Newspaper Page Text
tThottCf? for Dneineot ?tien. J~MK SALE? lb. MtHltlDE CABINET, on tiftii r 'i ?i. ex?- r?i.e and rs-e .'041 -otto., of Fa>??il?. Stiel'? ' tie 1 ?? . .-.-ci irrt 1 .n.?:? A- ? .,. Moa, lof-ther wi-h \ grett ?,...?? ? I..,. M., .a,.. ?' .ri ?tilit*?. WIR He ? Id a-ti.? btr-i i-rl.-i th., may b? fSaSo ? i bin ?lie en.?in? a ?Itjt. The I ?I..I <?( and Bonk? ? ? I?;?* in? are re? Ij f.,i ex ?min?t, ?n JOHN I' P PECK, Ado.'iof .?ame? MciBiide, de. ,-a??d ? aTS.ieit- n <?? . . A? ? 1. 1 "?I_ Ia'OJv SALK?A new S I EAM-l'R? U'ELLKR JJJV y<?l\-1 (I \T. "iM'e-t beato, and 7 tVet Ii- ?-> Fi'gii t BO i.-, b ej Ind.r, an*? X -.ach airoke. App'v at rtllt?' lit ? t? ?N - 8'. p ? ??!, No. 1,437 Hoaih-ri., Rent itftoa, Phil ?de! r" r-_ 1),('a<?*v 1.1.? A 11?! I El. ????'. t lining -n l.???:ii ' X fni, it be ' v< ?!!? Spmig ?tsl b.'t.aiu? R-ir a-.! III! mid roa-n ?i b '.v- l.i?' eis?, la'? ct. la la ? B?? thi.r.?u?h to?., ?i (? A? nit ,.1'V ha in?*., h.t-urint ttt-. . . I. Vp.'v I?, BROW. N ?. ROSS, No SI N???a?i at, toiu. No. II. LEATHER MANVFACTITRINO.?A Pivrtat-r w?it*d'o the active n.?an? nee*?? ? ny I ? ratry on a I ANN 1-ItV in E iec"?u whe;e In.le? an 1 b?rk are cheap. u.J Lrolber I? Bigh ? .th al?ig- bt'U.e deinan I. A ?p.? nil 1 en i?..-.-. Ftfei.n.-r? ht?t ?If.? Aodrt???, TXNNER. Trib ...? ofli <e RAIE (HAM-E sar a OTATIONER.?The slit? K F1XTTJREB ?nd LE IS?', of the STATIONERY ISlcRE .?' E H. TR1PP, No. 171 Gi.?ei.?i.-l.-tt. (.'..etwe-u Mor n, ?. d W?rr.-i?-ii?. ), art o?-r?d for SALE at a gr?a, btrg'tiii lli? i- ? t ir ocp. t.iiii'y for an out who decire? to eng me La ? g. cd sir? pr .; t-i'.l. li.-i'e?? I lie ?Und. being oue of the olde?t m thr , it?, h?, ?permanent and proh'ahle retail trade, whlc.i, ?Billi p:.? er ?tt-ni.?* .-..nil !>?? gie?tlv iii.'rea?ed. and it alto ?ell '???. utril fo, a lOi.hi..-. boaiivaSB lh.- ?r?.ck ou ha id la in gjt.od i < nd! in BBtl Aril adapted U the lovlitv Tl r ?1, .It ?II ?.<? ?<|.l a? a .-teat tiari?in il appU.'A'lon I? mad* im.i.i'd. i'-.y I: qn.rr at ti.e-t rr. No 2*2 Greenwich it., or of ?V*B. CAPWEUi ?? ...?. ???'. No 1'? Wall a _ SCHOOL tat SALE.-A Young Ladies' BOARD? ING and DAY SCHOOL, at uWF.iKl. N. Y. 8*ti?f?.(oiy ire? on- wiv.B ftr Sat* Addi*_ Mits UOSMER. Owego F? Bit!? ???i. Imaiy. _ Orn.B ?F Ct.EBK Of BOSBD Of Si l-KKVl? IK?. I No . i its Hall. Nbw-Y.ih?, Aut 1. I*?. S SEALED'OSALS will be received at thin utbie until I Mb ?lay ot Atigaat at II M., fortuito on?'tun- H?i l+.t \*.THl:A Hi'"? 'OAli. lor trie ..?eofthe Court? and Ulli. ??? of tie i oitv t??e 1*0?BO beoslculated at 2 200 18 ?ai.? pro Bill ti ful "* r?l of EINDI.ING WOOD (Pino) cut tuJ t,,!it loi u-'. Tb? *?;d C i'tl ?nd Wood to be delivered at ?uch timo? B'??l placar? a* ti? Con.niUv?? may d*ai_nate '11? 'vu.nile?' reicrv? the ri.-hi to reie?t any. and aU pro _.,?.,. E'.IItll K. rVllDY. P WILLIAM C CONNER, WILLIAM M TWEED, T11(.M*AS LITTLE, JtME.S Da VIS. ORISON BLUNT, . 'iiittee. I STEA?EOAT "JOHN HART," alias "CON FIDENCK." F(?R SALE CHEAP. I'u'l If?' fe** .on?. I ? fret t?e*ni. ??J feet hold- Engine, ?f>-lnch ?vin le. S f-ri rtroke In good condition, and bow running Tnmt. ,, CHAR W. COP1 LAND, No. V2 11 ro?d w ay. New ? ork. rho .MARKEl-Ti?RPENr.RSan.1 OTHERS.? J To i.KT, ?? be W'tiHk!.1) on SH 1RES a FARM of M a< ira. v.. Il leiic . and abundance ol out biiildinir,?, with ?lo-k. croit n. g "1 h? u-t- iiiii.i'h -il, tltuat.d on tl.e L nig Ulaud Rallr? til, t of t arija from a depot Apply at No. 2<i Atleii-tl. |R fkf?i ?ANY i'ENTLEMAN with Util ?cjjT ? f,\ " "" ?. mm '.' '.tia.h i o'lipeten? and willing to ,, i!, i. .?lepar um] en? iii. time a id attention g-ii'-rd'lv, ill an .Id :d ????_ tai !?? i?u?in. a?, can heir of a g ...J and ji?r nt SIT! AID'S b\ B.liirr??;ni?. with i-?l uauie aud lef. r ei*??. MIRlHAM', Boa No. l,r>J-JPu?t Oth e. m l?J dill, TO *1.">.OOH.?For "SALE, flic ?J? |*,,UllU(,(Hill WILL, LEASE. Sn>( K and I \ I 11. .? of in ?Id i '?ttioi-b. d turing liiaia-t? of 40 a -i tll-.-itv II?? no co?ri|*-ti'ioii, Bill ha? all th? itti k go aad pohi.lile hn.inr??, and'ho n.i-i or v it: let? h eat ?"? *? in the <-ity and'?'. Th* I? o rrr? it ?il? "did |.roiit l.y tb? iuveit'iieui. li.., r. ,.t I?.. ,.n Ail. . m : ttti ?t xtlCMMI ?FOR sAl.E-Tli- STOCK and tf ,l\l?l, KIXTI'HE*- of ? rir?t-cla?s Book Store ?itli , I, ??( ir ii I ibrary line'|.c?i|on. ?nd d.iiug a food liu?i nt- Appl- la BROWN ?v ROSS, liiw Building, No. ?2 Nat sao ?t. _ __ ?\M. ACRES ,?f 'N7V~sf?TE HEAVY TIM V fL\\r 111 I! LAND ??il'-.,.ex<liiugedfor|or,? MERCUXl*. DISE Ah... valn??.r* VILLAGE P.'t'lPERTY. wi'h g . >d biiioli,.,? l?>er?<ou, by add.t.?ing J. BROWN, Box No. ??1 Tribnre I'ffice. ?jot do. SMITHSONIAN HOU8E, Bnmdway. corner of Uni.i ?t New i 1% coi.d'ict-d on the Ku'iipedii Plora.? lhe ait?i;ti..ri of tr?v. In? i- Jie. ted to tin? ll..t??l, win b i? now intborogb older, having all the appoliitu.ent? of th* high-?-, r-w-.-d HotjtvU, ?Idle the pri.-.-? are much le??. I ,E MEAD. j?oarb anb ?oom?. yjW LISI'ENAIM' si., 'i'?ir I'tcadwav.?Rik.itih "O l*i FouiHte?at BaXaJa I'?-i-oih. rli.-ap. with or wi'hvut Bead '5 tax V\at? 1'inan up til night. SpauLli ?pone-.. ijnnoco to tct. A LARGE II \1.L ?.n I,r..ii(Uvay to LET, 40 bv l-"fe? ? MtftJ p lit tu Ill.tol. in Irving It.iii.l baso, No- SM and 9S6 atoada \ A;-? s ?tutos. Ap .1? to E AYiRS, No. 1-2 Naffon It 1>0<?MSI.? LET.?Elgibk R....rn*. for l?ti?in.-s Jl p rpo* | t. tan, at No 2'? flood ?t. lsBSlli on t.'iO pr.u.i.fB. rpo LET?TV 3-?U.iy HOUSE Mo. MO WbbI ?? 2' ' .-t? the foi.inl? of tlie E[.|- -opi'. Src.iiia/y. Tlie ... Jitj :, ?n.i,-t. well ?hsded, ?nd iii?ii!v 1 rfrt lie Appit t.. NASON X lxil? IE, No. SI Bootunoa at riX) LEI WITH STEAM P?\YER?Th*"whid? JJ i ? pet um of Ihr haiiJaoine brick BUILDINO, now ' mh a er?.-ed ii IB,aittt EabitoBlial maaatq. t?alh? "?.n.erof K?..t and W-.t -U . te!?? ??i feet t.u Hint and IVI fe-ion We?: ?t., 4 -? .?.e, kl ?h with f^twrr to the ext-rt of K?i h..r -?-.. Vax?JjarttealBi* ?pfl? to ?JULIAN IHillK, No. 17 P vrt-p'ac* ?w M F !S( lit ItEMAN. al ibe ?me? of the New-York i'ia?u IngVi". No 14" Bauk ?t.. corner of W*it, 1 ' ' ? ? CcneiB anb -farms iJ?auieb. ?^ARMS WAN1 ED in the vicinitv o? New-York ?Bj CH1CKFRINO t (.:?.., Real E.ute and General Agrruy.. No Jr: Wall ^ N. Y. "vVl'ANTl.D in a fOOti iiei?.hl>?.r!n>(.il u.-t .,? v v liroadw.ij b. tvieen (I ?mW.? ?n?! Un ?u , ?'liolrri. : or ?5?t<r> PAslMIN'i IK.' -E I'uri.i.h.d peferi.-.l.. Alt,,. M J f_H tiigient. dc?. liotion, ?.nd location of BrAoata, Rji No Ir* Trii ur. (lit. -e. Heal tTstatt. for ?alc. ACHNIRY RESIDENCE for SAlaK-.Situ at. d at Met'* Id'., VV ond'iiJge Towuahip. Nr?/-1. c-y, o...-*."!'l .,' a '?.. ? '?on Can.p'ie i'? Hep ,t. on the Jer?ey Citv and Pt ila.lel)?M, RaUtO-d Ii? i.tii.r on tlie New.ik and No?. Bun.a? n a Ton pile Road, fnir mile? from N?-vv Bl t Sid /*?. '.<?i K-*-U:k; ??in-st hourly c iiuinunii Uion ? ith ISf? York by rail fivr tanaol nr-.l-nt 1 nd, iu a goo?! itate of c.iltiv li< n. .nd ?*ll ?Lacked with nearly ?-very vtiriety uf II?.n.e i) - : ?? built, dry cellar, ?nd an cx c*llrnt n?ut '.lin c weh of w.tor Ou* hoo't?. in % toi or?1.-r. to oc? <>uiiu?.due boi?. ?. raniages cow ?, poultry, pii;?, fea Wili t?e ?'I? ?>i. it ??? ibis term? . m hiail ?I pui.-iia*e taoaerj? eaa w> ___. fi. I oeil ?' i. [i.'.ittr.gM For fortber p?r i. iltr. in.i nr. of THdMASW STBUMU, %*%., ?No M Natatta-ol, N. * i'ork. ..r Of tl.-? ?o: ? , on ll.e BftBilltl, DAVI1) STRANEY, Metu. hin. N. J. VA I? MS and COUNTRY BEATS ?it PRIVATE J. BALI ?ii. ,,i f: terea, Im I.tvu?, giv.d dwelling and out-house. Price ?-.'? Ob. ?i C o. re?, .-yod foil, t ou.foitabl- dwilliug. good oil b'.?dinf. ?Xaj.l?'". Oue of "4 are?, food dwelling;, and out bull dint', ?oil good fionittotkfirii.. H'liOn (?n. oM* t.-re?. food In.i ding ?ktb'O. (?Le of 4, and blsckamitl. klo)., h'iu?e |niid out b illilng. MIMM. One of 1? ac-re?, hue bnildb.f file on the tnrnpi.e. BUM One el 1.? tu .'rt. govd dwelling uud tue i.tujloii, ?il giod, Be *8-'?0' All of the above placoa are well lscated, and are within from 24 to 5 unies r.f Eiinl . th City N. J , and oa lli? ?.??-r?..te. w,.e from N-? liort t<. all the above placa within 1} hour?. For fo! particular? apply to COLE k CHILTON, No. 4*. Nat-au ft FOR SALE?A COUNTRY RESIDENCE and 1ARM ?itutledtt RYE, We?trh.-?t?-t Co., two miio? north? west from Ky* I ??pot. in an improving and de.irabi.- ?eigiibor ttood. on the VV hite Plain? road. Turre are i*. ?ore? of .aid, In or. lard, tttetdow, sod woodland, a latge ?egeta'r.le laiden, w.l! t ?. d, and with fruit? and fiuwt-rt in abundan.?. The b. i dinx? un tal new, and i-?iifi?t uf t?o dwelling honsei, ? laroa bar?, rattle ?table?, and other out-huildiugi. Ti.?-r.- ?-?? atfB* liraad of Bur Bt'eX. ?lilil? with lar.'i.:..f iiiipl.Uien'?, hitirr?, ?rops. Ac., will lit iioiudrd in tl?* ?ab- ?f the, and ?1! at a bargair.. if applied lor tooB, to HANSON K COKNINU, No. 84 fituth-st, New YorE _ I'T'OR SALE?FOUR NEW BRICK HOUSE?), oa HU!" * , Nrwark N. J Ea b i- ^1 feet front by 82 deep, three ?ttrrie. biib, with Basement, bite Eiazsa. f o?*d Y aid in rear, t>,t and Water tnrotntbout. ?| ttoop and iron fence In front T. laat raty. Apply at No. 82 Arch ?t., or No. ir- New .?.., N>w q.k.N. J_ I?\)R SALE-Four LOTS on II7th-at., mar Aierioe A. WU1 be told at a ?irat barguln if applied for a?on VVANTEI'??l.hddoii t.ondatJ luoitgairif not ?old In a ftw devi, Kor ptrtboUr. liq lire of J. II ORf'OORY, from l'l (., A o'll'ik, No ls;Ort>riiwich ?t. FARMS foi SiU-E, CHEAP.?WtTwiU supply Lracu of good FaruiiJif Land In Ute State of Miatouii, not tvva? HO?' mile? to M St a?4 '??. fox the low prtraj of bu oenu per aerv Title raarai.u?ud. and w?r fjilt-e d?'?<l? liv-n. Ii.cIom p,-* for ? p?o* .-no ptnLoulora to 8. E. R1LRROUOU X Co., United?K-Wa L-. l 4g,nU, Bt Lotiis, Missouri._ JOHN KAVANAOH, No. T78 Wh ?v., between 45tb snd 40.tli-?its., RfeAX'EtTlTS Bboebb am? H.ii ? AnBXT, HAS KOR SALE A KH'R-STORV I1ROWN-8TONE HOUSE, briilt a*.d fur ?li.h.c; In ahr?l clau<?inann?r,in o-rtb ?t Ii, tween Mb ai.J Bal avi , *?M,*?URK>" STOR/and-HASEMENT BROWN STONE FSOKT, in?j?Vth-*C, ?outh ?idr, belweeu l.tb a? .and Hro,t,l*?aj, 4>2x4n, ?lib an tit?~fi<,B of 17 l?-et, well uriai.gnd. Lot 22x100 ?.12 (ret THi-.?E BOISES IN In-AV , built by day.? work. Will trade for toit ?rll lo?-att?d. l*WO LOTS lu 4Mb .1, north ?Ide. between HJi and ??th a??. \V ill t ad* thru, for good t< itant propt-rt) bR?iWN-HT(lNE l-RONT IfOI SE and STORE In "?tha?., botwiks?. 7'mX and 27th *t*v Pilaje +'?."> ?iilf? bn onction. i, A. J??*? T Hr????K?oB? A Co.. Anc'lou-er. AUCTION SALE o? fir?t-fltaM HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. THIS BAY (?Muida*>, ?t th priv t residence No 70 VVe?t Mth ?t . n??r (th ?>. ?MMMMfatJ M 1"4 ok. vm: Pli.... F'oite, Pari?. S.U.- Paint nga, g*rg-*?ii te*??, nii.hoganv "nil lowwood i.n I Dining room Fi.r nit,ire. Sale positive, rtiin 01 -him A. M. Hrawi*, Auctioneer. Y BANGS, MEUWIN A Co., Iiviug Btii'l ing?, No? M>4 ?nd Mi Broadway. MONDAY EVENING, Au* 13 it 71 '.'clock. M'Si EI.LAN1-.IU8 HOOKS, fiou, the ?took o' t booki-ller, e?ibrr>c,i g a irge larMy ol new, popular, pud ?taadird work?, ? i lit y da?M(M b) witter. L-'XTENSlVl-rs?LE of VALUABLE KI.AI I-i and PERSONAL EST \TE in Fairtai Oaaqty, V irgi.iU - Will be Bold it PUBLIC AUCTION, a* Monnt /.ephyr. Eiirf.i County, Vs.. on WEDNESDAY, the fid diy of Aug i.t 1 N . hi,.) to continue from dnv to dr.? until Um m e i? oil |.le . d. the fo'.lowinf valuable REAL and PERSON VL PBOFRB ; V h longlltg to the eita'e " Aaron L-tt-tt dec.eeled, t > ?vit T?i tract o* land call?-. MOUNT / I'.PII ? R. . ..?ciiimig |.v r- ?-,,' suivey afr?ciorj o-er 1 bpt acr-?. la he dlti b-linto s a. nfeai of lot?, ?ccordieg to a plat, whlcl will be exhihiied on tn? day of ?tie. Thll Ifid a,1'..|,ia, aad a portion of it ori?iiiiliv f)rin-d I'srt o; the Mount V ernon eaiate. It i? lituat-on ?nd near the Rivtr and hind? "ii i'. Bad on tlonoe Creek . i? new ID mil. ? from Wialiington Citv an.l Gei.rgrl.wii and ti mile, from the City of Alexandria, and i? undoubtedly one of th? best landed properties in thl? portion ol V iiginit The ?ituation ii r-'i. arklhlv hehlthv. tie Bi-iety of th'- neighborhood excellent, ihe land of good quality, well watered, and M. inhie pirtioa o? it ir, i high ?t?te of eii'ti'.-atioii. and i? weii taken in grail and clover, with f-cHitln to mark?-t hy land orwab-r. It? proxlBllt? t>-Mount Veri.on t?u?t give thlrt ptoperty a cou.tltilly i'i'rea?r loa value. The Homestead, in th"' uvMoB, ?' ?ntaic? 471 M-Mfl ?lie?, vri-1, a lari:e and omfortsble Mi.n.loa II.MB, ?sfl ?H Dei eisary outbuilding!; amour thele. one of Ott mo?t conimo diom and wel.-arraiued Kara? la ?be ??tate. Th?,e is also a large Garden, ui extensive Orchard of young and flour,, nig tteos, pine and ex.eilent water (w.-H md ?pring). Tin? tract .? tm? dit i"io,i conttitutea an eletai t and ?ie?ir*t ,e prop-rty. On two of tii" ?initier tricti there I? an ineihiuitii.le ?uppl? or ir.nck, w hi. I, limy I ?? u.e,! >? highly valuable feni?ier The title to property it inci.-n.. and belie?ed to bo unq ,??tio:i .1?R That wbfrb i? vtsted by law in the un.iertig:,ed, a? aduilaiatra tor, t.iththe will Bimexed of Anon Leggeit. BMMMfl, ?ill be conveved. ... ... Tl.ere will be ?old it the ?ime t.n.- and Ola- -. a largo quantity of Htv. the growing crop o' t 't, ?p-*???^9"" P'ire-blo >d?d Meiilib Sheep an*, ab h> a.l ol fat Cattle Ml IilJui-' ?OlTlrt i.peiioi Milch Cow?, ..,.,? Hull, ?pire Dsvoe, ?t..,-k,) two yok. laige and well-broken Oxen, a number of excellent B.HM, ? P.rUbl? Mill, one Kuggv, ?nd a great varie'.v of Farming I rn pleinrntt consisting p?rtly of W'agout, Cart., Re?p-ri, I'nreth er, Drill P'Onglit, Harrow!, und many other articles of recent improveinei t found nieful i wo:king a ltrge landed e?t?t?? ?1..., a variety of HOUSEHOLD and KlTJUEN FURNI? TURE. Tbk? or Sais: For tli? Land, one-tenth of the p.irchate money to be paid in hand, the haBaSQ? la till*. HJB.1 iniitaliiieiiii, at ?dx. twelve, nid eightet? mouths, from the day of it!? with ?K per i rut i,:te,eit trier, from ?-cured b? th? bond? of the ptir ., it it!, good penonal ?r, iirity, und a d?-ed of tru?t on th? property Phk h will be H?';>!e to retal? it the! ?iny pur? ent..'! iiillnr; to comply with the term? of tale - Cinveyancei at ;o?t of puri h??er?. F'ortle pe,?.,ial property, tl' purcbaaei o' $S0 and under CSth ?all over that BilioTM?, a credit of 1? mouth? will be irivoa with iulere.t from th* dy of ?ale. The purciiaa-n to giv? b' vt it!i good per'oiiitiR. r nity and no anic' ? to b* re noie. un il th? tenu? of ?aleare folly complied with. The security >i the Inud Mai BtMBMal property to he approved of l>y tiie i 11 > signed a in Anv fur l..r ii lormation willb? furnithed bv application to 'WILLIAM H. MACY, of tno Leather Monufa.turen' BaLk, or VVILLLAM L. JENKINS, Cashier of the B ink of Amanea, City of ? Now-YorA ToJ. L. LOOK, at Mount/.-p*tyr, er to FRANCIS L SMITH. Adiui?ialritof. With the will antiexed of Aaron Legge d"0*ti?ed, at Ali-Xiindlla, Vs., IAKGE SALE of THOROUGH-HRED TR?T i TING and other HORSES it WOODBURN FARM - 1 On W> DNFSDAY, the 22d day of August, I will ?ell at pub'io i I nie, I ? tvt., n SO and (?' head of thorough bred trotting and othm : Horse?, .'.(.?iatirig of uboi.t IS thoroughbred Man t, the tan? ? nuuibe? of trotting MP?a, ?nd th? balanc? young stock of both ? torts, t italoguei of stark ready for distribution one month pre ' viooi t" the day of ial?, and may then be bad on application t* , Mr. D. LKVIGENT, ortBe iub?sriher, R, AITCHESON AL? EXANDER, near Spring Station, on Lexington and Fr?nkfo?t I Railroad. RECEIVERs SALE of PERSONAL PKOP ERTY.-A. C T( TTLE, Au. tioneer -Notice ii here? by given, tint the lubtcriber, R?, eiver of ihe Hen i!-i k Hudaon Fire Insurance C.nur my, will SELL, at PUBLIC AUCTION, it the late office of iai.1 Company, No. J?M Lr.ndway, in the City of New-York, on the 8th ; day m A.igii.t rtajEa. at 10 o'. lock, a. m., on that dty, th? follow in? deicrihcd pertoual proj-erty whii-h tale is to ho entirely for I ca?h viz: 1 lai?e iron Safe, 1 Carpet. 1 Floor Olc'oth. Ir? Railing ?>.d Coa, t-r, i, Mata, b oik lir.k?. )', iukstainii, b Paite I J?rt, I Cat? of Surveyor's Insti uineiils Rulers, lie., 1 VVkter 4 coVr, 1 Table. 1 Lattet Press Siv.d ml W'ater-holder, 3 Spit I t"oi.i. ?? . ?ii.-l.ot'ou. Chiirl, 4 revolving Ar:? Chair?, I revolting High St. ol. 1 t omple-.e s?t of lus .ranee Book?, a lirre ajjintlty o! tritited HI-.1.1?, and printed Envelope?. I City Direct.Tie?. Dit.d July M, MM SAM'L VV'iLKF.SON, Receiver. Jn?trnction. AT 9* bO tor v\ KITING. BOOK-KEEPINa ami ABlTHMETIC AM, p-i bphM . ut l'vlNK-i M,-r cintile ?Olime. Nu f.' l'.oweiy. and 2 -A Fulton-t., Brooklyn L. du t.' VV ?itii -i; ti. I-i i.taon?, lute'ii't i-i per :u ,ii-h Froia ; a liroky:. juin no!: "A? i te?, h-r of B?ik keeping tnd Pru | m .n?hij. 1 r,| Pi.iue stand! unrit-al d." Bl'BlN? SS ?AlUTING, BOOKKEEPING, ARITHMETIC?Mr. DOLBEAB, No Ml Broadway, ( k. ?p. tl.e laige>t Cssmerrial IipUIiiUM M New-York. G-nl' ?SB tu '....ta ?SB l.e.i.m? ?ueia.ii.t liuaincaa p.-umeo ?ni practi al boofcke. ].?..? la a -ho.-t time. Tivo ?J-5 teat-, fjr wrliiu^ va, sut. l'i. I, n.. BP - IB DOTS' DOABDDrG-flCHOOL, a? UMtofterr. J 1 Berge,, t oi.nty, N. I.?-Accet-ible loverai tin??? daily. Pu S'il? re eived any t?-:?, ?roi* N? per quarter. For Circu? ?r? ?d rc.s, A. B. WINANT, Principal. f^?^?N?77NNTrrrfi-;, Fiushinc?, l. L?The ti-xt term ?fthi. i'.OVRDING SCHOOL foi BOYS, will lit i?? S?pt 10. Pat ( ircular, A.c., apply to _E. A. FAIRCHILD. HI il- SI 1 )E SEMINARY for YOU?G LADIPfl Nirwalk ?oui,., Mn. LOUISA A. SMITH, Prln ipal ? Thi? IntWtutioptr*sp?p? Sept. 19, lt?ciO. ? For Circulan ??bat" iddrv?! the Primipal. M 188 8PALDI.NG'w.mld re-i??-i*tfiilly ii,l'?.rin b?.-frie?d? ?nd the puMic, that h. r BOARDING and DAY-SCHOOL for YOUN? LADIES, El.?abet:.. New-Jera-y, w?jTREOPeN on Tl jlSDAY, the lith |*pMMBM. MM Miss H \\ I ?'. N S will raesflM) hex BOARDING ?n ' DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG LaDH'.S on THURS? DAY, Srpt. 13. Her school Circuit.-? hut be obtained at ?,,y tin eat her re-ide:.,-?, No, 2.M) Mauiso,' av . Iiettv-rn ?in', and 4"tli ? i. . at th.-ii okl-'.re o! Metra. Lockwood It Son, No. 4.1 Broadway; ol Mr. A.D. F. Randolph, No tdJ broad way, and also of II N iiave,,?, No 17 ?t. Ml? HAVENS .till be at home after Sept 1, prev!ou?to which dit? applications for the adruiiaiou of pupil? made to hol It lal'sr will rsesh bti* ptuaipt arlaaBop. MO.NS. L. DE T?RA^TTvAL? CLASSICAL ?id COMMERCIAL FBBMCH BOARDING School, II ,:???! Terr?.-, II. n l.n, N J ? Annual ?? .-?ion hegini Sept. 1. New p..] i.? re. .?teil it any time pretioui wlth-ut oxtra iharge._ RUTGERS FEMALE INSTITUTE?.-?tli-av., h.ttt..., tUtoiid 42d-it?.-Will REOPEN Sept. 12. Tue I: -t.tute atatjea will ' apV*J f .p:l- lo and fi.nn School from the p'i.icipal ?erne? and d'.tai.l .<?? lion? of the city. i i.ordii g I'upilt rrcrite.l i ,to the itiniiy of the piiciptl. Applications lor admi.rion or (ol circulara mid.- personally or I . l.-tter at the Ir.ititi.fe. All ooinmuuicition? oddreaaed to H. M. PIER? E. Principal, No 437 5th-av. J. W. 0. Ia>vBuibt.K, Sec. of Board of 1 rsMp - ROCKLAND FEMALE INSTITUTE.?The ievt AotMrnwit Year of thia popular Seminary, delightfully ?.i . t. d .,, ol thr Hud-.... two h-.ur?' rid" from the i -it*, ?ill ii.-gin S.-pt U. Time w tio drsire to av.iii tui marltei ..' thv kd.anl?ge? of tiie ?up? lior intellectual moiitl, i 1 ,-aii.ilig ol thll in.ti:i.ti..n, tl.oul 1 1) A, C. F. MANSFIELD, Princi N Y P. S ?Th. Annual Catalogue and Circular may b? obttiied of T. J. CROWEN, eiq , No. Ml Broadway; A. S. BARNES ?V Co., John ?t or by addr-iaiig tin- Principil?. SING RING ~ FEMALE SEMINARY. REV. S. N. HOVVELJ-, A M., Pkl.N) 1C?,.. I is Mal on th?. Hadaoa M wllaa from Now-York. Next te??ioiihegi??ouTT ESDAV. Sept. In. Circulin witi, reference?, A . at the> of Cart?r. Lockwood, and Riiidc'ph, or addret? the Principal at Sing Sing, N. Y. Miiu urstir vu av.'ii to. tiiarivH? iiiteilectual moiai, and phyl ?uld apnly immeitiately to L. cipals, Nyack uii-thelludsou, S STAMMERING CURED in a FEW LEssoxs. J ?Apply to G. VAI.E, Teacher of N.?vii?atio?, S irveylu?-. l)r?ui-htinr' (.. ith P.rtpe. live), Hookkea-iui.?. Ve Alio, Pu? lilhei ol vari''.? S ?entitle and Lihtiral VVorka. It Voluey'i Ru in?, k' Ms. Sol Purl It (Franklin njuarej. New-York. C.*Ja>Xn CATSKILL MOUNTAT?8.-A?h5 tfftPemr *J\J land lost ?nd Muilcoi Aoademy, Gresae Cs.^ PBB .M. I. (Both sexes.) QUARTER. I Rev. U. J. POX, A M , Frtniiptd. ?W*>4<t!ll PEB ANNUM?FREEHOLD IN qP ?41 )\ f BTITI TE. ? Bonding School for Boyt, at Free hold, N. .1. 1? ?etiioii throi.glio it tin- Summer. Circular?at tho it. re of Mr Rai.dolrih. No t-it Broadway, N. Y.. or of Me??ri. Baldwin, Sexton A\('o.. No. 11 MaidtB-Une. Prim ipaVi-OLl VERR. WILLIS, A. M , i H ARLES A. WALTERS, A. M. ttO**_tl PKR ANNUM.? Aug, '?7, noSlflMMOfB *Jp tmttP\ t the next Term of the POUOHKEEPSIE COL? LEGIATE SCHOOL. Apply for Catalogue? at the office of GEo. BLISS, et.1 , r-0 Wail -at, at 415 BroiJway, or addraa? WARRING k BJSBF.E. Principan, Pougbkeepil?, N. Y. afil?tliinerB. rpilE DTDBOFULT. .I Ab invaitloti for throwbig water hy hand power, patent? ed hy W. T. V OSE. it u one of the valuaulo ii.vcnu ,m of the day. THE IIYDHOPULT wli!, by the power of one man throw wi'.er ut the rat? of el^ht gal.cni per lufi. ii fifty I? ?Ilk.? ?ver Intentad for g?! ?'i.? per n.ri. .t? fifty feet high, with groat tore*. It tl the belt EXTINGUISHING A FIRE, PHOTECTINO A ROOF FROM TAKING FIRE, WASHING WINDOWS, SPRINKLING PLANT.S. WATERING GARDENS. CLEANSING TREES FROM INSECTS, WK'l 1ING SIDEWALKS, SPRINKLING STRbETS, washing carriaoes, a -., t Tbit article thould be owned hy every donarla ;.1er It do*? ?way with the lit '??ity of ? hydrant It Is ? light p-rtlliie FOU? K PI .'IP, ?!??yt ready, Oa.ily uaed, ?nd will e*?in in freiju. nt nae by ?very firmer, oercfiatit, md meciiaulc in lb? aoiuuniidty. Phial? call ?nd eiamlii? the article at No. 41 Park raw, Times Building*?-? addraaa th? AMERICAN HYDROPULT CO., Ne 41 Park row. New York A g.i I. wan'ed throughout the Luita-d Slatei to toi! '.hi II > ir -j pult. Apply ?- ? . -?? ' a$onec-,?fnm.eI)ing <8>oobs. A RTICLES OF EVERY DAY USE. G8 AND 70 B. T. BABBITTS -PURE MFaDlCINAL YEAST. Manufactured ft on. .-o.i.tnoi. S ?A* and Pau? Crea? T.rtar. W hru used in li.ead, Lake, or it Ionia to gat (like that fron, a bottle of M...I? Water), and naiain? dormant in th? dunfh until It I? let In the oven, when Die hett rant?, the ga? to aSSBS* thiou^h Ihn dough ?hi e baking The lires J, l ake or liia-uit it not only very light, bo! p0rf??'tlT wb.lnonte Where tbil Veut t? ?i?*d you ?I'll -r?liilie alxiut on? quaitrr the auio.uii of ?horteulng iia. d ? itb ordinary V*?a it may ils.? bs "?** for 1(uck ? he?l Cak*s. Johnny Cak??, and all kind? of Pa*tiy Ihi? Yet??U put up ou!y la on* pnind can. with (-bk? k.-d label Red Wktte and Une no ether u 68 70 68 70 08 68 Airo 70 68 70 68 AND 70 68 XNt utne- brto.trt of tmtt i'.?,-?. H T. HAimiTrs PURE CoNCKaMKATKI) POTASH |V\ an tilled d .ni?!.' thr ?trtngth of?-o.nin.n 1'otaah, land ?up- no? t?. any Sapoi'iner iu tnar?ei. pot Bf in; 1,-,.,. ,.i 1 II. 2 fn ? m ?' lb. and 12 fl), with Ml i jii,. ii'.i.- foi making Haid and .-?if? S??ap One _?.,, :.I ?11' ?moa? aftaaa ?aBaaa utAm? Amt, No hyp **^ ' !.. , I? required ( ?i.tumrr. will tnid this tue eh.spn-t I'ot-.l. In tntikrt. l*. T I'.xBKITTS Ml.DH I.NAL SAl.I-iKATUS, 'A peri.- tl> u?r? ?nJ who!.-?oinr a?ti-l?, free frota all ? u? m att-r , ?o prrp?.rnl tbtt. a? tb* cir ,-ular the Saler-ilu? will ?how, nothing remain, in the hrt??d ?h n naked but ? u.on Satt II ?tn and Kluir. Put up neatly iu pa? pera, I It', ) I!., and i lb. 1 T BABBUTI CORCRMTRATED BOW SOAP. One box coatinf O-n Dollar, will mike 4? gallon! 'of handaouie Seit Ho?p by ?imply adding butting gjilD iwtter. I R T BABBITTS SOAP FOU FAMILY USE. i One pound of thi? Sotp ii equal to three pigndi of uidinaiy >i?p One I*.i will make thr??! (?lion? of ban l?.m? Soft S?.?p It ?ii reino?? pail t" lag and ?talui of all kind? It ?v: J i.ol injure the f.thrii ; on tt? routrorv it i.r??er??i it It will wa.b iu hard or ?alt wotaM Kit little Iihcri? r?<i; i el ?hrti-'.lih Soap I? i.ted Mechl'e ill? an?! P: intei? will hud li.ia S< ap-nprri? to any I?BBg in niaikot. If yot.i ?torekeeper d"?? not k.-p |tl.r above goodt, lend ??S by ruiail. and 1 will ?end. a package of either trti 1?, M BK a???>rte.I box -on AND It?..ii.g a p.ut of each article, a, y in muy d ??. t Send the of your Po?t-( ?ri'ne. a .... lb- State land Com ty In whi-liyou mide, ?itb ?;->? tiontj ?... for ?hipping. AiiJie,? __ 70 I B. T BABKITT, 70 ! r>4, r*-, |X 70, It, and 74 W.?i,iiigt,.u-.X. N T. I A liberal di??'oui?t to Stvor.-trep? r? T7RENCH - CONICAL WASHINf. MACHINE. A EVIDENCE IN FAVOR. Thit ii a new li.vent'oiijiiat ?VgttM-fBf to ...-into In ed W., h .vrtlirroiuhly tiied i?, and hav tonn I it .??)? n?l all .j la.tioo, t?. be H* t.d i ?'l? i) ttli irnt vt aali.-r lor ... ti, ,. n\ cli Uirl. FroUl tl.?' ma' ? !i.tile*tleiiipt? lb i'. htvr he-ii mt te o produce a ??ti.ta? lory Wa.hihg-Vinli'ne? w? grntl? ?inli? poaod |t admit a? au.?i g ti.? pro!.?I.?I? I?-? ib.t iv.t.hinj Would ? v.r b?- .loi..- Iitfly and rapidly, without ?t.- .t loj .ry t i t!i? 'a?i ti.-. by _r* m? -Otdcoldevioe. W* had i let R??tary vVa.'.in," Ma.o ii..1 hn'i.'it K ItB. I in. ?. r-?[. ing P.ui, ling Mehmet V? rin in Mask nr?. Ml ? At tint. Kotcy .Mu liiiii? Calaras* He. chiiir- Hall Macliiur?. Mi liiut-a lt.rii o t .i. Ma Linea Ang'.lar, Ma. lih.e* IVrpriidii ular, and M* hi... ? ( ir ? .In, all to uinti? BxBtSfJl f uip'.-r ; ii. '. hid r.iigued thr id-a ot w.tuet.iug. i.. our day. an? p.?' lira. inTirov.-u.ei.t iu ib- method o? iliapokin* of -Ii? girat -.'?-?tit-ait "f ' \. leal .ball tve do ?itiiour dirty !i;e. ?'' W? con)*?, to have it.dulled in th.-d iu-tn,.? ? 'old ????yifiri indhlv? hem ;ir n?ecl from ?o? Rip Van W'iukl i.lic ?Un- uint ?BttMfS??*? idly by M?*?i* P X R. Kreuch. ?In hi?, undrit.krn th? gra ii.ii? but he'.iilear ta?k o! redining the t .il. ind terror. of " ?tthii.g day" in American horut?t?. un Lola-eitiiOf luiruht exert i.e. l.i"cr.ini?iy hum?., wli.-re lidie, do their i?n w?. no?, tl* Conical Wa?ii?r will he invaluable, ?ml we .au do ou- fat. fi|, tie.t.rwnlie than by calling lh-ir attfat.mi ti tl?? ?ii? pie, ett.t iriit, and uiilt'i r?B??/ d.-aliili!?- fib-Ill si' > l'uni, wbi.h tskei rank baroly teeoioi t.. the BowtBj Machiu.-. -[Kriiik I.i-?:ir'? I?lii??ated New.papei ,luii"2i 1 Mb Tbi? Ma. bine may be ?een iu operation at the L*uii.!iy of rllENCH'S Ii oTEL. and at the Depot. No. IIS Drot?way. . .ruer ( tool at PRU'E. ONLY I EN 1KI1.I.AU.S. N. B? The iind.-r-iiiiied prop: i-tor. ai., noli pr.pire! t) or? ganize A?e... ie? i?r ib.- ?tl* ot ihsas M?. Mata iu afl pa.'.? of tin ???.',! t.?. und to ?npp!y orO.-i? t'. tin extent. Ag.iit? wanted in nil p.ita ol tl*- I nit.-d State?. Send for n i ir? ular._ P. X R FRENCH Addrci? Box No 2.K.3 Po.t Of! e*. Newioik ( ity. 1 hav?- enr of Eren.-Y? Cm. ai Wa-hiiig Mi-bine?, ami have noliitl'atii n In ?t.'.ti.if it I? on.I?. the n.o.1 valutlil.- Ubir aaaii.f device* t-v*r ii.troduoed into the i oi.~ Ii II Mr. FRANK !.E4I,IE, No ? .*2d-?t. N, w Yrrk Jon.? ??, HHL ftlnsicol Jnstrnmcnta A URll?^Y^Lj^^ lilGHTE ft BRADRURYS, Bas ft -'..... .? Of A NEW SCALE OvTRSTRUNO BASS f ATi'.NT INSULATED FULL IRON-FR.UIB OliAMi and 8U'!aRE PIANO-KORTE?, Ne 421 II:.un.- ?. PIANOS TO RENT AH. GALE ii, Co., PIANO-FORTES, No. O KC East 1-tti it-, invite attenlit?. to lli'-ir n?w S rale PIANOS (luaranteed U give <uiiu.uU.laol SX BARMORE"-* celcbratt-d iniprnv???! ovrr-strun?? pra-ni'.n. PIANO?, thr k?BBt in Boo, wi-rranted :o .. y-ar? nianulnctured at HA Uleecker ?t. A ?pleudid 7-oct-ive for ?l'H. CHIC K~ER~i K~Q t% 8 O N 8 BAjVt ri.TI'EEK? 'if OR \ND, SQ1 ARE, and UPRIOHT PIANOS, VTarerooin?, .No h'.?4 'ir ..l? ?. * C. X Sont have lareu awarded Thi.ty-eigbt Priiti Medalt foi Ute tnpeiiorily of tbrir niHiiuJactuir f i the patl lb y. ax?, An., for Sale, MASON X FJAMLIN'S Sl'PERIOR M E L O D E O N S and 11 A R M O N I 0 M S, For Paiioi? Chirchea, V raine?, and Lodges, At w'boifMtl- nid r?t*U. PIANOS TO RENT. DEPOT of tlie ALEXANDRE OK?AaN for Churcbrt. Chapel? H hool? and Drawn g roouis No 2"i BROADWAY. SOLE MEDAL UK iluhull at the Culienal Exolbltloa (of 1KW magnificent laatrument (patented In the United S;at*M May J, K?H), wlii'-n the Inilii&ut (-?rtorrnaiice? if THALHERO. VILANO. A, MLLE. WELLIS. have rendeied a? popular In Aiuen a a? iu Eurrpe, ha? bee? adopted by the greatest artiita and compiler? of beih oVi'l'-tS? HALR LISZT, ROSSINI, MEYERBEER, X? , Ac The ALEX/aNDKE U.l.AN i? cel-nraed fot the ?oiidiij and .( it? m* ho.ii.i... a? w, .1 a? for th? fuilue?? an. power <>f it? touea, mi.I tlir more reuiar-ab!e quality of ktepln? perfectly In tunr, iu ail clin.arel. Price? at tb?, *4?, ?Ml, ?if?. ?lbO, ?a 185. tltb, Ottni $mA ?-.-i", ??p?o. A d.-.iiii 'iv.cirrnlai aent to any a?ldrraa, on appli -a:i"nt?j BERNARD? FABREUUETTEB,jr., No. 101 Br<>ad.r?y Icipoiter? of Ku?*on Accorde nu, V ioliu?. Violin rttrhj??, X" HALLET, DAVIS ?it Co.. GRAND and 8?4( ARE PIANOS- Loin, known a? th* be?t PIANOS u.adr. I'Ra'11'S MXLOOEONS ?ood SECCJMD-HAJI0 I'lA.NOS, ?ery iow. Piano? anl Melodeont to LE t T. S. HERR'. , No ?RM Broadway, Marble Kuildliig, corner Oraud-et 11NDEMAN ?V SONS, No. i?:>r? Bttjadtrar, A piano M.i!iuf..ctur?.., .-.?.t. Ii.bed llS??..-Thr?. I',. ,o? BIB recu-nr-.i!. d by tb?- foi lowing euiiiient a ti?t? (.i?t?v Satter. ( ni Ai i? hi tr. John N. Pttti.oii. Max Maret?eg, VV .,. Dittucb, John Suek.-rt, C'uatav J.Stoetkel. I>LVNO*r--l*IANriS. H A/LETdN II ROT II ERS, M . i i?ectur.-r. of THE FILL IRON KKAME AND OV'ERSTRL'NO BASS P 1 A I O - Y O It T E , IN ALL ?TILE? "? < A?E?, AT VERI MODERATE l'llii'ES. Wiirrrijom?, No.'OtiPiiiiir .L, a tew door??eatof Br.vaiwiy. DI AHO 8, M E L 0 D E O N S, and Alexandre X Oll(.ANS--New aud Se? ond-liand, for SALE orto RENT al g'rnt bargain Me!, deoua o? low at ?30; I' ? ?Ti Moiitkly puyiifiita rr.tfited for either. Rent ?Howed If pur clia?rd. HORACE V\ ATERS, Ag't. No 83l Rrotdwar. R AVEN, BACON ?t Co.. OVERMTU NO PIANOS, No. 13.. Oiand ?t , nesr Broad fay. gTERVtVAY tt SONS OOLD MEDAL PATKNT OVUtSTRl'NO GRAND? And 8Q1 ARE PIANOS Are noweonaideredtht. b>-?t PIANOS !ii..i!?f?t ir*d Thesetiiftriuiiri t? bave taken ?ixt-ec fint prtuiinm?. gold aad ! il.vt r im la.?, ?.tbil. the latt fout junto. In CjUiVetlii.u wit* pianot'if the n.?t uiakeri of New-York, r. . :. I' piua aL'MlaUi.uore. Ainoi g the ii dg*n ?rere Ootttrlialk, Wm. Maton, H. A Wal, ai?f ttl ft n.i.?ica! ?relrbritiet. ST. L s: ..s .< d " not refer to artilla wb? were in this country many year? ?gc, or to ci-rtitvate? and tettlinoalalt given t |g?| tlu.e rince, at t It a Wtilki.own fact tbtt ? ch Importml la,? proveiiiri.u ha? e btrrii Lnade *ii piano? quite rrxontly that many maker, ?hote ii.ttri'uirnt? wrrr juatly cm?i Jar>d lo r ...k ataoaf tbr heft j?ar. ?go carmel by any miana claim trie tauoe p .?ltloa at the pi.-? i.t tun?. We ?ubjiilnt .a following certrfictte, glven wlhln th* lilt fj| tnoiitli?, by n. .illy alt tb? leading and ? tt prominent ariiat? and tnii'iciana ?iow redding In tbia (?uiitry : 1'i.e und-raigird, hnving pi-nooal'y etaminrd and prart] ralit ta-it-d the li.iprovenient In Uraud Pla?an invented by H STEIN W A Y, n wlicb the coverrd itriugi are OTeralrung abov? tboar remanen | do brirhy entity: 1. That u a letuit of the taid improvement the ?nice of Mm Pian? Ii greatly improved in quality, quantity, and power. 2 The etrun? by Strli.way'i Improvement it muh more evea le.? hiirih, ?tiong.-t, and mu? I. betin pioi.mfe.1 than Uiat rraallssd In tiiv other 1'? .... ? it!) whl-h we are aSSJBSBBBSS. 8. 1 i.e uiidi r.tignrd r.fard the ln.proveuirut of Mr S( 'uteaj Of u.o-t novel, ibgeuioui, and luiporlaut No Piano of ?linllai i ii.tiii'ti.'ii leu ?ver '.n-... too? ". ?.i .?? ! ? Ia. i* i?,? villar Signed know oi brllrv?. william m4son, John n pattison ROUEKT (?OLDIif.C ROI'.EI'.T (HlI.lllif.lK OEOROEW MOKOAIl CAUL KElli.MANN, HI.SKY C. TIMM, Ol'STAV BATTaVB, H 11 MILLS, WM HAAR, I' C HILL, WM A KINO, UEO. F RRISTOW, And many other?. Each lintnin.riit warranted for tie- term of five yeart W itiei -Hiin? Not. 82 and M Walkerst , near Broadway, N T. QTEDIWAT & HON? OOLO MEDAL EAT kT3 ENT OV EBBTI NO (.HAND and SUJ'ARE PIANOS ue no?' i t?i.iili?r?d the h> >t Piano? uiauuia. lined, and arc Warraulrd tor tiv. year?. Waiei(-oui? Not 82 and !>4 V\ alk.-i .1 , BOOS Broadway fur a r' lar-*'- riiiiiiil-c(.iu?*r r.?n.? ,0.1 7 ? (?v* PIANO, with a 1 iiio|.-mi In,/, iv. ii..i.t. vr.yltttr ,i..| on.- i.,... Uve PIANO for *|t?i new MELOUL!?N8 ?lioud ??..' J A' HiCHKH, No. i'jti lit tain ?), nr" IUU at #170 ALBERT H. NICOLAY, AUCTIONF.E8 AND flrOCBBRlBEB, No MVAUlui. .t INSURANCE .?TOC-B ? d o?h?c 8*v H?* it private tale. ST??? h S in? BOM)- )>*t.ght and to?d at IM ?r r- h.*j_ The Prire Corren: (?.mal ?? .il month y. Urri. B iirtM? Pe-.MTi.Tim? C '. n ,'..?i'io .-orner of J He B,,?-v ?mi VV ,lj .t . Nk.< I ..Ht., lag ?. MM 1 A SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND of THREE J\ ?Mi A RALF PER CENT h.? tv-n d?r!?r?d ?... I?.? , -pleal 8t?.'k ,.l Ce l'?ii...;Ivaiila ('*? ".mp ny. pi? ?Me it th? ofl.c* >? the ( Ity of New V ,..k ?laad t-Yar the Hth of Viao.t ,?.t i b?- tim.frr book? will no -'??.-d from ?h? 7th M th? l?'th of A"?g'i'< in'iu.ive. GEORGE A. HOI I. lc-a.ii?r I A ClinsSE and WILW?I KKK LAND \j GUAM IIONI'S-A iu?jorit? of the Fir,t l???r lioid , id. -1, -?i g -? it i'i tbtll if ?? 'he rannt? !??? o? ? ?'-li ho! I .,...' h?e l??ue. ion.I rrr.l 1 Itl bo for t:i"i?i'h l..<r,,. of nniiini ?o leciii? o i.inal pro?, c on and ?t'.-icl.m t-> their in tei.i'. ?I..und ?*?d wllfe ut farther delay their t?d?r??t in I Hi? i.umt.erol th.-i, h.., I. to Mr F RANDALL, No. .Ill Wa!l it.^ l-ottTl ixiip PlB? In? Co : Oltice Mechan!, ?' Bait II ili Bag, <. No 31 11 ill it ; New-Y.rt, Aug 1 1 ",n > r? "?111*". Hi'anl ??I Ui'ector* hat?* tin? day d-telaretl 1 a SI'hi'1-1 S DIVIDEND of NINETEEN AND ONE HALF PER CENT (IMI, piyibl? M ltd a'ter thefllfeMM GEO I) CK.VRY.Siip't^ OtTHA "? TOB NRW Y.iHB FlKB IBB M AKI-.? 111! KlNCaC,,, I New-York. Aug 4, Iflflfe { DIVIDEND.?A S.-iiii-Aiiiiiiiil I)i?i'l.-n,l of Ten per' ?it lu- Mi? day been dr l?r. d, pay ibl? to the St m k holder? on demand, lithe oth:o "f the lomniny. No 72 Wtll-tl. D l.NDF.RIIILL, Secretary. St. Mahk'b Fihb I>?i-K?Mca Oonrtjst, t Orli e, No rT, VVsM ?t , New-York, lug 7 MM I rpBE BOARD of DIRECTORS have this Bat J de. It,.d I MBtl? BBBl DIVIDEND of FIVE (5) PE?I i EN 1. payable on and alter the l.l'h nut. Ityorlnr WASHING i ?)N P' ).-.T, Secretary. Ni, t.ATCI K I R. C) , T,tBA?,KBK*? Ol'IICB. I Bhltll.Bl'.KT. CI, Aug ?, l?Vf). i DIVIDEND No. ID.?Thf Director? hav,* ?1.* cltr.d nS.'ii.i Animai Di.blend of FOUR PER CENT on id- c?piui ?to. k?piy ,!>!? l.'tb i,.?t. The Tr?t..'er liuok will he cl.???-d from Ih? l'lth to the ICtli i,!-t In.-I II Nit ilOI-H, IVaiurer. DlVIDEND-OCEAN BANK.-ThV?>ar(l e?f Diie.-to!? of the Ocean Bank have tbli "lay flaot*r?d ? SF.M1 ANNUAL DIVIDEND ol (,?) THREE AND ONK HAI-F FSB CENT ??..tot tu- prol.t? of th? la.t ??x mouth?, payable to the .to. th.,?1er. on ? id ?I . r F -il !? \ 'i', A . ? i-t 1?. 11,'r Trainier Book, will be doled Ir .tn ?lie 4t?> to the l"th tuit., in li-i.r ('HAS. PALMER At.'t Caihi-r. New Yo,k 1MB_^^,it Fin? IviBBAJHM O.FIM { No *.7 Wall it , Aug.?, lutin ? 1'HE Hoard ?>f I >i rector.? I);.v?. this ?Liy declare.! ?SEMI-.iNN'-AL DIVIDEND of TEN (1??> PERCENT on the ( tpit,.l St. k p y.iilo on demand at'I.e ota e of llie Comp.iy I. 4. IRVING S-cretary. -T?HE MIjTUAL BENEFIT LITE INSURE I AN( F ?'O ha? ?ciiuiuU'ed fuudi am ?iin'.in? to o.?r ??it Vi.i??y, and oath? l?t of January. 1 ?A decla'.-tf a DIVI? DENDO, if. PF.K ( ENT DitiJeiiii are annual,> Li CAHJ. Paper- fur,.Hind I gru??) by JOS. L. k J P LOBS, ,?. n'ti, No 11 WM! ?t., N. Y. JOHN MINKOE A Co., AMERICAN BANKERS, No. b RI E DE LA PAIX, PARIS, and No 8 WALL-NT NEW-YORK, Orv.t LETTERS OF CKEDIT for Mercantil., Purpoiei. Also, 4 IRf I LAB LETTERS OF CREDIT ou the pria.-lpal tow,.? and cilicio? EUROPE. Alio, on A i- x ri-lr'a, Cairo. Reyrotit. Jemialem, Algier?, lie. BILLS ON PARI?, md STERLING BILLS in tun? to suit NOTICE.?Notic?? i? hereby inven to the Cruditori of the lite Bank ?f Mutiil >u. it M t.-'ll .u, Ohio to rce-ent ,.i 'he i.iiJer-igi.e-1, Heceivert of ?aid Bank it the office of Geo. Htr-h it .V'a??ill"i. tforeaiid. on or b-fore the lit day of March, inI lor divdcn.l. ail th-ir CLAIMS tpamtt Mid Bank All Claim! not i? preta-nted w..i be iorever La red from ail dividends ,-.).- ?saet? of taid tJaak By order -f '. ourt. ?BOBGB HARSH,) ISAAC STF.ESE, > Recelvotl. P. C. HULL, > Mattllloa. Jna* 19, 18?._ BROWN A HURLB1 T, DEALERS IN COMMERCIAL PAPER, No 1. Wall ?t., N?w-Yi>rk. J. EDWIN I'.ROWN, W M. H. HURLBUT. Refer by p-rml?sior. to John Earl Williams, e?q , D II. Arnold, ?to.., I'm-.', ,-t up !..i. lit k. Pre?t Mer. aiitiie Bank. 1.. N. Phe'pl. et(l II ,.,? V. Brady .V'.atr?. A ? Lawrence it Co. Mr,i:i Swilt, Huribut k Co. tfEW-OBLEAN8 and MOBILE FUNDS bosaU [B by AUGUST BELMONT k Co., No. S" Wall it. ?ftunitnre. I7NAMF.LED CHAMBER SUITES of FUR J NITL'KE in all col?? and ttylet, Wh ??.ale or ReUil, il fib, and upward' also Mattrasiei in! Pailla???? Warren wakd. no in cmai it., Fo.r doon eaat of Bro?Jw?.y, N. T. Mi'TNAM'*? I'ATENT SPRING BED*?The b??t in,- WM M. Pi'TNAM. Agent, No. M < eiit-r ?t. (near Ctsial), N. T. ?U?Gfclhincou3. BOARI 'MAN'H 1'ateiit Steam lloiler ?avea :i0 p?* 1 p?l i er t in Mai Cylinder boilers .-an be ilt-.ed Hid ea It.ged. Send lot I circular H BOARDMAiS. It-ri Hr.adwty. (^ TAJ Cil ? Co ...SEWING-MACHINE NEE Vy? DItBS ??.i i rimming? o? evety dea. ripti m, wh .l-sal* ?:id irtail II ? VV r.Li'oN k Co., Agents, ?No. 4.">l Broidwiy. iV Y. SEWING-MACHINE EMPORIUM, X ?I ? No 4rf?. Hkuai.wat, ?' BaOMB-M K\ FRY VABISTI OF FIRSi" (LASS b'umUy and 'u?-n.y Sewing-iffh-ie* TO It I-NT AM) FOB HAriF.? Paitk-i In wait of Srvt ?ill save t!ieni*?!ve? ?..?i. I. tin.? and ti.n.l.le hy . ?mug at the EMPORIUM, where they .-?.i ??!?-. t Boa ? pork of ILL THE LEADING MACHINES, ind cm tett the ? .me ti.lore purchating. Machine! iiouglit. exchanged, an I repaired. v. W WH KF.S.jr , No. 416 Broadway Puiitto, (Oils, #c. rpO COAL-OIL REFINERS. Jg Hating nude arniugementt with the proprietor, of the wells In th? Btfcte of Petiu.yltani? yield'ug PETBOIaBUM oil?, 10 receive their whole prnjuition Wr are prepared to offer thll article on the mott fatortble term., and In quaiititie? to auit purchaaeit. 8CHIEFPELIN, BROTHERS A Co , No. 171) Willlim-tt Professional Notices. L MUNSTER, Graduated SURGEON DEN ? Staff, bat REMOVE!) to No be Wstrt I'r-i, ,t, b-tw a*o Broadway and htb ?v. Jnsurance (Companies. CLINTON FIRE LNSURANCE COMPANY, OFFICE No. H WALL ST., N. Y. CASH CAPITAL.8?Afl,(?t)() ASSETS. iw>tj,,M? HUGH LA1NG, Pieiident. Jamb? B. Abbi, Jr., Secretary. XEW-EM.LAM) MUTUAL LIFE INSII? ll AN( II COMPANY (PI RELY MUTUAL), of Rsstosj/ m -. Fun! to pi; Lsta?a.ONE MILLION Flv E HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS Afl.r pain el ...-i *??DU-<)II0 And DIV IDINDS IN I VSH ??I.OII.DIK). L.atDIVDF.ND, ?I? PER I ENT , p-id IN CASH. Inter e.ting diar .m?i.'- rom en iug Lin- Assurance furnished gra'i JOHN HOPPER. Agmtand Attorney forth.- Co, Metropolitan B?nk Buiidiu?, 11?, Bioadwiy cor. Pine ?t N V JLiilliiub ?lablcs. PHEL.AN? IMl'ltoV ED BILLIARD TABLES AND C'JMBINATION cushionb Protected bv Le t?rt Plient dititd Feb 11 HV?; Oct. J?, 1.4561 De. 8, lxf.7 , Jan 12 l.ii* , Nov. lb, lHlVl, and M trch n l-:?rj. ftp The rtaratOt inipn vemrutl In theie tiblei i.iaie tliain ua ?B'ptased h, the woild They are now offered to th? .-lentlrl: Blliii'd pliyen ?? . ipeed with truth, Bevst befori ?* ?alned In ar.y hl'md Table. Manufactory, Noi o?, ir) indeT) Crotby-tt PIULAN k COLLENDER, Sole Ma i il?, tirer?. CopartnersfjiB Notice?. NOTICE.-Mr. WILLIAM H. 8WAN U duly lulhciU-d to SIGN OUR FIRM hy procuration. GRINNELL MINTURN k Co. <T>cean ?teamcrs, t^c. PORTIJiND and WHITE M01JNTB_m-The list .? :?s. tnd fivort?? tteamtbip? CHESAPEAKE Ctpt Sidney Crowall, and PATAPSt () Cipt Ed E Vaiil, a will form a teml weekly line to Portland, leaving Pier 9, N. R. .very WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, at 4 p. m. Paiaagr and fare iuoludlng tuterooin, 85 Tltii it the mott direct and pictureioue rout? between New York and the W hile Maintain?, via Long I aland and Vineyard Bound? to P iitiind, and Grand Trunk Railway lo Oot?aa?, ? li only lit mil?! from th? Glen II ? ..- Apply to H. B.CROMWELL k Co., _No? fui West??, ?ad ?IS Broadway. CTEAMER of AUGUST 11. FOR SOUTHAMPTON AND HAVRE l\ 8 M. STEAMSHIP ILLINOI.1, Caflt P E T-rrv, will tail from Pier No. 8. N. H . New York, ?tip m.SATT RDAY, Aug ll, will, uisli?, pttMengeri, lud ?prcle, for England ?ml Franc?. To lot TBABI-TOS. TO BlTltB. Flr.t ? ?hi..*>?' Kir-t Cabin.*. o third Cabla. K? i Third Cabio.. 3b D ToRRANCE, Agnnt, No ? II.i?. I'u, Gieeii, New Y ink. BUasu.ihlp VANDIRBII.T tails Beptaiuber a. TO IRKLAND, ENGLAND and SCOTLAND, V.? ?ii.,,1 ?laOalwiv.-Ttir ATLArtTi; ROYAL MAIL HTFAM NAVIOATION COMPANY'S ?plendid ?nd siwerfal ?crew ? i h ? i PRINCE "ALBERT wt'i I--', from pi? n0, a7 North Rit.r, tooi of BmoI, it, on TUESDAY. Aug 14, f .T Oelw?y, touching ?? St. lobs', to.? ?Mm the Itoyil Mail? ??.?1 ffa??iaa??M .na-nt-t..-?. p.,?.. i ?en I.y ?lite pewter wll ha?? a fre? t.rlt?K (which ra->?t ,.. ,.,.| ??, . d *l.e? rii.i?'.' a pa.??sr, fr,n, Qaslwiy to to; of t?i? principal ci:lrl In Or-st Britain or Irrland. ?ATM M i- ?-? '.a F(r?4 CI?m (according to? oommoditioni).. 8771 and 81?. Third Cla?. ...fl*). T' l?o ? I??? laatenger? ar? louud with eookol pnjvfsi ui, but n ?itI pri.vld? themselves with bedding and tin? Plt.iifl in the tl.tid clan ran he t.-'-ur??l to l.rng p-r? >ra nut frtrn ???I* ay for i Ai M? from D'iblli, * 11, from ??If*?*., ?-?.n, ftotn I.- rd'inlerry, m"->". ?'?', ttcm WaterforJ, $17-, from Lin. r bk, I Hi r- ..r 'retght or pavtasg? apply I i board of th? thlpt, or to HOW LAND k A?Pl-.WALL Not M ?ml w S ).ith-?t AgenU in Hoat.n -NA/.RO BROS, k SWEENEY, N?. ? t.hKthaJll row. WEEKIaYntJoMMLTtTCATION by STEAM betweeu NEW-YORK and LIVERPOOL, ?ailing at O.UEFN.--TOWN. Ireland, t?. lau.l and ?mbvk p???engwr? a->d Bmmabm The I.Grrp-" 1, New-York, and Philadelphia .Steamihlp Cors? ean?'? apiri, lid Clyde built, Iion Screw -ounii.ip? ar? intended to ?all a? t..-??. /I'.?? BBW-TOB? ?OB IIVBHPKI,. CITY OF WASHINGTON.SATURDAY, Aug IL KANGAROO.SAT? RD.VY Aug R F.DlNPt RGB.SATURDAY, Aug ?IS. And every StturdiyBirougboiitthe. y..?r. from Pier No. 44, N. K. KATBI M PAMA,IB. Cabin?To Qneeuitowu or Liverpool.871. I'ahii. To London (via Liverpool).,. 80. ?t--. : ig i ? O .,?,-(.,a i, or Liverpool. SO. Sta-antge-To London. la) Sieeri-g? retura ticket?, available for it, month?, from Livor pool. 8*. Pi??eiigeri forwarded to Harro, Paris, HaMfearg, Bremen, aad Antwerp, at througb rate?. Certn -airs ?!' paaisg? it.ued from LiveMpB to New-York.. BAD. ?Vrtihcau-t of passage iaiued from Q??MMM?BM New York 30. These ita-aineri have ?uperlor aecomiiioda'ion for Pasneniert, ire (?'?! air?.' ?ed with water-tight compeu-tuieriti, and ?try ex? perienced Surgeon? Por Fr-ight or l'a -?-?, ipply it the ofMoe of the Company, JOHN O. DALE, No. 15 Briradway, New-York. Agent. In Liverpool, to VVM IN.MA.N. Tower Building?. _ lu Oh??gnw, to WM. INMAN, No 11 DUon-tt_ FOR" SAVA^^An'at^t^nS?UTH.-The iteam-hlp HI. NTSVILLE Cant. J. A. Post, wi'l save Pier No If, N. R., on -?ATUKDAY, Aug. 11, at 4 p m,* Pa??age to Savannah, with a.-oomm xialioni uue.jualnd, ?FIS. ThronghTTiketi to New-Orleii,i, 81" 7S; Mobile, ?3?; Mont? gomery, $V> M-rnpMi. ?31 ~b; Nashville, ?2-1 73; Kuoxvill', ?IS o Ct-itti-iooga, Alb; Albany, BMj Columbui. B8l ? At linta, 8?l? Mac?n, t?'); August?, BIT SO, Including (jarrtage ftr? 1r Savannah. Apply to H B CROMWELL It. Cs, Bo. 8H We.i-st., and No *3: Brotdaay. STEAMER OF AUGUST 2.r), FOR SOUTHAMPTON AND HAVRE. The United Slit?. Mail St-ain?hlp ADKIATIC, Joseph C. Com.fock. Commander, will sail from pi?r foot of at ,on SATURDAY. August li, with Mails, Pis-enter?, and Sprcie. for tne ahove port? For Freight or Ptt.-sg? ?-.ply at the office of the North Vtiaa tic S 8. Co (room No 4) No. ex Wallst. I P.STEPHENS, Secretary. The ADRIATIC will loive on her u?xt voyage SATURDAY, October 6. FOR SAVANNAH ami OTHER PORTS u BELOW.-The t?ratele "? -ide-wheel itea-nihip ALABA? MA, Capt Thoa Lyon, wi'l leave on SATURDAY, Aug 11, at 4 p ,m, Bssa Pi?r No. 4 North River. Through tickets can be h?l for the following plaa-ei: N?w-Oile?ii 4,:,'i 75; Unidle. 833; Montgomery, 81S? Crin,ihm. Bill Alb.iiy, +2t; Atlanta, Bill I ii itUnoogs, Alb ; Nashville, +27 .VI, Kii'.itilir 8M 5?J ? Memphis, *.tl 7?; Aigu?ta +17 .V); Maro,, . ?M| S ?VSSSSAV, +1'. for freight or pattag.i upply at No. II Broadway. _ SAMUEL L MITCHILL Ix SON. ?THE at.anier GREAT EASTERN, JOHN 1 VINE HALL, Commander, for MILFORI) HAVEN, Ei gland, via HALIFAX, Nova Scotia-Th? GREAT EAST? ERN will s til tor the ?bove pom on THURSDAY. Augo.t 18 Fron Mflford Haven there 1? railroad connection wi'h ail parts of G?eat Britain, and daily by tteameri with Ireland, rtpei ill trtini will be In readiueaa on the arrival of the ihip at Millo,d liiven to cany paatengert to London and the North at rtduced rat?? of fare. Kir-t ciaat Paaseugert only will b? taken, and th? prhje is fixed M SMS A UmUed nnmber of Srit-cla?! paitengert will alto be ttkaa f.-.-n? New-York to Hilifaxat t chtrge of +2.1 each. Apply to GR1NNELL, MINT! I-N k Co., _No. 78 Soithti. Im? NORTH GERMAN LLOTD-ftoamahip NEW VOUK, II. J. von Suiter, Commander, carrying the U. S Mall, will tail on SATURDAY, Sept 1, at 11 o'clock m., ?OB BREMEN, VIA SOUTHAMPTON, Taking Pas-enrrr? for LONDON, HAVRE, SOUTHAMPTON, and BREMEN, At th? following rat??! Fi.'-t a'-in $1??0; .-. .....I cti..n ?60, tteerag?, B?. For freight or ntisag? tpp'? to G?LPCK.E, KBUTOU it REICHELT, No H2 Broadway. ??OR CALIFORNIA via PANAMA.-In aad . after lily, a lir-t clntt tteamer will leave Ne?-York the 111 11 ,h in.! 21?t ?f ?a. h month, except whan the?? dat-i fall oa ! SUNDAY, ?he., th? day of departure will be th? MONDAY | ??bowing. For ireight or pa?????, ?ppl? ?t the onlv ofB-e No. IT*I We t it. comer of Warren-lt. f) B ALLEN, Agent Bteamboats anb lluilroaco. I TOR ('01.NWALL.--Oa and after SATUR . DAY, lit!. ln?t. The tteamer AI.IDA will land at Corn? wall, on both her upward and downward tiipi. NEW-YORK t?t the? WHITE MOl??TAINS ami LAKE MEMPHItr.MAGOG direct And Pleasure RoiiU to Ogltn.burgh, Montreal, and Uuebec. Apply at the N. T. wdN H. R.R. Office, 21th-?t., N.JL_ iX)R NEW-l 1AVEN7 by ntoainer ELM CITY, from Pier No. 25 Ea?t River, at 3 p. ox,, and T'RAV ELEB, ?111 p. m F?:aa ?i No charge for berth. DAY BOAT ^ALBANY "and TROY, maluo? tli? n? ii' Landing? -The?learner DANIEL DHE W |pm Jsy-st Pier TLESDAYS, THURSDAY?, and SATURDAYS, at . a. m._ F "OR BRIDGEPORT?DAILY LINE?Fare .'?0 oenti. The ?teamer CATA LINE, Capt. Wot. A. Vail, will leave Oliver ?lip E R . every day at 12 o'claok nooi, running In c(, m- ??.'. n with the Hottitooic Railroad. The tveanier BRIDO* PORT wiU leite Peck ?lip ?very Monday, W.dn-t day aid Friday, at 12 o'clock noon, arriving in time to oonnec? wfihaJ the Hiprett train.. OEORGE W. CORLIES, Agent. L AFTERNOON BOAT for Ni'wburp-h and ?nti?rrae .in'.. La?..Luga???teii.rr Metaniora, it t p. ra. (Suadayt excepted), irom Pier foct of Jay-st. For paxtioulart aee bLUa DAY BOAT for WEST POINT, NEWBURGH and I'OI GHKEEP81E.?Th? iteamboat ALIDA will leave Jay-tt Pier DAILY, at 8:30 a. m. (torching it .'t'th-it Pier) ; irrivini at I' 1 p. ui. , leaving Poughkeeptio 1 p. m. ; returning to tin- ci'y 6 8?) p. m. Passeugert for Albany, Troy. Stratogi, or Miy point weit, cm make ?ur? connections M Peiiglikeepiie. Baggage tranilerred free. Fare 73 cents. FOR BRIDGEPORT?DAILY LINE.?The Steamer JOHN BROOKS will leave Peck Slip every day (Sunday*! except.,.!) at I p in., arriving in Bridgeport in time for tberanof the)H?.iiatonlc, Naugstuck. and New Haven Railroad?, Par? njc Freight taken. T. LOCKYKR, k Co., 11.1 8outh it. Tt\)R NEWARK aatt BERGEN POINT.?Tea 1 new steamer THOMAS P. WAY leave! Pier 20 N. R . foot o Dey it., at i1 > ?? ui. and Ij p. m., daily, including Sunday!. DAT BOAT fer ALBANT as? IN1-RM1dT ATE LANDINGS-Strtmer ARMENIA leave? Harriton tt. every MONDAY. WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY at 7 a. m., ?oiniecliiig it Alh my with trains to Sarat >gi and Ihn Weit BALTIMORE AND OHIO"RAILROAD. * Freight and Ticket Oth.-e No. **) Rroidway, rjoriier Barclay?,, New^York._C. W. PER VEIL, Ageat. ONG ISLAND RAILROAD.-Train, leave ' Sont!, Perry, Brooklyn, for Greeuport at 10 a m. and 1:M p. m ; Noith I.fin 10 a m , 3:30 and S 35 p. m. ; Syttstet, Uro Mi i ?to p. m. ; I!-': ;. .-vi, 1? a. m., 11 in 4, 4 *>. and 1:M p.m. ; Jamaica, 10a. ra., 11 m., 4. 4:8). ':??, and 1:4? p. ra. R~A?LROAD to LONGTbRANCH, NT J.?RAR 1TAN and DELAWARE BAY RAILROAD, .topping at Mlddietown, Red Bank, Shrewsbtuv. A -The it.-aoi boats I A M I N F- N D and ALICE PRICE will leave foot of Robinson-it. (north side wharf) at ? B. in. and 4 p. m., with an extra trip EVERY SATURDAY, at ? p m. Connect? ing at Port M.c with car? for Long Bran.'brand othsr ?ta Boni. Returning, cart m ill leave Long Bran, h at "J a in., 8?? a. m , and ?>i p. m Ex. araion partiel dealt with on liberal ternit' ^BW-JERSEY RAILROAD ? For PHILA 11 DELPHI A tiid the SOUTH and WEST, via JERSEY CITY -Mail md Expntu Llnei leiv? New-York ?t 7, 9, and 11 I. m and 4 ?md b a m. ; fir? ?3 Through tickets told for ClB tinmti uid th? Weit, and for Washington, New-O, leaut, and the Sont?,, Ac , in! thitiigh bigg?ge chocked to Wiahlngton la 7 a PL mdb' p m. trahit J W ".V ,,., ?IK I ff A ??'?'.???. i ip? !??- ?Inn No bsagrage will be received for any traint,inlet? dalivered and ?ba?Bad 18 minutet in tdvon.-e of the Uiue of leaving SHORT LINE to HARRISBURG, via CENTRAL RAILROAD ?>f NEW-JERSEY, WITHOUT CHANGE of CARS. An EXPRESS TRAIN LEAVES NEVV-YORst DAILT (Sunday! eicrntrdi from foot of Courtlimltst, it 6 O'CLOCK A. M_, FOR HARRI-iBURO, vil P.ASTGN. ALI K.NTOW N and BEADING, Connecting ?* Item'' iwith Philidelpnlt and Reiding RaUt for I iTTSVILLE and PHILADELPHIA! and at HARKIftlil 1) with MAIL TRAINS on PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD, Etat and Writ: NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD, North and Smith; aad with th.-( I" MF.RI.IND VALLEY RAILROAD. VV I , ilOI T CHANGE of OARS from JERSEY CITY to HARRISBUllG, Arriving al liiiii? j ik at U:40 aooa. New-York, Mty 21, ln??0. NEW-YOltR?: AND HARLEM RiULROAD. FAR/ to ALRANY. h I On md ifler MONDAY, .lone : ?. iM?), Train? will laav? fe.ih it Sut.on. New Yoik, at followti For Wtlllaaitbridt? mJ all way stations, 7.tit and 11 a. m.. and?:K?B m For W hit.- Pliln. aid ?It wty itatlo'i?. 1 to, i and 11 m. (For VA lut? Plain? and all way lUtfont, U:15 p p. froa, Whitest Depot ) ForCr.'t.n Fa'l?. !i:l5s m ttopping it Wil. llim.t.iMge and tUttoni above. For Dovai Plain? ?. fl p ?. popping a| White Plaiut and aLitloiii ?bov?. (Thlt train rum to Millertou n? Satutd?y ?veuingt ) Foi Albany, in U- ? m , Kt preaw Mill Tiai?, it. ppiog .1 While Plalui, Badford, Croioa Palls, and stati ui north Rrturiilnt, will laav? WIIItaataMdga, ttopnlna at all way it? Rom, it t>:40 and *? a. m , and 1 p. m Whit? Plains, stopping ?tall way ?tall.mi, at S and lam, 4:l?and7 a p. Bo??i Plaint, t a. m ?topping at all ttationi north o/ Fordham. (This tills lei?.-. M,liciten ?very M "ii.lav in.u i.tru al ."> l*i ? in i Crol?? F?lls "> p s?., ttopping at all station? i.oiih of Potdhaia. Alba ay .? a iti.,.,.11'1 ?t ?II atatlont uoith of Whit? Plalna /GUN BUBCtllLL, AaaUtaut Au^riuMudtsl. OTW-fOtt 1 RRrp R-MXROAD. A* ptr-KlRK FXPBK??. ,n|l for titiaklr*, _____ c*j2Bnjt^ua...diort.c!P?!?i,'Aib-,* " M irlM,,, IH*k\ _H*?IL at D. 13 A n?. /*?_. II ?.LI L ___1 ?__ __ ?__. -, ^x%rs^^5__?--S? ,,*,"??*,* ??. uJ?**aon!:*p m f?"*'''??>- 8sa?j?HfcaaBMHBafl -TT^S?igt? ?-?_?Lat?? a? a I a-af? tatata aaavtlraaa WJg ,??, ?.y u Ku???_^^ *"**?> _ ?H*? ?.1NO? Oaasrol ? ^f_ I T/IR -TT?TTN.-TYLVAmA 1 o/_*_ Central TJLTlioaV Irffij ?_- _"***-* ?P?lV-TRACR ROTJTBJ U* JS^** "f **?? B"J '? <>?*"? --U.I to ?or la tha Or muUn. ?HE O?E4T SHORT LIT?1. TO TU* W*8?** ?__?*?fe'_i^_-^?? ?__ ?j ?SSSL'iiX?. "it ? m?? ? By tklt ?rot? Frel?bU of all d?wrl_?, ??_.?--? and from si?y M int S th? __g___g_t_BBj__. *WpW ?? llllnoit, W??,?-*s?i, low? o. ???ML _v?Ti?, ?' ["_?_> XECT, - to or.yTr.rt *o I?. aav|SA1ftLlt^,^_i_.'_ *._?>*- froan pltubu-h "**?'???? ?BB| of too W.* by Tb? rttts of Fr*lght tr ?i.? from ?ay notxA ~r ,_. W|? . P?nn?yl?*nlt R.-froad tre at ill trim*? _ f..-?,,._ ? ? _J_*^? *~S vy other Railroad Con.par .-? Ma i? .1,1, .?,. ,(,.__....._. tM the trant-iorUla >B of thulr Frvlsr ? ? ?tritb oOtiAdenr-a. on ,ti ?p-edy troutrt vy other Railroad ??lunaci*? M*r -h?oU ??I Eala>Baaa ____ teg the t-?init>ort.?tl ?a of their Freight t>. Iha Cucsytay mtig. nrftb .rotilidencf on ,tt ?t>*dy tr?..? t Mm Thlt Company t'a? mal rate ne ?a Raitgraat ?..-.??a.'ivjaiatloa ui.'e, b? which pa.vI -f ?nig ttlng westward enjoy a <-hea? asi ?VBiorUble siod* ef ?on?r??nce ot ^[.?-hsif tlie Bra?-!????_ y faro. J L ELLIOTT, P-ssengrr *.g??nt No 1 Atto, Boovsa LE EC II X Co , Freight Agen to, No 1 Astnr !!?.'.?-, ?nd No ? 8?ntr. Wi!(_._-?. McDONALD A ?ISCHOFF.'.nt Ag.nta"^^ No 8 >l??'?ry plata ENOCH LEWIS. Qeasral flap't A ttMnt. P.. ^^ "VEW-YORK AND ITA RLE M RAILROAD^ XX Sniniiier ?mngrnient for pltyurir? travel, train* lea?? S8ta at S'atti?u a? follow?: lu 15 a m Eipre?, for A'bany, Troy, Saratoga, Sbama ?P'irirt. Nltjnra fallt Lake Georg*. Lebanon Snthi? an ? Lak? M ?hopa.-. Connecting tt Albaoy ? ith N ?' C R R fnt Sbsraa Sprirg?. Marrara Palls, and all place? VV.-t Alto with tra?as for Ssrttoga and all pointi North 8:1? a m.?For Crotoa Kalkt, son ne. tin tt O..I.I.-I,'. Ilrld?. with Stage? fot Lake Wercaboo and it ( r< ...r. Y all* with SUg-? for Lake MariTparr. 4 ? p ?a. ? Kor Dover Plain?, 00. nectii.g at Tnidn,' t Bridge with .-Rai*? far Lake WVirabi... and at Cralon P.?I? with Sugvyt for L-Xo Mahopac._JOHN BUR? HILL. Asaftt Sup't HUDSON RIVER R?TLR0AD for ALBANY and TROY, con nouns ?vith NORTH and WVAtO. From Monday April 80 H'?0 Train? will leave Chamk?a-sX Station as follow?. Thro igh Kxprets 'IVains. T and 11 a Sp o . Albany Mail. 6 a in.: S .-p ? < ?? TtbIb. 3:1 (S-ndiyilucl'Kjed), Way Train? for ging Sing 1:41a. " s n. . Albany Mail. 6 a m.: S ?.-p...? Ca* Train. 318 p. at, (S-ndayilucl'ided): Way Train? for Si,.g Sing 8:41 a. fa. aad 4:15 and 7 p m. , 'or Pouglikeepalo lrli and 4:>i f m. ; for Torrytowa 8 Maid b? 45 p m for Peet.tjil }:** p ta. Froof llitit, Buffalo and Northem Lightning Newa Trata I.SB a. av. F.mlgract ?:i? p m Paiteigeri t.ien at Chamber? Canal rbri.topher and ii!ft?U Tnirn for N*w-York !aa?? Troy ai 1:48 (Sunday? In....idea?, and ' *b and '*>!') a. a?, aid ? 48, on* Vd") .rfMiJ.T? '1 r:..,?,?>.? 1 aot? 11:84 p 1. __ Albany about ?.?.if ?nhourltt?.-. A F SMITH S ip?rtnt?-?l???4 FOR BOSTON and PROVIDENCE, via WSW PORT and FALL RC KR Th- tp n 1:1 a?. I ? .perlr?, itearner METROPOLIS. Capt Brown, leave? N?w-York ?vary TUESDAY, THcRSDAT. ...d SATL'RDAY, at I o . -k p n tndth? EMPIRE STATE, Ctpt BrtytoB. in M ON 3 AT, WEDNESDAT, and FRIDAT, at I t'cloirk? a..frtaP%i No. I, N. R. H err ? fier n? room? will be regarded at aeoarad U ?ay opfiB? ?ant nntil the tame ?hall bav? been p .Id for. Freight to Botton la forwarilad thro-ita wit great ll?p?t.-A tvf Ott Etpres? Freltht Train. Vtal. SORDEN, Agent No?. TO aad Tl Woft-Ot. CENTRAI? RAILROAD of NEW-.r_RflEi?-l Kroro footef Courtlandt rt -Ce :n?> ".Log at HaaiptOB Jttas* lion with Delaware Lackowonna ?sod We?wira Railrood, and at Bsstoa with I.'h'fb Valley Railroad and its .joaneetiona S? M M ER ARRANOEJ?' *?T-4^?inen?o?ng May IS, Ma. I?r?.ve New-York a? follow?: 1'ikk ?ri'h'i Ezpar/M- At oto. for E??*<m, lUadJag, liai? rtiburg, .Viii.-h Chunk, ko. Mail Tiaais?At 8 a. m. for Ea*ton, Wate? (Jap. Snraatjoa, 3r-tat Bend, PittstoB, Wllk.-?b?rre. Ac. U a. TaKoritn Tbiib?For Eaaton, M?nr*i Chnrk 1Se?b?B_ Potuville, Ht-Tisl-nrg.kc. I 1*. a. Tbbocub Tairv?For Eostna, AUeatowa, Matvoh Chunk, i - S r. U. Wst Tr ? i !?- For Sour.'irvt'l? aad InUrnuadiste ??dooa. Eai-i'.f.-? Tiia:.-i ?'.k iliai.iiHu. Tho 6 a. m. Expi? ?1 Train (ruin New-York asttSBS al Harri?, barg at 11:40. noon, In time to ccniie t with trains an P*nnayl ??ni? Central R.R., ?titi,ni??tt, Northern Control, north and, and with Cnmberlaad Valley R.R. Lbitb Nbw-Yoee ?bob Phil. No. 2 N. R. at Tin aad 11*8 a. m. and 8:80 p. m. for Eatton and '.1 t-r medial.- rti?ofai. aad at 1:80 p. in. for Somervi'ie an I luterirediatt? ?t .tious JOHN O. STERNS So-eirlnlen-lsnX XlXcbical. CATARRH '?\Vc innert with pl(.T-?urf the noti?*?* of Dr. (.OODAI.E, that Ms Re-m-iy for Ctfirrb, i? tgiia la market, at wholcaule and'l. We are auured t'i?t the tea of trial baa tecured for it publie oonriil.-n -e and th? goier?! opinion ba? obtaiu.'d that it i? the only positiv? and r-liab'.e i 1 ..? ever devised for i'?t* of this terrible diteat?! Coti?'ry r? ih-.nld k.'.-p It for the cnnvenien. ? of tbote whi ara ????mpelle.) to ?en?l la thr proprietor in New-York for it. It? repu? tation for intrintfc erri.racy ha? no equal. Price, ?aii per SBStBI ?a perd.i : lingle ?1 per bottle. No 8<?1 Broadway, N. Y. EVERY Woman who HiifF.?rx fr.un ?Invagalsiriti?** ?hculd ote Dr MARTINI'S CATAMENIAL COR? RECTOR, which ii without .xi-eption THE BEST MEDICINE BKFORI THE PUBLIC for oil di?ea?. ? oiitiog froin lrreguloiati*?. Chronli or N*r?r?a Debility I'oipl'otion of t!i* He??t, V e-tiio or Dia*in??. Palas iu the Rldney?. Pan.? in ill?- ?mall of the Back. Pal 1? undsr tha Shr,u!drr?. Lowiiet? of, La?iguor aad Narvoutne?* g-oti ally, Ditticult or Supprra-ed Menitriatlnn, tc. I-iic at retail ?1 M por botC^ or ?S', f.r four b?Htle?. For ?ale bv Mea*ri. Born.? 4?. Pa-?., t d F. C. Wrili k Co., New-York ; tt retail by dru-UU g*ner t'ir J. D. 1 DE NYSE, Onoeral Aia-at for the United Stite? and Canada, No. 1" WUiiani tt., N. T. I7AMILY BITTERS.?The host in uiaTare tha DANDELION rn.MPOl NI? CATHARTIC BITTERS. We a-k the public to try then, They thould bo u?ed by every lamliy. Mai.iifactured hy DEVINK A CONK No 2'! Job?, tt, N. Y *Vhil,-?le HARR IL. RISLEIT k KITCHEN. No?, m and H?j Read.- ?t.. N. T. H EALTH OE AMERICAN WOMEN. Thi? certifie? that in? wife wu aiHi.ted with prolap.oa and Imvnltritlea and ueackneaa for a long tlaia. She wta at? tended by the beat doctor? in tiii? ?*ctiou, who all ?aid they could cure her ra.Uy , but ?h? grew woi?e. Urarinz t!ic OxnoU anherg Mar?hall'i I atholicon highly recoaiiut-ad.-.i, 1 t?l*J it, and toniy ?urpri?e lud gfett jiy R cured her. Sha i? now heav? ier and better than ever In h.-r Ufa, My edu-ation prej.iJi.1??! me ?ca?!'-' a!! odv.rti.ej remedir 1. or I ihould have t?'ed!t ?.i? !>. t I 1 Ann. t withhold thi? tr-ti nony. f jr it i? d :? in ?u-tMi* to what I mutt li.-lieve thn beat ii.edi :iu ? iu llio world fix all cl?e??e? of women. CuffBEviiie. Mi?-.. Jut? I, lf?V?. T. E. ATKINSON. THE ORAEEENRElHi COMPANY'S MARSHALL'S CTER'.NE CATBOLIOON !? a ceitaln cure for all female Irret ilailtlei. wttekueai. inn?? m'tion. "final derangement* of tli* uterine organ?, as wall a? too rroii-lltuti. nil trouble, arising from them. Pri e **l .10 p?r bottl?. >T%t'E..k Six Dollar? Five Bor? Tl St Wli I. UK ?KMT UT Ell'KEAl, AMD 'BARUBl rKI-i'llll Tt> EM? et V . ci,E?? UVE KK"M NkW-YoKK. ?tJ Ad!,.?? JOSHI'A F. BRIDGE, M !)., R.?Hent Phytd.-lao, Oi-iefenber? Inatittite, No. ??1 BOND-ST., New-Yoik. -TX)RTUBE INSTANTLY RELIEVED! BlKI?? U.l.'? ARNICA LINIMENT. Nitor.iily, the bnt qnr.tiajni of thoa.? iiuacquttnted with the prop."ti>-> of thia remedy will be W u it .um n? l'??t! What an it nox?T What 1? it? Nur he I What d?> Pmv?i. ia-?i ?at ok it? The anawert to t!..-*e prudent interrogator!?? ?hj'l be cm -If?, expl it. ?nd aatialialory. The ARNICA LINIMENT 1? li' ?o'.rly for the cure of evt*nial diwtAses and ?a??. The ?kin. ihe eitt-rior mm. !.?, nerve? and ?land., and fi ?re, ?re ti ti Soria of th'- ?J?t? m ??v*r ?a?It! h It exert? it? ptii. de-'roy ii'K '. -aliig, anti inifariiiiatory InHtieure, It opteate? thro gh the |.??r?, peiii-triti'y thr.uth tBaaa |>ertoration?(of whi-h ihe*a are n il .on? tu the ?kin of rvny human being) to ihe ?eat of in t'.tn tiiation and fitUiguitl.iiiK the feveiUli !i?al with i? ihe.-X rapiJitv aiidc.-ii.ili ty ?s water i-xtl..gui?het (ire. T? rel.te ?bat it naa done would br 0 give th.? bhn~j of thousand? cf cure, ot Uheaintt'tm. Rh-uuiatic ?*?.t l/im''*g?S Stirt Joint, Sore Throat and Croup, Brui-e?. Cout ni.?.?. Su? I.,v. I 1?. CBtasBSff, Ciiilhiain? Ear Ache Sue led Fat -, Nru ragi?, Ciampt Sprain?, Sore and Biokeu Breast, Cn*s, Wounla 01 all detcrlptioiif. Neuralgia. Sting? and Bites, Burnt, Scillf, Eruptlor?, ( lir. .i licor?, Al?v-e??e*. Tumo-? Ac Iu fact. Cirro i, ?ctri t'y an external ?ti??-a?e aid . ,-rt lio!? uo ?pea-J--? ol eat?r 11?' injuiv, that ha* not been mili??t>d and radical.v SBBSa \>1 thi? aa.e yet powerfi.Ppr? parB?i?.u. It i* veft-iable In iU nature, aitd d?e? not .-ontain one atom of toy tamal 1S material Nor doe. It eradi.ote pain by drideniiig ?ni! puiilyiin? t!?' tle?b. likr tlit? mineral loti??.? and oioto-uts, bet op?rate? la kiarii'ouy ? lib Nature la her etrort? l?i Ihrot? oft diaeaae. re rul' her exbau?led e: ergir. fid ?'-ntro i':i ai.J expel ii'iit t'.r c-iu.ea of local infamiiittiou and of I xral ag 1.? The u.edi. ..1 t?. ultv. ii'iliaiWly and c .illsctive'.y. re.oiii..end thlt i.-n.edv, not oniv ?lth?ut li??ltaU?n, bit in the m .<t an? pliaii. ?nd ptjsiiiv,. tc..u?, ?nd a?a It ?? ? iraaata?. _? pr?(?-??n-?, to any of the olntiiifnt? ?nd llnl nenta of the tn??rc<?*o????'. 11 .'? ', ,.? ot the Ann. .1 Li?, urn' i".'n:?t? ? i".-| of* tgO* liar ,...-pi.rn?io., of the bcailof juice? of t!..> lovai.iabl* plant rr >??, wh ?h it. 1,?Hie i. denved. bit ?vi? toce or? Eliteda v.'irty 01 b. tinna! extr?.!? wbnh trsslly in?re??. iU ?enotriUvt *a_ eir? llieiit pr?>per?i.a So .??.nnv'ei.1 1. the proprietor o' the enVacy of th* Llui'"-???. that In? 1. will.m all p?.rcha?AAr. ?hou'd ?ubmit it ?o tha exaiulua? i? n ol their phy.i.iina, and if it ?ti mid not f'uiril! all ?v????a*La ?' ?!'?'td b> this adveiti.ei.i.'. t, it Bt?J be r<*('"?*? and tb.onev will b* i'.-tim.ird. ? ol aunt of outhriitic totliii*? 1 ?V il- u light B? iip|.i.dedtothl?pli:iia'.a?.iueiit,b .t it ttpi'-* '"'__ bat tueal. \e pr. |???ili.?n l.a. .il.air?t gimniity t? MoUf MU public, who h.ive to ?.tien been de-eved !.y pilntedcerti ???^ that tli.-v have lo.t all in that , last >:' it-aii-ii' Sold by all tie pnmiptl d'u??l?** and g-ueral ??"'"'"?T,. Pike IS cut? i*-i houi.-. Pais' irai D?.-? ?*??? ?iU?? ?1.. New Y?.|<k._-? 1^-UE BEST REMEDY for Pj__f__ _jfer tlon, ?nd ?11 Diiorilort of the St..m?.J>?--?, h tj.',,. ANTI-D?8PF.PTIC o. DIUESTIVE '''r'KKA_ri%th eu" Home, No. l-ailrta-dwAjiMraT'iYLOR. _?*r._. ,?.'.? New-York; F S. PHINI.?Y, No Ml VIainsi. IW-- ?"_ Ccgul Noticio. UUPREME ( 01 RT-f. ? ??'u t????n b sir* O Yuik-IOHN M l,'NK?;H>?.^,'i,,;j.deli.?.hi.?i.'. Robert Petti??.?, .?a!.". Tu;V:r, 'tij.'O.iT AdAi,..R??lr4a Carlea 8 Sl, ??eorg? ? *?_,,, ,,,J f..1 rrli?f-To tb-??f C ark. and Th-.u a? E Lo*-.-awm. "*?"?_ j Miiit_t* named D,.f-'...'....t.: \',",;,*JS_^_:^ , T, ? It bled ui ?V >??? ??.wer ll?e.*o,..?_li.l??*T*^;";*1 ?s vt-Yo.k. ft "*??_ ?, ?Ik. ??Ir.kotthelOty.'.dl'-'.? T"' Ne?^ ^ j ,? ?i? I l:y Hall, l? ?h* ? ItJ ?f * -^?A? oa ? ,?? .?I c ?. lily 1 .?',*? ?I'd to ?erveaoop? ?. yiu' S?.^u tt, I?? nlliYl 01. the ?ubtcilbe??? ?l Ib-.r .?lb.-. N?. IT. ^ un0ot ?AA Itv ?RM? t^??(T J_?J- *'**' ^JT?to1 *M 1_? ,*___ S:^m??^?:?! laliBiiiaiBlsl -?;?-?<?fe!K\__b _ PIRRB?t, Agllla????* r"