Newspaper Page Text
C??tWTICUT. .Je B?fB Met the Enemy and They Are Oin?" A Great Union Triumph ! Gen, Raff?ey Chosen Cumnor by 1,000 Minority. HIE SENATORIAL QUESTION SEITLEI). Ihe Legislature Largely Union in Both Branches, GLORY ENOUGH FOR ONE DAY. H,.i.y l-emoiratie Gains in New-Haven and Other Cities. ? ?a? A LARC?. VOTa POLLED. I!.-? folhrain*- tra the retorna ti tin? eleetioa yon.-Hay in Connt-ctii ut, ieeeived np t?? a late bear that seeralag by apeala! fliapetahaa. and through the ?aawi ?tod i'1 ?iyt.-.t i? ? tr-h i., The N. V. Tnlnine. Ki ai TIavt.n*, Maataay, April I?*** mid- Igfct II ed bj ? -.mai! ni:?j?>rity; oggit* Muthalee* ISM The See?la and Iiou ?caro both o .: ? bj a lp.r?*e majority. I'll I?! I- I?? Hit ia li. Si.- ?a' I'l pass* re Tli? N. Y. Tnlmtia. 1'.it nu.-mil, N" Y , Munday. April I (irr"i v...-?i, (.'(iiiii., p-;??.?-? H.iwu-y STS" Bog? il ni Vote mi ?ni-i'iionii?. *?l? .. I' ?i v a. ti The >. V. Tribune. Ki ?.i-i'a*?a_n, Conn., Monday. April ?:-. UM ?.'.m.?nu givoa .'?' majority tor Bawley >*e a Bejah?Baa l.eproseiitative. Gie*** Bet Vote at I. lichfield. ?pa! . ' TI.? N. Y. Tribun?. I.?icnnr.U). Conn , Monday. Aptii ft l**0?. 1. iii-! 1 (.'ive?- lla.vlcy 903, aid B-gli-l Voir o', lui. ii. -lil. epatia1 I'i'patrh to Th? N. Y. Tribune. 1 AinnuLi?, Conn.. Monday, Aprils, USA Th" tiU'i.vii)_' ii the vutc of Fairlie!J (of Ciiai): Bawley II rt.a)i.ritv. Two Republican Ilopre . is. chosen, tie.: l'..irn'?in and Smith. T tit a-- sjaatad ?faeaa I :?. I'a'.'i*I Cona?, Tiiondiy, April-J?ti p. m. !? t a at**?ft?i WbUtJ "I tin city, i* 1 o'clock raooa, EagMaheraa BOO ahead?a large Denio crati'- i 1 he m j iritv for Engli?h in this citt will probablv !>e 1.OJ0. W11 ' rvANT"'. C a *'.. Monday. April 2. 1MB. Taw:, .! ?liawafv. 130; Eng?lb, .. T ? ? Hawley. Eiijluh. 1 i .it.. . 1. 4.U MA v tax?t. n ISO ! i -'in. ]3i It"* Stratihad. 47 majoritv. il'intiMiton. Vd* It? 'iiiiuibuil. lit ino Monroe. lol It?! v. ??? ort. lal Ml M 'Wt i.?ri. tit J'" v, muk held. m : ? iiawLBT, Es.oi.tiH. T a ?i, He,I Ile- . v ir-I.i.'don. 773 6-j9 Koinie!.Daiy. foi Koa -ilford. -. _ej. Ill [a?as . miij. 2i MeridaB.maj. 103 \| ?:,i. tnaj. 75 i,!".'i ?un.. ?03 61-' Wudbaaa. -ii-; Mt ?irasa.maj. ?'-'?i Spin?*'..?. ? 1U Batbrooh.maj. II Plii I'ld. '..'74 Ml llana-aater. HI Mi .mai. I?I ? 1. 5.5I? 2.?W1 turi. n Hilpwiter. .. I?I Nawtaare. ?? HD Cttrawall. II KurtbCaaaae. -? H Iii Nui walli. '. ?' . A.1 ,rr . li ?eld . 7ii I? ;' . 44 Ii ? ' ii ven. ?j?* tv ? ige . 4-i . 1-7 .\. ? a ..?lilli. .leid. 45 .?. ,-i \- , . 21 N ? ' ? ?!?.id. I? W?. ?'?I I . 7? . I a . .? * Wiadaot. .- I'l Wtsti ?ii. .. IH Ill.tfol]. ?. l-.l Waterford. .. to ?, toa . 141 K Ungi*. i'."* in iharj. ?? ?'> WIHt-maatie. .. MO Middletown. f?i<> VA i laven. i.',;"-**' 4 :,?? ?hs i> isocratlc Si-ni.tor io the EigMeeath Dlstrlot Coi i .uto W. ?pet**".Sea**la etocM Major of IS. ?i-Ii ino IUpebUcan Repreteatattrea are elected lo .' Mr. I! iwii.y (Rep.) wil! ..'??ve a ra*.j .rity of from 1,9 10 to" Ml Kew-Loadoa ?Oeaety. all hat tare tetra*, rira i Ra i gala of over 'JW over the vot?- fur Priiaiaal in li i XeW'Landaa and Wind?un Comities cleet five 1 lisna ton, mid give alK.ut J.-rUti maj.nitv foi li-iwiLv. Wait ?I'liiou?. m the Eij.'lith District ' ?a lit riiaji.rni. Applcman (t'niun), lu the Seventh D.? triet, lia? 301 mMonty. Star HA**?a, Monday, April J?9:10 p. m. At this hour the ltij.nbllcnti? have both Braaebes of tie L? Riilriinre. bnt th? Oaranef li doubt? ftih II tale? is believed t?i Ix- elict??d by u lew hundred ?anjaru?. IlRii-orroRT Monday. April J, H?,. Tlie fullowlnjf ia the vote of ti ii cit? : li iwl Kngliah, 1,30? There ia a L'iikui niiijonty on lbs rsst wt the inket. Nathsn C. Whet-ler. 1>? mocr-it. is Isaiistlllllallis by IO majority. 1*hs I'n'.on ?bwb and eily ofliocra ?re elected by an ateta.-s ma? jority ,, \i.iv luvt.?, Header, April ???. 1896, I.Til.!.- Harri?i?n, Usina, mid T. ?. Kaad and Rogers, iHmiHTais. are elected to the Suua'e in New Ha? ea Cuuiitj,. BaarroaBi Midni?ht. IIarif ird f'onnty corr-phte trive? Kr.srlia?. 313 majority, aram of irjs hem the t-trwldeatial ?i t?- et il t N"w Kindon County compieu? gives HawltJ 'J71 ma? joritv Ihi Cis*tflaiale_M Hawli'j's election l.y ose iHofe ?amii imoarrr. > Aim ki- Cot'vrv MatoainiB.?NVw.Fairfield 15 weK . ... la-..ii... al, i.. fur Hswlev: I*-.-; bel, ?a fur Hawh ? I't-adin-r, ni f..i Hawley; wiMoa, ? for 11hw Caiman, in tor Howls?. Lu um u,t'di'Mt UajoritH?.?Keni, 21 for En ti bald,64 till l.i,.'' ib; Bharoa, tai f".- En ?? i ?m t >r , .?..-i, W ' Iburr ?o J 8 isg Cuures are from towns ia the twelfth **:..' I " tit - ?? ; lur Hawi| , ', j >r;\v for Ball? i. Beaal >.*-. WSHmi Wkktk flUpthl MB) ll'.'W'.'j.ali'ivi', Cl.'.'l.d. Kaw ? \N.ka\>?- v. Repu bli ia majority ?ja Gorarnor and Senator, Caleb S. Bs-ediet (Republican) Reare* eeiita'.iva. - M iRWA-.K.?IIawley, 187 Repnblioaa Malorttyi Bal? 1,:' "?"'?' r) i-i Repoblioan ni-.jnitv. Col F. st. 1 I rooland] ..??-. na;. Republioan Bepre* a? ? .tiree. Da ?hV-IIiwl.t.v, IO Ilenu'ilifan m ?Joritr Ballard an majority, li'.-iiiv ?Morea'li? ll , Ubi ia Be? :.??.a,i ,nr, . ,-.. -..J. m ami-?iii).-Hawley, 77 Onion majority; P.illard. 77 1*:.:,,:'. majorlty. .lohn 1). Kergr.son and Beth P. Coat?. ! Union ! t..-' '- I -EngUi '.':?,C";. r'rvl Senator, r**!?. I i v o i. a -Bepreaeatattrea lui'ird [TTbJob) Bmatec ileeted !v IM mnjirlty. Wf-?i*.)K? gives lj Dm ? : i*. mii'irity, and elects; one liaM BlBriMBlaUfli aba, Xaleett Wakeman. Ilt'pree ,;nti\". ? Uecnpimlaliou by < own lit a. HABTTOBD I OTJK1 V -IS??-IS?! ?~.? Hawley.Bul lib. Li oin.M i le! al H ? ' rd. -?.!. 'jan .....i-?. ???360 ManchMter. Di 225 Wetberafleld. 15 ? .... r,j ? Witilvi;. _ |] .. _ ?17 TOI.LAND COl'NTV. Yernol:. MB ? 211 _ NEW-HAVEN COUNTY. N'vHivn.."-- t.,-? ...:,.?<?.*. silo - "i. 103 ? .... I?;? ? Mut 'i i. - 7? .... - ... Deri i . u ? .... is ? iii?'Haven. M ?_ M ? Guilford. 7s_ i',;, ? . S3 ?_ Bl ? II ?al..rd. ID ?_ ;i ? Bl ml rd. ? M3 .... ? Hu . ? M_ ? ft .-? .??i ....37? ijo; MIDDI.ESKX COUNTY. " ' >wn. >lfl -i? .... Ml MB v- i. ii -- .... i ?i ? >. ? ?. M ? .... e? ? . h? - .... 73 - Weatbrook. M _ ... 70 ? NEW-LONDON COUNTY. v>" ia-.n.'. an.... cm no M r ? ' . 4'H ? .... 173 ? Lyrae . ? Bl _ M ? 8pr?utue. 101 117 .... y? lil. Stonwai. vu ? .... Ml ? Grot? -? .in - .... IM ? WINDHAM COUNTY. Win "i .4M MB .... 450 21?. ! i . I'M m .... MO BM l. .19- ? .... Jil ? KAlUKIl'Ial? COUNTY. li !. 7.' ?_ 4. ? Dai. ? 10.... IM ? Norwell. 107 ?_MB ? Dai . 4 ) ?_ 17 ? Stamford . 7? ?_ M _ 1 ? a. ir-? Bil _ IM r.:*. Newtown. ? 1.3_ ? ni New*! tiiian. M ?_ N ? t. ? 121 .... ? IM to a,,. jj_ n _ RidgeBeld. 13 ?....79 ? Bethel. ti) ?_ .?2 ? lUldiiig. di ? .... 41 ? . -ti'Id. ? I"..... ? M ?Mton. ? "it .... ? 51 S-r.itford. 47 ?_ .31 ? Huntington. ? t? .... ? 34 J:..:.jull. ? I 1_ ? M Monroe. ? 75_ ? _?1 Brookfield. ? 4s .... ? eg w-it ?.i. ? '.?-i.... ? IM Bridgeport. - B ... t.. ? Sherman. ? 4)_ ? jj Complet".1 ni 1ST! li'?. l'.-i LITCHI IELI) COUNTY. . !. Jj.! >?: ... 31i A*) Bridgewater. ? IM...? ? IM New-Milford. 1? ? .... li ? Cornwall. j:,_ 31 ?Imaan. ? H_ ? H K Mt. ? 21 .... ? 12 S.air?n. ? Al- 5 ? Itoxbury. ? Bl _ ? M Winch v ii . IM _....!?; _ ?liri.: imitad. 3? - .... 3) ? Woodbury. 23 ? .... M ? 513 fe) t..'5 la'i 'I lu* 4-rnni. It? ?till. H-MffOaB, Tn ?lay. Apr.. J?12.15 a. m. The Vol i tirai u. rooeired foot! op m httowai I '?? '.-. Iltwl- y. F.mliili. Hartford, cttMpleto.. I MB B.47B Nea Al iven. .. msj. *-.!?'>) ! . 4.154 4,216 New-London.msj 1.0.4 i . ia.'.mai 5.'?; Litohfleld.maj. IM Windit-.ra . 1 BM 471 Middlesex. UM I.MI T-.tiU.l?.!_> P..4-?! Ha*' ?>? m darli) UM ft: l?a-vi j . :.-**} f.'i'ii DOO to 1,000 Hy. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ !*J u nie-i pal Election ni l>?.it ?n. Obi* Darn-, o Mea )??*-. Aprt % li At the tuna lion to 11 ' the I'lia.-i Majority. ???' ?-?a the Mayor, a Democra*. who li eleetod by n BM iii ii ?j >nty. B-fbl 'MltlM I'll It I 1 W?. Tlarinr Di.aiirn. Th?? Bri: i-.Ii bark Zephyr (fomerij of Boa? ton), VToodhair, Ile? Bl 'i ?ai Im Daba, wen* ratheiefando- V?.ri?s iW?nt Iiidi.-a*, Mareh 1, iluii.ig a beery nortl ar, aad bee ewe a to* .1 mm Tho wreck ??' 1 ta ti ?;: d were to M ? the Mat. Te :-. Mond ty, A aril 2. IBM Brig Clio, Bl Kitts. ? '? ?/ir and raolaMM for Ni'-.' fork, got aabare at New Inlet fi . . ? . ? l pt Barbor. WM ??lt.. at I P? M.| wu? ?Ml o!!'leahy nad with l?ie of pert el leak Mffttv tod-laowiwtha har? bor. -m? lln -trig I'oiliii H A.liurr I lie H l.oouri ??Mia it? I! , M . Q ,:. M ?.. liv A??rl! B, IBM, The brig Voiixt ", CapL _I< i:i-, froin ALi tasai of and foi Beatoa. alraeh m Bow and Pig- yea terdaj murning, In ?tank io,.*, bul oame off Immediate. I, teak I? i i. a boar. Bli ? will pMbehty M ???wad to Bo?too. AImi 1h ?B.? of w aldobore', Capt, from Can'"* n? 03 the ?7tl, ult I.?r PortlauJ. -_ of foi Btopn tst, niai:i''.)0i)3> a Til j:'?-!? MM !\OVA.?COTIA. Arrirnl of the Arid ? ilh 4.avi rninint Di*. I?!ite lie?- fr?tai *s<i? fonnilliiiwl. Hai. tax,, A pi ii _ 1MB. 1 ? <; i-erame-t iteamar Ajriel, Mitti elis pltcbel tot the Oovetnnient frini N **\fnjndland. .i.i.k i rey iterday afternoon, and will rMerna|ta-t I on Wednaaday, carrylag the mai:-, bhe brought no ?eva -* FRO!*, lilli I It? 'HS TM'M-OI . -? Vin?? m? nu of *?i 'iiiiti i? 4 ii ? u!iir from | ibe l.li_lii-ll???i?r ln?|in tor. FfittrRI'.-- M'as ""11, Si"ir'l;iv. Mun li 11!. 18M, The douhle?ttin_ted monitor afiantanomah, C '-am mder J. (-'. Beaumont h::ivi-,1 al th?< NorMk. Navy Viir.i, yaatardaymorai?y. f.-??:? Wai?iattaa, 1> C, ! S'i uni be' ereitivoi?r.l in New York l?y tlie gunbiaiit ! ii- ?" bow lyief ia the heibor. LitiBT Uovta N?eiec*e>? ? Oma? Kirra i>i?trict. i N?BrOU_ V A . Ma" It H, ?ml n. It**? I TI?" Jtrr.i-i l?'i I U| ?--?-??! (lllm-ap-ak.. Biy) tia? a 'I t--* ??a'-l-?!i. 'I..-"['p-r mai livr*r e'adir Paint Vensl? (Potormc Ri.-r 11?? tuumei ?I?ir ?-?-a.- ? Hv order ol tin* LUbt-Hoese li.??rd I M KiKRli-r. Ciptthi V, ti bun ...I LUM ii -?i-?* laWpaeter. ! C'oTipniv it -.'"I Bl i*.*? Itifiatry, Mi ! jar ii. <-' Kichert, learee bera to-morrow tot Norfolk. II 1 till 1 ??. Iheieatatioaed. Comaany II of the same regi-M-t ti'xi* theil pia?a-ia ti.?.- garriiM of the for i tiens. -a? ytmrbnte?H?|M? ' i >"i TtU jr,i?ih, ' "r?*.-.Ti?.'iat Ar.rl. ?"? ti*?* : ?a?? of Hiwar?! -it. - i* *..'''+''"? W l-fit 1'oady. Com acti??; l .1 VVijit? at 7_'_7J... Yellow, 7D_t*lr. Dill MtMei 1 ?i>, it ilr. H?A, ?mi. Provision? ???ry dull. ()n.e?r.e? I 1 I'niy w i.Ukr-t?a_. otWrnUmn m Ottabbing. Ciai.*ia<eiTi April I -Kami du I u?l uMaagad. ? h?a?? | !j?v?r.'r?J*idu!.i Old H?d si A Whi'.i* in din.and ; pri.-ri un | il,in??*d. tnrietamktmet; Mam Volk, Otsabntn, Lutl ? in drrnand, at 1 .-*. Wlil.k? da'l. at * - 14. OC.l, Wig. Pan-OSLFBI*.. Ajiii 2. ?PMl?l?-ain qui.?!. Clovgma ? mira ?Civ. it uiit ?|e V boiball Tiiii'ithy. k3 So. Flour j djll ?nd 'in'hauged min at coinuicin to ah BM Re! to li^al ? it el 10 J *l i'l- I otu tu m : ni?.? .f 4.00 > ouitial?, at ?_ ii 9 ? to kUky ..iirli?n?ad. t II?H1J April -I ? Klo'ir dull. Whe-it tti?ady ?nd nnlrt ; ! Mt?! ?*. 4*1 Hi?4-) ti tur No. 1. ?i 1 H'tifn,-. tot ?... ?Val I ,,iii dal. * 4 Ali it. for No. I, lil M\ f-r H* acte _ <??ti ?_ ?.-'24j" foi Ko. I. Htutiwln?! nominal at gi V"? gill PriTi.i r t au,.. M-?t Poik ?t AH '-JiiglA. . , ?' ' ? li I i r, S V?11"..I? "?*? h "ia ' I Ht a -!-i;iti,-i *.a- i , ? , th. ('oro, I ? ' ' ? I ' .... -,- *.!./??..,? ?).-? ? Pork li I /*? a II,:.n nu I .t.."i W ii <k ?a *i ail >? ? -' " i. li a ?? ?"? MEXICO. Reported Successes of Ihe Imperialist*. IMPORTATION OF "ASIATIC LABORERS," ?mmigralion [from the Lato Rebel Statei. Treaty Between Maximilian and the [tatito Family. We li a re roc civ,? 1 Uti tom of tho _Tirii?asl nasse, from win h we make tim Mewtag ?ixtr.u-'.t: REPI.I.I.Ii'AN.n DKKEATKD AT rAllIUS. Li?iit.-t'iil. Tifv.?iii .ml Iii' S-ili-l'u ti-. I Cain? pi?, headlag tem o Laparlal teoopo. reatad aoaipletelr, on the 18th oi Fabraarp, SOO ?ilttidtaii m the nuigh boorho'i'l of l'an i?. 'H' dataUa of this viotorv were ni follow?: As at uraapem the enemy trat approri ?i.'-ii-, bel he was pud far thlaeadaeny by e Mood* daihet The force? on bulli ?i,li? mr? lu-.riy Bgeal? li I en?-my batiag aleen .*? i rasa ead two pleeei oi artiller**. The aal. eoBimeoeed by a Ira of aeaketa from tbedlasidi ota poVed on |l,e Bights at* ' a: 'a ?.a. i. latpsriaUsta reepoadad hy a oharas uf laaea ead lu-, .met i.'i the lia-i.i.? loni'i le-ui. Bo dod ia disorder, abandoning ob the batt e-leld hie two piaaea of artilli iy. (bar , a?soi ? uf munitions aad indem!, The parsoit ooflt?aaed aa ?nr as toe oiiddla of the tilla? where the enemy at lamped to rally, but were lastly routed by '.!.?? bru'ery of the lap -rialfir, re, Becaa BW lien 1 of cal!.'? wliii'ii hid been ?toleu iiu-ri adjacent haebtadea wara eeptared. Oar loss wea 10 killed and 1J wounded?that oi the enemy -ii killed. A>IATK* COLONIZATION' OOMPAVT. Tlii? enterpriae la atutuntKl by ? cdrital of *.'.-,i?i>ii-oi rapraaeated bj M.O0O aharee et* I i.ot*) each TI i plaaa el the Ceeip?n?' h i??1 wet the aperarel of ins Mi j ??!_?'? liiveri 'lient ail indicated li? a ?luorei? dated lilt' Ileceiuber, I*?'.., vv. "Having heard our Council of Ministers, '? v,i: MOm "Abt. i. Pera?aatoa is praated D. KeaeelB.deI CeaheBela, with exelasiTs pririlege for two peera for j tho Introduction int.i the Eantre of workmen from A?, i "Akt 0 Tim imlTt iking ii ?tvl"l Asiatic Company of Colonii ition. "Aiit. 'J. The laid Corapaaj* ?HI aaadaet it? opera? tions in ieoardaaea with the provisions of a coDtract annexed tu this decree. ?Lu Ministers of Poasato, Mari?e, ond of Finance are ?sharped with the hdtlfaaeat aflhlseoatractia ihose ri'itpei-ta which concern each rOBpaotirelr, 1 Max;MUmiu" IMVI-iIUTIOV. Diiriii)* the month ol' Fi-bru irv the l?>ll<>wiii?_ I aaaiba aadaattaaaluyof emig-raut? aimed ia Vera Cruz i? glree Men. Wjii.?n. Mm WV ? . Mr-iii-int. i i ?I.BV.Uti?. 7 i . H 2 lletmti ?. 5 SpmuiiJ..I? 4 l?a: ? a. I .. AllD-i.ea!.bt'l f -???. I ?.. 1 . 8 n Pult-?. II -. B 2 ?- ? i'j'.td.71J M Pi .m Tu? MsaJaaa Tia..-? ,,t Haaah Ml With?i ?le peal week, three reeeeli irrivi:ig I at Vera ?urea frea d_broal LTaHee* stat?'? port? breach! , oat taits i aaabar af saaltraata, i isa aaabla to gira ihe exait i tahar. l< it hare obtained a li?! of 101 BM I woila u Bad chill !:'?:? a - 'ill',?; ia | til" aaiaay of Cordera. Sa si ha?,, oseta t'> piucai,? laada befara briaglag ti ".r f i. norn niavrt madx ktwiodi m majksty; AM? T.IE MIN Ol' ?lit Mill llAMl:, D. A0<**ITII ITfilillllE. Hi? MejeetT, the Emperor, wtahing to * l ,*"r. li A?'u?'!i. Iltirlie!" la : st right his bad to ths gratitude of Un? obi toa, ?uni ii,- asas Malriaa t.? bather ths i objset <.t hu M ij.?;.?. bj ths on! i of t.... Brno Tar, ths Minister of Forains Affair? M 1'. Kaauroa, and charged with the Ministry i Mr. Agastia, Mr Aiih'-I, and Mr Coane, aad M .? .]?.? / liar li. le nrt.:g i t iget! ??: ti: ? folloWiag 1 Ulili .?' '.. t.'.. g:.'?-.'.; ti, puaitl lo the two graadaoaa of the] D. A D. Stdradoi n? B ii a? in hi? daagater, I>uii? Jossphlae Itarbida I I li?- : r M i/-? tie? ? ii. prui id" lbs tnsaaa fin the ed Beetloo of tin graadaoaa of til? Kmpatst Aasraotls ?nu?..I to ?li.'ir rank, aa wa-*ll a? al?o ?Bair ni al a u id am] tliat ?if Duna Jn??pMii? Hut ?.lila. 'i Ai t? fink of special protoottoa, Uli Maj??ty ? , astil le himself their tatot and guardian, Vi 1 ti. i. '. . I> . .1 ??' pi li'- ; . '-.'.ill 4. D. AngBstin, AbswI, ami a agt-tla Cosas liar? a?? iiti .-'.r ti uses as wsil ?? ia theeaaa "'. I' s Sobina ind tsetr legitim tat?, aarst t.i retora tn the Baptre, wlthoa ntetbnt aaaaasieatlae fruin th Horsraif a or ti Regency. :,. The OoTsrnasat of His M rjaat] woaM p-?r from ti Hutt of the guts i.D. A austin. Angst Ama : |i ?* JosS| hli" mi', P * . the som af ?f.- ?. ? ? ? duWn, sud ?i?'1),'??? in drufl? on Parla, aapabis ii?.?TO the it' , of ths pr?tent j ?'ai. ead I. '??i Die IMh of Febrnarj making iii %IV?,'An on BMOBjel of wh it ii deo tlii-ia l?y th? i a*, 'ii i. Tea ???.?I'Miiiii-i.tasaetea und It larepooalUa for ants of lbs f ?t.i iiy of the Libei itor, li irb|da r Tic Qoraraawet of DIb HL-Jeatj will glee peeper arder? te ?'in?" all peaaioai lo D. Aaguati ?, Angel Aagaat? Cosmo, D. " Jo* phiaa and D. ** Sv Iiina Ituitni?. which tlmy n?iw ?j). Theos pi nsi'n.? . iii! sud a.iiaiut disooaal at their place uf ii--.: a I i n^nreit plotetoit hasrlag UUIII IBOroltl r ?'. ii.ons with M?? -. The ?."???: itii'iii of Uli M j' tv con redet io I> , AngtL A. .'?'' Cosme, and Da .? ; ? an ii ? orI**. ?JO at lbs tir?t. IS ; to te lbs ?ei'.init?tlmt lntoiie (??'ii.i* to ihe wif ? if I? An^-'l in ease of bli death, aad *> i. ? m to the two*athara Ordera will bo gift n for the prornji f.aynient el Man Maa, Bad bl Booordeaea artie ths pi"i adlag article liim,? ih?? Jil*!.?IO!... In faith of whieh th? pr>??ent treaty ha? lieen ?Is: i d In dnplloats at ths Imperial raaidaaee of Chap, 'r. ? se, the ?ih of s?;?!' rober, !-?'?. .th ..r S-;.!1 ?.'!' r. l-l.... liy i.rdi roi 1 i- 1.' ipefl ii Mi?ji?ity. I..- Mlul 1er of Porsiga Affaira, cha The Mini 1er of Porsiga A?Tain?. charged nilli the iMiuuiry of li de, j ia r. Ramtm a a m Inm*****a, A:....::. M Iri'i'DIi'F., Ana. 11. !?K. I: M ti i.? JoiF.lA II'. III HuillE, AU?iQ I I. Ill 1*1 nu. Tlii) Mur of hOaa Alkln Li. Iturlnde to ll?-r M ije-ty the Kmjiresi: Mai au My brethaf Anunstin has sent to Mr. Castillo to five t i In? Majs '.. t', ? F".; WtJt 80BM I Uli' S ii nan-. \> BtV 8 M l.toi.l? ? -in 'inn, Will have n i nine fur my ?on when li? hi? ?rroM u to manhood. I als? ssad mp portrait with ooa el the child ?.nnd p. mut ao, Madam, to aarr that I hare aa reaasead thin?-of vour Maje?ti? s, wl;'i''li I tl'-nire so much. I forni't la recommend to y"ur Majlity tim nur?.,'. Si.?- lim rain d the child, und ?nu can pin-?* |teel Boaldeaeo le her, Hu. in?/ pi m d mi- adored 11 lid ander the iiretaetlee b1 your Muji-?tii ?. 1 niiial, Madam. "ITer poa n,y tn-iiti monta of thanhfhlaeaa und fi.etiilsinp, artth ulnch I har? the hoimt to be foal Msjsstj's bambls i irraal ALU ia O. i'i. 1.. nuil'.:, To her Malaail the Empress iharlotte. Mtiicv, lath September, 1-?'. "?'?i? igiiiion af Ihe Praobsroi Opeard. \_\ BAN lit, Muudny. April ? UM The PenobMOt isck-arof'i??:. 'Hi" ?I. uiicr Kandlull leaven Ilnugor fef HjHtou tomorrow noon. ??gras Diseat? rei. B?)siii.?!. Monday, April-.1 MM M. --:?. JunLin, Mar-li ?V Co? liavc at laut aaeeaaded lu ferr.-tina out the man who originated ths r-il?e and aalMaaa taparla thal they had asked an ex toiision, and bars coiBioenoed an action si?-i?iuai him llKATK*?* and I.OBnRD.?ratrick Devlin, Mi? chael Gaffney and Thomas Golden were eirly yesterday morning arrested hy Uriicers Killy, Wilson and Logan of the Twentieth Precinct on the ahern uf having beaten Petrie. Hand in an nil.-? at Ko. .i.*?i Kifrhth-uvo., leaving bim intenaibli-, aft, r ml,Inn?: him of hia coat, veit Bad pant?. lu the po??i ??inn of lie?lui wa? fnand a p'irt?.n uf tho olothe? of th?- victim, and lib ?ni wa? also vitil'1?? on the clothes uf ?iaffiK-v. Mr. woMttf was taken to the Jew? Hotpital in Twoutv eighth It., near Se?eut', ave. Yesterday Jii?t,,? Lodwith eeaalttad the prinuiien to await the ree all of Ina Injurie?. Mr. John W. 1'ickett, reaitllng at ihn llutlaoii Baaaa la Weat 1 wanly nintii ?I , atatus while lu iii? utting roots of the botol, the prl?iiner? clime in, and iJulTney knookvd him down bv n Vlnlei.t bbiw of hi? flit, Bud tt.s others attempted to di?K hnn over a ?of'? and lah bia of Lit walch, pin, and a miall sum uf iiinii,??. 'Hit- en tram ? ?if the proprietor (tightened the gaagaVBJ bo fore they could eeaoapliah tbetr ?teleat. T'ley wer? atee committed hp the magi Irate oa this chargea The priiaoLcrs are all jo ?n? nu ? ? ?' I Baal L Mr. Pit! Snllivaii, r.*-ulnur Bear Han. Si ael nu.'?-. 111, mu bra) 'I j aorderi Lia..Iel l.'ui tun?. 'II?? tiiiiril.irtar Lag |J al lue Bouatrr. TRO "ff lYASm-VfiTO*-. f'ontianerf from Virai Page. fr a term oft!.? I> titi ; i ' ?' ??'? for ti ? IJjtriel of Min nesota to bt* held a*, the C.ty ?*f Wition.i, wau taleu from the Sp, ii. r ? t ible, ? mai lerau a 1 pasted. Ob motion of Mr. Wiieoa (lowe), the ?vn.t.. billin r-'ltti ra to the Dis'riot I out ta of the lint-? I ?State! in tlie Mutes of California and Louisiana wai taken fi >tn tin- S|?iiker's table, not twi.e and referred to tho Ju? diciary Committee. lara ivi'mints in lark nie mo II.? Mr. FcKLtv frrt-ii tbe ?'"iiriiit'"?* on Puldie Lind? reported imek the Beute bill to aid in the con.truetion oin1;! JrratM ead harhni aad a*ilp eaail al IM hoad of Sturgeon Bay t?, conn . t tha waters of Urecu Bay J With Lake Miclu-rmi. Tlie bill -?ave rise to some debate, iti passage boine ? advocated hy Mi-nsm F__?l_.., ?.loa.*, and Davis, anil oepaaed by Mr. Watout. On the vote on it? passsce by Yeas and Nays, tho bill was passed by a vote of II '?'.* is BfalaM M Na) s. MINN-.'?TA AND ??TTIIR LANDS. On moti.iuoiMt. 1?..\ nully, tie Senate bill relating to lands (traute.1 to the .?.tate of Minnesota to ail m coiistnietine the railroads, wai t ikon from th?* Speak er s table, read twice, and referred to tho Committee on Public Lands. Mr. I t.Ai-.KF. i Kansas) introduced tho bill to authorize the ?Vi ri'liiry of Wht to sell a portion of the Kort L?'av enwi'rtii Miiitirt Bpaarvattoa to tim City of Leam worth MT a public park; nlso, an aet to aut'iori/e th? iii!i..trueii m of k raUroad I?raagh eertaia laai of the (Tatted siatei,. whlehwan aMarally read twice and referred to tho Committee 00 Military Airnrs. TIIH FH'E :AL DE .1) AT A 1 LAN T A. Mi. K?Ki- .s uir.-red n i.'tiii'utioi. lf'|ue-itlu|? the Ree retnry e?f War lo inform the BotMl **l?-ttn r uiiv effort ha ? !? "it made to collect into a suitahl-) gtoaoAm apart f? rtl.o? pur-mi-e. the remains tt etlicers mid f??! i! .*r? \. ho won killed and burled ou t! o various I? at ti?? - neills ana.a,i \ : : mu, nnd. if not, vihel'ier any i:??*i lal ni i roprUtion la needed th? i? fir ia < i\ laaationof the resolution, he ?eut to the Clurk'a desk and Ladread part of a leiter. siitlnc forth Unit tin: I'nion ilt*n?l wrr?' ??ried all nbout the country there, and ia fields taat vera aboet t?. he pinii.-.i. Mr. tv iii air ?iiiTireiteel that the inquiry should be Hiblie-iad to the- l're_iilt ut, uni to the Meralan oi to ma Tbe ros'ilution, io motliilfd. was aelopte-d. PAT OK OfflOBM ANI> SOLDIER... Mr. S. iii m k Intro |iJOl.,i n inn ti, i,?,iui-e and establish tia- pay Otottoon anil to rep?late the pav of aeldieri in tie arnv of Hie Cnlte-il Htn'es. whicti was twice iiinl i"feiled to the Commiiti* on Military Affairs. A HA',' CLAIM. Ol motion of Mr. StllEVK, tin? Committee on Claims WM diaoharfed freM tho rnrth--r eoealderatiM of the petitionof Mr. 1-mi* i-l? r of Murkl?:,l for eompensit lion tar ulai 'as enli?tcd in the army of tue Ciiil"d Slates. CALAIr. A TOUT OK ENTRY. Mr. Pikk iMndaeed a MU auklBg t'ie City of Calal? in M iii.?* a jeirt of entry, which was read twiee and re? ferred to tlie < itmiii?"? M C'liirinTi"*. an i I'.iiT-iiot u roiiuov. Mr. win?' | roeeated ? potltioa, (-11:1*11 (M4 loaf, from th? euleena or Ma DI Mel a eMay thal eight boen he iL'.'iHH'm? a 1'giil ti Ik S ?uni. Al .a J [a. 111. llu) lion-"' udjiurned. _^^_^^^^^^^^^^^ I'rom >? it-4)Hean?. NEW Olil.l'.As- M":i'!:i* April'.. IBM TI10 Grand .lury luvt iOTMtifated the luto I 11?? ii-"i!. itioii o! 1'ipt. Ilrnmiier, and the tii'tioii of th*i coroner ? jury la hit.111/ the maa? ins encape?. They 1 >ndema Conner Yieeer for i tiliu?; M> peat the MM and Ooe. Will? for iiiteiferinnr. The adair created 00 Beldara Mil eM?eaaent, Ka.irr M.iii!.?* a.i? u. 11 t-.-l?brated here. Nnmerous ?.rrett-e bare bren made 111 connection with t!.?* r- !? b.ry of li - Sou'!, ra KSMOMM BMBM of f .". 000; !"lt the rolilmr ha? not y?'t lu ?? a dieoorered? The pidice odii-er?: have hOM al I. -'"I for false Imprisonment. A Baaed ol ? ammiaaiMen is ??itiuf. to eoaeldertha " AacewM ttotot," keeleaiag ? reraeM and ope^img the Mia-iaaippi iH-ean pisses. The8#f lay ia f ?rw ?r?i Ibreacheal Louisiana. Tho aaa*eaaaeoraeroM are promieiaa. ami preparatieM : r aro iiii.v.-. Ihn opper rivers aro BaadadL c >ttm io oeariag dewe freely. Ii"t tk kaanwded ?ith cmiirrmUtoMevico. Cutt "ii laarkil ?ii ? -ruin -.1, ?al?s today, ei? bale?; . 1.770 lal??, unka?, low Middini?"* at laGr.lTc. B o h - ?? a in '-, sa M ??f fullv fair at I It ? ! l|. Gold, lil. Btor?Bff i'v Lui ?-i*, l.i.j. New York checks, t du co'.i.t. It? la.Lts uuulirred. -a? liriali in g I'p ol Ihr Ire ia iii?* Inumbie Hirer. Al ?, ?ia Me . Mu",! m, April 2, li??;. Tholoo hi the Kennebee Biter oorawaiioed brea?laeapyeaterde] aadmiag out. The river Mill heopm far narigalee ihortry. --? I'roiu ll-liinion*. lie iiM'.ni., Maial.iv, April 2, I86B, The ?Su,t.,. m Fair ???r tlio niel of drainai" poupM .1 li? "?-Uli o|i-:.i'1 to-uigtil al t tie Maryland liiatitule The liriliu.i l?-i.?rli irowd.-d. in? coiieiiioi? Mg/niolaeeaytaayo auj eoatty. ?.nil. nf n lloalon Artist. Hn-roN. Monday. April-'. 1-?? ChoolM Haidinf, Um w. H-I?iidmh portrait fi.mtrr, i!i"d lav>t Marat nt til" PrOMOBl EMM Bla| ut pa??itiay waa a iK?rirait of G?u. Sherman, vil.i.ii he lett BMUMhed. ??-? A I ol?? it ?it Kf?|"'l. PniLii n.i ?IA. M i.dav. aVpri! - Tin-Tri-?.? Club li.'l.l i -;.a? ml iiieetiDK thin ?Hmwom ii. raapeel lolheaMMoryoftheb?a waa H. P i. Im . ;? .: ? I BBMMfeial Kditor of Th- .'? .,'-. ^?t'rii-us. Appropriate reiolutiou? wera adopted. Au inarki ?ere iiisdr by .lohn al) Watson. Stuphuld N. Winslow. John Hell mi oth"r^. ll.c t-nrial mil oceut Ut-mort???. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "imiiiemeni? tilla Errnlng. IC-D-MTOfMI III Iiii.ia.n tirrai-IlruiiMori ?AALLACK% tttbAVi 1-IHMI ni.. MIMI. TIIKATI li ?as T-MB OeiBBy KIBI.D'S <i\Il1-gS?An .Maoi?i? Mitciiill i? l.irrta ii a air out. uintku iiAiiiiUN-Mi ?i.i Mn Hiaarr***nniM lui Lax? ? or Kill?JUUt?Al I Io* k ti Satai v.. Li i y RUSHTON'! :.a-.u-_<)it._ TBKATBB?TattlAOl \ ALKNTI5 BBQADWA1 Till: tTLU-Jyii*? V "vuiit k* Ci te I u am.ii. v, '"T oh Tua ? BIMBI '?*? th? IIuahvh. WOOD1 THKATI R Mt? lieux? Wcitibx M H?vii Vnooi oi 'ina Bunam BAUM M1 Ml ?I UM?MeaMl t?r. laRAIL ?V iloirT? I???.non t PiiionTiK??Al:t n.oou tinl Kt?ii1.i? Foxis old Huu.iiv Tffg*iTBI. 'atti Aso Arno to ll>v I 1* TH? ii 11.1,. NTtW-TOU (MU I -?-IItiisv -!"?.rv.?T*lA?i Ava ilr? ?A-vir I'Ktiroimtae us?Jeaas Kobi.-smix. in? Ha?? Bt' a Um a. Iinv IS l S MI s *?| RI I R Tur PmMMMM flMaifl Crm.K.yii i nun UflBA COMM e?'csM-i at Uo.t MainK-I.? iKAVIATA*- na iICtiCI.Ni?T-. fTEINWAl S KOOMI?Mea TI m4 li Fait Utii it - i: Mmmfaeaieaa ?*eaia Mu a,, s. HaleMaMl The !Vew*YorU Mnui-Hielilr Trlbnne, Beady tins mtN-ing, c??!.tains: Nkwi r-l'liiili--'li ?Ijit. .N it.I. Nrwi (Voin Wmlungtrvn. N-w Ya-V V' * ' ?a i".?, iii" Mail? Mit?! tim Maut'ioni *-'?tr? lim lull t*'?t"t Knitiiiky. arid Trim, t???? ta?? \V*?trrii .St?:?-?, ti? I'.nfl.- ?.???? (lie Territurii? ; I'.? ?i ?i. I)?iii*??ii'. Mi?, ?-ilaiiv. )>..r?-l?ii N?ar?. XXMXtii i omntKn?Ti , fnanilnm "'? Mt inlay in Pah, Nhw Yoae I cuni?Tear-?AhatraMof tl.u fteopeHagm X . ? lay Weiattlty M I Tlmridiy. The Kksiai? I laa Baa Pi ar?. 1 be Sttmtlon. I ii? liitiT hen H- ?etiaav?Ar mt ot eli* Thl?-f. 1 na Pi?BB-BB? K? p-.e*. Inrni \ ariunt Parla of the lo Jib ; !. vul,i. ?t mi I II. t I...?..I ?>r-'?"liii?ii. Ina NiwJirikt aa.v?T ?hihip? lim A li'-ri of Mr. Herri. '1 us? o?m?e'Tici T 1lit Tlu.v-Th- Ljte-tt Returns up to ? h. m. Ihm lay. 1'iRiiiii.NTiit I'aorLA)IATlO!?-Tli'.' Itibetlllon ?ffl.ially P(clar?il to br it lu Tod. I'li-i."?? i M e ohk? ?i'o?i!'rv. k Mt I,lri.-oln'i P.'i'y tow nil Knirlrn I'.-wrr, , A ii- '.? Iil'i .* ?. li"Ui- He'.'i-I Hini???ry in r ?i,?.!? (ira I.?BOPBAJI, Tarli, and Kiurnice Tbk l Biojuiraor Tixai?How Thrjr wir?,!. Inn ArPAIkl?fii-r.lal I i rroapt.i.tii-iice ; Frarful P-intor lliritau of til, laly, M .rlrr lu OalTrat II Hld ltr..*?l? ni ti.? .MurJ?r?r- Atti k upon s Rutiirniiig B* ? ment: Tb? K?r. Mr. Wrlrh ?f Pliilul-lpiil?-, The Tri?? i'le?, I???pond?Iiiy ?! _?>??i Mm. Mrin o?Si? lil rnrro.pon.lrnc? from th? Capital ; A Mi ia..a A Mrx.ilii Difiiial A M Inn l', A Rotatii'-n! Moorv (It'tuu: Twrnty YesTa Awing th? In? di nu , I? -aim ? ri??? anti fJ.'hlen Khri?r?. Ki..? ?ali? ?mia- luti mitin,- Hi* til CorrMpoinlenr.?, (it. .1 il-.ii.tnf. W iH, i f ?..w i)|...iv?ri?i. il?i.I.h |.? ?I Miaiai. timm Kin-r Mil. t, A l?r.lli-.t .a.i.'ii.ta, Busid of Hrukrra. *??? iva? a*id I)Are,i?Ta)es?An r??ry U?y ?tory. Hy Mr? Oaakrll. ( h?pt. r I., I Sii ilr? Hamry'idorrow. CopT-iA? Hot??t?An I lu?trntlun <>f Is aie of th? Moit I' !? ; -?'I' ? l'a."." i "'. . l ii-ir l- 1 With W4"'?!i.- aLife. ' ?M I omTBT It'?_M?How Tliry ?r?- W? rk?d ?nd How Wars le Wastad; Bow U Heve deed Raada, nml How w, II.-?, Th? Wbolo By?i?'Oi ol Koidweiknn H? li. W."l. 1 niT'iaitia. Mm ?i i maori Itibs. I iititti Iraaa. l.ATBUT iiOMBmiC IBO KoRKlll? Mni'ti Tbk i at iio.ii?! MAaKBT ( I'-maui lAL Matt?iu-Ti.b Lil it ?nil Oiald Quota Han?. MmaiAiiii Ain Hiatus I AliTIRTIII ?LIT? lui Skmi-W krklv TRint'NK. iDiitain-? all the Editorial urti.l,., mt Merely l??ca! in character, Uterarj Beriewaaad Art CriUeiamii LMtera from ??ur l.irx-e ?-oil,? of eorreap? ! ali Forel_*a aad Bo ?? ?t.- l.i tt'Ta. Bpialal ?ad A-?.? lili'tl l'ress T'- ??,-: t, lia iDieyatohMa] a _.?i : .1 and MMffiMl buU?uiaiy *-' Foreign and I>om,??tic Vewf, 3pi*AAUt tteporta ol | the 1'rooi'e.llacs of the Para, r? Clan .'? Ue American iMtitatei Talki about Fruit, an 1 oil ?r '.'.rticuiiural | and Agricultural Iuforin.itn?n. r-toik. lu tools. Cattle, I I-ry Goodi and lieneral Market Ke[w?rt?. whiVh ?re , iiiibliihod in Tun* Dam y Triiii-n?-. ThksuhWeum I ulm sa also gncs, ia the course of a taw three, or I vet the Latest and Beat I', mil ir ICorela by Ii vi ig suthors. The cost of these tina. If hoaght lil book form, would bo from nx U? eight dollars. If pur chased in the English M.igi/;;,??? from which they are i carefully select.??!, the cost woti'd be Ihre-? or four time? I Uial ?um. Nowhere aha can so much current intelli? gence and permanent literary -Batter be had ut a eba ip a rats na in 'Inn mimi-Wkikiy '1 mut ve. Th.?.? who be .-?" m ilie principles snd approve of th? ehaiaeter of flin Tribi ne i un increase its power and lallWiaB bj Joinisg with their neighbor? informing c1 ob? to sub? scribe for Thf Semi \v'?i-ki.. Kdition. It will in Unit wat be supplied to them at the lowest price for which such a paper cm be print. I. Parsoat r. siding in the city can Und no more valuanle Journal to ?end to their oountry friend?, l'rcs lire cent?. Mail subscribers, 1 copy 1 yesr?104 number??Mi ?copio?, 1 year, |7? 5 copies, or oier, foi each copy, |3. I Advert?.? ruant?.* IlooK-nEEPi*?T} Axi) Tenmaxsiiip secured at li iLF ritiCM at GOLOTJtiTH'ri Commercial Institute, No. iy> llroadwuy, for two dais only, April 2 and 3. Next term begins April 4, FlMEST READY-MADE ('LOTHlNn IX .IMBRICA. ?Gent?', Youttit Uki Children1?, all ijuito e?|ual to cus H'tn work. .Juat reci'iveit, na) ei??s latest stvb-s 1'n'iii h, Knglith and Scotch Good? for the I'uitom De parlment. Hu ka??' I?boh., So. hi Lafayette-place., and No. U4 Kourth-ave., U;?i?osite Cooper Union. '.1,'iV'i liri? kr* per hour, with only two-horso power, nro made by the ?? National," which is a clay teapariag machino, and the blicks taade by it will H.AMI THE TI ST I'K AU. Will 111 ?I AID Cl.I**iATK8. Abk\M Kt?-la, General Ageut, No. litf Broadway, NA'. - m Tur. ?-i-ii'.iylkiijL M?ti-ai, Coal Company Is no*- producing and shipping: from its own colliery lal Tina or coal Deny. Orrie**? No. M Yahd, No?. M3 and MS West Twenty-flfth-al, betweeo Seventh and Kighth-ares. (Trien to Stockholder?. |7 79 for full tun?, dclirered.) Seo advertibcraeut on K.ghth l'age. -? , at) UriaOLARS, Robber-1.-?The. opening of each window and door instnntlv telegraph? to yo ir room. Invisibly applied without damage. Sit vear?1 experj* erne withoiil 11 failure. K. No. IM liroadwa?. ?hioiHces ;\oticc?. .Brilliancy of Complexion id dc-tiralile iu u lady . ?lid for tin? pr?.erv?*.!on 01" it ECHSCTT I KalustOS ii gntranteed to be a moit powerful i'iii'lar?. Iuflinim?tlon from lunburn, sud the drynen eauied ?ay th? wind lud air, art remeJiati hy it? ipplicition. It ?oiitit th? ikin, and .1 ad mil,t y adapted for ?jeatl.TBeu'l <?... aller .:. 1 ? i:;?. 8. Id by drumirt?. ChilJrcu hiving Worms requin iuiiaeiliato tttcnlion, a. neglect of th? Iroubie of'-ii eauiei proloinred .ickneii. Brown > "Vsamrcot Coat its" ue ? ilrnpie remedy. ai?l wi'l d?itr?y ".Vurmi without inj iry ti the chiid. Bohl at 25 rerf. a liol by WUtt Dsslsn In Medirinei. Dyspepsia Laioh?. at Cathartics, leflM al 1 the olj ateraotypud renn-die?, hut ij.-cunibi to IIostit tbb'S IliTTths Tli? dl??i.e ran only be nye. .-J by a powerful 1 ff jit cf the itonitch and it? -?utility 01 jaci, ar.d that ?tf'irt th? y WW? be Maniatad to make, by a persistent ni? of tlii? I. ii-?i-til''.a? ve.rt .lo* tui,lo. Nothing ?1.? will do it, U?itbd State? Achhest I.nsiraj-cb Co. Of Syrien?.-, ti, T. casa eaoeraa. Two IIi'Xdbbd l'ii'i"?i.?n [lira in?. Ii 1 ? r?. t,i I i,l....t? o? ?'I kind.. A. A. HowLsrr, Pt?.Iden?. O. K. CotUTOcr?, Vi.*?Treal data? T I li. Ir ?r. li . -?-?ry P, w ?ni ii. ii 1 i at si. Osaaari Asunta IIB?. ?Bl I ..?????M.- ? (ha lien lavaaa 1 *? ???to?, Oasaiasi of New York. le Hull. IIOBATIO SkTMOI'S, I'llC.1, N V. Urara Kia-aaoBia. HuSal?, N. V. Ttir II. u. TMOBAI ?J ALViIBIj. Licit. 11 IV. of N V. I'tiTtD Stat?? AccininT Imc"ba.?ice ? ?irrirn No. 7.1 ItsoinwAT N. Y., In tlieCaiau Ti-uit Co'i.pdfiy lOttle?, ??'.V. Ilia lit or Miy next, wlia-n Ihey will occuyy tl.-u- (Mm No. 11 Wail ?t., now ociuplal by Krui, I? T. Walki-t k Bro. Jouk Sbbtills, No. lil Montgoniery iu, Jer.?y City, O?? ?ral A(?nt t a Immy l Ity, Hi.d? ?n < it jr. Hoboken and New ?ft, I?. B. CIA?Baw, AggH ta Oro kiyn, I 1). OH. ? in lbs Wall Hoi??, af Si ?th rirthit. sad I ni.?!. Agent! wiuted M a it yin'.-* Tatrnt Dom Luck? Koa II WH? asn Stoat?. Thst ctit'iT st eiram. i mm ntvK so ?rit!-..,? Kar WKi?iii o.*slt o.?? qt-AtiTta or au iri ?. ..,,-.? , . ii' ia Uroaowiy. New York, Hkwntmirt |M ni rassisni ir rhllisslshls Alao, Mu?lu . 1' t.ut rita, nil Pie f Bel**, Ni) DlSAPPOlNTMKST?N'KVKR FAII.S. "Itch" .??WITS?? Oi.vTMrMr ? le-te-' ??lull' Carss ia from II a 481 ?:?. "Tsttsr.* " llch ' - > * ? ? m I ( 'i?r?r-o- ?' Tetter. "lloh" l are? li,-hu - Pile, "Tsttsr.1 ?? It-li" .?tii.'t Kli.iim, "T?'ter* 1 Itrh Is . I livid. Rath, ? T?uer. " 1 eli ' a -kin I>i?e u?i, HTsttsr." I'r.'iMrnl on'T bv Or Sw tyar, h les I'lii ada?l|ibla. .?i ,.a ly Draaai KAa.*?m S? ? o . ?Na. 1.1 i'trk-raw, N. V. KiiMov il.?TuOMis BgTVOLM lias rt'iiiiivcil I'H'inal.t. to .Na. 11T Itllil.liil'. A V. ian 1 ni ti?, '?a ol \| r. ?vii" ire; -".I te ?xiiiiiit thsrs Us BfaiM la i'iiktitioi "f Fsr.vcM rani EataatsB .sikaw Hat?, Baavan iliiWKk? I rATUllUt, Utt.N.lBEMT?, ?.C. ?Vi?J cl.oito liBAIDI fur lilian' i,-t',i?r?. A Novel and Mkacitki i, Autklk POBOlV raaaaa iTaeaaa ? Ma i'at?*?t iusd kcrbsr NeckTib and llrrrsstLt raw bsba iitrodni-el to ti,? trade. FbsJ am ti? at, i'i! awl SStsMs, are BttJ i?leJ at oin:? without pi? limp, altvaya relaiu tht-lr ori_Uial ill.i in* and linter. SSd In ?tyle and ?pp^arnnc? aurp??? anv o'liei ite?crlp?ioii of tie now worn. Alaniitadiirad bl tim I cli'ANitr ? BAVAT lu, No. Ut Hroa.iwiy, N. Y.. a el sold by .lea .-!? BSBarsIly. S;:n?N'ii-H in;? Safes in large iiiiinl'?*r?, ?if mir own and othcrt1 tusk?, t tken in BSSbssas I r nut new pitrut Air? sad Pitt I?una I us?, fm ? dt i"?. MlKVIV Vin. M lit I 1.? I? i 1 HI ? I.e.tllUt.t., Phils. The \um ami LBO, bf It- Fkaxk I'ii-mkii, I.I.. I).?Tri? *' li??.?'1 fr?-? to ?al liera, and low to oflWr? and rtvillain. l,?n'?Ch?tu it it?, Pin?- . ?"'?r ni.. N. Y., IJiiramn it. Ilo.tnn. Avoid Ir.u.l llsal lim? n ?Sa ol hi. r-?lei.t? Kveiii[?hi.i.'sCart] D ipot, 308 BtotAwty, N. ? ?All the lit. it in 1 mott vle.'?nt?t?l?ii'flVvd linn nid \ itiiini Carat?, french Not? r?pi?i MonofTaBii, St di gUttrP ' - I Fort** dropa i'1'Mh'ic.i.LFh's Kiiki matic Kkm sdv BBS tain a? iinu-h virtu.? it d rty bottle? uf iiianv other medl'iii?i, and will inUantly eon? Nerv, a? llvadsche, Nt-ui?? get ka, Tiyit. Kor ?ale hy all Hiii??l,t.. I-iKAl'TIKlL LliE-I.IKK I'liTCRIM. rtrtet *? igt ?tte * ' BSB dui?n. Dniillfti?? ?2. ill n?|i lit, ? t.. ala-ie.1. It A I.BWII, No. lilli? OBtbllll It NY IUtchelor'i Hair Dy?.?The bout in the wci.t I'ltf?!-'., uitaral. reliable, i ?un ?it and in?tant?ne?u. n.?rTai?t 'IT.? f.uuai?!? SlsjBsi ?Viuux A. Mau asi...*. iftldby all Uruigiili. Kidory No. II Barclay it Tr!',s?,ks withoat atoe] "?flota to ?*haf??. Sup? porter? fi r th? th lomen, the uteru. and th? mu?, ol' tha- in ,-t ?? ; r ,??? i kind. All slsirUa ? i?lienioiy I, no1 i.-a, wholaiale uii4 retid it Or. SbsbWOOO'i, No. S4S Itrotdivay^_ Ter.-M, Elabtic Btockinos, Si'Spemsort SrproMTBBS, *, Mimrt k I'o.'i Rtdieal Cur? lina? I lib?? only al No. 1 \Wy .?. LaUy ?ll?udan?. \ViUS, TliUPKa**!, aildOtlNAUKNTALllAIR, tirtt i, i ay tUa I>yt and Dyeing at Va u h ti. m i l8 Hond-tt Tub ImproTed Klliptio lllovHng-Machinee.? A II ScriBB. Na. 5,1*1 Hr<.? Agent, wanted. TilK Kl.OREVCK ('??LI? MEH-iI, LOCK-?TIT? II 9SW1HU Maciiius, with l?ver.lble feed. No MJ Brot)w?y. New York. ~7TrOVRB A llAKEB'S Ill(ilil-..?T l'ltl.Mll M ! i ??ti. Stitcs iBWaa Machisbs. tor la?Hy ni?. No. 4M Hrnadwty. Howl Sbwino Mach i s ? Company.?Elias IluW? Ja PlSS?BBl, No ?i-*J llraailwty. A,?u,t? wtntvJ 1M Pit??1, ni. 1 on? S,i reu MAiiiixKfltor'l ml Maasfsetsrsra ?itowa 1 B?Ra Hswim? Hacbims i osptST Na aa Broadway. Whus.ii a u'li.i.i.Ni Lock Stih .i Bbwixq MacSI?'. lud Liria.Mlal.1 Ma.U.?Iii, INv- '?t>> I?! -Adwjav. ' V?ldTABLfl AMI C 'NVK.VIE.VT. ?" DSOW>'.<<} ? Bru.'V? , Tu)'aal 'ire widely kimwn at an tduiinhh i" "i? 1er Biot.ciiliu, Hoarieiieii, Cou?h?, and ollie? ti-. In of'I.? Tliriit m?! Lu*?. Ti t-y Sr-> o? jr?.t ?.'., :'i.r ti.? prrr. o? a? foi which th.-y are el-ii^ne-l, while the? ,i, iiiusl'y tal pleaiaX'.ly efScacloui. they c tal?ii no huitfil ia iredi-iit?, b it ui?y al *d tim?, be ui_i wf'h perfect nfe?y ?[Bo.ton Reeortler. Tub New Bnora Imi Of Hat.?-K vox. with l.i, a, .?' pro'iipti.t?.! .lu it?uedli!i ne? ?tyla of dom '. a.-a, Hat?, which ?. u o Am: t arl to the inteti?? delight ol li i?-i?. and the gri'iflcation of the ezi'orv-oeed tai ikilitW maa .r'actirnr. whotr iileiruouit mw art at Nj 151 Furto? it , two d ?ort timn Briilwjy an J No 5.(3 Rro?dw?y. -_ ? ? I DIKD. BASS-On ?Mond.r. April 2, Ruth (.arden, a'J..'.t daughter of Um Ker, J. 0. B.i?. The frl?' di ?rd a<'?iualr.taocei of th* faud'v ir? larked to at tei.d her funeral ?rrtlr?, at No. 41 Dehu.bave.. BroaklyB, on Wedaetdiy iinarr.i:'.. the 4th ioit., at le ocl ck. B.'RROl'OHS-Oti "?imlay evening April I, 8?r?h, widow of John Bi?rr.air?ln, in ti ? Nth ?mi of her a|e. The i" ?tlvri and fri -ud? if the Dually are in?lted t. attenl lier fuiienl. from her 1st? reiijeure, Newtown, I, I, o? W Mboi Ii}'. Apti! 4. st 2 p. ni. BREATH-On Oontm ?vening. April I, A le,In?, widow ii .lola lireith. in ia? Hill jeir o'ht-r i.r. The relative! ard fti-n I? of tlie faim.y are Invited lo ?Ueod bel : i -i i frim h?!r 1st? redden?*!-, No. Lil Weil Votu ti-cnth it., on ?ue-dty a(t"rnoou, Agtt 3 a? H o'clock. rilfTTi Ob Theielaj. M_aah 9 atnmntitm M the imu,, Edward ? tiiry -A Richfield Spriugi. Otiego Co., N. Y. ?tri ti. jeir?. CII lill li?On Mon tay, Apr! J, Henry lt., only ?on of Leonard II. ind Sarah ii. Qiurrh, i--l J yuin TI.HrH?tivr. ?udfii n!? of The fatally are Invited to t't-o?! the fur.eri!, from the of hil fit her. No. * Weet Twenty-ieventli-*!., on \\?.tiir?day April I, at 1 p. in. it : arthur tn?it.-.ton. The ren ?In? will be taken to Mau?:ord, Ct., fur interment. COON?Ol Monliy morning, April 2, Beiiey Coon, wife of ( amelia? Coon in the 4Ttii yeir of I,.t age. 1 ' tin ?? wttl takepla--? ?therreiidener?. No. it KoartB ???? , on ,T le ?day at a?) o'clot-k p. in. Tin, rel it!??? ?nd t^ndi of the fdiiuly are reipectfully invited to ittend. Oa ? a - ? I tv morning ti.? reuiiiui will b? taken to Columbia Co. Mr intrrni'-iit. QALSBY-Oa Saturday, March 31, Ade?ae Pliyfe, dtu|bter of Henry M. an! the 1st? Agnei A Dalley, aged 8 year?, t uioiitha and I. day?. Tlie rrlntikeavnl Maadi of th? faiaily tie reap? et fully invitad '' i*t-i 1th. thia TuetdsT. St Inn., at t oVIock p. , from th? of her fa.I.e.. No. it to e?t Twelfth HAIOIIT-Orj Si i tiy mornlr.2, April 1 it hu reiiiao r ia 1- :? ? 1 Wet'cl eit-r Co.. N. V.. MIm Anti..? Hit|ht. ia the ?31 year of her ty,. HoWE-OuMord'y. April 2, Cbarlet Burt Howe. e?o , MM ii yr?r? The relitlvei and friendi are invited ti ?ttend lil? tunetal. from Hie Churrh of th? Holy Communion, coriki of BUth are. a.d Twetr.ieth ?t., un Wednesday, the 4tb ion.. M I o'e.ack. LYNUI-On Si.urdiy. March U. Eleanor, widow ef Eli?? Ly:.cli m ti,,. 2d y,..r of her ?a?. The . ii.?, j. trill take pia a al her late reiidene? in Pltinfi .11. N. Y., on, April J. ?. l -,, . i p. au R' ?HMDUK- un itia?m, March 31, at Hempsteed, B-iijvuiti hu?! :a ?re ?(rd ti y?.i ?. The ft a? . ml friendi of the fimily are Inrtted to ?ttend hit funeral from hu late reildeia-e. tau Tnitday April I. n 1| o'?Jock, ind at the Meliiudi.t Epltcopei Cbnreh M I o'clock. _'\'AN-Oii Sat.rdiy ev.uin<, March 31, VYH, Benjimin L. ?Jw ? in the T '" a year ol hil ige. Ii!? friend?, and tluie of bli finally ?re invite. te ?'tend bil y funeral at hi? lau reaideiioe So..29 L .'?yette pi?*-? oa I .-? lay 3d iu.t., a'. 4 o'clock p. m . out further nottoa. v A II.-Ar Pl.kiriti-ld. .V. J.. In the triumph of faith, OB Moa d?y, April 3, "t diiesM of the heart ?utan I... wife of Strpliru V?i>, ?ged N ye?n indi diyi. TI.? fnneral wal take place on Wednesday. April 4. U 11 u'rl.? k _ in , ?t the FneuJi Meeting llou?e In FlatnleiX The friendi und Iciiitin-.-arr? ire invited. Michiaan, Tait?, K . ae.ter (N. Y.), and Canada papan pl?aee I'opy. VAN AN"1*>VERP-Iu Brooklyn, oa Sunday. April 1, Pbllif ii. Van Au'kierp. eldeit BM of the late loka t Va? Antwerp of that city. TI.e rali'iv.i and friendi of the fan.lly are invitad to atlaad tie f.neral, .in Turtiay the 3.1 lint., it 3 p ni., from the rr.Hrnr-e of lil? brotheriu-lsiv, Mr. A. T. Lawreno?, He. II i Sc?ermeri.jni it. WAHI)-On Saturday ?venln?-. Msrch 11 it Mi r??ide_>e, No. 8 Bond at.. John Wa 1. ?.?.. in th? ?IDth year of bil tp? Hit friendi. aud thiie of the fsrl y. ?re reipectfuily Invited to attend hil ( S* Ihar?Wl Chureb, on Tuendly, Apul J, ?t 2 o'-lock p. m-, without lurther nottoa. u : 1.'.??'-.-? i . Moodiy, April 2. Kllzibetb B Wllln, io tM Tal year ol 1 <-r ti?, ?t the leixtence of her lon-in-law, H. Beni e No. HI Siitl. tv- m* . The frlendt and relitiva? of the ?Keaied ir? Invitad to ?tt^nd th? ; ? " i icrvicei, on Tuetdiy. Apul J, at 9 u'aloek ia ll.e !...: a | Special -sotices. WnrkliiBim-n*? I olen. nrtANI) Ele.lir Hoi ii MASs MEET-NO TI.- v..'?.,.....?. t'u' .. ef V... V .r. wttl b ?Id a Onad MtiiMi"'*.l ? ?t I'QUii-spurecn'lHI HSDAY EVENUIO. April i, at 1 o'clock, in fur.iiarauc? of the Ki?*ht Hour M.vij itaeiit. Kuiinent ipeikeri tri..' ?J Ir-ti th" Merting. The Worktiig.nen of New Tork Brook.yr. and /*rtey City tie cordially ia? ?Uni to partioipate in the d"?nti/ JOHN REID, 1're.iJaa.t IV? F LmTB, S?*r?tat? Prl'-.-i Ureally Uednced AT F? B. BALDWIN 8 CLOTHING LSTAI3LISIIMENT. THE LAR3E3T IN THE CITY KM 70 AND 7'd BOWERY, AM) WHERE THE t*RH*E9 ARK REOVLATEO DAIL? BY THE l-'ALL Ol' OOLO AND OOODS. SPRING OVERCOATS, DRESS AND BLHINESS SL'ITS, 01? new good? ia i ?ia-Iii? Stylet, for Men *. Youth's and Bey^ wear, not i.rptiisi in thii city u to mike, ?tylo aad prie??. ri.f i 'ni* )i.*i It * -ia ?nd Kurntilun? Department not aqualod Sitisia.'tion eivtn or the mo: ?y reiuraod in all eau*?. F. B. BALDWIN. No? Ti indT? Bowery, near Caeai Itemoval. WM. UALK.jr.. Lira WM. OAlii: ... SON, SILVERSMITHS, No -IST BROADWAY, cor. Broon e ?t . New York, whl r. ii. ? 1?: I M?> tarni',, in/i/ to No. bOO BROADWAY Mt-rvpo'.itan Hotel. f wbil? th?* prrinitea Ko. Uti i al ?ir I BROADWAY M-tropol.t-u Hotel Iwbl n will km r*j.iy ii. July) are betnj priparel tor peraiaceut oc :upaiu*y._ Tr.ii and t.rui>.'-? lues. PARSONS L Co., Ftusaiao. N. V., ? )ffer Fruit m i Jrrtamantal TREES and Sil ill' a?, iootatiniC Rot?, UrapvS-Vlnei, RI:odod?tidron., and two hundrod vari? tie? of .?Everireeni._ lli'iilneaa and Ula? Bara?*? I rum tbe Har Kadl rally Carel, by th? uie of the intentad Vafetable i-xtr?tit 0TIT1SK. Price. ? I 30 a bottle. For ia!e by all Dru^ ?te. WEEKS _ POTrER. Dr g?|i?t?. No. I?) Wi.hlu/jWa ?t. Ila.tin, Wlio.eaal? A??rl?. __??_?_ H.-.-lie's Kllrhen Knrig.?. The moit eonipe-t? C" '????I Appara'.ui lu a??. They iro durable, efoaonilcal lo lb? ??"-.'Ptl'-n offne!, ?i.d ?ra? e lu tai Hid?, put upir.d wirrintel by JAKES, voto l.m, KI RTL ANO k Co. (tata Ji c.< Itrpnlrin? pmnipt'y don? I.ii? Fixture? ! ' ! The t ? -i a of the I' ? I.- ind of tiuyar? (enartdly U la ?itsd t?, our cal. nair? ?' k ol I'llANDEL1ERS, BRACKETS. fcO.. of every ityle ?ni palte?u, couipritiug uauy beautiful ?leilnni ruliiely i?.w. ARCHER i PANCOAST. Mud iiii:lory and U'irero-ioi?. Su. ?>. 11. ?nd 13 Merom-a*. (lit? Jamb? Brasa I? Co ), i ' i. ll'i'l- i ??au- mi Y. iri.tta. Hld Kvr? M??lr New, 'ItliOiit Spei-tii-let, l> a-' >r o? Meit. lu?. Pamphlet mil ad fr?e. A.i l:-? E. B FOOTE. M. ?., No. 1.1? brjadway. NOW Y'.rl._ Cmoatott omi Cmrm too the RuutBred.?s?*? Mm A.ldir?! E. A yOOTJ, M.D.No. l.IJa Broadwty.N??-kot_L ~*Crin?.?Ho?' *l ma1 t? uutu pretenttJ .?.io, Caaa? *n4 Cure KS fr*? Adfr?ii E. B. FOOTE, ?L D.. No. LIM Hr.?adw?v. Naw-York. _______??_?___ ~?l7dlee? tonin?en Heaai^?* WA Mt III ira tiini. e 1 SI Sent by lu. II .v -ryvviirre. LI<***_1^ *f*S" Tthlei lent free. Addrei? th? Auteur, _? ? EOOFE. M. D^ N?. LIJO Broadway, New _ork. _._ -i ? Com iltatl ?ni trea. daily. ft?m I e ? MtM M. InraitaTB it a diitairice may consult by lattar.___-??____????_ I nt .tiltia? Trat ellna Cb-li- ob W beela. Forlnaiil ii dur ,.?". eU:o *iV PATEN i'l ANTr'HINO HOK-iLS, nr In ?ad oat doon. gilt" - . ? . - , _, ?; Nt'H-kl- HY SWlS'ltrl n?>v Tender. ?1 I Hoy.' Vi-I. ?VI to .\ ???>??? ? ' V.ABRIAOEII. . . It , a.. t lloraea ror ?ale by toe manu M r r I \\ BM ill M J- tai \\ i Hi n ??, ~t i..ih.'?**?*i rlai-'i-a ?'?'il!i !*.*'.-.. I by th? BA11 ET W ? .lil*? ? AND vs [I Mll.NJ MAii-V?M ?OMlAb? !U Hit Ut.?!-?. ?^?-?? tua.