aWU , t _z-1 _-.*?? mz>j n V0L- XX.N?- .5,98... NEW-YORK, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1860. PRICE TWO CEJVTS. THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. BTKW.VkURK UAII.T TBIBfTFTB ? rUBLIBHEO EVERY MOEElNO AND EVEH1NJ ((.t'SDXTB ElCB-TBI)), m flaaa *__iBir?- bcilbibim, oobbbb obbamav axp raaacB *1__TB, OrPOSlTB TBB CIT1 BALL, Bi HORACE GREELEY k Co.. _ _ l fcBvBflad la City BatkeM?era at la, emu per work. M-l ibera, fl*|iil bbbmi f-'?lt. fll for au a?orit_a. ._ BEW.TEBE WK-BIY TB-BUHfl, A "BET LARGE PAPER FOB THB COWf_RT_ .. ? afllihil omorf Bart?ur Hobbib-, ai th* l*jr _?*_??? Bl .aaaam. ta advaaee: Tbree CopiM for ?? i Klve Coplee for I ??a_,CK FOB EIROPEAN CIRCLLATION, % fl-.B.b*. *b tb* dapartar* ef each Idail Ste__er for LW*r fJB*-*4 08 p*r aanum, p*ata_g* laaloded. Single Copiea, J. iv* TUE NKAT.V9HK TSIBUNB VOE CAUFOKNU, ORF.OON. AND THE 8ANDAVICH SJUABQB Ifl aaabllabed on tha departure of each Mail Bteamrr for A*pli> BB, M fll M per bdubbi. Siuglr Copiea, 8lx Ceute. Bptnal Kotic.8. f Itepnbliran Ontrnl C'eminltloOB.?Tbe metnhere of be kej.ut.iicau Crntrai 1 ouiu.ittee, and ai?o of tbe Young Jlrni BetiubliC*11 lri.Ua! tou.a ltter, air rrqueatcd to iseet ou .HIHMIAY KA'KMMi, tbe 2Ith inat., at 8 o'clock, at H.-ad qnaitrti, No. 618 Broadway, for tbe parpoae of wek-ouiing toe Eepubli, an Member* ot Congree* 011 tla-ir rrtum tiome. Tbe Hon. HK.NKY AVILhON ot __aa.acl.ui--tt. wiU addreaa the Caaimltf**. All Repnblh-aiia are invtted to attend. D. D. ((iM >VKK, chairman Central Committee. 5_^?o_2ST*" I *?-ri- ??*>* c??*?< CHAB. 8. SPENCER, Chalrraan Y M. Central Cont. a! c! I^Ll_a,,*'5'' . s'?*tariea Y. M. CllflO Comm'ttee. "__*- Krpnbllrun Ce_tr_l ( aniptilscn Club Head. flB___rtOI_?No. 732 broiadway, are open ingnt and da- tor the BBsaf Ihe part j. Maaa nieetU ig* every THi/KSDAY' EVEN ?Ki. at 8 o'clock. Tua Kocky Mounuiu olee Club wiU b* ni aatmiliiii 1 Tbe Exetutive Cominttire 1111*11 at 7 o'clock of ?aa-e eveinug. S1MEUN _J__AP?K. Pre.ideuL Liacoln aod Haailia. ORANll RATlKlCA'JH.N MEETINi.. *!__) citlteua cf Brookiyu aud Klngi County, favorabk-to the ?aanlnailoii of AbKAHAaM LINCOLN AND HANNIIIAL HAJtlLlN. WiU hold a RATIKK'ATION MEKTINti 1.1 THB CITY HAXI. PAKK, BROOKLYN, 0.1 WEDNESDAY EVENINO. Juue 27, At 8 o'clock. Tha followitig di*tkiigai.h>-d apeukera wiil addre.a the mrcting: Tbr Hon. K. P. t.JaAlK el Ikiiaeouii, The Hon. A. Kl-RLlNiiAME of Maaa., Theliou. JAME8 Hl'MPHKKY of N. Y., Tbe Ho'_. EITH..K C. CAKTEAol'N. Y., Tbe Hon liAMEL ( Liu-AN of N. Y., JOSEPH H0X1E, ea.1., ol N. Y., Uen. JAJdi.S AV. NVE of N. \., EDAAAKU i ill II. eaq.,of N. Y., 8TEAA Ai/i 1. AS, eaq , of N. Y., Oen H. B. DVEYBKof .a. 1. B. B. C(t'r.. Cbuiruian xtepuultcaii liru. Com. J. N Btbxkkf. Sa-cretary. Tba HepabHcaae mt Homtk Oraaklyn are mvited to ?tteud ametiiugou iHl Kt>ilAi EVEM.NO, 28ib iuatant, at l uieu Hall, ci'iui r ol l ourt ai.d Sackett-ata. to orgBnir_e * l.'AM PAIUN CLIH, and to take uito ootulderatiou the buUiing of a VA K, WA M for that aectioa of tbe city. J 8. X BtlB-Jihaii, heurv A. Kent, AA 10. Coit, AA alter B. Olilhtli, Howard C. Cady. R. H. Tboinpaon, John VA illiaiua, li-n. B. lla*urou'k, Henry HIU. Ooo. L. Eeut, Lnciru Kudaeye. 1- -Milton Mintl., Heury Thodibb, Ia- AA . br-iuard. D K. Biat__.ll. Wm A. broarn, Johu Cochle, AA'ic. J*. b*i(<|olpb, E. S. Floaey, AV. C. Reauirr, Wm. Piptr" R- H. Lti.uo.-er. Wm. C. Heaton, A).?x. Adama, W. W. Silvrr, i. E. Wahou. Rena Nela*u, P. W. Kenyon, B. E. Clark, C. H. Paraona, E B. Pareona, T. M. Humphrey, TrAm. M. Thoinaa, 11. Kirk AVaite, C. U. Overacro, AV m. laaw, _L 1)., C. Carpenler, J. W. Kia**__i, H. H. Btadle, W. E. Douoleday, Waa. Baruett, and many othera._ VoaBB--an _ Aabland ttepublican Club of Kin?i C"*.?'ihr mrmbei* ot thia Ciuu wili meek attfte Wlg_?__), Bulion at, T1U8 l VA eduendaj ) EVEMMf. 271U. at 7: . i^ok. lo prorea-d to tue ISoutn Knry aad eecurt tbe l.uuaiii. Club of Jerary City to attend the grniid ratiticatiou ineelkug to t?e L-ld tkia evauiug ln the City Han I'arx. Every memoer U reque*l?d Mhe tn attendancr. _ _ JOaEl'H REEVE, Piexident. J. O. N*?vjr?, Serra-kary._ ~Llae*_B B_t__-?n of the ___?>cky Mauutaiu club. _'Ib* baUanou wilipam?c iu ui.lloru: ilnn fl,VE_NI_NO, t?. ?Kort tha) New-A ork ooiefatiuu to Uae Maaa Altetlug in tue Prrk. T ae u-enUx ra wili meet *. ? o'cloca ptecuely, ai tne i.eaUqu? teia coraer ol Oraoge aud BuRou-.U. ilrooklyn. By ordei, mmm B. J, r'Ooir.xl l ouimundant. 'T-HTBi^UeakBao/New-York ara hMMdtoatteud alhluvvraaiit iBBthule TUlB (kSedneaday) EvE_Sl.\0, at 8 o'cloa.-.. for the pinp"*e o! niBicbiug iu pioco.MOB to tbe gieat katiheatiun Mrrting in Brookiyu. _ The haixth \*4-rd K4.publi.-_ui Aaaaciation W)T hold iu uiiutuiv MtfcTINti Bt aS.:. 9_ Kluert., l'H.ia EVE.N livu. M t| p. m. krpublicaui ol Vbt vv,rd aire cojdidlly invited to be p.cxlitkliU liUtii tiieii luiurl W P H. V. kAUTIN, Pre.ideuU t?, MtiiiLt, { s^ctaile.. B. Pboitok. 1_ ~_4___k_r _ll--_---l- Kepubliean Club ot KiMBB Caaaty??'_'-* iiatiubi-ra 01 ti.i, cloo -l:l uaeet at tr.e UbJi oor i_exol BuitooaudOrsngf-tB., Brooalyn, Tit..- EA t.M.N',., ,it 8 o'cIah?. to lorm a proceaaloa lor thr purpox" 01 ??cortiiig the ariaitoi* iiou. Bew-\arh to the grrat lUunt-tiou Moetiug iu tue 1*biE A toli attendauce D ri-queited. ??,__ kT\A ? Poi-iBK. Scc'y. J- M. COMSTIJCK Pre.'t. " " Wlfle-Awake Cluba throagb the county, deauou. ot ootetutug I'NIKORJ-S, eaa do aa Bl tee loweat pnre. oy applying to tUvVxiJi a vIaN.N, at tke ruotua of tbe Votuig M.-u'i RepubUuau Cukou, No. 669 Broadway, Stuyvaaant luatitate.__ ~wicBtloaT^-ii \_a.m?.NHu_i'.', ai. AL, i* AT UUldE Bariax Uie frummrr montu., Na 9 Eiwt lotik-et. fltAJ_l_BE___iNU-BEUNCli|.I& Mr. V/aeyetauuliai t.reu pioved to be tBe oertatii enre for Btaiuu.eru.gBud preveulive ol Uronciiktia Lcctare ou i-.ouograpky (free; by l>. t MEEiafBH! Piac?t_l hruuiioi, al i>r. ITali . Eeviui r i-xiin, No !?> Lalgbl at, N. Y., ou THI KBD/.Y EVBNU4H, tafl, at t ?', i..,x Ciaaa opeua oa Y ridaj Evraiug. i ltu-am Leaaoui, ?_!.'?). TaagM tkrougu th* luail, *uO iuatiuciluu book aeut, tor flo. Ajjre.a a* above._. _ rfflnj ."ilirml "--"-' and i'buri-k Reuaiou aaf tbe nnt keioriued Kutou (. tuach, urookiyn, t. I). (tb? il?. D- Poitei ?). on the AlrV__?-4UOaN aud _ti\ E.M-Mi of ' iBOAk, Ju_je28. 1-jO, BttiieOdoc-u. Adwuatoii xa oeJU. __. Fralt and FlanU K?-bU?__, Inald .1 the Y riaBChorcb, wiilue h?IJ iu tee vilia^e of W'eal eart.i*, vA o?l ?ba-tt-iCo,, ou VVE1>--EM>A1- AB 1 r.UNlXJN and xVtiN l&O, Juue 27. in teuta, on Ui- Broua kiver. Cainajea aaall be aaadv loi the ?> p ni. Hailraa traui. troui 2i.ib-att at l'feuaoiit. Evary luxury o! the aenaon: a auiwru r.ilnbitiuii of Klower*, mmi exrellent MaiUij_ Bcllevao UaBP_t_l.--Hereafta-r, Vlaiiora wiil not he alloweo to ajwter thr iiarp)t_i lexc-ptln *i_n_te caae.)ou auy ar 4aaot the Hu.i-i.-al 01 bi. repre-. nuiive. lborua_bexaii,inati, 11- bave oeen o.dered, to prevent Ibe In txoductluu mlo. 01 tbe *ba*_er'lou liu-,, HuajiiUai, ol atyr for tui?a-n _jii?dr, ,,! .autbiBg. Con.nnii_liui !_.. , oy any }- :*uri or aaraooa altacbed 4o tlie tivvpila? bv oraer 01 ti.rCouimi__-luBerbolPi.blic Cbnritie. and Cor ncCiot,. JOliN r. vAMlir., vyaideu. Bom tfl-ke Natlee.-You b*B*ayad,aaofjb'bMt ada ablevou* lilt.e fc-lo_,a, coaxyour u.o^.ia for Nr.AV u )io to CORN_.I.L'S, Noa bl JukuaiaBl-i r I u __..,?? bay tuem. Uriug aioug your big brotbe;., tbey uiay waut Coal* too. I>y*pepsia. B*-.?_?-F".?* ,, , ,. "Th*Uue theory of Caiairh, u.d tne di ? orery of ita cor* by Dr E _,*-*a_r, wUI piove aa peak aii ec?ji.i<_tiou ta tlir Sl__aaee af 'u_4-4.Hi_-eB.U-. ui-c.,v..y oi kii?- poca' 89 Jeuuer. or U.e tma ciicu?ilouol ?r biooal by Har.. y ' .; . . Ihuoomtlu-eul, Irom a dl*uug_i.. i d pl.y. i-n, n.?v be daly _>apreci_.la_a l>y -ie, v> Uboul kke ?.rog_-i.. r ol tlai-uiug tbe ^___r!__V"^'i J-_k_-t*d tbe Important ft-ct tiat (-atBrrh caa be asued-i.-* been-wbeu right.y oi.d-i.Uaod. I now a__ert thal Dytn,pi)iuu littlr undrrrtooU. lt. tiur r.?u.e a. Jtlle-.uuwu, aiiu* m*Aibeoo axl?ou-o'.. ?'"! ""P"1 ?* i.*urrh ua* bsea, liMMlore, tuat u.-.t_ei of tbeu. waa evr: OUaTad BOlJ r_^t4J4od.? ily tLe kjlo-iedge Ol - b. t !iyBpep.ia U, aaid tue tt_4_i___Tf,f it lc-? U. Apauephlel de-rioiiirihru....?-y mUl Im rmut to a_I re?4-i-t- dee, ? r"- *? f ?Uuip. ?_i l? *e_ iai^ ?0?i)jLLt Jw .., > 1 OHentol Bataa, No.? 4th .r, _?? uiei-oper Ua_Eote_? U__siu>_nl aa a luxury, bvaluabke in rtirumat:, , 11,-r, k' .my, aad c?aaasoui aJtecttona, femaie araahwii, *_>? Ak**, fclrcuc MaxxetK aad Wediiat? hat_*. Eaegant BaBafl *- r>-i..i loi ___Je*. Open frotu 7 a. m. U 10 p. n.. . .- O-_ WorCh Kr.i_*inbcriB_:. M ,' IlULU *LR.N)TIKE, at PalVA'-'E ftALE, 1 il_ 1S_. IBCBB-aa | laiia, 111 otl. .'.., b le, ,.o.,ia ?<-t of Bioaaeay. Hnr i. *n oppoitouiiy t. ,?ncl.__n- ?? Uuni met with to . ote'u eootl. *t ftoi'i 4. to Bai pt. aeM Ir*. _l_.u they arr really w _rto. .be a?*ortu.ent i* very Uyj.- aud yt-ri.d, e_a-?a__-_ all li,e ertieiea nael- r.nd ortiaii.ental, that |ovd bou*ekia?peia oav -*?? ?|ye. We tax, fniulaii Loaaea ot apartuirnW complttely, evell 10 ?h* aUvatware, brcun.g, cutlery, ...d n^ckery, in ? atyl* ai.d al O _-tc* U> ault Ib* moat fnatldiou. ta..t,-. Bine Parlir ai.d I'raw Hhli?0-i B_d Llbrary Punuture, uew and ercoud Uxud: rka Wtndow Drarnry, Ir.i.h Mlrrora. M*t,tle Clotk and Dceorstioba, 1/U.iug-Kooi.. Buitc*. a loU *__-__,_, ,,t of i-aewood iadoib.r ( luu-ibn FariiUar* Bne lla.i Mattr, _?*.a..d llrdJmg, Bruaea-ia ai.d otbtr C?rpat.. ln .b"rt we bave ta a_i*r at great ___uo._i.rnta evetvlbii.g that good houaekaHwaarB caa a?k for. Tfle oirportai-ly vaUl ue tou_d _uucl? beMaf than g.lag lu ?uc tion, l-itbe roo- can .11 be BJU_Jk__ed, aod '-'H be wm naiUd aad Bt? bom. fre* ol anaga < all ? ? notloa TuoT-"-, rr,ueliib?iii-l B_d Uue iii tvery .cp-et Door. apeu froBi 7 to 7._ _ -_u_ob PilteraT.!'Bli ?-*? and dearritviioni, porublr nnd uiZVlU,. arha WMulia e la ? 'T, N ' r_tad Btat*. C iIob Ii ii ??"??' Tke Huh-f on.mlttcc ou ."rluslc will meet on THI.'RS 1>AY. tbe2Biij laat. il 12 o'clock, ln rooui No. S. City 11*11 L.-adrr. of Binda wiil pleaie attend without '..rth'-r notic. IKA A. ALLEN. | TERKNCKNr?*TRI.EY, . SabCommltle*. E. J. COSTELLO, Y. VV. Tailor. Secietiry. Ijongr.verth'a _*tll! latawba. IN H A L F - P I H T BOTTLE8, POR RESTAURANTS, kc. FRED C 8. CO/.ZENS, 8ole Agent, No. 73 Wanen-.t, New York. _ Watar Caalera! Watrr t'aolers!! Kor OSiet*. Baukt, Stauiuboatt,, aud piivato Houae*. Witer l ooieri, both t.laiu aud oruaiueutal. of luueiior qaaltty? will not rutt er i orrodr. Pri, e* )e*i than beretoiora. At whole ?ale aud reiaU by IA (11 8 11 ART, Noi. 4ai.dt. Btirting.lip. The aubjoIncd Letter to Pr. BANNING, from tbe old veteran, I'oui. JONEB, ie full oflntcrert: Nbab Pb.-hpb.-t Hul, Va_, Dec. I, 1144. Ur. E. P. Ba.nsiku?Ubam. Kiu: Evrr aiuce the year 1114, wh. n 1 received a aeveie guuihot wound by i niniket-ball, which arill T:-maini iu the body, 1 hare isnered much from what it coriimonly called a wei.k back, and pain in the back, fcu., ao a* to deitioy all comfort Kidini: ou hurseback, or reuiainluf loug on tbe leet. wai produrtive ol much pain. I bid tried v.ui'.ui l.elta. all nf wbicb I tound to be woree thi n tbe dkeaae. Finally I called at yout tlii,-*, Broadway, New-York, aud Iiad one of your Brace* idjiiated. Situe then I baTe been expoaed to aoruii aevere and long ex poiure, without reit. Uu oue ucciaioi. I leit my bieakJast tobla at 8 o'clock, rodi eighl uulet, aligbtcd, a nl rtiualii. d ou my feet until dark: rode back to VV atbiugtou, where I remaiued tlll 11 o'cloca. wiiliout aittiug down at all. except wheu riding, froui II a m. till balf-pMt ; 1 p. iu., ai.d tbii without the ilightett inc- n v., at tue time ur mbn-quentiy. W'itbout the Body-Bn. * 1 could uot liave t okiiirrd Imlt tbe latigu,; ? ithout great Jiain. I tcel wirrantcd in aaying that nnt oaly h/.i my abilfty to en durelatjguebeeugieally leuokutcil by Ur. bANNI.tO'S BH.ACK' but tbat ii.y geneial beallb baa alao iuipro4?d uuder lu u*o, VVi.hiiig you a lurceiifiH tour in your pilgriujage for the relief of tutfeiing aamaiiitv, 1 am youn gratelofly, THO.VUS A. P. C. JONES, V. 8. K. Dr. BINNINGii iu daily atteudaucr at Ida oUice, No. Bl Blen ker-.t., Nt-w-Yoik,_ The Writlnfl* ol EMANI KL SV.EDt.NBl.Rf-, And CoUateral New Cburch Worki, Fuu Salb at Room No. Bi Cooper IniUtute, New-York. I'umui.e'p Kat aud lloick Kxtermiiuttnr. 111K Bl_ST IN liiK WUBltA No..b i? thought to have bad ou board a aupply of EXTERMI NATOR, Iroui the lact thnt l?r nenly ti* week* he did not ?ee 'Ary rat. Sold by all Druggiata in the i'uited BMMa ani Cauaia. Dr. liiinnlna in Daily Atteiidance at bii, No. tl ?leeck.r.t.,iorviiP_-e_ti_,eiit uf SPINaL AKFECTIONH aud >i PILMONARY, DIOES-TIVE, LTERINE. and UR1NARY WFAKM'bSEB. Alao, for the radical enre of HKRNIA (mp ibj. ?). Hit improted BRACES leut to order. Expiimtory E**ay maBed free. \%m pnbliraliona. VI7ILL BE READY SATIJBDAY, June 30, BEADLE'S DIME NOVJ_LS, No. '4. THE PRIVATEER'S CRt'ISE, aaa THE BR1DE 01 PUMF&ET HALL. A Sea Tale of "7i; By Hakbt i'av b.n:i. -ii E?lbUw<,f BEADLE'S DIMKNOVELB 11 ( ..BI'tFTB. Yih pag.-?, 12u.o. (July Xen Ceata. IRWIN P. BEADLE fc Ca, Pubiiahen. No. 141 VViltiaui-it, New-Yoik. BBM 1 TOUSEY, General Age-iU. rVllE _1FE X OF ABBAHAM LIKC'ULN. BY AN ILL1N016 REPU_,L1CAN, VVrio knc.w i well the Mm and hii iiirtory, will be iarned frcin Tbb Triucxb OrncK abont Ike ltt of Jaly, in a large eompact Pamphlel of 32 double-columu pagea, for general oirtulation ai aCAMPAION DOCL'MKNT. Pmica?4 eeuti a copy ; 40 ceuti per doseu; fl 50 per handred; $20 per tbeatand. If Mfl bj mail ..nbcb.t per copy addi tioual luuit be aent to pre-pay poitagp. Caah orden are aolicited, and wili be hlled in the order of tbeir teceptiou. pAMFAIGN DOCUMENTS. We invite the attpption ef frisndi of tbe Repoblican eaaie to tbe tollcwilig liat ol d'._;uniPBU: LIFE AND PUBLIC. SERV1CKS OP HON. ABRAHAM LINCOLN, (A-i'.hoiixcd edition,) By I). W. BARTLETT. Bormd in elolh, wiih Su-il I'ortxhit 351 paget. Price Bl. Pottap- preptdd. Ab Abridged Editiou, paper coveri, 25 ceut*. MNCOIjN'S AND DOUOLaS'S 8PEC1 IIES iu tbe gr*M lliu.ola l an p. i. n of lltfi, royal octavo, '.:r.'. pagel, ititcbed, oi oeuiaack/pv. a..;ii(i.r 1LJ. I'ulULge IU c. iit* 1HK LtMMC'N SLAVK CASJ-:?. u!l Uiatoryof the Caae, with nji.i uiu i.i tle Juiigea aud arguuieala uf couuieL Piice 2_veuU, pti Wi', *iu, I'tntage 3 ceut*. _____ 4./.SK UF DKED sCOTT?A large pamphlet of int paget. l'(..i_g.' piifi One copy, 2i. oeuti; four copiei, 1.1, tw.-lve < oL'.e*. t*i 2i> THt rUBUNE .iLM.vNAC for l?Si-ontaim Popnlar Vote for Pnwideut bv State., K.-tuim ol ElacBetia Prlce (po*Uge taid). Uc.eiitilillceaie*. rl. II. I i'.j-io, *?. fH_.U'ER,8 1MPKADING CRlSlB OF THE BODTB (cooipeuoiuu.). Pnoe *l oeuti; 9l? per 100; *>lt_l per 1,0*). Trif! KANSAS NAItRAT.Vi'. -By John Doy of Lawren.e. Prio-i 25 t nu tai h; j>..t. re_r. pi-.i. expreu, *?!': per HW. RETUBLICAN SUNGSPEn Aa 1?>0. Prioe W eenU. Peit **kfl'LBLI4 AN ( AMPAIGN MVSIC, No. t. "We?U Cou qtiLi ordie." loi u_bc voict-i. two teuon aud two baae*. Piico lotnU; 4 icuti bv__a_, l'cta.ep.'paid. h>.rtM.L1CAN l'OCr_LT-Pl_-TUL. Prlce 5 ceuta. Past B,*lMa ' CAMPAION TKACT8. Pleai-k pat fAVTicttAK ATTB4 r.iif. to the remarki en Poat ar<- on tb. *e d'.i um. nti. aa pripasmti.t ii leouirei 1. THE IKB-tPRKS-MBLl. ('iMLKT. Cot. Rpwird'n Pocb.tte .*-..( ..- 1. W; with t'l.arlea O'Conor'i Uulon .>le. t iet Stieecti Dec 1., l_5i(. i Il PTHK DKMOl H.k'ilC Ll VULRS FOR DLSIINnON: ftpeech ot Hcniy Wilion of Ma*ai_:iiule__l iu the SenaU, Jan. 25 1 .W i Ul THK ADMISSION OF KANSAS: Oat. Seward'igreat in fleofllaJTafc. Bt 1H60. ._ .. . IV :.AT1()NAL Pvliall'lCS: Speech of Abraham Lii^oln ef Iliinoia. Bt tlie OBllMt lu titute. New-York, Fab. ?7, 1*04); Jauie* li. Doo'itoe't V mdli .'.'.u nl \\ iaoon.ui. V. LAND FOR TUE LANDLi hS: Tbe Hoo. Oiluihl A. Otow '? Speecb, M tb* !io__e, 1 tb. BB, lbv. ). Wll! be readv abotrt July ll VI THK LIFE (?K AKRAHAM LINCULN?Hy aa Illi-oli Renubli, an, vk Im kuow. well tbe mau and hii hittory. A laige ..i_iuu. i iaii.j,I_Uit ol Kdou ,Ie 1,' pagpi, ior gpuenl oirBJ i>tion a* a ( *ini_>:._i_ do, Qtneut. I ric 4 oeuti a copy, 40 ceiito nei cioaeii. **ii per bundri-d, <*20 r?-r thouaand. If n-quiT-d bt u.ail one c.nt mtoltional mu-l l>* *ei.t 10 prcpay peatnge. < "iii aetk ra l ?? aoli.-itt-d. ai.d willi" lill'-d ui tbe order of their re ep -Tl.e abovi are prii.ted on fair type aod good paper, ?a.b toivii.g a laige o Uvo uact oi 1>> uage., excei>t No. 6, ?hici i* eVjubie ,iie n*d prlce. Tb*y are aold m qoaatltiei of One ?l:., .,..?._ oi jvpi, for o.Maca.Ni per copy; and tbe Tho uand juay le. mid.i i.j baaB Um iiet above jiven. a* the bujer riuy deaire. Iu .urnii. r qiatiuitii i, -il tb per hnndred; 2. tavnU per d. *.-!?; *i|.gl>', 4,. j'i lv mai!. p, .'.age prepaij, 5 ni-ia ,'T co|iy, iX) aaal* I'r uoz- , *il bt' per lfll, flll M I IN OER.MAM. j'? lat> t-p*nl. i " the kdrii-iiiB of Kiniii. J!. Liu.d Ihj tb* Laj.k...-*.. Haa ll'_i. Oaiuaii* A. Grow'i 'ill. Nktlon*J PolHka: Al.ra'am I. '.eoln'a UpepcJa IV. Tne Irrepn-nibie Cviilut; 0*ft. Seward'! RoeheiUr IH.hUand SiipTitueConrt: Ibe Ilon. Ju- R. Doellttle'i ^T'tip Demorratlc Leadtri f?r Di.union: The Hon. Heury 'V I. Tb- Varbariain of Slavery I The Hoa. Owea Lovejoy'i p'r'-'e-'.' al tl... C-rcal) fwM*cbpi, 5 ,e?'i ? efciBle; *2 V) ,,,';,., flllMrLOO". I'y .,_i. j.-.tLge .repild,', ,-e',U . _cu, K, . . t. per d.*'-n _*for ?l. 10U ior ti 75, l.lfN for ?17 J( VV iil oo' our Kepfbllr Mi frft-nd* a_l ul to ?' cl-ulato the doca ?arnli'"* Now ii tbp Hiu- wl_rn l_t.__.ud* of O-Ltida can be teBchedaaduiflu _-_-. ^-V,: ,,;!KELEY k Ca. '11 ibei.e iiii.:du,j-., Ntw York WAlT'WlirrMAN-'LIHrES OF OKASH, t_.'_rrt An.e::--*n P-em, 1 v-i ll*. VVT^f^^l ,-?1/4 beautl ly b nd. a Ikhed ly *Wf*m * *?E2 ? n./.u. Im __,ei_N?w-l_ikiy D. B. h A1B aferanice le the |? ople for . ot, rideratlon, THE METIIOIH.-tT wiil taeat It a* u ,|ua_tln.i of mo iu. ut to tl.e BflBflBBbfltion, aud wili open ita roliimu. for lt* (? m perate and layal ditcuaiiuu. It wiil repiesent uo party, auociatiou, ar cliqur. 11* ample rapital haa been provlded, apart from auch combinationx, by thoae wl o brllrve that the tiine ha* come for a larrer, more tborouxbly rdited, aad inon- indrpriideat organ of Mrtbod! un than it* eatabhabed journab, with their .uperabiiniiaut otfi, i il dociiniri.u ai.d other forraal but unii.iere.tlng matter, can po* .ibly be. ln fine, " THE METHODIST" wUI be an atteinpt. .natabied by ubnndai.t mraa. from the peoplr them*elvi-i, to *upply their fiirnllir. with an organ which ahall compare with the larg-.t aud be.tjouinul* ol otber dencuihiatioin; wbich ahall command the beat litrraiy abllity 01 the Church at home and abroad;-whhh ahall repre?ent fully aad loyally and Ita denomlna tionai inta-r. .ta, aa well aa the intere.t- of general ChriatUiilty ; wbich >ual) be condactrd witb prudene* and dlguity, and be above and viiulence; aud wbich ahall br a repre .rntative of tbe great religiou. intetrati of the age, a compleie fatr.lly paper, aud a di-cided organ of the Cburcb. lt wiil be rditrd by the REV. G. R. CROOK8, D. D., and the REV. JOHN MiCLlNTOCK, I). 1)., the latter Correaponding Kditor, and at preayat reaidinr ia i.n.. '-._- __- tdeat A ihoroagh, cl.i-ibed outlioe of the new* from the leading ( hii-ti.ui d> uominatioua and of foreigu n-li_.o ,- intrlllgenre wiil br prer-red by Prof. A. J. Schem, author of the " Ec, le .ia.tical Yrai Book." It wiil prr.riit alaoa AVeekly Ra-vla-w ofthe Butl.odiat fflaafl and of thr New-lora City religiou- preaa. lt wiil have a Wrekly Huiniuary of mi.-lonary new*. All the u.ual departuirnt. of Oeneral liitellknice, thr MoBey Market, the Price* Currcnt, Agriculturc, Scieatihi-, Literary and Art Item., ki-., kc., wlll be providrd. Careful BUrii'ion wlll aiao be givrn to thr Youth'a Drpartmmt, which wiil be nnder the care of a ?pecial rdltor. lt. , rltlclBma of nrw jml.llci-tiona wiil be prr pared with dlnciiminatioii, ao thry m*y alway. be aaf'-ly rrlied U]HDI1. TERMS: Two dollan a yrar: ftve rople* to one addreaa fl9; twelve 1 opir. to oue aildrra-, #2'): twraty co|ilr?? to onr ad drr.., flliO Subarriptiona received lor rlx monlha at thr ratee. A. a large edition wiil br pubU.hrd, THE METHOD 1ST wiil prraatnt |,r.-uii*r advantagea to advertiern. Addrea- " THE MKTHODI8T," New York. TNfcTANTANEOl/S fcTEREOSCOPI.' VIEWS. RECEFTION OF THK. JAPANE8E EliBAi-Y IN N...V-YORK. ?CBEEfl AND INCIDKVTH. 2 4 I> I K KERENT P 1 C T I R B I, Of which l(*t wiil be aent on r*r?lpt of ata-np. Thr?e ,i, tnre. wiil ever be an taUreatiug mrmento of tM? ii.t_.n aal rv.nt rriceifiiperdora.i,. 6ii gle pirturr. of the .-t. 1','ent- i-.-A FubiUhrd aud lor .ale, at Wh. leaale aid KeUll, by E. ANTHONV, (T.ree door. from Ht NI-hol?B Hotel.) No. 501 brofld-av. TE.H.HEK& AND LITERARY INSTITirTIONS AVHl reieive gralla, and prepaid, 1VISON. PHINNKY& Co.'? DESCKIPTIVK CATALOQUES, of 168 page* of cillical rcviawa, tctimoulala. and illu.UBtioni of ovt-r lOu clioice SChOOL AUD COLLEQE TEXT B00K8, of-hleh ll'BCIBBiaa for axeBiinatioo, with a view to Introduc tion a__ t? Tmcber. and Scbocl OBicer. at aai.B PBiCfl, ar.d Mtt'iippMea at low ratea. 8ee, aiao. tbeir EULCA THiNAL ..EW3, aent free to Tracher. No. 5 lately BflBBd. THI. MATHEMATICAI. MjNTHI.Y, llluatratrd, _f>3 a year in advance. IVlBOJf, PHWNEY a Co Kdiu aUonal Publiahera, N.-w-Y ork. I IHE Dtat BaihaalflflHii Bflfl Wflrli wiil Ih* __m- iaamd immediat. Iv ?" Llovd'a Am.nii in AVerkly" wiil brl..uedeveiy Semrd.y'Moruiux at the low price oi _ ceuta t.rr copy. Tbe Time Tablra wiil be corrected up to tbr bour or iobn to pr*.?, ?"d we wlllguarabter to pay auy man'. expen.r. br lrft by |nllowin| our Tlmr Tai.le*. Tbe roada lar dirtunt frnm o?r flflea B. publhation wlll aeud u. thetr IW Table. by trlegrath, at our expriiae, ao that roada ut ?e?-Ut Irau. 01 Chirago cbanging tbeh time ot atarting on Fnday wiil b.- eexit by telrgraph to na, and corrected ln ti.ue for our paper 8_tnrdeymon__| and olerrd for _e_e at ihi? AV?*t and aoaihoii ihe Monday lollowlxa. "UOYD'8 WEEKLY," wlll beenahltli lar-ertbanTl.e New-York H.-rald. Ontheln riae of the paper 1. a large llailroad Map of thr rutire c juutry, e.cb abiUoi. ma/ied plalnly. and the betwrrn r?ch *ta tiun Every Ruilruad i? naiued diatiu. ily m.d numbored, which nuu.brr i. dupUca ed on thr aaMUa o: Uir papa-r. ?here the travelen-B are the runnlng time of each toad corrrctly glvrn. hulioada inprogre.a wiil be repre_e-ntrd 011 the m?p a. far a* 6'l.hrd .a, h week. lt ia fl well kujwu fuct to Railroad .Alen tbat thrn, never wb. a Moiith-y liuid- . orrrct iu a aiuglr in ,!Biic. : but with " Lloyd'a >A eekly" wr wiil gnaraut.-.- tok.ep th>- I iuir Tuble* rortict iavariably. aud to *ell It al 6 cent. per C.. irv lt wiil go to |.rra? evrry Saiurd.y u.on.ius ; priuU-daud al.iupedtonil part. ot the C'uilrd State. lu eijht hu'.ra artrrward; an,) any child 1 an ui.d^r^an.l it. Priee "tily *-2 5i| per anntiu. .New. Agrt.ti ?haiuld orde- al cn. ?-. Na adveitiwineut. lunerted at auy price. J T. L.LOYD, Afleal .Nu. l'-i lir?a,l*ay. _ Bomi-thiug New and laelul for rbyaiciau. and Karillir.. THK KWEDI8H MOVEMENT (UKK-Em brarlngthr Hl-tciy and PhUa.apaW ofthia Baa Bfaflai of MraUoal in atnarnt, v. ith exain; lr? ol Siuglr uiovemeutfl, and dlrectinna fortiirir ?m iu vattoaa loroe ??! Chronlc Dueaae, illua trated \ ith 70 J/tigravlng., foiiuiugacou.p!-te tiiaauaJ of excr rl.ea; t.,_i ihrr ?'.:h a Sl'MMAR'. I lK TH F. PRI MTPI.K.S OK HY01KSE. Ky l.eorge 11 Tavler. al. I>. Price. 0126. B'O.V LKR A-N'I> WEItLB, r all claaae*, in or oat ot the proieaaion, aml to n.en, wou.en, aud cbildren. VOTICE t4i A-JvEkTI8EKaC^The~o_ly Dailr 1^ i'aper ullt ,..bru at the Cxnadiau Heat of Gcvemiuei.l _* THE Ql'EliEC MORNING CHIIONICLE. It la takra lu al not every famdy in Uaa-iaec, and . in-ulat, ? largriy In K*_rteni i"a.__la airl Ni v, Mruwaki Tweuiy thouaaud atranfera are axpevted ou tbe viaat o." Ibe Prinre. Adv rti.-r. wiil Bud THK. ChROMCLK aaexeeltent mtdium. Daily Ckroolcl*. fll p?r annum. in adraiicr, AVeekly Cbronirle, tl, do. Turuu for Ad *e:ti.ii _ rnad- kiiown on appti^ution. THK BWEDWH MMV'KMKNT-I l.'RE, ita lii,l?ty .1 i I,h:,(...,|'hy, with Pra.-ical iiirr tion. for ti.r Tre-itment ?f \ arioua Dii.-.uri, llla-'ratrd with 70 EaflnB-Bg-i foruiluga l omplrte Muini.l :l E .r,.-- Ilj llr.,. il. T*yior, M.D. 1 toi. 12.. ??., 4011 pa?r.. Price. pirpaid by iuali, 01 Ik. Xddrea. FOWLEB k WELLB, No. oM broadway. .S.-w-York. Tbia ia tla-6rrt ro.-rrpletr work iu thi. auhjert publiaba-,1 ln Ai:-ri,a. It wiil l'.-f'.oiid i.aefnl toa" rlaaw*. iu HflBl __aioB, i-iad to all iu. n, weanea, * id cbil-reu. JOHN K. 1 KEKS, WboleaaleDa-alarin NEWSI'ArrRB, VA'.A/INKri. BOOEB. kc No*. 14 and le Aua-rt , New-York. Seiad for ir. ular._ Ai.F.Vl*- U ?...IKi'in all |.,ii .-? ofthe oouutn. Ilhc (IKBTi.l'HE.v A IKitWLA*. (tl* -a.y ...ii.,|)ti, i.alnli-:' (-tr1rrr(. ba J. VV Haeaha*.*d?>rol t - ' '.ioagr Tl:..... Ali- flne e.r'r.l ().A fef Dlnamere.'. aadtekeno oih*r PH-?13.-ent? HINaMOBI- A < '' B*. I -prar-.C DODW4JKTH* "JOIKN'AL fnr BF -- BANUf new Luu-brr n.ry :. ootb, roataiBa " -ATHJ (.raaa Ba d- Part* irparat*. H B HodwoTtb 8 ' __a?He far ?-_??_?? -*wr pi* _ rpHE I'HKKNoi.(K;ir.\K HlTS'i; j?--*l I ri i Priee .'r.'vrrarf h. a~. ' ''' ,???P,',I K'.'V lEh k >-. r L< ? . ' ' ' ' - <>? - I j, ?, ? --? G OI.DKN FEATHER; OK THB BICCANEER OK KINO'S BR1DGE, A WARUKB ROMANCE or THK RIVEH8 ANIl THE BAY UY NEW-YORK, BEING A TALE OK LOVE AND OLORY IN THE WAR OK !r.l'A-l> BY ARTHUR M. ORAINOER, Ii now ready iu THE NEWVORK MKRCURY, Only four oeuti, wltb Darley'i illuitr-ttoni. THK WATER-CURF* .IOI7RNAL for JlfLY, BOW H K A UY, eojitalna: llyglcul. tad Ureg Medicatiou 4'outriated: Diaeaae! of the Threat aad Lungi; tiouus Practice of tbeMoTcrurnt Cure?Treatment of tbe tToup; A Kainily Ne retaitj; A Hnmeopathlc Do*- ; Dr. Wlii.hip'a Einerletic e; The Cattle l)la.-i..e: B.-tw een Duclori and UruBgiaU; and mi , b othei mattei uaeful to erery reader. A NEW V ULCME romn tu.-t witb taeprraeut uumbar. auduowia tlie tiuie t, aut) ..ibe Only * 1 ? jeir. Addraai FOWLER k WELLS, No. _*? Broadway, New-York. QTEPHKK A. DOL'GLAS. _3 A MAONIKICENT PORTRAIT of " The Little Otanl, ueail, full leugtb, dlawu In tb* bigheit atyleof tbeait, by D'Avignon. HUe ol the print. lu by 24 iu ne* Prii e *il. Seut bv mau. free of pottMrc, ou r.-c.-ipt ofthe price. (' II. URAlNARD, No. 322, \Va*_li_gtou*t, Boiton SELF~ttONTRAJ)ICTION8 OF THE BIBLE.? 1*4 i_ropo*lti.inl provcd affinuatitnly und negatively from bcrialiire witliuut i-ou.nn ut: eiubodying moat of tbe palpable aud Vtnkiug aelX-contradlctit-iii ofthe ao-called Word of Ood. Prire 1H r? nta. CALVIN BLANCHARD. 71 Na*?au-*t Btationcrri anb _fancrj ?00 ba. OCOUST BOOK8 of every Btyle and pattern ,EF,, Stationer, No. Hl Nuaiau-it. lent au band and madt to order by DaNIKL W. LF.Fj, Statione BLANK BOOKS.?Every kind and tiie, fina aad f upalhne, iu quautitiel to luit purchaaei*. Bookaelieri, 'leacheii, and othtri aie Invited to call and exktnine theae goodl before parrhaaitig plaewbere. Catalnguci lent fren of expenae JUHN P. KLL1M, VVholt-aale Mauufactuier, 147 Kultou-at.N.i, BARD BROTHERS _k Co., Maaofacturera oi (iOLD PENS, PEN aod PKNCH, CASkiS, 21 Maldetelano, New-Yoifc. Alao. MaMfaeflBMfaefBaadk WUaona'il'atentmmtt lar Nlb tiold Peni. Ool* Pent repalred ar exohanged. CA?H and DEED BOXES, uiauufacturcd of Block i'm. fer aale from fll opward, at DANIEL VV. LEES, Statiouer, No. -2 NllMU-lt. TkAVID WALKER, Stationer, Printer, and JL/ Blink-Book Manafacturer, No. 2 Park place, under Broad? way Bank Tagi aud Couutiug-rooui Notioua iu great variety. NGLISH FEN-KjNTVES Irom _!5 ceut* eaeh to ? 10 eaeh, at WILLMER fc ROGERS'a, No. 42 Nauaii-it, N. Y. E GOURAUD 8 ITALIAN MEDICATED SOAP, it U wtU-known, ouiei TAN, PIXPLES. FRKCKLE8, 8ALT RHEUM, BARBKR'S ITCH, CH.VPfl, CHAFES, TENUER KLKSH, *-., be*ide being (he very beat .baving ton.pound rrer iiiTeiiUd OOI'RAI/D'B POUDRE BUBTILE ?' of tbe for anH i_ht ba_Mo*^*u_Tii"I>u"k or Trown," without itaiiuiig'the ikln. HAIR RESToRATIVEfot tho halr to grow, and inaka.titl, wtry biir ioft, t!o**v. md lilky. GOLRAUUb OilikBlAL CREAM, for?b*coi'iip)e. ion. Voand at Dr. 00L'RAUD'S old eatablikhed depot, No 61 Walkrr-it, fint itore from Bread way; WellafcCo., Park fc Baruei; Hayei, Brooklyn; Green, Wor ceiter, Bitei, No. tM Wa?hington?t, B?*to_; 4'aliender, PblUd'-lpbia. Tbe abore articie* ire uot to be cotifounded wilb the traih with whii h the Sutt-a are flooded, and a?at Irom New York at cheap tatpr, aud loug credil* at that Dr. (jHJURAL'D'S irticlti hav* been lielore the publia tbe pa?t *u y*_ui, and are well knowa to be all tbey are reprrernted to be._ H~OYT? HIAWATHA HAIR RE8TORATIVE ia warract- d ln every iuitauce to reatore Oray Mair to Ua orijdnai r.lor. It hai be(n applied in thoiiaand* ot ca*e* ia tbe unucipa! i itiei of Ne.. -l-.u_i-.Ld. lud hai uot tailad lu a liugle m U, Moompliih ali tUt u .-lalmed for it. No halr ti ao, griy or ao rrd out tbe Uia? atba a ill cbange it to a beautiful and life Uhe brown ind black. It li not an Inrtaut-npoui dye ciorka, emuta aoa gire* a dead black rolor to tha halr; the ua itent Latiug to lo aoapiug. w Mhing and ipoujlng or Ihe aalreverr ilui8 Ula appllod: nor la tt a preparation of aiilphar, gna? *t fcett fc*.. uot ef ?uy lufcn-dieuU _al_4ariou* to Uie halr oi ifcin. lt it m Irti-.le i.-quLri-ig no prtp*/a.lon, no -eahing Be tere or afler uaiBfl; tti*aptlied ln *ve minoto* time, and with aa UIUp troubl* aa auy or.ifi.nrr arll.le lor tho I..U.-I. " Pevek wbo bave u?d Uil* preparation declare il ii miraia l>a* iu iu ttf.kU. and th.t (t wlli perfortu ill tbat u preUud* to ao"-[Bal!oi.iP!ctorial. "ItiaiiccBiikwobderful, md we cin only uy we lidoneiU tbe sropnetor laji IB re_*rd to it"?I Boitoa Joiirnal. Koi toalimouiail Bud OlieLlioui, iee haua.Uli ai .otuptujiBg elch bottlv. _ ... _ Sold oy F C. Welli fc Co., Oenenl Agenti, No. 115 Prankda it.: Ci.weU.Mack fc Co.. .Mb-n. Hotel; Oopr|* W. De La vorgnp No. ?0BMh-iv., coroer 14th?*., aud by J. fc .). (oddiu . toL:No. 715 Broadway : alao iu Bnoklyu by Mn. M. Haye*, No 170 Kuiton-.t. aud A. B. Cna-lwick coro?r Court and Pro.i dpLt-rt*.; BlaolnVVUIiamaburgh, by J. V. Butler fc Co, No. 49 Hn-at aiaolu Jeraey 4 ity, by J. Lougataff. No. SHMoutguiupry at, aul l.y tbe priueipiil retail Drugglit* ?ud Kaury Oooda deal pr* througboot tbe country._^^___ THOMPHi.N ?? ? TRAN-.PAUKNT SOAPS, D TAYLOR fc Co., Proprietora, Corner of tireenwi. I. .md Readc-rta. P RD-CS" PROTEAN F0UNTA1N PEN?War a. nuited TP-rfect R?g.ilat.d at pleainre. Cou.pact No t*m oeraiure aflecta it. AOaolittely iucorrodible. All kiudi or iufc ua. d Oue blliug writei rtcaa ti to ll) hotirt. Call and iee it ej teiiu loi a elicula? T. O. ^TEARNS, Agent VCT Broadway, H.Y s TENCLL PLATES, with Ink aud Bruau, aiid warrautediudtlible, cBtto order by DANIEL VV. LEE, SUtioner, No . l N??*??'. it. /irenJorKs. iEPOT for J W. HADFIELD & SON* mJ K1RST PREMI 'M FIREIVURKS.?Afu!laj_.ort uenl of hebeataialilT. and ol__*lowe*t price*. Deaier* ttt re.pect fX Uv?i2Il toiaU. R KOIILDS, jr.. No. tt Jnht. V? D J full* luTiied to i ,ill. G. A I. EDGE, Jr.'a Premlnm, Colored and Brilliant FIREWOUKS. W J. SlMS k BRO., Depot No. 100 Hr,.a.*way, baring mada *lter.irT8 *TTB:igeiu?n_i with tho aooto c^al ebra: d m_k?r for tka aale of their Klrrworki, we *r? Lr.-oared io otter ttorekeepe-* and tha pablic f pueraily au ui,t_j..^i-d motk, both ln quililr and variety, at tedLCed prioei, oor,iiaUi_g Iii . arl of . ireciecker., Torpedoei, Wheeli, lin__gle*, i4-0**"1*. ko"** Oand'.e*, Minei, Pia-oni. Cometi, bitteriei. Balioon., fce CITY aud TiJWll COMMillE-SS lupphedwitb flflBMB* pUyr it thort nottea. 'IGO, P. D. KOHKRT8 I N B?5Iatyp*noii. baving liitid partiei fonuerl r mnpicyr* bv Met.r*. J. U. fc 1. Y.dmr, are advert-ai.ut tlu-iuaclv. . a* Ag."iti ot J G kl Edge The public ahouid i.ewara "I tbeae charla. Uua a* they may fl'.d. on bemg blowu up, the gooJ. *o.d u Kdae'aaie t-ooi tlie Laboratoriea of in_...ufa.t'.r*n r_ige ? aie ..? _j^ ^. RoutiUb, No. 17J- Uioi.ivkay, Corner of Maideu-lane and Broadway. FIREW0RK3. btWKtil Ob iM^OS'i'-Jlil Noi bkviui any partlea In my employ who blV* it\i Aietui J. G. fc I. Kug.'-i Itraworki ui.Ul iui* teaaou, I V o'.dd cuution the public oot to palronizp tboae wbo oait reflcction* *n thoin wbo wi.h tn to at. henorai 1. !>u*!i_-**. 'ib* geuubie EDOK'S K1RKWOKKS tr* t*> fefl had In quaaU Ue* to auit p..ri'l.aa. rt at . I). put. OEO. B. COLKV, Ageut, _No. t: Maliien ltbe, ? '.. Edgeh' men prfmhim fuuswqp-Ib Principal Dep..t, No r, Mafd. n-lane New-Yor_ Klre ('.-1. k.-ii. Torpedoei, Joi*-itb-k?, and tbe uie-il variety -.1 artkiea reqalre* fur ?t.-tei. -i-|m-h' anle* aud pubiio ? ah'.Ui'.ioiit, ol ?upeiior ouality. at leai tban uiual price*. Ad*. e * oideri by ? OEO. R. CULEY _No. *7 M-iden-Bne, New-York L__gV.0BKB.--A fMBful aaflorgrnant of plain X and eolored Flraworkt, _i^ of th* beat ,-?.,, f? ,__,' b, BADEAU, U> .JRW'UUD fc (o , _a? u. r.n wi*:.i'.gt-,n?t Uil. Mva aa _*__ au ?_te- ____*___?_ "'. "7,?,./,'.'."bJ_ HADKIELD'H HREWO- &* *-y"*"?i 't l.Dl. ari ...loLtbemoitf.kortMp ***> "U " ^_"T an o...-d W look it our etotk telore **/*'. touiuo" tk.-i-rt _re 1'.??-?? duriug tbe pa.t few aea?ona at thia POPILAR SIMMER THEATEB Have met with auch d., ided manlfeatatiom of public approval, wlll apprar ln tbe great local hurh aqar, LALI.A ROOKH, Or. Thi PibB-VVor.mippbr*. Produced in a rtyle of inagnilicrnce comm.u.urate with tb* taui'r of thia popular New Mnaic, New ure****, New Hkenery, New Dancea, kc. AMAZONIAN MARCHES, by Korty Yoang Ladiea. CKU88INO NIAOARA, lU BLONDIN. GRAND AQUARIA, elc. Doora open at "i ; Curtaiu riae. at 8 o'clock. T AUKA KEENE- THEATEB. J_ Leaaee and Manager.Mr. Jobbpb Jarraaxoa Btage Manafer.Mr. Jamo* Simmonde Mu-ical Diraatar. Mr. Thoa. Bakar I Sneoio Arti.t...Mr. Hayee WEDNESDAY EAEN1NO, June 27. In coiiwitieuce uf the great .oeeeaa of OUR JAPANESE EMBAS8Y, lt wlll be repeated for four nigbta more, when lt wlll poaitirely be wllhdrawn for other uoveltlea It wiil be preceded wito the favorite Comedietta of THE QUACK DOCiOR. Mra. John AVood._.LlaeUe Mr. Jo.eph Uedrnou.aa.Tba QflBflk Doctor Witb the relebrated Comic Dutt of WHEN A LITTLE FARM WE KEEP. Mr. Jtmea Slmiuonda, Mra Vtning, Mr. J. Bunii tl, Mra. Chanlreu, Mr. Stoddart, Mi_a Jeffetion. Mr. Thorue, Ml.. Hrtty AVairaa Mr. AA ali, Mi.. Burke, 4.C.. ke, kc In rebearial, A New Uurleaque, entitled TYCOCN; Or, Yocso Abbbica i.t Japax. Doora op*n at 71, conimendag al 8 preciaely._I rTEMTLE OP MAGIC?444 BROADWAY. A EVRRY NIGHT st 8 o'clock. PROKE8SOR JACOBS, In hi. Solrees Magique. and Improviaalorial Efluaioua, a.aiated by tbr orixinal and eoceuttlc GOBLIN 8PRIOHTLY, with that extr.-.ordindry experluient, the KOTTLE TRICK, THE MAGIC LAUNDRY, THE AVI/.ARD'S STKONG BOX, aiid Surightly'. uew Comic 8ong, received with roara oi lsugbtor and unbouuded .pplaiuaa. Orar.d Mattnee* Wrdneaday and saturday at 1 o'clock. Adiulaaiun 15 > -nta. ILaaexvad aeata 50 eenta. _ WI-NTER GARDEN. TT COMPLIME.NTARY TEST1MONIAL To MKS. JUL1A DEAN BATKE On FRIDAY EVENINO, June 29. Ib ooci. (inence of the necaaaary airaiigemebta for the produc tlon ol Mr. Chaa. M. Barra.' UYPGCHONDRIAC (new ln active preperation), thi. Theater w ill ba cloied on AA ed ,.. .1. v and Thuraday. box Ollic* now open for Friday._ HOOLEY & CAMPBKLL'8 MLNSTKELaS, FRENCH THEATER, No 5?S BROADWAY._ k. M. HOOLEY, S. C. CAMPBELL, oud G. W. H. GRIF FIN, Proprletor.. MONDAY EVENINO, JUNE 25, And ev. ry Evening duriug the AVeek. THE MOHT ENTHI SIA^TK. KECEPTION EA'ER AVIT NESsSED?AlUDEL TROITE OK TUE PKOFESSION. Wiil give ?'x ot th*ir INEQL'ALED ETUIOI'LiN ENTERTAINMENTS a* above. N. B ?The promiii.-iit meu.ber* of thia lucomparable Tronpe are well Wi.owuto Ihe citizeu.of Nrw-York, having pcrformed under tbr name of OEO. CHRISTY'S MIN6THELS. at Niblo". Saleoa, From No/. 1, 1KS9. until Jan. El, l8ti", and hrve, aiuc- that time, e.tabUabed througnout the t.'utou a name and reputatiou aupar allelrd lu tbeaimal. uf tbr Protrolau. The Mautigemeut naaert thit the above COMi.INaTTO.n OK ??MAR-l" I.thrniOAtTALENTED ar.d CO.MPLETE MINiJTREL 0R GANI/ATION ever brought before the puMle. Kor p.irtlculai.. aa-e Pingramme*. Priie of admiuion, 25 cent*. Boxe?, 08 Ooota oj.i'11 at 7 ; to ( omu.euce at 8 o'clock. P' 'AlJc^Anim^s7~ WEDNESDAY EVENING, Junr 27, A'OCAL AND IN3TllCMi:.NTAL COECEET. THURiBDAY EVENING, JeneM, KONZANI'S RENOWNED BALI.ET TROUPE. MONDAY EVENINO,JBlyt, GRAND G.vI.A NIGHT, AND ANNIVF.RSARY of tlie Opeiiitiii or .he Palarr (rarden.. and lirat night of J. K. .Vnt-ATTONs PALACE GAllDEM OKCUESfRA. And ti'at night "f th JAPANE8E LA.*. lEUN KETE. JULY 4. GRAND DI8PI_AY OK FIRKW0RK8. The .-aoiree* BI*di-( oatiiuied lor tne Suiiiiuer Beaton A w...i. . ? i..TwentJ -ttve ceuta. C3 EO. CHBI8TY,S MIKSTliELS at NZBIbO'" W SAlaOON. ( otitlnuatioti of the inccei-aiu! cuu.ii: piece, THE JAPANESE TEEATY, hithSoug, Dance, und Hurl.- ,|Ue. Opaa ut 7?couuiirnce at 8. Ti.kit. 2a .-out*; thildreo hfllf Pri' '??_ ItHE NATIONAL MU6I?AL [N8TITUTE . wili give a i.RA.ND hillil. and I.N.ilRl.AI ENTAL ( ONI EKT U the Hal! ofthe la.titu e. No. 7t5 Broadway-, be twei.iiHthaiid!rth-*ta,oaTH('RBI)A). Janal*, lBBT. Tfcket. , an be oblaineO at all tbo piii'aij.,,1 ii,i..l_- -to.,_. . ul.o, at ti.t hall. .1 C. ADAM-3? (3_LiK0_-vlA^ _____AUEEi>. e-DAY -0(l_:V?:NiNG.-t8_rt ?'-??i-ay, Ir. T BAUNLM, P.opri_-t.i. OREATKST NO'.TlaTlf IN .MKlUcA!. 'THE (iRKAT LIV1NO ML\rK 8EA LM.':4. i ...G CEIZZLY BEAlltl, BINOI50. CLlM-jN 1. j-jd lAV-XINO BEARS, C ALIFORNIA LION8, TIGKR8, 0?MUCIiES, BUFFALO, and luc AVIL-' aNIMaLS Ifi-JM ?TiiE PAi:lKIC. Prrforn..-.!. hy " Orixxly ik.da?,a" Uoia 16 *. ui all 10 p. ui., aud mpeciaJly at II, 3, *ud B o'clock ANIHA L? FED kt 4 p. m. A4iu!a>tni, 15 u?nU i Cbildre" 18 niiU. THE AIAlSSACHUKKriiH CHAKITAIiLK MECHANIC ASSOCIATION reap-tU'ully auuouuie lo tbe p.'^'lf.lbeir NINTH EXHIBITION OF A MERICAN MAN U FACT U HES AND MKCHANIC AETd, MbeepetadM. ^ ^^ .^^ Oa WED.Ni._DAY. 8*1*. 12, '"'Cor n^1c_tiB^"fr'o.'> thoW Who wl-h more P-Efl-B Infor matio'u. aud from thoa,' " ho wUI WT-Ire much ipace, may be ,/?j to ibe ?ub?<*H).r. BflaBMBB w vu JOSEPH L. BATES. Seurelary. MAMMOT.. IIOMC aad GRAND FLOBAH t"i iN( ERi mtl* op?u aii. ?t tl e 'l hii.lrr:/. Hoiae gall orf flBM I'erbar, S. L, ,..!_tr Ur- Oll -.i u ol Mr A. P Pfct'E. All ?1 fir I'-. r.'.i'i..- - ' .;,nd New-i-rl. *nd hrook lyn. ?r" ii ed to ain- fiv- "-a-nl'.MU. t-pwilv ef l?M euh wUI Bl) boarlv dn.i-.sth- diy ba twt -ii Ke* A erk Wiil JUta ii 1. ._--d Ti, let- tor ?r* at Th? > - *-?t?e Omat^lMa pl.-toi, J A'. .-Ni ,1-M.l.llS. Fa.-tarvvil:. . KlrlTII, POND li?'., N*.5? Broadway, b-m-IAE X LENTElto MB F ,1 tou.t. Biooklyn. Thr u.u.', to be jH-rforuwd, tbe ' SprlBfl Holld_v '? may ba* wlt.i-- ?' O ?'" Broahlin Eaberaach. Tl H I V !..a.:.l..t 8 o'c'a k. t-75 worth oi decaxadea* from tbe Horti...lti.r..l iocletv fn-..i*>li?d by Mr Hu.i.on, Coogi?-.-ak Mr. Ht/.y IS AA1I.I IAMJ, 1'lAiiiat aud UBflHMh Oue Mflfl oiily. TkhetflfloeBia._?_ COOPKR I'MON F_5 tSE aUA'ANCE MENT OF ?SCtlNlE AND ART.?The r?ntul Coo> o,.i. en.entol l?/,B iMtHob* la *p|otBt*d for W El<> ElllAY uMTHlBSDVH EVENLNOB, luneli .adJi, Ou th.Joriuer .-vnunia tho . xbibttum if the vl-aa 0!' A i*?l vrl'i take plaee eomuieBciiig at 8 o'rlnck: the, latier rveiitiig wlll be de yotrd'toth* regnl*r coiununcen eut Kxer. iaea, conal*Uu(of ad dr* a.-. hy kh? Bujrlla, tbe de'.ivrry f c.rtiacatae te tbo-j. wbo bavr nai-rd tlie,., and aa *?toaa to tk*_* by tu* U.u WILLIAM C. AI.EX.VNDEK *f N.w-Jerwe. i i.-keU ol aamlaiioii for r,.,'i rv. niug ..iay b.- bad ba *ppl)lax Bt Ih-< ttiee-of tlie tocp.r I ui?n *T '!?y. Irom 8 a. m. Ui 4 ,, , MM_-XONn.IT Y.\ -i m?.J.u_a. ? ? ' ' J .\il. ? .. .. .i.i * .*!?. ? |>ABNUM'? AMEBICAH MDUBUM. Tbe n*w Ve_-_*tora, le* ftotftkv,.JftiJJS^f,Ity THB C4M)LF.HT FLACB IB THB ?TY. ? KOVELTY!TALBNT:ENBROY . KnMfli?_-?t, for a MflritoB bbmNt 4?fa*tform t,ic. t, of IM^-aUd, tU f.vorfto gfc*?**' -*ai^t_&l____^^ bur0w(.j%erfWaTbi54O?amily a Hoiband. Wife, aad Cbild. tacb ou* witfc Par* **__*_. __?? White H*ir. Pink Ey ea, kc. Tbey ara tka greatoal wonder* of tbe wotkl. ___ , R?ei____ain.e_it, for a tkart time, and at a ? it npasae, of ^^^TaBTILE BACK. th* InfentL. "hert, *r OIjLNT BAST. _, __,,_?_ , BKVZN YT.AM OLD md WF.IOHiTK. _BT POtJNDB ! SKV PINEST AQCARIA IN THE WOBLD ! TWOBKAlTIFL'LLIVINOBEALf! JAP VNK8E COINS, Al'TOGRAPHS LANTF.RNB, k* THE DAILY 11.-1% OF THE JAPAWEBE __B_ABSP to _? *~&R M'WKKV. OB BOTH 1 THE FAMOUS "I.IGIITN1NO ?^ALC(iI,A'OR ' Ur. R. O. WICKWARE. the HVIBO BRELETO^, ?il to be aeen at a!I h oura, day and e?nlng. Dr. M. V. B. BLY. the SEER and t LAlRVOYjkKT. produe. ? aatonlibiiig Pbei.onvna daily. WKDNESDA .. Juue 27, 1MU, AFTEBNOON it land EVKNINd at 7| o'clock, wiil be par tormed tha amu.lng and Uog- a_le li.ihcon.edy, OUB lilSH COUBrK. _ ,? _-J1 MickeyMcOratb.MrJV O'KeiL M'ldiroeDEUIONTE. tttt celebritofl ForMaavTeder. BABY AN\M;ONDA?r HAPPf PaMiLY, fce. GREAT PREPARATIONS ARE BEING MADE POR THB FOIRTH OP JULY. AdmitUnc* to sverytbing, *? **Bfll| Parqaet, 11 eaat* taB*| Chudxen under laa, l*e.; to tba Parquet. IU*._ ?7fl7 GUWtW*GALLBRY, 7j|7 I U I a No. 7./7 Broadway. */_t bioah befcrar tha ? VT ff * Niw-VuiiU-vtatt Ob KahlbitloB, ffflC DY1NO TE-CUM-BEH, aad otber elrgant pteeee of Statnarv by Open from 10 a. bl till 9 p. m. Adiaiieion 1* eeat*. B^-Tb* PHOTOOKaPHIC BXHlBtTIOM OALLBBT U open for FREE INSPECi'lON rrecala _a.-JHp.Bk._ On ysxw $* a jmo_t -ncE CHURCH'fl LATEST WORK, TWILIQHT IN THE WILDERNESSa At OOUP1L fc Ca'i, No. T3 Broadway. ? OW en Free Eahihition, a 25E boUbbmb ol OIL PAINTINOa at WHITLOCK'S OJtLLERY. BB Cau-l-it.. weat af BiaUwaa G~~*BAXD CRICKET MATCH, between 8T. OEORGE'S and K1NG.4 COUNTY CLU BS--WH1 ba played on the new ?ound, Hobok.n on WeHne*day, J aoa 17. A.dmttiion to tba grotuid 10 cenla. Mcmbar* can ba adraMtoii by their ticketi only_ MOONLIOHT EXCFR8IGN thrtHitfh theCEN TRAL PARK.?Call at the.Ceatral Park atab!*, corner o N _ _ nnn.?..?_,* u. ^i^,..w^.. ? ??- ?_? Buidway and ?9th*t, oppo*He Ibe ir.aln entran.-e aud take a cool ride on tha Park Kamily Carriigca, Buggtei, or Sad.Ue Hone* for Ladiea or Gentl*men. far ? 1 per hour. (.oureyancp (*ii at tl.e ('ent.-a! Park .-ub.,, corner of il 3 by tithorBhav. ear*. HUGHE8* GALLERY, No. 765 Broad wayT LKe-iiie portraiti of Sontb Amencaa eelebrliiea, fca. Ba hibltian cf Oil Pai n___i **R?R, from iO a. m. lo 10 p. m. K Zo _farmcrs and CDtrjcrs. _T T C H U M ' ? IMPROVED HUWLNU-MACUINKS. THE LATEST IMPROVEMENT Thi* niachae will be loorni to comhiae armplicity, effe uve ne.* and cheapneis. and eanaot fail to give aatiaft. :tton Haa h, .ii uaed on the l.iriui of tbe followuig gentiemeo, wbo ail ipeak in blih tenui of it: VVlLLlAM Ct I.LF.N BRYANT, Roilyn, L. I. MARCl'8 SPR1NO, Perth Aniboy. IiANIF.I. TOMPKIN8. HaverttTaw, N. Y. A. F. UHKINSO.N.Kat-uah, N. Y. LEONARD CIIADEAYNE, Sing Sing. N. Y. One-borae Mowing Machii.e, _| tl. Rar, 4-0 B, *75. Light Two-hone 4 ft. " 4T5 lo, B*> " " 4j rt " 4?oa>, .H_. Heity " " 4 ft " _?n, a?. ? " " 4ftain." ?so?, *?*. E-tni to eack Macbioa?1 Scytko, 2 Kjuvci, 2 Plnflen, aud Wrench. A line aiiortment of the beat var-tira of HAYINIi and H AR VES1INO TOOL8 at MAPES'S VVHOT.KAALE and RETA1L AGRICULTURAL WAREHOISE, No. 1*1 aud UU MM., N. Y. CHARLES V MAPEB. CHEEP.?For SALk:, twoaplendid I^ice?ten?hire) fc_. (imported) RAMS. Apply to JAMXB P. FAOAB, Fortieth it, between Madiiou and Mb-ava. i ?_-________?-* Qoxitt, Camages, $tt. AFINE C4HID4. or road HOR8E for SALE, warranted round ard kind. T yeari aU, 1* handa bigb, Myl ih in banieaa. TAYLOR'S Stibiei. Broadway aud 4ld it ?o0t anb Sonnb. LOST or STOLEN-Two PROMISSOKY NOTES. made by WUliam (> Lord datod Juue u. Ihrea n.oLth*. for Five H indred aud Ekven doilara, aad I m* 1, f.-nr nioiitha, for Klve Hulkdred dol'.ait payable to tlie oidei ol Mee*ra. C. W. L. P. Morrow fc Co., not ii.doned. Payment of am haa beeo *toppad Tb- Snder will _.? ?.-akly tBB>ai_B* by IsflT?g tlll- _m. lt No. fl VVatt***?*., *_*_>-Vaafc._ -ttOn REWARD.?LOST, from om board tk? tW 4t\ 1 iteau -r Satellite. on Mouday, June V>. i:_.J, whil. outbe Exrnnion of Ibe Bloomiuadale Baptiat Chureb, ln the Lower Bay. otf Segulnei Point while on their way to Hltkli? Grove, HOMER A. LEtiGETT, I yran cld, dreiaed lua looae velvet Jiclet. itriped pick a:id whit* Wiittroil, rlghtpUUI c_k_>i mere PanUloon*, and calt ikin Boeta. The ahove rawBrfl arill be taid for the reoovery of hii body, by hU alHicvd pareiita, oa information lielng leit tt their Re. Hi nce ,'4o 210 Weel tytJVrt. WILLIAM V. LEGliETT, M. AMK.LI.t LKOQETT. /nrrntgr<*__ A fJlbwwiLEDGED AB BEST?FOREMAN* t\ ARCH 8PRINO BEDS-, prtca II W W ll A BaaV BMnhL eprlnga, and __-Ure? eompkto for B Maafl olaB alndt cbeap (HAS R. HJHl-.SI A?l, No. 5 Ureat Joae*pet, aeat Btoaflway. NAMELiiU FU__N_TlJ_-?.? HEADQUABTEB8. Bo. tn Caa-l-a.. foar doori Mlt #i_1A,?5?k-R_ Uo Oporlfimcn. FUBIKO TACKLE. THOMAS H. BATE k Co.. Nc. ? WARREN-8T.. _ NEAR BROADWAY. H'OOKS, LIFES, NETS, SEINES, CoLitanllT ob hand, ar.d n.ade to order ?t thort actli*, kf 7 j h <;ROOK| No. ao Paktaw*. Ertal,liib?d_i 18*7. MmtllantouB. ARNOLD* PATENT H.UR CL'KLEK. We c?ll ittention to tlie new and be .ntiful *??_??? CCRLI.NO LADIES' *nd CHILDRE.N'S HA1B, lVrnty minute* only taqnlred (witbout h?a?) to ln?ore tn* mo.t griceful riuglet* etar *tm by aut if^-.Vr.,,*i* " "THE INVK.SiOK.* KXCHANG^. Nolwvvuli-a-A.HEArHkco. BRUSHES of every deecnaooD for **Jeatth? loweit fictery prio-i ?? "!_^_!rtkifiSB_M boUdinifc Piintrr/, wfll ^A.M4*?$S? * r.aiouablepricei ^^?JPea?l^_JO^N_It^^^I?1_ CURKS at Wkokaate.?A ?n.Bi of Cork* cut por minute in one machitw.-W.- ire entbled, with oar new ptr ,-ut ii acblnery, to aetl Cerit* lo-., -r than n.ual. aad of lapei i*r oualiti-1 WiBdi M Min.c.1 WatPT. Sodt. WMfl, uid Ab, SSlkaSS mdPot (orkt; (inaukBedII.'?**-'?? re_ tlie Ka'? l.-ry. 411 C'eulr.-a. (*- W ? S*urtk * ' ? DELANC* MO'iii PKOOF SOL1U PBNCII. , Kl) VK IMU'NKS, Tb* ?o.t rtii ble artb?!- ? pr t- I? WookBi, Frni, kc, fiom ta* rava^ea of M*Ui. Cctaei of Ble* er tad Himi__-4-?t*., New-lork_ mk'UnMJTbiiVTi.iyj with Addrt-iT. W. DK'ckVr.(>*.'** X* 15* Ea*trth-*t kkkMOVlC and I- O. ot O. F. *?Q?LJ*''r Jjl Prlcii'i I'tteat Bwerd H* 4,hj aad Sww. J*. JewJi BM L-pFtJI. o_a/_-i?Tfce. vvm. M. r*C__ <_*-__BlaBi.B.Ti ONE Ofthe Oldflfl. CA8H W ii< >!.!?> \LK and KLTVII. OBOCMY STANDS ?. th* ay for lUJBi dS^??3ST__w.?gBrtra ^^A?HSS5SStiS r&?te?'%??%3* "iiffE~n. K ?.. 167 Tributi* MMB._._? P".UnNi;R\VANrKl>.-Tke jm.pnet->r i>l B lughi.b-__i*..,b_l* 1**- ol tbe beat KJ*?? J* tue ?y Riowb-Jgeoiaebiuinri. KKlvqui.itf wUl payJ;5U''..Kll'M,4llS^-'>adway^aar^Bj*4?^*l ?a b**bt. *i. ' _ of tm men. AB If"' -... - - _. *p,k/| ?-AN1 u< ir.< niiiii. haviiigthi* BBkOOBt, K I>1 lt ". with It'Jll e:. _, 8 ?? to kMBBtJ l' 4 tt t ._ ... m.rt mtv i.i ui'i' * p-.B*'-' *1 W Ptrtywith au aaual ^^l^SS-ek ^ .Vd'cAail L irtNESS, pliyuk, j^iJT Apply tl..*w?j ni .< ??' b-cai....' u BBf? -