Newspaper Page Text
m/Ztm^'n n\*t-> V01 XXV.N?- 7,i??). NEW-YORK, TUESDAY? APRIL 11. 18*35. PRICE FOUR CENTS. FROM GENERAL SHERMAN HE CITS THE P.tM'ILLE ROM '. BtlWKD (?a'UPATIOaN OF KAU _UH. I'l'Turn inn*. Monday. A_-?.J ,o, IR ? I . , ,'.- FYut has rejjvi'ls tint ?tau. Sheiiiiiui la, t it tat Hai road bctv??'(n Dantille haft '?: i l- ? ? ph, sud that SberiBkn hu? orcia*pie4i K,?: tBbertnnn'a F?rrt Kifitrlid t: ? n< uni 1-1*1 ? f Kiilrlgh Hot? ?he New? ol Virlarv >>ia Brceived. Fron, (in Ipaeiel Cmrrto? lii tgls 15 nit 1 ll.i.H, M ?Il i ' i I'Sholliai ill ) Wednrsilny, April ft, l.-e ... ?. 1 ,'.,???: m't!i e-l.j if Gi r- S;.e"u...i. ??rdev, Rrhafti iti's ?v?inm?i'(! ha? I.I BrgBi IbbI lato two t.'orpe, ?vhiv-li will be euxui-ii'Ui? i ipetBivtlj by Ten? Teiajijp. rm and iliTiri bT Ttrre, th.? bera ?t tmat Fitter, ??'til to i" rve mador th? ooms and of Gen. trtiho lleK!, who In next in ruiik t.? i.i-n. tttnUiBB m Ihi- nnnv, llttiin-Itioi i? kimllni to Dint ! trie in Vir piiii.iaii'l Cea l ? ; as ? ' l i ? Tenth Dot j - > t'ioh li.w? been i?oor?t ni.i d. tvtil be comionndad;?-, ,erty, rind the Twrnty-tlilrd limps Mil l,e ? oi.-.u ..: ded by IbC ?fiiioi' Divihioii-firneial, (or. l! ?rill )?? ihn? *f(?ii tliitt Slieraiun ?ill vi t.ially eenirjriiii.d ti.:, i .t'Sj.tLc Cliii?, :lic Tei.iiev-e.., ant th?? Mi?si?si|i] ?. AV.t' ix) t ?..tetiL'big to tonve?.;?ny inforuiation 10 tbi enemy, it is n mutter of prM ? aanhni eat BiBteii.l oi Vision Uiis .un? now a Kight, l.ell, ulnl ? enter Amy, ??on.i? ? I ie?p... ? >. e|y hv Oenernl?? Ilote i: ' ?si, ;, ?rut ,f tie? bRBbI*. L?ve RM op BaTt? '.? I ?rd ?1 then? ??f tigain u.i.-lii.k.? the .tieiay ju tin h -k in ? pitci ed batta ?till bB-H o (?low which wi.l use up ?i ?,,-?...-, trf Jal il-'- I Winy, now tl . ??(?-il ir?-d b) frur oi Sneniiiiii'? vn t.u lour |, giiius. II . laiuoifv. thuttitn. K)l|'.niic.t is t>> bavt BB in. ?ta?ad tai tnanai a. kBaan*jaa>?tlag ha n>pRas?baltt>j und pewrr to a U'l'srirr ?i t eowtnfiiit. rajmTtft.galone to tien. BI eiiniu, ?tul that the nun bel Ol bis 11 X t,. t>e ravpjft* tonnai I, with iba i miiaHiat it* tilgat tkOM iriagt it ban iBebnaaaj in Ihe monotony of .??)?,? I e, hi.I ?t xi?...1.i bata uo ban of our proximity tu an i. -RnSkt-*? army h?s been fhoi??ii>l?h -e-.-l.-t?????t sai f?T( ??. : ? <"! foi tbi cutting Mraptiga, ?nd lirfor* tm* rractii"? yen our army will he on ;'... Rt_-igce? urn? lag n ?hie ? ur ' i r- report he ( ? a"..i lion ef italti?;h. It is iu.i?.>*:?i!ili.' to h_0? he? mu? li a-reilani-ii it to he p:i.i-,tt Iti this rnni.u. I.uf i i log?ttiei [reprobable that .Johnson ui.ij- la?<- bm~ ?.tirnt-and fnrther Jio,th, in order to ?; ?ad lit?!?"? a jiitiiti i. ?,?i li f ? A run I? | a v. Oreut ?ici tern* at. Njw- hs? ju?; arrived that Bid snond it eupt'ired. The ?trtDv :s wiltl with i nlhikSiiiain ? ud ? .iger t?t nu foJvBuee. ?iiicti will dmibib'ea U !? Baillai *J lien. C?rl St Larr has urriv?,l from the ?East with order.-? to taput to Shermin. Tl<- clot rng??i |be mai: aaaveasaaip ??nting ?ny m?>r?? ?i pre?. ant. jtnelhir K?|?orl ?f the lit ???uul???? of n?i?i_h. tun. tpemrti., ? t (Lta .Vax lialcil Tila pa i~Jx??oi ?.h. S. ('.. -basatey, April I - r>, t???? ,s ami n !':i_?? ' -, ??Iki t'l'iit.iiui' to p?nn?. to to our Y.i t, i(i>'iit the u.iti -li i>f Ratorgh >iy ('? etacniy. They ^tute ?Utxt tlane is .?o Babe) f? re of any i. (-.'ui't l,etwr*rn GoMtirtiresigh aatRatotghj ?hit tl? enemy ftu tbromug tip works on the '.'ne ngtte Tai liivrr. at l;r?'ky Monnt. ?hh-hia about to reilea lixitu Ibis plat?.'. It the diri-itloa'of Ueldon, nil 11.?. WUmi?? ton Bad VVrtltlon Kailroad. The meinj ure barniue tlio hriiltte? and tie? on tint ndlioad ?ad eariying off the rnila. i he.T detener? Bay tl.Bt Johnston erpect? thnt SJ.erm.iii ?till iuou baaaabnel io Wcidun. *o ?? to form ? jajB?atag trtO Uen. tirant. Hence trbrtt ort.ruj,.oi.s uu iheWcjoUiu itntHl. Itis thonght tLat Tohi.stoi. will ??> i? ii.e reRat ol Lre hin] attempt to forsi a jum-tto? ?vi:h him. but be trill be too late to render .W* ??f Rie' .Jo!, ? ?toil's Brray It much denvof,,li/ei! The'?th Nt.w .leieey Volunte..? n? ,i ,i . fluty m tbi? e?ty. I.ieut.-CriJ. Sainiiel Huffs it the Fiu-ii t or lb? city, ami Liegt. S. t. Itaiirl ol th? ?tnntar r?eirneiit i* A asistan f-l'rovott -tatabnl AaatsUut ?-.uigt-ot? I', li. <i i ma ?>;ii ]?iiinor?-d tofuli riargeo? of the '?in Ni-w-l?r-ey Paahli lena Cal. James Stewart, of thtt regim? nt -it il! coiomai.! ? hrlgi?(!( in S:,ert:..ui'? urn i ,u t?hi?h hi? ngtBBBBt ?ill 1 , Th? folio? iu oi un. ha* raeentiy ocen i--' ed b? I i n Rhernan. nttR IfiuTARi DiviKKA tir?nn afiaatMrpn, I ktn Fui p. Uiii.i?tui.iH.,i i.H, n. <. April', .-i. ) (?.sire.i. j H: rt.AL Freu? UkDLii .\u. n.? *>'1I TI,, folioaiag Is anm <.u."i 1 us the oignnlaitioi. of this aruu . Kight Wing?Aruiy of lliu li-iiiieaw litu-enth und Retenti Carpa, Mujoi <?w. O. O. Ho? am. nom taainlii g L-eft Wirig Ar?i? ?flleoigit Fnail"ei,i n an?l Tu en tiein ( ?.ijs? Miior t.en. II \. Mlocir-, foinrr.aBdlniT. lentar: Army id Onto, Tenjb i it 'l''-a_ty'ihirr! Cxtrj???Moj>r ?>"en J. W <e',o':. Id ?.'i-rmtfiandlng. Ca?alry; Brevet atajoi-timi. I. K?pannktommtinft tug. VIII. l.elhol lttt.tiet-.tuilo.tiid."? Will exe|<-i-e t't, )M>aers p??-?<-iil?ad hy law i?u ,i i;..ueial t-int.iii?i?.l ag a apt? ityp. . tUiinl oi a, llii in lot j,. .a. IX. M.tjOl (ieil. Jo-. -V. Motte! I- louc'iit, ?uhn Io Ut? ?prirotal of toe I'rueiili-ui, ?ppiiiiued ?. oeenmtiud It? TwMitieth Corpk ?lee Sloi-uiu ]iroiiHjle?l lo i Mantl ??fan army in ibo fiai.I. X. torte.-lien. f.hartt- YV'al.-rilt |? h neb?, ?rast n- ,1 trwm fh't'ari.i? of Da Tann" ??<??? ; -, !?' r-n'v ofOi-orgl? tor the assignment tu th' ctvouaaad of ?uilisioi made v?e*rit. XI. Rilg Gen Charte? Saisi bai lag bee i pr.. tnoleil .?feit-liy roll? ved Iront aWtf itotf a' than l?ea.| ??anrtiik. and ?ill r? r? 11 to Altiori-'n Howard lot neatariiuiaui to doty aecoritui^ to till ii.iV. By ?.iderirl' ila/i?i iieu. IV i. m,i.h?i?. !.. M. D\Ti'?v. \--t .\ ? t ?; i. Ilffielal: 0. ?tt'lkll , lr. V A. i. tlftlelsl .1. ?'.' TW)i;r;i-A??, \ A.'fJ ? D- \V. I*<?\K, A 4 A ?. liflfci^t -IVkVD J.iM - A '? M i Inf. VICTOR!. IN i'i iiiiint. 4 * -*- ' ? ? atartarr ?I ? Hebel (jmrinl Ujt?.)ii?.(,i(is. Hoi - ? Tbi N.,?y l?t par.i: ??!.' lo-i ? "I Ihe the following: * OBMgt-rttvr?? oint i i Navx-Vaitti, r?\n?KH.*. Ha. II a? n I?, le-t,.'.. ) Jleri. 44n>:;<iN Vt'KIXFi? f<',reteti 'i ni ?!?? W? ll i. ? Itripadier t.eueiul Aabatb. i-tmnunnili'ig the ifili tnry DUtriet of Wnat llorhl?. hsa j'ut i-forn e,j me ItoUTtlsJor-tlen. ?-t.-t.1e, r'eniniaU'Jii?g Tliirt'OulL A; in.? I'lBp?, had niet Witt de tided ,.---, ;,_i , . ? t?ri the' ii,?i.r |Ue i:(.|,t.t i;,..,.).,i t?aatoa, ?ho ?? tjortaljy ?oiit?le.l, lal.-u ;., -.risim?!?.. ?ii/eti lui? lail -??? trahis at Kwrrir..... ten uj?e? ?boxe Poll'ni. ???? ?tfca toautrf.trieey I.illirMi.l. .i?,d t id lartl '*> ?r ?l dt* air.?}?si txie iitihoa- Irtek la.lh a? Kteigraen ami |'f.) tagal. ._-.,f"'i<"?<it," tinto ag.iVatotoM a4*tor?, ->ui..isr ti ?? Xsrfb. wa? in,,., bjn? o?. ?i,,., , ' Irn.Wr.l'ry. ><-*l"ii' II , , . .-l?e,'?i,t sei i. B J. >. Aiim-ikon, , I o.'uino.!,,.^ (T, mntidalit, ? ?at fran Voiir... tlur,^ ? r-'Bi)ii>- MiiM.oi. Api i The -'i-.-tu.-r 1???J Ju k? t, itrrivixil ?Luv iriig) I . 4___*t ' I'' Il fa '? lliOUli g, 'i? ' ^ I..,*. ' yartivi nf Pennavlvir!?, ai.l den. Toan?rna, A*lit> f etan? derte-,,) ?f (fce tv?n? lion. TuBtnii?! ta*'taran? .???an iti arrival of Heory Wsid it.??i ??u atki fs m _{?* P"'?r Ix'utid to 1 ?,u rtaii?i?'r. ?boai? ekf?t?i*.i \tio, tVi?*?\':- ""on m the <t?-,im.?i A. ?go. liov. ?un,, >??f ?jr*e??* n.?,n rr,r lUihnyond. Ho * ?'\ also >... i t!,e ' *4W-_?!___lifl,*r? ??' ?!,?, n>1?'' ' at-,! _T ^*M<**r Anitr*? -Tolin?w>n ?"?TH a Tfon i?|, ? I?** ?? '?f ?jriied htie j>.? Ittcttitktid tv-tU?. SOUTHERN NEWS, *>???* Th, f-lm. idm tmdom. Jtt'h.mmt itle, Aim. Th? ?If in florid?-The Battit?. ?? *nl nral Hririgr. A i.nil*Y ii.n?i?!'irir of a d?teo1_M n* of 'ho 34 Slid 3?th Y. S. r . 1. I?? ,),, i I linnd?' the ".thinst., pti an expei'i'ii.ii Into Rebel lorn- I he? I unh?; on the marrrlTig afttu ?.fi II?. ?Ihe party re ?.,',. purtioa going by bontt tad ? p rtin by I lain! tnnpp. -iic I'il.-itfc.i, H -i" (iuy ag??u Btilfld and t rocitatltd np rberisor to Fort t.ate?, ss here Ihej leaded Blnl Kti uck mil late the Intel Ml. Ii.ev soon reached tkc pUattMsB?! Mts-ktaaoa Here?! ?y fo tnrt t?0 Rebel sobliei? planlltu-. Whom tbev mad prii n - The? also accun <i use ?tmul of '. ? They text s tattoo af Mr Marsh y captured twd ;:-?? - dlejta? 4 i Terse, one laUataBdoafanaa At the pliBlaUpaof Mr i Willuiins they , npturnl ?sto ri'iitn.l'iiiiil? and on? i borne, I m ? Uni, ?t.iu-a MM bridge o fer the (?rklaw aha River, ss?:, ra tb cred two ptaft M Im Tunging to Capta aQoeiirs'i eoovpaay, ?ko Seil to CM !Mnish? pluiit.itl.)!!, wh?:v tin? ??re overtake? and At lb la place ?ey ?iflc ? h tal of 21 bortet lad m .le?. si un tli ir ct(iiipi:n , ts, u ?ni ",.', contraband?, uni hui i ?I 71 hiig-ktfal? rf ?nger .in huirelauf siia.p. ?JOD Imrrels <?: wkieky, ?ml the stil! ?ml auftar ??wk* lie? ?ai ae eimi l;?i.'il t y ihre? n.eii. Tkt tael tf tlve paitv hm' ?n-, n i- f| t?, ??.iitr?l the. r?i-t?lcr"?. I he expedition tt in -et rn. At I iki ChiTfli Hill they were i s t r tu'kin !?> i'ipt. Hotae? aavelry. nmubeting boem 32. A l.r-'.I lOOk 1 tWO '.OUre. The Rebel? ?i ' ' ! th ,'f' killed in,! tsso ?on ?ui "ii. i h? fa?? ?m i'in aid? s-, ii* one killed and l?t MiHiluiiil. I i.u rt- mi 0 ?r ?idl ssas t-tc_,ii'ii-(l OS r itn ?-?ii'rv of -, K.-i-l ?bo bad itrreadtr? i tad (aio:u."l li.od up m hi? ein-ors. killue? - stiuii"1' riinoiiVr The party ?nottedetl in croe.lnc ih,. st. ,Ti?nm Itn er Mid reai hing m. .s inr?. Hai i i .? . ?' ! tin ir liiMttr exc pt live n . t?\o i: ' ?er? !,i<rt'iri th'- Iaht, bav|nj? '.il report ! ?,, beta N al beadquartor? aa jet of ike air_r. Wken thi . 1.1 ,i 1,1 more \ nth ?an *..i , uly lit Icii-m-d. #'?..?? ?T'/.f I .'o, itlimn mt ./iisi.ri'. Oar cite has bean in a iNiBSaderable slat? ol nt f-r ?he pint ME .lav?. A; I sfttael OB v r ??'lit !sst I --Irefi In Tallaha-i-'e tkttthe Vankf?e?, l.fWatrtrBf, bad bi'de.1 from their Beet at St. VI ? Light flous? ud t ere ?Braking In lb? -!.i ei.ioiof .N, sviioit; the Confedera*?* force? in thai neighborhood, under lbs ooMBtng of ( i V. Sis.u trei-k ill i;,tit .ii.po-,irig t!u in and cbecking iheii .iiitaiiti , uml tiiat their object ?a? vHihahiy to in tke a force i nmich upon T.iliuliaaee. riml burn nuil .lent?>y ?be pMe?, or tara the kattarlaa t st Mark? tad lake per? B. l poetcealot mid establish tboa?eta a? ii.. re. ' Jhea'.'i' '?<? - gis-: .i..'. ft? Bota of WepErttloa miulJc.'. tlirtnighoul i!ie srhu!e ,-Ity and ?tuty. and ?t? , extend? d i o l tie other . mi lie-. The un.. 114 were onb !? ??! ..?it anil ?n on laimoaaaad m? laalbfa n-?iMiu?e was made In the iitli. ktvarp linn ni I? y i -, pu bin of i.e.niiiij nun* w?re at I ifa post. Noter silice th?' flrvt aoBH? m I nier? Oftbl war, bave Die penpta exhibiled a g rt ttt.-r 'spirit. (Dh?ttamp?iByofcatelrj marebed nearly ...sts jiiiiiis in .'i Loin.. Otherstsarebrd oa iixit 30 aad M mili? to ?rviit?ke IM ir c? in p.i-ie? ?ko bid ?ra.n?- ski ml. ? ai ri iu a tei'V ?Iron tin., u wMirrtal tone in? on Ml ?ey I?, the ??eue "? ?lieui to meet any fuite the eoems , hau tool e. Col. ScoH ?s?? k?Hlv pressed Iiv the enemy Bad .' '.r.-illo Kewanrt ?an iax,,,ea lh,. bridge (bei- Jh? 1 ull'.irit imp ? ' ', ' r -. -? i i , -,.. ,.| n,? M'.-rint thiit ft?ce Marched in the ?tlre.-tion of the ! -.ilami Hride'e. I MMRftftBBflMftl having arrived et ri ay 11 rit on Men .lay inorm; ?. O'ir f.?c?e? enra.antor.dtb" BBMBptt the ? Rsturnl rtriSg? alosni ?eveti ur Msrkl mile? frote New? port .m Th? ?1. Msrks Ititrr The fiction taster) t r ?e-, .'?i i-.?!.. s? ,,?-ii the eaemj ?ere < .mpi-u-ly rvpiii??^ tind dris ea b ?ck 4e lleir pntibosts ?IV' a lo?? uf lisa kil.?' i. 1 prison- r?. In (he ?u. .u.. BW li??t Ihi?? k?l?d au.l t? v?..?l-?l. Ataaoft4k?killed ?? are ?orry (<> n.- ntioi, Inpt. If. K. Ifa-lot? of tho 'J ITrr.a? C'etalry. a I Mil ?ml ?k,'ll??l.??'???:. <.- saiiioel Joues ?m early noon (J,? ti? .-I at ?! I, i* I" , i, i.:,..,.! ?n nata oMfVet. Trial toitve s-f re < -i ? a. "VA i (ham Miller, in etrniuiand ot Ike L'iirns. \ nasj\ a ii'ouii .? na pail in the ocliui. and!.wa?.i rnatorlMly I? the vi.torv. We ?oulil lilO to liientlnn the aetviee? of* * veful riher oint ?:? iiDi! tr.e variour? lorcc? tiiat took part M I tkeaffair, but ?a are adttatuhad ?not u un, a , .. u?? fi.l int"i-?n?i :. n to flte enemy Snlfioe it U) Its). IB ii ' 1 *e have amiii. fisrW? to ue.-t (my ?Eek ?tae_ ?*f ib? 'eniiny, the men !'us "t ?itb unflinching pn.l ?n II m "r-' ic courage that nu ilnimeiiuii euald bo y.iin? d by any ouc i??r galiautis'. ?o ptrfiet ?as thttoui igt an.l 4> ,tl ui ?III. , \s ? na ? beateu Iks en. nil I?-viu in Fkaidi ami ilriveli tlicm fiuiu our .????11. uu'f ?'.ll. th?; help 01 Q4Vd If lA tba power of IUBE ta kaap tue? from ravaging mi iioi.i-?. nur riieu ?ill not partall them m du n. \t tli? nine of i'ii ?rittaft the Yauk?, ? hovj le etnltarkr-ti ?n .e?ir lraii?|??Tis, a lew of wbii'li remain i 'i tin: hay ifvgpaite t>.u laijrnt-I.ii ,se. IKCIDERTI OF 1UK ?A1TI.F. 1 he eaein > wei? , na,,i,,i??!, ,1 by lieu. Newton. I i nodeett**?!? weie sbot, ?fier trial by e??uri-miir(lai, | ?Lu wer? i-r?,,??teil in Yunkee Bn!A?Mt One ?tf then, ' gniaed i? the n-o.ii wie. ?hoi the Ailjntaiil ff ti.? .'-I Tint?d? ? ..s ,lrv ?I ike lime .,| J,,? deaernmi. Co!. J -1. Dam? I bad a leg 11,d aiui inj'irf? | h? ,t fell ii m bis !??"??-. ! Cue. number <?f the enemy wae vatfautiy eatimated ?i frorn I Hntoifiuo, Me of ?eri wMtc?, aartonn th. ui ?boni .I'laa,??: J: ? minwy, ('apt. Patrick notjatop, tnd Dnuh??.tu'? Hull' rs, ( apt.' liunh mi. ut-iaul iu lb?- . I lcril,?.'T ?i?|.- i\ lYf. .' .festh Slid i|e?1tneti?in tnln? III vi?. ?.-rs si'd ?ssn.rih'iiltig I s rare! y to ?he retult .ii Ike Krittle, 'I':.??'?. ]?tt irori t!-.', stut,- Seiniuary wr-ie In iho fie!,!, ??..t r?h isei! In il c iai??4 g.ill.iut iaan. n?'.'. Their praise Is on the Uj_ uf all ?ao took pi? it1 Dm- ligbL Twerrty-Tooi prltoiirri ?rro bnnphf tr? (If*eliylisr. Wer'.: .-,' i? "i.-'i :,. two ? hit''? .nul the l,.,|, leg (l glue?, on'e oi'the rsblits? j? n UetteBMBI. ? t'rmm I he .Wttgttolt* fmmt'Htilimmmli'i. llarta.-l Oraler*. ? Mai IX, lie.. Mraroll W,A1? . . W*m\ '??In' og O'-i. ? luso ln'i'ii reef el irom il. i.l^iiiiitci? lltiii.ii s IIivi?4obo! the VJrt ?i. ' . 1 ??! "i?p r,"-' c! collecting Bid pint i,1i up lor lb. pruinpt re'alorStion to tlltf ?''seial regiiue-l.t?, failftl i in.,- <-iimj> .nies ?ll ?'.?.-lit. ?g iii.ui Lee'?, Sie? ?i i - ?u?! ?'Ti ulbisui's I Hips, tho following BltOIEMI'MlIk? ! i ?Sea ?r.'.boQl Aeltvi i. ?? Hnr?. ?."n. Mackall P. A < t., ta ?dr'i !-..? tu ' li? ut'iier liane??, la IutMbII ?I irsr-'il sshli lh? a*n--?j, ?iipti?i.."u ui t in ?erti?? lusolvid?bn taasl|iiittan lielogj n M.'t-o?, (.a., ?ud he will ttkt ?1 treu?loeMt i ?t.-p? In n ?al to tuen- ?oro;? ?II who sre?b??iit rtuni lan? other cante tkan actoal dlsBiiilltv fai fluid !oi o i |i:o|i?1'!V f?irh'Ur'a*. 'fu this eiml T.- will ' ill* cil In ? ?? at Coinla his, Atlita*?, Allaan;, MaOOB, and Annual? i.i. Mnnlir?>inrrs Bel???*, ?nsl Vl?4?il|, ; Al?. ? aad at J setae?, Mmne?, mmi ("btaiubBl A| .., ! ?ipl'i; ?ml stich 0|h?| poirt- as OJST ?le ?otjailf'Xpei'ieUl ?o ?s iiic'i a!????ni?os living in ti.e vfcintti - itaMctiiflly ?he?l lie i, luiieil lu repair and ripur' mid to is ui. h ?s .il ' :>. ?t-i.t all ll?.??. is I,., axial '?? ?rollteteil by ueigiitatjrtaf I . eui.'.iiii? otberr?, svlui wiillte i allerl 00 ?'? aa?e ? 'i-i BAU 11 .1 ' I ti.e ief?u!?iini.? ol th? ('unsi-iipt H I'.-mi. ' li- iiiL tl?u rttjuirr all otlfatia und m.-.i to r pgtii An t*<? . B'-aieil letili?so:i? api-ointcil stlit. tune be ?tl-r? a( !iv j ?ni B'.ii.ulii.v ?SI in Ml ?hit M these lieinl'|u:?r'?is, or lif, I Ilia atiMasiiei ai ?h? DayatMnai of aiu'mud Mia . eiSStpM ami Flu?' : in wbieli ease I " s. Citria.? h i' ?]'.i?i""n 'ii siic'i ibacileei '.??on ikal "'uin ??far? ' \n ?kora ko will I'oiituiiuiest ? a c .p> of'tke?! orile.?, ' nith !? l'--;ili ?I fin Ikt Uijt--'?a.?iJ nldBM fa eaa'il'. bl'n ! to ?j'li.a- In? d;.tie? ?s ulna tn?j liiuii? ?f that e'..uitn.?n'l. .\ ??-.ft) i ,, I ie. at eDliftittJ ?I ll?e?e-seii?l r?n derv?B?e?a?usu?h4>4tund rtaotautderttaEtk ?"d ?a? ni Moiitu-onieiv, AU'uriis, ?ill bfl ootctatrtted is? :i- practll ?We .? lh il place, ami tlm-c ?noil,?.! l'?-e:.i?l in '.o kkt t*iK l"i ????'iiible'l ?l A'itn.?tH.' , ? ? t? I In ,.iwdi. e. ? t.. the slniT.'order, Mejor H f.. Wil tar 4Hi A'al.ufrs.i i:."' lilts b-'. :i itHVCted t? Ukx , eoniiiis!,i| of ihr- Rendr/rmi? it M"nt-;r)u???y, AlTi.?"'? ?- ? iplac '. '-T ? . t ? .. ' ' ?i,.,.. '? ? i v. t!i< ihn?-" ;p- In I'l-uin 's?. ???, VJigaJaaippi nul .Si * i: ?.-nu iu-ai m .i|Uin? ol ten?? iwcuiy, lk? na ul'?r ' ? di?? m iipsiiD I !it i eility ?f lions'?,, :uii<?" in.m ""? ci't'!- "t f sir ti.T'l nf opcrnti'ias and the pile . of a .L.s??ing tlieru at I?C point ?tl assAli'llr. |L ? B?.pB?>l I.', mi-rv.t.-- wll 1h> estnl.l??lieilk?, euiiy , Mai 'be f<dloit|fr p..iiu? vig- ( nlirrjnbiis, At i?, ?i? AHisnv Mse?sn :- id Argii.-tl, timiglK , Mimt . i a,.ii Muhile. ui.i! a! -Ink '?., t, .- u iv.i Cm,|m?b'r?, klisstarirrpl Tlie.'lli" ' ill. ?Sill be i<B'UjiU?led. ftu'ler?<? pu; . ? .n V??ii?u..t ?Ml AtaMlladMB lo Ho?i|?oni.ii i U'iru ?' l?entela lo Augurt? ??BfBB. Lntil um.???i ca\i i- uf ' ?uMkatad r?Hi<??is. ??wl ?i.?amj-w-UI T..|?ti toi lit? VatWTf? pC?t ?A. lap ?fais Ol ,i|,li.lllM?lfliiisrr, V, Lp ev? ???Smu?^*??'.? t?. I?n ?-gt.l the-nt ii? ??>.,?'' dlrNcte.1, Iff ev "??''ei. r/n v*ritt- ondej? t-f*?: ordtM? ?ein ' ?aire rl>?,|j- n^'t if il c aWatlta ?O\lfA:tc&, ?x\ J .???t? nar-e. i^ttym^}. i'H?u.n.t. und bi?s?dt4, thti luneif .a 11 II ?V gtv-4? ? *?,1 t|_> Ikl-llM lu ?ii>">? ?*?it> /ii' ?t.:.?? n. ? er? of (he rendezvous at -tostare.ietp Augii'tii will multe it weekly rejsirt of the otT, rs men reei-lvrd ilnring the irtofc, and the r.reiii-iii o camp a il ,t,? of report. 1\. l'ont I'diutnaiiilers arc re,]u? sted to direct (?uurtern a? teas and l.'omnii??i?rie? t? give all m-cri ?upiiiica onUed for by offioan . ugaf ?d on this duty \ Il the I,mils of tl.eii e .ti.'iiitiel.s. V. 1 urn informed that the otlicera tent to n.o for ilifl huve Itecti k?l??eted for their t| ?. .1 BtBcea ? therefore, not necessary to urge upon them e.cvoti? the terv.. ? und earn? nines? in tbi tr ?-iiileaViiT? t ) a ?u t> iagan ti.eir obi ?naratn haab t?? lb? ir r.?i.,r?; ?i rh?? >.rr nature of th<?ir niTtoe ??mkIs them t, ncinlty of theii Immer, I may warn |bo?s of tbedi ofalloBiag Ui??niM-ivi e ti hm dm day la the eujoyi ?of latne, ?hieb shophl he devoted to tilling tu? n In ??I leb home? are to be de&eded. ' Vf. AU naaavra uni saca i ? toniag are ur?reil to I? iti ti.t .1 iinue, ..r un? BIBII Hi?'/ may liad in tbeeOBJ Pbey ?111 tbi -..,,? i be enabled to ?mii their connaa W. W. ilA.a\L'_ Jlrig.-Ui Irani the lui?nor. Ki??. Tbs ff ?Tient Kee?tana, April i. Wt htiVf Relit from t ti?? iiitdrior tip t?> ;ith m-;. broiifht i.? two ?7hlea rangen "bo it .. i tin? tit? yert.-rtlay. ' Their aCOotlBtS Of BOS rs I? I interior arc indeed gloomy. Rvarv raaa entmfal I h? u i ig anus it b? ing forced into the Kein I army, I the iniprosiiiietit of the negroes hsa la-en tMBBBM Mt i pood eej-i-at, but ?lavehohler* manifest a great i,[ pi., tanoe la briagiag forward thnir ?lav??, aa? I inaoy n ?? s It?i an- [tombera of ?la ? ??? are BsarMld. I slftfes object to satiating lu .1? ff*. T)nti?'s nasa ; dare not tnv mnch. Detailed lie , lie? riniu. nt eir.plov, and exempt? r?rn?r,i!'y. aro k ni,.,., ?'' u i i i.i tie ?rtny. In tact, every man, j mult' r ?t lint ?.it of un i xeBiption i ,- in?v in?? e. if t able to ee/rpe rea, niuat n.'W "?huuiJ.-r ?re.?, r l in <-. aanrard dooble-tiBtobi warnh," to tin' n lie fJaaa I?naad )ehii?tnu. vhoee prtisenl j?-?.-!ioi.? ' . ? n.'l.ri-d ?ei-v pre. urii'U? hv the m?ikt Vt-siui Hetitl. I . ere tre bninlreds of person? In tie rrii!i!lc?nd 1 per portion? of tha Stute wtv are sertrvtly enden? i t" make tti-ir escape from the country, but the ?t ,-i ni orileii issueR by tin.?Rebel Qtaerals agaiaat . pavBon Invtog ii?.- i? l? i im. ? hnpata aiop u? the (Hjne of u1! diigntted Bith reBei i lie. rhere i* gre ,i *-ffertng aril i e-ttitetto-, wISIoli r I . flu? I o .Uli .U'' ::.l.?!he ninna , I.?.,!:! , ?? o.illhy.? , by the fall of (.'hnrleston and W lulBgtvB, are no? bamd fi*Ott Knit lag ?xTpplM ?!.r,,n;h l_? black? ] rinnet.. Mat y ?-?riror?*? ar?? vtrll nigh ext.k. tt bat the pv<>?j?-et of repleBttklng tbaai h?.* v When the t '"on fm i ?- an | ?, nd ?m , ii-i-'avi i- to the Aii.eriesii <iov-i_u?'iit im?*??, >l,, ?> ,,1 I,.- |? in tad pi? nty, und j i"'| ' : it? ?? ill iubs ? i low. 'fill that tune, rtebelg I S I look ..- ??-??)x " t - hauen foi tin-g.,al things ..f tbi.? life, a? th ' cante Pxig-s g! I Th. strut -urv.-l'.sr. . of the l'a hol nnUnoriti.-? tv I the poop!?-, luiri.tiilarl? lia- itn?irer clasavr, t?" l?l id ? tial a r'i'ii aBnnj from ittempi . FouFlis innI Ban it nut f,?r (hi? hrutal tyraanj vbtoh ean? I innruer.. r.e.i?,lf> to esdnre fie gi., ? i.e , - i.'l lureah | due tr m ..ore alone, huuilrrdt of ?-l?t non. w?n en i ild flee to our ll?at-s for f'tud ?oil pr ? , On informai,!? !? Il ut ll,at it is titter!? i npr??*lblf l( aggesnBtbaatieerteeef lba pen peegls ?ad ibe .1 ?eron- ?tut ,,t ,. ,,-it e, , ru,) Fii'Viaiitt.? of uli tin,!?, urv b?i',?i,,ii,g v, r? seafi a, h , prices eoiitinue to go up ?p<l t'oD.'oiliir.iti. rrngey io ?do**,. Of). rlolHir In p.'l?! will |, ir kovetrtv i_ (Jonf, ernte trash, di arriba, kt ?xnnmand t'.irty for trgg, a ?t. to -hi advancing. , <mr nformsntawere overhauled ii f.-w mfte? frem l City hi tfiiue i<rWhetler ? Chuatr ne (.??life.l?raU s, a lo|,l?M,of ?li ihev p.?.?caite,| e?,^.|? g>ti ii, Kala-I t' iJeatOia. we.i h th? liai ,1IIa did liul dt'?t? ?oktli Ink .: butehBeklkvi ( "?anlnubl? eal i?f_itkuii ?hen II ie ?iveil ti* in gr-r?ul)ivli?. Ihn thi'.vr? ?ere i conten? wllh ??r'priiog tl") rafnreee of ;.rt of thi ciolhing, but t'ey i??tifi?^ted u iin.le end a ttruii. ? flj-t-.-otTiclr !i;rr.?. :, g by very rudti.? rabiag In gentlemett of their new !.?ou>, Apin.-i . i'"i-?''' ?Btortaie ?tr..n?. lope? ghat the lk.Ukl.rr i-l'otiiiB ta?r ?erBl?eni ?f the larglaJataj Um iaauu Wl lijeti lt. a?u Ja |.?f... tl.?- |? .jj? Si . tu ?tr'ietl"! . an! "fir frtrivl? of ti.e I nton ?re t'oalernt B irlor?."!* Itiutnph. I be psqpfc ? ?-?ire it. ?nd lb? /voj ,i,tend *r? forre the l??ee ujion the ?loi?manai i Je Pa? It to t\* r.' ttarj lint? ?(.'.?Luoliag. We ?i?_. Spaad Ihrm In the grind werlr. and we on!? ?..??,.? ,, loabtlity lo-ila) Uiauv llteiu ih?l 1 .arty ???tiMuiy? tl.i ??j iiolily Reserve or th- ?iirra gjTsrntbl wbu b ttri.? (???iv loy.1 bosvia of tier Bneesstj Tare feel eargg l?e,,rgia will, before many nioi.ib? p*?? aaty. a retrate ta? ordiiMiirei of ?rtxeaaioii ?Dd retmu to h< ?Her?an ?? t? n p? aaaarl ??tata Tat (?earsla. tl,? great Xmiurs Stale of the S..t ipeedllt ?rite juu tsk" ^ 1?imii1 a-?1 i-omttre-ri ?fi view of th)s r.iat'rr. ?nd throwing ottbe ihaoDB? ? 1 ii Bll| JblllS _?l tuktkgl?n. ri larri ?M ra? n.? re aad :n,v, to the fohl? of th?t glorlout I'lil? n a I, h Kit' r I r . t ?.- .1,1 ?-?anl .,-??. Her eg?B1 til? Will l?a fiaBowesl I i ti.e. le'., ?i ni? Slktrt. on? after a-ottur, nil nniB. it 1 link their ?le? ?1th that of th? igr*at and koaia-i ttule Aan'tl?'?? rtrpnMle. tinttl the Mars nul Siripi will onee mute Y.t-tin; irhd to the breche .'hieb ?In flutter the ?iilliof American commeieu and slgb thrna? the feiiiie valleys of a re nnitasl uualcderaluiu o( lute uutier "ne Qoverataoat aad uue il?g. ._ ?laie Ana?? by aad TOitlrisa. giott ?lie "tviniiih Repntirli-in, April t. Pro.ti :i l'? wl"? han resiilt-il ut tb i it* ? inin.Lier of ???r?, and who rcinrnid from I)?M-t?v toarn on the (iul/rua : o? Hal r!,i. B? lenrn that Jiiphi|,.uie. ?lau of a... .ill nxiala ib that ?attiou ? (.coigia. He irtforiu? n? that tkare aje Hum ?ju to ?' Confeil' rate inaipi at Dia-turtown, that (bey have l?i aaat .?ii lue a? ri"un .?Mioiry, and *???" iustigi . s??l?;ux of Itilulvinbl? lyiiiuuv 'l'hi-r art?, ..aiyin.,11 who ,? ? ? f.nm ?-r attt'nfB? t.? :?? ?savann.ih. ?en luionuaut ?at nreetod asd threaten? to tie tr'.ril bv i e-itirt martlil and tiring, hut saeoeed?? in laskinir his aBR, II? !. -i !? un ?1 iniiii t ? ?ii( ?? ii? ?m.-.l trntwertby ihat ii :..en*r Moatg.anar? i ninitr had beeri hauigeil a,ol otliera alrOt, lor n-ioiher re??.>a than that they ad ViOtatl fnlon rn-inrir-lr??. '1 ha I'm.m men had (vim l.iucd fr.jetiier and had ?iimel t:,eru?elves fut sell pa t,i lion, but a', ?al iu git.i! nt'.-J ?if ruis ?ml uounnnl ?j -, N-teral ,tuaii?,e a li?'l taken pint?' bet?een th KelM-l? ?ml the |l?ioj ?I ? .'? na ?ml ? tei?;M of |?n,,| ?] ?l? il t:ieauic!?iiit ?II fbo ?dj"lii?g '-oiiaU't If le, L? giu'iiiit.-, 'I prup'-rt.' lidJ ltetu drtliojcd, aud , |,-ryds lln? |iaat??ta<if'tBB?a ??r?i i?, i x--r..t.-il by thai Ket?* vu,lie i a ???a Ihr Linon loan. ?\ ti I ball puMl-li lirrlie as ?g of i ht? nattai n Momia?. -Or Arrirnl ?f Dr.enrr?. k ,?l! g -,?,, ' lta|?, l.?ir si . ?fill I 1.1 I nie'it ?iiar K?'lii 1 ?I? ??< f. r .tH-.i?,i?it !r?>r)! ral.-IHoifi Ir? aiilllng down th.- rl??v in n trhall Ijimi? The; we.? a*ll"r| by the pit krt ho-it "t lha 1'itnflae ?hleh bronght them on bond the Fontlec. Bhbn 1 apt Lin ?? ItkMrrorateaj) tkaui buirould leer? no'li.n? of na rirtaBit lae ?ant eU stoej <>f ib? dvptotasna tiat? of ilT?, i ilathta Ihr Hela I in"* ws* re|?u?tr?l. ike] u-pti -eat ' tint xtatiy r??l?l?erie?, araitn, |?f?%et?)y, mid wm?t to in? will? il?rv?tioii ?taring patita) la th* t Ico, 1? the t. ne eoti'lilioii of affair? in the ?llfing < of, fndr-iSe?. I'woof tt,<? desarter* ?ere tnimlttri of tbe }\ r?'itilh i tiol. - . I'nvilrv, ?ad they rcpott gri??t (h??.'ll?l'lctioii in the ra.ks ?vf ?heir r?git?*?! ** ??ft at In ?ev??i?l in ftiitry repimert? (if the ?i?rn? Sti'?, on n,-count ?f the dsaiolBilon ?bleb gberaaa'sartiy hat csnieJ to tnaoy of ihcii b lute.?. Lain? uiiiiibur* ?en do?, ii.ii?; ?t orrrr fa ?arabia o;inuittnii> ?ud utoinioat to theii (le*iiliita (1 reside*, wltern I lie eii.-?e of Keltelliofi lniuaT? like a ?lit r - . I.m.l over th? . ? ol huuaalest? m i * peanlblaad beapp. Hran rigiisue? ii ??-?,-i-?,i at ui.'ht on pie-M to prevent the ilf-.i-niiMi ef?*rM?t?, in o?? ii'giment tbsie it open liiul?iy. aad ?dteral Midien, ?tin-a bann Bate ?la?tn??<?.l bv ?lie ikh\. of. ttgnatoa ?i < ahaaiiUi, It^aaiaglartial ning ISiiginge to ihair -oipari'sr ortle.^? ?o?l ?r???Vint' ?retj ?!r?r-,?? tet ftillr oi .leff, l>i?is and bi? iraatoitarle .oli.itg, wrre tthred in i?<>i.?. And thug d4> by day U?e spitit of dit S.-|M?ur. Lll'ij?-, ill "ilgCI iu til?? lb ii -I l?Uk*. ?mi when the rtotii. d?Iij?J<??l, nui.ktri|ittrs! prit? e.? bagll It? de?ert lb.- Moh?na, -!,'?s ?? ? um? r?i>'-,-' to rr- the noa-tolt.-i ..'.:- rare of Ii? ladlioa tail kttte irt. :m ?. ihfr min. -to.i' tin k??ien the ,Uv of treta??-'? datobfalL1 ? A Itrhrt tfavnl OfJl?.i Dr.crl? will? hi? tt i IB ta ban n pe ll.iiigiiiK ) lufu The S??aiii ah K " u...-?,i tf/4? ? *\ .lt-."ricr from the ?-nefiif irj rhi.-r?-igiji a.: ? ?einig l.ietiteuunt, an Aid oa tV stag of Lieoiftol. ?f?J> .tl). Ml;,,.r. liilui'iuu'iin,; the IS'tvy aklOltjll"1?" ? ; ,'ii I,.,.;,', at l'iclillioi'il, eall?i ill!? our I lie? on .??tin dap m?ri, ni; last, gieomptai'-?l I. hig ?lA. The ?oi ug Ul?n la? minai -??uti.iiBl,. tl?*?? Sill SttotjlBSS tii?i he left IticliBHMitl u? avert It?* i??niiirr of ill nth. ?hleh waukl ex? iluaht b?V? la??n i?. aritef) kin? f.t the offeijse of nnntng men lnt > pur lit??*, alstialBe*. in ahieh be "fMag Tic had l>e?ii ?rskfti?* thm $1.1/1 Io p?. (?Oi in ''oi.ri-den.te roo-fy Beer./. Much of hu ?tory, ?bich h fou w ifltcriit. It tue.hl It? ,lupl'?|ail to ,t?bll I -? t! 11 gl?e io.tUeeilil.rj llgit?..!' llpa which ?oigld . kJ to (he tnp.iheuMori of ibe partii-t' engiigf-il in pasting irw'ii iMo on k?r? unil th? ??eBii? laratutrb whi??l? they e?e*pe, being SB aytiltoritn ike staff If H'd. afiivr. h? or-r? attlatl in titiniuflvtaoa ?lib I'll < "i.f?d#r?i?t fop g tiuic La.'furc ?tisplelon rcs.tod upon him. Tfca night pre eedttg Ml .arrest he had'setit off ? small party to our ?ataee, bat by tome ?ccident one nf them \vu? ?ppre henilcii uni it-; irnoil t.) liithinun.l. iiml OB Ins tuns?! ti. roiiiHiii. h eonfaetlaa, ntpBcatlng the lieutenant ln_<rreil to,?Uta ?cd t" bli .irr.-.-t en tke foDo?iftg day, I aChuraday, Haiit.jr always suitained treputation far family to the Rebel ??ns-crr.mi nt, Major Carrington. Fr?.?.i j Marshal of Richmond, ordered bi? d?tention at the i.Sold it is'Rest for a da? or two. In which timo itssm bell ved he anuid be elle to Ml iblllh bis innocence of 'the charge. K"o?lcg his inability to do ;-> tneyopBR 1 lientenitnt ?t on,,, s-t alvut mean? to BBBBBB bofore hi? ?r,.:i.iii m C.katie TkuBder, ?hfak was sure to ] falloir, und ou t .i I line Light OJl'leuvoreLMut lu Valu, ! t?i briw his ??iitrd. On I'rid-iy nigbl L'?k more ?Be? i i'i'?siiil, anil on eacaping from the K?'?' repaired ln*ne It?atoll fa H.? house o? ariegrowkom beknet tobera g-nud lu the balein?e?, and giving bim S's?i dlepttobed ! htm. with hl* wife, in a clreuitou? ruutfl to our liad. i As hi? tifij u-i is few days previo .? rvveiverl t pa?? tt , ?tall hu relttitEtlirlnft ouUlde of lilohmond, ??..'? foBiid i no iliiliiultj iii paaaing tke outei del aeea, T?-r bo? band fnilowed ln-r by a ?hirrtcr rote, reaching'our line? I ?cvi'ii hotir? after her arrival. | Re ?tale? thai neirro? and oth rs ?Vive, during the j past six moijfh?, nin??s?U large fortunes in the huzurd ou biulneie of running men through the Rebel lines. In the ?luacit.- of ail >>? had f?-.|'ii'iiily viaitett tl? ( Rebel d'Hllialut!,.; J.m ??, und "t tl I linn' of tho lato ? raid sx us on l-oiii d lb? Vii ,riiii?, ss h Ich he represent? a? by fur the nn>?t foimldublc rcjael of the fleet, being I coated w;|ti )l i;- he? of iron plating oi id cirrying eight I gnn?, one of which CMrrles an 18 olid another t II Inch shot. He ?tatos that the new ram .1? If. Hnsi? ts marly lii,i?be,| ?r,d that whin he left Hicbiuei.d |ke ftal n i elviBij her urn. amant of il beat s gun?, Ali o ugh ?he , it the urg? ?t ?if the II? l.-l ram?, h? r< gard?the Virginia ' ?? the most effertrt? ve.sel in the Rebel N is y, owing to I tl o ealilier of her ?-uns ??in! |ta thicknei? of her idetin^ , the pirate Saina.?., Im? ? i.iiiiiiii.dinir tic \ irglni i, is trciki !i of a? the of Uc Jeu. L'avii?, ? r?a?Js tar ??1-10?. He i? firm In the falfof that the -?ms ?111 visit us ngrtin ut an eajly day, ami thiuk? *h" A irgtnla naps I lu oi demolishing irny tesatl of our navy, Die liotisides ', lucluded. Ail il.? batbtotrp la.l?chinoid bti t keen evnt t?> Selii.,1 ?ad oil. r point?, and he , think? t!e evacjis'.lon of l?ichiuuad within sixty days I li/hly probable. - a? - fromt TA? .l*,xu.te* I mttilifmlimintli.1. Mrnrrk ?tu. The Yankee? nl 4 n. .Ve le.l'Il. --If? The South I'linlinnin. Il.llttll?' I mains', ?l.iie in I amden, linrsad all tke i.nildings from McKaun ? drug ?tor? to Hie il; in. h 1'tu.k, and ?u the '"l'"r?i.,. of the Mart? at. from Hrui"'r'? corner to the | ne? brieV tatet, The;. _?., Jeetroyid /? up'? mill, tke 1 Cornwallis Home, the -toie of Mr. Ceo. Douglai?. and ? the honse of Mrs. I.anp, but gen.-rsily tr-atod tie ia i,it.mi? with elvtlit*. A? I? ('?1-mililit. the Yank?-.-? i were innni. ntcl ?n?l ander It? InUne i ? ?li.I man.? act? tram the u riictioa oi winch cll./?o?*ud'!iiU wksi inigl.t ik ???? wth? ; a im ? ?uip'-'i 1"' ?..?-. ?,il. ??I lb? ?oiiin.ii [Which visited the towtf w?g its It, ??, md approach i inc. ss they did. from nn mes;.-,???! direction many ? p? . ?o|i? v?"r" ttagkl in Ike ??'! of getilli?,' sway. A mot? tiiem u.-iu Me.srrr* 'Ihn' I'uryear nail Carte?, ?ho I ? nn it,.-a ?itinsihle recluir Mock, neluding; 4'oneor ajid ?.Hai.' !.. ?t:d otarra. All ?at of ? parte t antur- l i lulo? Cu;u,Ii n, the i m :n\ did not tiouhle tie luhalii ?ttl i i- >?{ M???r?. I'..iykln? or ?'"his De ? a I ?llr?''s pi o ' s t --in*? alsila.,1. Oat Chesnnt kMt fortet, i taulrts and prorfaMae. bnt the crsvellitft? oi kl? il ut? I tn-iua ?ui? saved by une o? hi? negra?-?, kl? fold the i I?.at ' Mu??? ? au.? dur about once in l?-o d -!?y iill.-r? give him lon.etblng to e?t, tret dtt weaa'l. ?nd if itay Imrn ?!? i Tire, fey <|a turn pool i im mit in the eota." Lmiir the unlui-nce of tln?s an pki.os'ipaay, ?nn h o!J aad valaaMe pronerM . sa.t* ?pait?k One of the )h?l>? .tiled with ?Teat courage. Ihr 1 Federal? e-tered her hmur and demanded b-r rllv?. - She ?Id them It was ? tare tb?? ochM no? pet it. Tbry (thre?teii4ii iptouTp tac t?u?e. ?fr r? ? !y ?i? 1 i t'tii you ?uul U?i ?ii?t sou are teoklBg far. Ob? ef , It? Yankee? tl.?-?. ?rl lb? b.?l ?? lire, taxi He? Laitv still I rv'asiB.r.g rm, ?ae-y etttng-Uahtil V?? ?_n_p an'd fan . the promis,?, ?in lufornian?, on bis war finar? f ?dnia I I., i, ui.'t niiuibersiif neajrisi? who hail noricnitb tin-? neu.?, uni w.n-r.'iuinii.K m disaiii.t?the latirla. lila i'omr.rr.t of tta? IBEpMkelrtaf At?thM !?? n_? ? Well It?.??. ?li.I yea <?!?. .ick peuple f All looked J a* if they I ad teen hard ilmi-s. -m> I?l. r. ?ii?j |r?at Mrorgi?. Fr?_ Th? Savauota Huiaid. Apr.l I. BjT the kiudii?'?? of ?..m?? fneri?!? ssho have > i. . . ?led In mnkinK their escupe front Die Intol-rshic Ivi ii f -InftluB. and who a?i. arrived u. t'ni.eits. aflt-r a m.??t aiixl'.u? ann js.rih.ii? Jonrtiet fn?m Atftala, w? mi ?Balitad ??> I?, tattara ?>.ir render? u.-wa fin!? t..?t illy and Yiellilis up to the v.,gt nt,, in . < .unite, which )?orie day lut.-rittau 7 >A?va4U C*.....,' I' ?' .1 tr?r,1c| of Irmas laat, which they IrObfiit |tb?_. i 1EB STATT "F li-is-TtTY j i* OBfl Of the U"il enrioiia lrna?iuahta. A iron? the poo pie ?!.o L'lalBi to I" i.?|?eit?li.? tbaro ?xiai? little but I dlMri.?i and tuspieioii of ea? h otker. All ? tali toe we? jemieii; but though there is much ?ide-spread Tnloo ' f.~-ii?g. ?ad t?.fni?rb there are man . ? i,,, ?uuld gV,d!y i weta nie |? ac-v even by restoration and ree.-n?trui l?.ul !|he? uin iiimpeLed to be so eautieu? ia ail thetr ?aas? I Inr? ?ttk etna otker, ?n?l In their exprcsilnucfopln , K.i ?, ?octal Mlflatcearai U a mere .ham. Aliare ' ?peaking under the mo?t guarded r??lr??t. ami. in luvt, i every eonver?alIon is hel.Tin full nientai view ni a CtiB I ftsl.-rsu r>r?oo, a ui"t .phoiicai curb I* ut rvi-ry tongue ? and a |?.-I:.? ? ou every lip. I But ?till ibeieare c? i train I'tin-n men ?ho are known . to etcfc other, and ssho have ihtir meetingafar the (p-ir??.?e nf arranging plun? for i?. ?pr fi-.n. the ci'.>, tvrtni y which Ins .?r i.l-lr p^?sr^il? In J?lxle, or, if nothing fintier may b? don?, to tiiterrhnuirt' lr!ei? and ? i ! ???! ?ach other ? itb h.-i ? - if lusupui Urn ???. Aiattu? J the des ot' d Bid faithful kuot of I m..:.i?t?. the prnyei? for the cuiinrf Sheiiuan uuie moat 1? i v? ut ami tin cere. II? ?ad bis ?..blior? t mild ka*, i ?er. r--c?'iv?.l with the l.csrti'-si vii iiriiO pnaalhlc to beglyw on n taenefaetor ? Lu cotntl to deliver a cru?licil and ?ufPer , lug i?-"p'e from the erucleat bondag? ev? knutn In ?i j CltUlliat l?Uli. The coiKcriptiou ta mer? rutbloM lh?n ever wito the lAru-Uoneer ?nJElie Siave-eeltar In the *.?rm?r day? - I father? and hnwband.s ?re torn from then rmmee and ' for, td Into the urmr-krr-th?-i? tn?! ?'im? sjt dnitrgeil iiWttv 10 rcrult the : tanks of l!:?,?..*?! ;u.--- which me Ss, .rapidly aiA-Ttins au ay bcfoie tic eaui?u aud Die !.nyi_<*ti?>?f fcta-ru.',. and UraaL Tho?? men ?bo on acua?et ? pliyiical .Itautdllly are iinubie lo bear at , mnsket. ire itupirsae.1 tato in., ij .?rter M??i- He i fi?rtment. or placefl la s? in? other jsosltlnn ?here brain i .mik ?an lie laipbisediri.tead ni-tieugto sud Bir?ole. T he eity ii lull of ta'ggais 1 ? ople ard ? tata f ?u.t I Dee of item too. who he!,ne the war wer? i.nta?? t, .. :.: in i-ireiiin?uii"i'*, are now aciii.illy ?urTeriiia,? for tumi, ? .-.nil the atilhorltie? ?re ilolna; bul veiy Util tor ibem Appeu!? far ?Id, the moat luuihiug tad uigunt. ?re j dally madn to the ?utbtuillrt, to tb? punlfa. and to Ibe individu il by ladies ?Lo taiMt't-*?' tat? ev?- bee? ; accuMoBH'd to git? ??< iierutuly intteail ol ??kiiigni??J rroiB othei?. Tta? d??titutton I* koriihlr-no dekcrlp ton um do Jnatic? t? the miter* snd wretYltadne,* which pervarto the entire alt? of fBIUlta and Hi? coiintrv load iitam?. AmirBg ?Ita lower el'tote? eria??? H lie.-omlr'g terribly common. rrovUlou dcajlet?* ?h/jps ?nd OovernmeutJ store-bouse? kts? to h?' s! h pit- fUfllded by w?B-fril I auldier* I?? protect them from robbery. '1 here ?ia many | ?liviinr-.?'?I <?r eaenpaad ?.?Idier? prowling: elsouj. Who, I, .s -i, g little- meats of Jiving?, do not haalBeVa tt i ?.until- I theft t , s.-i, burgtaiy to obtain the taaaaa of pMatunng , fooft. 1 '????? ihiiitrs uie not pcimitteil m be pabftsh. d in i ,<? i oi,|.?d?ruto paper*, but thev ?re roBOMd fur??( Lxvis by All who have left the ('oi.i.-deiiite liu-s within ' the last two week?. llo.lOVAV BOBBRRV I. 'I Ici'niiie -o fic4jasut, ami Hie ruliketi ?o bolA, that I svonii-ii i',m to tentai? ?ut of doors aftei durk ?one, ' and no Bi?a dare? 1o irnsl hlaicclf oi t at i-n/bl witboi.i ? lirai Uiuilo. ming liini?elf iiiti. a pciHinlmlatJiig aisx ? nal. He must im fully ninipped with rtvotter and I bowl? knife, nmlnmst be prrjtared to urte i?_i ?n tb?j iii-tnrit. Men aro knock? d down nlul lohbei! if mem-v, ' ?alclie?, ?! ill studs, ?i,d even clothing, evea in ???e' ?arly eveuing und la streets ?kieh ori<;e were u??nl to' I).' . rorded. ' r - ? I I mwdi'd On. da? (h!? hut ?eek Mr. <". Wr-rt, ? i.ilooi,.iiV?|i?r, wat just ?ft'.r night fall 1er a garni led l.y a . negro boy ?b'?u? he hed iwiteutly .Us, hm ....|, and ? be j -??- at?ie that Mr. YYest nsualrv cxnied i.|-?. hi?per j ?on money to a eun-urt??! ekle amount, and t liai Lia sf?t(-h ? Lie. ?ere also suiu.abi.-?ju?t L-iaui a? ?i.? raflisn? I had un - i.. > -I "??.rut; i ?. the onpoitun? Oli"i)ttt <*f a' Iriend ot the victim armed with a w?dt-iM pistol d'lided tkaSBffBBB toleave It ? bunv. The bey rm, ideiitiflcd and arrettod. Irurgtars- Mtltavery eoiumoB, snd Jewelers and men | ?be .m do so lake rail' to t*ni0ve their ir?j?t apiimi : l?oriHlile g.Mvris t-thrlr dw?tlftng-hon?es at nf/bt?; .Four I ?eek? ago the Varieiy.guai? oi Mr. _. llyaiu, oorclf of] Hr..,nl aud I!, fut'-sh it?., ss an !.. oken into in the night I tad nibtad?atad?i M trievaliA of li?.oei?. So cliii? ??? obtained to the burgiai?. Tta-next week the lirx ' i'-?si ?tore of Mr. C. C. Drake ?a? entered in the' etghf ?nl grvd? takeu (o the ?momit of tlu.u-jrj to *-u.oi?i. t Both th??e buildlagt wen? entered til the lair.? ??_? n? r, by byriibt |brta_b iU ?vyodea flutte?' Tita ? ; ' cantar hit. then tntrod ".c!ng I VeT bole ?aw .ml eiMiug , out h ij^ue large ?uotigb to enable u nun to Uitu-t in ( his arm and draw back llieboll?, uud lals? out of its ! plive? the cross-bur which secured the back-door. Althongh in neither of thai??, enses bave the MOTerl beeti eeugha, there aro cm umltSBon which l.tad to the | sttspicdoa thai bath ?nrsjsrl?s wer? perp? tt**tod by the , saine parties, au?l thut these purties ?I o rel .1 n?d (Joa j kdiirutu ?oluiers. THF CO*s'8( KIPTIOX has been vlrT?aitlv until tbo number of r? tan ni Seniors sat. di s.'ttcis biciima so great t: began to show ?? hold front, und to relut? to otttt lb? ' oonacriptiUrt otliicr. lu a ?Lnrl time tl.ey Btre yoinnrl i.y so aiaaj deserters from the wry bodies of me 1 .-eat mit to lore?? firm into the r.iuks, thut the Uonlei'i' ?t?' ' Doverniiieiit lois resolved rutln.r to do battle ?1th what I men it baa alrendy, and can indtico to volunteer, than , risk the lot* of iu" veteran In the ?if tempt to fm i-a 1 uto j the r.ii._s unwilling recruits and determined ??em '?*r,'? , Thernai? tin troop? ut prosuiit in or around Augusta, sav?) a few cavalry, whoso prinuipsl bui??c?? is to hunt I il ?Mil all i-.'fi.gcc? wh?t attempt to uau the Ctrafvdent? lines and escape to u free country. r?nTOw. I Of this staple there is a troorl dent In AnrnMa?laanr hundred balea afoet of it is in private baud?, the tiu?/. ,-riiiii-nt hrihlina^eut a very ?iiull aiaon-afc Wlivn Sher? man ?suis tbrcotonuig luef city, and the people Wen? ' waiting ?verr hour to see the beads (.f his ?(Uancing ooluinn?. ti.e i'oiuiiiatiiler of the IVpartmenf, Ocu. D. H. IlilJ, ordered all the cotton iu the city to be brought 1 ?jot and piled ut> ready to tic burned. M my e* the own 1 ers ?frnr?irly objected to this, but ITIfl said tha? rottoa bad Itreu biirned In ?etv Orleans, and iu Oih ' and tl it it sboiild be done in Augusta. 1 Ar?:ordingly the cotton, to tL? aatount of many l)"1"'' red '? n ?B ferreted ont from warehouses, ata iu 1 tome Blaen lioui eeilni ?. of private house?, and piled up Hum Vain deep la Braad-atfeet und in Orna-ftren. n ,1 1 -ii ry 1 10,.nation ?as made to apply tin- tore'.. ( on,bnstihia? w??re ?rrsngtal near I? i the -?liai'e of light wood, tar bu, el?, rotin l,?rnk tin pen tine an.) carnpheue ?ere ready to he poured over ii as soon a? the guns of Shermans' advance should rturt!? i thn city. I Sboriusn us we nil know, tool? a different istia ?.ol the eattoa was not ton ataabaaped. h, ddet bI at a ?* , pit 'I up in llr i) nl and iiieei-?ta., a ffftat u'cul ?ai ????? rieil to the railroad ?U'! piled ,p .uVog the |i ieg, re "Ir ! either for trautportatatlon further Inland or to be burned if It iluuld be found linpowiblo to cm. y it, a war. Tht evtto- ?uuadiiri'exited by lb? r?H?il*ide vrx*, not hauled ?vray* again by ll.e oarners. n? the ntarm ?boot Sherman ?lid not lui mediately ?uhside, but kept the eiligen? in a Ht???e of 'rembiln? for aeverid dtvi. \J' ?u.-ibilii 'He raius dtBpeaded and tin?- llasd? came" ni.d wet that cotton, und ?oou spoiled luiicb of il ?I.i?, w?u easily done, no the negroes nod Other? ?i.ii t jh-iI off for their own use the g??By-tdoth wlncl, -, I ' tha bald, un,1 thn? th.- , ott m became se t te red and ! base,I ah urr ?nd trampled Into the mutt, __c railroad,I loutiirit MU? n?Hot, _,,ii|rh is toU.itiltiy strewe.1 v ' 1 jai i fared cotton, which li'-s in be.ap? like drill.d *uow ?long the track. When liiil pnnBat. ta bora lb? staple, / Co I tlonaUmt satae oal and in Um aras?t mnipnnl manner' ! d*fnan?led thut ?II ,-olton h..|,I?rs ?Lould at o.x > brine; oat every bul., that it ?light be maligned to taeilame? 1 1 ?on? the iuvatling V?lker? could r.-m h .nul capture , II. It ilen.uni. ed all who oprtnaeil th?' wild pri'J?'. t of ? loir Ring it In the pnhllc ?tr?! is of ?he 1 tfy .-?? ?ir.trii.- to , the i,Vnfr-derate r??:??*; men ?ho thojght more of their thai of tbejr ????untty. A short fimo afterword a fir? 0, ? -.t 1 ? <1. and liie uii.'l ??a? 1:1 aoou a .'.1 Mellon 1 as to threaten the firing of tills very eottoo which ?till , bt? piled 111 the ?tr, eu. when it was at once teen that, bad nte CUBimui laatod with the twtlrsj ami with the I gun of liiflaio.i.ittl?? ixiaferittt wat,-', bad l??en eikpoaed ? tl.,-iiuctiou o? ike entire city would hare . taaaa inevitable. 'i' flililenly Tie Couitilulwoaltit road? a eeini etc ' -.? ' nt atidjaat M vshemenily dero.-.dril iliat ti.?' ) nttoa ??I be ra.moved from the ?in-eia bikI etlher piled I on the iiiij-ieiit to the city, or be t<_. ?i. MB oi l.i . the !? ?1 ?.'ine owners. A? (".en. H ill had given a p? i. mpti ry ?.rder not a bile of cotton thouul be re ? mi.vod (jtittide the corporation llmiis, the lattur course ?iz ri??'-? ??ii to. Our iufiirmtuit ?bo it ?r?) poalod lu the kBBttor, as 1 ture? u?, hovevrr, that, ?ueii wo* too goicrtl ol-jei-uoi, 1 to the destrti? tina of cotton umong the iierehnnta ?ad I dealers, if lien. Hill had reallv ?tternpted to inrry out I kB intention to burn it, ble sol.ilsrs would have heen ln {terfercd ? lib. the dc?truefivii preveitted, ?nil the (i?n ?ral himself j.r?bahly undibei!. Very many Of tji?' cvt? I frrn-owner* are. ?t heart, t'nion men. Who seoretly re 1 juiced at the afproacb of the Union forces, aud nil of iibciu nook! wach rather prefer turning orer ihehr ! property to dan. Kheiiuau, aad take the eliauee? of ??? 1 Ubfithing some claim to their goods ..rrt-Aite . thun. out of uie.e. ?{ill? ?toi in oh? dtrn? s u> en o<itrnge?jus or i der, ioiiei?ii it to utter ib.-ei 1 ictiott. There ?re uo dealing* in LXitton now in Autrust?. 1 Not a beta B knght or met, 00 th it there it no market , price to be quoted. Ail trade trai.iaotiom tut- , ?, inrnsd ? ezcluiri iy to the sale of the a'/aoluit? n?cc?tai.e* of life. OtRCKBACKS riOBlBITIO. j All trtv?!i?fc. or ?Jie^etilaling in T'liifi-d ?Kt.ita? etirrenry. I 1? stiictly fl.rbkd'ieu- ?ir '<i.L?at-k? mtit not even be I ei_..|,,,,,l t,, purubaee food or good?, nothing luit Con? federate money can he used. Aud, *u determined are ! the ntithi riile? lo force their Rebel thi-plwiiii? upon ai; i unnilllng uubliti thev tiu...?l. a ai?a buy nig or ?eli ing Grecuimck?, or ? 1'?-.-,ng theui in cxct-?ti???. with a i ine- ,,f iioin oi ?' t'iuntand to Uve thousand dollars, aod I with flee va?r? or m??r?, imrtrisora?'nt in the Poutt??,. j i Mary, ?I tira> ett ih? Judiro? y^-.-^.*;, ?i? ?_,a ' CitcCDb.-kt aie ?a?, ,lT sought, bv|(*>?Bla who are itrli ' ? ? ,, ??'?: <\"- a if?t ti.e line aud get to the I,ail of la? ?ml " on, e ?gain. 1.? thtso t?eopIe thirty dot lars to fifty doUer? t'ovjfederal? l? given for a on? d"Iiui lit ????alt fa-?. Hold, whan ?nvotie ?as.aeatlcg it liver d int enough to part with it for Confrderate. rnp,i, ea?i ] I? command? from sixty to eighty for oue. As iDtki be nppueaa, hon ever, there Is but very liti!? to ba ?old. ?cam or uaitKKT piurn im ?t??r.T. ca.. m .titea ira, i%5. Flour.iior barrel, tTDOj Ontiag Soda, perpaicil, o:S; ?.'?ifl'ee. |k?r pfxetkd, g7i); Ta?, par poirfld, glT.'i; Siteiin tfamllea, par rtotiml, t*C>; Brandt per rirjirt. g 175; ltwndv, per drink. 110; Curn Whisky, per driuk, ?5i Apple Hi unity, per dilnk. 4" Fggt. i>ei dozen, tilt to tlSi Tea 1 ?11' box of HI?,-king. *}.') Confederate taade L?Jj|ur l'.iei, ?air til ink, ?VI. A meal ol ?ictiiiila 10 a rctuarnut k? by to' aea?s a luxury to tit indulu-ed 1? more fhau three or fotti times a day, ?t ? iiuvs? the foilunlng k_m AikA.iT run ra. A full r*-^ of virtual?, ?jorBttingrif r?ltitcl M rii.-t.-d . ' iVoih, rice, and toniciiiiiCg fr.fii potath*?*. 1 ?. If),- H?ni und egg?, tfb. I ? nd th.tat sums were deataded "invarrah.?? In til- , in-it-".' This prtctl'a .11 lee* frara a pto.lul linblt iti ?luliied in Or smue of. i?e??r??nrB?.l ?oldier?. of going , " iiiitltixe Id in A gimta ?lx ?eekt.B*ro. th? nlit llule s?tni of |-J? it?i. Hhv j an ?Bijiig house, dOTouriiig a hug? in? a-iitntig off Wit'.out lU.Mrjg - at all. (?tir Tt'fotmunt wore'?eoat f??rwblcTi'lie 1- -t?t six ?eekk.aao.ta? nl, a tlule sum of -, pantalovins erst htni gfJOU, bit it ti 1^. aai h?> lattott ' gstix). If ? g> nit 11 'ii there Is dlijiofed ?e indulge in I I any of He ?Ulli ..l'iiuet'ive of Ilia aduno, u? Bilit be ' pictiared to p?v secnrdlnglv. ' A di?h of oystei?, giO; 1 h 11 isaiif I und) Bin. a lu.uu.t i.-?- *iO, ?aullen I . or i.'iil "i any soi t from tin >?, 4. - 1 The utmost vi_ll?nce anditrlctneti aie rxeicised by I il.e sutlioi m, - to prevent any one from l.-u nrg the I 1 "iiieib istslitie?. Mr. hiIV? l?at, ' a prnalnnl urd I w-.iU'i.? Ituoati i.uiiii,')?i, and Dank l'r. ?i_eni of An I gu.1,'1. ubl ?iued .1 permit loi?iivi? that 1 In.? 1 fr-aa 1 ,i,v. Ilrown fin the pur|>o*r , : taking kit wife, a eonsunip litainvalkrl, to New-York to ?lie umong liar, l,,,i hndi>rf?t'ei?(|sBtrrnly ?sltort dtgranee on nb> Journ?e tflum ?11 armed force was sint after him aud ?a? eoui- I pilled to return. REPORTED CAPTURE OF ?.ELMA, ALA. I Matra?, April??, via ('.uno, Anu?.-, ! TJ>t Buttdia tUift eveuing ?it\ 3 4 raatBl pre-1 vail?, ?a?l i? well ?iithenlit:?t?>d. that Seit_?i; jt/tg.. mj^l cupttii-cd und biii-od a I*? day* ?_?> by the tnAo?ry] foro? of Gen. Uiomait'eeammand. ktllie.palr.l ?'r? ?iaieulial ?rtn laiaiai i?n. Wss?t|a,~rov, Mondar, Apr!! "' 'alie S'uhOHkt rtlreiligtltfer ?ilffO-iU}' KBVrf "lt*e loiiin from ?n authentic ?oiiicc Judge ? -?mpircllof AMk-BB, formerly o! the l'iiltet! I*tl ?o? Su rrrv?e Court, unil onp ol the llimptou Rooil? Coaniii sioner? of tke Rebel (Iiiveinmi n?, ?/tilted npon the l'rw!? iden! eiRichmond, aatl i.igcU Lim tu iwu? a piolara* lioo of ?vpnuiliatory character, exporting lia?, belief that if udnld laTe. I most salutaiy eject ? la? I'ioiMlctt, however, ?>?? not tken prepared far thrflttep, and it ttss quite ?csioualilo !.. ?i.p??u.r l.a ? i?ulj decline action upou this ?object ?hila Orear ?s? prflMlnf upon Lee's retreating forcer.. "That ike PreeWent w,H now adopt tbl? couixe, T" iHtttltgtrVfr hi* ?sIvUlrOBiJ ff?jojrjifay belle? inf. ?Malta? THE PO?MAC MY. ?I den. Mieridaii s Capture??, ?Farther InctdenUi oftbe Forouit of Ut?, ?AtllUMieta, Vender, April H?, in \ A letter ilstctl HeadqnartcrS of th.? Army of the Potomac JetcMviifa, Amelia Coanty, April 7. ?a? a - thai on Monday Die cavalry under ?RierMau maile an i Important cnptnreof rrrt??tTiere gun? ainlw-gon*. II appeal?. Unit Lee's army wa? moving as rsipwllf ?..-, , ? Ml Ifmite?! transportation and t>? demoralised eondit.?iri ! of hi? troops would permit, ou the road between Aincl ? , la-it UuUiC and Je ter? ville. I The cavalry katiag gained'JMftWHii oi tip? ?auslaj U?iili'(ind some time previous, were not long ffi dis? es? j cilng Ms wlicrcuboutt. The Fifth Ctasrna b*ii)?? well ? ,? (in ?tipport, and having built In I ru a t>_ tri enta durn.|? i Tues lus uigLt. prepaiutiouA for an attack ss> i made. j -The country here f? very uneven, Irl?f ? an?! MSSB m nn? * making it ammmhmj dnli it Mir i / to operate lo any advuntag?. j Tke Second Divislou, under ?-ton. Ttavles. ? ? ? j jelpsllyonputfed, and the gallant mnmer In sshith ; I ? ? I charred and drove the enemy la blfrniyiwlacn nf by 1 thole svlio ??tneficii It. " . I Dut the l?cb-'I Infantry ts_ tie iy, ty :_i ?'-, pr: ?C ', lia? ii- cavalry, farming In the woo.!, aud a4to?*u,r' '''-'? * cover. I Ou_.b.ob ?ere, there/ore, farced bBoit on ike Ibbi ; try, bin not until 1,000 priatmera, six ruas, a i I ; ?apin-triiln?. to|j??ifa*r with the drift:?, ftrfttftfh pi ?? ! ?essioB of He brave tfaeon.l Division. V.vnof the guns won? new and of the A? pi.ti'i in said to have beau a pre?? it fr~*i t' ? , , Hot it aillent to the Confederaos?, aa?l ho.! net v. used. They am Ireantifiil sp?cimen? of mrt. uc-i-ne. j XI-wagon* ?built two humirod in Mather, ???*? ' mtssily ?-iiipty iiud sseM burnt a?'-rt?e ' as bad been ! cui i?To?e and brought lu. Alot;?; with tu ; ti aie ,. t wairon belonging to Gen. Fitzhj^h Luc, e-. -. , baggage, etc. lu vuns engageaient, ,Sberiti?u tavk .-A) p. ? . among ?Loin wm, (jen. *-<_?, ? ?AMI ht ? ' H J. Tfca tlag of the Artillery, Ita?d ?n?; re.-? ?f Nuttl.ern Yi_, , ?n,in wnii in.ait utkei tropftid? was a??o captare.!. Vim r 'I ii itna?. ootnman.tiiig the 1st I'onnr t Regimont, l,,?t a Mat in the light, lie is :, Lnivrt'ofiictr. *??! hi.? BflMMMN mrl gallant ?e-rvice. They ttffa -, ! flairs with many pinioner?. 'lucssay of the 1st Xcw-Jersey ?aTalry wat k.n"!. ? Tin) .orisouer? ta^en the pttat ihr- ' ft, ?nciudin;? a nuirfb.r u" otticer?. Tin? corresponder.t, gtres ?nrne furrher pi.rttenhir?, atro-;??y ta ?af'ti-.ut * ofllciaily tol'jgrnpl.' d, and add? that the -rcixtaftt ertdlt is due to the Army of tSe Potomac ?nd it? i ommand? r? for the bravery and enerar-displived daring if.? ?? i ? of battle?. Some of rbise have b^n r art-hing. 'ui-'y f.,r se varal days, the Fifth Cor? ?a-MftBBWll m,ici ytetardap ?u tl-ir ? BwM M tt ?Ii (he foe. I ron. Ki.huionE. WaeiincoTov. Monday. April iti - Tni?tsv,,rth?7 inforuistion lu?a l?e<n? r?kseiiml ! fiomairnotleiTian who left yatatrftap, that ??en. Hherrlev, by order of the !'r"r-i.'enf, ha? gjven i?f?j comlact lo Senator ?lunter to e-arae mid p^ Mm Dial ?uity. He" i* suppoti'd to lse rru hi? ??ta'eta BlM x County, fifty miles from Richmond. ? There wore no prayer? offered iu tl.e cbtljcl/ee v.?. t'?Yd?y for the Prrtid?it. and, of courte, norc for Hi? SdftlhMi Canfe.l- racy. I TU? citi-sets g?nerait? tsegrard the war at over, ?ml fuit), i naiatatut, tirer.fvre, ?a un?!?e. | The R'hiHO'id Whig of Saturday ?ay?: I ' The stotement that there ?? a meeting I?"?. ? ri-nlng of i-tieh member? oi the Virginia Iajgtalature att i ?till remained in the city, w?s not strictly corre? i, ' There wa? no meeting of the Legta'atitiru m others, bul, ?noplv an iiil'oimal conference ar.d coa?alto?a??ai. f pi ? ' sato individua!?, among ?hom maro nv? ovk?imem beraof the L?'gi?fature. Tke motive of tke?- ?ut.. men ? cotaing together wa? to hear IVonl ludf? t'atnpftell lb? tonn? nprin which Preeid. nt Lincoln snd emre-se?! kimtelf a? willing that Virginia mtfkt WttiTttMo lb? '1"uii>n. \( Mr? V. R. Anderson, DavnlJ, Purr. X-iitanle'. P. Tyltr, and 11. W. I kOBMM were ?pttolnted a C'ofa-itre? '. to 11 for ai the Legiataitue an?! (?or. SmEh at* JPretldei.t i Lincoln? ttmi?, and Judge Ctmpbe'1 wee ?eajoyisted te? 1 BBBMEfEay the Comm'.Uoe, ?bo vro?i to leavo4' e ??it? ?o ?cmjo ,i?'pa??porti ??oold be prccurcd. It wnA?aid tt? 1 be pro'iable that they would get of let* mornlifa. AV of , prefer not to ?t?te onr anderstandlng of Mr. l?coU. o ? terina tfl our infarmatlun ob that bead lg not oftjeial.' ! Th? only iBibrmallaii rteelved in WtatduEton ol Pioaidanl ?inoola'4 propuwltlon, I? that It wa? of a veij? 'libeTaicl-rairUT". T ff ' ,. I A namber of gcmleuin ?etaiued faon a i ?til to Jtv'i ' raotd te day. I A ?BE -?-ft ?^ A.laairwl r?rtev'a ???art V nmr> ISTATB? Pla? ?sir a a. oaa i I l April fc tecs s Sih: As the raovements here hdvc t??t of 1 ! inih_ry ?litractor and have been rtifularlr r?|t.)rtetl fi tue SVar Itapartment, I hate not ils-ea.9.1 It ?? ? <??? > \? t ' mW U'.j t'.lng to ?he Dnpaitment ?? After I ?a? anshe.l that th? H?d?U ??' ilotu tu evacuate Biohtaond. 1 eommetoad teatovug the ob? ?tiitetion? below How let t? Hattet v. and in the ??ours.? of the tslrht after, sneceeded tn getting a r'...i.u.-| thn.iurU and re-frtod th? torpisdoM. Tht |t;.l)o?i* mot -I np tflDrory'?. sih-r? tke ?atatructlofle a|am \n - ' ?ented t bur to furtiier protrres*. i On (kt 4th of April 1 aeeompaaitd the President b)i ?.? Biclitn.iBd, where he wt? rewired tlth Ikllttong. est demontlTitloBs of Jor. ' ' We found t?nt tho Hebel rtml and eiinltofllwhatl all . 'i?"B blown up, will. Iha ? acsiption of ?it untln!?be.| ' i ??ii (the Tax?t) end a ??ait lu? gnu'wai, it?? 1 ? ?? - i lui r, ) mnuBtleg oae gun. i The follo?lBsg ia a II?? nf (he veaeel? fteetTityeali Virginii. ?ag?hlp,f.j?tr garni; troa-cl??! ' K.ih. trtf'rjiJ. finir gun?; Frcd?nctabnrg, ?Sut /,..>, Irfsrnnil Vansemond. two gnu?, -goder, ship Hampton, two gun?, ?ooden ?hip 7L_sooke. ?n.? CUUt and ri??' WOfeloB torp- ?lu le_.!?r 6? .?| - nel ; l'n'.rlok Henry, scboolahlp. Some of them are in light above w?ti r and u.*' >? raiitcd. They partly ?Aatiuct tho cktuce! ?hate tbey now are, ?ml will cither hate to lu- raj.ti] ei Ua,wn up. The Rntufart tad Teta? I has? taken far the bm < f Ikeoavy. The Trvdegir Works and the naval ?-dn?_e >>| > t rsa-inain nntouehed. Very iesi>ectfnllv. venr obedient terrant? ' If. I?. POSTII. n??r Adt-ir?!. Ta OrpLOA' ITflLls, Secretarm af tht ?Ya???, Fie? City PeImi. Frern IBM Mpet-lal < < rr??t ?sodeal CttX Tom. aA.1 t Our cOrTP'?p<sn(l(-t. T. C. O., ??*? j|c loi? lu*ia.4. * THI rfl)__E__t vrtriT. Tbl Prtsitlent, iiccoiupfiuiedl?y Mr?, laiiooln, Senator* Boilau, S.imner and otktrt, yegieritaMpaitl a vltiltothe getertl rrotrrlral? here, Die Prrtl^r-M.hah? i ng li.tud? with every man and to ?very one saying? woiA?r tw?eaf *m*\*mmmmm\m He leota ieit_feeTte, ?ud*?s reinopati\.t?tawith by ?the Surgeon in ch?r??a for attempting" the hand taikfngof ?e?era! _xn?ai,d. met) i .ia m ut? wer, ho?a?. "(ieoUeMen.-cy war ?et m* about orar, ?nd I stritt ?hake the hondaBf, aaat any u kood word to ?very brave fifllOB who has aided .a 1 tlie'glorioiiawoik "* H? ItMoodcd to return loWaeh ) i-^ton flit nigbt. , cajatLKD rr. j Two soldier? a? \u? :ul Maloe ?Btttery, stationed In the i|aien?e? anitied 4'ity PtJilkt. Wer? yctterdny golt'r.I ?:p ami mbbed by a party of guerrillas, not o??*- o.'.la ; ?.??ttn.iia Hi? folk*. ike riivn en* th? iTstttete ?r?o i watering then Luises in 131 i ley'? Creak, ?leu ? horta getttog Tet?n, iw.i >-?n ?.?re teat ?rut to .aarh bio.. Tt>B)- linaSlv tuuccaded, aft??* ?tauig, perla?.* ball n 'a. . ? it??y lit??* tUtar imriv. ?han the piirtiiR ),n ? referTvri to f?aa.e, taking th?a. prlia&er?. TLey warm taken eicht er tea lu.'aa awe?, ?Mari, altar bsttg ?ttlpprg 0/ everything of ?.lue, ?ere ttowweg ingetepB MltlU OOmtrUhi. - f in? i? -lat'tiui. BB at m