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WR?)*-i i.eivDon ?rra. -BBBBBtBtlBB BBBBI th* B***Bll af 1 bf Pl MeBBBl B-lecilBB i?r FrMBfl" ??* -_ Mlea?WiRBl ibr laBitrr aay aad B-Var H.i.iaa Ib KaglaaB BBd FrBBce-AB-. tr,r Tbr FecBBtory Reaulia ?f Ike ?CMafedcrate Fair" Bt fairrrfl-Bal Ap prapriatrd ky BBBlberB Brfiigraa-fllBl. ler'e ?*B?f-*eaiaB and KxeiBliaa-tirlr rarar.tlaBB la Iba PreflB-CriMlaml g hbcb-Ab iMflradiBfl laitrrBry Ariiaa fWT MSBIBflBS* ?,.,.. On Fpeeial ("' l.OMXS, NlT, lt, 1K4. No new*, a? yet, of the BMBtt of your Fleflb flential eleetion-and we air all looking "ut ao anxiurm ly for it. Eleven da.e bare (_p?ed linte the evenf, bul wemmt wait lo *ee what to-morrow will bring furth before we cau dntw our brraih in BB?MaaaBBBMIkl ritaJity of ?ur i-otmtry. 1 write Bfl -HH-BJ kut tl.-tt afew keena-flj -uah toua ibe aitoma tafli-ffl-M, Uf bow it B rrciived by all B_HH "' ? ? **. M whifh 1 line bubm IM ikal be tefe UluaHl taMjaeat la Ra meantlme, * |?* aiahaiiraal aeMfl ?s to Iafl vre aipect it. Al! Amer:.#u. Jovaliat <>r i:.-Ki. Bad BBl i:r.,j-.-ana really intereatcil in Aii.tri.-en *tTi'ii5, *eam t.i tliil. ulk or write of tafl BBta aha, Hafl ef ttoa aflU_pfl_ .ReieBeeetoaef ?toa?aa Ltoesla MaHflafeaa aaa elni.ou, thongb ocr fnenda ara Bfl laiipiine mi thoupb aar aaaMtal hokl oot, like Yuiler, t* the tast Not tim.l tkey ful tbo drop (rniTtbe Cbiiajro Plat-BMH-Bafl from beueotb tbe r l'e.t will tbi) owu nf BBd t hoke ilerent.r. They hope deeperatelr, at, mon'und peeple aie apt to dc. You would have been amtiaed to hear the faithfal a. bo aet up by them of the "DUBaanflto " howl ?whieh weleimed the aentenee of imj riaoriuier:'. IM H paaeed on Ponobue and Kerry. tbe two clectioneerinr aeenndrela oonTictrd of having IMfM BBfl?en. flflMi l-y th* long. long tnn witb wlnb tb.-y recelrM tbe btwi tbat "(Ien. lluiler hi-1 BRtval :n New York. fliringriae toa fuppovti"u be Baafld BBBaMS the cemmand dctinp tbo .U-.tiiu*.' IBMllU atoeeeeM down thec'oni'fdi'iatet'otton laBBB two per t-ent. WIM Rfrnre :t will rea.h wben bc hear ol'tt-' N?H*fltofllU Abrahatn I.lni-olu, u.a. nupply u iinal thaptor to IVp.-'* Jfeaty on Hatho*. or the Art of Sinkinjr. The two miggeative iiem.- hai. ln,n ai-eiptrd l>y tbe Hcbehjbere and th.-ir BJ?BB_?BH aa *n ladtoMtoa that tl.e United States GatMBHeM kl r.-ally poiug U aee the itrong h&nd M ?_. t irn.f frorfi br,i;,: gmrotcd? to about to BBBertB, iii iPtne degree, ibe BBBBB amount of abAurd ebn*e ai d t?tB?tt?a taftatod on it by ite adrersarie!" at bon.e nnd abroed. l'orthe *ail ?d reraahea know?no .me better?tbe fakity of thrir m-cu saticjua audchnikle at tbeiniiiuity Mitb wluchthey have been allowed to make their. Tkey drpirt ileecr*. ootfl. Siward and others a* ao many Kobeajuerrei aml Maraia, wiihont auy apprebem-ion* ef rw-elung ft prac Uca_.i_lnatrat.onof tbe fact; it ia " St. I.nwrei.c* on a eold gridiron," the ifJgB of'eiror * ltiio'i! tb" ueeenity ttt eerrying an umbrella. Jlut wbat if the trover.nuenI *? going t? take a leaf BU of tbeir own took?M ' wh?l? Then too a* they hare done all the howlii-g jeBB?to aader tbe iTrcumaTaiioes. and earnrrrtl all tbe tyMpakl ? aeeruingi'miii-h good uibt it d" th.-ni' ther are aat afl from ontingent aot unrtipe*. Tbto ia what _BJ fear Beea. Onr Rngliih fVJendi ate, a* I hare wntten befme, aaere hopefu! of tbe reault of tbe 8BH?BB than nat.tvc torn Ameri'-an*. ?Mf d.-aire aoch an oTcrwheiming BaJoiitv M will prerent w hat n?me tbia* tmiinnent?a BBDUter revolutiou iu the (Nortb. Tn tbi* aaaflBBH?HB I think they differ from our Freneh aud Gerruau BflB* Biahert, who ?*em to have graaUS faiih laflfl a law abidisg people than do our ltiituth couKinr. A i-miple mt dav* ag? I reeeived a letter from e 1 Teiieh Keutle rnan, reaitlent oear tbe preat mat. .1 u-t'iritiK city of Mulbouae. who took il for grauted ibut all wonid ke aell and the KebeilioD rirtuaily at an end ihonld Mi. Ltaeoln be N?BB?? He added al?o that buainen war M abeyanee nntil tbe rernlt *houbl t>e known, ?.<? m?? ataeturer* wattinjr wilt, imparieiii-e fcrtl.e BBBB Mu.-h tke MB0 anxiety i? ff-it here, in eonimercial cirolea I w rote to yon, aorne few week? ago. ot a Confederate Hair. at Llrerpool. got up by tiie!* and th.'it toiendi oiteniibly foi tbe beneflt ot" Soutbern pB?MU1 ln the N.nthern SUtea. I heurd yeiterday, on good aatbority, that nearly the whole of the raoney tbtm ob tained, flC.OOO, had been "nied.' "gobbiedup* and eppropiiated by hardup C'onfr derato refugee* in tbia aountrr headed by tbe ambible Maeon, and that tba dodge watiitarted witb no other iutention. Alao that Mere ie a probability of a " jolly row ' in ciin*ei,ueti( e, wton tfce luoinee* .oinei. to be made public, tbe h. it aaa engaged'in it ba. BBJ arted in good faitb and I- .rip ?iceedipglv dilgaated at tbe susjreeted rei-nlt. Somuibfortte kngliah lideof Ameiiean tnattei* aew to thlngi lu generel. At laat the dreary MIRier trugedy ia oni. Tbe r? Uef with whkh the BM6?Mfl. cafeAsion wua weicomed eerred to ihow hotr very geiieral bu.1 been tbe unea.j. Be?* ai to tbe rpieitton of hii gu'ilt ot inuoeen.-e. There toitin aminority of uneon.erted belitreia in the latter. Tkey aaaert that aa ?B wretoh'e faie waa covered. ai to tpoke alrooat in tbe agony of laaflh, and aa the Bflflrae, terrlble murmur of- the tiowd luuit haie rtn drred hii toltering wordi indlitlnot, that lt ia hBflaaai* kto th*t lir. Cappel abould be abiuluttlr certatu what Me eiact word* were. _HU?I nia.i _?vo iaid ">;? j?t (athan," (lt ii ftiiahed). inateid uf ' lafe hube n g-than.'ildld it)?aimidy qootitif |*<fiptura. Inge aion* hi.werer. a* tbe explanation ii oue due*n't think H probable. The good German eleiByman aaMHatafl na doobt on the mbjeet. More<,T?r, tbe ouly l.itional anptauation of Mdllera coadnvt, from tb* eommiaiiou af the murder tu the * of hii execation, reooneiiinx it witb known fkcte, ii to euppoae hiui te haie bern a niau af aingnlar acrra and re*f')otioa. lt !?> erident tbat '.o tto laat to eheriaked a MBM that hl* life would b? apan-d, rappoaing no abiolutely indiapatable pieof bbbM toobuinedof bURuilt. Tbeiefore be maiotamed a at-ost aeaertJoD of Ln inno. ence. a Mfriere Hight come, eren ut the laat momeat. Perbapi be Brototke walediUtement left behind htm iu tke eon rletlon Uiat, eontrary to ihe promiae of tbe jail ofHeiel*. tt weuld to opened befor* hia deaih, and bia f r* . iu ?;,? deelaratioai be credited. It ia, thao, natural e:io.igh tkat he aheold hare kept bn.-k hu arowal iiil un the gallowa platform to fell that Lia doom wai eei lam J reooUect no murder, a'.tice ttuit of lturdei'. in .N?w Tork City, that kM exilted auequal IflUB??. Th* Trial lnterealed aU fiermaay ai UbBm Knglaol. Y.i tra edltioa* ofthe cl ief (iermati* *f-e pibliahed. with fnll report* of it, aad tbe Kmg of 1'ra.ii* htmielf ia aaid to have telagraphrd fo (J'jeen Vic-iuri*. ur?.ua aa Her Majeaty the expediency of grajitlnf a reptler*. You kaow that liia aol>jec.i atfeeted to tenard tb" .* flgnBuBflBBUB ?i aa invidioui murder. in aeaeeeeeaee BfBrltlak hatredto hi" nationah'y?ratbri ?|,.':rerie aaanrnpHoo. Tto City Aldermrn, who Jiare not apprare.1 to ai rauUga tkmugbout th* affair. aie anxioui to luppren tto docamenti 1-ft by Mbller in ;,-1 u_i_y of tke aberllb. Bnt it ia rery doubtful if tbey will ancceed io tbia, eapecially a* tkey bare contiirrd to offead two thirda ofthe London preai. by g.ring eiceptioflal ad rantagea to partieular journala. Not only waa a re flarter af 7*1* Tinee, alone among tbe morning ptpen, admltted to Newgat*. bat alao Mr. Wood". who w: ot* ttoauignlatij grapkio and powerfol deaoriplion of tl.e Biecatioa ior tkat akeet. A reporter of Tkt filobe, t'jo. aaterad tto Jail. togettor with a geatlemaa wbo reporti aa?aary crltntna] vaaee tor tto wketo af tka Iaoadoo Tm may imagine hew likely thla^partiality i* to i tke eiolnded jouraals, vholore enaaut.tber m naek M you da ia \__nu-it.. or lik* rirali iu bnii aan ail tto worM orer. Acoerdlngly, tbe rorporatioa BBtker:tie* hare been pltched into, direetly and i.idi rectly. To add to th* aggraratien of th* eaa*. ona of Me aldanoen, Blr Ib>b' rt Cardan, ii tnppoeed to be a > akflrakoktor ia Tl* Tiaue nawipaper. Prea all iof ttoexeontioii, the eoaduct of tb* nob waa BraMIto tha Mtrema I kare talked with aararal BBBspapH hm preaeat at it. and aot oae ot tbem bul BBBdaBM lt, aad aeaerte lb* ntter laeb of aB deeent fultot m: U i*; Klizt kmi _tt_B7 :?-; wsj.; u eitedby Uie dtaaal i|4..tati?. 1 ??*? o*-M_aii Id ytm \ \,y Vewgafe tb*, ai-rbt before, and a BMfl lllfll-ifl rfcta-i, flbflaaBa, " uai-ltlM?d rabhB I *bwm mi aa> bMBd MfllBM- iu my Life. There is Bflfl one terui thal will rt-nrtbe tlieir Br.peet-4.11r exprewive adjeoti**, ?Hodfoniaken.'' Ax for v.itnening a I...n(Jon ixeci tior, I went to see one years ago, i?nd that su-i'fd to iBtiafy iry iDJ-4'iity. Xo hflfl iti'm our criminality to flflbflHi *e BB fflfll j llltle about tbe atroeity of tbe l'laiatow niertvhe*. thett KiAex marxhiri whicb all r.*id-rri of "fiieat Expoota tiou.*" ta ill reiueruhf-r. I thiuk we bflM been more-J iiiterested in the Gedneyoaae; uirelj a* BMBflBatofl UfllMflllMhfl i-on.'civid; bii ill-uaod nile Mflflflflfll thebiiihof flehildforno panvnlur MMUQMBafl tt uiii-ht Ire tbe foilorn, BBMpMMMl hflfl of u inuiiii; tbe afToction of a brute wbo had nonc to bestow\ ani bdaf-Bf it up ai her own, t?> ll IIMBU "' a MMMfltlflB*> BMI, and verdiet anainit tho p.itntive bcire.*. Tbe M.f.iH ofthe Kflli lummod.p MlbMjIfl BfMfll bii MflM-flMMJ, hnt the Jury dflflMfld -hrewdly that flM *a' t oftbe alleired father N-BflaflM call tbe flaflMf Wba waa iflxipoied to deliver bii wife, into tbe w;tueailm_, : wae Bfl- to tbe tmth t.f lne WB talk alavj about tho ('-4_riii,'t*jn Diioico flflM Bfl Ba aa-tto-hn I of wliieh see ihe iiewapajierii), BBM***1*-!. ?? Vl** l:'n',v IBMbl-fl " pnnter ami paHJ-bM in Bflfl-MMJ M BM -ffljafltj," ;? nidiicith iinp'.icateil M if- thnughnll BM aoMaeotJBlBMflwllhtbfl Bfl] will Nfljflblfl Kood d.-al 'ofevidi-nc-e MMM-Mfl BflM tbat -h* lai been puiltv hafaaythlflfllaiM Itoa iiiiliiirftinii. Wa ar- mbm Mifl, f,r,_ Mflfl 1 think MM deserves a ipiw'.al I parairnph: I Waa tiie M-BMa fflaaMBaalf aad faraelflM -flfirlnl CMBflbBBMM*4 ff tkt Tth$rtm\ BBabeae ! ihMCI f"r vi'tiia, there to ilexote Ml fme fM-UBfl t'i. tt I i (aak of depirtin-' you a. JOO nr". BflfllfBl Ibfl lmiable j flMwiMj flaifljl n ramfcl one to Mflfl a nu.n-*if flflfl ItoBflflhflrplj a nati'.n of BflflilhllMj waHMMflhMB*! MlthlBl. !??' war-juBt b-.-Hiniiie; n MMyM-fld**flJ-Bfl LibMfl- MMfl flta Tm kaeei. ii'iib MftaB adflflM 'of 111 t fliUMlMflfli"W Ml raB flflrMMaoMffl, or ut 1 lfl-t p..bltah, Bi.y itory of wkktk Ihfly have not fll tamed 'tbeeiiiiro "flflfl*!," MflMBIM bafBfl MflrftoMd t' ' ? I that BBttoM are liao the a bite man of MffM an" flMfl ?i.pliti o!,*nrtic" in tbeir libon*. ln thii flflM-fl. IDM-MM, r.l.AiDi* on Mr. labMaBbbaflWi aflBfliMa tii.UAiiesi--, lTaivt-d l'.flt pnflaM pMM?_M,Wilb?Wm it be haflxirilt MflhfftMfli. WflfllM. Tto ??** me\ ca'.el* ivritlt-n, bflflflfl-M Bfl, B llflfllB f< r t!.i? rotn paii IflflflgM -Mflflto BBflaflMfl? eiiived, il ia triic, but hi fltaim.latari-1 with tbe bnrril'lrvt irr.-_u!ariiy. A thiretitipr public f.-t a cbapfer M two. or Ibre*. or four. | and then w..b lefl ?'(Jtiite Alonn" Kaajiin,.' flfl MN tor 'an aajaal aaMtofl ?'f w.-ikn. Bmm aabfla intert-si ! -liaflMi uin! p. .?*' d and p.neil. | There BfflllMI-. Mfl no IflM flfl MM briiiplig IM ! flMfly t." a eflBfllaflMai like a imflfll BB-ka, it draKr"-'! llM MflT Mflfllh allTflff. iiili-nnliiably. BflflM IfflB M WflMflgBaat flBraifl, aad ? MflM moluion. qrflaflf lafltaflflfoa. Mp.IMmmb v<>i Naabfldj t? flaMb ito ' n n 11 :n ain rtly ai posMbB ' Now, Mr. S.iln, ai ci ery i hfltfj Iti.ons. BfltorMM hi> pli'tA willi tlie MBMMMM ! fiilneai, tioier *.i:tti_iK p. u to psper .the fine.t and I thiekexf tl.ut * Jii M prixun-il ior MflM] l'kl' BM (iba.1 Iby tho BBflM <>f I.ady (ilxilo in 'Ibe IVomaii ln ! AVbite"imitilhehas IhfllfM "Ver BMrTtblaflaTMta '? Ibo laat Bflaa, of wl.ii'b hB****ifllllaajfM FMflflffl " and ! "Seven Soti* of .Marnwon" aro mmrnifieeiit iilmtia j tionf. Ht-nre we may hiiapii.e. hii fi cJini*x I Ile li r jorted M he bo anpry, M iery aiigrr. ibat !,e bn* thre.i:oni.- Mi-. DMftflM with un ai tion al Inw ' Ifl fbere U a BflflflBflUty of MQBhM Aloi.o" MMflMfld in eourt, in flflB r that the Hf-liffl may Bablfl Mtolhl I rap*-etiTc lateri'Bt of tbo narratin-, ireniiine flflfl Mfl. plementary, and tbe nnionr.t <if dama-f dme toMi. Nala'a repulatinli aa on ititbor. I I MflBttaaed i-my Ibhi IhalIflfca ha.1 sottr- te j B'flMfl, in conreiiut-nte of tbe illnex. of .me ..f hl ah-M rcc, BBB*/Bf lix. 1 am aorry to mix tnat tl- ehfld flMfl MM iflflb, flfl* BMflbB Bail. ? '? "? THB BTATK OF KIBOPK. The rrflni-fl.llflliflfl C'flflf f flXtofl ? l-flri baM! flfl Ihr Anierlrmi QiiraliflN - Vrmr. lia Turkiata liaanrn. l>ror* Our Own lorreiponden!. 1 (0BBB - Nov. 14. Ifl 4. The Fiatieo-Ilriliitn t'oiiveutiim is bateathl Chflinber% tba*. B to ia*. only ita n.uiia. Ibi NMBVfll of t).- rapital. ainre MflarflBfl tfl tiie tiinjor.ti of tbe Oeputtei. thei.ntetitioii doaa uot toflflflflMflblMflBfl teney MTfll-BMflflt. it remalna w:t!iii tbo ipbe:? of tle r4>xal pflMflfl-Bri -OB, ail the .jve^beri wbi. hwi-re made ontil BBI treated, tiiat. ?*.*? flMfl-MB Bf ihe BM venfton. wiiie tto tranxVot-afioii of !he flfljBalWMM !fl*vOi.dart in-.pi rtanee. Itixiatlier iMlaMMMflbfll 'exeriliKlyriTei u iliffe.-en' to a iii?u-ri?rit j which ix el-arlr ai.d ibf a not BMtflM BMMttol 1-i llnea. K-rran appioT-i of it a* a rafflflBMaarj monanre. Lfl Marmor.i. lie-au*.- it il ??:.? m.-ntlr BM lerxatire; DOnd.BBflflflM bflflBBMfl MMMtM tOpt iand makex a eflM iliition BflflMbM batw.oa It.iiy au.i pi.pary, wl.ile at tbe tajiie uaie tlie Jtiihopof RlflMM M 1'ranre, denoiir)re' tbeaame (re.i'y i. BBTtafl tflfl llM | of tbe fenipord power Bf IM objeet. Moaolino, Ihe ' fjt_r.Nal.Iian CaaMai BMBbMBi tliititmnxi raniilt :n I the "loaiifall flfl th* .-i*voy dynaily. ami liaioii (om [pairui .leria.-.-i thi! it itren|-!rn ni ib? thror.eof Vi. tor iBaaBaaaaL BBaMfl-flMBflNBaafl tne PreaabKa ' peror t'i t-onf.i.i:-1 I'aly ami J MBM?flM in I'arn, t-w I everyboily faMflrpMB tt-e CflMMflflBfl M adifTerent wix ' ?he bn i-ompletely ?nceef'l?i!. ! ***??M1 lBaaMflij fall flMfl B B Mp tbfl *m*J] af*to I ProKreixr*t?, ha* BflM mfo two BMMM ai Ma iCriipi, Giili*_!di'a ex Miaiiter. o;>i?i#ei bot'n Ui* CM v*nt;.ir. Md MMMflJ of the .apif.l iBh unlflit *iiil maJB: Moi-iui. (ijtibaldl'*ex pBa-HMtototi bn no flfl. V.-f >a '?' !'?" tiair ?)? b_...j oftbe fjapital, but be flfl BMM ihe t.-*at.r. liavinf juit BMMiflBfll (lin.iMi, 1 ii. ut t~!l y n ibat havio| of'en tia-l IfeaflflfflriflMty of ier ingbtm.aiil a(i<! r?oeirir:|rocc_.ioiiai:* MMflMflBB him, ' 1 t-oald noi b_t be greillx mrprixed a' l.'ev. Mtc IVar .1 j Hfer .n tlie Kiigiixh pap'-rt, whieh dHMMM Ihfl Bfll. ieral aa uaxiBf avuipBtbiet aith tb- JuWailoiiixta. 1 Ibaveoftea B,>kea witb h na eiront flMMMM flolitict, buf. IhaBCh M flflM d*-ii!ored tlifl' Ihe abotit.-.u afl j Slaxeix limd aot be-i (he teivilrrt |.>I!i'i-*: ni.?arjr? tt the I'leii'teui. aftar 1'iebeiCiniiiiigof lii* wai, b* BBtaf meuiionedthel-'iiioniuAolhAiaia-ltiinai "f*vii-fri ,ndi " ihiMtbfl BOflflflflMMflBWflM a'.wiyaf'ir bim Ihfl Mfl aiei. Tli'-i* i* nu aiau M B-MM 4**1-' hat-a*-ry laore thtn!''. iie kuawi-r if '|V MfflfBaM ia Brif.: ' T1-* pn?i'l??t day in hii life, flflM he, once al hiadin-ie jlable, waa aiiea, na a piixat**.', in lha a*rrie* ef J WaBlBBflfl bBmuftoroiI BMaBtol atarer and fie?,| ! IT.'j ri-a;roi*<. | IlnlnV. thi-ik il io ait in eipliiiiBlion of 'llfl ltex. lir BmTm***I airanf** *.ate-ieu! flflM thi '(iea-r*!; bnt Kirl UJind Ito ennaent I'.eimau pitnoi j at I.otidon, did lt, aud, flfl MTflfl, h.i rep jr wa* ooniii ? t*nt vii'b bix *?> oftaa out.uoken anti Slaxerx isoti tru-uu. (Ur.'.nidi iooki iio* with ?n*al?r an.i-'r to itjAi Veaet.ui aoaatsin* tbia (o tbe dabflte* tn tba ijlila. I'a.. Bx-nt, lur ih- la*t few day* wn jjut agaiu b ne* sewi from (ladoir. 'Ihe ."iur*-iri'x liava go'-uti ? aorne adTBitag-i ia partial eontlicU witii the Auitriana. tLepopalaion in the pliin is n *,,-**!, ex-i'.-na-i', (wo aew baadi baxe appeared oa th? VeuBtian *>ope of th* ('amiau mcrjataini? and oiirhop** ata agaiu reriverl, the Itahio ()orrram*Bt remiini mll hflflBM io imt movim* i': t'.e pa;.i*i? ar*a aji/*.1 wbi-b t mlaiB ap^eai* onbehaifof (ba Venetiam, bu* the K-ng bifint (o li* ineisy. *8'e oaanot forget hu. *oid? at fllflfl-B MMfl h* ipoka of Caribalii'i ia Sicily. " UbIibbi BmMI io?., io itijiport ItiliaDi wbo figlit for liberly, I woribl uot itnp them." BMl BRiin there ai-a Italiau* iu Venetia who (igbi for liberly, and it will be oilTluult to atop Ifallaai who go to tbeir suppor*. 'J he muforf una, howerer, ii faegrepbicali it ii not toward the Milanea froaii-. t ibat tba iniuiTeelioB broke out, nor ln the reighuoi bood of tlie IM ibere. lt i*. tLar-foi *, naif l<> unpoa-l b> te rsacb them, lince between the reouBfaim of L'a dare aud the Italiaa lyBpathi/en Uiereextendaa broad belt held bv tkt Autniai. *-hJch iMtnot b* crenad hy ttcalUb ? ito Xwkiflb laaam put tWe ?,f tte Wc-ttw.j nationB to &hame. Ibere ia do BflMt thoo|h tbe , Tiherkeig ImmlgTation and 'he tetul failtire of tkt168. ton crop Maeeeaed the expenditurei and dimlniabed^ income of tbf Exchec .ner. BiaBM and the D?Mbtou priu. ipalitiei rfltarB to thrir uatural inglgu'-leaner, r.ettbei the Caar nor Napoleon huving nor imj-latrrest it. re.,p,ning the Oriental |BMU_B. AMitria nenttrn li ?Baai tochange her bome polioy, and to re?pe"tit ftiture the autonomy of the pHllaflBBi but We ha- I BM U MB whether the eflBMMtoaa, ahick at _?e MBBlB n miniitera at Vienna Uai r-r J . erioui, are B-BMaM U ratiafy the Uungarianand OieellBBBUjIfllfl ReTUBBJ tbeee. ammmmmmm - -?"~??"?- ? OMMUBBOBOBAl. HiTTKBI. flBlea at tbr Ht-K-k ExehaBRc? Dee. 6. (7.8.6. hi Cobb. B-ue_-I_Mi-b.m m. s.a- R.ibJ. " 3 l Coap. - 20,001.Il&i 18.I"" 35,000.u;ij;.\iiieri.Mii (lold D.B.IeS4BCoM ^Hlfinall .. Itir 10,006.1<?7 26,000_ 107 59.000._lo? |0,-OI1., ?JB _0<). ..b-B. ei 5,606.jatyl 161...-B-B. Bj Ciirit"!! Co. llll- Omtknl. 100. Kt 100....al_.? C-ntral CaalCo. 100.? ;_i 5O;O0Oa.ta.lO7] 100. -*_ "-'-'?????????'** vniHHin.:? 107 Ameriiaa Coal. Clw.fc-^tt. I0 000.a.ial07i 300. g __*.H I'.s..-.*-,?/lo,,i|-.l 500.-B I BM. < ix ihmi iad. i". 8<'tiitvikill Ceal. i'.s. 6e5-_OBec.| 100.. ? 'i 1,000.100 MM. Mm Oa. O.B. Jo-1iM'(.uj>.| 1,000. Bl 30,000.--'?? I ->?.?'"* Treae.Mte.7 S*lB Padflc Mail, iin.iiiiiAi.tlli; 50.Bl* 3.60.1. II*. N. V. Centn ' . 1,'JOO.? i? JI M i_ i , IB iCb.aN.IV.HM 700.41'. I -im).....^! III.' i |] ! 300....830' l"i ,(i_.-_N.W.Paf. l,.,iX?FAA i BM im! ..Ill 106.. U.S.r. | I yr.etft 30H II iHH,...".. '.i7' Erie. Oh o4tMlaa.Car.l -aa) . 11.?_ i IOO. -_H -T,i IH CM. A Rad-Ie. ....1191 _i"i.|,M , ioo.HU .Tn 'XI Cler. 6i Tiledo. .liu lOBj |0 . 10,000. 3-41 aOOa?a-.. 93*1 "*'.'."?' Ioinhi :;.'?' loo. ?.':::,rn.lttir* P,-m. 1.,'fKHi l.iu ",' IKl-l,t*1l. 9311 -..||B I N. Y. on. ra. ; :i"0.**t B50. ''' in (-,-,, uo iHmtooa Rirer. MiL __? P>***_? 'Alt-aT.H.IitM. U00.""_ *? ....... ? 1'O um-.ll6i|Pitt.Kt.V. *0. CltN.W.lMM. B00.Ilk. 9P0.? ' 1 10,000. 8-1 Roadlnfl. ?"' '????">'? ''; 1 ooO . 9641 500.. all. 135 900.1? MeG.fcW.tatM. 200....?30.1-*-] CWc to iltoa. 7,000.77| 100.1'v-"'. IM-W jkl-rvh. Kx. Hk. 400.IBM ....... -- BI ..j OK I :toO.136 ('. A AU"! pr-!. ! 560.1361 '."H?. . '-4 II. int ,] Miaal Mo Mieh. CeattaL HrtiapolitaB Hk; -.'.hi._ 35 |,,i,.l.fl I I?. l.o I 1"".W ???) M.r-'i ' BBOBUB BOABD. r s. i'.ami (',? p. u.T.tV Biaa. etAk < tata. B PHa. 50,000 .. ..Ill i :'.".'1"" .... 33J -'"?'? r s.r.t- ..iH'iiup QBieknlTrrMii 50,000 aJa. 107* -.*'*). B6| 300 .. 10,000 a.ta-107|lMaripo*a Min 700 ..16_H 180,000... in'". I"". 36 ,( -i-B N.Weat. IS KMOCoua, N. Y- Ceii'ml. ' 106.. ..b30. I'i 50,000.W, di .. - . 191 Cl i.i-N.W. 1 rl. 10,'OUO. 99j llndaouKircr. j 'J00. ! >| l ,8.6s, i rr.Cer. 100. 1161 Clere. A Tol. Iiiikm ..'.. ?>;., 56.IIBJ I"" ??.ittxi I Erie i 4iai. Ilo CM A K,r?-I: lal. lui . "T. l-itla.Kt.W.6 Ci '-'.bi ..alO.lVkH loo....!..-' ''??_ 160.1":: . IH _30.ll MO.M.AV. ll..'- '? I. a_ (;..i.i npeajfld *t UB iabl _f i.j'-M'i. ani etaaeB M XM|. TheawbU heebeM tfuO, aad?m aab. ikj: ,.;.ri',1, u i^.w ,.i tbaeperaik u M Oea. Bbiti au anl i-.'n- Dt OafenuaflU Bleeba Ir duaaad, aad tt" .?.-'.?(?j t,-l| Kt Kj; l _ 107^. The |0.40a mM ?t tt, A:! C..ld-l..-uring iMflda ar.-tirtnl.i-l.-id. BBd lb* -?- Ml wiii i>? flaaata?j laaba_ta it n." nueoe ta eealnaad tba? ae aea laiiber leeaa aiU toanda. laiailread, v.itj liti:.-1. .i.iiiig. Baah a?akaan ib idy, ud ..:i.i..l ui intiing tata. ('".il UoekeeMadi tat (Vntrai,. ?* t.tit edrsnea nn* paid, aad i{ t'.r ('....!. Bew-Toti Rattvaf ^,B aen BBapattad Hadaoa Kiv-r f.-ii it t:,. tmtt lloard t.. lii>l. BTeetarBRaBaaf* wwn i iiuio bigiur, bai Iben ? - ea hria bajiag. si-'. a* itaten .-ir., wjitmg "> Ne wimt Mr. Beeeea?ae ji[,ti-riilatore<-..iiiuiend. and BiB aM kflj ..-ry fr.-ely lif keavy turei.iud a ladl I UfU hl tbi v-diii:.' '.f Ibfl leanaatij bi* t<. n Ibe entarM tBaeajr. 41 Iba ! MH.jri.i BeeedQuflaraaual aMekauaiel tcben Tbe i n-w t-tkt aaM ati'.;}, aad etaael at Wt\. Tkt Itraaaee?uu la Ibtoelai- le-?ij Imtb '?? r?j ' larg*^ ? ?aale bea?a lan iiifeaet 84,006,000. More l UaaeflHMa ia Rmwb l.y laeeal vton " M t_.v<e a line i..f giiveriiiii. i.'.," aad V11 ' - - g" KorM. neeii |l_e tLe .jnotation Bari'-I. ?-?-. V "kulver aold at BI)w_Bi HudMJii Ki.'r aeeveek, aad eBbred M lll... Tbe WeeMBB IUI w.n .lu'l a'd no 1'irg |-B_?atef Mecibenn I toaflMfllMaavfriewbai Hot"'.' eoaiianei abaadaal ?t ??- '?' pM eeat, aml rn iha ia?e *t"< 1 baaa i an aenaad bum Ibejt oaa aee. Lae?etaetV aaitiag bbor Hu lYteaaij rei,,rt, aud will l,e ? L'"v.-.u.-l :?. . ? r.:n ?Madaafl?i. U'tbeiaBfh letrtMBi preaaptly eela ir, trd lepenedM Ibe preeeal _neeejM *t.i t* ?uheriaaa af tbe lataraal i>ren,ie Dafertanat, than wiii toadaMflfld f'.rail Ihe aben benda,aitb ct.rn'-ji?'iflteieat, w 11 uaij M aba aal tl.e leaai. CMnjmm han tlm* iar baaa aHege_ui t.,.. tinmi tu thn wav 9t taie*. ?nd iar klhiad ibe j-eople, aho liare Irean tea.iy M faa ajiv lax. N,"*' ttiif Ibe fina.iciui eaeettna tu tt I"-iu.t la aetBeM, ?unban willbe rt-mi-.a ki ilieir duty if a flchuna la nt.t :id',|.t.-d which w,!l briai baan r-. ewey tatM tha I'.i f ? it thfl airm "Atly. IiiuaI b- pa.d tor aa lt gl/r.oU. Tii.'f"ii?*.:ir abetri the eeeditiaa aflhe Xew. York cilr binki Tbi* w?. k md BBfl R ,, .? Prf. 1 Iroetiti. 6i9a.-TV,-H6|l_rM-n._o; Iar .i,,'!-.,., -M. ?-*?-.',?) IK lo>. ('irculstioii J,8t;.,b4H ....i'-l), r.l Dei I>*pollt* l-J,l.*-',-.i*4 I,j.',4 t.'.'i'.a) ln, Int r of lAt i tam Wpmtt C aMaflaa, amttkmnite, 4aBb /j ?)...? I'i'I'Ii.' Vr , ).... ;.., '1f,..a*f,i.',.i, .a,i/ il o_fie.l t\t t ay ilu ? .. M4.4S7 *.'..:f_'7 .4l.IO.74-.' 'day. /)* uj r i '( /' ?'-* A'fia*. >.*.*.? IflBBaflfl A?at.,i Haaia o( l.-ana * j ri|H(i' I>.I r.l" | I '? .f i ? i *' t 5 B. ef H. Y..|*^**b*,IH| TAM.riki '?' I*. Minm'tu, . |jMM,Mw I.IH.THJ U4.B**, Mar bi.ila'. I J.r.'..4'li; I.TW.'Biljl.l*. ''?' ' MmI.bji. ..|.'.**a..?nr> S,t:i |,,,| 177.IHl I ni'?.il,auo,iB?l 6,..l,81 eu,eo7| ,;..,, A,t.?i. i IflB'flMllfl, :i.'..n .' "M IH ri.aBia ... ILBB-.M , 4 ".'?:*?? 711,1.11 j.|l,l*?..ia_V Tiade*a_'*.|l '-uu.iair, Kult",..! ).". IU? rbamleol.. M*ii:l,.g.l. Na'iu.ll . . II'.? i I'r M<__i. 1 lr' i f.r.t* *..t. ' I.r .*- 1 M" laananl I ao**_*tJ awiaaal ol . rt I ,' . oi S-r..f | iii* . ? | IL , ..I'I ' ? I T !?; /-tr, 5 eat tti.1 ,7 144,:1 ? w.TU 11,884 I.M8.484 I I.HSj t, i-ii,~. Abl.'i ?7,t.'ll til.Wli :i.'i46.7IN . 4,r,itMi ?. a ..Tl| ;?:_*?. J-.H fc.ltl 1.M8.I ?'..or.- r.,'ti7.'.. -'..44,., r ifli.ifl ln "'. l.'fM.IH 1 ",17;l 1.A4J (mi| an; m ?Ai ?,....' _. MTIfllSI 1H,?_(I il00,ljO.i 4,".4'I?S7 i.?v?,r. I |,UMM| 'i,'.7i.-i'i in.a.i l.ravi.ivaii, ?.:i*f %i| iii,:.:. MO.iaa); ?,j.-o.i|7 :*i.0M i t'.r..i i ?no nttyt ; Bfl Ht lai.fl.-~' HB.B71 1 <?-.,. H I Ml.Oftji -.67,7 M U.MIi IT.Ob i :ar "tt; l.u<7,V..i ~'B*.:*8. BJHvflHll.l?',?H M,M(, -*.!|i r-t,. ,. a.m.mj 4.*i.<.,jt i KB,anl i7a,7(ii I ..if Mla.l ?"'." ?, Hk. st.N K.IIMMU Am. Kl, h.. yaavona i.,,,,-.-. .;im.*r>,|l.n".,f*a, *)-*._. I.'-OO,!*/! ., Har*aMtl*..|lflaR8aa1 i:,".,"_.iw i Parlti-.I ay/.-o?j ]..-_"- Ml' | ilk lUpjb . l.ixaj.noo. 4>I8,889 iM.nn, i t._..i;-| 4!J,_an t .nir! i no.aral i,un,i *t IWnW -',i!7 "4' :**i,o..f). 1...:., 7W i CMtkna l'*?Bl*'....1 1 ti. Xmai .. I Hmbhi I Irtiu*. | MrlMfru.- B i ?Tfi/?aa'... Haau-i. I Vl.l.r,. j .4'. Ni.l,.... I ttt 1 l-th.. I I ara Ki b. i(t,n'lt,rnll. j Cnuraw'th. Oiiaiii *:.... HlH?*. , Alia,,:.. ..... *..,i?ai. 1.144,11.1 to k Tr..ll.M8,0lai| i.7*i.ll*.| Paik.'1,(100.1)0(1.11.4-0.88*1 M'f), BA.., !?*,(-?, I7,:..7.l KXlilii1 Jf*4..'?J 400.0IW| l,*rr.?",7 BBi.WSl *.14,?>'-?_ _wai.n_n I I.IH _5I aan.oon! tm.rtuu' los.uTi !-.,(jrt;' i>onii?, i,i, i*a,,ar(>, i. .a7?44j 1 l-liO.-JOOl .'.IW.' Jl? IflBBflMJ 171.'.'^* 7:1,0001 1 a ifl.ioa l,:-un,?-). :.,i**i,.a_*) i.i(m,ooo! a,:irr,i? |,flHflH| 4BCI7M T.V.'-uOi 1.IW?,40.I ho.i-jo' ac.'iit. 4*0,0110; 1..11 l.l JOn.OOOl 1.144,11 /.:i.i?-,4'.' 33 117' 4,H1I,!*B i'j.rf1 7H-t.i.ii I.t.-ij ;,4_f__a_ .-, M I.IM.HB 11,864 I .'."!,_-. 4 .V-V| d'i H, III: l,i-,.i,(7,. 11 anl .,?./.'.??.?? Mlll I 4.1,7'.'. I' 187 l.-V>7l J .,.7.",4( /,'? -i,83 n,4ii| i.liiJU tA.i-r. 1,40), 13 i?"i?n_-j 7Nt?.fi?a) ?(.*?' 1,111 ;J r.,VJi |,h7.V,i,I4 ?J/14, -,1.V,,JII trtifff i.iaiju W7Mi' i,147 '44 IM.8H 2..-...,'_? 17,71.4.11 .' *l ni IW.l'i, U,IM>,_4 1. ...(ii mflu ??-?,?74l I.".'L4HB w.ijji ?;/.:tff (-B -.11(1 .1 110.718 ?4 7y..|0,.U8,7ll '?)". *??'....I ?N.Ri.a,....| laat Rn.r . 1 .Vla,. 1 M.. Hu I. ll.ld I OTT U'.f 1 .. _,.}'. Ce...\ 11.2:1a 4,.va 71,114 lOfl.U* A./OOI, l**,?Vi na r,7W| lc:,t;*7J 1 7ii).4:_ I,'.17 "Of 4.V..IW iflnflu na, 1-8,1.7 ii:._A Toiai'. I Total Cipilal.?? ?-.. ,W1M'Z4--iTi*i!i 1 UaM-MM-rl-flmM.W|B>a_ta. iCiiri'Mi CBflBh-Ea. n5:0,5-11 ID.-P-.I'.. ito.iTi.fli , Cfl-riBaflBWaM endir. Not. 2*..?????!'*" & |t|a_Ahfl.foT?ee.Xe,.d,..|L>e-. X. "5_HE ffl tUlanc? for week Not. atl.. 17,24-.61.4 l? BflflM- f*t w**k -r.dinf D*e. 3. flflMA" Kreights aredull. The cugaj-ementa to Livfr ;>ool aro, 1,200 bbl.-. Klour, at fd. 76 tuns Ba aa, 10?. al.-. 6d. UB bbdfl. Tallow, Ufl. 5bb *<? Ileef, -b. :w.; mid por, 1,000 pkpe. BottM nnd rhee_e, 45s. To London, ?00 Ihl**. (lil Cake. 1.. (id. To Kristol, -0 tuna Tallow, Stej Ifld l" BflMB-B, '^00 hbda. Totjaceo, fl*B 6d. The bunneM of tho Siib.Treasnry was: BMfllflli 13,431,981,1., f.,r eu-tom-, $1-I'>,000 -, piiyrfi'in^, $_,473,%8,35i. ou nrtount lnrrn, |Bfl,t8fl: hflMflflfl V.'.ltll '.r:_,4H. The flfldy Dry (J-iotlb tcle t?>-th.y ?"? BM ?' v\ .Ini.iiliiiL', Hn-ruet d.- Co., 1 hiirs ilav. 'I Im OfllfllflfM i uuij.nM il lotsnt' l>rer-s (,'ootis, Bofltory, fTaaaa Ctothfl aud Kid QtofM. _.e. Ther.- IflflflflMMh moro buoynnt fh-Hflfl than ha* i;,t. iv toaa i-xtiihited. tho BBUflfl babaj _ctive,__d tbo BlieM flMa-Bfll ?howin._ an jilvaneeof 10?1' percent. Men'ail'iiih glfllM Mid fr'' ly at oS-B ;oa.-e. ami flBWBfd, M ftdffl a> $1 07. W'oolen BflWaaaddiawaMrflflffldM t'<'ii*'?,': the idfaaci in flh.iii not bt-intr"-.** PBiflM-lfld, $1 92\\ searlH, $1 fl.'*fi$l X>; i l-mih-l. |l 77|. ribbi-il, t-i 181; Bflalfl ihUfl Uierino, $1 lfl; an.l BflglMb M|bi nuliiaa and s_iitui|* Bflffl Mai tMMVJ, tho r-i: nu r ut $1 i.w$i JB, Bitb-apli-atM, aadtha i.i,-: ;,t B|BdS|B-T|fl. Iha mB ofhid h_B?M Bttraetod MflBdMflbto Mtoalioa, Mfl im cbfliM Mfiaad bj Btacb iM_Hi Bdtofl' ablM l-<'-? imimU i.v BaMMfllaM fl" G0B#1I ba mt to?ai bhab di.. $11, RJMtfcflMB- flMOrtad BflM BoflgM $?-? aafllaflMflfeolorad$ll ??-; Bb_m' ? i.i.k Bai gaafl BbiaPiilfl, Jaala aaha, *n, ?ad n**"rt"i <i". |]? -.',,. DrMflfoodfl, ibi rto, toad-arabiefb, aer., Mid |BlM ?''; hi ji-.n-.n i.t::- ? '? '?' M ""a * luotatiaaa. 'ii - httawiag i ifl Ihfl ? ? Ib M t' i BMhaaflfl Hiii.iers.iriiii.iv-, |8J|; BfltrlaaB*,* *B*r*i Hk%\ Iliniki-ra', adaya, lll; RflUMB, MR| 9e\ 13J. -JVILI.UAI) F_4RMN.? ->OVI_!Iu I . INtf.'l 1MII. ?'" *?**? Mi-htoMfl-taatrM... M_B__ l|J*Ji" -:;?;;,. I.o.-. Iil-nd. MUM? BMJJ '?"-_' Toli-do aafl Wal'ivl..... i:i4..VJ BBflM *'w'' iii*' Mirlngiiii (i-ntral flflflBfldl I rtnu.lune 1 to Det. 1. irtil....*?"_'___ BMM l i,.e in IM).. l.u.r-,44) Incx.aie. ?it-'lt-' i iii. TflBdfl Ui'l 1 -h.i-h Ri -^1 flflBM i-: 1 r.nn.lan. l to Dae, 1. IMfl.????? >;' ''._ MMM BflM MIM?. L-flhMfl Irnreaie. tl.-J.M-i J!,e K.icnie nml MiflfllMipfl Road f)..'ii*'.l ihfl thinl llfli lil NiiKUrlnT . BJB... .. fjlfl/'.tl | MB 9l3,y<* luire*>e . I-', I-t.'' 1,.- Oiaafl Tnink- Kon.l .-i.r:.eii Iba wMk r.ndiBf Si... i ... .fl,-.x,.ni | MM.. ? ? ? MBfl lr.. reaae .IV-'1 rie MMlyoM lOatag ''"? ,,''''*, 'h" BBflwlafl lifiii'ifi-ila'. ,'<> he pald ifl floldl N"4-- WW,6Be, llfl, i ti,:..;, :??'.. M-, roi. llfl, <-", '-"?". 9L9, 99, 90, tili. |H,nfl, ''I-'*, I.'i". BJ,! t*. I'ii, Bfl. i:i;'-'. tt\9n\ Tha fcOowiafl ifll ^l..<'* the wcilflfli "t mbbI toOa af Miiifhi.. trom the .-j. "f !...'.IgMBmto li., . riilu-r 1 ni Ibi vtarsi inilii utn:: IM ... 1.'..(".r.i I IM-.?v.i-'j'..'''. ..,? i.u-,":;-1 IBM.. ..n.i,.'-( Tli inlln* ing is a rtat.-in. nt tt thr MBfll toltn ri ir.iMi.t (l.i- ( alla rm *? .'tl.'e in It.iiivl.rif N( v, ii i.. . im.iai,.! IBC-I: l.iie I .f i|0. "__**_, .|i BM .'?: ?".*-? '.". ?'??*>? M :_,., ' m ?? .a i.taa. M bflflfl ? Tha foalowiBflcoMparatlTfl fabli> irnniB rln- ?aaa ment. ol' brf". if (.'hieago from JflBBBI] 1 to KflVfMbM 'it. ii: lt-.ilui?l ltStii: IflBflk' " I Nfll7 " IMfl! ' "l -*4-4. Mi.tir. bbM. I U-*'.'.4'. l.ia-T.0.1 t.i.L '-- t ,ia..-,.4'* V4'l.e,tl ln ali'-.'.-l 'iii-A.,i?..i u.i/,i..4li ll'.4.-4,'H-*.* Corn .??-.',-.'.J. IV "I.I, M4 H.?'.Xfl-6 11,117,97. nu.. I.MflSM 1_.MJ.M_ *kM7.9M t_,0H._M Rye. '.-: 1-4 MI.MB MS,B3fl 'i'T.I-l IUr!fi 1.1014*17 71'_eli flM,Mfl :1i:.Y.? ThflflflflazadflflfliM ehow th*. neMpfll of fl?'*ir ainl icriiin at Hnftiili., Jir:'iari 11. |)**cniil* * 1 in eai li u' Ii.i !.i?' Cm] J '-.n* inil. Ifflfl iai;;. .h'a. M.I*... :;i*.r>."'2 -.? r.'-'tit V.**"* ?-?7 I.r. 4,1". 4 VVbraf. 1-iali ...4 ."..-..7 *',i":,e-.i; *flj,|7flBM i:,.*dti.J3; Corn . ju, '.?'.ii.;i V.l,r.'*i.t''r-' -0,_-B.?3" IO.:iBd,S.B Oat*. J,.-'4.47'. '.',.._ r^i "..'.i ,!>_ -, '.40.V4'.' Ilflrie}. int.tftl i|.,.ii. uj.''-- 414.M0 iiv. . taeijut ci'i.cet *4.v.K?) ;.'iv..i47 Al'.'l lha fiiMiiwiiij.' t-hoaa Ibfl f/SpOrtA tt Bflflfl1* hv <*::'lr..iii IM-Ul, to HMMBflM I IbM year. Fl.iiu I I18743S Dif", Lcal..U.MfljflM, bu*- ...16,lai*.t-B Hi.ritT. I'.T.MO ('..rn .. . '',''.V't>'i Jti* . ter,ir.i.i Blliai il |f IbM nn j;r> at.-r imiia tar. bfl J* idflffld lll Ihfl flb'MBMIfll ih.iii hy MaflingttMBBfly |e HMMflB M MBBflflfld .mall or l-flffl, we eoflrr thfl !..'!i.wii_ _MM I I; I'., i a Koit /i'juilr': "The >"i .-I lbfl*Ix*lflflai**i ?ill i.nw. iftM ruiikiup a '.'if-iuiilion l.iiiu *>n tbe _--.'ii bflBflfl, ri-ly fnr a flMBtb or two ui. MflVflg th>' ne* _BBfl >'i 7 ti'-H) 'l.'t.niry notM. a B""'i flMflj dflflcflipBaafl ot UMm mbm have bflM priv.-ri, bnt from thfl Nfflfltfld .n-|u r.<l il iniat'ii'1 bl fi.eii.. BB flM 1 Lt: i it ir |MfMtoMpflM -MtaflMMMMfli 'Ih" n?'W 7 i lo I r.-an.ry BMM a'e ali datr.l Aeg. 18, 18(1 TbflJ 1 ovo il.riw- ie*'a r<> run from tliat .late. amtftMO la flflBMBlBalioM ,.f $r0, $11*0, l-Vklaiiil $1,<*bJ. K:?|, IflB bM fllfl ijpBBOfli aad tba a ith balf-jaar*BIbImiMB pejo hle with tha MflflBflfllf on Mfl ISflhof Aflfaflt, IBt;,. A i-nup*)!! it pirahle evi-rv lil fltofllbfl, tu ait, n-i tbe j.vh ot Fflbroflfa MdAifuitla M_bjraar, 'iina int?-i*i*at jb tau flflflflfl ]t-r I'iii on BTM) |M bmI i* iu currenr'.-. linne il*v are MBMtiflMfl caRfld Cerreoeof y flflfl tkwtoo, Wbaa tlu i uiature, r lie* bflUMflflfl t*ke the Mflfl IJ". aji be , an (..Lieif thcm mfothe .'i-'JO Bl MfflMltfflld* ii't.-rni bflfl dl. ln revAjlutioiiary and BB-artaifl linieA like thflflfl, this Bflflkfl (<> tole tbfl. flM My ifl flagaB, l-fla", M lo fako Hk.' Ml Uiiidf. ia a pn*. MflBBOi tobfllflBtflfljhl Ot TLiie i.fftBpri'diiie in tiie three years thej- baTe M ru_, $-.'1 !fl). ifl flflf. reui f, on ?'fery $100. j4 i-4..' bond j,rodu< ei $1H ir. p.Id. ThflB tbe imeeiiuin ijiu-ltion B?hflWbiflb i*il! ?'nid raiiK"' <>r flfflfflfflflflVfa| the tl ree yeara IfgdklafflflflflMflflfl,? $!???**_? Bflflfl, in n r reiii-r, $..('>, nr $11 18 MMfl tbflfl a * I lDiiote, Inil IfflBldBBI flfMflfll 099J Ui l?r 'he lhr>e j.'nrfl, flii-n B.Vjflbonil will yield in eiineucy Ofllj $.'? 10 iii'.ie tbflfl tbal B-iOiiote. Thereffire, the 'Ten.iua nn ii Mt Lniid MUSt b" BfltiflflBfld B-flOrdiag to tbfl i pneeof fllM Bmi flfli to A_k'- *t. i*,;:. t-V.-re we fn erpn>A nn ii'iifjion .? to hua niueb a _-'.ti h'/iid ii wurth iimre flan a * --10 note, wt.-hni.lil flflj*lt fM MBt. Thia n-bhn Ihe bond a lutle lesa Ibflfl I p*T Mflfl preirium. for, in bflring It, the pureh-MI Ime thfl heuefit nf the ar crued liiterrnt .fmin Rflf. I; ,while the purchMer pai* ib.. Imi 1. int*ie*t nn the 7 .t-10 rct.'B. lt ib true that tha purchaser ef these uotei geta a rehate Bl | 4uiiiniiBBi..n. Alter uakmg *U theie allow autea, aeatill *>ay thflfl the _-J0 boiidi at 110, and the 7 :M0 noUfl ut QftTfllflflMfll I'"*-* 'I'4** BB^BV tereBt lfM i MMMiflBflfl), aa etiually ridii_.tajri IflfllfllMtflMflB Phoflld the 1'rendeot il bB nie. ttagr, aad the Ra retary at th^ Tn-aaur*; m bir-rf p*,rt, fortil.adiiw the liiiA-ontii.uaLee ot ic'M i:.Ur ?MhflBdfl, ax ii is eunlider-iiy BMMtfld Mlhafldfl ?ei: ?j n Uf wi -qrirti. ad iy wa; ?'?*,.'i y*u. >e tnh' u ?t .bB rate of Rur _ two ,? tw0 aud a balf! iiilliciin per day. Ifno r _1bn p? bearing bonda! trt iBtiiod, 7--r0f in cifrre ^Cy wjjj ^ ,n demaud tel in. !?< at eaeeee-Bg R ^ w*nt8 of the Dcpartmont. Thc antbracitc BU j tunnage keeps np rcmurkaljly well. The BmWmf j_ f?r the rear now MflebM 9).r.97, 08 tun*, cgaiiit- A tjtttjtn tune to ibe fame ditto \ mn}mM' ~lt>r'* aa Iai laaaa af 503,4.3 tane. Th?| -.?ft8ouir)i''rtrjn(:its t^tm$t___\ tho BflUBfld fl?I h?r(t f'.r.jj t? tbe ofeiiflf of navigation bo vory ?eeb .onfinedto inch MU?ttttM M may Bb MffRed ly t>je goae?, Tbe aaaeta are eketag ?p bt thc *>a-oTi. Hut ft-w boata rituriiirig will veutuifl on, another trip, unleia the weather ehonlil niod'T-to j BMghfB an- unusually bi^b M t?I V.ubl; $1-0: from PMtadalphia to Beetea, aml $. 40 from New-1 Yurk, aud but l'tw VB**Ub are ?UUb| t" bed --*? at tln'Bo rati?. Adtl the lreight iroiu Mount (ar bon to Prrt RiabUOfld, f:i, and it ni.ikcs freiglit from Port RMbflBBB? to itoatoc, |7 83 '-ii a tCDOfcitl. _ (Adflflfl-toHflM] N_Tt(,.\.vb CUBBBBOl BABK, OBBBBB .J* ll?01BW*T AID VV'lIL *T, NBB YOBB. !>._.* eitiot rriy w.ii *rer[alij i" BaaUBBBM HHi.-.-ea, 7 _i ,0 r.uta-i, 5 Hfl K'40a, and _?_*a of IMI. MHBBB, ???1*, io, ni; sute ii aaty. tatonfl ?BibM on aen rta bj *p*t ;*i __!.*? _.....'. Y. O. Avtut, hailtoM ) >. orinij. CMMh. JAiltf '*?? iu. ? -.) I'.ik FOI BTB National Uank ,-r TBB CITI ".2H??.66.000.000. )Ti.amtai. AeBfll or r.n. I'tfitTD iiju.,-, Boa --'7 at.-d H l'me-at.. H. Y. Thia Ikank lia* i eedj i?n *ule (nllow inu thc eflBBtfa I,. n 'i, parvtoMH) l'- 6. . _-M Bona wbi. b at matnrity are convertibta iato a ali p-r eaal gald Martag loan, wurifii.t*. eertileatea, wflanagj loaaa aml .ii.i.T*. aad alicB-to to aB Inaaclal toalMH with Gorera inrut. Partk * wiakiagto arfld tho detoy an.1 toooa >?-i..ii.(.i uf direal in.-r"?i>on?!rn,'.' aitk tbe Depeft nra- innted to nptdv fl Ulfl Hnnk. m'.jkkisKe:, ih ?i. Pin?aal. 1> W. v..i ..HAv. Caahtor. -? llorkela I iKirri.t i ItEroitTrtj roa": nr. I V. IBMBflU UoM av Dea -*j. IIM. I A8HES- ire nerkil .* fatat*ead pgieMeieaeefll* I ?B. (K)yyKK?Rto Baa toeaaatot to laar. but i* ntreni. ty tirin. ai.d kaklit* if nrrufiy lanaaatag fclgtor rate*. I LaH on Stitiii'Itiy rtrnttiir iotne l.l.iKX) Impa uf Bto were laoMto tto trade aa pairaM terma. Ofl tor kladakaea | Mra m fatr rcnnafl. aud nre aale* <>f 4i ll bafl LagaayraM (.'a?. auR ?-_ U-o bag* st. DautafB m baad ai tte. , (XlTTtJK?Tto taatairy toa toea rary moderate to (Ibt an.l pn. r* ara beary, UH-Bf at alotit 61 '-'7 for Mla1.l1lll.-f. ._ _ I I.clT. _VM> IUEAL?TTM market for AVeitTn an.l State I itmr Ifl IriaatTive, and ander Urge arnn.!* atnl tbe bfa. ir.' as ta,Ce, pr.eel am 106 15c. p< r bl*.. HVrr <?. tV-lowiuul n.editim Kratlei: Trade aint lr> taaadt aaiIail, but uuihanged; tbe aale* aie:,'^1" 1 hki at |9 3O66t*30 f'-r Boperflae Stata-: ?'-' T.'.rrBl'J f?r Kltra >U'o, |10 636110 IS for Vwatty Iflate; lio.r |!U 40 f.r Ito lew e-.fti'.i-a tf V. eatrrn lixtra: 610 tjo.i 6H 10tor Hhipptag (>!ii?: *H I6U811 f.-r Trado and Kan.ily bren.!*, findlli_*'.4 -.'5 for St I-oul* Eitra*, .ii. lid'ed in tto Bbora aal-'* are 1,11)0 bbla. Kxtra ht.ite. I leitoi '"..ptii'i. Iafl haHof Jaaaaiy, at 6-'J to. ('anadiaii I K!oi r la dall and 16a. iower. the deflian.1 ia maniU f,>r I the iow gn-H Mtl'-aof -J-io bbi*. ot _'.) ?6?|10 .... tor ! tt,.- toa gtadMof l.ura. aud 116 tSflllfltor Trade an. I Hiriiiv Ki-.ib.. S.i.' llonr it alflo dull, toaryaM i IBr. !''_ier. BBbB -I MB lfbl*. at eiO.'-JfiBli 90 HJ I Bi?-I tu ?"ia-d >:iti.-rl,nt. I ountry I'.aitirco'.e, Ic, and Ifllv Hi_ii.:. f"i Tra.aeaiid -amihf braada. Hye Floui I .* duil aml biwer n.lea of 136 bbll at *> W" i-\I j. ('om MeoliadillMui Mary, at 67 50a?. 7.*>f?r.I>'r**y, I and fle K'for Hran.lywine. IliltAiN-dur Whrat i-.arVef iabotter MgfBld, aM u;dcr tl.e eoatlaaed lailaiitoM ta gold Mtoaa ar? i.. .i> aad :,,w.-r. tbe daflaadtoaatatof culliQg. th. BBtoearB*a266bM-a In.'ltiiling H-06 I'bi.aro Sprin) att' K-6-I1M. H.fllOABtor Clabet625-*kl_-t an. I 1.000 Auib.-r VVeatrrn at 6'.' 4.".a6- 4~. -fcvtaj i? BBM buttrin, ?* of ^.mti t,i:a.'.. crime Mat* at ll.-'.. Bai l.-i Ma,t'!a Srui bul qmef. (>ata *r<> HHB **-tiTe aui are bettct Ito mlea *)?? 160 000 bwh., ii.i!ndiii,r .'tir.a di.m at ' .'.(i'.-.v., We*tern at glOlall,. afli-at, am BtaM at Ma afl:- Ky* it qalet au.l Uaafltoi aale* a '.'.tti b--.t. WT-ati ra at 61 ..V afloat. Crn ia extremeli dull cM ia tosry and Ne* lower; tne *alei are amall W.-airrii Vlur.l at 61 Bl in itore, and cuw ..rop Jrriei at fl '?'._ |1 " tbe latter more plet.ty. (il BKlEfl arr aatol and pnce?are aon-inai tt Ma for (T..(t. and .'.'io .)*'??. fur Bag*. HAV ? I Im in.iuirT .untinue* fair, ai.d the c.arke firt. . .ryr- of :i.?, l.aira at Bl 4" tf-61 .4) per Ua) Jt.? 1111)1;*-.?llobUraof all deeeilption* an- tirm iu then ii.*.. Ufl the baflaen 1* only riioderatc: we qnote K.< Uraade an.l I'-u.-tio* Arrei at tl a-.-x-.; Orinoco. 31 633i iv rto CabaB_al8w6-a.j Malenaaaa, S4B2Sc. Mara.ailx,. -.-.i'i'.*H| vera ClBR 2. ??><?., Sarajulla iH#63e Drv VVe.tem,'.'.rfJCo.; Green S*Ited, Cofla tr-. vv ni.rt. ..i.d i .iv at . .j a 14... aud (alcuttl Ilnf toto, BOa. Ilnl'S ar?- ir. fa.r reciieai for home nie, and ihe mar l*t rn'.. * t.rro, laleeerM balea at ?..-:*<?. fori'om ninn Ui iTiine aad r.'o'o'A-. tor KairtoCboiee new. HULAJt-Hflt?He aatoa >.f *ny e<)nae<juence are re ! ported I" daj, I -i.t l>- .1 nr, -:./t:ii .teeil.f. HAYA L BTOHKB bib datt aad aaeaaagad j Begaoti I Spini* Tiirpeninie ut 6v lOURBBBj Bniaa, BB3aU( f..r i'<lauaaa Btraiaad and No. 8 and 6.T.'<r40 for Na. l I VV kitl an.l 1'ile. Tar. icvrle for l'on-eitic, andllinf IliaforKoreiga. nll> araajatoi bM pric. at ll 40 fur 1-in ??*.', tl 90IM Crude Wbale, 6--6?-o.'> BH do. Spertn, fll ".',al_ for I.ardOil. PBTBULKBM ia qatot, bul withont nartitular . haifge ia l,7iiee, we ijuole Crude at 4-'e : Refin'd, ir ta.nd, t-rat'.'r.. and do. free, att*-<J-9c. wtfhimall*?let al the iuaide prii e. PHOVIRKjHB?Tha 1'ork market i? fairly actire. bul pr.o* ndi ii.niewbil irr*galar and nnaeitle.l, opi'ii IBRI *.< v.i ai.d ti-.l ut our toaaaS flgurea. Imt BajBBSflaBwIj Inpaoree, and . .,?<?. itr..1 at Vi r f.-.turt id'littiv we hear of i.iit-a ..f ;V00 bbi*. Me*i (lr_j:_-4>, bnrrr ail tho ir,.,n(ti, ,t f ,4. bbla. do. (1666>S), *i_.r Janttory, at fl3".; "x-0 bbli. do. buycr do., 6:17 .vj; 1 tam hbl?. ('..., 6--. ar.d .'OO bbla. da, buyer bia nt 6_6-6 ll.r ?*l.i. iiih and regular way ar* .'.-ii bb!i. at 133* ? -4 '.'-? for Heaa (IrttM), and fl.?._i t'M 'Jf, f.i l'rime .Me.*. Bve/ l* dall, heavy aud lowvr, tla.nub pri.e* are withoct ijuolable variatiou, tbe ra leiptaui* tafflBj ?alr* nf'.'.VI bbll., ln lr_, Bl *-*'-) Hfl ft.r ITam M.-aa; 6_aa*6-4 for Kxtra do. Tieroe ll'cf fl n.ifUfraielr aattVBj Mlea of VOO bbla. at 6J- lor I'r. .e Mta*. and t}H Bt lr.Tia Mei. Bfl f Hums are tirm BBfl ifl fair rri,ueat, ralei of 400 bbi*. at 6?1 for tWflflrra. ('ut Ment* are nioderalajiy aetive. aaleiol liOpkgB I i.-tled llatna at .fo. BotM lednll. and iu ;h?- at*-1 n.-> of a*lee prtt-e. are nnminal. I>rei>*d Kng* aredafl and aaekui we quute at ItifllSM. for city. I.a:tl ib BtBfltf aud :u m.rderate dernand 1 aalea . ' l.-tij Wktm and laa at 164*61.--. for No. 1, 'Mi.*i'*~ikc. for fair V, Steam, and V-'i iridt: for Keltle. 1.1CI--Tka itij.i.rj ii moderate at about former I Btn *?*!?'? <>f 100 tti. l;'*.n aad Pataaat 13}_ 14c bKEDS 'J ba lappb ?f ( lov ar r*eed ia lighf. and the niarki-' ta J.rm at Cl ar Me. Timothy ia lalablo at 6"> tiO-j ff. m t both. Kough ilax 1* ln limiled di mand at |-; .-j '?t ' tt) per bcah. BVtkJkttk? Ib. reha* been a fatr demand for Raw j Sfiirnr* fri.B-. retltier* and the trade at toll prariouajratee, the luarlet 1..- i.g rtei.ii we qtiote Bale* of '>?' hhda. Cubaat iej?'.TJr. priui-ipaliy '.ht j'.'J-.t.. and IU hhdi. II rtn li. 1. at '.4-i. lU-fiuetl'are qeiet and iteady at 9?c. 'er Hartta. 1 AI.I.OVV?Tbe niarket ia more actire, and 1* beUex: Ikaaataeeia??06B6.M l7|WH|e, for Weiteni, and r,,b''e,e fori ily. WHIBKT?Tto market U fairly a. tlre and belter; Mta* ei l,_8B l .-'? at 61 '(<r fll <M fot Weitaro. Wool -I-mi.-i:;, Oeeeee are In moderate dernand. lu.t tuer* ia no *??< ntial change in pr_ee: we qn?t* a* f.-llowr Halile and .- Mer-o at 61-4) 05; i ani i do.., ._'.. o|<o: 1 ull lilood Mii-iuo at HO..'.ali ... and SaioiiT Kieerea. MaWfll IC Pnlled, ntttto, tor No. 1,, andl?j?6llor Super and Pulled; CaWornla '-';"'tttSe.1 bVBaaaaaa unwuaiied, and frOi**-jc. forBM do. Korelgn d*B< ripti.tia r. main qulet. and ia aome iB*t*nce* Bome holdeiBellirbflyredtii-eil thnr nnotatlon* toeflrrl eaire, we. uofa f-mrrnB at Mfl 4.V. forniiWMhe-1 aod .*v_iV70c. '..r veabedi A'frican .tmrJov. for unwa*he<J and _0?75<. :?r wiiihed; Fuat Iudia Xftt'.tOo. for WMhed, and .South Arner.ia ai MW60B. lor common waabed; boOCJo, for r B BaabadaalMB?to.beeawu_eBeBBa_ C1TW ITK.HIB. m. t. TaTcH-HoCBB iKgPECTiox.?Mr. Nathan SirgtDt. tbe Commlulonar of CBBBUBi toa retarned frem a trip along Iho Canada btxea, wkere to kaa beea to put Into .ffti't a tyitrm tepretent tbe larg* aaount ei iBitiggling wM.-h bM been reeMtly rarried oa totwren Canada and tbe t'nited Stetea. Tboeyitem (HjBiiita .11 haviuir all '**?? loadad nadar the *n perrwion of an eibrer. and tben tto eara are aealed ap witk b it-?.l*a aeal. for breaklng wbk-h, Ceagrfwa enaeted a lereie peoally. Ue al*o took a trip along our i-oaat, aicompanying Collector Prapa-t, to jut )n foree a ryatem U prcvent cout amoggliag. Bi.abd of St pkrv ishbb.?The Board of 8u pem nor* met jraterday altf raoon at tkrM o'cloek?Mr. Twed. Preaidenlof the lloard. in tto ckalr. A com a. ur.u ktiou wm rftdied from h.a Honor the Mayor. bii i liti. i-i: Ike ni.j/rol.n, of Hr tieorg* Klliof ef hia _'trl.L Ul _*.?--? V.' liv gft ir.IU.Ct, Iii fiU_-*U-6 I.eopold Itindrkonf tofiU tha rat-aiuy to tuai Thi Board aoeepted tne realpaBoa of Br. KUtot aafleaa firmed the Dominattm af LeopoM Rindikopf. TM Board then prucccded tOMMider tbe **-ai4*-anoMMi1 in of inspectori and i-antaaaart of eleetion i_ tbe Taneiu dlstricts, and to IIII by otber airjmiiitmenu th* vac uri*, n>nlting the-nfrom. A lUtenient wm recerred fraa the (todlroUar of the appropriationi and txptDditarxt on county ivconnt (inol-ding Btate taxea and xnppli-t of Mntropoiitan I'oiice;, to Nor. 30. iw-i. Th* auh are a* foliowi: 1 nexpendf-d balanfjca, flflfl 31, IBO. ?>(..-_ 11 A|'|irupriarioni for 1864. t VA.Wfl I Kii-n.liture. toNov. 30,18C4. ?4.P8H12SJ |, Nov. 30, IM4. 1 "BS Bl 11 Toia!. B*,4M,TB 11 ?frriiL *roor*TI inJiiuiii... De.-. .11, la.... fll.I'lrMN Ret'Aip'i, Iiii. _!____* *? Tot*i.flagamaa PfiTTnenti to Nor. 30. Iwo*.fl 10,t3__.S?_ 01 Credfl flataaxa. Nov. 3<), 1864. l.i%.3i* 91 tMd.811.r_5Trl A BflflBfl to pavtlie salaiiei of tto iuterpretertoftte ftapertorCoflrM wns loMafladrrialoa, and mbtr iiu-itit r<-eoiiaidetTil und laid orer to tto ncxt meeiinjrofth* lioanl. The lioard rheu adjouni'-d. snbjcct totbaall of tlie Preudent, on t lie recomme-datiou of tbt Ci*_, Uiiaiionri' of .V 1.11*11! i'ax-A. ??*. ok AatrnBisiicp Htonra?Tbi* ? xplemlid work of nit, of whii-b a detailed noUe a ibcrl timo ?ini*e app-arrd ln our oolumna, prepared bj ordxi I of the ("orporation of thii city, Iha bevu. plaeed ob ?x j l.ibition. fr-e M the pnbiio, at the l'i_no Warero-Mx ..t JuliuiBam-r Ic (J.i.. Na. .44 lim-dway, where it afl 1 -11.nin until tbe -.-tb inat. Tho boura of*exbit)itioi ut Liiween 9 a.m. and _ p. a. ? A Tflfl KEARSARflETmiMoN'rAL F.NP. ? (.'aji tain ( 1 -li'l'-fJ II. .larhiiaU, tlie BflflflMM of theCbunbei of <MflMMM (.'oiumlttea on th. ?? Kearsarge VMflflM nial,'' liaa rcu-ircd about tweuty-Uie thouiauri doltart lorthefund. .-tomeof the xub ciiptioniaren-ite i*rr*, Iba followa: Atlautic Muiual li.suranca CMMBfly, 14,000; Col.mbia Innurance CoonmaJ, Great'Wixtcr-, I BBd BBB, aaab, flflflMl PiicihY Mutu-I, |730; I'Dion, I Ntw-Vork, BflBMMflfl -lutuiil Comfianiet, tach, , I.'"'; I'arili. Mail M-.uiihl.iu 1 ..:..|.any. OUX A. A. I l.nw A iti"!., ??*.*'). There uie MMM lubfl-ripiioni ol MflMM i-ompitiiies and MMMMita tirn... r.tuy.uytTun, | fll.iO to 9'iM, aud a few of I'-na ar... ui.t. Any wbo i.xre , not yet aubm-ri-ed to the fund n.i are* todo io ! nre .:. -. it-il to mi .I their contrib'.-ttons to Capma Bir* aball _ flfl-M No. _. AflfllfBBUflTf OP TTIB ST. NlC*.<-I.A*i i**0 ciitt.?DM St. IBMBfl Society of the city or N*w York will celebrate iti aniiiver_.iry this eveninr it | Delmonieo'i, iu Fntirteentb-at. ilm. offlcers el*>-t wil! b*' instulled at half paet Lvco'clo... Tbe BflflM flfl ba MfTfld lt isix .y iofk. , Profkssor Ooldwin SBiTn.*?Pn!i:?$or I Goldwin Smitb baa arrived int- an. Ue is tbe ? of Mr. Kancroft, a_d will remain here tmtil bta depart I nre fir Korope on tbe 11th inxt. He ii to reid-a ptpir ut tho montlily meeting of Ihfl BtatorMfll So. - ty 10 I m-irrow eveiifng, on "The lliitory ef tbe UaheriKyifl 1! Oxford." ulfur th. meeting flM u._:i! *o4,i_l F'thtritg I will take p!?.c. BCLL'S IfKAD, Monday, Dt*'. **.?Witl Mfl/ ; tfkm head of bullocki in mark-t, MMMfl lookeU .'<>? an Mr [ 1 upon rutei curn-nt laat Monday. Owng to a MflBflRFfl-a*BB>flMM stock, it MflflflflJthattmtehf ripud 1 a liiade bighcr eaily in the morning. Witb that cxc*p iion, there waa not any adviiuo.-, and npon a!lcU-a?! br ' tuw the lirst owners bad to rnibu-it io a pA-roeptlbleileelin*. I and b*rfore ni^'ht good. fair, mediuui quslity rteeri tould ? be had at IflflTflflflM a ponnd I'-sm tban at the saiae tia.i [?fl dav Monday, u.l RflflRflfl would not i*a_ie a ' MiM priee per po"niid, they bbm - nior upoa bujert in II the ffctimatioii of weiahts. WbaMflaM botcbert wtrt 1, Mfl aharp to-day. Their trade '.aet week ta reportad ' v ry liiiiii. ItoaflMtoftofl tn-ea "itivky," flM tle [Icit*erowdfld aitb?bfl_p pouitry, wbich bu lea-enf-l ' tbe" demand fnr Ix ef nearty or .,i:i(e !?'- per eeat, ' aad that ib wby IM liiflit MBpi? todap i* more (Lan af* | ? tivient for tbe di rnarid. onf" w hy - j. a nnu muat bn upon pnrchai-r*, or elie fail to Mfl their sto-k. Th* geuvral flrerflffl ..u.lny of flflttM iu mukct tediy li alrout a* it haa been for tte laat fhre? inonlbl: the Weatern iteera have tha appeai.e* o( hai ing eati-n *eri little cm^, ru d riany of thea ir* in.* v.ari olil. IbflM flaflal i('dl4e. 4P ff. net. rkaMOlM anda flne qnahty flfl Htoera ifll at i.aiut. tloiiil fat Stei-ra are ?eaice, and BQCth leatlSo. (.'hrixt maa bflflf-CBt-fl teirlii to flflMfl in. (*ne pair to-day ia j beld at over-.*xr. 4/ tt)., aiidl'*-' foi th- pair wm rt ' 1 fuaed. liovermnent regnirCB Bfl* ct head '_0 tbia ar-al, 1 tobeahipv-*.! ' to thenei|thl>oilifAd ot'-iavaan*h.' Tto r weather .. soft?.'iear in the BMBb g, with a leok aid Ifvelofinow toward nigiit. and tofltflflflfl eloiex with* j few more left for to BBIHI, a: '1 more coming. 1 Ler* ia nothing eaiouraglng (hi* Iflflb to Ihoa *Lo ar* ' boldiug iKH-k a riie.' 1 lie Sh-ep market ta not as eroaded as if wai Int Monday. and priee* are a xhade better. Sbeep a.erxr liigrle-'llX) 10a. iniii at 'ic. 4? tr... a:?l xomeealt'd ai'-t gi..d at r*e. I-amb*. r.?"v. 4j? rh.. and extra, flflt. 'ibo Swine u.-rket is u?l <|iiii- ..a strong aa ia*i weal. ' The weather ia warm. aud buyill ratear flhy. flM i,-. in ri.lli, aP B.. li?c weight. lIlvTBSTln.X OF TIIK STKAMEB CORSICA?Thi ?teimer CMMM wii detained for a brief period yeit^ day morning when in tuo aet ol 1-aving for Nanu. Tl.e itoppago wnmade by ofliccrsdepnted by Kurveyor IVaken-ati, aud aome flMflflttlM flflM Martbil M_nx*'i oflii >-, who proeeeded to ei mine tbe paxiengen ia order to .... rrtaiu If any Soui b-: :.-**, iruplleate.! ii tl* rrceiit lirea. or anxloua to rai-ape from the mililtry BurveilUnro now eiercisealover.iii aurpeoted perxoMli I tbe city. Weia on !> mi'd. One of t: em while MUDB-_f. j a* ataled. to i-icaue irom tbe veisel in ? boai to tta New-York xide. waa protnptly taptured, the oBctrt l br.ngiBK him 111 tLe boat to thi- city. Ue tu uktit* I Max-JialMurray a oflice preparatory to belng Otti b> t Gen. Dil. It wm 1 u'-'.ri'il about th* ('anarl dorks Ibat a wi tf (ien. wxa on tionr.1 the OMMMt and bto eaoaped. TM atnauu-r, baviug been dalai-ed a. out u bour, tt.en depart**d. The So-itheiuei urexted ii aaid to hare b<t- ? - p> role. Board 01 ALDi__iB*4.--*-The Board of AJiler men rret xeiterday afternoon, but no c, be:i| pretent, adjonrn-d witboat iran**i ilng any beri flfl l'ROF. Howb's Rbadikgs.? Tha Wrtllld tt ]'if. J. W. .**. IluiAi 1 popolar ooune of ?ei.m-i tii be giren tbii (Tueiday) ereniug. at (ilnten Hai. IB ueieiiioni will b* from the I'oete and Ibe wrtiafx *f CbMBfl Dickciis. A large attendaai-e u eiptett-d. RiCRriTixG.?Tho bu-iness of rf-eruiiing h*? ?omewbat itaikened, wiihin the tait few daya, p:ob_Mx on acconnt of Ibe aptii-achiiTg elecUon. Oaly tkirty were enllsted ou Satorday, and tbe namber to-dxy BB falr to be atifl imaller. The numbera daily e-lixted tr* Bfll about e I'lally ^ividert between tbe i-bxiitutea .* the voluBteera. The eirroliment of tbe city, ucdxr Superviaor lttunt, ix be'utg rapivfly poxhed fefxard. x: tho floe rooma Nu.. 71 and 73 li.une-iL. there beiaf ii ready a large f-n-e of copyiits rngaged; Md proBM.' befoie tbe cloio of thii week. the lU-raogeaeDta wii: b* i-ompletr, when it i* thought, a thomand men wlli ta itcadily employed at tbe Uata. AS8AUI.TKD AT4D Robbkd.?Early* on MoBdiy morning, Mr. Hiram Tibl*eUB, reaiding M >'a ?*'? West Twenty-seveu! b-it., weat into the laloon of Itab f rt Jnhnaou, iu Seventh-ave., near Twenty ri, Lil *'. and called for a drink. While there he waa ael i.)*" ?! the propnetor. Jobn CaiuiiMi, 1'eter Itooaey. ttXt BoGuire uid Jolu Dar. 1 ud healen and r**bt>d tt bn fold 1* atch aud chain. Bia criej brooght to h_ 1 :d tk? I 'wenty-ninth Precinct pollee. wboaiTeeleJ fh* rif -am. and they were commlttid by Juitic* Ladwid,. 1" detoultof 11.000 eacb. |A_T*rtlta-nielil.| . PiAjVO and Tablb Covhitn, N?w Stylei, n Kairrx, Ne. J ?!* Broadway |Adta-tit*B-?nLi WlNDOW fHAI'lut, 0*11, lUllan., Ac.i bxw xtyle* *baie PtxtnTei, ?? NdMM _rii-_. li. lo. k i. B. KOutO, * No. as ir?xd?-?; ?. ? - ? IflflNMtoaafl.] 1-ACB CCBTAIKfl, Stot Tettian Style. 1 .1 re, *lt*rf. u L.LJ, B. JCblxt, Me. ut. Br-1.? ?.' | AdwerUaaxnent. j PbthiooItO-IY; or 4,The?fluBian FaceDiriDe." At B*w Syiteni. lljot, Eart, No*e, IflM BaMb, kktol, Hur, llauda, Feat, Skia, C*axpl*Bi*B, Witfc *H " ?-?***? ? OhMMflM4* aad " How lo R**d,'' |rx*D iu fbe Plaa MBMBMa J-r_*i__f*t IMi, | Avifl'*** -.i.u.. letkkn l W flua, fla. *WBlaMvMk B< h*