OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, April 11, 1866, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1866-04-11/ed-1/seq-1/

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V0L- XXY!.N?- 7,803.
now ? IBI ri.ME
Yk.ea h d. na < o,oal ?o
tn cbo__b_
u *.,.. (f tha Woed, and wbaa IbeM ? ' '? ?'?>'?
LIFF.-(.?lNO IOW1 il.
Oaaoata . to ' ' 'ra-l'lapoavf-aef H a I' od raira't ff >.e
aWp ?> 1 tha :nt...tinat op<n tha.r u.yi ?d l-i* l .'..'fa -.nil al. tha
Oba-nbo.it >r tl- ? '.. B__l ; mBhW faaaei ? ? fa m tl a re wala
rir. umbi a_ooo ____ti hbbai
AndwMV iN:, may be no oer.alon ^-i a'j ?. tiioae ol .?/m?
4fo?a' ?.a m -I lla_'? to tafl-r.
I Hlllt
,l flil'.I
i i HHH
: |HI ?!H
l.ni HHH
jinai o-iii
H:iH '
HHH li il
IN ' /HE VBHBJ MOMT-B Iba ?y.t-o. Ba-lally und. r?caa a
,.,., f , _ HIOHI Y (ov ENTBATBD KX
tfR/ /: .. B-BOAFABIL-A b ? ? ? ad-OBlOatoa
l i '
I ?
i i
hlrl ' - r . f.
,f ti. F-BOAC, N'o ' I Al.FandSMN.
K , | I8XASE8 i.ei.d.
?_y o, aanrte, wl . bha b| aupltb and chiluken
ajr|lhr.'f, HAfl
i.i .i,
BOvT fcw
%i tha MOB dltara. r- li t? *' I " ObB tba corruptiou
fht, ,, BO barebron
,-j,. ' ' mpound
_?-,?,? ? aanaaa aad leaantoe Iba ttoaa, toatBi
0k? ~^a and p.rget aOa tbe ku_cra
Wbtfb toaka dlta.te. It ttinjul.tea the haaithy fanrtioni ? ?'
ladf Ml eipalitr. 0 ? ? ' :? t f gr ? ? ' r '
Barar. ;..., a-.: irial aad a waaet daalroy whaU'ei
ptftlU, toapehbak THOtTBABBB P'fc ANNl'ALLY Hoio p:o
Oactad uiNh. - V..
My 1 . - -, .... | , r ? . . ?*: . .' Iha truthf.I
BBBafatoaaaaaaa fbaeyatoahaaPN_ai
?aaaa by . ' fW ... ?: Ml
lll l.Mi;. >i.!> ?;
ptun: <?'. 'he gra-.'.it aal .a aaaa ? i 1 I laeaBMto * ?
aaaa. a.'".-. _0 giaua. ara daauoaid ano. tn. lou?a ?ra.dy ?B>n k I
fhi. ia tca tea-!r_er,T I l.tve uied aid pr-a
fa tk* Uat 14 yaaaa
I- 4-1 ii I ?
. i i i.n
BHB Pltb
AN INTIRE8T1NO I.FTTKR f. piM-bel |MaJ ? Cl.lr.r
|taa. Rariaw, oa tha t - . t . of b'.ittp?lil. in Trnara.l'
eaVtlora. by Bcnja: In I'rtTera. F. R. H , kc. tfpaakingot Syphlilt.
aad d'^aaat ?it'. r'. -.. Iba >i .. al inar^ ,r-, l>a ti.ua, ? Ia.k
?m rtms.Ji) u agaal '.. lh* h'.j i of ?J VrraoA^arili/.,- ift ^i?r il titratr
Oaaoay. a a. .- * .. a<,^ c-^/r dri/o f riaa ar',aa. .rad _ifA. flifia
Bbtf.iataat ta.aa a r-i.i., a '. -, . iaaaBBB?k u-r..'. /'?, (A_l ar at Bj
pk*. .61- '3 tl. : j !i,4tytttm w auniraa or d p?( M imluHt I
BaadaeaO?ra ? ? | ... -..i >i ?>( MrarlafafaM"
<><>_ ooo
ooo o< '<?
Ot'O ooo
?.m^o oi ()
.. .. OOO
ooo ooo
t'l'O ooo
f?rO 1ABL:'.,?., OOlafVif bf'.be r..a'f..l ai Kaiatpa.lUa addad
leapinlof wtter _a aoial tohba II baa P.at !)r . k, .nd "na bot
Ua la Mf *.|... io. .. 'a-t-a,...'.i. ui tba ia
aactlan u uaialiy iBadi.
Tbadaaoei'.on ia ai aaditia.y fraabief na. t? l> '? r.a-aiiny . M
paaa, it fre.h ara?) _y, t ,l:>a.l.ip .% .Ml n i.ie obiection.blr. .a
BkBaakII llmn i'i deeoclijO) (or . (!_d aatnr.tad with aog.r ..
aaBaaaAat'n ol bo j. g bai dbaaaaah baa ailiaaHia m.l'.ar lhaa
araln _oi a, ?? a . . . rup la otb.rwiaa objMiliuaablr /or tl.a patiant
k fca^-ian .y i . ?.-? i ? . -? a n aar'.'rii.d ly Ihe laiga pro
Oanlaa af augmr taiaawBkaoah dote tf 8?.i.ju:. 1?, ar d wbli;h it
afM aaa arbatorar, axcapt to ke?p tbe darc^tioa l.am apoliiiig
Baaa ikaadnata,.. o 11 p.|-i..ii>y.of |ta Fu'.d Eirract ia a toru
praatTt H?? ?-. atriaii g!y utnl(aa)
otma ibbi matibm.
11 wi I . BOUII MBMtt
Ui.; Mi'.oij.s BXTBAOT BUOHl
t I HK4 (.HAVF.L.
< i vi* imofi i
ovBifl aaofar.
?? t>^ uiMaa.a ..,.,..J .bara aud f> ;? WF.AKNt -SF.S tuu
ItDaS 1.1 TI1K BACK, Y.'MAI.K (.'MPf.MNjH ??i IMSOR
IRB t'ia'ag 4>.-i airaawa cf aay k:.id It it DtYAItUABUt
P'.f) PIill
DPf) Di.l.
I'l'l* l.i ?.?
1)1.1. Pl.f.
Dllll la l a aa
I)PD iJ-i.
1)111) l.pl.
BPlBt-E nnuOTl HAVE f_?M AUMirrbli fO
WE1N rifl I'NIiKP STATF.S AR.MV. and ara a.to In vary
paaaal aaa Iu a.l tha But? UOBPITAL.i aad PUBI.IO SANITA
|Y IN4T1TI'TI0N8 Baeaajtoal Hm laad, u waii u io p,i?wa
toMltfa, it.* ggaj aoriaidarad ia Uraiaabla rtouditg,
tWiyv l'.t ? IfKI.MBOl.TlB WMii A^D C__MK AI.
I . I ? aa..yartare.
???.?_ _?X U? -tin-^a'.wifti- j_f
FROM W__ffl_NGTO_f.
Tlie Caso of .Tefferson Pavis-HLs iDditliiient
uud tlie Prupeet of a TriaL
CoDfirn.atioi.9 by tlie Scnate.
Mr. SanMntry's RmlfM of Tiianks to tlie
The Military (iratle of GfMnL
VABBBWIT !?, Tutaday. April 10, tna
Al.-*. 11. 8tapbe_a aill baeaUadbalbra db Ron
aa t_-BaTtMwtotaeMfjapBa tl.e pa-t BBd
priaciitconditi iB lif ll.?? I Dtb.
HO.E _t.UI.-l Pi'R HOMUrKB.
Tbe Hon. Ji.hn H. All \ | 1,11. _!,|,ii paflBai th. !!? ?
:<? itn, bBbvb a'.l aoldiera1 ?HBiirlalt. or MttldBBtaa if
?y reiorde, wbotbet printad or writt.n, or part botb,
.miik:!i Iba niaili at Ibl rauio iaIo au prii:tt_ Hiat
ut. lt waiaakcd Ir by Gaa. Qiaal aud otLcra.
IMh - mi fl tyaaraad tn-day earlr, rot
baataj aay mi part ?! buli nady t.iait uj-..u.
m TA. nii.L.
Xotwithatandlii^ < iits tn
Btraiy, tba Wa-a and __a__i (^nunittaa bavenot
y. I . _- . ?. ? ? i BJ n BBJ purt Of t!.,t TbB bill, *Hl will not for
aaraaal daja ta a bm ?; Ihen aaaaa to t>. apreat di_i <f
!n...i;?tog(-t barBM - ataaoatba dctaila of th?
WbUatbafl I I ? ? w Baaaiaa to-dayan
... t itij tWBSBl 1 -'ii ' ': i.'ikflriilixl aa
bUbIbIbi f? Btea I B, - :t it. iuikd; a; .1 it it Lnl Low Lkfly
1m will \*e < oi.;.riiic.l.
l ..-(.. i.r ii to: ;.i, i i: noatlA] -L-inotyet
beea a_ud upoa.
J_22i (88- ilNKKIPT BU.t.
waa AaaHy loat to-day la Iba Hobbb ayatataof V*ll
ai ii v.111 probably B?a ba a' nc inted, -ithoujih Mr. ('oab*
lia_; iiiirudu-cd uu,.tt.tr juat aa Iba Haaae a,ljotiT_e_, but
iLo imatilit.. ? . - ? ". i.i.'l (.'!..:? a ?o powtrful
uj to dth.it a, ?
Ml IjI? 4 1. il. ??? | <> THK WAR.
TbAjcdjil Con niltae i:. I'/.itn.g ladBf _a<l up tlie
? ? ? ? i t.i priut tbe r.ikdical
BTBT. lt a. . . ., Ura.ava.luino.and
Ib!? bad_adwithaatsai I .??. ItwUI ba rarj
i ? BM 1 tn -aluia atiy
IbiBgaftbal -;,?? i .u J. .r | battbaOoafr
irutteu are i larga lum of
_.? :.. \ ta Bill BB I I !? ?!.
a toi ?. raattta tub lovn.
liai, Fulik-rt'iii aad Stetaliaaa leava Ib bmubw for a
tour ibaaaab iba Boatbari Btataa to iBfati their rondition
la the Preiideat. ILo Latter ia of known ,
ri.i.ofiF.n |_01_8_ ' klkbkati'.-.
April 10, bein? the anuiver-ury of tbo ouiaucipation of
th,.- Bataval paoplf or tba Dlatfiel of Cuhnubia, it ia to t,e
, ? ?!? I rut"l by thf-m witb a (rrand procci-ion. lln-y will
bav? BB liMrin<ru, but a p<>rtrait of Abraluin LfaMata, aud
io ("iil,!ema bnt the BtBTI nnd Ktripi.-a. Tlny buTc n.vit'd
gaaaaaaa H-Bbb, N'y??, ItaaaVall and Suinntr to addrciB
tb.'iJl IU UlMI Ulk'OtlU|(.
iHH AWAHl.i.
Mr. IlA^eaof MuaaiM.'h'.B'.'tte procured the paa-nge of a
roeoltitu n calliuir _fBM Ibl S.crrUry ol War for Informa
tion aa to the diapo'ifion of tbe uwarda for the anrst of
Hi'oth, ifaioid aml AlzaTotl. It la aadflatBBBBi that tho
diatribution hak BBBB BlBda and a;.proTcil of. The rnoney
m :.! he U,.-hii:m-'l n a few dava t.> tLo Btciotar/ of War.
Tl.e TI, .-' J Uatary t'ot_mit?? La\e cttUi'd on the
Bunuu ol Milllaiy Ji.a'-ico for iut'onuatiou aa to the teiti
mouy BiraiuBt ML Da~_fc Aiiioi'jr, that evidcnco, Tthich
ia maJrlj i iTOaaMtBaalal, bal af tdoaaly Cttin^ linkf, i? an
., ? ,ra;.b lot'cr of JJiitia fitvoritii2t!io acja'-eiutttion of tbe
I'rosiuttiit, at.,'. wi-.ti. ? bybba aftaiBooth bad informad
t..:n ilii.t the plan to ki'kap tbo PMldBal bad to be aban
doi a. a* impr.v ti< .il.lo. 'I he reoordi of UtOBMNl forvice
oi" tbo (.'oiifodoracy h_vo bJbb BBBB BBBOBiad b> (im. L. 0.
lia.'r, und Will tiaTo-.v iu;.ih Hgbl BfOB BMMB/ ol'thcr
' iBBtbaiBOB,
P r. BPOal (iK?..vTi.u.
TbaFlw :???!? iaygBMHadltfaaioailBBBM al Iko
( . I a.
Th(- i:ow CabbMl Boafan aro itffaiu buay to-uiKht, at.d
;i,o i(_ laQy deoaaad to InaafoiBbataal *re n.ine iba Im
BBBBOTBdBg ll 'l.'.r I'urik- ...-, and prophoirica.
,i \_K (ik IA8UMAB raoiFCaTTa
Uen. II. L. livlii'sonV bhIo of inatt-rial cf DaHad
Sihtca military railroad __U baiBBBBMl to-morrovi'. The
laitof tlio nlliiig ftoik and tho jrorp-o'is Mloea car Lui!t
for Mr. Litn >!n will baaaU. The n.;?-i ao far l.are re
bUbbI Baady JOvtfMN.
aaiara-bti im
ue . BUaaaBb'i BxaaBiafBgflcardbb brtcth'oaiu>?
rlitM eoBtiaua to ruoeiri aaw inodela, To lay Ibay f
aaaiaadaaa brvaBii I I] <? ??? h.J<iLb b. PbUadal
pir.ft, trbltb loadi ai.'i laaa ? raaada pai Bdaata or 100
- BtblBOmil ?"" BBd Iwent} NOOBda, which in
?.,. i by th? Ilo.r.l to M 'lio BBMl rapiit Urin^
.-.. i . iiiovod.
baa rataraod fiom bBaalai; ;? ?
PBB__T1TA_1 \ n> ?______?.
m.. m Bra'a bill fartba i-:'. b ibbbbbbbI al l^aaaBBtvaaia
paaied tiiniHy, t.>-d?y, in I! M s.-nato, ?nl now only necdx
the rneuloiil a BlfBataBBBa bOBMBa a lavr.
i.iiV. ( I'KTM,
-i1(, ; ? n ia_ii daytslafl ht H-rriabuif io
niK MjoaiaDri bikbau.
fioii. Iboag, ubI " ii loaai Maai ibbM fcf <??.'?'? -towanl,
aa aa baapBattaf Um dbaaajb Iba So'.tii, re|,?irt4 Um
alTiiii-i o.'thaa BBNBB an BfBfnaflaBI favoranlf. Nenily all
of th" flBadBkaa uro "in; l.i.tfd ut good VBfM, BBd I' fM
JBBWOj MfBiaail i'i tliriiiow ayateui of froe labor.
Keteipta iroio lutornul KuVcnuo IqiUj amoucted lo
A treiity botwocu the l'iiit."l M_tM BBd tUt portion of
tbe Chippetra tribc rehidinir, in _ba State of Minncaota baa
iaalj baa. laaaladad. jfoTadlal fci tia-ir remoTui from
thi: Lske Suiixrior ?jm inining adiatrict, whirh ia at
pnient ovirrun wilh ? utorpiuuig wlatca iu ?earcli ol' tbo
Bpaalaaa BMtaL
Mimili* IBl lin*n__r um rn a!4_ tub prhsii'Ejit.
At a BMBiiaai af t_e _._aiars' a__ A__i_ta __a_wa -i U-4
(ity Ifibt nij/Iit, a BaOtiOB tBtmfeeei to Diaho PrOoMotl
Johuaon un honorary nieinner of Iho aaaocia'ion wna rery
pr.nnptly luul on thu table. Aftet conaiderable u
aioii, a Y*ta of thankp n? BOObOtHate waa p.ts-. i, tendeo
ing to _M riialuVial Iho tha:ik? ?.f tho oaeociatlon t'<>r hia
BppeotilallriB of tbo aorririia rrf theooldiera aud emlorjof
thf BOBBtTJa
77.. >\,;' ('..-./- o /..<.</", priatod nt rhiiTlritcn,
?aflt-BOOBBBOl Iho flnadBirn. nnmlnatro for Pn sident,
in IMB, Ooa. U. S. Qreat; for Vloe-Preaident. the ll.-n.
W. B. EeBejr ofPoaBiylvoBi- Th-1 latforatobe tojvtj
agalr.rt tr BBBB, latoUjOOOa OgoJaol ;.?!;. rur.ic.
The TTooao, on the priseiple thafil i' n-v.r <-.. Utoto
.lo rtp-orxl tbinfr, today g?ve Major-Gen. Hun. <? a a OotO
ofthoaha for hia gallant aer-iVee. throngb thowar, bya
_b___aoaa aote. Thorehaanot bcen a timo for Miveral
joorovhentbi reool tionwould not Lare ptsaiii twlit
To tl.e Ai?.ai.tad Prai. .
Wabubotob, Toeedey, Aprfl lf, if-o*.
Tbo Frr-idoiit hoo pTorlairoed the tre ity mndobe
tv(wPtb. liiiti-l Btatea and Ihe Winnnbago Ii
'I' ;- tril i ( BYey to Ihe floYerntD. nl all th.-ir right, tifle
ond iatereel ia taeir preoest wamation in the territoff
ofDokota. In conoiderotlon of thia the Dnited Statoe
rade lun.l lo them lo Nebraaka, aad apree li aub?iai thetn
forataei ria i - bome ond funiiah them wi'li
? i , .1 gnatadfla, ogriealt ir.il impiement*, poi."horaee,
ond whotoror B-J lo Boeooaory t.?t!cir domeetie com
Tho Preaident hae approred ond aigned tli< - defl
appropriation bilL Autong tha Itami are tbe f..!!owingr.
i k the Lifthl Ro loa B< irda lo i..;-t b -'i liglita
nnd othor oldo to Narlpation dlecontinoed bi I
oa tho Bontbera Cooat, 1100,000: foi refnrnlih.ng aad
repairiag the Preeident'a nooae, $46,000. in addilioo t>
$?? <>...i for r.'i-ciiii' it inaida and oat; !..r defrariug tba
expeaaae iacidcot to tbe .K-nth an.l buria) of AbranaB
i ... $30,000; for tha [.-.l.i.a.i f ord'a Tbeator .ib
. : ...-.- ... $100,001). Tbo a. t pirea Ba
ary of tbe Trea?urj euthority to aoll the pioperty
i.i . i idi d it
khall Ml befbra lum l< - thaa $11
I r. BAT_H>-B CBIMBBABBBll ni:.M?.
l - ! ;.? ia li: .. h *| ?:' tion poncrrtlill^ ?'' '
|> i\-. ,.? l BBtbera bav? p. nimoraof prooaa
, ...r ... bim fri.tn ronfin?_ieol with
oul :i trl ! it 'i j> ba iti tod Ibal I i K? ? ? ? ? j of Wnr, in
it lattei dab l ?! ? I, aaya tbal leff raou Dai
ip, b indi. H "?'.' ". f'.ruial cbai
orime I ut h i- b( rn indict 1 i'?i tho . ri ne ? ?' i .k'. '
bj tbe flraad Jurj of iba Di.Uici of Cnlnnib'a, whiOb
indii tiu nt .- noa '[?? n-liLAT u ihe Siipr.-in.- r...,r- ??
Diatriet. Ileia alao 4 wil ? of mnting
I. :.. oln, an?l ?itl. tbe ?V
derol tho l ii.oti prioonera of a rbj aUrration and >.iUer
baria_roBO and cnal I . I loward theui. Tha I'mn
| .( exptdienl ibat Jefforaon Havib ahould
Bretbopotni Irlal ? .i I'ourt and tojy
f.r Ui... r.n.o of licaaon, b. ?.o. adria. .1 bi ihe lawnfifefa
..I ti... tii.T- rntii.'i.i lhal lba< rooel properpUaa for a
irial ai ? I . ? \ Irgii ia I. at B ?- ? vntbr.
I.... iudlcial > r aaaiij .<! '" !!"' Chief Jua
ti,,. ,f it,.. Bspreioa 4..nri, who I, is beld no
i.iiirt tt.-ro lince the apprehi-naiun >.f Dutib, atid
wh" deolinea fof an md. I lo ] 1 to boM
rt ih"fo. I bo BkOttera abore .'a'.-'d nre. *?? far aa
I - fui b..|.'.nig Jefferaoo Daviain
? ' ?. pat .;??.. bla trl il.
Tha Attornay-Gaaaralof tb II 1*0 oaoattboooBH
timo ix|r(>a?e?l biii.ulf Bvaiu.t tba <lo<".n:.H al :i
..ii tl.nt J>fJ..raon
Daria aad iitbarra of tba iuaurawnta oagbt t.? be tn?-l iu
om 004 of tbo Ktatei r l> eta In wbleb thaY ln p>r
' tVy
.\, ' . , ( r ? i ? :: M btatatj a: 1 Vm>
-;. cini-lv (????..n.ii' dtbaeriBN ?ith uiiub
ii.uy boehonred. N.n?..f tb^ luaticaa >.f Iba I
trteto oioeo awaal hootllttieo eaooa.1, ood, i ?? a-Ma, wien
ti., .rti orooptaaad tl to peoeoAiUy i.linio
i.fercl ai.l t:,i'..iK(l m I . ? people p*.
.fa.:.a; t.' ?? QoYenusoot, wban tii^a pcaoe ?!_ll
horp n>me in f.ict and in law, t'.e j - ra U BO* h?!d in
inilitui- I oatoOBOlO of ??', a-.id who may tot
havo boeo tpied ond eonticled f?r t.ffenaea ?g?li.?r tt-a
lawaof war, abould I* trur.afen I nto the . unody of t?..
ritiea.f tbe | r.<par .l.air . ta, ?.. I. tr ? <' r_
luch high criioeo ond mi?Uai_aai,(ra ?a .^ . '.. o_afO*
OfOiBOt tbem. 1 thirtk K.k? it ia ihe plaio <i .ty
. ptaobteat to aanae a aattonotobe
-t.?.:??] boforo tl.e propef triboaala asdotthi ':?; i
tlnee agalnBteomeof tn ?. who werenjoinlylnitrtji
in iiiauifuratiog .iiol i <..t r.i,?p'.'ii"i.a laeoadnetiog H.e
lot* hoatilitiao. Itwillbe reeolIaa-taNl tbat the I'rri II
Al | M MOffO, H_ld tbat !" "a h*l
b.ni aued lo boldlna thoo4 Courto la any ol ti... Htata-a
at'..re tf.e K.'e.i.i, !... - I 'rd a:.l l' w > .-<'! _:r.'d
r. that tba Cirralt Coart of the Yfalted B'.t-i
woald a*t bo beld ta tba tliatriet of t . ngtle
| <.r WiBter, n.r oatil Co;.gr??ai!.o'ji.l haveao
t tytoi : n.l.Tai.'i a< t oii tl.e wfatoOBhJ*Ot. I'
t;.. ,|. beratioaof Cengreaa, boodded, th. reatotaltoa ?f
tl, ? braaeb ..frinl oothadty waa Boeoooarirj r?!>rv.|,
a.ili tha hape that carly ptaflotOB would be u.ada for tba
raoaatattoa of ail It* fu tbal perami
charg.d wifb H.e < 0__B_*io* <.f tr.-aaot. al ....l.l bar? fair
au.l iapaitiol triala in the l.tpbeat iiv',1 trbnnala of tte
eoOBtry. Coograeo bOOBOtfOt, bowerer, paaae-l any aot
in o4xa*d-Beo with thloroootaaendolliTB topobooo tbo
i.lje. r.ona of CbiafWoOtlOO (. baa*-, atd liere tho lubtlrf
reatafor the pre.enf.
It hoo BOOB reliably oeeortaiaad lhal applicatiaaa hav*
bren mado nuil ai< now p?bdnig f"r paftto* bj b* . i-mctii
berai.f tl.e U.l ? 1 CoagYoeo; In ei-CYO-oaBea "f Voot
Potnt, knt who aerT4al in tlm Kel.el ariny; 1-7 Bobal
Qeaerala, taahafiag llrai-ir, Leagotreet, Heaorryanl, ai 1
aaaial oftbe l^e?: oloo, fa vt-oainont ei-ltebel ..ffi.'.aia
i.tjil lo.-x I'i '?.! rjtus.a offitin aLo L.l.l pvelUoaaia
M.< K.-be! aenrice.
Tbe I' .-'.-( Uli'. |i.j;ii:_.|.' baa made a 000) ti- t te IBI
ui.ot?04 uvurland matl fioni tbe aoOtoOB t.-iiiiiiiua of tba
oaoton aeil oi tbe l Tnion Pacibc Uailroad, ly way nf
M,. ky II il t>. Doarea Clty, aad tbence to Califorma.
Thia giTeo twa .la ly Uaeo oeaaea tli<- Platoa. 'f li" aefriaa
ia to be (..inin.ni.-.l on tba l.'.th inat. by Ualliday'a Or. r
Iul'I klail Couipany.
Tbe SeaTotkry of the Treamry boe juat neuid tbe folloa
logolrenlai to CoUeobwe an.i other eOaVeooof thein.
t'nif, and to Buprrriatug aud local liiapcclora of Nteaui
1- BI :
li.uo '.f ])ii-...ii.i nt April7, 1b?0.
Vton OOOOftd tocaideratiuo, baAed up..u tbarrportaof prac
tlcal cbtnnata, 1 em of tbe OOfOOOO tbat cruile pelruleuo),
aaptba. benone and beurole .Uould be cir.aie.1 aiaong the ex
pioaive burnlng Bi'.ila raferrad to in tbe aeTeutb aud eljrhth
4H-ctlonaol tbe fi.-ain'-o'i! acl of Aoguit 50. lf.'.t. Tkarrrore,
oi. and after tbe lit day of May, aaxt. _o reaa.i propajlad In
wbola ?r ln part by ateatn, and carrylna piaeengrra. wlll be
permili.'il t? Iraoopaat eltherof tbo urUrlea abore neuied witb
..- i Iiutiiik flrat prooured a ij <-.!.,1 lu-e. ... IhoeaBe, aa proTi.I.d
by Ibe Mb clan.e of thnPlh leetlnonf Ihe ael obote refcrrial fo.
A fallure lo pr.M-ire lu.h llrenae m>.-. ? ii Ibe dcllnoiKntto tbe
ueuulty iuip.v (d br tbe MB aaattaa of tha i.di act
II. McitTiTocii, Hn\ of tbo rreaaarj
Tlie 8'r.ate to-.lay, in Executive Beaaion, con_rmed tbe
fllouiag nouuiiatioua:
ii.a'i \\ II?lard ol Oregon to ba Oorernor of I.lak'., In
tbe placeof Calab I.jon; and Ki< hard <'. McCormlck of Arl
Baaa u. be Oorernor of tbe Trrrtiory of Ariaonai Moeaa II-I
Ictt. t'hli-f JiiBtiea: Triah II. Ilailowar lo be M iial.al. an.l
Iru'i.k Hali to be Kecratary of Coloradu, Jarues P. L. Carter
of TlUiieaeaa to tietkirelary of Ariroua, ln tba placa of Mr.
Al.'orii.i k.
'iberxnato baa ooaflnaoi tbe following noioinationa
for OoM l?I
Hennnti I rlb. at Hay of Talan.li: Henry Toony, al Monloh;
Jiimea 1. Keruor. at Cb.u-Kiang; Ftancli Colton ut Veaice.
nud .latnea Martin at Ilatbadoe.. Willlam Hogara to ba hu: ?
v%..r of Sleamboata for tba Tanth Dirtri. t. A?onaotbnta,
" l'o* "
tba f...lowinp nama.l t<i he poaimaatrra I'arollne B.T'owkea
Cbrkaborg, Weat Va.; L liradford 1'rinca. Unabing. N. V.
.1 kl. Hedrlek, Ottowa. I.wa, Mri. Cai-iir.e J: llldaahao
Cbrkaborg Weat Va.; L hradford 1'rinca. Unabing. N. Y.;
I kl. II. lii.k, Olfowa. loWBi Mri. Carolina li. lildaahan
l.obnnou Pb. i Mr, hiewarf, P.lngbamt..ti, B. T.iABaotX
I owrr, PlaaerriBa,CaL| J?.bu I.rte, oroTille. CaLj Wiliia.n
Htowa, SprinKfleld. Maaa.i ditiuea I.-.w, Ir.. Sua|*ualpu Uridge,
S. Y.. Jaii.ea .*.!:.!). jr.. Illoorr.linftuii, V. V.
Ali Mar.Ul.?A. P. lll.Kiktu Waataro. and Cco. W.
]tr?( kuiridpe Kaetara Diatriet of Texaa, i.ud dohn H. Kt.tta
i ii th> Jllatrict of MTtaaa'h'iartta.
Tooa ^ir.,/nay,^-K. II. 1 urrer Weatern and D. H. Hatdwin
Eaatcrn Dlatti.-t nf Tix-i", aad Alfr.-l Kn.aell, Faatern Dla
trltt ir MiekdgOOj I * rt ??'??tn. tlomer C Il!-?ke to be (???ir.
rninder in the Navy; S.i'utnl D. llmiatou of Kuuana to be
Kocelrcrof PublloI^nlafor Janetloa < ity, Kanaaa; 4;,... n.
Wi.Kbl of <;.'.io Ui ba A-ent for the Illack.Vet aad other
Ii li.ii,".
'1 !.o Sonate cor.flrrr."d Ihe uominatlova or Aaacaaora and Col
liiluia of Int-Tiia! Beraaaa for all ibo DiatrustaafNurtk
Caiwilaa, aad alao B. I). IFebb AM?a.?.r J ir?t Uutn.t >.f
Penn.rlTania; Mauuael 11. Fielrt, C.il, .|..r NtOlb Diatriet nf
Naw York, 01 d Ab'en O. Cbuichill, f.ollector EBBteeatb
Diatriet New-York; llarrey i.'liaae, Collert.ir Tenih Diatrbt
. ofOblO: 'lliomiuion H. Ol.fbain, Colbetaf Nlnth l)latri"t of
I Caataekyi f:....an II. l'oater, AooBBOr, BgMBOMl Dbtrlot
I of Pefin.yllafiie.
j '1 ba S. nate alaoeooftrmrxl a larpa nuniber of miil.iry nom
I inationa, aiiioug ibeni tbe foilnwiuic iiiimed I'olonela to be
1 Breret Hrigadier-Geoar-?for gallaat and murlioaloniaer
Tle.a V. I'. I.amoile, .T. A. Htaffird Ib. lert W. Klmlxrly,
TbomaaJ. Moiwaa, K W. hnUMtt O, W. Vag Wto. II La.
aalle, Jno. f. Kiaar, Tboiuaa Sauderaon, B. I>. _>./Ut. Aaxon
H. DagKett, Oao ir V. Datt-.n, Tbo_U E .4:hlokeelap;, Caapar
f'ruwnltiableid. t harlea .1 llnrtlett, Danial II. Hn-u, Jacob
N Patter.on, Cbartoo W. Tiid.n, O. ('. klaxwell.
Fraaeb F. Ptoaoe, Katnuel M. yuh.oy, H. M. ivck,
M. rt. Kotilnaon, A. V. DcTeroana, I.oma Wager. Edwta.l F.
Joiie., John H. Irocker. O. B Woodward. t'barlei W. N.
Oeiidile J.,hu Wriplit. John McMahon. I'rmrlei (J. Halpiiie,
C Clay, Th.iii.i.a B. Van linren. BtOObeo Mallit. lljron l.aflln.
W. W. II. Davia, Nelaon S ItHwmaii, IHiu-r Ooodlnp, Wl liam
BeO-Baa, .). II. Sweiiacr. Jol.n liainniond, William lf. Irwin,
II H. [___ar, 4'luirlei Fna BaoOBOOO and Krneat Von
Vlaculak. Jheie bave lieen peoJnaed Hnpadier liencrali by
brevet, and alao a laraa nnmbrr lirer.led iu loair grado*.
Tbe Prcflidoct to-duy aigned an oal r grrinl
iiiK uardoii to U I^juiaiuiiiuiiri, 080 K.-uih t'nroliiiiao,
_ud o_a Alabuuilan, all u-.Ur the $.x),OJ0 OBBBB
#1/a a..k?-->?<Bwa-i <u wta -iwmUicjap *.ui?*aai k?o I
Sa _ IriBBda loaarti ?<> tho OawBlaaleaai tbat the number
?f Boatti. Ii i >de by him or tho mlbtary aathoritiaa on
K.liat". Wadm_*w,/o_a aaadJaav < laland.HontBWo.
lina, dorla ? ll e month nf tfareb, 1881, waa 46. iBeludin?
..3_ i'..l p ? il". Mi'ny more .-ontructs hay" Baea
B_adaw].werenot raport -d from ihodrfferentWaadBta
aaaaoa to ba ambrai ed in tbe reportof the Buperintendant,
RcqitwitionihaTcbcearo.ei?edattbaFro dui n . lturciu
inr aboot 300 fraadBMB t,, go to Arbaaaai aad uiaataaippt.
Thia daauad inaraaaea tba BBBtbsr to ba i_n?ll_e_, rot
whtcb requlaltloni ba?a b ra Btada,Ioorer'WPfT,0lu;
No freadmen or wonir-ii cer-d now bo idle becauao ot
narcitv of einployim nt. Tii"ro is pk-i'y to <h>, n::d,
owiagtotikBwaatof (aboreti in tbe houth and Sonth
1 utiri-ro paying v.ry lib"ral w_{:c?.
PT.VATl_Wa-iiivoroi. ApA bb 1MA
Mr. BC__Xa pn-.-'-nt-.l tho p'tition of Wm. (.ilmoro
limmi aad otbera fcf an Interaatioaal eopyrigbt law,
?!.,,. I to tho CoBB?AtOB on k'oitigu Ufcla
Mr. Allf*"", from tho t'nmiuitrno -.n Hrintinjr, ro
rirto.1 a reiolniion fi.r tho pntitin?r of l.Ootl ropiua of tho
taat Rarp-B- H-Pnrt af I8_?, tnt tba 118* of tho K"tiat(\
?? ,1 | i"H? f.,pir?i rordiatriliii'ion by tbo B_ptyi_ltt_daat Of
i iat Survey.
'i | .? . . latiofl waa adofti L
invai.1I) raanom
Kriilay neit wae a"t Hpart for th.I lontion of the
bUU ii, :u Um CoouBittaaaa laralid Peaaioaa.
tiik on u. _J--t8 Bii.r,.
Mr. Tsrvii'ii offistad a paaelaUaa laatiBatla j tba Baa
rn .rv of tl i Sa tata to | reeenl I ? th ? 8a irai >r> of 81 i
th,' '.'ill io pr-teet a!l iliepiool" in their oivil lifrhta aml
farnieh the liH'nns for their rtadieatioa, toaretbei a i'ii Iba
aiKnat'irpM of tho Becretarj of tba laaata aad tbaC abof
the Hobbp, i-.tt'a'iir-' that tba aetwaa parscd hy a two
tbirdi votc of both Hooat., ete,
Mr. IfoDotWAUi pi-iaated that the lill had rrnt tp
crivn! i two-thlfda TOta -MflRM* tba Scnatc vat not fully
MlMBaulwl ahen tbe bill a |
I r. lol.tion wui adoptad.
Sfr?8Ai_lBuai oftarad tha feOowiof ptaanibla aad ma.
lt au Iba baaatB of 'h? Uu.t-.l Statea on the.Mhof
?Taly, 1(61, adoptad a raaelattoa in the vtor.e foliowing, to
I ' ._, That the rirf.ir t & ;: ..?'?'> elrflwai baa baaa
?i ip.ro tke eeaatry bytbe alaaploniata of ibe Ho.Uiern
Ettataa n,? la r> roll agatr?I tha Geraraiaanl;aad iu urmt
aro.md Ibe ea| it 1; i' t i, Ibia amer|eeoy C tagreM ban
all fieim. of aipre paaalnn, ??,?! r ll.ul'.W
np"n onr ;,art ln ..tiy "-.airit ,f op| n - in Bor f * any poi poae
i r BBBjagation, .:?r f:r t!.. pnrpoaa ot orerthrow.
?, , i nl i!' :? nl tl a ?oprtrma t of tl ?? i
aa 1 all lava na.le ir. piirinwice tbereof, aad to ?r_ Tra
t_o I in.n with ell the diacitT, aqBB?il aud ri.lita ifllo
BBTerela- Matea aaia| itreaT, aud tbm aa aocu aa tbeae obJevU
are aecoa>pUahad t.'.e wir ooiill tu i mb,
??j B-arraa, ThaBaldelytl war hai eeaaadi ther-foro
; rr.t, ihit lae ^oijat". In radrmptWB of the plcdrte n{m
ln Ih.-aduptloiiiif a.id raa..lulioo. Bill delund aad Bauitaln
the euiiremaiy of lh ? i ? . ., I ,li hi-aa Bjala bl pur
?dir.ie ll.ereof. imd will pieaerao tbe l nlon with al tbe ditf
nttj e<|niliiy aud nalitaof H" a. ?..?: al Matei, tbo aaid South
ern ^ti.tea iri, lude.l aaiffipairad
IimAwA llmt Aulr.'-v I,,. a.,n, Prcaid.nt of tho U I
Btatea, ni-nta the arBtitud.i of a:i UaDBBpleof tbe Cnited
Htataa oo aaeaaal uf i aarti to pmer*H tbe Ifuloo
wilball Ihe.iynity ,..,n iln* aad tiari.ta af tbea-Tor.il St.itci.
ll.e-.iM (4.,i,ll.?r,i'M i ,?- ii., n?!-? ? t. uoinipaired, nr.il tlut wo
l,l,..|?-e I .. BparallBfl la bla aaid rffrte.
_t. RCMXEB obje 'i I 'o the praBBSl i ?iu>,lratioa of
Iba abera, ^, I it ?"iit orai under Iba ml".
Mr. Sai UtBaTBTCBTa BB ?'?? 'hat La' wouhl fall tha lub
Jocl uji a_,..iu .,ii l-'ri'lny BBSb
Mr. Van Winkib, IYbbi tbaC*Mamitt4aoa IHiaWMHcca
?? I I'l.'t U"8'K rtportad ?.tii aiiie,idt_"iits the bul to
ani"T ' ' ' .*h.
lt BadaaM the ina tor dadMlaa ?r injnring iniail nitn. r
arlaltattarpillar..te- flrnaiILaNOle|m, ond ?!ic uu
BTtaOBBMBt tmd< r BSTtfllB ca??B.
Tl -? ('..ir.iM'tetaBBkoal to be aieaaod fr-.tn the lenate
i. | ?.. m aad tba aaalal lawa. ia Um al h the Heuse Luli
waa rriiorteal, *? a',oTe.
BBlMllLBilVli IBBBalliTABlAa
Mr. W'mjoiv ? dled ..;? tha bill to reimbutaa tbe Sfate <>t
rennaylvauia tor thn axpcmea in < alhoj; out the uulitia
of that Suto iu tbe (liternmr-nt aa rvi.o.
??-aTfifcr- ..f w/af ?? p?T t? tne ptrate
i.f V r.: ?yiTaiiiaaiuin not eicecuibK foW.OVO, for the
,11 e 1.
1 ll" bill aaa | ???' <1.
Mr. rVM-BBOl > ? l to BTaat 10a?,000 ..
|| * | blia lar.da to aid m Iba eoBatractlon of a ibip i u .1
ff.i:i Labo J> .pa-nor A l.a. 1.1 llvlle Hl the State of MkIu
1 l.a 1.,|| war
?'irruEvtM MltitE.riTi B.i.in.
Tl a bill'. 4k..^ n b-tbj t ol 1 iitda la a,,l ,u t' o ronairuc
ti,,noft ? v M Bneaota Uuilroad ?a* paiieil.
Mr. WnaoBi i rpiUar olution to araal thaaa of
at.. i baaabaf t,, Mx?. m. c WbIIiiij i<> dalirer a
leetara ob thi l ? v ''.a? V_aaday a as>
tba i< tb ii ?t.
na pa.ai
On m?.ti..n ?.f Mr. TaraBTrtt, tl.t- 8< ? ? ? *' a, at 1:10
ba n .. lutinii wna p:i-ae.l.
m , wp_,r n.to l.i" ll M -- BB| a..d at S:M ad
DODSE "K Hl.i'Ki>i:\l'ATIVE9.
foiin oa tiik cn ii. i .i - im.
Mr. C-ABLBB N. I.) Btatad tl.at ifba lia?l bn-a i reaent
t.itar.lav vhafl *he volo waa tak' n oa tbo Ciwl l{l?UtB
Inll, ba woald ha?.? roti I Ib tba BBfatlra.
Mr. DBMMB Mleb.)aaid tbal aa bad bei n ralled out bv
nnaroidah!" bmineaa yeaterlar, aml waa abaent bul .7
?taataa; whaa i.ecaiuebark the bill -aapaaaad. Any
Btvawbakaaa bloibaawtbat h? woold not bare doaiircd
the naBttOB if baa had been preaent; he wotild aaiBialal
' .:?, Ba.
TMB AWAltl) COMill'SI"".
Mr. Dawib bTbbb ) odeted a raa latioa, wbieb wa*
adopu-d, dlractina t!.- Surctiry of \s'ar to Auaial tba
riouse w.ti, tb ? iil.i ,-a of tbo CommlaatoB la the taeo ad
tho uwarda for tbe eaptota of Bootb mid llnrold.
Ifr. COl?O_ Hl-'. fr.iin tiie Coaaaittao on Kon-ian
Al i r?, rirportad bacb tba lolat taaalaMofl of tho Nenate
ButbonilBg AdB-tral PaawlBg aad Commodora WUliaui
Ha,1f..rd Io aea aal dWaoratloaa iMm the kmn <>f italy, in
rBCOnaitioB uf thoir aaiviBBB jenden-d to tho l.i>r..t"
Kt d Italia.
Mr. I'aim! a?ke1 h a*e to ofTVr a n.?.,!ution, inatrnrtlntr
the ( oniuiiite. on labiato imiuire into and report BBOB
Ibl tlliBdlBBBy of pilllldlaff. by amen.lm. nt tn the rnW
that when thu llotilp eitiall BBTBBBdOFCaJBBBJBaTBa-OB K bill
or J.oi t reiolntiaa ri'tiuned by the PlaBidBBt with hia
ohiei lioni, ueittu r tlio iu.,t:oti to lay il on tho talilc ai to
MBtpoBB it in ladaitoly ahall bo in oidtT.
(Ihiertion waa made.
Mr. Hiobv, from Iba t'ouiuiitteeaf Mimi aud Mining.
repurtod hack tlia ica.'liilion ieoaBBBI?B.lBg tbu Tk-iuovui
of tho l'nite.1 faiatr- Braaah Mmt at Chariotta, N. C, Io
Ho.aeCity, ida'i., |. irit.iry. and inon-d ita r__rk'i.C" la
Ihe (.'..miiiittee .,f Waya and Me.mi. It wai ao referre,!.
Ml. BeBMR iireaonieJ a joint reai.lutuin of tho liouuBul
Anemhly of tho State of Obb), aakin,r an iinconditioual
duty on wool, whioh waa referred to thn Co__.itt.eou
Wayaand Meana.
Mr. Latham, fr.,m Iba Oaaailftaa aa PriaUa& r?
pirtcl a rraolutiou, to priiit olie baadnd aitra copiea of
Iha Coaat BnrTty ma laa yar im?._>. ibrdtaWbaneaby
the Suparintenilcnt, and fliteain humlred c?'i'ieB lor diitn
buliou oy uieiuberB. Adopt"d.
A nittv. uitii" n.
Mr. IBOBB80U iiitri..lii(<'d a bill to autboii/e the con
Btruttion af a iiBBbildp in tho iqaadai t aeroaj tho l'o
toiufU' Kivcr at QeulBBlaBB, D. C, ableb waa n?ad tuic,
and roforreal la Iba Coraiiiittea for thu Uiatriul of Colum
Mr. Wammvbam aamad a raaalailoB.wlilab am adoptad,
requpitinn tbo CBatatlttaa aa MIHtary AdUra Io kaqalre
ini.i Iba B-padbHM v of mithnn/iiiar tho i^uartornaati'r'a
DepartaMat io uuJit aad pay IboJBst ibdautof teya]
ciuaeaa for boraaa, mulee, aad otbar panonal prapartr,
?../.id aad nfroprlated bylbalabali uuder HoifaB, ?n
I!.!;.. a aud Oblo, ll lalj, l*!:i.
Mr. Aiti-T. from tba Poat-C_?_a Committaa, laporM
aaBiiltulauitdwtbal tbo aoldlaaa' kadtfldBal miiuoriBl
ibaB l.? ? arri.al throiiKli tbo muila at tbo iiatial rato of
pnuted niatta-r. ll waa roiiridured aud paaard.
Mr. itAvtioNii obiataad parmlaalon to maka a mpoit
fpiiu tho CoauBlttaa of Poraifi Affiiir*. Ha itotod tbal
Bome daya bIbob b raBolatiaa waa iBabtrad Io that com
mitto, iallin? on the 8?cretary of th" Rarj l? BBBd armeil
Ti BBBU Io tba ttabOllM BdjaOSBl to tb" Briliah l'rovinies.
Ilo waa iBBtraatad to Btafa a paall-ilBBiT rapari lt miKht
biaof aoni" intireat to th" Hotuo to atat" tho rireuiu.
ptanaaa wbiab had Buda tbe praaaBl ati.-ntion to this enh
j. rt a iiiatti r oi oacaaaity. It *nw aal of tho abaogatloa
of tho ||4N ipr.K ity 1 reaty af 18.1. I ba oria-inal riglit of
tho Ain.iuiitia t.. j urtiiko M tho niheriei OB tho roa-t of
NowfooBdlaad baa baea aajoyid la aoaaaoa with the
?,ihor tolouiata pravioua to th-ir ladaaaadaBOa,
and bad baaa laoOBBlsed aa an aa-WBB riglit by
tho TT'-a'y of 17a_tl. lt waa BtM lom.'.lid. not a
privileao jrr.intod, but a right, mlunttril and
ri-(Mgiii."<l iiaa right undi-r that tr-aty. Tho AtaarlBBBB
bad aontinaed toBeb tlmretill tha war of 1811 Uy tho
Treaty of 1811 no proviaion had boen mado Ibrtbaaabai
laat, the Aineriran CiiiiiiiilBlbBJiail Bbowaia Batborliedto
naaotiata at Oheat haviug bwm anraaBl} IBBtraatad by
tbeir 8aPBfB?0Bl not t<> a.low th" ri^ht of lablagaa the
c,.a?t to ba druwn into tho rttioation at all. Tba m itt.-r
hu-l bOBB, thircforo, Ufl prucie.'ly aa it had baaa befbl
Bodartba tiaaty of 1788, wbiab adadttad tbalr right to
fiehj bal diatBibaaaai had oeearrad botwaaa Iba nval
Bahertaaa wblch lad to tbo C-araatloBof 1818, Maaara,
Oallatln and Baah aatlnff on tba i trtoftha UnOed BUt>a
_UVB.l-lla._t. Uj Ullat L'a., . ?- -?' J J'2 fOltv- biB-'a lif L
or any
notinrM and roceiYod the right to finh within throe mlles
ofthoahoreo oi'tho Iiri_.su Prortaooo. That waa not a
lion by Oreat Brttata uora reatrieting of any rvht
priviloge. It wns tbo rennnclattoi by the
.1 Ptatoa, of tho obaoluto rijrht to piirtioipato
, thooo fiihcriee which tho Ulited Ntatoti hod
aatoyed from the begtonfag, and which had
been erpreadly rocoenize.i, prerktoa t<> tho Treaty of 1/oJ.
Tbe Unlted Btatea hod rpuminecd the riitht of fiahlng
within one rnariae league of tho coaat. Under the Con
rentlonof MlfJ, tho Aineriean-a aii.l eontinued to i.nb.
until diotnrbanceo orooo in liwii, whrn tho Prorlacial
GoYemment cloimed thsrirrht to exolnde Arnenean fisb
crmeu to a greaterextont thaa thrco miloo Iroaa tho oowt,
patttna opon IhotnloBQQ aa entir.lv n.-w interprot.itton?
oamely, tnat tha im<> bv which ti-o tbroe _iloa ?oro tobo
d wita to be drawn from hoodland to hetdland of
all tho baoyi along tho .oaat, laelnding Iho greal Bay of
Kundy, ihe Beyof Chatoor, Northnmtatana N'raitn, the
Btrait of Conoo, Ot*. Tlint would hare exctaded Atneri
citn flohormen from OOBM of tbo moat v.iinelili) fiahing
groiimU on that cooot. Tho Amarlcaa GoYetament
boyoy odmittod tho Jootieo of that tBteraratattaa. In
IR|.'? by a reaonotraneo ..f Mr. BtoYeojon, the *-hen Min
iatt rto K; glai d, tbe Dttttet *io broaght to tho nttention
of the jtrtti.-.n QimoBiaail A 8000 waa then aaaa
up by Hie prorlneiol .iiitboritioa, an.l aubmittcd to tholaw
offlcera of tbeCrowa. On thatcaiO tho law oflicora de
oidod twopointot?-rot, thut tho treaty of 1783*00 an
oulled bythewerof 1819 aad tho ttoatwof 1814; aooond.
ilnix th.: claim to drav the lina from hoodloal to boadlaad
of the greal bayawoa BgoodoBO. Uo'h poiuta werode
eided againat tha Amerieaa i lalmi bat theAaaeriwBOoY
arnment b fnaed tora iignixe thatdoriaion, and tho Britiah
Ooy ii m: nt woived it iu l845j ?o that tho fithcnos wcut
oa. The Ameriooaa oayayad theea Ln comBkoairith the
Pa-orlnctala after the Conventttm of 1818 until tbo Reci
proeity Treaty ol' !8Ma By tbat tr.-.ny Aimiieana woro
ogaia odmxtted t<> tbo cx.-roi<o of tbo right, and wero
_;.,,? .,11.,:, :? , ; .,ijf r i..'ii'Otothethroo
mileo1 pnriedi4Jtion. Thut wn-,?he?tiito of tho enae till the
Rodproclty Ii btyvaeabrogated. TheAawrteaaBahoaaoo
were now tnrown Baek ob the rlgbto whlcb thoy .-njoyod pre
viona to tho Boolpoootty Tr< aty. The Houao would prr
r omeimportantf] "-iiouaof conatrnelion would
ariac andor tbat atato <.f thlngo. It voald beoome o
,n ntider which treaty wo *oro now to enjoy the
nirlit of liahinK on th.ae eoaota. The Britiah claimad that
by tbe Trooty of 1814 tho pweodlng Treaty of 1781 waa
unnnlled; bnt that clalra eould not be tiijintaiup.l, be
cn.iao, if ao. thon it waa aqmdty elear that tho Treaty <-i
I- ? i.ii-' baYobeoa aiinullod by tbo Tmafy ofI8M| ao
thattbeyarere tbrovn baek. eitheron the ori.innl con
in tl... I ;? ity of 1783, or on tho rightl which were
OBtoyodptovtoaoto thal timo. IVobably, howover, tho
eonitroetion vhicb botb GoYernmenta would oonaent to
. d it vonld be thot,by tho abrogetion of the 1
?? ? ?-. rorc tjjrr a : baek oa tl o Cont
. __i iJ.^. a........ an -ahiyrmcn wutUd ! o permitted
fo .? >rrv ou iheir nhmo >.f tho fialivri.'j, afe tney Tfarro um
Ihat Convention, t? within thrco miba >.f tho coaat. He
aad a* idoo tbal tbo Aaaataaa BoY*n_aaat would ov.-r
eonaaat to tho drawiag ?f o liao from beadtoad to booa
lotrdof theeegreatbaya. Rooh octmu aaaprepoatoroua.
ln tho doaiilnn givea by tho ta*^o_toen of lao Crown,
they a.tid th"' tho torm " hea'lhn>l,"as ueed in tho Treaty
*C 1818, ??!? rid atly ii/cuded t? mean the headlat.da i>f
tboee lt ot bayo. Bnt Hoo bttppcued that tho tcrm " hoad
land" wit-i not in that Convei.tion at all, indicating great
earolooBaaM bi tha examinatloo of tho caeo.
Mr. Kr_vi.:;s Inqnirod vhetbor, nndoc th* La* of jfa
t'...r?. and withoiit anrtrtnty.rr eaatOBttoa,Auicncan
fialutrmen hai not the right to lieU to witbin o manno
loogao of i!n ihoBol
Mr. IIaymom) gOVO it BI hia own opinion that all thoae
trentioa were obrogatod.and that we f.'ll baek ..ntheri^hu
which a* aayoyod bofaro any trooty. Aoooriiog to the
Lai of BoUoaa ao bal oortatnlytho right to fish to
vithla a marino leaKU" oftho abore allal..ii?t the eoaat.
Mr. Pnu itdt.'d that hlaobjeetio offi-nng tho redoli>
ti-.ii whi.h flanood the gronndwork of thia preliminary ro
p-irt, voa not a bclligerent one. Thera ware 1,000 $aiori
cau foooolo BO* on tho fiahin^ gro'inl^, BOaBOd by ac
tivo, ( BOIfOtiO, ijuick-u i??ed nun. aad I'.rl.ape thero wae
an -?.[?:il numberof Britiah reooeta them maanod by men
JealouBof th. ir righti. lf theae partica Wi-ro allowed to
udj.i(ii(ate tln ir ouu claima, it would be eiiaily aeen that
troabto might ariae. The Provineiai L<'_ialKiiiw propoavd
10 h lYO BO i-.rte.-l police force thero, and it waa bnt right
that tho Auicriejii Oovornniout ahou'.d have one or more
arn.-d VOOOOil Ih-ro lo ptatodl Iho peace.
Mr. Kaymostj atonaly deaircd to j.ut the Honio in poa
icuion of tho l-adiug facta of tho case. llo waa not
awaro tl at the Britiah liovirnmont had givca any offlcial
uH'onnation t? thia Gawotaoooat of thp at.^-a tkken iu
connet-tion a ith the tna'ter, bnt ho fou_d in TU I. .nd~n
Tn*r$ of March 17, a atotomont in au edltorial aruelo, ra>
latinrto the terminatiou of ibe Itrciprocity Treaty, that
vi aaela <.f war had beeu plat-e.! oo tho eiaat to protect the
Bi tiab riphta and to preYeBt oollioioBL oaa that tho
A_oricau liahannon *Oud be duly wun.ed and the rxcln
lionof Ihoir boaB 00-M**- llo waa of tho opinion thst
tbo oiily gro'-nda on which the llritiah tad a_y Bhud->w of
rigl.t tO*arao8 >.ur BahenoeBWOO th.' erriill atrtp.-f
tkraa mlfco fram tlnacoaat. ile thouatiit ttooito right
and rro]>er 'hnt tho Iint:?h ftoTarnment ihor1 '
oraaa iet.,-!a Ihoro to oet .?potleo aad praToatooll?aon,
oadhotboaght it c-.a-illy LM-.-asiry ond nropor tl ?? u
lloTeruuwnt alioald <lo tte aan.e. Ou that |aM
vua oo il'il'Tenco of optn'.on in the
CoB?_tteo on Poroiga Affrtlra. IIl b w] aa
.1. nbl that our QoYOmmOBt had tak -i au.'h itepa.
Ho o_d aot oatldfoto oaj ooUoioa, olth |h bo eaald
roodilr ooo that lf tho clainu ofeech party aert' ; .- ? 1
t.i ih-'ir aattaau limita tharo w.nildanae a qneatlaa which
muht leu-1 orentnolly to wir. our Btoroata in thote
bai.T.'s were well worth proteotlng at all ooato and
ha.'.ir.la, and it waa therefore ImportaBt that thereahould
b. at_B ii ol force tb.-rr t.. protoet them, aud to proveut a
OODfllOt vhllO n. g'l'ialiolia *? tbo Bubjeet Veg* peoding,
IfaarOorammantaavftt to _ivito ue|f..tiati..iiH f..r tha
parmanent ooeorlty of oarrighto. Ile had beea laotneted
to iffer a reaolntion of inqnlry, Bo boMotod tbat tho in
.liury would r.K?>rt with a prompt roopOBI ', BBd tSOl Iho
Bo .'..' *onld roooivo ineb Lnformatlon aa voald aervo as
abaaioforvbateroraotioathi Bouoen it th.uk tit t?>
tuko. It ara dd bo Bat** that otepo hud beaa taieu to no
eore our right", and InfOTBUk?OB of thoOB at. i? would bo
Yery raadily cuiiuuiiulatod.
Mr. Kaymu.no t.'ieu oCared a n?..l i'.on requeatlng the
Prraid.ut l>> iiil-irui the BOMO ?hut otcpe buvo lc:i
tokon to protoot th*.righta aud lateroetaof American
rttiiena inth> ftahiaggroanda adjaeeat t.? the Hritieh
ITuTinoee, an-l ahetber any byi-Utiou or other oetioa oa
tho part of CoagroBO to, inbla laajaaal ooeooamji ioir.
enre ih..?o riathte an.l intereata, in coneequeuw ot the
abrogotto* of the BeetaroellT Treaty of 16j4.
Tho rOOOtotto* waa adopted.
FBBffiaa rk\ btoi aooni-ffB
Mr. I.aplin, from tho Oo__BlttOO ou Priatia*, n-j.orte.l
orooolBtoa topriatBrtho aooofthoBonoo 7,uoo oxtm
eoptooi lor the ua.i of tho Tmobmt DofortoMat i,'>H)
axtraeofioowfa?oefoetol rop..rt? ol tl" l'nit?.i statea
Ronuue Commlartonon la dlotlllod Bflrita, _a____anm.
propnetary inchciuef, iron aud ateel, wool, copper and
zinc, Ae.
Mr. OABrittPinoYed to atnen.lby reqriring tho P'.'.b
Uo I'nnter to fumiah 0 completn nulei nf tha contenta,
u.d aai.l lio a oull more a aiiinlar ainendiuent to all reito.
tn.ua to priut paatphlete, Bo. The aincudment waa
agreed to aud the lOOolotlO* adopted.
Thi> Spfaker aaaaaa.?> .1 tho BUoviog aiipointiuenta to
tiii raoaaatoa m oooamitteoo eoaood by Mr. Radftad being
ounoed from BBFftoa >-n tht-ui: On the C'.wuuiBfee ?u
Elcctioua, Mr. Nicholaon; on the L'oauuitiee on the
Pacitic Kailroad, Mr. Ilnbbell (V. V.).
Iho faoohoi poeooatod aMeooogo from the Prooident,
loaoeoBiUing a eooamaateation from tho Bocrotory of Wur,
with ooeomponvlDgpapero, in relatkm tograntaof land
uiado by oeto "f Coograoa uaaacd iu Ihayoon 18B0, ivxi
Hiul ln...;, t.. tho Btatea <-t Mi-ala.^ippi, Alaooma. Arkunnii.
Plorida and Loalataao, to uid ip tooooootraotlooafoor.
t. araUroodo. Thooo iroBta voaldoipiro byllmltatioa
oa tho 11th of Aagaet, I8IA lootiBg tha Baada f?r whoae
behelit Ihoy wcro OOafbaa* iu an uuliuiahed coudition,
an.l tho Preooioat fooomaaada thut Iho tlaavlthlnvhiob
they unist boooaiplotod ihoB bo oztended f.r a pastod af
I'ito yenr4; which waa ret'erred to the Committoe on Pub
lio Lauda.
Mr. AWOORA, from the Committoo 0* Military APftira,
r.p..rte<l boek wtth a aabatitnto, the Joii.t ropuloti. b, \
preaaivaof Iho thaakoof Congrooa to Major-Oeu. llm
ooek, for hia galbuit, meritoiiotio, an.l eoaaptonoao enure,
m tho greal oad deetoive riotory o/GoUyebarg. The oub
atituto vai agaaod to, an.l tho rooolotloB wua poaooa.
Hl alio PBOOfftod a bill to oxtond tho JarbaWtioB of the
Court ofCbuBM by giving it Jnriodletion to h. ar and de>
termlno all claima of BayauotofB, eommlaoarieo ofaub
alatent* nml ..th"r diaboralng i.tHcr* of the Ifnitod Btateo
for reliof from reoponaibility on aeoooal ol loooaa "f pub
lio fnntlo or Yottobero by O4?avo ?r othorvtoa .luringtho
latovota Oo boUob of mra conklino tho kiUvaoi*.
coiuiiiiiioil iaiiiI ordorod to be prlab L
Mr. Drmino. from the Committee nn Military Affalri,
poportod t-ack ?iih Bmendmonti a bill to rorlva iho graia
4>f Gt-ueral i" th- Uaited Btateo Anuy. It uutboruea the
Preaident of the Huiicil Maiea, when'orer be aball deem
it oxpeHent. to afpolnl by aad w uli the adrtoo and eoo>
Bont of the Banato, a Genorol <>f U>e Army <>f tho LTnlted
Btateo, to be aelecteaj from Himng thoio offleera in Iho
tuiluiiry s.Tvlce ,.f ttie trpited .Statea moat (lietiuguiabtMl
for courage, akill, and ability. It Cxea tho poy fropec at
$|i?0 pet montb, and thealb.wanooathooameaa veo?glY*B
to tbe Uoatoaoat Ooaifal by the uet of Fcbrunry 0,
IB.il, rerivinir that grade.
Mr. liKMiMi aiiid ho would not a.?k the Ifonie Ba con
alaer theb_l nowTbttt voald aah its poetponement ..a a
Bp*4Dl*1 Ofdoc Ull TOOOdoy next. It waa ao urdered.
On moti.m of Mr. DkMis.i tho t'oinniittee on Military
Atl'.i.M m duohirged Ir-'in further ei.naideration of the
loiutraaolutlonfortborellef of ceriain Comminaariea of
BobaUtonco oftho I'uited .Siutea Army, no Icgislution of
tl.it lulijt-ot OOlag d.i'iuud BOOOJBBry.
Mr. KKTCfirM, I'roni tho aame Committa., r.'|oili>rI na
a.t lor tbo laltafof tho l(. V. I). II. BonaoRtio. toto C'bap.
I.tiu of tho U'Hib Reglmeat, Nuw-York Valuutcoif, whicb
i |?re I ood p loood.
4U, batiAAU. l.oui Uu 4A1U0 OOUU^t'Ct. r.'Bartad A jUI
granting 1-ndA to the Htate of Oregon to bnild ? TCititara
roail. After con?i<leraMe diaouiaion, iu which MeBtrra.
K0U8SOB11, IIcndoTron, Conklir.g, and Wilaon (Io-ab) par?
ti ip.it? _, tho bill vm, on motion of Mr. Rouaecau, rae
iVrrod to the Conitnittce ou 1'ubiic Landa.
Mr. Amcoba, from tho aanio (__in_ttaa?a, reported a bill
for the rt>r."f of John C. McKorran, Paytnaater of tba
United 8tatoa army,to allow him, iu tho eettl-meot of t.ia
accounts, the ditfirence befwecn an afrioint rfceiptad fo_
by him, as contained in a etr?>ng box, and tLo a_jO.Lt
which it actuully contained. AfUrooaaHanMa dwaaaWI
the bill waa rccommfitctl.
Mr. (?'ciUaSCK. froai the iwme Con nntt.>, reported a joir.t)
resolution appointing managi-ra for tba Kaa_aaal aavlnul
for dlBBbled voluntecr eoldiers, which ?as con>iJorid and
Baaaada _ _ .
Mr. 8cn_s< R, froin tho ?,.im* Cot-mitto", offered a raao*
lution, which waaadopt-d, dirixiing theOiiratary of Wai
to conimunbrtto to thfl Hoti?e a lial of all iioraouBor _it_r,
m.tnifapturers of anificial limhi, who bare rjen ?1
nloTt'it or iBlbiBllld 10 furaiah anns, kM, handa, or foer.
of tlioir inveiitiou or c ibbI-BoHob, to thu aoldiore, at tha
.?xponfio of the Oovornmiiir. Alao, a liat of lue riuuna
and reniiteneaya of all aoIdi'Ti tlina fiimi-nrd, IndkriflJig
alao, in the caso of each man, wl.at arVReiM Umb or meto
bi'r has bei>n provided for him, at wbat date, at wbat ccit,
and I'roia ukut i__nuf_.iuror.
Mr.fi-H7.ivcK, fraaa the BBiim Owauarttaa, I'parletl a
bill for tho leln-f of Bay-BBBtars in the army. It pnjTrrJta
that th.r, ahall bo allowod or paid topaym.iAttra BBd Bd
ditlonal jiayumstora of th- anny, v-ho bave been omplo-edj
in the pnvment of tro<.p? dnruig the Waro/the "? <.el?
lion, a commig.io 1 of ouvfourtii of one per cent on all tha
suuia actually dbdMBBad bv ibetn, aa a coni
peniation for th'ir risbfl 'iati! labota attandsng
B-chae?iea. Tbaaaao-Bt that a_?yb*?>nia du? aaatt
the act ahall be pnid hy anr pay_i_-irr of tho arnay, out ol
any nioneya appropria'ci tbe the pay of the-iroiy, on a
ourtirlrato, to be hwiiaal by the S.nd Atid.tor of tl a
Trcasnry, tbat tlie BCCBBBtB of Boch ravraa-t.-ror addj
tional Ba-BMUter bara beea pxam;nut ai.d adjrieAed; r>r<-.
vidi.'d th_t aaid coinmi?aion to any one paviuan'-er ehail
not exceed at tho rato of $1,000 per annuiu for the timo he
waa actually iu larriaa and omployed aa disbaliing of
fioor, froui tho comiuoueont of the war to the cessatioAOl
attire hoatilitiea on April 13,1SG&,
The bill waa iaa_ tartea end tho mon.ing hour baen |
eipired, it went ovor till to-nmrrow.
TnE BASRacrr HU.
Tho rox* bniinr-aa in ordor whb tbe uiotion __ite rj Mr.
ItBioos (Mich.) to rooonaidi ? hereby th-2 bill to
est-bheh a unlform iyata_o of H___n.; loy, which waa ro
je'trxi about a vtck B -. --
Mr.CO.x__l ? ftla.">t* waa recot_hd.
er-'il tha fri"ntl.i of the lull would permit e:irli<-r vot*a afm
to b" conaidi rcd, r.j a* t<- iwlmlt aaiemiDiouti; or whctler
therwonMoonaontto itn 1 ?" " / l-' * - . . _ .
Air. JbBBBfl rt^ilik-l that ii tho bill reorptnizirg tha
.Tiidi.i.irv, wTiioli had r> pontly pn.iaed the Bctvate.enoVildl
brcotno a faw, it ar uld 1.1 ???.,at" t> t,." modiAeatioao*
the dutailaof tlna bill. and atigiratatcd that ium li uiixbb
ostioa might pror-erly l" l"ft t? t^'? Jndliriar- Corrrritten
of the bcuatp. llut if the ce _tlei__a from >aw-Yvrk bad
any iniporuut ameuii-ieut to Biiggnat iie woald let it ba
oflerod now.
Tho r-pr-AKiR 8*ati>d tbat no Bmendmect cou!d be or
f. r .1 to tho Lill in ita Bfaaaal aiiup-. aud that the rcta
ordoring it to_ third r".ading coula uot now ba reeor*
aidcrod, but tbat the bill roiild bo n..o_ii_ntod wit_t ?,?
without inatruetiong.
Mr. JEXCKts intiniat"dth_t arccon:_.itt_l of tlie bill
wonld li<a, in adbat, ita il?ifa._t.
Mf. C_B_l_Ba aafead whathav it wonld not he Bceopta
blc to bave it reconuuitted with lr-ave to rorwrt at any
tim". . ..
Mr. JESi._J_repiit>il tbat it w_ not a flaattar lwBlBi
bal tha Hoaaa too-tdda. !'?> Badacataad tba objectiota
<>f the g"ntleman from NVw-York to be umply 10 tLa
BBM-liiin ry of ibe bilL
Mr. CoNKLiMi aaid iiia obja".tiona were not d.r t-'nod at
all to uiii..;i_h the i-n-lit'due to the geiitloiiian frani
Khode I-land aud to the Maat CoBUBlttaa f'.r 1 re,:;?r.La
a bill whioh containod ao many valnahlo princip!*'* acl
provitilonB, and he -au nuitc uilling to vofe for it if iomil
of'lio oliJHOfionH, whicii to him aet-iueil ii_anawer_bl<*,
ware remored from lt.
Mr. Cook intijnated that Ma objection? to it waa. ttat
it oTorruled the H?mi"'te?.,1 Kxen.ptiou Iawa uf the IStafa
ui Ilhnoia. Me aaa unttilimg to exchaaigo ibeona fortljo
Mr. KrAiniKfi pave it aa hie optnlon th tt tho b.ll aa it
now etood waa tlie lx.?t bankrupi or iusol.cney law BB oa
fo-itd 111 the Knj'liah Ungiia-e. llo bal Bubmitted it to
tho oxaminatiiiu of aome of the beat buBir.esa mou of tra
country, and their iwpoft of it wai to be coLgidered _a ?a
act in favor of crcditon rathor thaa of d?bto.-a.
Thn f.rat queation -hein. the tocoTiaideTBtioTi al tl.-o
vnte by wbkh tha bill waa wjactad?wai uken by Ya>?i
anl Nayi. a_d nftdtad: Taaa, 8^, KayA, IJ. So the ftito
njicting it v.anrocoi_aiil<'rc(l. ThatjiiwtioB tltcn retimd
| on tho paseage af the bill.
Mr. l).H!o<? Mi- b.l m .vrdtUe previom oueition.
Mr. 0 n-_i I (_T. T.) a?_id hluta wiih^raw th.t md.
1 tlOB, tbat ba Bkifbt BWTB tO WtOBIT-iaBttb i -. to reptrf
I at anyi'Tuv .
j Mr. e_aa_aa B.I. tboagbt tba qneatloB rr:.-ht ai.wtU
? bo in! bov, U ?*..>; ''..tuie to bi peiihd bercafier.
TLo irevioua qoeatiot '..:n aer md"d. Tlie vote < Q
ofdariag th" main qn^ation w?* takcu by Taaaa_d Noy*,
andfe.uit.il: 7018,61; Ka~a,B7.
Mr. Jenckls oflVred to let tho vutei-ntho paiMgeof tho
i bill he takeu on a dav to be tixed. Objeetlon wae made.
' and th" Houio prooci-lcd to voto by YeaB und N.j 1 BB
i tUe paa=age of thei ML The vote iBBalUdi Yeae. ?0,
! Na; a, 7il. The fiilowiug ll the volo ii. ih-tail:
\ia_? M?4iu. Aliay, Aliiaoa, A?bl?:y (OUa), Baluwiff.
! Daoka, nw.<r 1 8 vael', Iiiaodegeia, Broa raaJl. Bm.
.1 ?!'". Darllng, Uaai-, Duaej, Dixon, Donaellr. Prlfara,
I Kiiiutt. Varaiiwortk, Vacry, OibbbmI, t.riaw.ld. Uart. Ha>,
! Boooar, Utgma, Ilo_hkia>. U-blnurd vlowaV Hubb.rdit'oan. >,
ll . id, Jamee llBMp-roy, J-hm M, tf_ap_-?i>, Jei,cle?.
KaaaoB. Keliey. Keichuui, Urtn, I?ngyear. Mar*in, M-4'ai
1 ion.h, MeKaer. Mcirehead. Morria WfltetoaB, I'lar.ti, Kai
I Moad, Bioa (btaaaA Bioe (Me.i, Magen. -vofield, t**iv.
I Npanidlng. Ste.tr, 7'-' r, l-plar, ThaTir, Fraccia Tt_Ba.-',
Jolin L. rhomaa, Ir., FVi .hu, Itowbrt-ga. l.'paoB, Van Aei
1 u*ui, Va,i llorni.v t.\ Van II>rn Ba \ AVard, WastlurnB
I tlnd.), Willi.inir, W'.ndom, Wrigh: ? .0 ,
NATU^Meaara. ??_-?*_ (Nevadai, TUker, Barker, Baaja-itv
1 -v a, Bidwell, li.i:.!:a:u, _t,,?.r, liiu-kiand, Ciarka, a^otbj
1 kltaf, ?'ook, Culiotn. !?.-?-...?, Dt'freiv. I>clano, DeuuLr,
Dtniian. AldriJgr, i.'arqBBar, Fiia, (iar^.'id, (;.'osf?tBaT,
-.r. r_u-iBay Kt > llirdmc (lll. \ lt.-iTPa. __ada_a,
llig.y. HIU, Holuiu," Uubbard (W. Vh). rfalerf/, (K. Y ).
lla_b'ell dalo), Kelao, Latliaa:, Lawrertce d'enn.), Lawraaco
Ohioi, X.e Ulond, I.oan, Vir.\'.'I, BaVUiirey, Atercnr, lldlar.
Morriil, Maaaliua. Mtera. Xowell. ,V.?,.',.,*, Noell. Kell. OrUt,
i'ayne, l'erbam i'rioe, /.'ja./af (I'ean.). RanMl (KjXRiltir,
llal ina, Sawrer, Scbeack BtellabHrgvr. ."itfmvrf. BttvtT.r,
Miilwali. StrtiuM, Tbornt-n. Waihburne !t'l.). Bfe::_hiU_B
lli...). WaUler, Wil.on (.loaaa)?'.J.
11 In bbSMB of Haracrrala ar? iu i?l:...|
N(. firther motion to BBSaaaUaf bung. in ordar, Mr.
Covrlino Biiharnjiiouily introdncod tho aamo billaaew
wiUi BOBM niodiboarior.e, and it tr.*. r.-ad twica a_d re
(Vrraid to the Scloct Commiltoe ou tbo _a_krupt law.
?HUI mattmw.
Tho Houio then pmcokidid to tbe bukineaa ou tha
Spcakor a table, wLi-n the following BMttBBI wara Uk< a
np and di?p?8od of:
S,.n?te ?mer,,itiient to tha aot io lBO0_porat8 tha Mutnal
Kiro Iueiiranca Company of tho Di?trict of <'..'. .luI.b.
Kif.'cred to tho C< .imitteaa for tho Pi rri"t of Columbie.
Thertenato amendment to the act to reimburaa tba
Stato of 1'euusylvatiia for BN-BBy advaue?4l th? Oorcrn
ment for war piirpoia1". The'amendment, which waa
aiuiply to _ll ablank with the VOrAl M Marvh 14, 1864,"
waa, on motion of Mr. Mtei_, concurre.i in.
The ra.nate I ui to proride for tho dispoial of certalu
lauds tlierein nanu'd, wiw reud twio", and refcrred t_ tha
t'oiainitt," "ii r-blia l.anda.
'l ba Si-i.at.' bill to BBMBd the aal araBtiBf landa to tha
8tato of (Irogon to aid iu tho. (ouatiuiiiou of amililaiw
railroail from Eugonie Cityto the eaati m bou__ary ol U_a
titate. Diiponrii of aa tbo 5,.evioua bill.
Tho Sonate iolntrciolutiou icaoaotlaf the burial of toh
diera who dieif in the milif.iry aorvire ot ihe Cn'ted Statep
dnring the Bcbi-ltion. Coundorcd and paaaud.
Tha Seiiut" joiul reaolution n-apuctiiiK liountiea to col
mvd aoldiors. and paBaiOB boaBiiaa ai.d a_ow__.ea U*
tbeir baira. Road twice aud refonad to the Comuittea
on Militoiy AlVhira.
Tho Soiiato bill Io provido f?>r th" Btrhdaa and conaatH
dutiou of tho attitiifoiof ibe I'nited Statea. Kead twioa
uiul rvfi rrcd to the Coiumittee on JadtaiBty. *
Tho Scnate bill, grautingcertaicliinils to the St.ite cl
Michigan, toaid iu the conilmctlon of a ahip canal to
1 oniK'i 1 tbo watera ol Lake huporior wivti tba iake krowo
aa Lac La Btalle, in aiiid St.il". Riad t? ia.4>, and rcA-rred
lo tho t ',1.1:1 i' u?? on Publiu I.-ar.-ta.
AORIcrlaTI B M..
Mr. Biowatt, from tba C?a__Btaa oa Agrtculfure. ro.
ported hock the bill to amond the flft'i ruotion of the Ag.
rti ulliirtil Collefa bill, by exteudi??_ Iba tin.u witbiu
whn-h iUptoviwoiiBabattM arcopt-d. aad au.h OaDafa
e.tal.lmhed. After conaiderabi. <lia. uari.u', ai.d propoat.
tioua to umond, the lill ?_? recomniitt. d, with a.thority
to nport ut any time.
KbW FlVB-OBb'T l*ll.aTS.
Mr. KA^aov, from ihe Commitioo on I aiforn Bryataai
of Coinagw, Wrigbtl ft'.nl .Miasurea, nported backab_l
to aotborlaa tha aataaga af Ira aan| Pjaaaa. It directi
that aa soon aapraoticable, nfter the pn*?ing of the act,
thereahall baeoinad at tba Mlnt of ti.o tnited St.taae
nvi'-cent pii'oo, compoeed of copper and ntckol, ia aueb
proportion mot oiPoaAdimr .5 per oent of tiickol) as abaa
bo determinod by the Dircctor of tba Minf, tbe atocdud
weight of wh.oh ahall ba,00 ^sinB, witb no greater devl.
atiou tlutn fmr graiiia to e.ich piece, tle abape. weight
anddaviceofthecointo bo (lotonniueri by the DireotoB
oftheMint, with the npprural of tho bVcwtary ol tba
In rcpl) to a qneati-m, Mr. Kasbox atafed tbat tha IV
riHitor of the miut had pn-pai'od a augy<_tira model aoma.
wbat larirer iu diametor tl,an the thrt-r. ccut piece autnoe
i^ed by laat CoiigroM. lt wua left in tho bill, aa ? '-I'laj
inthccaioofthesmallercoiM, to tho diaet-eUpB ol^u.f
Goveruor of the Miut aud tho hooretaiy of Ute Traaaury^
Mr. (JimNELL inquirod wbat the dorioe w_a. ?
Mr. Kassob could ouly aay it waa not the inttntiCS V
m?,videit with the hettdof any litingpor*?.
Mr. Tuavab Ifoun.) rfuuuked that that ?_a iat.1
^Mr^oviitr-O fNow-Yo.k) -11 IbaA If ttO BBBJ __?
- ' ? "? ""? 0*9 ?-'? AB?W?

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