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o* " ,_j.._r, the dellflerv of the nllitarv poit* ana I frmmk l? ConmWoner. ^^11 bmM 2 th? Com TiUo property wohtni lhe Po?lt>Uity ofa eol t _udb< ^t^rtafidrTal aod SUte troon*. thfl will bc ? ..aobetYieMtB*'^ |tt?dtb?Be will t?ke tp, MMMM , Wl-caBed kf ??yjltai cin, ne made, tbe li.,e of march out rf * uec^tiBf) PyK7_y>.,t_,u_rrhiut o,.t wltn tbeir arrai, tke B^iat, by i?iy ? ?" fa j. t ckuhing, cau.f' and ta-ri'on | fk b,,'fufuJmVt*r'?'M. n.edic.l, Upit.l br"PV H'STmean.ol tr, . .port.tiou of t-veiy kind 11 aiay ke y0"*' t?i an efficlent ai 1 Otintly moienent of tbe tr.-opi, ?aee??*ry ior ^^ ef d(1. J1M ?gai,ut i|gre?*ioD* frofli any ktmSjC'..^ma will carry witb t'nan. proTl.lon* ai fir u the coait BJUVEX MAJ. CKN. TW100B ptittioTic unmi vooii <iov. hoobtov. Tke GoJcetton ofthe iilft inst. haa tbe fol **We understmid tbat Gen. Honalon haa been for some 'iyBatbiflplai'Oonl!..lvt*tou Bflf prepurinu n place ,/retin-ieut lor hi* old age. He ariivcd tbere laat Briday. but traveled in tbe moet private way, and Svoiib*! aU interfereuce wiib tbe piWBBOt l ? liticflj Bfll* Boa lledoeanot, however, we. uadflflfltaad,wmb, flvanv means, to be con Idered a? one of tho-e flflfl* br h-h'onr converts to sece-rion, aonany of wbom aro . ft claiming their reward. The Anitti Intelligcnctr t*-* beeu poimiitad to pabflah tbe following ejttract ft-jxr. h letter wri ten by Oea. Hoflfltooto an oli fnuud, JBhi'b define* bi* ponitiop tnua: " You my it ia report. d tbat I uin for Sm-eeeioii. A-y. fcbo<e who Bay ao to l "int B a woid of flbfl aatborix theatioemeiit. ) have dclartd uiyai-l: m favor ot cc, tt harniony, 4 eoflfl.ifl, M o.der? io 0..1..111 foir exiireM'oa ol the w ill tfl tbe BflflB. lMnaeioiui M m.-y be thc prered.:.! BaugefBtod by tbe Lonyen Uon before the majetiv <>f the flfl, wbkh tecogeixea ft* power to subinit the qiflfltlM of diruniou to tl. ? pi ?> fl! i vi'.ld in tbe mmb aatnttbMaetaatod AfldreB Ku'kHou, iu paving tbe flne artiirmily Imiflaed ou Mfl v New-Orleun*. I Bfl dMendaed thrtt Ibfl flbfl \T0-iltl overth.-ow biW tbflll leami.o les-ou lrom me. "I atill believe tbat gtecaflna w ill tn ing r?ta nnd civil ?trar. Tfl if tbe people flifl, I Cflfl bflM H flBb IMfl. 1 wou'd faiu not be <ie luiei. an i.ucn fron myatAljt Bfll in old Viigii.iu, to tbe aceoM d myenrlytoM* fladtriumphsMiiiobleTennefwe. I vioi.ldnot. olmy owu choite, yivo up the banner beaealb wbic i I have Iflught; ibe L'oiiBtitutioii whi h I baye rev.-ic, of tfl Union wbieh I havo loved nud cheriehed M thegloil otu and prioefca* flritagfl bequt-atl.ed me y i.v father*. biAty-acvcn y?en . tfrox iw . tbe rec lb rtion Of pait triunijihaand aofferingB, mo memorbfl of berucfl flrbom I bave eeen nnd known, and whoae -?? :n-r ited nd-'Ae* would haunt my foetflepit flen 1 to f.-l'.-r novv, {av y iHjrl.api bave flflde bm too flevotcfl to tbi Cooatl* tnaUoa und tbo Unioa, but be ir ao. Lid I believe that fbenv uud ihe ligbu of th Bofllb deawaflflfl iB IflvaM Bfl CtaltMa. IbeUefatbat Bm conceMion wu* nrcoflMTj to fi-iime Ibe Coaatltutioa will now fflaerve it. TbM baflflfiaf, I cauu.'t rotoBrl fl - fli'u. ' I have hew'tatod to ?ay nnythiug on thii topic, l.e raiiao I d-aire the jicople to ucl fjr IblflMlfM. My flUws a.. M ie.or.1. V. t il i.- pflflfl l bM light thal By old irienda tboold know tiiat tba charge tbal 1 um for BeoCMMB i? lalae. Ifl err in bolding <?:; elill lotifl flbrta ef my vcr.eiated "bl motber, Viigiuia, ai.d ibe BoMcr-uiothor wbieh uiatured u.e frntn wybeod, gBfi* baa TeaneMMB, my eeflatryaMBflilllorglvfl me.asihey bave foiKiven me for ...any Olbot thiuga 1 have dflflM. 1 i-i.ii wiiluig evun to be cauM a Subuiiseiouiat flfl tbtir Mdie." _ LEITLIt FROM LIEUT. A. J. BLBBMKB. Koai l'i un Fla.. feb, BL 186L Deai- Bbotbbb: AiBflptcbu MMflngflrflfll Bavi bflre lor Washington ta BBM fflfl, I will ar:< I fcarry aome piivate leii>:rn, wiih bia public onca, aad Ifl you kuow eome liilb- nbi-ut Kort PBkflMaad tbo ibftahitauti (bereof. I only wieu il were not ao flBch ?f a oue-iiJed urrungcrr.c-:it, ae we Bfl d Bttflifl down biom more tban you Bflflflfl [co-lc up Nflftfe can. TUc papen ccu,e fhioaflli MMaedaMt, bfl leflan never. It uiute aurprises me to eee my uaint- fiauriaf ao exten* S'lv-ilyii. the newapai-trt, 1 have timply done my utv", bfll I Bupixife tne doing i', aader auch u preasure __. ? * _. .____ *_l_._n.__. S* _n.i.... .*... . . ./(ir ci ^.l_r_i rI^li?,t triwina pi opporitlon. make? ii appear rreditabB. The tro..p* %xo leavit.g tne opiioeite ahore, dlafiiMed al playiug fflklkr, 1 aupioae. 1'i.ey uy thtffl a^ only about tbreo liundnu remaitiiug, and tbeae are bavlng enll?ted for one yoar. My nu-^seiiger to tl o yard, this morning, anil tL-y vceie afruid we would at? tack thoni now. We could do t^o, and get poaarfloion ngaiuof cveivtliingiu an Lour, il we flfla Bflf |flilill Md to take sueh a courae. I Lave loyv Mflflflflfld BeaiL all the gunt?tbal is, all that are reully neccafu, ry lo enable thia work to l*e defeuded by a lorte of -**jK? Wn. We have work-.d like to accompliab tbia, bel great thinga can be done by Bmull nioana wben one now- bow. Tbia auiall command Lae done more than fThaae or LoiBBX coul-1 bave done with tbeir*!,Oi)0 men, kntl they know it. Having aeea our guna go np*ao fiipidly, they awear we bave had rt't-nforcementa. In lbct, the papen say, nothing else ci->.ld be exjieeted? thal we have binugt:lfcti in meu tri m the ffltflB, It is broe we could bave doue eo, aud thtf bc Bflfl tbe flrlter i but not a man baa been added to thi* coramund Iroiu them. Iu fact, 6o partieulur are we, Ihut not Bteu nu ofBcer haa eome i.ebo:o wltli the flzee] tion of fcflj't. Vodgi*a,and he only onie, when thc voaeflle firtt 1'beM Southern papare ere publiahing ell Bort* of Jibm reporta alKitu me. (>ne ia that I wbs htard toaay IWt if tbey bad uttacke.1 tbe lort bjiv tiu.e rluririg ihe fcttt Ufieeu d?ye 1 would have auIflflfleitdfl flfll Irg a gun." 01 courae thi-. ia not truo. My MM 3od at tne gun* everv one of thoae daya, and it they rl conie they would LiY t learneJ the dcliaiti jnof one of urape. t The peoplt on the ojpt. ite abore think we are ln a Och more dek-naibb" condition than wben they Bffl me. Tbe moral flflbct flf tbfl gflMM u*pi*gr?it. 'heu tho move waa fin-t madelwoiked BMfl flbfl lb*# could not rec me, and they thongbt but liMlt wo* ftoiox; bot when rny men wtre pat to ivork on tbe barbette guns, Bfld ihey aaw the-n go ud aliuoet like iflffe, m they tbought \ihey could warcely move their hwn gnoB}. tbey tegan to think troubloua timec weie pfHaiiig. There are onlv, ae I aaid before, about four Bflndred at tbe barracka, Fort Karrtmcaa aud old SlcOiaa?only enoii(ih to garricon tbem. Tbev are ??erj- much afraid tbat BOflfl tioe mcmlng tbey wiil hud tbe Bhipe iu tho harbor, w ith ibfl Bflflflflflfl la them tbat tbey can leava within two boors, uulea* fbey pro Bi to be food for powder. . CoL Cboae and t'aj t. Itandolpb aro both ? Mont bomerv, leavmg Col. Forney in command. He w a Weat Point graduate, and wm flngaged in fatting up the batteries before tb!it work waaBtopjx.-d. OflMfl Cbflfl waa piittiiig ni. a battery iiear tbe Hgbt-boiiBe, and monnting eight luch coltimbiadu M it. IfLie battery would bave rak-d our front, *o I wrote Eting againat ita oontinuanco nt preaei.t, und nlao t the enttion of all batterie- bewiiug on tbe Colonol C'l.aae told theSecre arv of War that if ild not land the troops in tbo llrooklyn. be, on bB port, woull not attack the fort, and wuufd iunte SJitely oiflcontiuuo all preparationB for ao doiug. Of jfloone thia battery building waa violating tbe agree hi?nt, and tbey have aduiitied it by not g"ing on. f My think I have no right to mount ur.y moro gun* ."tbei, but that is all they know aSout H. Thore waa flfl aruiialice on my aide at all, cm pt abont tbe liieling Jfl the troop*, an(l tbat wua tbe Secretarj-'a. I oin at jMtfeet bl>*rty to mount ever, gun iu tlie fort if I Htooae, a:id to inak* auch otber defcuac* aa I eau in flont or copv. . . . A. J. Ki.immi.h, Fir?t Lieut., Firel Artillery, Ofl?BflflJ Fort Pivkaua. . OFFICIAL DOCUMOm BELATIVE TO THK SlRRl.NUI.Il OF AfCfSTA ARSi NAI,. WaflflflflTOB, F'eb. lo, WA. IflL S.CoorHfl, .titjittati'-firnercl Untttd Xtatu .irmy ? 6ir: ln complbince wiih your leitor of t',M dat*, I ave the bonor to suhmit tbe folljwii._< complete ro tu-x ol the ? irreml* r of tbe Uuitcd Statea Araanal ut ,'ignata, Oa Ou tbe moming flfl thc '^3d of Junoary li., I locflivcd from the Oovernor of Ocoigia, tben iu -_._igai_.ta, backed by a auperior force of btitie troopa, ?'mberiiig aome aix or wven bun-lred, a vrbul dc u flflflfl tbo Bn-en.l, wbicb lrefuotd. Sbortly iffer r-*aie, tbrough hia aid-de-taiup, a wiitien deimmd in tt-m following tent.a, tbo mibrtaiioe of wbicb WM Bfl1 ?Braphfld by me to the Wai iX-partmeut, to w it: W ' AcfltiTA. Jan. 2.1, IBfl. Bb: I im lu,trnr?*d by hl, BoMBtOflJ Oov Brewa toaflf By.-ilUt OeoifliiUtini,' teceded livm tbt, I mli.t riratci nf ?Ltflcilia. an-1 rfwiini.-d bicIuaIt* *0T*r*i|8t7 over ber "ii, it baa beooi'u Mi duty to retjulr* 700 lo wiinlraw ti.*- Iroitf* tmdrr yonr comn.ind. a! (bc eirliett pr. tiiuble momti.t, t. > n flfl i.uiltA of thfl titut... He iir.ip .?*? i, tl fl.. poaBflflaiOI fln. 1 aJ i.,.1 ti racelpt '? r. , j .t, .. .,,- party - idery. 11 ?rhi :. wu! fl>e aMtflMid !-.r, b afl)n*ia>?al ii?-?u --.-.?. Ibi Ofl*--.!.* in- L'nttod BtMefl of Aruerloa. ile beptoreleryou *-| ti.-fv-t the Ait-.wiia of your tio.p. upon tbe *oli of eoril*, reuion.trai.r.-, tt, under tbe law* of u?ii * ?-. La ..ot onli a: peflOfl, w.tioil to c.itlTAte thfl no*t au.1 .I.e itlotlon* Witb tbe Uat'eti flitale* O ivcrii.i.aut. I aoi Inrtfcr. iotunetflflM *?y tiial "lama-sr wlil bfl flspi a -. .. .-?t 9 o'civek. 1 B, Mtyfltflflflfltf. .. y. -.. - . b*di*l > i-rrifiit. , Ul.NRK JACK-ON Aid* fl*-Cflif, kc. Afjout l o'clo. k ou tl.e nijiht ofthe S'A . f .lauiHry BU. I leoBived lrom tbe War Departiuent the following >eply to my diapatch, to wit: _?._._.. i?v>..? _ WfliHiNCT.,!*, Jan. ?, Wl. Xftp.. ABVOLIi EliBT, btm.i Arttllrry, I. Mfl a Bl I Bf . I _ur^^a_^!L0*^>,U**?"?''''1 *?*OA your port and 2^ ,t? ti' ?I*1*"** " ???? ??? fMBBMBfl i* bltrth i.d EZl' Vt,, JaZ" *1|M 'J4 ,hM ro"* <*rf^?-? ?'""'?d ba d> ^ ?S^'Jta_?;i__?h_?,.,r",Ml-w by *"*"?' <" ixttrvntlun. yoa MrU. *m-ulste tor honoritlo Wrn*. Buflalire n___.__._ra bv watar flB yflat ivaipauy, toNaw-Vori. V-*Hn ?> ^awjr, -rV^^KJw'^ iS^'*m%7?mmmmt RZ^mk 7A k?"^" .of k'K? ri^iio/cemeuta at Bvaaaab aiid Atbmta n-wly to cow? np by mAl fl a Mmmh a, woull bare bfla dMperaiion in l?J[2^ i)OBt}k,a- l *l*?\?? diiacied my Adjutant *Md?B* iui-1 convey the followmg not* ln reply to tlie BMeflMor'* demand: -.."fiMicBtaa*, Aroc?T* AMaxai, Oa.. mm B_^T'_i_l_?a ?oa hoflot to Inform too tbat I *m dtricW bv ?mma*a^Z>m'*mmMiat iaM P01*. ?? **T. 1? "plf lo lb* de ~'m fl- <>Qftnofl ol Uaorgia, made thrflu|fl. ?ofl TflMarflay fBPWHfl H BiBflnw bi* wauutad bt|to4 mtU/thA t{ Bt State, h* b*ei te ra-voaat an (nter-iew witb hii Ka?*llrii.-T tbfl . .ovariior, for tbe ptirpone of ataflbHug honorabie tetmi o! .or render, at a. rarly au hoor thii inornii g a* pf*votica*la. 1 bave tbe bonor to be, vary reaprcifullv, vout obrdieot a*r vant, J. P. JO VES, Lieut 8*oond Art, Po.t Adj. Ti CoL jAr-ioy. A. 1). C. , About ten o'clock of the aame roon.tng (-??Hb), tne Goveruor, accomiiarkied bybi* slafl and lliba-dier-tJeu. Hiirrii.. cornmiiuding tbe tfflBBB, rode mfc) my tMMi ,Btid was received hy me, wheu the following houoiftblb tenr.s were agreed np"U nnd arcepted. to-wit: 1. 'ihe flag to be talulad and lowered by tbo Lidted Btat-t lT/?^'tr company tr. ba mtiobed ont wlth miiltiry bonma. aud torrtiiuli.rii'Jt uml .tn-I'-riy |,r perty. ._ _., 8 'Ibe ?,.d loloi.ri to ovc .|'T q.itrteri until ramcTrd bevend the llttiiu of tha State, tnd tu hiv? the Mfl Bf tt 1- ? irtatioa to and irom tbe . I) tnd B tba neigbborl.ood, and Iba i it-. D*f* ii" obtati.i'ig .upphr. Bo- <he city 4. Ihr public propeitv to ba irrelpted for by tiio -BtlMaatflr* itiei, tnd accc,ante.U.r - i cn tciii.tu.ent tatWflfl tb* BBfl* of Ueorgil iud tb., United IState* ol Amerlc*. , TimtHoitmbave.lalaaflafl pa-ite through m? out of tbe State b, BBM to tflfl-B**, via ????">'?,, fj BROWN (ioT*4-iiori_dCoiamitiUorln-Cb!if oftbe Army tf tbt. BBfl AflfleaaB, ARNOI.D EL7.EY. C "tair'id Artlll4."y, roinmaodini Aoguita An-.nd. I have'the bouor to be, very reiflflfllfoBf,.fflfl obt dieui aervunt, .AL'NO". T_?n_ Ctiptuin flflflflfl ArtiUery. A l-CESMOKIflT IN NFW-JI'.BSKY. Yror, 1 U a . bfl'A, -V J . t '?"?"if* . . Wb. a. nboiit aiv. woeks eiu.c, news flflfl to tbfl u'y thfl Ai.-'iibuld (.-aii.', ir., hud voliuitirrtd Ibl. rf Bflfl i B-dBWorflftlbflianci t? Alabana, had bflflaaflfl Bftf* : tain <f the Mobb Wiu-hingtoii Light Itifuiti v, aud took iortc--ion of tbe Cniud States Arsenul ul Mount i Veraoa, near BobUe, tho ptopl.* waffl ?flf dbp*?ml ta i?kuk and half to aafrfltlle ibfl nn m one worthv of tbe pmfliBfl uud Li lieved Ihfl Mfl flflfld BM of soch I u titaflflaba tifi.i BBwaiiflatahB bbbM* na to prr**laae ' his making bia BBflflfl?fBCfl Bflfl?' MMBfl the loyal I peopli* uf ?flfl p!u-.e, bal bfl bflflfl tho it.ilir.ri ', tion to retuin, lt vvitd (Iciidcxl BpOB to ticut bim wilb ribat coi.tenijit. ain! Bflt make uny dirplay of tte.iiug ' in rcgnrd to li.-' hafifllttade nnd fatthbaaMMBBB | io-,tutv, ninl bud bfl.OBurriving Bflfl"fl, not Bflflflfll <>f , hig flxpbatl ind v. iliitigi.ess to rcpeat IBflM bt p. futiire pttbd if an opportumty ot-curied, Itakt OaMfl?Inaa tion would have been carried out. flo OtTfltvivelv, liowcv.r, _11 he coiidiK t l.itr.self, that every one poe* Bfaabaj a bm '?? "i patiiotlan and lnvi- f..r iho Amcrieaa BUj aad the nalbnalit} of his country, could no I afM BnppraMhiaU-cliiigs.aad ihloialBM ta flflflfl?prf** sion in some Wfl] B tl.e conteuipt und loatl.ii g wbbh ba foll for one who would totad hi* aid to liisrupl tbo ,-ountrv, and give those who woabj drV.roy it nympa Ihf bnt MB*', und thb foflltag WM ebar.-.l l.y ail tbflM aad poUticaJ cned*. ao poli I ?.l i.s.c.t what* I ever Rttached to i', us 1'tie b*4 I BIOBIOfllj BtflBfld, BBd fl la wall knowu bere. Tbe idea ofl a popular di-mon t Bratiofl a?_toatod on Wodm adaj nifbt, wben ? very ' aahbiuiti. n_Utaifc?bn wm aada, alll ? Palinctu. 1 trcepabtrdon the back, u Iftbel iu tVaB with thfl WOfflft '? A. (, i. tntit'-r to bis oOflBtry," und .itii.i-1 in Ihfl ol a large crowd Bf t<> what* tho ol dMipp-rotatioa was Htay bfl, when i) WM flfl up over I tiir-hi'.rn-l nnd -ni on lire, auid t 0] roaitotu koi'tidr of liii horns and otharifoalflniiog bMr_B*Bta, and liudut wiih BTAMflfl r_jidlca aod rixhatflj nnd wbfl consumed thfl partf di*pcir*ad, witb bootinga and grouns for tiwBMl ta geii<-raL Nj demotiBralbfl von iMkfla MjallM the dwal?uf, nor ro. kflti bflfl tato tla dflwbflj-ratMiki ae ste'.nl bv Tn. World iK.iw----.pir BB PfHlay morning. No bbbUim i'i "nr city are beld b Ufbflf Bflaea thu thflMwitb wlioiii A*GrflfJfl lfl c nneitefl,flflfl Bflflh Iflflfll i- HIJilflflfld thut i"i(h iu. 0.. .i ion wur aflffl tor w aaBflflflla liiipluv la thb dty. Dartaf W?fl_tadaj night, L r-;e p'Pters were put up" iu tbapriuiipul a'-ict-ts, of wbl. h tl.e l'.dtowbf io a flffl l'O. I A.VIA1 ll.N 1JV VN 1M>I?.N.V*tT |*BXBT?fl. A IRUT.llt IN >).I/4I iril. lYhtrtai. It tppaart, Irom B BflBa BbJB??lfl. tbat ona ArrbikaflOfAtBt*, jr., iatciv rtet a t-aaJ ,,: tljr-.a*, tjok p-iteiiion of fort Mo*flfl_ m Iba On'.f Co*tt, anj kr. wn t.> b* a trmter to biicountiy . be, tbr aaid (iiacie Layiug bern frd l.t ?ap i.iic ri!l>, auii bavi--? ?) at VV'eit 1'uint at tl ?? eipenianf tue (Jov<;iu.,iBl ei lbe I ?tflfl Btfl)-., It i.otr fl ail j l.i.llfljfih* guod cltli-eutof hkwtiuitb by bi* pieeenc* aa-oi g tl.eru. Noiv, ba ? knowo, thnt w*. tbe paopla of Elliahath, * bb tha lirr, det-ruiiontloa on cur pait to ,e..i I tlir ii aflart I l atii-ni' f'.cg l.y the co?ir(llT tnitor. Arrhtb.ld tira-i' jr , hereby, witb anetny g-od aiil. glvo biui, tl.e itid Ar. bibald Or?ie, ).. ttveuty four bouri' notu r to (ta uate ihe loyai (i:y ol HUnoath, otbriv ll'* he wili be do-iiled a anit of cinti'iji n-1 tfltedown ittbe ptogramrie. V'OX I'OPI'LI. Aa noon as those in eympathy with ('racic, foafld aaatflffl up tbey went ronn'd and tore them down, with "'.t uny hiiidrauee, witb one i-vception, wheu the owner af a ba *? on which one BU |"t<t*d, ffafflafl tn bave it tflflahafli and theolticious iutiviiitiHl.not rarlag to iudulge in a doubtful conteet, had to give the flhflT up. Tlmraday the ex.itemeut WflflflI have died oat but for the fa t that it was i-tuted BJ ('.rudo's friends. tb** they IbBBBBbI lo Berenade hira in tbe evening, and two Mflfljanbflof militia .fflfl called out bv the .Shoirt', and siationcd Bt the Court Hon*a, to l?e fladj to quell any (fiiiurbsnt*. IJut tbe " Ci.plain " huv taf departed for New-Vork in the 11:-I0 trnin did not re fini, and affr wniting till 11 o'<-b*i k p. ro. tho streets bflMBM toiiipiira'ivch (jnict. Hud auy attempt been BBflfl tolikflflffl trcasr'ti, ai pro|oeed, uo doubt a aeii ons ditt'iibi.'.ie would have beou the IflillI. Oa Kriday raornintr it wa* rnniored that Dr. WUtab ad, C. S. Com'w-ill, John li. Whebn, J. C. Caitei and onr Multigan, wtio to BflBflB* panv the " Captain " from New-York in tbe"1 p. BL trnin, anl have the militia ad aa a gnard of houor tbrongb the ci'y. TUfl news creuted Uflh cxriiciueDt, aud vrowda cougi-egnttd at the Bflffl M thl iiiriv.'.l o: every train. lnteni (ju j.revemiug any MBfl denionetration. Had it BBM BaMflflflcd, Moofl wonld have been eh*d, ae over five hundred men were waitingindifferent part* of tbo city, ready iU any tinit- to resiat it, aiid wonld bave done *'? sn*. e?afitlly. At tbe d-MH)'. wo Bflt?ai AMMMBB Moriill, Tubbs, Moni3, fttitl Htuld, ready to act in c*xm of any di.turb anco, ao thflt purfetl order MITlBflfl duiing thealter noon, with tLaexception of a littlo diaturbuiice cauted bv a balf faRo-iuiled mun. wbo waa at ouce taken BMJflfl flfaf the police, and bdiea and geutlerotn t-.jt.ld paBf to and froui tbe i-ara w-ithont interrtipii.'n. lt is now belicvod Qracie will not returu lfl this citv; but ahould be do bo, MBfl AflBBBflfl olii/en, ho will not b" mcleated; but any ABfflBflflflflflIflflflft, such as tha' pn.ivifed by bis symiiathiierB, will moat sitrely render tbem and niin liablo to pereot-al -fbflflflflfl, und es-K-ciftlly under tbe irtuiritianBiiip of men who are _MWfl diiunion sym]iatl:izere aud j*ot valiunt boasters, und who ibre not, iu such a case, without the ceriainty flfl beuig ut once ahot down, give an order to fire upon tbe (ki/.tns. The eventa of thb week flfflI have m&rked u new epoch inourciiy. Wi bave bad un BafOrtflBBf "f tcptiugtho doj'.tion of men to'the itars and Btri|*ea, uud tboae wbo have utt-ctrpted to indon*e treaaon. bup pilv few iu numlier. havo uuide thomsolvea nuirka afl Iinblic ccnti-tcpt, ii sonie of tbem were not ao before. t is to be hf>i>e*i tbe excit<_ent bas drawn U) a cloBe, and il ii the wish of ali tbat u eaae of tbe kind may not aoon o*.our a:. ain. We barn that " Captain " C.racta was exctyMlirgly Burprtaed at the exprer*iou of public opinion with reference to the cbildish pastinies ta which be hud re? cently been eugag*d. From iho nrevailing fltflBBIM re? cently imbibed irom tbe pflviafflfl jourmila tfhbh g.iin BBfl?B?a?I in ABaMBa. be imiigiiicd tbat Jersoy tata were leady to give public ovatiBflfl to ingri.t*a " J or uu* ii g'.oai.i?lll.n'e, Akd out ti.' tbrvati of Cburcji aud StaVa." MINOK ITfl-OL a 1'iii.rrr. rloi lst. Tnr TitiaiM* i-esr>ect fully iiyknowledge* tbe IMBflfl of ft copy of The IrtJi-pendrnl Fiuuth, Wayncr'/OiO, (]a., boariug upon its murgiu the followirgt " F.ic?uif- Ood Iiaui tou or w? v il! dl artl yu'i dtvrsad Aba VV. KI(T, " f iflw i.f Bot'/jb lUoa'i Ridlctd Rrl^iu-e, tbat li to bfl pub ltabcdtoou." Tllli SOLTHKBN fXBBBBBBBflflBBi The Mtmtgtmtry Atmrtiotr givei aaaflBflflflfl flfl the newly-ijipointexi Coni?boioncrs of tbe boutheru Coufederiicv. Iflflf flfll Hon. A. 11. I.'t-ui.iii of LouiKiana, Hon. Martin J. CnWfOfld of Ccorj-b, Hon. John Forfytb ofl Alftbamiu Mr.lioiuan h:iH bcon (lovi rnor of I/*>ui?ii.t'H.aud waa fonnerly of OpBOflflkB politica, having bein ft enp porter ot Mr. liell ta tbe reient coutcei for 1-resiient of tbe Ui/hed huu , and flBflflMBaf u Cooparu tionl-t. Mr. Ciawfort?'* MflM i-* im?to tbe public aaa BMBfflflflBflUffl Irom lbe neiuhb'Hiiig Smte af Qflflfgta to the Caafliflflfl flf the L'uittu 8:atea. Hi* jiohtir-s bavi beeu Statea l.i. bta. Mr. fMBfti BM a BBNflflBbaflflt ln 18511 ?was Mtaiator to Ma?taa aaa*t Mr, tMetaaaa'a .-idiniriH ti-ution iu tba old floverniiiout?und wub h leading udvova'cof lioti?li'/8, tl.n.ngh hbi pu[?r, Th* Mabil Rtgiit r, iu tLe btc rate foi Preaideut of the Lnite.l St-I,*,?' ,. ? , . ... , 1 flflfl flprtointmciitH represont uli shaderf of ikiIiiihiI and p-.ii-'ui Optaioa, aud tl.e geutlomcn biintr well .. _jbd for lbe dutioe of t'neir mbviou, we doubt not Bfll tbe solcctiou i-i u g<*<?d flBfl. OPIMON IN M.W-oni.LANS. A letter from New-0rleumi,ia Tflfl flbflflfl Trtmttt ler, aaye: a *b_*?b_ Tbe reftclbnary movement iu favor of the I i.i'iu goe-B on i_ttl>ated here. Kven King John Slidell ia B liave BriBfl into tbe ranks afl U.e 1 'MMfltfl. Thia h*.??ry-kead.--d tnator, discardt-d by bi? BflBBB companiona in treaaon, would gbdly work to restrre jitMictj to the South, il he were certu.u to be nitnnae.t to Waaliing'ou in the cuj.acity of oce of UMfoBBfll NeuaborB. ln Sigaidom, moch MMMBflfl prevuils ln tlie mbida of tbe ptantere aa to tbo fat nre Mflflfl ol PfaaVflflfl I iaaafll with rtwitrd to tbe pro ent tarilf on sugitrB. No one will deny tbat a* long aa ebe rijt_uned In ihe Uuion, L/oubbna?tba is th* eiiulbera portion* of the Stnte?4l?riv**d bx*gt bfltialit* from the j-'iicy , WM h4' Ug *aH^ St**W Q4Wt-M**aA WvTITl flflf. It is not known that the amouut ofd.ilie* p: i.l on atignr im port ed into tl.i a country lo prt>tei t the pl.tiitui*, ba* avcragod more thanf7,000,000per an U..1U Ioi tbe, Bflt live yi-jra, and during the d'cadc juat ?MflBd reaohed the buui of f.'>7,000,0m?. Bhould a dli crimiuation be made hy the Fcderal (,'ongteaa between our Bugur and the wn? arti. le ntiaed in tho We*t Iu diet, l.y wbieh our irodme would be taxed, while tbe other would bo made free, many well-informed augar ?flflfll thiuk tbat the rulturu of the can* woublbe l'orevcr nflafld in LoaBBna. Tho MoBtgeMM* Con? vention, by fixing on tbfl Ith of Mflfl BflflflflM tbfl oolBction < 'iin': ?(? oa goodt muaftetared eitherin the Hiddle . r I'....-;. rn Stnte*, bi.a tNatad,aad ifl atill cro aiii.;-, tbagiaaflfl di-HOi.tei.t in New-Orluau*. Our merch.inta are loud nnd bitter in tbi ir BBMflflMfl iiguu^t the flflMflBtfl paa-ed by Ihat boflf. Kven our V'uin.ilr are flroogljf OpBOflfld to tbfl Bflfl Ifliflf which i* aoon lo be Bflaffltfld in the flflflflf 8tatM. A BABQVBSAmXB fARTT. ll.e tiauftl ip.i. -t gmvity of I'hnib aton waa latt nijibt WMBflbflfl flraaaelj iaterraatod lf the uppearance in our Blr-eta of a large mpaiJ of flflffj Mflflflfl iu the ?Bfl BffltflMM On.) of theae aingular per Mflflfll J. dobfl Bf iu B niarv.lui.ely while cboker, luior nu-tlily i.iforic.iig our report cr be MM Henry Ward Beeeher, atrodaeeaMfl dMaata epflpaidna a* II tico (ircclcv. Wfl tbonflht wc dfleatW d uL-o thathroag>HarriatBaaebaf Btowe. nnd B<.me otber jthilantbivpic ii.divi.liihla wbo huve lill.d tbeir niiraea ui tbo h.-ly causoof abuaing ll.e S.,uth.?.Lhaile*ton Mereury. Tiir. I'Rr.-iiDP.M'rt i .wourru. Nearly ull tbo UflfltitM of Br. BaefaaaM are en ?Bfi .1 in the Bflefl flfl eeBflptfatT. The monrtrou* tiaaaactBa af Twl.-.-g* B T. sa.*,whi.h )>c-am tbeflaabw character of ansitigated trenrou aad itutividaal dfl* boaeety, baa baM I >ng B ptflfleea, aafl tB nlebntod ic'ii .Mct'ull"'.gb, one ..f Mi. Baebaaan'fl m a btfaaatfl fiieuda, bna bci-n eagaged bi it. Hi* beaMhoMeditor, Wm. 51. liruwiK . ia al MOBtgOBMtT, IMMtlag l?i--Uliion vib ull bfl abiiitv, wMB Mfl Bto SecwMiy flf tba Truwary, l.i* laB Beoeataiy A War, I i.-* Iflfl bflciajan of U.e li.i.rioi, un.l r.."?t "f tboae who udvocte.l hia poli. y in lonitrcaa, 1**1.1 poattBfl uii.ter IM Bofltbeni Ctmlederacy, oroccupv; j lacfl in ihe MgaaBfltBfl whu-h austaiiia Itt a BOOfl mr, Tbt F.--'al?fort (Ky.) CfltBMoi.Ith pabhabfl BO following propoeiticu" to tho flMeflfllfld-t, I'ayne, of Tfloaetatfli II. u. llniiBRT O. Ttttr tt Tentieiteer __?______ ln ui feni-llivli.fl laat YY in'ei (durh.i ourtrl*) to Columb'ii) beaid tou rccipli-il ? I Ifl lha bctwapf oor Bflflfla t.-r*. lha fiih.-i of our forcfa-ber.. tlie letob of YY ^hit.Kton, Bunfl'- IIUI Mi l.i.n.rn: fankefl DoodW, Mourit Ycroon, and ttu Sc.rt alI Sirii ?-. ... J kariaf reeeatly Irai.--d tbit, ia your opini-.n. iaiJ pnpc.ty bad depre..*:- tl-- ? .,..*, rf thi* flflfl* mi.iii. .tloi. ii ?... J.- liey.fl... Bl yonr v_rry i? iit-tl oaaveflMflefl, to nlw-, ,,ii,: iin- ii ry lo?ue*t n M you Mfltfl for t qui; claimdctd to Bfl flflflfl Iflt ?fliflci fr tm i mofl. Tbo moral force ot l'i i nian. ha* beeu brobM down, aad .Y- > r i -.,fl tbe oM I oofadeta y will Bflb out Bf "flfl gnaida tor their ftttnra Mcnrtty." Cflbflfl* bB ???n<l OlflgOB, t* Ma aa, sn.l I Ml and S. v-Meiieo, Bfl I'crn'xiK.-., flfll, BO denbt, fonn a CoflflMBfl y Bt tbek own, l.i'viug a Brritory. yyI an .otth-i, capablo .*f inpporting nillioM of lubabitabta. Tbej viill Ml lik.-lv pcrndl thc exi)iii}le ofthe (' Hon SUitea to paaa nnimpitrred, but flfll aaew Bflflfl Bbm tfl Abaflooa Btate*, aad tai bb fo.- IbaaflMfM Wfl bflffltoflfl thfl reanb Becenpliabad. Iba Uatoa ic brobM af.aad Ai iball :. al no raftal B weiaa ii brobaa Bto ? flboa* aan.l lriigii:cnta, piovided tbe OflflM MflB a a'.idl re B da flflflili lAthiLtaliiiellig'uier. v()D t. or a uofl. Thr\- () ' -tJ. ??'?' ?, ,-all" I'r.-i-'. r.1.Te!T. l"?i,\i a BM. HA iifcfl iioem't aoaaflflacb bbatbatal ihe BBWWrrb of ihe foreit, toour?ira, but Dr. LIviogMOlM, Ikfl Africac tlBTeler, M/a tbat al alii'lc di?trt,.e it ia bapoaflbB t*. diflioflulan betwe-fl tho roar <>t u not. und the r.]tiall .:" au oatiich. [I/*.tiavilli- .JournaL BBOOflfllflOCTflM t'i' THi. nflflOAl MMB. Wfl bfivo alrcadv iftM.-l aflflOi ? ?aya The bflflfl* brnrg WhirJUttiont \.*. , t k.n aomeduy*Onee,on upn.poaiiii.ii h?.kii.g lo tb* future iitoaatraflBa w ibaBdaral L'atoa, m flflflfl pdrfert aad fluiiflbB l.u?bs. A atill BBflfldadflra flfl btm giv?? Bfl BBtat* dav, whih would eeem t. li.*lical*tuat Mir-ii?ippi<Iofi not d< ap.iir of a ie'"n:.aii"ii of ibe rej iblic. Mr. Ll lott, of Cluiboine, wbo bfl Ifloantlf j.'. ped lrom MB MTfBllaM lo the fartherf BXtretne ot radi.ahsm, otleicd tbe following raflolalBBi htt-lted. Bt th* peoi.i* ofthe Ht?te rf M|. '..'I.dI. Ifl ronren li. i ?^rn.b!.'.l, lh*. tk* >? ? ' 0* ' "4?n uf ,i-? Itate* A? ? ! ? i ? -i- > r t. d al ?Jii.*! ia. and IhMhfliflrfMi Mi*.l- i' oiithllofliuliflfltalt only n itt Bt.t ? bi-ri-1 iiu.iVu .', -.. .1. ? i.t ll -.. lober >mu. A n.'iiou to 1*> it ou tbo table wMcarmd?Tflfl io, Naya W. iuu NKiitoi" on im: flflfll. On WadaaBOfMo flBty4b?i Bm flflflflflfl fri,m i teonrl Cooaty, North CaraUaa, efeatad Iba Obto Itirerat BeUaiia,M il.**Ir way t" faaaatllB fla. II negro uclcd aa laa ler fll iB J'-Atty, boldaii (bo tn krt?, dieltuaiiig fuii'lc, A lolt TIII. TNIOfl. A trav> ler'pr.aeiiiir tlirouiih otic of tbe MBBllflof Te! Bflflfl, fl BMB ii" k, fltopped ut B Uioleet ? ? M tbe Pi.i'1-ide, flfll *.'ke*l for el.elt. r, aa it wu* dark Bfld ruinitiK- 1' ? " baad "1 lb* ln', ilv ' flflM B the flaaraad aiuoMeri Iba BbbbBi trUb. "Wbat de you want f" 'I waul to BtOflofl Bfljbt," flBtlke reply. " an fflt" ThBfltenflgBtorj wmM fully unAtrntiuA by tbe tmveler, and be a?k. .1 an ex pbi.'uiti')!.. "I bmm flbat'a fei poHiicaf" rejoiaadtlM joriuer. ?' An nr 1 I thi I'nb a MBfM Bl" 'Hi flfl B flfl,Mtbfltfflffllfl waenot irilain wbetLer the " nain of the bflflflfl" wa* a Iii*.. man o: l aeiti eimii.-t, and he wa* I itiotia Ifl " ti'- flf" Bfl Bfl ??iuhl; ao ba ap I ic.: lad und flifl.' By bBflfl, I flfl lor the Liii'ii." "fltflflffli you kin haa B." A MKKK AiiD OKVTLB -lii'iT. A BMflMBM flflflbwaftlfl K ei<e l.i*gialnt'iH*had a flMflTfl living in Texaa, wbo flfl te Mr. II. B B u?h birn ihe ncwa fiom KuiiBia, B flflB B flhflb be rent bim Tfll*. Siyy-V.hi.4 TfllBI '?'' nml l.a - - ? etli f I ' '. Ihe f. IL..ving ( flaflaBflfl fl < |l.r. ahow* ibe laaaB. raaaB CaaflfB wbere tbei Bflfl thc BflT.Mf. Bflflfl tor fllaaflOf totbfl M. K. t tmrcb. Hom.1 OhoM, Ff M ? (' '. li ki', ) Jan. IX, IM. J IV. fl. Him *.>* r?f . bObbI Ut. | DflAH Mi:- ii Bel i.ey recmved yonr Lclluh end MflfldBlT (Ic-umeiita. Ifcaflflflfl anu bl* inn* fonn a tlMOUIMBt 1 ari of vour ui.turc, t.rd all th"ee who are aiiiring up iaaOTTB 'ion und tethBeeaatfy. I'ou ibe impti.b BCfl l f Salau bii.iaelf, i ombinfld witb all bi* rn anntflfl. B cc'l?-< I BJaBflBaB aa Tnt N. V. Ti.IBI .m- and Th L i. rf?? ttet '? ?"* to a iSecilierii cllme. Ihev were MflflflMfl flIbflflflfl. and il woubl irflord Bflflfll flfl pBflMN and gnuiflia tiou 'n ("iiaijju v?n and all fOBI kindie.l tpiiits t4> tbe eama; but. ui irattbalflfl, it will bo v"r dflfll t.< 1* cr.Ai inlo tn<- liery pB, wbere the fla.i.efl an- iiieitln buibublu, iiuImb b mrti.-al cliaiige eeaflt Bflfl fflh V..-i h. Leve yon are K-rvmg your Oi*l byrervn.g Al"litl(.niflrii; bat if TOO are, your Ooi .ertamly ii" Ihl.iu the lower regiotiB, iu cummou porlume calltd HtlL OOOD TOR TIIK SONM Ol BAlflfl* IWflaMflf MflltaM Befl-OrBaM Iamfflflflb flflflfl tbat allhongh ih'-v may like tbo treaaon thal theiraeettoaptoflti I.v, ih.y deapBa thelraitor. \Nit neM the foll-jwun: eoflunm n aiBa which ha* i-_**ti ie coivel bv thc Miuue-ha-bu Lo-lgu of l'hibulelphis: I'MtKiir Lon. a. I. O. 8. M., j Ka? uiua.i*. ffla. BL Ofl. OiflM fluwaafir M ? man UB t.tkt. ILtPtmy drlphia 1 b+i i. ive to iiotift yo' r I.odtn thal. at arreeli..;- I -14 luirr ilflBMlbeOnudCfln ' mdery I-i lldi city.lien. 'w.^flf, oi'thaf. ." A, wa,rip*U*d 'i -ui 'be Or.Iaf ?w?r.?i*r-.?alir. Uti .. BfltoBOtrBMrihaflwfl ' O. I A." Ho'Jlj flUflt Lirlluen lu your CTioi.- ta ibm, flfla BBCBBS10B is nu. KPIBOOOAL UMDflCB. Iiiahop 1'olk of ihaDBctfl of 1^ "tifiaiu, in a pae toral bttei lo thc MMff aud laily wiihiu hia j Bflflfl* tion, aavs: "Tbe'BUte of Loullva blilnj. by a (-rtnal flrdfonnr* tl r; ii-'. I.. ? .;? .?? leafa '? ...itl'ii. n.eiul'"1.-? I'LJruwn ber i. 1.'!. m ivll fuitl cr , obBfl. :l- B vi i'.fli 'hc I'l.ltcl BtflMflrf Jln.,i ii, *: i r. D*th r I i ? iie!' * ,*p*. .ta i.'i> r. ,t tt, ba*. 1-y tbat ?cl iruiri..! c.rdli-r*. Bem ?Ithiu thflPfll ofTMflfl ?l*nl* pal ( bureh fll U.e l oltW tftataa.' Vtm, tberefo'e, *u l- 6. [r-ndrnt dlo<-c*an r.'.t.-nrr. Ot.r *r;Hia?.o:i frcm oijf lir.'.l.rn, of 'Tfl-- fwlflUMt )'| ite.epal ( I u l li U. lh* L'nll'd Itatfw' haa bt. imwi u. tt i >w oor natlon?!l ty. fi"' bflOBllia thcr* hn . fii li y dlHcreo,-., of ej inion a* |o ( brifltlM I*( 'ii'-c fltl -lh ii: *..?.? I'ptti IhflM point* Be a-'c ... YYi'bci 't!.f ? | .r.ti. n, m,I tl. i*_cr. r.r'nt'.'.r i ot Bl) HlOB. A..I iMtfl I. i c rratrr. wl.r ii ne ilioi.ld lind tbr iiui- flf MT fllflC. ?-? -i BW -lAi.-'iif'Ch .- h. Imprir!.ivih)e. WBlh "LI CeM Vt I'- I ? -?* bl '? r tt.- .- *te. t *ndicfl?s.-d ?fl \bicli puiii' rffliannr t, hijh prla. flj'!e, uttl a drvc i. Our v .'.tlcu I* ik.ii. t.i*. I 1*1*1 wefl ,ii tow bcW io B*MM*f*atO 'h ? I ' .itid." 81.AY fl As . III Rdi MEMBI We have ..ecn va:i-...- atatemontaof thflBSRlbflr flf Souihern'biv.-* iu'onii.oi ii wilb I 'uristiuiiCh'i: I.* . WegBe tbe foUowb-g trom-Ti i .-? j ot Iflcaytb, Ofl rgiai lttrh'ireh8otith,tr?.ytu.itci l.i Noi-.l. lu V ir;-lni.. ai.d Mflryiaud. Vlk-.o'.nry a- ' Cird .-!...! 1-f.l.u. i )| ?. l/.iiOO Ntw Bt-hidi l'i. kyUrlaaa(tf. tynoi) tuppaMfl. MM r,:^ .1 lr.* jt./ii.ii. 20..XW I'fiteitanlEfi.fl pallai ?. "I,*-* i , * :? ,' ll . ( '.urche.. 10,000 Ali0tkorbect.tou.;j.i.n!.fljWI Total (JoloTtd Membrr*h;p S jnth.1?>,000 NO AMKNDMLNT. T* (Af Vllteref Th* S. V. Tr.dan*. Sir: The Bflfl pmpoaal to amend tbe Cotutltution \\i. "Thiitnoiinicadmcnt tball be tuade B the Con, atit.itlon which will unthoriu or givo L'tiiiKrcM power to alolial. or interfere, witkin auy 8tate, ^ith tlio do meBiic bflflMBfl tlieria'f, MMflflg tbat of pflrtona bol.l to b.b.flr oi Mrvltade by the lawa of aaid State,' ooght not to bt adopted? Pirti t htnygum it woold ba wrong?a Bn?to ln* ientmf ii^h froYfflj^a* ^ w?id4 H Kim\ Wx terona iniquity for a great nation like thia wle?nly to prohihit iiself from ever interforing to eecure tba root bg ont of a giant wrong that ia oating ont ita life. Seeond.- It wonld rcnder the nation jtiMly tbe iicoff and scorn of ail civili/ed natione. Third i It would naturully tend to bringtbe Conati tution iteelf into discredit; for it would niake the Con* etitution still moro clearly tluin it ia now tbe bulwaxk of cpprtseicn. Fourth : It wonld be a great wrong to poiderity. This provision, adopUrd, would tend ttill more to '? santion ai.d >*t_ctify," in the views of niany, the op BBBBBBflf tflflfOM flfll ntedy. And wheu the time it will?when Sbvery must Ifl iflflflaV d: when even those wbo now snpp >rt it may seck ttsover throvv, this provision would intcri/oso an iflfltflfl - I trnst thut yoa will flfl BBM ll IflVMI tbi* nnd ail other flflfltprfladflfl, Mid that no Amcncan vvill ever for gy tbat "atcrntd ?fljtflflM is fl? price of liberty." FliOM Cil.vKI.KSTON. CBABBBVfflfl, Bflfflfl I, aflfltt The Co'.i I r says flflfl it i*d.iubtfui if IVeident Da ?B Bfl nd? vishing Chi.-rleslon. Tflfl Com o r aleo Bffl tla! f IW.OM were eubdcrihed ou Wednt'sday toward trL-hliebing ft line of Bteanitrs diretl to Live jpool. Tl.e ttoflaahb South Carolinn, from Ilost-n, wilb u miscolliiueoua curgo to fltflflfll of flflfl State, has ?flflflflfl. BOBTB CABOIJMA. Cor BMBBjfli on, Frid.-.v, Mtuvb I, llfl? Wuyne Countv (.flaiali givea l,flflfl majority for a Convention. N-.cevi< aflfl ftloflfld. Nush County clec's u Seccrsionist by flil nuijoiity, flflkl given M Bflfljorifj forti Convention. Wflflfl County, b'ntoniet eltclcd; for Conveuiion Ifll BMBjflfBf, Wflflfl County flBctt Seccat-ionistr, BBlfoaflffflt for | Coiivcr-tion. I?tflfl Cnanty, Di kw_ 1*1 it* J; Convention lfl I large iua jorily. BflttlBBBBflfl (hflflflf, BM BaVaflfll and cue 6*-ci-"ionist- lurgf majoritv Bf a Convention. *R.u.kion, March t, IBB. Forty-i'-ven conntifs havo beeu Bflrd frotn, t-lccting 48 BBflfl Bflfl BI Scc Bflfl flflflBBBfla Tho inajority flffliutflOoflTNflkBtflflfl far, ia ubont B,flflO. Oov. i;. lb bflflflfl fcliBflflkflflfflBB? The mnjoiity ngiiiiict Ifll ('? iivenii' n will 'h* Iflflfflflfl d by tbo MtflBfl yet ll colio in, Bflfl pi flflflfl lajflVflOflBBi Wit KUBjfOfl, N. (.'., Friday, March 1, tflfl*. /BBflflfl BBflfltf flflflflflflfl flflflfl flBfl flflflfl ttOflbj each gen* li.liy ?Iflflflf fof Sccosion and a Gflttfflflflflfl* Tto miJd'o flOflfl bflflfl ia i gi-ly I'nion ai.' for no Convention. Tflflfl ir flflfl flflflfll al' Afl risiil'. in Bfl Stato. lt dcpciids oa Uo aBflflflfl Mfll tuid Bflflflfl flflfl. FROM VIRGINIA. BoBfoi k, BBflfliflaf, kbBct % BB? fl BJflaflflflfthfl flflfll BBflf tflfl ItaflMMjBjfl were (1 Bhflflflfl Bfl ti fll f'.r BB flflflflfl flf flfljtwlflaaj the city. It Ui-pears tbut BfljVBBtBB BBflflflfl the m . . of Pflarfataflf to the afl t flflfl M pflBflflflk Bflflfllaflfl flfl?MB tbe BflflflflflttM. of Mr. LiMflB, and I BBfl?BflBafl thfl h pahflfl flflf Bflfllflfl Bl thia city yr-stenlay ns a specta1 n.eestnger to May.r Lamb, BflBI?tf the above BBflfl?flBBfl. The city will BflBflM bl flflflfl tho cbirg.3 of our voiuntcera for BBM BMB BflflB/hfl BflflB feared from the whit" AbfltttBM?BB thflfl the Mm Va. We are Bflflfld, howevt r, fur-utiy emergen y thut may ftri*e. A gtr-ut nuuiy (ii-cliiir ? s Iuv* \v.;l,in th* past few flamtahflfl rbo- M BMOflflfari Navy-Yrtrd, flflfl ail wbo are BflflflflBflWM MflflBB Bfl ttlfl '-"'n from the rull. Mauy of our BflflB | B B BM BBB fl?hflfl em I'|..yii.ent,ttii.l oui iiti/,< n* nre l>. ."tuing v. ry tadigflflBt, as Northtin men mc ifnisedbtelf a{>potat?d to Ul the flflflfl i*t our ow n Bfll 1 1 ? - ? . i ?*. Bli IB?flflfl, Vu., BBBBBBBf. B-flfl**, 110* Tbe Virj-iab State Couvention reaaaemblcd to |Bf. M>. Qflflfll flf Mcl'imLurg fimdiod bi* scccaeion flflflfll Mr. Qflflfll flf flBB-M flBBflfl 'be |dlowinp: H A/r/.ii, Tbr powe-t Ifllfllal by V'lr-lnt* to tl.r f. J-ril ..*?.' h*ta l, .ii parteitfltl t" brr lale y or.d xmhmrttt h-r iu/* rat/'aod* . ? Citl.4-.udrn pn m -l tb.n, im,. *?*? ..tial ii... kl atlutil, praflftitrtl by tb* (it.citl Aa ?ru.'ij it fllfln ? - - tt -a t).? ln!?/ni'.v "f thr I. |.u-bai b.*i;,i, . ted by iba Noi?taa rlialri ot IhaCflB d*rt-'T ? tb*i* flfl j .. . -. , . f ? ? Im ?> rf ,',.t.-, iutrr. ?t. kcior, ...d |tjUi 'li.ui itHjLlrtj. ?. ... i. ? .I.a 1 t.a ad-.ptaJby Ihi* . ? , : tba r?opl< bv wl ' V n.r.ia may i , . tl* -va.-n th? .1- 'a?.t< it ? the Pllltl < iov<iiun^Ul, ail .!- ? btr cum./cll".. aiih iL'- Ouveic-i.t fla**l*r*a> Itluial Mr. fflflBB MMMflflfl un' ion rtsjltition, cra bodyiii,' tbe BBffWlhM thut lbe Covemu-er-t ?h"uld eaxly negotiat* with tbe rvmthcrn (oofcdet-acy ffl lflfl tranafar flf IflflB BflBflfl flflfl Pl ??' r- lo the aaid Con f...|4*ra4> and for :.i. iqah?flb dirbifl) Cat the public property ?id bardi.ue. Rcfern d. There is no prc-tciit pMflfBfl oi tlu- -Coaimitteo of Fe-lci-nl IlelHtioni- agrexing ti|xjn anyt! u c .? ? B-BbTUBI C0N"vrvTi"N. >* . UWMtflM rflflf, Bflflflfl, iflfll. Ic Oi* Convention MflBflBf, hflfl BBBMfl BflflB ft ?BflBfl B Bflflflflflf IflflMfll bfWfltab the ref/ltitiuo requiring Bflflflflfl to take M oaih to eiipport the Con r.i-.nflflflflflfl United Statea aul tha fl?flfl af fl?BBfljfl, w*> afV-pied, wa* Io*t,'k? agninst-0. Tho member* were then .jualifled. Iu flfl iflernoon, ll.e Convention peruianently oiTgioi/t-l flf tflfl flflflfl?? ef ex-(iov. S-trrling Piice ua IVMMBAi flfll S. Ia Low M B?Bfl. lary. Tbe l'rtal lent 1_<1 Mflfll the Couvention a cmmiini. atioii fiom l.n'ber J. ('leim, _flflflflflhaf lire alf aa Comn.'neiencr tromt'f lyiu. On icotiiin, the co_BiTUiicfttiou wiiabid on thi-table. Adj'.urnc*? xxxvith oon( .i-Esa SECONO SES8J0N. HOUSE OF KEPKEfPNTATIVKS. WAJiiiM.rot, Safunby, March V, IflflL TflflBPBAKEB btld l*efore ile Ifottsau bttflf liotil Tflflflflfl II. Iflfl, iflflfflBBJ hi* ""ice a* printer. The flCfflfl??_1 atrug'.de for u recegiiitbr. hv tbe flfflhfl flooBBBBbafl lha Bflfllflfl flflMtbb bmbmbBi Twflfltf nr Bflfl BBWBI BflBfltMMfl vigoronsly sriung to their Bfl huldmg in tluir ot'.tBtret4b4;4i huiiils t'i?prop4j*iii',n* thflf st-'veially itiove to ofter. 'Ine chorue, " Mr.-Sp.aker," vvai>ilfaicn!ng. Tbtt offlier boi** fl.ia inffli tion wiih I ecomi'.g rcsignation. Mr. BAIKJM lIlt-a-.N- V.,, from tbe ( oaBBdttflflOB Pr.ntitig, ic-oi-tol Iflfllflflflflj whi.ti WflM MMMj B -.i.it9R,000 .tijiisoi tl,e?b-'iiicle<l i onds inveiliga li .ii; ab", tbfl *'.anL?i of .Mordccui BtidDfll?Mla'fl r>'port on n.ili'u.-.?<"?*?.. IBB ? Ln Ihfl Cf?Mlj al-o, *\p%t OKflbflflfthe M. i-rB] BMBflafl IalBT kflI Thfl House flflfl pMMflfl?I to tha MMBflBflMBM of the Bcnt'e b nieuvlmeuta to tbe Poflt-*U_*.c Afffllfflta tb.n bill. Thfl Bflflfl flBtMfflfl in tbfl BflflB *m4iiiln.e:;f bfl I vefc of 117 figainsf 4'd. Il wae rafleeflfld tlflfl I y Iflfl* alcr WBMfl, mbI .tnculH tho piflfleat Bnttoraeld At Con:pt_y t nnil IflBBI to Califoiuiu vl.i KI Piira, v? I irh now cofta f isMLOPtJ fof l ??<'ni-v. e*kky IfltM BM flflfll but diring tlie r< Bflh di r of flMf *?M BCt time (three aiu a lialr yeara) gi' M ' Bl .? '? bfl BflB ifll BMflflkflfl ro.ite I-. Itaaof ihe I ' Bffl lfl corry it di.ily af fll,(jOO,flBO, to flflftl thflBM-l nt De-iver Bflfl Bfllt tn-\3i- kiv, un?! ta raaflaoafaajfflt BBflfl-wai ..* Iv, curni if tive paaafll Bflfl trip lor tl.e (?? v> i_BMfl I,. ? of ,...? | d -.. d tafl '; ' Bflfli Of L; '".*? Ly , . .'. (fl a otMOflflar BflTalfoBBMi tt Hnttcr tld fl Co. fi ii to BMflfi tbi* bafjrfl the B3?< flf M iri-J) t)e-ir ? :? IWBl . i,l:a,t ta lo I.; iil.-.lut' ly m.:. I?ad, aud ? ? ui rn! tu it*, eootrarl .s to !?? let totha tawafl bid? der. Btfl ? "??(l:rg 11,000,000. Th* e-itiiv it-it*.- afl? to oe wrrk i thi* .1 ?' 11 \v flflfB, aad Ihfl ain tbi'iy-liv. .iaye, W?httaprivlbffl flfl flflflfl?BJ the Litter Iv ^t' ani' r iii iv.-fiity-'iva days, *? cai BM I flipfflfl : afl tbfl bltarto m* ive twoni*.i.tb*pay J. r dflBMflflfl I'. I Ibfl fll?Bffl of BBTfl fl IfflM Ibfl BflBtfla em to Ih ? (Vn'r. ln -:'e. I)Bt flfl Dfltflfflflld?-*Mfliaf were nijiiied Ly Br.CoUBl'fl end Mr. Bflfla?flflfl _-oandine:.-. to enter into a written ftgrecmenf, to be til. d in tbe P.-'-O'j".. a Lfepurtmcnt, utid BBB BBflfl* porated into their mntra t, agrctitig to cuitv aiii hun ilrcd pOBBflflaf nuijt jertiip, wbbh willtuke ull ihe diily papi-is, beririe tho Ktteis, an.l ul" reliri'juiidiiiig, t. i ihauit fo.- flBBBffl provided iu tlie Senate loueud* Bflfla The lill. p.fler debate. wns concurrc.l lu esactly aa it cume fiom the Seiate. Ko i* Is now a law. lt rcducee thucoet oftbe mail service to Culiiorniu from $1,137, WO to fll.OOO.tiO); In.rtiiie'.'Rtheaivicctodaily; cou cen'r&tfs the mail BBflflflfl BBflflfl line, and abr* gatte the Bnttei-liflld contract w ithout incurring any claiina for .1 .tu-iyi -. Mr. BINUIIAM {Ibp., Obio) moved to take flfl tbe bill reportad by bim providbf ior the colkction ol tha t uetoms on aotpboard in tba etrent of Ulegal cotnbimB> um li oUitT ?k-Bvk? i-i _b -^..Uottfl^UrtiiiBiai lawa. and authcrizing the Pre?ider,t, if be dt om* it ne'cerearj". to employ tbe army, naval force*, dtc. Mr. PllELPb (Oem., Mo ) objected to ite con*id ci^iion. Mr. BINGHAM moved a anapenaion of tha rulea. Diaagreed to?103 againat 6;>, not two.tbirda. Mr. DAWES (Rep., Maaa.l called up tho report of tbo Select Comtiiinfifl, MMMBflf with a retolntlou tbat the Sei retary of the Navy, iu accepting. witlc ut delay or inquiiy, the reeignationa of otfice'ra of the n*vv who were iu arm.- agninat the Govcinment when tni,,!eri. ;.; tho aame, ami oif tliore who cu^ht to rcaign that they might be relieved from the reBtntiut impoe-d by their'ceiiiiiii.ii-ii-iia uj-ou em/apiiig io boatiliiv la the coiiatituted authoiitie* of thc IflflBfl, haa emafliBafl a itrnve i-rror, highli p.ejudicial B the diaci| line of the acrvi.'C, nnd bjOfMM to tho honor and < Ithioicy of tho flffi for flbflh bedeservca tl.e MMMM of thii Houae Mr. DAWES moved the previou- r(tir.*tion. Mr. BRANCH Dmb., N. CJ moved B lay the reto lution on tl.e tubb. Dflflflffled to?-''" againet '16. Br. BRANCH, Mfl men.l.-r "f that committee, m flaaweb M tbe teatifl iy had ool been pri&tod. aad aa thc ia>t* pr.ven i.. ihe eoBMilttee would aot auataiu ih.- i. ...luii"',. aaked Br. Dawta te all ?w 'h.- iu:ij",ity i.i.l juii.oii'v teporta t-> be .cad. If tho genil'-mm woubl in t eaaaafl to tbB flfla bt the Bfleta ot tho Becretary of the Naw ba read. Mi. DAWE8 ?tid be had ao obleetloa to that or ? flflflflfl ot tbe ObBf Clerk ofthe N ,y> Dcpartmeni betDg read, if'll.e lloune disiied it. Mr. BRANCH?Tbat'a ull wen.-k. Mr. DAWKS, l.".v.Y(i, refoaed to tritbdnflthc daaaaadfltf tb? jmbbBm qaaaiBa, atytog thc nffltt wiih printed in Tir QUtbc a flflflb Bffl . Mr. SICKI.L8 (Dem., K. T.)M? ibfl tbe IMOMflM WM B nia.-iit. .? I" tboM who Ytould votfl lor it. Mr. l-'LORFNCL (Dem., Pfl.1 cotisidered thii reao 1-iiioti a* tial-bimr a iu ihe dark. (Bflfl t?. "Ord. r " lrom tbe KepubHcan n<le. Mr. WINSLOW (Oeaa, N. C.J smd Ibfll wa- no cvideiae to iuaiifv auch cenatire. Mr. Kll.lidltb (Kep., Ind.) could nof conai^ently Mto ior th- laaoliuiou BflBfl oeeo iMaMtbflflfMMMfl. 'ibt! B was flflfl] ted?'.'.. to UA. Mr. PHELPflofl ic-i BffaMatBa, that tho tbanka ..f the llou-e u.e i!'..-. :.: <1 ar-- ber. by prert nted to tbe Boa. Wa. Paaaiagtoa, tha Bpeabflf tbereofj for tha BJthfaL eoorteooa, und bdafli JatrauM of bia dBtkfldariog ibe pfflflt t'ongreas. Ile flflfld the Iflfll b)M MIMflinB , M.-aaia. ULTFIN and CRAIOE (DflflMi, K. C^lob jefled, but Um Bpaabar pro. Baa, (Mr. Btaatb) flaafl .1 tbB a pfivllcgfld qilfnio... Bf. BAYNABu (Oem., TflBB.,)flfld tbo rcleaof a ria.linton of tl.i* kitd depended oatbeyflM und n ? I iug (ftlled, and made a nioiion aei otdiugly. '1 he lloute refu.ed to order (hc ycaa und naya. Tbe iflaolnltfl wua adopted with Bi-veral oljectione. Rflffl from Oonference OoflflflBBfl were lrom time 10 iir.10 concirred in. Br. HOW ARD (Raa., bflflfl.,) flflflfl Blflfflil ontbo diiagreeiiigaiaeadnMbtfl to ihe lndian ApproprBtka bill. Ha flfld thfl ifleadef altoflflff 1,900.000, m ptopoflid bv the Btaatfl, the Ceiamittce on ibe part of tle llonte" b :d reluciantly conaented to atlow the Cl,-.' Bfll |500 QQO?ooflbflhT in money, the other half Bbflflflfli II flM aeeeBBMTto paaa upon tbi** matter li>.w,clre the bill mijhl be \ot\. Mr. SIU.I.'.MAN iM.i.l thut tbo Honre bad t'.vke re Betad tbia claim. Ile woubl rather reo tho bill de i thfl bflfONfld aadflf Um repoit from .tbe Com? mittee to tbua agree to it. Thi* waa an enteringw. d;;o t , . av li.e iniiliouB to the Choctuws. The HenM .'.-.ld paa 11 lill, \nrc- uiA flflflB, leavingout the Cboctafl aaMBdflNfl, aafl aend ii to the Senate. If tl * I.II wm loet iLen, ou that body would ifrt the re rpl.l- ibilitV. Air. PHELPfl bflfld the BflflM flflflM udl.cre to (lu ir BBBgfflflflflBti If t':c Senate deeirt* tfl Bt tbe bill 1 fai), bo be it. Mr. STKVENSON (Oem., Ky.,) durin? Mi- spiriled dlbfltfl, aaid l:o did Bflfl Iflflfl flBM Mr. i'i.clp* had the I'hectaw-). Waa it bflflBBH he liuka hi* fertnaai with the NortbI Hebadaaaetkaed objecfl ne iiijiiat aa thia, aiul yi-t han the obligation of plightfld l?i'h it. nirii.iiiii.g them. Ho eoaM cruab unler foot pliflhted faith flfla il a lit.d his vicwa. Mr. I'ilKLl'S?I flo not BliOW what the iscntlenuin m< ima. Mr. S n:\T.YSON?I y>ill exjlain wbat I mean and Bflflfl wli!t I fav. Mr. l'llLLl'.^--! havo pur-tied.the courae of dutv I fi-h t.. be incumbent 14*11 me. I do not kuow to what the iciitleiii.n ref.i.a. Mr. 8TEVENSON?I iriflezphifl flfl. Mr. l'HLLI'.v-I have flflM if Ihe Cboctawa were in a taflbriflf condition I would doni.te them 1050,000, but woui.l not *i.nctioii or recognize the Lh'- taw award. If this i? boatillty, tben tbo gentle iu.iii hae ndataken fii'-cdabip lor boflifltf. Br. -SU.\ LNso.N?I aav that the g.nrlcraan from Mirrouri haa orged on thii mvjr thc pflflflM of a pub li.- piintini!-liou*?e aa necccAary to carry out the tre.-.ty ia a etiiona OB the puhlic Bflb. Mr. I'HLLl'S?Oae wor.1 of e.xplanation. Tbat was to carry fl (L? law for purchaidiig a public prini ing-olhce, the contract har Bf n tt iwd tbe approval of |Iflfli I'lliilIBB r.fllMlllMB llf hldb bflBBM I hud votod .i|_.'i.inat tbe bill, but whu. the eoflttatt was made I wm lin cai iiing out tbe tmlilb foilb. Ylr. h'l l.\'L.N.iON flfld tbe mouoy now propoeed to bo Bflflfll >1 to the Chotuw* vsiu. piuBflflfll (o a toBafl praaflflflflaaflflOflIbfl tbfl arai dv.u. He then cx pBBed aiil i-ciill, d BMM hinguageobjeotionable to th* geatb man frofl Biflflflflri. BXflllflaMM) m?u fllfldflfl, und the report cf tb* ('..'liini.i.e was agreed to by nim- Bflkrity. At 7 p. flt, Ibfl tiu'iaeadjourned tiii Mouday morning, 10 o'elock. ? RLN'\TE....Wa-iiin .ros.'March'J, 1^61. Tbe S'-nate met at th'- tieaul hour. A lurgevrowd r-. ibB :n thfl gulb'ii*- . Mr. PRARCE (Dflfl*, M.I.' reported Bflfl tb* C.)m irit.-.- of liefercuce on the lnduu Appropiiiiiou bill. I Im rej>"rt wua agre4?d to. Mr. KIN'ti ilteo., N. T.) pn-tenteil a latge number of t?tition*, nioatlv againat MflMflbfl. Baaare. BUMNEB (R*i... Maaa.), WILKDT80B (dtcp., Minn.l, aud CAMKRON (Rep., l'a.,) pre Baitiin petltlnaa ol a aiaflBi 1 IfliaaBf. m coiiimiiiii ati'-n frem lh* ftflflbBflMMIflBfld, iraufinitiiiig papcni iu n-lati-.n to tho extniditiou ciso 0f tlie Mffflfc .'Vndcrtou, wbith wm flflflfl! to be piiuted. A number of report* from the Committee ou Printiug flBM adopted. Tbe report in favor of printiag.Mr. Jfliaipeon'* aurvey of tbe flflffl road was L.i.l jver. A u'tmber 01 private bifl- wcro paaaed. Mr. 8UMBRR (Rep*, Baaa)aaMi a motion to cor ABfl Ibfl journal, where it aaid?" Tbo reaoluilotia from the Houae were read n timt and Bflflflfld time by aaaflfl. mous conaent." Bflflflflflfld Ihat when tbe IflflflB tion* wer. rea*l a accoud time he himaelf objottcd und oiher* near bim. Mr. DOCOLAfl (l>otn., IU.) claimed thnt the aniend fl iit? flfll Bfld t\. Bfl Tbe dBaaaaBa coutinued ieme time. Mr. FOOT (Rep., Vt.) preaented lh* credential* of Jut.'h CeflflMf, IflMaflad Senator from Vermont. Tho journal yvhs .orrei-ted?TeM fl, Nay* 17?and tho reaobxiou fi. ia theH<flflreaduaocondtime? l'eaa 39. Navs 5. ll.e flflfll flflfl being the Peace Conrontlon propo i-iti* u, it was taken up. Mr. LANK iOeui., OlflflM) Iflflflfld his remnrk*, BjvakJngi.;';.in?f tbe propoaition, und defeuded himaek' agionat tl.e Iflefleb flf tbe BfflflBf from TflBBflflM iMr. Johnfn.) lie rel'< ired toihev itbdfBWfl] of eevcral of th ? Bta'flt, anl dflcMfld thal Virginia would alao go if nothing waa done, and join the yreat Southern C'onfed tra.-y. Ile alao urgucd at ton.e lei.gtb in Bflfl of tba righj ? ('le-eprion. Mr. PRARCE (IKm., Md.) n:a*!e a r.-port from the CeilBlf* ?-? * IflflMttofl on tbe Civil bill, and thc rep4>rt am Miead to. Mr. LAN K cmtinned, commeming severely on tbat pot i"ii cf Mr. rJofaBflfl'fl apeech adiocutiag roercion a* a eettleuent Bf tLe Bflflfl ditHcultica ot tbe coantry. Ile 1 waa in Mflfl ofa peaceuble f^ettlement. ||? - !?.. 1 <? I thfl IbeBeaabflflMMttf would net let (he Bl ?v^ S'.a'ea go Bto (I e T.-iriionea v's ilh their pror-erty. The l.'c] 'bliwinpaitv v. ill not let the Bflflflbflfl Statea Mflfl in tbfl L'i.i..n, flfl ffltB?flfl flflfl Ifl (fl flflfl oflt. Mr. LflBfl B|?oko for nearly time bflflfl Mr. JOIINSOJi [DflM. Tmb.) tbM roae to Bjie.ik. Yi ni, ..I '; p, -,!., p.i.. flBbfld to know it it was tbeintentlon ofthe Henator '<> pflt oflTl ii fl ou tho Btaal QOfletiflM beforo tho country / If I.e choae to do at. it flM iu Ihe Bflflfll 01 any Bflfltfl to put ull'uclion until it waa to., late. Mr. JolINM'.N aaid tbat he would only MMM a fboi t :in:<. Ile a.ii.1 I.e bad bt l' attu.k. .1 bv thou,. vvl-.o '.'iaiinioii. I'errO-ift'itie-4 toward Mfl uud been ii: dolged ia, bai be (Mr. Jo'liuaon; ivk biuineil above per BoaaHtBfl. Ab Mr. Johiton proceeded he wii* ippliided by the galle.-ioa, wl.tii the CHAIRMAX, Mr. l'olk. orderod tlie gtutf. men * galb-ry on the lixht to he cleared. Mr. ix.l Ol**kS tlleui., HLjuiovcd tiuit ibe rule be aoapended. Some debate took place on tha motion, when Mr. IflAVI flfld bfl hoped tbat IbflaflaBflM In tbe gallery flflflM be permitted to rem;iin and appBad ai n ticb aa they pkaa*> It did not muko any ditlerenoe lo him, for he wu* stauding np for rigbt. M . 1IALE (Rep.. N. 11.) aaid that tboM in tlie gal lerica were probably new-coniera, and bad got tbeir Ueue of tbe Sunate from tlie newepapera. Tbe diacuaaion laated for nearly aa hour; and ?everal motion* woro mado und wlthdrawn, nntil at but Mr. DOUOLA8 withdrew hit laotioa, it being conOdered out of order. . . Tn* CHAIR tben itupeadfld tb? ord*r to cleflr tbfl PSr7i0UNWK (rNNOHvitllUkfmK mX wtid he thmufht be migbt talk about Ireaaoa Mtbe fatbeni of tbe country bad talkcd about it. The Ooov *?:ituiion defiuea tretMon a* levying war agaiuat tbfl Covernment ond aidiog tl.o-e who did ao. Show hifl (Mr. Jflbaatfl) thoae wbo make war on the Oorerfl. ment and on ita veeaels, and he would ahow yeofl traitor. If be wa* Preaident of the I'nited StalMhe would luivo all auch arre.ted, and, if tried aod eoa victed, l.y tbe Kteinal C.od be would have them hnflg. Mr. Jobiiflou then referred to the action of TenneaaM iu Bflfl to -e,c.-ion. It aeemedm lf tlie Senator from Oregon bad not heard the new*. Mr. flflB?M leferrcd to the votea on the reaobuion* of Lat Mflflflj when the Senator from Oregon voted againat th* flfl luilou thM it wa* ncceiMrj- to protect Sh.very. Bfl that wa? before a Pr? -idt rthil cle.'ion: now it UxxfXmt an election. Six State* have gone out of tba Union, hut tbe peopb* bave uot ptraaed an onliooaMOB MflBBMM. Coceorvittive men have teen flflflMflMfl and uat.rpi.lion baa iii'mphtd. The Htir* aud itripefl are chaiiKcd, and tbfl Pflnfltto, the Pi Iian, asd tbfl BltlbflMtfl, run up in their Bflfl Mr. Jobn 11 r. (] wiih an clo<|uont ttpia*..! for tbe flag of I'nioti, cxpneeiug tho hope tbat if mi/lt e^ ov. r i bc laiui of tbe free, fld detlaring tbat I flOaM ever reojain iu thc ITiuon.* broke out in the j{allerie? when Mr. JoBa* son . loaed. Tl.e (.IIArR orderod tbe flabflflbM to be ch-ared. Aflflf bi-aea followed, when the whole cowd tOM and burst ont with moat ttimultuoua applaure, yelling ai.d ahotiting, and ciilmitiUiing ia three roaiiugcheera for tbe Union, caufing the grenttet excitement Tbe CHAIR ordered (lie Sergeaut-ut-Anua to flflfll anv oae o lofllnga di-inrbafl e. Mr. KENNEDY (Oem., Md.) aaked that the do?s he lo. ked. Aflera little time tbe gxllerica were clcared, tha d .or..lo.ibed, j nd ih. s, nateproeeedadB iLeirbme Mr. CRITTENDEN (Am, Ky.) moved Bflfli Ibaflflaato fldjoarn they adj< urn to moet to-morroM EfM tbough it vuu> Sunday, circumatanccd lendered fl ue-caaary, Mi. TRUMBULL Rep., III.) atiggested that thflf migbt adioorn to 7 o'elock evei.iug. Mr. RICE (Rep., Minu.) m'A, in relaiion to the (Bb turbamo, he hoptd tbe .Senate would do eomethlag tfl prareal aocb erowfli in tbe gnllerira. Mr. KKNNLDY be bopod and wonld mflefl tbat for the reeidui- of tho aaflflon the ptllery flflflfl ahould 1'olocked. He tbought thfl ilirturl-auce of to* .hn mm tba flflflflflfl inml', i ver cd'. cd to tho BflflB) t.i.d tbat it w:u) likea nflfket-hoflfl tttb, Mr.POLK (Dflflb, Mo.1 ipoke agnfafl meeting Ofl Boaday. HaaaM be n ould not con.c here, and boped they would ail till they had liub-ked tho buaiueM, aafl fbei: udjourn. Mr. \\ ILSON (Rep., Mnsa.) whs ala.o it. Bflfl of rfl* raai.ii >g till inidaigbt oi to-morn>w morning, bnt nfl to flflflfl an order to mcet on Sunday, unlen B flfl nfl* flflfllT. Mr.'FESSENDEN (Rep., Me.) made a report frflfl the Cou uiitteo ol'Conference on tbe Army bilL Tne ie]-ort naa agree.-i to, and no Ihe bill BBBMfli Mr. IT OH (Dem., Ohio) reported from thc Comfflft t*x- of Conl'crenoe oi. tbe L.dian bill. Tbe report was agreed ro, avj ao (he bill pc-aed. Mr. DOUOLAS reported frofll the Commitlce dl C'oiiference on tho Patcuf bfll. wi'h an amendntetfl that all pateuta horeafter giantcl shall remniu ia forefl 17 veara, and ull exteusioa of am.b pflflB eball heifl* by"be pr. hibited. Tr.i* report wa* agrepd flt The question waa (heu taken on Mr. Cri(tendfld% motion, thut wben the BBBBB a*ijourn it adjoaru tfl meet ut 12J o'tlock ou Sunday. N i on.l objciiomi were made againat it. Mr. (RliT'ENDEN mM tho r< al rjnertion wm, Bfltllton did ur t v\iah to tak* the re?p ,neibilif y of flflfc* Bg ou tbe reaoLitioua, and wirb4>d to p?| il offl tha pBa that they could not l>e read a aeccud time anfl paeeed thc a -.ui? day. Mr. KING ittcp., N. Y.) auid he tbought tbare wM nr. Baeaafltf for it, and that il waa better to keep tfl Sabbath holv. Mr. CKITTENDEX-Holy I llMy would keep tbi Babbatb balBribaa they em didbysavingthticouBlij BMB rain imd bloodrueil. Tlie motiou wa* diaagreed to by Yeoa 15) Mfl 21. Mr. Iii? IL'..R moved to tike up thore-olqijea Ifl a..a|*-n.l the rule wbicb prcvents billa or BBBbIbBmb tfl l-e read arnl pawted tbe sam* day, ao lnr aa flflflflfl) propoeitionatoamend tbe Coneti'.ution. .Mr. IIALE Iflifld tbe '.uefltion of order that flfl n lea coulil not be anrj^nded. i Mr. MAB IM iDetu., Vu.) arked for tht- continoaoaM af the aubje. t hoforo tbe Sonatt?whi. h ww thoprope* aition of the I'eace Conveution?aud thut no aide aafl* ti'.ua eho.ild tnterfere. Diacuaeion flflflflfld on the point of order, whefl B waa that Mr. Bigler'a m.-tiou waa iu order. Mr. 1IAI.E moved to airike ou*. tbo word "auapaod^ and iuMrt " reneal." Canied. Mr. MASON mid tbat it wm new prortoaed tfl CaaflBhB chanirethe rul.-|in regar.ltoaiiendn:eiit?toibe tion, whi*-h rcouire moiu deliberatiou tban any otber. After BflbfldflMMfli tho re-olution wa* adoptafl by tl.e followmgvote: '\ r. II tlilfl Bi^ler, tnj$. Brifht, Co'.'.iunflr, Crdliadaay Diton. Lon Ja*. Otriu, Harlan, llnnter Joboton (Teun.). flaav rclv lM,e. l.afiam.Poweil. Ptgb, Ri.e, Siaimon*, Tbiai|iaa. WUfflll?to, \\\i?V'.trt. Blnf'.AOi Clark, Cbmdlar, Durke*. faaaflflf* lr ? Ki.x. Ortfltafl, Hmio, Kin*. M*?n, MorrtiJ, Ten flyofl. TrnmbfllL YY ade. YVilkiLJon, YVilaon?16. Mr. BRB.IIT (Oem., Ind.). moved an Kxeciittffl aeari-'ii. l.crt. Mr. DOL'OLAS moved to poetpone prior onlera, fl aa totake bb thej-'lut iflflolfltMfla fMm the Houae. Mr. MAfll )N nrked tbe Senator to flflfl time he pifla poaed to peaf; om*. He made it a queation of ordfl liat tbe time ii.-i.-i be atated. lh* CHAIR daaldad tbe motion ia order, aad aalfl tbat if it prevailed the p.o.-oriiiot.a of tbe Convanuofl would eome up iuinietliately after. Mr. MASON ol-jccted to'the pre**'!enco ofthe Peaoa Convention reiolations Mng taken from tbem. Mr.' DOCOLA8 laBtbatBe VMgBflflB Senate* from Vinriuia waa eo fricr.dly to the meaaure* of tha PflflB Convention. Not long flbfle he heard hia toBb denouuiing the Couvention, but now it is diff.-reat.faa tha Bflf thal he may bnt e lometbing to vote oa tbfl will give pea> e to tte countiy. Mr. M AS> >N?Tbe.Sem.tor from IHyioi* never hoaifl nic exprca* approbaifon of the rca.l?Uona of the i'eooa Cufereme. Bfl (MflflOBl thought that precodflofl abould not be T-ikeu from tbem. Mr. CRIITLNDrN aaid be thongbt it Btrangegflfla tlemen ibeeld araat to take up th* re-^lutiona aflflBfl to Btrike a blow at them and trample tbem under foot It*waa evi.leut, from ihe oppotdtion to the reeolaliona of the I'eace Confereuce.tbat they could not be |BBflfl\ but gcntlem.u BBgtt to lot aometbing bo dene. Mr. Douglas'B motion waa agreed to, aa followa: YF.AS?We**r*. Tlifller, Hn;_r. Brirbt. ?lark. Collanwr. Qrlt .endru. PUon, Dong?>*, fflBaaaflflO, Urlmei, Hile, lUrlaiL Koa fer, Jobn*or.. Xci.u. |, Kennedy. L.Uxun, Morrcil P,-i:re, Towma\ I'ntb. Rlca. tjluauoui, Ten Kyck. Tbomion, VVllkintDti?M. NAVS-M.-iiia. liivixd, Bii-i..?..u,Chiudler, CUngmaa, fmn\, Ovtlii, KUi_*, Line, Ma?on. flaafl ufl WU*on-lU Mf.LAHE flflflfl flflfl tbi doora of the gallarytO tbe left olihe Chair be opoutd for the admiaaioa flfl ladit-8 onlv. flflfld to. Mr. KlS'O moved that the doors at, the rigbt ba alefl optned. Mr. LATHAM moved to .t?lmit ladic* only. Mr. l'UOH protflfltod air-iinat tb* admimdou of tzrf MBtlflBMB* after Ifl inanlt received to-day. Mi. KENNEDY -aid that tho Sonato beea to-* nulteil in a manuer unnreeedentcd, and ^be would omt air bcre and be iuaulted any more. Ue protcMflfl againit tbe adiuL-aiou of any men. On mdion of Mr. CIJNUMAN, tbe mctlon of Mra. wcro then takea'1 u p. ^ Mr. PUOH raid the re-olation* w?re ahocking baflf* granunar, au<l I.e moved to amend by itrikkg out tbfl. wordt" BiilbiwBad fl." a Y KAS ? _>(.-**r*. P.y.rd, Blnglunn, Bra^, Brt^h*. ChandlaQ. llark Cllnguian, Ketrer.defl. floi-t, Orisie*. Hunter, JohnaaM (Ark.). King, Maaon, Trarnbui), YY ade, \\ tfl aU, WBflflflfl IVtl.on?19. N.Yr.S.-M**.?. Euker.Biilt'r. Ctilaniflr. Crittenden, DiMU l)u, **, Orliuei, l.wlo, Ualr, Uulaii. Jobawm (Tein), Kaae1 nedy, Monill, Pearce,, Bflbflttlan, T*n KyoB. TliiTbc iug a tie vote, tl.e PRESIDENT gave tbfl caatir.g vote in tbe atUrmative. Mi. OOUGLAS appealed to tome Senator to cbangfl' hia vote. * Mr. CRITTEN'DEN movtd fer a reconiideratBa of thc vote. Agreed to. Mr. .loHNSMN (Ark.) aaid that be cotUJc-red tbfl the moet troacheioiu propoai:ion yet made, and h* lieved tbat Sou'bern men wer* aacrilking iheir Stt aiidi'ivincf up thtir ligbta. He (Johuaou) would v-.te for any hall-wav meaaurea. Ile would not t for any aieaairea Ihat would not brmg back aU fltatfla and rc-tore tbe Union aa it waa. 11* con.l.l* Ibfl propoaition an a dflltuuou, and flflflflflfl to dividfl tbe Soutb. , _ . _ Mr. OWIN aaid thal h* wa* b favor of a mea-nra that wo.ill dfl BflBfl to leith aectloua aud make b r-ttlement. He did not bcheve tbat tbflpflasageof thia reaolntion would aaii^fy tbe country. Mr BAKEK advocated the tuiMUge of the Mflflfll tion.' Hfl did not Buppo?e it would eifect a *ouleine8l?. hut'it wa* a -tep toward it. i Mr. CHANOLKR moved that alT tbe doora bfl oiK*ni3>l in tbo gallery. Agreed to by Yeoe. 'J4; Naya.. l'i. Miiaee* of peopl* poured ia until tbe galkrie* woifl orowded. The V1CE-PRESIDENT directedtbe 8ergeaot-flUl Arms to admit no more pereona than coold he coufort* ably aeatod. Mi. FITCH moved that the Senate adjonra. Dui ing the call ofthe roll Mr. MASON aaid ItflflR evident tne Bcnate wm under the couirol of a lawlefll mob, and ahould vote to adioorn. Motion loatr?Yom, 10; Naya, 81. _. Mr. BAKER oontlnued bia remark-, arging *? pkAaage of tb* re*olalion m b meaanra of mbmImm-OI ." Mftfth WL?!_4 Sttn^l * IflvnwiBflioflflfl* King waa Iaid on th* table. Tuo joint rteoluiioti-fronitbc