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Kff?E?^TTSB?RG LANDING. OFFICIAL REPORTS. ?ffOST OK GEH. BU ELI?. HimuiiKiKK. Aa?i OS tub (Uti", I Ki?LD or Shui.h. Apiii is,ina l . M n HeUm, At.x.ld.t AdjutAnti.e,eral, Depart Tie re,.r dnisi-.n.of the army nnder my p i_r ?"?--.. I ?rut to I.?., lirai.ta U.a.! ?ur-fniS"' " (l,fwIU ?tiona, to the ann? af mt! Ii'n UM led tcri'l? ??"????Tgm?tsB m'fcBMe bl?, to he laii'iid for??id by MVn-_>ra .-eulrn nhOBi st Savannah thal th? flrint wa? '*' i.lliir of i-tpoit?. the ?ame ihn g bating assensd ic?re.v en. ?ravioli? dey?, but at it couimu.J 1 deter __iiT-_iM -to ?**-ei m ?*-tl"D ??'d aamtHaalj *t?nrd Cn".-y Stof "! ? ** ?** *" i ?,,n ! "'VT ??___ !Br" Z.e?iioi't li'viei itMin A* ?? I'roceeded up the live?. Left, .dieri we:? ireu _r"0 tin? weil hank ?ud It toon EaamOV-amtom ?taTV?n?l *tT?f?.lrr. from the eugHged Citv thennmtaaenad in me ??id tmeasaey aetU, m Besramaske- Um LaMtog ?V yjmm}u?* "_' taeeanentai Uj ?i_,o.l rr|lm?nt*. and ?I the L?ndii | the h? ki iw n.i ,?J ^^ ci/u,.-mai.of me., of ver.oni legimenti. 'I here could v* bren um than 4 I? 1) ot S.IM-. Late iu tie day It be HMMMt gieeirr Siudii.fU.ii (?r?r.t ?t the L.ndiiig. 1 re- ! cl..t?a nu * I? ?end il.et_.ei. lo Sav.oiieb t? bring up I .en j C, I e teni, div-ai h wbirii had arilvrd dunn, lb? morning, j ila ibeii ?re: -t.oi. vii h bim. The throng of oi?'.rg?ni?.d | iDvi ii? meralUed troopa ?uciea?rd ivtitiuuaiy by freah fast-1 bivrt from the bi;tle whicb ileadily d.sw neale: ihe Lan.:?? | p.! with the? w*ie iuteiiuiD|l-d (real numeert ef t?ami. an Bil? rg I? l-l s* ne?i _? p?>*. le lo the tiver \\ iib few | ?i .in -?. ?.I ett-r-.t to foi m the troopa aid move ih.-iti [or...- t' -Bl r'lhl uU?"'- fel.rd. lu tbr m-a." lim. iii. ?OMI bad mad? MOB. p.ogre.? ?.?it..? our troop? that hi? ?BUSH and n.iuaetry l?|ia io (lay iuio th? vit.l luait i ? ita po.lti'iL. and* ?onie perao.n ?no killed M th? bank It tbr very L.?diB|. (Jet. Nel-ou ?rr.v?d witt Col Am _.?_ a biiga'dr ?t tb:. opportune niomriit. li wa? luimediately ??leo to ii ?el Ik? ?Itti? Bl thal !>.'. .1. and with a l-atteiv oi tt-ta) ? , ici bi| p-ned I? Itw ti r pem i mlwm brought tie ?ellon, eirund b.e on the ._< uiy and repul.rd bun Tbr liob ni Ibe ,'.?:_:? a-?.. :?:?-? e ? inui'li !o that it _,! 1 i - ?tt?' k el -h?t I" ia' ?-v. ? "t *? I'.we.l. Night hsv Bg ci ...? on. t i- t.ii. t imril on bulli ?li.i .we ibe reu.ii.nier of Den. N-leon'? divi.i n pruned, end toa. -.-ill?! drii'. airlved from b.vauiiah b. .teamen. Alter lia mm. | the -.-oun.i at well ?a w.t potiitl? ?t ia.I,-, in ronlo! lbs line nu which Oea. Oranl'l triinpi had furn rd isa aa far t?> ihr iif ht a? (Jen. >; ?-u a '. divnicn 1 ?inia t? J |>t?vu*. and Irn.ei.d.n't ihviaioiit lo Inn in of Ibet Cb end Men toiwe d se ?can at it wa? licht la the moren:? titra | me niall, i ki d emly the !.. .?wing mon i: a, I apt lint tu Ohio battery ' B| t*, Meiidrntali and 'i'err.l.'i ipgule: .?tt.rl.? arrived, ben. McCiok. by? forrrd march, ariiveJ llbavaonab ?lurie? itie nigbi of the Mb, and rewchrd lin- field ti MMM tatty i: li), morning of th? 7th. I knew ititi t|,e abr? en ?i na coed sol ?nive la time loi the action that day. Tb? i>! country ob ? bien lb? bettie? ol tbabihauil ?A wer. t., tin 1? ca'.'d Sbilob gara tbr it ti? rhurrb ot Bat name, ?hieb ?ault in i.? u.i.n: It c-inittu ?fas tudu? la| teliie-iktii!, rlevued eoi.e M or If?? te.t ?tirv? tn? etd bottom Along i??? -ta?MSMS H.?rr to the ea>t. it k ?_i? ? to ?braal larfe?M, raO nwaeg toe aaatfe ra?.alea? LiiA (>re?k, which emplira lot? Trun-a?.r hirer tom. a Bil?* above'Pnt.jnrg L-uding. m?o ? r?ngr of hill, ?f .oin. k._t wiiote.oi?-. ?re |rad ki tcward li., leule held, tud L-._7.whkt> l-WMi Ute Cirri l.wl Clan ife-hM I__l Uu MMM ii Li k1 reek. Iowa to then. ?i-,-r?.t around ih? ??'tle-lipiii, n.t tit *k? Crrek. <v _irh unfair, into Tenne. It. K_?rr, ton . milri below Lick llieek ibe d an;?,-? i. fckUiyf'"!" i.icktf??k Kli!^- ?ud the ub.e land iuto Owl ft?.? Cou: ng from Co in:b (br ; iincipal roto coi-?* Li. k Cerk it tv-o p.i.-ta. ?. ? twelve mile? fioui lit uiautb, ?nd ?par ti? i to th'.re! foul BtfeMtfel kia ri.??, Wfeisk i Bli I tb? ub > land from ihr South ata di.ian e o.'a! out a in. I. ?part (.en?raliy, the face of tbr country it Barara! v. nu Booda, tn o ah ? kfe k troopa ceri pa?, without gieat rtn' ally gj ?lal li I "ie ai.driarowih i? d.nae. ra..ail (arma a,d a ai 'el d h? _n of lroui 70 to Bu .err.. occur brie and _.-. ? ?. ? genere' 'bing the courtry ia a fo-e.t My etea-' ?in.uai.oe of the varmua roaiia, ?nd of the ? hameter of Up ry-.i.uv et the time rea.?:.- it impcaibie In ?ne I,en th. rT" tafeM di-; o-'.'.i. ri M IIM MM?O, Bed the WO ? v.. e ai?.y-> th MM to ?cr? M hil pu p'l?lo:y movciart.U Irum ttx.ivtil'io been afni I a'clc-.V. on the mon i:.| af th? 7th. 0?n Nrl.on'? aiiJ <>?i. Crittaralaa t DirtMaa., in. oniy mm. 4?t ?nit?d ?a (Iii. grn.-l M?VSl pun p iy f' to uir.t tho MMM] Ne.? I ? ii,vial,.!. II -f In .?! ? of, li'.i? -nu c.aei.p'i'i h? i ir?-t> d: i? li ?in ni and at about ? ? c1 ?fe rr.eived Ihe fe:? ? . i .-"??". e:y T:.? i!'.4i?lo:i we?h-?? i ? ?? J, ,' .? \|, ?. h? '. n '.t.r. breat-l into ?-ti ? to lep-y walla Critiei d.... { BBrlafe i. w?. baB i | M i- to I-o.l len on in. ri^rn .f .'.. .. . Im*0iB'btotterywMM?ita Bthae?mw-f< rmeaSea nan. iii in a i ..u.a t "dil t paMttee, "ppou-i- ?kick Ife? r.-ieru, w.u. J dB? '?M?! '? fe? li tatet, Hy tina time M I on? . d-vi..cit) tj riv. d on the ?roi?ad iai arma lMB?e_!e-slr tatmmi am tam ti ki af lr tie.ajei, i Ski ., ,.nar? ?rr. Ifciawa t-. In? f ,.t.t. ?ud ? ' *Hi a., t. ?Ij o' ib?.!, t ' paSI?! our lett Hank w hirh iho?.h Mail ?feetf te '1 '>'?:<" ?r und? Hw?. '..,-.p lad tha. leM] ?ii-tit ? io lara, mm te ted ?id hut mm MpMmwiia Sp?! ,?..? J-'?,/, | ?. ;, fart??hal it* own :<v.irve. e-id lal 1.11I. i. v.. :.. ?-..,..,. uti: ?..rt.i.? ...i.i... .?._.? i. | ?ru. i et ti >t ii- ti r I va, wat kept ?omrwna-- back Wfeaa ti.? _;? ?dti.'n.'d. toe? iiied ?. ?ctaaion u 1-..1 rpqnn? 1 f0>u,d :._??. a t l ???-? ' '? ?" "' I*?0 MB??MM ?r.r. . i , ?? ape at'1 ? ....qu.ii'iy a tun.?r tregu ?i'. came ep el ?len B_,. i force 1 he BlM I <!i ??ted to e. t w th (reu. meCaafe t ?tea. a d Ike ?? "' 'I ra? ""? *?"' larly ned ou tl.e ,I_V l.e-t--b r t r.ggiiii* troop? of U?n Irrur.1. fir timm* o? ?.?i, Mci ont? right, at i.ure ming bid en-.ed? *., * . ..'.It..'. I nal no onset Inow.ed^. c! ti,? di.? lu n ni 'U? in ?.a?! at (if!., '?rent'* I . i?, uor i. it |_y ? vinrr to tpeak ti 1 r.gret I ?in ui.atil? to nain? K ... i . ? mm* ur.d. ? I v di:e t-. I te tb? wt? 1 l_a? ,[kltj, 1..I lira rend-rrd ?Uita| ?nd r_.cient ??rioe luriut lue a_v "i'-ipfc-"- u-..r n y'oniiuBr * eiV'bpU. a lio? of ?bout a j raw ami ? I ? f In foi t ol ?a,-, ;,,,,/, dtii-ion wa? ao ufen Held paniaily ?c ea-ned ?_, .,*, ,(g g bv ? Hot of wonda, wbkli ?i ., ij?d uro ..a t'., i.-,.my', hue with t ihi-k ?ndir.rowtli to ir.nt o' I.e. m]\ brl,kd? ' ' I r.tlei.d.n'i di-.l-i n?n.en ali Upto fie J; re front cf ( ri?end.i. . ii?l.t ?. d Met oki Uri I?!.! 1'. B :.t at ti' f'or.k'l r |ht wood? '. ?. . willi ? dei te ut ? ??wT<rowih Tiie |r?und, Biaiiily level in front of .Sn.o.i'?, !l?r:_ed t Bag a? i . from of Cri-.teriden'*, 'nd t*B lalo a taial. farerk. wl ii!? ?u.'Ip- Irto Owl I'r.ek. In f/t.irt ?f McCook ?. |W_M I aftefWM?! .rai ?J wat Ibe l.'.ui- ? f -ead. ?I. cn Cr ?te. (.1. ki ip| a Ui-i? Itea ill li...ntl, p.?.. d .Mn ??li?! '-???.iv.grl rhe IBM tf b?ttie nrai Neleon'? I ?ti a line ta.!-.. .que o oi ead oejtiid trie op.n field, tbe ei..:_y ~f.. on ??I ?v lib ? bttterv ,n fruit of >.l?on'. I.ft. a M ?-j ieomru'i.dl tfn ?'r ni ,-! t r.t'endeu'? left, and tlaak lr.| :? -ed lo trout of N.l??"' ? h?f?'y ? o..m.i di g tu? ?I? ? ? oil. and the held i? front of ( r.ltr.den ? ilf. ai d Mette k? lal, ?id t'J t" ?"-??t "f M. < <?k'. A Mtatt di.taiie? to em eltka mimi*? ton ?a hl.a mn grata*. ?.re tb. ?m amp:-, ?nie of MtOernaiid'? and Mierman* ?li irt-l - ?hi a lb? <B?mJ l-rld V. t.. n ii y troup? wore gr'ting Into Iir^i'lin cn tt. right tha ero 1er? Br. wa? k.p: up between Mel d?iihal.'a battery anj li. .i ? my', ??co, d oat'ery ?it-, ?oin? ?ghi i Rtrtlett ? u?t irij, put in p.?, ."'i baton Ihe*?Mass'sthM ?t?tt?ry. op.i.?si Ire ?n iliat p?ri o' l-l mr, ?'d t?!irn, v.y tuon ?tin our ?In- ': Ivan' PI al ii ?tlor.f bodiei of tklrmlabpl t lu flout, t.'.p i?.ion toessM muautel, mat cob lu .ed ?.ub ??t? ,-.? .,? i. _ iii? er. l?r part of the iejr, and until (he enemy v?M driven llam Ita 6 M Tl.. ie ; .;ty of cur II? rp'n th? left heir? ihre wn for '*? d, rr ".'g'lt Ni'? di- I'i'.i. n.-t iii'.oki tlnn tud it t... a ; p ?ti ly holly enget?! it an et. ir hour A r I erg? o! iba tri.?Te Io i Ni- ?au'? by It. Cat ll.i'i . ???a h? I IM at to.;'? MBBM bett.iy, but tn? brlfade ta.:? i.? d ?hrevy lu?, by ? er-.te farr o' tar MB*, tie'.lr let. and .a. Bal lr lo nain.,. .1. eiltan'et? egan-t th- brit? itninlry ?mm t?m aaaaa fetwarl m upp-M B Tea ?mi taeeraras Jta. ba'e y, t.,J f.. lowed np hit B-M?Mag* hy ifeeearl?| ? [heavy forte ef lDfaotiy into Ibe woolla in finn! o!'i nd. Ii'. lieft. Tn. left ol -hat .iivn.i u Col \4 ,?> Smith com-' L-n.i I.. . *dv*nce- lulo tia Weedl ?? ? .? ; tb? ?n.uiy hand ' \ a.i-1;., and too. ?evert! nrlt.ner? lu lue nneo timr, ( t[.-. Terre.T? iittt.ry wlncti hld juil landed IM?feed thsgafe! and j??i rdva.cad mt' IS??a beti li ? left of Ntlton't ditliiitn, ' l*hi ' ?i? v.ry heaviiy pre?aed by ih? | ett uuutteii of ti.* i; ? ii.? It belangrd properly to Mci ooa't ?ivi.loii It tor.. fe?.n.M. i e. the llan.bJig road, i I lb? nperi g-o I?! In Baal 1 f?' Ihr ?noir y', rlrbl end ?* once began toed ?itn deeded ?Irrt upan th. tide of bait e lu tuet quener Ih? euemy'i Wg'-l na-ierj wa? .il.ncad. j Aibuieii't bligad?, winch wee ?n t/?* left, aii- ancd lu gor?l I Uitrr upon li.? ei.euiy'a ri.lit, la.' we? ahaeBal !oi MM? lime !5.' * a ?v ,.r to turi- our left tia i?, ?ud hy bl? ?trong r B"??l li fm t ( apt Terrell wlio lu rb? ii.taii time bad laira | lu ?M?m?I paaaate?i wa? compelled lu rain itaiiug ama j?.? .. . n' ?kmk .?rrv noite wai k . -J ... duemed f? wa? , l??iy ?' .ni lecov.'.d. Ht ?mg b? .n re' -enf ic?d by ? regiment aft a., lum, Hoyle't brl|?d?, Neliui.'t diviiion ?gain moved Ifmwtrl .nd MSBSd 'he ,-inny 1- abaudou .nlliny l,i. pon l_Wa '! nu BSSSSM flanked Ihe SB8SU ?l hi* ?MSSaa and ti ird i m t. aw ?I .. ti? wa? 10.21 dnr?o. with ti,? 1 at ot tata pMN? ef arilliety by tiie cn. . uiat.-J br? of 'i.r.ll. ' ?je Sien _-i,i,?i ,?, [.ft.,.,!.,, and ?ii ?ima frasi I ruti-den ? 1 dlvi-' a. i? -, ,ul ., 1 __ _ tmy .. ade , tia and ?!?, d .'.me ttt veril, n rea, o? t_ii ,.,,.,) n _,d op ned l.i? with hit amil.ry. M ud. ni.., . bMlMywM tl1rov.11 ?oiward. .li.ritvd tb? ti u tory, ?!??! 11'wa?. ?^,?1 (j) , .,... ,,,,, , , ?tlalem. Ih? ?tierny i?tre?tii.r, non, it. i? _,, __ ta Uam u t di,,,^,, .f g,? Mi - Cato in. ig ? wliet, belan.. pn..g.d ?ona wl,?t tetarla MaMMBlaf ?haa m,#aoi? , , ,?,. .,.,, ,,aj ,?_,? afe-ata f ?''???' " ult.tviro-? ta, .u.-.,'. ,,.., ,,Uil, ?,. ?1,,,1> ,.?_ u,?it,?- lae Mitra WMMMiaaaen la itai Birtotea n> __! -_-._^-_--feL<V-?b^*-?^ Um MMM v to Brat ?f _ bo-, an1 .n.?..d ?Mteaal . battary. te* lum at \ "?l "f,,h" Wi_lV_!_i ! ?"?*w??_jk? wUm-m M me mn tamma it ?nd Crlamm-n rta?, it ??? erne rat Unard on it. ?y the li,.,., lk, , ?.led ?trou)( ?lleck. en it. flank., um Ha. ?Iw?,t tiv -?pui.rd. flfl eurmy made bia lea- ,_.,._?? .. n ?-**.''', ?i'tlii. divi.ii.n in .???.. .d. te,.iSSSt?ii? Two hriK-_e? of (.eu kSood'a divt iuu ?rt?0 _._? _. ._. g_M of fen battle hi: only one. tl.u o! irU vi _^n" l ?, ttm? to pai-tirlpete ?Ciivrly ii. IBe | uiault ?blaa ii,?,,. , u ? mt ??Hiut a mlie and uutii talted hy wy otu,, lu ,,,/'?". ?? b?? am* en<_g?ai tot a taw lui,.uta* weh i?l,_i.t,.,| " Mb 1 lu. ?..?my', rear |oard whn h undi, a iiiou,,_tu , , It?? tl-o bred Bpou by the ra*my'* artil pry on Tt, ?.,? tai.k. but withoul ?ii-et. It ?a? well eonducu-d by lu cou, nuleri, .nd tbowrd tleadin?-*. Tn. ?luuiii! wa? con 11..? 1 no : that day. I ?tt? ?Til, Mtiataliy ?ml 'tie TiHere 11 Ml ? h?S tea-mnr ?1 jr., |,.?? laat? I ???dir. a In a nuot-ytvli h .?eieled theeneiny't ?,?,,.. ?.- -i. end ol ti.? road, ol wr.t li 1 knew prarilcaily netl.ln, l?l.,a up?.i.!iIi| of tb? pur.ult, tliiniiii| th.l lb? ?M1 Bed Mirad pnncipeliv by th? ll?m >ur| ni?il i hal erderaa Bal *?'i ni-.i'i'.i. to follow ular at Lick ? feet on load Iron, *-ii n i afterward lea-ord ih? du* c1 Coil.iii, r-t_d wet ?p.. *??! b? ? dilhi a t levin, ?hi. h amptlre lute Lick ? ...? I htrefor? c 1 up ed niyteif w. ti e.awlui.if IB? ,ro .i..i gelling fe? dlrfrrenl dlvitlont lato pciniioii, w bleb MM no1 ?Hecteal I MBI tome tiiia ?fier dirk ,_"_?? following day, la por.uanre ef lb? of ttrm. wran!, i??n W oad wu ..di 'oiw.-d with l?a of hu brl.adr? BMcb aii.r?! tha prrvlout ?ve.ia<|, ?ni ? b?'l?it el ?f .llery, I BdBteSM Um poaition at th? msMfi ?ud io p,?.* ima if be I Beate fe? -BBM _? retreat. Oat?, ?iib about the ?tme fore? from Oeo Grant's atmy, WM on tbe rame trrvloe aad kid a ?I'irlled ?ki-mi-h willi iii? enemy", ctralrv. drivii.? it b?, ? ibe main f, re? ?i? f, u i d ti. have lelitattd bey ii d Lil k Cre?k in J our tro ps retain d al nl?h". There were no idl.rt iu ti?.? billie sf tboTtk. Errrs portion of Iks tra] ?1. I it. mik Th? halteii?, of ( apt?. Tsireil ?? d HeBtrankaJj w, re ?pl?i,r1irlly band)?-) ?id ierve.1 : ttn.t if I Ipi na.iletiwa. lersed ? iib ,'real ii.nt tad -?iimiiry, Ihuugh ? i li lal- dei ?-is? r.tnltt. I ?peci.ily ??MM?? to th? fa*or of t'ia (Jovern merit for theil; di-ti. eiiientd ?nusntry aid re d conduct H i. Ora A. Mci). Mcuo.k. c??n,mandi'g 2d litlaiou; Bit. '?>',,. VX ni. N.linn r, :,,,-,audl-ia I'll Hiris'on . liri,; -O. S I' L I ittr: dru. BOB Bran ?BJ 5th Dirt.inn ; hrlg -(ien. I. II Baas* sr.u. ouinins' diiig.tb Di?iuue. lill? I,en I T. Hoyle. ?WB iiitt.cMiif- Uti, Bi.tdi-, Cul. I. Amn *?i 24?h (?bio, cainiii?i.*f* lng ll'lh Kngaae. Cid. IV, (J. Suitib 1Kb Ohio, far ..nilli,' I4lh Hri.sde, Col K. N. Kirk, 3d Illinois, cou 'mardi, I .?iii Bil|itdr, lol. VX. H. (iihson, 4-lih letniorativ rou. u ai, in, i,ih Brbjaabi Cb? ?V, I, Terrell, fctk Irttlltry (?pt J Mend?til,all 4ih Arti.lory, aud JJaidatt. ?'bio v olujitrer Matt try. rot tie many o*t*ier nffioeri who vron hoooraM? di??l? ti?' 1 riler lo the rep?,r(? of (be dis i.mi,, brigade, ead itatasaolal ctiiim,atiiier?, traniu.itted h*re?"i h. a? tl?o fer ??? ?tota-Jad li foim.ti, n of the ?erticaai of tbe JifJirent c.rpe. I Join c-i din,y In the coom enoatioo bellowed by tin ?e oui ra en liai.? i mil i Ibeir runiuiai d. 'ii.-loa. of th.? lune rr-raW my ronitnatal I-. _?*?3 kilt* .1. ! IH wuuuded 88 n.i.?ti.2 Tot I. 2 iti7. Th? lr?,| I i?i tri- is,, ia ? p.?, ea uf irtiilerv. ? grea.rr nun ' ? ni ca>i-out ?, ,1 . I a,, M er.ble number of ? arma M>nv ,.! the rim.on a?*S re Captuird from tbr lola of the day. h.-siii. ttai.di o." Babn were alto i? SB* trn?d i ii- n ?na,?i? ni n.) dad, Col. Jin ?a Ti Fiy, f bief of SltlT, (apt. J. M. XYiighl A A. .... Le uti C t- I iiiliugh. 4, a Artiiery.A K R?rk.v??ll Nrw-Ymk Chtaseur?. T J Hi.ab. 2?ti. hy , Ac1? a? I .an: Catt J. II. (?lillian. IMk li'xitr?. IBIS??? of Artiilety , (?| t K (??y ?Oil, liif.u-ry, I nap? et r of I ?vally, II. C. Hu ?head, km li.fai.iry. loam lor of lufanuy. aid L'iPt N Top.g,spincal Ea|liaO?ri wet? di.tii ru.?h?d foi (.'lint bravery tlirou.ii.iul tbe nattle ?t..l rendeied valuable ter? ice. iii,' ?allant d? roi nu ut uf ?J i ii J?: ,e. A. J XX I: i.m? ai ?ti t avalry. and M. M Si,au.. J. K. itev?i-.t J. A rtt.iru.oo. V. li lia.iiir.el, of the Ander ?on Troop, UBS de?er.e? le be mention?d I am partirulai'y lndebitvdlulol. t-ry, I ni?fuf ?tatt, fur vtlutbl - MsMean W tbe litltl?. as well ?s for the ability sud iiulu-tiy willi Uhk k lie hat at nil tim?? p -rtcruird lh? in ; a 'ant du, n i ?f hil pi a tun, and S,, ?2?u?i 5i cray Medical inre. ttir. alwai? ai-idu M lu the duri if ut h.a duties, wa? s lively e. ? -HSed ?n II.? n eli ia taking ?ii Iii.? c*iu o! lb? wouiidrd la?! id* lilil?,'! of ?.'?pt tit ?em Aiiitttnt (Jturtennnler. is entitled to great credit fur hu eiti|v and ludu.ry in proriiiii g tr?n.p.,it?ttuu for ?be troo.islruin'StTsnriali. lab? ( el. Oak? a, 4th t avili?, li,,|eclcr of I araliy ?ml I apt I. I (Innen. I?t Infai tiy. In ?peetur-Unieral, who baye ?mder-d i?oi .u? uni valuable ?ei ?us?, ut their po-ilion? we? doUii.ed ti *?.vtui.ol?, Bad uu tin? to be ( relent in ibe tenon. lbt troop? ?Ililli did i ut aiiive In lime for the battle, (?em Thoo as'a and liri . Vi ad ? dnido. I I? purlieu of the bttW, a? 1 pieviouily ata'ed. Ink pa? In tbe pursuit, and Hie rtuiaiuilrr iu the rvenin?) aie runted W Ike :.i?b?? pratoa fur the ui.tuiiig m erg? ?nth wtiirli ikes p?e?-.ed 1 r?? Jn| I tod day to ?bare ti* dtt,g?icf,miad?'. tun lb li,.. ? ?li-i lui. bad airrady laid? ktoOBSSSBW umlr i i i?.i.,? ., ,?? , ra le I,v our of the n ntl ii.ri.ior.h.e vin al*? of ti.? wu M II *-,'iing??on wbi'i tia lids of ?ucirii ?tsinedtu tuiu Hetdll) ill Itvot of He I i ion. Vety r??p?rtiu Iv your o' d't ?erv't 1) G Bl'llLL. Majoia.ei.eraJ. l uu u.aniiii.? Anny ?I (he Ohio. a a? RKPOliT OF OBI. NELSON. Ilatiyi'AKTKBs Dirleton, 1 rieldul Rattls, Ai,,., io. MM ? Cattai??. In ol.edienc?- to ordert, 1 have le r.|.,rt that the fourth Mviiion of tbe Army of tbe l Hilo ut der mt I'on.u.-aid l?it Stvanri?h, hy order of li? u (?nut. reit? rated | In pen n b? lien. Bu?ll. a' 1:M p. ni sa .Sunday. Apiil a, ?nd marched b? land io t. e point .?pi oaite l'it-bu g LsUsdi g I I he ninety ?,| tbe men to tale p?n lu ti.? battle arkfc k s?s. i goiug on on tbe ?alt baikoflh? ii??r rasklsd Bra to oakton I the diatanr?. nolwithitardlng the dretdlul ccnd.'ion oi the reads over a leteii overflowed botloui. io four b air? At 5 o'clock tbe be?d of n^y column u,trrh?d up Ibe hink of I'm? borg|? ,? and lotit up ill !?? attWB In tia? load B? der ti.? hie of the Kabel arti.lory so close Ii?d Ibey a)'| r? sen? d the I.U It fmmrd a ?etui riicie ofart.leiy t utuj - piT'ed by lufautry ?hi?* fir* ?rai Hi? only ?"?.?ck lntl??u StM ion? approach of tu? ?tierny Tbe bib O',ii tnd '...ii, di?u? haff bndly d?ploie i v? hen the left ni uur tr'i! e.y wa? completely turned hy the i-n?iii?. and ti,? gm urra ;'.i t (rum ti.eir titee?! Tbe gillraitty of lb? 3 lb lud lit ?up potted ' y ti.? ?lh Obio. und?! tkoakto cord ,t t ol t , I t. An. n .?? , i .1 .1 ,i.. s - i ??! :? lai. d .lu.* b.rk the riitii.y t B? rent'.red the .in? of . attie lins ?as at '?Jap n,. ?i.d lion sf ?i MB ?uruiy wiUaditw. owing, I suppute, lo the datke? ?I. I found cowering nader the river ! ark. whtn I crossed f-rm 7.1?.?, io id MB Me, frti.?r ? .ti. !n?L:. and ?ill. ii) da m r?,ir, J ?, or?'?tied BJ ga Nut dtn.iuu witb cri*, "'i a ?0 MS wbij pod," "(ut lo pi? ?*? " etc. ihrs wrr? lan -, ,? li Masa ? aad ?an mhb '? 11 uled to ii ? n na? and i, .nkI ? : ? ? . .i pu.l.u 1.1 s 1 ?al*d 1 *:.-..??!. u I?, ?alo i,J ? l, lb? ki, *-?. hy 7 p. m th? it Jar try si ri y d.nairn wa? ?11 arro?? tbr rlrw. end took mp theil paatttas i? I iiowi (a, a,,.,,.-.'. bn?a!e co..?'-: ,:g o' tue 2hj-.Ii Indltn?. Coi liri.? w:l. on,u. Ld-rat toi. Baeorsss, 2i'b ?> lo LtorM. < i -. lo i i -,-t 'ti Ihe i? : , ii, ibe right ?f the? Iltur'? RrlM?ls w^.ii.atrd i ,u?iani? ,1 He 1?" n? ut,-?). (I k':,?it .. Beatackj Col Be?l|?lck 2' li K?-t .? ky la. i .. ? ?:ii di. the 11,-h! o? li i- '? RrifSde ti.? .- i ., Ila?- ti vsi? p ? ?J ? ,,. i ?a I '< tto st!. Indi?' a Cal Mo dvi Ita rtei.luck. ( o . VX :,," .? I r ? ?I? III,,, Ltosl (,? V,,?i li?a?y pic?*?? wet? a, ? . *> Ikroaa ?-?.i i.i??i.' ., .| ?t, . ? ? i?, au ,.,n lakliB IS pun? ii, | r,.. durn, the I laarS diapo.l Ion? w? ? made b> th? ait? tfc I mt i .?u : l. . ??i. <??? m? o d'il ta m..?? t-rwwd ead airaek ike ? . ?. tbe.atlie-t Bra ?I? ' fc*M f ?? I aw.y wnbiut a.:, ?.a litiiu The i *r, Ny ? u l! *a fin?. I. c-it ii.'.iii ?I n.?: .'?'.*.' ?oantaalnl ?i? fjeaheeto n th.- .nor rannns Bad a-??d koa '? ? i ? . ? . - ii?. ? Had 'nu b? ?t un,i i! .o? ?. ' .i r n ali. I tolo tor Cara] of ihe ?, en.) e??--j Ma i i ' its -J las Um . ,|, i. ?i.d ti ... i, ,t ?I theil ??? ? i B| arblrl be di? rai y ?c1? ta-?:? and ... .A. . .. tkm . ? ?.?- -? ?aei pn?- ??n, t? ?...r I ? ? ?>? ? Uu) ai.C? Alla ?B. I toB??d tip th? m?n qui?: ?, hy Idiii? ?lan? ?h? kata-, ?na ?k?i tea Bao of battu ??? du ?.?d ?nd tu? su.. ?e,l out It i ti? r*??-s?. 1: petUI ii I Baal BO kid -> ti.? u*i.?tai te oo'li.? ka.??' ib*i i ara* raoly tu arrasa ?? ik. uti i. e briso pea rar Roortk Dlrtol :, u: th* Amy of ii.* i 'bl?, i", perlrc? or??.? a* lf *u dra, u.os?! tt,w*rd th? *t,oinT, ?booti D. I loaad 'alf, ?b4 tira seUsa BB?iii?as?d ?Itk ?Iga . JJrdlrl inn drov* Ibern wall .?-?, ? ,1 I fal ,??d ti.?.. ,.,, ' r.i eily ?bn ?t'' ?. n. I ???? bo !*d 'j' cann.iiada fr in I iel, ? Bu?ll ' b.via? im.? furtl et fur?? ?id !l.? i I f aoM boro s-n?. ?tr.g-t "?i ?a,!|?xiO?ed i| va? K?.'.. :-? ,-r i-I ? frost ? ue. and at 7 a. Bl in? ??.? a.i? all ,,; be?a naaraad by ??tor of trae Basil ?>?* ato Bed At 7. ?? ? lot urna?, n ??t?n t.. r ?. grout.d ? ???!>. VXe?s?io BSOSod to the h ? ?I two of ?., ? ?iieuit . i Kti*ri?s. alni I b?d no tun i-y. You ?i* t??r? own g lo in? wait ? ti?i?p. :ia '.i'?D I ws? oii.pei rd to >?*? 'i-e ihr?? I ?it.-i-a of B ) u nu, D it Sa'tii,? I Slkrd foi ar-i..rv tu IBM n Bil la fti .r? '?m i'-u? i ??i t io my ?ii tha k?l?l efl pt ,|?i. ii? h?.l, of tfc? ,?t,n*r ? u-.y, Bel? ?i ? I- liri li"?i. .. i. ? iliai? i. ib? ?ol'! ? ed br? , ? ?'ai n g?se n e mci ?. i?. , iii? r?li*f A*t?r B the Iii g ot Iba ? ?,? .. ??? t'e.niL.l a. '1 hay btd aguo b??n ai,?.yr??i- M -d ??,. li*, lal n.u . Buen atoe ratbetoaatira Roo, sa? Ut kekarae lal ii,? iuortr. Ins:. :,,n 1 he aty.e in ?bou (?I Afea ?:. ' ha,, ned h'a tingado .irlted my fl?fiti?i, Cal li?c?'i, : ' rouiii analog tia rignt lrl;ad>- atibe dnlaiiU '?.-u?J, , ? t,i,, . ina'.-,? ' J Hiein n, ,at tallaiitiy Th? ?.??.? J .. of b1, brig.d? at-e.t. ib* tuite:?., ri tue < o?rle l .t ib.. pOttl lledr T? tb? raen T. ftpti..?d the haileiy H-at ?o d?a I tie?aed Ua hill Wt? roll ed I t ? I ? M? le.elT,-? i i.? |au??iful n i : ,. e?a?l? ?tfclebIhs eiemy lia I sr . i. r, b1 .ed v i ,, n .,:? ? ? ?',.... ?, ?., ,, fre* t al ..? a? Ua ? ? ? I s).??l - f :!iu,r eau , poll ed ino ?I 9 ? m ?,-?iu tu sol f., lappar? ,1 I Tb? i a.i.?.-^ .?i.: lu in j ?id l'?pt. 'i air. ... batt rj o? i?, ? , aml,?ry 1 Jbi? battery wt? i batt in R?t_C It remliti al four !2 | p?a??sr Biara aaas a dura R i ?und.r i'arr. it ?no? I? Bro I ? .- ? ? ? a i ... J . ? ati|eit?iy When Cap? Iel a' 1 .tued bl? bitte!) ?ile, re I .il.,? ed N ti e ? ?,t of li - ? el... J ( ipi? 'le.r-li ai d Mindai I ?II ai i !.i? - Be? ra and .u.d.. ii I ! ! (' ir krtUBItM, ar? rnllled to tb? t..?t.ta uf the Bowth i l,,?l.l o Jhe 1 i.h (?ila, Coi. Iletifr, at'., he' lo flRlIBll? li ills ni i. ?...-?.? ,. 'J .n? rrgiu.-iit wa? ?li.y I tun .led and lende.od eit.i |. l.t ?ervl? e Al . p ii. . ) une, ti ', ' ! ' "-i. Hue I, 1 nr?lered ihr dltlmn to innve nak him iToi ?--I. .t "d? un?a iiilc?," Batkort to|| gioui-J ia ?i'iLl, uv Ibr ri riny, wt.:. n the ri,?n,? ati.ia- ] uor.?i with i..' - h pi?, |C.i -?? te i ur ,,?? li.? I.rn.r no? 1 dunn.i?',?<I ?M li ?i a-. Hi? ?? '.I "I lb? division, In.: ?? 2 p |? ??? :?,.?.'?d BO '? ' ngbt 'li ( Il'.ie! J. I,'? ted Mil ,,, ? :.. .. i,-? t', ?-?at fu,y. jh.bankdjtototsahad ae ?ar?| ti'.uh ? d ru ,- teeaetlaa ti ? ?i ? ka ?a it .?.,.? feafcsls aad 'ta, y lepulsa-d lb?) i?t?e,l ?i.llr? s st ? p ? 1 deni* to call the alttntini, ol tie (?n.a n ( niru.ti.diiig Ml Am:} of the Obi , to lh? dlit|i,?iii?l,?d ? tide t < : I ? a Au.ii.?ii, ot Ibi 7lb Ulna,g tb.t tenth brigade ibe cuni amy mut staaten method la ?in , he i ,,., nu iiiigsd?- pr? i IfcOWktla in? ?rlt flank of tbo ?uiny ?a?. BM a pi I. r .-? ISSSse in Hi? a, I? m e o! naturi iji .1 11???-,,?.ding Um M ?leonl i I l,?g stools n,vii? li-n?r?,s a Uotiuu 7 b? g.l.?, I y wi.u ?hieb bi. tod bl? HOups to lue silt- k waa n. ?I ? <.ii?,.icuoui, ?nd I e btnd.rd Hi*,.', .,. i . llunng 1.1? ou,g ?ml bloody action tb? f,,rtlti d?of tbe Kairtb In.I-, i, wt? ,,iri) tried, | .???? d ?a It waa uy such sopeiiw aarakatt !,,,, -. ?talalii ? i u-*ii ?iori asly. t ?. i?, tu? Utrasasl m in? r? ,,uit? ui in? BiaM?b t swneasV ers for Hi? pill at? - r?g.ui?iii t<? k in H.a B0>?? o r?>? rting io i >s?i! Mjjy lu iii?iitiui innl dining the *. lion I lode up tr.d thai, i ed the'n h lndi.n? for i-s pall at-y and lbt! the tab ula, aid '21,th Kentui ?y were pealed ki I?. UttOt tbr ?lilli? ? i bl. in ?.nita! t Bad ?till,. ? de y II. ey (el ur. ..ed pell?, i y, . ..I...' n g. dunn? the gras er psu tit t, ia I? ?j day w ali tue -"?.,.!??? of ?wenn tb? t. ?, ,1 nir?:,ni,; ?k^.h.?,,., peuiiitied lo reiuri. It ? 1 tie oss el the dfrMltoe, I r?gr?' M Inform s ou, Is heavy. I ????t lu-.o i?, lui? ?ni ??i-,i,?, iii wh -m. 11 i-bera saRMen? liatad i,?ti w?re ti.led. JI ort..?,, tud 5j? el Lied nita ? u,u?d, lid ,'?i ci..,, ed in?,i, maali g a tot.l lot? uf 7 IS in ,ie Hi? . bail of winch txcui,, ?I u Hug?,, a i.rigad?. 1 ss,,?d rec m.i. a ?d ti, },ur atlaiuou lb? .ti,. ?.? of my ?taft whu did their .nu* wall ?ni til? li* d J b?y ?'* ( uptain J Mil.? iltudii,? A A. U , Aesiaisut Margeon Iiwlu, llegu lar Army, .'.!., . ii,,;a?,t.,t t ,p.?|? Ckaadwr, A U ,vl lairutenaiit r-aet ?Ik ?bte, A. t, 8., lliBIIBIilf IV )' Ai.dei.ui., bth ()ji, K t?ujtlt.i* utbOniu, AM. .leCtmp W. I'ie..ui, I,,,v., e.,| tost II N. Mtke. tndi.iauleuti.t llorloi S.tbOiil,., Vol.iut.ei Urdi..niBoB'-ar Tfcs ?t?Q 1 Lleitei.aut llorun, lu brl:,gl,ig Lp t_.u,?ulUuii ?is con ?pn uoua. I kars the b-.iior to he, ric , ? NV,MilN '?i.:,0'y' h"i '"?"? Vam ds 4'b Ulvi.i?u. llJlJ l,.!'.l la.tlll.l;,! Ki:i'01'T OF A. M.I). MrCOOK. IlBADi,, ??-KB?, Saco.Nu liitiiiorr ) t ,? ,, *??*.? or 8mix?M. April t?, l?-rU*l ? Captain J H. fin, CaiBI or hrari: I have be Loi o? l.erewltn t? r-porl tint < a the morning of Ihe til, In?'..while on tbe murcb at a point twel?e unlei Irrin the ena of tnreaaak Teaa I i?.eiv?-d su oniei :? ?,,,,,,, |, ard with u,y uivi.lon. wlib Une? diyi' ituom, iii bty-i aik?. ?nd ?li ni) ?, Pflj ol ?miiiunliiiu Hu ., count of 1 ,? ", dlti m ?| toe io.,is aud trains, It MM iinpoi.ib.e ?i m? to get m i?, th.ii twud.i). raliuo? and th? tort] iu,i,,ds n ma caiirid,?- boira ol the m?u I r,:i.-?i,,-,i ,?,,, ,, ? at BBOrUWOk al I p ni BO IBO Bth los, with my ?ia ii o ivi.ion, Beera? the lit Heg' Ky-t avtliy, ?hieb ?as left tu '" Iba bs^ra... AH. r ??lill?, again iw-, l.our?. 1 marched "lb* river ?bli lien Ruostetu't Itiigoda ?j,. ?,,?., '' igfJe, mt.d tl , irtll>, v to f?|low lu.modittely Arilvb.g al atttt-titoat Uiidlr g, 1 found no p.?paine,,, while,,, iu "* >'.y Si?i,li,o io the i,?t'le-li?id I oi tl.aed my ?tal < ?j .,?..i,,u io ill? I,?l ie-neiu . ? !'?r .?"?**.**tn" br fisc and o-mpalilna oapttias to ,. a jia ? " ""d" and pr?psr. tbelr b .at* for my ??* I ..... ?s?d n. raskwktoauon Barararaa"? brinde A. i. .t. ?, NO I pi*..?? ib?u, fr^ magntt. and ambaiked the ?ih lill ItrglBian? of ?J?, Klik'? brtgad*, and left wktb It fal the "*?"? *-?tr in ll<?u. at Oav?i,ta?b for lite laratlniiar at roy iliviiloT) to fallow ** ?peeitllv ?j iii.-?n? of tr?r.?i .ortallon u a ?f! 1.1?! itniiin.' ?t nUSBBM baiMinf al 5 rSJ a ni oi ihe I':? I >t . ?Bil fin. in t deo. lieu.?ran . (I, * a!. rl?em!)*rk i... I in.r. bril f,,rvr?ij to ? |ie nt where I brae??.) ?' wen d ??> ot the inn?! ?ervine I ilie.. net Ger. Hurll. wini ?'a e'e.i ia i rai ii,? Uaaef BBtla ??ith my left rsstoajaaei urn I ri't?'? I'ltit, .mi luv rill t reitini toward (I s iio?'l. I :.'iniieJl;,l*ly I .in? < ?Iii? lb.? . i li .1. i Il.aia.e.ii-. I l? d Baa, Itofraaad ?le-i? ?vd. n? rtsktb?laswBtoBasypst?, ??? ?pap PS tia? re. aii.dt-r of I o'. Kirk'a BttfBd? ?nive.i, I p ?/ed hit I ri.-.dc in praitei) ?? * re*r.v?. ?? |,?n ItopSB raineiiieiil? v?eiec?iiiit'!?te,i 1 ? l.rei tie line tptNPa a ra vn.e. n lakaadvpsaaja of the h.ib parmi li. front having i evleusiv ttoatratappeea Malaafreaaead r?rin ?n, or !?>n krui.?? ma brijude f. I.vaid ???ki?.nilli, r?. Hie line ?...-Ailie nniiinilitely e. ?;?|e.l ?lui s ???.?nar loree ? f (ha ?tierny, tie ui.iii ?ti?, x I".m vi iii.. right. Khnwini ihat Bl hid ni ai.ip.rt. I o-derrd C1. Kirk', teisaile, ?iii Hie enc?.tion of Cil. Main' au-ti's 7"tu l'?> nat Itb. Is liefin e t tai?? aid .8 lake a p?. it lui. I n tlie urn! t li'ii. li....... ? , . l!ii|?d?. in.In,eli m to walch ! BP e.a mj.ani, if ?tt?ck??l t.. lo?d lint uro-nJ ?? ?very \?a?r?l In the ine^n tine, ? forlion i.f( ol (I.!,.,,?', Briirade sr.ard and ??ii in iie'i, g di?! Hie asesten attack area tok a ...*4? ..). my rigt.l I e .lerrd Col V'.'iiii, !,'. BMI .li .na H- si mt Bl Iii faiiai s iii ? Ia li.? re?r of the ceuter. lo lie uie.1 a* d', ula,?!?..?, a ti I?;lit Tr.jiiire '1 lie enemy's allai k ou Hie ''elit and ?nata ???* r..rtli,u ti? and severe but |M ??-.:?. valor of (leo. li- ..?.?iii Brilia.? re , Bud BUB li? ws? vl.' pursued fir !)ie d.?lance of a mile, ?hen lie iecil?ed i?-r?- .* ?, vrr'uin ti, ?ni rallied Binni g the trite of ? ?., ,, ?i (len. MB ler.iB.d'a Ilivis'no from t? 1.Iii. it bid bet ii di uni on rhe (j'.li Here supporte! by iw.i |.|.e?t ?I ar i bry tv?i. li were lott His ..?-,- before. Hie er.niay made s ?1? ?|...r?t? ?land. Al lill, lui?, ( el Hark ey, .'||, hentBCtr lira III?..t ?apegad and rai t ned l?.e t?i |nn? lu potitiun, ?tltli 4 mor* of ll.e same battsiy (.arti.i'lj, wlilc'i las coull no? r?rry ?.li flere (in, Riui??e?ii had Iii? ple??nre of re ink: s den Mr( lerna:.d i li?ai quarera. and al Hi.? li...? it is ? ,, |, ?ed (.. ii. A. S I... mt m (eli, a? Iii? !> J;, ?va? f .und ou iii?. . u'rr SPsBI if thu rucan,|i..."i.t. The e'nni y fell back ..???r mi . |e>, l,rl,| and r. Caneada ?he?. I.I ni the ?nod? be >?>. ?J. ( ?ri. 1. ? ??. eil i, i, i,.. -I a . ?civ?],red luto Ihe ..pen I ? .1 a. ? a .ia ann The ?dvsi SB "f BM diTi.lon bad cn st ?d a ?j?? e eat m eel. It ?vi de-, I in ten J. i,'?. .ia) il.r rneoiy li tar. n ii trrnii tr . |>-to tsSe *dva. tax-? of (hit |sp in on: curs i met ai.-v id? le b , iii? s'teu pt sf ti e enemy lo lara . ? n I.' li?' a ?1 ii ill? allaejirllt let'?t 1 ililli)?,li?lei)- or dered lal. \? h n alvsuir IP il.? ?apport of lien li.,in ?eau ? ,elt ?id!. ?Ive Hie men y lie |,U> net ?? .oin a. poa ? Hile Hi? rejini.ia ti'ed iii:. u? li ihe lui?,' (.4 Klrl'. I rijsde mat li b?d Maa a i'l .! a.? u fr.-iii Hie iii .-. ?thru Hi? dal |(er n.ei .?< ii j that liar k I .. i passed aid ...v.i.ed into a ata* * itiiern | ti ? <f saatoar, a ? ?.lu tifo a iiaui.rii'. at?^ei?d ii, but it ? ii 11 i r.l .? I ?lid f?.r ?ii se . mut ? f th.? .a.uieroii? runt'..i la and desperate ii.? re? tint re. in?..I 1 if er jon la ( Pi V? 1 li. I. . )r|.< it !.. ?mt ted tonaSB n?i>.? ae* nrftB?** tint .he arnon b?d ?a. ?a n is l. lui el aa ark I-on, ti.? le n ) it In In? left I .'lil :rd I ni Mai io; I '? ".... Pi lois? I ?Bl i . I tsAe D|l||g,,. inn i iiveia ne I si.d lep.-'the?? a ': lui., t>?in| lund? Iii in in?vi . Iv . i .|.iiili.n. aid ?t IM. n o?.? it the r n :??! s.oi | 'I a v. lilla- >,ue bream? lerrible ("el kirk? biigade w?. n ? seaatadtoaat?ar, taatto ?ni?r,i isactasly ?t it.e r th- ii PPBPI it, a- the ia r.l.'.? ef lim llou..ran'? bris-?.? ?rie all ei| rv!. ,I Osa I l u ..?,.. lu laide fell Hack tlu...i|i| .filil?? u.?de in (al Kiia ? isi k> ami r lir?d (o Ihn worn!. In tin- nar la ka PBPfdipd I i. ? ? h n I I te ?. . ?i | na ?in, ed f.eui ii e ?liad a . . e?? ?*ltli n bl. k thr euri,.) ?u r, ti? le .in .- sod th? r..| . I di.rliarre? if Bal i?| i.ei 1* thal tb.-ir I ? iraada f i biIiIpipp wpiiM ?sea kp ?itoaUsd I ?1?tali kal ?.?eut i ?u.pi,eil my aiiiaaiiie ,i:l.err. fur teama lo brag up jj.iiiui 1 n i lie a rinn .1 -i r ,._ |. Bee* illume. 1 i. iib th? IklPP la h 1'a Is Wiiili-l.m kPOpapeaf? nil,ade ?.?te ke mt a, Iplnd w i Ii *i? innii'.'iat . I o.drrrd Col knk'twl-ee nie .. ytrpsBtllla Uavprtasj to latas his eea At ink nan:. m. .. r)raveUal.- .? a wa? ?adatad bp tra mi the eu .any termed to r. r ?.. in r. r m, r arl th? ,a,ld.ty of b ? ?Baal*. Bet? tin ti in* 'or ? tew n .nein? Wuii.? 1? rib lie-.,?my t. ratall I*? t ui.d ?...1 totlPTf I f mti.i.l ? ila a lune ni at lea?' It.* I ,eu a|?ani my two brigade!, aid ?ben ii. dej lu? ed In lue f il e v l.e ? from the co. tei.dn . i .. ka ?.?.? iws ?? I tiatv m ? ?i tire Urie Major LsaJsaa ?y, BPaDBasB ant " * ,i:' I' io? I', wa? Iel.rd by a.'eil and ri e irgi',,1 i t wa?, el lo: a eau,mt BTBPaCpl Ktra. ?Cal oi itotegtaaeat IB a-/-i?!' I ruil.ed b.w.rd a: am?...J ne lae. V? un? .i..i f ? , It ?.?????. iel? who. Ord in the ?bet, d?r. Ihren ? ii,t na? keeto t . tua, tr.e lefi u! ( ,i.. .? b ?n ? bufada wbr u ?b-l- l.llt,!. by tbi? dup.nilion of th? enemy ?va* eon, fe ... to , b.ii|. Hi I nut l.itr undu ? heavy nrr. 1 an. ?arpadnspy ti*t tin? tosdrtea? Btsentaa *??? i?ifo.i?et ? nil ?? p?.rriii) a? h.m.!, tteada ???? ?s sa i. ?je As s eli ??le. li aaSSeVl l tip? le ?.? u? J M ?n ruii.l 'eil it ara ?.sin i idei.-d lulu line. ? d 1 di ?. >? I ii Ip a?t: ". t?,n?iii.i'< i... mi g to ?nu Uaiikat'i oi ..un, wklefe I..ii I ?rn Imi.k I ni. a-, en ii y i?", ,,. a in uta, r W ?ru line : r.s ?v?ie iu?iie 1 ?talpi i! ?ti ad rai re ?f ni? vii IP .mu Bud wia li wa- ma.1? li. |?. ?ant ?Ijl?-. Tas eueu.y du ii ? i I .t u J ihe{?, ti: tad, ???.'.i.t ?? ? of H.rir ?o?a J?,I ?i.d ?ter? pu. S'ieJ by i. > ua.avti li loi.) i . a .-I e i..*,,'? hr.,( q Btleta of th? day bl far.-, ?ben t. e pn s ,t wss i.k.B ,:|, I,; 1.? i.??; and aii,:i.-ry l'u-nis ihe act uri I BPS ?iipiilari.)- eafi trd ?le ?n.i 1 pi ? pt len, BP* Bis bat? ?as* . ??ia an ?i ii. , ?i. j i>, ? .i i Maa n asa, se ihn I r cid pu. ktaail | >. io 1 ? a.^ ?!.-ii,.tli i, !. ... to.? ikelaeewhleaMl Ups '??;?. 'i ?.<:?. upsn ?mi v... ?toa ?statpi? kjr ?Op ' . piap? -i u Tbii ??'... aid nat bal.! I,min u. > II I ?di ?? I p - I ' ftp . I. o-, I .tewen ?(,,. rd d aial ' ? ? ?, I .a .?.'-. .. (.all Nelie... I sill earl,.. I? Bay (tot bal . . .a. Bl ?J Bl)d i ?., I ..-I ?: I ?. i . ...j ai p. ? u.a i ?, i i r.. ... . .. .i.i . f i i. ? in II li I. ... a ., .,.,. a- ti) lu ti ? ? Ethel ia a u! any pi--.. v ? . j be be ..?..'. U| Bl Di ti... ..i t?o !?'t. r?e? si i ?, taina >?...? .- * i,ooS?p*?.d lid Lol biHvp ia .?.,?. To li.? ? I.r- e ...!??" I ".-. d. r?. i r, i ..-.:? l ?. Koa ?' d li ! -al. I . . . ..I I . I? .1 Jr ? ! :..- ,, . . f ?I , . , .:?'!' lil ? . ? ? I ? . ?i I ? .?. i a m ?I, . . ' ', ? ! P BP?a ?Tatt*! , ,s i.?i) .s ?. i ... maaakmmie kMB !>' ?J ????? ' '"'? ' ' !'?* ? - ? i ' ? I ?. ia. ? i. ? i a,, i ii.? a" i ? area earotalf waaaasal i ?b? . ... 1 r i .? ? . i . . ?1 . j . "??? '. -,.,:. ., | . ... , r la I... ? ?I? * u .a? I I.? Up. .. 1 I ir p. ? Hal .. . *?? j out al..ia. ,u to io? aBpsttsptppt aasPjaaa. I a.. Ipi i i.b..,:, ?.ib.aitb I ut lemperarily Ir i SPWaPSB 1 o' tap V Bli ?Jr .li pl?;..d |-r?t?..:i BBS ?rd Jai|i ? I dill...J ?i ., 11.? m? > a?u f ... i.oi,,. ii, ii,? fa. a at iii? enr., y al'. .- ,. - ?all BBI ?i. ay (I .?v:? i ?lb >L? 77?b l'?-ii ?vi .ar.ta. ?arl? .i ii.? aia.n kaus] ...ii?.rd t.. ??'.i-h li.? ?ni i. i i.i. ii., ,?;-, e?. at a Li? prn d ?die ? .1 i? ei.f?.-r Hi? ie.iu.ri t pvr i?i , ? io .iel ' ,.a li ? rea ladet al Uta ?Htm .la d.,) rn ?ed 0 . r ?n i p B belt lu H? li : t nridn ? ti??vj t.r?. ?? I ?,e i,?ie tn?. ? a iel?, iv ra a:|?J leis r, |, ie t twlre !, ,t m ?? *??! llBM le; u .ed will, am al? 1 ,,. F,t?ii.b. ,I. I ?I the ...i.!.Vi B Pt i..ivi.| Hie ?ml of I . li? aries, ul lue Btk 1 . I, ? ..? ? lia ? el?. d?i?d IP kia ri ? p' <J.i ?r l.teul V. Utatppa BM aUeJSI mi., a. a ?' . .. - I:,, stijiu o. I - I ."1.1... . ,H. ? e' last ?reto eta I?stans w?s ?oi a!ei?v.|.-e- ikekaa riil.urr.f ! .. I nrli | nd ?tri, An?, I, l.tu UJ i*. ?i .j ti?.e- . ,i arommi lan t I b ??? sMyssslstnkr "k, I I.?id Ippt CO. ,i? ?HI ..I Iii? re/in,' III. Aa li lee ul ? .r Bcaisdssprvp lb. tkankaol liai aaatr} Usai C i Ii. a .' li ii Al. li ,( lb?) ? ?li Ii oi?ii? waa li ? lad b? ?.I ful ia? . ... \ d ti ?\.-ry I ?; t Bits. I ? ( .I.. J?". I... o... ?li lillian. J ?:t.-. a ? d-.i i? pi Mtjur I.?i i BTBj fatly .inn (i?,,rd b m.ra ?J . i u.a d..y Cat* ' ' l'??>?ol ii.? . ?U 1' v..??. :? Art,,i A A (i ? f h? :?th toteada 1 ?pt .i.d I.I. u! list I .a ti ? Jltli I. Bli up. li It. Kilk-ll??* ?ere Ul I'l' aalillairr to lea dum?; Hie ei,|?|rn i'i.l I u ?na. ii lue in ?. of Ibe aSto ? IP li ? .1? ?a,.?..? t.. ? ,i. ii, (i',i, ty lui i in,t.i la ? a Kirk's ass iud pii* I>id- .ii.; ..?.io lily af at l. i i s ? '?i I 'I ' '" bim I ar Ihe 1 (tan e. el | ?iiijn.l !,: .tri , ,.?,'?? ?t ?iel It.V. t 'Igvlea, li. ? ?re I?..?I? I I. 1er Jp I t. the I.Jin |, .r uaa. lina?'!! ead teal Ulkapp Tkamauamttym Ipe ..... - . .?.. .? .- ? lb? i fl er. j. .1 i. ei | i .1r- ii,, . j-.min 1 ? maetttj eli eeetar, spaatowtap ti"? ruc ??ataa. r? . it, ,i i ,l,f tl.eii. m ?Uy I ' I? ti e b.lllr Ihn i, r.l, :.?d ?arl t? twa m.i?. ? i? ? m '. 'i Ms ' BaaS aB > nu la IBs ii .a. ,,' a,.? ,,nal, in ? j nn ,( lain A I tlie \>?y I-?m ^n ?.i i.?i, tap riva? kauto tie wllk fu?ni?>? la bia, u . I i ... At l'a ? Bl, .In.| li . ?..ed I my ? ?? au?, 1 ?J I , :,, i ? i ? ... Ihtppsk a. sapai? ? o', sat ? ?in. toa pad mt uo.lad men tods?? ?I ?'". I SattBS UM e-rmy 1 lea? p.??Jure ti. . b1 lal vi i ttlBBlli n la th? ?. r, I ,-t , f i p| I ) i rr sod ? B r ti >. . t u.e l.'tn Ml In .n ?? baa luv A ?,a,,i, ?a* u ?r, lia ( i. I IM I)- d ? "1 Ul i?, b.-!oi? or?n ? . i. le ii ? r? i .. ? . ; ti?; ?Tiir.? el ier?,S| w, a, m ? ( a inaiij. lil? r. , psp piiarkad Is tis li ????? r. I rtfpts sat dallas lae ia} e ? Ul Bl li* b' I ? ?' ? te II li?. Ill? ?to el? ?ud tlie? bo b??>d Wi'.k i ? n ii. a ?j? lil ?nlr In I!? II .... . :. ti i y .'! I'?].' Dal " I ?I ark A A. 0 . I i ,,i .-i ?? Davit ?? I ia. ai nil na?t? l Blt-aak aid? ia rasas JA C?aaakBll. Oiataaapp 1 IT' aa ? apt Oatt? Id. I'n.t ?I Ma.?!.-. I..?al ll!??r A"?i?t?i.l I'lavuM Ma.', ( ?pt J H Wllltsais, A ? S. Ll?ati ?. ia.r?i h ?i d j f ih? .-.1(1..i I ? 'I*, aid A- Iii ?' Aid d? ' amp J. I' ( < mer, I r. ana my ita', lui Hank., and . nunnei d ti. .. te Baj t'.[*n r. tur Ihrir (?.lanlij In ?' ti a ?i d ll.e ii Liage t BtPMPS 'i. ?i Jj. h ti.ey , . uv.;rd ?id coil.u.ui Laird my urdei? 11. tie laid "' tottta, (apt J t ?' ?,1. D.T ever i fl r ei t I i|vi?|on (Jiiar(eTiiia?'er, tv.? ab rn' In cavan, ?li M pel li inidluK th* ra i ?.??., ,n ul tia li?.?I.. I JiJi.i.'etln IV.iaii' ?1 [lire, tor. Bpon Hie fie?!, bul .-ii let? in.r.i he w?, ?..i(i . i I. :uty el.??h. ie. I.I. ? t (? *? A. I'arr. ti I?, ( lino ? I lum Bl M ? Art IBS ?li?| r, la Uri.rial ,1,1 i.u. i I?. I.d lue ?? i. Ollie, r lint j n rd ...ii ballia ? i 1.1. ? ragtaaei t, ?...i mm aapeataa of bis ?e.vir. I irfri y.,u tu (.?I, ii BSSBPP ? ?ep 11 1 an. lolly (hat I K.i .1. J.rn. d ," u Hie day of I.?Hie ,.f |h? ?antee? <t "-?',- '?< ? *9 Jakaetaa, i saaBaadkaj M I,il,?,Ir rietrre lillie*? eatlaed bl? ?baener frnui bl. i ? mina d all lumbla, 1 ann. Tb? i lluaency of .1 ? dib bH??Jc I? v ry linirb due lo lils I* ?nts ?ud ?I,latin, sod ii la to he in retted Hist be di imt have an >>: porluiiity upun Ibis d*y lu ?Jj .aurel* to lils mint ay name. I am, isipecilu!.). )oor ub?dl?it ?er?*n( A M? DOWBLL M.-rooK Br!|? lier OsBBSal *? aanm.,'g to lilvisioa. IaATJaK FKOITI >i:*?t ui:n>. Arrlvaal *f Mick sud M eundrrl Uoldirrp. The United Ktutes tranepori BUM S. le-rry, (.'apt. Ciiapin, fr? m Ne?? beru May ?, Halteras Inlet 10th, bcino *j4i bouts Iroiu .*-.???? b.i n, arrived on Mondny moniiug, \-. i'li m.?b and sick and wounded eoldiera iron. (len. liuinside's division. To C*pL ('hapiu we are indebted for favon and copies of The Nttcbern Tro/jreti of the 8th aud .'ih inst UBI or ri?.i*t*i(>kru|. Walter J"?!l?r ?aller ??tb .New Jer?ey. Ll?u!. L liarth'leuiew, (?li New-J.-isey. C??l Kl.l.ardd Hi.we,I of schooner J fl HsTSB. Catl I'.vi.l l.swi. ? I irl.e i,?i M M. Lindsay Jrfsrk lie.r.l.iu 1st I lifJani i' 1 sleauirr ( .???? ?k. Ii... M ( spy, Id Kn(i..?er U. H sUsmei (l?*?aok John Th'-iiip?ou, i.t atBaW V. H a!?auiei ?luid? 1 Ptaaial (.?.?(? B. Ku???ll ib ( oeneciltot ( .iip.iral V I? I lowell. l.arii..-, t.e.r i' ()|tlvle V*. iii? I lib I iirtieeiKut i'r v?te ( L. huel frivate fleury A l!??s- (I, Wh ? ? ?leui I'rlv.l? Hebiy R Haaw, ?th Couaertiout. l*n?*l? \S m Dugan Hlh (;?inu*ctli ut i'r??ir l??*i ( ll.rlli'il.niiew, Hlb CuBBertUkP?. I*'I ??le A .under l.?r. lira, Dib Cul.! ecilr u|. Filiale (l.o ?V lla/dins. 11 at MutacbuaalU. I'nva e Ila?. W. smith, Jlat Mswat-liutetU l'rival? Caivla Aldrich, lill M*?**rhu*etts. FlitsU t. !.. Jordui Hat Maaaa. Suaeo? FrivaU Cbaa. C Cpaaaaa, list Ma^^b^U?. Private Alan?, n R O-en 2'?t M a??* In a te Um. I'rtvaie laManl ?'? be.lock, tl?t M.??aehaie.U. i'niaii* Jul.i, Hart ii". II??*?? nu?, it?. l'nv*'e limit '1 li mu, ?lat M .?*?rli i.ett?. I'tivHte ll.ivev S I taxai: I 2 lat M ???I.'illMttf. riiiae Wat R Ki?tg lia MaMaeaainM Priva'? ?? Y Trun in II.' BtoMMhaMSin I'nvale (i?o. H u im ..?, ,|,, Ma-.?, iiii-ettt. I'.ivitaWiiL li. R?.|?. 2ltt MaaaialiwaiSa rrirase BmIsb a. Bnaasll Ila MaaaaahaBSBn* l-iivate l-wla S. ii,h. 21a. Ma??aelni??tta l'n?rtr(i w.Cmat i... ?in M?wjsahawtoa I* i?atelVm A Aillli >|.t Pmate I d*aid I ofbii li I, M i.aa? h?.n?. ,,'!T*'e \).'" J I"''"!''? Mtl. Ma?*?chii??ttS Private Wak II He-..ha??. 2utl, M kWBWMaMh. 1 nvi'e li ui. i*.u.?it,i,H.k M.iina Artillery. Privai** E fahy, I'.th Moni-h i ?ta I'm?,'.? W M ,r", f,y, 17tli M.aa?chii??(ta. Privat? D?til Kilter. Itth Conn?, ticul. Prlv?t? Jaroti Corn lltii ( '.it,n?e',. ut. Private A M ?ir. en. 5th Rhode lu?, ii I'-lvalelien H CtMM Mh Khifl-e I'nvalr l.dward A,,:i? li, tah KhuUe Ulan,I l'llxi S An,,,i (T.,-,,.,,,, ,t|i Rhode I.l.ii.l. Sar?ea? t *?V. II. Ilaklo ?lit NewYoak Pti?al?Ciirk I.oekwuod, lujd New York PMiip li. elia Tenanre Kiiav Oeorg? Kotintrn, Phillp Seerry, Uaorge A. Lu, .ervmt to Oeo. fteno ('??it. ('unpin informs our rep- rtertl at Gem. Ilu.-n ?ideliad receired a re-cufarrein?*nt of cavalry. Wlien Ike Terry ?taft f!cn. llurntiide was sonudiug Oregou Inlet. At Newbern ntul Halteras the troopi were in excellent lienliti hi ?1 spirit?. Tlie captsin reports thal be saw an American man of-war uti Hie Delaware. The ?ick and woanded ?soldiere were mostly men who had been bouor.ihly discharged fruin wrvice and men on furtaujrli. During the temporary uhseuca. of the captain, ?.kid after the arrival uf the Terry at the foot of Murray street, with ona solitary exception, lim Holdifra left the ??oat, to air themselves in tbecity and se? the elephant, thus jeopard'iing the protection und Bij*ti??inc* reach?d ont to them from the pattio'ic and charitable a*i?--X'mtioua organized in this city for their welfare. Tur Pmcytt puhli-lies the report to Gen. Foster of \ iiiceut Calye-, laperia en !?*nt of the l'oor, of hu palliai acts ?ince hiinppoiiitmeni in Malak lu Ike six week? which ? I,[ K? I fiom tie battle of New en, to the tal of Mut, 310 fumilie? of lovai au?! disloyal ?rklana of Mm any were ?tippli-il ?khfoed. la nan mam the aatls nanAan vxere in the Ethel inuy, but ti eir fniiulies have ban nvadftantke Imrroii ot ktaWVattaa bv the Chrn-iian liberality of (ieu. Hu Tifiti?. Mr. Colyer, at (?en. Fo.ter'? rei[iie. I. Innldnand ? le ter to'ii enlpttHnael the Non ii, ? illina*, for aiii le ?npedy lbs wai.ts of the women ai d (luili en a ho have ern l?-ft iu ?)esiitu?iou. Of eble lw?died fu^i'ive ?Uve?. *.nK) are re ?lie te red on Mr. Colyer'? loo ka, and te?eiving reg ilareui; loy ment ou the isnlaaaiiuM, bifabjaa, and nthn pnabe work? ni out Ra? asia. The i,egro wen. in are fully ena? ple?l in Wa.bliig, aeviiu?., ui?d mulling take? mid | le? for the linois und are ?i a 11 e able lo ?upiiort ii. rui t-elvi? ?fur MVktt been wilhin our ?mer a few day?, lie BSajn families average five members, thus makin?, me nu:.i! er of the Mlt-eiuauci] at. d in ?New lieui au ii?, over 1,500. AaMfattl or the poor has 1 ? en .?tiablirbed and i lu-ed in churge of Dr. Clark. Air? ?.?ty l*-0 | Mi. ni? [.ave been prwciibed foi, 51 ia? retrod m batpaal, ?13 di?charg?d and I died. Supplie? f'?r .i k j i Loner? have alt?) l>?en furn ?bed by Mr. Coller. Ifag report ?BWttJn M filloa. ; Aiu?g?i!.?r .li iBnarnaJ Salteas h??? arte kept from ?i-t iti?Sr.|i.? ii.dn. .?di (01 foo?! ?ii UrCeaiitiat auu I , I ?nu II I. !'..? I ?: I i. tn? tia' ?iii?-B* rf riroValnti? allihuried to M?j I : i?. .?,,| in??.,, :u bbix. H ?i li bl? same. ? near. r. Dee i klai trien la -?t., b.?'. 2.'. bala, satt n anana,! t?, ia awatea, ?' ?. ?-? amp, j tot tea. l ni i ?ali i 1 '? li,?, I I lintBt I U.U.?, I l.-?l?. bellil, 4 k?g? I*???. I keg BOWanj i l-l. a I cali,?. .-?!,,. i,: |.,|.a. 1 l*[,.. liiuia?.?! I ii..un ft ?i. ?el? i laeaata Iii ? (be alt., if law sit I.Itnd 1 hiv? received fr m I ??iiaiBi ? ?-i- He? In -i ? loyal S'?l?a lill boxei ?: I b?rrel? of I. Sim kui ? a Iori* ? ? ti? ??? t ?? 1 *>?...? ,.?d ? i.,--? , I i,|. di?-.! ,n I ! 'ta have li?-?a r' au ?aerrg? ef OlS ? .ii all ?'' ??" ?. Ita it. li. >| lui ? ?I... Wliue?rl I ,i ! e ?ii. pi? ',li, ui j ,ir a? u| ?i IBMS .u|', or? lo lid ?I Ila ?iti/ri.? ?; MvBntn m b util>'i:,( I jual.?:? lo our ? l?rring ' av li- . I bat? '.' 11 a . i Wim j urn o , ?ii I h v? Batt BtiBBgnaMato to npaa a ? ii . I : ? i lal M ? ' I? . I'i.'ri.? ii .N?? b'-ia. A ?ui a t ? ..'?i al. ian Mbbibm al ?tonia atrae. ?j;.? ,., ?o ?it,,,. g?.- ?I Ia . let? ii ?>? I tu j Ita?. I' o dra ??V i ? ) ai i .aliri.i aiao I . ,? | . J a a .luM ai-Til). ! for the r li 1 .-?!' kitti to I .' ??' ?? I? ?i, I II ? ia '-ililli?.. Bud IBU r. . - 1 , , r Mr? I ?l ill A! ??ri ,e *ttrl.?i?i L? . , . 1 . ar , r?,. r I ? , ' 1. ? I ?I li l>, ' ii ? ihtatal IraJ l.... ?. t ?I I' -.1? ?I I ? ??; I '?I ?.I, t ?Kanal tilling npM tie I uu?d bti.a tsOvwaatsn |,-r ?li \ rr 1 i??or, if i,.I ? Taar ebaaJirM ??ivan'. \ I'M KM ' ULI *.itj.'tof the P. n ?a? i A IK Willi BEAI ItlllAltl). i.s gi UM riii-uNAi Mimili, ci nu. ii 11 111 Of -nu Ont, t ..? ; ?. ?? ' ?.. ii.-* ? ?? ! Lieut TL II. Ison n it?? UIbmsb lith Raft meat, rr Int. . ?o ii? tl.e f ti '?? I if nlera-.i IHR ?nil,lent wi.iih s? m ltd n (ha basile InM ed bad?n i A!-.m if o i ia? k mi Intone, the fth ?if Afrit, l.ieut. ?'?? nna WOOndsd, he lui; ?hot Ibnagb 'lie lett! luna/. II? ?abj. ?iii|o??d to ' e m a drfctg? eoodliiea, j hu I rr?? lett on the liel.i I y hi? corni?, lons. Ahout j .ioih'ik m the ntl? i iiooti o? Um exe ?mOBBefobtal ?ii? nar foren havlag bendtivMbneb fren their I |i,i ii :i, n Condderntn otti?er of liita-h tank, and t.i? ' *inu, inn..* ui on tte agveaadwfana Ltott. anasMn I ,. ll.eilelael ofliier BOeBrvfaaj liw lying lhere, | i,. i ret dead, and fnn Ms aastotm taaing omi to be a Ilion ? (?i-er, api rouclltti lum, wLeu the 1? iloxvu.g i?mieiM'i h sasaad I Ihr Kein I BBBOi. ii-ke.l Ijctit. S. bow far it w?? ' to the 'I eui ettie Uiver. l.ictit. S. I e,|.i? Uto weak I nom the Im I > ?bfand to ti en', loud, bet k,ne?! to fatal ii, i one sbttn. m d m a 1 ?wer limo leaMd, "Iwi -ni i aad a faalf. ihe Im. I .ih i r ri.ia k bia bead I d-?ii- liaglVa Li? i.t. ,S. <?'tened it, and Bald to hiui l" You m ? in to (Ionia' ii.y word, lint lou eee." he added, paning to Ibwoand, Mtkai 1 am ajiaaj, ' and ui on tin x? ord o! a di lag tuan, lo tin ' ert ?I iii? I togflM iii, it i? I wo mile? and a half to ihn nxi-r. Iii- Mebel "?li ? r turned lo MBVOSn with ii? .taff, at, i m,len ?i 11? gorge h lo nix?* iba Lisna bom ? on ?in ulai,ta. iii? BOfgOOO MM bim ?ollie I,mi,?It a'.d morykkn, which rex ned bun loi.ridi-ratily. i lu? ? navataattaa -.?.", IM ?ititi, ?x111 ti,? Lioateaan leverl sard ?w abott a? ta Ila ?ni (11. ei "It i? now aliar ii o'il",k. IttatWO | iiulea and a I nlf IO the r.vei. i tie .' tagmlSI ?SB led,('?ut wo cull diivn t.r.inl to ?o ?loee nu .ric. * ?et tia nielli that hu ( np* ure or liajBjtataltaa i will be au ea.? (hing lu I! S uioinii it.' ile olin-r (iirnril Mala to ihe l.u mu? naked I nu BBatt I lliirlit fa.:..-? 11,1-lr linn.!u?r ami pMBatoBa C| am ItkiS mil-ja-? t ut.S. wn? eui in l_, (gaentt, of conree. 1 lu? ?.ilia? r then remarked lo bun, "li'? no matter how far ii kio dn river, ni abai nidpvManvfaew, ali'i Um tien Urabi to luru imer li^ni.'ut, or early to ii,,|i,?w uioriiiiiK, und IBM capture liuell, fat be tnakea fall ap| earni.i e on the field." I.ieul. S. repfied. " Yon are cot ncestatt ti tia'. You havn?.? t hu? I labtlaa ' > do bttom yam nyam an for?-?-? yet, ami North We.tirn tremen ate Mt the ?raven BOM IO lie down ??tier Ibe lir-l bruah and allow themselves to hi laken. ' " Me matt, r,' aai?t the offlcnr, " we ?'ii.ll win? yon' Your men won't fight." " Upoij thal I tttaOt, am?! ihe I.i? uteiiat.t, " you will proba II? be helier ii,formed before you gel tlirougli with nvniorrow ? ligiit. You suipriMd our men this morniiirt, sud ney weietliroxvniiilo ?'?me coiifiiiun; bu: aveu ttii? di.y a work will ?how thal ' our men arill bj fat,.Well, ' said ttie officer, " I,ire ?., tr rouruge. and wish ?uch rn.-u a? you were no1 t'K ,'i'K i?*/in iib-, the South; you aBMtt con ain-r IM aSoutb, and aint^ you sorry you eu-rf-iged in lie war?' " No, iSir," said l.ieuteniut S., " und I Mould ?lo it again." " Ilo y?mr jieopli* all feel that asy f" atked the officer. " Yea, Sr,' mp 11?-! he Lie ltrnaiit. Ihn " Hii er ?aid no more, but with asad lonk ii" Baled hit hoi ?e aud rode o'!. One of tina K? i?.-' ? ID? er'? aida had di.mounted to water bia borae lu a creek sttn If*, and bet?re reiiiountii </ caine near ?a'.ere Ike Itieuteiiunt l.iy, who leeRMOd him to rome to I nu. and u.ked bim " who that ollie? r iva? !" 'Hie aid saiat "ttiatMli.? 11? auregard. ' Pie Itieiitenaut, however, had lecoguized him fiom hi- airikiug resrmblanie lo ptiotogrnpu? of the Kebel (?eiieniJ. 'i'his interesting incident, the personal experience at the ballin of Shiloh of one of our intelligent and patriotic neigliboii of Illinois, and who is imxv in one of the hospital?, in a lair way, we hope, of recovery, ?hows how MattM IM llebel (.ruerai wa? ou the eieuiug ti thai menin rutile S imlay, iiotwithstitndiiig his smress, to know tow much more he would have I?, do lli?*t iiight. And bene? his eager iua.uriei, " How far is it to the river I ' " Wh( re are lluell's forces 1" "How many men baa liuell? ' (Vc. Not with?!,Hiding the ribih.iion of tbs braggart an lui rai i?1 in tho boa?t, "\Yu shall whip you, " Your men w.ui't unlit," ?te, any ona can an that the li?-! el (Jener..! was ex.-eedingly solicllout. iu re giiril to the probable outootuo of lint desperaiely 1 outest? d tight. Lieut. Simmons ?tates tint he lay apon the field forty-eight hours, and from 11 0 clock on Sunday, Hie time be was wuu.ideJ, until 1 o clock on Monday aliernooii, the ground whereon be tay waa fought ??ver twelre i uno?, and that he waa no1 trampled le death ??ems almo? a miracle. Hn alao atatcn that Um Keb?.?, office?and men. ?topped and ulled with lim nvenl linn, gave lan water, aud with one -ana?na?treated him kindly. That axeeption wu a Texan Ran?er, who came near ending Iii. doubtful eahteaaa with a sound kick, nying, ?"Let's kill the d-d UmO-B son of a b-h." Thia ia but one of pam hu, ? bund r* di ol BaeaBBfll incident, which transpired on tha' hurd fought field of ?laughter, which if col lecti-d and pu' listed, would form many an interest? ing chapter of ctirr-ut history. We learn that I.ieut. , MiniiiuiH will get well. Ceetataly it i. the pr_r.r of everv loyal heart thal be ehould; for our aeaatn can ill afford to loee such brave and noble defenders. DESTRUCTION OF THE MERRIMAC. DETAILS OF THE EVENT. The Evacuation of (Yann Island. DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK OVER 100 GUNS LEFT IN POSITION. Fobtkbi? Monbob. May 11, > Via HiL-t :.?.ian, Mond?) May U, IS* ( The Merrimac ii blown up. At 4 o'clock this morning a bright light wa. obnrred from Fortreaa Monroe in the direction of Graney Island, which waa .uiii'iisi'd at first to be a signal of tome deern;, tinn from the Merrimac. Precisely at ball [,?.' I o'clni'k au eiplosion took place which made the earth und water tremble for miles around. In the Tiiiil.-1 of the bright Hame which shot up ?n ihe distance, the timber, aud iron of the monster steamer cou'd he peen living through the air. No li'Hil.t 44-aa enteiiiiiiu.d that the veritable Merrimac bad ceased t<> exist. FluK-dlhcer (?old.lior.iugh, on receiving this re|?ort, ordered two urine.1 nuval tug?, the Zouave and Dragon, u> proceed toward Cram-y on a, aud asceriaui the ti nth ot the rumor. Immediately after they bad turned the point, the Sl'.iiiior and l?. A. Stevens .teamed up in tie sam? direction, followed hythe San Jacinto, Surxineban na, M.uut Vernon, Semin?le, and Darotsb. Ii was a most beautiful sight, and attracted throngs of itectntors along the whola line of Old Point. Some were disposed to discredit the announcement j tina the Merrimac was destroyed, and aa the vessels ps. ?ed up lo Ciu ne y Islui.'i the excitement became ! intense. lu ibe mea,, time, two tag-boats were nen coming I on toward the fortrose st full .peed, each endeavor? ing to outvie the other, aud, when nearing the \ wharf, the radiant countenance ot ('apt. Case of the Minnesota guve that the newi they , brought waa of a most gratifying character. The .-rp. it waa true; be bad met paita of the tloating wreck. Ail tho earthwork! at Craney Inland appeared to be abandone,i, though the Henel ung was .till rlyiiig. I.ieut. T. I. Eldridge from the Dragon, bud ?ut.iled with an aruied crew aud uken durn the Babel ting substii'iting the " Star? und Stripes" amid the hi-urty cbeenof the crew. Cap! Case immeiii ii'e'y reported the fact to the I re.i-1'.-nt ami S.'< r.-ury cf \\'_r, who received th? conn, [nation of the pit Let boats ?i ith great lalisf tet:on. At the BBBBBSl 61 the President, ('apt. Cr... im ineii, ilely proceeded to Cruuey Islan-1 to aacetlaiu if the vtorki were cvicuated, taeonmBrj ailh the leefe, which 44'iis then advainBBBJ. Von. i ,Tie.| on.lent and Cuit. Phillipe were cuiteously invitsd by ('apt. Can to BeranpOBJ bim on the exj edition, which wa? f>on und -r way, and oveitot k and p:..?? I .ill tie eeanbof ana that had ?ta-ti-i inadeaaaaof n raraat Ibe -babea and -faoaaeaah, arbtah a ne moving ahead on their ?ay to Norfolk, having passed li;- ki. i??IT. I'ant and Crime, I.lund. Aa we neurid Craney laUnd we found this im iiiei,?e fortre.? iipparri.tiy uliundoned, though _BM l.eli.-l tinga were flouliug from very tall .tall, in dif? ferent pun* ol' the work.. Ciiptaiii Cul?, wht-u V4 ithiu half a mile of the ?bore, ordered a eliot to bi? nn d to te.t the furl of evacuation. Til? only niiia .if life that the abel! produied waa the at pr-.uau.-e on tho ihore of two negro men. A boat wa* mme ii i iy lowered, and through the coutteoua ?atteutiou ot li.e i nuiiniiii-aiit I uceouipauied it to the el ore to p.trliiij>at? in the honor of lowering the Rebel em !-.!?m?, ami aubstituiin,; the " pride of Ameiica " io i'a place. Commander Ca.e wai the first loyal man that pressed hi* bo! nu the toil of thii treasonable .troni? bo'iil. Without tbegghl of torpedoes or inferLal mu- lune., the nallam commandant m.bed to the stall and *, and, they being iu gi sod order, the old Klug ?u? so.,n given to the breeze. The Foils on the ialaiid ure in four or live separate ?ciTii-ni. 'fliey are co n st ruc ted with tue be?t engi aaefiog ?kill, ?mil must admirable workmanship. The WottA ttOtO left iu excellent condition, a. were Bin Ihe exttn.ive barrack?, ?-hich had accomn.odii iel during the Winter a panton of over '-',( KI men. i ort j beary ?.-tins were mount? d in different parts of ihe works, on the main front of the island; the vi. n 'n. commanding the approachee to the diunnel ot the river. Nine of thee euee matoo were tini-li.d, iu each of ti hich were uine or ten-inch Dahlgreui, aud the woil? of erecting live more caseuiatu waa 'n prog? rese at the time of the evacuation, iu one of which a gun waa mounted. The fort at the bead of the itluud wa? called the " Citudel." It waa not euee- j nutted, but m united five heavy .?uns. The whole number of gun. mounted waa 10, of whi.-b two ei were I'm rotta, and a number mied Dr.:.!i_rrn?. Tnere were also about lix guns iu the works which hud not been niouuted. Aft- r .pending an hour ou the ialaiid we proceeded to Norfolk. Immediately at ile taapuj end of the island we found a mais of blackened wreck Homing ou the water, Sume of it proceeding from the sunken p? r liona of ve mp I*. We bad alao paaeed large ?iiiant i tn-s of flouting timber on our way up, all of which had boen torn into .punter?. Prom the men fouud ou tiie Uland we ascertained that the Merrima?' bud lain during Saturd.iy at a point n <?ily a iin'e below the poaition from which tho fragments were observed. During the night, however, she had been brought buck und run aaboii?. Her entire oltiiers and crew were lauded on the island, and a slow match applied to her magazine. She w?-? torn to fragments by the time the cre-.v MON out of reach of her. Negro? stale that the oliieera .vi'..I crew pi- ?-J through the adjoining country on the main land about 8 o'clock iu the morning to the number of -I11?. They ?aid they were ou their way to Mi.I. Ik. Ou the liue of the river leading from Crnney Island to Norfolk there are not less than aix heavy rarthworki, mounting in all shout C9 cannon, all ol' which are still in position, except those near the Naval Hospital. Then are said to have been taken to Ki.'buioiid during the past week. Ou the opposite bank of the river is another bat? tery, with two or three "thor ?mall work*. On all the tv.irks the Hebel flag ha. been lowered by the fleet, aud the Sun and Stupe? ?uUtuuted. The amount of powder fouud in the magaxims ia titiinated at ?,u00 pounds, and the fixed ammunition taken can only be enumerated by the cargo. After cruising about for wme time among the fleet, w? landed at the wharf, and took a ?roll through lbs eily ef Norfolk. It being Burnley, of ooaree ali badneai pinera wen |clowd,andtbedlypreMotedam()?qaietar-pe<}t. The j wharfB ta ere crowded with black?, male and female, and a g ?odly number of white working people, with their wives anJ cliiMren, were strolling about. Sol? diera were rtationed on the wharfs ano picketed tbr.iagh the ci'y, while the Flag of the Union floated triomi'baiitly from the cupola of the Th.- houses thronghthe city were generally closed, especially thoie of the wealthier clarries. 8onio of the females ?c/>wled at the horrible Yan? kee?, und ?orne almost attempted to ?pit upon then. Hut iheie waa a subdued quiet among the middle classes, iht-ir countenances implying a desire to wait and watch fat further ')erelo(,m?nta The Secc-ssionisu talked boldly of the Southern Confetleiscy, declaring their intention to rrceira Lotlnng but Confederate money, and ?tying they would hare nothing to do with Lincoln ahinplaeten. They were fully confident that in twenty days Nor? folk would be re->oaeee8ed, and the Tanken dritea ont. The President lay off in the steamer Beltimore for about an hour in front of the city, and then -*ta?nmed back to the fiirtre?. Secretary Chase returned with bim, while Secreiary Stan'on remained until a late hour in rontultation wi.b the Military Govert**)*-?, Gens. Viele und Wool. Tme to the ipint of Seceasirrn. the lire, ?? I anti cipated on Saturday, and which thtew a broad red glare across the heavens on Sa'urday night, pro? ceeded from tbe dt-etiaction of the Portsmouth Navy Yard, which waa don? by oider of the Babel Corn mandiint. sc?rcely anything being left bnt black Uli walls and tall chimneys. Even the immenso stone dry dock was mined and damaged, and it it said the engine an I pump belonging to it waa removed te Richmond. CITY ITEMS. AJIUfJEMENTS THIS EVERTNO. U''?Tnr.ATKH?No. i>44 Broadway, " Lady of I.year" La, ha BUaVBra iiiEATBB? broadway, ' Reituit and rolly, ?r Lil? ki Pari." Mistan t.tai.*.*? ? Broadway, "Oe-aldiBe" HlMrO'l (JAMOB.t ? "Th.- Kucban'ie.? " Nun?.'? Ko-AL ( im. 1'- ?1'aiace i ii den. piinr?*?Bt!i ?rttt Bid Silth avtU'.ie, ' Jtct the liiant Killel," ?iterBarai and eier in? Ki: m a ? a ten :i-A*i Mr-sa??-Rroadway. O rand a'allon?! ilog Si. w I aim. Nutt. Untlr. le, day and tuf?, " rl-.weri of tbe Koroit." afterunon aad evening National a? ?mu? or 1's.m..??.\?. bli oroadway, day and eveuitig. Tut Okkat Dog-8how at Birnum'*) Musr-vsr. ?Wa left our office to-day''.hat will be yeslerdsy when tbiri paragraph gloVidi un the eye? of our read? ers), and wended our way amid victory, hu Hetin reading crowds to the Museum of the Homum? The bru. ? band on the balcony of this ?sientific snd otherwi?? i:i?titniion was ?Ihjii,.- as we entered ?hat. ?weet melody which ia mlled in England orne ?vert 'onie, there'? no place like oine. and when ira trot part thrte Urge German beauties with their A No. II. babil?? getting ticket? of registration for the biby-b1 ow, and a ?general dishevelled man of citirenrhip ia este or *)?->s?r, and ascended M the ? ?bibil JIM loee?, we fotitid that a number of doga iecoi?nl*ing tie BBBBB had Bet up a d.nnal bowl Lu their keun.-ls. If ii were uot this it waa a general feeling of canine dirtjuut and iiof -atierice at being ai.l ti,a.iie?l-a? they all without exception iro?such a balmy, deik'.ona day. when good doge ?should b? f. ee and exultant in double concordance xi-.:!-, tbe glories of the w? ??.liier and the war. lint iliese dogs may be comforted?they '? won't go home till morning," but ti.en tia; y certainly will; for each day will prv-H-nt different kinda of the -..-rimal. M tulay it ia the larys --.ecke: the n.u.nificenl ?Siberian an***, who conld carry ? well-frown boy oa In. bent, awn ban to Sing Sing without over l-tti.'-ie: ;be stately an?! aftc.-tmn.-.te Newfoundland; the | ? rai at ?"it uni bull-dog; and others of vxt ghi and var ue. ( ?neot the dog?appeared vieioua in ils k. nilli, w'er?nt an .be galluui dnnnudor? N'uit, armed xriib a ?aL?j?, laahe? upon tbe truculent l.-uri and dune it i.ito ?ni unana and ?'.raw. The gallant C?a.?nai.l,,ru eui.-?,j emly mouuted on the back of the Si-erian d g, and rode triomplantly about, ty| ifying tie naval heroes of Ne w-Oi leane and their dog? of war. axa?aj wdl be exhibited Foxbonnda, Harriera, 11.?,??:.... Setters, and l'oiniers, berida Mr. Huiler's dog?, xx hieb lake premiums on M?>uday. Wednee dav, 1'..'?.?'.!'..'indi.. Manille, Hull-dog?, Bull Terrien, S? ou ti an?! Skye Terners, and Shepherd Doga, aleo Mr. limiers oofjs, and the premium doga of Mon? day aud Tuesday. Thurcday?especially aimed at ladies?Italian Greyhound?, King Ctntrle? S|.ani.-la, Hleutcuii IS, aniels, Etquiinaux doga, and the prite dog?. Friday and Saturday, premium dogs.?The pretniuns aro declared each evening at S o cl?it??_, Tl.i-y are ?d .-'r".i"-d to be ia all J} J.-t>.>. A very etirioua collection; and as the dog?haten arc few, notwithstanding the animal hal been de n , nae J as nrelt-Bs, BBjnBBtfB, and ?trtiii ion?, at the Farmers Club, and ik'iaei-niallv gets the drunkard'? complaints, a horror of water, and bites and kilto, wt ?uppose the Exhibition will prove remunerating. 1 he re;?ori thal the dog? are to bo fed on the babiee is absolutely falee. Only a uionstei- io hauiaii shape could have given it currency. The premium of fl.OiK) wai awarded to Ft-aneb Buller, san?, fur his Siberian bloodhound. The tollowmg prizes were also awarded: B*a?ral Or-r-aV nids-lit premium. W. M. B.te?. 21. W. R. ntl?. Aibiiiv. ...I, ila?., klorley, 4tb, Chu. Cooper, iib, XV 1 Allot,, Bib. A. 11. Jocelyn. Eight other pmuiuma ? ?-? ??tided Bl I ..?,.1'd??iat premium, Mr. P. 1'aitler . 2d, J. B. Kag-sr, Al ?..? dd. Oro. Mukl'eld, 4ia Y Oouib.acbl ; 5th, Loeie Kvn.ii MT) "Jib, i) J. Robin.ou. Iii? other prrmiom? wera twtrdaid. .*.??* i uidloi.l, - i?t iten,ii,in. Mr. F. Butler. 2d, Rob? H. Cltrk. d-d. i.?urge P. VX hue, ?th. J. \V Milche.I. "Kb. Daniel Cuma, mil, A. Cunt.ei Sixteen other prcniuuii wera awarded. On Tuesday, the 13th, premium? wi.l be uwaxdei. to Fox-hound?, Harrier?, ?Setters, Pointer?, and Bee glee. The lal aud .?J pieiiuum dogs of Monday, and Mr. Hutler'i 3<3 different breeds, will alto be ou ea hibitim. A Fruit Farm in a pleasant portion of New-Jersey is otlerrxl for sale iuoar advet-Uaiog columns. Know? ing it to be a good one, we commend it to the -iXen Uuu of all who think of mi eating in such property. -.*>-_ | Adva'ti?ein?nt. | Ar.KATi.? Bkkad. From ProfMior Slliiuiao. "Yalb Collrob. Ni* Hmv, Nor IS, 1M1. "I bira iing bo-n fainiiur with the pioccss of i?iakia| :a??d I: pit by ?etttion 'The .-on.:i ja in tim that t'a- proc??a of i?i-r??utsti>iu ia ? ?aectial ta ptep?re digestible bre.d, by some change .?ttrt-ted by It ,b tba starch globale*, i. effectually set asida Tfc? ?a lerleuox st the London Hotpltol sbowi (kit tb's A?rUo4 llresd u digestible ?vitbout iBCoi.reiiienc? by ?tonitrbs wbioh wLully raid?? fartuented biead Whiter, ?west*? U|htar. m, re njn-na bread, aud mora from a |iveo qutjtity ef Hour, la tuad? by tia ii praor? than by farmauUtiou while ?attie -nnfOBOn ?ad MU sb???aeo of si: dskler,?-. iak nraeeaennnnl .t stn nae ina N.afci?j m to? to r?4-eJt?lb?p?.ta?-k-c-rl'oni.:r?id ?espra la tba bakis* I have Mian t-U bread for a cuu.l-o.o'jla lim?, aad at mtar x-al? for many Bionlks, ?nd slway. with attiaftoUon. Dry toast mida from thil brasd hu s deUessy of flavor aet toar?! la any otJra? krrad I bar? tMtad. B. RlLUa-jl, Jr.? Tka-sa-TSD Bbbao t oMrariy are now preptsred te 111 onla-i 1er tba tb??e Baruo. in lug? or -mel! BBJBJJBbB. M thait Bakery "? La.'?: etta place, cora? 4tu ft. ? (Ad??r1is*.n:?nt ] Th>? 1 )tn;s attnetovd a big crowd at the Museo**. yeit*'diy, and s iplandid oolttcUoa tt Animais dM tkey aae. lo Du. s new lit of dlfferaut bread? ?sill bo tskwlied. milk all tas aawt ipettuieiii ef yMtatday'i raUeailos, tko j?rafltavn) dugi. |Ady?rtiieaMBl] Daily Victdrier by our Artnioa roako 00** BCM brlik. To learn waa! to engage la le tko kara! adiratrtja?, ebtala a careful r?r?vw*U>gi?>aJ BasrartoattjO sf ? ._ f i?ui h Waijui, Ile, Ml araeewn.