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flt.-fti '- ry. AB BMBfll BflflM-flflfl l'k/|>the Ciitten ?Aci: bioi-*ftpbaa. - *- _.? li.Vt a.i?.iout*tBitiuuedfttfor^Icnilb. ?r. I'UtiB*- Bivtion Wtie,4*( it_rrcd to - icaf: l/j 'iV'.YUOtt -flB i." taflBMfll,flf BflBflfll ? .irt/ind**.. lerjul'itiona. . Vr WV.KIN'-o.N IKep., Mm.! said hewns not i.uc fla. frk-.-f from Oregon. Ile WotiM ntnbet vote IOT U..-..ue4*..d.uc.jt, norfor tl.e reaolBlloB. ?i ?Wus*|/i-4rMtJ uji.11, aud *-vis .ed .?J' mt<.i JLe* mrmm falfly. Tha fort waa, tbe l*ofbtf JJ^ lafl arbfl ta tavflfl* ...igin, and bad lu.uk1 f m rcwtr a <-4.rr.ipt fld debaa.-Bed Ad-i..i*-tmli on,... fl , Bjtflbflf .fl...! U cflhfld M twgfld K* tbfl tarrfbta ?t-ri. whieh thfleaan ur-re who .bt tb-dt- r-m ti of llfl- Oovern..-4-..t. What >* tb" rtx-orfl **^J?ft l ??,! thut Ad...i..ialiution tbat haa tbfl bflB hmlei frora BBflM *>> <*' "'?'<'r-1.-. ?*?, ^*__ 7*, _", <'ou iia livoi-ivvcr with nn ovtirtbwta? ; lo.rr.'-fi v?4TS H hfl brought ??.?itikmpl.-y ou thl* , ?aa ..,p . lfl* : k*l li.iiiii.iulug ut, aftarbav-ff,bro*aB1 tiiigitavaiaifl joinuponti-! bi-d, seeke to ?B?B*i? bi..t a* l' fr-ap. fla bdw_tAtoo of an 00??ftflfld I>MptoB*f lakii-fr e-rclfcrr nnder lha -iduik ol tfflaaoa. [BB BflriflABB rt Wai of tire prvudeat Bflthfl Ofl the fof* of thi **B*J,BBflia*flfl <>f .leiiig llu-eA: Ion cb Mfl ?M ?Bflfli aud irsi-jtiion of tb* r*?&opfo of tliie country, ta-f*****. tbe militury f "vvi r of ti*'- i-nmitvy Bflfl lfl thl liaiioe Ol UB eii--ii?i-%-4bi4*ijoib, by fraudtdait and ccrriipt tflflfl, ihfl peo-lei Treu-ury, und n'f.iaca tvrott-fltaa, in ihe how vf per?. Io bha flfl*Btry*? iiiid BMMBOflbde fei.dei. ' 11c. too, i-.f'eT having bl irkanad his own ehfl* flMaa, flflfl flflflf luviiH- blackeued tbe lepulatioi. cf bn .--imliv, l.aving flebn.ed the namc of bis own rliai% tbe nome of Waeiiington, aafl flbJaU LlmbbII B*H Iflfl IfllflMi Bf Bfl (M-BBfld pflOflb bj L.kliii.' r* \ m beneatb ttje B-tme bb*.k BBBB. rfV Kccro tury of tbo, ulao, clittiged tbe itiUtnal affair* of this great ?fltafl, BBfll iBflflB avitp.ort thn CwatMB?W and the laws, wbile tbue MflBkfl undor that oiitb. he goce forth upon I tni. tji-Mi to deviie wsffl aad ri.j-.iiii* to i*vvhb f?r Ihfl flbao hiiiou ifl tlut very Union wbich he WoS aworn to tBB Ea-t; and wbile thua art ing in viol.i'ion of I in, eowii DflflkftaBflM w-its b-tang fflbhad of fl MBi-Telo?i aiuiuiii l.y an eepei?l, coDlidential agent and Irund? buiieelf a SettafioLUt?who thongbt it w-asntces^ary lotin'-ti-.-t, himacli widi ib Sotilbtru tiiends bf puo ?rti.iue- io ft ?iiy paper tLut he WflflflI BBt hoid em l flnriieiftBlavk Kcpitlicau Preriicnt. This actba of tbe s-creiury of Uie latoetar b fl aflriisgely i.i.iuM-t aaiL bo violutive. of his oath of cliice nnd oi every prin dpieof bis owu frictius ii'e sho. ke.i und fl_Mflflflrd nt bb tnineu.ii .u. Ti.e peotle laflFan raa* aen-d a verdict, ?nd now we are a*kc<l to apolo*-i/c for flflfllinguiid turuingouv Hflfl?flfl fi'-ui pi-w.i. Wfl Hflflfl?fldMapologizefortumiugout ti.i. v.aaie! aflfl)* dieki wbo were far'tened on the Treaeuryofthie country. fcir -,vu* ever crime more bold, more full "f BflflOB, Bal u-ortj Hiidtuoiu- tban tLit 1 When I cauie to ti/ir 4':ii.i:-j* ut Uie .? oi Ibb een-uon, i'. MflB] hoi-e ;hft% through caltn nnd tnmtilmiorj n-tion, thr ?Juiida iLiit now lower over onr houee migiit blflB WWiiy^D.d leave tbfl clcar, brighl auu lo BflM upou us once js-.ra. It-wae mv boi* tuai Ihfl dt-flofl of thfl bisl Noveuiber, would be acjuicsced in. Bul in tbek aopee I bave been mistaken. for the court* Which Uu: .ichute took iu tbe t-uily pait ol BaiMaifl hae a tuatbiicy tu 1.-?1 to anythiug but praliluhle n aults. On ihie side of the ctutmbir we were attacked with nnparlkunentary and violcnt h;ir auigue, ILier tuvet-tiva, and pereou?t abuae. until It became apparcnt to every mau of common ejl^-rvut.oii, thut nothing like con.iliaiorv rtcttan flould be bfti on tbi* side of the chamber. Wewere tob by gent!*--i.en fl Ihfl other aide af tl.e fllfl?ib r, wbo bad been nrboldin? this Administrution, reekiig wi'l fraud i.d -.illainy as il wub, ibnt WBWBffl chuigi Bt-'b i-vith tbe 4J?8tn tion of ttis Goveinmcnt. We flre:e ttdd, in the earh (art of this flaaflfl, Ihfl Bfl jrinf .urrender ***r pnncipl***<, and lay down onr con Ti. tkrta, and muat fl?tfl to talk about this .pie.-lion of ?prrw-al liberty ortg jienmiiid righi, or t-lae, ti;.rj told to*, thia Viitoo woull !?? broken uy. foiovcr. W oll, Sir, I apptlBJnili thev wetv) u little misluken ta om: ihir-.g. t?nJ thut lf si-iplv thin: 1 know ?**A, I-? fjeoib of l'i* Soiith ?tve coiisidei-ed the Nor?.ern tKoi-b craveu. I know they have conrioUrd thaa ?xiwartly; 1 know the-v huve cmsidcred tlicin tmder U>e ma-ev b_iru?_ of tlns couuiiy, arfl tn thb thev hflfl b:ui iot- rTrvMit reuson for tbeir Bupis;ai<ati!.s. I Vt.ow lhat, tMratflfeffl. ahflaiflflbl Binifli-dflbetie BBfl BBfl BBM up n*B the South, t'.ey have ioond tic men of our ci'.ies ready to how down a-d yield tfl auy de_*~d tLey mii^hi make. BflB,tflflflflkoflflBBaaflabfl, wbbli t.n.k bmcb flBfl au-o, a gieal Wflfl BB aa*-flfl up- a great W eat, wn; h mvliiend :Mr. ii4j_or) bere tc leprerer.t ti.e:u, tat vftfcb sencie fvbif mv oti-u' fiieiiiia tiom BbhfljBB IMi. liiii^b'.tn am! Mr. Chiindlorl, who bave, I uppre fce;,d ?liuie more batkl-ora, 8_d a little more nerve, ?perhuns tbi'n some of our F.-.iRt-orii ltepuW)<ar.B.< Here tewaar* oar Southern Mi_b naka :t greal mfctak*. ?TLe ?'ci'tt-.or from Oeiigitt (Mr. Ivei-?on) ?id. " yon mu-t give. up tle Terrilorie* of this w bvle couuti-,', und ?we wil. Mirry oursl-ives to sll the Teirfaorie* flf ttlfl Uovcriimeut, or icatroy tbe Uoba. Wfl Wlllb.ivc that ri-rhtta tbe Ui ion it we can get it, ai.d out of it tf we ciinti.d.' W.ll, uow, wc bad tafl d*t*_bCl th. t flincstioa. l^U u'ti-i-idiiiury denit:.d eaae to na Mlkbfourw^kafiOm the time thut tha p* fc. Ihi, flflfl aoaalry Bfld. hy BQbmj vrroi.-t, ?o Kheb:*d tbat they wtmhi afl 'o tju; eu.-h l.i.ig. ? 7*Svn,il'l uuuerru-i.l ll.e Btbatba tnci** (rv-3:.l'-nieu ^m took. it vvi.8 thi-i^SniTeiider yoqi c*a*mai_; xvu ** ?icfla oi ihe Nortb I Von cmTia Bhuk itepulli- au*. Ii.y'dowr. youi bo?tbal coiiviitioiit, aKd ?lve tbem ail uj'. Uive us ull ihe Terriioriee of tbi* oot?ttrf. Let tl.i. Oovernr em be t* l'ivj-S1cvery Qovai?Bfl?t, .'ind wc wiil ooiieent to rci.i.'.ir! wiih yoo. Now the tt-.-ple ef tbe Voith-Wort pU.t theeaVlves oa the verdict of tbe -ith of tforflfl?ar la-t, uud I, for (Bfl, Iflflflkffl thfl i tvil! wit v.-Jii fur .-.ny iir.ipxu.irion whatever wbich le t*t*d*M otio Its.h from tua'. (Mfl?4. I huve i.o right, M fl iBBfMfltalif. 'i tbe pe'j.lo, to baitei oi trrttti. away tbu: jujairio.., H' u I SnV ] iaiily. 1 flver will lo it. Hut \vo ut(i t ld Wfl BU?I n.ake B4)fla**flBbaa '?? llfl ISoutfc. Now, k-t ;i? jn?t k-vk foi one uiouifcu'-. What Iiavq we lu.d c r.c<deii?w? poor Bbck Uvpublim..-, a fhc South (.11 ni?whftt bave we ever bad, Lu thia irorir.try 7 Whin uid we evtr have tbe power I U Iaa aiid viaeve. ma^.e a law ta tba Uaitfld .St-iU's ? Wflo did we take away a aiigle jflfltattkof youi liirhi ? Wl.en (id Wc evi-i Uke '.'ne pMrti- le of yonr Conatilu tional librrty, or your Con*litmir...i.1 ngbt ? KflfBr, never. \Ve have" nevti bud 1bt p-iwer lo do il. Jti I'./fi-ai nesj-pbol tba Nortb aodIflvorad to iflMbct the Vi! Mfl Pioviso OV/il fla TflaTJMtbl we acjuired fn.iu AI.- -Jiso. fi?Bfl f, grflt .iit 1 ot tiwabfa i.u-t strife nboft't it, and Mc CBf, whflfl MMMflf I tide.* to-nay, c-iiue foriMfd to **.ttle the qaat?m. iMr. tA . tbe;! raad rfloloiloaa .-ml biD tatrttaafld bj _fr."Cby, ai.d (ouiiii'u-d. liat w.u ihe p.'itflflpb i.i froc'tuv-i] l.y I t -/ie:' Ifc-v Clay. >Vhll WM thl) |>rimi..le? My frli ud from Illi:i"ir':Mr. Dongl lt wi/j ihe -.-rci't jirir-.f iplc o; i.o.-iiitervt-i.iion, e ??' 10i Writ. 'liiei,-vvitsb Miitrx/tpr ipetiiionsw*hi"hth*N rrth tHdr.ot lii.*.-. wbich ahockeo the scn^. ?f ij*.*. Northern flBfl] le, uii'J Bfl wi;h Ihflfll dbftal u-:d OOllttflpl. But ?Ir. Killu.oie(a)..e in and tbraw thfl whole Ion a of ii - Adfltfofatrarfon in favor oftbe conpron?te*f Br. Cby, aad ib*-1?( -.j b of tbe Nortb fl**T8>?bred their privaie c-iiiivic-tiniij' at.d: i ii.-iiis, und Buflabrdth* oomptiornbe. /BU-er a-Lori Umaatrory thrM yearf, my fiiend f.-om lil.n :ic:e and propoi-eri fo t. ar dovvi. the BaBtaaMflfle of 18b10, beca i I n t ln open vbBtbn of IbaJflBjiioailflii oflflSfl, iniroduotd Iflffl hv Hrnry day. ri e rbnator from Ten-ieece iMir. .Vi.-h-litmli flitrf in !i{h apa <h t?rt the *lr*t stab at thfl L'i?M wn* aiude vtafl tbi Bfl] uMiii.ii pariy ?cl in IBSB, a'.d Ihfl fv-netxir fn-m 11! n-iis (Br. D Mja _? wliota <Am*-i cf tbia difti<nltv i- 'he ftttitati-u on the tiart of tle A?(t?bvery nan ot tho Norfh. Now, 11'ink t flfl flfl?Hflfl Bflt L'oali'tU* further bn< k in th*' fcirfl'ry of irentfl. U laey wiil, tbay will iind tbe true flMiu-c- of aU tbia dilfl' nlty was wheu* ?/??::'l-m.-n of tbt fcuuh, followitig the Ifliof the Sona'. r Iron IlJiii".-, jaooflflfld io loui dovvn the (foflayiMBtfl af i---". i '.M-rteil ihe 'loesiinu i:i u tim*.- Ol i tofourid j>eii(-<j. Ii-ey U..-fl(*p4n, |a h ticr.e of unJitiirbed j'-aie. tbe thtmimtmtt whi' ii I d to tiiia very BflflaflawMBf, and now tl ey and tbe Bflflflfl 1'om KcMaaflf come to ufl anfll Bataaaetotoarabwa thia oti.ei i-oflptotii***,tatfltbf to amend the old one aud esiaobsb Kbrarf bl uu air** raflkble const it'iti'.-.ul bw bdob ill tha t-ni: ny, li w-iaajiked B re?oi*e the Mist.iuii romprotub ', wilb* u .. emi-udiiieut. or udi.'.'.ioii, or <| .aliiicci n i k"ow but I aiflflhI bt- uiiLfi-' .o do it. Bat wbm I _a asked by tbe SaaMtorfflB K.Maakf, MMrfaMahw, flodowtiat I decJdied I would uot fla, flafl whal ao aarthly power ii.ot.ld eomprl me to do, fl taflir d'.w.i a-'ioiiii-i MflBflbba, :>r tbe piiq*"ee *d eaUbliahj ??? ?M.-veiy uj. .ti fl rafl MnMOff, 1 flrf, pbiuly, bete ta tb* Seuate-Cuaml>e . and to ibe oountrf, <hat l 1 t. ill flflflfll d'> lt flfl, nt ???-.?, ue-cr. ; ?Ir. W. icK'i i. ii' ?: txtii-t* f.-om afflflM ofBr. * ' ty. We ate aeke^l |? bb flarifflrfl BBB a -d decbie a l.w wi icb outraieoa ull oar i'leaa of butlitii:- w-birh flflrflfM the ni"ial flaaflfl vf iiuuii*_Uy .il ovar ibe wotld. | Wa aral?ttfl to tb: ihaaatuaMtlaf i?ll it. fiir lol Biy 1-puhhcaii r.-ier.i-, v, '?., an* alrui'd, votfl lor lt I *VJ*''? ?'' ?? ,.-.. i .,- in tbe pronoaed air?tr..iliiit?..t townbhl ,i., .,. rlyoppoeed. Th*a_ -Whl-uliavele c, ..?.!- )?. , tl tta* l^:ato ChBBl l,*r. I npi.i.h.-...| u.e 1H? ,;,t ,,.h| tvm Ql t? ,t,(w.eii)o.?..i-i'.p'in.i* kwiprndetit bu i.ixebout*! flf.H'! ?u.i-yof bis efl^ot-jdratorfl, iaid: "Wflarfluol ; ? on tLe rve oT Um uu.iiLi.r. 'iu?, i.i ? ainck power ' foi.'t Wt ftlao end auotbor daiadtj Tl,i. -. ivduvvvt ijievt- 'fh? ptxipb of the rtoiith, movbg av.'i-otbr tb* lau of Muveiy, ree theonward nmnb bf Freaflom on tfcb otitlaenl; tfiey m* Fitj* States, timit op ona a/ter BBPflMT] tb?y tee 'his j-teat tidt oi ILu BiiiiaBlbB MflflflM Bfc fll?it r1;?:"B 4 tbeWeat, uinl coWting, aad ir-Vin: aefl Btflflfla for Freedom. That i-* the ro^?oii. ! wonld aek, d'> theae fflflMfl anppoM by tbe dBflflttoa of.thfl Ouvcrnmeut, they e. n Mop ih- 'rec eBfllBtBal Do tbey B^ppo.e, M a down tMt ff'flal tdilire, they uui preveni thi* OuwaJra lunrch flf Kreedom M tbB rouliuentl I tell tbem, il thflfflpflflfl flfl flflfl tVini*, they ur* artias i.ii.b r a friluc Mfl falul detetBfl. A wit*' Oovor.imei.'. t.ii.v areflMfflB tbi* niovenunt, may rtideriimore eusy, b<r. BflM the deatntctiou of thie QflfflfBBWBl cannot At'.p it. Il ia ?overned in >?* Bfflffflflflhfli by a law higlrcr than thc Oonetitatiun, BBd aa poaflBB you eaatafifl flflfl flriflly Bflflflt nrrctanl ita pn.erea-. If .ho*- who ure engRge.l in tbe defltntetBa 01 tbia Ocvet-iment Mfffl WflB tteu?oii will flfld to the poflflfOf douniiiou lf SMflflTJfl thia Coattoflnt, or v\ iii jYertiuuicnily repreaa tbe onw-ard triumph* ol Free d<>*?, I apprehend Ifl BefljBal will dflclofl to them the Miportaul truth Ibfl tbfl] flflflrflfrMf affliflfll el. ment* -; .;.\-..!f:! and too Buijertkto ba aflfltad by any flll'orti th.j MB Bfl lorlb.' I.i Ihia our breib i( i, oi thc Baotaare engaged Ina croaadfl n.*_Hin*t a power murc BOtMfl tba? 11- et* or Bl flfll fl power be? fore which the prOY-.dcat BOBflflflrOfB con.p'lhdto bow, ai.d one airaitia' whi sb t.i-... tBfl i* pflfllffol ciougb i" .-. ntead -1 bmm the pebUoaentiaMnl of mankiad. 1 am well Bflflfl tbfl thi BflflMBM flhlcfl thia meirofvAtr. au<l ifMcb pwiflfli ibfl Cbaataer, , ai.d whi.h BBfTomd tbe laprtaMtathreflB the pecpBln Ufl B baraaflflf tl.e Cap.l.-I, i-atrongly in Mflfl a at rreader.Bo matter bo* huu.ili uing m-how degrai hog, ; nor bowflBtotVre aftB priocipkaol yieu^-mA bb flt] t.i-.i-. ided Bflt MWMdflt BMJ tenn I" tli* opOmia i ing and s.rcmtl.oning of the floflytotoiflflfl ofthe I .t.e.ri.1, oi ibfl country. I bflOfl well tha' ! ibe tatoted utaKBibeifl whi.!. aurroun.h ?flbflflM peweriulin weakeiiintf the narv.-f und limbering IOfl baekflof the raaiflflatatiffl 4 Ibe BflM. BatlM who vieMa to thie degmdinp mom y influence will UO, ; b? Ofl. hoMfl I- ll.e purc. BflB BM of tbfl Mfl ?rv. flfl be hae aoaaadtled a great aatMBfl agam?t tlie .<,':_*, en.-t-a ol thc ,-eiiBiittiency to wbom be flflfl afl ,n.-i, e, who are to? Bflfl tfl be bought, flflahrowdMfl flbartered,aBdtoflbrflfa toba tr&kltmpi Bto anv ? dearadnfl aad humiliaiing aarreader ofl tfltrpnao* 1 rki. Tbe voung BMB which I have the honor m paH i fo ivoreaei.t hero flfll MMflM B thia l ..l.n, nnder tbe .,1,1 Coaaiilntion, joal M it waa, pflBnflBf. every ! dutv flbkb tnat CoBflfltoflM Bfloflflfl "flB btt, 1 aud rcalv at all lim.a to perfonn everv Obllga ; i.u.l ii.1'1 to anv NMflflMfl dflMBfl which ! tbat Conatuution ean reqnira, or Ufl ai.vbo.iy rfl n-o.Dre aaflfl tbfl flflfld inttrumenl. Bfl wben her lei-ile ure l-flqalffld to Bflflflflfl Ibeir prin i ciil'fl uud denoiin.o their politiciil opinioua, Ibey ! w.ll never to auv t-ich bnii.iliatn.n-Mflar. : I have no right toapeal i. ranybody bul myaell arnl tb? fltfltoIfflrataat, aaflIflo uot attempt to. ifl ? fcrtbflfltato aadfljaalf Iflfl baia,no matter wbat ? tbe aHMaqaeaefl avt] be to bw aafl aayiflttfli'bflfl I takea Mfltfl Boa waleh weialend B recede. Btand* I iu - iip-n the Conatitatioa aad apoatb* Bwaaataej ' are, ll.e BBOpB of mv Biatfl are not willinp thut wrong j ahull bc done lo anv'niun or any ercb .... bai ahe de* ! m?ndathat inatke iLallbfl .Li.e to all. Believmg they I me right, ti..- peoaB of Ibe North-Wiat will adhere te th.-ir conviction. liiilil.-.llv perfonulng eveiy obllgation ? Ibfl BM Bflflfl loeYeiv porli.i. 4 tbit Coute ler cy. ' No one bu* a right ;., | rk a.oie thnn thie, an.l ii" oae h.,*a'igi.t toflk fl to flfl beada for onrfmd b - bavior. We are taaflj -o perfoim every fiiatiti, tioual obllgation ami .o.nply with overy Bfl and i verv duty iui|Mia?;iI BfM ur. b-lt Y>. e flflflM Ibfl I Mflfl Of tbe jarty, '-r thc p .w. i tliat a-l-a ua : to give bonda for o\ir good bflBBftofl* YY e ! Btflfl a rigbt iu tbe QgTBfBflOBtl and when we ! flBM a Preaident, nadflf the Conriii'itiou an.l tbe Bflfl, wedaiui tbat. without Ifl "i Madranea, and witl o u giving bonda, he ahall bfl l'i., ileul ofthe I'uiled Maier*. ITbirt Tnm m in, .uid we will bow down bfl. ! fore Mfl, and fBM all tl"' CoBaUtBlBagivfl bm yon have to' right to dflBflflfl flflfl than thii flBB, I : koflfl aetblag abafl IbaM Pflraebal Lftflrty btflfl, of ? whi h yoneempBio. B?l if fon ln-Y' a?y gtiflfaacM ' aoainM my Stnte, pr< e:il th, i . Bflfl, blflTfl BMBM I Mtbflf ar., like baaetBbB Mfll M Ibflf are, they will. wi' anv apolcgie*, perfonn tbeir Uonalitatiunal obbcatione. Bm. Sir, vhen yoa aek ae, bflffle flfl c'ter into our Mflfl at tbe olher ond o! thia av ,-Iiue, ui,il which bclOOga Io ue BBBM tba Ciirii .?'i,,.i, that we ahall giM bonda for our kckkI hthivior, we tpura it, ??* pw__. t*W* V1u wiiere wonld aparn anv r.ich mi* rablc uflBptoauaea TLe poflB oftbe Nottb-Wefl flfll flaiifl flflat to ibe iflfl iii" IhaSofltberaConfedeMefMfllItokflBM* MflflioBof the MOath of tbe MlaaiatlPpi River. lei tba aflflaafl "f 'be state whi.h bean ihe bhm >.f lafl BOM* river have aMflfld ba'terie. BfM ita banka, aud aiiemut to exer'.iae . eafltrol ofer tbe aaviflnon ofl Ibal great blghway ofl natlotM. Tbit of ite^lf if an Bfl (tfwur It B orar, aafl I aatd aot aay tbat BtiUioneta the miabty Bottb-Wflfll atand reatly itr-.lay to mainiaiii | flflfll iiavi?ftioii .-f Ihat rtffl, tf, tfl flflflM B, tbflf .ball be oiilifllY*'. I" diaoBta ita baakfl from the m.'ath , ? thc (>bi.> ;o tbe B..H-'', aad th- y will rt" x . I am iv. 11 aware. there are b-.uve hearl* iu ihtac S'.atea, ?rfad iire puttiD? torth all tbtir flotta to.MTflflflB Ex\mn Bflfl de*iru. t.-n, and to uv.-rt the MMflflf cidl war au-J I <^ flflM '" M? "M *?? JSS of our commnn tou.ilry toBVJrt M tbe H.i.fu .alanitv, Bfld to .-(".nplub |bB IflOflM ? o mucb thfl, under other lttoP*^nw>' l ??* U'A ,'0'..1 riocereh b?M aad anfl we ">av .ecover bwatUi RTolgtIoq wlihvut bnuglug fl**"; M?bflfl flfl attoadaat .'.-r-L ui.... m\ bat ITflBf ?,r.;: comc I have an aidinufutb tlmt tl.e flag of our LnloC. *??"?? tl eft oflbflRofolflBa? flffl, B tl?.future ua it fi inlbSi, JflffltoS? JBd .qmnphover tbe Vofl* giiafd tf f. n t' non? AiaeneM army. , Mr. D-lOLiITLI-: moved an idBfldipflM '. Mr. P'lgh'aamen.hi.ent. He aaid be wa* willb-. to make uuy eacnlicee; bflt.lf bflflM ttttt Ttanteaiome Be oarlty tbfl ihiy would wive tbo V' yaa, Th'e "MBBdBMBt i4 alre.idv flblfabefl. BflflflMffl that i.o Stnte haa n r:,At to Owbflrafl from tho Cui fl. Mr. DOLOLABliSd bo boped toba Mbmed B tuke a-ote. Tbey wvie Bj-endiug tbt iii-.i'.t intalkiug, ll <l pi-ev* utiug ac\iou on \alual-le billa. Ilwaano* lfl| o'eb-ck. Mr. CTIANDLEH ref- flfld to the iflaaarhaof tbe Se:i atorfiom Kaatacby (Powall), awl aaked tf aoini-r.^ flifl wm made, woubl be go fur ihceuforcemeutol tbe la'va in :.ll tbfl Sti Ic* Mr. POWELL flfld thal ba vreaM flflflflfl flfl Bfll in ell the Statr* td tl ? liiitm. bnt he w^a OptM I B ali emriiiifl ln anv oi tbe Matea Ut IbflafM * iv il Yvar vviul.i flaatroi all bopai fl MMB. Mr. CHAN'Oi.ER" leplicJ, danoaariag ifl eoflfre ?B* witb traitci.i. The (jueation waa, whether we Bmb a QbvibbmbI aaflfl 1 Ifwe Mnre ao (iovern mtiit hcrc, hc |CB lid'.ur) trooH MlBlflB toaoflfl otiier flMBflbaMlflj ha-'a BorarflBMat,flffla to tbe Ca Bianahna Ile eooteaded flfl tbe I nion MfliiflMB , w.mldcYCtitii.-.U.fl. tiinu.pi. i.i tbe Bofltb, aiid orartbrofl ? tb'- verv flM who Bflfl Bflfl akainBt l iiiou. Tbfl i Hofltb vviil'-aiii no lei..'it lrori) ili-u:,i n: it v.ill oiiIy BBbb Cflaadfl totbflr flflB bfltdtta. He dapracatoil 1 elvdlwar, bnt atiarchy waa atill woraa, He wi.* ; Hnf ta yBM aajtbBf to Um L'nivu men, but BfltMflg ? to traiior*. Mr.WIOFALL laabflfl. He aaul it waa fllflflgfl ? ' nion fly tb^j mean nothing, and vet i m.-.kc wbolt-jale ebaraei of Ibafl Bfanfl a pflrty. Ca ; f..iiiiiihtelv tb* Nortb did uot Iwayi mm Meabeta [ who r.ere either gcurh men oi Chiiatiati*. Wbtt bfl (WlgBIIl c, Ibd a m,.n a wxuinditl, bfl BMflM tfbal lie aaid, Hii'l heM biiru-eli iflfflaalbB foi it. He boffld i tb'- Senator (Cbfladl r) wonld n"t turn lin,-* If av? to :bu (SBBMBflhfl ibfl flflflMad a fflfl flflfll i abeadv bf flOfltafl will. tiie' flbflaa. [Laugbter.j , Ile r\Vig''i.ll; decBred that the mvigauoa of tbfl -aipji woubl never ho imjieiled bv tl.e Wflflflad i SUtei. Mr. RICE aaid the people of the Notth-W'.at knew ? IbeBewraHfhtotooaoU i? flffflfl tbaltlMMflfa | ti ii of tl.e great river flfll flffl hc IflBBBBBd bfflaf* '. tbillg exeep' ictr. Mr. WTOFALL-A'.'l IflflIffltor. ILaughter.j II , tlu: Sei.i-.tor will j.iit tli.'.t ii,I will anept ol l.i* flflflfl* ii ent. He plfldi ltd ibal Mr. Liucoln flflflM MBM the ? Chfcagv plttifo:.:.. aad bo fecpeacei Btaaifa tbe Oaa-* i Buafloflflfl H'Ui thel onfadi lated Statea and, bwtoad >il making war, floaU wi'l dlflfl tba fofOM lioa. the fort*. ll.- .i-i not ihiul, iber* wonld b* wa. now. M'.RICL tvas tottytbadi euatflM bad taken thia 1 form. Ile >ii'l lad BflcWfl Ibfl flflflM fl* tbfl Korth* Wer' W'O II VOteOBfld. Uoi iel . oer> 1"... Mr WIOFALI, ...i.tiniied Mying bi bflllflTfld Ibal iioihii.,./ Kort of ihe ark. iwlodgmesl of tbe riffal 4 gaOflflfl wo. I'l r.itiafy thflflOfltO. A* t<J Ihe plO|?o fiii-uiB of tbfl 1'eice Coiifc.-ciK-, if i:o . thcr iflBBM I"?? Bfld, if flfl] flflfladoptfld, all tbe S'ates ,i:icb flflfl iuit gone would i:.*in cii'it- iv go out. Mr. CR1TTENDKN a id' be vouM like to ib.iit ., Btf tflflarifl,bat,M h w..- **** la'*b, I- doobttd if it WU6 bfl ' ! _ Mr. Hl'NTKI.' movnd ibt* the Senatet'.ke i reflfl ii'.i :.'?-iu..i,..?- -%....!.. i, , , ,..:.., k ii- tbfl avflniflf, Badstteu tnluuie ofli thc Senate adjonnn i ioi r- , -n. i.U.'.ia'i. BCBBKHf, \y i n-i ? ,-,. MaithS, ixfil. Thr Ir. BRIUUT Dem., Iafl.), in ibe cbflk, eallfld tba flaiflte to order, and iba ci.i.KK .-???. .1 tba flftb ml., in .1 fl dn.k flraiflo ol b unaaiij p ... t - oul ol tbfl (1>m ;-, till ih* floor fl I'n. laarewflfe Bad criaalotba galb-iioe of " Muud b.nk, ' arnl iho couluaion wai ^reflt. Mi. SU.MN1 R ii; p. "J:,.-., preaented a bmbmbBI o! o,0'M) cili/.ciia ol "'ia BuebtUM Uf Bfkloat any coiupio mi?c wliati Mfl. He flM tbeie flflfl moie MBMfl. BJL'ned by 37,000 peiaont. 'll.e |t.|iit reaolatlon f.-om the Hoofl waa (aken up. Mr. 'CKITI'LNDLN (fl. Am., K> ) preacntod tbe cretlfltiala of .John C. BtflflkBindfl, Senator elfltl fiom tbe^itaie ol Kcudn I v, and BfOOfldfld to rjHrak fl Ibfl NflotflfcB. IClBfl B the flaJBff, " Le' me out. '] He aaid ba Bd not ri*e iu any orabition. Tbere wue -o mnth tonfutiou that hi6 voice could not be h.iir.l. Mr. BRAQG (Detn., N.C.liaoTed tbfl tfl MUBrifl b. de.ii.d, uf KMM BnOflflbB to traneact bu*ineci', but wilhdrew hit motioo for tbe pre*. nt? Mr. CKI'IT LNDEN pnaecde.l. Ha aaid ?hore wa* BotMaa more BnMntable tbaa the flfll ehflagflB ?'?? coudiiionof ibe United Statea. a few month ugo, we tvere a nnited and bflffj pf pMj f)ow' lJ.'e l I,"0" i* dirniembered, and the lan*. apiut ib making tlau g.-roua MOfltflM . . . . Thc itoire arnl roufuaino bad rr, mucb mcreaiert B (li. Kulhiie*. thal ii waa. .mpoBiible to hear. arnl nfl deni BRlOlirdirectcd, tbe MflfMflt flt'fllfl fl flBM the galleiier except ol'pernon* who were a<-ated. Mr. LANK (Oem., Ilregoui moved lo take u.rerOM till 7 o'eloeh ti)-a.orr,->w nwnunf, bol wBbdiafl n. Tbfl erder to dfl* thfl faBflBa flM flflflflflfl alowiy, ann eh Ml ui-.-v'.i.g. Mr. I'- I'liUiSiOeu-. ? Ill.1aeke.lif ibe Segeant-at Artna bad bflM -lire.fld ??- dflfll tbfl gallenefl. Ihe PRI'iSf l>KN I'iaid heh-el. Mr. OOlBtl.AS flflkfld why it waa not done. Ie aiii.t bfl abor.ld Bflflfl t? I Ifl the );alleriea euti.tly. Ile wafl* aat tflbe eoaflfollad ba fliflB _____ ?_ Tlie cre.wd -iii! remaining ia (be jralleiiee, Mr. DOUGbASaaid lf tbfl OfliflUMl at flffl MB I ("hia ,!?tv. I will move to .-1-.-. anathei -oneiwbe will. 1 f,.*bi'ion tbt flflfl flfllf, MbM be oughl iBBflflMfl nflerv ti.'ing U* dniv. T ? PKKSIOl'iNi aaid Iba geigMBt Bt Armt re ?Mtod 'bat il mm lapaaflMfl B flffl Iba fmmnm Air DOI OLAS?Then I move (o elect a SoiKtnut a.-Armc wbo wUl uot flflfll K Jflfflflflflfl tfl flfl Hi ' Mr DOCCI-AS Bflfld to clear all the gulleri. a. Be ei'ni ti.''.' were trviiu' tfl ge?, a v flfl on the Mfl fld io tl* Coiiatitnlion, but objectioiiB flfl inudeon tbe otber eide, while tbflM flll m<>b in tbflfflflflff, friendaof ibOM whoobj*cf. _, Mr. K1NO iRep , N. T.J flfllled him to order and Kinl bfl bfld )i" ii) ht lo i.-llect M the BMdfMflf oihera. Mi DOUOLAft *Md be waa atuting fucta. The motion to clear the BfllBfJ whb carricd. but Mflfl w?a raatflffld *o mtuh that the motion wa* tvith drawm. , ., _. Br. CRITTENDEM piflflflflfl nfl aaid thecoun trv w'iiM in danger, flfld naaaaiM had bflfl Ifflflid to Al it ? but we ait I ere and have done notlunp, pre MatBg tbfl ipeitfl h: t" Um eoantfy tha* we bn Mbmb peflol I" .ieviac flflMUfl Bl the public flflfl, flflflfl knoYvledii'ing to the world thal we can do m.thirg. He pa.d a higb complimem lo tbe Scnaior from Penn avlvauia for hia nntlring /.?-..1 for tbe flflM of (he tiiioii. He t.iid on. of IM k;reai fflBflMM of tho dim ci.liv flM ibe Territoriul qaaflflfl, and wflMfld to tne iflflolfltioM of Mr. ( btv, which, be flflfl,flflfl _ tended to take- the flfl out of Oflflfflfl Ibe (iiication now ia that tho South, having icen itrelf axelflded from the tfllBllf. they think tbey have nn inu.h riirht MOthfl MMMM B the tenilory of tha CaitedStatea. But yoflflflflf it them. Tbeir blood BBd 'in-ir n.onev helpe-1 to fleqflln it. ThflflflflMB h ia n a .-hed B |*.inl where il i* of iutereal. Ifl 0 lerli..ii i* not of partv, but of tbe nniou of tl.e lonn trv. He releri. 'I l" Nflfl-BflflBa aa a Imirei. . ouiitry. wbicb hfl thoaght BOflM nd bflflflfl ? Slave Siate. We here to talk ou the dBfldtBBlBflfl flf flMfflf, but natoct'iialitulioiial rigbt a, flB tbfl Sn'.ith think tli.y bflflflfl much ritfb'. to cirry it in cuigrati-ei a* fflfl have to ai, v flfl V"?r IfflBflH 4 lal or. la ihat ao great BflBB flf coinplaiiitMto bring MM tbe eountrv ull thegreia evileol diaunion I li we canu'.t agree let ua dividc flM teiriti.iv-Yoi. K" M ?i)c aide and we go on tbe other. Wt lal- about our fathera, uud wlu.t did tbev do I He ll.en r.ferr. d B ibe e.,-nrromi*c of IflO, tv an example. He aaid ul! tl ui' bflBflflfld to tbe South now waa one jioor I'errit- iv. an.l all tbfl flflfld waa tfl let that re ii flM aa'it i-?- Vou flfl Mflflf bflfl power, an.l we aek you to give na flfl MOOflj Ibfl you will not ab ice vonr pt wer in tbat T.riiiory. He Ubeied tbat all thut h m. .-ru. I-- ettB tbe fiMt fllMhbtf tbfl B gamaow ia to aK-iWibat in ihBetariBTerrlttBy the r.aie at Ibinga rhall Be it ia. THI flflfl I For , -,-r, in ntfeoMA My? Imt lill tliie 1. rniory obiill bave om hundred tbouaan.i laBaMtaala, ii will be adnbted a- a Btate, and tbfl they flffl di?[o? af Iba aaeflBfl HH 'bey alaaas. fbll i* all that ia arked He aaid all, beeau*e iu rcat-ett B iiigiiivea i? ao uillifl aRf. TbM ifl *.l'l<**i bf ti,e ( 't,|irI;t'..lio.:. lu tOgmli - ' Ufl I ?. 'li l "I ("lill. bia Ic Blfoed "ii tfMred .11 ?' Baryl ? -1, i' woubl be an a*-t ofhflil faith toalfliah (Mavery whb ItbeooO" Mntot BaryMafl. Hfl flflflflfl MBmm bm MatlbflflflBt* tbing, cveiiif we coi.1,1 ....I bflfl b .,.. .-> M. r. le 1 r. a. rve tl.i c yyI i< I. b.iY-e l."i k-' '? ' OM HMMM rtogma not Ifl lha CotiA-irr.tio.i, bol trhb b nu* l'-< - it, thfl I-- -ln.r id.aoi lha pflopBol ..Brt Metioa, to t.e un it.MpaiabB luirl.-r to luen- i.e ..I ?aaary to aaee tbe eoontn ' l*roi wJtion-wtre oflen 1 bj i i:n aa a Senittor ol thc liutt-.l BBBfl, arnl n.-t fl a eoflptflflBa f.ou. the No.11. to Ibaflaflb,baflbbbb> Uiee whi- h ba "i'.ei- d a- u Seual"i, wer. flf Ifl I IBol ity oi all. He wo Ll in-- <-'l-r I |i OpO Ition u* ' ll li. eithcr ac.ri.n. RfltraateflMOofl., bmUmi bWBaflai c?r piimiple woubl allflfl Bfl B Blflflb fl paf. roit aaytuag anfaii B one *etti'-n or tbe mar. let SC'.a! le flC.V, lot na hava BO COMprOMMBj Ifl ii" have blood lir*'.' fl H UM BBB uyi, **flifl fl n cUed to thfl Mflfl !-*? *M l..y.-t tby ftfl I : ?? alua." Tfl i-iullea,,, Mfjd not gne a Hr-iw f?r ....?inilidtior.; but our bn?ir,.-* u '" l're*' %* ''", 1 uiou, lt not, wlat woubl bfl tbe ri?.^"J",''\rr .. I \\ hi) kr.owi ? ]fc ciit! n t. He IfoaM aflviaa.*??.? Inj'^i'i'e weredone bow, Ibfl^aton nl ?'?- ". ffl "'? -,;'. Toi. -;;r bkIt-i ua o^t^tw^Uao. 1.-1 Bflflfl, flflO* ""^,("'li"'> 5? Mfflj MOthfl ..BV do rigbt. Bm WM By of no rompromi** wU like (hc oldcry (.f the Romaiia, . // I ?>. t t. wo.- to the (<:.riiiered. and flflfl Bflflflflflfl, Kfl OoflBwaaBBi He cb.iiiic'1 tbflt Ibe iiitende-l to Bflfl .be BBOpB of Ibfl Mfllfl Bfl t" an a-* tbey plcaaed in i.-uard to their deflflO. laafltntlMfl, BBfl ."iitcu'led that tbe lafltflllM |atiii?iia re. ?ived lrom !all paitr fl Ibfl touiiirv weifl an flfidflBflfl that tbfl baari of (be people wiia'rii.-1-t, a;.d in BflM ll MMB - ld reconcijia ti a wilh tbeir hr*thien,ati?l tbfl in.-v were aoi flllflsg 10 bave their rbildioti go to war f.,i a BflB and a dogflfl. Wfl are om paaab flftbfl mbm blood. aad OM, an.l luiirl eOflflflflflfl 1 11 .ily tlflublflfl. Ile flM fm r.ii'.u, and i.-'I l"i ?Mflflkfl, Bflfl WflflM i.,t., K.iit.i. ky. rtaad by Ihe Cniea. tfll i.-.cieitv l von oul, wilh roaataaey and lid.-litt. Tbktraa tha bafl i.ii-.-cMii afl B thc world, BottrithMaadlaf t'.-1 fld adtaiuii-lialion BMUfltiMflfl, f.A he W ?i.l Iflfl Kento. kf etar rt by the L'nioo, if ieb* Dkn twepl over tle wl.ole land, l.k'e the laet aoMflr "I abraM b.iri, lilllitai Mblag MM flflfl. Blid thM flflflfltflfl wbat BMI *! o ,1.1 bfl .1"...-. Tfl* '.ur- Mt priii. ij'le MJi.l Ut tt'lvi" e. Ba NMBflflfll lOfflfl Iiom Ml l.ienii- bflfl, nnd iia.i a| oke-i ii. iruth aafl flbbanMfl flbfl bebaoaTcfl. He had Bflfld a*-meibing flflflM have Uen d"iie to BBfllff IM toaatnr, and thia reaolution fiom the UfluM, tl ..,.|_ii ii"l lafiCMBt, WOold r'ill be a ra> of .. lOfldne. [Ii BxpfMaad freal eoafldente in tha integrltyoi Um paonla, aad aaaaaBd B Um Senate B bave a vote thfl a'..nctbiiig. at leuat, may be dfflflflMeh flflflM be fl -I. p towaid jKraro ai.d luii.'auny aOMthiaf tfl .a'.. 11 ? l uiou. ile begged tho-e who dielared Uiey wovM U'I iiincnd tbe Coii-litnti"li t" leioti-.'iei, iiii-l ti ink how tbfl eoodhion ol the rounirv would becbun}.'td. Mr.TRUMBI LL(8ea*, IU.; *h).I i? am afl tha wm toabtaM aaaBBflBtBai lf BlbMgaf dafflfl flM Bflnrpatbfli H- WMtiiad ofbaaring talk w aaaraaa Hou i.ii.i ii,j> atic in lha TflJl'iloiBa. Why not make Ibfl flfflM !? tbfl men with arrnn in th.-ir Bfldfl Mflfafll th : ( Tben he releired to thu tro.ihlo in il i; Te'iitoiiea un.l U.e tii-t MBflfl B hreak Bf the DnbfltolSBi tbaa In 1850 anothaf attempt wa*ir,?de Bbteak optkaUnBa bflaftarflflMB paflaa waaae cered. Tben in 1853 :i pioptaiti-u made iu the BnaB w-l.i n rtapfload ihe agitatioa an.l v h_it Mr. Ib nion call (1 in B atump ap. c. h iu Khubh-*. Bnt aiill Beceaai m had aot triomphed if tlu rc Im-l aot boen ii. npii. ilv wilh IfMBOfl in tbe verv Cabinet ofl tbfl (;.'..*. nt. Ibe Pnrideiit Ifleflfll CflflflflMMflB, Wllll, Bll Bfll anv ??! her (iov.riimeul, would lu.v.- Ifl en bnag flfl traaaofli aad aoi tilI tha laai Bflflflfl, when foreed lo take flidfl, BBd e.lber .oiu ihe Si*. er ,-ioiilata i.-t Maj. Aiiderriiti pflfBb, tL_U tl.e Preaident jo-ti. d tbe I'nion and ?*["*"-. tho'igb t. flblj . t-r iba Called S: I-. Bnt he had allowad tbatBeaafloahfltoflaM thflTfllaaflad,tilltbaybad tbfl toi;* Bflfl p..?i' arti of lh*- (i.ive.t.m. u( to u rfinat auiouut. y'Ii. WP.I'.M.I. (Ib Bk, I. yb- flflfld .1 Ibi Mflflfll I ii./ Admini. tratioii floaM paflMMtlfl MBMNfll. i.?'.-. or wlu.t! ci it BaaMattflBft B flflflflfl tb..flffl niia ptaperty. Mr. TRLMBl'LL flfld tbfl Benatot bmU timl Mfl hi. oj.i.iion bflfbtfl he Bfl tblflflgb, md tr.Mted he flflflM 1. ra tbe ofbiaM of ihe hwaiwif AfladaktrBtBa tiou. IbflflBBl -.te';....I tl.e Cuiut. I t-o-m-i r-iv,. Br. B10KALL I tru-t tra ?iU. Br.TRl BBI i.l.-l appfaaaad Ibt Kaaatoi -.i.i laara to-florroa ibal yl- haYe g?>i aO ireniflaat, ami :i,i.i i' )- thi tn 'i' nin" of maiattiniog tbfl t lion. Mr. WIUFALL- lbojfl we flflty. Mr. 'I Rl'Mi'.i i.L . ...ui.'i'-'i, it'-t'-jimir'., tba MtBa ii Um Hecn-larieg ef \\'ar and Naw -ei.diiig aw.-y tbe fllflf ami N ' ? lill Hie.Y ha.l imfv t wo ft flflB Bfti ,^.-,'< aaloti wo-iiil Bflffl have MflflflOflMfll fl higb' if we h.-d I. OOfflflBMBt. Iia ' pokfl '.,..1 UA Ib-- eoflBprOflMBfl vhiihha.l bflMoMmfl. H' flMflflHaa u> take tbo Biafloari CoMpi ?ub i, bnl tBmb wb*netnagHM that. U? (onie-.ile, Ibfll tbe aflbet oi thc*.- BtflBprflfldaefl wiil.i ie tofleeian SBfflfj fflrfltaal B Naa -Mexioe. If Ihey w.ii.t io (.o anytbinf, g>> BW k lo ibe Mieao.iri Cifliwflfllfl flfld flflfld to ibflL whicl. wiil raatin paaMtotba aoaattr. biflfnd totbeHaaaa nsaln. lioi.a. Ifl aaid Ihat I ll iU'r.-id lha! CoflDCl 1 had not ihe ri'ht to inlerf.-re with BBfflnrM IbaatatM He flflfld Bflt inleifere, but I.e flflflfl never, by bi* fflfl make one bbive, und tbo pooplo of tbfl groat North \\> t would never MBMBt lf tl.cir a. I to tetabli.-b BkvfltTuytfbflfl. BflflM williug, tbough ho did not tbfnk tl?43 LV.flitit.iti"i. needad amflndnMntfl, lo vote ftiv rccoiuiueuding to tbe Sialw u j'lo^otitiou lor full* ing a Convention to WUoj,]e,. auicndmenti. Bnt fmr BBflflflfl friendfl _i|t for Bonietbing to stund on. The ****? ,tl*g_LT_)fllMad I*Iflflfl flfl BM old Conetitu ~? ?'*mmm* flflB fli ffllhBB. aud not snffer it to be BBflflflfl '_iat amendetl. Statea huve leen arinmg themecl-ie*. andteJ! ?? tbay will flght agiimsi BMfJBfl ?tSBBBfl *?*' 'we, attemi*t to aafofefl the law, wl.ich they cdl ''crartiit-.'' He flflfll 'el! llBBflfltar frflfll exiia thut be waa for enfircing the l.tws. Ily thia be did m-ti-raean Bfll ll hfl an army t? rtxtrrt flfltfl*, Mfl that bt? vv*ftiA?d lo eeltlo tue Iflfl Um if we bavo u Ouvern ment. ________ BROOKLYN JTEMS. - - ? ? ? BflBMM in E?ri..r.-Coiisiderab!e,auin*einentwas ????11 Jlllllflflj morning Ly the diecovcry of "a nun <>f straw, " which was found auspend.d to ulree fl tbe Hflfl lfl Mvrtle BBflflBM und Bflflflfl flflflfl* The f.gure was BflflB up flf Bfl flB l"-1' '?""*? pflflflBBflflBB, und l-oots. .Bflflflfl t" BM fM ?* H I,,i"1' T,:'' ?'ft,',? w,,,, mnflflflai lf a BBBM ?f Llack miisliii?tbe eyee, Baflfl, ?Bt] BBflflfl bflflfl Bflflflfll bf flflflfl fflfMi Apaffl with the initials "A. H. O." was consr-icnouely piumdupon fla flflfll Bflfl A thfl flfl BJMthfl i'ls.-iip* tion, "Johfll.v from home: lfl iflflflflfl BBB I.-i.bud." AflflthflTflflflJ. BflBfl in ail Iflffl flB, Wflfl the addi th.nal inacripiion of "Tbe Traitore Doom" pinned thereto, wae discovered in flfl City Hall Fflfl flflBfl 13 o'c!i<k ?.n Srtt.irday flflfll. The palfl afl il flflfl B, nnd euapended it in the flflflfl flfl ihfl Iflflfll BflMflffl, where it was on cxhihiiion duriug u po.-tim. of tlie day - The ligurcs were donb'lese btt-nded to reprerent ft gentleman who recently sent a commnuicaUon to tbe Louisiunu Lc^isluture in wbi.h the annexation of Southern New-York and New-Jertey to the Sonthern I Confcderation wae recommended. Thk Coin-ii'iv fStiui.i Srtniiiroi Aimiat.-- John McCumre-y, wbo wua aliuiked and benten on tbe cr BV of t'olumbin flfll Atbntic flflflfl, flfl thn night of | flfl '-''"'th ult., died from tbe flflflB of bin injiiii.-K, fl the ' City II.ispital, onSi.turday morning. It appeara that j Mi i 'itiuley waBon his wuy home, wh?n he was MMflfld tt Jflfl Cflflflfl. Iflflfl BBflf, Thomas Costello, and j .Iitmce ?Bflflflfl who BMMflflfl him t4. treat. Mcdimley ?flfl if a ncighboring st/.re was open hc would do so, BB Bfllflfll BBflflfl fll atl.'Uiptf.l B fflfl aWBf. Tflfl BflfflBB hurried hiin into tbe middle of the street and Kflflflflfll flflfl flflflB. While down la BBBBflfl Cowau, n'.il i/ettini/ up again tried to make his escape, when be wus dctained by Han'.ey until nn ?ific< r <amr i.long. Ofl being taken fl ihe Third Preciml Station-IIouse, it wae lound tiiut M.Ciiiiiley Bfkitll WM fiaciured, nnd that he waeinoie eciio'irly ii.juredflflfl Oflflflfl. The lxttcr wae tukm lo ibe Bflfflal iind th* BflflBff, lM flBfl flflf tbey IMM triualeired. Al BMMB?M aie under arre*t, and severul more were taken into cue tu ly Ha wittieaaea, vertelday. The nau.ea ol the wit n* ara W. B? CflflBfl, imm MulhollanJ, and ThflBBM Wheelan. Coroner Hortou will commence an bMfltflMBBfl of tbe ( BBBBflflBBHB tt '*! o'ebek to-duy. Citt Baaniiu Tlfl totui BBflflflfl flf flflflflfl la the city last week was 111, of whiih 7; were males, flfll ?'? feinule*. Of tbese, ."*ti were adultB, and ? '-. clildren. Th*' principal di** ft*--fl were: .-oiisiiniption, i fll- convtilaiotis, 13; acarlet fever, 19; inrlamination of the Itiugs, T; dropsy, 5; conj-celbn of ll.e bntin, ?>; BMMJflflM |a*t'ile, '-', A fl. * Tnr. flflflf or a Cl i aata ia rtwBB ii a Bli ' n?BB ia BflBI iaa, I- I.?Thflboily aflfl akaffflflfl, flflfl* lied as that "f ihe K*-v. Mi. l'ntferworth, of t*?Mflflfl, ) N. .1., flffl Bflflfl in tha mill flflflfl in Ilabylon, I.. I., Iflflf?Bflfl* BBMBflJ. Tflfl OflBBB BflB Iflfl Mr. j Hulterworti. wbs al their BBBB Afl flfhl Ho ? j* dtvtoed iu Btfl pNUt, ligbt-:?*lore*! ve-'a, w lfl)Iflfll I ' Bflfl Bflfl flfll naik-le. BB .ir|H*t-!..v. I BBflBBBBf fl flfltfl, Mveiul rt-liuiou* flflflflfl, and aou.' hfl tfflfB, wa* 17,111.1 on tlu- bank. mt iBlflflfltTIBfl PAf.-flfltfltBM Bflfl The ; Boabf M.'Uiitain IIflffllflflflB Cflflfl W?I lfl flflflflflfl fl na ft.r ..ich ISiute, one for lbe Pre* . ? ii. lor tflfl |-B flflflflfl fl Bflf, ffl II >j .1 a-*., WflBa?BfMfl tiin*. Bfl IfllflOfflflfli TbflBTffaflJ wil MflB) Bflflfl Bflflfl the BBflflfl?BB? CaL OflflBf, lfl Bfl l?Hflflfl Bflflaflfl, uaa;-'.'l b| BflfAVtBfl Baflfl* wnd 1 i-ii.aar Muitin. flffl BBflfl?M fl it flfll Le done witb BebValaaBB, BBfll? from ("eij. flflflfflfl a at IrJMrato^H. Die toeffiLert ?f flfl HalUtli'-n Bhfl wi?l. '" IflB in flfl d. BBflUfltflfll '?"?ill nmiubl"- at tlei. v\d !)*.ad'iuait4if<, b ii...:aafl. 1 fl |?flflflfl Republicad Clob, fl Ki...,- ('.lunty, ail! als.1 tire a flflflfl flf thirty four i/:it.t fflfl the same flflfl, unJ the ??ne Bflfli fllfl Bt Iflflfl Iflflflflfl, Wit* ,,.;."*""' "'-ho B-neii' r. h,.> Y?rf*.?Tti.I ... 'u. "i awlj IBBflfl Wf vvho Wua rafavflt'. Iaa lt Braai i ?? YrVtoy al|M by * ll*-a *"J tiilifi lM H" I-I'liiaa na .,? ? I ? rleul l BflflM liit' har BBWB1 .t flfll** Jrifr-,lingly J-u flflfl, ?pH, Qflrtefl QiBBBAI i'l.tiMirTi).? ll a recent ?eatiui"! ll.*! ni'.u U-.-..I ."..?? of BB.B- ": .- ?; a.i n lill fl lo Bfl?laat. ? ? .ta?". iu.' *v etxetn; Mb*feta*Bi ? a| fliartleB. inai'i rltal Btojflta wHhtbaOrai ratt wat ii)ibIiA rjti.r o? IflfltvtBBB'l II? r? ? Thfl h' '.-! flf Jt)*bl I Bm like.. i.r.r ha t . i, Kv ? ' - ? - ? ?? at . -vbaj r.i,.i.-lig .-.fab.-' .M.-r.'.'v ?'.*.. i 11 ta?at ? S.' llii.v. '.. Jl-,*. Ci-..* V .-I..I. Ik* | !- f Wl -> ? *,.'."".?; anJnii. upto flll.lOO ttwl kol lo Mr I!*-.'*? fi-i'l, '*?"? ('? ???' J-:" "' '' ? paiiy ii >nd to ba wBffll Mflai] J'. MB Bfl BMBM >' ?*? ae d'for. Sliu.iL't AciinitM 01 IBB I..'".- ll?tflfl Hvii H"AU.-.\ o-y. muiedfirii.... k Uaf, wbaM p.r.-,tt jaiN il ? i-r' u-?r dr.uJ tvaoua, n tt i u i ifl flB BflliU** *v-nii.g . A'lii'i . i , il ?? |. *. * l.'ai.d Pailm?ilralu. lirms'. ? iBT*T*d to Kavli 1 ding Itort ll 1 , .,ti. ,. :.*.. fl vm aanaitaiael tba on. tt?aatia?i la* war.* iblreiatbod. it i. ,i .. .:! i - :. i * ttg autvlf? uli ?:n (|.,-r Bia?, of llfl jVi.ui -ti I'r- laei bfll bi-i. c<m vryaj tobiiUoiu*. F'Ttf. RrsciT o) II AcciflflBT vr int FiRi'.r. - Mcli.teay, aiaib.r T. yr.r. ??? I nallvr .,* Iielipd, died at m.- Iloaaiul.,-. Bfltaraay, ttem inj iriai tuitatuatj ?'. '?*? lr'i ? ryoa tb* nth nll Tbfl d. -*mrt w*bI to th* flrdor ?e 4. ? k br ...'.ir fl?fBflM fll Ihr b,** r^n-lng ln rin agi'mt tha f.u.le... 'I ke wu pre/'ipiti'rd bativocn iba | i'n aiid 1 t ,,*.!., flflwM fca'f.illy c.u.l.'d r-otiir u: thr fe. ji I'flffta* Ilu. tc' b* wm .im ati .1 aad Baatayad : j tlir 1< .<ii ll iib-ir ba lu.gerr.l fcr . trw d.yi t'or.mar Ho-tnn hr.4 t. iaau**t and tbr J.iry r.-i-.trirtl a vtrdi t ..'. ilctlb h ? n , ilJeii>, ??? ?? - ' LAW 1STI I.I.U.ENCF. ? 81 PHi Ufl ( ?)' RI'-Charrbr. -Mir.m I Bflflflfl Jui'.l ? Banaiaa AII I '.) I" H'l.ll IV, 1 Hl.V Jl - 1 11 >. . rr BaflBfl Of K. VV . lUpp. BflflBjMlW. Cbij.p WM ancstcd ut a fitgitive froai jn :l. r Irom Um BbflM af C .iiimL.a. ai.d c.i .n.ii'.i.l l . :.-. . . . ion i.f tlir pt. ; e, . ti "il'le.. Iii* ??I?Tfl* ftoui arr-?l ? .., . imtrt vi Ih* i-'",i 4 'bat li* waa not a laflfllffl frfllfl ni) ?Ute M Tern'o'v. ... I tb? !i ra tl.i. C*arl JU-.t ,..j jtuitdl II , ardlf utck, it Biutt ba by tiituflflfaai-aeM itum th" I )..-.' t ..orti. Tla ,-aaa *mr."inl it' Pltflty, but tlir bri.b'j al 1 oi.'i' -ataiafly, utira ail ouaatBI n bring a Nbdrawn, ("?.;? t ? di-, ba ,.r.l. i.i'il lu.iiu-.|.,-...|y tlier-ift. r t.k*n ru.' .Jy h..''l.. I ..,-..1 -ii.,'... t?I Bj?I, *B * ua.ii.,' itii/cjb. i niUd .-??:.. I> ' Jie Belta. Ai.'Jtliei ?;'.! vi >i it "n .* .tppli. d f.-r, raturflM* M...J?? Q.,,11,1,,/, ...... Ci l|,|,'i >i!t. bargfl ,'ll t'.o gi,.i ?. I tbi! t. .* k 'n ... cliarrail tl*lt* p-tri.i* il v. it u 'i *u Bflainai l i.'.-J !>*. ??? ii-.i L..' BM ". II , . I !,?? ?r.' . ,1 < i.hi ifld I" n afl . "i J-il ?ry CB/, "ii Im v* .i tj vVaabii //"u, ...J [>rj aad IB* ,.i fla pr?".*.* IMM laiBfld. 'i, e*P*oab, a ., ,.g'. Tbe Mayor, Ac- AppflV at... i (oi *diiitl'.inl aflfl BBB J' ttoi, m lUI-BIOfl rirTTBT BrBntiT-tflB atiifll .Balbifllfl Bat vv v TbrPropir *-- rn T-'i tlwliajll ?'. Motion tn o_??arfe ot*darol arrea B*abd. Ho *?.!*;. a?ail* Wflfl* M tbfl ptaiut? ...... ?- ii ii ita . : ,| t, i -v ii .,,.,.,., wiil? I> >1? btt ieivrto 1,1 -?-? ai Itit.KIA'I'K.'Ht iit'RT M.V..,.:- B ... aiT*t**t* Va'avrr. II..a Will ot .loi.n B.'L wua nda.iti 'l ut le*l*t.l flfl B I-..J.. Bfllflta, Va'i.c i ?? * . ,,t. | , . iu? -. u,i ?-. I,,. t .'.,-' - ,-..,,, itt i j'h<:r IlkM bf bit pe . ?! a it. . .... anutb*. .,. I it..... I ...* Tb* i- ? .' >i .i,.,.I t. pt. h.. .ti Ifblfll fl '?? P". ii. -.-. li, r ,.?. ri then tl.elo.-ith pfltttaa n tn .. tald i ?, uii ?.i.,tiii...i that al.n d>.?. ...' BBVrrj , !? ..',-1 -. t -?'. K Sc'ia-frr lf ? I ?? i,,11.11. .I Ullt.el, 1 'I ' ??'.!?? .-.-..- . . . J il i.J fll _ COl'RT 04il.!BflDAB- T.i . fur | 8i'i'ii)Mr Coi i-1 - ii; --I.. it. Ti \ i , aad io IB gl raifli ("oiiiT?Cin i ii. -ran I. N.-a.:,, id. 7'.. Bl I IL IM, ifl), IM, IM. I l. 11 ?? i, / :, III .?.. , .. jn:.. -W7. Virt II. N ''' IM ., Ibl lit Ila ;i..t. ?I 38), J.t . ?- -'.. '.1. S. PB?fll Cot'Hi?Sn . iii. l'i .??..--l)ei..'trrei>,? N ,. II :i, I, i, I tfl, Ifi, fl), Bfl, II M, .'.*, ..'.. .1 .,.', |: .1, M, mi, "Sorri'ioi: Couki?Ptirll.?Xos. lill, Iflfl. UflA ?"IU 131ft l.'il 1339, 1333, 1j*JT, I?M, lui, Uu 1313 i Id fart ll.-Nat. W', a-/*i., Olt),'Jtf, fAif, ui 3?, 1J4, ?.?>. ll'.*. :m, 740, 71ft. C.'ii.T or Common Pllis.?Part I.- Xos. 900, 909. IU, 123, 15,\ SJO, Bfl. ?4, 3.17, flfl, ii 17, iW9, 404, .'.1, itU Pirt 11. - Noa 4!.'., 4?J, 4<>3, 464, 817, 4W, Ib'J, 170, i.l, IV., '7.1 U 1, flfl, Mfl .'"Wl. COMMERCIAL &ATTERS. HoArn nt the Btcck _MflflflflflflJB.>*aflflB MOrrraAiirr 12 p. 0 H.l'OL fli Pean. Coal Co.....77 MtflTiaaaaiy ?1 u BM..HI Ml Mick.Ceutral hit..... ?.* 1 IWO Ohio StitrS., \**b... ?? 1100 do.*K)5._ to.UOOTeua B'aUt?., 18S0.. 75 fl do...-? ?? l.eoo Bfll* t.?.',1 \ttt do.b*> *8 ifli do.ifl lg ^.tf;_2 1,?1 ,i_ .164 290 do.oM Ml Kflflt ft::::::::::::::: 51 micm. b r-- ?? kr.?1 MION. C. State 6*. M Mfl "J".*_, 3?,PflO Mli.K).irl Buteli..... 63 |1?> i".9 do.tisi iso do. tm \;nti do.fll Mfl do.?!" _"l IMfl do.bJO6.V*'10O do.b?,0 o!) It'oonHnd Rtv. Iin. lit M 105J 37-Mich. 8. lt N. I.R. R.. 14* BflM Hud. RIt. RR JdM.IOI | tti Jo...... ?????????? \*i _yu.i llud. Iliv. id M Ui.. ?" ! ''Micii ?. it B. I. O. ?.. 34 3.MB H.rlrm I flt M. flfll... fl| 50 -?.?"! .'...-" Iii. Cruliai km. Bfl.. M Mfl Ao.J'l IBkirhic V N. \V l.t M 3H|/i0 Ao..? 9 000 (,". k Toi. B. K. Bi... 7S ' I'-O do..1.1 J4< Mfl do.M| ll?illl. l-c. II. K. N-tl.... iU 2 0.0 D. L. -V YVVa. 2-la... H WMl ia.IIi .1 fltC n.kli. R. I*|>c lit. '.'4 ,4"0* !) Ha.ikofl ........erre.IH ! I'KI do.11 flll iu r.?,t|.,r.,i.l n,i,k.. I'l Mfl do.ttfl flll :. lin). U llud CtaalCo.. 50 ilOO do.||S 811 .um i-a-'ir-.' M.Htm'ikipCo. "4 Ml 1?.u',t Ul} 100 do.fl30H|'10O flo.R2 Hfl N. T. Ceotral B B.'Ltfl <*?. ftl * JM d?.*15 77j 100 do. Bifl mi do.'..... "i y? i>.oio il, 5 Ao....M UCBf.CfllikOa.BB... M mi do.tltTTj lflOOflta?afcClile.BB.... 774 MM ? do. :? it*. to.bflWj ifl ,|?.hM 7RJ l.W do.blO ,1\ :?) do.blOIUll'IO do.bV'Tl, Mfl do.b** "-I f" <1o.-ifi Mfl _?..10 771 100 do.?:?? 77: -Tfl. do.1)10 7H 04*4 do.tM) fl .".iKrielUilio.d. 321 200 do.fll .'1 2iY do..1032 iM do. rio fl. :,.>{_ NOCIeve. fcTcVdo H. R.. Jjj flfl fln.bltflflM do.""Sl i.Mi.ilo.. Rir. BK.45-100 do.? ?^ Kifl do.tlflti Bfl d-...''_?.?' IM do.i"0 4.;:2CO do.MO 36 i do.tfltt |flfl do.bflfl r-lH..I?ro RR. I'.l luf? i?. 2 ^.llarleuillK. Fref.40 24)0 do.iMfl ..ifllRrad. RR. 4*1 Kfl do.t3t M |fl do.45 fl Chi., Bflfl. O UuiricyR. .4 1(M) do.tM flfl do.iat3 Kfl) do.ll0 4M,i<1;0 .4 ir.HXfl do.4.'.!' MMBw?a?BMlaa.B.Bi i? BflflflBB BMBB M,flM tT. fl. 5a, fl, PegM-d tti IM UfldflM Jtiver flailroid 4^ 19,000 U. B. ta, fll, ("ono... Sf.'l itO-.l Hirlrm Railroad. !?'. M*K)U tf. U?, '81,R..-rfc... Wi IO) do.blO I5J l-r wfl) U. fl. fl*. '"I I'oup... !'<i la.ilT?r)emR lt.Pr.fd.... 4" l.oreTriin flflMfl M. 75i Mfl Rriditig II. R. ??1 5 !?<?) Y lr^iuia Htale 6.T2 VK) d>. .b30 4.} |.im. i....uo'.t.i JOOUev. liToi. R.R. ''i - mn >io.b?o '*s* MMIflflu Cm B.B. ??"'( u*. -'-i Mfl di.57' iiMi-li. i.k S. lad. ft. R. I4i do '- ?>.. .MImo.uI Htatot.l>-> Iflfl do. 4,000 :.;ir'.hCaro!liia."itat'!6 U ii.ei Krof.iWi, i ity \Y' f,.Uf'j ]...4.-0(iBl.LCIii.RH.2dM.B N i'-o do. N| I'a.iVO Him. *Ht. J. RU. Bi. 4t Bfl Mi BBM. 1.0.0.?S KO MercflaoU'Bank.fltl i?) .iy j 14 B ..lii.((-'i-i.!i,-ice.'"", MO do. fl ; SOPuciii.- Mail Sti-i-iu. d>. B6 i 5*. d. -4*1 ?-i do.Wl ha. . .. 1'AiiAii.A K.iiirra.l.II'. . J.,.B'-i'S*) do.11B I MflH. Y. ("en. H. B....I*'*) 7i.'|i??. 111. ( --n. R. II. H*-rip-i'l M do .WtniJM do.aM*' i 2?, do.v.\:itii dr..M d-i.7, :i:0 do. ???' ? iifl do.b.V. :JiJ|KiO do.I>6:Bl. j JOKiiell.R.32WOO do.' Ifl .to. r.''. flCtov.Cfll k?'la.B.fl M ii ,(.. . :?;; IMUfllena L ''ni":-..- H. B. .!: .' IBfldBM Kirrr r.aiiraad. 45|j3aOC'hi. k I R. R ? ? ?> > -... m> IflTVBBAf, March 2?1'. m. BfldMl lh.- HMMfl of Ihe Kirat Bflflfl, ? Wflf bflflflf feeling wiiMdiapbiyeil an.l pflflflflflM MflW flflflfl u-arly or quite I V cei.t on leadiug aiock* iu the BflflflBoaaaaflBM of the flatab Tba bfl ..ptrationa ofl tbe Ht,a..l flflfl c..u*.-.|ii> nt!.-. af tba aMM (hataflar, and a ?ort 4 *emi i-anic eeeme.1 to take |><>at.-aion 4 ibe inurkefl. New-Yorit Central, Writ,Hfldflfl Kiver flflflfltbflflldflM flflflflflffllflfl dflfldfld|f, aud lh*' iliapoeiiion tt> rdl app ared B pre.ioirir.atc. Ileforc ibaWaflMfl flflflflflflMM upfi.r MflflflflflfltBfl.batfflfM, ii privuif telcgrrim wa* rrtA to tho Boar.l, rtHtinji in eoflflflafl terma tbat the Viruiuia Conventioti would Bfl ?fl a] ..rdinaiue, an.l BflB that time to the cU-fe of tbe fraeion ibe market bad a Bflfl anpect. Tli* Weetern eharc* flfl flflfl flMflfl, and al Bflflfl *" lower, were in g<-**l demand at '. (be declii)*1. Illinoia Central, Oalena and Toletlo vflta tba aMM afliflaaaMba, afl fla daaflaa of Bbfl J f ,,i,!. bnt fl tbe cloflng trnnaaetioflt for each there WM a gocd flflflBfloa t? buy, and ihe reaaici) cb>aed wilh :i airi.ii>,-.-r feeling. tbo Ito.-ird* ihe ,-ii ..1 ing* fll re not lergc, and there wa* u<> iflflfll change, bill liI. Ilie all.Tli.Mili M-eaiol. tb<- iImj.i kitin.i lo H II in rre.ieetl, uud, W.ll. but flfl MIflfl exi. | tit.::*, price wei'-l-'YTer (liatiat ihe Bflflflflf BaBlfli flflM thflBBjOflfB* ment, a more cheerful feeling prevaiUJ, aud ibe Bfl p.i<e*of th.e t\*j flflfl alightly letter. Tl < nx*t im ileclinr of Ibe flf A fat Btochfl ef tbfl Bfltflflf Statoa, from 'i to ?"> t' f.nt, reprcaent* J 1 \ TbfMB'B, Miatoiiri'it, au-l Teuii.-rfue'a; but tb* diajia'ehi-a from Yirgitiiil und Nortb Carolinu flflflfltaMfl i" tl <? Ci.i.n had a MMBflMl flBB, and I Iflflflf of from 1 tfl 1 j 1' ceut followed. Tie new loan of QflflMMMMfl Bold tn. h.'j a ;'i, tor eaflfM atock, but latvr B (hc daycioer.. Bflfl rirm. Tiii b.euh ,u ILi mark.i, whi.h vi.m menced in ihe uioruiui,', aud held thrvui^ii thc- day, *itb~.'2!^ vibiBtiont, ia to Ik* attilbutad to Iba paQtBal rntfllijwMfll wlllL H^rrtrd io C^m^ ]..?'. BflflM bj tttrti* every bonr, but wn* ii|0!i BflflflflBBBBBOlBg und di-tnr!'ing iu iti influence. Tl.e intc tl.e ij^iubitivna continuea very limiie-J, uud tLe market ia nion- MBflflfltothfl flflflflfl Iflbflfl on iMaaflBMBt, ll.e Stiw-i Bflfl Bpt-culit'ira B8*M| n:| iuly in eiiher di:ecti"U. accordiug ti the dflfllflfflWA at VfaabBftea Boa day B day. Thc flflBf price* uei.-: I'liilcd Bflflfl tm, Ki, -'? lflf| TMMflflfl (ie, r .. 7.<i; \'iiyi..iH ??*, "?">; Mia-Kittri 6a, i-'-f flfl|; BflflB M.-iil, K4l New-York Central Baflflfld, ;"J2."<i; Kitili.Mid, A '1 Bfl3| liudaon River Kailroad, Un\ I (..;, BflBfl BBBoad, IS|olfl)i If fld? ftodflwd, in, BflflflBf BflUiflfld, I ?,. MBb%nCeaBal Bflflflad, 58_><"fl MlehiftB Bflflflfl and Xo.ili.rn In.bana fliblld. H(. MfeMgfl Soutbein aud KoftbflB In dntia Ifailtwd. (J.iuninti'ed, K| Illinoia Central Rail? road. II11 "*' |: Qaleiui Bfld CIuchu'0 Railroaii.7-.'' -. 7'2l: Clevelaud andToledo Railroad, 3o u Ifl] Chicago and Rock Ialand l.'eil.I m% The foiflMfl Mfl nii-rVet ia dull bfl tffldjf. Sierling, Ioi 1100,. Krauc*. .'i.iOu.'i.a-.'l. Freii'htato Laflfloa, l.aa) l,!,.a. F'.onr fl _B.7l4.ti Sfl.tfl.1 'I",, bflBfl llacon, ai.-l MflpbfB Lflflat BO TflUlBl|flfll.ITflIflMI Coi:..nat-d.: Tfll bflflfl fla* con, arnl IflO bbla. Lnrd at 10b.; Mfl bbB. flbflB Pflffl 4 I iV. I.I., Bfll ".?,'M, bBBBtWbflflfl relct. To OBafflfl, H' pkgi. L.--1 .m t"-. '-1. fl v-a.-l toOalway flOBS^OQfl buab. Oflffl and \Yiiea( :it l ld. The bfldflaaa oi ii..- flabTVfliiy flfli toeelptfl, fdflf,flft !'.?for Oaflflflfl, f..|..Biu?i'ttyiii.-nte. |BB,' ' ???V .'-.,; BbBmi. |9,lflfi,fl08 ST?flhflflBf au bflflM ot |."i,S.)0,iM) during t'ue week. Tl.e IgffBfBla will maflaamfaaidhraaa) araab tr.idcr tho dnflB 4 ihe Secretary ofthe T.eaeiiiy. Ibflflanflflp l.y iheCMaflgo BaiUaftofl aa l QnMay Bailroad Lin* B tbo third trttb oi fflbtaaif flflfl iu ISHO. 1S?1. freuht.fl-2.4--i.ti fl.-l.2ico Deer***a...fl ' fl tmm ,?-.. ' ? . W 11 ?* '-'J bfltMM. ?' "' ToUl.A30,7(Y1 3H ?2>,!'I3 ?J lBflflaM....QOI 13 Tlie taraBgi 4 ibflltflaoB Ciatnl Bi tbt Botth wook of l-'el.niar",, 1881, were: faaMhwMk, Wfll.ttkjmt kl Ioi PMt, OM.tfll fl Ou';. four woiLuii.' flflflfl i: ?l'il"d i-i tbe fourth flflflb. Tl.e Mflflfll WBBMI flf flfl moiiM. of ffli ? I ..ry BtM.".flM.Ifr-' W . I "-'f.'' II BflBMI. flfl^OM IbflflflMfld Bfld reachedab-iiit flll5,fl00, and the , i .li r. ( ahaB ui th.- Land Oili.e fl.'.l ,oi)0. Tbe e.iu Bffl 4 tbt Qnfl ny .-.-.. Bailrflflfl flf Clflflda Ifl tbfl flflflfl IfldBg (bo iMdt.f feb. r?.efl.,**h-.* '?' .*'S I?' : - ? ? k . *?< ' ;.|.,|. _...d?i..,Jri?i. . IMt .">! T.,fl.'. *."'.'4 -') . .,-,., d,..j * ??* -I iA.tveir. --?? '" '--ll l . MM. *'"'-' * Tbfl .iuu ;?< i.v ei, ol (iia Not Yv,,.. tadWori I,' .H-l YVCle 1SBO. 1881. tn. I.-' *: " " .n-ijUi. li - '?? ??'' 3T T..r?: .(2i iu i IflflMflM. :'*':" * Thflfflfld ..,* >i fllfflflbflB rittiii.n,' recii'ly, Mfl flfll BflM bflfl tflfl MW IfltflBfl flflflfl ou tbe loutc. lloth aro biuuibii.l, uud will be icsdy, wo presiime, in May. Tbe Pannuia Rulboud earninga M JflflflBTflflfll PMfllBMIt.?JMSS Krei?h".. J.' .__ Mfl.flflM* O TMa e-Viwa a la-ga falline* otT from tbe *?,m* month last year. when there waa an aciive eomput.. r-n for _*? (.':ilif"it:ia bm ine-s. We have received acipy of the Annu-il Keport of the (lalena aud Chicago Itai'roud, giv ing the r. tults cf tflfl ti-ullic flf Bflfl year ?flflf 31st Dflflt, 18ejf3. Proui it we?aiherthat the groa earning* for tbe yea/ er.Jing Jaii. 1, lut*l, were.*l,4rB,751 HO Operating eipeuie. for tame tima.. 110,414 H , . Total..' |el,380 3a Ati-i.irpiut Jan. 1, 1M0.. *J0,M7 42 i ? il. *r//i c?- a* Dlvidend, K.b . 11)60.".........flflflfll fl lni*re-t on Bondi. IM?MM ('? tt i r Kondi for 8*eond MoTtgaa* SinkineKund...... . HW.SeiM trtiier ltema charged Income Ae^ount, whiebae.. ~,IW45 *?47T3i9f Net lurplui Jan. 1, 1881. .... 4.335 jjj t>\ Ti;e Bfl eiiniingn of the year were fl?.?.t>4l 09, of j which fllc*0 834 wus paid in a dividend, 1100..'.Jfl ;<> | paid into tbe sinking I'li.d, and *)'i.o2l 91 carried to surplua uccoiint. The Hmutitit eanied anplk*ahb to flfl. : i'lcnus WM fJt>5,3.'/8 59, or about 4J ip cent. Iuelodiug I thfl raflBMBBB for debt l.y tiie sinking f.ind, Ih* nt -.i.niiigH were a fraction over fl ip cent.. \ Tb* MBaM charged to ron.iruclieo account to Jan. I, IflB, iv a..t'-.-JM.Mj 9 A11..1 , ll rddedduring tli.- ytar ou account MFflflfl exji.iiHiandSt. Cbailai Aii Line. MT 11 flflfll .-V83S4.MI r. \ Lcti pro, riiiofwbtrf-bott iold.. .',t," 1 1 Maklci.' total iib ebarged to eoui'.rnetlon account M Jan. 1, IMI .4*S,3*,2,481 r \ Th* la; g'h af our entire linctof road lt.**!, aillta. I n.iibirtrii-.k. 'Jd rr..)** Bihi.g. md f-ravei pit tracki. 44*. Bhfl T^tal leugtb of UacA..3M}Bii/*? Tkt Ca1 i:*1 bitock of the f*omp*ny now eoniltt* of ni. fltbaTM.?(;/. 28.300 C4 Tr.r ??a?4 ?f Funded Ilebt at tba dat* of th* ?a| .V.uiual Rrpurt, wai.43.03*00 '< 1' f re BM liee.i purebaied and i.ancried. on MMflfl ,t Ibfl Sinking Fui.d, oftbe Second Mortgag* _ Hnnd.. BMB M Making th* anii/urt of prattnt Knnded Dabt. *i flflfl Tbi. ii rompeied ot Kint ktort. Bondi. di.* Keb. 1, 186*2.flM2.*00 HntMnrt. Bor.d., dn*'Ang. I. Bfl. BB.BM bi. lM.i-t. li ..da, diir Keb. 1. Iflfll. 6f','?? luit Mt). llouda, du? Aug.l, flfl.? ? 1,511,00 Tutal.B1,903.CO S.-nnd '.f-itr Uc-ndl. dt.e Viy I. 1H75.... l.SiM.lW) i.i- Hnnd., due on 8t. Ch.rle. Air UflBflBflBBfl.?_.____13.514 :i* (4 The whole amonnt of Forond Mortgagc Bflflfl now niiinhflnfl from enrrent revennea and cancelcd on BJ> etflflfl flf BBflflflfl Fund, Ifl *.W),U00. Tbt iflflfl fl ex Bflflflfl to cftrningB, during tho paat year, haa been 55 1-10 a> cent, Bliowing un iuiprovetju-M iulhiare BMflt of flflfll than :i f Mfl nver the -flflflflflfl year. The first half oftbe year abowed a emalltr flflflBBfl than any former peri'jdintbebistory of the robd. but tle '?? ciop* aud tbe bi?iiiei-s oftbe biU.-r-.orti m . f yi .: worc much more BAtiafactory. " The Iflfll Mortgag* lion.lB will begin to fall dae on the f.iaf if Kebruary. I-*).-.', a pflBflflflfl will Maa be imule ta flfl IflflB*f ?heicUiiids for their extension at par, for a period o4. twenty years, with new aheete of conpf'ne attfttbed ?fll u BM?Mf fund Mfl-lfla?1 whicb flfll uxtitiR'tisb the entire ftinouiU of tLia Iflbt B-flflfl the BflflMJ-flBflflBflflfl period.'' Prov; .im will be ?Bflfl k pay at BBtnrity any bonds vv bi' h are not ex'.ended. I ln-following is a et.ttement of the traftie andex BtaflBflfflfl 1-11?flflflflfl, 1'orlW'ayneuiidC'lii.ftgo Bflfli n.-id, during tbe year cndirgPec. 31, lc-'*0: No. c' T r Famfiifi. I-ipenoa*. Piawuf*:*. liagt .'.U'ia.-T....?13a.*''3 H7 ? I' Ji',871 87 25 -r'O /TTIU bebr aiv... lii lut iH 11J.U17 43 *..M[ VI, ,1. :... pr'.-iTti 4.-.I 121.490 75 3J.9-U" *" . * Aptil. li-2.5t.S71 llAflBM M.flJ By_J M*v . 1:? ;..?i >.; Mi.MI'*: *0,7M *? Iaa* . Iflflfl 17...SM W ... .'Ji BMB J,,|T. 1M.031 ? PH.89433 .*:. 2?-/ ot.-^T ?Htx.f.M 2.4 137,11141 41,7* 14 1 l Mr.. Hi.'M- SH lM.Min 43.2:-) 41,. X .. 2*>fi84le-a 158 487 13 51.146 5fl,6/ Novr.i.rier.. 281 251 7fi 134,** 11 4l:ia? 42 4.7 l)r*a...Lei.. 191.IH0 73 143.7U0 77 W <?3 4-'" Tot?!...?3,:^'.,."?;'-. *l..l7a-J7 til IB-.TM *k*t Ial8.-J.. 1.969.9*7 80 I.2*?l.*?iJ 95 413,317 T?,*l foaflfl.. *34i!),4C? 73 #i2t-,2'*l67 -4t'5 102 y+ TLe txchauge* at tflfl Ciearing-Hou.-e this BBBbBBJ ?-.\',l>. 4,9oo Ut The Kxchaniree oftbe week end fla ll is morning weie $k,(>,7-.'M,.S'r2, being ft -buly BWjjflBflfl "1 |M,IJ1,C\ aflBBBfl $h',dJ0,ofil 10, flfl , ? eiiding 011 Saturday Luit. Thi* i.iciea** if due t< .?anla on the new Oovernment loan. We i_t* r, erivad from AILert H. hlllflflfl/ At Cb*, auetbitaerf iri'l brokent, tlieir neii.i-tiioulhly pii.ei o' ot'^ksund IflflflBj giving ihe ktcst ('uolatim* of at curitirs uud ..tber BflMnBflflB. Copies may b* flt> lajflfl ut their OflMfl, Bfl, SB W?UflB stttet. trn'.W. BflBaft 4%f* TUreislcsa demand for the new 0afl?JBafla-l flflfl ai d flfllflB, nnder the dis'.utbing BBBBBfl Bflfl Wflflfl*' ingt"!', h.ceptvd in the mtu-ning bwer ratea. I fl ?Bflfl were made ae IflB nt flfl* but the lui'ket ws* Bfflflflflflfl strongcr, and floMfll at Mfl. Trt?n*niy Ncn rvn p*itl,i/ed, Hi.d aold witb 1**8 activiiy and fl a de*lir.e ol a'-out 4 t' cent. Tl e money uuurket is much tbe sime M bflBfl reported. Demand loanc are do7 tf flflfl, aud gilt-edged Bflffl <; 11 9* cent. Al 'h* m.;t.. BBB aflfl it mrnvt be veiy choice and sboit. Tbe Baiik Siuieu/cntof Mouday will show a laixe bBflflflfl I.KiiiR, probably two and i Imlf to ?flflfl u D?Mfl, w;d a lfirj?e de. line in flfl ly-etic lme, l**>tb 'he r* sulf of '-.bti* BBflM MWflflflflfl?BMkl stock. The Mflflk] incre_*e r* Iot jis ie about five millions, nud tbe deert'tiae of Bptxi* ibflBl t"U|-lIiiliBB?b Ti.*- l'..ei\.is of the Colnmlms, Pii^oa-ind Indbn;. AflBVflfl Company, huve maie tLe flBBMllBf aBBBBBBB of gnie- BBjTBBBffl Hnd BBBflflBM flf tbat ioud fcr'te iv . i\e Mflflhflflflfl?BJ thelat of N.iveinbei, A. P. ltt*i ?a?BBflfl reeeipti.flfll.BM * V.'igl* irr*eiT*?*. .*-?.!4? ?"* >.pr-..-...eipl. 1 flflfl latTMtittaajli. ( ?Mfl aflBaMja....**_'r,? K Oidinary expeuiei. 84.P35 .. N-t r..ri,liii(t. BM.74) V BXTKIORIUM4UT atl-RMrr. (athpt/ldl .. .if Weatern Wf. *>4.?? i'j .1 -i.r labuUtfll g a..l rafaiting l.?t. f.2*149 1 -.... ptid f.r new wtter ita'.tonl, ai.d re p. 11,aaM *BM. 4i4 41 C; 'ii nii toz new arnlne-bonte at Colutn* n,V,. 393 ? C ??, I i-i fur irnii.aof bridgc. and piat* ___ r..r..,. . ,*" f-.inpi.IHr 'ixa.. ?.< C .'-.[ .iJforr.iibtct viit. I??' - -? C ih p-.J for coit cf Couit, in Lracloiure tafl .-,-??,? Catb l"*'i f' r ' flfl given by f.Hlurr B*criv* rrt(',.r work). Bfl w Cflflh puid IBl itati.ti-houae and pasaengrr* - iuuo.1.1 loiuinUui. fll A Bal il BBBiBflBiirai.? ? ? ?? ? *_*,1! _* _ SabalaucfloTflr til ei|*e.,.Hi **i.?i3.1Mi JO? l-'.l*- ") i tirr.'.Terei'iiiugiin 19'*!),airfl poitrd Nov. I,tflfl. *? M f'7 Baltnc* on hand. *s?** ' ' The l-.xfBltfl af Sj-eie from tbe Port of Aew-iorb f r the iflflfl endiug BBBMflBf, March '.', weifl aa Bfl . ,.l,ii O.iikarCitv. Hivuni-BouHooni.*li,?!?, ?*-.....? ,bi? hie.-vilb.. Ilavan.-Hnllion. ?.??? ).,, l.i.ivillr, !?*? ..1.-1SUtaafca, U*i/.burg---bpflcia. -.'ox Total. *i-f I . Tflfl l-BM tdro tiH.k Mfhafl in specie. Tflfl BMBbBfljh ? l3,4*Jo"a-uo?t l-AK'.OOO-ia flflhtj MfoUflWfli auMfll Vv. ainniii, Dinion. k Co. . ao'tiei. co l) J. ?'i'fl jt JituetO b?BJflflfl. ' ... . , .A4344* 17 r.ji?i. . \Sfl ai.uex u comparalive sutenvent ot Bfl Importi M flfltcflj 1 Dry C.00.I* aud fieneral Mercbaudttc ftt Sfl* York for tLe week nndsime January 1: IflflBB. IHflO. Drv.lo.idi. ?-.'-n,l64 fl^_?_M Oru. M.i.-iiaudt-... lj*WiBfl _liBBflfl Ti.ta!'orwe.k.... f.4,tJJ.SC3 |.S,tJW,ti4u i'mviouily re-ieited. J^BflMfl X.tU.tH < m January 1. flfltlBjflB flfliflB,flfl B34,^" TflB tollovviiig tablo will comparo the cxportflof tb?; aevon piiiicipal ataple mliclee for the week: ,_INOfl.??v '-hflflBf VVtrknidlngKeb. 28. Aniouut. Value. *\*3**o%\m (?.iit.n. l-ia. 3.931 fljrMJ UM ???? flour. bUl.. 7.415 48.7./1 48. fl lj* Jjj C?,..MrU,bbi.. ao aa ^m Vktm Wheat. buth.;. -\l\ ni'mmx 122 4*4 Corn, buth. 1,3 8 I.J84 M,*? Bflg 11.*! I.l 1. lll.l !.'..4.-II5 WM ?"' ' jg. Poik,bbli.audtoa.2,600 ?*'*** ____? 3'' - Lil,"'fi it. flVl.aplMi*-'**' 1 lflB.B#flBMB?BM--fl.^B? ^...BM^A