COBUEBtlAL aiTTBB?, Artie? ?? ?*"?? Htvck lukaigt-" It? n j; ,, t-s,o,i. ti. -". W, -ttn-Jtooitof-, __, 1,000.iii! 5'OOU.731 Si??.S U?* -V-iOc.. ?'. SI L -I Kkt-md. 1 ?-??J , HOOO.14J91 Chic, lit in. Mich.So. ? i_-1 ttO&aUtrUf?U 5,">?0.'"'J' ".' -',' I,'??).li?,1 American ???id? j '.?'"". li!, lo-iOcp*1 -'..'?i?..UN ????. Et ! __.IMM..?.??.?, PhcenixBank. | '?'*M,,y*'y.* 1.^. ftanan-TM-V.-.'*... * ?J* IMSBMSa. .('.:l.t?'ll- t.iK fu'Jr?i MBB.100 ' 1AW.?* ?I tthtolt Centr?l. 14 000 ... BBilBreet. lu. I?,. i MO....llt-1 BO 000 ?? ""? u'"' ' monTel, 1, Itaceain'? W.I Runton Kxten. 1.200.7*J liM) ... ? ".I?T9 600.781 n' f?. Dal.*. 1,306.lH\ ?iroo.81 WB.IS? _V__y..*. _?j li) IM?) ?If). SI 'Mariposa pref. I f.OO.-d call. .-, IIlOOO.b.5. BOJ BOO. D4 Cbk^*-o*-i.w. j IO.ikh?-?'d c. 81 l'.'.ctH'M.;.*-?-?!' rl*',,,u.;._] Viririuia tis. IB.IBB I :"M.-'? B,Ot*0. CB ti. V. Central. I"'- ...... ?I ?Vii 69 Ii.y.' ! .''?il.:M(.i.i. -?! ?lEt-i?ntal. , ?'.'HI.?I Chie.(_NW.p:et 11 000 72 ' 300.??j l,"?H)..'.4| BB00..'*-tk 721 1,100.9VI 100....alp. M* OLiott M1M.WT. 4(H).!rj;('hve.tVTo;?'.i,,. 21KN? .... 25 : SOO.92. 200.I07j l?o-kti. 251 1 ?XL 2d call. 9? Chicago* R.I. En?-'-M r..V"-''-h It?.'?-: 1OO....B60 1"-, 4 .? ' . .100 300....slO. 921 P.,l*"t.W.liChie. Pnff.NT.nvE.lMl -??o....Mu. 92] 600. "'-' I.I?....H m.B2] li1?-). '-'i Chi.ANvV.s.f.t. Brie. "m?. ?I 3(?D. r?; BOO.B3 l.t'>. '.?-J "Dl-iM.A M.W. 1ft Em-Preferred. 300. W 1,000. 781 SMtBdntlL "'-'J ?,000.79 Hi.d? ..I:.v. r. DeLLacluiiW. ?. .1 .Ce:.. I m. ' KIO.1"4 , ?????-.V?->1 Sjttt.I"?' M ( h. Central. K'liic.A: A.t. pttf. ?ol.i-W. liuc-.i llHl....s(^.l(tOJ, 100.Il?? MOO.80 (".?v.,Col.JiCiu.i 201.H?_ M.lili' i o onec? i-oaki?. D.ts.f>,?>-20 c. ?".' Erin. |Mi( h. So. ?V N I. ?oki.103] 100?..MO, rCJ 100. 7W| w2.m*m\m?omp\ ?4K?. 83j i 100...... 21 ?.(WO.I(?4i Beading. Ctot***-*o M?e, '?' Min? uri 6a. Mivh. Central. 10,(hki.103} C..S. ,s,lO-.t).oi,'.i -6.IMKI.73. Illinois Centn?.!. B.0(K'. W,,! Cumberland pit 800.119 1'AioOO_|| -.-JO.?ii Chicago ?VN.W. ??.8^---'0c..'?'?-1lKne. 8W. -". ?000.1081 1?"?.K?. Chi. ItN.W.Pri _tr?ai.i.rv 7 3-ltJ-! 41KI.-9| SBO.>>i l?t??nea. iltidcon Itiver. | 400.M| K?.'> .??"?I loo.loi I Clere, fc Toledo. '2dacr.c?. lead-ig, I 100.107j l.tKW. f?0J 500.9?j Chicago H li. Y. Centra.. H?*.?.3. 7Kj 100.B3, -i-'il 1,600. ?fc?i MOO. ..V.l. 'Vii 600.b3. 7"s"lChicsgo A R.I l_0:.....c. 9--'| 400.c. 781 '-'?mi.13.108 trie. ! MB.k3. 71*. I 1*141.s_. ION 300.?3. B3?I 200.b3. 7t*?? "" "'M-- ..Mi 3BB....B.W. ?-'.i 3O0.....-?3. l^J1 600.b3. 64? 400.e. 831 '.m.b3. 7?Sj! 100.U 100.K1. rXti] Mariposa pref. | 100 ?aan-BM I loo.i*\T'.kwai tdeago Boo.BMICbicagofcH.W.I 300.9lj BOO.s3. ?.?Mil "_(Hi.....b3. 271 1?H).c. !'l. 400.b5. .r.'.1 1??0.B?. 27? 100.?3. 91| BOO.c tO_\ H)0.^?i1 200. Uli OTK? ?OAY.T> Or DnOKEYH?lH fil. ?*Banpo?.a pref. Keailiag. ?N. Y. Central. 600.....S. 101 OOt.100 400.b3, tit. 100.l?i '-,-00.HU?! Cleve. A i'ltt?. ^ne. BOO.b3.100j .'????....t>30. 78 100.Bl 20B....U0.100? 200.771 KW.-DI N0.lOOj 1.100.77i 400.... fd. K-H 2.400 .ItH'j? 0?).b3. 7?? 100_?l'i II I.MB...bS.lBO]j ?O0.....10. 77j ?htlBoBtbfcml 5o0....?'?0 100 i 200.77f 300.78, Pit.?Ft.W.ftC..(.'liicago&N.W. Soo.b3. 7f?_ 100.91i 100.271 BOO.7W 100.*?! J -MO.27j Boo.b3. :rn af 6??6?d.,-00 bales Cotton at ffd., and, per iteamcr, 200 tci. Lard at 20s. To Ij?xod-j>(*-n?- of 1'ittston Coal as follow*?: Tonurch io, lee..Hauen Man To ?aoie ilat??, 1p?jj.51 ?.??.>._?, tLi^. Inerf???.?13,04mu tu_(. The annual rejiort ?,f tIk MIlarankM and Prairie An Chidii liailroad Company, wlm-i l..i? j al been ?i-t-ib-D d, argues the great nijjK,rtam ?? of the com? pletion of the Mi'.regor Wektern Koad as a W st? rn feoder that will supply a lar^e. rcgi.i.r, a?. 1 more oonah ItoBrlnnlad ir..n,i_, Bue Brno tha sha.-;, eoaa? J*ti...j_ io wiiith al, the locuJ '..-J., of :..(. l'iui.v du Chien Koad is 8 .! jctt. Tho McCarc-ur V\ c-u 11 Mea tho west lido of the Mis-a.s-i[.? i liivt-r, and vtth the MlnneeoM Central connects by & bi?dge| over til" y.>?..-.[.;?) Huer ti.e Prairie ??ti I '..??:. Ka ,d witt the St. haft. The ? of this j cci.nci tion is fully gtattted, ail PieeidMl Meyer. - iy- tia ti aBshoali unite on a plan to cxteml thc| McGregor Wooten Railway, ami bridge the Mu s.-?,jji li.vcr at Prairie du Chicu. 'Islio teporl ti I,: ? The joint operation of tho McCrrirnr WVitern with | our own Um bM prove? of greet benoni to the Mo Oregor Wooten and ile a nu:.? holders, who, under Me pressai pohey? ui,;?ud tucir iccunty MeooM M?V ' it r froiu it- It to 1001. ! c. Bdering the re?'.its obtained were from a Uno ?1 Ich, in the tint m.: tat e ??is hardly in eondittea M be Mora-ii at .ill. ni thoa run thim-flve ault -, MboeoaeaUy forty, aai aiaee ead al August liny miles. .! ? a ,:,| ;, ad to greal expa etotiooa for not year, ainl lo Mill grenter, n u?.itr...ou, t.ieitendit snd Mather la n mo ck eil..,. in y. i 'I be iTiportunce a?f extending the Mo?'?roger Western he- i inn ?t he ::rt'o,l too Strong)] upon at* Fond anal .?Stockholders, nor upon o"r own Proprietors. Btroog, di Ited ilfbrtt -.'oui 1 le mode to eonneel the MoGregor Weiten \, .th the Minnesota Centr d, and to biiJge the j MisfUiMppi Biter ut Prairie due chico I [n the am.uni Bopan Am 16S3 aaset homl ?>f "Our ; Weetera XeraalaL pesje 11.1 aMia the foBenteg m ' ii... i te i I ? From V.l I nm ab'.e te Icwm It would seem tint with Me M.iiregor Wooten Fiiiii"! .1 opened M altea eel fnon hfeGregor, <>ur anana! tr iMe Mereeae|Mea i\ un? der the lofloeoee of an average gool crop, ?ho .l?l be a-, ut! tai 0900,000 from un aga, II not bl the brit year, ut leool wHhM three ynnia !r?'!n it* opening. ' Our a? collins show Mel w? reeetvM na* tbe Mc Gregor Western: F^aat Found? Passeneeri. 1,111 V'.nyi K Fi tight.ammo Mas? ltiyj? M Ami gate te iti Witt Lound?Passengers. 1 '-3 g7,F76 B Weight.... Ls'.-'itULi. II MO H ?bmm n Estab;?hhing that in the first vear. wrth avernpc tiaro lv fortj mile? run, UM mwilt I operation gOVJ m. mt? i ebnage ot bastara oa which our propositen of tero and ?freight ?as MU if IA The bala?a sh-et a* the Mkhlgea leathon mai, m farceneiowei M Vue Tbimne Ihia inmlngi '??ave new strength to the -stock, which was in large '???inaii'l ht ihe beantOOOTW ?her?s, and by the bens for n farther airante. Now that ton emp?re? tien is freed fr?mi tin- ambaireOMMRM w!.... 1. h.ive iit'uT.iled it 8'.::c?. IBM, there MMHaBBM wlyit?. Hock maali sell m ninth bMow that of the M.chr gun Central, which cirns leis money. The iMOipM of Ce two roads in IMS were as follows: Mteh Jil I Mich. Central. M,M1?0M In favor of th" Nuithern The following BhoWB the exporte (exclusive af specie? from N'-w-Vork MHweifR port? for t!i" week e'..'li:.g February 87, und ti-ttt the beginning of the veur : IM4* ii?, lim*? iFortheweek .|3 te M *? B5*.?Vtl f . j i'rev. reported. BRMBJM ?nUMI.BM M,-j..2ol I Stocke on which mon?'y has been I K?t. 1MMM j Amount l?-nt am st??cks. 3 111,001 Atntraut loft on MIBOttnl ?\ buying, and Ml| lelling. Marhets-CiBKrrLLT RsrosTsn ma tbb H. T. Tiiirii. WaanaanAR, March n. i?-r-*.. ASHES?Pota have been M lair demand and sli'ialy, ?ale? at %', :? ai'i t.'i, I'ttuia hit teatree and nominal at in ra BBBBWAX hoi been only in moderite ?teroind. but prices are without change| aali-i at CgUc. tot Yt-llow Western ard Siuthi-rn. COITUS?The demand has been more actit e nr.i! ni.icr the laiorable ad\ic?s fruin abroad pt cea are atitter. the market cloaing ijiiite steady at liaU<;. lor Mi'lillllig?: heles of s bout i,A 0 ba.??.' CoFFKE?The raorket for oil kind? ii very dull, rind. In the absence of any ni-, of imitirtaric?. we omit quotation!, they belnr little better than nominal. ('AM)I.KS are without material change, the (?errand is moderate; iniei of Adamaatino at BOS3a, Sperm atlOc., and I'&tent U)c. COl'I'FIt?There hu beep rather a better demand for American ingot lime our hutt, but price? are ItMJJi Mies of Lake and Belton at33}M3Mo. New Shcailniig snd Yellow Ma tul oie loner and duli at Me? for th? ter? mer, nnd Ma for the latter. COA L? The inquirv for Domestic has continued .gooal, and with liberal arrivals prie,! f ivor the buyer; the il-maiid fur the East is? Improved, bet aplite? still leal downward, lalei hy the cargo of Lump at ^a|a ??> i* tun, Fgg at Iff 7291* 715, Store at lu tmt'J 60, ana i I.--:nut at 17 Hall 36 ? tun. Tbe retail trade bet proved moderate end price? are irregular nt the ? loie; w* i.i.ote it traillo p tun a.f ^,nf?i ir. Io Foreign a Hi.Mierate busineia baa been done at |12 for Liverpool, and I,'-' '?lia tin for Uouie Connel. DYEWOODS are without essential change. The tah? i<-.-? bas been limited. We quote Logwood at pt, for Campeachy, ti* g'.-al, m I?, . ''ja? Hit. Creeun 1'itrter, Prime (gold;.lg 'As o> Epaom Salta, *? I?. ? w lo. ?um Arabic, Ficked. p> !b (gaald) . Vila ? ?um Arabic Kort?, p IB. a M Ila Jalap, gf ?MSI Manna, Large Flake, p ?. 175? 1 n0 Oil. Lemon, * IB 'gold). _ a l.'l 'Ab SitiSoda. neweeatte, p to. 31a aia be nee* Koot, P tt. . P'0g ? 72*a?.K.? S.a ,r, What?!, C ra, hhte qr?. Vi. Ti-al BritaMaailM Confinen for Ce week, eui ing Horeb Li. te( t. - - . , Since September 1. IS65.e.483 IS&fSI W?-i*! Same tim? ir.!.i..i ;.i7 196,011 o,?.J KHEUTiJ OF UlllADiirlllS. y. t, Uneit, Cra. bl I?. q?i. qrv For wkrnn'g March 12, 'GO. 3?>.7I0 r< I JW? Bina Honteniber i, 1165....1.9*1,700 WROX) l."?"-" Some t me ISM.I.W0.317 63R9M 4.'.!."*.?? 1 Bul l-l be iLsrkit for .til .Ic-ciiptiun? of Foreiga ?uni Dried Fru.t? lois been vtiy dud, and pricei are Li'ji.ii.ion lower, u e onoto i lUieima, laver, new p box.4 00 ? ? JteitihS, burch, new do.J M a/3 M Currant! p lb. M ?? 1! citron. Lecheen do . 3i 9 .x? Ainiou'i?. l'lovnoe. do. 3o 'ti i Almond* Sii i'y Siaft s:,ei', do .... M a M Almonds, Shelfaal, uo. i3* e? 50 Beriten ? box.l i*> *? ? Sardines, ty half-ba . -c BardtoM c ?,r loi. . m a -i Hriuil Nuts, p lb . I <* I Filbeit?, Sinly, de . Via) 1.1 Walnut* Fit'ich. ?lo. M 'i it FIBH?The market for Dry Cod has b? ? IO very un? settled, and with onlv a modi rate demnii'l pl.t..? uro lower, and heavy at" Hie el-?" Mackeiel have been BKxtorstol] m til?', nt ni out f'.nner | rices. Pu DM mid Smoked lie!lilias are very dull, ami in tho sbeenco of mtoa pi ii i? an l.oii.initl. Wo Dry I ml, r ewt. .M w ?t? SO Dry Scale P cut. I '" ? fi ?''" Pickm!Co.!. ?j> bi.t.. im? im M- kerri, Bo, I, Mass, small |> bb!.M in' <* B SO .. I NoV. tt.ote. 1? lilli. 17 .0 e* 17 50 Mackerel, -No. ? ?, M a, largs Nt, f bM M MM Balam Ptehled, Ha 1,^tee.H M I IM !!? rune, Bi iiti.i. t* boa. ? ?* ? M norrio*. Na 1, t* tan. ? ? ? N i.i. \ IB?Thors has i??-en lea aetlrtty in H"' aarhel hr Wheat stone sen ; -? ??? | rapan H - ai favor able Bowe Boa Europe, the great aeoUM in gold ami ?n in Ma Ion ftaees of Flour, ebeohed I i un .mg ?len und. ni d Sjint la? die.ii m1 iligbtly, tin ugh tu Iden of choice qualities sre Indifferent shoot ? lilt' reg irdii.g our pt!.?lit slot h of ' boh 8 m )' ry m. Igniflenat we have rnineed ear Btoekaatei i j m i a this .tey w?-< k. ami lune Vu note 8 brisk ile ii. and for good Bad il-iie. \\ hiH Whait lui? ?a ?ni man dad extreme priera nad it In tary BaBed sopMy. winter ti -? egnnetnlli ' ibera tory well lostni -.1. onrnd vic-elron the Wa t urne laut Wednesday ! .nu lec.r ' ni iitiir ibis for VVinlcr; it l? upj 1 timt iniiiii ?fit i? hills! tun ?etrmt tin? li i,.ii gen?. ti Te mp the Bethel toasen ai and ehotee qaali?ee | are batta i Meiaeaiiy tonnlnedl.Heit common gradei are dull r.nil nominal tbe esle?an 15. Gi a) bu* b. Intel ?3BBI74 f. r Amber! ! ih t- ""? W OOtoa White [Michigan, o?d tiiAJatio!) for White Canellan. Barte) Is fairly neuve and llrm? ohoice is wanted snln of IRSOO bMh. Bl g1 i! o li In for . nn.i'1 i ton Lirlev Mall is dull and beaty| sola-? ol eist) talleh. gnodBMM atti do. Oat? are in Ism active ??mum!, j I und ure timer au! ni I or ilt-uiin.l. is,,? a?f l.'..?xi bulb, at ?,u >.c. f??r Ca.iitUi.iii, MM Mo. foi U Mound Western, foi?, foi Bute by the eei aai ? I for Jone J and Boothera, Dialing tie pnMweehwa tore had a gani laasaai he Onto mr thi tut.le ?mi fur i-ii?or:. Um Maa! .? ? ?? ?? rain -I. prtooR how? ever, liav" declined, ?i d t:.e alvan, a? .ii ll.e ?.n and the ?rather ui'.n.i :..?n bold? I? t? ??Here tue opening ol Ma river, ii- aporte ?.nee Me Iel f mild weather, hnnlncreaaei the ieene ? to nail aai Miene ?urtmr lecliM I ??? .??? . - ted to. We eatiti.ate a.ur praoM ?:? t a nt ROU0,OU0 lu?1.. 1.? tia' ? .? r ?nd in mi r demand fureit?.:t lU.J :!-c Iradi ... ni'oa'it. for Uneoendi '? ? ? I foi Misad Weelara, m ?i :.- iimi 1 .-.?'-'? a io .o- edi V ? ..ow ? at ?ni Vi Hon ?l-r?? t ai . .,1 .SSV BAGB eontMn inll? aai prteea ore noml tai it -ii,-., oatt! aev. i.t .?Mi I.? ii 11 ho? t?en in foil demand at prtti ou? (.r.ces. sol' s at V ; a .?? ? l'Ol'S? A foir ii? ii.and ?till pretr.ili f ?r !" 'ne con ?lltnpt"I omi ( in ' s aie well SMtainod a i."i. e nnH tie? are ic?rce und ?ra as-,'al, ral i a: ."aluoinl 7U". oa to growth and quality. Bl Mi' ?Mai.-al. re ii. .i.i ? ?, ami the b.lini'!? hal t?e?u iL'oaler.tle, tal.? irt li . gal L Ju.e ia dull ?t gi.-i il.m, god. Aaetteu Dreaeed is Bann aetie? ?ai tinner, nue? t ! ,.?...'? beet ia. I naire??ed i"? dull at F.--? a-.. ' i-ih rarreney. BaaaM Oteaa .? quoted at S-l l?aSJ ^J. turrel.?y. HII'K-i?Th?-:i qniry Ins tom titi moatej-ate. with orten rnthef tending downward. Wa tetn l.(M) Huci.oa Ayr?! I 'ill?, -.'i tr.. n I.? . i:.o (.ni.ib-, to ?.-ric, private tern,?. '. >) Lily tflMIS, 75 IB, at ile; Ml Ne? lu' m? ]i,- V, .. leeeMi Dry ll'dea?liiit-iK? Arreo, Uti.' g gmg lie Bann Ayrea,MacB ? U? iii len ??M I -i I arrteataa, aljieasi to, l7eiSe.? Bia ?.rumie, 'H'u.-l to, i' j a Te Urinoce, .li. ! IB. 17c, Cslifornte, jBtoSS ir. I>enigte, n-i, gold lOOttaa. Wet >.. ted illtl?-*- lliicm? Ay re?, C.g'.D IB. i-jii-i'-.: Em O>ranite, Unit pi, Habe.j Cniltoroia, !.'io.'-o ib. Hean., ensh, gaM, u?um BaMeOtea Bow? ?iicai?, MhSSO v?, nellie WMUra and Conatry, BOeTO IB. :eaagn\9>n3Sc.| Pasir llamar?'?!, MMMa : in the Kougii. m? .t Oak Slaughter?Heavy, 1 :u 4f.c., Mid.lle, llo!5c. Light, Meftei Cropped Hiddle, in a Mc. ; light, 41?i!fc.; in the Rngn, Heavy, MMMe . Middle, Jittioc., Lielt. lum. tit.. IMiiea. ISMMa ?' IB, cub. LATB8 have lu?on in kaprond leaaaoi, and priiei i?-- >? i".:h'-i , la-ei of MROMM li tamgt 'ib lot Leal ern. LEAD?Fig is flrmlv hiltl, but the basinets li light: ?ali * at ty le. a t? M| tor Spanish, ??erinou Kctlucd and Lii)iuah. Ha-., and Sh-a-i and I'ipe Ma MOLASsFS-We l.-ar of n ?al.-i, snd the market Is weok; we qt.oie nomiiiallv at about MM3M. for t en trifugal and Murd. XhMOa for*CI?yeil. Jea.r.c. for Mun'ivailo. IJazeoc. ter Porto BtOB, and oOl. all ui fur New Oilcans. NAVAL hloFIR-Spirits ??f Ton?entine hold??, ctiu??!. but we notice a fair demand i it-?k li.'**! lilli. Crude Turpentine hai ruled duli, but puen are with? out ehougoi Hock 7,0?* bbli. Hamlin are irregulari ?ommon is lower while line ii finner. 1er baa rulM''ita ia.iy With a lu?*!, ral? .ii i..and, Block 11,1)00 bbls. We quote as follow?: Turpentine. Aotth County.?F 9P0 ft t* 00 ?6 25 Tar, Wuhingten and Ne ?born... p bbl. it 50 g li ii) Flub. City, Na 1. 500 ak'Jb Kowu, Common. ?P 2xo IB ? ? d15 Fu.i?.u. Strained and Na 2 (in y'diAf 3jo it i ?? a 1 :u Ittisin, No. 1 and l'aie and White..'".. 7 50 MIR M bj nita'turpentine Am.4> Kal. WO 4?"j OILS?American Linseed baa only been in limited demand and prices are ?aiier, Eugllih li icario and in demand; Crude Whale baa been in Im? proved demand, but pricei ore without change. Crana t -?m ia quiet bul Lnu. Lard Oil ia dull and Bominal. We qnote: Liuieed, City, in co?ki ..p-gol. g1 37 ? 1 3B Whale, Fun to Pinn-.1 ?j eg \ 30 Whul?% Bteeehei Winter.1 m ,?_ Sperm,Crude.| tu a I 15 ngagaa Winj-r, Cubieucheal.I 55 a-_ Lnu] Oil, SifuaiiiiT mid Winter_I eo ?? 1 bb H?-d Oil, City Diitilled. DO a? kb Uefote: e (fie?). bb 9 ? ? OIL OAKE-Tbe market ii firm, with a fair demand -, sales of 200 tuna at ?ailie, fur Thin Oblong Western. itai'Jo. tot lily in bagi, and l')i/52e. do. in bbli. OATMEAL?The inqniiy is moderate end limited ?siesof Btntentasaoeisse <> 100 IB FBOVIBIONS-In the early part of titi week there wm a Men reacti??n in our Pork market ? the deoiand impranred materially, and wai quite grtieral, though mainly confined to corering contract! for this and the ensulug month, and the business wai quite large, but tbe improvement was loon lost, and with ? fuit'.er ile . ?na in mid and liberal arru al? prices ?if Me?? fog ,,ir Rxtey (wslaMday) there bn hen a Mir demand, but at lower price?, cio?iiig steaily at MeioeBMi for future [delivery, mice of I MO bbli. Mess ?t t.'5 K5R |25 tt ulier a pre, und i?n nil, mu? :? I igker pris-e. would doubtle?? have been e-tahlithcd. To -day, a good lu.lines! wai , i!..: | .-; ,1 [ r:i rri ,idv nu ?al. im -hi.'. BBB '?v-'r. with h ?1 | inquiry ; ?ule? of Lino r,?y?. at 17| <-.".;?". ?or St. I, l?*i??- :*?i? foi ?'H). BBtl le-ulDe. lot West?ril; alto, ?a.e? ni i '?' t< ?.. seller April, at 1 ?.'. AvrnnnOoa I'u vii?'-? MaBUCT, ?'?. ocWk ?Pork; wa? in irood tleuiand . ?ales o! J.ooti Mils. Man iitl'.'a ?'.J '(?? *' S 7.'.. l'.eef i? dull. 1! icon quiet. I? ?rd lilla at l-l B IBU for j nui" Western; Mil) ? of :?00 te?. gironn or **? raaona !'? .ta.lirri.iiarvu Bitter ( i.eese. I.tid. Til. h-.i. Ici? tun*, lum. lu:.?, li.i.i. tun!. TnCPr A Cmt week-sd.M-.l_, K. 19?., MB 2 181 017 140 Sin. o S.J.. 1. i..',.:i.'.r..) -.7,41!) ),'-n* 173 !>,i '?"> 1 44.1 t,0tt bun., lina ?et! BOM 30,371 | Ml 4, ?.'.'.) 11,0.7 li.-iA! i.Ole Bootra Of I ii? vi-n-*?*.. ?'?.rk. Her?, Liri, Putter, C!ie-*se. ii-.?. : ?. lum. t.. ?. luu*. Ter weekending Bare! IA IBM 7.4 ic 3.*:.. roi ant no Si, ,-Si'|t. 1, ,,.". ?l.t.i.? 3D.'>9 T,TW 11.'.""'.? (".77. Sani'* tiine I?. I .11.'? 933 l-l -'J (.11.7 14.(.4'.t AMI PETROLEUM?Tin ir..ii).tt ooatiaon dall ?t -.'(?e. tor Cru,le, 41|'c."lJ_l?!t 1.1 u i?i<., and ko. lu a, Wal 133 I.V. 1 BP1CE8?Thon tan baai only ? naderaM rivmind I Ban ?tir lae!, t! e hum.? ? I.? tog oily tu ?upi'ii lire?? h,g nant?, ka arion we ham uo cisnge to oma Wa anani CaaBa. BJ ? 70 G lager, Ban aal Iftloa M <* M KataiegAKA ). M ti BBlgalt, 1'i'pjer._.... ? ,' '?.i, gold. Pepper (is band! . "?i?i I paid. I'u,,,'?te, Jam.i?a. '.'>'.?? M gold. C1, ve*. O?? a -'I gold. Si:l.!?s? I Id- n ,|:nrv is ! i !? r ( le? i r Bl e.i -u., ? of 1") !???,-! lit ?j l ?low?: Cobbi ? ' > I Mai u 'iii**tt? Killers 7^?e.; ido. ? r?)F|*rv !ot? :u)t/ 13e, . .lo. tin?* ?r)i|'(*-r?. S . - . V B-\i.ik li'l.-r? SnOe. do ? 11. :> l,'t- l-l.:-. rai ia .?.J Ohio ) iBan, ii 1 '1?-., ?u?d arrapyarj toll loe ??'?'. j 1 IN? I i.e ir,]t:ir.v fnr I",g In? 1-een only ?bIBIUM bat ia prion ti - . ehaagn. Plan?- in ia ? m?jll ?,,|.| -It. inn In thaBhnaoa ?f ?.ile* J nee? aie ?june i."i: ii. ?I We ijuete u IritoWl Baaen. g??!d. gin- C4?vr ? Str?H?.g"?l - 'Sii a 1 i,?-:.-! - :i a? Plit?'? Cl'trrnnll C. plag II 00 'il' M PI ,!-??. I CCo-i . II .'*0 ?7 14 00 Ti ran Cahi. io 7_ ?ii m 1 , rr e I I, ,r I ?ii _ ? ? ?J 14 75 TA 1.1 < ?V. ? I t e ni ?rka-l is Ban m live and it ?Jelter; ? ?I.-? ?.f.?.'-. OOa ut ii. ni?- tal West? ru.aliil iii a Hie. fs.ri'il?. (t!iJ ;.|? f-.r A.i.-'i nil in?. TEA i !..?'!.- i i.e la gold bad a very legnaBMg eA 1 feet on the m?rk?*t f?.r both Blaek aadumai the ni tuen heal nauli toa Ua?tal ? it- .1 andaoBl . l.I?'!i t . ti ' a? el ir .,!? \\(?)ia- i)i.itie?ti, 11.?eanhan haaa ;n roo-i Munand i?nt|.r,,.-? f. ?r aanana a'?i ,? i ? ? gi hie? ni- agoto town an?! Mfiaettlxl the i-?? 1?ii?jh ??? hand and tie I'all I?. |">''l ? "i' ; ' i'l : .' I ' ?tieri to redore tre:r i?".(?ta teil? I lil- li i ????,!...? . i> r I.?ne rill? d ?| i.l?- il?-a?lv ul til? ei, ?ki*-::..:. Babeuf But? lad B men M piton wnl.m "iir nagB BUIIad Weak have ruled .?'iel. 1 .-lal Mi? I i? iii fair tiiii).ly bul iteudy. -L'ali f..ri ia 1 1-. ? ? ? na du.I ?ml ti-nvv. AVe ??not?. In ?urnnry. at fii'.l?)?* tnoon al MlBMe for Baan Iind otie-'inart? r?M<-rin,a?. Hu ?'?-. for half am! three ','. irt?r? ?J? , IS '. '? k*. tot f ill th? ?I do, atti 70aa0e, for BatoBr teena One , tor n... i l*ult. -i. BligMe.fn I "s.p' riine ,|? , ami (???_*' Se, for Kum i|... K u fig, f?r I ?. ,:nui ,:. I'ii?t?iI._j1 L?lif?rn a. :lui"c tot line do. ?iid 15?iJoc. for T.i.i? Boralga InerlptiaM have ts-.niiv oi limited detaaad tut la prian they ?re Bill t natarial ehaagi th? .??' v-.ti v, rt nrlre? ure linu, tah i at $119 1er S,u".h Seaand|i40 Orr ir,-t e. WHISKY?The market !? nodereMt** ?itiv?. but priic? ,.i. va*;, r* ?al. ? of ii o it.*. Weetara I?' Ml Brreipla ?( l"r??_u?-e. Mitini !4 - I "? I I - 1 ?..iir. 174 bhl?. TVhitky. ".',171 bbli. Uara ntaai, M3 pkga. Oil Cake, 1,170 bnh., 5,000bflah. turu, 1 MO UutiL Oat?. 3 ... I .?h. Malt, i.i??0bu?h. Hariet, ;>.)7 ? k_rit. Beag MB pkn?. l'ork, i -' iii?:?. Cut ilett-, l.'i? uk??. L.,r,l. lo.', pkgt. lljlter, 771 bhl?. l'etiolfiiiii, llntied liotj!. 15. BtlMI laira ?lot I? ".uriari ttgggemm gaBMUnqi AXD BBBOeaM SUfUti Jw lue Tnievt*. tor xht mnAatMag tfidandae M ?r. li II, I?'* All t M.tClf no I It U.-Jl.-l ("?til?. Shsen. fh"HM f?t Hop. Th.? WMt.I S S ;* 74! ;.s?i |,?4 ?Fal.I VU, *'M-t li Di-retltg..Lill I 'lid Iii ? .... Pbicbi. ? heel. i?n li?? IT.. tWUtti v??l*hlof Mite. til.nw. ted ii.?ti. ?-mi, + :.i > : r ii, te?t ,,'i,,-i, g ii u>a fi t ?ea-ond ontiiv |?ilj'ai|.i; third quality, glO-tU, a few c ho it? ii i.? I? |.?in. gil JL-itgH 50. oxe. t ?" ?a ?>.'" ? I...I, i. it-, ti. *?;-.. ti ?i. or to arh aixorrliiif ti juett vt n.. fnr l>?*er. ( ? i-1 an.! !.,_.,.; ( ,i,ti hil, i? i, er. *.".",; ?J- 7. ? ultra, g*>ag?i?. gail.?? ai. J Di y. ?TO./045. IM??? Per It), liri w . i.i.i li*| tu be., iu?jiy loti 7 lo ' 1 . -np .VlBrUeiB..../?',/,,)./,,/ ly T-leemph. Nrviiuiivi, Marri, li.-Colton .11, n?. I,,?)t?|fl * ?'??'? ) ?.?Jil ?a ei ! i tliire d.,vi. ll.itiu 1,, ,., ?. "?'" ! I ?' ? '"- ?? ? ' r?a?e ia receipt! for t?ur day* ?-? 1'iie.i w,:|, theeor.ei,H.i!,iin| four d?v. I.atWeek ire 1 IM BBletV Vl,il?.?r.?| .?v .?, ,.f, 1 lilli . U, d ?lit Stir "?'Ik bu..?-. I A N,-w V.rk ,!..-. k.'at p,i lo|,*, ,,,.t *,'?-' ?? ?? u -, : ?ni. ' Mu?? BbUbi *?!!o,*i? i.? ii.? i:,,,; wSitd. rm?,! I..,? j;,, lair ie ,aa4 tali Uti '""tri - ri,..,e, ?! ,*' ' ? +-' l:"+*' -'8- ?"'ti. l'1'i..e al .4 ,:??,-., Ulled, -,,' L"' ' '? *' VI .. Uilt, ii ?3,149, ?I-. I..Ik ,1. , at g1. Hseaui ...wer ?t 1 ? . |'. , ,1.|, r, i ?T? nfmfff??t??ff^ tu"u UUiK *" t"ULU'?uU financial. A Bnriftwics Cm Lasd Co.. Nsw Vos?, M?rrh M. 1P66. MEETING of the PROPRIETORS of the . ? (?TY OP HRI'NSVVICK will be held *t th? Offiee of ?he ??..nipan?. No. 17 Bro-id tt.. In tl.e City of New-York, on TUESDAY, March M, a I p. a., fot Mo Blulten of? Board of DUttlOfl for lbs snssingytST. and for the traniaction of any ether ?hut may be presented. Th? Iramfer Ki.,k < wi I o- listed ti in n ?? .'i,t t., -lie ?>,.b of March, ,botn day? in In? ?e. Hy order of the Hoard. H. III.KI.K11, Pieiideut, Director and Secretary. ^NNr?A?T_M??nN? of SHARE* .DERSfote? SENECA MININO COMPANY for : .i e el DIRECTORS, ?nd the iiaaaiiiliiB of My ethu ! .?iu- ?? that aay properly rome before tai i meeting, will be bald a' ?l.edffi-e of the Company. No. 19 Nauta ?t. New Voik I ty, on Monday the 26tli M ireh in, .at Uo tlaek noon. li. 11. KlUtAKD, Secretary. New roth, Man io. um urne? or m? IInrasevA Kiana CoavAjre, i Ha. 12 Pine -t . Nsw V"hit. Match, 8, 1866. 5 rflHE ANNUAL MEETING of tho STOCK* A HOLDERS of tlii? Company wi I lie held at their ia WEDNESDAY, the ????. of MARCH. last, a i OH sM p. m.. wl.en the Ann i?l Kepari wi.l ba preieuitd and ollic?r? ela rta d for the entniiif veiir. I The lieaefa heMe nW he cloie J from the MM te the 22d . ?int.. bate day? inclusive. .SAMUEL M. POND, Secretary. Maiobi Urna?. Cm or Totano, Ohio,) March ?, lUofl. I VOTICE ii hereby given that "TUE OCEAN It HANK," in the ??ty of New-York, ha? been ippointed the FIS! VI. AOEMTof ?nil( ty of Telado lo ?aid ( Hy of New -Yura; and that all ?Beaded ludebtediie?? of ?aid Cliy of Tu!-.I? the pfi i-ipal or ?iitereatofwi.i. h i? uiatlo payaba M MeW-I ork, ?lal be paid by taid Ocean Hank. t. K, DORR, aMiyor of Tnl.'ito NOTICE ii? herebv Riven that a MEETING 01 ti* stockholders of the NF.W-YORK HAIL AMSHIP COMPANY tvUl be convened at the WANTED. AMI lill IN TELEGRAPH, WESTERN I Mun KVTKNSION Do , Ai ply to Or-O. t. DUBBAR, Deal?! m i'? 1-iT?! h and Faprr-it Ptirk?. < rru a or thi MmenV? Mivif??) lo . ) No!JI'iva?T Maihll, IW. J ^'OTIC'E is hi-reliy Riven that an assument gi bo yet tiitr- I? I? t ? d on the Capital St? ?k of 0.1* < lupine. | itab.e at ti.? ir t-lli e i.u tha lil. Willi interett I ron, Jl?t nut. I., r*i.l. r Hool, aril; beeloaed frnm tbe 15th to22d in?!., k thdaya la n-ive. ?AMI EL M. l'O.NL, Trea*urer. INSURANCE holt SUT ATLANTIC MUT''Vi. ?#A u,A i i Bl N MITTI AL, i ?!. 1 Al IFH Ml I I Al. I88A IN!?)-. ' n; al iMa. ian nd um, UREA i VV K-'IKliS ?? I NI \\ V? Mt K Ml ?TAI., all vean. COMMERCIAL MUTUAL, MO, I?"?, ?ort ind MM WM. ? OILMAN. No if rim Tt AND OTHER SE II liles, HULLION, FAMILY PLATE. lte...afely pt under ?mp.? |a*rauty, at a amad ?Dinial per -n'a/- , WIDF.I.FR. Jr., ION I li. Ill ITON. to H ni *\ KR-. PRANCIS SRIDOY, HORK I y i LiRK, DANIEL DEVLIN. J. ti. JOHNSTON, UK Nil Y E. DAVIES, j. M WATERBI HY HENRY K. ItoOEKT, FREEMAN CLARK K, K H WESLEY. OHM I .K Mt MR, OK.ORiK. W. a CYI.ER, ALLER Ml MtoK. It Mrs M. MeLBAM, DANIEL . . Mow y lb, EL1SUA HI..O-I. Al UltTI S Si HELL, .! ?.MES FORSYTH, JOHN M A4 i F.f., I VV. FREEMAN. WM. ? lil t-ML. WM.WHITRWBIORT.Jt. MISSOURI STATE SIXES. P?rt|ei beldMa ?ny of the a'ove Bon li will 6nd a mott ? aiai.ta.etit.i i ? j ? ti I. .ty I ?!' e? lia ;inal tlia-ni (b'lt on'y to a .,1 an...;i.ti m nan mobtoaub seven fir iy NT ?Nil BEB? PAY1BU BONDS OF UNDOUBTED M i I ?ti TY. For (.?iii .lan ?pp'v Imiiir.Ealelyto THOMAS DERRI 1 t o*. No M W,!| it . N. Y. TRAVELING CREDITS on Meian. J. & I moiioaN a Co. LOBOOB (Snoeaaai i? OEO. I'FAI'.uDY a (..i available in the prinr-lpal ellie? ?f EUROPE nd lb? EAST, in..?d by DAL.?ii Y MOKOAN kio. No. a Bnhngapan Ijuniviiig t)ou9co an? Uaitkcro. FISK & HATCH, HANK IiltS, No 3 NA SSAU-8T., BCY and .?ELL AT MARKET RATES ALL DESCRIP? TIONS OF GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, ACCOUNTS of HANKS. HANKERS and olbanRECEIVED on favorable term?. Miicellineou? STOt KS and iiuND.-i BOUGHT ead SOLD un I uiiiUiittiin ii the REGULARSTOCK EXCHANGE. IENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD ' ??TATE All) HONDS. li li real it ti.? rite of SEVEN PER I EN I PER ANNUM IN OOLD, P?y?ble Semi Aonoally. GUARANTEED AND PAID BY TUB VATE OF CALIFORNIA. SINKING FUND?! aKi.amin gold, per annum i r?*erv?d Tren, the earning! of the read, and pled|ed for their raateanp tion. Thevareafir?l-c!????eeuriiy in every re?pe?t, ?oil a liuiit?d amount will le offered upon term? which render them ? veiT ?ttrattiv??nddeiir?ble investment. For futtbei p?r Ueular?. mquu? al our i,m, ?, No. :. NiaianaL _ F1SR k HATCH. Harlot. VERMILYE~&~CO~ BAMKBB8 No. 44 WALL ST., NEW-YORR, Ke?p eonitantiy on hand for immediata deiivary, ALL ISSl'ES OF UNITED STATIIH STOCKS, INCLUDINO: 6 PER CENT BONDS OF 1881, 6 PER < KNT a-?O BONDS OF lSa?i, 6 PER CENT 5-tiO BONDS OF 1???J1, BPKII ? BUT H.'IO HONDS OK 1SB3, .'i pi n ? KNT 10.-10 BOMva, T.3-10 PER mmmtt TKKASLUY NOTES, ht, JJ Md 3d lune!. 0 PER Cr.NT C1 KRENCY CERTIFICATES. OBOEBI from HANKS *?1 HANKERS for the PER? CHASE and SALE of OOV KRNMENT Slot KS, executed on fiverthle termi ?nd with dltpatrh; alto, for al] Securltlei dealt id It the Re,: ila St M Bl ! ?n '?. CO.MPOC.N? LNlLRESr NOIr.S, ?f | silt BIM OUT and ??OLD. ' vwianLXjy * ?^ ?I AY COOKE ?St Co., B?N-?RS, Ia .c__te<-t!.n with oui bootet la Pbl_?d_]pbi? tad Wog lngton, wa tlii? day open in oft:? it Ne. 1 Nunn it., C?re?g of Wall, in ibu City. . Mr. EDWARD DODGE, lite of CLARK, DODOE A Ca.] New Vork? Mr. II. C. FAIINESTOCK of our W_* h legten home, md Mr. PITT COOKE of, Ohio, wiJ tag re?: ?eut pirtoer*. * J Weihiilglte pirtlrnlw attenttnn to the pnrrhaae and u!g ofOiVVERNMKNTSLCI'RI'l'lE.??. tnd to ordert for |iaieh?i# raid ii!? of ST-? K3, li ?NUS eui OOLD. JAY COOKE & Co. ' New York, March I. )?W._ JOHN J. CISCO A SON, ~* BABKEBA, NO. 33 WALL ST., SF.W TOR*?.. I; ( KIVE MONET ON DF.POSlT. ?nd ?!Iaw inter, tt at the rite of four per rent pernuna? og du.y balance!, wl.ii-h n?iy te ehei-k?-d for at light, ? NT.GOTIATI. LOAN!. AND IirSLNESSPAPEB Kiekut? promptly ord>*r? for the ptlrchtie tnd ?ale of go!!, I Buy Hiddt-il (it-vi rnii.?ni .i'l oth> r .*? ?? i .lo ? ou . -ililumI-c,'. MAKE COLliI-'.C'TIONS On ti? pirti of th? L'inta-d Stttei ind Ca?ad*. JOliN J. CISCO. (Lkti of the United State? Trr???ry io New York), JOll.N ASHFIELD CISCO. I -? M JOHN 1?UNB01 & Co., AMERICAN HANKERS? No. 5 BDI DE LA PAIX, PARld, No. S WALL si., NEW-YORK. Inn* Circular Letter? of ( rrdit for Trtv.lrri in |U pirti ?g Europe, It.., Ac- Alio Coiiiuien-i?! Credit!. ^?jK-TAVK-i/riT?YER ?_ SLOSSON, * BANKERS AND BROKER9, No. 71 BROADWAY, NEW-YORK, (live ptr?irii iritter"!on ?o the purer?.?? ?rd tile tra romirt?? li.inof ill kind?.,I ' EXPAEMg. TELEGRAPH, BANK, IN. M HANcK ('li Y lt.Vli.ROAI) sud M VNCKACTCRINO? ?- r,,? K, CITY, COUNTY, -TATE, NATIONAL and othej. BONDS, Geld ?Bd BUvm b-uglit a,.d io.? Co.p.ol col* taUeA RFFTR.NfE. AMrP.ICAN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK, H*mt York._J ??.CIIANTS' NATIONAL HANK. J LM?LU OTATES DBB1ONATK0 IJEfO _?TOR*f? B tail Ui?ton. D. ?'. CAPITAL.-.?-10,000. AH lu?-i of United State? O-vern-ueBt Eecuriiltt bough? uni .? Id. ( it in? on ill the DepartmcDti co.lected, tnJ pn-npt y m n,ltt?-d t,?r. tkog, ?ils In (I d ?rd Cutren.y received ob fuvorab ? terni from *ll parta oi the I non. . ( a-r.lii a(?* of Drpaiit isi'ied, pty?.:? k1 Nttioaal Bick} every ?ki? in tbe I ..r?.-d Sute*. L. T. IIL'YCK, Pretlden?. , C A. "sBreilBil?! CaiMa-r. _I IpnOHBiili OF LONDON. ' NATIONAL. I.ANK OF SCOTI?AN___ I'lXFAbT 11ANKINO COMPANY, IIUXAND. We Ulai SIGHT P.AFT., on thetbove, ini-citcij. TAYLOR BROTHERS, _No. n ______> LIMON DIME SAVINGS I5ANK, I CANAL SI'.. ? uRNKROF VA HU K. DEPOSITS fritn IO im'i 1? 93.000 receive! SIX PER CENT" fin? of taa. Dep-?it* in Minti ?Ira* i!,*?r?u from Al'llILL AM-T8 .38. B?OADVYAY SAYINGS INSTITUTION. Chartered Util. Ho. 11 !'.-" -I.? iv ?'.*.,?? ? on Pirk-plic?, Di.? ii Im v ;r iii IO to 3 ,) ?ra. FI?ANCIS P. .-< HO U.S. Prr_df?l Wadi B. Wobbill, totrp. r?T?a Craaive. A**t ATI___NTIC SAYINGS HANK. CMManagaan (opposite Mutt it.). N. T., A..i-iv? SlX (?J) 1't.R (1ST I.VTBBKST to ?!? p -.-itort fret ?f Um Depoait? from g1 to gi" o received. IKYING SAVINGS INSTITUTION. A No. 96 Wirren-it. ()pa?n dal'y from 1" ? in. to 3 p in. SIX PER t ..NT 1BTBB_*-IT free of OP V ERN ME XT TAB, UIX PER CEHT INTj_b1_ST~P? i?>, " k3 Fr?e from ?Fireniuienl Ti?. THU'.I) AV K.MK SAVINGS BANK. Corner of Twenty nita i? md Third it*. Dwiocnb ?Notices. '?pill: COLUMBUS an.l INDIANAPOLIS 1 1 CENTRAL RAILWAY C?>. hue tbitdav (-j Mar-hl derUred i ?I'ARTEKLY DIVIDEND of ||?| PEg ( 1 Ni', lr--e oi G -vemnieut tai. p?y?bl? it the ( mpanyl ?Olli,?., it i ?liiiub is. Ohio, on tbe Kith March. I?*?*. Tb| boult of the Couiptny will be closed on the .lit Mar ti. B B. SMITH. Pre..,ieat ? - - _I Cbanccs for UnGin.03 illrn. *CH>B SALE?A BCHOONEB YACHT ol A tbo it SO tun? i,ii-iiuiriii?-i.t. well fe md in ever? rurtei-tj t-n-e *J,ysj. Apply lo P. i J.LOiULLARD, No. 11 Uno? bars it. nPO CAPITALISTS.?A SILENT PAKT. J NF.p., nilli _>....' rfjn.'ssi. WANTED, to rontr-. ti '? ettib l.b ti? ii" A PL RM A.NI . ACTOBY South, in io mt** lent lorilily. where there it in ibuudiuce of wit?r power, p eiity uf *t.K-k. ctie*p labor, and ?'*ery prn?i>ectii ?i tnoti. Aldre.i. ?libre?! ,;...-.-. D. v.. .:.-.? liltr?. WANTED.?A Brat-Cton BUSINESS MAX, V V |.am, ( cap.tal to take th? iDinag.iiieol of the bull? n?-?? o? i ii??? .:?.-(?inn. I ?ai.i?, Y ia.* b.-:u_ devei? )~ J ft ?roii'i^e? to b? of grr?t iiu.iiinde AiJie.1, II.MFAC? I RKRS. Li Ne. LIM N. V. 1'o.t ufti ?. C'*_(. |M.I_ WANTED?Tn complete u tWetVfe\rT\nJ ,?it-iii-i,ti lor WuRKINt) t BKS S.IjVKR MINK ia Austin. Nevtda. t'reudy opened. !-?-;? MbbhI ti??)). v.i?:if.-. alLVEA, Ttikmm ofice, i- ?Du; wlaele an li.teitiew may be luuL Ularbie iUantcls._ MARULE MANTELS-Now Is the time te pnrrhaae Mantel* ?t-iy clieip, 3uO Minieli an hint, ?hirh will be lob! it very law pnce?. A. KLARFK.-Mir? Ile Went So. til Lui l...!i:.-. i.u. it., near i'?i.-J ti* . ?S. Y. Cut ibu out. M"~____BL? ami MAKHLEI/.ED SLATB MANTLE-.?BKMOVAL--T B. OTBWABT In np in. ?.-.! kilt M i-b ?? and Slate ?MantleWareronmt from til ? tmb it. to No. 003 SIXTlt-AVE , it th? june ion oi HnaJwty. proposals. BcBtliTK.iCB Ornea, V S. A., No. P South Oay it. UlLTlBOK? Md., Keb. r. \.t*ri. /GOVERNMENT SALE of Si 'KI ?LI S HARD \A HKKAl)_IBALEB Plt?)PO*.AL*. IN UL'PLK ATB will ha received it tbii office until SAIL RD AY, lltr.h !L lUbti. tot tbi ptitciitie of tuiplui li ARD BREAD, ?a lum Bl thil depot. I'lopeial? ii.uit ttaU thit th? offer 1? mtde undtf ?drertiM? oient of Um date, The Bread it ia botet of fifty (SO) ?Mundi ei? h. No **!?? poult received for len than twenty (im holet? Purrhme will be delivered on bond o? Uanipoin wilbuBl uptait te the ptircbuer. Pit niei.t reqnlred In Oovtmment fund? on Bctlftcitle? eg icceptioce of bid. Tweuty dtyt tilowrd purcbatrrt to it? ?hot? itoret. PropoMli to be iadoried oo lb? rn?t ffU "PiopoMli for Hird Bread," ? ,,l iddreit?*d to THOMAS WILSON, Brtvet Litut.-Col. ?t.d I S. 11 S A, _'_Brev.lBrit. Ora. \o*,^_ pKOPOSALS FOR 850.000 or "TBE WATER gTOCKOF THE CITY OB NEW IOlB OK THE YEAR 1819." SEALED PROPO?AL-krwill be received ii th? Co??*?*? ) lett Office mtU .salin !?y, Mtrch 24, l8.., it I o'c?oc? ?J? m., wheo the siuie ?HU be pub.lciy opened, for th? wboll?* j ?nypirtoftheiuaiof USe.OOOof "The Wtter Stock SO? ? City of New-York of th? yea 1819.'' iii-hor-ud by cb?!*" * ; of lb? !???? of 180, tad .mended by rhiptei IM. tiwi < I ina? j The ?tid ttock will ben iaternt it the rite of ti? I** f*1* per inniini, piytb'.e ?j iirti-r-y.-srly, tnd the principal wilke ri.leemed ob the tit day of November, li S. Tbe propon'.t mtt itite the iniount of iterk attired til the price per one hundred dollin thereof, ind tbt peiuU who?e proposai? ire iccepted will tberropou b? re?, uied ? depoait with the Clituilieiliin of the City lue tuon iwiidtd te ?Ihein reipertleely. On preienting to the Comptro!!. r the reeMr?! of?'"' nUt berlain for lucli the partie? v? 11 be emit ed lo ri? ce.?e ceri l'u at?-? !'"r eti'ial nnonut? tf Ce p?_t ??:-?? u^lS* ttock, beiring inteieit fron) (he dite* ti paymei.ti. Ki. h piopotitlon tliould be ?. _ed _ud u.iloned '' Propon* for the Water St., k of the I hy ti N-? Bl k ot C* !"*" 184!)," ?nd laatml fal ? ?..und *i.? idilirMCil to BU Comptroller. The tdoMB reiervedto rej?ct my or ?II .he Hal if!-5?* tereati of the Cor|ti) ras|.ilie it. MATTIIKVV T. BBEBBAB, Conplrol?? Cirv ov saw Vobx. iDiunrinr or i mici, 1 i.i1,.T.?fr,...ri,..,.. _j?i,-n i.L :-_. X