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Oituatcmo tUnnlfb-^fmnlpe - . ...... Mll'l'l.' A .:-.'?'-. I I H[) | ' % .... ..:. . . , .tir.., ia. l-r- ":"'' ?' . A . ' ' _? - IV iNTEL)?ASITI vTION bj " ? tY ? ? ? ii- %\ i )| >? \ w \\ __' '.,- .,, .. itALIDLApY. i . ?_ AM'MKER'i ' ! . ai..1 A i ?i ? S I)?Sl . ?. i .' '''?" \ ? ? ki . ... Situai'.ous AI E A C H ER I ... ? ?.... i ? ? ? ? A, , , I ? \'-i. ? _ ? _<_ A: ci. a _ \ , - .ril ? - _ AYol Ni. V rnra ir l Addiei A, ? ' N ' .. ? . - . a .. ? -II - i ?% B, i ? ' M A: w. -a (DOdara ?>? ->a. .- ? ? _ 1".'?;i. <?. i ? . . _ _ Sn' ... ? .. ... I . ? . r .ddra. : i'ii ? Sy i ii~>.\ v. an. ii? i ? ? ? ? A a ... . ra'?' '? ?? %%i ii ar. I b ^l'J I A'l 1' IN W iNTEU II 0 aa BOOE I 11 I "l Nrw Clfl mOX v. AX'l i.l' bj i YODXG _ ilS SII l Al ION V\ II _ WANTEI ? .;. i r .. ? - .'. ier ?r*a Addreta l U _ tl/AN'J FD?A S I UETABLI ? TT . -r. yaly o ,!?.?'? bi.aii.aa- I 1 ? ? Oft . _ \\'.\N IK1>?A blll \J [ON 1* andnata Batt ) 1 . . .... Boa N... \\'\N 1)1). ? .', |_AJ ? Y laaraaa. > %> t 1 Addreat < HABLE . B i No. 144, 1 l\'AMi:il-A -li I . Y T 'I i ...... fjrij) CUantcU' AG1 "? - rYANTED.?#160 PER MONTH and . n. . 1 : ? . a . a ? i.< ? A' .. ,. WAN'i 1.1'?I r i %.:.' Wail ao ni. inb i; iM i. ai,i.m> Wk* ii.D - i j aa . . , . Irti .... I nti. I I. it IN-L'RAM r faaaoa _ MnXlNERS . i'i.'i hW W \.\ ll.l'? ataodbaada. II.. ,a.terafae. Arp ly i. ? tnre? dty. .t '? Qiiada.y MAI' AGENTB u WALLli btapofNaa tatkaadl r.r._a Naw aadabaapadil Ai r r f .' ir.AMliU-1 .. Jo! It II VI I I Y T i ...!. Ad _? ?? ? t I'BP.BTBBJT OPTBB >.1?T O .2' LirCCIB BT . Naw ioi:_ Aptl ?'?, I I WANTEI)?Imi PIlYSIClAJi tY aa'y ta tbe Depa eaiiaad eka fea par'.me: "?? '?? a ror an a ? ? ?aTTiu. ,i pia. a of da'y.auJla |or:i tra'.p. ita- a I ? % ?-. M ' ? Appl? p-raoi.a y. w.thtaa dapi I I I . .- A >1ad jaituwat ol tn. ?..? No )2J I U7ANTED?Two good Ml wori ?' -.n a farm in Wa mnet ba Aaaerleaa, ItB'otrh lf l.ari. -? .. ,|< I . .1 p,_.. y Ajpy ol J naaday. ?t N 11 \S .ai | .? D-.l '?? - . _ II7ANTED?50 experienced ( ANTA8SERI' TY .,.1 !? irfT.rtiaarr ?nta for Kailogi . I'aMad Baalai Ma l Baria?ar Raat a. t -< -:?...r madioaa ; fai wliU:...,.i. an.l ataaafttoaT artoniT. Apalyto KFLL-'O., jTOUBOTON k to , No. 11b N.t Bad_ \VAMU;~a imall, octiTe OFFICE BOY, thor Tl r . ? ?? .. _iJ ?..:..ta of ttia rity Rafrr BBaaa aa^eawd. A^o-... b bandwrltinr of appia.nt, Hra No 1 <n4 VVAN1FD?A <.::1 fof I to WAFI al TY TABLEaadd CBAMBEBWORE aad itoNlNO. Appl/at Fto. 3 F.aat aaa. n'.a.irh f., b< twa.r. Sl ?n.i Itli tu. _ 1\TANTFI>-A Pirat- !.. - JOB COMP08IT< YY %., ... ? aaap oyi ant and food wuaa will ba giaan Apply . liUr. l.E.sfclt k -LA-TAETF.R, N i ? [aba at IkO ~\iH\ J<>*:."<N'A YEAR.?A good i S? ??.*'" rlF i ,?,|. monay. Ai. Agant It war.tad in eaary lown n. tl.a I ulor la ri.M.a.'.c. .r? ?:d tal. _i arti. lc of d...y rcr. eouiptlo- .: aa.ry tair. !y. ( an b? mariafa-torad la tba a#anl'a dwal Bo| it ? Saeori d by copyrigbt H.ia aa pat?uaaut aa Bour. NaaM_ajaa)b ba For fa pw.lca._a addra. w,th rtarop lorioaad f- r retnrn, _LUl'ls COBjuENTZ, Midd.atowi. Md aft?_HIMl"PER mTiNTH and EXPEN8E8 PAID. ^PaawVFtF-Aftr NTS WANTKP n.?la and faiuala lo ln:r A ict Beatta.d ufc-fj p.tanlaJ INNKNTION. For fnrther Inforni.tion. addraH %??.:. atamp. L N MATHF.b. k to., M.-u!atlaiera. tlaaa laud. Otiio <&oal Srt. [?BE8H'MINED BtoaBoai, Bod A<h nd Locnst Moaotaio COALB, ofuperior qoahty jnat raralradandfor BALE a? tba L.waal Wlaaa. _ U.a >_d Nva Iu4ai.d 1't Eaat TbirtT aa ond lhird.T.. OK) H PF.KKYMAN 1 ?_|| ?FRESH MINFD PFRF LOCU8T afl'e MOUNTAIN COAL, of b_rt ao_tty. at 01 54 par kaa. daliaarad ftoaa tba Na. 1W Waat Klaaaolb at.. aaar Baaaatb a*a _ WOOIi, \VfX)DrWOOD.? The l>est YIBGINIA PINEaadOAR WoOll for aaia by tba laad ar rord (<at or Btba a-K-ki at LOW PRK _s, u tba Y-d No. 642, 454, l_d 654 Vaaa bat. Trurtybflh _.d Thlxlraiilh .ta. iflarblf ftlontela. M ARBLF. MANTFI.S?The lM?n place in the oity .,??. MABItl.K MANTKLSof the lataat da.ifn, ,i ,?, |aw pric, |. ,. a Ki.AUKK.- M-hM "Aort., ha HB K..I Ki?h taasth r. ne.r TLird-aaa., N. Y Mu.Ui. pot up iu tbe toaatry Cot thit o.u M M ARBLF Mwn.i.s, Ploor-Tiliaf, Moaoaioata, i. be.d.'orit.. ki.-< .:. ba pur. I uad .1 wl.'.'at. a p I-e. lYoa a Wt* aad *a ?. | ttock HSIIER A BIRP. bttan Muola w-ora. Naa, tn to p i il aataa it _ ABBLEIZEO BI.A'l F MANTI.LS?Superior in aaa. aaaaa j m*^? dur.bia aad at h.ll '. - No. ??03 .M..a-?Ta. aad Na. l.ItlO Btoaaw.y, b i-ahaadMab-a.. N. I. <_orporation Noticta. Cl [ON NOl l< 1 ? I ? - . Board ol Ai.r ? - ? i r.r ? ? " > a ?'- ?' ? ' fcatween Thtfd J - ... .1 ._~ ? .. . ?i-t at.d Lota ol . ail on ?oen Tliird and Fonrth rraatbi teraataaraad aataaa ? ? . ? . h> ... ?? .: brw l OBI . a k ) Board of Aaaai H\A( (> lll'ST 1 Offi-a Ii - 4 .... . . i _ ParAKTM-M 01 il.1A.BCB. ( OBPTK01 I..K f < TFH B ( Naw . . DOCKfl -? i BLTP8, M M;K1.1 I FLLARS, and etl er I'RoPI R tbe Clty N.... (I | ? al tba Clty H : ' k. ? ' ? | .? Catali . Ity 1 ? at tb:a i.-. rdei ? tn. ? . rr.? >1 V. l.l; BI fLI>ER8.?H . ' I i . ? . . ia M'DLOW-BT .batw, I Delaaeey-ata. Sl'FFtl an v I a. Flti'.l ? ; 1T'k. \\ ?... . ra >ta. ind ' VNTII . an appic.tioii fct llo. otli.a. ......... ,. . r TI'nM kt RTr.PTIl N i ? ? ) I CH.kA N froton Aq.iadnat Departi 0CM11 BtMMKTt THI. NORTFl AMEBICAN l.l "M- n< ?? ? ? N- u V''(?K M''' ? ' '?. .. ? | .: 5o. - ' PZi li li \i\ll CTEA-TbHIP COMPANY-" . . : \ i A - .. ? N , k i ? - ...... : .AN FBANI 184 MAB4 II. 31.:-.\ I . HAI' *.CF.i ....... ? ? I - ... V.;. ii .: N . . . -. | ? t -???' ' " Aa al " ? ? %\ l:_: ' l I \ . ' ? '.' II \ I . a' i I O'-lii ' ! ' ' il Bi:.-. - o. aitiA. M'Y. Tlllior... ... KAN ' ?? a' " ? a 0 \. I .-. i _ A.-i ? BAVANN tH?PIONE1 I. LI F - .?l0 i.ay i - HUN ! I ara ,'??.?? n . .... ? l| < t - I;..]; ;,, .. IRLEANS L?IR1 i ,. - ? . ? Ml W froa : .nd wi'.l ; ?4 VV.l at r?o_ m.%\-iii:i-i.\n> l'li;'-' ' " 1m. 4 . I ? FEANH D1REI i NATIONAL 8TEA1I NAVIGATION I (bim _ ?.? NF.W YORK TO UVERFiMJL ( kLLINO AT UT/EEN lO LANP PASBKN ATAta C"amamti*t$ (.r, , . .X41I. ?I'.I4_. ? %H.'?>'?. . I .I FTf a . PP.NN81 ? 1 ? 4 . ' '?' A. I I . a-.a. a. ' "T ... '?..?,..... . .- 1 ll ? ? i A. ,1 1|. a - ,,.,.,?? v l . ? ? ' ? ? r A IBSBBftetH - 1 a . ? Cabia paaaafe. 07 :?....;??.''. PaTable ba aarraaey ?.-aa-a-a aaaiaaa n? k-1 . ? . . ? 'Iia av..a!..'tha.?Ta?aa.a??iLi Botbeaeeeealai itoi. I . ? ?? o.x|.r.t..J l.-r. ? rafor ?__?_>__. I.r flehrbl " r-ihin paaa.r' a- % ? Ib otTI - N0 JTB-o*lw.. i ?? ? ' ' ? :,: A,-;|M....,.ar. OM.V AMEBICAN LINE TO ixOLANH I _.'. Keat Yi k a I Hai 'i ? ? ?.? ,_.. :. ARAIKI and r I LTO .. oaabty rabttod. wlll laaee Piai ar. i r llaa.e ?el _g . ?? ,...'...pi.-,..- ; \KAOD.llaxi.1 A ounna-.Ma. I?-? PL'LTON.Iabbi A. tV.iTTnj.a..ri li '???? AI'.Af....IIBBBT A. OAOaiia.T "a% I. ' yi'LION.Jaatra A ? o????. ARAOO.Ha.aKT A OADaoaa.luij .. loOo. An.lai. ra. - PRK'F- 0? PA SAOR PAIfl IN OOLO Plr.trabli. .0U8 * Bt .4> ?' Tbraaab t.rkei. la Laadaa.?5aat.a. An .?a.i-ra-... on rioa-n Tne eompana w . i.ot ba ra.po.air.ja for tpaci. r.r a.lnabl?a nnlaM blieof tduif barrpgthaaalaa aapraaaad, ?t? t.jnad tn.iaf ,r Fa. fa.tber _______ HV'T ^ ,.???-,? K A?.. No 7 Br.tdw.r N.a. Yotk ^FAM To" LlTEBPOOL, CALLING AT il QUEENBTOWN -Tha laaMB, a.ling tann aaaax % ot.ra ^-Y-OF,p_RIB,^" M.,.'.',.BATOBOAY AFR1L 14 r TY Of NKW YORK.SATURDAY, Al I C I OF BOSTON.BATURDAY.APRILI TlTV OK I.0NDON. BATHRDAi M >. I I riTY OF WABHINOTON.WE0NK8DAT, MAi I) and wii Maaaaa?0 SATIRPAT .na wr.u.NtspAi. ?t coob. ( Pi.r Ni, 44, Nortk I' RA1E? OF PA?SAOK. PAYABLB IN CIRRENf Y. Kt _W aa. ?'?.-ar eaary K.lard.T Fflts-i .'AHr.N.01">. OTEERAOB.?? Tol-ndoa. 123 I To London. 40 Top.n.. I?J 1 afarla . ? l'.a.'iiai. ^ao forwardad to H.ttb. Uamuuri. kr . al aioderata rata. ... * ,? Ht*er??e pa?e?ae fr .m Maarpoo! or Of . n-rrenay. Tlrkett c_> ba boocbl hara ty paraona a.i..lirf f ,i tboir Irianda Fcr fartbar appi? at tha ( omnana'- aaaaal JOlIN O PAI.V Agam. No. 15 Itroadaaay. Naw York. TBE NOBTH GEBMAN LLOYD** BTEAM8HIP I1ANSA, II. J T fi.'teli ult.tar. ei'ii'.ni tfta 1 i.llad htata. ?l aai aajl'lrom Uta Braoten piar. foat o' Tbirdit.. lloaoaaa. bb ?m', OaTL'RPAY. Apr..?l. BREMEN, VIa'soI'TIIAMPTON. Taking p.aaauf.ri to IOHDOM HAVRE, HOl-THAMPTtN ANP BREMET at tha'foiiowiag r.faa. parabia la aald ar it. a_o,a_aot ir. arreaar, OMBi iiiiiTiik-k oli Mi Baaaoja 0Fj ? To ka followad bT tba AMERICA, Capt. J. _ Mejer, on Apnl.1*. Fa. iaaB ?r P?a?a4? aap-J ?tL%}cm k c<_ w. m ,rt_^ PA88AGE TO AND FBOM GBEAT BRITALN AND IRELANP BY BTEAMBIIIP ANP BAll.INO PACKET, AT BF.PI(fcl) RATE* T)r_U arallabia threaghaot k.BfUi..l lr._nd-B^land and W_^ piTilrtleaUr. .pplj to TAP_COTT. -KOTHE*I"a4aialb._. IB8T CABIN PA88AOE, TWENTY DQLLAR8, TO F SAVANNAH, GEORGLV. EVFRY BATX'RPAY PK<)M PIKK No" N It Ineonuaeuon wit(. R..UI...1. thi" ?<>? -it Oer,r<:? aud 1 r la. IMPIIll BID1 WHEEL l.l.Nr. Paaaaae tlrkata ia. .ad H.r ,.?i. t.-A .>a?u. Maion. ThooiMTlila Pa rtai, bran.a/ir? Bl Mi'.i Famaodliaa J. ... aiilia .n 1 Pn . >? Thafutandf.tarlta ataauiahip MISMiI l!l U l.oaa:. I l , ... D.udar aalli ..], lor ft.a.rnali dliert fi.n, lur No. IINoalbBiaa foot of laoar.l. rn 8ATI hPAl. Apr.. 14, ptorupklj at J o'woca. Fra.gbt raaaifad da::y. uni.-irti- laBPaaa r ftill. of ladlai farnUhad and . (nad aa tr.a I .ar. BAN 8AI.VAPOR fol o?. At n. 21 Por IraifM or laa....?Ii.?mi e!af?. t .aaomrrod_!on.?apply to OAKklSoN k ALLEN, A,.nl. h? i Baaaung gioaa Agaat al l l aoaab. t. A_ llARPAE. aaa. (pjcan Olramrro. OXXT DIRl i l J-!''-'' I . IPAMT'B MAIt lh- . - ... . ConU ? . May 1' .BATUBDAl ? up rA.vtor. iv ooua Fntrr CABn l -,:* ?"'* , ?, . w -1 r attl ?? r .?' r.a.-njrra Ial ?? "'* ~,,!l ,. , , . . . r?:.., ll aa t .- t.r.- anl a>j ;oi ircoud i.a?> Al'n a. e.I-.,.'_'.,-<? 'r.r cf rh'l'ft. . BJ ".TI Ar- ? ? - IWBT. Ki ii i. i \l;i l'l.i; frooi 1 - . a__ 1_ CJTE \M n- \.W ii.. "'1. i L LSGOM r. ' ? ? Ii i. . I. P7f. Aa tu.a ?M '? KACTI IN \ ? '. ' Aienta. SAYAWAII. 6E0KGIA. MURK-Vi B -TH1 H8DAY& .... ? .?? - .Dea l .... J?r. ? wt .al iua ataaa ? ,. . | ? V. ." I - ' ' aa , , I I ii _ __. r ?M' .- i ? Il..< M All. LIX1 for K.I ' : PM ,n )??:?. - ta I flttumboiito a:\ii rmiFro.i^r. INEW-LOKDOS bi rl SORWK U, .,. ?.. .-. ? : " - ? ? - ? rrii I -? NEW-I M I'El M . Ii WM ; ? tH)R Nl.W HAVEX, HARTFOltll , . Ii ., U a d TA I . ' I I WAH.IY. BPEED. A.M> t ? FOB ?uf.l..., ".????? ... e.r. Kea i . . * i . . \ ? . ... t c i| \ 11; \l l: III ? ? ? ? i ' ? ... ? 4 : I k - ? - ] . ? i ? ? i/,::i i ' - i , [_ ? - . ... ? M l a* ^ , ??? -. ? . . ... ? . .,. I ,,..' . ll Ji LTD80X ii \ i i: ? . HAI I a . 1 ? ? I ? ? ? ? ? I | l OXG I8L IXD RAILROAD.?1 N J i , ? .... ?? .? iaa-1 Ii a-. , | at a ? ? , | . jnea.aul t? '."? ? ? a ?il..,. ..... ? MORRI8 AND l.s.-i.\ i:\iu: l .1 ? I , . ? ? tiaiu. I 1 . . ? ? : tatarmediaia ? ? . ? ? ? I ? ,aa i. . M l iu. ?> i. ? a . .?_. . - - I v. ?_ Momatowa txptaaaatlf ?? ' , -, .',. 'i ?.. EW-YORKao. m:\y.Havin RAILROAD lt/.'. V . I KK ARRAN.J. Ml ? ?? loMMENt IBO ;.n. . MJ11 B JB. BBB f_Mnaer *titlon Iu NawTn, roruer ? ?- ??? a: BM r.ur.iiaTa i.n-.raura o' laaulaa.. TTUi'.-i LEAvi M-'?V ''????. Per New II.Tn. M _tB(B__| ll.>'a >- BM (Bl (Ei .) MR. 4 J" B, 1 ? l-.|l . IB ?,. Fai II lt 1 ?? BO, l I IL.3S a n. 1. (t. i . i ' ? M ' r i i ;. in ior M..forJ. aud Mnllor 1.7'., 11 ?? a m * < n ? _, Pm FairBeU. Boatbport aad Waatprrt. ..?>. ..-Ba. M JU 4 ? p. "'rorNcr-alk 7 " B I i la. I I B ll?a n BUA (Bl - |E_.? .1 4.'. 4. 1 , I 1 " :i t ' >*. Hi:,?u. I." 11 ll "' a : i4J 4 i ' Por l?rr.n?.!. I.. 7 l" a > I..... . ? ? a FarBtaMford, IM |__.| *?'*>, ll_B a. _- U. _, :..x..l *.?). IEa i .4 4 I - ? ' .," x. jo ,.. Fot fait i i.eetar and u.ianaaoiaia .uttoaa 7 ? a-J" " ??' a m. . 3.42,, 4.W. l_a, t. , 7 .- r ' ( ONNECTINa TR4INI For Boiton Ti. Mtrio.a.'d 8 in a n. I_a , l.H (Ex.H B? r>. ai. laa Baataa, Wa BBeaB Ubb. Itla, (Eju.) RBBa m. Forliarl.'idiuJ taptlo?Bald, a.aa ?.? . |Ki. i 12.15. I OD, (ri.i ' 'K,'r("!i.neptir tR.y.r Ka load.loOa - (Ex.,i IM5p. _ io Mon tr.a1 10" |. ii. to Northauipl'in. f,.r HartN.rJ. I'loaidauca aud ruliku Ra...'oa-l MB, lEx.,) a. m; in^Niwiliyai. N.w LoudoB aad p4oninit.,8 RauiaaJ .. 1.00 a. tr.. 11 II J ? I lajp m f.,t I anal Raiiroad l^lip m to Nortliaxuptaa. Far' Ka ia_d Ita Par Kanxato, k BaiiroaJ. 1.0-ia. m . l.?i ajn. for DaBbory and NorwaJk Railroaa. 7 00. 1,30 a-aa., IU P- M. _e_MBe-wua n.aepiax i af a atutaad la I ov p. M BB ? .aaa-e-o e a JaMVi ll IIDTT Baet. (-.EW-JEKSEY RAILROAD.?TntiBi leare iu.,t\,i 18 i enlaadl al BM Pbb_bblpbu. al 7. In aad 11.31 a.M.. II B>., 4 aad I p ? . and IJ for Iiiltibobi bb4 VV_tail?roa. at Iand I a. m., 7 p. ?.. aad 11 -!4?.| t N NORTUEKX RAILROAD' 0? NEWJERHEY. Traiaa .... Jereey C'lIT far Piaraiaal al a. an I - 4:1 t Ulp u.. Taa ? l> a_a 4 U na la Mara-ay. Or hlonda. m ? ' r Pl.r_.cnt al 5.15 a m THO.a W. IjEMARF.ST rtupari iUt_._L RARITAX aniTDELAWARE BAY RAILROAD' -Oaandafter MOHOAV, llth Fab, IBAf, Ihe expr... Ira i. f. r ( aiulen will be dieeontin.iej Tba diaaiaai will laa.r l'iei >... J, Nonb Ria.r dally. Mundiy. rx.-autad al If * r ._ne tu.? w,lu ,'. Im Mi. .' '.'?' 1 '.? i I.-,, j Braueh fea. PREIOIIT FOR CAMDEN and Inlaronadial* Matloei will b. Iiken lt l.i IW RATElt oa tha 4 o rlock una. raackui| Laoideu ll. u.ii MMBBBB, CanK Ciatcmcnto. Ilnnk ef ABaerlpa.-Htat-maa-. of tn. HtNK OF A" ? ?... .1 r < MaBB MB !_?? ol ia_. lo? ta. ?_! ?l-i,.. aai .,a.t u. 7th ? ?"rta-er>a ni ,.' lr_?. aol InaroiBU.. .|B.4l?.?ra 41 ??".#. ar-~aa,? Hi__. M |mip_?M.I I rrulauoa.. B.BIMI IMI X'.,.t-a^ mt <- ii.,.?i>. n.i. r,B?4.R".i an , . , , . .' a-. I ,1 .. I J , ' ? ? II..1 , I . _.,,-'.,. 1 a-,--. ..1 ... ia.- ??- - tou,. _.i,.i .?t i.._ii aai on,-' J I'U' a.MI' "iwiaak __B_BB_BBBMBBI_-_M 1-BB_BBB BMMBM Baaa. BMBM r_4iM Hank ef the Nrw.Y ark l?rr llorla I oi-panr - ?t.ta .. ia _e ?' t. . :- ? .P1OH.T01 1:1 , aaaaa*. uaoaal ? J ? *_? .,. | ? ? "., ' - . I.TC' tpnl.iaM /' ' l.ttBi ? ' . Il.a.lli.. . Ua. of;a6J. Ia. tbe .- . ? -T tba __...!..-..,MiM8 S *:::_:::...;;.;_E:.u~,.--::::::~.:.:;:::::::'::::::"" leelraeee A?a. 1,100.100 41 .... ? ? -- o ? . ? ? . ? . ? I f orn I t*ani;.. Ilnnu. ?.-...-?? ?"? a -.-..? .,-.. uat, .i 1 .aaaaa: Ow'a.aan ' ' * ??'? ' "'*"" aaa . j:, .u ,,,, !::?:.* - .. B.e"kroooe i ia.. j. ??'?' ->* rorl.aa I V. A ?.. ? - ?? ' .-??-? arpasa ... aaa tba. tk. ??'?_?"? ' .... v. A ?i..l- Caa . . ? . - ? ???? ? ?? l.iTfnwl.-k Baak. ? ? ,WiV__,~__.N__ , ia.1 ,. Naa |. . . ?.. ?? i-." ' ? 5 . "" ??' ? " *ai ??_. I*'- ,,.??,., . , . . ii'rri. e* ?"W. . BliiaAlH* , a.To.a ? ^ ,M,;'iAVn..w, <:_'.rr ?warakefcraa. S *.a___B '.- r Ha ih-.tltn ? omprtna. - ""* ''* 'k? .... . . latardar atorsia*, Iba Ttb aar . Ar> ?? '?*? - -?afl_-.aad.? .?**i_,V.5a*ai l.i ? ? .i " " " ' ' aVor, | - ? .?>... HaaatT-rtarrra' aad Mrrpbaaia' Baak. - . ?MTO*otl .....-? .... .1... .... ...Ikatlbaabar* ? ? ? .... .. ?) in ..? M? '" i ? ' ' ' ! tr.. waak eadiai Batur4?r, tke ... ?r? n-a.?-*:__,,". S i .." . , 1.004.444 ?>'' l, rra ? " i aa r m. hai i - .? " , . ...... ? n V . . i. Ulwmm Itn >.l. .' ?'' ' . .. .kaaaaaaaaar. ? .aa .ot.aao.oa i; j. vi i < ?? 1.400 ai - . .- I ?. I lla ? ? il ? ... ..-?. ?? '? bj . .,. ,.., | ?.ORIFN1 kL BAN1 aar. . ,*ata_a .= ?M2K : ? ? ? ? ii. .. ? ..?-.? ? ??'? ' n..-.. ' ? ' s"'' . -. ? ? ? iMH:UaSI 7 1 1 '?? |.B .. ...I il ., . . vainaot i ao* ? .,..-- a irliaf). - B ? ' r.r J ' r- ' . ... ? V ? - - ? ? ? " ,l .... . ... i -. ' ' 4 . - omrriMa i" i m !(.i:\ci!. . 011.Aprll 4. 1*10?4 ? I I i 1 i : . : L Vlaolag ? ... ... i ' Wbltaay n ... IL H DeW . ? ' . . N. ' Barray, lar, . i ? J ' k. Mawa ?, j :. . .i . , Raabatt,ToaOarfc 1 ??? l p, , . ,, V. .'. . A- ?..!! I.t lliat. with n.a: ? [ .? , ? , ? B I "l ' "' - 4 . ? Martb H.Baatai . r . .- i . r ?? .? . . Baraaaab a aaaaa aiBa aadaa ?. _ p... trd, N-%% Otliaaa A| BI, wrl ... ? ? I I r uwi. k I .. -,, | . ? , i . . . ??, 45d.Ja wlll. u.d.. H ?aaa. ta il .< ni-. , . -.:.... a:. ''.(in II d.a. w.ln . ifar aad i , , (l |< |taaj : I. ? I I--inl Jaba M-Ta,,. I.n Sau, M?. ., . , . outail.ia, b_a toloui.t, laad ?'* ' ' N.%* '? ' r. I'.r. rt a. ^, . krl Ramadi.i., 14 d.y. I raaa. I' in..:-r Lefl li l?rl I'.r. V?r.?ar. \\ Tlla- lor .'? ? i .,,. i , f i t' ,..,n ..ii,.. d.a bard. forCardlf la Jfl ,?,.,., NaarYatkU IB 4ay.. btu-k Tnua... J ? < I , ? Irorl M-) lla-rimtn, II Hnya wltk ,,,..?? . . , . . i . ,?. in p,.ri- n.ik llaaaat fof N. biidaya ba'k Daah i. i N w Yaaa la 1- daya , bnga T M Ma?jii OrUBa, oad. ? fi r Naw Y. rk llark Bbaapikaagk lai i ?? a I Ma), St.pi... Ilmnt I.' d.y., wl. aag.i to Wetob k Oaraar. ii. ' oait d.y f..: R.riaJi ?. t I t.H r.s.%?\ork Ir. Jauiea Oraol. McOinuia. Nawl.oulon.ln ballaal lo R. W. Brta - latlatalal (af W.ndaor. N 9 i. Laird, Palrrno. T4 daya, friiii.. P h P.W0II kC. B ll Caladtrla Ibrj 1 dgett. Ilillaburo. II daya, wltb pluter lo W. tar 7 h.inp.on. .... Br!. VlrlnrklBr ), Bork. Cienfaego. Tl. Holmaa'Holo. 23 daya, m it . ?ai k. . la P. J NaaU. k boo. Mrhr Ear.ka (Hl.). La Blaat, PraTldanaa In b.jMl to B F Bmall k Co. rlrhr. Ley_. AVranton, Lowdan, OalaaatonM daya. with eotton.kc, .0 U II llilba/d. __ _ _ .-ahr. II ll.aa aah fof Yumonth, N. 8.1, Splnney, Maytguca, F. B . 32 day., with _S?aaaa ba C 11 Tramball. hcbr Can.'-.J. l,.-ld?ep...lf..r Pbiladalabto. H-I.r Kel R Mi,. Hiai.l altli titb la Jad. Piya k Co. Bchr. Wida Wertd Hl Jx'.h. I'roartdauea. Bchr. J...< ?;> Bai Ib, Ho ki.nd. 'lua* Behr Paiawara Creakatt, Itocklard. Ilma. B. br. Braaa .-.?..'? Bahr. 8. B U'ln... Prookh.Tao. h I.- Praa.l Uoodaiaad, Viritnla for ProTldenee. Bcbi Chal.aiii. II.w.. I l/.tn-tl ,. Hl f. ' Batlon. brhr Hmt. K.l'% Marahaa. . _ ., , |.,br I W Ha-ri- J IBrJ Paatar. Wlndaor. N 8., 11 daya. wltb pa.tar t.. P K. paVV?fk<o. P r P.i ,., 1 .... ... ..w K.d'..r4 f.r Fllaabalhport. P,-i.r Wll n.i... F.H '.r f.... ? - . I. . 1. % :i;ii.i< lor Fa'.f.aai, . .iiauu_uea, *) daya. wtio .parato Holjokah Bcbi. Ballj Oay. Fowlar, Provi tano* far f hlladalpbU, Oiiwlara. sv_it..?t. a-pi.. t boM, Aprt I. II mila* "W. af Ba^-gai. rr 1. Ban_aah fof Mew-Xeck. Port-tDar_cn'c JCotice. ?ttxtb or Na* A'orb l prttT ornca. Be, BM Wtlj.t. ' N"ourr. " ? MC* i eftha ar> p...'-.l Apr-: 14. 1857 entitiad _'Ao Act to He ,,,, , tbe Wardaaa OflWea the Periel .SwT-rk.tou.lpar .u or hiTiu. ehi :i? of. tha aabjeet m.tter of lura ,.r,,T t ai tba feUawBU ar. Baw ? oa l,y UM foit U _2.u?. au I thal th. .. I ?_?eyj ol ,,, . - aai etelwitbiatea daja aext auccjedio. thu Bjt:c? mi BMBdeMlaaaaBW , _ _ S4aa:i ? . . _fi _? rttaauiahip Star "f lh-I nion.' ? J Btaaaii ll '.-? I tk.jBtB ?-? . ihip lla?.a.l-,bnk.n. - . a, f ? liaa.?' ?? J ?vof Diblin.44 N K. , Briiaaaia. ?' -' N B. SI;,piie..;ot..?E. K. ?ytaw.V. ir .1 k Bal taaon'i. . ? aaaha.(' >? H. ania. lir H. .- ,. Mifcado.1'ren. ... rlora tafla.LeodaTicia. B'.r/ ? .4 I R Ba.k ._! ?? Rark H'ini.5_rr flark Jane Cariti:.48 R. R. l-.ti iaaead a. e.5" 8- "? I .?, fl -Jar.lirKnrreita. Birk HaUra I . .The?ip?n'i. bark Limeiiu.R..i,e-U a. Baxk i lara.?_. *? : ir._,.:? I R. B| , . Imith.??? "dr ,ti k llnbirion a. BrifJ Baaka.VVoodruB k Roblnaon .. Ii.. Lecaa...J.l'^u'' .?? f H t".iu M i. u ? -. .I Bm Catbarina.Bcbencke. .A: : y.??*. K i ilineMcLeaa.It.llli.k. Ju.oaA.ltyder.UI R MINTliORNR ToMPRIN. Pr.n-ent j. Aro. Baaaaa-a. BameMrf. ___? .TI. F. __We__HN_M-L I u.inli B?na '- :-ro?f i-iii-ca. Th.- dolofatai ta UM Elghlaantli %mkm of the I m_ i:_at AbbbbI OaBBbFBBaaaf tbaMatbadMi Epmcopai ri.,r, , : aa S.-'iniaj-, I" the Weabinfrton ?t. i . I'.rooklrn. Tbe Cmtumm wxa v-lleil to order by laoal titna 9 o'etoek. ll,,: .. . . .'.r. proesedad Brita the oponiri|j ilero ? - aftaf vkMh tba journalof the prerioua day .... .... .V || I.-. Mlohael Welob of Phlladelphle an,l Apent of the ir l i.i". wm then li.trodaced to the Confer ? m ?'? - 0 ? TF.VIKUANCE. -??,? , b waa aexl n onlerof bmlneii. ri arai au lao IBenMeet: reoi All ibe aai.. cf MlBflBBMBaa '? BMM a. tjirinl'd and ?i eret aad . . ?,. md Bopera?ein th. Itjter __?___ I whati-Ter alae ? i hrutiau rrli.ion; ttierelore. A. . , ,t all uaoial aad ChrUuaa a -i unita aad wtald ,.i i -?r: ? Ibe ereethrawal tho dtiuamf ... ,. rlnf etw poaaabwbaadaraaMB. .,.,?, the i brlatlan worid le new d . ,,r,i,-ia aad ?|. lally.dowarejotei _aa whlt-MllllBMllM tb? pre....t afiration ..... , ., . um Na aal TBmpm-bbb laaaaM .? . - - ii.l ajei.t f..r tba pro.iwaueo' oftae ,.-..? eataelTeeloaidll laa* i .-? opara ? eetablleb Iu aooud priietplei MBl aiaaUaenee. ?i.ei.aln.t tba avr al u.? ol a.1 V ? ?*wroap I I gNBBBeaB, J -,|?Bi,.aa. J'JU.i VV IBBB. Louiiultiee. 1 ?? r ? . BM r-nat anil BBMBlad, after which the 00 tfl DOI , u.r , e_t .i.._?..-v.. l.r,,M_ht ;.,! ? i,.,i I aooh .it the Hanaoa-plaaa M. E. | , , .;.,:, . | ? .,1 ro.Wit mpn t? aUaeoB . . B_d tha iBdhJaiai Baparlel aiiaialaj _ . ! adthatl ?Co?Mlttea Ibeharreaf taaraad . !. . . ? li.OM bad !? . ? paaa , B M ...i.itn. ? t ii:i l_o .1. AU .?an Church ? ? Coni'erenoe. C_(T_CB BZTB! I0B. i | r. ...,i?i'i m.Te iBeitii by the Comoittee oa ,lw, :. Extaaaiea Baeieary ertba .. ?, .:-.?? >r lad ta ?.?? ptapM .y.trm l_kr Bpt .1 fo '??- < k in 'i f.xten .-l _. o,U rha-ie.. , ! :i. eoller ,? _ Ti-w of ue ,. la tba rriai h ,.?... - . f. . i_m arcond ? Anx. uu-y - .. to tbe tanna of tba accaanpaay t 1.. I.UOT B. j. _. W . ?? B aiai.ati, ?, .f tl.e fhar"!! Ittaaataa aaalstr, ,' baAe a faw rsMBSka. ii? re?rr..tteil I . .. . . . ?;. v i ? . i:.i!iH>' the laet . if ? If aay r>ii_a>aDd ,. Kulat_a v yoai tei t,"a. d BOBMty Wl .'HaUt ii.' -f.-L,'.-. * I ,t. ial dartaa aad br*. ?rj M ? a of iu tlie i, ? .! ti|K>'i tha M , uat d.Ti:.-.?- ?! nii'-.I ralaa aaA reaulu . a itM i t_ refrxTtac ta aibira al MM ."aoutii. I>i ?i Ii ,;., BMBBB (.'lark U> tbe efl.-cl r .::-.;l^ ._ tl. BoBlk and Wbbi wUl ba .,.!.. . ;... ii a prrv. denomioataoaal bVx ielj la ,. maf BBsfta vbaal it apecialiy be.|M. It ... Um BBopla at Uk B lt? The ad t,, tr at the t .i irreiratluaal and nn . f .r o eu, t .au t'ai.ti wr.,? can i i u ? \.... p.aunot hare a tlil.ig i '!??:>'* . ? tn;. n_hta I...1 la . ?f l)r iluurwe wu i .i. {\ i:. aa I by, bra 1- t r j',ri |i, pb_i ? tl _ ., .; ii. t,, i., la t!.? fi,??.:? ,.. iu.t w..v lAppia . .? , (fe muit <lo ,i | pail u.'. banJ oa tue beart of i ..,.,* t it im aaaaa al ue pttir [f va aiva tba ira Bill aau ? | i i.d tt,' Brouad. ? .... Uwt m Labaana tha c uroh . t tl,r ,,, ?r.>. ., bal Qi't bawui; BBJ .al a a_aia for m-bbj wu., . In tbe ueW owawaib | Indiarnatlon | | r IbaaBBBBplBi I h<>p? atepa Will .> ,i i, ii] i .:, ? w.-re in*. a lor thu ob i ,,.ir kauaaaaaibbbbiwaaaBaauA .> iy I ,i.|.u, I itii l'ro,rrdin|a. i laflbi KoV'TotkBaal Aauual Co_f>r - K;..a t'hurcli ?H8 coutinued ri ' . ireb, Bmklra. Alj MaaaataBad uiia<>?. latyar _auabtf of dar. Betidaa, th.i praaBad* w ti, tha attaaaaaaa, i,oiu_ 01 a ire tiiiti. imi >.t baaa BMBBBBlad. I're I tba I'lwiunir einrciaes. The r i, i i ;, t BBMBtMaa tbeu mad^ n ? : - thal [i irpoaa ta b. .n tbafl ir'vaiied re<jiii'etinrr th. iini aaaaa ftnam Ib proacli a kt I.I..-: aici, nn HB eveniiiit . \. i oafa . ?. ? aaaaioB. . aa waa preaented bj Eldar BaafB fnr 1 ...' [i eacber, bnt vaa althdrawa ou . _ i,, 1,1 iini aabaatUM t,. Uba ?: intaat bapttm. I Grabaai waa latrodnead, aad Bta ,i to tba t i loBtb aa ibbobbI of hiH . - ifttf BBBM .liscuBsion, ,l i,y tbe Conraraaas. ?I PRB BOl IIIK.iN UBUBOB. , odi ifl r -...I ,i lalanaai ir,.m the New (. iBtad S.itur.lay. iu rej.iv t>> uiie aeut . -,.i). Attcr u aliurt croauililk', BBBM tha tba (ieneral Co_fara_aa of the MethoiH.t I eaaul i? ..i-a> i r>a<iy t" enttr into any in? , , , m.iiuii ,,f k d Bi '1 Ll atbarlt rnationi ,,_? i ? m iba BaMBBMB MrtlkudMM aaf iba onuatrj U,, .? a ^iro tnunlte on t'-morrow (Airil f.) with -ti , it,.|.ii,-, i:iii?'i i ,i iii.i a ,1. mn ;?: iii-i, li. 'paUieaaBBiaiiltaBa laa ibatsn ' .airniiie Ue f .it.-x i.;a 1 MBBaagB af tbat Ctiufereaoa (oreRi'l g raaarrai be torthwuh telr ..?lary i,f tlie Oeueral Couf-'ience to tbe . a . on L-at Aunual I',. fi-r-' w_ araatnua. J. UAMD.10B. \ v, I mmfri. SeprewrT (lorjeral (o.lerouca. , TIO.N.1 11 I'NllT. I |,. u uuniuii tbcu offored the foLlowing pre Bl I - ii . .r,-Lan(re of Chriatlan coorteaiea between afaraaaa at the M. E. Charah .soutii aud tbia t-r-nre nl tl.e M E. Charcb l._? iletuoii il .,. | . i, ty of hariiini.iuui Cbrutiaa actioa be ... theiefore, i i. Ne-.Yoik Eait Coaie-enea reipectfnlly ;,...(the two chiirchea lonciirreutlj 11 an . . >_..,. tli aa a day ot r ".r.'r of praier. pub B_M they atiaii apeotally ioTiie a.i the oon <i i-.iiea. anil iiidliidual iae_ii,?raof buth cburohoa lu u.illr La (,?u woutJ polir out upon thepe pleiif _l aeutluua ,.i..i ..., al .a iiiore perfeel epiril of Ioto, mctual ciaft.ienoe. jiul natioLBl B',l<iD than ev?r exiatrd eyen in ,..,,..' ra |i r,,l uuiied dayi of our creat Kepublio that ba Wkiab! eha ibroad m tha heartaof all C'lirntiaci of all aee U"0a u BBUat ol hxrmuOT and peaoa with eaoh other. aod moat aaparial t tbat he would. by the bleaaed lofliieecee of Hu Boly bpint-iipon all the BtsaabBB of ABMBtBBB Metluadlani, lead oa |a a ai. io pure and perfeot anity than baa arer exiated is oar Maaary fi! BaaB, Tbat tn eonoert of prayer all the Methodlat ' , . .f rverv naine, aertlon. or oolor, throuKhoul the c<.i: tiT b- ciml'illT mriied to )oln. H > ., J, l at wr re-.ueit our Secretarr to tranimit a eopy ol ii. "i 'ol'i'.loi'i lii the llnh,.|,a "f the 11. K Church South. aa.l 'O ii^" -I a co|n Vi tne I'ruiildiiiB llialinp of thia Coafer aaaa a* itn tbe regaeat of tbia Ciafereno* hereby made. tuat ne wooli I it theai before oar liubopi at the earlieat prac Ucalpaniral Dr. 9f headAB eaid thia was otTircd a* a tneaatire or t?d tu loetaaaa tba battag of umty and b iwaaa Hiri t?o aaetlBBi of tli<? cimntry. Ho . . |,..,ba.!y liecntiroly uu.todagaia. ABH T THE KBaEDMHT Ti:<' Bar. Mr Woodrull deaired to a.i.I anotber PatBBB. - alraadj ptaaeTibBd, a,. ttmt m> BMBaadar ? ? in reaull on itn-part of the freodmuu. The r_i ? , waa i. .nl a* fullowa: . ai ., ,. to 1,0 eij,re?ay uaileratcd that ooiMna , . ?n . ,..M...?,,1 um bieturei, of the M\ . , . . t ' ? ooatraed aa la , , bbIbI ?>n (mtiiy wltbour ilethodiet brethren aaauaa tbe in-aaima', _ ibe Boeib. a?. aay faiunna la aa ataad. I faat pnrpoao t., do al! in onr power to aaal.t them tn aaciriag tbcir Ligjlii-et eo.'ia! intellactaal. and npiritual proa:>?rlty. ., .% trooooon, W. II. I a I.'. G. L. TaYLmB. C. A. HlBB-lL. C?>r.iid?rabl>. iebOOO eneued upon tbe foreiroing reaolrja ll tinaliy a DtOtiOD waa carrn.1 to bara tbe B'i'.jixrl I ?.rtearonai.rinif of Meaerr-. M. L ratnd dar, 1>*- Whedon, 1>. Curry, <J. U. Cn.oks, ?*, A. l; .ncb 1 .- I(. ?. .Mr. Taylor, otie i-r tho Moerefruiea of the _flbOCt> can Bible Kofietr and th? K. t. Mr. flnlay oi Yi.v.:iia ahiatroaoeedtotbat ... The Bt joha* gt. diurchof New-Haven waaaaW,....,' i:. wLidi to Uoli tha BaXI aoBbion of tbo (.'oiifi ITATI <~>p Ti:Ef'>rrmiY. Tnia inteTe.tinir. lubject waa leportM upon bf thefoBI. Bittee oi. tiio Mate ol t_M I'uioii. Ibo) gave timir UOWO aa follows: At our lael aeaaion are reV.Iced greafly that the irar, b- tho a-.rrender of the priuclp.l Kebal armr and tke downfaUeO Ricbmond. WM Tirtually end?d. A naw era. fnll of pro.uiaa, WBHjQ.t di wniag upon _>. We he.'. four ycara bofore. eeaO t.i tb? ,'remdent of tbe I'nitcd Stutea i_aurancee of lojal an? port in tba conteat begnti by tbe tiriuif ipoa Fort Sumter. Wa now sr-nf :? !.::.. eoagratuUtioni tba' tba itrtfo waa ended, tbe Tictorr gaiaed, that Siavery waa dead, and tbat tbe ConaUta. t. m ? 14 uiaiotained. ?. onirratuiaflona ncver reaohed tha ear for whkn the* ware d. aigaed. Tho FTiaident, to whom tha nation laofeoi aaa whom tha natia tr.iated an.l loreti, bad taileu. lie baU baaa a hero and a -not; he %v*a now a tnartyr. ia tho calaruity wo became acxioia. bnt not diatrnatfn! Wo bolieTed O.mI would cnntrol in the afTatrs of tha nntion. and wa tbat bo upon whom the Kiecatire rtntiea now lOfOtfOfl WoaM ehow tnmaolf eqnul to hia naw poaition and prore in bla ad_iui.tration bia loyalty to h-imanity and the clwl ri^'hta af the aaoala Wo ere not dispoaed to utter har.1 wonla or pro* no-ince a lerere Judirtnent: bot it puini aa to be conatralBM t. n.iv tiiat theaa bopea bare beei: in part only reahzed. \%.'. must now look to 4ke CoOfreea and the people. TT* thauk tbe Senate for paaainu tha Cirll KiirDta biil over the retaa. Tnia act aen.laatlinil of deliiriit to the loyal beart of ______?__ ai.d ciaeahopo tbat tbo great moral reauit^ wlnck phijanthro 4_d _J aaalag atatesrnon hiivearderitlr wiahed ahoulO follow the aanprainaiy conteat are not to Dc aacriflced to th* ai.imoiitioaoraraoitio'nof aapirinrr men. - - ? Tha BaBoa tobe worthy of ita.'if an.l tho placa It ahotua oocnpy In biatorv. muit aaaert anlmaintain the great prinetpl* ofrtuhta. " Itiirhteouaneaa eutoth a nation. ' and the oalj nntiun that can bo proaperoua and happr ia tbe nation wbeaO feborali. "forlue nation aiad kingdo?tbat wlll aoff aerve Tbre ?b:::! pcriah. ' ... , ,. __. W* reoor.1 iieh deroot thank-ifiTiniri that tbe polpit la t_f loyal potnona of tha oountrr bna been outspokeu on tbe ffraaO qtieationa of Iba timea, and baa beeu true lo Ltunanity, to coa ltituii.;n?llil)<,rtj, and to'Jod. l redoBoftbapelpil and tha prraa _nat he beld aaeratF. Aud anr rOOOBetroettoa _ the rttatea lately in Ret%elIlon tkaO doea no't carr with it tl.ia freedom ia not in acccrdance wtta the g-eama of <>"_? OoTernmcnt aud tbe pronaiona of tha (.'ooatl tutionof the I'uited Statea. . _..._. __ 'i'hc Rible, our text ')ook and itanrtard, toachea tbe commea .. aad eqoallty of tbe ruoe. We ahould. therefore, aa paa t.>ra and teacner*. riamir abore the prej.idloe of ipraoranee a? e.iucaiior, maiDtain tha right of all claa^sof people aiooof 00. audclaim th.? oroti erhood of man. It ha> l-.t'ii.tir pleaeiirc and wemar be pardoned of beiaf araad afaer Caafareaat recor.i. to eo%5;wra.te utth aloraiOar. araaaaat, a ioyal Couproii*. a loyal and orare arm.T. aad a loya* ?ople. m maiutainink'the L'ouatiiattou frainad for oa by aa* l.thera, au.l aa we bara daae In tb- paet ao we inoau, by tOJ I Irrrt-r" "l i.od, to do iu the futurc. W v wlll bo frlenda of 0_B cmutry'a trlciula, oppouenta of onr oouutry'a f,..^. W'C. Hort, ?? *f. ADAia | L JoviS. L- W.A-BOTT. J. PaoOi jr. It waa tnoTcd that tho rwvirt b" BiOftod, and B_ C*W aer.t to the Beaato of tho ualtod Mtatea. An amendtBeoO wta offorod tbat it be aent to the Preaident alao. TaO amt-ndniont waa b_d on the tableand tba ongouil motieB adopted vMthout oppoaition. Ilie repoft of the t'a-ntcnarv Committee waa than BPa aentrd. A long dehate followed and the report wm latd ?0 tii- a_to, ofter wuich iu? f'oufaireaco edjoorned tu' t-? Wark Brfara rbe _.eglalataro. CHANOI.IO ALPERMAJJIC PISTBICTS OF ffW ffO-P CITT. The bill intrridnccd in the Senatp by _Tr. Leal ? - to a.iieud tlio charter of tbo city aa followa Tha City of .N.'w-York abail b? dirided tnto ai Aider_anio*l>_?. trtOM, aa f..liowa: , ... I.-- L.ttrict abail ooaaiatof all that part of tbe ettf iTinsr loiit' "rlv of n Baa .l:aw through Fraaklin at. to tbe oaa. Dieadoai. down Rroadway to tbe center of Leonard-at. V ne BOOOM of Rriiter-at.. to tbe center of Chatham-it.. ap t* th" ir.t-raertlon of the Howe-y and Diriaionat. tben dotaa tbe oenter of Catbarme-Ht. lo tbe Eaat Rirer. tbenoa by H_r tanallkCbaBBOl and tba city bonndary to tba piaoa of begtv lb'e Second District aball be bonr.ded lonth-welteriy by dA Firal Dlatrtat on fathartoe-jt., thence thronirh to oenler af I). Lioii at. tolriand-al., down the ceatar lo Eaat Uirar, aa_ tbenoa bo u pon.t o| poaita (.atl.ariu.-at Tha Tbird Diatriet aball be boumled aoutberly by totfTCH Dittnct. on Franklin it.; thenc.i nortbei ly np tbe oenter oi iii-.'i.ltv.iT to tneoonterof liouatou-at.; weaterly along to tkO Hadeae Rirer, an.l thenoe to tbe center of Franklln-at. ?^^ li." foartk Dr.tnct ahali be tmuiiiie 1 aoutberly by tbe TiJea D:atnct, on I.eonard. Raxter and C'uatbam-ata., thenoe ap tha - of iba Uowery to the center of Douato.vat.; tbaaoO aloiiK t" Ilroii'lwar. down to Leonard at. rbaflftb Uiftnot ahall be boundaU by tbe Tblrd Diatriafc on Houaton at ?. tbeaoe throuph tba center of llancock at. bf tl ? o>>uter of I!le?:ck?r-.t., np to t,'ar_iii'-at. throufrh the &a_> t.rof tiie aamc up to Sikth-aTC.; tbrough to Oreenwich-ara to _p??:itL-BTe.. throua-h the oenter ot ta? lattor to Foar teenth-a> t<> the llualaon Rirer. and thenoe to Hottatoa-at. The Sixtb Diatriet anall be bonndedby tbe Second on Dlna ;..-.-at , to tl* center of Norfolk-it, to Uouaton-at, to tOO ll-iwerv. down the Howerr to Diriaionat I ba S.>Tepth Diatnct aball ba bonnde.1 weaterly by tba FiBB Piatrict, on llancock, llleackar and Carmine-ata.. aad tkO Smh. tireer.wHh aud Seventh area.^ thecce aaaterly throapj t - ?? oenter of F.nrtecnth-at. to Secajnd-are.. down to tke MMB of Houaton at. ar.d thronicb to Hauoock-at. Tbe Bictoh Uiatrict iholl b? boundad aootherty by tba ond Olatnot. on Gram! ai.d Diriaion-ita.; thenoe nortkei tli'ouah tho center of Norfoik-it. to Btanton; theace thraBi tor to the Eaat Birer. and bj tbe clty boondary trrand-at. . - - _ ?.^ l ? Mnth Piatriot iliall ba bonnded aootherly by tha ritm Diatriet on F'otirteenth-at. thenoe tbrough tba ?ter af Ik-ara to Taenty aeventh-at.; tbence tbrottata tbe 00?> ter io tbe Hu_ton Rirer ai.d down to i UMb Di.tru't ahall t)e bounded weaterly by tkeBareoaB Diatriet on Sccond-are., Uience tdroufh center of Hoaetoa-aA tn N,.rfolk-at. to tiunton-at. throaifh to tbe center of C_ote?' at. and Avenue h to Nintb-at. alonpr to Second are. lt? llerentk I'.atrlct ahall be bonnded aoutberly DY M Borenth D.atnot on F..artaenth-at, tbrongh tbe OOBBB Of F.iurth are. to Fonrteentb af. Tha Twelfth Diatriet ahall ba bonnded aontherly oy t_0 Diatric: on Stanton-at.. tbence tbroojrh the oeataf ofClinton-at and Areooe R to Eijbth-at.. along to Iba BadO ltirer, and thrnoe alonc to Stanton-at _..__. _. .?_ Ihirteenth Diatriet to be boundad lonthertT ey taa Nn.! . Di.trul on Twenty aereath at.. abeuoa Bortberly ?*J_aBk the rerter of Eig-hth-aTe to Fortr?000_B_l to Hudaon ttrraa aulth.-m-e down t- 1'wantyaeTentb at The Diatriet abail bc flljcatod pontberly oy BBJ Dtatr'.ct on Eiffhth at., thence thrWth tbe oenter t^ Aaenua 11 to the oenter of Ninlb-at., tbrouf-to Second ara to p.<urteentb at. to tba Eaal Rirer, aad tbenoa ,by tba 00)f bouadary t<> KtKt.tti-at. l .,. r,'.ni'. Dl.trict aball be bounded waatarardlr by t_0 Thirtaaatk Diatriet on Eighib-aTe.; tbence tbroo*h the coakao of l'went)-aeTentb-at. to Serenth-BTe. to Twenty flftb at,, 00 luinl are, along to Thirty-alghth-it., tbroogh tba oaetor to Eigbtli-BTe. in.. Suteenth Diatriet aball be bonnded aootherly by t_0 Bereatk and faortoootb Diatriota on Kourteenth-at. i theaea thronghrtiemiddreof Third ara. to Twentyaixtb-et. to tke BaatBirar, atid tbence down to Fourtaenth at. 1 Berantaanih Diatriet ahall b?- bouudoil aoo_berly by AO 1 Diatriet on Thirtv-ei^hth-at , thenaatobrough Ib* aaataraf Btpbtb aaa to Fifty nintb-at.. tbroogh the oeutar aO i'.-jre. to tba center of TbirtT-eigbtb-at. 1 he F.gbtt-enib Diatriet ahall be bounded eoutkerly by th* Sixteaaib P_4riet. on lwentramh-it. tbaaaa throagh tba .e r oi I'hirJare. to FortTnixtu-at., to the BaetKiTer; aat lhaaae Oawaie the oer.terof 1 wanty-aixihat. T:.e Nin'teenth Diatriet ahall be boum%<l aoutberly by MB Fifree-.ih Diatriet on Fortr-aecond-at.; tbanoe tbrau?h th* oaatar of Kiichtb-are. to Etpbtr a__u-at to tb. Kaath Ttlaaa, aud tbence _??i? _ The Twrnt'ath Diatriet ahall ba bonnded hr tbe odrea. t-en?h aud Eitrhteenth DUtrtef* on Forty-atxth-et.. aaar 'lrlrd-aav.. and Fifty-TA?.th-eL. thance tbroogh Elgbth-ara. to tl.e center of Ur.e btindred-aml-tentb-it. to the Harlem Blrar. ;.. tho Eaat Kirer. by the City boundary. lnoradiag lllackwell'a Ialand to Fotty-aixtbit. Tha Twaatr _nl Diatriet ahall embrace all tbat part of t_B Citv of Naw-York Iring northerlv of a Une drawn throagh th* center ..f Eiichif-iix'th it. from tbe North Rarar to tba aeaht of K.||bth are.. to Oue hundred aud tenth-it. to tba HartaaO the City bouudary iu HellOate. inelodlDB Ward'i _0 ai.d Kandatl'a laland and all tbe otber Ialanda io' Hell Gataf, Loag laland Hoiud and Harlem Kiter, tbat are withlA tbo eirealtaaf theetty. The term of acrrice of each Aldrnnan now lo offlee ikAV cenae on the Brat Mondar of Jannary. 1867. A'new Bearf ahall be electad at tbe Charter election to be beld on the Bcto 1 u.-a.l.iT of Dooember. lrw'.. panoant to tbe prorlaioaa af th* j\l aud 5Jd aeotlon of tke law propoeed. to rw> ameudad. Tha AMeman ao elcoled aball be claaaed In tba manner tberato pronded for, and hold offioe for tbe raipeotiTe teroi tkeieiO) pre.cnted. _ (.Hl. f.oaa UH.bra-d to Uifr-Tkr Old CbaRYt* beraal. Tbealrr Ia the Court of Commom Pleea, bofore Jadge DVlf. yeiterday, came trp the caee of Ph_be 8. Kyadefi egt. lokfl J. Crane. This was a auit upon two proouaooBp notea made by the late Williani E. Burton t?> Mra. _!_? dcra for l-'.tWO each, at'.M and 4S monthg. Tha dafeaoO ?ot up waa that tho notea ware giren withont cot_ideia? tion, or/or an illogal one, yii.: for Bynder4'4 ia_o4R0*, dunug Ihe tinie ho wm United Bt?tei Marshal, ia ptfc cunng tholeaaeof the old theatct to the L'nited Statai for coart-rooms, Ae. Mr. Ryndera. howorer, aare eie dciice to abuw that the notea were giren for old debto daa hin> from Hurton for nionay adranced. Tho defenae \am aika.i the diamiaaal of tho coinplaint on tbo griiund t_? thia waa, in fact, tho diroct gift of a debt by the hoabeal to tho wife; but tho Judge, holding that thia waa like tba uaual ecjuitablo proceaiding of a gift through a third partj to the wife. orerruled the motion. Tbe ?_aaai w?? ?"!????> Jourue.1 io to-day. X-uUiei B. AK-o- M pUUlUB, BC Crane for tefondant aaa A Bagaa apdrliaajlef. Ta 8b BdBar af TV N. V TWbaa- ^^ Sll: I notice in yonr news co'.umM 01 JMUtiff (?tb) that yon tnaka reforaaea to ? Colabaitar tha SpiritaaBef a? harlag baan aawiB arraatadat Loalerille. It to f-JBBto tbe publio ware dlaaboaed aboat tbie fallow. ato _BaBa#ig a_..<. ftal a /raadalral tri-ble, who waa. Bero U-R 1*800 yeara ar"- tnrned oot whenerer ka nndertook to poak ____? Uto ike aocirty of Upiritaallata 1 wttneeaed hia beiii,? aipelled fro-n the maaaion OflOO klghly reapected Daniel (} Taylor by Bpintnallatotnore tha* tliraatearaaao, wl.o tben denonneed him for tl* impoaitiea* I hare my?e7wrtaeaeed bU fraude. He M an EagBah ?"aoate* and neea a Betltioua aama. Dia reul nama ia Scalby or SeaJhae. II he ia to ba trle.t for kla biae deceptton. .1 .a _ffM_>__| will rolunteer aa a wltneaa to hia fraBda. It la fu I H?- tkai thia feilow aboald he expoaed. and that tbe tufazulaa of JMjk h. baa Deen aratematuallv pnllty or tnanr Teara. abooid ba amiralr-onTallad, aud that Bpintoall.- who ??**?"?": Blirhrliliana. ahoold rot be _b______^__fc_____f*rH wra, waa atea) t uair brlgbt garb to (Ulndo tbe pubuo. * _*_*? yon my naae. f___a*.Aorflt.lMl i.'iO*