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r?ntl??eal fra?. Fir?? r???"*>. _ __ mihTg -?BW. Farrr, u.-l arben feaetta ia* in A-iih-'? eavi.lry. Tin: n-i'iltof the Mm Iga Bon 1'H. ei?l U-eiM?in'-"'!. The Id-toa ' bo ??? ? broom* e,Uu ia the Border? i I Han Oaardi v.r.- r?? pond tal l?ate ...-?? lied i)..r'.,..i-.- I ???? I-'-'-*? IMPORTAIT FROH THE SOLTHWEST. -?M-: ADVAKCE OF CES. BEAI REGARD. Gallant Stand Against the Rebels, Firm wran I.ANPiM., Tenu.. M?y 11. VB Tlie follow hfef rink j net been received a? lue head ?rjan?n?of the -rmy oftbe MiiieiMi|'pi: I"?up pAHai!ii,Tt.N Kridt). M?y!?-i>. ??? Tt M, |_? g en Ii vi lick. Ttie enemy, M MO ?tron??, drove in our iickem be? yond raiag-flia. Bad advance'l upon the Meade an?, )?i>K-be f'.r'b.-r.idt'of the Omah, in Matt "1 m? caiuji. Tb? brigade beld oi? for live honre, until, finditii' tbein heavily j*e-.p-??l in baot ami on the fl_tik, ai..l that I iWd n?-t IBBtaia them with-ut BJggdBf the n?-ek ? nu abale tono, wUab would bave Urn eentntry fo your i rders and it enid hive diawn I I h general eri^-genn-nt, I ?it-K'revv tleni t-i ttii. aide to ?rood order. The conduit of tie trooj g veiw ex ?_*lleiii, ami the withdrawal iva? uiade by then? ?pery reJtct'tiitly. Th?- cDtiny niaile a tleiiKii.?'.-?'ion to tro?., lut Bbjiiii? neil the ninvi :nent. (?ni I -r i. ion.-i?l. ral-h' gbniii.'1' 1 i-iiiiti-1 .it tall bow greet? The saenj bem^' ti ml. eapo ?', mbbi? i tory s-verely, ara ?ghi. kit:? re? heit- SOBBsV '.' I* enabled nn-l bil b____?try Lue laviuif " in ?iiikTii ?i.? k aemrall am II) eouiiuitiid ?re ejhgi r f.,r t\e . dvance. john POPE, Mator-OraasaL Faruiiniftnii is live mil?-, weat of Oertath. Hw c_iv tooan taft ?I weraI-_bonr'eeadfataee/a Bn_-?de?. T. | we-tbei ii a ..riii anl plasnOBta Al ii? unie' m trent, iii*- ?nein., having retired. Op.?>al l>_I-ch ?" ffee V Y TV,anne. \4'?hi:m.;..s. Munday, M?y '.' IMS, The city '.. frill of maori of d-MSM to <!' n. Hal leck't ninty. Their only foi-niUtion bl iii te* : Oa flato nrday !?ioriiii!_. Gea. ItapB'l advance gourd. a-OBO ?v. t. .,r sight e_ln In.m Oettalh, wa? driven hue? hy Hea'ireiiiird nj-on the main body, whleh wai dra ?n rp in im?-oi balda Bad leaked ga tenHable, and pla. id trab bavm witt i;? vrith Beea* rejr-.tid . advi-Bah | BalU M thal te retired, (len. Po*.? then (.i.?' a I oo! Iii. axlvniice (.nurd to its tarami rvoailion. Kew iiariitnlai. have bom ret ei ved, bal it ie known thai the men.y I li.?, wa. much greau r than "iir?. (j-i:. ilulleck ia .lowly but ?toadily pre ?iiiji neater le I*? ?-mtl., wti re. sa ia now ?hou-iit to '?? rtrtaio, QOB. I? IM-BfBrd ia with ulinot-t Lie wh? le forcea. Spreu, fir t. fair? - Tbe T ... ??? ftnsiai Uooiay M??w irw. The iteamer Meteor, froi?. 1'ittobarg Hamlin). Sun? day inoriiiiii.', ha. arrived I e-e. There ? i?d been m nansal eagageneai, aharragh the ritaatisa ef the tw<>?nui?? ib -??ni'. Baan ihteataamg itaaMia) previoni time. Them hal bom mmeel emma ab?t? akir-i ?th-. which, without prodaetag any ?'.?.:?. nr4eil to rh..44 tb? ititentim "t the nom ia? '?? ? ? ? it 4VM? de ;- .??- - ? d thal? ra te inn tbe ?(..ri? of graaaattaa b ng true, Iba enemj i? aBeagjtheaBBg aii hat aefaoantethe ..-??.it ni our anny. Iu:-iead ol'al mi?! uing bia httnaoh-kanla an lotua.' ('?:-.- if lie. ?i.e. Whr tit Werk liitll toe?-? bmlag '''"? end tlreng-bentag aarthw? .-!.*. It ie i.e? known tt ui I -veil ie_eh?-d ('? it ?', t th go army of 90,000mt?. Itranmkmj rbeaamttrr of doii1.1 le bi.i'i-i-ai?! i? preparing ba arm] tot aderper-,!?-?in v-aklr. Own nie it ring part??I ta* ?.eei ii.? en> u.y, no when i? i y a ".. ?"?'! ob hill?, m the weeda, anl :?!. ag the i nie1?. The Relit-i. e-i-m i..i--e_.t i>i orerwlelniing B-re?if?i. l'ii fiHiaiioii? te.- battle h.* -?atag n.ade <i?, aern?il ?i-ale. K.jadh a?. Bthseogh the weeda to facilitate the Bwvoanatt ?' iheditieiiut dirie!fats ttejC' p al ure Bataan d I a-i -:?? n-i ra be r?. ml m tli tag ? wiiutiai! on our pa?t '.o win dm eeataB? The follnwii.K ia a S|er?l v.. ThtChteog > 'J' ? - ?n. dated fair. t,->-d-v ; The ?teatu?-i Skylark ha? jn-; iirrived Bom the flri-l 44 lill a. :._ ..' . . | in :? ,.,.., t i I: . .?' bOMtad S. , ' BO*. ?TI ? ... . '..:a,t eannonadioi'wti? in the dire 'it tbe fort, whleh ?ne plainly d-MmguiaLed till i Baaead t-i ? -1 ill?-. ii ?- , i(. ?..; wM he iba raiapallini bj Ihe?i filie blad and the evaciiatioti tt Mm * at. Me.-.: , ,?r, T. >.-? . M. r?M? m- Baa i M. - .. .. . ?? ?. . The ti ei.i|i ..?;? ..I.y ailnckuaj >? ...... pori. aaai Farmaagtoa, i mi ?imie ita gnat baa, wbieh wee la poaitioa to n i re m . bot iht ? raa ?. ;. Ima d -i) oki ? if. tested to Cetfath. Deaavrton thia 1 heavy Inaaei. (?en. Pope ? lou? i.? not yet urier taiiifcit H. W. Uti ii- ? . M- .- . i. n ' . i . Pan. Can, Ky M? :.y. .Viv It, i -,.' Gen. Denver a-.d pi-tl Blttaed ne t IBBlltdajr, SB root?- ii>r 1'ii'k' ..a. Landtag. Twothaaannd nvali. aiatU-ii Mt ri tl'i? '>??? on Sninrilny on an <.'?|.ed r .?. r i to act in aag. umt'.oii with Hie Diilitary forci-h fruin Hickuia:.. in t.urxiit of the Jt.licl ?vally that hm been oveiioni?ii^ Weetara Ken'ijeky ?md Tcnne??-ke* aeoeptly. TUK NAVAL ENT.AOKMKNT ON THF. MIK HM-H-l 0-ne, M.7 ii. MM Our fleet .aire oat -jf the Betka poBBMBBV anhait. tv?-'4 ?,r?t i. riiitv rernrtt-'i n-i.dy lor inly. Cflf t. Hteuibel of the Cincinnati, wa? wounded by B La! m the T4V0 other blifcbt earua''i. ? ? -n .i-ie.l ou BBS ?ide. The enemy'? Iom ia v/ery larve-ir.bablr t?ree .?r foui hoadred kiiieil, and wnti'.ded the majority k.iled. The> linon tata wra eoeaaMadol hy Cape Davit the rew fleet Captain, Coinn.Oilore Koote haviu^i-oiie home on a tick leave. The Uu.on boat. nmafOd ?vere the Heut. Ctaah-BB-, ( Bilodslala. Ceno, S:. Leuis. and tie wooden Lout (teealoga. The Rebel bat Ixiti-iiaiia BttaBBftad to run the Ciiir-ioiiati dotvu, hut wa? reptil.e-1. The lah I battery HaHeiy B-t>n [-tel lie same game and wa? bamrif .uni. bj ' tb* Hi. I ?ni?. The It'ehel fleet wa? c-'". BtB-db 1 ! y H.-lliU?. ?? Tun KKioicnreA IN ALBABT. Al ham Monday, Mty .t 1J02. By order of Our. Moram;, U"'?'ui.s iiere tired al aoon on tm G-fttel I'ark, in ho_i.r of _M I ; lory ol Ihe Union arm? at VerMh. IN DOM ON. Bm a ah mtey, Mag I-, ?nie eateote m Kerf-lb, the di gnattoaof the! Memui-c. and the trianoo-Bl adeaaee al tie:,. BlcClellan, *?., wnie proi,u,u, ,l>My? ?j ,oy ! teeaatanl Bewfagtaal. i? mray tawm - . ? am ben.? bred, ead b* am liegte ia hagard the anet ? vi. u. IN Kt.M.VTOM. bammnti ???,,? ? ,,Md.y M.Vi. ... The new. ot ne <i,,,-,ir, ,,? Knfclh am the B. Meei? waa nmtfod here Im - It, ?j ,,,?, Bern Gie pulpit* of the ?userai .hnrchr?. Ti.-. great tofaldbf to-4.;. Crag? Bit fata mi ba__t ' anri-ginj. ? | FROM WASHINGTON. ccriFf.'.iATioK or Gru. ?ictles. SLAVERY EXTENSION IN THE TERRITORIES. THE REBUKE TO SENATOR DAVIS. THE REBEL BARBARITIES. Taxing Rebel Property for the War. CONFISCATION AND EMANCIPATION Wanuviiro"?, Moid.? May 12 MS). enWgXMjMj AT KKKOt.RK hHI I HO. A livre iitioi'-er of lo? al him k? arrived tliis morn* taj al KndeiM-kshurg, divert from Two ol ii i- ni i-i mt. i.i//- m have been employe?! nu g'iidee l\ (J?ui. l'ntuik. They ir present t?ie euetnv ? loree ttnSMaBJ in fiont of Urn. Mi Dow. i! ? liite, uni (?iTilirtn nil pentan reportH alxiiit tim plant panir in li.ihii.otiil. Pre i er?> for Jill. U?eta and tea nanto ? af tbe Cunfe'teratc arms were omitted id ihe Epis? copal ami Baptist tlinicbes of Fred ru-keborg J es terday, aad than tot peace and anna? ?uti.tiinted. There wss eonsi lerahle firing by pickt!? of the MOttl ''?'' " r'1' '"'I aa ?'?'i- ii'lii? uren ?"lied at lien. Mci).'Will'? heii'l(|imrters. The new? of tt,c ??/neust?on of Norfolk and 'he d?-(motion "t He M. nu..: ? ?Mienii ed ?itb liie wil e.-t iiitliuei- i a -.u lay itia. Reofahaanoi k amy? Tie snllej <?t the ; atappahnaoeli blend orita? boodini Mnuaeof mar tin! mu?.c loaded bo? avery billa A? tim ?1.0111.-' went ti,? from cani!' alttraaiap, Bonteioahttgrow pata, hu theil lif ?, and tried in vain to OOM ni th. ;r 1 ?ullin use. 1 (INHUMATION (li* ?.IN. s|( KI RB*i NOMINATION. Ose? Daalal V- Kehtas an soaarawal to-day a? Hiigadln Pen ni. hy one iiiiijoiiiy. BLAVRRE EnTllaRBTB IN THE 11 KitiTnKll :?>. It wa? iioiued in r .1? Doon Untar that nvonl I nenibd'-s of the new (.Viiservi- SLi\?ix putty did BOl ; ? n "xitii their frtaadi el 'he nasM o? m toe pas-1 sago "f the lull esetadlag Slavery benpseaeator finnie Territories. Bone, lite llee-ie. ?mi ?viellield, Wim io.ii been relied .non as BBOMM of ihe m w lull, feled xvith Meeen?. l.ovejoy, Araosd, St? xens K? iiy, nuil 1 ? ?*., l.dcu. u i.'i?. -.?*.( clti ? 01. friday, m saantonal to lave Leen lae ta saan .<? saetea?oftaneaaaaei while snen, like Mr. Kikhei oi Doaawan, dedgada TUB EH'.lkl. IO SENAIOK DAVIS. It is lu,1 im Hut (?af-ett Dbvih will, fur a lew Baye, put a cntli upon ni? tongue. He BOOOBOd t. ?no11 he tanvj Mawe anah him tit ?SsoattrWIIan t..-day; Inn the tuon? polished and, thoiu?i not tanoanathrs batalling '.e neoivad linn (hnatoi I'.'SieudtTi?lienrtjiy ? nuiy.-il .1? it ??? bj ih?? aiiili tory?Le antteol n ttaapnsistea. ACI'dlNTMl NT. A n?phe?T of e.\-(.ix'. lULoiir of Virtriiu? ! .. Lien appointed Ctkl I I'lf.k ol' (he ImBOMM BBOCe, ?iib asalarp of $2,0*00, dttptaflng T. I'. Tran win. ?.- ?.?led tatt alan ?tar t-naaty yean tegnsnl ?ato? it 'tad-lion, luit is lieu -educed lo 1. i^i.'Ou ( !? Ik-' .?'. in and on- o* lae ?Depntnett lata olnasji w.u.. ? ?? u nil?? veiy i|ii.i.;?, ia irititieed. i III. l*llt(HA-i; m- lilli HOI I?LAH Bsttllfll .Mr. Kahaiaaou, Erna the itou??* OonaMttara Military .v.ian inpottoda bill, ?batt ?M tottaott t?) the t'omiuiu? a of !!;?? \Vb<>.?-. Bpprop.iai.u*,' ?J. ? NO lo purdie?* the Dengln*. Hoej ital, lor-n?rl> 1 Mtaanott Mt ??. CO? CHt --|?i\Al. l.lini.iN?. Mr. lune?, tata land a 1 ol, ?Idea, ?n r.-:!err?d to the ('?.tiiii,atlee on Elections, fixing the Toradai in si ut'.r it.? h'?t Ifondaj of Maoenan 11 t*,e d?y .1 ? In nona in exery S .tie, beginning ? pier. AtilMI'1 AT KIDNAI'I'ING. A BOW Md parn illy ?IBBOBBBttl ?it tempt to kuln..? ti.ree !.(}ioe? on the highway near tlii? ? ily rvn? I asede aa Baasny. A antttoiaasaanj not tar fruin Bladaanbotg had given three of hi? ?ervaui? pasan :,, staM WsaneagttB. On tbiur n*y they were ovtr laheabj neeta!? aedsna wh? <a|iureu one ami ttbee xi liytag te eseaySa tim-, an old 1. is ao?d to har ? tea-trad n lull >staebatgs o; ', .'- ;,??. . The wlio'e natta lo to ?M ta? li ?i i.?-1:, u. VVadsaialh. iiiii.s m iii' .'i::-!ilNt IRO *-i ? Bl i.iliil - BTABTUE ?NU ' ll'.-L. 'i' pn idsetaad ?jetiiatartae Bttntan aad Chan rrturod I from Nnrfolk thia ?otBataga Mi. 1.-., , . . a '????_.? ?I " I .' i.l (1 Ila ?'ll? ' ".Hilt T' - ill?. ?, BABBABBM "I' Tin. iii ki :>. The?i, oetat lornlenoftta ."l in...-. <.'.?: int. :r?-it'. Se..lit*- lanrataiaedftonTnBtowafall o! wrath ai'ii.n?! the I.'?*I?e*!?*, ?bon ?faMaii t-orpe 1 don ti ey fanind a' ali ?peinte; lut they imind, ton, ?the Hebel ''Tuts ?ha bad tana taina pattonna al ; woik * i der guard 'tit\ ur' thd in out. Tin ? Utan ia .tiarri- re|liedi" than Brbalilena? pli.ii 1 thai h wna? in aooo*tdBa? oishtheasagn ?if war (a- put I' em to t..i? ea-i vice, t!iul tin- ptabtiog oi torpidoeii ??-in? mat a aa laid down in the Ixxik" o! ?ixi.i.'.d ?arfiue, New Baan re'juired new nil.??. The EEBjatt H h t' I liehel xyoiki tiHve Dot I yet been tunt heal. The Rehel oflicers Will have the tiist expeiienre of them, al?o. TAXINO RI.1IKL PROl'MllY I OK Tllh WAK. Mr. Doo! Ut le e lill panmd hythe Senate to^Liy, requiree the ?'*???.?lent to declare by pioclamatiou I la ?Bal State? incurrw-tion eiitts, tv ben uj?ou tlie rea) eetate within tlu-m tato hi? onie charged with ila portion of the diroi' tal imponed bytLeaeto! tant tantan. In default ot nayineut wuluu aixtx 1 day?, the title hi fee simple rexu m the L'nue?! States, nod the property ahull lie ?told by a board OMttRnf of thiee Tax-('ommia?iouers in radi Slate, at a pri?e not li??'? than two-thirds the kwuMsstd Value. i The owier may 1" wever, within sixty day? alter lae f-itie. u| on bj pu.rii i' I? fon- Hie llaiard ii* |??rsou, Li kiiu, in oath ('. support t'.ie CoiiMitniioii, aittl pay? ing the tu, will, litieen per cent mt?re??t f,,iiu the dat?' of iii? Pieooleal -1 roennatkn, nitl aannnn, redeem his psoynty, Minorri, A?'., at?- allowd two yea-- to leasBM, ana the CeaMntos?eiS ate uu |ta i ?ed to extern! tho tim?', aiieii.- Joyil peneM ha??* e'il?iii'?i ??, ?.,- fur d.-lax, and the (,'ouiniie ?i( una, ;uay ha-e laiiiis Mbimdoued by lidd'.-l own? er?, Ulong HM U? re?'iiire IbbbsM lu ?mi loy, ou wag?.**?, |K-*!?oti*i t ii hnilln r?-il' tit upon the land. Rttj n ?> a?o ?v li ihe sanie .1, pensai Btttoan? ned SI a?res, to nob ameba .'r, ?rho bom he u (i-.ia'( n, or a r h.i? r. or a.iilor. ann BOM pax (,.?? tout i li of the pun ! i-e u one/, ai d it e nSBSOO ?itnintbiMji i?. ('i.? qaaittt al lae teeni Is? tit .?? -i !??? ia to i>? piaid iilivil.. ? K to tho (I v? riim af tbe State xxii.ii. ?bin Ita ? al ?slate -ai..... i. on.- qtiarier to ihr Stitt?* .-ti- a I (doo alta . I ?iiid, and |M Bato iii" !'?e Tr?u.',.iy. Only tluoe BWtttttl voted iii?* hill. Ir, tin ? mm oi aaneaaataa, ttie oja -, on ?t net m ino tia.- ? bo> lilt,on o? tie laaaneetionarj t i i after Ita rebellion ??i n u?!,i ?i, \v o? nnanttd. UlXIIMi.tllllN AMI I .MINI O'AIItlN. The ik\i i C' utt'.ittei. o/lhc I ?'? ? u ;. lioa baa Lri^^-lj-ui?*?!. will j ? ?.?*'>.ly r'-j-ut thid ?a i li ?o th?t '.I cir lill rray be <!ii?rvwei| of before the (llX BUI '? tXFCU ni?. TI <? (' '?.i'irittn bate thne fu- done litt??, more 1MB > .li., ii r j.-? i e. i | ii tiplee, hal teen i? naat . . ; ' l"- ?: ?'e'? i? toTBtog IBB inj itv SB | IntriugM ?! i" ?'?-r ivory nioetiuM*, ami Unit a lull is hlo.vly h?:?_ teg .' ? II lill M S rUfl M OK HIE WEST. ?MsBSian ?li Congress just letnnied from the West say llinl i'?e nu.versal Sentiment is in favor of the ni'.dt vigorous ami w ?em t'einm, nt of the Rebela. TUE CONITRMATIONB. The Si Tinta to day confirmed ilie nominations of I ?illili; I h Nickle? s? ill i. .? a r (i. nernl. tr. dnlc In in ia origin?! BpfaBMBMB] John W. Hunt of New feel to be Hiigade Surgeon; J. W. Mnnsfield of WirCtinFHi, Consul at Hoc?it-?,Ccr|>oral Murrin How? ard of the lei Company of Infantry to be Vd Lieaten ant io the -.iii Company af Infantry, for good roodoct at the lum I?.- of Spnigfield, Mo., aben be ?tu ?vnunded. NAVAL APPOINTMENTS. The Nary Department lins appointed Thomas Holland ??f WsaUagMB, Master's Mut--, and ordered him to the New-York Nivy-Yard; Wai. Martin ot i Ntiv-Y?.rl( api iiinitd Acong Mas'er at New-York | N.tvy-Ynr.1 MagBM BMBB ol' the United BUJtM rienmi r li i. .!. is i MBStei 1". oin (?uiiiier's Mate M A? lilli.' Muder, Bad ( rd. ltd io Hainpton Roadr. THE BATTLE OF WILLIAMSBURG The Errors and the Responsibility. - me FORMIDABLE NATURE Of THE REBEL DEFENSES. rho Fiercest arid Hardest Tight ol'the War I ? UBI Ooi Hperial ( crraai.i.n satU. \? ?i i ??-i na. \ ? , ?li? . tatt Iimdy should instit?, v and h cr .- ii ph??t M .r.ij.ii. rs here. t?> ?nke ti.? a. 'n ii likeiia-s ??? lbs vn?t ! lunette ti f.-r-st-iri e . \ta ;. i - ?'. -i'r . -, in Basan ?>vcr :'? 000 . f lin- Iltbele, in Hinliis'., Mimi .Hitler the ' prole?'?nu ni a l???ti line ?>f f?.its i f \ let ?le.-Ti.'tli ?a'ii. 1 .?v? aaaoeia pneWen Bvnitodtheadtaan ?)f il.e I'-.!'.'. tlBSJM I. ? M ?I??' i| II? n withthe pen no painting with tni? n<> ur by at ...? ? t i eil '.r ?au |.?.??il I? MB*! y e- en un Bf> (?r.ixiii'iii. iv eneren idn el the Batan ti the j ?ii. a,!1 \? in ii tli I,'-: i i.? fir?' ('l <?u' an?l th? I iiir'ei.!"iis?y i rqi.r?.! ?tii'i I - Bstddad bj ?lana, ai.uoir?.u.i i.? \\?et i'.i?ii ? , iiu+w Nu laagiae? mm <?f the deanlj toiekoled a,m1 trooiai fam ia ? vin a Bnddee?. sa dam t??iuii.l It. ?Clair lat-d Li? .uni ead bit rebana i I 1.1 i i' i .?r. '1 I aiiml ? >r IB* ipih/ la.n fl-flasl ?l.?. nil ? - ni the Bebri ?le MMM l-l"!.- M .l'i i ? nu'. St.iTnluiK n|?.ti iii? I?. i..i ei?. .i Peri M -' mar .? beaueasd t\,?k ??? BUgB ii? I" !'re?? N in?.e. ?t wale moat, filled auBtrner, .i?i hating a aereee of tia sattosM eterj pstol afthe ? ana and. kwknnjjMwa ?I Yurtil.iWii. y?'i e? .? a I,, i... ? ije-?l-,| ? .i BBM| "f itir??' a Bil? wai mott ireaud? ?wa ? ???? i* ?ii:.,-?-l .m ihe h-i.i.- weil h :'ii.'..ii'ic etoutis ??t fall? . laaatber, Ul'liMIFt ??. illl 'l l'l' !?) te fitly ad..-. ?u l?a-ir h??eep ni' ii mile and innre .f leek? you see h pao of ll.e way, b? ?,i.i,iiiin at ?toeeadnnm v W '. u ** ?arg,a ?le? j,wide ravine, n' Htm. :? ?J I h'l.'ile iiy ?im. ? ?, and bBIBjB, a hard lett. :.i. ?a i roa n?y iDstantly " there, reserves ouuld be 1 tal ? ? 'ire frnin tin fie ??(' a u allion ritle? '?nu look in li o left mid ?ou ?et ti|-?n Il.e plain ?.De ?..rt, lito foitr, ihiee f it?- f.ri? away ">? dammed ti|. tod) ?f a tua Beaaead antaa ?bmbmms ravine-i ItneSf I y ?? I"k'' ?''I Barrow tuill-duni. cou.'i_unJ?t : M a lipllrr? overlook!).* ii, ?1*1 tl.e yammo^a ut vvl.iob I ??..iii I. , In'?.r t! aub.- warr ..r? that croa???.! the Imlge.f I -? .i mahl I.uto leen ?wept from like' ?li!-? taT. (i?> .|.i-.?ii f. oin li.? !iij,'b parapet? of Korti Maginder. nu] gi a??..y nir to the right iweaeni) , l-4t.ui uf rt.e i,or-'-elioe ?.. ti.? Hebel position, pass j through 'hat "ra? ii.? ' (?*? cuveuient an 1 set-tire fur BU r?-re|!?..n of me rei-nforcementp to t.e nuirfhed ' Bp BBB WBstaBBtMJBJ . ;'t .I enter, if you c*o, ti.? . i i*?-! iltij- U-* nt rd fort-pMrPeS luuihled with MM? I aidlv and ?mv ige ii K*-t-oiiy live hundred frit wide, sal MnMUBBJ further than you cmii pee ti the ?treat i.ptin at, ure of ditli? lilly that ??oiilil BBfal the l.rava.t !io?.|?i li' l.'1-a.liiiid, Krui ?? or Kum i.i BVMBBM a??.- ?li? 1 Id. The fiilnti limlier ?hi BMth ben Ink aad pie. Omi n a ?wum;? u ?\h* ii..!. .iih! r.ifik. The trees ?\ere cul so ps B interlock the-r laate'ie?. Tie*. I. | ,'?? . e,?.-it Uti ?-i. Tin ingenuity ' ?'.- II " Ii,?; I- -?? I lill ?ag. H'lt -, .1.1 ?le li mil :t ca.! . ? a-iiinii. men!, iii I li!?- alleys len i,,' 1 late ?hi? '?riihle euer ? gOBBJ ?''?? I -1 > ?iiim.-l? eid?i^-i ia. :?: r I Baigin ndvt dBgasBsst :? riniii a ?. bmw in n nan rd Unto and muki ead UBlwIlM blBagh a ah li a Huer r?..ild SB loree him Iealf alle alea?tog i:i i,":?? the epn nan beuui I. rl Kagl nier, Ml.l <i.n?l? .'..I tbt Ii- ' ? is B < ?niven- ; 1 iestll ft ami rome in their labor ot shelrtitd BBB? ' ?ni re ??I BB] roi???Mai Noith'Tnere. (let tl,n !].?', ti,? ? In-"'? -?(.?el l! )' I hit?'?' I? fhai^?.' ai iii.'In s,. end the la?i??i f user?.ml ".-owth of skin i?-t into '. die ?j.irk 'ni.?in.!' t? r. ?''.i aUefe it was atstaaskl ?i patt. H?tn it S aaiad AhaaaUUU. Five ro.l? !?t TUBd I nu ? ?h. 'i -WM?.' d Vat ,in , i, linrefiiiile.d uud Baked no?* to ilit waist, lana up t.? ti e. ? inligkt a I n net ?? lu the hl'ie-nri'i <?l hiiilet-liol,., and |iu?es ; that ia th* dense f p? ?t la-yoml the litoBM ? ' --er?iuj: > If/me. the Rebell limit leagat ns uudor c?.?er, and pni(ti?e?l their"i? ( ?T?lisat?M of IVjajaBM Bat stii'iitiK th? ii own dnirt. Far, fur lute lins tangled, MMB| v forest, you keep ?viuiliii/ u|h)i, the Naggeiand dirtil?-?lad hurhuiiais, l*Mg ti[?)ii llitiri berk?, i-, enan tam at bleedj ?leiith?their ?ar?-?, with mt a ringle ex? e| ii? t. rlnBlsgSdtmnoat rare if | ti j .la- fnioi MB o? ?B Nortl . ra <? h low ttie rjei?.,'??, iu rwluiin? \?hi)Ui io ?aBUterj thty ha?o bntol??d tilt ri.Pa-lvi ?. Nea go back to Yorktown, ?oulh . art, and toi I?ee.'e Mill". Miith-iMut, and Id ti i? on.? le Bunduj BBBs?aad*a*aeeeMtoa?JBi pauttat ??f the ntiMilsg Kel.? 1-, nu?! ih? priiicinal di I I taalftrmm asUBBUB ami Heiut/.'-lmao. Sniiin? r, \s I.o rankt HsSBtSBMBa ir? ti.? dut? of ! is coinu i.-. ?., hsd io Inn po. In order iron. M<( loiiaii, win? h ii? InaaWtaanssd eli?. I as ? to halt on the t.-tt. If, -i/. linn ran unI i ?\iiit? n order In ?<*" Hiaight SB the Yoiktcwn r, ml i.? WllliaaMhnrf ubi u ae il?i h?i?-c ?j*cbbsjbI kia ?>u the ri lil. N i-i 'fitll .?r'i?'l BM ? BBSS Bp to ti.? rea ?,i the en? mV. u-d l.oa.hl S ?an.B 1 BB hi? ? i ?. j i ?-1 | a iel i ion, the lett, mul on to the right, au?l Into a Bnee, ?. at ????.mI, teal : M ian la toe ar..? Badetet eutou i B keen i psp?tagabmt. ?Vken were tim ?JUaUB] I ?Hato BBMy ae? 'he?? Ile i I lhere, in Ike dark, Ben tin ir inn? m sUUBBtl ' \A 1st li.j-r thal n iori?, o! a ?,.??kl tnxi'is imght run B*gB*sBatI Milidry ?itiCDtK.i.? all. A ? lo-e-. ?.mi: a ?'ri-, tt'.-ii? ?Satoeasad tea eky. i?? nyaJgal ndet?> the fmtA fo dark wa? it that the it it. i ? h! o! in? ?.?nee onlv eitved ni? itoru Inimp Hegtae ntltoa aanisB >*ho Bated tka roa.i tai aorta, Ditr-ertod LatotMtreeea i?? Bjrtillefj tratos sad an innUi'l.'ii ??.-"lil, I Wa?, n I'l-n'i ?111 . iilir.'ist swept I oin the ri.l.le b? ttMMMBB hiain-hes ol tue?. *ltl i.i euch .larkin??, sad ?B BBck JaMMa ?'"I hi? gi.n ai and ?'i'h i ;a?i.a!.ee o! hie In. Unana na si iKuhll. | aro I'd In I'.e 1 a.rl, Wlure his .1 I II ?i laen v? n Ballin la ? ! " *> 11 ?? 11, t?' eaatototlB .. ?<? lil,?I the K? I c1 real, ??hi? li l.? ? hud li? ?-It oil. re?! lo etlii.'k ihr tveiling lietore-il ?mhlini/ SIBud I?) In.'l his ?\ iv bael lo Adarns'? boina . his h. adqiiarten? - ' soimhlitig Hil ne. ly dard ?-A n ? whil.) nae al hie iUvUk>M, 1(1,000Braag my iaatt bbbbm the tr.-e?, .?ir log li ? U.isUiaiilUfi ui? ni ?? lili h hml orilcieil Hiern !?> li wiihout ti iiioiKliIiil ?.I to?ei in their hover- , miks, i.nd another <Ii??f?.ii, bIfo 10,1??? sir? j,-, BiBilifalli llinsrakl ?f tstoiv taaaMtht ahhik llini had lien or.ien'I lo leave beliiuS in their ramp, and | trA.._?l*;?:ii i-iJ-OiaUl'./ ill MVOlAiliitf li?t ?ivUi'J/t v? Ulf i .wampy snajai. II. fore da.vlig.?t a heavy down .Muir ni son ti'D .et mi fren the n?>rth-ea?t. W'h n temar, ut .? etatoahalba e venin-/ ??efore, aanamntaatad ta Besataelnm bia parpara t<> ama. ,. ?,. ?t ...-ii i . m,,!-1-. lv. the hui. ?-. tih, bed ao control el i m, bel did bava ew tra! of H ok, r. ordered I a latter to poa aie dlriatao laN-ediaten oa Un toi i .-m.m1 t'ai banmi -boon boee ocrnptad arjih hh large tonannd. Be dW anne-* heiiiHjn'Iv KBl back for re-enlorcetneii'e, ii" Impal? ing thal Sum??r would lie neoted. Ile did more vei?'lal liimTuty to the anny and the eau?e, by ?eui-iiig one il bl? aid? I? ide ir-.Lt, tonay to Sumner that Hen. Hottet would at ?t? k ti* enemy O' day? t.teak on the lett, and lo toirgnt to lum to deler hw ?wn aila? k in the center till that time. Xbe aid hnn'iNl ?nitbt'illy foi Sumner through the t-mgled torert for ovei an hour, Bad ihen returned and reponed hini ?*"ii ut MM ??*"*? 1L BOM not to lie wondered, at?for ao d?nie were the woodi, and so detnte was the dark, that ?Sumner, with lila staff, bad even run again.t the enemy'? nicke?. a?'d wen fired on. Fortunati-ly. none ot them wiro killed. More fortnm.tely yet, his regiment, m in bing into the wood, and coining npou euch other in the night? glooin, did Dot commence a deatruttive battle of T'uioii trwope opon Union troops. The intelligence and diicipline of American private soklien nved the army from a hornbl? diraaler. More jet?at the conference between Sumner. Heiut-elniMii, Ke>e?, Stoiieuiau, riiiith ?ml llan-ork, lien. Hriiitzeiuiau, I um aneored, reluaed to offer a KUggei.i <n until a reeoniiO-ieance In ?1 leen made, ami ltuirted main one betaganda? i> w.o. not ora. ..d. Night fill, as I have anid bef?te, ere the im iiarationg by Simmer for | bia attack had bein nr-_e, und bedan Iii? rivm tit. dMaapaajad in the w.**.?. Atlee Bata it wa? sei? dent tu the rotiin ota .t (eain.ter in fehl arm?, that mm the narrow mid w red heit rott-l fry'ii Yorktovn, ? mhed wnh civiiliy.iir.uitrk, h -flaayaad waajana, ?uni li.-i of food ai.'t lanBBJNBMaloof uno. ui--, ami nui lies of Rininunition even, BBoM not be got up in inn- for ure before next noon. Mondo u.?V chill iioith-4-u.r lain.torm was in full ?weep .?ver the country. lOBBMB did nut commence the mtiK-k which I ? had ?|<nt th- night botan fa wuudiiiiig linn ngli the fore?t tn make, hut be com iiiviiit-,1 b conference? HeiuUelinuiieutne?!!) n,lvi sd h ie??,iiiioi??Miire. It wa? ord,-r,',i Ubi a in pB> g'i I ? lioiu e .rt to weet, the oll'nii. ,... dnett-g i' -??nt i.i.ik woidilntt on the amay'a ixio a Iel t j ana two nita optad hale, part al ?? ehaia mn eh-1 mg BBrai ?irue?, bO-OW Willum '?nig. ?N-g*r>?<j ..u idi-i,iilly at baadajmetafa,of nd to rute al then be ?, rood whh h w.. ia pi ii ?? ? ill d-m. Bom? iier nu una:? ii tlnit lie rhuiil.1 ki.iii lill iii meoauoi?* anea trae tadehod befan ha Bend? 0bj Uofaataal? mu.'i ?aggcMtoa thal lo the tween time tbt en mp ?'i.i. perapy then fats, Haaeoeb am 'ni?.eil io ?'.: 'a-I i,.i| s ililli .te-ai. Ti - laid li - I- nii?l i .. <?! lue victory of W-hame. ?.. Flood now ut lien..',ii?.!i-?p, aadalarmed by loo braeioeaaef the Uteri -ring tram Hmdmr'i livi-iou, Heinti I i m i i|> weat to the raana ,i?>- in Le road to bh ' , i. p.-i, i. ?1 | mil I nilli n "lid Ile I' t.ei. ? ml pun Is mttoet I an. i ii, g,e..i <l.,n ? r. 11> k .k - ? in ; -i ?! 1 ." Hu- i, ?? ,'? :,? B ' ni he I fed "?' f< '. ~.? ;? 1 nth thriiii 'h i? i .v-??d? aal] ?t mil'- i.iiii-t--i.i '?i ?.i.ii.el : an for. HiewrittoBneesmo?raei ived ulm ti id iiy Boamor asm after lleintseltmn l.-ii ? a ?t'-r?. Hen I leane iii?ttt!ii|y na '44,. . i derli- . willi ?ni'-'li. riiietn-Hge lo ?*i mm- r for a portion nfl.ip 30,000- tent vv.e m il Bl il M ?? w,e kiln ! ihe other eueldga thraaeh. _b :ilro bogan emding 'a mai to baili ap the ararrb ol ibeLrigndn ii a. ?!?nnif ihieogB ti e mud. (?ni,. r altar BEVm be a nt t<> i'ii* rea , "ti t' m ratafoBj anil...: einte ??Hin am froooo?tly woolly atom ratha I M I tel.i t. -er.i.v ti.iw ne eli. :.:i_id liie tri?i|- ? atv ?a llfag oae lad baeh boehm eoonpaa?eo- bow :> ii*;', temi the tram ei t- of wo -Badi ?t ii Baa, aa Wblta iWiililiig ihr c?.iin.'ig ul tie re-en ort t mentI fr..tu Booran <>i. hi? ri^bt <>i from oat ni the smd ia the nar, aadmated the Brooptog marogo ef He ? ? ?nil ?:i?l ahanl QTBi Biaslaiad aaoa, willi " yankee Hontile ' uno tim" Sui B| ? igh d Haime. ' Ta t ? t./?al. I -?- ?-. p- _ tai t ? i. - .', fee? mt reply attttr, dlfto'd ?c, ?i d not le :. r. s,,,- er ordered Umrarb t,.tr, front, itafor? ., H- ; i j had (ram ap with hto brigade, aad mead m ii...ii 'h,- u ...t l-i.u nient min th?? baaloweeed u?.iu ? air . nu a ?nu?* li. II Kuli. I lie ihOBMada who :itiinter*>_rily 4te.?r mi.urni? K in the Beith a> -1 VVeat, tor oom ttttory nt rVU-ane* t.utg a ill now nt <:.-.>? lud tim ? tana ef the terrible iiae'iiii ? win Ii ;u .iii:i|.,ii,ii-.i th?. afora ?iij>?ri?iiit_4 t-, theeeharheriam Hofaathn OOM elate il.i-tii?regard the | Inn of the held, ami an when 'he ?orktowa road conn? mm the nra-oehl, dim tly io front of the baMtaded Kort Magi ?ter. That waa our direct line to Willinnu-biirg. Tot frumpy vo^dt on hot!, OH <i m.i <lr,p, lh? Hh iltir 'i-f (allen trece ii!>o,it .??'I |.. t <lr--p, beyond that were *_le-titi away raaad the mnihehoe thii|<ead phiin; tarmad taon weie batteries of flyin? ariiilery? tiru B-BgimW, beyond b1!? rocuiag ?hell, ?-iinip'v.T. n..o vrap??. In iliat i. ti- ?t. ptfa oi tli.k woo<l* Hriiit/i lu?an and Hooher, Bad theil brave corara?!??, fnugnt tbe prim apel [art of the ln?i ? tie. It waa ? rim 11 >m 11 v lhere, thai in 11.o ?,.rik> Mmg. gie friiti: H w cltxk in ide uinriiing till - oi luck ii. the a'lernoc.n, H.IhiO n.rn held t'ieir own .wain.' V..,IKNJ. Hut tbe battle raided with ?tamBB?ta ??urage ?ni the relge of tbe wee.I- in frunt ul the abattit m the in? fernal a*.?tu? i-relf, mad ti,io"*> >' u|i to the nrte j i:, aii'l beyond tbem, and finally, with trianph, min ?ne of the forta. The i uly grminii on which we could um artillery iva? a ?mull BBgtaofthe son field, kt'iere the road debottH ... ii| on the i lain .in,I 4k hn'li air ml.tali > fen! k meg of the Iii- ? I? to ni i - f e i gaamnwa log ?sith :: dr ptacm tata pmktoa. NBoaoBBrarorathewaa* liuibereii, Uni. oi? n mid hut-??? ' e.'nn %0 tall IBB ra "it "I (he gi n* pi?n tu. m a!-, oat to the ? '? ta i the -' : i n: 'I i 'W n wa at ?..ii i.i, j.,, b a bena the eaeny ende a Benh at the bat-1 ir!-e?) tad iii 4 ?c?ele!, i ii.- aeetotaa4 ? ?II ?; i.iun n- oirad iron, h-uriiev ? Diriatao, m abita I ? i lo da v. hut bo had v.duly triad aad hoped lodo, all onj to altad i. baan, i... ?tband loth New* If? ? ' ia,.iii ihn -k- ihe abb tia apoti ibe rilto I it. ??tat liir.kt the Babel* ?nu tt iib their l.?\ ouata In doabi .;iii,k flerry'i ahaifaatthe tam ifa a ill aluBg lb? front rattled n pert of the ?liri ne st ween ila Vi'i mid ti.?- .Suiitii. The Kooem wen whip* | ed. Now thi- arra pemta au l__h_Btiy tinht. lag imw a li II M.ker? PiM-iti did Igntl Thora morb -linn.: -bera wnaasd, dsndsd, and eaaamted Vin floaorai tbe tebin Brigade they were heron all - vi-i-, nimi ii then had nanala be inoiiiiii hi, .. i balma Ihamjmtralenmdtrontboeprttwben l.ieiii.-i'ol. Lowie Hi.ii.i, ?r. -irm hal non. Iii? m th?. im .-ti heart o! the .lUiiu., ami timm m freal - t 'he lila | ii?. I he l,-,rk m the trunk uml brtiaebn ?if theTi-eni? rambamd white nitb maahet baltots aad crape. Haadhn an to bia fall bight, mad wav* tag hie u.en lorwunl Wltfa hi? aiatol. In w.i? heard io eiiutii, " WULt ana I Ight to lae in.: ' !" [ho nti-_ Iirevkiling iu atongieaoal i?, that he go' io tli? (roet tlmt u i barge ?lior.- lu? yat -ii back, that he waa too brave aad tra praai la rea?thal hew.m raptered ior ' b oaaan__waabla valm, batead el tieinn ailtad. A illaro 44"in ni ?i? htm on hi. wai to Kulin,?? ,0 Hi-it mar-tag, leuning on the moatOMB of two .oldieih uml wullvinir Uiiielt. Out of hil it>h|. Meat, a ?mall one, I mptata and ? UoBtO* ?nula, gnd I'-' irivatea wire killed, ?l piiviiic,? wen- wounded, -li are B__M_Bg and their nnnily Iiieu'eiihiit-t'oloiii I w?a ra| tuii-d. The am ? anmettaaal mntahey an thiel the tuanm uni the Ightiafal all the tebin Prigade 'Hie w ?liia-Bsbaig bottle iva?, tadaed, a. 1 lum- ??ml, an iiit.iii;i> ?igln. Vera seam of M waa head te hand, d )n!i?-t t- barnool, mt_?ket-h'itt to auwbot-bBtt. Uti r iier!4'? i.rigttd? um i- m?, tii.i altea \\ sid and lill, v lad llieit-iii Hini I'l.h Ne4v-i'ork int.. ide rill.-. 1'ii., ?w.uit mg ni the Hi i wnh te ravage latter ..i ii?, the b-'tle WMOarol) :i I BBjd lilBBIldim lin 1. Al toon a? we got ??le'n when we soald i? ?i h thara the -iaaatim <-i te emapar-tine aaaheod ol Noiih?.-!. and Bombera ama t- Baived .. need) a lu lioa. Sixiv-thrie u alais; taahmi ? em ne? a of the rila pul -tory aMtaaeanajef the l??i aad be t powerael Ihei i tongi miana ni withirm niiriliiiHM by ?leuih som tli.-ir eoBm uni brili-J ia. t- Nut a i orite .n a Uataa aaoa arm mar theos. Ita both atea the -gh?Bfem Im time. ..? .!?_ parnta m al B .11 Ban. Ko w, "ii to a e i in.i" of Haste I IM Ilil.M- <>l Hit. HA I Tl.i; Og Vtll.I I \M ?-?111 It?.. I ;.?n i hu ii to.mjaatiaB unit te Ki h, i nvngn 11..un?-i?'l oui woBaojaa. Lie it. Benah, ot the New* Vori Sevmtjr-third, wag ?am lo fall daad. Ho 4411. ?hit 1'imiiL'li te heart. \V brui lu. UikIv wa? n* ...v. red, neal day, u waa wholly naked, ead ,'?</.. All th.- wranead _om*na.all i'i?4iig ndablita, .'?ia. ii-ii on groond which Hi.- bebela paahpd ra treal, wera band t" la.? ban bajeaataa. ile 4 t .?,.e.I il.i pochl 1. ol' 'I.? ir own ilcaii inniile out, ga? loon "li lilli, ?line- ,|!|il ?.',n killi ?. .be labor el tesannam wtw m overwhelming ?m i' i? ,? iii-i-.ii.,..-i|.(|. -It-tit? ?I line, toi Mil-nul, of n.iui/.-iiii .i,'... n?, did um gai n aVraptetem o.iyr and tem aigata, in? tabora aadaanlBtiaala iba tr.'in-i-oi'aii'iti oi iba wounded to the maim! landing ra the York It*- r arta aaa*miB-i*f, and Uiey were .inBBBMm, too. Utily the WBOB?Od and ii.?',? irieuds cou ?pprteiu*? lix Lie ming o? a B/aj-s ,'orthti'in that aroWta the eordaroy Bwaaips of tli?. seriaren coont'y. " K lylim, lad, and how did the Major do?" " Waa. ?a|or r* " li..dirt?-, BOtO I W' o the ?livel elna. T" " ( ii ' waea'i the M. i >r a raaatw '" All xv.i.i know Moriurtr of the "3.1 (Ith ?>" ro /.oua?i-) mi na bil neeatt laMwti.litbnegb iiml I-?. i?-, oanattt by me in ?Hssinga?helt*r-tci,t OB wl.ii h a red ?lort was driin?-. laiaan Prentice of the '/3d did not c.aee dresttog wound? lor utHiut tbrec dayi and three nights. In addition to our own caeualiir?, our surgeons I ad to attend to those ?af the i neuiy. Ob th* ii? Id Prenti?**? hal to lay down bi? I,i.i.'e more than on. e, and aland up wini bis pistol in his tar.d. Hntttoelana tlcw everywhere among the New Jersey aud other troops, wb?) nave iuiiicutions of ha? km? ont et the He bawled tttnnli hoar??, and .tiileiied tue arm xi ouud'd a> Bull Run, in ordering, coaling, encouraging, beckoning, a. d war.iig the outnambered mm tan their ranka again, lo infuse entliiisiaaui into them, he wandered around to lind a band of ninsi?. Ile saw three io a group, aud m demi them to play Yaukee Doodle in fore* ! The men, profeMional iu the far? of defeat and death, said that they bad not the reqnuite number of instru? ments to do justice to all the notes of the tune I ! The Ceueral then hurried around lor more?found a part ol' another band?united them to the profewonal Oi tee, and eleairitied the worn out in fun try with (tie " flttr Bfaagtad lunney " Yankee Doodle, " and "(ieinof the Ocean. The effect waa lhat of war nagle. It ia in the ?mail things as well as the great lhat t'io true commiuder ii known. la the Tnirty-eigulli Nexv-York, Col. J. Hobirt ! \\ i ,d t> orders to hi*1 meu wen? not to Qre " iiuleM 'hey could hit." He wiu through the Mt xicau wai, and desirita? this as "the mo.t g?tllaig lire he ever taxx." The ?tun he and hi? n??-u are m?de of can , ho appi? Tilled li otu the -act that, ?Inven ba? k three ?everal lime?, they three (iinesreturuud to the charge. ? ilia Itjetittenaiit-t.'olonel. S'i*ing, a nan ?a lovely in ? In? ananttn a? he is eMNtonsBBi leal torxxard tnree i eanpaaett under hi? rointnand three several times' ?viiu the bayonet. ?Fatal nuinter! TLe brave ol-, lin:, '.x.i? cut down, with thne hull? through him., 11 is ragiantt l".t 138 mon nt Hull Kuti. 1 lio ."*??, ?;i,.1 .Ml?! iii? u took into lotion only i"i" ?aasa tbenotbeiag taft bohttd, aaBooaled wita the ??unk BBtreh tarOOgb the mud and rain. Yet tiiey ki i n-! out of every live ((gaged. The lagBBMt wa?? in i ti.- IntttM ol the tight. i.e?i. Betty ?te andebeoonbls mentiou of Col. Terry of um 5th MtofaigM, injured ?? titi ?ngintt< g , (Il (he liiliiKI, Lilt remaining ?ill I' I' ti'ld to ti'" I !' -( . lleoof To!. II r nan, il7iu NOW-Y Ott. ali.'. Col. 1*00, ' ?I Vila '.i.-.o. I.i'-u* <o|. .s I.. Boasb, Major .J. D. a ?ni i?*..i k-, l.i att. O, K. ?Iiitxb'ii?. Murgu, Leane, I ? 1 ' apt, 8 'ii'1', t'h Mujee. B : i- wioBBofpi 0Bkaro,SM of Bony ?men uiio?,'li-.Mit -un ?li. iu hjik, at the point ol me, i,,? mat 1,6 -i li"* el?. (,en. Binkey, ni his report, han rfqne?.'???! (l?*n. li- In .n m aah Ciwfioseloall w II /bau Ward s .??.ii.? u , the ? ?ii .Ne?- ??.ii., to inscribe ??nits ting "Hilt Kui, ..i.d '?'.i.-iiurg," and lue l"ili Ne-.x-Y? ?1?. i ' I. Utaj. to tooerlbs on it* tl.ig " Wil? li, i ',1... lo Here two lighting r*gim>-tits was ? in iii-'?ilt!,. c.iiu? BTOBS 'int) of nu nmg the flank "f le eoewy's riile-piis wilbla their aid ati? of fallen ;i i1' r I '??? lui Bj too, inugnitireiit x. (ieiii ral Kearney L? BaisVnaned to I in nas? hon- ' otobta ? ne. .ii' n, in lue rep.ut, of (lu.eral? Jameson nd li?..?, i.. di Coto u? I.I. ii. Ikl.ait Ward. New Yawl .)-"l,; IoIukI I'o?*. '-"d Michigan; Captain i -i , !.,i! ner,,i Biraoy'a Awisiaat adjataal (ieneral, .I n 'J 11? ?"?-i. AMO, ?Vati? De Pey ele;, Capt. Margin, and l.iuui. Man Ma **?i rgeant Ure*n, ( 'uinpaiiv A, ?J?th IVnu.ylvaniu Y ..i'.r? ii ported Uti tanoni ?lui?" IM al II o'clock a. .?i., Taaeday, tatt tbe Bonis ?an moving out of ihiirwoik- IO fnat of the ha'l!? -tit Id. 1 hit wa? un -li' I ?,? iimui ?.uti d to lie.? eral Kearney, and ? ? -.? ... nie ?*? tu ban to saabe son that m ?M aoi.,,1. It 'i? o'l.ik ta neested 'lo la? t nguiu. Al al i\x n (ii nerd ?ia ? utiti confirmed ibis by his own reeoaaoaa an. Hawes the 1m lo rotor tbe Fort, Bom tbonoftn '?i?- i ,.i.ui' kogan- natbodlnai the Koa. Is being m stahl ibis 'id?- ol \\ ilitaioobai ; In iii?' ling p|| in front of the .'iii IliebigM, 61 ? te...I RaeosS ?verr tomoA, tatra, am kutti ;y V? iioyi/ttrt. orri? iii Lisr ko.lid, woisnrn, ian BBMBa tt < lit ni li oivisio.N BSIBTXBIJtAB'l COBESa sala na Kui?.! vVoiuidaid. If....'.? (ian. Keimey'iS?uE. t I i..l li .-.le . tmamai Hrif.da.2 1 Tbird Biigaiie. it 12 Trial. . 19 ?vi 1,1 an BOB? K.i.eii Wound*!. M?M?ig ?It? Hr?rade. IWoii.l It '.?Je .Id ? ill HtoO nttajaws....'i 0? B Totil.:: ?:. -J mi 11 d iMi nan xir.i> i> i mi. ii-,:i'Hrii ni?x. tona* aman. Capt. 0, S II.??? 1. Ida ;. V. m Shani. ??iir*?i.?t? Ll?ut. Co. J C Htroog. ( mt S I' !>?r?er. ( I'tTi ii llennelt. li? it K .*? O/nUM. l?|t A. Kuitk. i ir-. I : *. .... :.. .i,1. li ?Her *?" H Nr.n c? ? ?nd un?re. k1,?..I.SI .Non? ("ian i.ti.ii,, ?I ? ttnrri au ?1 y ItaM .ung . ...IO Kiiiii,,wooBBBB,sanMtniva ia nu roatiEna si ix-youK?i o... s.v. niLar. El ? ti.?. .'..n'eW XX i,?li mu, Cn A. lil? le, S kliJ-r^!!.. I o. 11. i r v.l. A T K amrr,Co, B. Priraiei H li ?? in < H rata -4. ?atl -,..?.II. - .. i,. -,.....? ,-., a. Lieut R P rtetebtl C 1. ii , *? l mm y ?V A. J I' IX , ? i. . I Ce I . i . '.. , .? '? A. I- ,1 nd ' 1er. Cn. I i ,. ?:.K. .- Sr? ?'. r'. a.r r*,. IV.Can ? '? I'?. B ?? I. i. i< ?. ? ?a. r. I n ?, > It?. I a .. I'. I |l 111...,I , ', ,, Am. i ra ai.., i ??. ('. i ?a h_ aa ( (.. J ' ' ? ? . I ":?? ro **'??? tud, Cot O. Ja, ? ! rll I i I?. '.e . I ? , I' ii ( .| \x. . ,.?, i o u. 11 bsr( xi .;?? i o i. li. I . ?T o U Ir : . ? i. K. Baift, '? r? C,renter ?* K. Xlval.ew Beg? " Cn. R. Bn aa. ??.I ' r : I? '.. al si?, i, ia ,...1?, -,,,,?,. I ; BBIOIDI . ..-. af? Au..?i ffgjjimraf K I < a 1) I... 1 'a ? ' " |> 'i. f ??' I V11KP 1 ??'?:. li. ii, ??ira. li Capt li- I--I. Cn any A ? i|t ii.'?? rI, I v^ ? ( p^i? K I . Ti linton. I's ''.'ay i? . .... i .,. a J prlraua ? ... ? ?.a?.. . led ind M niUaing n.. ?t ? ??ii t?. ? ?li -w i ' ' ??/ ? ' . ,'.' . I.l.l.t. li. Ii. '. !.?l OH ? u.i.jilli} | ...?n.lrj. I .,,: XX !t M -., I'o jii.a.? ??'. ... ? i *|it xx. I. M -i ir?ty, t unpeai (J, ? . . ?, fourtnana ?-? ; itaionsdi.tnad yn a... ? Brasa lee. ?n J 11 BBnttaa .7 h Stm-York /?'--.' ment. Knit I.iriitei ant I'atn.-k li. Hay ti.le?! I. tt l.i-'Uri ant Jeaeii.a. II l*ei-y, kn.ed Caai ?'?' m r Waaiktin, anaaaw (apt. IX in. He Lacy, wonniletl lannnd LtaataaaW JoluiM???.-?. n>-ntanwd -?. . i.J l lantetian' I'.Jmuii I X\ || ?i. ?,,?>iuiel. *d-'..I.d 1.le llritll.' I illira Ml. lill t? < u dell. ?Staaiya aMMlaaiaaad iMmu Bad , i??tr. tuir?j, ni ?i li |. I Ulai ", ll>l?a|'ig kili'd til, uoonde?! ??W. n.l?,ina T -'? .?tal ..*,. hil.I 1 I), W ni ?HI la, too X1 --ix?.. 'id Mieiigmn Rtgitatat, c ,'. ti. .V. /? ?. ?II.I K11 I ."?erneau'. .1 Ci*r|, ra'?, M l'i ??'??.li Vi..i VI'Bl?. II connia*; 'ned Ollie--i?, '. .-'rtxeaiit.. ", a Pi,??( ?.;??* (I of ill??- lu.,i lall? i aiamo. I Coipoial, 14 Pi v.'...U htol.,, - ?w Elton tJKlt. iHrDOWKItl/H IIIVIBIO.X ? Miutr ol ?.attira ita Fa-rd.?rielmbaet] liriiljg?-. lltiriiers Trap|tt?d BBirMiaBing mj the Harrie l.iijhi 4 ??airy. tia..., ??. a. > lien i. ??im OS IB Har' ii-i?\,n a, 1 EaMBBioaeBBaB, *?i?' li, p,?.: ' , Itoa. g, M I?um.h, BaaMBryij ll'.r. The etieiny alvuncd ii|Kui the aanltag Creen r?.ad BaMB utteriiiHiti, hal fell bli k allei taaBBJ a Itiei'.tenant and ten na?, who were cn oil" bj the (?all.,nt lujas Diitr.-eol the Hnrns light ( ai alrr. iitx in Mi uou ki.t.. MaJ '.en 0eM*| gBaaaoweaaM u... Msaaaj Maa IB Btt. Di. Honey, ?ba re .i.s BBBI M,itt-.i'.is Point, mi nttsndn piauler, ann a man of nun ii local lurt i MMj BM .1.ia uinrniii-' a:ii<'..d hy ssdn of OoB. ?MiDoxxal1. 'ihn ? harges BIB, thal he ?. n lan **u ..'a'..'.i ni (?..?..: i ??g (?j-iiiirilla pailit?, ailJ ,in| lireillg ?sUtttt iiiin Kt'htlseti.i-e. He ia IM uioel luliirand inuliguaiit Rebel ive have yet emouii'.er. 1. Waihi ?.tiki. M?ud*y t?? I.? 1 ..'. I ?nive ree.ivetl ti ? t lion u.: atapM li. d.ii. I gataan ra. Ve* Mu,?i.) ?i?. M, Mtt A guernllu party n?ng Batt the ?nrds liut ni-jlit, and at!? ui|it? ,1 io luiru the riiiioiul bsidgs Bann <?"' ??a??i? Cana, '..'. ma trastTaatod i*i their d ?: li lb* prompt xmftart vi VC ci ihr parly, llrisk alor mielan?' hy the dealing; Harris LightCavalrj hu lien i (he feaiur?' of the day. In every ?nt'anee the Ret*] Pakets ran, ?jaaatiaaj to kana hy Bjatajet what woald uwau t ?ein if tbtjv made h ?tund. It is ttioa|ht by nii.iiy I i-re mut ?he freinent n't i.Ws ..?ion cnr lines aro hut le.'?e to civ r a rtlreui. IT Mi ?CI Un IbB tented I?.ctiiu->ud, (his opi .ian would seem yera p'atieihle. Wo. k upon the railro i J bridge aeroa um Kappet anaork is pn-gn seing very rapidly. Tht tit? irene of Kre?len?kehtirg ar?.* an a" ?1 i?.t the i*igen??it? , of tim Yankee foo pt. They say ?hat, if the Confsd. era'es had "uiirely de^rojed t r city, the Yacka boya would BSjaa rebuilt it in m v? ? >k. F. lu.?:. ? ' -May li. Usa. The duty of 4 net camp lilt wi itlieved tins after j noon by a sortie of the tneiny non our trou, eui the haaty preparation for an att*f- k early in tht ti. lemo 'U. r, ? A detachment of the Harrlt Lfg t Cavalry made i ' reconLoiennee, captunag *l (if* the enemy, and ! shortly after, the Hobels Hr-ran.??! apoa nor pickett ? stationed apon ?he BowlmgUre*? road, driviagthea ! io toward the city. i Geo. Patrick immediate)?* ti.? v out bia Iriitdt 'beyond the town. (ten. $??.?? aewmtaanied bye few orderlies, was the Urti gc* ul ?.'licor to croa the biidge, whtie he awail?d v ihei dnrelopittsiua from the front. f A ?hot from the enein-t? ] - ty*?l rxfwno (len. Patrick and an officer by h> ti.*? ! iHim/iinonl. rly'i horse jual behind him. No omer casualties oecni-e?! -u I tl.t troop?, after vainly wailing tor some fura .?n-.'xuouetriUioo on the part of the enemy, retain*., (?i er camp. THE WILLIAMS?? K(; WOUNDED. Haitimi?m, U-i.daj, Mar IJ, 1S??. Lieut. Sam I I*. V.'tiiilt)})! (' ?JBMBJ ??, .Vin Keg inieni steei>JeeMf Volume:.?, ?aMaaaai in tup i.auio af WataasBakatg, died m tua '?.?(??..??i H ?tel this ?.tiri :,. on. Humo ?tOO, sl?;btly wounded, left tlte ho-piiul ft is aveuing, and irodarted by ap*-ci.?i train to Ni-w-y? rk. They wer? mostly BUBB New-York and jfaV?afeBBB*/. THE CHKT-MKJMINY. TI.? Chi< kahoinii'V, ?\h- o it tll?dc:??o??d to be bee tween (? n. M. Clellan uni th?; ilehel?, ia a small liver, wi nil riri-s abont SS i. from Kn-hn.oijd. It cr.)?)*, s the ruilr?.. I BMt Ku-hiiM-odto Weet ten unies fioni tim foinier, an?] |a?see down about the center of the pet.insola until it reaches B r>? ut some twenty milos tmt?M Yorktowa, where i'suddenly turns to the Booti', and for adie? tHii(e of tea mil?* nina towrni he Jemes River, tote which ii empiie?. It is not M essay for Get. Mo? Ciel! ? ? to ? ross it until be g*.t? w :thu s.? nuki of KirhDiond. BlB* C? BTM Ai.vancim.. - A letter from a Coin corre?, i.den: of TkaCkteaga Tfii (ne Mya: " I lean that (?en. Cartis ii coming down the \Vhi-?- ?tnd Ark ?n??? Hivers "?,'t. Tiiit w? aid tiling Lim oai info ihn Mi.-*?*-:, ? i a' it ?"?''J n.iln below Meiui'liis. ('? ?ild ho thei?j tffett a i audron w.u. out guuboiits coming Bp ?rino \ew-(?, it may be rai 1 that ibo river wo.hi be, lu all i?/ ins and | 'ii'i'dbee, iu our p... settt-.o!.. Sho Id Ceil. Curtis, how.-ver, be ttlia?k>sd hy e BaTSMaot fort* ol'the aeaanj*. his i?o*iii>jii wonld ? ?::. inly lie a t re- a.iona oi.t. Ii ia ?aid, however, th >t IBsiS arc-ao Ka ?la tilt.- m any very gtxai BaflaktlS? lieu, CuiJa'l army is sappoetd to nuaioer ?ouie .?...i?? ai. a. ' Sn.rstDK to Mu-. G? *?'. Yd it.?The?lh I>gi? rr.??nt v? ill serenade Mrs. (?en. \ lall thti evoi intr, ?at her residence in Twenty-lot rtn ?trott nea.- the Kii:h avenue. HOTEL ARRIVAIS. fttaSBB Utownlow and family will ainve ra tht <ii> in.m C.ofavvirW?, N.J., to-day, nt I ?.??j ? ?k? k p. iu. Apaiiuici.:? are a wailing tl.t.. am val at tia Astor House. M?jor-(.eu. Lord Fred. Panie!, CoJ. Smeooeoa, tampa, Seymour, and Capt. Cla?t.-u at t^e Iii irish Arm?, l?-f. : be Clarenden IL tel ??'ir.lay moruiug to pay a vi?', tv oar Military s h ... ?u West Point, thence |b pioceed B C-uada. , Capt. Calhouu, U. 8. N., Dr. J. W. Hogttte and ! family, Mr H<> laud and family, und Mr. Atwood Bad fau.i'y from Kurope, the Re v. Waiisr Mit? hell ol Couiicctitut, and Otis Fisher, C. S. A., an at the Fifth- Vveliiu- II leis j Hou. \V. D. Shi*, man of Hsu'?id, and E. N. Shtl lonand ?lan^hterof Couaecticut. treat die AI tensarle II??*.-'. .1. Wile? Edinoud? of lloeMU, .?ila?".., l??Jlilc K. Dil? lon, Lilt ?Hailed bt.i.tet. n-.. at ltr'uien, and S. li.n.aiea oi Ike Lune 1 BaBtM mmWJ, are at los Ara.ii Hi ?lee. N. I-. .M.iler n? m Paiis. C1!. M ?n 11 of Havana, S. M. llaik ft ?? Ba*BBBgl BJ, li. Mt C Ita ??alie of I i k ga, ?*i ?1 V, . li,:...-?- of rrovidence, K. I., an at ?the Bu . " n ii if.-. ?bbbbB Troy Fire. li.av. Ni . i v. May VI, I-'"*?. It i? ntfend the ararakei ed I I i f?*)ta**a**A I \>\ i .?? m >j-?ii?i it bn !'?" a n ? a t ?MdarMtBai 1'i.e nunne auf 'avjaakty ie? ?. tuHj cghi bund? liait TI i? ti-,t;.es on IbBBMB dBBMraBMBSBI M I ?ori-e.'l? stated :.? ma? bein ?e-'t rd iy 'a dispatch: 9*1,.ii > fur inat'B, ead abou ??l. ??? ,0 0 io.- iui?ir? , uni... 1: ha.? I??'? : to ut i Ike len a .?<? wa.? ?\?1I ?lie? M'i'i.l and i* It lelievi-d utos'of the t'Oifli-a-iB will , ??. 1 ,?? i oiiHiioi. I oancl, at a nie. ?in.' t.v?iay, appro? i ii ?i? u J) '.l'. '! loi ! e .le?.ilute, i lie ? iti/AU? held S meeting I i- i ornitig te afluid ttliaf. A ?lonati SB ??i mi ia.;. New-York lue i?.. ,i.-l ?nits Ollere tem Allem? un?! N??v?-Y?ik ?o ("mrge of tht ? I lidien of the I 'rpliaii A-ylii.n iiav?. bren received, , hut ptatiaiau kan kaaa made ?ar ihemat the vd* la ?.. ..I l.t.i-ing ingh. i Tia Ken?-eL i r?.!?u.liii 1 ?ti?. :'? has t?ken ' rooms i? BBS (tiny I'nivi rei'v haidi g, ami the ?a? n. mu oi ike Bw wail i ra eed ae aaual Baa nn?j? aeadat Beruiua Pnlnraeen ?moi the(jlurley'i MiiUienialnul Ins'ninieut minti!', aii r?, are ?oo') B ie-i nanean eearnli? a. M? itthi ???? lrom the bural dihttict ?have o| and ?ton* in the letnr Bart at mt cuy. N ? mort- deed U ?itsa hu)?' ' MB tound. Fir?- ia Philitdt-lplila. l'i .U'D.r:. .. .'! I**, Bkf U ?J ft aalioiiiiai st Ike Chrialiaa-Bini ?un, I?d*a , willi petrolaun, nugki ii.e lo-oighi >>y an exploitai i o! on? at toa ki. iris, a -id biiiued t?)t'?? water a et:ge. 1 he ii.iiai, io the rigging ol st', vrai I., gar ? ?? Is a? ii-- Fun? ?"?ri'. t?? ; were extin? I lulnd Tue ?hip (Wey Ka*,1? Uh" damag'-dooB s.iteral'ly. .tltatriua-ui-? *?f Parson nrotvnlatr. ).?, sea i la ' .? M ?j - i*3 l'a-sou Hr..??u'?"A Inna bj Ne?? \..ri?.t?ioe Aatoai hue. io-morro?v n'Oiniag at i)o'?lx*k. a> oonimlti h? hi? na, ?BurBjBtor, ami Mr*, child?. !?job-irria al tal'I It?* Juro. Pabvum Parar. M? A*j. Md?-:,1 'Hie BauaaaM Juna, mut duo hen, ki ? eel ?rn |?u?ti. Itve ?..??" :- r?s? , . , -*e y LB ., .?? ?I?v I* -W BPA1 ...i ? ?**?? '# i. ?? laal?i? >'" N -' l: ", ? r^,lX3 H , ?i ki -'i ??he*:. .-aii'a??T?-l ?' '*? ?'*""?m bu?! Ute.t , i \\ ??At ,,.???? ktmhtt ?ri.'n.i:, _*-j. ?v ?^em e,,,,,., i,,'.- toser i ?*a?v ? ';; ,.rUiA?4 I.i Na. t. ( ."-?? quiet ??ni ?)'c!.f".l ?> * ?* , a H b?U. . J ?.ne c,?4 I?"?? ! ? r.. " ?t^?BtTlSa ,,.,,?o b.-ii ' ""- >?""">" ' ' *' zZmmmt*** I,,.I 1er:.. iMBI'.Mla UtlCllBll,?ll. iAint>u? i.i.i ii i en.iiiiii. , ?? ha-"-I l? , ,,.?..-.i?. Mat 1.*. K..K dil P?d JJ! vvit^ I Pi ?! ' Coh'? ??uil ?? S-T.V-J '.* Me.ri'.''??. a'lj* ** \t\r, CoMo-tL.?, tttuii*. Waaanamtamm