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Y01- XXU.\?- G.ToO. NEW-YORK, FRIDAY, ItOYEMBER 21. ISCd. PRICE TWO CKNTS. mt ME M? M (Il w?wwc Tiff aie Drive/. Back Vf Gen Pleatantoa. aft*) Victcts on the Bank of the Rappahannock. _-^. w a iim.iui Imm?b*, No?. 20, mer ', ii lu m Um >umy of the Pototnac to-dny I I ? > Ikal the Rebel cavalry recently ap 'A ? i loiMM iiiit-r, but Gen. F?Ma> ? ? (t.v.i'.iy gave tbetn a MVeM cheek , h .t n'ai e. j .: i^ from Fa'tn-iuli datodto-day ?tate thflt -? ? day ?fi? tn> on the ene'iij'e [?(??ii ?rere OMlterad along the bank oft!? Rasp?banla ck WJWWlIlli fiv? !y v-lib mir icon, but no firing took pi? Only OM mall Map of ii.?? enemy wax n?il !e !?et night. ? ? A Re? ?.pint ?? the An?? BurM-ii??'? Pioiuplue*?- 'I !??? Or|c?niimtf?ii -M?rng. fling f?iipi>r<??<<l lift? mile? of Ws, ? ;? I l'iir? IW?ylH ????" Courin? ? ?lort?- of Tliirdn'a? 1 Ntirllr Region S?o!ili?-r?' K'iiri'iion* - t'lipliirc of f'n?. ?lr>- I'h- Inli <ii?nlr? ltni<t Artillery aitirnii'B Tin- >(?? \Ynl< h v. 01 <l. K11 ' fAlM?\ li' |'|'- ?'.'? KkKiKKK ktBt I :?.. \ ?.. I 1 . -. o N, | I, IM | I : . : ?? f.n Jouiim, " that he no nethod of eosdactiag ? w.?r e?o<>? t io ? twenty-five mile? ?. d ty. ?" < g1 t mid tlieD to 1 in q liet." (ii n. BontOOM OOgfM like a ke> i, thal i?? li? r. What 'ver bin other qnal.tii ?>, i a' U >*t \ery BIM b m earn ? . ha? nlieiidy m] ired ti e Bru y to a marvelous '?:'.? r> WOBt to believe that a |TMJ i ?ni ? !caMOl u.< \ I :?? (baa fix iu'r? fti'ay, and ? i io our yd Method of wa'ting h Week tor ? iaaM of new nothing, ora :., .nth :or the t\>< e> M-ti of au order to advance, rub their ey?-s in ???ita mt ininhni. i.;. ? Im ii:i Friday tfiermxni when tletele ti ipi brmjl t iru;i \\ ..el irn;t<>o a] pruval of Huru ri> ?*? praa ajai parmiMi n foi the amy ta ni>ve. At I | ' i he next morning bia ad vane? MfM was on the jx?ad to Fit di rckebuig. >, rard'O division wai ? w?nt of new elotkMfl i>? ; . ,d ;:.' urn'. We maul.ed ten ii.i'tt?, the tlo lag MM wp fr'-n, the raili???<! fi?Trr <?;.ik , the ft; ei # for two iivaie* wire all mnieii tip and at daylight thoms aron igaJa apoa tbe road oaotkod aud io ti.en righi tmn's. Ice ne? orguniz.ti'.n of t),i a rta y ka? ie*. ?ed J/OO k) ; legieph. ta h m MM ?f ti-'- RifM, II' Di? ''-uter. Franklinth? I^'.t.aiid !Si^i I ti c Boaervo. Bau .ne: H (?ralld I)\.fi.i|| coi MM of the N vol id (.orp? ' rri'crly hi? own, no? eomniandt-d bj (.. ma IM Ifintb 1'rii.inallj BaraaUoX I"" new aodai NN i i .v . 11 io ?>\ of Ibo TLm. Hen;/- Imm I and Uie K.Uli late PiMJ MM Pi it t). Frunkdn'a .8 Made ?] of Um .S.x : ni li . 1' i-i ti in eriy li akM - i ? lU-*?r\t MMMM of Mgal't C r?? i J. roi " w,' I . ?j'0'>|>? at ii.ny MMofWf M added. U(M !!.i? mail I ti.e Bigfcl 1 .c badtkt adMMOi ( i ' < ' ? ,. Dg, ind Will x f II' vsiiig .'tie d i_\ lu li??? i?ar. I oid not Imvo vTmnmmi aMilSo?M " latarday, and wa?, (letefre, eiiji'.t boara behind tee lo ad >t 'he ci.'unin. lu c BMf< ? ?? ? I mm ooetpeUed !?? poMthe M I? ?ragot inda ol tb< " t* IrfctijM.r'aiKm La? k**n gn-atly cut ?Wii and only nix ?..^.na are allowtai w> a reg? BMD' ' 't I found ? e corpa Mia Mort than #?? ? *? % TVmm.i' ti?jMfa<ruttoii of ib- ita] ?' Um . " ? in; ?-ted m b?jM m i m bia naken ; i ii j Hit lallaa nfiraftiT Tfcey moimii hoi and forage to Mff) y IM BMBJ. 1 1 tM da>?, und an.r!. in lion M '!-?' lol ray into Ra na kkL 'I eie ware vaiy ita BtiMffMn ??*? I iii '?? "',?? Uti Ceach'i rigid eoioroeMMt of the n ageat or> dare agaim leaMriog bM MMiy eotTK led ?'. Wmb iii i a '? , greei I ? trwa bknaf tar' .?i BM gMM fal eil diroclioM !i ? ?? ibOM ?l.i;h ???? iiv r bl ? ? ??-. lu mir ci-r -? mi faiiid le eafMwil. ead ii re, part fatedled ia the tai: deed gnea, mm like a eti i mm a tu ?ll wheat. By day you OM?U I fa* ?, 'le|.. lati . ? . afaj but at efajbl i' paiatl upon the horizon ?ivi '.????. i ? ?re? ol MM), Kut'i-tu- M?Mt]r< ? 7 ./...Ik Buaiay iwt* iagi the c.!.f ? * Miubmg airain. IVeach'i Avfadoa ino\-d in ih Mad ll.nro. k h throiik'h the ti.ddl a hnndi^ed \ai.i< te lo? right, and Ifowa I'eeAOfMl Uletififl nlfa left Thi? ii.ode of trian ding, in three i.d imm t a ?Toii> one with lieu, iiuuiuer; w en he eoeMMMdai ?a!y a iiv.-ii n, t e<ti*\ ?M ad ip'ed .'. It? advar.'ite? ere hal in caae of alta*-?, the troop? are ready to go kit? j it tit at once ; and at night th.**; in th? real ar: > t MBrp two or thre? lour? Girier than if the dre?-; :?? ?,..?lo?re 1 eacii other upon the roaii. Itut fl'ir .K the mardi it i? eejere a?on th? ou:'ido ?ekiRini, MMOealy in a wooded oountrr like thi? lui?. while we moved hut !?'. milea on Sunday?an ?italleiit da} ? marrh, however?Hancock t and Hi? . f diviai'Jiii were con-ij>?ll*d by th? woixla Md bilk to n.ake I ? Mel y defWtioul that they tr?T ?Ud aiort ti an J?). But tie weather w?a cool and braemg ?t. 1 at night, half au hoar alter the head of te? i/ibioju ualted the rear caM or> Ou: u.arch waa throigh u atiiile, l'.aty, thinly ?af'.red c.iitjtry, ita barrennee? all the more notic? km af'er the fatneaa of the land we aaw between tue PotMM and Warreuton. In aixteen mile?, joe ?'Wy we paaaed ten reeidenc???all of indifFeient tfce?... ?*!- nmj ww a doien men, women and child? ren Die region it too y*>t for farming, or for elavee. J; is tb?kly wooded ?Hu oak.chettnut, red cedar add pin?, a (?? kelly treat relieve tte general BMlation wi?. tah n,hi ihllling ,e?vei. fcodat ?woftMbOMMdMfaM of cryaanthemnme-lhe ' llower. of Antttn.n^.mj, in ,biir d}inK U?Qty. he only iruit? lo hMM|m Mleto, at? frott r *b and permmrnoQ., th, \mm L#)W e^Maaierl .ud growmg m HImHIim profuti?-?. It ia at i..r,?ng how uinrh eagemtt? the te,n ahow for tba n. A weary, footaor?, eahau?t*d toldier, eug pJktg ;'ider hit gun, hiankeV Wid anejauc. will no a quarter of a mile, to climb a pertunmon tr?? ?H'l U*U> tli? rieb, unaaliBfactory fruit; or to chaa? * I Ml rel or rabbit. That atimuliM gtme he hume? beek lo the ranks, and relapeei into L? did OMMV kojiele?? woe-begone aepeet. Peraimmou? uui ? ?? ?r? play, th? road is work, ki.aierriay morning waa lowering and rainy, lut w? threau-ned rtonu d d not come, and the weather ?feted eicellent for marching. The country grew Mu i, bet *r lui we puased fiom the roeky, eteril? "??g?-, down toward the ?alley cf the ICaj paban ????. We began io Lui great eom-?slcis, dotted Wltu rico ahockt, tpaoioos l.ousee. with flowers and ?Wt.ery, i.nck tburcha?, four or five milee apart Md o'lu r ?vidents of fertility and ci Vibration. *loi.g th? road we heard constantly of the Rebe! N'ket? faring back a mile or two in front of our ad ??ee guard. The people told ns that a company of ? Utk Virginia Ca?alry had a skirmish th? daT ??Ja, at United Hutee Ford on tke Rappehan'. MM rim ^^^ ._?_ m,-.?-mwtm, AUW firiiK unit W? Mterted. down the food ?? Bouda/ ?o mirkr ????. *?tb a body of oar own oeva'ry, and eaptored ?w*?. mtn of tke KHh New York. The prier u?ia l?ichtnond. They took their miifoii-ine very philo ophieally, ihoutiug hurra for ti.? Union, ai tbey paieed tlie dwellings <>f til? V\nt l'amili?*?. Tlie 15th Virginia it the same Rebel regiment winch ociupied Frederirk.burg, dniing the late (lath of Sigel'e cavalry, uuder Capt. Palgreen. There were 400 of the Rebele who were utterly Wreriw?. BOdlOOtad hy Sigel'* ii men. Tim mont violent St ici-imi.;* den niti'-o tin conduct of the Kebel* at MOgTOOaAd, OOd OXpMM warm tdiniratioti for our dashing exploit. I; i* re.Jly r-fue'iing to find OOI cavalry doingaonietbiogwbfcb extort* |rai.e, eren fioui our tin unen. Ch| t. Dulgn-tn't duih it only i equaled by the cbitr?e of Frt.iu ??it't laidy gJ.rd, all 8| r.ngfi?M, Mo., a yi-ar at.?. Sin h exploit are not to he weighed merely hy Muir material re? take?the praMOOri and fjoilt. Their maial ctl'ec' lijKin the cm n.y ii ft ty gi el. I'nfoi innately, tant. Dal gunn ne,Jecie<l to de? stroy a lurg? wooloo faint j .1 hodortebabarg, w: ?. 1 wai nanufai t iriog b1 4b f. r |1m K In 1 tmj at the ric of 1 GOO ).u<!? p.-l d..y. 11 ?s ra. i WM I lai propbetli of iboadtaaoi al aai ana/, ?.mi lawrliiUi; adarba left ail the waWnaij a m i 1?moved to Kiel.mimi. Al I It >? M thi li-li I > I tala thtir wi ol Irai r nat b ?t wbaa MoCfoaoaad aad Por ei oj en tie Mi??wippi, tmi Uva alada will koep i! nie;:,c?riirg I1 . ? Of ! >:n the l!.eep of ToXul ami ibe r.>m and ?'oik ol ArkaoBaa? alta] aooa t?j-da;>, we MMtaapcd two lulled ?nan ti,it p.ace. The Kel el. had plantad tv?. 0 bal? li 1 MM the other .ide of the Bif|*a>rlaBHWfc. yu' heiond Frcd.-rjckt'ur^, win? ;i | lu< d our road Bad? a BOOM fin-, and they iaopaod a foti .heil? inio it, an JH hint for us to it-p. Ban Q>aa.Ooaob t?nt out t apt. M ???'an, hi. Calal of Anilhry, ami Cast Pettit of ti-?- lit New-Vi?: ? Artillery, lo NOOM ?'?', M i i <? he nent forward <?n hot in Maffctr ?hrei-rion for tiie mme [ ur| 0M, From one al ti ? blutlt uf the Bappabaaiio h ara had a loa vita <>t Freder?k. aajg, arttb i:, io??f? and .fire*, and two long train? of eaii, jail rlaning towan! Ki? Lim nd, roi.?, ey mg away the Uti "pOBtaMo piep'i') of the Kebel. tri-.?jt. Ib? y endently did not mean to BMM ?> llroog Mad afajMM Im aarr?aJ Moah y with laid glaaaai ahowod al taeit goM bj poaitioa, ie .ily to detuic mt ai loag a* poad ila, Iv.m ?. ..i .i (??-?i: 1 aajHarlai ?.re ian < btotJgfal forward an?! plained on a BOBMBaadiag nil!. halt'? n.ile Lack of ihJfl town. Jaa] a. they were fair I? in p ?- tioo, ti.?- I.'- I < I? ???;??.I with li . rou paaodPMTOtta,aj a diatMooof l,6N yarl., wi;i. ?i,?-1 \? r botan i n m. 'I i.? i iithobollaaa aded t^>- .ur. iuKuediaioli rn oat ga ?. bal prarod ?. Paull raj Ik d proa)] ?!<-, and. ni ? - ?nuil a ?ara? y, dr??j ? ? ?I Um non atiailai ligia i I ' ? ? : i I la | ? 1 ? 1 wa. < v?e:.i ni. lhe enemy . gun- aft -? ?? ^?.. 1 ?- ..?? loo kag. 0 - eil ad ? -p du f. i ;'.?? a aal of * K i m the oui? ra ? ainl ara badi ai . ? - . m ?. i ?Kal ei? | -m.? .1. w a. i ?m, :? ii-;. aa . ?\l 1 ; J ? ) bad brad lUflj : ? ? I'ttni ami Owen made ii ?1 li 1 foi ib?*ai baal il??y ?.ii 1 di? ??<. m.11 be wo u J'b?\ afiorward r?a t>ir?d out, .- -, by xreu* .111 ??>, .u?e*e.!?.l m w.Ji? ?UkW.I..- li?? it Killi* U? ??>? Jlol'i I I'll? "f I'lll'l?' . arboraUmj ftnallj dnv.?n ...-.?i. W? Iradi looadi t?' ?!.?? pla ? badao iboj won du ?? ? him then loak'a bfigodi ol 11 ?? ? > ? mar m *' bM I ? ? ??, ? and la !?' ? ' ? tfc l'-i?_? we ?liall (H.11;. 1- radi ? k- 1. ii. Tail moroiag, Bommt'i ^?- Concb'i haadgoarti ? at? litlv, J! .' ? 11 HM 1:1 UM M ?' 1.1 ! the whole aru.y il i*pi?lly m vil. We have ?halved our baae frooj loa?Mooaaaai Boj i al li I ? < ab and the Kappa!.1 ab. U'i '.-??. u. ? ? 1 ? ? '? '? ?? 1 1 ? I " '> " ???'? ?. . ? a I ?! >. A '???? ?).\ n w lil !.. !? ? ?? -ii an,iy aadpropon 1 r kiagroodi ?o hi ila ol' " AU fob 1 a.iu - il.<! inn-, ii nu o:?k !l?e iliin'/a tht?l ?\ei? . 1. 1? ?. | I 10111 A? quin < re?k. Cn . .. ii. m? 1 rate) R i J j 1, W* iimfi ? Himt ?if tin-? evin.n.' but Ibo f<?llow I?. Ar?!? 1? ' HiiKi, M ??? ?? 1 ? Mai II IM '? ?? 1 . ;.mi.i? tKM ('??.'?(? ?. doiog "? bet' I?.? baie ' ibo tailriMd rapoirtd. I Bl tue pnliunuaiy preiotia i?>u? of loatenalt for the repta. v\!,.ih ti.? ud have br?ii m.?!? 1 ave b??u a..illy nivlert?.-i. 1 Tne K-I?el* hoiO| "T*HT '? * ?1 ii? tint ?piarte. | ? oar tv.1 .?lion of ti?idrri kaburg,\id tboil : r.y loaajfjofl al? lb?- the telegraph w11 e non loila, ra??ru?yd ?.a.iii*, 6*. ., thal ti?ey i> ul?i fe? t a??* a. well M to !??uru all the ???.-?+>? a*t... ? , . ' ly a? p'jtmblv. The aaajOfjMMi ?? thai mml lai^er wppliot of maieriale base been foood iequ?.?te b< ie l??r repair- . mg the railroad* d.tabtol by ibe Robofav The War in the Month-\\ ? al. 1 ii." 'ii. rea 1 v > M IM Paaae.tig're from Holly hjir.n?." re| ort the anny Bl it eUnd-.till. H??*piU!i are bfliojj (ie|,.ii??l. | .1 large qnant.liee of grain bfl?og < I ?Mee1? ?J. A depot for conUal axd. ha? been e.labl >led a' Oraud JuwtioD. An expedition left Trenton and Hutn??>l?!n<-?er day, for a point on the Tennenme Ki\ er, where it wi? reporUid a Kebel force of ?W were OOMObOf. It wa. thought that the wbole of them would be <Mp tured. The Marine Hoep'trd at Padueab, wat bunied on Monday night. AH the patiemi ttcupA. M?>?tof( the furniture waa eared. The building wai wortn ' $100,<XK). Omat romternati m prevail* owing '.?> an inipreeiion that tint waa the herald of a Kebel ; au?.? DooUh firl " " pla?*d around the town. I A fire at M? - .^atordaj night, dettioyed 1 three m.iimt! ??ubliilmente and .ix dwell ingi, lot? beary. I eTM tbo woik of an incen? diary. A ?etN-r from Corii'h k.yi tkat John Porter of the iiltt Ohio, and ? Williami of the Wd Ohio, had ar j nred at thai pkM f^m Atlanta, Ga. They be ?Ion,ed to a purty <* nr men aeot out by (ten. ! Mit'-hel laetSun.-.' nd <??ptare<l by the Hebel*. They n ake the itatement : Capt. Andrewi, Geo. I). Wilton, Marion Roe*, I'. 0. Bhad.Nk, and Win. Campbell, N Onii, John M., Hot Ohio, and Samuel Slaven, 33d Ohio ware j tried at Kuoivil'e, and hung in Atlanta June l8. , The othen remained in ronfluemrnt until twenty 1 two dayt liwe when they broke Jail, but M they ! ?"?altered aa io?-?n aa they get oit of eonflnement it ii j impotr.hli to teil wbal b^ame < f them. '1 be following ,1 from J'fu (irennda Afptal 1 I CH.WTANt.ooA, Soy. ?X?Forren 1 Cavalry had a ikirmiib willi the UuiouitU ou lb? Franklin road on Tui-adarj killet: i??, and wouaded 'A 0? 00. The I'pioniile being n?nlore?ed, Korrett withdraw. Kirby Hu..ii, U tick at Chattanooga. TU Savannah Uff,ut!.?cH o? tbo 3<Hb aayi thal on banda/ ile Uuiouiati attempted to land al bl. Marp'i, ?a.. bot wen repnlte?!. 'I he gonboaU ibei) bImUM tod oOBifWlotj ?UMiioyed tbe KW? FROM WASHINGTON THE CASE OF OEN. BUELL. THE INTESTIGITION [J GEN. PORTER'S CASE. N0 CHARGES AGAINST GEN. M'DOWELL. THE IOWA l'RISONERS EXCHANGED. ? ?> ? (nilioftanl ( iiptnrp by the Polomar Flotilla. the mm nulla h piimikii. ?.*> .? THE REGULATIONS AGREED UPON. S,.?cl?! dl?f ?Iel to 11 e N. T M Ml t*eeara? '". v\?J?i'?d?y Km m, \?a? lill ?ASK OJ (?I V III KI 1.. The Conti f lnqti.ry to Investigate the opera? tions of Gea. Baal in Kentucky convenes al < m ciniati, Mt all : ? ipolie, ? some j.iiirmvs ?tate, on the SHI it e . The eonititutii n of the Court in as follow?: .V.; i liens. Lew. \\ allaee and Ord Braf.?Qeam Dom?, Seine ?It", and l>. Tyler, with M.ij. Doun PlaM an Jiiilg? Jin. i mu?.is aOAIBvT ?.is. nutr? k. The Military i omi.iinaioii enveued to investigate fie cb&ige? nfoJael <!en. Fitz John Porter met to d%y, but uil;..ii,'i<d 'I' to.u.oirow, without doilg aoy bunineee, MVOJOJ MMfkon O? th.- Com I fal < li l*:tig absent. Coi Je* RoN is Jej?mAdvOMM I in t1 is MM, ii ?'ead I ! ('apt. (?aines, who whs Offap inally self'ed "li Uti M] MiMin that Mr. Ri | | U'lfes Bn t% 1/ -Advori .- Cenrral w ?u'd previ.- j I.'in fron- ?MM li: % <o n. I'i ] e h> M yet unived. Mid \\.*t ? katgM in ' the run hive not boen fornslly s*t\.-l (Jen. Porter. T> MMMl M the ile''i?e |o-?ej MUd fort! e ]^i.p, neiie- t uf Hie triiil f : 1 ut was over. otkaoL mr i \^r ni i.rv m nu? ii i . I ? r. ' I1. .?'?.... > .'? -. . ? '.:? ag.ii?' Poa. MeDoweU, m4 that ?oro! Co'nt . f I . ? ? t *? I le bat c1? i ii. mt iowa nutoxctti nrHARcco. Tnaaka :?i Vi,., or Gi ? ?? i ved kore i niiht, ??I ile Lwa prioootn ?? di ? -d i.? ?imug'-.l lo-day < h B I eke aji v- ? ?, ?? ?? worn on! with ti.r> | ? J'.i.?m ihotlt Wart Ul will ? I trau? bj th? Ql VI ile plu e> a ?k!,,.i. tl.i btggm '?J ki wU-u iii? oi'Wr /?a-O.-? lUrBi ?? ' iiailmi we el tfa !<?..- ?>;??? ?j wD . ?? dial el; i ?? ?ive ??!? rni-"- ? i- m wak -i sr Di, j- ? ,i . ? ? ? . wert o*at I ? '?. I - - i 11 ?..?v.i" ? . rota burel, ' lay by Ce ii?. i i .'? i \ 'i i . , ig ti . . li . '. and >!i ? ? ?? ?? t\ e. IMI'liltl AM I M I I KI k1 I IH I'll' IM M' ra i \. The t ?1 npting to ..,?: ?! ? I ? ? ? ? * , Bl Mary lead) : ' I ia their pa ? i | 000 I i goli ami . ii?... -, ??.??' whb al t the i ?. ? . . fa | r | .??ei f.,r thi? lo ki la, 1 ? m pi el ? e h. wbj th baard it fa laferiod thai Ion ??: theil MeebMOM B?hel ofaroM, ?ul aie pretty well"h I will f-'i' it obi i. Rterv ifiriTi darfag their bttoj Mi ?illili.'lu I'l.i'.n lirirt ! ? re and ?t RoJUmOf?. ? I AIM-? I "It Uni Nllls. I', A"<"liey-li"lier li li.ii- dei Ufa 11, I he qieK'ion kavlagaoM rofeited M kW by ifaaBaeMtaey of tba I l'iwiioi, tliat k1 ia ? 'i 'I ? duty < ? the f> rMMMMMf of "?Mokati k adyaMMte the claime for koMjtloj ! ' under lue af. of July ffj, IM and that ti? not h.s ? linly to pre?. rlM form hi oM41maoao, or to IWaojl ! blank lorme i!i?ie.f for bOMOBMN undi r the. act. ina I i.icliua'ion of oj .n.on in ike l>epar:m?ul of the Inte-1 iior bus bitiieit" been to? aid ni. li ? construction ii I the law, trtfcfafj would anthon?? th? Cuiinmeeiouer oi Pensions lo toneidci and treat bounties as a kind of| lotirions. The Treaeury I >* partan ut lias takeu the OjmoJkl v.ew, arid under thi? opinion .he. Rscond Asditot is new odjqdicating the oleim forbooo>, Ac (.1 i, M WUIMiAl I . (Jen. Mail.udale is to be temporary M Mal] fo t. ? raor ? f Wa?>!..iiB" m HOTBBtrn Off *?!*> u Mi-vtiiHiii. GOB* W?d?worth went go NV?-Yirk hy the 11 o i! nk Ira.i V'-Oay, ,,i. 1 (Jin. Mart.m?ale was in? stalled as Military <;<.\enini. It n- luriiiiaed Ihat when (ii u. Waits^oitb returiie he ?ill N lOMtedt? ???.? assigned an aitive command. Al mm U i:ks' MtOffi HhoKiN li-. The l.qiior doalei? of our nty wu I peisiMin??; ing liquor to the taloma '?e-e gniMMly mtmmmo k>d.y by a v.sit kj lerMevatl the PiomjsI (iuaid. About h dozen ?*tabti?hmei!ts ?i re brokeu u,-, and the.i eioek on hand -ikon I e of for bjoj?kal use. AOMIKAI I "I''. - MCHRTAUV. Mr. Fran?M IA Ho Mil of New-York, Ule < kj| I Clark of the Sauuiry Cou.Diisi.on, ha? be.-.i aj pointed SstreUryio lte*.'-Aduiiiarihe<KlorusH?il*y, collin.and.M tor EmMM Hivuuoii of the ?a.l Sjuadron. mu till us Mm? IfiTTTtf* DiBihaite papi-is lor W? si Mi. n-?ne made oot at the Medi<al I)u?etors other yesterday. l)K\rilK Of gOLPintll IN llo.Ml'lTAL.f The following m1 ' MM ?m1 in the hospitals here since our liu-i publioetioni Wui (' bp? Hu.i | ?. II Vi. M?rlon C.rr.?U|r, I?, l>lf? [i.i.. N K A, ?UN Y. 1 an OtsiBW, I Al N ? VV Juimeii. K. lllftuu. 'lu?? U?.d-ii A IM N Y Itdeel failaSl. L?eiar.l I'.ri'.k? ti, I U H. t.t. W0,.lt.wU>,K, 1?N T J H W?.., H, lil NY. ? ?jil Beta d. est B,l< N.T. Ml )1.mi....i e, ml N. x. Cm ?. llijs? C ?JPiao. ate? Uej?o.di /,:** ? CftM T Hits? C.IJriaa. 'lbs? itejoo.ii?. r, ?* a. J H hofinta. II. II fen.. V H Kital? U, U"N Y A 0. Luuiuilai?, & Me. bel. To Ile AModsUd Io >? P/MMM Tli.iifsj.Ne?. t*. lat?. r-AYMAflTEFl III - MAKINK OOtWt, Capt. John C. Casi. kM o?cu apjioiuted 1'aymMter in the Barine Corps bj jdnre of Major kum ii, d?ce ?*?<!. inavsi ciHiita?. Aetiiig AMliUnl I'aymaiier Henry J. Rodgerhun baa he?0 ordered to iLe steamar Daylight. COLLECTOR Of IRTtKNAL RKVENUk. Otorgo 1?t-.ti ?; McirCMYLli- hat beet? appolnted Collector of Internal Reienue for the Fighteenta of l'enutl ivai.i?. THE TAX ON LEATIITR. The fnllowiog deeigioni have bOM made by the Commieeiouer of Internal Revenue in regar?l to harben and upper leather: First, the tax on har? nell lea!her ii teven mill? per pound, and is to be paid hut BOM, whether the leather ii tanned and finished hy i!?e .au.e pariiei in the lame place, or by different purtiei in difierent placet. Second, BniaheJ or car? in?! appM leather, except calfskins, m.:de from rough leather, liemloek tunned, or from rough ?eathe? unaed iu whole or iu part with ouk, on, wini li rough ? the tax of MTM uiill. or O'?? ?ent |m r p?.im?i, se ibe ch*? may be, hat ali cady been raid, i? ii?'* ?ulj-c to any ad?litioi.a! tax, in come. ' ?lUtti? e i-f .ia h IoJmMJ or curr)iag, wheiever the lal 1er may be ?1 .i.e. iiRiiiui) td HKi'oiiT to i.rv. in i tumbe, l>r. Warren .Metilier, of the Regular Army, who hil bad cb i:?.'i-?d th?? Wougl.w li??.p'l*l in lb.. ? .ty fort vi at pa.1. has lieen relieved fi'?in that du'y, au 1 Bfdon ?1 te Mf >rt to Gen. I?urmii'le. nu. I M'iiAMii: Of niiMiNii - 'I be following annum ?euient ol the ie? |l; of te re? ent exchange of promut p? of wai st AU- u'r I/tm! 0] I 'lb MadB by i rd? r ?*?f tile BwilrtBIJ of W ir, and all B?aMBBOfld eulo?t?-.l i.en int?>iet'.? ?I a ill le geverned uecnrtingly. I-'irf!. All o'fberi anl ?ii??'-! BMB in 'he I'lii.l RoM .ervice who bora bara ???? rod ?ii'l parolad m VlraWa and Maryland ip bo rot. I. I--?-.', oiMpttha B?Von and enu*t?fd mea aaptared ami patolad in SapOOMbff, W6S at Harpa '? F? r-v, ami not ter? inafi? r meninnie.!. Bad nil ?I.-Iii erb- ol haaoflaa ap to Wow, ii, hfi.1, ma?l<? lo the t'nitrd Mm a-ithori'ie? on Ma PeolMal md ita adjacent watet., ?r<? in? bi'led in thi? e\. baOgB >? All "?I eora ai<i eui:??? d AMD ? a| I ire?l and -\ *' lui i RaM Waad Ort. i, Ml. j ,. . UladloaiBMd?oliatadme?ropMtodand ,?ar le.J Mt i bai ibarobory, Ka.. Oct. 4. I?*!.'. pin ?" Me i m. ? iii.? , <| arodoi darkarUlo, I? nu. hf i 'III . m and men tOptOiaj Bl --Ulli Mill*, N ?'. >< ft Ona I Budiod and f?.>ir n ??- ?a ? ariaab Bad ?*?fric?ii m d M ? '??*? * ??? bu gina la ibe U r. s. r:,v airy, let I A I f.ii.rv.i I 11. > l'av.l-?. M U. S. \i.l>rv, Hi I.-. lafanlry, lib, HU IOUl.ll I i , 11, g liifn itry, 4<h ead M U. s. Ar I \!i?iHi?"li -, M'l IO foti I ? I mil.?ir, . ? i arb Oat, J i-: \ Mnaot au ?Moan an?! MllatedanoMptand Bl ??I ne.r Ki I ?? N I .?: ?1 Li Xii.;'??ii, K? , OJ KM I i ? -i..<1 ??I (.'? ii. Killy l . mai li. /ti. ?\l! ??lie ? r? s mt e- I:k ? ?I ?,i ?? ?ieli\ ??? If. ? '??i ?i.m. I.*..!e and s?? ?n M MB lal, M fib, Ifib au : Hi ? t -i iBMbir, life \. ??/" ? All i.ttice i ami e- l:-'.?l MM | Miad i.t ? i.I ih- :?l .ni., lib ?if i ? r. . ?. ? Coomoo? k mm? C-naponyl of foi ???? Ni \ .^. < \.'i l- v del ?hm? t . Ntl ,V?*w??Y<urb ' ...... ? Oh, J l'h IIS b. I 'Ml . a ?I IMtfc Ke./i ?? .S. ?V?'? \ ??I nile, ?e, all Bat.i Bl ila* ,? lin- Bod aw "i I ?"in OohiiIm /? ,? ./?. kigaby'i Hiiiiei-j, two ? iptaioi lb rae BratoMaM ?aaaoa4iaat?aaMa ?? ? Ma ? en* iihv IMOad ?li:???? BBd piivale?, laW??? M Hai|-rr? I en-l. All (?ar?>?ei1 ? fl.r??t? and *oldi#r? ??'..? , ? . nm'er any of the f ?reu??;oir ?rhtnee now aboent f-oe ?'>?? ? ???ni mtip^of re' le<\?>u?e?ial?b?li*?i in pttTAfrr i; h hrer of UMtni O ?ter Vo. :v??- i i??? of .? ,oe M Wur ^.'(-i'ment. wbether wiih M ? ???ve BOaapl lu m-??? ?T deb !?--\e, ?? ? I ; i-r Btltl ? li <? . WHI in-i eil ,'.-lv ? . ar td :be ?ktii|?, a* f.dlowi, v u . I mit? :ii.N?-a c. i Job H rai I ? ? : la M i ?.. ! r S. > 'l .r? u!,d 1'? U..!< I'M. to ii ? I \. -' ?Y? rk ti <?<??? in ? i i ??? Can W I" || . ne:: I ?.Iniubiil, 'lf.?e in Iib i. lo ' li - Iib thoa m Michigan lo < Uackna, ??i . .. Wtreou n and M1 onto to Canitp Wai .!? rMHwaukaa,and all ?then \\ ; -? -. r -. I nu ( li ..'. B, Ml ? ? if'. ? v. ?...? pI l,.[111' .).?>. ?i ? Wallen, ni?.?. Caiap Parole Am.ap. i- ?i H..rrii. ki M ? , wi l horn li.? ?? i .,- ?.iib mut n uni era .ire ifeee bled, ?brwB ?1 ?;. ' ? gai ami c im| - --'?? Uatnd in 0 ?ii.lirN '?'. I au,| W ?lit ?? I..-..??; . - .... i-| ?r.l? ?I ? ?? ipi in lad ?an Bbaen? ?l ?. am pa i ital i ihed by ?. , Mon oa aai oo Mab loava arill lan ? .i ti;., ?t whi?b toongMMOlt an ahi i i it Qkoap Mtwtaa if ll.e reg BOM i* in Ibe Hell. . r . -??i : MM ?aui|>* will receiw ?,i tona. Military i mm adaati ia Ibe diff?re s- iin '?ii? 'un.iiii traoopart ?'mi to all ponlad ?Jit: er. lad BBlaMW w bo are to ?eporl under tliuorler. : % i. faraM IM BOMBB of ad paMMM *o poo? vi lad, I '-?ih I bo ?.mo Bal paid foi ea?b,to the ?um m.i ii ? f ibe .:ii(. 'v which ibai an teni wbo wi'l forward It. whb aay addit.? iiain-iHirtai io, to the r? nu MM ? f He gentfr.l ? ariij?, to be l.i,.illy aatond pMthooMapoof nMbiMMmM Mbbmwi the ?lia?i.i? waa a:?tb??ri/.ed. l'ommandei e?.if ? ,. v, ?? t*ui| "lui III ? i'?bb>he?l tor the ae? ?uninotlutlon of (??ruled tro.?ni. nut* ex? bau^eil, will lum ? MMMfd t<> ali wli'i may b? preM'iit to Ihl i.ia ???' of 'l.e gem.i?! MMgB nla ve uaaie?). mon ?lAKiitii.i i Ohirmi?h on the TIurfrKtharo lion?; - An ?.ih. r NhirmUh ?I Kural Hill -Thr .Tlmn Hod? of the Kebrla ni 1 ullfiboian. ? ?4 li ia I iiu?l?<? Ibej. will MmIi? ? ??tiiiid Then? llehrl Miimin Phipp? ?I Oaulh. S,< ? D ?,ii i.t? Ti. N V Tr.; oa Nui,. 11 a, t\>di?t..s?i N.f ii Ge'i. S I ? :i?]vi.o?e li .ul a alight .kirmi.b on Sun? day nu rii.i.g wttb Kel el ?aval?) ??n t!,?- M irflMO b ?? ? "??I BBVOB nnlei in m Nari.? ill?-. Mobadj I I buri. i\ (?en. VTaad * ??tv'.tice lad an?.:' fr f-.r m:tti at K .ia! Hil, lawling two h'?ur. and a half. f u -i?...! Kelti? "-ere left i n ibe lield, ?ud foin-' ?.mate? of t.e IM MMMfMMft Mugan . cav-1 nlr) d ?ii 'Nin'ed and ?oogbt aa iiil'auiry, I ul MMfad oi.r thinking i arty by ?keda?ldl;ng TwoMj a.ti? lery *!<t* were lired. Oar foraging ard ???ou'nig nafftlBI are MMMg the ountry. Hrajig ant 11 lekner ijient Satiniay n.>(bt and' Sanday at Morfreeiboro. It ii de."iriit?ly ascertained ' that Hngg, : ? reponed, it in cominan?!. The main Dody <>f the Rebel* it i. ! ol'.eved, ara at Ta.lab?.ma. ! It m.w beg u* to appear that they iu end to iU'.?l a ? lallahoiiii. Ii ii toilet from Nash-' fillt, We have information thal tbey eje receiving ' rei?nf?'r?emerit? rapidly, many ol wbotn an r*w 0 u ?j?ript*. ami it ii reported that tbey are fortifying in i ne rear at I near Tallahoma. ' me dl\ ihion of tbeir army t Mali i at Murfreeibon?. Gen. Hi nayler llonulion rejxrwu for duty tbla ereniug. I'.mfdeiabie rain hal lallen wubin time days. Camberland Ki ver baa tw??ll*n wreral feet, j Ibe weather is again char, l'iilen the raine in the uioanlairit have Imen much heatior, the rite will n?>t prove tu!i.cient to reopen navigation. About twenty Rebel ladin of tbii nundy, who vitiitd Naeuville for groceriM and dry (jnodd on palm from pnt awmiaandvri, and who wen de? tained by Iba lodden revocation of all paieei by Gen. Koiecram, wen teni to Dixie tbii morning under flag of trun, conducted by C?pU. William? and Tbanton of Gea. McCoeb ? italf. Geo. Ken ??rat* bad abooinialy i}*tUa4d fo gnuiipaisM, bat Uo ? seductive append of the comely aovM bim to ?hip tho sweet cargo to Dixie in a lump, conditioned that they remain outside our lines. Lato this even? ing we learn that the prettiest of the lot smuggled forty odd pai-fl of plantation brogans for her negroee under lier petty skirts. tuon !*uft*oiJiii. What ia fenrrd of an Etaanripntioa l.eeri? lalure?Army T?o,einem? *<-?eie I'i? ht at Clara'? vtill? T?n Cavalry ( oups , aie? am rendered Kin ina? of a Trul? lo r?H o?|) i lal l-i aperient'?', Ctr., ?Se. F .lu. Our Sp?, lo) CorreipoucWnt St. lOMt, No?. 11, 1861. | Tito MAI Legislature is bcli- veil |o stand na M> . Iowa: Senate?Km tn< ipation, 3S| CoMOrtatlM, 11? A-u-eiiihiy --I.uiam ipai ooitta, I*; Coua?-i\ai?ses II. There ere several counties in tthioh no election wua held, ?YO/fag to the | it m-nee of guemUl-n Thin ei unt giw-s the Kail ??M?iotii.-ts l8 mj .::!y on j'lint bal' :, or enough to renier the ele. tn >ii el two ?inronditiotMl Cnioii men io the Cuit, d S'.a'et Sen? ate quite Mttafal, unie?? the Keb' Is bj Ml B*OM time ?get pOMMotew. of the State and turu things Utoey* tnrvy ii-iifilv. The L-ginlalure meets i n ho keel Mon.lay in D '.-ember, and ihe se-eimi will i! lu'idoM I* ont of tke MM ii portojet ever held in the. Stu'.e. Hu Fro Slavery men are in trib ilation. Tlioy pro le?a lo fear n-'thing, but ?u reality fear a gleit deal. T | me:, Witkdrewal Of UK oro'?, muk urin ol' the L y ?lat ire from slavery i.-" a wt.-it blow a the rein nil-' of the ImiMtaoa remaining in this S'*te. CeoaeioreblePmiBLi? r\ logAol 'ion eoald be put tkreojak it the l.?yiidu*ure \\ei-e of a dat?rent ?iri|>?', kort the koot .? on thu other U-e. l>iws ?ill fal prion?, d IO J r?vent tde State mill! a MtfaojJ aa i'igger-i'Mti-l.erc?to prevent the iirva ot j ?ila by s tr? itt? lo :ni. risoti m-gioea heb n/llig to di-.oyal masti-r? o I ra?m1 Um i MlavoMMt of ne Mgma found i willi.ut 1: elites ia the State -to allow the emirici | '.?.on of ne .roes without requiring bonds from the f. nu?.- owm .'??to render it itilTicuii to recover tnui l i en property ifihe owner is eli?!< val, an i to ??sure Ir-e?|oiii of S|?eeli in every town-nip,, and Ward ia thi ImI . To booma, oobMmmo, tant? and irooBMsl slave property to the nikart eatoM ?rithia li ? linn's ol m l oneil'nil?n will I e a loBii etriJe iowa 't r?eVdiai the Btate ootiiolyol loa nene of "??iwrv. lo nui'.atrt Hie qu?tii'ii in tin- l?-)<i?l iiive balle W?1 gl?e an iiui-etur iflrt/iUliMii in ti.? eoiiii tlj , a Jil ni..1er Agit ut ion the iu?tru ion in nat i i;ri?h. Ians Mon man all tl.inta elm- oMikOMd, Me I'ro Slaveiy men 'ear. And that thi??' tear* BUM I"- r? .li/.. . o ..lil Ii he mc prayer ol' every lover of I Maim n. the 1 md. An uno net repet? was given in my lint of ii light ? l-i LKHMJIm COMtt. lil tula State. I lit- Igbt OI earred a < ik ? Mill*, about i. n un'ee?oiith <?i Vom i--,/, tin ?hhIiiv, Nov. J i, i ,|i. Barotow, arktl two eootpeaies of lea l ' " u Ottorda (mab., while SUli .mxi in a bioefc-OOOM lort, leunl ol lue a| proOj li o' '.ni I fas theil ?poa il.eir loit. Cooli lia stow, ?i'h -l\ee. lui, weir out to n< and cone ? iiini*!.. v ., un a Rebol i i.ii.p, uMilj 1(100oirotia, J 111. li n. .?ni bia own OefooeMtkao ne inrwgiirri lloldly ?^ii.K lb? lie'-tl COjap, Hie I.m1- pOJtJ ?.ile.l ???ven ... 1 Woiralea IWe it) ot ihe kola 1?. t ap-. li iretow tam retaraed lo ih'- lort, pevoaed b> ilv ;.ei,,>. w > bad tareeomi? ol ariuWrv. I he? ll, avian bl . d owe? ?i'ti Ibeii bowilaere i ilfl I n Hobel . n?s i.n 1 ki'.'...! t weniy-n^? or tinny ut iheto. lies.'ply ol ...... ,a?e out -fiel ?evi-ral roar? lu m?r. ami C*?| i. H:?i ?ii v. was ol .?? el lo ?mi ? ranJer ni? ? omrnaii?.. 1 .?in,, of kio OJIM r?tu-cd Mi le ??iiie::b r?-d. aud by ? bard rio? mad, .. loug io in and eeceped lo R| i-,.!. 1.1. The balance ?el ttomo.aiit] i. ?<? in m. :. sr, wen pnohd. |!,,f, i? a OjOWM ?I"'it :'..- ?lsBlfal ot \\ ni. A. li J! m i!. 11.n.-i..1 pie ki -i i?.i u?..\ oeeU4j elvo the KuianciualionUis an h?r kepweeotaiive tr.'in tkia State. Ltall bal n .j I U I nu ?mu.ties, sid G reel bl? Emncipaiiiai ? ' ?'- ?A, be* mni-ti ,i?.u eight eoanlir?. 1 ie i poped uiejoriUea in f.,v> ..I li.eeii I" i?c bimon'iy ?h. ij n, bel lu?l 11 .11, am! ii i? f ii . i?, d t' i? m i\ be "\. ..,.,? i \ tl.i- VtflM i i >L Ulovtr'a militia re. i iet,r no? io duty Mar \V,.M.n-vi?. mi the Kpriit?fl*ld ead Rolla road! 11. ewi from tbe Kwth-Weet repone th v ? .tv oftfao fftontiMgairia mug byriagnold .:-,-.(;?i ; o?ate as Ui doora M ' Morillo ead m Im weet aa . NOW tullin. I ien. Bl Uti e di\ i-?;.|i .- a 1 ! \\ .\ I e,j :-t ? \er tie Aiaeue?? ?ne, in the li.uwn I?.imor\. no1 far :ioin IM Neosbo Kivor. ] is MffffMOd lint! ion Hi tal O .i ie,?. Jp) ffOrl ?iboMa Ifao ?all otiuee ia that viciait* aie- belog worked nndor tho ?ait ,. >i ' ? ii. DMOl s ai ii y, ami the Bl boh* in v. a..-.?a? will win i bo yield tory bom tilt? ?Viator. No m^rereive uioveuient ou tat; pajl ot the K< bel? .u ArkOMM is leareit Hu? \\ lul-r, :. , agjk ollieers f-o.i. t be Bo I tli- Weet ?.re hlfWttk rtie ini Mtlalill of UM! Mellon. Hat ion. Canis and. Ion. Iii? - k doun, beli.'ve lim Kehele will .??. ,j,o , ttie i,['eL?i?e is j roved by the repon ni voiuinuu <in illation through this city, to ihe etlecl thal a I oiUuii of ile Aiuiy ot the Frontier ia on is way to , InMCU*, to go duwn the river. ihe SeeeaBloil eandidate tor Coiigrese in the Krong I'to-Slavery l?i?inet oOOaMOOd ol tile river louutie? aloug theM.x,m;i liver Irom Urnuawick lo Kausas .?i'>?Judge .Unies li. Hu?. I.- has pnbiieUed a card m wtm h he ini.n.htes h.s intention lo MOAeJ. tho ? i? ellon of ci-n, i King, on ihe |/i??uud thal judicial en i mi iiarv terroitain prevented a full exerciee of ? the n" live lranehise iu bia lavor. lin? a ia getting . IO ka a area! nuieauee. Ile ia an undoubted traitor, und n.?Ue t :? i anvars on the pjedge to reiiitixaiuce the | Ciillei.deij C-iiiiproii.ieo it e'leaed, aii'l ii thal waa iietraieu lo adviKste the negoUaiiou of an houoraole MOM wiih the -M.i'i.i-r.i (JonleOeruey. A noted liebel deai-rrudo, one Col. W. ii. Mc (own, ?ho escape?! for the ev?oud Uaio from the milnarv pi IMO ol lina aft* , in violation of his pa ol? m t io try IO MMfO if his iron? were r?iuov?d. baa i een rei sp', ire.l, and thi? time la double-iroitoiL Kui two eii'.eipi i?.ng ?lack Miepimrda, u?Uied H ?me and Gi me?, i s'< e escaped in spue ot d'.'il'le iro.ia, and Mil own ?ill pvlrtbly MMM agaiu iu a few montliB. 1 nt' iity ho?pitala are again full of Western lol >:.-;?. '1 na ?ii a ne average JU per week, li ia poa: ' ive ?T'leii v to k>-ep men lu camp all Winter mae live. 1 hey die ntl Mt rapidly MM in au a? tive cam pHign. Kepiiu.-iite lately ?tta? lied to ihe army of (?en. Curtie, whee uieu mar? heil from Kolla, Mo , to ii? iona Ark., via spiiu^tteld, Fayeiieville, iiaiee v.'le, ana ' lu.endon, and fought the Pea Ridge t attie and in.?le any number of forced manne?, l ave l-oeii tlniuied nore by iuaeliou at lielena dur? ing ibe l.iet tour uiomhs than they wer? in ihe pre? vious ?ia months through the fatiguing and hgbt.iiM bul ?wi'.ve eeuipaign which precodod the penod of nut. li' in Aak ihe soldi?re in the hoepiula, atU Uley wUl invariably tell you that they infer daily man bM ami u ehauoe'of a bruah wu.ti the enamy lo loag reata ni campa in unhealthy localiti??. A few more wiurni ha?? boen received from the ?obtient io tb? tield, increaiiug Ulair'e rnajonly to iii1.'. The Knoi claim thal Knox will taoatv? a Urge vol? lroiu ?Miaaoun ?oldiera m l'enneeee with (len. Kossi rana s army. II Junni? did (len ' ?? ?u act of luaiuo in con? tradi hum the alortea ni afloat in VV?abington by int^reaied partita ooneeruiug the alleged conon *j ee ulaiioDB. The more !.?i.. larvwn udcii. Curiis'ai udinmiatialKU in Al aauaae abowa that he oiuoply enabled the poor ?? .irving negroes, deaerted hy iheir .tasters, to rea lui . noagb lo nave ihem from uakeil-1 hum from the nJcuiiciJ crop? planted aud cultivated by tueuiaelvea. SteiiuiboatB have aaddenly become amarco on ac ?OMA of th? leitiainlsof Hie Uovernuiant. Frei?thta 'o Men pin? are more plenty mat. the few boa's iu the trade e.?u *ury Captar? of ?aothcr Prias* a? tm Wmi? goraery. I'liiLsvBLfau, Tkarsdsy, Ko? m l?W JA? Wtthington Star of thLe ev?aieg aayi the Navy Department baa information of the recent calore of the manor Californio, from Mobile. boeoa to Havana loaded wiib fron 100 to 1,000 lb' ' s'" ?M lapia -. by the Moa* IfW ,rr infortMiM ?VMbmagM hythe U.S. .te?. Cbmm II?n'. ?01 iittx ?\i:h* tiikoi?h con FIOI Ktli: MIIIKM. Tha infV'ilti til?- In? Hoion of Keaturkf aro i uiecd ? I'ail ii i? anti tiiagg bitterly l i-iiroi ll??illuir (on?li i ion ?at* loo < ' nil <l? rme KoMirrt ? Apprahaaalooa nu .tuI I he ?Vrgroee. ibe following intercepted lettere afford aa Ubo> tratigi of tim spirit of dweoutent pievailiag in the Coiife unte armv: Tour ?:. M. UOM THitTr-Tirn ?rr.i Hort?, S. ft. ) I' ? le l?Ak K.OXTILL?, i>l?L . Ott. 30, 1*01 J Mi boam Maxwoxti . . . I iopj on hy thk Mme \.in have I eciiiie acquainted with the account of Br.o/g'e retreat from ?aaopoky. Don't yon tbink it a a< ainefol pbM of bnainece I ' Wheo we went to Kentu ky I iboagot we wan well prepared to moat our foe, and ready for BOTtl log ami that befon wa let' K? nti.cky wo?l?l be fiee and oun. but m roon ae the enemy MM in force, Bra.g tnni* about, end runt like the MM, and nearly killeil all bl? men from fatigue mid nar van.m. Wa have Mm as hani t ki.? a* ever ??in..-ni bave ee?an. For foorlOM days we u anhad steady witbom rent, averaging Hvcni.y mile* a ?lay . over MMMain* and roeks, ann moat ? I t?ht? men ImieWiH, and, wont .'of all, MtbMg toeat. Four tapa we eat noll mg 1 hm (ai-nul aarw, and the bataan af ti? time half a pound of li .ni BM a i .lee.? ol fieri, beef witiioot nut. Our ieir??at wat *.? <|ui? kly ^ot up tliut no pre?an ItaM weie mi ti.- tor pnabdno. It ia what von ?r.t.y IBM a IBBJOlM sl'.ni| ada? Our arniv. I ibu >k, i- m a very disorganized ?tut*, u;id we will bave to ?vet *< fl e else in command bet?r?' it i? ever organized aram. And what iookf so lad i? that we are stationed neara railroad, where the men <-xpa/t to get tninge, and no clothing or ?h<?et have been procai.-d ?yoi. La-t nubt, ?our , Ouarterna-ter mew aod issued to our regiment al).?ni '" i :-i.i- ?-i."??-, Mt'rljf imit?lo.*, and ne? BoawiMlBi How ridicaJoaa to qjtb tool Knie tu MO linn, who ?OM every o.i. euiirtlf destitu??: of ilotb MgoodahOM. Mun are eiMriog what devii? Lava never HlfcfOd Inline lyirgdnwu at ; ubi barvfooted and ao oil, worn-out Summer unifo.-u. on, with a ragged blanket to cover with, and nexi mon.tug aWaki , covered in mow, and ula.?.il froOM to dea ii. I tai feied the tame myeelf, but :,a.l ou iboee. W'he?. I awoke, I found my very hair ti<???-i?, and mow all over ut. TI? y have given out al o it iwo tenta to a reg.meut for ?he n.-k lo tleep in. 1 have t?? promiae of i?ue. I I ever get it, I w11 be glad. I ?ape?.! you will think me very complaining to-day, out li ia only giviug you aa idea of what we bave to go through. I tee! first-rate, to-day, and aa bright an a lara, and ready io piuh nebi in. I bear t.iina talk of our ?eng to Murfreeebon toon. I ?Ion i V: ow if lhere l? any troth in it. One otheei In a each lomjany waa eeui howe to> day t?v gel clothing for their men. They w ul retare in tweu'y day?. Li? ut. C. C. White, Coraray A, went a.?.ii ibat ?ouipany. You may aee bim al 0 Bonaloo a I hope ai.dtru?t yoa may be MMOM? M with tha forti?aafMM at DoMr, aud keep the daim. Yankie, out. Look out for their ?belli. Wtal nice aound? they mak?- when ti.ey come whu?iug ihlMgb the air. Remember me to WilliedRuim. Hope i < may dutiui?ui-b tut talentaaaaiort-buildar. V i.'?s., e.oo??. krotner L. K. L. la c? bi. M i"" tau n m& s" ?'??# f?-?-??. .v. c. t ?ve Killt Mur? sko? K>on-ri?, Tee?., > if. M 1?M*. J Din. KnW?Ki.: * The rest <>l the la?t tbna or four daye tin been very a?-cej laide, ahd mdet-d alamil 11? ? - i--.ii v to the Army of the Mitaiaaippl aapeiially, ibe long an.I continued marobee, ex? bom e it,.I i m itkwi to winch the men bad t??en .naje ad bad Tory oaartj worn them ont; meet of Hem MTiog er.tireh ?i?"i out tbeir tbo**? many Whl ?<> i' any? rli.-jp clot bee m ragt,bul few blank-He, aid a Mil of the Line without ration*, at other lune- With "ilv half ration?. ? i tv te' nat (1 >".?n sean-ely explain it) <hd net inn io me la be I ue? ?seary , or, at i>h?i , tbot it ?shoote i).,\ ? M B ? ana boo ?I ?" -utl'l?-i]ly and with so hule pieptia'i? ?i malle for it. VYe I? ?I several moat ex> ,-..,, ut <>| ..itnniiie*?.! 'miling to ??real advantage one in ttely- alter the surrender at* Maof ville and again whet, BneB waa bbjeMM rwaih L?mi-vilk by a ioreed mareh, Oe*?. oiiMtlv mo vin?; out of bia road to allow tee form?/ togolty: ?vi.? h ta* aid, if ?ftautteM an te bo nhad on. with bit army in a mott diwirgaeraed state. Wa aran Bl ti I um? fully ?-??ual 'o oin. innnmben, aod willi un ai . v m ?a lier re*i?cf? ?upenorto hie. It ia ??id hy Gao. Hrsg?.' ? fri? rd* that hie inulrac n?.n* trnii r e (,<>? eminent w? re not to rick a geo eial aaawpanaMl bm it wa* evident toevery one, after having bail M opportunity of judging of the *eiitim*nt. ..f the p*?-i le ot Kentucky, that anlen WOMBliMd fi'iii'it t'e I'nioiiit*. and ?ten vM tori.ns over ih in, tl?e Kent nek au? themeelvn woubl render do ani.tann. Tbey evidently wanted oaaMMM m ?or ahiliiy to relieve them, and onie? we < ??'ild ?Ia what had MM proiuieed by Bragg io I i. |... '.. ?lou, May preferted not compromising themseive?. 1 MM ? ou'eet thal I never was mon mortified und ?baaiined than when I beratne ewan that a retreat b?i,| -on.mern? d. li r. at m-a[ ]? laimenl lieen the re.nit, and m ich ?lu*ati?taCtion eapr_ toward i ir C'lmmaiiiiing (?eneral. Onr aivieioo wa* mi' la the Kerry \ nie tight, but wat with a po?> tmn of (i?n. ?Sn.itb? arniv on duty el.ewr-ere. Tha mireiuble blnudering of Wiihen caueed that axpa> dit on to mil, under the in. ?t promiidng anapicee; aud he na- leen relieved ft. io bit c. mmand and sent eleewhere, where no oppo.Monitv i* likely tor him to ii ar well-arranged platvi. We ban been tevenl time* iu line o? battle, but, excepting tbna ?mall akirtm.he?, have done nothing but march and coun'ermarch. I ?io not know what your and bother Gabr'U plans are about the i.eirron from While Oak. What? ever ii done by either of yon io relation lo ibem will be satiafactory to me; but 1 feel some appnaaoiioo about ti .Ha, a'nd then lontion io n?MMr the MM* Would it not be belter to mid them a erroater d?a tame into the interior T 1 have not heard from brother li., and do not know w bat ?ort of a place bo pnrchated in Mumler. Whether it ie of any sin, tufflciently largo for tha i val um of provision* or not 1 if au, could tbey not bo Mut then, or paced on some plantation, inland where they nula work, and an arraagaaanl be made with the owner to au| jon and fe-t-d ibein ? 1 am atiaid there will be ian? h ?rouble on tha coaat of ?South Caroliua ibu winter, and the tampia? tioua and influence* to which ibey may le expoeed may prove too mach for their fidelity. It ia awn tbau doubtful if 1 will be able to mara borne tim winter; ind?nd, I do not ibink of making aay aapti? cation to do ?to, except in can of the moot argent bo* i e-vuv- lillies?, ??e-ai i think it my dot* io ro main with tbe men wilh whom I ?came, and of ooam uo furlough! an granted tuein. I bave no idea what the plan* of the Qonrrnoont or Hein!ral-.-ou.iaaudii.(( iu this department an, but hear thal we will be rtaiovcd in a few ?*n M o week from Cattanooga. 1 doubt very taacn if ?tha army goei m?o Winter qoarten, I al am ovrtaio thai no otfeuai ve operation! oau be under taken by ibtn le-rcee un:il eumpleu-lv ra-<sqaipped. ?uar .?.siioutt? brothur, L M MAMIOAl'LT Immesjk Armt MoviroDown thi MiniMirri.-? Between 25,000 and 30,000 troope bare p?MMd down the river within the laat two weeki. l'hon goiag down during laat week went to Memphis aad Helena ?mott of them to tlie former. It ia now ondentoed thal. Ge?. She:mau, at pr?tent in Mempbia, will c?. operata v. iib Geo. Grant, now moving agaiutt tha euemv in Mi?*ii<iippi. From Una it would apaaav that the report that the new troop* now going dow? the river an to be organised into a diatinot ?tray ob* der Gem MrCIernand ia not cornel. IVovertballia, wa ihonld not be ?urpnted to boar of a big naa ia tha old Father of Watera very toon, wbioh will ?af? (actually weah oat Vkkiburg, and opM the ehoml cleau tlirougb to the Gulf. -? ?G cr. Curtin of Peuutylvania offen |?<K) rawuf for ibe captan of a denrter named Henry Kooloo!, of the 138th Kegimeut, who ibot bia LiaoMnaol, Jctiah ll.ughman, while tha Lieutenant waa at dravo; mg lo arrett bim for desertion. Vira la Chicago. Cai<u?o, Tkar^Uy, Var. M, IM, The building, Noa. 243 and 2? Water ?tra*. ?M* ?opied by K. A. Ingall., commiMioa ?^^>?M* ( Dne.leri rectifying tiubluhmenl, "?*^7**9 \ ?rtW-oight liaTonthi building aod llMh.f4M0f| ? injonoM not nilma?*!.