OCR Interpretation

New-York daily tribune. [volume] (New-York [N.Y.]) 1842-1866, November 20, 1862, Image 8

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1862-11-20/ed-1/seq-8/

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On the flig'"? Afirtin Thr I'npiurr of'
Unrpcr'a Ferr}?Thr Itch?! Pro^rrttumi'I
? Bnillr Wnnd.iy?G-cnrrnl Wool mul
Colon? I t|'??s- ? linrRclir of V?il?*??
B re ???tvt orita mid DloiU lloi-tca?TIic ,
Nfrifro ?ShaWpahootrr It? bil la'rnrt?
? IfnUM I iiliiiovai" Th?" U, ni;? - An I n
rnny Dee? ?nt ?tenth ?uMMMafaI on Fire.
From Dor S.icitU tori. ?, onCri.t.
Mai naoBi, Ttotr. tti, 1888,
Still on tlie IBghts. B? la? na and ail awand ne
Mas Ihn nature] .??.Mofl?s mmUw ofHaipar'i
Watty, Lal a j.c: u?w it
Ou WeduiHtliiv un?! Iburedsy, j?! one mci]* km*
ionA.c battu if Ant: ? A .A un:.y
hlfaiylandMsreBsd Bare Frederiek, aaeordiagto
nP[!l.!fli pi 'a
mail hy wty '. ?i '? ?- - '?.'.'.? ? ?
BW Point o? Boehs, Mbsre ha eroaed tie Fat
mun'iel around t?' the ?cul ?'"11" iib, ?and 0
Loud ?I Hi '-'A '!':;-.(' 1 ?t".c c1 dal *
V'. .
TA ( ' '' ?? ? ' I '
I '. . . by way 11 I
iitt"..I'c. ta'\x;.-.ti Ba pre - !? ? .
JucKs.'Ti I. .. Street, i ad !?? H. Ulli, will I
t A !
Vit-i. '.I ? ?ida
1 the advni . an I -?
Itoor^lcro iua?le at once tn th? FatiUMM in lu
VisloliS, Hie Ol Wl it'll l.e r. lil .Hi. cn Ai- . .
?aaattsn by way of Bhnrpaburg a dstown;
the ttkm lu I ni, ! x- a foroed murro, t.? tic north?
W?aL by
i? I Inn Gea. Whiia*a?V ''' ti ?Martini
vi'?.li xvotiij thai bl c.cvrrlv ?orr sadsde But
\S ?? ? :st in lim.', t.i iii 11 bin r? ?A!
Ferry, wiicr." Lo joined i . -r txiA C1. Mili-.
J?. ' W "! ' It
B'". [ -. bnr?
tie! iiixv.?r.l, und made good g onBolivar
II ? ? ?,, v. ? ? ? -
( i I?al ni ie Bundi y 1 ? ' P. IL Hill
?mc from Midd c um to Bo i
?with McCli liai 'i wl
lliil, t ? i. .. . i, under ?{
?nd Bono
Tature * iii", io the 8 ?I '.??
t xv
rn - ad 1 ? >? n superior f<
to isenf
'? i . ? ' : * ' - '
of which appeared in Th i raiaaaaoftl fi
WodseeBay, . i do ix
i ? lay A. P. Hill I . ? i
nt i
1'nri ir'i Oi]
Fer-v ?a '
ti.r- li 0? tut ii lu
r? ? ' Gi I.
Vi ?dallan a: 1 - 11 leis st Fred
ii ... h Geo. 1
3 u
ps . . 1 . lilli, i., i .
ii State U
lilt* x
Mt:msx... I (?M .v.?.;?.. . i.
mu? 1 had toads th?
mo- ? : ? '
BxtrenM H a
beavy t
< ?:i ?
t", sed their i ! and
silero? sr clou
fmiti bil
B ......
sex ?.?;., ve I
?bl ?singh - I
aides? shea a heavy t
Coi 'ii
anasngh :
ti?il UM |
all this wild wert: wasf log ob, l?. !..
Bill ? <? '
IM? < . ?
faros ?
Bond to ? i ' '
i i se.
'J i- A A"i x ii? . that ?Md
tin. -
It i
ap? -, i i -..
it. i
ed Turner', Ga] I'll
h - I me at \
1 tug i
tL-l i. t. ?.::.. ?
Wi ..
1, ti
It ii - ; S -
ia Iront, and so?
It n
an Loudon High! .* ?
Util". ... I
tbi.nAi I?, ?sei M ?hat <
Walbor on al , A. P. Hill
m i ?i.
?With 1 I i?. J . :
i:i l ... ?
?MU '
rJ .. , y mid ifco C b
first au I A '. !
On II . etwesn ft n,,.i ;i ,
li ii ?-. i - "? ? ? wa
keats i? ''.? . to < I
hie being <..xet....
to n .
Brents] ????
L tibs paroled 1
urti? Inn wh :h, by
anon roold not have 1
pajrUiU'i* ! I" t. ' ?
nrli?;. ??! it.
at 8 O'd - : '- Hi t ? I" '
win l a i? '???-' bj V ?
?ta sorti
Th?- battle of A
und Um two Hills, wil
ad l.).
Um I attli it?.? over. Bel -, : ...
80.1)00?probablj A,0u?J ?more.
walksr ?nd not ?asto| in tims to join Lst i I
ksl li f tri i.r *.v .. j
work liiiat Juca.-vri? ha Id
'linn ;- tntry, bul ?if it ia avar I '
"icLi..: in lli.it... || utUot Le I?V* ?Oin?: :
" Bre, ?wnU."
'J he my Joel todesth. I
dtuiiit u. .un .imibillnnut b? < i t
ui.d fred, ur.'i wntre wsO, by in ningi
Hu. .ii
mm rentre ! bs mercil ?I
tuer? i'ii ?? j al; u coat
t?? ? i. ? lese the , urna:
"tv bills] uit-; down bill iii'iu!.'-. n. . ou u
lev? ?
I'oor ? ?i
altin k ou Harper's Vi Gea. ? ?'? i
ililli 'O I
Stop .
i ?ii
ti- ' lab l ii ?a r .
I'm rai His ,and to , - li -, bf
Hie r?)-!??! bstow, so ?in io i iks tLc rwui ti sittisr di
aaattea? and Gea. Wool aaol a i ? Usr?
I cr? 1'trry t" el ' . Mil. -
ven!m, ?1 i
; ? *
?'J'1, te.tv.aiu xx
ti ela ?clod . . i , WlU
' ? ssotigb lo erect Cen. W I
O , '.l.e a-ir.i-i.it liiere SB,
wore, and thors, sire, should bss? bss, ?? b
"in tbntoon . ndiugj , : p ,v,r,e.
r . M M.?.:^.. ,?! I: ,/,iu.-.i'.'?weooold Lave i
lie d'jrreuuding higl.u sud v d km ?. ula Inugbed at
i II an i i ?i m?. * .
the aaprasshlnf io- fren whatever point he runic"
Bal ( ni. Mile-? eoulil never lie Mt to lielieve in the '
(rara objecte of thst Rebel raid into Maryland. It.
nine ** a team femgtag party," he maintained.
\ i?.: 1 m*, i - ??> * ' '? Mitog ' ] ' '' M ? IV
D ha? * ' uti ti t ?( i Wool lo t enaore
:nr ; to \kg I ItD i.t ? bil ' n* Harper*! l-'crrv. I*et
ut turn i?? iheraerad, and see whatCaLMileebadl
t.. . before we w i ? yt thal i?. aunsnda toi.
Ile l..itt served to the Bsssbn Anaf, with ability ?
ami galtontlT. in the l'.ltuk-Iluwk wor, in Florida; I
in t un,? rou- ii,,!ii(ii r:.tii[ BSJM i ii ile frontier, i.ii'l
?*i Ifexico?alwaya vrith eradtt, alwaya with proie?
Mili il ?. a*B , and 1 e had BSeoSBB IdMt?ad Mitti one I
of tie ii, -.; t ?. tive regimeotBin Ibe a?reles?the
5th Ititi.iiTry. liewa* wont to e'Him willi pride
th.it he had leen ia HOTS engagement! audakiim
itbeti tlan any othor n?1>erof lia data in tie e? ? H ???
ile \,un u btili-t diiciplinarton, and a I nive mhb?la
every MMa of tim viotti u \etenm. No mun luti-, us
yet, impeached his e r ??. bom m1?? koon um
can t.t lit I g loyalty. Wup thie, lion, the "incanu
bto," for placing whom in nu bnpottsnt eonuaaad,
I Oen. Wool ia te beeanauedl lio Um Comndaaira
torpei ??mt wa 1 .ive uni ezpeaMre aspeataenb
v. ? :. u few volunteer Iii Bdieri '
Km whi ne-. t? ii., the i-.'-'i king t'-ii-i" a! IInr]>rr'*
I li ?? ?I \. -i. i ii | wur 1. .?I run. Col,
', Iii- t! 'til, lill, !'l 'I I im <?! I'l
t lie t.. :.i.'!. ?i. toil lim '-.i" '"it haar!
. i.i ?-e A vele? be n liai ara j, with
, ?i milltery reputation lit bia beek, ne arra Mds?
I it) te s cok?el y v, rolan?
tiers, oon ; 'li ; :.? b ol late
, g , d of an in ?tant i ? at
: ?.nd of traopsenough to nmlie tiree I?
erato andcondi rarve ander Brit ihsnl
thru 1 lit*: ' .i: H I, With : ' ''.'? g li !'?? '?? ? ! I
i . ?.'..t. tl.c iv, 1.1,.Mun ni ? hu, Ml 1"t
-:i ! ?. ?iiii :? ' r m , ; n ??"? ' "' y lie ra-1
itl i'-'cl ' - :i'"i 1 '? '
lihetbeh ras la ile table, with u bagel nutd ?"
: iii ' '.. which e\ ent grew fa.r ai
i the ' ? Inll lion diigrac ,
a - t i. I I" lu t . ' 'A "ti it.
T'.> yoi know thal when (Jen. Braks retreated
ito M irj laud, on Ban ?y monj?
il ? .'.l j . '.'?
. , ? i i ?
? : ' i ..1.
dier-Gi a? i I. a i erna ;'? i ? nar was 1 b1 I to
dMi ?. -e ti,
i Iv I: i .? PtO "1 ??'
; "
red lathe 1 " ?
s ???' ;
melancholy, ]
. i ?
! . I .
. I ? I 1
, ? - mernot] tl?? ; i ?:? i* i :
bn a Military 1
: ?
? '
I .-ii-r; .
' ' ' ?
Ibe I . -
?? ,|
v . ' . .
i ?.-. yed bj
lore of 1
bed, al
.. ' a' ' ' ? '
Hit J ?a II '-Mal I- ..' '". il- ia'
It to I I
? li '.: !; ? i| ! '
i I !? tn a tupo
^ ,?> <? t
' li: in i wei ?'
would 1 ?. ?? I
in vain I iT Ilad]
I, an? ? '
be lore that when b<
- - -
s'-.ti?, ii.
? tbrava dows ila
day Rti"-noon. 1
i . ? i
? I
. . u,
?and . aid to n
l ' \. ]\ Ulli, V
' ?
i' I r I I
? I
a '
Another ii iln rtly t" be : front of 1
.. - a a . . I ? .. t ..
Do i tain could
not yon it?in the ol - ;
? . '
r : ...
I. ?? I of 1 Bal
passes lb .... noa I; 1
- mee b1 i
ler's 1 and m irk I
hie brea I :. t .; ! .
Maryland lo the ti
- I ?
Hera among the failed I
? i
? .?
? ? i ? ? < ' W. II.,
' . ? . ,
, ?A. P. Butter (j'
Cb j" and i' ? '
' ' ' a a.
May be reit in j
I?a 1 clothing
leal] '?
: ? v.-.- ' I.. ,c
ii a; | ir
j bm ra s continuai? . of Maryland I.i - ?
' . ' ? a of 8 - i .
" V. l! . a
|| a -
9 . : i '. : , .
untl a ii, .
Detetnt ' . . -. Ki n i
iludes vet, I
.?i- aera op) . ? , .
' ' : a
! of loor ? ...i,' roll
?i wera rai? -i- bat then tn?- bom !
w?aBiii?iaa?iu al .^wee?
AdlLL'IY Ol' fiXVBmtV.
N, coii.l Ampi itruin i- of .Tlittliiiui- l.iitrrii
The | -i' f i iv ; ';? i.-, -, i ra* AH Is it, irr?
tive ol' the wi i .? great i
? the toilet
ilk to the
nellie, i . ;
; Imt DOW -'
j Luv?-, to L. ; n ;
Bat with i
thi op r i. 'i
l '.I li.': R? .:... i '.
' ' a Pim ? ' .' ?. 'i
'ii-- ?? ' na aogll? i- ii. Ami
ita . . \.
'?!'??'?... I ,1 .
?' . ! . . ? !
a-id sdeeatsd asesrdingl/, and pntiatshi
iii?.'!, Oil j r.lVl,, ..I.: Ii .-'.? i, ?,. ,?,
drna, IfhM k1 ??? batt toa aw r agafaa. All ti:?, a ?, dm
i ,? raraaM sad MMMtttf ?'i? the part of the m in-cr. !
< MIBBallB hut licac ?]uithtn.B. ??U Wbe|
very well received, ar.d recited the mimic with skill
and discrimination.
Tn < m '? wai tw/**wim <?/ Ptm*Vmt*\f am J iri
iciath at a quotation from Curran?Vail Um
tur?alto o/./'i/i? pat ?o ni?ah o tmtWTi ig?Pro
fmttiirigMri <>t (he tlaaaianty) Currun, us?
tttait he va* no1 m fat-or ef man-ttiahutr?
Trti ipMBl nul free ?WS iiti?],<:tol?Mr. Jonc
ttai.th ho- ground HHttteam ef pltndil? lung.
malmati, uvh the iiiriag?Bfatpttatt of o
genera' row?Na ftUct, nora ghost of one, v.
atUniaoei ? 77 ? n ? targe ? Tit gal*
? /ii?',??/?.Vi.?.'-, ' tiled ly the
J o.itli.iriiititi?tJrilii irsUria?Tite Mftttf ttit
Vu ?i ri n I.?Tin? b1 -' ' B M ?badi bul tin? audience
? !. Tba l?iil ??ii hoi I a ?great anntbM \vfa a
it is ?filled, and tliiit gisal aaanVl I Wt_ lhere l?i lill It,
There wa ?li rai sod ladiea The MU
element waa < , Tor the Iriak I
sxils oi ni a f? reign land "... ? d
whan ii.cii*'is a word ?bom lbs great wrensn
?tut men ci lii-c? in ?rv?nit'l ti.?? wwd wsll
mid drewa Ida tania or bia Innghtsr. PreMptlyM
?ighl .Mi. Jonassaaaa aa Um itsad. Mr? Jona Ina
? inri er a light Igure, and .m Intel] itsusnre. ,
rsa Ii?Mi-, Mu-bou Jo. !.,?'' withoBl
. la ? : ?good ti-- t ?
. ... l'-r. li' -, . j?! ' ? '..-.
?cr.iiripin. ile ap-punred to sperubaad Irish
ry of his own ?em try, in a hher.
? A, l'ut withoul bhl 1' ? I -
b? bj i?'i?it.'i la thin! flit?
e?ttiin . ed in s poj '.' .'. :
? " t! ?
tunda Ile
j ?fitly t?ii t if Irish oi
al rj ; ?ad p n m Bdmirabl? . f iii
saw defend Bowarj - I except in th?
with bim. Tbeisarnsd, l
1 . .
, the " ? I ? . -r_x ... j. i .-. I
?.. Hy ;?
'? .
?nd j
? elevei
:.. thunder, <
ii-r. \?
i III.?Mr. 1
and be it rei crsdbi
ii with
not I
. I :ne ?ju?
taiiooa ?ii
I . i .
' ? ' -
bave oj ;
i .. IV
; . ? . . I :
' ?
I ? ? ? . ,
and te
' a
l l
. ' damnation? ol
i. . it na
ol i ?j, that
apply to I . .'
' ? t. -
- I thal i . .
.. I tin
I ?ou of I
? ?
A. li
It take! ......
1 ... '> 11 - :
; .... ;
? ol n mud balli
; throogh
? . ?
v.. ? ?
--.!?'?'-' ? the]
I of iii?- h.?i? No j Ininti? Mr.
1 . indsrth
!- itlt wsi
- . . ? t . : .
. -
i ?
ig would I
. ; . (A
U ,?ch us/ D?
? * ire, 1m n i .
? ?
... i ,
i lui i - vu TI itora
A ?. ?? r.x ...
oat lbs dren
?i ? .
?; '
flOW THE 1 ' .
?t army mu; ? . .
I ' ! ' . I
' pluiu in I
. ., . , ruade 1
tu rscru?M Bo i
. i l a
ter. 1
? ? | II I.I. lUil
' -. ' I
... ..'...,
... . ' , '. .
.i hugel
??? ? ... , ? |
I.- x. \i. B. Greene, n |
??ii, lili.? iiii-tiii.t'i ,t .i ii ,,iii,bi ii ?sColona) al
ii i- j Ai Marea bsat tu Begin i di, Um ngh I
cvuridered an -Uliiiuu et, ?uc !>? v. ihn. Uosinvi
' nnd F inn?es (..ich lave a ton as Chnpluin in tie
. I'.iiteil Si ?*(?' m i vice. Tie Kev. (Captain) Mncon,
I ?notier Unitarian ii.inieter of W ireonain, in li ?> M
lio servit"-, M the Bl ''? Art! H B. F'iilcr lim lt.it;:
been to the Brae sa Chapista i fthe 10th .'?:??b. lie
' ii n asBhiains DaBartaa MtatoMt, Several of
ti i ii younga 11? rgj ?.. bbis Moptoyed ra hraal
?if tie " eoatnaaBSV l?y tie MiIsM HMoeiatiuns fur
lint dljert. Tie Univereulists ulio lave a flood
minier nf 'leir nnnihtors m the anny. Ii in reinark
?ille Imw euruiBtly and energetically durcies of lill
di n.m.!.aiiiti,,. M ChrirtiaM I ara asatribstsd t" Um
Dahra Marlu avsrywhrae, in work, maasy, aud
?i ti- ??;??,?'? nil] be )? pasrantsd
t.-iiyl.t ui Waltock'u f' r ile second time linn eeii-mi.
If f..r ii- ?itttcr r.-u on. it will I" wi-rlli witMSriag
Km ii- idsabshto prafciBMMOof Mr. Joan QUbsri
in ti'- tari ?i i.'ti-i '?? tohjr, wind, ?Monday Bight,
?WMneogniasd us theebtof sttnetion of tbsptoee,
Ti.ei'i.ir ehsracteia an ra va.tiy inferior that n.,
? ,,i' . i. mm ; Mb g eosM l.ii Umm tu hapert*
as ??? ah ii.?a Might be d'?le fat thmt el Mrs,
Heidelberg, Mr. Bterling, Iii ? f Brling, Funny,
Biaah, and Betty, wm rarlalsly full lied by their
respective re] a Tha BrinsrpsrMwsn
al smmsbB] Orell ? eeldidfap? Thal of a rarTMtl
s Ma i If n la? -. ?? ? i .'i!:'-- ?n UM
v.. . m ,v iiu..;iy prasanb dbjrB I -?. fii
Gilbert, bcnevOTi Ms the best at the play t<? lim
.I.-:", . ' lirt.e?ii
. Whab rai ai m " r i Ck : .
M i i !'- ravirai will lo due]
la wboereei
i ? ady. ]
. . ? wearily worked I ?
ra il a
i arfect?
? ? ..
t '
ba nhstbad b?
i Ibe dey of I
ily settled ]
e repeat, 1
Ban y Wil?
: rho
bai . ?
v. * : ? . Mr. Ita
? v?l ? :.
. '.
. ? ? ? the i
a Mr. M
1 -
ni to til ]
On Satin
a M
and to? ? ' II ? ; : : ..
? ? .'i
.. : |
ni pi
| ' ... ?!
At Leant Kmm -i r ?
be re?r? ' '
e of iu ratal
j -..
It isa -I
. . i
CITY I'll .
A I ': ? ? ?
-I Um Wi the Del
Schwoll '?? g
? ' . i the meda
. : j i
.... , ni.
i ? . ] '
the ] . . <
I . ? ?.
eora? r i .
Tim: , . - IBS I I
ia ' ?' ? " . I
ara for l ....
! i .. a .
V. :r. II. . i . '
' I
.... I
Tn uti : 'A
D ?
i .
I ? ""nu .?'I ; ? i ? eratic <
' ? 1.
I Oil.. I
t ? ...
wi m i?:? ? . . . .i i lea
? i n to the i . ' ,,f t! ,.
Coi ii otbei raleara, ral
' a ....,.,. ?, of ilia
I. ral Bali the i
? i the i. .:.. Bpeta, h i to bos>
A.-.iuni: led in thii harbor, lied thara
poyal ? al Maa M ta u<)-oue |aas? ino b1 NBHieSi
?notier at n??on, and n third ?t tun.jet. Tie venue!
WM gaily decked willi tinga from item to utera. Tie
Priaeess de Aatartae li so<?nto tako 1er dspartaai
f ni ti,i.i | ?m f, i- tin regelar Mattoaat Bsvann, and
I,; i place h, i't will bl ta'ien ly auoth? r f? 1. 1 "
frigate curri?'? 51 gunn, conuitithi/,' of Bl and 04?
en, tiltia one or two rilled gnus of large;
. eu! i lor.
Icaoot Oppiobbbob rai FiiTriNT?? War?.?
Tie following noininatioiiB were n?ude by tie Wurd
i't nu .?lice ?,f tin* Fifteenth Ward on Wednopday
evening: For Sclool G'ounniHfiionAr, Krattua (J.
Bsasdhtj tor Ieipsctra, Albeit OBhirt; beTMMSM
i -."ii ' I tana] Lia a W, BO venn, Jarata D, Oliver, to
fill v..caney, Jaiiii S. Iluvler.
I?? tra of en Oi i? M; KMMiT.?Miittlew Mer?
: isa, of tha Ins of Muttlew M igM A Boas, Ms
37 William rtrcet, died it lia PmUmMI i:i WsshlBg?
ton piare, at ? o eli? ii yastStdiy aamtag, in the C5 i
1 iftie,,f blsSgSe Mr. MorgM we-ti na'ii ?' I FOm
' t early m life went to .v? w?Orh
. in parino! ip will 1 id blOthei aW|Sllsd a lure for?
tune. Upon lift In.tler's dwlh he IStBfMd toNew
Vnii. i?m1 ertabBshed a private tom! ig i
foreign eBchai --. Be waa the owner of ti
Yorh ii..'.I, und held eoneidersble teal ettate in
?' ' Irans,
IMi < IBPOBATIM OOOBML.?AS Sdjosm 1 ince -
? ? ? \ ? . ? Como IttM a
M IS? dot iyertetday. Tbs CMventtanpraaasd
? I alks be a esndl has tai C mueller, |
I ?wing rsaelti F. I. A. Bools, I2? John j
" . ti f\ (or.tm'i, I, !
ti . ;;. ?le wi 1
l-l.' tl.i-n : : Mined ?.. 2) p. in. I I
M t I :.t I i -. ill]
i . .'. si oben of the?
bsBwB] lato t..? bei deep?
?: -i wai i ..' ?feited. ? t| ;. Be
?. ; ? ti ! rth Preeiaet wara m
the W ??? ?
Bo*, for ti ? hod
of theil i i ? ?
? als w< tod bate Iii
' . ? ia .'.
? ' ?
l ' '
nltb, andl ? ? ?
v lU.
I inating Commil
a E. Devil
I iNbWI ia.
Im, 1?', - ' ' i ..
I ' . . i . ? e luli.
at ol ' ?
? i ?.-. City Hail, I
i filled s
taU*. !. r
' . Uyndi rt'i 'i
j , Mr. John h f pt
y ti
. H-- -i Bonnesd al
Bat to n ? - I
? ?
: - . : lietolMa A
I a - 'al.
t Irish II
Connolly! ill
l ' i Poso.?Contrae!
- . .
tween the Koa
ti ? ' : Ita pa
riait I
? I ? ?
? ?
. . '
lohn L. Il
Bat? i i . -
' at I
.... '
. \
I Mr. Con?
? .. ' sgimont,
is ii
.. . . ;
luahnrt in ih ?9 nth, can
? . It ollie.
I , I .
i '?. ,
,. . to w 1 I reis Mi
? . i ...... ||
Upon the rsl *.,
? I, ulai u
' '
ri?e will
at Trinity 1 i
1. m. i rs fron the urn. rx,
? ' I sud Ci where tbi
.. ?I ii '?: A*. ,.', t ) 1 i iuitj <
. ?
' .
. ..
? '
i si y ont li
. ., re bren produc?
. XX
I'.,?.? in i ? i . ? Mr? i
I. Ta ? ..:'.?
.? .! it. ?
i . ..
Lo mm ' Apj i? fui. aV ? .
I . ?
.. I? ? ' [?t recall ti;
. .
ii.i.n nf theil
. i ? i ni i.?-. ? i. ei 'i. ited, re tba Ct ?? ?ti ? ivi
iii.y ?nfornisiioa thal reverelhnndred(ami.
lie? on '..* inii'ii.-iB uio k'll \t lihou? aa) ti'il -I ?
proviiion for the Winter, ia consequence of the foray
of tic! savages.
A Police Ornera Mrmn ftMBll Perry .
I.e.. odataae attachcl to Castle Garden, ha? h^
g afanas MM flMstday night. When laatieen
lbs waa dressed in a mit of dark ??eel-mixed cloth
Ile ia 4,~? years of age, 5 feet 10 inches io bight'
sandy complexion, full sandy beard, partially grgv'
and gray lair. Wus last teen in the Bowen n<*?
Bayard itreet, about 11J o'clock cn Saturday nighL
on lit way Imme, ilia family retido at No. 143 ?j
Thirtieth etreot.
Laid up ron tub WiNTFP.-The MHMta
Artnetiia is laid up for the Winter. Capt. Smith
perpeesd running her between Poughkeepsie and
BeW'Tork this Kail, Lut tie travel not bein? suffi.
ci'-nt lo warrant the expor?e in runniogler, aabu
withdrawn her for t?o Beaton.
CoaaiMWBBM OF Umiohatioji.?From the
re] -t ?f tie c.t?:,.. aoenof BatamlM
we learn that hB***M entrants have arrived a
:l ia i Mt pint? tie Jit of Jaa iaiy tort. Dariagita
8BSM piriod Im! year Here were Vd,![''i arlrtlg,
1 Bstanra la bank, $27,83177.
c trim '"??? ti ii i -'?'ha o Tu?ni r?aril M the
?ate eledion w?l probably le anncinred t'-Jay br
tbsl i ' : ' ; Caora er?. On arionnt eg
ti,o ict'-rep: tak?n bj ??' si the .Siip<.-.-vi?<ar.! iii the
polities] proa - '?'..mu.any no luiiineeg of
BM ?vat ti'. i . -'cr..'-.y.
A Ti . . ' I Boora Cif'im.-Mr. Johg
Ca Fort-.-nf II -ii MM '. BrasMyB, I-a.? ia hatfap
,t trate!? worthy of Captais Cuttle, it i? of
rar, sod el Bia wshjl i tara unlg
alf ps .ada, li iii a b , !.. aapl rsd at 1'* ..ufort,
Tie trial of Po!> M KMBSdy will
.t ?.t l.' '<? ! ek^day at Police II?.-, iiptp
i luct ia the < ?.?? of
Mrs. Bi i ? ? Mm, v.. w?i | ..rial
? ?
.?-,'. rmed, It eolicitiag sid la
, | ??'.::? da try, Mr. Halhdayh
y an ? : ' . : . ?
? Be
i . -Yeeterday morn ag BSest 11
? I
? - .
. . ..... :ui tti
I I: l.ll W||
? ' ra I
? - to
t ???.' mai ?tia?,
rhe|y ?PI iew?
?sel ]
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vi- ? a
?al ?S
? ? .?;.m
le ?.
? ? ' . -i . . ,,? Maa
I, v ,:- ?,, ,
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... ? i'.- adwiy.
. .'? - t I I ? NI 'N' ? I
' . Lilltyli ? i " ?sassas It
t I I d
raj,g, i.
BBooKieTB rrsns.
: ? m1 do
aden bare ?I iha < baga
1 1 .a . .*..
f Albs ? . Ilei I
i r . -? TaWfBB*
I thi ir ? onti
?.. IhMtbS
I can I -,MMM
' :
a .... ? S publia eh fair fbr
I ? i held at Ita
tintt 16tb ti DaeBMba?
th Iha A y tam
ncr will ha 1
i '?? ciar?
. -i
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'a l?t U
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ee yea ?ttiej ir
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a t e itie uni
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I,r.i .Iii.- ?Bid Ti
? i . | n ti ? i . , MM,
1. ' t ? !?
PBt I of
? i X?: ? * - ?
....'. ?baissa
tiki ', ? * aaid to tia ? ?-a
,,..-? u
A. - .
Ti .au! r Mi anin ?>? t". InfABT, k3ii Al*
11 .i n ? ? ? U?
?? I .. \. it
at No.
City. K pin . ? ?
i ?Um giri n "J*"^
I 'i__!
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i , ne, i it? ?ai ??arlos u..' ?? ? i. ? ?:. ??' ? l"?'
.mo, sad i ,;,?.. yo ia? umui* ? ? ??-.??? "*

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