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CinfB*"i? traaa FiftB A*aaa. W-oetir-: to -rnd impetiity in huviny tl rm held M bc 'in flflflflfltflBfll, It it -H-a-nty-two ycnra fince the firat talBfflflba fl o.uitr cn N-.tiocul CaaailMtia ?' tha per.od -Mfll ditf. r* nt and v*-iy tiflflbgabblfl cit ikene.'.uvv. in Buccea-iott MflflaBflMflfl the Fx.-entiv. bran-h of the QuiMMBlfl. Tiay bave comlncied fl tWu-jft mauy periia, and generaily Wflfl Bflfl IMBIM. ?*t, wiU. alV thia aflfl for paflflflflM, I ?ow et.t.-r *ponttea?ii.eUiek for Ue bfbf terin ttt four year*. undVr great and BflflBBBfl difliciiltv. A d_rtip'ti..i) al tbe Federal Ui.ion, bercU.fort* ouly j ineiiaei-l, i* now lorn.i.iatly attenipted. I iold thut ifl t-jfj-tetiiplB-ion flf tuiiverral bw aud of the Cunt-titution. Bflflfl**fl*f-flBflaflBflflta Mfl-pflflBaL Perpctuity ia ar-jpr-tjc il" i-iot .BBflt?flflfl iu t'.e tflflflwBNtll Iflfl ofl al NiitiounJ (rtiverumitif*. lt i* bhfe 10 aewr. tjiat u?* Oov***mmeiit proper ever had a BMflbba ; ta il* avrvimic bw for it* own teiniinatiou. ('..n flflfl *ii mecuie ail the fxpres* proviaiona of our Bflflflflfll CflBfltflaibfl, Bfll iflfl 1 bbbiwflI flflflflfl fl*> ? **f*r. 11 iR-ii*-' luiiKt-aibloiodebtroy il except by flflflfll flflflflfl not i-rv.v i.:t d lor in the tafltlflMMfl iieelf. aajab, it the Uu ted BflBI l>e Bfl a flflfMBBBflB proper, , hut au BflilbikiB of Siuiri it> flfl nalure flf a ooiittaje 11,, rtlv, can it aa a flflflflfl flfl aun-ade by lea* ail the BBt_M wbfl tn .d*' it Oite. party fl a B Bflf fboafl it, it, eo B apeak. bi.tdo.ait uot require aU 10 lawlully reerind it ? BbStMBflflfl flflfl Bflflfl gei.erul |llfl?ffl t*. we Iflfl the BflfaaBMfl flfll, in ligal coutciuplation, Ihfl Cnion apaiptiuul, BflB un d by tflflflflflflf** 01 Uie Cnion iieelf. Tlns Cnion ia BBBflb older tlian tbe Conal.f.itiou. lt ?flfl ft.rii.ed, in fact, by the articlea of flflfliflfll ta 1774. Ii wa* uiaiured aud continued iu the Dcclara lioo of Iudepeudeiui- iu ITib. It wn* further niaturrd, and tbe laith of aU the then flflflflfl flflflfl aafflBflflf* p-trhtfld ftnd engnge-l that it ahould be MTfttaal by the Arucbflof Cflflflflaiifl t"~*. aaHaaflf in 1787 on* trf the declured Bflfei ia for MflflBBflflJ and .avflaflflflflflaj tr* OonetituUon waa to lonu u more peiti-ct Cn:on. But if tht de? 'ncuou ol lbe Cnion by ou* or by a ?flflBaflta flBfl H a - ht bwrfaar* faBBBlB, bm Uaba B a-aiJ?.n belorv, tbfl Coualituiioti having h>at flfl Tital flMMMl of per-ietuity. It BfloWfl from theat ?toewa tbut uo State, up"U ia own mere motion, can hrwfallv get out of the Cuicn; U)at reBolve* und Mfl?? ?BBI to that flflflfl are Bflflflj MBfl*. ?i>d Uiat a* te ot ?flitfloc* within any State or8tate8ai.'iinat the authority fl| Uie Uuiu-d Statea are inauiTvctionary or revoliiU.n at-y, BBBflflflBBfl to MMMflBBBBBBB. 1, ihir.-lore,omaider tba-, iu view of the CoDBlitulion Bfl the lawa, lbe Caron ib tinlitviien, aur), to tbe extext of Bf abilitv. I Bball Uke ean.', ae ibe Coi?'ittiUon itnell >_tftflflfl* en pjt_a u-*ou u-e, tlutt the lawa of Uie Cnion be B?hfullj aaa**i*uti*d in nll the flBflfl lKuug tliia I deem B be ?nay a eiiuple dnty M my part. I iball perfectly per tortn it ao far ae ie Bflflflflflflflfla, unlee* my nghtfnl flflflflflfl, Uie Americiu. --ei-'ple, ahall witlil.old the re.'in flttbn, or in Bflfl Iflflflflfl?flflbfl uianner dirert the con tr-iry. I truet thia will not be Bflfflflfl?I ite a meuace, Bflou'y a* tt.e declurod purpoae flflfl Cnion. lhal kt will con*'ituiii.ually detend und BBBBflBBI Bflflfl. Ia doing ihis there need be M Mflflflflfll or vio btice. and Uiere (.hall be none unleae it 1- foivcl up >n the national autboiiiy. The power -unlidcd to me will B* uat-d lo bold. BBMBflf, and piwet-m BBB BMfflltf and fwace* b*-l(.ni.-iiig to the Government and BBflflfl BBfl dutiea and lafflflfl, but beyond wl at BBfl be Bflflfl* flary for thtfe ohjene. there will be no BflBBflfl uo Mtaijof ftme igiuii?t or among the Bflffl Wivere hoetihty to the Cnited Staire aliall l*e *o p~t?t aud bo univ.rtml at* to pflflflfl C4jinj*t?-nt rt-t-iiieul citi**u? from IflflflBfl th* fMBflfll flBBMfl, ttarra will be no aieiupt ta forca flMMflbfl ?ftt? iger* among the people Umt obje.-t. Wbile the fltna \euxxX rigbt n_y exiet of th? (lovernuitnt t" aaforc? tha exerciae of ihea* offltea, tbe atteuipl to do fl WOuldVeoiriiiatiDK ai'd ao nearly taflMBBBB*?0 wflflal, tbat l deem it l*ett?-r to iore-ro for the time the flw* ul auch othofl. The mail*, unleaa repelled, will continoe to te BBflflflflfl in ail 'uirl* of tbe Ini'ti Bv I?r aa rx-a-ibl**, the pc.ipl* every wheie ahall BBflfl flflflflflfl flfl flflflflflfl flflflfll?fWflflh ia Bflfl favurable tu cavlf? Uiougbt ivnd l*aba_flB, Ti.e c/iuibc beie Iflfli* 1?ud will be followed, curreui evente aml ex| 1 ritaM-e aliull BMW a modificationor fllaaflfl to be Bffl| Bl ? aod in every Cii*** and Bflaflflflf BtJ heei ui-cietiou vv ill ta) exen ia* d accordini: to the circnmat?ooefl m-tua ly ?Bflfling. and with a view aud hope of a peacctul flla* ?oa of the naiioiial trouhleB and ihe BBflflfllflfl of f-wtarntJ* aud uilecijonB. 1 there wa |wr*'in in one aectiou or auolber who flfll lo deatroy the Cnion at ail evente, at.d are -.lad of ftny HflflflXt to do it, I will Mfl?M af.'iiii. uor flflfi Itut, if tbere he aaeh, I need fflflflflfl Bfl w i-id io tht m. Ti thorc, however, wbo really love ihe Cnion, BBJ Inotajaak ' Bflflflfl BBBflfl upon ao>,'i?veH timi Bflraaliie deBtruclion of our Maflb, with ail na h*;i*elita, iin u.i-iiiories, and ite ho,*e, Woatfl B flfl l*e wejl 10 hJM-4-nain why we do it 1 Will you lu/Hr'i ae Obrperat* a aflfl wbile BtffWtMB of lbe iiii f/fl By irom i.avt* no IfllTllfllfltal Will you while lbe ?flflflAt1 ,11* you ily to aie gtflflBflf thuu ail the real ..nt * -?aa fly from? W.U you riak the of ao te?rtnl a ?BflBflfl 1 a?Iflflflflfl Mbfl BflBfl in Uie I.'itKui, if aU Courtifiiiioiial right* flfl be main taiaed. lt it true thin, that flf iflflfl pLiuly Wi?ten m lbe Conrlitution baa beeu denied. 1 think ?aot. II/i,; .ly the human luii.d ia bu cona'ituted ?flflflBflflMtf can MflbBthfl Badfl.'i'y flf doing liiin. Thiuk, ii you can, ol a fltaajb n.*ii.ii..e 111 w 1 i.h ? f__ulv-w'iitii-11 provition of the Conalituti./n haaevei lfeeu flfl?fll. If, by Uie n:eie fcfM o! uumbera, a uiii ^ority ahould d(-prive a BBMfitJf ol auy clearly-wriiu-u flflflltituUoiial ri.-ht. it u.i'.-hi in a moia: Bflfli af ffl a, ^-atify rev.'l'itinii: flflftflBflf would, fllfl?fl rifb were a ?it?1 one. Hut auch ie Bfl flf eaae. Ail the vilal -right*. of BBBOf?Bfl. and of iudividualt are no plaiuly aaa-ared M thflfl by aihrmHtion* aud flflflflbBB, gjoiimutiea and paMa?4?flflB, nt the Conatit'iiion, that flaflflflBflflflfl iiev-r ari*e flflflflflf Uiem. Hut m. orgunic law ci.n ever be fratned with h p:"V ir iaa ?pecifrvally applicahle to every qaflfltioa wl.ii I BBJ Bscur fl pfBBtbal adiuinirtiiaion. Bfl Bfflfllfjbt c4i). flflfliupa',4*, nor any document of IflflMBflhb 1 Bflflfl 1?Dtain exprt-f-r pioviaiouM for ail jaattoible (|iieatiol.H. Bball fui-'itivefi from BflM flfl flflBlflflflflflflfl flj Bflbial mr by State auti.orityf Ifll Couatitution d.ei uot aaBBBBflf *ay. BflM Congrcra prot*-4t Slavery in the TarritoniB.' TM CflBfllHllllB liBM uot expreaelv"av. PBBfl flflflflflflfl flf flB flbflfl spriBK ull our toiieiitu flIflfli MflflflfflfaMB, ai.d we divide Mfl them into mu j<-*?it-c aud mU'oiitie*). Il the minority will uot flflflflfl*1 tjttvihr majority mutt, or tbt Ooveminent imiet BBBB * Thert ia no alt^mative for oontinning the Government bui ax. ;iii> rt-.-iite on ihe one aide or the otber. lf a -f_j-oik in aml. ft ca*e will aeci*de raiher than faoquiitu.-. tl.iy make a pnr.uVnt whidi in luru will ruiii and dvide tbem. for a minority of tlieir own will t-ue-dc lion. them whenever a umjority rflaflflM to be BflBbalflfl hy en. h a I flflfl?tfl, Kor BflflBflB, why may flfl iiny pflflflfl flfl a nt-w Contederacy a jear or tc I hl flfl arl.i!nni!y Bflflfl Ifflfl, pre ?Bflf a* pott, ona of tbe prcecnt I'nion now claim to ae4>t**>- liolii Jt I AU BBflchtfbl diaunion aeiitiun nta 8tre ui/w ln ing edurated lo the exact Bflffl of doing Ibb ib there Bflflfl flflflfll Iflflflflfl of ifitereHte among the Htat4.*i to conpoae a new Cnion ft* to produce har- | Iflflflf oai| and preveut -avtot-MionT B-Bflflf, ?te et-iitriil idea of BBflfllflflfl ia the eitBctic** of anarchy. I A ttai'irity, be.ld iu reatrtiinl by conftitutioluj flBflflflfl ' au- liii.'i?ti ??, Bid alaaya changing eaaly wiih de- 1 aittcrate cbajiia a of popular ?BBflflfl Bflfl BIMMBflfl, ia flflfl oiJy true ??-ereu/n of a free pflflfflfl. Wboever re- 1 jeca it, (Joe*, of flflflflflflf, Ily to anarchy or to flflfflfl* | itm. U-nimity i* impowilrje. Tlia rule of a minority, au a peri_tuent airaugeaei/t, la wbolly BMflMflflflbla, ao Ibtl, ie>4**-*tii)?7 tbe majoriiy principb, auur. lf or /_?iptrfiam ia aome form ia ail tliat ia left. I do not forget the poeition aaaum*- by auu.e, tbat 4C4Kiflitnti.nal '?aaalioua are to be decid.?d by the 811 fiaaai Conrt, aor do I deoy that auch deeWion rnua be flBfljfllnfl ta flf Oflfl opon thfl partia. to a euit, aa to th* flflflflflflf flfll flflfll WJflfl tflflf *B) flflfl BBt-bflBfflf h)?h flflflfl and B al) paialfll cuse* bj allidbfli DepfltflMflBel IbeOBinflflifl^BlB ?MBb inobviouely pwaibfa ibafarb dotiaioa ?_ny bflfliflflt eiia iu Bfl] ifiven flflfl .',.11 lb. Bfll (flbfl BUewhlgit, being Umited le tbatpflilkflBf bmb, wn" lbe?faaaw tlu.' it Bfl] b, ove.'iule.l. Bflfl flffll bflflflflfl I pr. flflfll for other caae*, rnn bflflfl be bflBfl than ?flM flbfl BflB M ii.lilltreni iniclice. Al Mfl flflfl Mfl* tl.e i flltbtfl liinal Mflflfll tbat if ibe poliey of tbe (Joven.meitt U|xiu tbe viul .|iiesiioiiB affectiug ihe flhflB BflflflB ia B be irrev,,, ahly Ifled bf tle (iecifhu.* oi ibaBeatflflMIflflfl, ibe bflflfll Bbj an flade in ortlmury Iiiigiiiion tviween paftifl in petflflfll aciion*. tb.- people will have reaaeil lo Ih- tbeir flflfl muaten-. hiiving lo thal BltCflfl priictie.illy refi-ned ibflir ?OflBflflflfl into tbe hi.nda of tbat flflflMflfl tribunal. Nor ib tbe.e it. ihir view iinv npon Ibi Court or BflJaflflfla. lt ia u .luly from flbBb ibey may Bfl flulab fl flflflMa Bflflfl weffll) MaaflM Mflflfl ibfla, an.l il ieaofuult of llu ira if olheia eeek to Itiril tbei. decaiona lo politicid ptirporea. One section ?f BBI country bflflflflfl Slaverv BfffljMBBfl flflflM B fl ?'N' BBflflfl, wbile Ibfl flbfl MB rfl b fl Aflflf and Mfl i BM io M BBflfllflfl. Tlu* ia 'be only flb etuntiul BtfflBj und the Futilive Bflfl e,H"M of tbe OflflBfld. und ihe Invv tor tl.e etippresfli-.n fl ihe Mfflgfl flflfl IflMi are flflflfl us w. II rnfore.-d, per bu|>*. uf ,.n.v law can ever be in a commuuily wbere tl Ifl flflfld ae'.ae 4 ibe BflflfB impeil'eclh MffBfB (he Bfl BflM Tbefflflbofl) ??' iM peepB aMea by the dry l.-gal flbflfflfla iu MM MMB tii a fHW ,,r<>Hk over in each. TbB, I thiuk.cannot I* perfeetly rured, BBflfl flflflM Bfl flflflfl B bflb ea*s after ibe Bepuru ti.u 4 tbe Bflflflflfl MMB before. Tbi foreign Bflffl ; trade. now Iflf flfl diy flfBMflflefl, would be ulii-naie'y | rev.ved, without reetricti.-n MflMBflflifl,flbfllMfl ! tive fllavee, row only MflflMflf eurreudere.1, would | not 1*e turrcudered at ull by ihe other. Pbysicallv, we cannot acparate? we cannot ! remove our resj*itive Mflflfl Bflfl each other, nor | build un iniju.Bsable wull t-etween them. A busband i and wife uiav M Mflflfll tti flfl oul "f ?he flflflflflfl i ai.d Mflflfl the reach . f euch other. bnt tbe differci.i j paria of our country flflflfl flfl flflfl. They flflflflfl Mfl ' re.nuin fuce to face. and iiiierconrfle, eitbir an.l ' cablc or boatile, niuat continne betweeu tliem. Ie it |x**ible. then, to make liat intercoura* nxtre | advantageons or mor* aatiefa.lory after teparation than ' before.' Can aliens maW ireatie* eMier than frieii.lfl ; ran make law*! Can trcatie* be flflfl faithfully flfl* ' forced bflflflfl alitn* tban luwacan amonn friend* I I gi.ppofle you go to war. you cai.tiot fight ulways. and wh.-n af'ttr BBBflb Ki*b ou both si.ies and no guin on ? ither, fflfl flflBM li^'htiiii?, ihe IdflBtBal queationa m to u-niia flfl BflMBeflflM ure nprtiin npon jon. Tl.ia oouniry, with il* BflBflflflflMbbflBflp B U.e peo? ple who it. Wbenever they akull grow weary ! of the exiaiiiiK Government, they enn exerciM their ! romtitutional flflM 4 amending, or their revolutionary ' rigbt lo dinneiuber or overtbrow iu I cannol M igwo ' rant ofthe Bfl tbat iiumy flflflbf 'ind putrio'ic BBflM 1 are deairoui of having the natioiml CSmBBmBb 1 amendrd. Wbile I make BB MflflflflflflMlBfl of amen.l 1 ment, I fully IflWf Bl Bfl Ml unttuirtty 4 the pflflfB ! .,ver tbe whole flbjflflt, fl M flXflflMfld B eilher 4 the model prercnbed in tbe in*tnuneiil iifelf, and I al.oiild, nnder e.vialing tBlflflflMMfl Bffl ratlier thuii oppiae a fair opportunity being arlorded the MMfB to att upon it. I will ventur* to add that lo me i |be Coiiveution flflflfl pflflBtahlfl, in tliul it al? iowa BBMflflaMflll B ori-Jnate with ibe people Bflfl* eclvefl, inateud t.f only flflfflflflMg tbem to take or ' leject fliflbflfld bv fltbflfl Bfl HfBCttllj 1 cbiBen for tlie flflfflfl und wini-h mb/hl n.-t be BBflb ne flfl] w.-u_d w ?i> eilher fl flflflflfl r.f'.ae. I Bflflflflflflfl Uiat a prop.??d BBBBBflflflA B tbe Otflflfleflflfl. flbBb waaaflflefl batfflflflfl, I bave ' nol Bflfl, haa puentd Oflflfffflfl B tbfl flflbfl Mfl Wfl Pfldanl QBBMBflMfl *hall Bflflfl infrfere with tv.e rt .meatie BafltflBflfl 4 Htater, ii.tlu.bug tbat of p*r MBe MM B BtffBe. T<* av.ii.1 BMMMflflaetBa o( w i.i.t 1 bave aaid, 1 flflfll from my Mflfflflfl, not u.f(*?k fl partiuilar umendments, ao lar at to mv tliat. bflMMf BBflb B MflfflBfl B now be iui| .oiisliiiii.oiial Bfl, I bave no obiection to it* being flflflM eij' ? > I brflflflcabB. Tbe Cti!el-Mi.?ii*'rutt flflflfll all his Bflbflrfi i Bfl Ibfl people. und U.ej bave Bflflfl 'r?d aonc Bflflfl bim i (ix tbe lernis for ll.e aejiuraiion flfl the Stbtee. Tbe people MflflMNWflflBfl flfl fla MB tf Ibfl flbaoBfl, bfl tbe Kxi-4-uiive, M flflflb* Mfl nothing tfl flflflflfl it. BB rtutv i* toadiiiiinsferibe Bflflflfl Bflflflflflflfl 0* it I ume ti. li a Bflfl, and B Bflflflfl il flflflflflfld by him lo bia surceir-or. Why slionld their flflbflBBflBfll B* IflflBfl in tbe BflMMB J flflfl ol tbe MMfB I I* Mflflfl anv bflflfl fl e<|iial hope in ibe flflfll ' ln flfl | r.?eiil .liir.r* Bflfl ia eilher Bflt}. witboin fulll. 4 beu.|.' B tbe ri>rht I If tbe Alnu-J.ty Kul.-r fd Nution., wilh bB eteinul truib and jurtic., be BB V'(*ui BM ui tbe No.ib. or aa yeara of tbfl Bo ilh. Ibfll lialb nnd tbatjafllea w.ll turelv previiil bv tlu JaflJBMflflef tbia I'reat tribunal, tbe Aiiiericaii [e-..ple. Bj Ibe frame of tbe QofflfB* ment under nli. h we Rfl, iMfl BMM ]?<>]\e hav* wiaely gi\> n tbeir pi.l-lic MlflBflB bnt little pow-i for miscliiel, arnl buve wilh flfld flflflfll proci.Ie.l lor the return of thut liule to tbeir flflfl bande at vtiy tbort iiiifrv.ilt. While ihe pflflfB reuin tbeir *ir*ut- at.<l vi^ilauce, no Admiiiiatralioii, bv uny exireme wicked no? or folly. cun ver) *. u.iiirlv ii.jurc tl.e BflfflflflMfl ; in Ihe ahort flfll "f (our yeura. My eountrvnien, flflM and ull, think ridmly and well upou Un* whole subje.t. Nothing valuable can be I bflt by taking time. lf ibflfl he an ol.ject f> hurry uny flfl jou, in bot haete. to a flep whi.h you flflflM BBflfl take d.-liberately, tbat obj. ct will be frustraud by taliiiig time?bul no p\,*A ol.j.-it run be friiftrat.-.l l.y it. Bflflb of you ar are n..w d.asaiiMh*d flfll | have the old ('..natitution, and on thc MflBMfl point. the law* 4 your own framing under it, wbile the new ff *| * | 'Iflhfl will bave u>. imme.liat* pi.wer, if it would, to tbflflfl eilher. ! lf it were iuimined tbat vou who arr diaaatia tied bold the fkgbi *i'le B ih?' BflpaB, tber* is st ill M reaaon i..r pre.ipiUit. ?. iion. lafllOlflflBBfl, palri ..i.-iiii, ( bii-i, uii'l a tino IflHflflfl cn 11:iia who liM nevir vei BlflBbflB thie Bfflffld luid, ure HjII c.'.'n fflaflBafl)flfl|Mtbfl beflflaj, all our BMMfl diih cultv. In your Bfldfl, u.y (liaa-ttirlb d BIB * -'oim trvuiei), und not in mine. _* tbe flflfl 4 civil war. Tbfl GflflfBflflM will Bfll BflflB Jflfl. I flB bflMg yourselv.s tbfl uy Kr.-iottim. You huve Bfl flflflb MgBBflfld M Hflflfflfl B deatroy tbe OflfflBflMBt, flMB l aball hav. the BMM BflBfl! one to " piererve. flfllflct, and iflflflfl" il. I lolb B cIom-. W<- are not flaaaflflfl, but . We cmst not be enemiea. Ibflflgh pflflflfl Hflf 1 bflfl sirained, it muat Bfl Bflflb our bond* 4 flflbction. 'The flfflB flbflflM of meu.ory flflflflbMf BflflflflflJ b?ittle-!iel.1 aad |?irioi )/rave Ut everv lning hei.rt unl MflBbflMI ull Bffl tbla I road lund, wiil yet flflfll! ibt chorua of tbe 1 nion, wb. n uga.n louched, flflflfllfll] tbey will be, bv ibfl bflflfl IB| flifl rf Ofl flflflflfl During the d.-livery >../ tbe Inau^uial, which couimeneed at Jj o'cloek, the J'resident flkd yvm much ('l.e-r.-u, etpo. iall) at nn\ allunoi, to tbe l.'iiioii. 1'retident BflflbflBM und CMflflJflaBflfl Tflflflf li?t<-i.(d witli the iitmoat uM.-.ition to every word of the addn?!?. At the eo.'ielusioi. ol th<* adilrest* ChM^JflMlM Tflflflf adminiatered the oath ol' offiee, ut MBflBli "I, ABBAHAB LIBCOLV, <lo robiuuly fleai thal 1 flfl] lai'l.fullv etecit. tl.e olHi.Iflfl PflflflMflBl 4 the Ciiit.-d 8U'ea, and will tt^ tbe bflfl "1 mv nbiiev BNMTffl, pr..ticl, flfld itttmi the (.'..iiatilution of tbe linted Bflflflfl' 'J'lie PfflflflflBt, m takinj; the oath, was Bfll voeileroiiBly rheered by tbe vart flMflBbMffl. Tbe Cbiel' JflflBflfl flflflflfl vei". .uueh flfitflflflfl, and hii bands tbfK>k very pereeptuly Bitb flflfl tion. The iiihuguratioii of bi-duy makr*s tbe rigbtb (.-reiuoiii of ib.- kind at whi.-h (hiei JfllBfl Taney bai otbriated, having admuuitered the okm. of vffice luweinveJy %o 2'rwi4fliB \ ub Bflflflfl, Tflfl, I'olk, lay lor. NBflfl, IVreo, t lluehatmn, and The eeretnony wai ex eee^i'iitl) ', i AH the cflBflMtiaa 4 Ibfl MbbbbwBm Mfflflte* ?Bfl, the. PweMeel flfl flflMfltfli to Ibfl Bflflflb Cbflflbcr, tii-ii.v to hi* carringe, and the mili? tary fi.rniing ai in tl.e pflflflflflM tt this morn? ing. BM.flflflflflfl with Mr. Bflflbflflflfl and tbfl (omiailtee af Arrangenieu's to the White Houae. On nflfJIflj the ExflCflBffl ii.iiii*ion the BflBfl BfBflfl iulo a double line M MflM avenue, and : tbe barouche contoming Ihe Pn-aidei.tial pnr'y ? paa.e.l Mflflfl. M 'be ?flflflflfl. Mr. Rflriflfllfl j tti-eoiiipiinied Mr. I.incoln M the inain hall. aud I then took bB farewell leaving flf bim. exprea-m* the bflflfl, B eor.lml ternia, that his Admiiiiatra j Bfl migbt prove a bflfff ai.d pr.-ep. iflflfl flflfl. Tbe .x-i'reaid.'tit then r< tmd to the reaid.-nee I ?f PifliMfl ABiBfly ObM, wbflw he will Ba* ' poranly soj flffl till be departure fr.-in the efl) Ui-morrow evening. Ofl the arrival ofthe fflflflflMfl ?t Mfl BTbBfl ! BflflflB tkl?' MllflbflB M MflflBJ Yv.-re nflflflflfliffl ; 1) iutrodured, aud then the line being l'orine.l. tbe people ruslied in t4? flflflfljnflaMM ihe new Prendeut. The rusb wa* eiceediugly great. Thu* i-iided lor the dat time Ibfl ...auguratio-i MfflflflflaMfl. Though tl.e enthusiasm was not erjual lo that umiiif.sted on some Ioi mer flflfl. I Bflfl of a aimilar niture. 0fMffM*| paued off | quieUy. Tbe ampleit civil and uuliturv prejwra i BflflB were made by tbe municipal authoritiei ! and Gflflh Hoott, to provide for any em.-rgenr) j that luighl uri?e. Tbe var.ou* bodie* ?f l'ui'ed ! State* triK.pi uow here were lUtioned in ditler i ent parti flf the eity, the Hap|^n and Miuen I alone being in Uie prooetiion. I.ieut.-deneral ! 8eolt, it i* aaid, was near the Capitol flith Capt. ! llarry'B Company of I.ight Artillery, and Major ' llurkin'* ctmniand ar'ing bb iufantry. The I oflieer*, it is reported, were eontiiiually paning ! M and fni, and it i* aokl tbe (ieneral aa* beard j Ui exclaim " everjthinj i* goitxg ou |ieac4*ably, thank (iod Almight) foi it '" iMiring the day, Mfl military were on duty all over the eity, and tho gfflMM vigilanee wu* eiijoined upon and observed by tbe regulara. ! The flBpMf tif aoldiery in Mfl pflflflflflbfl vva* ver)- fine, but uot equal t<> tbat of tbe BM "I PebfBBfTi Th* c.nipnniea were niimerou*. but of fln.all force. The BflfflbBflB AflflflflMBfl Mnt j plaeed in the order of Bflicb iinmediatelv after the ei-1'reaidenti. This orgumration bad tvith them a lort ol triumphal, druwn by four white hor*r?, each with b white clotb eover on. with the word " l'uion" in lnrge IflMflffl, and thc w.-rd " Coii ttitution" flfl the rde. Tbe ear v??? d.-eorated w.tb minnture flugf, flith white and blue flflfflffi aud rontaining thirti-four hltle girl* r.-preietihug the BMflM, and two voung ladiei re_.peet.vely r. pr.>.-ntii.g the North and Fouth. Tb. whole afluir vrn* flaflfll t'"' charge of t.-n \\ ..I.- Aflflbaa, B BB umtorm. Five buidred MMfflflfl Bflflfl WflB Tflfl w.*re in tlie flflflfl ta.on, marchiug four abr.*a*t. aud wearing badgei w.tb tl.e w>.rd "N-w Vork." Bflflfll "tber .urg, delegat.ont alto join.d in tbe j line. j The irene preaented from each front bm tfrv 1 fine. Tbe aveinii ir fronl of the portico wa* tlirong.-d witb people, the cn.wd rit#udil.fl to B gr.-at ou either nd.- ai.-l reockir.f far into the CflfBel gr.iiind*. and ev.-ry avail?bl? tpot wa* blark wilh BflflM beingt, bo>i aod irnm 1 cliiign g t*> tl.e rnJf mi'ur.tii.g on feueea, and dfasMflJ tr.-et Mflflfl tbe) Mflfl l-ffieatl. tbeir wei^bt. Om cra/> .ndii dual c!iuib*d a tr--e, and | getting out on one of tbe, began to deliv. r an inBugural. flflflf bia own Bflflflfl, and BflflflM tbe hi_ht tt hi* fljflflf tlu* branch br.'ke and tb. MarMf BflMUMal flflflfll bnflMMf M the ground amid the roar* ol Bfl bv*tatnl*ri. Ob tbfl flflfler tdge a reneourie ot volunteer flMMf] were halted. aud tt'-'d at rest during tbe d.liver) of the Inaugural. A gflflfl BBBflbfl 4 flaga were flying. and M the iui flflflfl brightl) on ihe ga> Bflfl of th< ladiei and the 1 itar* and stnpe*, and the flMMflM aud glittering flflBMM ol the loldier), the ncene wai flflflflfl. ingl) aiiiuihtf-d flai MflflfllVflfflflk Sevrralflf flflflfl : MflflflMBjabM fflflflfl, phoU.graphers, *ere on the grouud to take an imprcaiiou of the Iflflfl? I one flflflfll tt the portico b-ihg flflflflfMl bj tbe I requiaite fheinicalt, etc A tmail flflflflfl wm in flflfll tt Mr. I.incoln, anotler at a I diitance ol a hundred yard*. and a third of huge j dimeiiaioii* on bi* rigbt, rai?od on a platiorm i built ipecially for tbe fflfflflfl, Mr. BaebflBflfl vvaa at the CflfBfll ttn morii ' ing for three bflBfl and wat deloiued till bve minutei to noon BflflflflMg Ui publu; buimeii. He aigued every bill preieuted to him. Bflflfl iiiakinf pnblie npproprintiont wen- loit. Tbe Mfl amei.datory tt the act for ti.e prote. 1 tion of ditecveriei of guano depoiiU fmled to i beiHime a law; that b> eorrect verbal errori iu Ibfl UrifT act was paas?*d. Ilaited fl a i'latform built tjiecilly for ihe pBffflflfl) flM of Ihe nmat itartlmg featurea of this ev.-ntliil dav wat that of a BfM of ',(. or 00 toldi. rs. Solders wen* ttatioucd M tbe bflBfl t-ips along the route flf the fflflflflMfl, as ibarp , ib.Mitera, Bf Ibe fflffflflfl, it i* *aid, fl reiidering ?..-rvie. in pieking off auy r.oteri il auch flflflfll hud be. n flflflflflflaff. Severa) huudred viiifort from Nevt-York cull.-d about 7 o'.l.kk on (i*.ii. S.-ott, l.aihng huu ai "Qflfl. Scott, who laved the country." Tbe Qaaflffll mfflflflflfl to MB flflB, and eipr.-.a.-d Mflflfl higbiy gratili'-d at tbe mmplimeut paid him by the fBBflfl, and wa* plea*ed to leam Ihat b.a i-dort* iu behalf flf the peace and flflB] ' |f hi* flOflflBj were io highly uppreciated. Tbe 1 delegatu-n tben called on thi Preiident, who nd Bnflflfl tbem in bffBfl leinurkt, brea'.hiug a flflB* flflMflBf tone. Tb<- iBilfll flffl rnpitll) thnniag ont. Cr.-at I nuinlf* re ur.* leaving b] th< evening trniiif, B . did llfl many Bflflflbflfl "I flfl Hflflflfl. The Inaugiiruljoii ball to-nigbl will be an lin iu.-nse tucc-a.. It Iia* be. ome the fa.bioi. fllBfla tbfl lu?t tw., dnyi, uud will flflflflfl B nuiiibef* and r-t.araeler Bfl n.oit tanguifie , tatim.i. INACOrilATION l? \Y IN NKW VOKK. Veai. l'.lav. (be Bflflgfllfltflfl iflf 4 AMflbflfl i ol.. und ii.i.iiiibal HaaflB ns PlflflMflfl flM I ic - Pr.?i'l.ut, waa an ev.ut wbieh excitid the live h. st intereat in ai.d Bflflfl ihe flflfl *""'. P*t tb* h.,nr .1 BflM nn'il Bfl "i Ibe even.l.i', tbe flflMfl Bflflflflfl r .Ib.. * flflfl HflflflJflM Ytith MMfB flffl B - obtitin extrus cirtBining un H'.otnil >.f the intere-tiug flflfltooy and tbi Pr. ri.leii' r i.iuugurul. It wu* bigbly flflflflflfl lo hear tbe IflBfl t|-? thal were in 1 dnlgeil in riliitive to the iniiugiiriition. and the pndic ti.fliii ilihi Limoln would never .... up, tbe Prefideuiiul cbuir. At one of ti.e up-towi. hotels, a well-dr.-ae.-d ', muii oflered U< bel f 1 .mu. agauiM fl'^Ki Lineoln , fluiitl bvl lt iimtkgtilkutx., bul bt ivUUfl flBM tAiUfle Bflflflflfll oul oftbe malter when another flflfl afl well a> be, atcpp.:d up and fllfl, " IU flBfllbfl ).. t." fltflwfll Blflfl?M 'hc unkind rem-'iV* lhat Bflfl be IflflBfl from Bflfli Bfll tfl BflflW fl Ihfl birflfl h-.tll- (.1.1 ..?iti/ellBl/ellelullt li.'lllged ill tle llOpfl tl'ii) I'oihint' would iniiiapiic tom.r the impofiiig flf* ?BMflfafl BttflaflBBJ Uie iuaugiiral; aid, flMBflfl fl* BBfflBBflfl BBflfl of t.uiiouiil flflflB, the further Bflfl waa BBMflflfl hy mauy that BBBflfl and ?MflBBBBBfl Wflflfl BiRii "tg-iiu dwell iu ihe land. For once, ie the lu.-t.iry of New-York, the B-flflflfll and mu ?bipal BflflB flU Bfl Iflfl from our Cflf Bflfl M Inaui'iuiiiion day. TUia paflf flBflBf of Secea Hion eympalhy 18 due U. ihe SflMfflfM who Bow .IirKni'"' flfl BaflfltflBTi nf Uie h?flflBfl City. ? The ahippiig in the harbor BMfbfafl Uie uaual Lfl* BflBBBBf loyul'y flflfl r* ?-? *?t, aiid from nearly everv h.,tel nnd oth. r puhiic building the iiara and etripei weie i/iven tn the hiei /e. yWSBTI nuaT wikd B_fBBUCAB AssoriATlON. Thia aVflflfltatlflfl h'I'I a regular mtttrng on Mouday ciing at No. 09 fflflBtfl Bflflflfll S|iencer Kirhy, 1 ei<|., in ihe .h?ir. After aoine mutiiie biuineBH had be.n on. lu.led, J. Kolla Rirterband, ea.)., wa* called Bflflfl to n ad the IflflflfflBfll flfl Frtai lent Linrolu. Tl.e ...Idiei* wat Mfllfflfl with *; flflkflflflB hy the lar*!* BflflflbBflM. The cluutea wberein Mr. l.iBflB ?BflflflflM lhat the union of theee Statea i* ptrpetuul flfl iinhrokcii, uot to !"? dicsolved by any of the S'utee wilbout the MBBBfl *f ail, and plidging him.elf BBfl the law| ahall 'j* fai-hfully Mflfflflfl iu ail the Bfatei, Wflflfl h.udly chee.ed. Tl.e meeting adjourned with cheera for the Preaident whom they bad labored to plflflfl the chair flflflh ail are t-tiatied flflfl)?lfl lioi.en.bly bll. IN IlK.ioKI.YN. Tl.e rlag of the Cmon waa diaplayed from U.e City i Hall, the AraenaJ, City Armory, and other bnildiugt ', throughont tbe city, in houor of Uie inaugurauon of PfflMBfl k?Bflflflfll Thi) foui.iain fl the Park wiu?, for 1 the flflfl liuie thi* year, put into uctive BBflflfl?fl, and thiew a atreiun neiulv tu* llfll aa ihe Hall. At II flrflflB, flTflflflfflfl time, the Iflflflf Mountain Clnb planted their flflflflfl upon flfl aummit* flfl old Kort ? Oreau, np went tbe t?ra and .liipee, und I ihoiir?id vi.ii e? rent the air a* ibe caunon of thii club opened th. ir ibroi.U in celebratim of the inaugural flfl 1 Lincoln and Huiiilin. At balf-paal 1 o'clock two com -?ejitti of th* Aahland Artillery, under their reapeetive cnpuinR, with two piecea. til'tj/ men each, and Mr. J.-e. . Iflflfl actin-i* aa mamhal, wub lue two aid*, Me**-. W. ' B. flaBflh ai.d W. M. I.illee, t./ok up Uieir line of I marrh f.-r Kort Creen, at flrflflfl place they had ar i raiiif' d B lire a aal ute on tl.e uitn.nt they received a t. l.y-raphi. diepaitch direct from flfflahBa**/M tbr.flfll ', U.e Uii.iinea* ..1 BflBflfbfl?BflhM Kennedy, Uial Mr. I.m nB WBI aafely inauguralfd. At preciaely twenty Btaflfl paft at, tbe aame wn* rectived; tbe band ; ttr.iek up " Hail. OflflflflflB '" aid away I went thirty aii, tl.e ehout* of two thoiiaatd : periple, that *r?iu?d to hbake Ko.t Oflfl to ite BflflflBT. After tbia, ihe iwo clul.t, tafl8BBMflf with a WillBMB : ilepiiti.ii'Ui, iimn Iflfl t" |fl k?cn Ir te. Arriv bf tt thit Bflflfl, there be *.g 1)0 cord altaihed to tl.e IBflfl* ' taBBflfl flflf BBM, "..*' fl 'he flfl pretail flfl Son* of Kr*-' - : flfl Bfl ao-ti Rt BBflfl bflflfl, Wflfl flfl flbflflfl flflf ti flfl Cnion llouiiiig BflB l.i* flfltaalafl hand*. Mr. flabnel llairieoii waa. ail* d for, Bflfl BMflB-BJ B ?BB , mu BWBlfltfflflt, Ifl BflBfl fl aoul-etimng apeech, re Diailiiiig "Uiat Ibb Wflflfl ???<?? .ud hirtlday of Kree do.n, und tbut the eliaira oforniptiou and Slavery f. rajflfl by BM I-emocratic party, werfl now buret aaui'der. and tb* party itaelf aafely interred aflfl the BBflflfl 1 l"V d, Twia-f.'*. Ac. At the Hflflflflfl I f hia .,*rrh flfl g.iUB weie tirrd. flfl for tl.e Statea, and flfl 1 e*u h for Anderaoti aid rirott, INM i.t RATK.N DVV AT P_BfllCi i Tbirtv-four 8un* were li red veauniuv u.-.taing ftt th * i pretly ?_flflfl ..f Yxatutc, on tli* ln.e lfl flfl Krie Kail nawL A i.ew Iflfl, preaenled to Dr. How Bflbfltfl j aeadfruy, by Iba eiuiena of thfl plaot, alao nang out a merry p*al, iu bonor of the flflflfflflBion. [Hv Irlnraph ] I:.'',. !-? rflhaBBfl ' \ New-V.-rk, OU BBflBB of Mr. Bflflflfll! t. tbe It,a'i?.'iiial ol I'rifident Lincoln waa read bv the Cl. rl. flflfl the detk. ai.d ll.e re.'liDg wa* foi I |..w*d by appbnafl from U.e II* - flflfl BflflBB Ihfllj BBI flflfl flfl? flflfl *t flflflBBB, N. Y-, in | h'le.r.f thfl inauj/iiratii n of Pieeidcut I/incoln aud fl. I'r. li'lrn'. B?flflfli Ihinl atreel, I'hiladelphia, wa* the acen* of greaf I aflflflBBBB? Di ..Be crowd* wnited for ihe paflflflflBM ! of the liiaiitftiraJ of Mr. ln, f<>r afveral honra, aud tl.e itru-tK1-- l" obuin c.piea waa blt-l-i* Uau nu anv pr?'>>ifl BBBBBBfli A talute of 1.8) itunf wue flred in lloft/.n. Tl.e evn.t wa* oiaierved in a t.u.ihir BflflBB B Bflflf flflflfl B BflBflflflMflfll ibfl taflflbfl flfll B*w*Bflflflflkhflk Thirty ?un* were lireii at Hri'l-ieport. OflB A BBI?flfll MhBl fB* Bflfli "t Cl* veland, Ol io, al'- IflflBB n. Bflflfl fl" Hr- [?BflflB * HBBflMfMbflk, l?flfl were difp'.ayed at IV.vulenre IC I., and a . aalute wa* fireil bv ll.e Kepublican. Ttt ?'?*.*J?Bfl ihi IflABBBBAI to flBW'Tflflfl* ?The maniier in whieh Frrai.l. nt l-iiicln -> Itiattgiiral waa truimnuited by U-leg'hph ia BaMaWBgflf e-pi.ii.I r >B.iiiend*'t*.n. Tflfl AflflBM TflbflMfk OaBBBBrj BBBBf fl* able inaiiRilcUielit ol li. S. Sal.tord, e*-p, Vice Praflident, pbet-d at tbediti-iaal of Uie flflflflBBflfl l*r*-t* IbnawBfl bBjjWBM B*BBhhBfBa and Abaflf, Hfl delivery of the Inaugural BMBBMflflflfl al I'ocl.ak, WaaflMflBM tim**, and ihe BflfMfflflfl, ptflflflftij Iflflfl Iliill'l'e, begun ita tniD*tl.lrri<.I. to N'.w-Vork. Iflfl Itfl Vfltflflflfl the meaiaa-e were rereived by the Agent <>f flfll Pieir here al lf BflflB, aud the flflflMflflflB ??). whil.- the entire docunient wwi furniahed to the dif er< nt MWBBBBMI bf fl o.-lock. Such nipidity lfl t'le ?flfflk coiiiii uni.ution hut never Iflflfl Iflfl rflflflbflfl m thia c.untry, and it flflflflflfl he u aource of pride fl the AflMMM ('"...pany, it* l' and uperalom. flflfl ao notable an uct haa been acoompliabed, To Mr. Iwflafl are tflfl UiankR fl flfl fflfl *n<l Bfl |.ublic ?MB billy due fnr the kind BBBBflfl in fl?flfl M BBBflfl the line under hia cbarge at tbe di4-|a?al <>f ihe 1'ieg*. Iffl .nu). iftaiid thu' a full flyBflflfllfl ffl flfl aaflVBJ"U ll wne flfll i-<liiy eveniii).' Irmini.itled ta St. Jflfla'fl, N. F-, thence lo he forwarded IfflMBtflg fl BBtoflBBtBM ?.irainfhip Kulton, BBflflfl t? Baroffl taTCflflfl Rnce. ?> flfBaflBB A-i)"iti os Tiiii JlBMf Coact. The bn** Hulii., anivel y. flflj r-lay morning, flfflfl MBflflflflI, BlI ?* ui., p-iaeed little KgK BflflBB, flflfl mi'.v u I'eauiei BBflfl on. and a half Bflflfl Bflftb flflflfll Light-BflflMi bflfl hn'l Bteaiii on. I iii.iii ilovvii II* -tiluiai t>u the h N. W. Ofl ber atern wnr fl apread i-ixgle. Hhe hud one BBM, and wua BflflflW. fflflflfllf flflfl flf tflfl Croil.Well atea.ui'.l." Cupt. llel ' ntl, uiiilerwriti ra IfflBi, tflfl ytMci-luy lflflfflflflfl in i Iflfl flMflBBBJ ?. IflflBB .l.l.n <i- Koiu h fl IMflBfl BBfl* ! flBfl to lbe BBflflflfl, which wa* BBflflflBflJ tu be lii. I BflflB Veruon. ? Mr ii-.ioiis - flicflaatoi I.BTTBB nl ia Bobvid ia KlfloT. hTa Bflflfl reciuleil tl.e liict M* fl Mi. L B. OfhflfB flf Hiooklv I li.viiiK |*etiti..ti. d ,,-? .s.'V. ni M. I.i'ifi-laiuie "' 1/0 -ir till*. t" illlile tflfl peu ' ple ol the S'l.-tl.erii I'i-t.iit of New-Vu.k tfl Bfllli | witl. tb.-S.iuil.eru OflbflafW y ; at.d flflfl iflfl aaid A. 1 H. O born i* the I'lt-rr .1 ll.e BflBffl of A*fl)Bf*BMfB , V gflfl flflfll flf indigiiialio.. ia lell uii.oti*; our BtbeUa nt tle bflfl wrilU'n by flr. O , and riiii uio.e by hi* ; r,ier!-iflteiit omiahion t*. explaiu or retnttt the letter, ' flflflf bB flflffl aigiiiilure, iii tbe coliiiiiin flf the I... ai ' ptflfl, II'- ia MM,*-.-..]. to Iilivi rtu'r.l he nieant ' it flfl AJflflfli tafl he Ciirefiilli reliuiia froui fl expluiii | li.g ii. n liuiig in Mi' h n .-hHi^* ua vv ill reai h flfl -our.e ' lo which Iia le'tcr wae i.ldtekii-d. I: ia l?Bflflflfl, Wfl 1 koaw not with trutb, tlat Mr. Oflhetfl I-bm j Southern propetiy laBtflM Blflfl would MWMfl f?>r hir o'litw iae ttrafge retuaul to ae' l.iu.rtll riubt, iu ; prii.t, vt.tlii bb fi lluw-iiii/.cn* here. Uia thtaabcer* Unn 'hut )t he d./ea no' publicly exculpate binir. lf ' li"tn the Hflflfl ion of BMflaflfl, he vvill aoon flflflfl l.. bfl Cl. rk of the S.ip.-i * i"oia. (ien. Cffl*Bfl, BflrflflflB> ' more than anything el-e Mr. O. OWM Ma IflflB* in that ullice, under an ativtirae pt liiioal uiaioiit v, ; ii ia uiideraiooil will hringlbe mattei before ihe fi.iur.l, hv ii motion ln aniuuuirily .lifU'ia* Mr. Oaborn at ihe flail nieeting if ptflflioM to lhal time he have uot purgtnl himaelf, opelllv, of Scceaaiuinal proclivitit*. (in .-turday night Mr. Oaborn wa* bung iu rlhio in the (itv Hnll I'ark, and isiibeequi-'nUv in Myrtle ave i bm, B*flf Hridf? Kiaat. [Br-^kba ligm* THE LATE ATTEMPT AT KWSAPP1SO. _* JohnUell (puhlisbed in yest. r.lay'fl paperaM John BflbBflflfl, wiih bia wife and cbild, left their good ?flflr, Wm. Crawl'ord, a tobacco Bflflflflfl B Bflflfl* bn.-r Counly, Va.. U-iween aix and aev. n weeki ago. and all traveled al'oot until they leacbed thi. city, on Wednesdav Iwt. llera be went about aaking for aaaietanee B " get fl." Amoug other places he went into a ?tore up town, wbere one of tbe clerke, after hearing hia Btory, suid he would take bim to friende wbo wonld help bim get to Canada. Bell went witb the clerk to a place, a description of which wonld very well anewer for tbe C. 8. Murahala OlDce. Ilere par tieawere very ftiendly toward him, aud liiiully Ifl* duced him to^.b.the Nortbern Hotel, corner of Coort landt and Wcrt atreet*. It wua tbep a little after noon ol Tbaiflflflf, und he Hut down at the kotel to what bfl deemed a priucely dinuer, wilh fine flfMfflflNflflflab ment*. In tbe coiirsc of the afternoon be fluwisted in pnttintr some boarda und fimber up from thebuck yard, througb awindow. Afterwa.d, one of tbe men who hud ac companied him to the boiel?a large, flflfl man, witb a mustuche?now propo?ed to hire him at %m\ u Bflflb, to take care of four children, und do other work abont the houae. He aaid, " You boya dowu South flfl geu erally tiodle and *iug; can you tiddle eome ? " "I can pluy iwo or three tune.,' wu? the reply. TLe big mun aaid be would go and get. a tiddle. He aoon retumod, | and told Jobn they hud better go up atuii* wbere no? body would be disiurbed. The negro, a<*companied l.y ihree {.eraon*, went up aeveral atorie*, and tinally atopped in au apurtment, wlere, initead of the hddle, ! werr pnelucedapairof bandciifla, wbicb ihe men ap | plied to their flflflfl, although they tifled no violence, ' and pretended to be hia fri.-nda. During tbe night two j Irisli.ueu watch.d him--the porler Joe at tiret, until re i lieved bf another eervant named Denui*. On Saturday afternoon the bandcutl'fl were taken off, ? and of hi* good friend* aaid he wus to go with them lo Albany. They had made aome change* in hi* ap j parel, puUing tt a glared cup and dill'ereut paut*. A 1 little befor* I p. m. hi* three friend* got bim into a clo?e carriuge, and flflflflflflflflfld him to Pier No. 1.1, ? the wharf 4 the Beamer Yorktown, for Norfolk, tell j ing him on the wuy Bfl M uttempl to look out. They i arriv*d at their ceeiiiuliou jutt ubout ihe time the Yorktown was to leave. Jobn ? auapicione, however, j hfli bflflfl flfl flflM flflfl urouaed, und afier tba pai(y i bad aligbted and had reacbed the end of th* gang p_nk, wa*Biaiie to force him flbaflffl, I hc caught bold A the gang pBflb, and with ao Btrong a ! gruap that tb* kidnapperfl could not imloor-e bim. Tbeu I hecommeuced lohall.ii, and mid that theywunted to | take tim South anlaell bim, witl. other exclumutiona. i wbk-b atlmcted tbe WUriition of byatander*, uuio.ia,' ! wasOfticer AruiaUoniof Uie lU-aiiiUiat teBflfl. j The flMflfl ran at one* to the scene, and aaked the par* ' ue* if they had any paper* B warrant tl.eir takirg I away that man. Kx-< BaBcflflBB C*.nieliu* W. Camp ' bell ?aid they bad Bfl, but ihat [flflMfl M Angeli*. a ] deputy in IbflMMflbflTflaMcfl, Ibfl Mflflfl The' kidnuppers, linding thal th.y flflfl flflfl fflfl I, i mb Ibi?Ith ff iflf \4tV.y. bflflflfl, tbflf Bflf* peared bflflflfl Bfl Bflflfl fll uvvay, tboflgb bfl *l Bflflfl a flMoBBn to IflSfi Ibe BMBaaB Bflfl flfl fflBMfl. Bt went offat a ba< k BfftMl gaiigwuv B " MMf very flflB bewild* red, and IHgMflflfld Bfll to deaib. Tbe negro.a atout the dock Bflflflfl bim lloBf, however. and h. got upon a druy.Hndwaa dnven ABfltBfl Bflflfl aiterward. a large, stout, witb a uiu*iacbe, ap l?ared on the wharf und flflflflfl I BBfl Afflflflflg if m had Bfl liiggfr, und udded tbut if he hud Bflflfl tbere uo g-d d -d crowd could have got tbe BBJflJfl away. Tl.e -tlicer asked if he had the pupert. Thfl Mg flBB aaid. uo, but thut tl.ey would bt tbere, though not bf for- Uie boat left. Theei-Couuclmiin. C*.r. W. Cumpl-ell, flflflfl Ifl ferred to, we believe fl one fll the bflflfflfl "f Ibfl Sona of Malta flflflfl, BflaflBB'fl hflBdfflflflflfl fla. Hfl Hroad way. To what exteut Marei.ui K>n.leia is implicated in tbia buaiueia, doti n?t appear. Tl.a imme.liate b '"ra sl.i_.uld at flflfl be arr**t**l. Kven wiU. a warrant, lh?y would mt huve had ti.e riiil.t to force U.e man on board a ve_-*el until he had had a hearing before a United Stutet Commiaaioiier. Hat tbev were flflMfl without any warrant. u ne uf tbe I'nited HUtUa BflflBflrfflflflfll having ieeued any. and no art'-lavit was made upon which a waiTiint could A bflflfll AflflfflflflflM ugo a flflBflfld man BflflBfld Johu Thomw waa taken to BBfeflMfld by lwc>Mur?hal a offlcers in thia way, wiUrui any wairutt or hearuig "f the caee before a I'nited Bflflfl CflflflflflMA. THE ALLE(,t.l> BALTIMORE PI.OT. (HKItKhPoMflKUri: flfll Bffl TIII -l ITKIMKNIfl KNT <>P THK Nl W'-lollh. 1*4)1.11 I flflB THI'. MABMHAl. Dl I'lil.ICK Of HAl.TlMollK. Poi.k bDsTABtflsar. OrncB oi raa Mtait_i, \ Il.,liimore, fflb.SC, MM. S fflfl A KanaanT. t.fl Suptrtnitndn.i fl Mfl -V*r fmb Dttii flia: I have recenilv noiiced many BflfllfflfW porHgrapba refe.ring to ihe ftabimore i-ljce, or aa Moianal, whu-h I l.uve deemed utttilv imworthv flfl uoiioe, bflflflfl they eilhfr meutiorcd no fl au iboi n v, or ti.. name* xiveii were bfl iu. h ns would be likely te give wflBM fl de flflMfl flflflfl M MwaM tiou.' Aii artii bi tt, however, now goi.g tbe rounda of Uie preM of a >iitle,t nt cl.arncler. It ia ttalfld that, upon BBflflBflflfl received in New York froui thia,Ity. MBM "I vour dfltflfltlvfl WWBMH ou bt-re, that by tbeir ell..rlsitiid tlione oi I'.-li- e ( "m j BMNflMf Actnti'and un BtgaaBflfl |'l"t f.*r the BflMailflflBfl of tbe Plfltldflfll fllaet flfl flBcovflftd j | tbat voit were raliibeil oi Ibfl exi-l. B e .1 WM b a plot, i Bflfl iflfl ia conse.|iience IflflflJMMflflM ? flbflBflfl B Ifl pr' iraMflfl of Mr. Uaeolfl tjoaraej to Waamftea. I l.ooking to vour offiii.l BflaitiOB, aud my own, 1 ' dcem it flflB to bfltb of us Ibfll I rboiili! aek whett.ei tl flfl ih any BaaflflMa flbfllffl Bl thr flflfl report of (he actsand-'aleiuenta uttribiit. 1 aa Hb"\e to yon or uny pml of lae Now-Voik PfllkflMflfl,flfllflfl imuer votiroidcn. Youn iflflffltfaBf, flflfl! P. BANK, Mur.hal CflBTBAL DflPABTMBBI fl ffll MfTiio.-oi >ta> i POLICB, 413 BbOOBI ITBIBT, ' OBBM 01 BtB. I (IIIKl llfl' SlI'lUIMUM "fl' l'.'l I' K, Ne<r-Yerk, Keb. fll, l?iil. I Oa Om f. Kavk :,: wmk, loj PtH <? Ball m.-rr. lfli.ti.S".;: ln re; lv I" vour Bflflfl ol UM fltfl lllrt . tbB fla; lacalfflfl. I bflffl B inn ru. ym, tiiRt, ti ai 1 btia mbbi r pnhliaMd, m.r oi-.ler.-d to bapabliflbed. Bliy of Ibe MWB|fl|flir Bltklfl B wbieh you allilde, and fen flflfllj bafaafl ffl flfla Uflfl ull, b? huve l tiioiiflibi i' wortb flbBfl? IbBflflfl. un.v more thui. iu otbeiH tlmt l.ave ...ciri.-.l, to p.ibl'.rb evj lalialiolia tfl .on.. li.-iiB lo ihe Bflflflflfl Bftifllfl BflflflpttBtBtibfl th*' IW llol * ol lil.d the 11 etl.ber. of flf Bflflfl. I ' flfl nol derire B" BflfBlMg ou a work wl.i.-h j we both ki.ow to b. un MMMM MM. I can, tbflfflfflrfl. | MWUfl )in tbat BBflfl of tle BBflMMffl uri.cles to flbiel you ullude, flflflMMflfl Wflfll MBflfb) BJ Bfliicii iti. Oue ani.le haa appeared in TiikTaiHi tfl flflfl, ;.'. ?'7lh. flbBb, in ll.e BflM, ivae BkflB lrom mv Haa, wbieh I be.ewith laebflfl. Tbfltfl ia a apiit in u at 11 i. li whicti I diacbii-n; and I .p.otaiion "nobody i I lo turn out," A c, w hit h ii crc.liied lo you, tliut j was Bfll ?t. given hy uie, uor waa Ibe ffllMBM fltiilcd bv n>e, iu tbe BBBflflf I' re printed. In othflT IM) ? c'-, ! IMflatflBMBl ia a wondeifiillv a.curaieslielchof w .' i 1 flM. I Bflf alao Ihat I BM 4 tbe o| imoi. tlu.i .i'ler vouor'Mr. Ilovvuid flM fluflMtbblgof tbfl kllid ' ua .inofed. Ofl the ev.-ning of Tueaday. V'th, flflYerai 1 fr.ei.da cume iuto my flflMfl to Bara tbe Beti. w heihei any atl. mi.t wua to I.hv.- bflM Bflde lo Bfltaflnatfl lir. liflCOln. 1 MflBRd tbeu. there ff?<?**?? | tfl Men , aad went.... lo flBieto tb.m my l??riP? ti* tfl i- : >?ovMMBlaeflMf.LMBoMB^b.badBft : .\.w.\. tlw MU i fl- I" doing ao. I'poke h? fraal, ... - frlead iboaMflflflb ?,***** ?*(, ' bm a.d ui.iil I bad neariycBfld M^^JS thut Idircov.i.du new.p?|,*r ttfMJp^m, flljB 11....I refaaed B oflfliaaBflB wl^bP^" JfJJJ . an.vulof mv Maaflt. I ttgret, wMBbe*?V?k^; l the udvaniuite 4 Iflflftbfl I ."uve.Miti"i., p, vut TllX.>..i..ti,l tl" M-arkao -^^[ . Zi iu MflrdB tbe appearuiue ^.-Jj"* I v.,?r BfflflrBI well BfllbeMflB ihe und gyl ,a.u..d cbaiBCer 4 tl.e.verv Iflflfl l row.1 MMflubW Mflflfl the depot to rottive Mr. bncoln. Bflflflflf, | SbMB un* thc kind 4 tmkmmm the pnfl MBflB M "".Wud. I have hud offleer*occifionUy iu Nfl iii), 1 M l have hud in flflflflffltbflflflflb,flflflfl Charleat..,.. ever lince tbe*e Mteraion troublc* t^gun to abow fbnn. I flflflflfl i" t1''*. I?"" ,,ot m,lch 'l,,w,d o( ?^,r ^" eni triends. Not a iew ol th* jounieya bave beeu undertak*!!, whil* attMiding tbe uiovemeuilol |<ere.>ua w ho were iu ihia eity uud Bflflflfl flfl aiiapicioii* whUr Left, Box go ofllcflx ol flinfl bM repoiBd lo Mfl Um flflflflflfl of ;.ny band '? orgauixed for the pur. po?e of uaauakiiiatiug tho l'rjflitleut flBcta" Althonub in the pnjsecution of tbeir duty tbey may huve <), r-med it advie.flle to aascxiate Ibflflflfl]ve* wilh 'he bodict denonauatfld " Southeru Vol uiteer." wher ? vertlcy f.> nd I l.nn .tbev BBflfl uot reported to methat Mfletbeaflbodifl* haa rei'dnd on flfluabu tion. Of * eearn I regurd the.-u hs dungerou* ortranizaMona, and bave not fuiled in obtuiniug every ui in n.y power a* to thtii locnlity, naabers, muausof suppon, nieinbera, tflkflfl ai.d mt.vemtnt*. Ou S'.ii.e proximitte day, tb*M pointa of intelligen.e inny bflflflfl valuable. Sin.e Weduetdny of last week, np toTaeedavof tbi* week. three bundr*d and tweuty-Mven of the?? BMB bflffl left Jflfl ciiy, in?(, for flflfBfl al tb* Soutb, und I um ul-.i cl thutaboat 200 willkave during the Bflflfl week. If baa not appeared to u.e re.-etflory to stop thismov e ment, elte Irhould bave notifiod you of it before. The partic* are repre ?nted Ifl flfl ae bcBg deaperodoM of the worat kind, aud wIiom de-jarlure fr.iia aoy coj. ii,iitittv i. ihe only good act they cau perfonn. I will meiely add, that when I read my Bflflfl fll Friday morning, me that your Deportment Bfl ao Mcure fiom riut and dismrbaiKe on th* arriv*) I tbe Pn-ri-lent elect, that only tventy men were to be ou duty u* an escort, I at flflfl determiued to eall on you und eiideuvor to bflflfl fM B MflflflMA tb* nmn ber. But on my I waa very hajipy to flnd mr advice waa nol needtd, ai.d therefore I did not i.btr'ide il OB fflfl* . __ ? . So fur from having udvited the cbange fl Jf r. Lin? coln * route fr.m Harri*biirg. before kavlng N?w Yoik for Balliimreon tbeiad.I eent a telegrapb U, Mr. Wflflfl, 4 Mr. Lincolu'* puity, adviaing bim to go down on tbe Su*<|uehaniui road, M pcrfe* ly eufe. You ure at liberty to make *u< n um of ihia letter m vou mar deem proper. ' I tm, v.ry re.pec'f'illy, yoort. ke. JOHN A. KKNNKDY. BuperlBl.adeni. To the above we may verv tttf flflfl,flfl weba?e the be?t reaeon to believe that jartiea connerifld WM the New-York poli-.ehave been actively and promi m-nilvengHged 11 lircnlatinir incendiury pobli-ationr in thia State, in violaiiou of law, wbieh may yet be a aubject of iuquiry by ibe grand Bfflflfl of our ilty anfl Siate. The action of ibeee pa>li-a hM bflflB flfl, m^ deed, ?? to cballenge *pei iai rrmtinv in Maryland, arnl we the propriety of like v igilanee ou th* part o. Virginia. ______________________ lBah' 6uB' rULIJCt MEETIN0& B. Y. UNIVEKBITY MEDICAL DEPAKTMIXT. Tbe twenty-fouith flflfll C- flMMflMBflflfl ot tb* Medieal College, fltflMflflfl to Uie New-York Uutveraity, wuo held luat eveuiug in tbe large chapel of tbe Um veiaity building. Cbancellor FiRRi* preflided, ond wm uttended by the Faculiy of the College. Tne exer.ise* were oper.ed with prayer ai.d lb* readlng of a oortion of the fcflrfpflfflfl, after whi.h tbe ( haneeHor read tbe li?t tt Qiaflaflflfl hb followa, to whom the Council of Ten bu<1 awu.ded diplotnai: Al e?, tlMMM Y., vt., iumbowt, * Mflfl M.'O';-.;' io... botii. K..l*e?r. . Atw.od. 1. li.. U.JI Bflflf, ??JBMg Va ? H.llantine U. YV., IVnu.. Bittt, U. B . N. C. Bwk-tt, ThoB,?VV?*N < : Mi lin D.fid li, Uj ??t^"*?? V.. Brooki, John V , Va. , lemtmk 1 **:? <^l?' ? I.ioar.W. I. . Cairliigtou, ll. YV., la.:Chaiabifl kd*ud 11., N. Ti tIwk. BUpbau J.. N Y. .4 lark fUfljrt'? - r.uu. (.?..*. 11 . l?d. .r?!l1n. O. C. Ua.. loll.i.i. A. R., B. I.-, Calvii), YVm J Ala.; Coi.i.o.Iy. J J . t.n . I iii|. J*???*. Biut. ; _Bri_ mm 11 , ? Y.;f)eOr...O.."!e.B. NY BflflMr.J. K , N Y J . N C . DiytBlfl, Robflrt H . H ( ., Wiui.ld.0B. YYu. H., N. C : fat*flM.T C N. Y . BflflMM, W.V.N Y., lilHit...,*-1 O 1 l\f*}fZmi^mtmi ftfl fl. N N. Y i rUmer. llfli.rv J. ti. C.. f****Ba. ""ld..*y YV Mi.. Kur?*it, Alb-rt N . tu.n*** John R tt x ,,.ubi* Ai., K,J: Y i <iibT ? . N ClJBflMM, Wb. li I. N C. (iunnioi, I Bfliy.M.<l^mk**h^M J Ya Hbii.I1*. i.. JaOMfl, II . H.iri. ,^r,io. J_.Fenn .Marv.y, A!B? C*n ; Helin Jflb*. N. Y.. H-r-.d-,.. /.. B??>.??????"??? Needh.iu B..N ( . ie.t.r. Benj L.. lena.. HUl.Alea .(.*.. , 11 ,1 .... ABdi**. C. I- U... ho.- 1" A fl. L.i llibbar:. S . tt. X. iamfhrfly, i'. H-nry. Ifl jimm/f.frtkx. vu.M<*fl. Krrthne, K . Ml . ikb Ittm A . Y. I.amb. W S. Y.-La-iUe, Tho?... N.l. '-V'Vi '.JmZ'xlL s"r' John YV. Va , bin*b?ry. Johu S N.l.; Uttle. ? ui ? fl ' I L'.ni, J.n,*. K.. N C. . Louflh fleJBBMBBflM Uflfl * L.. \t I riuaa K.*ni* B..B.Y.1 .vcllon.ld, John, N.< ?; Mfl n^.'wSBi.Tw^'flfltAw J.c-U H.. Va.i.MMflyM, Artfi-r Om,. Mi? Cmx fltot V , OM .; Mae.B. Jo^apu flJJ V Hflfltfl l*i, *t f? N V , M...r?l.. YV u.UioJl . Ala . New . ifl-* .1, .;*:. M, N Y M r. M-i. l..r D.O MM . BfllB ofl -y M N V OetafloflT. J-hn A . M Y ., UA.rmry Hu h ?ld Mu. ..) ..- liri.ry 8 . oa.: ratfl*. Bfl**t t'J^J'-JL'' 1-aik-r JohuT.Mrt. i IMflikflf. Y. Hrt?, Kr?-t.-n Ky ; Powrl! I .i?ere C Y a. , mwer. John B , Al*.; Piwtt. 1 bom.fl T. Ala , 1-rke.C.S W. AI*.. BflBfl alfl. JlfllC.. B.T^I Bi U t*r Henry YV. B. Y i Kobrruon lan.r. M. Mim lUtar'*. n. VYilitaroH Tma H->bin-iori. Jehn A. N. B. . Ruftin. Th.u.t., B.Ct Rirai. Alri.jr. Vb.. Sfltidere. A. II Uu*.. Bafl labn.i H . N (' BaflflBl 0. E.Ohlo. Beymour. Chflilaa.J, S V Sbtrp, Hlark-T ir N.l : flimpami. 1 A YV..U*.: -m:\., i ii,.*. .>u,.:h'H"iaeeii., N.Y . M ith. II. I I t M Ufl, lra fl (la <-.-.iii, YVm V y*. tbek, I. f . B C i tftomo, li.Mflh M (t St.,.,., AaflBBflf/..B (i i Btt-itbar. Wilii?fli A BC Tiii, J >'. S. C . Tit'or. h-bert B . Ya.. rheoip.oa, A.ei l'. YV. Tln.liermn, J. ote.r N Y ; l'ouikiui Wi.i.tu, K TetiB. i Turtirr 1 buuia*. Pa . Y'sd*. Ckaii** H., N Y , YV?i,.rr. J.LnT.N.Y W'atflim Jobu L. N C. YVu.oa Briii'i 4 .N J BftBI Bfll ll, J , * C. , Yl ??>_>, K., ir .N Y Yl-.kt, li'-.?.li* M N f . YV hir* FlBaUl J V i YVillarO R ttnt, YY T. flflfld, 'arid tk, fl. Y., tflbi A BflBfl ? B.7B Y. tmm\ 119 In addilion t<> lh*ab4,v? li*' the < huii'-ellor flale.1 ihat tbere were tix menibera or the gradnating Aut* who hud tucceMtully pas*ed tb* eianiiuaiiotii, trom wbo a fliploinaa had l*en witb held flB accoont ol their ag*. beiua vtt'^1. TLe Cbancellor then Bflfliflfl thc dipioDM to tl.e gtaduBiea in ll.e uaual uianuar. Tbe Molt medul*. tflfl ii BBMBA, were awarded to Kugei e S. Olcott of N.-w York and Buflefliifl flt BflflM of QeaaajB, Bf ex.elliua B unaton.ical pflflfl ? tion*. The firat uiedal ia oi g.,ld, und valued tt |wj tbe ae<*)nd is ot broi.te. Tne BflBflfl vixien for hfl bfll recordaof the CflaBal leciure* we*e awurdcl M W.n. R. Keypen and Alex. fl. (;eiLie. Tbe \m Buren prire*, MflflflBflJfll tflfl flflflM inttruui ntfl, were awarded to Jotin D. Baiflbf aud Wm. K. B*f* pen. 11>e tturieiitfl, upou rec. iviug their diploma* und p.-i/.i, wereloutllv appltuded. Ib, CbbbcciXOB then introduced Dr. Alfre.1 J. 1'ost, ProltfMtr of tbe principlea and MfltflflBflfl flf Bfl< gerv, whoaddreaeed tbeliiatlnaiingiluas at c.n.ider BbB lengih. In thc courae ot li- retu irk* be n..'fl the BflBB eone tttrling udvi.e n-garding their futne conduct. AlthougU tbev were armrd wilh 1 . ir MflllflHll. he woull tell tbem thal th. n BB had hfl bflBB. To BflBfl flflfl Ifl, ?nd ibb waa to be tbe aiai of tll.flbej uinrt lirst *e. uie accuraie B icutitic kn* Bl edge of whatever BflflflB fld B iheir irof.-a-.ou. The exeniee* were . l.flftd wil.. a U-uedietion. fl BKtioKLYN COBBOM COUKCIL. The Bard u.ti Bai eveniug, AU. Kvi*. B,tfl Preaidtnt, in tbe flflB. flr. Stboxa moved u rrconsidcn.ti "n of tbe fflfl luyiugou lb* Utble tl.e r.-|-ort ol ibe I'o.iiiiii".-. , n pHviiig und )-ra.iii._.' I'ni.-u aveuue, flbBfl wa* IflflM to, aud the repoi'. a.iopted. Ile Coiiiii.r.ic- ou Opeiiing flflflflfl ?t)d A"-:'.'" u.ade a Lual report iu favor of exteu.liiK BfitM avenue fiom BrafldflBJ lo tbe city iipe, and fl MB mending the Bflf iiittieut of Commiaaionera lo aarera lh* ,-x|ense. MOftfld. Oa uiotiou of Mr. CtlBOBB* the obfllMltaM <n Yauderbih avenue, fiom AlBelWl B Wflbflb avfluoee, wtreiii'ect*.! to be re.uoved, at ui. Mfflflfl Bfl '? exefltdllM. . . Br. Jkbkibi HMflB'afl ? wwbmbB and rea-.l .? o relutive I-. the aci peiminu b.f"ie ile IflBflfleK .?r liiving out a pari in ib? T-*elit?. W,.r. , P*a*eMMfl aaaittat tbfl pflffltffl tt ibe fl ue aaMfl ?*??" '" * an,. i'- rbi.ll nol tuke aflbct until iwo--!/ ?'? ofthi propertyeaaafBtebflBMBflafldahall bave flfl tbdr BflflM B lha aai in tbe Cl - < Brk'i Oflea, ?/?? aalefl the propetty to le ssm?.a.d sbull iu *" '*r' oi tbree BflflB Mfl flflflfl ol ilie u..-ear.i.enl for ti.e im iiiovt-tinnt. . ? ,_ _?_ Mr KKtrieoaaflflfld tfll Bfl fld MBaflflfl^^g flfl i Iv a.iod.etogia.letheoM flflM I "<?? ? V^ 1 w. I'llb W urd ut the Mfflfl of ?be pt^ir flfl lt flf" IM down ,i._.??,r ,ii_ FM iBflflatloa wai Bflorlfld. and ?;. p. ? e n recd to bl MM M flM ? *l *i '*y.?**iUt ** ?Btiaa. \ld. V i.n Bai nt flflbred tba t.ll-.vritiK Kamlrrd, Tmxmtka mrnXmrn nt t^ Cmotaum Cmxxrlimm iir.per.ti.rly ne.r...r, lh*. -.'.er .1.* *?.n...*l o, th* **Bfl ,r?r o. fla i . | ' - -? I- ? "' mm - M bflflM .ti u ' ll .^.r,i Vbat iSp* i.l * -i.'ti"' af IM "?' flf ?! fl -o .U ? ilh .... rep'i-.e?.,tl,r. i. B fl* *."1 A"'^"Ji the pii.i.c... - I .-pr-.' Btb ? fll BflMBflfl *" "Jrh * *** t*-# A Bafl flBflaaflaa ei.aued, und flflflfl ameudmeut* were mude aud voled down. Fron. U.e t*nor o xmo lllMbl i' wm evidet.t ihat u.ny. B Bfl a nuAjoit) .* ,|?. meuilei-s ol the Bflflfl flfl B??*B B Bfl BflflflB f ,.u net bv the LeghdalOM flbBb h?* Ur it* flbflflfl tle b .Kii ol tl.* municp.l .K"i n from Nprlug U> Ku T .- anb,.- I wa.- iucic.ti.liy hrouflhl u,- la c*M ,,,,,;..? wiib il,. ?B)lulioM and pr.tty .Wongly taa VTbe'BflMflBM wer* adopted, and the Board ad jounied. ^^mm^mmmm_mmmmm-m^mwm IMIBBB1 to .|o?trH WA.aiK.-J.Beph Wa'krr, Bflflf met with u flflflfl full fl Saturday, and wat MM veved bv flflflfl, iu a faiutiug I Iflfl Bfl, to h?.l*"T We lcaru thal he ia not *o dungrrooalv iMjumfl aa wua fl iirat upprebended, and tbat tbere ar* *'""'? bflffl of hia early reiovery from the atcident. The Hartaoki. SdahTk*.- Tle OjMj*jS ia uuder*oiiiAi reiatira and beiug repainutlIflfl fj river bflflflfl The tiranii* Mflfl ?Jjfllflflfll holiday of th. Bfl two ?onth...aalMad7l.a*d Pa and she i. tx^led to flart fl her hrfl tnp IbflMJj from New-York. Thi. may, however, M o* until next Mouday.