THE im OF TOE CUHBEBLAAD. .?-? ? ? -- THE CAPTUBES AT TULLAHOMA. I-mm T_e Position More Important than Reported ?i?-? HOW THE HEBEL ARMY GOT AWAY. ,--map ?BET ABB ENTIRELY OUT OP TENNESSEE. Tri? ?soma, PaturdiT, July 4, 1**M ?The telegraph wins have been extended to tbit place. The following it a lammary of the movementi for th* last three daytt Fnrthsr deve'opmenta proved that the Rebel re? Weat from tbie place bad not besn sp clean sa my ?Ant dspa'ch indicated. Ha**- to ?*<0'd the event latfored me to g?.ve bnt a mperficial examination. The works are mnch stronger than I mppoted. Fort Rains, a large bartion, it the center of a serios m circle of stwmg onter woiki, be_ring upon every pad and i_ii*ortant point in the vicinity of Nortlinu j Tent esacc The real wcaknesi of Uragg wat in ni t Ml ?g Manchester. A? soon as Ceti. K'.secrani took Manchester and ?jdvsutsd toward Wiiicheautr, he flanVsd an equal et n ionor force at Tullahouia. At moon aa tbc beul cf th? A-lu___ gol south of TuH-homa Riagg evana* at*?!. Instead of one, we have four ?siege gnus; instead of "MaMM?** we have a large amount ed meal and Other provision?. After finding, on the lot isa?, that Tallahonia was evacuated, Roseerans threw ???m aid bia foice in rapid psrenit, (Jen. Thomas sieving on the Manchester roed from Man. bester. and Al. it . on ihe road from Taliahoina. (len. Tbouiaa moved rapidly, in th? hopei of itn'? tag the enemy, movitig nearly due cast to get on the ?military road built by Bragg. Thii Gen. Thotn-s waited lo do until the enemy was well beyo'id ti e angle, and when he was rrosiing Elk River the division o? Gen. Negley encountered the rear of Bardes at a point about four miles north of Elk River, and slirmiabed with it all day, toeing fonr or fire killed and wounded. Among the prisoner? was Lieut. Platt of the 11th 1 .chigan. The enemy? rear guaid, nnder Wheeler, made a Mnlborn resistance, delaying Gen. Ntglsy, ?o that the Hebel traine got beyond the river during the sight of the lal? ii it carne process on the part oi Gen. Buckiasr enabled (J. u. Bragg, with there* sarv? ajrullary au?J twenty*ii_ pi?cea, to croas Elk Uiver at Estell Springe ou tue night of the 1st, and to reach the mount?in??. The enemy ou lodi roada burned the bridgea, and the rear guards took up positions in hastily ? worka on the opposite side of the river. It wits sod? rstood this was for the purpose o? delaying our nvsting as long aa possible, in order to ensbie the h_-Ltry and trains to get into the mountains. To Sid them m ?.bia very heavy raine came np, and the rivtr roic vary high. The naiivet say they never taw the river so high. The titnation on the night of tbe litww Mc Cook at Eat?; 1 Spiingt, with Buckoer oppoaitc the lui? Thomas at a -.o?it two milea up the river with the enemy on tie < ppotuie bank. The main Retel army waa in ths vicinity of Wist?ester and Deckard, in camp ready tn move on the 2d into the Bici.ntaii.i. 1 ?ep.muent bcaoquailera were on the asme night setablisLed at Tullaho??. Gen. Crit? tenden, ?iib a fall corps, was sent by a rapid march lo take ?n. The Cgbt only ended at 2 p. m. The?roor? were aaable to cross until the of the..-*. Thev ??ved only a ?bert ?iatanee, Negley encamar | 6_ the battle-field, and R usaeau and Brannan t., uit bank of tLe river. McCook meant.tut advanced ?, _-<* ?xcupied \\iu(hester, Dsckard and Cowan. Th.s mort?rig the whole force advanced to the foot of the m'.t?tain at Cowan to find the enemy gone. We lost not over 1,100 men by cstualitiea of all binda. The troopi mffend much from alternate heu- and rain. Wa have 1,500 to 2,000 prisoner?, Dtnuy of them deMi-tera. Tl.e enemy ia entirely ont of Tennessee, and onr eenimun'cationa intact. The railroad will bo run niug to ihn poiut to-morrow. I-AT? ?OITIIPi:i ?ilttt. ?aT*** Rieht?u_-rl Whig Hepetrsa Rcaperiing *? ??U.l.ura (.?orgiit aal I liiirli.ion ????pers ggere Hop? ful- I lie *Ls*r sa ?"?????? ie Hlcliiraeetl. Ip*c1_ Ul. bu_ to io? 9. Y. frlbuus ?_-*t?l Uiiuixtv-ior, Jalv I. , i The II elmond Wh.g, of July 2d, tay?: Our delay io fsrtifv-g (JrandGulf, wlir-.h might easil l.svtbten MdB i-prsguabls, BOShtad itt?tti U t?k (bat position ata. through it reach tLe rear bimi lay close liego to vickat?g Vin cb fear mat bel*. _.,/? ,?1?**** weather cn. portLenity of profiting hy our d*l_Ti ?nd j,., wtd H in BO re-?nforung his ai my ?.?1 atreni/thening hil rx-euion ?u? to be n< w beyond tb, p^er 0f uV ksCKU.ent. ?As cannot bslp thinking thst af tsr ths Cret two er three wceki, following the capture of Jackenn, tine was more un V-ortant to bim than na becsuie it could be lied i? -? ?.t? i advantage hy him than by ot. Who asy be c?mumble for this ce'sy wa will not under ?at* now to deuda; but as there is a general cou* ????lion nial Ykksburg may be, or might have been, caved _') j,!.*-;,, s concerned mav rtat asaured that a tamba ec?tiei?BBtiea will /all upon them il n s ail tu,,, 0ut t,Hi .hero waa any BBgleei ? ! u ma or ofpori'iniiieo to loatuo ino ieioic gara ?on anu t:?.ike gr^ to t> ? end a resiitauce io aisii.i rab y ?riainiaitisd to this tirne. Th? L'tuirlrttira Courier conclude! lu account by ?ymg thal a si cn. um?, mum t<.)l the tale of eauce In P. -liberton wah proviiion plenty for (-vt-r forty toM-tf days, anti t?,. ,_ty ?.pabla of being new ?o <-i,gi M proviai?.ns __u lhe total rebel leas ?s slated el 9* a wfcom W)# hulldmJ mg lw_?,_. ?wo were luileJ ths coiuoteiMiaii-Dt of lb?. ?bj a_?_i_ ti. ?_?4j ut ptvttAl cuiisue au. awe ame. ?I-elore? In Vickil irtrare Mated tobo 2.r. ?i-'O. i.utii.a?n i cavalry aeon ed ia 1er aa lu?, __.k r.ver, t- ^'J'^'^rutrlcrt at Jackson. .-?tered S"' u ty}?? ?"?""-It,-* ?!dto have , ?Hared tbrre naadied wagoug loailed with provi* lioni'for Great, with teams and driver?. The Yan? kees have lost a great utan y oratora, tbey say, In the a?n.i!.t? "ti the Kebel worka, a lUteaaent from wLirti the vnlt.e of the rael of tha ilory can he in? ferred. Grant's lol?, throe men *av, I? about 50,000, and hi* re-tnforctuietit* 00,000 (!) ()>litr acconrte ?ty 20,000 to ??.OOO. Grant'? ditches are stated lo ba within 100 y uni? of tha foiiificaiioii. 1'emberton ia countaroiiumg as fa*t a* Grant mine*. The Atlanta, Ga., and Charleston papers eonUin intelligence derived from men juatfrom Vickibnrgt who had managed to elude our piekele, of which they eay there ara ?aveu different lineo. They say that everything is in gin.d condition; thejtroops fall of tamp iti ft J Victory or dsfeot, for Johnston is a very ?ara n tu,, HnJ ?eltl..ia ?trikei until Le fBtB ready, and than the blow i* heavy. The Richmond Sentinel myi that the recent call for a leyy en mosie in Virginia is responded to vsry heartily, ai a that, with other patriotic l'arment and minute man of counties in the vicinity of Gerdom ville who had rom? ia to aiaiet, was the Hon. Win. C. Rive?, shooltiermg tha muaket aa a private. Baaoaaavaa w i.a-s, Jure .3,1863. Rumors reached here laet evening, ti at other ta'iiit ti p.irties have rttrt-od from Rodney on a tom of destruction. The Yankee* ?ay that they will tie ?troy tlo Mobil? ;.nd Ohio Unihoad, if it take? 30,0000 men lo accomplish ii. NORTH r.-UUiUV-V I.EGIS1.AT1 RT.. Kali ion, July I,- Beta liouitei of iLo l.cgi'ia tura weut into e.\? < ntive ?eeaiou to-nay to teceivi a t vert al lOii.iiMit.i.'N... n from ihe Goverfi'r. (Vni I nniiiei were appo.nted on cirrenoy and matter? >n the Governor'? romiimtiicai iou. I.'e olutir:.* were introduced in the l?onpe ii[prov l ing the course ol tia North Carolina hank* in BOB* , tinuiii^' to receive gil irt-ue* of Confederate nott?, I requiring ?hcriff? to pay iuto the treiuury nil luntla I ble noten before the lu of August. The Treasurer ii authomed to fond the same and nell boinia as the finance? ol the State muy requite; 1 ?nttrat-iing the reprenrntative* in Congre?? to iiiye ? and vote Mr h repeal of il.e funding atti; expreeeiiig , entire eoaMOBOO in the curreuey of the BOOBUJ, ami instructing tax collei tors to receivo all bsaodfec ?I. 1. ?. i ne Potomac i? said to be high. The rain to? night will rr.iee it higher. The mj inre of tbeilthel I't'iitoou bridge render* ti i? fact ii^iiiticatiL -a T lie Advance on Hirliinood. Yr ? Tu? Ru hmoi.J Knquirer, Jaiy L THE YANKKhS IILLOW. Pepor*e wera enrrent yesterday that the enemy '. had advanced a portion ot hi? for?*? up the Pnmnn ; kay, and croased tbem ?ato llanover, ia the direction ol Uld CfaOJth. Tha uiovtinent, however, wa? of j utile importance, if really mude. I>a?er report? con I firmi Ibe Bobef that (ten. Dix, fiudin? the feint on linh ead a tulara? M raadlas ?a ?Ma iowa acra? , the c?inntry toward Acqtna Creek, in order to re : en:. r. e Hooker. It ia ht0 hu* betn offered. Tiiis negro joired Meridian'? army during i the battle* aronnd li cbmond lae! Hammer, weat with Lim lo Yorktown in hi* retreat, and relnrneu to Uie White House with Oen. Dix. He wa? caught r.t Dntilai'.he Vaden'i, in New-Kent. The negro ' wa? eoaiaittod to jail BJ the Mayor. Ihn pro'it Lad been oat l8 dev?. Ho ray? there ara no Yankee* at all on tbe Migo Ilndge Rood Ho had counted between WA ian.aburg and the Whit- Home 75 wagin?, then ten piece? of artil? lery, then some 10 more wagons, and following 1 tht m eight pieces of artillery. 11 ereai? % regiinent?, conilstiog in all about ' '??i.OOO mm. 1 he 4th Delaware number? abont 4M men, and the Ml? New-York 640. Ihe Jih 1'enti ?ylvauia ruvaliy are bul lit:le over 300 ?troiIf, ' On Sa'x fd'iv. ' nr ?out, with several e in, auio:ip, WHi in William?! nrg. They captured a conner w' o Lad Leen to a Col. We?t, with di*patche* fiom Dix, requesting him I" ?ard a portion ti hi* artil 1 lerv corp* up lo the White H< use. 'I he Colooel ra? '"-. I to ti i it, laying that the bnthwharker* had . been iii town that n.ort.Ing, and that h* expected them every moment to attack hi? rear. tint men were c. oiinnally hanging on the track ' of th'- enemy and htrrn-iiij/ iheri. (Jen. Porter win ?.t DiaeeatM Bii-tLn, foitv mil?-? bo? B-khanrad and ?iiy? that Ihe hct'erttl troq.? cannot sdvan a M Kithmond, for fear iheir rear ?toonil be left no (marti ed; all tie >,-.ttiii-i.). force liad been withdrawn from Norfolk, and the Bobolo might at any moment cap? ture both Norfolk and Portimonlh. Ile Viuikee? warn destroying property of every kind, and tarrying otl bonaa sud other ?tCK a, and , UcMteiatmg the tonntry in every possible inanu<-r. ? The Yankee? have ?worn never to ?{-are another , i 'iff.m in., ki. I ight of our aaeaM attacsed a wagon tram, ptmri. >l hy a portion of the 4tU D- i* j ware regiment, killed a BBMb? of the guitrd, tai ried ofi one wagon and leam, and earned the re? man (1er of the mules lo ?tan ?tile with tua wagon.?, 1 bfrabtoa them, ti x i.i.iking a general ?? a?l.-up. The foitn.i el waguu iu lae tiaiu contaiucd (len. i Porter's pfdpOTty, nud coi.tained, ?o ?aid the \aiilii - ; driver whom ?hay captniel, a qoantity uf fiue I IqaaR Due of onrseoi'te entered ti.e camp of the ' regiment which wa* guarding (jen. Porter'? head i quarter?, and representing himMlf to be from a I New-Yoik regimeut, waa treated to a bowl of soun | and a good uiuuer. He ?iw Gen. Porter, and i learned the ..trength of the regiment, and ti,e it> of several ottera. I Not a day aaspees without recording the death of J ?veral of the Yankee? ny tha d u'llv niitu oi our tmiV-whackerf ; and they nre in constant dread, not krowlitf what nionietit their seniinelB muy be *lu>t end theil camps atiackad. Jf this mode of tighlmg were carn.d on lo a gtealer extent, there would be no mora raid?. FioinThe Richmond I)l?fat*b, July 1 THF. UJUtdUBU 05 THE PtKINSLLA?AN AD? VANCE. , The T'nlon fore? cn the Peniusula male an ad? vene* yesiardsy, and on the nigit l>e'ore. They now oocnpv the Crou liond?, in New iient county, about 5 mile? from Botton'a Bridge, and 1* nnlon lrom liict.uioud. The report? receivel yesterday evenit g by the York river train, staio that on Tues? day night a forte commenced inoviug from ihe White Houe? towar'l the Crosa Poad?, nod that yestordoj morning more troops followed, (len. Dix bud ar | lived at the While Hoaso, and taken commurid of , the whole aimy. Gtn*. Keye? and Gordon were at the C'ri ?? Koada. The Uni .u?t? baraboM re^a forciiig m t'je Whit? Home during the pa't thr.e, d.iyi, and it i* slated thal among the ra-eufort ^ment?1 ?BOGea. Pack'i command from Sutloik. Ihi? i?, ! doubt!*??, true, al the Y an ki e? ttttt BOOO ftotifilut j ?round Norfolk MOM time, preparatory to fulling ouek thero from Suffolk, and on Tbtuodej lo? Oil i ilio ?' contraband*" at Kaffolk were ?ent dunn to : .Nor.oik. It ia very doubilul wUether theia ia a i regimeut of Y.-i.k. ^ now in town. A gentleman who lives nenr Willi.itrilnrg ?tata* ! pwtively that not more than 10.000 troon? went fron | Yoiktown Ly land up tbo PemusB a. Of course, be doe* no1 know how many weut v-y way of York liiver to the White House. The Yankees stul hold the White Oonss, or did t ye.-t?T'iay afternoon, probably lo maka ii it point lo fall back oa in case of a disaster to Iheir arm?, which, ?t appear?, they think probable?we know to be | certain. YeaUrday morning, some of CoL Shingled? men went in the rear of their picket?, at Tun.-tall'?, and captured a tiauieuant and private, bit loth of tlie captive? were too drunk to answer auy quesiiona iii'^Iy. * a Ii is baidly prt.UbU that the Yankee* wonld have left Suflolk in a com natively defenseless situation merely lo mttke a grand march aiound iiidimond to Acnuia Cteek, or upon (?ordoniville; nor did they need m laige a force es tiny baye collected t? n.ak? a feint on Kicl.mon.i--a feai thej migu 1^,-e _*.?_. ' plifhed with tnnch fewer men. Ti i? most?keTv I that tbey neitllveonUmplatoan "Oo toPiehmoud " I which will ? ud even .. oie dji?a?troa*ly ibao the niue I marchs* they Lav? heretofore made upon ihe cuy. Fmi in Piftr-roi'mH emxir.?Oa Sunday ?.?IM, iietv?e?i, ii ?t 12 o'i .ort. a Si? broke ?st la aa aa? enpied fra':.? Liu?? ?t the coioer of Fniy-IuuiUi ?Usst mat 'lauta avai.i.e mi.ii' by Mt. Mott Tbe Hal)diu| Wa? tliuutl 'Va t iiUnyt? l'tit'.*it ?.oil A'r.:. I *.,} ivlvimvi ?*??*?'?? ??*"?*? **? ??-??? ------ ? a S ? ? tsi ?a-?-. F MO,TI JAPAt. - -w The English Demeeds In Jnpnn. T?1K VITlMATtM EXTI_KMD?_I__-*I Mi ?_? JAPAMIM* PROM KANAIiAlVA AM? YOKOHAMA ?FOItr.IfiNKRS ALARM! 1? I OR TUNK .SAn. I*Y ?FFH-OXAI. A S?* A I* 1.1 S MMiE?THF. MIKADO I DEMAMt.H THAT Til? I'Ottl KiN'KKS SHALL BE tXPELXED?AH AXTHIrrttrt9mt9g VA Alt l'l:?ill ABI.E. I tom ?Jar Ppecud Ccn*tTy?raJ?rl Kana?,awa, May 7, V\6X Sine? my last, dated the 11th ult., wr 1 ave ?! through toms exciting areues. The result of the twenty dayt' ultimatum of the English waa not greatly __?___! from what wai then an?icipatcd. Japaneae asked more time for consideration ot '?ha deuiHBiis, on the ground that the Tyeoon and hi Court were absent and no oonncil eonld !>e ctlled ! till hit return to Yedo. Thirty dava were Baked for, snd after many interviewt between foreign and na? tive at?dale, half il.e tima waa granted. All had remained quiet until this, and burines* went on as usual, lhe th.* twenty days eX| ?red on the '-'(-th lull. Aa the adili'iotial* fifteen dayl bopan to wear awav, an lui reusti g oiieisineis wai maiiileat among , the japanese. Meichaiits were gsMroag io realize for their str-eki of n.rrchandi?u-. S Its and -es? de? dil o*l neatly, nnd im,ort? no Igaflgg BMad buyer?. 1 A\ prell? ind ni gained ground that te nillir w.?s no1 j to court' lo a peaceable iteue. Tus Japaneae took uli.rui, and a lew futilities lugan to move into the ' ire tittie On the BtS a regala? panic iel in. i ' ?? i.all Vu sio, -We? p- I. uiii'ii d Pen W Mai-? I nt rittcli price*, or pi.cked ti.eui up and BBaBSd tueir j j'l... e? of bui-incaa. Ilinitehnld gc Is were lena vc I, I ai.d nil ths r.iu'It to ths country were Mocked vtilii I laden In rset ba.i1 iwarmiug with lugitivea. On the , (>t h lhe pia n n, inert seed; butiueas waa ml"?lided, i ln.ll' the po| i.liiin n had moved away, lah01 Bil could scan ely be had at any price, servante lett their maa { tern, n h'.ing thllii B* they left. Kura us of iuipetid I mg aita.'k lroui the Jspaue.e were on the increase. The taaeigs rom?unity became alto thoriu?l ly I alarmed for the iu?fet-r of their ?-erson? and jrojierty. ' Iba P'ers were crowded "Sith luerrhitndiss Slid ".-er soind aft'ei is. awaiting their chance to be removed ' to the ahip, mg. Bo.tuieoaud ? oohai hat] thtir own , pncea for s-rrvift i rendeied. It lee:, ej ns ii in a few houn more the town would be wh? Hy deserted, ? exespt by gangs of cooliet and plunderers. S. enet ' ot already l>egau. Ndiivi? who had ?lunn agiunit loreigners thal wera nsadj ii'.ed demanded 1 sr-iil. I..-1.' by force, rtevcriil pstVH s were brateu land bad money extorted from tLeia; more wer? lliaastsmsl 'li.erlaimant would eoilccl a g.ngni hisfrund-. or ? ni.iits, who, ?ru ft Willi Clubs, Urt in "ki, or i ich weaj on? as th? v hal, entered : .r?igu I tsuiitei ai,d def muled e'ld.' - on their OWS , it'iin-. One American merchant a?hs surrounded st [ bli own door, ki ocs-ed dovui, severely bistec, and I i robbbly would have been ?til. 1 bal for tue inter* lurence of his sei vants. Another wa? ?ei/.e?1, dragged ont of his indite.and while bang coined otf was r< ? | cu?d. AKreinu m? ii t w ho ha I bseii umil.rly treated shot one of bil aatailant?. The eit nena ni grew esc h moment more intente. '1 tua, lhere wa? ' the fleck in the 1 athol, but ...e Admiral bad openly I declared thal in cats of atta< k he could not land troop? eit n. a lo hold the place. A . en?t*l rising ol ' the pettit-?gainst the foreigner! et-ained lumiutut, end all looked foruard to the Light following with f'ieai apprehension. Ibe Janninae (lover-auiaut no onger exert iaed any control jver iis people j Il.irn.g this time a tnonfereue? was going on cn board ot Admiral Rupert fltg-ihip I ..-??lu? be tween the Lughth una ?reneh n amounts and Jnpau j e*a offli ? fr-m Ye In. Tie Preach A la ?rial hud arrived a week before from China, and now took an active | art in the uagottalioua. iba ?vault waa mai lhe Japaneae were again allowed litieeo days for eonsiilnatiou, co??.?ueii g with that dai ? tbay prom I sing to at once order all tus peopis to ti ?me ihnr [aeeasteaaed aveeausae. Thfa reruit ?...-?. ?.-. ? : 'on stn ra satly in th? aitenn-oi , Bad BOthlag toald ? ahow the conlrol of lila (??ivtrninsiil ovar ila -?soph? mort itrikingly '?iiui ths oidor miA gsifll whi.u ?. 1 at once had. I The di?igor for the n ornent !?3? passed. A few g| the* have reid:, el li < ir i BsMgSS I?? a gfl all , way, lui the -d?r of langt be rs i ??.?'red (lil ths whole question of |*u a or war is set i tied. The opinion gaiaa ground '.hal ibe Japanese w iii utterly ?? '?'.??? lo n eel the Iii g1.?ii da i in I li wa. I tot mi Hy slated at lb? council on board lae fltg-shi, I Kuryalu? hy the Jaaaaagfl olia .als, that abe Mi-co part), with the M.sado at tia head.haddewaodad that the 1'yrrtajn sho'ild mould not : y ?Inn . ou ci.'ution, bul that be should ;?iii th tn to etj^l th ? | loreigner from J?, an. i : ii .. .? i. .- , .i. > of len,. ine 1'a.n as ? j ? t ?v de. lared :1m . , ,i. Iba queiiioL ' wa? opt-uly ntised tit the council, Wo,. I I t! e l'y. ,.i, 1 n. t ? 11 the aaaiaiance of ii.? Bag i*b Bag ?V'i'-n.? lo i put down siiti-Iorsign tit M..n in J ?pan I lhe leply of the Tycoon's rrj reseitstive iv.u t?.,.i Le | must reler that qutiuon lo the -??,.. n..- Con.-ul ol i ??Ate. In the Tye-?on there It no 1. ., -? of a reicrfi.l k In toil of bia tionhlss, be ha* mt el.oir? of oil. tri? ' iv ii ? r u forei_n war. ll.i n.uti w .r aga -i I tajtious iiobit ? with or willa it t.? aaaiataasa ol be? eigii allies, or he must sink" l,m -. t? ' hu own i ouiitrt ii.eii agiiiiiit (he ft-reigiiar. I tt | '. that be will Cl-ooae th* latter i i g .- . {lip Tjooot*'? .-..inisttn have ?.ely nnd o?? aflj ' . ! Hal it I wa? very noui'Uul it th.y could make : aad BgBinel the aiiti-liir?-igii fat tii/U in the ?otpira ?So tbSBB are no light quer*.on? that lhe Ye.? ? I i Ir :..( le r< nri ?cr, and its dei.i?d for time wa* resBOoal 1? and i ntl. ibero are, moreover*.grave doabta ir. i: any adsdi Whither ti' ?1 e.a, I,oveii.ll .' I ? li > ' le,...'. tor fore'gneis it j.relimas. Wv-hail not loLg be in doubt; tlie Couti? ii 'nt is Btfsady . ; j liad. The teuipir lhe Japanese have thowii ti i? f,tr,' > n not augur well lor ask-??aad i-e.ic-i. L u!WtBl i.t.-l?, loo, Admiral Kuper has < O ? t lona wilu a ha cr more calcula'ed lo aniKiy lb m , ii:.i I, lia in.] .ii.l a .1 lotviii whi'te taaaeeat pe pie wish us -io inn.; te may destroy lien.iig vinugai nnd csptafe a few graiu j junk!, bel the r.*al ena'i y of ti i f?irei D r hi I pable of reaching with nu IbisITIiIbiiI flin a I ne wiol? deawnd, as aadg I y hit? iu iusjaiiiltaa g ; ?-he lv,giiti?Charg?. ( ol. Neale, waasssaI ,,? lime a.? it w-a? lu s| irii uii'i viii.n.r. it wm Dlted ! io imiate and make ci.ttin-s of the only ??any la ' .I*| nu whom the loreign, r could ia pe Io Bl Bp me bia Intuda. Ia*cl ns wmt ntal s?*e l hat BOB .-sol ii. li. tilt IIS .71*4. 'I ttr Vu -lonT.?lu honor of the victory achieved hy ths Art_7 of th* I'" ai ? IsaW IBs WBtjull al ??tiera. khip of it* ntw counutnJcr, .Mt; (ita (J?o. ti .'?' _|g t*_ ii? t?ii w.tb li .gi J lal*. iisj st II far a bo. i J.y. 'lit fifi?, a hii.idrtd ?ni? , H?|i witt i?:.,cn th* ? n? li* I w11 t'.c or.t.J for ti., li iillt h? O'orj? II . ,1.. . 1 , .? ? ..??ui.l j nig, ramil o el uOul?lurL*d, aod tn.1 iu lulim.* be kepi I7?kj dufiug th* week. ? ? I'UniiiBlB Mui.ocii.-? At a lute loiirm. Sip.!..;, Digl.i oil. ;or Veliloiu convej? I 11 lhe .*)lilb Trr sh t' n iioute li..i.ird Lietii.iiO, itsaitiuDt u4 Nu. UJ! Iirt't, -.?ti .m n? 1 a J i.i n.s ttr?. t n-?1. 4 tram? .,??.?,? t lu th? ?.ti.! II* I'f.-I that ttl.i.e li.? m4 1 ? I rttidesea h? wat kuoaksu dewa by 10111*1 o:.known ration who ciixi sap bibiiitl lim liol bim lo f * Iiiiti willi a ; iitoh lia w11 ousbia la Malga an/ Meat .'or a mi. ? i1t?.ij laatult. Ila w11 t.k.D tu li.* hsag?sl ?i.ii.u?.ini?.. proB*ai?a*d daogtroui. ? ? Th? Citt ImrxcT' h.? Wo take plestnre in etltlni patilla tttsi.-lon I? the ?>?**!-1.1 iiiDoua-aiuci.t of < 'I?? Ini|i*ctor boola in another talon.n. II* la rati Ired tn free otu City ftuBi inJ k*?p th* ttrr.ti , ia*? lila ti ba hopea tb?t lin ni.i bato t ter r i_1?ttsc* lion, lal cti 1?. ? io bli l*0i)*bls uralerti? n 1 Thi Vitra Wari? impol Dirrict-LTr.?Tbt H'.aid of F.4uc?lioa, st ltt lui uicei.-ig. in .ti ti ti.ty lo pii.tnh the icii'.al i.tlic.1. of (h. Nil Hi ?Vi ?I ft r t ?.tig I eo_ply wita ? r*qa**t of th. lioir.I, psit.d s rr.olutloo di la. 1 0| Ilia Pr.iidast ?iii ?Ink " mi to tl|B my warrant In j?) r.n t of wl.flr., or for toy otbet puip?,.., lil lb* nu of (Matow *f iba It ward asssplg ?nt? tas isaolutisa? MMpMi by thl* Bowl *n til* 11? di? if Jol* Ita* A Ire a-iii? the ten i-iti o p.a.eti by ail , Iluatd of I'mila-e?, iib 11.1..n.g Min .'.lii/e.u Item ?clool N ?. 1A> " It w11 b* a*?n 1 y ?hil reatnuiioia III lo u , ? . can b? d'atare/??- ana parpa** ar.'ll II?* affltart bt th* Ninth Wild ocsseststlic it'iurtt of tb* ii'ntl, and at aadaittauJ U?tt prspsratiea* aa? <>n fast le pat an tajaactlaa ?poa th? Presi? dent tai Clark, ?koala' toay ?tlaabay tba actiea af tbe Beard. -?? BriL's Hr.AT>. Monday, Jnly 6.?If non? bot Rebel? aud ti sir frlentla ?ull?r?d defs?! w? .h?ulil rejoire Hat such a defeat aa tie ?peculator ? and t>?*f cadia will auder Ilia weet ti v-ilie. a'! ?ho tteal in them. T-.raareoT-r 4,.' i 'i head af hu loek? oa ?als-Jo d?f aud pries? leva deeliK ?' a lull eenl apourd, ,-,.? the lower c?dr? of ?lock ?t I uio.-e. ?erne of which )>?? ?oldat at. ? e.tima''J ie>? ibau 7i. a t ? m d Un the treat. Prtc?a (linn lb*t op to Ile., ai..i po.aibly a little higher fur ?few ?ure t?od bullock?, whirl, ara ?sry ???rea aod In |oad dan.sud. Very Isw droy?s sf good fair minai? ?te.-ri will ???raia 10i\ mi to th? reducid figart* p?l pound moat be added tLs law ?atli'i?!? ?t w. '.ghi t i>t alweye aeentneaiiis? a fallir? market It i? lbs lowest market of the year 1863, aad bl for tbe gloriou? i?wi that aaimate? ail heart?, it w.?d l.a.e f?i ertt.ll iovrer, Iba ?OfplT bein? entirely too larg? forth? demand. Nona hare bean taken to-day on Oovernme',1 account, and ?lthoo|th the brokar? crowded ?a.e? with all powihl? duptteh dniit ( Ibe foraio-n there wa? an at o?ual number aoaaal at coon ?tuen tiade ? ?ml dr?rs?d on t? night leaving a gen.I ma?y cattle for the ?scoBii day. and tntte el peeled. V\ netue- It will ne yo?? I-le ts isll ?II w? ?bal sss to morrow 'I'l.s Sheen mai kel i? UN crowded aud prieaa lower theo last week f?r both ?I rep ami lamba? ??y 44c. jar pound fir ?heap ?nd tgt. pet pound for lamba. The Hog market lia ?o crowded, ? large ?lock remull? | ovar finui Friday. Slipper? u.e I Dot be told how price? are We will ?iv? full particular? to-moiiuw. "i be weather li oiolit and wann. [Ad?ettl?e?nent.J to L*mn Bnoi't.iiAM," K. It. Dixon, Stone wall Jit-Kiott and Anua K. Du am??'?, witb Portrait?, Bl i?f|.hie. and Pbrenuls|lnal I'evelo, manta, given In July Number PuHMoLuaiCAL Jocibal. hifiseu cents a number [Advert?s*!???!.] '? Thk HtMAN Pact Divisr."?Bet New Phytlognnmy, " Ne???." The Tsropstait ants, Phyilolegy, l'?ycht'licki??ot, Hlmewall Jsa-kaon, tmd Dr Huon with 40 otb-v ii.ti.tiatinu?. lu lbs July?Ueoble?N?. 1'??bbol<>(?i. Tbo u . 'ihe ?t u er'ti i were read ?ed approved. Aft'Il.-MENT llOLL* FOR I?C3. Th? Mia* I??? nu. ne.. ?t|i ii w?? tee.lied frem the Com r l.a.c r? of ,. tu : A.???n.eiit?, tra-n.n..itlug tha ?????? mest roll? for IMi): U.rit a o? roa i ?a -..?..i rm na Tim aaav*, Na ti (bau N*w foi KT li.!-.? Nbw-Yori . Tv tht If Ltira'.U IKi li ard ?/ .-ujiftu >i vj th* CUf ?ni C imp/mf attmy. Yiri. OajmaaW] la on. direr? to th? isqnltenier*? of tb? ?'.at'i'e. of the f tata i-f New York wa beran? lr?o.u. t lo yon j ?.pie? ,.. ni?. I '.'. ?? h?-.e prepared a labia ?hoking tb? aggregate Taloa cf tb? -a r.'a'e i. >.... >?<-:?'. V. ard? .? ?' ? J with th? t. ua'l ?a at 1MB to?ethsr with a ?lunar .(?lenient n to i personal properl?, t bl? table you wi.l bud annexed. it i. ;i.;?i th.t we ?haalu ?tate te y-ur Board Ih.t a som I '-er of . s t ii.t tri r ne. are bow perdi?? b?ioia ths ( mit., lo at irb li I? reu piatued that the l'nani.U.I -er? In .i'l t- u-d Si,'., mnt, i tie? ;,.?e il< t,e ?o iu ?nu? li la for your Hoard ta tall? ?acli action in the preml.e? a? yao may deem piolar. K??i?cifu i?. A. J WILLIAMSON, J W. BROWN. r?mrrIa?loaeri of T?ie? and A?aeaaiusnt?. KiLAVira Titra o? tbb seat. a?d paaaMSB b?tavb ia Bi na uti abo ?? . Ki r if .taw usa a? ami.?au ia IBU ?tu 1163. A-n a,-'iA'u.Z Zti^ ti^o.'Z'i.-.m ?a-, ?aaaasa S es rr?mmti,0ti.v.o,vime.mmmT?mmmtam j; na? ?in i mata ) imbei? ?tleal. > ti, July I. l8?-). ) li I ti i i m rA^ m ia m m mXt pi t? ?. oto tiiSj * to tt-? ti. VI ti. ^.vt ? e. ti ? ? ttt-tttiutt me-Ot . - l , l -r r "* ^? '.- a -c O - " i. t. ? i Kt -e V? - v,i_u? ''?;-r-'*'?r?i!*?^i?-*r.:i r ; at., ^ | - ;? m y A ~ * :. ,. ?,+ ? I. v. If t. m - :i ? ~ vi f ! {.?z ! ?aa??f 5f ?IsoioSiiiiliSiiS? ! ti? h n ^j^ ?* li V.l't ? z T - 111 W I ? 5jfi u m til [ti m?illlli'li: : S \ Ff eis h ?| Elfi ?i s* E i a, "P ??ra?l*?P;!??r!!??!;!?-?"r25^ oc* tag I ?;5??gi:ii:::::::::?S25iS^?,? Ix ? :'3 M T ' ' '.?-'????...???..|t? ".'"".TTD i. l.i UneissJ?. I MM? Net lui- sa??.?II,if. it?* T m ralaaBaa sill?.IS'II'imj 1 tai ?. u.'.i u fi .i'l. y.t.iH.'.,*? Increase In Uti. Oil I'M Si? "' i'.. ?a u.urtt iu Connty.?ViI IM C4) 'lota! ?aiuatl"tt ault h ef lilli .nest. titi t/M.llt illili. J. WILLIAMSON, i r , , JONATflAN W. Al.l.KN, J CommL.t m.r. ef lOtlkti W, I BOWN. STtt" *"J " ?a? .? ..-?J ?i.d r?f?ri?d to tba C?minltUa on Ao lual lair?. RILLS. rn ef OareaBasBIBssa,SBMasNaa ta $ 167, for hoard of d.'.li..! wlti.tue? lor June, iel.I Whlc ?? -elaned lo the 0*BBOMM ?d C'ourU U..I J'o le? i I ?ha II 'tin.?, amounting U pi, tut ?errlre? ?? ?!|ht wait i mau iu liuano ?tf-ot. I .i ?. i? en- I te Hi? Committee en CItII Toort? Bill W8 Vsnda? lar, amoar.tltii to Bl 37, f.-r pu.ttgo for I : L -jin i .jil I.e.?. \. I i. w-i? r.leired t? Hie Committee on CI?!' Courts. Lill ni Uki City I u. I-.-. '. or, aim .iutu,-? to *?'?'? I 48 fm recar.l B* b " ?. H u. ii w.? rtfi rred to tbe l'i'in Ute? on County Of! ?ia Ktl"ttl t THil?. FnperTUor TrHpy preaentid the fn lowing, fald for, with lb? en-rpili ii of al out I 4,.-du, which auui will l.e re , ' ? ' to . 1.1 lete ?aid building, with iii? n?c?aaary biltir??, thai? fir?, lui I. '. a-iy m -tey? I j.t may b? iu il.e.i band?, no? n?. e. ??ry le pay lbs I'uitee 'em? ?Utioued U. Ill? C'ouuty ?t N?w i . a du.-.i.j the year IHo.l, a ?i.ui sol eiue? Ived, via: Mar..?'? t rri, ?, Ncw-Yt,ka, Juiy 1, 1B6? I a Ile lii-n-rabli IK* Hoard of .iuj.emtm. Obntl-mb?: 'li.? lo r.'i ? ni su erigin?, rartir-.1? of SaatsBaaiaa of ? A? ^r^o- Yat*, ini-mt-. and .Vrw- Y tit Lender, m Iww ? lil.lio?.i papar? ib which tba ad?*itl??u?pt? ' ? ile Cl'v a-il tfitinty ara to he In-nt- I, puiaua.t tt. tee, 1 ' f chap ''27. I.awe "I Ii*.., i? ti .nanni ' H lor th? Uloimatluo ol joli ?irpa.-tii.a-i.l lletii?i-tf ,lljt ?our?, (ir.O'.'iK Ol'tiXRy. ?layer. M.. II HEW ? BIlKNNAN, C?mptrnll?t. Mat.ia'? tirri-ns, haw-Vy?? Jmy j, inns. In |.ur?t.anr. ?1 til? ?er.,inl aettivD of the sut ei i.tleu " All Mt I? maille Iba linar* al VapaivUori at On Cvuui? el Sim Toi* te ral** BSSe by Ux ttt Iba ame et iba ( orpentleo of ?b* (i?y at New T-?," pu?,?? Atrr?l 34. 11? (?-aip. tn, Uwi al I?!), we, (1?_ t. Opdyk* Mi**r aad Matthaw T. Breai n. rnniptroVar, h?r**?y d?.tg i? ?.id irt. r.Tf iu-.y ppn*. : f. ??,,?, MaiTHKW T. li RAN ?4 an,'Con ptrall.r. *A 1.1. h wa? rae?Itrd and refaHed tasnln ?->p*cui ?joannitt** hivi.i- lint .ubjss* it. .!??'??. Hb. i?a..?wing wh rasatto?j vttt Or?,m or TBS ( txsiiitt'ttai or Hiri.ii Hy it??? . Kaw-Yoaa. Jnlyt, *at?53 \ Te IA. Honerreell Ik* Henri */ ?mpereiiort if tim Cemmty *f Ken fart OasTiKSB?? ! Tb? r_r*iml..loes?*t of Hsrl?m Bride? bay* received i aa? 'he C "I efyest Yr ?dai-op? rf a -?'--eillou tda?i'?e.) tiy your Heeetible Body lo ? ?*-'?, ukt-f that . .or?, port to y.inr Hoard " tkair opinion af tb? oaeeatity of tit eniploy? ?nt if more tlsn or..- epg'seer. ind nt tha aecealty of ? ?np. rii t? r.Jert ii d alts wri??b*T li it seeetiary t? har? mora than one . ffnyt. si"! silo wbHhrr tlie imbil et or*r.e**tl rtonol be r.ilur.d without ti? rta ent to th" ipred?. . .-. .tru-tloii ?f tald irM;e."ird hive dltulei me In ?e??ar.M thereto to ?ay that ths nacetttty of non tittil on. ?iittiiear, in t?eir ?pinion, ?rlaea fr*tn the r?.ri.H?T'h?'.r?esof the wntk no which they ?ra ese.ged. Th. -?'ani npaD wkich H*r lem I! litige it bein* rotia-rorted ?nibrtre i gie?! variety of de* tiili, in which (tis fi'rtit ?rlr c1?**.*? of telenet? sud enrmeer Ingttil ern iavoitad, both ?id meehinical, aud reaolre the eel t'?Bt luperviilnn inn* illrecllrn ?f ?rcltnert to when, both th ote brinebet tr? f ?nillir. The <*M*f Enf*B*er, wh?*. bit ths renirtl charge af ?be work,ti ildad by or? c ?II ?nd ?"re m?r*i?nlrril aiit?Ulit. ?sf? ioperv-it1r| sed directing ?bit I" r? . n of lb? work ia ? ? Ich hil know lodge and ?kid ii tppli* rib'?. Th? CaBimi?! o-nerl, th?ref*r*, f*?il ?tilt ?be? ire c-oB aaltlngtba bett tatara??! of the lud fiithfo'1* ?Is rhirglnt lhe (roil comndtie-d to them wbeu they avili th?m >*>*?? *f ?II the iklllttiit li ne'tttaiyto teeni* tha pr*r-*r r nu mellon of i work of io mo??? Imprime?. In rig.r I to Ibe c*c*.?ilv of * hup*riot*ndent, I mm di rsetid to tay ?hi? whea th* ptw*srt ?oti-iBiiietoneTa l??ak rl'irgi of tba work, tb.y ?"ound twa Super ?undent! em? ployed, bat, deilrtng to aconemisa th* expenUtare.. *' ?*" dl*p*aied with th* .eiyire. af oaa, ind heve continuad the oilier HU ti*''*t hann '?? laperiuland th* w.-rk of th* min emphyid by ?he Conn t..if?u*rt. which chiefly eon.ltt la itntn g lb. ty'.linlert. Tkli bain? neon-ipliibed, it li pautbt. f r?t bl? ter?l -e. mty li? .li-: ?: i?d wltb, tod they h??? now thlt ?objeet under rnneldeiratioa. Ai t* ?b* necenity of two t flieei. th. t ptnloa of tb* Com mlnioneriia ?h*t It la ? ?onventsoe* ?H'h if not sbaolntely neseies-v. li tiairh-iently ?l*.ittble to'y i'? l?all o*t TI.e .fir? st Har ?in It mod em Imitely by thaentluaari:, th* driwingi. eilealuteot end ?Bluu'et sr? there made, ind i tb* plimand r?ieritpi***rtiinl'ig io lb* w*rk kept. Suth? pt?e? it B?e?stiarv for the proper din-bane af fialr dutlet. Kor the ..obyontenes of ?he Counntttlnuere, howeyer. sad for th* iceon n odittoo of nnrioni biting binluett with them, tn | office in ?he .it? it ned In whiefc their w**kl? Bi**tiD|i ara bald, and .tish 'other bo.loea. ia i*qulrea their itte. li m I* t'iniicted?it d'?, not invory. any other espacie thin Hie imaunt i?i.l for l?ia nt.'iftlie roo: t. It li the rplnhn of the r.aiii li.loneT. Oist bo ether r??a*r tlnn *f ih* number of oflicen ii ?aid b. meda at piaeant. Tba rlrcoroi'iniet whlrh I it* conti lied ?o t.tsrd th? r *f th* wak the?- trent will Mon ! ? BBS ot..I Th* qtiMtton ?onr?rnii't ?ne irnunltion of t?.e Iiiid wl.irh i? t* form ll.u tpproirl |. tti. h?l lg* In W..tche.t?st Onoty ha? baan tn ?l ?titled . na, bat being *otlr*lv with Hie laihoilll** of thlt roanty, the ('?BiHifetlonart ronfd et.relt? no eantrel iver li M?t?or a hnsparf, ere now in I triln through wh?hitit r-oiitd tint i? wills? tpa.Jlly t.itl.d, tod thl. biadnaca I* Ibeapr* grei. of tie woik removed. Tb? ?r?it derrird for Iron leinltlng from the liri* iota li?? MDiiin.d hy th? (ioyeromea?, b?i BaaaMaesd t tetrelty o't? st ti at.rlil ii well ?? cf the r gh? kod e: r.iet-h?nic*l lil-nr ?nd the coairaclor bal h.,i much dilHcilty in procuniig t t'tpply. Tbie ob.t.rla, howeter, will ?son be reinoved, and n ?he werk progr..*??. It whl be fonrd thlt ill the for?a n*w emtilof ad wtil I* required to laen th. work forwird ?o rotijletion. i'sip- tiuily. JAMF.8 UAV l8 Herre'iry of taa ii. ?id ? ''('mu itt'i r ?ft i ? liar .am Bildge. WMaB vii tfralvod and ordered on fit?. A i a fin? '??ilion wii rrceit.d 'rom the f otT.mUilonari af Hirten limite. tin,.ii.;ii.iig billi Uieurrad iu lhe prtMaeuliOa of ?hM work, vii.: -_ K W Bmtb. ieryirnit*V"tlneeT.t>3* Ob V. H.a?h, n Itee?l?i.:t m ? P'opwr'y Clerk. W CO Jintei T Hong!., isrvire. ?? .M?.?*-?g?r. 27 "? llobini H. Ure, fur eetoeil. ?4 M '.sor,? O. Lidded, miiri iii t-* ?'?? JeSa HuBth, fot Uoo woik.4,3**JTO Total.v.?M**ft_ Whieb -ra? rsr-lT?d nd re'eirt d to tb* ?peeiil CommlAte* on li?! su. Bridge. Sur*r*li?r TwiBD mored thal when the Ro?rd asjonni. It da ??? to meat en Toeidiy, 14th Uitiat, tt 1 o' lock p m. Which wai carried. Bn|.eiTi..r Tvttii mov*d tba the Board da bow tdjiura Wbich wai carried. wbsibobsb the i'Kiiipvst declarad thal tha Board ?tool tillouinaJ unlii iueitliy, itih lotunt. ?? I n'rln?k p. ?n. JOB. B. VOLii'Al. Clark. P-aseeagrre Mailed /a rWi.'iJ. sWStSsMg kiiriey. fur I ,v rpoet-Otn. Bnlpin T. 0 -aby, H. WavIub isd wlf*. J. ? . J?u?**, Ltic*. D Kendi ck and wife, J liaeklu. D. C. Keidrtrk, wse child er, J eui.? i Jaiiiti Ctm*r*o, Jr'ia Daii.ey, sod 45 oth*ft io th* t'.mmrmte. In 'hip St rotifer fUtanchoe-rle'i O H ?(itei aad wir* g II. asii? lilac. R.Y iiuui.-.- I ni:.ti ind w11, af Print-.. ton. N. J , Mi?, L**nd*r W. Pot el of Toitland Me. i Aiu.u.-i r .h?, af nooloo, alua, i Mr*, liai), twa ahiidrati, of Hu.too, Mai*. Psas-B?ere Arrived fa tteamiklp City m/ Wathinglett, /teat Literptel Mr M. M I.? l'.lOB in I vi? . Mi*. I.? Inn ' ' r- ? s? . '-?-i lad . l't...... Kate Idiry P, Prauk, and t..ho Higgin, K*v I? Jt-1 i.t, ?V T II fi'i,:.'l i:i ?ii.Mi.. J I'm i , two rhlliiria aad ??r?*nt?i lir?. I trg* aad tarea rhlldrea ; J Ii I!?..?. A Bradt. H t? V:..'cb. 1*. l'm ; i?. Mr da ..t.. o, Li. t'oaeock, J. flmlia. Y Butler and lady. Mr. .....I Mo. ii., m?,, Mr Hi. .'??.! ?i J .'It, Mu. Le Hline, Miall l'ep.1... I?r. Hyde. Its?. W. K. Kyrrofl inri l.dy, A Bulli l na, J,.i,-Ial,?u tod ia.;, io.rpli ilcalli ?ad Us m .teerig* ia He br\.j l'rinsttt K rgoi./ruta Herrn ada?Mill Arte-ret? Biown, Aim Miry llr, wu. R. (?ut.rbnJg?, hlU. < aionui Oii*fhri!ge 'li.. Mun Til... Mt.. Y.*,, a li'iil.lo.g Mia. II Hut?, Mi. iirinuje |'t i-t. .Mm M. lui ii...ititi. .'Ill Vary M ,|, Mu Muy J;., Mu Kuli Mitcbaii. Mr* r? ti.ia. r. Mt? .'.-i. \'- ..i? ?lit. Jin* iiauks. Mr. U. IJriwn J Ml 1 W n. O'iirieo. I* V t. tU.-.m troutp. rt I . i it Su-an, tram firm-Or I enan ? Ma;or I car ?. ( A. liimrfiu. laj 1. Vol*. , A agi, A V Y. ita I, A.n vi.n,,. Yoitiniaeia. i ?,'. Al bart 8. Noitou IT? B Nt? York. .Mr J. W bsalSS, "?tb NaW'Tatfcj Mr. K. J. V Itial :??'.. ti i. iltn., Mr. Joiiu J. isi,ii.f l.'.?:ii N.w Yark , u d ..' i ?.:.?. ... i?... .:??:. -. ii. wuuaditl tiid ?tr .ii.i,-. ! ? ail.r? la orto "otaivsta Illili, frit* litmantra?A. ?hihart, E. Munro. July J, It U. K, treat af ttsUeg .1 td J* He. ah miner M,tier, f.oat lliimmea?m.. Danall, Mr* . J-a-l.l-. ( MT. ? k11.? I. ... 1. lil. Hid lHUll/ aiaiiTOaa n.??.' -in-Btoai....4 J4 ??t..7t 14 I Mmb-R1mi.11.23 ?a?a wiTSSi yan *.??. ?sBdy Um!., til. ?to*. W.iflii.. l.?ii i!_i.i?eu.. .. 1.C2 Blliri'l U. g-VTKIiMGK.At'K. POItT or NCW-YORK....Jen ti Claasad. Stean.ihli't?M*r?*T a?., pi,u, tuite, te Jin.?? li' ltd ???rilli?! tl.itoi*i*. M .*I.?,-?, iii, Haiti u.o-?, mdle. ta lt*t__a iiiluli. M,?u..*i A-li.ia, Kill y. Ha'.'.more. aida*, la WliiUm Dil 1*11. .-tteimer Concord, Normac, I'!.ii.ii?',bia, nidi* la f,op*r k Kirkp.ntck BBaaSBSI BalvMtra (V, 8), tA'iiitert, PotUeit til eu ree it hour?, lo I'. S. Al.,?taut t.u?r!ern Baler I' 8 ?iriiiiiabii <"'T- buri, ii.' fn.iii i emit*. I? i,! BIMihath tiiutili?a,. U bite, Mirtaillit, bl t'tyt, with win. and tilt to J. Atktui ia Co, i'ut, i gai Mr. li.ui? gal? tait. tink rrir.ogei.lio (Ault.), Zatt*. Can Jill ii days. Boil to J ii li..?. It.rk Tbetit, Ruiilnil. Pernamour? 3) ,liyt, pi: . f.??, S ?o AV . A gal* kCa. ' Wn ' buk II. (ila?inultlt B Ooida. MttacUleatS dtyi BBBM ta order ??* B.ik T.ipek?.|i. liWOraWM Juoa 13, lugar tad W pi?i. n? P. V. King. link lt*li,.l*.-r ( .1 Netar IT.T.n, W,',l|n,t?n, Birbido-i 14 .liyi, n al?.?., t. II. irowhrtoge'i tool,? ofNaW H??.u Inn? Ji, ou i.e. a ..i?. ?, oi?. Bt. n_ i Jeaoiiett*, b*ui.o ktiitrlut ?r.s.t. I-ng i'ilnr. i Roy.; of .". -ia bon] '). IleitrudaI dayl pota? to*! ta Jou.a k Lough. Hid It-bl B. wiudi mon ./_.? gasaga Bri? CnsliPMth' (of Wlndaor. N" 8 ). Boat. TriuliUd, Cub?, I m ? 1?, vi* Piiilait"i,'bl?. b dayt. ..iigar to mallar. Itrlg lilt lui Atiiiin, N. gL Uuii*tl, Mi) i.ii.i J,JU? ?u ? Hill tn latater. ' ling ti.tniiii (Norw.), Iatiiga, M?i**iliot 49 liavt, bahiitt* Ho. ii ? A ilaleiicn. Hi g Leu-i t .. ?land, Von fcbteo, ?Mai letiJeo 41) da?, wc ' mil l.i i?. lo infer ' Bil* Stamheru It.Ua (Br, af Nutao, N. P.) 6r .?nlrh tlsm.rira Juna 14 .uiivr t?. J... y tit*,. Jalj I, i?t J. 15 loo. li ii, .,. le Bl. brig Lueg DitUnt. I.ei^ fi| i*i Thom** fe|,A?.*TrtJ_> __._?? tP"k* ???ailig I,*! Mi'l fk. ?Ma?) ?w* ftiantiiar?.,. withfc lil,,. nIL atu*,,'t'_f7'V9liikw*l.l*,'l,vU'- ??lotaca.iKa-^atgaajs, ballast to ( hiinli.rliin k PhelM. ^* i?,'.'.''! M?"u;''?ul,--loiti-?*rt). Catlaa. ? ud-i,t, jane la, via Phlladelphlt July 1, tug.r sud m. Iaa..a io Wmlmh. Cirtar k liBMS. Put ThrM gliUtt, Uuiu*. -...ixt. Mty ;, pmttmpt Oihrallar. May T. with fralt, Ra., to Moor? k H?ary. Jas? 12. lal. It, Ion. ?. ?paka abip Part, month af raamataaa. T.iUton, from Leghora, M?y 4, mt New-York; M taila?, Uti ?flin. lett. M, ?poke V. 6. bark Tenag Turk, eraada* "he Three Sl.ter? has had tiree? weetsr y gala? tram lena. M to M weet, aad ?ince titea had light easterly winds with der ?e fo?. Brig Henry I.tnren?, Joboton, Machia? I day?, tambar te Sim paon k Clapp Prig Robin, Hopkin?, Bootea for Kaadeat. Brig Roar*,?, Te-liane, Beaton 3 Say, with barrel?. Brig Charl?? Levering. Jen??, Tauntot. for T, liabethpert Sehr Meteor t Hr.. of Bermuda), Daaecombe, Banned?I dava. pctntoe?, Inc., to McCall k tilla. Bohr. Horace F Be'l (Br, of BL Andrew'a, K. B.l flagea Jan? U, lugar to Millar k Hoagfaten. Passed, boned V brig Harsh Acktr'y, from Ht?ate Jaly I, let M 3?, lo? TI is, ? paka whaling acht. Jame? Beaa, twa mee tin eat, wah a? bi.1?. black ti.h. S. hr. Loohnea?. Gandy, Turk'? I?l?nd IO -lay?, ?all la took 3?Bna? Behr. J. F.ngll.h. Chase, Prevldeare, ballast N'hr Liey, Bmitk. Calal?7 day?, lath? toOorbaa? kBeerd BBMj Behr Elisabeth. Oreenlare. Burger 7 day?. lumber. H?hr. Nenparea (Br ), Break?, Cow ftey, C. B.. llday?, oeal to muter. Sehr Adrlaa. Everett, Rockland. Ilma. Behr. Albert Jameeoo, Jameson, Reokland, lime. B. hr. l'reato. Hawkin?, Pravidaaoe. Behr. D?bonnaire (Br.;, Braedehew, Olaee B?y, C. B., II day?, eoal te D. R. De Wolf. behr. J-OBlaa, Dyer Juneeea Vlaalhevea, 4 dtyt, ?toas? Behr On.low Hlgglat. F.ll?abethpert, eoai. fer Boetoe. Behr. N.w.Hav..,ImB Roadoot, eeal, for Provides??. Sehr. June, Mil!?. Rocklud liae. Behr. Mary Langdon Pinkham, Rockland Baa. Kehr. Agrcola, A,ireh, Providenoe. tient. Lebanaii, Teal. Calala, 10 dsyi, lamber U Fed. Fliae k Co. Behr. c?mnel A. Appletoe, Balabary, Bangor, I dara laat ber te Oodfrey k Holyeke. Hcbr. Volant. (.oo?tin, Banger. 7day?, lumber UCkll. Pater?. Sehr. Nicola, Ingall?, MtebU?, I day?, ?amber to T. M. Mavhew. Sehr. Delaware. Fnrbuah, Rockland, Una. Jaly 4, whea coming tbreagb Hell Gate (witboat a pilot!, ?trad eatha Orldiren; thraw over board lim bbla. Ilma balero ?be weald Beet. Sehr. Seyehel). Taylor, Provtaeetown, Uah. Behr. I, 8. Baree?, Raymond ( .Inuc-.trr flih. Harg. J. A. Schrlvar,-, Balti.i.oi?. mdia. te Waa Dab Mil. WIND-San?et, S., ard light. The ?teamthip Colombia, for New-Orleaa?, will leav* PU? No. 4, No-1 h Rlv*r. at 3 p. a*.. 7th. The B. bark Your g Nova-Acotlea and brig Tina eajne la the city yeiterday from the Lower Quarantla*. Tbe ?kip li xi 1.burg, froai Bueno? Ayre?, which BRU? ea Friday, U eooaigned utti.L. Wright k Le. mullan.. Bteannhlp?Mer?ey (Br.). for LlverpaoL July tv? Stean,er Pioneer, berk Brilliant? L". S, lioi.-eiatl ?team battery Roanoke. Below. Shlp-Elilaheth Hamilton. White. Marsefllee. Brf.-Nrw lia, iiooi Foi.ce, P. I? i Tttiee Sister*. Uaa i.?ti. Hi/Li the MuJlterraneen m nraioraada, On the 4th of Ju'y, a? the liremen ?toamahip Bremen,Capt. Mayer, wea passing down the I'sr sod when abreat of the roi -o ad Roaaoke, ?h? Bred a ?an- ?al ?alala, aad dipped he? coiore, wi i ii complin-ieut wa? ?ckuow.edged by the lroo ?i ? 1 rt iiioii. ittilitarn ?iotir?. ?lK-llniCAKlBP? I'khVi. . MAMBA!. I Suth DmoiCTei N?w-1ok?. So. . jj ?th-?v. J The Ni-ttlonal Corpa of Honor. MFN ty AMFD t OK lill. IN VA! ID CORPS. Fei'.hfal Saldier? of good rb?r?cter who from wounds Ot ii e vlcitaitudee ?I war ax? incapacitated for active held duty, ?..lil ouly be reoeived. Ko' ?tiuent for three yea.-? nnleaa ?ooner dttebarged. Pay ead allowance? ?am? aa ia the I tiled Stetee lufautiy except thal no pieu .un.? or bounty for Kn I.?linent will be a lowed. Join.og tia? Coip? will not inval? idate any peniion? er beaatie? which aMy tia dee for previ, on? ?ervine. The d title? vrl'l be ehlefly to act a? Prove?! OoaH? for Hoipital? and other puftl c beildinga, ?nd aa ( .ark?. OrdeiUea, a. i: ne e?.. y tbay will be euigned to Forts and liar CONDITIONS OF ADMISSION. Tie I'-'itv, ni'., t obtain the Cerltticato ?f the Board af Vt - [tuet I of Bl* l n?: District, 1. That ihe at p'i.-an' I? nulli tor ?ervlce In the field. 1 That be i? ht lor the uutiee, or ?oui? ef them, Indicated abave J. Thal, 1/ net bow In the lerriee, be va honorably di? ?ansa 4. That be I? merltorloa? ?nd deterring. For the ceuvertienee of ?ervice, the men win be ?eUeied for three grade? of daly. '1 hote who ?re mott efficient aad ti I? bodied, and eepeble of performing guard duly, etc , eta., .?ii, te armed with mueket? ?ad asaign?d to com?anle? of tba Pir?t Battalion. TI oa? of the next degree of eflioieaey. la e'idiogtboae whe have loot ? hand er an arm; and the leett ? laeladBM tho?a who have lort a foo? or leg, te tha ?-on. )? ti le? if the Seoond or Third Battalion? i they will be err.?,! with ?words Lilt .?m?m. Bine, with Dark Blue Trimmlas?. for Fn.iaijbei.t ?' fu'ther infu.m.iiou epply te JAMES W. FARR. > Beard JAMES W. POWELT., } ot CUARLKB A. LAMONT, ) F.uro.imenL Daryee'e Zoaavre.?Recruit? wanted for the Mb Rvalment U. S. Iulautry Volunteer?. Col. CLfc.VfcL.AND W INSLOW. now re-organtziog itt tble city. 0290 bounty paid lomea re-eaiiatiag from any returned regiment. B175 bounty paid to aew rearal'.s. B2 premium paid npoo the recruit be.og mattered into the ?erviee. Regiment now in rsmp on Steten Insui. Reitet ticket? I ir\i? led to tbe lemi..ei 01 ?niilera. Rall?n? and u: i.jiu.? furnished. W11. H CHAMHER9, . ta; Uto Co. K. ?na R. 0.. Mercer Roo??. ?T. tiroome and Ms. -ei-.t?. r ? ?Dk'-ABTII.? r?iTii?T Mab?bai.. I Sixth Diiiu.ct or Nkw-Yome. No. l?5Pth-av. J Karollairnl ?Any pertun k.. *i g of any o..e b?:w?ea the age? ot 1 < a d ii n?b!e te do tniiue.y duty. retidiDg In 'h.a. lue Vin. lougreaaional Dtatiicl, whose name be ha? rea ?on to believe I. uot erreiied at tin. ?(See. it laOBSSIed to di? lly or iu.llraetly Infirm the frovott-Mariha', lia' they .jb. earol.ed, and not tbtow their ?hare of the burden upou ether? Al penon. h-tvii g . ???:. '">..:..;.-. w ? i lui u.< ia.ii y uotify the l'ruvoat-Mar?hai, thal ths lit tttioua name but be erased, leal they be ? ibjed to J. aft twice, < noe for the isa! nairn and once for that aaaumed, whl"h in mau? case? bat been aacertaii.ed. JAMB? ti. FARR, Captain and FroToit-Maril..) . ?th District Nsw-Ysrk. ?J.irifi '? Ziiuavr't. All. uilou J-O , ?n'.xi. g for the Veieiau i tipa, *.J? bounty (tal J?ona monta', pey la al.ance, t Beer? of tiled etperiaaae, whe h*aa tervedtwo yetr? lu the he * w11, i-onitutnd. N.i.e companiea uew er? gai.lxn g in New-Vork City. Brooklyn Buffalo. Ogdeotbnrg, ?un llenoit. A lew S.--geanclee aie atlil vat ant i only mea ?t.l te ?n.u.railed ei., be received. Uniform?, o,oth?a, ,.!.-:. etc . ..? i1. 1 a' ont-?, l'ait o' tu* Regiuient bow in the fie. J. Fie ii and Staff ?re as follows-, li.rM.LANU U i.NSLOW. Goienei. t ARI.laLK BOTH, !,le'il?nan;-( oiun*l. (HAS S Mo.Mt.OMKRV, M?,.r. AliAM rCRai'kSON, A ij :??.:. FRANK W DOOLI IT I. K Surgeon. I'1- Hill S uVi.DlLK.jt., Qu.rtermasttr. OOBDON WI.N>I.OU Chap.-, n Fur partictiit.-t api iy at the lle.iiijiiarter? No. 744 Broad? way, mt. Ador p.ace. Veteran Volantrera. 3 lal N. y. viu.> Reorgannlloa for 9 year? or the Vt a-. It our tie? fer Re e..ii..,..-..t. OHO. 'I, ?J,da;len, So. 121 Broadway. Cal. FRANK J'lM-.S. Kt.i:?'.: -t.'? made by: Caps, H KM' Y Atin KHARDT. dr. Grand ?nd ?lisab?Ui-ai. tapt.L DOMANtKl. No. IM F-erlat (apt. Ki' A ARD FROSSARD, 'I- Orand-*t, Wlil'.mi.Urgh. luyt OKI). A. KBbKTS, No a.l Peail ?t. Lieut KI'iiKNE FKO^SARU, No. 17 Meicer-eL FlftB KaBftMBB M. T? Volantaara?'IIUR?CB /.til A\ Ex -WILLIAM li nOTT, foruerly of the 1th Kegi-.nent, laauthiriaedtoRECIU IT a lUMl'A.NY for the a ' ive urtaii.tttl on. It? hu located til?n?! for U? pr?tent al No. 744 Broadway, corner ot At lui pit e. _tap!. W11. H. MOTT. Daryee'e Zeaavea.-Reen.ita wanted tar the Kb Regiment New-York Infantry Volunteers lol. Clsvsland Winslow, an. reorganlslug lo tbl? city. ?ISO b-oul? paid to lueu io etiliailn? ft in any r? i urn ed legiuienL 0173 beunty ?aid te aew rearntte. 01 preaiium paid apon the reetuft being muttered into the ?ervloe Legitnent now to camp ea Staten Uland. Re lef ticket? :'i-i.i?? e i to the fannlie? of sel ilior?. Rall?n? and unilorma furnnued. WM 11 I ? KLE. t ?pta'ti Company H, and R. O., City Hall i'ark, south alda, cppoalte i'lu.e? 000?. Uaadqaartara Loyal Brliadc al tha NortB No. 744 or?adway, wl.?r? a i com. .h.icah ii? n.uat be li iromu? to l s.o. 'si WM. B BLISS, organising the Brigade. r Min ILLINO OFFICKS-No. tM Bro.dway. eppoaito the City Hellt No ? leiiire it. oppo.te t'oBtreUtf'? ?t?c?, a-J He ti Court-el, Ureekiya, opposiu City HalL li\at\]incxij. WATER WHEELS.?BEDTOLDe'? TAT KM'.?The ?M Turbin? la uta. Mode!? and Kr?w. log? m?y be teeu at ?u offiee. Ne. ** ' "r ??? T " / SeaXotR, TALLtOrr k L'.NDKRUILL. /nrnimrc. HEDU?OM ENAMELED FURNITURE of warranted manufacture. Aiao tend Cftef.ntit end Wataut Chamber Butte?, palo and at U F. FARRINii TUN'M? -??' Canal-eL. appetite Weoat..-. t.lau,lal,?J iUid rriHE ?BEAT AMERICAN PUMP.? X Five ye?r? au-t-e?? lo all pan? uf the world! I'il.-ee ,i. ebai |edl I'bm bun Pump !or l (?tern?, Well? Mtchinery. 1,?. ; i nae? fie'') ?ii Oepth?, lou?, le all i.ltlauee?, thtewa ti loot by ltw?e? ?m pie, cheep, durah:?, lirawiag and pitre? ..ut tree. J A MKS M. I.DNKT, So. 474 hroedt*?*, W- t. w 1G8-WK1???wioy. I1AIK DYE-IIAIU DYE. JIAlil OYEINO-Ar^L COLORS. MOLDAVIA CimXM, Far PBKSKIIVINO, BEAt'TlFTI^?, ead FORCINl? 'iUF. UAlll 'IO o Hu W -AU thee? articlea In Uegieaiec 1 ?i le? Hi/it, at W. A. 11 ATt I! F LOK'J celebrated eetabUihmeat, ^a. 1? Basi-st.?I?