OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, May 08, 1866, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1866-05-08/ed-1/seq-1/

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vol. xxvi.N0, 7,826.
nin? ...ii..' id ?mu wteuit.
Cln?(r,i?t.-i?!'i!?-'i. 1?' ? *" H??l 1er All ftlt
i?t Lutri.
A FC, A Mi A I. PAKIfl
PBOOIIDIH-- OF ((i:.(.ui;ss.
An Oiciil Histor) o? Ac ...brllioi..
Mr. TTuml bU'I A'.iicih.ir.cnl t<> the IVtal lull
?...tillM(lt'lC(l-_l tu IS.
Tlf _.ri.i*< PrtieliM io -t I'nuliriilffi! in Ihr
i'Nrn.!' -Titsb courts i? vn.i'iM\.
Lin.;;,... , iii? !.'"? li-it lu ti.ii
ftLhidtraiitu ii tin ErviiM lill-'.inpurlani
v; Ni bj Mi Vu Irrill ii itrihon..
4.1 NI It* Al- III railNKHS.
VV??"" ? . ? Meada. Ma.
i '
l'i i ? ' Bank wniaia
tjn.' ?' ? ? Baking ] .-'i rate .?!
futa-.1' t. . a ; nt with o proapeet of being i Mt le
1 i - t fron
li,? I'Ti : . M ,',..,,, ? I .
$X'.''.r Post-0
paper! | I .f D
j . | "i r.iv nui-'. ?
1. ... *..',?..I? < ' ?? - ? i. ?;
ti.? .h. t..? redi ii pi ion of I -
o. ? i -
nu.? at t'ri' MO,
ti? ... .. probable non return >?! a lanjt
i ''.auk. or tka knnk reeorering,
? i ? .- ike |
XV i ti,, ia! ? seen titan?
in.. tita, I
.-?i I ? i htatea thal noll
? i.. .i. ,i i. tan Beynt < i BaytM
li Co. 1
?. I IVAN. IAI IT.ris'iV.
'i I . t , M Of tkt lilli'."- Ra I' ?
aajtaeral ????:. ? ??: djaaaiiiaaciiua aaaong depositorsii
etker inatitni lay qaite aran waaaiadi
ame other*, anil ?. :.t ?>! depoeita beti
li ? tkt ! if-t .Vnt.i.lihl at,:
Hailed8 iry. Thertaiaai otkei - -i?:.?]'^?
h? ?ever, ai d it i? announced by Maori ?V ( <. timt Ike]
? i Bin
r?,!.! s vtttiatbt tai - - tari. ?
|M,2-9,7aW 39, fer vkkk tken BieOon tienta
I . I . | !?? | t' .11! ' '.'.
rai ranou i m m rta
1 ii? eolj mi ...'?? of i
yu vciit ilie tai.ii..' ?,?' of Ike l Ben
iti.te H, sank en nae
.i "t. ,' ..-?I by the re, i . lees, tu ?, alar,
Base, si,d Hams.
mK -MaatiltATtoii ama? i?-.
'1 ti?- lln ipi to-d,,;. Beatty lili iiiiiii'iiisll dirciKiltlo- (Till
?utttt-o ou ci..,ii.? t.. cT.aii m kata ti c awaeda ka Ike cap
tbrcofl!Ina?-, li,.!" l. At_?.--?(?.: ead I''.;ma 'li.? actioa
at?tie Military Beard ia aniettpliai t?, Igaeta Iktaaeril
_L(I braiLH to wl.i'L tkt eoaatrj it indebted kttxVsa
artists, auil le huL.t etea tka Bafstad ivwaada ??> tka koah
alni i.ot to Mm emrMlabtg aaatam
titi?.<l 1?. Ike ered-l ?.li tartat i? __aetiened
t?y Collar? us. it beug to?. ?nirraiat i, a n?i g mid tam un?
precedented n pttnetpta takeaanetteaed by ia*- Than isa
genernlly credited lumor that the award l.i ... J agreed t..
by Judpe Hil! mil Ad; tin. t-fi. ii T?.v? ? ? ..,, ni thru
tret Ifarea aal that ti. ey wet ladnaed ii
towt of the aavtw, ulntl. ?re inn11*-.? - .1 ebano?; mid
?giiorn.g _D n.erit an?] ji.s'ice la dil ? |
?Ui"tii,t? l.y . Lance.
'Hit latOtjetOT Os-8?al ef tka fteedanan'a Barrat ia Vii?
giuia hu? just retM.rtc.l tv ti.? a-?-t.,li ( ? ii.ih.?aionef el
Kith mond the result ti a Ikeatanjh ?ateetiBjatiaa ot ike
tvffair* of the frt-4'duie.i m th? J?t_tt of ?li.cb l,?- bl
aaaajattad an toeaneak? ? iii? re'mrt i n iL' wMelteeai
l??rat,vi'l_i l_v?ir_'.le. lie reoreivt-nts tkt tarioai (..lorn)
schools (rent-rally wih attended, and iLc j r.-j uri? t existing
-gainst the tre*d_icn, tloviiy. hu Meet?1* i ariaiahing
Tbi) sanitary condition ol ihr fretaiiu?!. La? sa tai ha?
li'ited throughout the ?Stale that m'A Hureaii hospita.s have
bren abolish? d, the employer*, ia eospUao-t ??? ii I
terni? of their lal?or con tracts. ftuaiakiag Iks ?equiait*
Uii-diial attcnuanoe. 1 lit- dei_aii?l for lalrer ??really em eui?
the supply h iii partknaet tka Wea Tka vegetal the
Baa- lrecduien average btxiut ||-.' per BMMlth ii.? lixdii..
fi?-d, ij liri?rn and ineUual sttt-nditii< 0,
The rirci-ip'.* ftoui Internal Ki?. ?eit
The ('(itiiit da Lustrine if Pari?,**?. ataktl ' I
Prench Instit ite, and until t!.i ?,. . ?- ..i .,' !.. - Nu?-,.
leon, a prominent repreitentaUve io the Freue, v -?
urnved IU !o?li t.i-ilay. 'Hal n.;l -...
f the Marquis de I-ifayette.
Brevet Col. It. E. Johnson, V. II. C. Bad ? .... John
____?8B- have lieeu ordered lo reenfl t. Ona. Bevard i"i
:uty ?n the FreednieiiI Hureau.
The assertiiili that the Irtt-dliieli will not aork was dis
1 101,(11(,-d it by an iiiculelit which a! I I
it? result ite loi,s'y. The t x? nVatci. et Ike Waakugtoa
('anal mi i ouiuienied this iiioruin. wini, a ints'c crowd
-f ?ilored n?eii aer?-ir.'sei.t. ( l?.:.,.':(i.'? '?? t,ik? poa
ill the jut,. Vi atlXIOUt Were th? s t<? Hork tim! thev ?
p?-Wea?i<?n ot a loaal ol ?hovels bioa.lit kaiki
mem with difficulty dispotj?^r?v.d al e_gp ? n ,,i ?ti,
threw tt"Dc? ut ? line of tia lah inn ei a ?. > ?;
The pt-lic-e. ?...Weser, pieiebt'd aay ??rio ? di_b ill
?1 the present Wrtti-g, bil is quiet. As the VTi.rli progri ?>? -,
??Iki. ?i'! probably !?<? found for s laijie a iu! ?i ? f the m,.
mipioyi'l colore?) pcoj'ie of the city.
The w,t.? i.i t-iektka Senate t>-o.iy agreed h reeaa?
tiler the V'.t?- by which the ainei.duieiit lo lb. l'..M-??:!.. .
bill to prevent the President ??eat Baking-By reir.'-iTs:i
durinir tho reces? of ( ?iiigrr*??. is Ikeagkl by tka '?st
iiiformed ^?4?uB^?rs It !?? ea_ea_-ta ?i Um feaaa-tki
a_iei,C_nent. The hill wii! ?ill be iasini la_M-K?n w.t.'.
?al the amendment, sin! iii* sauie j.nueijl? ? IJ Ihtw l?
yet into another hill ?na) ?ill l?e patscd ht oi cr.
TJ1B gi-iaTH-WtfiT.
T_e_*ii?to('(?Uiiiu|iK ?n 1'iibbf l.t-?J? .eva ?nw??
lapeftaal aaeeiaretbel(mi tin:, vhk_ wt_ bt reaetial
i... i? m (luv.-, l'.t-kiii-i ti? i.u earlj atr*^la*aaeal ti ti??' j
BartB-Weei Beaaeal leadlaigrattreai isea are iMtala
. aal i'oMic ?nil Diiin, ?iiii.iii,* ?horn is A. W. Morse, who ?
iaatwi t<? ii.-iiii. tin?((iii,p!??ti(in o? Ho roa!
' mu Bt, l'??ii In lliivlitlil, wl.ii.i Oaiat .til (?MK-t io the
l.k. ?.
Aii'ilicr (-xliilnti'-ii of iii?? mauly ?rt .ifs(lfol,fei.?r lo
I-?' - f i? prise Bghl ?rtrtweei two MtafJaai i^afka,
i..ullin,.' itapaatlrely firoai Bat-oort lad It. Iii?a, will
ti-iiii -?n..! daylight, t*>i_eirow oat??gi on tiio \ i r?ri ?> ? h
?m?o nIilir I'liKiinni.. The piincipnls ni tlir iifl'.iir ure ?ii
hool ii e.ii ?pt L. iii?, f.iijiy. ii..!, y ti ti boo ? usa U- m ? it
I?-infill li sleep uti tliiir .irrns. nid 1-e on tin? piouud to
? nu. -s iii,- liriit'.?i! exhibit 01.
I be * ? lulu.?.?i..i ,-r ,.f loteraalRereaae in n letlw "i
?I | '?? | Bl il.-m,.11 -'I'BBb?It), at, Y., tlls-l'lits frt'lll the
? .1 ,l|.'i? Smalley.,! Ycrmciit m hilo ?ittin-.*
n cijiiny in the a uteri pin of N.?w.Yo.-k. 'Hie Com
Ithlttbl ?i.?' Li,! ii- ?mi by Jadft Nu,;1!.y
.i-1., the i nea la able?, be I?iii lu ti - ?' -L-- o*j_M not to
lire .nd i-- ii??* -ABaaaar, mist, la- eappoeee, be
labal i-s ii.- rall of thal i>.st?..-t. ai ?im.1 j.---? Hall
.j?]" i- io earn r in Um Opiaten of Jadft taalley,
i to the right o? au?lag i? Beeaad aaseaBBeat, the
t inn'mis-sitiiii-r doee not regard Jmlire >__?Uey'i opinion,
area ia his District, either m an antheiltj, ??r .? pr.
.1 i -I'll Coi.Lui lit? ill I Illili III t_ll?!ltl ile .1 pl>
? cilont, und i:: Ita ... 11 til?. ? I? -vi.ui iba piiint on which
I ? ? ? - ! ii/, tlie Afiscssnr s rij.'ht oi investii'Htioi
j ni tl.t nur. :,rr propeaed, i.. that - '..i-- --f t am rept? nated
l?v the eeee .-l Mr. BrOWB, ifliirli i|,?.?s, iii-iieiiv. t ?-it hi MM -
1.1,i; each u--i-.-ii.i-i'.? .-- veta mette ?priai tu il??* la?h
?ii,in Um? law of Jaae 31, IBM, t.-.k cfl"?', t, aal m.i aaefa
saaeeaaseataaehave loen ssads slaee tim' tune, lit? re?:
? I lilli::. 'Mi,llit'e i,?,1111011 cnlit.,11;? IHM- ],,! t . 1 ' ? ? I
i.-i i j . ? earl,
I.. President to-day pardoned !.. Robinson, a o wai
. ..ni lit.-.l lil the N--:t ?? :. I - ? ? ? ? I
. i? ilitcrli'll BJ? ?1 I,i i,Li- lilli ? ni.j.,-,s.ili?
lli' l.t Kobi.a had terre?! one yi r of his term ?f a -
- Hi".LI.A LI -?!?!. li iON.
n I ? e of Kew? Yara at the bead of ? eeoBMltaa -?i
eiiiini-i.i phyalcia?l appointed by the Medici'. Convention
.oliiitl lit Hu!?Iiiiii.re, non? loila? in oottltotOaOt
?-?i*li tin ?Senate CiMDinlUec -?i C-anmerte, fbr the p??j? -?
. i ,|,.., >..,..,,,,,. legislation lo prerent the li frodacti?*
m ii ?pr? ..-I -i a-,.itl< chuleta ia the Paitad a?lea. Afi-i
a free iataraheaga ef steere, the Oonuaittee n man .in. .n-lji
laatneted their ehainaaa t?? rrp-'rt n |eiatpeaelalloi le
'?;..' I'. S,- -'...- -i.; \ld.r ?n,d tl.c Now, tvi'li
? n --i iii- v ?Treasury, abat
Bl ellit it-iit illili ill if ''ii -' ?'- ni i-f .??mmiiline :..
?h.- iiitrinltii ti'-u ml-- tin- it. u'n ti A? ain' < d':?
? t . r .m
M'asiii\,.i |.,;.,!??. Mu. ?". IB
.ii-lii I T" nu ir? ? LIAT.
Mee --i Way i ead M? ai bare eMedia*
following articles to tbi free list ?! the amen datori t.?x
Lill. Caudle-* .--.tina Irreaed or smoked;flavor
- ? ?Iel? !'-: - ?okin? perpoeet paintings .m?l
, i?r.?l.icti-iii? ni electrotypes, mn n gai? ?e. eulin It
? kea, yara ead warp need f>>r braiding ?ml maau
? ? ? ;? . i apel r4alaera' colon i ? attie ead
rrnde Bona and alum?nale aoda, yeaM paw ase, ead railroad
iron. 1 'ho I oinniitti'i? lune rratssrea Hi?- lea "ii ??old
t .itid goto ead ?ilvir plale, ead leare the tai as
i ... ? ? ..ii.. . . -. Broks - -.i?. ? .iiiil eon?
mrrrhandiar aad pradaee ara exempted in-in
tl'PKOVAI. (?K lill BATI PAY ??'?KI'.? HILL.
I ? 1'r.rii.li-iit la.? appro red ef the bill iwovid?gib ti Ibe
? f tbe Pay Corpa of tb? Sar; - . ii ? ???
BO Pa. , Miers, and SOAasii ml I*aymB?ters. Para
. ?.-.?llif't-il iili-.i i uli'i:i,i-?:i.l.--i Loiii I'
l--,?t n * I* ii n -. ?? i?. and l':i--.d A--i-t..;i' PayBta?t?-r?
'ii?!:i .\s-ist;m' Paymaster? and all l_Hied Asaist?i i I'm
? vii?d by ni? let to be n ; j... ; 1.1 ?-.i aiid
ctinuissioned m Aaaiataal Paymasteia, und nil
i - Hani r.iuinst.r- li.-t.'.t .ui'ii'.ii/iii ti. I.?-i.p? ..ii.ii .1
? ? be bare ormd m krtli ?.?
i-- -? . I' ? ? oo foot, ai?_ who
?? ??? iippMiiitiii.-iii m ibe pad? "f a
i' istera when tbey ?ero appointed A ?ni og A-?i?lant
1'iiytuite'.-e? i- nfuri'-nid ??ii.I however, toetteh *xnin
inatioaa as are reqaired by Law, aad stach m mi bl ?
? retary of the Navy, Paaeed ?saistanl
rayiiiaeleiB shall g1 io hoads fw lb? laitbfbl pet B? waaia
.?i theil dutie? In the sam "t $15,1100 ?n.d lb? Ir innml pay
shall be, ?t ?>. n $1,500, ob other -l ily $1,400 lad di leav<
cr ?Ultu.?' -d': ?:? $1,908.
OR ITITI Mi TO Ot II Ii! PI Mi? >:s
The t - ni-- .ipi roved lb? ioinl reaolol
? lunii*>: thal ii i.? ti"* ?liitv nu,I tin- privilege of < loagiaM to
eipieM tbi ratil deol ibe aation to the ?iflWr? snlrliert
aad - imei ? tbe United State?, bj ahoee i ii n ?i 1 en
daraac*, on the leal aad oa la? ---? lb? Bebellion ha
iH-i'II i I-.-!,- 'I nul li? pill'? Illili putter Ililli,Id-' I
io tbe - 1QM -I !'--'-i!-?!i. the lion n menl "t
?he i*..pi.- |,ft. beea preaerred hihI Buiatalaed, and bj
: . ni fturn fruin the tip-.ti.-l blood ol ?r.ilttur
i?, the ?.on-???'..1 pnrrniftsof private lif?, the exahlng and s
?ni ? ni in-- i -iii ii ii- .j,?ii. n diit on baa
. aally tiiniiiieeted to the varid.
X .. Ha retary of '.hi. rreasnry rirei i <>ii?-? that th
I ? ,- r. I ,,( tbe C-it*d Bl L I 1: I? l-a-all II Btl? t< 'I to 1C
eeiveaadpa? _ai_starad l ailed Btates CartilaatM ol In
leWcdnt? ?'th m-c-.i.-d latereel i" the exteal of ??.*?"?>".
o .?' ii p eseated to bia I - fI re the l-l i rax
SliNA IK WAt|||V(,iov lint 7, IBM
The i ri?iK laid Ixf'ir. tin Kenate the aaaaal ratsertef
- ..i'.dso?iu.i Institut? toa etA li'-firn-d t-- the CVnn?
I'i .dtiii?r.
Mi. J.iii.? .\ pieiaiiled lb? Bwaiohalof the Medioal la
?i? lii?" n. i.'ccuiiy < ob rec ed al l?.tlr .u*??n-, aekiag tli?t tin?
Mirgn ni Bepotl ??f the Ihic wai be punte?! Ibe publia i??e. ,
, io tiii? ? .juiuiittce oji Priauag.
NBVAlll A('-C"IN I s.
Iff *s..-*rt._r aflbtae?! Mai ratelaliaa fee the ..(til?*
Beal ?I " ??? S" omit? (-i ?lie I--rnl-irt ol Nt-vnilii, ?Im li
wa.-1? ad .tit I -jfJer--d to Ia) ovi-i for the present.
Mr bHIBMAI ..fl.-rt-l u ?.-., i.'.ii for Hi? jinnting '-f
:'..ii?-. ;:?i the Sapee?* Court ob the taxauoa ti lae
National ii i'la,?, with the opinion --i the-UTereat a}a4g*s,
Ill AKTB-iB! ?.?lied tip n PSBOlBti?? I-. re*lii- e I lu* nulli'
beroi' ip;-?? ..f tim mi-i'liMiii'a! part t?i the i-teat Ufflee
report I fi1? Hi to $t,oim, aad It ?*.,? aaaaal
Ill lil, n"S ?' tiled Up n |oinl I- s 'iii, ti, m iMpatitiag the
p l.licati(?n of the roiunteei ?rttty i^sakaer. dirr-rtieg tbt
? .* .; the rottiB?t ofthe \'"!unteer Army Reg itei
? ? and the praparali?? ef a tieriatl Baler el
cii?:i i ilunteer wairaeat, bbbVm i li** saperialeadeaee 4?f
Ibe ?-e.'i"'in- of frar, aad its pubH4*4*wioa oi ? plan pre. :
pared bl the Hi tpeifatendeni til Puhlii ?.?riBtiag
Hr. QBia?i Miad abel ?0- the aeeeeelty fur tat?? '
P .Lin iti.iii. In li? stnie mu! .eiirlv evaty mtibtt
s ; ,. Buppoaad the A?l|utant--f)eaaral'i r.??. ? t con?
I...H.-.I the ??.: .ruiat.oi. aoaght for, in a rorree) i na . It
u.. i , .?-, perhaps $HKi.i?"ii
Mr iii'v,. -ud n iMnil-1 eoel ii-<"it -$?.-1 ? ? ? a? ??a i,,
$--30,000, it would Maire "t ?cus? ihreevoramei leeon*? .
in ti,.? i .?i .?? nr ..ii.u-rti plas | n;...?iii by Mr. I?? Beea,
Mr OBtB?t ???'.I if BBT piililicutiuii WM lundi- li cU|(lil
to embree? ibeHtaeeef Ibe oea ae well n? ti?*- oah eers
i- - i reaaoa why the aeaw at a -??? <?t?<1 H4*-nierjatil
?hould ii* rai lied ??'iii thal ".' the <.r.i?-rly tei_aaal em it? I
i ; ited ararh waald only embrace ti.?eera.
Hi iii s-.-; tin'iiuhi it heel to piildisli m three ralumM
.1 the iiiiiifi?. It a*et>uldhar*theaaasM
ol o'l ?:,- .' ' ?i.???? -?.ldi?t- n woniii in? battes bal thal
would t ?? ? ?0 or BJ rohikaca
- ...i !...n ais, '?n motion, rai omieiited to tai Mih
t.i-v Comtn
id ? bid ' - retire the ?Trad* of General In ti
ii . . ijref ne?! to the Militar? Con
\1 V .,n H ti',.|,ic.'-l .t !-.li.t ii-s.-lill...:? foi I .1
!, lal iii?t.,rt ..I the Kebellioa ah? h ?.?? ;
M litary Cofl?attlee.
IHK VlMil-iiU'Rii BILL.
Mr. >:i-KM.tN called up the motion t<? reet>naider Mr.
ri i amen I men! to the Poet Ollie-- MIL
M Polabb.k the don .?ml ?aid, lu- bad rotad tor
the .,?,.? i,,, m .-.I tor tbe bill lUeli with great bwita?
leeiga if be t*oald not bswom? bettet
I Ait.i r, ??? Mi.iv- ill r.i.iliiiidelnll<?li. The Hied
ii.t-dt waa earp faaaral and eaoicabe?stra Li iu tenaa,
I iOJ ;. ii"i?i:,l ut Muai] Li ?ifllio-r- appo?Bt*?d be
lbs l*r>"ti lent lief-'irc their ii'iitiriuntion, tiiilei? appoint?-!
t.. hil ? . -i-.. Im haapaasd dmiag tin- reoeai bj death,
resign?lion, i*tiiir,iti-in of Utui or removal l->r oftieml j
misconduct, (rae ef ihr miichief? which it li
claimed t" be deeajaed la ptereal Bal ii??
tilling of tdi'UDcie? winch eimt while 111?- Wtkrttt H m ,
sirsiuii, ?lilli there ?? un opjiorin.in lu r-il-in t nomina- ,
' litiiii, or the appoint ment? in Taiatioii. of pertoTis rejfcli-tl
| i . fi,i> s., *'?. in m ?alor?. |f th? i,j..,,.;_,?iii ??-.i i ?? i
(.??latir N'tpe than t iii?. ktvonU tkstrft?ry luuptri it,
I? r tong tage "I t! e ('on-i.ti.ti"n was dear Iba! Ike Presi?
dent*? potr. r i f ni | .-.i,tu,? 11, a itkonl the i oom b1 ? ? dto
Benate, is-oofinad ta vu, um us tln,t ?tonna naring nat
n?, eee. The [?,??? i ot ' lu- l'n Miami to lill v.ictlicies wal
? rd. bal the sa 11 lau at de? lared that, unie?! they
happened ia anartlealai nay, tka 1e.a170.tbe patron
SPpoilted should but ho paid, unless hy coi,?cut of thr
seiiMte. Hetkoagki tka atowei would aot ?toa. that tka
'""? of 1 1 iiiiii'iiiliuiiit vaa to de-Ure tkat eppatatsM -it
to raeaneiea . ,.uh. .1 by remota!, fer poUtiea1 naaaaa
should not lia 1 ??BianniT This brought ap tka old q..s
lion of tka paver of Ike PreMeanl toi??or? frei,
Bl nuilis vi ki se origma] nppoilitlni Bl ? ? '"'ii l 8 Iii.ale OBlj bj
eonaanl of tkt B?ante. Thai via? Um boldly atowei
opinion of tkt _t?aatoi froni Mittonii Beadertoi , tnd
k11 argument, eonld the eaeetioa now lu eoaiidertid an
open one, in lit (?sr toward eonrineiag kia (Mr. P.) that
?mil was the true cmittnu linn of toe ('.instil?,ti.ni. If
?enaton bad powei to ivfaai bumim tallalia t.? pay salsrisa
?.f Bieentita o-lean, ka bala mai nu tzertlm ? mild
oal btjatti-ed, is a last rf4ort, to prevent iitur*.atii>n
..r ,(?0 destruction ?.f tka liberties .1 lbs ??..pie.
? If the Prc?!i|cnt has not the legal end ronttitatinte]
?.?"?i of reiiiosnl, vky not s?y ?n di?tinctiy j It 9?
? oui,1 adopt the do'trine uf ihn '?sc?at<'r from Missel-!,
? hi nut du bo in an open and Beaty ney ' After .1 ut_?
I fern exercise of Ike pover Irr ttery Administratioi ? cajt
Ike ft tilia!lull of th" Cul.slitiltii.Il. and lifter at hast SU
! yeera of ondoabtod and naquevtioned nte tiier?of, doet-l
In i ? lue the ?sci.a'i ti. l'n it ill ti.I llidir'a t ai.'l __lftl I ? IV
, propoaed by tkia anandmenl 1 If inch is ikt-etigi 11
1 ex* tiy I'ju'i?. inn leal ii. ..illili to botota ,1 np bl iffccting
I" la !n ve that the President ti.?.:.-? ? ?. '- I,- power fe I
j toaking such i*eaaovalal Bel it eoaeedes, he uBhraei
' t_.?stitntionaJ pover to remore on Its (kee by ji-.vid?
j ung thal run..Hi's for miaeondaet m aflea itali bee_>
let j.?.-.i t'u.m the pu hti'ttioii ut peymsnt, it eoaldnetbt
[ wid that ka inn Ike power to lauioie lot one eenie, bal
not for m.oil,1 r 'ila idea ?a? ittangt tad monstrrooa
1 that ? m m who li gatty hold? an (iiine ntnl properly per
fonal ;i? dutiei should no1 I"- pud. benanee hiato?
|i?,min,1 lit ?rta pmtii nlnrly iiii?atis!?ii-toi;.. He )..
IliVeil Ml? Ii ?1 position lo t't) lltt.llv n.ih li li? hT .
wrong m ] itin i]'le, and one upon winch in? parts -eora
?turn!. He li.u pemil to-ay. iii oflenil": the uiotK'U to re?
ce ? al.-, thal thi do. tune teemed to kin tone ahnott
1 icvoliiti.'ii.i's. lie hud since d.? land that no radical
l'iiioiii?t liad a rlgkl t?. use that ????:. 1, and he woald,
ii.1 h fore, i ike leave to aitkdrt? it. Ile itali I Ike ?
end alai ? of the r.i_ti_f nay between CTongrrn ead tse
l'n sub i.t, 1,le I ??lil lu ii be 1 skowed us vi I ,11 i-| 1,-1' 10a lo
1 laid to lae 1 tova oi Ibe otner, bal to appeal lu lae it ?>| ??
10 the election of the Dex! Congres?. Il? ? irataed tat)
ii.. . o.. 1. 1 boUUua ot!.? ?, .?-??il s. du s
the lui' 11 pul} m 1 sti'ii Congress, and it waa feared
1 bat the President might attenpt lo enforce kia tieve fe
the 1.se ot in? pttio?age, He hoped meta ?at not the
?use. lint li M liml ?ell a parpOM. thil .iliielidlunit
?. Id not deft lit If bt had no1 would not sa k action
ten ii It ploili.ee the ,'itii'tl vu were t-jt-g to i-Volil. He
1 gpttmtl d, ii r-lotil .-. a tiri!' ead si it?ag coiitidiTi. ?
s?. ,leim s? ,'i In? pototiou.
vii 1 Kunat li 11. ,? pi? in Mi. Pillead ? i?l ka vi
pris. (11'.at ibe (toaa tot Iron Vermont should ?, v, .--i ii
the s i?, i.' to o? ii?? ince. ? nearon nhl< h be hi ?l a b
? t ihc Ki 1, te h d rated for. to mu It ? i?l ti...! tinai ken,
nil llalli? ? ! a lal rill l-l. I Hav ol 'i ST?'lal li..-. alni lu ??k lb?
Hic-1k.ii " Whs liol mt in an open tai ?8?881 vaj
|i(M-a the gea.'or Iron Vernon! nu an ti? Inputi to
majorit* ol tkia kodj di-hoii. ?'?. In it? , i Iii b, ? di
ih.it h is governed bj siatoter motives, and thal it ?',????>? aot
mi opean ?ii.i butyl I uiii i,,i -uti i n i -ci t,, i.
iii. yedintot cb a reoly to lb*. iltkiahtkei
deeerre? Ina body warn we in eeaal and where tbi
ii.it; .- of ja ??'! ? ure i.i.t toil assailed, ?bereoae ?
, n - .na ,t to be as koneat aa anotker ! I hare eera nu ?? ii
Endnlged la snj lenniha riaimiag I?. ti ? ? i ?irai
bounty; boi have I iai|atrd to olkeu alu'ittei d
orili-li "in-i lind?, The pr. p ".?ti :, under n
:? ? i .'.el ,' u -.,,,. | | . it . : Ibi > . i - it. it. i, II,
I, - ?h ;,, ,: rd it sa tnoi - ... i- and be baa sp! k( ? i I
a resort t. iliiti.l sad de*petati bri p
tv lilli. BO ? uitv ' l'Un! -t ? ?'. Iii ?.ii- ?
t" nada t,, ty:. witbinl I ? I.
I- nu .m fer taal thtl ?mviials t. maketbi '
ti .-lit ont of the | | V ? I
t.i.i.k ti, .,,, i y of tke B for ina
ne a- ,re bs ' a? m.n vi !? -| ? ? ? Ibe Coi
te. natoi in,m v ? m, , illii --'it io
lit.v tiaistt r ?
? i I. vv i. ,i .? t:,? .,' ?i-,..hi.i i.t ' ead ii i-1>? this
t ti design ti agamy n narks tot to go into a histor?,
? I ti.i star "f f" re ? ' i ti '
? i \ ' mi". -, 11 ? I.? i ? a boys wb? wem fron all lb.
St it.-, ?s :, pal goa ?. i?,, ?: ... i'., , ,|,., , ?
v cm,"ni .,? well at ,.???.' and our l?"g
should he abaped to secure tki IruiU of I 1 . :.
ti,? .r ralot acnii red, and we ii I p
u l,K h'l;. ? ti _.,'.,.? . . i ? i
lion ii -uni I? ti ?I ?'?-i-"? ? i act ??
i i : ??t be paid. I
? I'll ?-. that ? ?
(?Ovid? ? I ?
who I, i stott ii while ti.? ??? :. ti v?. ? ., ? i
s, kuti bad adjourned, t1 I I ? ? : I
Illa thal t he paid Wa? kkal aaaaa?e?.
a ratio ti to a deapeiate nit?taal ro wbtadora I.I '
li, olilects hecaaee ae "ii. ?."t poj i ann ?ho li pal lato
oil i e foi t?,. purpose of i ' i
sad turning tw eenaary eta te Ikeea tka bate brea
lighting ii? f..r tiv. ?,?-- Bl Tm I "'
argued ii. lav. i id tie i.tn? i il'i.i : t. t? toratiag r.'lis'il.?
nil.-, li iiik"I fe him fal i! I'' i'?.!? Iiisi??l . he
rtnareed thai ?i Mr. Peaand nat aat *w?ri tktl tka rn -
dent was tuning net ? I ?? ??!!???, b< Mr rrtanholl
sarrti neil avare ef it. Tka Uaitod Kian - M? i?; i ? ?
l'i ni.?thai.ia ?lin! t a Collector ol Pittsburg had beean
li i? i s eil, Bl 'I it li' Wa? Mt ?kitty tu IC'ei lu Vi but SAM- lu it _
limit ii. i ve. ntui Beeataae, be nigbl tsaatiaea Mi
Pola d that 11',.,'S.ii- wen e??( toa a .nana B<
i.1,1 w Of ,i , ii?e 111 ? tin t. a" "Hi. i -I,' ?Idi bs ! Uki ,? part I u
a meeting to i ! rat Congrua, and toon after reesttwd i
totter on tke ?uil.it. eekiaghin t.? uptoiaii to ? - ??'
Ikal neetlai and Indoiaed ii? t-tiaa
Mi fti ?I'.si.tN spokesnalaal tke ? sdon and proprirt]
ot altin bing sn.h pon isnm? lo the aaprepriatitin bill I ha
ptopoettion did noit, a? Mi. Tnimlmll ?aid proride t:,at a
|,,s b1 niai. ?!," !?' i,..' t>? tamed ont and a Hebel p it ia. It
nrorided just ee weU flat a aaaa vko had beld ofltoafm
i.?.- yean eonld aoI be turned enl end a I afea soldiw pul
m his ?toi s Mtketti ht ??a? pal to be ? ouM aol i . paid
until tka Senate eeaaanted t.? h.? appotatnent. lh?
illliVliilllitdil 'I d lud IKi'ulliplInk the purpose in \H w. The
way tu real li the i uiiteiiiplateil end w.i? BJ ?III? ? I I 8_glt_?
Btoaa] legislation, not by aflata??tenta t?> apetoprtotiee
i.iiis. As?.-?sort?, ciiiici o.is. poatnaauaa andasargs etna
ni urtu i is Bug?I be piaeeil bel und the pOV-l of removal
hy tin- rreniieiit. i oagrtaa, Mr _kernea ss_d,aeed here
to -ontrorersj with tke President oa tkiaanbtoel li Iba
iTcM'ii m aaed the petnaunja m his poww agaiuMtha
patty tinii illili .i bun, it ?bunill be mt Congress at ila
neil ?Ce?!iill Ml ?.'Hard ll?v'?llll?t It ; but their wtt tl<? I.I c1
doing su MV?
Mr. SlteAKT ?.Hil he was ii, I,,sor O? leculi?,.!i i lag Ihc
role ob tkia anr-danal Be bad no doubt ot the paver
ut ( oagren lo wfaaa te pay efleen oftbt Ooreraaseel n
fe refuse to j>ms? Apprunriatiun bill?.. He lind im dotihl ol'
ike pova ot lbs l*r. ?nient t<? veto any lou patead fe Cea?
gri'xtl ; hut it was li (jnestiuii of pulu J -* |W'?lum ol ii i ut
lett lilli' ol'policy. US it lllld beta the polie.? ill III?' lu?! IvTI
vi ?ni tor tho President to have the power ol icinovsl.
something in net have oiiiirriil nutitlv to unite thi?
utiieiiilimut uccessary. He tufigestcd tliHl it would be
hitter bttart utiiuit on this question to eeeertaia abel
wits the pottet ol C((iij;ri?? on ni oustni?Duli It ?hi
?aid li,at lbs I'nsiilciit siuiil.l nae hi? patrol ngv la curry
uui in? pu] k ) before kaoviag nketka tkia noald be n^irt
ur not (Tingres? ought to preeeal its j,Inn to the ??niistty.
At preeenl he eenlheeee he did aal kann what
the pl.lti u| ( uiigfi'r-t Wh? It seeineil tu be ?lilli? u|t lo BS
i, it,.in vsh.it it whs In the i .m. w.- ot bit remalli? Mr.
Stewiirt adrooated the resolutions recently otlired by him j
tor i.invcrnii suffrage m return fo. aaivrereal anntetj Be
beliered ibe l*reeident's idau vas l?ett"t tkaa Ikal ngUtod
by tke Beooaati-Ctiea ComraMAai vi huh ke did aot sen?
peaaaarj aten bar of lae Ceaataittee avaaU nnee*arvTntnBy
iinliirsc Mr. Julius ti agreed with Mt Sherman thal it
wa? i'oiujieteiit ior Poas rata le i entaal tkt BBa*oin_nanl of
inletini iifli. .r?, tad if it s.. d? sir. d to ve?i ti s spnotnting ?
pnvM m th" K |.renie ( our!, lie rtuoteil tmiu the Si.
[iretne ('..uri dcri-iiins to ?lion that the twiwrr M remove '
h ..i,, ..ti., i s, ,i- reatad ia tka PreaMoat
\lr Bon y -p ?bilagainal tin? reconaideration Da wal
??us i,, !.. h ?..i.i.i mt -i urge Bgaii H Iks pending Betend?
ir.eut thal ii vt'i'.itl pretukae tuOallon betwarn i unga?t
and the President. It wat ton much like then iii'i??-*!? lo
the ic.il? of ill. pllUa-, lutorti'd t.j foi .11 yen- \ n T I?i '
I-.,, io a pport of a greal deaiol lb? legislation of tall
bod] I lien it va? im,ml ih" .ollision woi Id be belweefl
Um iiiaaTtaai st-ttoaa te tka aaaatiy He rta not i ke ii?
bearii aigedkereai al srgunenl Ibal ins Prttidenl ?
woald retotbe btdlif edoneea Tkt g?nate ?ugkl lots -
aider whether the bill and amendments wer? right; and,
if it 'l.i Lin! th,? vere ii -onbt to p ?? than it Ike
I' ? - di :,t |fa nkl 'liflereiitly. lie ( n - ml I ?ttO ben
Mi ?a? tai i Kv su'd tbii i"iiii'iitei?i- seen?i t.. i.e ta ?
tss.-ei, I,.- la., |,,.,!,, I,,-? ut the I.Vptlbliciii |?ntv ratha
than between the Rep ibltc in petty and lae parti lo aktofc
be belonged. Tken eatsied to ke tam Vhnn of tket p rty,
aii-ordingtothsl t>abnte- ..nepan? It ?1 bj ('? i groa sn i ti.? ,
otherlivth, Piaddent Bekefengr-toneitker. Tkeltom?
..i ratic party inpfwrted tke poUey ol the Pn sideni i.? i ..n-r
thev befiered n to fe the iiuh ona thal eould hr _| peaai
and' un. oa t.. ii.i c, n.iii. Tkia waa the onli inlersel tliey
tlic badintbi-i iBtroTem gotne oa la tha Renublk-aa
jisiiy. He (Mr. Saultbury] awa^adlokeartkeakftskeech
.?i vir. Pt land, bul ketineere!' retrettrd t?? bon ose iii??
wuTil "C',|i;.(rtiesd. ' a term which I.e IkOBgkl had |?.is?. d
tu as with til?- jin?? "ii- engendered I s ibe wat, and ssTuii
ha i aped arter le hear oa Iks Se.ntc iiisirsgnib. Haspok?
briefly against the pending aneadnent as ai ?aflriiigi ? I
ii| on ihc appointing iiiiwi r of tka Pnaitto ?t- H?- bad yel '..
tua! ibal the pr?s b1 Kxecntirs kit made I i ippointnenl
??! the ?rst Da-Bectatk nflanst tad nkMa ka ?a* ?.'lud
t?. s?, that li? ?a? ?. |)??r?uiial fritad of the l'n?nli?t.
ha win,1,1 say that neith.-r he nur his party ?ere
I'?,-11.st fur u'lln lal iiuuil'S Iron lu? lal,h' I le? ka?
iluts.il linn in his policy of reconstruct lou because be wt.l
right alni If his hand? fell down in thal work |?eut?.crat.(
voter? am! Dcuiocraln voices ?ould lift iheii. up li wa? j
ii great misttke to BBMtaa (hat Dcmirtrtls nnafedtanea '
ft.?in the I'regideiil They asked him lo ,ip|i',ii,i u-.eii who
vuted foi him. lui to be sure and appoint those ?no weir
nut In? i Mums. He waa surprised lu aw l*i-|.iit,heans make
nar (,n u Prcsi.li ?I n.rr? al itd Iv lui ii nu us S ?.??I *i ?J I
! BtMBrJea. Wa? Seward going to join Iba Peino- rat? ' II'
could n? t Hunk it |."?-id!o Was stHLt.,n going !<?
deaaki the Repabicanal The Dem?crate did Wot
1 wnnt him, and wonldii't have Lim. Ibe Befah?
lt saa le ?t kc(p Lim lu I'oncliiei? n Mr. Sa.il?
bnry nidi oVii-lniv .lohn-mn Beigh! If lo acted
I rightly?aot tari?gb the m tioi of the Pim... ratta pa?t*,
i-iit ho tha apoaiaaeo-i lettoa. ahmst, of the Aawrict?
? Mapa?beaeaaetbaaaal Pneldeal el the Hatted Btatee.
The people might will Hill; ?nd if Ihey d.d, the H'-puMi- nu
pert? 1 cold de utile ??cam?! th? th.
.Mr. sti.wait rose t?? re| ly to htr. Bowe. Tie did n??t
hellere ka 1. aria? dova the Pr? Bdeat's }.,.tt t..in< ead paliey
until (.'ongTPM had iieeoBted a policy, aad tt wat Bully
compared with that of the I'r'-id' nt Md four(1 batt? tlniti
it. The Pre?.id'.|it hail n-?t eulie very f.tr.n the exorcise ef
io? eppoi-ttag power. 1 bl r**?iuti? aad eaan__ed mo?t 01
the m? 11 e? nt la it. The jir-'iiortion of rt-jt 1 tj.?u.? had L--t
l*?en Isrite,
Mr. Mi ItorcAJ. oppored the airerulmeut M contrary to
?oitnd policy and dintnit tivc lo the Lent lutt-rti-t-j of Hie
The'niie-ition.vrits laken on tbe recon?.d?'..ition of the
vole bj which the f'?Hot i ni iiini?r.?liii?-iit w.is adopted:
Nd. p?-r?on tieri l.in(r or performlng the tlitic* of any offie*
which hy law in reiinin-il to be lil'ed hy the adTi.-e and cin.ent
of the Kentle ?iliall before hi? confirmation hy the Senate, re
t cite any ?nlary or eulo |ci,_ilii,u fur hi? mit ;? ???. uni?'?? 1.'- I-"
foiniiii'BHOaed hy the I'rmldeii?. lo lill a vbcbi.ct m earrieg l?y
reason of death,' re?) flint ion or rtpiralioii Bl tem of ullin
-'?.i i. ir Ibe re, ?. - ?i ih? S i.iitc, ii.il ?lui | ;'- ', tet ml? i iriimi'iit,
IT ifti,lived for ?, t? MM in li,'!?tln!l of the tl'ili-'? of blI
i.tlii ?, thetOKr nnd ea-ise of irmoval to le repotted to the
-, ? si ? at it? n-1? sotaba*.
It wau decided ?u the ????mat ive, if- feOawei
\ i At>? Mein, rowan, Dun?. Hoolitih* Hduiundt. Teilen
den. 1 natfr. Oathrtr, Lorn IKsbim), Mi Dougal, ii-niii
Nc.iiiitii Norton, l'oland, Biddle, ?iulttmry, SbemaD,
Btowatl Inn Winkle. M'llley WllllaBM aad Wilson?21.
Nats?Meiari Atnh.,nT, ?'handler, Clark, L'otmei?, Cres
?.-II llurri-, IL-ii.l, ?ann, Howard. Hone. Lea* (lad.). Mor
nil, Nie 1'uii.t'ioi, Kuuiiny. Spri*_iic, Sumner, Tiuuihull und
Aa-r.vr on Bal Ton? ? Meier?. Brown. "?Bobatel -
Msoa,Oi nie? H?inliuks, .lohmoii, Kirkviootl, llUdht aad
Yate ?10.
Tile Sellltlc, without flirt).?" .iel,.li 01 tl.c bill ol Hitit-lu!?
lufill, iii S i. i '.otk lidjiilillii.l.
Mi. .Ii i ian eil? red h n a lution Instructingthi Jitd i
? ?. i-- r. p-.it n hil provitUng tbat bereafter the
??' clive fran??lo riiall not-be teatedor abridi dinanyof
Iba territories- of the Vint???! Stat,?? on boooob ol race or i
I . and providing farther, mid Ihetfby iug notire
of ih? fact ti,m lieimi'iirwi-i.t lu si,um, ? bit n the peon i uf
mi v of ti .? -ani t. rritoriM mai argaais*?, ?ball be admitted
iui-? the I lion ni,,,-.Mil ilion 1 all - i - lion n? h ti
i lal --i ?''i 'li-'!i,'-i t ? i - be . I? - lire !'? ni bi?e.
At the ? g _?? ?'i-, n ?-I Mi M'n.-un lim? t ii? rraoli
?o-1, i? lil ? ?: -...-mill lolnstmct iii' Jndiciarj Com?
millee to ?nqaire tato lae proprtetj ..; reporting
Vr I ldbh o n uve.i to lay thetmboIiiI ? ? table,
? 1,, h it ,-|..?t I i -.*.? t.. 7o v.i'c?, lind li . i. tbi ii ?"lut.uti
w.i- .ni. pled.
Mi. I aw i s? i: Ohio introduced a biU lo regelate the
?inn and m n ? pine?- fot liol,in,j.? tie i i-. , ? Court ->t tbe
I't.iti d ?-i ii. - m t ?,i Dial ric) -1 i irgi&U, ?hi? h ???? cou
III | .l-t-c.l.
li |_ed the liase - f boldiBg Ctr? oil al Kt? Iiii-td M the
|..?t M.lu? in Mt? nilli the foin'li Mniidtir -?f ifaremher
.i i.i'h). i. ? ' .. .I'd .uti i th. .,.1 ?? .i- :,.. -.- . I iii'
no* auil -. -/--I i"? in Nortolk lu Rjc_r_- -:.
Mr. liiviiiL (1 ?ena evp'os-ni the hope that tbeCl
.Instit e o'' th, l'i:|,,l Btates li" II do li?i'
? -?' -t.irk the btai '? Bi in Marni It t" in-' trotttat
? i ? .k< in i 'ii i?? i? turn? ?? rB
M stunt offered a r? ?..'ni ?i??, which ru ..'...p*..;
i ? i...-- -| riou? Cabinet Mil liter? ni
'.'i.'iiiic.. ii. the Bambee ?>i ti-rk. h.?tiiin onie? nattai
? -? ? - | ? ted, Or., ?."?- Ifj tid' ti.
ahobavi be? I uaarm? and : tneConfed?rete
army,ai ?I . bj wboMthelattower? i"..:..iaeatted
rai msiin? r.
M . Wi i lu: li i,-o ?i...-I a Uli t.- un?- ..d the thirty I
. i m:: ?? -?! ? ? Ulai I Barr
'. " lo: a- ,,p| I., - In t|,e I?,-'in ' ef Coi :i l(
?1 lake and ..f-ned '-i Ibe ?'- imi.i'.t-?* l.>r Ih?
lil I t.i Ml M "P A'.HI' I'LTI BK.
Mr. 1.1" i ? ii ? -i. . ?. able! ana
? the i . inn "? to I. nltw to in?
to Um ? ? p ?? :.? ni i'-." Mihi H?p* I IBM II ?if
\ tai* 1" OB? "' tl.c I o-'' ri Stnte?.
s Illili ?MAS IMIITU1B KLI'.'RT.
M I. 4R?II I l> i.fl- i -I t r. -.. lit mr , ?? I.I. . w,.- ii f, ned I'?
ll,, i (?ni Moa< Pi lil t. la i rai ' ?.??"i. atra eo| .- -
Ibe Report Smil BO Inatll ile l."-" v I ih, I ?
? ? ? Uoi md -1.0001-, Um Ma "f the oeeaben ?f I! ?
OBBBAO I kT"i*.l
M . -CBBBCI mir. h', m-d a )- n.t i- ? ?, ?' 0 . r- lal. : .- to
Ibe d r ? I ' ;? Il :.. : I St.ile-, whirl m ..- o ..'I
l* ,e ai.d t-1? rr.-I I-, tin ri,iiiii:itici. nu Mil.litri Affmp?.
? Iib ha in . |/._L?
Mr Bol?i iLiuniim-?! lb*following pres-ibl? aadreeoa
i*r*r.(.". The I, ni ( .ni .i-.-i . ' liftier, on llecnafrut lum
r. | ..ile,| i. , the ?Id i.ll , aller the ?r-lil..,.. ial.ir ti lu.- un? Hu
a wr.l mal uri <i plan f How not lo do
.1 in w!:.h It hu full? nie? the rx ?? i-'ntin - of the . oil': ?
, ' ?i mut !? ?" ? .- lyla be il?*iniind'*il ?f ?i ?
? ',::.n,ll!. ? f ? .?
j, ? /. i ' ii ..,.:.!,..: t ? ? .- t discharged
Mr ItRiivw? 11 m. red ti. l ,i ti.lot rreolntio un the
tni.?r I r. n'.ti.,?:, ?.i-?iTei'.i t.. Taaa,M Mays 91,
Mi K?' i ? \ i ?il? r. d a r. -.linn..!?, aiiicb ?.?? adepltd. la
u' UM < "Il lliitlisf <>n l'I.um- lo iMiniiv Ultu the lilli
tem ai : proprieti ol lb? ?' ?iributioi -.i titi lawai Is efbted
for th* litre?! of jellir??.! li.ttl? .Ilot II.I I BM ?*11 .ti' -r? ! ?
ii. l-l-1 Pn -i L ni 1.1.? fin.
Mi SlKAt-s? pu ?. ni. -1 t?o |. .n? r. ...lui...!, of I Le I'd.'
?Tit,min Lsagi-tston t"?r M rutialiSSUoD of houulie? lo
??d ii'--'?, ?hnii ?.i? ii i. tied la ti 11', mili i ?. te? on Mill
lary Allan-.
TAXI.M. ? "ITt'N.
Mt. ?TBT1 s ., u...I ,.. d n J.'int o ?ulUlloa tal ttine'.id Un
i .. .- lotion ..i th.? Dallad sute? by add?a m article
piovidi Bg tllBt ?'--iilT'ow ?hull I Hie p ?ci to lu? ?nil lil v
Lix t?r d..it on - ?tloii . xiK.rti'd li"i?i lb* l'i,i!,-l si.iii?
? im h wai- read la lae aaa refcrred la the Jndlia?rj Cam
li- ?*rhAKii yu Matad I hi ameaded : ti? rt of the
-?ji.it : ?iiiiisn tut Hutt tor li?S, wti? li it as laid on Hie
talilt- and ordru'd t?i he |irnHed.
Till. BAN?'li(?P1-BItmmamt <'OltBBspdMiKBK 1.
Mi. Wasiii'i RsE 111., preeaaied alett? Itoo Mr. Baa?
croft,IraaamltiiageonaapoBdeaa beiweaa I'aii ttaesell.
CharlM P. Adams and Mr. Raaeralt.io Iba ?object of
li i. lJ.-i.il ? -i! ? -tu, tun ? ,,?. the I-.I.1.-1 ?h tiovt-ri uicnt in
lils Kuli.(ty on iVe-idm1 litaaoli. aaBTared bafqre Coa*
'I he ? erjeaj eadeo a wa? t> sd la full.
The di iciini, 'nt. ?.r.? ? ; ?i? i ?vi t?. ha published ia 7Mis
IH.I-, Ota to be pin.t<d nml referred I?? tin* J--idt Coa?
Uiltlee on lin? denlh t-l rre-nlilit Lincoln.
.Mr. l.AKiin.i? iron, Ibe *'? .niiti?t11-?* M Woy? und
Mean?, reported n joint rci-olniiou le pfuvide foi the e\
eliipli'in ol (rude |?*trolriilii li-iln lint or ?tilly.
Mr. Morrill siplalaed the ne- aaaity f"i aatab^ibe
j-iint r.??..liiti->ii MW. Iii-. iiiiinuLit tuicr? of pa ni ti ne ml
?ore no? oMbjed le pH the im m eru?le [-.'trolcuni in the
tai e -,f ii li-.? MlB) Of th?*III ?ere tl'ini'cllcl to ?ntpe|,,|
iperatloai. ead the aaibaaM were bacaaiiag riotmi?, aad
?rre deaf roy i ng the wells. The Commit tet* of Way? alni
Mian- proposed to luke n0'the tax ?n tbe l-t ol July, lad
It might a.? well M dom? now, so ni to Iel the hii?inc??
go on.
The joint resolution ?ii? i oin-nlered lad BMMd
Mr BTBraaB aatad teare in nt-si ? reeolatloa praridtae
that in tin* diacuMlon of the Couatitutioual Ainetidiiient
reported by the loinlnitlie on Ki??-, nietrii-tiot:, no ipeBI li
?hall mi ecil '.bl miiiiii. - nor sholl a OattM to extend th?
time ..t .mi pombel be Mte?__Bea.
Mr a?Bateara inijiiir-il ?l,'?lli.r it aould not -mt the ;
coni'-iiieiice of the Committee and of the _?MM lo li"?'
tlnil (jiicstion to lie over until n'.tcr the lux lull Wut con
sideied anil disposed ol It the tax hill were coiihiiIcicI
to dm -, ?nd llici ii- Maate? -ration i ?M?t|ioti*il Id morrow, it
?Timid lorne t gaaal gap Ile l>. llevad the tut lull would
i.eBtiiitlud m t?.? of three dira, niter witch the othat
'|licSlion ( ?c Id he t.,1.en ? p
M' ST. VIM? ?m?l the ?d.miiill'ee hinl considered thal
p.nni. nu I ih. flit it bettet to bare the Coaatitutloaal
Aiiiiuilini-iit diwueed of by the B?mim ?nd oat to the
Senate, l'lu-n th?- nc?->iiiptiiiinir bill? mip-ht l?e laid o?er
till ?Bet ib'- lux hill wa? disposed of.
Mr. llASks ekpii.i?. .1 his Uelieltl.sl tin- tuller-l dehnte ami
ili-i -li-sinii nt ti,, n port of the l{ci"ii?Irintioii Cnii,muli -,
would reeah ia beaoil to tin- ninnir?. II?- objeelad ti
Ih?? ililiodn? ?loti "I the r..?.illili..ii.
Hu- rule. ?.*?* mepeaded .-o .?? t-> ,n- * the? raaolutioe
IO be -.riere.!
The resolution ?as oil.i, d ead ???-, t?Mt -'-ii-il-riihl?
-lit-- ii-wioti, Bfjaai lo
i-Oro i n ?n iBonan ross.
Mi I.YM'ii "f!t?red n retoliiti-iii iliMJlinir the Ct??mtttee
nil Hillikll d alid I Uli'eni y to II.(pure into the l?gislation
!?. -1?. ,ri tu pro!? ct Hu* Utiteruuicnt .iitiuiisl th. MMOl
pul.lu bUHte depot.ted ni National Itali'.?.
?Mr.*WAlBBOa?I 111 . moved tonmi'iid hy iidiline, ??mid
l ...I -t.ini I'oniltiilte,. report a hill to prevent .mi disposal
t-lietel cr ol public Im.dh in National Hniiks.
Mr. i,jio b morid the pMeteaeqaaaBaa, ?-? us la cut ??if
Hie auieudment.
Tin* linn??- n-iii-i'd to -.-?illili tit* pwrtoM faealioa, Md
thea mt, I.imu aitbdraa lha taBetaiaao.
KVKiiMi BaaaiuBa.
On million of .Mr. Mutti?. ?t ????- ord? r.?.l th.it otter
tin? lay. ei.?iiiiii? teeaioBi than I ?? b*ld tor ibe purptiee of
t ?nilli:ttlii^ at tion on UM llei'-nue hill exulutivclt
AR? "I llii.S hll'oMTIOX.
The Srp?K?R pr.'t.'iitcl rt iiiffsii-e troin the President,
Mlliag tbe atrtenu?m ?if ('oagreM agaia lo Ute expoe?kra
of Beaery ead a/alar eathate ef AreaabM Praaee, ami it
??4?referred to ibe Counuitte?- on l<.rci?:ii Adair?.
The SeBAKP.H prefx-nied aletii-r fn.in the Mr-i-relary ef
tin- linen..i, tranaoBttagi m raopliaaM a iib tin- H?>n?e
n?.iii,?ii,i, of the-3d of A) ti', u ?tatctiienl of moneya ??
I ?lil upplii al-li- to ti'? I? "'.?>' i->'"'"* -*?i.,h ?m la ii "U ,
It t lain?. '
THE KK.HT-IlnfH gi ras HON
Mr. Halt BtrtatBted .? petitiea ol norknu a ? 1 Bo? hea?
ler, B. Y., atkiag tkat eight boan be the legal tom ?t ..
llaV'S Vlurk.
!?r,~- A.S8.1T (irrif?.
Mr. Mukku 1.. Iron tkt (?onaIttoe ??! Weyland we_nt
r pirti d a lull lo (.?tul, Ush an add,Moral o'tlici r tor lb?
assay of gold and silver, which ?"um read twne tad ?"in
milted and ordered printed.
tllE kk\rgjrci HU.
T'.c TToilsC theil r? Solved l!?o|f it to Conti .! ice of the
Whule 011 the ?t?te ol'the Union, Mr. aTaakktrnt o? I
Itnefefat tkeekalr, and janusssVd to ine roBsidoratiou of
the Intcrunl Kevenue hill, on which Mr. Mon I! sjMrttnad
the li'-.??.
Iii?, iiesv ic; ?? '?-.mtiiiii* 191 | in'i ?. Mr. Mo?HILLi xplain
plaining the nu Tens? of nenrlv aw pagU hy s-t ?ititi- tin'
when M-Hont of tka old Mil vere ana-fled ti wh? deemed
helier to insert new j-ectious thuu merely to amend old
Mr. Mohriii. eatared kate a fall explana-oa of ti ?
Ile said in revising our Internal Rev?ate laws, the p.
Iltill that meet? mt _t the thrcsiiold l? liuW mm li revel" r
bara va to akov. ana kov noch will .mr uecet-itiei n
quire for another year I The last question has been Sbe
eiallv answered hy the Se. retarv II. tka Trens-irv. win ha?
fixed upon $:!.r)(!,(i(?>,0(i(?, provided the appropriation! "i
Cuiigre?? (lo not exceed the estimate?, ?i.? tie- sun, ,r wiuihl
Lc safe to rely ujioti, including llic reveinie from the toril
ne well ?8 internal taxes, fe nuking aa eetintto
proliali'u receipts from the latter, vu have, a.? a lu-..?, oi ?
ftill year anil li ri e-iuiirili.s tit' the prenant year ni tips.
?Tiiiicp, and tim 'lei la Mifflcieatly completa to la?
uf valiie. Der neetafe fur uMt-65 ven ia
round niiuiljcrs r-.'lo.UUt?,-!?!?, und the returns unis t.,r ot
lHti.Vfi stniw thal vve iniiv e-|M'ct liir tin' vear uri mer.
Of marly T? per cctj!, or not len than from t'lim doo Iga) ?,.
tjMo.T.lKri'i.lioi). One uf the largest 111..1 beat paling COI"
siiuien? at the products ot the 1 ininti y dm \ug the'wai vi .1
the (?ovciniiieiit, hut is so m. longer. War prion 1,'
fongei rule, und it is ?net ?table that mamilu! ture- mu?* be
Mill farther leiiui . il m vaincu until we r?.u ii tin solid
standard of gold, as reen mi??ed l.y the commercial world
The tax 011 manufactures. therefore, must li? tai iii? pro?
ductive for th?; year ending Jam 'JO, |19_7( thau heretofore,
a? it will he 1 -(imputed at a le??? |M-rcciita.u H oar hill
?I,odd be adopted, and OB a far less agr?gale Bataan!
Then, ?is I general ni? in it ?ea-on of filling prfees, it i*
not iran?s bal lose.? which must he call iilated at the etui
of the v? ir. Therefore, the tax on incomes mid ti a ?li v 1
d. ml? Ron banks ?nd other corporations for the next ycftr
(??innot be exp( (?ed tu 1 leal nyuing like the ?mount de?
1 ,s, ii Bran those sonms for ibu yean 1 u.ling December
1861, and December, 1865; nor can our foreign im?
j portas?sas be nidaittdned upon t. 1 ? 1 r preeeal ? ile
It to rery deeirabli I no1 lu. ss tiny ure, sup
planting .1 lurg., than ?ii tkt toboi ? 1 our own [ ?smle, .n
lu ? -iiuse pnyii.eiit? ?.ii ,,t ptaeent he moi* ektefly lo
I'ni'ed States honds. Kiiiicnial disaller a? will a? in?
td depression to our indiistml latorsato eaanat hi
to tuiion ?kIi an 11ililli of foreign gindi na ve kana nit
aeeeed tke present sesson. That trade moat in son? de?
gree be postponed nntil ve recover fren tke exhaustion
? a laed hy the War, BBtil capital and labor cat, BSTj-St Itl f
la ii?a aeveoadltioaa (.1 pea-e.ar until ne have aene?
thing to 1 ii baan i.t British, rreack, and Qeraaaa Iron,
winn and liiil'crila-hi'rv. hulule our n.tliun.il credit. It 1?
right, however, to |o,?l; fur some -MSeSBB uf revenue in
( ulipa ill.cu> e 1,f the ,1,,-c of tkt VW, and we may (ipi '
-iiinctlnug from lin-> it. s ?..till in n-ln-il mi though out
an ?mount in pnportien t" ttieir leintive Bankern Kirri i
fruitful ia taxable neouroea, tbej have les? nun thanerer.
vjTe ohtain, outside Of ((.nilli? ree. enoisrh to cover the
1 J's a'.ri ?nty |>e?. (I .11 88M Of the other II?. .?*.- I
1 ip ?..1 ? un j.cn ,u I'ouiit it will equal ny expectation?. .
I a 1 kag til h teat tkl aga m*.stideialtoa^i sralseatban
no11.atari to mi 1 tiae,tkeConnitn t ot \v ayaaad Men -
hate foil wiling to 1,'por* tka bill n II siand-, abb h ?,
adaretoxattontkapreeeat ?earia roana number* al.
fj vattJat, it It ano praaeul lo anttetpata m ian-?' dial
1. l'ion from .. i.-tiii . aa ii engkl aol to be expected !..
coutiinie tt double toe anonnterei okto noel
psBaavreai Itnr? (?nr raeeipti from mit?slta-eoo?
svouis.es tke eoning rear will be rery light, ea tkej bate
recently scented natal) rronptnpertj -ianaeadM al I
lu?,' of tke val ? i ; r"ii 1 ?m? "-. ales of gold, a rcei
ali'inly nearly extinct We seek te neks Boan aanea
latioa i'"i Ibeaa loeaet fe increasing tke tax onrovi ? ?
Ihiee nanto m fe talalag ii fr?an t?v?> le live oeati 1? r
|H',iiid. Bappntngtkattvomillions of hale? naeakl bs
rtind tkis seaton ead bt itxtd, tad l tklah lae aaaaaai
vi..1 beeaaaidetably neater, BOtvitketandlng lb?
?.-iii ot gi oil --ni md the chalisti?! system uf labor, we
??ugh! U?obtain a rereaae iron, tins ?<,'ur, >? ,,i lu.???.
or an m. rees arti the tux at pteeeal eui..red of ?p.'??, 1;mi
001?. T'ac cruj. ina;. ??> fir ("lived tkt limul' :
menuanad ta to eera a! ti,, eottou ?rhieh ?ii aaaen.
lal 1 na ?r whieh will be used on plant.itiou?, ead all tint
?rillbe exportasd in the sli,'(?e of manol-cl-ret end np
nkk'k a ?nvakeek will be allowed j bal n
io esliante the psahakte nsetpta aa a fever
t .isis, am him an, Blenlatioasan whyte! to ronttoevurtoe
mid tiii.iTa lal cal< alatioos arc porhiijn, nur?' tip nd toke
-I ip ' ,, ? ked ? J ?li 1! ! if ?se tet.tiii the tax ??ti . of? :
H propasad, we obi lafclj n teas, m my opiatoa. other
.m?, ?,, ?he event 11 atenptoted by tka bin. Otknwin
aa neal lelanlele ntinlhlng tliatdy striekan oat ot ii?
roll of taxation by the bill, or find iona Ben settles el n-?
? 1, m- si hu h will p n,11 m e uri equal nuiuilllt . nul I ?
without ketring rery confident, thal lae rates foi tai In
? ouie tat will be alio?, ?i to ka ekanged mack Iron thi
? iisiing law. Hu* luiiuw?nu wen do- .reasu*) ?aeeipti
tor ika tis. al Vi ar . lui.I,g J .Iltr iWl, |Mi?:
1 astean .Mit!? ..?
lataraal Batenaa . XCdx.ii"
Muctllaueum .
Tettl reci-iiitl, exclitsisc .flump .8-IV
'Ihc full..?li.g arc the estilllillcd Treasury rn ,TJiti 1er
ihr li?cal yem cmliiig June tt, IBM
Customs Iaetlptl to April I, last, actual coin ll'JB.91
liueiua! Beveaae to April I, UBI actual M I ,810,518
MiseeDa?aoaa tu Anio 1, 18-8, actual, crcnijuiu uti
S.'ld, Ac . iC.is.,:. I
lensl -agregan leeespn te Apiti 1 ian.l.ioiMi.'.ex
K.llniiiieil .asteas Rea lpt1 April I to June .Mi . i?n?.ititi
EstfBSted liiteriiiil Ki venue April I to leas 38 0(1,000,8-0
trtluiatcd -UicellancousKectripts A|*i 1 to-luneJO l..Vsi.(S?)
fetal a__Btgalt ssattata ?na ?iii leanna for tin?
fltael year ?uiliii? Julie .hi .1901, . . -
i-tiuiate of reeeipti for the Bscsl year ending June ti .
i ii.n.ii s .Ii2_,iss0.i??i
kami Kerr ti ue. an*o,wo,uou
iaerran on ( oiiun. i.%.ut_u.ia?i
S|uriti . l-tJOOi.sl
Miitellaneoua. ld.noo.nt.)
Tlltlll . .I?.'.'..?-!?*.?)
1U".|Ui,ementa it thegtSt-tOty?I IheTtcasuit T.'.i.iTtip.Oisj
Aiailable fur (!:?? redin ti.ai .>!'taintion.t~,.-..(??? ??.)
It will fe seen that I eHtiin.ite ?i reilinlioii in the revenue
recclicd In?lu liniuiifiictliies un ai count ot a dcpiecialiuii
ol'valui'H, ot iituuit v.? per cent, nuil a redaction upon ii.
('.?tues ami div idetiils uf rather more than that amount. It
is line that vve shall he Ililli) to have a more perfect ??!
miniritrution of the law, and 1 take pleasure in ??nmg that
the prim nt CoUM?UMBUM is a most diligeut uud 00__atea
tlotlS oiiieer; but the iticrea-e ut rcvclnieuli this ,uiu,:t
will I.e at le;:4t (utiiiter-luilanoed by maiiy little lavn -
distill'titeil ;.U th".ngh our iimeiidmetits. and ivhicli it it
iugeeathaa to nie?lately eMinata We could ant,
if we win,hi, le? y .in export duly ujkhi
cotton Bad except t-T the CuliVelliiTice of collection, ?II
txeiat tax may me better, aa ia ihc form it is bera pro?
pasad? it i? uot aaaaaaat?f to bs paul hy the plaater, und
muy, ni the sam.' mai.mi' that sic now transport S| ?in?, be
removed from one eaBtCtlon district te anyone oner.
Bpoa giving bonds lor the jiav ment of the tuxwilhu: M
d?y?, or nihill it-armai u' its place uf natitaaltati. Tka
duties will |>r.,elici..!lv tb?-?? paid lythe purvliuser. lu
iidditiiin to this, vrh',:,' vt e gi ?iril our ?mlitical citad? 1 In re
again?! the dangers of an* insidious treaaoa bon aaj
quarter, ?hen it cuies to taxation we sbOuU Ud OB J N
just but getieruti-, mid the .ir.iw bark OB inii'.nil.i,?tnied ( tit?
tun ol all the taxe? ?n tnn'ly paid in any form will ntfetUtd
nant to tka aaaatt ef tkaifeataera aad Wanera State?.
Thev vi iii ut unce maiiiitacliire c.uirse? ol ti'Us and tarns alni
warps much inorei'iteii'ivety thaiilhei have liilherto.linie,
nnd the gontkera paopla arfll be ihc Ina) lo iuire__er_it
slslem Of a tat on colton when otice it ?hall he iiduptcil
and iiiid?T?t<s?l. l'util the produtloa ol rat?OB shall be
m larg? u t<? re.tuce th" ' rue below IO (?Mit.? pet pound
at cl.e.als til?- vsiiit- of tile World, tins tax Will nut lu
u'reatly fell by Aiiieiic.ns. Should the lal ul ?ni tune
op?rete idverselj tooti latenten se I do not tUnk It ena
at present, it una be lednced at mantel,aa expeitea-e
swVulaeen to require. .>nrelv,il the entire cot lou no] ut
the I Ulled Mates, save ?hat Wo touaulUe, could be i I?
ported m i ii.'iiniTii''" n d itate, m tren iii i partieularlr
m,mutai t. rial state.?titead aa eic'csiscls a rau m,,tcii.it,
n eeeldkeea ana aottkj of a Btateaaaaa, corena
eenntoj ?iiii Meariaga aad vroagiag no umn?would de
Bunk toward rtttagui?_ing reeeatneat androetoring Uud j
feelings thi-ugboul the lam?, i he Bnalkese ( oa^! and tar
bunks 11 the itiu (;i lade, tke Mi?.? arippt, tka Mol il?. Ike
Tennessee, tad tke lataaaak nuila aoon be deoorated
ami enlivened fe tai tara ?..ii' iugenpfe] neal lotbo -?ami?,
and bringing the rultare ind raatentasenl ike itoeWrtlife
and (umi'.rt ,.t organiaed nnln-tiy into regioni ?ken
hitlicrt?, L-eAil ml stn baa vorntk? btdgi of dishonor.
I be ? tv ms, of Greightoge ,iud iu the cost <?t bad nil! neun
at toan handsome [?rorits, poaaibl. large prouts totboac
??n? um) engage in Hie bonuna iVnh uroaperit? hu-iaa
?ature iii rarely dia*poaed totnakevtr. Ntsi-?* the I??titi
piusiieioiia, a'.d wo make ll.ciii uui friebds. With
tie. lulu lor nil, and with such un-ast n-s ti
?ill llldllei? them to w. rk. they I1I.1V laanili, pi?,-pclui.
ni. I tkat through Ute pollc) of tke B-Uonal Ooreroin-iii
Paren thougk the cotton crap the ?trescnt si-usou ?ti".! i
bal a half of the ii.imtaril crop, the price vt ill I ? to gr ai
Hint the South will real.,.? Stan tunnel fruin it tli.u
reai of out peeviout kistory, _? the towaef trade prora lui
I'll? last ?(i reen tiwi a short ?r?,p is a! ??s ? more vuluaMi
UlBIl ?full (?lie, ?U(l lleuc? the uniform (fleet to hide the
f.n t of a float crop Th? ibrlnkagi oi cotton ia tka pro
? au ut in..nu! n ture ii ahn ?' I ? |? r.eut. and that am?? ti.t
will he Imt to the in mu facturer la Ihe drawback, and
g?iued lo 'be tin nan-Bat Thu print ipi? ii not ion I
We return duties ti|iou iuiburtnl gootl?, and we gladly ul
low ?pinta, tobacco, snd all soils of doun ?tie uiauntac
i nre. to go out ol' the ci.uatry witliotil the payment of any
internsl tax. If it were possible to Bsceriuin, willi aji?
piTj. ition, the tax paid ou other raw watermlt, ?lu i, manu
bntared fvt ?x_vxi*ixuu. ?a ?a um ..i cuttua ?? r... n .
ample upon cotton ?nd ?ron-we?!iot?,d con?idtr it liiiiiii**?*
ti- nal?!) wi?e to r. f in-1 th-* full um .lui pmj.
| le. I .le.Ul-l lo.'.J UKI. ?. , hU
1? <d. 8,SW,1(?9 le?,.",. -,. . .
Ink? ., . . :,,H',M4
Tbe Urges! export trade we Lue turn I?awi ef Ubi
ll?inf.i, tires of coltcii trii? in Io.VI, when It?..- n Ir.B??
. orerfrtyiM lum. bat ii eaaaifaeBM ?-f the low priced Bu
rat cotton, and the low, f priced labor of Europe, it bas
steadily de lined ?tnea thai t nae, ?ml d-iiog the late
w.ir Marly eeaaed, not metilag fi.?mi.ino ii. IIB*
l'a?*? tk* pi-.'t hur, flower- r, ni?! ?e BBafl
epeediry hate psetaaad ko An.?-nein osooaaBa hm?
lull umolu,' "! the toieign tradt) al 11*1 i mi
nuil ;i. dm? time our roontn will ?anime that m.? ?? ?i... ?
, n. th?? uti?.:, trii.-ie of Um world to which it i??Vo legiu
iii .it? ly entitli ?I 11 e rj -f-"ii --f lit In* a tax upon horns
iii,ii:ii!.iitir? ? fiiiild ne-cr hine b'-en drt amed i f I ,1 f.,|
the irrave nec???'itie? of tin- hour. Our t'enstiry ws* ei
baaatad,avpeapai wao aaaeed toparte-!tain a ihir??
party amoag oui pMptewen not ni hai?eay wan im
-.' n, .i:t i n ig the I'di ?n it .?1! d I in jr
.-- st, Iobbi i ??nid o ly be "'?t tiBed al ?ni i*i -lnl kt? hird
snMJBg foici.'ii nation-? nit'i aristot ruc:. | ev.'rywhe ( iloia
iii.i?:i, it ?it ei laat|M?Mlhli Joy lor the organ*, ol public
"l n,,.m to -p. ,,k -d .mr - ? utxy -us t. c late Cnited Mate?.
I j them all Ibera wai na Loeti \vi to Mad n? n
in.m m lead n? n -toil ?r, or even to bid is ??oil noce,; ,n tin?
i.i-k of piitti.ig?lawn irabelUaa the bmM nitKe.i m tin
Ml als ol mankind , and .i i ir, Lut a little war, Mb ?? ??' < Bl
country mnst ud w?l always waga ii it vap - ;_j ol
iiiitiiit dil. piopor'ion-, liol ahead j hi gan Cud-1 hmm
circiiinsiii'iic- w? gilded Bp -mr loin? and became, reliant,
al ?in*, bat independent, mid huilt up th? credit el Iba
pi.?' timer ? u R< pnbl i In the beert? ? f ?mr own ? ?? | li
m.nie tiicni lee and feel thit it aoald benn to tim' it by
??-kniif oiip-cth of uxatioB whkth would weld pro?pity
iinl a:.hl,I.intly. .he ?xperimeal prori -l a saeeese. Dai
in,? tin-whole term ?-i wai li ?a? ?Some br oar m i .t..i
urer-. ar.'l bv our whale people, not only witln? it n-n
pi,nut, bat absolutely without injury, for His even tMfct
1 ni whether they eVM enjoyed a MM ol gre_t? I |i-s
liuiv. The law was new, and therefore not poUsl-ed
au.I perfected by exp?rience, or r?-vi?i??n ; I ?ii birt
??nt (ato oia-raiion Vy the distinguished gentleman
iimu MiaMl-llBfiBa ?.Mr. U"Utwclli. it.it once id?oi.atiil
the propii? ty of ita principles and pott? y. OftM nu. end?*!
raheeqoMtty, in eoaeedMBce of the [_< resell g w.uit? of
Hu? Irii.aiirv, in baanag the misfortune of B*eejaaat
ch.il.L"-? in i!? chief admiii?strathcollu cr*?, it soon I roagbt
forth uiost iioi.ij'.it'ul BopplUa ?ud -li?' 1"?--?1 a ni o..m ?.I
nil? qBaled magnitude, thal cm be iiaed in ??ny ?uOit ? ntly
argent cn?;?. ?tI,,i ?hich i? an ample requital rer.dem ?I ?I
ti..? I,mu ol ?mr gil a'csf Ml--1. tor all tin* prote. ti. i. ?I.nil
..i uni:;.. t. on r L. st..'.ii .1 ?-{??m tbe products ef I ase*?a
industry, llithout thcm product? ot a fret? p?pala, ?e
should have been M areak us our f-.es. ?uni i*i-t van
., lab -I, w- tho il-l hate lattfadaltera ilagt? ladetermiaata
- ampaign. To iUtietrste the wo, ih?rftaI !'??? -i ndityol . ?.?a ?.i?
iii.iiiiif.icture?, take bat a tingle li?labo? the little tai ?al
One '-?'lit ii|eitl eBcIl box 01 III lilli'M |.|.?lili, d lo! y??ttr
?lout Bl,5uo,000, or enough to ana, braoaport ai 1 keep ia
the 1?. Id I, ?til mi n. and this tai hid Ii--t unit to m ?Wini
? th the ?lucks OB band, lint for BMM BbM *?? al ti ? tt' ? MM
ii.. intii It lit imposition?. The tai mat In- ? xpc?*?ii t? pea*
di ?? ui"i'ii nore hewtalUr, hut now the dutie?. t -???.,.? re
turn, aad wa maa! simplify oat laws, reduc- th? It.iduia
? -1 tax-pay. r? so tar a? p...-ruble, ami cheapen ti ? i. ?ti,I
li* inn. All tin? ?'ittinot Le 'one atome. WaahlD do lb? Nat ...
we , m and leave something to be dont hythe next CtN_r?M_?
nilli future Comminlonen of Btjveane. At m earl) d-?y,
?piiii?. n nit luiaon, t Ann e?. oigan, eottra, ?tump tux? i *? ?l \
perhaps ? ?mall Bamber of other ottjeets, it la to i*-1.? i? d ?
withco?tom dattes, willafford revenn*<*ouimcaeersM witb ?>
ail the ??iiL?i of tin? On rim imbI Ibe lied eeeo au ? f Y
all - ?. illaed naiioiis repair?a hugo pae?MMMi eepaao ?- be t
io eaaMMoat of IboM artie?*considered a? lu? ima by I
lu ii. klle I. ". u.doil IMlall and soothe, hat lo lu ?...in*
: abita <?. | lorod by good mm sretrwh. i ?, ti." lar.- ?t -.na?
which the most stringent laws will -ware, ami uai pr?t
? ? ,- r. ?; ??? *, *r ?ra Ihtt I?BM i !, I I '
lern conform to that ?>f the wvjrhl >--l. ? .. .-? . - now
proposed relatire lo robaeoo iadetgars; cone niig tbe
ni,lily I have tenon? ?1 ? *i. It.. I fear tlie.i.-r who u i ? I. a
; . -t i. ,r ?ci'm'.-l - tfe-ti'illlv cl'-ed, ?li 1m? Igma op,"..??.,
at pract?cea, ead that the iwtmm m well m Um
honest den ?r will iiii-T. I know that gaatisioaa !or
?Iii.?, oj.h.ion? and wishes I have gxostX. r.'?j??ct. * ? ? ???
tr?ete where towaprii ed tal aeco ia prod teed, Bad th? i p ??
pie cJ?mo4Tt_ for gradlag titi tax aecordiag to ti esoa
thal.fit. I'll-'i lam? ?Vi'ilM ?. .'In !" If ?i.-'. ' l . u
told byoJBcetebombeeted arith?e ad itral i?
Internal ici-liut? law?, that tiii? lawn.- it mi? -? . - e
working well, ead tnat th?' tax --u 1-MaUag loi.a?.' ?ii?, .tat
not be reduced. Ft perta hellere that a y fair ?tiscriu . o
11. .ii cmuot l.e h'lUtstly entoicd, auil ihn It** t?. l'u
i ?.ii mol Mlanja, the lo ... - "?-?r-niin?' aadmaau?
fa? itinii'ii iatereet, ii bl trae, lae ban and t? now pi? ?Hy
,1- -pressed, hut not So Iii?I'll -?li act-.lint of ti.? t- . ii . t
amount of the tai m ob leeaaBt of the Ur.-e lal \ ? i mi.
taxed lol,licit?, which lhiwud lutoour market uj*,!. tui eea?
- it, oftheSebeUion and it may be added w thal oat
? 'ip.-u htwifi t-gan 'is oaek t.. low.
The bill pWpMM m wboOy eieaspl fr-mt laxiti t.y
art:i i. ? and to liiiu'i li .-. d . '? ii npoa othejp.I .g,
t..--.- ?i,i lu? iviuiil -llUjiiitiTtd Mimais, -..! '.|.?i,
?tartb, mat, M).?p, viiit-.ttr, ?a-ruins, dethlag. '?? Is aid
I?Maa I MM eieUiption? and rediiction-i will bMBM fimi
lly rxpet!?it?res and be s relief to all c1 is?c- ef the i ? n>
iiiuiiiy. Dieaaaaakea u;.d ____mu arteldiag a poMmt
indu*?m m tht-y do. will no loagw ?he :r< at-.i n- l.? i sao
feet to taiattoa JbM M deMtilag ol lator. Tbaagh they
may tax u-, we do not pr-'poae to tax th>-iii for [ I? ? ? ? ? i ?
m piiitluitsol UM farm. It hi.? been the |'?.?cy Inn, th?
?tsirt (and ita wiedeai kal hoot only ezifapttoaally a-aaB?
tioi'iil? to keep free from taxe? ".til Icrfilize,-?' Iraia*
lag ? !? - ud obay of tho mort? expensire
nu), eakaate "I ai??cul'iut*. It is now bI?o propoetsl to
relien tfe'iAit, pet??ps OMofthe ni?>st indmnsibla
?Hte? ire have had, perpetually t!i?-kiag eomi eras,
und Milling loth) price of ptiri basea. a? ??li a? dun mgh > g
the price of tele?. It MU M BOM t_eM an to bo Ql ti i ly
? hand need, m na all the ertlrlra tai aebedato A. ucapt
gold watebee, Mom pia!?-, Lil..ard tal?!?-? and ??. r:-i.e
rallied al?..ve (OBI, m ay the hmttJMoy of the collet tun.
the tax BBM ill the ether article, ?s ure therein M I a> ??I
aumin.teil to |.??8 than the cost of collection, while I mi
pooed doiiiieillary n<;t.< a'.wity? ohnoimus lo I apiri?d
l-i'opie. it ha? been eonsidiT-nl taapoctiat not tocl Bl k Hay
i iiii i| use fur buitdil g ? i f.,r r?*iairs of liiitlduigc iii ii 'o
tin? end building material?, such as brick, f . walo M MMMa,
-l,i*e r?.i tn..?i. sl?io, lune, and BBBMBt, MT* bel I pim??I ? a
i l.e tr-?? lint. Th? lui in.; ">ed upou taper, beaba, ?i?l
bind.ng, enterlailled willi little hospitality frein th?t I i?l,
ii MitaaaVied the tot eppettaalty wiUteat i*earel The
lui onkiowledgi?, n? n has been ollen sfrl'd, if it ever
existed ,t m to be hapad will he now aWidoned. Tu*
tax upon all repair?, always indefinite and of d'.to - ? | r<>
priety, may ?Ino ?ill be removed. If a Imr-,. ran? away
wah a cHruaire. or a locomotive p?lr? ?ii ael.ed. rl ??-em?
-ippri*?s;i. lor the IS-'VerniUfUt to ?ei/.e the t.pp, rimiitp
ot-nell misfortune for li'vyitiif a fresh lux. We lind pro
Meed to iti'tiii't coal t'roiu any tax. If ?t- ..?.?,.I
it ii? Bli article of fuel we cjtiuiot any loeper
afluid to dealers Hu? excuse of a tax fcr a ?l>ar
prie, it ?e look ii)? ii i! as raw u.?i*n4i!.
from ? huh tra? is made, tbe tai on the latter would ??? m
to be a? great na we ought to subject M srticle so hMBO
permebie t?> the population of all our cities and moat ?an
siderable towal, If we ', i..k upon it .ia the MUitt. th*
liiddei giaat of -tt,m.-poBer ?hu h drives ?o larne a part
of our ma? litnery aeed ia Bmanfactaring, Hobi w ,?eh ?o
n,,., h,??' o- r reiei'.i.cs aeeraaa, it atttaialj preio B Bfeaa
. lataM to I--' free. lr?>ii b-ui-.' an arti-'le of soeh leim t ? n
M.inpu. ii. ?hap?'-l into? ,th multifaii-.i.n f-rms for UM u?*
? I n.t.ki'id. employing iitiuibers M iit--t in its BfeO ? l,t,u,
aad ali abeadaM supply h?:ug almnat a j-rercqt.ititt, i?
pea* ?? or war, to national ?iiilependcnc. theCoasaiittaa al
li ,i\ ? a' d Mean* have lieeu mlliu'? t ? wholly > _? ti, i | >?*
Ima r.i.lpi.i.i iron, tailaoad Ina iaroUt?d, an-i to bare > >.t
|il p.-r tun i.poo har iron. Cheap iron i? au adisn-n+i. to
the ? hole i'0'iutry, an-i especially ??' to agnci-fi.r ?i? '??
aiu/aii- aii.l etea to tho dty laborer? ?I.?
*-* i- l?i hut au mo or a ?pude. It in : -*i
importaat thal ara eheaM not ahMaataeii rulromi Mtei
pidse- by in (lui?; their coctt an jtroat a.? to rri?hteu awiiy
ni: citpititlist?. Dar Iron *h??ulabc made at nome. I? t
h t us Bira -ur own people a fair chance to make it ch.apiy.
[bal the uaiveraalitj eftai laaa III description? al m_hi,?.
f.nt.iie- in a:.r stntit or conilition ?Leu offi-icd lor ?ula
t?'i,d> toa diip.ii.ttiou of taxation ia stilEi .eutly ol vio.??;
and the Committee of Wawi and Mean? l.avo sought ii?
i.und? tin? eui ?o far as they t-otild lousnter.liy ? 'li
?heir iliiti to to the l?overnnieut, wiioae ? ants. Ibu r_B "?
Bill iah :..?, ?f.? ?t:ll imperative. The tiier.-??rof the tai ? u
all uiaiiiiiiit tuna leal y.ar, im With cr twMtypo "''.
ia Mr lae ? : last year pro? nlcd far, H i? now pioptMil io
repeah Steel betag. in the naturi; of raw malera', a
it n-.df n tun* in it? mt dun add in >(?m-? peni fr. m ti.?
preaaiug campeUtloa of ib? old world, it i? deemed
expedient to entirely exempt bott IttAt, more e?p*i i.
lily at it ?ill mostly he taxe?! when ?' HO !????
a mon rt.lv.iaied ?tttjt of mair: fact ure. Hu mu o
argument sppHee lo iron, wlmh wi ?.utc i.?.t y--i
Inen nhle ti holly to relea*??,- lo all ?Mppsa Mad
.ni braa?, whteh im iii mmwm m n bbb*.
The lull. bOWerer, ?ill show for ii.- If thn't the ri-!.-' ? ? ?
I,.,?, In . ii mail?' ?ali the ?ol? t lew <-! Ibe ?freitt? ?1 ,...1
ol Hie iile.it. st niimher all.I ill It? lunlll I bop.' tt.i . Will
be accepted br the BOBM? It may very likely t-t ????
that until?' uni? le? uot utiw n-lieted eau be tsuLit'i ?I
bating equal ctaimawith thoM in???...?.-?t l'or fui- . bal
ih. auawer ih civilly bal tiiuily that lha time for tbi>?-e | p_
not yet arrived. AereleiMOf tax ob am17 ntlria I??
?Seen deo? not M mach lo favor them or any tmrtii ular
'nun hot 11: i.i'.ii.ti't'.ri s na bl throe tb"?e wliicn B ??
Mill lenrin- Ika burilen of taxittoB. The rcniov.ifi ir
it ii it presea! SMBied pnident of the eonttant ?itipL, ?
tmii .f i?? e. mil 1 aitaialy lead t?> iliinmUh th- ci*t al ?
larg! i.'.iiit-r tri erttat? ?. But until we reach IMBI IMa]
of I me ici t'.jii ii 111 '. tin?? to c ?in liri.?" tut st reinsiu ??..ii
Mil Beatable, ami praderart sad main tactur? a whue
?orklial 1 Iil??r , in iiustaut-es of llitlsted font B.ll
i? expoaed t-> th.? cbeaeei a? oiktiaj ??les it? j B?B*
nu, u.aili.t. The t.-luetion must come *t unie
til?n?, and Hu? h-.iir will ! e Neeta if it come? Md
tleiuv. or lit'hlcr if it ?"lues more ?lowly. H ?
the saine in the Bam total ? hethor hitsteued or retardrd.
Snt iii(f? bank? <?r provident institutions, by Mt? H?* tM"?!
appropriate naine, it will be teen are lo "on??* __"J_l__
Herod from the tax on depoaits-ei.tirely relieved wara
such leaoeitl are luvestod in Cnited HWtt ?tvim''<???. ??
? hu uiailu 11? sums not exceediug fj?? ly ?a*?*'-If1!'**'
:;,?.,iiotU?.li?ubte?ltbBtiti? aound public |??l?p( t*? ??
iHu-eiliOBi'baTliif hut small eanlngsJlo'r^OO'-B ^e
ktwm anmt%r?mte

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