tr ipprot.-h of our Natloi.'i birtbday giv.-. it u *p- -.-i.-.l idi.ti ?t for all cl.tiei ol re-der*. A blilii.i.l a..apat..;ti. .(jry like, of the dir. wbpi. Sorth. Boiith, Eaat, end V\ p..t abiod ahonlder to ih mld.-r aud fac*d tbe eaOMkyfl tiie.;,y tafletkef, will bavp lalI uiore iurlu ,, ,. j., loolhi.'ig party 1'iile. ti'Bii.itbprappecboaor diplomacy. Read THF tt-BCI rtV .nd Ind out the reet. All tae newi dt-aiiit *eUH._ "A >EW l'atriotic TALE, eutitli-d GOLDEN _\ FEATHEE; Or. Thk B-CCAMBBB '.rKiv.'- ?___?? A Warlik' liaiBII of tne 11 i ? - r i ind tbe B ? v o f New-York lltimi a Talt uf Loe. a ?? fil.-.tiit. thr Harof 1M15 l.V ByARrHL'it M ..HAINORB.. i. now rekdy at aI th Kawi iJepoto, io THE NEW-YOill. JUi-lbJlli forJnly7. Pn.e only Four Otnu, with biriay ? lilu.tikiiiilii. _, ATRIOTS, ATkOI'SE! BAVE THE UNIOS ' i. ? .-uiti oi July wlli diwu a paa aaa ttt tha bi P bOLDEN l>.Aibl-.ll; Ut, inii-v-aa*. -r aiiHJB ' A warli.8 |BM_BlaaaBea of ihe eVt^'b and tha Bay ?f Maw-T.rk . 1 . W a r o f 1 i. I 2 I 5 . Thi. *ui' rt. ."i.rli oomiiMJi.ced ,. .ill vk.vv-Y.jKK u-EF.ELT MEU" a. fot Jflrr 1 " *" j' .a .1 ..?ni u.,.,1 bT.-k-i,... ti. -houk-i ro-e b, _w.l_iiuT puny itnfe. tUau elliier ipt -t-m TIIE M-E4.I RY _i.d liud out lue rtH. dnal'-l Bfll 11. THE L1TTLE GIANT.' BHEAHAN'B LIPE OP D0170LAB. HAItPER b BROTHEBS, Kbamkli5 So.Aaa Nbw.Yobk, Havejoit publiahed: THE LXFB OP STEPHEN A. DOTTGI-A8. BY J. AV. 8HKAHAN, Editor of " Tbe ( hlcago Time*." With a Pubtbait. IB 1 vol , 500 pagei, l2uio , tnmlin, fll. Compreheniivr and rn-eediii.iy well writteii. Th* firit ? o-ie plete hlography of kr. Douglaa ever publiilu-d? |SU itliem Ar rui (Nerioik, Va.l. Thi* vol.iirr ahow* the liiiiuhlr oririn of Mr. Douglaa, and aketchei hia i-arly llfe upon a fann and doring hli appr-utl-??ahip to a cabfuet-inaker, vocatioaa to which he wa* driveu by nrce* ?ity. a* a tnean* by which to aupport a widowed mnther. Tha beok ia alao valuahle. contiiiilug, Ba it doea, inucb liiforine'ioii and il-iuj iiii|)ortaiit fa.-ta ind .-o.iiui.nti prrtaining to the great ?nbj*cti <;f national irnportaner with wbi-b Mr. Donxlai'i nauie and ctrorta hav* been *o cotnpletely ijeutitied duriiig tlie paat few yrara. Peraona oi all ah&dri ol politt.l fai'h, and tboee who bav*. no fa..i. what.-vrr tn tuattera of polittr*. wlll read tlie book with iiitrrct ?IChrbtka tl.roni da (I'hiia.l "Theportrolt ia an exrelli-nt likeneaa."?[N. O. Pieayune. " Tbl* ,. a Uniely piulu, tiou fro.u one who i. * warai per.oual and pcli'i, .1 fib nd of Judge Douglaa, ai.d who, aa edilor ol The C'blcagu TTuiri, ba*. durimt tbe pa*t aii year., beeu engi_ed in uiaiutalning brforr tbe pooplr al hia Siate, tbe wlad nu, juatice. and expedi. Boy of tbr noli, y ol v. ii, h Jiidge Douglai haa b-en the great ripoundrr. P.obahty no onr po*--i*o* better faoiliti-* for prodi.i ing a reliable hiitory af the ln- of the gn-at *kte*uiau than doe.Mr. Bbeihaii."?IFrovi.truce Poat. " Mr. B???a * Llle of ilooglaai* well written, . -ndid. and full. Tbe coutroveray with Lhiocluo.jcupiea a pronii.ent plaoe. ' ?[ Aibaiiy Atl... and Argu*. HARPKR A BROTHERS AkaPabBah: POP1LAR SOVERE1UNTY IN THE _?UUTO??? THK DIVIDINO I.INE ?OVOOBB FEDEBAL AND LOCaL AUTIIORIT-'. UY STP.PIIEN A DOCOLAS. 8yo, Papa-r. EivoCente. Either of tbr ai.ove M by Mail, portage prepaid, ou n ?ipt ' H4RPER k BROTHERS, Pianklln iquare, Nrw York. A~N~"AlTlFORIHKI > III(KJK APT_Y of the " LITILE OIANT." Now Rk.xtn : THE L,I P I oa STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS. WITH HIS MOST 1MPORTANT _____CH__1 AND REPORT-. AA ith ou Str-i. A handaoinr 12mo., price.fll 00 A\i-.hont (he Speechr. 25 The PublUher* aiaiire tbe p .bli that tiiU U AN AKTRATK AED BELL-BLE BIOOEAPBY OK SENATOR DOCOLAS. It wlll be welroroed by tbr grrat tirna. of thr Dnnorratii- Party iu all part* ol thr , ouutry, and r-ad witb int*rr-t. by tueu of all partir*. Tlir moit iinporUol of Mr. I>ongl?*'i* ire in<-orpor atrdb the v.luiur, aud tle proof ilireli aubmitted. BBBBN publi catloc, for (riUciim to aome of Mr. Douiiaa'* moat judiioua ftlrnda, ln whom he ba* perf-ct i iniflili ln i, and by Uirui lt ia rordully approvrd aud ircouiuiendrd. .'.f at- ? si t.-d throughoul. the country. Addreaa DERBY A JACKSON", Publiahar*. No. I9H Broadway, New-York. Copba by mail poatpaidon rc-ript of the pri.-r. apAMPa-IGN DOCUMENTS. WB hivite the attantion of frlendi of the Bapablican faoie b the followlug ?:.-. of du.ii.ei.ta. LIFE AND PUBLIC SERVICE8 Ofl HON. A 13 lt A II A M LLNCOLN, lAnUiu.-ix-d edition,) By D. W. BARTLETT. Bound in eleth, witb Steel Poruait. 844 pagei. Price fll. Poatage prepaid. An Abridged Edition, paper corera, 35 centa. L1M'"1.N'H AND DOl'OLAB'S 8PEECI1EB iu the great lllmoiil aiapaifcL of a-~, reyal ockvo, 28- paga*, lUtebed, 35 eenta a copy . *_,-<> prr 1(a). Poatage lu oeuta IHE L.MMoN SLAVE C-ASE? Kull liirtory ?f the ( *.-. witl. ..puiiona of tbe Judxea and arguiueut* of BBBBaal. Price _5,n.i. per MB, *I6. Portage 5 cent*. THE c.\8E OP DREU BCOTJT-A large pampklet of 104 Poatage paid. Un? copy. 28 . *t-t*, four copiea, fll) . _l-e roptr*. 4- 25. _ THK TRlHL'NK ALMANAC for 1860 -onUini Popu!ar Vok for Preaident by StaUa j Retunia of ElerUom. Price (poitage paidl, lrl eet.ta ; 12 couiei, 41; 100 copiea, 48- __? ?. HLLPER. 1MPENDINO CKIBIS OP THE SOITH ieompenoium). Price BJ cenui fllH P" 100; 4160 per 1,000. Poakge?, aak. THE KANSAN NARRATiVE-Bj John Doy of Lawrtnoe. Price 25 c uta raeb ; poatage prrpoid ; expreia, *1H per IU). BEPHULICAN SUNU8-XR for ldtkO. Pri:* 10 centl. Polt MR_.Pl BLICAN CA.MPA10N MU8IC, No. 2. "We'U Con qnur or.liei" for inalr voicei. two tenoraand two baaex. Prioe Iceiita; 4 ceukby u.ail, poatage rrrpaid. RKPI.BLICAN POCKET-PISTOL. Price 5 cenU. Poit ??? i-i-i- CAMPAION TRACTS. i'LBX' Y. PAT rABTIClLAK ATTBHTIOB tO tbe r? ?rkl 0B Poit age on thear dcct.mrnti, ii prefayment ia lenuired. I. THE IHRliPRESSIMLV. CONKLIlT: Cor. Seward'i Bocbriter Speecb u 1'5_. with Cbarles O'Conor'a I'uiuu-.AIeel lea .-perih, ur I'l, 1 .5 ' Tl/xTllT; UKMOCRATIC I.EADERS POR DISITNION: Spe*ch of He..iy Wilann of Mawa.jhuaeUa b tb* -*uata, Jan. 15, i ?"? 111 THE ADMI8RION OP KANSAS: Oov. Seward'i great 8par,b, in Heuate. Krb. 21?, 1860. IV. NATIUNAL P->Liri(ti: Speech of Abnhaei l.inroln of IUinoii, at the Cooprr In.titate New.York, Veo. 37. l-bOj 11. Uoolittie'i V'lndiration ot Wlajon*in. V. LANH POR THE LANDLK.SS: The Hon. Oaluaha A. Orow'i BasBCB, b tb* Hou*e. Keh. Et MB Wiil be ready about J ily 1: VI. THE L1KE UB AhltAlIAM LINCOLN-By aa I'.linoii Republi.'B.-i, who know* well tne inau and lil* hl*t,,ry. A 1 irge coupai-t pauiphlrt ol it2 douhle-oluuin pa*-*, .ur general cirea laUuu Ba a ,auipaign dornmeut. irice 4 ceuti a copy, 40 c-oU per doxen, *2 iuper huudr-d, 420 per thuuaarid. ll rnpured by mail, one reiit aCditional murt tie .rnt to prrpay poatage. Caan orderl are .olaited, au* wlll be tl!. 1 lu the uidn ui lii-ir rnep tion. ?Tbe ahove ai* piinted on fair type aod good paper. ra.:h fowuii.g a largr u;U*o tract ol M pagea, *xcept No. U, which ia double daa ai.d pri-e. Tbay are aold ln quan-itba ol (ln. Tbuuaaud, or aver, for osa i'B?r par oopy ; and tlie Thouaand i_*y be made ap from the Hrt a'kove given, aa the bnyer n.ay derire. In amaller quantiuei, 41 31 per bundrrd; 25 canti per doaen ; lingly. 4 centi. By U-all, p.?t-age prepaid. 5 cent* per copy, 80 c-uU p-r doxen, 41 W P*r 100, Bli 50 r*r1, UOHACE (JRKELEY b Co. pagr* t?.l'. G Triboue Uuildiagi, New-York. OOD and INTEBE8TINO NEW BOOK-. rr.-riitl. pul.lUbed, and for *a!r by ROLTLEDi.E, WaRNE b ROUTLEDOE, I.ovia.11 ?-i> Nbh-Ybbb: MY DIAEY IN INDIA. hv AV. H. Ru-a-U. ipecUl cor.*. poud.'iit o! the J.ra.i. .-evuth iboaiaud, with ulartrBUoni. 2 vol*., crown, 8vo. 45 LOURINU AT LI.E, hydeorge 8*Ia, antlior oi " A Joorni y Uflc Norlh," " Taice Rouud the Clocx," b.-. HOW AED STAINTON'S MAiiNIHi'ENT EDITIOE OK BHAKEBPEARE'S DRAMATIO WORKS. POEM8. AND Ll !?>'., with upaard ofau.Hr hi <(Iiiibo rntlrely crigiual ru?r*v li;_r l.v OUbrit 31aige>ivo. vol*. all. fla-.: ANI) fOltRESPONDENCB Oi CHARLE.4 MA THEWfl, THE ELUER by Mr*. Malhrwi, wilb .teel pl.lea ^BEAAUIaSHIP AND NAVAL DtTT-EE by A H. Alaton, R. N., 2i<) illuaUationi. 12mo. 42. A u,urt br)iam-n??bir inaiiiial fur all Naval Ollicen. KlOHTS AND WRONUS, by Alukny KoBbbi.q ia, jr., t*<\. T^ii.^liY'.S PI.AY-BOOK OI _K IENCE. hy Johu Henry Proper. late Piuleaaor ol ( l.rud.try at tbe Roy.l Polytechnir Inatltitr, I.-nrlon. r>. ond edition, with 4.0 engraviflga. Crowu, Bvo. *> I 50 AI.hERT HMITH'S NOA Kl.S-Pri-r 50 ? nta earh. or olodi extra. v, itb iroutiapircea by Lercl,, pn, -e 74 cente *a.ii: ABTBMI HF.a ?r Mk U-HlKI, I AllVIMl l(?a i* Taa floari vx< cr tiib CHRiaTuPHr.^ TAna.i a, ril AUBKUUUb FaBILT. I T'BB P'JiTi Bl 0.1 LBUXCT. Alio, pri. *-*?.: THE MARCHIONP88 BRIM II.I.IERH Thb Poiv.yaR or Ult: .->Bl KMTBkMTB C-MTl BT. Any of th. ahora 'rn' hy mail on r.-eipt of thr pri-o. EDMI'ND HALDAV1N. Agent. M Walker-rt.. up 'talr*. H~ AMMOND9 NEW MEDIOAL BOOK. Irkndad for popular uae. Pilce Bl, aaaikd. ( 1. p , aia.lioi, edui..!?. ."ai cenia, po.tage I canta. " AA'orth iTerv one'i owning."?[Hoine Joarnal. ROSS b TOI SEY, No. 121 .Mn, at I.AAV RPNCE, No. 1 TaaaTat, Aator Hauaa. P. IL UODPilky, No. 831 Broadway.^_ Tb-POBTANT MBDIOALBE-T PHYBIOLOGI 1 CAL WURK, which all ihould read, aa tt Impart* knowl ?d_. r.i-k .-t h. lore puhli.lint Tbce affriird with ?Terroui'.raa, DrhUUy. lo _ ml eri.rraJ. or who dr.Lr- a Uceradk" of tba latr.t pby.iologit? r-aearcl.ea ibould n*t fall to read II 4W aaaaa, BB- ~_5 lflfl enaTark- Pri,:e Bl. MEfldland aold by H. O. laAWRENCK. No 1 Vr_?y..L, A-Wr Hoaa*. N. Y. DYM'KI'KIA?ITH NATURE, CA178E, aad ( I RK, upon HYOIENIC PRINCIPLKS. By D. A. liORTIlN, M. D. A Ih?a -uii uf grrrt lueril. Every inval.d *h,?ld have a copy. Pkii a -Ti.ereu.aiiidrr cf (he Hr.t Edition aUJ M ??:-: P" pkid. to any addi.a. foi 15 ernU ln alamu.. Add.-aa ' D. A. OOBTO.N, M P., PbbiBflil, B Y. iiiyriiouK ..n JAPAN and JAPANESE.? I> N?ltltATI\ :? a tir RXEEMTIOE of AtfEBICAN SOI'AlkRON toJAPA.Mu IA _ _ and 4. ui.dar tba-> umuaiid of Ci e iu?_Uiir PKItK-! , ,oiuin|r,l iiuiu agkkal nolr.aad Jo.irnala ul i'niy ...i laa oiti. aaa Hv Bran.aa L. liawk* I vu,. a:o. I, Niiuir.ou. . nlorrd pialrau: Acj-itntj, Art*. l"i?hr*, Birda, RrirUl- Ibelli k. ia- .i.niir ol th- ?.igi .1 Trefliy wllh Jauun luiii ' rou* Maia, Ait'onouilral Ola-rVaU, i a. altbp.xtea. Bf_. lur aal. ly LI OOAT BROTHKRS, Eo. IM Kjlton ?t JOHN F. FEEK8, WboUeale Daakrln NEWSPAPEEB, MAOA/INE8, BOOKS, fce. Ba*. 14 aad 16 Ana-ai, New-York. 8*r.d far cirrokr. Ia Praai: , ., rf-OE CATTCIIfiES OF 1960?hfin? an inaid* 1 Tiew of all tbe NaTION'iL POLITICAL COWVeN TIONS. UyM. B-ited, editortf CuicinuaU C'onimarci-l. I vol. octavo. Paper oovera 25 ct ut*._ _ , FOLLETT, POSTER 4 Co. Publiaberi, Coltuobui, Obii. WALT. WHITMAN- LEAVES OF GBA.SS, tbe Irit Ameriean Poem, 1 vol., 4-6 pafei. mtgni-cmitly priited, beaotlfaliy boood, pubb.h.- by 1 HAYER 4 i-.Lb IjRI DOE. Boitoo, aad for aale in Naw-York by D. W. EYAN8 k Co.. Na 877 Broadway._ irrctoorka. DEPOT for J W. HADFIELD tt 80N'* PIRFT PUFMl 'M FIREWORK-.?A fail aawrtmeot ol the mtat nuoli'y, and of the luwett prine*. Dealer* are roapect faUy-iTitedtoca-._E FOULDB.Jr., No. 87 Johait. JO. &~I.~EDGE, Jr?e 8 Pre-ulom, CVolored ard Brilliant FIREWOUKS. W. J. SYM8 A _K(> , Depot No. 800 Broadway, tarlng mad* eatenatre un.ngemeote w ith tha aoors asl tbrated Biakrr for tha aale at their Flreworka, wa are prepare* lo otter ttorttk* pan aod tho public geuerally an BBBBBaU *took botb lu qjallly and tariety, at redaced |,il: ??, conaiati'ifl ln part a( Firecrackeri, Torpedoea, Wh.?U, Triangl?, Ro.?-U, Ro___ Caodlr*. alinea, Pigroua, Cou'eli, Baiterltt. Bailuuoi, Ite. _1TY aad TOWN CO?BITTERS luppiied with public di* playi at ihort notioe. t~too, J. 8. D. ROBERT8. N. B.-Mbt peraoni barin; biied pirtiei formerly empleyed by Maaara J. ti. k I. F.dge, are adrertiiinr thennelrei bi Agent* ,,i J I, ? 1. Edfe. The public ibould biware of tbaae e_?'le? tana, a* they a.ay (ind, on n. ing fclown op, that the good* told ai Edge'i aie buui Uie Laboratoriea ol louia< bacure uiauafactuiera 8 D. ROHEKT-, No. 171 Broadway, Corcer of Maldea ?no and Broadway. IpiREWOKKft. BEWARF. OP IMPOSTORS. Not ba-ring iny partiei ia my employ who baee ield Meaire J. G. k I. Edge'i Firaworki until Uiii aeaaon, I woi.ld cautioo th.. pul.ii ? not to patronU>, tho*.. wbo eaat reflectloni ou IflflM al.o witii to do m bonnrabl* hmint-i*. Tha ganuinc MKil.'.S FIREW ORKfl are to be had in <;.:_i._ tiri te p.u?iaen at E :*?? ? I). p t OEO. B. COl.EY, Agent, No. 37 Maidro laoe, N. Y. E" DGE8' _____ FREMll'M k__._.WORj_8. PrinclpaJ Depot, No. 17 Mehlen-lane, N- w-York. Fire Cracki-ri, Torpadoei, Joie-tticki, and the utuai TarietT ol ? reqilrea for it--.reki-ep.ri' inlei and public exbibitiona, ot ?upeiior iMialitT, at leat thau oiual priea*. Addieii orden by ?___IWteWtT.p-to OEO. B. COLEY. No. tl _alden-laue, New York Jl___WO_kX?AYeneral auaortnjeut of plair aod eolored Fire work t, aud ofthe be*t quality. for aale by BADEAC, LOCKVVOOD k Co , No. X-7 VV-aliingtoii it I/MREWORKf*?FiREWORKS.?LEONARD kELBWORTH, No. *7 Barcliyit., eorner of W'-ibing u.n have on hand au eitenaive i*aortment of EbOE'S aod HADFIELD'S FIREWORK-, which they are preparad to n-ll ob tbe moit Uvorable taruia C'euntry dealeri are iir._ d to looi. Bt eur itock before parebaiiug. IT'll-EWbRkr^NEW-YORK LABORATOBY, No. 1 *? Proot-it., one door from comer Kutton. P1RE-CIIACKEK3, TORPEDOE8. JOSS-BTICKS, and a rull naortaient of FIRE WORK8, pM?i and coioreU kraa, wamnted of tbe Int ij.inl-.ty. ( oaai.iti. et tor Exttibiboni and tba Trade mpplied oo tbr oioat iib-ral tenm. M. BKNNE 1'T. A. LILLIENDAHL" DEPOT FOR THE EXCELSIOR PIREWORK8. NaaUit in Appe-aaee, aad iieit ia Qi.aluy. For Public and Pr vate Eibibltlon*. PUN8T0N k 8COFIELD, No. ? John-tL G. prirumg. AT JAMEfi EVEBDELL*?Weddma Carda, NOTE*), he.?Tbaie ceiebiated auaraTtd U*i_ e?a ba had raly at tl*> old l'*rd Depot, No. BB Broadway, comer Onaoe-at j^NGBAV-N- aad PRINTINO (hatf prioe). Xj Weddbif, At Home, and Nete-Paper*. kc ; Boaineii Carda, Bili-Headi, PortraiU, kc. at KELLY'-, No. 87 P-lton-rt., N. Y. W"ji7EVE_DE_L 6l 8ON8TNo7l04 "fSihon^-t Lateat itylei of WKbblNH CAKbS, NOTC8, EM VELOPE8. kc. (ErUb?bed 181*.) Btationern anh fantyt (Soooa. BARD BROfHERd dt Oo., Maaalactarera ol OOLD PEN8, PEN aod PENCIL CA8E8.I1 Maldea-Une, New-Yora. Al?o, BMM.ufacturer.ef Bardk Wilioaa'iPatast Augo iar Nlh Gold P. ci. Ooul Pcni repairod or pxebangec. C^l OP V LNU, NOTAKLAL, andHEAL PKESSEi.. J ?A large aetortuieat |W _*1", at retail, iary low, by DANIEL VV. LEE,8'.jtioner, No. U N-tnau-it. ENGI.I.^H PEN-KNIVES trom iWntaeaoh to $10 .a.-.'i, it WILL?EB k EOOEEB'a, No. II BaaaaiB, N Y ClOLD PEN8 with GOLD aad 8ILVER C__8E8 I *2 to *2.. Oold Peui 90o. to Bl; leot by m_U Paui ex changed Peni repaired for 89c O. P, HAWKE.S, (4 Na-aau *t /iOLRAUDs ITALLkN MED1UATEU SOAP, -k it il wellkuowo, c.iea TAN, P1BPLES, FEECELEB, BALT-RHKl'AI. liARBER'S IfCH, CliAPS, CHAFEB, TENbKR FLF.HH, k, ., haaHl b-int tbe T?ry leat .h.-kk-ina roiiipouiid erer iiiTeo'ed. 4IOCRAbl)'8 POt.'DRK HCBT1LE npro.itt balr Iroui low forhcadt, upper lipe, or any part ol' tlie body, ailely u.d qaickly, w_rraiil*.d L1QU1D KuCUK t.>^ palelipi ai.d clieeka. L1LY W111TE, Ior Itu?pd, red. Bud lieatedfacei. 1IAIR f)YE iiirtar.tly coLTerti red, gray, or llght hair to a bc intifn! i-l-i -k or brown, without it-iuil g the ikio. HAlR REsTORAITV'E li-r the bair to |fow, anr. make itiff, wiiy bainoft, glotiy, and lilky. OOtJRACD'.S ORIP.NTaL ( ur. vM, for Fooodatllr. OOCBVI l)'8oll ?wtainialird d< pot, Nn. Bl W _?.-r-*t., firat ttore froni Broadw.iy ; WelbkCo., Fark k Barnea, llaye., Utooklyo; (beeu, VV ,,r ceateri Kabri, No. 12? Wa.biu_.juit.. Ilottoa; ( alieuder, ibiladelpbi*. Tbe .novp articlei are njtto be roufinndt-d witb tbetraah with wbirb tba St.-.t. ? are flooded, aud Nfll irom Npw Yuk it cbeap rate. and lorg crediti at that. Dr. O )UR Al l> S articlet have o. pii b.Iore the publil tke pa*t 20 )?lii, aud are w. li konwu to b* all Ihey are rpprpaented to be. jN THOMPSHN TEABBFAEENT 80AP8. D. TAYLOK k Co , Proprietora, Come, ol (lieen-i h nd K-ab ttt. 0TB PAFEB.7ta.Mr "ivam; I dtmT Paper, fll, and Foolx *p, fiti p-r rtim. Cu.' Ur EtiTelopea, ?i 1.0 ii. IUMI.1, W. LEE, Btatiouer, a. Naaaau-tt. PKLM:E-"P?01"EAN FOLNTAIN PEN?War ranii-ii pnrfect. Regulated at plpainre. Ccimuct. No Ua perature atuct* it Auaoiutely lucorrodible. All kiudi of iok uied. Ouc? llling wril..'t trom o to 10 boun Call ind ie? it, ?r ?eud fora cbeolar. T. G. STEARNtf, Agoat l#l Br.a_tway. _.. SLOTE __ JANE8, STaTIoNERS, PIUNTER8, aod BLANK BOOK MaN"l.' PACTCRERS, No. m FiUton-rt. Orden reip.-tfully loHoilad. ^inc Qlrla. 1k. '..I yi)R "w du7,'n VIEWB and a OT _ *}\f BTEBEOB* OFE, aent. to any addr.vt, on m c?lt< of price. Otkrn eouallv aa cb.-aji, al (be CNION BnU-EOBCOPIC COMPANl'rl. No. 4S3 Hroalwty, up itabt. fjoro-e, -nrriiigto, Sft. AF1NE roupe or road HOBBE lor SAl.K, warranted tonud >id aiud. 7 year. uil, IU hflBBB h.*li. ityl .h lo han _Mk TAYl.OR'S MibU*. BtaBawat -nd 43! B, Co -farmtra wA #t^ci?* KKl C II D M ' ? _IFBOV Fl) MOWINH-M kCHINEB. THK LATEltf IMPEOVEMENT Thi* micliiLe 4?ill be f. und tn pomliioe itnipllcl'y, effe ' ite. nru aod ih.apneta, and rannct fail |.. gUe ntlrtaiim. Ha* heru uaed ouflie lain.t of tl.e foiloiviu* genUeun-n, wiioall ipeek in blih Uii.t of il: WILI.IAM Cl I.1.1 N BKYANT, Boiiyn, L. I. MAIK IH *-PItlN'i, I'erth AinboT. DANIEL TOMPK1N8, haT_i__?w, N. .. A. F. I'b ElN.-t'N, Kat.nak, N. V. LEONARD CIIAOEAYNE, Sing p'iof. N Y One horie Mowlng Machi:ie l| lt. kar, 4_n II., B_t " 4 rt. ' mt., BBI. ?' " -i|!t " 480 B, ?_J. HeiT. " " 4 ;t. ?' .?0?., i*ii. ?' " " 4ft. Hln. b fijti a, ^,i^ F.itrn* to ea.1 Maehiu?1 Scjtke, * Kulvea, t Fliujer., ?nd VV rei.. h A tme ipirtgi' n' " ibe I.eM varietiei "f 1IAYINO md IIAll V'Ekll.Xi Tulil.1* it klAPFS'S vv Mtil K.SVI.K. ___ I'l.TAIL A(iRH ( Lil UAL WAKEIiOIIBE. No. Ud ai.d 128' . N Y ? . , CUAELEa V. MAI _B SMKK1'. ?Fi.rS.vJ.K, twi.*i.l('i)('i.'pt.r-.liiri? ? bip..rt._)KAM*. A.., l)t. I.VME8P. FAOa.H, F-rtlatk __, _.(*,. eu BtaiBiBa-4 Hkata, _ _??> iU \i\ _r **('M 9ho0$ to *-.<?<xI Wnnt.'.l ^J) ^0%\ i\J\/* lo uiv, ,t in Ibe Maiml*. t ne ol a ..?w A.ti . M-,. alented. Ib-akk ji. ia. _id no . oi.ip' titiou. v.intiLjta ?ood hailanl mai i.'itb ?b.ik? . apilai ii-**d apply. at No. .3. Ib. ad_iy i. .in Pi*. u bcti-e fi.'i. ?-' to .? p ai, B &BTOB_TB-mtB. _ abnum? amYbican MUSEUM. Indrr Ih* aet-mal roperylaion ar r. x oaxvi The new Veiailatora, he FuunUlna, Ac , uiake thU THE COOLEST 1'LACE IN THE CITY. NOVELTY! TALPNT! ENEROY ! Engigeii.a-ni, lor a llinited nouiber of parforoiancfla, ef tha yuuui. ub-uted, aud favorlte Iriah coinedbn, 1 W. ONE1L, who .npear* every afternoon aad eveuing dnring the week. EXTRaORDINARY ARK1VAL OP NOVEi/TIEB FROM EL'ROP", hy iteam.hip H.,rmnonia. conai-tiiij *f a WOM-ERFLL AI.BINO rAMILY, a Hoiband, Wife, and Cbild, each one with Pur* WTilte Skln, Silken AVUtc Hair. Pink Eyra. kc. thongh bom ot perfeetlv blaek pnrrut* 1 bav are the greateat -ouderi of tbe woild. Rrengogeui.ut. for * aho.t tl.'ue. and at gruat expena.-, of YANllLE MACK, tbe Infaut Lauiberi, or UlANT IiakY: BEVEN YEARS OLD, and WEIOHINO 357 POUNDS ! FINEbT AQLARIA IN THE WOKLD! TAVO BEACTIFUL LIA'INO 8EALS! JAPANE8E COIN8. AI'TOORAPHS LANTKRN8. bo. TI1E DAILY VI81TS OP THE JAPANESK EMBAaSY to tbe Mnienm add rrea* intereat to lU numeroiu viriiora. THE 'LIATNO WHAT 18 IT?" 18 IT MAN, OR MONKEY. OB BOTH ? THE FAMOT7S "LIOHTNINO CALCf tt.A i OR !" Dr. R. IJ. WICKWA?fl, thr LIVINO 8K.__LI.TON, all lo lu- aeen at all houra, day and eyeriing. Dr. M. V. HLY, the SEIiR aud CLAIRVOYANT, produce* aatuuiauiug Pbeuomeaadaily. TCESDAY, June 26. 1860, wiU ln perfonned, Inthe AFTEE NunN. ata o'clock, HARNEY THE ItAllON. Baiuty OToole, a Tiuber.Mr. W. fFNfll Aiao, ROSETTA, OR THE MAlD OP THE MOUNTAIN. Roaatia.B?*a Meauyrr lu tbe EA EN1NO. at 7| o'clock, OUE IRI-SH COCSIN. Mickey Mc'.ralh.Mr. W O'Nell. Madaure DELMONTE, the eelebrated Portune-Tellor. BABY ANACONDAS, 6ERPENT PAMILY, HAPPY PAM ILY, bc OREAT VARIETY OP NEW WAX KIGUEES. OREAT PREPABATIONS ARE UEINO M__X?E KOR T1LE FOURTH oP JULY. Ad-uilt-uue to everythlng, 25 cent*; Parqnet, 15 caknt* extra: Chlidrrn under ten, 15c., to the Parquet, l"c. WDJTER OARDEN. OREAT HIT OF THE SEASON. CROAVDED AND DF.MOHTED AI'DIENCES ' TCESDAY, Junu 2_. LAST NIGHT OF THE OLD PLANTATION. JULIA DF.ANE HAYNE _. AS MAD HETTY. Mr. OEOROE AV JAMISON A8 UNCLE TOM. Miea SARA STEVENS Mr. C. UARTO.N HILL Mr. H. I'I. AND Mr. HARKY JORDAN AS DA1SY. AS ROBIRT. AS TALBOT. AS PETP.. Ia order to niake (he neceaaary arraugemenU for Uie produc tion of Mr. Chaa. M. Uarra'* . BXTIIAVA. >MV ll? THB HYFOCH'-NDRIAC fwhieh !? ln artive prepar.-.ti ni. the Maaagrment bega reapcet I'ully to auiiounce tbat JtTLIA DEAN HAYNK'S C0MFL1MENTAKY TESTIMONIAL wiil br ppatponrd until FRIDAY EA'ENINO, June 29, and that the Thratrr wiil therefore be cloacd ou Wedueiday aad Thuraday Eveninga Bux Othcr uuw epen for Friday. IAURA KEENE" THEATEB. J Leaaeeaod M*__f*r.Mr. Jobbpb Jarr?Mflj 8~ge Mauager.Mr. Jeuiea Shxuuouda Maabal Direator, Mr. Tho* Baker I Scento Ar_at...___r. Haye* TCESDAY, June IU. In conarqorQce of the great aaeceaa of OCR JaPANESE EMBA8SY. It wlll be repeaUkd for aix night* more, when it wiil po-itive ly be withdrawn tor oth*r Dutelti-a. it wiil bt pre.-eded ?it.i the favorite CoinrdiotU of THE Ul ACK DOClOR. Mn. John Wood.u.Liiette Mr. Joaeph ff.-Srraon.aa.The Qoack Doctor \\ ith the eelebrated Coniic Du?t of AVKKN A I.ITTLE KARM WE KEEP. Mr. Jauie* BiuiBMma_, Mra Vlnlng, Mr. J. Buni.rt, Mn. Chanfraa, Mr. Bkddart, MU* Jb-oiim-, Mr. Tburae, MU* UaUy Wa~?. Mr. VA ali, Mla* Burka, be., bo, bc. In rebeaiial, A New Burlr.aque, rntltled TYCOON; Or, Yoi.vii Ahbkh'a im JapaX. Deon open k TuJ, cemmencbg at 8 preokely._ PALACE GARDEN8. Hth-af and 6th ar. THIS (Monday) EVENINO, June 25, 1380. PROMENADE ( UM.P.RT AND SOIREE DANBANTE. \d --, . 23 c- -.-a. MU* MYRA ROSF.LLA, Theyoung andaccumpliah.-d AKRONAl.TwlU make her BiLLOON ASCENSION from PALACE GARDEN8on THIS (Tutadayi AFTERNOON, June 36, at 5 p. m. Set-ond uppearance of RONZANI'S RF.NOW.iF.D BALLET TROl.TE I.N THE FOl.NTAIN OF LOVE! A Grand Mythological Balletlnoue Tableau. Ibr I). RONZANI, AVith a Uraud Corp* de Bai-t of TWENTY YOl-'NO LAD1ES, And a Oiatid OKheatr*. ni.d.-r the direction of MR. N. G1LLE9. MONDAY F.VENINu, Jaly 2, (hkiid Oala Night and Annivrra?-y of the opening ot' Pabce Oarden. Firat uight of J. F. Strattou a PaLACE OARDEN ORCUESTRAL BAND, And fir.t uight of the JAI'ANESE LANTERN PETE. July 4, ORAMD DISPLAY l)F flIEEWOEEE Door* open at "j . perferniancr commence* at 8 o'clock. A ,ii i.-i.i in the Kvrning.Twenty-hy* , mt*. Doon upeu evrry Aft-inoou at 2 o'clock. Admbdon in the Atternoon ,uid Siiudiy Evi ningy.15 cenk, liriti iiiuiei.ti iucluded. HOOLEY m\ CAaMl'BEIaLs MIN8TBEL8, flEEECR THEATER. No. ...5 BROADWAY. R. M. HOOLEY, S. C. CAMPBELL, and O. AV. lt. ORIF fllM. Piuprietora. MONDAY EVENINO, JlTfE 25. And evrry F.vening during thr AVeek. THE MO=T ENTHI 3IA.-TK RECEPTION EA ER AA'IT NESSED-MuDEl. TROCPEOF THE PROFESSION. AVtllgiveiixot their I NECtl AI.FD KTllloiIAN ENTERTAINMF.NT3 B* alioie. N. B ?The prouiiiieiit member* cf thia bcomparable Troape are well knowu to the citixen* of New-York, having performed under tbe naine of OEO. CURI-jTY'S AlINSTftFLS, at Niblo'i Saloon, From Nov. 1, 185. until l%\. Id. lo60. and bave, dnc: that -tjo, rrt-bllah.d Un-( uiou a naoie and reputotiou nupar allrl. H lu thr aaual* ot thr Ptofewiou. Tbr blai. .griuriit l** ?*? ll tl at the above C'OMhl.N,, Iin.', OP -STARS" lathruiortTALENTED and CO?PLETE illNSTREL OR (. \ M/aaTlON ever orought berore the pnnli.-. For parthulan. aeu Proijrauiuie*. r. i r of Bduii.-i? .ti, 25 MBb Pnvate Bogei, 43. Doon oprn at 7 : to rominence at 8 o'clock. GEO. CHRJSx Y'? MINSTBELS at NIBLO'1 SALOON. Contiuuation of t'ue mcceiaftil eoiulc plece, THE JAPANESE TRF.ATY. with Bon^., aud Burleaque. Openat 7?_omi. ? i.ce at... ilkm Bb ceuti; childrea half price. _ 00N s PROFESSOB AN0ER8ON, CREAT AVIZ IRD OF THE NORTH, MONARCH OPALL MAOICIA.NS, Wiil open Ln new Repertoire of \\ oud*n ^ IN NEW-YOEE, Ou bU ariival fioui Caiiloruia. Ul* ORAND MAOICAL SOIREES AAill l?. on the iiuie ?.-ale of flMMMMrd grandnir aa when pTraei.trd by l.uu in IBOl-i at Mrtropoliku Hall, tbe Broadway Tbrat-r, and Aator-plaie Opeia-Uouae. He haa re.:a ntly made a rUcnn.-mraiieaii tour, and afti r having viait.-d Aoatmllaand the Saiidwlch l*laud*. I* now in Culiforuia, where hl* lucceaM haa h?'?u uupr. edi i.ted 111 Uie aaual* of Pacihc AiunavuieuU. Ob hia leliuii to New-York, HIS APrARATIS AAILL KE NF.AV and MAONIFICKNT, HIS PARAPUiJlNALlA SCPERBLY OOEOEOL'S, LNXIEE ENTERTAINMKNT NOVEL __ND ABTOITEDING. I^EMPLE OF MAGIC-No. 444 BROADWAY. EVERY NIGHT at-u\ lock. PEOPEBBOB J.ACOBS, ln hl? Soiree* Magique. und luiproviaaturial Efludoua, Baaiated by ii., cri.tnal and,. (lOlii.lN Sl'RK-HTLY, -itb iirh. rdlnary ? .ra riment, the BO'iTLETRICK, THE MMalC LAl NllRY, THK. W1ZABD- STKONO BOX, aud fp:i,l tly'i new C'oaih- Sonj. recriyed -ith roan of Inughb-r and iii.Lo.i.d, J ?pulauae. (irai.d Matbrea Wrdne^day ai.d r-atuiday at I o'clock. Adiiilaaiui, 25 rel.ta EaBfltBad leaU 50 ceuta. rpBK BATTONAL M1SICAL INSTITITE I . ul fliva a GRAND \ tn ,\L aud INSTRl'MENTAL l (i.M Ela'l at tl.r Htiof il.ii Inslltu-e No M Broadway ba tv.?i, k.oaTUCRBDAY, Jiuei.. HMV Ti.-keU BBB ba ubla:utd at all Ibe piincip*! BUBM atoiea, aiao, at IbebalL I 0. ADAMS" CALIFORNIA MENAUElilB tl a-DA> ai,J F.V.ININO.-I.vth rt. _nd 4f> av. f X OAHial'M, P,.lH,.._t. OKEATabT NOVI.LTY IN alUailU fUE (.RfcAT LIVINO BLAOK 8Ea LION. OA.TCIN'J ORI7.ZLY UK.A.'.S. 8INT1NO CLlMKiNt* aad V. T.TIN.l BEAR8 C.AI.IFOKNIA LlOraB. TIUr._lS uiBTRiCHKB, Bl'FFALO. aiid tla WILD AN1..ALB M"J-I PliE PAOlklC. Perto.uid t y " Oriaxly Adaaia" fruia lu a. ot .11110 p a_, and *?pe,.laliy it ii. 8, and - e c,uek ANIMAU II I.'at 1 p. i,. Auii.lnkb, U oaai.t*; C__di*B lSatau. NI B L 0 ' ? 0 A E D 1 W_* JtiSoA __}!&_? b^ 0-___-TlCflN0_NO FEOME-IADB, REPEEBH THE JiPAKESE EMBABSY AND 8C1TF, PR'lMENADI theVstabli-HMENT DAY ABD'?vb?*."_*.^S owrn all day while tbey lemelu. THE ORAND JAPANK*" TEEATY CUAEiOT n eleo on *_hic.ition. thvt RA 11. DSCOEATION8 wfll remaia on eihlbitlan ttt . weik THEY ARF: VPBY ELE.ANT AND CUBIOUS, AND SlIOULf)- li-"SF.F.N BY KveEYBODY TTESbAY FVENINO Juaa *. _??*, AfWUeHTAOE PROMENADE, Doeaticki'i BflMMBBBBB. lba _ LADY OF THE LAKE, TRAVKHTIB. Written eipr*nl. fot tbii Thaatar, aad lot ap wtta *?M?M new iscpoety by Tboine, Jobaaon, anfl ?BBBB; arar _ae tociee, ke. Tbe Cl-t will embn-. mmmmma* Tbe NELSON BISTERB. UAEE BbJITH, POLLY MARSHa/.L, W. DAVIDOE MARY VVEI.L8, A. H# DAJfENPOET, PETEH8 LEE80K, VINCENT, _*., Wiih tb* tniire ( orp* de Baitet. aod a .ROCPF.TiP AM.VZONIAB ZOUAVEB, In a Tiricty of HigkUud Mllir.iry E.Tolutlon*. A fte' tha Tr*T_a(le, _ OPF.BATIC INTERLL'DE AND REPRF^HMENTS. ENOLiSH BaLLADs, by ?m?. VOrl BKRKFLaadMl ?7 ; OEBELE. MUe. The JAPANE*- wlll protueLBdc amoog the aodlaaoe. (anrlndin, wiih a NEW mvP.B_SSr.BENT, ia whiah, tha HANLON CilOTUERS wiJiappear, With Ml* CAROUN1. TM-'LK.I H, Frembr* Danauae from I'ariiand BnaaiB, Mile. i.l.NA WINDEL, tha baaatifal I.ALE 81.STF.I_S, aad the Caraa de BalUt. ______ ? Tlcketi .0 ceoU. SeaU may be toe?at a weaa ia adtaoca. Box (nt ? >? open all rUy ORAND MATINEE8 8T*r^ WKDNE8DAY and 8ATHE DAY AFTERNOON. No reaerved .?*-.forMaiioaea. WALLACK" THEATER. ~ BL'MMt-R 8EA80S. 4jPENI.NO WEEK Of thoae DISTINUriHHEU ARTUTS, .Vfr. and Mra. J. W. FLORENCE, Whoae parformauce* d .riu* ihe p?*l few ?**?_i at thia PoPCbAR oCMMER THEATER Have Bfll with lucb denided uiauifcitalion. ef MMB apptntal, will apprar ia tbe frant looal buileequc, I '-LI.a HiioKIl; Or. ihk Bi__-Vv'.iu*?rpraB_, Prodced io ? ityU of luaanili.eic. ouimeniaratt) with tke '?,? of tbit potmlar eKablmhuieut. New Muiic. New Dreaiai. New Boenery, rtew iij'.-ii. kc. AMA/.OJkAN MAK4 llr.rf. by Forty Yobbi f-diee, CR()K4INO NIAOARA. ali BLONDlN. ORAND AQ.ARIA. etc. Doon opaa at 7J; Curtaiu riiee at I oVlork._ mJTyj GlJ-NEY^ GALLEBY, 7fi7 %\J I . Ne. 7~ Broadway, Iret Meok BaJOW tha I VP ? a New-VorfcHot-_ Oa EjtiiR.itlcri, THE DflN(. TX-?:,"M-sr.H, aad othar eiegant piecai of -Uliuvy by rTlEVALIER PETTRICH Opeo from lo a. bl till 9 p. J.. Admlnloa. M aeata. tVB -The PHorooia?PUIC i?iilblTION OALLERF U opan for FREE INs-PECTluN fron. b a alUI*.-. COOPER UN10N FOK THE ADVANCE MENT OF 8CIENCE AND ART.-The Aooual C_u_ menceuient of thU Intt-tution la appointed for WEDNEBDAY ?dTHCRSDAY EVENlNbe, Juue 2. aud 13. Oa tbe foro__r pt. ning the exhibitloa of tho e__? of Vocal Mmic will take plaoe, t-ouiuipoi im at 8 o'llviCk . Ibe latter eTening wlll ba da T-jtad to the rvguUr Coinnieuceiueut Exercile*. eoo*(*tlug ot *d dreaact by tbe pupila, the delitrary of certiti.-jOe* to tkuea wbo ha*e aaaaad th.- eiaminationa, and ao addrea* to theeo by Ua Hon. VV 11,1,1 AM 1 . AI.F.XANDER of New-Jeraey. Ticketl of adniiaaioo for eacb eveuing uiay be had by apajryiac at the ofi.-e of tho Cooper Caion, auT day. froni iJ a. ui. Lu 4 p. bj., audon MONDAY EVF.StlNb, Jaoe_5, from 7 to J. r J4ME8 T. UODOE, 4>u_tor. 0^ VIEW lor a 8HORT TIME. tllLRCH 8 LATE8T WOUE, TWILIOHT IN THE WILDERNESfi. At OOtPIL k Co.'i, No. HI Broadway. Ad?ibiion I* eaata JOW BB Pree Eabibitum. a _______ ooJleetkmo. N OI1* FAINTINOM, tt WHITLOCE'S OALLF.K.. a* ____l-a_, flflfll*t Braadara. GRAND CBICXET MATCH, b4!twe.?n 8T. OEOUGE'8 aud K1N0< ( OUNTY CLUB8~W_I ba played ou tbe new tround, Hoboken. ou Wedoeeday, June 27. .diubiiuu tu tbe grouud 10 ceol*. Meuiberi can be euhuitted by ticket* only. HUGHEfi- GALLERy7n_77-S^Broadiray.? EMMaa portraita af Soath Ainerican eaUbritiaa, ka. Ea hibiliou of OJ Palotiugi FREE. from 11) a. m. U 1* p m. C-taiUB. AYOUNG LADY ia deairoui of obtainina a ait na'.ion ai TEACHER or u 00V'ERNES.; would like to c.iiitiniie her aiready piti'Dilte traTeli. 8he li a gndaate of one ol'tbe tir-t leu.ale aetuinaiiei in tbe country fvikl ha* had cou ?idma.le eiperieuce in teBchina- Kxcalieut t,-.tiiu?niiU giveu ifdeiircd. Addrra* TEVVELER, THbuoo Offioe._ A8 FAM1LY 8E__M8TRES8? By a i^iMirtab Vuieriean Oiii. who kiuiwi her bu-ioeas that BM * U a oi:* ba_datc_i_iT_B?i'Jot_ioi.p_u cut aad Bt; would aer tu gTOwachil?en. To be aeeu Uil itute- at ?. (.'arroU'i No. 63 '?th .v._ WANTED?Bv a ntnt, tidy Girl, a aituation a? CHAMBEEBA1D aod WAimR, or geo-ral HOU8E MAII) lt. a auiall fauii.y. Wataa, *6 U. ?V7. CHy or country. ot n- er.ii. s can M giveu. (all at or addtaaa No. 21* Etat Mdrt. tor two dayi. _ WAKHING.?Waabing of all kinda done in a ?nperior manner at low*?t pricea, atthe newl.ACNDRY. No. 46 l,iapenaid--t.. n-*r 14iu*d-*T. t'lotbe* called for and returuod promptly to all pait* ot tbe city. Buttona put on ahirta. A?B-NDAKCE~-i good 8EB~VAOT8~iiow ready for city or eonntry. .tansan. F.ngli?, Seotek, Iriah, ka.; cap.ble. olvb, *Cti*e; a' th? Urgeet iaidt.ite aaa Hnme, eon. ducted oy ?ii Amerl, an I.ady. No 13.1 UUi *t, corne. ui bth *t Ii^AMlLlES in WANT of GOOD HELP~wi_ pleaie caU at Mr* YORKSTON'H Offica, NoMatka*., ivhuie a great nujuber of OIRL8 cuo be bad for city er country, and no ri;. I-crn tt d.-alingt practiead at her o_ce. GOOD SERVANTS of all k-tda, for city and couuby, c*u alwayi be ubtalued at tbe 8ERV ANT-' IN 8 1ITI TE, No. 149 bl?id at A number of Cooai, Laundreaaea, Cbamherniaida, Wtitreaaea, Noxsaa, Beamttreaaea, aod otber 8erTauU, botii uiaie and leiuole. are now rhiwnaiflid SERVANTS?(^ompetent aad reliable German, Ficnch, and otber* with good re:"preiioe?. fur city or Country may be oitan.ed at the Eo.plotinpnt SoeiPty t iirfi.p, No 51 tl . one uovr ?a*t of broadway, 'bruieily Bible Boaae. Oermau uni French lauguage. ipokeu. Mbn HELD, Miiroc flMj PIlolOi-RAPtlEIiS.?Wauted, a first X eU iPRlNTERand TONER, accortomed to work Alba nienPaper. BtflM raftrraoe* aod wagea eapected. Addreaa Box 2 -.'.D Y. >J ANTED.?Fatuiliea wiatuntj to reoHrre to tka eountry. wliicb are eoiopoattd of two or more |row_-ua daugbtcrn, uiay be? uf aa vupuitumty te better thelt clreaoH atan.-.-t witb PEEMANENT t.M t'Lo YMENT in a m-oafa-tor* lug aillaf" in tha Ktate ot Conuerticiit, Bre hoaii' rida tt*m Ike ojty, Apply to Na. 87 Broadway, op italra w JliBceUaiuosB. n OARD in BROOKLYN.?A Lady, tbe owner oi a large bouie, baa beaulilnlly fitteti it up for ? Boardinc Houie eicbi.lvply for i.entlpmen every way euuel to a (enteel privHte r,*idt nc. lor a price uucquaied iu Brookl; No. 24* bridge it. CUTY OF QUINCY, III.?The intcreatdue l*t .' July next. in tbii city, co tbe BONDU ofCtty of Uuiaey, HL, wiil be paid oo aod aiter tliat dalo upon p?eeutation af tne proper coopoj* at our otbee. No. 194 Broadway. New-V o.i, Jni.i- M, bi. u. a . v\ oon k Ca FOR BALE?A WkoltMaleaijdBetaUGHOCBKT, nuw kiuiugacaih butliiv.i uf fl 1 UtW weekly ; good le_*8. ck-apr-i.l ai.d W.-II ttleited tttv-k : lold 00 accouut of th* ill hei.itb of uue ul' tbe partocfi Aiidl'e*! D. D., T'ribuipt Otbce. OUR 6EC0ND-HAND SAi-S (Wilder'eaad Herring'a l'abuil>, al*e. teu laig* Jewelen' Bafea, for eaba low by wVlivk BKOTHER-i, Na M tlakka-Uaa, N. Y. A|onu oi Fairtiaaki* Bealea. 1P_J_Jl__8 avvi'ur.u with ~ PtEE MILE Adaren T. W. DECEER. Ofltoa Wa 1*9 Eaat MM IOW A LMEl.EST.-Tlw i-tereet du.> on the 1st prox nn the BONDHaf tbe State of luwa, will ba p-ii on aud itlb-t tbat dale ou pre.euU'AOu of the J.roper CtHipooi at our eflUe, Nu I(i4 lboa.lw.ij. ATWOOD \ Co. New-York. June-.* UBB. F M ABOMO aud i. t>. ,f O. F. KKiiALiA.? ? I'i'.-.-t t rat-i.i B?.'1 II ,i- | aed Bweraa. Jewela ka Udgea, l baultn, ko. WM. B. a'UlCE. 4S4 Broadway, N. T. TkJ ?'l KE.?FIVE-lilLES DRIVE TUROITGH ?!% CEBTEAL P.VRK lor .L-Famflt CarrUge, Buggy Wagon, S.ddle-ll.,^, for lUiitli'iiK'n or LatiW, for al an koor, at Centiei laik SVable, .-oiuei ot IU id-*y aad SBth-ei, Btkat. can itop oppoaite the door. ROGER8 CITRATE of klACINESIA, IN POWDErl. THP. BEBT AI.TERATIVE IN TME WOBLD. /ur tooling tbe blood, alik b-_Jac_e, billoul afe-'loa, _)?*-? c -aa at tka itotracb, ao4 ail COBipUiotl uioidtut to ib* BptiBf auB'r aeai^n It aflordt I.mlBM rvllef afler ealiug ut drinklng too fraepy. Au ecunouilcal lobttitoU for 8_r_t*ga waten aa a MBBBJ AM tlutber* w lli baie tt tor tbe rkildren ll i* ao pieamat they will ?ink it '.ia :>?!..? i.ade Oue botlla U e^ual ta three, ta itl *** Bcbiai |'i...Lriiie*. to the Liqirid ' '-.trauB of MagueaU. Aak foc kOOFU'8 in pnwdi-r aud oae uo otliet OuIt Jd oend pw bea U*. Por laie ky all drugji***- Maoutautory Nu 1*. 8ur__t*B*. AKi: I'I CHANCE.?Thr Patentea of b ii- i? aml iplciidid uia. I'lne, ctlcukted t.i huk-e aa ia* ineiii* pctiiianeot aale, U d'-.iroti. of arranglog with auiue t*?* t.f..n.i a Ji.tnt .tock Con.pany for tbe tuauufact?e of taa ?_ cle. Ad.!-.-.. oi lailupou T. J. VV. RoBERr.S.N, Ba. 1,(M |(-. .ln* __? -IX) PI.1.KHER8 AND~ OTHE-td-OABDEN X Uur-Y. -The S-bacriberi cff*r for H__t*B ? ??w aflflMff kCHBEtt liOSE.tultabUfort^ot.u.iUdaawood _-d TamtU V, ?l.r, of topinlot iiuaUly aud c_lt!a_ MB *^*J,%9"? aiarket. uf w|? b ihey ?re th* aafc) 4*"'1-, WRIOHT k C4MPBEI.I., No. 1 BaroUy-at, flBBM afUrua-way, ajMBUa Aetor [ W/RHiiil' tJIlXTES A BR0TTIER8' DAN ?? bi-.HOK _OFPEE--AioTa--MBiMadyfatOwiBalP_ BlUly. Dtap.-p.ia a-d BtttoBi Affecri*-*; ittaaflly Mf_Bgfl__j ky tle F.o-IlT Theaiaad. who baa*. keeo oaaap^led toaBaa. don tha ne* of .ofl- Bad thU ao e_8el!e_l i.b^Utato, la stf oo-lo- of ...e_i.-inal ooaUtUa; it U alaa auek cW-tJMj*ui*. b ? kat balf 4be auauUly ef oid?ary eoflao. CITY _____?!_-.>;*: aad ft: VVaabiagtou tt, Nnt Yaik