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flfif ?aPapHi ? _ I-WIHaNT AfcT?OHNc?^NT. I OMK HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS w-i. i h OB MEN'S SIMMER CLOTHINO. RELUNO AT RETAIL AT BERSLT ^^ NOMINAL PRICES. B __. All ta* B??avaractared article? of Summer Wear, ?oca a? w hit* Liaetwaad Dock?. Fancy Linen?, Mt-seil)*-?, Alpaea?. Drap ?e^?- M?Ajt C?*Aini*r*?. Queen? Cloth?, F1ai?0*J?. Silk?. Ac, aTaoTbiETANb* ettenAive CLOTHINO WAREHOUSE Noel m and ?? Fulton-?!., are now being ?old at merely nominal pri?e?, wttbaut reaard to ?oat. . .. , ,, In all ?itetMrft* raaoataotorirtf Clothing *?t?bltohrn*iil* is till? City, tbete to ?1 *be eod of every ?ea?ou ?ore ?r lea? Clothing left *o hand. Thi? la either kept over for the Bent ?e??on. or el?* coakaicBed out ?f th? city, or ?eat ?t ane? to the auotioo room, and ?aid far what it will bring. In any event the eatabltohTient la the loser, and only one or two ?peculator? th? winner?. It ha? been theptaotta* or thia eaiabliahment t? commence ? clo?liig oat aale a tew week? before the end of each ?seson, by in?rklnt; th?- good? ?town at or laaa thaa auctiaa prise?, thereby giving the public ?a opportunity ef providing tbemaelve? with Clothing At ftomafta to fifty per cent below curt of mar.nfact, re. lawclosing-eut tale beg?.? tbi? year on the 2"th of June, tad will ?antinii* until the last ?arment of Summer clothing i? dlft paaod of. Extra aaleamen I,?va already been eng aged, and more *? ill be added a? the mu* advance? aBR. The ?tavfk savin lu-an mtunfertured eipraaaly for city tride, compriaea every variety of good? adapted to Summer wear. White Deck Coat?. White Linen Drill Coat?. Pitan White Linen Coats. Satin Jean Coat?. Fancy Duck Coat?. Spanuh Linen C?aU. Heavy Brow n Drill Coat?. Chinese Or??? Coat? 8 lay Linen Coat?. PI ?voter'? Ltneu Coat? Marseill?? Coat? Oingiism Coat?. Alpaca Coat?. Argentine Coat?. DnjB) ?Pete Coat?. Farmer? R-?tn Coata Cottenad* Coat?. Light Tweed Coat?. Tkiu Woolen Coat?. Klannel CoaU 8pani?h Linen Diut-r?. fcc. fcc. ke White Linen Pants. W hit* lHie.k Pant? Maraail!*? Paot?. Pari? Cord Pant?. Sttta Jean Pant? K?ncy Duck PenU Drap d 'et* Pant*. Cottonade Pant? Check MaraeiUe? Pant? i Ch?ok Linea Pant? kc, fcc, fcc. VESTS Of rverT ?tyl* quality and date ription. Llnek Coat??? ioa'a?. 50 U hit? Orjck (Joel? *? low a?.Rl 50 Maraeille? Coat? a? low a?. 1 00 Stvawaui Lrrven Du.trrt ?a low a?. 1 00 Blaok AJapwa < oat? a? low a?. 1 50 Dread-Ate CoaU a? low a?. 3 .Vi WUk* Linen Pants a? low a?. 1 I* CoaeOleA* Rummer Suit? a? low a?. 3 00 LighiCatarLmeri-SuiUailowa?. 6 00 kc.fcc, kc. AT EVANS EXTENSIVE CLOTHINO WAREHOUSE, _ Not. 66 and 08 Fulton ?t. J~~ \n?&T\m7~ Hone? Of SALE AND REMOVAL. GREAT SALE OF DRY QOOUS, TU IS MONTH, at Mo. 80 AND No. &? OHAMHERS-ST?, NEW-YORK DE FOREST, ARMSTRONG * Oo?. Ratng ?boot to remo?? to their uew ?od oommodlooi Wat? rooena, No?. 7 ft, 77, 70, Ml, 83, and 83 DC AN P. ST., aeai Rreederay, are derirou? of cioaing ont their pr?tent* and ?aria? ?took of DRY OOODS ; ?ad to et** tbi. objent tb.y art ORFiAT INDUCEMENT8 TO THEIR CUSTOMERS AND THE TRADE IH GENERAL La eaVxlttoa to tbelr AHOSKEA? and WAMSUTTA PRINTS, hi aear aad beautiful ?tyke?, they have now for ?ai* the sntita <* of the popular low-priced TORA OTATE. ARXWRIOHT, AND KJSICKJSRROCRER PRINTR. By tka Ptao? or PAokage, FOR CASH, OR ON TIME. THE DIFFERENCE Between Retail and Whole?!? Raice? lo DRY GOODS ara? derer ?* great m at th? pr?tent tim?, and la ?rdor that all ?Bay avail tkemaelve? of th? lew price? ranging at No 80 Ced?r-.t r^ ah? iratvMribor will oontinue for a ?hurt Mm? longer to ?ell hi* lokbiaag ?took of Dry (?-od. at retail at price?. Among the many lnducemenU held out will b? found?Silk?, Blaek, Plaan Colon, Fancy, end in Rob*.. CtvaJJLt?. Barege?, Bal BoriavM, Lawa?, JaconeU, Organdie?, Article? for Traveling Drouot, PriaU, Oinghauu, HoaaeAeepiag Oeoda, Hoalery Gouda, Embroiderta?, Good? for Man'? and children'? W?ar, Paraaol? and UnibreuAa, . * fcc., fcc, t? whir? we are drily Adding cheap gv<>4? from the Auction?, And parchuer. may rely upon tuidiug good? and prie?? a? reproMujiei enl that w? Bean thi?, that our iwek will be offered at RETAIL AT THE LOWEST WHOLESALE PRICES. S COURTIS. No. SO Cedar ?t. _A few door? from Broad???, eaat ?id?. JJ-LA CK SILK8! BLACK SILKS UniKoaJ ?ttention baring been paid to the ?election of our RLACK SILKS thi. ?eaton, we with to call th* pirtic ular ?UentioB ef th* ladle? to them BEKKMAN fc Co., No. 473 Broadway. B EEKMAN <V Co., N?. 473 BROADWAY, ?ill offer on MONDAY. June 25, 1,000 worked BANDS at 2,. worth Ntc. 1 00? worked BAN US at l b, worth ttSa. tWO worked B ANDS at 3a. worth 7?c """Ifffc BEKKMANfc Co.. Ne 473 Broadway. c LOTHING. BEN fc BOYS' SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHINO, LINEN COATS. DUSTERS, fcc, Cloring O tit, to make room for Winter Stock, CHEAP N A. KNAPP, N? 10 Cnurtuindt ?t 3j. ballTn, o ? MANUrACTt RBK OF 0_J). SHIRTS, BOSOMS, and COLL LRS.^No. 3 Barclay ?t. N. Y. M_ ME. DEM?RE8T? Prize Mr>da]ljKIRTS^ For ?leganre, duiabllity, ?ud ?cu-iomy ?arpe? Ali other?. ?teat Steel Woven Skirt?, 11 Spring?, SOc. ; 15 Spring? 75c., 20 Bpriaur, $L Cboapett and be?l Skirt? ever offered in N. T. 471 Broadway ; 830 and 3"*? Canal ?t. ; 344 Grand*?, i 119 ?th-??.. and ear. Fultot. and Plerr?pont-?u., Brooklyn. Cheapen and beil Soots. BtlOfS, &c. LADEES' FRENCH SHOES. JEFFKRS o? No. 678 Broadway would reipeAtf :>rty ?ollclt the Ladie. of New-York, And from all part? of th? Union, to oali and a? am ?ne hi. elegant an'ir.nieut ef Krioch BOOTS and RHOK8, and embroidered Toilet and Bridal SLIPPER* Price. rat? with th? Um,* JEFFERS, No. 673 Rroadway, opp Metrepolitan. #5 CALF SEWED BOOTS FOR WITH FAIM ?T1TI.II. < CN IIB PURCHA8KD at No 1S9 CHAMBER8-ST. SHOES and GATTERS?A NEW 8TYLE, at JONES'S, Nee 10 and U ANN-BT CALL AND THEM. Ct)ances tor ?us.nrss ?lcu. A CERTAIN CHANCE to MAKE a FOR TUNES? ?> 10 to ?V35 per d?y can be made by any good Areat, in introdi,. lug an articte lor which there i? a prev.ui? And nnivera.1 ?rant, being tndi?pinnible to every man who cultivate? A rood of ?round. Full partit ultr? of agency aent on applicAtiou. AddreatJ.U WELLS, corner Park row and Beek4iao-?t , New York ARARE CHANCE.?3)1,000 will purrliRse one of the beat rituated RESTAL'RANTS in the city. For par? ti ulaf? addle?? RESTAURANT, Tribuue Oifice. ANY one can max? f 100 per month with STEN? CIL TOOLS The eheapert and beat 1? the market. Send for my circular before purchasing ?Uewber?, JOHN MILL1 KKN, L?wTonoe, Mae?._ FERRY BOATS for SALE SEVEN STEAM PERRY BOATS, varying la length ftoia SO to 145 feet For further particular?, apply to CHAR. W. COPBLAND, ^^ No l?Br?adw?y, N. Y| FOR SALE CHEAP. ?A good rwpeotable BUSINESS, connected with the office of a Commiuioner for etohteeu 8l?te?, wh? muet ?ell out hi? lights and rni.ine?? at et.ryvBAviug .other engAgiu.euU Apply to COMMISSIONER, Room No 2, office Commonwealth Fire lu.urance Company, No. ? Wall rt._ RARE CHANCE to PURCHASE a COAL OIL FACTORY.-The Subscriber ha? for ?Ale a CUAL OIL KACTORV, all in complete workiug order and ready tor occu? pation Will b* ?old at baLf it? value to a ca?b cu?t >uier HENRY ALDKR'i'ON, cerner of Hamilton ?venue and .^outh at, South Brooklyn._ THE StiWriber offer? for SALE, orto LEASE, er U EACHANOE for landed properly ia th? Cityoi New Y ,rt or ?utmrt,? a Urte and ?tlenaiv? MANl'FAiTI KINO EbTABLISHBENT, located ia CouuecUcut, on the Sound: romm?B?oatioa with New-York ?Ally, both by steanibo.t and railroad. T*oa work?sr* fitted op repVto with ?team-enris?, Improved machinery. lathe?, tool?, etc sB iu good order. The boiler wu new within the last 12 inorith?, and together to capable of em pioytag 150 mea The bu?lding? are of brick, And ?ub.Uutial, and it I? believed a great tadocemeat can be offered te aay per? sea or company shout ?ogaging in au? manufacturing buaina?. If the property i? not diapoaed of ull Uixether. the lathe?, ina OBtoatry,Ve-, will be ?.id aeparately. F?r fasthar particular?, ?ddree? R. H., Trihaae OBce, New-York _ Fan Sali at a Bauuai*. THE INTEREST of a RETIRING PARTNER Iba wall-eeubll.hed MANUFACTL'RINO BUSINESS, located, with iu aaleoreom. in the hret ptrt of Broadway Apply to JOHN M1LL8 fc Co , No. 1/78 Broadwvy. hasemeut ?tore. n^CAR^EN.-PReros?LS todo the CART" I lfiQ for the N Y Erie Kail road, in New York, will be re ceived by ?. MARSH, Receiver, until July 5. livSO For par' Uruiar? Apply to A. A OADOIS, Agent oa Doaae-at Pier. ^?NTElz-To ESTABLI8H OFFICES for W theSAl EolMROROEB SLOtT fc Co.'? ELLIPTIC HHUTTLE-STITCH oKWINn-MA(:iilNES in eve,y place of inipovtauor tbroaghoul ?J>\ country. Thow partie? with mean., energy and good ivoaibea. qc?vlihc?tl"ii. need only app y and to ?uch, eiuaordln.ry iBduoru??ui, ?ill be <,8er.d Addr.-?? or ?pplt to LEWI8P BKP-kS N? 531 Broadway, N Y F R ?Please obeerve, I etoiui for the an. ve-aauved M ?chine? no equal They are manufactured with the erratest rare, with ail modem improvrnvenU and er? to ?Impi? thai ?uy iatrlllgeat Chud of twrlv? eaa work theft? WANTED?Ali indiurnoui MAN, with from (GBO to t>M?, ts take one half ore-tare INTEREST la ? CityEkprae*. Hor?a, Wagon, fcc. and a large portion??Jig bn-ne.? furnirted. Entire control of buiinen and property given Apply al Na 54 Robinson-rt. ^__ <_?> |M_il~FROM fi.?? to $9,009 Wanted 35 ?_.,llUU. to invest in the ef _*v?WAat* ^...tented. Heavy r^ofiti and no competiUon^ ??M. ?M ?ott/buaineM man with above twpwal need apply, at Na. ?, Broadway, nnder Pre^ottjloawejiom If 9 p-?a, i_> Qt ?_n~^?NY"_t3tiTe man, haringthi? amount, ?35*TM JU* with rood referent a a* to honerty, Industry, Ac., CT a ?y..hi. djTalNo ' ?? Broadw.y. Room No. tl. ?FOR SALE?One-third interest _, inatntel*?? MANUFACTURING bu?i ,? in ?ticceaaful operatic u, and paying a^ good income 12,000. tUtaS* capital required. Time -i* be given for part of the _,? lunt. Apply immediately at No 5sv Broad, ay, room No. 21. ?nmmfr Retreats. A GENTLEMAN and WIFE desire BOARD in a quiet place on the Sound, not far from New York, where they run enjoy bathing ant! boating Adt'rr*? immedi? ately, with full particular?, J. O , Box No. It? Tribune-GnHre. Cut thi? out for Pre?ervation. COUNTRY BOARD, from May 1. or throughout Uie year, at STRAWBERRY FARMS Monmoulh Co , N. J. Thi? beautiful retreat, arranged for the retidence of about 2-J familii?, t? within eaty reach of Sntew?btiry and Long Br?ach lVrt of the lam' i? cultivated to tnpply the tablea abundantly vtith Fruit?. Vegetable, and dairy pr ?duct*. In the viciulty ?re ?hady wood*, delightful lamlile?, and a pretty lakelet. Attached i? a large Hall, with mu?ic alwaya available for aorial enjoyment without charge. Term?, M to *l weekly each p?r?un. Apply at No b*B Broedwav, Tolman'a Self-\euti!v?nr Spring-lied Company. JAS. WARREN COUNTRY BOARD at l*EW-BG<mi__B.? Familie? or ?ingle person! can be acconituodated with good Hoard and all the comfort? of a farm-bouae, at very low ratea. Short dHtai.c* from the ?eaaboie: good bathing; fine drive?; horse? and carriage? for convenience of boarder* Inquire at the Metropolitan Hotel, adjoining depot, at New-Rochelle, Wait ehester Co. ; or ef F. A. POTTER. No. ? Hanover-at., N. Y. COUNTRY BOARD may be had arthVFaua-" Hon?e of the?ub?criber?, on application to D. H. CARPEN TER, No. lu? Bleeckar-at, er BENJ. CARPENTER, Ola Cove, L. I. RTttiOJSSt HOUSE, DELAWARE WATER OAP. Thi? fkvorUe reaort i? now open to visitor*. The attraction? are beautiful mountain ?cenery, fine air, and pure water, pleasant drive* and walk*, rowing, fishing, Ac. The trout ftihing ii now at Its hight, and large number* are taken. By the erection of a new building, the accommodations are ?early double of tboae of list year. Pauenxer? laav* New- York at foot of Cortlandt-?t ?t ft o'olock a. m , and arrive at the Gap in time for dinner. L. W. BRODHEAD, Proprietor. OHIO WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS?AN NOUNCEMENT of the PROPRIETOR lor InSO.-Th? Ohio White Sulphur Spring* are lituated In Delaware County, 18 mile? north of Coluiubu? (the Capital of Ohio), on the Scioto River, 10 mile? from Delaware, 5 mile* from White Sulphur Sta? tion, on the Springfield, Mt. Vernnn, and Pittsburgh Railroad, and 6 mile? from Lewi? (enter Statiuu, on the Cleveland, Colum? bia, and Cincinnati Railroad. Tbeae Spring? wil! be open for the reception of viiitor* .rom May until October. The gratifying experience of the pa?t two aeaaon? has fully confirmed the higa e*t expectation? of the proprietor, and encouragea him to perte Tere la his e?orta to make thi? ?econd to ne place In the ?euntry. BATHS. Bathing here, by the plan adopted, li brought into fan-compe? tition with that at naturally warm and hot ?pringa. The water, heated in the bathtub by ?team pipe?, the heat not bating raiaed high enough to precipitate Ha nit*, 1* applied to the aufface of the bather without the loaa of any of it* ?aline Ingredients Trie building? are ?ubatantial and convenient. The grounda, em bracing about 150 acre?, divided between lawn aud woodland, are taatefully laid off into walk? and drive*. A Telegraph Office ha* been permanently ealabliahed, connecting the Spring* with all part? of the count-y. A Livery, well ?locked with none? aud carriages, i? attached to tbe place. For further Information, ar rangement*for room?, Ac., apply to ANDREW WILSON, Jn., Proprietor, White Sulphur P. O. Delaware Co., O. SEA-BATHING.?CONGRESS HALL, Long Braach, N. J., i? now open for the reception of viiitor*. Th* R. and D. Bay Railroad land? paa?engera within 200 yard, of the above house, and inalde of two hour* from foot of RoMmon ?t , New-York. Persons wilhinr, to engage room? will addre?? _WooLMAN IWflt Proprietor. S EA BATHING. THE PAVILION HOTEL, ROCKAWAY, IS OPEN FOR THE SEASON. S Good Room* or Furni.Iird Cottage? may be engaged at No. 47 Cliff-*t, New-York, or at the Hotel. Stage? from the Hout" meet the Long iiland Railroad can at Jamaica. Two hour? from New-Y'ork. ?"^ETB?\TH_?O.?UNITED STATES HOTEL, 7 Long Branch, N. J., 1? now open for the reception of viiitor*. Person? wishing to engage rooma will pleaae addre?* _B. A. SHOEMAKER. Proprietor. IMMER BOARD at FIBHKILL?A ??__ Family may be accommodated with pleaaaut Roam? and Board for the Se _cn. Di.tance from New-York by H R. R R. Expreas Train, 1 hour 40 minute? ; from the Depot, about ?? min? ute? drive. The boute la delightfully (ituated, well ?haded with fruit and foreat tree?. For health, beauty of ?cenery, and pureit of water, this place cannot br ?urpa??ed. Other particular? may be had oi Mr. R WILLIAMS. No \<M Cheinber?-?t, Mr ELLIS 8 POTTER, corner of South and Fulton?t?., or Mr. A. L. EARLE. No. 510 W**biugtou-*t rpAPFAAN ZEE HOUSE A (Edifice of Rocklaud Female Initltute), NYACK-ON-THE-Hl'DSON. Thi. de?t-l.tfi.l Summer retreat will be opened July ? A few choice .?ite- of room? and ?ingle room* may he ?.-cured by im? mediate application to the IV.piietor*. Apply at the houae, or addre?_UP. _?_? F. MANSFIELD. Pl^WO Families and fight single person* eifu be A accommodated with BOARD, in a hrtt-claa* private board? ing houae at Newburgh, with g-vod room? and beautiful view of the Hudton Aildreaa for particolsr?, A. A. B, No. 116 Mont gomery ?t.. Newbutgh, N. Y. -.-T-**^?*??T __!_r Doaro an? ?oome. I^WO pleasant FURNISHED ROOMS, without - boaru. at No. 80 Sutio!k-*t , one dour from > .ran lit Monees to ?et. BANKING OFFICES on Broadway.?To LET or LEASE for a term of years from May 1, 180'. the com n.odioi;. RttOMS now occupied by the Importers' and Trader?' hank No. 24? Broadway, ?uitable in aU reipt*cta for Banking or Inatiraiire purpoae?. For further in.'onnatiou and term?, inquire O! HOMfik MORGAN, No. 3 Pine-.t. (iPtt.) BROADWAY LOW t<> LET?A fin* SHOW ROOM. H by I? leet in No MA near St. Nicholas Hotel, adjoining the l'reiicott Houae, corner of Spring-it, recently occu pied by ______ rPO I__T-_TR8T FLOOR over store, corner A of I anal and Renwick-?t? (weat ?id?), eon.iatingof four Room?. Oaa, ? haudelier. ?c. Rent *\'- per month. Inquire on th? pr-i: in-?. of J. B. MILLER No. 3tt Canal ?t. Heal (Estate for Sale. A COTTAGE HOUSE Tnd 22 LOTS of OROl'ND for SALE,?ituated on Bergen Hill, near the lirtt l'reabyterian Church Apply to L. DECKER. No. :<0 Aim at, N. Y., or B. F. WELSH, on the premi.e?. A DESIRABLE Plot of LOTS FOR SALE. between BROADWAY and CENTRAL PARK.-52 Lit* on "f th and ~th?t? . and ?Hh av.. whi. b i? one of the beat oppor? tunities for iuve?tii.ent or ?peculation in the market. S. EDDY _ Co., No. 51 Liberty-*.. ELEGANT COUNTRY RESIDENCE FOR SALE AT NORTHAMPTON, MASS. The ground?, rompriaing about ?ix acre? and fronting on three ?treet?, are taatefully laid out in lawn and garden, ornamented with an abundance uf ?hade tree* and ?hrtibhery, and tupplled with the choiceat fruit? of tbe climate. The Honae i. a large two (tory rural Gethic, 56 feet by 45, built within the last five ear? in the mo?t thorough manner, contain? all tbe modern prove ment?. ?ia:h a? furnace, range, hot aud cold water, gaa, E Ac, and, being on elevated ground, command? on? of tbe fiueat landscape? in the country, embracing a view of the Connecticut River and Valley. Amber.t College, Mt Holyokr, Mt. Tom, Ac. The place is ea.y of acceaa, being within five minute?' walk of tbe railroad ?ti.ti ..n (three train* dally to aud from New-York and Boston), i. complete In all it? arrangement? for comfort and con? venience and on every account 1? couaidered one af the moat decirablr residence? in the State of Maaaaebuaetta. Foi further ptrticuUr?, apply to FAIRBANKS _ Co., No. 130 Broadway, New-York, Orto _?CHARLES FAIRBANKS Nortnntnptot?, 1 ELEGANT ESTATE for SALE.-A va. able r?tate. embraci?t about 280 aerea, with large Mand?n, Farm Houaea, Oardi ner'? Houae, numerou* atable*, Carringe-ifou*e* and ether Outbuilding?, Mall, 4xr , located on tue ?uiaiult ai Maditi.ri, New-Jer?ey, diiUntfrom New-York 1? boar* by rail? way. The Ground? are in a high ?tate of cuiUvatlnn. well fruited and abaded. The eatate ix ove of the moat desirable offered in the market Term? of peyment eaay ; good rRy property would be taken In part payment. For .'uither information, apply to , _ HOMM MORGAN, ' (W9)_Pine-it. No. J Metropolitan Bank. t^OR SALE in WE8TCHESTER COUNTY HOISE and (?ROUNDS at Tremont. on the line of the llarli in Railroad halfen hour'* ride from thf toth-tt ?tstion, and 11 miles from tita ?By Hall. Tbe aituatiou i? high and healthy, and command? a fine protpect of the ?urroitDillng coun? try. On the preii.i?)-? are a well of pureat water ; appU pear, fliim. peacb, and cherry tree, in fiill bearing, al.o, currant uthe?, ornamental ?hrubbery, Ac. Half of tbe purchaie money remain on bond sod mortssge for a term of yean. For further particular! apply to N. FRANCIS, No. o Wall ?t^_ I^?RM^Hir-SAL?!-^Tho iuUcriberii oS?t for SALE the FARM aituate in the town of Stuyveaaat, Co? lumbia County, containing 34t acre?, owned by Luca* J. Van Alen at hi* decea-e. It can he conveniently divided into two fare.. Apply to DAVID VAN S HvAlK, Kinderboek; JOHN VAN ALEN. AARON TAN ALEN, on the premise? FIRST CLASS HOUSES, No?. r>8 and 60 Co? lumbia??., Brooklyn Heights within five luiouteanf Wall or Fulton Ferriea, FOR SALE, or tl- lar--?t will be LEASED Brown atone front?, elegant in atyle and deroratlau four at trie* high, replete with every convenience, and ready for o vupa'.iou The loom.farine ?teat command the ?cenery ?rNew-Jeiaey, th? Harbor, and the ever varying panorama of the Ea.t River. Apply to 8 UOIJDLOW, No 8 Montague place, Brooklyn. F'ARMTtorSALE. CHEAP.?Wn will ?upply tract? of good Farming Land lu the State of MUeourl. n.>t ove? liai n i le? from St. Loui?, for tbe low or* " of 50 c.euts per acre Title guaranteed, and warrante? deed? given. In Im at__p for a plot and particulars to S E BILBROL'Oll A Co., n )U RALE-A Splendid COUNTRY RE8I * DEN( E. near Ment.lown. N. J.-TbU Frooartv c ?n.tou of 114 ?ere. of Lend and a brst o!as? new Heu?*, 45.M. oo?.?in ing 31 room?, with furnace, rang*, water closet?, he-, sll in com? plete repair. ? ithln s ?hurt dUtsnce of the Detest of the Mom? sod E??e? Hsilrosd. T?ie ?pecial advantage? of thi? pise? coo.lrt in it? ?plrndid lo< ?tloB ; ?pring water running throagb lb? house with fountain and ti out pond in front of the d welling; hat 1.200 fruit tree., ef dlfleri-nt verirtie?. auo.tly lu bearing condition. AJ?o, alt nereaaary out building?, with hou?? for the girdeoer, fcc. Will be ?old low to a caah purebsaer, if applied for Immediately. For further partlcutor*, luO?ire o? R (l_PIERCE. lOlWat I TOR SALE? At Orante, N. J., a "dWELLING HOl'SE, Gardener? Hous?. CarriAge aad Oreen Uoaso?. together with IS srre? of good LAND, under a high state of col tivatlou. aid ?ell stocked with chulee KruR and Shade Ti?e?, r?hrubt.eiy, fcc. 1 lit? property l? situ?t?d en Pro??**.?*,, be twren the thriving \ litige, of Orange and Bloimfirld, and to within three or dui uiiunte?' w?,k of the Wa'?e?.iug Station of the New Yo-k And Hloomheli Railroad and one mile from Uta Brick Church Station of the Morri? and E??ei Railroad Pos? ee..!.u given immediately. Apply to J. B. CORNELL. No- IS? Centre-it., New-York. _____ FOR SALE?ArLlf'wellji*Park (500 acre?], Orange, N J . ? few 8ITF..H, 5 to 10 acre? each, ?Isa, ? few HvtUshB. Apply to L. S HASK.KLL, No. 44 Cedar .1, New York, or on the pieniisN. 1l?OR SALE or EXCHANGE for City Property ?An admirably selected STOCK of DRY GOODS, of the moat fwhloiiable and ?*le?b,e quality, with all future?, together whlith? GOODWILL of the LEASE, having three year? to pin, at ? very mod?rale rent, in ? rood busine? location. The owner i? obliged to ?ell. owing toother engagements. Apply to FELIX HART, No. 13 Chamber? at, Id ?lory,_ ORANOE, N. J.?Fifty COuTJTBY SEATS, VILLAGE RESIDENCES, FARMS, and VILLA SITES ?a groel variety, within an hour'? ride cd New-York?for RENT and for SALE by H. B BLAvCKWELL, No. St? WUllam-it, New-York. 9 to II a. m. ; No. 4M Main ?t, Orange. 1 tot p.m. ONE VILLA, on about 6 arres, ready for RfMRV psneyi also, one PARK PLAN of SO aero?, and several VILLA SITES, for SALE at Newjurgh N. Y. Callao or address, 1- R CARPKNTER. I' . ' . """* Jii?lruction. ELMIRA FEMALE COLLEGE.-CoUepate Organisation with a S-yrtematic Domestic Department ??150 pel year. KMl'Ietm OPEN'S Aug. ?. Add/*? the Rer. A. W' CO WLES, D. D., Eltulra, N. ?._ ?pHE RUTGERS FEMALE INSTITUTE, I FIFTH AV., between tlst and 43d ?U. This Institution will leopen Kept 12,1AM, In the new building? Istelv purthA?ed by the Tru?t<t'? on the 5th?v., between diet sidWd.-t?. lu selecting building? for the occapancy of th? School, the Tri?te?? aw** endeavored to ?erve it? beet interest?. 1 lie building, purchased sre in a beautiful, healthy, and ..ntral l-Ait of the city, md of ee?y acce?? from all direction?. The new building?, with the addition, and improvement? made by ths Trustee?, sre well Adapte i to the purpote? of the Schot 1. Tbe Institut?* will carry with it tbe fine Ml, try snd Apparat,? which it now own? I'h* Library contains over 4.000 volume?, and the Chemie*.! and Philosophii si Apparatus, already torg??ud w ell ?elected will be further Increased. ? lu biting up end furnishing the new building?, ns reasoinblel eipenve h?. been ?pared The accommodation? for Chip-I, Leo1 tore, School, and Classroom?, are on a liberal scsle. A large, well lighted room I? e?pecielly designed for claue? in painting ThrPilBCipal retide? immediately adjoiuing the Sthool, and will lereive pupils into hi? f?mlly. The Trustee? Cm u?ure psr rut? who de.11,. in pure their daughter? ii'?n iuttitutUn of learo lag in the City of New- York, that they will be subject to all the vailed Influence? of mental, moral, and ?piritual improvenent and receive the care, encouragement, friendly couue?l. and ?ym pathy of s home, in the lauiily of Ihr Principal. The numerous line? of car? snd ?tsges. which osas sear the In- , si i tute, give esay seer*, from the suburbs and neighb?rtn?T town? The School ?ill embrace, ?i heretofore, thiee Department? ? Preparatory, Academic, and Collegiate The oours? of ?tody In each will he substtntlslly that in which the experience of eighty five academic trrru? h?a secured th* Approval of both manager? and patron?. Application for admiwlon, or for circular?, may be made per ?onaily or by letter, ?t the Inatitut' Building?, on ith-ev. All communication? addre.?ed to HENRY M PIERDE, Prin cipal, No 43* ill, nv J. W. C. LEVERID?E. Sec'y Ro?rd of Trustees. New York, June 3?, lBbO. _ iITaTSKTLL/MOtrNT?Tjr?.-Ash ?Und lu.t And MualcAl Academy, Oraaoe Ce,, iKh N. Y. (Both tete?) QWARTKR. I Rev. H J. FOX, A. M PrincipsL $32 50i flluoicai Jnoimmcni?. GREATLY-IMPROVED PUJNO-FOBTE. LIQHTE ft BRADBURYS, BAXUFACTTlmU OF A NEW SCALE OVERSTRUNG BASS PATENT INSULATED FULL IRON-FRAME GRAND and SQUARE PIANO FORTES, Ns. 421 Broome-et. _PIANOS TO RENT._ AGREAT IMPROVEMENT on MKLO DEONS-S. D k H. W. SMITH'S MELODEONS, with new P?Unt " Fort? Stop." are the best in tbe world Ths attention of Mu?iciau? and others luiereite I i? reapectfully In? vited to thi? wonderful improvement. Melodeon? of All style? for Parlor. Church, and School use, wholesale and r. Uil New Vo'k Saleroom?, A M. KANOLSE, No. 435 Broadway. AH. DALE <fc Co., PLANO-FGETE8, No. ? ll/T East lZth-st, Invite attention to their new Soata PIANOS. Guaranteed to gtve entire eetlafactlon AnFl?NO-F()RTE for EVERYBODY.?Orte Hundred and Thirty Dollars will pur June s aew Ptono at the Warerooms ef BOARDMAN, GRAY k Co., No. 487 Brssdwsy, corner of Broome-et, ALBEBT WHffiR-* oremtTijii?, grand ??tjoa Irou-frame PIANO-FORTES unsurpassed in ?weetsaee? sud power, beauty and durability. Warranted for thiee years. No. 166 YVeat Broadway, near Canal ?t ?. THOMPSON, No. 430 Brooine-tt., one ? block east of Broadway, offers the beet sssorunent of PIANOS in this city, st price? to suit those who deair* ? good Piano at a great bargain. Piano? to LET. g AN elegant 7-oeta?e roM-wood IMANO for SALE at a bargain j it wts made to Older three aiouth? ago, of beat city makers, with every modern improvement. Mu.t be ?old tl i? week. a. the family is going We.L Csll ?t No. 1J7 31-sv. (i H I C K E R I N G ?fc nlTx S~, J ?AtIFaC-IIiSH? of GRAND. SQUARE und UPRIGHT PIANOS, Wareroom?, No ii'J4 Broadway. C. fc Sox? have been awarded Tbirty-eight Prise Medal? for tbe ?uperierity of their man u facture for the pest 3S yean. AI.", for Sale: MASON fc HAMLIN'S SUPERIOR MELODEONS AND HARMONIUMS, For Parlor?, Churche., \ e.tii-, and Lodges, 1 At Wholesale and Retail. I PIANOS TO RENT. HALLETTdAVIS A. Cu'.'. (.KANT) and SQUARE PIANOS-Iiongkuowna? the be?t PIANOS msde. PRATTS MELODEONS. Good SECONDHAND PIANOS, vary low. Pun.,, and Meiodeon? to LET T S. BEItRY, No 4.?8 Brosdwsy, Marble Buildiug, corner Grand st HAZELTON BROTHERS, ?^r^Forte Ma?u" facturer?, No. !? Prince ?t., offer a One a??ortineat of bril liiut snd full t?n.d PIANOS, ?t the lowe.t rates. Each Piano warranted to give utiafactioa, and guaranteed three years. HALLETT & CUMSTON8 PIANOS, with full iron frame, over-strung baa?, and patent repeat ing a* ttun, n?s?e?? great power, pure inuaicaJ quality of ton?, elaatidty of touch, sud perfection of inisk Pally guaranteed. L?sest fa, tory prices. Se...i.d hand PIANOS at bargains; Improved New-York PIANOS. S. I) fc O. XV. SMITH'S HARMOMIUMS, Pedal Be?. MEL? ODEONS, and Melodeou? of all ?tyles for Parlor, Church, snd School u?e. New snd Second I.and PIANOS, in pitia snd carved cases la REIST, at low rata? ^^' Rest applied if purchased. A. M. KANOUSE, _Ne. ist Brosdwsy. PIANOS and MELODEONS to RENT ii?Tfor SALE?Five new, 7-octsve Piano?, beautiful eases snd su? perior tone, U rent; four ?ecoud hand Piano?, and two do-, with .?'??lian, to rent, twenty Melodeon?. new and second hand, far ?1? or rent at low prices, one second hand, 7 enUvs Plaao, lieeo used about on* year, price ?30U, will be sold for *3H0. Second? hand Melodeon. fur s>30, ?40, fin ft,?, and *7? SVavd hand Piano?, $60 ?60, t>76, ?90, g 130. and ?1150 Monthly pay? ment? received for Pianos and Melodeon?. Piano? and Melo deoai tuned and repaired. _HORACE WATERS, Agent. No. 333 Broadway. It AVEN, BACON A, Co. OVERSTRUNG PIAN08. Wa are now c*fej(ng en favorable terms, a full asssrtmant Piano Fortes, all or which are of our own rnAouf?:turs. And war? ranted in every retpect By permission, ?re refer to the under signed partie? who, from personal riperieuK, for maay years, ran recommend our InstrumsnU, as le their quality ?ad dara b?ity. wmSLOW, LANIER fc Co., E. D. MORGAN fc Co., BOWEN, HOLMES fc Co.. COLGATE fc Co , BROCKAW BUTLER fc Co., J H RANSOM fc Co., llaCLSEHUKST A SMITH, BK.TTS. NICHOLS A Co., THOMAS OWEN fc SON, SHELDON, HOYT fc Co., Mr Hi: H K t P.I-LI. JOSEPH KOULKE'S 8OHR, CARY. HOWARD, 8ANGER fc Ce., IVfiBON A rUINNEY, snd others. Wareroom No. 136 Grand ?t, near Broadway. SELLING OFF. ? PUn-?^^Melodeons, M une Stool?, Gold and Silver Watch?*. Cigar?. Painting?, Books, Sewing-Marbine?, Furniture, Silver ?nd Plated War?, PUiolt. fcc, fcc Tlieplare will be closed from July 16 to Sept 3. The stock will be sold cheap before closing. I F. JONES, No. 63 Aim-?'.., a?c?ud floor. ?^??NWAY~& SON'MWIaTTMEDAL PAT O E.ST OVERSTRUNG GRAND sad SQUARE PIANOS are now considered th? host Piano, msniafaclured. And at? war? ranted for five yeare. Wareroom? Nos 63 sad S4 Walker-?*., oear Broadway. ??""riiiiEDRIGG"PATENT PlAiiO-F?^TEsi 1 The DKIGGS PIANO COMPANY h.v. th? *icl? ?ive right ta maiiufacture the?, very superior toned InstrumeuU A fiue ?s?orUiieol ?f which 1? for ?ale st thelf WAreroom, No. ?AT BROOMK ST., NEW-YORB, Sniloinf fllutcnal?. DRAIN PIPES, Klaied, vitrified, warranted inde? structible Chimnry Tops Vase?, StstuAry. fc?. Depot of Long Island Pottery, No 7t Nasssu-st RDW'D II (RJPtN ENCAUSTIC TILDES- ~ For PLOOM PLUMBERS' MATERIAL?, CHIMNEY TOPS, DRAIN PIP?, fca, BILLER fc COATRfl, Ne. tn I earl ?t Balxf bfi ^iMslgta, ASSIGNEES' SALE. ? Machina Shop and Foundery ?Itueted in the village of Kalamaxoo, Mlchlreu. within **U0 yarda of Iba Michigan Central Railroad Depot, Machine ShopMaJ6 feet. 2 etnrie* high. Fouudery 64x4T feet L?H I50i2HU feet, together with ? Urge aeeortment of Steam Engine, Mill and Houae pettern? for Iron fronts; alao, a full a* toritneutcf Stove pattern? for low andel.vated Cook Stoves Box and Parlor Stove? , also. Putsih caldron and half caldron k?ttle?. and a large aiaiortment of other pettetn*, all of which will be ?old at a bargain. For further information, pleaae addreei, F L. LAFL1N, Saugertie*. N. Y., or D. A. McNAIR. Kalamaaoo, Ml.blfW. f L. LAFL1N, { AanmtM, Kalamaxoo. June 23, IsfiO. D. A McNAIR, I M*W?*? A~UCTION'NOTICE.-M.~ GRIFFIN ? Co.,. Amtionaars.-Magtilficent Hol'SF.HOLD FURNITURE at pnMic anr tion,THLS|IiAY(Thur*d?y), at the private reaid-ure No. 4t Weat D*h *t . near tth av , rommeucln? at I'll o'clock. Piano-Forte, Parlor Suite?, Mirror?, LareOurtains.TahleCutlery, China ?Ha?.ware. kc. For part rulara, see Herald thl* dsy._ A M Marnent?, Auet?ooear. BY BAJ?OS, MER WIN, dt Co., Iron? RuiM iugi, No? SM k? m ?roadway, near the MatropoUtaa H<H?L . .. _ FRIDAY EVENINO, June ?9, ?UJ o'clock. PRIVATE LIBRARY of choice book? lu Medicine and Sur gery, HLtory. Voy?*re? and Travel?, Biography, Poetry Art? and Science*, and general Miceilaneoua Literature, Including many ?cerco and valuable ? ork* ou variou? ?ubjecU, Ac. Oao. A. La a vi rr, A-^o-ser. 1>Y GEO. A. LEAVITT dt 00 TRADE-SALX ROOMS, No '24 WALKER-ST. FOB TBB SAI.? Of BOOKS, STATIONARY, WORKS OF ART, ?*. HP* Conalg?ment* ?oliclted_^^^ Jabb?Coib. Auctioneer. ELEGANT ROSEWOOD and MAHOGANY Fl'RNITTRE, OVAL MIRRORS, RICH CARPETS, Ac-JAMES COLE A SON will eell on FRIDAY'. June 2!?, at 104 o'clock, at No. lt?> ?Jxfordst., near Ftiltou-av.. Brooklyn, the entire r unit' re contaiued in ?aid hou?e. conaiitiug, In part, of rosewood Etagere. E?cretoire, Sofas. Chair?. Table?, ro?ewood Piauo-Forte, Oval Mirror?. Coniole*. velvet medalliooand other Carpet?. Oil Painting?, Engraving?, Oe. Chaudeller?, rich Cut (ilaaa.kc. CaUlugue* at office of the Auctioneer, No. 88? Fulton ?t., Brooklyn.__^_^___ HP O MANfe'FAC T U R E R S of WOOL EN A YARNS, Ac?Will lie ?old at public auction on THURS? DAY, the tttth imt, at II o'clock a. in., a large lot of the CHASE A DOOLITTLE KNITT1NO MACHINES, for knit Una; Woolen Hosiery. Alio, the CHASE A DOOLITTLE PATENTS for the ?rester portion of the L'nited States. Alao. a lot of Machinery, Lath** Planer?, Shafting. Ac. Sale to take placa at tbe Empire Work?, third floor, and Eaat River, where the Machine? Can he teen In operation until the dar of ?ale Information reiperting the above can be obtained of THOMAS BARKER, on the preuil?es.___ John P. MatTTtM?BBT. Auctioneer. A(\f\ CASES BOOTS, SHOES and BROGAN8, IIU" at Auction, on THL'RSDAY, June 2H, at lOi o'clock, at tbe ?tore of J. F. DAVIS. No 16 Courtlandt-tt Prime a. ?ortinent of lr..h *ea*onable .? ..1< I . JLil .-I - - jQoos-^/nrnisijing (&oobt. ARTICLES OF EVERY DAY USE. B. T. BABBITTS PURE MEDICINAL YEAST. 68 AND 70 68 AND 70 68 AND TO 68 AND 70 Msniifai tured from common Salt and Pure Cream Tartar. When u?ed In Breed, Cake, or Biscuit it turn* to ga* (like that from a bottle of nod? Water), and remain* dormant in the dough until It, U tet In tbe oven, when the heat cantea the ga? to f acape through the dough whis baking The Bread, Cake or Biscuit ia not only very light, but perfectly whcltiorae Where thl? Yeaat _ u?ed you will te.jiiire about on? quarter the amount of ahorlenlng used with ordinary Vt>a?t It may also be u?ed for Buckwheat Cake?, Johnny Cake?, and all kind? of Psatty lili? Yeaat la put up only ia one pound can?, with checked label Htd. ?Mi a_ Hlu<~ no otker is llenuint?hnoare of imitation?. B. T. BABBITTS PURE CONCENTRATED POTASH. Warranted double the ?trvngth of oommin Potsah, and ?uperior to any Saponiber in market put up in can? of 1 ft. I ft. 3 lb. ? I?, and 12 ft. with full direction? for making Hard and Soft Soap. Oue pound will make BE?M gallon* of Soft Soap. No lime la required Cotiiumer* will find this the cheapest Pot??h in market. B. T. BABBITTS MEDICINAL SALEKATUS, A perfectly pure and wholeto?is articL,, free from all deleierioui matter; io prepared that as the clr?, cular *ecouipaiiying the Saleratu* will ?how, nothing remain? lu the bread when baked but com moa Salt Water, and Flour Put up neatly in pa? per?, 1 ft, I lb, and i lb. B T BABBITTS CONCENTRATED SORT SOAP. One box, ooatiug On? Doll?, will make 40 gallon* of hendi?me Soll Soap by ?imply adding boiling water. B. T. BABBITTS SOAP FOR FAMILY WSE. One pound ol thi? Soap ia equal to three pound? of ordinary Family Soap, f Hie pound will make three) gallon? of handaome Soft Soap. It will remove] paint grease, tar and ?tain? ?fall kind? It wilff not injure tbe fabric; on tbe contrary it pre?erve?| it It will waah in hard or ?alt water. But little labor U requited where thi? Soap i? u?ed. Machio-, ut. and Printer* will hud thi? S< ap .uperior to any thing In market If your ?torekeeoer do,? not keep the above gooda, ?eud *??"> by mail, and I will ?end a package of either article, or an esaorted boa con? taining a part of each arricie, a* you may direct Send tue name of your Poat-Olfice. alao, the State and County In which yon rettde, with directions for ?hippiug. Addle?? B. T. BABBITT, 64, 66, 6?. 70. 72, and 74 Waahiugton-*t, N. Y. A liberal diacouut to Slorekecpei*. 68 | AND 70 68 AND 70 68 ! AND ' 70 68 AMD 70 ANOTORIO?8 FACT.? The cheapest and boit plane to bay Refrigerators, Silver Plated Ware, Table Ont ? E D. BASHFORlVs, the Cooper Irmtiiete. cor Aator-place, ?I and 4Ui a?? M~~?SSER8 9-MINDTE ICE CUE A M FREEZERS. ICE-CREAM FREEZERS, l()E-t REAM FREEZERS. ICE-CREAM FREEZERS, A? Imi-kovkd roa lK?i. With Stamfbo Ihdm Covbk. aid Butto???Turean. Tbe only FREEZER known wbioh ia conatructed on trat ai ?entitle principie?. 'Ihr (Leap. ?t. Beat, ?nd moat Economical ; requiring le*? lee ?nd leu labor than any other, being at the aune time the moat durable in ?tincture and moat certain in it? operation*. Sole Agent for the United State? E KETCH A M i Co., Manufacturen of Japauned and Plauiihed Tin Ware, _ No. 2H9 Pearl-<t, New-York IJEFRIGERATORS?REFRIGERATORS. Dr. KANE'S CELEBRATED REFRIGERATORS. Tbe only perfect article in market ttuiahed in oak, and of aev eral ?isea. A large aaaortment of Japanned Bath Tuba, Toilet Ware, Tea fraya. Wooden and Willow Ware, Meat Safee, loe-Creaaa Freexer?, WATER COOLERS. WITH ENAMELED LINING, Plated Ice Pit- 1,era and Tea Set?, and every article in the boo*? fUrnlahlng line, at reduced prices BALDWIN A JOHNSTON, No. 63 Maiden-lane, New-York. Delivered free of charge. TOP and REFLECT before j?u waste yoai 1 meaey la purchasing a poor article GIFFINS or ROVV__ Peieat lee Breaker* are reoommended by all who have tiled them They anon tare tlirir eoat in Ice, and do not injure the Refrigera tor. Take one home and try it. For aale by all Hardware and Heute Fumi.hLig Stores Manufactured by F STEVENS, No 115 Pearl at S T HE OLD JAVA COFFEE POT. _ HOTEL COFFEE BOILER-BARTLETTS PATENT, I* decidedly tbe be*t Coffee Pot In o*e. By It? pecuUar, yet ?imple construction, it preserve? and diatila the rich arena?, and thua MBB?M the full flavor of th? codee, thereby making bettet jotfee with one third Ira* The higheat premium, a Silver Medal, was awarded the Old Jara Coffee Pot, by the American Institute, 1839. Call and ?a i?tine, er (end ?'or a circular. _ BARTLETT It LESLEY, Manufacturer?, 4*5 Broadway. TO HOUSEKEEPERS. J. I: C. BERRIAN, No. 001 Broadway, Importer* and Dealer? In Hou.e Fnrniahing HARDWARE, are now offering at very low price?, CCTLEftY, of every deaoriptioa. SILVER PLATED WARF., of Sheffield, Birmingham, sud American manufacture, lu all it? varietiea. TEA TRAYS, in aeta and (ingly ; and Etigliah Plaalahed ?nd Japan?ed TIN WARE in ?reat variety. STEEL, COPPER, IRON and BRONZE WARES COOKING UTENSILS, of every description. REFRIGERATORS, of all the most approved maker*. CANE CHAIRS and SOFAS; WOOD and WILLOW Ahve, a large auortment of CAMPHOR VVOOD and CEDAR TRUNKS. N. B.~ CATALOGUES ?eut grati? to any add rea?. THE POLAR REFRIGERATOR, With FILTER and WATER COOLER combined 1* the belt ?elf-ventilating Provialon Prs?erv?c in tbe world. BARTLETT A LESLEY, Sole Manufacturer?, Noli*' Fee-iWay New-York. Inenram* (fompamca. CLINTON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE No. 52 WALL-8T., N. Y. CASH CAPITAL.*j*M 000 ASSET8. ww'oo? -, . HUGH LAING, Pre-dent Jamb* B. A??*, jr., Secretary. ?JEW-ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INS. Co., I BOSTON - Capita! and accumulated Premluma ?l?l \H$ 21, pajioig eaA Dividend? of lb per cent to at] the ln??re_ P?n.phleu. report*, Ac , furnUhed grati* JOHN HOPPER. Agent and Ait y for the Co . No. HO Broadway. N. T. ?rorrruo, prouioione, &c. ANDREW W. ROSE, No. 228 Washirurton-at., between Barclay and Robluann, New-York, wholesale one* fir? essb dealer lu flr?t quality PROVISION?, _ALT FISH as-ORO<KKIK.S; Mackerel, Herriuga, Salmo? Had toak, WhRettah, City Ham. Shonlder*. Beef Pork, purs'Lard, toe Hatter, mild rich t he. ?e i,. City and c .uutry trade In? vited to csl 1 Ordera aoltrited and carefully ailed. JOHN DWIGHT & Co., Manufacturers of DOUBLE-REFINED and FAMILY SALERATUI. ALSO, ?UFEA-CAtBONATE OF SODA SAL SODA, ETC.. Na. llOidsilp, Hanover Muere, New YorA PUKE CREAM TARTAR ONLY. ALBERT H. NICOLAY, AUCTIONEER AND STOCKRROKER, No. 52 Vviluaau ?t. INSURANCE STOCK s ml Other lw?TtBBl at private ?le. 8TOCR8 and BON DS bought and ?old at ah? Bro?er?' Bosrd. The Prise Current lasued semi monthly. J"?m? MUNROE ?fc Co., AMERICAN BANRJTAR, Ho. B EUX DE LA PAIX, P Al! R, H?. I WALLST , NEW TORE, sT*rant LFTTERS OF CREDIT for Mercantile PtA-so.??. Also, CIRCULAR LETTERJ OF CREDIT ?athearistting. towns ?nd ctti*? of EUROPE. _ Ato?, on Alexandria. Cairo. Bryront, J*^is?l*ss. Alg-.ars, k?, ?TILLS ON PARIS, and BTErtLINQ RILLS la man to ?*t i)mci RnpfBLic Firs iMrmAFiuB Cunr-AA-., ? No. 18 Wall st, Jan. U. 1*0. J OapUsl.$130,00? Surti??, over. in,!?? DIVIDEND.?Thii Company har? to-day d*> ' ?toreds dividend of SEVEN AND A HALF DOLLAXJ PER SHARE, p?y?bi* to ?tockholdet? on demand. They have also declared AD Interest dtvU?nd of 31* PEn CENT ?non their outstanding- Scrip, ptyabl? on TUESDAY, Ih4 Ivth dsy of Febmsry neit, In cuh. They hAVs further devlared ? 8? rip IHridend on the <vsrn*d pro mluni? at the year ending the .<i.t dsy of December, ISM. oi FIFTY PER CENT; the certificates dehrerahie to partie? eaat tied th?relo on TUESDAY, the 14th dsy of February Best u ox. auai gwBBBT 8. HONE, Fremde DtmcAaT F. CtrnnT, Bacntorf._ Par? Fib? Irr? Co.. No. 3-17 Broadway. 1 Nkw-Yoke, June, 35, 1860. I DIVIDEND.?The Board of Directors of thii Company hsve declared s Rond-Annuel Dividend of TEN (10) PER CENT, payable on and ?iW 3d July next. lheUans fer book? wUl be Cloet-d until that date. _.?._ WM.JAFFRAY, Secretary. TF.ADS..??????,, Jon? 19, 1SW. DIVIDEND.-A SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND of FOUR PER CENT on the eapltal stock will bepsld to the Stockholders on and After the set oud day of July proximo. By order of the Board. RICHARD^jtERRY^Cashier. Bkoadwat Bask, i Niw-Yoa. June?, I860. I TWENTY-FIRST DIVIDEND.?A SEMI? ANNUAL DIVIDEND of FIVE (?] PER CENT on the Capital Stock of thi? Bank, out of the profit? of the cnrrent eix months, will be paid on And after the id Jnly enatring The Transfer Beoks will bs closed from tbe 36th lnst untl' the day ef p?ytneut. By order of th? Board. ^^ ' ? ' J. L EVERITT, CesWer^ Bah? of Nubtm Ambhica. New-York. June ?, 18?.). DIVILEND.?A DIVIDEND of THREE AND A nALF PER CENT ha? been thi? day declared payable on MONDAY, July 'J. The Transfer Book? will be closed till thstdste. L SEYMOUR, < ?*hirr ?fFHB DFTHB CoMMOSWBALTH F-IK? I!lSCBA!fCB Co., ) Nob Wall ?t., New-York, June 21, 1460. ) DIVIDEND.?Tbe Board of Directors ha*-? THIS DaY declared a SEMI-ANNUAL HIVIDENDof SIX PER CENT payable on and after the 2d day of July. The trainier book? will be clo?ed until thai date. GEO. T. HAWS. Sec. ?mca or Dbsboihb Natioatiox a?b Railroad Co., I No. 13 William ?t. S THE Annual Meeting, of the Stockholders of this Company will b? held At the office of OU Y WELLS, e?o,., in tbe City of Keokuk, low?, on MONDAY, ?.he 2d day o:'Juif, 1H?0, at 3 o'eloek In the afternoon, for tbe EL SCHON of DI? RECTORS, and the transaction of such other busine?? a? may come before tbe meeting And the BONDHOLDERS of the Company are reqursted to attend st the same time snd piAOe, to elect i? o Truitre? of the .Sinking Fund. By order, JAI! C. PATTEJtSON, Secretary. A_TAN ELECTION for DIRECTORS of the PENSYLVANIA COAL COMPANY, held in the ?villa?? of Hswley, Pa , on Tuesdsy, tbe 5th inat, the following gentle? men were elected Director? for the enaulng year: ISAAC L. PLATT, THOSW. PEARSALL, WILLIAM R.GRIFFITH, WILLIAM H. FALLS, JONATHANTHORNE, CHARLES MORGAN, WM. F. HAVEMEYER, JOHN EWEN, ., OEO. A. HOYT. At ? subsequent meeting of the Directors. JOHN BWEN was unanimously re-elected President of the Company for the ensuing 7Mr' E. H. MEAD, Secretary. Irvino Bask, Nbw-Yor?, June 33. I860. I QTH DIVIDEND.?By order of the Board of 1 O Directors a Dividend of THREE AND ONE HALF (??) PER CENT will be paid the ?tockhoMo ? of thi? Bank, payable on and alter the 2d day of July. The transfer book will be closed to that dsy. DANIEL V. H. BERTHOLF. Cashier. Muf'HAflif-?'asp TiunBnV Bask? Cm, June 27, 1860.] DIVIDEND.?The Fourteenth Semi-Annual Dividend of FOUR PER CENT on the Capital Stock of thi? Rank, will be paid to tbe Stockholder* on snd alter the ith proximo, by order of the Board. _J. S. FOX, Ca?!iler_ OrricB or th? Panama Railroad Compact, 1 Ti'imsB Bi'tLbiNOt, No. 88 Wall-rt, . No? York, June32 I860.) T*HE BOARD of DIRECTORS of this Com? pany have thi? day declared a DIVIDEND of SIX PER CENT out of the naming? of the Road for 'he six month? ending 30th lost., payable to tile Stockholders, or their legal represent? ative?, on and after the 2d July. The trau.fer books will be closed from June 25 to the morning of July 3. _ AUGUSTI^S_HOFFMAN, Treasurer. Bask or th?, Nbw-Yurk, June 22, I860, THE BOARD of DIRECTORS of this Bank liAve declared a dividend of THREE ANDA HALF PER CENT out of the proliU of the past eta mouth?, payable to the ?tockholdei? alter ?be 1st of July next. GEOROE ELLIS, Cnhier. nnHE annual ELECTION for thirteen Directors JL and three Inspectors of Eleetiqa for the ensuing year, of the Bull? Head Bank, will be held at life Banking Hon?e corner 3d av and 35thst, on MONDAY, July 2 i860, between the hour? of 13 m. and I p. m. By order, J H. ELDR1DGE, Casuler. CITY OF Q?INCY, 111.? Tll?^nW?slTdua 1st Jnly next, in this city, on the BON OR of City of Quincy, HI., will be paid on aud alter that date upon presentation of the proper coupon? at our office, No. 104 Broadway. New York, June 35. lUAO. ATVVOOD fc Co. IOWA INTEREST.-The interest due on the 1st pros., on the BONDS of the State of Iowa, will be paid on and Alter that date on presentation of tbe proper Coupon? At our office, No 104 Broadway. ATIVOOD 4 Co. New-York. June 23 I860, i Statb or Illinois, Trba?ukbb'? Ornea, ? Sfrisufibl?, May 15, IW?. | PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that th? Treasurer of th* State of Illinois will on th? first MONDAI if July, i860, and from day to day thereafter for thirty day?, at th* American Exchange Bank, New-York, PAY the INTEREST, on the PUBLIC DEBT of th* STaTE of ILLINOIS. WILLIAM rTUTLER, TreMurot. Holder? of " fl'lnola snd Michigan Canal Bonds," whan Cou peu? ai* exhausted, sre required to present tbe Bonds. _WILLIAM BUTLER, Treasarer r-pUIRD AVENUE SAVINGS BANK, JL Corner 3d-sv. sad 2Sth-et. Chartered 1854. Six Pbb Gbnt I.itkkkst allowed on ?um? from $i to $?,000. Ail DeposiU made on or bef?te Jiilt 10 Draw Interest from Jolt 1. Bank open Daily from In to 3; also on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday Evening? from 6 to 8 o'clock 8,8. CMiLo?,Sec._SPENCER E. OREEN, Pro?. ?ANK OF COMMERCE in New-York.?DIV-j IDEND.-A StaVI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND of THREE AND ONE HALF Pj) PER CENT, on the ?api al stock of thi? Bank, bas been declared, psy able on and after July 2. _H. F. VAIL. Cashier. MANHATTAN SAVINGS INSTITUTION. No. 644 Broadway, cor Bteecker-at, N.Y., June 35, I860?The Trustees of thi? institution have ordered the usual semi-annual IN? TEREST to he paid to all IU depositor, (under the rule? entitled thereto), at tbe fate of six per cent per annum on all ?urn? of #500 and under, and five percent on ?urns over that amount, payable on and after the third Monday in July next. Interest not called for w ill be credited, and draw intere.t asm* a. principal. A. A, Alvuro, Sec. E. J. BROWN, President MARD?ER" 8AVINGS BAHfc?-No. 1 Third av. Opeo daily from 9am to 2 p m , and on MOW BAY. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY EVEN [NOS from i to I o'clock Intereat ut the rato of ?ix per cent allowed on depesiU of #500 and ander, ?ad at the rate of 5 per con. ob ?ums over $500. Deposits mad? on or be for? tbe 1st of July will bear Interest from the 1st of July. Isaac T. Smith. Sec'y. THOMAS B. 8TILLMAN, TntX SAVINGS BANK.-UNIOn1jIMe"saVINOS BANK, No 439 Canal ?t-, comer Varlck ?t? Open DAILY from lu?, ni to 3 p m., and from 5 to 7 p m. From 10 cents to s>i.U<?l received mi deposit Ten cenU a day, with iuterest in l"i year? will amount to $521 13 $305,271 36 was received fi,.?. 3,074 depositor? during last year. Sic per cent luteieit psidou all ?urn? of $500 and under, and five per cent on larger ?urns. Interest commence? July 1. Money to loan ou Bond and Mortgsge. E. V. HAUOHWOIT, Pr?.ldent, Gardner 8. Chafi.n, Secretary. CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK, No. 13 Arenue A, between l?t aud Id ?t.?Open dally from y a. m to 1 p. m. and from 5 to 8 p. in. Six per cent ii,t?r.-t paid on All ?urn? of $500 and under, and 5 per cent on larger ?niouuU. Interest commences Jirly 1. All deposit? made on or before July 16, will draw interest from ~ or ~ Jtl GEORGE FOLSOM, Pre.idenL Bcsi-b, Ca.bier and Secretary. NOTICE?CHICAGO CITY SEWERAGE BON DS.?INTEREST COUPONS on the Sewerage Bond? oi this city will l>e paid at the American Exchange ''auk N Y on the HftST OP JULY next ' ROSE HILL SAVINGS BANK, corner of l:th .t and i-th av. Open dally from 1 to 5 p m WED? NESDAY and SATURDAY until 7 p. m. AU ?um? depoaited before July 10 will draw interest from the lit RmharoH. Bull, Sec'y. WM. F. HAVEMEYER, Pres'l. METROPOLITAN BANK, No. 108 Broadway, Nbw-Yurk. June 23. 1860-DI\ IDEND -The Directors of the MrUopolitsn Bank have thi? day declared a Semi Annual Divideutof FOUR (4) PER CENT, payable ou aud after MON? DAY. 2d July next The transfer book? will be closed from this dste antll 3d inly ?r?x. By order,_OEO. 1. SENEY, Cashier IRVING 8AVING8 INSTITUTION, No. 96 1 Warren ?t-Intereat allowed At th? rate of ?per cent oa ram? from fl to 4-500, and 5 per c?ut on ?am? over that amount OPEN DAILY, from 10 a.m. to3p m., alao on MONDAY niURSDAY. and SATURDAY EVENINGS, from 4 to 7 n m! N. B -MONEY TO LEND ON RelND AND MORTGAGE JOHN CASTKEK, Preetdent ' VisnimikiT L. BriTo?, Sec. AT a MEETINOTf the BOARD of DIREC TORS of the NKW-JERBF.Y ZINC COMPANY bold hi? Uth.u, ?f Jane, i860, e SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND of 'OUR PER CENT was declsrod on oommoa sud preferred tock, p?yahl? on aud after the 3d July next, *l tbe Transfer .Uric* of th* Company, No 165 Wellington st, N*w York Phe Transfer Books will be ,-|..?rd from the loth lnst to the 3d to?._A. H FARL1N. Treasurer And Seeretarr. MILWAUKEE Riid^ATAaRtOW?~RAl?V ROAD ?The ?uhacriber? will pui,aase at par any past loe Coupons of the Kli.t MorUsoe Heiuto of the MlLWAD? UCE AND WATERTOWN RAILROAD COMPANY. MElUd k GRKENLEAE, N?. M txskang, ptae?. Ai??- H. WiawuT. 1 ir 11 wiaai REGULAR AUCTION SAl-ToV OTOflU AND BONDS ALBERT H WICO-AY w_| __^i__ DA Y (Thiiraday). Jo.? 2d. ?? 12, ?-clack, at ki. Su-k B_??J__" Ne tfW___n_., ?earWa ??"?** Bim h ,?_. in Union Rank, $10. 1? Am. Exnh Beak kl_k 20 Bank of (jomnerre, $!f? 50 F.e*t River k_ '?,,? ."' Home In?., * ion "? VfiniT In* Ou ' aim. 10 Knickerbocker Ins.. Daft. M Howard I-s. AJ? M) Gt West Mar. las, DK?. IS Artl__** la?., ?if* 40 Washington Ir.i , ASO I Knick St..? ?V> air. M Irving II ut. S.2A m (hi k M West IP __? V\ MetropollUa las . $10?. 2H Fireman'? Tel Ow _W 1 <> SU odard Ins., $50. 15 Waahingtea Mar l.J _? 20 Otnrm' Ins. $50 11 North Aa. laa . Al?* mmi B0 ( haf h un Bank, $29. $C,MM Mmneatrta Hut? * f r?yat Bondi Neat regalar aal? en MONDA Y. Jahr S. Regultr A?ss__ Kalea of S-orka sud Bond? every MONDAY end Til?RsoJF or ?very dir whenever required at !fy eVleek at taw ivtenC SaWroom No M Wlllletn-et , or Merchant?* F.i.hinge. ?Taa ??'?? I Stocka and Bond* bought and ?old at privais ?ale. a_d^ the Brokers' Beard. ALBERT H. NICOLA Y, Aa-Aiootver aad Stock Broker. Ne. 5? Wiili-wet. near W?_, THE COUPONS of th.- JACKSON COU.f IT ?Ohio; BORDS, dB? Jaly 1. IKO. will be paid a? the <>?__. Hark alter that date. CHAS. PALMER, Aa? t Ce__?t New-York, Jaa? ?. 1M0. _, Omt? or TMB Hor?*To?<if Rxiluoa? _??, 1 BaiiM.Ke'.KT, Ct , Jane 2*. 1MB. I THE COUPONS of thia Company, u,g <__, l.t prox , Bill he paid by Mt-m K ETC HIM. SON A O?. New Ytrk, or by the underatgned *t Bridgeport. _H. ________ Treaatwaa. Ob? ant' Baim, Naw YnniTintTn. ttSeT DIVIDEND.-A DIVIDEND of THREE aa, ONE-HALF PER CENT ha* thia ?lay bee? ?Vwiwed. payable to the Stockholder? on and after the 2d day of Joly aast By order of tbe Board, _'_SAMUEL B WHITE, C_*__r. Watbb CoB?i.?io?aa?' Ornes. { _ JbbsBT Citt. June 37, lvaja { THE INTEREST COUPONS due July 1, oath? JERSEY CITY WATER-LOAN BilNDS, wlU U paid on presentation on and a'ter MONDAY, July 2, at the Cea?t nental Bank. ii. the City of NewVotk, or at the Mechanics* e_d Trailer?' Bank of Jersey City. E RANDALL, Prerldatit Board of Water CoromtMl i_*t*. Pbuiiibbt'* Ornea, Hi i>?./> Rukh Rsil?o_?, i Naw-Yoa?. 2? lb June, lw; OLDERS of Srvcond Mortcatre Honda ot' this Company who he?e not availed tAeouelvee of the B**> cf loth De H S. ?ii er Win December last for extending the _U_e. will , o *o without deiav. Tboee holder? wbo do not Intend doing?o. will oSlire the Ceas> Danr by dvin? the nndi-raigned notice at their eajlust lese? liience "SAMUEL SLOAN, Frea_to_t_ D~IMDEND.?The Board of Directora of __> UNION CONSOLIDATED MINING COMI'ANT OF TENNESSEE have thi? day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT, payable on and after Aug. 15, lWi The Tr.nafer Book of the Company will be closed on ?id after Aug. 1, l?tw. By order of the Board. _W\ CONGDON, Secretary.^ AT th?' Annual Mf?-tifli? of tln< Stnrkholdera $f the UNION CONSOLIDATED MINIMI ?OVIPANYOr TENNESSEE the following gentlemen were elected IHroctatn for the en?ning year. Of M'. IHK? CHAS. B TaTHA.M. WM OOTHOIT, CHAS CONOD"N. W. HICKOK. J. A ALEXANDER. EDWARD PERKINS, SAMUEL CONGIM1N. OB CHABLBaTOS, a. C. GEO 8. CAMERON. R. CALDWELL. or ???.?> i m us EDWARD PADELFORD, ANDREW LwW. At the a. ?oing meeting of the Director* the feUowiaa o__eaa w-reelectad: CUAS B. T.tTHAM. Pre.ident and TreaaVr. ?AMI EL i ONODON Managing Dvector. _ WALTER CONOD^;i>cr?t_t7. _ RbaL EiViT? Savi.mi? 1 v.TiTrrto?. I St. Lock, June IB, 1S60. I DIVIDEND.?INTEREST mp*>r cent) for aix month? will be paid to tbe holder? ol the Certificate? of thia Institution, c.n presentation at the oflie*) of E. D. MOR JAN, No?. 54 and 56 Exchange-place, on and after the td of Ju?y. Interest not called for will be placed to the credit of the depos? itor, and go on compounding OEO. K. BUDD. Fte-bto-t BANK OF AMERICA. The President end Director? of TOTS BANK Ow* AMERICA h?ve thi? day declared ? DIVIDEND of THRU AND ONE HALF PER CENT for the current ?la months, e-d ? g :?Xh in.tant. which will be paid to the Stockholder? ea ?wd after MONDAY, the2dday of July next The Tiat?f?r Book will remain c!o?ed from thi? date until the 6th day of July neat. WILLIAM L. JENKINS Caakiar. A"-tIZ?NTIC SAVINGS HANK. N... _ New Boweiy, corner Chatham ?t.?Open ilaiiy from 10 to I avid I from 4 to " p. in. Six per cent lutere?t all iwed. All aum? dtv poaited on or before July 20 draw intervtt from July 1. Money to L?MN on bond and mortgage. M. D. VAN PELT, Preaida-t J. P. Goor-BB. Secretary. CHAS. D BAILY Treasurer. OrrtCB or T?a MBBC-trriLB Firb Ihiobsbcb C<_, l No. 65 Wall at, J Nrw-Yobk. June 25, 188$ y THE Board of Directora have this day dee|ar?9_ ?DIVIDEND of SIK (6) PER CENT, for aix __??__, , payable on aud after July A JOHN BAKER, Secretary. Orrti'B or Jolibt ?tin Chi? ai*.. R R. Co., I Cmnii" June 22, l*SA f THE SEMI-ANNUAL INTEREST on t_e BONDS of THE JOL1ET ARD CHICAOO RAILROAD I COMPANY, dua July 1. !-.'" will be paid on pri_?nt*tio? ?f the proper Coupon* at the office of M. K. JESL'P A Cs , N?. 4i Exchauxo-place, New-York, on aud after July 2. OEO BARN ET. Prwald-Bt NOTICE.- Holdera of the COUPONS of the FIRST MORTOAOE BONDSof the OHIO AND MIS? SISSIPPI RAILROAD COMPANY (Eastern, du? l?a I July, ???ii. are requeated to pr?tent them on and after the Id proximo, at the office of BARCLAY A LI\ ING8TON,M?. M I Be*ver-*t_? NOTICE.?The avrai-annaal INTEREST dtan l*t July. IS60, on Michigan Sute Bond*, will be paid aa pr.-wntation at the Artisan?'Bank, ?a HT IfaaBM ?t.. New* \ork City. JOHN McKINNEY, State Treaaurer, Mlchtgsa. SACRAMENTO VALLEY RAILROADCO.? The COUPONS due lat of July Hun, on *>4'ri,r>p? Klrat Mortgage Bond* ofthat Company will be p?id after that day at the office of BCHUCHARDT k GEBHARD. NEW-YORK PRODUCE EXCHANGE! COM? PANY ?The ?ubicriber? to tbe ?lock of thi? Company awe hereby notified that a aecond In.taUment of TWENTY PBR CENT haa thi? day been called for by re*olutlon of the Board] of Tni.tee?. payable on or h.t'ore tlie 2d July, at the office oim? Tresiurer, W. H. NEWMAN, No TH Peari-et. EnwAKD Cromvtbi.i, Sec SAMUEL C. PAXSON, Pi_r_ New-York, June 22, 1860. Il^ARM MORTGAGE RONDS.-Th? holders _f Farm Mortgage Bond?, iiaued to the variou? RaUreada m VVl??cr.n?iu, are requeated to call at the office of the Miiw___?) and Muaiaaippi Raoroad Company, No. 29 Whlia.a et . rest? M?, 4. where information pertaining to their interest may be eh* c OUPONS due July 1. 1H60. on STATE of MIN? NESOTA 8 PER CENT BONDS will be paid by CLARK. DODOE k Co , No 81 V?_-at VEW-ORLEANS and MOBILE FUNDS ES 1.1 by AUGUST BBLMONT A Co.. N?. SB W_t_L ftladjinert?. BOARDMAN'S Patent Steam Boiler ?ara, :? per per cent in fuel. Cylinder boiler* can aw altered a?da_ laiged Send for a circular. Ii. BOARDM AN. 168 Breed way. LX)R ?ALE?One fitratclaaa aecond-haod STEAM A BNOIIS'E. in good rnlining order ; twenty live la- raw | wrthaeif-adiuating cut off; together with Boiler ami Fi_ BLAKE A SON, No. 310 Broadway, Albauy, N. Y Cl EAM ENGINES and BOILERS, O 8TF.AM and WATER GAUGES, Ae., A?. STEAM ENGINES from 4 to lOu-horae power, both NEVVmbJ 8KCOND-HAND, conatautly on hand -id for SALE ?Hh a? without Boiler?. AIM, BOILERS, both NEW and SECON? HAND. STEAM and WATER GAUGES, INDICATORS, LUBM CATORS. LOW WATER ALARMS, Ao., _c, Ac Also, W'IRE ROPE, for variou? ourpoaes. CHAS W COPELAND, No. It? Broadway, Naw-T-rk. STEAM BOILERS for SALE.-New and aat> ond hand Steam Bolle**, complete with ?atarea, from % ta? 15-horae power; else, two STEAM ENGINES, one aad *_t borse power All kind? of Boiler? made to order at the ?har__t notice Inqnlre or addreea WM. FINNET k Co., Brookxrm Steam Boiler Work*. No. 167 Water-*t.. Brooklyn. 1~^H?~NEW MARBLE AM) imoWN-STO?K MACHINE, now working at No 19 Graene-et, U a NOV? ELTY, and worthy the iutpec. on of the TRADE, or any eoter piiiinf man. Friction i* it? act!o_. ?errated iron it* novelty ; it (aw* work* itralght line* aud circle?. Aioccliartfoni. FAMILIES supplied with PIKE MILK. AddresiT W. DECKKR. Office Wo 1? Beet tTth-t FOUR SECOND-HAND SAFES (Wilder.AM Herring** Patent) ; al?*, twa larga Jeweler?' Sa/Wa, for **A low by. QUIRK BROTHERS No 98 Maidea Uuaa. N Y. Agent? for Fairbaaki' Seals* M ASONIC and L O. $f 0. F. REGALIA.? Price?'* Patent Sword Hinglrx and Swords Jewel* B_t Lodae*. Chapter*, to. WM M PRICE, 4M Broadway, ft. T. RIGHT, GILLIES & BROT HERS'l)i_r? ? Y DELIONCOFF_E-A*overelgn remedy far biUty, Dyapepalsand Bilioua AtteotioHa, atorvgly re by the Faculty Thousand? who have been roaioJ W bility, by the Faculty Thouaand* who have been compe?ied ta l_ don the uae of ?otfee find thi? an excellent ?ubatitute, to nothing of medicinal qualitie* it i* alio much cheaper, riiBjll tic but half the q.entity of ordinvy ceffae CITY MILLA Nea. 2M, 2*5 and ?V: Wa*hkigton-?t., Naw-Yerk ^^ proft-eoional tfo licet. L MUNSTER, Graduated SURGEON DEN ? T1ST. ha. REMOVED to Ne. 50 W'eet ?thst, kwtw*? Broedway ?ad 6th a?. Coportnereliip ?iotices. I H AVE THS DAY aaaociated with me, aa_*_ eral partner, EDVrARD T. HORNBLoWER The it ?le ef thehrm-iUbe T. B BVNNERA Co. New-York, Jener, I860. No. ir? Broadway. TONO I8LANB _UII__OAI)^Train-l?RkBv. A- South Fany Broeklya, for Oreenport at lta. a. aad ?a? I' ?. ; NarthliOn 18* at., 3 JO and 5.S5p. m., 8y?**?t It a*.. ??id 4 .ii p. m ; lUiupaiead, ic a _., It at., 4 4 M aud MA tai. ; Jannloa, 10a at., IS ?., ? 4 ?, ? ._>, and <:M p m.