Newspaper Page Text
SWtom.. V01" XX.N?- 6,036. NEW-YORK, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1860. PHICE TWO CENT8 IHE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE a yBK fmw.lOSH DAILl TRIBIUXK ... - rn Bflflfl WtmVt VkamTWM and IflMUM IV r.iai (flUBDAT* Eiobpvbo) BT TVF. TRIBUNE A88OCIATION, t? vn_* ??i?*?* artiruaaa*. oobwb* or nanui* i.?m?ci rraBBTt, orroa.TB tbb citt aua, flal __>Bterad to City Bnbeoribert at 10 iveot. pei week. Mall* B* bm aa?n? ta eflenao* i B8 fnr ttt aimitbe - | ??B ?^ Bpcnai Jfoliccs. ?Wide-Awake*, Attention! LXT EVERY MAN BE E QUPPED. ^tf-if'nal HARTMihO I'Nlt'ORB, the only letlrible Ky le. tnu .11 .ower rate tban aay otb*r m*. u?actured Tbe iu li.nlgi.ed made amngeaaeuli with tbe Oiigtnil Ma.'iaIW.'t Bar, will, after tbi* date, be able to furntth Cl ab* tt ymort iioiii - wiib ihe tbjvt Uuiforni Coinp ete. Piiiele. I ep.-s,, aui Torchea; Oftic*r. Coi'.i, Lantemt, pmjt Cai-s, acd P.oneert', alio, " Wide-Awake" Kaglea Md Medait, ttge.her witb Edge k Co.'i e*l*br?_ed Klrew >ibs, c_tf.slu.tly cr, band, in a ./ quantfty, at No. 112 Broadwm. flflM iu tbe t o tntiy ilioaid addies. C V. il I'ON D, No. Hi Bro*dway New-York ~ V.iuin ftlei'a Mepakllcan I uian iiailm All.Bll. AM. Kl.l.tIMc_tll)l. HlBN Il?V KIO KVUMID, MflUBBAin I_4S.I1.TB NO. nij riKt.4Dt.AT. RefUl*. I'tiblio Meeiingi every TUCIDA1 KV RNINO. 4 Ii_KL_S X. aOU _.EH8, 1-resUrOt. Bat. .1 t BTBHI.1N.., ituitfij. '? t itj \\ iile-Aiv.ike ..'' Attention. - V ?_*___ .? o 00 CIdo will b. i.eid rillai tTnotlaj) EVENINO, *t 8 o'eloek at tbe Rtviui ll Il.e l coli.i N*. 618 bro.tiw.ty. A. M. IUKMN. 1're.ldent J. W. {.it-AKT, tfeoretur-_ The Kepubiicau Central Camp.ii._ii Clnb 11,-ad oaartei-a, ?"--"? 7.1 tir *_iw_y, ure opeu nigut ai.d d.y for tb? a?* of tbe i-rty- M...I meeting. ev-y Till H.SDAV tVEN 1VJ lik.i' ul. Tle Executlve Coiuinittee meet* at 7 o'ciock cf * 8IMEON DRAl'ER, Pretideut ltc_rito^ Hre,md Wnrtl Wlda-Awake*.-There will heam*et iagcl tbia l-ltil. I'Hlb | VV ctliieM*) | i_?. t.NlNO. atoo'cJo-.a, at tl.e hs..: : ow Hotel, Eeekm in-tt Ptinttaal atteudauce il re que.le*. Ul _t.ltOON ItOuli i.-B, < uairiuiu. J. tf .' nn*, IV-rvt _ry VHIh Ward \\ Me*Awake* aa Deck.-A tpezia aaeeliug ol Ihe tiflli V.t-id VV ida-Awakei ?? __i take p ___e ou WEI)NK.-I)aY EVENINO, at 8 oVIoci, at Uie ? Ki-.h IV iir* 088*1, coruer of Ku nkun-st. aud We*t Broidwsy, lud au flMtfaa tt .Uiters will ul*o take plaee. lt il iequ-sted liint ibe lU?-kb...a_.i ui ibe VV arti wlu com* l.iw_id aud si_.u the r >... THOMAfl RuE, 1 E JAiKsu.N, V Coiuiuitlet.. _tHEBiER VVHIT1NG, S_ " Berentb Ward. '. - \ me?-tii.g of t?.~TlN (cLV *>ti HAwLIN l-H'c. wiil be he!i ut N ?. 7 Ne* Ceail tt, ol. 11, 'S VVV , oic ?d*t) EV r.MNl., ioi pt.rpose ef or^an bilg a W ida. Awake lli.U. VV. U. MiKiilNEY, CUaUinau. t H U.Li, tfeirtiry. Headqaarter* Mnth Ward llepubliean Guurd, Bieecker il houae, New ioi*. _>..g ln, 1 ..,). ? l'U-- ie A ou. (auy wili Mieiubie at Uie abo.euauicd pl*Bt iti,S >.'. tMN'J, fm Psiade, fuu uuilorui. Roii call ai 1 u'okrck ilt order Hr__iH) A. KOBE. B P i lah_" Ordeiiy Sei,e*nt. _ Teaik"W~ard*Republican Wide Awake*, will ai.-et atKiik. Ilot.-I, Ba 2'.-. i.iaiio tt , m VA t.l)N_..-.l)aY tt r..-. INO, /Hh llilt , . t "j o'CI >t A, to ii.osef'IepsiaAiotia lor i!ie tlrand KilitH.t-ou Mctitg. all BepobBcant ol tue IV ird, aud eipeci ajiiv Aotita o.ri), we intited to be preaen., J J M. b. UlaNlLiUl, Pretideut A. J. Kaibihb, Secreury. "llolKtspnbllennB of the Fenrteenlh Wai-d. Tt* W ice A? atea ol tliis VV ard Kt ieque?l.-J to atiei.u a m et itg ailtcii !it ttiquc.-ler.. No *2U Uroju.t ?t , Tiiid (VYetuea 8aj . Ei t Ni.-.o, At* B, 08?'ciaflL ~rhiOPwelflii Ward I p iiutl Duing. -Thete will he i arasO rauj ol \uk llap oUctusof the Xlith vY.rd st Hesali'iar bw* ... d ?v. aaai l.-^J ?-.. oa Vv?_.Ll^E^L<AV E.E.M.M., Aog '/:., M milj ibe flttfl* iio_.iaiUoaa. Tb- Yoilvll.o Wide Avj, g, tbe W ealcbeaUr R. jiuaicau L'luh. and tb - Xllib VY_rd t..-..,?. Kapal .: p_,ti ip-i.. 11." Ji, d J A.MKB A. _BR.Iu_..-, mt liuu. t. 1> Cl L- I H i hk M vLI ..nd;., e?q., JAkilb U.\V 1>. erq, aud otien wili addreri tue ujeetug. Mr t\ M- E I'AbOR v UI I. ? itt- a new Poitic*! Pot-m. prep plttislj fir ihe 1-ieiiJeir.i*! C*_B80fla Mr L')( K.t will siu* Aaupt-igi,, aiid tlie.e wii. l.e a tood tiuie generoiiy. touie Ciie i ? i. e ali. Bj' oruer tf o: Vr.-a.teujeuit, NKLBOH . .lAVVii.uii, i-),?iu)in. 1 tai lith*Hurd ( ampuma Club.?Au adionrued ne.-l bz.% ci u.e Aiuh ei.l babtJd ea WEDNESDAY EVENI.NO, Aut -Irth ti. lletidqi'?iteil, ou d ?%.- Ueari^JO-i. lt7|o'c)oek loAAC F. VVlLLlA.Ma. Piti u 1_.Il_l.4_ E. I'.tBt-K. latff. (.'eimau JUepubliran Cniiipnign Club, XVltb, tX.b AXiat ioj Wili Waid- -Ai-^\t- ,.., .1 i| iB-d TtilB iWedaitdiy) EVENINO, at 8 o'ulojB, ai '? 'i.uu.-i tehe,' No l'.i? .?i.hat. SiAM EL X/SC diKNEil, ea;., _ _. ...,.__ Lf.t_.L- _? ...:.: -_l.l..._i.- _:.. . ;-.... XX: be L-I- - ti.A AAKUN _fR-VNK e?l , WUJ addreaa ite tneriirij 'i u >__ae.ulite< on,u,.tiee u.e. U ?t "J C-. ;o-.k- A'au.paui, ti Will he diatilbuUd. 'ito MANCUOT, Pre.iJe .1 0 ( iu.p.i^.1 i ,b. THEoLioKt: aXO V . Cuoirunai TiI_t****t touitu.-.te.. R<b ">isvH;retarit*. AliuLI J.lM.1, ) tslxteenlh Wnul Republii-un Wide-Awuke_ citt llilS (V\edi-e.d.y1 K.V i-.NiNii, at 7} I'cloek. at.No. 80 Stb av , aitf) 08* eO in a i- ly Iron, iDere t. i'nior, Hai, 8*8888 latB-tt'aa.d tftli-aa , IOI fnil l.y oider, J H HOUABT WA?D. Caatale Ba,. tl.u WitetttO, Olde.lJ Berg. IBA_ ""Fliihleiiilh Wnrd.?A regilar lueetmg of the XV Ul- -. WaKi, VVOBKlM.MtM'B ilt. l liLie A._ A*SOCiAl'iON ?Ul l>e b.ld iit No. .10 lat !?., ol l.t). st , ou iv r.DM.. SaYXVaMNU kv? ti l . i, at'.J O'lo k r,'tiiep-r,! a. o U.L...W..* t.i..iu.-.o: I.,-p-iUit.e. Ali In.i.a.y to Uie ctmte are Mwctlull] Ui*l?*l to itu i,d. i'b- .... rtefl wa. oe aldivsabJ 1 v artelui dlatiuti-i'Ued al~-.k-1*. lijCide.,-: ? , TlluMA8 d.ilillcU. Ple.ideat. Bakti.n O'Miau ury. ~ ?WtmmtMtmtk Wunl.-A Meeting wi;l t.e MM at the Wit wSt^WEDNEOBA*NBVESWU Abio.. wb cb trdl k* a| d-rsru ic I?AA< DAYTO.N.ortiieXVltb A il-ll . i.j-JA.-.. ? U BLAh>.LV. M. L()i K, ol U.e sia;e of .Maine. ln. VV.rd 1.1-e e.uh w.'.i f.vol tbe ...eeting w it'i paU. .H.a,,!. ._^,!_^r: JM'.VAlU) UAl lll-V, Pre-ueu;. ou. s_r. Boki. E. tfe-"i"> itfputli au Wide-Awake* pl \ prknlle. -Ti.e D.fri?e..ol.,i,a(oi.,....i will ?..ei?._le at Harwotnl Hall t ;r JSib.t ud ttb*v., in _VEI'Ni.BDAY, Aa| B?T| in.,1* fuii . . i-". lof iee , tfom ol i lenalufl Ul* lt .mi auoo M.-t VtiMtl 1 BtkiiL Ibe line wUl be lo u.edit ,J ncicck p-.-daeiy. B? "der ef < ? UO. B- V AN DiU >T, liomoiaodiLt O P. B.iKaBrr, Ordeily. _ nKeatiTBrjiaklyn Kepublican C'ampalgB Club. T. ,,;"| .,r ^araiid Ba; ue: hat_n<. and tn Addre.l by HfcN Ili VV lLSoN o! Ma .a. ?:: Jt> ttt. a' ihe VAUwam, L-ourt-at , Bt-at J_ou?l?.. .-a T.ii Rtfi-Ai EVENINO, -Lg Bfl Bngnfl ky ^.rved i.r i.a.lie. ? ? "? Bt-'BLtlOU, rret. "?alflaafl, L W M' hHAI, NlaetetDib \\ ard /.ouave*, Atlei.rlon I -Afull J.r-.? rsV.^w t ? u.e pl* ? 1H18 E t EHlrtti at . ov.ock pnMudy, tre reqAemd to be pi.noilul.Liue wil. be ou .9tu .1. aad 8d iv Bv crder of M. A. Rbti) l .ptam. A14.1.11S i_.,vtA>-, Oideilj (_eneral H84 lety of Meehnniea and Tradeamen. - A .S"u? . 4. -ic lot I'.'a.d'.to; lldt ^oict/,t.i.iit,.c ra ^n.T t^i-iaioi.. dhj th.- de.eaaeo; tte late President, John A Vunlii t '-'1 wiU oe held .1 the neit ttat'd in.etii.g ou WlLNr.-iAi 1. ic-ii, 3*pt 8, Bt Mecbauic*1 xit.i. Ko 4,i Lroadway, at ?ne bour ailcr ?;'-'';?*'?,hi?'? ' ummm ? BM. vaW MOEDaII, lusilar/. mma -"" AlTDeuf Peraona wno HAVE EAILED TO OET ?;L'BEU ELSEWHERE, SHOI'LD AT ONCE CALL Ou Dr. VbB MOBCHZISKER, ix:r LIST AND ACRI.?T, Wko will 11EST0KE IHEIR UEAR1N0 Hy 1118 NKVVLY INVENTED EAK v -pOKi/KK WHlt H RESIOKEo THE ilEARINO IN THK MOST OBBT1NAIB CASES, ST0P8 THE N01SE IN THE HEAD. IIL'NUREDB beeu REBTuIlEIi TO HEABINO VV itb the I'TMOST blCCESS. A0A1N Kill-SH lES'IIMONY. Bask 88 thb RbpT^Tc. N-w Yoik, Ang 15,1U60. Dr V e _ Mo.ei.7isk.-r treated u.e for Deafaeei verv ?^*'^ui awl^uiwvor.iy My bearir.g w?a re*U>red, ?ni coubuue. a. *** %,.;t iaiirfsSstt B^:voirtaeR*pubuc. PMM on PBUIPIRf ^HEL<>(>ODH^MpANy_J ?I'o Dr. Yoa. M.-ciuj-i.**, Oculist md Au-itt, Wo. 107 Cllolon-p'.ace: Dear Sir VV iti. g.nat .e-ptel, You, <H__>dieut aatsaaL ? RObt-Kl BAOE, He* Y'ork, Jolj U, tVM. Su 12 VV..1-rt. TEBTIMONIAL [HIOM OEOBOE w.i'.iw:-, ,,4, RP.tV-TOI . ) 0, VooMcaeuii?*?ropei*_^l ou D.y ,-tr* lo. diitu-tt to my ?.-_..t?;*..tiou. Iu a few days I t . p. t.e, U] ...toiod with ^B^iBM-blktaa OEOR,l. (.OKDOl*. Htf York, JuBt 0, 1*60- _ No. 05 Wall * fv-t/ill THE BLV J J MtLLAN, BXCTOI Ot HT I'ri'im mt- ? pj-.TKlt'd M W th tralitude I i_knowled|- Ibal ny ?1?bt waa reetor.-1 lo _. bv Iir V ou M?*:l?kk*r. ^jevjouily ll Wt, ?._ 1 u,pai,ed t _*t OB V(.N MoBCH/ISKKrTo'cL'LIST ind A! KIST.who ttttii.t tU Ka tt* u.o.t .tubboiu, be con mukei m Bl uuea-t of tU ey. *jffi*iuMt,, ,;.,,, ,tll>, mpmtmmbmwmm\m Xkttt ')*.-.?, coiBtro . t"? I ? ', , .u. J lo slft. aud bttoome me.ft*r.0I Uie kll. Isltb Ul t_t n-.ade. ( atl.Ogl4>t, t'^ rtue. IA. , . Club. furoW BALini / .?...C. ilt.- A.XtfJ.S. Y. Dr. ?. A. Kedmnn, the celebrated SPIRITl.AL T^ST MEUH'M. baving teinrued from Europe, wlll r-ium- hia aeat.ei at nli new ottice, No .5 Yarick place (8ul)iv*nit), be? tween Bleeclel ai.d lloiiitou-ata. Pre*erre V?ur Own Friilua.-Ouc bottle of SPKAK S FBl'lt PRESKltll.VO CiOMI'OlND will pieaerve oue huud ted qutrta of Fruit wilhout augir or lealing Pric- fll por bot? tle, with alirecti'.ni for tiaing Manufactured tud aold at N> 141 Mitl.t. Near York, by L. H. KPKAR. I.inctil.t nnd Hnmlin I ulforma. Clubi Funuahed with ( ap. Cape, aud lor b, Uoopei'* Style, Bl ???? DOfOL .S AND JOHNSON UNIKORMS. ( luhp Knridihad with ( ap, <'..i>e. and Torch, Cooper't Sty>, for fll til Addreti 0 __<_>, ( . WILSON, Po.t-Oibje Boa No. 104, Aibtny, N Y._ WIde-Awake Club.. tn.outn the cou-atty aaobtila, ei tb* loweit prl e I MKuilM-v, TwRCHK.6, and OFFICKRS' COLORED LANTFRN8 E A M4NN, rootu* of lhe Young Man'i Repubhi-an (nlon. Na, S5*. Broadway _ JUoTTiloter !! -HottwaT.!! In thU bot weather, "be FATKNT l.UUULK IC.__PITC-.II.ft haa a coolitg dmugLt alway. ready for t'.e ihi-.ty . htit he ii.o and get the liaht llnd ai.d atthe ruht plne -vb., *.he old itard of Ll'-.irS BART, Noi- 4 and 6 Bnrllng ilip JaTcto Pub.icutinno. DAITLETON A Ofl. a ri MMfl Bfflfl fSB BBSflflflfl BOHOOL TEXTvBOOXBi lN.LU.INd THE DF.l'ARTM-.NT:. OK ENOLISH LATIN, OREEK KHKNt'll, SI-\N,SM ITALIAN BEBBBW, AND BYE1AC, Or WHICH A (nVlelBTB DESCRIPTIVE CATALOG1 I WILL BE BENT i.ltAIIS. AM) Fll). -PAID TO THOSE APPLY INU FOR 11'. Jiit Pt nisbbb: A KiRS'l-e.KKI.K I'.ooK ANI) INTBODOCTORY BEAD* Bl iiy Piof A Mark,ie.i, Fh K., ofHrowu i niver.ity, nuthor of --Aiuold t H'.t I-Htin book.' Ser nud LaIdi bo.k." eto. Thii work nuibracei, lu one unall voiutne tbe leading f..atur4v? of t'.e aiith .ri Iwo l.atin booka lt I* deiigned to condu.-t t.-ie pti|.il ta a at-riei of k**o_* aml exerci.ei through the Bara* iea Svi.tix ofthe ItDguag-". and to give bi'u *ulhcleut pra.tloe lu traualaiiug. Iull l i.e*iti. d - -nt. -nc- - aafltbM ti?J , iiounecte J di? eoiu.ea-, in the favrui of Fahie*. Atiecd ite. a-.d I.egend*, io pre jiare blui to enier wilh .-ate and *a***S npon tbe con*i-cuii7e at..dy ot ? a work a* lhe Ai,ab*.in cf Xeuophon. A f.REl.K i.RAMMAR f.r school* and (oi;._ct. Hy Jame. Hedley Pl4.feiaer in ^ale 1 ollege IM**., Ml ptB** *' ** Ptoi. Had'ey'l lonc e?l*ei.ted il preaeut* 11 j ti.e puh lh ii, tle coahient neli.f tiiat lt will in every r.*i;_e, t ni-.-tthe vvan'i af IflNadN BBflCc.he*e* lt will be found clear io it* 'a.-g-Bre. aii'irate tn i'? ileh'ii'.loi.* jnilcwui ln it* a.rang? -.ient, and .Uthcielltly COItipiehen.ive I.r all pnrpii.e*. while it i. Iree from trat cntnorou* array of d.-tail* to repul.ive to the ttuuent VIRi.IL'B A.NKU); -*ith Eimjuiatobi Notsb. Iiy Hea* ry S. hriete, rrofei.oi of Latin iu th- St ite UbItMbMj cf Micu igan. Vlwo., UMllualrationa, W-H pagr-t. *>1 li>. Neither eap.-n.e uor paitia have beeu tpnred to cloth- the _.*r**at L'-tin 1 pic Iu a dre... The type i. uu'i.uallT large aud dia.tin.-t ln a word. ihil work i. cou.aiended to tcacnor* aa the moat eligaiit, Bceuiatl. ii.v ica-'n.i- and practljally Bt*M edition of tl-- .t.i.eid tbat bai Tfl '..en pubHabed. PLAIO. APOUMil AND ClllTO: with NaaTK-. Hy W | iv . r .. v * I'r ila-nor of Oieek iu Auiheti. Cuileg.. l.'n. ... M pagei. 7.'i telii* lt:e Note. aie parti-'iiirly full aml cletr, and error* lu tbeteil h ive liteu guariied atain.t with the v.-ry ?:."'? it. at , ire FRKNe il Bl M'A.X. A C-C-WB* of EiuWJM* in all uart. of Fr.-n.-b Syn'.az, .-uetbudl. aliy Bn-ai.gedaft.-r i'.,,tevli,'i "oyut.te Kran'ni.e,-' to wbi i. a..- addei teu AppaiiJU'.-p.' da.i|.._l.,i thea*. tt Ara,!. in!.-- l ? lie.ei, aud Private Le_.:ueii. Byrred* erick T Tl'lal *!***?* k M and Fh. D Pr-ifeiiir ofl.atin. Fiaacb, ai d (a. rni&u iu Ihe Packet ColIegiaU) liutitutc 1/iuo., ao*. paii<:i. 4>i M. AN ELF.MENTARY ORAMMAR OF TRE ITALIAN l/ANi.t"*(.!.. I'r |..*?jtiItanaeaed fs the u?e el ; ;l.o..ia ai d e oiit-g. s. Hy (.. B. Fon'taua. liu.o., 23*. page*. fll. Tiie ot.). ct of tnit wcik ia to prereul the langaage, a. apoken to diiv. in it* tiiLp:. at gmb, botii tliooreticallv and pra tiotlly. BPANlaB (iKAMMAB. a bbw, pm ti -.i. aii eaay method of ieiriiinr the Bpantab lang i?f, aftai. ehe ?y?tnn of A. F. Aha. Doetocef rbiloaorby, and l'i.-..-or al th,- CoUafe of Neuta. ? le.i.-Ati i t_it.- n t.-.iied at.d enlaiged. 12aio.. 119 p*g. *. 76 eeata: K*j, II c.-nta. Prof Ahn'aa' u ethnd i. one of [-eculiar exCellence. acd ha. m-t with gnat lucc.-a. lt hai Deen nappi.y dccnhrl lu hi. o*rn tn.riia. " L**M a f.-.ieign language hi you letrned your motb.-r tcnsu."? in tue aaina- .iu,p'. manuei, and with the bojuc uatulai iradotioM. . , , COUBIX OI AMCIEBT OKOtiKAPHY. Arranged with gueclal lefei. to nonvanianra nf ratrlMttoa Hy 1'iof S I K- -I i-,idt l) li.aafc -i-i.t.i: C.i.'lege. IteM, BM B*fe* fll. Tbe beat B_.tboritiea Uave beeu conaulted, carefuily coinpar.-d. and I'reeiy uw d througncnt. No paina nave been apired N r. B dtr the vvnrk a. cor.-e-.t a* onr Knowledge of tn>* ancieut world VI ill |a !_,.t a >RIMARY BI8TOBT OF THK L'NITED BTATCS. Made eaay and inter.-?ttng lor hogmiieri. Uv ti. P. Oaaokeabo*. A. M.. author ot "IlluflraUd Scbool ili*i-.ry ofthe I ni.ed Btfla -" CVlA't ouait.. __-' ?- ? BTER'BELEMENTARY 8PELLINO-BOOK. A new aditton i n ln e il ner price zO cei.te 'lhe ordn.arv ertiuoli nf thi. work ha. the la-*;e.t *ale of auy ...l,o, l l,?i.ia i-.'ihe wi-nd badng nearil 1 N?i i*?> \.< r "MNhAMENTAL 'l.-EAfl \it MKOIANUS, a:,d Eajflri merta' l.ata By A MoriB iUyi.ed, tiAi,,!*! d and reiuc^d toEog.Ub Initt of Meaauie*. bv Joapn B. I uett, Civil Eu gitea-r. 1 TOl , t-vo , 447 pjgc*. *3 D A tCo. invite the MtaBBM of Teacheri and Committee* to thefo.lowiug 8TANDA RDEDU< AT I (>NAL WOHKs, ?ilo( vvtii ho -v- .t'.Jii J ??? l.- ri .-, a..d Mfl* ii the Bmaafl aud u.oit anqianlBad ooininai-d*li?.u* f.oni t .. rii'M. from I'reiid.-ul* aud Pr*'e**or* ol l.olleg-*, I ui verai'iet blid SetiuluiCea. oi.d II" li I'lfl'l* i'l i, -1* pa i and l.a-l.a it "I Ib. ru a*. Pnl i c aud Private School. throughou the l'i :t>-d nU'.t-i: CORNELI/fl .-KIUK - 'ti bl BOOL Ol OiiRAPMIKS: Iii.m Brara IB OBOOHArh . .Pnce2.< cent* Pmi?akv 1,Bii...:ai-..i.iM ceuti 1 M K)t Mtlli A i V. < ? *. - ?.: A.'li 1.67 ^Utt (iKAMXA.i-Sa 10...1 Oao*a__?1....M ceut* Hn.n-Si BOOl Ok...ka)-hi vsi. Aii.a-.fll u) ttUACBENbOfl'B BTANDalRD TEXT-BO0BI: Pia*1 LssoBi U UiBI-eialTMS.l'nce 50 ceuU Ai.vam i-i. t..mi,.ni"--- A?B Rhkt.iUi, .*1 no lLat.ii.AiBi. BierwBi ot u.k IfflifBB MMM ou N ati- i.a i Fh . i.i ?*? - a-.! i.?.? ? ?. I W PERKINb-o MATl.i .MAlil -vL M.RIKS: rauu-ti Aamtaatu.VA'-v2\ ?"?"??" Eiaaaflraai 4bitb?bti..g mm* Pka. IK AA AaiTBMBTIC.b^ v.-i.t* Hii.hkk AiuiH-e-ii..}b cei.U a.yan-ww _>? At-tiaama..b r-enti TKIi-ill-K oa All.atlll.A.*>1 M ELBMBim a,| < .....MR" i. v. 1 M Fi.ANK Avb S-.l 11. liK'-IBTUk-. 1 -0 PutAK Tiiin.iM >.>:.l.'. AM' WaVBTIJia. 1 ."? A tiugle copy of anv rf the lect by mail, po*t paid, on :e. eipt of ont-balf of r.t .il itri M Libelal tenu* u.ade fj: brit lUliodiicB .1.. D. ?\PPIjETO_S tv ('.... HOf 443 AND 445 bKOADVv AY. NEW YORK. D A k Co bav* ? b?fl and far aai* a ?***plM* tmi !**?***? aortruent of BlTtMES Phll_OBOPMICA__ APi All.tTl . o! w hicb llhiitra'.ed CaMMjBM *ei_t by mail at Ib centa each. Is PrlBa" AM. Nl.Ahl.T ItTtAOV IIRVANT k BTRAl ioN'S e OMMEBC1AL LAW. By Aiuot Ueaii, LL.D., Fieaidei.t of Alhnt.y Liw Coliege. APPLETON ?V Ofl., NOS. 443 AND 444 BBOAOWAT, llRIt.H THI. OAT! EEMIMSCLNCES OK A OLSEIIAL OFFIOJBB OF ZOUAVES. BY OENERAL CLF.R. 1IIANSLATKU FROM THK KRENili. i ML, umo, cloth, ai. From the Report of MelTi. Mllii*- Commiation ient to turope iu ll?_-b. lUlMBMIMI Bil Krcuch; they are wlect *d from among ... /m ,..,,,n*i*r..ri f_r their bue p-iy?iqiie aud rl-sl oourage, ?d *ve"e^ I, ly pr.ived that the, are* what tbeir appearau, e * ,,,'dlndic-t; tl_ePu.o.t, *elf.reU?.t, and MMBBM M ,B.'lv{?.t,rLfg.:f>eV,r,^:-.'a^dleriT bearing, aud Tigilaiit attl t^e/ouSveat an oatpo.t ia tbe bt.u lde.1 ol . BOidlar. ^l'-iiev neilect no oppr.ituiiity o. addiug ta toeir peraona com* forti Vthc-e i. . SrSE iu tba Tici.iity. tho mirching ou n ket il -ure to he atnply lupplied wltbb.hing rod*. ke.; fauy fh -g i. to be had. iheVouaie. ar, *a_M ccrU.u to tMttn k* PA?^.. Hm^mttP^^ orfa "?ue' "Captilolttlafantry." ELEMENTABY ORAMMAR ofthe ITALIAN LANGUAGE, rrofretaively airaug. f/1*-?J*0,J^-A,^_,uuU ^ Cc>X**'"' " 1 Tol., lzu.O , ati* page* fll. Th. oblec t ol tbia ?? Bfl i. tf preaeut tbe langtMge, a* ipoken to d.y, lu it* ?_-npl-*it garb, botb tbeoietioally aui practtcal.j. I). A. trO.HAVI-rJUaTFIHLISHKI): THE ERONV IIHJl. Hy e Lady of New-Engl*n4. 1 TOl. ''LrKE'o'rw.Ll.lAM'i^PoRTKR. Ry Kranci* Hrinley. 1 A-EraraBOEdfiLEUBOPE By laMM C Ba_adi:t 1 YWIa^MAy'h;. LF.U.NF.I) FROM A TRI'.E. B, Har . U*. 1 vol. Bvo. I'li e. tl- _ ,, . ... .. BEBl IIA Fi-RCA | Oi, L __.riBKA.etB. lly Ma.gaiet Held. i^()lVl.V,'LK''..!..tniN..Al.K8 NOTEI ON Ni-BBINO. lv?i 12.,.., Cloth. i' ,-z.-. .-.-.,1*. Paper co-er*, 1 j caint*. rliVSloLOt.V UV COMMO.N Lli-i.. HyO.*.rr> 1 i.rv !,.?... lauli. ttmo. Pii'v e-i _ ._ nn ULDHAM Ai OREYItOMEl, ANU liis TALK THK MOUNT VEBNOM F-.rF.R-* Ry I'.dward KveieU. 1 vol ll..,-. Fri e |i tt. VOYAOE DOWN TIIK AMOOR; with t Journey igb MMftatSid Im iJental Not" a ol M-iii.boi... Ku .... ha-ka, and Ja(an li- I'a ||| Ml V na tbCttllin* I v-i'- l-.i.u ii.'.ll. llAVV l.fsHo.N'H ID-.IIODOTI s, iN,? Kngli.b Vrnttkem, a-di'.d vvl.h.;. | lou* f.ote. aafl A..(.Iit:ei, Mapa aud iiou. \ i. ? l io .1 BiIbb fll ttaeigm. Au, fl tb. ah-ive .. i i(, e hy Mail On M*S*ffl of price. IrBEFDL TO ivebtbodt! " i HAND Ii')')KM KOK 1IOMK I V PRrtVEM K VT. il. vv To WBITE, now Td HKiUVE, li( VV lo TA1.K, HOW l'j 1>0 Ri SIN__88 Pr-.- -ii ..I- paa. ;.?! I alth, M i, uii, p*MT, M**M|! ur in oue Urge tu.-daou..- vo aaaa, a> 1 ;o A.- Bfl ' '"I Adi'.ea, HjWLLR k WZLk,*, N*. Mt Preeimt, N lf. D. AHAND80ME rilEMIUM. A.opyrf WEB9TERS NEW PICTORI .L QI'ARTO DK'TIONABY, routalniitd VJM Woolcut. fp-r. .??> W) will he titeutn iny Mend of THK INDKPENuENT who will leud to .b- olliee st No. ii B*__pn*a-at, New York, ,the BBSBfl of ll Bfl aubicribert, witb Si. DoiUn. MRS. ELI/.ABETH BARRETI BROWNINO. MRS. HARRIET BEECHER STOWE. ORACE GREENWOOD. JOHN C VVHITT1ER. JAMEfl RISSELL LOVVELL. REV. BBI WARD f?T HORACE ORIELF.Y. WILLIAM M. EVARTS REV. 6'IEPHEN U. TYNO, D. D. WILLIAM ALLEN BfTLER. RK.V. THEODORE L. Cl'YLER. BEV. OEOROE B. OUIVB, D. D. 'I | - ?1,f,ve _i.tintoi-hed writera tre contriintort to THE IN DEPENDEMT. Ihe dreaialka at tl... papteli a?r*r*ptdly im ii i-int tliau ever bef-.-re, aud a- i .p-cli: ladureuieiit ti the 1ri.-t.d- r,f th. p?per, a copy ef WElfS'l EK_ ue* PllTORIAl, UI'ARIO 1)1( HONAKY li offer.d to ani .-f th m wUwlll aend three rew iiihaerit.en, witb OIX .uLI.AIl.. Th-bo ? _ wtll !.<- piomptla forwarded >y eipreai on re:eipt ol nuu. a and lutn.y. Tbe- piililiuatioii of BBV* HENRY WABD BBBOHBB* BBBMOH8 baa i,-< 1 wit), the beurty apptoval of periona taa iil p.rtt ofthe conntiy. The letter. whieh aie . onatantly rec.-lved tU intereit felt. TU a spe. Imen of inanj othera like il: "I cut otf und cirel'iiily paite each Seruion on t fi foolai t.p. VV e hitve one 0___B*8 on ihe Habbath, tl.rce wivk.- ont of four At a u.eeting cal td forthe porpo-.\ tte rea..|>t.-d io l...ti-. i.e of tit'ei ber'a deiinOL'. read eatry wben we lud uo pretchlug Tbe tti-t wia hia Tltan,-pivfiig S-tmoti, ? hi-.-b si.ited so well ibttit was reaolwd to have one read every Sahbatli evening." Tbeltstnewspapert. THE INDEPF.ND ENT; the be.t 1)1-. t:oDary;i. WEF.8TF.RS. Yon ihculd potieaa botb. By pro BSBflBftaaaasW Mibxribtrt to THE LNDEPENDENT yo:. will b* jveiented vrith i. cpy of the new piotoiiil. dition o! tlie D1CTIONAHY. Ttnui?Two Dollm ayetr, payable in rttlviucv Addrett JOSEPH Ha BIOHflkBDBi pi'Blisher. No. 5 BEEKMANST., N. Y. A DISCOVEHY. Thi Republican Candidate for Pr'-iil.-nt il at laat dis, overed to b<- a good L.oking BB Who haltuc, eaifi.lly flMflfl that Hon. ABRA? HAM LINCOLN i* an ady pentleunu' if to-iwo.ld bive . sutUloi lory anawt-r to tbe.e qutriet c*U CD JOHN O. VVEJ.I.S, (on,. r i'ark row and Be tkinan lt, and aee the BEAUTIHL NEW MKLA1NE0TYPE PIC TL'RE of HON. AHRAHAM LINCOLN Thntb. i? introdu.ring iu hi. newitjle of CAMPAIilN MED ALS. CHVINS, I'INS, and otber,ent*, ind you will a, kaawMgajatasal mi-uk..., it jou evei lappoi-ed Mr. LIN CO.'.N othn tbi.u t eood laskBBI ReDiemUr, WELLS'S ti tU only ftaa frhSM yo_ BBB pro ru.e these niigiiibreiit om.meiiti, with tU new pi;turea, aud th. pU.-e wh. re all n. w d.-aifna of Cauipalgn .Viedaii. Piut, j.-w-.ia andOhBBaaauru-h.aie. Jobbrr* ai.d lupplyi.ig druuar* ivlli lind it greatly to th. ir 1 flflB r.t to Baaaflas my -ty'--- and pricet before makiug tbeir punba.ea. CaaifMs Pi --riptinn Pri re Lia'.a of Twenty Eour vtri-tiei of ( tuipsim Mi Jal., llr.-asipina. Sc .r'pins, ( baiaii, I.o. k> ta, tnd Mrdailiom, fur.iisbed free, ou .ppli'-.tlon. J. O. VVELLS, Cor. Park-row aud Heekniuu it , New York. MLiiaKH. TK'KNOIi flk KIELDS Pl lll.l*H THIs l)Al i 1. THK KIOHTH C'OMMANDMI.NT. Bi l_H.titi.B- Kt.titR, Autboi of " Pen VV," " VV'l.ite Lie*," kc. 1 voluiue, uiualiu, "5 ceuts. II THB WILH BPOBTfl OF INDIA. V. ull leiiii.lka B8 the lireeding .nd Keartng ol*, By i apt lll'VHl ,1Ki?I-..:il 1 volume. inLilin, 78 t en'.s. A work full of dvhir.g idverto-e aud itirrfhg dei: riptnr.i ol eueouuttri with the wilu auimala of Uie ludlau junjletu No. 13S VVAaHlNOTON . T , BOSTON Seeond Edition Now Ready. ALFRED B. SUBT1 NEW BOOK, WOODS ANI) WATKRS; Ob, TUE SARANACS AND RACKET, WiUi M.p of tbe Houte, md NINE Sl PERB WOOD ILLL'STRATIONB, Ai (ollowii t AMP 8CENE, MOUNT BEWARD. 1LOAT1M, ><5r DEER, THE DEVIL'S PI'LJIT, INUIAN PABfl, BOO RIVEA KALLS. WH1TE/ACE NOTCH, VVHI'IEKaCE. One Urge 12mo fll ti. For nl* by tll Booluelleri. Copiei iOBt by m*U, po*t-p*id, on receipt of price, by DOOLADY, ,aWtnni No. A'J Wilter M., New-York. (' AMI'AJGN HEW-TORI DEMOCRAT, -J (Oernitn BepubUciH-Tb.- WEEKLT NEW-YORK. DEMOI'BAT, tbe prinrliial Gerruim RepublicaL paper lo th-. Cnited Sutea, li ollrltd to tlubs aud Committeet it tbe follow iug redneed priCet; , ^._v lu copiei to t.neiddreit, lf weeki from Sept. 1.fll 00 20 coplet to oue iddreis, )n froiuSept 1. 7 00 40coplei tocni-addreai, 10 weeka froui Sept 1. 1*50 HO lOtie* tooueaddret., 1-. wieka fiom Sept. 1. BB N V. DEMOCRAT tAMPAlON TRACTS contiining the (io OeimiD) gre*t Speechn of Abiihim Lineoln Wm. U. be.ti.-d Air) Scbuit Oilmfca A. Orow, Henry Wllaon, Oweu Loieioj ind Jtm.-i R- lloolittle. Price, foi liugie copiei, J C.iit-; t-2 0 per hundred; 015 oer thoutaad. T-Diiui; ia?b, ln tdvBuce. Addrett f. SCHVVEDLEU.Boi No. 4,716 New-Yort AIJE^MEIlICAL'llOOK FOR_ALL.-Dr. UAMMOND'S New Book treati fuily on Premitur. Locil Decey, (icieiil Nervoui Exliau.tlou, Balf Iuioced Cou luiuptloi. tud i,1 othei Spectal Diseatei, of pecuUar IniporUnce to tbe lexes. By t __.__.. D. UsaaovD M I)., tonngriy tm feitor o! Auitomy ind ln the ayrtcuse Medlcal Col lete New York tc. " l?r. Han.iuoud'i Book ii wortb every Oiie''iowiitng"-Erom Tl.e N-w York Hou- Jiuraal Pnoe 81,m.tied. chein edition, B renU , pottue fl.centi flBBJtt EOSS fc TOO. Ef, No. 121 Niaaaa-rt , LAWKESCE, No. I Ve*. vat , Aato. Houie; OODKREV, No ??1 Bro-dw^y, New Y ork Miy llso U t^d of the inthor, it hia roo.-us, 688 Broid wty comei of Bond-rt. (Piradey Bolldlurt, Inat tljct, up iltiri), from 9 to 8, _nd 6 to 9, eveuing CamuiUtlou en Kraoyai*. WALT WHITMA^" LEAVE8 OK OB488 Kor sale it all Bookttorei; prt-ie fll *'? Hent bj miil to uy iddrek in L'nited Hutes, Dr.p^d, ?1 ?0. tHAYER * ELDHIDGE, No 116 Witt'n-tt, fiostoo, Mim IN PBE8S, BY I) APrLETON k (.... ETHK'A ; Or, ( ii*"*'irKt.ri. * or Mb.v, M.i!ili?? ajd RooBi Hv A'tlc I h _)d V\ li.d-i.i ,,, ,, )lit)M i'ia, UME TO HOPP1NO. Hy lh. tutborof Oar >"liEfpKHIL08oVlIY 01 N-VTITIIK Iy Henry I B-e. DOliWOKTH" "JOIUNAL for BBAflfl BAND8." aew aamher ^riy ui^th.cmtu^Jtmtatm Hr... ll.nds PirttBep^ate. H, tt. PrtUtflfc. B AW1I 80(1* TIIE CONFE8SION8 AND EXPEBIKNCE 1 I.D AN 1NV.I.ID P.i..l*..ed tm I'.- '???-.? '.'VpiVa w.r,.|U. lo yount _Doa wbo autler trom Narvoot DeuW y. r . __-.. .1 a.? ........... Lh. mtM-na ol ?e" c ir. "J "'? T UJS DAV ia PUflLISHED, prioe fo 50, VOLL'ME XX. ur TBB ENCYOLOP^DTA BRITANNICA, ElliUTH EDITION. ILLUSTRATED BY NUMEROUS ENORAVIN3S. And -rtiiuiij. tiuoug ctber Imp-rtent ertl. lei, lh* loilowing: SEaM ANHHIP. 1>T Capt Baiil Hall. Reviied aud.euUrged by Idoiinl Ram.iy, C. B. ______.-_. 8ENECA (M aud L.1 AND 8EPTC AOINT. By F. W. Far* rar. M t, l-allnw of Trinl-j Coliege. Ca-nbrHg*. BHAKESFEARE. Rv fhnma. Ile Unincy. 8HEI.LEY. By Qeonje Ma.doi.a_d, anthor of " W Ithln and *.V.t..o_t." _'. BHII'BUILDINO. Ht Aedrew Morray, Chl.f Eogliieer and Inipt. tor tf Ma-l.inei v. Ft-rliuiouth BHOOTINO. Ry UM author .-' the " Oakb-igh Shooting Code" SICIUE8 Bv the anlbor fl" lhe artinle " Italy." 8ILK. By V". iltiaiu Feikia, No.i_n<_h*rn Ey E B. Ea-tvaick, author of " Handbook of bflM" . . , SLA\ ERY. Ry \\ il'ftro Spalding. late Profeaor of Logi: ln U-e 1 t.iveraitv ol ht Andiewa. SMlT 11 (Adau,l lly J. R. M'C ulioh. BNoKE. By W iiliaiu rairhairn, LL. Ih, P. R. S. !-.<)( ll Al ES. Hy -.b-i Hi.h p of lierel..rd. HiMNAMi'l Lldti Hy Allen Thonn-on, M. D., Profeaor of A. .loma In tbe I l.iTeraity cfCilA.gOW. SPAI.S (dt-.tiit.r_ ef) AND 8VV rfa-ERI.AND. By Dr. Norton Iba*, BecreUrv "1 the Kcyal 0**fnBhi*al Soiietr. SI'Al.DIN j '(William) By ( birei Maclaren, E. K 9. E. SPINMMi. Hy letn.i Newia/id., i\ E. Sf INOZA. Bt Jcbn Dowuei A. M SPollR (Lndn'ig). My Heorn" K?;.|ubar Oraham. ayl ARINO Hy Wiltlan V. x\ ae* Li. D., late Froft.i.or of Mitiieiuatic. ln lh.- UatvaaBy o. Edi.iburgb. STAEL (Vadan.e de) Hy Ouittve Mai.tin, Hirriw 8.hool. 8TAMV1ERINO. Hy Jau.ea lluut, M.D. STaTM'B. Hy Edwvr.i s.i v. CE. MEAM AND HTEAMENOINE. By Dauiel Klnoear CUrk, ( >:. WkAM NAMOATION. Ry Rob.-it Mairay, EugiiKer. B.iv.yor to ll. H.,Aid or lYede. "-TEJ-OtiRAPHY. By hai. Pitiuan. Mr IHr'.NSoN (0**tf? snd Kobert) Uy J. R. Lreif hild, atilborof ih* a'liih- ' Mine. and Mlning." BTKHl-OSi 'Ol'E. Hy Mr David Hr.watar. K .11., Ite. BTE'-VAIITlDog ld). llTJohn Witch, A.M STONE-MASONKY ANI) STOVE By Arthur AibpU-1, F.S A . c fnitENOTH OF MATERIALS. By John Rohl.on, lat* Prtfei.or tf Natunl Philo.op.17 lu the I ulver.ity of Edlubmgb. M'l.All Hy ( h?ile* Toniliuioii, anthor ot ?' Cytlopaedi* of I'letul Arti," ko. j-l IU. ERY Hy Jamea Miller, M.D., P'ofetior of Sorgery ln tb. I tiivrr.ttv ef Ldiuburrh. IV. KI.EN (S ? i-t.c.). By Dav(,l Kty, F.R.O.S. f-vil. Thlinatha.). Ry Riehud Oaniett 8YDENBAM (Dr). Hy John Bro-vn, M D. S.I>NE_. br WUlUui W-.iigi.tb. S. MA. Hy Kv. J. L 1'ort.r, author of 'Handbook of Syibi aud tbe lloly Land " I LITTLE, BROWN lt CO., Boaten. f AMPAICN EOCUMENT.S. A * 'r.-.ite tbe elt.-ntlon of tbe friend* of the Bej'ilii:a__. Oa u*. to tbe following Uit ot docamect*: THB POLITICAL, TEXT-BOOK FOR 1M30. lvcl., cloth. Fricefll. LIFE AflD PUBLIC SERVICE8 OF HON. ABBAHAM L.INCO L. N (Aothorized -diion) By D. W. BARTLETT. Rvund ln clotb witb S'.eel Portiait, tbi pigee. Price fll Pottago An abridand Ediuou, paper MMM *^ centa. ILAVFRY IN HISTORY-By Connt OurowikL The trcrk tieata of Siav.-ry ai a diitiiictiTe locial di-eato, ln all time* i kegiuuhig witb Slavery aiuoug tbe ancient Egyptiani dva*? i to the iluttiani. 1 toI , ttmo., cloth. Price #L LINCOLN'B AND DOUOLASS SPEECHES I* tae great Iliinoii Caiiipaign of li~-H, royal oolavo, 248 pvaea, bo-iud iu clot'a, pii'-o D'centa, or. 70 cent* by uail; ititched, tli aent* a copy. flW per hundred. Portage 10 centa. THE LEMMoN HLAV'E CASE-FU1 Hiatory of tbe Ceee, witb oplulon* of tbe Judge* and argomeut* of cotuui.L Price tt cent*, per 100, * li. Fortage .. centa IODTBEEB NOTES KOR NATIONAL CIRCL'LATION Eey Nctft, free Speech; Free Floa South; Law of tt.e BMBecMd; S .uti.eru Oo.p* I lra? J0111; Tb* Sbiveriug Chivalry ; a ptttt TIIE CASE OF DRED SCOTT-A large pamphlet of 10* pagea Poiuge paid. Oue copy, tt c-ut*, four copiea, fll; twelve eoplei, *)2 _i THE 1H1HI SE ALMANACfor 18o0contalni Popular Vote for Preiident by Statea, Ke.urn of El.-ctluna. Fuce (pctUae paiu), II i:eul.. 12 Copiea, #1 , l.-U cop _j*. fl_. HELFER'8 IMPENOINO CRISIS OF THE SOTTH (C.iu.peiid'.aui). Fr;-.: 20 _MM| |U per 106; ?1'..< p.-r l,i < n t"o*t?ge 8 c? ut*. DIEWI KFPI BLICAN SONO BOOK. OONNECTIC'UT VV1DE-AWAEE | UONOBTEB, with the Bflrvai 11 .*.-* i r 1 *.. "K*. I Pri-'e 10 u.-nt? BU'l I'L'LAN KONOSTER. > each. Tl:!. bOl'.oLINK MHSoTilEL. I Po-tag? piid. 11,: vv IDE-AWaEE vocALIST, Cout -?Bfl Word* aud Hu-i . I BHEET MU8IC e iAhi. 1 Ctai-.tiox Mrr.c. ?? Wk'i.i. I'i.v.iik nn I'ib" 3e.*iU. BmBBOOB I U il'. Ll cl.l.'' 1 ceuti. D.A- AM> HI- OlBAB. 2l.elltl. I... kei -8uie ... bi ti*.'' 3 l eut*, or C2 50 per ltt?. J, - ?. -| ''Bl Bl .. 11 in BBABCB M ma MnTHint." 3 ct* | |] ,..r lob. Po.tage 1 cent per ihatet aJd,tional. REPl'BLiCAN FOCEET-PISTOL. Price 3 oent*. Pcitag* paid. THE BARHARI'IIFS OP SLAVERY.-Mr. Stunner'i ia* ,- it ?|,-.,,!. ;u -.l.e Seuate, wilh liaiutuoud'i " lLLU-iTBA TION, ' iuSeuiiWeekly Xrlbuue of J'^ue 8. Price 4 ceuti pe. copy. tl per bundred. Po*t_tge 1 cent per copy adilliouel. CAMPAION TRACTS. Pi ba.b rat PflflBflMflafl at;b.*iti.).v U. fhe remarki on Po*t age ou th. rt) Jc-uuieBt* a. pt payment ii n o, I. THE IHRK.PRi.SSIBLE OONBUOT Oot. Beward'i Knaheiiei bpeech of Itbe, ?ilb Cbarle* O'Conor'* L'niou MrelinnSpe.-.-h, tiuc la, IHB II THE DEMOCRATIC LEADERS FOR DUVMION 8p.??h ol Henry Wii?ooof Ma**a.;bu*eiu, in the Seuaie, Jau ?, UW). III. TIIE ADMII--8ION OP KANSA8; Oot. Sewaid* great W/tttk, luHeuate, Keb Id, law IV. NATIONAL POLIT1C8; Speech of Abranam Lincolu ol Illiljoli, al the lo.-taer lutt.t .te N?w-Yoik, Feb. 27, lilfJ, Jaiue* U'l 'v ii.dicatlou of Wiieoniin. V. LAND FOR THE LANDLES8: Tbe Hon. Oaluib* A Uiow't Sp>t-ch, lu Uie Hoi-ie, Keb. _W, llibO VT TUE LIFE OF ABBAHAM LIVCOLN-By aa lUluoii B.-puhiic*.-i, wi.o kuowi well tha tuau and hii hiatory. A large cooipacl pan.p'.let of _U double coluuin pagei, ior geueral ciruu lation aa ? campalgo docomei-t. Price 4 M ita a oopy, 40 cent* re, doteii, ti m per b..udred. ?*' per tbjiuand. Ititaaitod v n.all one -anl addi' moit be tmt to prepay poitage MI. PROTECTION Ol* HOME LABOR AND HOBE PROD1.-CTION8 NEOBISARY TO THE PUOSPER1TY v)K TUE AMERK.AN FARMER. By Heury Carey Raird -Tbe ebnve are pnated on .air typa. and good paper each .vo tract of lt? p*<*ei, ea.epl No. '.^ whici pric foraih^ a lar-re octevo tract of lb pttot, eia-epi No. ?-. wbicb do'ibie il/e and pri.e*. The otbeia ar* told lo quantilioi of O, Tbouiand orover, for per copy; and the Thouaand aay be cade op froto tbe hat above given, a* the buyer niay dealre. Io i__.all*r auaiillliei, fll lb P*-r buudrod, li ceuti per doaen; lingly, 4 renti. By mail, poitage ptrpaid, 8 ceou oet couy. *0 _euU p-i doien. fll 00 per l'?>, *>U ta. per 1.0.-0 vv lii not our RepuhUcan friendi aid ua tJ " clroulate tba docn nental' Now ia tbe time wben Ibouund* of mind* can be reaehed aud influeuced. Ad-ire.t THE TRIBUNE, Tribune Suildingi, Naw-YorL 1 Tbe Beat Llkcnea." PTlBITH-iq FOB TIIE CAMPAION.1 MEDALS, BltEASTPINS, BAUUES, OHABTSi Tbe LATE8T aud NEATES1 lu ibe F.AOL1-: ICAMI'AIGN PIN, Whieb 1. tbe COAT OF ARMS oftbe 0 B , witb * MINIA TLRE LIKENF.6S OF EITHER CANDIDATE, aet Inthe Sbi.ld iu Ihe Br _ ait of the Eigli. Pli-* V> Centa. W* bave the Pr. ttlett 8tj let and tbe Lowat Price*. SPECIAL TERM8 to JOBBERS and blPFLYlNO AOENTB. Beui for a CUcuJar. Ha II. LLOYD & OO., _Minnfactoreri, H0.J6 HQWARD-8T , New-Yort 1 ^EACUEK.S~KX AM ININO A TBXT'BOOKBi Will prnmot. their intereat by i.mdlng for a DKSCJEUPTIYE CATALOOUE NATIONAL IEE1EI OV B'iANDARD SCHOOL BOOKB 1'ubUthed by A. H. BABNK8 ct IIURR, Noi. .11 aud BS JOHN ST , NEW-Y ()RK. PoblliLen of Davl-.tMatheiuatii. Moutelth k M-.-Nal._i (ieography Farkert VSala. ut Beadeii, CUrk'i OraaJny. Ttm tt.'iCh.ii.l try, P. k'a Fbllo*iphy, WUIard a Hiitiriea, Ac.kc. A" BCHlilSHOP WHATKLV" aud ISAAC lAYLOh'P NEW WORKS -Vl* Riae, trot^tt aud t n_| Dcl. oi l Ltlatiai.tty, fll U Taylo-'i Logic of T___M*Mi and tthat Eat-avi fll__j. Carllle'i KreaM_*a>lTl Mauu*. Bl leii.ittlig iba ho'ok* will h* lei.l hy m? I, p.aU-ge prepaid. W. UOWAfl S, No MC**M*__ N.-a-Yoik._ 1)AUIS, LONDON, and'NEW-YORK MED1 CAL ADV1SER aod PH YBlOLOcilCAL, WORK-vW. pagei, u^rly 10.1 Enptvl'.ga- F.i e *>1 tlalled fr*e bv H U LAWHENt'E. No. I \?ay*.l . Aata. Houa ll -"aie. th*IBB oa.laiu t..-_,uuei.t fo/ Nervuut He .niiy. local and geneial. Met.U) D.g)..a!oi,, ?ud L ?? of Menio.-y. 'Jied bv .rlgnaJ aud p-la.-a t.. alu.rot hy tl.l ur the Itw* of lline, bv lhe t:"--?? ?ar?bto-luthU.peeUliy-M LAllMO.tT, FbriUUo aod 8ui .e.L, Anihor, *cT No M7, ap itii.i. li?wJ.'"k' fr.-aSa-n. t . 1, p B. (S.turday *nd sfiiuday ei.epted., Thur. day eve.,ln..7loa bta lhe buudltd* of l?iU-.ta-t*.? b> bl* puf ttOOJU FOB rOLITICIANS. PAFTIE8 AND THEIR pKTncIPLF.9; A Ma-vi-a _ ot F* tiTnti lnrattiBBBoa, EiMiHiT....) tbi o*i<4._, OaowTH, i.DtHinniao, NtTio._*LPu.Tiaa. With 41 Aeeasoiit ..... TAI.1 IS?? Vtl.lABU. AS0 OBSBHALStATI-TH ALl.-i-uaaA 110S. By Aktui k li-iLMB-a. 1 voL, 11 mo. al. THIRTY YF.ARB' VTEVJ 1 Or. A Hmtort o? thi Work ^1. ... thi A?ti.ii-ia Du Ahivi,t n>? Tsii.ii Yitas suna 1:10 To 1M0. thl.flj Ukeu fr.m tte Contr-ai Uebetei, the prt v.t. paperi of Oeneral jacks-m, aud tbe B8e**hai of ei Senator I e, toi. wit> bia a ?'?iti V'ew of man ind ifliir.-, with Note* .1 d ll!n?;i ttona, tnd ume n itlcet o" e? lu .ut d<?.??6<| cot.u.p-nrlea By Hjb. T?"?h H. B?.ii.,x. Coinplete in 8 vol... rojal o-.tavo, of iboat 78" page* >?_ :h. Price, in cloth, at; ?!-? ? 1 0*> AltRITifiEMENT OK THE DKBATE8 OP CONORE18; Ulrg ? Politi tl Hhtorv of the Cnited Stat t (Yon; th ? or^iniiv tion of the br.t .. dcnl l' lu IBBUlSMk Kdite I and coujpiled by Hon. TaoM.ia H. Bkstos, from tU Official Ree rd, ol I'ongittt. . , >... The work will be rompletcd in 15 roytl octavo vohime* of .50 paaa. each, 13 of wbieh tre uow ready. An additioaal volume will > <? once Lu three moutbi. Price 03, clotb; 08 50, .h ep; 1.1, half Moro.-.:*. IIISTOBICAL ANI) LEOALEXAMIN ATION ofthatp*rt ..! tl,.- iJecisi-'U o. tbe 8. pr.-nie Coart ofthe Cnited Htater Ifl tho DKED SCOTT ( ASE wkieh itedares tne L'u onatiiu lonallty of ihe Ml?*<'t.'uprou.l*e Att andihe Self-Ex_-n*ion ot tU r.i:,'.iiitioii to T.-n.-ori.*. carrying SUvery ilong wil. it. Ky Tao*. H BbbTos. I vol .mo i'tpor*. ._..-, olrtb, fll. D APPLETON k Co. Pobliahen Not 443*ndi4*Bl(OADVVAY. Any cf the tbove tent free by invli on reeeipt of pric*. Uir, thvoba. CPECIAL NOTICE. DE FOUEST, AHM8TRONO & Co., DRY OOODS MERCHANTS, HAVE liHMOVEl) TO THEIR NEW AND SPACIOCS VVAREROOMS, Not. 75, 77, 79, HI, S3, BBfl H? DUANE-ST., NliH B li ? i * n w a T . Wh'ro they will ofler for i_l??new ind elegint itok of DRY OOODS for tbe Eail, uited to aii i?cti.._4 cf the contitry. They are or?t,ti|r w...-kly AMOSKEAG and WA1ASUTTA PUINTS, in ntw ai.d dtairable- atylei. These celebrated Printi tre the CHEAPEST ?nd BEST bow aold in the United State*, md they beg leire t? Call the particular att.ution OE DEALERS to them. A T THE NEW RETAIL STOEE, No. 5*1 BROADWAY, oppoaite tbe Metrepclitan H itel. OPENINO OF NEW FALL GOODS, AT RETAIL. We be* leave tO aanounoe to our patroua and ladiet vilillng tU city. thut we ire now odering ail tbe lateit noveltiet in S1LRS, PARIS DRESS GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, LACE8, MANTILLAS, ic. ALSO, BALMORAL SRIIITS, ln Urge variety. ALSO, A new make of KRENCH KID 0L0VE8, mtde etpreialy fc; os, and a-ild to be tbe b -st glora ever offered ia thit country. EDWARD UMHERT & Co. j^ T JAMES TUCKEK* NEW PARI8 FLOWERS! NEW VARli ELOWERS: FEATHERS: FEATHFRS' ITUDAL SETS! BRIDALJ8ET8 vails: vails:: vails::; COIFFL'BES: COlEELilES.: A.ND TOILET FIXINOS IN ABINDANCE. IT'MIJKOIUJ. RIES AND LACE8. A JIST RECEIVED, ind will be opi-ned on MONDAY, Aig 17, 1,000 French Bmbroldered Handkerchieft at 01. SOOpiecee ol Valenciennet F.<i_ing it 1,. per yard by the P''C'' EDWARD LAMBERT Ic CO., No. Bl Broidwiy, oppoiite the M'-trop htu. Hotel. HALSTED A STILES, Not !2 aud 54 MCRRAY-S T, New-York, Iinpoitfit md l*bUn tt CLOTH8, r tSSl vIERES, VEiT IM.S, ard every ttyle Lud i) ol (_*?__ uaed by Ciothiert aud Merchaut Tiiloit for Meu a tnd Boyi' weir. _ ACABD.?W. JACKSON, No. 561 Broadway, lit.. ..n-Untly fii li.tnd everj ariile _, .sirshle. Bt KAViILtf Mul'RMNO, at rc.iaoi.abie pricei. Parti-ular attention U ealled to our stock ol BOMH.l/INES. N. B?5 88*88 of Ftll Ooudi ln u. w Itj les, are now open for inapecti tm_ SKIRTS ! SKIRTS ! ! SKIRTS I'!?Cheapi-r thiu ever ReUilrd at l>'ia than whol-.sle price*. M ne. Dl.MuREST'S Pil_*-Medal rikiita, patented June 26, andeui ably tbe beit Mm-I Skirts, and tne !o?e?t pouible pri_es. Ni.U.-e-H sprln/i, 5"...; 15 ipringa, 75c.; JO ?pr1n(,., 81. No. 4"3Brcad?ay, No* ?!_) and 3*) CaUul lt., No. _k/7 !)th-iv., No. 141 at , ind No 134 1'ierpont ?*., Brooklyn Dealers tup plied it No. 473 Broedwiy. t'tll .nd etiniii.e. flliBtdlancone. ACADEMY OF MISIC-ITAL1AN OPERA. OPEMNO NIOHl'. MONDAY, S.ptember 3. THE OREATEST COMBINATION <>r LYRICAL STARS EVER MADE IN THE LNIIED STATES The Directctt Uvu the bouor to *nno.i:ii-e to Uie publi: lUt tbev bave beeu lo f- itm..ite u lu C luiblne ALL TUE EB1NENT ARTISTS of the Italian Opera eouipanics at preient Li thi. .-ountry In ONE OJUSS CONSTELLATION, l'Tl H?E ARTISTS WHO COMPOSE THE REOl'LAR COM? PANY OE THE ACADEMY OK ML Sl J. 2 THE CORTESI ITALIAN OPERA COMPANY. i. TUE MAX MABE'UEK OPERA COMPANY. On MONDAY. Sept. 3. at 0. OPENIrt'l NIOHT Or THE SEASOM, MISS ADELINA PAT1I when vill be pie*. nted BeLlui'a charmiog opera of LA SONNAM lil'LA. ADELINA PATTI AS AMINA. Arole bi wbieh a _.- aebieied the g-ea'-ttt uectM Utt lettoB. S10NOR bKK.NOLI AS ELVINO. BIOWOI AMODIO Ai TllE l_._l.NT RoDoLPHO. Conductor.?<_*>* MUZIO. PRICE* OE ADMI8SION. Aluiltalou to Ptrnuelle, Palquette circle.fll Heaeivedtel'-t.W CenU ettra Private Uoxei (tcccrdii.g to ,Ire aud laBBB-M).Bt to B15 Km.iiv Cflela.Mii-enti | Amphltliea er.IDceuta Dooricp'U at 11, to coj.m.nceit n o'ciock The ail. nf aeaii will cimm. nreoa SAii'RDAY Sept 1, at tbe Hot OHice nf tbe Acidemy of Muaic tt Slbell * Statiooery Store, No. 11 Wall at, ind at Breuiing t, No 701 Broidwiy. A'hTOMA. ASTIIMA, ASTIIMA. lnttantly relieved ASTIIMA, Eendt't Clgtrettet, at.d p<rn.u..iit!y ASTUMA, Fenlt'. Bron.-hi..! Cirarettet, cured. A8THMA, No 4M l-roidway, The wont ASTHMA, No. 4.)', ebronicctte* ASTIIMA, No. V>8 Broadwty. kl'CH a* "ns BB- ASTtlMA, Fendi'i BroB-.lcal naTBP ASTHMA, CUir-tie*. BVBBT OTHBBTRBAT- ASTHMA, F?ndf. B?^T, ASTHMA. Broncbl i) Cigirette* yield infal'ibly to ASTHMA, Eendft Ibe pow.rof ASTHMA, Bronehi _ <!taj;et"? BKONCHIAL tlOARKTH S Mideby C. B 8E i MOI'R fc Co., No. 4?? Bro* .wsy. Prire 81 per boi. free per niiil. . 1 tn- rtmneV vvill be refnndet! if relief itnnt given InrtauHy. For -le by flt DiuMUU, and t^ ^ ^mgmgpkM. S Y. HAIB ftr UPHOMTEBt.?lfl.080 puunds of ?ood q tlltv, wr 11 id.pted for L'pholttary, RalUoad Liri, OBinlkust.. ButaUtg. ? ^oU^ScTxtO Bro^lwiy. M~A?ONIC and I. O. of O. F. REOALIA.? Pri-M a Pittr.1 Sword Haiurint and Swordi. J.weli for _vd.JVba_iter.aio. WM M t?Rr<E, 484 Hroadwty, N. Lodje., Cba.ter..*c. WM. M7PRICE. 484 Broadwty, N._> DUBE CIPEB VINEOAR FOR SALE. J.*n Tippln rrfinrd ( ider VtaffBT, wamnleti p ire |,.nith- I'tlh^Ji Fa.m, ln b-.g.hetda aui btrrela for fl***8a, Ut.!,, shlppen, tud th. t ide t i.o i ly _M. A. J. LYNCH, No. 4 ErieBjilJIuf*. SA 8 II E S?WIN1.()\V B A8IIE8. -MI LLS1" PATENT VVISlKlW SASII BLBVATOB. .-I. adju.'.-.t and p. ipetu.1 L*k, di.penvs entirely wilh the oid ui.'.!io.lef elea.tiii : tud flBenwg wti.dowa. la neat,,., oini . .i.d duial le, ...' J lo |U i a.-lur *? wall .. ev ..y wl.ilow lu t h. iae .ud the mott m, ti a avafl - 1 ev.-r lor thl? L.ruoie IikIki. r | , .I., _,i it No .' K.i..k'ort ?t. Rl?hti lor BB. a Waahing-Machtne at we neTer erpeet--td M IMM crk witbont lujnriu* lolhei. wjj/i>a^titidhy rnici o! v?; v.lfc ?.Wt4.'ierTarit rfrli ard profeai. uai T ADIES! READ! READ' ABOUT FI.ENCH'B CONJCAFa WABHING MACHINE. EVIDENCE IN FAVOR. Prom B*c?Td-0__ict?i Orgaa et Ar.bb_?b*B ii ighe. Aaa 4. !**_*.. Of TrtBmh't CoDicai W**_l__g Machine we Oa* _?**- *4 vteed.y 'Jbe lat-l'i of oar hor(?ebold __*v? e?*d it wBb mnrtett . . < ..* and Ihey declore that wMhinfl witb M can b? doae M *-.-**-n_.h of the time, with morb lea io?p, aad bat a B-oBon *f thelahor In pub.i inatitiBoa* beUrit, cAvl'aa-a, *t? , Ua BM **_M c: ihi* arllj b* *>lt aui wlll b* l*d_pe_**b.*. N. Y Tbi*p_tb. July M, MM. Mr II L. Stabt?ZW ."fr I Bav* Iried /ren b'* CoLleal Waihln,.Machine, ar.d Ind tbat lt doee il* work beetfr ? haa hand* cn or ever did do. Our girl mti It I* a p*if-et avonder. a-d wi'h II ib*. e* her wahlng before *v__r o-raal brawkfaat Mt k\"mm lo btep th. i?.__ot BOLCJN BOfllNBON. LiMB*' BtBM Am 8->a-i_rn-_?>???-?**?? C-wlcal Wiahinf M**bJ,7 w*. al-o der-ted. and b*. .ine*, b~n *"??<?? te.ledinthel*nndryof tbe liiitRutlon, oi tM tt. IU liBitty, labor t.Ait a.-d economy prove il to be well wortb-f ol rooem _neBd__tlcn.-iCbriitl-__. Advo-_a__B and Joorrai. Oplrion of NOBMAN WIERlTlnvent?r4>f._-? *?**?? Ite Cet, L?dy Kraokrtn?4b_cago IIMfSlBS. I have thorongh.v t-ated Krench . Corical __?__ ttmtklam ?nd havr a) the >irl?? mtehlnea ln irutrd and la aee. I am ontl.-ely eoBTii.ced tbat ibe lonleal Waher li BMh tb* b*?t Lu afl teipeet* for whivb a paieU b?* jat bea_ iMtad ut thi* cour.try. A O.aon WVi.iv., Mac hiak -TUe ConUal Waabiag Ma-bfn | whl-hUi -t now beinn ',-oaght int' notioeaod a*e oy Mear* P lt R. Kiaw-hcf thl? city it a labor.aver ia wMch we har rr.nhd*nee. lt waihea etfertnally, with * real wrtng of _oi?, and wiib leaa. war aad tear of ci.ithiu* tban la cauaed by haafl rubbint oi tb* wudib-taid. ar.d ipar*** the aaodt froa tbe worit part et tba prcee**, and avei inurh Mroe. I ? itr.ip i-tty. cooa pa.tne... .tre, gth aud dnrati ity reconiiuend lt, aad It l* tlotf e cugh to tn?arelutei_* thoae wh>u-OV. need___*-__.?[lt. Y. Tiibone. frereh'*___) WubL_g-Ma. hire p?__e*e* ad tbe al*_______ti cf litrplieitT, affriaiicy. and caeapneai leq ilred lu a farully waeft lr.g m.i. hi;,e. and wili, doubtlea, cou.e iiso aniveral oie ai a ita- dard Aoierican hoaaehold Itntimtiori. We bav* te.tod tbi* a-it. int- e B_f_.it_ ai.d ipaak aivt ediy of lu tnerlta. Il ranke w_tb the ivbeet-ri WiU.i. Sawing-Machi.w, *nl wUl prov* *ra of t-.e mott eflicient fiiaud* of w^aiau - [Fbieuoioglcal Jo.ruaJ. The Conl al Wuher la juit lu.h a preaeut aa wtniibla aaal cci.iiderate b i-bardi will be Iikely to __.?|_, tbeL wive*. _ud the praa thai r>. i .Mi.-cpi.t to |...-e n_a..| hi, ^..nationi to tna* orer bord.ned widow cr ui.f'.ituuate wooian wb*ai ha wouid a** ?1*1 ? | W ater Care J..tunaJ. It wi.l h? eaprclaily vainabie to fami le* who tbar* tb* work of tlie .imoi.g lh rr-a-ivi-., while lau idrnaiei arill fend it a ,i.O*t -lieful auailiary, mabliu* ibero to ax.Lou.lie both thalr llroe *u J *trtngtb, ar.d Ukiug away ibe fe?r tbat with yaar..._,? mu*t iive up lb*lr r.ethod of earuh.g a livailho..*. Meaar. Fie.ich, tbe .{aoaeuprlying a wriufei and Ixoser acapted to faiul y uae.?[New-York Cbronlc-*. Tl.e br.eit Bc*. aud other debcate art.clei MB b* waabed by li.ii uiachine witbont inj.ry. aod iu an iuciadibly .boat tinie, n* *:..-. tbe bev.y vvabirg ofa boiiaohold.?[New-Yerb P?cdcal Mechanlc. Ore of tbe beat friendt to wcuian tbat we hare aTar i*er. la Prencb'a Couitai Waabing-Machuie, by the aid of whieb tb* tri-.ti and wearinein . .itt> ndir.t npon waahing d*r f-A, ourpar* tliely .peakhig, eiiO-d.?|Hoine Juiiofl), 1W0. Frer.cb'i Conleal *A'aabin|-Macbi-a net only do** th* work la cn -thLd the tiiue n q ?).? d for baid-wubing, bo. doee it qult* an wei), v -aia lhe c'otbe* a great J- ai le-*, aud avea * la/ge pro pjrti.u -f tbe *A)*i). If tbi* l? a putl Meau*. Fieaob, you ir* weiconte to il.- [N. Y. Sun, June 13, latjO. I rerard it a* mueh tuceiiui to auy otber lu uae. MARY L. BOOTH. Anthor Uiat. ttty ef New-Ycrk. Bv ihe luviution ofa friead. wbo laket int-reit lo all praefle*] and ..le'.ui ii.veutioui we were iodu. ed, tome two montb* Bnc*, to viiit * large hotel iaondry lu hi* city, wbere on* of " Flaoatb'e Conical W .ibiae Machi' et" wai in u*e. After aritnotaiaf iba ette and rapidi'.y wiib wbi h i* reaioved tbe di:t IrOui tb* clotb.i we weie I.d tu uak* tiial of one of tbe aaate maaafae ture and It i? pronounct-d a moit va_uabl>3and dedrMB ac<|ui*i Uod.-|N. Y. EvaEgeliit. CoI_I_BOIATB l!t TITCTE. C.R.TWAM, OlBB** Co., N. Y.? U. L Sttjaht: De ir Vr..-ud?The Conl. al Weah!ng-Ma. hlu* hai b.en received aud thoruugb'y b-ited ou our icbooi waiblag. lt vork. to a rharua. doe* notwrarihe ciothe* w nuieh a* by tbe hand nebod of walbing. 1 wl?h ycu lo leod uie tbieo mote of ibe Machine* for friend*. ALFRED C. ROE, Principal. lt will be foncd inT*_aeb!e in aU coiiiitry hou**i, ejpadally where tte uil'tiea ofthe bca.e 'loei Cei own work.?[CBBbMB Adrccale aud Jourual. French'i Conl al Waibiug Machine, whlcb we haTe b*?s c?ing foi louie ?e_ki pait. baa very ..ncla-ivt-iy deiuontr-rat-d ita .iti'itj *? au ecotiomiier of ti*ne, tot! aud toap. wbiU lt per ?"orat lu work ln the tnott th-rongh tr.d ittufartory manner, wlthoit fcj .-lr.f orwnarlng the bne?t .-lothe*. It la *e iijiple tbat lt can hardly b* mii"nderit4Xad, and io earily worked anfl kr pt in order tbat a-.ybody, wi'h a will, ean work tt--[N. Y* Obierver. Frnhi Cor.lcal Waahinp MaoMn*. wbicb we haT* been 'or .evrral weeki. leema 'o be tb* leng-aooght deatderattuu, couiprlilng the ele._i?nti ef ?i__.p.ia ity, cheapnea, tharcugh efti fei.CT, e-'.u'.pecti.eii aud ah-.ll-y to waih the moBdelsat* fahri.-iwitbou: i_ijory i in fuct it la a fc -itly wa?her. io which w* hare faith baaa-d t.pou gvod work*.?IN. Y. ludependant It 1* lucb dcing iti wor wi-h i :.)Loa.-.c* oi _VB-M ?-<.<r .-.'' girl* and pufaBi waiLerwometi, while it wiil i'la-um .u> ? n-vv vra ln tb* eouitry faiui-'.io-ue aa ata.iiii.-g d.y VVe heartJy couunead lt lo our fair country w >a>*i, ?[( hiiitlan liit*llig*ncer. The ne -eaiity foi a aimple ai.d entire.y effecBv* Waabiag M__ rbine la-lnK be.-r. felt. and tte thiuk inat Freoeb'a patent re .iii tidi to every ie<|ui.ili?i... >rou. pciional applicaiion to hcH.ehoM tvai.ta we know the Cmical Waihlug-Macbii-. to b? all thai it i? rcpre-eu'.eti? [Life lilualiated. Nothing haa ever uppeared to compare witb it?[BcHoa Coffi mercial Bulletiu, \\> had -n.-d Rntary YVaihing Man'olnea, Robbin* Machta**, Spring Ponndieg Miticiiiei V acuum Ma:hiaei Bas* htjtm Ro tiiry Machinei. ' litaract Maciiin-i, Ball Maebin-_i, Macblne* Ho'iiioi.ral llaflMaa* AnguUr, Machin.-* Perpeodieular, and Mi.-hinei Circular. a'ltono atiifactcry purpoae; and had r? ?igr.ed the idea of ?ilu-itiug. lu our day, any praclical iuiprOTe uieut iu the metbed of di-poaing tt the great q .- *Uon of " What rbail w-do with onr dirty li.ien t" We rr,_f.*j to baving In .?ulited in the dehiiiiB* cf old fogyi.m. and have been M*B*M iron. oor Rin Van W inkleiatlc itate, moit ouetpaetedly, by Me**r* P. k R. Kranch, who bave undertakeu tbe grarioaabit her. taik of rediicing the tot.t a:.d terrora uf - waahing day' In An erii-an houa-i to an Iclerealiug morning aKerd**.?i_t_Ua'* 1, wtrated Newapapvr. Thiili a true henefactlon for wouian. and tt* ir.-reatori aafl frr.p-i. tin are the rlgbt klnd of " ladiei' tn?n," lubitantially lud and thonghtfully contiderate. Ood ble?i them ! Tb*y bav* 1 lought tbe itrcnz arm of uiaccin.-ry, molded witb ? eannln* ikil!, into the battle bald of waihlna-dav, aud tb* ugly array of dir'y Itnen wbieh hii* oppreaad Ine daurhtei* of fr*>-4oiu M ioiit Lai ?t lait fonr.d iu Maaer.u and Solfeiino la "French* Coiiicial Wathhig Machin*."-la. ille'i New MagtBa*. OiPita or thb MA.-vTra.'TOBT >.r 8i'*LPt.-*i'i PaaraaaBl OlcB No. tH Ca-dar-B , New Yoik, July 11, 1*M J Meair* P. k R. Fkbii h?Gtntltmtn: We medm * oar** ful trial of the woiklng .apacifiei of your Couical Wabing II . hlt.e, and 1 tbiiik It _niy oecd* to be kn.rwri t. be *9Pt*t\if*rd a_a tht *Uud.rd lamily waiher. _ HENRY C. SPlLOLSO. Tblal* realiy tht machine wbicb oiight to haa* ? pltay* M .veiy faiuiiy. And, we may ay, barlDg Ui *d botb. tbat lt b ild* the iui relation tn our fauiily eouveolence* tbat th* hawt Wheelei It WUwn Sewlug-Machino dge'^it ?- MJW ft ?** diitemabi*. ?ow l*??B? ? mmmytt I _jn cocvinced that tt ii ono of wc.-nan'i moB Ta)a*ble ail iliri-ia-i ard ihon'd be p'aced io erery home. Nothing eould la duco ine to be without .me, now that I bave a*. erUiued tt* ral-j*. Mr*. 8. 8. RANDALL, No. lii I_e_a_|toa-*T. Tiil* I* cne of the moat Tatuabl* labor-eaTiug* tmt la U .duced into Ue MM^gT^ ^^ fc _ ^^ lt l? * perf. ? tly latiifactory waiher. It mtee tae th* prla* lf a wa -ai-Aouiitii every weet Mra ABEL BTEVENB, No. IW Eaat IMb-tt. lt iiettlr rtdnce* tbe amonnt cf labor, and tio-t tbe work mo?t thoroogtly. Mr*. H-".NRY C. WATBON, ll-MI. I bave teited It wtlh another waihlng -naebin* eoatlng ??. anl Ln.e !? ,...d yc-r u.a.-hi'.e to be lnbnitelT *upa?ior to lt*eo*?fl*e couipeti-or. Tbe l'oni:*l Wuhing HadBM ia irai, a ?*__??{*? bleuin?. and wlll relieve waahing day of iu aoet ^JflJVi and bnrdea-Oine leatoie*. Mr*. H- **? BTUABX. No. 18 Madi*ob ATBJirB. Ore womw with N will eadly diiptwe ot aa maeh work ia *:.e day ai two bara been in tbe babit %t ?1/1???TStmVJ*' It waabei parfecty. _ Mtt. J. MARION S1M8. Cb-itimri!.-MT wife ba uad French;* Conie^WaablBg. Machine and pronouuc** lt the onlr wablr-g n_**h____? of MT value that ibe ba* evai u*ed, ** j MaygL OKce of Wbe*l*r k WUion'iMf|_C*., No. 505 Broah**/, lf. Y* Ornr* Abbbicab Watcb Co.^tjoM troetwey^ Mevuri PU tmtmm 0*bBism._I ktm SBSMMlMfl a To^'ftb r-V?M-aj&? !_E2,fa__rsror ?JarT noue .j..? i?._*_iad, ln ?'l wbicb 1 fitiiy BSMBBi the P^yg3g,ir^' DANL. F. APPliTON. nnenlonol OEC-tOE JONE8 bhv, one of th* p-oprletor* et Opinlon oi b-.. Th(i N y Tlu.ei j_ ^ lwo. ' -r* We MM uaed Frei.rh'a Couical Waahing Machine lereral .,..* ii. our family, aud bare aaUabed oort?lv*e tbat lt l* aa raiiUy wnrked. duracln, rapld, afe, aad thorragh waaber?i?vi.-.g n.ii bl'...- *nd 1-i'K.r. Ufat lt fally la.talna tb* a.?_itcito_i* charactel claimed by IU pioprietoit fer it Mt. Ki*.... We.cha.iler Co., N. Y., J_d>*?. IMft The f illowii.g l. a i py of the letointlooi p**t?d tt tb* OMct* Ing of tho Club on Frlmy l**t? naaiely: ht.Ut.d, Tbat. *o far aa our experience w'.ih and ob*ervtll?a cl' Wa-bii i M?> nii.e,, ha* gone, we . ona.det Fieaeh'a af dae:i dedly aurerior niaiit. The t> it given it al tbii uieeti.a bai beea a u.o-1 tb r..ugh -jLe, ai.J, froii. Uie ca-e, .imctDea, ani to irouab n.-.i of i'? woik, we bave no heiit.tion iti recoaaeudlug tl M tbe public J WOOD, f*a uf hlaiuier*' Club of Badford. Boraa or tbb A-igbi. OiABDiair. B< tros, July tl, 1BW. Iimtowell [iea-ed wilh Frencb'i Wa*bl.>g Machin*. tba'. I aiah yi uto ?~i d mo anot. ?r. 1 bave * fau.Jy c*f l-O-all koyij I have i,-ver bad (itta. I wiab b. ti.ake tbeui do theu own waab lug With two uu tin. i I tbluk tlay :an Jo it Or, lf y-*? have one tf a larger aiae. -*i,i.*.h will work a* .vtaily and aa treil, you tuay Kud thit. OEO. F. H A8KJN8, Bop*^_*a-anl LtFlta.B UOCIB, J-?*?. __** . I t thi ;.at ab ..ure m addlng u.y te.ti cooy to ?*?-1 ?*2**!,?f th- tttm-h'i QfMlM Wathii.* !?**;*-l:.n_ W" old m.thtd my wub occipl-d all -Iay; I no . bave lt i"tm ln oa* ua.a.tei cf lhe time. I rouild-r thii tb- ??? *MfaMMB -? lebot it.i_| u.a-hiue tr.-t lnt/*al'.o*? u,'^*b_ yJt^O* M^bin*. can U *mmjtJ/mJf%g^^ * ...dth. Drr-1, No 41* Uroadw.y ^"?"^?J_J"' FKICE ONLY TEN DOLLARB ^^ ,_?, N pr_.p.IeU*.i *re ^jAtmZAtSmm tauiio Ageu.-tei. ?ud \o aipply o.dera to am, .?-?* w.BiadiualpaiUtftbaLnitedBtal-a. ? pAENCa. S. ud for i CtreuUi. _ .- a* _v?t Ctt*. Adarvn bo* No. ?,?w, Pos ofie*. Utrnrnm?*%*