Newspaper Page Text
EUROPE. ; Foin bays lateb news. The En?li?h P^fcrm Bill. Bepcrted Arriv J of Head-Center Stephens in Paris. Cri?ie' a Condition of the Relations Between iMbrla and Pinssia. .--M Conference cn tbe Bancbian Trin cipalitics. The rcw 1 r City of foi . <'?- t. Kennciii ?hieh !? I) L.k? rj ? il I t, Mara un the i-M ".? arni-? ivre ti hour ou Mnndaf Mernlnf, bringt-! An iajt Atm jicwi. 'Il,? Watt i .1 * !? .'.-. ? .aimer BietlM* left I? ter ?ol fir Ncki-Veirk Mii.:i!:iiii?i'ii-l> withtheCM) ti I lin*.. 1 i.t LI ney ial m the mm -mi' vi. _.- m Creal Brimin. THE RlFOltM PUL. In tbe Boom of CommoD?, on tin li. E ?AroaTeDor eave notice that ob tbe iBioftbe Kef.trm lull be ?bonM bkiti tM tailor inn Blue ?"I'i.ik* ia tbe optai.?I tbla Hob? it to ad exp?di?e! to ?H?<-_.-? the I'll nntil Ihe Heaoo baa befor? it I . ?I Ike r?-? r. ?. it itlon ? : the ! ?Su \v. ii .:? ice that he ahonkl arrara nn _i!i!.""!iii ii ? tbe ? lol which ia to pre tren., t linn ed - til proel on M made ft* the ted? ii. ? tata. . TkcLo\ti?, T,' i aaja that Lord Bta the aiiie'i..In.'.i?t af I'ni G*maT?MMHr, md II lor it ia?' rapport ol the moil tboegblfa! mea among tM inil' l? aient Uitaal" r? .'I lu'li r-l.l'? "I ' ? B Ximi, bo ? ? ? bet Mr Mhanie of reform. Tit Morning fiubeliern Lord Creeeveiit.tV an.. I. l.a'l.t Will ja ' \ I till* nle'Rth I'll.? e'f Ibf Mr 7"if _<u. , ?ti - and T'., liar ?ce in the* movement, in nlilion- us it ir, Botbiaft ibort ?>i op| oaition io a n form toe??iire, and tin i it-mark upm. tim f.nt thal ti.e* I I te mrkiitikts ?k ?I nu; iirt.K- u ihr? et nepi! ive mill BO MMtanre th?dr atrenfth on the laeettoa m raiMahilBg nee iled. THE TEN'ANS. A telcpram fruir PaUM. dated ni?.-lit <?f t!.> Tit Loiii'vu Daily /'.'-.'U,...'.. ??..te? e-n good autbontj tbat Meiaa" ?. *..*? l. rum Center, had ju>t ?t rive-el ?u Vin - The Iriah i- . i reM ?till vigilant]; employed tai lo-?lein??. iifitT inaj ? inn? i'i"i l?a Peal arrest? we*re- :c i/aftt.-il IB Dahlia M the* -*?ith. all the? j'e-r?n:.i? Ming BtrHiia.-.'rf. S.'V..-a! tit) a itii Bl ft I ' ad Jur; II bail waited anon ti I rd Lieutenant toexprt npproval of t'? idopted ty the Qtrrt for the ?ui??ire??i"ii e?f IVniaiiisui. ? ?bring attempt al Maaaatailauon ia reported from the town ??f Ttpptirery. A constabulary patrol WM lired ut. ti-el ??ne iH'lie'rixaii narrowly aaeapeo iK-atb. ? ? Fraucr. The CtmSottMMM m the Dannbi in TV Me? bold it* aeaeal in?-eti?ig al Paria on ti." 19th ?lan!:. In tbe Corps Legiolatll on the iHOth. M. Mait?*I ai.l M. ?Brune iDeule* ?;--. i ..- i xplaining the amendment rela? tive to the Praai lawn ne/Mefeeed MMMtltote the jnrisdietion et ?!:?? oreiinury tnt**?aa_ ft>r IM nelmu. MtratiTfc ?jttein ut pre-ae'iit ia fea M T?' BMendmeal waa oppoiod by toe fin tar bimbi Ccn lbe Commute?* on tM AddrBM Md a m reje pt? el ht l? M6.^ veite?-. After. ttorui ai-t-coL?*!?, the estire addreaa Waa adopted In ,-01 agalla! ia vm< ?. Tbe depitutioi) nii|H)iule*il to i-ii'Seiit th?* Address to the Emperor would be received bj iii? Hajaatj m Um The I'aria Boiirsp ?.-u tie Mi ? as rrtci r una llentl * advanced to ?-f. 17e. ? Au.irin _nd Praool?. A "Vienna telegram of UM I9lb stater? thal ??IMaira.tiMM trf a reaaanrtng character bad bmx ra eieireelfrom Berlin by tl.e Aur-trian lloviri.iae it. MO that the apprehensions of war ?Ktw<*eu IM t- ?> Peweei had been therelty reroovefl. It is lurther stated that tbe Gaatein Convention will he adber?*d to. The "Vienna journiiU ?tate that it ia tl.e intention o Auntria to ?ubuiit the? |iie?Tie?ii ?it ti??.* Uuel.icl lo ti.? <_e?Uion of the German AMA It wa? rnniored *hnt lion. Mnnteuffel wa? ihort'y ox r:ted in Vienna with aii'tterfrom tLeK^g eil Pi -- tbe Einferor ol Au*-!: 11. The Brnzila. The maila ha?l rcachoel Liiboo, tvitli Rio ?luto? lo Feb.'?.'.j. A battle had lu en fetjght without i!e-e:*?\?' reaolt at Pa?o de la 1'atria. between the Artreutnic aud Farafrn.tyan armie?. Both ?ide? anManied he-nry lone?. Admiral Sa*namli*n hud joined the Urnzillan .-'luail von, whieb had been lriereueil to 15 reeeela. Coffee wai ejuote? at 7,200i_)7,4W rei?, for gond f.xstr. "Bbipmeuti ?ince las! tiinil, -J.-M) ba?8. Stock, 115,IA>U **Mjrx. Exchange,'J'.? .'-'. Bauia. Iel?. .:-<.?KxtbADfte, -'ii?..*-'' Sugar Brown, ltWKI2,_Kn roi?, Wbiu-. S CW9-.000 rei?. Pbksakbico. Mnnli ).?Kxihange Jll?-J'.',. Sugars ?Whitea, JietJurcii; Brown?, l.eWreii. Newa by the Tripoli. The eitra Ciiunrd BtoMMTTripoli Jelt Iai\.*r ptml ou the ?lilli far t\i., jr.rt. The foliowiog ia u coa oeaiied aommary of her ath a ?-?? UKI.AT UKI I AIN. In tbe Home of (. minnon? the Irish Attorner General ?denied that tbe Lorel Lieutenant had ?tate?! that ha an? Cebended a Fenian inraaion. Senral lanlowcer? d applied for pcrniisilon to ann and drill tMlrten notry, nut Uoven.meiit ref?n-il it? conaent, per iaetly able to afford fiery protection. In eiew of the lit-?, evidence from Jamaica, 7'.r Tta?-.! ii compelled to udtuit I hut frightful and nnjuati Cable creel tie? w. re commttte?d, and that there' waa au ?bule of power beyoud all excuse or palliation. PKA5CR. The Parie l'airit denle? that the Fietich Got Moment baa cooieiitcei to extend tl?c period of the extradition treaty ?it*. Knglaud. In the Corpa I^gulati", the oineudment to the nd Um* In favor of an extension of Hhafllw had been ntrongi.v debuted, ?! apeakon ?lemanding increaaed liberty for the jiublltr, the prea? at?d the Chamber. Iii? amendment wait rej^ teal by j,iC ti. i . AISK.I.. AND P?I?-.IA. Tbe German jouriiHle eontinneel to MftMaM 'be reit tiona of Austria and i'ruuia na very threatotimf;. The/ ?rea uierted that Aaatrta bad ord? red Uie wwimblii ir ofim..i)?u troop?? on the Bebra?aa frontier^and ti it abe bud ?ent a ciicular note to the Power? ducltiming adl renooiwibil!#y for the consequence? of ai,vtoutl;ct which may ariae. lit Lvndan Tint? direct! attention to the critical ?Ute of ?.ffalri. It ?sy? Biimark hu thrown off bia ?Mik and the iiu.Mer are to he annexed to Praisla. Proparationa fur war ure progreaging on li->th ?.?le)_. in both 1'aplul? military councils are Leid. g.liera., tiomi nated and plan? of oampaign diecuucd. Tbe fund? were depreiaed lu various Krtropean mar net? by the di.ijni?ti:-g ramors. WATM, The Rtietiiah Goreruneat bad railed tie state of aiege in -hew Caatlle. ITA1T. Ihe PruMiao MAAmmln had quitted Romi. I?CDIA. MOMH?r, March 1 :. -? ?.tton advancing, shipment? fur the fortnight 7o.i??i. Kxehantre, *_ ?j Cauitia, Matea ?---lark.t? ?Mail/. Exchange, LaMt. _. _ LivLitpooi, March 81. 1MB, The Pott a&vti that it han r?-as??n to believe that the telegraphic new? ta the effect that aMM ?Sun? day d.'Oloratiou.?! of u reateurlng charticter bare been recen ed from berlin by tbe Auatrian Goreni'ueiit, and that te' apineheuiloTM ?,f w,r between the great Ger man Power? hare boen tuer, bv lemovod, are totally in -correct. Tnc r-lat..?!?? ?etweon tbe f.xo power."con? tinue on tbe oontrai.i lo lie Tun critical aLtVLa&roou Mare!? tt-f. u ihe r-teim-!,!') Hera tun, from IfewTork ?arrive ! at rv?iit:!.'.iii|? on tlie BIM in?t. A ?learner Mppoaad to lue the Hdii-burgh, from Kew jork. pana?d Crooki.ave.i tbii fore-Mn. The p??lit ? ?1 ii?w? i i .I iy is '.ntDipiiit int. ThaBocoutit? of th?. relutiou? between Auntria uni Tre-iiaart, conffictini.' ?jexile!:?', i enandMhWMMldhariataM. lion to day f..r _) ** a. ?t'?"?"ierri?| J ni, lligrnr?. Lovnci* Monky Makkkt A llfllMy Mm rr?_j>'I t.V Si ?. r , , . ??., ?p, ?, ?, , , , my ti, winna ,.?,?. ,[,.,? ti,.,,,,,,., ??j th- ..t n?at?J by Uta ??ead J? ?? r*| .. ,n . ?I ti..- J, tot Stork Dia tee-t CaRpMJ ? ?ai?", ?t the .Iok. Uw.Ttr, tLoinori lu -i rab'a j LI Ililli rrata ft ? taj eaassd ? Mgbt improvement, a,..i ? na? I? < Io?ed al m%mt? . . , ______ m__ Ti. .' ?. I foi dir?.? i wis com? ' "?? " ''???? rbt ..... L Ami ?-? u:."ti,.x. l.v?. f_Tl ,-, irkft on tit u l ' ' ...iluoi.g wustesdy st last wash's "\'uritn.,'r"'* ?:?'?'?' WtheoSm Sssh k ?o. and BJ ?!, ,-i ,-,.... C' ?o -I KI.lill Bd *?: 1:.; , , ..., -, b ,t .| iut.lio.,1 um UnieJ. \\ int-M Red i" et m <? yr'-i ntl. Cora fa_ss sad la tait -?u-'l, M ??? I .'? I ? ? I toTI 10f?| ? . n (12'aiid. Aliiya i Co. rail* Brun? ?. ., , ., ? . ? pt- ?inn a ?lind* .".ier. l*0'k Urdve?**, ??nu4alsoatS i, uer. 1 - '"n'ii'ne. Tuliow m mod . . lodil Ililli I'lOOC? I ?' ?!'?'.?Mu] '?.rl'otlht 3.1 ? I??? . i . i ? . bat stead?. I? i'--*"1 "'' ' .(,.?'.. t Spirit? ot I uri? nlini tina, ' ? : I ;? i" . J. ??.?? , I . ?,, 1 . nilli ni ?' ??-- ? i? i '? ?'' **? ?,i ? ? ii I fi.tnuN Maurbti ? Kkmvi Is) biri Heady. ??I? at <inii nttard ? tan bro . i , ...,,., st and easier. sir detaa?I at fall ratea TBlfawIrM M BJ'?*--?? sa ? ?t-TBBT. _ . _ I ivKtirnoi.. Mari li .J?r m ( , .-., pri?es w? ki inq ry auiall; ludlul i.? 8 io .pse? . . i ,. m.-. I'll Util Ati-T' IK- ,'?'1'1' , . ,,.,:.,,,,. .,-,.. '.. titii'jt Uri i?ia?!? timk? O' ti. ! minn a ?tra? V laid lim bl iBo?nsne? j latram Mtreh ti-p i , . - ? ? liv ??'? ti"?. i . ? :r Ah itei '?". I.rn- ShafSt, -''''I'- ? i ?? ui?_??a??aaa? Il A VOUS OFIIt'E. HeaalMB al ttn Bieaei Cleawfaei c-iim-i? ? ionira I'cininti uti Htion trout binara? It row 11, D< toe A Kuupp. Vi ??i n'iiy alitiii'ini, iii *? u'ilin!?, tin- St.n ' ,.t ia it. *_ajor*a Ollie?-, Mayat lim i ma*?' ia the e-etr. After i ' "-1 Sa "' the mrei-t-t ii . ?etori tbeCommit k?era ad i?mrii? '1 until '?? ' lo -'! :? ? '), ih? Bern, j oh? l. iliirrMA.i. CAairasss ?J Cn Stn, t , i .??ni Wal ???' - ti " ireeasldeiatloB the 1 w ? | ?el ' BtelfereB ? ? Besrd ti BaaMh, .ter?. i mu ?? -i ?? i:. ard "f llei.tli iiiui I ? tivt y ??<:? In (la. ... ! IOS C u" I emile i lil lit In va; i Bl ? 'it li ' tia Bal , . .?r r? . .. oin ptrt. Of Ihe ?ction lo prevent n? from i ned 3 w. bats been ordered to i I ?i? ? '?'??? I It I . ? ?V at I te, for the r? ? I ? . be - 'I foi ti log m p irposri i? ii :t i ,1 ie .?eil ni,ii n.;i-, ,, ii :.t.y var , i'i tiiel I,. ? i? iii fa t di t -. y .- nt, to tali m H bal foi y.-nr. been farnlthatd, are Hot ht thii asi - ??',.?, ?'!? d ' rereiv? It. ?1,11 l-l.,| yi ??? '??.'id At | a ?? ? ?? DPOB tai- d Itupi J : ? Id .1 ' ? 1 ? -i ItJ i. I IT? reipt thii provl tnct canut'! be Inlerfei lb by I s Bi rdoi Health, Idm ? le so en ted rt< ??" i . li ? i 1 ho i I . I I" ? | - Ity, Snd ia ? Im? sat? b1 tr pel ??' w< I ibei Webst l ?? -lie. in all ria , i a hud l! I , ; . ! ' ? of IBS Pi? -I ?t. nt o' i ?sires i mindi, t ibesndaway etea If we bed I billi , ladassnisd IS do ?r?. sad I ' '-'Ut ? arl ?sawers srrested for ths ?.-.- ef the liquid a ?keil...- ? ? . . .-.-.. v.? i. n found tasssttSS pretty 8 I - I Ha ?u. ? ?... ti. n Otts ? ' > ? r -. i . . i-ino ie wt- alt ?alutu J ti ? It is hi.|.... b ?' IS 'lu io. e ?e?r, and fiom the ncmai.t ti,.' weather ??.'.?. .vilig I I li S ?lilt '-in ti .?????????? ? hrr?e?, | work, ?ml a bal I ws bats dune yea raalsdgs itirnt'..- ? ? ?-.: give be , OH-. Ti ' ? ' ' ' ? -. : ? ?.'? ?tia. li I? ! . . ;.e lulu re i ti.-!,-ne Bar?a the meath el March we ? tt ! i ver I'?' I. i? tt 'I ??! , linier thai ord ? ? /??>! i ?r'. ? h ..? wsn f? 'r? ? > ny u?e.l M the Mteeti rbltli ?nore (? ? -.? ?< ida, (I i was atti 1 ta?' n fr nu the cite li.fore duri Ig IBS laii.'li ?>! Math Al Itbls is esclu.lve of the mai r< lUi"1 ?' I M ? , ''.'?'?; ? !,c i xv i',, uni . ? i . i...... \., t ;- tud . I Um hlliua in ?? th.- loo-, ? i Iw.a.t? lir?i ?t . Ihirty f. Bitb ?t and I-t-rtv alatli ?t . Nortb River, lol the ?wo ?wba .a.on.? Maieli ti, ,n?t., we t?,?k t? H.a. ????">)? dun,..In. ?rouliol anil lourd? ?boot 4? ,( ?? load, i 1 iii ??- . rbije ?i 1 nunora I., j ? ? -.. w .. i mi :,.>? s forra of MS Ish rer? ?nd I? n , ,r... betid?? foremen, , ? I ndi i.t? ha We h?Te ?mployed that fan ? ?IssdOy, ?i..-r whsa ths weither ?ti-.-11 tP?I lit Onrsi r wett dai.y. wsi st ? dry, sad BMke fu time U. ).. . h sod sad .1 oat can ! I mern at pat dsy ; oui .moren we | ?y el H pst day. i u.i expenses foi the in, nth ii Marsh a? h.gii ii ? ' g1 2ib t-tv ' ,y fal ?ash d..)'i ?aork. Osrpayi i? sad espsaoea far i rrt-ii.t r-.t and i??rfnnnlii( ' j the wen of ?treet-els?ing f ootC f March Bl for UM live n.ek? COS?If .? TI w.ll I I I ?Jil,.-,,!??!. Which 1? more hy 8>M,eM li B Wl I. e.r. '.im the etty ii..! m if ne enila?easly ?v. uaed si aetdsla|sai work ae.ioiiln.i to i iiiir i t. Iron, ?he lime we ?ere ?hie to ? ai . nee wi rk. we hate worn?.] de? w.-l nifiit m.d Imve ?] BaBhSr iabsr 8ST >-i pSBSS our ?ole ulm bein.- lOfSl Hie 'aij (- ?-?.r.-.l na . ,? ? ? I t roughly ISpOi ble and we are ?allifiel tint the .ity iTirt'ly wss Beret 'lean ?rut li.i. ?eaaou of the year thin ii i- ,l ISM | r-?)nt time The prii lpt1 l ?>? ?flOB I b r..1'l...h ?t Um BttStal t n,e in .o.-ne rillt? if tlie i ity erlaet Iron, lbs f u I thii the liol.-,I ,,l Health have ssdarsd pssals M skssa sse saUan yaid? sad ?thes plaee?. mniiT ot * ti li hive aot basa el?i i iii tor ? mini hero! yea:., ?nd ?lie i-ipeine 1 ths IS?OTSlaf i,l!i r any part of thia, wei otead aoght aot to hs ssddlsd aasa ? Per say sas to set aloii? >*ith the ?vork al or.i.-red it will le nsiSSSSIJ III (Ti.vide ? le.tlitr i.t?? ,. ..u the Kirai Wird, with two I,otid?, BBS lui a.he? und MS f-r ile, SSMhsstd rai?ed sii-1 put in it font of Laisht-Si i i S BSttBSStd I . 1 ;. e SSSSS : "tie iti?e,J ?nd r. ]?tired it (jan lev, i Ti it. . Hie new board and the .lip dredin-d out at tool of '1 m etty list St, B, R. TI.? fat the tait named 1. already mule. AhjVe ivaentv hr.t ?1. It MS it BS hoard SB UM i 88th ?ide. We have diapoted i four mtiliial, l,y lUfag in fat?. Hie tim? t. 'wai dime by Hie , ity before we took th? contract. On the eft ?ide it ttiii bo iiece.tary lo provide on* new lu.trd at II lilli ?I. and re|,ait the tis k SSM BBS new hoard Bl each of ths duaipi al foot of l?iiteeiitli?t., i ?v.-nly tlilr.i ?t. sad Thirty-third .i., P.. Ii . sad H will retjaira new pia, el to get rid ol ths u afritl all the wiy i p tie, on hotii aide., before tlieie order, i in he i inied out. We MStt tlill" i? y i?a:t your in??r,ct?r ni in ref. re BBS to iBSSSaMRan a? t what we ?htill do .unca ruing them. i . ?i re?|i Chiall] yu ... ?. .. i I,,ia? IlKVOB it I ?111 lit? kit I? OF AI.UlltULX. ?t oril.-ai. ia be *iVide??ed -The City **Iar?. kels, A r., Ac. The Itoard of Aldcniicn ir.i-t at 2 o'clm k y. m.. yesterdny, the President, Juin Hkki, en ?, in the chair. AUlermHD (''.van niTeri?(] a r?-??ilutlon nutliori/ing the Couiisel ao tee Carperatioa la take Ike aaeaaean leaal mcisure? to (?,*eii Worth st. fi oui tin? torn? r of -amir a: ,1 I'ntk-sts.. to ChatBBM-at, li'ifa-n?-ii ti. t!,e Ciiin,!!,tteo uri f-'lreit-, Al.lertnaii IIKILI.1 ii.'li-rt'il a raBBtatfaa ?uthori/inK the Coutrolier te nlvuriii- foralooatioa fur a Station li? ? ie f"r lie 'I '.'.i-.iv ali "i i'i' cihct Pottee. Jl-iirred to the Coni tint (en ou Kejisirs uud Isiip pnne l'ernii?iion hy rennution wa? ??rsutoil to tin? " Steam ?taoa-4 i.tier ( iiuipaiiy, to !???! their fMoae4 haaaeli-g maihiue in Broadway. betWOM < hBMhara and Wairm ?t?., on tho work of grooung th? Ilnss pivemont; tho Ceeaeaay le beer tee exi^nn. of the e-paaiaaeai A id sr MBB L 'KW offeiod ih?t followmi: I Wherein It hi? bssa cuireilly t, t, rtt 1 ?hit ?u tllSSBBl will as sssds lo rsMets ths pabHc i ,?iket?. the Utls la which ii | in ti a Mnvor, AIJi l_?n au! I'ommii.tlty of the I .ty of Now. York, from tha lower |*art of the city, and lo dlveit the (or | poretion of New Yola of ali couirol over inttket piopeity , | l?Aer?,i?. By the ?ncleul chuten of the i'ity of New-York liie ri/lt t. hulJ aud k?ep ihe vtiioui market pla?ai io an i city wit granted to li.? Miyr.r A denne;, and ? otiunnnilty of tlie? .ty ol aNew lork toiether a It li tie power to ?ttalilith srsai ?nd app-iin? new maiketi thraughout the ( ity of N-w' York; thel-fre. heit ? ** Hn.ttti I it the t'oi.tnel I . ih? ( orporatio!. he and Le it hereby dire.ted to confer wllh the CotitTeUaf ?I the City of New-York re.a'ne to the propoaed cliat.get oi ui.rket .ile. and of the ?awi ? iverning market? tad Hut he he empowered to lake tuch iuet. ire. t. -my be deemed lie a.tary lo upholu ti.? ( ity o? New Vork in ihe fn.l and abioliate control uf lu mliket property Whii-ii rai adopted 'ilia Street Co.uiiiis.tioiiei, in answer to a resolution of i?.-i,it j, ?eat in a coniuiutiicstinii, statin?; that the fordham suit Moirimtaa Kuilroad ?'omiisnv appesr to ha?e tim liifht to iiiii their mrs ovi-r Hanem Bridaa hu? lisio i., rifht whstever to u??> the stre?-is on tin? ?ni?? of the bridge, lietel red to the ?'ouimittou on I Coa'li?. A oosanaaleatioa ?va? roi?elri*d from tl.e Bnjrd of (;.-. r. ra of the "Nov-Teet Stat? Weaaea'a Boaad? taJ,'* at-itiiaij; forth lhal their building for hoipital pur i? now in the course of '?n?ctioii, ami n th?? (.ou mon council n tcind the resolution herttofun? arUmtod d muting to this ?-aocirtv lanl OB which to erect nu tins' nita), tt will luvolre loss, n-.t onlv to the inntitutiuii m i.iototue puitlie, Befarred lo the Coaueitteeea Lund. ? Awe!oil'tiou Wft, ?'?"l'teil mcroasing tho salarr of A. W. Craven, H,iKlm..r la Chief lu lue Croton Ile par! men t. froai t ? 0-ni in ?". *, -i. A nioi'iiiunvn? adopted donating I.*.,1!? to the So? ir *? at* Bl. \ ?in mt .ie f',,.1. *w Bj n-Miintioi!. theatres? Ceaae?aaleaea was directed !"t ?I^IC??t 6:il"e L^ud*^ H? Mi r-ouli. The -..ard then sdjooj-ned. PKAC'E. I'roe Iitmi'.tiou by the Pre?idrnt. Wutm .ty? Uanda?, April-. IV Till. 1 ikl.Sll'l-NT (,y T11K INIltl) ITATW, A rr?ni LAMATIOX. WHEFJ25A8, by pcoeblMtioa on Ihr. ' ni i? jiMcciatb ol April, one thou.'.nd ei.'l-t l-.'-d toi. and sixty-one, UM l'ut-idcnt of tLe I'nited Ham, in virtue of the power vcicd in him by tbe Con atifition und the !aw?, d?ilnied tUt t!.e l.v.vs of the Untied Hatea veraeppieea, ?ud the execution thereof obstrue !???!. m M States of ?South Carolina, Georgia, Alali.iia.i, !!e..ila, M.>?i?slir, fiM-itMMAATottO, ! y itai.i iii?.!.?'ii too powerful to be MpfN-Mdlffttl oriliuary course of judicial [ loeceding?, or 11 tbe JMM> IT? ?'? '1 ii? tlio mar ?.ni- l?y let ; a:-?'. 91mm, Bj :?r.iaiLtr jirei? lainatinn mi tl.e Six i. ...t'i t'.i.v ti Angaatia Ike bmm y ?r. ia pursuance M m nat el Cengreaa apyrered Jiiiy thirteenth, on?? I liiiiielrcd BLd siXtvoi.e, the Inhabitant! , ?.- , . . -....t!. Ca'oiia.i, VirKiiila, Nort!? Carolina. ; Haba Lot ii ?-??? i ft tot -rta ?? V: -?;._.[.;. ,.:.l lit.:..!?. ex. cj.: _M ir.l. li.ltants of that partoil iheStaM of Virgin?i i.ini* west oit'" _A (.ia.av Monatata-. and le Mel etiei peru ? f thal Btala ina! tl.e ? !' BtatM 1 ? Alt MM * M Mlghl niaintniu ft lo/al na!.?'M.m te Ce da", tai the ConatHntioa, n Might Iii-lii'tii tiu.e totnao oi'cui'.ed nii'i i Iheteeea o? the United BtatM mjapd li IM AA ] Tsioit ? ? iMnrfMtn W?WI AU I ire?! to 11 li a ?tate of -n-'.r: ? ? . i tiie United M ?tee, and Winton, BjiMlharfirtilamaHrrtu t*M_nte_] n .;..-, ? . . , ..?-I.! li.;.ilie-l n*:el sixty-two, lnued l-l i'iiiMiiti.ti'of nil ntl of CeagMM ai'i'ri'Vi'l J'.n.e ?wreath, la the mom y .: ti-' iMWieett ? ' ?,:' ? i ii to li- stn! -datlag in the S'nte?. ifores.ia! vita the eif.'ptiou of irrtiiiii s'cii.itd counties lu the St ?to of Virginia] and J*''.. ,t.:.?, By timt!.er* pro? lah.'?'.inn, gui? M.'? la] if A; i.l. ia.'.' tl.eusand eight t.i.ii'ln d and lixty.thnt*. in pVMMM ef tl.f ?lil of< ?Inly tiii?ee lilli, i in I.." .?'-, :-' !.. 1 1 ?lid sixty H! . , t(.i- . s. i | ' I ia I'-' I I'll 'a!: .-. BOl Al goat -_iteenth, ont the land light handr? iMdalxty? . ?I ti.?' l .!:::' .t u.t- ?ii ti?; BtatM of i Simili l'fir'-liiin. North l'."ti?l::.a I'.ainewee. Al banu, L - ina, lena, Aifcat-M *,: ..... :arty-eight tiaMliM ol ?Vlrglala deeigaeted m Weat V-fiala, ni I I of Ken ? Kej Ifeet, PMABejal ted ? .?. s " l'ar? lii.'i VIM ilia?Jli I ?? in a stnte of 1I.SU! net lull AgHiirst tl.e' l'li.te.1 S!.?|. a; i.l,?I. Htttria? Thl lions, el Ile; r.-t.i.tatiiea on the Ml day of J?.!*. irOl, u r? tatt? I ia IM veordif?1 i .n lag; v In : Pen Uni. I'v the BM I 'f B IfMMtatlfM 0? the Con-nreM "f lie Halted Butai the pn - at depl? r "*??'.' Ihe I Stat DOW in :?? .: .in am.? the Capital ; that in ti ' ' ., : i ..., ? ,, ret only ita dety to t . .i? ? not a rt la BBj ?pirit ' : t any purpose of coi ! -'ii.| pi.tiu r the parpo* ... ? ? ita ' I " all Bl d Igl M of th? ? ir..i,-.| . ..?*., mob ?- ? i ixe ?e ?had the nar oegl t le e I A'-.d ali?a?. tLe Sfl.ete _[ !'" I : .*? ' Bl I . d..y if Ju.y.l- i. k..i_i.?-a . ?,/. .,...: 1 1 ' - " ? : -* '' -.I ' . ; Goveram? i * ai ?I Inarmi I ti.i? nu' odb! emergency i ? ? ? * < ti! 1? I i't ? ,r i .:! t ki J ?, r i ??: - . ? i f??r it" I .., ? . . glitt or eil,' " ? ' ? ?? '.? I? ?' r-r -' ?-- ' ?.?-"???-1 ?" I law? Badi ia'?- iboroui, .?mt !.. preeervo ii??' j Colon with all the ?lipiiitk. i.,ni,..iy mal r ghi? ..I ti.? ?nuil hint?, ntiluii'.?!'''!. thal ??? ?.h.i? ??. .?.?.?? ?I? Jecto are accomplished the war ooght !?? ?> ??? A'aiu i."i ?t. 1 li-- **..! r ' :. ? ..*, fart:, ireinbatMl i... ? regl :>!' ?! i- II .' ? . ? ' ? ? I . *e. ..'i i. I gress up?':, t'.?* talye 11" "el.?... ti kf.i?*'-. at.d h'Ar,,,,. Vi nv j r-" li.i.iiti-'i -' .... nfJuL?' last. ti. Btal : 1 MBM wa? ia 'eland te?hara ' ? i - .,. : rity of tM ' ? 1 Slate? there in to he nadlBMted, ? j United State? ofl.iers as bad been daly io::.:. I to be in ti.o aadiapnted nataaM el thal functioi.?, tai Witton lhere new exitt? liixytn ,/ed armeil tOtMA I ance of iii!t"(.'u'i'led tit.zen? or it! ? ? .loriiy ti i the United ?M-ttes la the Mate? of l.-a-r?.'.?. South Caro ? lina, Virginia, Sw.ih <ir>.!nii, 'Iii.-,.- ! .na, Miii.i-slppi ;:. 1 Hondo, and UM i luws tun be sustained enfur. ? d tLi-mn by the ?jr"i"r oik ii anti?' ritt Slat?- m V -l-ra,'. and tai* j- ..?u ! if ti.'Hiid States ure will alni luvit?v il,.; M d, nial haie conforni'-d or will lemfuriii t!ie,r !i*g!?lalioti to lie condition 'f affair? Kr' w.t y out ?-f tt.eomer.dnieiit to the i'onilltntion of the l'hited Stn*? n pMhlMtteg Slav? ery within tLe limita aLd JuriiUlction of the l'uitul Stale's ; and ilhtrta?, lu view of tl.e b?fero rtcl'.cJ promises, It ti the maiiifea-t determination of tho American people tbnt no State of it? own will ha? il.?* right or (?ower to go out of, or separate itself from, or be separated fr??ni the Auiencun I'nion, and that, t!.. re fare, each Sttitf ougl-t to remain and couititute au integral part of tl.e Liai'.ed States, and. VkamaBj Tkefeefla of the u-reral before-mentioned Statei Lan- in the manner aforesuhl given lat?fhctory endent? that they acquiesce in this sovereign and im? portant r-rolutinn of the National unity ? ant!, H'heria?. It is believed to be a fund .mental principle if Government tt.nt pceijlewho have rerolteel and who I.ave been overcome and subdued mun either be dealt with so ?is to Induce them voluntarily to Isecome friends, or fin* they must bo held by abeoluto military power, or ?levustated, ho as to prevent them from ever again doing harm hi enemies; whirh lust named pollry u atihorrent to humanity and freedom; and Wlurea?, The Constitution of the United Stitts pro vnlei for i'jiistltutioiial communillei ouly ai Stat??, and not as territorio?, depcmleucie?, provinte?, or pro tectoratei; and Hherta?. Such conititueut State? muit nece?sarlly be, and li.? tho Couatitution and Law? of tu United State? aro, made <*joal and placed on a like footing as to political rights, immunities, dlguty oui power with which tiny are united; and Whtrta?, Tho observance of political equality bi a principio of tight and Juitioe ii well calculated to en courage the people ot tho Statei tee be and be? come moro and moro constant and persevering lu their renewed allegiunco; and R'htrcttt, Standing armlei, military occupai Ion, mar tial law, military tribunals, and the suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeai oorpui, aie, iu time of peace, ilang?*re.ui to public liberty, incompatible with ihe individual rlgliti of the cltiaem, contrary to the geuiuiandipiritofourfre? Institution .. and exhaust? ive of tho national leiouroes, andougul not. therefore, to be sanctioned or allowed, except lu eales o? aotual necessity for repelling hivoiion or lappreuing Insur? rection or rebellion; and, menai. The p ?Hey of the Government of the Uiiitol States, from the beginning of the insurrection to its oveithrow and linal suppression, Its been lu ion formlly with the principles hereto set forth aud etiumer ated; Therefore I, Akdbi.w Joiiksom, President of the United Statei, do hereby pn-oliilui and eJe.-Ure that the iniurreotiou which heretofore exlsteel in t!??-States of Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Xeaaeeme, AlalMM Louisiana, Arkansas, Mian??i;,|,i nn.l 1 larlle i.? at an en?l, au?l hemef.jrtli M bl )? 1,'aiiU'ii. lu toitiuiony wliereof I have hereunto set my md caused tl.e s?ul of Hie Unite?. Sut".? tu !,? aUii-d. Done at the City of tVaihington, the im-ond day of April, ?n the 'tar of otif Lori) ouo tavu?___i eight buud-1 n* and sixty-six. and of the imler "tuleate cf the United States if Auiirica the DiLetirth. ANDKKW JOHNSON. 1 v Mt Incident. fU AM li. BlWAI I'. ; I :l '.-TT if i-t.'itc. -Tlie ?Vi*?** Recorder's t hur.? lo l-l Grand Jnry. Tin April ii ,111 ni the CoBlt of fiencra? Se. sions log-in y??tcr?li?.v when the lion Jihn K. Hackett recently ( Iel tit Ki-iord-r of the CB**, bj the Hoard of Supervisors, m | !ac- ??f Judge Huffman, rctigncd, took MeaaaaaB- tee frei time on this eeeeaaas* beeaBt*? i nil hi- alert? to ti a tirand Jury Whtih aro to sene durinir tin' ti mi. , , (.?NTLSilss np ni?. OnAlt) Irar: It hen mci my duty to ii?ti. i ?ed chtrts vu i? t.. tli" 11'ig aioi.? ??Inh you hat? iftumed ?ud, m ?J In .on lo eharga y? n nore particularly witii ra li'ieOaio to Var.out tiki.if?, SS dei lui ed tu ht- by the law. of ihi? Stale. lain that te mott Sf yoi.r tun. ber the dillie?, tr it? and rea| snifbllltlai of (inn.I Juror? 88S ka is 8 sad sp pteeisted In my opinion, bo gi .ver reipoo.lbllily ae bl um i lid te , "iii.-.ied ..?.mi fern 'I tkeii m res srs Bsm tue freut body el sor ?Hissas- with )aalom< .,, ,r ul 11 t "ih? ?tala upon whom ha? dstolted the r? -r r .election, jo i been reg.riled arnot,? ti ? i,.. -t ?sithj le sit sad pttoouuts jud meat np.,u the sllstjsd s! : ?.ae? ?,? sa ? bs Ittsd la ye ree? IA I i Y,.or anti?? !. .? snero i?. ?h..'i d ei,i,-t tittil you a meit faithful sod lions di?, hame. With fSSB body re.t? Ihe oh'?t.'i'ii " 11? i ? ? i tiiil ?11 ofleiuhri sfsissllBt peses dignity rind well-being si ?he Its? wUnta tni? nu? ... -.,:,r inen,mi partieulsrly sdotlnMsnd bl hud !?y y a r'-i? ? titi 1? snd ?. vari If tahes ? d ,,, perly con??< ?d ? : t ?al d ,-.y anjolni ,.. n y.,,, end I ?',.i b I tr i.t IBM If daly shssrtsd la yesi ?..,'.. . : ... i,, t n 'eie.t- oi ii..? i o?an, .u.-y . i, , . i,-, i, u I ti. ii bo i??;'??? ? ? ? ol _v i ' -.-. u ? - : a leuce .r C'lyoai MISW*cB?SB8 will BS ?i.Ke.l Spot V", At ti ??titie 1 ?tn that I ihstJd 1 ?rticltrly call ? .r a?-, ilion le ,."V il-i't?, with lbs ?tceptionol tho?e Wbil li ! I? - ii'"" O'1' '."-' P? I Bp : ? Tlie It-srued ii t-AU ?ey hat prep?ad a llMsssl ?taste sated by bim s " Brief foi Oi id Jurors, irait, d eoptesof ? ? . , . ii , : r ,. 'I l.i? I ri. f wnl . ill the ii.-i. u ?* ."n ss ts the se ops. dst** sad rsspsa .it.ii'i. ? m i h teil .j b yen In year ladivid??1 et| rilli m OtaadJaron ? ! peil ? ?, t..?a I eaa, ?t thi. time, ?x ? ?? ild I . m .| ? .'? v . ia? .1 I i'li?r.-e yea to lii'i lir vi iii is ol tb? :?.??? ? ' Henel sad again?! tho ..nitw -, Dg r tia le., m a li' I i, ... ?ire ?LU? m.)-?ii'iti? m ? fii? ? vi Btoftasattsf th. .i,., i,i ? ? ? i v. ? relerei s to a s\ I, nui .ire li -o i: y fioisl obi af i??v hy publie officer? In ni reclvlng f?e? to which they stsbM ? . w. ;..: .(le: )?? eotawlttsd la tlslslisa sf say | reVI-l .- ' ? ?!??!? .- ? e ? . I,. i . ,,re .i?., ?,i ?Binni : ? totea? "i tie iel .. . .- ,- ? ' .. .li- ol lllt"Xl ' ill ? ! I .. , ,, ? r ? ' ' ' ? : ! ? ' fthS "t t" pul. I.t 'I .... ?? ????..?. ;reni, | t IO pi" ? i ? ? ? ii Dtiak Ion tay statten ed ling I . ii ,nie.| ???? y .inI vi:. ? ...I-, deni, withlo tbi r . , . . ti whl u, .? -. . . , ? v .;. I > ' i j ??? tile J r allen! , ormedbytrb? '? n ? .1 M.'it ?" UUffBsy ?St If I'.e dalle? I .? ? ... ? . u si t.. youl ? , i. . : .1 i rn? ? r- Ired beyond i fortnight. Ii.: pariod u.ey b<- ? i', i will now ?nie? ? ? ? ...?iineil ? . Pi ??? I ,0 ttie ?e'ect, li . ? re . : y? .r t ?rk, S lg the ?el i.e.! k" | tag alii- ? li , ' I I . ..i.?. C" ? ' !.. - lo ,.[- ?...11 ,. . : ? tw? ? tbeli Ubi uf 111 il.d ? ? I twelte tali tuen there 1? sl_S| y ni I lie? oi 1 . I ? | lo (B4 * ' ' ? i . ? . ? ? . i . ? . BStitt i.l? hu.d ?1 ?? lurb whes M , ? pi??' ! I lo 111 ( r li you ?hali ? . i : ?-. . ? I sgalatt a p ra...-. !.,t ? f. 1 i y i ? a. :.'.. !? t ts my SWS Bali] - I.arge, el Iba U Hi i ill ? ? m, ?ion. ti e pen ? All it? ?el ? sf w11 ? . I . ? : I li .?ii rt ? > . ? t . : . I thal of aa oleo?, .... ? i ? ? ? , ?. ? ? . ? | wal ? i ,i, u . ,i ?? ? ii pt petit .: mott ?i i? ysa weale] ha I ?.?....i. du? a . . .... ovii .,? : ? itlaia tin- T*"??**. to . , : . i . . TB? ..?.....?,. ?....?aa.,,11?> "f Inni.ern. r . Malo, with ?li. Wl ??!,...ill.: ?a lid ) ''?-*'? . ? : a '??>?? ry ?Ballon with I ,'??>..?? '?.-?? v. i i bl their i : . -?aiga ut Bcttea :o?ird ths Bl ? 111llalli it,oil ol cr,ma. I JIM? ... ?? r ?' ... I of OUI /.-l a Ii i.i? hern la. tgbll > s I ? t li | ? wl ' "i I a :. < rle?, ai.d ?wira wbahavi i.-e; . Bellas I .-. , .... ,.. j UB> ni.!. hy ti . i , ? , aeashl rest sad ta il.te I ii, .!? a to ?I:.( | ? ? . a ;. : . . , I ? ? ptly li win al J ?? u hy i ii- i ? ?-? i, i -t, ?. .in..? : tteuted is ths Court .. ? I ? : er tied ? i ? ? r nilli .1 by ) dltaa-lly lead to thwart and euibirr?.. Ihe ?ti .? | I, . f I .?',,. . ? Stl?MI S . y M-ek? to lads? i. ,- ,, m i :? ,, to in inJii-iiii, ni fa<rs ... : i." u, r la coi . ast ??? B of ths lir u..I J srJ -: I it n . i . I eli -.?. .: , geof ?.. . mini ?? |Si li?, I Bal i '. up.', It e .1 pity .li ?. ir pte.el ! tilth n, setMS ? t, th? law?, ?.l-nia-. md ?Mir,?, .a ? ,: . . I la r. ., .e.t ti i- ? ti , ead - ' i ? r, . ii ? I?partlsllly sud I sp d . . ? ? nding I i cb Mali ?,u Ile lu. .. Ida-t youIMll??! tt the (utrjlili? of Um laws ?? .1..) ti,, ri. i.t. ,f ??? ,i ie,:,,?? eMtsei ?. md i ouul ure filly Is pt, a. ri, Ih '?? a> a ?my ,.r B1 STOS SBBsBl ? ? ; ?li ?i, "na- ?,. ladoes yea te omit \ r> , . ? ?ir? ' tin ie ka .?n ..r presad :,? pss . sad ss ? said . r .l.oi.a ....-lit la ii'lu Byes t,, MS tiona charge : iheie u i.,,i , i, : I ' , ;,?: lu it. t.ulh. 'lo ??y i Ml i t ? I -"t iWBSsiH B tislattaf yur dutV < Veie.okllll oil. II??-, It? ttlecl Wl ! I- lo rtalt?l hie 1 lil ? ti the law eon,,,,, i, ,(. I al the end? sf ,i,i?II- ?? a- .1 la? ? i. lal the a ilh'.rily of ?oven i,.ei,t a_d istToda ?Marri ??ni violence. HaatPy I j MS lion IBfouadsd M lestisai l"li der you Iti.trnu.ei.t. .1 BMSSSSil I Truth Well Bl tint law iuiptitli: y J ., igbl I . he yo.r ptSSSBl .no ami y r? ..t A. your office i? but temporary, and you will i ion ile.i-.nd fr. at u aad tBaatt la tia nsmi rsal sf r IiImbi ii! Uti ?teal met repoli, et ajej hMftSM upai ysa I by your .,'!.?, 1.1.-.-, yosr dsly i.l ? ur ?ah. ti ysawstsld u I ysarssltss he satas ths abject of s fslss st ? ti ?, l.iac?. A. jo! Wo ,ld lint hive an Injury 4* Bl? vi.BT!eitel pin Willi mi| nilly, a itler no . leii.e a'tiii.t the 'aw., and any ul your feliow-clliiei.i. lo pail without 1 .?? BMSSSaSSSM PethSM lo a,e y,, ir ptSSSBl t?Vs ?? in itiltnirnen! of malice lo youl enemiet, or a? a ??hitiaol u?"t Is ) i ir finn,!., lui lil your d.-litaeration. be .olely intrded by truth ?nd I na, and may youl rouduct ni 11,1? lemuoiaiy ottico be io. li ?? lu I? a luude and riaiu| le tu thu.e t? bo uiay .U'need lu li. di. dial'e. lleiillrmeii, you wi ! How prSBBSd t" ?he OranJ Jury i,"an. ?nd p?o. Bed io ih.laarfasasaass uf th* da?M atnguri to you Ihe (Jrand Jury then retired to their room to com mi'ii'.i? the din heirn of their duth? li Is oOMaosod ss follows I hen It. I rocker, fortunan, 1 haodors M Barara, ONtar H. P. Braal John .1. Hr?d!i?v Walter Carier, Wasbintrtiin I- CoofMr, Kathaaial ?, Bilis SauiiK-1 Knut, Willi,unC Howell, BethaafelA. Knapp Het.ry Lily. Willlum l.tiioh, Leopulil LithaBST Ann,? M. I.?on. .losepli Qpatlptl, gOHtmi It'evo. William Kaaeaee, Aim ? ii. Trowbridfa. Caraeliea Veakera. A fit?.- Ihe delivery St* UM KeeonlorV rharge. .lohn (lull aas lirnu?'!it lu the bar and Bloodad ggmlt y ud liurglsrj- lu the third dt-t;re?t. 11? was MatSaMBd toll I Stute 1'riiou tor tun year? snd six months. Billiards. InON 8 i'i Ki'BEIITli'.? HAIHBBB. To th* l.d.t ,e of Th* S. Y. tribune. SIR: My ??r.?-,-..?.it..-ii I,, pi iv n?. standard ?am.?? of Kngltud, Pr?uce and A?eric? with ?ny min In Ih.? wai J, hat, I i-e by your jouruii of Mirth JT, been in.were.l l,v Mi Knheiti, the Mug i.h chtuipiou. who ii uuw teuipaiall'y to jaiifiiiiig lu thii cuiiLtiy. At Hie general public may not aa ?' ?jiii?el wi!h the meriti either of niy propoittlou or Mr Holxiil?. tu.wei. I would like to ?Ute, in Juttice lu ?-.teir. that Ih? r.ogli.h rliiiupum . a.:ceptince li nut what, at hut g .ne?, it wuiild?ppe?r lo be to any bu1 an el pet len el I i iar I player. Ina', ad ul taking up the three pBBBB, 88 tint a dan nile idea of (li? lelative ablitUi uf Kugliih ?ud Amen - m piayei. mty be aiuved at, hu pr .putei bi b? tiyi. lo u: -pt r I of them -ih? Kngli.h ?tin? md Hit Ainerlo-i. li. re?i(y.4niw?ver, he a?oept?bit on?, I ,r li? ttlpulate. Hut the ' Ameiirali ' .lull he pi?, - I without the puih iii it. Ti,ii n aal tit kmattan pnp ?? ??ery hMBard piiyer ? .*, ? luJeed. .u i?.e .. i: t j bil tin, tint bi.t tara MB li mat ti? hive erer been pliyed hy fir.? .lui American pit yera, it it u ,1 hie y ttiit Mi. BshStM em ? nura? th? lit a ?a .-?I- - iruly at Amerlcin pltyer?, whleh ?ceo ant? lu hi. ?iililng ia ifeiiil tit '' puih." ?t u not |? be taffSSSd Hut ?Milli Ml ,u? 1? efle, lite at tho Ion.? .i.i.o gpottrnti " ?put bil ',' t. Ml llobeit. tud llii.refole, It wiuilj teeni to be bit lum ?hont ????re I to ?aepsaa t .| aee ali "p'iyiiu al tea ir"t." ?id ev-iy itli-r it. h ,f p> kel,,,, hals Ir.uilh? gauM I ti.ill p.-,ip...e no'lui ' nf the kind I wl I pi iy th?. ti na ililli.? a. Ih-y ?r? |li>.o| iy h. ir ie?|,e li.? psSflM malloy, sai i..? h a i.iiai.u in ih? ?ixe ut halls sad atast? sod salst| mt UBS v? i'iih of Ihe pm kri? proportioiitl.y willi ill? in ,. n,.,| dimeter ol'the I'. a ? n.rr l ?? va iii have au idvii.t ?-?? . ?? ??:. Mr. BekaHa alea atip?base e parBaaBa I u. i?- of table. Should he even cul.lent lo pluy (he three J lluiidatil .?me, I ?ii? I not play , U,,! |,l,.r, lie, au?- | am I not i?'uui?i willi lu tlftuei, and Mi. BolieiU ii, um iL?i. 11 a-k him to pliy upen the tibie with which 1 Hal all other Ainerioan playtn are faimliir. Thoa|h 1 have a preference, I sin nut a bl bird table B.anufartnrer, neither ii he. There fi re, my J ropetititrn it, we put the rainei of all the maker? of billi?'tl-talale-s ?n a box, tbak?- Hu ia ay, ,.ad draw i,ne fium the man, alni Mt that BMhM ' rrtie'i the IhtM ijbie-i aeeeewey. if IhaM Mum ?ie agier'ii.e, i Mall ka pleated to play .Mr. Ri hi rt? fur gl,it)t) a ?id? esch game, In accordance with the lire&dy pal' laln-d. Youri truly, JollFR DioB. MhMMI, t". I , March W, lUH. OTT ?MEW"!. RELIGIONS, OLD AM!? NEW.?Re V. (.'. B. Smyth lectutes on subject iu (.linton Ball, on Wednesday (tomonow) evening. Bool TitAi'H Sales.?The tbg?Mt Spring traelo Balo of book", sterectyio platci, Ac, will tom mence this morning at 'J o'? look. The catalogue, 171 pages, embraces the largest quantity e?f books ever iiir.r.'il to the tindo at any Spr'ng lale. Tl.e fir ?t ?lays . ila will ??pan with the invoice of 1). Appleton A Co., wliitb occupies 17 puges of the catalogue; ii.Vr t!ns tl.e invf.icesof A. K. I.oring, T. 0. II. P. B HI li Mb and J. K. Tilton ?V C<?. ? ? boston. Messrs. 'lilton i < o. )? nu not contributed to the sa!? i for MMOyoaiB, but they now eonie out with alarie find valuable in kuai-, ami evidently, -talki ?,'i'iiit. ties they have put in, mean to cm mirage' bli)us. '11 li ?ill !><? lollowetl by the' Invoices of Jumei Miller, and lluuceA Huntington, N'kv.Vork; Walker, Fuller & Co., ami QtOtm A Your g of r.Dston. Several small lists come next, u! en tho days' work will close with the sale of MtM I,'"" C itliolle prayer book?, loiiliilmted by 1). A J. BadttW ?V Co., und I'. (?'Shea, New-York, li." Maand dais' -ali* will coiniiitnie with tlio list eif Messrs. '1.elinor ?t l*i.l.!s. P.t'I.I.'S Hk u?, Mmtl.iy. April "i.? With I mp ply of \J9A killoe?e to Ike yarto te igj. tad mmIel and estlii.ate?l, .'?.? M for Um wee., mt aro not surprised to?eeprii''S lee!?M 1<*. f V tpM the bael ?nil ljc ?pM a-I I am i'r-i?!????, M?h trade growing ila., aft. i ?MB, alt hoi- 1.-I? bte_an tried hard t<? maintain moran g i rice? pet | and, yu In dei?g m they certain]) baa M ronc?ele l'imetl.iiig tu hu*, ors' estimate of weight and iju.ilitr. At any rate, we- fountl that nllwhohml Mid m1 'uriv m UM day eoaaratalated th?*mielii*B upon the r?'siili?. boin Mea M tru?twort!iy good Juelgmi'ii' ostunat?' eattla te la* ht m ?werei.f BlOa bead leei ?!: 'a i i-t ???? k. valla tent rerj nat iIm d *or? ra and eattla ipeealatori deelara that ti.ey know mom dTOTM , k- ,. ?! ,.i * :.! ,i !.. ni hu ti, m t - ti k woulil Mea bnagbt ImI i-oaday or Tneaday. Oil l-.'ugiit ? an!?- in ti..- ? ?j eetatkiB of rea?ling sagend ratei this week it? last, do not - _t iu? .? ?t nea by tha in ntl, lau hi- the ? pi:?-." 'ihr kiiirti ?s. "laatag pitea el : II -it- nr?? more i.p-enii?try oxen In rir lav. ii tot Meerai areeha, ead theee are a eeM a : ' and ut t le ? ti.un ? week .i_.o, including a la. . berot W'-tv oxen, ti- ?'. id n>r which appear* daU, h it lenat theM waa aeed ti. n an not niuiag to gire ?s ia'.eli ni lae hatchen? i!" inpplj of : i -.?.nek i? :."t suhl i .? n; for (ha demand, and Leece the dei lui?* i? !??*??? ujMiti thai than the median and in ferber aorta wedna ? - ?? . ? eUlag below Iti ?? ft a ? -i< low a? tliaf. The balk ol' tl.e itMk -? 1 !?? da.? at 14917o t to. the eery heel at IBe., excepl 1 -i* .lid t' na e. sini'l?- inn? ? i? ai n lut!?- 1 rate. A fir? li ! -i I.l.:-? ?!n?k. of? : ! - te *_ - .1 at .? ft? beary, fat, up ???> ?ainy bim nt is, and thone whteh ara aeuMf, bal yet fat l61 IT t MM. B ?li. lib? r?i BMiMaUa "f k?."?"' ', ni flkor oiti'ik.i?. Than la m anoontiaM anMberef mall ,:"k'- ?' 1, a ai.i ?if tl.eiii ?ingle tar laaa?. .rd a good au; Wertem ? " [bli 1. ithandi, a Mab ahewa owu.*r? iver?* nuki llling t" tot apt I -J era* elhi a at Alana r. B?mm90i if lou!? thal intred thert' Is?' week, ?ni wa re aspect! I !?? r?. r?r?* report??! i to-day m haviag all com ?aat, -..ii thal ronecquentlj . the'?.*t ? .11 , Um lit ? -g'-r t! m .' ik,. ild otb? i wloe. I Wi.i-ih. r tin" ' .?ii !...i''l tM trad? uti ist I "i .M'k waa dnggiag heavily pnil.i U.rllik apM the ? ..-? ? ulai. It .-.?y ?i. -u'i, iiitiu! ? ?'?t. atad upi'ii aoana tim oxen. ? rrofbeav) Catitock ?t li i ? . p? r I*? mm I . le pt r ? f : : ii ad A . fur ? s. ep iiiik-i U u?ii ?applied thli Morniag ead prk ea io Carot . : gi I., .g ?,. -. t " (??r ah? i p. nli.l Sj tj ;.ia far ?'...i-tl, which begin t'i come in pn-tti ire? ita ? the liist l.t h.iving arrived I'llday, whin th'?- market liegau lo decline. 'lLetir?t tot of i ii* lamba came la bul ik..k from Je*-?cy 39 ni? raging at* lt.. ??.lil at I- e??'h. Wool |ieltn >MM ei l ?/f.' .'?- alhw s.' 50, tad dolL Then are v?,CO0 hog? on the murki't to-ilav. many of them mall ead pear, ?elin?g ?it ina Ilga, ?_? to. Boam m ? <h >? h.mi.n?n? i/Tdki u.? I Li? It. ni ?.?id lio no't-ting yeat.Tilnv afternoon, n ?ii'Tiiiii nut npp. ,iri:.g ut roll-eull. and tte l'reni?ei.t declared the Board odjoumeil to Thur??lny nut all t-'i lock p. in. \ Pinora an Omen-?At? mm lei in in BttwvM ktvoor.?-anadaaaM ( il'.i'ft' | I i.iir'.i'.'iitl. I'lfciiitt yesteiday ni<tr::::,g ar re.ted a p 'W | r.'ti'ly built ?nail nnuieil Jo!.ii Cany, tor laevtag rtalmaMv from a new beH?af. VrkOeM the way to the Tanba. Cane twtoa attempted to trip - - a ?m i? an aadernaad bum. though wj aa live, 'lac attempta w. :.? ansncceeafal and lae r waa tehan late the Ceart*eeoai. Juatn.' li?? ?gaa waa abeeat M the DieMict-Aitaraeya I'llii'e. ami Ihe roiin lsfian ct.Mad Io lake lu? prtaoaet im.W to ihe Btatioa-HoMe, Md retan w iti? bhi Mtw in tia* din Tim ptaaan kkaa leenred ii aeui of * pair of nippen raatened iii. at the wa:?!, u: 1 held liy tliu r??iltldsmi)n Whil?> aaaaing threngb ' ti t m.'. farcy Mi? denly tnmed apon the oBtoer, deell kia a beary Wow m Im ?t<>ii.arh. kutK'kiiig him down, ?a.i, thM brea?tag a? ay, Bed ap d ?? itreet. '1M roon.Nu un iprai g io hi? 0 ii .mu, d m puraiiit, culling upon inn," of li." byatanden t.? mt tim ti of. Tala they fallad ta do, Bad m n fen inonieiit? tho prleeaaf waa Mertahea by iii "i &i ti ?? roBBdaMM i' IBM up. C iMj tarrn't', anana, aal d: r.v..,.,- n k :? if-?, mai!" a BBM It Lim ; lins Wai avoided by the former who di e? a revolver and lind two ?hiiiB, of which t.sik etteet in !lu? ?ide mid the athel ir? the slioiiliter of Carey. That in tin-?ide: ?light, ila* ball haiing ?truck a rib and ?rtaatiml off. 1 li ? a '?und in the ihoildef ;? more ?"V.'rt. tli" bull not haling kel bien extracted. 1 ho Wounded mau Wi? coineycd to Helle! ne Hospital. | Adv.'iti.-ui'-ti:? ) AU NWttbtOb h.lVl) til?' I'lCTDUIAL rilUFNe? Loi.U'tl. Jol'HIll., with Phy.loguoiny I'liietitilnty, Phyal. olujy. Ktiniol igy anti Paychology. April No. 9 cann. M e'a ytii. Kowlih li !> HU, So. aHU lar aJway, Ne-? V..rk. Then i- bo 1?rt in Tu-i'iity.tnii.i.i-?!.. bmi Hr . tit. iv. ..a? of tiiH Imr.t HaMM m lui? . it v tot boMlai boil_?g BOOM piit(H.?e?. linn.* c.mtalii. ii i...'lii?. t.tinni?~.l ??lui Illa? ln'.l in Mac? walnut willi "karv COO? ?lt?h~? .uiki' i. a v. Hi. i? i latai iii I i ia1 at i Hy im min, genj l>u??ue.? aanea Apply to Jaaai II. kowasiii, No. _ : \v. .? Tweuty thud it. The I.aal Pire al tke Oil Hrglnaa?The l.eaa Koli-Haieal ?I H I -1*1,000. tbtMOW vK'l-MIll Sutuiday, Muich.ll. let)?! Iii?* mus? ili?ii.-tre>n-. lim wer kuowii in this vieillit), l'oiiiuiftireil alitiut f? clock thi? inorningon the Hide ead lj*!??*it firm, and lasted until J o'clock th.? .ifti'ri.oti'a The tin- originated fn.m a ga? pipe running from it tank of tho Ituiliiigton Well to a elwt-Jluig. At the tun? i her?' w ii a very strong w md. ihe burning oil ruiiiilug ileiwu Dm hill s.'t lire to the faiuoii? I'otjuette 1 ia? Hi? H'iiii.-? rushing inward the creek swept "k"i k iliiag before tliem, ami on reaching tin' creek set i tin- to mme MM barrel? which were lillee! and Ivirg on tli?) bank, together with 17 tanks of oil. Al) were de-j ?troyoet. H-inie eli'ieii m t ? "Ive twat? lying in the creek, loadi* 1 for ?hipiuer.t. ?Uti tinik Ore anti Were? ?lestroyed. At one l'.i." the creek was a vast aheet of Uara?*. la- bridge winch divide, the town of Petroleum '. ('??litre from tho farms alluded to. took tire ?everul iiiii-rt, tnui end mgoring the place, but theil-?ci were dually extinguished. Then w a? notliiug !?urned nu tim sale of the creek. The In Maid he mm Cm tin''? arenad. Thannae one half mile of llame. Som? ?"?' wells were burned, be- j ?ide val lou? eugine hot-tfat, eugiues, derricks audUukri, ?Im lerenl ?lw ?nings The Meet lateaieeaeitemaal prarajled at th?. tim?-. Th.) I"?? I.? aiiout liiyyt butrait ?>f all ud Bl.??,000 lu propertr. At 4 a*eleoh tlio?ro was about extinguished, iiu l uveiv thing was ijulct. -a?> The nrewtfereer l.egialntnre. Thiimom, Moridny, April i?, I?*W. Ilrwben of tbt LfirisUiur?* hare not Hrriv?*el. Mr. .Ne?n-I arriki'd Uli Bight 'Hie town ii tilling up f??t with v.?it"rs. The BoMlerial oaeetion ia the topic ??f intereit. Mr. ('it till an.l lils fiinnds will not ie ?????I?*. Mr. Booral lit? Intimated i !:?t of oaodldatea ac .-.-pi a,la to lum. n"t nii'luding himsoif. Koaetioahai la-, u tiiiii'ii t.? Bight, but a movement will probably !n* i?ude to monow. I>hiliiilrlphiii litiile l.l?rkel?ATKiL'.'. HeefCatt'e ailvanred k |? !?k .a'*. nf I ???? !.?*! ?1 I"?/ I" I ... a- ii ' li. -? ?! g??_?e?i ?' '"" T.?i.vl ".'**? head el Sheep It TUB., t* 0. Passengers Arriv?e. FROM CHARI-ESTON-I,, stsssssh nu ,.?.,-?.. Norris. H. W ?..!?, n. ?,,-,;;,I' 'yl^'l'^J-- IV, Mut.'.n,. E v. y. A W??H M u.U.... ?V ?' ,K. - i , llntehins, B t. 9. A Woo.1 M. Hollanl. tu.? ___*_* I | St yw.i-it. ?.pt. A lu, h ,???. ihn. Ti.? , \,u'\i _ t.iv. n. \.J. Tsvlar. J.E. Ccndl-t I*. II Keile- r? J' . ' K H?riek, Capt, T. C i ,rr, ii lv, ? f L*W ' il. y.? il. Wm. Pe,.ie. H. K uetmraTc 0 I ? '"' H' ??? B. ?sffi rd. It utter. .1 I,. Krlrttt, 1 ho i, 1'; ,'? '?? maa, ?.?pt. Karret!, .terry K?.-?., Mrt ?8V ," ' ? I Os'pin. ?5. IV. C,?elton. Mis, Mary Shay M? ii 1 xitW '*?" Mott. Mrs. HsBd-rrsoa, Mit. White7.?d?i i_". __**. S. Le.ter. Mr.. Harri., Mr.. s? s?n ?r* the ?teerige. ' mwi U j 9A__U SAVANNAH-In tteimihlp ?len. Barr .?_, . hildwin, Kdwird Wan;er. A Mmli??? J H I '' ?? V Smith, Ata II. Ki-.-.V. II. \V_Swl _?*_**? '? Wi'kln.on, J. DI worth Um. S^ft?S???? ?on ?nd family. Mr. Curtis sad fcrnlly, Mr. AH \v . worth, I. Mer,. Ssrger I. L hum, B L. W., .- ? ?.'^ Taylor, Mitt Cameron, Min V. dmr-ron U I? ?ii?' ?Jerry Vf. A Bryant, and 17 ?:. ti.? ..?,__ **' 3* A' U? FlfuM VERA (Kl/, and llAVANA-_ le?ar..?,|?? ?tatm-Thot, M. Ph.. p.. Henry l(.*,w >. i 'f ""? Knnly Schmidt, Churh?, ?' ?hmldt, Dolorfi ?ehi I i '??'i*' Schmidt. Kmmi ?V*"'**-* " ?' '? " I iky.r.H rt' fir', ? i I'. Hoffman. Wrn. Lop.e. M,.?|'..,..ri ,,.' " J. ". - ?. i , is Misslephlstileager, I .hu Atwlii M? ', ' . ' Mary Hilysrd. He, ?v K. Il, 1er, MIm & stA S. Terete Starblnger, < nar ?. duo.ey II Rete- I. ? ? ' Oec,WM.,b_,tj , Han O.chuiui, J AJ, , ' ,-*"n ''" H Keri?, .in -.' I lamil, M ?. Ho lern; n-. ., ? ,; . ?__ t. ,, , ! Hub?. M/Don, .I, Mi ? H":.?' j' .."., tuprendi-, and lu in the ?tee:,.... ""-t' **? Latest Nkip News. AUK! VEO. .hip Vera Ctaa, Murr.-.;- \ ,:fa Cr-,. Min h J ti il i ...... I p m., ?vi h !,iJ-e. alp ,.. t., i ,..,. ,i .,. ?s earn.h p?J? n. Ban ? ? M i- u - . . n. l?e. ?ia] pa??, t.. Livingaton, ixl tu. .-' .p QashrrCtty We.:, ChsrisstSB,wa>MMs.m pi... tu Arth'ir Leary. S inda;.- evening, ti p. m.. Meb_?,,a .??ni!? with hriu Ella Marl?, of I'ortliud, Io and g. Bark I'ayv, air. l>t tait, IS 0 isigasd to Oss 9, liull? Ishr. It.-.i Jachst, ft s Fisntsrs, ?rr. i.?.. epor?, ir, very heavy weathei uiuf. ol Ile p niege; ca?.-led awiTtr?' ? t Billi, he. ' Sehr, T.-r . B. A), I'cWtrl C . day?, ?ril ..:?-- - '. I' ii. D?W, i AC* ?"..?? I ri lehr. Bebe? i C. Lane, Lus, for Nsw?Tsrl na, ' - r I II. Kirk. Brown. I ( r. Aleri , ! . ???- Vii ?. r I Birdeall. IIisletoB. Mrgiaia. ti ht. Arno-' I I ?? '. . i B r. I ?n y Ha ishter M t .-?? < \ ir^luia. ?.i r Maria Jase, Cata. Bah r-. S.-hr. It. M. Brown. Adnu? ii?, r.'?tiwn. Tni: GALAXY, AN ll.I.I BTRATF.D MAGAZINE fi hl.:?ii?- u POI miOBTL**, **BatCf -*? ( K IB A CIjI'Y. ?In the filth of Apri1. IRC w, hS-MStdifeslnll Tun ii ?i.AXY vi.-- is ha | la?IIB l.i.lit V : li: e. ?u . e! la a I rj ? i UK DALix1 wflt < Mata ti. b?i- rtarl ? ly tie net :.?i.. ^ .lui ii :..?.:-.. tight Esssyi -al tAmmmW) I PsStsy, ?lal a caiei .. a J issdshls r-view .1 topics -J? .... | -v MM * ? ft:.*; I:? ? ,. tioiit wi.l ,e from ue>. -, ?'.'-.' ? ?j? ? i.,.|ed i.. :: | _.e.t ?tyle on t.t.'?? J pt| N Typ j,ript.:??.'y, Till- ?j ?LAM* w11! be ti.?, mo-t t -ga t MafSSSM la Ao.'-tlci. It will le ?tdtabsd ha aeorer of notil si.l brilliu.t de.i . ? i * punted on ipi? lyp? ei?re?.iy cmt for the pssftahaM ? ;:: ? , . i. IstBd paper. Jt I? li.e | . ? ; IO ths ] I the tula:. THE i'AI.AXY in elegai.t iibrtry ' f hasssd a ahBBBatawp . i l'eriodical will p'i.-e ?v -ian hi Nash ul firry :? - . i tim* - i ?. ftlE AM_lt.iAS,NEWSroMPAXy, P'lh.i-l.iri Ag-? C* O TO THOMAS R. AGNEW? Rea. M4 \S ?ni J? 2 (Jreenwii n ?? . ainer ol Murrsy. .::d linn J'S u.1 . Iii d le?. I ort'-a. 'r ? r than any ?tor?- ia New Yara. ir ai. 1 eve ttn ..g cIm tcm-rt uii.e Lu ,u?. \ GOOD JOB < 0MP081T0B WANTED j?V I'.yiiAHSi.? I MA It UN No IgJL I I. at._ COAL AT COST. THE SCHUYLX?LL MUTUAL COAL COMPANY, 'n ? . . ?-' per it. n p ? er? the p ?. colltary la ^*r**ta4. Fsaa Al t. 78 PBB TIN . r .t.t. SSW ?i.ivt:. a .v-jil COAL fruii it.??a The great tdtSSSSfi ? ? r-ptny otfen to ta|B> ssrlheis used bo sigu? - Uanowi is m ??, hats a tal i la Iks Bias <?? --a : ths Ce? ?fiMslasi fluUl 'alO IO 10 KI Cllf OB li:- cos? Bf H-? COAL. wi i, ?, .? ? m.! ',.-.? , .'.-v M mi sa? ?..ahajar? pu?..i.? i? ??? it. i ?,-..,:? : .t ?... d-.-? fwsi weal aa* . l.n.ei.J? be ? xye tiA BBBCfOtti Kobi id KLr?T. Cutii_? lirai, Hioiui L Tun. Job? H. Pi ?rr. otosajs p. Wnwm jr. Oeeaee.? ? 3?5 wau. st wli.-re Braal?a asses, sabsei ?tas map, ka, ____*_**_ ?ulled, iiiti.cripiloi.1 reeeivej ?al liformit.uii givtu ti ?.I time?. (iiosos E. w_uaa'j'-.. , Jabis g. Uwmur S.ertir). TUtim* Yabo-Nu. -6.1 ?ni APA ti e.t Twenty If* ?' ****** -vi,.:. , .1 El ja'.li tvet. liALL i? CD.Mi'ANY. A.-entt. _, PABKEB ?EROS. LONDON CLUB SAUCE. Acknowledged by eplcarei'o he th* Stace f. 1 ?)??< '******? fi.h. gain-, .teil, ,-h.ji-. a., i ? -. .1? I ini^n Bl ??' titled le l:t.e..l!?i de ,1 ? it?? ar IO ?II ?ii??"?- '"' lele by ali ,|ruc?i?. furn StaSStvs and ?lc*?*,Dhl1?,'1'ljl,-B I . It I AH"*?*' I t Ajen!, So BllsSShs* ??__ RUPTURE >tfW-7-"?$. Thti? ?ellon I SUPPORTER ? Initrnn.ent. sr? ?ntire'v asw, btthita V*ffl?.\\$ i ?? au. ijTHEBe-UOBT. CUAB Ajta*? fm I'HK.-M UK on ?li?? BAtK-lN^ARD Ativ ti iIMN-l'l it En Ihe moil obiti?.t?* ??*** ?"^HIwrtAT-BTttVBBtW^ o.o Pioy .e'tf tia uD Hicida1"' CEDAR CAMPHOR OHO?LD bl i'?-k,-.l owpywiA *??[*S? ? WOOLKNS tu.vuid.i'i'ryliy MwlHrt. e...i 1? gists stcywheis. MM - CUAJ-MA?. ??*-?