Dewacraey f Trair whole tVairtae ta SoatMrn) tMir -iM'acrttd r* bawdon SV-tvery. Soawbody baa taid tha* in t'e S nth ibey hnnt eUvee ??:_ doga?ta tbe K.rtn wi-b petrHicrtit--. TtiM w?e folly an*,a?i?d by to* NartPtrii OtoiocrAY 10 Uie h_t e-aeiou oi Oni Kea, Mr. L'gtuof llliuota, Uie moi'Jj pi*c* of Br. ugltp in lha Hi.oae, to pro.e bia and tie De m BtMa K>yt.Uy to tM BetBa, b id tb?t Uia KepaMk-aiia, abboogh Uiey woald aot re*_ it, wonld give oo uouve nd to r-uforou tb? F.gittve Slar. bw, Il a alave tflflflaod tl*y woald uot puran. him; tbey l.ft th*. to tM l)t)?o?:i_ie, wM nevtr t'-tuVd to oatoh tbem, aod reiam ihem to their vaetera. Tuw I oeli*'. ut tru.. Wa bsvo tbia ap.ct.vl* ia thb Cirieiitn oouutry. B Mn a maa wbo Ma b*ei roh ed of bi* )i'>*>rty bre taa tba botvlB of hi. oppr**aor, r-gaiue li. BBRtral iighu?, _t*) ie abt.ut to tacap*. towluudi.f fretd "ii, in the P>_ h yon we bloodhoncda, in ihe No.-ti Ds-ocra'. Baigitg upui. ha oaunch-*.. Wbi? think y >u ?h. Bioei rtB^cUble?tM biped or tM qa_ruped?the B<*aor ttV> d..g 1 . - ? .... _* Sooit allow_it?ee cau M mB/le laa B-eckinndge a-id Be I for 'btir pru.U.ikg aud d-l_oing Sia.-eiy. They w?re *cru atd educated iu Sut?e RbmBb; audeoua.i eaer i_tht oiii '-.(dfioi) bntcreuttd Bj aO'iiatioii. Bnt wn*i ota Maudofa aan Ixrn .-ougfie free hillaot Vormoi.t, aad ungbt from jouh io re.d tne D-claration ol In dertLdric?, who aay* that be " cure* BBt whetuer fcivtij tte eottd up or vo'rd dowa " ? We cla un oo ngbttoint-rftia wih Slutory iu tb* Stitea. Ba'.if ibe qute'i'u of rniaii ip*-ioa w.ere l*gHi(_>ly bafore Ut* ijtroi If of Marylaud a. d K-o ti- ky, or ottiar SUv. t$B'?e, and a Nir.htm r_oi thoulj dn-are Uiat he caieo lotwhtibrr R were " voied np or voteddowu,'' 88*1.1 b? loi lo tte lookeO upju not only with oouir_p*. BBB a norreuce, ' ut with deteeut ion ' lt can b. ac t-tiiiUd I. r oi y I > ihe Bat,tb_M lanowliviiigon tR* uipud 1*bor of iuberi't0*a_late8, who, under hiB BVararan .ne ? il rg aud dyuftfou tbe doaui b'-inug yi.i. a'i -ue ot ppi vYbeller tbi- rbgged, torn, diajoin ed DemoT-ratlc partt will aorvive io ent*r iiioiher right againet fret I kiifiw ii-1. Da-le ul'aoaot a uitii iu tbe g( omy TtgHua of wbveb be wro'e wbo waa dooaaMfar BB Bmi.ifi I' Bflnta travtrtetne .ough pavemeuui ofthe bf farii-l rruioi a tbroogh Ul imuble tun-?, with hia eotra'a tom cul -td oragUug b.t weeu I ie lega. Wnetber ihie tuita*..) p*rtj ia fJeaimed toa ti_ilar pro o ged paia faxi eaiaieuc* ume a u*t tell. Iw euoroii ie*, aiu. t it 8c.iT*_drtd Ralf to ib" doaii-nn ol Slavery, Mve Meii ? qnal to auy pauiafiuie-t Freedom iguored; ttn D,?-r.uou ol lidtptndene druitd, ndi-ubd aad tra-ped cl: Slave.y .-.itorved at tte poiul U ihe, a wbo e quaiter of ihe globe outiavt-ed from Bvu-ptiby . ? whole i_oe ot a cbildren d alared t ,'bave ' no rlghe oBleR wbite men were ttointl woaJdrttm U jae:i y the narab-e'. itu Bi it w_)ih u.ortal or .inuional triUt.uala could mrlii t. P'tllow ru irw, let ull who love l.berty more thau gla?er ? vvin. l..te Uitir country more Uuu pany ? ja.U) ibettnapMlibroRg aba ara *?tont to ta;-j't a _.i.u'.ii>?ii I* teidcui lo _e txecuuve matBion of a Krpui.l.taii MaRBB. Mr. SiA3t.Le wa* interrnpted with fieqaent and Marty applauae Hi. haa at T-.j were particiltrly rtlitbed. BaaiBg bia adoreae two eomp?niee of Wide Awakts rame iu aud look their aeata iu Uie 0-1. Tb* Bou. HiTiEit G. Nonn, Liem Govroor of WuMOitjii vtatcn. u inirodticed. Ho bflflBB by aay B/girat a diBtingoiB'ed DemiKratic oiator foar yearB Bfjo m V i. city b.gtu ln tnia w.y: '' Fellow-cuizeua: 1 do not cou-e io viud.atA) tiie AduiluiatiaUo.l of Fr.Lkl.t- Pie:ce, 1 admit ibat tnat it corrop ; *>ut l a*K JauraiiiirigtB M tnat hoLeat eon of PeuiiBylvdu.a, auita hu-Lauau. A week or two ago t.aibauB aan c-uu iiieicd h Bteech in iliia way : ,T Fet o w cui BH.8, 1 oo no ooaie to vu.dica.a tbe Admini*'.raliou of Ja?.ta Buchauaii. I adinii t iav tbatia orruj i, bat I ?uk yjour riittrugee lor lhat Ooueet aan of lluuoie, RMpAaB Ar.od Uoug aa. ' [L>.ught>r and c-tieere.] Ii wae 8aid l ut Buclu?.?u'b Adu.iUu-li_.iuii bad lu-me Pioree ? Aduiuietiau u appattaata. If thia k.ud of thiog Waa to go on, Uiu naking pievi.m*. AT ?iu awaiiona leepeetable, he d..u n*d uol tbat DougUt would le iouiid emiuemly co?pctent to perform int put. ; ti. t-_t uppiauaciiiul l*ugiit?r. | Mr. .\ .bl. ili-n w eu' ii tu ib. dt-t ti i_e td il e p?tw tr of Cougreee iu tiie, aud the griun- a which dia inguiehed l)eu BflBflU bad luktn iu relatiju to it, ll tbe? Itemociats. wbo k'iv\,?i.d our diK-uiue* t welve yeara ago, weie not 8?t.i ,i lt.n>, we are not Beciiouuuarf n.ivv. e Now, ib?y t_1 tb-tne great popular will wae to be d'aregujdt d, aud _u>e old men rliould aetlle tbe qnea liun cl l ittoom in tbe lerriioriea. He wublled t'op ttlar boverngiity down juat to ooe-tbiidof aivereigulf, the Lt-tiieialuie inly, at.0 not tb? Kxe?u;ive or Juai ciarj u. ite lirritotlee being iu the power of llio (?o ple, aia then lh ey lud but ouo-lhrd uf tne ltw-uiakiog power, ai,, if the Govtraor vetoed tbe i.ill. it BBM M pataed by a two tbinlB vole; uiii, be added, BflflOflflBBg to llal.oii a aridimetic, j ot j wae l-i'ili. No 8, a taior Wflp jdbi bb go G aa auy aau, bat he aubmi' e.j that tne Ctlii} ol put lug ihe wbo e p-.pie of a lerniory of tl.e tiiied Oiaies inu> the tio?i_ig b?iine_, was btd poiiiKul tcoco?y. [fiieere.j Air. Noble procoedtd to a/trn* lhat ihe t'oueutuuoa did uot reoogiuze prop-ny in inau, and reviowed the paeetge oi the C mproume ueuenret. of 113544, aud tbe cvucoe of pur tM:* aiLue. He whb verv B-vere ou tbe par > adf atyl.d " ol Ibe l-on.Utution ?i.d th- I'uiou." Altbough he did not begm until aiA-r 10 o clock, yet moat ot the Budieui a htaro hie rpcccu ihrougn u> tue late end. If Uiey Uiougut At.robauj Liucoki ooaree and rougo, they wtre iuu.l; ?-istakeu. He wae a geutleu?_ and a echtlar of hie own making. Aa to ttie dauger of dia lUKin. be wuuid uuderiaketo put u ui down with a few compi?ueB ot AA Bfl Awakea. There waa au um bitiona bruiue reat y with hia dagger to ?nnafaBBfl Abiubam Liucolu, eliould he be elected. Wual woald Abr>haui Ln t-C'iu do wuh bim ? He would pat one bai d on bia l.t-ad aud ta> to thie ad v.,cUe oi Sq ta'.cer bttveieiiviiiy, ''K'tter, Squai! {(.reat leugu er ani app'auet. J Mr. NohL oouclndod an ?rgumeuttuvo a,eecb, but a tpeech abouudkig witn teUutg hita, by ettibug i u the vttiere of New-York to aetue Uie louflic. datcieivelv. ll near midnigbt, tbe meeting immediately ad jouind aiuid cbetre i.oiij tho BB?taflBB aud tue uiuaic ol tb* Widt-Awakt*. CITY FOUTIC8. ?lu our report of Wc-dneaduy eveniug e meeting ol the j ouug MiLt' Heputtlic?u I'uiou, No. flSf Br_* aay, tbe ue_e uf Mr. K. A Cnitteudtu anoald nave been li. 11 CBBBBda_. ?Br. Michael W. Burue waa nominated by the Breckiui.iikj* Aeaembly Couvemion ot tie 1111 Dia trict, uu VN ecueeday nikjbt; uot by the C-mgreorijual Coiivention, ae roported. ?Tte Tammuny Convention of tbe XVlIth Aejem bly Di*trnt havo i.oainated J. Jarvia Jouon, U.-ci i^r of K. muud J. aatj piinter aud eU iouer, to tbel'tiu Jhivib i- a very yoong maa, baving bwiely ul.aiued bi* maj my. ?Tbe K. I>. Mi'r.jau j_ul'ery f'orpe attaclied to the Working??*_'. Club uiet laat evening at the M-tropol Raui Hall, llc-niei- atreet. Tbere were about t*o um dred -uniberfl {r.bAUt who h-tauel wi_ maob ;lge OUIae.tea tv Uac> A/?r utll.oal e?1. av ,r. Ju ^CUJe l?i okctctlou.'' Mr. arnah and the Wide-Awuke (Jloe Club agreeubly laterajtereed tiie flR-ffflBflfl of tbe evt-ulug wuh aoraa cuj.'i*! ponga. h?.vt67H DiBTRi/T KrnniicAN OoflnRRflBflflBAt |BflrVRBTIOB^-Wfl RBRIBflllf veate'-dHy moruing tho foet tiat Mt. Dow waa noaiuated BrOoagNflfl from RM Seventli Dmtnct. Thb following ia a mnre de talled aeeonnt of the prccoediuga: Alier n_tliu_ tbe contotrUng aeate of tha Twentieth B'ard by m wmM^a vf l? bc^-rviavi btaRRil dota | tn ?, the Ona- nti-.n proce. d_d to an infoma! WM lor tu-mb.r of Co._r.B_, ro-nlti-.- aa foUowa^Uoa 1 r^ttTu 5 Lu kev,-. The oa.?n-ou t ?ti pro ^JS. toV.Km-J Kfettol., ..,,,,,_.? r.-uitaao- the inforin-l v,.-. Tbo.eo.i.d Uot flflaod a. fo-lowB Idw, 17; D*y on 4; the name _t Mr. l.n.-.y - wiu-d -*m Th_ aa _ oun.--BI..M of tbo r. bdIi Wafl iet>tv..i in ib- la-gti ball'y aevrr-1 hmdr d paflBafl with rep*a'ed cheera, and lo_d t?Ja were made for th_ c_.did.t4>. Mr l) rar iH'i'ii ap. *ar? d m the Couventiou, and iu * ab-ri *d dreae nco.pl4>d tbe uomimti >u Tha Ciuve?tion toeu ttdj. nrneO to tl.e Urgo hall balow, wiare liut.dii d pe?>pl_ had BflBBfllUad to ratify t *_? n >ini >a U.i>. M ? __--_??_ i-meoiattily intr dooed Mr. D.* to ihe eudi.ii<-*, ai.d iu a .piriied adcreaa'h.'geuil_ tnan pladaied brmflatf. if elteied, to carry out taiihl'uHy the .locii'-ee of tbe Kapubluain party. 8p?t4;baa * n ib.ii n>___ by M'__rB. Conover, Hall, ?, bpenc?r l.uckey at d o here. FlFTH OflflMBElMO?Ui DlarRlOT?I._M___S OF Mk. \A m. W ali. - Un adjonn?ig ou Wedneaday eve Lbg tbe Kapullican C mgr-s-ioual Courtntim pro i.-t-o. d in a tcdy.?Btead of eenoio_ a eonimttt-e ol livt- mb lira) prop'-aad, to tbe booee ol the llon. Williaui Wall, ou hknnli Muth atreet, to an_o inoe tt t >m gt-u t ? uiBu ihe la* t ot bia > omioauon. Dr. SuoOajnue, th* Ct-hira an of ibe Conven'i. n, when Mi Wa I ai>p_* ed. aid h_db>eniitr-idu i _ vo tne C >iu ki t e, a id th+t it kave him jirtai plea-me to aay tba; t_e Kepabiu-.o Ct nvtniioii had with ibe jtrt-a'.e*. unauimity preB-u_r_i tafliHr. YUUb' name hb h caudida'e l<>r tbe neatCou ifHBB; ai.d le waatoi.lid.iit t*ai tbe pt*)ple w.ull rat Iv the nouiiuatK.n. Mr. \N a 1, m the repiy. Mad, bfl .ttiW do?-tbit.K l_)B thtn m ao.ept lt, c .mmg a- it M r. m .bt e.utieu. i. b-ioie bim, n pn awatii g ha gr_*i Ba|mt-fl_-i p?".v *? -iT^'-fd JjJ^irfS mo.t, tafltMfl n waa not. n* made f.T a pHfla. He b U.n cb-tr^.d Ttnh bnyu.u hia nou.i .Btio, I ?? ht could aay ihat NB- a (har*e waa ?_*_?* ,,d dea.tute of the W ...auda ioa_ Ue bad e-? n oulj ODe or ttao of tbe irentlemeu p ea aot balor. .bat eveniig Ibifl trrn* n. MmM ta ba flW-__ to tbe poriucn for _h.,h the ?* Mflfl* J* nottiuaurd hiiii, he wou d eudea.or to Ita tt** m i.ottd upon bim. Hfl would c*rry out Ihe priucipl-. of tbe Kepoblic-u paiiy; and hia hrat erlor. v.o.rd M to t.reative tl.o Ui.un, nnd bia n< ?t wt.tild be to 1 ,ok Otu lor ihe iniere.tB ol KoW-Ytifk aud vicinuy, and n^ womd ta aefiioiial oi ly m mia raapMa, wnau at,rr'' riauou bille wtre Oelni-e bia. an far aa they applied uu It'fcW'Yoik. .... .,__ ^t After thia, the ObBB_iHflfl ? _- invited to partike ol lone rtlrtacmeLtB m.o flflMfl aud a| e_ct.eao x-opied an botir or moie, vthtu Iba UflMm)He_ d a.-eraed *it'i loaaisa chters or tbe next mtmbtr of from tbe Vth Diaiii. t. Kifth Di'TitirT Dfmocrati. OOfJamBflMOBAI Coai kntion. -The Tamna .y Convewioii ol tnw dmtrict met jteUrday afiemoon, at tbe Kiug a Cjunty Iloul, WuliamBbur?.li, dtl.j_a'/.e lrom ail Ibe wurda b. h | pieeent. Toe lolloanut! letter waa nnrnBt*d to a f by tbe Hou. W. B Ma-Uy, in view of the elim iiroaptciB ol the Druiocrucy carrNini; tbe dialrict: N?_-Y"aK, tirot. U, 1B60. To Hfl ""VlA Congrenionnl llrmorratu Cohrtntu* . Irj> ua.. v bavii't ti.m aal loith lu fiubne pni.ta, aad prlvate clul.a at a ta.,aitlate fo. r?. i.ctioi. to C-( 1 takv tba o. ra.1011, tt p-ilift aulUuie oppirt.iuliy. tv . .y a.u?tlti|K-itlu_y. .ut ...ia.01. ihat I do uot draira t- b? u CaicloBt-i-l_. 4_niiii*-lr.tion, b.t alah my filetiilt to tvit bi id iu> aaaaa tiom ttit- pi..pc.?d nomln.tiou, ?Ld riv_ ib-ir votralo anan upon tahinu ali c.liM-n-lht t-lrctoi., ?pp aad U h.ptibluaii _. ?ud an " Irr. preant.l_ .-._ili il" flfl l_.fuaifU-l St.t." ol ttiia cuirderaU) l.'iiluii, <-a.i uu.t_ ni a _aiu,oLlou* tn) tiiUB.pbai.t i-auvata. W, B. AUtl.*t. A Lallot btmg taken reeuhed: John Duliy, lijmr dealer, New-York, 17; Wai. il Ma-lty, l| J.ihi lltn loid; 1; Jucj-B 11. Lyico, 1. Mr. Dutty't uomimitiou vtaamade u. anictiOUB. Tne a_lion of the Dou?ln ])v_..traiic Conveul:ion, wbicli nominated Joon Ilao leid, on Batwdaf lt?t, waa de. larcd lulormal and irregulai. Ttaiearenow in iouiinaiion iu thia di_ trict, ou thi Dvuiocralic bide, Jumea H. Lyn< h, UatforO, and John Dutty; and anotber Couvenliou mn at WuehinijU'n Hall, WiiliauiBbur^h. ytaterday, HLd trird to pnt np a lourth Uemocratic candidate, but adj.urntd to Tneaday l. xt, without making any uom uiation. TavmaiVI _Ufl--Bi't.v Co.nventio.1.? The Iat Dia tnct AtBtmbly Tammany Couvention met a; tbe Kainbow, Beekmnu Btreet, latt evening. Ou the timt balot, Jamta HajB had 18 voU-a, but, aa "28 ballota weie fonna in the box. while ttere wore but ',? per boiib in the room, it wa_ declared lllcat-J. Edwaid Hag_eriy and So^er Hynn were alao in nomioaii u. TheCoutentiou BflJoWMi iu bad humor?in almoal a row?tle aHaaaa Maf veiy diettuatful of ?_*cl otbt-r. They mtet at tiie Batne place again to-ni^ht, V4ii*n it ia txpatted that S.ger Flynn will be nom Latd. Kkpi m 1C4N _\."mm!ut Covcestions.?TheaeCou veniii'bB mt-t laat e*. nicg, with ihe following leauita: Ili.1 I ?Adjoo e.d tn t>Ct 8. 11 ? aaJaWBflfl 10 tl.l. r:r:.ltif. 111.?A-jouu.d io u?it IbuitJay. I *. _ l.t _ ia 11. pp. ar .. n. m.l.ot-d. V? J.-bli li. Ita. lrUOuituat?d. \i_t\n, H Vni.derliud u?a iio-ainttt_d. MI ? R M. 61a ctiloril aat uoiuuatrd. VIII ? Adj.ium.d to OoiotM-rb. I.X.?bo.btlo N Sb.rwooJ waa nomioatt).. V-liab.itM Bojd aata i ou laaBflfl. a. , 1 Jobu lloowar aaa LOU.iba.a-d tt I.ib.'itv Hall. A1'? I Ibe '1 iiiurii' Hall ..ouv-utt_u art., d t., .._x. KriUay. | XII- Bijoni. ta to Moudij ...ii. g. XIII -Aoi^urmd to _BU '1 tu. 1 flflflt. XIV.?-Jatafl t ..i ' a -aa titu inaUd. XV- I L Ja i.M-n atatuouiiuaU-d. Xt 1 ?Lin.u:. Wi i.t-br aa. i ou.iuaU-tL XMI.-ACjouii..dt ... xt ih r.d.y. F1MB8. m iintiN waai THiiirr-Taiao At H a'C-Oflk yti-U-iOhy i..t^fU'Kiu. a tire occurred in a dweiln a-feoaai IB Ti m^- hod Hi.reti, uear ihe Huaaon liivtr. ilut litt.t djixa^e wio- done. t \l ia ALAhMM. Thtre were two Imh* Mia.-ni. yeaterday noon--one in :le Seve tb Uia(ri:t. eacflM bv ite buruins; of a __? t?irr.l, and M in il'_ Kk Ci Di-irnt, cauaetl b_y Ihe burLing ol a>.:ue luobii-n iu ihe Birti-io. BxO-BUOa. 'Ihe Hanghwrut Ouard Bat t_l on, WAttf*A*i B"l?ily of tiu^loye a t.f the tinii of K. V. BMM-IBiBflBj?- Co.. numteiuig lbo mucktta, went yetUit'UY to Jontb's VYoi>_ to boll their annnal aboov ing n.uU'h. Thty were ui.dei the i-ommaud of Col .1. B. Haitlay; aid lad M piueB, valued at upaari fll $1,500 to conteud f it. a* . . j;> tl E-i III MlflJfllB ?. J. nieti-ker, Snn Ai. Co. toM jr-.u-iiltj, at thf .M_r.ii?t-' Ki. I.a'jjra, 90 Htrir.m lola, ri . _'i ai. tbr " It.Il j?rop_itj " Tbe follovaing ?r? tt* pric??a tt a bu b tL_ loti were kuocktd doa-n: 1 i^tcuSUitv, i. e. co/ ?M tt ,24.11x100.fll.S^O d lott < i ial.-av . r a . ad.ioli t- t Vo 1 O. __rh. LflBI * 1c ta ou ite av., e. ? . tdj _B_flfl,-Bl '?' utii. 1.4JJ 1 lot on .'th iv.. n .. f-i lattu it.. 24 1U1 0. 1 1'BJ 1 lotoiiMuav, t . t-or. Ulth-it, ?4 llxlW. I,T7? 1 lotcL _th tv., n *-. cor l_l4d..t., Ilaluo . 1,7-1 .1 lot? on tnb av , r. a oiy lataej aootr, Ir-SxlOO, i-tcb. 1.4(a) 8 lota on .'th av., r. a , acj..lnli.f abov?. 25x1(0, each. 1,474 4 |r tt ou tu-av , n a >or Uotn u., ..tllO, ??-< ti. 1,1.1' . l.itior 1.'-tbat., n. i., linft v. _thav.._ ?*?'.) II,._.-_.... (_0 OloUou i-Ott at \ u a. 4M lt e Uh-av.. aV>*WI 11, eacb.... '.'?_ V i,t. ou I.-l-i .t . n. t , 41''ft w Mb-av , _-_aBBt.ll fla?U.. 710 8 totaou llttd-at.. t. a MB ft w. Mrtl., -l-t!*. 11. ??t-U... TM 4 lott on l__d-tt., n. a, 140 ft. w, flixin ll, .arb... 6_0 Hot. oi. ll-J-it . i. ?., M lt *. .'?;!? tv.. 15*'D.ll.aty-h ... Bill 4 1 IB IB Iflfli ll. ? a..2(4'lt . I'th-av., Sfl?B.IJ -all, av.. 2.''i*rr..ll. raili- 110 4 I tion !_.'). .t, t t., Iioii . :t.,_-,/.'.?/. II, ea-ti.... ?_o 4 i.iti on at , t ? MfkC 'th av , ??''.i 11 6*,h.... 6'i.'> 4 lou i-ii 184 h tt, t a., Maft i- NhBT, _,__.. II, eacb.... b&o fl .ot. aa l.-4tL.t, v. ... Mflfll c. 'th iv , _5xto.ll. each... "ii 4l..tao_ I .(: t_, I .,24n .? 5th av _*-?*^* 11 eacb... 6B. 4 I UoB l->a-i tl., n. I.,310ft. 11. ._. li... 1 41 4 lou on lffth Bt., ii fl., VH'fl ?? I I. Bt ISia, II, aavh... I._ft 4 lttaou ll_Jtblt, B. I , atDft f Hb ?v., _. roll ia...... M . fl. BUraiTini ?Abotmbb E_ibbb In< _r\>-_.-lt will be seen by tbe following table that ihe ti lla tor toe tbud \te.k in Soptemher .how a great iacrtaeo, beiog ntariy double th. fll of laat year I The t .Ua from the ojx-LUig of navigation to thi-. time have alao nearly doublt-i. I.a.i yeai tlny were a hiile over one mil liou; tbie yeai tbey are ntariy two I S. much for h.ueat hiia jur WflW niaiiak.-ment: ri-ieiv. d lor Tolli or the third are^k ln f-.pvr- b?i, wm.Bl?,t_( IJ oo.ini.*.. aqam iBtNflH in IM.B-i>>-?; Anonii'itf.!?"- for Ti-lla lor tlnre tteaka ln S.p teaakar, IM. MM? Do ui l?:.. i.i.t-8 ?i Inert*... Bt IM.0174,141 bl . r. ? ftoni tl.e op_nlni of i i.l.ation tn luaitf the wmk In _.,.l*_.b.r, Itvai.. Bl,?>. Ml 41 llo i : laM..10_.2i.< ?? incre-t- lo IM.?84_ ?14 8. a - Ia c im ui Am-iam, M-j.t. _7, IKCO?Noa.:?. .a Hiy. A;t-*_ _-_?twaaaUfarapal'tiJj_bH. ilr\i )'- '.'-I r.ti/l. Nn 24 Tt?..n va. Hlata Bulonitled. .?'" /?(. \m mi .. Pa I -I (.'foiy K--a.-rwJ foi O.t I J-ca tn, 18, || ai d 2d dfl for Ibr. I_t_ Noa. 15. OU ?Mt* m JBaiaa-i] Al$to4 Mr t. Hjrn- lor appl't; Mr A Tbompaa f. J l.n.tiLt .-. *r-r. J ai.d r-a ite reii.ltt.d to guMBb ? (_5Ult arl-BOlat -...I. Nn l_ Malabail vi Tb. K-i o..i.r. Oatl.o Ar?o.d. Mlcbara O'Uor./.-. lor Bpjil't | O. VV. rjaiilord for retp't (.alaudar f"l ?-pt. -8, l-W.-Kaa. 17, 2), 23, 16, tl, Ul, t), >-, MBLU8 THE4TMR* BftDBd Tbe BatoaBf drama a;icniat-a tt Ni B'fl with optra no l*re mn-tular. Wnat Forrett i. 'o lh. o ie, Cope-i aud MaaBai aofln lo baMBa athflBA if'he veidici if th. undieLce in e*ch caae i- tfl aet '* Bfl qn.rtio', bot-i tbe oreru and the dramai *_ii?fy tie tigliaB laujubaaiian af arl We t*k. th. bitony of d -?? i.Mi g t'loui .1,1- ver i'i. An optra ao full of " bnalneee " a. " Medtw.*' ano dimiiLding BBflb ree u c*-, BBflB > ot ??*? Bfl dy prerfnt d, _? i. cei-ti'.l. wa* l?t eveniug at Bfl B a> ter nun-ed abovo. L'udrr MBah aBneaBB-ena, JbbRBB MN be ri(.i,e to t' e w rk parformei, to the ar't*U iu it. "BaflBR," BRflB more urg-mly haa ui-t other operaa, calla for ptculia caro in ev. y part. Withoet ib* perfecinn it bo ro<.ch ue-da ii i* Knfnat, aud, aa a ron.'cal wurk, alm b' naB-BftaflR Thi curo' ai d | reii-ion waa wunimg l**t nigu; Bfl orcbe tra wat BB-fl too iuieU npou tl e mere uiechauic.l ex cution af tieatote.oailow anydelictey of -xpren-iiu; tte chorca wbb tie 1 to the pomper; tbo mi'i-ary b-iuceplactd uiun tbe it>g. wneeuiirely wii'; aud a ui iveranl diettn. t prevuiled There wer* tbe dog* BB n p rtrctoirtere. Th. gr-at m-m of ihaaaBarjBBBR aaa mi 'te arflati g ae i u of Ctr'ael, who, lutfilA chtnit r, el.oaed lertull Cramaic power. .lt, ia pr ftattl t"at ti, amoo'-er wuterabe wo..Jd I* m ?e ?U -due ?, iftd, iherel. re an ill gieattr arllel; bui bl "be peif rmao'H nul--i conei ahf evil.iitly eudeavortxi t *ui tam ter 'altti'ng, anm' a eo lause by .he.rei.r i n. The eoneeqaeiice wut au exagg.ra i >u wbicu . e.e> caterl imo mu , uud li iehed i early every BOeue wnh an anti- li_>_. It w-.uld be t<> j idg. n*r bnally by thie faulty tibi iii >n. Her c ie. Bfl RBB wnh ibe Badbaefl ?a* in the ti. uie to the Bat RB Ac tbe fali i f tl e cuitaiii th" wtte cal ed forth .hree 'i_e*, aid ul la-t, af.r un uupl.-a*_t delu/, me elo-ing .cent w u- apaared. Ont, ieariua, eai-tr-ially a bearing nnder d.-knltie*, ia in t anflii-ie-1 to all) a a dittinct i pi iion to be givni couce.iing ib- nmrii- flf uia aporB. TMBapOBntafl nion t . miud ia l.y uo m?biii cleur; hut Uie ?0'k h<-A-u.t to lack tbo power aud gu:eof ihe "Stift; ibo gb not de*ti ute ol pleaeir g melody, ani ri-in*?at liixea to gra. de ir, i> ye' gi'ea th. heurer tbe ide* af m?eic ina e to orfer. Tn* ttjooud act ia mu:D rieMe tbbn t.' e . thnra, and, if well p*>f um-d, c ull no' tail to M nnnenblly'tfedive. Iu api e flf aM Bfl aVtflBB Bpoktn of, tbe Gottaei t flflffl laflaraa IM rfnaha ef tne pnblic. Ior utttl >u*, bavewma r?i>ntaiion not c.i.tii.ed t. tbi*C"iu'-ry i.ut exieuotd io and Ireiatd, where they me> aitt gteat au((.*a, take a farowell benedt thia even it-g, pri..r io ibeir d-parnr* for fa S.nth. It it o->r their iu Mi'ion again io oUy tbi* teaeou ao ?? ptBB?Bfl io-_i..rr( w evenii g tMflfl wili ne u rally of i.heirfr e>.d-.. Theiew aud enccoaful burletque I'ri 88 D' I iro-i-', aud utheia of thtir mott popaltr pie ea, will oe play. i. BlBBABTIC Evhiiiitios.-A grand gfmtiaatic ex bibi'iou comliiitd wiih a und iuatramental oou cert will be given by tbe New Y-rk Turuv*reio ou Friuay. tbe Rtn <>f 0 u?btr, at ihe Harmouic QaaflWa Etntx et reat. Tbe uet proce-ds uro ittiuded fortbe beneflt ofthe Geiman ecbo^l in Fourih atreet, Nev Yoik. B BOBTICOI tik u .?Thi8eveni"g\Ir BofRflflOfflflBj dehvert uu uodieia iu Noa-Kochelle at th. a-mi-iuuu-tl meeliig of the BorticnltnrHl S.. i*iy of B?W_8flM le and Mumarontck. Tbia S.ciety, tho-gh joau., 8888 fair o 'i.i-.e a prou.iuent poaition amo g i ?* f.llow* iu WaatahaatarOeaaty. Baaablab?aaaf diw.t-a, frnit. B d tege ablea, promiaea t > tte very line, and amateura of gurc't i ing . uuiul do better tban to be preeent. Omui raaCrTr'a CBILBaSfl ? Twelve y.ara or m. ie ago ua ui.aigt tlt, arlppM mde iufaut waa a?nt to ibe Ainie-Ucmee to be cartnl fur Ity the cuy. It waa it ?.: tbat hia pannte dtceuetd. und i mt he hal n<> itla iv.B wbBtever living. TMli tie orphtn u-j-1 r tbere cir.. nu?Hi eee wat kicdly c*r*d, for uud wih tbe tr=n.fer if lh- old Alma-Honae Depanmaot Ui thstru. t of the Ten Giveroore, tie then uuuitleea uoy wa* jHfietil over io ih-lr c-toird hl. o wu r>|iti*:hrrt Hatiig Btdaajaao _aa?ealMna pt_B_Bryaoaan >i ii ht.. ti ti ii, be manUee ed a d-s-ire to do t i h ii.-.ll and, upou a 'pbc-auon t. Mr Kell-jck wa* a, p entio-d 'to u |.tli'gib|.iier. Bei g unatil* 11 lil. tb* ItRagiBpA atoi-ee, he |_fi ttiit: buisiuett ai d weul iuto tue couulry iu ib* arrvBa of au.?u wbokaptaanal bi .r*, ai.d uleo did b'uiktmitbiug. \\ libam e |'iiv ri il di-a'iili.y p evtuied iu, from uttei.uiig i*> the Ia'omrRaBaBM uud lie .mib y.r ata otbged, ttoaga reli.'.a'itly to p?it aitb bim. S intaquenily Surrog.ifl AVtst gtv? h ni an otfloe iu bia 1 'tqiartm. ut, and paid bim a atl try (ut of l,i- own |h- ket He *U4 u greui fuvorito wiiu ull >he G'.vernor*, aid wih ibe tntlmg butjb tbut he occtiioi a! \ leo-ited from them for e rau a, be ii'ieiiid u bank iicciiunt iu one of ihe S?v_ge luniituti na. K.otutly C mu. iiti ner Kell, ol tbo D-partme't of Cl nfckfliad Ci rrec ioni, adoreesed a communi a'iou io tie Board of Superviaora, aud W'i||-i<_'a uame waa pluud on tl.e connty aalarj li*t f .r *j..'J a vhat. Ba i? a imait, aciive u? d ii.ttlligeiit boy, and well wortby tie [ i ti ion be haa tbna attiiinwd. He remarked tbe (ity hadtak.n flfllfl make u apetial report of tbe uuabt-r of lire bydiaile iu hi. Di-tiict, wua read. It ia not known how many uf tbeee hyd an-a extat. A f?w ruupa in the ofllce of tbe Clref EngiueOr of the Fiie Depariment bave the looflflBn of tbe bydrant. in a'me of ibe Fire DletnciM tiguified by dola C niplaint ia made by the Cbief Eugiueer BB iu aome tec iou^ of ihe city there ia ugreui tcaraity of bydran'a, while in other BM ioi.s tl.ere are inor. than ar. n.ed.-d. lt ta prepwed by the Cr.ton Board to flflBflHsfl their dia t;:1-u. "ii. a Fiptii liii.iNiM on (.uiKi-os DiTf.?Toe Fifih K'gimttit, " Jttieiaou Guurd, u iler jouimaud . 1 (' -I. Sr?fy, lully arm?.1 aud eqi:i.|Ad, hi.d preceiidt-il by boat tiFort Wood, li d (,.?'* I, liu,d, fur n.t v.ok ii g iiiiri. i, duty. Kegimen lul lii.e waa formed in BflBd rde-t, at t, f hnfOerBa, tbe bue brike iuto c lurun, und manI (.1 down BriBuwuj, BflRB The nieu 1. i L. il well murcbed well, uud flflfln Rad I >' eidera',b nti-i ti> u on titir vtay to i'ie boai. Tue ull f,,rt w.iicb biflbtoBaaaaaaatadBr Baanal >ear? pB?t, h_i i.e*n broabid np ?nd pnl ta (omfuiluhle aflB?Rl n for tie ao (oaiiit d.iiiou of the ollioera aud pivatoa. Heveral gnua bave been mouhtad. und tne itgiment haa purcba-ied aeveral huadiad dvlUua twrih ui aihiuumUuu lxoai ihe j t_?e. f r -itill'iy pra)ti_e.. tt* torn oat wa* v*ry )?.._!_"* ??_? ofli-_-. aud o?i-?t?B aaflaaai to ?nt_? batai t e rplrit of ihe atfair -ith m lietrty ?>._ ahll. Hitte" bt the " Tl??R -4 mai oam.d Daniel TlaBT --?? ?a t>rd*j haf.r. JflaB?? Cmooily to take j ,V pa lar tbe rteovary of $740 whie . be had I _?'- at No. I 0 ('ba*) am Hrr. t. in the tliver.ion ? ali*. by tte init.ta t?d' Ifl -H'flBl Tajfll." bnt wbich BBBBflBM P-? pb* , -a.uld t-il pl?)ii)K Iti'o. A _-H_u.l_r namid MoCor- | UH(k wh- lak-aso-r ofthe plate, aud of the j fhief-hb'r, natte-i Tl*< mp_-n, w*r_ arreated and tii.toCou ?, charn-ii wi h being the penvma v-ho bal a-iidW-d bim ont f bia *on_y Jnatije Codik liy beld tham b.-h Ifl ha'l in ihe Bttrn jf *y_X). a Soicipi or * DRrt.oiBT'a A-.d -Viliiam Hierwit'*,* Orm.n 2- yeara old. took mori-tiieon W.d.eBday - venh.K f'om tbe eftVta of _ hi. I. be <1i d the >am_ l ight. Ile had l*en >n a apree for eev ra: daya niy* at 71 o'eloek of that eveuing he tt. nt hon _ ai.d t.M bia faroilt t ?' h_ had faken poi f. n A ?B.lflflfllflB TflBB Bi BBBfl c.'M bat hit effVUi -er_t_ain Throi-oh OB8Ti".trv -An Iri.h boy, II yeara a. . a ., had li* arm .everely injurad by a -ir-nKr -aw at Collii B'a ?flflfl' yard, c^ni-r of Tweuty-tnird atreet and Avmna A, t?o or thr-e waeka ?g>. VVhon remoaed to tha Hotoi-al the phy. i.-ian a_lvi.rx1 ampu'-t l). ii, bul?be obi-Uuat* f.iendaof tha boy detirmi et r_>|xat, a t-sn waa fouud on the r >a aile, io a ? .ai* ot He _a_ du-o-.vmed by a (Jer n a. wtmti Hhi tniei wbo biaafSl la FIibIi inn, aod plaaafl in the o*1 a, where he dwd during 'be liiilt.iber fr m ill-'.r--tment or c ld ant e_p->anr,. li ib eaio ih-1 be re_- vned atr*flgtb antli jent to say "e v*u. Ir. m _1idJ_-vilJa_?e, aud iha". hia name waa _Bflfta F. ui iu_-.rtnai.on ^^ihered. h? ia aaid to have oeen B paitM? 11d.ta.ion, tnor.u.lily r.inveraaiit with fli? m deru iBagflBgaa. ?nd waa f.r b< me time a magw tr_.aj>n aied iu ae-ii-jj; ihe ti_l't u > ou thmw every | |. o'.iaile in bia way. The officer, boiwever, pei.fv.rnl in tbe dia har*e ui bia dny and au ?.o*_ie>l iu a.reaii ?_ Mr. lir.Dran atd Tbo uu-1 ed, BTBB Wdre laaenioite Rtatioi.-Uoiin-. Cflfi Farnham, ho* rvtr, ttaia??d lo e*cap-. T. e p ia uiera were aubae ? I ni ly Brt-igBflfll beiore Jnauce Con..olly and re ? oin-ied io jiive lioodB w k-^p ih* p?a?e for tne ne.\', i-unoitha. Fa ubam ia the ma i who nl'nt i.igii a ag < u un i_.i an aaaaDh tii-on - g-ut'eman in a Hr. aiway ctag_. Tne vctiu| iu that caae waaafraid to prtfla ihe tharga, buJ tb i rutfUa wat m*t9l***\ Bat for -be tioely ar-ival of Ofli.i-r Miugay tbere WKUt have Uen auoiher traKe.Jy at the 8i. Ni:uoiae. at M < ARD FHOM IONSTAII1.11 t'l'SHiVO. To tte Idilot *J ite .\. Y. Trtt.n* Sib: Iiiy.nri?tue of t'ie '.o h. t*i*t 9t cap'ion " of a .t)...i ? - W I b ? Iktii.. fuiil'j ol lixj chlidren it th_ lloij.e nt lnji.-iry BBJ BCVfl b . .. r niirk iM> free from tri.rldiiiU r. .u.ib.g Ib i.j .ry to au_t oi a ot th. m, tor whirh we are v.-iy ^ratelul. U. K lUKi.UW, Sup.riutend?Dt. Kii.ii'r .or Strian 8i rri MiKa?Tbe Commifee for tb* RHW of tbe J)-atl-ute aLd Hnfl.-rlng ln rlyria. ar.tnoa 1. oa. tbe r.'.lpt ni the Inllcwlo; anrna amc_ the laat report: J tv L flflfl| .t.fll-llial l hur-li, liiirtin'a Mlllt, rl. V., fjibeHiv B. I kltfltB, Mait Ifl flfllBfli lom... B 0; Stvaa i .b (ia Bll Uie Krv. Ai-ert lianiea. Pnilal. Iphia BBfl| r i.t 4 luldr. li, I.o ? r ? h.i rt..i.l l'a . *2U . Ne? lt -niawl k, N. J fll 4> *.. Ia, ?_."> Kair?^au a, L-^twce.d, #/0, _ K (' , BliT-aaathM. 1 Obata?aa, a-t.-iO. Mii.n_.o_a rf.i.p a flf, ? I.A Svi.p_il.i_-r. *_ V.,_BI A N' .aiti.'a Mlte . i.H li , t2S Pr..l.)ie.i.L ( l.m 1. PlaikllflB, N. J, * lu _t _at tl,.a'a U.ll'i? 1. .tb.rtn < .' : l B>l 4b; M . a>l. A I. .1.. M, ,(,. ,,..,, H.lttuirre, Md . iftil; 41,nt;.ii n Baltlu.or-, Hd . *10.L M. II ,5 Ki.-.t ..'... r . t.tif.ii.l I b..r. li Karu 0 igtoa (ou , + .'_ J3 0litt T.I pr ??? i tu.lj 1-k.i.a edfrt Bl* ? 4 ... . Total. + !'?? I" T: W A BOOTH, Treaiurer, No. ?5 1*1 flflfl fll Imiiaiim. Hi.uMiin- A Faiai Fai.i.. -A tnan r ti- ..I R>l..rt W in. hell r-t'dlnt in .Nioian, I'later C 'QiOy, uiel *>i Mf-.l.l a> ii.). i.t a few oaya .in.--, arh i|fl tryint to loil ata r I. id ii. It appean tbat a M_>flla-fl -ooipaoy bad trrived tt -I ? ?ai , oi the w?-t tn o t door, ?>bl it'o.. I.j Madrai' ?. Il? I ar|i.r_. t r jp_ had baer a r. .- ti-< i (1111 ? I ifli pnlr m tbf t p of a taunrry a.u th* ltdy ln.l a - o n> pll.bel 1. I pait, a-lir-n l\ pn.p .a d to |0 ov-r t.l.< r p- 1 1 ? ...? al}.., aud a.. eidii.t tli? p l~, ata-u-d .o.-io-i "y a___k < II >. ro|e a 1.1, bll 1 -..? _?. nll.i_ mt I i. tu..'y to li .ail*-1.1". b I ntflkl nrt t.i.. a toctlDJ. tLtl b.l | Romplrl. ly rxhaua ed h,- |*t ? hia I.. Id a> d Irll aitb gr. at I. i,e |__M m--'.i..l. a diataii .- of lipit. f.ft Hia rlt-r.t ?. ?> tnd t. veialof bia rlba wer* b flbflO,* othrr ii tuj'ti.t Hfl w?t a'leul.d by Dra. I laoel ai.d Rrlik, but u. Iird .rtnr't bm | u .t.... hia lt*_- M_ tae ,-nd tli'.roiliur dayt tnJriki,,j lt_ waa a marrled oitu, atott b" yeara ol a,r flt Ii'i. 11*. i k ? il BtOtBB Oo.'i): Anitr-'i'K.ii.?A dotler tn old . ia i k akabat a .L.pat No dl2 laeat atr.--t. ani .-i ??_ Baa t I Aid'ew bliamy, waa y rate. d iy iut) i-uat)d) hy ( *.. r H J. 8. ith, ru t ilia'fepr. taflteaJbl Mr. IV in. I). Ilavry ?ma. Hi nbBt*rta*tkatftkaaarbifliao_.t_t|.kaaa u*Kuibe t - - + I.J- wonh ol H Bfl tlia. bvi BBM lakeu I oui * te.arl b. l-tituit ta< t'lnt B.i.aiit aaalwblab w-* 'n- p th.- J-* k iu j.-r BBJ tt y M h ii th- t tfi. rr wei.t to ar-e.t Sh ui'v. he .1 ui -d hit oau lon.ti y, but Ui* . Ilit-r io. u aat alird _'m.ell that lie hnd tl. . atBtaa A part cl tl.e proper'y ata found i'i M:au-)'a |at*?**tflfll I attol Kuly be.d liiu. t<> t.dil iutbeauuiol aluoo abi. h l.e !un.i-l..d. ? M-.-n Sinrt i% | LaabB-BbbI Sai.oow.?While H.Dj^ain Hriiilitt of No .''.. Ic.ul .tr-*'.jrtt on a tpree Uat Ti...oay .1 hl I* I to the Iflfl;r\*AWBflloflB o"' I'.dwtid VMi t. il.rld No. 241 BtflBBMUnl, ahneh* niiai..) hia p.>rk*t_, h.rk lU bi.M.lall.rd 4-40 Hr ,-bal|.d WlutrtU.ld Wlth the ll..t. and (hr ar. u..d haidrd BBM - he . uiptv po.-krtsooK. VI hen l.nilli tjr u.i a. h-r tl ou.b he hio W inteibeld tln aU j, au.d jua lie r< rria . omtijltt.d bim ful trlal. Paaaura Covttrunrnn Mobbi ?a _nnal-boat_.ii, ti.rn.dH.Ky Hiy-nt waa yeatrrday beld f->r trlal on a chart- of t ? i, |, h O 11-. ol No U AiJrii atrert, a.ouiitr.frit B& tll oa it,.- 1 .intoe of ( lliit.ui. N J Bryaut ha.l of Ined Iba bbl to tn. thrr party, wbo bad taior-tt-d him it wta bad. m Siiaiim. ihi.ii .? Siin? CtH.i...? Offinar Corn 11 cl tbr BatVl I'u icr jr.t. tday to.k l,.to ,?t.juay Uu uieu ?d .n'lge r.u.itb ai.d t i who wer_ th* brat tnd .... i d o -i . oi ti r ba t iJa_.iia.t. a i,io( at tt* O. t ..i Daaae tu. 11 Tb. v * . re MK__a_ nt .l._li,M |r?a, tbe vea*?l hv* bati . ofr.d-e ?alu. dat BIM', -.idatih arlliu. th* time Still n.rire I ... BBB _i-tl.-Ll.| i-m, .lliitil., ?- atinr lt la auana. tr_ i)?. . p l.oir.a Lad tla.tdli till ll.rt r.iuld f. t a i-b?n. M tfl .arr. It ( oli. Ib-'j IrloiitrdtOB l.rin tt No ?4 tarhtut.. p.a. e ll. _l.|. I. G'.v M-tflflakatB flt-BBlllllflt lotataat. J,.ali,e u. ly conaUN ihe prltouert ln d.fiuit of 0HO" bill. CVTBTBIC- ih a I'nar.i.Kn Oa Wflfl_flal?| eveilit J?.j..t Mr. au. I rl kp.. k. t o' -.? tB ...ilon-ty. wbote eh rl .ail la hivr l.rru .-..n.o.i'trd iu Pl.l ail. pl.l, w?,,t t<> Nlhlo'a ' a. rl. . u.'n pieUute af ? |.|i|u_ t.,,-li,t_a ll. kr< I... kadJli. bi l ai..l liflilabafl l. i.t ha.l ui iri* rn. ,.( mb I'. la aaid bn bca Lten l.ut t thoil llu.* out ul Mo)au..-i.aliia; IMaon. a> CmaHoi bi iIkimi I.ahi t*r.?Jaraet Dreyfiaa, a Ur. u __ pall-KI UtU.| at .'to 41, Ut-ilUl. .UN l, WM Blltttt. bf OBArVr "'a'.. *f lh. t>'-ei Pal'oe ?"?..*, eha'f**)?t|S ?,.l,g Atr'.B el.ltWeB 8" 8*11 ?*n'l tnPrtl, BB* fi '* .1 -A n o' l, M?-' ?n | Ie'tw?.?'? u. *.r,>l. w.irtl ln all OlaS, fro-o It n-i u. U .te, of Nn H ,,,!., .Ora* * ?(.r?.l..(i ..I ').? at .Ln g . 4, wen trav.fl to the ? wa. .1 ., I it* prl-j..e>, wh , bad Wt lh? a at th* aariim he'.** af B. La-lw.f^, No. 41 M ,,r.j at?n??, f ,r ?ala, Ib lh? .,a?* of 8. Nt-il. iBdi. B*7 y, before wbo- the *o eiiBta. waa lakeB, to?aiJUd bim fnr U?L Attimptb at Riiicnig ?Ann Hamilton, a yoang M. ti 1, wobbi., ?tt-nipt.l i krld* ry j i?etrvg l -to -h* di-i !.. t i,f f *auty Bitb tt'.et R 'th Ri*?r lh. wa* re*ru.4 hy l fTif>i P.h-r of tb 8l.t*-o'b Ward Pullce. ln lUne tu aav* h.r Hfa bb I I ? n ta b. -ta'lon Houae The oauee f.r Aau'a ra.h 'Bd.j.t waaBttlBat.d Coi-red W aofl.r, a 1*1??b miohi _tt, w'll* '..W1mq.nd.-r teoiKl.ry B?enatioi of-Ind. *tf**d to Hi. ow 11 ll'n !,f i**I1owl'g * lai.e diM a Itai r.. -1 v.Dg lha u.oaa ?ary -.dl. al aid, Waaaer wm wst to tbe AImi Hoom Knu Ovr.R.-On evening W.hvr Bren r*n aboy 4 y.tri of ?g*. who** p*reBt* llv?.t No III 'Iraerut itrret, waa roa ever by a palf'f hoe e. bRBbM. tt t ra'rltgo, aidi.teleg. ard err_i t_|y iojured. Th* cblid waa takea bon.8 aud a dootor BBR9? IBBBRB DBATR ? A worpHii 1 amed Ann Tooy, di.d mdd.ily, on Wecretday evening. at ber Ia'*. reaiden'e, No 84 Lierl T here weie no Btarta of vl- leBO* 011 Ul* body, aod the Slatb ? ard PuUco ar* of toe npt-loa that th* dietl fro dliaaae of iheVart. The Coronei waa tiotlhe [Advertl?ement. J HBrABURaBO TWKNTY Ye.4R?4. Hihab AMJBK.o*. N . iW Bowery. Now Opetiiag, * Uig- Kt>- ? of p*l I. " AKI-BTIMI. 4(C. Butertof rarneling aad ?b uld ex*ir>lne the new .Bdde.irat.le goi.d. f I .i llng tt P.-gUttl Me-daH-on C irnet,. \>lv*t, 1?p*.t>, BitBaaB Rral Hr.. a.'., Three Ply. aod lo ,rai. < atp.u, Oilrl-tl.. Druitet. ALo-iuetteu.ivee.auft _ . nt of kw-pric.d tarpeta oflered at v?ry low pilere. B ? [Adverttaemellt ) Tl?F. Grkat BSA Lion, th" Mammoth Monarch oftbeO tan, with he f.inriy ' hat I. II. ?IMno Paaiilf. aod the great fl.or.l diana, Jo.eph aod bi. Biethri-n, are tt.lliig Bar Ull'l kl-MI 10 OVelflowing. -e (Advertlarmeot l Tiik Family Cibci.e. kxtbaohbinahv aavcaasBn t.. .cb?. kihbhi. PBl- CB (l. MjL'l P.iI.KA. by Tboo_ Piak.r, P.-q. Wl!11>* given to every 4ubwri-.r and p- r;ha'*r of th* above Prp.. ar Migaxlne H. tldei a r.oiorrd fa?j|oo Bia *, tl.e O.-tooer nun.bei 88888818 .he-.-e tale*. po*try, a>.4 well wrltten edtor i.i. r n tb* pupclar toplr. of the diy fri B Ol p-r year 01 15 centi a iii |le copy. De.le 1 tapplied 1_1 BBfBWB8,RBI 24 a. 1. i-. | Ad.eiti.e ? ent | Parrp.r Brom. LoRDOR Ciih Sai:ce, Ii now a welco ed app*tuer Id almoet evrry well regal-t-d fau.ily ln tbe laid Ib. g'.at 8-8 ol the .rtlil. ii t-ie oeit eriti-it-iipei. it.-trin and he f.ct ha' lt la iipenedng a.i Ihe r tbe'B-urei ofthe day tiretti voliimei f r li p-vuUrl y 8-ld by al' grorer., and hy A J. Pahkbk, No 15 it, Afei-t fur ihe l n-el et'.atel [Advnrtiaen.vnt I Oak OBCBABB A(?iii-Sprinit Water.?Tbe mralive pmcniti.,- tM. WaBraaaaataM-RaflMveaj le-.U-jn Call ai d lee te.tliJioiUli frjo. phjtlcian* and otiiei reapecUbia iiidivld"8J. . , Hihab VV BiHnwii a (l.leofCr. nlng) 8ole Agai.t, M.trrp.,litan llo ei BuUdlng., No 574 Broadway [Auveitlieii,e:,t Euwarii FI. DUOB, B. I)., Editor of Th* eeaipei and Opeiatlrg aid I7ni..ultlg 8urge.,o, No 49 9th-*' OBio- ou th* ?o.? or.ari.i* dii-B-et of th* p- IT rii'V-ra. Boptore, Piln, Vartoorel-. aod Pliula radirally oa o withoDt tbe 1 nife or l:~.tur. OCe* boari frora 8 to 9, 1 a I aad 1 to 9 ?veniuga a [Advertiteuient j A PARPNT KMIW bOW to iTt'rcd the artl(na o- ( hildren Tb- wbole t.cret of a priper -ralniug li lo tl l. k... wl-dge, wbicb c o be obtan ed by an Vialy.ia f tiie cbild'. ('ig-nixatl'u tH,th u ental a"d pli, iiYal. Cal 1 or. P'.iw lbu ? AA ELi.., No 3*?H HroadAr.y, N. Y. BIWOKL YN ITEMS. DkHOCHATIC CoNOhP7*SHINAI. NoMIN ATIO..?Th. l)em< cr?iic (Doni,lae) Coiivnt.ou of the lld Diatric nnt at tbe " Ctiiiio),' in Jortlemou e'reet, yeeterlay alw-nion, for tt e purpoeo af r.omiuutiiig a ctudidate tor Cungreea. Mr. ? .hert G Anlereon of the Tni d Ward ptatBaa, and Mr ,l?inee Slutrkey of tbd Eightu Waid ctficUted aa Sec etaiy. Au infi raal babot being entered int//, reealted aa BB wt: MotetK (Mel!.M.Chi.le. J _wri* . 7 8. 8. Powelliliieckloildge).. 6|iame. II. Hntcwtna. 1 Ooao-i 1, tM u.miuatiou af Mr. O.iell c'a ed unan iloob aDd a Co_mitte? of Thiee, of which Mr John H.rth ofthe Elevejjth vVa-d *ae Chairman, waa appe?red, a d ina biief addreaa flflflflftad tne hoaor cvuterred upon bim. a THtOi.I) Wll.l ADo'.T BiKVl>o gBOVRR -Work meD uie now engnged in dtggiug a trench throngh tbe old Wallar-out buiyi g-grouud ou the Ibe uf Cautin atttet for tte puipote of latiug aew.r pip??. Iu pro ce?* of eicavuung a laige number of the reuaina of th te wbo tuve beeu buned there for many yeara btve U-en dng np,aud h. noprovi ion hae te.u ma-le f.irUieir remi vul, .hey ure aboveled back to tili np the hol-e aiddithrM Ijirg. crowd* <>f perBoua gather aboat tne workm'n evciy d?y to witneefl t-eir opera iona, hut no BrtRflf irtvwtt ia manifea'.ed than mere c-orioti'y Thneorfonr cottiu-pla'*. ?ere exham-d ou WednetdHy, or t> cf wbich ia in-cribed ae followa: " iSueau 1 eareou. Ditd '1, 18o7." It waa pre Herred by of ibe coutrtctorA. O.hrr plttA% hav. OA-ei. ] i Ivt'l up l.y tne Bpeaiu-eiB, and ctrried awty. m A MAiiRiin Wofltfl Rl a BRRBRR ? A w_au iamed Eiza Campbeil waa broaght before Jaitice C- rnwell yeaierduy .-n tha of impr per condaet, having aa alleged, dcuied meu e wvariug aepa-el aul at'-n.ted th. peilo. maiic* ot * band of Negro Jlliu* trtlt in Fnl'on Ptree1, when her BBeMad meeting her, Itecuae eo exaepe aled ibat he aaiaulied her. He waa about [iu hiug Ltj'O her galUnt wben Dere tUo Fr iet jnt a atop to further proe edinga by ttking the woman into cna' IMtoB a long at?ry aftM atWRBR which ahe had antfervd from her baaaRad, and the Ji* tir*, ajmi'atl i/iig with ftr mtf r'.anea, te her ut !ib atty, with a cauti n, bc wever, Bot to b* guilty ofthe like again. IU V I li Of A a ILL-llrtOVV M Mi sl( IAN. -Mr. Koh.r* Si.-wart, tbe originatm, and for eome y*a'B tbe leailir ot the Br obtya Coruet Bank, diedon Weda-eluy a' ti uiocii. The immed ate cau-e cf death waa t>ron:'.iti*. liie luii ml wili take . lace to-day, and .ill b. alteudad by the 11th lieginicnt ?d Sbeltou a Band. BOBRLABI ?Tbe retidtnceof Mr. F. B IVpenter, the ui!iet, No -,Mi Adrl.hi rt'i.-et. Bro .kl\u wh cb na. beeu cloied duii.g ibe uMence ofthe fami'y in .ho cointiy, wa* f nnd up. n their return on We.lue^daf to bave Uhii ente ed by burglara, a.'.d the flflflflflBB of each NM m tboronghly r*nBacked. Precauti >n baving bflfla Utktu to aecure moat of tbeir valuublee befo'e leaving, ihe lota will 1 ot reah much beyond $l_ Ei tiauie wae obttined by fo.-ciug olf Uie covoriug t> tbe ha-iiltla. TIIE I'ROOKLAN POhTAL hl RA !( K. r* at. tdt-. Kailrnad Con. l-.'V, li. re'.tl. .1 to the .ll.j.ut-- ab.iit li.e ua* of tea P'urii.a:i ? ralln -.1 Ua.k ey Ihe l en rai Railroa.l 1 ..ia pany The ( ..r( .ILaolvetl Uie lnj.ii,e(i .. ..1 the lei.tral I'l.i.pinv rtiBfalll ll g Ihe l itv ( ou.pai.i liom l.teiI' ling wiih tri.-tr h-m- ,'| tl.e tr*ck, t,?l f, thr I Uy ( , au iiijUi.cti.a tb- Oaa ll-l (iinpany froii. 'itli,. the Kiun.*.. atieot t'*V M J,tiu| any ttina to prrtenl (he Ctr I i.inp.ny froia ei'lnying th. anJ ex. Uiilte u.e ,,| the tiack pruvi.l, d tbe I Ity I niipaiiy tiie a bn..| Ic tl.'..11., cf 8t8,rn 111 tbe ru.iiitv Clerk aofliCo uf Kiugl 1 ty, i-i n.lili. ir.l t .1 .I.i. my ibe (Vi t:?l ( BWBIBl 'or auy Jaiii Bf. ll nny taata? by tBCU t'.j.iuciii., If the Comt tUali t nal \ ?I.. id* thal tl. t- ( Ity ? oinpaxy ia lut ei.titled Iheieto. B Oaoiaatliaa an (Hu.m-W. M Dongh'y. and .'? 1. C,ary were luoogbt .l.i.ti-o C?rnw*'l ye-trrd >v I.e cbaige of ohat.u. t.i.g Otli. e| Prown In the di.i-tiBrge o'iii. am.. ? Tie iflicer I: d . I .. t. ,i a Luroh.,r ol aattlo.uu? ? ?Bonleea la IM Kt-lth AV?rd aud waa drltln* t.i*ui to _, |. I ? 1.11 the aulmali Ukei, frooi him b\ U,e Je euj i.U Dinghuty vvaahnej fltli', and Mr. ( l.rj 08. -?? . ... Fiki. A ttable, BBBflf by Mr. 1) Im, No. IJH Tl I.r. tt... t. aaa 8.1 011 tu* * J o ,1c k yeaterlay nioitCni ll.eil.u,*Jtiia. lii_ t?i.euie?t b....i., hut vt.-r, ' t,*'''i'r,...**"r'-'"* u"ch ',?""'4?' *8?d?ne- Tb. loea.aioiuu to t-l'tl. M,?*im. -A iierrnun nnmed George Ra>h|| |lg. |^n -1m__ tivw lu. Uujb la IhU city alug* batiutlay laat, aud ui.icb I nir,iif?***t*f.rt Hy Mt frlrad., wbo ara apprvhet-rve tkot 9* ba. .1 et witb toa. B8at_BA B R. K..LIKT.- Tha hona* ot Mr F. B. Ctryanl**, *?. 144 Adt Ipl.l it **t ?a. M r l?"?ly *ot*'etl oa W?Am,+**.t *itk\ Bi. -ehiedof ar irl.t vao-dat 4 119. Tbe etrtraoa* waa fBaad bv foinng ofl Ue 8'v.rlrg of t?i a.o'-ll*. TM I?_y a_ ?Pet.i.t _ __ NEW-JERSE YITEMS. R.n Clll-in _ A l-ATHt-R a.d Two Ko.. Kii.Ltn ib a BviLL-HoL.r.-The RVt. P. A rjV?baO, pa.'or (f the Lnthemu Chorr.b tt Spra~? Ruo, HdB ttrdcn Connty. N.J., ewai-i ate. to TAa- Jonrnal of fowntret, tPe follo *lt.g _ fWBBllfll " We bad a ?a<4 etlami y in th a i-m*d.?te ntyigV h.r "d jeaiefd y (Tite-daylatniH,,, Tber* ia a '*ull br.U-e aMtRBBBe f~,m the *har.h. oeNl bf Mr. K.p , wbich wm* r*?t*-d tn Mt. J hn C?e ner aod h'A two ame. J-iobutid Andrew. TMeiflanna (JaeoM bavii.g dieiovereo a U-ak i<. BMafljB.daaaaaei wo uvi .iier.iai. rn Uj r'< p it, * heu he waa aluioot loaUadr Biitlit-ai'd by tb. gat. II>a f.rotber Andr.w ?*?g to tiaitief, aet wiu toa aaui. f*t-. Te. fuUiAjr, arho wua at 8 reighbor'a toa'., heu ing of tb. a',nd?ri? wm'hn redly in O 'he ri.rern, aid b. wa. Im.?ier, k Htd by g .I.* ra or jtn.r f. ol va fra. Iveerly au hour eUpeed bef re bi ucifo.ti??'a men could ' c lOeCBi d aa B wa* a* ertai- ed taat t_ t'.r >i. tb* oe'.ru wa- * \rry BBBI n* tbat a -ar.dt-i waa n?'ii. t'y ex'u gui h- d. I atjUae! "> ? 'h-..i- uu? ?orn. ig BBf Bflfli M<* C bb*bT gruily fcfflictal H waj flceply fcfle t e ftiber und a_twa> ?OBflt bot ttattrdav mil of bf. und b tpe Iving tida bf tideiu tbe ?dd ?ubr*bi. c.ty, on W\_i?.d?y. Beot. Pt, by Ibe be . Dr PimC *, Jam*. K <)lb.on u. Mary C , titu(b* Ur ol tbe i.te Dwi^ht Latl.rop, M of thia rrly. GoRIlON-MELE Oa Wedrteaday Sept 9rl at the r?dd*o~? .f f. brid.'a l.tler by '.l.a Bev E. ~ K.uklu, B. AVulla 00 dou tuMUe L V:eJe. diuabu.r of oieptan Vteie, aeaj HADLPV?MrBPEDON-lo thia city at *h? re.14.eee r.f tjigj b.ioe'i o? tho flBf, ?p- |_ hy to. R". P 9. * ta ucy D D K.cioi of at Jaaita't Chur-h Tbotu'Ot B Pivl y tu jAt*ry Hei-ei, tbeouly daa^'Urof ToomtA Jl(~jBt don. etq HARl.OW ~ BvVIPT?ObTb... eday 8*pt. 27 iu rirae* * b ir'Pi, J n-jtiy bj ih. Kv 8 M BM* (waa. R Harn H P Raja VM .Ua hi.ltr: t. >4. J L . d-u?ht?' of jA-oh l.a r* aclu\A aud MuB Jo.*, hit e C ? . 'oth o' I'rooklyn OOLiPN-OIttClE AtHx-b.tb.NJ or, lMtdBf, B-p'.. 9A, Ly ii r H.v E A. H,.rt ?tu U.vou *)icou of N*w lu a, H pi'hrr. da gbt?. of Aicblfad (? a ie, e.u P8LMRD0 BOPRIa- Iu Hroniyn on Tueaday, 8?p4 ti, Vy "b. Kn H Oa.h-h. Hi- P.U-tlc. M U to M? _B Qipil all uf llioua.ju_ lliKO. A( KPB-Of coninoiptlon, on IVeJoeaday, oVp'- Jt,, EI1?aU4B L. Arkrr ln the M t**x o( her a?e BKlLt Y- Ir U:l? rity, on, Sept 19 Tb'.-a. Brllby, la 'h. t lit yai ol bM a.e toTTPR-On hU Mitb_y, Tuet-ty, 8*pt 24. Jobu Calter, aged 4- ii".ii. (tl _\A Rl L- On Tcriday, 15. after a l_if?rU| Uktcaa, ft'aiy. w.fe iWm r Ci nweil .ged *. v*art. DO) LP-On Wedn^.ay, Sept. tn, Vtil.lani, tb* yoo_a*W aoa of Th. rn ? ?l,d Mary lloyl*. ERL.CHFR?On TateaVa, 8. pt _?, afi.r B.bort aa4 aai-i'il ,il. ea. wl.bbricb. h',e....f. bi.-rd IbBBi rtlRjg. *?___*?_ ihe heloveo K.r af rVi.d.U aod El,eu p.ilacb*r. aged tl yea ., >* u,ut,tii. ai.d 19 day. HISlOX Ot ThcridAt.BVpt r.Jtbn Evoi.Ua/B.f Davl4 and ' e Mta lllto-x Bfed lo m M te and 2 d... Ti.. Llatiitaaud fnnda o' U.e t?_ii? ar* reapaetf illf uvitea to ibe fun.r.1 f.oni be l? ItBBBa f ai. ______* 8e ot.d ave.ue, tetueei, Pi.) tt bftb and Elgb y atxih .trwe-, oi 6-.uid.y i|,e 2^h u.a-., at 2o t-,o^ p ui. HOAiT- li Rro-klyn rn PlTf'h uay .vuiirg. ibo 27th ln*_. Boaatj H- li^a u--? 47th>.^of her age w.dow ol Oavl4 Hei fiiend. aid tbcie af the faoil'y a e r*.pectf'. Iv l?vrt*d 14 a'-., d be. ha *r*i ?l bo..' fo-the. li.vta'l n, U toe r-iifleaa o( Ler br tber. Ja.. e. E MlU*r N" 9>Parlhr ,u et, eoroeg o'H nry t-eet hro kiyn. ou Se.-cl. d.y aferaoin th-2 Ul int at ti o'ciock. ano at Aa.awa k Mftl g Ho..w>, VV *B, Ua* tert'oi.r.ty cr Seroiir) dty at 11 o',-|-i k. tb. lai ot _? BBBB| whe.e tbe r.niai a wiil be li tered. JOVlE-On '?edi*.day Sept P>. rery aoddenly, Naacy 8. Joya. ?ged 5S je.ra KILLPV-At Portche?(er. AA e,u-h*tter Crnnty N f. tl Ibiioat ^> pt 25 ol iiriarrimtUoD on the irli_Mri Mary C, ?| e ?>' W ii, aii, T. K.lrj Biiddauahu-ibrDr Bi.bey of VVoBa p. ,t Coi n BPANOID8?Id thii rlty. on Thnrt?vy. Bept. 97 Boh-rt h.,llenl tn-, im ot V\ il.iaiii ard Ag tt A Reyuuid., la ?v* 4?t jeer cf bl. Ag. The fri.nd" and arqj.ln'anrea of 'h* fnmUT are invlted U ?88?fl ghe 18 f rplfirii) N-, iA> Srveut*ei.tb lUeet th-lVrUiy) a lA-rno. n at 2 i 'NM, BatMROB?i (n AVedi.aday Sep'. 2*J after a long Uhcal, Nat-att f-an ..--i agi d.'-t-.i rbert'atrve. aid f'i -nd. of the fajrilly are re?pe,-tf illy tivlte-f tot't.i d tne "ui.ia : it'Pedit; aft, at 8 rVeloek from tt. late reaketice Sca'ada e, W.rt. be.t?r County BIUMUN8 lli. t?; Sep. 8i aft-r ? long tUn*ee Joh_ Haivej onlv wri o; Peter ai:1 Altce rjl.i.raon.. aged 1 ytar, 9 Bctilht aiit (/day. 8YPIIFR?"d vvrrler^jiy, ^*pt. 26. Adelalde Ploreoo. Sypber, aged 1 year 7 a.olitlii aud 14 day.. TI1L1N(.HAST At Ami-erdam N V . on Monday. Seft ll, J a. ph R.'ghii'. aged 7* yetra Tl'(y.VPS?N-(?n AA'ednrwlAv -omlng, Sept 96 al 21 o'clcck, Mary atne IMafe. n ?ged 46 AAN PFNBCHulFN?In Kt* kly, /*>b Sept. Br?. Elrotrt R , wl'e oi 8?uiOtl A an be_e..b,uleii, aged 3j yeara. 8 ? 88?1w Ai *\ 1? day.. Tl.e Ul.nd. of the f.?liy are reapectfu'ly lnvt'od t) tS. funral 'roiii h*r !a e ".Idetce No. ?4 Cn-lto -av , oo jTrlday, imh MI a' 8 c',-",-| p. a:., w'thoat 'urUje- i.oUee. WATKRMAN-Ou B edn-aday. Sep 96, Heo'y _. W'atarmaa, altei a th^rt but ?ev te rileMtV, aged 46 yeara Mttriioio?RepoTtr/t by TeUgraph Btrtvu. B. pt 17. 6p b.?fini-K tteady and ia f Irda^airl. 8.1-a.i fJ.'tn . at ti .-.-,'/ PBB 'r exu. 1 moi.and Vl?cutt. Ha| 01 rNj#OB0| f,i extra Oiii" I di.u, and MI bl.aa. TI)eAA'H8Ai merWt i-p-1 .d -I ?!, a.'vai'.e *f RRtB , MlBaad dull ai d ii O'plnr: Bi ea rf i > c(X) tiuth Cbi'-fo d.rug mt 01 "'I 12,' tr 1 BM |V.i:w.?kre Cl b at 4 1 i:jr> 01 (Tl. 16 (? . nu?ti R*4 AV ilil.l at *?! ItBOl 19 ' "iN AJvi e I J lil ihe f. -O....B, I t Iv.rd dull tal-. "' 1-..0 h,.h .t 54t*.W. WaiatT ... n.i... a 21J-. C_Al PkaiUHr. -5:, o.i P?ur Ier ..-, Aibeat. IV. on irin, to Naw-TeiA lai-iHTa?12 (Wo b".?. Pl i \U UOU bitb W b- .t l-li"h?.l l m il.iUii'i h. Oa'a. |t,Ba r-'ith. K.ritv ( txvi I xi-oura-2.WW bbla Ploox, Itl,. t...i. .h watai (I.*).) kaab C.rn O.v i (;.., y.ft T '[ i, Pi ..rn rteadv witb n.rferat* d*. ni'd'.rt.t itterior .... t a.'e.r. t ad- ..le* tiaj bbli at 05 "B '. r I .ta ? a'e ?? f T ,--.,..._ aaaaB .x-r* .I b-t'-i, Mth l-1er. geeer llvar-n t ofterlagl t! i u -Lela .ndt'.-e la |. t lule J. ir.g a.ira hi. monl-.g. a.i.A I..,.'. tAiit, i p. I vt. , ?n at Bi 1-1 C.'K*. Oa?i, Uabi ac ?i.d Kvk q-.l" ? a, I ?h, 8_?I ." T.t. g-d EI*..! 4 ? | ; aiACa.n l( ./1-, ? tv >*w V?rk Laka lapaBTBI atanbaah Vt,?.t Iii." b'tb (lA'a /t.aOUhnab Harl-v lltl Rye (ana' RxroBT- I tOB bbl. Ki nr r.v ouo hu.h. AAl.a' i'A.i.ii.h < .... ;<'.4'? o .h (I.t. Al 7i.ih.iah Ha.ley. Baxna'taB s.-pt i: ? PuaaBaia*0aiBea wrth i.rg. .a'eg Obtn artn lli-waM . . *? Bt ?:. nl1 Vt .. _. r 8r.ii. and adt aa -dl t- 9*4 fi BW.iBjJ WbR.. *i . Pri?e, 015, Laid, ILU-. Ccft'ea ri.ina; n ,.'i':- AVaieai ?4a*t_ Piiii.APKleUiA n ? Ki.- i k h m At .Soltu" 85 IS f??8. p-riii. VVhI.i ti..,. aa'.a |i..'.vnUj,|, Red .1 8 I 1*B 81 19; V* I .(.- .t f | 4.'./* I .41. I ..hV ateadv at T.S- al! at Mb*. P?BBt ? Is 504,09": Pr'm.', ai4 :,_?!?'. l\ dal at ? a /?'* Corraa. ui. tat ..'i-.l -, f__\ ( Hi. ?(..' ^.-.'t i'. -' p n .?Pim a ileadf ha'.AirlOe low <. .t.a.!>. and 1.1c hlrtier. aale. Ilb ?>i fiuah al V*A*1*o. fo. No 1 Sprlui M./ir\. fir No llu-l.Te i>k- tt ady. taiwi rS,*.* hu.h .' .VJi/JfAf I.i .tor* OtT. qulrt ReiBirra P.Mbb'. Pioi.i. I?l .,,?_ Corn. '9.0.O hnah Oiti Skhvikvt S I hP ? Kl >nr 57,OfB both AVVaa, Pl.V., .h l..ii Paataar?I at?a .--J U Blght P'a. atv..a od New-> .rk nrn. at I f> --' 11 re .,I:iiii AiHttt, Sepl. 1:?op in-Pi.ota: ^alea ' 'PW bbta ; ttrt-.B un.-hai ;id V\h?ai: S.le. 2.0*0 hrj-b. Medit*rTAn??a at 01 21. BtBLBI frtftirnqn tt aalea2 4i0 hu.h i'..ur rowed Hut* at TS a'r.c . lKCObi.h t-?u?dt Paat at stdii? . *nl 4 i<*} ao.b Caa aJa AVct ot. piiv.te terma Cual* SJea lV*.t*.u Mlxad la .mail Lt. at P77o OtT. S.lel 3.000 but'i. 6Uet at kvic.; AAui.rv 8.1.. .Vi- 1.1.'. ,, ...V. l'H*?*-itB?-rt *rriveO I* iteamth p tfataitai, from M.i'antat- !>r Hngh itftltt, I'. 8. Cmiaul >t Mat.nta.: PrJro Can p*_t. J ae I>i*a Bt-bert Kaipei, K I riellea. I R 1*1. r, e, h R.,J ig .rt Oeorge Jur I f. e, P. I.,i Hi.rcad.-. r Pa... 3 N1I.LO* OARDEN.-CORTF.ST ITA1.IAH OPEKA.-LaSi PEKP'OHMAMt P. IN NRW-YUK-. (?KAND KINaL MAT1NEE, Serond aud Lait HcitVru aire of tte MP.OEA ..._ ADMISBION.ONE DOLLAR tio aeatt ?1.1 be wcuiisi upon thia rvvaaUa. StTi KI1A) M.'KMM). fJetx. 97 l>oora opeu at 12 a iu ' p.: * coiuoieuoea at I o'clcrA. MEDEt. COr.Tl.SI, MIS1ANA, AR )4A A.S'I .tiJ NANNL TAVO Mil ITARY BANI'S aie en.aa-d 8B thi. res-_.a Coudunor.. ctlil. AVM li: IV and O 8EK'iAl)Ml MONOR , Awi'lMO. ^ . . . . lh. biolher af tne popnUr |v..ll.i.r elll ?ing Ib* eerrPrit**! aiia. ln Pi.,v*. a?T :.o.u ?? lalra.i.le, ' Uaiw*?i Ib. BM aafl te.ol.d ll U of Mtuea. . pA__?S PEMILNG BEFORE HIS BOMOI 1- THE MtYl'R r.tK approval KROM BOABP OR RTJfBB^lfOR* , RoaeraBen.u hoiin atteBaireajaBi t- at,po_t WUIIaui SuuCl aa a ( l, t ., I-,. ,.il , ?i ?*..> p*. anauai. P.-? ,1 . S (., ?- . .-?. 1**> Ou nvt. ano Btx-t a :? Pledl. , . ._ ____ Rr.., to rav ill. I Ncrn.i. MiUod for .OMtUa^ RIA1 5. ai.d 0 II Hall ? ' ? '?, i Ju^- '*tl' flaatf tf BaparHaata B*a* ??, IBBi b"xu, ,..";;; ^^..'1 d. h-i-w.. $m u ?" Pxru. ( u.I " ? lti_iol Suprrvl^:. ^ept. t?. iaa_ l.u av ?. aad i..-.?idaaa ^ Reaoluttoi. aaihoilitig th* BMrlB to euif'oy a Uiap^wT gnard for (Vunty Jail *t 81 18 r* r d vy HiWivi of BupervBor*. HelH. 95, IdUI. I,. ..... ..... .,u_ edoptew. (Ja ayea attd uwtB I