I AU Mirait* yoi? XXVI.....;< 1 i ' ? ? Ortor for Tntoiay, Wedi ?? (li Nr- ?? , Till: POST-OFFICE BILL. A < Jill? on l?C A??;? .: ? g frei <1 thf Iii Sfnstt l'?w ?/ir Bin Ei pil?i Viitiu?kpi, TJ?K Iii i" VEBST, A Ut;? r han - ? ral fry. i i Kfj'ly i' ,-., tarn Cn A feled GfMunittee App ?? ! to Inveel Gkutjii hwferred bj Hr. Coull i nmrnAO uim lui finn tie HBKE. "W/i ' ??m ? i . ? pi 'Hu j i eof ? - ? i for the | < ? ?.-.,.? .1 Bureau i ten ? ? .i, ii ? f and fmnd robbing the million* of dollin a . - m Is in Mm IcH B1 i ?. i be favr pialados, a etc O .1 -, ytoBoeeoe C< t.W . i official i ion ?n.? I slnxd wa-i j ? I-.nl;ii- ' at? officer ni ose ( > oil the Boee of the B e i ii l i C< gicss )U tLi- di-' ! . '? 1 i . ? ... ilj. ::..,. ?, ii .. . obtaining Um ; ey, will i?m l^-ai Um War Dent ? n i ? ?> 7i.?iit. ead afi i,: ? i d itj a?. ? ? iblti oat Ii ?-.?? <>i. ..?.:r-.-. w '? ; . tin 1 ? < ?'.??1/1 ? f d? baU and (he ri^litf . ... i dialler pc-d the ati< : tion of tu wb< le House, and generally ' Jim.:.. . i .???,.... Ik*OM tro.crsy th..' ii 1.. w ?.:). chkh Conkling lan wit-it maki i I .' banca UM die parp?os eiisttd in ?v.wtr: quarter? to <*\ ?g f.? :.t lo that ' gigantic ini'i'it}. F:?:r. t),< . y (kal Mr. Coalling aaaaaeajaai in Ctica F.-y'? iet Asti?-t?u fto*eat-lfi proved him gn.lty : . . mp led : ti . "gorge hi- , $200,000, he ha? been a? luicl. bateioad*? ? I ftia villains who fattened on tie t .?mesa ol ; rniah ig ti.?. r perishing country wita deserti.s ?? r aaldkaBj lal ?- ? rawjfal I The assault on hl:n ti. |Bm floor al the Iloi.ee last week for daring to st.-.ke a di tint) bl*? al Ibe . bead of the Euli8iii,t:.t Huieu.i Mai UM removal t..-en tlii | mi bBflrtaffiea in thi? Bnreau i /?.d by UVa abused favor of the Hone?, in UM rno ffibM fmolou?. enil foolish. Only the novelty of th.? attack ujKin the freedom of debate, and the NOfOM to cr\"ta . N IBM BM j-erinh sent iiationa! syst'-m of the conaorf ti prediction that Roecoe Conkling will e ih'r aaaifial it *d miles in the same time a? they would ht.w < oinpleted it if they had fluiibed the first hundred ka r??i ? uLcr laut. THB CCBAK TEI,E?.BAPH. There not being a fuK committe?- u ???? At Coufar ence CommiUe? on the*Cuban Telegr?; b bill did aot n- ?-i to^ay. They will not report before \\Vdii? winy. 11?. *a*at? Special Committee onleiegn.pi.s have done n? ', boaineas yet, owing to the absence of s< UtM Br?j?i, ?ho ia eipoctad b??k daily. iirnMAL Bivture hkhii?. The recoipta from InUmal Knenue to-daf MN DISMAKTLllfO WAsHiaoTOJI FORii. The .dismantling of all forts arund WasLmgiou??n completed to-day, the different garrisons havI lK bj Ibmaf ?den been directed to T?cate sil ctrth-worka in and , ?round the District. THI BIBBL bl A It. Tk* Ruimoud Times demands that the same honor? ?kail be paid to the Habel dead aa are conferred upon the ?won soldi?.?, ?ad speaks of J?b\ l>?vi? as Hit unhappv ?atcaman PA&DOI8. !*? President to-day pardoned ?j ( oi.f?Jerete offii-e mmn in Texas, to enable thom to hold oflioe io the re ???traction ofthat Buu? and a suasbtr Aoiu Otorg? ??wkj?a and Alaterna of tke 120 OW) deaf. nU?ON sTWlMIM ? 'AL OOBMDNT. I ' ' '? ' "? .ruc ? I Um lYttMfJ BtJpOt <*Mj I ? proceeds I m ig peciM di > : i u fractional enrrency, pri?tes] on aassas, ter alhoM tad '?l!' I' '?- ??? ' I. I . ' : ti ] . . I: - ,,. . I ? ? ? rim m '??'. 1 ram ? !i i co. ' I I : I - i aii' 11 p UJ'iiMfcNT. Tk? K rtfe Regjaaesrl D - C< ? redtrooj v' ?" !< ? ? ? ?uttered est.? f ?anice. iiiK i.'.K\sihy rrr.srr. ; IVBKAO. B ' i '? U t lili c1 ? ; ', ? -i" w.i.'l up di- | o? ? i ?? the ] : '? ? b4 room ii oeenp? i . ? ? ? rj D? partaient : . . . i ing m Tri OH I IO?. 'i bo u ? li ? ? ; U ? ..? .i ?ill i!l I o ; l.'. d ' I TI MAI ?! M ' II ' <>: M Hil.. II ? I : I R i qui n ? | - : April tri ??? . , , i . ! 10,'lni i.i i ? . . j... : s j -. I., ?Of) : ! ' . i'ni ?!? . ? Salar.rc. M4,Q0Q ?..;.-, . ?. Totti ?1P.423.M1 Ti lal ? ... ? eoa'i ? i ; , fiscal ?ear to April30,4 ? Vi' :,..?. Iii, J, j, April ?ii, IMS, I BOLERO* UAH ION! .' ? 'i . . . ? . Iw? n ii.-- ! :? lidi ut and I i of the 1 . ? - ps, noi .it' ! ? ? , i 111 I ? I r ' . : T.. aaj deb? itiOBOl tbo 1 . - for coi ... rcoi s oi I: That " n ral Btt?:? ? ? I ? . untaii ? sth? agi ? ? ? ? ? : ? . the Ruts on li i ii ... i own ad I i;: f ? linn i ' ? ? I'?' oi b1 i . ID "?.,?,1 . ... ti . ? . | cording lu the whole population in the Stat h II. it ?I: ? ' ?. ' . ber adopt I ' ? i la!< gill ii.i h .?! .| ',. i . , Hi T I to neu * ? , ? ||. .., h ipei tin ly, ?, lalified; i ri ? ? Id en] n lbs <.? ii nr diplos . - ? militar;? oaval ten look eil liri ; stic orcivil teni ??'?.,?? or aided i.i iIm late Mi . I Huies, itali ? lo /It.}' I .-??.. / ' ! ' ? all II leniol State ? with t el United 8< oom] eta .* . i. I... i> ?. J ISVS an al me -jm-i ii,? i|. i I J ht.t a? foo ii r. h rr.av I* ef'i-rthe pSMect at ?. and after lot Hing the psw| . ? Dan Dtloui and I.e| ???Hi uni Repr?sent?t!? ri and Bsnatars io ?'.:. . . liol sa ot C( ag ? (bal ? ? ,t h r.' ??ii ortualij le n pressai their State* li ii of tie ?weat m i i nut moa ma* u tu mpai tMTormi i mi xi r. I . Quart? .liiiiMir-t!' 11 rai. ia a lett? af War, uid.r dtig of .April I teietting n.tom.Mum roneernina lix i-oIIh ana (.reservation ol the rema mi of 1'nioi - dien fell ia Ifeo ?aan| i ? ? ;. it.i-iy. .a i)u .? 1. A rangement* hate bett II progr?s, thronghi : . on of the i ? I ? i>n i ?. .? ?ho I ?! jut riMted Atlanta, bj niaerdai to aseoiialn law roaditiei I lb- |ft..'-' I CoL 8a Ith t"i i '(? iliit I. a'.; t aloa need result where tbey?wirt ati sd ^' No grarei buve liern uiowedo.rr io fm uuii l*b>i ? taiasd An ceder tVosa Oca. lion.m lorhiddiaa this deess ? i ??(,- of whirb i? l,rr?'W"li iMBeced, sntrttd A. ') Im been diitnbtted throtghttl Ins district; tad aB pertlss taeai 1 to preienre wini records t< main i. Al mt thire-fi'iirthi of the graves inn- bend boards, ami S WShts" of the pentoni on wiioi-e land* MsAhm are tin .c1 aro wiliine io donate Ina land. t. All iiiacc* where las Union di ad art bu led are : m being laeiettd *t I >>t u? poiiibic, in accordnni ? nilli general ordet i ?? enij i.iued bj the (Vuarteruiai>trr -(jeneral, a ttpf of wl.i-b wii mc le ?ed iu tot rim repot i. III. It ti proposed to ??u.liliiib tbree rntion^l sesseieriea m iii? Departnvent of Georgia, to whian wiB be rteneeed uii bo'iif? of I'nion lolilleri wlileb do not iiow i cal in (bun lirai lu or stnei permanent ?nd decent ground* ti/, it Atlnnti. At.<:*t.'n\ il'.e. and either haTannali oi MIBst AHbtdieeta tbe TiciDityof ?lacon and la Konth Wr.tern (?eorgli, nillo? reruorrd to AnderionTllle, wber* al... it in.otio ne now helled All thoie between ItetBca nid Atilinta and in the Yieluitt of ?for.eiboro. will bcicinoio.iil IV 11.ere ure mppoied lo be about |S\M1 hoditS ol IJa*SI ?oldieri in the Dttntfatntas*OeatgM. Tbe removal of that portion of their rossini rsfloirlng reaiovsl may involve an expenditure of muir t", (.SOO, llut, ii? it :-1ronoaed to nth Dtagteaa for a general apnrenffttlM for tf. i ptnttt, covering ihr whole of the Statci, no iptcial hi-'.r.ipri.it,on for Atlanta will be needed. \. Dot, Donaldson baa bren instructed le furwnn' the aork ofrvinovinir the remain* lo the neighliorhoi^l of Atlanta. ? ith al poiiild? dispatch; and, from the progren alreudj uiada by him la other parts of bil mllltarv drvl*>on, it i* thought there t.e.-i l.i-n? .ipprebrnsion that foil Justice ?ill be done Iotas g- ii i ??? of o .i KolUiern in ( i em K i i. VI. I would mention in thii. connection that. M the re jin >t of t!.?. tieneral Aaieoibly of Ohio, communicated to MaJ. lien. Thomu. (jen. Donaldson baa cain ed the bodiei of aeveu (I .io soldiers, hung by the Rebels ni Atlautn. to be taken np and btrtadittht National 1'eroeterv at Chattanooga, and appro? priate inscription!, staling tl.e manner of their death lobe pl?c?cl over ilieir ?uare? ?UBshVJOM. 'J'be kbitotrilg impotlatit ordci li** jurt bata promu! gati-ii bjr (lircrtioii of tht Ntnaaaaaaaf s?nVani ?f tim I), ps to :.i. lTl?QKS. DEMKIMEXI 0P WAHIIIvr.TOt, ) \Vl?Hn. I?. 1'., Apill Ti. Ido?. ? ntxKRA. oniiEit No. 17?1. In cooserjuanc* of the disman? tling of the farts and reduction of the troops in this Depart? ment, the command* unown a* tbe "Defeme* of Wa-f.in?:t m and "Gerritenof Washington" will be discontinued on and after the ..nth Inst. Tbe record! will be carefully boxed and label'"!, arid forwarded to the*o headouartcrs. Al! company office:! ?i-mngat lbebeadi|uarteuof die respective comrr.ai.ds Will t.-j'un their proper companies. A. A targets It H. Koa 1er. I'. S A., (Httdtjitrteri De fernel of Wasiungton t will report for olden tu the Medical Din . .f tin Department. t, 1 he Wracke ia and about Washington w.ll herenttrr be kruwn vi folljwi: Til. ?.' oeeetted by tbe Sil I nited Statei ( naby. al .Vdg ?It! r..i:rock*. ' . . TheeeeeetatM by the lllk L'uifedStates Infai?i.'- a? ' lim tell iiairacks.'' ,? ? i ? nenpled by tbe ith 1'niied St ?tri Artillery, a? ' Key ii, . .-:ir:?ckii." . a ? of the Circle 'si the ' Lowell l?atiack* . ? i... known ?y indepeinieLt posti. and tt end lifter n,,- ; reader their r.ipoiti dhe-t to tbe?e bead cranrteri , _ , ..a. i | ,rli l ,-.e end Wlilpple, and Leiten ltogen ontbediP contii :. m " ot Helene? of Washington,.will report direct to ihrie ? j.J jharteia. Jtr co.jjiaud of Major-Gen. C, t. Angor, ?I. U. 'IaYLOi:, Ati.?taut Adjuiam-Ueaeiu!. IHK KBW TAX BILL. Tbe uew T^x bill reported last woek, end of a bick ? KViioi'Hi* hu already been given pro? idee ia cu?e it shall I?, ttotittittfi thal 'tbe annual inreatory, n or pertieolitbls to ?ny tax '?r d'itv, oi in eoaUNtjaeaet of any omiwion, iiiid?r->tatemeui,"ii!idci-valuatioI), or false or fraudulent statement, the assessor mar. from time to tim?, or at anv time within one rear, eiit?r 09 any mtcntory or SMI ml list the uvi.eaiif such jM-rsons or palien ao omitted lo gether with Ihe amount of the.tax lor which they may hair been jr shall becoiiie liable; and siso tbe natns* of tit feitet? nt BaVtstt, uier and almro the sruoi.ut for which thuj may ksve been or shall be aliened on MJ re tu ni* IO nude. AKPRf?PRIAT!OitS VOR IHK PBKSDMEX8 BUBRA I'. The aggrigal? ajipropriaiions ?n the lull reported to-. MO foi papa aad 105,000 fi i pi bli? bind ng. < iiNM i. IBOOOPIZPlr. TI.e TV. ? ideal ha? recog? ixedl l'r ?i i ..t Ban ?.i... . _ 'hiif i.ictii ihr Stute!? Hi,: ic. I ? . -, . ? of Ta* X1 i. Wicbimiiih .'iril -t-. -'? i"h< ; i .... i., i . i ni) li Mai li 'I n : ; ? i ? ? of -3 ? ? H pro . itrag 11 aiast tkt . . - i al acaal I abase wkici bat i peel aadcrUMwisgaof o irO< romaa it, created som? litilt commotion among tin stnntt I * and it i bli at ion In Tkt Hu Coi ?. V . i i-i, ',' < /?/.?./'..',. | uti Tin Baa i oii tno enorn ? ? ' ii.', il m i ?? ?. n i nu ni |.r 11 - bendn ? ; I . i bile 1 . . on? y i ? I i : i : .ii ii ' . . ? ?? . Korlnsti i ?. ? I ? : I I ? - ? . . nearli forth ; . .. ... i li fo II |l . I . ,. I ' . ?m ni. . ? : ?. . and arc ein rd ? : ? i ? ? : ? ?i, ? , ' i ? 'l ??..... p. r-inill. Ililli ... v is thus ahm] d i- i lu. : i ? A . . I ? . " ?>, - lo ii ? it i n pl< ii prod l-l ?!;-.:? . and f | v . baa groa oto an i i ? . - .. ? f ? ? - -i. I : ? . ' 1 ?? . ? ? ? : ? ' I.I 1 ' , I ; ? | ? ? . t.i.u ' i i bo igb i ? I ted, I atel I ? - ? ? '? i ... ? I !.. . ? ? F 'I >?" li ? !.. O I |. I hu. ??? 1 .. i -. thal . ? . : .' , ? : , , ; ? i- pt ? I i ?? h "??;?:. lil . ? !l lin ii.. ? i ... . : ? ... (hat th? |. SI tidu ? i j t ia ??..-. - . - !? rrri: ..? iii. XXXIXth CONGRES& I 1RS] Bl B810N. - t > , . . . . . ,\ . i moa. Mr. Wilco ' preaent? > ni Usai ? ? ' t?..i cb i .i m .i i rdi red to lie poa ta U tiS IIM.K?. Mr. WiM??. 11. -. ?? .i i? |>? i ? "ii rrt ? ' ' ol ' ' '? ? priau n for n etai ol cn per rent oi r] ?a? rvforrcd to lite Ci BJ Bl? eon 1 tafmec. 1 \\ ?UN MM BIP] BJ Mr. HBXBatAl DI '?' presented ? natiti ;i ir. :.. nu rim..- .: alief f-iiin raclai 1 weeded rbnsinre? which wai ni ra l to Ik t ? a < i. K.i.au? ?. A l-l mjui? w. ?..X1 LAPATIOl Mr. Cbapdlsb iM:iIi. rose to aiakc a percol h ; tioa. Bonn week? i i !.- h ' referred toan ora: iii.i, m ti. ? i it) haowa si ti.? Bat tonal Bilaa, aaa Babel I organisation. R< I d since learned thal Ibera wera two I military organisation? ia this city at the oatbfi ?k ni Um vi.ii. ..: < v. the Nation? Bide?, and the other tb? Ma* I tion.iiTolaatean. rbi latter ??? t'.t- Hebel org lion, and nut 1 I fonaar, a- 11 had .nait eil' li | SCCI :'? I. li? w -hi 1 I" nui' Ihi ' ..i roi tion. HIE BBPOB1 "V ma BBcuaaiavuiioi ooauuiffPJ .Mr. Bkan min Mi ii'-1 iri.ii. tke I oenUttci oa Be? - strncUoa, reaorted < ? ? tmn billa ead a Joiat recetation, which baca aireadj beca pnbliakcd. H?- iamed,ia d'..ii>r so, tLat ii had bed Ike i mention of the ('?.umniu? 'j?c eoaipaaj UM biUeaadtki Joial rcapiatlon ?ithaleagthy ?ritten report, bm ?nth bad tw?-n tin-si i nation oft b? Coaunittactbai Um iwport aadaot pd beca completad. He hoped to u? ebie la pies? m ttaalkeSemccckelca? I long. The lull aad Jomt reeokstiaa wau Cf?ared ta bt arla led. i rut BAN of a i.i?ha?tv Mr. Ravi (WH?), from tin- Library ('-.tiimiti.-e. n portiil I joint ri-solution for the [.unbare of tke 'ilrary of ? .iniii? L, I'tttignioi s.mili ( iirolnia, fin Ike law library i fit Congn ?-. aBOtnB IHBW11 BPLAPATtOP. Mr. Howe reel t<> u p? rsoual aaalaaattea. Hi- bad s*?.n : intbeepeeialdispatckeeia Tai .\"'->'.rl//..?/./ ? |tur agiaph that (luv. Palrrblld was bete to encage malta n in t. -lal ion to tin Poad du Lae rolland cr P was not true. Got. Fairchild was bore to ?ettie apacasai aetwaai the (ifuirsl (love-niueiit and tin St.tte i f WisocaCaB. In the fiiuisc of a levi rt mink', on this subjf? t Mr. HoWC sa.d the iasislail rwatmedw flcaciBl bat reccciked that ac man should ed I'n-Mdent Johnson'? bread and ball?-r ?lu did i not tamped bwjacmep. He (Mr- Bwwa)did cat Hgn-f in th. oflnioc of the Ajctdaal Pootmcwcar4la?Mra] that th? public pati.'i.agi? of tins country waa decigiird a? an in atrume:it h.r dragooning the PCCfCC into the taffCM of any parUcami Use of polic). C THE I'iKiK ill Al. A li > 111. Mr. llAMsr.V Minn.) offered ap?tition tor relief to th? MM "f Alabama ?Li h was referred to the Committee on Claims. Mr. I in vi'.ri 1 lill, i i ullcl ii[i tin following bill to an? thill ue the construetion of n-rtaiu briilgcs BB1DOINO THE M1M1MIFPI. IbBssmsmdlpwWBnMI and aVaetC/ Rrprfsmta'itn of ?A. ?J tiled M?:>? a/ Amir ira in Congrtu aiitmbltd: That li ?lilli be lawful tor any pertton or pertona. company or corporation, luv mg authority from the States of Illinois or Missouri for siu-h nurpoM. te builds bridge ooross tbe Mississippi Hiver at I Quiney, Illiaois. and tu la. on and over said bridge, railway , trasks for the mora perfect oonnection of ?ny rallrnid? that ?re or snail be conctrncted to tbe ?aid river, st oecH posits ?aid ! [Hunt, ?inl that ?I 'ii coiistrcett?d all trulns of anruad. term! i imi nu at'iald river, at or opposite ?aid point, ?ball be allowed ' to ero?? snld bridge for renvouabli' compensation, to be made ! to the owners of ?aid bridge, under the limitation? and condi? tion? hereinafter provided, and. iii case of any litigation arising from any o bstruction to the free navigation of Mid liver. thi> cacse may be tried ln-forc Hie Diatriol Court of Wie I'rnlid States of any State in which any poition of ?aid ob I ?Hurtinn or bridge touches. titi. 'J. Aid bt pimpla t.ttvtd. That any bridge hudt no.ler , | the provisions of this act may, at the option oi the Company f building the same, be hnilt as a drawbridge, with a pivot or other lorm of draw, or with unbroken or oontiiirous ?pans. ? provided that ?f ihe ?aid bridge ?hall be nade with unbroken | und'? iiiliMmns ipuiis. it shall not he of Usa elevation. In an) , case, than M feet ?bov? eitreiue high water mark, an under ? ?tood at the point of location, io the bottom chord of the hiidge, nor ?hall the ?pan? of ?aid bridge be le?? than ?? feet ! ' inlaugih. ?ml thai leis of said bridge shall be parallel with . the ci.irent of the river and the main span ?hall be over |bf I m?m chaenel of th? river, and not less than 300 feet it. Ungle; I and pio.nied, also, that if any bridge built ander this act shall . be constructed a? a drawbridge, tbe same ?ball be eon ?iructed a? a pivot drawbndfre, with a draw over thu main channel of the rlrer, at an accessible and , navigable po|n|, ,Ld with span? of not lei? than i 160 feet in length In the dear on each sid? of the diatrsl, or Si?"t. or pier of th? draw and the next adjoining ?lau to the raw shall not he Urn than ?VJ feet; and said spaa abell not be , less than 30 feet above low-watermark, and not les? than lu ' above extreme tlgb-water mark, mea.uring the bolt im chord , of the bridge, and the pier? of ?aid bridge ?hall be parallel with the carrent of th? river. And provided al??, ttiat said' draw abell l.? opened promptlv u|r the pas ? ?? :.'. Mr. < 1 AM V H.i- TI ere 1 . ' * I. [Li ' _? ?? I Mr. .Jo:.?."-. I nil ' Laugh. ' . . Is bo wal 11 admit i?. ?I .abler.] Ni.. MvsiH ? V.--.?A ii.e:i- ;ly|...tl . I rbter.1 M . i at sti (Bal ? a Biiatahei bypotai a. Lau bier.] i ? Ids ruis i igtha. waj ; bet, ?? ?. she hoiioiai le i en .? r from !.. - : I _l.t< r.| ? i liuued i i - .1. . ' r power ol .. n n o' i .. i -1 ,.,...: ?... , ? ? i to appoint. Support i Prelld .'Di ? ? id nerve, i on d beof tht i ' I i* the purpose of C< r Spot hitu, lug i ray ti i i .ci t.. i. ? Ile wi i- ,i. ', ? . j at, ' i,. 1 i , ? I for if, be ? .?:?'? . i , ? ? . . ? | ? i ? - ??? I ? - ? . . ? . on ol the 'I M ... ? ? v. . -o ' Si .' v. of the timesf if t ? :.- gi'. n : y ho Secretary of Kuti t, Ihr result ry amr J ?? . We rai | d? .? .'h pri .. t. r. With the II St ? ? i . ........ Coi lion i? i - l Mr. f - ? ? ? bei ?' ? i ed to bit Mt. .|..l.r;-"i. !.. .1 ii ? | ? plain. It ws t, row ' ?Mr. I ...;?..???. Mr. ali en of thi : ribillty . I \ I. - lade ol I hat Sei ntor witb to a hit b I'- bael ri :irr? d; I I ?.'. ? - r I bat i? could bat !?-. i , ? ? ? ?. ? itatify argument. Mr I l.; ? ! I ? >; < ti i . sa a Measure boetih lota? Kaecatirt. It wta limply 11. ami ndmi I lo rairy oat a eli - I I . , ? i ' greta 1 prerent s prai '.i. ?ii. 1 imeuls o. "tloe \. lUiout ? ot M did i ? beth re tin ..i ntl i. i;..- o,.i st.?.n ni ?nr ?itl. Ai.m. Laug ter.| ?Ur. si t ?? ? ObJ I he I dC< sea bad thi P l toa a. It ei u I-- i i.. I i . i i ? would I eaitate he. it. if tb? 1 heir? al Judiciary 1 I at* lui - ' i ? ? ? - ?-, be ?n ild ii . ? .1 I ..'??-. I |(i Si ?lu ??...bl m t -o ? ?m -i.Uifii i nn|/i. .- PretJ. knew n| oo tine better tata tat present tor regula) ? ?? u.o' ni? tad ti ' ? o ai nts bj .. I just ItW 08 the ?:;ly it. It I U.'hl ! o't ? | . :.'...-.:.,.tal Wty S a;i amendment to an | appropria lot bli. II. did not bri ion ti wita t( declare thai n omVei legally apaatatctl shaaH reot ia at psrj uniese bia . ? ? .. i, ? ?,. was agr ? i lo bj t' taai li. Mr. HUDttSoB M".. said li.-I a-1 partiallj prOpOttd .i ! ??: tin :. turi referred t" I j Mr. When ut . Ile 1. m1 . DM lo the mi.. 1 latOB tli.it tim Previbnt Lad nu i ?? tint.al p. ?i. to r?nova tay on te.flic*. Waabiagtot, m i igt ? rears remov? Afoai fron oflet. A.in;..? ti b, J< Bei soa i igl i. M? ..i-.... i gbt, ni it r.?i ii.i..-. Ji I.i, adams f. -,ir. Gi n. .in Ison removed St) during the Brat year, tad aftei thai n m. |,0 0 or5,000, H ?? ? .1 ksoi - tin a ti i babil ol nil uti g ins I? ? n ni'ii'h niiiro frasnaaal than at t t, ile (l ii noi knoa thal Preeidi al Jobaaoa woald aadcttako ??? snort fronoAet lo an j great exteat Hut if he (Mr, Hei ??(??+ was in his pUoe, and the sane diferaneas ox? ntcd bet ?ci n bun and (VtBfTStS that Bart exist betwi iii Cot g OSS : 'I Mr. Job! St li, he Would BM all the power he hml. lie 11 'mu? thtt until it vas takwa ii'-?} maa bon. Mr. Jobaaoa woald be laaaiied m using hi* appointing . |?iwcr t" Senator fruin Kendi ty, t ut long Miiic, made I specen, which at the time excited the surprise of the Senate. He hud Makai for it in I'itr Hloli, but it wa? not thurc, and he dc*ind tu BBOW vhoM (ault it waa; u hellier ii wa* the bmHoJ the laaoriart? i pablLahcnoi T* (/fe?) (Lui, ibu omi iloaoecaittd I Mr. Davis?It is my fat.lt. ?I. AMllQM euid tiiut this practice of making ape* che* tata cither suppressing them or altering them a? to make realiet to thenaopaat ridi?alous. ough! to ta stopped, j He klicvcd the reporters of The (?luir ought to be held responsible for the publication of m.j tl.iug ra .1 in the j Senate Chamber, lie foi one should oppose tit? appropria- I lion for 'J'ltr (Hobt, if it wus to be optional wuk MM to print or suppress sjic-eches made in the S* natc. Mr. Davis, in reply, ?aid that it was a common aaattfta for speeches to be withheld from publient ion iu the up- j |..-i.ilii of Thi (iivbt. He intended to print in the np ??endix tht S]H?ech to which Mr. Anthony icl'errod. Mr. Howard said h? held in his hanu the original re? port of the remarks which Mr. Dai is bad Ju?t explained u* taken by the reports at the time and written o it from Ins note*. He asked that it be r?nd. The Secretary read it acoordlfiglr. Mr. Davis says in it that th? President is ly the Con? stitution made the judge of what is the Congress. The exclndeo. Senators, with the minor ty iu this liody, consti? tute a'majority of the Senator* of til the Status. These two coull get together into a conclave and it weall Ix* the constitutional obligation of the I'reniiient to ehoos? between the two Seuales then existing. It ia his power. and I would advise him to use it. Hu has tho right, and, by the eternal I he ought to exercise that right. If I were lu-, I would do it to-morrow, and recognise the Southern members with tbe minority here as the constitutional body. Mr Davis, at the conclusion of the reading, rose and I said: Mr. President that is my principio still ; I naiutaiu I Hat Hut ? ?.!.?, bjug wucv-wa of tLc LvLstHuUou Mr. HotvAR?-Tbe huiilV Senut. r l'roin Knitutsy .Mr. Davis) sari that is hil prim ?PM mill 1 rcfjat vciy much to hear Lim u.aki n..h an anuonnccment. 1 pro? nounce the priai i h to be n \> latieaar*, MceaaUlatiomal and trccaecmble. I move that the Senate adjourn. Mr. Davis?I wholly diaeeal fron tho position of the Honorable Senator i it ia neither revolutionary, naca M1? tu.?,i,al, um ir. ?isnniblo The Senate, at J p. ni., without taking aeHoBeH tho pending bill on amendnseat, adjourned. HOOK OF a^PREBEBTATlVEB. ?TATK AND NATIONAL BASK". Tin Bast basin iii ia order bciag Um cal] >t Sta m1 I r l l!h ; i.d Joint resolutions for r> n rwace, Mr. Hi- g [Me.) iatrodnted a I if]giving further tine ami fat iiitie? lor th< eonvexcion ?>f tiio state banks tala io Ucaal backs, which waa reed twice and taftnod to Um ( oaualttce nu Hanks. W iBBlPOTOP TBPJUTOBT. Mr. abes also ntrodnced a bUl to disapprove oi ?lu.i Legislutivt AsMmbjv c1 WiAkiaatoa ?. ritei . referen? to Si ,.n .m.mu? Coi i .?v. wl . h mi reed twice and k1' ned t r< land Ohio. Both bills wen reed twice aad referred to the Select (?? nmittee on Military and Poota! Bdlroads ead ?rdea d to 111 rutad. rauroap rRirt.i. Mr. Sp.w.niNii (Ohio) iatiedaccda Mini reaslntioa for li i i. .,-?; i ti? i . :? In ..ii I .. gi ..? r. m the <' lyakof i Hirer over and apoa the Oorernaseat piero d ( brvcJcMi Ohio, wl ch waa reed twict and referred to tbe Committee ? ii Cona m.'. WAHON-RoAD IN MONTANA. Mi. ( unri (Ky.) lntn laced a MB taaidic UMCoactr m? I < i. .?'. a vcgoB-a ad li Uu Ti rritorjf ? i Mi otana; a? ' I Ivies and referred to Um CcBaaBlkMiei Terri tories. PkDBBAl BKLATaOM i.l 11BHBHJ, Mt. Kivm.-ia!. iii. kotri '.'ed owtioa dei h rii ;? -l. ? ions ol tin Bl ita of Ti i - m - 11 reston ?iili the Unit? d -'';.i.~ : ?? M .'.??' rred to I i IO ' I t. WE GRABT". Mr. Ilrrr.-.i D I "? ' ced a bill to smcadtheael at M .y ii, M ?? ' laids to the State of Iowa, to be eon*) lion of a rail o ed ? bil b i a-? read twice ai d referred to thi t > >. It? on I .: ii 1. ?ids. I. HIT POU MINSFHOTA ?attTUBB. Mi WtPDoai Mil ? Dtrodoced ? jetet recelatMB for i., icliel f certain wttlen ob the Blaai ReaenrdMa li ?i i Stat? of Minnesota; which wai reed in?., und refcrn .1 '. ihi i i u. tot oi In ar Affaire. I.A'.- Vf LAMi ?.K V g, Mr. Clabh Ka -.- ::.ii! ixd a bill granting ?..od.- i m mittee ob Publkt Loada? aad, srdsicd ti bcpriaCai. ?lib ?MT.KNiL IBVBaOl LAW Mr. AP00P4 d'' i '? ! and Mar? b .t, |H?...; which waa reed twi i aad ?.I te Um Ceasnnlcc on \v?v . ad Met i a THI ruiM. Or j Eil dav:i. I....... . f s-, i being compkted, the next bnsineaa ia . '. r was the i..i.?iib rn:n.ii of the resolution offered bj ?,! lu .o.lu -'? . ol lan ary, whiek tkea went ova i tinoer tbe nile, der'.-r;rg, bj? tin-' deliberate judgment "I | this Bouse, ti ly nial "I .leff rsou {bivi?, cith'T j bj a i ivii ?,-1: iii1 rj iril ?. ii, foi tke ? rime 11 treeaoa ar ibe "'her irin" of wkieh '?' stands ekapgad, and i ? prompt exeenrteu ii ?. nd amiltp. mc InperaUvdj de- i -, .?,. m pit of tka 1't.ittd Btatri m order Mi ' qoatciy Branded bj the nation, tramon untie iiili'iii'iiis. arm the repetition td their crime?, a? Mt - I. Miblc, be | revealed? Mr. .ioiian idditeaed the If. i v io sapped of his .mu, altee which the rooelutMa ?a? wrested to Um .Ii dil ...rv Coi mitti ??. MONTANA. Mt. Mcl.r:.\' ii Mi niau.? Itrutirv i re Mil u-d joint n.t :i ? ialsol I he Montane legislature, aakag nppropr. . Lone for a Iti.ito. al librerv,cad pcotedisg against the Joint resol tiou now | ndlngfor the eancxaiica d a pat iii.r. of the Ti rriterj to the Ternton of Idaho. li.? h t morwlc ?cr?- idkrred to the Committee on Batik ' r.?-. RK? ONBTr.l ITIUN. M-. Stt'.inc Pa. li. in UM < ? iiimittee.on Keconstr.i lioi i r. -i atcd tka ii I ??ri agreed naca by that ( 'ornnntti t . i ii Ii . [.nd on Mtaxda* n gil, compriaica the pm [oeed ameodneBl to tbe Constitution, tke biU to proud* fot the rot'.ratn u ol Ibe Stdes lately in rirjcllinn to thi li f ! p.li-i. ul light?, b:i?I the bill declaring certain peraone ? ti,,n>iv to opter n ?tot ?ho Covemment of thel'niteil ?i its. Ile . .t.v. ii mat ttnv !.. |irfi.:o? -..i ..ia*. ???.??bI ?. ) r-. re?jH < lively for I uesJuy, W cdnevlay, and Thur>ti iy ol nell WWCk. Mr. Nun.air li..!.i ii'<| nrt.l whether thm repet? -up? r rcded UM repcri i. ctj aMsde Ik ji that Cocan?neo li r?f e.v i, | to 1 'i.i.i M ?' Mr. Stf.' enb replied rhiit it t) d not, adding that Um ' inn.nu to reconsider tke vote loommitting the matter to I i . BtnittejCCfl liecoustruction cimld be called up at ia? tune. Mr. ki>a lill., sa.d be aadaa ck|canaa t?> it< being , made a ?pcelel order, subject to the revean?, aad tariff BMBBBBB, I L' BfBAKBB ni'.ilua!t.il that ?Le -p.? ia! order coi Id n< I he ii.ade conditional. Mr. Ko*a then CbJCCBBd to the Special old'T. Mr. BTBvaaBBMved to inopcag Um i ims t.. eaable k m ' to naba tke notioa. ead tWrolaicawnad ia Teca, UV; N; ?,'.(I; ho two-third? having luted tlierr-1'og the ni'es weic saapeadnl, and tbo motions were insdeami agreed lo. Mr. Si evins remarked that liewa? lusttuet? d BJ Um < onimiMee t<> say that a? soon aa the testimony was [.noted a abort written re; ort enforcing tie principle* of ' the bill* and the pmpoicd nmendmeut would be made. THI FIIKKPMKS'S Bl HKAl . Mr. Stm tua, from the Committee on Appropriai ions, raacttoi a hill making sppropnation? f..r the u?e of the BureM of Re fag see, Preedneaaad Abandoned Lands, for ! the year commencing Jau. 1, HBf, which waa read twice ai.d'referred to the Committee ol iho Whole ou the State ! ol ?ha I nmn and made the special order for to-morrow. The bill makes the following appropriations: Salarie? ol Assintanl and Sub Assistant Cennknnacn 117,000, ?alarie? of t lerk?. Iia,e0?? ?tationerr a.id printing. M3?009j ijoarter? ?nd fuel. li.'. 'MX), clothing ftr distributiot, I., ? ni?), commissary store?, C4 lu. V?), medicaldepartniunt, g.'iOO.OtU. transportatioD, il.'.'eo.l'0, School Superintendent*. : e.'i.nio. sites fur school-bonsrs and asylums, B300,0PI? tele graphing, tie.oou 1 ?tal, t added to the |>en.ion of |ien iloneri, $100.000,000 to go toward ciuuli/ing tho bounties of soldiers, ?nd |-.<(sj,00U,( I excoediug three of such coma '.lie, is moy be ueeaaad ash isabl ?. Cf. \ I MS O* VEMtZrP.LA, Mr. Dt tena 'Mich.i offered a reaolnuoa, whkh ??a adopted, reajutating the Secretary ot Stat? to furnish -le II? use with a list of til-claim* of ? uia.-n? of the Uti.ti l S'.r g, : ow pendil ? in the United Statea Legation st Ctr? M... ?, rgeiiiht the <;..v. rnment of Vcnczmla, and toi-tato whtt in.??..rea aro requin .1 to btjag ?ucii alai I - t?> 4 sasjedj >*.-!! louent. '.'I?i?OCar MATTEHfl. Mr. I wx Mo.) introduced a bill declaring St. Jr-etrh, Mi sonn, apoit of delivery, ?hi? h waa read twice :.r.?l ir fe ..i to the Cuni'i tte oh I ommerce. Mi. HlowiMo.i i.itio .lured a bill to allow theexUirt- .ti of thewhaif ataR. Loaia, ahMh was read twice sod o - ii ,i. d '?. Iba Comm ??.- oa Mihi wy Affnrs. KWiTAltlZIXO BOUBTIM. Dai rd (X. Y, psataaaad aaaeaas ; the Stott of New-York m tevtc of ???...?.?ig i otu ? '.*. D0TT M WnnL. M \ ,\n Huns \. V. pretenteda patttloB, sigr^cl *>y 63, tizentofElbs (Jen ate Coanty, |lew>Yerh, .?>? % BO .1 ? ti use ol'I lie dl'ty on 'VOOl. wuan'i mniiT?!. Mr. CoaaxiBO N. v.. prattated a Mtattoati tv?. Hutt.-ni d io "t'.< r wu:.ii>n ti! t.!. ??, M.ise., asking nu amendment ol I te c tullun | i tibiting the l*tui?s fron diafrtnehisiag i ?tia i ob the gjoaadoltaa. The pi tltioa wa . referred to th?.l?di<- ary CaasnMee. ??ti liol ia a. ooaranm ?. Mr. Paira (Iowa) m.d.Mr. Randall [Pean.) aire axant. ?! from a rving au tea Committee in reference M the ???i? 11 lir.U'n m the Capital, d Mr. (?riniiHl (Iowa) ti.d Mu D..HI-? ?!. Pun.) aero put in tj.i ir pi... ci. Ill KI VI ?t an IIARB-iR BILL PAtMb. Ou notion of Mr. Kuoi Mast?), the Connittee ol .lo Whole on the State of fug tTuiou was discharged tp. u .or ther eoaetuaVBt on of theStVtt and Harbor Improve? < 11 bill, and i!ic hill caine taten the House fir consid?rai*! i.. Ni . ?IJOTI li >'le al (ousideiable kLgle. advocating the principles of internal impr. vement u< A expb?aiag ti.?- pre* itsoaa of ibu 1 ill. ile ibcu uaovas) ti,? ' ?n '. o .3 qui ?t.on. ' M . Hosaaski'd Mr. Eli t to admit an amemlmcni.?? - i ..,. Hing$-!00,00p ri Disc a?ked Mr. Ellpt to yu Id for an am i d meat providteg that the Secretary of War shall, at ;.:! tiioe? l>e a>!tbori/.?d to ?dace the public worts of tb? Uni'ed Si ?tea mentioned in the act iu charge of Cnstowi Uo;:?e orne?is or other sgents of the Oorerameat lisii^? "**r ????< ,?<"'*?- who r that purpose. ?? 'li., previous question w.it seconded, tue anieiouii s. ?greed to, and the lull paaaeda TtlK CLAISE-COXKLISii CONTROVEBST. M>. Blaine n.M to a aaaatoal i|uestion, and aahaa Ml have read a Mttar fitoaa uea. Fry, which he seat t?' IM t liri. ?d. ?k. M . Can ino stipulated that he should have m Off- r ? n i ol rafjlj iug to it. Mri. Hi aim slated that he wn-hed to have this l??i.,r read Cor the doable purpose of vindicating himself rr. m tin > barge of having made an untruth!'.,1 statement ii. II e Hii.-c aomt days i-hici?, ,.ud giving la tht broad atatMsaa *i i >..? it Iii r-til?y un opportunity to a worthy taaatl '? I ?) 1.ca.?1 hi the fu rum whan he hus btM Baaaahai. Iwigh. further, to state that. r. <>n it;vc?!igation, L bail 'eui that I ?as in error in the statement I Maia in .let*.!?', lo .. bina the dillcalties between the neaahtf fr. n th?* rjtict d'sin. * and Um Provost.Marshal-Oeneral, I woi .?I hare fe'.f b-'und, humiliating a* it would :.?v?- hecti, to a| < o gize to tbe House, and to make the correction. Whell.? t it Via an ama, I ?ill have to bt judgid by the H? i h?j st'ir ?1 has heard the letter ot the Provost-Marnl.i-.-t.i n eral rc?i|. The Clebk then read the letter of Oeu. Fry, ot >L>? h the fo'lo? ing are abstiacti: W'iR 1)1 lASl MINT. 1'BOVOST-M ?aiHAL Or?.'? Bl'BEA> I WasUImIIoN Apnllir, iNta, ] Hu. Um s t.. lit ai? I. v.?I nava to thank yo? foi resi? ling, as mu? ?lid lathe Rouse of Representatives oa ike ; <4 mat., tbe very extraordinary assault opon ma by th? Don. i?oscoe ?'onkltog of New York. It waa a defense of mc ia a '. : i. where I bid no opportunity to be personally heard, a. d I stn rnaliled to say Ma? voor tiaertloaa teaching Mr Cer.k ling's difficulties witnths liureaa are amply and oimiMny jiistitied bv the facts whiob ti.rs letter will dkMloa?. Wy oft.eial i.tsreourse wah Lepreaentalites ia OnBBMM uuiug tb? past tlnee year? hal boen constant, aud in manv him? intimate, aud. with the solitary exception of Mr. Coaknng ti bn I ?-en marked so fir as l remember, by uiutual kocor ana] fair dealing. Mr. Conkiing being thtni an exe? ptlen. it s my purpose to give a brief ?utcmary of bis connection and itUtr course with this lturcuu lo lb? Summer ?.f 1-^.: Mr Conknatg made a case for himself by telegrapbiuit to the War DtLtut tnent that th? Provost Marsliaf of bis District required Layas nuilee, which b? was thereupon ?mpoaered to gi??. In Aprd !??(?:? Mr. ('aarliw A. lisna, tb? Aas.iUi t Seoretary of War. without notifying me, bad Mr CenS Img appointed to investigara ali fraods in the ?olUtmenU ?? Wcsteru New-York, wita the itipulatua thai he ?bonid t?s i. mmisfioiird Judge-Advocate for the prosecution of aay s*.? brought to trial and he was so appointed to prosecute. It-fc ? a general Court-Martial Major J. A. Baodeek. Mr. Daua vested him. by leteral orders uanasl in the aasne of theS'creUM of Wsr." witaout the isuctiou of Mr. StaLUo, with the moat sxtraordiuaiy powers. Among the?? wain? right to examine thcdiipitcbei m all telegraph office? m iii? Western division of New-York, which enaoled a viol?t on ol the sanctity of personal and bunn?** correspondence For lu? services in tldi connection Mr. Coakling received oa lb? '.? i of No\emher last from the Cnlted States tbe modeit ftxofl i??'. Wlirte.ei lie received, a.? lia? be?u reported, from bia disti ?.S ?*..UO0 mor? tor tbe same servioe, and whether be r?*c?ivcd asi ditiotiHi fees from guilty parties for opposing proceed i aga *i L'tic?, 1 am unable to say, but, as hereafter ibuwa, he war ,.? zealous in prevt-atuig prosoeattona at Uliea as I.? wai in making them at Klmira. and the main ground BftBttst tittilt ? between Mr.ConkllQgindmyaelf has been, that I wt.oti?! eiposurei ?t both place., while he wanted coueeaimeat at ? ? r 1 suppose there can be no doubt among high mindi. ? < aj as to toe character of Mr. < on kling s course To ibis portar Whether hia actioa in ?xereiiing the function? of J tilga-a,I vocale ?tid receiwng pav therefor from the United Kftir t? the ?mount of $3,0Go, while receiving hil compensation as a member of Congress, was a violation of the l?tier or spirit.. r both, otiarticle C lectiooti of the Constitution, I leave for <.'l ? ? to .ii ? ..." As to tb? at..mu? of Mr. Coukltng a c?luiuii:i i as> naH i.| on nie. it I* true, uotvithstanding bis asiertion II iki ? had no peifonal ({uarrels with me. that to? different??? I? ???? him au?! ti j self ? ?re altogctber'from mr unwilln gn?si ?? , i tfy bun iu certain matten In whioh hs had a strong pastel I nueiesl It is Hue alio that he wai foiled m bu eflu? ti '? ta? nia undue ecMioeisiom from my Bureas, and to disc:?., : u ? BJ ILeeTrsOi ?J s"0^f?t!?lrJ. Ile Utter then goes taio conMJernble detail? of ,i? isaue? between the writer and Mr. Conklmg. tad roa. eludes as follows: lb? general nanagauiebi of my buainen hat i?eur?ii ti.? approval ot ail dispassionate partis? who have hadanu|(,*mu.\ Jambs B. ?ar. |^r?w??t?M?wak?l9mm* Mr. Blaimi said he did nat ?mi* t? have tht daaaaaf t| a?? r HU "