Newspaper Page Text
fftorH v? .-Ma ?a#?tt ??? TUESDAY, APRIL :?, 186*6 '1 erin? ?i Ibe Tribune. 1 \ MR!LUNE. Hail rob ci ? , I ....$10.00 Icopj, I jraBf?311 n ni'>er*A. J" Sjj ?? '.. ? .- ? TRIBUNE. 1 copi', I vf-ar?l?il numbers. $4.00 ~2 ci?*?;"-, i<>.M. mM 't coji.e?, 0] ov- _?JBp/. '?-W \\ 11. ti v niBVBB. 1 copy, 1 vear???.' Damben. S'?..''1 IBBMI Of ABVI ISWO IB THE nu ni." NE. DanX IB?STBB ?>r? : nary filly ni "ti-,tata elaaalleil ui.ilrr their pi", i I." ? !>, lo "'??'?? l'A Uta9, Ht* insertion. 1VKI.KI.Y IRIPINF ti pel ??ne, each insertion: on fifth P'r , Bl 90 pi ... Bun-wJ Ki.T 11; i i 23cut?petUne, eachinsertion. A .man . I >. 11,111' Ntl Nt-w-Yoik. To AdvertlHers. Wa vin Um itWag eeaeoaen I ? '? ?: I in their Art. itiM-uienti ?t ti rar It an BBSS , tereived lltei ii c'ciith .. ? J I ?'?.' I titi8- ....der li.*ir iioiett keele _____________ IO t ill nmUWWm*Ok?Hm ti? notice can be B??S "! ASWaySSSSS C 8BBSBIifaHoni WhaieTei i? ii i'-i.i-J f >r Ir.terti-il. lunit bsSatbs ti stad ty the tiaiue tiat a ij . ? li trie writer- ! ' I Bfl?Beeti-ti l-.-:i- u it nu-to: bli gncil Inn . Ali bunn??. IsMsn li" ti 1- uUic* about a be jiiatc.s. J lo "'ihr TaiscMH,' New i r? Waasaststaasattaastai -er. ngtrnteiCam mtetigem The Ti ?'moe In laonMon. BT-TENI BRO a.-, t? Hw !..'"??!??? titi I \x I . ii. .??? lill :!' Ml? r. TH?! IKIItlNfc. 'i ? a i.j it..- I????sunna? ?nil A?aaaiuuaa.ia, . Ad?. ?? ?? ::?? Bia : t?la srea-l leeae of Tun W'f st?t lumms n -; bs I mti I in It* Hoy NEWS OF THE DAY. FOTtKIGlV NaWB, By ti)?? arrival of i ht* City of Tarin ivo bave ftiur day? lntT nen-g fri>m Euroi?e. It ia reported that Rtejii.eii-s. the Fenian Ile.iilteDtcr, lias fa*?Bail i" rari*. S varal mure arrests of laadaaa had been tunde. l?e Conference or. ti.r Ibnnbiuu rriuciptilit:e? held it? sixsorttl nieetirg at Uni? on March 19. The rcluii'ii? betweaa AaatrlS ami Praaala continued to be ufa Terr critic ti c inractcr. GENI* :!?-**?._? jVEAVS. A inciting of the Street-Cleaning Commisv aionsrs occurred ye?tcidur. A coinmnnjcatiuu was rc ealeed fraaa the cimtraetort objecting to lx?ing inter? fered vitli tit- the Health Comtnii?!?i??*i'*i-r' ?nid complain? ing of such interference; t.lso statij.g tliat there i? n conflict of authoniy in thil matter from which the i ?ty WtrnmOk The Cn'-.rt of General Sessions began it-? April ter? yestt rilst. with Hie new Recorder, the lion. John K. Hackett, on the beach. The mt Otead -Iiiiy nts erapsnneletl and chargod, and retired to commence the l?erforn,?n?-e of their duli' ?. A BMtthif of ?'Irish refii<rees," members of the Iriib Kepuolic iirotherhood. held in Ufa city y?'S terdsy. eventnriU-d in an "Iri?li shn'ly."incon?:e.'uence of the presence of some of the rival ?uparlas of O'Maho-.y and Robert--. The Connwtit Bl st .ii?.? Ekation yo ti? ti ay re stilted in the ein ti.ii i.l llawiej, I'nior, by a biuall ina Jurity. The Legislature is largely Union ia b?ith branches. P. T llaunum Union? isohoeeu a lepie-ieu tire from i uiitiiJ. A uii'i tiiig of jier?"r.?i>ecnpTingtonant-140n es wat held ia Tompkins iquii-e yesterday ?afternoon. The prooeedinga conaltted thicflj- of ?, the reniaik? being directed toward n reduction of the mt?-? of rent. A liri: company has been complnint-il of lu? ths police for enaagirif* in s pi"'nra] ti-rlit on ?Sunds? uftsrnaX'ii, near their Louse, on Burling slip. The Nuelte extradition MM WM ktmko bpfor? the United States Com*-??ionir reeieada*-. Iba Si.eriff attll refus,*? tu deliver the prisoner. A pi-culiur ca-?e of deacrlion an 1 lll-tr. itmeat i? rei ortod in tgtuy City, a yjung girl fru?:: Chicago )l?eitifr Ibe vii tim. The Fenian authorities are n-poiti-d to 1, ive receive 1 very laigosutnsof money ye^u-rd g connlry circles. The taH great fire at the Pcnurylvauaoil re? gions consumed oil ana other property valued at ?125.001). Ihm were some extensive contracts for par? in-* Bw-itUt'd by the Croton Aqueduct Department yes tftdsy. Fi'i'i Ti atoa there is nothing ?W-i?ive a? to tin- MM Siatei benatorship. Today may dtc-ide the cas?. The ico In the Kcnnebec uiver has ! Token ?lp, and navigation on that st:cam ?iii soon recommence. The Meteor c.i*-e wa? again before Judge Betts inlay, but no ?lei iaion waa arrived at. Gold ? '.en"'! yc3terd:.y at 1*2fj tinc\ ti?),] np to 12 ?j fell t . ir, tiru! , ryaatrlat l.'7i?ir|. Ui.v. rr iitnt it? ki werr iiriJiig and iii iniJnr?*' ilemand st the qaetattoaa Tint fiu-inl ?I tie u arket wai frvrriihtiidlrK-iriilai. iii? without outiid? ?i'i'ruiation or invriluirnt ?upport. mid p-ioei ?re lEBiiilained by the da-tperat? oper'iwi. of parrie? whom w, ?'.i. ii ? lot i ; Hird lit-t.'ieir !? ? du ... En? ic.'d on tin ?tut I* ?, rallied to 7?| clo.'Df at "4|. in Um face of a re. ported di nette la tiaffiI in March to an citent ?hieb, If asa. linet-d. w? aid tnak? drvideudi Boi?-iet!. il.cbigau ?"outlier*,, fur uioBtin J. c-i?d by tom? afin naatu?.r. aa loaded ?it?i fiaatiaij IsM imI next tu ?vu:ti. ti?. sySM d at 83) uud told up to Hoi It baltnrt- liiert ' >r 1HCI ni- IrUlb 1. no index of wbat i* can do ntidt/t lb? reduiti ti. f the traffic al: th? toidi ii.a.t tbow, and pai(lea wlio bougbt it ou this itatemeiit ali i. ?vu worth ai an lure-tiuent if Hie- paid TO for it. TI t pr?tent ?farlre I? wbully urii?_tl nd par cr 1'' were sqoslly issssaskst quatatiju? within s week Ttie r??i? si iii? liri wn wltl.cot specia' iiiterr?: aud ?ti .'.roller ?l lyinpatby with Erie inj Banthsrn. Tb? lait prb e. Merv a. "o'low!. the mtik'-t tloiing In lavor sf bujer.: Xatr-Tssl Crnln'. 91; I r ? Rti'aBT. *f?|n 13t; II id.un River. MBMM|. R.-adli.", laDiwil ?} . Michi? gan So' them. '6jaat; I ?eveiand ?udritt.l and Nortb IVoateru, 26; do. Preferred. I||| t .eve.and and Toledo. IBB*r| ( hicago ?ndR< |, lltjail.'?. T..e Baal KiaUnent tLowi the loani ate up g2. .0 \d ?, .th? show a rain ?f ?2.??nn,'>si the lega, tend? ? an of |i.l?j.' r'i" and th? ,-lrculal.oo ?'J'J.e* r? ti. The .per,? ahowi a loti of a^*"?,*?e, which tra? lotud li? w?y Into ibe lu.tom Honte. CONGRESS. SENATS. April?..?Meuioriitlf and???-t?tiona forv.?rious pnrptaes were presented sud referred. A bill v, as re IKirted lo provide srms for the people of Dakota Terri? tory. Tbe bill to equalise boniities was i*e*vortod hack from oommittes In a new draft, tills were att* re poried to ?*w?lit paymaster! in California with MMN lost at sea. aad for a representation of the I uiti-d States at toe Constantinople Internaiional Health Con? grass. Mr. Fessenden reported from the Flnauci? Committeo the House Ijo?n bill without a_end mint. Air. Somnor offered a -??solution to in? quire wkst peraona bate been appointe?! to Post ofBcc? fir Tr?j?lury offices without taking the oath, which waa objected to and went orer. A bill for tie classification of pensions wss Introduced and referred, a bill to grant land in sid of the Iron Mountain Bailroud in Mis soar! wa? patted. Mr. Harris celled np the bill to re? organise the Judiciary of tbe United States, as reported for th? Jndielary Committee with ani?>ndment?. Vari. t?us other amendments were pror>oe?7d .tnd ado- ted, and psmling the eonsuleratloa of the bili. the ?Scr.ate ad i i I ri.! 'J. BOMB, Mil arete iatrodos?o :?? too-BBe In i a?;ilng_i.ju;a?lay?ji.iru. le BeeteM^Umbj la the aer. ! S',-,, in i 'i-i. i ? ? U ' Uitrlt lu "Vrau'iln^ton Territory! to aid the railroad and tcl?*.;rip?i fr >*ti Uti .-?? 'sSoond to ' thuabia Uiver, li pay a Ctaolnaatl regiment fur sorvicc; te* confirm c?rtala Califurnii -, to gue the franking privilege tn ExPrcui. OoatHoftlie Unit *d States: tu MUM-- a i?^-.t-routo in ?ii'ty. 11!.; to authorize fie sido of the lort i jwot'h I? servo ; to aut'ioriie a railroatl efitfiin publie iBBtk ; to reduoo tho ! 119V of uflker? anil rogulato the pay of s_ldie-i in the I army, and to ni.iko the eity of C'a'ois a port of entry. MtttMMMn Won lntro'ticM limiting the time for at . illowing the .Militi.ry ? ..iii I t-ji't- e- to tt?m at my lime o bUl for t?e Ita"""*?taftlM lot lio'K.ti-?. f/mattOi fevoring the t-ppointm?nt o? i ?ne ru to report a merin.? of r..?>ld communication b-ftWMI the MlhMld and tho ?West (?vent oven, elirectiug the Printing Con) mit toe I to report retorma aro necneary In t!i" <j, vernirent printing k? ,inesii,.idoptod), directing au l-.t,ui.-.v as to mean- of aw-nring i"?yment to own? ii e.f lost or stolen (adaptad)' te? print fin edition of fie Dut. of Congress for the use of the II I on Um table); directing an inquiry Into the utoAAotJ ??I Minding the act regulating t!e duties of the Clerk of the Ilc.:?c-(.uilo; toil); c.illiiiK l ?r laMTMaltoa M to l.ow miie.i it will cost to complete the sh?|> ilnai,?! from Fort McIIenry to the mt.uiii of thl PatapaM ii, I'or the aprxiintir.ont of a Commiu.*?? on i C u|t tul Utico: atu'iiB. and concerting UM ti?* ti on the Ga-, halt;?* fields t/AOOb ?!)? Th.? resolutions of Mr. Unborn, prev-Oii'ly of? icie.!, ia favor of tiling nation ii si-eiii ia-r _rrcd to the "Way- und Means OeSB?ttN. 'li" . o at Mr. Pike, ofhnd Marah ii?, for the pro? tection of the liihing intcro?ts by a nava! force, uns I? ferred to t!ie Committee on T'ore-.irn AfTiir?. TU re;->? a.. t* Mr. Drivi. eapniilng noBd?w tai ti i PrM ii nt ir;!, debuted, nd went over. Tlio army lilli* M UM f?'".ii1 i'iili r. MM postponed till the ITthiaat 1 l.e* re?oluti.m of inquiiy c mi t-rniag tie OotMfaa Art P.'jildnig wiis an.Laded ai.J I VarieuH petitions ai.d resolution? were prese iitt-4' UM ?-at-iite hill to bridge Iii'. *-i?.?is?ii?i?i '?'? St. Louis was ttiaken from the tablo and rf'-rel. TLe ?se-iste bill to provide fur the ?uni?htr.ent of MT tuin erimt-, forcing pipers, Ae, wa? passed. Mr. Wilson soupht to introduco a resolution of iiK.uiry ! c?s?ci'riung the re; tried mister-out oi oolor-'d tMopi* Unit objection waa made*. A on tho j pul'Ject was subsegnently received from tint Socretnry of "?Var. Several Pension Lilis were report 1 arid | 1 .?sed. The Senate bill concerning certain land grant rsilroad?, willi ,i aal ?lituto. was repotted from I t!:e Pacitic Railroad Committ?*?? anti postponed ti!1 Monday next. The httOM bil to aid the building of n t'Tfakwater and aLl|i cinal at Sturgeon Hay. Mil blfU n as passed. The Comidttoe on Ciuims wag ftischar_e?l from further consideration of ft claim for compensation for slaves eDltsted In the army. A po'.ion for on eight-hour law wa? presented by Mr. Ward and the House adjourned. Li:aiKi,ATT:i,i:. M-NATK. Ai'i'.iL 2.?-Ii:] 1* WBW passed fir the Appoint* nient of an Assistant Seh aal S.ip. :.: tend -t.t li 11-1? >k lyn, H-pulatiug depoiiit? of n.o,-ie?\ l?elitt?ging to New Y"ik ? .ty and ('??untv, Riiel ri'gululing ti. ? oft. u M'lrupiiitaa Kmlivad in Itiouklyn. ?UUMAAV. Mr. Littlejohn, from the Sp?*c;il tJtMtnuttOO , reported an arrangement ?>f thr? buslne*?*) l?c ton tia- EMM Ar the MOOX which WM uiliipt? ! Mr* Kii to tiijie from the teblc tt.cNewCup'.ttil lal!, | with n view to move a substit'ite* teinliriiiing th? lena-! tiou of the new Capit ?I at j.lbany wiiuuot mnking any j appfoprlation. The MMtaa wa? agnad to ui.u ihe tin i rii? irel to the Commit*.t.?.* e?n Ways and Moans with i?, -ii _,_ ?ioi?3 to so amend. Pro-.iltr.t Joh-MB Iii ?'?<*il a PlO?UlOBtion declaring the Ii??i>eliion at an ii.d andPeaoe . fully natotrad to tit? eGuntry through tho com* \ pleti ndnri-riM of timm in1 ely la raroll to Um , Cooitilution and laws. lit* hal fat-fad Ulfa j hrie-f tleclaratie?n willi an BZOBBdiaglj long prc ' 'iin!.le: ????vliorca*?.''thl-fiel hbOTB ?et fortli?? MMUniDg it to lie I UM't??r? .'ii! the.? JW-JflcfttiOO ! rt'ijiiiretl. If (be Rebellion ii completelj mp? preend nn?l reuo-jneod, ii pnuimn .tion otVotm > ? matter of aoiirpe. The rri'siilunt i. tUoMi with regard to Um -, .'(-fler on Dbt?i and eli in.'iit C. Clajr, wbo are ..till held in ci-tody by his i'rder. If1 the " li ended, and the lit.. Kfl.fl-i all re*! turned to loyalty, they ?night eil her tobe Mad OB ?whatever tharne ui.ty be preferred Ifg?Mt Ih'-ui or met at liberty. "NVo rl.iill.doubtle-?, MNNhlMlf i sometliiiiij; definite on thi? point? Mr. "Wilooi', y<-tenby, in the Benttli I, - J ported back (ram the Military Conunittoe t!ie I bill for tbe _E.qnaliiation of BonntigB, in i ? w i draft. "NVe do not percelre the fund laMn? : tal objections to the mea ?uro are in hi.y way lobriated. ?iie principle remaini; tome of til? ?l'.?ii*, are altered. N? .'illowa?ae is JOtUSMit , f't.r l*??untii*- paid by IStute or 1??cal nuthnritit*?, ? end ont- that is done it ii abraxd to Mil this a . iii'-.i-'ire f??r the "('fi'ializati(?n" of bountie?, I li may huve had no bounty from the L'nit?'d BUt? -, but $500?*om o'.h'-r couiLc-. Under thi l bill he n ill f-'i-t as ninth more from the Govern mont a? A, -*ho never had a dollar from any-1 body. What ?ort of " equalizing" ig that ? j Tho changes in the bill ??fleet mainly the ma? chinery of it, except that Mr. "Wilson ha. bil ]?ill by adding the u.oasurc to r?gu? l?t?; claim-agent-' fee??an act we hone to bee [pal edon ii in?*r;*-, while tliollounty bill ought I to be killed on itt merit I. The Keeretary of the TlHllllJ prei-eiitr. hi., ! monthly htutiment of the public debt. The debt bearing interest in coin ia *>'1,1 ?"(','.* 16,341 BO; beatingiutercot in curreiity, $1,186^907.011 _5<">; ? bearing no intcre-t, $H0, Ufl^BM W?the latter item being all greenback!, except ?*.?,ii?'.'.,?t <? 001 gold eertilicatcfl of depo.-it, and fM^ffydlfl IB fractional currency. The total debt is $'?, r-*?>7,793,?i*y6 Bi| there in $1M,WJ?0 Bl ? H -h in the treasury ; ml debt lesn cash in ??(??,T(i."?I 64f>,51G 01; which is fb,i.03,4*!4 21 lesa tim la?, month. Mr. Fessenden yerterday in the Senate*"re? ported from the Finance Committee the I_oan. bill iu tho exact shajxe in | which it passed the Uo_8e. ., . ,?_ MMMmMMM^M^mmmmAmmtmmmmMMmmm "Wiscoxsij" is an Equal Suffrage State. ITer Supreme Court has so decidod.ou a ease arising nnder her Constitution and laws. Her Consti? tution authoriies an extension of the Right of Suffrage by an a?t of the Legislature, duly rati? fied by the People at a general election " by a majority of all the votes cut at such election." The Legislature ottbiA pasaed au act exteuJing th? Right of Suffrage to Blacks, which WM voted on by the peoplo and approved by | majority of all the voted cast on this quatta, but nu! by a of all who voted tot Olhtcr?. It han hitherto b.ea hold that this did' ?not ratify the- act: l>ut the Conrt ha?, now .l,-:i ?! ia !i"i m i.?<v?ruling that I it: j r ? iVo\? east ??n thi? .?ue.-ttbu is the majority ? required by tho Confutation. i ?\>t(Tit ? r. All last evening our di-?patc!?c? anil returns 1 ft-mi nutdn ?luirter*. and our ibNBM of ad vicos from ft her?, couil'iiu-il to give Connecticut to the advur.-...iy BJ about 1*000 maj ?rity. The .' b0*1* majority Killed Bp tot E-g-Sh in l?Otf? II tviii?tl.f. larg?? ?litto concocted in Ilartf ?rd? the reported remits in Danbury, Litchili-'ld, Ni-\\-Ij|?;ii1iiu, Stonington, Ac?all con ?pi: ? i ! to render the election of Con. H_WUI morally impossible. Hut sumo of these report? were, B?stake- or in i.V. rated; while tho familiar fart that UM I .v. ii? wlnri-in rigBBa changos have been ii: ni" are flat heard from, tearing thOM whir' 1 gane ii u?iial to jug ilong moro slowly, bal ' n-coivoii I new illustr?t:":;; ?"fiat it now (li a. K.) bob ii though Goa. HawijEThad I ton ,'.???' 1 by a small majority; and i-nc.i i.-j the (.?nor of OU 1 t'.t at ili?pii(t BOB. S'il!, i Issoelosethat i different malt b poa?Mai thai ij ititf halag nut over.'.O'i aithfortraj i:i ? poll ..I hilly'.lu,!'i'l. As to the re?t ni th?? Re_*A_CB- tieket, W| see no reason to doubt that every 111,1:1 i? el. '. ??ii, ivhili? we aro sure that the Legislature i? itiiiiii.'ly right in both branche?, ?inuring t'?c return of the Hou. I.AKArKTTE 8. Foster, or another of liko faith and work.?, to the U. S. Baa its for all year? from the 4th of March ! nort. Th.? rictofj ha? boen won agailMl a nimbin i ? tion of ii'lver?'? iiilluenct's 8uc!i M cannot occur ; twiee in twenty years. Air. I'iigli-.!i wa. ii j very popular candidate; Hie official ' inllii'-i.ies told licavily again?t ?Jon. Hawley; j but the main discourageuii-iit was that fit J, mu fi.iiro of tho Bepttbliea-i of Connecticut to place thoir Mato .-quaMy ?m thr? ?ilatfoim of Kqual liiirht?, and I Impartial Freedom in the Suffrage Klecti.>:i \\-\ ; September. It MM tho Six T.M*.i?a;.d m ij ?:'.'.)? tlien giviii for tint Jeff. Davi? lad Jack Bogan' notion of a '-White Man's Government" thal ?0 in-irly woighed us down ye?terd \j, Let u? trust that wo have had the 1 i?t of culpable Mi/. I.ATEB.*?? Since the iboti wv; p?it ii. tv; ??. a, have the gratifying assurant.* tli it Gen. Haw !? y bus been gmt ???n* Governor by I ni ijoritr ap poaching l <mh) volea mr. ba*ikbipt kui. \S'e hold thi' th?? Stat? has no Metal righi tO fettor tM-riii uii-iilly the OaOBgios lad ?li tin- l.uii'?.? tif i's i'ititi-iis wlio lil ?y hat, ..lort-in ita ::. I ::-.:.'?? ? Wo tai ; thal It {ii either politir or jii?t tu BMlffagl UN fut ir> ??arning*? ??f ? iaMat ?h ?, halag Baabls t" 11 i ?? ? i'tr- in full, ha? hooaatl/ Mun his whole prup'-iiy, lad whi ?? a : hi oblig iti : -. Wl iil'Iir-n thBk to hold the .?word of the law ..'.er such a hMaa hoad Inde_?itolj ir? a wrong t.. him, no benefit ta hil 01*00?UM*, a*..l a injury ta BOOJBtj Hi IBM wo boliove in a Bankrupt law, au 1 we earnestly bOpi t! ?? BoaM will to-morrow r??eo!i?.?ler i' vi''?- "1 lit Weiliie.ail ay, and pi-? Mr. ,h 'uk-t's bill. Wi miiht prtnunie tho ElotlNhBI thiri measure, yet wo hear of BO serium Ohjoo? tit*? to any p-irt "f it. Tbe lull i*< no' lajaotod ! because of it? imperfection, but beean?e ol i!? ?""leci.itn. It wuri bt.?toro tho It?1, i . .?iib.?!.iiili .Hy UM -..une al.ape as |f peasant?, and< ? . - - : *.j?-c*T.-i to tho cloeast critioteai. Last Taeoday Um Boom went through it, Motto? bj MotlOD, iiti'l Ita enemies could only oBJOOt til li it wa? too Mull drawn. Indeed, tho ii.ain fa i turcs Bad priu? .pita ol UM bill uro not i xjiiiiiui _t ii nor theoretical, but bata st?.'??r Hie tBOt of experience in several 8tates, u:,d are li rmly ?-?tai'li-ilieil by repeated judicial doiihion?. ?Mr. Joookoi hal fran..-d Lia bill npoQ the model. ni th'- Mi?-ii!.ii i'!'.; I::?olvi-iit Law?, wbieh have grown into a system through tbe iir-a,-?? of j inuny jean, uud uro generally cimiden-J bj tho profe.-iou the be.-t exi.-tiiig in this country ' or in England. Tho?e who oppo-e tho lill, do ho on general principle?. They do not waut any Bankrupt law. Hut we bulicvc?nay, wo aro .sure?t!.o coun? try does * ant a Bankrupt law, mid that the measnro i-i not lo.?*, popular with the creditor Bl ws th m ivitb tin? debtor clase. Bunine - ::. :. as a rule know their own interest?. They M?00 that ii man who ha.s failed, liai the Ufa OTBEbs 1 oat of him by I condition of the law \ihii li Bar? nita a creditor to pounce on tim ijr-t thuunind dallan that biri debtor straggling up agaia in tho world eau muk''. Where-, if you give that debtor a legal relea-o, you Ktt bim on his feet, you enconrago li i ni to start afresh, you enable him to acquire tho meaiiH eventually to pay than very debts tho legal oxistenco of wh-.b would have prevented his making the effort. You giro comfort tu Liu family; you add wealth to society. In the wrt-ck and prostration <?f Imsines? iuterent? which the last five years hare witnessed there are bundrods of thousands waiting the passage of this Bankrupt bill as the of their emanci? pation. Their property is gone; their creditors will get nothing if the bill ?loen n't pasa; tlmy cannot be any worse off if you paas u doieii such laws. The Chamber? of Commerc? of New-York, of Boston and many other cities, representing the creditor clau-t, hare recogui?i?d thia by their approval of the bill in question. The ll'iut??! may well abiilo by the juil/itumit ti tim)only alan which ?an ever theoretically be ?Itemed o?i?i m 1 to Um mea.-ure. TI e maj rity aga n ' the MU list Wein ? ? d ly ?ras lai ill, the v its hti.'.n; 59 to 73, ' . tiou :-i ||| ou Um tablo a motija ty r?jvOL*;tj?*i'. I ?'by which it* momie* bophd to kill it ftnully, ' wta immediately after los*, by 59 to GJ, and the du'iject was postponed till to-morro-.v. Wo tru>t in? friend of the bill will fail to be present wheu it again comes np, !?Iu*iral. ITALIA?. OPEBA?ArADKMY OF ?ir.IO. ' The ?****odn0tiop of Meyerbeer's Huguenots ' attracted n brilliant audience lrut evening. Wo ro member al! sort? of casts to this opera, we r *:ri-*ii.t?.:r Ita llrt pr - hi'tion at th? l'ark Theator. Aug. 9, 1MB : l?T the rr.iicl. Opera Company from New-Orleans. Tho j carat was ?trou?: in general excellent-!?*, but the stars a were the II i"u!, Mine. Arnoud, anl the MttOO\ Mme. Doiivry, both grand dramatic sing t?. Mlle. Calv?, the Valentin, was k11 artist in method, manner and eos , tume, ilnglng and acting with iplrlt and pinion, bat hi king in the heroio sentiment. Il'Jt sho wai charm nit*, anJ "" were Casini and Itklicr, the Marguerite ?r 1 li i'ii a. The prosent cast has strongor point* In /-ucchl, Phillipa. Mazzoleni an I Aotonucci is I alto excellant, bat lack* sonority In the lower tones. , The whole voice, lndeo-1, for such a part, n ?els a pro fundi'v and gravity to giro ?lue weicht to the minie, aad tOOim the ohiir.u 1er ?-iii. i-ntly iinpre??lve. / i, i\ aad Maa ?! ni wer? tho great succe-eses of the ^vening. TI.ey lud Hi. lied t'.ieir rol-s earnestly and ii,t--llige*i!tly and gane* them with marlee! force and i effect. Mu?/- il"i.i sang hi* aria in tho first act with j much dr.inuitic expression, ar.d ho wa.? especially adnu r.ii?!?' it: the wl ole of t!.?* second act. His duo In the j fourth net with Valentin, was marked by Intense tonilernem, and eiirne?? j it ho?, and a force of expres? sion which w i- ?Tit ? /.i.-elii created a furor in her duo ve . '.; 'i.rd net. ?S!:?' conceived i?, andstngi lied the well ?(.served Ininor of an encre '.'. bthlMtWI cfi-t* fed mare at home in these, to ti.em MW tHOA we sh ill rank l*MM ? aaaag the very beat of their effort-? M:?s Adel ml.' Phillipa '.kau the real..'iti >n of a daah> ing and a sliupi'lv I'age. au 1 ling h.-r b-*.?_tiful ariai j wita e?.'|'.! -:t- | i.te and grace. Anto;.;;tvi., yg? UM music of Maree! excellently well, with due ajiprc'.litioa and drnraa?c omphasi?, but as I Va hail said, his voice lacks depth and gravity of quality. P.'*!!ini and Ardavani wer? careful and accept? able in th-ir rAles. atid dil all they bad to do well Millie. Calroli n .?nit" unequal ?.? tliriA.eof griente. Xhl "t'.'r ahaiMlMI were alily Iliad, The -.- ? tvare ?ill we!! t'.ag. some of IhMI ttWk tOOtA ? efft'ct. The Huguenot chora* i:i th? third aet was ?riven j *? it!i ?o maali ??tint and aocuraty II i' i' y ?OOA all the . li.i'.-? of tri encore. The o. tliestra performed with more spirit a:. 1 e'ff'ct than a?;curacy ordelua | I. I i time d?*Tot?*d to the produetioe of the opera was too r.'. ?eve acytbini* like perfection. Wl ni.a? j U-en -.CrOTuC'.nhe. is really won |i*rfn!, and Mggli hardly havo bevon achievl in ?*iy other country. The i win?!* work liad vi air of iriCuxp'..*'?ne?**, and In many ! places the roQghneas wat verv apparent. ?BBS?????? TBK UITFOn f AUK. Farther llinminnllni of WliartiM-**fc? K? tina and Other V. int.iinrri ? The tn*r to lu- lout muid T?-I>a,. Th?* ? :. Um ' i o? Um Unite I Bl ii - ? *'i?? ??i-ims'ilp M-ie?r wis continuad ?I-.Ige lieft? yibr lay. j Judg? It. tti Informed the r??7""!:v<? c luni?! that I Mon t/AtOg h_I decision on r.-..l-?\ li?:. tl?*t 8-?.retaiy S-war ! ?'" r to Mr DMk-MM MM ???ffl.lent to es , til.liali ir..) f?j t that ?tt. ii- '1 i'.av" . i a j,. 1 Kpai.-i, li? I vi r? i ii ?til:???! ?over ii - ?and bad l.i coi f.rm?.l Mr Dk'lliumn ?aM that alaea lart friday I ?? !:.i I n .' ' to ? ? I: ??" m "i-Ttrnititl trf Ihrttirtien <?f wir ' - iaige I etta Mid Mr. i>. kialoa ni .1 !. al th.* proper ? ? - . .... Mr. leek:: ?'?ii M I IBM h" had M '? various - ?I had oeitiii' to the i lu ? ? * . til*' _t ti ;-:? pot til be a ' Id pot the i Miaut' r ? : In a i'i lltlonel -*i .!? Mr Ktart? mail.? t ti?? ?atti-- i '?.- -i ?t? I.? tilla nntlflca I r .- , T ' ? ? i? :,.? Jil I, 'fur??. Big ? lt.-:i) \ ii?., i-1 M. Kia t i'.ii, 1 I trill *n ,-?..? li. l-l crime ? hi/. I .-? ?/ iild he bad a right I harttha wHmm ii' ????- 1 ? . . . ] m to ht? ? kui. ; t - for II (mi ? Torpedo ia?*,' o'.a,'?*i to having bl* ?!. ?? t ', read t" mm bin ia ? ? itah ib ', ? ritt?tallai hUMOii di beal . rerpode m..tier. . betta tali the w11 ' Im m? ?* ?1! , :??* t: O? : ?' ' ? i I ??- ' i- l ? ? . ''?:i *.! *t he Would ?t?> hunaa f by doiao ? i 'It-?'. -? t ???! i ? a-! I an a resident of Chili: ? ? ir.?) ? ii-', am :. .*r a roattbar ni aad rj ' ? ? .? li" tae it O' pat Im al Chill Mr Kt?ugl ton look iiii-v,' to thi? mudo of examin V..I the Willi?'!*. i 'K ii-'.:- ?t'.'i hieealdaeteaeladetheMatl-oay of a *?itu??** on a?rc.i'?!i! ?if a turn.:??? i?f tliT-? I eil > ? jxia?:!.il:ty tin! lu- might ?_y irotlld har.- th?- eil- t of ?.jar ng lam la an...h ?r mi *. At |a-.? -w, lil ?jivr t'j pr ; -r h lodatl io inr aMaoMaa. wita ?? ?'"'.' ?"?! I kit? appointed confidential a.'eal of ? Lill ? ? ' d ht?toa. pravtOM 10 my de | it t ire f:?i::il '. IL Hie w|:ii???i r!..n i.-;'a?-"l to amtier I ? o? ttf .\r- T"*l !???*? hol.Jlug that pmi'.luti ?' Mr S'.-i ?...toa 11,.'! '.* a . ?. Kviaeoce, to j show that th?* wi*i ???? eMld ti"t ba auMMll ? 1 ??? ? a- ? i . ili.?stion? of tin nature if th????) which ne liad alto.idy taken ex. eptlon te?. Mr I>. v.. en aaid that It voald he a nw thing It rrnuiual itw tipr.t I 1.1.1:1 mi trial troto la'-r ? ? - fir t .a ? 1 I..?.., l." '.,.;, pf ?ij ? ti/.U!!?! ( lii?i, a? tie". .-.- In 'his laae wei remat ' t.-i" ta un rhartt?? iimile iiitauii-t Mi-Ii-M.a 1 ia ih-i "Ter? tiedn " eui". Tli" Bli I or i lal ? ? I Ina ? ? k1 Ma, and .? a cert tin poalttoa andrf t .?? t biBuOoi ra? 1 ?.. a!, *?..' 11 r--.;.. 1 ?I t-i '..-? ?*r?"<li' ratl or tbm Mh< r ?r i-.-. ?<> fir as thoaa fans ur?* 11: oana I, ib y bara no ! Madaaay to ariaiaati *. it li ahai he tauy, hat 1 din.?? ?a t' ti 1 ?p m itj 1. it', simple : ?-1 al bil la-lug afa'li.llui ami hold i |g a ioiitl.:i u rider that Gov \ ??rll^.fu?. that wmid arru?nate lila: Juilg? llti.t* adher.'d to hi* formel ?! ? lalon. Mr M. Kenna ?hen laatlflad that be ititi h ?Id the r-o-! iltlon of confidential agent to the OovaraaMnl of Chill ? I bal ?? My '?; polntmet ? ? ,#'i me. Mr. .v ?agi.'.oa- 1 think la- ?, .: ! ,!?, Um to produce It. Mr. M ?;. ?:. 1 I'--.- no oblectloai to produce It,! I m ill pi .lu-. ,t ??? led th ? ? rti iniri li li," ?na?t?I shall i.!, to ii.ti .:.??.) nf tia'wit r."i? vufllior til ;.?,'..-. in ?"all ctl_Intta bia or I Wim????My MOoataaM sub aal allow im t-i bm.] ' I H I 1! . ! "t i-'ii j ?< a-*, Iii?. I l-ar UM law, they are general!, opp " I Q IliT" kui? rt-"":r. 1 11 v i.*'."r i!r?cr;i i-n* i a t?j act lo fu? i*.-iir try .1? n<- 1 tor Chill 1 A. I waaBaeratary oflhaChl an Legatioo, iiui -in? uti , ted bj the hecretaiy ol Bl ?I . I rti J. Kirk was ?wmu ai.,l lealiiled: t ara In atnetur of t utt.-a?, I Haul?) au examination ol the M.-t.'or, at her do.k. lM-f??re ti," lelxure; th re wa?u large ?inantity of coal on board, I ?mr a gentl.:i...i ?n board who claiuiei! to lie the first ??rtlLer. y. Mata v. hat the mate said to you a* to what waa on board ? -Obi.' ted to, and 'i?i"? withdrawn). lo Mr Evan??I wa* -k-nt by Mr. ".Vakeu- in to re port e?n tua ve?*?-I? I wa? I alor mad she waa going t<? Wuaina, and that au* au excMilve ijuautny of et'in-a on boar 1. To Mr. ?'??irtney?leaked the mat,) whero be was gmng to he saul :<) Panama, au I that I. i 1 tpaeted to b" buik lu ii I a??" I him if ha would take a pat? ienter* he Mid that would depend M thu .quantity of whliky the pntsengerr .ml?! liringi I asked htm if there were Any arms 00 ' oard and he ml there were 13 car bin'*. I.? Mr. K.arts-The Idea of s.king bin If ha would take apaaienger originated ?? it!? ni-?.If m I thougbt the liol eriii?Biit WOUd lend an oll'cer oat. The ina: ii.'-t of ti.? v *?*_1 of the '."?l.l of JtMOOIJ, lft.e. waa then nut In evidmir?. Charla? L Wright wa* then sworn and testified I have been a ihlp-broker for ?even or ei ?!.? ?eara, I saw the Meteor in Isst Novemb?r, I now Btej !. 'n Unger? and Itenjimiu Vlt-una Mc Kenna, I saw llogeriat bit bnnse ia .Vii! Thiity foutth *t. in Daoaaabar, and ?aw MoKenaa a few day* In-fore the ??liare of the vee??!; I had a oonvvnatioti with Mr. Kt?i*.r* ni thu aahtoal of the Meteor, I bad conversan"?* with e>tber partie* ou tho ?ula t"ot before that?with a Mr. Byron. Mr. Me Nichols, and Majir Cnnklmg, tie? e-alled on me uli'.ut the pare'a-io ?if the veasel, Mr. Kogers ?aid ihey lia I u'.tl.or'ty to n-igotU?,' for the pinliMi of ti t- V"*ae!. Mr Bj Ma i?ke 1 ma if 1 Ililli any goexl fa at i>uu-)?"luia: sl".i-_n T? tor aa.u 1 Mid I would look Lim l aad let hlM haow next .lu 11 1 1 ir-iti 1 na Ihl ililli.'** of 11 .? El iiraaoa, l'u?i ? 1.1 in 1 M .'-r. Heal 1er he broaght down MeN'U"l. and Conhllns. '1 . ? laiil 1 ?. i? t'.i? r.." ?1 ?)? ?ant? I. na 1 l uni i di id itcb l ? mj ? ? : ?'.. ?? ?? ' ? v .. '. ?. Is Roe! a. ?? 1 ?. tatt, l ? eaill m i M I-. ?,1 M rai ?h? 1 :i? u 1 l.i? is a letli.r *i ?!? .?-?._ H h,. tv li. li. lui ki. and, J. M. aior.i;*! wrol.i mc tUat lajtUai djas hy Carey 1 Co. would !'?? I hy Ihem I ?aw Mr. Carer aliout the 11 t!i of D?i-tnili -r st our office. Ile ktiJW I lind boen oii'irii?iiiii rit.ii g with Mr. Forties at-ont the ship. He tol'l tu o lia 1 as mach to say about tho v.? ?-??! as Mr. forbaa. The Court adjourned to Tneitay. UM 1J last. lvfAOB HIBBTIKO OF TK1A1TM, TBe Warkiag??en la Tomplilasasqaare? Tin? High!? of Laadlards aad ibe Wraags mt Tea-inls?TBe Addresses te, and the ?Spirit of, the ITIeetlag. The skies frowned unpropitiou-ly upon the muss meeting of th? tenants which waa held yesterday afternoon In Tompkins tijunre. Two stands had been (assisi n"ar the ceutor of the square, and attie ap? pointed hour?three in the afternoon?about 2 000 per? sons, including women and children, who formed fully one-third of the numbor. assembled in their vicinity to await tit arrival of the Committee and the speakers. Tho latter class was not numerous, however, and the nntertain, warning mood of the pluvial deity made the prospects for a larg?? and ttiMamUOSt meeting exceed ?ugly dull. Finally, it began to rain, und with the shower cumc also the Committee. The attendance waa larar?r ut tt.e st uni from ?Inch ????rmau Speakern mm to uddres? the ciowd. ulthough there was n **eodl" i umber, u.u?t of whom were Berertheleea of uniloubted Teutonic origin, that preferred to hear what thoughts might be uttered delivered In Knglish. Those who had promised to ?jn.ak in the latter toogne ?ero tardy, ead uni'.cr tiip inil'ienoe of the dria/'iug nin and the unnoy aaee of wallia**, lae eeewd begee lo be laapetteet. At this riiispieions BMtaaeat, Mr. Diaaaheua look off lu? I a?, hiving lirst the platform, ead read ii petit.on, :i f..?iy of which lias been tent to Albsny, praying the I l<*tniral Assembly t?> modify the laws r> - 'sling to laadiefda Bad ?s ti protect the latter from the unjust, exoil nant and ra? icioiis de? mand? of the former Mr. I), t! on went on to denounce the luv? a? it BOW exists, and to urge hil heurert to laake a:: 11TB! ti, ? - 'tisterit and ui.iti'd effort I" ladaea Hie Legislators to romedi the evils of which titi* com iiluincd. 'lhere sari a law, bt said, to prevent mon from receiving a greater interest than seien por cent from lunns or money due theil from d?lit, aud why should the samo rule'nut be made to apply to invest? ment? in hontes and land? > ?lu boorara had the power to remedy tin? mutter of eiorliitant rents entirely in their omi hands, and ho hoped they would so manifest it at the polls (lia! no one who wosld not lateroal lum , self la tkia behoof te the fullest extent of his a.iht), ?I ael ! hain after have a seat fe the halls of our State ..oglslaturi*. He s lid he would bo proud to represent I the crowd hi? sa*- before him. and he would always con lil i ? toeofooa the aggresniou? ol tho rich uyuz the working clauses. \\ '.en he had concltulod. Mr. Sr.tter. the President of ! tho Cobb? lllot, addraasad the crowd for a few moment?, j l.ut Ins thoughts refiied to take propel slape in En ?-: an 1 11 degenerated into Germ?n, which he ut* I ,-> laaetly, aad ataofc to the gratiaeetleB of his I liateners, who a;'i, lauded every sentence he spoke. ; Tin? central idea of his remarks wtw the Injustice of ?.v.,Hurd?, rasnv of whom, at a moment? tiotlei-, turned lensatslato tho street lftheycoald not or would not '? 1,1 mu t?i new tenus and iBBfBOBei rents at tho end of ? every maiit'i. Ho tl.oaght It important that all con i tracts made liy lamllonU and tenants should ex.?t uri? altered until tl.e end of a year, or until the lint of May 1 in each vext, ?ave ia the ca?es of non-oavment of rer.t, kawhia? at :.t the contract Bslag violated bv the te?? an!, siiflli lent notii'i* should Its? given to enahie him to ??cure ?uother hume, at cheaper rate?, beforo ha waa thruat out of doola. At the ch*?s of these remark?, Mr. Piesrhman re? peated, m (?ermun, the, remar?s he had already m ula !?: Boglisl vt"Mia thai eagaged, ?itr. Botbeebee, ? rep r.?"!.t ?tive, cm e ujsiu the ?tai d, aud said ho had lu l x h;li Into the AaaeaiMj. ahieh he hud so tl'iUlit would puss, and whoie operations ?atilld remedy lbs I! |.?nee th.-v httd io loi.g be?-n c npoUM to endure. He al? i ergod Ha heelan ti Maalaalr rotea ear/ to rho ??ii.:? in aflea would protect tho Interest i hu.I i vii 1 ti.em leg th?r. | Mr Creeaer, aaothar reprsientitlvs. wa? then latta? ii i glad ! e s o 1 ti t:."i-t ?olirge ttgather ; / of his f, 11.?? clUssnsol the worktageleaaea He i., i peaeaated a hill te the LagtalatafB, a year ago, fur ? saraosoof relieriag ihasa fresa the aajast eel ex* ; orliitant ilcrunnds of landlords. Ii? now lupported the bil to which Hi Bslbacbss had referred, laaaaafar? ? i?! -a *? :?'. the el airman of t'ie oOBBBSittOS to whom ii h? 11.n rafarrad, tti?t geatlaaaa, who wee from tin? Msetsea part of the Stale aad a lai..llord iiiimelf. had |..'!'aii?r? it give tim t. ti.u tt t. ?, BM4 li |?uWer. ??ne th. ti-:.?,-1? (?iweri Le amlalBie?i ah?, gas ila i::.-!! y au I a?* all the power. It ti, after ali. not your j legislators ia Albaaj ?nd Waahlagtea wh.i make the laen *? <.r?j th? taaateleoaf power ead et law; hu . an ltd, therefore, that too tend only ?luii men to your Isa?Istivt halls aa -?ill aboj yoarlateraata sad do as ? sa v 'l ?hern Bs did not kuaw whether ho would no basB to iltiaaj or nut; bal thors i r bara bo waaia* i. ??. st lu?.-,mt ut until tin? watBiag ii m bad an esjoal right l.rfore Hu? law with the r...-!i. He BOBOladed Bald loud applause. [ At the, of Mr. Creamer'? reriurk? ?t Senator ? esme tipna ths stain], He?nl?i???l his fallow ?i-./er i uni t.i tit. mi'* any . ?t mensure?. Their j pi ???ont ti, i.' eaoM fr?i_ the tatt th.- agi nts of , , . ? iwosrs had the powar. eader the law, ti ??????. \r*t til? evai-'iution of bli premises ut a munn? ' t. ? le hate e wairael laeaal li the moruir.g, mu s returnable in ths afterooou, and executed in lae u. die ? if the night if hi? terms sere Lui aetapHod with, al Itiotigh ha malo ibeui ki.ouu ?t t'a- uniment ti.o r. ,i' bseeae dee. The eottss la i isss at Boa-pa] I weet ef reat tare the teaaet tiir?.!? iiiv? meei eel ?vhen the rent wa? adruued non? ?as gitroa. The monthly reo.'ipt waa oiitredla eridaBoe thal the con 1 tract had onlj lieen mado fur a irurith. when eicn If it lad been fur ?year, and there wat no witness save the who ol liai tsaaat, sBe awaBI not ix? ponMlod to lae tiy. which I? It the tenant wholiy at tho mer.-v of the landlord or agent. The lan BOW l??fore lae l4g?? liiture wat intended to r.nii-dy tins doM and to gue the wife in eases of kimi V.e pritUege ni iiiiki.ii* a couuter uftidmit. Be adviaed them, furthermore, to li.ive written oontracM ?it'i winch cient an advance of rer.t would bo im Baseless until the tim* aaatrad. Be eBad eases ho lad :?? ir.l i f wh.'l.'lll !'i:::ille? had hSBB thru?t into the ii ? their fathers were at work, which wo?il,l I a,\ .-lieen pa ?elite. 1 if written contrail? had lu tn ;.i.ii.- Oth rs la whioh ths wife had psid the rent i,. .-?i.,: theheabaed. theageel had dea?d tea fast o.d W..MII the case carne beforo a Court the wire s tosttmopy was not admitted. Bed JedgBMBt 1 led lie:: ? : iniagi the tenant. The uew bill Would rem? edy Hut dsteet io Hie law. lt the mean time, he urged th?m to pattaaos? if ihey wara ooaipoU^ io tfaai a tear, tbay araai waBi but loreiieuiher rae pMtee May I ni in theItallot-boi. I.?t them learn ciiruir.?. ?w?tit'ii,',i ?-nit ?ring from their wn e?i; bal Beter Bl agitato the matter until they tinniiy brought ths law? ?akers ia reel leran a? Hey might pro??*???. They uiuit nut i?? ladlee! <?r extreme??mIt just; f.r ihey wen? true lo t!.en.?'!? es uni? whtk liier were ju.i v> otberBa Me deiireil that iii? iHiidlord aliiiiii t bats bil rsBt, the egeal ha paroaalaga the w.irkingmari ii? lights ?nd to tin? cud he would strive lu the future a ! ?? ' m1 in th? poet, Mr. I.i'iiit ni?., n repre-aetiiative, mate a ?hurt ad? die?? I it li:?> i tiri descended moro and BSOTS lapi.iiv lo tiio ?li?, .?n.fat of all.i At th" otbsr ?ta'.d speeches ??er.? ma le !'.? Metsrs. Suiter, ?1. nilli-, ?io, lum-. Kuhl.1 Kaath, ead othaae. ti Oenaaa, The aaettsg was not, t'irli'ileiit i r ni ??y hut it teemed dt'ti'ruil,,ed. 'Iher-' waa nothing rioWatdewaaded.aothlng lioleel aatdil bet It was raaraetorlaad by aaeh seatiBarata aa or liiier iii-iki? theiiin'l?'s fill und hy ?nell notions of loatl ?? a? baiag eeeeeleaa of power, need oult to be heard t ? be mt i saeteia W a Lavi?. of course, given the nure?! sbsiriict of tit? addtaasesi I ut we bars faithfull] .1 llieiu luto our own pinitos and fairly stated ? Um tptrit that o' arai't'rireal the lneetlng. (roluu Aqueilurl U< pui liueiil Ait urti of CoBiraci?. t^ropoaall were opened und contracts ftwarded In ttie Croton Aqueduct Uepartmcut yesterday after noon fir th? following Jobs: For reirn'atlng and paving with stone lihx-k pave- ! ment Thirty ?nth ?t., from Fourth le Fifth :?vet.. ooa-, irait awarded to Charles ?Junlet at Al.Hi, ttue, Ml du vs. Same?Thirty flfth st, from First to Second aves., contract awaided to Thomas Ucrar'.y at t?.'t'>~>? tune, 1W days. Same?West-it., from nattery place leChasabereet?, aeatraet awarded to W. 11. V,' jnoids at ii'. I-M, time, | I .'?I d ?vs. Hame?Twelfths!., from ReconiI to Fourth ives., con tract awarded to Thomas derail) at f li,."..????, time, 13 days 8a _ame?In Twentt-rilnth-it., from First to Fifth aves , conlraet awarded to Gore ii Bmilh al a-lP.JlO; time, loo day?. rJame-Iu Twenty dghth st., from First to F.fth ave?, i.iitru.'t uwardsd to Oura A Smith ut #?7 ti:??;, tiiiui. *?"> dar?. Hame-lo Furtv flfth-st, from Sixth to Ninth avee., conti net awarded to ?..?re A Smith at #-.'o,'jn.? IA, time. DO days. Same?In Water ?t, from Old ?lip to Coentles silo, ooutraot swardod to William A. Camming at t'i.iili b?J| tin..'. 37 daya. Same?In Twenty-seventh ?t.. from Firtt to Fifth nins., contract awarded to Uoiu _ Smith at |'Jt>,>"i,'J, time, .?? du?s. ? ' a? Tub I'viversaust Missionary Fc.vp.?Tho ltev. Wm. Ihirili'ilomew's Church (?reeue ave. Univer? sulliB 01?iel of llrooklyn) coutrlhuted lost .Siitulay evening tlOO tit the Gi aera] Ifisetoaerj read, TBe ineuilier? ol Ihesald ob arch will eontribou still more, l" ?,.: niel, i? prosperleg andel Ike able o?aiitiy of tho Jini. Win. llartltol?UiBW. FROM ALBANY! -m~ LEGISLATIVE PROCEEDINGS. -? ORDER OF WORK IN TUE ASSEMBLY, The Cnpitol Bill Rocommtttot Resolves on the President's Veto, -??-? SVENINO PROCEEDINGS. SENATE....Ai.iiA.N-r, April 2 MM -r-nrara ttmug. HILLS PA??ED. Relative to the dl*po?itiou of Uni serin !___ i, 'tim State bv the United Stater 0 illL,.* '^ I Brooklyn I?;.e_lea College, to amend _J_7 ' '" ' th* for incorporating the fife and ft h ins r'.JR2 " panyi to incorporate the Brooklyn D,"k,n, it ^ , Company; to incorporate the Har'ernifcti ? ?f? 'to incorporate the Qaicksilver inn ,7?, r! g B,nki the better ?oenritv of I ^,n IS ? ''.,13'' fa poratethe Leaner.' A.?tZ?u,Vork''? e r i orate the Fougukeepile and East?? Ottt Mr. Low offered the followlne Haul. ti. That w? .i,.,, l-truad with ???ral of o, ? ,v . !t,,!iti tut our ?KJ2M??LI__?_ ' ti??.! ii. t' b* r-.p,i-tf?|:T raquS?Sta TeLtTZ'S, lull notwitliitaiidirit th? ??to oftli. Vr_.'d9"t "lU Mr. LOW moved to make the resolution the ?.??-??-j ord, r f?ir 1 neadav at 12 o'clock, which was lo?t Mr. n.TT called up the reaolttloai h?r.-t if.r. m f.rr.dto the Committee on Fedeial I.c-lati ,i, ?__ "?'?ved tu nm.'iiJ tho same by ad?ling tLereiol.t,',., ,* li. C. Mt i'i*in moved to lay on the Ub!o. Aer?-*! in Adjourned. a ??*? tw. ASSKMBLY. ORDKB OH Bt'SINE.?W. Mr. T.!TTiR.i<)HK, from the ?Spocial Committee of Set.'tj, npjrted the following <)ttim business of the House: Fur tim ?evening, the Quarantine bil!; the Util**,?, Il v.r Improvement bill, and ull claim bills. ? For evening, all surface rtulroal billa ia i New-York and Brejoklyn. i For Wednesday afternoon, all elevated railroad billi. For 1 hnr?day afternooo. all other railroad bill* no. . otherwisi- ??i.-ci illy provided for. Fur '11 urn!... evening, billa reported from the liil ? dary Committee. tot Finlay afternoon, the Oneida Lake Canal li_j 1 an-1 ot?ier bills reported from Committee. I For Friday evening, the ?Stipplr bl!!. , For Monday afternoon, bill* relating to ?maranoo and to the militia. I For Monday evening, all acti of Incorporation m* i otherwiie provided for. ? For Tuendny afternoon and evening, the calendar al the renaming general order*. j For Wedn"?day evening of this week. In alditior? tu the special onier previoualy made, the New-York Cm 1 triil Fare bill. The r.'p irt wai adopted without amenelment. '? Mr Pine moved to take from the table the Kew i Capitol bill with a view te? move a aubititute conSrmiag the lo- ..ti >n of the new cap?tol at Albany wuhoat ; making auy appropriation. The motton was ngreel to and the bil! referred to tk* Cotnmltt'*? on Way, and Means, with instruction? to ?o ami ni. Iii! I-f? PASSED. ' To increase the annual paymeut? on the ?bsr-s of the New-York Society Library. For the appointment of an Assistant ?Superintendent i cf in Brooklyn. Relative to the ?eneeee and Water-st. Rnlroid ia Syr .?.use. To altar tlie map or plan of New-York, relutivi to cloiing irtrtala atnaM To reg?late ?lepoatM of money belonging to Kew York City and County. To regulate the couitractton of a Metropolitan R?l road la Brook lyu.*. Y VKN'.N'l -IRtMIO-f. r-II.L*?- ADViNC'l-D IO THIBD BFAniHO. Kel i'i\0 to the establishment of a .j'iir intu?, ia Use I ?.ft ??f Kaw York, to amond the public inatruotiea act establishing free ichools in the fjtati*, to contuui the Improvement of the Hudson Uiver, and ti maka ii a;prupri!iti.)ii therefor. Attkmptkd Ht ich e of a (_'hi?'A<io Gnu,? Al Ml llOHBKSI \*.U llMKKIloN Bl Hi it l.t'iVEt ? 1 Aiioiit ti o clock last evening a young woman, appa? rently Oerman, about ? yean of age, attempted ta commit sulci.'.e by iwallowii.,* I ludnum at the waitilg roora in the railroad depot Jersey City. Shew.? de t' ?led lu the ne; of swallowing the poison bv the colored walinu, and admitted that she t ?ok it for the purpen ottolt deetiaeMoa. Officers Carroll and Mann vari M?ed anil convey-'d her la Mercein'? drug ?ton*, witera ?h?. wa? i.?re.'nl to ?wit!, w ?n emetic. On her pmtn kiai? found an on ant tiotil" ?If full of laudanum, ah*? a l?:t?r tlir.-ctftl to John ???mond. Chllbeothe, Olio. 1'ie nnfort'inate V'i'ing woman itatei that she r-ilJea i at Chicago, and that her father I? a well-to-do firmer rending nesr that city, bnt declines to revMl hi? name. Slif* ?tate? that she was engaged te be married te ? peOMg mm nam-d Osmond, ?on of the person naoeJ above; tliut ! e carne to New-York and wrote for ker M fin.ou- him, promising to marry her apon arriving ker?. [ Bellarine va hi* promise, ..he carne to New-York ead ?'<??.j?-?! at tlie bouse of a brother of her alliant ed, ml tin- wed?lag tk ?? ?.! range1 to come off two wenkinn yeit?*nl*y tin that day ?he allege? that Osmond in ?Mad h?*i to gv?* Lim what MM .ey s!" had, itnount lag to t1\ w th which he decamped, and hat no4 ?:...?" Uva bitiirel of. Fii?elir_r that ?Le Ix'eade ? Mired, ibe iviiiluded t?? return home, and fertli*' pat pooel ipoeed of Mr waddiaf cl.-th.-s and stat:? 1 for jen -k ? .-v reeterdev ?fti moos, for the purpoie of tak? ing tin* can West, but upon arriving al tie d?*i?'i du* owered that hal peehet hail beea picked, wkichtj pether m ;t!. ? ri'kii-ii- troulil?1 so Worked ap?)n he? mina thal ihe dllllMlaai to take her VA and alt'iouik thwarted I ii Ubm, declared thal iha wMldplMMirl until shs had aeooiiipli ihid l.eroltiect. After reee.ung DfwoDM ne |1tm leraaawae ? i ?_M.**WMMM to tho Alit)?hoi_*. where ?heviitl rtliliiiu for the prcai'lit. "\ lO'.ATi'iN Of the Health Laws.?Samuel IM, Henry HorlM, ITcr ry McNtiliy. William Deaiiaev. 1 !iomi- BWMMJ and Charles Smith, dirt eirtmen. wcic yoaterdav arr?a?ted bv Oiin-er W-H1M li t ..? Eli rent* Precinct, nrhartag eerptied dMeeaMan oftbelrearMog wbat ni formerly ?ed nsthedanp Ing trr.'iiiiil nt the font e>r StautOli-.t.. Kant Kiver. COB ?mik totl.i-rnli-r? of the Beard of Health. The |in?Jiier? weio coniiiiiii" 1 tor t-x iiinri, by .lu^rae .?-hsnller. but t*nbM?iMitlj tak?u i)**fiar.' ?i u?? ice Sanara at Ml Astor House, on a writ of hnticae crpn?. ?* AHMT of a PrsrK8_.vrii Ucbclaii.?At 4 o'clock yoetentiiy morning, Dtlicir Charles MfCarty t'..- K1.-.. MA f?'iinl William W. Andrews'? the net e.f ? to break into the plumber shop if Mr. OaMMlaa al So. a Avenue I). He ?MflQ t.. ant ni ti-.* thief, Who tirrnnl upon him and ?true? !" I a iiu with a |*ow,*riiil jimmy. The officer usea ?** dab freely, and soon br-Ufcht the thief ti? a at a te of lut? leetlon, and then t?)ok h.J) to the Statloull.-uil At ? laie hour he wai brought before JmtUe ^bandley. i?? .-.?mmitt?-?! him for examination on a ohargt? of telouioi? MM .It ti" propuetor of the plumber shop being Jai*'? i itk, aad is thus uuable to api-ear againt ni" at present. _ Fatally I.xjcred.?An iuqu?'st wa?- ]ester day held at No. IJO East Twenty-ieventh ?I-, by Cor oner Collin, on the body of Henry H. Choate, iged jj year?. DM-Mll ?>u Fil.lay laat fell from a tre? I? T" iriv t',r*t-?t.. near Vuiirthave.. ?ntoablch bofm cbmbed for the ruriHue of disent.inglliig a kite, ani re celved iBlniM from the effect of which be diea.ou Baaday uli?!.t. A verdict of accidental death wa MB dered. I>I8TCKBED IN Bl WoHK.?Early ycHteriUy morning, Otbcer Harmere of the Nineteenth ITecmel law a man come from the residence of Mr. Joieph La roo-iue. No. II West Forty-seventh st. and ran aa The officer fnlluwed A MUmA ?????'.??'L7 MM a Flftb-ave, ?ne!. v-"Mie...-.t, ?O m?P???m appearance of the ofllccr.^ Brou a WAUKT.-while patrick ?towen. wai walking down ltroadwav with hi. wife. *9M*?W terday morning. W.lliam Smith .tole N^H*? .,,._.n , ?m she ,ii?.c.vT?r*.l D'- m it mm illct aootalnlna On