Newspaper Page Text
V-?1" XXVI.\?- 7,Ki:,. NEW-YORK, FRIDAY, MAY 4, IHM. PRICE FOtR CENTO? FROM WASHINGTON. Ml SPECIAL DISPATCHES. Alcxiiii'lcr 1!. v,',,!,, j,?-. Aidn'v ..ulit.?oii awl tilt' Id'HINTiltK r.'l'.tx. .Mi,<-!.TANT INTH_NAI KKVFXl K lilll.KTIX. Fur>??r fi.ifi?-rnri l?jWt-lf ?lu V.i.pnr.i:*i? .{,>inl,?rtlm(iit. I Kimi S <i' COHGRESS. r_-tt?61 OF IBI 013A-_kUe_UPB B-LL kliHtf cn Ik hi," li L*MK!ifl lnKr-Statf Com ui.Biritioi'v. ILc HoV-e h't'?^Hlcr? and Kiccimnit?- ?W Aimv r._... Colorado Ai-willii! lo the rnion-* M M 55. Tilt _toe l.'iiiN* t?? Strikt Out from tin I ' nitiiiiin Uif WsHtl ??Wim.."-:;,, li 1*5, <?! :?LAL RE8SI0-IAL BV81NE88. Waihihi ? 1 ' -I I ? :.:.?.' B1 N? is i >| ? ? . IBB v, 8 Presid? ] . j :i. 'vi ' . ' - ' BBB. I'"'.? ? v ' ii i ? ,ir ;h? B ?i -? ? fur th.- F I Mr Bear); patti rr been i ? ? Iralit i. ? ' ' .tura!: ? ? , - l.t ti.? Ii. 1 n i i. ' . : mi muta, i bbenad p, ead piabtbl. l>? t? ii,?..i t,l ki Jil, I. IM! BBXkl HI VIN, Bi lin ?. eiptt ii? ;.. lutemal K?v, aera I- - ' - 1 RUH i i c II is ai EtAJOMUA. '1 m n pom of tai i . ? '. 0_ . > i i I';,, ia V; ,1 ?' OW I?at .''I t] B? ? uti I?.? :. i i ii' ' ? "i ??. , le bata ;?i'?'la'(l tut ??n I !-suie.t li.I - > ? lived ?ith i n ?I?? n ?-. ? m ?i % I foi BM-?if wa ?-ii ov io?!-.!. AiiAim. i imi.t'isi iMtan ??? .iv.?ad ? etty c1 Waal . ;. noa_ri ?:.d BsVXJie t.? 7tt,aM lallcrtad per ii.? 1 ?'!.!'! \RV 1 KR-? N ' f.. An ? I, i ?i.?? ? till.- li.? v? ! llr.i.'.-(.i i. .!..- II. W , li,r Ki.. i p- '? n port to tbe I ibe t!? - ItllM'.? ( f D' K Hal bs-tij i ?.?.i,r.. ?-I 1... li.? Wai I?> I'.iitini i t. Hn Vi-t I.i? ut. l.T. J. M. II. :i_ nt t!.. I:!i l'i '? ?-? ?? ( "?..ii.i lr??.|s bi> la-, ii ard ? i. in the 1 ?IB ??ni? L ? IliiniiJ. TRE.VS.RY Bl ?IM>S Id A j ?. ! - I, ! I < ?milt, n ? uici'Ui t- ?. S .i 1 ?! V i :? a- Il s II. | ?-.rill' III. lNTEllNAL UTI B1 I ll'ltl. Tin i r i ,'.-,. ,|. ',... tlif fu!:,'-? : I ih ( .- OB ii. 'c.'a! ' i" ?ici i.t" ? ni,'! ttM-BMI T-BAMa- Din Oiitct .i Iviii.m: Kivisii ? \v A-iiiM.iob i> < . Mai I ." I 'Ile an ?I* fera | W-tsaHCSied by fr iei t loase. ? aaaaslad flos d?lai la raMrtan the anuutil lui. Mat s per ?. n- i ? f.ii their BeeaaM atti, t.i.cuf m t? a ? n sv tier ?p, . i ?ui -. wi re nibarijnci.tii f? and lobe latolvaal oi le bave Iii . : ibeeoadel. Tax payera art aenaob lalartat eilB.t' ? I that liicnsci ?hall he dell ki ni i? ?non as pani!?i all? r the tint < t May. us tbey ?ill bt Ibu euabled to eil - !. ..c? u?es ?heu required. It wa? tb?ratata pre ?, ?iK-il thal applicailoas fur lleeaeee akeald la all eaen be Manad aramptly to Iht i accompai.C'l by Ulta tbereof, la duplicate u'. fnrrn !!?. The ?itt-Lti ? riiii't"!- ., Ibtn lort tot spt emily m lalaed taI aeries li Ntk i relative to s . ?r licenses, aad the? ?III be expected lol?lj uki , r, l? loi - ' ini.i't ti? ?.?? ,1 u:. iii ,f!,-i the an ?nil lut i? . -V n,,t m- bra 8 ? bold be nrved i? -- ?r? ready !or delivery lu ii. tie prt.mj t aral i-irlt rollrctiuii n! the latani tai. ?i when tim? .'.?is.- i-. .-.s.-il a ?t.tBc:aal BBBbet uf it Ibe cnlp , ta,??. .,f win.h they are ?ati.hi-,1 Bay trt.ii.init to tne t .1 < '.Tun f',tin St the assessments made mi such le turu?. it .t nu return ?Ln'i is i|i.e?tio:.i-i!, Bat Bay a?.??-?-: --..rin the abaaaei m a return, ?!.? ,1 le? reputed until alter appeal? har? lu on ?enid. Oa rt ??, t of ?'.ii advaaot-beel tbt eo?eetet will tait?attleeeatttti Va Mt, The asse??uient? Ihn trana inittcd ia adeaaoeol lbs ratal " UM ?bo_W he tatt -ed ud the ?iiinua bal ; ! ha raeeipted hi ra that litt Tbeapaeata ehouid ka advertised and the la? tea plied ?itl li all rtapeeti it* if a . a be?! !"??? Ifdtd, It ?ill he in ?lind that a?trent cantint i?c Btds for either Unan M I ?urne taxes us?til after ita eeapleti aaaaal i .1 ka. beat rt I'.tiii-d aad i'ii 811 ? n I M in. Noa. 100 and lol Bit Bat in li l I ?ada?. UM printer, uni oidtrs therefor w.?I ten ?aortiy ht? Bird. THE OB-O-UkBO HU. The bill for tin ?iiiiiiisiuu nf Oehaatta peate? I a Ha m |. d?i\ (, t : ,? ',.. -,, I ir.'f a vote ;:? w?s ni,ta ???it'll. IBtTt Mttft ?"'"i m ? Ty BsMat?Ueaae abataI? Tin-rr i?. how. ever, t .-ii io eecara a lw?-tkii*_t rale ia the ?House if it B-BB-I bf ?nv ?r-tran? ki vetmil lu ntl l'r?-i? ?lent, uni th" Baaata t?-H i?e ?trun/ eaoagb lo pus? ii bj B t??-tliird, s.L.iIl I? ?l liiatte: (if ilniitit. It W?I |B le the P ? ? tal '.i> Dim uni. BBUBf of TilE ?BATAI >? BTBACT-Btt. I hi-r< icri-'u ?? ' I'thi h.Il for tin- .?.-.ief at* the iioii-clad f"t)!ltl?<t,)r? t,, lim ( un linttei- ii': ( ann? m?teail (if tilt' 4 iiliiliii't ?? ? Kata! Atli r?. ii m. ii,di'a! ion of I ?limb., ia Um ii?,us. ,,s ?t i-, bardijarobtblt |. al (?nu m: Mit- mil rjiuke a faVoruM" rcpoit OB ?I. VVilOlliAI.E l'Ait?.N|\(?. T: if ? ? 11? 'mil,. i BawtVM - baak c ?>< ?Sortti ( ?i . i: ,a:.a aha bara tkoafBl I varth ?bil? i I fi r tlit-n . lill TAX I,II I. 1 ,?? !??? ; ' ited ? I BO? .ii!? fat ? in . ..! ?? tit? MeBMMMb M.V'.AK k I A\ V! li" Ni - 1.1 Kells ( ..-ii. . > ? tin Hirth ii 'h. -..-.. ,t.-. Tlfr.1?! ia 10 s . I !.. BB ' ?''?? '- I . . BM - ?? )i. VSiltli A j.i."r s (kiln ? ni 'he ln? . . iii.isai'iii?i,l ll.c uki ith uf April, iu? t?.r? _,.,? wa? M|,H7>_,. Is-li. 1 kiar :..; Ike MBM t.'TiaMl th. K....ith A .tlitor? Mihi? ? 'lib iVa ;t Bl i .? f? I'll , ,| 0 u. in Mad Ptni Willi.? I ? 1 Jil, May :. - ? I I1INA ?IA?? i ? t BMaitl t karltalturt, la answer to a aeaala? I, ka?Beat tt) tbe A Wes oatioi rei.itir.. i , ii.? Chiaaaraaalb?r, ?rd wblrh -p?? i ..cii? were re ? itlj r<<?'iv. .i i ?no in .'i ibe N Date (' mni MauBfa-l rae. I lion ?wt?*ti i letter ?tom 1 ? ii Georg? .1 Al?'?,!' ? I ? , rt ?. I rland, to tbe ?!?'" ? l)i-|.arti!ii,Tt. ?i,n*lan '' ' proajree?ata? li iMpron - Mi-lit? i.f its iii _I, ?) ten tun- i--),i t ,lilli li VV'ndi- it, S..iis uf III??hud, SIM I'ill.l'!;? ,/t iv||,.?aj; (.".mis loT? lall, lli(-,V((| Bl 11-1 II? j nr : n'.i ' (?I A(-'f ' ill re. ,ii (| h'i t ?,s? ni, i ? :.|l U,i ?I srln'tj ? (?I Aft ? !! re. ,u (I an bow ?net lill bu c m. fia** leal b ?n? ?>.;? . til ? ?? ?' thema . t briiliiacyof lester ladatrragth ol tii-'-r. Effort! ire u proses t.. tes! the j tactical ?lily i1 m iliiii.itiziiirf the ilium, which le a atentar of the nettle family, in the Si.iiiiien, | ortirai oi thtoeeuatiy. It appt an ? v. di in the ran 1< n of the D?partaient, 1 at ?ill not ander the frosts of W * U r, di proi IU lA.ltWlt I is?? rBABIACTlOB. It ii ki f-viii thal <'?inn.?.inn- Kmlf.-r-, la hil lillie ?n] ' 11 the bombarda?nil ot Vu]) inuao, nyi " 1 waa aheotately eertole that la aal leos tosa 30 ???eaals, ii m? t han m m i n me? toe klonadi ock 1 erself rntirelv inn,stitt, ii. woatdloari uni? toe statt hsadi ol the Numannu u , v> water. ' i . the deseripl on '?! the Naneada aswrioaaJy re* ? ' ?>'"! ? li ii i iiv. ii li kni wn thal thi Bj ?nish v'tss. i Nunianciali between 901 and li?1 feet long, and drawt 11? water at the Monadnock, she - mil of water, aad i ? ?* ? feet loafer than the Mu:: ..iii.uri?. COOl twit* ii? li li, ,.: . y In gold n.? ti;, lum ? ii? in ii.' I :i.s. .uni Ik r \,'i"i?i? i. iii timeo ?is nach. Her - ?ti ki es? "i that of the Itontom ck. The Nu? . - i- Ill i- ? tlai i i? tin tx-it type of the 1 lu- ii:i|'io ??n,n i-, ?I e wa* originally ? Coi federate service. Al! ti ?? v.mell oi the Mu:.? lim, k elaaa wer? deeigned at Ita Navy Depart i .ii m.r "wn (luvt nu.,{.m Navy-Yards. i iBWt m nil; c.tiii-.'ii r. ?i .Hi "f ti '? i. '"it tel. tiru'.:., ii bi ice to the Asso ? i>.ti -i Preta of the views c4 memWr* "t the Ctoinel cob -??. i,.., propositions ed thi ReconatrnctionCom, baa not been questioned, tare Is one parti, Daniel)', thcpoeii ged t" Lum- batta taken by Bee? il hit I Bl I" ' l ?:: ?Stat? ' . of m1 it D thi " j ? no i?.?i- di .. ii u i r? -? mi l the Rt eretari ?, ; eanoo aa authentic denial i?i b? ma-e.iadaot car? bia views opea to doubt or eonjeet B-ABB ULA Ill's RK'U'TIO*?*. I ' -? \* ti?, (leo. 1-".. i -. i u 1 .Lu r waa rejected hy th? ? b? ?'t'I'cct'.''"i Internal Bevenae foe the Dist! I nt si. I., n ? lu? not triaaplred. Much larprise it ex? ' smoDg ??then by Lieut,-Qcn. Grant, ' bim ti.intry is indebled more than to . '. r mai thal ti :, I from t* ? ? Ile ?|i'hi- with ? .'in' ?ti.. as 11 the importe ; militar? ? -t . ?tien. Il ? ? " . . Blaii ..t I bal lime and line? s r. ti the c nntry. TAB OB MATi III'S. II i? ti"i t? m . i ? -'.ii.'i. thal thi i ? a -u* i 11 re? the tax o? atoche? "i that lhere ii anj intention ot re> ?...V, .. -. 1.X IMIV l'HtiV n! ?| '?. It 1 i? l" en ord? ?> .1 bj the ?Vi D ? i I thal all I - .-,-:.? li - hu?: t.. bare : ed 1 y the II" ir.l "i ' '? i ? n'i U ??. May 21, l _e l|...,t.| will finish l , u'r. j?e ob the It?i ' t .i i ?- s. ai:.. The Presiden! - proved the bill authorising aal ? i -11 r v t" ramil ? ..i I, !" ditties levi? 'I port of the It. H te? to a port of 1 f led Btate* 1 .il.i if thi I ... ' I ? i OLOR ?le ? '? i I" I !.' '? ? ? i ? . i" ? :', ? . I ? ii the I ill foi ? . id ito ir Komi ties opposed to il ? r I I thi ... aparea? nsion,..- ti.. I'r? rideni ? .u a ?|.?., ia] ? di -? ? ? ? II ? that thi i - laritj SI ' ' de of adopt g thi Conttitutio mmedi i . I ?itali : I ? i n u? contempl?t? u !?> Ibe I? ? .- i i, Mi mi : '? : the Seiiii tOfl i Wi !.. It .. I". S?l XXXIXth congress. UBS I Bl B8I< N UNA I I. IVa-ki?..,!' -. Ml.? lill. Mil ?VII tki II The ' S :.,::.-? ? ' t'..- 1'i.itt ii Btati ? foi :, modiiii..: oa of li fleet i n| theil bia?nei which was itfrircll I i . Til i CtTBA Ti ii., li II ii Mr. iH.tsiuE!.. i e i., (?.uninur i CoBterei ? ? tin* hill to eetabiiai i ? < ? oa ; lion betwei n ile United Stat? ? I ? i-l md > t ? i ?? port, ?i.H'ii w,i? BfBaeil pro?, de? that the rat? of tele? graphing ?hau be sol than *-?.... Rd lea wvawda, sab i. i*, however, to tto rirbt tt < "? raes t?) aller this rate. li.. to : ? Pi - li ;.!. in. ISAM <>K BABA! PAT. Mr. i ?' i ,'i ? j?" tented 'lu- petittoa ??t a ?ral o_bera foi an inereaae of pr ?i.., i, b-bs le?eiiad lo the C-toaadt tai "?i Kari] Atl.i.r-. AN OBBOOB t ABB 'UANT a i iii | :.";'l g is to thi Btate of Oregon to iii ii itm< lion f i oil.:.. , I Oma Al ny, O lo ttaeaatani boua_at? laftae Beale. IO "?IHM'II? \TIHN? l'Ut TBI ST t ! i I'l.I'VKTMIVI. M*. Ii.ssmikn off ii, lum,instruct' mg tin- siiiii.i.iii? ?'. lanitteee ?ii I' BaiMIaci and ..i toinqn stfurtb?-Thnildiiiea???*omnK?d*tions, if any, are aaedt l i iiv State l?( a nt. Thli ?;?-? iiili.fti,',. ??(.Mt'K's.lTlii.N "V OAPT. BaUCatJOI. Mr. AMll'iM'cilli'd .i], tin- lill to pi'V .lehn Kri(?"! $111, 'lin t..i ?. ti i-i-? li plain..'?i* tie- war :?: tiim-r I'mic len .?Lu li tras p.?-'-.. li I.I M BrKSi:-' ST ? ' ll'K*-T VII?I.INIt. Mr? Tab n ink..?. ?. dtrpa bill toreintoni the State ..* i\ i ?t \ irj-'iniH tor ..i cij Mie-. It sppointi a Cota* miaaioner to audit the aocounts of the State ii??.uri-t ?i. United' s. uijii appropri?tes **:? ?it?? te paj ita lui.?. l! ... I |. --. 'I. aorrai oa iii-iibti krs Mr. li'iisov, furn, ti - ? "ii.n.itti. .m Military AMair?, reported the foti v.,;.. datioa Mtmhtd, 'Hint toa Beerelaq b1 Wai !>? aad be ?? tarab) and re.j??n i. t. e ti,-' te I.e cm o-, |.-,| the r*la*MI of ita te-ti-r of lolnoleari. already srlatod, sal Uto ti)*' laelai (?ompiled or dlreet??! bv tt.* Jofat reaaiuti??*, aaprored id n re h ?. i?' ?'? li* piiliii-i.eil. in ni f niaaee ?rito a Blaa sub ?ttted ii? toe tttfttioit mil-Hi of I'ui.iit Priai li tt, IXTEK-s I A IK ( 811111 NI? llIO". The bill i" " p?late i ommerelal and pes'.ii etraanln. ii,,!, between the -tatet wn taken up oa laotioaof Mr. ?}1 VMi:. Mr. How mid took tl.i fi"or m oafeaie ,t the btlL He ? tlmuglit wli.-n be lust ii ad this bill thal Itaprovisioas ?. -. ? i piniti itmi mt I'viiieiitly wit bia Itoeeoae el tbeCoasti t al power of Cousreat that M wiuiiiio- UBtoaM fur any rentl?aian, bowevei ingenioae, to rato? *i liraataato t ' i onstitationalitj nt the aeaonrej bat, 1 ks many other billa wini h h ti^ been i iidei eoi lideratios d uing lae ir" . | toaiion ss well aad nag former Coagreoeef, t? ?neo ntered a \'r.? earnest and obstinate real founded ipoi Ita kdaa that it waa prohibited br Ibe Goa ?titntiorj ..f the United Ktites; ml the eoaonbta leait i li'.'n M.tryi did .lui,?isi.ii. ia roly topraeattwy toaee, aad almost v. Uli a'-t ?-nts ni deepaii at the proapeet ol tin- Hil passing the Bei 't'-, atys that tie ure tims tn nun to ur fil? il? rtM>r toan.ciid, from time to ti mc, ItaConetitatioaoftbe UnitedSfateai thal ii oom C-wgreas ufi.T aaother may enen?ech upon itaprortoioaa, we might as ?tell hove n.. (. n?; ,t i.? 11 in. U_aoubte?*ly the eoorictioni of thal aoaor ? ? inter are vi-ryili'ep ami ?triii:-'. looald vsi-li, sir. for tto wJko of the eonatry, that we eoald bare hil (hil to I ? ?? concorrenee m t'o thi eoaaUtatioBaiitj ??f ibe mi .i?. re ter I know, and ao feet the i - uatrr, that lu? np.non i.pou eogrire a aneetion li entitled to, ead ra? re?? great tretgat. not ral* li t l? ? body, t. it throagbont th? eonatry. -till, ? r, after Uitaaaai ?iii, ni i h iiitriit.'.ii i,. Ins eloquent and ingenioui : rgument? t the bill, I have failad to be crariaeed by it, of th- nu?".:i-t,iMi;..i';iliti nt tie toeaaar? ; cn the othes baa i l b'.itl iii" I??- .?t rn Hy a ut. in the eoaeti tatioaal poner of . --. I bold it in bo a v/ery exaadioai aad aeriesary Bet foi ? I. in-? |t llii- tiiiii-, lad I remark, sir, llmt IO great a teaata of titae hw peewtd withoni nch a federal ?totute as tbia for the (?oiection "f Ita people ef the digereol Stni.? ,,| tim Uniaa la Itali eoanawri lal tran?a( ? I ht boaorable aeaaloi trom Mirylaad infoiins 11 that thia to ia attempt ia alter, to modify aad etea to eatons i Urals i tortai aad !"? m > nea na ofaa stteeaai to override ead o?oil ale the laal ead ttgltimate Bowen .,! the stab * In ret ?n mm lo the ?toloi ol etopoMieai lor i-ommere al parpo***, Mr. H'WAKu Vere read fr?an Mr. Johnaon'i aii*-_aeal 'bill. Id- in.niiiiiiii'*'! tlini the lull lint not *m rnetaalteroi amead lo iny legal r?-?pect, or in a'v , ,,i ?ni-.ii": ni pointa, .-,;. t rtei gTaaled br aay Ktale. It se eased to be Mr. Joanaoa't aigataaaat, liai a ? tad a right teaflto any cradittoni wbaterer te h? tlmitt-i, and nml it aaa n? I ral "i the powei i f Coi .??? t .- - he p -"| I' of "'!.Natal from ai j reetrlctlona ?, | upou t tam m "ol? ' charter, li,;- he denied, ? Ali? iiuustiou was, he, ' arbathei <? St.iti* lu Its ib .1 ..? priratc < ompanias ?r ottn raise tun toke in Iti I ands iii- poan r ol' reVulat gi ..nulli n--. n power ?tu. u belong? exclari*?y to , i p ta under the t'onatitution. That portioa of a ?tate i er which ?asume! to regulate ??ontrn-ne I" tween t11 ? Mai'-*, or ?i it', i"ii-i.' , ' ot Dirt? a, becomea void ii Li? fn i tin- waul "t .mihei tj "i? tbe mii ufth? Itate Qotataai .-t 'n eli r, - " it. Mr. II'iwabd. referring lo the Ciadea uni Ambo) Kallioad, euid that ii leried itoxniraetaij Baaaeagar travelii g ihr? gh : s Klati of Kew-J ii r. Moulin i. said Ibece waa nothing bat ? lory of II ? ,. |, (?i-a.-n.'.-l IU li.-I. Of Oil e Mr. r..wami tod il m?!'' no tliff. ri.d ii? whatassae 1 n ?a-? illfl. li uu? .tul a ?rii'ut.- levied aaoa the pea? I . ' "tuer m nea, n * r? mil ot the tax baa boei io re I liar*tto |t?.pi.* ..I N..U-.I..I?. v ir.'-ii nil Slat* taxas, ato toi |.,,..ri Ita (?..v-.Tiiiiien: .I Ike Beale ia thtospa-ii" .' ni tillillinna. H? vtn'iid eeb if C?jagraaa tod, a? H pretiii' r.inrt (uni .l.'i ided exelusire Jtuiadittion orar the aBhjael .1 t -i sign i nauBoree, or e??mmerce no1 I "lilv Let at .-.-ii lint .! tn ?.; i _.- t1 * Male-, if it W8* BOt Ugh | tims thal eitiieas should be ralletjed fttm so ?rri??* nu im? ' position u|.their good r*at_re? whether it weaentirely i.,? thal eitiaaaa of Michigan, "f Kow-Tork, of Kew? Hampehiie, ol Maine, of Connecticut, "f all tli? atotea | passing nvi-r this railr? ed, should be Bilde tribatary to tim . ?elii-ii poll ? .,i ih? State ol New-Jareay, aad taooaipelled , m tin? r?.r-.u to pay th? a_pea_aa of carryiag ra a l?tate I i;.,vt*tiiiini.t ' uu wai >i. airoi-iATiox bul ia ai.lid. J JH>, I ivl?KJ^ ? IT'ii,?! n it-r-vli.t.'?;. iL.-Tiiiin_ I'm fftjaf* tan' M Ile ?M-nftte tu retail fgtBB Ike BOBM tin- T,()?t-< ??Tree -\ II r< i riation b IL Mr. BcaDsa?iiaqairtd ?kal ?ai iki nhlati "f ikaieeo? : IntioB. Mr. I'm ant? ?ni?! ha wi?hcd ti, n.oc, n rt?t*t>nridi?Tati-B ? f the ame:.dim tit m relation to the I'rt-?i_r?liul nppoiut 11.t Dover. Tal r. ?"Ii'ii.i: via?- mli.pted. INTER-STVTE CoMMI'XIC.V 11? IB AOAlrt. Mr. ll?'Wi, taking th.- Door ob t be ra,!: ?mil lu ii. ?a.ii t_en bad lit h, m a ? ropotition Introdni ed li the Senate itaee lie I.? ? min- h liiciiiii, r nt it nutt bad sol f aad toan oat to di ii-,?::,(. It aa nul. Btforc Um pending bill lind I (cn fan!. ogblld t.. tim S?'i,ate it had heen deiicui c d M B-COBStitatiOBal. It it he true that the Stutci,t New. ,1-TM'V had ,i riabl te hunt the emir., r, t of thal State t?, . elia?(?f railroad, ?hu eoBtroli the regulation of i commerce betwi^o bere and New? York 1 naeofUM ok? i f st- ia the formation of 1 lit- I'?uti. bt Bkid, was Ike ti |? j Illation i?t ("?.menc hy the Vi deial Government. Ad ' linttiiiir the hut tobo that only the Legisla! un of th< - ofNet Ii -? ? . Id ?. the i,m?inn n,,n of a nib roof h Uni Stat?, be denied the righi of Hew? .1? ?eytoezaet?bal eoediUoaa ?t pica?!.! on Iki road ?bee built, 'Iins wa? aole qneetion oi nf-tattng toll. It ata a aoeetionof cniiiiii?. ciiiiii.eri i lo ii.,', ?,? betwt sa ' different alf haaya The powers o< a State oi Hi ?Ct Hill-! lu- CM-'n l?C(] ,11 Mlh'.rillllatli'li t'. the ?UM II- of Ibe Na';?.:.. I ! :? bad be.ti m ttled by the Siiprent Coart, Mr. Chl.slVi l.I. .,!?.rnl ni. ?ma t:,lii:,'iit *<i the hill | , C'liiTc-s the righi loalu i 01 aniendi rr P al it uta:, y unie. He spoki . t the bill, tad rerieveo the ergaak-ati nade ii. tavir it ii by Mr Bonni r daring the it ?? -? -- It was c' by Mr. Sumner (ha! Congresi I da righi t?. pan ti i- ? i.l :.!,?!er tin- BathoHtj lo n ic anab ?? li ?ai I ileiti there was no right to pan it under this power al I ? i me. Mr. siiini., i bad also elaimi ?1. a Id Mr. Creswell, the righi t,, pa.'s it ni der the ?"mr to establish poat?officca and post-roads. Tbia. he maintained, did no1 ? ?.i?: i iii.? r. Iii rxpt-eted to nee) with orooaithmfron , ibe s? natoi Iron v\ lacoatia ah? a bl mB that the ??otters ni ti.? Coi klitntion vu re limiti d. Mi. Howi said the povers ?! the CoBsI?tatloa for the reaalatit ; of comnrree wen unlimited ii nany i. -p. ????. Mi. (?.??'.in .?aid the |. mii.,i: ?'?ii waa bal on? of a I ?peat m_B] of U? hub? kind boob to follow. He referred i-, a measure now pending In Ibe Honse foi the inthoriaa. lionofa i,',!-, kd btrtween New-York and Washington. lit challenged t?ith< t Mr. Boat oi Mr. Sa i ii? i lo iho? i? -,:.'?? .:,?:uiice ii. mliiih - |y ?rat pun.led to > -. 11.eic vs. n iwo classai .f power. graatedh ' <? '.. ral II. \( -?U.ici.t 0M M I? "wa? li the Statt? a? . I the other tabetwet ? ? 81 in - 1 !'iii"n ? andl-iri ? .??. The tseluaiti jutiadictiofl of a Stitt OTt I It- , 'l .. Iel li tory i ad li? V? 1 hu I, deli. I ,1. Mr, ( i.l..-". : : read fmn i ott'i l>ehat< - aad ?ron, Ji li. :?,,::. Madia i? ai d Hi milton t" show that, a? i Io ltu- tin (??ii'ia! (?o?a ii.iiii lit bad BO righi : v terni! affairs i a Bute in the ?'mi- , le. He look?.! es a vital blow al lae art al i - 18 of tb< ' " . try, I li c1 Ibe last I ??-.,1 "?'.? ? i !.. ,' . 1 hi silal Id . ? _| _d .1 ?J... ?ii nraj ,,. . laome di :i i t , r tii.a * .ii |. ' i ? ?? tit bad bet n ? i ia lui Mr. sar.B-AX said ? I Ohio Baili i 1 tia?st t ,.:-. h Mr. t'i.i ?>wi i n -..i i be i no1 1er of Ita Ils timor and Ohio Rail : ? t a - Mi. ?-ill HI AH?Bul -?.-ti M : '!. i Mr. f-'aaaaaau I apota of ib< li erality of ti.? ? M Mi. JOHNI ' i r, in ? ti I Ohio H Qe said il : : Mr. ? ' " treal ! - V eck a trunk wi B rand Ohio] i ticket I any other i I going to Haltli d. I?'.-I VI. Al PIP'I KI V , IOX8. 1 he h ? i (?'? ? V ; . i . ., 'iirno'l lu Ila S. .' , M . I'. I IXD . ? ',?:. ! a p .',-: to p , IBMi-< r tke vrote by wblt'h li w?a peaeetj, II. aoked a ile s mend i ? thal I ?righi . - ? - er to | I ? ? i lal se to pa j I . ? ? t appoint? il m t u V . -, ii .. t,, lay on 'h' ? ? iaratl r' m to .ipi?, data t du ??? ? ,?? ?? nu It? the Y Ut. t'l.i -.-vu.: I. r I l I U_ rae fxett foi 1,1 ! i ? ?? Beal i. '? p. p.- *!.!? I ? ROUSE 01 I.l PHI ?-I M.viiv i:s. Titi AKMV lilli.. Mi. a Ihdn w the ad. !>? bin ?? -'? r? .?..i t., M) ni, ti.i tat I.l.- tin- nulli,.i, lo nu "|.| .I' r ibe ???!<? n p etina tke Anny bill, m ??ni? r t?. Bort n? ratonnlttsl to Hie ('"nmiiKc on Military Al lira, Mi. ( iiAM.i.n revieacd tai noiioa I foi Iht Yea- tad Na ?. Mr. WatOBTaakedtbeSpeaker whetbei Ihtaw ? thai m>'ii"ii me? id sol ' ire tai ttfet I ?I k11 laa lb? bill. 1 te- SII.AK1 It ,1. ,','d all?riii.ll if iy but I I -I Wilt a matter foi lbs Hoan lo daMrntae. Tbe llonae rafuted lo order tb?Y?n I s tatt Um iii?.' loa to lay "ii Um lahle a n kstt. 'I | ?? vote n fettiag Iht bill ?in? ret ob derad. Mr. V\ lii.lll then BK?Vi I IO 1li> hill t.i the I " ' . . OB Militan Allaire. Mi. Kan Motad laainsctioaa lo Un Committee to rrp >rt a Lill for .m ?itinv of ?.ot tuon Utan 1&.OO0 ana. Mr. BCBBBCB ?aid that woald turn mimt al.i.ii! Hii,(as| nee at um Regain Amy. Ht hoped aolaatm lions wo . ! ? i be eitel ? vi . Kom 8 notion via? rejectr.l,and the bill waa tkai ra? i ?.usMitti d aad oidei, d ;,i h,- priaied a? aaa atti it .\TTh_irri:.? A?.?. kBBlBJ i BMI Bf 7UK BBMB-OB ol' KtsMiA. Mr. stkvi n- a-ked Itara t,? iatiattaee Um i"c"-s.: rc?,i"iti"i. Rr,?\rr,i Bt?Mt ttassn aad ti i ?. ?/ Wturmtmmtimi I I ? a'".-" ??>??!. I: ii! t1, ,,.!..:... nf th" I nile.I Miit?. Amu lea bat taeraed wuk deep narai ibt at t-m pt asada bbm the iitc nf the Bnaam ?.i ttaaau bj ,. . i aats] ,,: satan laatiea The Couiries- seuls their gnatWht '<? Hi" M'li ??-t_s and t" the linsaiali nut i ai. and i <i ?ratiiliit ? ? the tarent, nilllont..! nrfli upon the providential e-i upe ttom danget of the Son r-i.-i to whoa tri the* owt Uiv WtMingi of theil freedom. Mr. i;??.-?s 1.1.?.-. mil"?, th ? j' ut n-i.liti.ia waji rc ? , iht ('"::,- ? "ii Porelda Affaira Mr. MI.M.NB l'a. ?id kB vi.., hi vi.ti,daw M ni.tll ODO ? in,in in IkTof ef aaaaMiaatlnn eoald aol ohstnici it. THE BBCOMTBBCTIOB OOMIs-TTI ?? Mr. Ho: iwi.i.l, t?.im iba Beconatrnctlon Conmittee, 1 rip"lied teslilll.,lil lil ri f' I'M I til l!i" Mate of (!ior?'.,l, ?mil Mr. CaBBUBa, it?.m ti,?' ?ililli' <"ni!m.tiee. reported tt-atimony ii ntxaraaee (?? ? irgiaia, N??ith Cai-liaa und 1 ?-.ililli ( ,ii"!iiia, n loch ?vu.? luid "li the tahle B?d uni ?ct to I c juiutcil. MAXtlllhl IB. Mr. Jcliab oii'-n?! a naolotioa, wkii b aaa atteejattt, ia? ''the i'l.saleiit lo i " al" n'.y i:i!oniiutioii bi '. is i ?neening dieer?Biaatnae ande by the w ?wiled AIuMini?mu Oorei-BMBt oi Mexico agaiB-l Am? : ? ouiiiiei, ?? ia ("linn? i? I (Iren ?'aita ular Auk ii, ali poffta (in notion ol Mr. BiatratL, t derk trae aaUtorued foi the Agrit :. 11 ii rial ConaUMi t. Ah!.Ki.lil? Ml RI'BR OP DBIOB PIUSo.NERM. Tlie M'lAMiK pttatatad ? eonnuaieation ir.'in the Se? letaiv ol VV ir. tiui.-iiillt.liK. m I on,|,linne? vi it li ItWlu? lion of April lo, th?-re[)??rt "i .1 ,'Il" - V'lv'iciiti'(ieiH! i ia relatioi t.? th?. murd??of certain Vt loa loldieri ?beloiigiog t.. ' ." Vir-t at d geeoad Nortb ilaToBaa Leyal lalhiity, ? vrhli h wa? laid ou the tahle. Tiie House H.l.d, as the rc_ulnr !iii*uiess in th? nornina hour, to the aoaaaBarattoa "i tke re?Mirt? froiu tim ConBaitteee <>n Tarritotiai. ?ION | ANA. Mr. Asiu.KV (Ohio) Iron :i ? t'.nilli.n Territories, j re|Mirt?iil a siihsiiii.te t r t: i II. se hill, t" am.m! the act "i Mty -''. proi Kim?: r>'r ? lenaorary gorataBnal lo Maa? ! tana. Thattiwt -ei tu,n atahonera Ina Qareraarleiwap? jior'i',11 tlii" l',Tiitoiy; mid tin- Baaead Metioa aaaalsall lae acts of th.?lied LagiBlatiri Aattmbly, ?hiehaartia the City of \ inriait at ibt &tb of Man b,liW6, and fot-hli ihe paymeal oi maay la the annktit ikett-f. j i,, '-' i,-tin,te uas' agr? ?i i??, ead the MU as lOMttttett, ' WU8 1?:,? MiVMi.V. Mr. v?iiLiv (iii,,,i al??) r? p?,lied ba?l, the Senate bill ***},.'s- .| March ii. aatarglag Um boaadaiiet ol til? Mate "t N' v ida ! | im lil,: c part ol it..', ti d Aritoaa. Mr. Vsiu.iY (Ohio tep.'iii'd an tmendmenl providing Ikal eil iitiMonnn rigbta ec?|uired bycitizensof Ibe Ubi? 1 ted S'a!i- lo 11,'iiniiL* chilli'? m lh" Ternto'v Bttdtd le i Retada, ahaU aa?xalM, tabtiaUagniaiagi_iBM. The tmendmenl wat agn i ?I lo, Mr. in? ?. 'Ma.ii", offered ai? ameadmenl totttiktoal tke ??art adding a portion ol kriaona rtrritory. lu re-], a:? ? i.lueatioB by Mr. Hooper of dahl Mr. .Visiu.i Ohio! stated thal the bill lix** fr??in I'tnli oii?j degree, east and nest, lea. ing Di ih Mi 1 ? .iii -?-.Wlaquan nina inetead of h?,,im?) square mile?, lie added ihut ? niuh r the bill tb? ana of th? r??arit_iy woaM bai Mar??a, IM.tWO tqoare -diet Dub,88,000eq sranilaa; Arizona, ? i-'i.iHsi ? |i, .ni nile?! N.vvM,"?,,', 111.000 aqean _i.h?? | Colorado. Kinara nita?. Mr. ll(4?ii.n (lui. ,?;.|)"sed tiic Lili uti tin'irroiTid thal ! the ir.iii-i.-r of |.pi? imui one goeenuutst lo m.,?? l..-r r.i(|i,(,,l thtM Ml n.?Tu ?erf?. He therefore eatoiel his I a?a4emB protea! agaiaat Um biQ. Th? peoBla? of Ptak v. an ! Ike tirpt to mu?.?' ?i catii Iioiu tin- Mi??' uri lim! t>< ihe ten? ter ol' ti 8 ("iltllli'lit. Mr. tiiMiivviN Ariioai opposed that part of the lull ? ?ii! i : in? ta_a Territory of Arisaaa. Mr. Asm Bl '(?hu?' tUtad that Hiuliain Vounp told kin las) s .h, be hud bo obytelioi to the pre pond di ; iii'-inh.-iiiii-i.t ??I I'tiih. a? tketa ?en hut It? If any of his aeeatta Uviag m Uni BeeUaa of it. Mr. Aaill IV iNevudii, BBMeitX?I the Mila He sind thal i Hu- Monal ns ?> i? at-iee lo niaii h', tairi Ikal Iha i Ititeas I ol **.' ? mia Lilli dlMOycil-j U1J_ VJ Vi V W ?.?isllaj. Ila?, Bl I'j'. I kM Dtah, aad did not wish b to iBttea ti.?nu iitrt-1 uf that Territorial Govenmrnt. ?a The ajaoadment offtred hy Mr. iii? ** wa? rejeeted, aal the lill |as-iii. U ASIltlii.Tn* TFHItlTORV. Mr. ARhtr.v i il.i'.i, from the ?atoe Committee, report. i I bat k i. Mil luiaiidatorj ot ti.? oraaak ni "i Wtohiag? ton Territorv, ?ttiuli nations lereil aud passed. CoMMlSIC v1I"lv HITH TBaUUTOBI-B. Mr. T?;ci Maine), from the bsbm Coauaittae, rrportai i .n k n Wat reeolntioa to taci-tlta t?BttoBBttratioa wiih ? ir'ai!, I'.n-.torii". AitoreoaM ? I ? ? I >. t r ??. the j"int resolution was pi?-setl. 'Hie Mio* ing ara n? prtiTieioBs: " That whi aerei any loyal ?iti?en nf the I'nitcd States, shall and eiialiliitli an"'art?fian weir ul piste? where wnter i i.imet le j roi iiit-il i.v othf-r ii.esns. on Ita lim* of anv mm! route in .v.'w Men?,?. Ari/nna anti Culuriiilo ami Ita l'olorado I>?m'M ni ( aliforBia, St Icart tea alto On-taut from nnv ??priiii? . I -in ur: di l.\ toic ? oler apta sut-b route anil it like tliitiince fruit! any well which mat lu? o?tat>li?hcd tin reen Iiv virtue '.V? ?h.nll Is? (-milled 1 one section of tac ptiblit? Intnl. sat loriadla? mineral laad ??bratlsg saek weH the otto? to be niai kui oat aad dtornated la a eompaet ferai bysaeboitl? j Mi and : poa li .ni with Hie Surveyor Geseral a attorn no'ice of the bei thal bbsi well kee brea aalaMltkial. with a particolar I deacrtatlea ? f Ita pr**_?os so iniirkctl eui nml ?le-mfTiated. the I tams Mall bo- treated n? resetted ?and, aad. after tin? Ispee of I ?ur? from toa last of ?uch eeubilekateat, ato upon oi'- to tin? sukI Si,rv i-yor-iiotie?ul el con n ria I tv to UM fetepeiiif st ipu'aiioi.H. nml Ita! pure water fruin Mich ?, 11 hu? been consumir furnished without abargs 0 tie? pablk travel n?r h|h.ii saek n.ute. Ita inceptne rnrht of Iks (?..iiu,tut itali lo-u'lumul. alni, upon Ita ettci.-ion ol the st ' i .-?, , turvey, lbs i., ibI ii Ii - "f Mich ii'ttiuu ?ball bs lliattod ai <>n?linar IO Ita line? llieret.i. .??id Ar ii ?a-rrAsr ret, ml Mint total ?ball be friten the fon anlog raeolaitoa bj toe -ommiaalaaee of the Oeaeral Laid 'ni. ?, abo tball tan ; ni parwar M ravie* tod -Batt? letsr i. n t nil rig! !- tnd ? IsitBl arirSn"- -in-'er tbe fun S nml to fur alai svilsaiaeef title lo tacbreaerves, bj palsal ia total ales. a ' soak eoadiiioas iBaarporatel thereto? aa ami' be asesa ?hiy te |>?r|ietiiHti- toa i araeaea al ita gnul ProaiMM, Teal i tosa ' i.' ., n i shall at great?** la las aaai ... aaj sat tv ?li- a i ; - . -i ?u fart-?r, That no fraate? or beaefkiaty na? .?t tball be allowed te tater any liada aalar aay ..:... ; ' : i i'ii,in! l?ales Tllll ?t.LoKAIn. 1?' r'-TK'N. 'I lu no" 11 hooi baria* expired, tbe ll< net pa reiult ,i tn the consideration of tb ? t on the Speaker*i table the fir-t I Ul be Di the Rei at? !? I, | -tsed April '.'?"'. for the . .li, liston * f ?:.. 1- it:1' y . i ( . lorsdt) as . Blata lato t't i Mr. i-iT.iv Ohio) tod that ta wai toetnetad by the Coa iiiittii on Tsatritorke t" pit toe bill upon Ita paaaag? .1.0-- ? I . .. lil -.Hil ti. l|. I.,.',,- |t ,;|,,1 WOllill agre? .: : rou I? lah? ti i ?rat?. No p'"i - "'i ..' kind being made, Mr. Alkie* m ?- ed ti.. ? i r? m? i u -? Mr. Ki. i " I the *-??-?. of the bill t" i i-i i, ton??, bul Mr. Ashley dei line i !.. withdra? ii motion foi the "pni iont qui Mioa. ' Mr. 1*1 ?- l-l iddrasaing Mr. .i-in.? . I better ..:;..?? t ii it ., i wa '?? r'- li lu nu I ti the bill. I - ol v. ti- :..r t. No ?on id r.i ?. u- in da io, n ii we ma) I ?- i'-!.ti.'!i:.ui Mi. i ? ? |.- I< ni to force .t tth? i . Il ?ei Mr. Baal 11 ? ? ' ? ' it press the bill to ita t,V- 'I fllf II . t"'I'. The II' .-? ' f .-?.. i " . ? nd Ibe j r? ? ? .- ', ' -? m l v ? ',- . i i-: |n - i Ml Ri Vl ' mOVed Ita Tirrel.,.- Of till? I iii til ' - I ? Mr. Asi i.i.v hoped ita i li i rely. Mr. i: ' ? " . ? v. t baring ita ? , | > it . ? - - -I but le ... i to 1 'lu? Import it/, i " - ? !i'i'l",at?oii. 11. ?i i i ? ? ... r. -? ? ? o' HI i- .ilr.-uilv BS ? ' M Mr, l ?ii-. t assis ?' 11,., m - ii i ? ? . ion of ita bnataees I were 1 I 11? ?um?m- for M (he bill eui blisbing the ? i. .lili bill io referral t t" I be l'.i\ i ill waa ..1-" a i -.' ? ;'!'!? ni Ita M h"!" ?? ? of the I .lol i ?:. I ';, urn.finitely t|,e of i al ih? < ? astil itfonal Amendment, l bj t'.? Committee "?. Ueroniirurtien, v?us a ?' -; ..-? ,| ? t. and on W? daaaita? and i . ' two bill?, reported by thal ('?aaadttee, w< t li? post .1 "f. Mr. I- : I " Bald that the reft-ieue of the bill beti .' i Mt. His ii v- remark. I ti nt ?.(...' wai whal wai lat? i ?t d M iii.?. Ile. a- aimed thal ?dea, bul wanted a fail . ?? ibe bil . il. i u uri n moved to la] the 'ill ra tin- table. i' ? feas and naya, and resulted Tees i mi ti., bill it.i- no1 in doe ita table. : I aa Mi Kb s - motloa la pafor, I tk roti . .i- i...? ? i v> -" ita in"!i"U vu.? red * I 'I reiiiii.iied*, the House for Mr. Aaa_sr ??hi... ?.itlr?.?*ni to? Haaas bri? tit m np? port c4 tit bill, aad vleldedto-htr, tT__BBUBBB(IB.)to t Iel ibe f? l!"? u ,* . UM iili. ? t ,'i l-t I li mt a I. rall net Ink* i-lf.-rt until the ?aid State ef t'otoralo ?Ball ?a a?al ita <.oi.?tuuiion ?hereof at to tillie oat toa a*rl **wMle' Maatwrtoai .(uaiiiitaiiun of ? ? . 1 Hit wat -t ci lui? .I and the mam tloli Oi'lrretl, vt luil, u.i- tii-I N Mi. M ii-tilniil.'-s au.eii.l Illl'l I. The amendvnent waa rejeeted- Yea?, n*. No - M, Ike .,;' i? ike i?.'?- iu d?tail.' Vi .?-M. ?m. .-Hi- n. Ant- llatler, Hliiirie. I', ul '? I, Hi ni 1'1'e. . Iti ?? .nit! '. li tun. Donne ?It -tot. ?jar h. .. I, liiii.i. i 'I lii.t.l.k.- II i!,hoi.I I?,,,.?. .lullan. Kelli Kel - Loan, Lyaeb, Meiiurir. Me Btor, lalor r..!, I'?.ii?-, P? r:. .m Plki Iii*.-i,Mu.s.-. Blot (Ml . Btevt - \. , m ?. e < 1 li. i IVilliHUn. W iHuii (low?/ Min.lum, ?Teed brill*'' ' .S Ais-Hr?-i. .linoni. A si?ra**, AahatJ '??hi" . Ashley 'S.v. t) Bakei Ha..u. Harki n Beamai bVaJaaila. Bergaa, Itidwi 1! I . ! (im, I.I ??, ll.'ter. Ilit'omiill Itu.klantl. llitielv. < .mi i. Clarke (Ohio CtJ-aVotb, Coakllto Caa-m, Dartlag, lt.iviruii lulu.?. Keiaii". Ki-niiiii?.' Dealeow, Hiinir?. I?u u. ii i.i Bealey, lil lu,I.'.. Farqabar, Ferry, I'luk Gloaibreaner, Under (IrtaMold, Hardlea iKv). Bai-iag < lil ,. Hirn?, lint ii"iiil.i-eii. 11,'i'iie? Hubbard (IV. V?.), Habato (Ohio) Hnrapbrev (Jaairt), laaeraoll, Keteban KaytaalalL'Lalla'.jm l.iiiirenee I'* ). 1.1? n i . ??? Ohio), le llloiiil, Lora; ri ai. Mar?! all, Mnr-tuii. M. I i.ll. ngb Mt Iii: r. Mille;, M,?, bead, klyera, Newell O'Neill Drik, Patiaraoa, I',auls, li itii.eii'l, Kitter, Itelim?. Rom RoeeSBB, Sawyer, Si-hem i., Shnnkiiii. sin dabavger, Smith BpaaMlag, stre"?-* lutler. I lu,ma? lani'-i . 1 ' i.iiins (Joto l...jr) Thornton, ', 'Ire??ii 1,-e I i- u I un llerii N V). lan Horn ill , Waratr, ?Tasibara (tal), Weltar, whatley, Minileiu, W,-,'' ,:. 'Ibe i|iie-i;,.i. ". ' nrri-.i "ii lae Maaaft of Ike bill aail tillie (rom the Henate, and Ike rote am, Vea? M, Nay? .'..'i m Ike bill waa peattd. TtaloUawiagia ike raten ? Ma 1 Y?a?Masara. Ames. An,ler?.)n. Ashley iN'eva.1?), Aibler (Oblo), Baker, Baaha linker li juan. Bealaaiia, Bldweu, Blagbam, I.lew, Braadeff**, BroaiweB, BaeaJai,!, Baekley, Clarke (l?l;i..) Clarke (Kiiifa-) Ctt-B, Ciilhun, I?'e fr.*?, li nuil.-, Diawa, Dodge Uoanelly, Drijna, Dameat, Et-kls?. Karqutiar. I en ?. I i.irii. 1.1, ?ii uinell, Uarll'(J 'III.', Halt. Ileiiilei.uii, lluluie.i, Uuti'hkir?, Hu!.har.1 (toa ti liol, lian) (,1V. Va ), li .'.I u.i (Uhie). Tiia-ersoll. .Titni ke? Kim.ii. Killie. Kelt!.am. I.?flin. I.tlham, Lawrence (Penn.) I.twren. ?? d?hio), Loin. Laagyaar, Marston, McCurR. Mi-K.? atarear Miller, Moielieinl. Moulton, Mver. (I.Neill, Urta, Pstterses, i I'ltnli, Kite (Mass ), Mi?llal)iir?er, btBltb, MpaMiag I'ranti?. j Ti.eiiiA?, Trowbrtd|e l'i'ien, Vaa Aeraaav VaaHera Mi. ?ouri), Warm r, Walker, Whitley. VritUatU -1 Na??. ?Meurs. All.-v Anuo'tia. linter. Bergen. Ulallie IS.iiii'ieil, lliiv.-r Hieeinsll, Chunlei, Coirrelh, Dttlinir, I??? sou, li?iiimn! Klilrnlpe, Kliut l'inel. (iluMlirennur, (?ritler. lirisaold. llurilin.-- Kv ), Harris. Iii_ltv. Hiiiuphrev. Jiilntn. Kelley. Kuvk*iiil?ll. l?'Hleiid. Lynch. Marahall. MeCullotih. MeBaei ktetrill M ?amas, B?w??1, Ktblaal ?-atoe .Fita Bay. m.uni, K,, o Mei, Killer, lion, Btossaa, Miitnklin, St..\.tj'. Stillwell. Mreii.e. '1 avlor, 1 UuruteD, Wruhbiirnc (III ), ll'ni, bara (lal.), Hilson 'lo??!, wtolaea, WtoaaM. weolkrilg*, Wrifi i-:.... Mr. Join I?. Thoiua? was puirotl ?itli hi? eolleaituo, Mr. ??talaje. TIIK SKlV-uKI.KANi? IXlKKTIIiATIOS. The 1-riiKii: p;-?. :.t. ,1 ? nu-ra_i> t r ?in |_a I're-nle!.'. in an-tter lu r-* lira "I Ita '.'IM "f April, tvith a r??i**>rt from the s,-, later* "t War, ?liituii? n t.. be Incompatible with thepablic interest to communicate the report by ?;.-ii. lauth aad ?liraat T. Brady ol tkeii toTaatigation ..t Nevi-llrli'ali-. Ii ?Us laid M IM tilble. II, ?MS Off TIIK l.MTI.I? NI Arils'. Tlii. Ken iii. ji.ini re.s"luti"ti proi Idiag I'm Ike aaeefdaace of u "I plum? tendered Io Ibe ?Jailed Mate? by ffrederieh Peek, was total irmn ita Hpeaker'e table, read inn u util n iiiiril in ita Committee on A-rii ulti i,?. lill NA\ VI, (UN i II M T"lts. The feaate kill for the relief "t i*ertaiu t-ratnetera for Itaeoojatracttonofrasoels ol vt.u- ,n,,tatetuaawchini-rr, vu. taken ir.i m Ike s;ie,il.ii'- tobte, reed lwiea,and?in Bjoltoa of Mr. Wii*liliurn?' till, referred io the Committet on ( lain,?. IBIDOl.-? and IHJ81 it" M?s. Tin'Sei.nie lull in authorise ita "?ii traction of certain bridges and t" establish them a? peal roada, vas taken in o n th** apeakaf*t lal.le, latta witk amendments, looking to the erection <>! bri?I?T" al Ko?kib ead other poluta mi Ita Mlasisslppi, "H'-i-'i bj tlasare. gstton, ii ii-.n Iowa) and Roea, ?u-. al.isidanbledebate, referred to ? li?- ComB-itteeoa ip.--'-? ?ritt... Ufliafl PACinc lAltwlf'. The s? n.ile jin nt reaotailea eiie_diag toa lime for the ion: pi. lien ni the I'm,.ri PaeiftcB ?llway, K itteri iMvisiun, wa? tuheii t:.?lit Hie Speukei's Ulile. Mr. BaBt-.'ti morea to lawad byaddiag a _a<i tmn ot ti-u lito for ta*e reata th.? tims for t omiae-cing snd com? plating the Northern Picife ttiUioad lid uli it? mveial ??(ii"ii- i in- eatesdaMBl aaa agreed io ead tin- Jaial n-?.lut mu. at iiiii'-iKieii tt uri aama. Hul.liIHis AND .?.VILOR.?. HOME. Mr. Wahhbilaaa Ik.) stated lhal aa??Tal palrtotk lui es huit ?eui to linn u hill to ili".ij."iali' Ita Kallon,ii Nililur? aad toilon* Orpaaa Home of the District nt Col.imbi?. Tlii- olijet t ?us a n ry vi ort hy oue. Hu lind lo. ke 1 ov, r tin- the bil] ninl found nothing objectionable m t. Aumin.? the ladies laeorpotalad vere Mr?, i.rant, Mr?. Sherman, etc. Ile usked the Honte to consider Ilil? li li DOW I lal o 'i."i ?I'.iiist'iit U mg f.n.?i , Hie bill w?? rnui ivt.t. . ? to", ?w?'.? tajM '?.r.-?-i.-, u. 141 .?ii, ii?to,-i-vi *U*.. Oti.ANi?, rifcrri'd io the CoiiiiiiiM't) Ott tho J-dicwrr, with leave lo report at any lui... LAND (.RANT?? AND BAL-?. Mr. F.LDR1DGB ititri dticed a join! rcs?>li?t?on explanatory Of and in addition to the Ad of May 5, I-->?1, granting landa to uid ni the construction of l eitaiii irtilroada in thu Stau- ol' Wisconsin, which wa? read iwn c and n ferrvd to the CoMMlttee on Public Lands. Mr. I'vtos introduced n lull lo amend Section I of an Act authorizing the LegiMataaM ef Illinois. Arkansas, Louisiana and Tennessee to s? 11 lund? hen tofi.rc iiiipio priateil tor the us?, of tulumi?, in tin se Slut. s. u hu h was read twice and referred io Ihe CMB-tittae ? ? I'ul'lx Lands. STATE LINES. Mr. Lawrence (Ohio), from the Jadieiary ?Conmittet. reported hack inlver?.-. |y the j otin.'ii 11 etttataa ?I Krwl? - rick Coaaty. Virginia, to be ?ltatittd te stat? al aTeal Virginia, H hull Wits laid on the table. ?BUBB 0? KH_B KRI080V. On niolion o: Mr. <?RIBWO-B the Senate I,ii fur the re? lief of John I'.ru ison ?as tal.i ii In iii the S| i ?.her s tithlc. read tarlee. aatt referred to the ( '? mmittee nu Naval Al? far r?. rOSTERXINO TAXK?.. Mr. Dabl?BB gate attlee ttt a MU direeta?| Um sure t.?ry of the TrciiMiry to refund !o the ?,r jicr | .n'y if par? ties the uni, Ulit ol' tax p.ii,i Ulah r ?au lion siwn'll "I the in ? " to un rea.-?? Ihe intern.:l rev, nue, and for other pur? pose?,' peeeed Mareil ;, 1864, npoo ?? in!? Imported j,nor to the date of said mt. YARKU s M.VTTKI.?-. Mr. I.AFLIS prc-euieil a |,i !i!i,,n , f L. Harte? of New York: inr the tah nsion ofpeteati lor 'he naptifocture of ivood si r, ???, Mr. Kkli.iv presented u memorial Iron, men hunt? and fit ./ens of l h i hu!, Iphia, prtyii -' 'ha' the i Skeen un,', of Um Katiatrgt bt rewtrded foi the destruction of the .Viiiii.nuni, us n-uiiiiiii? ?.di ,1 bl M.? .??? i r? lui v ( i the Navy, At I o , In k I'. I.,. Iht II" .'-? ..<"! ' allis d.' RECO?ISTRUCTION. Additional T<-stimnny ?roin IhC *. ir.niittee uf Filtil'I!. Alliiir.v in Virginia, the Cari'lin&K i.i.ii Othrr Soutlitrn Stales. ?TianaillllB. I", i ty May i IBM !he foi!?,? 11.,.- additional testiinony wta .'?,?:'? I Ihe Coliiliiit!.li Bl i "i ?. a li? I . !?- It' i ?-.dia i Aadrtt ?. a w.i-i .'? i coi i -i ":.ef T .vi..,'... t. --.t..,. ti .t ... -, si ? '' ? BOBtbt ol Bei lenber De ti.!er ga??natr..I tke lest week i !? i I? Iks fllalra of Bank Hud Suiith t a ruii na aad Ueargia aa to tke last-maed BtaM ti?'?lui not at tli?'tiru?'he was tli-re nuil n ?|,.ni ni ?yin lui'.i with the I'niim as such, or will, the Administration as r< pi, ??-iiting the ??? : ! u-nl KrvereigBtj "f tkt In.'ti. he futiii'l tie beet-It. nut eely ia tooviml.uawhk ti.e people kal It aeea?d to kia, la tat retail of ita election! held while ka waa M ti * state, tke nea wbo wen tlectod to Cob giinwtn, wltkeoi ia except ob mea who haarti?y sympn hired ??th th? ?oana paraatd bj ti,a -tatt dariaa tke wari be dil in,I ii eulin | ti,at mure t!. ni M I "r tWO "I ti,eui Batt what nf , u, d uri'-ii,,: ?? bet toar of the eena hal haaa la the Bibel aitiiv Id answer M B?Matte? Mr. AldrtWl said beroaelitded Mai Iba patata al D??ala vaaM have preferred tie e-iiilili?hnieiit of the Cunt? dil a, i had it lieen pal and T?-ry g? i rrally I'grcttnl the laili.rc i.f tia ( fturt tu do i? ? i.e henri! hut natta mM aban lb? i aynaal "f tia I idc.-al dei,. ar.d that ?as to Mu MTaet that :: vsu'nhl nut la' fuir M make r! ? people ef Ibt Soatk pay tar thewblpptag thrybad reeeitadi there ?as h, u h ta'k li t'i Hate In ftror Ol the paytnvut of ne Bahai ?ir iieht. aatt i??' is eoafldi st It weak] aoi batt been ??I ,,: uti ,? tiy 'I '? t el )' ?'?'':? i. , \ tptiBg under orders fruin Iht President of tke 1 ailed state. pro?ttWobb?tra mude in tbt Ceaveatloo to repodiate sow, aad as.ume th? dahl ?aala ? hen Um But? aa? it?allied lut,, ti." rn,uti the c invention r. i .,! ,it"d si.ti. rs bat malatalaed the right ?.. aaktaataaa? eatmn f,,r tie anaadIpattoa nf -!? ? ? ?- tbe-raed nea'a Bareaa a amenity, ead fosad it varkiti aaah better in Oeorgia tata to athel ol Ila Cm ?kata, Iks kttMffi Isis uf pei'l ??' arert dlapatad to treel the fm-iimen with a pood degree of laimes?, hut the athel- ii .-re lu? lanl M abuse iqd (ti? at ?hi in nut ef i itnpciisiitiuii f,,r their laimr; be nnvd Um fraaiata leatraly at?ton to Mean u.- awasta al and, aatt n educate ttatti ehttdrea. Thewitaenfuraii tdtbeCoamtttei wa'., proof gllpa (rea 1 i? ti.rt!,coining iuMik eiititicd __8 South ?.Lie the War. lil larikerUtaatrattaaad these und etbn views wM h he hud l'ie?eiited. ? liar i? ?> i. BayMr, who I ml n-.,:,ii m (.criint privately .u d eth, lal ? - .. ?? au aatt lariat pert ef the warwaaCoin aerelal ('?mataatoaer of tke Mut?, bal tM t"t 'icea t!.?-re ?nae I... . Sain Batar, toSttlad taut the ritenaion of the Inn i Tis?.'ti, the treed?el titter apoa an educational test or I property ajakt??8??sa wuuld er<atc for ?Soutiiorn aociety a lar?, an,, t i1 ?< m'i.I |sopulatk?n on ibe aide of law, ?ocial order, ?nil iiulu?tr.T. ami It the ijiie.iiun ?ere free from all ; uli'eul neeeasitr the Pest mi a ? I the Smith wou!,l mes-t ia a I heril spirit nial it would lie ?t pullen,us step to initiate Unit great niara Hi.! lbs eoem >,f tea n'tnttea leaders w. uid force this aasaNMB out of i'i legit?mate chaunt!. and li..- ml.,ni ion uf iiuii i-i ?al sutlragcsiuight hecnuie nu u.sulute I.e. I'-ailT in ni (iel tO . re .le li kulai eil Incut ol |?lilliC?l poWer, nuil i (?unter?? t the 11, nun influence of thcie leader?? the j f.ceil,nin aie tieneralh union? lo own land, hut must of i the planters ?re inn ii.inr tu sell iheei. the fieedmcn ?re cap able of manan in?.- land ?uni rnisin. luttuti. the >.? ii.ure un: vcr.nlly lovnl t? the (inver-iment, und nie reach more intelli? gent than (people geo er ally BSJBBesa The witness was a?ked the ,;iie?tii,ii if the eh i lire frsni !.i?e j were extended to the negroes, and'.he entire ritiuence of the (?ovemiucnt. I. e.. of the Ktrctitive. ?ml Cunareis were placed un Iba ?id?- ?f that (isilicv how Wuuld it l?e received hy ' tLe |K>urvr white? of the South i In leafj he Batta a MBgth] mstuuieiitatis? .tate??Bl and coticludr?! by ?ai iii/? that ?ny i bmsisiir? enaaatlaa Inn ?/??klojtoa witk the aaaMttoa ni Iba ijovrrnmont woola lie sec pint ai a Bttsd M . the jamr it h.te? an sick am! tired ef agttatna aad politics, hut tatyhataaa ruin p* control over the ;??>'. 11 n ?.! r.ioTs'inent? und condition of Ihe Sinti, t ti am theT ha?l ketm? the war, n mat, ptac_aaBy, their I good diapoaition si.d the good ili-po-.iiuii of the tncduu n ?ino'int lu nut! inp- at all. T!.ell..:i Hedf rd'llmwn furmciiy I'nited State? Senalor iriiiu Nuitl, ( ?rulitis, was cx.iam.ed m ratpa t to that state. Although he had ?el ?ed tiic |?eople of N'urth l'arulilia lu a le/ ishulre capicity. dilling the war. he hud alwuT. lujen 1 iin.u aatt ?nnaaaatoatol aa principle; be tkfatki twa__rat ??r three-fuiittli- ef tbt peaMt of the State uniteillr opjsoaed to s.'cessinD, the iuip? of the |H...p!e nt the luui'uf I.os'l .urrender ni re mure gratitied than ?thermae, hecause they law that the n sid! ? aa nu ulallie, many nf tf MB were fur |X:icc, und la? liered there ?ai nu sulelT out nf Hie I'muii. they were grati? tied that tka ?iBettioa kad bee? tettlett la ??me ?_y; of late thit had hce ?tin' very dnpalriat. perhaps, la part, from the loa. ef stare property, thuith chh rt> from the hmg iielar in bein, iiiluiltted into Hie I'nion ; there is a wide feeling ofd s oonteat, eves ?noa. I'n'.un men. tbe great mass of the people are ?'icefilingly ?tuioiia to have the ralMlBBI hs'tween the state and the Federal Perennial restored, ?asea few pteeata ?cii'.il, | 1)0 gratitud bj a furelirn inn?? are pel lee! y willing tu live uniler the lawa of the I'nited Statei prut id?'d tiicv can Lore political e?iunlity with the other ' Siitt-s: the lunger tins is iirocrastinited, the wont feeling of dticontcnt ?ill k?OOJti 1'J?.e is,rti,: . of the j the aaaali m Um i r?al ufa w?r with (?reat ?r?aio or iiance would pr' lui,It eiigasre ka uiother attempt at Secession ?ia! the ' estabiiaaoMBt of Be ttiern ladepaadaaesj but ? grc?t b?ttartty 1 viiiuld l?ppten IB b an ittteiniit if there were a rensonable ei pectalloatl ,t ibej eiaM ka aaa tttdtotqaal yMilttl right? ! lu the I'i.Ion, the heit wag It renounce tim feeling uf di?- I content Binotig the peonlc? wui.lil lie M Ita?It the State a m.'iiilser of the Federal I'nioii atnl ailmit her leprcsctitativei to then teats,! agrega of oetrat, judging ef the members pre seattaf t ii- iii-.-l i ? a separately i dtaleyal meuihouhl keaaakalad, but men ?hotild be a '.nutted even ii the gieat toajority of tbeir constituent, were actual disloyalists, the ..uestion of adnu? I non ?hould ilepniid rsther BBBB the character and ?naiiliea Unaaf the etaiasaai tbaa aaaa thaaa ??t ata aeaatttaeaMi if i his Iliatri, t vi i.? B-BMntiy llttaral, be.Tond all question it would aarbaaa bo ? jiiititication fur hi. i-xclution. j the wuueii thiulii ?i Btajority of the peuple would ba willing to pay the federal debt, though the tai- j pavers du uot reg*11 it as a pleasant sun)", t. avery decided and ovii wktlalai aajoritj wa?M be aaaaaed totba ptyaeti ,>f ?he Cttftttertta ?.?t atkti he deee nut know or i?y coajMnstlea, nptt st ?corcl, to make lurthern ?latani e to ti I Cn? ti iiiiimit ui tn renew ihe wur In any ihnpe. I He belleTc? tint N.rti.erii tuen going ii to North Carolina ta briBM capital lu I?ad? manufacture?. Ae . vtoilld be received IB u flieiidl. lii.iuuei ?ml treated with jasiice m the Sluta Caartsi tue baelnea tabla pan of ti ? st it? nerc acting , ver? ttcli. and Hie gen lal 4c:.tii,,ei.i .?iiung ihe firmer* und ' plomer.? i? io treal than will blrnea ikara la a dltlacUaa- i lum foi prontaci i whoota foi 11 Ita? und hi... Va. but tim latter li',-? ni I -'.'I?1.?' 4t I '! (?I'I?' ' !? p lllHll. fur MBt-t ttf srattiyi tke ollcers of tie Knedano't liureau hat? g.rally beta lib?i d toward balk tbt IsaaaaMa aad ?hue people? Un i ?? kardly thiaki Ikert ;.? ?ht fortkei aeaaany ??r Balataialeg the Barta?, a? i,iact uien would Maki a* k""' a c1,mae in lie Statu Coutts ?a ivl.lte mea ii l'es ssete ,,| s.,??l,Mer, ni,,, there Ht lio puilaulu piep,,li, ,-s ii.a,?-I them, ihe pour wbltei ?r?g?n?rai!, eoaetdered i- harlot ahlaherelaia io ? tke ne.ioe?.,.. Bi :.' ?.Bl rat? would lie legal.I. .1 a. i i ? bj? llauable ind ? bul s la idtntaaibBi bal ? good main BBrtOBt vsoiild have aoahj , lum tu seeing il'iali lad eagre lalracti bedtMaotthink Itpoiiiblttotetebltab r ?ti a ted si,Iii litre min ng the WbltM ,n?l ti,,uki BOM of tlu-iii wuuld ern ni rta di i ihtrifM lovett f Bay etaM avrert it AtnuiiK tlieiliiti I'lii.i'i:,!' la ikal ?si Um leuce Aiaaler ut 1'ertVTille. I min . vtlm ni? g priva? It the .1 New .ark Cavalry, tad braloag tinta ptiaaaer m the kasvdaaftka Ra bala. Uetesttles ainmh length relativa la Maantaat nicol aud ?-?unlit i??-i of Bl II?- lata >?.l A i,.!. ' -?n ville luixuners. ??**" OHI4?. Call far a ?'???a Mian I ?a*.caliea. I i\. hun fft Onlay. May J. IO??.. A ..ill for ?in Ohio li lou Ms'. Conti ut, on, lo >?? held al foliitiihu? .In u? '.I', foi the ilium.iaii??n ?>f a candidate hi Secutan of Statt lind .llalgii'l the Supreme Court, v?as Made y< Merdai hy tin- I'm,m CoumtiM??'. Ru.isr.i ??Taliere al Wil-alaataa. Ma <'- A M din .vflaa tVhipprrl. iVTl.iilMiiov I . .i ??lay. Mi. 3, lei*. Id ceints of prodm? (>,; tn u, light. Crude Turpentine |i ,r?ta|i Mi spirits.?!?'. Batta pap: :... i,,, |i i.. Nu .?ali s ol t old,o. A white a.?in? ?I lj i,?! ', day i i..r?t* l?y <i?'.ir ?,f J i tljj( llaitoa. LOYALTY IN ALABAMA, A DINNER TO THE DEAD CONFEDERACY. Toasts to President John?-on, JAHN DaT.H "Admiral" Semmet Wl iiliritljre from 77? _M_a ?jmly Timr? of April Mi a report of a dinn?.*r of the Mel ,le t Ml B r. honor ef the Bokal dead, and sou?? of the livtrj.-?t' ?? i? hil Ino?; Csdelt ?ho had fallen lighting against the l'i ?on. After a few moment? of pltatant to?vernit.on ard ?-???ml lalaraearea tat ween toe thtttofttoket] .aantt tfthe keel ?adels, their former C?ptala, la stBpIi yet '.rr.|n ?ure term?, gave to hi? former rollou-ers the oriltr to take their stand???* position troiind the aaeial Itourd. ar.U toei o.retted th? forun-r orderly ?crgesnt (?fteiwnnl ( o'. II tl| -? I to call Ita red A deatli-lik? alienee sasael, Bad astii cal progressed, ?t almost every other aaasa ita ?toep, tal vi i of I ol Hohen sf. Sand? ?vue heard, la ftl?ed emotion, !?t ..?' Jtt. Kal "?? ?S? '. Ha/ h mer " Long, long indeed, wa? tbe tail IU I llboagh iompr>?in?t only lbo?c wlio fell on tbeb ?vi u tooee te Ibu foe; aud we rapord tt for theexample of fatara general???, who will laaeribe it on tlic page? ? f t..?ter*, aa a briirbt evi? dence of Sonlhera lira ver y ami dev , i The tim least waa The Il.iv li '. i'.- , ' rata " The second regular toa-1 waa " the Premlei t .f tbe Pmteri .Slat-r ' Tim wa. received tt itli deafening ? leen Ihm :in,e? three, rtnil every loyal hrea?t glowed With prit.? w the gloricii? Hume of Andrew Juliusen waa reltooeo !.. ajboat the vast n>??iijlilage. When tint first .'iploaion bad su! ?tiled. ? I John Forsyth rote to respond to the otst. The Colonel, alruott youthful aaacaraaes 1.1 tiinrl?. l*nt itnpiesiite ileliveiy held tie n'cetu.c BBdei t!.i r elia tin fir m arly 30 minute?*, reviewing t*ie .-oi.r-i .if event* for Hie Ins? fnnr year?, ditnonnc?Dg the spirit ol raditaJiaa ?huh ?aa i.ekiug io plumre th.; OBBBtrj in i..1 paying to PraeMaaat Johnson a juiit ti ?bute of admiral Ion, ?i... iii ally i-rtlling on all (.reseat to continue to itnud by ti.e.r friend act! proleetor, miller the ol tl,o old bag OBa- nts Bal '..??I.itter? Bjilted it to us. These rerosrk? were receive,! with nr Bato at i||il?uie, and th? second regular toast waa then lato: .It-ffen-ui. Davis his Speedy Liberation.' Major St. Paul rote to answer to ti.:s toast and did it in a few brief word?, roforitag to ti..- aaai mm bob of Mr. Da? ia to Ita American UafcM?to atetante? i age-??, tit maiterly tloqasBos ami kit private rirtoea, Ii' tptoi briely el if?? ?J urn-tiipteil revolution, inaugurated bv tt.i So ,th .n viuilicMlotrJr .?: the priiu ii.i's of r,;'i, and the (lott.'ii.i-'..v. c.-.tetl ami ii) ? W' brid by th atoadereof tblsnaliea* Ia it' attempt te eena* out these ?aen'd Bllaollsta? tk* South bad ? lai e?! Mi Duvi? al w ii., .r in ad, i.ot fitiin hi- own ataioe, bal ia ? keHaaas to Um ii I i.?iiwi!!, aal the iiini". If crime it li t. ?eek n drsea nml ' lee frota lasuit aal ogprissloB, was the criBM ? f ?he Suit?, end nor hu. The Miij.ii s|i iks in hepi foi toa?i of lb? especii ? litaraUee of Mr. D.h.-, ?nd ipret? ! the opinion ;?.it Pretideal Joha? ? on ivo n id nut mill tos Li "..i wa martyr ti l ? ? ? italsajaa ofvietiuis nlready made bv the, ti. I tttr foti i bess i'eii,ni ka ware I irorehre roost*? i i ? tie meeting Ad nnral Raphael Mammas toa guest of i?t ?a.! ??*. iiU* ttant feast, was called on iii sunter to the tout "( > :r ]|nti')?e.l Q_aat. ' When the Admiral PSSS a b?r?t if h) i a ,se broke fonh from the eroml. wini'. r.u'.LiDg aaall ?ipi:*?? nu:! for a few ? it waa iui?, ,--i',le to eean?al t'.. eatoaalaati? '?*! c tv -ii.'h gnverii.-il these lirai,: toolba ut tia ? ,.1.1 . ! theil , . ished guest and fiv,,rU The Admiral himself eslin tho-igh le' la? on the .1. t of bl? ?hip when nil around lum ?n- I laaMS Bad hu set I !.,.-t foundering under his last, color? Hying saaaoaa tiriaer me last talute in holer of the ?iii?iUf- ern!! th* Aic.irit! OtOtot ?I ?o lose I uti, in Mir.-elf i'id tviie - alf .i ! !? i *. tjke hi? ?.?t; bat, ?lewlv ?i lui.-::; i?, be OMUMIoed I ? ' la B "lew low BBI miloilioo? voie tvliteh, li he ? ris? eetleti r. ii in t?.l n:ne and tone, as the gentle hiec/e vt.*i.i.*j mtlesny ?wi ?I? tho ' v i unas ?eon ht? Us.-lf into tia? ' - . , ? win, li leers to ihreda ita ever ?trained ?aili aal ?aseas awa? ti.o jo .lero ? ni tit. lateltotoas tara?, aad with a dubl - ?I* he ? ike of the UatteiiiiL' but rvr.r prestlci avitaitoa to had .ceiled to visit Wasiiogtea oe ''private toataeae.1 Hen loteil his arrival aal ?tir ?it tbe Capia-*! .?. t.'.i ? -pacity of ' i/nett ni iht Saiui.i. ' how we1! cili.l Lo he war, ami BOW kia pereeael aaset? was to ??? wat? ? Itali tardad tha s erstarr oi the Mary having aii.,lit aeeifato * pk kel te*.al ol'mun ne-t. toa! .??I. ate BBt] He oatt, thal tiiMOou? ol having at no ti'iii*, vi ?kited Ike UMCOl of tt o l.e ii ,i ?trong a? hi-it?nei?e;,ue, hnr a? a lengtiei! t.'hrlilian. wa? ?J n.i.sitely i?.niiii.- kia bool atoei ttapsattPBOtorm. He was ?min encourt_*d hy his SOBBOB!, Wto I ad a I moat dally aeeeas io the Preslleat sal bwa bia. earn? aardtef ; ,;.-. which aaetbal ii? rr.eutal toraMati h bstof eeaaiated ftoin li!? Ixr-l". 'ii 1.111,1.V lilli .lev,.'?,1, f ., ?di Be spake wtrtaol even ?ha atodow al r**?er!tn;ertt of the effort? male la tata up ?otk?at kim aay ovale*?*? t :it eaaSd ?tamp bist asa pirate and maka ?tass?mes to Ile tassai tee world. llow uiouiliDii. were ??nt io i vi i y faartet te invite denunciation?. in?t'.- it* faite ,?1itr?*e.i u d M *? re'Jnry? how U?at nioi.itnni? were aaawerad i>y fobrtcated ?tatemrni? ot . iel! m i ractieeil al sea?how names were given ,,f p_mr_, g n and crew tast e,,r ,?t ?*s te Barato m bi asrearad o? tau uibili?and bow the ter. individuall thiia re(o ried as 'he vic tima o? bil ferocity, quietly anatrere?! iu i^mtiu the sumaioBt to appear "by proxy of their ghott." Ile dwelt on the I'heiality or the ri Baldea?, or. the dir_eul ties which ?ssaiied lim?, of the peni? t.| hi? _taa_OB ?nr? r.'!iiiil'*d IJ tie ho.-tile arrav of raidie als and dtmagogurw hal ratesBBoeael atoyiag faith la hi? Iras?st l :? cranage, hie tnlent and hu final triumph over tue ?-?.exus of the tonntry and cuii?t?talit'U?l free lorn. To ?be l'resi.i.iif in.i to linn alone, had tie Adniiral ap? pealed for justice, and to bun alone aras ta todebted tar tato iirdy Justice wbiub. however, the nioroeniotit events of tto 1 i-t pari "1 00?M not allow to be rendered him sooner. 1 lu? A<it?mil ?i>oke of the prospect? of the country with the tM-doui and prevision of s statesman, ami one who has not ia the midst of the temp.'.Mom scenes of otean I. fe, lost sight ef those ?todies which elevate the lote.iecl aid j unfy tho mind. Mleuce leignotl tkroflltoai t!ie wtu'e time, ti.t when the gallant tar took ii? seal :!;*! Wtldoit ? itrviukd the whole assembly. Ctattaattar etaere It?swell ligar* ware let !??-** and r?. i ni hiMed through tba air, tha whale being increased ten!-,:.! w I., n ii wa? pro;?o>ed tha; tho people of -tebbs ?Lould rewan! i..e .?uivivi.r ,,! tL* glerimi. Alabama with a token of poMio esteem, tiy electing ! im a. Probate Judge. We should hare mentioned that in the courte ol hu remarla the Ailinn-t! ?Bated it wa. diicovered tha. the only crun? he had committed ?tu that, while struggling fur li!, among the wave? if (hotlieiirg bsf, and on the poiut of sinking for? ever, he should hilve .wini toward his who ?tie tar away rather than to hi? Maala *u.) were near ' Agtin the clear voice of ih ? Toastmaater it Leard and ??illy falls on our eira a? it proceuics these werdt. ' Dur coairodi-a v? ko tare f_Baa la d*;.?"..? ti our homet.' At the?? ?ords all Joy foi oriel ?re hushed?each hi mt is h vied us if best by tie u.v.?nile band of despair, and privet?) 1 milman arise? to ?ntwer. Mr Toulruan's effort ? ti one of the be?t we ever listened to. Ih? chaste ato JBl B inn .l*live?y attnehed the auditor to ki? liji? and rivetttl tbe eyes of the wLoleaudierre to bit manly anti we!!-propoitioned form. He ?poke not of the dead to exalt tin :r tiitaM o-!? hut to psraataalle tketr memory aa ben.g wertoy of i_itatio*D when? ever tt..? voice of the mother cuiiutrv should call her ?ona to In-r i?'?isi?nce, and t'iis. without Hie ?on? ?lopping to know whether their mother i? right or wrong. When ouiy call? Uley must follow. There wa- a poem in the .a:ue ?tram. Ac Ac. FBITI KIKIHKS? ?IIIIROK. ai? iiabiRl Miaiiatir? -A Ball-Bale al Qwarler? msitlrr'? Pi ?prrl. I*eraaaal. I iiiiTRi ? Mu\K"?. W . ili.isdiy, Mis y 5, in?. I'he ?teamer tVar?niu_t"ri Irving tin?innieedid to New Y'.rk. llie (Tailed Mates Morotai tiak s that the ilotrii, ment claim agalaal tar toa I.n pani try her wwaeea, an?! lie did r."t io.;.?:.!.r bimaeil ttoligad '" tl?-Tnm in-run iu ? i. :t nt any other claimi due Ike? ?ti i t Norfolk. the steamer Chulea Boughtoa, wl ich rae aetoreoa 0'<l *r*"iiit ami Korfotk, !. i- been wtthdrawa, the n.'ito uni paviag, an 1 baa ?ailed tor Bostoa. The st-' r ( lu. a'iiiiiii'a, tiTni. ii tho lilotkailt ruaBet Edith, ?tilth weeeankoa t'a(*?-? leur Ku-ei hy ike ?'"ii ftoetales iluriug the attach oa Fort H ?tar. Baa ksea ia arrived ii N'orfelk. >he is aotobtoseraw ir ii prop. lier. A 12-IWOXi 1er l'undl gun i? ?I'll "ii bnani. Her ape? I froui Wilmington to N'.i'.oli. averaged aevi-u kii"t* willi naiv ?.?.. el git.?'. The Schooner Tal.-ti;t.- hat arr v. I at Norfolk with Hie un?, luiiert ter i large si ii- lill '" he baili M 'he,ml'aad Btouoks ?. .. i-J miles t uni P?itr iiioiuh batta I li" m '-'" i I.' li ? ?> ' ? itmpany. iii? lav?. ?. nit-. I i larg! tract t' I id n?*ar thi ituul Vi ??UPI'!.? the u lit A |*rand ball wai tiren last ??'oning on ita United gniiboal ('?? ?i..., a ich, m ll.ui ;??:. ?toads, 'lins v, ?-el ?.as i.,-.-n orderetl io in rai lion, aad toa arent eras intended te recipe? tali ki tonest e_u*ii_ed kaa "Hu.?is iliiriugtheii lojouri at ihii pin ?, l - 1 ? of ? ,'u II ?*-.-: ?it ?st.-r's prtBBBl tv ni i ii. rio! Il -lut, ai'd will be continued till all tin* arti? h ? are d:?i?'si.<! af. A h?-.r. v thunder ?to ... red la? A--:-ia.!(-S<'< ret if. "I th-* Navy. <!. B. l'.'.v, und M It lal other distinguai ed per?oua hare araved here Irom hi?li iiifi'il. Foi ?- M ' ?'. M-.? ii UM li;--. J. 'i - . I? - d rn t Iii in M. ?Bt real. _ t-m on mik ruiiii tot MI'. I'inuttrial iNtrlligeatr - Mun A^m?h??! *lr. ?Iisrci-r. >*t 1*1 i\. i-(... atoad y April .?0 i?ri*i Ih.- steaaser !?"'..l.:i \i* ?ailed Rar Peaaraa tu-d?v with II,"'??,'?.'.? iu trianure, al whu li *. ro..a?> >? .m N.-w Yt.rk aoeoant. Tin* hark INttea, (real Ittia, bring? |',ooo iu ?.iver und H,TU1 bags of ?"gar. M.tiiiig st.nk? ar.' dull. Ophir, $?..?>, Iu? ?i-H. Ilt-li.-h.-r, $3l.>. Yellow Jacket, |830? t'iinllar Ptit.?*!, $311 Sat I'mv-ist'i I nead ... Mar 1. lk*t>. .Miliuig Stocks are iBilli Ophir. *..?*.. Y.-llow Jaekft. 7M; ri,v>,l..r, f?"i. Crown IViiut, |I,'.?1'. Leg?! tfutl er.s II The utumii't nf cnstitai duties paul durn''' -tpnl at tina I ,.?.e."ls*l,'H'0,<l.>?. Elisabeth Tiiorn a:nl Jacob W. II ? h c m I > i?? '? I ? ?"'I ?.. nal Asa *. Mi no ? ol' the ataaa n ? ' ':' '' '''? pvel daii ?ga*, ann.uni in?, iii Ita ?-."**? ?...'? lo t -. ??X1. ?- r . ?? ?.i kaaaaar, ii* laattoa ????? <'u?.u.