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I Ii O TI \V Is.tlX. Tot. ?*f'?iBt1nnf*t -Von? Pint Pile T b Furia Sxpooltloa HaeoaM Bat IBBow the geatkv j Crae lUlBOto i N!r V, .ration kpfwn n.'dinst liiii, ?)-. ?.ii aeeoBBi of Uexioo, bal lie iVimld follow liim with ali !,t? henri ka I)itetl(,it? at IB? nrenohmeat and (-, oaon j i.? aln honored him I.: Lu ? rot! i to fe grnl Capti ? n .1 l oped ti at t_al mil itary i , .? ? ? ? .;'.. tin ifaton i-sdi r of ti?? Annlaaa g1 '?,1?, m line oi ; i , a- ? I ii ! ia in i in.?- nf war. Mr. Si a' : -i-- . li ','..!?( I whether the gentleman from 7-)wa ty: ,,-j ti.e nomination ol the Uent,?4Jenenl t bj li.e -eiitl?' - e . I . Mr. ??kin ?fLL? I! li ? t:>' 1 at On. ? - *?'.; I . :''? ? : , ,,;,(liti?,!,hi Lihou ?land ? party ol tbi i nlaa? i | ? ? r.i Beening '?- Annan iv? _-*|Vaid< Bl '?'? II - I ' .'''i 81 ?' *. -, xi M*?..? iliu: :* ai . I mu elad to hear it. Mi. La:?)' BOdeeir : to kaoB BMtbU _M ?ciitlp iwBii fri.tii Iowa w_. ?,.. ?ii.i.j- t?> ti' i II baton the i vu? tnuka.c ,t p lim ?1 ?;>??(?( I' Mr. (iklXNELL Bj '. ' off ?>:i a ?Ide I? i ? ,- vi,mill off r au amend j. -at to ie looa ti ?? di mb tot t ikoom Inn tea to It . BeisdorBedthonu na the ? rvtng i'.t of ?aid ?*, di Mod M Mi Inemm of .?'id!.,u to taon si.iie? thereby renderlag laade mure v _ii._i.ii-. ??Lil Inenaetag the prosperity of the M- neoaaa_nontfVt.)afterarrenty critki-lng the ar_i't:i?-nt of M- vv a ' ' " b1 vhlle Cnagran .M obaan1t reitbe* Im la favor M Ibu ptopoaitioa. 'ile qoeatioa to bel ?de??dod wa* not o:'?- a? ?? oui relation tf,tb Ftirope, ? a' vbethei t! e project lui; ni itsri! ci ,.-;?], viUuo to j ii v i grra la mai ippr pi it on. He ? ? it l iel. aal, : - -: ooil ' v ,*?. for i!c i*::: lie bebend t*'it the propo nltioa was just ;,? ile ?_i.-itt il:_:.??r .. th? country, and ti it ;;- reealti noold be bsnefetol lOtl -lie tte-t proa otc: : w ?, Ji At . ? ?'[?'?. 1 or the lar-t tile or ti? ? (.. I Con! Eon pi, ? stepl Bi ?. - "*!?'.(? in.mei'-e notabas of nirn i b1 ; ? : . i I ? io :, ?,. i: an Otati the .inliietrc. ' ?ob urania _-II lan- | > boo id BO . . - ? . i,i, d ,,n t! ? , . i loon I thal ?team aid ?jar t revolv* tbevb? lofotu fit I the pi w m "ii.,, tool ' ? fin row. ami t!i< .-?vi..- n-'?l richie woBkl : itbetrea Mai n i prairtn, oa vhieh ve bad 1er*"! f.r- ?'?: tufted the }???'?' i from t' ?? (.?e*'-' opon the throne to I pt? cf Dublin, tri aid groe bb bril r? nn ' ' I ,,f hu Brea wen ).-???.-td al tia fsflan at t - |,'';die'i(,:i. Tbej bad mo 10O0.000 of - fr in Bun ,. ,,1 te* II 0_r lit! ' - I t have kid ' ? : ... ':?:.:-.. r i BBI : : -?? s',! ?Ji, n ?nd *e*_ien bettai pial, bali . :, i u-. 1 bel i ki y Kation ..i. while, darna uti og prooeea, the i a I > -ty bad gol ?? on v ? i .".* ti ; ? - " bad been qmdrnpled. pla? had attended ?ti Buivba and Ms ;.- ? ? 'ti. id predaeed non ?? er, i earn sod pork un?; bs . . . r ?war. i ? ? :? had san all thi aad the] i. .. bob i {? ' er n K Bgj ' .- BOOB la* BIS pro) ? ?? ' ? m ,1 that th- .?.attona! Bag n*n non floating io ti imphand ' ? : ti ?? ihl eklcs ? ? -"i lirok'.-a. Speaking ol ? ' . 1 IL:.*, ah. I B*0 ST--' ? ? ? pnrehwd to Improvi iki Bt-ntflocl I ! ? ii .1 ?iiTu.aiy. thal the American j kow ?i ?'. as *tn 1 ?k? ?? ? 1 ?ad l?oc aa : - ? I the ; a '.i ? itei with hil a ? ?, rn iun ?ir .-.(?:,, ;:'..? wooliagaii enrj admiration aAd Bonder of aHE ilnery with iproTeaeotii gtbewar w aldi .ovioc 1 ? IbBl we wer, ii, ; ....i gr, ,t li var, bnt th.t - ii ? ?? *:.:: i-r. . rtl (-I pence. ? ;?r.',t.,,n commend? d ?t * it t. :-. ,.:?j ?? ? t * reaponaibtltty i: voting t'.r it. Mr. .-?-.'.1 ?a.,1 tt.t,t i? a'.er <?! tie ( .?:..:..t ' 1 Uti igt Ali-- Ibooght it ? .'t ?p ?pr-.._>r. iv- t?. r'i*!v ! i.-:!v to lb* o'. - ? t.?,:??? ?,f Hie g.*iit!eiiia_i tram J !i ,<>:? ?Mr \v ?ii-."jOL..'a he was lenevkM enbaiTBBBad ia dong *), ft,i .! -.iii? vari BB) .' .;, :ir:;,s up i.iiit a m va of Vi erd?. Mr. I?ayi_o:.d proceeded to ai mad* :t et"< -i t neb upon La- ; ? | klr. Waabburne f .-:. : I ? , .u:ry in ] abll ie:idit rea. Bpaakiog of bil reir.srli? ;ii rein Air. l!a::ks. Mr. iMynend said geatlonaa tzare us th.s HWmng a graphie d-??.r: ?<* w'tt! he i?cii?'s?? to hi Ms duties of a BeieatiBi Ci._uinii.ioa. He wai to hreukfast BBBBBi (liai there; su| somewLcic t*i?e, and visit all the . ? o? note and distinction. He gan n hie An fun ?-?.?.eiitlv with tie ria vi A ?? ?:? ti aatoi V?, !?.- of astoniflnug all eoagn ga ed Ei rope w ah h.s ' lueiits. I tnst that ia- will ki? beek to ? and jrrsert h : - - ? If ti? t ? ?? ??-'. ex ?-ir.j-Ur ard molel tbr.t t!?' AanrioaB RapoLtiC f?,r T.. vears ha? prosiuca-tl I veutuie to i? .v that ii he will ggi? there arraj ed in the full pan-jlj ti lit BBB|BaBOe, ilI aril diLg t!?e Annleaa fl-.g ai,):-.:.d kin ai ?! ? itk H' i'h o )pe-?ch v< he made t )-d iv. bil t. i., is^yj'.Dll ??till i-toaish Europe m K-.r ;.e bu n? v<-r Leen 1-.-U-J? __; balor . J^dvcot kuow that it It fmrto nkklm m. vii;?T: tee?. Uot In that particular Ubi ve will liud to ?c?ei,t:fic cotnilil?fioiicr who ( an do ?o ni ne h jr.stae . ?f the di tin "1 ?>; eh < h_did?? aioner as himself fLsnghterl. Mr. BijaiBBB, li "vi.: Bl ga:d ?? re,' (??.rig the numher of eenniaaiOBi, explained thal I rang of tal itrlal porcniui bad been cltunified into io ?-la-?-?, an l n?. penan wall hi axgeend le ut tend to more thao ore at tt,c?e . : As M ?r. VVaihbiime? ?taten ti.t tkutt we h?d BOM y l*iami -Mr. Raynoa! deeMd t'.?t t.v-r. was an] bnadatian Im Um report, Tali i a.ou ?u riot in ti ? 'unitiii g to lamil from ar.v DBtii.q, RBntniBU-L D.ilei.i.t policin had been purened bv tun B0BI natioi.?, whiih we I ni | --,!? ?.'.-r- . .-jin-it-ii te anriateraatA J'ut i,-.i mm aatleo : d, M am poMl ?d oui y:r- ii I ml ?t. I the flag of the Uarted Btatn "?i Mo a i a bindi uud the time wa? far t?iit-i,? when ?riv one of li cm U ould von tan M An B We bad bad dimeatoin vito Fraaoeand lagland. and our o?nipiai"? ? raw IleBgaMMthen? Ui'e had summoned th, ? tomrreet !'?'? lajflBtioe done e?. 'liai gr.-ut ooottorert) ern ok ft gran -Na-. tioa? dil t.ot ?ett.e ie-, oi-Mh in o iiurrv. Mr. ii a? mb -j i- ? -*? i ? !.??"? laen hud n?t been a veiw el the denaad. He and? itoi ; tim gei.ti?. man from Ma?-?!i; ! ii-ev?-(Mi. Baaks)M ?ay thal l?at - to !>e f?, ijgl.t ii, f ut t? r ' w ;i . Lrain?. Mr Batkum? N<?, Bn*i tt.i.t uenttefMay :? MtDl '11?e ?, :i"ii vi ) ram ?.?;, and M ntaeing an Ant i- ion an nu ?i.m- in Hex] , '?:? I iDsngt I? aud I venture M ni that wt.oji t.? whole enSBB?| poud? nee ou that Di'.-ct, reoitiu val ?? BBHl re - ? iii Coan before tua Anerieaa geegle. I*** member vii!beHapeaedtoeutaplali oil paainoB ?hn-h Mo] ? ? u ut .,. ? taki ? J'Ct it? .: ? able ?ntl Ju?t deraands ure i )'. ( " ia) .. i. ? .i ' toa. BB?] Um kaavBvan veQben t.j eaton eonfliaaee watti ?.ii jiList ueiijiLd? w.ttiiiut NBOMiag io ?" paltry a rob- | Mnnfa na unTauMg to hi pienat at the ex?(?iti(in of the ihixjUoU ol liiiiualiv. lu ooi,e,i,_,ai,, Mi. Itxymotid itbatl Id not f ?".:. !?? ?-.*?? i uiigrt-M wa? tl,t-i? ? r * n ii i* ?,f ialior, aud it .ire ma prove recreant?o it? ti um. Mr l.D'l: i&lrm?.; _ei lar?., liin intention tia voto for thejo?it lexolution BUBBU tkUttVOBld be mi e, iinotnieal inve?tiD(-Dt on kahatfaftM litxir, t'.e induitrv and the art? of tin- nentrjr, ar. ! beeaanba ?_)-lieied the expotltion would be a gr.-at peec- making ?tyvnvention between hil tin- natiou? ef Me ?arti lie defoaded the Beonten (?f '??'? Navy Sou Ike tnpnta? II o:i ef urifriendlinet? to the p.-,,i?oBit;o:;, and agreed that the ameudment luVS-rtiBg the rrimd? lit of the ' i,il' . Stat*?*. iutti-ad of tie Setretarv of the Navy, J/? order national k .sol? for the purj-oie peepned v_i ?i ? pop i urti-',. . Mr. M'tRKll.i. a? I oftiic Committee on Naval Affair?-*_,*<1 tim ?hethi t ?:e ti aitipht with the S'ire tary of the Navy thai the aBnatleO of R rttoaal lestei?, and ih" rmploviceni of them for this puijio??. would fla-t *?J?J(). ?Ot?-?. Mr. Lio. (Mast Vrepliad t'.it to the heal ?f Ins Mlg? men; no Hucti ?um wo:.Id he neainl Hi oorakally agptBTad of the tuaaela h*lag hnaBAad. He thought l?tt the Prend? lit lad full ?utior.'y t., farruah them, li, !,,[,?,] Congren? would re,|_e?i ti,e Pneideut to for Bl, and that !,<? would enanty ??vnn t-nat rei,tit?t, aid that inch a contribution of Au. : civ ?hal au,l ii, ?luitry wtiuld be lent to I'aru a? wou.d lae a credit to the Amerieaa nation, and as wuuld exi.i?, the admira? tion of maukiuiL The ( oiniuittee ron to One general ("d?ate, and the Hoon hartog erdend it to clo?e in one tainui* the ! ? ii i in. l te** rexutoed it? ?eiaion Mr. ItL-ti.M it?.-! whether the ?ppripriatlon if tbrO.DW made on the joint rooiuuou wau to tia Viiui in oarnnajt n gold. Mr. I?ax*-? replied that it was to be paid io the cor mW] "f the ootititrv. Mr ( ?guanana (S, YJumni an amend ment provid |i.K that the period of nevin of the principal agent of the li,.?bilion iu Ma i'mled State???alary l.'.ooo? khouid i,M oxecod ?ne i? ar. Mr. BA-SB?1 have i!o ?.?ijccton to that. klr. HaBDiio (111.) wuhed to amend the amendment by malling it thre? montas, lie ektitnaied a* high M any on?- the high i-ntit.oti which the country ihoold maintain iu the BMlMBtlna of the world, but when he leard the gentleman ? (Mr. UBiilmj luliimiit flatten ?????terduy iethoBghtof Art,"(ga. win) bad Mea fight ?Dg for hi? eouniry li any .v-ear?, bi al wno tuj b?-i, BneeMed at It?.- baheM "I the great man at the liead of the r'ret.c.i BOtsMU? a* the gintinuiaii Lad (le?,;ri!^d I nu. He thought of Arteaga : as a nrlaoan of *?r la eeld klo?S, en?! aftbf BOtflll oti.??i M ???ii m patriota eiaoetod in tb?? ??11,-i hi Mil . I.mperor. n,- ?ungi willi hi? eii.eagu': Mr. Waehbuma. He o na.a it-ud lo bag-ntc-'vaK-uK nor soliiier? uuiforw* --?-??-, n sticks, to be laughed at by the remrsentallre? of the Kojnl families otliurnpe. He would mi.eb prefer te see our ?oidie!? ni line of butti?) in and niouud Mexico. Mr. BARM opgoeed the amendment He said that befort tt took any part ii? tie oonsidsratlon si ?his qoMtion be applied io the !?-.;.'. n^ blaaii of the ]{?? jrublic of Mexico in tins city and Kuw-York for tleir opiniou as toils effect on the Itepublir of Mexico, and 1.1. -le 1 i:, every instance un unqualified answer ttm! it wns for their interest ui it Wias for o'irs, that our Government should be represented to the fuile?t extent. Mr. VV a-mu T1', ii.iiuircd whether Mr. Hanki luid li .rued of tt t geatlamaa ra pteceettag the Maaleen Bepnbfio in WuMnngti.ii* Mr. Hanks replied tint be bad not, but bad consulted Hie lending fneiiei of the liman ltej uduc. He addcil y ken the t]tiestion ai lo I r.iiici' a:.J Mexico stn uki come liefere the Hunte from theCommittee nu I'.irti." Airairs, neither the gee? ii-:.ian from illinois (Mr. WMbbnrne) nor ear ether m? nifier wooli he left in leant as t<? Me iMgeettMe of Me Committee lo muiiiUiti the right! of tin? country. The amendment offered bl Mr. Bsrdlng(DL)wm rejeCated, aii.l thal offered by Mr. t onkiing was agreed to. 11 e CenualtMa then rose, n:.d tl?o House took a ?aseas HI 7J p. m. BTBB1TC Mission. The House met ut ba.l \iua 1, ?ith a pretty fair attend? ance of amabsea, and Ms gnUssiM wara well tiiit-j, Titi: EXIIfHTION AT AUCH I ACON. The Sieakik pmeeaMi a BteBongeftaei the Fresi dei i ? ! i'-i site? Stetes, tMrasmittua two tommuni- ! cations from the Mlaiatet "? the I : Ited Sin'-- at l'ari-, ! In relation to the eropooed Fxt.itut'nn ti FMharraM W it- r Culture. M be heldafAichbacoa, near Horiieaux, ', France, in -lili nut. llefcrred u? the ('? mnilttee ov Foreign Affuln. >-E\V-\0; K llAI.IOl;. Mr. Tah h eihrod a reeointioo, ahloh wee aiealei? 0 reettng the Booretnrj el to ooaannleate to the lion-.'w !.u' ' :!">!. m Ins npti ion. w ill de praitii.ceil M tiie navir ?I? ?'?utera ol Boa V .rk Unrborbj the erec? tion of it Qaaraatlaa Station ei the aheel karara aa Weel Beak la eau harbor, and whether bobs IwaHon. owing M lu npeeei ittnatMa, w-ni not render It] ! '? lo i . i ! r". ' ?ii.. ',- :? whurves at which I Boeei i. i. IBO BBVBBBKnM. Mi Loxovana (Mich.) Uitrodneod n hill M latead t! a' time f. r Mi?- retorsion to Ms d. Mi BtnMa af lund? granted bj Congie? M aid la tbe construction of o roll r.iui inala AiiiIniv to smi:" point ob o: t i-'ir Treteras Hiy, Micbigu.i. BaMrrnd to Co ..;:-. tra Poblte Leans intern a kivemt. mena Mr.; (N. V.) oflbre ; a resolution, wliich wa? na ? li ? : ? i ( ..! Wara und ' Inquire into ire expediencyaf nrevidtag bj Ina for the repayment of totea apaid ia erne hy cart" j men ?lui h.icl,!!.en, under in. crioiieoui ecnstiui'tioti of Me lataraal Bet? nu?- lan BBBOKVB raOM mm.watkek. Mr. Fit?! (W;..i pn -, ? : - adO| '.? I bx Me . II i. a.- .at Hill . i.-1 ni referei ? r te the r. ofiiie late Read State viM the ?oternmenl The] ? Me n?-?? rred to th- ? lotnaitt?.i Beeoantrnottoa, "10KA IO TAX. Mi Taaaau paeeenieit areeoMtioMefMeOeaaval 1 ? rofKentnckj remonitratiag agntaal | now d tuv on It uf to'u.i 00, anal May weie referred to tile I oiiiiiiiuee mi Wuvs un I Manna di v cttBTRR'B naiiMunr. Mr. ti lanmaxi LUX Irnm the Committee on Hecon-' praetnted tketeatiasooyoi Mejor-io-u. < ustar I relatii s t" Loaiaiano sai Iuihs" it ?*? arierei M be ; IO' KT.I 8 A NI' PSRMOMB. Mr. Fiigcnui preeuntodthepetition of 1,00 f ii ot liiciitiiB relative to tee bounty nni an Mi rcaae af the poaetoai el Midien daring thi-'war of the Rebel Mon PAT. Mr. O y,' i ? I'ni BIMI'Bled the petition of As?.?tant a Aseeisors of Internal BotenaSe, asking : a . risoM of I My, wUUi nu, r. tent.1 totbeCommttt. eon Way,.uni ! Me.ius. TH! PABM gRROMTlOX. The Ho':-., v.. .,! . .m . ii!i,i..iitee of M VV!."le on the' Sute of ti?- I'm m Mi v? ii-on (pa.) ut til, chair, ead resumed oonaideraUoo of 1 lej dut n loiat?oD I i proi .?;?? for ihoespenoM attending ii.'- exUbltienof ihepro-l ti :ets ol t: Indnstn at the I nited Btotos at the V.k\u Bilton iu Puis m is?i7. Botera! amendnu als wera- pre pooed sa I da beted Mr. ( OXaUXG BOggOsted thal if It..* wu? a mere ml* itonary enterpiiM to preaeh M the peeetoof Fur??!*' ?>f rv?,, tie beat w'-v ti. ut c. i .?i.i?i, ii a- ???i-iie.: :.!..??, i u., Ud i..- to have thoa of tiie jreiitii-iiia? trinn Maaaaebaoetts (Mr. Banka translnteilaloMs tor-.,;:! langnagM and published shroud. Mr. mi viss regarde?! ihn as a proposition to lend, t( n seh(aiia.n?fer? to l'ar.s to les? 1 MtM ! i< :.??!. pt p.e Mi. I.i Bhoxs regeriei it m g d Bp la t. ? .:.t. rasi of New F.iiirlut d in mila-r to ennhh) mai ufaciurcrs to c< m pal* ti.? ir protiiietion? with Okms of Mr. O'Nf.ii t. sustained ti i ] . t leeoMMMb aai pee se'ited ard rea.l a pettti? frem ti.? poll I-, i.i.i ? stndsnts ia Penne] Irania ia f iv.?r of tbe ? Mr. Wbauv loojorsod the spc ' of kii frteaifrwa MeOaMan ikttrlet (Mi VVn-i.t. .ir,; u:.d bettered Mo! e'.ery BOldiOt fro:.; Ce rm k-bonl -.1 < OMI ol the Atlantk to the Mee wnvts ?'t ttie paoiRs vonM ii(l??r*e k.1 [f.vugMer i He would vote ag n!i?t t::-uaea-'ire t.filtats on condition that on etjoal ena woald M spproi led tt. biui.l au eaphee uiyloui lu ti asLin^i'iu I ay. j [Laughter , Mr I.!. I LO'D ,'.!',? --lairg the cnufrt'ii Lions of A rtaaitie ti- tteaMmstrnettoo ('oin m'U? IPtM F?eia ef. s liureou ?nil ahotM be lent ou exhibition Laogbtet ) Mr. TIUYtB suggMted Copperheads. [Lnophl t An rui. dn 111 in off..-. ? :?? Iii Gnus? 11 wti idonted.directing ihel ibeS enti! Coo rniieieaera ; . :? .in ...ii' rent | ?ii? ol tiie .- i | offi.-' d i j Mr, Bl ai.!' ? '? ti at ra no contingency shall any Mrtherot glentor mh tt.un ilUO,00e, in 1.m'.i i..'.' t I ? ?? I uiod s-:u!e?, h? i-ei.l Mea Me RMtannl Troaenry f?r tie pnrpoM eontemplatad hy Mit )oiol mm nl-aa Mi ainendinent, offered by ?lr W i?t.!aiir"e of : : it t -(<..-: i;, i-ii'trc! ?full re?.or-to ? ongre?? : MeaeaaM M which the expeaditam nr? audei alao un BBMaiaei t offend by Mr Bnnha M itriheonl fi? re: pod e:,.l lKirai t'-i f mi?, H d to n.i-i'r;, in :.e: : the following *? ? That tilt- PreaMent be aatheeMei ami inaeeeesi M furnish one or ri)"i a? ; i - im Iii- trAMportB* j tiofi fioiii New -York I" I raia ?? ?.t -itch article? und pro ?a indnatryof t!:a- Halted BtalM ea ate] ," effarai aai aeeeMed bl u.r general afaal M Sea i lo: it i rezhihfaaofl at the Pnrls CajatoL ?j..' Coaaatttoa rose Bad repoited o i.ili. The, ameudmi'i'ts were all agreed tai III VVAsnin a M fill.) oalled f.rtl.?- Yen? a-.d N*y? i ca athennsssnjnni t'i? i ? -.t roaoMtioa Thi voMwmI Mhos h] v?-n? niel M ?y- . : :? litad i ' ? ? ', Bogt, \ .,, i': <? joint reaoMtioa wm aaeaei The bill m paieed appropri?t? glOO.OOO for tt.efni lowing pur i'j?es To provide i'-.'.siiy f'ltnture mid ixtorei foi ti;- |r"i*r exi.ii'iii..n ??: produ ta of the I'nited Mute? MROOOi tm the oomnensstion of Me principal Bfeatt of the Uulted BtnMa in the Exhibition, at the rate (if |R0M 1"I yeer, the period ?if sort ice not to excea-d ame year, tamt '.if? in KatW-Torh ?nil lour ni Pal gi,4iu?-ach; anti u-n ui.d seiMtiffol om i iionersst ai.ouoench. 9at Me erection of nny nd itruetare tim mu beeeae bmimbh f"r the proper, eghlbitioa ol paodncta "I lbs I nited Btate?, IMtOOO) prnvMed lhat otio-huli ti the cost ihail bel aierssedoa Ho proprietors or exhibitors ol artic;?*; contingent exjif! SM at l'un? sml New-York, lau j ii.?- ssoond section reqneots the Preildeet <?f the Cnited Mate? M Mrnlah one ?r mon- pnbtio reeeoia. 'lue third seoMtS re.|!ieri, tin Ontomott ni Slate? to -?.bt... th? prepot lagroaaeannae of American prodeots. (in n.ntion of Mr. Bteveha the night n-ssion tou,or j row w m eeeetni io M eeained. 'the House atlj mm' d at V '?.'? o'clo-k j?, n J Ural I ?Hat?- Muir?. Ita tolhwring aaam of reel eatata teak pleoe yesterday i Hv Miller Wilkin? i Cu ?Fortv-finl st -Four lot?, louth aide, loo feet weelo: ilnrti-???'., -''-i-r D f,-..-l. pi 950 each. . I PortT-elghth-et?Three b!? li'? ' ?,! ^-t, ol Mxtii ave., 'i!iX\l)!i feet. g-,:?00 a ai I Grand it ?Houses and loi.- No.- ' ? and 5ffl running through to Henry-it., bung ?'?<' titi on tiraud at. alni C..7 on Her-rj it.. Ill,e.V. Hy D. M. Seaman? l'uarl it -Tue two li ?tory and I attic I nrk hoMM and loti und IU. Mel l-'i by , i.i t..<Tt. tio,a;.r> , . Aveaaa A-The three 3-storv and attic brick bouses ai.d loM '?'o!. 311, IU and 'Ma. lots cuoh M by i)l feet. |?,900 each. _ l.n iiigtoii-st. ? The 1 ?tory br,ok house and lot Ho. Mt, comer of Kldrnlge. lot ?A lu 73 lect. gil.C'S). Eldrblge-il.?The a-siorv end attic brick home and lot No. 17. lot M by II feet, is,?* By Jomei M. Mill? r?F;a?i liioadway?'1 he fa story and beeoaiaet brick home No. 177, lot BLI by loo feet, tiJA'ML ,_. . . J V\ ?t. r it.?The (-sturt and baserrierit brick tenement house No. 614, lot 'J1xt? Mot, UV-HS; the S story and basement brick teuomerit Louse No. Cl?, lot !Wx?<b feet, In 900 Second-st.-The ?-?torr and attic brick home and lot I No. Iii!, lot '?'^x.'il3teet, g?.360. Charles it-The 3etery ftame booie filled In with brick, and lot No. a, Iel i?x^ feet. g7.i'.i5. Fort>nlnth-it.-One lot 185 feet eait of Eleventh ere.. 2?I--7.6 feet, g1 MO. .- m Fift* fifth Bt.. one lot, north aide, 17,'. feet eMt o; Sev enth ave., 26x100.5 finit, with two-itory frame bom* on rear of kit, g2, lou. ? _ 4 , . lift i-sixth it., one l??t. north ilde, '-MO foait eMt of Third ave., ?.T.XI00 feet, g1,1)00. .. ._, Savent-, fir-tit. four lota, north side. 2*) feet weit of Tbird-ate.. each 90x108 feet BRSSOeneh. Bcoondare., ?me int. nortt.-weit eomor or attwi aeoond it.. 96x91 feel 13,900) oat lot adjoining ali?te, i earth, 95x91 lett. 13,174 - l.i.t'i-ave.?One lot. *..iiiii-WMt comer ?>r Kiphiy lim.: ti., mkt bv ita) feet t'.ei i au lots ailjoinii.g ! ?bore, ?viilh. et^vh -iy-0 bl H? *M*, ROJO ?o^lt- WO I gore lot adjoining ahove, minti,, It.9 feet front by 100 fiet, 1400. 3 One hundred-andneventt?-?t. one lot, north ?ide 10) feet went of Third ave., 89x100 feet, g.lio One-hundred nu l-suleemth ?t. ? gun lot? north ?Ide M feet west of 1'iret-ave., each M by 100 teet *i lso each. ' Uue-hnndred-attd-twenty ?eoontl ?t.-One lot .north ?.ile 90S fe.?! cHt-t oi Bon lb am, aud runiiinr through loOiiehuiidred-and-lwe?ly third ?L, -?J by swi.iu feet, (ine-hundredland twenty-fir?! ?t -Three lot?, ?ontb ?ide. between Third and Fuurth-aves.. each "?to by lou 11 feet, BMb each. l-ocrth-ave -One lot. north west corner of One bund red??ikI-twentieth ,t., g_.M Uti fioi.t, M (eel rear, and li , teet deep. 08,000, i Kighty-ihird-M -one l,?t. ??nth ?ide, IM feet west of .,,,1_a2" "' '" * ? I*** tia-:,. t'y H. Ii. Ludlow a to.?Hri-voort place.-Houie and lot No. ?1, 'S, by __.? feet fc^u (??J. I N'-rth Muore-t-t.?llon.e and lot No. 2.*., 21.7 by 7". feet. te,'.an, * ! Hy A. J. llleecker. Son A Co-Oak ?t.-Ilouae ?nd lot, ?Nu. -ii Barth ei,!,-. l?t B bv N feet, |ti,70O. .1 unies slip?Honst- and l?,t, So. 11 Janie? ?Up, lt> 9 bv ? bet, MOBB ? Ka?t lourteent' ?t ? lion?? and lot, No. lil north' ?Hie, -.'3 feet. _t* a, |,!,,._. BlABOO, Suih-iive?'llmis? and li lota, wett ???de, M.5 feet' louth of Flfly-B-Tratb-n., '-'.',l,y li?)feet, act?o. I'ltiv-nixth-tt.?Two lot?, north alda, 183 tau east of, Sixth-ive., ?_'. feet bl | li ,,ek. t',. .io. Niutli-nve.? One lot, iiotth-ea.?t , or. Sixtv??econd st.. I 85.2b? 100fee!. #6,109, Onelot u?.jtiulag, 33 1 bv 100' Ik, tOO. ' '"- ' Eighth uve?(trie lot, next to ? ?nth west cor. Sixty- I lixtb-at.. ?l bj li?), ?'.::?). Two len nat ?nie, loo feet Beith of One-hnndrcd-and-iixteenth ?t, 35 by lu.) feet. l.'.IMi. j li.itj-tt.inl st?One lit south ?ide, ??>>_ feet weat of Mnth-BTa?, II I feet bj 1 hlotk, g1 M'ai. " ? i.iidred .n.,1 lifie, ntl; st ?Kive lot?, north ?i,lo, 300 feel cist (.f Bighth-Ti, 8 feet by . block. I-,;. ()m Inindred-ai d-snteenlh it ?iii? lots, i?oiith side, : 300 (Inl catt of Eighth ive. '.'."i feet by . block. 11,075 hifth-ave.?Four lota, nnth-easl cor. One hundred-: :- lift:.???.. 85 bv it?) feet, 11,690 Tour lot? ad-1 j laing -viv too i,-,.) li.aos Ose let, Baal ?ide. i:, UU non'., of Out- hundied-aud thirtv-ttiird-?t.. Hi vy HlOton, 11,580. " ' I <)ni-hi:ii,!r, ,1 .in,' thlrtr-filth ?t. ?K?,'jrl,)t? south ?ide, ' 200 feet Ban of BUM m ,-.. ?_". by IM bat, IBM Rarma mt military Rt-rarl. on til?? .'mi. ?,; Doceeal -, 186, ,!.-v :? lajahe? fore K. I). Morgan neal out of ofloa ?'? (.,.-,?r;."r of thii Bl it", ha ?! ?? ata l !..- a Qatant^Genaanl t,?! BMheanerdei lawling lha " Paieaa of Military Mut.itics." and plaood it ia charge of C1. Loek-I W0...I I,. Duty ?v.l.,, L-l oAotatoi as Ma Ttllglol laen tary dnriag hil an Ad term, a man e?t, ciued ni hil aibnnit] of manner??at a pompon Botina of |',i"'iper \ear. We an? Muring the asnal truth win ii we f.v. the Um,ai was organized more for the putpooe of giving ed. limy ? plana, tho bei eaaaa thara waa a aeeeaaitj fartheoAee, We io BOtMOOB that t;..? p,-.ti,?:i t>, which 1?>? was an-( ?*?-" '? ?..s tu Le a n.ere li Dtp! IT; ned" there was work for Lim t?> do, and we presume his pay mu not Bltwaaonablj high, l,?r as a clerk Col. D. baa Iba nnariocaj Bul nu bmob to ?say he wa? Uheljrtoha Moul to lha ooof "-i lha atbrenl of Qov? Seymour, and tin? Bureau vMoatabli hod to coal :.;;?? hil toa* "!' "flice. The power? BIi'l dillie? of th- I'. | I IO ptBB? Cribad bj an i" : ? ' t .- I.e. sl.iture piis-cd April H, I-".:!, and still fu*" I hy uti ai t pitn.scd IfnrehSl, IBM, vhoa Um Bnraaa vaoemetil : I III tiy ' I ' ? the .\tlj..!ui:i ? - -. a* w, :i us of all tho bcaaehn of th G ? Meat. l?ast Winter, there was still farther! . present .*??* lion of the Legislatun. The act ol I8C5 provided fur tin* .-retroii of a Hull <>t .Miiiiury, at a' est ? ! $l.'*?..iHm. p^Oli w,r. t,, t? r, .?:":.-. ic.?!, wh"- . m, a like sum was lol theSta J .-? a- ry. V, . ' I BBtaril] , ontrib ' I ?? ? ? ti-')." I i - | 1,1 ' prh.ij.F. 1 .... ?Us-nUMOU! made hy the ? ' ?.. I'. - a l ?. ?? rsiun'l, if fully, ?t h !. i : ? ?'"?'.. "' """. in - g the : 10,101 Instand ' : ti a? th.- ia -., . . Bat the *, Mor api tem. it '? total :? ? tina Btioa n no* l-e'.-t. the Leg inn I louoa Doun! ? thetU. T" U- f :, Um s v.-.ii .;, t? lo wb-t !: we 1. . f.-m-'l bl- im Um chu f thal ? m Bi b ii ?'. tia? i lha foth anaaddattoaof hiaoB-00j aalnigud ??. ? axi . tit he has *ad ' .-: ? say mil i bl ? tito ?? toon that of 1 I , . ,1 f .ree as bo has thought proper, i ad paid i :. a? be ' t In fut. than lan no4 a|,p,-ir tobe, ?? ti lion upon him whatever. Koonehnovi preeiw ?rvhathii tnlarv to, aor vhal hotoynpiag .... p| || j! ? ii rapocl tool Bel ?-bad a-.v li.toriual.onai t'.tlieei???..?-- I . -? BUUBB, ' IheaaJ. ha a:;dits all aecounti prenntoa, and ?hoold bo able t.. ei.hg.iten lha public louehiag Um Beats It seen.s to ni it i? quita time Um Iiagialal na looked into tbia natter ai : l what there - ,,: ?t ,?-; ? -?.-?'!;- ?s ihcj ari? a',1 the m1 A Baked t', m.ike som- now ?aw ?,r rogulnttoa laaaaats ,- ?. Whnt to the object of tho Baroaal What good to it doing, or will it ,lo ' Tho law-makd it ?... .i i) of the head of the Baiaaa 0) "taaa-hol ind preserve iu paoaaaaat MrM lha name of every |.. r .... v. ho has v.,It.: t, ,-?,-,i ,,r baan mustered, or vi--, nu- h.-reftli'-r m.lui.ter or I,,?, into th.- ??Ti ice i'f the (?? ii-rnl C.overtmcit tnm this S? ,'e. sine?) April I'), I?S?il, ama /hi p, numil hittury of twm ftttrtmuAiii to ind sn-nnr, so far as the. ?oaje eau be aaaartaiaadj ' i?j "t.. obtaiaaiaaecl ,,i Unaoraml Mgtonanta, totInling un ?< count of iii'-ir,irgut tontlea and nanaaajnand hutory, ?mi (3j ? ,,:, leeouni of the aid atiorded by the Several towns, ellie? and OOUattoa of the Mute. Now there Is III til)- ??Hice ol the AdjUtBtlt-Oeiie-' ral '"UM nulli?- of every p.T?oii who has iil'lliteen d or boan Maatorad to tout tins state, wita all other iil'oriiialK'ii concerning it.? ?iwner that any one muy iblp viah to kaov. ?BMuhtnottbutaufieal Ii re boj*good reason for duplicating than hotel And whit of tho Hall of Military I.eeord. for ?In?! purpose is that waite,'.? TnUOUl] thll.g ..1 a:iv nil? real oi ral a, ooounotad with Um Buwubi ? ? bo thodapoah npofthefefa, toapUaaaBl DM BMntOM of the war?such was the original ptir poaeaiil design, as ??-pressed in (he order of the A.11,. i.m t-( ?em rai, when it v. MO i gi I ally established. For this P-htpoaa and this only, the Itureau ought to lie maintained. A fire-proof room has been litted up, where Um office la now kept, at an expcn.e ol ttoSSO, where these flags, Ac, are deposited. 1? then-ant pr?tent?? thai it is' Um t ircuinsi nl? I ' Will it not answer every piirjwise uUil a n?'w Capi? tol ?hall be built" If s?., ?hy eh,>ul,1 lowns that have taxed tlu-Uiseli e? to the verge of oppression to pay bounties and other expense! incidimtitl to the War, now bo aa_M "I"'" t" contribute, either voluntarily ?r otfMgwioo, lo build a Hall of Military Record, when it can hardly be cluiuied that it to necessary ? We aak the attention of the Legislature to thi? Bureau. Wo are confident that th" gontleinen composing Uni body have given reg) lilli?- atten? tion to what Col. Doty is ?ion g. Wo doubt If en ? hchasgiVcli his ait? ali) particular thought? li?' ?un '.y ? aniio! le S" unwise us to think "ap?'i-?oiia| hist'.rv ol e'.nrv 1.,1'inteer ft,m. this Slate wo.hi toblg or of th?' slight,:?! nit-icst M tmjhtmf. lill caip'jt jvrwujlv t,hu?J?, the |^fc^gl-l|i uiA peddhng business in which be lias enibntksd te either sensible or seemly. It cannot be at his B0g>> gostion that Cul. DngaBM baa been B|JnlBtlil M adjunct to his office, as -'military historian," Bt a falary (d' $-\:i00. ^Ve th.nk that if tho liOglatslBII will take the trouble to look into this business, they will rome to the conclusion that all legislation reacting the "Bureau of Military Statistics " and i " liureau of Military Kecord " ehould be repealed, | and the oflico left to stand where it did when it was originally created. Firat, let the Legislature ascer? tain what the conceru is doing, and then what it costs; and if they do not make up their mindi tbM it does not \ny, we shall be greatly mistaken. m IE ROOK I. VIV NEWS. Tub OoUim Mcbper?Co.ntintatior op nu Ci'rtOMiis I.NVKfiii .ATION.?The investigatiou into ihe circumitanoei attending the death of Mr. William Colin.?, who was found senseless st hil store, No. 99 Fourth it, E. I)., ou the evening of Saturday the 3d mat-, wai oonlinued before Coroner Lynch und jury yesterday, but no facts were developed which throw additional light upon the Mbject The adjoining cigar Hore- ii occupied by Mr. John Donher. who testified to the fact that Mr. Coll'ns procured chango from lum abont I otJKk n. ni., but that hu wa? not aware that he had been Injured until informed by a gentleman passing. The two apartments aro divided by a thin bovrd parti? tion al?out three-quarters of an inch thick. Corni Mu? tions In one store can easily be bearii in the other. The aitni-f! Mi MB ME before Mr. Collins cdlod for change, but none thereafter. TIMM w ? no none |to ?tira, i attention. The club found in Me place wa* ex'ite.1. It i? of hickory about two bel long and verv heavy. ttlsesMmaed thal ths futul lilsn w^a atruck willi this stick. Ihe following is the of the ? tldenM taken: Beber! Urnhaa. a r in watches and jewelry, re? dding b1 Ka 01 South Third-et.. teetMod that ho ?up ?'li'-d Mr. ('ullin? with wat i h iiiiitt rial?, and cslledot the s'.i-ie even Meiari ey i on Me M laftNew \ ork .f'.ii.i '. o , ;.? || p. m., atid arrived at the llore of i ni II ii,.mite?; saw him lilting M his chair, an wiiurs? tboefhti lOMep celled t? bin t m or tliti ? ti' ?-, .nd ii en iUsnOIOiei bloat! on the right ear, notiled .i 13-i-ir iealei :.. i3. di..?t ; non! hue?. end waite there e ana enae in tai asii he hni left a a uti li w u.'i Mr. Ciiiiis tu fix. and that he enaM In and Mnktti he wai a uti. ?? i. .n, wnh whiskers; bed am ii fa-it lint af liul.t brow n a dsT) w hen wan-.?, tn-st aeaa la M ?-w two watcha bt*giag en Memeki w i.en lie aaaa M Me seooni tim? Um vatehM had ile sanenred saw ate or sight ??ici.?-? M ths i Friday pn-i mu? to the iommIbsIIiiu. Mr. ? ..'.n- i'.>: inerly pi.ri ii,..-eil wild h--fi um ? in ia mu- .1 Baal -. never ?aw l.::n m Ma Itota M Mar m WitnOM eoulu I ) nig... Ma gin ti? m ia i ? .t ? r. mi ', i apt Hath ck. was j the perosa who ? tas Mm Me nasa euer htowaMhea ti - stoning in i,u. ii 1; ; j min i Ualleok, r'-ni.:g at So, 111 loath] 1 hird ft., ta-itilietl ta? iieili^- a ?big -muster. w eut to Mr I Collins a atora to yi l it g1 a ? pnl nato Li? w at stenlog of ths id nut mt. ; saw n mim sgaah to dei who w.'u gruaiiii.g. len .*iiil returned utiain nboa] ???ia ni personi non ?:. ant; had hil w.itili in hi? Iiaml at ti- t :r.e in erdet to keep Me h.mtls from' brsakhafaaTi Mr. CoBtaohai ikaned ah? watch pre I.OUaly. Ar.ilrew ,Iohr?nn. residing nt No. 47 Sou'h Seventh ?'.??? ? ling a painter by trade; had l-^en ae lwitbdeeeeaed tot ssvsnyonrai MeMaBvof - bstoa m tin- tout try, he wits rci|Uc-ntc'l la ?I?p in the Ptue hy Mr. I'ollin? ita ho had boen roll' cr tu ki- ?np ti re i.iioiit eipht moatlii; aiita-n called at th? plan w.i? t! r* -t few minute? on Me M instant Mahnvnnnnif af raMateetei tiv-l. aoaaewM| bal d' i ? ii?"il. i.-1 ; ti f.-- Mea oa Moeia] aai f..und the ' ? ? eelMod i ad i. 'i -?;? : I Mara iii i ?? April bat ?lol t 1 ?? ?? ' ? r ?im keeps a t-;gar store at Be M South Fonrtb-sl toiiifled Ural Mr. Co.lui* enan into' I ..- B '. ? of :? .- ,. " ii . . || . ia , look on MS ttt lan it i-?', a: ! n at cbsnpr for a ii tul., he anpMrod nervana and ?in- in a hurry heanl talking in lae st-r? ted hOaforn he enao Sar ohnnns bntnonoaftot ?aril, m .ii'-r **?v kir. Uraaaui eater I na eaai oat tmtaadlatHy thera ii WttaeM t'uit Mr. t'ollim wa? ?uki went ni atn'. 1 the eoadiatten of dooeeoei o? Me tory m be nw aha M that Ban which hM betotol ti' 11" vitnMS i? i':.;'.- l the ndJoMteg itete - rnt '. ?? of Mr i ellina t>y a u..;i boaai pnrtitlonl al".ut ! nf an indi thick I Deven] .-: ?: Ra ... Peat aw el. teaUleil : i fatothoMBM fin t? t? t:.i.?e gltea by Mo I ? ia aod d iiei of deoeoood on ti - Bra! ?lav af the ei- ' ? - . ? -.'? I ths ?t"!. ;n eoaonay with j m ? - j' and Mr? Biakely and brought Maia i Brooklyn ee Baaaeythe tth ii.-t ii ee? ed I sd s lucid ii t. r? ii of alanit Id minute?. anting wl ehOMeW .\li.ri l.v aakei srt.' i/ieition?, Meeaewen na la Meeibct tbM the ped?lier who vmM Mo eton thntieywM afi.-.e n?n liiiii-w of ttir.ip;.?. , ?t- ?ooiindrcl?, ' end again lapsed . Willina H. Drake, residing M Yo, ;.^ Wa?! ngU? ? t , u ' BM Mr I .....i.? Ure ., IMtHlod tia lindiiig tee club ( rxtiil ?t. d .1. li.-Hore, ?alendad tia d?? ? MM 1 IruiiitLe, I.lui-It ?ml-- :il he d.ed li-waa con-' ?clous at i,ina-?, ?a-i'l i- Mantead fru in!? i"it Booaod M know not I ing of being iii leh. b? spoke of a au , looking Bui vUh a .apta baring a wnOo stans M it, b? ?toni and bei MM ?hi.-kui> the ntiaiy-r gave bia a #9 abiB M payan! for fixing Me pin, de ' Inex! door, m !, pro. in ?.-.... I handed I o MM Wa ? ?' lil ha ? >. il.l m? .il.i'Ut the itraag i .1 cenoed ?i one time an . ? - nsmi ' . - tr?" I. and nt a.'.??'.!.? r ti.n?' Suid. "OoOTgel ? iiriiii kaows all abont It L.i i.ard W tish, ill.cer of I'-e VoTly '..! b Pt? n.i I Po , im In reloues to Me Inding el Mr.] ??'lilli? m the st?rst whoa Mo iaaneal wa.? forth? ml I I ?iv ia it at 1; o'. .? 1 I ?merl, art llaahin, rv Abroad. The London TliBM bmI th. largesl English BOWefaBSN sro I'r.t-ti-'l by lloe't preste!. American ?..lier?, iiid ashae BffrieeftMel implement? tnVo the leal m BagMni, and our BewMff-aaMMa nia> no? I..- I awl iu eva ty ? 1 ll-ordered l'.r.ti.-h h?iu?ei.t'ld The Court Journal, in a recen! i?a ie. describe? o handsome ,?? wing ni.v'nii- whfoB hi? b*en made for an 1 flieh hely of high rank. H*S |BSM Me paragraph "A? the aewnig machine has MM iitUan.calgradu Bai It"!. purelv man ilucluring usrs to a Meeehai I? in ion. atid Maaee t" an adjunct of Me duties or a r. tiiieil home, Messrs. Crover A liaker of No. 100 Itegent-st ,bevi windy c.itt-red for the BBgety in a mor e.egant foim. ead tie BMM Mai ? li''? have BOW Btongbt bet?re the public, prt-s-rit Me ap|ieura!ice of cabinets, and aro matlo ni various w(m?iI?. Tit.? firm has Ju?t aaagteted n as. hine, dseh?oi ?.J eraeaaeed ax? prti?y hrahMy of rank, which aurp??????! ter the aaaee? eayMlag af Me hiai avareaen The MMaaai stand ure' of satin wutul, inl.tnl with tulip wnni. With I'iri.-il bird' i. und ileMy tBL EheeaehlneIta ; li mlver plut.d ii.iiiil ? ih pearl and noel d-iicately tinted, it has MM MBReMaet9gtitWMhBMSSM ii Sa. pai :?''.. ..i.. There i? ijuite a controtersy goiug on in another Fn gh?h i?.:io.lical, 'ihe (?uet-n, with regutd M the malt tui aid advantage! of the diiT-reut American itwing aachinea. A corresiiondent of the last mentioned pai>er writes " 1 am happv to inform Perplexity' that 1 have been uaiug MM ?I i?r.iier A llukiT ? maehi'i'-s for the last six mouth?. 1 c uiuut ?|?.-ak too highly of the beauty of the work, nor of the BStfMl BOM with which it ia used (uot sa? hard aa ti.? |h alni? aai ihe barp?; a child of tue vein sen work it. ii 'Perplexity wiii MaMeeherennte the Fditreis of The Oueen. I trill have much pieMure in letting lier try my machine. ?F.Rti iiisk." i Home Jourual. Amcrmral? thi? Evraiag. WAI.l.Al K I THKATKR-Societv. ULYMPIC THBATEB CiaaaaeM? ? w CsnaaaiOa. na. Levan via? I ?mai ??au LirrLa ulam M-n-psa? peana rea tub hsit. KIHI.OS ?lAHDFN?Mt?! Mao?)? Mitch?!x ? Ths i'i*at or ?-avo? , Or. Tb? Moti?k a l'a*,ia WINI Ut ii Mil?i.N-1 nwi? Hoot? im Itn iiirlo c Li'i v KC-?iiT?iN's N! w-TOBR tiika'i i it FeaiaaBia K?"i.ic-lB? ArtuisiBiaT-l'Ba.'toB^o.ti is a-?oa a Kaoart. ?BOADWAT TBBATSB-Ma B.OWBM is \ icTiaa lnKTt BMB Mroonw Tin:\rill?Mia teeaaan WKiraa? m Vau btnnai Oa in? imr???! TIIKATRF. ritAM AU (AssOMsy 'f Mutir)?Bssarrr ot Mb?, liasei ISS Anora- Macdits-Lbi /otAtsi na l'ai ?iiKii BAiiNt m a vi ractTM?Meaaai or. iibail i? Fotpt? p?t,.?Vt ( r?la?ITlK*- Alta n...nil ?Uli Kv?llll.|. roXn OLD BOW KUY TULATtR?Jacb inn du. West I r thi. Um. RRVV-YORR tIRCCS-llTHIT-FQCSSTniA? AXO Otn SAtric I'SBroaaAStBa?Jaaaa Ko?i!??o?. tbb Basa sacs Riobb-Tbh VibABisi or St. (niirw. BRYANTS MIBBTIHa IlHIB Mac as Jocko, tbb Mosul - I.Kl MuaOADL???l aCELTI to Jull-.Sl I'tiwaa or Mr?ic-Lai>i ut Ltosa. Hil ?HY S (iAl.t.i HY N ~M Iteoaowai?Kr-e F.ihitiition ?I W ai \ lews ai.'i Portrait? ul UrpmeuUti?? Men. lifiillY KINK AKTS l.Al.I.HlY N.>. ?5 Haoanwai 1 n ? i 'Kia.vTAL l'ai!? BBS. Ansa tbb laiu ,A 1'aiuliii? by Mu.el K. Kelli.?. Obi) DI Ml l.l'OKK LA!.! FRY No 518 Bn?dw?y-F.l HiBiTiiia or Picrrass byl. AidlsMK..h?rd*. Bl. "iKLYN AIADKMY (?F KI slt-llAtlAB UrtBA* |ns .ii** vi io, tron?o. I '. 1- -"'.?ment? I Finest Readv-Madr ClotuiN'I in America. ?lient!', Youth!'and ?Children'!, nil ?mire eijual to cua tom work BkoXAW Hie*? . No. 62 Lafayette-place., and No. IU Fourth-are.. opposite deeper Um jb. I'nitkd Status Accident Insurance Co Of Symons?. N. Y. i til CAPITAL, TWO lit Nf'KKIi 111 li HAND DOLLA:* Insures again it Accidents or all kindi. iidick, No. 7.i Broadway, N Y. City. A. A. Howi.ktt, Fresident. (i. F. Comstock. Vice Freaident. T. F. ARUSnae, Secretary. F. W. ami H. It Q ATI8, General Ag-?rrti. MRBBAi ii" KKi scia. The Hob. Kiitjen K. FiBTOX.001enior of titW-XtmTg, The Hon. Horaho Snaotit, Ctica, N. Y. DSAB Richmond, liuffiUo, ti. Y. The Hon. Thomas O. alvord. Lieut -Cor of W, Y. Varna staies Accmen Insurance compaxt, OIFICF. No. 73 BaOADWAX, N. V.. la theTTnion Truit Company'! Office, until the 1st of: May next, when they will occupv their Ollice, No. lo , Wull-st., now occupied by Francia T. Walker A Bro. Agents wanted. ?-m--. ScUCYLKILL MCTCAL COAL Co., Ornea No. iir? Wai:-it. Yai:D, Nos. 2??J and MB West T wenty-flfth-it.. between s..tenth and F:?ghth-aves. m CnEAp Soap?Pylb's "O. K."?good for the Laundry, Loth, or Toilet?become? very hsrd, and un hablo to waite. Sold by ?rocen everywhere. 3,.">00 Briokfl per hoirr, with only two-horse power, are made by the " Nutional." which is a clay., tempering msclniiu, and the brick! made by tt WILL SIAM) THF. M AL!. WBA1BBB AND CLIMA 1Kb. A uiiaM KaaOR? Ireueral Ageni. ?io. i JO Broadway, N. Y. ;? Tiik HartIiKTt Practical Family Sfwixo-' M.u HEIR making the F.lastic .Stitch, has a combination j of al' the iii :i!,inp.. of tho b-st uLi! mont popular Sa-w- ( n e M relimes, with other great improvement?. Price, Mme. DBMMMTn BavOMBH or Fashios? gin. cn Bnmdnnj, General Agency for tho Cnaed bute!. I Agents watit-d JBnsinees ?otkfs. BCBBBIT'l Florimel clo?oly resembles the odor of ? rare and dBBhnabOOgoMsf flowers, and in thia o ?y-.- ?tanJt .urlva ed. A few drop? will i??va ita peciliar -?ii 1- Am: . fragrance upuu tia uantlker-.bief for muy boura. liCH.vaTT ? C 'UH15? i? equal to the tiMt import?! It {? put up In a nea! and eiejaut ?lyle, and wini for ltieli a favorite plac? M the dre-ung 'ah.e Jtt iutrimir mrr'.? really juttify the high r? putalion in wl.icti it it Leid. ? IPrortdfnc? J juniul. For ?ale by al! dmifiatt. Al EBTABUBBBB BbMBBT. ? " HroWN'8 lia ?ti iii al Tbochbs " are ??dry knowu a? an ?itibliihed remedy for Ginghi, Cold?, Bronrhitii. !ioaraen*M, ?ri 1 -'.lier ?trouble? of the Thro?! and Lung? Their gold reputation and extewive u<e hive broojht out imitation?, rrpreieuted to be til* aai a OMaMsate "Banna's bbi?cbial faenan" Typhoid Pnkcmo.via. TI,;. ii..i-atr. ?l..i li i? ?ir- .i- le* ?y tl.roiiilioiit the country.)? very I. mil?.- io inH?:nrn?tloD O! tie lung?.or what it i-aii.-aiiKiiiiy i-vi ed iuii< fever. W hen peraou? ?re ot a . habit, .tbe 1?TTT and manch o'ten become ?o cntig*at?d, or ltiiA-d up. that it tak?? a typhoid furm. It wein? tin.', tlirrr it ?ouietlilng in ti.? ?iino?i?l.eie ?iridiar le the u.iaaina. which .-...., :. -,er and nu- in the Fii'l ?eaton, and now tin inflo ?n. *:. r i ?it,- torpidity o! the liver, making every one mure l! i p-ri-n when billne tiik?? a coil, li may ren into ty? rl 1 I" ? : i?. 1 i.i? di?---? lie.ii.? v,Vh gmt, Mia in Ms ?.i'.Lit bark, and bead, ?irow-ii.? ??. ?ink ?etvpotd lever SotaatiBMS iii? bowe.? mel:, *- l-irr ariT le ier F r.-?| len'.ly ti .re it dauri.ra, with an It? ha l.early tiltia I ' a derang-d action of , tue liirr ii the r?ut*. Th? patient fir!? ?uro aa-ron Hie clirtt, ' .,|ip-.-,..-i) br.-ath. ?a?! ?i-t-l. ti litili.-n ,-iirh ?'iii f-*:? no '? ? .?mi. luit ratltrr ?tupihed alni tn-lilfereiit. and yet death baa ali-.ely :??" . i It? wal 'I'la* plat .?1'iaii ia a. nt for. In many [ ewe* when I ia patient i* ?hie la be ?b-u: the boOM l.e tindt Iii?- pii.i? ?! ila ! w-?t el l>. ui'1 reilly the fr.t feeling it that '.le | i' a. i.i li Jyi:,_-, mu? Lit bren foi ?onie boura. li ia ??? I t.. ."laid *i(!iiu?t all lli-.r ?cut? ?ung or throit dil ???.?, f. r ul.? n tia y ?iccur. i?|*ii?l:y *t tlii? ?eaton, tliey are very lever*, ?nd oit?u prove f.ttaL li ?he firer and ?.-ninui-A are kept in a t'ra'fhy tcv lilian, the lil.ed i? health! anH ciroilalint. i. natural. Tvplioial -annaat irt . la, (..I BteOSaSSi l?v an unuati.1?!. thickened ?tate of th? i lilli-,,! I,t r- n .ii of ? torpid .iver, li ii ?eidum that prr?om Ul-a cid ?tiru th? liver ?nd ttoiuacli do their a* ia li a liealtt.y uiani.rr. Orteu p?-r??>ii? are caught cut in the cold. ?Uti ?r or min get wet lal r killi I thruugb. and take no ? <ld, boeentsths cn u'ation I? free and healthy, st other timee : ti ey wBgMB BOSOM cold ?nd knut* not how. Tit? reaauo , It. Ml noun Ihe Iir. r i? ami tha? pe;?oo billon*. W't.eti tvpliti d!? ! a? it ' in it rogaba ill 'ful ?edhal ?ni. aiel no tune tim -Id be oil, but Ms pruprr way 1? tt- jrrrtrnt it. Keri-the liver and ?toiaiai-h artivr. a-id it wl.l .: for any di?ea?r, even rhAttn, to tike hod of the tyrril BsbsasMl Seaweed Toole and Mai.dr.ikr P. ? will keep th? tiver ?ti 1 ?i-?ui*i.beie*r and clean of all ol-ttruitiunt -li<r?t,an v? i.i : ? t,t?_lli_?, ai.d nu. i? all that ii re.juirej M eij-y good health Take one of lie Maadi tkr Pilli every night, ut every i ?'.her i ?giit j'itt tu k-rp UM I?.ure ? s-iit y .'???n l! vert- nu inn?, takoajfoar or tia pil ? .??---?a*,?-ial'y Tbe bile and co'rrup li. n tliry rrtnove u reallv aalt ulah.i . T?k? ?wine ?la?? iii-f the a* \v ?to Tonic lor in ii ?ny ' ratei, b?!f a ? iue-i!a>e ia inllirii'ul) *.t-r euh meil it will a??u: i.i du? :?r il.i f ?..I t... |. Hie ga.?it. lu.ce, cmvert it | I regulate the t) jw <>f lo r. ana Ma rircuUtlon ! m ease BoeesaM aataiaL Kuth ar- t,tnte harm!.-??, and great ' boa ut? wt.i n,?tie ititm the u?e t.: Ceiu teilaka two S. nirtiiiii?? .t ?re?! i t* mad- la ni ?r uav*. and in a |.?ag?r?nibottartiim i ewlal tt ti- eanaila t. ? a, bal it? ?nd a-, niLtion of the patient, a inre ?mpr leu.ei.t .t * h?erved The ?How appearance of the tkn: *M pan awav the com BlaniM beaeaa clear a good appriue *ud food diieittou be :urni?d, wid Ms p*t**nt bseoBM tle?hy. Is I of 1 n.k ai d .:(??! i:i hi? >e nig? i.ntil tina .y lu i-f? ta M ?" irttled lu . i' i lil ti,at the hurtful lii'li? u--l .'f the ali-i?..phrre have no ?fleet upon Liua, and Le briuliie? all we turan wlaeu wr tay " a ?rafa' man " I'r. SiiERWt'on, No. 04.'? Hrooilwuy, ha.-? the only radii-el eura Taca? fur imuinal or umbilical hrrmia, th? ??eiir.t S( ric? Trut? iu thr t- iv Sapgatelt for the ?bdomen, Mt m.-.t approved lind?. Sut I?rn?ory b?ndige?, al. eiattic. lia? mott iii: ?ml of any ever made. Aim. l.iiJ.a ?'Monthly Hal.alai-c? A lady in aitendan: r. No Dmatpouitmbbt?-Mbtbb Fails. ? p.!. SwAfnWa Ouranee 'Tetter" ?Bal Cureiin ?iitui li to W hoiirt. "Tetter.'' ?it,!, swATsai Oavanav "Tetter.'' " Iti-h" Cure? Ita-hillg i'lle?, "letter.' ? I,, h Salt Rlieum, "Tetter.'' ???iel, leotf Head. Raab. "Tatter." ?? Itch ill -s*i" l)i?ea??a, " lelter." l'ieiared oic> b) Dr >-w..?uel R ti, Pbilidelphia. fclS b? Pan ltAB.v.i? i < o . N? :M l'arkr?w. N. Y. Sprin'. Famiiov of Ge.vtlkmen'8 Hats.? Ob ."-aTCRDAT, Mirch 10, w11 b? oflrred al my counter? til? Spring l'?ttern?"f ii?!?T'? Dasaa ?Uti The MBeBenM of my (?brit ? -in.I variety of ?tvla ?wbia-h for year! have ?et ned lan me to large a pitroiia?? in my retail department?tai... in ibu Spring Pattern, be fully inilained wkile io th? Soft Hat lins wi, ihe dupiayed the hne.t ssllssttee bl thi? branch of hatting rva r exhibited, being product? of the combiuad lute and ?kill oi m . own workihop,. N. KiPivaCUKin. Manufacturer, No. !18 Nasaau-aC Metcalfe'8 Great Kiieimatic Kemedy is eertainlv the Wonder of tin? A?*. Th?iaaud? can teiti/y aa t.? ita m?||a ?I eflert, and the fir?! doctoi? of tin? city are re? i.iiilneit.lliig it to fien a? li.e Only tule CUI? foi Rlieiiuiatiiio aver known to man. IIii.l'b Hair Dye, W) cents. Mack or Hrown; beet, .'l.eap.-ti. reliable Depot >C J,.li- ?L Sold by all druuiat*. Sbco?d-Hard Safes in large number-, of our own and othar?' make, taken in exchange lot oar new patent Ali ?ami Dal I'lastsb Saras. For ??le low. Maavift k to . ibb Hr.?adw?y. and T.'l Cheatnut ?L, P. . , ~ The arm ahu Leo, by ?. Frank 1'almbr, I !. I).?Tit? "beat" free to ?oldirr?, ?nd low to officer? and . ivllian? 1,808 Cheitnut-?t. Phil?. ; AttorrL, N. V. . 1'eileen ? : ll?i?tun Avoid fraudulent ?mitsiioua of hu patent?. Beactifll Life-lirb Pictcrbs. ( artea Vignett? g? per doien. Dapllrttaa el. AU nata litrt re,Utei?d. ti A. I.awi?, N?. 160Chatham-?!. N V Tacssw, Plastic Stockinos, Scspeksort BisBasa, Srrroarsu. Se?Mama? k io i R?iik-ai lura Trui* i >fbce only at No. 1 Vaaeyat. Lady att?nuant. Bathhelok's Hair Pye.?The best in the world. Perfect, ?atitial, raliabl?. karmlaaa. m? i?tt?Btan??aa m ?ftret 11,* genuin? i? ?igned WlLLiaa A. BarcBSLOO. Bald by all Diuggiit?. P?clory No. 81 Barclav at._^^ AViqs, Tocpkks, and Ornamental Hair, lirst quality Hair Dy? and Dyeing at ?ATCBSLoa ?, 1? Bond-?!. ~"1'hb Florence Gold Mbdal Lock-?titch SbWISU MaCHIXB, willi levrr.ible leed. No. 405 Bro?!w?y. New York. Gbover to HakeRs Highiwt Pbemiim Klaitic Stitcb bBWiao MAcniBBS. ter lamUy ?a?. No 498 Broadway._? "llowg Siwinq Machins Company.?Elias Bows, jr., Praiident. No-at? Broadway. A?anU wanted. Improved L<k^c Stitch Machinm for Tuilora and Manufacturer?. Obotbb k Baxbb ?SWIBU Macbisb ? oarAST, No. 4M Bwdway._ ^VHKKLsTdTNViLSoji's Lock Stitch Sewing Macbuii and BrrroBHOLS Macbisb. No. titi RrotAw?y. Fihklb &Tltoh ?sgwixo Machins Compact removed to No. ?KI Hroadtaay. Agent? w?"^d_ Tns iniprovod Filliptic Sewing-Mn. hijic-t,? A. li .-.CrtSS. No. e.l liivadwu? Afeut? ?uAr l Owe and a ITa.p tfiuioBi'.? Kvibv Mab Hi? Oar* H a.s I li, 1)0 t?l?T WAIT T STIL VHB li ata it Stolbb To Lock Taa Stablb Doob ????lyu It (Jo * Nsw i't-r it Cbabfiob Ba.*__B'| Sara. Madb wira Wbooobt 1k?b abo f ?u-ntL-B-n, oa " PATBlTf t'BT?71LIIIB1) I B1?.' The on'r metil 1?>q?l winch will L-i-, ? .?I y reilit tin, burgh??'* drill. Tn? Soviltv ?aos VTaati i Taa .M(,i(.ii 1MB Wo*__t. j Mew Y uti. im iiiTiii lent vi uojkt ) Jil *?!( I - r ..11 ) ?i ,????'?-.? _-.-?? New .>()..J -.-*). MOBBI? TaiKIB li MOBBll, ) Eaolb I bos Uoiu, Chicago and lil who hive teited it igte, that it it the only perfect ?? tiitint ?galntt ? lui;.var i drill ever niaaul*ctut*A AU hoi!?* of Government ."??xuritie?. ind ot Bar vlimbla* hive it In their power to porchiie from ?-?for theirown h um? or counting room, Birria P?otk?-tioi TaA.-t i* ArroBDBC TO TBB .?PI 1? ABO s ?COB ?IB? Or Ma m or TBB Labob Bank* i.v Wau. ?t., i number of whom ire Mill , intuit ti tMr old fubioaef van'ti, lockt tul ' b-irjlit-f roa's ' (') any ?ne of which, cn ide Five Vbam *? >. are in conitaot dinger of being drillid or r ? ? l ed. I-' P?opit> will cling to oid fi*hiope_ aafe* and lockt, they matt expect to b? mid? the ?port of burglar? and lh? attonlil ?rt of hooMt una. Hxaaiso kCo? No. 2.1 Hu id? ?i. only minufirturer* of the Fr?nklmite (or Patent Cryitillli?! Iron) Drl'd-reaitting Safe, with I.isrt Yal?, Ja.? tioieue ABO SlXOLA ( i,MH? vaVMH I'lAL Lo, K? niBBIBD. DAVIDSON?T')fNO?In Jen?- C1 j. on We'iie.diT Much It, at the lint Reformed Dutch (burch, by the Rev. O. I!. Fe.-ki. ?solomon li. Davidson of l!ivtr?tr*w (N. Y ) to Min -.oreti*, dn.ghter of tin 1st* Wai. W. Young o'. Jeitey City. No cudi. CCRTIS-STEVENSON-On Wedneidiy, Mirrh I? *t the n*tidence ?*t the bri.le'? fither. by the K.v. Dr. Dowling. Geo. li. Curtis it? iii i llirriet t_. Stevenson, lil oi tlili DIED. CLAPP?At Bridgeport (Conn ), ob Wednetdty morning, Marrh 14, Stihnin S Clipp, in the filst year of bli ig? The fiuenl *er-ic*? will take plue It ('bril-'* Church, ilrldf? pott, on Fri'lay tfti-rnooa. it 3 o'clock. Triiut leave Twen ty ?eventb at. ?tation at li I.V p. ni. C1 HRIK-AtN.w-Utrecht (L. !.). on Tueidiy, Mir li II. tl,e K.v R. Oruiitton Curtie. D. D., lu the '?? ,i y.-tr ot Bit na The relative! and frendi of the family, and the member* ol Um Long Itlind Bible Society, ira r?-!p?-ct(nlly invii?! to itteud his fanerai, it the Reformed I'rotettant in.".cb ?. I ur, h. New Utrecht, on Friday, tlir I6tb lint, at 3 o'clock Bui. An eura train wii. run on the Bath and l'art-. !.._.._ uniiny Road, c_ouect!ni( with all carl to Greiuwood, Iel?* i' .; there al J o'clock p. ui. D()V BLE DAY?On Simdiy, March 11. in Belvidere, IlUnoii, I lyiiei P. Do itilediy. foimerly of eily, tend It y?ir?. Sl'TTON-Oa foBtth dty morning. VV?dn?-t<_iy, Much 14, Jicob li. Sutton. In the Uti: you of hit ige. Th? re!tt!?ei md friend* of the fami'y tri respectfully Invited to ?ttei.d i.i.f .tu-fi.. without further notice, from the red dene? of hu ion in 'iw. Wil'iim B. A!len, No. 104 Leiing ton ive., ou ililli dty (Fridiyi it 1 o clock p. m. WFBB?On To?iday morning. March 13, Victorine, daughter of Junai md Citharine Webb The illative? md friendi of the fim?y, ilto tho** of bet brother?. Augmtat and Edward, and of her brother i? law, S. _. Y . roe: are r. ty? t'.j invited to it-end the tun-iaL fr ?_ ti.? retid'-nc* other pirenti, No.61 Morton it., on Fri? day aftertioon, it 1 o ela, k Special notices. Eleventh ..??i-mbl v District Twentieth Ward.? Th? re.-u,ir nieetlug of Twentieth Wird Ciiion AiiuCn* on, will b. lied 1 H.S ,1 l.jriday) EVENING at If o'clock, at th? HALL cornet of Thirty third st ?rid Kirhth _-e. GILEAD B. NASH Secretary. ? nlveraallBt *v?i?sioBary Gathering.-A pobli! meeting in beh? f cf Ide Univrrialiit M?iionirv enterprit? will be h> 'd u-.i'.ai *.he matine of the Board of Trniteei of tim (.?iia-ral Convention *?f I uiTenilnti of the United Stile? oa TH I RIDAT Et BB1BU, March 1?, cotumen :iug?t T) o'cloc?, ia the llroadwiy Ci,iv?r?a'.i*t Church (the Rev. Dr ( hapiu'*). Addrewe. by Rev. Dr. CHAP?N, Hon HORACE (.RU? LLY. R_?. Dr.SAWYERtndReT. J. O. BARTHOLOMEW. ~Amt?rlcaa I a?! Hate.-i he POLYTECHNIC braneb will ii,??t Tills liiaii.dav) EVENING ?I Roam Ho. M I ou per Building. Order o! b uMm . !? Report? on Ne? Dil c? ??net and Invention?. I. Flfinirtin nf ArtUi in. Limb?. Adiniiilon free S. D. 1ILLMA.?, Ch_.tna_. T. D. .-titi..* Seeretiry. By Way af .Meeflna the Preaeat Bal Anticip?t. UBI THE PROSPECTIVE DECLINE IN PRICES. Wg OVBBB AT WHOLESALE, FOR ONE MONTH. THE WHOLE OF Ot R SUPERB STOCK. OF CLOTHINO. WHICH B UNSURPASSED IN FABRIC, 8TYLE AND WORKMANSHIP. AND AT A LARGE PEA CENT BE? LOW THE RULING PRK EB DKVI-IN <_ Co., BROADWAY. CORNER GRAND SIT. Importan! to l?ntlwiiy Traveler?, TO RAILWAY NEWS AGENTS. DEALERS, fcc. The Second Editiou. for Mirch. of APrLETON"S JXLl'.STRATEI) KAIL WAY G CTDB Ii now reidy. CosvriTi: 1-IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS TO RA1LWAT TRAVELERS In referen-*? to Mipt. Time Tibhri, ? hec* !u< tint**"- Purchtiirt Ticket?, dr. n-?)NE hundred Railway maps, rep.etentnif the priucip*' reitet of trivel throughout the Colled Sutaa uid th? ('mi,ii? 1II-OVER EIGHT THOl'SANI) TOWNS, VII.LAOES md C1 TIE? ?itnited upon lb? riilwiyt of the I. rutad Sute? *r.d Csiudi-, repre*?uted by lo j?_ rV-HORTRAlT AND BIOGRAPHIC Ai? SKETCH OF WM. PRESCOTT SMITH. M ..te; of l'n_u?pon?:i-u *1 the kia.ti;..o-t lad Ohio Ktilwiy. V-ITWAHD OF TBBEE HI NDHEDT1ME TAB'jE-. g-.vmg th* tim? of the departure md irriril o? the trsim of i-f rii wiyt throughout th? I'uited Stitt* ml ti-? Cinadit. Th* prinelp- routet of travel detit- -t d bj VI-ivlTiNTHLY ACCOUNT OF RAILWAYS AND THEIR PROGRESS. VII-ANECDOfES AND INCIDENTS Og TRAVEL, ic . Be, fee, i'ur ni* every where. D. APPLETON It Co.. PibBihe-*. Not. 443 md US _________ Invalida' Travellas (halla on Wbeibi. For in u*d out-door air g ,-,:,> ??.,., PATENT CjV.NTLRING HORsES, for In and ont do??*, gil to *-'-. BVBIEBT SWINOind Biby T??!er g1 Vi. B.iyt' STRONG WAGONS. Children t CA-UIAGES? Propelliri, Engliib ChinoU. Rock?.)! Uora?*. For ia!* by the manufacturer, 8. W. 8-t.lTH. Na?, M William it. G lattaevf WrlBBera of all kirjUreptjtwd hy the HA! LEV WaSIIInTT AND V? RINGING MACHINE CO Al'ANY. No? 41t_ Broadway. W?wY?t_._ " Old Hyem >t?d? Now, without Soa-.-l??!??. Doctor u- Mod..-Lie. PiJlgtilet .?t 'rd) free Addri? E. B. FOOT!., M. D No. l.JfllroUway. NewYork.___^ "CaiafairrBBl raro fartlt? -.Batar?*.-Sr* fr_? Addie? E. B. FOOTE, Ml) . No. 1,130 ?roait??y. Ntw Yorlu _ Troup .-" ??? it may be tniY? prerentn. iko, Cu?n m4 Tar*. S?U fra?. Add t** E. ft. FOOTg. Ii. D . No 1,1? Brotdwiy. New-York Vledtrwl ComwwMi Maaar.?too ??.gr*^..?) tioii*. U150. S!niby mail everywnrr?, nixtMtd. Co?tant? TibUt *e_t frei. Bddran th* Author, Y. B EtK)TE. M. I).. No. 1,11? BroBdwiy, New-York. Coim-latiou* (rea, ditly, from .a.? to I p. ?n. lav-ila ?t i d'jUnei i?*y eooiult by setter. ."rttseka'a (ablnti _-?rnl:*r? and L'PHOLSTERY Eg<XABI?IS'tllC?NT w,p *o* rwaoved, on oi ibout April 1, tom RiWw?j t_4 louath-it. I? th? NEW WHITE MARBLE 8("H__Jli?G. No. en BROADWAY, Bitw?M Gr??i Joii-?!aidi"?.jrth iU Parti*? winlfng feM_BM fetottere -?'.'.! b? very lib?r*.1g ?i?*lt wai, ii ?at IBJMWbBB* nng th? rea?*?_ "l)?afr-BBtTan-l " Wla*-n*rut>* ttom the Bar Undi tully Cared, by th* ait of tl:t raoently invented Vigiubla citritt OT1T1NI rriee. gi*0? bo*'1? r?T ??'" ?7 ?J' Drugglt-t. WEEKS A POTTER. DrunUia No. 170 Wgthiogton tt, Bottoa, Wb-).et*?t A|?bU