Newspaper Page Text
Y01- XXIV.Xo- 7,4G0. XEW-?ORK, SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1865. PRICE FOUR CENTS. FROM WILMINGTON. Tke i**vihiinr?e of Prisoner? Their Fenr ful < oniiiliini sriret? ol Itrhel Pri? ou !>??? l.ood Order in lin t il>- -?.??? ? i I uiou ?n nt:::i? nt. gnu. Uat Special I R ,imi..,I' g, N (' . F*u\ -"? . ?tlTITOl OK l'HIsi'.NHi.S. Ar-ani"laPtntta hariiig '"f1" oomp*1 ***? ?** ??*? ?*? ' v, ;\ '?: ?one ten thousand of our men by exchange, at a j - jut ?''i :..i aktrva i?Xniiiigtou, tbe steamer jajres ?'hti?topher. thi? tnerninir. (nealvodon bsiard ut the bridge, and bwaajkl down |oaM f?'ur buadred l)?;iLg the day eel i n to tka i i iknrof l^antkoaiaad, ?nvactuaa Iv?, ?aaiaking from tka Rebel line, wann the? |sss.d (vom aanthrltveaoa mir.? aadei thepmtec t?. n af tka "'.i fia/. Tie.'.' mat an a ?Mat ckaatr thi |>e?t shieh their \iastr,'. ?i.-Tgie? i.ouhl irive ?.ut. when tiey c ma in BlgM u] tka star-;i:ni Btrivpca, ii. baaJ earr."! a White flag inf. ,- '. I da l.i:..I-n:ne Ani'-.i ?an ei.- en lift, i'hi -c D aa re; re ent nlmoi-t. va?j j nt ti"C. file preit I"uiou ?rmy, and re Ham nearly every Ftate. They wept wi'i j..y svl <"i they found tbcui eili" f:v?' from the BtUtoI H of Ike i i.y, and gnilia l'iuie Ssm?i Brotant tm. iii ?ana;raneaaal pvaaeaakaa , ??? ther tunic ti... t i'.y, eauiad i ikuttdet of ?metarj MBaafl aBelaaaaa nu'i pmiienlarly ataaxag Iks t ukml ..ftii''". ? r.ii'l u en, m ho fi.uial, hue , ,,1 there, m DI old ?on r:i'i?'el'ne ?Ufitlt.'liee, ?ehleed :>? HA rnhll?! li:?'U in a.?re iketotaBB, anil almost beyond re ?" Itioa? Turin ? iiNiiiTrtN. All s'trmpf?- toili'M-ri' e Iba tmntUtioa of the-o re lessiil pri-uners woi.'.d uln-ily 1 ill. Na pen e.iu do it 1 -t te, ?i:J if it could tl I ? loti would 1)0 proiluil?eed an txuK'ir- ra'toii. lmairii e a BTBtN ?vn uf a tlioustiiiil laman i tdaeawalking In tl ia fui en dlinestkraufb the ?lietts if XtW-York; tkaiff kOdaOB WBBtB? kB Batin aVBxl ?bone by stsrvation and t?-e B*B| helf I BVeffOd v.t? l?lli.v lap?, wklek iwarm with v?-ri-iin ; half of tkem withuu: ?tat?".' ba i? Ikttii h an, banda ans] w hu',? persons au biAtkt'Ltil t.y ?lu.ike mil begilmed by dirt that t'ey ? " .bl B BU . y t '? il.-!, | liak? d from liai i? ?BUB , tottt r ir.g in almest infantile woakxeaa, or inpporting t ni another a? tley kBOVa meekanleeDy al,tri-, scnrcelv teemitie' to n.i',71' or i" euTOYabaTU tkeyaN : and you bave a faint idra of tba IWaUaeed I nmn prison? er? reetiie.l la-re to-d.ii. Aid IkBBI urt :!;?? It .?1 aUBM sent nd lirsi probably to make a gi I ::iirt ??i< n. 1 anw ta lay atoat-kaaiatal meawewp? 11 irdaumeet ?jen atatai ibe doubly died vfll liny, lie stadicil, iieudhih rralit-nity, tknl 1011I1I we treat humanity. BIS1EMA1IC till lir\ T?ii\Al.D 1 Ni-W rRlSOSKKS. rksmaaeaeti tl at the BeteU ure m? tab to dt? uny lettii. if ga?? M tka bant tbap can ?Jo fur in,i::kit,i!. then .-urely the l',i?t.i.--l Cm e.lcnuy ia I pon I? 1 at leg?. Hut it isfah-e. All tei.elirl pri-fi,. rs t! .1 ae knve tahi-n are ruiui?t, weh- el, and BBniBjIltllil , an!. Their own eitizens let 1 aaseital BO (?ay in ray hear ing that they eouhl tl?? b.-iter by ?Mr Bffteaaen If tktrj woobl?ilmt thete ia a sveiei'iut.e *?atafa tu -luve and murder s ir me?, 4?neuftu tri?a Mr. kV nt. ?iti iBlofllgeBl ondeen?! lufataWas ?thl e ?inforit ed theSi rireoiiati'-d iy that Le ki ew thatseotet of our nun 111 liehe', ho?pitul? wl. re le w.i? hml lieei innoenbiiet'. with h,.? p:,n prsTie. and th? ir nri.ts and le^'s taken BtT The ?Inte? rnent te abnoet ?ans tir?ie, and wnnM be uuMs m bat ?orf'"'. I . .'r-.'s of waste 1 ?nd dying men ?bo UlV Into onr lines after long month? of in.piiaonment In ' bull p< us ' and ither ]i-,i??iiiB for exeliange. For ail this we return good ftr eiil. Win e.??- tl.e trejttmert ?f lltiel j'ri?oiierB in oui- hniul?. .Sot only their jihyiiial b,n tl- ir B ental pon?is have given way under ?he teriihle amlp't'longed suilcinirs. Sniiew,t|i wlmn I?r. Bn//e!l etiriTer?ed kml a d;m rceolle, lain inly of the Bkm 'hey had be.-n prt-oners, hut they tvaald nut !el! their ?.wn ramea, the re.'itnent they Lelunpeii te, or the place of their birth. Ami ?e tbsxri wan aa aUnaaas ?a ?wi-ettnt for ihia Terr?ile itr?o?il upon tke ?BBlalpoami They hail bci' detxented by protracted suffering aial exposure, hy iajk of i.ouri?r.roent. A VIU; ffjtaft. No wortli can ?leseribe ti?u 1 orrura ?if the den w here tkl??? oi four bu.'ilied uf our si. a n.t:u WUffU f'nnd in this j,'uiie. It niore t e^.rly rotenil red h pig-?iy than ur] ?plaue i;.!tt;?lej for the i-tre if the sitk. All Btaaatkxn to tbe er.iiuiiry trin.tary regulation? aaeau to have keen abaritleaeil; the ?iekweieleft In their helpless. Xtee? m 11 N . tka?toaaawtttoeoiorad sin ?kaal mat? ter, end IkU whole-?is; ?11 ha.ent Wnv bo revolting a? to c*c?r u.e i i,itor ta- tan away w ith lu ktkkaj -""I horror. Bstaa ?ftkeea tMaaju I bnve Witnanted attb my own aje?, li-J theilioreipeai? irom jn'isuutil ?.mm?edge. RKLHF. Tbe I'irector, the Medical Irsp-etor, ?be At atatilaln flniRtoa. tka Cammlaiataia?. Quataeramatara of th? An. v, ami members M Iba ?At?r- al bava ??< n ?tide ?tigible in makiuir preparation? fur the relief of theBe ?gjtXT cr.fori'.nat- ii.eit. Iihs! .s t?:i..- etMkad H rapidly ne po??;hle; cotton eis?b j.ri?euie,l to make ?huts, ?otbiog oM?iiintl wlierevtr practi'-ablo to supply as i ffjujap a? iae.?:t'i<with gfirn.en:?.. (?1 the two thousand ?dii-.tiy it.tiveii, akonttwarra hiinilreil n?bonUa to ?tbear trifn?!p''n, and most ?f thein will be sent >ortb tkn tke nuirnirv IHK tVOIFI TO COME. Tbe worst ana? are jet to eome. Tkaal will Lave to go into h'.u.t s and churchee h"rc until they can be aofBeieTitlv reeruited to go home, Tbe H. B. Sr?'iulil!nir ban BS Iba the Xorib to-morrow. Bbe will esrry some three iiiurtrerl tick and woumleti. and a part ?if the t-xchnnf/eil ptlueaeta. 'i he h'.ti r will ke laaeVad in Annci.. II?tka ta tuer be earned t<? New York. THE COVlBNMISr OF WILMINGTON. Iven. Schttfielil bas i'l'ietl ttr.lers tor the iruiilnnce of aSjjnBBtB In tke .i-lrniTiistr 1'iit'i u! their BBVatal ileptt-t ?ente. Ai delicate, and, in ?iitne cases (lilli'ult ?Jotiis. H'latiug to t!.e totemment of tfce la:/?' ami xnixul i "p ojti'.ii which h-is su' fallen into I'nion kBaakttUaiai wbttl? more?the rjMatioa ai la knar fke] gire to he eu-ta...eJ, may weil lux lue aiaaat hc-iul. Tm. iiTv (;? iiir. Thnsfarthe city hou been jterfectly onlerly ?jaiet, in fact, t).?- cit./?'tis . :e :ni.-t airreeab y ?uririseil nt the improved coinlitlun nf nflairs. Lient.Col. axTayes i? military I'rovoat.M;, or ('nn;maiiiler of tkepoft, andCol. ?Iiff'lan hsikt after tho rolice and arood tinier of Ike rat?. Tba IfMtk Okla bnad t., daj Berer.adeil IkS nt-wij-air.ied l'iiioii BlktaMaa the kosj.itt!?. CM' N ri.EM.NO. There are some unmistakahly Iniun inen ai i wt.m? n In Wilmington. 'i'i:ey h.,ve inflUffod i.i.prisoiiiueiit Bad f-ers?M"'.ti'in h al! fur^l^ Lbff Biall ! -1i.i.,g ;hc.r alien: mee to lio oid fing. All Lou. r to lia-.. I mail refer tu tbem h' i?after. Ill VVLAilll.I!. Tbe weather has been warm ami Spring-like !ur a wees, io-i.iuh. it ia lainy, wiiL a ?.troug ?vaana from bTM i? ixeVV/eot i a 1 rom ( Imliannoes. Cuaii ?no.SjtA, Tkafftflfy. March -.', >?'. TAr itautti 1 ? -11 ?_' 111 \- ilctails ??t'tlio eaptare of tLe I?eb?-1 ?awi H-iil 11 men at i'lapman'a J.ainJiu"; bekw Kint'?ton on the T?-in?-? ???(?, by seven Tctiits seennf. ibe yawl aras nrti:etl with torpesloe? tabaattal ?to tbe deetruiti'in of Barevaammt i reyaity, The pott? aere Tcg'ilarly BnjasrayaJ |fs] a? led uuder tL? orler? tsTthe Bakal ?favy 1)? partment. Tbe yawl was buil'. jtllicbuiond, broui'bt to BrUtcl Mi the ears, placed in the Huietoa River, and moved Ikence n.itfll. Jo.ira t? tie place of it? capture. Tlte;r ;;.?T;;ctions were not to de*truy or disturb any ?hing-until they got Ijolow-Kingeton, where they w?-re to de?t.'i y i be |iaiHBBmnl transports. Tbey Loped al?. te deetiey the warehouses, rollinn-iiiil?s, Ac., on the kaiik? of the river af this pi ice. ice wl".!e eiter?r?M kraa ia charge of a sciemific otticcr. Tbe telan, were chagrined at being Outwitted bl fcsif tLe.r namkag of atatuane, aflnff bavlag mn tkt gaiit.'itof the s'ildier? at Knoxvi?e, Kingston, Bad Other J . .'.'- .' I liiU'e. ?Tttknal '.o a- .? rriUai .lasi.e ! the (uwn "f l'a., m Ht Kl. it r . ' ???'.:!;i I :i.,,l |ka**faa Si"! ?ciLtu aV .-. u ..;?.- renitllati :.'.'.ie. LATE REBEL NEWS. We Inri-I J.ieilIMOriil BBBMBI Da Weil lit * BBd t 1 i,i.iph;e eitra.ts from t? o: IbDxsdsy, the -''L m ? Wtu ttatoS? i'Ki'M Nt'lilll CAROLINA. Turn The Whig Msrch ?i l'Oi.l, Y! in b ].?N.i Y'irAeesliiive silva la this ilin-etiiiii from Wilmington, other intcllig w kit I, could be eomm Uli at- d is eoidrabiind, but 0 encowraging eboraeter. Toe Ctwfttlerste Met Cbioktunauga was ,|. strored by ber erew to prevea ?'rum falline int.i Ike ba'ndl uf the n"iii). at 6 I'.urt, la Caps Fear Hiver, rjuiurday. ?Sue is a wreck. [Weomit the flrst pari of this telegram, relntii si,. rasas Bvrremi at, in ?!> fcreoee to a retro? M m Mm rartoaa Journals iu J.icuutuad iboBl tea dsya i -Tin YYuto 1 Silli'KIKLU IEFOBTBE fllHKKD BY BRA?-? Frmii 'lin I nijutrtr, .Mureli 3: It is stated that oar ?bvcea under On. Bracf* si.-dc-ti in obeckiai the fnrvard Movement Will iiiiriou noder Scbofield, on the Will Weldon road, and tl it the latter had advaoi ? d do nu r than North Best Brrar too or li'tn-i. I iles I thai i>. Itiathought thatSchofield vlll try toeffi j n.. tiuii with Sherman, tin FayetterUle, perhaps. From 'Ihr Examiner, M ?reh S: We know trou. Berthera peyera that Iba enemy o pit a Wilmii gt in "ii t .r ling of the 83d nli. t e I,?? train l"tt, ?i .?? Wbltworta Battery, planter! let freai and Idarkatato.? vas I eaetiy, who had appeared 'pun the oaasaway oa veston aids of tbs Cape Fear Biter. Their amia raau* vae tbes ohecked el llligator Creek, boom skn Diakan poshed fent ird, but were drives otT. tr??i,s r?'tr? atcd iicru.?s the northeast branch oft Fea;'Bivera! aoiiskaowaas Big Bridge l"tr> Moltoee' lent. It is aald that mir ii? attempted to bars the raOrt>ad bridge st Nnrtl-.e nine miles froM YY ,in:'rgt?in, bat VOM only parti successful. letter .uc"tr?ts .?ay that our turns checked Ihe Ibrvard rnovements of the eaemy th It m it i- probable that Ueaeral Seii<?ti?-I<l ??ill nexl the faretteville route, or attempt to ? ti??-t atom with sLermno. Since Bhermaa has already beea ported ?s moving ttrtrard Chsrsv, tin-re Io boIb* piiety in Indicating the opiates that this maj I movement bj thi lank to iweM the Catawha rl below the railroad, aad theses mote in charlotte ui tie e-.-it'-rii bank, or :: n i mesa a change of fri witli the intention to reach layettevilie and M la ei eraliea wit!; Bcboll id. FROM rETrRViu-Rr,. From 'ihe Funnnur. March 1 : We do not burn that the eneiry hss made any f.trt nn.v.essai in the ?. ieiatty M Pelsrebarg. Hut it is si certain that he has not withdrawn Myparttofl ?d files DO lia.? BMSVed to his left; und it is not? sunn. :!iat he desigOl a heavy tlalik BMVel ISBl some dista !'-;n li'-r di ara th m Ihe scene of hii late optiiallose. i:r-i..vroRi tmen rs on Tni: way* to oha.vt Wi have infini]:.itiim that un Sutiinlay 1 (Meaty one tnaspwrte, (MBtaladag SOSO tneee, Aleviiinlrin fur Fettresa Monroe. The.r dtstiaaooi supposed to be Qraata lines. MIRTH i.KtiRi.IY. The Wool l'niiit niiiil is reported to hs fo pleted ?a?thin atae Bdtoa of At'.ui.tu. I?. .tun ? the a fortified Jturt now occupied by the enemy in Mo ????or-e-ia. aad lis ferre there is imorted tii uni? tveortkree brisadas. TMsaawwe af what ra is Yankee "cnn< tiost." ami bv wliHt frsil MVSM holds the I'oniitrv te has overrun. B here he is only a to place ?Mr?: ami th'-re a itrsggllag gnrrirun. LoflSIANA. It is stnfed in Mt'l'ili) par?en thai Trice is i eroHlag hi* army near ShrsvsysaTA The legislature Louisiana is in IMsloa there. We bava areaevelof the rej>ort from tba repion the Mississippi of a c?mti'i.ipUt''?l attai-k upon Mold It tostated teat thaa fsr forty thousand Yankee tr?>o BBVS parsed down the riier. ' hands nf ciixpiukhate cavalry. (ii ii. Ki!r.e?t ig busy rntyrgsnliTtng ull tl cat un ? in li.e diatrict of Mi??i??ip,.i. Koat Loin? inn ??tat We?t I run. ?a., r 111 hie ?aawal uttaa. bee -laaler Mint the illegal olVSBdBsltoaa of cavalry poiwin through Ihe eeaatly under various author.tie-, i rue? ig in zed ?as legitimate, ur which have been by t prtMer Hiithorit.' ? re?"!...! nm?t Ikj placed regule and prepi-rlv in the BstVtee, or driven fioin the count! He says tBSSS BIS in muiiy nothiug rati nor leas than roviiiir bands' of dOBMMiie, sintpgi?-i burs? thieves BBtl rnlib-i?, ? ho con.'iiiie the SObatSXl and appropriate the piwasnrty ot MtiatBM without r inuneriition. and who-e nets of lawlcsaneas and crin demand a MBBOdy which lie will not heiitute t?, ??,p| en n M . if riii,?'ion. We arc indebted to the eo**?rteey ef the Southern R i m -- BBDSs tor tote ?southern ao>psn. By dminf in mm kiiriv a iiiergv, the !'? ?nirt c i itinue, to ktijt vp cuat.r. i, .. /, ?....-??-.'.? HMMNi; TROtil'fi. From Th Whig, M r< h I: Qsb, ii. d. Ili'l l.uing In tn iiuthoti/ed to rai?e brigade of mount ?il men in Sort!. Alabama, ?ill innk t ;-, keadi|aattsfa altoraataeh at Risse, Georgia, aa (.udsiltn. Aiuliama. fliBt noBBistard m- aotboria (leu. Hill to pi cm I um un DDsBOMy Dad paidmi to ail tl. men .in) roserl] at.??-:.: from their commands, mho inn join his brigade. PRi'H TRANS-MISSISSIPPI. In a military point, ni' tiow, evervihini* i tjuiet in the Tran? Mi?sis?ippi. 1 he Rivers .ire bight BOW thaa tln-y have been for rniinv year?. but Ml B| preheiisioii is feh of alnnii iri.-ttr?-.? oi by the Yankees, BtoekadsraaatogbetweenOstveetoa aad the y\?s Indl'-s is carried on \fT\ sue?essfullv. perhaps rivullni m tl is ]..p, 11 tin? pr.rt? of Wiliniiipt'ii; aad Chsrleetoa ?,1h?t?? a numher of stoesters ran in ami out of Qslveatoi hui bor ir. the course of a furtnlght. The QeveraDMBl Dttrres la Taxes and at BssravaasB ure full of clothing and other BBSsaaaflea, The expedition atUBBSBl at Neu-Orb- uis i? beUvad by high authority kt the Trans-kliesienippi, to be in tended fur On.vest?.u. and not for Mobile. The Briny of ihe 1 runs-Mississippi ia in excidlin spirit? aad condition. The tnsips are well nppiiet1 vita th.thing, ibed and maattieas of war. AB that it rstjalrsd to aatitfy them ciuplttely is new issue, nnc p.enty of it, IS pay "ff tlaes. iBBBMSBBgS M Oes, Allen, of Louisiana strong!* arges the placing of SOO.000 m-groes in the army ai pioneers, woamaars, Ae. IheMeaaaga meets with uni veisul tip?rubiit!?.ii in I.uiii?iiinn. The Leglslal ire of Tessa baa passed a law tnsliin tlistillers of iatoxleating dtinks lI.OOS, nml dealer- in h'iii. wl ah ? al?' d ? BOD per niiiinai, in the shap; nflit-tiise-, aodlreper eaal oa las aaasBBl of ?alas. This is to be coltooted in speei? or BtalOlxVosBry nut?-?. im BotutoB pa] en my that Iba tagar crop iu Tetas u ill in" he ns liirgc as-v.ia (Xlu't-ted; illsfiitl of iLuu?. lodsofbogshi If. there will . * haadareds. Wo are ?Ony lo b'tar it. TRIO BI.KS ON TIIK DORDIiR. A currcsiMi?ileiit of 77?r Montfiomeru Appeal, aritlng from Grenade, hliee^asysi "Ail.urs oa the border an m h lerrible coadltion, the country being hilled with toybawkeri aad mlilii i ?, yoiBVoa? jirim-i piliv of d?sertera, vbtaaedeeda fivai the bsaaaa aayi of blcl iiit, and lebanigaol t. rr??r line hat u Inau gni at? ti thai Iravel to alineat completely broken up Io ..une |??ii ?.. . ? i 'i ? ".try. Coapled with Ibis, tie r" ure a large aombei of loldii n rrturnlog to their homo? on rartoagb, w! o are roviag veagsaaea on the "n^eenla torsla tbs Btwtheraseasitoa who have refnaed ?stahe i i.jile.l, ri.l" tnoiiev for corn and other BesSSSSBMB of life from the i i icmilies aod aaleas sotnetLipg i?hjKed :,y iloui: bl ; !" e in .?nthorii? we may look for u des? perate ?tut'- of aff.ii; - bi re d?riag the preeent month." A YANKir. OITXBOAT "i.ONE CP." The Yankee gaaboat Hunier, which for ?orno time has been patrolling the Misniaiippi Kitvr. at ('mint Oui!, a few night- liBce, dlUiii?: B storm, nahded yyit!? another craft. She si.i ung a tosh and waa i un on a bar to ppv'i.t -ii king, ihe crew went iBOjasM of BMtertol ?? repair QSSSSttSO. Lim!. Vau DbJSOB, witiifiHU BMB, had been .:? ich vatel .:.?; the movemeBtl of the enr-my, and a? apea as the] Kct sv he Imaided the Kultier, und '"it". iQpp?y'ihg th"ii?t?.es a ik nrieli of the riidi 'ilundei on MfrOj ?u.-h ???iiffre, b'?.'.?, blankets tueur, !ve . app?ldl t'a toitl. to tl.rhO?t, and ?ooii lit VB : ap| ' d in li?mes aat sutik. with her iiitie gnns; to the '?-?tonn. ?Tast as the feat was petite Mod, oa?Xber gaa? lioat hm?- insight anl eomineiir.d ahsllBg luiiousjy, hut the d ? e i"r its? rerj ariaerylefl Ihe plate. MOYLMKNT FROM PE.NSACOLA. 77?? t'nlinnus l.tiqitinr BM illiiirillil! mil Which b mis it t" b ?iete thi t tba Taansea ntf aan ist* a eas> ?Iderable force into t ie Interior of Atohaaaa, by Bay .>f Weet Flniiilit. t" et?r.erafe in ThoaxaS'l threatened ad i ,.i re from ti.?- Noi lb The Montgomery pipers have reports ef lsrpe nnm er? of Y..n?"'' troo,., .-oin entretint/ at or near PeBOB? ola. ami of tiunspoit? beavlly Istlea with Taakse troops ?.M-Mi.i devu tie Yh-?ii?ippi River fnrtbelH.?ti tve m tii" weeks, It la sot al ?il imp. "bable that! thaas tawsps were gotaa to the llonua eeaattoaadei ; . ke th- n urSBM! I ?iti.l to be makint flMB l'l-ns.itrla In cunt -ii: it.":; of IkS SbOV? I N'?h.rii dltpatoh I Uted l'liJadcphi?. Fib. '-4 tad I'ibliihed ui the Nev-1 I Tori paran of tka ".Mb, state tant inaeW d;?pst irulii l luelliliall aaj : Adut M from In ;,,w itidli?SB ?rrr-iiil preparation a three-fold movaataai bo oe? ipj ilal unaaadMI sippi: liu'iiiu- fitui the North, nsavaaa ?aeaate 11 of i u fun try fioiu Vi'-kshurg, via Ja? ?tnoB, and i' from Penaaeain. It m apprehended that If Leeii , lH'liel to relii..-ui?h Hichmoud, i.e wnl full back Lynekbarg, und thence make Ins way thn.uirl inuiintiiiiis in i:... t Tenneeiei ur Kentucky. Tke 11 ?naklug to repair tke Virginia and rennet ... Hi. to Bristol are inaicationt of inch ua in) ntion. It rumored in KiiuiMlle ln?t week th .t one ii:v:iion ol army la.! uit. ai!> appeareil on the l".r.l -.!)?' ?aaata. Tka espeaxtloa now Btovtng ?rom Knoavli to deft- it this movement, and by '? tr.-s -:i dettroylna railrunii, render Ibe tr.'.nsiir of Lee? army wn: m mouutauia ?mfowlbla, L'luKS FA VOR A III. E. From The Snitinit, Man ti 1: il,.- Mtri friii'i the Sutith look? ?avoffaksa.ff?al ? hohe toon to gratify tke pabimwilknet isanl LBUlligt fiom that ajaBrter. FROM ? OI.rMIUA. afld 1'ftirmmn Bxfnot li.".s fafivraatforj fr. I CI al," It. !" the ell'ect thai it cut,?,, i-ral,." tir- occur I ia tka ?vietcm ?partita ol Catambbeati tba time ui ! t'v.n u iti,hi bj th. r.,iilei|i ?ate troops. ortsrlaatlBf, I sup|M<s?'ii fruin the burning eattaa. There n no cert : aa to tbe exteul >i 'tbe Ire. SkaffaMl mid t" bave treated the r^ttsaaa bam um ly. Tba PrtuMne Convent wm prot?t ed bi uiaartL *?o puulk pi epeity aaa altoaed to ki ?n city, i he alarm in ('! arlut'.e has suhsided. Tke w.ath. r il b ni. .u,il Ike rowis iieavy. ititcrf r with rapo! ?m it.iiy aaovenmata. .'-i .I :'.? i-i '?-e?? irmti (.'?'ltJTiit'ia are 1'niar.i;. rt tttrrt. TIIK VALI.BV. From The Disyit-h. Miiriti I: Tke enemy, ?>n yeal r.l iv aere tMffoa? I inn ~-'mir. la he ..i y forro trota tke val!? ?? cavalry. HIN IS All? ?IT MIKKM?N. Wain -till vntbool ofBt-ial intHlissirrisya nut. meats now taitas abasa in Ike < 'arolinaa and, rtsmaen bitbertai ?t ited d" not t ire to r? pent all tl.? partatknt renab as. vT? h ,r.l yeetordny ib?t II man was itacb in Iba mod In one of tbi Southern Btnl If it iiaa ruined I all ai muek there aa in thi. viciai there ,all I?'no doubt of the truth ?! th. -tat. IBS There have Ut.n many widely diff?rant estimate?, nfl strength of Sherman'? army. I'.v mm? ?? broeal buen eatimated na high ub ?".'is?, We lenrm d, ? ? .< ti'in.iv, ti romrh ?? ti itwertbi m .:? ?. ibal Qen. 11 ?n ton repotted In* for, e to ?m.?i-t of f...r eoraaof led try, of 7,000 mea eneb, and abodj of cavalry aa* Un LtaWto.'.?"?? men. Hia artillery ail', aarkaan, a? tba aamberaof hit mala Balaam ?a luo??. li ?a ? Uillmore, nl ( tmrkealoo, mus? men. ?nd St hoiieM. Wilmington, I.MO?. we ?hall "Sli-nate llie wl.i.'e \. ki e fore- BOW Operating in the CUVU It i? at 60,1X10 im tin?, w?' thii.V. l? not luff from tin' BUfffc. I be 1 BUl papen make tbe figures mm b larger, tail gtv? Inarm an ,mi:.i Bee ' tin rv fut? e. MkaTAIS. AM? llo-flFS. II lie? n iitir.oiii'i-i tl by fu- ^ ?VOkf-C ]ir ?' l the a- iiouiieeni'tit lias *???? u puMaUkad b] Ua, tt lien. Singleton ul.d .Itidpe lluirhes hail obtaii'.l M Porta from kl r. Lincoln to visit lUotanantl. li" 1 tee papera ?aal ibe akjeet of tl,. ir ntieeion wn? t?s.. I rince tka Bekela of Ike bopakunurea ni fartkm rm m,.. I'.y arnve.i ?t Cnriua ea Montier, but t fr. ?hei In the riicr, by preventing ?he ruuB | Bf a brinis, ha? ,1'laveii tl eir ?irnval in ?Uokataad. Ii i v .?it? "f Northern gi airy ?re tlvayi enverad * th' . ai u ,.l of myetary ay <mr ai m.iK i it ,1i?. In pottil 1 to 1' alii atiTl' / ' ? ..-'.; And ?A e 11 left ,- ii.t.iliy tu iuu,?eture as la lhe.r ohjei 1?. V ! h<?ni on yesterday a repon abtaut ?lu? hiugiei' Iliighiia iltlt ikal nawlig ne II lid bom ou itwortl lit tree,'il H not a little. It I? aalsl tl. ?t t ' ul.Jeet of the?., pa-nth-nii'ii'* s i?it I? pnr'ly eommer? -ii their butii eta being striking mur- nur !??? th..n la i . h: rat..-??::.i ntt f.r BUS/tag mt'ou BBsl tobacco JOt tl ? Irtrvrrnuient and lalling io ?>ur (;? nii.'i. nt beef m baaoa. Umaauaatstaas/i ?? s-.i? ,i ?* ae hear it. ?Tratst Tke Ultuml.h. .ftmrrA ?J. Tkr Foil of C'kwrlratoa. T!.e Jtil.?lu'ii.ti of tba I'lH'iny n\iT the full ( tbe iitllit ? .ty ol ( harlealoti. a j.laee ?nub won! ?. .1. ? ?') i,o.k. a ?;.kmI ji/.il ?itn: of in. eiljt ?if Ne? ?Vors, ?ner a^liTje of remr yeere, wren e? ?.??w*?>?* It.g pr> j'utiderBLi-e of land ?nil naval Ban M ->,...; of t .e French ?li.'ii N i;?'!?? i .? ik '?'? '?'' ragnmo Ian. Walloped Ike wkole ?jf Europe. A? tke Mtttet'ei Mernte tiai.tam In? In Ike pit. it? tick u> the earth ?n it? bee to tke Bky, tka gimaVkkj iiin?ini|?erabie ne??i era ttobhler?. tagltte, itiltures and bird? of ev. rv BBCI wiiu have at I??? brought down ti.? gante Line efaiefcm bend tka air wrltk tkelr triomphant eue?. Tkerseoa rotinii the dteiaate earcam. Inia it aaa? ana rip i ?.lu u tu -." ?hat it has gui in it* tree, un? genas? H, Bgree tkai eoeb a terri? Illy aal im traievenieatnstb m.!." ? a'i'.n of the.' ? ri r.l us? Miipsrullt l.-.l in teal Aft.-r t L i -, tat Ike ( ??ui lixik to i raaetada, and lagMai to (iibtiiiier if it reqairea anly futir year? m lab Ch?ile?lun, how lung eu'ild nnv ?iru: ch"!.l of Kurui, renltt tka great and taviacikle C.?t? and ?rnne??,f tn. all eoinj'ii'niig American natl'it. A nurth.-rii Joarnal ?oui?what et.viuiis ul |ke ??iurv wblch Ike iliu.iin.tiT. lenpnrtol < tiorl? ?i<?n ha? alwatmsl. aaaaaaaffa to ia trait from it? minis It ?uvinif timl the furtilieati"? which bava luUabied it M ketd aal ae ttmf we? arlgla || ; , BBStrm teil hj thu l'"l M..t. ? l.ov. ; U ? 1 lltat wer?? true, ii iloe? nut tiroie itunii fur the I lite? ?Mates tur the 'ti'.tigeit arthoae fortifk-alion?, la S'ltntir, VU tnketi by QeWrfful B?-.? tret .nl In a feu boart? wkctaas, tka Cnted Htatee rt*qulredfonwyaaii t., ri-tnke it, and could BOtkavetakefl i hat for th? evatiiitiuli of the ell;., ni i uu?eiiueDC?- ol Ike t;iiut'?iruct'-'l luar-'i uf Ornerai Khan m Ibmngb Ueorgla, and. alter ail the Yankees lakiut ? harle?i,.n. or takiii).' InVBBBUk, or taking an; othei CltJ ur ae? tiOB of the Siuiliern I unfeileraiy, i? anly doing, with a irr-at amount of furs aud bkradaheti what they Bad ouue H .;> tm n:.d inui?' iffectUail} the war. by tint Descern? methoda ?,( trad? and ,nii.iiieree. Nut oalv t i,.ui..-tun, bu. the whole fM.uiii, wat inkeaagaa* tiialil v? are agit; and tOaUBM p irpuse, when tanrt?, ?Wasting laws, and homilies, r Baleted ? ffeffj ?i.uehold lag .Stale tribute to Nuriheni iiaiinifait'iro and BOB?? m. r.-e. w i.'-n N'uttl.erti itiil'is't v inppllsd eren artlda of fiuthiiit, uf bouael.? M ruruiture, every agneuitural imph'inent In the Ninth; when Northern boOBA North? ern lit'-iittir?', anil Northern theology wielded tin? ?ci ptei over our mind? and ?uul?. Wbetki i it i?u goo?l bargain to BSebmigB ?ut b an in-, upation ua that fur tint dominion of brute force, we nave it to Nurtuern in? nnuity In eaJcnluta. when its anmioni but a ?mwlril ilitw n tuflleieuth Io allow it to work out Ike ?um. We ara in, lined to think tnut cien, if ivueaeaafkl in ?rm?. it lotiltl uaver eon,pel from a aakjunuted p?wp*e. tke re tun.s al?ak aie ? In? tl_y yulilnl Ity a couieiited nuil BOpafnl population. - a> From Tkr Kxuminer, ?ltarrk ?t. "Fternttl tigilnnre ihr Prier of l.iberly." TbCTI nro fthrijl timid niul sliort-eiglili'd |ieiiti!e wjio. irt critical Bmoffgeneiea, ara atvaid at Inea? p.ilile uf liKikuu' B pisihle danirer full in the fae?-, and of tnkinK timely for tin eiinir an impend? ing emevfeoey. It" is ,o be mvpad that the present GeneralAaeembly aie nul ?trieben withjadiel?] biii.diiis?. Tbreatening dangen cannot !?? sverted bv ciuntlg tka eye? lirinly BUO0 them. ? hlliiren mu.V tllive away gkutta by this bntpkaa rxpedient, but ike duty of responeible men. Bfcargatlwlik great rabilo interests ihreiii't.eil with langer, rni. i?? anwimra*l thus t beepJi or luitimsrilv. hi$m4gkiimtA?im**ikingwtrt ?otng lo ?irnride fur tht frote, flea au* pfttertotion of the imtrei't one builtution? of Virginie ngoinH 'I' ?/.iM/'rr? ?f.',/,A ihr,n'ai tassa, ihi? eau only Le dune leguUily,, uml itfraetanlly by enlling lata aelloa ibe nprtaue |?<ivitis ef th? ctiiiitiiunweiillh. Nearly all tho Htatee to the sunih of u? g ic t'lupting ttiis maneara, and tkara .? bo ano of them ante! iv annat m Imperativ? anee mit* lis dal ig ?u u? Virgiala. It H certain that if she herself doe-, nut taki' care of her interests, they will not lie look? d ' liter by aaj etkat guinlian, nud the nmatloB is win liar Ike wellnicof ILe Virginia peuple ?.a t? |,e pro? vided for bv her govamawal Vkilt opiHtituuily ie i.iali.s, or InnOy with Ibe tamo celleua iiiditlerflica witli Whii h it has In en to long neglect? tl. ?> From Tke Kttottirer, -ffmrrk 9. Niugli lou iu Kit binon?!. It it stiiteil by om ol'our ? Ity psaperi thut Mr. Sitikleton retorna fa Kichmond upon Batana re?a!, uot pacifie, pnrjiose?. ami that cotton, not pene?, is what .Mr. Diarletoo is reallv utter. It aunM he well, therefore, to dt op all reference to this getith mini a? I pciremnii, and berenfter recognize him as ike cotton Mmmltwloucr, or ?m alletl pom . BaaaenBa>*r. i'r..iLn? cotton for bacon 1? i a Imalnoa Ikal reouiies tm my?tery, and ;t Jlr. Limoln | .|. glroa unetaa ?nil ?wknaoe, ?nd is willing to exchange , am Item pioviBions ?t proper | rn ?<??, why But ?eud | Li? baaaa mtaaaa* here apemly sad ma*a hi? par! teise to diive u tnulo even nm,l the din of wart The sp. .tule of two BBtiuti? aVrkting and trsdlog at , one and the same linie i? lmvel. atul l.tirupe ntiitt ?gait: \ reiua-niri) the great step niatle ay tin? eeaatffy in war i tin,le as well as in ?a: Implei ?nt?. If tbi I Bltedl Bjgg?AtaB baa?tntetrlpped tka world la ?kips, bit, , mm print nrinie-, and huge ?!?l.i-, U h?? akw taken the hi?: step to wind a big tiade ?ith it* cum... Un?.'n* blocistleil all tho ports and eflWtislly that Ki.topeollt triain the great staples ifthSSS States, it monopolixei tsMBMefce by oaenlag a aeatpal ground fur trade. IK?! laid to be Ifr. StBgtetoa'a ami Judge Bnghes-s baahsess. Tiwdetawkal the?? people w..ut? but tilr ?her hV y want trade oall With tho i'aukees la a matter vo think citr.a.ely i.uubtfaL . . . Per hup? the Yankees may yet be compelled to open Nor , fol? as a neutral port. It Is nut probable the European mu...,,? wiU Baratt the United Mate, to blockade the Boast and thru op?-n tint inland trntlo, vhlch il the effect of a law now trxBtting in the United States. The I ?-?; ar iiiissinn i f Mr. Singh-ton being ouo of bacon ami ber'', u? val M "f ' Bttoa and tobacco, liai no politi? cal sigi.ile aaie whatg?*er. IIia BBrt81 ' nt.i are there? fore "f bo lanortsaes. But, ct th? ?cm? taWs, the publie I ?iu r,i/< riii?-, kit rtSBtTS M Huhmund, j Irom The Rtrhmo** Edrmmitter, .Vmrrh 9. Gen. "?'iiL'letun iirrivP'l h?ro yd.-torduy* from [ the ?forth eaa anead vieil to liieliiuuiu!, and ?? ?top? ping ut the htaettiriod Hotel. .Judge Hughes, of It.Oi tuns, who wss nan.ed in ihe Northern pnpert as his ! coiiipaniiin in Out vi-it, did not come through ihe BOMB lOi B, Hag! ton WBBltontOad t<i have returned here up private bu n?es, although nsxsr will have it thai ha i? ? .ti.ii-. tsd wMhoaBM saw edition of the atVispoBted story "f pe.tce arfiiHatlnaa XXXVIIIth CONGRESS-Second Sesiion. MNA IK?WasiiiniO' It, March 3, liCj. laBIIBll Of C"MMCITEBE Thi.s hcini* tho la-t morning: of tho BawSkMI I'nr re - iliir business, mo?t of the Coiinnittees made n largeBBBMsr of r. ?mit?, ibsm rullv inking that ti.'-tr reap.-,uve Camniitte. s be iii?eharged from the eeWaSaag .itl.iiof the matters aa-lf The reports were ton cun-'-d In. SE- BET.? BY OP rT?Z SEN ATI.'*. TtETOBT. The Vu ti ,''i;i -lit s. pneested th ? aaaael re|?ort of the mnmtotorj M Iba B?sate, ?huh was oidcrctl tn im on tue table ami BB printeti. TAznra ranks. Mr. Dt'iiv de-irt'l thai hi? name BafgM sprear on the a? vtwiag lathe affirmative oatfcwpea positioB t.x'.ng b.iuki. emliiM?ed iu the tax. lull, and order B*M ? nie. lilli I AMIMOKi: A'-DOHIO RUI?. Mr. Bccaunw nreseated at*eee?Bt?SB calling on the Secretary of War for a M Bessrai of moweyi paid to the i: il'.iiiior'r aad oi to llailroa?! suie?? the begtoolng of the war for tiaBSBevtatioa of ti*esys un?l mooitioBe of war betWl ?a BeltlSkOM and Waihingtoii, which was BBSSB> ed iiuaiuuiously. THE TOUT liOTTK nn.L. Mr. CotXAMneaasd bo the aaa d aa aal I1"*: atarll bill, to w I ich many BBirBnlBBIiti ?'re iiisde. ? AYtnt N' AND AM'Or BILL. Mr. -'i mm i i.iien',1 aa an BeBeadmeal thereto :- knie n u? the CsmdOB and Amboy ILilIro: d bill. Mr. Hsu. otijetted to Mr. .-> unim : s ami'iidment as irrstorsat , Nir. Sumner'i amendment wai rejected by the fellow inr vote: I Y>A?~M-etrt. Chindl-r, Ny?, Rtrr.?ry. Strwait, OamaeT, , ,i \?, Av?A SAT?? Mu.i?. Roeaakrw ?1 -?, Ca laater, ? oBBtrsa. Piim. | PaiweT. Fester. tMattrs. Hale. Hartan., Htrsra I'M. t,.n l.?n? i In.! I. Metr?!'. IV? e ', lf*ragae, Tea Kyk, Tru.t. I nI. ?kill??, ?ud ?Vitara?. 01. TiKI: r BILL. I The tariff bill wa? thi a teksa be Mr. ilk Mi'.t Ll. otl.r. 1 au uniendnient exemptiag ireada WBtsrtod fM the Berth ?Ternera bsbmbbbt F air ut ' Ll? a?-.i ? BBSStS .ted tint?'. ? lull ?vas adopt?-?! WKOl MIT IKON ICBFa?. Mr Wiiartv ?iff. p.1 an amendment, wh'.tb was sdo[H'ii. placiag a u rty af I) cent? ??cr bobbI "a , wrought iron tu ?m?. IU ?FALO BjaESJE i Mr. Raw-it offer, d sa bbmb?bbdsbI making the tariff ..y bal u" itd.e, 10 i" I . BBS, which wa- rejected. Fi.e.ri.N i. tun ? ?a*.1TBiiTOKP. Mr. JlxBkl? a4BBB*d BB ami iidii.eiit, pruriding that 1 parties who eontraeted with the lioveraoaral before lbs n. rt-nseil tariff, tu tlrlirer foreign r.enls, shall beul. lowed iba ?ocicase on their coutract price; which ?as .I", ' .1. BAtt.ROAD IROTt. Mr Fourrer motad t?. snieml by striking out 13 cent? p? r !'?< i-i-ii.i!? on ru.lio ul LrOBBBd inserting iu Oi als. TLi? ?is adopt' d -yen? H uuts 1J. ?ixxtr am? ?lav n im >' ti 11 n>j4. ?at? B? ii a .?aa ..?real aa ?airulastat to ?eerVBrt the ?: .(... tr?t ..n ?if machinery for the niann*tt4*tiipt? ?vf fob rii ? nade rrom her p :?:..! fl.n fur one year from the dsle ofthe parta.e ?.! the bib, which ?as udopfed. DC IV ON COI FEE. LTC. Mr. Davis otTt-reil an amendment to reduce the die y on . offi e, tugar, tea? and luolassti, one half after the ir'th ..f June. This BBS rcjeelesl. The b.ll ?Ail? Ile ll thanks to Viet:-i-KtainrxT n ?uns. Mr l'ovv'lt. aftgred an'. t< i.di-nng th ? t* tbs SenaM to the Hob, Uanalbal Hu tl i ib.e end efioieal disci orge of hie duty dining the jNiet four JrSarS, ili.i. WSS .".;,!.-.! iiuaiiimoii?lt. StA 1,1 I IBI V.).I.LI>H l?)*l?i' SICATIi'V. Mr Mm i'?.' tu h eaaettoa ef privtlege. Beaaked Ihat las fleaaie tetina in the Iwiiotoii ofthe ?Vavj ? eorniuuiii. utioii I'-i'-i.t.v BPM BJ him M the Scute, on the BM0B j that It did not r.iaic to ihe subject upon vhli ii lafermalloB araa aaawsl Aft? r ?ume ?I.?, asslon Mr. Wm.-iin moved to refer IBS CM 'i. .i... iitnii to the Judiciary Cuimi.ttt- ??, BrBBah ? at carried. ?ncitlOAX BAlLIiOADP. The B?sate tbei tosh ay sad pu???! a bill la eiteml the liras tur. amplotlug ttertsis laud prallt riulroad? LS the stale of httekigsa. I'.-1'MTION tr.YM. The llullae hill lor tcgiibilin;* lee? for iSSBSt t ilh' Te?. ni? on the Lakes ?a, paaeed. INTEKIOI liai. H1VAES LOTAA AND INSIRI Ii Tlo\ AkY STATES. The Sensfo then t??'k u|i a lull to r pen! the toftowrjuig tecti? u of Hi" ait of duly I'd, I?'.t, entitled "Ali ?t?'t in iniiiitiui to the ?evi ni ?it? concerning aeauBereial in tn n iirae betvees lo] al aod iutoi ntMionery States,"i c. Seettoa -.?That it shall lat lawful for the".??. CTetairy ut tba inn rv, vUhthe appesral of the Preaittoat? to nutloristf ttttt'iita to pur? hase ior the I'uited .stntea any prodnet?of states declared in insurrection at si;.' BlaBBS aa therein shall be tie-tgiiuied 1 y him i : ?mil BtiOM as Basal bo Bgre? d on with the ?idler, imt evreeding the market Valse thereof it the pl.t?-,- of delivery, nor eassssllBg tkTOt fourth? at UM m .t j ?. i ralos thafeof in the .?ty uf New York at the .n,1 qnetsttofl kaewi to tba agent ptinhaa lug: proviiied, that no part of LhepsardMSS BMBeyfoi uni pruliii ts m piirchiiK-tl. ?hull be paid or afVOod to be paid ?us ot any oth-rf ind tksfl ihut ari-ing from ?trip erivbeblaaesattared or aasuMBSMdav bbisbbmbsI aad sola Bsder the itrovlstoei of this s? t. AU psepsity m puichiecil shell le? forw.irileil for ?ule st s'lch ptsee or plier is -hull be deelgltated by the Secretary ?if tin Treasury, aad Ihe Mosey uiinng therelroiu. after the paymi'lit ?I the pal Ease noiiey mid the other rip. ase? connected therewith, abail ha paid into the Tressai | of Ihe I'uitcJ State?, Bad the aci.iutits of nil DMOeya o re ???ived snJ paid, viinll be rcmleri tl to ond erc'liteil bl the proper ueuiuiitiair olli 'ers of tbe T'reirtiiry. CAl II hIJ) CUTIOS. Mr. IVl-nv otle'id aa aineiuhn. :,t ISV|olliag tie doBvery 'full ?aptnred ecitfon to the oueiii?! of the Tiaaasry vsaehari io ne given to the owner?, payable at the cluic of the t?r, This wss at|o|ited. rt'Ri IIASINi; . OII ON. Mr. Si v.i u i fieri i! an ameadmeut to nroTld" tl.n* i.o Brent oi the Trenton Depsrtment shoult! BareesBs eoltofi. el'ejit wil hin the Jinei ofthe BIBiy, ilnsvt.,? lort ? li) IkTalliSt '-.'d. IA si! ll i ONFi DERATE SF.? IT.ITI1S. Mr. WtuBOB offered an ameadmenl paatakiag hr Cr.e noteieet'ling l?Y,oO0and impe-kMameM Dotexci .i g lea poanths BaaahsBsf aayCaeahaVeWis bontl. non ... itTip. Vhicli ivns mlupted. IHK Ui-TLIC.ED iRADE. Mr. Ijnl? siilinnlted ai: ?,i .mtlioi. ?Int? the l'n -nleiato taSBSB 'uocluim.i'nii. nliowing uiuc?ii i f ?1 trade avisaan tho Vorth ami South, watch wn uot ?do-'ted. 'Tin- In. then |iaise?i. 'lin betete ? aal iato Ilxeeutne se?sioo. KVI.XINO IWttlOI. TRUKDYtKN H lit Ht AI BILL. Mr.'" iwporl Irt'iii tin? Cmnmittee pf , ('unferen-eon BMdloagwatog*rt*?esef the tw?> Housesj i IltHin the Treedlllell'a I'.nr m h,l| wft? ?.l,,,,;,.,!. It I t aJaoaa th laterceta ttfttswdataa ami whit? leEageeaji ii|siii an epnd flatting miller the ?lireetinn ofthe Bsa tctary of YVar. LBetsad of making it an independent hutt'ici. It limits the liiiiiiher nf assistant coiiiin - lioOeit? t? ten. or one initesd of two ip euch iiisiirnr. , tionary Ssie, aad proritlesfor the renting of Ismls in lots ofll une? muh to eiiltivator?, bhick and ?hitt . with nn iiiportiitn'.y for then purchase at the end ai thne years, i.t ? Melsrato pr. it ahaatieBa the pro vision isfraBsg tbs naoliition expUssterj af tbs cob le-catiuii Hci. All the member? of the CeBBStWBce j Mgue-l Ul lei?nt. t KA1I0SAI. OtUIBUI WLL. Th- Hmte bill t<> .im?- ". un act to provide a National wrreaeyvBBcaBed oy bj Mr. Bsti bmab and pu-red. MAS !.. VI M IS IIILI. Mr. Sil IBA*. BMI the Committee iifCiinfereace or. t:.- Bevi ids bill, a ml ?? ?' ; art ?- ftkQevi l b aa ? ad 11.' lit uf tt.f S' nut?- :? etl.rlll.e thi amouial to be lu I fur clerk hire was disagreed to. T!io HbBBt agreed to | the amendment oet to tat miner? vbOBS receipts tit? not OBOaed BLOW per year. Tho smeudaient to exempt llibles i.nd Testament? from taxation wasttrickeu out. The tax on cigars was placed at SlO per thousand, with? out regard to tastily. Thy aiuenduieut to tux grots initead of net receipt? of corporations was agreed to. The tax on Savings Dunk's was agreed to. The section about cotton wus stricken out, and the tax on that arti? cle remain? as heretofore. The amendment postponing the tai on State bank issues until July was ugn-ed to. The tax on sales was disagreed to. The amendment to iiupoint three Coioi iii?iouers to consider the IBBJ? ol o? taxation vas agreed to. Tue report vas adopted; yens iu?, nays 9. BOV8B OF RF.IT.ESENTATlTT*'?. I.'-t ISIAN'A AND YRKV.NKAS CLAIYtlNTS. Mr. DaWM I'llereil a resolut ion that there Ikp pan! IBS of the cor.ting/rfit fund, to the five claimants of ! seats from Louisiana, and three from Arkansas, t-l.tsAT each, us mileage. i Mr. DaWEsi BBkl these gentlemen did not come here :-:..,. .ii.c-:.;.:-, but in pursuance uf what they thought to be tin* policy ofthe Government. They had Ixen here three months prnaeciitiiit* their claims, and to vote thi?> money would out commit the Got erotnetit u> BB v policy. The resolatioo was passed, PliIVATE BILLS. The IToaie then acted upon private billa. The bill to prevent the eulistmcnt of persons charged With nime in the District of Columbia as substitutes in Ike Army or Vary, and to preveut frauds in the District ! Jail in \v'n?liingtoii. was passed. ; It appears from the report accomr^Pyirrg the bill thit 70 of the prisoners in tho Jail were recently let out ou : bail, and sohl as substitute?. CABINET MEMI.F.B9 IN CONGRESS. The TTotise then resumed the consideration of the re I port made by Mr. I'enlueidN fn.:n the Select Com I mittee t<? admit members of ihe Cabinet to ?stats oo the i tbsir, to be intt'/rotrated and furnish information con ceraiag their rerpec'ivo department?. He proceeded I at length to reply to the obj'itions which bad ban made to the liill. Ho said that il no other good bad l" en m DOB pli ?lied by the di?ciia?ion. it bad shown thai t' " ''lenitive poner outrht not to be increased, ai.d l I i object WM to restrain it. ? iiion was dc?p?v (taSBX, Th.? pioposllliM ?us cup?tttottoaal anil if i adopted would 'l?vate the character of cabinet miLua ? toBB, und this be proceeded to Dt*B*BB at length. THE BEEOImUdEIT BUL. Tie linear Botad on the hid m rel.ttfoa to varioua n i..t u v nletters, to ? liich had been atbletl ihe ?unetTalsy | tory ea**oteeal bill. Th? Committee on Military Af I fain had immiMaadod the striking out of the section 1 providing lor the mustering out with their regiment? of ?nil Hun is ?,?d fur unexpired term?; but the | ilu:? retained it. T he Hun?:?' IVlaBSB1 to strike ont the provi.ion hold it!-.- '! '? r-incipal in some cases responsible for an an pi .per ?ubstitut?'. The ?jeuate's amendments to the bill wen acted on. THE Tltli)aD\IF.N t) BILL. Mr. s. rtFNi K, from tba CiBBMIHBB af Conference, I re'e.rted on the disagreeing amendtiients to the Freed , in.-n ? Hill which proposes the eetahthteOBSSt of a bureau to the War Dipirtmeut top refugees and frcedmei.'s ' allttir-, and for the ?are of abandoned lauds. The r.porf was agreed to. The Omiso at 4, o ?lock. Usok a recess until 7}. BfBBIBfl SKSSION. Thi-aAriillerlf- an- ttensalv crowJeJ, anil many ' j? rsoiBWire unable to obtain entrance. NAY Y PAY ItEI'ARTklKNT. I Mr. Bn e (Mass.) call ad up the Senate bill refrnhtlug the pny department ofthe Navy. 1 S i.Vil ?eMDOTS, in great eicitimcnt, moved that it lie upon the table, but astjaorSM toted, and theu the .???'??:ion was taken by teilen and decided in the uega tive. Air. \\*A-Hni km, tllL)? I reckoa we had better bare the yeas nuil list s on this. Cries of "tad the roil.'' "Led have the yeas and ?I?1S." MESAAtlF. FROM THE SENATE. A message was ri'ceitc?! from the Senate, but the voice of the Clerk who announced its purport c mid uot be dintinetlv heard, owing to the geuerai loud c,.n vei -aii"!i all o?er th?' Hall. The Clerk commenced the roll rail, bnt beton be had , proceeded far the Speaker ran|ied nntl called, to irrder. 1 hi? had tbe effect of somes hat lessening the uuise. , but it eoon broke ?i'il anew. | TBS>. Wh' n the cull was. onel'ided, tbeKlTAKF.H announced | that the bill VBB tabled by a vote of M ycaa against 4J i i.ut ?. THRtiE CENT rifCES. Mr Ka?S' n from the Committee on Coinage, report? ed a bill to auiboria'C the coinuite of three cent pieces, to be caMBssedet*eswasB and nickel. i he Lili wn? rem!. It proride? that these three cent l bees ?hall be s legal tender to the amount of BB cents, and the one and two ci'nt pieces a legal tender for the an.on.t ui four ?ents. It prohibits the laane of any pa? pel fractional i amocy below the deaoaUnattoa of me i. Oto, ami makes it a uiisiiorne.uior for any person oth ai? las thaa tboM authorised by law to fabricate auy ? > n tu circulate as money, Ac. 1 hi- bill was p.i??c.l. Saune im-mb-r MOVtd to take np a private bill. While BB "th '-r vinted the accompanying report read. The Si i AKl'K ?aid the report contained nx pagel. Tlc private bill ? aa not taken up. KEl.IEP OP MAIL CON TRACT' 'R8. Mr. Nri BOS BBBSd leave t?? report a bill from the In tli m r.iminittee, appropriating fitC.iXK) for the relief of YVuuittard and Kirponiug, overhtud mail contractor?. H- ?sid it would save a family from want. The llo'iae iHd not apprei ?utc his humane intention, ttt.d u.j?cte<l to the consid?rai mu ofthe hill. IKKi 1IY11.N H SAY INi.A BANK. Mr. I.LMTimii.d a lOasMaatea ofthe rules to take np the Senats ail to lassiwevaaB tho l'retilmeu'rjNuviBgs md Trust Company, Mr. ClDkiiiuK objected. Mi. BIB 7?There .au be no objection to the bill. Mi ?TaMEO C. A l.lrN called for the reading of the tit . i !?..- ii.L. 1'Le uoiku a us so great ho cuuld not at lust heir it. The liesse began rotlsg by tellers: and while this ?as going on the Spcaler was* engaged in signing en- l rol'rHl bills. T he BOSBS by a vote of 73 yeas, against 3fi nays, sn?. pended the ratei and ander the operation of the previ o'l? t^iestioll tilt' bill wus BBBaasd. lf.NI.10N8 ?RANTED Mr. Mil LEB (l'a.), fniiu the Committee on Invalid PtboIobb. reiHutee, lull? placing tbe ?idows sfOeav t ml? Baker, ? Berry, oa ?we peastoa rolls to i' reive t.aj per BMBth darin?'their widowhood. 11 y were Matad? 'The Si i Atl u said a? so many gentlemen on both lides wen addr-sing the Chair, Le would recogni/ IBs light of no nieiiilR'r to report than one bill at u inn??, until the pressure liad ooeaiO? u \IMCNTCATiO.X WI I'll NEYY -ilrXICO, ETC. Mr. Rice (Matas) asked leave to report a I ill to fa? cilitate communication with New-Mexico, Arizona and C.miado, M as t" Kl?'' to any one establishing au art??? liio ?i-e,l nf living water one section of laud ou vLioh the veil ?? located. The bill was paused. IDE INDIAN APPROPRIATION BILL. Mr. Ka-soX, from the Committee ol Conference oa the diaagO??*ste?T tot'? on the lud?an Appropriation Bill. m.nie a report tbereoe, vimh was adopted. It i ?ntalas a i ro\ iatoa thut m mut te? shall be paid in coin in cases i h. re m?ries vltk the Indians so n .?u:i c*. It a ?i.- nun 'J e'cltt? '?. LADIES ADMITTED TO TUE rUKlR. Mr. PesduTOH iiinied that the rules be ?impended, so thai the wives sad families of members of Cof.gre?? Blight In- admitted to the M?w?r, as they bad not bvcu ihb in obtii.n -'-uts in the galh-i lee, Yli.(,.N-o.N ?rallaiitlv offered on amendment to in ?Ii .r ,?! ladies. Mr. I'lvi'iaTioxa motion vox adopted v.tb th,s n..liilic ttlon. norsE E\!iT.nyf-fi. Mr. l'i M.i.t.tii.n ofl- ied a reeelatiofl to pay tbe em ?luyee ofthe House, tl IBBSBltll ?f T/u ti.'ubr. aDd the l.ibntri.iii the extra eoiiipeintatiuu horeiofore Breaiiasd. Il:;-, .uni te/mi:? prelii?iiaries, vai adopted. PI.AI K SUS HAMK8. IHirin?/ these proceedings tho ladies availed then ?die? ,.| rl,e privilege accorded, came Into the Hull, | in.! .?eenpiedthe ?olas. Some of them were sflen-ard (? t i Ited to and occupied tbe seats of member?, tie* sen- ? 0 lemeaDegleetJag their legielatrre duties fur the pur ?a nap ef OMveralag with them, and all pppeered very " .appi. AMI *-DATOBT ?MliBN'AL REVENUE BILL. Mr Mm i-tiL, from the Committee of Conference on he dlssgri "tue auieiidaients tu the Amendatory Inter nl Kevenn? lull, nrnde n report whieli he cipUined by I ?r aylng. ss to the aasMtanssBl of lea revenue ?.gents i u uatesd "I krr>. the S 'uate recedetl sad alto from their : b. memtiiii'iit that the amount nf stork hire for usarssors i hoiihl lie gaug'd at Tticent? for ench h.ndrcd nnine?. ^( i hi? weald have givOB clerk hire to every aaaaaBar hroughout the ??ountry, and eten to those who did not M?|uire it. <>n rock nil a compromise was made, allow nir e duty of one dollar a barrel, anil the Scuute re ? ded from it? proposition tn have a drawback ami o v then ail be as drewhaek. in relation toeaaaaM ?i tig rertsin books from taxation this i? ?trick?nout, the T ? a. o i fes helnt ing that we thotiid obtain ad the tuxwe ?bl iiiuld from shattter lourve. The tobacco tlauici wue , ??? nearly all entirely concurred in. The rjea?tte prono? t to cr?ale two pri?es. OBO l? iiml the other $u\ In.? wits abandoned by the Senate Conf?re-?, i ? Cri nilt!ee ttiKle a compromise of HO per ilinuxatd ias"a.l of bOcetita n uoeuo. Ike clautte it? to tlio 1rs. ?[" t tion of certain artlclei free vv aa alt ire! to m ?o ponfl ?< a to silver ora over tbe plait.s .tl ;iic. Tbe maoan ...x roataum tka same. The gains ami taumas ?ruui mal estate purchased within the year are to he included. 1 n relation to Us raps the clai'.so has been to amend? d that instruments not ?tamped are to Iw raid. He regicac?! to say the t?x on cotton i> ?trinken out, the S?nate (Vniereea refnting to concur uayass a ?rawoact wrr* given on tbe mauaf.ictiired article. The tax on bank? was only amended to change from January loouiy. to a? to gnu ?ix muntii? more i.ti.e. Mr. Morkill iinawered various -location*. 'Hciiing th* following pol 'if? ?n relation to the bill: Th* ux ?n i hi gross receipt?! of v??*els stand?, hot they sire exempt win a chargeai?!" with trnnatre ?lattes. "The tax on ' abandoned by th? Senate conferee?, Roil? I Houses have agreed to lb? appointment IlaakMrS tO lit daVIBg the NOam to txjtuiue ib.., tin? aubject of taxation, Savings ?.dtikaare taxed ou'-hs f ; of one per cent'im on t' elr deposit?, to take plai I ?>u th? , first of M iy. Freight and [jaeseoarer? from one natf of tho I'niiesiStates to atiotho,, tud V?malaj Uroiign a foreign conntry, shrill p:iv ti.o tame a? pitting tbio.?,:h other liarte uf the I'nited St;.Vs. Tl " repurt nf the ('uniniince on Confcret'ee wai adopted by a lam majority. ?r. ajanen iMaa?.> was tcii-iioliUily calisd to llu chair. TtTASKS TO S?I'AKKR COIVAX. Mr. fox (Onto) offered the fbHowiBg resolution; Hr. tree, Thai lb? tt.uik.of tnl? Mou??: be, ?nd are. '.rwby ten 1?re I to the Hon. Srhuyler ( BtflX, ft r the fl.-inl''?d. ab a a I eu .rteou? dinchargc of the dutie? of Speaker i r' -, ISO p.e.i-ut ( ..nitre??. V r. CnX s ild h" desired to make this an earn"" ex> ?pression of the feeiiii!? of tue lioiiae. D;rin?c a ne'st uuei.uiip.ed and liistorie [leiiotl, uhen a great tuiiiiut, was progieasiui/, uud when the throe? of tiie Nauru caUaafcff extraordinary ece-ic?, unusual and addition? allv responsible duties 'had be. n Impomsl on the Judl? ciaryofftcer of this Honse. Ho would any for biinatlf and for others around biui, tiwt rmi Syitakur has, in tho diech.u'go of those duti"?. njid er.ited, in a great detrree, tbe ra??ion? of lit pre?entatives, aometimci moteur l?'es BaTOCtod by tho heat and clamor of debate. For thi? no was l.otonly entitled to unr i?ersutial but the public r-gurd. In con? clusion Mr. Cnx said: I propose, without foncali'y . Bd with earnestness, to tender to him ?mr thanks and poetl wilL 1 tritat. sir. tbut in the future the same modera? tion and benignity muy lauiaU? in this House as it has liuliuted Irom the (.'bur during the pr?tent Con^ixt*. We ?hall part hero with good feeling, fwish it cwild pervade our whole people. In the language nt the Uible an?', in this presence I would have all retererrtly t ray. " Let all hilt'erneta and wrath and anger e- d clamor and evil ?peaking be put away from you. ?ith ? nil malice, and be ye kini! to one another, even a. Und, for Christ s s ike, I ath forgiven you." I Mr. I?AW?v.y concurred In the view ex]ires?-ed by t ia ?friend from Ohio, that it was ?-rimmtly proper iu tUB? I der to tbe speaker aouie ackuuvAlediruieni t'??r U.a : habitual kindness and cutirt'-sy. The member- i. ra ! came together in the midst of civ il war, aanguiu.i: r tie? 1 yondpsrrallel, a::d although it was hurdly lobe exp? .ted "mat tho presiiliriic ottiier should? bo entirely fron ft um personal bias in bis oflicial action, yet he bettered] i he bat expressed tbe general ???Miment whea he e\ai| to tho House that the Speaker had well maintained tnei prinrieiy of bit place. The Intrrc ?urse of tka >i? aber ?wii'i the members of the House had been kind and ' irei.ia!, und Lis conduct> eourtoous. lie hoped I in I'-paraitiig the suuo- kimily feel :ug would ir?w3l. and tint they would all endeavor Io eheriab in tLe future, charity, toleration, mod ration and eandir. The resolution was adopted, t'iree or four only voting against it. miagaba finr caw a t. An ineffectual naiiiuii was matin to suspend ?he rnles in order to consider the Senate bill making pri>vi?ioa for the iilinoi? and Niatrnrn ship eanal surveye. ABUT APPROPRIATION ?Ill Mr. WilAOi ?rom the (,'ouiu..t:co ou Conferen ?? em the Army Appropri .tiou bill cmlu a report leaving oat oun only of the e?. it rove tied point?. Mr. \vh*?n then moved that the House recede fr?A?i the amendment left BBa?fjBttad aud agre?; to i: as modi tiitlthtis: that uoinonav appr.ipriiti'd bv tbiitu't ? Limit be paid to tho Illinois Ontrsl Company fur transportation of troops ant property ol the I'titid States, ^^^__^^^___^___ The *:*? iu->apotran Steliewte. Svn l'i. \m t-'-ii, V.'etiiii.M?ay, March 1, Vm\ The Democrat of this city, which affect^ t??? well informed conueruing the plan? and ttnn ?tiients of Dr. Gain, denies emphatically, on the authority of hi? ?gents, thst the Kmperor JNapoleon has withdrawn from the Sotiurn culnnlxation acl.eme, aa waa ?nt'tnalvd by Kastern dispatches, it say?. " Froin soarcee of in? formation which we deem trustworthy, we have abun? dant assurance that there has been no change in tbe plan? of the French Kmperor reeently. " The canse of the Mexlca'i Kmpire ia ?nlvaBeiag'- sa rapidly as could be n-aaotinbly exjiccted. " When tbe ?teamer John L Stephens lelb M.u?ti*n there were several thousand Kreuch tro-ip? there. " Advice? had been received thai Marshal IWaine. with the maia portion of his army wn? on hi? way to Mnzatlsn, and might be expected there in a few <!?.;.s, aceumpaiiied by Dr. Uwin. ! " It ia barely pnsaible that Ur. (?win did not sail Ur ! Knrope ut a later date than tbe new? we hnvc re i ?vod i from the City of If exico direct i but If snob n the fact i Ins vinit bsa no reference tu a eh mire of ulans, as il is ?not In contemplation to take posarse ton of Aricho. the capital of the Northern Stater, before the f.r?t of May. " It is not intended to mnke the Stattet over which Dr. (iwin will have control U nortina of the French EfTA pire or a French colons. Pu rum? unit authority is to re? side in th* F.m??:'riir of Ifexieo, while tbe territory m held in trust for the payment ?{ the .French debt, ami ia to be dcieuded by French ?rm?.'' From Fort re? VI on roe, Ae. Ivtnwm Mti.MioE, Thur?day, Marchi, .'Ma. The mnil-stcanur Iiiitat?>r, which arrived here at 4 p. m., brings no new? of impoitar.-e from tho front. The report of the capture of Gen. Shermau e.ral s?afl iu the vicinity of Cu!nmbi?t, S. ('., w as utterly false. A gentleman who camo down on tbe Dictator, aatf who left the 6pottswood BaUBm iu iUchniond yesterday morning, ?ay? that no iiitelligeaoe of the captare of lien. Sherman, or of even an engagement between his forces ?nd Gen. .fobn?ton's Army, had l??ienrweived in Kichmonil at the time he left?at 10 a. m. yesterday. A heavy storm boa been i revailing here f.r the last few days. The ?learner Xorth Point arrived here todaj from Deaufbrt, N. C. PrsK-lanmtiort h? lite Oovernor. Aliiany. Friday, March 3, IMiS. Gov. F?iit<?n ha.? instictl the following proi-ls mttiuu; ?taaillllll DErAirTvntKT. Albwt. M;ircJi 4, lSfi!?. Whereas, thi? day ia bel?g observed by the citlteira iu varions localities, und ?..pcctiilly in ear gn-BietitOi u cit'ial aa a day of congratulation ami r> ioiciiig on aecoui.t of our progress in subduing ih# K. !.. '.<:,m nnd in Tl'alulilii'iin?/ tao Nutiuuai suo.rnt u:y: therefore, b?s it order-il, that a salute of or?? hundred guns be tired at tbe i apitul to day at t-j o clock a. K. E. FiSTtis. Front "toril. Ctxroliaa. NtMBkB?. K. I .. Feb. 25. 1S6?. Rebel deserters who have tent come in report ibat Oen. Lee baa ordered OoMibWough nnd Kingston it be fortified, which order is now being carried into ef Vet Goldsborough, he ?ays, mast Ik- held at all h?r?, ut. K Isrge force in now at work i.iKhf and day al Golda Kiroagh, throwing up foriilicatioint, - ?a? The Sleamer lie ItfoUy DUakled. I?oeTov, Friduy. Marck 3. 'ras. Tim steamer De Mulay frrrna Fortrens Mnrtroa or flugton, before reported ?t Un?mes llole repairing t rak. left that place at 3 a. m., yesterday, and p. i c eil''d a f?r a?Clialhani, where she ?a? obliged to put tack, be leak iucre?sing very fast. She reached Holme? iole ?t J p. in., with the water over the firi-room Boor, 'he will go into the marine rails av. Tke? New/ Governor of Dein wore. i V. , , Dr-VKB, Del., March'.', IMA Ity virtue of the Constitution of Delaware. iovcrnor Saulsbury. President of tbe Senate, overaurof the State for the uueiuireil term of Uot !iinr t aiiiiun. He will prubably he inauaoratod here > morrow. . Front Rnllintorr. 5 iiti.TiMOMK, Friday, Marcha, ih*. Large numherA of our citizen'?; wi'l att^ml me laiigtirn] cer?moniei to-morrow. Tbe Legnlature of tsryland has adjonrned over to enable the member? to ?present. Tiie rain has resumed this evening, and t? fu'iiu?r ?avlly. 7 a? ? ?e.m.Thirlie?. Fridsv March 3. 'tW J.iy Cook?? r?'[???rt.s tlmt ih,? lubsc'hptio'.ia re ie Seven-thirty lain today BBlSIIBleil la a*?3W. '< be larireat from tka M'est w i? tor $IX ? (n-u. I irgk? from the KiistljT.'iO ?mi irom NewVmk. fueve tie ffaJfJI iudiYidual ?nbavriptloui for su aj! tateaak?,