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TBBk_111 ll' tOtil.Ir.IO*- ow Tjkm BBTBt Rtll.nOAD. fentlaued fraai Flrat P?.__. . Wm. Tneker, Cnmpanr I), llth Vetemn I wiebt ana ainpiit-t*-. bs'lly bmiM-0 iti left lup. jebn llaatlan, Coairauy (_?llth ... ran Keaene. ln Jared hrp. Ktmroa Treni. it'itOhio, ai.klejoliit frnctured. J.ab. A. Tub?. Company K, lith VaMMM lieeerre. Motb )rgt lajor*<l atJstX lOMlIEBB WO. BDED. 1_."harl J?),naon, < o.-npany Y, nb North Caro'.lna, avu'to intcrni.! tatarlaa J H. Sn**-!. 4-d Hattallon Vlrgliila Ceralry, tbigb, kip aad'-ark inj-.r.-i. -rVilka, Ciipany 0. 471k Yirgiuia, right leg >>r>.krn, MmnM- r cut. baok lrjure.l Johnlae'iaon, M.t N--rt _ Car. .-... rirht lea broken. A. l . "Ntak, Company A, *_4th Ceorgia, right nn.-. -anptiMted, acrer* acalp wonr.d. ' waa. Buwera (regiment unknown). right legamrn ttttkX T. W* Pa'ka, Company n, __d . iiginla, be*_ bralacd. 1*1* laBaaat'-d. Robart ki. Mxrkk, Company O. 3d Vtrrinta. lega la ? tA'r Th_.ei.Ddnc.-T ofthe eoal trein, John Mir'lr,, etale* tbat R 8t_rt?_ aa uaual _MM ll I MMM '?_> Bl Ilaw'.ey tiraaob, aod tkat.coiuing u_ tbe raein line at L__k_w_.x w>n,b*laqulred. a* r.i,_i.'cd by Uie regulat.ona of tbe >4^__pany, of tbe telegraph operetor, Iiuff Kent, lf tbe llno (tbaaliigle tr**.--ix-rtioa of it) waa clear, and r. ?elted tor enawi r tbnt all traina then -uehad p.aaei!. tbe faci heing tbat tbe paaacnger train of w hi.h bl bal taforBition w?s late, and had not y*t Brrired. On re eeirlng the Uiielllrf-i-te, tbe conductur of tbe coul MMM Batarally on' r. .1 tbe to gf, forward. and tbe train f reeeedtA at lt* uaual speed aluug tbe tWajm U ____, antii, when d-.ubling tbe point, tbe pea.*Dger brain daabed tata lt. K_i b traiu. u it pu. aoaa, atatlon, M t*le<rraphed to tbe neit and the MMflBph afVltaf M Bequired to bMfl in a bouk set np__t lur IkM pwpoe-. an aoeount of tbe tm** st wbicb cach tnun ; 4epot Thn* te can. at any moment, by reiVreuoe lo 1 ii Book, aseertaln what trakM ire due and whut buve aaaaed, but whether Kent bnd done ao or not we eanool Btate. On* tblng ia cir'.uin tbnt he bu* aince ab aciided. On rIsitlag the aoene of ibe leeUenk aa8atBrdaya werode down the line witb tbe aaaiBMBI Wk, <?: Mt*I?-'.. aat Mr. Kiddle, ou a hand-car, enn c _uld u-.t but f.-e| that Bhatat-fiil and crioiiti-J o* was ibe IM whicb led to tbe pn _ent colkron it i* no smiill tril.utc tn tb* oficial* that they hare hltberto k*i ,t *o ire. baM Beeldenta on auch aroad. Tbe road, lu fact, la une ol tha worat that oonW be oaed, the MHktaf beauty of U* l__ads<Vtpe and tbe many wimllngB tt tbe atreum vkeaa eonrs* tt follows. that *o deigbt tbe tratelet, onix raa* during ueeeasary sucb twi_tin?; anii x BT__f of tb<- ttal tbat tbat portioi. muat ba tbe terror of,all tbe di.xrra ol tho Oon-pany. Tl.e disiaiice from Sbohobi t" I.ack-i ?aieu U about fim n.ib?*, aud yot tb.wk MBM Mtatj aot niore tban tbree poiuts ia tbat ilUtauce from VTbicl aspeotutor ean BM more tban lOOyarde >.f U.o l.n_ al anoe?alrout OO yartla eacb way. ' Atthoapot on wbiih tb.-.1.liiaioti took place the Hnt Btakea a an.ld.n 1? ul. Ukl tl.n e..;,.-.*. ean. tftkatotta! B, aad lt waa at tbe apex of ti.ia thut tbe- coi. Blaee. A* we paaaed aloug, soine iMtaBfB urired at the spot tbe '-..ala atrewlug tbe li J- - (eotiuna, brokeu ooapliuga aod fraguieaM. (Bfl BaUM lhat we were appnj'icbi.ijt the MeaaaflBMI IMaataf Bl leufrth tao uptorn.U IMMMB, tjt\ tnd orumpled, tbo moeaive timU-rs ot ll laapped iwroas like a wai:d. whe.da and IllM l.roken, i kliton rod btnt aa thougb lt hnd 1k<:. i wire. an^lt truiia tw iiie.1 uut uf all tltyc. Ikn paper, w h-ola flllliip tbe .Iit.4a, bMbIB t'.rn iut. Mreda. UuiUii splliiter. I Ukl t. ui 1. wiKid. ciira in.aabec |ml orerturned, bure sneb - .! ,i - ... t i 1 .riiil naturt M tbe abook thnt on* wondorcd how, wbcii Meh ngai Ihinga ae lron and wood wero aa Rtim r >.. tot* it, Beai Bnd blood abuuld ev. r aurvixe. Anduaoi. 8 little further, and l.n.ka down ri I ? r .._ tx I , ? pendlcnlar ro< k to tbe .tr.-am balaw, it latai| Bpree. a ahudder nt tbe BtaBffctel b">x iixtful xxoilt laie baen tbe luea of KM hal ti e eoBllMa tnkiu pkb BB any of tbtae narrow ri.lg.?. nbont fiftecu I et wi !.? Ibioii the rvad form* ut tbeie | It la dlfflottlt M Wk np at thoae llHkfgy __-M.ll "1 vrit! Biineval foreat, or d.-wu ou tbo auniiy MrUM _B__ri_J_M ^elow, or acrosa tho valley. at tlie BSTtag liuTTcet leady for the n-aper. aud realbjo tbe f iet : . >t I .!> ta laya ago that jileaaanf. piBB li ?ix't WH I" I BX'iieof u:it>.b! bi.rrur and uii/ui-i . x lelding ii. Iin karveat to d>-atli. tbe renj^r wbose aiukle batl ai Iu_t >?.? pnrad tbe abeaf of hniuau life tbat hal M o4b BM |n<l braveil bliu ou Ibe'.l. fif iiL TM _Mra tb. letuaiua atrewiug tbe mad, iuiJ down at 8h_kola wen Bore ghttally witnt'aat'S a:ill. Ibe ni>|.eutunoe of ?f the wonn.'.fd meii wna fri(.'b.tfuli tkl 1 ;? I '. I tl fire it relit f beinp the prrieni'c of tbe miuiateriiif, fcngels wbo ao temlerly tended enibsuffcrer?rnion niit Bebel alike?only requirin^r tbat aid abonltl ba BtkAti t( gire it, and aeeiuK uulx a feib.w creuturo BfyaaUa^ ai.i _ot in veiu M tbeir ayBMtkMa flomr little diaappr etpre*?ed nf the 1 aitx hurial of tbe inui., and lt hn* lieetl o!'J"eteil tbnt opp.-l Miii'.ie* should have been ofl'eml for their iikv hut to this lt nmy be anawcrt-d lhat tka nmtilation t-' Bii.ny of tbe - ori-aea thi*. iinpaaalklM Mkltkl aealht-r, un ntnilur) gruuoda, remletetl it indispi-naab't they! N' NMB. -V w Oa tb*-. Il ?? ? Governm- ti ktHA nll tbe of the mlssinff men ant] Bill give tlit-iii .aueh pnbili itx na inii.v uieet tbe exea oi their fiietitla It ia certaifily 'hnwevi-r, ll. in.'-le tbaf aometbing more than the iBTBaHfalMfl 1-y tlu M*7, aal which we are iufonue.l BMM__Mtal in a arr dict thnt nll the eompany'a aervantH were fre* from biauie aud the acciJei.t Bl I .uld take pliiee. tka MMytaak aperata M r-aul tokari the night before, bnt until he ran be met w ith. un.l tbr pnl-lie will taaaaat of tbeS:.,te u::b ritin* to see that ke is, and can bc confroiitih! wilh tbe coiiduet-r ( f tlu oo.tltraia. lt will not do to yW-e too nioch r4Jini.1i> ,._ tLe itutt-ment ofthe latter. ltMtheuu'.y of eacbltlegraphclerk to te.eKi,.pb U tbe clerk at the neit d.*i>ot imtnediately tbe irain la.* aatkki bl* stutiou. . '_ mbmi to h:ite bex-n r.yuUrly kept, ao far ua our B_BBM_MB went, at Sbikoln. At lafetrkawaxeu we were auable to rt- the bouk kept ty the absoondi.g operator. I'sder ar.y elrc-jn^t-ii.era. tf the atateoient nboul tbe chajneter of the telrgraph a>perator ia true, it Ls moat dWreditah! > to tbe eompaoy to have kept auch a man in au eriiital a 6.tuul.__, _uJ Bhey are by no meana free frotn coojpiioity lu the um. ?ejei aliUh ha* Ju.1 bi-?o cumniitU-L Aaaiber Arraaak *4)vrr_aB<ioda>oe af Tbe N. Y. Tr.biine. POUT JliRVlS. N. T.. tuly lt, 18M. Tho eolli. ion reported iu to-ila. '* Tsinrh'B a_ _acor.1riT.11 on the IVliB-are ar.d I.ackawauua Halln>_d ^raurdiy. took fJBee 011 the main 1 ne of tha Erle Kail ?Baj one aod a half uiile. woet of Bbakakb aud a_?_t M Biilee weet of tbia place. The train of Kebel priaouer* <*_ _int BOQ paaeod here about ll ta. cf 1' e ::,ih. It wtt BBBBing " extra" to aaother irain. arklak carritil rifaali ftir it. About . p. b. tbo ouli.aion oceurred at K 1 t HVllor'a I'Bt," a danj;en>tis poition of the road. Ih.* tn.k :._? 1 .-??'. uT.ili-r Mr. Oaeper, _ forwaiiied to tbe ipot, aoeotnintni-d by pbyau iaii? of this place and a nuiu! _r of citiaoni. It _ooa ?i.x\.J aliread that great damage a_id MB of bad - and tbaaaxicty toWarn pHrti. ulari *?*'.iiteii_e, bul tlu 4e*f graph ollico, aa i* _*aal in aueh eaae*. tua ' *e ilnd b-i.k." At I p. bi. atraia waa aent wub prark by tbe kiiadae-i of tbe railroad otllciai- 1 w .* BanMMH te 1 uit tbe ncie uf diaiatar. Oo rtNubiug Siuihola at aboal it< p. __., wo found tbat moat M tkl w dui,,.(h1 kad been broogbt to the fill-ge, and wall i..upj 4 tbe freight and pa_.*eager iwoluj aad the adjc.__._K piat fori_.a. Oxer OO wouaJel mca lay la thi* lia_i:ty. *;.d aar .ral more ta tho " lihuhtd* lltwia*-." The citiiera of iili.bol* aod Barr4rl3e ,* viilage Jnat Acroaa theTXla ^. ..eri. iu tbeir effurt* MMMrtaM tba tot fert-'ig* of tbe woanded. Men. and aVLmtkk MH Wttk each oti er in act* of kiadnee*. After new Ing UM woaiulnl ?__I._M-s b.:.J findiug no c_i'_*i-B |0B_BM| |. . *-? .1 ont Biaoflf tbe ? . rd an.l pri-Bier* wh-i _*(. fx-ie ont imli art _a oar w.y to t*** ax ? % 1 ? ' - I * the nortbward, auit Ikl rnilx.iv MtaVI ita ! . ooayHJUvril-lvii_rTct--Dgt-aia--i Ml_-tUkU?rifcx. Ab Interrenlag bM ehnt ont th* *r pro-ohing tra'na from aaek other. *o that ?t w*a impo**ibl* to ducorer one anotb.r. within a hnndred yard* of each oth. r. I.deed. by moontiag tl,a wrccked en g:u*i it aaaM be I-Blaj *ru mtt lt ia altnoat imp-*.il Ie for tbe weatward-houud engineer U> ae*- an ap;>roac-_ing train actli the rery bv.ment ol col.iaioii. The lait of tbe dead Iad been remoied from the wTeck, and lay Ib ranka by the eldc of the road, in the edge of a ry* field. The ah.wk of enllia. >n waa f.arfll Tn-on.bleenpiiiei were -J_-(-1 eLtirrJy rirmoVjhed?the "171 " and "Zft.'? Tbe uuder of the " 171" wa* h.aved upou end. harliiig Ita loa . of wood hil Wtt rnb. tWmtkaWj wrJling in both . - . r and flremaii agsinat the h'-t !>oi'.er, a_d cruah irig MBM t.-rnbly. liotb were fonntl rtai.ding at their f .at?dead. Tl ia wna tbe train carrylng tbe priaonera. Tbe firat two or three cari were box freight car*, and tbeir frail framea were cruahod llke ruabra. Ouly Oli* man wna aa. td from tbe forward car. In the otheri very rcar.y were wounded. nnd ic .r.-ly a car escaped wltbo'.t b?!ng,1. The tnoit lndusfrion* en-lear? ura wre tt put in re luiaitiua tu reiiev. tbe manglc-d b.-1-iga ln the wr-ck. But it waa slow work, and the.i a-ifferingi were lntenae. As faetuptasi-> tha __MmW arre c?rri?d to Rh..'.-_?_, ar.d the phieed beaide th( road. On the b_nk neir t_r> erif in i lay aome twenty liv* Kelxil dead?many mangl-d paat rccgnltinn. An ot! - r i-iiirvl, ol aa n.uny niore, lay tartkM IBBB _M mad. a: . itill fnrther, Wiaapal in blanketa. lay four toen of tbe g'liir.i?their (lutf -_._<? foiercr. VIIWWJ __ . t. u-d-i'.h ln:.t< waa ft **haatly and hor .4 baadi bal I mk ?m\ k] aamtaci tt matwt, Aa., t? lal-Ma **>e mttm ? .>, and the ghaatiinese "f the d*'n'J* Al we lef ?Mr. MeGorMlek, waal igaBl aal payMMlM <-t '??> ??? ffllMI-B bal Bttiegi Wttk pino boxea foi tbr ! un .1 of onr own dead. This morniiig all wrn, end tbe graves _iar'_cd for futuri ' rec-ugnitiun. The itclKrl dead were aho de_t-__ly in t*rr>-1 I'i ['in" bMMB ?ii.t I ean >"t, and whi.h ia wLollt tru. t-orlhy, nmy be . BBBBal up ua MteBBl The coa train MBwnl l< md from Hn .by t.k'a tl.e rnair Ir tkf: t ? h__.TaB_BW.-M__ 'I b _ conduct'l woi.tiui:- t-i .",, bolTico nt Lcckawaxen. aa niual aal :u.,uir?'d if.he wsy wua alaarM sb.?: ata (JMtaai i about four i_.i!e.... Tiie MMMBM IBBtMl that lt wai citar, audthecoal trui:y_-(*eeiliJ at i:a _8_ul rate t. n 11 Um ? _H MaM ut *_4_*k-i it its ti-ual pna*-iug pim'' ur.. J tkl llf Ml tiie truia a liiukiwuxen MM fc-B-l bt-f- .-.? peiBtM was uware of tho tktk, ond bad M long before gtver, a traiu nolico of Ibe fact; ao I xiai - Th .s tt r- eoal tr-tI'i aoaMattaf of 5. loa _?d eoal oar*, bmp___ara.BgMtkai ta-flSailMBM bew, I ? k> rlfl!, ial I'.e kmkt train harryingon ita _a; ii ? ii ? -d KCBltty, duahe.l l' M H?'? fornicr at BO B0B .(.r),,,., pi .- wm tle aaa r of tLe eoal waa liftei f. -t it,. . thi- atr hy ooal car* rnablng benuatli it ?; , , B-MMM uf the n,'.pr.iarhlnj r,.,;,,j..- ? ...-.I f..r bia iiff. nt.d arirod himitll 'ihe aaaaaBMi mi tho aagtaaaa of tbe "i7i,"bi ' ?".?37." aal afii-rnnn. killed at tka h ir M Itartaffthawmk (i?. m.) 16 Vtmi ?oldlen '<> ttkktk WM! laal, nearly a _ wttk lifc extlact. The , ! tii:.k, i il ._: .....rl ..f 7.1 ;?>. 0 u.or. Ail tbi- hiiiTiie v-iim to be trscod M the t-bcrnp ?n cf h a dr'inken fcllow by n . im to ua. It ._ _uul hc woa ii: i.:i-'t befor. the BaaBBBBt, a-id it wb ,|aotbtaf niiiianiil for lir-. tn l,e ln that ron.ition wh. MBBMtaffkMpaateflaty. Itiiami th.t he La* di* appearel. Mr. RldHa, B-aartataBleBl ef Ibe Palawara ItrtMM t | Iii.t tr.iin lo tka I ?? :." of the wrrck, nn wu* nr.tiring iti bia effirta to relieve tbe anfTering un ,;-? tb. r.nd rt-i-'x f-.t trairiB Bfaln. The flr?t trni eiiii.e tkreagk thi. about . o'clook, and all wl bf* ruiiiuiig icgiiiitrly iu a day or t*o. ClCL. lt ??,.t|?r Ir i.l.nlaii thr I'rlr Ittillt-?*r. 7-. fk? A-i(.r ?/ The S. Y. Tribun* Sik: a paaaeagai traia. wiUi860'_____Mlpi-a_a er. u: J .r'ly LO") aonla in all?wa* m into on tbi- r,ud on 1 rid.iy laat, nt LaekawaSBB, by i l c-.iil tr.i'.-i, nnd n'l.rly laMMMMMj wlth a loaa of ore ' 100 p. r- i:ii -i !. I iii 1 xx. ',: ii.-.l. It ia aaid tb* p.?*"_n per train wu* not "onti-ie," and that ibe engiuoer o tbe aaal trala wm _n4 inf.mied et tkat tmok, and ra' Into lt. Ha* it IM I (-tne to thia. that triin* can rnn ? -I. ht..'. tii-t tkl MMtlMy tk . r;. ii.ix,-1.-1.' knowlcdri * it all tbe aaglBeat ,.,., , n ?: i a ol ier traiM Ibaa naatag oa tl. v* BBoartaJaal thm u.t-ie o.e no out of ilme o in.iiiH oi; tka roatll Tkera have baei Mreral aerioua oolilaiona on tb: road lab ly?-aU tka result, ii ia beUeri i. ar taokleeeaeM i t wi beai of no lan tigal ti.inssa, Itiaaa I I ara ?i_ ba aoae taat eertaii , tii-.'o:* i.i tbe cn: i. ,i.x wi.l I...t pera H tk- Why * Wii ihi r ..... : ..... ? t. >.. aai .' ?':.t, BO bear the light i _*ua, U _ly muat ba ia_M_i WBai it r 6b<w bia up. The Krie Kalhray hn* u MlagfT* loaaaMajj with it aml if yr,, ?. j a agal ";' eoaaM tkaaalM roadl in tl,- ,?-'": .ii.-. . thi.t inu.y ofthe op ' fiom tbeir ;-oata, ani i..!-euf_het.ii. . ut-Ji litaee. Wbo appulnii Uii tr..* imt IheDliaeMM bara ^iv.-u th. . , ,' i ,- ,-r. ?t r>.a<l lata lb> !,* . '. ?A - ? ? _ T t*H kl not the teli .-raph o',)*r?tor* alune tfiat tht i.ul..'.c iaTe a right to loitiplain of Mal ei i Detala Bag in i their duty. UaBaodav moroliig tbeSBth uit, i*. i ir,_ I".. Igbt traini wrre dupaicl.ed Bt t'i. autne time? i.n. from -tnfferns Stutloo anu tbe otker fr.M PaMraoa tl.elai.tu l lii :.i 11 tfli track. Ne, _ ofthe other, a ,d ? ( i araa ther rot: lat ea^ii atker. The eoUiaion wa* dreadfbl?la ih. rt i , ,.<H,r und riiUJ. oiiitlfl ^UL-im ii ot. Ob ? hnkraaaa wb.. *to.m M !..' A a. ' died Ib a _!.ort tiuie?i i e?ae. Aul that'a tl . lart of ll, we sui>:--_.. B4 ue '.e..r >.f ae i .ni; bo j .-in.-hm.nt of tae gallti land r>'i'k->ss "_:ni 'u!.-:.' aboloui'l havepgiaraatea Itbe uii'id..'iit by auapiy r.?:,ui:.g ,i Mlegraa over th. | - . ? . lt took ^..'ur'.y tweutv Iiuuik, UiiJ.i I.i .. il ....? . .'.. !" 4 .--..r the arteck of U i ooUiaion froa th. tm).. lu tba iii-'oi lu.i atkM tralaiarrtaalaaaaabeide. OaapM traia fro? the Weat waa detelned orer tweat] .ud tbe paaaeagera, aiiiong w_,o*i. wera aroaaaa . i.-eu. liftd '.?? IC tr tbe OOnntTf for BOU i eat AppUaatioa waa Bada to New-Vork tor aatl irltj for the o<>. ductora t.-1 rlag t!:.-.: reanoi tira Irai - ip to tlie _ ?....,? of tkl i. ddeat nn cach aiae, trartsferthe pai seagera, aud 1> t ih> ui pr.n-.Hjil un ihe.r jmwrt ey. but it Wii* rti.uoil It ia aaid tbere'. ll.r. ...i ... : a.1 a:Itkafity t>' tbi .,1... r. ftCii IkM ! t:..lre.ii of paOfM wetaki Jt :n ti.ia.rr for over tu-'iiii b.-.ira witbiu txn i ;y-four uilb-l af l!:.' oitx of >>'.?? York. One eau acareely onilit the itatenceiit tl -t a gieut liiitieal like Ibl line Kii:lrx.'_l c-uid be MB l Baaaga IMelf for no Icmb ? Iax*, "ixl rel :t mmm to M ItteraJ-j true. WharewM tbe Bapanataaleal aii toe'ae weary h ? lifBt Tle pu..i.e l_?Te a rlgkl to de wimil that a aearaldng iu.i_.ij beMaael lotM : aa a^'en.ent of the K.ieierii DtaMkaa >'f tka Krie I.ailio.n!, and Uiat tbe guiity ur utgiigent uiliciiu. !m- . uoted uut. A l ?j*_l-I.K. WeBimk, July IC. 1864. tno ht r l(.._,ni aa tbe Brir Raiiraad. Aa tbi BBllj i:.o;:iing e.-pre.-.- OM t'-i.- 1. nearlng SanVrn* Mution, not far from Ancuat* ltndge a ci.iid u_.._t t?o >4.i__a old wjj discvreud eittmg in tl.e aiiddlc ofthe tr___. oppueit? it* ho__e. A* aoon a* it w.a perreivcyl. ttWTJ tttort wa* made to atop tra.i, hut it cotil- u..l U' brotight to a at iad untJ about 110 heyoel th.' iPot w ' , re the t h.1.1 WM ritti-l l'n gu!a?; baolu it w_al_u_dt-U-t thc chil.l wn dc.ul. iu? I end h ixuig b_u ciiuh.d by tbe co* atoker. aadoae .if.__ ti aat aat -tf. Vv aat Baakaa tiie ila.i aaore lamatiM Me. and atta* be. irrauter biaaM ta tha ebUl'e pareata. Ile IBlbaa a aBpMaal ** watibinaa by the Krie Kn;l road cotniany. and tbat. aBeatetawaaaaafa aaatkaa i : t ? -i'i.- .' i._ii x w aa rcu uf er at tbe 8BBM t\ '.*-, bavmg >.ra|.? oa tka Maak whua ibe u_.u BM -? ?1__.. Thk ITARi-kM Vacut C_*bn.? Tha BbBflihfin i>f the HaileiB \ aebt t'lub .jf liow-York who arareu * oltra dax or two aiace a-e ;> raeeteof tbe Ipi % ' 'iu!-. Tb*y lelt Nrw York at 3 a B ob M >i ilai i.tine thr-jt^rti t!-e frota ?w Braaawick, tkair auy at Tn .x . | Tba boata ua all be__tlf_lly inani . re_.a__ l 'h(T'-it'b ?_ii'.r> in .pj?ear*r...> anj ninnner. aa ii-T are *itl_ai partoMaeatlaBaa. rkej ?. , theui thr- ktBM tk I ? i Al-. r ::.?; Bed .- ' ?? - ?? ,.ad. un.. ? ? VV ;! .v - , ieinpM u..'_>___w*_e ).'.-.>.*) ,* ___. ___?, .i__. INTEIIEST1NG FttOMECROPE ARRIVAL OF THE AMERICA. Capt Sfjmmes to Take Command of the Rappa-annock. De Expectt to Fight the Keartarge Again* Debati3 on Di_ra?eli'8 Motfoi in the Honse of Common?. Speeehea by Dif-rooli, Glad_ton? and Cobden. THE DANISH WAR. \aval Operations of the Danes ofl Rageoi The Ftea'n*hip Amtrica ?rom Sonthampon or the Cth of Jq't, airiTed bere yeittrdny muriiing. Ilei BBBB bas Bflflfl ai.uci^.ittJ by the arriral of tLi CflBlaaB? Tbe Olvinint arrivcJ oa Jarj 4. Bagtaaii In tl;c HtHHfl "f Lotds. Monday, July 4. ir r, |!t t.i * - . I . I I 1 . *t '. [_tfl Hu.-.I atateaj t! ' Ihfl I'r *'i*n (...'. rnnient hial f.-i-Hllj dflatod-M .: ettyoftto .li-piuhea Nflflfl-f pflfl i.-! . .1 :i ii B Ifl ? Ln?d Stratford le IterleJl- .?ld_._aij.ea tio-i BBBl ? ' t-kfl a ith tliil i"" n ipot Malaeabary sai.l I- "huulcJ, on Fridar next, tion un tb' ...?.' Uatiaa* la tl ? Coafertflae It* te-" ' BTfl :.'. -ti tt- '?? th "??*" of t' .' ;? - ?i Ub Haaflfl of ('"iiH'"r-.. Lorl Hai-wiafcfl ?ah-d if the reporta "f I a aattofl tottrflflfl tbe Uaflflfli itflfligfl hfld IrawB the atteBtloB of tl.< .. I to thfl '?''!?: ct ..f ir.iti ob?a work aa i defenaiTf arrroar for abips of war. I hfl Dflfcl nf Siui.ei.el aaid IBfl Adir.iralt.T two B tl reo yeflii ago tntnie BflflM aaaariiBflflt! alth ih..u Mr':i..r wbich i.ri.T-.l tbat it eoaid not effecjt?llj Iflfltal cv*' iron, thst the BflflBflttfl O-poui: B |U mninit steel pmj<*etilee th. chain-w.,rk w*? no defeuacj wbatever. lu th. Hoaee of Cr.m-ii.ris. Monday, Jnly 4 Mr. DUraeU tb.* resolbtiofn . f whioh bo had gtvea Bo_ea and aeaaarted ttflfl in a Bfleaah of flflaatderab-i IflBftt aad flf BMflt flflttar. Ii rn-ifin|f BTfl ? irrat.,. ta a clo-', hfl l'hv" a lui.imarT of tta reiolts nf tb* tun fererre, b whieh bflfleid: lier Maj-etT'l Gi)Teriimeii tird mn l.i twu uo?Man Wfl pr.p<.Biioiib?one, the Us . ' i.f I.TdtiiHrk. Bo -cih for r_ ibtefr ?; Sc-c ....'. ?'.at Dei ma-B el. ul-1 .*> pl.ioed in Bi,l ? | eu rnn of thfl (ir-at IVtrara waleh aaall be a f rtili aufliaa of wnr. Be a?k*d tte llooee, in ea. ttli.r v>?? ita ..plni'in of pte?IIBflfl 1 Hi bal tl." jH-liey puilUfd by the Ocvarmiuent tt ' ? Ifl in the purteatoai eoflflaaBeaflflfllaltaaaal la '? - aatha ?ihat il bad biaen-d th.Jnn inii'iv I fl wl, Ihal tht Becunty f..r peeofl bad ttoflaby br u dlal u i! tbey n.'iit not bfl allnwed k> aaoBp- their rfaa,.ori_i biltv. The ChniK.Tbir of tbe Kub.i.uer charifed Mr. Tri* r.ieii flfl- havn.a ghrble.l itnJ fluatflsl tte meunm. o ..- diapatehea labarlqaefi I. Be deni.-d thai thefhll ur.- oftiH? baa aal "tr..rt* had ttvrcrafll tbe jn-t iaf1u?_e< ol Bog??d. VVT.y did m.t Mi. D?J'flfll ? fl?IB kfl |?|fl I Ke did imt Tei.ture M Blefll ttfl Bfll and flflfl ?titatiooal ftiim of a ratfl of flflfll ol toafllflBfla nn.l hi wna wi-c Iflfl Hunae nnd tbfl OOBfltrjf fl l 1',' Bl *, a'preve ttfl oc'.diiet of tiie (ioierniucnt m tka * very di?calt neirotiutiiins, aial would i.ject tu* akanea. Mr. HflB<lef?ta fltttfll tt an _Bflfllfleal"Taflaa I'itt t" ber Hajeett tha opini..n of tbia Il.niae tl: .t tt) LndepaalflBfle of Ikeiitnark an.l thflflflflflflflfllflflfl flf tbal klnsj Iom, o:; tbi tenaa prepe**..! bj tte repflflfleatotlTa Jofthe ne.:*rnl P.iwcri i:: tbe reeetil ('<?>!-: em-e eflfbt i,.'. a aaraallfld.' Hfl did Bafl leatoa tbal K-.-hmi klc.1T ll .'.etiultc lingb-l.iui'lt-d to oi.^b.-o :ti war. l.iii ?' u.. Htaaeel _1 shoa, iU readlncai tta eO ;- ratt with our alliei beft.r. the eril ra;ne .Vr Kliii/lnke retnurked that Mr. Kawdeirste'i pn> noaikl flM ' ' I ?'-r. but war thl-BI 'v r, !..? rontentied, Would be iiLpolulo, it ira* new tou l.itc On the -fltfl? of Mr. Cobden, tl.e debate wa ad ypttutt. Tbt Tirntt ot Mondny ?.iv*: Tbe prcigTAinnie fnr de bate ii n ms'ti r ';irt .-Uw a.. ? iu t'.e haaflg oi ettbei GtiT ,-ii.ii.eiit ur i).f ,,'i,i'ii. Any iadepeudeut aes n | Ibiiia biflflflf ath-arttbflhfll ' t 'I Beaai i'. fi-'?it to tik" bt* aoana It ??? t.'ie m*b of be- MnJ.. tr'fl Mi: a.. ta i.'i.-'t Mr IHaraeB'fl test.luti. deciled aeflatiTfl, Iut Mr. Kiuelake unevpeiie.iiv area pied Ihe frunnd with i reeolution whicl raiaedasew ia?je. Tiete u.-fr I ? ra, Ibo diflttoett]oa Baaibflfctath*Baaaa Br. Kn.-i*. - irfled to witbdraw hia B?aalaeBl in aaflaa t>. iu* ? IhaGareraaBeattteflaetaalTflflon laadafaia] pl ? vt:. Diaraeli. Mr K- kTaJt.' iraall wav. It i* aefl?Iflflfl to oboerre ttal ttir ia resll.i a qaeatioa ofeonl I ia *d aaderatool . ?, ra ai.d op;H,r..:.ti of iitr Hajafltj'8 Botfln i TTIK 1T.KAR4.BBfll ANP THR ALAHAMA. Tafli tJ'f-r i Tm : SiK: lliivnig j.iet ri'iiinii"! fn)::: Cbei-anrgi tl.e bllawlBfl a-'.t flfll .. r. k. . ,1 ui- to h? ii. hflTI i.f.. tl I .,?? :??' i.t BttJ p.aris of aome Inlereal io toot ?*tu! refllara: T to ?i .iisarf-c ii a rBBBkl flf L.83B taat. and ' ? ? ? low ia tba ?.i -r. il ? . . iiah f l l:-.i li D _flrena 38-poondera aiicl ?? i ? , t'' ? ' ' ? .'* ire of 300-hoiafl i*ivt-er. -Oltiflf i.p le .v lafl il ffll-BB b, ttfl atati of Wil. i. i ... Bohtfla, tr. ? ei.f.ur,rn, a:.J <".?? ,Li.: I Bt'ver vv ttaeeaed eflfi r . onlc:. or i..'i'' m< re toaa?ftl j eteaa. Her two Dahl* BTflflfl thruw abflBaad 1 - - , I '*? 'lbe . - . - ? ' tto,.^- and i'.r slide, ismoet e_iii; trarfcel. Her oJHttrt aad ci ? I l ?,.'of \fi>. Sh.-i-v ry . . ry a?iki.. aad eflkrtieeher toatfl vt,?. hi-. ii.tiT.- hei bolwarka Her apefla U very jrrt'if. li - 1 U kaata f.r 4r h,,i ? tirely, a::d h-r ehief ei pi'ieer lai haa ,- .t oai i.t her. ^ baa I t>-.*:.:' I b.-r I t ? lad no. , ? of aay kifa.l harinc used her .-'.am oabia ahout 70 lathomt oa flflv-' BiJe ii. tl. ?- U e?| -' , -1 up und down io eye-btilt* invea iu i .it*ii!c thu thto nml br Tcry tliin pinjiBinif. 1 found flhfl b-ni L-tl luaie eigbt ah"ts iu her bull. T'wj bid *tru. ? tl:a o-. Ur ?? - .1.1(4, ar.d btvl niitr'Ty btoten the liu'kji. but htu l rtrtt.-.'.. a-1 eaterel her ita-li'ird tnaiu i'hii ?. bj- ! 8X| 104.4(1 ?flM t-) tbe 11-iauh rnn, b..t oai* woaod?igl r- . . -. oae ilnca laad; '..???? aaTtta aopel - ' ? " boaafl, orer th :i)ii_. ca-'r i i-B BBBl hfll p . . tb' ru _Q r., - ^iuig. Baaot (B araflh hfll :-V.irl s-ar 'bs r*_.j*3 port - p*AMD< eatboai I l.itie .laran-r A ab T [t a.r-ek bflfl ucd-r tt. *Ur ? mrr-:T atsrtibg a i'.*eh plaak I - (7 itru. % . tB- Bfll flbflTB BflflB Ir eorered ov? p. ee 4>f paintedaaaraafli acJ t, :i i* ai. ti.-' u<-ne tt) 1 '. :?-.". B -...<-. Uiiiau^L ber fa?btl. .xJ ber r.i.'|gini: cut up - ?flifl bi. fi ...!-*- nor dr-'i. sjie rcjaire ll, *:.J aee. ? . ' paira ?? 1 it? 6_*i t S i* tne Aiai.k?a alir.' aail oa her. 1 -? ' ? I". BB O.'l !' . kwaler; bi.t I n .at pr?ni.e - MirgaBriaflualaieaaraiaa . . ? .... I - : r aad p .?-. : t ie .Viaia.C'.v u-J.aat ttflfl tt BB.l n-T tae AW.'*-..* ? KTfliirht "Ut t-w ? y, Trti'i iv-dmeaiuos-a ia ... V ttt I .. .. ? .-? -'ttl a:.:-. aad kept t. ?t K?| ?: . . ' , 1 Le Alaiiaviurt i .T:** waa acry \at\ . fl T.ry b - ? r * .<l orer her ft-i?^o;.Bt Lliurxi uot I*. f 1 '.-:.. '? ?'. i i'S kia.aarife. .-.f-.-l., . .a..-. i. ,ie..)Ul fc-ru j r a ? - ' tlto flfltol la.-utee. waen | . to Bre .... . ... . ' ? ? . -. ?' . . ... mii* apeed VflJ v-t'-. w-.-e ''-V ba.4,- f... - ? ' J ?- ? j aoeoBBt. Oa on_r _r*ing wMh the woaB-ed maa w* beard that th* Alabama waa **ry laeky and *ad T re : qaire-1 _*ai_1ug?obltged to a*. the pcroo* *ren at aa i chor that h->r powd-ir wa* very tad and flainp. a qaan I lity of which tbey tbr*w oierb.-ird that th.- firara .. 1 her ihetl* were mcch the __ni ard had F-"**- *o on former o-oaal"-*. and that afb-r tbe fii.t ih.-t b_d rtrack tr* il 1;, ak?* m?de a qit?_ttty of waier. Tb* ofh ', eer* of :!->? Kaai-Mrg. *t-4. tl.ey at uoo* luwered their boaU and **f*d 71 MM <>_e Fr*teh pil-t-boat _**ed nm* and an--th.- two m*o, and th* n**t tbe Deerhoand aared Iii Jaatiee M them I neat aay tliat errry qn*a Boa waa replird to. that we were r*_*l**d lo *'?* mo* I ei-arteona aad _r.en.!y manner and ererythlna thn.wn o*.*n fLr . r,r bMflBMMBj atd there ean be bat one opll :u:.?the Keariarge dld her work _r*-<jat e__-_B___y, and now remajna Iu .be i_nie e_k:ent ?tat*. I ani, air. yuor obeillent a-nant, T _ Al'MAhM, Caatata, R. K. T_l Fir*. St. I*a*rt*u Jtnty Junt 30. llae ia Baa tbe ltlo.ha.1e. Camepondence yllti* h-cd-.i 1: ... _ WlL_U.-_TO. . W. (-.. J.I.* 6, 1-M. It is diffienlt for au Encliahmaii who dadm to plere* tbe American blockad* to laaMa wbich tt thc Biaiiable ruutr* offen the greate*t faciiltla* and atira,? | ticni. Mf own eiperi-aoe duriug the pre.ent yrar wot-ld *ee_. toprx.ic t.?_ ia raaaria tkaa IbaaaMm ' tl* eboice brtw ren lat..! aud water. 1'p.m tka 17tb *A I last Jsnuury I itaried from K:. MMaa. *_-, c:.ikiiig bi way acro**' the I'.,. um-aud p.:?.;:ig rapl.iy thmou.'i ' "V. BehiDtftoa and Nrxt-V..rk. *? ?< .1 upon l.r:_l-_ Mil ni.a the (ith of tak".ar;. ? tkal ll to a_,y_ op?ri I day after my departuie _*__. - **ce*eta. Upon I | M_y I l*_ QBaa_--MWB? and. oa I | Balifaj BB-TlMiMMla I ial tie raaarl widca earrMI mb _r_bi lieri-Ud* aafrlx- BBBMI in t Bt* Beai i.ixrr tmaat which WllaalagtoB ataadi on the aifhl ' j?Lt?tbat ia Bg..;:i to i&v, u;? .1 tbe Mb ? ay -ftcr a_y deptrtura ftom Lnghna. But, nnt,neatlonaWy, aa rr wmjiaaaajtawaatat (atlgaa aad factlit] l Uni ir.d l- attetded with leaa perainal . thon|rh tbere ia Bflaaar-in ./u.irt ii v_r. ?xp-r ll tl.e inou-'-.t .?: ? - r thfoaah tke Inslde hloei . - -at can har.: .? ba luraaaaa!. llpoa the erea gof w edaaadar. the IM of J Litkaa ._d tbe Fkacie, Iwa "f taa : leal aa b. aattfal of th ' nltiiTieoualf from N-r::.___ 8paa tka hr-t MipMwai ? .-..'er kai.... ?...-.:-. Bol tbe au . bat theie ia an BaM the twc riralri :-* * rl .' ..,;. . ,?- hltberbi ;>it whioh waita I furtber tru.:. lur -ea' -r rn. . - . Bk* I u.i.l-iiaj::, i_ail Mrorabrf b .? ?: 1 expr . ruir ? ra, wnicli Ughl ?' $ tb* ribe of old tnd a im* ? " ao aiora t. '-toA !;ke Ui- K-U-de Ia BBd -r t '? . . . - .. abt tipie. . l.-i.iii tl ? laabertai w-ich luivt Kaatea ..u. Ire nicel - l._--it bax.- twe ?? r- i Itr e prbea alipi l|tk* BMakaa ef tke I .. lt i* n..t ateaa i I ....??.? vn-w to tbe'.r . ? IM I ? i iia * tWo of ti > Li.. ?t ?-.! .-!'<? e iip.--a Wkl reu< h. _ W ', ? ' gl '. ..w.iit 81 th'- . if t!.- C-a-ederate (Jorera reaaeM _.i* I '? ?'? rn wi nlil bara baaa l i f aci pftlate la BTaal re_d*r ' . th- t u I . . l ia well kl baiiag aaaiitad I ia** aal t..e I i .' " .. ? eutsDara ...... at r *',* ol ? u ? iit tl* dr.i'.i alll . . ? ? ? BraagoB.lghl ?? eei ???> u u;-.n v.ry w .,. ,>f , an na, It m*; 11 *..-.-.', _*:..:. .:?. at i.i'r; :?>!. bUud. \Lf *xp'-rier: . ii m ? *n ar.t! i . : to !.?" iDaBdara, '?' ia*rt \... ?.?,-, - ?-. -f Gl igow?a i-_g ac_ ' ' pr,-; r- - HTI il IB ?? . . ? ?'. lai .i --r ... ? ? ?rd. tTaua aar part bow a > ?? I in _ u? it i __,?! uf ia J i..- raalaefl ... Baa ererrn . -.;?- .haiji i. ._.i. t<> iIk ll - I . i f.-.l than :'i ti -Ir ..,,,?:,._. f ? ' ' l waa deetned pnaaiNa. afi. r can ' [ ve-a, . __>'..t ly 1 - . wbich ' ? ? ' ' . yl. _I . and bara d.wi. itr i - ' ? d-t.t tkM * ? aer, i_-xk. ? ? - white bbi ? ' V Cu rnpidly aa r-uit of :.noiber deiiu ijiieut. The h. l_i wua rr, . Hu.ucd. Iir>..-k aal IiibiimbI ii:g aii po?-]_:i.t> of nu aaaarraMea. ere tbe BaQVW'a tlawn al ouiil 1 retich W wore rupi.l.y bwbj . . o'cloek, iioYiiek i | i.i I) ti.g ceni., ''Lt : ? \ y.o :. could tkal [kl i'i laki r ba d l .en, ust'ri. ? .- ,..,xi i, 'i, an p.-.*|.are.l ta ta] tofM tka lay, ':? i aa tka "ut.-r aal I aaal ti' j i?e. ,,' *:*. ll xv i ..',ni.x te ! ? ? \| l . t- -i f'. .: 8 I nm II .!..,! i.i x. J. 1 ut :t ... .- B MgBa] :n f ^1 _,! l^ k thal tn 'ti llall ,.. ij ... iu. * >? x. - ? ' i ho : Rederal ciuUer, b. r , ' aud I, ft? ..;, we-.- tiu' le, fur tke iir. t tkaa, aa our ai.tair . ni- te bm roa ctloo of WBmlugtoa : ' . ; ; ' BMM Ih .t -, e.-il wbici xi* ull r .lt aba Boaaaaaari. ll . ? ? MBM bi f Iiy g\A uy, ami mt bm -.' BtoaMa aai bbmbm ii-etned to rain u|*on n?. Ral ni tkl pr.aeur.) of ateaai ,;';? K .ni M '_', BaM H t.. _3, fn ci tt t.i'.'., ..r.i : ..'..-??. paddle_aoanM4froa MMM " ? 11 t tM.r itiii'iite. |ka LU fl *ew oot - . ? - r ? fr,.in m baw. In 1:: . I *? | i tt. ? LU of iMtr para -r ? _. .,,. k _? ? a diataut I i tl - . " ? ? ? - ? I, r. i . - ? tha . - ? il iitfie ililfiiu'Ti iu *ei*on:i i.hinir; but ?_ the tai t, af. .i . ( uml tkat I I ee, wa bad ? i utie l. :.,u ba__va tba i ?? a as 4 I ' 11 -??,:. '4ii i h .!*,-! breath a . uii*r afi - ? Uatlm tly ?.-.!'.? ta .... ?_ ? .- ' : light aa skel aud ih.npu.i tknafb ..'ir rigg . l?at Ll B ?* ' ' 'n thi*. MMM LUMasi - .i* we ., Ii ia a KeVra! lau-.. aaa ky aa I M .r..t : i aaxleaa wM a af kM aaail ial n ? t -.. vv, f m har wii.'im ia yxnU aaal aaata tka . ij-. .'t il rn!!. .4 ol BBaketxy :? - *_.: iir Ab i ? . r tk* iu....! il npoa wbb ! Bt* * . f, rt ui": I i "i '.i' u ?*. " 1 ..<? nr-.xi i.i 1 good a.i i . ?? ' ? ? i - -::..--i t .- a la I h a . .-.-'*. '-: t.-ei?.,' aad iu i. lar B ' ' *-''' vriajra awnv. Tkra oi - * t l. Ind i i -. -. ... ? tini ag lala bo > - f. i.t 'he.r w . irf lo >X : ' :t rnrh to pr* l'.ct for tl.eni botb the ;-rob ?!.!:'; I ' - - ? i aaaaial IkM it w ri ItakaaaarltaaiTaaaaeMof laaal ..r.<i i ni .-? to i . .:.?. aa Capt. aad t m .n i ki aa - aiaar bMi raaa wll baa t lafariar M tbaae wl ? - i-.biteU m hu -ad. xe tbe lubject of t ? vttkoal ?_??-; i* Im-i ig long it k} - -.> ili'e wky kinglaad doea i.:-..kc more pi b ? ' 4 1' -i- ; eartii akiak aa ? theiatar at ? ! .?_> in tiu.. l.t ? i,-fix .uft ti..- wtafc-Bg 11 tkaaa a.,* .?u a lar^'r uad l .ii-eria! ai i.r 4T. i.a haa ?4,1*1 ai * : .? iatiodnctiooof ateaa aarl| i Ii i'. u ??...-. * iy . ? jr-1-1.-.- - thal . to tbe lyal i I ? -..-..-? - - - C( . ?. ei^iiriei.c- bu* taagbt Mtke btoekade-rnnaeraol >Wi !_.l':gto: *?ii Mobiie. - W* r.oel farortibie condiuons of ie*. iky an.l vAr ttt [ i. .t or ivixi: g ;n. ean b* obtain.U ufberwia* than upan ? raaou. Yet. lt 1* ?.ot deem.-d by tkaBrMMb Al* I aairatty taka a MMter of iaportaaee tkat tba] -. . ? ' ? . ? j* t. ftt, a* I i; >r ? been agitin and . -t :.o aaah ? i i I ?-?.??? ol .'?< a ?-? i aal tkat 1 I ba w.ii - - oncarrenee of uy t-.n - I A:a*r:*a up.,n tkat_Bpoftaaee of .:*-.' ? -.-. nr. id M _<>- to f- ir t I ti ? b' . - Boaa nn _?me.l br ne to Boiat .i ' ? rt navi; ofti.-er B, grcn . ? rhi'. .8 at H I* f.,ry :o tbr ... . to tb* South by re_a_3 ?> B ''?''-? :l i* th- np n -a .f . x*-v : ol | i* h?^a I to the Soe.hem State* thal lattM*'raaea te [ti ? ?ui ? ? ,e }ia Itacayaar. It ia, I Mtak. pretty weB ada Itad in i -. - thal : ??- of rauaor tk* lora l ?. tbing t* le ur tr-'u tv- ??? ot the r?ri niaa ? -if war tbere i* Btore to !e gaiiie.; u lfaix^* t ?? prreenl itnirt*.* '-y undri-.y >t t.0_ a N,-r" era , taa ? r iler*ls -jpon i t*r.?t witb l . . . Ii li i. - . . ? ? ? ? : ? .. ? ? . - the uie. . - 3__.ce;s el *_i,i.y ari MaM -??- . i. ? - . I Seetlr, bnt it baa bIwsta appeared to a* HttflBpBBfla?b bleUia* tb* PVeeeh Tinpenir ib-'flrd bere luO'-n an apaibv aboot thia war BflBB, miaUken afl I bflM lt t" tm iu Knglantl'i ca*e. admit*. ao f*i as Kafiaad vt oob o*r_e_. uf eaar aid plauaiM* flBfatflflttoa. A*_n iliuatr-ti'.n of tbe hcilitr aad r-flrttlatJ ?? T ihe b..-% .-'dr il i .iw ib tai, [i.. clici..-: i few i_'t*. Betweea tt* Ittflf ' Ut?f JaaflkBBttaa tb*? M roea ? **V__::i(tt.a aaJaiy, ? nu< nt dia. r Tesfla-1 No wouiier that pirs ii;. a i :..-a rfG )*? gooit ere staired ber*. awaitl:.|*. -h.a there n Iob, ? uriiu n. a tt< lailinalfl. tiaua,- rtetkaa u. Bh and BBBflto I am Dif.nued by Ux' ti.iTi'i_meut iflt-ent hen* that n baa _ g . BtBard-baaal letn-r. A BBBtiarau !:iuda, th. ng-- I lagttth fir-n, tt id me tbat dnriug ?.?. >e_-* habadeeal _ tTtraaaof Ibrflfl maiii per ii.. th 1'. rttB?. Baaaaa ee**:*. and t_U ln the arfl?8 BBM BflB/tttfl BflHB b*?n iia>t. I a?1 flflfl* nntil my arr:T.d Ifl Biubfltttt iny re marksi.:- Uaa ef military afl?.re ta Ylnrinia , 11, . ? I lad ttoaal tb.* bm neot, I - ?arhiag that it ia infintti Ij n., r- . n,... ... ? rt-ap. el lhaa l L-ii beer ie.i ?.- 1 . -i : iat.. :^_te. a? 1'raarr. Tba OttWflflB Sntionale !.a* ret'.'i". I I t. . : _ fcr an art?? by M. G.roo 4 >? IL. Pnifli aflflfl af ? a Bflftt ? '"?' '?" i g Ba r : I rttB. Baroa voa Bflflit bj bre__.--* ' v x Hu Ktcellency d:. : ?i'.t'i H Lbayt oa Iflflfl?7< . . , ibliflfa * co'?ma-iratlon froa . | . ..".:?. ? . ? 1 ? - >.' . BBa ta be entirery anl uis-i ?t..t.a thfl! tlie Coaat Voa (',.._ had r BOtoahi . ' - '-tl -4 Beai7r4!14*-4 tU hll81 l ' ( M:.::?f * :t r ? 1 '-'? uT-Blg fJoaflCTtflffli 1_e 7>t ..I ? ? ? . ? ?-* a. Ion i._?t ;<i ) ',.' ita t i .it noi_ .. ? | .--..'.-'? , i of the Tortee. Wfl do ita) l - a uil ..... I B .. ? , - r deai *:?: i h .-. .,. .... latlce to tbe . s. . . a. . ? i 1 :.- ? . ' t ' - , ? ? ,i- yt?jig?rawfl i-'. ? . * ) -. 1 .1 .- !?? I ? Ifterml .And, and Uex . i withoal ? d BI Batfl ' r ? | BBflfl tt ttfl >l| | ? flttStVBBe ?| \ . , 0 Bai ? I '* '/'ttung td ? Ifl . ? I- r ; ' ..-..)? r. .. ? - - ?? ' ? - ihe ? . nu fCTWSt .4-d tt Vr i . Ct_?81 AD, July St? i onr ..,?-. i d ,\ - i )<? 01 t e " 11 ; Bb Iflbed by Vi, I ? .." '/ .* ? ,f n ? -Si. bui 1. d. .i.J. 1 ' -; . _ BBBttBB, Itiiflain iioJ letflillttnii. A !.-: ? k i'.i :'?-.. ? Jaly t v n j . V IC nr.-rivh oa learl -..-.-?? ' - ? i th* Ciaiflw ?rbera be wm Iflflwlfl m-.i ?t.v buthing. _ Tbe Dauioh BflB \ >, Bgi a of .Tune ftft iu-- Ti.. l'n ?* hara trHbdrawa toyoad R< ?- ihe r. i.ut. 7u furthet partal i ia | i :?. .. , r tii re they har? ataafl flmbarlal. ,. t,ii:i; v. aaya Tbi loaa ot lba ua il ter rnn ii ..hl. a,.-' :. is uf-clally st-.iid io amoui 11 . tott i" i-.: B .. : i . tn ".... ?? Ito wa Ai.-rn. \ i.. tuL.Iderahle t'>u ,.i ur.iu Umi ii.haLiia_'.i o: I .. u. . ? ! u laa adnila;-t: ? . ?. ..! olliciaJs bL .r..rr.T.l taobai Ib* PrflstiaB afllboritiea, t? u iu." a, da. - iii I ?' i d.-nvi'd fln? Otl'T ... ..." n.l. 7 i, ......i J . ..? ' . 1- :i tt.o *l.pp::i< of tl.e Te u._ .dr. rt-i wi i. rial waseoatiaaed. i puhliab iut'- - -. ? ?: it y ttal Ih. Cruaalaoa and Aaeti ?? lueietatnc tto - ' of thair ina.jS ia thfl i'.i. .'na. Il ls a**.-ite.l tb , . ', ? ..iiy t-ikiu^ peeflcaetoa uf ali Ito A i'',?? 1-iyo. and jfterward en -eaToriiitr'..- ai:.. 4 ,Ie ei e.ny la Ceflenhafafl waalf. A '.iT'.: ii Kielof JblyJ. aaya: the Dfl .? ' r. ?.- ???:..?'! i ?? B-Uireaa of tht Bittflfl aftba IflbJttwIf ?aleteii I [a hle iflfly, to s..iit it bm total >uA laat a ii. of .--v-Llrsw:!- li.wl [)c-ii j.'vY.'atcacl py i 1 ..a . r*. ii" a beaa that tba c kima pxit : r- i ibe Uraad Dfl i - auuld uot ii ' aa ha, 1 Dnke . I .r_r. Boald bfl ao..- tu .: ? ., - tad i ?? - :.-. .' -iii.i-i 1 u ..(... iiy r,-ti., ., ealflf pub.Tu alt'a-B ii*. ] ... tl , ? % ..'-,.!... wiil an . i..! aid the r.Tutu r.i Ti;.t, tha| Power * .; ira bfl <?iir bm t el ctual _rntecti?.n rg_. Bark. A t.i ugrom trtmt Y. inder* of J dy i. s iy.: t the H alUII fllld tl i i ??: i.. i. it part] of I>?i ea '. ' ? ' ' .BtJ -u 1 .as ? '? * .v -. i 1 of Jaly 4, laya: /.' j n ? rflttiaday taa DaauI wtr il I i .j.. -_?> p ? *:ilnr of Wittow for tt- j ut ;?? -.* ? of --? i -i er ,t f 1 wo r.-uiai'i- afiled I. -.???', baai -? -. ? rof .-.".ch pei ? u k t . -. The Daaefl withdiav, aaa afl U i-i i Ione'44 t.. tri'.ti I ? l ? ' *"? i ?'? - c-bolm. Thia diipateh reeapitaiata i the l ottiertOBtfl | n * ? ... ? . ? ,. i . - r ..,'' -v. ?? At Ihfl ? i f ih. tof) ... . . :....- . : ..| to a :a,_ no <iuurter va a* fttflfl." ??flifl. IIOMH.W, .!..:?' '.'.?Tt.e .-..'.ii-er of Af. . hia I rotl ? r.-, wlo baa I .. aa. la a_ar Maaaaklag ' Kxcha . .i, 8/1. ? ? Iiii'rat. laioaia arrivTetl e_:!y on v JfllyB, Tbe adj araed ua wm ' i II i li'.I ?? ?'). Ur. Ci .'i r it I-t ffth _?.'?:i=t the rote uf ceLiiire. The lic.-'.e tt so: iiueter x, J-lr fj? Ir.forraititm frnm r thority laade to tia be_ef tbat the k ; ith hiaofl.eeta und p-rtofhii rr w i? : . . ,, aad iu:en'i to aai. at nn i-? ? iflfe port. It m I'.j'.eii ii.U i. ail?k tht- K.-.irtarge. < ....i i ?< i ,i| Iut. !i ,? n> ? JV.e ',". "Ti-e l.air : . - af _?urd *?** la tb* dia .UL. Ut- ' ?. "? '.''Uar , .. .. : . iPar.ii ii . i ;r : iu hare : -? a ? ... ('%. ? '- mti ... M e-JiT". I ? . .- . . \ I li.'r iLt-r. BUI W-Ia - . i H ; -i r.nt V r. . ? . __ ? r j 1. L . t- d I. .,<-, ., a_.a i e- .yoxm.'' ib. Abfluiir. Uti-ui Naw Ua auJ ha* t>ri.gJit J.c ... -, .', ...t UaB_BT, 1 -Bwaa evvu.Lg. Ja ? :i ?_*-. _'.'B.ta !..?- - ? r.a ?I-IStL'.-i ? . ' . . 4,- .. . ?". bdf. V*i iv _. i. . . r , .'. ii.K r - ? II ? V ga.-i tn! ..I.t'-, f r (hr tw.'dav. aBMeflta Utt lalit I "fli aa iiiaiiaiaBaBil aflfal rriaasofA??-t , ? ? ?' I.ITli ^OTiL 'OB II .rlAK-ST Ju.y -.-VVJ^at ttt.. i: 14. | b ih.i. F. ar iteuei. iLdiia t.iu idYnuaaad Iflfl lu i, *)r, e - ? i. a. b. LiMr-B Cetfl il-aair -'.'.' 4.-Thare wnartav-tU- ofl,'! 'l ,?. LiBl _r?l , | Lomoo* i oumtux .''iiBtrr '.iy B?togat tm. fofeflii i-a?!v i'. l-i-.-r T lOW l itTaaraiiL ' . J?; ? ?' Tflfl?I " '"t two daya. u.eaab ?? <abai?*u -.-??? laawaad.1 l -? Ui?rk ? t ia f. in but iiiicti il 4**- Auti'.i.. r wxua-t givea aii ...raiire B ii 4t'l u A ...ta-i. iBjoi itaroar ? iLr MaaatoBtta aartol ku saaflaafll ? I? -r*nra ? - - ll '' c^a. i, aa iv, Cora * .-.' Ml a-im?e4 1/, attfl raoTt.l. -*-T*-e Pt.4r.al_n rn.rk.- la Irrn. Ct*relan **? 1 ., ? r. 'T Lar_ tp* ?lth a\__(htaa__B*B Li.>-__- --I..-1,. IBODCCB lVr__*__B .11. .. . Battrf-era . t*>e* *'? '""* **** . . h '* .._?_* i. .1 -Ne .? . - '? ' ;? "taa aaataali K, r..l- tt4*m .'. M BROORI.V . ITK-TIB. Tub Fast Pi<>< klyv OtMNB-BB___nma CTICTCB-The Kaal ' . I e _(t ol t>. M ?*-->?? *'? ' r KraBklin '?," * - ?????? . urch Ihe ni*-ii..rt .' .^ oi.: ? *;? . .'..iifrll-Bted to ? *:__i8to beerectfd . 1 , ____..,_. A B-.e.tlng fi liating Bf d kfM 8 x w_a . . 4. ,icn ' ' ? ? ' 1 - "fb x 1 t<> C4BB uf a p;u_e <f a.r_...p a* aam a" KTTlce* ? ur.;l witb tao ?y .' : - . :<t'i h ur tbi e of . , , , . into 1 . ? ? . ata tbat M t...- ,,.41' ,f l .._!.. three on r, sc. and ? ? . 1 ' ' .... 1 OB . : ; . , 1 .i 1. aod tlie i n ce ol . , .m 1*1* iy 1 *? 1 ,!' _ !. IB. Ifl ? ?.' tt.l N .4 . ' .lentL * xT TTI. ' . . 0 14.18 .' ? ' ln* ifleri . ? ?** . .. 0 1* . 1 '? . - . . ? ? v. 1 . - .1, , ' 1 I i y 4 _ ' ' . 4 .. . !. a hlM i ' Tlu 1 ' . -. 1 ? ? f x I ? - ' I.l - . ? .1 18 aj f'ii. - ...... 4 I! . I " . Ala " . ; i . a ... I **} " . ( . . . 1 ' ' Mi- .,, l.taa, " . 1 ' . '?: ' 1 t . ita *. - I , r 1 Wili luoiiut elgbt BWBH IBHIflB. ? n.W*_>_E_B BEW ITSJIS* ?*T..'i OF I I " 1 1 dr v.-*r :i tke .I.v - !' 1 lay, *i . .... 1 ? ' , 3 ... ? ? *?? . / nit'B of ba ' ' . I'!. II ' ? | ? ? 1 ? aaa, ??___? ?aa,ai,aaaaaa Bn "v I ; ""'*.? ' 'i ? ? 'if "na'ivi ial Bia I ? ! ? v- | | ki..-!. ' i* '.0 I . . ., I' ?? ? I ? l -I ? r Afrl . I.alial ai.ifi 7ir\r*. >n, fr... ? -? K* Nrw | '.' , a ?' 1 ' ?*. ar '.-rk ..... . 4. : ? j- ? III, bu-. ii| - . *?at, (,**?- d ttruw .1. ...ii,, r ,w a iarie r iad fi. ? o, Bid**., kr , tO Ld w?r.i Bl ' r - i ??. *.|.| paa*. te ? ?d paa*. t_ I. I , ... r - M. y, rr-i_-rn.e, _._?*, Ic , to W. f. U iau i. ilam.l, . -iif* Iluiibnig 4. d-ty*. no-*e. and X". -. a :1.11a., i'r.i'iB 4 dayi, b.l'i.tto Ia. It ? paa ? - 1 ?? :i....k*t_. TwadcattpKBdoa ? _ iltuat.), SI-.r vlch, fr'.ttte *M d?y>, indaa. ? '. ? I r f T*l I'-rry. Ar-roaaaa aea i j. a. iia* . ? .-., C IJ.. I.'. _*y?, eea] *- ' .' tr-.u. i'a tne i i'i-.. a 411 M _, aarMf e I blcw f. oti fi. fi. \\ ., leetl | ii ri. I Bj 8 Cle. ). Araia-a, Jl, flti-U. tl _?_*, tkattltg tle, Ow._., I_ .m. C. ?., 11 -_y?, eoal M - ;-.T.i:ri Crta, Bew-L .-. .i, P F..I, 17 __$_, y .fi'r. 1 ",, T- . U iM__At i..Ba-t _. lieht. AUi )W. ?biplir, f.e-t, fi"'r l)-_e ? . 1 1' -..buffj M?y 21. A.*e. eoe bii* aiduiowa. Jr:.T:7.-.Sfr_.-..hi(?-r*.'. f, 'r ( i*T icd IT?r ry T TTiBfr. -_. Dl. 1 ? I.f r ? a '*?:- P'r*. ir+Uitity, t* : I ? A oa, fog, ct,.? bico wi:n n^rl lii.r x>, ,<J... - baiBBB lur . ?l. O.O-.ri. ,-air.Tir.f a_ ..1 ;?' ??! w_?*|r_r!< -r . - . ??,{ _..-i,-<n_ kaii 1 pa__laat inail, taa. ? ? i, .... id bew* 1 CI.. Moi.'-K A- Oo ira 1 : ?! ta FCR. { fi. my ll.tri-t 1d'b- ' aett-a iad .' i->. ? ?? . e - 1 "A, A-. ? 1 . --4 Brea.eay, -ial Mth >_