Newspaper Page Text
ONE BAY LATER FROM EUROPE. -?> miuLPF mr .i! :.i off fati" k toim. ?V? Th* (titjattvet. lr.tcrvcntion ti France and England. ?*> Till-: P08ITIO5 Bl ?KVitET?UBI KI CO, OpeitBg of the Breat Exhibition. y m usa I' v T? ?ta?, M.? UM ' i i - i-K-i-b;- Jan l.i?e.-?H..,l M'iy I. tit J. I |. :: v He* '-'? ' ''?""t ? '??' " ' 1 *t ti,,? ..- ? v. . iiil 311 st*oiiia? pat ,,. g** - 'i ,? :'i i. .on?-?) *>?(? nf at J /; ?<?? i in the ? '" ? ' '' I i int. iv ntiot: L ?a? ?? ?Se i- ' "? ''" ? - ?? Ani.-ii. ii ted i ; ? > otUl '" ,,. . ? ? -. ? ....,,. 'i , "hina?- -a melin ? ? be"??- i !'r;.,..t and fa' U, ! '??d?ng :" ' ' '??'?'> ah. tioe el ?Mttaay ia I ' >? T! - BBaUBsUJ <?! ?he ( - | ?' lib? in L? n-i? n W - . ; elf C- a ?i'Clf - ? , n ,-., Ma? '.'.- I M J fe) "? V '' ?ria hi., al Bakara \ iti.m.ii r . ?Qsji akhtkiJBJ ?rill 'h*'-Ki bl celetoated b* ,!,,. , fe rit ' M il " "'>' ?i' ?IM t'.lil laU u.. i..t ii . r bi ?? ?i ? o t ? -'i I? leeti * U T irsawni'ijt'? r' ?I ? tilled wil ?ntttrnMa af th. '? i-n?agol'i ' ,'r'- liiiitimyntorday. 'j' " di ? says the? ?jnisl sa eapbatkallj t?. I?It, I .-''I.; . :?>' ????-' ii'.,."S.i.K puk? |j ,:-..:?.. . . ItU v. ir... 'I at \. | . , ?-X-C, ? i ??.- ?-. eli ? lion, *,,. .; . b* i ? . . m . f. ... ti li r Billi ill.?!., 'li. ' ' ? iiir ?istasO . '? ? ? '? ? I . . ir.'?..; ? -.?'..'.? ? Wh .toil i tiien .-"a e ill bo I k1 ia 1 :. Iteriii?-. winn at* [n : ? ..;" i ? ; ai -oatt eil lion oi ;.:.-i; h ;u ,.? e*-*'i - ?t ttunther in tbia aetr S.. i . ?:.:Pi"N, M ? I a s"'?' on ral ? Iii... ': t.i. She 1" -I on Apul -' ll.el'oilii pt M.iii-tei- oi 1 ???*? badi larg? te* de i, i'.t ??.a 1 ?''"i Bab ?'? -ci"? ti i; is -I- oiOji-tci in ti ?? ?1 m. ..?.eli,. Mt-.,r 'I ra le it ?lill aatl I ? !? ? -?'?>.. at ?'?.. i (teenier Pera, wi euey ?,.?,; io:, of tbe Chi.. ? aad Calculi? mail -, hi.? ?nivni. The l?L;a hijifc-fci 1,5 ?I bales of -ill?, valued at ?140 "J. Al ? large rseetj u a: .\ '>??--iii?ioi-Ia- na a resolu? tion ?at Mitad itttera ?id rabieoppopiika. ?tall kts ?n tke Gorernuu?at I i*n Binti* ?DtjetJataaiaTti bail > LBS, M.?y 1- P in t NaBolma i? existed here.i vis;t t?. Kin;*' ? ?i En uni Ii - st-.t'-d bi .'??i i lora tint ? .en, (iuyon ha- '." ' i. li.nlle.i from :. : us, sUay v!. ?TI '?' * "i lins ?Buat?auj ii. . a ;r-; ;er from ill ii., eoiiiineniiiijr on the i... t ? a - I'l. ? i.ii.mct ol 'i-f Uexkaa Qorernmnt. and ?he; .lability ths I I ... ir? ops ?vill not delay Mar .- w toe Cii . '? an ?>? The J ? !',?>'?' at lorn y su?s t' a e t. ?ll.ij- Mu?- :l .Niel to It i ?vrii ti,iii-.r; . .. itie la?*?, 1? i? add be ?rill b ab ?a.?? e' i' --.?!??. ita i ? ranea io Le ::? li (Be, wltb t: , ?of 1 .- It .li m 'in Ba'< sMtiiatlbe ? Hi ladVtanktneM ?I er? i ??. ?Il : i. 'a ?eli ?-)?. ? c ?e I Bl I '???> li i' 1 ??:? a?. I ?. lay i Tilt- i.i. ha.? ofiicii.ll? an noun, ?i las? :'.!. tebingn age. Ti.? . i-w .?Imi-tiv "?as h?-? Billilly .ci r??li lated (rOMMEBI IAL IN i M.I.H.Ii.N'CK. I. a i,?i, Hay 8.??( nom le Baekenr1 Ci.-c. a Ttp.Tt.tbe?? ?of tlie? I ?t trtyBB ttels?, Ito ?al krt stoatta? dal., ?i.d ?h-. 1 ?ii ?? i ? ti. ?i r ., t.- , , i amasara Bapeulptaia tjeak I,U l ?ut ??.a ?.r? r,?. c h??. The ?a ?? I'l-iioj- ir ri '.?. r? ??- -.-.?. I. ISN ?t ? ? Im -. hat 1,1 ItolBsp attira ait4 ?s rta ?.and the m?rke-? - apt l--nr- e j di . :. ?Ist r! ??ri/. J .j irtalir-r.? a r?>r "r a.?.14?i?J : Hlii I C?|esii?.i.1d lair Mobile?.14 d. bf UaMlsa. I...d. lan I ?, ?J?..13*4 liada.1 ' J Th? ?i ak io Batt i? ettunat-. ?t 37! ,UUC twlee o' ?v'orli li i 'i'1 ?ne \iu?Tit?ii i:? s? >?-i irr? dull, BBtl quotsti a - b.-e'? maintAli.ed T. . .' IPI lira?}. L as Mav-J 'r?.\-A i- fir:.. aey.Btl I lu . .loll Iii? BalUoB iu tac i au* el r.L?ler,d haa de? ere?, i snlla, IBOfl l'KAM I.. -?? Froa Da ?lan C' ie?;ordent. Paui-, Apnl'J9, 1S(,?. By aSBB mia? countable caoit?-..;. attrlpltt, the lasl t? i pafMtd ayleet letter etM-a??*d nnauand th? kstatba envelop? d the rest. [Jnenand rutear I ne? paanaaB aaaks*g,tka ? e be roby Ibrwerd ed. erttb naaMBaa. The Ms. it eau okeefftotki mid?i ?>: neaarks upoa tie j I saan ipof?Compan ti?e Maditatoe ?..?1 o? Hif' i gy,nwly enetodsa iile.i'?.. ?a?] erial decree. V , thoo apaiwmatat ganiRii.s, says the rtjx.rf of ti.? M i-?.-'? . ??! in-lru. ti??! re?o.''tn( decree, ii to MUBOay, WBBI Ut comjiai ??..ii of stBBBtoM is to phvB'.nv?, the ?oin paiiaon of maladies fr?.iu specie* ?o fu ?i. ? ami froa clase '.? lass is to pat!.ol'<iry. For inore than twenty years, a pt ??nan cele, brate?! by extensive labore and la-ge expi rience, an?J Xeno-Aiiod for hi? ihvo-ion to scieme, L>!. Ha_\er, lins Constantly pursied the comparative smly of the ol man ?Mal of animale; ?ni to him i? BWiT'led, by apfiointment, the new chair. Histol BgJ? .?.to do with the organ'z-d su1 ?tuu'-e. solid an.l ?npni. that is directly active in the body ol man, Bl < i. m ?If. and in tegetakal intt-.-r. li? ohject ,t o d-a??. ne the eleLa ii'ary f. ruiF of the;r MBetBBM, t .? i:s i?tiuiate nrro' . , n's, that are invisible lo : ne na? e?i eye, and to j t out ti* elementary fun. i-.iie iohereiit in each oi In-sa foras. Here, as io th? ? re?ediu?/caite, hy the ?ide ..f the new chair, is lound the best man '.o lill it?1 >-. Kobiu?co honor a'il. ? rw| m tbe mImmm w M ?>? the published ran ? ?af i.: oti iaal aden ?..?ii" and akaanVal in?-. ,..ilion in Ui*tology. I ia l um r?hle ?a b o? I?, !. '.in ?som lora: this apj lui .?ni beil.? the 1, ?dj*MSJBMMS ??! a ?MJrMMd ?'i'l' te Ihr luit d ??'- ?ariaurwbl bbewoaldken girn le. tur?? o? I -??? i.ilty, n .\t?-York, lij-tou, and other ol O II ! te. I- \\ i:: he app?)?i'e tonnte ! ra *hi.t ?be opt ring BUnteiK* of tbe M-?BBata* rt it, .e.'?? mm a dil,; Ibi .) j-.iiituieiitF, it no Di?- ?.th?l .1 t-4Hii|ili:ne i " . .'?uj'eiy wsicbts -??. .nn.?i,nil F?iiciinfe o?- - .-ro^re? i : the ni 1*1 ?? lor jr.In li .-)? -vii. ' In? ii --me : ed pniBBl i? h?' M Ine. I Beni BOT ?iiul B m* m pi nof. The' a*. in. i | o! io a ii?-' ???? i'.et --o--, ii. wa? ?ni,; erol ?tetenti f'.h?.. . < . ? ,.|.? >aV>w?igthal WaaoUoB is,la the t..aite? . dacation, nwelln of hi>.une and war and poll y, Ootuepl] and fori-4-i., a " mau of bit tim?!. ' J.u .... i-ied !i,-,e ?,? m il,,. rest, douhilees, b.? lal-enesa ot ??- - a 1 pen i ?, a the i-i.,-e ?in, ciits ; ?'.. ??.-'ir a.. ... ><? i'i.a. l,v naQ.wlioui he will Lot'lirmins, ? .ii? ' ya ..- , rsai*? tod to lesiiae, as it was announiA? I eo?b*rd y\ at be would at the ( ,'h- e of Fraii" . 'na a. a'eiri?. interrupted Courre ol lectures on me SenaUc !,.i? guage* ever? Tbtirad.ty, and on lite ii .ok ot Job every .Saturday; BO, we, Impera!?: bj K-m.e ,,i tiod, and will of tne faOfkm. wke would ?bilbie lil? tie ailair, grant iree conreo of sei?.a r. t Lil I o y non pontt mut. '?he sub)ecti\e im<e:i. I ??iii yields ?tt-itb pohli?; witdo.n to the indicative ni, ?a ,"i? s ol the present time. The Tope-Kings a*. -/.tatet J is an oostinate effort to bring over the de, uri. d past i.-.'.a tbo presbut. But we were speaking of Kducalion: lim i an Bther fresh KejKirt i-f th? .Mnn-'er of latytrMMBII followed by it* meeaBBaUteBi decree, urging the iialionitioii on the pe< uuiaiy side of the rieuiilitBl oi tho primary-?H In >ol teachers in Fnu.? e. 'J ht p? .- i Tirions of the i/o,?-Ila II? -r-J.i.t.I ne, ne si ill le re their material n'ute low enough; but this i? tie B'< ond increan of tlnur hardJy-earned r -. omi i ?? n a ?ii. >ri/Aid ander the pri-Miit r?gime. And nts er ii ?aid iiicreaae of IbmBB be more wet '..ii Una no.?. Tka " time?" are v?,ry ha. ?J am*Wt**aaai Fratve, and erpe i_i)y in l'aris, for the work?'g an I ot.ier ? mu in? mara or 1er.?. this faaiBBBM grown lamely eui ne*te r??alasadvam broeeaanef our Aiii.ri an lievolmioii; littlecott-n ret.ivod, and or ...r. nu .-ii'?.?, and wtea,aad Itanefa rsBtoo febriee ni.d .1 - it Paru, I-.:iin- of te mateo! wtraly Ire", t e - ti e'i 8 i-rcut Aneri? ?ii' n: Ifhol bel 'ron! all ..'i-, i tnarheta, dt lied bj the leoend rmnnmr i-i lini ?in -mr cn ii w .r enforces. I.. 1 ._?! .ud, the pt ,-e of mat< ri .1 things i? i aBjdd ? rae Bod, thnafal io tin con t letef-ee-doni ,t I 'i h spa rhm laren, mon ?''"'' Pr*'!' r."'"" ?, .1. p. i lonfa io iiiblii'iiotii-ein.-okei. and widen v4i.i,i- lint tlie i -uceiied pin-.4 ot tue liemb ii, . i dish fJovernmrati baa tarwater,? >'?'. kai .- ? ma la ii t',l nrofuittoa. I -"?'"' i.i.iov. r. ' I gue?- ?I at the j rovtB.1 policy "f li"' two <li)\eriii!i.-nt. bBilli ,0 wall 1, n:,.l wait. BH it - idle ni ifenentamj Iboogfatlel el -enei to ?toaj - n. ..l um .-pi.,r:..'.r?ii forenyboan! rei? not irc. ?he ?it dUy-i-dog dgm of a atendily? ,, , . ,,.,-?? ttoa m bhjhomrtere tel te taied ,. , ..,,1 mr mil war ?ir.lie toward Hie ,.,,:?. m ? ihll'l-tiill ' I Im I? I'MIICS, of , , ,,| i ,- I !?? I I ?tell -tal? two Hil ," ( ?.. : .i, ?i - the Boaa?nenof neb con j :, ? ? :. Utialilicatioiii io tin-n iori and ,,. . .-,.ir ??? ..I f w um -ii;:,, .r'.i?t, bat of ?li. -e -.'n ? bet t: >.e. .-.. \ir nalaara ra teyeaa, 1 raealrad, tel weoh, a printed wpTofaawM nadbta toctnre do* litend b. im.-ne l.iterar> and Si-ii-i-tific lii-iitutuni ia! 1 - i>- .ia' li^: h t!i: g '044II, hy t; c li'.v. 1 . !: n, '?-. . reta! um oi our Vita l*teefe-eot ti 'D. :,-,i: i; ?.y m ( an- .in it-- -j I?-. 11 e ?I i. nli i -, lu e, ably lleili -d. IK " '1 he 1'ro ii of I ? ? .-i'!4ii"_v lo the D_dtod -Bates." I.-en arkabl* able ano eloqueal BteopDopaa* toup bss uttered in print hen Bach se liiotuia n >l .--i ?- plusPiotaMonl Waantall Phillips tv i .pi i .in.i-it', Hy eui.-. iit?_ to. >\ lu? Bplseopal t .-'hu- Anbbiabop John of MOW-Totk, n Al-fe? '< i nop John fe Mu. pout.m in \i ei nj-t-r organ, m say tbereanent, yeo caa _u-s. u well m I. Wmi w11? no'i? righi wh-i w?i? (rraaafarwrsBj in i im sayings i iddoiiiga of thi. Jmtlj eninoat I bbV ? 'iii.. , inn bara tailj s-t Iori b, ac-olding to foo to ??!,":?!:':.'.. pie K.cning, wi'h Ire e i-i.-it ,i m- i.- (H it ?non Mid nfenaeo, my thoa i;, i ;; i n?. i "i, .' lo? p'l mttaaee mi vein. u< o to the ?-lent, An danya And thi? eaaeeabtyaf ? ? ano,all o it. ie':.<'eri of ToaTaiacsB who ? ive ?i.'iii.i'i te peron it? l'an. oorresModenoe, iv- ii r. i ? iii ?! t'c roi ?t ?nt re-1-gi-i'ion o'- He h.-_ ? i iini;e of hi. o| ilium?"?i? n >i ?fruid'o'I ii k . - ;. itiii io expren hi.? tbenghi franbly** ila* ? a C1 iriethm Aonii-Slnvm; -iisibop. Ii all o?. ? .ia I-,. p . lil i.ulii! .1 Ilka! 'lae wo.Id v t? lurtht r ?in :! nu ?' is, by n ni tero n * ' Om of the elie I'arM nmatl< a ot the laat tart ghi hu groara atom the paogmttaa of \i.tor ? aim ? drama now -ulled Let I fa tain it IM.'.. It wm anaoaand hal j ear, bm the emeorabip re j.?ted it, the Empeine who I m appealed oob* )? ? -t-,1 to it in Un then r?*iii? o, stace win n it ha? bom . u . ?T ii,> hiki nfetana and e tendated [the lui i.erml hand not halag t,,i tiirn to aeno of the peen* iug], and talked abonl teaevn othm pool pi j 44 a.. Being, n 4 ou 4-, ill -.'iie.g trveg te title, _ Ka? 1 olcoiiiio->. I], it wa? raid to lie a p'-lup ni ] hit w th 11111 . allanan to the Aataa ead te Iluurl-on.. 1 a.i.ii.ui title, ii 1 ?ecolli.;, wa., 1. f .ran a. It wa? to Se a ilian.ii'i/t a j-> li'ial pamih'ei directed ngaiti.t lbe I. git* la.lct? aint (?e- ?ii-tiiv. Alt.] luipi Mid pro looped loariah ol tranpeta. te Ibatirrii ?lr.?u:a van perfora cd li??' week to a li i? be Ipi-, I ?ide Bg of author? lrii mil), ci ri e, and 10!.c io mott i. Iron hie, erntete, m.-i-ii ?ni wa? looked for by q . Beana, thej eonld not tell why. /.,? Volootatret -vent eli 111:1e.ii aim BSBWlj tiom . o'cloch 1-. n,. Tuesday to 1 o'clock a. ni. wedum _j.cepting i i-tn?i rill le length, it bl ?at ttoeti 1 !.. '.iiletei 1, iwr (letter or WOrM I BM the -MU I m i ailed I irtiu 1 ii-l .iet-tu?!<- ir.'i i- "t the Boiteatda li' .ter-. lui i il?.\, ii pi er i Rmbel, pi -y- ada bal ly ?? ??-or -? un-alleg.'ii. ? ?i-' _" B i -t o It-a OB He tfogl :. g iii ? -. u 1 ; jean Bile carefully itndtad ? pies of tim Fin?! Xa -loon's coats and breech and i] am n orara like Kopolaoa m me ot 1.1?.up pam'hi a, and ia to mo 1 b like lu a- the tie?. .Mi. A-h-.i 1 ? ii it ?ri, g carn aturre. IklBMl -1 rnworthy and mailoiium ihn.g iu the Wl ila aum ia the werb el aha __oebiB_ate gad doom tore. Mi My??the ven ia 1 re,-r.ita- ?1 i-i,.iiriii review?bor 1 kve.i and t-Liaigei ta Ufo ojie frira Btaflat'e eeta? ted deeign. the idea "t wah b wa. houx w.-1 bon ? ..-i /., ,.ii _'- , oom. 1 leQeora of Hollaed u Ived l.?re lost week IS U IM?.-! it tbO I iii lit?. I he K !ig i. |0 .oint: liei.1 Wtek. ihey aro to ?Ut- a t. ni iii, ti eil arish then, who ta to bo aaaecheB, nj mm ? 11?, w i i b Printen ?4am Jlnrat and mt American bloc, moonta 4 Barones?1 throao. I ara i-- tall ot j. monni -"it uf Vii;," Samarai, 1, ni? ben l'une?- linmb ?t, ommg to Frnnn 1.1? tea.'i'.l. Nu|o! On I Visit 10 ''e AUrilali I.: ?peior ?. a! Prarate King ai < trlrbadlba ?mmmer ia in a ?iiil li.-rer State I ' '?.'k. lue i-.iiipeio!?> letter te Qoa. l'iii.?, datad Ion, '*.', 1 repo-Biedhen Iron -?iirira |oona_b. vrtth then roaimeata lue Paria pian i?, ra henlofon, n 1, irbahly c!iur> ol n ?-.?k 1 00 te Monican aape* n.tir.i . (?f favora1 le r. u.i.ik, exi? it in iht OevesB* Mem |otirnaln, hnrdli a Inn i. t-- b? teatL So tor 11? I ?un leam, iii joamtll not unfairly ropnemi ? e people ia this casa. The expedition is not _men talked ?.lout,but neal nra|j talkad ahon approv? ingly. Michel C1? tahrr? ai'i. le?. .;?<?_.! .n m4 1 hat, hem lately helped IO draiv more BBtaBtte ti ( the .nh|e?-t. Mr. Tnurl'iw Weed und Mini-lei Duyton triggOkl ?I over to Braanls hnt arah. Mintaiei Pike boni - tiling ii-'l hen from Du", him d. An iii toj , li gua ia in Koon, b animta-_?KpiswpnlvV'oridi ( ??i.ere.-, r.Hwin' ling there 1er tie | urj nee ol BOtte m the gopBBOn n..r'.vi (ii'-.-'i in, lind ilo BJ ant ? other bi-ine?. thai amy ooma belum the meeting, - II jw Adelaide PhiUipeJato niuraod b? nfroa Hadiiu 1 !..-"? ?mt toft te flit a ?erirao operaUi mgagei mu ? IBB ll'illiHi'ln Mid Itel.i.i- up?. .Mad m e \I_de line Iirae4er, a piui.irl, well kiit4in in 4imi >\\y eaoootally le organiser?- ?i charity wacofti ...? ? 1 cheerful contributor, gave au appnadad oooeortnl RlBOd'l Made Hall the U?t ihurivlay. DOW.*? TIIK Tlii'is'tl I'l <|alelBrae Along the l*lis-?ia?ippi- A p pa real Arliritr Among the K11,iii? The lu?/ Hep?rt fioin I*illott IliaaflTrrli?? ?f the linrriMii Hip 4|ue?tititi ol thr fe ort'? I vat milton IC.-iral el' tbr I npluri ?I .\e???t?rli*in? l*e?-.i?l?-iil lanmlu an Ogre?Arkanaaa li? -?Juirnla !\ear Pillow ? JeeT. I hoinpaan aa.1 bia Basd "latural Kflecl Of *lr? ? .?ion Tbe Futan- of lle bellioaa etc. 11 oui Out Sp. c1?' Cerra?! '"l-nt ( liktM. K? limn', Kia'Ti I I A. Neei ?-ort filio?, geteatf-t?? MfeWa Ahot. Mrmphia iueail?; M?> '. lui "All ritiiet aloiik! the B_B_-B_-| pi'' li ?ill the utter? ance heie, aa it was tor ?o long u time upon the l-ank? of the I'otomtic. Two of the mortora, the L. A. Prutt und Jacob Bo-tel, nauie-d after piounuenl ICloefanmttam (the former proprietor of the Spencrr II,nae, and the latter a -beal millionaire), and raaMBO-ded hy I-i-ut. Koa aid W. Wbootoeh. atM !.< ep up their 'ire at ii.teriul? upon or rullu r in the ii i reel i iU of the iuireni-hnient., w?i!k.iii, bowoeer, eHeWag any mmheref lepHee. The Bobah] have b.i'U iiMi.uhll) .ilciit tlnring tbe jirt-eeul week, haningdtaehanjad hu? 114.. or d_gn oi gun? itel Sitaritav night. ' MTtHiM A? lill) V UBOM TIIK KNKMV. ('? ' ddenl le Betivitj le. BM to prevail on lbe mer atoatid Ciai-I ead Toinl j i?gmi< tiom the tuioke of the ehimasys of aithratheamB?11 gaaheoto or tnina porti, 'i loth, which .teem up and iteum down ? a* if in the M i?i?ru.ance of regular duty. Kvety once in a while oui lit-in.-b ?hells drop in their vieinit v, and ive st once perceive tbe cloud of ?moke ' n.-iiuiiiig au atu-nnatcd and a more horizontal form, levlnC-Bg an accelerated degree of motion i'<utl.?ard. IHK I.AST RU'OItT KKOM PIIXOW. j S.n< e my luet letter several more dc??e;l?T. fioin 'Pillow have rea.boi tbe HoiI'h, and two n-iiroe. who bad leen acting M '"-It-- Otate to etelgiol t a gurri?,m. The fu_.ii ii tri ?onohorate wl.ui lu.? b- ? ii ?rvi,,ti?ly ..lie ,.| it.?- etaMttfan of the bul i lb) t it na? nan % gun?, and i? latedad hy a fou-c ot m.4 ta eigiit th-ii:?iiii,i meo. lil- \l lil T!t?\ (li III! l.M(l!ls?iN. v a .,? tbetroopean B-natiiifledm i itniitwi?-?!, ; ii'iiiii.iMii ihe eulup uii . ihi 1. ni io denrt, par* tiii.'k bammeal te loee td conlii me ta ?lie v uii,-, ? rn . ,1 1-1 -, hi ?1 perilt of tlik. la ti?--.. tatfOMa, Wh* have been drona f? aeeki pan, m-d isvagromlj a 1 w-i! thora under then control Ber-i?mqiiar?nu bars rj4*4*urrel anmii?* the ofllr-rre, and it ia reported that two im I? were fnuj*ht hat week, near Fulton,be? tween rapt nui? tt dillerent companies, onlv one of t b conbnt-BM being hart, and n eel aorioaaly? (l.-ti "v i" ? ???' r ,? mmu* h Kirut e|T..rt to rertorr thehnmouj of I e (."urinon, (?ut lias found it ?4. tiifh. nit a ii.t, ' i e io.? baa lost hi.? tenner, ami hal i..rea'-?. )| ... jj hulf-a-dozt-L ?inordinate?, bj tray of tnlunrtj ezee pla. hrt'iltaiv ?XiiDipl?* rounds Well: ;,i\l ?hooll the Ken? . ll.a? '? i a?i li? : ?' M his re?'ln'i ?n, ne xv ill beu?v 1:1 a.:.I, s , if Iiot hi? .?wn f illit./* ca '.?e. li the et-sun bejii'i to hang each oil er, the world will bell'!., lied; alni the more ?_'?.'? .ul n litscome-, the mor? a?'.v.iiita;.-eo'in will be the result, und the amo bearty nr ?,? ? ri xm1. It u hif/h time tht hiiiicine beean; and there, would bo au eatraetuaj litus*? u our aaaanaa1 knainrsktsou ob a bother al tWnnsebte he anatni jeane, thai] ?n- i ' lag ihr very important (JJ icteon of uhuh we IMIBMSBa hate been guilty, lill: QliMKiN Of IHK KURT'S i.YAll VI'oN. The fajritiviu think an early erueiiution of the fort virv probable, and mythe qnen'ioti hu aaaa .ii?.iiit?-ed elie? tin.I at loo?ta BJ IBB irir?.i r ???: it? ??Iii-1 ern, many ot wla>m ne bia? i? rains to hold l'illi.W am' loiu/i f, li.? they VT?11 ?oon he t-.Mrp.-Hed IO abi.n'i ?a i?. 1 In-) f. nr nl-o that they mav bo ?nr-. ?oni'ii.-il, ?tiwi tin ir ?.aunt out oil', and ?mimili* the xvi?e omi?? a' al.? I a io depart while they c ni ??o ?<- -?!elv. Othei ottne-B, on the contrary, talk of ' ?oloing the fuit to the luit, ami of i.ot liuulii:}.' down the .??,'. nana tina; Butti they aie di i ven t.. the dire.?t , e:;. lemitr, himI ti.ero I? not the leak? ROOM to ?RBBf nile.?- ir-mnant el Bene npou. Ililli ni Till IM I, or M VV-niM r\*v>. The rapture of New-I ?ileui?, xvlien tirr1* beard ti mi I'ilk.w-, waa ridii iil?-ii anil ileiioiim ed as an A1?? litten lie; but later ntwunthn cot Biasing ti??' Intel lajjonoo. a clono of ii. ?p. inlericv t ?!! BOOB lb? ?.'".irri BOB, and \ il?pi'.ne, who ?woie he . ? nid noi. imagine bow ii I ml I ?u | ela ii, de hied >? Wa? fir "he ?-i var- . ni blow 'iel ott-eeetnn I ad yet received. S.ii n t...? L. it le ui Miil h. Beeareans*- lia? lort noch of ilu? reputation gskned ut Bbusaaaaa, ??nd a i iiiiit -?r of the .SomI rta piijer? hilve B******eooB- die* Bp| ?iiineni al lus ??i eui I our-.-. The) beeta to i oil a lui u of him, ?nid ni'i'iiio why he ?lid not Toll iw up the vi -tory tot elaian to bata ??ained up the lew n-B-xe. They declare lim- Yankees wire terrified after the irrt at etrn?-.!?, Bad thal fh?y have IwaoBM m i,, bli n?,i by BotUa*eajni-r*a ?hinton ami appeioatlj J? fetinive (?'lu?. Bneothennaotebfa Btb ana ?th ot april, tbej willi! lo know whit he is nUiiit, and mux hu n-li. v i?. beyond tie co? j i.hen?uii 0a di? criuuoetun art-tub end adrbe Omi (?en. I,-,veil?' bren be |etneiel oana to bl?, and that the ra?t S ,iit',.Tn army inuiih upou, oxeiiuu and ledu.e tin .Norl , nulli it" he a for ??erne upon i'.B bended knees. ! All BteVteanUte u! reindeer and .?, uh 1 bbve be,ore Mt,?I, mue'? be le-'tixad , um frwoa iii ii. I aire 'i.'ia u? I hi hi ii em, baring li e reader to .indge i-f their v. ii-imiliti nie ami pn bulility?r? mai?sin;*. lil the rame .une, I ?.t IwBJ aie generally cul erent und iWlolWMBliie BM Bl the other. Pill ?-II?) B1 I IMOl M AN (Klltll. lim two negroes who baie e*?.H|e?l from b.-ridaire ' appeartnetly i le-n-e.l with the , i.un.e ,n ii . ?? -a, iiaiii iihk'?, and furniah nome asaariefj nlen* of the manner BJ Wl ni? I*r? ???lent l,i.,eolii w?. ta\ nWTBtod i,, ii ? m, and to the enan at ihe bnata naaofelty? ii >ii???t ol? Abe"waa doehued i.v their mm-tcr? t.. ne a ?, a genuine OkjfUa who i i.ed un buna ti??h, ano had b rus and a i .11. He ubi en? ni ?ely laeeeaad blonbainty. ami would, ii be obtnli ad j ee? mhb of the Beeah, ??auante lae ? ?aiiiiv, .in i ?bet roi n?-n. won tu, ead cfUadren. Hi luui ?,-.iii? i.inr aatred "i tie airs.?n r???*, and sso lill J ! a, !l,e 1' " S " li vol Hil- I...I i MOpOU i ?a, :! i.e - I ever I uijt.ei any p?n tnii 11 .*?? .. ria. When i',? StntrabeBOS told this itiry they laughed i BM rai If,md n .id t! ey . ?>il?J not anti dill I..,', i?? li.-ve ;i i tacfc i o: -en??t; that they prrnm ed " M..--M I.', .In vxi.? a ina i.i. e ,u'iu:ia...'i, ami ?A-mid ?i t bo n. m i ? aa.r brreek ana or eajbeij el?e that Irhaviii ii-?-if. Ant?, xs te iti lou N?iM M.xii piUaOar, The-?--, rea toa Hat iw? Atkin.- ,. ?unen?? Bia bow once , do lbs unetetu I nb <i lb tirari tliat thor had i tri ed le fa to tan tori, ant areae ordered to I. vv .'il..y wer?, n? titan might I? ot ii i. > i <- ?..-? . ? lb ,?? 'bun al lil'? w. l'l ia j-trol li..ii (?I Iahe I-'- t?. 1 ii IBB ii . !? i* |a? ran,? ?I, pom h to the probability ol .? n ? uri] ? i oati ? bj (?*n. \ il . -, und To t., i. BrainMliij io pwrnlhaj en? Lind fa . n en BBinod in Ail. Ban li.'ii h?irT->r'ii/, .,, lalaifeihiaj aram, tau enaaaj1 pi treat tat tibeneaii?. aioliTwed arlMkntiurj an B*-gkt< 1 ? ti l. .,?:.,-1-. Bad BawpaM VI i I, 1 ? !., ' B | iifri.i;?- of ti .?? m i-ei-? -ppi. ih i? is n ig Ra te Ira ItOtrab te ?jet l> s?.|,,l I ?? leal it | n ?ait. JIM'. 111?.X11 -UN AMI lil- l?M??4. .Ie?l. 1 I rOmOeOB i? BO? ia fc-O tort, w i!. ..?I or ID?) ol hi? i.,rh'-. i -eos, t'ecb??ing, wini great ( alho, ?hot be will do I the " d i ?.ak. ? lobbeoual .iiisr. Inn.ken, blas?. ??J My le, and ?ill | robablv |, II, ,1 i t, ce II lil 11 I ?' H'tlh aw HI ?A lit: i.i? In ?lit! td :? nmli ?' - B'.'i I n ea *? li in st u.t ol the A ki'.ii h? h> Ull'|?a. 'j i.t ?i", ?et'.hsi Un npooa i? in urn na ad M Ihe fort it xvii ? ni ?min.I ni ?ii?the pn.i'ut ??I one ?f ibe Imaajaatir? indirldanb who wiit? letter? ann Cairo, dal.,i m lae mulla .wliitii tlii-y iiaxe never e? -i,,, fro-., nil. ill.? IK ? liieMly M t .. r,.,j ?| (let k h anl? me' i ..' in-!. ,i? - a I'a ?ii', ?ti?', ?Is Un.I ? Is bet TAI ?I' he-e BImI IK' lUoUtll of ti,t- Ol'. | ? li I? vi I il i (T ni *l( I -MUN. i fo tira lo lb those an two o? ti n ? f.-rmrr rati? /.?n? ot ajenuhb. who loft then bau S|ii .- I ? ?i re I li.ev wer?: iiiisvill.'*; "' ?Bl | ?" '? ' li b1 -i'i ? nei't? and bare sb. i. ? ? w with the 1 National servke. 1-t? ? i di ni ve theo h i r.-ai i ajaalel pWeaeea M i ?' ??' i?? on sha Otsaesa* I mint I" als u i- ier :???.-. . ?.i?,? bin! ?live to ? hundred ii ?ni a m I? >..i y i eiaiiiniiraaBasaa . apportnti om|e.euneoB ? lae of , ii,,.,,, ,, it-1 rail **.? a fioatibe aron lae 1 lie!,?" .f hat lb? y em ? Bowetokn I;? ? ? aad '*y no nian who , law ? 11? i eua I ?? i tra wi uni to ?ee aaotl n ' ?..n.iie n, lofai ????! iltta ' ia ?he l'ai? n. por m?-'n ? hi a tenntbej badufairoppwlBBtty u. wi'iie-- the v " ? i geaiio Bec?a of ttnpo?*-?af im-tilull'a-, Bin '-. Base?'rule tli.u nieu in the North vx , i ?n Inn hUaoty is noi the cause at rel elbon an ? ill ' " >.*'?'--1 v ignorant, ti wilfully m.atlHeloiiH. Bl IV ?rv ?I intf.e rWll Ol the rebellion; Mavery faateted aad atnrband it, ?rave bfdeea>atjj ami -foadlhai I all the beeag born awaed? .No iinn-elaveholil? r bad inMiience or poiv.i, while every , n.?.-an, ?i i ?, da le the -RaTtubeteet, aadoTeerl ttlori einpl' **ed to , BW li ?te and pand'r to the anea POWUf by the tien BBB||M 8 and pulltn mm ol the Kout b. j Tnelae of ?thenoM IbIimbIIbI ano taTMUMMael could bave turned back tim tide of K'trxeion that I i m I been foned in ?BOB laM Stale, but they Lad nut the aMtnl coat bro te de bo? ?hhaant every man who i had lit-iirt-,1 in pulilus l-elievrd the I'eult of the! ?triigi'le w-iiild BO B tf| ural ion, and thal am h " di?. ; ?jaoBtnl*'nttWrainaa a* loyettj und labor foi ihe! i Union would ruin him in the future of the aevered ' I I'atniitry. m ru:.?/? neeaaan, tiny ihtaah .i_-t,u?t aa? fore the [roe; eil c1 rtaiiding before the woilj uc? ( cuted of bee at tin ir BaCtaa .*nuutry ! I HU It II lil. OB It!.UM.1.1(1*4. M'ich ?r?eeiilation has bii'ii rile of late in rrg.trd to the di?.poriiion of the two L'r?iii KiiniiB ol the Noi lb ? aid South iifttr pi are BM BOea .le.lare.1, which tiinet I be ern many month?. A umulier ol ji-rions from ' Kebeliom with wnom I have envere??? believe thal tan -wUBnaea baana will Hy ?he naak-ry, umlai tempt, xvilh lie himlr-di! or thoiiBiinds who ?au alxvay? I"- in,n!, Hillier,!,!? BOOB lu mlvertity to the w?,-i eaaaa, le bulbi na a (?oi-rrnment ni the ba?i? 1 of Slurery in t'entrai Antsita. Ther will, if jw rai? ! bis, rarry ti ?ir ?lavee wi'h th.-m, and open the Atn- ! can ?lavL-irude, aid and Rae? to woik out then I iii-ottir tin?..iii ? Bbout ii,,- bnnlaaa of betjtaunj ' t routrh its j?ir}?etnation to ti e huuisii nue. If ther i will do tliif-, it will be well, in ?o tur as it will move ! how utterly t. ?*y have ile? eise ! I hi-uii*t]ve?,aiid thal' 'their bin? ct'oit? < nu eventual! only in corni),tiou, < irtMtearaeneaa, und rum. hi iRKii?i coi aiM Biaaaai Ufas li Bnua Intna La Bann. uki imiis?. llobba(2t. liost.?l think the bill of particulars, plstdiias si.rl a!i.iavlis tally wairaet lb* ronrl.iai.iB that lb? UlaJ ??? : ? o .i?? tba ???na., i! .? ,,( ? loi g arcouat ou ti.? i,?rt of Llaintifl I ne?.- d toa?? Bill itipu.a:e wltbin tbrae dtv? tj the wnrk, ltloi Vi . t? bl,-. |,?ro p?ii'urui?d. ti ,1 the i. ?.?us'?, i , to kaw been s. Id sud da.ivarad is tilagrd ?B the ion |'?ii !- Hie tell n It t? tened. i i r-..e J?.?iic? Inanaaau lb-1'e.ijil? ?i rei ?"haaraasuda M at agt. Pi???utt (tan est?t )-Iiiierii|iteries to 1+h?d wl'liiu two dsy?. and an ?s i.i t. J ? ulm :. i?; j? , ? tli?r??l'?i. md ?itli?r nat? |i, n:n.? on lb? ia?* for a brarmg ou ".?,. da?. Ban?. --a? - I SITU) 81A I'M ClliltlT fOLhT-Msi U - ???o?? .l.idg* Rai ?.,.?? B AT K11 1HI SLAVE rilAUIlt IllMID Bill. In ii.? . -, ?f ?4! uni B. ilaynr-s, lb? in,?.- of the ?'??.I Mlf-l.ll. ? ? I.? J...I?. laid lie lia- c. t.|i? , J? ? Ha ?I? ?milli a the? ?ire 1..4I, ?d?e,.el BMB?B?t li,. .,... ' i. i ti. ton ii ha atlMaarra k?ll rta , ?ii ,, ?. , ? ,,, , ? ,,a I.i, ! ii,, ii,?linn mr. i, .-?? nat ??a?. , . Vi I ?tn tor I c | ii ?i,er ??id ora,,,?- I ;? ? Ulai j,. A I ? ... . ? |. I COMMERCIAL MATTERS* -mm ritin ii ihr Niark ?BxrBangr.Mat 13. 6l,nuiU. R 8?,'81,Coup.. 105} 1 (Ki Erie Bailw?y.bli 40 M.., d?..HlSi K23 do.40. ]??,MOTr7 I 10 ?Pet. Ntl. 105? .'00 di.b30 40 40001' It. ?a. 1 yr. Cer.1'0 100 do.bJO ?i ?,.?,i<>l,i?, otite (*,'&?...ln.llW do.*? j 1 VXO lu. C.ntl Bdi 'I.O.. H 100 do.404 2o .-?dl lllinol? War ItOai*.. Mi M Krl? Kiilwty, Prnf.i6f. 17* LMlnd rftata War Ln. ".J ?S d?).171 lliia.i Tenu -?.alaoi,'90 ? ???') MO do. 6.* ,,?,- rio.bGO li il J SO do.bin 671 ?gi?*) do.(n IV? do.1*18*7'. | l'ai"?. Miiac'ul State Ct... Ki Mt) llahia Mr. BaBisad __ JI.O do.b') 5.': IN) do.?t 3W0 do.Mit-M ?".SI 1? ,?n rfo.1" 51. 100 Mir! lfic rentra) RR. ?iii ...... 5(1 M M. M. kN. I. O.K.... tt| Soon do.blo arl W ?io. ii i In KSI do.b30 .'..(I 50 do.160 M ?tea do.,sWttt;lto do.auw. n'kMi ?ftOiiCllii'ini.B State 7i.. il? M d?. iii d0. ?I, la' P. ?HI? II. R.l?t!? 4 M Min. HatsSB'ei bri a II ils HI (en. R. H. terip., g ? ? ? ' .? I .o*. ;?.?.'.. e?... T 100 (io.e JI ! ai?)? ?ty h? llCTS.lOlpM do.621 1 i??3 N. Y. Centra) 6a... H 'l'1" do.ilO i>H 1 M ?. V. I? ... l'.d, ?n.lOSll 1t C??ye k Pitt'-?; R R.. M LW isuff.. N. V. k F.rl? | 1" ( leve.,..ol.fcl ItlULllI 1 i ?I ..-Kge. 91. 25 de.Uxil 5 ??m lind En S ' g 1"1? H7 IM Otl. It ChL R. R..b30 721 l.-.iall lil t , in Hit, ilda.. Kl oil do.?iUl 724 J,..-'.Mi I I hm!? du 100 do.71! . h.eli l.tmiirtiate.. 95 | tU do. 7it*i I.M Chin B N. W. SdMt 141 2u do.7.1 seo?' do. M| ?M Clerr. k Toi. R. K... 4t,l tl.OuOTol. I U i It nug. lil m" do.t?! 13,0?Toi k VI a. 2d luig. 5H}?100 do.M5 BRI : 1.1 d. "ail. HO do.a.tO IM , .."?ne.! it i i, ... ?,l m? B ?v. .'00 do.biHI-Uij ?.'.chu >?.,. ?* ri", ?t|. ni ?,:. li?" ??{.. 1.'??. .-,i??ii ?r. (? ...Hull M do.MI ?/,:.,-, j,,, loo do.bso -tu 7 Bank n! ?Bain ni N. V. in] M ('bl \ R. I. R. R.?f u An. ? . KttjMaga !i?i k. H M do.BR I nBsakof >. tViii?rica...?i'! 7?!5 do.Sf-i | I a- mi Rn.v.'..'i los C. B. A a M-R?..btt tt i MCMtonCmnpM]. li] N do.?i*! ; M-, r liai! Meal'uto.lL'' ?100 Ho.ttt tt| | M N'en T..?? Cm II. B I JO do.7? jin Jaa. ? ' lo M I? P. du (Mit pie.. ?4 M To | VV. R. Il. Ktfl -.?> taonaa ii"?ai? _ ., _, '? i?aO I". H (ii, W, rai.I, ???? ?N V. Ceutnl R. g.... *9? ?Mi.'iil, B.SB,1I, c..iip..l05 M do. MI tauil. -S. .'I, '74, coup.. ?1 :-otl Fuie lUliway.??? MI BMaS d,,.?.?} 5?) do.nail IS,, a 7 3-ia oer c1. BStaa..lto M Erie R. R., Trel. x>M> ??.; jn.iyo do.104,100 do.bttOt?, l.nOO do.loiy H?l d.?. 17 i u (?mu. u?r] MHaawa Biter KR.?I ni'.?) Tenu. Stale?*?, 'n0 .. i'i 45(1 do. 4-*l ?J'a.?i .?. M4 M d.... OH I l.ns MitMBri Sta'ett?... :?.:? M Mich. Ceutnl RR.?1 : ! 1,1. n do.K] 50 da*.NOM HjM do.?io ?MI ..i lisent ERBerlf'tM Bj, !'.???.( a'ilornia State 7i? 91, M do.ttl -..'?n0 lil Cm? Bd..':?.. tU VA Clt??. J? l'itui.g. R K. M 4,M li R. U.R.. M nug.. 1*7 i?00 do. M j M T.! Ai IX ?!i 2.1 m'?. 5i'? iVH Cle?e. k Toledo RR.. 4' i 5 n-" Mi.-h. Be -*k? i. hiii. ii? .?on do. 4?.l 2.i.,??? American ..old.1091 Ii?) do.Bto 4Sdj .'.- P. Mul.'i.ani Cn 114 i MCn.c. t.R?i<k lild. KK tia tt I LI IN do. l>4, l'-Micli..-io.lN.l.(itJB-k 51 , Ti i?i??v, May 13?r. B. I The Stock market wa? lees excited jo-day than of late, und muter retan damairing rumora lower j r cea were e.talaihihed for mott descriptions of share.:. ?Some pin lie? who liad hough' tit lower flatta cam? in lo realize profits, and the neivly organired eli.?ne ! i ???,! haiiiiii'-red with ?.une vigor end ?'(Tect. The Baraneal xnn- svidsntly?rae of the eddies alxvuyi ii ? a. I in un advancing market. The abort line i a? I.. ti largely ImmMbJ within a few ?taya, and altin in ittelf i- an ? lernen! of' a rise. The inllution of 'he i Briant which, creating au en-v money murat', xx:.? one of the lirai impulses of the rise, i? still : going on, ?nd must reaeeert in ii few days its |Ki\??r. New I'liioti victories, the ocraj>M'iou ; ?af Kia I.ii.-nd. A.... w II ul-o agBtt lor |? M the a ur? if ?j. ? ,il.iti m ie.i.|? checke?!. At the leaned Band tie binn brfnttriaaele rir.-ai.ited a i aiiard from mr hrnrntaamemmte V'lirt. that Ki.gland and France Lad decide?! to intervene between tie lad Rae Benah T isi- a revixal of an old i ?itiior w ii I-, nu. Leen i in Batting in London, and to ?hiebtbs jBOnahl of thal city give no ?n? m-'* At ihe t?ttt in ti e Street the share mar kttwai tather lower tiian at the Second l*?iar?l. I.rie old wita ..'*?; i retel red, BT| Hock Wund ?Vi,1 ?vc, xxiii, but bttta aebaj. I" ?nonaaai ttie bbmM i? dull at 1IJ,?/1III for rterlmg. Frnm? are ,n}?4 '.. gntgbtt are tosn asnea and rate? are firm. T?. I.i? .?rjacNal the BBgBgM e:,t? ire IBObaawCottta at 3I?..*L? ??u,i??!) baaa. Corn next Week at an. in bulk; beV-MI ?anta Wheat at N, ta balk? g,an| bid?, afinar at la laJd?, ase latter rate I v niutrat Hag; M lia. lim .n at M?., ''iii ia?. I.nrd ut ?MB?I SOObbda Iliif!? und Slioulder? at ?'?-.>'.I. i.'I,--1?. Khoiildersat :r.'e.'?i., .^?lUet Si .li. ?J Bidn at -Te.1'.).: sii't i-x-r tlcamer \jmmo pkgB Chee?? ? . Ifin tan liaron and ixKi ihkin. ltutt.-r ai MB To I., m'?.n l'.,iini bush. Wheat at 10.1. in bagBi 2.(hkj bil?. Flour at ttkJd.) ?'?" hhd?. Ham? at H? lo Ol??-."??: lu.iSKi batoaa Wheat at Ita!, iu hags; 1.1 'Kt hi.I?. Flour at m%\ UM tax?. Hacon at ?MaVa?. To Havre- 3,im>(i f, ,?h. \N i eui al Ile. 1" AtiiBterdatii: i!.?l bbli. h ii ut :tt I?. Tue ct,ar;?r? aie a Pruaeiar. bark, xvi'h M.UOO basn? Oaton la Cnh and a Mtv por? in the 1 altad kingdom at 1-d. I' ii" M\ an Anieii? un lui; of d"!'tuns to the no1 th ?ide of Cuba ead Bul a* Ha for Sugar und I. N for llo^iisses. a schooner >f 1*1 tuns u> a Gu.'f l'on ami baal at f l,'J.>"; a ?tup ot Soo tun? to load Deal? at au BnttlB port for l.iv ei?ia('i at ;?>. tal, absej of -.';r BanRMBMBns? ern port to ttie south ?i?ie ?if Cant and hack at le. for ?Siiuar and 3c. for IMatoBe. BBd a brig of-.'JvS tun? to the south aid? oi Caba ?ml back at 40?. fur Sugar and |.i for Mol-cses. 1 he hu?,ne?*/?, of the Sail Treasury wa?: Receipts, |:HL,o.'t'j 47?for Caatoan, ijr.'.oou, i'a_?m?i,ts, $i,i7i,..-,".i |f| iiaian.e, $t;,rji,:w bn. The euniings of lie (iulena and ('nie ago Kailrosd for ?BO week nnd'mi Mav H, were. I Mi I. IMIl'd. Freigh?.annan iB,no Pw.. gem? pMasaean. tttlto 7,iii* ti tai .... Bl I ie 1' 1.25000 Inc.... lui nu 'i??!?!.eeMUM sif.xrtin Dn.a.BtMttM The eariiinga of the St. I*om?, Allon and Chicago I{hi!n'H(l for the ii rat week in ?May, were: IMP.,. IfM, Paaaer|.:i. 9-? . 1- 7Vi |7i-<ai40 Kiel?:.'. li..'!"" II.: -.' ..-i ! ... r !??. Ml m ni X1 Total.Ol'.7*13 l?J ei1."7? W Vi. .?aa. ii, | BJ. I,,a lg n lolai Uii. luuiilli te dato... l'.,i.rj 95 19,071! M Tot?! ataca JaB. 1.... * JU,4Cj 43 ?. ii'., ni ?j* The Milwaukee and Piaivin da Ciucu Kuilroad en. m d the first week in May. k . EaasaMM.a.n,7?? 2a for Krelt/lit. la. K,T 03 I? Mai.a aid Iteiili. I Total.BMJ ?I? pi e,??.??i?,i..iiiiguiuutb lstii. i.i,rn te Lerra?.. ?>4,32?i Id Ttie deposit? of demand notes with Mr. Cisco to? day, for conversion into the Six tV cent uew loan, ate about $iOO,WO. Borne of this loan Las leen read?! at ] 4)r cent premiiun. The supply of money lontiuues largely in ailvance of ile d.iiiiuid, and it i? prewed upwn fa/orit? bor roweia at I*j j-?r cent. We ccutiuue to bear of loans on leading coltnteiaB, at 11.1] per cent. Some ol' tim banks are large lenders, st 4 per cent, under ?he lapid accumulation of deposit?, which ure nearly $l,(?(M),iSJ0 greater than on Monduy. The detire to en i n inter, it upon a of this *llli,Ott>,n<ai?), bjm diii'i ? these instit.nions to aicept low tates. Parier of a " gilt edge" charm l.r is scarce, snd in active demand, at 4{ ?iii per cent. The aggrei/ati. amonnl of Demand .Note? fonvard ad lo Waaluuuton hythe .Naiioiial and ian lan ?Buk-Note Companies is al,out $77,OOfl,.MHI. Tin* ??hole millii.t,? oi.lered will lie lot warded within til* iH.'ii'h. The Mail Steamship CoiiipMny have ata. ? l?red a .livi.l.ii.l..I .. |. ,,.m ol? ?? ,|lu ??tittril. i pof toe tato asna ?allia, najante ou .he -..'id Mt 'I..- lo?? ?nil ?an -u the l.ub and nopM ? . . Mib ,? i. T,,,. anatagial ile ihiee moutl,. tie i. po !? ii >o -xce.'d || ?J? vvmtt ?Gold hu treen quia today at 103JB103?,. The ?apply cornea oat with ootvaidersble frndom at then ratea. Demand notei for Coattm-Roan purposes are J.? | 9 cent premium. The 7.30 9 nnt not?e ? fell ?back to HW" ? 10."). The mnting of Hanken and Merchant* wu held to-day at Mr. Oilpin'i new room on Exchange plan. The room and location are well chosen, and thii, for tho future, will he " The Merchants' Exchange." The ruceipts at the New-York Custom-Uoan to? ?lay (Tuesday) were: Imports, $'21,247 73; With (Intwala from wp re li out"*, $'i?,'.!H6 i:?; total, f'J'.'O,? -?.13 9?!. AU the pay mint? were uutde in demaad notes. We annex a comparative statement of the Exports exclusive of specie, from the Tort of New-York to foreion porta for the week ending May 13, and aince Jan. 1: 18110. 1861. 1862. rai ins week. B?-w,509 **,???.I*J6 Bl.?*??.?! I'revio sly rsysited.... 2i.tal.VH ?4,M7,15I 4,103,105 I SlnraJsn. 1.$3(1,691,lo3 ft:'.?11,313 BtfllU.'JOS The following Uihle will compare the present condi? tion of the bank? of the City of New-York with that at the cloue of the corresponding week las' year: May li, tm. Mann "**? Discounts.ei23.lj.2J8 ?iJS.lHil.?ll Inr.. $15,815,111, Specie. J,,.uil*?45 BJM.'Ba Dec. b.t?il,ITI? Cireulailop. SJaaJUl 8,(J(i,;?Jl Dec. ttXttt I Tut?dunks iltja,!?. i?-. :?-.w in... n,tausa Manseaat. ?KS?B,tS| Its.BB.M Inc.. B,*Tt,MJ ( ?],nal. Ii!?,iil4,744 89,itil,(4)5 Deo. attVatBI The atatement of ?he Philadelphia Hunk* for the hist two weeks MBrJBSM at follows: M.t5. Nu u. i'spitslstock.SU.?n.iM Sil,??,:,.)? lae... a 125 Lean. Ill ?<'4,4l'-2 ill?.r"?i 347 Inc.. 841 115' Specie. 6,??t?.(ii% 5,IB Olia Dec... KI.?17 I Hue I'm ? Hanks 3 U.'l.ii.VJ l.iWI.Wl lue.. .l.lM.W.t l?..e to other Beaks.. 1,531,837 1,111,411 In.*... 56 TO!,*. 21,316,614 23.102,163 Ina...l.BU.IB I Cu,ui?ii?.n. 3,:?M,'?'i2 ii. *7,?i?i toa... io*i,6?> Mr. (.'ha?"? ban issued the aunt ?ted Ciicular ?n re? gard lo the opening of ports: TsBjarKT DrriRTaiM Mar to lS'.J II?! alaian? rp1a!))., to trade with port? opened by procla ?....(. Te ve??*!i c1, ?iii | ?roii) fi.relin por!? and destined to part? opened by ihr pro lAiruTiin of (he I'reaiuert ol thp i raited Stele? el lui* dale, uaiuely BeaoBel lu Bartk t ?re? im? l'oit iti??. ia -?outil I ?rblina, a d >ew-Or!?an* in Lo'iitiatis. ? , _ 1.1 e??e, will he grarteJ hy ?Spank o' the Lnited "tate* upon ?atUfactory evidence thst ihe T?a?e!? a? li. eni.-d will SarBPa? no person property, or iiilornislion contraband of itar ? .thi-r lo or fruin the raid port?, winch iioen??- ?hail hp exhibited io tnc Coilect. , of Ute Pert t-P which ?sid v.aaeie m?v a? iPPfptllltPlj hound, lunn-dkti-ly ou a.iival and if lej.ued, t" ?li? ? ?1ic?r Id rii?rr?. o! )be bloesad?); ?Bil on lea?iu( '-'tlier o! tbe ?aid poa. every ve.iel will ha n qui eu Ij have Belt ?iance t'roni Baa ? PUaU >r of the cn.I.,in? ??-corling to l.w, ah i?te| lb?! tL??re . a* ton no afelaBV u of Ibt. ..mii'tu'is of the Ai.y ? < -lacon o? the ?aid C'.n dalona will involve the i.nfeiture ?t.d Bl ndeinnatlon of the vessel sud car(0. aial the eiclmiai ?.I all la'ti'? concerned froiu an? f.?' tiei BrivflaSS oi rn BrUaJ IM t ui'??J Stales dui Ir ? the w?r Tor an* porp, ?e ?. j' |pl r.ii To ve??el? W II e I i lied Mla'S? I letrit).'C >?-twi?e for '.he port-, ?(??r'-.nid licenae can only to oo'aii.ed from the Trtai.irj Derailment. .... , I iriira In ?il s 1er IBBPSStS 'he ei.ailB? ,lp< remains ii Ipil lane ,.r.,i ellect a? es'.?! .li rd a!.J maintain? d , ?air i? ii re,?ted by the proel ?ri.atioi. eireji' in repaid to the poria to ?. i... ii ti - i. ? ? -)oii i? by that instrument en app led. >l?.i-d. S I' 1 I1A.-K, j.?ct?-tary ireaaury. | The Juru h iii'i luter daiei. At I,iv ?-pool the Cotton sales of the week were IO,????) bale?, the niurket closing '?1. lower, o?vin?r to intervention r'iaors. Tim ?.ii.? of Friday weie 4.DOO bales, the , market esMMJ ??"ie? and unchanged. Jtrtads'.urt's Hull and naratUtl ?n? tamly n ?iintui'i'd. Provis!ans heavy. ('oneolb 93]a99}. atjnefican securititt dull ... i MkTeMMJBts? T! I iiniitieii jil'ilmit ii. i ide upon ilieCovernrcrit ?iaaBBM l? from the cianl.: f sasttaaa? BMBBBi Bal? ItttA <'??. Biaaamd far tke BobIob aaaaaaBi T e r ?.<(??. f ??eui? bri? u w f-... .'. li Btpd th? ?i?w? we luve -?? lorn enrtr. e?l cf ihe ?trer,?!, o: -lie loy? S'?-.. ? ?r,! f iiavenm.ei.t, ?a i La* ( *SB| 'e'elv ?olreil ihe boan, .al JldV ulttt* at Ike l?''er. Fits inai?.'t value of i(. ?- -'.'ir ?. la . t .ley larab ve taeir par va.ue. nat is cainidrra'ly ht(her i itu'i the pren.hiiii paid f..i ( All ihr a. MJP] tue (?uti .11 Blent ?van.? i? pro-ierej lo )t at h*fl far", i: ve j? i .-. nt. al??! ?oi. mai. i? ?ii. al Hill! wi,, uii.?o...i'edi> PPP) be ?lue lo n. .a? ?sag I'll ? at foi.I and a tua per cent- In ? ? eba ,?e i for i!? deiu*nd oote?, (o il u ay. an,I probably ?rill, connon. ti, advance but Bot I'. Hie tatu? ratio ?. it? in'e.-e-t payiu| bj Brill. ?, ark! h ii wi.i Bud uc .1 ii.. ,.iy a aastoaean In li.- lain i r, wal. a ls.rr |.ram: ni. I. its ...vor . ! . t. ??ill ?ill be iictpled ?* "itraordinary, snd ia a ire?t ;?s:i!..i.i( tettirr.or-y to the hi.aia a ?tn-L(lh of tbe BOUBlrV , j a til. mere .. ?? npreaiii* ti?? trapnm ot ems pt ? , f.. ?tu ?? ella rlence ??id a* the ne a-- ?? .m.,1 i.? Hie-?",... At'.la ,u?. of the la ' Adn.i ,:?.-. lee, i,,,? - , .- t ?... (I.d i ?ay tt Ppr paa-tfar aasaey, wbalB was ,.? . .1 ral ? r C ,.e ,. patl o'i i. ,:??e, or .eua?, of daly ? wnnh t?plla?'?t? o??e i t ll.e'i ?-.??? e?le a? | ich a? la ? .- .? :. ii?- i M ta n co??nie, ,-orjli e i. Is ?stlonal fsliB?I tos as sa lafpstaseul Ati.tea. ? I ?rea ,-?.--., f,;.? ?', ve'u. nent I ? la i? ? IrtJ ii.? a.our? .. . r ?, ?? i ?-? ,i, ., ?lu,. , , ? ! - .| ?na a BBBPPBt, WB TA'.- .'. n y ,i?T : , .?? i .?i. .prate?' it? U per tenia b?d :ai en 'rou i2? ? ? i - i. i.i si SI S St ii- N of !l?? etotsa to hrrsk ny the . iov ?r i -? i ???? a- e ravi Bl .1 it w .- ?? ' | bel a eltttn of li un. ' ai.l.e.l, rt?ltP rp ? ?e. The I ??.-.,? '.?:a . a'.'i .p". n??. ?. i, b ,.' a- v... io i.:: ai. i- .., r saS tapie ae pr.-p-ii -..- t. e -Mure i.ut, a ni. i ia more t.. lie d-*a. ed ti.. , rt e ?.,i.t bru o' ?i- .potlam. Oat BP p e wer* r? ?d |pd '? teto. PPt "" Ij ?? ade!, i.?? ?( I ? --lea'etied tal ??' aeee tbei,.v?..e. team rn?ie-iti ?. ? | . ?. ...., li ?? lu, l rrpari.loi. tjr )I ? . a ira! , ?me ia I?.?e Bad CJl.ln'e ????. 1 l.e e.-'e. ot O ?' . ?.'.." I >:>.'re?.ed J l?t li 'I?' de.le? li?! i! ._i_?A. I ,t..-ll e,,: I,.., ?,,d '??? l.i'? A.i tost wa ajt-SBtbif was a ni "* Freo? i ?? .-.t ?ty ?iii ?t . I tto ?!? Vai ?t Hu.. Han. w: 1 ? : al ? Baan. '.I- .lot. J the n.?<n''.in!e ,.| ile ,-. ntesi in Sito I. ?re were e.,(?(t.i? | u i, C* ' ,!ea e is. ,,een ilailv (T,.wl:i( , a. i ,er ?ni ?tr ., ?er Ihe ?b. It y of ? .ovein BPBl K) .on?.?* ?.a. . .- .viv mer. .aed till i; 1. ,.?ei ra?ir| foi It!" luna.? SM ?.'..?' ii, .- ?,| tbsl. li wa.? two year, ?so to b??ri?.w ?. io i??? ??.. an laa ihat saatiilsaM? h?> .-?led away in* do In ? d .aataauty in w ,-.-? tto rotten and i ekkma at ti ?? .ni ??.v .??4. ?? ? hid i.'Uiin ?!y a ii?)?.-r'.i)a M I. a a .* aiu.o ?' pow. ra even I to ??efeiad it? own ,.n ?eriy I 1 ii? in??? ihre?tenii | at.tul- i u. ' to MBBaaad kf tnspr-1 geetS toa I>? I .1.1 a irnee it. (I ir. r .-i'ibe, by I ? ?r. o: e ?Li .r?i or re.tiali I A *pe I i?.irl i(, ., fa, |': had pp tan pampered ??.?-.len. -a . ;.ti ?-,,? lu?: the no?! i BTlsel leam nnty tot I mi aaeared ? i!.. io livldi a' No won?J- r i tod lae s It b? au njau of di?n ...t ey ubar ' ns',ou. a- wed as out???:?.. Ki a im ( r?ate ?re M ? ?1 ?turi.ily guli., st tee .,.e-eo? af seeaaatee, ?rae- tb. sttaefc ap>?M rona ka a Boa d-a pU, I ??'..lit lb? i.iiei. to i?...-I i.,i-.i, ..i..u!vr?d the ?[-eli. ?a?! a- ? ? '? ?I "?" ?-eel n IM .ed .,? . n ?,-,, , ,?;. t?mi ha* eaadi elad ti ... tie iseaBwe now w.t,..-.. .?, ?..,, ,u 0. ,,? r.-be..i..ii, a :e :?. SBPS, -ad ev piala re?t .r.ii-n pf Bsp La lii,i.?i,i. .1, bl I abi.rea 1 a uati .na.,!?, and ? PPPVaPBPM w iib nins ?nd |i??eisioi..i?eii,?.sle wttk l!. ,lu-ie- ai ,1 ni. ra- titi f Mr? I? co I ..(er iu>o.?.-l ii. d..?i!?t W * have Ihe ?-.??'ir.'il of ali (utan in.-.r., he ae i' is Baal ne? i- s Led to li.? ?ya-patbit?, bab.ts sid iii..'*t.tai Jui( of Um p- :-? A? i lie .. ?'.?rial ?'? l'ara of ll.e co'.intijr depended ,i|. :? i. p?.|.i. al .. .l'y eraeaaldtapp ?ay proinoti Um fou, er ?a .1!, .ni! ..? t?v *':.??1. mg Hie lan. r l*to ?n.e ItbsniSBBBI? ? ., ?*th. r-pelu ?be itiyaj S-?'?* m-r. ne- ei baftiah ?Pi IPtaagBlj Palled ?hey wer? never belo.-? ?o strcnj. ilir? ie,?r e?/>yed ? greetei dtr??. I BaPlttisI BPUlfolt I ??>'*>.?I viiiajweT. rpPVPI i: ... ?? t.Mt. or atacp apaflj. c taiaeS by ali elapppp. T,..i f.i.t. cjupl. J ??iib ii ii?. ? ea ?an. ?' tu? lowe-t raia? ? f i f-re,' Uisl evoi p. ???.-? i . '' a. ?' i .i ein i-o?? iba .??.. be aiiaead el I papad ?? ? sailbj laaaclal asstpittn Ttoeaad ?? ?? bi sala, li Ihsb imatnl ,,...., cljeeli, |* ?li ?'?-.I'ila!-.-? lo ea! BPd lp ?lair Np prvsppplt? ' is sBPPliiPS ..) ai |?.rh. lal wb*n ? ?bnndai , e aatos ?? e may ?ntJtlak Baal M.:- b ?( ij ta s tteaBn ei?niple of ? people ?li. in th? u adit ol a g'(aalic civil war, ure? rich ?ni I ?tr....|-who 'l.el. BBliooal .-.edit bi ??utilities p.0 I (ie.te.1, ?e.I who prsadattMtapa? ? i ?ucee?*:.a :. nainauoa wliboi t annilli, a jjI Ii iii U:e c u.iui.a a.J luju... . . idi i na.iii ?i jose.l i \?. li?vs's'r-?dy disc .?aetl the ...:r,-e. or e!?ii?cnl? of o?.r Blrei(th Tbesepiatl '.-(....?.In tai .ti? 0 ?ea.-ii lu our aaili iu tb? Baslalspaaaa, buSIsibi.I ii t,?r b-Saslrips i ! | ii mt ui.ilvaled meat ? of Int. rral, Bud lu the | urlver*al pievalesie of laoor. We na no claaspa coumi ci ?atoll, oui wealth, ca.llt.|, ot link, to imlil. see The In , cmna? alertai B Bib d. st ftoai peraui sai u ?e.iu.ei.t? do not ,ot.)> atapapSBa? ed, e., eM bj ouuer.hlp . .'ion. tbe ., ii. Ihec, lue.] en. e la tit?,'. ?Iii. . || Wt, ,_e. *j ,'iee.y, ?lu elUU i.vlrlily. Ill? BJaStUl Ol I.(id ?oonomT Irr oi ino, and lo which ?e aaa btlas .a, ..;,,., m uo sum peep ena eennaatastat arsal i..?ae.. snd aoou ii.eke* ii* n.a ?veu with s (?es1 ledu?'.io.i i.oui our oidiLarr rev. um ? * li.? ?lo. dsnt aapptj o! nattai and tbfl p.-. aent low ia:.* for une,, y. ,-,,, l?e ciplalu? .1 lu Su s.pul y ,,?,,,|e ?,,u ?,,,. I Hit, r? u.sni.r Ti,.- N,,iti, rortPBatel? I.-! a- th? rebel j lu ii b.aAe on. bad pul ip opeiatlon all ti,? i?., | |rasry nee?. ?a . foi ?he .i, ?ale. ...eui ol Its resource, and li... uti.Usllon et Maist..-...tb. ara? no1 a araap *r ?ni,in the v?.t ??teni of ih? aita demaiB loyal lo (Joveiiiiueut, Hat did not ??I..,.-, bj ,.||i ..d . i ,-au.l asesan a eke? . ?,u| couveuien't ? ".' !?' lo i.i.ukel Tue conatru. ti ,n of m ?? ' ?. ,.,K? with thp ?mi lal ?ipendiluie? mou Uio.e SSBBad had w Uhi i the laat in, pean stoaread more thaa Baaaalb Kor ?ni nasa tto B*P*aaapal Witcouipars'laely uiiurejj.iive 'li,*(te?t?-r p.,tT,o.. ..f it I? ?.m ,i,.,diii? a falFincouiP ip UM ?iveer?, wbi.e iii? iv rea** 1 ??lue ti lu* .,,,? to the maerty ? tbe country. Iron, the , ouncen aal ?a, il,te. a/. mided, eareeda Bisuy lia ea the who's eip-i ,.itu,e 'lbe?n ii,1.1 di .n. n.r puhltc ? ark? ha* BstoesJ eniirely , e.^d. 1 her? ! are ii, lMt.Be uew outerprtie* pre?.?t. d 'o public ?IteiiUou U.1 ? b*. omin| cheap !?ei?u.e there i. no demand in ; StoBBPW wnrri it wa? once iuo.1 -, ;iv...t eu.pioved But Ihe I ?ni.uni', espe.uie.l I a lailiuad?. ?hil- three wete' in proi.e... w?. no- b> toy rneu.aruual lo thal requued lo e?!?J? neale nnalyfteai di- E?at?iii auiss? ?o ?bp%Voatmxn,*a jill? thim ?U ?p.?itll.ll ,f ni.,,(ort to the linpror nqiil'-d to llu-ii BPW tn?aUtil*. pad lo oouitrucl the cm/.? tliai have .Uni ?. n b) ...tnic from u,,., ptajae, "'?1.pi? ??' 'he K? 'em dtatii hsv .?lliiill the ivst ten yeais. ?en! mure m.met into tile d.?le ol lilluols for til.? B*Ta atonB Bada i"t eaa*efatpaa,-., sad f. r bapi its m. n?. ?r em .....I ... ?notiiei ibas nu lu lalliaaBa lib?* saB ? U.iei ?nu. io In.ii.I tbe i ii ,-. i i bli na ?? lieh ha* a.l .1. ,: I ? Bt to It. po,ii'linn t? chin the | a?t len ye?i? limit t ,?' in,, .Ird lu ill? ...lerner panta Watt? ?or the ?lal, -iiiiir pi h PipeadBniepPiP bp a Baaasaaaaly daPpapStoaaS. .1. >.. .,, ,u ..,,,?: d?-(i?i? (be eu.louiary ?iiiplo)uiei,i of < ?iu I Ana- ii ? ly Ih. i? h.? been ... lill!? privai? sud parson*! ill tu ?? <.?.?? iii* tiiil of the te! - lion, Is owluf to a R>riu..*ta tub diVMt i o. 'he vanoas lidustu?? ol lb? eouu'ry. Nouai? m diapreporMen?,. ?r ovarahadevrtat u BM ta fe- ?____*"* ??bed b; the other* In mm di???fe?ara.rt?ktait ?3*___L-t__te MlU Uthe |r?it ?Mt of Cotton _.__uf_c?.?rn la tfe_T?__!__*' yet ?rery mill in the Stile might ba -loted aniquilo!!?*?' t iiti|I? p?rtoa tu? .mphiyod ia the?, _?^ .T?** charity. A) fa?t u th? hindi er. diaclitrged tbVyekTLA* ment and ?upport la other branch?? of lorluttr- ?, !E?*_f culture i? ? never falling retain... VV e hope to tee ou \__" Bieiiy of IntereeU al?avi praaerved. War? _aa_S an for mute, ?he w?,nld e?e?pa th? tarrlbi? prob?^-^ ' leoted In the condition ef million?, ?fe., ?ben emel?. w ?**' the cuttoa ?ilU telle, mu.t ttarra, or be relieved ? _____** *? p.-1. ? l**feaa m We h?v* ..tended lli.te rem?-kt to ant l??tife ? believe Hiern to he ?u ?ppropilti? ?n m. it,,. ?L ? w? urnphant ??ilntioo of ?il th? Bandai diS.altl.?ibrar_i__ (?overiirarnt iiM been lurrouuded. Thli haa w.rtedi? 0) i po.itioB ot roruplete ItniepeadeBc? ia th? I?.? ,.*|?_ Diu.t tppilllng olffinliiet, which fir.ign.rt c?ri?d?ni'I *? noune-d to b* iiiiui_io_t?-.?.ie. The reaiit hu u? nfjlf**" iahiitoi). We have our?r|t?. labarad etnM-U- to?Il?"** it and buvliif teen the complete fultillioetit soi oat,*r ?5 willie* but ?mr prediction?, we ? .?If be at lll>e>tt ? ?, *?r turr, to turn our atteiitiou toother them.*, ?hu-ahe..". uegle-ted iu the more preaini-, nue of IL* p__.l. ?tJa,t^* MarBete?CtssrcLLi RBroara? ron Th? rt. y **?>_-? 'it ?.?i. it Mar 13 lan ASIIKS-Pott ara a?..dy and lu lair rr-MBef ???Sa bbl*. ?t fi i-j. I'MrU ?re ?till in light lupnly, tad prie??.!. IiOUlili?; emmett COTTON-A hti.ln.?? I? d-?in? chiefly ?nth i.,BM_ mJlh. ui-rkn r. nitin? >!.adv?l 2:?nii- for Me-dPu/itJ Undi, ?tul do New u l?. i? and Xezee . ta'., of V/i m2 ?J *?bn__? MM *> J. C. Too'e ?t IS.C , T M?l 4? lio'hai, tt i i? _,d^5 -idiiiirv ?t i--.- 'J h? u.?rk?t ck??., lum tt on. ?i.| , .,,.,-?. tion??Rio priui? -IJc. do good ?<i|--lc. do '*:i l^ir-Utz. do. orilintry Ii".'/l?c, do farr to goad __*|-*< 19. MB| M??..' riilio _lr :. . ? . lak.utyr? ila tie. ; Java u...'? and tien tug .."?i ? ; ti.-i St. Dea in<o i:ie , .-??h. Bleck of Kio iu f?.*.?.,*, M?y U, l.:,'.-9l b?|i; J?v? i ..(?n0 m_ ?.nd 3 SOO h?.?; Ceyfe?. .:?.*,__???; Mar-c*lbo. IH.JeO b.n, L?.u-vi- ? hV?t , s, l'oiiiiii-o j, ?90 ilo : ( ?ri, 4,5-6 do., otuer detcil|?tioni i I JJ do. | total u it. t.-,. bar*. IT! uri?. Mock of Kio m H? tim?, M>. y 10. J.,OMI bega: in l'hiiedelphia, 4 2W do., end in Mm. York M?y 13, l-7.i 1)1 ; total, 1 1 ..I." KL'?I II AMI MKAL,?The u.ark.1 la fail? viv? bl ?V.?!. n end Stat? Heur, hu; ia .,?!-? Satie. I' an !->?? the ban ii??? .,?ii < noticeeble on the ni? :i n.. grade, eei l.Mt ou quilui.?. Mach of the h ?un ludert-tb ?ranadfioui damp Spring V\bent, and lui? it lower, whll? g.od ground V\ heat Kttr?? ire nrni. The t_ed?'._, ?ud ! ? il? I ?.leiere ?.io low ?t ?,.d p.,.-., .requite lire.ular, the .?M ?re IMBI b).!? ?i J-1 ?tg *4 .?. f?. auperfn? au.? and W?* ern; Ot 6J<7 ?* t to for E.tra Stete, ?t ..?O*., for taute du. ; ?vi ni uki ??) for ni. low grade, of vV??tern Eitr? ?-4;?_0i* Infaral.ippii.i tirendaot loeod hoatp t-tr?tj_l,' ?rd Oi-Oii+b-?' foi inda biand?. Can.Jitn Piambra. lower, but I? in 'eu demead i.'iet nf .' ii?, on , ?t Bl hit) Ot 8.4 for ibvpaig br?uda of Spring Wheal P.nrit _?_ #4 _../*.. M for trade Druide. Sootliem felnuriain ir,p.'0v?d demand. hut couine n trtand? Ma Inter: ria? ot 1,4?f felC ?t 0- fe +5 -O for mlx?d|to goed ?nperfin? b?.i a ?la t- ?ad ??5 TOrf ?k6 "i fur h m ?t ily? r lour u eteedy enn l n idat ?'edemeiiJ; MMI of .H?J bbbk, ?t *J/(4 IO. C-)'a M??l_ in re.lueed tuoply, ?nd 1? ?rmer and In l'ai? BmbbMi ?ai? of i'" bbl?. ?t a>. 7a_: $2 M far Jtaiey ?ed ga J. ?or Bread?, wine to arrive. * KIAH -liryCod ?re ?Ir.dy. ?nd in telr requMt atl.i V ?,-?? m1? ??'.. llaoua ? Ury Coi _l $4 IS. M?1.,?',?, ?,u,?? ?t BJ for m .11 ?No. I, and 07 1er No 2 MtMtcLuaett- PlrVhal llening ?rr dill ?t +1 .... *J 50. bin?v|.d H?rrii,g ?r? ia ll?iited re,- ??I, .-le? o? i.SoO uoiot ,t ?a>.. fur ?c^lft ,,. 14c. tor No. 1. ' (iKAIiN?Hie VViie.t in?rket ti Irrvkfular, under mer? life lal ?iilve'i, hut Spting it nut ph-nty, mt 1. ?ead? ?rhlla Wlnler li lu l-ettel ?'ipply. ??]?ci*i.y White v.biiLli?u?h htwer ?nd niitetl ed . the dru.wid la intioly fir ?ip-ir: th? ?ale. Include lS'ltl buih Milwaukee ( _t> ?-. fl 11 ?,; ]| IJ.OTaJ d?. ?and ( iiieag'i Spri.-.i ta ?iTlve aoo> , ?t Bj a' l?i inn do. C?_id??' ua t *i ii:a*l t?, t ii>id-. Red ile?.' an ?t nan -ti to, ?> d , >,l??- d . ? rod to fun:? ii _? _ii?_. izan at +1 BWBI-0. Bari.?'ia hetvy. thoajit. ii a\%mam. ply , ?il.i of buth -'__-.? \V?.t ,\ a*, lerlev -lilt? h ?eli-.? it'?r.d?l. Un. ?r? jnli ?iid urary lea?el ''?_? c'i?'i ard \V?4 rru ut ?M .4' |e , anT Stet? al 411.-? Kit la In heti.r liauikci1 h it it i iw.r ntoll ?vl.tef UJM bitb BtSBl ?t a"e deiiTertd. Corn It io f?ir d.mtnd'y f? ilieh em temi* ladUBr-Mr; i.imo. J" ???i b_?hi .? .?(rue. for We.tern Mixed, in fore ?id d?iicrej, ^?:. f,r round Vriio.., ?ud Si'Oi'e tor ?uut-t.rn do, th? ici?. tar .-boice. HOI ri ?niv.iparin-ir,ei d. with? de.-ret-lt.f itock. prioM rale?raily taran Um de-Mad li --U. ?.Lii-ed. mci of la be,.-? New ?i liiilHc. lot mir to ch'lca? rput y HaV? The iiu| 1? good (or ?htppng ?nd th? otrkfti? Or?n . ?ah . oi i...? liai?, iii-, r in te. IBON?Bl ten I'ig lile?: ?ed in ?united reqiMt, i?imat HU ? ii- b..t hnud ?t l4'/'J ? Ckt_ n:d I OMI f.l MK -TI. i. ?ia.', ti hi m> r itni mer? ?? t.v? bo!b for Cmt ra Baefcfend aal team*) i?.?. ot i omi ni?.. .,- th? ion ?r a 7-. , and 'KI du of the ?tier ?t 01. Ul?'.'t li ia ?airre ipie-t ?' tvlonfel l.p eaafe ?ti! three niuuii.t LATH ne Mata pmttty, rmd ?re Ira MattaaNdd-MBgi ule? nf 1 mion .;?-i.rn on (he *p.?l ?te: |l ti r?. moaiha. I KAU ? i'ig ii nturr q i ?t hu- at ady, '.?? -' ."".j_i?i Ob IS (ot ?le.ii.eti ?i.d *0 ... u Bl ?'?! i-f ? T: .?piiuo. rl-iB ?'- ii? at *|? ?ud Mie?t end fife M M , c?>i. .'.i ?LA?SEg? A fair inqniry prrvai.t ?ed pri ?itr? tr?; at .....-' I'a. ?? ?, l-.t- |;,,.0 at :.- ?? a. .-, . .. 01 V-l|. C'Vadn It II. , 4" hi.I? 8?ii.?.:..? ?' B-C! Mill te .1 tit* ?Jri.-atat i?. i'r?actliii tofcbdi Paita i... ?u i<#Mt>, audXibl* New ?r!e*ti. at Jid J7| b.tli ceili NAVAL shikK- tan kpssd tom s q .'.-i ???." ??luB ti.? , .?_? r iii, p:? o"inn. j[ ti d li.e ? ttr?. rd:i ?ry h. ?_ pn-?t BUM-MI| the .!??. k oi vn'i 1 ui|*?un? ia aa I tal ui few iieud., end lb?-B-M tr? ana:-d tollte MM ? ?_il? nf the loca! tredr e' 01 ^-'l ? ?* 1 SA ?J* ?eTon. , [., tp*k at K. iii.i I? i.f.'ly ?ih.i.ated, ?ud o_ y v. v ?in?J| I,,,, ?m be ohtainrd .v. , ?i ri'ra-.?giiii? rtina. T ?r i "i i ligh* ?i per* indi i Bi al OK? .?-'-e-.i toi -aortii I eui.:? eui Oil wwilt n r 44 .n-.,-au. l'i.< h m i. eSamty ?' aa ,- em fill I 1 nid. W. hi!, and -?p. mi t.e i;nl?t en I p., ? ,io,/. n .Hy tte eau? l.inae.d , eua -1 .wly al Hill.le lie,.,, tal I bol?. Of K_.-port l oat ?anota eel?, o? i: os. ?t eil cab. ?llOVIilONS?Po'k It lu b.-ter Mpply _.l *ib ?or? 1,1' _1 ?.He.i'ig.'*>? '.-?rk.-t 1? did ?el ?.|vt tele? o(?j? bbi?..m?iswaglan for Me.- ??? tat It -. v- ? ? ? ?? n r rbra Baa* ii qui. t, yat aramis ??,?-. of i> b.!_. B|UI IBU tor f ila Mm* ? .?. BIS 07? fell Im i irr? gai I?toarra utatraatodimfea afta nan hoiig ? -ar Miidi**?t "|, ' .. Me*-. ?-. li. nod? rau .,-. ?ad . ... : mi sato. - u u.,-. m. ' ?? a 1(1.- '. ra ? .:a na IB v f. ? i.aiae, eud I.'?-ooi.a bau? t ut i a. I ur. al ? . ?l?r-t...: t???I ?el he.V? , ?a P? el ?!??' Ml *-4 ?c? ?i "i )? New Bettel i? m lupply, e?p. ?t h ?.. ?bMk ?alla eferwlj M 11 ?' i ? fe?? autel Bula, mW ?aa] i. ...-w aiton watt traety. ?ato I? la gnat ismmb a .e.?.-j.-. : : . b ile? Simp u, t iii. ?nd b.h-iiiki..-. HBlM (?r ? la. ni iir?n ?, : p .?'.ter gala ? * ve,-y ?hall . . J oc. fur ?M li in, ii ,'t toWM 1er goud to ,1-i'..'- 4 ?i i a V.rt'n.. Ha ?eiv?(i! - ?ed It? hut* I e-i.,, ?in?! Mi Jil . ?ml S.uth.ra do ?t me Ita ?fellei n out ot ?ni ?>..., h?^t. ila I .ter ? i i'iv. ti.vii... a'Do ?MBB* p.".'.? lad -.-?li ?ill ? .?: a: I ." j . | . till ?t-le Bud 0, 1 . . f r Uhivt. vJ.J li ?al "( 'u?rket girl* C?l alfeM MI ? ?n! nio.i.:.t-v ? 'ii-., ttiet of ? to? e*7e BntlaOta-i peat. -I a K-llnw ?eiitit u.? in f_r d wornt pncea r?u sliii-f ver ? ti-t.i-e 1 i:j)?nt, t.?e ??.?? a.. ? a r . _S?.M7dr*M f, r f ,ir r. t atofi *r.d 2 N C ' ?g. Bkh'.i ni J ri??? latine ?t hi ..i ?r. verv nni. et IOS u, ? fei bare* 6tJ-Lt-?tbel qairy 1? ..ghi tat t ! v.rt??d, tt l|gta 'ITi.aiihv Bud M ec-iiv. at ? I j -u t-1 9 1? _i.?h TALLOW'. lh-ii,?.-kti I? poorly lapplled .ud ia tir?. ?*!?t m :.? ?<i rd pi.u.p i ttj ?t-'; ,,._ ,tMI Wara ? ?;i- , i-e.h lil ? h Y .i leu, and th? L.tik?: I. lower u.? ot 7uy bl.t. et -'te. fo.- mu., ?ad .'ile. lor Uau. ?m llrcrijjt? mt PiedatH. Mo U .1. ; La r or 1 .... i .an V-ti ?.( l*?s ?!' i'l ntl. *"felf_J linttMh 44 h-_t .a -Uooefc C?? _:.I ... oii.ti nat?, 7,?/t?'pi_? Pievi.iuut, J.J.O ptga . a 41 kag? I t:d LAW ?Mi LUOMNCE. ? ?l i'H! v.Y i <"'KT-r?ai,.Kk_ Taaa.-V.t 11 - B?f?M Ji?trra laaaaB?_a ??eaaaa ?ut R inasn BZCtTSMBBI IMi'Mi nU I k44 l?.i;-?I l'k?l?i JlBtl, a. c. Then ob hu aamaallj larga idtaaBnanef l_w? ?entalhMl MU l?B mai,ti.? la ?uiipettee I d-rtam ?-:* ....??i,-, n fea ?i?- ot Mi. lernte lamm u C It ?p.?**-? ni?', lb? Bra I Ilk Imw loattt t* recem.? 1 ?.d a -leetm? ud iipp'ii. rd f ( oiiiuTf?? o.?i?t-n| ?! M??.? l'en:-! I-'rd. Mun ? > Hi t,iumi,\4 ,11 0 N.?p?. lT.*r... tidi-ttd. *n?!H-Liy A I r?i-, l n vrt!'g?l* til. cm uaatSBCM ?' Bl Jam.? ? ta? il '.-. u :? :'.. .N-tv? ii't? liar ?ud ni ai?d.ip-c ui?i'. fre? the KmH-h H.r. 1 hit I'uiiiiaitlir h.ld a ti.e.ti-.g in ! pr ip-ujded cerUin la quiriea lo Mi J.tiu?. ?bo lu reg ? ?; e- i ard their ?nthrtr'ty to iiiteirtgtt? I : i .an tue ?ni ' ? ?.klgl'i? o'.her <iiir?-ioB. li ia uudei?u-?id th?t iii? I f.uuiittM wiU r? p rtadvtiae.y to Mr J?ui. a, ?r.d aak tti- I Court M invanti^Bie In? n ?tt.. At yet. tu. feilen ha? net coom i -.. .earl . . I I- i. bell-v-.'d lt?l It v. ii. t.?e tbe foru of? lae lau iii ? Oat Or two. ?? st'i' coi Mt -BBcm ?ma Mu BuJahnraa tii-e Bessnaem oaeti aoaia Broom ?gi. Atkin - WeVndun' nw> be dist barged on - ?a iinderukini in ggM| willi ??? ?*? Amount uf bail r?dj.-e?l to llut ?u::i . ,. _,,, ._._ 44e.?l, ?#|. M.i:l,ew.-,M.ii..n tmtti, *i? aOMB with iii?eitv tu r?i..w on | ?yoieut o! coat?. Field ?ti' Ml S?? m .ii-S.inr.M.bove ?..le ?el. AT...... B-SR ?|t >-> '? ^i'1? ta? P-"- '?-" Delia ?g:. \?iiOtfrv,,.n.-?'--ler?g'?'-i*j> T,.:uei ?j-. J?be?ra.-MeBjee Besma. BaliaM Jaatoe B>ararB._.. P-ndMt Mt. Sarly_-lud.mrat fur plt.-.tiff f." Iv. .i| ,tte ef U !? .1 *i icZ v-iti. CsreB tem tim tammi in pu, ,..,t... ma jud?uiwi tecoma* ttprnm tim ?poa mil bia 111 llatl.i. I. . Pi?. ,. . . . . M_a -a,??. Beechar ?f' Ackrri_i_-HuJ'eg* ??*ft *?.'.? I *ik ?iB ?Uiluatiou m covumI. Before lu-lie MavaiL. rit'k eg* Meeki rt al-l?.e eatl.rd, p?|?n in l ,?ir? -lice _^ . _ COl'KT Or* GKNERAI. ROgStOMB-Ku lJ.-BV-re IU.U? MX. KB Janie* K rede lick Howell, con vi? ted of Bm M** c*bv, In *t- -llrtg ?I'ver apooa?. i.e.. atinad tt ?tO, ima it*? Kind, of No 147 MnBfaaa llaaet, ??? ?rtn?nd?d. m CMbartae Tr??*.., ataran ?nth .ie-?tug gw Bra? "m.J*: Sheriuaii. ? ?hip ?tetvard. ia a houM of bed rep??* m waa? itirel. ?u tn?d ?nd ?.qui'led. ?.- M - tOl'RT CALr.S?AB-T?iiD?t , Si pt.? me i'otrt-t!ENSii*i. TutM.?IW*rr?* Ni.. in K-.uui?<.t?l-Nt??. ? ?. ? ii -3 w S7. ?*JB?*1M BoPBaaaCooBi i'iiuiii.-Ni*. ,V,';\.? ?a! n?i Tit J* ten. SM. ?3. 1?". ? "**? **"' h,J?-1W*' 111). Ii,-1 I i, . ". t. .'itl. ., .,- .,? Si rakM? CogBI B?BCUI Tikm.-Nos. Ue\ ?"?k ltv? w ii'i. ??t w mi ,i . , ? i-ri agi, BuriBioB I'l.i'Ri'. ?Vari I.?Noa. 1<<'. J*? i*_n tan i? 1(?3J. m?. i?t. ?-*" W? ,*(l' *"? ra ,'- - -, r'aii'li -N.-?- m?, i?. 17H?, m:. ^'??'??'?? IIB SW IBM IBM rat III -ACj?m-ned t? Tl.-r?d?y rvn iv Na? a?.'. *-? ??I. ?ria ?ri, tttit, -07*, leis.**"?* J1JH4. IMrt,. J. '! ?. -??JO ?' ?? 04? (?,,. ki ?'? CoBBoa PutAB.?Bart I??Mea* *?2? n t tia. 1 j. '?J. i""1 ie?. ?a. w11, i?-j3, tit, lorn, 1*? ?JJ 1-m Ptrt u -Nu? t"1 ira?, or: jj. ti? ? ?, e??. ?????'*** 1 ?i-i, t;?, lui; ri-i, n 1 y\