Newspaper Page Text
V** XXV....N0* 7,790. NEW-YORK. TUESDAY. APRIL 3, 1860. PRICE FOUR CENTS. fROM WASHINGTON, IP SPECIAL DI8PATCHE8. THE PUBLIC DEBT. OONORE SHI ON AL EQUALIZATION OF BOUNTIES. THE LOAN BILL, -*> TEE JUDICIARY 2ILL. Belligere?t Resolves Concerning the Fisheries. ?NYEO MEANS OF TRANSPORTATION. --m fSU- PA.*-*1V*IC TI AIL1IOAU. Pvlilitary Statistics. Wi 1! If? ' I - : . Owin-f lotht f Mr. Doigt tito e*M ?.Brcckt- ?igt. Itadfl vu* : t i | -Jay. bat lowe.ti ..l.t.l to M-flOW? -H! nW-1 OMI e ?'I l'l 'I? MHIP. Tbo I'rt ?ilir.t tn-ehy inter.:*'! ? tist u -? Mi noi to t?o -? ?(__,?__.*.,.a ' ? u ? ...-it.. :.i * . . tkCltj. tub MtXH -v TI.** li* dm I Foreign S u?ie?:.j aaai i:f to ?udor?" til? ts tai. I oadi t? e t ?r : ?jw t There are, in uii pre stn i*:- li t'o Bl IM '?' : ? -? : : ! j urtu I ?e i ? UM te? fir. ; Ma. ? . tntbtoottrtAtnti tag of meston ad iotaking Mfi i"<ir. H t, 1 ?'? t .r- ? ? ? ? ..will. HNMi.NT Al VI ?T1 rto Fraudent to....... .-*..... . loth? ti: - ',-??*-'? "? - ' all ; . . :? .- ta :,.-'.-?. {-.| M ' ' : - 1 tit Pr?sident will to t ? ? ??? tai ::>.? mix,-. t).i:i-v .i [?? ?.?vin ti Das ra a payara. Ali the :t:n : , - ? and all ton ill Mats | all .ii 1'e':.erratic* toi... ail laily, ti b onm no-it i im.. Owing to ' ... - Ka-?ay, it ?vascC'D-ielcred bett to postp*M the ?! ox ti- ? ... Righi lil '-'? ? ? lito vaia S..1 ! ...keri in l!.'..:?>e!nj afterr? <:.. l*?ti. itt r 1?iffM ariitcel Ltic to ftlfM, tot!.?. asten.-.Lue :.t ct every one-. Ben n.fl*erir.p f.-om i | tt<_ .8 itii.cwi.i.t Natal te ? . aaj time. He eta? kg At I I ? I. IM ti ! ?? i and at the amaeti ?ran!-'. ?be tave eeiacluilf ei :? ? ?.-rand r..lly to try i?it.!u?t.i.i. :1.' ni". BtooM Wright be ??'.'< to gi to ti?* Senate when tl.e vote is latos nial Iiixon to tun * M.ciettly by Then.?, ?.y to le carritti to the Senate, tl.ey can j? ii :6 ve let- re . . -.rry the bill Of tin- Ta?icl er ,i,L'iu'.aiJt.* u e ?uccedir-r of S-rator toot, w!( will undoubtedly le lei ein turc, ti I Rad-M? tan reJy on 'JJ. If they ?yet a Senattr frei:.. Ne v. J. n y, m. i.' ,- not now ire?!'. A ti e m te ??.... -.taiid 'di to ??J. Bfcoald the rret.i?er.t ?et i.*.e ?rare maa, it M OBItried uiatil Colorado m aeiixltti .1 ve I..?.li mal?es il M w3, te 17. The Praaideat'l ir.eE-la elain - Lane ?f Kanus, but as le Toted aci .nat ttOttil tit' ? f ile ? liurenu bill, oi.d r?a ha toi MT? declared be woiilel :.. t . i ..:.?;?? I ia kite.* em tto Cm! Kipbt? bill, it )? li: .le?:, e.l 11. ! .-. i le u ill Mai ti)'e.f to Totiap with tt.e Ina'trat*, lint u law lay? :.. .le se n.ui.y cl.' thal HI Ml lun.lj U-ii ?thai ?ii be t!.? J rt -?fit try the t.:i e ti t ttM? iti taken, aldl pr?tent ?nuitations are ior the paeeags af fto bul em the \eto. mr. i'E ww*i ramm m, D. Di lii'W. n litoriefj B h-miaa of Etabd BMonetv ...-.?ned to-dny t iii re. UM Kccoui.r'jction Ee i-tatea us h.. cor.v ?ctu-n that tto eouon ? re j. in tl.e Soith ti is 'e..r vv ill ii??t exee? ?1 I alci, and tt.nt tl.e old atoik of tttlim is iub itaii.*?; y exlacrted. MILITARY CLAIMS h? II Lil). The .?ktoiid C??i.'i<-il'?-T ?al tl.e; IYmM-7 in ?STttilaat fettled nuiUnry i)_.).i.s in.clvii.g tl.e min of 9A'o4?'jVJ. FLAG FK'M NEW-' RT.PAN?.. Dr. Reddie ti N? arrived in town ?Wat. bringing with bin. the- tut l" flag rai.od by "Mielecti of ttiit c;i> after its captare by Gen. Untier. Mt. Reddie donates this dag to the Government, arooag **h?ee srchirei it will be phtced. TRI-Bl TE M MILITARY MEN. Get?. Grant, in General (Mffl tu-tlay, in an Maocing tt*e death of Geo. Sett Wi'liaoia uni Col. Aeodcre S. l'osera laie<y bia A?jatnnl General, paja ? iloejoer.t tr?bule to their t_ea.or.ea aa men and aul Am-, snd direct? tbst eil officer? of the Adjotant (Jene toft Depurinent vi esr the iiiual baelge of mourning for fe?** I5TER5.-L nvmt Tbe receijite from Iiiterii<?i Kevenae, tei-day, Otngj,iK,,Ji9. liKTAILLI) F(R HCTY. Breyt-t Major-Gen. J- B. Kidelod, Coleiiiel nf to?i<l l'iut?Ml State* Coloied i roopa. ha? b?*eii detailed Pi luty in the f'reedaen ? llureao. and ordered to ?f*rt to Major-Gen. O. O. Howard. ALKXAMEB H. STEPHENS MtiteiUre tonight. THE 1)EF1? IK-"' Y BILL. Tli?* Conference Coinniittee on the Deficiency ^""?pKttobealle to rejort an airreen-ent to mor *??? They will agree to the clause directing tho Seo "?ary lo ire* ant the issue of BLy more curri ney with toiKiiijrio.jg s. ii. Clark's face njM?n thom. THE IEA? Y. I R<>< LAMATIO.V. ??h-ite a wngatioii La? been made by Hie an* "atieeineBt that the Pre*i Jent has isaued a peace prexj ??MiaB, and a dozen wild rumor? accompany its oir tbmma. til.RY.HADY.D. fcuator Wilson and Gen. Sehinek were tbtb Omi lotiight. by the Soldi?*rs' sud Sisiior?' League. THE C?)XNKCTICL"T UMMttOtL Ai li p. ni. the President received ft telngratn ** Hartford, announcing that 'We have elected JJ* by? small majority; but the llaelicili hare ****?*?- the I^*gi?lature and the r?*et of the State offl ato* **?toAi^?uud TrNs. WiMNM Mooan, April'.' UM .?Hi TUE LDAK HILL. ; - ??? or FeKsendi-ii ti? ?lav reported, tr?im the ?***)tt. ?"?aiae: THY. RICIMOXn ( KLEBR.Tlei.S. Nlaj fM-.!.1'" " v'*''"""' lA/milicuu naya: "Tbere ? H~Jjrt U.*t tli?> Gossmtnent li? re baa interfsred witfi Oem*' ?"' l|reoplcofRich ?J7?|'? the uniilveriiiry ofthecaptun ?if tl.nt city on ?*ImLl*? Wt* '"?'*' Ibu beat ii ithui.ty fur anying that ^*^* M ''resident nor Ute Grunt Lut muriel eel iii tlif matt? in rit.y tr ? n:,"v. Tl.e ? || ?,. t B I '.:'"? within the ? ontrol i f lim Terr** ?vi.o |_ a ai ia of ? ita j itlgment, and 11 i'.,; on the ; round, lutowe s ...,t to do ??a the j remites. He i? astboria d to aot lad? \ rodsntly m the i -, ? -.i , ; ai -?? oan? ? ? ? ? ny < t illegal dim ir: aacea SftkS fieiu-o un aithl : ?:(!?.'' Mii.n \iiY st ?ti.;: ii s. Ii appear , (?oin a voti "ii fniti the "Wai n ?. .rfiii'i't, dated M m ir.,-, that iii?? Bambee of ? ?1 troops la t " i::ny i-n t lar '.'?h ol al ? t?J waa?white ? i ?. .?? or an aggregate of There uno in the n rrii - Mareil IO?wkltea, 01171. - :, "i . -. i rea .:??i i 86.9 tha re I ? i obi of ina sert ice lia i '. ci - : I 1:1.,i? ni .'t. I7|, o.di red tu ! : ?ter? I oat stace March ? -wl Iles, . .. total, 19,703, Total I since ?1 - ?..' .t -, ? ',! 1 Till Ii ,. 'oil 1"! 1 . i II be wi ti :,.. '.at bj A? ?.i 10, ', whiten liiiitn i?. SSL If i? j.raij? r lo i??H that thi . . a : i luii.-d Btetea lafai.irv ima P? n 1. i.; on it? hi rival. Major ? r a :??,! to master o ;: .. I ad er In thal di \ ai tn.?-:.!. llioro II re j < ?-1 rt.nt be eaa apare. TI ia A be Additional lo li ? . ...:;.. OtJ ; i u.: I \t val? a:; klBO. The Nary Departmi :.; li,.? tot tlToi tin follow? . atCli': Vant n ItATBt lessan '? aaaaaa?>i i \ 'IT'll l-l. "'I teh'i.l ? Bia i ? :. j- n, : i ir sst ian i ra, on thi uu rall .- ol i rli fro? I... it ? "!.-. ' ? Ei linn i / . ' II ?? i ? ' ? *?' i b.twi '1 l.'.eiiii. . the toy-ail !?? s n Pr?s ? ? ?' ? ....:. , :? ii '.re I ? ,,i vvd to end hen '' ' r x- !' ' i i DI | .it li I ? Bil i i '. ia wh iii ia, trie or? ?.. rv i<-ti!?r-f navigation ' L'ou? io ? a i ??. iM be ?,?'.' ' .- i? "lllllIT ?trim ? ? ? ? .-..;. o jit,?, r? ?; ii, t.? ' ? . i Hei that w? have '?? ? . , ! ? ? whh li ??,?? li. a . V ? a'i.ii li I hail i, ? ,1 ibt '" tl.e : . laths sBRtbwatd of tats, I I ? tooth tom my Btls wsler apea hat di el?, ririni. \)-r th? ?ive- i e?il_\ aml'l Bl yai.tly. I haas Iks haast to rsmsia, eery rei| ti(all] ?. rohsdlctii Joh? linDi.Htu. i? u.;.. ia i- r II n ti: l .-?,., ?,,-t ol'the Navy. I-. Kid! llf-KCS OP THI* UOPATTOOt K. I .MT? D STATHI S iT ??.?'? .MoHAl'S ? K j Vau AKii?u. Mm ?i i ; na > the honor I ? ? ia| r. p it ? f tl.e per ..:. s hw passas? ttem Montctlaee ; o.-' ' ? r bei of miles rm In ?4 lic-iri beiiiu 71 ??ie ir. on? d?v I etas I ?!, knott ?I v In taw 111 knott Ihr ? woiki ? My, the only et ?>?? tit .. beta| the nth t. the sondeases of tin- star out of ordi las?] " ran y te ?Mp Will kr|,t SB ) ? willi t!,e ] it SBftBS rata oi IO i , i ada .te, mi ?.?g ? brios w< I :).. MsasUsa Str.;-? and Barmteale ? ? - ? ha 0 i i ass **n ed no ai,?!..- titi-1 . ; . i -.. ? ?, ? me ii arrow plaeei -.- s sh B] I ? .roin.-? ths laasjth ol Ihe fee? ? :? ? but io practice wi a, I moir whs! r?er I , ie there] n I : bl I bit . . irdia|ths ? folly, v, ,r ebi -I si i -rrv-ii.t. i ran. tit M. BaeCB lill "?.,-! ?nder. I -.1111,1.ill!.(! Spteisl Se Udlun, Va .**. lirr'?..l?' '. ??dell'ilt. i .in imsi _HL i , .-* irgi nt. ('i?iiiiui??ionor ??f - i...? 1 !'ii iniorii,oil o] Hie Mi/iirc, i? few dais : ... i?.?' ? ai labia i'ii'.ir.-i I,? ?ii.) ?oil? i tor at New La., wkloh wars halag ??-u'.'gled late iLe Hatea rit thai port. The Public Debt. Wism.. ,7' s, Munday, AfSflt, ICCtX The isUaaiag is a iIiIbbmbI <>t Iks pabtk debt of the United Stslos on the 1st of April, IB ? ?Kirr UFA'tlN?! ?HIM INTIBIST. ,t lends. 11'?*?, O'I, Ha*) 00 i I in r cent bunds sf 1-oT nud It?I.. 18.323 .'.'1 KO IS pe? eeal hoads 1S81. 103,7.5,830 do IS per osat 5-30 beads. S7f,B I1.1MIMMI1 M DEBT ____M UUBBBBVI IBIBBBeT. S per ?***t-t eoada . ti ,???1,000 oo a? I. .un . ICI 731.9*1 ' '.'?' itas of IndaMedaess . 11 ?4,?J00 00 1 aad S pear 3 per seat aotsa. i-, ? ? - - 3-reareompoa?1 lataiest notes. 172,019,111 (?i 1 jeei aeiea iklilj Baeaa. itf.on.SM SO li.iK lp7,oi] ac Hatared ?li M aol preaeated for payateal . iwu.t?j ia MiNT HBAKIN? NO IB1IBUI. tinted Stat.? aatea. <i *_,749.S9I 00 I rael mimi earrtmof. 11,003,4?l I 2 Gold aaetiieetea a/ateeeeB. um:,; m 01 i'A. I1S.SS4 M Tntnl.t-.t"2l.'':i.r"*l 89 Ami'init in'i renmry i me. e_,SS!',700 BO AiLouut in Trt-i?nry cuiriiiiy. tgOTi I IO M ti 4-2,lil,.irO Bl Amount of debt les? cash in Trcitiurv |-,',?o?,(.li.,.M(. 01 The foregoing is a ?orrect ?tatoiii'iit "f tin: public 'it-Ill .ii ??i'l'ar ? from the books and Treasurer's returns i-i t*it- l'e-irirtniorit on the lit of April, IK??. ?Lt-u Mi'J tliLrOi.ii. .Secretary of the Trcfwury. XXXIXni CONGRESa FIRST SESSION. SENATE.WAMii-.diON, April, 2, MSB A BBQI ]-J-STFK(?M (1KOBOIA. Tl.e Chair lunl before Um Senate a BOB?an? nlciiiion from the 1're-iilerit ?if the Halted Stat??a irHi,? mittiiig a t-oiiiinuDieation from IBs Oe*/ei*Mf of UM Biete ai Akketre aaklee lw as ?xteii?ion atfilBM ko '.in- euuipioiioD of eertele railroads la that stat?, vrlni'b wss referred to rho ?'ointiiittuc uu l'ubliu Lands, i ?V AL lll'.lilS. Mr. Si BBBI Inlrodiicd several petitions for equal rljfhta witl.oi.t distinction on account of color, v?i,icli were referred to the Comaetteee aa Beeeaatraettaa. ISTl.KN.tTlO? \L COrVl'MIIT. Mr. Si BBBS also presented a |>etiiiiiii for an inter nrttiouel cop? njrbt law, wbicli wa? referred to the Com? mittee on 1 j.-eiarri Eclations. EX. 1KB. Mr. r-iniiMAS paeeeated the memorial of citizens of Ohio f it eeftatfl modifications of the excise law, wbicli ViAn icfeired lo t Iii* (ornnilttoe on Kinaii' ?. I'OI'IJLAK VOIK t-OK 1'BHUIlKM. Mr. IIovn; piaaaalad thu p?tillons o? citisens of Wi? i'ii*i-iri for au ?uinndment to Ibe (Jonstltutiun. no as to hats tin- Praehiear! nf the Ualtsl state? eleeted i<v tin IKipuiir vole ltntesd ot liv the Electoral College sv?ieni, which was relurred to lue Committee ou Keconstrac Boa. UlftUUB OF DAKOTA. Mr. WYtin .N from the Military Cuinmltteo. rt,?i>orled fitoralilv a lull to provid? arms Bud ammuuitinn foi the defense of ihn lnhal.itnits .if Dtikots Torrltory. pgoAivf.iknoa or aaoaiiai, Mr WnSOa, from the M.litary ?Committee, alio re? poned a biii to provide for Hie eq us I Usti?n of lioiintios ;,, lol liara in the late war of Itebclliou. io ? new draft. asf-?oWB: Stciio? I. /'? it incidri '??/ thi Sn.ittoui Hume of Hepre irnUtlir-, ni Ihe Vruled Slain '?(America taOsaSfSSSBSSSBsMl I, IA ?l toe?, ii ?nJ eirry ?jjldiri wiio lervrd in tl.e arn in "I tit Vidted Stitei In tha Ule v-n ol lb? K?b"l!ion will. H t du Uiie'lo-i of color or ra ?s, snd ?ho lu? been or who miy bei? aa?rh?lio!iou?)lTdi??bir?'rd therefrom, there ililli b? p-U. ?seep! m ht-aht-tatepecmed. a bounty of ?iibty and oin 'i -li .: inner month foi et b tnd every month if ?errie? r-nd-rej. Prnrridtd. Tint troopt known M " Horn? (?nardi.' or otliei vai'jtiteet iroopi or: itn.'dd foi local tervice valiicli ar? rnw ei-.ii ltd Itorn bonotiei by the riilitijl of the IVtr Ile pUlniSUl. Bl SSdm ?he terni? o! their ?iilutiiieiit. ?bs'l Out ptrri ipi.? ia the baunUe? ptondr J i*St by thi? tot or say pitt thereof. Ss ? ?lad 'j' B firlner enacted, Tint. In caVuliting th? if bcxiBly du ? and li be pal J lo eich midier under Ihe p rrrlal -n. o'tbi. wr!. drdurtio?. b? miJr let any and al. Biyaseatl of ho inty m?J? or ?peed le he mad? !??' the Inited .j thal In no cat.? wi . anv sebB? rseelts s gr'ater a? !-: ir bo iDtv than elfht and one thlid laUstt lor each or any . , thofssrri s, sad nebeaaty whstetar shs) hrptldioany lOlllST lHrt ha? ile?er??J irowi the teirlce. nor lo ?nr ?oldiai v.!, , wi? a i?|it ned |>:i?oaOi al war ?! ti,, lune OT rilli.tri.?lil. i irte asp . .id rrwaohm heeadisrh?r|sd si hUosrarsq ni ... I r trnial-t io the ntvy si foi the f rp ??? ef t ?'???p*u.| ?. an , I in or ?('?i .in- i ? i.t n. Ilia inny or lilVT. ot ?fl?' tv?' ISerTrf-8 ?whs ha* bee? di.cliariinl at Ihe leij .-?* 4 yit-i.1*. ?.ii Jinna, or otlo-1 pel.oljl, or ,,n tl,e (TOUIld of minority j presided, the! Buy ?o.di.-t s1?slist|sd Itoai the .e!V. e OD '.'?llllt Of Wound. lereiTnl in battis ? pl'lrl ill ??.iiiii-ii ol I? Iii? liu? of duty eltrwbera than iu ?, lu?, sa ,1, ' al the w,doi? or lien, of ant aoldier v? ho may have ... i ?i.ii. in ths aeivic? of th? I mil I Blatas si?Il ii? saUllsd -.,'lie ..n, ? i. . ti'y a? tni,.i(li i-iih at-.di. ?ti .1 J Out U> full leim ol ei4isun?t.l. ' tire. I .indie it further ei.oetrl. Tail my ?oldier who baa ba?lese!, ?iii.t, aealBM4, Iraaifirred, \momi, eat?anseJ, er gitan iW - Iii-- final Stat han? laper? r.r .it.y i.-it.i..t u? ths !" .lily ( roride .1 i v I li a . r any,er act of I ? ? . ? ? - tie .-i,iitlad te receive say Ina?!,it wbetovei simm ti??? a?*', ? ii u a. a .:; j ; ?, ?,-:,, le by say soldier lei mli bounty, I he.hall benn are ilio lattin nit'i cr affinnali SB Bl l-l. Idea ii'.k nal tiitti... .?.i? :. t m bartered, uki, antaaed. iran? '.< a.-.].? jr..lian.-. -I, li bs4or ghrea away ssuai hi? ?lr?i liar??' an; boost. (I r.'ora-t* I. .ml ni r'- tin. for i lamed " ? Payan t? : <-? ii other i i a ' :.< or elth r? if . Hlc-r exeept apea iii r elptoftbi ,?. ebiirse psper, Siiouiiipanied byllu' ?'..ile lil' ii? iimit-i t? ,?!i a? a? : v J ii. HaO. 1 Atti le it t ir'Aier mut, !. it of th. , ? .ia | ink.l-i! thal R ahsll be ths duly ..rtli? Pay ia ?t- i ? le i . i !. -i . i ...-r.J i-i ilaUona a? Isry of War to raaos to I?- n tuturi [ha seeosata of aseb aad *.. rv ??.'.h.-r w:... nsksi apa i.wilon ' ? r- ' ? i ?--.- ?' ? ' -!i lavit re nuired by the pt? ?dint .action ; te aacertaia nad del the ?Ultimi!, ittay daeIrin ladet the prae?ioM of tim ?.*t, lol lone the i . ? ?; ?. ' - -1 ? bat| ? ...I to iii rm i!..- Iii i :i?r.i* lo li ?? .- ,-iriiaul willi a warrin? for the ?maali!. la li tshall be -1 h ii esas dr ?? apon ia so??oi /?? i ?i i "? t >ry ?! li?. |i allia- i.iti.l*. nixl ?hiiil he milli- psyibli- la tit? mint ni the claimant, pr. k1.!. J, that the ?ni i Wer rant ?lull not ! MS -? r. ?? ,1 :, - f ?id ! y the sspository ?p >?i a Me !i it it 'I- m i m ? r i!'l> ..I'iry, un!"!? t'.Vr? be* nftixid to It pioof of Ibe identity ol limptyr. and .?! tin- frnutn? - ?. "' iii. lo ? 1 by the. ai!!i or sArmstioa tf not len than two respectable wi'nr? .??. reildeot m lbs nat eomtty ?T ai?!rirt with-ar.l ja.yee, ?mi nf.'.te I hy Iii? I l?rk ni a . .. rt i f r- i rd, slide r l!i? ?."ii at tia ??<> irt, ?ml th? ??id mi -.?lit. wit I m ]i ' .mi attet'ii?t.i, t.i)ii.-.i theresa, shall, I I pa; -i y ia h r.eui.'iit, in the I mantier ol Indersraf eheehs aan dnfti ead ihall, la as n.e, ben-...ii.|.;? wi'lii.ut ?ui'ii proof sn.l stteetatteae; lad IbeJ clerk of lbs .u". before mtwOlaa nil ?Tarrant, shall r.-.| 1 . . I li li li? ?k i I compare : liai ify ?..ra. i thal it agitai in a.l nr- ! - ? -1, i tb. ? ti.fat Wai ??Mad, T!,.t nnJ'-t i.o rircim il'in. .-? wliatcTer?lia!t.a? .,.'.-i,i i*t_iiiry tir It.lid paiSSB t?? r ? i . ' ? ;>t.' letuitlancs or paynes! o' elatina foi ?aid beaaly te ? r? pro Tided I nar tlitll my , r ? base, sale, tim?), i SC a?-*.: le?SM 'I laid bounty sr of a y inter? t Hierein ha recofBised or > u l.tlalaed h] .ia; i lb er i r ilit' Bfeat nf ths ? Uovernmenl In ths letUen sal i r paytaeal A ?.i-i I - ?'..'??? ?:* ?? lit. .- pn rided thal eaeh i-Uimt ?a.l Im aro . ntl ?! t tbe i'iTiii .?ti: ' lt':.i'i,.l tar it Inn twilv? iii.ntli? (r'm; I ' I . . the BIS? a r lien-Mi i Ft- tcril t.!. oi theil iiiiiint will be Ion ver thereafter dub a.-'.'J ? ???It. M... ii. lud ' : ? ? lol wtdewt and bein ol d buut?tT. .hril here-, I ???: . I by tbe .?'? road A . ? I ? ; ?- r ??f 'the Trsesory, ?ri. li r] ?m.? ?r?- Bra?!BU ti by ?n ?sent .ir ?Harney, - ? . r. q lire J t.. naka " .'li ' r *'? i tbst he Im? do Interest whatever la .sid b.ity be* I v I. It'' ' 'in-if tli? aam?, wl.lrli ?re h. r'-'.'v ' I Bird and ?atablitbed M fouowi, Tis y- r t.'i.- prep a .a . a.? !-<r ..a I iii? -..;.?, !.. a ?lui ?? .f| t i ?, ? ? .1 I,.- ?> ISO, I'll ! .-: -tit IBB I in.? rt' ??.bu. * 100 the I ?nil -aiil a . ?i 'nu ? ia i lent I ? t ? , j . i ?. ? ! ti ? ?Ita, which abai be defrayed by the etaiBraal ?-"1 -tay ?.rent reel y ' i b' II l r I i ? ? ia pr? ? ? ? .- ? 1 ? ?a 'I boa ty, ?: ? I i ?? ?1 'in? 1. ? n ? ' ' ? i lad? li . . I itbsn l-l.1???, and -la'! eiclndedl ,. ? . tary or BSTs! Istosaajatotthe 1 ron a. m IM '.-. ' '.' 'I ' r'\rr er. WUi, Tin! in the r?rep!iin, el ?. : t i i - ... . ! ?I ie the kk.ii ,kk. . r .' ?r. i. I* ease i : of the'irea.iiry ?hill b? ?. ?. ra. .1 l.y Hi? ? ?tri t. ni it. bereis preaeribed foi the Paywaetei ? lpt1 v.a- I thal ? Lea . li !? ' .? " ? ?ie I ii ???? ' ?ii ?*?nt or allarwey ?I ily aeapew? reel to ni f".* wa eUlosnt, | tin-w?ri?i t i"i tli.-"?ri..'.ial .1 i? nu? be ir .n.iiiirte I t i ?>.. I ? agi 11 ?! atti i a?? i. ? .a iii ii.,t t.? re -? piia.d a i ; .ni hy ? 1.?? I I'aile.l >:?(?, tin'e?. it b? Hal. i.?.l. wt!-,' ...'.I .-i..| a"- Mi 1 .v ?i- fan leadla 'he moase, sieeaiibod hy the I i !i"ii rf tin? ., i , Bo. lb ill my lim.i foi ??iii : Aii'liteir el I .??? ? le? the llfU'li. r ?lad Wilbis II a t.i-.?? -i?-. ,fl- ,1 t!i?]ei:i 8bc. H. .i.?,; ,'r ii ii.rt'trr lOaetti, t bat ii ? pro ..Ji ? : my tai now muI tin] af ?ii> lu wl.i b amy I er??::er b ? ni mi c"lt"ii?ai ? a? a fa.ii : i ::,.- poy awl of the : bii'inti.. li. r> ia ir"?: l?l li r niaJ for t!ie ?< an? ileti: a.' rr. I ia Bay Beat Ol lal d i" uiiti. -. 11.?- ?,i?.?.- was, on iiiotmi*. af Mr. ton- ? Minadla the I annittwoeo MilHarp Atfair?. I(N KlIINe? THE I??-H. Mr. JttoMtro, tram tim Oaas?dttaa ? ?ti Military Af fair*, raported lae bill aaltofisiag the raymaete I eral to lleco to the cre*tlit of i-nyuia?!-r? la California, I.*!??,????). t?><*'i\.r ii ? lo?a of money occasioned by the wreck of Iba ?t?*.i!in*r Itrntber JgmthgO. THK IHTKRMAIIO?AL II KAI. Ill CONiiRKM. Mr. \V iij?"M, fruin the Milnar? i t? .? lajSBlMd ', ii bill to initliori/o the n-preientatinii of the I st it? ? at the lattin attirai UcvlU? b'ongreti ni Con rtaallBopie ?nu: LOAN MU ? Mt. F?MODO, fr.-ni the Plaaaaa >C?*MaBittaa, r?* t'iirted tl.u ll'iu??' l."t.ii lall *?:lt.ii'it suiendiueiit, i? M , WWII ??n Tiit.l 1. TI at Um aM ii.tittod ' An Art ti ?r lidi ?i?. ] nnA ui?an? ?.. na mt m? <.??eminent aaron ,1 March I ' :? . a .1 'II. I t-' , .'!. -,!??. 1 tary of eli? Tr.-a.niy. it hi.di-i triiiai te r?c ?ve tay li. .*? ry V |. . i r ..tin t i.lil.gatioui ii,uni riml.T any ?ct ni ?' ia.i? ? wlieti.. r lie-trir.ij inier??! or nu? In SSShaaf* I ?' my il??rii|t ta u ti l.' aalhsttsed by ths ?? I le arbtsh ml. i. aa arnei J ii?ii!. ?ntl alse to di.note of aav J.-tcno'i r. ,,i hi!? antin r,/?ii l.y tai -I ?it. ?it..ei ii. the I i? Mit?t or else WhaSW. !" uah in ?mount, ir ?nth iniitmr and it ? irh i?tet a? i he may iii ok adfiaab ? foi .awlul BMSey ?f tn? I ni'.? J .????? -. or for ?i,y liea. ny Itstoe, ??ula at?i of in l-i.t? I .. r cerl.ti ?10. of de| . "|.r???!iti:iY?? - I k ...i?, w i.i.-h bass neeu i.r wii.rh may he Iwued an?let ?ny ac?. ( ti? j.-. ?eil? ti ?'?of to he lix??! only lor r?l?riii< I r???ui t I Na*e?oro*li. r t.hli.tti "r.?i.?ie.l aii.ter.iiy I t "ii u.*r?t? I. I tu.tirina herr?n Bsatalasd tiw I ki ? mattum! to ?nth lise any llauiaaw ?if ilia ?nhl doblMM .i hil ii. ii ?f la'aiBed ?? ?? I,'?? a .t molo last rf |l?,00?i ??X1 lu.y be retne?! ?ltd fin. e. rd witina ?it manlli? alUS the pm?nte of thii .el, ii,J Ihei after aM moto thoa AMMjm la any ,0, men? '? ; I rillifurt 1er. Ilitt thr a, I lit whist titi? ii a?, amenda? al .bali in far e In i.l Ul I : ? ?.->n.. I i..ei.l a? uudihta! I by ll.i? ?rt. | HBC 2. TI at th. Hei-ret.r? of tim Tr?.tnry ?hill report to Carnham it the aaaiMMMaaMM <f i^** nit asMiaa th* tammi vi asehaacM mad? m M"ney basrswod nu l?r tia? ?i t and af wham a? .1 I n what terun, m I ?I.o the aincaiiDt and - har?' ter of th? indebledriea? r?'.r.t .l.Jrr I hi? art lad the ?ti ? w lilil? tin? I? au ?inri.?! uu-iil willi . detnled ittteuieiit ol iii?- . Z|n mti ol Uuk.iiJ inch biaiii ind saehaapa? MjN'-OATD-TAEl.Vd I'ATEI Trt. Mr. Si mm u aghiad a remlution, ?.?Iliii^c upon tli>> Secri'tary ?if the Tremory Bad l'netuiHitei-iii-iieral to raper! to the toola vtottorM anytime a. m ?? i ?. .--th ber iait any y-x -uni have beru iierinitti'd to enter on the dillie? e'?f offleo, and r?*e-eiv?-il the salariai and emolu? ment? thereof, without taking the required oath; ulm?, to furnUh thtr name* of ?.?Id partiel, the circumitaucui i of their atootatMart. Ac. Mr. IfcUOOOAU ?ibjrcted to the imra-'diati* comidera ' tlon of the alKiie, an?! it went orer. IS\ AI.IDrEX810.V8. j Mr. Va? WV?U lu'.iodut'i'd a lilli lot Hie claiaiii' cation and gratluatlou of invalid |?en?ion*, which put Tillea pailllot?l fill dlaahlllltoa incurred in the military and naval S'.-rriceF, in canes m follow-j: lit. Fordiia bilitle? of a panoMrt character, rendering th? |M ?ioner utterly or nearly helples?, ?o as to re?|uire the ' conttant ntt?udanc' of another |K*r-???n. M. Fur drin I bilitlM iiioaprtcitatng the |x>niionor for performing niiiiuil labor, lint not re ?uir::./ the* t-orion^ attond ? ar.ft'of iiiiother. 3d. For ?uchelj.aabilitles a? inaf-rislly interfere with the [?erioriBiinc?' of manual labor. 4th. j For disability nriaiiig from ?li?ea*a aud her nia, blindness, deafneis, apliouia and sunstroke. The classe* ahall receive puiiniuna as follows: First alas*, all below Major in the army and Lieutenant in the i navv, $'.'"i per month , above that and below Colonel in tBe anny or Captain io the navy, ?30, above that, I ?40. Second class, Ila to nil non-coiuuilssioned otliceri, and enluted men below Major in the aim. or Lieuten? ant in the navy, H?| thom* and higher grade*. ?-.. Third c1??, premiums ahall be rated acoordiug to de? gree of diiabllitr. Leis thau total, whether one-fourth, one-half, three-fourths, bul at no other fractional rata | aeoordiUK to rank aud degree of duabilitv in propor i tiou to the penaion grauied for total ?lUainlltv. The I fourth r?a?! ihall be rated lu dnaree as total, three 1 fourth?, onebalf. nue-fourtli. anti otherwtte the ratea of suth pensions shall e-ontinue aa before proviileil by Isw. it wa? referred to the Committee ou reniions. A LAND ?...ANT. Mr. Ilitows cille?! uj> a bill to grant Isods to aid in i the completion ol tbo Iron Mountain Kallroa?! from 1'ilot Knob to the southern boundary of Missouri. Paned. ADMIRAL PAtTLDINO. I Mr. Si'MNKit Mltod up the joint reinlution anthoriiicg Kuii l'siiMin-a* to accent a ?b-e-oiatiou ot the 1 F-iuestrian Order of St, Minnie? from ?to Kini? ?>l Italy for aid rt'iideted to the; Italian fn?r,?t.r Us de Italie. BrO?OAN'lZAIMN OF THK Willi III Mr. IL?UM called up tho bill to NargoiM the J lliiV iary of the Cnited Stute?, which wa* read willi the I amein'mi'iit'? ro?jiit'.*d bj tliu Judiciarj Coiumitit-*-'. It i pt iii ide? as follow*: I.BCT10M I. lint on ?n-i after the brit day of Bent?mr?er, ' one tlim ?lit I elfl.t lilltldred ia?! ?'ity ila. the (iri'.ft ? suit? .. ia* li '? <! ?'?'.-?? . bl ?aa I - I iii ill? .ever?! ii. ' tri. t Court, of lu? l'..iied .->ti*?i ?luiI., in addition l-l tue a i ' thorny ?adj iiitdleti u ink. k?.'.-d la ?''id * ?uri?, ha?? uni Ina! ; ii ?da ti a. ?f .ii act.?*??al iw ead islti ia ?gatty, seat* u.?ii'ed .au i.r ?: ?r'I ?t dale, le ti.? ssaas ritent. In ?'I rs* I re*?'1?- ?? ?* ii*?? peseeeeed by ti.? i beeil ?'.?.itiof the I ulled ,?t?le? l-ar ?aid Ill.'ln!? I- -?pat 'Ik? V. II? .???III l)'.?ri t lillias, slid ill ponan BBd ?SSI ite ?li the jurl?d 'i -ii pow.r and ?uil .Uly b.retofora po*MO?ed su I trier bed hy tbe J Ipu if tun t'lreait Court Any iDtii.t Jadgs Buy bo pt tbe .-'lin, in? ' ? '.rt ?.ir Iii? air. ait to huid ?Court in ?ny d ? In ??id . ir., or imr I.l .i -ii- ?'a??t J the Jad|-? of ill? Da tr. t ii. wai-i? ths .?m? I? to ho held. I ty, I lini r p.o.?cuiii'in rminiienred in ?ny of I..- -U*.i I -..?_?? I: ttui.v?.- 'a the DuU.ct ?.uiirlofl the T'nitrd Slate. In the ?in-ie r .te? mid in the ?am? n,mn?r. sad by the like pteeeeStasjssad wBh iii? Ih? edi : i or |,roar. ut.on- i ijr now Le remoled into ll.r li. ,i; , . r the . ?M P Iii..-, ?li? tiial ut of f'i-t, in all I Vi li eicipt thotenf equity, and of admit. ty. mel | la d ibsllbsbyjary; b?tslrlslbyjorysssybsbewatasd ? ??! a purtle? Is the i? u? by lu.inn lo ?ii? ? yu i--.i , :. rat ia persea irby sttsiaey. Sled with ina-1 . rk o' Hie Lu irt, i i bj' oral BSasSBB in opon tuart, ni tai ! . a r.-. ,r I. tim i. ThatsBsatisas ?nd ?ni?.. wMsb, pre. ?on. to the . . r. -Indi htivr, ern ..uni... . .d'..laiiy i it Coast, or i ii lara basa nomtsd to say Circuit ty? mt, from a Stale toort, sad all pro .?.- . r-l-r- jadfioentl, de r , t h .lol, p ,. .. i. 1 ,-. ,, ; i ?,, i. j peri [then t filed isersln, shall be traasferied letheiiletiicl Cestl I the a whl h auch ?i ii. n or ?ult I?11 be r< >"HnK i ?ad th ? ? i s ? i.M .- tia- ? j if?, ..i,, deere?!and ii . . Iioiity ?lui j uii.'i.rioii ?in, .. been) ., ?i, I : ? t:.i? set, over sis Dssenead, ead the stocsss, erders, iudp??*t?te, dei reel inj pr., .,.:,.. I ? , lu, r.-; 1 iio hill ', a. I Ol '? I liking of ?aa i dil g? ia aay ?ash ssss shall he it i i f, .m; i.rcd or invalidated by tacb Irsasfi i. su- I?, i Bal I- ? ?, ii l'..tio i i s uti afori -.''I -I ss i'nd tf'.-r '.he in-t diy ' f .*-ep?.eiiil?r>r, loti bets sue i?its ty thi u 1. iveiili.iii ol ? ?irjiul Ju-y. ol I ol . ti, i' ?hall lie e ?i.I.-able ?n.-l-r lb? . f the Uni i .-t..i, > -a (l?a theil n ipi 1.1 ' ? '? I . . 1 | 'C1 ? ? a t" li It data- ii. I'-ll li States far mid distue.., sad sil .?nient., hund?, paper?, sad pre reding? in my iny publicoBa?M or clause?Hi ni ? r "i i ut ?hall sa i Id I ?t dsy of Bar) t> al ?-r, 1?? lr?"if. rr?,l tut':? ?.ii DistTtct Conit? retp? -live ?, ?uJ tie ii'd Diatrist G ,r.? shall pouem sad sssrel?s In In? -? Is sod | ti t i ? ? I to la- >?:i e a .Can,tv ti,?I ., irioli, 'ion w ali which tli.y ?re iuvr.te.l by I bia t I over, rimia .1 sssi < ?.ml jn. i. ei i;'.-, ibseqaaatly < .1.1,1.11 ed, sad as hail, I ? : .?? 11. . .'. ?liai, le -??? : : .1 la.,.'?? -, 1- r. ? i " ? ? 1 ?? pr e I ?lee, the ? Irria I C i ' ' ? e ? ' >| Uri : lo lil. . '?? I ti,.- ( ;-ik- ? rib? ? ' theil r<-: i lits Dlti *? 4 papt n ta tarir imps live ou .-., ami the sssss shsllbi rsorlTsd sna kejt bytbstaid P tri I Coom rei - I - .... ?e : :? ti., ?rd, . - . ' : ' ... 1 1 li ?? 1 n '.-'?? pleinber n ii ins] tn : ? onrt : ? : the i r 'M Court f r MM a , ?! ? ? i , ? i I preeei s fore tbs ?aid ant day b1 ??>,'?? min t ?i,. l bats bee?Usasd est of say Cii ititi lort ?ad thal net have bren r?l r. i iii.d with -.1." Clerk ? Ita Wattie! I - ? . .?. i. bed Is SSI li ? I Ve ir ?? : ' . ., r- ' I ? . i . ?... a ?. , ii,., ..-, i ? la!? j'.r. di lion ol ill - ??? ? ?i... 4 in tlie leven I ii_- a i t Coulta within ?aid i r? The Jin . ? .. ?? jl I ?? : l ! tibs ' ' r- r :i. bil ab . ,.-? l ? . ? I .. : In t ic ih?, ure of sq 101 nu, toy Jad,? may a !j ann tl.e I uUtl ? I. That i i vat ? : -, tt a m : ? -i. I ?'? . . ' it ?li .i ..?a.? ! tv. 11 k rk, to h I by ?od i ? ?, I 11? ? ,|.pi?t,. o? i.ri. ? tarred on ret sid, . . ? In Llerl ? lira of Clerk no1 li el ?lull b< i C'ltrt tball take tb? th sad i -.ii I, with lorette?, art I : ?> ?-r., I ? ?? i't ,.,.... . ., i , i i... o ths ' led ? ?? . I the Comt, : 4 I lb? i 'ik *??*? IA T!i?t ? I - f the tivtxiti la wh ' ? court ' ?e fe, tr'.mly ?I li. t. . . y be Bl -. li ? ? , f.,l -, I of the I'nil . . ha isksa '" iks i.. ? ... ' ...., a, ' . ? ? I or the val?? i f i ive, ., at ???.'???I and in a' ? ?? lu. ri ? J . :.e .i.,?: r, .,,-, |..,. th? ?.ti .1 1 lett >i "1 | ?m ral iii,portall e a u-li l|| ?-?1 ??lill b? tik ?? tai'lan >i ,1 ,i, ?? rt ilr ,n?ry I ? l.e j tdajmini or d- ree !,?t-i;?wil. I Don ?i li appeal tiae eo'irl ?hall re vi??t weh i? i.eii? . t d. .-? ?? i ??in Hie .pie?In.: I of I .l-l flirl .ri.lnt i|. ti..- !? al tod n..y illino in.,li'y rr v. i te I lie .m,e ?t imy ..r I t a lew trial, ?I MSB "liol BIS ??rdmr. ' , !.. I,?l m tl.r |,i , r le, r, ? t , , t I ,"?? 1 lo , 1. i --i.t ? i de Ulan u! ?a . ??? ? il| OS ?nyappe? ao- be reun?:. 1 lo Ik? lll.inrl I iwr : 1 f.rcrd ?r >rdta|toli? TBa ?ilj saarta shaD hate pavas* la ? ? .. t . ? ,,, i ,.,... Malwa? i ...; ? ? sad .li ?tatt vrtlu arbtab amy hs Bssssaars te I ?si?i las of I t ? |.-.ii ipi.-? aad a-?, e? el last. .?n II i i.?t to iel, let aa aswaal aaSas lbs psssbd i? of ?'?li'. . ? ' -. Uti I r a? |. irc'ie. ?o?d in the 1 tHBii.'iy ? 4 ??> ?1,. I .-ei- rrted B Behalf arl l.y at le?a- r- 'ictsDt. ay la Iba ?Sect ?at I .mt will pey aB assis m i iiioir-i whsak BBV I??- SWSMsd ? ii .a .t I, i in ? :. t ? , ; ? , i n.. ?.'... i atti If lbs spesal i ? r decres dirsettag the i*? irut . r , ? ? ? ? . ? , laci ? ? . Ita thi ,-a?:iy si* dojleo u, issasol "( ) lot de. ree, a :?, lorrty ?a afatsaald, ia- ss eier.ted I le'. Iirlll o I, . se ant . ? I at n el i r ths )|i|-?l De di? Will pat the an. .1.1 du. c'e,l lu be paid ?iv the J'|.|_ji. :,' tie pert tu? I' BS lo wnl. li lil? | J,Iii?.It Ol deer.,, ?lill ha? ittiluiej. Ile lila ( re .. r ' i i by this ?? i. ii in.y ne in , i,r i, .?! . .i,',: nanni, ??ihe Option of Hie ippel.'alit Sm li bond, itali he .fin ? " ? .? tii.-y ?lui Ir seeonpsaisd by lbs ?Mid? t t ? ? ? ? rta| thal be as ia. > te ninth - ? led therein, ststsadsl >tssUdebil .L'i Utbil -1-?. . ? J au 'i booda uri liBdsi It? ?re li , ,| with li. ? ? irrk n i-.ii ??? ?. en ti r ?ad|?oat **dssrse tpptalrd f- ? wat rater? ' Is then ..'ir.--..y el ssssaltaB amy be ?r.i.t.d apes ii?e!i (e-mi ia say J nl.-e ef the Couti mat- pre? tir.c. i. ii. .a pen Iii i Is ? y ? b ill ' it on ike ?id ara! tay f tey ti n her. upon tp|?eil or writ ef .-nor ii.k1! ried leihen par Caer! A ippeai?, and ?ball be I lietrd ?ml .le'.eriiin.rd by tu. b Ion? a. SfdlSBJ ?? ti..- pre vin >rn ' : xi * n?. Sac li ' the .?ii?-,, nt ..f App.aii shell isipssttasly ? 1 pt SBSh file. SS tiny der:,, pioprt. to te; .1 ,le tue manner (skksjH b appssli r ??*? .y ni?, saiihllih m I, othei raiseaatasymoy .leen, te.-^tr) : i the reta ilion of I ? ?i thslr Hssssllts i lur?., ml imy. tioui tim? io ? i or r-viaeto- in.r pet li,.? palBSM .;. i.l -r . ,1 .lid ( juiti t Appet!.-.'..'I be l.e'.l iii Ihe .?teni (ir nil? S tbs pisses hstttasBst aasatlsaaa uu the nisi Tir?j?y in I Sruiriiibai. I IB | Bee 1>. Tint tn tppes'ely b* taVen from li.? |..,'. j |g 1 ment of? linn ict ( ?.rt. m ti.) c Imia I ssttsa, ta ths piepei , ? uurt uf App?tai. wHhiu JO d?) ? .iTi-r Iii? entry of inch jude I Dient. Hut auch appeal ?'? t m t |'.rt'? a. a ?tay ol pr. re lilli?, uiiir,, ii . ,u .,rdeird,hy m J ualga- of the Cestl The jud^ii.eii? or dril, ion upon . i, h tppral ihall he re?i'tcj to ?Le I luirle l ?'?mt io le en! ,r, > ,1 tciordiiit to l?iv. Sic. l?>. That trim, at .?id Cearl of Appeiii ?lull h? he'd In Hie .evrial judi. lal cir. u.t?. lbs I na li on (l.e bt?i Tue.dty ut May lu euch yeir, and at the lollow'n. pia, e, |,, 1 the Kir.t Circuit,In the ?'Hy of llu.liui. in lbs *-? ead ( ii ill ! lu tlieflly of New V nk . in ?he Th rd lire nt. in ?lira I .ty ol i riii.adelplili, ai the I ' irlh liicuil, in the ? ity of Hu tin. orr , in the fiflli ? ircnit. in the ( Ilr of Stv.niiih , in the Suth . t ir. mt, In (he t Hy ,t Loal.t.ll?. lu I e Setetith I t ii ,,i the (liy ni I Irvrlmd; lu the Klglilh ? itrult. lo Ihelltv "? I (Ila. t? ii in ?I.? N'ailla ( III ' in 'he I it - ul St.l.uu,. tod m ! the Teni!, ( ii mt the term, lind be held tnuiit'iy SB ti M nr.i jj nd?.? ?f lune, in the City of Sau Kihi, i?ci. Adiounied I tern.? ui?r ?la, lie held from time lo t -n-. ti in the j , IglUlBl of >h? t o air ti ?public lutrrett. ali iii rr |i .re 8sc. I" That the decl.luii of the Trslt if lltpssls, upon ? ,|iie?n .na ui ttct, ?hall in a1] .-.?et butinai alni laaclaalte, but a rerl-.i? upon (he law m?e) be bid 8MB a ?i tit ol err a i r Sp ' pell, iii the nunnet now provided hy lava. to the Supreme I ou?t "f the Culled Stale. Injin r?ery hu .1 jil?,!!,, nt st le | rre reiidcied upon any decitloti uf a (a,it of Appeal. ?? here the mitt'-r iii cmtioteriy etcrcda Ihotum of Valu? of 410. l??l or Wl.'-re Hie .itjud.rtlioii HiTelve? a ineition upon tile eotiitructi'iu of th? Ceastttstissi st*lbs Halted Blatas, oi my treaty ? revenue or patent lair of ?he I sited Stat.-?, or where the Court .lull lertify tint th.? adjudication iut.lvra a le/, I. j eaton, ,,| , ft, |?||t lllip"ltall''e to ISqsBS III it III? tlllal ile-ulan llieieot ?liould be made bv tba Supreme ?our?. Such writ ol mor ur tppeil thill he ?urd out oi takeu within ob? year ?Uri the eutiy of Ih? jud|uieiit or BBSfSS lonalil to lia renewed. The IsptSSBS Com! may ?iTlim M inodiiy ST m rene tli? i .J.n.-iii or decree lii(iu_lit helor ? it for n flSW or may Ju? t j'idfiiieut oi decree lo ne rendered or tu. li further pro eedlua]. t, b? hld I the Ju.llce of IhsCatSSI m .) It , die The pidfiueiil or .lrci.lon .hill lie iruntled to In? piupa-i Du trist Coati ?o '?r eu fun ed m i oi'liru to Itw. Set.- II Thal CsssaBssisastS who lute been ippuint?d bv ?oy ?Iroait Court in my dittric! by ?Irtie st my act ol C?u .-r?> ?hall bo deemed C'.uiuila.ioiirr. ol the Di.?not Court ol ? o I, t n.d ihe Mvaral liiairlt ?ourti ililli bssssBm h?t? lb? nine pownti to ?ppnut au) remove Cooiuiimoiier?, I tv? heritofire be?n poaieiiej ?ni einrciied by the Cir? cuit Court. titr IK Ths! tny m lie ? ; ?lu'l. in purni ance sf lue pro tin .li? ol thi, SBt) ?ilei.'l tny lin-uit Co irt of AppeSl., It my piece o'l.ei ihm In. sara rssldsass, ?ball Ik allotted hu ISSSsash e ? ip. i.?-. for trtvel, tnd tttrudtuce. to be ceililed by Iba C:-r't mi ptld by th? Msnhil of the lllitrlct lu which ? . I. .- i it .hill be ne.J tnd ai.oWcd to b.iil lu hu account, ttiih ih? I tilted States. Baa. tt Tbat the ? uki of n.,1 Court, of Appet.. and tl.r Marihal, e'taudini th? .hall be ?I on rd th? ?lui'? c nu I -i.? i ?au lor tervtcei r., ye.m :y ?? ti? now tllnwed by itw le ?lit Hen uf Hie .? ? p.eii... ?our? ot Ibe I ulled Stile, tud ?h? Marshs] or ths Dutrl t si i .,; .?:hn for tlmltr tuivic?, Sad (hu luv- the I.ka rein?.I r. tor colle. tu-| tiie SSSBS iii. H"Wi. moved to a'l.-rid by sddins; sn sdditionnl lectim prnvidinn tbut after the lit ?if liectnilier ne?, the State oi MlaauBll iliall Le a part o! the Kij-'alh Cir? cuit. It wai adopt .?d. air. CLABB moved to amend the first section bf add inT, aftur the word? "Cirnult or.' thH words. "? u li Dis trit-t JudK??. or .J i,?! ho of ti-i ?i.ipreiue Court ?>I ibu Cir? cuit. '* It was adopted. Mr. II ?Kin- -ao-eed le nni?nd the first tection 1 y pr.i ridiaa that the clark of aay aaeB District ?'mut may, aritl i'?' ijjpr.itsl of tkei,.?uit, appel?t a depetj ??..n. ia aaaa ef the death sr rsaiaaetiea of the clan, aay ,a.-r*an m the lattas of the dark, Ii waaeleptaa*. M: II ?nua moved to ameud lim lilli ?eelion by in? n?: ti nu tb'? word?. "Hy saaBBat of pailie?. appeali ma; lu, hosri.anil daoWUd at auib ?i.?! terms.'1 it mu? adopted. iii- li Aftl U40TC1I to tti.k? out " IK? U>0l_*?Uil _? ; , km" in the I ti .?.'.lion, and insert "five thousand dol? lars'' in lieu of it. lvu.liDK the consideration of tLe* lill, the Senate ad ja in.ed nt lj i'tloe k ?? ni. nOT*-"i: OF KKI'RKSENTATIV..-". TbebasiDMi fint laordn being tin* call of MMn for bill* nnd joint resolution!. THE MEDICAL N WAL 8EBVICE. ICr. "W'A-ii.L'iiM. (bid.) intrt?!ue*'l a bill to prorlib '? r continninir in the service tie nctiii? Medical offleet I ol Um i)i?vy, ami to mpply vnoancte? in the regular list. arhlah waa read ttrlM and referred to the Coatuittoe on Naval ftJhlf a sTwrrn VAVbbb. "Six. Ka=-"V (lava) totndwad a joint reeetattaa ni \owlag g liinit?'?i tune At pott e-tiiig paper* requiring monpt to he nttix?*?l th.-ret??, arhieh was noi tuite bm ii d M tto t'oniniitte'i CM WAJg lid HmMI MR. -Iii ' I. .Il.VIti.l'tiS I'1'.?lEC'IIVr. nu, Mr. Sin i.LiBAiifiKB (Ohio) introdi.ccd a bill to de* <!nrc and protect all the pririlegei anil of eltlaaaa of tto i'mted state? in the aaeecal ?st :tes, ?i i ah was twice aud r? I'erred to tho(Jo.niulltec on tto Judl?a i.V. t'OL'RlS OV ?iTASIIINOTO'". TFT.RIT^P.r. Mr. DURIT (Wash. Ter.) latrodaeed a bill ?n relation ?a ?ii? ('"int? of Waahiagtea Territory,which wa? read i'i: ??'and reforrcil to tin? .Iu?li_i.ity Committee. Al-?? a bill granttaj. land to aid in the construction of a rail ? I ti'le.-raph line from Pngrt'a Sontal and A'ln.i r ? 111 y btot. ia "A aah?ictoa Territory, t? the Colombia l.i er, V?(eh mm Mm mice and referred to Ita Com* u..tti"' on 'he Til' If? II lil-n i-l. Mr. 1'KHT (Iowa) moved their ref?? renee to the Con. i! uti'.- in Wai? alni Menin. Mr BOOl ii- modified tl.e !j?t reaotattal of the aeries ' y al ling the wail?, " end thnt ali Oorerataeal see?ri tien beretofore ??.sued ?hall be_?r th? ir fair thara ?-f ?' !?rul tsiea." i... r?solutions were referred to the CommWm ou to'.id ami MeSjM. Et-l'ALIZATIO". OK bOUbiUA Tto nail baal?en bain* the call oi the Statoa taff -, ii:. Waid ,x. v.) adtaed the followi-** .1 duttons i ll'hrrca: This Ilona?, on n pre.lo'ii oc-ati-n. b t ? t "inrtiilt??' on Ml itary Arl i ra to report a b.ll e<l_ia'.'.:.g ur.liet of loltlieri ?nJ ?uiV?. si d, l ? ? i?, I ?I v i toa by ? onir??? ii drrr.and'd bv | , r y i sad ?ai'iir?. ?ni the aridows ml i -, . I . hate perished cu Ita lied, lu the and in He). -I privan peni i and, ir...if'ii, Th.-?.??Hin ? I CeagreM ,.f*r ipet.t. and r.o deb? il lu? ?iy?-t beru ipon the labjact t tbeMfne. ud, Thal tee Committee ob Military Affair, hav* ..b trtv to report, by bill or ottiaiwir, upan the ?BBjeM ?t ?ny :i ...a |?ATOM BOLOntM. I Mr. TTav? Ohio) introdaeed a bill to provida (ta the . .i the nth Ctnel?oali Regiment r? lortof ita tloio of it? ?etvice in tto I ail d -? tea dartoa tto year IM2, which waa read twice aad n ferredlo u.c ConmlttM on M.lit ?ry Attain, CAUTOtKA I AMIS. Mr I'li'vvn.! A'.'l) introduced a b,ll to conf.rra the iel i non ami local!? u of certain tanda f/ra:.: State of California hy the I'mted Rtafes, which waa raadtWMOM_d referred to Ita Committee oa Public Uad -DfliSKlTra l-.-Y__.__?", F.. Mr. Hilt UK (ladlaaa) latrodaeed a bin cor.*' rrlng ?' .- tTif.-'m.'.iY I'Xi; if'ite on ox Fremde ita el tto ?Ta I Ktates, winch v.?i? rata twtoe and ratamd to the Post li;)i,_l_' auiu.:. ? MR. 'Of-i-r.*?'? rEsoivr??. TIMTMWtotiOM ?ilnelnceel I y Mr. ItoftfB of 2f fW? (ht, aad datotad Ina1 M ?i.dav, ta to ti run.*" spates securities, dec, cania np ia the next 1 i ?? la "riler. A Hit Ti MENT. Mr. ?*nn *>? k CtairMM of IM Committee'on Mili Vilairs. asserted the anxietJof ttot Chu.:.. diapoee peapaiTy alf tto pa?yoeod bgaaliaatioa of B? in? ?a -. T i ? niitt'?r had benn referred toftaab-commlttee, 'i waa prepared to report waa '.t- but Mr. iimir.e, i especially b??i it io char??*, wa* absent on ac ? .?nit ?f tho di- tin of a near conuiction. in Bolton, aud the i lommittaa would prefer to vi ait until his return be ii? m y bill w.ia repotted. Ibe r??..,uti..:i waa adopt' 'I. Olli ril-ITM FLI-.Ei TO BE tbMtbCTbD, Tli?* lollowlutf rea.auti.iii. olferetl by Mr. l'lltc on March it?, which theo went oror under the rule, carne ?p : -it in Older: Ifhsrsei Th? I) 'Vernon I f lev. ni of the British Prnti:..?! ;. ? i- j ibiti y w?ri..'d t ur li.hin' list, ? tt la. ra ,. . their r-.att?, Hld hate tim? indiraled ? b ...ii ? renew the unreitniialtle I .kim? n.s.le by tarn prier ti l!.e *y, ?nd to ?i.n-.y our p?-acesbla ..u?...?. ? , ?..?-?i? at?, li ? .te'. Thal! i ?fiiet.rytf the Ni.y be requeued to .? a .i i < .tfciriit ii ?v ii turo?? to the lahlsff yaatas te ai teet . ir eil?ooi lo tho sajoy bm?l el thear lifhts ai re> _*n._ii d hy ,i. I .?tv ol ITttJ. Mr. Moun L suggested that there wa* lomeqneatinn ne to whether the right* referrt*?! to wen* rccognii *d r Ita Treal* of I Te.?, or uinler ?ubse-iiient treati?*?. Mr. Tiki, actiHjf on ?uir(te?tlon. modified : ravilntiou by iiddiiifr the wonls *'aud by ?j'?|. .ur:.t . ?.'? < tn mot ion of Mr. BATHUMI? tto re??)ln'ion was re ferrad i?> the CoMMittoa on Fandfii A.ti'iur?, '-viih ?cave t?) report at any time. I Ai II.1TII8 DP TKANSroRrATIO.V. Mr KhTMOn otferee! the following reeelMtom gtUluiky Vie if Rtpreientnl'.iei. the "?rnii I r rimg ii ?t ? ' oi!iiiii?-n?u of h.e prr.'ii? be aspotiited by the Pr?-.i,l*nt of the United -it.vte?. t? con.hl.r ?ud -efait to Cm .le?, al Ita uelt ?eetian, on the necraaily of SSSSS I .j ''e weam -i t!.tn?p.irt?!ii?i MtWSCB IBS weet* ni :. ! tin- At .anti.* ?o?l>"i?rd and lo ?uouiit ?.me |ljn, whslhaS hy law or Healy, whenby the Nat?o?.a. I'.oTviuiueat ?a ?id m i rortdie? : ii ?a.-n nr...-ily II it thal! bm found to eiiat. I', iti.'ai' T.iit ititi t-omniitiioneri ?fas'! receive no ; .'.aa, r..i theil niViees, and ? ? of my kind rj ?|it f r .mil tr???l?n| *ipen?ei i? t 'ter act lally .n-ur in di?. l..r|lii| the dutle? in.poied upi n them by thi? IsesU . ? Mr. I!4Vnow stated that he did not desire to pre_?? the- re-volution to a vote to-day. Mr. SiALDiM. moved it? refcrenco to the Committee OU I ula.a. li I*. Mr. Kavmoit. statim/ that ho preferred it ??hiiuld fro ?Tal uii'li'r Ita rub', rose to elebate it, when the resolu? tion vtcut ovi-r to a future Monday. e AND THE PBEDIDENT. The re?t)lut)o!i of Mr. DaVM I N. ?*.*.), offered on tlie l?)th of January laat, and which then went over under the rule, carne up us the neu bunine?* in order. The r?solution declarea that tl.ii liouie cherishes the entire e-oulideiu e- lu the patriotism and ab.lily of the President of the United Slates and in his denre to restore the Union on the baal? of permanent prosperity uml pence, and that the cej.iperation of tim House i"s pledged to bim in support of tho general policy of re .-?.ii -ii m t am by It i in in the mode authori/.?.! i ty the (?institution and coiiilstent with the ?ccorlty of republican lnatitntions. I Mr l?A'-i? ?ii'iu'Ti'd how much timo waa left before tin* expiration of the morning hour. .Mr. S. ni N' k Ohiu) suggested, tu an undertone, that In- :i.i|_: i i.aki? i.-ii honr? ii he oouid prove what the l'.'-aiiiituiti ?et forth. Tto Bn/tUI replied (tot the morning hourwonld expire iu ten minute?; but that the debate might con : inn?*, unless ?ome member should movo to go to the oiuineis on the Spei?i-'r'a table. _Bi. to-UNM (Ohio) gave notice that ho wiuld make that motion. Mr. Davis vi?'l?le?l the floorto Mr. Katmovd - V. Y), w!n> eipri*?sed his supposition (bat the resolution would no!, under existing circumstance!, pus the liouie bv a uiiiuiiiiitiii? rote without at least ioma d'i..cuiiiou. (Deriiive laughter.) He felt deslroui. when m '""'I upoi!. to t*e ?are it passed, end by a vote as nearly unanimous aa oould be commande?. for it. Iii? own opinion was that, ia his Judgment as In all other matters, truth was more likely io be reached hy di?oiu?lon, provided that discussion was frank, le and fjir, grouudod upou judgment and faota, in -i?--i?!' "f mi ?ir.-j aliue and precem.-eive.d opinion. He did n"t know that the liouie was preparad to enter on the diicuision in that iplrlt, he, therefore, hoped that th" discussion v? oubl not be entered apon now. Ile had no Intention to enter upon it himielf, except necessitated to ?lo so in order to prevent a map judgment on the inb ject. All that ho desired waa to have an understanding on the part of the House, that the re.olution should not ta ected on now, and that whenever called np. such ' ?.einlernen a* might deiire to ipeak upon it, should have I the opportunity to do so. Mr. I'aim. i Wd*.) stated that if that understanding weat io far oa to exclude a motion to lay the r?solution on the table, he would not agree to it. Mr. Uavmond replied that ha certainly abonld not wish to have it laid on the table the moment it was called up. He desired to say ?omething in reference to it mu? in reft'tenca to his own relation, on the subject. The reiolutton. he? said, proposas to declare the couti dence of Ita liou?e in the Integrity and patriotism of the l'resdent of the United ?tates, and in the wisdom ?ii th? policy with which he* prop ?sod to restore the Lu?an to peace and order. UndVr ordlusry clrcum -fin.'oi. this lesolntion and its passage would 1x3 limply it ra u '.?'i of course. This liuaio contain* a very large m.?l ?my ?>f Colon meu. Bera the .SpeaW announced the expiration of the morning hour. Hating that it waa tbe ?lui v of the Chair to ? all up the special order for this day, the Army bill. Mr. MM K. in consequence of the abienoe of hi? eulieigi.entim ''?.mmitti'o, Mr. lilaine, move?! that Ita Army lull be jxmtponeel until the l'-'tli of April, anil ti? ?t iu i he meantime tho bill with the amendment? ro Mftod by the ( ''numiltee be printed, with titra copies, it waa ?o ordered. PRINTINO. i Mrl-APLW, from the Committee on Printing, re* . ported back the memorial of J. Q, Kennedy, date?] ii?- ? a I ? r l'_, let.5, with a resolution thit the Commit j too I e di-chnrged from it? tal ti cr consid?r?t ii b. Hi explained Bl li'iiirth the dienert e-ment bet a en I'.. \ Boon '..ry <i tin* Interior an-! the Cemus Superintend lent, which gave rise to tho memorial. Tua risoluiiuu waa agiccd to. Mr. (iiiivsFit.(tarra)offered a resolution directing the Con.mitiee ou Prip?ng to report what nu?', are needes] in the purchase of paper, the ordering of books, documents, billi and ot!n>r mattera printed at the public expense, in the miinan*emant of th?; publiu printing oflico, the collection and sjle of waite pa?cr. Ac, with power to send for persons and piper*?. Mr. I.AFLiv lneinircd whether there waa any inten Ita in reflect hy this reeetattoa eui any p**rsoncoiinecte-e] with the Government Printing Office, or with the pur , chase or sale of paper. j Mr. <\ei.i. disclaimed ?invtbing of the kind, but he tl.o i|/l,t tin.- ineiniry slmald ti"-) mud.?. Mr. l.Ai'i IN remarked that considering the duties anel rcipousibilitics of tho Superintendent of Public Print tag; i_T9l~taf an annual ispondltui of over two mil? lions of ?lullars, the govi-rnra ' it ?vis guilty of a moal i niggardly economy in paying ! i ti s .au a small sjluy. I Mr. HanPAi.L <Pa.) mpportad the msolution. and | hojiftl the imiuiry wonhl be conduele I, not with a view to obMl washing, bec mse the pa ?pie thought there something wrong in the M-MfWMl of the pub? lic ? office. I 'Hie iesellution vrafl adopt .1 \ITAIR.. IM THE QrAl.TERMASTFR'l DEI ABTMi NT. ! 'lhe* i.'Nt busine?! in order uil-? a resolution otfereel bv Mr. Mcculloch on the lum ... .'lurch, which then weat orar, ?ador tto rata ?rooting Hie Secretary ol VTar to taratta this 1i<iu?-j with n list of tho officer*, t oin!.: try and regular, employed iu the 0,uartcrn_aster (lener dil Department in tola ? ity also tlrei: ranks, the particular dniie* pei formed by tl.em, and th? number i of cleiks serving in e.ich bureau under them; also, by 1 what tenure Ita Secretary of Wat holds the " (.'orcoraa I jVrt Hniltlli g ' wlnt amount of rent is paid for it per annum, and if a leis ex^?usive anti et|ually com mod lotta aaid aaJtabts btaMiag tar the hoafln'iMlaia cf the (,' iirt'Tm.ister-tleneral cannot ta ; roeuied and thereby ' alai0*e ?aiiug to the c aiintry bo malo, A eO>KIr?C_T.ON. ! On MOllm ol Mr. Wasiibl'K.1 (111.), the resolution wa? amended by adding to it an inquiry whether any ? nensnres hld b**en taken to couiiscate tho Corcoran I jVrt Building. I lhe ttsaiiiitin as nmemled wuk adopted. A I'ltOVISIoN Ae.ALNST Lo.**?. I Mr. Bl M-U0(V. Y.i offer? "I ? resolution,whic__ wau ?adoptad, instructing tho Cotamittee of Wau ami Means t" ii.t|nire into the CTpodietMy of providing by law some mears by which th?> holde.? ot Wills of tho l'i .*t 'I Matea, heretofore untad May Ml ure the ir pay* ;:.? .1 1:1 ?a*?'- o', tt.e'ir lo-s by roto rrj or tendent. THK UICTIONAKV IF C0N0RE68. I Mr. Ua;:? oflond u r?solution tar primi:.** a:i ?diiion of the Did mary of C? gi ? ? lent to ?.nike tho quota of tho Hoiao tonal to the qoota of th-' Serete, ?and that the author ot the Dtattoaary be allowed fur _? i ? : Ifht the r-rime price hithe rt ? ; ."id by Coiicto-?. Mr. BEAM?li moved to lav t! a ree? lution on the tablet On a count the vote stooel li Ti ia i-'.il.'ist 09 N'nyi. Mr. ?1 AMAN demanded lhe Y. i< iind Wag . lae v< to w au so taken andn*?u.t.d iu o? Yeas agaicit IP Nava. ! So the reiolntlon wns laid on the table. A NKW AMENDMENT IM rii'J.?! T.CT. \ Mr. ITiit. gave notice of a j?int reaotMlooj to amend the Ce nstitt?loa by baling repr.-.utstion upon tho ?cumbir ti v..;? r? INTER-STATE INSCItANCR. Mr. Co\ki iNe; rresi'iite?! a petttfca of the i It?MM of the pa -??-'* o' ft law r?gulai agioltr* i - i ii pet non of o her cit:/- M al it.- i prsj lag tor .i fttoip to v e tax on itara. Tb.7 ? ?eii; referri 1 to th? ir appraprl ii * 1.1 Brnttteoa. TAZ "N CKITI'E PLTl.01.ErM. ? Mr. IfTExa praeeatad the j to) reaoluttowa of tho Pennsylvania Legislature far .1 r-'peal eif the tax on 1 iradi p itn l- a n. Ti wj_ nftarad to the Cemimittee ob Wj's aad Me 11 Bi mc,ino nuaHm I On rantie-n ?'f Mr. licx-AN. Ita *?*? n at- bill to authorize the coi,-?ruction of a bnd?to across the lli-.lssippi Iiiver, nt the City of St. Louis, in tin* State of Missouri, ?and at th?* City ?if Ka?t St. Lou:?, in the State of lill. ,-tinea from tie Speak?*?'* table," read twice, and retain I io the Com Bitte? 00 * ommerce. DUTItS M THE CLE..K. Mr. A?ntF.v lOin?' offered a oaolattoa, which waa ?vi?;?..!, instructing the Judie.wy Committee to iu qotra :iit?? tto npedieacy of m> onondlaf the net to ?he duties of the Clerk eif the House ef Repr?: ?. it.t.'es in preparing for its rrganizatior. n? to . .-. iu oaaa oi th? death, resi/nutlon or nubility ot tto Clerk to perform such duties, the pertjou cn whom th? v ih .11 iii vclve. roi.T itMMWMt ?hip ciahnel. ; Mr. .T'-HS I?. Til'MA? (Mel ) off-red a reso'ntlon. . wi ..*!. was adopted directing tho Secretary of VTsr to inform the House what appropriation* will be nee.? nasrv to complete the ship channel from Fort Mell' ?ry to j the iLouth of the Pa'ap-co River, in the State of Mary j lard, together with such in.'orniation as to the prac ti.-ibilitv and akara ter of thowoik as mar be in poa i sesision of the Department. Mill n.'il EIFERRKD. On motion of Mr. Kasshm, a ie,o t from the Aead ' erny of bt?eaoea presented aad tala on the table a abort tin ?? lince, was referred to tho Committee on Co ::n??.\ Mi-.u-ure?. PrSISHINO CERT ki*. 1 H__A Mr. \Vii.~ s. from the Con.uiittco ou the Judie : irv, reported buck the bill pasted hy tne Senat?) .M tn '. ?II, , Mats t-II'ectualiy to provide for Ita punishment e.f ctr tala crimea aga?wt ita Cattad states. Ile explained that the bill provided for the punishment of lounter . felting or faults '?K records for tho purpose ol' deiraud 1 . ? ; . ? ii .Katoa. I 'lhe bill ?xas considered and piss-el. THE MfSTEU-s't'T OB I Oi.OREti TKO '1 3. Mr. \. lL-i'N low.11 ?is?e?I leave to tttt Ita ?ollowing ' reieda: I llVirt-r.!? Ii I? rrpar'rd that ard--? hive been I.o?)? J direet ; in/ ta?! i- . 1 rod tro- [ia ii,ni ha iuii?t.-ied out of ?ervicer. 1 :!.d. llhrreu, .\? .: t, * -o r?p. ried that very ?any of ?aid troops ii.-Ir? to muir1 ia th* MVlea, snd ?lut ti? whit?. ? *? > I-iei:?r?!ly deiire te be n. ittered ont. in order th.t they miy rrtam to thrlr hem?? and en,;??;* iu their aec'ii tri rd erti I mai*-* , t: ? ? ?1 '. lui- he Coii.uiirtee ra Military Affair? be lit traeted lo inquir? wbsthsi asid repoiti ara Inas and. if tiue, ' tr-sl the I om?nete? reiort .11 the !'a.'t. lo the Houi? concsm ? iajr ?aid order? ?i.d lae d??ii? ol ?aud troop?. togetlM-r will, I ?iah other infjriuitioa. ri-.iirive to the ?uhjeet u.jtt? r of lu qulry. i? (he 1 own.mee Disy obU.u. M'r. I IM!, i?lino, eil.jectci!. Mr. BcB-KS (Ohloj remarked that the Committee ( cn military Afftir* were to p>-?e*sion of all the fact?. Bahai ,aentlv. Mr.* preaented a communica 1 lion on toe subj *ct from th? Secretary of Wax, kthich I a ..? luid on the table and orelert>4 to be printed. TAMSD MININO CLAIMS. 1 Mr. Run fi:?on Orego: ) preicnt?*?! joint memorial? 1 of the LeglstotWM of Oregon against taxing mining t'laims, was referred io the Committee on Mints I al, 1 M;:.::,?_. DKCORAI IONS FOE TIIE CAPITe'L. Mr. Smith tKy.) offered a resolution for the appoint. I ment of n Committee of five to inqaire into the iiropri | ety of having a decoration prcpa.ed for tho ?outn wing of tlie Capitol, asa match piece for the "Progrcis M ! Civilization ' on the north wing, with power to call for I plans, designs and cost*. On motion of Mr. WA-UBrBNE (III.) the subject waa rsferred to the Joint Committee on the Library. INVALID PENSIONS. I Several bil!? were, bv unanimous consent, rejvortei) ifrcm the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and were ? cou.iiiered and passed, among them one granting s pen? sion to the widow of Surgeon Yorke, of the ?'. i ih Illinois, whose husband was murdered iu that Slate by rebel ci PACIFIC BOAR. Mr. P?T?OB, from the Committee on the Pacific Rail? road, asked leuve to report, with a substitute, the .Sen? ate bill to extend th?? time for completing certain land grant railroad* iu iJ--t.nn Statei, the substitute, which urovide* only for railroads in the State of lows, having been reported. Mr. Kis-i'V suggested to his colleague that as the bill was evidently one of very great importan?*? he should not preis action upon it now, bnt let it be poet poned for a week in order that it might bo presented. If not, he (Kaason) ibonld be obligea to objeol to its being reiiortedat tLu time. Mr. Phicf replied that the gentleman in that case would have to object, for there was a necessity for its immediate piesage, inasmuch as ta? Iowa Legislature, which would have to act upon it, would adjourn witblti the next few days. Mr Kasion having objected, Mr. Pmer, moved to impend the rules, but the motion did not prevail. He then couientod to report It, and hare it postponed till Monday next. Mr. 1.11.W. 1L from the Pacific Railroad Committee, niked leave to report luck a bill granting lauds to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph Use, from the Central Pacific Railroad in California, to Port? land, on the navigable witera of the Colombia Hirer in Oregon. The bill having been rood, Mr. Jl'L?.v objected, on the ground that tbe bill propoeoil to rcvolni.. ni/c the whole liiad grant policv in making a direct grant of landi to an incorporated company instead of to a Stat?. There waa no precedent for that, except in the case of the Pacific Railroad.where It waa neo?*saary on acjouut of nationality and length of the road. Iho bill ahould lie referred to the Committee on Publio Landa. Mr. IHdweu. moved to susix-nd tbe rule, In order to ena?lo him to report the bill, bnt the motion did out prevail. TH* CATTI-? PLAG rE. Mr. 1.11'WEL*-, from the Cjmraittee on Agrie-ultare, preicnred a letter from the St-eretary of State to lue.. ai Chairman ot the Committee, tritninnttln** oorrt: ipondeuce M the mbject of the cattle plague. P06T BOCTE KKTABLIsIItD. Mr BOM introduced a bill to establish a i"o?t rente between Bedford nnd Pearl, In Pike ('canty, II!. ? rea?! twice und referred to the I'ost-Olllce Committee COOM IM MINNI>0TA AND OTHES STA'EH. O-iniotiou of Mr. Wni-OM, the Senate bul to \ rwvhta ~ He? VVKb Vota. "