Newspaper Page Text
e> Ar\*r V0L- XXII.N0? 6*586. NEW-TORI-, WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1862. PRICE TWO CENTS. FP.M GEH. M'CIEIIAN'S ARMY. ok r c- OUT OF SIGHT. fj-j -; 8 0NTHEJAMESMVBR -, _???? ..,?,..,., (rae ... i. ?!-i4 dm be weat ..... . , at I? ?e Broad n. ..,..,? ,,?.-.s .?- BBtaf fehl I ..: '? B '-'. IWI i ?i .."i? - , ?. ? - - am ??? i "- ? .'. ethei about s. V ? ' ' '?' I ? j ?.I ' Lim-?'! j g Le-44 ?eu | I ' atti lil-S :. .''? ? ' ? | , -. , l ? ? . .\, i Ol'". jj . 1 '. i :.'??: .? r. ? : ... ... ? , ? | - : ? ? i ' .? ... ? . Kb] - kt no ? iaco ! lad ? i I ?? B ..;? ? ml 1 . , ? v. 1! nOee lro:n Williamiburg and 48 ?,,;. I ahoat SO fron where the Billi Bad a ra the l ikkithominy. Weaferaeh ? ? i arara ay. Bad fat If au hour i: .-?' ?4 ii;i unabu \ I 'I i ?lott in ,v ?ha ?" asignad to Gen. Amith'e d_*ri? , ? ? ,'i loti'tit pniBim by adienJaraa t t. ihribingt!.o main li".tin. .-ni rood , ' . il .-y .- d kVr.iitr r;i irg, there! y OB-? , i-v.!,.. .h har, be ? t*oh_ta- a pi? a of eos] , v ia devoid of special ole net Thoimdi . ? .'? ? . !?? ] y b1 ml l i. m. ? ni v i-io ..iniriiiMiit e*ftaaom ef the praetpi? u : hythe Rehala, oopoefadlytea I . ? m endng M, avminga Cala? ,. . i gira] wagem, feagan, baggage ? odell it e? - - ? i. ble kind ? a, i ktong the roeta, ?t- rp. ? _t ,. .a';.. I ab-_doned in ei rp , I have bOra art-re ? P.. ; the - | .it Johuem'e amp it:.? coaplete, i., . an ? ? ? disordei and a! \\ ill- Di - ? . , - .!:?!.: tin advent* ? e .. ? ' a evening ?I ii ...... wed ti;- ii a the net, woald 1.4, ? : with nil lb? ii tem. Bad ti?? li vv ad a|. a im la i i- -? ' ? havt i ? ?. '. i .?-. ? revision, and a red lbs ?. ?? n -.?-' i < i k i-l for? ? a i . . - . ... i . . . -, b em w( . ?- i et ive beal two] ' ? li [ty I uban, m rm 1 ai bow. :.-... _ . . al ti log ??? v4-.ii !.. ? ? ? .; iiiey 4 ? .i . ? , re? .h' . ' ' Hu??i ...r i ... i .a -, ? ti? - ? r io l?e having ? , . ?, ? ? ? - a , ? | of the ?vi ? ? .i I . . :i and it ?v . . ?, li ill , nt. One 1 i Id nie '. i bad j. ' go? ? away? I ? . .-.. i, :. i on* j i ? ? . . r ita I i ?? ? ' e nu? be an ? .' ! int- it v ihn --:?',..' ? ? ..ii .if en B?!l ... ? ' r. . ? i . t . np: I? m. fordion i it m ti ne l-rrn-honn t - on ti .... i ? ' : ? raj, al ?I | ! . . . | ? n ? . -1 ei ;?? ? ? ii -t lo? . ? , u!... t.: i t.- i . ? , ? ? ?rt? n e.. at , -v .,; o 'I ?et-'J: ii 1 ?.e a . o- parti atari? ding raced by doing i!t! t . itinoe to won in. I : ? . . i i a? ? -ni. ' be a i j Dilntl.ii -e.. M ki - ' ? ? . ? ' ? they baye v . : . I in thro i .'ni ml rt i h v mya Beau ly ta n ?-. .. e wera art - .. bl . n, i\ h. ! i . will be the i.v. ii. ... s ,.ni-! mu ? . . formed a J ban a wild front) n i : a rholean y v. ?? ? ? . ti ?'?:.. M rledge of tile poei km t to be fort if] mr. At t. ey r? ?le;.' ' ) -it v tot . .r i .i ? u? h tai a, m I form , fra ti gnra nto lhal ? rviee. Many meoped byhi ag L ? the ? . ? i ha ? - i.- la, ? n m t all ? ' ? ?! B|tl__?ters. Ci i I ai.'.-?i"'.-.? ga prettj -< . e i ? i- r ? ?? . y that hm men t Bia i Uieni. On toe b< battle wera round i > ? - ::. - ? !.. p .4 at'er ile ii < ?? ol li-c J-.-l..',..- - ?,....- aer ."? n .-. '.-' ?.! .1 lacknowl e'?el. !?? e w? : hink thal u ?. a a | i - uillii-iilt IO Iii..!?' . 1 ?? ? altin Treuen rj No b are aooght aller, a I |i t . ? ft . . i ?, al e '-vi r no li;. le ?.ten bMch in ? i eaee the trarto to bl ii m i Btlt r. hi 0. a n. Te coniiiiy ihi.u^li ntdehwa marel d Wai 4 i ? lu . I, r? min led n ? : ? ' . v I rl , v. i ; b _? ne ii- ?li it. 'I ne In i k j m gpud i'i iii, the ImiiititaaiBBii good. ? ? m man] .?"?t e-?ti lungs wbi I lo ..! I ? . em soo bootee of everj gentil 1.-. t . ? ?? saati ?-. Tia 1 i an valued u ordinary ti_?een t, ? ?? tot-1, per acre. 1 he ?-une dreeription ol * Wiifc te Improvement! 11 Nee fork, Id remiili BM-B-uu troji flfl io 1100 i<er sere in. er-iuaiv ahmj Baa. Bndth'a Dfoaera earapa le*_lgbl i>. ?',e ad* taan, aud ?jriB nom Ont otu earn ho-ir m the - ? .. i'm. M ' :.. wiethreoButae o un: r?,_i, ?m ???? ? ; i.j kii'h i.? t in .ia' item. . ' i *..i o. i. .J the I ,d i-f h.e; em, !-, which, it ? untan i, ?:, ivill ring np t!.? n-ur. i . ?. : n ely ..i 04-. n, it -, .i ?i-. - 1 ? ti ,i,e i.e .?i- irill gai it Mm-i toron ta si -. ?--iel i!,um. .. lafebaspoaaml Wmt ic . ..i B i^juj bailie. After (be Battle. Ful. a -. ? -'''i- - a.?!. ? t ,. . A-aaaaaaa Bet ?a i? V\' 11 (?eSBi i - - *?. j I a '..v ih.'. alilet ?en. ttom lum? iia?ie loid in y- man te aaamite Moil ol ;l"" ? fig) t Wii'.iai istmig; Btaa t1- ? - out .*ie BryaoU Imit?fiif tlieliatt'.t.rield ai.d p-ibpe.iieiitly. If I i .ii"! '?If' r i lati.v pan-.iiiUarto? Ibad__pBB?I?oa of !..-?? "ii rai ped,'linn.atfcaat,petal the Been,- it ugloii'i.? Lut 0i?a_?ul avia whit-tt can Oev'.r ' ?? eificeil from may memory. I i J t have bren r ? -? nt toward the end of e bat fir ?i very (otnmon mi??-! l:ere (den. Bum <u i Hj-ericucci tbe e_me, when gmver rtaulu di | .. . OB hil rnovei_.ectj)?-B-B-Bf I J ra. I. 11.. ! rid im fio-i Y?, ?t un Lhroogb tetanaan?! i.-.t rain vthicli higbteneJ the mbaryaftl fmoi.fl tie Prince do Joinvillo, w'-o, up: re!.er ?ive Of the re.ult of the fight, wa. spurring taWOli (Jen. BcCli I'un't old heal ?narien, three miles lnyoii-l ?o/klown, for n-enforcewenta, and, afiernaid, b? ? - i naked by the Qeneial Limielf, ai lie to '.he ext erne right, to leiH te weight el I i? | -<.? gBM to bia alrr-dy trauei-i'.UU orde/s in Um lag] r*ril. Kvery mud iy and drenched .?1 ii?.? .n r o t totjnired Ltidii.g direction., a-id none but/'able' togive t'li-r.-i, I, lit arirlain brick chu.cb Ihm fell of v.o__ile4l ard dviug soluler?, lurui?! .toi r-ij?!?; ' K> ?-? r._Tit, a: 1 after t4vo mile? loimd myaeii wita i Sonner e-id Key.j. ? wen and (Jen. M-CleLaa. It ??a a wild .?ale of ti nye, there and then. | DlmioQiiting ii. te vu .lily of a ccrtuin battery. V-rtmUtiUiry?it? 1 knew, and who had i-.i.e good j an s ka, that day 1 loa d then nraanttnt ou the nun! I?ei SOlfa !! a ii . B ?l.V-j: d MU Bad i" l"' tniinipi.aiit mood, \\ ?? BJ i hi B ?I?nnldr w hipp?-?!, one ?>id, addiM that 1 lad BOO? np ta good me, pen', m.e, to .ri ' re n ?Otto light than Hull linn. shot and Sell were By log ores sir beodo) ile rain dew edit eeantly the mod wn i.c-ally knee? , -i,. tai m i itars hs I steal la li dorhnj the BaavttM night, on ? in-, ti their bul tariag the mure da?. Sim ? tay .i Ita -.. o, ntterly ?rorB oat; othero leaned agafa si tren or te ea *? ia :'.! trent, ai ponai? li-, w! e'l-ii they fired or died; ?bofe?aBon ta i etui. bad billi? an y trrea, which ti e Been tain nnd lea? ?I ! i,uni did ..' i I to es1 ?.ii.? Befon, aM to ito taft, fro i tue ?over ot the wend-, aad in?t gatberiug dal oat. tbs bean of MM and tho inn ot ?um1 stij o re In? ?-..' t. Bo the sai i day c1 ed ?sod batta r,i.*M de? ?saded ob loo ?irooij seeM and lbs horror?.it ti.e adjacent balita grooud, titeo nn?riaittd bj re? artera?. Except aiaaag a rarj ta? pate?os aadtboosaotgsn ; li bm i' ? i I'm p.-? ??'' ' ' ?? wea ?? rain of the cm cut or uii):i it ?m i a't the fight. We th agbt it i big skirmish, beginningdieaetroa?ly, ending na ??-?',ih?. A..d ro lax WM the tatter fr?m bei aiireraally credited, !the "loi ?bonI ii ed i take charge al nj ! bone, lb. ighasen ni to i Ceeaiol of oeorpe d'or? I toda, ?d? .,. u ?ne le l to take I I li ' nieielv to ala( '.. en the girths >t wy atddla, "nwendgbt bava to Maa i cu. .u il.?a m. How 1 ? sssd be algal ii ?enudnpntatt to ?dalo. lu tbs m -i : og Iwosod bright and early ?o lie weoe to ii i fight. Hw ?nth? bad m felly changed, and the v.u ? ',,??, Mdtiy aad cloud lan, ii,?',,.h the roadi retaiotd itali yesterday's a; ? cut u,11 , bei ig ni. ie i binti.'!. aa? ai'"l of n ore Of 1er li ,u- lia, bordered ererywlnet by a derna growth o i i resta Through this nod came the nanl : iug soUiduaj i .;. ?nias, ?ageoe. boraw, und m. in lniggled onward, i , ? .?> * i.e trrotrtarabla " ade tai ' "t iii-- , ila, I w nwaand bcaatamaddied from hi-ad to toot, ihtiifac.-* wdiatfag-tiianal I . ta ci !???iju?;? , u' i.oii., ami one poor KlUic ii1'... ..??.!? ', and literally fa. I ta filth. Mahtogwaa progtnao I -, , ?ano t'-'t-... me? my ?ta| ile lae ex-enorch, 1 miami tho rood J t.. beoa nuable to dta^ovor tato Big t. 1 i?. en ?i.'xv illili ?i Lu-il, bad eonfooght^ous .ii,., mea killed oo Loth .ii.*, thal ne bad ta .?n a Rebel Boy pria neta, auU ?enta |or.e?tii a el \? i!li ?n..-h..iig. TLe Vi m road | rored ?I M ?bau IBS other, henri where i* 11 ?.'i.-a . i eui I waa glad t'? ? i I it and lo ?t-.ike ii io a ntapatotiri J? excellent hndta-potb en ...?*?. l'u?!, bowarn, I poned bate, negio catira, all c? eil d into taapitata, la -.??i.Mini? d. I will no1 ?????! e.i"ii,.!i ,?? i ,.t, i- ? et ? , eak "f. Boll <? ii to nj that Bvetytbiug vu aooe tar toe pan tallawa Ihn I..mili..i ? .. It i i u. .n. 'a cea ot the nee adaiiitad of, Ali along the 1 "...le-, ..'. sod ,ie aancrnhl rood r on! ! s of i .. ii -o iba w : -, , >, tot i-r.. -ii ? i, r atong, 11 in", wolhiog carrying i abtiniog n i a; . ? ? ? [lu ? . y ? y , p u . ally, i. .m i. n? t. ? 1er ?? a women* B : somet? m there wen .It . fal .-ai'..- Bpee tOoi xx ro| ?ii. .m. !V;-^i n l ?d l i.. ,i? ri'K- in u it bi'ken'.i the i- i ;.., ? a i tata, ta i. i v ? h ... ? :? : . know w at wai ia, thal ne n ydalyesrii U?X fui *? ' lil ' '?. Ol ? .1 ' I ??lil ti Ii ? io. ii-1 bal Bet all; u-a; x?. . iMienible. lie tattle-leld to tai ih. Em? big (Iton lbs thiel Wi ' ? i,y I drop gully ( ? ? I , .? ? ,!.iio,'r i io, ?i to foran ? aabj ' tod, . . . , ? ? ? foi ses* I a i ol f? liai trees. And not ti done, b il ita i tranba, i? m.' ? i.?' . 11 id 'he pi* *, i ?lee ? ? a s ;.a ??? f ?M tan '? i? el .... which m onay ol filena baie hailed ea ? ? i. -..-? i '. ..i.e'ix. ?nia y, I ? i on i Ukia ? ; i ? , a w ide, o? m area I loee g... * .,, . ?. ,: ? i.? BBI ? I lay tlia- i illili??.,ik. ol 1., t ?? ? ! ?Sea ipe cloaad ta Ly the ? . . rick in u,.;>,.*e -und il.i? i. the f, ' t. A.i '.?? Un n tit.-?, lhere ?ti?ii>| -, op to ti e opn, our u a ?, i ga\ i , u ila da ?>'?' il day, aaiid e , ? w n ?? j ' . oni ii n mi ?'? ! .i. of bullen and a, ? ? r Iron the lull aitillarj : r eight tai ? I Um battle I .1 i -." d '?' tai ?n 'ho kit of th? u'. i i ...? Beard Geo.H ok? (oaeoftbel nvM en. Iel! ? : I; te tai s the o? re? to eight i . t bli bob ... bj , i: ' . .'edi, thal Ima tLe field WM tan and win foot di tact linea Ii might hare ben I al |atbn bat lor the linuly ?.. ral ol !? T.. latani to xx ,it I at. In the outer rim aftas tonto, bbuJ ii? nampe sod taina t-? ? boule?? ' ? ? l. yal aura, 1 ty thick. t e wound . : .ni proteoa of reoaorala Vomi ? i foe, ut.ttel ?i r ?i. .-t, ii. -?.- ? ? Itaed ?m tbe ?el ? u .? n? ? e, fu il 11 i-, i-:? tehan ai ouate, ow nil in their tonis, It \x,.? a | iieou? thing tonal ?' 1,'i.n,' I, rii?.-ii- -, i attaeleyn attkiog tbonol ?? ? a ?. ? ,. -ne to ne looks cn .?nil ( ix henlow? t Buk? OB I ?i.ra.c ??r recOBl : ? ? . ? ' ' u L? Je tin- am rrrarh ? ?? ? a ?xiaiiiiiled ha?! to I e I SB .??.i...... - es io a ia,,1'- u? . lag t: .i t juU bo ned an a , ? , .' k1. Mueta - ? ? ' I t, I ?? 'n ? d ?'I la ? a, ?, . . ? .' < rag, WM< Mal,ci tail oie: . . i . ..i, ... i Jletaol eoran i ? hasd ame ? t (i a ?tWO Hi, c\ oe-nii n ol (o ;? 'e i ,.iii ( ?. ?? u i. ,. ( toa bed Im n i tv-iofbiti u off the end of o cartridge? ? ?r t i d k ; otrode i. Ad? i sleelfa wea m1 i ?'. ... ?. l, ot (li ,.ill(?, W lah ?i>M'h ll4?l J'( ;. ililli. i ? n> i. ?'-i gri| i ed in?i in l .L bnds, .nd a i.i 'un i? xx nu..; ta bia fureMad iron, lae ntoiuabell Afoauthlaj ??Uli ms tag toni oil i. '.be tttaigd and the ttbn ?anatektoej? Hui wlx ? -oi?? i' u' ? ' s K"t- ; ?'''?!< ? ib.- f?iei ol . ' i ead presented a remark?.LI? n ?i ? oat of ?!..m lovked I I'-Ju'eli liai i|uil. 1 avuxi ni .' . ,??' ?? lotto; our sol Hera x?er. t,nilli,ally stain bj ?it!' ' i.urta. Tte i-. tmam al d mt between ?enaad tiie iULel? will tri ad i? -.1 . i-.i a. ?-oil. This ana well exeoipHfled by the fares of tbs prtacaawntei poraril* Mfioedla?**botaonBbnnaeks m t?a-1 ? ? r * i ' roar af t*ho ?mi, Ivitotodat taast Lall a .' .'en <A li. ? ., . - talking v. ith and ode? rvttg tne in" aloa, ?The mir ? m'-I? oi.ii tr ei ?d,Sr, that ?ver you ?w li yow Rio I" Baca an tis sB?aratBettaati ? to sa santas m abaapanM autant anea filad In tasas ??un. leiidnied Bin, eolortan tay loan ase. wita ? li- I.,!-!.,;-. .! Bl ?I n i..?, gaunt, Sllliliili.,1, ?iel d and nvaga, Iboy ?'uirdai you ?aAaUad a?t tattnl fenn n i ?ii.u u|i( iihcii.i'ali jeih i hy ii al? seribabta. lo B. too, thora am a tatoot sitapucity, tie su.pli By el ij'i.' runr?.-. .Smglcualurid, ultetix .in'i-.ij li .- nany??].I at. ?),.-!? ol (li.- Iko'tn, with all their fa dividi.ili'r flowing into one riarr'iw ?iianiel, era,Lacked o bii?h byagaonannto nrlodt ile iuiht afhanaaiiy, laaaaa, and |otttaai ato ta ?aheeasi naOttttntts soatd thai. taadsn bave feaod iBMbtnd nommai .?ig tool- to do 't'ir i i-a-r i|g xxi-rk. To ?uiiix the'ii v.aai' indarrtaad lbs nfaallioo,to a<e itali n ?n 0M dieary paBOCM i. I ' IBtd Luu*. ave ave?, liom the l'.'-ra-'a i-il-ii!?Hii j. ??arji on t'm Ka: m am1 Mtasoori antritt, aowa? i ?t., I 'hinglu nbal would Ki'id, HI?aboard, Morgan bare gina t ??B teltawan toanl WaUlee bau san hut an . a '.I tbaWTla r.dtben yon aueo ptand a bet in fa s j] r,.., ?n o' slid ' It, b . ada.a. ed |?, du n ! i ii u at ti- ) ?? 1 en yin' h ? <r\ .In?', ? ,,,,!;ii:,... Ore .. If -.u?'i a ..?, b ni' | me ttosai ottua?ien hem. bul one ?Soniii < .??? mili.. ? preeaul, ??pun u, " VN ?u.'i g ?? ??fft a fan. i, Bar I' n .luu'.-'. v? ni a ?sana ob Ita I-, i :i?i'.ioante, it 'i bado'iBn fw at* we asoold oavnhave ana ken now f Bto ajK-aaer ?uin Virginian. Ii is said tfaoy bkwnMted "?ir wounded, nttitliita iu the.r hliad fur- DOt CV01 SJ kHeg it Iroara* I Btrald it i? true. 1 kniiv, ti.?l oue of uir tvaaaded eton ra ii. im. i jjmi eat at*, iha* the .. uti ?bo did it mi?iit punies hu ret? of a Hag been eted. I knoiv ti 0, t :.t al oaM Ml w our ( rBtoBBri ?M ana te anraee tne of oar lail.n n?eu iu?od blood, for I -taw the 11.mind?- of the i?lain llirk i.ig tout.d the int. sneanag tMj woold han ti? ae.?aii?iii ? lile. 1 0i will g?( iiu'ji- of this ??ort o? i iieiniiiin. bai a.:.jr, It ta sM planant le reason1 it. Thm titi i r? sboweu to more udiautog-e. boue I were gentlemen, tdBBttwl and refined??tfter ti ? i Boetkera :a?l!:'.n. AU ?vue bbsujm tl.nt their imnies shout?! bo recorded licit the news of their surviving -night rea.h theit friend?. Tber miked fr?, ly aaaaun? I doubt the existence ol' n griiiu o' I . se: lim? lit in ?j,y of then,. 1 BBSt hrenk off Ice. 1 ! .-it -i'a-Vit and the next I flept In WilliatiiFlnirg. I i.n ?lone, in a btg, it ? M"le(i ions?, at nij'h:, "s.|uutted" in on Inn owu reej>i.tiKihility by m comrade. A ?ei.iinel paSMlS and fro in front of the doo., Bad I hear i l.nnd pl>?y i'ig the " tS'.'ar Spangled II? iBtrr" at M gtcat dis? tance. The townsfolk (it* In deere, nbjeet to nmr tial BW? rjalnl Bad (owed, 'lc-uioi'io?v I resULUJ tiie march with iba anny. IitOII ?gJasasf. Heno tv j: VI. ?4 Dil ! '4 to V. 4. ttoperuent nntm. ; the Hebel??frelEnr? *f the l'r.->d- ric*.?but t\ Posi-OlUre ?Captare o? Wheal and ,? 32.11 -1 ho liebele fall in U bark irt.ii.ii.!?l i'lspsi. li tn 1 i.e N. Y. Tri! me V. ?iii-.i.ioN WedirnUy May 11, IS?? The folio.?lag dispatch 1;h!? bren re??ive?l from ?rev ?Ml ?'.Hi KiTcFi" 'd' nt willi (Jen. .M-lJotvell: 9tataatumaamaa, VVoi mata, Me* II I The ou:n:y las ii' -apjehrtd in fon o on the Bawling Omameda, ead ana totatiM aaaejait ttom oat toroa, Xbe whi-tl'-at*Ike ', ?coiuo'iive ana i iieard fieijuerilr darfakg Ike night. Htnl, in the ah i r- ?ne of peabin lafora ?ii. a, B| aeaJBtftua bbubt v. it h j nsJjTtJ to fihethtr the BBMBJ i.. i.'tio.i'niv; or I ? i.a* j rt'-enfoi ?? ?J. Ttie Betel rust OHlia trMthfa aenilng entero?! j by Col. (?Hi. ?, A?-:ii!.' l'r????. '-.'?: rsl :', m tai ?.di .-. .' i i-. :. ,1 dun ?i,i.,e? '. '! ' ):. al Pa Um ?K s. llora, held tia aomeane anda toe F< --i ?! i...? twenty veera, aad gnu r.t*? | Hi BOW has a r .n in il.e Kc .1 ?nrtiea, ami if one Iel llvfce viry pi?.us hut Joiiil-ni'n.n.?- i Su.? ?MnialB? T??o,died l.n.I til? a? I are sTSetkei ? ???i i elaga et..n ??s wan found ea tarni. He<'.:?ns I that the Ftdcri.l PMI ":? < In ? .'irtu.-nt BWM hin I $44, und has ike hru/.tii uap.i d-i.o azuma tke ; ?? i hill he wi'l he paid m ?." Capt. Ja?. Sao?'eiFi.i). Cnitf C.nin.issitry f ?r r! e Depeitanal "f the i?'u? pahnaunk* hn n nd a bags i-i uitity of ?, ht ?i, and takea pnaaaas ea* aenml, ???.?.ii will Baakla :.?"!m faniaht?Utke il ?a r? ?i iiit.I by ti.n*. (I-,a.:.i..1.1. i??o Taakn dneneraa - . eranul tala bmuu? ? ?-. -.?I ananiaga tariti . ?.?!<,uieto.i : lines, l'h?. U mm hu- k. Bemud, a ad Sa -:, ? ??ii:.' to tin eily aet? ail ?.-. ia. . riding Ha. .??.'li the M ? I " ? I B "? Bil I .. t? ?? v, -ri r'i ce, rend ? a :? -. i t: i ?? ?.- o "i a ?'?, ' ii:, ?n :'. ? I li lea ' i [pon.. - . .?-, and tva?? in tka a? I sp ?i hiiii, to take bia amy. The npiala lattf ad, ssd told bim he I ? : ?,. ?. ' ?-? ? >i rBatog to mi m .1 foti'.i ' ' I* ?. t : ?? r Uit - - * .-? ? t? this m... ??. t ka WMnat a?!??-.', liiaraiial. a al had it .1?'in , ?''. i.'iiin? ea 1- ? i I to lian lajianieg tagkhs ..??? aad laniagMaba ? I.?' . a. .'P., I. hi bia l" Y"> **? hern I ?- | leaned, und I h?de tke 1? i? got ?1 eve.ittag. I bp ? uhjiwd people ! 1MB (?"d Bad 'uka BBMBga 1 um cor a'pe. ! ' C- rrnr o- .'en' Baan ? ? ? ?"? a* \ ?, Mey in : As ?'H' readers !i.v<- ami hy i? le ??.I..'.. ? ?> ?.: ia 1.1 n rnret i ; -.. ? \. .......4 r.-i e i .i i .- ??livid a Strong ii ? am ta take tke eaik al ... ?, ntol ? Pstt-tsaeal (li.v.?nina i.'. puy tka I -t.?-' -, ??!,? ii w. re ?in.? ou the 1 et .I? tin:. iii... t't. \n M 1 ?an ly the (?n?. trnment of ti..- lim. 1 BletM ; r??vi .??<] tay B bM he pruiiiied ii.iiu Ikeeeatiaaed peneeauaa of ?tka .*-.(,'.riolii I?. If nu.'leis cia.i.ue an ti ey ore u! j r?--. tit, li.?- dim p. .pie will nelly have na protec , Uo'i, notwitl ttsndiug ti.? pr-seine (T out army in j ?I t.r BT?bbU? 'li.t ii' '.- u? vet. ban nil the wealth, hi.?- in tbe Baal BMBBaUM "???'ti ile l;.rgr?t rilnn'a | li.n?, ?lill aU"t the airs of tke <l?l Yirginia arit Itoeraey, ead (ann mm? of our aamtat tarn at? . . Maaotosatii : m,nisdbnnUyMktaUMner* : narloo t< Ueedapm a blad. efgna) bataagaia isaam dth*ii un .1 a . 1 - a, ? v.-?, ibu Unka m -ii to m ..? i -,a 1 ' . >, :.ii a.? iii?- I niau array is . 'ila y v .a ' tad . .'. M ?iii. '. ? tin ir I. a ' Un el ?tka ? ?-' "'-r; ieiag n in Fradrirka hil' 1. I, .:. .?'? ..lal V, be 'lally mden ?iii-a m ktarvka tooai army?( ??i ,- ?' icrday ti.?' bewM i.?,!''.! be roaM ??* liri '??. ?,t. 1 'the v.-Lr c1. -? 1 M I- inn ?' S-B ItUUBtSaf the v v mm ?o nnrelypaoiebee?bal ibej aroajldte powerten b bem. ii? lela fa???r, a? me rall tke otlnr )i- a. ra ? - t.. ...'i Basa, ? f ? Btt-iag*oi ...- - Bantlia?mr wa lattwisl briag all toen ptead han ne to th? du?', 11!,ii torc?(?r p. 1 . it beyOBtl ? eli I .'Vi r to ertgkato auto net ,??!???..i 1.. It,ii tor in '?iadi lialaii of -i. very, Fred? a. i. g ?von hl'n'? ' i,\n Y ??lion.-,,! |b| 11 eiiici(.ri ing (it.? ? in the eoeDtry, Noa it la notbiag hut a wnii.-oiit, (ni.???,? i.iat?-.i 'o.. 11, filled with doga Bud aagran, wke ferai ia all i!..?- .vari?.! beta lelrallogctl.ortl.e BMB SM?-ke | -Mi ?.i 0l the il.l.ahi li.n'?. ;? tnted la oat ot lbs mo-t 1 BtatifsJ ?alii??? Qoi ever . nat? (I, whi-h, al ?r rn.ii'y ?tata.?ti.mrs of .?Itivatb ... 1- i-i ?I ?????? ?" ?tka iii"?' fctttle ia the ? ' ii.'?J, With B WStei pOWSf v? hi. I. 11. liial-Suiinuer ,,.. .1 iii 1 ? ?? : ?ni. 1 h '??j in,?'.-?, a I!, (?al. Ino, i-i'i.jier, lui.i ? vei., 1 an III lui und, Bajial mi d ?iKur, ??Kuti a day's Urn patothn by nu B hi Baw aad nuat bate i? ? o i?-i i.-1 . 1 .He. 1.f tne ?te-Ltnl. alesptoet j lai 1 B in C1 ri taJUato '? ! Hi a.'e the l<e r-l I Ifl 'lan, .,,,'Ui I'ttlike. r'h';.T. \> h c att 'his in* nun ni of .-n'ai?, c. stn ? public )?? aim. atti ? Will Stake c IS! . BBBSUBBd to ??? llicir I,ii her? e\ er fought aga. ibeaBanaatl ateipea, aad Vtodauieks? lang will.... ' ? na of the auatt sttrai In tdtii -... ihe lead, li.t,, to ?he ntorpriaiog raenhaut, II, ?1 ':'! Iii. t'ltel, Hll'1 S? '?? 'll.TOi . hil I.) li e I ?. r ol I! e tra. nitul, anil IBS man ol Iel SUB ami .?li.u.'l. e. Th. rantin vail?, ni ibe i.--? , ni ?. !."? ? ?- one of tbe n.o t beanilii] and fertile on ino rwnilnenl. After more IBM) two nataitn at taipan the aoO prrnla e?. ' ?ni leviuteei) lo (?vent? I urhe], of whi-af, liUv 1 .len?'Is <>l oin, 1-iU ni. hei? ol poUiloe?, I, ?ha pound's ol to? ana, and lui or nil. en 1 Mstkf te ilia ?iii ?li.e li'.^ioee, llie BKMt ?aiiiihio of 111 ], ?... 1 row embatmgtl?eadvanta aofmneadp 1 ?r, linn i'U?e ..'e.i.'td ihn! I hey ??ill I B longer BS 1 BM ?1 if pttsdacto OUI among the |..o?.me.s. T..lung ol li? ? lo. s li Milli?It in?- ol U Can?. n>M'.lan Lei.1 ?it* n weaiiky pbtutoi .? tatt eteaingB aiun, ??..ii?- a ?Wa? np?.!. I ?? pot! h ?a? ai Bil ii ii o' 0 of the ,,.,, I.-... '..I I?I?Ifi i.| I e la ei'iuabh'. I lie M-?', s had jaitarn ? iwbitk pnnd faan tka aesJ murmatt] .lil? ?i. l-l Bill Hi I) B4 lj...|i a.? '. -",?' ?" pi irOiivIe.iI IfV ?I? I lisa ?burga d ntterli tieautiyea ami 1 atodtkt it-, mai an; j?,iii . a of UM ?.-my DpoB tveurlug the ?? a .rt, 1 .? 1. iiifc. d thal lins vn'oiy ?a ?mid pi?-ve the I IBB] b'niWflo the nts lil?.!., lim planier, ?vi... i? u e i oin! >. ? ron 1. ?ri sud .in) twsateu in tue Hebel ar> my, lung <lo?\ u ,,i ina I in Fiance for r'Vtiiil line ini-i.ti, in I i1'. 1, ? ei \ rel 11 tanti?. 1 oi.cti 1 red with na-, iii my i.pinlol.?hill ali at on. n ?nirting from I i? a .' ' ?jiid, '? I,m ii im? is so an i t ?* ai?' nea'? ... ??-hut pie ?on going i?i do with my i.e^ I bare ein u> I a tweatj ..n?l ?I..?ii le ii.ii.e.i If nu) Batuaieavs lue." AH'ihoai'litH of hi? ?on? in M t'e. ol Ina tua i ly, Ol lil? l.tliil in dm ger el entire 1 oiilihtntioii, e< ol to BBIM hi? mimi. Tke i"k10. l''e deai iuainu in o v? hi. ?1 gave lum ii ( hum to un,'"vain pi. li-n ?lou? ulam -o?.-,,? kd his lb?.u.^lite. li...y Ih.pullai 0118 " I .'.na. His ateep of pride ia h'|h IL.: ii e? a:t kail w*> ?I..??ti the aiuy- to kell ' .feeriy me half ti,? ufj*!.??? own, ii an this ?id? of ?h? I{? , p?nana? k have lufl their misters. The nrgW |r?i'oniou aro in the ein|?loyii!ent of the", either directly a? britiire and railroiid bnild er?, or indirect J ?-rervaiiutotheotlic-erattidiioldieri. Tia y rio '1 r. ?li treated. I lutta ant ant beard of a sin It- iiifiiit'te of t-ru?Uv. The ?ilantaliom in tbid vuliey aro very larize, PBBBjlBf from one to txvo tboiieund tares, and lb? Bttfnsef of ?Ihvcs held nj?on Boob (la iuii! the ?iriivt?!tif our army j fiom une to two ? hnniir? ii. Of cont?e tho BBBaBB disappearance of so I n,,t,i.- BOW I Hiele Ui'tBt, to ?it '1,0 least, result in pre ?' ineoiiV?nii-nre to tim marier?. They know not BOW te ?Orb th?-ii?>ielves, all tie |>oo;' wlilte traeli ?BO ? oui l beat arma havehren for? ??I into the army, Mai the Beeron aie more profitably employed elfe? wli?-re. I!-iw nmny ?lohn Mtterel'? am there now who would like B ?ou. hern pani-ti-u well Blocked xvitti Mlrajeta I All ??I VAL OF BKJK AND WOUNDED soldi EBB. T'ne Daniel WcSotrr, Cap?. Illotl-ein, left Yor_ tOWB "ii Monday rnornin?* at J o'clock, and reached this dty jc-eieiday aftt-rn.-on at 1 o'cltxl?. Tt'i? ?JO? ni bfio**| 844abl and xt'oii?.ied ?olttbn from the 1 lioi<? it'll? Bl Yorttovxiu Oneio'il'.er died on the p:u" ?BBire; tli?*ie lie Btjjjfw B-BJfB?jeua cu/ib, who were ' ham di italy rea axed to tai l.ospkula, tlie other? ? reti.iii?til on I?.,-?.??! ile ship until this mnrning. Dr. OrT? I mtbrmt our r? porter ti Ht ?.^DO or k ?lid vvtiiin.le.l ?'ii.ii?.m leiiniin in tie ii,,?pi i.-ti.? a' v.'ii [tetra, 'it -BB-bnej Cnuatnaen am al xvotk i i .l.l nail ilav, ??ni ii ?j? for the ?nU'eii! | mMi-ia. Miss l-ixl-- ?t l.os"i?i-.l in the CenWatltM Hotel. 11 ? ? ii? an ???ruiii-r Spal'aiiir, and the Sound ?teiimer , Min C'tty, MO aay? len i.i I?.??? io BtOWfl the lutter pan ' ' ib treah ?bl ?ni? aal ?oaaund nona li rill bon?.bend Uni the] aJaaiei .Veli.tor ' l-l-.'hi.* | u bu Friday, iba iumIiou Tinhtonii na :al ? o." : B-ce?'I'.ii'lir,.-1 cipie. ion* , '.? i? i it i ->i ni? k tim' ?lini,o-jn. IJo'!?.in, name, und al! baacb woi*-edoJu, unti tuned foe ibis . *v ..: - -?'?.?, i. tba aeat *aet*ataa)< The foll.vtiai* i? th?: l.-i ni ?i? ana waa arel Wool ?' thon n r : :e'tin v li-tim? ol'fever: R. Baili U ??n ?i,,?t ?v.,.nil,., i- ? :,?.? raaeli? K K? gqi 1 .a siouB?) In t ?? ? I IK*?, ... ' 1. altar. Ti weoadaadt.'-?r, ni t.? t.igh. ( bat ? ? k . art r ,nabot s? mind ia MHfl ?'minder end left jaw , A ??->'?? , ? ?? ttkrea I IfcakMaeja I' Ora . ,, ? ?. a | In iba far? to. u i ?.. .- i- -i, ? ??,, i B. F. I ; ?. I a*eaad aal arapatattn et* nenn i van ?u an i BBw?roaa arotni st?, II. ?'-l ' '!'. Co. D. li '1 K1 a'-?, ?#tk, To. f. I! !.. ',: i .,.. y ' , ni i. !.. i? ? i.. ( " K. ?i'', . :.i i K. A. li klltrkell BUk, (lo. A. Jo'.l i n- ? " r- Co 1*. A J. l'.i'i.ia, "'ta, Co. P. v -r ! .-, '. . i i-i. ?:.?! ?, " lit, Ce U. B !1 A? J l K. 11. ' ?- ?alt!,. Co. E. . ' . r'. ( k .'. !" Il ? ?' B. Co. C. Al ?It > . I ,, il P M? ?"? I I l'?>. Is". I. ( . O, -O.K. li -a H .1/ O lil. CO. A. li. A I ililli,!,,.i.' Cal <? ? -? ri ti. ? Ut. Ce C. ( .- s ,e , : id, Co Y. < ? ' ? ?? 'I. Il?, i i IVelck ?t!>. To. C -,.i lo. Y. Ali*>B C. Crai.dall. ?Mt?, Co. k. i ?i t.. ? ? ',,, Co h. r- i' k,!*2.1 (o II. Ce A M. :, ... Co, c. :.. i ? .:, c n J I . n. \\ri. I ta, t?. li. ? . bj il?,a .0, Co. K lui elln.w liai, lo C. ii . . -? ( ?I I .-ie?'?, Mik Ce, 1. s- n ?? ..? , o H I li. Tari .eil. "?il:. Co. O. i ? ?..J butkl sp, tAmk, Cv K. . i.. - ? . .. .- A ? ? 1er, '?1. C? U. l.l. I ? '.lil.,.'- I"'. Bl a .i I l... I ?i It. . . ' ( r. K /it : ,?-.?,? ia "'?t. Co I. ( i?K I ?la? llrailBtj ?.w ?lo I) "r.. k M ,. I? \ ai II XI hu?,., il.?, tw. A. TBe?pMB Bl?? SIM. Co D. h?? f ijd?nk. -?iii. C??. II. Ii?i m li M? s - tai. Ce. L A-, <.n Mi.- ?or, ?3d, ( ?. K ? >?l?r, Bi?i ?-. il. A -.'?.. ?. kara ?-I Co. C. ?. .i.i. > u.c.. ?7 ?.ti. U .., I.?, 771. Ce. l> , ? ?th. C?, ?.'. P dn?y Msl-nov.'Oik Co. O. ... ?ki I o I. I, ' , ,| ? ? Co K. J.,,?n. A en k->h. I a. Ii. Wilnd linh-?t.l hl?t, Co.K. < ? la, I ' ". " ry Uettell, in.i. Ce K. li , . ? i ; ? ' ? , K. n l . h ?wa, t? ... io.A. I Co BL X'. r i tVtgi Cs I. loka I ? ? I. Mlek Hu-?, i. ( - Il ' ... i ? il. 1: .1 Pal i? ? BIM. Co. K. j .?a- :n Co 1. Panard Mana?, Ma, Ob. II. ' r' ?... - li. ?, .. '3d, Co. li, !'.'?.- M ? ' ? . i . '. 1. Ms.'to. n. Il? i g il. Ar.- I . ? ? ? . t J" . ? Iel-, Ila?.C 0 I. Co. a -l.'Lr T.. in.., ??? ,. Co C. XV .si. V. .1? (.1). XV , i, ite.ll l.i.ail, Co K. .1 i Bri ? st, ' i. : i ?). ?' Ul ?rtok, k . ,Ca K. . ? i b I. Co. A. ?.?. ?j. i -??. i ? t ( o. A. i. I I ,:.???. ..-g >>A ('??. A.*?.? r. l-l.h |., S d. I I B I. ? I? ''..Hi U**?irt?! ,1 Co ... : i V I" . I / i I C? (I. Pi v ? , i; J ?ha it. I. i n ?I Co a. i . ? ' i e III r Hi? IBM -,7'li C... K. k1. Ulai k, I i? ' ? ? . I'... E. ?'lal R . ' ' I.??>!?!,'?. !" ' I y H. .'i- ??! ' I .-i iel Parea .?. g? i s-, . n. I? A i" - ? ti ?'?- I. i ' -i. - , r. 'i ai j-. ?ta?i n a o. D, I Unir I , k.r Ka-iiii'-ly'? l'ai- toa? Rtoarl, till Ce k". y,.?, ii i?. K. J a itjrrea,?tk Rutter, ' . ?'I I..,' I , I?. t'a Jet.?l:i?. 4 I CU i'. J. ??il .?,.4 1 " ". T.. ..U 's Hitter-*. i.. r.? r . , , r\ x ?? Knapp, Ttk .'trt?r-f. lan. ? ? Co. I DaaielMi l?i Rruaedy'?Rat . i . u . ? ( . ti ?. i? 7ii Bat ? i... liol , ? i:. ?? r loti? Co. -v. I'-.' Kell? .? I ' . O. P. Bjtrtes. Trftk. f i L ?Ja ?. B? riot, I .,'.., BRI I o.O. MAIM. Hi '?IM? !. I I a i ah, Ce .t ,:?r,.?> B. Xsaaef,Otk, Co. I 11.. t;? u -I .J- < ,, 0 ?.ii.??' ? ? r (,,. K Bl I ??? IS ?? ? ? Co. C, K-i ,t Baaaral c? ? h, Co. A. I A D. M ' ...? . ( ? I? H? J Trak? ?-li ( ?' A. ? lb, I G ''?a' k-rd txh. Co. t. I... ? ,. li??, 'n Co. B. a.i.i. Ri ? ? i ? o H. li | . s ! a '.- .. 7. li. ( ,, A. .*> , DU B I ? !?-.-?? li. - '. . , ?i, Ce x. I . t -, I ?r ? ?? . !i Co. A. frai I',.. ' li ( ? A ?',. ? ' ? ., a "i. I . C. 1.1 ?I.. I ? f. ? -i? ,1 ru- , u,. I . A. : w ta hi ? ?? ???, ? ' Ce D. .1 ' i. ... I ... K. I- K ?alii , a. ( j II. Ti. . Vv, ... , ( j. (J. J. Vi I- ? i i SSI ... '! , .1. A?rui. Hii?.J?.?'.',)i. C" A. T K.r.i. M ? r, i.tli, Co A M i t'.i Iii III n * RBOI . I . -. , Kri' k Pi '? Bl ', ( ? A. U d. It ' a -? ?? I""., tau i ... ey, ." I. ?.,.. I. J. a?. .'d.'U ,..? , II.. Co. U. | v : ,i-l,". I li OIBBI ra. P,,rt?i Els . i" 2. "li Co 1. ant ors i a rucoiui *. i ?. 1 IV.'k-r I. Sn.l'b. jih. Co. i".. S MU r. tak. Ca. C. Mwri? Broa a, ?tk in,i>, lu b rid ia .t Co B , V\ ,,,. ||l lil. I I! ??: ? . ? ?III, ?... li. I T. a. tv? j?: m c. :?".. i..,. W. ts ..?*.**, :i.i (?t. O. '?'s ?J llin?y l-l. Co K I) i. I I,a, UM .'ti,, I ? I. '.i RraitkwaM tok.Cs K. 1 xv. Biawa to? Os I V. .ii i tkw.Mk Co K. ?' .S. Iniii. 'li.iiii, .?ill C0.IC. i "in. n?. Rsiss. --li. Co. 1. v. r ? ? i .iii lo. i: I,' Util nfc, C? 1. Ila? 1 k, al!, .'??.ii, Cu K? I r I,?a? r I li ? ?'. I* H?n??i,i .- I ?I I ' li, t'n R. I ?? ivk... , ??th. ('?? (i. I," nil si ?.,.,? , t*tk iii?. I Ban ?II ?-..?,, "i. -o I I MU i.,.?:,, :-.b, Co. I>. I K I ".?.lug Hu. Co O Olive Iii -?ii. .in. Co? 1. i Bl li li.?,1.1, .?? B|k, ? li ?'0 I. ' d li . II? I ?'? li. I o II \t I ?... ?it. SU*. CO ? A !!?n. al n .'?It? l?' A. B VV i. .,- i. .V.? Co. ? I ? '?!? *o :?. ? I, Ca 1? ?,.'...- I-,...,(..l. J. ..I? And. . ...ii ?'?.', l> I", ??.?i rkweaiixer : i. Ce B. ' I I I i I, ? ?? I I a H ? .al?.?, .*. k .'??. I 0 ? I'? u . ii . ( r. s-ib-m Bejaraa ib. t? b. J?*ha MU. ?ifc. Co. a, .Mvss.HAMl'?'ll!tl el 'I'd t|-. Ins ' (WM ??li, Ml ? o. I?. ( k? I. n.a, , -ill, CO ti. va a. Matoo, .-n. . ?? UL M ? ! I li lOIUl S| t. J. lui l.'fifinari, -,,!; t ? ii Bule. Bia ra, In. Ca H. i ;. ni, ?m, i.? t. PBBBOri ' ?MA BBntMBBTB. (I. li. Priirtmian, I?* .. A.IVrry li X,? ?:,, h.Hb, Co. t. ' So.. I. Bellaws. 1?WI ,,. I) VX ni C?iiiiu. i.tli. Co. B. l)tJ!.u.?M I? n J, i" i u. A. L'.MII.l, BT4TBJ AHMT l'tiii l.AUS. H li Balli kklal'l v- K iii.? J? ikaaoi, J ?t Car., Co. t. 1 PI. .Sr.l. r. V\ ? ?? I' ,;,.. -, , C J,,,,-n?, l-t Civ, Co. R. ' n. ?i t . min ti'noriK*. ','. m. Batatown, C <. c. -, w uns, Ce C. , nu :,. Iltnl?: Nefig?r. K?niiedy? l'.i?tt'.ry, Old i.r,.r;* Il SliielJ?, ? bib .?lame tra. I . m,i' u. mirr of i hu i> antki. wkusiib. Pt. J. W Uryrne,, Medlctl Dil SOU t| Pt. T. f. Cock, At? I tanjil.? I lyal' lan. ,V li,.. I. Cr?-.. J C. Ann., sr?. A A (Irty. fl. I \ i twf. def Pliilid-.a,:,:, J. W. Bswrer, ti M. Bib.Ii, .V1r A. O 11..1. ? B. W. d, i. iii I u. el V. ojJiud ?I itii?*- , V- It. Ni?'? -Mr J K. Bab ??? k, Ilia Hey. W. C. Stell, ?ir. Mcli.'J, ??' I'lUtodail ...... \ .', I,.!ii J ?V. C?: ?,. -.I owrkwatrksa. i'. vv ,. ci,:*?,,, i. n i .-j, v\. "iv, xvii. nu?., brurrese, ji Rea k?.t, b. B. Uebbj -f \s i.liani? ka ? 'li Rea? i i blUdi a ,. A, I' Y, I rielly oi toa Hsiiitor? Couiiiitt?* Coiumiinuy .?..i Paitas? Lir.t - Ir?. I,. Trott?:, Mr? Ktynnni.l, ?Ira R. M. ' h aub:,ii?l M- In. li?,,i,?? ?bil Batid. Ne? \"t,. Ls-Jies rtail ? i ? ?, , '!.-r, ,,i ?..? ii ?ir Olonleol. N. V., Mi.. if. I* ?:,:!: . ?lid Mi?. VV.rn !?v H.,.|ou. ? OF coi,. COFFEE. !.". i inn. I. ., M?di). Maj 12.I*?'*. : Col Mar-'an, i lae li. lui Carr?rj, Lus lUnfentl on p?n i< Cat. CefTee, late of Wulfuid s i nni, j. a? MDVKMKNTS OK COMMODOKK KOOTK. Lol iiviu.a, Ky., Monday, May 12, lodi. t'omniodoie Kt>oto lett for the ham waul ou ike mail-boat nt uron. LATE NEWS FROM THE SOUTO. PANIC AT RICHMOND. LAW IN NEW-ORLEA?TS. GEN. BUTLER'S PROCLAMATION. OnO-BB-rl-, Tu?*d?j, Msy 13. WV The Commercial lu-? tun following Southern ne\n: The Mrmphit Avalanche cf te 6th init. sayi thai the tclegiuphic new. from kio':.mond ia powerfully eigniiicam. Q,-n. McC'lellau aeems to have li?en I paoaai-BBJ the tame fute for Richmond that Gen. I BMJtNB and Com. Porter got up for New-Orletne. The Atmlooeht of lae gun date t-tti of allein in N'ew-Orlesns that Mayor .Monroe and all the A Mur? nini have bren arrnted f--r lefuring to take the ?oath of allegiance to the Ui ?ted States, and rent to Iprlaaa. Great di-trena prevail! iii til? city. Food of all I.?ih?b is extremely ?caree. Flour ii uot t?? i be had at any pri? e. More of the Date force it I en to bo leaded, mid the liver ii full of Uniju gun 1 boat., niorUr-lokt., ..ini t:eii.,,?ir:.. The Avalanche iayi that ibu Coiigreialonttl .'?in:* pe?l_ from Richmond bad a very depr. ?sing eil? el, BBd it ivai believed it f-ireslia-Vkved the early evacu? ation of Virgiiiu. 'lbe policy ol' evacaaiinir every , ?ty i?, played out. We have but pracioui lr.tle more ?trritory that we ian .pare. The Mempi it Ai/."ii .ay? that'ho Confederate lou at SI ?lib in killel und wouudrd wae~,0(Kj. The mmmmkit ?tiraras, fat ob oittala on gunboat?, -tye ihm far ii mutt Le lOnlaased our attempt? wat? ti o gunbouis on lie liver have been a d_guiii_g Isahfei The jeople know it, and so ?cos the Gov? ernment. A enramandm ef We teondia Amolomeht mya that -?! per cent of I!i?nop 1 oik's uicu) ' and 4411 mil I at Shiloh. The Aial.iiiclie if the ttk in?t. ?aye: Ws ad? vice? from New-Oilimn up to S turday, 11 a. gb Gtaa? Batter has tabea the fg. Charte Hotel te bli baadfaartoea? F.v?n? Beara cn Itaydnabm been couverte- ?mo u lionpi':?!. The .1 ?. li-.-u li".1 road depOl wat taken BOBnSBte ol' on Saturday morning. Tie Union p: k? ta buce been extei dod out a. far aa the cioieing of the Je?erson and Jack non rai i r? ad*. Four gunl>oa_i tnd one tran?i>ort s'arled for Baton j Bouge ou Saturday -.truing. Several Date regi? menn asm beam leaded at _ter?Oihaag. au tie laewipapng ia New-Orh-m? ar* .til! pahnehed, iboagb a L"iitaa eoawr ia pim c1 over every office lo i exun im- all ia.i'tir, and ex. ?u_e whateteiniuv pi o ve i ?mun,-..hie to the Lilian c-'i.e. ! A pn?i I..million from Gen. IfntlerwM har led in to all the ue?.paper OB-IM ut New-Orleans, bat ti Bf j refined to it, whee a guard wa.? not to The ZVra /'c.'.'a o?Sce, who took pseaBBB?B of it. lS'otrh em j itataaB weie then ten' for, the proel.nation ?et up. :iinl worked oil in the ednion of t'.e li mutant, ma folloirs; PMOI I AMATI'iN ?IK OB HLTI.KR. ilaii",! th,ia. Iiki'tHTaa.vT or ma OeUkj Baa Oauum. Mag i i ? ! TI a fe ??? of]Bow -Oil- wsaod Berat r n?, wih_.II itp i?,ii rtar and entortar dell m ??, having tnrrondned to the eouibtoed naval and load forera o! te I'nited ud benig bow i i te i napetioa rd tue bren ol ti e I' S-ate?, whn hil.. B ?'.,-coOlder, proclaim public tran,tulli-y, aid eaten i?e..-e, and -??liet, under tho law? and L'oii.titu. I ii-., .if the United Stu'e?, the .M.-.jor (iint-r I araaanB-tag hereby iiraetafam tie eh? tel ead parpoan of t'.e Uoveranant ol the United hta'eh in thoa taking poaaeeaton i ; New-Ortoara mai i tin? Sime m Ia ail ?um, and ile nil.? and n gulatiom by mhb ii te Uti? of tia- l aitod v' itn ??ill i-o tor lie piiM-nt mid ?luii- g the Mate oi -amv onioned and I it nil) r ? ined toe lbe ; I ita gatdamee of .?II good ? Itizeoa oi tiis Datei BB-tee, -? well a? othan who may have baratatea BOM in reoelli >n avail ? ihiir nu liiii'v. Turin, before hut the ( ? y --I :-mv-I ?ile iii? lee:- re?i M I Ban ti'' bandi ol s luit ?ga i ? \ "lim: nt. -uni ititi n o e .? t ! h : : i ?ob dotm ?? ii ?nealu?linn, lil i emoneys d armeol the tJuitad Btatm It 'ei. oi li'e ii-eu tnnl-r in. n-li .-i- e,n m i ?-i te Behal fame, und Ht arab time, m tb? judn n.i nt ol the ?ullin : nil-1- of the military foi.?? liol 1 ing ii, ?i im? i ecu ii-iiinl aesBMUry to pn pe-ve .-ri gi nid le.ii' i iel bj an uiliul?!|nl:a> em ?ii 'an-Uni law. l.veii'lulu:.,'th- i lorim botwera ita ataron? lion ht the Kehr! nn'.ier. ami ii? ? peeanaara bj ii.? nid ian ot te Uedtod teen, nie i ml ituti oiitna iiiii?: loi. i ??i ii oeceanry io J tall ivir ihc ii.tcrv. ni.I an armed body, known j m the ?' i.iitot eau Leartaa," toprt Bronte pul li.: [tranquillity. The I a-inaiiQBSaj tom I, thaw fare, will caora lim dtj lo ho gotnosd. m<U the re?tv>i_ ' tin.i "i te United -baleeantbority ?..d kit ?artbef oi e..?), by meat lal lu .t. Au j?- t 'ia in ai'UM agilitar! tie Doted S'aies an- mqntred ; lo BMBMgte themeekea, with their unti?, eqaipnmta, and uiuiiitiuui of war. Hw b.iilv kno.vii a? the "Barapeaa I.?..inn," tiot belog aadentoodb be ia arma against um United Btatao, bat organ! ed to protect ii.e livra and pio; i-i'y oi the ?iti/.-ii-, aro iovitad n ai ill m?porate \. lui the loree? ui the I ni- ?1 S'aten to that end, and to a? ung 44 ill nil he hu m PU m the terni? of thil Older, hut .?ill r.-poi'l to ins?, li.-u I 1'iu.i.ei--. /.il eiic'gui, Sage, di .i. ???, leiidiag to uphold any BOtbority wbatevi., t.T4e the tia.? of tlie United N'?t<? und thone of for? alga ( n.ul?t?-r, ti-1"' no1 le exhibited, bit tup pe-Mil. 1 lie Ainerii_n BSW-gB. the euiblem ot Hie I nittd Sr if ra, n.n.' len? atod B itFi the BtJ eel del aeeewa and nayael bv ali [ er?an?, u..der pnin <-f ?? toro paniaaamnt. .vii paaaam well di.pneed toi wuad ti.n (?oten ni-ui of me UailOO Stat?-, | Who .-?.?? I IBBOW theil oath oi ..?.-gluliif, i kv ill reostre u a-tfegtuud of protection I io their mreem ead prahoity t:?>m ile amy of the l it? ?1 Maiei, ii.d te vtotattoo of ?nil'. ..?'egiurd 4. ill be pO-iraa le 4a .ti. te '? Ail per?on? *?tiii I h.tiding ?lle.' to ll,e Caadbdanlo Siaic. will be ; de amanl h agalnit tbe Qoverament of the Dnfaad I .iiulc?, Hlnl't-.i nial MOBtod M em i". ti.eieof. All i imi-n?T* no1 Batara-h-d, ami eLdanmg alle giaiui- io ii: -ii ;i.|k'< I ito QrarotrO?aOBtO, iki.d not iiav-1 n n ideostbof altagiauce to toa Gotornonot gf the lerati Statn a ?II b ? protestad iu t! <-ir persoi ? und pr?perty, a* banted re, aadn the latv? oi the Dt-bed Stutee. Ail paanm who may have hereto- i fore gild, mai- n n ? to tut* IBMBBII iioveriitne it of t.-. Co?ft.iei. ta Btaiee. oi Ik-i a iathaii ?eivic?, who j sin.11 lay down uni del.k.r up their uiitip, i.turn to poiueiiil occii; aiioit?, i,tnl preaanre enfaM and order, I'oitiing no i earrrapo-dalBn with norj?vin:; uni BOO I'onitoit to aaoOMBI ot the I'nited St ?te., will turbadla ihoirpeeoemn piojaity, exi?-|.i M tur un-'er tl.e - rdon o? lbe ?.'ociiiiiiudiiig Genoral ni the exi^-nci". of tra pnbtk nr**iee may lewder meeegery? Krapt n of nil pahlie property, wbetbn, :?iate. Nal o ?al m ''"it dora e, eg ?? eg eolloetb-mof j mt, libraii't ali I liii-iteiiii .?, ai well a? all iiulili-j bin I,Inn:?, nil motdtium of war am! aimo.l vi? teU, will at ci'ice nuke full lOtllOl tl-.ereofl to the.e haadmaiion? All inaunfaciurere of) .nui. um?!,.n?, ol v .r wii rep ?it to the?* bead? ?marian their lind ead p -??_ efoaafann? All the rights of property, of wiiat ver lind, will be I rid inviolate, ?linnet only to the law? Of the Uuited Bute* III tin lahabBBBtB ae aaja-em mjvm liieir umutl BTortatam AH ?h"P? and places of iiniiiPenient are to he kept open lu lbe acciietonied inanner and aerric.? are to be bald in the cburchw and religiou? hoiiae? ra in time* of profound peace. Keepem of all pubUc booen and drmkiBgn_wm ? II. ? Il I? are to report their names end Bomben to the O?MB ot the Pnivont-Marshal and they will lhere reetiro a licenne, and be I.cid rMponsibln for all d?aordera .?mt diflu?'ni.ce? ?ioil g in their re?|**etive place*. Siitfi. ient force ??ill be kept in tlie my to oreserre omer ard maintain the laws. The killing of Amen ??an ?ohiier? hy ni y d-,orderly person or mob is tim? ply inaaanntiM and murder, sud not war, itml will be ?o regarded and punished. The owner of any house In which auch mor? der ?hull be committed, will be beld re?]?on?ible therefor, and the bonse ha liable to M Jtattreyad by the military autboiity. All di ordere, etnarhaaan ot the peace, and rrimes of an agora? valed iiiture ?nTertnring with the forces or laws ol the I ulled Sutes will te referred to a tnili'ary coori for trihi and punitbiuent. Other nnsdemeauoi-s will he euldect to the municipal authority, if it desires to act. ( ivil <-aur*?a bet~?-u |?*irty and party will bo rnfen-ed to the ordinary tribunals. Tbe tary and ??ollee'ion of Uxp?, sure thou? iuipoaed by the taara ?if tbe I iiited S'.ites, sr* BBBBBMBB, except thone for keeping in repair aud lighting the streets, and for ?ani'i.ry \ ur;-.*n???. Tbew ate to be collected io IM * ii.ual mannet. The cir? utaiion of Confederate bonds, evideu'-es of de hi (except notes in the aiimlif-da of tunk notes) i*aued by the Confed?rale Sutes, o.sciip, or any lrct<?e in the eamr, is foibiddeu. It ha? teen r?pre?enfeo to th.? t oii'iianding Gen? eral Ly t'?? civil euthoiitire that their Cou/?lernte 4m, iu the form of hark no!??, in a great measure, nie the ?nlv sii?'.li'utes lor toOBay which the jarop'o have been allowed io hare, ami lhat great dttiwse woald en?ue among the i oorer cla'ces li the cfrrata? th not a u h BOtn sbonld he ?np"r..?ed. 8u'-h ?irca latioo, tlereiore, w?l? be peru:ilicd, so long as any oie will be In ous.derate tottttsd. to rec?ve thom, i uii'il f iriher ?tottn. No pi.hliii.tiou?l new'paiera, paniphjets, or hand Lii's, giving a-eeeaattet the bio vee'?oatt of tbe na? ?i r* o Cie United ?*RattS wilhia tlu- Department, rell? ?ling in any way bom the Doited States, or I BtodBBj in snv way to lulnon the pnhlic mind i amaine' the tHi'e?l S'uie?, v.ill be [ei'iiitt.-d* and all j ariii le? ou wai liewa, edi .rial comments, or eorre ' speed? ce, ?akngananaaall upon the morementsof j the am ies ot the Cuiiei Si.. ii?, n,ntt be submitted : io the eiaminitioii of m tanttr erna will he d ?tailed j tor that parpen ?ro.n Iban baadejoaitan. Tin t .insmiaiion of ail eaaaanoioatttBl by tele? \ in, h will he niiilt-r the cLa'g.i ot an officer I'rora 1 lietaei ?.e .liij nj? -: er? 'ihe am ie* uf the L'ni'ed States come here not to de?t loy, uni to ie.iore order out ?*f chaos, to uphold i iii? t.ovainii.ent and u ?'? ? iu Btt place of the " ?aaBBJI ' of men. To this end., tiierefore, the MaWto ' t all Un ?all dis] ?? sd i .o invited, to have eveiy ?erne ti diioedof OMlted; ar.d if any soldier oin e L'aiiici glatte sheeld n 1er awnet tall duty or is tlagat to coiii'iiit o.iT'ge upon any person or pi peiiy, the CoOMBOxdiogOd al re'|ueats his 11 arno to loin.tantly IBOOllsdto ihe Provost Guard, so that he may ba MBMBttg Bad kia wrongful act r.-dre.sed. The ?eaktpal ut'eonty, ?o far as the police of the city aad ananaan concerned, tt extend n befora taantttod, h\ batehj suspended. All asMmilagn of per?oi.a in ti o aUeett, ei-'jer by day or kip*?, 'tend io disait r, ai.d are fothtddM loo ranooe naaanltt BMposiug the Fire Department of [Man Ortona will be peondtted to re:nin their or? I ganiii'iort.and are to report t? the Piovoat Marshal, j no ttot ti. y n.ay he known, and not, interfered with in iuei. duues. I Awi .?nully, it ni iy he ?'ifli'i?nt to ad!, withool I further ennuiera i m, that ill the ie'.liremente of \ marti.J law ?ill he Manad t" long a?, in the jadg? 1 ment ol the Hatted Stale? authorities, it may bo necteiry; Bad? ?Uto it ia mAtei bj these authori ' ti?*a i()e.\eici,e ii i p/naraanal u?-iy, MMleaaaaV I lag to tM asages to ?be Batt, it munt not be sup? i |o?ed UM ii will not te staasoaaly mid firmly ad? . ndoioteted nibo annan call? tot B* < Myamamaaiet Balai fix imibI BtttlMm, I Uti?*, li. bT?..-??i, A. A. O., Cliiel of ?raff. FKOH TUB BAPPAIIANMOCK. Captare el' 50? Hebel DcstrMrt. Wai a OB S, 1 I ? *?i*y, Mi? 13 BBB The Wyan '.ink inivi ?l this nciri' g from the Kap ' [uti nilli !.. Der ottii-er? lapait thal the Fr*rl>oni ; ami bl uni l.e.le went np the Piink itonk on ?Satur? stay, and cut mit tw? Bebel sab "uer?, one with a 1 r?iiiia!ii?' aargo af whisVy and a-ten ??.orea. The Belli \ IMSaand np'he lauer rix-, r?oine dittauce, and iliecov? r, d a bod? of about -OU ita I ?.I detener? fi-?jm ! the dunester Point li?ieii???,. ?bo aiated thal wheo ant ssbbi wai niven to enotontt, they, bein-/die g isted xvi li tim genie, d?.;erriii;,?'d to march to tbe i L'uion and surrender. They lieIoo?.'.-d to o Vir Igiuia regiment. They offered to lay down theil arm?, and expressed a willin?.ii'-.-s lo ,i.l?o ;':e oa:b of allegiance, which Cnpt. Hani?, of tile Italie, ad- i ?Btttttood t?> all of them. ? ?a? IKOM NORFOLK, ,"A. ' II I. Ql III. ReeaWaB, Va., Tt.-day, Vay U. Ititi. \ Tlie ci'.y con?, tine? yery ipuei. ?lettes the sttOi-W . are closed, but it i? aspeeted ibey -? ill (Wa in a ?tay or two except.inane whete !-?? : sour data han ME ti e c. ty will li ?. am.?. S ....- . f . ?rr ut siill (ire* ? ? aitt, hut it i? s'lppoxca in a few fjy?, i-gbcn comma nii?iiioit ? fallj ?.p.-iic I erith the ^ uhtgu ports, con i Mean will be t i?ph teiy rcsi??ris. | pi-ice* afalaani avarythaaj ar.-i?t/>i;Mliingly high. Cand?n,forinatance,of uiserabX ?i'-.?'y, are ?SO laaatoapoaad; caauaan Btonra j pntMvenrnaagll ' vnt? a p? hoi ?. and brown ?U....C ..' ???n.? a pound. A aaaabw ot ? ? ss wil! be bj e;,,.,? kaonon,inafew 1 days by panic? fron Old Paint .fi l??i!t luoic, who i ?III I,nug ?'..j lin of Bli ? le? mui? wealed here. 'J't* ?' st-Oflii ? andCu-ijiii-II?uM-o/ilidoiibilen 1 bs r o ? iia-l veiy ?hortly. \'-ij I.'.,? tTotaa ii.iititiieiit ? i*tjaciil*r et| reaned. I At! over the city our soldier., holla jnvHteeand 'oflicers. fi.ely ul'-? wi.h t-?e c.i/eii?, whic'.i u.'iat piodii' ?? u e "j 11 Greta 4 | All the t. IficaltaMio the vicit?ty are occupied by 1 Uu'on Ir? ope, and ?1! ti e ?ut !i? pr?iperty is in aaa? ? ? on ot t'.ie Fedaral a> boril .? The p iii ; ol tbe Kcbei Cm-mmeut appdsars to 'he to cu?-? ut ?no lana ?tMoas at K.i'hmuud lind ?ome ex ? n tay ali the Gull m. -is will le niveo 1 i'p Befon W^inia, ami itnLu.on.l will le held to (he wry ha?t. I All in. ist that a de?perate rcsi Unca will be made al lU'li-i end, ii nowhere rita, >txeral n? groes arrived from S'lft" ik this morning, and report that ii?1 trooj?, or guns, or fortifications aie tu? re, or ou the road thia side. i Ami tig most of 'hecitirens here, I.nie confidence : is fi'lt iu the otlicers of tea Confcd..ii?.e Goxeromeot. Confi "israte nous are r? v-u-d in many placee. Gold and ei v< r are ?welcomed with eiithii?:<wtn by ..11 SMMM of the pipnliri, n. m?uyof wlom hare no4 seen sitiu-r for maur nioutL?. liliKlf DLsrKl'tTJiA Off TOBACCO. liixer, b?it\vee*a Norfolk and Ports? m. nth, Lu of a ?li ?p i-offte c?l??r. rn account of the tohaciu v l^.-li hu i leen thrown .. o it in large quaa? lities. ?Some of ii was roaxivered to-day io a damaged ?tate. Gen. V.ele, the Military florernor, parson a < ourne calcutat.'d to produce the impre-tsion of the riipcrioriiy of ihe K?.-deial (.overnnient. He throws no obstacles in the way of transictiug print? bust?. ncris, or ti e eefcrcement of the onlinances of the city government. Ihe Day Book, new.papor, will be eontinned aa an aftaiuoon, iuitcadof s morning edition, en con? ?l.tiou ttut ii abat? be respectful in ita tone. The t'ont number, printed to-day, contains nothing except exuacu tatt Vsitnsn pipert and an editorial siaiem? ut of tbe b.i-e facu of tie ?vacaation and ?xcnpation of itn" city. KELKA8F.D PRI-SO??R8. hxiTianna, lun?da*r, ?ty 13 mm. Eight hnndred rileas'd piisonera are oouxing ben? 1 hoy ato expee'e '. to ?in ira this afternoon, and w10 proceed to Wiaiiingtoa. DEATQ OP DE, NATHAN S. JABVI8. BALTHaOBB, TatnUy, Ms? ?U, ME Dr. Nathan S. Jarvis, Surgeon of the Begotaa Army, died hen this morning. Bis body tan tall fur New-York.