Newspaper Page Text
TUE8DAT, MAI 13 im TBlPIiE SHEET. NEWS OF i ni: DAY. THE WAK. ?A lar^e number of ?btacfaa nnivt-d yeet? rday moniiu?, at h edel fa kobari aiieot Una aUtdaBssBL Two et the pa. ti, veiy m ?Ikgi ni BlgnoBJ. BO einen employed by (len. l'un ha n agakfam. li ? y re: to Mut the Saonj'l forte,.?iiig bl front of U'-n McDoxvi li? uni' ?ta?ado conti unig prvviuiii reporin vi the panic iu Ki? hmoini. 1 Bej nay ihtt the pr ?v enlalbe Egdeeoool aod B?pttat churchesIn JBC Davis f.ud lie BMSSn id the Coniedeiitte BTSM xv? re eesitsed on Sunday, ami pr ?y? ra for ??eace Bad Ban y substituted. Into wajM a ?fsastttti pana '??"*?' from the weedaaad Bttnspttd u> bum ihn unir???! budge .ween tan lenkik Cn k. t>u. ?ere Inttrtttd fetttor design? i ?ettj al .ho ttbblB lan? watt anpened. Okkiakkkai to it"s antrito wa? iii? aadn al natokttaj, lbs ?aebel ptohett ibm?b| like niiep hiiiii-e I be licjaiei.l.ii.ri'. ? of Ihe Hum-, l.ig* t Cavalry. The work ol rebuilding the luidle >MVOn the kapi abuniio? I k pmeMSBaaj rapidly, the cn* reu? of bVsaJajwAabaaj kotaf quit? avenBattwfab anMadMaalalikaiqgsnaiij uf the Yankie troo;?. A hitter nn?l ma iriimit Iseeahn, n.nneal Dr. Ilona v ol Mallina?? Pint, M ?-pprt.1 cloie.I ye?U'.day niorn tag fay ndm of On kftifTu sll, efasagid erith bee? tag lA?>eii eniTHged in ngaadafa g gaarril b pirti-? aad taaftnaang l'uni, men i ,t ? nie Rebol muk*-. Tim b-my ? t lbs l? >>??.' illili ,|.|ve<l tlie i)c\xn of tie ?vacuai ion l-l Norfolk u'ul Um (letHriiition of the Bl?irimiiH-k ?k1 i!n ivii ! ni eiitiiiisiHsm. -The llttto iiexx? lr in M, Cl-Han's is that :i ? mpaiiy of the 0 h C.ix- ,lry bad Baobed "i (?? th? White Utilise, on ti s rninunkey River, In Diile? front Cenfaeil? i ?ken tOOt secured a lar?.-?. ? quantity < f wheat lad tera, Tim Keb? '? hud bnrna d the town Mid ta>rn up ile iii'?, Isolde dealt > i - ihe btwbja, i h? Hebe]? bad fateekaaed 'he river by aitii.iiia- ena ?From Ci.iiai tre t?*siii ibu on: fleet ou thi? M.? ainiipp? came out of theil la's iing,BftiBtoto untuirt. Cafi?Davis ?n in ???inn. ad, Oomwodon Poets bax in','gone home on a ,,.,], krgVO? C>|t. Btemhel, of the OiaisjBMil. ?n omi ?!? i Ti..- Bobol Ina k ."?00 or 4'ti ?. i ?led and x-, ou uni. Bellin eonnanded the lota I la i. ?Til?- li. tie1 eaaeen labra i ria s in han fana sol I? work .ugt, lae, ap lbs !.?'.'.iocn at Torktowi which tkn tolvn bad p ?tee? The} gieam d nod. i their work, bil tkoofleei la eboiRO tol-t thom thal the plaadag ef torpedoes was an ac m laid ?'? a iu the baeke of wriliged <arfare. Their aaxt ex? pencare xxiii fas ia Ita ii o? i magaxioee. --We publi?u |,,-ilav ad 1 ton ii nu ., SB ti til. ??;"?. and wonadad ?ilia. ?< aim ari'vrd fay the (kean Qaasa. AM weu* seal bom ?bo tn ie abai io stand ihe ftaigM of railroad tia? '. ?No new? ?aa received bon flen. Mi l ??Han ? army yoelerdey. ,s i as A the i-lexvol li ?? .M? rrinmc ?ha tbanrttd al l ig I o ia!, faed arrived to Ne?, New?. ?Two hundred sHghtly woaoded aoldtan I W.ii aamborg Imi ? left Baltiuinre fan eigbi i r this cu? bjBpecial tt-.i.n. Fbejanj ha looked ia bore about Ban tj-d??. ?Wepabltal M.j.-i'.-u. Wool's sateial report to fce?-n*taa_\ Sian'ou to ' ?? '?? ecu BgaiBB Mt link, a..ti Ihn Bmameltao of ihe llerrii.i ie ! y (he liebelt-, GENERAI. Miws. -In the Sante ?it? the rcsolirfo'i i i -ie noU:*c t) ai'jourii on flit? ! 'tb tan , w.ih Ink. u i j Mr Da ii? hvotod t!..1 Bdltaamoeot at tie til ? istsRaal a,aadaeeaa I the Ifcpablicatii ?,f j Mag Bieasurc? lb it were n-i? n-i .i tal iniqnitmu, and ni.xxin- and x? ! ia h fae 0 ?Id eooenl the wbok wtiite peaatalin of K ata ky to natal Ha xxiii. callid lo o lii-r l'y Mi Wik B of Ma?. , w? tiud the ? >> jfi Boaabta srsssk tobes Oawa, ?od denounced the billilla.' a- tun?, i ,r,ia Mr. Davis tnadt en, uptaoottao, ii r. !a. afog my tatood ? of aabag trea? ouaMe bat) saga, and H* the mutier drop] ed. The! tesBttttsa to ?>iij mm ?ma- toMsdL 'i ,?? 1! i ?1 ,.. \iformen met iiist ni^bl at d trans iicte.i i targa Barnool d matin tatatotn Aceeanaal? ration >,??> the CoOOBSl I ihs ('?"!?' .'?"ii ike members ? it they eeold legally a; point only .MCtammk otersof Deoao. Tte bebw? m lea Cn.? Tteorury oa tan 3toi ait ma *h:ioo. SB, Dortagthe mootl of ?\;iii tlie CMttoltar p?id lo it.7?'1 '..',.' - ,?' votantnrs, eonprtatag 31,961 adult? .ail cbildma iii ile IV?li. Vtb, Vlth, and VTIth .S,n.a1orii) lli.-i ??:-. ti g hum of $131 574 -ii t?einL' ihe balun cftbs mesad apeeepinttaa ef f MO, ?>' N ?. -At .. meet,;?' * of the Trniiiiiiny S ce'v, r.r CslantittB Order, held tan algbtttthatddwigwaa?, Onad avBtbow Waterbory |seelding. the loltaaiag BnbeM aren t'iiy Im liad: EUfatt F. Paidj, ?m* li. It, liebard Ii CooboIIj, John K. De?!ii:, .lohn Kelly, aDaatal Ii. D tavaa, Tiioniim Daiilap, DaogloB Taylor, JanMB II. N?c'ioIkiu, H'-nry Vrtii tawi i r. i,tid i'?.?? r lt. Bwaeaey. Qea, ?loi u A. Din aad ^lr. Edward Ceeenr wen ata?ed boebema. The netatj santa on the ?Wth i ? ? t-t,. l?eefMk?tMm. -I,-. - ?jinie' t,? a Belies ?hi I seam malici?os pesan taeested in otie at lae daily papenealbng ii|kiii lbs x?i?'ee of nil,lier.? BOW tt the war to meet at lae Botanaa ?uid rsasive their aasaoy n asaal, nanalkaadnd anana asnnbtad yaaterdoj norn? mi; at the jin.??? J- a 'i..a> ,1 'iiiix t.i meet with iii? ip i'iiiumeiiis, the loada apoeapriaett tar tbnfa r? !?? f haviu;? long ai?'ia ?-.? .?,aiett-ii. Th?*) crowd faSBH tin L.ii' abetethejwen attdnaaad IjtaellayOT, wti ? ssesaknd to lay theil ?mtavaaai bet?re the Com? mon Connell. Y'? BtefSaVy ixl- ibanvad by the colored j.eople in tti?? it.? aad the sanaaadknj MM u? a Jahitae, m liaai. r of lae ant of Enaocipattaa la t1 e Dtatrin ?ti Columbia. Upo .'.I I 't, )i pen ?ne ai-nenLled in tha (rooper Iueti'ute in ?bo eveaiog,, to whoaa ?peaektt ??r-ro delivered by Mr. .loi t Paterna, the Ciiauiiivi. the Rev? Beor) iii fslated Qaunat, I '? siga T. Downing, Waa J. Wiann, Vt* ?leatta McOrnn Smith. ai??i ch.i.o i*. Reeaaa? in'b' ti - .'venlaf tboanatbon o? Un aaw ('.??? ?>-r i Btavery tatty dM an aott wiib the'i fru?.d? of t: ?* C.i.iu? irtoa the lill ei c'udiui' .^.livery iron) il.e prea BlorfttanTl rn.-ub?. Hsbsm Ka-'togg uud .Sneiiia Id, ?bo bad i eci nHsd n; "li M tin* fii'-uds al the Mix, voted ??lib Mtonoa IdOVOj >y, Arno!!, and ?, wlufo ol Maweri (lotset. ?Tho Senate vttotordav fonliBMil Daatal .' Sickles a? BrigaalierGenawal, io dii'e fr..T. ? i ongi al app? intxeiii, aii'l J il u W. Hin! ol Ifea? York lir,a.'i!i Borgeoa, Feipasol Mania Hewoid n tatt In tanfsatiy ana | n Md to a anead li?e? tenancy of U,,. .',t|; j,, yf fur bravery al the taai'c of aprtajliM ?An BtUsnipt, wliich p.ov.-d partial' ?'i<ces?fnl, WM made on Buailay ny aev? ral armed men IO bid oap three negro?? ou lie faiahwaj Icidiiig to Watt? lagton. Out, ?f the neKroe. wa. tabea, and the olh era shot by tbn cowardly wr. "chea rK~TLe. PM!ldeni ?* K(''?<?*???-? IttBtta aud I Cham retortmd to ihe capita. 1^,, fr0In tliUr yi?i I to Norfolk. -A nephew of ex-Oor. Bnrbonr han bean ? '"? ! ^^?-??itattan^^ ?Walk B tt.OOO Mitty, M ll?e place of T. P Trott, who line fil ? d lae potitin I r ib.- last H r***? Bat. Tr.'t ?v..s n-d.p.'?"! to a |l,?fjaW oflice. Tke BMBSJB Mai laated autel talk in und out of tie DupaiBaa? \ -cbo'.i.ei lean alta ntttakjuaiwaakaraedm Ike WStar'aeaBfe i.t PI i'a.le phi.? lu?! i'ii-'''t. Suerai ku-ft m-.pis narr?.\vly e?c?|?'d de-Uutiiou. The ship Crey E t?-'e Wtt dun-aKe'. -The m dk f ? lal "I*, by t''? Ht.-anisbip Amen cn. from Boston, ( W at the New-York Popt-O?i? o at ??] o'cl.ak ?! kaltoinn. ?The bill fe- ?be coll? rtioii of direct Uxes in the i: eiirreciioi?.ry uambi? BM BMB d y.eierdsy iu the Beasta Hit Ummti mmtm BBBBpeH Wa C. Terry ar? med I?Jleieui etcu-ii.?- tr? B aNe\?l?eni will, a lar,;? number ef F?ck mid wound? d soldien from lluiu ??dc's D?vif?oh. ?.Mr. I?.? Iit'le'r. hill, lavin,; a tax upon Reliel pr-.j? rfy. to aid in di f? ay in?*, the expensea of ihe wai, an i Baaed in Ike Seaaie yeal, rdejr. BI.AVERV I". TUB TBKRITORIKN. j The ?BUXdiPg ??! " t'oli-erviitivH" Members of: Canfina ou Satin day to dens.? flin vtaya and' nu an? of arrcitin?! further Aiiti-^lavory action ia the Capital wa? dualities? influential in ex?*--! ditin?: Hie pn?sage at, ami peihnp? in ?icr.-aa iii)' the ma* >nt) f..r, Mr. Love?..)'? biil prohib? iting Slatvry heno-loitb in all present or pros? pective T( rritoricR al the [Jailed suit?*. nmt\ l>"dy of that bill is in these few but compre? hensive words: " ft" it evu, t- i, efc, TI a? Si iver?' or ir.v lintary ' ?cr? iiinle, in all disc? ??vliiit?.?.-?. r, ? ?mir ilma in pim ?hu,eui ti .rim.- ?vheieol .!?. |ui1v shall l??av?? i beeadah eeatkrtod, ekell tost'tttrrtk .f??.? and i?e| 11 ?I ii it?d laic?'.; ia all Ike rerrl ?jjarka el ti ?? United S'utes naa ( xi?i in;.', or leiea:'er lo be, ?u :.. inn?; I in any way. ' 'Ihe decisive, vote?Yeas ?K, Nu?* BO?.?as ftJffj nearly a p??rt) cue?that in. ihe Republicans tot the ill; the I ?riia.cnitl and Horuer-Slatc ' nit n Bliailist ?t. Ihe l.'cpill liBBM therefore! ove nulbbbkiajiBMUiifa ti licuara, Jeir. Dsttt] tV Co. fur the coveted opportunity t" pa?i Hu? b.ll; as., but tor tln'ir S?'ct-.r?ii>ii, there would attTC been a ?Bala majority ol' ten to tv*??11y ?ote? in the llmiBi? maiu-t it. '1 he Ser a'c. Bia pr-sume, ?? 'i roneur, and thu-j iircclud?* all i.i.'iasitj b?r iiKiiation on u ?ub,ect ' ??l.ii'b har loi g ?juwagk di?idcd and dii>t(ii.-ted t'..; coimliy. It v.ill doiihil??? Rrnfil) our ' OlkMtirtBtiTtl" Inonda to perc-i?e tint nothing i? Fif?! of Begraee, nor of any peealiar ?tatala or rae??, in tin? lill. It res!? on a broad priu-i c pie?Ike principie that etory inoofeut man ??'.?na his own brain and BhtBttB, and is the iv'iitlul poD.i?e?.r ii ??hfit"?er they may hou ?-l\ : nd BBBiBll| p.(, indee? he ?rXS fit to M'll bir? ex?rti)ii? or th? ir product la BBSM one elie. Thii priiiaiple Mr. i.ovejo-,'i Mil prontrMs lo recognise and m furas, ??? tai as lea I'edeial jurisdiction n?;ht tully extends, le.uinj? to lo,, al Slat? a ? lU-Jin??' re.iilution o! t!i?-ir own IBiTTUBI ?polity ie-p..,:i ?ely. >Iitr?,lnntl and ?DelatTBM BM Slave Mates?Were s.*? In'ore they uccedrd t. ti?, i '.?u.U. and did Bet, by their BeeoaatoB, I inten?', ?aot atip?jate ?to luneader their en-iu-j live Bontrol orei the lubjeet within their ???? ern] limit-,- bal the inkibil m ?I Sleretj m the leiritone? iiad been ?licreed by the L'oulmen til (on., ros?. Befan the ('oti?tituti(.ii wa? adopted, oi ?".?ii ? ouij.leifd, ??ith lb?' n??et.t ?>l Ike .Iel?'.; .te? from tue l.ici blute Stat?-?; and t , -i p..I e? ?-.;.? ??.nil alter iii.onui.".iely re anrand by the fir?t Federal ?Ceekfiaai m lae act ci.iilir'i.ii;?,* lud adapt st] IO the phrase..a.,?) ?f Ike Federal Con t.tution the bjuflwrtal ?Or? i ; .n ce c1 17-7. Of ibe in'eot of thal Onl. Baattr. ti.?* praeeBt Hou?? bill ia Uo logical THE Mil 1TIII1 i> TUB BOCTII WEHT. If a Krcat batt..- tins not airead) taken place, BBS ?? undoubtedly iuiiMTidiii?-; in the Beifakor b.H.l of Ces?Btk. Washa ni?.n ??as bl.,..j, in? deed, ?BTstk illinois yesterday of disaster to the UBBBJ arms, hut our H?spale?* a-? ure u? ih it the only I?, 'm. ii' n m for them wai the tact that Pape'l aii?!.iic?* ?.iiard had f.,lbn bp? k upon the main body, followed by liiauri-?-ard, BBB, in his turn retired on ateas*] tho formidable forte opposed to bim. How BJBBJ IkMB tv??? ain.ii", iii.inbir, wa, BB ?ike me band, ia not kio??, and on tiic other, ?o fnr us ??.? ar.? liiformed, we are iu?t at liberty t.i state, lint they ure, we bi heve, neariy eaaaft (?jual to make ihe laaflkl, when it ron..a, ?i retj lee? peratv one. Conteiidiii??* ?Btatitaa, iiiori-i.v? r, Will ('(?iid'ice to the BUM BBB. On the one side BMBl be Ibe kiiowl.(l|'e oi the desperate rnnrtitieB ??! ti." Co .led'-rat? c.iuee, for, thdiigl. the army may no1, und probubi,? do net, l.uow that V?rkt!?>Au ia ????( uated, .NoiioiK lurrni.ler.'d, the M.-rrnnac u riiined huik, and Ike Kibel army in lull retrest li oin \'iie,iriia. th.'ir leaders know IkeM ?act?, bi.d ??3ttjatBltall4 the loi lorn etae f?. wl ich Iheir l?.it'iii?h I...?,, (u a n. ll'it ? n our ?ile, the in.ble and i?i-rs.-.teLt Baanga ?JteabjtJaJ by Um am.) las the held tri Shiloh vtul be revmlied and animated by a coimciouiiu>? that iBecjsei Baa will ct'ish the re?.? Ilion li I n und there, that ?ictorj muit scatter tho lu.ce? ot BaBBiafBt*dJ i.eter to unit?' akinii in BBJ li'iiiudabl? uri..?, aid BHBW, knidn, an en-y (.M'ltbrow ni Ifce flying ?nny in V.rirni?, rut oil, at last, fr?.iu all succor Iroiu t^.e f^tptttii. ?:uch lecui to be the probabilit??, though the r^>sbibilitie?, ef cour??', are othertvi,*. Bat Mea ?hou'd rnaur?i,iu(l ?.aiii a ?.ctor?, H B?I itily ?M h U'iii'M.iur? ? -uc ?ne, Ile eau, ut D"rt, only ma,i,tam his pr?tiM lor a lillie while, till by Baw con.binaiioiih ol the Wertern d?lierais, and new dml'? ol streiglb the North, an irresistible i..icc run ti: ally be pie ? ip.tiite'l ?.; ?.ii I ?Bl ii?il M.,.tt>r his loiccn M di i??? tUiii into Ike Oitll of Mesien. Tke ciliiiitiou ih i'uil of I.opt, wlutcti-r mo) be the immediate remit, and even ol that Ikara i? tei) littk) reata.,? lor laBJBg au) other than a uiost cheer!' I ? W. ?Ail.uni.' Ike ?I. m ol iiiitieei li o.n Ne whian, N. 0?i which we print tim mornm?*,. will be found ?lae report of Mr. Vincent, Superilteiident of tb?? Ton-, which ia ?le.ei vir,?,' of ipeeial attention, ni ?liowini;: I. The humunity sln.wn by our army to ward the of l'ebels, some ot wiitin are at tbia moment in the bouthem army. II. The destitution which prevail? through? out ?hs Hoot h ero 8 ta toa. HI. Th? ntkpiaott (o loara wharji, ii ?Timxrd by tim s-lf-ennttipipn.'-d ?lave?.; the a?rviro ron? deritl to aal anny by the tuen, in buildiiii- for 11 lie ?lions, bridges, and r-iMtruoting other pub? lie Works; Bud till? ub'l ty of tin women to mpaart tbgaagalrea alter having been u hv. day? ititlrn our lues. ?Mr. Ci-ljer ii igggffeiag of great praise I for tho aeir.?acnficing zeal with ivLich he hi? performed tho aiutiou. di,ti.? ot |?m ( Hice, ?meo ti? battle of Newberr, without puy or oinoluinciit of Buy sort. Iii. BgBeafa for con? tributions of h,..p.tal ?top-? and old eJothie| ?h"iil?l meet with a lilxral rejamie at tin* North. M??i ? v ijraj mi i trnm A III KI.MT IA.*! PASTOR. Monseigneur DaeanleaB, Cathalifl Bbhef ti Orleans, I ratir?', bal recently oddreiiod a pii.toral li'tt.T le the clergy of hu dio?.?*?-', ?herein be treat? of tiie civil war now dia tracting this rouutry, niil it? inritini{ eau*?". Ihe Tu/it-.t (l'an-1 giros the billowing lumuiury of the material portion af tin. letter: M Uta I r'liw't. _ thal I.? ?ill tike no j._rt in th. l_in.iil?ble H-iarr?; wl.ii li now ,li?iue? tie I , in d Slat?. Mjr. Pupeti Iiiiii turne np th. rlrtamiUBCM of i'la ?Tikirr '.raie, be li.?a ter?Ila ' .. impmkW ngUOm. .'?? unit Ogtt?t mealHirt pro l> ..?I .?1 ii .?li, le.! ||.) I ongre .J to -an an tnd I* Siiwuy, i-iine ii'.. 1, in 'le f gee iii. pre.- a.- lenna: "li ia tin ?n?t lime ?ruin -tot] yean tlikt !h? r??iral pi.wer I... ?d p."! ? .1- 1 ? J I. ot C'.ii-iiet lo til. mailer, in. 1 Iii?! it In. . pa ii trie BaHn naie.ii lu a tl|- runt rd- rt tiamat ib? ?v T ' ? q n- ?mi. lli?r.fare, nula..' feal-g t- lilli.1 -te.t i- eil ..a'l e.i.i.d a . ? ?'?p 111? beer nitli? e 1 ? I: a ii I* 1 - I.. .? ,.., lliel ia ia ?ii,J.'I, II.I Illi.ll?? I r ui. .? f ,1.1 M '.- ?,? 'i n?.t(to la.v li...!'1.1' He ?i-? d'un 1. fe a? u mttrmrk?Aktp*tt?*eat*m . -y vhuh n,..,i t* an! ntlt ?tafe*- /-?.'' Tb..'. ?..?.j ?'?? te Ibr I ?-j! i\ i?.(!.in, M|r. I>np?i Imp cora lat? sand t. head lha p ta lett of Hnery, ami Mnatastoa i'j ?I n ga,: lha t ! m .?di ii ?i >. o'ti i I linn li a'La Ko, bnil?, -lu ?ii up ii, 1 C1 lhaSt!) a t?r lb- BMSI ii ?lion nf li ?> _SSn in Um ir?udi folian-, iii? Gall-rib ChaKb taBetaege Jr/ii..,, i uti tmara ttaaarg t* taot*tow*tmt**t ifmrro't nt,unod ?'? tlir prtOt .'r'umriit u/ (A it? ni tt - '??, fi rrrr mmmitaiak I tmmmtgm prtoi ee ?it 4t ,, t,i ,,i.i,..j real Ufe ia iiBS] M Ihnk-eatwayaheeo ti.. BeaBBnsf-ta ( theil?'(t-ireh, wr ?pi laeii ti*, eui lit to*? '! I.y Mgr. I'upti l< up ' that .hi? lev?r. Slavery ?li.a,Id ti l.n|'.h ..i th. . i?: I.-i ?..??-r? of til. C1;tia!i?n wi ? .1." 111. I'.?l np lim? Lal r 1 li: e )..a I .[. I to til. I it?, rat Ion o' ' et or. ii. A mel ii? bu. lu nui le laur ii|? b? ricliimi inler u i all,.? ' Al?t ! .'. r?. er. rot the tal) people ,-iipr*M?d Tb?re art i nin.tilpa pt. ti in Korup?, I -r ; V.? ii an li r'. i.rf Hint M a !' 'uni 14 t? ii ?; .k(n? a? ,,. i. i?| pre?. "U .ii?*?, U'-J. r ? lilli. .,,. (Ml ?un. ui ian a ,?? ei ??li. Pal nu..I' I ? I .a!. ? ? v. r re-It n i, v a. I.' ? , M I I ? I . I deplmr lil I d B Ilot I v?. . able la IM te) Bill ?.d if n,4 li? %t -ii'!., ?.nil? leaf v? lib 'I,, t.. ? et t lad I " i 1 <?? ?-' -,,.. I' - n'l ri. lo f**e I'llui'in| ? t ? a? atna ot ed rt .ni I?bar (?? tjfatteg eeka am, ait team mamtmm ?anaI tatiiakt ktaaaatatf I'I. ??'... t 1 w.. .Id ila ... eli., ,1 MBBBB, I ???.lil ral ? n y v ?M . 1/ 1 , ti, al) I'?? I ?Bl ?l lee t add.pu ii J pi ...i lo (tod." Wo thaiik the Dudtof rifbl heaitily for th??e generous ard I?M*] words, and heurli'y wi.h they coull be brought hoii-e to every CatholiP ii. tiri ('minti.., ?inte hy MOB are the) murs ur nonti? Beaded. That the c itboHe Cbarab ia aaa? er.ii ?tanU np|io.ed to Silvery i? ptBVed bl the I Mull of Pane G-*fa?fJ XVI., and runtiadicted : by no nut ln-iitic utlenitne. We ??uro I.? In vedi that u Pope <-?''ititi'ii.iii?4-d the .chi'uie of La? j Ciisn?, whereby BeffBOB from Africa wre ? riKinally broBgbl to America to leplaco tin I nd nu.? whom ??lavery wa. rapidly destroy tug; but nts t. La? l'usa. MOfbl the Popal raacttaa for his ?. beato?, bot, Hamgh he 44 a? li-t.-ned to with a mapee! and utlentioti (Jin- t4i hi.? rharSfter find bia l?t?i;.-4!? lent inti-lit, it.) hate BO g1 ?dei,.-?- tint hi? pluu wai n ed. In fart, web In re that the em? inent Pope Leo X. ?.th ti;.! it .?n one ol th< se in.-i-a.ant Htt? t-, mal ont il.-vils by iW-e-lze bah arhieh always seen n plaaaibb al the out ?I, a?,-) .il-ai?" ?" boleM in the aient. It i? (da ined tor lha pggOB| that it ha? mildly but .teaUfa.iiy resenbotedlhagriataal reducing finnan BeiSfl li g1 .Hals, ?u.d vi'- do lint Mg th-t ti.n ? :.?:ui hu? Ih-i'U ii.'cestliilly di.puted lu America, bOWOfgg, ita iofOBOgg over it? votane* ha? not been exerted io accordance with rU piiii'iph? I?.itching Slavery, or it hsi bein ix.Tied in vain. Spain and Portugal, winch are recefgiggd at Horne u " Moit ' Catholic" and ?'Most Faithful," hare black eaed the fairer ball' of this enntineut wuh ne ?r.. beaaagei and, Ihn gh mai of tim ra.t region has t???en shaken trio by re.i,lulu.miry Fearabieae, lim/ ! remain. .Uvebolding, ?hilo! Bpg-d_b Caba ia UM only pottisa of ('briateii do ii in vklni'h uii.'i' alter e.-i:Kii el bondintti ; nckily iinpi.rted trniii Africa continue to I..? ?old. In tl.ia rouutry, we plgfg to ?a- the Catii.d e ('burch is today Iba s?ron|iett bul.j 4tnrk of Slun-ry. It? p??nodical?, v. betta r pub-, li?bod in the Pr?t' it ia the Slate St ?it*-?, are (mili am iiniiieiit eseepttao) Pro?8Iaror]?that is t?i ?bj, they .-peal, ai.u get, ead i-domtbefa laaden to i";?', gtagbel] s? the .-iaM- ponai ?mild bare tin-in. Tbeiv tdergjr, ma barn good I reama io inter, inapotbita v?nh iheir Jenraab ;. and to th ? hour 44- BBfOf i-'id the postoral ol an Ainerican Cal belie Biabof \4h.,b pointedly I cond.ti,neil .-Inter}. And, r.s h mattirol .-? ma, Ibe great bod) al Ibe I'atbelie l_ify are, ia tb ; slav? state?, nr-tiv*. and bitter bocantaeiete, ? tilla lu Iba Irte State? lb'y c ill tbO-BM Ive? Dciiiocrnt?, ainl b> that si^-n 1 ffom-, impede,I einbarru??, rwiy oi'orl, e4ery mftratioa, to r.d 1 ..ur coii.itry of tie gfeatsst gri?e ladib-UBel ni the Kiaebraath Ceatary. "Ah: but the Coii.titutioi , jon l.i'.eiv ' ' 11, Itoraogaa au Bpelagbli vti.o La? been baiaad to talk of iho Cm,?t.tulum ithi-ii be BMBM and 1. g1 work for the //iftitutitir.: " Wo ild jm 'hato amu! BOB unlailhlui to the Comt'tution I" Why, y?'u j'?'i g nea indiriduBl-?rappmiagj )<>u not to i?.- .1 BoaaetaaB baam??--aera tba Caaatitatbn reqaire ?my aaa to trial aefrmel 14?tb ii 11 -( bli 1 ?un and innv?.Ty ?ml insult ri|iht lure m the l-'r.,- i-tata? I Due? the Coaatitotioa omotndg ant- one t?? rofaral employanat to cr pbAmm t?. gfork beaida ? i-luck man in ?Tori hop ni fn-Id, or io lit bin ride in a pab-g omToyaaoel Den lbs Coo? ?titiition c inii-i you to dn.y tu BegfOOl Uta riL'lt to bro in ii'ino Trrr BtatM and tito ri|,i,i tO tule in many num.' li 1? tin- >;nrU ol -larery, mi rampaat and ernei rigbl here m Nea ?oik, tint ??o raprnbatej und thero 1? BOtbia| m th.-Federal C'i mjci.-r. winch r**??titrea ; ui to oner i-ti ti.-. '1 be |gfj liiut.-.l uiipu! <? 4i!,,rii nabal bob g .,?4? hobler and .t leen anani la Georgia ?r Alabama auhn anotbera ? Begro*batoi and an . deeeato ? ? ipm i??i bbi mm calorad p'-r??'ii- m Mat N-'itii?in-L ?? Lim glggrai Bgaiael "Niffgf Eqaalilf, ' gad try t?? .iist'li the bread ni hines! lalor liin tin ' int'iith ol til? ]iin.rl sfaalid fagiti'M fiiiin i'ii-' lia.;' Ii'-mIu;?- iii Virginia. 'i li?* la?t Cgtbolto jo i. .a' we "?>< in-d i-t.niuias u lucan, (MWA'Jiy tirado u^aiost the mru and wotueu who hine gone doit ii to the Carolina Set Jilauda tai teach the poor freedaieu of tho?-? island, ttiu rud-iu.hlt i-l evlucfti.vju ?(id ui Kil-Juc*.r.ii industry. Who that ever rend the Now Tea? minent con fail to realiyo that such a tirada und Cbrietianitj' aro as oprM???to ai light und darkin?? I |fe writ?' with no hopo of ?fTocting any ??a ???iitial improvement. O'connell, in the fullness of his |(ivxi?r, ujipealcil in vain to hid country - nn n bj hirth ?ml itllow-Cntholir? in this coun? try . ?'ntr??ati'ig tin ni to coin-,? upholding Slave? ry. Tbi influence of the grogibop? was stronger tban etna Ubi ami the grogshop? were mid an? till? of Slave Democracy. I'lti nately, American Catholics will hutvjr the early, l"iiil"?r, uiiroiii'iroiiiieins* foe? of Aoierican .Shvery; at preiieiit, it i? more popular and |>rofnablo to stone tln-m. So Huronean Cattail ?Una nni)?t vindicate tim ancient Church from tbe reproach of hearing with indifferco the groan? of the oppressed and panning coldly by, with the Friest arid the Levito, the spot \xinnre an enslaved and bmtalr'ed race cry iiiightily lo God for deliverance. PnAftEft OF flit: (OTTOX C-?LT?RR. The careful itudcnt of commercial and man nfactiiring indi:?try know? many of the great staple? cf the world have taveti wibject to extraordinary Di uta tiona. Not mutations of prie?, but rev.-Intion? of loe.;.tion, by beni", rooted out from one country where tl.ey hud been dnmeritiented lor centuries, to be p'antcd and to fljiirii? in otben where they ha?l be?*n previously uiikiiown. The time waa when indigo wa? a ?triple jtoiIu,?! of -onth ('nrohna, of winch many tuns wire annually exported to langiind, where ita reputation surpaned that ot ail other?. The ??land of Hiijti nuce ?lipllied tai world vxith co'lce. Kurojie once I,??,kid to India only for line. But rn-e, intro duied by acca'ent into Smith Carolin?, in it fi'W year? ilrovo indigo out, while it al?o OZ? polled tlie nee (? Inda 1mm Hurnpe. The revolutionary hurricane which drenched Ilnjti m blo4?d, dintrove'l her monopoly ol' the cofi'.e cultiire, and it became domesticated in Brazil. As Ilayti permanently loot if, so Brazil has j ermiinently reta.ned it. Kice in Carolina, and cuttern in Brazil, are Beta exotic?. But these change? of locality in the production of the great sUplea were nut itf.vted suddenly. Haiti, it 1? true, lo?t Bee ?tante! at a blow, but T?.azi waa y cara ?n bringing her idaiitatii'iiB into tanring. The j*reut fact i? ti-xerthelcaa apparent, tbkt Be? idei.t or con- ; vulsion may deprive a country i-f it? leading ; ataple, and that when tfJCB lort, it may never bo regain?^. Kurope. f.?r a twelvemonth, ha? wntched the vnnili,- B?tante of tbo Slaveholder'? I'ebelllou with liverish anxiety. Bal t? ?unpitli .?n wen- ' not xvifh Liberty but Witb Cotton. But in tin latter It baa failed to (UoOBt-f t.IO bat', n - dence of sjmpu'hy f.,r it? --BtltatiOB of the gnat sta, le. Oa the iti.trnrv, ihangh at lint I OOBTi-t-j nil?! c?j"le.l, ?t hu? tinnily beci'ino un ii|,|iit of tbe t.?. .ist lletaenhilfsj hatred. Eu? rope, the .North, iva? to be c.?creed by , Cotton. If it wi re rbocked at the atrocity ol'j the ?tone bb'cksde, it ha? leen even more con-j founded by the determination of the Hebel? to deitroy their Cutten, rattier than that it aboubl reach Furope through I'nion agencie?. To this ?u?*c?*reded the action ot tbo UeBol Cmigreis, J dirtctmg its nrmy hj burn it wnerever lound, ! Bl if distrust!?! ti the cott-n-?acriIicing nerve of the people. Tieri came tbe popular reconi- j to plant no more; and, laat of all,, tbe act of the Hebel I.eglantine ot A'ka,.<.?.*. its'H-sing a tax of $>V on every bale winch any citizen of that Mate might be ?uflicieiilly en? terprising to prodace. Hay ti lo?t her eoffo**| mone|roly by misfortuoc; but the Cotton States' coi'iinit deliberate ko,.ade. Hump?-, ni. 1 cpe-' Knglaud, may well b" iii.l.giiniit at their, unyielding railinc??, their unmat? lied maoleuce, ' tbe.r iinappeaiab'e ruffinniim, and maki up her ii.ii ?I that na vvi'li them the cotton mon.?j?, ni} li apparent.) dead, so it in.?! look else nbere for I permanent NBaJj. na MBJ??] Km a return of cue n Beni? ia mit of the BBaB? (ana? Het ???-' industry ian anbmit to no aaeh diaastroua iii'erregniiiii a? tl.e cotton giovver? have del In ia:. Ij . natcd. Tbe riitl?'i..->" .iceLiuu'af? a li..! ah.? hug at last come to lin? a . !'.*..? . fat M ,n /.nirr Cottatt ^u^ifily Rtyartor tor Mar? h aajs licit " apinner? and inai.'.itaclurci? are coining lace to lav.?' xx iib tbe Mc, ?i.i'tie? of their Mat? ' tan. Tie la?t Itageriag _C?pea ni relief lioiu tia- l.ln ka.l.-d Anuri.-an ttOf are dj,n? away; nial ns the iteek of Ann r.can ut l.ueip.,.1 v*..?'i!d only tee.I o?lr li ,11s '< r i, tew ?reeks nt fe ji(?-..t re lue. ! r.e ni vvnik?i?*, tin? on.j alN-ii.atnti to tin ?r entire stunpfkge M botB| adoptad, asea before abeolule tu.aaity cm* (n U, 'li,?*..? if at. ?v ii. .at ce*.re t. de-,1 gently vv-tli tin- leal li i?mii?L'i'iMirai 1 Iroin the Mute?., '?(?ii tie allemr-tm- i-r,",'? Im objectioBable i^nn i.mi,v in, 1 supfraaefa. A? ti..? practical knetnleeM ?.f (-?ana cotton In?mbum tnoie Itsor? (uglily t'ett':!, ,?'iiia? i.,iii?o?eil f.r an arriii-d at; and every record'?I in?u.., ?? m ina?k.-d Bticia-H m it? niiu.uiAi-furi' WBartl an (?dditioiiiil Bainelua to ita c n?( ii?|t?on. ' 7/i? lillimur txetserei timi ?hea bri port, nu- Benia ?'|>. M? ?I, He targe ?'rie- ut l-l-l-.', novx ta ineu | Hutu | at Ilnii'lia'. will Bare attained ., ?.finin ; bo1.1 mi *i,e iimrket, because of i ? antaap ited (apersof rnsauaoee, It ?aya fat !.t?t yeal I 0? ^land paid li..I .1 ?J-:.,i" 0,1 co tor th< d.rt and lulniRh ? ?'. 1,?.lily ?mil ?.a tofmi. Vii?i e'.lort '.iii been malle lu lenniy lb-, BBjfJBJJBB, ?Ul'l Hl?t li. pinpi., a,li as it - leilledli d W ill tBl Induil BUB?! ?nfc.f. re ",V ltd th.- Ault faull. But' - , s ,th ?II tin? .iliitiiliit ol dirt ulai rabbis-l, : 1 1. i laeaiaetry im? bbbb no iniapi xvitinn a year c? to bo able readily to ?U*-aa. 'Ibu tl.e IfBBjfiia .'I' tb" r?i!t..ri ?Milture Inn,, u.i... rg,da-m ci.'.! rta] nti'i iij!|."i!eutiy viftl c1 ung? m witbi.i a rar] anaf neiiati. Wini in lus-ure m Ihii cmiitry ia to be, BO mnn cun ray. It' BBfUjan et,?lent thal ?I" |u?t ji-aricrop' will a.? ,1.1 by ila- inii?i,,, h who .ontrol ii. ami that tut litthi Wi'l le giovxn ?he ptwaBIll na in m the Cottoa JBrnita. I? la trae that Iboaeeaee af tnaikala af ?e.-.l h.ixe bina iii?tnb -?bil ami : g |!.- firmer? ol tin lue Slat? s, who v.ill largely cultiv?t?' In? plant, n.-iiij of xvhoin xvill iu?v.-?'d in making lien,y crops. How far thii ? (?ort niiy compensnte for tbe duli ciency whiiih ia certain to bo re_li/.ed at the rjeutli, ruwut-i? to tu r.ui. ?lut uo iumod pi-, ist?, oitbor indnstnal or climatic, to warrant a prodiction of Its provieg a failure. Northern grown tabacco lias long foea a staple of high repute, and sugar and tnolas?ea are evidently taking similar rfir.k. Moreover, it ia an extra? ordinary fact, to revive which in public memo -y required a rrisii like tbe present, that the i?--?ki now known as the Middle States was I B the origil ni seat of tbe cotton culture. Tin I region introduced it, and from this the South ndoptod it. It wns grown in Pennsylvania, New-Jersey, Delaware and Maryland, not only in garden patches, but ia large tield?. Thence it spread southward, tbe ?South even then, s century ago, obtaining all its machinery from the North. Hut it was found that grain and other product? could be raised to botter profit in the Middle States than cotton, while the latter could be produced more profitably in the South. Hence, as the latter extended ita cultivation, the former abandoned it. Thue upon our con? tinent the great staple hua once changed the locality of production. The rebellina liai ?et the people who inhabit the original seat of the ! culture to thinking whether it cannot be I changed again. We have elmwn that other ?tapies baie ?uddecl/ initiated, and it would be uiinafe to say that the energeto race which has now* taken hold of the enterprise will lu.. 1 in oin-e more domesticating cotton iu too mid , die section of the Cn ion. Cotton may for ; years maintain a high price, and thia high price will stimulate Aim-ncm enterprise over , this wide region, as o* ergetically as it is now stimulating india aiii all the tropics. A sinai , cottou crop wus last year thoroughly perfected at Camden, in Delaware, and in many place? in Mat ?State and Maryland cotton bus been ontinuouely and ?ui'cestfully produced. South? ern Illinois is not .rion-iy cor genial lo its trow b, and there it will this year be culti? vated on a gi, anti? Beale. At pr?'?ent it will pay lulinitely better than any ordinary crop. It" the liebelt should ??urn their entire stock now on band, price? would ri-o for a year or two, eren beyond tinir present unuxiial ligure, holding out even greator mduccineuts t<? Northern cultivator?. Cp to March Iftit, the change effected in the relative consumption of American and Indian cotton in K'iglaud waa most rgmtie.iut. From .'an. 1 to Keb. H, ?m%\ tho quantity taken by tho trade amounted to T.l.uiA) bales ot American; but in the corresponding pernal of 1861 it waa MaVSMi ?Of Indian cotton the trnd.? took, in the same period this year. Kr.? dad bal?*?, against only l.',:,00 in 1811. Toe facts ?how that it is po??'blt? to aubsiituto other cotton for ours. l'or the week ending lib. 'J7, 1B?)-^, the total import? at Liverpool were D.'.'TS bal?'?, of wh'ch only ?SM Win Ann ricaB| and flrMB .Ian. 1 to the latter ?lato the import? were ?135 r?7 bales, of which BSdj (,616 were from tin? coin.try, though for the MU Bsrrfstl in J.-?*i 1 the import of American was (ila,1)71 bales. These figures show con? ciliai? ely that Ki.uland already tinda other conn tr op pouring iu supplies to mahe pood the de from this. It ia evidoiit that the cotton-gruwiiig countriei of (he world arc ???rambling for the prize which they believe tbe ? .util bal tbruvvn away- li? ?eSaSaaa ?a ?? ? . believed that the ?'n g.le with rebellion would be brief, ni.d that compramiso or acknowledg? ment would apeedi'.y unlock the cotu u crop. I'hi? uncertainty induced hesittncy iu the race ol' competition?a fall in pine, coase.iuent on a iiettlenieiit, might occasion heavy Instes among grotvers. Hut the Im g ?trug^le. Ile? determination of 'the buutu to dc?troy the eiisting crop and to cultivate uo more, have given cnufideoco to competition, and ita result* aro already tis.ble. Ail tb??' phase? of the cotton culture have Battened ?titbiu a year. Another one will de'ennino ti e | K.'-uf ?(tierivu whether the South, hiving ?ol i.niar !y abandoned it? leading 11. nie n t ot wealth and power, eau resume it at ?BataaBtia Hut ii it should permanency lose the prize, let n? hope that in the im .-at reran 'al ? an i.ui* the nut.on? t?> ?eenie it, the akill uni ?iiidi.stry ot ?>ur o?vti people i'lhali'ing the Middle States wiU be (.jual to the task ei ttUakf, the lion M ?hare. 1 Unt a?o>mplished, and cultou ttm* ?eas?' t?' I?' BCi'tioUitl. Tbe bil giving bount'it to s? ?diets, wh:ch ps m ?I tl.e Senate ?e.tirday, appropri?t?-.? .-??i,i ' i. for that purp?.?e. It is ni a.'.*?.r .lauc?- tke act authorizing the employ - BBBStt ot -.?'Int,teer?, ?>a?-"?l ni July bit, a sec tiou of which .? at BJ ???wh: ?s. S .l;,l I e ti Jue' * m,,elad Tim? key vulunleev ?b I li ?? l ? nvrivnl i le lie ?.-i?ue . t lae I ii r,l M?'e. uni)?' in ut ?i.ii ?in.i raaf to waaadad ?" uiie a lae ." .1.. 1 n lil? ?r i . B, -.. .1 I BIB ? I I ' UM ."I. M. u It n I,,ve de, , a? at?? b?. ? . -r.l p Mappa dttakkrU la Iks legitlarserptce i Mad Hil ?al ?? li lira ,. ni'.l .. I I in? Irgvl hells el > eli as d" i.r liny de kill ?I li MT SB I? nil', Inn lu lil ?. i?.? ? pi) anallawaaan?kail raeMvetkesenaf eb?'. Tke ?Saaate al?o aaaaai tmAmtt bill ???ster da?, which i?, in ?fleet. K b? utily to ??Idler)?. li provide? for tli?* iviihseatitm mi sale of teal estate in l'ebel Statei where thor* i? a tmlure to pay lea tax there.?n, ti..? result of wlncb inn?' be to tl.rnw a lu'ge .j utility of tarni in the Smith! n State? into uurk.-t. It is au im? portant BMatBta, and, UMiiild u bei-omn a la?v, v ill te nviiiled of, ddibtlesi. when the war is o??r, by tho"?,-)!!)!* of young men now in the lin? Bj uriny. K?cry one of them will bo .. practical Atiti-S'avory mi?,.unary, ami vu!. Ban| a atti civilization, with the lisjlai ti free ?ml honorable labor, free speech, a frc. press, the tree ? and a free Church, ii* r ? ? tie benighted, but rich and btautitul. IwftM which oliver? hitherto lia* BUIW d and blight*?!. Tlio Seiiato ye?toi?liiy d.d an Oil ti ??"M'I' justice, tlioiiuh by a mejor.ty ol' tta) "n,'? ? coiifirmiiig the nomination ti l?ani??l K. Sickles a? a Briaradiar qaaaral Oaa. MbUm ?le?er? commendation tor two restons: He ha* mi? B light in? brigade, ami be ha? BOt pcimitto.i it to be deii.orali/ed and turned aside from m pr-iper duties t?. aid slaicliui.ters iu eatobiiu runaway Wo bare heard of BaSM Hood lighting fr- m the m.n he tmiued as Sol dier?, and ?hou'd be bo restored to tbe nine cominaiid, at he ought to be, and a? we bop. be will, tee l'??eelmor llrigade, wo are confi? dent, will tight noa? tau worn for having thai. old loader. TERRIFIC CONFLAGRA TION ON lI?Z l a m The northern portion of Central Long lalgra, ? i ig Friday, .Saturday and Sunday laat, was ti? ' of a couti ?gr lion unparalleled in the open -oi.nlr. ^ the seaboard bates. ' The extent of country overran is abom thirty s fla? il length by five tuite? in brcadih, mo.tly HnZa _? hnisirippiiig in its ooiirne many tnOReef tn*aktn? ! und buildings. The lire originated ou iii" farin of ?Jan !.. p n-.- k of Milla' 1'ond, Townahip of Smithtown, in tin.'?-,, uoou of Friday, '.Hil tatt Au old held had been g^ tor the purpose of oonsumiog ti* htubhle and rabiM 'heroon, from wiich it lommunicited with the ad joining wi>j?ii, and whg ?wa bej ond control. The conuitiou of the country w*e pec'ilisrl? f,. able to the rapid ?pread of ire. There wag no f?|J on the trees, and ihe ground was thi? lily ggassag -am! leaves rendered dry as tinder by tLe recent ?ogg. weather. " The wind wus blowing a gale from the notuV west, at the ccrimencetoeiit, und continued to bi?** strongly during the whole time but varying i?-k. aoiith-tvesl near Dijil.t of tie list day tl,ui dacgia? the coarse of the ingina elemeut and b?lt)io|- ju eliorte of tim population who had ?et i-aii* _m a arrest ita Course. Hy tbe middle of ihe aliemitot? of Friday, the lire had readied the ?ection n.rtb -g* N'ew-V'illagc, a ithia abott two milts of the OlSM j loud, mid four miles eaet from tlie tommeticenMcL lutiuiug over tho w-. o ilaiid? af Mann Ji rerruii Lie, Samuel A Kawl ins, Ii. W. Howell l~m Hammond. The l.itt-ir bad 400 to .?Oil acres iiverng. iii? tire continued eusiwanl aid n? r ., ?! s?'?.,, overrunning l?rge tracts ol'woodlaud aud burti-f fences owned by Uaiikins Smi'h, Aiex. Utiland, (. xV. Kulan?), ?V.i -i ,n Norton, ?I. M. Norton, I)?,a Norton, and Henry ItOiigl.o ham. N ?ithnsrtj gf (.'??ram, the sitferens were: Smith Htill, I*. JI, I)4,?? I.? -!> r Davis, and Allied D..vie. North of Sa o'-/.) low n uni lue Ki'tee, Jlnnice Rirf ?la.II had BRI ace? of to odlatid humid over, aud 7ii colds of corded wood dinli-oyed, lluuiel trnWiMm m in ol woodbind, and a!??? ?kapai BaMaf wo?)?jUu?1 wem bosood in tbi? ?eui n ladsaajtag to L??Mr I'uiand, I'/r.i Kami ill, 0. battdant, J. aBMttf*? a. Kaudill, ?J. Sweery, Daniel Ktiwuid?. Au?iia R,?> dall, (.ml Ja?. Davis. The fire advuriced Kill fiinlef aine Bast, but ii?* have no detalla of the daine?-?. From the liui-name?! j? .in t a cunn.?, of ninden ried the ?HMitheiu wii g of the fir? aiuWieneteii,, over ila .-ectfou lying beute-1 Vap'.uiii i.nd Mi?ii?>rhiv itaaBj Innniiii,- over the ?and? of aadan Smith-7.1 ?JO aire? in eXttl,*?luos'ly woo?lluii,i '??troiin.? all It? leeceaof ius homestead firm, calchir.aj iu tis bara yu d?, and tariowiy m f?.ug Hie dettruciin of bis Lui ding?. Mr? Smiih'? i? | rob.iii.? not Im t'uts 175,000. Also, oven BMBBJ I kal MB of SttttS IL Week?, (?> ?? loviiii. two tenant bou?e? (anJ a bira. From ibfal [omi the Iii?; cio??ed io the nett ?iii?of ihe railroad, mid readied Mast c und Fire p aon where Ihe iu budding?, woodlands etc., i very heavy. We bear of souie of the stuferv.-a, u follow?, riz: Beaty Nisbet. MB barn? cania-, b i?. Btaonj .'?mill, i.' Hin. Basait bim ??.io ix baal i c i- i latta lil Hi) , t i r I f. hu.itii. 4 i.W i-ir? , I t? i ii AiiJ, Joh, li. ?tryal, EWSaarMi Mr??.. lithe ??, i Mmtm; la I ..?..?, dua.lin? li"u?e bain- d. AB? de?,.i ?? i ?ia bar mm ? i ?a. ubi leam of mt K? ? Mi UsnrkM A aanfa > i ti:?- aseen io have ai,?<.ij ut Uri,port, aid prognand ?aantly, nil k ?n the nott the M pla e. Oibertire? ?.axe BOiaandMdtoBattl aUi.iia;,- tban l !?.! dc?;.u? ?ii?-. (Juc ni ?Juin l'oint deetrv.? ed tu?; b.nd ..f.-- of Ml Au nuil.-?lite Biuo' I io. ?i y has be. uu?-I roy ed, ' of ?blA ive Lave a? yet uo d'*iait?. The aep." t of the f? e w?h m1 tim,.? and enT??rc:alt m BBjrkt, ?ranfafly gtmi, The bradai ?isstn ?n ?bMI f ??-o utiles ni biead'h, wl.irb the wird ?ii the dr.iit c.,'al-il by the upftaBBg of ihe rur.'i ??. ?r tawaabnA thtnnak the ocaatj \*.m anrttanpittWa SOLDI I. Its FROM YOiiKlnv. N. Ai.lHThiNU. l.l.vr Off BICE IBO WtHJBDFD MER. Ihe fill ?iiig i.? ?.n au, i aal i.-t rdakfc ai.?* worn .led Botaban ?va? y erato? o, w io ar n?,; : ? li,? ( ?. ?au lineen. Ti ey were ?eut to ^osj i.alg ,*t Bl lal.ail * M ISO. (lin' i ii I .it.!.|-, .'m., ?. ItoSBnwIBttstaBhB Y li I ... ! Ill '?' Y .-I ,,?,.. i!, N j" * li in B.tbmgh. 1Mb N. T i ntus Davis Sih B. 1 Cn. . , a- i ..????.: Iib -a J. .luir -i.i.r a., ;,? II ?to t 1st E Y. N W ? ., (?,, ,:,r,i? . ?J, n liai? .* I. eei. 44th N'. T. Join.' . .. .. . ? Y. A o /. ? I.e.,. . J?. O t? I? M K?.'. , J?*ii,ll ??ok. . li ? 'i .1 in Aii-i, "i. i?ii.r? i.? k . ?i ? .*, Y A.Ir. ? -, ?. Pt - ('???'-y ,r.. S. ! i i. (?ti S. Y. L li.S,?.,r .-ita,'?? ?n'. M ,;h. r.L l: ? a (i ou Kenia.'. S. .-? K Koa ..o ! *!j,-i Jija. .... . . ..... o , i . 1. .'? ) . J .-!. ? Indre?, .-,.?J, iii,., Y Hu, ?,..??. tila S Y". IV, i- T,i,. li?, ei? C., K I. Hota* IBBB Y. Ri o?r i.i.iil li i i?rj A. li otu* ., v frti ?.- r ? -?? , -' h N Y J ? aft ' a k. 1-t s J. \\ Li .. u -i b .\ Y Hu dan ME J. : ?? i'. ?,.? i. i, .\. Y c... i?'. ? x?h v.-,. >?*?, r. loam* '.'i i?? ? .i.n li*? I.,I N Y. J. li 1*, ...i i,it .. Y. Ain-.?.. *,t..i le. .. Y. ,i n lu i N V K'.,? t .-..' - !??-. t.. '. '?. , In ? ?i r Kv?lrr. Mib M*.?. M I ia V. I ?.g. 1 tu MM, j..?n i iii in ? lb N '? ii" ? tri ? M M Y ??nain i n 1er. -Ml B. 1 Jau.?. i, UM ti. i li Ml b. la i?, ?i-?... i b Mi I'fin li.? k' n- ?x ? -< n i.'J . Y. ajlaa Y U tint. . ... I??-.- Y B. C ?iu..?i I I Bim li ui. I..* inn N 1 li ''? I'1?-ht ?*k? Rob rt .i- I Hi ."? Y ii ! It? it ; .1 I a.? II i. X? ..Ik r i.h\ Y .ia,,,.'. I ,.??.:! Wak. UaMtesM Uns MkB t, la* ii'.u<-iii,ii.k ?at? Y. xi ix a ??:? air san Cm J..1..1 ?am i tta Braatti K.Jw.idi'-iier ink? Y t '?'? Ui .- 1 lia* Y. ii nr> ri. d- ikili? Y < b?? iii... JIM i" I ? , C e-A. .*?: Vi..-. Tu.ia I'l 1.11* a MBtl lia Ink Mi I?, ugo 4?ih N Y. J. K. I n ?? Tal K?rd.a'i. ?! lire? M , .? t li: S ObUM .J ' ' '? '??* ! I, . i.?u-., lal ? klii.iau,? 4l?h x I' K. Eanlni ti, M?-. J C Um ? Oil s T R li. A 1. .?., d .'e'11. J. 1*. Hi, , r , % ?Vu-. ('?? IT... ,i I'.? .1. A C. II ?a la? J a I'l I I, ,.i.,.. hm I. . 1 a?. J 1 lulurt '.'JM... 1 . J J. .1.. ,-a Y. la?. r? lu .4,'.e.- MB B. ? *???* KaLU Ko.;... ttlafnaa Le??i.ti^ge l.i Bataan I ??TOM ,1, tiu. ?-'rauik Ela -od !?? timtmm-t\?.B*nmt J"?* MHti Y. IB, I?.?? mar. *-.*.l J-"!.u. ' " ? J"? ? M N I I. I l.roiv.i :a ?. J Kn -ru' ? *'* ,J N J ' Cb a. - .?t.?i . Ali.ii R 1 i- Unis ?'.? *r '. ?' Y. liai.'i... ; I-?.., li ??... .., .' ti 1 x r ,? ?. IJtbta Y Al'??, t H.:" ?- ? inVantti I. \\ 11? .1?.,. Hil M Y'. *?!i?.|t- huu e' i! Ualli |. sa -a.-. . Mi.-li. TI1...1... a: m M ttam 1 11 Kita t. -?'h I I :??,* (i i', m." ni _?___, I r,?.? v.,a,i ?i ? . li ii 1 ?a*. M BOM I .i.,?., li S Y 0 I Va .1 -k 4,iti 1 , ( .--?,? .??',.. .1 Mf,i:,i.i'? A. B ii.--? n.w. Gf B.maa -a,-l?-?ii i.iui.d. Wat La-, US y ? D-r. ti 1 ..i,...-..?..-. .0 0 K Bonk? ?<??"'? .-, ,, J lu.. . , I ... A. ii?, r..." ? ?/ -\ ? li. ii.barl.nd US Y .b.ud J. ? '?'??" *_* ,- *a , .-ou?. 1 M...'. I. A' I? tom 1*"** '(. j I I .< tin? ,4l??i.? ?'?? <i H ?'." ?o. ? J.? '7__. J M.-liei Bu ? I ,. hmi ? ?.... ora J aioaM. ? ? ,. .... 11^1 k- Il 1 i?i r. ? I X! n., N I' ? 4 ? '; rj m- ta ' ' fall ' '1 ,. 1 -.r???'. ?.N Y.K. IU..I A II?-.;? l\\ ??, ,'. ?. .M I'?. Cad., k1. Klgir^'iigu. MB .1 \* 1 r,i ... 11 s . 1?. 1 - 1 v.? ? ( ark !,i?..l.iu K tan ?... n - .. X.i.ii. ?? , -I rktni , Mirt (i?'? , - a- 1 ll.l?uir,.lt,.?' -k? ii.Mlfli. H >(??* .?>???? ' 1 ivan ?i ?n I? I.? xv ?i d i'-ut. xv M. -.tiouiii..'. J* ti .,, g*?,?!.., I.'!, .N.Y.V K A. ? ??"'? ,';'.' f9* ll.llui, m ii.J ?-....ti H bul li ?>, "? .,,a i*. y a -ai Mbm x* ''"""'' ".,, kima. r ...r'.W... ,44UH, Y.? Waa l*n?tnti W "\ t ! I.e.- Sii'ik? u. M..-I. Janian.. ? "? , t "" eoa.rd S.n.tb, 1 '? Arnl-.J J J '?"",??', , Y <1 ,u't Kilt a ?i.,?, i.t He .Lu ? i''' ' ? .,?,>,,,(-' aoaa, iBimeves ??mm rwtk <?-i' '?? ? MI N Y. Tha?utt l-jor.? **? ? aiirlEal tu N ? T'T, , ????? Y ?,e. lou.... iSih ? Y. JobnTuB' . ,", ?? Y : '??tut"*'* aW?-M>-f y ZEeme^el?. '_l__^V?^9^. ' ""?? "-lN Y 'Y-'"i 2 ?iLattval? Tii^ following men bave d.?d ?uueiun e ve?Ael : Vin, O Moon, t'a? KT,Mren'?'?',,?,,''.;r, RM I to MB jo,?pi 8 un ?ena, j*1 tam .jU*ui* mamm - H'm. S-iellMrg M.vl! C*t B. _*_*%*_* %'^ F Er?i.k KUowiiiIbi. l-r ? . I^?B _ vj Bl Clmtet U. B?am. M r?aatrlT?k" t