Newspaper Page Text
V0L- XX.N?- 5,984. NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, JWWfc 28, I860. PKK7B TWO CRfTFB THE NEW-YORK TRIB?NE ?> ?TH? IIBW-VOK? 1? ?tl,V TKIRinR a* rVBLDUUID RVER? MoRNl.NO 4ND ??TEN IN O (Rtmnai? Eicirti?) ?f TMM fVlBOn ?011*1???, l??J>B?l Of ?IMld ?jn> ??BCC? ara?ar? ornartu t?? urn ?a __ -_*? HORACE OKRKIJSy k Ca.. ?* *t&f*l.!f Gl'? *?b??<b?n at ?I c?uU pw ?wi. Mail B???n>M. R* p?v ?anraea fcaadraiMv? ?? fot tu dodO? - RIW.IM* ITBIKLff T??Br*B, 4 VERT LABOR r?.ft.% roR THE COUNTRY n an*?*??* ?r?erj 8?tou_d?i HmaiM, M the low prie* of ?1 f ^?""i to ?*??**?, Thre? Copia? for ?ft, 1*? Copie? fot ibtcripttoat ?>BB?Bi?lwa at ami? ttu>?. ????rttwa.ftjtimTiii * bbal.. Tfuaij., coat ONE DOL ~ AND TWENTY five CENTS PER LU? fa ?tea - Hnthiu? tDMfttd fer !??? th4B ??. TUB ?EHI.WBKKI.l TBIB?NB i.???iK?Uif??rjTiii?i?"nia e*m?Ai Mo*?i?w. Price tl eat tu? ? Two Copia? for Rft, ?It? ^ople* fer RU 34. TUB itKWVOBH TKIIU*B KO* EUROPEAN CIRCULATION. a> aajrihaBad ?a ta? departure af aacb M*il steam*? for Llret t*"1** ?? P?" ?u?ttn> portag? toaluded. tunal? Copio?. Erve TUB MM.tu'.JI,' TH?BIAR t*VR CALIFORNIA OREUC'N, AND TUE SANDWICH ISLANDS, * C ?**?1 ?* *"? ?Vrtw? of ??*b HaO Steamer for A.pln ?M ?4 ?1 M> p?f aruiTuu. Single Cap?*?. SU Cent?. ?itna) ?alUii, Lepitbliran Central Corainltteea.- i'b* member? of ttir Ar,,uoue*u iiuvii, connuiiie*. and a .<> of tb? Young M*o . ltihBliA? L\LM>u, laoMtbinM, at ? o'c.Ioca, at Head jiaitri, >o Mi br??ilir?j Ijr me pnrpoao of Welcoming to? a? pubt:r?j, Member? ci congre.? on ttirir return hoineTThe Iwu. iih.Nki Ml Leo N or MaatacLutetta will addr.i?? ton CatuAUUea. All, au? art? in?it?d to a-tend. ?P- D' t?UleOV???*, chairman Centrai Committee. b???i T I lbv?la.?i>, < a , v""u"UKee Jabb? W. liiMN j ?ecreiane? central Committee. ? *. chA*- * ?"ENcER. Cbairiueu Y M. Central Com. K. li. Xauarao?, i ,._. ? ? _ A. C. tn.i. j Secretarte? Y. M.Central Committee. ihe itepublican Central Campaifta Club Head. ?^Barter? A>fc. ,2. bru?4w*y, are open uigui and day tor ibe ??a jt Um. party, Maa. uiaetUiCa every TncKd?A? EVEN i*-!^? ! VCin? ?lbe 1U"-k> ????uui.ui UW Club will ha in ?????ne?. Ibe EieootiTe conmuto-e lu-rn M 7 o'clock of mm* e?.mug. SIMEON DRAPER, Prwldenw A. C. Hi lia, j Seeretane?. ?all etpllucra? Batta??ao. Company B.-'ihe mew ??!? ol Ud? Cuii.pany air iit-m.y n.U.i?! 10 lurft al tile deujt oi U* l*-i.g laWaal Kkiiio<ia, lo<it ?t y.ti mtic it , rirooalyn, on it-IB t'Ji.uiauay, M fc.M?,.,, ?t 04 u cluca pr?ci*-i*-traiu w??. . at ?? <-t.lwva-to kttei.d <fc-.!U*t?uu of W i(wul .1 Jamaua, I ) Uiti.aiiou. Cap? anu < ape? will 1? uintriouuxl iu toe oar? to U<-m u.riukii ?tu luve nui laoatTe 1 tb-m l-yoni.rot Ur.YMOi it a. BL'NCE, Capuin. A Ki TkKuuku, OicVily arrgeant. Lail Hpltttcra? BAtalion.-Member? Intending'to ac COU.pai.y tu? l.kt-aliv.i to Ja.i.ali?, L. 1 , T1II8 (1'nuradiv) ? ?! ..i.?i., will be at Uie aouih Kerry, brootlyn ?id?-, at i.? u'fiv*?, ?bei? toey will n?.u tbrir uniforui?, and ticAeU lor the oi.ia?iuii. _ C. t?. V *.N NOltltt?, t ouuuaudiut. 1 he uepublicaan of Huutb Brooklyn are invited to aVi.o < b.?lh.| ub lulWK.t 1 HuW.?/, ?flh illataut, at t ?Mi liau, uoiuri ul court and a?i?>-it?t? , to or^auio- a cAM lAi'i.uLi i?,uuJU UVe into ovnaiut-ratiou tue butiJinf of ? Vv low aju foi uiat ?eciiou oi ibe city. J. b. 'I utiauaAau, lienry A. Kent, U in. Colt, U alter B. Oi?titb, bowaia C. cady, R. n. Tbouipeou, Jvbi VVuliAll.?, liai!, ti U4.U10U k, btMiry l.iil, t,eo. L. Kout, LuiM u uudaaye, J. Al?ibu ?uiitk, Ueniy tnoina?, L. \S. lliaiuaid, L. 1. Mw*?il, Wm. A. ijrowu. Jonnlo.kir. Win. 1* uandjlpb, L R fu-uviy, W. C. Reamer, Wu.. Piper, R. H. i^ujiwer, vV tu C. lloatOL, Al-xr. Adaui?, W. W.tulvir, J. r.. AlaUon, Lena rieuon, p. W. tvenvou, L. ttlalk, CU.Pai.on?, L. B. raiavLi, T. M. lACiopbrey, W is. Ja. lhuina?, U. kirk U bit?, C o. oveiuare, \\ iu. Law, A. D., t. Caiveutei, J. \V nuxuii, ?. U, madie. W. E. Ujuuieday, ^_Wm. Bamett,and nioiiy otn-ir.. Grand ?penla? of the fciuhtrruth Ward Head C|Uk?lieiB, culuirl ?I a..u ou-av.?cumt-, \Oiei? ana a>aii let lia innata ?arge room, avou aeau. plenty u. Campaign i?oc . BMbta ?iluobt ' baag> ibl ^. tU. Ibe ioUowinj; |> nib'ikaii wuladuiKiuitbe mecUng: ?onh A. ru?ir.n. iil'uLKV FIELD. tui, IP KraKLoaNHEI.MER, W1UUM ui'ulKE. LiuaB r UAXi. hr.jh) bEt.SY, bENJAiUN WaADEN. Uy orUet o! toniioitti-?-, a nkatmr. J. J AU ?IS. _D. PijuLU. 1 VAOatieth Ward kepaailiran Atutoviauiaii. rrAUUT ii.miuI.1J UiO.Ung 01 bul ?Buclatiou will i.? w Id at Lu...aalii.^ Lin., 11.IM1 1 atA a?, ?nd ?alb ?aTaat, '?'HIS liuut? j) Li ?-?m.mj, at 0 o civca p. tu. \%ii.x,i^.vi R. STEWART, Preaideut. Joan V. Uaictnr, Jibara Ol knABf Ike Mib-t ou.njiuer wn Mualr will n.e.-. 01. THUK* D/. i, lb? ?un iu?V , at U uuu.?, in room ill). ?, city Hall. Ltatter? 01 Luid? win p.. a* a-ni.d witi.oul luillicr uoiicv. Ik.i a. ibaiairt, 1 %UU*a??&LlY, Ub-Committe.. E. j. coa'i?.LI<0, J E. W. Ta?lo?, bV?. atar j. _ Ntitlce.?An boue?t, induatriou? family, who met with .Trat ratmaa* tk?e4 yanr? ?IbCJa, a tal great tiiort, bave a good buaiuea? ??kao.UJiev., ?lu aie ni dai.a.e.1 01 loaiua all loi want of a ?.nah (...pilal. Il an) i- m ul adtau<?tur te<jui.ed ?v.u., aecuutj wiil b> gi>iu and amount ivpa.d lu lii woutil? Coou 11 intn'.e?. Auom? AL si la, 'inoune oiutt. Manul \\ anbiUKiou lnaiUnteConuvcucrmeut will Uai pia atiilALt i.4?i.?o uti..?]<?? v napei .?... Iteorwadtray, n.ei. lut orauuatilg t la?? (Bail l" ri.e Uni! ui^loma-, aud Lue ln>utu.r oe loiuiaiij iloiru uutu ?plrmuer next. | Bectrtaiir?. 1 ?avnien. en.ent ol Kui?erti Keniaie lantltute wui tu, u... Itii? \Ai.oiau?yj .if 1 i.lvoO.'?, ?<. i u. ,u., a ri k t-i.-.i. cbki^ii v???v lir r?reu.?>. stocAboiUrr? m tni? lu.ti^n.Jl..du?iv, i'1 loimei I*BI? kuiuuULu lioarU lu COui bjaiKcmen? Uy ?opijUig at ibr Liui?r> ol tue 1 until je. j vv. L. uJt-vtR.Woi^, Bec ret? ry. C'eeper Union 1er Adva?.ceBieat of Mi-tenve and Lu-w. M ?. lui'9 cuiuuuiuji uuoui?, Uaii .vo. Ai. Lu4..qu? loi iJiavatr ut t.AT, ?urgical opnraiioii?, au- . cnioi.icui.eaBt. irte lo puudj 011 .uUInuai. >*M).<i..'uii. ai.d r 1.1 la ?, itatRa, m., cou?ulUng uouu, 1U a. m. to o p. m. Li. '?. ? !? Ckur. ? on Anaiom? commence in Jdy. American lnatunte Petytvehnic AaMOclatioa men? l?.i? t.anu.?tt?ii i.?L..'l.'^'ai il? lovijialii tu?; LOope? L ajdu bul.uil.?, at 'il o vlvCk. Admi??lou Her. " HENRY MKK.8, Sec. 'Ai>e iriBitj Ai. !>. cknrrn Biuaday-nrkonl t?Ach> tl? ?BtVtialioa i'"' "?"' lu-ir *,i,MaLiA^lii.'i?.\ to i t Lafii .Aiu o *ib,U>r., io-UA?, Jiiue ft?. L iiaitrreU ?.a.? v. m leave ataVBt bepot at l?:RJ a. m. , ret,uluHg. wui u-?w iLc oiove -t??oc.lo?? p. m. livsU? ?U couu. cunaren naif r-*?-_ L?etture na fhononrupky <fie?) by o. ? mEl.mSi?, l"iM.uval J?epviur, at i-.r ?la/.? LKM/lBir-Rooui, No to l^aignt ?C. ?>. 1 , ou TatlltidUAl, ^-.Ui, at o o cloi A. v?a? oLr-? ou ruda) x.T?i,iu^. ri:ncu Laaaotia, t? so. fangaH Uw.ugn U.e uMi, and uiatiuc.l^u uooa ?eut, ?at ??>? Adore?? aa a^o-. Kundu>?S<bool FentlvaJ and Church Reunion at lui r li?l i/utcu ebureu, urooaiyu, l. I), \itl- iln. It I oil. in, -:i tli?. arll.i..i,iU.1 and ?.V L.vkvu oi ai? I k>BL?n. i , lone V<, l>**>, at U?e odeou. Adudatmu *S c??u?a. BeLe>?ie JHavapltnl.-Heiearver, \i.Uor? will oot b? aw4)?eu l l.Iii Un ..OfpiUi l?*cept lu emeiue i-.aae.)uo any etto?! man tut raguuu vi-i uigday?. fall tin riKai and P.tint) 'l Ul LBOa 1 B m Kt-h OionUi, netwten the bour? ol 1 j o'clock a. ?a, anu A ? at? B> ui. AJj?iuw???uti "i m?? ,? in.fjrt of the pati nt? by putie? o ,t ayda el tte Ho?liI? Batt be directed anu delivered .0 tue ?v ar era ri In? iio?j.i al or ma repie?enta.iTa. . n^rougL eAan-ibatli-n? lui? oeen o.dered. to pr*j?ent th" in Vauat Uou lulo, 01 tue ab*tiacUon liotn uie Ho?pita<, ol any lur o.oAv.. uu,ic? ol cv/tbiiig Couaumpiioii, ax., oy tvuy pn?-ju 01 a?u..n. ?U.cuedtoUie tioauttaJ t? oroei 01 u.e C4,mmia?liu?r?of P'.'tilic Cb?ntir? and Cor a^li ,j. JOHN t.. Wrllir., ?% ?idiu. 1 hfTcneation ?nnwered.?" Waeie can 1 g.-t w... mau?-, Uwitiuii}-. 01 iLo,iil.<o lor my coy.," i? ah inquiry e.l n'u.aue and M a o,ue*iion ol unpoitauce in view of tue large au.xi.1,, ol Uaaby cm 1 dren ? doming oflvrrd :..r aaM. w? ?t.?t??i. ? kj ol l ?1.NL1.L, at >o. ?1 Jvuii and ivO ?tf? ? u ton-?t. Umik B?3tneu?beri??.-klet?bt fii.tcU?. HoUSE loLtJ rtkiv.n k/., a* tut Vail ?ALL, lortnl? we?k, at ???. iktltnton-olac?, m 0U1 ??. , a few dOor? Wert ot ilroadway. hair t? ui wppuituiui) io puicnate ??idom met wilb to ooUmi ?avia at Uttm ie to >r? per coul le?. Uran ib?y aru r?aliy worth it? aa?o?Ui ?nt L ?tij large ana varied, ?moracing ail tn? AttBMa?, UAtflu and 01 ii^Uitmbu, taat gojd bou-i Aeejur? Call de ?via Vv r , ?v. uouaej ol ?p irtuienU .??/u.platelj, ?veb to aW ?ilv?rwai?, bedding, iBllerj, ?nd crockery, ?a a aiyl? u.d at again to ?. It the ui?t 'aatidloii. taate. ?in? Farljr and Draw ava-Room aud Lltuary raimioir, l,* and ?e.ottd band, rich ?./300W Uiapeij, krencb liai? Minor?, MauUe Clock A.J 1/ec^raUoi? L-uaiig-lUoii/ BuiU?, A !ull aaaori^irut Ol roaeWood ?vado,Liri Luambei f uiuiture. bur HAir atattro??e? aud bedding, Kdiw.i au? oib.r Carpen In ?holt, we hAve ,0 .Bel al great kjuaV?w inenii eTerytbing that ?ood bou?eke,-per. ran a.A lor. ?tiU oJ-LOiluiUy ?llliefouidm ,;li bettettkrtJ gilng to Anc BVou, loi th? ?O-.-d? e.l. ?11 be elamiued, and will B? l-?y war ajanV d and ?BM aumt fr?? ol cAarKe. LaJ and are U th? Betto? |a no ?orib rtmeaibeuug and uue la ??ery feepoci. Door? ?avn If olu I to 1. _ _ ? ZeadncVal and Botan-ltal Heclety - jaVaxA? ivi bubaern/tton W U?. capatal atock ?4 rxw,l"o, 11 auare? ?Y A.'jn ^.?b, ta ?t?? Au.ermaa/.oQior-?! ??* ?"V""'** ?'??"'?y. a?<ilB?up?uadauMUNUAY, Juaeg ?t the Omoe of UiiTreea an? Vt ?LbON '?? 1?L> 1. at No. ?n pai? pla.c, and at tlie uttoo? ??DLN1 aIS, ^HJtKMAN k U.oua? l<tu? and Na??aU-?U., aad cnuLUiu* opt n Itom day to dai m?U. Urtimr uotioe Ten ivei ?atwUi be r-ovitted in -?*h. Un baJatku? m n? ualdto th? Tiea? m on ?Wtttad wbe? ordered by the Couiku RAJai^4^'^Al*t_ kUtfttkT L oTfjART. -?r~Z praarrriii Fr?ti?J- Ve?et?t?ten, "aie^Z ???ved article for puttiag up KruiU ol all aind?. >e?e.abU>. ?T.OW in u-, baiai u-d? of atooe ware, .nd free fro? the rtaau ul .?.fLfitlu? or tolderial ??f ????' u^7 b7 .._ LB.JBJ? 01 ^*y'ubVYM)>i;tfV Co., Ho. 4 Cbatkam ?tjBBlB. "j^~* "^TliT^T IN THE WORLD. ?Vul ?or-ly daatio' ??1 K?u? and Co. kroacUa. where ,i?ed AU , 4ra,J!.t. will ertlfy to that Rttt S??? ^y dru??.i. generally through?Jt lie CuiUtd ?KaU.aud Canada._ gy?-i--* 35 or H.,? ru4A-ru?r X Hennir Notire.?'Itie meuuera of OuMMMMU/tAL LOLGE, K. and A M., are hereby ?uuimoue t. atle jJ a '?4 > la. c*'.on on TIIChSDAY KV'F.MnO, Jan? W, at he irw KANr LODGr. ROOM. N. K. Mr. Kroadwav n.d II bat , it ? ?V o k The rt-gu'tT cuii.u.unlid i ?M ere on to? 2d un* 4th 1HI R8DAY8 in .?eh month Krvtti'eu fnui o ir M-t' r Lodtr? ?if oidiallt inv?rd lo meet with ua. Th* work i?doie atlictly in accordance ?it), the of tin? 0?_l Lecttrer of the Grei.d L'dge. By order of WM. C. BENNETT. IV. M. H Chat-a*. Secretary _ .rrie-Utl Bath?, No ? 4th ?t , near tue Couper liM_t*?e. U-equaled a* a luzurj ir valuable in rneunietic. liver, kidney, tnd coteaenn? aflee tiona, feu.ale weatuea?, fcc. Al.o. Vl-etro Magr.e tic and M edit aitd Beth? ff Infant ?.ite? ef room? for Le fi?e. Opea froto i a. ai. to )? p. ai , Hood?;?, 7 to 11 m. Htm pabhcatiane. THE INDEPENDENT FOR THIS WEEK, IS PUBLISHED THIJ MORNING, < ontajnint another admirable letter from the run of MKS. HABfcifT BIRCHES BTOWR, KHT1TLKO * SKETCHES FROM ROME. ' A FRESH SERMON, BT THE REV. HENRY WARD BEECHER. Anothpr "FAMILIAR LETTER ON SUNDAY-SCHOOLS." HT TUE RE\. STEPHEN H. TYNO, D. D. A Second Articlf by GRACE GREENWOOD, entitled "THE BABY IN THE PRISON," Brine a companion-piece to her lut week's artii'lt, "The Baby in the Bath Tub." DR CHEEVER W'iitea, in hi? meet cher*cterLti<' veiu, on 'THE BILL'S EYE IN THF. BASTILLE AT WASH? INGTON." WILLIAM ALLEN BUTLER Contributif a aketcb eutitl-d P A L E R M O . HORACE GREE LEY, In a t?r?e, pointed, and vigciou? article, giv.-e hit viewa of tbf ipllt In the D?mocratie patty, and what will become of AD. Dougl&a. THE INDEPENDENT la fun.i.bed for $2 a year, by aiari, to all perron? r" aiding out of Ni w "i ork and Brooklyn. To per.oni r< aiding in either of t_n> ciUta, it la delivered at their door., by carrier?, at fit ?*). JOoEFH H. RICHARDS, Fubli?n?r, No. ?? K-ekuiJii ut , -New-York. TyiAGNIFICENT'l! A OREAT PAPER! Riadt To-Dat at 12 O'clock: THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY, THE BEAUTIFIL STORY AND SKETCH PAPER, 01VINO 10 COLUMNS OF CHOICE STORIES, SKETCHES, AND TOEMS, From Mr?. Holmra, Jamet Reynold*, M. Silingahy, Anna Ray? mond, Roger Starbuck, Rachel L. B-, A. J. H. Djganne, and a bout of other?, too nuinerou? to mention. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. PRICE FOUR CENTS PER COPY. ROSS i. TOISEY, Wholesale Agent!. 'PHE LIFE X OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. BY AN ILLINOIS KEPIBL1CAN, Who know? well the Man and 1.1? aiatury, will be laraed from Tt>? Ik kim Orr.cB about the lat ot July, In a Urge compict Pamphlet of it dooble .olnii.n pagea, for general circulation aa a CAMPAIGN DOCUMENT. Phhb?4 reuta a copy ; 40 centa per dort n; *2 50 por hundred, f>2<' per thouiaod If aent by mail o.ta cent per copy addi? tional ton.t be aent to prepay poatagc. Caah order? are ?elicited, and will be filled in the order of thrir leceptun. N Now ia the tiuie to anbscribe. JATIONAL EDITION OF IliVIXG. THE VOLUME FOR Jl'LY IS KNIOKBHBOO K E It. WHh throe Steel Plan a, and eleven Engraving? on Wood. Subaeribeia arr now oeii.g supplied bv tile conva?era. 'I lie V ..In.? e. Pi.bliahrd ate: May 1?SnElt H noon.. June 1.?WASHINGTON, VoL 1. SaLMaOI.MiI (Companion Volume.) A new imrrearion of tb? SKETCH BOOK ia now ready, the flrrt laige ed.tiati beins eihau.tcd. The v oiumelor Aujuat will be B R A (' E K K 1 m? r. H A LL. With five Sterl l'Ut<a and I.IU-en Eugra\iLg?on Pojd. N. B ?A few copie? are p.l.ned on LAltOE PAPER, with extra illiietra tona Pii'-e aila UvAeti for the?- aDould ue atiit . am. ua there are but 2iO cop:--?. O. P. PI "f .< Ail, No 11.' Na?< i.? at C^OOL? and LNTEKEST?NG NEW JJOOK? I recriitl? i.Dlili.bnd. and lor ?ule by ROLTLLI'CL. VVAKdiE v Ro? ?L.E?OE, LuannN Aiin Nb* MY DIARY IN INDIA, by W. H. RurtcU. ?pecial eorrea poud. i.t ot the Ma? Seventh thouaand, with lUu.tratiou?. i vol.., crown, H>o ii . LOOKING AT LI?>E, bvOtatM Anr"'"? "???. anther <>t "A Journey Due ^uuh," "Teioe Round the Clock," Ac 1 b?waJLP i 1 AUNTON'S MAUN I KI'KNT EDITION OF SHAKESPEARES DRAMAT1?: WORKS. POEMi, AND LlrK, will, up? a?d of niVBaW entirely original eugrav iuii- by tiUWert 3 large Hvo. vol? a>14 ?.UE AND CORREBIONDENC* OK CHARLES MA Hit WS, HIE ELDER by Mr?. Mathew?, with .t??I plate?. 8BAMAMH1T AND NAVAL DUTIES by A. H. AUton, R. N , with ZW ptacU-al illu-Uutiou?. 12mo. ?2. A mort ?.di.pen??ble mai.ii^l I'.r all Naval Ott.. Ma, lill.ll'iS AND WRONuS, b> yjbauy Fonblauque, jr., eaq F. o.-can, nvo i*l TilE BOY'S Pi.AY BOOK OF SCIENCE bj John Henry Pepper l?te Profesor o! tt..-u.i-trv at tbo Royal Polytechnic lu.l.tute, L.-nduii. Second edition, with 4 0 engraving.. (10*:. hvo ?) M ... ALbERT SMITH'S NO\'ELS-Price 50 eentu earb. or cloth e?tra, ? ith fronti.pi.-cea by Lei eh, price "5 centi aiu;h: AtiOTUisurMii kv, I auvsnttkb? >.f Tna Fui.riM!mik ilia CuHitroenaiK Tadi'uli, m .:. bk' ???.' Fabilt, I Tub Pottlbto? Lbi.act. AlaO, puce Mi : THE MA?CHIONFM l.HI..? .i.i.lEliS, Tmb Pono.tia or THB WmiKMTwmm Ctwraai. Any of the abovf 'ei.t t.y B*ail on ncript ot the price. EDMUND BALDWIN. Agent, 5t Walker at . up atalr.. C1 EaMSHIP OKEAT EaiflTEBN. Now Rr-rdy: PICTORIAL HISTORY OF THE GREAT EASTERN. Cuiopltte de-ripti. o, with Ml Eagsaviiaje?jad three ?plen.lid Coloieu ol the >.re^ Sl.ip Price 50 c-iiU. If mailed. tin po?tkge U lu cenia extra. " ALL ABOVT THE OREAT EASTERN." A Pocket Deacrlptioi:, prof.iaflv Uluirtratert*. Pri?e IS centi. r * \\ILJ.MEH fc ROGERS. No. 42 Na.?iu?t., New-York. Ani all N? v.? Aunt, and Bn.kaelhr?. rpHE OBEAT BASTEEN ban nut arrived, X But ?1 lloSu'S Pit ToKIAI. for tth of U'LYU ready; And tlieV-t ?diti. nil ?JJBe i? neaily gone, your ordeia?Price t? ceuU. So burry np youi ordeia H DEXTtKfc?o, N o. Im riamu al. Wboleaale Agent? rpHE GKKAT EASTERN STEAMSHIP. ? A .jerTect and be.u'lfully colored FULL ?U?A D - I D V V I F. W ?S.-ei.t? aVlu per 10 copie?. THF. OAR1BALIM WAR A .olored map Price, Ire? by mau,io renta. A(JENT8 WANTED. m ? u Si HONBEKl. ir ? o No M Heaver ?t., New-York. TOMMY! T?MMTf TOMM? ! See STRONG'S 4th ol JULY PICTORIAL, lay yeduwnanJ roar! Kor ?ale .?eryw here in . -.reation, At ?ix eem?, M-C-evJ ' cnt? a copy._ WTALT. WHITMAN" LEAVES OF GRASS, ^l^OEj? Vd?o,'1 S in New-Yerk b, D W. EVANS ?i ? ?... No. ?T? BroaAlwaT-_ TJIE BOBOUNK MINH'?'RK?j, a K.'|?uhlicitn Sonptet. -dltrd by G W BIN. 'A Y 1. no--real, Pru* b, mall Tm? .. 1-uWMbed ty O. ULfi HIN80N, No. 1.2 Greenwich at______ ]?UN fcr tk. FOURTH <??" JULY! BTRONG'8 GREAT PI. ToRIaL for the FOI RTH. Ev*ry??,',71""M"l''r>'r>' ?b?' BIST ? OMIi SHEET In AMERICA' II i.dnv. vf Couii'- fitlflii tU cut? a copy. 1 LE _iObJ liELLIUHTFUL BUOiv "fia? i EAR. MI S8RS. TICKNORA FIELDS PUBLISH HID DO : Ar lOblO?iUI UK AL IE< oLLEiTION? or 'mi. late CH?RLES ItoloRT i ESL?E. R A. Edited ?.y O m Taylor, e?|., witu a Pie.'atoiy E?.ay ?M Lei?. a?aa Arti-t and .. IM of hi? ?litiie?. lo.'oUie' wi.hSe leitlon. lion, hi? t ??rre.por.dence w i' Il II menu? friend.. WITH A rl.NE i OKTRAJT. 1 voL *1 ?.'> Til? veiy ititemting and important work the vithor'i pein,ntl, never in f M f?:\ou I. IM ?I ?ri I. ?T?h oiif.ii al anerdoie. and fregn.ent? of Iba eearve a .tim of ma >y et* Um n .ot i ot. ri literary ti ea and at?eta of the p.-i -cm cent iry ? b< m UiiLiai _.<juai|j.aiiie thf late Mr Leihe eaj Jied. Ai 10113 tirite ate U LKR1DGE. SIR WALTER -tCOT!", ?11ai._1-8J.aMB, SI )'<EV SMIf-l, WASHINGTON IRVINO, W\?'ilNi.TrN ALLSTON. WoKl'SWohlli I'.rMAMIN WE_i, 8.AMI I L ROGERS, WILK1E. iLRNiR. FLaaMAN, CHaMHY, NoRitU oTE, SIRIbOS LAWRENCE, LANDsKER, slolHAKD, t t INSTABLE, EtSlLI HAVDON, N1 : * l'O N, and othere. Of tl.i- p?,rti' u of the w oik The A'benenn; any?: "We b_ve ?tiitg? of anecdot--? in each per? niAjf?R .?er.. Irving, the Luke 01 \\ eliir ;tun ami ?core? of oine.??t >ld 1:1 a quiet t .ne, nay, ?.? n.ay a y, 1 Vnii r. like, and . bi: niugly re lat-? in a keetil, bumornua manner, *n that ihn po.~i?iini M 1?)1- r ? bn..k i? d. lt_ti !.l md ami.tlr..-." 'Mr faylof*? 'look i? one of the U11 >t ?f nuine and dl l:{\ tml hook, of *h?? yei' " the Mallrile?a froui Mr. L-?)ie'a Co.r .pondeucc are .uihe ligi.i >t d. g.-i 1 inter, ?ting F_nj _r? to the aree_l tat the tir.t lime a bullion ol ihe faiuuiai Cotraapoudetice of Mr. L?slic with ? a. 1,in,ion iniog. extei.diiu UaToatgh a peil > I of ?eraral ?eai?. andpie.ent ?e?er*l ongii.aj letrera of Mr. Irving'?, hituert < u 1 B?_M____ Fir ?ale by all Bookseller?. TICKNOR it FIELDS, Boeton. A1TLE1UN'8 RAILWAY GUIDE. JCLV NO Price 15 cent?. The ONLY GUIDE PI'i.LlSHED that centrina the TIME TAi.l.l b v.i ?II the KAIL? Ai S of the I lilted -He. -id th ?__?__ CONTENTS ?IF JULY N CM HER l.-P.Mtrat..,i.d Bi'gr.phlcai n? tie U10 WillUai fl. Koeter, jr., V Le r*J____ ol toe l'eui_,W_ji_ lU'i way. II.?BmLWau A?D THBIK Pkoi, *Kt??Our Railwij?, aud their Ke?unt. 1 oun-il ? lat?a, Iowa; New-iuia I?an tr 1 Kailway , MlcMg_a So..them and .Norther 11 Iod. ana liaiiwa*. Cleveland and loi. J, il-iiUuy ; De ciaion ol the Supreme 1 uurt ol Urn I rifted Elia alai rittabuigh Railway, iiUuuia Central _a_ way. ?liobue ad Ohio Hallway ; New- ora ?>. d r.n? Rat.way t New Hallway tuilxe aero? the Me.i ..a.-. New York, FroWJence and R?(ton Railway; - ?e-teru Hailway of Lanada, Drtxoit. Monroe wild i'o ledo Railway. HI.?Ami polka ano IvciDrNi? or TkuTBL? Look I'p at that Flag! A Slight A Railway Licideul (conceded); A I hid ol the Railway, une of the Wit m tke?; Pepper and S.It out no M 1? ard. Meat iWi blybcart: one 1 t Mr?. Maroc.ey ? Mu k>_oei IV.?Tuuri?t'?ijuidetotlie P1i1nip.1l 11 ..trring Piacc?, Sp-ing , ma ria ea nt Fex__?abla Retort in 1 e 1 mted ?mat?* V.?Appease**! Railway Guid- ?. o 1:1* i ng-liouae Calendar. \L?A lai.e New M.poi th. Railway ?01 tue L uited state. and (?nad... VIL-Through Route? to and from New York. Philadelphia Baltimore, hnO-tlo Cleveland, Toled.?, 1 hici^o, Cm cinnati. St Loui?, _e. wi.h .Map. and oth r .ui-inna ti n nlaiing to the readi.-.t mea.;? ol tra\.|inrt-> aud Irou. all the principal citi- a Sonta, Beet and Weat VIII ?A Litt of l'roii,i_cnt Uouta in the Principal Citiea ol" h luion IX.?A Gazetteer ol the Cnlied SLttea arranged uuder the *??}?? ?Tale IMupaof Railway?. X? SeM iity-n>e M..t.eoi th.- Principal Railway?. M.-Ntw 'lime Table? l"f Sai.b i.i all Nitw? A?Mtl III Boyh on the car) th.oughi ut the I nlted M .let ?no ( anadaa. Now hltni . APPLMON'S ILLUSTRATED BANu-BOwK trF AMERICAN TRAVEL. A foil and r-iialile Guide by railway, ?lean.I" at anj ?tage tj tbe ?__??, town.. w?t?r,iiii-, l.itUe Mil, mountain?, l?M-?, hunting a d ta__kj Bre_B?a, |p_Ma, ?__M re ?o.l. a:.d ,.li >ce ne and t'j ilaefll I latareet la the I niteu Mate? utid lilitnh 1'rovii.. e?. liv T Addt.on Rlihar 1 W ilh (arelulMapi 01 . II p?r? 01 the.o.intiy und pi tuifa of laii.o.? ?.lac? ? una ..< ne?, from original druwuijl rJHH ___kf and ai-el aitui?. 1ait 1, ici.tai.ik; tl e Xorthim _nd F...?terti S ?te?...*>l l'ait 2. lonumtng the Sojtiierii and ?Ve? . r.i -tut ... f i Or tbe two p?rt? bound in one vomn." vl jo Eitln 1 of tut- above ??-.'it free Ov mail ui: r. ,:eiut .. pnce. D. AlTLEToN at o , Pa .?..'. -i.. Not. 4i3 und 44j ??roadway. OIL? ).)U ?ee th_~W???T' IS IT P~" Not IUHMjM S? but Bi'ttUN C?, In hi? GREaT rol iuH of JULY fl V till AL. it aii tin i ..u.h MONTULIEB. For ? il) by ev. ry newadealer in the country. HAMMOND" NEW MEDICAL HOOK, libri.d-.i f..t popular .iw Pn. e r.I m ., . j Ch.ap (.mailer) edit!..11 M . et, a p...tage 0 ont?. " \S or:h everv one', owr.i'.g ' ? ; 1101. jo^tuw;. "ROSS - lOI.SEt. No UI N..?.l?t La -a K'.m k, N 1 u..),i iit'ii Ui..?t. P. (. GODFtKY, No hMl Itr..a.lw.y 8'lliONG"s ?hi Of JULY IMCTOKIAL " Ju?t 011 nd lor a&le every wo ie. Sii Cei.U? ??" * < ' b_- Ureel h un?Orrat Fun. A treat ?beet lor toe Conntry Folka. 11. DEXTER a Co , vVholaaala Agmt?, N >? 11! :. NdllCE to AUVEKl'ISEK.-). ? IV onl> OaUy Paper p.ibltahed at tl.e Canadian lent ol 0*l*WB_M?I if IHE (_i. EBEC MOKNING CHKONK LE It i" la_ea_i_ _o*l eve.y fauiily In Cluroec, and circulate? largely in _____ '.'auada _.d We- III ll??e?e W _ 'I wen y thuUatu.d ?i.uigeri ar> .xpeeteo on the nrit of the I'rfnce. A.tve.ruar. will >lUJ TUP CI.RON1CLE an ex ei.'ent medium Daily /Sver am 1.1.. in advance , ? . ek y I h. .nicle, ?<>, do 'i'-ruia fui Ad .MrLi.iiig u twlf known .in appii."->tion. SEWABD GOES FOR UNCLE ABE! See WRONG'S 4th "f July PICTORIAL. tramuiid fnil a, El NSY PIClVREd, ttfUm, fufl ?y una.? aud FUN la ganeraL l:i . Six Cent??Foi tile everywre-re. ToilA F. FEEIv.S, Lf Whjleailr Deal-rin HEMSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, BOOKS -S. Noe. I4?_.i m Am ?t, Now-Yoik. Send for elrc ulai. _ "WATEK-C'URE" JOURNAL tur Jl'LY. THE J. NO' , Di-iat. ? o' th. Tnro .t a..d l?Uafa| Il m .' )f ?le M. vemeni tore?li. aiment of the Croup; A Family .^e ?e-?i.y. A Honte p?tl ic D.?e ; Dr Win.nip'? fcapeiit?eel Tue .aille Dinaae. Coilu?ion Betwi eu Doctor, and Drngri?r., and other m.tter iiren.1 t.. . very r. .d r. A Mil' tuLcME ? ei,, -t wild ttiep'i'ient md no* i. the Hum t-. - H> 1 ilbe < nly *>l ? >ear Addie- Ko? M II t ? r.i.LS No. 30i' 'inad >ay. Se a--York. r~V??? M. MT-TI Vi IN THE < OKN'ER HOUSE ia coming in the NEW-YCmK WEEKLY. By T I AKTHUR. IMPOBTA?T M?DICAL ?o. PHYSlOL?Grl CAL WORK, wlmii |0 thouM rand, a? it impart* u-owi d>f ...\er b :ore (.ablithrd Tho?e u-ii ? t. d with N irvoaa.e? fifiiility, Ireal and + "? rm:. or who dr?ira ? kiowdge or _M at-tt phyaio M?__l IBMW_M ?bou.d n?l Ml l? leaui <t 40? _g> ?, and n-.-ariv 100 etiaravmga Pri?e fl kf?__d and -id by H n LaWMENCE. No I Vaaay ?A. AetnaBaajea M * Dibpyj^iA?its nature" c?l o? __d CLRE upon HYGIENIC PHIX -IPLKS By D. A. ..oR'ON.M.D. A little work of men:. Ev ry i.,,aL3 h'/ul.i ha>.' a c-py. Pun a? Tim leiuahid.-r of tbe lit at Ed.tiuii will be ??ut p:e laid, to any addn ?? lor U aa__ in ????p? Ad li.-aa 1". A IKJitlV.i, >i. D.. PeekaeJIl, N. V. 1niE.,PH__??O_AWIC_J7B?_T i? a c-fital tl ing 'or U?rntr? Price, di-nvered in any p-irt of th ? Gtl, ri 15. FOWLEH A 'I LL- :. I Bi D___F-C0NTRADICT10N80FTHE BIBLE - O 114 propoaiti"D. proved affirmatively and Bnaatrfnlj fr^n. 4. riptun without a?_?MOt| rmbuiyu,^ mutt of _M pnlg?Wa I'd ?inking -el!cnt.traditi Dl of t_e l?-enllrd Word of I1.74 Price H' c. bt?. CALVIN BLANCHARD. 74 N*'.. /umilure. ACl-NOWLEDGED AH BEST-FOREMAN*? ARCH ?PRINy BEDS, p cr tl M u) #J A Bed ?v-ed honi'i?, and Matire*? ecu.plnte. for ?6. Martrea .w nf ai! __,,rLeep CHAS K FOilKMAN, No ?> G tat Jouea-at., tie?.- Bioidway. I^N_ML1_EJ) -IJiWITURK ? M-a-?DQUABTBBflb No. tn ' lanal-aL. four ioor? aaet of drmdway i?o Srjortsm.n. MHHING TACKLE. THOMAS H. ?ATE A Co_, 'T JADWAV. No. T WAKRK.N ST., . HftOJ I H. CROOK. IF a FISHINO TACKLi:, No rg) F ilto'i-et. NETS ?nd LINES con.Untly on hand, ?nd m?de t > order. Spring Hebe. ?4 ?H/for the be4 8PRIN0 BED in ??? 0\) EXIS'lENiF a Nu l'-l 1 l.-tiao, ? N 1. Eaa uine it ? lidie?? tbe ELLIPTIC BED SPRING Co for their de* rip?J?e o1 c 1er. Spe'la'indiiraenwiita to the t-ade and loral agemri.a 1XINAM" PATENT SPRING BED-Th? beat lnu?e. ?'M M Pri'MAM, Age-ot No. 1 'l Oa__a>_t . -.m 1 ...? ,, X. X. ?utwothb. FAEPOT xf nun for J W. H.ADFIELD A 80N? Pxrill M **IKEvVuRrvS- A rVl ?-?ott unu ol Mi? i ?ai q lalitt and of the lo ?eat prive? Ueaier? are ,e?pect ? I. luvfe-ltotaU_R P?ULDS.Jr, ?lo OT Johnet. J~Q. A I EDGE, Jr.'? ? Premian. Colored and arilllant FIKKWOUK8. W. J SYM9 k. 8R<> Up t .to. ?ob Broadway, hNh g mad?, ea.ri.aiv?. ?1t.4ru.tub ?lib Um Abu*?? eel vi ...u laaakal for U., ?Ale 11 A*U pUrwo A? *t ?i? pr?paie M , lei ?o. ano vim pur-iic ??uneuy An auetiaaiadatoo* v.t.qual.t, ?nd ?e/V/ty, ?< ?J ?J rr...-? oum?Ung in par >. >lircraoae,i, T rp-u.a? v^ h el?. Tna.gie. rio- k. u Rn-na? ..arrl.e Mi:.-?. Pigeon?. (ScrU ''alt, le?, Bailoob?, ho id 1 /s' S COMMiTTEk,-) ?r.ppUe-l with pobltodk? ?u>i? ?? -ui.rt t"' j TOO, M ti? w ?i ? y-no.,, flaring b.i d pa tie? foruieriy empioy?? ay Meatr? J. ">. ? 1. K.igr,B\re ad.erii.uag tueiuael*?? ?a Agent J? J u V 1 Baig?. Tue o ibl, heiald Oa/Wat? d thene ooau la Uii4 u? they TAy and ou being iilown dp tnat the good? *o d ai Edar ? ?re ?Tu. L Labu.-a.arie? il x.meubac .r- manilla Vir-n 8 I) RUi.r.l'.|-> .\n l?? MrOedway, C .?9*1 ai M?J.laii-bLne and Broadway. 1/??EW? KKs. JT til.W-iKl/ U? IMPOSTORS .N-H uaiir.i cij pi. ii ;. ? p.oy ?do nuTe toil M-?n i.U k I. Ldges *lri!?.; t? mil .ni? muoh, I w, Id -a,iUui II.. I .....,, 1,. 1 ?. enatantaV ?ave* -bu >a?. re rie .-tic. m ?u thera 11,11 wLh lo ue as boaot ?.'? !? ,ni?.i.eea. lb- aanprueEDUE'C ik ? >* ? ?i? to o? bad In quant) tie? to ?rit anrtaULVi-a at Lag - ? UEO. B. CoLK'i, Ageus Nu. 37 il.iileU lane, N. Y. lit an. rt code. 8. D. ROriFRi? EDGES FIRST PREMIUM FlKEWOKKa. Pria ,?i IJ--P-.1, .0..',', ?tue .i?w-York ft I ? ir? .pedo?*, J'ita?iicA>, And he nftanl ?eiurny ol 1 1, ?g req-irit. (at at reev-p? 1 ?' ?at*t and p.i?uu. ??hibtkon?, o < pv-iioi .u.sbtj ?I '???? t'uju uauAl pnce? Aldi?? older? by ? all -ir telegr-iib to '1..U l) ? wLE i _ No T> Maldra-laue, New-Yora L'UtLUOkk?^AEW ?ORK LAUORATOllY. 1 .-1 1 - r . n? ?-. , one dooi ir ,11/ , oriu-; ftuMu-o, fill. CliACkkillS, ulUi'l JU.-S SllCkS ??.0 1 .. ., a'ion . .-ut ol riliLWokkS. plain and colored Bra?, ?vanante 1 ci l?e um quality r.,u ui.t.etr- ui t?i?btl?n? and the Tiaun ?uppllrxl ?a ib? a.o?t iloerai Urna?._M BENNETT. t^ iKh.U 1 ?Ki\>. -ARjRtaWaVl aemutliinut ?i uiaii and Baiafad Klrework?, and of the liac? iiuAlity, ?or ?Ala oy B AD? AU, LoCK. w 00D k co , No. XT7 Waa? *l l/IliKWOFK.S? FIREWORKS.?LEONARD M. ? ELhWiitClll N .. ?i Harclay ?u, turner of vVat?lug .en, La e ou L ...J AU extennve a. ?oriu c-,,i of KUOE'S ano HAl-rlr'Ll'S r ihr.'? oilNS, ?Mh t My are prepared f. ??? U -, 1, the ui<>?. UvoTabie u 1 m? CuunUy d?jar? ?re luTited to look ai eur .toc? aaabia purcbatliig. ?**. ULLIENUAliL ? DEPOT fui i UK EXCELSIOR KlH?vv(jrk3. Ncate?'. in Appearaace, and Beat ta UuauAy. For PabRe ?ad PriTate Eihlintiona. /ITNaTON a. 8COPIELD, No. 63 John-ft, ?. ?Jnming. H'M. EVERDEliL A ?ON8, N?. 104 Fulton-it. L .et iiye. 01 WKiiUlNO CAJLDfl NOTES CN ?'ELOPKb he. (Ettabbjhed ISI6.) ?iuiiom-iD .mo ?fanny ?uuC?. ?s.\.\l OA?< rif.lLO X (JO., Mau.uacluioit (H U 1. ? I > - I'- > a, .0 V' N IL ?..i.-ih.a./l Jla?ueuUn? (.???lu? Atoo, u.auul.,it..rer?v'f darda Wiiaoua'? l'aient A?ax lar Nib ?old r 1 n? '.?V.I?- Pau. epair.-d .m iiubanaBd tT?>ll>oT7s?l ARIAL, aim SEAL I'RESisES / ?Ali-go an-Ji-t.... IA: .r aaaa, at, ot.ll vai> ?.?a, ay ' ? ?> . Li.r , a uti .i.ei, lt. W .t-L-.A.i-.t la'MJL?fcli 1't.N- K.\i\ E>, In.m J> 1 Tut? L-uchlo X j 4 li? ..?en, at W1LLMER I ?./.il il.)' , ..-,. ?N?>,?a,?t, N. Y. / MUKaID* ?ALlA?? MEDICATED SOAP, VA 1. >? ?.li n.o-vii, ?re. t'AN, 1-laMpL.ft.a, 1 RAC1VI.KS .- a Kl.i.l.., l.Aiii.i-.lo l.L.i, ciiaPS, Cii.vrr.S, Il.m.. 1- i-L/oi., AV., u-,.1.' irrliig Mm ve y be?, ?aamug eou pound B??J d (mi kCv U ? PoCUafe. rJu'ii'lnt. > .!. roi, lu'V t..ia.-ad?, upper Upe. 01 any pail ol tna Bud) ?all 5 had U ck,y, ^arrant. I LlU.-ln rtOLvlt loi p.i. ,11? ?ml 1... ?t ii. Li WiiiiE, lor iiu.ued. red. Bud OeaieaiaC?-? U.-l.i Dii inntu tiy o.nri? rtd, Bray, or liKul ban ta a biau'iul bia a 01 nriwn. without .taini.ig tue *?,u. ii il . ktvBlORAllVElal ta? bair 10 grow, and maae .Ur), air,. Ii.ii ? t, (jl.-.-y, iu.d ?ulky. >ii le ilAl U S OUI c -? IaL ?.hi...M. lor iba .torn, :?-?i.u rouudatin. 001 rt.icU'd ?la> ? t,.i.;ui.. .1 aVpot, No '.. v. ?lier-?., ur.l ,iure fron, liriiaj^uy, H'all h Le., fark a bainr?, Hay.i, oro-iklyu, oieeu, ?Vor ceattr 1 .. I Ug ivuiiL?,,. <t, no.ioa-, ( ai.viidar, I id. di lue abofo Alb- BM BN n /t to .e cuilouuded ? Itb tLt I . b ??? Uli ? Lieb UM buiaM ?r? lloodrd, And ?eut from .view I Lttepre?. . .1 Long , ledi. at ?bat Ur. OOURAl'D'S attkla? hayi Mon bei'r. khi p .ou? tbe p?at tu year?, and ifr u. il tuuwn tu in ail lia?) ai. i- pi.-?ent> d to be. i J OLD PEKfi .-.?tti o?jLD mu? 01JWER OiViEfi \A t 11 iw i/o,j 1'. ... J?c tu*g,?ea. i.y ..?ai Peu? ?a .uaiurid Pan?Baaa??Bi fa??>??. Q p ?ia'v? rcl-'S -i4 N-?aau-?t JritoMPWi-i e IRA.v i". K?..NT d .-APS, U TA I LOH i. 10. Proprietor?, 1 of ii.eeii*i.u aud ileade-rta ^O'lli i'Ai'ER, ??k:. pef rettiu; L<'tt?r Puper, ci, . nd I ..ol.. p ??-1 ? ? per ir am. Ciicular Envelope?, ,?, j I 1, i. 11 ...ii.I. >'. lakVtt, ?tait/uer, 0* .ta??au-tu 1>Rl>CKvi'aw61'aVAII FUtJMTaiJJI PEN?War |l?ilt|ilfftit at plea? are Compact .tol.m ^-ia u,?- ?Area? M A'? l'.tciy lui'uri'idiot? Ab Aluda of int awd l/Lv ?.in < mk. ,10m o to in buur? Call auu ?e? le 01 -end lora rirculat I'. "? aTE.iRNS, Agent ?)'. ?roadway, N. Y S LOTE a J?.M.S -.ill, Ni-H-. PuiNT, h?, ?lui r.L/trtA-boOr? ?HaN.. lai.'ll.Ht.-. Bs **'-rtlm lt O?dei. leaywUuny wlacited N Lu9i mit) ?foon?. ??_.J?| NEW AM/.? L08T, lr.1111 on bORM t? ? tjJ?r-,\F ilium atotatha?. . m Moud y. June 3?. Um), w hue buu... / a union of the 1 IjoiuI.-pia.e l?apt?at cimrcu, lu tun L.w. 1 ),oB ?- - 1 ? ? Point ?ni... 0a tli.-ir w.,y tu utddle. Lucia, HOB ER X L OOETT ij ?r? . Id, dre??rd in a m ?r ?eivet Jacket itr.p ,1 pi- k and whiir vVAtat ?at, iigiitpiaid .-.>?.i Bate Paatalovni and cab ??in uooi?. ihniov. rewa.dwiii .; ... 1 i;, ,, hi. .uii t 1 d pareuU, ou .. I ? ill.? Ir.t .1 tMl C- il. 11 ????. .." IM t\r?t * til ?t. UII.I.1J.M V I.K(.l.KIT M AMELIA LKaiOEPP. (?? J Jirrui? tua Q)li)ers. Kl r c Ji ?j ii ? IMPROVED -loVSi.t'i-MVllilNK-i. in,. L. TKo? iJil'im ? E.wi. <T ; 1. hi. e v. ill te loa ??! ? ? oai ,,u.- ?.u,pl dty, effective i.e.. ai:d cbrapLR.a. au-J BAiioat Ml to give ? Hal I.,-?,. ,".1 " l ?? M in- ot in? i.iii.w iia aj nt;. uieu, wboall ?peak lb L..I. turn- 11 1 v- ILLIaM < I I.I.KN BRYaHT. Ro.lyn, L. I. M ,\!.i 1 S -I'L; .?., I'. : u -oy Dit Ml 1. T'-MI UNS, liaver-ttla-a, al Y. \ ; I'll bl ,-..., k?i..;i .1/ . 1 LEONARD 1 h -I'l W SJ . Slug sing. It Y. Un i:i ??..? Miuii.g il-i lui-.\ j iL nui. lio lo, ?>7-. 1. t la.) h-.rie t lt. ?' 17.-) Ib, i???. '.J it - ?10 IB, ?iJ4. lief vy " " 4 It IW) te, ?J?. '* " " 4 it. hin. " t,>i ib, ?aj?. Batral U cu. .'1 Mrk-ui" 1 -i. ythe 2 Knive?, 3 fttjfor?, and U t, ., b. AHiecicrt?:.?, . ,f tb 11 .t Tari. tir. of HA YINil ?u>4 MAR t Ea'llM? TOOLS ut MAPLiP? t-.Ii')i.r3\LE and RETAIL A'jLICLLIlKAL WAREHOl - .... !.'? ,l,d i:- NtABM-ll., N >. CHAULKS V. MAPES. tjufbiu. Luiuuyi?, JC?t. AHNE conpp or road MORSE lor SALE, w-.rrtr.t- A ,.; i,,l ad kind 1 y.-AT? rid lb baud? hlgn, ?tyl . 1. in n.r. .--?. ?.11 LtrR'U ?tabu .. aroauway aud ?V1 ?l -fine Qlrt?. ?Ja? I tU\FOU oiiodoz. VIEWS uihI ?1 S1E tjp .1 *Jv" Kl-1 bit/IE I t t. .-ouniry liny. ?.?. . Ml-.. HlUtEOhA-'llPlC IV, No. Am) Broadway, op ?taara, (All aide? an. lit firym-wil b'?iiar? i/abUR. |>lLr.LA>? I IMPkUW l> II?iLiAini YAhLJ* aMi> C?-MblNAT10N CLSUIOroB P.-tx.e -o b? Le-it-1? !'?? '.i ia..?'? '. ? b 1?, li* Oc. ?. Iat4 1?. I m , Um W It* N. < M 1 -an, ?nd Mer. h 3w lif? pg Tbe r*'-i. linprnTaman*? in b??t tahla? "*k u>?m ?A ?i.naaae.l? il,, m I 'il.- ?re now .(Irr. d o ha n-l.n I' tl'lwd pl?y?r? a? ftou.bictng'?p~d ?riih trutk ????e Ka/n?* ?A tari ed to any Billiard Tab? M?*alaotory Ne?. 4, ?", .adM Lr?ib? ?V_ THE LAN h TOLLENDER. Soi? ManafaMcr. a, W rUTTEMBOTT A Co. R RO K p.Ra, TIN RPKMl.n ( il'PKR, ETC., Ne e'J rleavel .t, N. Y. __m__nrum8. B NIBLO" GARDEN. .'AMES M NIXON.Leaane end Mauaget NIXON'S Mll'S:'MM>ER F.NTERTALAMENTS HAGNIFI EN'l GARDENS, HUKLE8QUE, BALLET, OPERATIC SINGING PROMENADE, REFRESH? MENT?, Ac. THE JPxNFSE EMBASSY AND SUITE PROMENADE THE ESTABLISHMENT DAY AND EVENINJ. Door? opea all day while they ie_?in. THE BALL DECORATIONS will remain on exhibition for aweek THEY ARE VERY ELE-.ANT AND CURIOUS, AND SHol LD BE SEEN BY EVERYBODY. H)*pi.ra>a-re of the wonderful IllM.n'i BROTHERS, kille CAROLINE TbELEIR Premiere Damteu.e from Paria. MATINEES eve.y WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AF? TERN?;??)., at 2 o'clock ?,u FRIDAY. LAST MOHT of the JAPANESE, who em? bark i hi belt day MONDAY EVENING, July2, JOHN BROUGHAM at m caminen?? a FAREWELL ENGAGEMENT, prior to hi? depart?re for Europe. THURSDAY EVENING Juno 28, 186T), ArVrtha STAGE PROMENADE, OoeatlcU'? new Burieaqu?. ta IiADY OF THE LAKE, TRAVESTIE. Wil ten expreaoly for thi? Theater, and got up with ?piendid _r_ Mtebeiy by Tbotue, Johnaon, and eeauteDta, new Coa> tuina*. Ac. i he rut will emblaze The NELSON SISTERS, MARK SwITH, POLL! MARSHALL, W. DAVIDOE, MARY WELL8, A. H DAv/ENPORT, PETERS LEEHOM, VINCENT, Ac, WUb th? entire Corpa de Bal I-t. and a IROI'PE OF AM.V/.oNIAN ZOUAVES, Ix. a variety of IIL-Mtnd Mill?ry Evolution*. iflerUie i'TAVel'le., OPEHATIC INTERLUDE AND REFRESHMENTS, ENGLISH BALLADS, by Hint. VON BERKEL and MU? GEBELE. The JAPANESE will promenade amena the andianc?. Concluding wi.h a NEW DIVERTISSEMENT, in which th? HANLON BROTHERS wi i I appear, with Ml? CAROLINE T- ELELR, Premier? Danaeiiao from Paria end Bnuaei?, Mile LINA WINDEL, the beautiful O ALU SISTERS, aud the Corpa de Ballet Ticket? M) cent?. Seat? may be aecured ? week in advance Boa Office open all day. ARN UM? AMERICAN MUSEUM luder the perional ?nperviaon of P. T. Ii AR NUM. TLo new V en Uator?, l.e > vuuiain?. _?: , mean tni? THE COOLEST PLACE IN THE CITY. NOVELTY ! TALr NT ! ENER.tY ! Engagement, for a limited number of performance?, of tke youn?, talented, aud favorite Irith comedian, W. O'NEIL, who appear? every afternoon and evening. EXTRAORDINARY ARRIVAL ?JF NOVELTIES FROM EUROPE, by ?tea?j.hip H_nuiuu?, couaiatiux ef a WOfiDERFUL aLBINO FAMILY, a Hutband, Wife, and Child, each one with Pare White Skin Silken ?.hite Hair. Pink Eye?, Ae , though born of per? fectly black patent!. They are the gre_teat wooden of the world. Reeng gerne ut. for a abort time, and at great expenae, of VaNTTLe MACK., the InfantLambert or ulANT _a?Y: IEVEN r*EAR_ OLD, and WEIGHING _n POUNDS 1 FINEST AQUARIA IN THE WORLD! BEAUTIFUL LIVING rtf ALS JAPANESE COINS, AUTOGRAPHS LaNTERNS, ko THE DAILY VD41T8 OF THE JAPANESE EMBASSY to the Miutuiu add Kie?t interrit to it? u ui.'T'im via?ora. TUE "LIVING WHAT IS IT?" IS 1*1 MAN, OR MONKEY, OR BOTH" THE FAMOUS "LIGHTNING CALCULA ?OR!? Dr R. O WTCKWARE, the LIVING SKELETON, all to be ?oeu at all boon, day and eveuiug. Dr. M. V. B. BLY :b* SEER and ULaIRVOYANT, produce? aatonl.hing Phenomena daily THURSDAY and FRIDAY, June 28 and 29, will be |per fornied, in the AFTERNOON, at .1 o'clock, barney the baron. Barney O-Toole, a Tiuker.Mr. W. O'NIIL Um, ROSETTA; Or, THE MaID OF THE MOUNTAIN. Roctia.MitaMeatayer. in the EV ENINO, at 7| o'clock. OIK IRISH < (il SIV Mickey McGiath.Mr. W O'NeLL Madame DELMONTE, tbe celebrated Fort une-Teller 4ahy anai ondas, serpent family happy family, orjbat variety of new wax figures. great preparations ark being made for the fourth of july. Aim!'tance to ?verything, IS cent?; Parquet, IS oenta extra "1??dren auder ten, 15-; ; to th Parpiet, lUe. WALLACE'S THEATER. SIMM ell Ska.-ON. OPENING WEEK W_M DISTINGUISHED ARTHTS, Mr. and Mr?. J. W. FLORENCE, W hoae perl or manee? during the paji few ?eaauna at thi? popular summer iheaier Have aiet witii ?tich d-ided mauifeitatiun. of public approval, will appear in the great locel buileatiue, LALLA KOOKII; III I'll! MtK-tV.iH.iiu.iM. Produced in a ?tyle of magnificence with the fame of this popular eatabliihmeut. New Muaic, New Dreie?, New Scenery, ."..ii Dance?, lie AMAZONIAN MARCHES, by Forty Young Ladle?. CROSSING NIAGARA, ill BLONDIN. GRAND AQUARIA, etc. Doom opeo at 71 ; Curtain nie? at 8 o'clock. L_UKA KEENE? THEATER. Leeae? and Manager.Mr. Joeara Jimimo. i ?ge Manage:.Mr. Jame* Stmmondi M *lc_| DtreetoT, Mr Thoa Baker | Sceoio Ar-i,t...Mr. Uayea THURSDAY EVENING, June 2?. In uf the great ?uoceea of m K JAPANESE ?MB a-Wr? it will he rrpeated fur three night? more, when it will positively be withdrawn for other novel ?m It ?ill be preceded wit i toe favorit? Comediet*.* of THE QUACK DOC.OK. Mra John Mr. J' - pii tteleiaob.aa.The Quack Doctor ? 1th the celeorated Comic Dut t of WHEN A LITTLE FARM WE KEEP. Mr. Ja_~a SlnuLocda, Mia Yimng Mr. J. Burnett, Mra Uh-ifraa, Mr Stoddart, Ml.? Jediaiaon. Mr. ii-, Mu. H?tty Warren. Ml. -v.l. Mli?__-k?, _?.. Aa , t:. In rebearia!, A Ni'w Burleaque, entXei TYCOON; Or, Yortin AnBHict i* Ja fa*. Uoera op?-, at "|. co.n.naiiciag at 8 prenae.y. vv INTER GARDEN. GRAND COMPLIMENTARY TESTIMONIAL JULIA DEAN 1IAYNE, FRIDAY EVENING. June 39, On ? hieb oc aaiuu Mr Cha. M. Barra?'a H\POCHONDR1AC will be produced for tbe FIRST TIME in NEW-YORK, With ether attraction?, iu which MANY POPULAR ARTISTS Will appear. Box Ho-ik now open. TPEMPLE OF MAUTO?No. 444 BROADWAY. A EVERY EVENING at 8 Aloe? Delighted Feabionabie and aituui.hed a eiiencei nightly witue? the wonder? perfoimed by the GREAT vVUARD JACOBS, Who, -itb I 1? illimitable GOBLIN St'RluHTLY, pr?tent the hett ente.taiumeiit in New York. Thi? i? tbe LAST WEEK bUf ONE, aud tbo.e wbo do _H tee them loae a treat indeed. They return to Eualand at th^ cloee of tneir ?lay here. NEVV PROGKaMME THIS WEEK. Matinee?, Wcdnea-lay? and Satuidvy?. Admlaaion i? cent?. Reavn ed ?eat? M canta. PALACE G___DEN8. ltth-.t, and 6th-av. THURSDAY Etr.MNo, June *8, RONZAM'S RENOWNED BALLET TROUPE. MON DAY EV EMNG, July 2. t.RAND GaLA NlGHf, AND ANNIVERSARY of the Opining i.f he Palace Larden*, and firat night ol J. F. sTRATTON'S PALACE O.iRDEN ORCHESTRA, , And li .t night of the JAPANESE LAiviEKN fjBJB. JULY 4, GRAND DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS. Adaiioiou.Tweuty h.a ceutav / ^ P.O. *CHRINTY,??M_?8TRI__8 *t NTBLO** \? SaL4X>N. tlontln latioE of the ?occ???f?l emm piece, THE JAPANESE TREATY, with Song, Dene?. *"dBurl*to.ue Openati-comuteuce?*?- Ticket? 3- ?eut?; children btlf price. ^_ 'PHE NATIONAL MUSICAL INSTITUTE 1 ?ill Uf? ? ?'RAND VotAL and INSTRUMENTAL f uN( Fhl at the Hail of the Iu?_iue. No- 766 broadway, k*> tvl?fu ah ai"tkh .U . <m THURSDAY, J ne M, ldIO Tfckete i au he obteloed at all tho principal muaic atore? ; al?o a tiio hell I c. ADAMS ? CALIFORNIA MENAORRIE lie?DAY and EVENING 1Mb ?t -nd 4tn ?v. e t i vK.Ni w PrupitetOT. ORKaTEST NOVF.LTY IN aMERKU! THE ORF.aT LIVING SLACK SEA LION. UANCINO GRIZZLY BEARS, SINGING. CLIMBING, and Al LTING BEARS, CALIFORNIA LIONS TIOERS, DSTRullrb. BUFFALO, and H?> WILD aNIMaLS FROM TUI PaClFIC. Performed hy " Ortaaly adama" froa? 1? a. m ill 10 p oi., and eapeuiaJly at II. A and! o'clock ANIMALS FED at t p m Admteatua ?> eat*. Ch.ldreo U oawta lT\? ?URNEr? O?LI_r?RYT "707" I \ ' I ? No. ir? Broaatway, 4r_ block awMW Ue I \J i e New-YorkUote Oa ktabltlttci. ? THE DYING TE CUM SEH, tad otoer elegant pieeei af Sutnary by CIIEVAL1RR FETTRICH Open frota lb a. m. till I p m. Aiu-wluu. to OataU. N B.-Tbe PHOTO_Ra1'U1C EAlillllTlON GALLERY .open for FREE INSPECTION ?re? * a ?a. Uli 4 p. _ ON TOW t? _ 8B0BT T_MBr~ CHURCH'S LATEST WORK, TWILIGHT IN THE WILDERNESS, At GOUPIL A Co.'?, No. -. .1 Broadway. AdxcUaion A .?__? NATIONAL MUSICAL INfTiTTUTE.?Qru4 VO?:*L ?nd INSTRUMENTAL (XjN^JbET. ?,n THURSDAY, June ZU 1 ?0, at Um Hall of the __t it* N*. tt~S Broadway, betwaen ?tb ?nd ?tb-?t- Tha? Solo? erl kw *_?> ta?nd by . _ MME. ZIMMERMAN.*rpr*_?. MRS J E. T1HJMAS.?op.?*?. MIsS HACKETT.Soprano. MHS. WINSLOW.Soprano. MRS. HOLBROOKE. MI88 HIT? HINGS. MR. E PERRING.f? MR. P. BERNHARD.. MR. ?EINL1CH. MR. W DOEHLER.Via?-. Conductor?, CARL ' ?'?SC??LTV^?'r?'?ST PERRING. TbkeU... .FIFTY CENTS. Can be obtained at all the principal Mu.ic store?, ale? at t?Vt Hall. To commence at t o'clock p. m. _ H60LEY~A. CaMPB?LL^^?NSTI?L?, FRENCH THEATER. No .Md) BROADWAY. Tremendou* Excitement Unprecedented S?X??a. Univenaily admitted by the public ti,d (he Pre*? to be the ano?? Fini.hed ?nd Tab n'ed ETHIOPIAN ENTEBTaJNMENTS Ever ?,;!? red to U.e Patrone of Negro Ml_atrel-y. Another Grand Programme of Nov. itie* TO-NUHIT. IT1E THREE ??REVI SiARS, t NSWiiRTH, El GENE and CAMPBELL in the a*?no>_t, GO AND SEE THEM TO-NIGHT. Price of ___??_?, 25 cent*. Private Boce?, $3. Door* open at 7, to couirneec* at 8 o'clock. For particular?, aee Prorrrauime?. U>W to Freu E-bibt?on. a __????_ "___5___ S OIL PAINTINOS, at WHPPLOC1T8GALLERY. *? Canal-?, was.?* Sro^Hray USSELDORF OALLERV, N D No. __* BROADWAY. Thia ?plcndid collection newly arranged, with ADDITION OF SEVERAL H?E STATUES. Admlatioii i!> cost*. Ot.en day ?nd eieod_f. N OTICE.?FIVE-MILKS I ?HIVE THROUGH CENTRAL PARK for ?l.-Fa/uitv Carriage. Buggy V\ agon, S, ddle-Horae, for Gentlemen or Ladle?, for fl an hoar, at Central lark Sable, comer of Broad Aray and 59th ?t, 8tb-*v. car? ?top oppoaite the door. I>IC-MC?Th.- tw.lfih annual Pic-Nic of the funday School of tin Klrat C? uregntional Me hrvdiet ( horch. Brooklyn, will take placo at M >rr_ '?rove TO-MOR? RO'* (Friday, Cara lea re comer Heyt and Atlantic-??-, at 9 o'clock a in. HUGHES* GALLERY, N?.~.6_ Hi __?_? Life-die portrait* at South Aic.eri._o oelnbrhlaa _c __? hlbltion of OU fainting? *REK tYom 10 a m '.? In p m. ?1IUH?6 A SITUATION WANTED, to do ^'m-rel bou*?* work, by a capable, reap, .-table aervant GIK!., highly recemmenced; can do goud Plain Coikiut. and la an exoeuut W .?her and Iront r. No objection to the country. Apply at No. M Atlantic at., Brooklyn._ A LADY who apeak? French and English wi?h?*a . actuation m HOUSEKEEPER or COM. AS,ON t? a Lady ; l* willing to traveL Call at No. 41 12Ui at-, ?aeoud boue? ea.t of Broadway. SITUATION WANTED?By a tvapetabi. Woman, to COOK, WASH and IKON In a privai '?mlly; the count y preferred. Call at No it. Mulberry ?t in he mar. WANTKI)-H> a ifi-iitttnl Girl, with exot_je_t city reference, a ?ujaiion in the citv or c eiutry a? NURSE ?mi plain general SEaMSiRESS, take? c barge of ? baby from ita birth? waahea f^r the children; will be o iibrlng. Wage? ?o to 07. Alan a regular Waiter and Parlor??aid. Call at No. ?16 Ea.t J8d-.t._ WASHING.?Waibing of all kind? d..tM. in a ?uperior manner at loweat pri ?*>, at the new L At NDR Y, No. 46 Liapeuard-?*., urar Broad ??y. Clothe* ?died forana) returned promptly to all part? of the city. Button* put on ?birta. ??KKY'ANTS?('i>iuj??-t4iil .ifi.l mliabiat ?Vi-rnian, r_r Kiench, and other* with good r?f?rence?, for city or Country may be obtained at the Em plot meut Society ? t im ? No 51 Hurt., one door teat of BroeeVay, formeily Blole House. German and French language? ?poken. Mi** HELD, Matron. TEACHER WANTED.?A Lady bavin* two Children, i? de?froa? of procarin- for tpem, during threA hour* each oay. the ?ervice? ot a middle aged ?ADY, ?a Teacher in the elemeuUry Emiliab atudie*. 1'leane addieta, ?tuting terina and refeienca?, X. Y. / , Box So. D_, Trloune Ornee YVAN",Kl)~A V?Un? MAN, in a Orj-good* Ita v Y Don?r'a buainea?. who underatand* Well to write German, a* ASUSTAN! BOOKKEEPER, end to m**,? hiui.elf gener? ally :.>eiul. Goodrelerence* wanted. Apply to Po?t-OtBoe Box No. :t 4. n. Vi' ANTED.?F____e? Wishing to reunite to t_0 Tv country, which are compoaed of two or more grown-oas. daughter?, may hear of an opportunity to better their ci/earn* ?lance? with PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT in a uu-ufaetiir lug ?Wage in tha State of Conneetic ut. Uve hoar*' rid? fron* tha ?ty. Apply to Ne. 37 Broadway, up tteir* W"ANTED?A _H-_ttoam CttAC-tMAV,-7. Pri.te.taut Man, either in city or country. Ha? the b??t ot city re?omm_ui__ou? Apply at Mr FELTOVeS K___w, ?lit tt., between Broadway anJJth-av. Can be ?neu for two day* _ IVANTED?A KUPERINTENDE1?T to take TV charge o! a WOOLEN MILL?ou? who haa had expert 9 in making ?atmet?, and who thoroughly uuder_?d? bla buauieaa. Noue uliier ueed apply. Addraaa CRU, Ta??M) OBice._ WANTED?A situation, by a married coupl? without family, to TaKE' CHARGE of a KAR.M Hoi St. 1 he man i? e finit rate hand to take charge ef etock ia K-nera?. and hi? wife _ i guod wonnm for Dairy, Cooking, Ac. B? Any gentleman or private family, in waut o( ? ich pei ?oui, may rely upon it, tfiat they ure the right kind. Adore?? J. W. KEN YON, Eluilr?, Chemung County, N. Y. ?0 U)i)om 11 _iliip Conctrrn. /CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. We are informed that WILBOUR M. DAVIS of Carmel, Me. ha? obtained a Patent dated March 13, t-SO, far a Wire-G___ Tip, a* an alleged improvement upon Gannon A MitcmbuL'a Tip, for the protection of the Toe? of Boot* and Shoe?, for which Letter* Patent we>e granted to Mid Mm hkll, Jan. 5, lain, ?nd reiuneu Dec. 7 Hue. All Tip* maue under ?aid DAVIS S Patent ia/rtap? upon MucBkLL'? I'aieut, and no one h.? a right to uiaae or <_?I _M?B without a licei?e Iroin the underpinned, Aaatgnee? of ?aid Mill HBLU That paitie? m -y not be mUled, we hereby give nott* thrt w* ?hall pro.ecute all person? win. uae or ?ell lio? made under t_e Patent of aatd VMLliOLR M. DAVIS wi'houi a Uceuae from a? CHASE, McKINNEY a Co. Button, June 20, I "I. Martha'a. lmiyd. of c_iitomia J5mm??3? Martha A Roger?), daughter of VVM ROGER.-, af New? lurk City, i? NOT DEAD, a. reported Any commuuic?tLn* direct) d to her at Jenny Liiid, Calavera? Couuty, Ca?lurnia, will be rc.poi.ded to. OLIVER.?Should A. G. OLIVER ?ib^rvij this, he U beaerched to writ-: to hi? mother, and it will be to his ad?eiita*-e lb .nld he do ao. Addrew. givi?< ideutibca'ion, to the General Po?t Obice,*;, N. S.. to be lef: till .ailed for. PATERS PKMiING BEFORE H1R HONOR THE MAYOR FoR APPROVAL. FROM BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. Reaelutiou to pav bill? of U. T. Auoery, +30 H7, for flaring ; Kryer?_Co., *?'? TO repair*: R. J. Verevanee, ? .7 _j : Charlea Vat.ilervort *?>! 11, for carpenter'? work lu new Court-Houae. H. aid ot Superriaoni, June 26, 18i>0. On ayeaami n<?? adopted. Re.ol .lion to p.,y bill ? T Juo. Deimii, +1 ?5, lor S.OOO file bondj fumithed Superior Court. Board of SiipervUer?, June V>, 1460. On aye? and uoe? adonted. Resolution to pay billa of Geo. W Rrome,, ?VIA fer work, ant] M K. e A Adam*, ?4 VI. awniu:? hnaidui Supett?or*. Juneith, l.itW. Ou a] ea and uoei adopt- A Re.olutiou to pay bill of Henry Vandervoort, ?ISO for ruf ol.htbii Secretary of State ?itu tranacripU ot convfctloui for It??. -. Board of Superviaor*, Jmie *>, W. On aye? and uoea adopted. Reaolution to piy bilUol John J. Bioomfield.$118 ?J Jno F. Trow, ? copie? DLoctory. 1_> 00 M D-ppa..?. WO? Edward Goodenotigb. 7 50 Board of Super?i?or*, June 26. I*i0. On yea*and nay? adopted. Reioiution to pay the nil! of John Ward, a>16, for dlainterriaf remain? by direction of Corouer Gamble bo?id ot bup. rviaor*. June 20, latRi. On ayea >md no.', adopt) d. Reaolution to pay the bill John S. V oorhiee, $ 191 <!?, for l*v9 book, tunnaned the cnuuty. Board ot 8iiper\l.or?, June 26, 1160. On ave? an J uoe. adopted. Resolution directing Committee on County ORtcer? have sp*> . ifliatioi'. p f pared for County Jail. Board of Suptrvi.or?. June 26,1H60. On ave? and uoea adopted. Reaolution apprupiia tug ?$4O0 to repair Courtroom? a_i Cbaniber* 'or Common Plea*. Board of Supervisor?, June 26, I860. On aye* ami no*** adopted. paints, (D.'b, $tt. I IGHT ! LIGHT ! ! _ FOR THE MILLION. FULTON A VANKIHK'S PARAGON BURNER p.?!-') advantage* over all other? m ita ?inipl'city, durabl ity> aud .uperinrity of it? wnrkuiaiiahip. It* Wlok-t'ube and Wh -fie a .? worked onto aoli i braaa, the tnecnauianioi which U clai i<_ lor no other burner, and ouaeqaenily m .ch i..?a liable to get out ol repair. 1 he construction of thia liuruer i? *eiui?d by r?r?> Lai .B?t' PxiBNT Be *nre and get the beat. Art fur PUL roN A VANKIRK'S PARAGON BURNER, and take no other ibUI ion fairly teat It AU partie* d.xirou? of ?e.-uring t: e ?tie of i. burner will oUase order from the Patent?e, a? the Buuera will he ft, <t nia)-.?facturer? priora All Bur?ara war? d to give entire ?atiafaciton or the money will be refit Irt Adilreaa V?. FULTON, Patente?, De;. Street Hou*e, Ne-v Y?s* PO COAL OIL REFINERS. with t yielding Having, made arranfvicent* with tha proprie*"* ?' *W lu the State of Pennsylvania, yielding PETROLEUM OIT? to receive their whole production, we are pie******1 *? o***- *?**? ?ti. !e on the moat favorable term?, *_/"> nuantiUee te ?_t ptuchaaera SCHIBFFELIK ??yOTHEIMikCa, _No I TO Wllrtars ?A Hooting. ATTENTION IB INVITED TO TOM PATENT MICA and FT-RGC CEMENT ROOF1ML Aakfted Is ?eery vartetr ef Re?/, a?w or old. - d m --i~ihl ror dorrttUty, beauty, and ak?iB*n?_, bv any inw?**l__i _t ?_*_, OEMXSt fer SAL? bv tb? barrel, wit- attaaed __trv__?_*__ ?a?, DITTO, PORTER h Co No ?TI lr??_?ay, ?amar ai F ?How*?. t*_eee?aen u .oe.*A ?rtea A